11 wu 1 THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSJ3U11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FA. $u (ifotumtrimt. f fWIMKIItntn. VltlllAV. MAltrff . trtu ltnxu tlio now advertisements In thli Wis lmvo now lmtl niilntcrrunlcil -IclKliInf,' Tor about tlirco twmtlH, a very unusiml reeord. Tilt: liouso find lot on Third fitreet, aiijoi niiiK u 1111 iii(-y, mu ueeii -old to J, J. Hrower tor WW 00. Now Is tlio tltno to siiberlbo for Tin: CoMt.MMAN-, which Lithe best, liiri;cst nnd Imndnomest iiuw.i-iutijr pilblNhed In tlio County. Tut: snow during thu lint week of February tins been unexampled In amount. Iftho Hrlnj opens with u rain tlio Hoods will be extraordinary. A I'AttM of nbout 100 acres situate) In Maine Township, Into the estate of Hen ry Dauiiiiin dcceueil, on Inst Tuesday was cold to David S. Drown at $30 rib per acre. Thosi: of our sulHcribors, who, i from any cause, havo f.dled to receive .Senator Ducknlew'-s last speech on He I cnntnictIoii by Informing us of the fact will bo supplied. Tun Democrats carried the borough I ofllolllduysburir on Friday last, by n ! majority of sixty-live. This Is a piln of forty over tho majority of last fall. The ball keeps moving. On Thun-day morning a portion of u coal train on tho I.. & D. II. II., got oil the track, whllo running over the trestle-work near Rupert, and mi Injured It us to prevent tho pas-age of trains. I'nissoxAi.. W wero favored lo-il.iy with a call from Cnpt. Drockway, ol the Columbian, tlio be.it edited papei In the district, and not to be excelled In tho State. Sullivan Democrat. A Tin.r.artAM Just received announce-, the nomination by tho Dcmocrntiu Con vention of Charles K. Doyle for Auditor Oeneral, nnd Cien. W. II. ICnt of thl-. county for Surveyor General. We will go In on Hint ticket. Finn. About 2 o'clock on Monday morning last, tho Donded Vnrchou-.o nnd rectifying house of Reuben Miller, of Foundry ville, In this County, wit consumed by fire. Lo.-s ci-Uniiiti'il al from $0,000 to $8,000. Insurance sup poed to cover about fH.iiOO. Tho lire N supposed to bo tho work of an incen diary. Don't. Don't ad vertisoj It If a bad plan. It will call attention to your place of business, and It is much better for people who wih to trade with you to hunt you up. It gives your custom ers exercise and makes them heallhy. Desldes, If you advertlse,-oiiicbody will buy up your goods, nnd then you will havo to get more, nnd It will bo n great bother to you. Oon townsman, Daniel V. .Tnhn-.ni. has Just secured a patent from the Uni ted States for the design of an improved whlfllo-tree. Tho nppnrntus Is simple, nnd tho object Is to bo able In ea-.e ol danger, or for nny other rcnou. to In ttantly detach the horso from tho ear ringo or other vehicle, by simply pull ing a string or wire. Wo lmvo nodoubi of'Its practical utility. Tun Springfield Jlepublican is very emphatic in denunciation or tho propo sition In Congre.-s to declare tlio Con stitution of Alabama rat I lied and the State to bo back In tho nion. It wiy- It is "a fraud ut heart and a fraud on Its face," nnd us "containing a 1 Its that would sink, and that ought to sink, nny party." It refuses to believe thai such a bill can po.-hlbly pass through Congress. THE KALBIDOSCOPD s " A Itulp nr hu.v uri III fluctuation. un.I IU inilcoutrrni." AM.I'.lUlt UHIK INTO 81'l.Ll VAN. On Monday of Inn week wo had occa sion to attend tnmmobinlnosmt tlieHul llvau County Court, and started for Lu porle (in ly in tlio niornlng In compa i. With Ids Ilonur Judge Klwell. The snow and sleet blew with (erillilo fury, from which mi umbrella In wuno measure protecttd us. The sleighing to Orange vlllo was very thin, but from there we found an abundance of snow. We reached 'Zeke Coif's about noon, where we partook of an excellent dinner, and at half-past one resumed our trip, al though the snow was falling In unusual quantities. Wo experienced no special difficulties, however, until wo reached .lames Doss's, but Irom there the road was such that our already wearlid ani mal could not travel faster than a walk, as tho snow had Increased to u gie.it depth, and no sled had broken It that day. Desldes, tho road was full of treacherous holes, In which the animal would step every moment. We amen ded the mountain with dillleulty, and by the time wo reached the summit the track was almost entirely obliterated, and on decendhig the mountain, found places where tlio drills rendered travel almo-t Impossible. We hud now reached tho Illttle-on settlement having come about 32 miles our hnv.-e was trem bling In every Joint and tliesloimeon tinned with unab.itcd fury. Stopping it Mr. Clark's wo asked for a horse or lodging, whereupon ho kindly tillered us accommodation for tho night, whlcli wo thu more gratefully accepted, ns the "Ight of a lingo log lire greeted our eye ami the smell of a freshly cooked mo.il ailed our uo-lrlls. The storm continued without inter- mi-iion during the entire nl.-lit.and the slowly up Main Street, looking condd erably fatigued and muchly dl-gutcd. Header It was Qukx S.un:. iNUW A'DVUItTISliMKNTS. T A Tr.x.vu paper, thu Dossier Jlttmtcr, says that "(leu, Hancock has done more to revive a regain lor the union hi (lie , a. m. i'uvi, 1vu!i:ntown i'i:mai.i: com.mii:, ) llOlim'.NTllWN, N. .1. l ilrnMii". Hi.- VI.IIV IllJsr lUil'l ATIONAI. ADVA NT M ll-m 111 l-tmtliH ll'in Willi It lilen-iitnt li' in... Ilu.inl mill 'I n t in tl ir jwr. lor Culiiluiiiiti ii.lilrti lluV. JOHN ll. IlllAliLKY, inlliilsand hear'.s of the Southern peo-1 nr. pie than nil the olllcers and privates of the Culled Slates Army eombliied." 1 ;,;;.,:,' ii.iV.JifJSii.i Ay "no t-ii-iity 1'ni.iii. nuns just wnat uongross 11x1.n1 110 must woMlo. Ite Is not there to make Niutliirn people lore the I'lilon, but to obey loiign-s, with fear ami trim i.u,,, m'i 1. . .1. i.i ir ii,,,.. , , ,, , ,, , ,' 1 . ,1' hi. 111 iiiitwi.rN Tin: srAim," tt i'iiu-p., lore ihe I'ulnn It uiiil lie became Hie 1 imi.u-1 r, I'.in.iitti mul iit-mi-.. in timi. aipx. t'n Inn ...... ....1 1. 1 ...... ..III. 1 in. 1 1. piiiiniilnu '"' it II. nu'Viii". "in I lor ptrciil.ir-t.ivit li trrm, l.uion., mpalhlxi'4 iin uieir reneiiion. 1 ,x rn ...(.rimiuii m m. -..in. Aihiipin.vi. They are not expected to love it i what , """" rmi.Minui..i-iiii.i.ii-u-iii.i. m. is wanted is tiuit uiey siiouni imic 11, aXTanti:!) in r.vmtv coi'.ntv in and deiioimco Ii, and lefn-c lo obey ll Mil; I'Ul.l'IT." A VI i,nui. .lotiriiiit nf untitle MirnMng. ti'riltilltltiti'l l.nirltrill u-lillliiii. itiilhllm il IIiIihiumiIiIIiv IlinClrtuy liml I'nlillf lin n I'n ui.n.t ii.i. My our I'IihimiiI hiu- nr rir ll.'Ul 1 Hi, Mull I It'll ITI1H i 11 11 yinir n'l iii'- I'l "Till. I'HI l'l l'l O.Ml'NY," il I'.iiic tluur, N. w Viirk" A (MJNTri WAXTKD, jfV NiiWIril.H' fur fiinvil-ii'M, "Tlip lll!ory of No. in:r.i:.t.r Hnu irr, ni:w your, tiii: i,Aoi:r iiniiHiiotts wnmci.Y 1 Tin: would. run citnAtT.iT iini.mtoris wnni;t.Y Tin; uiu,i'. si'i:ciMi:.v coi'iius bknt ouatis. r.v c. i.sr m nn-i.s imiv.wr 1 :. 1 1: l. i iir.u ui.i.y 1. 1 1. 11 111:1 diii;. 1 I III' 1' H 11 l"'i M i. h. 11 II11111I HI ill In m II h I... l'l...iiit.iiliilii'N Hum i ll ll nil HUIIAIII. laws or pav Its taxes. Jicn we ulinll 1 I'i.imii. i.i.vi.i.uii.i io.m.i.., ihu iiu-aini luvi-n- , 1 , . 