The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 20, 1868, Image 2

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    2fhe (folumbiaw.
FHIDAV JlOH.MMl, MAltCIl 'til, INttS,
VlrctilMltiu In Cnlntnhln mid adjoining
nnutlf of pftptr puldUhtd lirrt, and
It ln i mnrh Inrftrr nhrrt limn mty of
Iturotrmporiirtraf mid In Ihtrefor Hit- 1bI
medium rr advtrtlriltig In (hl nrrllnn of
tht Male.
1 .. I1111" 11
cali, ron Tin: xationai.
WAHMt.vnTo, Ki'lu miry lW,
Th National DetiifKTntlo Comrnlttpo.hy vli 'tir
of the Hutlinrlty ennftTrrd up-m thorn by the lnt
Nntlotml Dcmocrntlc Cnnv ntmn, ni n mooting
held IhlnUy nt Washington, 1. I . voted In hold
ine noxi i onvciuion ior me iiipot oi nnminti
tlntrcflttdtdfttp for ProMdent mid Vlce-Prefddrnt
ofthe United HtatMon thmili Un; or July, Wis,
Ht Un'riocK m.. In fhAfltv of New Yurie.
Thft hnMa nf renrf-Ambitlrtn. n Ilxpd hv tlii Innt
National licmocratlo Cnmentton, Ii doublo Hip
nutniHT or Menu inr a aim iienresomativrs in i nn
grtaii of each Mtnto under thr last apportionment,
r-icn Piaip m inviieii 10 itenu urieaics iiceoru
KIlKDEniCK O. TKINCK, Hecrctnry.
Democratic State Ticket.
Tho Tax Question.
Hv report of tho Auilltnr-npnornl for
Hie. settlement of ISC'J nml previous
years, ColinnWa comity wns Indebted
to tln Stato Mfil 1.81, on .Slnto nnd spe
cial Stnto tax. Now, that amount,
with Interest to January 1K1, and
amount unpaid for 1S07, Is by n state
ment of tho Stato Treasurer, $7,
110.1.1, being tho amount duo January
1SCS. Ily tho Spring assessment of 1807
It would tako n county tax of 23 cents
on tho $100 valuation to pay off said
debt. Tho licit proceed would
about equal tho debt ($7,410.13) which
la nctt cash duo State. If It was wise
for the Stato Legislature to repeal tho
Stato tax on Heal Estate, then It would
have been prudent, also, to rato tho
personal property at a fair valuation.
The valuation of Columbia county for
State purposes, by tho Hoard of Hove-
nue Commissioners for 18C3, 'CI find '65,
Including both Ileal Estate anil Person
al Property, was $3,200,2711. Fur 18CU,
G7 and 'C8, by ft different Board, It was
11,102,312 upon Personal Property alone.
Hy comparing tho two wo 11ml that
4r per cent, of tho former valuation is
canon rersonaf Property, anil fi.j per
cent. Real Instate; or tho Personal
Property is Ml partof tho Peal Estate.
By tho valuation of the triennial or
f essment in tho fall of '04, tho figures
how n different proportion. Tho valu
ation of Personal Property In this conn
ty then was $312,877, nt thu samo timo
tho valuation of Peal Estato in ltloom
township, alone, was 3!ll,0.'3. Making
tho valuation in this one township,
alone, ?7S,17G more than tho valuation
of the Personal Property in tho whole
county; and yet by thuubovo figures It
would secin that tho Personal Property
was !M1 as much as tho Peal Estate.
It must be borne in mind that trades,
occupations nnd professions aro noLln
eluded In Per-onal Property, and aro
not liable for Stale tax. The valuation
of trades, etc., In Bloom township, In
tho fall of 'CI, was $04,775. Of Poonal
Property it was $23,070. Now, then,
hero Isanother comparison, Heal Estate,
$.'159,003, Personal Property, 23,070,
which don't look much liko n propor-
Hon of 1 1 to 9. 122 to I would, howev
er, bo about tho thing. How must this
bo met? Will tho Legislature oxoncr
ato the county from the duo nnd un
paid sum, or must tho C'auntyCoinnils-
sloners asses? 2 mills ertra County tits
to meet tho samo'.'
It Is necessary that tho tax payors of
Columbia County should know this in
time, so as to givo it somo thought and
properly understand It. This being tho
case, tho assessors making tho next as
sensment, will be compelled to u-sess
enough Stnto tax to meet the .said quo
ta handed down to us by tho Board of
Ilovenuo Commissioners at Ilarrisburg,
which is 3,S00.l.j State, mid $723.01
Special State lax. Thu amount of Stato
tax assessed for 1607 was $1,197.00, nnd
1 mill tax $180.27.
Tho foregoing statement will Miov
tho nmount of tax required from this
county, and the actual amount assessed,
by taking tho amount assessed for '07,
from tho quotu. will give tho amount
htlll due, by comparing tho valuation
of tho Hoard of Hcvenuo Commission
ers with thoactual assessment wlllshow
n groos error there. By th above, hur
bCd should bo valued at $200, cows, $00,
und other personal property In propor
tion. Should no exoneration boallowed
tho assessors, tills Spring, they will bu
obliged to put In tho abovo valuations, !
and by their so doing, no blaniu can at-1
tach to them nor anv of tin. C..,...iv (. I
fleers. If a few of these men at Harris- '
burg bay "wo want such nn amount of
tax," tho County, I think, must raUu
it, nt least so they say.
An Exposition.
I-'Oli some years it lias been tho cus
tom, for.thu Democrats to meet In tlio
office of tho Register nod form n ticket
to bo supported by tho citizens of Bloom
Township who ngreo wlkh them. Thu
tamo course was pursued this year.
Tho samo notice was given, tno samo
public meeting held, thu ticket wus
settled by tho meeting, and put Into
writing by dipt. Hroekwny. Funds to
print it for voting wcru also raised and
Cupt. B. ngreod that Mr. Jacoby should
print tho tickets.
Tho next morning, (Wednesday)
about uliio o'clock Mr. Ikleer camo to
Cpt. B. and with tho ticket as settled
by thu meeting tho evening previous
ly, in tlio handwriting of Cupt. I). hi
ills hand, ho asked that It bu printed
with curtain changes madu lu tho samo,
without any authority. Tliuso chnngus
must havo been tuadoaftcr thoadjourn
mont of tho regularly called meeting,
for tho pper was thesnmo thero agreed
upon and put In form, nnd In thu hand
writing of tho person authorized to do
to by tho meeting.
Cnpt. Brockway refused to print nuy
ticket oxeopt tho ono settled by tho
meeting called for that purpose. Of
that meeting, all tho prominent Demo
crats in th township wcro notified,
Mr, Blllmoyor, Mr. Jacoby, Mr. Bark
ley Mr. J, K. Uirton itnd O. P. Ulrton
among others, Somo of them attended.
Tint chungM madu In tho ticket bottled
by tho meeting aro unauthorized, und
wero mado nfter tho meeting had adjourned.
Tho Suckshot War.
I'm: condition of things at tho Na
tional Capital tn-il.iy, very forcibly re
minds the spectator of the scenes enact
ed nearly thirty years ago at the Capi
tal of the Slate of Pennsylvania j not
only because It Is by thu nit mo political
party, and because the object is mo
Kline; but nlso liiMtio inu leaning ac
tor In llio present drama Is tho Identi
cal Individual who led the revolutiona
ry forces In tho attempt to subvert the
government of thl State. Tho whole
Historical parallel Is suggestive anil cu
rious, mid we cannot resist the tempta
tion of elaborating It somewhat, for the
liiformatloiiof ouryounger readers, and
as a remembrancer to tho older ones.
As In 1SC0, thu Hepubllcans ennio In
to power by n mu-t unfortunate and fa
tal division In the Democratic party
so in 1S30, Joseph Hltuer became (lov
emor of the Stato of Pennsylvania, bj
c.iuso tho Democrats divided their
strength between Wolf nnd Muhlen
berg. Thus, In both Instances, tno par
ty of tho minority canio Into power.
and In both, tlio samo party sought to
prolong its leaso by trampllngupon the
rights of tho people, by carrying elec
tions nt tho point of tho bayonet, or by
trcatlns them n If they had never
been held. In both cases weak and In
omclcnt and unexperienced men cnnii
Into power, nnd in both they were nt
tended, wrought upon and controlled by
tho samo ttn.-erupulous demagogue. So,
too, in Pennsylvania, tho Hadlcals nt
tempted to Inaugurate n civil war,
through tho action of tho Houso of
Representatives, but failed ; whllo on
tho grander arena of tho ilouso oruon
grcss nt Washington, their success was
hi tho one case they attempted to
prevent Governor Porter from taking
his seat, and In tho other they aro now
attempting to deprive President An
drew Johnson of his. In tho ono case
they invoked tho aid of Judge Houston
of tlio Stnto Supremo Court, nnd In tho
other they tamper with Judgo Chase,
of tho Supremo Court of tho United
States. In tho ono caso they sought to
defeat tho adoption of tho Constitution
in Pennsylvania, and in the other, to
do nwny with and destroy tho Const!
tutlon of tho United States.
