The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 13, 1868, Image 2

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ipic Columbian.
KH1UAY MOMS 1.1(1, MAHC'tt 13, ISO.
UlranlMlim In Columbia aurt adjoining
umtl.i of njr paper pnhtl.h.A lif r., and
I. alo a much largrr .li..t than any of
tWcoUMporarUal aud U tli.r. for. tli brat
M.dlara for advertising In Oil. ...Hoii of
hi mala
Wahhiiyotok. February 22,
Th. National Demoornlle Committee. by vlituo
of the snthorlty conferred upon them by the last
national vemocrmio uomeiiiioii,iii n iiiceiiuu
bald ttiM day at Washington, !. C. vnteil In ho,
tlia neit Convention for the tammse of llnmlnil.
Una candidate for President nml Vice-President
ottho united rttatmun the tin day or July, los,
l he Imsls of representation, a nxed by the last
National Democratic (.'(invention, Is double the
number of Rcnntor and nonresentatlvos In Con
gre.s of each Htnte under the last apportionment.
Knell hint Is Invited to send delegate! accord
AVOl'ST nnl.MONT.CbHlrmnn.
FllF.DEMCK O. J' lllNCE, Herretnry.
Keminliccncei of tho Convention.
The lntu Democratic Convention nt
Hurri-bury, was nttended by more
people than any we linve wen for a
lout; time. The Hall of the House of
Heprcscntntlvcs, In which It was held
wan crowded to repletion, nml hundreds-
were unable to gain admission, the
Convention was composed mainly of
young men, but anions them wero
found also such nble nml well-known
leaders ol tho party as Aneonn, late
member of Congress from Ilerks, Cassl
dy of Philadelphia, Hon. (iaylord
Church Into of theSupremo Court, Daw
son, also an ex-member of Congress ;
Judgo Flndlay, John A. Gamble, Sena
tor Ilopklnsof lJtiekshot-War memory,
and the gallant ficnernl Sweltzar of Al
legheny. The detention of tho train prevented
the Convention from proceeding tohusl
ners as early on the tiny ivs was desirable,
hut when they got to work, they con
tinued faithfully. The address of Mr.
Wallace was followed by the temporary
organlz;itlon, by the election of Mr.
llaudnll, who also hrlelly addressed
the Convention ; and upon permanent
organization, Mr. Hopkins made an el
Oinieut ppcech. The butlnet-B proceeded
On meeting in tho evening and find
ing tho committee on resolutions not
ready to report, the different delegations
proceeded to nnnounco tho district elee
tors, and the nnrnoa of tho Delegates to
the National Convention, to meet nt
Kuw York, July 1th. Tliero was then
a recesi. At nlue In the evening, Presi
dent Hopkins called tho Convention to
order. The report not being yet ready,
Delay of Clinton county was called on
for a speech i and was followed by Gen.
M'Caudless of Phlladeidhla. While ho
was speaking, the committee came In
aud reported a series of resolutions
which were unanimously adopted.
It wns then moved to proceed to the
nomination of n candidate for Auditor
General. A number of names were
beforo tho Convention. After the sec
ond ballot, the contest narrowed down
to tho names of Charles E, Hoylo of
Fayette, and A, D. Mnrkley of Mont
gomery. Tho con test was eloso and ex
citing, and the members showed their
Interest by the dlligeiieo with which
they kept tally. The result was In fa
vor of Mr. Boyle, and one of Mr. Murk
ley's friends, wo believe, at once moved
to mnko It unanimous ; which was done
amidst tho wildest enthusiasm of the
members and audience.
Mr. Boyle isn young man, belngnnly
nbout 32 years of ago; but ho hns been
a member of the Legislature, was last
year tho presiding otllcer of the Demo
cratic Btato Convention ; is a very able
lawyer, and a most genial and unassu
ming gentleman. In person he is rath
er n smaller mnn than General lint, the
nominee for Surveyor-General. Mr.
Boylo Is exceedingly popular among
Ms acquaintances, and the congratula
tions showered upon him were very
sincere; for bo It understood that these
nominations aru made to win.
A motion was then made to proceed
to the nomination for Surveyor-General.
Although tho nominations hud been
closed, by tho content of tho Conven
tion, Mr. Turner of Luzerne offered the
name of General Wellington It. Knt,
of Columbia county. After the first
ballot a number of nttmus were with
drawn, when the accomplished General
Sweltzerof Pittsburg, who had himself
been named but who positively de
clined ; addressed tho Convention in a
most tolting speech, recounting General
Kut's M-rvlw In the field, and remark
ng In conclusion : "It is a short' naiiio
gentlemen, and the General Is a small
mtiu, but 1 tell you I never saw a big-
B-r man in a fight."
on the next ballot tho General got
more votes than all tho other candi
datotconiblnod.and being triumphantly
nominated; on motion It was mads
ouan imous. Delegates as well as spec
tators rising to their feet and respond
ing with ono tremendous "aye;" anil
some throwing up their hats In tho ox
oberance of their gratification. It was
it scene to gladden tho heart, and a sure
harbinger of n splendid canvass and a
glorious victory. It was some minutes
uororo mo convention couiu resume
work, tho delegates shaking hands with
each othor and their friends; many
persons crowding eagerly around tho
Columbia county delegation, Inquiring
for General Knt, and were greatly sur
prised to learn that he was at home, with
no thought of tho honor and position ac
corded him.
TIi. Convention then proceeded to
ballot for four delegates at largo tu the
National Convention. On the first bal
lot Judge Woodward, Governor lllg
ler, Judgo Asa Packer, and Hon. Is.iucc
E. IleUter wero choien. Judgo Wood
ward received the highest number of
votes, a flattering endorsement, due
doubtless to his last great speech onlm
peachraont. The truth Is, in that speech,
tho Judgo struck tho keynote or the
question, nnd tho great poj ular heart
responded simultaneously to the touch
of tho master,
It wus nearly ono o'clock at night,
when the Convention, having m happl.
ly finished Its labors; with the best
feeling nnd In tho highest hopes, with
thanks to the oflicers, and cordial good
wlshtfl to each other, adjourned.
Ajjout leaving town Thu snow.
den, Wellington R. Bnt.
(Ik.v. Kst Is well known to nil our
renders nml li.Hitn unsullied rvputntlon
both it soldier nml in a in.ui, lie wrw
born nt Unlit Street In (lit county.
AnguM 10th, 131, rtnd cotiMtiuently Is
ill yenri of net', lie L-railuated nt tho
I.iivv Pnlvprslty In Allmny, N. Y.
mid wns soon nftur ndinltted to tliojimc
tlco of law in this and adjoining conn-!
ties, which profession lie followed until
the out brink of thn war. Gen, Knt was
tho first to movi' in this county In tho
matter ot raising trooo, nml on the first
call of the President tendered his servi
ces, nnd wns unanimously elected to the
position of First I.loiitonnntof tlin"Iron
Guards," n company raised for threo
months, nnd which afterwards changed
Its tern of service to three years. This
company was accepted by tho Govern
or April 17th 18(11. On the isth of May
following, he was elected Captain of Ills
company, then known ns "A" of the
Gth lleserves, Captain Itickctts Its form
er commander, having been chosen
Co'onel of tho Regiment. Sept., 21st,
lWj'J, lio wns commissioned us Major of
the Itegluient, Nov., 20th 1802 I.leuten
ant Colonel, Mny 23, lb0;l Colonel, nntl
subsequently was breveted Brigadier
Genernl for gallant conduct In the field.
On tho 11th of Juno IN!!, he was mus
tered out with the Pennsylvania He
serve Corps, having served two months
over his time.
During this period the General par
tlcipnted with his Itegiment In the
principal buttles fought by the Army of
the l'olomac from Draluesvillo to Cold
Harbor, in which last engagement lie
received a bullet through Ills hand,
which has lamed him for life. During
Lee's first invasion of Maryland, ho
was homo on recruiting uervlce, but nt
the risk of a Court Martial and without
waiting to be relieved, went at onco to
tho front, and Jollied Ids Bcgliiicut in
time to participate in the battle of
Antlctam. Hound his Itegiment wero
particularly distinguished at the subse
quent battle of Fredericksburg; being
a part of the only charging column that
succeeded In breaking through tho ene
my's lino; had tho movement been
properly supported, victory Instead of
(lereal would havo crowned our banners,
At the battle of Gettysburg the General
specially distinguished himself, his
command operating on tho left In the
vicinity of Bound Top. During Grant's
campaign to tho tlmo of his muster out.
his career wns a brilliant one, nnd wo
doubt not the people will reward his
services in a triumphant election.
Slnco the war tho General has been
principally engaged In theiron business,
which Interest ho litis, deeply ut heart.
Ho is a fluent, forcible speaker, and ere
the campaign closes will give his oppo
nents a fair test of his intellectual abili
ties. At the timeor his nomination, nnd
slnce.he has been in Now Jersey on bu
siness, and no man was more surprised
than himself at the compliment.
