The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 20, 1868, Image 1

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    VOL. II NO. 12.
IACOII Ml:TZ, ilwili'rln t,i,.-,t llnivnru, Main
ti st., rt'aivi' ifant limi-.. l-nt.'!
.'U 1)1,1 l.lll, l,l,- Illl, Ull
. Iilm-li, Maillot., wvhl of M.iiki t,
l,OVi:NMi:U0. hi- reliant talior, M.iln !., 2.1
iloornbovn A met leu n Imiw, vNull
1 W. L'llKMltllHI.IN. WllOlHMttll-HIKllTllllllllMll-
) , r In t'ioihliu.i'U'.i llarliiiuirrt building. Main
Mieet. J-iil l
N MitYDll, ilniutfiM und aHtIii-i-iiry, X',
ehiiin.-btneit Mnln hi. iu 1.1
I. LIT. (ImiMltf ti in 1 iinitlni'Mr , Ilupert
, bluelc, M.iln st., u.-t ..fMiuk.-l. vNwl
I ol'I llUUNHAIlli, n-i.irli mid dork nnkei,
U tifiir nouiheut niriu'i M ti!n niul Iron M. vNnri
l i:.sAVAOI dealer Iti
li. wnicliPH niul
j, lewelry, Main ft., Hourly niimiu Ahierlinn
M CAllir'AUr, u-tt ehnnd.-Iofk maker, Muiktt
1 -t M lowM.Un. vNnri
ft M. IlltOWK, mi 1 HWmtiltnr.M iln-dreei
V. 01lwH Alill'rrcilll liriUHi. vNnM
t KOMJIDint.m muf.ietiiri'r and dealer In houtr
A tuiil slio'i,Maliiit., i4iio KpNtupal chim It
J . n 1 1
ni;.N'UV Kt.KIM nt niufii. liner mid dialer In
ImuN II 11(1 hIkU'H, KIOCiTilM I tft, UllHt MuOlllH
bun,' Mnln t. Nnl'i
DVVIIl UllTZ, imoT nud h"( maker, Main i
In-low 1 lurt man's ton. went id Mai Itu street.
1 It I1VANN, M, J). Mirafon mid hytdel in
M M'lU AlUIII M UrtllW .JJtl Ivl'l,
1 II. It, P. Kinney hutm-oii ih utNt, ti
th extract
nearly cHUm-dti
l-n la
l-pl-ii-opal Cluirtli.
1 t'ti wiiikmii min, i mi hi
tJ south Hldu Main ht., below Market,
I II Hl'l.'l'f 11'
I). HurKonn and jihyalrinn
r i itirrmi. M.
MiiBi'on nnd riiysii'lttn.
tf Market Kt.,abovu Main,
i'ii 1 1
lU. II
JtOWCIt.Mtiisouiiiluiitlnt, Main kI.,
1 above court house.
Jl 1
lbullulnn, Main t.
milliner, l:niii-f
Miss A. 1. WCIIII, fancy cumin, notions hook
stattonery, nuiih wide Main drei t below Mu
Kit. vNn.
11 Pi:n:itMAN, millinery and ttim-j Hi.a-tHur.
i i'0llc Kplspopai hiiruh, MuliiM. l-u-
.It1!. I V A
. A HADi: 1) HKU:V, liidi -
ill etoaiis aii-i ie
M.iln and v hi
DIMtllKMDN, inllllniry mil lni'17
itlntmU Mulnvt,
fipposno conn iiuinc, 1 -in 1
US M. 11. ('HUMAN, milllii
hlirMaiVct fl. ' l.N
riilli; IIAUMA.V lulIUneiy n ti I fam-y
I Kood,Muln t reel Jut beluw Ann. 1 It mi lionf.
I l.i:Af-nci;,oyj.tprmi
ilin-x wnloon. AtiitTl
tf (-111 House, Main si 1 .!()( it HtipL'i in
Ml)MYi;il .IACOHV, iimftrtloury.
ll.lltt I V.
and ovMi-r Kaloon. whuU.di' an 1 utull.IIx-
t'tmni1 block, Main it, 1 -11 1 1
1.1 )X & Wnill, itnircotlonory, huki'ry, unit ojk
V ti-r Million, holeHiilo and utnll, Mahiht, Juti
pxt'iiANtii; huti:u - J.
1 j si., oppoilli court llOUHt'.
L'aslow, Main
l-ti I
t MriiM'AN innm:(ijy junx
i hi., Viht of hull t-ttt'Cl.
,i.i(u' i, Mnlt
n HtKS HOI I.I,, by H.W. MAl?ui:it
I' M.iiutd.
CHht I'tlll l
N'l'OIINKIt, it licHtniu'iil saloon, Main t.ti" -D.
ahoM- hnuif. v N11 1
1 r. ('AI,(iV, i.-ftf-Uinciil Fii'oon, i:xi'lianu
1 Imu'l, liUson 1 allium. uiiorhi'.nd'iii i-ir
r II. (JII.I.MOlti:, ii-lrrKhiunit wUoti, sbH
U iilofkwiutliMdoM.iliiHl. 1 m
i .1 Al'Oll, t'ni-f(TlHMHT . yiirtiiLK
Ji s.i.,tib.iu Couri Jltjtisi-,
o II. Mil. I. Kit, ilt iiUr in dry nomN, rHrl
illitliKHal', Ilnilt, Mi'l, Mini', llnliulih, cli
JiN.-tj.niyo lbK-k, Main r(m t, Nni
M'K'KI.VV Ni:.M, A i ., duilt-iH In dr himmN
gtixtilct, H.nir, lttd, Hill. tNIi, 1 1 on, unHs
t ic noiilu u-i loriiii Miilnuini Miiilu-I ht. Nul
Mr. Ml)'i;ii, lailMuud cups buulx ami hbo.-
Main hi., nlio i) 1 dii 1 1 houM'. I-11 1 1
CI C. MAltU.ihv niHMNalid liutJons HuutliWi'Hi
f, coriu-r Main ami Jiou ht. Nm
T .1, IlltOWllll.dry uimhU, urmeilt h, 1 tc not th
tl . Most -niiit 1 Main ami hon kU, vl It)
Ii:V. A. IIAIITMAN. diy ishmI. liutioni.. m.i
H urocci h t M11 In t-t.,opposlu Kiic.n)iul clniii'n.
II 11, iiu.sui:iirii:n,oiL' nt.tirn"
iic. tubai
1 1 , ro, mill
hUtlioiiary, MfUu M.( lulow Ante r-
lean housi-
l A, lil'CIv I.KV, Ki'tonoKlamtorf, l)in.k mid
If, stulioncrj , MiuiliuiM i-onur MiuItL-t 11ml
Main Mh. vNuC
liriLMAM llltAMI'K
( I tutu l U h, Main
l-u I.
