The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 13, 1868, Image 1

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H WMtf I Ik Jjj
VOL. II NO. 11.
lAColl Jlirr., dinlrr In lmi nft lliiuurc, Mnln
I St., lltwivo court house, vpnll
I M. Ittfl'lIUT,
A. Mode, Main ft.
Moves ami tluwntc
, west of Market,
nl.oUT.NIIMIUI, luerchanttnllnr, Main t :d
, door nhuui American house, vl-nll
V'Tci 1 1 '.M 1 1 7F lFnT hoToiinlcnnd ictall dcnT
.1 . cr In clothln&r.elc.; llnrltnnii'M hullillnir, Mnln
street. vl-nl't
IX. MOVIIIl, druggist and apothecary, Hx
J. chnngo block Main fit, vl-nll
1 1', IilITZ, itruafflKt unit npntliecury, Itupert
J. block, Main St., M est of Mai kct, Vl-nll
I Ol'tH IlLttNIIAItll, wntcll ntnl ctnclt maker.
IJ near southeast cot tier Mulnnml IinnMs.v l-nli
locks, watches mat
It V.. HAVAfll". denier In
J. Jewehy, Main ht., neatly opi'site American
UCATIK.'AIIT, wntcll unit rliik iniil.i
Hi., lielnw.Maln,
, Mnlki I
l-li II
l M. IlllOWN'.lioiitnniUhi.lillllker.Milllisticcl
J, opposite American lamie. ltui
I SOLLrnLtl.hiniiur.iclurer and denier In boots
iV anil HhueH.MalnHl., opposite Lplsoopnl ehnn h
HNIIY KM'IM, iiimufaetuier ami ileater In
boots nhd klmcs, groeel les etc., Lnsl UliHilus.
burn Main st,
1 below Unit man's fctoie, went of Market sticet.
Jit. KVANS, M. D. mrcooii nnd ph slclnn south
Mtlo Mnln M below Market, 1-nl (
Dlt. It. 1 Kinney Miiireoii dPiitNl, tenth rti net
od without pain. Main M., mmly opposite
KpK'opal ('lunch, vl-nli)
I 11. M'KKIA'Y, M. 1. norn-emi nnd phyf-h-tan
tJ Kouth ftMo Mnln tit., below Muiket. l-nl I
I ('. ItU'lTIIH, M. U Mtrifeon nml riij Hlcian,
O Market M.( nbuvc Main, vl-nli
Dlt. II. IIOWKIl, MirgeoudentM.Mnlu t-t..
nIiop cruirt hou-u. vl-nlt
building, Main M.
It intscy
l lS A. 1. WT.IUl, fancy koimK notion, book
.11 stationery, north Mlu -Main si i
lM:Ti:itMAN, millinery nml fancy go
' poslto Hplsenpnl church, Mahl lit.
low Mui-M-nl.1
ill cloaks ami dress pattern i,
ilain anil west kt,
AllSHM. l)i:itlllCKSOV. inllliiiorv
iHkhoiU Malnbt.(iippnslle Court llouic.
llAHKI.I'.V, la.lies
tiuilllliMvi ciirm I
.mil r.niM-
ouAX(KviLiit; iiiiiKcToiiv. TH B COLUMBIAN,
17 .Main Ml.. liet ilnur In tlniHrft lliitll. IH7
llllt('l UliTIX nml refienlimcnt unliinti. Iiv 1
l)Mlltin llalieninrrorMalnaliit riucsl.VlnlT
fJW'AN ItHTI'.L, tlni upper lioun' liy.Iolill Sny
O iter, Main nt iiIminii 1'lne. l-nl7
i ). hnnlier ninWi neral Mercltamlhe Main m!
fn 17
fir.olKli: LAAUrs.naiMlcanil liamens maker
U Main t.. alinVo llioHunli lintel. vl-ll 17
U , ilealcr III uliiveii d
maniiriclurpr nf tin waro anil
.Main nt., aimvo '.no
VMl 17
fiAMUin, LVintinr, inuKuM
OMnln Mlieel.
I A I:. V. t DI.n.MAN-, Merclmlit tallnr anil
11, (lent'n riiinlHhhig kihkI, MalnHt.. next ilmtr
In the brick lintel. Vl-nl7
H. IIAYIII'ltsr.CloikH, Walclies anildiiin
iH. repatre'l. (Inn anil Vatelien for nale, .Main
l., lirlow l'llie. , vl-n 17
I AM IX II. 1I.U1M AN. Calilne! Maker, nn.l I'll.
.1 ileitaker, .Main HI., ijclnw l'liie. l-nl7
III'ILM'.LC. Kl:t.Li:it, Coufeetlonery, (lyaien
M Ac., .(.c., on l'lne M lielwien JIalli unit Mill.
VI -n 17
Tl'.&V. Kl:LlTlNl:lLI!laclt5iilllle7,on Mill
, siieit, near 1'lne. vl-nl7
Xl'll.l.lA.M DKI.ONd, HlKHliuik ef TTl iTf ilia t m (a"c
(t turernf llrlelt, Mill Mt west ntrino vlulU
IM.IAH HNYIILH, l lniir ami
j 1 1. :l U r 111 Kmlll, MIIIMtnvt.
Mill, ami
I i:VIH II. SC'lll-Yl.l:lt, Iron foiimler, Macliln.
I JlKt , t(li I Malilllactlin r of plo, Mill St. I-HI7
l II.IX A. WILLIAMS A Co'lalilii rsnml Man
M illiivlliri liullii r, .Mill Slrei l. vl-nl"
1 1 1 1 1 N' KLLLLIt, Hoot ami Mlioi maker, l'llin
.J Mieel, opi '"-He the Acnililiiy VI-UI7
I II. llinilllNd A llltol lir.ll.Carpiiiurialal
A. liullilcli, Main Mtn el, hi low l'lne. M-1H7
OAMI'LL SIIAIIPLLHM, Maker or lliellajliurnt
O drain t'laille. Main St. Wni,
r M. 1IAHMAN, failule anil liarlieii nnikcr
J, liiauj,rc Ille, opposite l rauio clnircli. M.'nll
A Domoovatic" Nowrtpsviioi'
1H rt'lll.tllll.11 I.VI.IIV llllllAV MOIIM.Nd AT
Til 11 principles of tlilpapcraroof thejenerhnn-
lun Heliool of polities, Thoo prlnclpU swill never
bo compromised, yet courtesy ami kllulcss slial
not lo forKotlen In (llscussltn! tliein, w hctlicr w Ith
lmllvlilual, nr Willi eonlemporarles of tlio l'rens
Tho unity, happiness, and prosperity of thecomi
Irylsoiiralm nn,l ohjeeti and as Iho mentis lo
secure tlint, wo shnll labor lionesllyntulonnieslly
for the harmony, success niul growlhof our oiguic
Tr.iiMsorSLMticiui'rioN: Two ilollius a j(nr
If pnltl in ailMitice. If not palil In mlvaluo tun
ilollaisamt ilfly (cnls will hclnvnrlahlycli.irgeil.
Ti.KMsdi'Anvi ltnsiMi: One niiiare(len lines
or less) olio or thrio Insertions il,.V); each suhke-
iiuent Insertion to ecnl.
Ono square ,
Three squares .
1'our sipinres . ,
Half column....
Une column
, ii.ih
, 15,11
J 1,10
(,M, Ili
S(t,i) J10.00
!),') l i.rni
12.K) 19,llsl
l i.iio ayw
J),i) .10,110
iiKiirr stkki:t diuiictoky.
