The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 06, 1868, Image 2

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he (jatomMan.
rniDAT, maucii o, ik.
nT-TIIB COI.UM1UAX hat the t,l(tll
tllrentatlail In Columbia ami adjoining
MMlUt vf a.) pap.r published liera, ami
ra Bi mncti lamer sheet than any of
lltcot.mporarte. and U therefore the Ijcat
madlnm far advf rlltlnff In Oil. .ecllnn of
Its. Halt.
S"""-'r -ll
WAimiKOTO.i. February 23, 1908,
The NallonnllJemocrutlc Committee, by vlrtuo
of the authority conferred upon them by tho last
National Democratic Convention, nl a meetlm
1,4 Oils nmv nt Wiv.lilnittnn. I. t voted In hill
ttxm nL f -mit-nntlim for the ouriiosn of nornlnii
ttng candidates for President end Vice-President
ol the United mates nn thellh dav or July, 148,
at lzo'clock K., In tho city of New York,
Thn linsls nt renrescntntlnn. ns fixed by tho ln.1t
National Democratic Convention, is doublo the
number 01 senators anil nepresriiiuiivrs lit uoii
ress of eecli Htnto uniter the lastnpiiordonmcnt,
KnchStiilo Is Invltct! to send dekgntes accord
FREDERICK 0. P IllNCE, Secretary.
i ,
Mr. Nicholson,
tho mcmbor from Ucnvcr County U (jiv.
Ins tho Kaillciil In mid nuout tho I.t-gU
lntttro rt tmnt tlcal of trouble, by renson
of his very Iiuro tinictlenl knowlutlgu
and oxpcrlctico m n former member of
tho House and especially as a Clerk in
tho Treasury Department.
Ho forced, out tho fact tho other day
that of late, the Committee to compare
bills does) not perform that Important
duty, but Intrusts it to IrrcputMlblo
Clerks; thus opening a door to alt kinds
of fraud and irregularity. J.ven one
euch member as Nicholson, is of great
value to the Public as a check upon ef
forts o depart from safe rules, Mem
bers of one, two or oven three years ex
perience, nro readily lmpieed upon, by
cunning hangers on about tho Legisla-
ture, and simply made tho instruments
by which vast evil Is donoto tho country.
Too many people think that to matco n
political speech, If ho can, is tho highest
and first duty of a member of tho Legis
lature and forget tho fact that tho real
work Is dono on committee, and at the
private room of an active and useful
member. "When men expect to remain
In tho IIouso but twoterms,thor is hute
littlolnducomfnttolenrnnny thing more
than sufficient tocnablc them topaxssuch
local bills as their constituents require,
and they would hardly bo ablo to do
more, even If so disposed, for not one In a
hundred, whatever his ability may be,
will get any real idea of his duties In
that time. It is all folly to suppewo so.
Majok-GEK. Geo. A. M'Call, who
died Tuesday at West Chester, Pa., was
especially famous as tho some-tlmo
commander of the Pennsylvania He
verves, organized by him soon nftcr tho
outbreak of tho rebellion. Ho com
manded this force until lie was taken
prisoner during tho Seven Days' Mat
ties beforo lllchmond. After a long
confinement ho was exchanged and re
turned to his homo in Chester County,
with n constitution shattered by suffer
ings and privations in a rebel prison.
The citizens of Chester presented him
with a sword, and tho Democrats of his
dtstirct selected him as their candidate
for Congressman, but ho was defeated.
Gen. M'Call's record previous to the
war, also, was a most honorablo one.
Ho was born In Philadelphia, March
10, 1802, graduated from West Point In
1822, was breveted Second Lieutenant
First Infantry, and appointed Aldc-de-Camp
to Gen. K. P. Gaines in 1831,
Berving as Acting Adjutant-General In
the Western Department until 18:10,
when ho was promoted to a C.tptalncy.
For his services during tho war with
the Florida Indians, ho was recommen
ded by Gen. Worth for the brevet of
Major, which, however, was not con
ferred upon him until 1SIG, when, for
gallantry at tho battles of Palo Alto
and Retactt do la Palma, ho received
tho brevets of Major and Lieutenant
Colonel. Tho citizens of Philadelphia
also presented him with a Hword, In
1817 ho was promoted to bo a Major in
tho Third Infantry, and In 18.j0, while
commanding his regiment in New
Mexico, received from Pres-ldcnt Taylor
the appointment of Ius-ptctor Gcnerul
of the army, with the rank of Colonel
of Cavalry. In 1853 ho resigned his
commltslon nnd sottled In Chestercoun
ty, Penn. The funeral took placo at
Christ Church, Philadelphia, on
A dill has been 1 troduced into the
fitato Legislature granting a pen
sion of $40 per anum to tho wildlers of
1812, and their widows, provided said
soldiers servlvcd at least two months.
We havo no heslratlon in Kiylng tho
bill should becomo a Iuw. There nro
not many persons entitled to it living,
but thoso fow Bhould bo aided by tho
State, as tho General Government re
fuses to assist them.