H Kt., jllstllbiiMJ couit lioUhi',
11 M i:XH:X1!A!X,k ncial i-toi-k nf men linn
j, ilNtMind lunibr, iiiiLr of Main htrtt-tmin
Jk-iMlik tii.i-l. vl-nl.
t .T. lKlllllIN
ilfiili-r In diy uooiN truer It-- c le.
rJ hlilu block, MaiiiM.
neiow iron 1-111
I K. (HIITOV, (iroeoitos rio.iMiins kouIIi
Jta.t loinerMalu and lion MieiU. vNnl
( W.NNVhint, hnrdwnie
j. Main M.t bi-low lion.
cutlery, kuus
i J.SI.()AN,(lcalcrluilioiciMliyi.'ood.
i Ki'epiii;Kio, in Ml Knit 1 n
nt., oppiwlie toiirt homo.
ilr. Mali
I K. KYlMt, til
tJ Mllll) hi,, libi
IIYl'lt, iii 01 ( rlt k and ih ml jueii laindiM
i-o i
T. HA1 I S-S dr uctuiN. II
I J. fin'
, i.u nt but u, Mam kt
GW. t'OltllT.L. furntturn inmus time Ma ,
, bilvk on Miiin M ui-Kt of Mniket t, vNnl
II J. THOUN'ION, wall paper, window lnnu
j. mid tlxturts Uupelt block, Mailt hi. VNlll
MltOHUNHTOCK, phoioinai lur, IlMhanyt
, block, Maliiht,, nppotiltotouil htaiM, NiH
I P. IlItOAhT, I'liotoyiiiphcr, Haituum's build
tJ lng noil lit ii-tiuim r Main ami Muiket ft, tnl-
T W. ltAH'loN.tobticcouNt.imd dealt r in kIom
X , coal, Main ht. ,01 powlte coin I htin.e, l-bl
I It. priWI'l I., Middle, hunk ami hiiriuh
tl iiiautr, Main l., iieiuw iouii, iiouo, vi-tnii
( I'lisi lilt. (Hue Maker, and White am' (iinc
V, taiiuer.Mtitioxwi, NniT
1)I.OOMHllt'lta I.rilHIIIt tU, nunuirflcturn
l)mid tlealeiti in l.iuulnr(ot all kmd-, plalnlim
milt marllitt lutl-iuud. I-M I'
r J. hit 1 Id 'MAN, nubile mid liinm hit iutik 1
11 , tutu huuunitc-urmrMa.niind Muikii m
1 WI'IMAN, liuiiblo wot Us mar MUthUi -1
A 101 in i' Mnln ahd Mmlii l m. Nn '
Hll. HIM -I I L. di ah i lp nil' Korni'iu- mid
, dm ic il i,i.t ii. A .ct'ti IrnuunHuii' in it.i-
iii 1 1
11. MA ST I IN, Hinul Mi
. m wiUit nun bint , Main kt
. up Mnlr.
i lioi r A I uKi i k
lliiilniiiii'- tmlM-M-i,'
UW. UOHUINK, llt,iuir .li nlei m i oml dour!r tu
, liorthwtM enrner Main and hon kN, Nni.'
V Pi: U (H K. Noli'ry Public, iiuiihtiul cm mi
ft Malniiiid MittUil kt, l-nl-)
1' UN A.I L'XKJON, mutual mid tiuh ratt-h llie
I UiMiiiimu cuuiiiiinv,iioillii'aiitcoiiu.r Muin and
htt.t, l-ni-
j i) ( Ulil. II AM-1 HT iiiimuliiHuiir nml it i air
Vi e r of llm -hmu iim i Ijiiii l he mix illn idh v
oeni hhnipltH uaiiidij jin
j. Kl'IIN, illlihr III niilll lalliM', i',..,
I u i tin nii. j, la,, k i,i Ann Hi nn li,ai-i.
t hi'iii'
1, AMI I I .1 A , 1 ,1 ,.,... l
)j Woiu,uii,tDiiu!Cuii!lUi)iMKitiiia. u-un
()i:ankvhj,h diiikctoiiy.
DIt. o. A. Mi:dAi:nt:i iihynlrlntt mid muucoii.
Main t.( iicMilour toUood'H llutel. l-uli
ntlK'K II oil; I, nml rt-fretitim'-nt xnloon, by
l)Mllioti liail.x.imnercif MaMmii-l I'lueHt.vlni;
CjWAN IinTri., iliiMtnix rhouw by .tolm uny
O l"r, Miiln inliivu Pine. VNnl7
K. SI.O.VN, dr-ilci- In tlrv Woml, (riteii(e8,
I u miter ntid Kencrul MerrbmidKu Main st,
Vl'll 17
1 l'.oh( 1 V. I.AS&Altl'M.nHdtUp niul bnrncM nmker
t Main nt.. HUtit Mir mwhii Ilnir-1. vNtilT
II, HMl'ill, iiuinuiiit'ttirer of tin mix and
ilontiT In HtoVutt 1 tt. Mntn nt.. iilmi'n hw
miii Hotel. VNnl?
OAML'Kt. l.Vi.Ili:iT, hriu.'-t
OMiitn Hirort.
A i:. V. niLKMAN, Mi-tehnnt Ifillnr and
i. 'ieillV iiliiHsJiliig..(KU, MulllKt., tioXl dun
to toe lilk'li Imlel. Vl-nt?
Mm. IlAYIIirttHl'.f locks WatPllOH iitl'UltlliH
, rtpalitd, Uuiitalid UuIehoi lorMile.MiOh
l bejuw I'iiio, VN1II7
11. MAILMAN, nibln.t Mal r,atid t'u-
if ertalu-r. Mntn Hi,
Ut'hiW rilie. Nn IT
KKI.l.r.U. Omlci lliiivry, nynli rs
Ac. Ac, on run) ftt
lltlttHll .Mltlll llllll Allll.
II. A C. KKI.l'ltNI'.i:
, Mil', t, Hl'Hr I'lll',
HliKkMiulh, 1111 Mill
W'll.UA.M Tll.liil.Vll, HhiH'liiiikrrnml liialliilai
ll liniTiir limit, Mill stu'nt nfl'iii'i vln-l'i
I'l.tAs MSVIUMI, IMour i.ii.I
1j llnlli-r III uralll, Mill Klli'. l.
.Mill, 1111,1
I-1 1 IT
I i:VIH IT. BCIIIiYl.r.ll, Iron r.iun.lor, Mim-IiIii-IjWI.nn,!
Miuilllitctuifrur i1owm, Mill KI.vI-iHT
Mll.i: A. VII.I.l.'H.. i n..Tnnnimiiii,l Man
lll.lrtlt.'eiH ot 1, lllll, T, Mill Mlirt. l-lllT
IllUX l;i:l.l.i:il, ll,it iin, Miornmki'l-, Tint'
t) Mlivol, uplMmlU' llu A, 11,11 my l lilt
1 1!. IIl:ltltIS(l A lillitllll.ll, I'm p. nu-nniiil
i, Hull, U-i, Main Mud, 1,,'lnw I'm,'. M-nl
OAMUl:l, HllMII'UX-4, Mai:,
O lir.uu Cnulk'. M.ililM.
nrtlioll ivliur,t
:n .
M It Mt.MAN, snil.ll,. 1111,1 lmiiu-
, oralmt' llli', ipill I'lMin j clKirrll.
)i;ii;U i:NT, ilcaler In dry K""ts Kroi-etles
I Hour, tot d, hull, llfli, lion, nails tte., Light
'rLKMlI.MUl.ltt Cablnetuiakor,
1 and (.I1.1l11u.tktr.
1,1 1'. 1;i:M.I;V, Itl.u-ksiuUli.oppoitltu post nilltv.
1 Nnl'l
MI'. OMAN' A Co, Whi'thvilghls Hi"! "hmr
abou m'IickiI housp. V Nn 11
iw. 1:. kmnt
millinery mid fancy KomN.
f W. HAN'ICl'.V. di-alep ill U-atlu
f I r-ic Cash paid lor Hides
r, Hides Hurt.
UM1. M. I INT, d.ilti ir
all Ut hnmchos
1 and 1 1n Man In
: ) I.T' II W. O.M A N, iioiitn:.u luurnml denier In
I bivtiK mid shin's. vNnl'l.
MtNiiUKHANN ur llrl.'U llotfl.Il. .1. riaik
O pruprlotur,suuilicnst corntr Muiiuuid Nooond
iireet. M-nt.'
It. ritllAY.tlrv ttunds t'ruc.-iif
eiul Men lllUiihse, Main Strei t.
and ti u
l. ItlNAIll'.tUMh r In hluu
Main hllt'it.