)Lri:it LNT, ilealer 111 illy gooils,
I Hour, n.(il, Milt, !Mi, lion, nails,
te.. LIuhL
I TLltWILI.IIil.II, Cahlnctmaker, fiulcrtaker
mm (. nan nuiK( r, vi-i
n 1 Knl.I.LY. lllaiksmltli. intnolte l,ost olllec,
I1 vl -ll II)
I L above school lunfc.
!!. :. KMSI'i tnllllnery ami fancy
III st iloor
M-tl 111
) , r.. Kill , IK'UIIT III lAUIIH'l, lllUli, llllliv,
etc. I'ush p.U.1 f.r IIMi-s. vl-nliJ
. M. I!T. ilrnlcr In staves itnl tin vhio In
) ulllit hrmichi-,. 1-nlti
I ilU'Illl W. OJIAN, iimm.r.uUircr nml lealor In
1 boots Illl'l MlOCt. . M'lll't.
I Is! i ii 1 1 i.i pi lilvi -tlllii,-',! . f. 1 i n in .
ri rropriL'ior. r-iui
Kxrcutor's nml Ailtnlnistrator'H Notice J.1,00; An
ilItor'H Nctlco Other uclMrlNenients InM-i-
teil uccorillng to peelat contract.
riusliietsxnotlceH, wltlionlmlvcrll'-tincnt, twenty
cents per line.
Trnnslelit mlvcillHcmcnts payable lnftthnncc-
nil others duo after the flrt.1 Inf-citlon.
JS It Is, In all cases, nunc liktly to Lo Pulhrnc-
tory, both to suhscilheitt nml to tho rublNhors,
that remit tunotH ami nil Ions rcvpecl-
ln tho business of tho paper, be sent ilirect to Iho
nflleoof publication. All letters, whether relating
to tho eilltotl.ilor business concerns of the paptr,
niiil nit payments fur subscriptions, ndvcithfiif,
or Jobbing, nro to bo nifulo to nml nmliessctl
nitocKW'AY & ruunzi:,
"Ojtumbion Ojjlrr,"
Ht,ooMsiirnn, Pa,
I'llnleJ nl llnblsin'h tlunillngs, near the Court
llouo, by
Neatly c xccuted at this Ofl.c,.
tatc of the (Ccmntvy.
IVIcctiiig- of tho cnnsylvania Dem
ocratic Convention at
Atkli'o,-fCHi by Col. Williitm
Walhtco and othoiv.
Columbia nml Ifoiilour Onirics Con
Cumlicrlniul lion, flavlil Wherry.
Dauphin John McCrcary, John II.
i rouse.
Dclawnru Dr. .1, 1.. i'orowood.
Kilo-L'iiplnln I). M. Iliilulilii-on, W.
. i.yif, k. uinij) iiowuen, .1. uo-s
Tliomiion (eonttvtcill.
I'Vvelto Joseph T. jrcCormlck.
CI recne A. A. l'urmaii.
IIiintiiiKiluii, M I 111 1 1) and .lunlnta (leo.
Jackson, Joseph Wnrelmni.
Imllaim anil Westinorelaiul J. 11. Sim-
smn. ll.iliH JlcfJaiilev. I:. W. Wilson.
Lancaster ueorco Isatimati, u. A
For Auditor-General, Chao,
E, Boyle.
General W. II, Ent nominated for Sur
&C, &Ci, &c.
. II. I Ulk.W.X.l, lllllllllt'l. .Hiliil ill., iniiin I 1 '
iianioiiii h hioro, w lsi 01 .muikc l hi. i i i 1 i , tu .n i i , nuc ., if m mi j ''.,",
I . II 1 1 HI I It's, a lU I iiiT.ll incii-d.tiiuni-. i.iii i
i l) r VT.liwrr.T,. ilcnicr tn (lr- imotls. irrocci'-
1, WHt cjuct lis wnrt- iiiiiiiwiir, iimi, -.iM, T
rnlli; -MISSUS HAItMAN tnllllni'iy ami fancy
I ifoods. Main street Jut below Ainu lean hm.v,.
A T i O It ? 1 1 Y - A T - I A V,
Ashlaml, Schuj lklll t'ounly, I'enn'n.
ttriliMVltU A JAC011V.
m niul nyster wiloon, whole
cliango bto i, Main bt,
1 f .1' M'l II 't neuter nii.l ,.iitlii'. iitomi. Aineil-
. I can llouve, Main st., Il.iltrer Leaeoek supcilu;
K'UIICIM. .. v.-ui,
nfoctlonry, bakerj.
.1 It anil rt i.iii,
IIOX4 WK1SII, cnnf.ctliiiieiy, bakery, ami oys
I' ((rsaloiiu, wholcsuloiiuil ivlall, Main si , Jni
below lion, M-nll
lAXt'HANdi: IIOTIX, by .1. I-. l'.s.ow, Main
I j St., opposuo eouri nou.e, u-nn
I Ml'lttl'AV IUlI'.sl!. bv .lolix LllAllHI.. M-llll
A st.. wesl of lion Ulcet. 1-nl I
t-lil I
-. r
'11 W. IMiCi Alt, susriiuhauna riniiln.! Mill mm
. Il..x Mi,iir..,.,.i-e. vl-'nll -LTX.
ji;usi:towx mklitohy.
i Vl 1M :v MA 1 1 if-i IX. ill alcr in mi v irothis.
A eci Ics. L'l-alu. lumbi-r etc., .b'i f tow n l-nlti
1 At 'Ml A. H'lslli:ll, dealer lu Hides, I.
A T T (I It N ll V - A T - L A W,
llcrwlek, I'oUiinlila County, reiin'a.
A T T ( 1 1 V r. Y - A T- T, A V,
Ileiulck, Cotumlila f'ouuly, lVnu'ii.
HIM- MAMI IM, I!IMI1. M.uIImiii IIoUI. Uro-
1s ami f-llalljreis i nieii.uiii u. (.-in
A 1 TU ll it 1 "A I J A V-
MnltK's U)Ti:ii, by M m (.i.n.east eml
f Main st,
I) srolIN'IMt, uficNhnu ut saloon, Main,st
j j, aiiovo four i ii'jiim', i-i
I 'AMimV. rcri-chhineiit mi Intnl. Kvehamr
J hotel, Iawsoii C.Umnu,fcuperlnlemUul vl-nll
r ir. cnr.i.Mnitr. icfrihlmu-nt, isnioou. KhHe'N
biocic hoiun mho .mini hi. m-ui
O N (1 1' O N
I) 1IO T K 1.
leased ami n-luinlsh
I.i .lACOHM, (.onleetlonery. iociikh
1 J St., above I'otll 1 House,
Vl-ll ID
ii nitii-iisuarc
liStiiauKO block, Main htict-t,
ilealer In tlrv pimN, uurccile
Hour. salt, (shoit. iintluii". ct
ii. MiiJi:u
Al'KIIiA Y M:A1 a. in., drains in tiiyKoon-
lit uloi'i-rifM, mail-, irt'i, mui. iinu. iti'ii, ('.
Lie. noilheiut comiT Malunnu Mai tut st. l-nU, linis ami enps, oonis run mhwi.
Main ht., nbo o com t house. 1-n I '
l M II 1? ilrv irMdil-i niul Hi it ll)llS. SOltlllW'CSt
. corner Main and lioiihU, 1-n 1-1
J. llltOWKH, dry Koods, KroccrleH, etc
, ivent corm r Main ami Iuu htis.