Grown older in wickedness and bold
er in iniquity, tho man who fled from
thu righteous Indignation of Hie aroused
people of Pennsylvania, through the
back window of the Senate chamber, in
1S33 ; now, in 180S, lords It over the peo
pie of tho whole Union, having on
grander nnd more magnificent scale, ac
complished tho -ettlng up of that des
potlsm, which tho peoplo of Pennsyl
vnnia defeated him in, thirty years ago
Then, Thaddeus Stevens and his nidi
cal confreres proposed only to disfran
clilso tho county of Philadelphia, and
prevent tho regularly elected mem
hers of tho Legisliiturr from that place
from taklnsr their seats, and ho failed
now, liu boldly and sircessfully do
prives Ten tovrrcirn States of Mi's Union
ol their legal and constitutional repre
Hcntntion in Congress!
Oh 1 that thero existed now, thu lovi
ol virtue, of law, and of liberty, wh icb
inadoltsclffcltlualt Its magesty, but
ono generation ago; instead of seeing
the defeated hero of tho Buckshot war
leading in another crusado against the
rights and liberties of tho wholclnatlon;
wo should find him becking somo ob-f-curn
hiding placo, in tho shelter of
which ho could escape tho righteous in
dignation of an insulted, nn outraged
and a betrayed people.
Tho National Convention.
In view of tho fact that tho National
Democratic Convention will hold Itn
session in tho new Tammany Hall now
In process of construction, for tho pur
pose of nominating n President and
Vice-President of tho United Status, a
eonsiderabloumountoflntereit 1 attach
ed to thu progress of thu building. Tho
front Is up nnd tho roof nearly finished.
The building presents nn Imposing
ppearauco on Fourteenth street, nnd
fills tho unsightly gap mado by tho de
struction of tho Medical College, with
Its elegant and lofty brick front, hand
somely trimmed with marblo. Tho lo
cation is an excellent ono, thu best that
could havo been selected In tho city, in
tho vicinity of tlio Academy of Music,
Stelnwny Hall, tho Circus, Irving Hall,
nllaek's Theatre, and other places of
amu-cment. Thu neighborhood is ar
istocratic; tlio btreet a very wldo and
navigable one. Bryant's minstrels will
be In full blast underneath, on tlio first
door, during tho Convention, so that tlio
delegates will not havo to walk far,
when tho labors of tho day aro done, to
itniuso their minds. Tho Convention
will commence its session on tho Fourth
of July, 1SG nt 12 o'clock precisely.
and It Is expected that about flvo liun
''ml ta'i'Bw lcnt n the
Co"yVtlou' H1''1' es 11,0 'legations of
oulim0 organisations, aim flub, wi.leli
will bo represented from each Stato in
tho Union. Tlio hall to bo devoted to
thu purposes of tlio Convention will bu
unsurpassed for room and accomodation
by any similar ono in tlio country.
From tho first story to tlio roor, In
height somo fifty fcot, ono hundred and
fourteen feet lu width by ono hundred
l'eetln length, thu most powerfully vol
cd Democratic trlbunu will havo room
to swell his lungs und speak to thu del
egates In convention assembled. Tho
hall will bo constructed on tlio most up
proved princlplus of acoustics, an I tlio
rostrum, chairs, desks and furniture of
thu hall, will do of thu nuivcst and most
eomfortablo patterns. Thero will bu
nirgo and lofty committee roums con
tiguous to thu main or central hall, ami
ineasooffiro tlio alslu and stairways
will bo wide enough to permit of speedy
egress. Thu main room ean,auil will
Ijo used as a ball-room after thoadjourn
muntof tlio Couventiot. On thegaound
floor, spacious reading rooms will bu lo
cated for tlio benefit of tlio members of
tho association. Tlio National Demo
cracy will find tho accomodations lu
Tammany Hall equal to their highest
expectations when tho Convention
Reconstruction Ropndlatod.
It Is singular nnd significant, that in
neither of tlio Republican platforms of
Oliio, nor MassachuiMittH, nor I'oiuisjl
vanui, is thero a direct oudors -m i, n
thu Reconstruction schemes of Cuugiv-s,
Itlspropo-ed by such course, to put
themselves In a position to throw oil"
tho load of Congressional obloquy, mid
to attempt to deludo tho people with
tho Idea, that us u party thuy nru not to
bo considered bound by tho Itadl.uls unit
their legislation. Our frJemls should
look to It.
Attention Voters I
'r n regularly called meeting of tho
Democratic voters of Bloom Township,
at tho Hfglster's olllcu on Inst Tuesday
evening, tho following ticket wasunan-
lniously agreed on. Wo trust the Dem
ocrats will not bu deceived by any oth
er, for, wo understand, such aro In circu
lation, with tho intent and design of
lefeatlng the regularly nominated can-
lldates. Examlnu well your tickets b
'oro voting.
Poor Overseers,
Stephen Knorr,
Josiali II. Ftmiuui.
Peter ltlllmeyer,
Mathins Shaffer
Charles Thomas.
School Director?,
William Peacock,
Wesley Wirt.
h. 11. Rupert.
Oscar P. Glrton,
Michael Walter.
Auron Ilendersliot.
P. II. Freeze.
M. F, ICyerly.
Tho New Hampshire) Ulcction.
Fullku returns from this Statu show
n voto for Harrlmau, Republican, ol
39,712, and for Sinclair, Democrat, 37,
ICO, making a total voto of 70,bG3. Lat
year tho voto stood, between tho same
candidates, IIiirriman,3.',809; Sinclair,
32,003, a total votu or&S,172. Thesoflg
uies Indicate a loss to tho Republicans
in majority, of GIG, or 20 percent, and
this after extraordinary otfort, tlio ex
penditure of immense sums of mon
ey, and the frco uso of Grant's mime.
But they indicate another fact which
shows tho truo Increase of parties. The
increased voto is 8,390 ; of tills tho Re
publicans get 3,903,whlle tho Democrats
get 1,193. Another significant fact is,
Unit Inst year tho Radicals, had a ma
jority In tho Legislature of SO on Joint
ballot, while tills year they have but 01,
a gain to the Democrats of 20 members.
Wo do not see many crumbs of comfort
in this to the Radicals, but wu presume
It is Joy nt retaining power in a little
State which they havn uniformly car
rier for fourteen years. They havo Just
escaped, and' we do not fear to show the
Is n short nnd stupid articlo witli ref
erenco to tho Democratic Stato Conven
tion, tlio J'resj says " thu soldiur can
"dldatesof last year were unanimously
" thrown overboard." Not so, by any
manner of means. Tho soldier caudl-
oates of last year, Generals Lyle, Leech,
and Bdlier, wero all elected. Two ol
them aro now in oirico, and tho third
deprived of his rights by the Radicals,
who havo made tho choico of tho people
of non-effect. Hut wo suppose tho iVcss
refers to the candidates nominated three
years ago. A change has been made, It
res true; but thero is now upon tho tick
ct tho bravo and Intrepid General Eut,
who saw more survlcoln tho field and
under tlre.than all tho Radical genorals
in tho, Stato, from tho tleet-foutod hero
ofSnlokorsvllloto those now billoted in
tho offices of Auditor and Survoyor
General. Tho soldiers acted with the
Democratic party hut fall, and thoy
will do so nt tho coming election, nnd
thus apply tho knlfo to tho "moral ul
cer" of Radicalism which is eating into
tho vitals of tho Republic Aye
Why did not Gen. Butler, when he
determined to bring In nn article of ini
peaciimcnt on his own account, repeat
tho charge ho mado a year ago that Mr.
Johnon wasnn accomplico of Booth in
thoas-assination of President Lincoln?
Ho declared then that ho had evidence
of tho fact, and gavo mysterious hints
ofthonwful revelations iio was ready
to make. It was mainly on this ground
that bullion desired impeachment; and
ho was very much disgusted becau-o
thu failure of impeachment at that time
prevented his proceeding witli his ex
posures, lie has now nt least tliecliauci
of bringing his charges to u legal te-t.
Why don't ho do so? If hu should
mako out his case, ho would havo no
further trouble witli thu conviction nnd
removal of President Johnson.
A HILL has been introduced Into Con
gress to abolish tho olllco ot Adjutant
General of tho Army. Tlio reason for
this ls,that thoPresldant has appointed
an officer to fill It whom Congress don't
like. This is a fair specimen of tlio set
tled and comprehensive wisdom by
which Congress In very mnny things Is
governed. Tho minister to Homo was
not n favorltowith Congress, sothomls
slon was abolished. Our Minister In
Portugal, in a prlvato lotler, spoko dis
respectfully of Congress, so Is salary
was witheld. Tho President is not
popular, therefore It is proposed toabnl
Mithu Presidency. Republican insti
tutions aro not strengthened or recom
mended to tho world at largo by such
demonstrations as these.
Wr. aro not suro that Congress will
need the old of tho Loyal Leagues and
the Lodges of tho Grand Army of tho
Hepuniie, which havo volunteered
to defend nnd protect It In Its course.
Wo find a motion In tlio Oeorgla Con
vention for nn adjournment and a sub
sequent reassembly, tho latter to hist
"so long as It may bo necessary fir tlio
protection or tho loyal Georgians nnd
Congress or tho United States." Let
Congressmen, therefore, stand firm ; or,
as .nr. Humner would say, "stick." Tlio
Georgia convention backs them.
Isaac N. IIayniu, Adjutant Gener
nl of Illinois, has dispatched a telegram
to John A. Logan, begging him to
"stand by Stanton to tho end," and
pledges himself to stand by him, Tho
Chicago Timet observes that "the snmo
llaynlu und tho sumo Logan, In 1801,
proposed to stand by Jeff. Davis to tlio
end; and only ehnnged their standing
when they discovered Hint thu other,
sldo wasmorollki'l. t - in In Ihuend."