Such are our candidates, and we go
Into the canvass with tlieconsjlousnes.
of having good men on the ticket,
pledged to constitutional prlnciplcs.aiid
wo doubt not tho people, by their tri
umphant election, will show that rea
son has resumed her throne, and that
the reign of passion lias ceased. And
now friends, go to work I
She New Hampshire Election.
ijutllclent returns havo been received
from thisStuto to show tho reelection of
Gov. Harrison by a reduced majority,
Tills event was not unexpected to us
for the Democrats have not carried the
tatate for fourteen years. Besides hold
lug all the offices, and having the pres
tige ot former successes, tho Rtnto was
flooded with Kadlcal speakers, and
more potent still with Itailical green
backs, for It was nn acknowledged fact
mac ticreat In New Hampshire meant
the loss to them or every State save Io
wa and Massachusetts. Notwithstand
ing the largely increased vote, the Dem
ocrats have more than held their own,
nnd have kept tho majority to so small
a flguro that their opponents have noth
ing to boast of. With a good nomina
tion for President wo will sween the
State, isolated as her population Is, and
to sotno extent away from the inflnen-
ces that operate in other States ; money
and effortill then be demanded in oth
er localities and tho Democrats will havo
a fairer opportunity to present their ar
guments to tho massed.
Republican Convention.
Lomuel Todd was made presiding of
fleer; Curtln beat both Grow and Gea
ry. It will bu n bitter tilll for P. John.
iw his preference was for Ben Wnde.
I ho Convention declared for General
Grant unanimously. For Vico Presi
dent, Andrew a. Curtln received 109.
BenJ. F. 'Wiido received 22. ami K. M.
Stanton received 1. voto
Tim present officers, Messrs. Hart-
ranft nnd Campbell, were unanimously
nominated for reelection to tho offices
of Auditor General ami Surveyor Gen-
Tho following wero chosen for Elect
ors at Largo:
C. Morrison Coiitcs of Philadelphia
and Thomas .M. Marshall of Pittsburg,
Thu following wero chosen Delegates
nt Large to the Chicago Convention :
John W. Forney, James II. Orne,
General Harry White, K. Heed Myer,
J. W. Blanch rd, Thomas K. Cochrane,
Linn Bartholomew, and General Win.
The Delegates were Instructed to vote
as n unit for Grant and Curtln.
A run set or resolutions was adopted,
and the Convention adjourned.
it is certainly odd enough that Ciller
Justice Chase should now give as a res
son for postponing tho trial of Jeff. Da
vis that lie must first presido at the tri
in or Andrew Johnson. When Davis
fell Into thu hands or Justice, Johnson,
of all men in tho country most earnest
ly iiemainied his trial and punishment.
Tliroo years havo passed nway, Johnson
himself Is denoupced us a traitor and
enemy or uio country, und tho trial of
wvisis postponed in order that tho
trial of Johnson may be prosecuted.
Thk friends of Ben. Wade, an Inter
ested party, say that ho has u rlorht to
sit as a Jurymun In the Impeachment
case. The Radical Pharisees wero aw
fully indignant when Senator Stock ton
voted on his side of the question, but
they now propose to let Wude voto to
make himself President.
OE.v. SilEimiAN lately visited a white
school nnd kissed some five hundred
girls. The next day lie visited a colored
school nnd never kissed a tiling. There
go nil your chances for the Presidency,
llttlo Phil.
V'asiiimito.v, D. I'., March 4, UiH.
KmrouaorTitECoLOMiitANt I lirtvn
been on the point cevernl timet, of tell
lnuyoii liovv pleased I nm with tho
muvessful course of tlio Col.UMIilAN
since you lirtve conducted It. In koikI
looks It Is well up to the stnmUrd, mid
In inutcrml prosperity It seeini to no
f'r nhead of Its contenloriirles. With
the unusual facilities for n country
newspaper which your office possesses,
there can be tin rational limit to Its
capacity to meet the demands which
mny be made upon It, nnd the promi
nence of your superiority over others
In this respect, warrants tho conclusion
that the pressure will be no light one ;
for nn nblllly to do work begets a de
mand for it, nnd In that degree en
hances the benefits to the community
of an establishment like yours.
1 f-co, by reference to the ndvcrtMng
columns of the Com'.mhian, that tho
llloomsbiirg people are awako to the
Importance of bringing their wares to
tho direct notlcoof your citizens, and In
this respect their action cannot ho too
much commended; but they havo n
practical Illustration of the value of
such a system In their Increased sales
The course which the Cot.UMMAN lias
pursued, in excludlngnll objectionable
advertisements from Its pages, gives to
tho advertiser the ndvniitnge of a relln
blllty on tho statements contained In
his ndvertlsement, which, when nso.
elated with tho advertisements that
many country papers contain, they do
not otherwise possess, and the "style"
of "setting them up," Is so far superior
to the usual mode in weekly newspiv
pcrs, that they are still farther benefit
ted by advertising in tho Com'.miiian.
How far superior a displayed advertise'
nient like M'Kelvy Neal A Co's,, Is to
ono with numerous cuts and largotype
is fully proven by a llttlo reflection on
the part of nny render. It Is the desire
of every ndvertler, of course, to prove
the sincerity of his statements; where
It is done in a "loud" manner, how
many would believe him ? This is Just
the difference one feels in contrasting
the two classes of advertisements. "We
say, tills man does not require a "lot1
of wood cuts to attract notice, but Is
confident of his ability to lirove Ills
truth by no extra panic, but by n
simple nrrny of fucts, and tho soliclta
lion of n fair trial. As reading matter
they arc so much more attractive, that
it requires no more than the statement
to prove its truth.
I look to the Coi.umiiian to far ex
ceed in circulation, the desired two
thousand of tho Jlepublican, for its su
pcriority over that paper is so manifest,
that it must always be foremost.
with many good wishes for your In
creasing prosperity,
I am, respectfully, yours,
(1m. II. Mooitt:
Tho Prisoners of State.
A meeting of tho victims of despot
ism under tho lato Abraham Lincoln
was held at tho hall In Gibson's build
ing, tu the city of New York, on the
22d day of February, instant, pursuant
to call.
James McIIeury.of Pennsylvania, was
called to preside, and Levi Colin, of AI
bany, N. Y., was appointed Secretary.
Tho chief business of the meeting wris
to consider the best time and plaeo for
holding a nuns convention of the
"prisoners or state," and others, who
suffered outrage to property or iktmii)
nt the behest of arbitrary power since
tho late war.
It was determined that such conven
tion should bo heldnt the city of Now
.York on tho third day of July next, nt
12 o'clock m., and that the General
Committee should be charged with tho
duty of providing a suitable hall for
tho convention. Tho following com
mittee was appointed to wit:
oe.vehai, committee.
Hon. James W. "Wall, of Burllcgton,
New Jersey, Chairman : M. M. Jones.
Albany. New ork: Colonel Snmue
North, Unadilla, New York; James M.
P. Nolan, St. Louis, Missouri; Dr. K.
Worrell, Delnwaro City, Delaware; A.
McGregor, Omtnn, Ohio ; M. Y. John
son, Galena. Illinois: Samuel Pike.
Southport, Connecticut ; Hon. (1, W,
urown, Baltimore, Maryland; L. P.
Millikiu. Fort Wavne. Indiana: II.
(.'lay Dean, Mount Pleasant, Iowa;
James Mcllenry, Cambrn, Pennsylva
nia; Itev. Stuart Itobinson, Louisville,
Kentucky ; V. It. Jackson, Washing
ton, D. C; D. h. Chapln, New Colum-
litiu l'n,i)il.,n.t.. I.' f lf..1l.......
Stillwater, Pennsylvania; Bohr Mc
llenry, Benton, Pennsylvania; O. C.
Tracy, New York ; Levi Colin, Albanv,
Kew York; U. W. Lloyd. New York.
James M. Wall. P. C. WriL-ht. Madi-
son G, Johnson.
M. Y. Johnson. Galena. III.; (!. In
surgent, Yarmouth, Me.; Henry Clay
Dean; Kdson B. Olds, Ohio; Dr. Ed
ward vvorfci.
P. C. Wriirh t. Hon. .Illilin. I 'n mi lolimd
James M. Wall, M. Y. Jolinon. John
Mtillany.N. Y., Henry Clay Dean.
It isexpected that tho foregoing coiu
mlttee will bo enlarged or (liinfiilsheit
at the pleasure of the Convention. Anv
person desiring Information will ad
dress a member of thucni.ltntflen nuwt
convenient to him.
Papers friendiv to the nui.d vein mn.
fer u favor by publishing this notice.
j ah eh .uciiexiiy, I'res't.
hi. vi i,uii.N, aec y.
Our Tlckot.
We place nt thohcid or our columns
this week the names of Charles E. Boyle
ofFuyetto county as our cunuldatu'fur
Auditor General, nnd of Gen. Welling,
ton H. Knt of Columbia county, us our
candidate for Surveyor General. Mr.
Boylois a young man, belngonly about
J2 years of ago, yet In that time huaf
uiiuio a record or which any man might,
well l,o proud. Ho served two years.
In tho Legislature, and left that body
with a reputation unsurpassed for hon
esty nnd ability. Possessed of unusu
ally fine administrative abilities, ho 1 1
thoroughly competent to discharge thn
duties of thu office o'r Auditor General,
to which ollleo wo proposu to elect hlim.