. noiih'
i in miilfrlni(i 1m tn
e-d 111 iiond KlUi tin' ubou well-Mlowu IIuiim',
I sltlUlto
in iho hnnlfimtf Columbia niul Sulllvnil count Ick,
hi nun r.i ili iiirist hi an 1 1 dil and lienlllillll reulous
hi lln-Shito; Is tally prepnied to neeoininodnti?
lsuors llllll sojouuien
WITH TlIKIli TAMlbins,
'Mui lninl nml streams mo (Uhtocke-d with
delicious tlhli or many kiiuis ineimuu
T 11 O U T A N I) I1 J Jv I
lumu in itiiiii nviii-r win tin Kent mr ' a"
cniiiinodatloii and iiniuscinciit of hucsIm, either
lor llblilntf orplcaMiicexcuihloiisupmi this hi nu
ll iui nei i in uiei n iiic-u it
Mil UMlUOI'il oy III! r.lL-u-.i i; i imi-bi. i in j i iwi.-t -
ilcii lo llio lilinioiiiau u bpicjiuni uumh iui- hii m u
pm''spoils, mui ee'iLi--c miii ins
11 t) A N l 11 I 2i.
ill.. T iii-iifr u 111 Im nlvnH l.rovlilid wlh the
dellcac les of I he season : and his liar otcK-Led wllh
Vvuu I.iiU'ok. 'Iho IIiuio Is Mru'cnnd coniniO'
iiioiw i tin Kin lil lii I'Mi n nml tsiife.
illO tlOUSO IS UUtlie'U liuill m-vi-iiu 1miii "ii
Hu, itifiiuni.biu-i' .t l.iu-kawnium llaltroad: anil is
iihpleudld tdace to tho hot months of ' Mi i ti
nier, 1. ll.VUIWIl'Ji
May i, iMiT-im.
W, MI 1,1. Kit,
(ltUenultb 1'. 11. Llllle. Ill bllrk 1 ll i 1, 1 1 1 ilt ri.l
.lollllnu lVnt Olllec. i-IIOlintles, ll.iek-1'av ami
1 elisions i oiiecii ii. pep-v in
jonx c. riu:i:zi:,
Olllec lii Iti'aSler aii'l llicoi-iler's olllce, hi llic
basement or Hie Court House, llloomsburir, ra.
")OHi:itT l-'.ri.AHK,
onico comer of Main nnd Mm kit btueU, ocr
l-'list Xatlonal lianli, llloouislnuR, l'a.
II. 1. ITTl.K
Onlcoon -Main kllecl. lu brick bullillng below Ihe
t'outt House, itloomsburg.r.i.
G. 1!-
iii.ooMsiiunn, pa.
-.T'V- IllllTMIV ,ll-v coO.lS. llfillOllS. I
1 Bi-occliwi,, Main sl.,oppu.lle I'.plscopal cliul ch.
t o h v m ii i a nous i:,
11 If. llltN'Kltr.lidtnt. nitreiit.l iriocerles. tol'IU'-
I I . m noil ciitir.s-t ntiiti-v. Alain k!.. below Aim 1-
lealihousii, 1-nl I
1 A
1 , ctatlonery.
Main hts.
11 St., Just
i . stone shoe More, books ami
konl liu ckl corner Market anil
. Main
1-n I i
lir. UN A 11 11 HTUllNUK.
IIavi.nii lUclv piirchaseil ami IHIul up
fla-orKtrn C'ourl House Alley, below ilieru-
luinuuiH umce. .iiiiiii,,
. nonisox,
, attoiini:y-at.lav,
UI-noM-lU-KIl, I'K.NS'A,
V1IXTAM KltASMl'S, cnnfeetlonerle'
si a novo com 1 11011-.0.
m MPVnMN'lIAI.Ii.ironeral Mock of mcrch-lU'
Vi. ilNi ami lumber, corner of Main slieetaud
Jkrwlck mad. 1-nll
1 .1. ItOIlllIN-t. ib all r In drv ooimIs Ktcerfe. 1
ii hhlMi'M block. Main nt., beluwlum l-nll
T K. 1IUTOS. fiiiiccrleH it l'lo Moil, houth-
J cast corner Mnln and Iron htu-eth, 1-nll
, Main ft,, below Iron.
n W,HNYHi:it, hmdwaie, cutlery, t'linsitc
1 .1.
A ki cpIuuKoods, liibh trioi erlt ,
J, hI.0AN( dcnlcrlu (holccihy K"ds, IlmiM-
l.i rnttiif iMin.isi tn kli I'liu i'i-fi u. ( 1 1'.. Ltl'. Mil 111
M.. opnoolto emu t bouse, v-lu 1 1
1 K. IIYt'll, uroecrlet niul gem-nil inerebnndlM'
t) MUlll hi., UIIOVO i'l.
T T. HllAHri.lH, diy
1 j, Kunch, t ic,. unpen
PnlM'i r. fitfiillnrn vr.i-itnu 1 1 1 1 on klnl'V
, brick on MaliiKt., weit ot Maiket bt. t-ni.l
kocmH, fiiH-crleM, boots,
bhak, uln bt utM of
.1. TIinilNION
nml ilitures, Itupcrt bloct
wall paper, wlmlow Miaili
-iiaiii hi. m-iii.
If llOHlINSTOC'K, phntnmaplier, llxehalu;,'
11. block, Main bt opposite colli t liollkc, l-ui;
I 1 lllin A11T ,,l, nt.,,,!-,,,, In IV lbiilinnii'K bull.
J lnglioillicilsi('oiliei'.MaliiuliilMalk(Ut. l-nl.)
V W. IIAItTON,tobaeeonlfct,illlil ilcnlerlu sl"M
n coal, -Mam bi,, opposite (ouii iiousc. s
I 11. I'UItSIXL, Kail.Ue, tiutik nml humous
.1 milker. Main hi., below couit, house, vl-ul'l
n I'OHTLlt, (lluu Malar, ami While am' iaiicv
U. Tininer.r'dainwn, x-m,
DI.OOMSIIl'Ita Lt'MllLIl to niiiliurncluiers
Jlniul ilenlels 111 Lumber, ul nil klnils, plillulnB
mill nearlho lall-liMil. vl-nW
r .1 111 IIT.I'.M AK. siiiblle ami barm sk maki
tw.,,,- Sinn ill ehi col oi r 31 ill n lino ..iiiiut i ll.
' M-nll
i.i, I.ln irnll,. Lilll 1, IVCttl
(in tier Main niul Miukit sts, l-ull
ll H.ItlMlI.r.Il.iliakr lu l lanos. nmiiiu innl
1, nieloil(onh,nt(l. W.L'oielrmiitiilluiciooius
I l-ll III
rp II. JIAhTLltM, went for rirmrrA Uakn's
1 . sewliiK madilne, Main fct., Jlmtliltill'N bullil
nif, up HlulrM. l-nl.)
Wcli-kliown lloblsuli llolel l-loperty.loeati
n:i- nooiw Auurr. Tin: cucut noi'sF,
, llmsninn siiln of tbo (.licit. Ill the towtl of
liloomsbuii!: niul h.iWns oblalneiln ll(in-e for
the same as a
n i: s t a u it a x T ,
the 1'iopiklor linn determines! IokIMi lo the peo
ple M.ltlnif tho lown on niiMiiewi or pieasiue,
A LllTl.i; -MUdi;
ills ktiibllm. also Is oxlcnslve. ami Is tilled up
In mil buiiiili Blind eiiirlaises In llieilrv. lie piom-
Iscs Hint i vcryllilliK nboul lilsestabllsiiluelil sniiil
bocoii.lucU.l lu an oiileily ami lawliil manlier!
nml he Kspicltnlly of Iho public
1 HiioiniKC
-jynuK'.s iioTr.i.,
(iKUUlJi: ( . -ilAI-(il.ll, I lupiieioi.
l'heabo"e well-known Iiotil has recently uiidci-
uoiie nul i al ehanuei. Ill Its Internal iirrauuemi ins,
mui Its pr, pi letor announces to his lornier custom
and tho trincllimt public that bis accomodations
lor lnneolniori oi ins Biiesikiuesec",," ......v ...