1 . .1 I I "I ll". iiui', 1111,1 mil' Mini I'M-ry Moi'IliiUi.. have a good excuse lor depriving them I w . ism.iii nn.i 1 miner 111 ihu la i ill imy, IKI 1KI.III Ullll 1IIIIIIV. l-ltlll' I.II1IIII, IIIKI I'liili'i'. . 1 1 .1 v uriitrii.mi't iu i-iii Kcnii 1 ii.-iil.irH 1111 I Iri 1111. W. , IIA I CM I I.nnil iV rii.,lMHIuiri!, 1M. NTHD-1IW TDACIIDUS, XTU-ili-nls, nr nllii'r tuli'lliKi'nt tni..l nn.i w. mum. IliMiin'i in Hrti hi 'ii 1 1 r in.iiiiii.ni.- C I'I'IW HI lllllilTV, , !lirP4 .I'.lltlil.Il.V ..IClilJIl- 111 .Vi 11., Oil Alcli M l'llll.nll ll'lllil, I'll. IN ea!i ri roli,(i Hi-lu-i i.ix inrnitlm Itirttor thnn rvvrneiiru nnrinu inn uuri'imn dint; imrlti'l, Id c.iUi receipts ilnrlti'th'i int thrco months l.irtfi'r 111. 111 t'M?r ut-'iure 11I11II pollt eal rights In the Union, and t., handing them over lo the enrraiichl-cil -hives. The thinner has hit (Ion. Han cock 11 harder blow than it intended. .V. )". Time, Its caih reec pts In .lunn iry larscr thnn ever Mit. SiiANArniiT's DiiN.viiiiN, in the Lecture ltonm of the II.iptNl (.'litiivh, on Thtir-day aflcrnooli and evening of last week, was largely attended. Tin ladles of tho Church, who are ever vigi lant, had everything In abunil.iiice piopaicd for the occa-iiiii, and tho en joyment of all pre-ent seuiiiil lo be complete. Tho snug stun ol $JI" In '.nil was realized, IxMihs a con-Mora- bio ipiiinllty of fnnilly supplies. We iindei'-tauil aNotliata niimbi roririend- of tho pastor and thu ehuroli were ib-eilt, who-o coiitlibutioiis will yet aid con-liler.ibly to tlio sum realized.-- I'itMim (lii'.elle. Wn congratulate P. John of tho AY- publican on having at laH f-ecurcd 1111 ally In his nlni-eand vituperation of tin Coi.umiiian. It is trim ids aid exhib its but llttlo genius or vigor; ho eople- l'alemons slung phru-es nnd epithets, ho rehashes tho weak and stulu nrgu mcnts with which the public has long slnro been wearied. Hut neverlhclov ho has mi ally, and wo congratulate l', John accordingly. A Sad anh Fatal Aa iiir.NT. .Iit-t ns wo go to press, wo learn lh.it as tin freight train on tho L. & D. Dull road was passing through this Dorough, be tween 51111 and Church streots.a brake man on tho train was uncoupling tin cars, when they suddenly drew up and threw him on tlio track, and several cars passed over his body, mangling and cutting his legs and thighs ami tho lower part of his body In 11 most fearful manner. Ho is still living and sensible, but tho physicians say ho can not survive. Wo understand that at tho tlmo ho fell hu was holding on lo tho brake which gave way and precipitated him upon thu track. Mr. Drown Is u young man, tho son of Mrs. Drown, of Northumberland Mr. Drown has since died. Uiinritlt Jnlelllgtncer. Tritium,!: AecniUNT. A few days ago, John Garnet, of ltush townsldj met with n terrible accident, by eomln In contact with it circular saw, In rapid motion. One of his legs was nearly sawn nsunder. Those nbout applied handkerchief as a tourniquet, but fulled to compress tho vessels sufficiently to prevent an nlinoit fatal hemoiihage. Dr. H. S. Slmlngton was biiinmoiKil as soon ns possible, but when ho arrived ho found the patient almost Inseu-lble, pulseless and nearly exhausted by the loss of blood. Tho Doctor at onco ad dressed himself to tho tu-k beforu Dim. IIo amputated tho leg, nnd left him, finnlly, with somo doubts of recovery. Dutwolenrn with pleasure, that Mr. (Jarnet Is Improving, and at lust accounts, was doing well, Munlimr American. a roi:?i to rojii'uv. UY 1'Al.r.MHS, 1IIK 10 RT. O I'omi'ey ilenr, llmv very queer, Tnneo you ullli II10 white fulli lure. Your wwily heiul, TliuCoHierlifiul, Klmll never Kilie, till 1 uiu ileail. Tltey nay ynu fiiuglit, Ami nubly Uiulit Thu rlul.tn wliUU jou 1.0 long ImJ huuuht. Wo look to on, When thlnui are Muo, Tti eomo ruiI bravely iult uh lhroui;ti, AllliouuUyoiireont Ain't Horlli n urnut, I'uiue take my urm nnd lit u Moik, Htlck to uiu li ne, O rmii'y, 1I0, Al l art I'm JnH uMaik m jou. Anil (Irani ami Urgw, Ami Urreley O, Mkkll lull tb iMUi ttfiuu, fckUtia. lollowingd.iy. Tliuro.nl was entirely lilockedupbeyoiiil iisjmt theiiextmorn- iugvUlonsofwuiting Jurynien, and im- allentsuilorsand witnesses Induced us 10 attempt Ingot through. Two men out iliead on hor-e back tohre.d: the way, but wo had not gone a dozen rods when we wcrehelple-sly llotinderinglii the snow, and wero comielled to unhitch on the pot,and nftersomodllUciilly hoise and lelgh wero rescued. Wo then deter mined to make tho lie-t of It, yet a more lonesome day can scarce bo Imagined. The books, even to the last year's alma- iic, wero eagerly read two iiiu-lc books wero sung through in rotation, and though our voices wero not in tho be-t if trim, wo Mattered our-elves that we werostrongon thochorii-es. Theebeck- r b ard then mine into requisition, but much more agreealilu diversion was mailo when our excellent host brought In a pitcher of excellent cider. TIs said that " ui-ery loves conipa- ny," mid our eyes were gratified with "a Military footman," plodding his way laboriously towards Diporle, with a bundle on his back. Do provntl to be a uryman, and "thu C'juit" Iu-tnated him, hi ease hedld not pcrl-h "on the wild moor," to inform the folks at tin 'utility Seat of our beleagured situa tion. Soon after, while nnxiouily ga zing from tho window, like the faith fill woman in that thrilling story ol liluebeaid," (or was it Mleaubei- walling fur "-omethiiiglo turn-in-." wi iw de-cendlng the mountain .-idi 1 hoio and sleigh stippn-eil to contain a man and 11 woman. Tliey soon stopped on account of tho drills, and a lew neighbors dug a sullieient path for tin travelers to de-cend the mountain, and they were obliged to-top v, ith 11- ; the uppo-ed woman, who hail excited our ympathy so much that we heartily u pl.iuded the men who in splto of snow mil sturm shouldered their -p.ules in her defence, proved to be a man u.i.' Ing a huge blue overcoat. And now oc ciirred another incident lo relievo the monotony of the day. Our horse got loo-o In the stable, mid uttiu ked 11 ha; if buckwheat bran.w hiili it was thought would kill her. One advi-id bleeding another phy.-leing, and another hot whisky. Wo were sati-fiid that II11 latter could not bo pioi uii d, and a- Mic did not seem to feel any the worse for the bran, concluded lo let Ik r llouri h Tho evening set in cold and cheerio- with tlio storm continuing, mid llu dilfts in fiont In some plucis were ovi eight feet deep. About dm I;, however, a nie-.-eiiger iiuelii d us from I.apni'to, stating that a ti tun bad loictd IN way within half a mile of lis, with sun or for the garrison, but could get no fur ther. Ills Honor decided to go at once, and lantern in hand wadi d through the snow to tlio re.