-UIU Hadaal papT.s herald thu result
lu Now Hampshire as an evidence of the
popularity ol (,'eneral (Irant. How so?
Harrlmau hint vear, without Grant, ru-
cA-lvid over lliren thriiisiinil miilm-IK-,
. , .
this year. Kith Uraut. his ma orltv.on u
largely incrwwsl votu, Is reduced to
iiouui- iHiiiiyMuiir nuniueii. i'ii,-
Iiatuitu popularity this lor ueuerul
SufTrngo in tho Northern States.
Tumi: nro but five of tho Northern
States, nnd those flvo nro New England
State.', which make no distinction in tno
right of suffrago, on account of color.
Maim: gives tlio right or sullrngo to
every inalu citizen of tho United States
who has resided In tho Statu tnree
months, excepting paupers, persons un
der guardianship, nnd Indians not
Nr.w IlAMi'siiiiiuadmllsns clo:tor
"uvery inalu Inhabitant," exccptlnc
Milliners, and ncrsons excused from
paying taxes at their own request. gives tho ballot to "cvor.
ninn" twenty-oiio years old who ha
resided onu year In the State.
Massachusetts admits every mnh
citizen tweiity-ono years old, exceptlnc
paupers and persons under guardian
ship; hut i.o person can voto or bt
eligible to olllco who Is not nble to rem
the Constitution lu tlio English bin
miage and write his name.
Rliobi: Island gives tho ballot ti
every malo citizen of full age, one yeni
in tlioState, six months In tlio town
nnd who owns real estato worth $131
or renting $7 per year; and to cver.v
native malo citizen, twenty-ono year.-
old, two years in the State, six mouth
lu the town, duly registered, who hu
paid $1 tax or donomllltlaservlco with
in tho year.
Cosnixticut gives tlio ballot to all
whllo citizens of full age who have res
ided one year lu the State, and si.
mouths in tlio town. Negroes 1
were free men (If any such survive) n
the adoption of tho Stato (.'onstitulh
In ISIS may vote. Tho question of in
grosuU'rago was submitted to the pei
plo October 2, 180 jJ wholu vote, 00,700
majority ugalnst, 0,272 ill nStatetlni
in April ofthusauiuyear gavo a Radi
cal majority of 11,0.15.
Nr.w Yonu,uvery malo citizen ol fu
age, ten daysa citizen, ono year in tin
State, four months In tho county, inn-
thirty days In tho district. Uut n i
negro can votu unless he has been thu
yoaisn citizen of the State, and for on
year thu owner of a freehold wortli $25i
over Incumbrances, and on which h
has paid a tax.
Ni:w Ji:usi:v "uvcry white uun
citizwi" of full ugo, resident ono yen
In the State, mid flvo mouths In tin
county, excepting paupers, Idiots, In
suno persons, and persons convicted u
crimes excluding them from belnj.
Pennsylvania every whllo free
man resident ono year in thu Stato ami
ten days lu thu district.
Olllocvery whitumalo citizens of full
ago resident ono year in tlio Stale.
Negro sutfrago was submitted to the
peoplu In 1807 with tho following res
ult; for, 210,937; against, 250,310; ma
jority against, 33,353.
Wisconsin admits every wlilto citi
zen of full ago; persons of Indian blood
declared citizens by act of Congress ami
civilized persons of Indian de-cent,
but tho amendment to Stato Constitu
tion to strlku out tho word "white'
was rejected in November, 1805, by 8,059
Minnesota tho tamo as Wisconsin
with regard to whlto citizens, nnd ad
mits Indians certified by District Cour
to be lit for citizenship, hi November,
1805, thu Stato rejected negro sufl'ragi
by 2,000 majority, and again in 1807 bv
1,298 majority.
Okkoon every white citizen of fill
age, six months resident In the State,
and every alien of full age, resident out
year In tho'Unlted Slates, but "no ne
gro, Chinaman, or mulatto."
Indiana every whlto malo citizen
of tlio United States, resident one ycai
in the Statu, but "no negro, or mulatto
shall havo tlio right of suffrage."
JIluitlOAN ovory whituiuale citizen
of full age, and ovory civilized mak
Indian not belonging to any tribe.
M!b.soUT.l--the constitution oflb05 ex
cludes blacks from voting.
Illinois every whlto malo eitizci
of full ago resldunt one year in tin
Kansas every white male citizen
udull, resident six months lu the State.
Thu question of nemo sullnigo was pro
sented lu 1807, and lu a total voteol 29,
9(11, was rejected by a majority of 8,
CALiroKNiAuvery white male Unit
ed States citizen (or of Mexiio, who
elected to become u citizen under tin
treaty of (iueretuio,) of lull age; no
Chinaman, uegio, or mulatto can vote.
Nevada law similar to that oi
" The thirty-four Counties designated
us Wes Virginia" do not permit ne
groes to votu. Cungic.-s passed u bill en
franchising negroes in District of Colum
bia, December 11, 1800, In Senate, 32, 13 nays; lu House, 120 yeas, 10
nays; President Johnson vetoed 1)111
January 7, lbG7; samo day Senate re
passed thu bill, yeas 20, nays 10, and the
lluuso bj 113 yeas to 38 nays, when the
bill becunioa luw. May 15, 160G, House
passed a bill that "there .shall bo no de
"nlalof thooluctlvu franchise to cltl
"zens of tlio United States because ol
"raco or color, und all persoui shall be
"equal before thu law," to amuiid tho
organic acts of tlio Territories of Ne
braska, Colorado, Dakota, Montana,
Washington, Idaho, Arizona, Utali.,aiul
Now .Mexico, Thu voto wns 79 yeas to
13 nays. January 10, 1S07, thu Sonntu
nduptod u substituto that there should
bo no denial of elective franchise "on
account of raco, or color, or previous
condition of servitude" lu any ol the
Territories of tho United States now or
hereafter to bo organized. The bill was
passed by 21 yeas to 8 nays; In tho
House, samo day, yeas 101 and nays US.
This bill became n law by failure of the
President to sign tho bill, or return it
with veto, within ten days after Its pre
Wi: havo heard that It Is In contom
platlon among tho Radicals at Wash-
ington that Sumner, lu thu Somite, and
lloutwell, In thu Hou-ic, shall simul
taneously Introduce bills to change the
name of tho "Mississippi" lo thu "Nig
er," nud to order the Secretary of tlio
Iiittriur to have thu Capitol pululcd
black. Tho project slumbers, becatiso
tlio three Radical Senators who nro
not Y.iiikui.3 by birth, hesitated, us it
might not bu Approved by the honest
yeomen of llio Mississippi Valley.
Humner thinks hu can sum-id in get
ting a majority votu to change thu first
svllaliloof tlio new Statu of "iWfVj,-"
udo Into "llluck-a-uioor," and with the
natient wultlni' of n,,, mun r,,,i m,.
uuui ins proposed iimeuilineut or llio
iiaumof tho Terrilury can bu ccom-
I iiUsiwU. Ay
Washington News.
Wasuisotos, Mnrch IS.
TMu bnlnir iim itnvllxed fur the return
lo tlio summons Issued to the President
under tho articles or l.iipeacimieni pre
ferred against him, tho Cwpltol, of
nurse, was thoscenunr great mteresi.
I'lm ilnnrs leillllllL' to tlio SelllltU Wlllg
were strongly guarded by detachments
Hid no ono allowed to cuter without e.-
,11, 1 1 II IF II linU'l't nr iiinnlssl,)!!.
Tint unit liiirv luuln h of tlie Senate
went on until onu o'clock, wnen me
I'lesldent )iO tempore (Mr. Wade) an-iimmi-i-il
Hint tlincliidr would bo vneilllt
or tho flilef .lustlcu of tno united
Sini,.., ulwi siion nller aiiDcared. where
upon tho Sergeaut-iit-Arms was order
it toopcnlhe "High Court or Inipeach
iii.i.i ' . - -1 , 1 1 1 1 In, illd hv liuililiiL' the
usual iiroclamatlon. By this time
nniiv members oft ho House mm en
eri-d thu Chamber, and taken seats
iiovlded for them In tho tear of th"
senators' desks, It was orilend thai
he Secretary Inform tlio llou-o of llep-c.-ontnllves
that IheSi'iuile wassltting
isa "High Court ol lnipcneiimoni.
i in Htm lliitclv thereafter tho Semi-nut
it-Arms announced thu presence ol the
malingers on thu part of the llo.isc,
mil thev were escorted to seals nt a
able on tho left of theSecretary's desk.
Iter Messrs. Edmunds, Patterson ol
New Hampshire, and Vlckers, bail
oee'i sworn as members of the "Huh
i Vurt," the Secretary pud the return
of tlioKi'igennt-..t Arm j othesummous
announcing its delivery to the Pie-i
dent, etc., which Mas sworn to in open
Coiut. ., ,, ,
Thu SergCiint-at-Arms then called
ndrew Johnson, (ii-peiitlng the name
wtco.) President of the United States,
n appear and nn-wer the m tides ol
nn, cachmcnt ixhbltcd i gdcst bin.,
-clintm .1- li!ion s ild Ibc Pii'-nli-iil h (I
vinincd counsel to ii puir for him. m.i
lie Si-rgiaut-at-Arms was dlricied t
MtUv the cmili-i I, Which uns d
.id thereupon lion. Henry Ma r. ,
udge llciijamln It. Cnrils, mill 11"".