1 ulld tlllumt ,
A mill IT, attoim-y at law, Main Sin c l.
nlMMUir A IvMNU.drvitutMN, (;i,
H K' neiMl men lutildNe, Main Nti'"t
.'.s, mid
'2 It Vi
Kill I.Kll, billluM si,,n,
Cle.llll In !e.tsu!i Mrfln MUeet.
and I" 1
twpYri:M 1 i.oriti.No mills, c.h. rnw'or,
'j Pnipileiur. l-ull
) I", IILllillAllP. A llltO ,'Pt ttldl nods
), ),r teerioi. mi I K1'"'! 'I inert li iiidise, lJul I
l CALU'A'LLL. d. ih-i In tlrv t: .nN
i , t.U'itl war.-, Imi dwaio, ll h, salt.
p . L1"J Vit,-U'-iluliaMi!.
IM.iititu Mill iin.l
v Jiill
i ri,'s. m.nti. In 11
N, 1,' il, i' In ,lr;
' kiki'I",, urn
,hii vl -ti I.,
A. -VIIII.,I. ,l.'.u,-i 111 Hull-", 1,,'iilln 1
't,'. Ma IImiii lounslui.l ,,lltli,l,liii',ainl
vl-ll l,
1 IAl'1.
VMl'I-.l, lil.MilY. M.i,IN.l! Iliili'l,
U vi-iN nli,l hlninifin
iili'liaiii 11.
, J-nl
() N (i P O N D li O T h.
1 111: u nth rstjjncd having h uvetland re-tmiiNh
lnutd Mylo thu nlmi- wcll-Known llmtse,
,11 tin. ImrderK of Colli lillila and f-tlMHnn count !.
II one ul I lie niuxt beatltllul and ht'.ilthiul ri'Kiuii'
11 the siiiic is limy puimna 10 (ucuniiiioiiuif
i Islioi's anil hujoiiim ih
The Pt 'iid and stream tne well KttK-kt d ftli
lebi''U Usii ft nuinj kiuhs tiieutuinif
nut tmit In iiciihI nider ulll bo kel t for theftC
tor tNhUiu ur pltttMiict-Murslons tipuii thli b au
UU1 iuei 01 aier w iiieu i
surroumh'tl by 1111 oxtensho 1'orefcl.tln ieinflbr
ied lo the ImutMiliin a Ki-lcndld Ilolil for 111 oui
peculiar spoils and e.t-u-l .e ulth hU
I) t) (1 AX U O U X.
IMh Larder will bu alwuv. movldetl ulth til1
lelkiu ieic 01 lheai-iu.un : and Ills I tar Mocked ulth
I'L'isi Luii'oKS 'llie Homo N laigeand oojiimo
llotis ; tne muOIIiik exu llno ami taie.
Tint Ili.iii.i U i.'ih linl tfiilii boVi-liil unlnts
llie Hlooinoliurii A iait'kawaiuui Jtullroml; niu u
a fcph'Udld place to pit" th h"t niuiitlm 01 Miui
May 17, Isir tni.
I. LT -M 1! I A 11 O V H ll,
11 v
Hll It X A It H HTO II X HU.
lUvivii lately puiehasetl and fHled up ll.c
Mi'll-Kliown iiuiusi.ii iiuiei rinpi-iiy, locmi ti a
vvav imioiih .miu i: 'iiu: eni'in norm:,
'iitheMmio hide of the Btreet, In the town -of
Wi-ouixuiui:; aii-i jiumiu ouuiinoiu luvnuo tor
It K S T A U H A X T,
(ho Pi opt leior hasilett'Miiiueil tolvo to the pen.
tiu isniu1; iue uiwit on ijuiiuih or i-ieniiie.
a liitli: mom: ItOOM.
HhiMublluKitNuN oU-ii1m. nml In fitted up
lo put buguleMiudeiinlaiiPMlnllittiiry. Ho prnnn
imb i lmt fei Mhlu id oii t hN eKtiibl sh incut shall
irtjionduiUd In nn nith-ily mid law lul maiiueri
ml he rokpcctlully Ko!ritxiHlmru oi ihepubltk-
the I'ri'i rt nnriR,l
oii.N(ii:vii,i.i:, coi.VMiiiA i'o., pa.
TlihtutiM'illvr Kkpi'dfii'lv Infoniin Ills rrlcmln
ali,l I lu ail, lie, that lit, lum InUi ti tin1 iiIxivp will
llllolMI II,, INI' nf rtlllltlllllllUllt, UUll Mill la'
iiliiiml tu uaclM, Uu1 cu.imn of nil who Mill
fuw.r lulu Mltliniull,
HI! Willi. KP.liP A (10(111 TAlH.i:,
a liar m il) iitiH'ki'.l Milli tin, I'l-Ft of T.lntii.r., nnit
i-viry filial M'lll l.f mini' lu iiinlt-r inlln, atN
rni'tlnn. JIUI.N
(Hiiiik 111,', Pa,, Mniili l iNiT-lm,
"J7X1 '1 1 A NU IC S A l.( )OX,
nn. I'lupri, inr in in,' i.iii-iiatiui.-'siiiM.ii iia), ii"M
on li m, a lalta ttiH-li of
ht'VMI'.U ltKruIIhllMllNlH,
i.iinKl'.llliil uf
ipn Kit i.iH'iri'.ii, hiiiiim., Tjurt:, noiaa nam
Hiit:ri"iu.sni'i.', pou.t n i.i.u-i.hwi urui lu,K-tK,
i.A(ii:it nr.i'it, am:, ac.
- cuMi:, I'dMi: ai.i, and Ki:r.
Mipt'llllll lull III.
llloi.iii'.lairB, Mny ,
19-PY, COI.PMIHA tur.N'lY, PA.
'Mm Mil Mill. rnpi lift, Hi inti.i mi. Iiu fi n li.N
1 1,, ii. I la-, Uml I ' n I li II , i,l 1 1, Mill
i,..v a ll, it-, nt 1 nti ii.iii.iiii in niul Mill la-
, 1, I, li'tlM' II, t (ll-t, III (111,11 Mill) Mill
i . ii mi v ,th ii i till,
111 Wll I Hl l P A (.0011 TA1I1 i:,
nl' ivhI I, . ' i ,1 v all llic I i i.f I Mill ' anil
v . , i . iv i . in a - I- li in U i 'in r- il'i"
Ian, n ( II. I'lUll UU1I.
lul' M Pw
A DuiMoi'iatic Is uwrJiiaiici
M Tl II1M1II11 l.lll FltiliAV Mol MNfl AT
lll.UOMilll'Ittl, PK.WA,
THU prlnrl jili-vof 1 liln im u r m c of tlio Jcfttemnn.
Ian Hvliimlorr'llil, Thotn ),rlurli'lt'H will nrvt r
v !'itn n 0 to lni',1 , j 1 1 1 inn tiy and kliulon Mini
iii.t Ih irrtriiMiii in dliiotii.titi llim, wlicilior rllli
111 llvKluaN, ur wltli conrpiiipnmrlcA 01 the
I'Iio UHlty, liniipliu'HH,anil iiriHivrlty urilu entiii
try U niir dim niul uljoct; hikIum llm inuunii tn
ei'iiti,tlmt, wcBhnlL lulmrlHiiivllynii'li'iiriiciitly
loi lhclmrliinny, NllofWHillHlgruwtlinf uur iir(jtin
TFnifitii'M'iiHrKtnioM Tu'i itoHani a jpnr
II imi'Un mlviiiico. Ifnotpiilil In uihniur two
I ilium mid tiny tmitii u 111 l.i'ltiMiilahlyclinrhint.
TFirwiii- Al,viiirriKi?co:-(Jii'iai!m,(!ui lltn"i
nr ti'HH) duo or three itiitMtl'itiH ll,i ; t n, h .iilme-
(innt hiMTtlnn .w pontv.
Ht'At r.
Cm. lv
W,W) !l'i,i,i
11, 'W ll,(
12, ui) l,tn
Otll' H,,U!1V
rivof'innri-H .