-cuing pally, leaving us to our fate. Tin- following morning a number of men tunnel out, and alter Immense labor shovelul out a partial path, mid by going part of the way through tho fields wo managed toieaeh I.aporto, and wero pinmptly taken euro of by our friend Sickle's, who by the way throughly understands thu art of Keeping a hotel. Having li'iin-aited our bu-lne , we made a call at the olUce of the .Sullivan Dnmiffal, and found It linn In the faith, and In a lloiirl-hlng condition. It is doing yeoman service In the t'ounly, and we tru-t will bo liberally sustained. After an excellent dinner, wo con cluded tosturt for home, and to return by a short cut down tho Muncy Civile. Ilelow Taylor's, according to illrivtions received, we turned abruptly up the hill, and soon again found otiisi'lves In. vol veil in snow drifts, and on nn unbro ken road. T turn back wvsnilt ol'the ipie-tlon, and so we per-evered, anil on account of the bndni-s of the mud-, determined to stop at l.alrd-vlllo for the night. The country n- entliely now to us, but wo had no doubt ol be lug nblo I.i find the mad, and with Joy dl-eoveiid that the linck was ore mid more broken 11s we advanied. The ill tatice however seeinul very long, but conscious of being light we pnr-uul Iho main road, until long alter the shades of night had gathered around us. About S o'clock we drove into tin village, put up tit thu Hotel, mid 011 exples-iug our fcltrprUe at the size of I.ulrlivllle, wero inioriiieit ny uie nun thtit uc ucre In llviiluivillc, eight miles fmi'n IiiilriNville, and orly ten mil' s neuter home, lliuu when at l.npoile! '1 ho following inoinli.g we again slutt ed out In a snow storm, and gut oil' the road three limes going to tho Muncy Hills, owing to contradictory In-tiiic- tlons given us before starting. The mad iicro-s tho Muncy Hills was entirely drilled shut, but a sort of path hud hi on broken Ihioiigh the field-, and alter a ili-tresslng drive of live hums we rein-hod JerM-ytown. I.ateon Tliurilay iil'li inooii "it mlliaiy horsiman' in 11 kloiuhj uiluht lmvo been keen drlvitii; Tun Finn at Daiini-mM Mrsi.uM. Xl.w Ytn-.IS. March 11. The ln-siy tho lire al liai'tiiim's Mil-eum is esliuialeil n SiIO.iiim. Thoiiiraio valuidut vm- I no, w 111 die floiu its tun 11-. Tho -Mil- emu was Insund for Sl.'O.oiitl. The lo-s Is 1? Hlil.iliiO. A pair of tigers were itirnul, valued at ?...ini). rno sceuei.v e., for a new piece wits burned, Thegl- inti-s lo-es Sn.lM'ii. Tin. 1 lica-sliiligllTIs il-o a luavy In-er. Twenty-two aid- nulls were saved, and twenty-eight burned. Dr. Wl-e to-day. 'Tis inudiie-s to neglect a cough or cold, however slight. Consumption may follow, unit though Dr. Wisiar's ISul-uni of Wild Cherry lias freoiiently cured thi-iiiueh (In ii'h d dl-eil-e, lor the primary di-oa-es of the lliro.it, inng-itiui ene-i, 11 uiwa.vs cures where other remedies tail. lis I'tocrltv U mitrtrfil ntfl In tho httory of I c 1 114 ll U H J'Ml ri III 1 1 Ml I , it Is llinnntv pippr olil it) nnv rlont liy iiown j nrt lu' country "WaNTIMi-Tci Jlakonn Arran'tni'iit ? ) ulth n ll vp tmtnl 1 1 vcrv cimnty.wiHi vviU- iw III til Iltt hi iIK'V, illlil I'lltl l(lVi iXw I H'rcrctici1. Ni rnpllnl trriulrrit. Will m-ll n t'lltft tKi It.tvliiif il.Mt in r iiumtli, n tut m lv im trnltlt f.r in ).uv. AI'lrt.T.i'.TIIltiNM'ltlHhttrwli.tM. It ctni-lnjH llicutiltst wiltiTHlti tho country, Uh mvp nrt iitwiiyj rwnl.ihlo, rnry niul jric tical; iioltinll, tm-iiiiuyiau, Hlld Ktllplil. XL OF Sil VADUK, ONE A I'llKsKNT Of vtur itwn hfli-clltui. frcn of ci, f ir uftw tta i ii. r U'c In iinv Iovmi orvltliu". I'.iri lulfir nml 11 irin sitii frie.hy iitlitn ffiiii ivlili Kiiimp, N. II. t'Mll'hMAN A O., tU Hdlt'twrSt. Ititoii .Miihm, tins the nMit rnrrmpnink til In all pruts of tlio country ami UuroK, It itunt fill up IHcohunnH with "MHMorn contrl- IJUUOll', MI'.niCAX CLOCK CO. 3 Corllanilt SI,. Now Yurie, Maiuifai-turcrt, Agiut- nml Pouter In au. vahii:tif or a.muikwn ci.od;. !olo AKonts for SliTII TIIOMAM CI.OCKH. It hni nifrn nrlitlivil o iiitrnmtlon nml other ri'iuthitt nuitirr timn nny other ucfKiy religious papi-r Its writers nrcchoi n from nil th lemtlns Chrii Uuii ULiioiuui.iUons, Its lrntkrs inn tho thlnltlnc, rnsrpMvr, ulilc- 11 wiu;e, tuni moi ih-mvo nun ami wunitiii ut tholltius. T 11 1: 0 v: ii 1: n it t k i) "i: h t 1: y " o u a a n, VlTJl VOX IIVMANA STOP. Pmnnnncnt ly nil rvlm huso luuttt IL Hie inert ii.titiiiil nml U'luitlnit Iniilnliou of tho MI' MAN VO!(i: ever Ji-l inlniilii.iil, .1. IWlKY, ,U'IL I'.iiLttli-hnro. Vt.. tlio tirmlli tl IlivtntuiH itml Miinurnctiueis. 1.7 llrucnno M., N. V.:-T) iuoi tM iiov .M'w rx, .Ma,; n ,101111 iin. m l'hlln.; II. KiimlDlphst.. t hli-noco. It nltns to ben champion fur (ruth luvl rr(iity. It l 11 ui'llont ns truth im-l JnMk-o run miJio It, una inemii iu 00 hu inwii nnna for over, Ir you fu'I (lrltilil.it''i niul "worn out," ami want dtmiutliing to tono up s(l'h), liwtt'ilil ot 11.111: r-ltllUtiatlts tula Dr. II. AiuU'iV loilino Water, u mu-t powerful vilaliziiitr ivvnt anil rctorativo. It m-riut ati s tin entiro v-tfMii, ami IlcIUrt i' permanent. Srj.CIAL NOTICES, UUo tlic u!c:U't, hiilN glvo lU" o t'l' foul ili-l IWl v imtitt'iitH of tho '!o p lot. rl"r. To re move Itiu cuiMi ut U'-li HOi.-nnjtt ih on;y hit ury to vaiillA- the hl-nxl by suppb inj It with It r.ito i:i -tii'-nt, Iuov. 'i in: riuujviAv syiup, u priitorto t holntlttn of llu Pruto-cl.lo ollruniwUl lo tli's 1 it'fctimlh , .in I tvo -ttri'iigtli, vigor nml ii' w life ti llu whole nystcni, l.xir.u t 01 :i r. 'ttt-r from It v, Iticn van S, Ktaa, ol UonIoii, .M.ISS, rnrviiii'ihv.i'iii Miit'oror irotn I'.olt. in th it 1 1 1 x lilt) ht'i'iime ui'twh in thnmuli t ln'ir trerpii-nt ni-l no ii-lciit 1 ( ctii 1 1 nee : II ll'tl 1 v a ciii hiiuc tm ini'il to th -in ill if 111- luck. IhirititfH' pm .tiv-.H lu.'i!''ph'o, s 01 Hi eu 11 KD JACJCKT AXi; roMirnvH pati'NT, '1'rled and not louiul WanUtiff. Wo clnlm it wilt eat Tweiityilvo (i'l) pr cent mow: cotii) wood vv.n day th.iti nny other nice Mmto McKckipoi;t, Ilcc. 1 IfCT, Mr.tftii4. tiirrtxcoTT A Co. lrv I Inllv It ifil viiitr 1 Lit cut i.onnl Ihiil 1h.1l It Ih nil th.it ; Mm 0 ulm hr II. It ulll chop i.i.a r ilimi nny othr Axi tli.ui cvtrKi 1111,1 I. .11. Ml. AiiihI U'llllltlll Hlti-iCllI ' lit llll. u-niil.l n-.t 1 Ikiii tlireii iIiiih u ltlni.lL 11110 till Iho eoitt. I in el nut wiy nnv liiure, lot uu in.iiiihut 1 1 i"t nno Hit he buuiieii. . , vm. ki;i:h( CATTION ! The nxr mid Ihetaholnro tiolhnut iiiitiit. I nit liitTfi Him t l.i-st 1 mt 1 11 1 h i 111 Iil' liros' fi-nii'iiiu',iniiiiiir 10 I iw. Vt ii tern or ito.itcr". mid pi-r-oiiH iiltmmiy tnlrhuoim-nt, uru liable ith lilt! IIIIIKII'OI IHO llllUMCIIKIU. 1 i.po-i-0 tl. nil iTi' 1 ni-l tho iio tui, nAi.n i;v a 1.1. PKALriw ani tiih mak I'l-AllfltCI!-'. LtppiNi orr a 11 Kr.vt:i.r t.l.iphii'oii a Cti.,Sulo owner-iof in lam, pii. ul iim.iv.iiII'I tho iii'oitritiuit nlol if. in Uil ill-tllllimue ut tht' lthl Wrir t'.ieill, IStldlO 1 Lixl li l'.l(.'H'll nm thl- iwluik iwtt -tniill r o.iii.utu hi i.itikc utii hiuhor up.im'l I u,is titttiln thiotiionoil wlih 11 io ill iviioi' ol Ihe Mill.- In,; In M hico t ll I I -ll X hfiMi -.ui.j-'-ie I. It iwimi thl-lime tlutt 1 loliiliu l.ml l.il.ilm the Pi III 1 N sy 1,1 P. I o. mi p. it i lahi'iu tt uu- til I Itic I ui ,1 II. o iKii,ts ; s.ifi I hen 1 h iVf I1-1 I ttiii hmu "f ihf Kitol. I or yi .its 1 miihiiiicui ihu uu .Hi si mh Hi in , other me Holm hiinc uh p il- .at una i nipmurv it in 1,0111 nn-. n 111.11 it-iu i i. HU'iU , Willi 11 hltnl iLtl-l loluiliM MiiM , w'iit Ulitollv to Hie liKit ol (In l. 11, iiliil tlnl IN wnrl; uUluitlioiuUril"us orlh ut lis istiulMiuI olniini tcr." A 'l.' piii r.iniphlt t k nt froo. Tin I'lH.inehnH 'Pi.ia ias t-i! nr 1 ' hlow 11 In the l,lts .). P,l' lt ., Propii. r, :.'o .WlJiyMiuv loiti. s iM hy till OiurfMtH. Tho bo -t I.uowu riMiu'.l.v for f-LTiul'L'l. , iiiill'tc iinnii M fiiimt tin luilina VU crs, f .in , S l lulls, s.i't I. lu um. rotlUinilloi cto., Is Ml. A M ' l!' l"D M- WATl lt.u puiv-oiu-lu u of Ju.liiii', lih'iut ti -ohi-ui, il'st om n .1 .it li r 111.1m ours 1 -it iiim. km im IuukI . mh r. tin ui. i'01 'i.wl o tiiiit liiiiii) k iii'in uu- s (,u in Ithtsnonpu... ''''-J;Mll!,ni f-oM by nil nriuuNU. Ml le. hu.i. N. Y. 1 .