.'humus A. It. Nelson, .if s-i e,
iiican-i! ninl look -eats at a table on
i,,, t-iwlit nl tin. itititn aisle.
At Tills point Mi is. Stevens nnd
lutli-r, of the House Maii.iMeis.i-utiTi il
lieCluiniberiinil loon -cats wun un-u
i.tuu-liitiM. Tin- meiiiln-r- of tin- Hnllst
not already ill) soon followed, iiccoin-imlf-il
hv tho Sneaker. Clerk, d
'()oi-keeiur,and wore escorted to tin
ntsprnvldMl for them. All being in
mliiii. . Mr. Stunberv aro-o and an
lounced that 111- brothers Curtis and
Sel-nii and liim-elf appeare l nr tin
'le-iilent.tinil ie.ul his(llio Pie-ident'si
i-.iuiiisii in the summons u-klug lbi t.v
mvs lor the preparation of Ills answer
ii 'the articles of iniiieachmeni. Mr.
(iiiiilierv thru moved the court to Kraut
lie time u-ked for, and read a paer to
lint ellect, signed uy iinn-uu mm
ili.-r-. Curtis, illack. Ncl-on, und
rcvnrt-s of counsel lor the President.
V dl-culon lierearo-e between Missis
Stunberv nnd Curtis on onu side, and
Messrs. llingluim und W llsini on tne
.itiicr llm former contending for the
allowance of time suggested, and thu
latter opposing It on tnu ground tnai
under tlio eighth rule the trial inu-i
proceed at oncu.
Mr. Senator Edmunds then submit
tjd unorder requiring llio President to
lile Id's nu-wer on or before tho first of
April next, and tho case slam! lor trial
no tlu Olh of that month. Mr. Ilinir-
liam riii-cd a point of order on this
proposition, as it loullicted with tho
rule abovo relerred to.
Tho Chief Justice decided that it was
In the nature of an amendment to the
tile, whereiinon Mr. Morton very ad
ruttlv moved that the Senate retire for
Hu- Duroo-uofeon-ultationon tho ones
tioii belure them, which was agreed to,
and the Chief Justice and Senators re
tired to one of the rooms in the rear of
thu Chamber for thu mirnoso ufore-ald
A sort of recess then occurred, but tin
iiember-ot thu House who wero pres
ent, and thu ocetntors in the galleries
for the nin-t part, held on lo their seats,
while thu managers in mo
nieiit and thu couu-el of the President
remained at their respective) tables, Mr.
Slovens indulging in a plate of raw
oysters, while his associates talked
earnestly with onu another. Tho Pres
ident's couu-el kop entirely to them
selves, occasionally recognizing sumo
Mend who happened to p.i-s by. This
state ofsti-pen-e continued until live
minutes alter four o'clock, when the
iii-lllng in tliegallcrle-aiul the moving
about on tho lloor indicated the retina
of thu Chief Justice and the members of
thu "High Court of Impeachment." As
-doii as order had bien restored tlio
Chief Justice anuouiiwd that tho Sen
ate had overruled the motion of thu
Pre-ident's counsel for an allowance of
lorty days, and had orderi'd that he file
tns ulisMcr on or hcloro tlio 23d in-liuil.
riiuquc-tiim then arose as lo when the
trial should actually commence, lilug
ham submitted tin order mat 11 -hould
proceed imuii-diately niter the II. 1 i-C ol
tho lepllcatiou to the Preside t's an-sw.-r,
und up in a vote by yeas and u.u-s
on the piopM-ition it w.i- rejected oy 25
io 20. All Ihe Known iiiii",i--lier- voted
in the iilllriiiative, Wiule tne in locau
iioiis Htullcals vo.ed in the mgaiive.
Alter tho result announced,
Uutler, who was writhing uiirde the
I u ru ati'aii's had taken, uu, Uu- practical
-nubbimr tlio Hou-o iiumi-'iT- bad re
ceived, rosu und pro -ei did to make a
violent p.ntisan harangue, which dis -
gusted even some of hi- own party,
Hon. Mr. Nel-oii, of counsel for the
Pru-iikn , replied in a cum, diculttt-d
aim uppni! riate maimer, alter which a
proposition, submitted by Mr. Conk
ling, ordering that, unless otheru i-oor-deu-d,
lor cause shown, the trial shall
proceed immediately alter thu filing of
the icplicn'loii to thu President's an
swer, was udopted by u party vote, but
taken as a coiiipronii-o between order-
lie. Itin I i-hil In liroeei.l uneiiiiitllliiniil.
ly niter tho replication, and fixing a
certain day tor Its commencement. It
cannot begin now, at tlie earliest, before
the 2'ithur 'JUtli of the present mouth,
which Isubotit tlireodays later than tho
Radicals had anticipated, Alter the a
dontioii of tho abovu, proposition, tlio
"High Court of Impeachment" adjourn
ed until Monday, tho aid in-t, ut one
o'clock, and thus ended thu proceedings
before that tribunal to day, Tlio revo
lutionary character of tho movement,
was aptly portrayed by thu anxiety of
thu House mauagurs lo rush It through,
ns Mr. Stanliery said, with railroad
ptel. Tlio retirement for consultation,
and tlio refusal to grant tho motion ol
thu President's couu-el Indlcatu very
clearly thu temper of the majority of
tho Senate. They have no Idei of al
lowing anything like a fair, decent, nn I
liouurublu course of proceeding, Their
great aim is to dispose of tho e.isuon tho
ex parte articles they have presented,
una shut out, If possible, every oppor
tunity for tho President to vindicate
himself, if not before tho partisan body
by which ho Is being tried, tit least bo
fore tlio peoplo of Ids native country,
Thu President fids afternoon accepted
tlio resignation ofthe Hon, Henry Stun
bery, as Alloniey-deiieral of the Unit
ed Status. MrStaubury will, witli oth
ers, defend thu President on thu im
peachment trial.
WAsuiNuros, Match l'i,
Thu President yi-steulay had a long
interview with Messrs, riliinhery mill
Illack, of his counsel, it is said that
these gentlemen, in company wllh
Judge Curtis, will prepare thu answer
which Is to bo filed on .Monday week,
Thero Is reason to believe that it will
bo u strong document, sufficient lo vln
dlcuto the President belorenny tribunal
lu thu world, savu thu partisan ono by
which hois to bu tried, Although Mr,
Dudley Field and Mr, (irocshick have
not yet appeal ed lu thu cum-, it is tin-lU-i-ihiuil
mat they have been relaluiil,
uml wl," !',u "uru wl,u" 11,0 "cum"'
TU'K ' F T,n! l'"';o"":Vr " ",y,(l'NA
i liuro h tin uu HllK 111 iolHJi-il flrclOri
.. , .... .
iiprtMiuuiu in rrcMUi'tit'ft rtfmimiloii.
I upja tlio nUvicu kf UU touu,fl, in tuw
It brconies mnreuiiiiarent that thu Sen
ate Is not (lb posed lo give hlni a fair
trial, lr unit is an no is w tilting lor uu
might us well resign bow, becauso it
must bu evident to all who heard or
read the proceedings of Fiiday lust, In
tho "High Court of hi'penchment,"
that tho casu hasnlroady been virtually
decided, nt least so far as tho majority
of that Court oro concerned. From pres
ent Indications tho trial will bu a mere
farce, conducted without the slightest
regard lo nnvtliliig save tno necessiues
ol'thu conspirators who originated it.
It was currently reported here, yes
terday afternoon, that Mr. Stevens hud
departed this life. Upon Inquiry, how
ever, It wus learned that he still survi v-
...l ,1 l r...,l,l 111 no.
VII, lllllllll IlilllsMIIII,, ....
lltical associates express doubts ns to
vcliellier inw l llvelo sen inu lull eacie
ineut trial through, Ills hollow church
yard cough, whllo assisting his co-conspirators
in the Seiiato on Friday hut.
was generally noticed, nnd regardul
as Indicative of nn early termination ol
his inglorious career m tins worm.
Wasiiinhion, March id,
The scttial business of Congress to
diyuia.v be stilled nlino-t In a paia
irrauli. nothing of snecl-jl imiiortaiiie
having oeeu none inoiincr house, inc
inn Orltv seem ( sno-ed to nostnoiii
more Important matters of legislation
until alter thu tmiieachment trial
over, and therelbiu the tax mid tariff
inns aro neni nack. ine nenato nas
three or four npiiroiiriatioii lulls on
hand, but have thus lar mado verv lit
tie nrogre-s with them. Sherman's und
Henderson's Itiuiling propositions, win
pio'iably fail this -elon, as neither
In .i-e is lu liny mood to net tiiniu tliem
iieiidlng the conspiracy to remove flic
I'lesideiil. which Is. of course, tho Ur
inal iiinst liiiporlunt mat. or the .Inc
ins lime beloie thrill, nhd they nl
l-IXlous to lllli-ll tliejoli III 1 1 til i to lllkl
i two moulds' recess lo aileiui uiu liii Convention.
General Ilancoi-I; ItavltiL' been order-
id by the Pre-ltleut Irom New Orletiu
lo Wiishlngton, Is eiecled hen1 in
lew days. lion. Alex iuder II. Steven
ol'Genrgla, wa-iiniotig thu visitors
thu Whltr Inu-i. to-day. The Presl
dent Is i-nrcsented to be in line snlrll
noti 1 1 It- iindlng the lt.tdlcal cotispirac
lo i novo nini irom oiiiee.
liEi.EAsi; oi-' rt;xiANs.