Ex-Governor A. G. Curtin, Pros'
Ident of tho Pennsylvania Iteervo
Corps AsfiK'Iation, has issued n request
to tho officers and men of that corps, and
thoso of othcrorganlzations, of tho vol
untoer service, to meetntlndcpcndcnce
Hall, Philadelphia, on Saturday, tho
J9th instnnt, for tho purposo of paying
fitting respect to tho memory of Major
General GeorgoA. M'Call, deceased.
Tub editor of tho Treu paid In his
"Occasional" letter from Washington
that "Andrew Johnson was made Pres-
"Idontby thoassawln," At tho tlmo
Andrew Johnson nsbumcd the duties of
the Exccutlvooffico thosamoindivldual,
plastered him with fulsomo flattery
and announced with pious fervor, that
"ho was mado President by tho hand of
" Divino Providence."
"SurrosE nn article had beeu Insert
ed Into the Constitution, empowering
tho United States, to regulate tho elec
tions for tho particular States, would
any man havo hesitated to condemn it,
both as an unwarrnntablo transposition
of power, anil us n premeditated engine
for the destruction of the fitute Uovern
menttt" Hamilton. Federulltto.
Lock Have.v, February I!!). Tho
munclpal election held here yesterday
resulted in a grand triumph, every ward
going Democratic. Tho majority for
11. It, Ilridgers, Mayor, is I'M against
t0 Jtiat fall. No recruits hero fur Geary.
Oim fathers etabllshed a Republic In
thin country, Will their children allow
this "Infrmous Congress" to enet u
military despotism In its placo? If not,
they must support tho President In the
0xrcie of his constitutional (unctions.
Tho High CrlmoTho Real Crimi
nals. Weri: tho President as guilty as ho
Is guiltless, nays the World, thcrn are
men at Washington guiltier than he,
and a greater crime Is doing than any
ho Is accused of. Impeachment Is but
tho blind of these greater criminals to
lildo this greater crime. It behooves
tho pcoplo of the United States to keep
their attention fastened on this great
crime tho crlmo of tho Republican
party and tho Ittimp Congress tho
crlmo of disunion. Every other crime
of theirs Is leu than this, or h adjuvant
to this tho greatest of their crimes.
Their usurpation of tho powers of tho
Executive; their usurpation of tho
powers pi the Judiciary ', thelrattemp
ted occupancy of tho Kxccutlvo chair
by tho Impeachment process j the
squanderings of tho public treasure ;
their wholesale; frauds upon tho ruvo.
nuoj their continuance of tho whisky
tax at two dollars so as to got n few
millions of money for carrying the No
vember elections by suffering tho whls
ky-thleves and tho bribed revenue ofll-
ccrs to plunder tho pcoplo of fifty mil
lions i their usurpation of tho rights
of States to control tho suffrage and
their prostitution of tho powerH thus
usurped to abrldgo whlto suffrage and
confer tho ballot by wholesale upon lg.
uorant blacks ; these Indeed are crimes,
but they tiro no less than, or tributary
to, their greater crlmo.
Four years of successful war they
prostituted to party purposes. Three
years of complete- poaeo they havo
prostituted to party purposes. Disuni
on still exists, despite, successful war,
despllo entire pence. Party ascendancy
Is stilt their solo purpose, and their
plan is to maintain It by negro suprem
acy worked through a military des
potism over ten States. Grant has con
sented to bo their tool In working the
military despotism, hut ho Is only the
General of tho Armies of tho United
States. A successful despotism is not
assured unless they can control tho
Commander-in-Chief. Hence they im
peach the President who wastho choice
of tho people, to replace him by anoth
er who has been rejected by tho pcoplo.
Wade will bo their pliant tool. John
son will not.
Dlsunlun prolonged to keep tho Re
publican party In power j negro supre
macy worked by Military Despotism
to keep tho Republican party in power
after disunion becomes Impossible;
these are tho high crimes of the Repub
lican party, theso tho misdemeanors of
tho Rump. Theso high crimes and
misdemeanors of their own they now
seek to abet, yet draw attention from,
by their sensational Impeachment of
tho President of tho United States.
Their charges against President John
son are trash. It Is scandalous effront
ery to utter or to urgo them. They tlo-
sorvo not tho dignity of aflat denial. It
Is an insult to tho understanding of any
man to demand their disproof. The
obstlnato defender of the Constitution
they impugn ns Its violator. Their
Charges are trash, as their schemes are
Not ho is tho criminal. They are the
traitors. Tho Rump Congress nro usur
pers and revolutionists. They band to
gether and hoot their scandalous and
Impudent lio in the fnco of tho nation,
against tho Chlof Muglstrato whoso
crlmo for them has been that ho has
upheld and obeyed tho Supremo Law
that he has refused to conspire with
them In disobedience and disunion, In
usurpation and treason.