(,to win n in viu-'l Ihosh .ron of Aiuoik-i, soiikht h.iuiiiiiluniuonI. hu thf'-pniuol pi 1-)u-uml iiuih," Unit Ui no .ho hmii.-'l thou in iinirni in ot nnM uM in upp iiiutu o. poophi n .111 mi lmuln lint th'iuuiln ml .taulc Im1 tllh Uhlouiul si.inivt in Itnu'h '' Allpiio- In, ti fw 11 1 plliiaii'lisul wl'U Ii ji' to iiU or m.u list 1 r ll. ut nrU, sttoin; mi 1 hi"H- tipi o.ir .111 p eulhiv to .Miulhtn iifi.iry. It miv u( i.ur u ul. n ilouht tliiH. Ii-iilu mil a iH.uio uiiil ho c ui liit-otl of 1 ho liuth ot our ..-.a 1 1 ion. AM Dlllt'A.N" .SI'i'.A.M 'Suoeo'.tors Ii uu putt nt, pi n OUTII HI I IP l.O. itutnroM usr. tooai.ii oiinia, VIA I'ANAIIA OK MCAttAl.UA. saimno riiuM m:w yoiik I), tnlici .th iiinl I'.th; Jutmiiry lh, I tli nml ..'.'illr, timl I't luit.10 I'dh nml li'iih. With NtvSti.im-liipiiol tlio ilrsl class. I'WtUJi; I.MW1 U THAN IIV ASV OTHI Ii MSI', I'or furihi-r Inforniniloii u'I.Iukm tho nti'hr- t -III 1 I. .Nl'W OlU, 1 N. t AltltlNOION, Aireut Ni: DOhhAU! ONK DOMjA U i A nii-.it w Hitler, u -si 11;. i'.uhi'i or VI, t t iii-s. uhi1 sh.iu I. i'iirm-t. .1 vnnh.slu otln 1. tmu 1 llv hlhlo, s, is l.ulitV .uis, M-w ihk iii'iohlin-, lino I won! i-loio tor mm. Mut .Ac. tm liNl. tO l.i: At;. nt u mi icil ciiMil.irs sent I In-.. A-l'll'i'ssli. WAUli. .N, ill), II""., M t I MMKNSI-: DOI.LAU SAlil! L hi I Liiir'.ish. Pii ni'h niol icnn.ui Dry .iml fin. i no uis, i in 1 .in, I'MUfi) , HU'Uins. n-.iiin-lo '.N. .1 . Ac. M-it'l lict'uis lor ono, or I) rent if h t-r 1 pii of mo i nmiH'H ol urnoli's, union w wm -1 i.i, atom: doi. i,au i:cii. v .. 10 cini ,,111. .1 is., hu hi ilcin ill from to -XV. lor one iloll.ii'.iicourilnu to soii i-luh or- .km. -.1 iii.-oIim M.-nr li, Iv I Mil I.Ij A I'D No '. m-im lit Itow. llost'iii. M.is, P, O. Il. old, tmioiitant annocnci:mi:nt ! In'iini itol illostiiititt hook, wolthil thnn v onl dollar. nt Inn to inn lohln h- nn vt ht ..t '...niiU liv ml. Irr hi oif I'mfi'sor lunn ltl UUHt,, No. 'Ji'i Wlnthuop Phice, Now York lilv. MI15 lMMi;NI)hNM T MIK lNDKIMAllIM'. Iir.NllY C. HOW UN, rtmi.iniirn. I'rliij iifin irr Annum (o Mull ftll&crl- Ders,ory;i ny I'nrrii rti in jsi-w i nrK nnd llniiiklyn, ',. nr.xn v c. n o 11 v.w, l'linusiti'.it, .NO, 6 lll'.r.KMAN STIllil'.T, Nl'.W YORK. aiti.'.tr .wttiwn nnx wm:k'. I'Kma'Miv i'.i ii. rho L:u-(?nt Circulation In thu Wmhl, hut. Si, 1 nr M.ui,.i.iii nv caiiuieii in nkw MIIIK AMI HIUIIIKlN. ATTilA'-IIO.NI AM I'Dl.t.OWSi TOO FAST TOO SLOW ! Or what tlir trrnt tn b Iium iIoih- f.ir I'lrciliini iiim w n.ti uiey iroMwo in iio. II-II.N. II IIM! V W I I.HON, VnUctl A.if. AV nnlorrom Mail. flllANT ANMl rnt.fW. Itl'.fltr.MlINrATlVi: ruiii.ni MUN.TUi. puiiP'.iM oiidici: ton ritn-iiiiiNr akk vici: riu.Mini;.N t. Tcmlnu-lcfl nf Hi'ituthm. Wound" of Hit- Wiir. Tiixiitlnn. T'hi' I'urty for I ri'idom In I'l-iII. By Itcv. T. M. I'OST, SI. Lnuti, Mo. LEGAL NOTICES, A DMIJf ISTUATOIl'H NOTK'K '1L DRY GOODS. ETC. KnrATf. or nrotiui; iNrirn. MKri-.Amti. ' um of Hdminitr.iiiiiii 011 ihv en t uiu of Oeor e iliitior, luloot Monlourtow)i!)lp. rnlumiitft tV ih it'iwil have net ti ttrmitml hv iln Itfftistor ol nll county lo l-wis Christopher of O ntr twn, Al) poroin Imvhttt etitiuii or tloinnnlii nRninst the (fit nt 0 uf thu ih'ociJont nro rtiiuiiil In iumLb thein known, and Hume inilf)if.( m mtxkp imj in-lit, LIiVlSt,lUtlH'j01JIi:it, nn ii, Aiiiuumiruior. IXIX'UTOJl'rf NOTJCK. LJ MfATi: OK ltK.NHV iJltnTKIilClI bCO'lJ i.ottcti testfimrninry nn thninmto of ITenry DK'ttorlihJitto ur llrhireretk towtichip, Coin in lU county hnw tipi-n n"rnntol hy thu IlORhtrr or roluinhu ivmuty to Hutnuol Ifletterloh, mil Iknrv A. IHV lorhh.ofmlilTownihlp. All ptr Kont li ivliiit'Utmi vRnlrut ttioontntoiiro ioqup tdl Ui prt-m-nl thotii lor (jtt lenient, mol thono lu ti'hloii to iho 1 slain rilhoroii notu or lirmit nc iiitint will inak'1 jutynioiit to thflitociitot-H with uutilplay. HAMrrj,I)IinTi;tlt(Mr. . iu;.nhy a. inutnuuLiu Pcii. 1104, lliwutors, Aui )itoiis noticj:. K i: i: PINO A L I V K. an AirrAtj to emtiKTiANH. ny Rev. Tlir.O. I CL YM:il,!. V, IlriMltlyn.N. V. p.iyi mire furlts uoi-kle contrlhitt Ions thnn uny other throe tel uIoiih pipi'i In iho oi.uiiiry. PllA VINO IN Tin: IIOIA oiiot Tni; fiitKAi' i:xn;iiiJu;NT. lly ltov. Ot:0. n, ClirtvVUIt, D. a, Now York, IjKttkh rno.M wasiiixotox. lllei tlon uf fjcii. ttcntty from OhU. Tliollrst uun 111 ims v 111 1 1; iiui m.. iioporuui icv rruiu tho south. Now im.nniiiio mi'iconn ct leut oleetioni. rtiiprt inu Lourt on lto- ronttriutton, iiio ri(iiini mm his 1'iihlint niter Opii'I Oi.mt, Hptakcr Colf.ix's n eop tloni, uto. Ity our Vnhhntton 'orrrponitcnt, i). v. iiAitriii;rr. Ill till Orihnn' rmirl nf I hr pmitifr. rt Pntiim. In. 1 jtlnli- or.hiliu h 1 Itiifliimn. Ltliit.r I.llnirt v tounHhip, Montmr tounty, iloce.iwt. Tho un lerKiKiion iiimifor npjioinifu ny inn orpiinnr 'oiirt nf I'ollliiult.t rmilil V. tn rntiort itUtrllitillnii of tho Imlmieo 111 thotintult nflt.ivhl Diva, Vx cotiior or jiiinoit i', iiU'iimin, iicconffU, will nuct tho piirth liitrrrntoil for tho imrpoio nf U np tiolntiuent, nt hi mlleo In lllounmhurK, lu MiM 0011 nt v, on Muturilft, tho "lit dny 01 Mnreli, A. I. lMj,nt lOnolock n. m. nut lint day. All tlt uir Hhh InliroHtcil nro ri'iUOKtril to nttonj nn Unit ilny or he fororr itelmrrnl from coming In for n lnrt or a Mi uru of ail fmi'l. S1. Mlll.AlOl Lll, AUUIiOr. IVtt. inn, itliriiwji liotilty nnit ft-nrtovty att tcllglniv, itiorul, iiinl oil Ileal toi-k-. t 11 1: l o s r t jr a a Ohiipler IX of im Original Mory. NVrlttrn tiyun Ortliolox. ('lerscvin in rxpirst-IJ' lorini- innrprnueni, tin'i iiosunen 10 no.w'J ut 1 h t. fin, in 1 nf numi jMMiin.ir, nicy 1111 ru iivoKoricsni iimirumi 10111 ovi r jtlMii tuu rrllloiiH iiewcpapcr. DMIXISTHATOUS NOTICK. 1 NTATli OO Jill IV M. MA11TIK Iltf'K4r!l. I j'ttrrtof mt iuih 1st rnl inn nn tho rntt nf .Inlin M. Miirtln, Into of orei nwKHl townihln, Oiluni hi on,. Uti t v,i a hiivti l on umntiil hv tho Itettli tor of miM enmity to Win. llnunhton of I'Ine twp. Alt porMUiH iinvlm: clulins or ilcmmi-l HKnliist the c-ntnto nf Hie tloroilont nro ren.nrH d in m 11 no iiicm iinown, aim iuvbc liiuuuiwa 10 malio pnyiiiont. rtoinini'irmor, WILT.IAM llOL'OIIl'ON I'tlt. 7, 1'fiT-flt A IJOSTOX CHIT-CHAT. HoM. n nfer Kfiv 1II0. Helluloui rroporlty. An. LTowii oirew l.nclmul. Oouhl h An ew. i,aw and oisonier. A trick on Mossrn. IlnrrlMin, (Iruy, Otlft. etc, lly our llo'.ton rnrrtpoinlciit HAiim:. : One f tlio iibkst find ino.t uplcy writer In the country. KftrATK Of I.KONXnnM. hTONKMAN, tJCCEAKTl. Lotlornnf nilinlnlstratlnn fin Iho ottnto nf Loon- ant H. htonomnn, Into of lilnom tnwn-hlp,'olutii oiiicoiiiiiv1'n-f"u'Cii,imvo ijopii Er'inii'o y 1 in uvtz IstornfMlilcountv.toMlrliaot V.Va rrly, ol liloom (wp,AUerhoni(lini iin-clnlnisorilfinandHiigali M the oitiile of tho tleoolent nro romifteil to makr them known. mat Hiomi Indrhteilto nutko tiay mont. miciiai:m r.Yinti.v. janii'tjt AUminwimior. A iiMNrtv WATtn iini-i iir.n and oi.Tvrit wi;mm;.Ii iioi.in:. tiii; fit akdia.n AOUIi AM) OltVOUI HV HL'Ar roscv. It U unsrctarlnn nml mrncatly leokn ChrlitlJU union. IH csptniJilurri tho preiotit year will ho f.r Urciiir limn hut uuioiv. l)ECKMHi:it WOODS. An Oriutnal Poem. lly J0t:i. IIIJNIO'.S, Amniin, Now York. It ulll h.ive inuropediil lU'partnicnts timn ever ll lull-. A Coiiipiinlon for tlio Winter. Miiplo wood i in'. I'.iiiinr'pii ny n'iuoj- ii'd Old Muck Woni.ui." lu'lhrt npln.n'.f.mi-l fi.f fl.n Pnimli' nfrriliilil. hlii In the innlh'r of tho t-Ktnto ur lunlol Monhm, hitnof lpv,4co'ttwn.f I'll. The Auditor lippolnt iitiiv uu ouri win iin-oi in" 1 riuiuor 111 ioh Kootni ol win. I' ii-lRininn over luo rurii Hire simp nntnui'l (hu il'son. In liHpy, to mnko tll trlhutlon nmonirt Cn-dltonon Wr.DNL-iiJAY.lhc 1"I I tlilV III Al A ULl 1 110X1. All 1 if mint hnvhiii ilnlnm nffiilnt tin rotate nro hcri-hv looDlri-il to nrehoul to th Auditor, or I 011 i.iiiiiri tnpii .i"ui iijf'Hituii'iK" 10r1.1T oii'iiriutt irom coiuiuK in lor n snnro 01 uu -ino nsimc. uiiiii.iu vi. 11 iw mI- i, u 11 tor. It will ha vp moro rollloui neioie. 