Ronney. Uelluy, I. iwlees aiitl llurliw
are the names of the lour Fenians ofthe
.lacmel packet party, who have Jii-l
oeen relea-ed liy the Iliitlsh govern
nieiit, on coudltioti of returning to
It is reporti d that all their compan
ions Including (lunenil Naglo, who
were arrested at Dungarviin, will also
bu liberated on the samo terms.
According to current report, tlio val
iant Stanton tiiid his equally valiant fol
lowers hereabouts, uru still upprelicn
slvo that they may bo suddenly forced
to leave their eomforluble quarters and
be "carried away captlve"by a band ol
Virginians, headed by Colonel Mushy.
Tho long bridg'j has been strongly
guarded at each end for somo time, and
the War Department still bristles with
bayonets, although no armed foe lias
been seen within cannon's shot of the
Federal capilol slnco Early's raid in
1801. The truth is, that Stanton isa
natural coward, besides a very artful
politician, and he Imagines that by
cieatiug nn Im rc--l ii on the public
mind that the city is about to hu inva
ded by ex-rebels, as they are called, he
can hidu somu of his own rascality and
expedltu tho removal of President
Joiiiison. That's about what hu is
Judging from a resolution put through
tliis a tornooii, on motion of Butler, tl o
impeachment managers havo more ar
ticles or some kindred matter to report.
The resolution allows a suspension oi
all the rules ot tho llon-o at uuy tunc
herealter by thu u-ual two-thirds vote,
so that wero tho Democrats disposed to
resort to dilatory motions to prevent
the passage of -omo ohnuvlous measure
connect) d with Impeachment or ui.y
thiugelse, they uru effectually cut oil
from that iiilviletre bv thu action ofthe
lloti-e to-day. I'lil- is thu way the
Congressional Jacobins protect the
rights of the minority.
Till'. M'CAKDI.E I'ASi;.
There u-qult"ii crowd ol' spectators
in the Supreme Court chamber this
morning In anticipation ofndeci-ion In
tlio Important ea-e of McCardle. It ap
pears 1 1 m t there wo'o a number of eases
ti head oflt upon wlili-lidoc-lslon-jlmd b-en
made, nnd tlio lime of the Court was
principally occupied to-day In announc
ing i Iii-iii. The probability Is that the
MeCaldlu cu-e will be d(-( bled on Mon
day next, although the opinion of the
Court may not be delivered this term.
V.siiisoios, Murcli 17.
The party managers here are
iiu.l;ing u vlgoiohs etlort to carry the
Mate ot Coin ectictlt lit tne approaching
election. Itides 1 lie contest lor Ciov
( rimr, the l.t gl-hituie lo be chn-i u, bli
the elt etl-n ol a I'nitid Stall- Senator
in place of Mr. l)i.on, whose term em
pires nn the fourth of March next. It
i- --IM that tno liauicats i-.xcciiuve
ice, and the Urnnt (.lull ol
urk. ore butting every dollar
; New
the. can rai-e into the Stale, and liope
ihe'ii-by loehel thir their ticket Tlie
Democrats leel saiiguiue of sncccs, and
are lolly uwiire ol the .movements ol
their opponents. They hope not only
to re-elect (ioveinor English bv nn in
creased majority, but to carry the Legis
lature on joint ballot. This can easily
be done by proper exertion.
London, March IT Midnight.
nnd Mullany have been
tried mid convicted, ut Manchester, on
a charge of being acce-.-ory to thu mur
der of Police Sergeant Hrett, nnd were
to-day sentenced to be hanged,
Tin; Radicals aro so sure of being
beaten tills fall, that none of them
thought it worth while to contest thu
nomination for Stato officers. Tho ono
term prluclplu will bu applied to Hurt
ranft A Co.
Mm hrl Iteiinrt.
Wliout per bushel
It j ii "
Corn "
l-'lour per barrel
I 'fly
'I allow ,
Ilrloil Apples
SsliL's unit sliiiuMi-rH
hunt per pnuiul
Hay ptr ion
M -V)
I Vi
I i
. II uu
7 (H)
a oo
, so
, .V)
. 15
, 10 to
Hemlock Ilnanls per llious.itiil feel
1'hi.i " " " (ono Inch)..
.lol.l, Ki-uulhiili, I'lank, (Hi mini ki
tsliinitli, Nn. 1 per ilioiisanil
. (1'J rti
.. ImJi
. 15 nil
,.. ti mi
... 7 1I
... IS Ul
. .'!...)
... til
siihni! "
Nil' "'I!"'1 I 'J.K-
n. .
l'lillniUIilllu Maikfla,
I in-rum, Mulch u 11
Vortli western supi ilhio ut
NoniiucMciu i-Mi-i
Northu.ti-i)i tuinlly
lVuti liiiul.i una WoHtiru Hipinliie
I7.lit T.HJ
.iii Ii.-.i
loioiu Ih.-H
K.HM i!t.7.1
, S .'Mf,tl.iM
l'J..5llwl.' 11
its 4Lh7o
I'liin.ylviiuia ami Weslein litimly
l'i nnsyiviiul.i ninl Wisii-rn mncy
Use Hour '
IlKAl roiiiiKylMiiila ml, V bin,. ...
Hniitliern " " .. . .
lalhornta " "
lille "
Ill k I'eimsj hunia ryo, V hu
White, "
(mis- y us
I'KUVIS.ll.SS-MlHli I'lHll, plllll
-Ml-.. 111! I, ,
lin-.Mil llous, y 1'
Sllliil,l-il lllllll. "
" sliiuilileri, v D
Luiil, y I)
M 111- I '(DM l,,i V bu..
1 lllllilll) .1-1 il V bu-
Ij Ui
1 niAkcti, udtlortf
, iiiliilv 1 ..Zl ZZ. iiiW.'iS
IIAlll'I'-tl H AYIIintsT At llic Lull-null rnr-
nolltlRC, III LHIHIV1ASU, v lilllllimu i ih-ki , ,
Hill llllllllll, "J" J'- I ITIIUI-4, -M. V-"
IhiriU-r. to Miss Kunili lluyhuini, nil of Cnln
wlnin, IM.
ItELWKl-.MII.LEIl-On His nun nininlil.iiy llio
11PV. WinilltllJ. I.)lli ."-ir. iiiiiiiii .
.MInSnrallJiilicMUIi-r, Uotll of Locust Iowa
klile, OiiiiimMh rcMitity.
WAtlN'Ell WELCH-Ili IIMiilocK,
mi llio linn ini ni ini; ri-iui nn- ":"""
llfoso, l,y thf llev. I). J VUi-r. Mr. .lorn ) L.
Wiimiir, in Mls Lucy Ann Woli-li, Uolli ol
HICKx-HEYIlIMtT-AI tlio litlilo'ii rrsliloljoe, on
tin- li-lli insi., 31 r. j. i . iiii-K-.oi iM-t,vM
ninl MIm Miittlo li.Hi-jbctt of isalciii, liutli or
i.uri-rno i-ounty. I'n.
HTIl()t'I'-CltAWroltl)-At tho Lullicrnii rr-Miii-iKF-,
In r..v,im IlioJIh lnsl.,liy the llov.J.
M, liter, Mr. IWTia sirmlp. tn Mls Amir; L.
i'ruwf.ii'.l. butli of Mount lMensnnimlislilp,
Col, Co. IM.
I)AI.LMAN-In fnlnwlsa, Columlila rmiiity, on
llio Tin uiMani, .ir, i t-n-r i,n- u ;. ;"-
iiuci-il aKo of si ycurs, 1 month ami luliiys.
I'l'IIT II. llll.llll SOU Ol lum-ii -" ... h
lfl-t.. Mn.,1.1 Pln.nnl. on tllO 111 I 11)M.
Mr. Aniiruw ioiiciiii!cu ,1 ji-ui. t,
vir a n t i: D.
AUCIliI TO" 1 III' "III" ''I l.u'vun " 'f ,"'"""
mnuo from .1 in ypuoiiiiry '7 v;";',.,;:' , rn'
HtirchlV(3V:i, V, o. Mot l't, llnrrli ijurjt, Vn.
Of Nf.W VOltlC.
J S. U'lXSTOK, 'icKittenl.
flnm Ascl fill. 1 1-BS iVU".Ti.i IM.T ...... ';'
Di hii-iul .111. 1 l'olli-y luiiili is lu l-iii. ir, i.i.-ii.
Lirtf-st Miituit Cii-hiiiiiv In tti" worlil.
It, iliv-tl.,11 of'".,, .
jiiti.s; is. run .;'.!:. Aircnt.
Mnn-li -Ji'il--tr.
UltllllllsltlMir. I!
v s a h i:
Will lit' exp'isti! to public finlo, nt tho ro-Mi-lH'
f tin- ni.ui MliUwi i-r.Oilu i IiIhioiim
IV. I'.i Kllilu, Mull It Kill, 1M) in n-n in in.-
In tin- iiin-i-iiiin tti- r.iltowlnjl'iiis'ily 1" U:
F () U R II O it S E S,
TmiiuoihI i-os, h lot of sllli'l', lo tllllim.
colls, out- uii ill, olio nl' 0, lino S' I ln.l. ll'il 11, s
iim-si. lli l- nn. in, Iril h inn- s. Din; lop lniiB
m-s. liiiroui.cilltliil'ir-. ii-ul ouiir i.iiiniii'
Iiii.ii.iI.. Ii.-.l.l.-s ' lliorultlilisioo nini). roust
,n,.l.,'. E.J M'ilEMlV.