I'lirep miunrr
, !!,)
, 1VI
'our minim'..
11,110 31,11,1
Italr coluiuli,.,
lm 211,' n)
'.H.IW s,,iy
lino rnliinin .
Ixpoutor's and Admlnistrntor'n Notice .1,fl0 An
lltor's Notice ?J,V). Other ndvi rtUoiucntt lne r
ted ucconliinf to Hpfclfll contract.
Ilipdnesi notices without ad vertKcmcnt.twotity
-entH per line.
TninslentatUurtNcnienlH payable In ndVftnco-
nil olhors tlue arter the lint Imertlon,
3 It Is In till nuttn, more likely to bp natUfie
lory, both ta cubM-rlber and to the PnlilNhers
thut lemUlanec-Kand all ronimiink-atlonHrot-'!-ing
the ImslneHsof thoipor, bo cnt dliect to tin
oillceof publk-ath-n. All letters whether rctatlm;
to the editorial nr lntiiipfH roneoriH nf the puper,
nud all pa inrnlK fur nibcrIptlous mUt-ilKfnc,
or Jobblii'i.nre tfi be made to niul nddtc Med
imofirwAY & ntiiK.n,
"CtolwiifArm OjTlcr,1"
IlLOiiMSuruo, Pa. nuM.on'- IlulIdliiKs, near tho Court
(Iniivc, by
v, VAxnnnm.ici:.
piuxtt x o
Ni'iUly cxi'TOtcil nl IIiIm otllir,
51. I.'VI'.l.l.K,
A Till Il.N l-.y.A T-I.A W,
.s1ilani1,hilitilUlll fDlmty, IVnn'a.
A X T O H N II Y - A T L A W,
lUrwlck, Columbia County, Peuiin.
" J M. TKACOir,
A T T O tl l: Y -AT- li A V,
HcruUk, Columbia County, IVmi'n.
A T T O tl X i: Y .ALL A W
A T T O P. N ll Y AT LA W ,
onw-e Willi P. IL Little, In brlerc bnildlriff nd
iiniti'i pt.s- cimee. liountles. H,uk-Pii. and
f Vii1oii enlter ted. iepai'(i7.
joii.n c. i-itr.KZK,
A TI ( It N ll Y-A T-I. A W,
iillco 111 Iti-vl' ti r nn, I Ptfpnrtlpr'd pinr In tl.o
l,li'lili lit of the Court HnilfcO, lllnnmlanp, P.l.
JOlSIMtT K. Cl.AltK,
oil'n'o r,,rni,r ul Main kikI MurUit Miti-tH, civ,-i
rirnt Nntlti'titl Hank. lllnoliNlairt', l'n.
11. "ij""rr i' 1, !:,
ATT OH N I'. V-A T-I, A W,
Ofnrn 1,11 .Main Mrce!, In Lrk-U laill'lijig holuw ll.c
(mill Iliato, lllnnniOairi;, 1'tt.
Q li. 11U0CKWAY,
lil.onMKlirufi, VA.
ifOrnrr Court llouu' Alliy, 11. iw llu. fn
hniMan Olllpp, IJnlH'l.T.
JU.nOMHHl'l-0, I'V.NS'A.
fi.ll,.,' In rnaiitfii'i lliitl.lliiu, Mnln Mrwl. Win
if tlio Aint-rli'ipt IIiiinp. Iinyril?.
Would Infurm the elllmu? of Illoom-bnrir im-1
Iclulty that he U now i rpot ext totlonll kln-Not
piiitiuir, Niivr tirRuid, ik'i'Dur;,
l V C T I () X K i: u.
mohi:s cnri'MA.N,
Illl IIU InlloM'iil tllf profi'HHlott Dfl'ulillll Vl Iiiiin1
CiU'i' lor lintnv .rnrx, Mmilil Inform his fi'li-ii,N
Hint ho N ttll In llm tii'l.l, riMiitv nnit Mlllltm
att. n.l ti.all tha ilutli'N i,f IiIm onlllin;. ri'iion-iloi-lilna
IiIh wrvlaf-HRlaaiUl cull di wtlto In,
ai l,!o,,im.l,iii, Pa, iniir','!.".
-J-)lt. II. IJHADLl-W,
" (Late A sNtunt Meillenl Dluctor tT. H, Army.)
Jtji Odheat the house opnoKlte HlllvtM llliK'k,
lUuomshwm, Pa,
Calls promptly nttrndod to Nitli jiljlitTiul day.
t!loom-hii'tr, Jan. Is W7.
C. ,S Jl I V J'J,
r a n l N l: T l a K i: it,
ANil MANt-J.MIl'lini 11V Hltd r
SAHll, 1SUX1JH, D00HS,
H II I T T I! 1! N, M O I! I. D 1 N (1 S,
wixnow ritA5ii:s, iU.
main Nrnmr,
Iil.ooSlr.nt'Wi, I'A,
Jiini' I'lfr.
0 e. (dl.i.lXH,
' 1' A Hit 10 NAHM'
iivii W iiim. in ! A Jiiiol'i. Ii'e ('remit haltiai.,, pa,
Ilalr Pyi'lnii nml WliNlti'i'i. u.lnrnl MncH or
Iiiomii. lltili Innli iuili).iii ili'iuliuiritnillii'iin
1 ft Inn tin hull t Mill utlia, lailr In lu original
l't'1,,1 Millll'llt .lillllIU till' f. IH M 11.1,1 i,',llIIMIltlll
on Inillil. ii.l'J'i,T,
N 'I' I S T II v
Hivpct'lfulh ulterw U1h pi oft huinl mtiIioi. lo
the I't'll- 'lid I'-Hth tin n nt llli.i'iiibunr mid N
ellidy. It- I" I'H'i ii i tl tn title ml luallthc mm N
nUhop laliuliis ht I In llnool IiIh pi i ! huu, and
U pio hh d uhh t o bib kt linpniMd Pom 1 1. mn
'1 n Til width will bn Inwrhd on imtd ptnlluv.
KiHti and i nbbt r I not- In luuk ju u II iimi lit- pat
nralltith. 'N i th t Miuetttl by nil Ibc- m w and
mc'Ht hi j im. ii nn i la i in, iimi nil u i nitli mt mi
tilt tl t 111 i UU l It I I I (I I'"'! l Id 1 1 lull tl lu.
Ititkithliii Mil illn ti lew tloc-U ahiAi1 the
( iiliil l I'M i mi i tie.
llhiiliu.! ill tf, Jiih.M, l-Alf
f, , mi 1)1 iiiiim m nn r
K . 1 t h. i lu ) W WlMiil,
run v i I i r h i a.
(tltoicf goctry.
wur.x 'mis )i.i 11 t was .nv.
riiiftJiiHtly po nlur i,ntie, n,ni,i(,l lo Hip I'mr,, I
1111,1 in 1,1111,.' 1 1,11 1 nr upiniiui a n on i
tltni .i lit', nn I'lltrrprNllnt lintl.. In Ni'iv Y'tllt I
iiiui 11 in-, tini iiiiin- iiww vvmf, .ni'ii 1111,1
I 7'','a'np,iivi-rhli.ti,lvorlN,-nirnl. llm hcrnllliill
, HkjUIm tailtlNlirw 1 1 HI l K III ll,P rf'Kllrl lu IN I
I llnii.nnil 111 lit. suppli 1111 nt, Th., wain wo writ- !
, in, liv 1 ot t'ai I,,,., ,.r il,., ,.,ii,.,mi r n'tit !
I cni.rMhtA -'.nii ilia iifriHinii nriii,, Nii Mutiii.
lrn ru-M giviiiK hli.i Hi,1 prnia-r ci'ftilt far it,
I i.llllioi.hlp. Il.l
npf.ire tlilsol.l lmt wn,ma,p,
Kltix 0,'orgii mud nn liU lliroiip,
Our fatlircn all wore UilK'N ILph,
Aial loiijilit fur Watililnlon ;
Tim turlc, ili' cr,',! fornlil King OoorRo
llm Uuvutiitloii tliruniili,
Aial nn vgiiltiliiitit tlu-lr"lojMty("
V.ra tlllHiiKl li it wits lietf.