Iliuuuiiiitly. lllslable will always be found mip-
piled, not only wlllii.ubktnuii.ii mou, um wiiuaii
(ho dellcnclebof tho tcason. Ills wines and 11-
, niy.1 nr tnaL imntiinr oeveraiid koiiiiii ie
1 u,.c,iru"l. dliect ll'om the llillsn tint.
houses, am entirely i, lire. nil. I lieu iioni an poe
ano In Ihe pat,mid will eonllnue todokcno ll In
"r I........ ' ,1,', 11, 111' c. i l 1 1! 1 1 I!
irpill-: SWAN UOTKL,
tub rri'i it iiot-bK.l
oitANai:vii,i.r., ioi,r.MiUA to,, i,
'Il,ai.ii1i(.nrlllli- ll bin I'ttllllV 111 fill I11H llUllIl'lllM
, nnd the public, thai bo 1ms taken Iho nboiell
Known liouso oi i iiiriuiiiiimiiii , iii I
pllltbi-tllO ll'COlVO 1 110 CUMOMI I1 ill! Willi Mill
ft vol- nun wiiii i can.
in: wii.ii ur.iu1 a good taiiu:,
I ii liar well Ktockul wllh Urn beM of I.lmiorti, nnd
efiv lloit will bo inudo to nnderenllro hallH-1
lacuon. d u 11. n.i 1 1'i.t.
urancoMiie, l'a., .11111111 u, 10,-uu,
J IIK ITOpiieiori'l inoLSCUauiior-aioi'iiiiii.. i,"ii
011 hiilid a lame utoek m
HUMMLIt Ill'.I'Iti:KH.Mi:.NTH,
eonslsllliu of
spkiii omrnis. b.Minixrj. luii'i', hoi uiihab
kiii mptumr'h, 111111.u1 r.oiw,8Wi:ii7mi iil-rar,
l.AClKU liKlUt, AIH, AC.
i- tOMi: OSll, l OMi: ALL AND HI'.!., 'da
Uloonihburt;, May u, )u.
Olllio In I'luinust'K Ilulldliiir. MulnSliect. Wist
,i, A...pi..n it,...-n itnieri.7.
OUIS IiKItXIIAltD Inf.Min llirt (.ftlTCnu of iiwhintr (Hid
vlelnltv I hat ho Is now- nrenarcil to do all klu-Nof
piaiioir, Oliver or goiu, ' v"
V 0
T I O X K K 11.
MOKHH l.'Ol'l-MAN,
Hinllilt follnwed Iho profession nfl'llliUc Veiidue
Crier lor liiany yeai-H, would lutorni Ids ttleiiils
th.ltholsktlllllllliulleld, leady and Mlllllll! I"
attend tonll tho duties of his calllne. IVisoii"
deslrlutt his kervlees Mlould call or wrlle to him
ai iiioouisouri;, -a, iiihih-wi
U.nie Asni.iaui .Medical imecior u, r. .innj ,j
V II Y S I C I A ?f A X It H U It (1 ll O N(
fj- Olllce nt thohouo oiniobUoMilxe'H illoek,
Liiooiiisiiiiru, i .i.
Calls promptly nttcmlud to both iilahtaiul dny,
IHiiomhtm-K, Jan. is, jwi7.
C. S II 1 V K ,
C A II I N ll T -M A K 1! It,
HASH, lll.IXDS, rXlOltH,
HIIUTTII It H, M o ll 1. 11 1 N o f,
MAIN urn I'KT,
IlLOO-MHIllHtO, 1-A,
June 2s, Isii7,
MT.C!AL TO Till: Aflli,
llAltlttscrild, March 4.
llAituisiliL-ntl in inspired with tho
Kreate.t excitement of tho present year
tho Dcinoer.itlc Statu Convention.
Tho occasion In iimrked by more than
tho usual Influx of strangers attendant
upon such gatherings, and the Interest,
both in delegate circle-, anil In tho out
side visitors, is intense. At tliolleuliler
Hotel, tho hcadiiuartcr.s of tho Kxoctl
tivo Committee, there have been pres
ent this morning the most prominent
Democrats in tho State. Hon. Am
Packer, Judge Woodward, C!en. Cdv,
Congiv-sinen I oyer, (let., Olossbren-
ner, Huiidall, ox-Congressman Aucona
ex-tlovernui- ltlgler, (ien. D.ivls, Clou., Col. Win. C. Patterson, Hon
,1. 11. Stark, of Luzerne, Senator Hop
kin. Senator Wallace, and a host of
others are In iittend.itiei) upon thu pro
Tin: oi'nsi.Mi or Tin: co.vvlntio.v.
Tho Convention met at noon lu the
hall of tho House of Itepre-enlatlves,
tho Legislature having adjourned over
Tho delegates were seated In front of the
Speaker's chair, arranged in accordance.
with their Congressional apportion
meat. In tho leuv of tho delegates was
a den-e mass of outsiders, comprisin
Democrats from every part of the
Stale, and the crowd extended throtigl
the rotunda and out to the Capitol
wheru every window and doorway was
crowded with interested spectators. A t
twelve o'clock, amid profound mild
Colonel Wallace culled the Convention
lo order.
Tho IM of delegates was called by
Secretary Drown, of llnrrisbnrg. A full
roll answered (several of the members
who li, dbecii detained on the railroads
arriving many hours late) as follows:
1st, Phllad'a.- Alexander Diamond.
L'd. John Campbell.
ild. Timothy A. Sloan.
Ith. Thomas McCnllough.
Mb. Chester, Delawaro and Jlontgoni
cry ll. ii. l.ongauer anil Jolin lloiig
t'llh. llucks-II. M. Ptircell.
7th. Lehigh and Northampton Xel
son woi-er.
8lh. licrks 1 1 on. S. IC. Aucona.
Jth. Schuylkill T. .1. IeCanimant.
lilth. Carbon, Monroe, l'iko and
Wayne D. A. Wells.
1 Ith. I!iadfoid,Susquelianna and Wy
oinlng ueorgo btovens.
12th. Luzerne S. (1. Turner.
lilth. Potter, Tioga, McKean and Clin
ton 11. 11. llrulL'ens.
1 Ith.- Lycomlng, Union and Snyder
John AValls.
bllli. Northumberland, Moiitotir, Co
lumbla and Sullivan CJcorgo .
Kith. Dauphin and Lebanon 1). W.
17lh. Lancaster--William Pattou, H.
(i. Smith.
18th. York and Cumberluiid Dr. J. D.
Hllli. Adams and Franklin I. P. Mc-
Dov tt.
20th. Somerset, liedford and Fulton
u. l.. bliaiiiion.
21st. Ulair, Huntingdon, Centre, Mlf-
III ii , .Iimlata and Perry T. -M. Utley,
J. .lackman.
22d. Cambria, Indiana and Jell'erson
James I'otts.
S!d. Clearlleld, Camernn, Clarion, lor
es! and Llk.
2ltli. We-lniiueland, Fayette nnd
Ureene .lolin I., Dawson,
Uli. Allegheny It. II. Kerr, John
A. Strain.
aith. Washington and Heaver K. P,
Ku in.