11 w Ul talco a iWltlod Intori'it In the coming t?rr at rrehienii.ti comost. ncwi tuimcAcr A fiTOUV WITHOUT A MOliAI, VOU cnii.Diir.N. lly AI1I1V MAOi:, Charleiitown, 5In. It will eirne-tlv nook tho morat. pnllllral Mid rt'imious imi'ioHit 01 1110 wuoii- (n'ojuo uf the n.itlon, Irrfipoi-tlvt of r.ioo, color, or 1 niiditlon. KI)ITOUIAIS AH rOLUOWS: Tho TONOI i: or Klltll.or 1 xtoinnorancoii proiu nine, t luom icioim s ipt nt in in. II wl)ldl"cui freely nil lln.inel il mitlori from a nin moral i in lani point. Twn vnvs of loving llu wiciaii. Lovlni; tho rooiI nnd loving It wltl InsR that every eu.ioiupnt nndnhtfn l ton ot tiii' eouniry, simu no proiupuy inei with yold, in iiried. tun MnmoDisT miior- Tlinmpson, Morrl, .I.mos Scott, Mmpon, V, nor. Amof,t;inin nr. iiuhio,v,iiw ro iiioiup- ton "'.i! 11010 men ui nnv Liinsiimi no nomination ran ijohhi." It wdl oppose, under pro-out clroumdnrr, any lunnereomr.ieiion ui me currcucj . An nl 1 Nfwnnnor tho 1' Ad erlNer, of Peo. 2d, 171M. doral spy ? ml l.illy It Mill not lm In hatnto ulvopoJItlral power to I lliosi wild n.ivo oecti ivii'i', It will advocate ri'cunstiuctlon nn a basts (and 11111 ontyinioMiei una uu pnrtl.iljmilp.. will oppT-o nil pnlltie.il manfointrln!; and liiiicmner.v 1 tut uiiiu u 10 io ir the htaud.ird of 111ltlol1.il honor him InttKrlty, Inlcrnillotmt ror, rlulit. li.ill wo Uo tho ex M-law I Week of rmer. Udltorl.il Notts, lvrioni no." Ni'W Ytnk it tul vielnlt v. ltrllrzluiis lnti llicncf , Iti'Vlxal rieord. General ,Nin ltnok hthlo. MluMorinl UouMcr. Kildnth fcchooN. I'or clgii news, rrbulii. -eIoctiona. It will ennvoorato lts"lfwlth nit Its jiowor and Inlli iico to 1110 out or m miirm. iiiui' c.il and rell'tlons lerouu and ClirMI in lu-odotii, tlio woil I over. fOHXEP.CIAL AND IINANCtAL Dr.rAnTMfST, At follow : Couiiiieiel.il nnd flnaucla talk iicumind (JosIptn Wall !treot-Iinorinut nw lor f'iiiiltfillHtM.ll.itikcM. and lni1neH men lunn tv lnatkit I Vol nil I'.icllle ILillron 1. Drv cio U repnii wrv yooos iuiiim tons ituuui;! iiuiikii. I'pporiit Prlct", 1 urrciii cw lout tfittic mar- ket r.n nieiH t oiuiun. Il U tho paper for larnn r, havhm weekly pro- tine,' iimi iimrm 1 n oritnuo. I rh t s current. Thi niualli vliolo fiimpriHiiu attrn tlon nver d lu uny olhir rellulous t.cwt 'iper; It Is tho t a-ter for 11 inlto nnd Caidtnllsts, hiv- inn W Vlilv 111 out y huh 1, K.iiiiiuuiui iiuhb. Wall siroel i;on-lp,ote. C U K AT P IlKM I U M S. It is tho faper for nu-rch tutd, lin Inc wi'i'klv dry 14 101 j 1 lopol M. w nil i.iict tioi 11 ioiii 11110 Kt nt r.tl prices nn it-nt. It U tlio imnrr for hu-dnoHs mm of all (Iaov, ha Inu wv lily dl-eulons on hiisiucss nrittern. It Is:; auwt favorite with thtldien. liaMiu wtk- li toiU's irom the a'tiisi wrin rn. host a IvertKnu inisllitm, it Is bellm-cd In tho eouiitiy. Wt'.iikno subv-'il itionsto Mipport u- rn eh ri- t.thh' iud't'iilou. i nir ti t mu 10 lif it, n 11 tneronilni our elr iMil.11 hm an I im fulness, if thev hclioc wo mo ilo.u,; s nut mm not ouicruiic, Wooxnoot tolvo lu overy number of tho panor throiuii Iho.war UMtuiiu maiu-r 10 uii'tuoii nf an oniiu try hioii vommo in .j pai;o". sold at iho hookstoreit. -OTpoct evi-ry stihsorlh. rof this paper to say 111.11 I 111' IIIOIIL j .ll T II U I X I) K P K X I) KXT is niK nnsT iNvrsTiicsT or tiir kind 1: vi:Jt ma il IMlVJU'A.Vr w. I 1 hi. f.Iu tiro Woo'ittcrd m tho nl lVnnst iv.inl 1. Ints d liwi.d opinion, which Is impottntit lo om' to uitif.u r nr ih, uo.ltliuuii 11, mi 11 ! .1 iho wholo iiniuiiy, Ih up: 'in Coil It ll, ollol llli'li'll lUI, u i, Iho pi n. s -l ih.d 11 t toot 1. Nit's (irr.M s lit ni 1.1' l ti"i on luuii- iMiimt hovei.iue, but Is ti kiu I loni'-, u- mi 111 ol .I is of t ho lilu-iMUei.ipin-, nml ol kk tit hi no. (ii hi iM-onltlt-iiillty, ami w.ait u) m is m itciioii in the sytdem," ,o hitter if emnt mint Ion tntild he vlwii to t Milualilo a totuc uh th.u itho.oicl in laid Ihtius. 'ihioiUnili Cerwta JlU'frs" en! n AU ' a' mnUnal, ItOOI I.ANPS ril-UMAN 'IONIC Ts.'imlxtuio ooutntuluj nil the lunn dn mi ot (loit.midN Idittii, lomhiin-d with un i-.oii.i riultum, orange, ihiIm', ac. loiiniim tin l.tl and mot phawiul 'lonlo In tin'Wnild. J'uncipi) (iice oil .If 1A A. I'hthuh ljtin.t Vi. Sold everywhere by IiruyUts mid olhcm. I' h.7'iw. 'JO FUIMKU-. ANIM'I.ANI! II". TliohUli-eilhi'iHiillfl- torntlf, 11 lottoHUl I'm. i sv: nnu-AJt kai'ii. X WehsCottoii Cloth. Hu Putin US Ini I.it 1, in-, s.-wtnu M iehtiii'', Wan Im s, ln mid I ui i'V lo ds, clc, I'te. Nellil Ii ll 1 1 Ills lol 1'ntclU l'oii lounliiin,wuh,lipdt.sciih n:aii nritolo in mir dotl.irnalo. nv perwm, fnuilc or ft mnto.) (im end In a eluhof irimiJJMo 1,(HM, nt Mii-i' niteihJ iin. for 1 in hi, and i-'i t 11 1 it mium tor m dolinr. t-ciul in IouitoUlt I.ttieis. Hl.lophs lillilltd Ileo hmiiy nddUiis. i:.sr.MAN A lil.NHAI.I.. Uj llatiowrhl., Ilosluli, Mioi, eh .--i-.viKi'l"N.si)l' I'Ol Id I. Ill FINlJi I'ol IUtl.ni; olthti (.mil Mmudaitiirlm; Cc, 111 j Irom 1 1 t iil 1 t t-ol, lh ml.' thi I tm-. dt ltd mi. hulls j ni Ni .1 oi U cit . lor wtin h iho t impnh hnve c llllc (oiill.u I. I'lTi-f niit ;"i I 1)1 I.AllN I'l u IiiN, in'ijJil aii'i chuiuth In-ill Now VorU nddiil. U uriiiiiti d hj iho cmr pun, to he ctii-ti wi o.ti 1 toi w i-11.111 to ini hlith 1 riuil mi pi 11 hut.) hati' 01 the iniiiki 1. 1 he n Milt, mi 1 01-11, ' otion To- 1 ii , o mid 01. an hiivc hi 1 11 iistoiil-l.uix tho 1 ti t -4 it-oli. It lllillUIl the 1 to). 1 1 oil) 111 On) to Itto 11Us i.iillti, mid I'liilhH iin- nop. 'Ih.' P.iuihlu Willi tillllleitlo 01 huiidii ds of uill iv it. iu plaint it mid 1. u im is, mid 1 ci v Intouim 'l'UtlUl IUI' IO llllj I. Ill IIJIMI IliU " H-ll'l I'l lilhi rwlb to Mi ( ol.I I'M a- hlM 1. 1.. Ipy Co- 1 Wem-llotily No. I Iiiinhiu fount. , I'ii., 01 in the lkll yhimiinolur 1 tJ mnuiit. 1114 v oiiitiiij , iuih. i 1.U1 i, wrt yv: a mo coming, Ali'twltl prcviil lii uny in-mim .omlliii; u. h L nil. 111 mir (ln.it uiu. liiill.irMlyif luyiiml I'iiii j il'iinl'., .Ir.,11 Kill; It.-NH I-.tl(in, I'livi'iiff-liu't-Hi ', Willi ll. Ai'., flit" "I i'i.-t. I'llllll'iKUi- 01' suo.li iui.1 Kiuntilr. i..'iit In uny iii1.Iii-i.h Jii'i. AUJli'M Al.l.I.X, IIAWDSA CO.. 15 l'i ili'rul l-l., Ilo-ton, M.ihi, (1. 1131 C. 1 UI'.iiWmiIu lioilirs In 1'ii-mli, fli'imnn, ni.1 I riitlli.li Ury im.l 1'iiii'y ismnts (.'ulU'ry, l'Lil"! Wart', Alliums I.i-iitlu-i' lei.-..!