When thin old ul vrnn new.
The ttniih of that on.' crowd
Itevh tnl Hit- ciy ot Loynlly,"
And bulloued U aloud.
Tin rtnvt-i nnieiitour fathcrt made,
Port betu wiiutd nevortloj
And they bava torn It bulwark clown,
Hliuu thh old hat wan now,
When thlHolU 1ml was new,
H11-10 wiih 110 public debt,
No Uiot nimckrt look tho place of gnld,
Nn lulllloiiulto liflil Jet
111k pila of r.ccnthlrtie upe nt
On which 110 tax w at clue;
But each man lalily paid hid tnx,
When thl old hat won now,
When thin old lmt m new,
ThU tainl van tu Ur prime,
MNet m nmhiii whm uutiitiKht
In all thli happy clime;
And uhtiu lulkH then wile thought
Ah Rood as Saiubu, Cuiror Sue;
Hut lliln haw Midly ilinngct about
Hlueo this oltl wut new.
When iliit old hot was new,
fluid dollars did abound,
And not n f tamp In till the land
Could mijitioicbe found;
P.ut now jo In tiot kiss your wife,
t'lilfsM 5 uu fct injihenetoj
hut things I tell j nt, Mcie lmt -o
AVlnn this old hat win U(v.
SUs march Ehronffh tho South With
tho Tlag.
.)i'i ciAL coii.orTiir. mould.
MnNT,.oMi:ny, rcbrntiry il.
You may liavo sttn telegraphic men
tion, that an ex-tolillcr namid liiitps
was ciiiTj ing tlio Hag on foot through
nut tin1 fjouth, mid (killed sumo fullir
iiocnmit of tho uiidertaldiig. To liegln,
tliLrelbri'.Cillbert 11. Date-., llv(" at Kd
geiton, ltoek County, Wl-consln, and
iltiring tlio war ,-erved in surgeant In
tliel''iit VI-foiiiii Heavy Artillery.
At llii'olojool'lioitililii-ihp went lionp'.
mid tiller iiiculliigmorovpr-is in tiUii-lie-.",
whkli deprived lilm of nearly all
ids Utile More, pureliiiscil ttliout live
aerct) of good, deep, lith Mill nml wont
into the guipe culture. While thus en
gaged and lia lug as little Idea of com
ing Smith as he had of flying, the ex
H'lgcaut dtojiped into the village one
evening to get hi-, mail. Some uccldciit
delaying Hi. train, lie waitid for a while
at tlioolllie and llnally started liome.oii
ly lo leiiiemher alter going a lew steps
that lie wauled a pipe a common clay
plpp, price one penny and from the
pureliiiM' nf till-pipe came the trip fiom
Vk'hfhurg lo Wn-liliigion City, as here
Inafttr to lieddcrihid. Stepping in for
Ids pipe, our gruiil-t found the
knot ol's 1 lingo politicians holding high
, dehate, thogriat tliciiioli'itig,of eour.-p,
Kt con-trut'tlon. Thi- was on the I llli
of Iieceniher la-t, and now let meglve
tlio Moiy for u while us relati d to me l.y
Sergeant II. liini-ell.
3lo-t of 'em was rainp'iiit Had-.; hud
never lieen in tin1 warand didn't know
anything almut the feelings of the
Southern teople, or anything of the
Milt. I dliuUd ino-t of my eonver.-a-tlon
Villh olio man, and ho i-ays, "The
piople in the South nreju-t a- hail reh-
Is now it tiny ever were. That's mj,
Seryeitnt Kalis, 1-n't It'." Xo, hi.v-I,
Some may ho that way, hut I helleve
the greater pari ol or them gave up In
good fall h and arc well di-poied now to
the I'liion. "YVhoo!" Ktys he, "why,
don't you heliovo if the tumps was to he
wltlidiuwn tl'tit Hie ting would ho torn
down and trainphil under foot almot-t
ho fore tho hluo coatp, could get out ol
i-lghtV Why, i-ays he, why d u 'em.
tliey'reju-t llkollie Injuns on the plains.
Tliey'roju-t like tho t'aiminchis hy nn
Hire. They po.-.-e-s no genero-lty."
Xow, ( onlliuii'd the Sergeant, 1 re
in u had humor tliat day, not that 1 ni
ton tun j generally I'm luagond humor,
lint 1 got a little nngiy, a little o.xcl
tul, In fact, and o.iu't know put
It In my head, hut says I, are you in
turnout? "Yes, ays ho, "they'd t( ur
tlio Higdowii anil trample it under
fool." Well, cays I, I'm a poor tuiiii
and can't allord to have my family,
hill, If you'll give mo . dollar a day for
tliein, I'll go lo Vick-lmrg, 1 don't
'know whatiimde me think of Vitks-
hlirg, p'lhap-, hkCUtifC It was the hack
honooftho rohellhm without m ney,
and tluough the South with tho lljg.uil
annul. So after romo more talk, they
drew up the writings there lu regular
lawyer form and we agreed on It. I'rotty
Minn he ln-litid on my needing. 'Tor
(lOtlVfakoglve Hup," said lio,"you wont
get ton miles from Vick-lnirg ;" and he
lioiiistly holh'M'il and so did tho others,
mid tiled to persuade mo not to go,
Tlio man that mailt, the proportion
tried agitln, siylng, 'I'd never gel lo
Wiii-lilngloii, that I'd ho wiped out,
and thou all the uetghliorswoiildlilame
him for It." Hut It was no u-e, I w,h
determined to go llien, nndjii-t here the
plucky grapl-t Inoked as firm us If hi
was at Ids gun ready for action, Thou
ho it'-iiiiii'd :
Thi- Is the agreement i To enter
Vh kshtiig w 1 1 1 iuii t money mid curry tho
I nlteil Slates Hag from there to AN ash
Ington on foot, through all cilice it ml
towns and hy ul1 collections of people
mid carry the ling unfurled. Of nights
and doling storms to furl tho 11. ig, pro
vlileil 1 pa-setl through no such cltle-
or towns and hy nn Mich collection of
people. And not to travel hy night
mid at all limes he unarmed, To em
ploy. If I wished, ono person us guide.
hut to have no person or persons to pro
tect mo day or night, though any might
accompany mo w hodo-lred voluntarily
Duo dolliti a day to lie paid my family
In iiim' I tot to Washington, hut If tlio
Hag was Insulted or 1, while hearing it
tin one il" liar u day to hi forfeited,
Thai', tho ii'Tocmout, mid thu way 1
cunc to tnko tlio wnlk, mid tiptnllir;
pro-out (lino Hit feeling lini Iippii In
ti'iiw. f 'utifoilcrrttn yolillps linvo enmo
from forly-llvo mile, off my line tot-cr-
omtilc inf mill takp 1110 liy lliplmnd, In
., . rf ...