Of General Ent we shall speak In anoth
er column.
On Monday last tho "Grand Army
of tho llepubllc," a hundred thousaud
strong, moro or less, offered to mrtA
to Washington to put down tho usurpu
tlons of Johnson. Yesterday a memo
rial was presented to tho Senate, 'rom.
the "Grand Army of tho Republic,"
wotting forth that their services havo not
been sufficiently recognized, nnd unty
ing for a portlonojthe departmental uml
other ojflcet. Wo should like to know
what connection there may havo been
between these two grand movements of
tho "Grand Army," und wo should alio
llko to know whether the leaders: In the
first movement were not nlso leuilcrs In
the stcoitd. The colncldenco between
them is rather funny, A". J". Time. 1
The Radicals carry New Hamp
shire by a reduced Majority.
Tho Domocrats suocosaful in tho New
Jersey Ohartor Elections.
CoNconn. N. It.. March 10. Thccan
vass to-ilnv wns the most energetic ever
known In this State.
One hundred and soventv-llvo towns
glvolIiirrlmaii33,U!i2 and Sinclair 30,.
Fifty eight towns nnd small places
remain to bo heard from, which are
equally ltndlcil and Democratic.
It is probable that llarrlman'.s ma
jority will bo about 3.00(1.
i no wnoiu vote win prouauiy exceed
72,000, being tho largest voto ever poll
ed In tho State. Tho Legislature will
bo largely Republican.
New Yoitic, March 10 A private
dispatch snys that ono hundred nnd
fifty towns in New Hampshire give
uarriniaii ;io, hit unit mciair z,,wa,
being n Republican gain of I.
New BiiUN.swit'i;, N. J., March 10
The charter election hero to-day re
sulted lu tho biiccess of the Democratic
ticket by 100 majority, a gain or 30 per
Sai.em, March 10. Tho election ror
city officers to-day resulted In n Demo
cratic majority or 152, being a Demo,
cratlc gain of about 72.
BiDDEroui), Me.. March 10. Feruu.
son Haines, Democrat, was re-elected
Mayor oMhls city yesterday by 175 ma
jority. The Democrats carry five of
uio seven warns.
Al.rlMu, ,1.. fn-fll. in 'I'lift llil,
oerats yesterday elected Dan'l. Williams
Mayor by flflv-elirht nmloritv. The
voto was tho largest ever cast. Tho
Democrats and nntl-prohlbitory liquor
law men have a majority In tho Com.
mon Council.
Washington News.
WAslllsoroN, March 1 In).
The fourth net on tho Impeachment
conspiracy programme wascoiieludcd in
tlieSenato to-day, by the presentation
oi nits articles 01 impeachment ngnnist
uio l'leslilent ol the united .-states
Shortly alter one o'clock, tho uumigers
on tho part of tho Utilise entered the
Senate Chamber. In tho followlntr or
der: Bingham und Routwell, Williams
nntl miller, W ilson and Logan, with
ino-ureat commoner" (Stevens) nrlng'
hit: up tho rear. Tho Sneaker of tin
House then appeared, flanked by two
umo jucooins (MciieucK nun winner.)
und followed by all the Jacobins mem
bers of that body. Colfax was Invited
to n sent on the r e it of Wude. the
President pro tempore of the Senate,
while the "managers" nbovo named
wero bcated in tho area immediately lu
front of the Secretary's desk. The
members or tho House present ranged
themselves around tho outer row or
seats. The galleries were densely crowd
ed, the colored population occupying a
much larger space than usual. All be
ing in readiness, Bingham aroso nnd
formally announced tho character ol
tho business they had beforo tho Senate.
Wado directed tlio Sergcat-at-Arms to
make proclamation, which that func
tionary did, commanding all present to
keep silent (under certain pains and
penalties) wiiuoariicli'so: impeachment
against Andrew Johnson, President ol
the United States, were being read.
Bingham then proceeded to rend the
aitlcles, and, upon concluding the
same, Wade announced that tlioSenatc
would mnko due order concerning the
matter, and notify tho House thereof,
whereupon the managers withdrew,
followed by their Jacobin associates.
The galleries were "oou emptied of the
largo crown, mm other business was
called tin. Thus ended thu fourth act
of the Radical conspiracy to depose the
i-resitieiu irom oiuee.
The Jacobins at tlio Capitol were
greatly excited tills morning by the
aunoiincenicnt tlint Chief Justice Chase
iiiuiscntuTommimicntion to the senate,
dissenting from certain acts dono by
that bniy in its legislative capacity
with reference to the Impeachment trial.
ThoChief Justice holds that the adop
tion ot ruics lor sain trial, uml an mat
ters connected threvvith, properly be
long to tho Senate, under oath, ns
"High Court of Impeachment," and
not to that body while silting in its
ordinary character, and therefore lie
ou ects to the proceedings which have
mi-cany iai;en piaco in connection with
tho approaching trinl. Tlio communi
cation is tho subject of general comment
in Jiniiieui as wennsueniocrniiceircles.
Tho former nro loud in denouncing its
ntithor, nml assert that ho is not in
sympathy with tho movement, which
is nouuiicss irue. too senate com
mittee of Seven nro In session this af
ternoon, and will, perhaps, endeavor to
get around tho objections urged by the
i niei .iiisnce, out mere is very little
probability ofu change In the mode ot
procenuro already adopted.
wasiiinutox, March 5.
In pursuance of thu conspiracy origi
nated by tho lioiiso Radicals, tin Sen-
nlo to-day commenced thu work of or
ganizing itself Into n "HUh Court of
liiincnclnnent." The somewhat novel
chaiacter of the proceeding ntuactcil
a largo crowd to tho galleries. Chief
Justice Chase, accompanied by Mr. Jus
tice Nelson (tlio senior Associate Jus
tice ot tno supremo court), and a com
mittee of tho Senate, consisting oi
.Messrs. Pomeruy, Buckalew. and Wil
son, entered tlio Chamber precisely at
ono o'clock, Tlio President nro tempore
(Wade) announced that all legislatl.'n
and executive business would bo sus
pended, and thereupon thu Chief Jus
tice was escorted to tho President's
chair, and after stating that ho came in
obcdlenco'to tho request of tho Senate
io preside over the IJIgh Court, announ
ced his readiness tu take tho usual oath,
which was tuiiiiiiiisiereu to mm uy nir.
Justice Nelson. Ho (Chase) then sta
ted that ho would administer tlio oath
to tho Senators present, nnd thov w-ern
called In alphabetical order by tlio Sec
retary anil sworn (.ucssrs. jjoollttle,
Edmund. Patterson of New Union.
shire, and SauUbury being nbsent).
When the nauio of Mr. Wudo was call
ed, that gentleman ndvnuced to tho
resident's desk, nnd was about to take
the oath, when Mr. Hendricks rnso mul
objected to swearing him, on tliogrouud
mat uu wns an iiiieresiin partv lielng
the next officer in rani: to tho President
or tlio I'nlted States, and entitled bv
law tnlukohls place in cao of his re
moval. Thu Radicals did not mitlel.
patu this objection, and it qulto natur
ally gavo rho to considerable uxcltu-
nient. liotli on tho floor ami In Hu
densely crowded galleries. Tlio lin-
licuciicrs liiimed ate v rail lid io tin.
support or their champion, and argued
that ho had an undoubted right tu bo
sworn and sit on the trial ir ho thought
projicr. nuveruy Johnson, in reply,
cited, with great effect, thu cumi of k. ;.:
ntor Stockton, who had voted on the
question or ids own right to ids seat,
and tho Sennto had afterwards declared
nun no coum not, properly voto there
on. 'I his loglu was Irresistible, and an.
Piled Willi ten-fold moro fori ft ti tlm
oho or Watle, who by his own vote
mum oeciaro uio president or tho
United States unlit v nf I, I rrin,u
inlsdeineiuiors, remove him rrom office
ui.-iiiruuure. remove mm irom office
Impropriety of such n nrnceedlnir wns
so manifest that oven several Radical
Senators endeavored to nvold the main
quest Ion, nnd argued in favor of passing
tlieOhlo Jacobin by, Informally, nntl
swearing those Senators who nru below
mm on tno roil. lYssendcn, In par
ticular, suggested this course; but
tiownru, sumner.nnil others, insl-led
t lint ho (Wnde) should bo sworn ns
other Scnntors, nnd In regutnr order.
it oemg mamiesi tu nan-past t o'clncK
that no conclusion could bo reached to
day, and the Chief Justlcu having left
the (supreme Court with tho under
standing that lie would shortly return
Mr. Grimes moved that thu "High
Court of Impeachment" adlourn.vvhlch
was agreed to, whereujion Judge Cline
left the chnlr. Mr. Wudo lielng out of
tho Senate at the time, war Immediate
ly scut for, and on taking tlio chnlr; a
motloii wns made that the Senate ad
Jo im, which was likewise agreed to.
And thus tho question of Wade's right
to sit on tho trial wns left undecided.