7th. i.awreiice,Hiitlertiiid Arnistorng
D. S. Morris.
2Stn, Mercer, Venango and Warren
ll. ll. rosier.
StiUi.Ciawford and Krle - J. T. S.
Sloan (eontesttd.)
iti:i' Distiiuts.
1st. Phllairu. Jo-eph Caldwell,
Mr. llarr, of Allegheny, offered a res
olution that a committee of one from
each Senatorial district bo selected by
tho district delegate to nominate per
manent officer.
Mr. Smith of Lancaster, moved to
amend lo so appoint a committee of !11
to report on permanent officers. This
was conllrmed.
It was agreed to call thu Senatorial
districts, and that tho delegates should
select tho members of tho committee.
Pending tho announcement of this
Wormloy, A. M. Front., Colonel A' committee, tho Philadelphia delega-
Lebanon W. M. llrcslln.
Lehlgh-J. F. Kline, 0. F. Shalt..
.ycomlng Union and Snyder John A.
(Iambic, H. C. Kycr.'Chnrles Cox.
.ti.erno Jos, D. vanlecr,l)anlel Hard
ing. W. II. Pier.
Mercer, Lawrence and Hutler Jacob
.eigier, s. .Marsnan, colonel i;. w.
Stephens. James Shanklev.
Montgomery Daniel (Jtilllmun, Abel
Northampton William Mutchler,(lco.
W. Stein.
Northumberland W. 'P. Forsyth.
Perry and Franklin-.!. I!. Hackett.W.
S. Stenuer.
Sclmylklll-P. V. Collin-, W. M. Han-
dull, J. P. llechtol.
Somerset, Fulton and lSodford George
A. Smith, Hiram Flndlay.
Susquehanna and Wyoming Walter
Tioga and Potter Col. N. 10. Klllott,
Miles White.
Venango and Warren J. S. MeCal-
mont, 1.. 11. Lldrcd.
Washington and Heaver Win. Hop
kins, 1). M. Douehoo, Adam J. Fcker.
Wayne and Piko-C. F. ICldred.
York Adam Kbatigh, Perry L. Wlekes.
Colonel Wallace then addressed tho
Convention, Interrupted with repeated
si'r.r.cii or cor.oNr.L walt.aci:.
(Ii:.vtli:mi:.v or nm Convilntion :
The political events ol the past year tiro
full of reasons for pride In your strength
mil confidence In your future.
Success has crowned your citbrts and
the great principles of civil liberty nnd
constitutional government havo nsser-
ted their power over the minds of the
These great doctrlnos gave birth to
our organization, anil, when wo nro de
feated in their support, like tho fabled
Anticus, when hurled to his mother
earth, wo gather therefrom renewed
vigor and arise stronger and more de-
ternilmd than before.
The war mid the attendant train of hor
rors are remembered In sadness. Ilea
sou resumes its throne and de-igning
men can no longer attain their selfish
cud by appeals to pa-slon. Christian
charily now fills tho place that rancor
has uurped, and bate and bitterness
are slowly passing away.
The Hadleal party has-u shown their
incapacity to govern tho ltopttblle, and
the mass of their own adherents recog
tlons withdrew to decide upon tho eon
tested election eases submitted for their
Mr. McCalmont moved that when tho
Convention adjourn It bo to meet at 2.30.
This was amended to I r. M., and
agreed to.
The President named as tho commit
tee, Messrs. J. 0. llarr, of Allegheny ;
William Pattou, of Lancaster j J. D.
Hownian, of Cumberland; Captain II.
1). Woodrull'jOf Cambria ; Hon. Sydney
K. Aucona of Hcrksj A. A. Herman, of
(Jreonoj William Miitchlei-of North
ampton. Tlio Convention then adjourned until
I o'clock.
Tlio Convention reassembled, upon
bel.ig called to order at I r. M.
Tho Philadelphia committee on eon
tested seats reported in favor of Lewis
C. Cassidy, as delegate from tho Fifth
Representative District, and Robert S.
I.y-ter, from the Second Represcntatlvp
District. The report was approved.
Thu committee on organization then
reported tho following as officers of tho
Convention :
Wm. Hopkins of Washington,
vici: riir.sinr.STs.
James Hroo is, James Sbeukley.
Geo. A. Qtilgley, Thos. A. McDovltt,
Joseph Caldwell Urico M. Pureed,
Dr. J.L. Forswood, Dr. C. K. Shultz,
l(.,ll l.p (-,.t. I. ...... 1..1.II .. .t citiiii-i, jicciiici,
C F. Kldrcd, AndrowGeiselmmi,
ii. ji. iiridgcns, Jicnry u. l-.yer,
win. T. l orsyin,
Col. J. JfcCreary,
G. M. Wormley,
Hon. II. Flndley,
Jacob (iiilluian,
Jos. M. Thompson,
11. McCaulley,
John Mackiu.
Samuel Maroliall,
A. M. Frantz.
David Wherry,
J. H. Hackle,
Geo. Jackson,
Wm. L. Corblt ,
Henj. P. Kane,
D. M. Donehoo,
John Huplett, W. Stenger,
Jacob Zeigler, W. J. Jackson,
A. J. Crl-man, Win. Mutchler,
Win. Hesllm, F M. Hutchinson.
Sergeant-at-arms Samuel Carson.
Doorkeeper Follyard K. Dcgan.
Senator Hopkins, Chairman, then
briefly addrc.ed tho Convention
Upon the conclusion of Ids speech, on
motion of Mr. Hutler, a committee of
thlrty-threo was chosen by Senatorial
districts to frame a platform, and con
nlzo the fact. Famine and crime, mil- shier all re-olutions relating to a plat
nary rule, insecurity ol mo and proper- form
ty, the negro dominant, the white race
oppressed, aro the proofs of this In one
sccllon, while grinding luxation, uncer
tainty lu business mid financial distress
pervade tbo other. It haj given us "a
broken and dissevered Union," corrup
tion and extravagance lu the uso of the
public money, confusion In monetary
all'.iirs, and mismanagement of the im-
iiien-o revenues it has wrung from tho
people. It can unite upon no policy but
the perpetuation of its own power. In
tbo mad spirit of faction, it seeks to
strip the Executive of his prerogative,
and to ignore the sacred functions of the
Judiciary. It tramples iijiou the organ
ic law, revcres our traditions, and
brands as criminal every attempt to
stay Its wild career.
Our form of government is tho exter
nal evidence of our eapclty for self-gov
ernment, fin-governments are what peo
ple make them. If wo can govern our-
seh-es, we can sustain tho government
wo lovo and ran safely trust to tho force
of Ideas, to tho march of mind, to pub
lic opinion, to crush with tho ballot
tho-u who through the forms of law at
tack the vital spirit of our institutions.
Hi. (Icorgo W. Hrcwer, J. 11. Donahue.
17. Gen. James Hums, Owen ('lark.
in. ueorgo a. Acnenuacii, coionei
Wm. llrlndle.
10. HvronD. Hanilln. Wm. I.. Scott.
20. William L. Corbett, Hon.Gaylord
21, lion. John L. Dawson, James 11.
John A. Strain. Jns 11. Guthrie.
2.1. It. II. K'.rr. Jo in T. Hard.
21. A. A. Apcrman, David S. Morris.
Si. To bo filled.
Tho Convention then adjourned until
Punctually at ! o'clock tho Conven
tion was called on to business.
Mr. Delsu of Clinton was requested to
nddress tho Convention, which ho did.