Mulch, anil 1-6.
LooMsitritu i.ti'KUAUY iN'sTiirn:.
uoAitn or iN.sTiaxTio.v.
IICNUY I, A. M.. rrlnclpal nn t Pro
I rieior,
rnifcssor or l'lil iisopiiy, Ac.
,nUu u,...,), I . r-iuver. Piecentress.
lo.iclier ol Kremli llotany ami orliiimoilii
IsiineO. Itest, A. II.,
t'lofi-ssor of Audi lit liiisjuaKfs
Charles II. Illco, A. II.,
rriili-Hsor of MatlieiuatlcH,
I'. M. hates,
leaclur of r.onk-kii-lni A i:
gllsh l.ratu-lie
Miss Alloc M. Curicr,
Tiuclicror lusliunu-ntal Music.
Miss ,
Teacher ol ViK-al Music.
MUs JnllnOuist,
Tcaclur In 1-rhniiry Deparlmcnt.
Sprhur term commences April 13lh, 10'S.
llio uuilcrsluneil woulil rospec'fully call the
attention of llio public, to his new anil nppnui
UR-lhnil of making clolliis by n lejMom b.iseil
noon iiiallieniatlcal principles, Mlih-h limlers
luipiisilblolo be otherwise than Is-rfci-lly accurati
Ho ilahusfortlils niethoil llio following nil
,n,aBo. rnw
Perfect ""i..,,
A sa iuii of two tlilnls of llio tlmo usually tak
en to cut out tlio cloth.
Ability to measure any Uuuro no us to Insure
That It .loon away Willi llio necessity of be Dm
inea-uieil mnrcllian once, as ollen Is llio case
rr. .1,1 Hi., mlsiiiiorelienslim or luUlako of Ibe
lie woulit unto tlio public tni!loltalrlal,nsli
iBsnllnWil Ibal It will ule perfict witlsfaetloii.
Ho will bo happy lo i xlillilt aniU-Jpl.iln ll.worli
Inn at any lime lo Msltoin.
.1. w.
M.iu-li'J). 1M1S. Main St., IkIuw MalKet
oi rut:
Ol- Mll'lil.l. I-I..NSSVI.VANIA.
01IU0 lii II.U15 llio. ('., r.i.
i7,ri,sii 2
No.of Policies hi liileo Inn. 1st, l-ll"
A I..-I (it l-ioi.irie I Usui .1 .1.111..
1st, lstl .' fl',Ut,-n
Alll'l. of I'm lllhlll' Notes III Jurn
Jan. Isl, I'OS, l-"l,0ili II V l'i IO. I'AUI Hi UISO IHi: 1-AS1 M.l.
.I110 b K oil, of Montour Co
D.Ditel It, bir, ot I 1 I'-nc
.I.ieub I 1 an I., of I A 1 omll a is, ,
.I.ii oh hiiltliuli 1111 w sjnilli M .11
rrai-els 1 .-ill. 1,1 lacomlliKco
(Iio. I'. Mi rt, of .Nurlh'il., en
.1111U.-I I tonsil r. of Nni ih'it., 1 ,
lo on hlu In r, ol M, nlottr ci
.eiiu.iril Ailiiin-,01 I'otiimirii co
l'i tor Hi 1 pi-ui,lli-l. i.t 1 nlui.iliiii c
W W. rhiiioo, ol Montour eo
If, tijullllli Itess, ol Leotllhig en
Amount of losses pievlously palil . ..
rotul amount'1 for Ihasi-k
AsslHS III' Tlllt COMl-ANV jam-aiiy
1 '.isli 111 '1 leasuii r's bamls
Auiniiul louniit at Intel t-s
Amount 1I110 on iississmoui uiftei ill.
iluetiuu lor Kmiiii iittn 11s uml Com.
Ill ISslniis
Amount due 11 i-iii uuiuls on I'n iiituuis
Oasti 1 11 f i or of l bo rompnuy.
I'n-uiluiii iioUs In luiie
. .. . S IM
1.07 F
, I'.s'KI
lsl.ll HI
Available Capita' SWM
ii.iiui inrs (Uissitv linn ot lirr net. :
Jonathan Sniter, ul Nurl'h co Jl.iirfilKi
' ; n j: c t o ii s
Win. rollmcr, Klhl.i John, Ahrahum Hlilpmnu
IVtcr ilauKhtiMout and laac l!idh-h.i(li; 01 N'm
ihuinht'rliiud numly. Win. Yoilo, Ahiuhani
WamiiT, John M'WillliHiu.John You-jlit, Jr., and
Jibsf lin sli ot Monlnill louuty. M. s, Applt'
iniiii, It, W. ('hiik, I) A. llnumaii, Ktiniuel hub
dorund llliaiu It, Klhn-; ofColuuiblii count.
Wm, Kof i.mhi, rrth't, I. JoitN'rtov, Hif'y.
M M, YtiKKs, Vll't'Trt-h't. hAM'L YllKKS.Jr. llt'fM.
Tilt! FAltMHtH' Mt'tl'AL 11 BE lNjl'llANCt.
Company uv M inu 1.1: 1'It.nnmyi.vama wus lu
rorporalt'l lu thejrnr 1', lor tha Mutual lu
tiuraiicw nf Country rroiiiyonly, and Jmuifdl
nuly Iheri-artir, comiiu lu-idupi-rHtlouu uu thai
liriiu-lplf, which liuii Ltin fetrlilly udtitred tu
Kill CO,
Uwillhohiin hy tho nhoye lli-pnrt that tho
Coinpuny hiiH puld for lot-stupy ilro iIuiIuk liu
pat)inr, midiiltoytther, oinro lu or
KiiilUalloii, SvVil'
'1 he amount ot caih inlltctodon a Tivo Voam'
1'olicy, dot-h not I'xued tho ordinary rnivn
t'hurufd hy luoht CoinpanlcH for 0110 ) tar; yit,
hy tin lliNlitallie nl half-i-lafch ( ul'MHY PHOl'Ht
11 oiily.and Mild eioiminy in I'Xpi'iullluit-i.lht
Company hah pit lull llahllltitH ilurlim Its mmi
kki njM-i nl tuns hy muklny but oucnssesMiieui
on Ihf pri'iniuui .Notfi ot Uu inriiilt'i, (Vij
Maiih 1, jtj7, oil ptr ttnl. on thf Noti Hjjand
thf ahou r port tshovuta tus)i halamo in f.ivor nf
I he l oinpaii) ol SlO.t.TU 81 tn T all llidillllh-H.
(Kxiiurr ntuM i iuiiu it, .No j-ropt rty xttu
alul in any it). llonninhJowuoi vllloifi' fclitiH
bu In mi ml by ha (it Coinpioiy.)
. . Wm. roMMi;it, l'rcs't.
T. JOHNSON, hec'y-
JOHN A. ITNsiuN, IMooiuKburB, AK?nt for
thu loMiishlph In tnlmnhla county wul of thu
ritr, exit 01 Jiiontour toumdiip, und uIh'i fur
lli.d part of l.uiiiif iouut llniKt of tin rlv-
i'ltl'AH ltllOWN, Aiit ut for Malno, JlllHlu und
lU'Hicr tonutdilpH. Coiuiubiu coumj.and aUt lor
1 hid initlt'ii ul l.ui im count) , Ijiiu i'ot of
Wm. M'NINTJJ, AKtlit forlhi' bal.mco of Col
Uiahiii coliuly.'cn "."t'osdr,
p t; 11111' HA M?
J or
VAI.UAllLi; I'i:itHo;,AL I'llOl'llTY!
Will he t-ohl at ) uhllf nilaat Hit iiiiinufite lory
ot tin' uiati rltuul.Jn Jlloonn-buiL', t oluinhln 1-0,,
on Wl IIM.HHAV Mid Ull'ltHiAY MA IU 11
villi and IjUi 1m, uhuiil
rorit 'iJiia'hA: u ioi.iakh wdinu oi-
N1A 1 I'KNIU hi:.
of alltlfKcrlptloiiN, frntii bust puuoi'doMiii lurnm
mon kmli' u nn ill in c- AUu habli, Itouio, Hhtit
tcltt. lillmU Cnm oln-lh r. a hniii'liilot tuifoii
Jiit'lthlWOIll AVtt li:AM nno
tWO'll..!'!' l'J,i 11 Willi lloll UXli'h, ('111' ilonhlo hi-t
lifii I uu huiiii-hM. ily iii'iH. Av, A No 01 r H l,ii
hi i I lii a nd l.uiular 1'ioot han ..ilw t-Uu u.
of dilli'ii id klu'U, one il Inch wood aw and
iiitnic, lor Hiwinu uif wotHLt.bout oni' and a hair
loin 1 1 ht uilm in) piilui lot 1 nt dun uiuiluu.niu'
I l'ili'1" hoii.i.' M ll.kUHiiiiiiint to ihopid
udo ul P'lil'lht m pc 1 n 111 ntidiliiL'iHKl uruk.
1,1 kiui h iimn-t i-int 1 luaoic aim liu loo PUI111 l
niu in mt niu n.