Dining the proceedings to-dav, nearly
all thu Radical members of tlio House
(Including the Speaker) were upon the
notir oi me senate, seals wore nrnvi
tied for them in tho the rear of tlio Sen
ntors' desks. Tlio "original Jacobs" of
uio impcuciimcnt conspiracy, Ashley,
of Ohio, sat between Sumner and How
ard, and evidently considered hlmsclfa
personago ot very great importance
the managers orthu trial, on thu part
of thu House, were also present, but not
in their official capacity. They seemed
very much surprised at tho turn nlfalrs
nan 'linen, ami it is said expressed ap
prehensions that such questions would
prolong tho trial indefinitely. Tho feel
ing among certain Radical Senators in
invoroi impeachment emptied out tin
mlstakably during tho dobato to-dav
Nearly all on that side who snoko on
tho question nt isstio displayed their
hostility to everything llko fairness in
tho approaching trial. Their minds
uio evidently made up, and it appeared
almost ridiculous to go through tlio for
mality ofadiiilniterlng an oath tosome
oi tiieni not that tney would wilfully
violate It. but that their political lire-
Indices nro so strong its to blind them to
everything except what they consider
to tho interest of their party. It Is
therefore morally certain that when the
question Is nut to them as to whether
Sir. Wade shall be sworn nnd sit on thu
trial or not. they will tleeide in tho nf-
Urinative. The temper of the debate
to-day indicates this result, beyond tho
possioillty oi n llOUPl.
Washington, Mnrrh C.
At 1 o'clock tn.ilav tin, Kn!it stls.
pended Its ordinary business and Chief
justice cnaso iook the clialr us tho pro
siding officer or tho "Court or Impeach
ment." Mr. Dixon who had the floor
npo'i tlioadjoii-ninent yesterday, rose
to speak on the question or permitting
Mr. Wudo to be sworn as a trier In the
Impeachment against tho President.
Uio Jacobins, by preconcert, had ar
ranged mat Howard should niaKo a
point ot order upon ftirlhcr debate,
under the tu-pntv-.thinl riilenilfinlisl hv
tho Semite, am. ills st that tho ouestloh
.should be decided by tlio Chief Justice
without discussion, which he (Howard)
did. Tho Chief Justice required the
point of order to bo reduced to writing,
and alter that had been done, and the
samo read bv the Secretary, ho (the
Chler Justice) decided that tlio rules
auopied uy the senate, lor tlio govern
ment of thu "High Court of Impeach
ment" were not then in force, Inasmuch
astliecourt had not been orgunized. De
bate wus.tlierefore.ullowtible. From this
decision Messrs. Drake and Howard ap
pealed, and the Chief Justice submitted
the (liiestion to the Seuat. His deci
sion was sustained on a call of tho yeas
and nays, by 21 to 20. At this point the
impeachors became almost furious. Mr.
Dixon attempted to proceed with his
remarks, hut was again called to order
by Con ncss, Stewart and others. Tlio
Chief Justice decided that ho might
iqiciiK on inu question eotiiining mm
self to tlio point of order raised by How
nrd. This increased tho wratli of the
Jacobins, and while Sunnier, Drake,
und Howard wore consulting with re
gard to the situation, Mr. Hendricks
obtained the floor, and alter speaking a
Tew minutes in opposition to Wado's
right to bo hvvoru, but preferring to
have tlio question decided hereafter,
withdrew Ids objection to allowing
Wade to take the oath; accordingly
that gentleman presented himself lit
tlio President's desk and wns sworn.
Tho oath was then administered to thu
remaining Senators present, and the
uiei justice iormniiy announced tho
organization or tlio "High Court of Im
peachment." On motion or Howard,
tho House was notified thereof ant
soon after Messrs. Blnc'inm, Routwell,
Uutler, Williams, Wilson, and Logan,
imnugcrs on too pari oi mat bodv
appeared nt the bar of tho Senato iiiit:
wero escorted to seats Immediately lu
front or tho Secretary's desk. Mr.
Bingham, ou bohair ot tho managers,
demanded that tlio President bo called
to answer the Impeachment
against him, and then, on motion or
unwarii, tt summons, returnable on
i rmay next, the Mth Instant, was or
dered to bo Issued to tho President of
tno united states, to appear at tlio bar
oi iue senate, or Jtign court ol Im
peachment, nt 1 o'clock on that. duv.
Tlio Court then adjourned until tho 13th
nisi., inu seiiaio resuming its ordinary
legislative character.
The galleries wcio even more densely
crowded than on yesterday. Thu pre
dominant sentiment therein innv lin lii.
fcrred from tho fact that when tho de
cision of tlio Chief Justice, as stated
above, was sustained by tlio Senate, a
im-uy iium rutiini oi nppiuuso wasglven
in tlio gentlemen's gallerv. It wns.
however, soon checked by tho officers
In attendance. Tlio Impcachcr aro
evidently ni-sniisiied with the courso
of Chler Justlcu Chase, thus ftir. His
announcement, to-day, that ho did not
consider the rules adopted by the Sen.
uto proper for the government of tho
court oi tuipeiiciimeiit was very tin.
palittablo fo tiieni. They, however, re.
idopled them as a "Court," thus re
moving tho objection. The question
will ari-e hereafter, ns to whether or
not the Chief Jtistlcoshull decldo points
of law, nml evidence that may come up
ooiiiik too trini. umier t no rules
already adopted, such decisions aro re
served to tho majority of thu members
of the Court, but propositions lniivnnd
probably will, ho made, to amend those
rules, so ns to give tlio presiding otllcer
hid Mime ngiit to ruio on mo law ami
evidence us Is now allowed tho presid
ing officers of tho two houses, In regard
It Is thought that thu President's coun
sel wh n they appear on his behalf, on
I'tiday next, will ask for at least two
weeks to prepare tho defense. This
11 granted, will postpone tho trinl until
tho 29th of tho present month. Thn
Supremo Court will adjourn about tho
isi in April, aim men mo ciuoi justice
win uo rclloved from fittendanco on
that tribunal. The probability, there
fore, Is, that he will not bu disposed to
enter upon tbo trial of tho pending Im-
iivaciiiuviii until inecioseoi the present
term of the Court.
WA8IIINOTOV, Alirdl 8.
Tin: siiuiiiionsordered by tho "High
Court of liiipeachmeut"oii Friday tobo
Issued to the President was delivered to
him yesterday nl'toruoon by tho Ser-geaiit-at-Arms
ot the Senate, llo sim
ply remarked that It would receive nt
tendon. It will bu remembered that
It Is made returnable on Friday nevl.
and tliero Is icasoii to bellevo tliat Mr,
Howard, chief of tlin lino ciiclnnmit mil.
siilratorsin tho Rump Senate, will re
sist any proposition giving tlio Presi
dent a reasonable tlmo to prepare ids
tlereiiso. Tho Jacobins, who are ex
ceedingly unxious to remove him from
office, will, no doubt, follow lime, ir,l
and Insist upon tlio actual commence-
ment oi me trial on Monday, the 23d
Inst., at tho very latest.
TIlO telegraph tills nfleriinnn lirl mm
the announcement of tho elecibm r
General Vlckers, of Kant County, as
United Stutes Senator from tho Statu of
Washington, Mnrch 0.
It Is reported to-night thnt Attorney
General Stimsbery has voluntarily iilnc
ed ids resignation in the hands of thu
President, and has tendered to the lat
ter his services as counsel during tlio
Impeachment trial. Mr. Johnson hns
reserved Ids acceptauco of the resigna
tion and of tlio offer.
Several Radical Senators nro known
o havo expressed themselves, within
the last two days, to theell'ect dint upon
their face tho articles or Impeachment
do not present sufficient ground lor tho
conviction of thu President of'elther
high crimes or high misdemeanors.
From twenty to twenty-two Senators,
including every Democratic Senator
anilsoino Radicals, nre reported to bu
orthls opinion: and nn eflort, It Is said
win no niatie uy tno lUKe-wnrm until
cnls of tho Senate, when It next meets
as i high court of Impeachment, to Ini
tiate some pian oi dismissing mu eusu
for want of cause Tor action, or to toler
ate any plea of tho President's coun-el
initt may uo mndo ror this reason.
Those more Conservative Senators as
sume, as they assumed to the Inllullo
disgust oi Stevens and Hnutwcll, beforo
tho President was finally Impeached by
tho House, that the Senato never bound
Itself, Is not now bound to act lu strict
accordance with tlio extreme partv
measures thnt almost Invurlnhlv orlc-
inate In the lioue. and thnt It fins the
right us a separate body of Congioss to
decide for Itself In this lalet and mot
Important matter without reference to
anything except tho sworn obligations
of its members. This Is an extraordi
nary adnilstlon. The new move of tlio
llouso inipeachers, led on by Biiighnm
is an attempt, Which the House may
hear of beforo many days, to bring Al
abama into the Union, willy-nilly, by
uu nib iii congress.
Stanton has not left the War Depart,
ment since die d.iv when the l'resl
dent's order of removal was presented
to him and General Thomas attempted
to take Possession. Ho siccus mum n
louiigo In Ills office, and his meals are
brought to III in. His only exercise is
tin occasional promenade along the
walks adjacent to the building. Mrs.