-, ftc IIIUMUOOIW. yi.MlN .t NIOIOlil.KS, ,1 1. ji isrr-ii n-iiriw ANiii-K'ii iiii'.r.in'.. Of tll.'lr llilpi ivn.l -ri'r.n l'noriiMi.viT. oi-- i.i.mio. U Uiu AMMON'I.V'ITH I'l.HI'll.iy.lUI. I'UHUVIA.V liTAXO. lot-el L-.ltllrnct I r'Jin Uu' l 'V' t iiL'TZi: a- i.rnoi.i i ISIAlll IxllHl IN l--t. ) ' M imifiii-i nt, is nt tiii-111 w tutti nl MoS'ITtm lM.A'I i: 11 A No I OKI 1.. pnifuitd 1 thi uar yuh, 11 Ji. Win j iini1 I tm lle t uiu, Wanionin, I"i l.ioi'iiti-r-i.. New Vot;. 'Iho patent Monnoi I'litte I'laiioK hvlhtirpvj 1 11 1 lit r 1 01 1st iicin n mo -upi rlor mill nthor, ami 1 llu 11 .. ! il couil In 0 c wtod plank helliktip ) pollt d hV the 11 ul) IIUI1 O liih'W UU In I ltl I " H e foi ihe Miuudiiirt liouid haul pox-ott-od n any ol In 1 hind nt 1 ia 110 1 Ins iiomiH iho iiimnmy .11 well ait Ihe ipllihl o 010 li'iit It ltl'i in I i-1 1 ,i-ed. lh e rianos li o hei n proitmineed hj the hist Jlidi.e to he IlIHUu I. d oc I'llWl It AMI nWKI '1XH4H OK TON' 1 :, "n - anl HKt'itithlw touoh nnd enut ofilnl-h. ' Mor-I limit lllitf 11 riilMMieo o isiilhliee liolil lli.iihtiu OuUm hti'h.Miid o( h. a uti iitpMiin I j, i.ui niimi 1 rnl iho nioft iln,Onuuihi d Cioles- Miisi-nd mail in. I-10111 hmu op rlun'O mei Ml pel im iiiciiilie- !) Mi nil Itii luoi, no Lie etui- lilt.l lo 1 iter our pn )il u hov pthrQ u ate , a-ki d b inli-rloi iiinl.i i. -,-ln tot o reu 1. 1 1 .ti. tl 1 1 lie tUt, M.11 ii' -l 'POHHIMi'KiN A UliMiKUNV M ir ;ovy; HVVVM IMIUSPMATI. OK K1MK, A M AMAKI MA Mill. I mi aim .t Ui AMI 1,1: 1 n 1 roi. I In li u ii Inn tlit 1 1. 'I ,cm nmttl hiiietn-isl mid llnplitd olil n.cdlllti. lol utllU'lUU iionoi mid imiiiumcluui v, we no iitjmtd I luilil-h Iho iiunun'l 1 1 1 n l tt 1 1 in a Mi 1 m i aiticlo ol t-l I'l 11 IlloM'JIA'U . , , . , . , Our luiiMHoi'ii hakltiii ilo t"Ui.bl, ttxtot lln iniKt ni'ilki'll hv piueltcal im-li ol "Ul liillil' dl.llo lie-uhl 1 llu 1 U nl'ii i hi WI in ,mil '11 rtlj mf.t' tho 1 1 ult 1 10. 1 it 11 tnimi) h oh) in ii ly, Our I HNoh ' 1 lulXtOfclhA.whiii)) 11 I- pu imiid loi nnd u.mtii'Htd IO I'M 'll.t'l till AN V 1 IUI.1., i.hMi.tiN 111 iljtiiiu. v I t lithtb loinmiy ti Mllii r,iiid m uu ! lh liiimiu mimii m ihu. h altiiti) i turn. w. .,L hiihl III I IM' UlHIiililO'i' i. 1 im.mu'i.m' 'V . wi'v nt IO. I'A . and h 1 u t Uf ni ihiiaik.lioiil llu. 1 ,111.1 4 ill I'MU-Ol .M.tli.. tin I .Id tfopll loll ; ,-!;! i- a oMinii 1 id iin 1 v i ... I 1 TitH i.uihuh h. o v,J:l.,Jl 'll I.W'Nl, 1 1 . A 1.1-1 t.Ul r"i I'rleo each, Super l'hrplatolnliai;iof 200 r.,e.id;. Muiiioiilatod lVrtlllzer. lu Ims"! 1.7) Hi, l.'leo .ti per JO Pis. A diM'uiint to (lenient nn above prleo-i, . 1. .ol I in., I Vl'ni'hu I li'ii, h iilul I'llllll rSllVI ID. tnlleos and hlontt.ll H, Witter Mn 1 1, nnd -1 f-oiilh iiclauaru AMitue. ivnter In mis. imnumn and UenerAl Com mi-slim .Mcichtiuls. I'hil.tdelphi.i. I ih. VI, Iv.s. 'lo iiuiooi; HIMI.IM.IH. -Ttnt 1 1 1 ' 1 no I'miimlsoioneis nf Coluuthta county will 1 nit'i I nl I I.i hoin-e ul Ahliaxt iilr.nii 1 11 l'iolAi , iin- .ah da ol M.i:t II luM.al in n't lot li A, M. lu oetlW piopi.KiiS i r 1 M cllhK HU t'pt It MHUle I in, I; irui- I'll le. neat, A limit I iile' ui r Colt 1 eitth, In Mimnloitl imut-hip. TheinM'e will In1 om' huiidiid fid ham hi twoi 11 lops of 11 1 "it mollis, nlld hixtieii I, ct- liom olll lo out, t lo Oil ll llpdl fclnlie m-UOllellts With BUUuhU' W llU villi.. A'-n.oll rilda inth.w hip, nt Ihe Mime hour, ut I , .Mi ii.h id iiIPh.iu ut, i, pn ponl. lo hulld uu on, n ii-jIi oaih Ou. Pi nl 1.1 mu' t.ieuK. lu ar i:, M udi nlinlU InlUuioU owi..-lni'. Iho brldiii Will he IIIO lot I 1oRlH-tti II lopsul llhut- nn ns, and sitci it lo. t wi le limn tint in mil, to l.o built upon Moon nbuoin nt, m-vi 11 futhtnh, 1UU1 KiilUtbie wiiittotni.,t ill'll.l I ilinilil II, Kt I IS. I I III I Wo cxpoet t ihavon ood measurr of Niieec is in i.l.nl u'i. fcbnlt lit in Inilo V.V evt oet noun I. OIIO lit inn trom rinl new spa pt rt.Mmie ciIUoImus tor inKtakiNoriiidjnieut.Miinolault.IlndliiKhoi'iiuso wo are r.ullo.il.aiid lois ol udvioo.ai u-ui" from 1 ro ut..iH. I. nt n .tu-ltb-ilitnilhw. wo exnoot to live and thiif, mid ilo inoiegood, pel haps than cer in roie. ri:v stuijk uf curnnxo. 1'iesli arilval of KAI.I, AMI WINTlIIt flOOHH. iiAVin iiOWKsnr.uo Invites attention tn his stock of ciir.APANi)rAMiiioNAnu:ci.oniiNo iit his Ktoro on Main htlTt t, twodoorhtthovu the Amei Icait IIi.UH inoonisbiuit, Pa. v.d.ero ho u.v Ju-d nstled from Now orknil riiltiuKlfliia a full assoitineiit of MIIS AMI UOYh'CLO'lUINfl, Inelttdlnt; tho nmU fasliluiiablo, durKblo, and handsonit) ooiihMlus of HON, h.M K, ..UOCK, Ot'M, ANI t)IIi-t I.OTI1 t OATH AMI TANTH, nf all MirKMi-, nud colms. Ho has Hl-o repleu Ihlusl hUalioadj hue "dock of V A 1 . 1 A Nil WIN 1 l.P fill A W I ,S , nntiii:o. rioiTiti:o, anh plain vitm( HtllUrs.CKAVATH.HrOtJKH, OJIXAIIS, 1 1 A M k 1 :t ten l (i 1.0 v ES, HrMPr.MDi;!. ash pancv autici,i He nni oomdnntly on h.md lari;o nnd welt-hu- U'ttid lusortnu-ut of CI.O i lls AND VHrtTINCi.-s, whlali he Is meiMred to makotonrdr intoau klndofflolhiibr.nn wrynhort notk'o.and in llu Uenl nuniior. All Ills tlothlm; is mndf to wear, ami most nf It Unf homo manuf.uturc. (iol.li WATCIIIWAMWnWKI.UY, of oiv di'serlpilon, tlnn and ehoap, HU cne Jewelrj U not t.iirpa.soit In litis plate. Cult and t'Xtniuo his general iiHsnrtinenl of CI.OIIIINO, WATCIlli, .IP.WPI.UV, Af. liWIO lAiWP.NHUHO. I tOWi: m:YIKO MACHINP. Wehavoina- I ll pec I ill (ouliact with Iho llnrtu Mew Im; Ma chine t oiupaiiy 10 Hiritihb ineir ioou-renot no mnciiiiio as a PHCMR'M von MAY Miiciini!:its TO Til K IXDKP KXDKXT, durlnii tho present ear. Any perton who will ml us tm names or twentv-ioiir now eariv .nlai.rll.pri. nt mir n.co nr til f i-rrl 1 1M1 in iirli-t. (M terms as aliovoj will bo piesentui with one ol inobo con uriiii ti m.n uim w, too lowfsi pi ten in which is S'la, 11 win bu p.icicoii aim hinppeii ny 'Xpifr.v, 01 01 net 1-0, as unit ion, e himn v wmu o.e tu nes (v.uniuo money itlurn 1 f'Ur j-i 1014 who do not tike nut paper, ml ulm 1 1 Jill v snti. 1 tin-for 1' : On V mat' In M-ut oiiu at a Ome, or all lose hir; tiny miiyhu A i.ini posl-nt'ioe. or IlIDH1 111 111 lie wo tire oh ry pattuiiiar tn.i mrj mtIl ot vonttji n nvu nbwri UtIS, Anv 11110 iiersnn i ulj.eil b Imr for L'I vears. or nnv iwotiirsuiis for twclo ears.or anv thiec tier- I mips loi vtiils, will be eiitiUed to ihe in.tchtne 1 vi Miiis inu muni: 10 taiie a.ivaniane 01 un nr- fer, nnd sen lln tho Miliscrlutis' ii.iiuesns they obtain them, ulllplcuho htatcln each Instance lliai inoy tut hem 1111 tins nccouiu. ah Mi iter niions honi uiiiier 11s oner must oc ! iilu with llu number of our 1 a pi r iur.1 after tho it'Ct uu (11 inn itinnc . IU inltlaiu-ON inut io made by t ost-oflleumon oy oruvr, uauis cuctK, or cxiiruis iuiih. OARrnNTim's nooic, 8ix months at Tin: win 11; noran. Any peihon whowllt wend u!thou'iiuo "f a now It s iTitoxo enOHAitiiiiTiEa. DMIXISTItATOIl'S XOTICi:. UUITOll'S J.0TICR. UUlTOll'ri NOTICE. In Iho Ornhan'H f'nnrt for tho Count v of Colli tn- hi t, In tho math r of the cstalu uf.Mitry Klsinli trl dicitiHod. Tiie Auditor appointed by tho Court c tonne uisirn'iuioi! 01 111c niuaucu ut inu mum' of l.coii.ml Adnms. Admlnlxiralnr of Marv P.l- nirtrt deeoiini it ninoiiL' tho eitsiitomoi iiiohhIU inieninu'. win met 1 me panics inn-rein ,1 tor im 11 rni 11c ni 11 11 11 1 1110. 11 1 ii ici 1 1 on 1 111 r.ii.i..u.iKi 11 till, ., I I. IHO, III IH 11 V OH' lv, . 1 1, I It 11 In IMIII Ulll lonmshmi' Colmnhl 1 eoiinn . r,i. All iiorsniis hu Imf el thus against tho OMtatc lire ho.ohy r, tjulred to present to tho Auditor. 