General M'Candless was next called
on. Ho said: That to win battles and
carry campaigns to successful Issue, or
ganization Is tho first principle of suc
cess In tho Convention. The Democratic
party has formed Its skirmish lines, the
plans aro laid down and tho column
formed, and now tho Democratic party
is to advance against tho enemy. There
aro many points in his lines whero on
ward march will break through and in-
suro speedy victory, in tho army the
speaker learned that as long ns an army
or a party remains upon the defensive,
It is merely a question of time how long
It Is willing to bo whipped.
General M'Candless then denounced
tho recent attempt to precipitate war in
tho North by the incendiary appeals of
Radical Governors, and the falsified
statements of volunteers from tho
rami Army of tho Republic, to sits
tain Coiigros-s. Ho counseled modern
tlon, but firm adherence to Democratic
doctrine tho Union ns it was and tho
Constitution ns It is the one the hope
and pride of loyal hearts, tho other tho
refuge and stay of tho country, In the
disorder and wickedness of tho present
Revolutionary, Radical nile. The
democratic party will n.nke no war,
but If war bo pressed upon the North
to secure the dominance of the blacks,
no Democrat will evade or refu-o the
Judge Church then reported from the
Committee on Resolutions the following
declaration of principles:
iV ballot upon tho tho nomination for
Auditor-General wns held, resulting an
follows :
The people hnvo ordained a free system Higlerof Clearfield, Hons. John E.Latta
of laws and n complex yet simple orga- and James P. llarr of Allegheny, Hon.
nlsm the People, tho States and tho w. F. Packer, of Lycoming, Hon. G.
Union. The preservation of tho right church of Crawford, Hon. John S. M'-
of each of thsso Is essential to tlio exls- Calinont of VonniiL'o. Hon. Jeremiah
r ah ll i o .- a i: i.i.
Ou i Wldintiji r A .lacobj'H leo I'ream Saloon,
IILOOMsiliriKI, l-A.
llalr Dvduu and WlilU(m roloied bind; or
broil u. Hnlr Tonic to dt stioy dandl nil and beau
HI) multichain will rekloto hair tu Its oiliilnnl
color wllhoui kuIUiik llio llucht laorlc, eollklnuiiy
on uiimi. iKpii.u.
F. N T I S T R Y.
I W. lt(lttllk.'H. Ilnuor ilenlcr ki.cnnd door floln
), uoilliwest (oiuer Main mid Iiiiii sis. vl-nll
llf l-rACOL'IC. Notnrc l'nl.tli. iiorlhia.tls,rnpr
11 Malluind .Maillot !, l-lilJ
If UN A.1UNKTON, mutual nnd into llm
,1 liikiiiiiiieo company, noithcniiW'oi tier Main ami
Wcktkt, 1-nll
pi'.Oltar, 1IAKHLIIT, manufacturer nnd upalr
CI er orthrehhlnu inachliKii, L'lKinbcrlln'. ulli
1 f-Ifl'llN.rtdilcr lu iiu nt tallow, etc., Chun
1 iKHIn'milliy, ba(J.of Aiuiilciiuhoufce, M-nll
C1AMI LL JAmitV. Mn.l.l,. ..,..1 ll.n.... I.,.....,
O Wailu, Uatt Ule.ui.turg, IJwi w Ilk luad, vl -u 17
i,.,l .,,l.L,ll,r ,,..i ciriillv liifiirmsldk fill lids
nnd Iho public, Hull he lias laUen Iho llbove well
it,.,,-., i.i i', ii, i in linn, .ol mui will be
phased to reeelin lite custom hi an who ui
favor him wun iirnii,
in: will ki:i:i- A noon taiili:,
a Harwell morlieit wllh the bcit of I.I(iuor, and
iMiyellort will be made in rin.ler (iillrii sail..
laetiou, . , ii- ....'... v.. ,
ipy, ra .prii i.-, iw.
A LL Kinds of Ready Made Clolhliig
A ... I .... it,.Pie nt t ll i Mill. III. IS M t'lOthlllii
11, V. llUWlUt, Dl'.NTlST,
llohpccl fully oUVu his profci-Kloiinl wnlwn t
llic jamcK ami Ufnuiemeu en imximkiiurK mm
,.t,,n.- ii,. U in.. i, .nii.l tn nl I i.iiil innlllhn ail
oil-itiperainmt m iiiu line tu iiimi-iiui, ,
11 pniviueu nun iiiuhiuri iiiii'iimvh !
Tn ru u i i u iui iikirtid on iron i inai uir.
sik'ni- nml riiliher lmi.ii tn builc itH well afitho mil
uiiiltfilli. Teeth e'xlrnclcd by nil tho imw nnd
moHiappioMO iioimioN, aiiu uu iipviiii u -'ii
iNmlili'tii'o nml rlllco a lew iloolM alioo thu
Cou 1 1 lUUft mine' kioc.
jnoomfciJint;, juh.iji. ooii
T01IAIV0, H.NUI'li- i. BlXIAll
NO, 313 0ttTll TlllltnSTllKlT,
hieoiid Door below Wood,
ru 1 1, a in: i. rii i a,
,1 W WAhTMAJ 11, 1'. ENOU.MAN
Robert Smith Lister,
mid T. v. Jiarcn
inent (contested.)
Alderman Geo. Moore.
l.uko Keegan, E. R
L. C. Cassidy, R, E
Randall (contested.)
-Charles L. Wolf.
Albert Lawrence.
James Hrooks.
(icorgo A. Qulgley.
Jnincs Deehan.
T. A. MeDevltt.
John Duplet.
M. C. Hrady.
Anthony McGrunn.
-John K. Chadwlck.
John Ilergeshlnier.
John E. Vallee.
James Thornton.
Adams Daniel Gclsolman.
A l oir henv .lo in c. llarr. James ll
Hopkins, Hcujamlii P. Kane, J. 11,
Hwoltzor, W. I), Moore.Johii Miickln
Arinstrnne: John M. Rohrer.
lierks-Danlel K. Welduer, Henry H
jiuoaiis, j . iiageumau,
l,..n- . .ll it . ll.tllll
Hilton , tt ... i-iiii. iv, v lull ien ,1 lima,
Hradford nnd Sullivan George D
.lacusoii, uerricK.
lllalr A. J. Crlssiiiaii,
Cambrlii-11. 1), Woodriill'.
Carbon nnd .Monroe R, Leonard.
Centre John II. Orvls.
Clarion nnd Jefferson W. L. Corbltt
Clearlleld. Forest nml Elk T. J. Me-
Cil oiuili.
Clinton, Cameron ami McKean Hon
A. II. Hovntoii.
Chester Dr. W. W.Downing, John 1),
i.averty, Dr. Joini a. .Aiorrison.
The Convr ntion.'procceileil to its work
of nomination.
There wcro nameil for Auditor-Gene
ral, General W. W. II. Davis of Rucks,
Jacob Zeigler of Hutler, Charles A.
ISoylo of l'ayetto, A. D. Murk Icy of
Montgomery, Daniel Harding of Lu
zerne, General James Knlpe, of H,ui
phln, Daniel H. Nleman of Northamp
ton, General J. II. Sweltzer ol Alleghe
ny, General W. H. Ent of Columbia.
General Sweltzer and General Ent
For Surveyor-General Col. John I'.
Linton of Cambria, Peter F. Collins of
.Schuylkill, Jacob Cresswell of Alleghe
ny, Abram Lamberton of Cumber
land, David Kiiskuden of Clinton, John
Craig of Lawrence, John M. Coover of
For Presidential Electors al Largo
George W. Cas of Pittsburgh, Win. V.