Nilito loiniui mo nt l( o'duk
in i.r -t.
ilw,Mii 10UI1IU1 n 111 ilny Iinim uiilllull mo
I uMiV!w ww' Ly
Mad wlnn lomtlliomt will be imuloknoMb und
JV. lUtl'MY.-lli lliu llmtrict OUH nflhc tint,
i.i' Hati'M if ir llic tiM(iti I MOict ol l'i nii Iva
tiln, hi I In- ltr of Aln'1 '1 liniu.n, l)iuiKiiiit. lo
u-lKdii it nm loiiu'tiii 'I In1 uiHlfinin-d hfirby
Klvei li'MUr oT Ini lit p tllUlil' lit ni fiKh(i' of
Alicl 'I'lmhui-t, of I'utii lf-il III tlio (Oliltlv oi
('uhimolii, nnd Hiuti- ni l' iintj iMiiila, Mho linn
heen iidjixlKrdn liutikriiit upon hit own pcllilmi,
liy l hi' HiHtilt-t Court or rnld 1'IMilcl.
Dated ul lllooiuMiur tlit'inh d iv of tV'ii-uiuy,
I "-I, V,U. UAIIKMA' Aiam'i'i,
.V ItUlMCY. In the lUMlrlcU'ourtnf fir- Unl
-.1 tiilri for Mm Mi-in llKlMct of IV till -A IM
iilii.lii thf imilltr of lunii-t V. Itohhinx.huuk
rujit. Tnu horn Itiioiy niiiccin I Thr uti'tutrilHUed
In rthv Klrt tiotld) of IiIn npitolnltnrnt ni n
b'HlK'f of 1 Mil If I UohlihiH of llloom
towiixhlp, hi tho county of I'oluinh a, ami Hi do
of rtuutvanlii uliti lint hi en ndjutluf d u haul.
rnut m lu n u ncuunti. oy ihu maim t lotiu
ir mt Id niMhct, li.itid nt iliomiithnri', the vnh
duvof 1'ihrimry, JNiS V, il. II.MtKI.I.V,
AssuiNi:i:s notici-: in ija.nmc
UUri'i'V. Iti Uiu 1IUM Court ol thy (Inl-
1 niaii'i l'ir uiu iniri o i 'in iui m 1 i iiiiv""'
1 in ihn tniillt-riirsiioinid II. llfluuT. HailUillDI.
n whom it may (-otu-eiiu I he tiinlcirilRiieil hue
i' Hll t IHiIIM' ui 11m nriiimuiin in ini-iHiu e
Hiiimifl II, IK-Iinpr, ofUatiiwH-iU.ln thotoimty
1'i.liitiililii. nnd Hi a 1 1' uf lYiiii Ivallltl. u hu
1ms he t 1 1 tidjii'lKi'd 11 liiml.nipl upon hi own il
tliion, oy 1 in1 iiisiiKi umn oi miu iumih i.
IMlt'il ih inotiiiiiinuK, uiu ihii ii.i "" ''' J t ArMiiir,
N Till. JIIHTlmT lorUT Or Till- I'SIICI" 1 un,
FOIt illKWI.' hllN Ol-slHlUi' or i'i,i.tinn .
niiWAUU (. IltiUNli, ll.iulttu.t uml r
'itii.'d r.n- iv ait.'h.irKti irom .ill hldcot-.,ntiit ni ii.-.-chum-1
loviihlti mull TMild Acl, h ouu-r o .lie
. a ..I . iriiki .l nil' 1 i . .7. I lit Mill li.l-
iiiim' pioMd tlalr tlt'Ut, undoiluT (imimhihiiU'i
mirt. noiKti in in 1 1 m uim'ii in 1111 1 ii 11.11 "nn
it Jn'rlot'ii p.m., btiuro l tirt lr., Lw.,
I(..if t..r t tti.i I.KI'hilllul- llull'I Ml i;;(IIIIMMlllLr.
tn Nhuw ciuiii.', ll any thi-y Iium, tvhy udis(h.i-u
MliiUiil liol Of (HIIUl'il l"i luunitin iiiuiiviiii'i. int.
lurtiiii, nut lev la h n hy kli'ii, thai Hmj
MUl illlnl UHlUims Ul I rniiiuiani imct.i-i 1
nut riuuiii'ii u the -iiu itim "ui i-iniiMiii'i
Hid Act, will hf had Mild litihlrl,
t, s.,.,io ,ij , ut tno -" )'j;' V AN ,.,
L'h lli o f. S. MisitKl OilUt inr hllil IMclnit.
jT. v Kite Pi "n Trici:,
1 11 k nhiiiii 1 t;m 1:1 oPTiii.rMii isr,iM,
nuiriH. tHiLits uinuri up Vtsi. ma
iO"l Vn It. It'K' o.n (n Itanltiupi iiiioi i' " '
V' lot loiun-n? nl M.ut h PO., h.ivihn a pi d
tn ullH. Ii.trw liiiin.illillidfi)tiiUd olhi I'l-inimi
.liUMiMf tin... I .-I'M AL,h oldirot Hit lollll,
mm: ih in iiku t.i kn, lo nit ivdiiuit who 1- pi.tM'il Ihi'll tli Ins ""d ollii'i luTMiiisi lldf
m lnl : liMipM'.il on tla ltl 1I.0 "i MAI( H.fii.
ll in 11M.KU, ,. M.i Mil' l Um'IHUI, .ll.. 1 mi.
ltvi. r, ai it u- I Ai liaiiRi' lluit'l, IUutiiiitOuU I'n
.11 Mi'ivV i'n ui', linu liif.ii liavr.uh. a D Mii(un
Id.Ul.l lint hi' Uliililfii to the Mini It.tlllf Upl. Alul
.nili.ri is luuh. ktM'ii, thai tht- M-ioiid
.11.1 1 ii It tl .Ml'fttllKf d I ll'dllomol lIlOAU.d llalik
upt, Hi.Ullfd lj Hat illl and JSln M'-tioiis of
aal Ai l. tv II ht- had la l.iiv llm .nl Utt,lfU-i at
(,'lela or I', s). Di-U let OjiIiI tui sui'l I'l-lliit.
M. tv.:w
.. , 111: li.sruit-r i'ocii nn-1 nr. I'nitfii HrArrs,
1.1,11 I II II w l.sll.KS lllslltliroi-' l'bSSs I.VAMA
.sA.M l! Ih, 11. Hlllllltl.a ll.inkrupt iinilel tho
a ,-i 1.1 rutin 1 1 sk nt Mai en J I. Isu,. havlm: upphi-il
nn-Hillsi.iiiii;u lloiu all his ilelits, llll'l ol III I'
1111111. proMioio uiuier h.uu ..ei, nj i-i - i--s-
a.iiit. Sinn ,1 IS 11 V IIIV l.N. to all ( It-tlltill
Alio liuvopioMil meir ill Ills, anil otlu-r )kisoos
iiitcKslcil; toiipiiearou llio 171U il.iy ol MAIti 11
IMls, mil o clnt.ll, A, .Nl IIOIOIO 1.. wv.rioii, oi.,
I AH . Ill Ulster, ul lliu LM-llilliB" Hotel. Minims.
luna, I'n., to snow eaii-o, ll an tbey u-Oi "y,u
lllsell.iri;oMlwUl,l nulooKiiiiii.-o i,,. i, --,
nipt. Ami lurtlier, liollio Is hilibj KHi li,
llio heeonil uml llnril Mei lluys ol I it illtorH of
till-Mllit ILlllKllipl luilllllil b lliu i,lh llll'l a-lli
-selllllllHOl S.1K1 ,CI, Will lie lui'l ,-i,v ,,......
Itcusur at ..auio tlmo m.l'S'lAN l.Mi
Clerk of U.H.lHstrk-t i.'ouit, lor Mild DMiU'i.
.Mar.lj lis-w
7V"oticj: in iiankhuptcy.
j uIh Ii in do notk-n: that mi thu tJlhdny of
it.ireh, a. i. HH,n viiriant in llimkriiptiy wiw
lulled ini'int thf i-Mido oi JauifH it. lH-wlll,
ut .-silllvMiitr In tho touiity of Onuiuniii
and hlala ol lVlin 1 aula, wlio lian nttii uu
jmlsiil u Ituiiktupt on tut own pennon; mai
pioi.t-ity ik'Ioiikiiik to Midi ll.inkrupi, to him,
.riur liisiiM-. nun tin-truinskT oi mo proptiiy
oy lil in alt luirjiddfii liy law; that Hiiuttliin of
uiu l'uhIIIuim ot thf Mild llankiupt, lo provt- thf r
ilt'hu, und lo clioosu on oi niwn uhhIkiii'I's ot hU
i-.latt', mil hu luddui m tnut of Hunkuitf , to
bu hoUk-n ut the lA.hulitfullott'l, 111 ltloono.huiK
foluiuhlu folinty, lViiu Ivaiiia, ht'hnc l.duaid
uvuiiun.Jr., lUKiMt-r, on th luth daj ol April,
A, P., li, at y o clot k, u. m. -m
HIuMAH A. KUWU;Y,U.H. Mumluil,
Mar.liu..t. l.y i.. It. roui.uAH.n, la puty
l?'vTi-; "ok T'K ricit v I htk-
Vj NHiUf, lM.t'i:ASl.l).-io1tai Wliu niHhl,
.i.tnuei hiuiiluhl, in my U Iiiumm, Aisty
WldU-niKhl. Julian wdf ol H.iuu'i aliuli, Ht-.,1-ttM
Lii. lOvlli Hifutil Id in r-.uinuaislhith.n l
i iiiiiiii uiliml ItiuiiMin.aud lAdla .M.