Stanton visits him dally. Ho said to
night, In conversation with a gentle
man who called upon him, that ho mi
tlclpatcd that tills whole question
would bo settled within the next 1U
teen or eighteen days. On Friday next
the summons to die President would
ue returnable, nnd ou Friday night he
(Stanton) thought lu would return to
his family. General Thomas has some.
times visited the War Department
but Stanton said ho had hud no Inter
course with tho General subsequent to
tnesecoiid demand oi me latter tor pos
session oi mu w ar wmce, was reiu-eti.
A charge made bv Mr. Loittn. of till
nols, in the House, to-dav, thnt there
WeroSlS.OOO.OOOol boHds in circulation
Which thu Department professed it had
redeemed and burned is to be nt once
investigated by thu so-called Retrench
ment Committee. It Is but lust Io sav
that few men lu either party believe
nny suen stury. jt is out a specimen
oi dozens oi a similar nature, which the
lobbyists here attempt to get in the
F.J. Tucker, the party who was nr.
rested in New York on die charge of
undertaking to raise troops to support
the President in opposl Ion to Congress
Is In town for the purpose ol furthering
tlio interests ofu "national politico
military organization," to be called the
"Constitutional Alliance," and which
is intended tobe nn offset to tbo "Grand
Army of tho lie nubile." lin ns-erts
thnt twenty-eight sub-organizations of
mu "juiuiiico" nave aireany been per-
n cieii in as many smies, anil mat it
raiiitllcatlons will speedily extend to
every State and Territory in the Union
W Aiill.snroN, M.m-li 111.
It is highly probable that the Rad
icais oi uotii nouses will shortly agree
to let In Alabama, uotwitlistandlnir Mm
rejection of tho so-called Con-titutinn
iranied by tho mongrel convention
Montgomery. A move was made In
that direction in the House to-dav by
mu mu reported nun presented ny .ur,
Slovens, from the so-called Reconstruc
tion Committee. When thonroposltlmi
to admit tlio State was heroic the same
committee,!! row weeks ago, Mr, Ste
vens it will bo remembered, onnosod It
ou tho ground thnt a majority of nil tho
registered voters in Alalianiii had not
voted ill favor of ratifying the proposed
Constitution, nntl, therefore, on of the
fundamental conditions in the so-called
reconstruction net had not been com
plied with. Ho lias changed front
however, and now urges thu admission
upon tlio same pretext set up by WiNon
nun isuermaii, oi mo scuttle, to wit
that a majority of those who tlid actual
ly voteat tlio JatHolcetiojivotedint'avor
ot ratllying the constitution, and that
is now nem suiiicient liotwlthstaiidlii
the express provision of the acts nhov
referred to, which declares that it is not
it is evident that these Jacobins will
not consent to bo bound even by law
or their own making, but whenever it
suits their immediate purpose they will
disregard nun override inemjust ns mey
do iue luiisiiitiunii oi iue united Klines,
Ill tho Supremo Court of this District
to- day, Judge Fisher, of Surrntt trial
notoriety, decided ou a ease arising un
tier a requisition from Governor Pierre
point, of Virginia, for tho surrenderor
niicrson charged with acrlniinal offense
nun iryinia is not a Mule In the Lniun
and thcrelore the nqulsltlon or the
liovernor could not bo recognized
'this decision Is about eotinl In nnlnt
or legal lore to some or Ills (Fisher's)
rulings ou law and evideiicodurlng the
progress or the Siirratt trial.
Tho Cabinet held quite a long session
thlsalteniooii. All thu members were
present, Including General Thomas,
Secretary of War ml Interim. It is said
that several important questions relat
ing to the War Office tumble weredls
ctis.ed, but nothing definite is known
outside concerning what triuispiicd
Tlio Senate, to-day, debated and
passed a resolution authorizing tho
Scrgennt-nt-Arm8 to Isstio tickets for
the gallery, during die impeachment
trial, not exceeding one thousand In all.
Senators to havo four, und members of
tho House two each. A few other func
tionaries nro favored In die samo way.
Senators will occupy their present seats
during the trial, nnd arrangements will
bo mndo for sealing Mich members of
the House as may choose to attend.
Washington, March II iscs.
Governor linker appeared before U.S.
Commissioner Shannon yesterday to
answer ton charge or perjury in taking
the oath of office, nnd was itliasctl ou
giving bonds in $2,000 to appear nt
some inline tiny, i he affidavit making
f ho chnige against him Is signed Henrv
Dennis, his murk. Dennis is a negro.
The Ilniimthen lookup die bill for
tbo admission of the State of Alabama.
A lengthy nml wiirm debate followed,
during which Mr. Reek, a Democratic
mcnibtr of the Committee, asserted,
that what appears in the report of the
Reconstruction Comniltteowns prepared
lltii meeting of the Re hiihllcnn meml
f ho Coiiimlttee.iit Mr. Steven's liotiso,
........j. hi, j.iuuns nor niiiiscii having
been Invited. Finally tlio bill was laid
asldo tcmporaiily.Mr.P'arnsworthstnl
row " V0' wmi1'1 "iked to-mor-
General Grant, lu answer to tho
House, reported that according to Gen.
Meade's report there had been 70,812
votes east under the reconstruction law
lor the adoption of the Alabnum State
OOllHtitUtioll 1111(1 l.flflf. mrnlnt It II..
tlon"1 1 t'0"""lttt'0 011 1'won'struc-
Convention was held In Albany yester
day. It did not declare Tor any Presi
dential candidate. Gov. Seymour, who
beads thu list of delegates lodu Nation
al Co.ivcutloti, Hindi' u long speech,
Mnrktt llrinrl.
Win-ill 'i r liuli(t
Ilu "
CiiNI "
Hour per lutrrrl
, a .iv
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7 ''
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ijini ,ir poiiiiii
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... !l "I
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7 (HI
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lulsl. Knnitllnir. I'lunk. (Ilcmlwkl
Hhtnulc, Nn. 1 p'-r Uioiismul
Hlilllilt " " ft
Nn. I Sontch filR
Ni. 2 ' "
s a
I'lillitildliliU JlnrUcl..
Tiiuihiiay, March 12 1101
Northwe.lcrn ftupr-rflno nt
t7.ooa ".w
S.IN)(.0 ll.'O
.son uwesiern I'xini
Northwestern family
Pelilisylvnlilii niKl W estern snperllne
I'l'iiiiKyiviiiiin mul iwMcin e.un..,
i nnsyi vim in iiiki wesiern iiimiiy.
.. I i.i(i(,i.l Vim
.... K .Mlt'l ll.'lll
'cntiswwi nn nun itciicrn iti lev
It( Hour
V iikvt Pennsylvania reil,ti hits
., l2..rrt!i(i'J
.. AIM0M.71
.. S1.IVOI.10
houtht-rii " "
California " "
" ulitto "
Uyk Pi iin.ylviiiila re, V tni- ,
CiiKN Yellow, "
.. (1.7ikSI.sii
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.. ii.pmi.i;
White, "
l'ltovisioss Mess Pork, V hl'l
.. 7Kc-fx7c
Mess in el, "
lltessdl Hogs, is
MmoUeil limns " ,
Hliolllilcrs "n ID
Ijirit.W Is
If (Utile
Hl.Elis ('locleeil vlius
, I7.9MS..VI
. tiKN --'.Vi
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Tlinoiriiieeii nils
rinxsicil " ,
CATTl.r-Pccr (.Utile V A
Cows, ii hcnU
7cwi Se
WIIKKl y in
Huns "rl 1'WPis ,
IIM ,1311.25
HAHUI llAOr.NIUVlI t tlin rrMcncH of
t1i l.i I.I'm H .ltr nl loll Ilil i. Oil t 'Jl 1 II
Mr. Win. Harris nf Ituctc Horn to Miss Kltii
llUKrniiiicii oi Kioniusnurg.
r.A MPIir.r.l, SIIL'MAN'-Oll tlie TTlh lilt., fit Mi
lit tt'1 111 il I'lllMillllC III JilTW it ! MV, l I lllll J
CiiiutiiHMi.oi MiUtmiie to aiihs .Miiic .ii, Miu
tn.ui ol Mlinm.
Ul'NYAV-MKUt-s-At tin rrsMmoi' of the
hrMf'n f itlu-r nn M1'. 7. Hi;, bv tlu Itev. m
lk-ttsi-r, Mr, .1. K. U Uuiijiin tu Mlii:ilit
.Mi a i h, ijoui oi coiumoiu co. rit.
nPNO OMAN At Orniivllte, on tlio 21n?
Vult by ihf Miiui', Mr. i;ils Young to Mi- ),u
7 u i mi in, until oi umiiiiiiH.i ci, r.i.
l'AHVU'Af.ll U'ltt't P At OiiiiiL't'vllln oil Up
17 1 J i lilt,, hy tlinmtinc.Mr, Stchlii'li II. Kniwn'il
to MM Kita It. While nil of Mitioni'iJiirg, I'd.