McGrath of Philadelphia.
These were declared acclam.ilorily
tho choico of tho Convention.
For Delegates at Largo Hon. Isaac
Hlester, of Lancaster, Hon. Asa Pack
er, of Philadelphia, Hon. Georgo W.
Woodward, of Luzerne, Hon. William
tencuoftho whole, To maintain theso
they have created the three great eo-or-dlnato
branches of tho government tho
Executive, tho Legislative and thu Ju
dicial. Public good and private right
demand the preservation of the Integri
ty of each,
Sovereignly isin tho people. The go
vernment Is their creature, woven to
protect their liberties. Its division In-
to Independent branches was of tho very
essence of the system. Tho destruction
nf cither is a stride toward tyranny.
Tho organic law dellnes tho power of
each, and to that law each mint ho con
fined. Thu Constitution Is the supieme
law. It Is the only evidence of powers
granted hylhoStatesand tho people. It
must bo strictly pursued and Implicitly
To sustain these truths, moro than
(100,000 men, In conscious strength and
quiet dignity, await your call, and this
lay speak through you, forouedlenco to
law, for thu government of tlio Consti
tution, and for tho Federal Union ol
tho States.
When Mr. Wnllaco concluded, Hon.
S. E. Aucona nominated for temporary, Hon. William Randall of
Schuylkill county. This was unani
mously approved and Mr. Randall ad
dressed thu Convention,
Mr. Davis, of Herks, moved that tho
two contested electluns from Philadel
phia bo referred to tho delegation from
that city.
Mr. Zeigler, of Duller, opposed tho
motion, and argued lu favor of tho ref
erence of thu contested eases to a spe
cial committee,
Mr. Cassidy rose to speak on the sub
ject, when
Mr. Campbell, or Plilladolphlii,raIed
tho question of order that neither Mr.
Cassidy nor Mr. Randall wero members
until thu election was decided, ami nei
ther could speak.
Tho Chair so ruled,
Mr. Jackson, of Sullivan, olfercd u
resolution that tho rules of tho House
uf Representatives of Pennsylvania, os
fur ns practicable, bo adopted for tho
S. Hlnek of York.
Ex-Governor Packer, Judge Church,
and Judge Hlnek's names wero with
dn wn.
Tho Convention again resumed oper
ations at 7. Mr. Seiglcr moved Hint the
respective delegations send in tho
liumes of the District Electors and Dis
trict Delegates. This was so determined
The electors wcro then named ;
1. C. E. Kamcrly, M. D.
2. Charles M. l.esenz.
;!. Charles Huckwalter.
1. Geurgu R. Herrltt.
5. 11. It. Coggshall.
tt. Reuben Stabler.
7. R. E. Mouagliaii.
S. David L. Wenderlck.
0. llernnrd M'Grau.
10. William Shirk.
11. A. G. Hroadhead.
12. John Hlaiidlng.
111. Jesso C, Ammcrmaii.
11. William P. Withingtoii.
lfl. William R. Gorgas.
10. William P. Shell.
17. Cyrus L. Pershing.
18. A. O. Noyes.
10. William A. Galtmdth.
20. John R. Packard.
21. James O. Clark.
22. James 11. Hopkins,
2;l. Edward S. Golden.
21. Samuel P. Wilson.
2.-). To bo tilled.
The Delegates chosen were:
1. Aid. William M'Mullen, Lewis (
2. General William Merrilly, Colonel
William l. I'liiierson,
ll. Henry R. l.Indermnn, John 1
I. Jeremiah M'Kibbln.
, Charles M. Hurley. H. P. Ross.
ll. llou. 11. M. lloyer, lion. John 1)
7. John II. Hrlnton, Jneksnu Larklus
. lion. liiesierciyiner,iieneral Jcr
eminii Jiiigeumiiii.
tl. Wm. Pattou, A. J. Slelnmiin
10, Francis W. Hughes, D. S. Hum
11. E. W. Hninlln, Henry H. Molt
12. Jasper ll. blnri;, Jl. v. l.lttle,
llifiulrcil, That tho hamilne-- of the
people and the preservation of em
power a-, a republic .depends upon tho
perpetuity of the Union and thu pres
ervation of the Constitution, and the
prompt restoration oi eacn and an oi
llio stales lo tne enjoyment oi llieir
rlglils ami inactions in ino union is es
scntlal to our progress, our prosperity
and the protection of our liberties', nnd
lladical legislation is tne harrier thereto,
Itetolrcil. That the Constitution
the United States Is the supremo law
it is binding upon thu people and upon
every department ol the government
and It is tho highest duty of tho-e It
and tuft of official place to yield Implicit
obedlanco to all its provisions, until It
Is changed lu thu manner provided
therein. That tlio recent attempts of
mo Legislative oraiien oi mo uovern
incut lo usiirii tho office of the Execu
live, and to destroy tho Independence
oi ino .iiuiieiary, are deiiueraie auacKS
upon the plainest piovisions of the
Constitution, in utter violation of its
spirit, and tend to tho overthrow of the
government llseil.
Itenolcal, That tho Radicals In Con
gross havo wrung from thu peopluenor,
inous sums of money which they had
squandered in reekle.-s extravagance
that their system of revenue is 'ill-do
vised, incongruous and inequitable
that rigid economy in every branch -of
tho public service, a decrease in the
number of officials, a reduction In the
army and navy, and reform In tho col
lection of tho revenue, aro Imperative
ly demanded. Only by this means can
tlio reduction lu thoamountof taxation
now imposed on the Industrial and
manufacturing interests be nltaliied.nnd
tne payment ol our lndehtcdncs be as
Jtcsolictl, That the Republican party
Isi nisiintislliln In tint ciitttitrv fm llm do.
lav lu thu restoration of tin Southern
States to their just relations In tho
union, and lor mo government ol tlielr
people by military rule : that tho pur
pose of theo measures Is to perpetuate
iiadicai power inrottgii the vote ot
literate negroes.
Hcsolecd. That In enacting the tenure
of-olllco law tho Leglslatlveand Execu
five branches of tho government, cue
for Itself, had a right to judge of Its
coiistltutlonnllty, and that in thus ex
ercising tho right the Executive was
duly comply lug with that portion of
his oath of office which required him to
preserve, protect and defend tho Con
stitution of the United States; nml that
It is tbo light of every branch of tho
government, and of every citizen, to
Xc! in nn ft
Seiglcr 8
It. II. Can- 1
l.UVCllV, 111, UUIIII SV .UUlllSUIl. I - ., nil!
Crawford -John G. Huillnghaiii, Dr. J. government of the Convention, 'lids
w. unci-, i wns so iiecjueii.
l.'l, Michael Meylert.D.ivhl l.owenberg
11, David 31. criiwiord, 3, !,,
Wllllnni II. Miller.
IS. John A. Magce, John Gibson.
havo questions Involving the eoiistltu
tlotiality of any law speedily adjudged
by tho Supremo Cuurt of the United
Slates, and the right of the people to
nave saui decisions eniorceii,
llrsolvcrf. That tho iiendlm: Impeach
ment of the President of tbo United
States Is a gross and reckle-s nbti-o of
partisan power, without jiistlllnblo
cause, and intended for tho attainment
of party purposes at tho sacrifice of the
most vital Interests of the country.
ceolnd, That a return to a specie
paying basis at tlio earliest practicable
moment is essential to tho interests of
tlio people and tlio prosperity of tho
Jlctolrcit, Thnt tlio national debt
should bo paid as rapidly as Is consistent
wun ino lerms oi the laws upon widen
tho several loans nro based.