01 on hill ti to to pics ul thcpiimnhi foroer debiiried out Luiuimj ui ior n vim re m in' ai 1 cmiuc. JOIINO. Plti:i:.i:, Auditor. Pel).21,f.S U U rrobtbl that th balldltii bow tal4 hy L. T. snATtPtai, win L toUJ ty hl on thu Ut of April l-),tkbhU.uIUlJfjjtorJwu and u niagulfJceiit nl Impvalng tructuru rt el thereon, conulnln.' a. comiaodloui. TOWN HALL, nnd uvrul iplendld ttoro rooms. WHEAT INDUCEMENT nre therefore ofTured by htm to thow wUhliiat buy coodt fur C-Asit ur iiieady rAi, Thd credit lyuttm un cntmy to ib cath bo yr. The Ctiih or llllADY PA 1 BTIiTEM," tt Iho unlylruaftyntcm, doing Juitlce toth bnyr 113 welt ni tho seller. It enable tho MsrchAtit ! buy for enh and thercfors at th LOWEST ItATES and to clvo the customer tho benefit of ucu pr cliajsen. In order to reducohla fttoek bsfor th tlmo of tcmovnl ho oOem Kleeant F R E N C II II n R I N O 8 At fo cents, worth $l.f0. IU.ACIC i IIUOWN POrLIN ALPACAS AtE-5centpryrd; AMCPJCAN MEKINO-1AIX COLOT At 10 cents, worth ii cent.; Good Calkod Hotter " IlOKt ' . illl All Li at t ct. " 10 rt 13;" V in tho Ornhnn'R CVmrl for thefv.untv of Cnlum 1 in. 111 10 11 iiiier 01 1 uc cmiuo 1 j itiiiun itt - ton ih'i rased. '1 lie Auditor itKOOlnlod LiV tin '0111 1. to nmkc i utrlbiit on or Oim bn uliert In tlio hmidt nt r-.uiiiii 1 llni.I.xecuo r uf llllani Chi I ton dooeiivftl, mnoinr the locntce ot iotato, will nci 1 1110 iiiL'iicH nicti'Mcti or tue . ur ho 01 ni' iittnolntincnt nn I 'uiliAi . ITIh of MAUCIl.A. D. Nisut I'lnVlnck.A. M.ut hlsolllccitilllouinsburt;, Columbia count v. Pa. I All pormns halna claims tiRInt llio rotate I are neir ny 11 ij in it 11 m imhviu 10 nn oiuhi, o nil lauuru in ir(ni tin miiiii- w iirui in haried fiom couilng In lor u hhare ufthcfcaldes ttte. rob.ci.'as rnrrou's NOTICE. .JOHN O. I'Tir.n.n, Auditor. in Om Ort h m's Court for tho Count v of Cnlnm. bin. In the iniittm- ot Iho itiile nf I'icdorlc'a llf-h ilil' aeil, lilt .Allllllor iippninieit ny 1 in 1 mm, 1 to irake-dlMrlbminn ot the bainme in 010 imiuis ol Thnin.iH llcss, r.xeeul'ir of Predorlel; llosi.ilp. eo-ised.amoiifftheli Kates of t-uld tohtnto.w III inert lln iiiiriu't Intel i"it 11 loriiio nur no.-,o 01 111s an- nnim inoni, nn n, 1 1 r.im, ,n.i;t ii -. .. i'. m", 1 ut it-it 11VL11 1c. A. M.. nt tint titlict; or llobcrt P. I 1 larik, t 1 , corner in jiaiu nun -Maritei rtrccis, llloono-bnrii. i'olumtil.t eount . I'a. AH persons haiuu ildms im.dn'd (ho t talo nto herebv leqntro-t To pre cut to tin Auditor, or on failure to pit 1 ui tie tine bo f.uocr debarred from coming in forn Mom or Iho s-iid estate. M, J :. JAUKbON, Auditor. i cu,-i ci p n I V A T E S A Ij K OP l-'l ACUI.M OK I,ANI. Tim KUbscilbevolTtirsat pilTatoBalo, his farm. hiiuiic in jituiou loMiismp, i nuinioi.'i cmmij, ('nntnlniiiff It, ti eon and fW a. res of bottom land snndy loom, well nd'ipted to wheat, corn, buikwheitl and oat.. About 70 ncrei el caret, balnneo tlin- hcrhiiid wlth.whlto nine, w hlteonk.nnd cheMuut It Is well watt led. li In s on iho m.iiu nmd Icud Intf fiom Coles mill m IUoom.burir, In tho town nflteliton. I.lv'llt lotsnn the liiauill Hit-it alio in 1 1 titling I tud ol nil Mi ndenhtiU Jr Ilinlamlii , .M'licnrv, rarvin .iiisiirHami oinoiH. 11 is ciai- xcnli-nt to Ht booth. ('hiiroh,". Mills and Stnrss. Iiulldlii'cs consist nfa dwi-llln houo lt hy -ti n barn 4a bv tiund Kpiim: house, woo I homo, etc., i in. 11, ivfc. ;it. i;i;.JA.ni. wak.m.m, llenton, Va , subscriber for lNPEi'Kf npkn r lor one e.ir,wUlt 10.. tn.iiii.v. 111 n nil st-lit, ,1 Willi tills liooiC. II will ho m ut tiy mall, 1'iisttio paid, or tlclUcrod at tho dtk of our publtsiiitu "Dice. Old uIjmmI btrit, not In nricais, on n now Inu thdr Mibstitp. Hons, mid neiiillin; us Uit (int-tMra, will u1mi hopioMiited Willi a cony of the honk. U'ohao alri ady uHt-n awav initio than iwoivo tlitaiviud copies m 1 ui rcinantnuii' oiniiiic.iiii'i no- nt- maud continues uiiabatetl. It iaihtto bo in the habits ol every f mill) In On country. Ihu ictult prlto tit tho booksloio-. it 51,0"), ouii youno roues. The ihrnnid for this porlndlcal t ontlnuos and o hoiui cvi iv f.unlh whhhlhiiot already sup plh-d wlllatouto allow us to proeni I hem with li COpy lOI-lHH' I CM), OH III' Bill, I'll' VII !" n new huhhcillni with iho inonev ho Kent u, tilii knbMTlbers. not In arrears, will h Miiiblied also, it thov wlllm uiicwiiin tliLirMinsct iptlniii, MMidusmty tents t Mia. moro apprnpi win or Miluahloprew. 11 1 could hodolicd, or one whli h Wntim DO Ml (IliKll- lOOKt'ii 101, limn mumii, o, iiiniilliaHthlsuionihly maiitiiui of brilliant xto- I ji'H and bi'iiUOUIl lUlluiUtllono ine puoiibnti r prloo is titv. THTIlLlu- SALE 1 OK VAIA'AIIU: HHAIi ITATE1 In mirstimieo of nn ordt r nf tho Ornhan'a Court ol Columbia county, Pn.,tm sA'IlfUOAV M'ireh I lltli, Im;s( nt one o'clock In tho afternoon, William j f'lousv. OiiAi'dlan ot hm.au ono ot Ihu minor chil dren id Joseph tiearhml. Into or Main township, I 1)1 Mild ( onbty, th cenfrcdi Witt iX peso tn miIh b puti Ilo fnluo,(,ii ihe pn mlsib, the uudnldcdl om-imri inierci in a cciiani h 0 t o r ii 11 o u x ii, Klumti' hi 1nM-m.hli nfult.riilil,nilJ(.lnlliK l.ilm of lit li l.liuill lliiir, .M111111 1 i'l u'i nil, nun nuH'm, 1 ..i.t.uliiuu uliiiiil TV o A 111.. r laii'l, wlu-rri.n iLiirrlnl 11 HU Kit. INC lllir-l . i,.n. Iluimi' iimi StulilP. Till I11I1T1 1 i.i llu- l.lou. nml uf Julm nrnrlmrl. nml Mtitllilii r. Urn' hurt, i lie i.lli- 1 r rlillil roil ul ilicita-lil, win it' Mini ui uh- muiic 1 mo nml t.lm i. .1 1 S!.r I UL1 )l IN. till UiMirllONKIU PA I 1 -nil in nml nf line I. I'll Hi uf llif Mil r iiim inlilli-v i in I lt Mllil ul llll' strlkinuiluM n uf llu-1 rutiuo . Uu' mu -lull i Hi Uims III.' ll It JUT ttlll. Ul llll- I'lllllll llllltl. II IlllMllull'' mill Hip nmiiitlnB iliipi--luurili In ntie ji-nr tiii-ir itt.-r, with Ittti-n-.i fr. tin tip t'tinilrm.t tlun m.m. l'tircliitsi r lu i-tt. lunlftil iin.l Mnrnp. 1. ili lliu thtuti i f mlil i'i 1 1 i'-i il, Mlunii' us nli. if k.i'il. Wll.l lAlU'liKAS.llliUHllim. I t Ii !!l S-ll. ni.nAcnr.ii muslins, ;;toiju.wi). I'rom!:!,'Ul'nt'- di:t iili:aciii:d musuisp, i yd. Wi At 1J renM. GOOD ft I N O II A M At l!!f. 18 "ml HeenH per jd. oiii:y Bimvn.NQ n.AN.NBi. At Xc-nti ft Jrd. EXlllA 1'I.AID riiANKU. At U cents r" juti. ALL WOOL CASPIMnitCS From 81.W to 11.H. Tinor TWEi'.na i hatinctt rruuiTSto W cuts per yd. QUILTIN'O COTTON I'rom 2 to S3 conta por n... OUNTM' B1IAWLH Knit SUlrti i Drawers to closs out, low. AUMV CLOT1IINO, WAV DOWN. Oi:NTrl'CAh.-iIMnitE HIIU'.T From to R'JS citla. nuciv olovin . jurruNi IIOOl' bKlKTH, 'iOUll CHOICE At 75 its 11.00, S1.M Jk $iJ. iiatm a caw. roil mi:n nor I'ur, Cloth. Volv.t i Wool. xw li.VDlES' r U H S t barsalni tlowii. W 11 I T U BUSCliTI I'rom 11.10 1OM.S0. OIUIS B A o a , "t U, W Cull li'i canlt. CAltl'CIB, at TO, 73 and 11. I'LOOIt OUi t'LOl'II 2 yards wide IS 0 0 T S & SHOES o Jlcn, Women i Clilldmu I.ADICb' OI.0VU KID BALMORAL Ji UliLsS OAITUI.li At !J.ii worlU ?1 CH CON- THK C1UKAT PIUZK! KipostToN UNivEitsr.u.r, IVvnt, iw:. "Tin; nowi; hcwinu m cinsi; cor Awarded over I'UUi v-twu Comiictitori, Tin; ninni:sT imikmivm, Tnr. unly cno-e or .he j.foion uf h hrd p v w ii it1 s a h i: oi VAi.r.Miu: iu:al ixi ati:. In tbe jtiirunnie of imnrdirnf tlio nrpLnnt" i niut ofi olunibln cnuply. Pn., in Mobility tl.c . d iii ni Mm lb in xi. nt P n mi 1; in tin fuit iiniJii, Ji bit Miillli iiilliiilithtr.tlor nl OiUtl P. It kllt ill) I itenr MlldlM ll 1n nt)lp, tl a u i Si-d, Will ' i m tn Mile, b public t IH.tie.nli I bo pit tli"i h. ; a ci rlM In tun. t or lot ol l.ind feiliinit' in MadlHon I ti.w nldp, iimi i Miid,iuljnlnibn land ot I ,ill.i 1 -! s.. Mint In liinlii.m. Wllllum M'lliidt. J unlet- , Mniili ui.d oibim, c iitinnltiu 'lluu.v AcriH i in it 11 li. tt ii net . tlx i it. i ii llii iii ints tt u 1 mil llnllM UMl I'll 1 1t . it i HI) uliUI c lt p ninl tl UlUlll I pTt i'ii uiii, ii' ic i uc tvinie iii mi 'ii on t ui u I Mlllllti 111 tliu llAWlfclllp i I IVtiitl-nti libit it mil u Hi id. I. Jl lilt MAN. I 1 Ik jtimMj isule Tin jti tnt oi nib fourth 'd I In pun linn mom tobeidd iilbt'dn oi i-niU) .in -i' iin i h It tin ii b pi r cent nt i lie ciintlrmii iimi nl h.ilo, llio irimilulim tbti e tmu lln m t-no eur tbeii Mwr wlih ititt list lioiii tbo coblliiuu tb n ni. hi. 