UlUlKItl'S-WlMI-Vt Oniiij.nll!i! on tho an
ult.,h tin' Mimo, Mr II. P. Itohi-iiH Mi MtMl.i
it III Wile, holh of l oluiiihlu en. I'd,
nirn.i: voct'M-oii. inn. 2i, WihIov Hit io ot
Ml, riciiHiuit twK. im. cn, m,( ioi.iini Ann
1 oen in, iy .i. n. iiurmuii, i,s., in unuim nn
i MivrilWIM.r'Ilnn Tuosilni- Ihelltlh in.l
hv tho ItcV. I. .1 Will ler, Jacob I Wiipner of
IM'NlKiCK io All- I.upv Aim I'icii oi oiimiic
HMPI IIIMIS On thotith nit.. In Vernon count
Mo. Marv Caiharlne, inunt d.niRhieroi v. in.
nnd i;ilu Mnetl tr), nK'd4 inonihs and ir-daj s'
SINlin S On thooMiiInd of tho 1Mb ult..nini
Ilorwkk, Colimihl.i couuty.Pa,, Warren tra?ct
nt;ed .'jenrs
sllpitTS On tho niornliiKof tho M liistMCInrle"
lVrey.iiftnl 2 e.w-, 'i weeks, twin sum of the
Kov. A. II. Mit'lW.
OUOVCII On tho P.I h u!t.,John Adillnn. infrnt
noil of Unuc tunl ILebeccil Ulo er, ugod 1 cai
11 nioiitlmand ldits.
aPltllAHT-On tliadnli ult,rhlllprivrLnrt,neod
ubuul I'Jjturs.
llAHIz-ru Ilorwlck.on tlieS.1 InM., Mrs. Julia
Ann IttUiI. relict of thu ltov. I, lUhl, died.,
HBOil 5.'! yenrM.
AfMIPKIIACU-At Three III vers, Mich., on the
With ult, Charles Achonh.ich, ued ." eiu
llrother of Hiinuii 1 Aehenbiivh of oriinycx llle.
ItOlinit'lS In J.'ckson twp.,on tho Mb nit., oi
(-onstimtitloli, tilla Jauo wlteof 11. Y, Hubert1,
ngul 5 (uih'J iimiiUis und 'J) il:is.
Klu loaves n husband and four small children
to mmirn her lihi,
Juki-in:ci:ivi;i) Tim tliwipcst nooi
HKI11TS III Hie iulllil nt
.Mar I1,'(is it
I., r.sii.vui'i.uss'.
J O T I C K.
1 iii. iinderslizneil would hcubv wain the rnb
It mlti-l l.iivlmr (,r iifi'titliilliM' n ikiIu irlt,.ii In
Jacob M. Hat man, and made pin able Io Dr. O. A
Mouaruell.uud w lilch Mibsi (luentlvoatno lnlo Hie
poxsi-silou of tho undeislmieil, 'the Mild nnlwas
KiM'ii In May or .hi he l, and having la en loit,
ii'iv inri.i i in rrui 11,11 uveii mu mihii.
Mar,l.t(,--:ii JACOll SNYDPU.
jji. l-lTATK OP MAT1IIAS ItllOM: 1M FA"M.
Lri'ttorH of admlnUtrntlon on theehltiliir Mu, Ithono,l.ilo of Jackson township, Columbia
County, ileeeiiseil, havo been Khiuled bv tho Itcn
Mer of snid County, to haninel Itliono, mlm'r,
t-iim n AKirjir niu (i;int uv vvm nvn, oui "tints
Inheoit toMhl. Alli-erhons ha Inu claims ot
deiuands aualnsf tho mi id o mo k ouedid to
piesent tht in for k III ment ulihout dil.ty. mul
lliosu unit oiou io liiitue aynieni,
NAMPi;i. UHoNK.AdinlnUtr.itor.
Miar.l.'ltls tt
nlhlsls tuclvo not co l thnt nn the Tib dnv of
.naicn, a. n. ima ii warrant in ii.inuiMple
Mi IsMied nuulnsf the estate of Jm-oh Cieaiy of
i ue ounMiip oi nrianucK in Hie county d
Columbhi, aud Htnlo ot ft iiiivyhauln, who Ui
tn-vn luijii'ineii 11 iiiiiilit upi oil His ou 11 IH'UUOtl
thut tin pn nient ol nny ilcbln nnd thiltry j
any pioputy belouiflng to Mith Itaukuipl, U
him, or lor his use. and ilu trunvf -r ot anv prop
ert) hy him iiioloiblddcn hy law; tliutii ineoi
lux ot tho Cicdltorsot the Kild llankruii(.toiiot
tlielr ih bts, and to i house nno or mote asslntioi s
in im t-Mitu- win oo ue in in a i nun or nanitiupi
oy.tobe ludoeii lit the J'xt'hiuinolln.i I. hi Itlnoiuv
hiiiu'. Coluuildil eountv. IVniiHiKiinlii. hwou
lldwiud ocilon,Jr IhKUtcr, on tho 111 Inlay of
A pill, A. It. J Ml", lit 1 o'cloik I). III.
THOMAS A. IMIU 1,I?Y, V, H. Mart-hal.
uiii,uiTii. j,v ii.iiini nruii, in piny.
Ihis Is to Rile uotlcei that on th in, ,ar ut
.M.iien, j. ii. is. u wnrriini ill l!.lil;rillile
wns Usueil iii;.iliist the t slalt-or .Mana-si Ii .Mu h.iel
ol Mnlmlllu In the eoiinly ol I'oliuiil.ln, anj
r-n.,i- ,, , ,-,l,, l.lllllll, M ill) llllh OK u lllllllllKeil II
It.illlc rn t ui hlsmwi pitlllolis Ihnt l lit- 'ii in. ni
- --" i' ,-iiti.ui mil roiiy oh-
loniilmt lo Kueh II inl;riiil, In him, nr f,r hlsu-e
iiiiii iue iniiifciir oinny .ioi my i,v him
ii hv la! (liiil ii nn itlnx urine creditor, nt
I he mill ll,iiil.ui,t, lopioM ihtir ilehli., mul to
, . . -ii-,ni,iesin niHiMitie win
lie lielil nl li ( i.l, It ,,l I M,l, ni, It i, n, leloltln,
-'ii'ioRe 1IOICI III llloomhuit!,
1 1 tin miitii etui ,i , , I', t. ...,i.. .. .r.. .
Overtoil, Jr., lli'.iilMil'.iiii Iho lillidiiv nf' Aoill.
Iverloil. Jr., l!i';Mt..,i
i.Ii., 1-ij- ill 2 o'cloi k, l. l
Tlllt.M VH A. ll()WI.l:Y.
, , r.H. .M.iri,lial.
Ilv .i:.ll. ( om iiaucii, Dii.uly.
Mur. 13 bl-lt
IhlH Is to gUe, notice l That on the ,"4 ilny cf
wiu , lnnied uiailiikt tho i-Miilenf llcury Tii'uah
of 1 olliiUn vllle, In the(,ni,iy l Coliimlila, ami
Hllilii ol I't inn- l nn In. ho Mh , ,, mijuilueil a
llunkrlipt on hla own ptilili.ii , n,ul thepaj meiil
... ..j u........ ..,,,,,,(,,, , liioitiiy lie-
loiiuiiig to nidi llniikruii, lo him, or lor In. u,e.
nil the lraiuicr ofiiny ,ii,ieriy hv him me f,n.
ililUi-ii by law j Hint a jiicctiiia ol ll. i mil ,
the bul.l llanklliM, to pimc thrlr il( bu, nnd Io
cliiinwiiiiioormoie u.liiuciiol hln (Male, Mill
bo belil at a t (an t of Paiiki ujiley, In h hoblen nt
nui PeV,7 iiV , '"i, S K'.iVs' " '!""'
i 'ti'doiV u'ln0" ''"S ' A',r"A' "" ''""i '
1 IIOMAH A. UOWI.r.Y, U. ft, Mni.hul.
.Mar.lfCvll. "y '" ' I'ooi-nAt'dii, l..,.,ly.
p u ii 1. 1 (j s a i. :
(IF pkusonai, I'ltorutTYi
Will ho bolij nt public uiio at Uio inanufjclory
n,f 'i'lltftl","!'.1; 1,1 llloomsbiuu. Coliiiiibln ci..,
!-' iJ.W. :1"A JllUlb-b.VY, JIAIILli
liilh nnU 2iilh 1st, ubnul
ni:w luiiNiTi'in:.
of nil ilckcrliiilons. from hi st parlor ilnwu to com.
Iilon k jcli, ii fiiriillure. AIkj Hj,h, llimrs.hlllll.
ier. lillii.U i nrn bjiilicrsn lameiotoi uaun
irt., Iliillhivn IlulCHi h.iukI one
iHii.liiiue weiii ii ullb Iron iili-, oiieiloublebet
heavy luu linini iy i m. ,tc. AUn one of l.ll.
ly bliii Hi,. 1,11,1 luiiBliir I'riKifi-iiftiiiisu clniku
ofll lll'lellt klnihi. mu, -tl I1...I. ......'.I ...... .....1
llijliic, fur Miwlliiilliewootl.nhoiit one ami nhi'lr
tuna l.rkt inlncriil palm fnroul iloor i,aliiiiiik-.oim
l oriniiie 1 liol'plliB .Mill, minraiilceil lu cliuii ut
Ihe rule often hiishi U per h. iirnii,liloi;ooii work,
bcklilcii many cllur Miluiihleiirtlcleii Iiki muavi
oiu tu mention,
Male 10 commence nt 10 o'clock a. 111. of ,ach
ibiy.iiiul lolitliuie iriuii iluy ioilny iinlll nit me
lar.Kry-jfw HIM0.N C.HHIVi:.