Ilcnohvd. That the flvo twenty bonds
and tho legal-tender notesareconiponent
parts ot ino same iiuaiiciai system, mid
until the irovernnieiit Is nblo to redeem
the legnl tenders In coin, tho holders of
theso bonds should bo required to re
ceive legnl tenders In payment.
JltMlmt. Thnt overv spec e of pro
perty should bear Its inlr proportion of
taxation, and that tho exemption of
government uonus inereironi is iiujim
mid Inequitable,
Jlctoh'cri. Unit wo leeoiinlzo with
emotions of the deepest gratitude tho of-
lorts oi too gaiiant volunteer soldiers
who so fieely took up arms to protect
mo j- nig ami preserve ino lihoii, nun
wo denounce as unjust to them, thu ef-
lorts ot ino iindlcals to prevent a res
toration of tho Union until negro supre
macy Is estobllshed lu certain States,
ami negro (quality imide the rule In
llesoltnt, That the nnturallzatlou of
foreign-bom citizens places tlieiiiontho
pamul'ootlngivsthoso born In this country
nnd it is thu duty of tho government to
sco thnt nil citizens, naturalized nnd na
tive, aro protected In their rights of
life, liberty, nnd property, abroad as
well ns ut homo, nnd that In tho view
of tho Democracy tho Hag of tho country
ought and must lie made to protect all
our citizens,
Thu platform was Immediately ad
opted ns n whole and without dissent.
There then remained to the Conven
tion nothing but thouoinliiatlouofcau-
dates nml the selection of delegates at
large, nnd this It proceeded to do,
Davis .12
Mnrkloy 12
HoyJc .11
Kulpc 0
Necessary to a choice, Oft.
Tho Convention essayed a second bal
lot. Tt resulted :
Davis 28 I Knlnc 2
Markley 51 Nelmnn 0
Hoylo 12 1
jotai i-.i
Necessary to a choice, 05.
Tho names of General Davis, General
Knlpe, and Mr. Nelmnn wcro with
drawn and tho third ballot, narrowed
to n close, thus terminated :
Markley, 01: IJoylo, 03. Total, 129.
Necessary to a choice, Oft.
iVmld Immense npphiUsC tho uouil-
itlou of Hoylo was made unanimous.
General Davis Is a bravo and gallant
soldler,dl-abled In his country's service.
Mr. Markley, Is a physician of excel
lent repute In Montgomery County,but
chance of fortuno decided that Mr.
Charles E. Hoylo will bo tho next Auditor-General
of Pennsylvania, lie Is
rising young member of the Har of
Fayette, and will bring to tlio office an
extended knowledge of tho duties of
the position. Tho western delegates
claim a heavy Increase over their last
year's vote for Mr. Hoyle.
Tho Convention then balloted for
Surveyor-General. Tho first trial In
effectually footed up :
Cooper SO Ent 12
Cresswell ft I Karskoden 35
Collin- 10
Total 128
Noco-sary to a choice, 05.
A second vote placed tho soldier
Democrat, General Ent, on tho ticket,
Mr. Collins resigning In his fnvor. Tho
vote aggregated :
General Ent 71 I Karskaden 18
Cooper !i7 I
joiai J."
Necessary to a choice, 01.
The nomination of General Welling
ton II. Ent was declared unanimously,
amid the wildest enthusiasm. To tho
ticket ho added the strength that only
such an approved and faithful soldier
could, and his endorsement by all tho
soldiers of Pennsylvania Is beyond dis
pute. He was loudly called for, but
fulled to appear, as he was at his home
in Columbia County, whither tho nomi
nation has gone, no one expecting or
looking for it less than he.
Tho election of delegates at large was
last in order. Each delegate voted for
four members, the summing up being
no more.
Hon. (!. . oodw.ird
lion, Aa Packer...' ,..
Hon. Wm. Hlgler
Hon. Wm. A. llelster
Hon. Samuel J. Randall
Hon. .la-. 1'. Harr
lion. John I.atta
lion. T. J. M'Camant
The choice of Judgo Woodward, Gov
ernor Hlgler, President Packer, and ex
Secretary llelster was unanimously ap
proved. Tho Delegation wns Instructed to vote
ns a unit.
Hon. William A.Wallace was unani
mously reelected Chairman of theStato
Central Committee.
Mr. Cassidy moved thiitiicommltteo
of :l;l, to be reported to tho Convention
by the delegates, constitute tbo Execu
tive Committee. Agreed to.
Mr. Ca-sdy moved that tho Chair
man of tio Executive Committee bo em
powered to appoint one person lu each
district as nn especial deputy, in addi
tion to those otherwise selected. Agreed
Thu Eecutlvo Committee was then
named, as fullows :
I John P. Ahem.
2T. Sprole Leisenrlng.
:l .Michael Mullln.
1 II. Sellers.
ft Nliiirod Strickland, Jr.,
.Ino, Smith,
ii Illinium Yerks,
7 Nel-on Weiser.
8.1. 1). Davis.
!) Decatur E. Nice.
10 John 11. Storm.
11 Isaac Slckler.
12 Gen. E. W. Sttudevant.
Ill John W. Halley.
1 1 Omitted.
lft Thomas Chalfant.
10 Dr. Lewis Hoick.
17 Robert Crane, Williitm
P. Hrlnton.
IS John W. Hittlnger.
10 Henry J. Stnhl.
20 John II. Uhl.
21 David Caldwell, A. G.
22 Cunt. II. 1). Woodruff.
23 Thos. J.M'Culloiigh.
21 J. A, J. Huchnnnn.
2ft J. 11. Sweltzer, W. D.
OH 1). N. Doualioo.
27 James Mosgrove.
28 Omitted.
20 Henjninln Whltninn.
All the biuliiess wns now concluded.
To tho ilouso of Representntlves, for
tho use of tho hall ; to tho Chairman, for
his tirbano presiding : to tho Secretaries
I for their laborious duties, thanks worn
' unanimously tendered, and thus ended
tho C '.invention. Tlio Speaker's gravol
i fell, thomeuibcrs shook haiidsiiUnroiiiul,
,. 80
.. 7il
.. ft7
.. X
.. :is
.. 21
and congratulations on tho unusual nml
uninterrupted harmony of tho prolong
ed proceedings wero generally ex
changed. At tho moment of tho adjournment,
tho delegates who had been snowed up
for twenty-four hours arrived, nnd ns
the clock chimed one, tho members dis
persed to consummate the victory of
which yesterday's Convention wns tho
Still ox Tin: HampamiV-Tho big
elephant Romeo, wintering with thu
rest of tho menngerlo, nt Hntboro,
Montgomery County, by whom his
keeper, Miller, was recently killed. Is
it 11 1 on tho rampage. Ho is secured lu
tho basement ot his dcecned keeper's
! barn, In n pen nindo of strong timbers.
Having now Killed tnreu men, and still
proving vicious, no ono entors his cage,
ami hu misses thu grooming nnd atten
tions that had become to him nnnliuost
indlponsahlo luxury. Ho cost his
owner forty thousand dollars, u sum al
together too groat lo no lost, to snoot
forty thou-ii'id dollars wouldn't prove
a paying pleeo of sport, Tho elephant
Romeo nearly killed came! sometime
ago that cost ten thousand dollars, ami
would dearly llko to destroy two baby
elephants, for vhlch ho seems to enter
tain Inveterate hatrcd.thatiiroconlliicd
In tho vicinity of his own quarters.
Soiuo of tho residents aro nervous In
the matter, fearing Una hu may cscapo
from eoutluemeiit.