Inn p ca n women liavo cninp wltli
lliplr chll Iron mid crlpd, uml tho old
men would iiliow (par. Ifpro, at Mont-
gntnory, Jmt outside tlio city, a young
lad v dia orated tlin fl'to- with laurel nml
i flowers. Her father, n largo planter
j who stifTerod a good deal I gtics, In (hp
I war, had Ids cotton burned, a largo
j amount of It, Ids gln-hnti-o burned, mid
tho ladlos carriage tilled Insldowlth
I brush ami turned np-ldo down nml
, burnt by Wll-on or sotno of 'em, canto
j out with me when I started, to bid mo
good-bye, and put one hand In mine
ttnd one on tho Hag and burst Into tears,
broko completely down, and It was
hjiiio minutes before ho could get out
his utterances. Tlio tears run down his
Homo thought 1 might nppit'licnd
moil In liquor, and of cotir-o I've met
sumo drunken men, but the most they
would do would ho to tnko hold of me,
or touch the. Hag and say you know
how men In liquor do they dared any
body to Insult that flag or tlio man Hint
hud It. That's tlio way drunken men
would do -challenge any ono to Insult
Sergeant K.itosor the flag. Deputations
from town.- to the right nml loft of the
lino would meet mo, mid Invito mo to
pa's through their town-' and visit t hem;
and llioy'vesent money to my wlto and
children lu a great many eases. I have
gone out In citizen's dross, and gone
among all classes In dl-gul-o, especially
confederate soldiers; und they all say,
"(five us tlio Constitution nml tut equal
chance; that's nil wo want. One old
gentleman cuiuu up to inc. 1 was rest
ing, and had tlio stall' lu my hand, and
ho gra-ps It and tomes up 'long side me
and says: "You're North and I'm
South, nml that's as it should bo, both
under the shadow of the Hag," Whole
towns would come out to seo me. Soon
us tho flag would hmvc lu sight, whole
towns would turn out und run hero
the .Sergeant gicw excited in his lcinin-i-ionconiid
half ro-o from hlschulr mid
waved IiN arm aloft nm llko a charge
ol Infantry to welcome mo and extend
the hand of frlondsliip. llofoto noon.a-
t would bo walking along, I havo had
invitations to dinner nil along. In one
day tlitro were flltoen (l.'i). I countid
'em, They would inn out und suy;
"Come Sergeant, dinner's, all ready und
you inu-t stop and out." You see, If I'd
-topped before dinner, 1 couldn't have
got live miles a day. At Vlek-luirg all
crowded mil to Fie mo und every body
wanted loslinkeliands,and they crowd
ed around, -o the Mayor had to open a
path llivnngh for ma to bturt. l.vory
lindy wnntetl to shako linuits and nlino-t
every hand had money. I refused all
but oi.e man's hand. I saw It was
white a gentleman's hand it cla-pod
mine nml h ft a silver half dollar. That
kept. At Solum, ex-tiovernor Jlooro
l iovernor of Alabama when the onll
.mice of scus-hm wns pnsscd wanted
me to take quite tin amoiiil out of his
private pui'-e, and wanted me logo and
tay at hi- lum-iyo that itiould bo seen
tlio rels Is wouldn't hurt me. And now,
iid the Sergeant, breaking -liort olf lu
i most manner and takiu
lip into politics, I toll you the South-
I'lici'sure lighting negro equality alone;
not the (lag. Don't you think ;o .
Ami to this query what could your cor
ie-pondeiit do but Jitst the very tiling
that he did do, as-uro tho sergeant that
on that point liis neail wa- us it vol
as hi- heart was stout.
Deceiving till- us-iir.iuce, Sergeant
Mates recurred to his undertaking, mid
gave a running diary of Ids tramp as
Agreement made lith December,
lRii". Started from lMgerlon, i-cou-
-in, mi tlio lith January, Mis, ami
reached Vickshurg, Mi--., within ten
lays thereafter. Soon as they knew 1
was-In the city everybody came to seo
mound lu particular every Confederate
illlcer In the place. 1 stayed four days
mill It -eillled a- though tin' people
could not do enough for me. They
tve me everything hunt, socks, a
suit of clothes ami o on. The cltir.en-
bolight lite silk und miiiip dres-miiker.-
or milliner.-made It up. Tlio Jluyor
gnvo me a letter, signed with the -eal
of tho city, commending me to Hie
coiirle-ie- uf the people throughout my
trip, and Col, .1. 31. I'artiitlge, nn ex-
Confederate, presented me thu 11 tg in a
very neni speech. I left VK'k-liurg nt
noon on the 2-'tli of -lanunry, Hie day
being cool and plcit-aiit when 1 started,
ti large crowd with u brn-s lutul seeing
mo oil'. Towards night it snowed, hut
I pu-lied on, crn-sod the Klg Klnck and
lopped that nl'.'ht fourteen Ul) muc
oid. J'lom Vlck-hlirgtn.Siiniu J fol
lowed the track of tlio railroad, and tho
pisst'ugor trains would stop as I would
meet them and tlioeoiidiic.or and plu
ngers k'vp mo supplied with papers
mid give mo apples, oranges, money
for unvlltile tiling on thi) way ami so
Jumiutji 211 Stopped at Clinton, 311-n.
Oullca villnge.nud Itucmcdiisthough
Hie whole town turned out to wohvimo
January !5D KeiU'hed Jack-on, tlio
iidtal of .MIU-lppI, mid found quar
ters provided for mo at tlio hotel. Tho
acting mayor received mo with an ad
dress at the capital, and, by request, I
left the ling on tho Speaker' de-k In
tho Convention hall till morning,
January 1)1 I wont in mid got tho
Hag oll'tho do-k, Tho Convention was
in so-slou, and ro-o, They worn whlto
black, uml yelow ; tho hull was filthy
oiiio were dre-scd w ell nml othersiioor
ly; pooilj, I menu, for men lu their
po-Itiou us members of a Convention.
That night 1 stopped at Krnnilon, 3Ilss.,
and hero there wits u largo crowd to re
ceive me. Two citizens came out on
the road to conduct mo in, A splendid
dinner was prepared for mo, und u
number cuiiie to seo mo, among them
(icneral Hubert Dowry, an ex-confrd-crate
l'tlintary 1 -Deft Krnndon mid reach
ed Moultim Ml-s, it little place, mid
here Colonel C W. Taylor, formerly oi
the eon federate army, oll'ertd
mo me
hospitalities of hD hoiisc.
J'lbrutir '2 To I.nke, 3t!ss, This h
a small plnie, but there was a great
turn-out. I slopped hero, by Invitation,
wlthCaplaln Clack, cx-coiifcdorate, mid
before leaving his wlfo gnvo me a horn
drinking cup nmdo by her husband
while a prisoner at Lookout, and I've
found It about the most ti-oful thing
given mo In tho trip so convenient to
drink fritn the springs by the way.
Jibruary 3 To Hickory, 3Iks., and
entertained hero by 3Ir. A. Gray, a
mnhistrute. Here, on account of slorms
I remained two day. On thf second
night n largo number of old Confeder
al!! soldiers enmo In, somo of them,
from forty-five (lo) miles nwny, bring
ing their old army fiddles, mid gave
mc a serenade, and bhook mo by tho
hand. Tliccrowds cmno In from both
sides of tlio village, und said there
wasn't u man, women orchlld for miles
back In tho country Hint hadn't heard
of Sergeant Kates currying tho flag,
JUrimry fi Deft Hickory and urrlv
'd nt Meridian, 3llss., Just, on tlio Ala
bama lino. Was mot hero by 3Iayor
Henderson, cx-caplaln C. S. A,, and
ten 'ered the ho-qiltulltles of tho city
inti found rooms provided for mo at the
hoi I.
J bruary (i Deft 3loridlmi, and en-
toi d tho State of Alabama, with colors, nt I 1'. m. Wns mot hero by a
lurgo number of citizens, nml taken for
tho night to tho residence of 3lr. A
II. Clay, a largo landowner, living near
i little place called Cuba.
J-cbruury "--Arrived ut Coittopah, a
village, und met, us iistiui, by a turn
out of citizens.
JUruify S Arrived nt 3lcl)onneir.s
Hridgo, nud found u deputation from
tlio citizens of Jlemnpolls, Ala., uwalt
Ing my arrival, Was taken totliohou-o
nf 3Iajor l'lorco, cx-C. S., during my
stay. Here I stayed over Sunday, flth,
Februury !) Immcno number of peo
ple eamo to seo mo.
February 10 Doft, and arrived nt
IJiiiontown, Alabama; whole town out
to welcome me; was tho guest hereof
3lr. J. 51. Hudson, a former Confodcr-
nlo soldier.