J!i ul M AUY h. iCityi)KU..hcciiMd. I "lit ritei
aineiit Hty on th tKtutnol Mmy 1 Crjder of
orouyhof Iieiwi(lt,hliu Urn Kriintul bVho
Heuuwr 01 (;oluiubhi lountj, to JmViiI! i , cV Wr,
All porwiiuhaMutfilalni HKiilnn the iMalouiu
equm td o puKiit thim torn HUiikiiI. m d
r iim "i1 ,uuliU J,ah"bt to thel.jteeu.
Mur.Ubrtmt, 1'Mcutor,
An cxtetihlvct AhMirlnicnt nf umx
Olid hoy 'nI.INi:NJUr rilONlH. I'ai-ir
Cuiiam uml i
Und 1H M lllliL t MUli L
IX. lltM'lcY. In II"' iMslrnt Court nriiio Unl.
ItM .sinii-s inr inn t I pari n im-hhi. in I'l-nns.! ivn
liln, III Hit- iimltiT nf Alu'l 'I In nun s, li,i))l(rii,t, To
vhuiii It mny cimi ci nt Hie mull rulxnisl lu-ri'liy
KIM'S lliillte (trills ll,Hlltlllnrltl lis lisnluti.! nr
Alii-I llintnilH, of Cain Issil 111 Uio (-utility (if
( ni u i n inn, mill siit nt ri mint iviuiiii, Mim mis
In en ii'llmlKi-ilii lninkrnpt iiitmililsiiMii petition,
bv tin- Ihstrift Ciiiittnf piilil PMrlcl.
n.iliil nt 111, ,nin. bum, ihf aim .in v ot i (iinmry,
1ms. ('.(1. UAIIKI.llV .Vnsluiicc. is ;n, ,
ItlMWi'V.Iit I hr. llktrlct Court nf lln tlnl.
H'i sluli-s for Ihf Wintcrll I)lsl-U. of r('liu-ln-tun.
In Urn Iniiller l,f Dnllk'l VV. Ilobl)llift,billik
ruiit. T i whom it in ly concern I Tlii'iiii'lersiKiieil
li retiy itltes notice of his ni'inlnttnctil ns ih.
sIkiiii) of liiiiuel W, Hoi'lilns nf llloom
toiiii-hlp, in Ihc county of t'olilliiliin, mul Htnlo
of IV iiii- t until, who hns In cniiiljuilucl u linhlt
lllhl IIihiii his nil n clltliill. hy (he Plstrlct Court
III Mll'f PlSlriCt, Plllsl 111 flllKllllsllllllI, tho 2Uth
ilnvof ivhitwry, Isus. CO, IIAltKI.KY,
the DM rkt Court of the Phi
it'ii .--talt'H fr the Western District of IVnnsy Un
til:!, hi thu mutter of Samuel ll.Delnur, Itaiikrupt.
I w i mm ii niayi oneern i i o iinuriiiiKiini iiu-ii-tiv
uw noii4 of his nitiHilntnient as nsslmipo
ot H.umu'l M. Ih'liiu r, ofOatawlHsa.ln tho county
oi iviiiiiiuhi, nntl riaie oi irniisjiniiiM, uu
has been iuIJihIbiiI ft Intiiki ul iiimii his own no
tlllon, hy the DMrlct Pourt of nal.l Dlstrln.
Ihi.s. C. U, llAHKlii.i , W-IJl iffiiBiier.
j'oinnr.WhiirKitN uiiruiur or riiiu.wi ,
P.DWAUt) (I. HtmNi:, ft Il.iiikniit umhr
Ant nf ('niitri-CKrt nf Miiirh 'Jil. IM(7. halmr un-
iilietl for n dlsjlianfo ft mu nil hlstleblft.aiul other
tlalnis proMihlc lunlcr wild Act, hv onter ofthe
ruurt.iiotlffls licieby ttoiu to nil cri'tlllors who
har iroOtl llu ir ueois, nntl oun r mmhoiihiiim r
este.1; toni'iuJiron the Iitth ilay of .Mauch Wi(
nt ao'clwn n.m., heroro P. Overton, Jr.,
IteulM.T, ul the l.xvhnnne Hotel In llkioin--burK,
tor-how uniM, it nny they haw, why uilKt hnrKO
slvmlil not bpuninleil tothefuhl Itanltrupt, Ami
further, notlculs heiehy nlwiu that thu Heeond
nml Thlnt iin etlnisofiTeaUoisorihoi-all Hunk
runt requlreil hv tho 27th nml lth tteetlontt of
salt! Aet, wilt ho hail before nald lUglstcr, upon
themunoiliiy.iit thoMmioiOaco.
M. C.Mil'AN1MXS,
Plerk of District Court for wild Distilct,
Mar.u (is-iw
JOSlAll It. lOti-ON,u ltankrupt under tho
i I id imiiiiiss of March !t, PUT, ha ln a plieil
for 11 Ihsch 11 k" 11 0111 all h Is ihbt,niid oilier claims
provahlo uiidtrudd Aot,b older oi thu Court,
NoritK is iihuhitr nt kn, to alU roditors who
nae proed their debis, ntnl oilier persons Intc
ri-sli'il : to appear n iho day of Makih.NW,
it 1U o'clock, A. M., before P. Overton, Jr., hnq.
Iteul't r, at Ihe Pxih.lhKO Hotel, nioom-lairtr Pa.
to show cmiM', Itaiiy they hue,uhv n Diseliinno
liiuld not bo 111 an ted lo Ihexald IlauU llt, Aud
fill ther noilee Is lieu b Mten,tlial thu Second
and Third Meltings nf rn-dliors tr ( he Mild l!ank
ilipl, H'ljlllled IM the LTth and '(h tedious of
aid Acl. le hadbtfun) tho kald Heitster ut
the snine time und plair,
H. C. Mil andm:ss,
riniiof IT. s. D.-drlei Omit lor .uJ CUtrlct.
1 m: Dmiticr Cop ut or no. Pniti-.d HrArns,
i:uit iiu.w mo bisiitiri ok r smylvama
sAtPPMI. HlllPUI.u liaiikrupt under tho
cl ol Concics ot M.aich I'd, Nl7, h.i Inn applied
lor a ilisi harKe Irom all his debts, and other
claims piovablo under sa'd Act, by order of the
I'ouit, orici. is 11 Kiti 11 v 11 1 kn, to nil CiedltorH
w ho haw proed their dobu, and other nervous
InieiiHifd; toappiarou Iho 17th day o MA1U1I
lMs, mil o'clork, A. M., hfnrc P.. 0t Hon, Jr.,
K- , lteKler, nl ihe l,.t balitfe Hotel, Itlmnns
burif, Pa., to show caiw, il aii they, uiiy i
IHM-Iuime hli.'Utd lad bo uranted lothcwilil Itaiik
tupt. Ad luilher, liotiio Is hen by (liven, (hat
tho Second and third Mcellni ot Clcdltor of
Iho Mint tt.iukiupt mjuhtd b tho J7lh and
m (Inns ltfald Aet, will he had hetoiu Iho hilld
lEetfiflt r at samo time and place.
t leilc nf P. H. District Cmtrf, furMihl District. li-Uw
I his Is to ulvo notice; that on Iho 01 h day of
M.iich.A.n. H.ii wariaut In Haiiliiuplcy was
IhmuhI int'iiiiot the csialo of JainoH M. Dew It t,
ol Mllluati r -In too county of Columbia
.did statu of IV ninj Ivanla, who hns hen ad
Juiltil a lEankrupl on his omii pet ll Inn that
lu- pa nn nt .i an it, his nnd deliver) of any
propeitv bcloniini; to siuh llankitipt, lo him,
nrlur ids uo nnd iho tnuiRfi r of any properly
t) him ate IniMddiu by law; that a inciting of
tho Cu-dlioiN ot ihu h.ild liaiikrupt, to prove their
i klits, and tiiehottse ono or inoroasslnmH'H of hN
estate, will be held at ft Court ol llanUruptcv , to
no holden at tho l.xt hanye Hotel, Hi illomusburrf
L'nlu m bla county, l'eniiNj ImuiIii. hetore Jlward
overiou, Jr., lteKt-.ier, on iho lutli day of April,
a, it., iMis nt l) o'clock, a. ni.
Mur.Hw.!', l y r. It. Cooi.iiAi'dH, Deputy,
Jj NKinr. ih;ci:aki:d.
l'o Marv U'hitenlL'ht.
tiicnaoi iiiieiiiuiii, in inj ii ii t iiiuiii, AiMhey
Willi. nlu!i!,Jlitl. .ii wife of Daniel Waiiich,Ke
i.etca i;h. tbflli wltool Hi niy Miiuiuern, itachael
I mum wife ut Wllliuiu lliuiioii,and ,illa M.