nviilunluht tint two l.iit iinnn-il in. inu uiiuoim,
.tno H.iiii loi llit'ir Kiiainiati, ii'i niniti nn.-., .1,
X'lilah'islke. I.llitMl di-hftlidaiilhot lVlt-r ll 11'
niiit it until, and loati nihil n-ihun iiut'ifst-t-n,
Ui tenia ; ou 11)1' hurh) nltd in v utnl up
! .11 bfiot h t liu Jti'it'hoi uir t)rplaiiii' touiiut
nn uiniuin'fttouit i.t ht lain 111 utoomhlniiK on
inn lllisi .Mi.NH. (,r M A niM.lhtn ainl
thf If to at I'pl ol 1 1 IUf to laKti Uif lull i"sliilt -1
Mild I 1 U-i U hlHInht "Imasi'il, ul tin- uppmi-i il
utlnalioli put upon 11 it) liu,-lliiiurni iho t'wiiul
il in tin- ciil-l oiuit, an ittuintiiov ihf Ma nil,
01 show t'.tifH wlij uifhiiuif r.h.'.iid not bf HtiUI.
lll lifltnl ' ill l.ul,
Witiu-Ki tbi llniiorai'h' ill.nin i:.ui-ll, 1' ' -1-It
111 '' on 1 Mi d L.i', III- 1 Jill Ua oil ihiuai .
A. 1)., INA
1 1 ""II 1 ObhMAN, t Ink, o. 1 .
.line to thu nrcmlM'sof thoMdiscrliifr
lu,d m n.hln 11 or ahout ilutlth ol 1' hiuu. , a
imoUNMAHl. uuii 11 while Mllp.. lnttii-l.ui-,
stippo-tul to t u nhoul lte )taii ohl. '1 he on n 1
l-i iiijix' .ti'd tu come loi Mill 1 1, pi oil' pi opel l ami
pay h.i.ji , and hike her imnj , olhei
wm hi uitoostd oi M-voiding to hi w
Sut,,.Mur.o u- It
rjin- i.ANCA-vnat,u,
1 uf. 1 Aia.Lir AMrin.Ai'i-ir m,5iocr. vtr jolk-
'1 ui Lnui'iiti r iniciliKt iiu-i eMaoiii-liid in t.t1 .
Ii.ih nhu i hi 1 n kiiowui.ha iii-i-fia I', in '"i'l
mai I la Whpiipfi. JheNSit'kl.v inn itm n-ct'i-
11 now I lit 1 111,11 I" Uiovudh papi-r piiid. 1
in t'euuvli"ihi. It huhialti) i.uuuaii, in.
pro ul in all ii hp. 1 Ih, alul 11 Jul Mltli a pa pi r iih
two l' inotialM'ioii.d iiiUf.
tin- puhilfl.ilhol .ht 1.MIUII.I.MI Kliuai'i 11
lo hi- II. v nlil ol 1 M l) I'tliioillil lo U p"i ' l'
count j pi 1 pi is In pn ii 11 uu iv nii, 1 In 1 , Uu as
llu'ie.m inali 1J1u Uid helllul loMlbsnoi
Inr uioie ihaii one piipcruuiiuu Ihi pt udiiir. I'"
Midi id ml c.iinpiiinii, l lif) liiiw luiidludi d to ..lit r
Ihf tiki) lliltlllut I'll r it (lie loi iut lii .tl
Ml it; if lupnoiit ) tiI, t,t ll, llM'iopu 1 ll'
i ar .os, j id M'pit , 1 n ) tin in. hi. '1 xu ni
coplfh one )iiil ...,l(f. '1 1 1 1 1 1 uplih.olH )..n
31 ),('. 1 III) looiit luitlitbH ilAtH. 1-ltlit.'
conn it lu one inalu sr., 5VfM',
1 viia Jrn i.n.i m i k t.1,v pi r annum.
Wis ii Uihlunu to Mil ludthiiile unitlndU"
hfitcr inlMitiMiiK iiitduini titan Hid W l( M) ln
ifJUiiciiLir, Addit-s lI.d.SMIlll.AKl..
Mnr.l J os l.utuindt'i, I'.t.
ur v a 1, v a 11 ii 11 HHAi, i:htati;.
Will bu I'xposetl tu public wile on thu pn nil"!'
In iiinnf loMiis-tilp. ( oiunihiu count) , I'n.. on
(A 1 lilUiA . MAUL 11 'Jl.lMis. a tiai-t ol land ml-
Joiniut; liiiuls ui lkiijiituin Miner bimon l.o n .
IhllllC Pl IKlllttl, 11 III! IMMtl nun i com IIIIIIH -V
Ai III-1 Ull ill It Mute ol coll ial loll, belli Hie in
tate ol Jucoh ltali diet tn-ed j and in ho i-oid b) Uif
uiuli tinned as An ui lot the heiuol Miidih
iiiiMti; iiinlt'i omioi ulloinc),
AlO:-Al the miiif lime and pluee, u loi oi
land ail.olhlliK thoal'0e lontaluiUi; MX KI thh
A 1 it, mail) all o w tilth lit cluuid laud, uialtr
(.'ood I'ldliMdloli : and whtli-011 uie tlttltU u
tiuol) liol'Hh mid hAlt.N, uml otlur outbuild
Iiiks : a Kood welloi wulci at tlie dour, und all
i;.i 1. 1. 1. 1 .sr tnu iiAiin, this properij ihknoun
111 tlie hoint'hKadot thu tale ILwhaid Hall; and ih
hold hy the underMncd as Affcut lor Ihu owm-i',
under thu will ot liectdilit.
'U.umsokKvi.l: Uu pirowit of the pun-luun
money on llm tiny of hale, Itulauioot tho one
louithon thfclM ihiy ol April wnen pohMhhiuu
will bo bin on ; and llonluud.Moil);atup)uUluUi
ono )tttr Vkllh intcitNt,
hccoml piece t Ueitus cahli.
Mnrd'CH-ts Attorney und Agent.
llio imdcrhiiMied trualdlniifind nttomoN for Hal
Widow and tliiliirt'll ol John Huiiim) , bite id
liltHtiii low mdilp lu tliciouiit) ol ('uliiiuhiii, dv
ecusftl, wlllt-ell utpilxulo hiilotho toilowindo
M?rih(il 1 1-til ihtutt to wliriliodii'tuMd'K iutmi'M
lu all Hint n ilaln tnu loi liuiil ttlluuiu hi Moiiiour
tuMiuhlil'oluiubui emu t , ailjolniuw uiU'lslHiu
oiivter lidiuibtuth-i, CliilMopInr Woiie),Ja
euh llltlt'libciiiior and the litiu ot Jonii i).i)l"'
l-oiitalnlliu 1 "J I"! Y Atltl-H Uiuicui Uih, il henij
wood lainl.
AlMitlu- loi low Inu pUeool ground Mtualo in tin
tow u o itliniiiihbuigiiii-alil tount), boniith d tnai
defcilbtd ith loiluuh in wit 1 lU'uluntnu at 11 p-
(mini of Pn ic and l.)tri Alii), und niunin
Hit ni'oaloiiK I'iuo Ality N01 Hi Mixty-onu ih w "
Huht lliriyiii Ht l tu 11 ihjU, thence hy Hu la 11 1
ol Abiahuiu W. ri) bold 1 1 luility-lillio !!'
I'.usi hlvlttli Ict-t lu 11 I okI, them 1 1 1) ihuhiim.
Holith MXI)olio lltUltt'H ht Uilt).Wo HU 1
I'mt'm AH'J uloii Milil, Hit lice aloini huid -N01
Hi liuul) '111111 myites Uiht, hixtu u lei 1 1
Ha- plaie ot iiCtilitiiiiiL loidtiiulny one pt a h "i"1
nine ti ntluoi u pen h luoti 01 ui-n, In uiii pm 1 1
hu .i,tif ni the ytnuul pluuoltui-l ioui 1
I or pain, iiiuin 1 1 uuiio 01 tl 0 umlf itiuiiul
IdHH U'i 1 , l.Allh.
Huiird.iin and AlloJlif) loi t)a beli oi .1'
I..... niHhuiK.M.iid) l, 'U-f;t
or VAi.UAiii.n ni).h
The umlcifclid'idoti MAitt II ww, ut 10 A. M
ut hit utddi iuc In Ht in lock tow in-hi p. 1 ohunbi
count), will uhpoM-ni Jiib 1 1 ui' uooiU al puh
It.- vi inliie. and id the (Vino nine wiilhcti hU
c-tduli coniMln ui
'iwi.Ni v-i iuti:i: At'in or i.anh,
on w ii )i Ih utcltd 11 unud naiin lii um and ham
wnn Uu unailoulhudduiuN 'Uuiinuuie km wu
"m.'1;;?'"' JA.OI.llAMl'.M.
All cxuii.-he Ai-m, una 111 ( I men '
, l 11 j I IM llili 1 I I-1 in I ai
1 etui lull., aim lAliit. 1. lol 1-
ulul 1 1 1 1 fr. Iiu.b il.iiili i)
Wr,lVl-v-ll ' I..'l.bllAltrJ.lS'