Ftbruary 11 Arrived ntSclma, Ala.,
at ." p. in,, mid was mot by a deputation
from Hit- citlzous,of six gentlemen, and
ex-Con federate oillccr-; was taken to
tlio chief hotel and welcomed by ono of
tho committee lu the name nf the citi
February 12 Stopped over In Selma
to-day, and nt night there was a big
meeting; ex-Oovern.or 5looro nud ex
Governor 1'ar-ons nmdo speeches. The
hall was jammed, und a grrnt many of
tho llr-t ladles of tho city woro present.
Thundoring applaiwo greeted mo when
1 eamo in with the Hug. I thought tho
floor would enmo through.
Jibruary 111 Another meeting was
held lo. day and, with great cheering, u
resolution wns adopted ulioiit the Hag.
This Is the resolution referred to:
Jlctnlml, "That wo heartily approve
of each nud every principle embodied
In tho Constitution of tho United Stutes
und Hint we regard the flag of tho Cnl
on us tho sign und symbol of those
principle-, und wo solemnly pledge
ourselves, to support the ono and up
hold and defend tho other-."
February 1 1 Deft .Selma and arrived
ut Kenton, Ala. Thero was a big crowd
hero, ami l was mot mm welcomed ny
Dr. Williams of Hint place, in a speech,
the citizens giving "three cheers for tlio
flag." A very nice dinner was prepared
for nn- hero, und after dinner a special
now canoe was leady to carry mo to the
other side of tho swamp. I arrived at
night at tho White Had plantation near
Montgomery, und received u very warm
Jibruary lfi Kpached .Montgomery,
once the capital of Hie confederacy, with
the Hag, unharmed, and was mot out
side of the city by a number of citizens
und many of tlio infantry and cavalry
stationed here, with whom 1 stayed un
til Monday morning, 17th, when the
citizens' reception took place. I've
never had any Interruption oll'ercd me
and have been most kindly treated ev
erywhere nlong the route.
Willi this lewd the sergeant, nud
shortly alter took Ids leave, l-'or hl
litnuiuicl, Sergeant Katisi-thirly year
old, live feet nine, solidly built, has a
soldler-llko air, and a steady pleasant
face, with Hie square, firm, determined
Jaw thut marks the American as a man
supereminently Ht to do mid dare.
When traveling, our walkl-t wears a
suit of black velvet, jacket and pants
made lor him ut Viek-luirg, a black
velvet cup on the navy stylo, large, en-
sy walking boots up to tlio knee, und a
belt, girdle, and socket for tho flag -tall'.
This stall', made of cotton wood is very
light for its size and length, and to It is
fa-teiied the flag fa-hloiipd out of very
handsome, 'tout silk und und surmoun
ted by two heavy silver tns-els-all a
pro-ent from the citizen- of Vickshurg.
Herein Montgomery, the quondam
capital of Hie late So-called, the Sergeant
met with a very enthusiastic reception,
and t'eiiarted yesterday morning, after
flvo days nf speechifying uml pro-out-making,
Qimrters wcro assigned him
at ono of the hotels, and a formal recep
tion given him on 3Iondny morning
lust -bra-s band, open carriage-, mar
shals on horseback, and so on succeed
ed by n banquet; which banquet wns
in tlio Ilrst place, good, and In the sec
ond plate largely contributed lo by tho
skill of a gentleman of color, lato a dele
gate in the Alabama Kind; Crook, who,
sluco the decease of the "coir-tlliitlou"
has turned his attention from govern
ment to grills and yuum. Long may
ho wave lu this latter department of
reconstruction !
Wednesday tho Sergeant u-cended to
tho douio of tho cupltol, and, over the
halls where tlio Alabama ordinance of
secession was ndoptcdnnd tho ll st Con
federate Congress mot, waved tho flag
to tho four quartern of tlio globe. That
night n splendid crimson sllksa-h, heav
ily einbo oil and fringed with gold,
mid bearing the inscription, "I'rimi the
Dadlosof Montgomery," waspreseiited,
mid so, nfter another night of festivity,
for a ball followed, the cx-l'illon soldier
who was not nfridd to titi-t lilmolf
alone, unarmed und penniless, w'lth tho
flag In hand, to the "rebellious" South,
went next morning upon his way.
I Hy tome tltuy In April ho trtisti
reach Washington, his Journey's end,
and thence hies homoward to Mrs. 1!,,
nud ouo child about six, another, n tiny
woo "dodillo'' of three. His way lies
by Columbus, 3IllIcdgovlllc, and Au
gusta, Georgia; Columbia, South Caro
lina; Knlclgh, North Carolina ; nml so
on to Washington. Dot us hope, with
out a hair touched, tho stout Wi-coii-
flan may make his statement good to
travel from one end of the South to the
other, unarmed, alone, on foot, without
money, nud with tho star nud stripes
In hand. So far ho has met tho open
hand iti-tead of tho clinched fist, and
heneefoa ward may all tlio gods still wait
upon his way. H. D.
An Old-r.ishloncd Teacher.
"J'atrick, do you know your letters?"
"YD, stir."
"Say them then."
"I know tliein by sight, stir; lmt I
don't know their names."
"Well, Hint is A."
"How are you, AV" ,
"You must not speak in Hint way."
"In what wny shall 1 spake thin,
"Say what I say."
"Yls, our."
"This is K."
"Sure, an' Is that K? 1 thought It was
nn ox-yoke."
" lint was that last letter I showed
you V" .
"I can't remember, sur."
"What bird Is it that lays honey and
"Is It a wasp, stir?"
"Xo; It Is a bio."
"So it Is; and looks llko an ox-yoke."
"What letter Is that third ono on the
p.i go?"
"I don't know, stir."
"What do I do when I look nt you?"
"I shouldn't like to say, sur."
"Tell mo what I do when I look at
you. "
"Well, stir, you squint."
"Can't you say 0 without tho squint?"
"Yis, sur."
"Say it then."
"C without tho squint."
"What is tlio name of the next let
ter?" "I don't know, sur; I nlvers.iw It ho
fsie.'' "Well, It isD, for dunce; Just llko
your.-clf. Say that."
"D, for dunce ; ju-t like yourself."
"Tnko your ,pat, and the spelling
cluss will come up and spell. Spell cat.
" ' Tan't right. Xow spoil tub."
"T-u-li wash-tub."
''Tan't right. Xow spell frog."
"I'-r-o-g hull-frog."
" 'Tan't right. Xow go to your scats
ana simiy, nml tlio geogrnphycla-s will
come up and sjy their les-ons Jnmr
W here does the sun rise?"
"1 don t know, sur. Wo never got
up In tlmo to see tho performance nt
our house."
"Xoxt. Where does the sun rKo?"
"Down In our lot, sur."
"Xoxt. Where does tho -tin rise'.'"
"In the ea-t, sur."
"What makes the -tin ri-e In tho
"Yea-t will make anything
Coxruiitxci:. "You say you havo
confidence in Conkem, tho plaintiff, 5Ir.
"Vi-, sir."
"State to the court, If you please,
what cati-cd this fei llngof cnnlldenco."
"Why, you see, sir, there's idlers re
ports about oHton'-hou-o men, nn' 1
u-ed lo kinder think "
"Never mind what you thought tell
us what you know."
"Well, sir, ono day 1 goes down to
Cookem's shop, and soz to the waiter,
'Walter,' soz I, 'give's a weal pie.' "
"Well, sir, proceed,"
"Well, Just then 3lr. Cookem come
up, an'-cz he, 'How du youdit, Smith?
what ye going to hov?"
" 'Weal plo.'sez I.
"' Good,' soz he; 'I'll take ono tu.'
So beset- down and cul-oueof hlsown
weal pie- right uforo mo."