'I lie puielut-! rto pny tir iIhmdiii iy nine mid li M line Mlttnj , Jul.N hMll H, l'i ii. :-'(- ;t. Admtnstmnn. XC'llANUi: UOTKh, , PA. mia 1. 1 ui i;. l.VH 1 Alii It. I'liinr h. Ti ii. :i. i. To lluttl tuni hitlonu ktrprrft of ltlnm bunt llll 1 l nlllltlbU IaiUUIJ. I lun oppultitod Mr. II. Hti'bin v nui nt lor the t-.ileut my nlcpmlor bmMii j.tuut,.tnd Uer beer, wlm will Mtpply 5'u ut tbo hatuo pi lee nml with thoKiiuto uitlclei, nn I twin Id fuiulrdi nu I mm the biowcij. KimnMin tlutt bo will bo punctuiil urn) uttt niivo In nil who idViy l.iM)r htm with their Undo, I kuticll fur Ulm iniir kllppiUl, Vti nfcpittiull), nu;n uui;n, Hit ttin Prt tiory, Iteiidlux, p.). nTJL'K. uuii-r A I Hi i I I. -i 111. I ii I: I li - I 111' M . i tilt II 11 lull!- 1 . I I I II I I" J h 1 1M..AL1UI. Ll' ' r1 1 1 I'11' Acmli i- C'hiiiii. liii.-eo" ui Mil Ii I: u lu nlo uixt'ii luiill 'ci oiih nut in n i i in t nn -I ill L'ui I ill' ll lliuu unlit ll in tin iii i aui iJuiiii iimi, iiiiiiii iiiiiuii Hu-i-i uf Oitniii r iiiiiiiiii.ii ti.it. s i iium nut in ..iml i Hit tluiiiui uiul u iml i.i ll. L.1.UUUL1.. L1M. IVIi . "(t-Jt lI.OO.Mirilll,l'llLL'.MI!IA CO, llic iimli titluiii'il li'ivlni! i.iirilia-iil iliNw.-ll- I. in im ti ll ml 1 1 lillullj ,ui'nliiflii.llKi.,tlii' llilhllii ll-.ti 1. .llUllli" "tl M.l Ml III 1. 1. 1 II IllliuiiihiiuiU I It. .... .lll.l. 1 ii.iihi f tlit-l ullllilliliiri lltll ''iillll lli.ii-i'. ni-l ti liulli iniuitii-. Iin. itii'titis ninl llu' t iiiiili-in tri tit'inl Uuii Iil. I.iiu-i. Is now In .ii'tl. r li ir I til' nit I I inu nun li u i iiiiiiii.. . i in . ... . uim ni In-il t.niMil iut,ii.r ll unit llit'lr iiit tutu, lit' Iiiik .I'liri-illiutMit iit-t nt I'tt'tntlliiKltK' I M lllltl!. I.T. UIU 1 IlllllUllllUt 111 ui ill KUttli-. nt nlii'i .hull ilii rp lu. itnMltini: miiiiIIhu mt Iil pint in tiilitltipr lu Hiflr iiiTt-uintl I'uiitiuii, lliu lu if-u I. ..piii'iimn, ninl i iiju . mi ixiilit-nt lui.l- 1H'-H ll I l lull, Olniill'it.ii. inn ut ull ttlii. n lii'luion Dip I.k. t-limut' I lull-1 ii ml tin- in lull-- ruilruuiliiii.nl.. !' ii hit h tiuM'llt'iit Mill Im pit u. mil ly tiiitit'Msl tn ninl In in Hip ii .) t- tlio Mntluitt In tlun Ifmu In nn .1 tl.u run, JnllN I'. UAl,uV. liliiuiiiMitilll, Mn i i'ii 1.-1 J ()ll. hTltlJUl V Ul., Hiuvpttori to Htioup A llroili.r, WIIOI.KH.W.i: lU'.M.KIIM IN KHII, No. SI Noiili liiiiii", mul 'A Nwlli WaiPt rt I'lillHilHulila, J nll.N V. YKAllMIl .V Hi, WIiiiIphiiIo Dt-lllPr. In HATH, CAIH, HTUAW IIDOIIH, AN1 LADIIW I'l'lll, Mu, -XI Nurlli Tlilrd Htri-ct, I'au.j.irk;.. (i o i. d .v j: d a l ulvt'it lo Aiiiprlputt r-pulni: .Miu-Miun pf r Impp Hill Horn.., pulilinlu il 111 Hi.' ' Mu nil. ur UlilMi hpI" llllli-t.il .loin mil uf Hi,' It. tuli Umphti', lupi.ilii -.1 JUt , l-t... ill uu .P um tii.: I 1'ittirli mitt-, dp Miictiln. m pin. limp in J iit'uuri' i iipu'iiiii. hti.vii lluwr, Jit. M )1IUI tuii-r ul m-kIhk I .M:ii'miii', i:iiii.iiiii. , Thl. iimi l.li. tln.1 lu. mu I. iiuutlipr luuof of lhp lirpiil n .t rli i 1 1 ufilm Uouuhuuiut; Mathliipii uvi-r nil uUhts, sim.i:v .1 sTuooi'ri, No. SI Nntilli Ult'lilHtrect. AijiiiU for Pi nnm Ivimln Npw .Iprfp) , DpluiTui-e nml Wt..uin Vlrglnlu, l't-li ll'Ci-Siii, p U il Ij I 0 .SALE or yaltaiim: iuui, mtiti:. Iv puriumii' ufiin nrdprof Hip Ori'linrt'C'riiirl nr Coin inlilu i-uiiitii', Pn,, ob ha ri-no iv, .M.iiu 11 .1, l-i. ul ii ii u'tliiuU In llu I in n i,iiiilil-.i-ii'r- Hu;; Ailiiiiiilsiruior of (l.ot'iio W. rnttiu'r, Inip ot It uuii i.iMti.iup, in .uid t. 'iiiiti i tit I'p.iit-il, n III p. pun 1 . wilp, liv pulillp i. ii. lu, nn Hi. .rrnilnp lll-Pil iin ini'.Ml.ulitkli'l l.l i T ul-' UUuL'Ml, ulUl lito 111 lllllUlll lull llhtllll. III tin iiiltlll.l UIOlPMlUl. h iiuiili'il hy lot ul MiKtlM N.ilA Co. Hrhu.it lIouo lot, tliu Caiul, mul C n il -.uipi.on mh.pii ii. iipiliilii I'ltAlli: Ihviilixh llorisr, nml tho lllllul l-lUlilllllllll!H. 1'ilH.PIOll glvi-u on tlio tut iluy i l ApnllMPi l.i.l. U'.- .'-tiilotirsulililiptsi.pit uu . ft e in llio to.vtiKiui. unit county nlori-Kuid. lUiiuluhbiiti;, 1 i li. .'i, l-'o. J lE ( 0J.KM iN, I llTt., CiiNDITlO-.'' ..1-HA1K; TP11 PPr Cptlt Of W till. piiiihit.ii iiioiipy sliull ho pulil nt the fctimlni: i oil ll uf lln pmpi i , tho oiii'.liutrtli Ii-mi tilt It'll t-i n ut ut lli.ountlriitutlt.. ntitolntp, mul iIip tt--m . nlnu I lit i pi.iiii ih. in one 3mrlliurt..iifii-r,titUi IntptiHt Irom It.- cuiillrnt itiott Nl. hi, rnrpliii.t'r ut liny lot iliotl ulul .lump. 1 ' 1IA1.T1H STr.ltLTNO. Ailm'r. lllooieiiliiiiB.M.it'... u-dl CUIUI POTATOES. I'prwiin ilwlilnuiSml.rolnliKiaot'iilli nniTniul IMlll.ll .1 lil.MII. pun III) klipi'Hl'U M'ltn i:.Mii.viioonnii'ii, 1IAUIHON, . (tl.UAbON ANUOALIl'O, i'rom rltnn ll, nml not ItaUo ioot Apply to U.K. WIM.1TH, Npiii' l.iii linivitmiu liijiot, liiAion.nvitii, l'.. rih.''ijH-iiv O.Vi' LOT or S JI 0 -t' S for Situ) worlU S2.W. VOUlt CIIOU'C Ol-' UH't'LUnNT LOU LOW li0TM, O0OU 1II.ACK TBA At 11.CS tier pound. UOOU UULU.S TEA At 11.10 pur pound. r.ix.N ami itoAiyn:u cort'iiw Ut,-T C'AltOLlNA HICU. f i: A 11 L 11 A Ii I. U I. S U O A II 8 f u. .human, c. ii. nii.i.ixor.11. r.. 11. ii.vtm.vn, yllT.MAN, Dll.blNllKlt A CO., Ml. '.11 Soliril IIIIIIII XTIlCt'T, (,Vriir p;i-Hinfe Jat.nl. AVil', AimlYf d (V.) Wholt .'lip IVultlM In V.M'tNH, I1A1T1MI, WAIililMI, t'AHI'lTlH till. t'LOTIIM, HIU1IM, ILV K1l., CIHA1N I1AUH, t'OlUI.Kli:, All. A I, HO, WILLOW AMI WOUIll'V WAUL, lIHt'rtlllCi., Tltl'Nfcl., I.OOK1NO I1LAH4U, KTC, JUr 10, IHff-ly, s ADDl.K 1IA1IN1.SS MAKKIi. nn vnui vii u , iiui Miu.v inrMi,ri.v .i, Till, iiiiilti.lmusl ii'.pt'i-tfiitl liifm tii-i lilt frltjiul. mill Hit- i nlillp Hint lui Iuim buuulit out '1 hum in 111 ii. 1 1 , mul u ill i oniliiiii- Ihu uubiiiPM. l.thAllI'l.l. mul 1IAIIM t-f-M AKI.NlJ, in llll Ilk lirttm. hliiliclli ut tlii-iild tilullil nUilti Slllll-rit lliiti-i, mul Imppi. I i ii.'ki rvo mul irnplvp Hip p.it riiiiiiui .'t iill vu " lu nl mti.-U. in hi. Imp. K.i. i.- HI iiltur L.WAia'H. rtm UH to 11 MUM. s Y.iiupa ITyl. Ti tot. 1, ll ll C A T I L U SOiT At cent, u ounJ, 0 Ii I V li IIOAP At Vi)i Mil. a pouatl. co y,j utji y a o Ar At UK caul. xt puaud. I'UMilllS . II A r At 111 ..ull pou liil. POTATOES I'OJi ZULU. All liladiofprndur. uk.a tt lu. klliMt mlT- Uot prlcp.. 1'iuli puld for 11 U T T K 11 A L'OO s. klur 1.1. KlmU ol ltnul.v MniUi C'UitlihiK tit 11.11 l.llltk Ul ( ill Ulll.l'LlN U ( lulllllllf kiorv. ..uriuiuft . siopk, ii..uiiiiiy, ih.iu .ut. Jicmtmbte, Crulit. Cuah buy chtapv iu wyy- VOU NKAT AND CU1U1' .TOI3 PRINTING. OAliL AT T1LK I'OLUMMWAN OKhiCK