WhiiciilUt iho two lust named blliitf inlnor.
and h.lo fnrlhitr KU.ndiau, att lihnm Thus, J,
Vaiuh itdiu. I.tiicaidcseondantsol IVter White
nlilit dt ccUM'd, and to all olla r persons HiIitckI
od, Hi cell uy Voll me heicby cltid to bo und np
pear belure I he Judues nf our Orphans' l omt ut
an Oi plum's Couit to bo held In lllnotnshiirc.ou
Ihol'lllsr MONDAY or MAY next, thin und
there to accept or ielutc (o lake tho leal estate of
said IVter W hitiulght det'(itseil,nt ilm appralfOtl
Miluation put n j Mm it iiv, the Iniiiu-Kt duly nw aid
ed by thu t-iid emirt, him it-turiied liy tho Shell II,
or show cut so why the mi mo shuuht not behold,
And heieof full not.
Witness tho Honorable William Ktwell, I'm m
dent or our t-a Id court, the liiii day of IVhiiury.
A.D., WV. 1
Jfs-i.Coi.kman, Clerk, o.c.
t IlllietO the Ibn tlihb.frlh..i In Unrrnr.
IoartoiMishlpm or alHiut tho I'l th ot February, n
llltOWN MAlti; with a wliile islrlpo In the lace,
hiippo-id to no nhoul ilo j ears old, Tho owner
U uijiiesied to come ft u ward, piovopioperty nntl
pay th.HKts.and take her away, olheiwhtu hho
will bedlsposut otntvurdlna to law.
ali.vas com:.
Sufiarloaf.Mar.U'lVs it
nn: iiANcAhiiiu iNTi;i,uai:Nci:it,
tin: t-vitar-sr ANncmiAi'FST pkmocr vtic jorn-
AI. IN I'fc.sSSl 1.VAMA,
Till Iillta-ler InlelllifimcreMalilMieil In Ifll'i
h. ts iiptniH u in UhnuiniKit llisl-elnss Political
nn, I l'niullj ln.Ub,ii,r. 'Iho VVi tidy liitt'lllici-n.
eel U nuwlliel.ii4;esl peliiocrallc ,tiler publlshcil
ill Ptllll-liilila. Il hat. lately l-ceii meully Im
piimil Hi n II nspi els, nml isjixtnuihnimiicraii
oi ly PcinnciatMioukl lake.
1 ue iiublhliciH oi iho Im i Li.iurNcm it caul 11
lo ho Ihe illll v nf e cry lit inn-iat o hll.p,nt Ills
count) Jiaj-tls In pieleli li(e liianv olbci ; but as
Ibelemo inuny Mho Hill be llltcly lo klibscrlbo
Inr nun n Ib.tu one panel ilutlli till- pelulini; Pic.
lilt iillal CHliiilnu, liiey liiiM'coliillutUil In oiler
tboWiikl) liitcllluelicirut Ihelollowtlig rilteMi
Isinule cnplcsi.iie jti.r, S.'.lil. 1'lM) conies line
yi l,r -li.ill.'. leu ioks, on jenr slT.lw, Twellly
coj,li-Honn j i ur Mi'.dl. Ihli iv ci pies, ono jcar
lli.ili. Hll copltblooiieiitlUressiui.ou. i:it;bty
CIII-UK til OIIC il'ltlrt', jN'.INI,
Iiaih i.Mi i.i. ciMiii $",5'i per ninium.
l'i rs ns wishing o m u ruiles. nlo can Unit no
lii'lliTiiiltcillMiil4 ninUuiii (ban tbo Weekly In-
AiIiIicsh II. O. SMITH, A CO.,
Mnr.MBS Luncnsicr, l'.i.
(J 1' V A I, V A 11 I, i: It j; A I, I", S T A t i:.
Will Im eiosi-it lo public s.llo ou the pum.bcs
In urnhxo loiMisblii. ('o.umbl.i i mum , pa., on
H.V'll llli.VV . M.VIILII VLPOMitincto'l lauilnd
Joiuinst l.iutlani iieiijjmin hilner Himun iiwry,
Isaac iselituinl nml l).ilil llall ; eoiit Inlnu-ju
Acllisnll 111 llblnlu ol (lilllMillon, l,fll,i; ll,, s.
tale ol Jnenli llallili(tai.eili anil to ho Milt! bv Iho
uuilernluneil in, Aiteiil lor Iho helibol bal'ilile
cen.eilj l mltl pouer ii, llltoilu).
Al-Mn-Al II. e Miluelime ami place, n lot ol
laiiil iiiIioIiiiuk Ihe ni o e n, nli, Iii, m; mm:ti:ex
Ai lif.s, ii, ,i,l) uu 1,1 hliliicliautl Juii.l. iiiulcr
lliinil clilllMillon : mul uhciiou ate ireelcit n
(IlilJIl IIOl'M. uml llAlt.N.linU olhir ontliiiiM
inu. : u Boii.l mil ol vuiernt the iloor, uml an
i. M'Kl.i.l .n r om iiAlin. '1 Ills pioperiy Is know il
a- ilu oi iho line lllsliani Hall; anil In
bul.l b) iho uii.lei.laneil ns Agiul or Iho uwlior,
Tl.ll.iH or sulk: lin per cent of tl,o purchase
iiiolny on ihe il.ij of bale. Palanconl iho one.
Iiilllllion Uirlbt day nl Apill when ibibu-bbloll
Hill boKlMui anil lloiKlunilMoitKuopiiiiibloln
Hecolnl pktol Tel mi cash.
Mail, Ob-la 'Altoiuey .mil AKtllt,
p It I V A T
tlio iiinleulKl
idelbluaLtl (iiinrillan nntl atloriipv fur tl,a
willow ami (blTilrtu ol John lliimsey, Into of
llloom tuuiishlp 111 the county ol Columbia. Ue.
cease.1, will bdl ul lil l old Mile tho lulluwliiuile
tcilhcil ual (btatoio wit tTlio aeceasoil'H lutolCbt
iii nil I hal 1 1 1 loin tract or laiuUliiiato lu Montour
tOVMlnhtl, ( (illlllllllll li.ll l . lulloliilni. I,in,ll,u
ol P.-ler II in iibciuler, L' uUloilnr Woillcy, Ja
cob II II, i,l,t jiiii r nml iho heirs of John li ijlor
colllalnlni! 11I-IV AL1U.S moio or llbb. It bellni
IMHIII lllllO,
, ',V.w.,,l',V,,"""M.'"'! P'eeei.f groiiinl ultunto lu lb.
lOWIl (II llll,llllll.llllrir II. lu 1,1 I. .l... I
ilCKCilbeilnsf.illoHslowiii Ileiluillnit nl n post,
corner of Pine uml i:Scrs Alley, ami runiilnii
I n licenloiut Pino Alley Norlh smly-ono ihirrees
J-llSt llllrlV.tUll li.fl Inn Ikwl ll,..i.,.n l.v II... I I
ol AhlnhMil VV. 1'iy h,, ulb ln. i, ly. nine ihirrtes.
Lust bli, It en It el Ion sisl, Ihtnce by IhObiuue
Nnilh blxly.ouo iletii ts Wist lllll n feet lo
ISorlh I w t nl .lime ill en i Viol .iti.u.. i.. ,:.
Ibe plan-ol l,(t,-liiiilni( loiilaliiliiifoiio perdi anil
iilne. no l,.i,l ii isiil, luiMi or libs, uiiik part of
hit No, (,!) lu the Cfiicltil ii an of buhl o.un t
Tor iuiiliiilars Inqulleol the unilersluneit.
Ill nil n-e . I , iii-
tJiiiirillau (lliil Attorney lor lliol'ielib olJulm
llliaililbburK, Sturcli C, '08-Ot
pi'IlMO SAl(K
ok vai.u.vum: hi:al iatathi
Tho unilcrblBiiwI on MAltCH 80, 18M1, nt 10 A, M
ut his rcbbliiiee III llilillnck lowuslilli, t'ollllilbla
couiily, will ilUpobuol hlspiiboual omuls nl P"b-
lloM'lllllle. ami ut Ihosaliii, ( l,iu'r..l
1'blllU t'OllblblillU Of
Tvi:Nrv-Titiii:i': Acuiiior land,
on wblcli Is erected a i-no. irnmo linuio nnd bnrn
wllli Ihe UbiiiiloiitbiilUlniis, Terms iniiiloknott ii
on day of sale,
Jiar.lis-Jl. JACOll HAMPAIi.
IV O T I 0 K.
X 1 Nollie l l,, n by trli lu nil persons unl lo
bu) ell or oil, 1 1 ise ni Loiiaieji nolo, drawn by
ue. mm inwhiih VVIllliiiu 1'iiuniibils bicurlly,
ii Im or in iKilirlil. 1 mini, lib niii.e lo pay
tbebaluo not I.uMi.k iiicimiI Millie Hurt for.
Tho New York Sluto Dtmocratic'
, ,. , .. , Jl.l-AUlll'.l IIAII1,
i orkb,CVil, co.l ih.Sh w,