" Did that cause your confidence In
lilm V
"Yis, Indeed, sir; when nn eaten'-liou-o
keeper sets down tiforo his cus
tomers und deliberately cats ono of bl
own weal pics, no man lefu-es to feel
coiilldence II shows him to bp mi lion
e-t man."
Tm; National Dr.ivr Wr.iniir.u
and 3rr.Asri-.r.n.3!r. John l'nlr,
calculating machine of New York city,
tlms mea-ttres and weighs four thou
and millions of dollar-, width ho us-
sumps i-, or is lo be Hip National Debt
iii- -am i uai mis iicni is so riat
that It I- too vast for comprchen-Ion.
Now ns a practical man 1 propose to
wi is;h It and lmasuro It, that we may
thereby obtain a more definite idtn ot
its iiimiou-tty.
A silver dollar Is 1 Inches In diame
ti-r; SSplaecdulgo to edge will make
ono foot in length; 421 -o placed will
mnko ono yard iiilengili.mid $12,210 so
placed will make one mllo In length.
Tho earth Is 2l,,'iiio miles in circumfer
ence, It would therefore, roqulro $012,-8--1
,)00 to go once around It. Tills sum
must be multiplied by four and four
tenths to make it equal the nmnunt of
our National debt, width would make
the silver dollars go nround the earth's
circumference four times mid cover s,(ii)
mile- bo-Ides. Allowing u silver dol
lar to weigh nn ounce, 1U to ti pound.
2000 pound- to the ton, our debt would
weigh I2.1,(ino ton,, nud would require
12"i ships of 1,000 tons burtbifii each to
carry it.
It would make ti2,.'i0ii truck loads of
two ton- each; uml calculating that
each truck will cover a space of thirty
feet, they would stretch a distance of
3V) miliw, und mnko n chain of trucks
which would encompa-s thogrcut lilies
of New or!., Albany mid Troy In an
i elliptical line. It would take u man
I yours und lo days to count the
, amount ol this ,ust debt, esHiuatln
that lie would count G0 per minute,
working ten hums tuluy and six days a
lliPN't m proposes tj go out of the
shi'W buslntss.
A lady wm anxious to mnko her hus
band n present on tho occasion of hl
birthday, and It happening to full lu
winter, sho thought a dressing-gown
would bo n most useful acquisition to
his domestic comfort. So sho went nnd
purchased n Hno I'erslnn-pnttorn, meri
no one, well wadded. Not remember
ing tho exact height of her husband,
sho thought It best to pttrclmso ono
rather too long than too short, to make
sure of its usefulness. Tho day was
wet, her husband returned In tho after
noon, nntl sho presented him with the
now article of comfort; nnd ho fancied
It Indeed a great comfort after ho had
putol his wet garments. Kut It was
about ten Inches too long. "Oh I never
mind," said tho uffectionato wife, "I
can easily shorten It to suit you." They
had n party In tho evening and wcro
very merry, and every ono of their
friends admired tho beautiful dressing-
gown. After they hnd gono to oca tlio
wind and rain made such a nolso that
tho wlfo couldn't sleep; her husband,
however, snored musically. Sho nroso
without disturbing lilm, took thodress-
Ing-gown nnd commenced her work,
cutting off about ten inches to mnko it
stilt her husband's stature nnd then
went to bed again. In the morning
she was up early to make somo nrrangc-
iiionts with her liousekeepur, ns several
friends were expected to dintur Hint
tiny. Scarcely had tho lady left tho
room when her sister a good natureu
elderly lady, who lived with them
stepped In oi Hp-toe, in order not to
llsturb tho sleeper, took tho dressing-
gown, and hastening to her own room,
cut off about ten inches, ns sho knew It
was too long for him tho night before.
An hour after, tho gentleman awoko,
und wns now anxious to surprise his uf
fectionato wife. Ringing for the ser
vant, ho was told to tnko tho dressing-
gown to n tailor, nnd have It mnde shor
ter by ten Inches. The good wlfo wns
detained longer than she expected, and
scarcely hatlthcdrosslng-gown returnetl
from tho tailor when she enmo Into tho
room. Her husband had Just risen,
and propo-ed now to surpriso his wlfo
and enjoy his comfort. Kut how sur
prised was his better-half to seo her
husband In a fine Persian-pattern meri
no shooting-Jacket instead of a com
fortable dressing-gown."
PliAYKK in Cour.T. Judge It
related the following Incident ns occur
ring in tlio court of ids practlco:
Ho was trying a petty case, In which
ono of tlio party was not able to pay
counsel foes, nud undoitook to plead his
own cau-p; but ho found In tho course
of the trial that tho keen nnd ndroit at
torney who managed the case for the
other party was too much for him in
legal strategy, evidently making the
worst appear tho better cause. The
poor man, 3lr. A , was In a state
of mind bordering upon desperation,
when the opposing counsel closed his
plea, nnd tho case was about to bo sub
mitted to theju-'tlcofor decision.
"May It pleaso your honor," said tho
man, "may I pray ?"
The Judge was taken somewhat by
surpri-o, nnd could only .-ny ho saw no
objection. Whereupon 3Ir. A went
down upon his knees, and nindo .1 fer
vent prayer, in which ho laid the merits
of the cn-u before tho Dord in it very
clear and methodical statement of nil
the particulars, pleading that right and
Ju-tieo prevail.
O Dord ! thou knowe.-t Hint the Inwj er
has ml-repre.-oted tho fact-, nnd Thou
knowest thut it I- so nnd so to tho end
of the chapter.
rguments which he could not pres.
out In logical array to the understand
ing of men, lie had no ditltciilty In ml
drclng tn tho Dard, being evidently
in tter vir-id lu praying than pottfog-
When lienro-ofrotn his kuce,K-qulro
W , tho oppo-ing counsel, very
much oxu-poruted by tho turn iifl'ulrs
had taken, said:
"3Ir. Justice, does not the closing ar
gument belong to mo?"
To which tlio Judge replied:
"You can cIohi with prayer If you
please ?"
Dsqulro W wa- In the habit of
praying at home, but not seeing tho
propriety of connecting his prayer
with hi- practice, wisely forebore, leav
ing poor A to win his caso, us ho
did, by so novel ninodo of pre-entlng It.
A D.vw SroitY. A few years ago a
couple of Dutchmen, Von Vunipt and
Vou Koncs, lived on friendly terms on
tho high hills of Limestone. At last
tliey fell out over a (leg. Von Vnmpt
killed Von Koncs' amino companion.
Kiine-, choo-lng to ussiuno tho killing
to have been Intentional, sued Vampt
lor damages. They were called in duo
time into court, when tho defendant lu
tlio ea-o was asked by tho Judge wheth
er ho killed the dog,
I'e sure I kilt him," said Vnmpt,
"lmt let Kofk'S prove It."
This being qulto satisfactory Hie plain-
till' in the action was called on to an
swer a few questions, and among other
ho was n-ked by tho Judgo at what
amount ho estimated tlio damages. He
did not well understand Hie question,
and o, to bo a little plainer, tlio Judgo
Inquired what ho thought the dog to bo
"Pesure," replied Hones, "tho dog
was worth nothing, but since he wns so
mean ns to kill him, ho shall pay do
full value or him."
How many suits liavo occupied the
attention of courts how many contests
havo engaged tho tlmo of tho public,
and havo been waged with virulence
and invective, having no more worthy
dlll'erenco than that of Von Vnmpt mid
Von Hones.
A l.oNO-bi'iU'dcd miller at Logan,
Ohio, the other day, carelessly suffered
his flowing honors to get caught lu a
revolving shaft, llrucing himself
promptly, Ids beard went by tho roots,
lie will hereafter have but little more
trouble lu shaving than before.
A CoNNiXTUTT paper publishes the.
following notice of u birth; "lu Corn
well rchruury 5th, ti sou to Julia
l''ilivliinau, L'q. n Democratic gain.