Let tho people keep their eyes on the
real traitors nnd tho great crime. Let
them watch tho gcnulno criminals as
they go through their solemn mockery
of impeaching him who refused his con
sent to every step of their crime. Let
them fasten their giV3o on tho usurp crs,
tho traitors, tho disunionlsts who make
of this solemn procedure of an Injured
nation tho instrument of tholr halo
against tho steadfast upholder of tho
nation's laws. Mark the revolutionists
of tho Rump as they Insult tho fico of
day with tho pretencj of a conrern for
tho laws which in their ,iands havo
been nothing but tho record of a party
caucus and tho register of party plans
for tho Constitution which is every
where rent with tho trampling of their
brutul heels.
Let tho scnsutlon-spectuclo of a great
Impeachment go on. Let traitors be
the ministers of Justice, let usurpers af
fect regard for tho divisions of power
in the structure they have undermined,
let revolutionists uphold tho Ark of tho
Covenant, let a faithful Chief Magis
trate stand In tho dock and a Chief Jus
tice preside who is ambitious of his
chair; let the amazing mockery go on,
but refuso to bo deceived by tho dis
guises of their role. On fellow-citizens 1
and forget not for a day tho real crimi
nals and their high crimes.
In lYIcmoriam.
At a meeting of the M. M. 11, A.,
Danville, Pa., Feb. 27, 1B08, tho follow
ing preamble and resolutions were
unanimously adopted s
Whereas, It has pleased God In His
all-wise Providence, to remove from
our midst our beloved lirother, Joseph
Morris. Therefore, bo It
Jleiolved, That whlto wo bow with
submission to this ntlllctlug dispensa
tion of Divino Providence, wo sincere
ly mourn tho loss of a lirother, re
moved from us so soon In tho prime of
life and In tho midst of his usefulness.
Jtesolved, That In him the Associ
ation has lost a worthy nicinlx-r, the
community n good citizen, and his fam
ily a kind and devoted husband and
Jleiolved, Thnt wo hereby tender to
tho family of our deceased iircitln-r. nnr
mutual sympathies in this tholrho irof
uisircss, nnutnntns nrcuin-n, wo shall
over cherish his memory with tho pro
roundest sentiments of resjiect.
Jiesolved, That a copy oftliuno resolu
tions bo presented to tho family of tho
deceased; nnd that tho room bo draped
In niotiriiliiL. and thnt tin, Imtlmm
wear tho usual badgo for tho period of
Jlesolval, That tho above prcamhlo
and resolutions bo published in tho km
vltle JntelHyeneer tno Montinir A oiertcun
and also In tho liloorusburg papers.
Ily order of tho Association.
Wm. MORGAN, J'res't.
Prophecy Fulfilled.
"jj-' Tin: infernal fanatich anh
HLOOD." Jhmtel WtMei; Jurci Vh,
Washington News.
Wasiiin-otom, 1'ebrnnry 27.
Ailliitnnt.Generiil Thomas visited tho
War Department this morning about 11
o'clock. Ho first went to thu room
occupied by Assistant Adjutant-General
Townsenu, wnere no remniueu a sunn
time, readlnir his letters. He then pro
ceeded to tho room of General Curr, of
General F.inory's slntr, and held a con
sultation of about ten minutes. After
wards ho vMted several other olllcers
of tho Department. Hodldnot make
any ilemaml upon secretary maun n
ior a surrender oi mo wur umvu. nu
did not seo Mr. Stanton at all, but call
ed upon General Schrlver, whoso ollico
I I... ,..., ..r ,1... U,u.ri.tnrtl f.f VVltl-
IS tMiitr-uu i inn ifi niv uiviiiinj w. ......
A largo number or Senators and mem
bers culled upon Mr. Stanton to-day .
N rilling of special Interest occurred
In either llousn in mo iiump lo-nay
The largo drove of corn-Held negroes
who repaired to the Senate gallery at
an early hour, expecting to witness tho
'peaihmentol'thu President, were dis
appointed, and compelled to INten ton
1 1 mi. lmmML'iii! from Mns-ii Sherman
on tho financial question. Tho House
u-ns i'iu'iil'ciI tirlnciiiallv with an ainirii
prlatiou bill, in ehargu til' that public
ecoiiomHt-Washlmine, or Illinois, 'ine
galleries were not more than one-third
full. Tho colored loyalists, however,
were on hand, looking down on tho
floor, and nt doubt thinking of the not
distant future, when they will bu there
making laws, like their brethren now
are In mongrel conventions In tho
Southern stales.
According to late and rellablo infer
matlon received from prominent gen-
t 1'iiien In New Httiiinshlre. tho UnnO'
crnts are making a hard fight in that
State, and there Is everv reicon to bo
llevo thev will trlumtih on election day
(10th of March next.) They havo about
inreo inou3:mu majority to oveccom ;.
but In everv town visited by Democrat
1c sneakers there were unmistakable
evidences ofa healthy reaction among
tho pcoplo. i no jueooin uongressionai
delegation from tho Stato aro by no
means sangulno of success In tho pend
ing contest. They fear tho Impeach
ment conspiracy will damago their in
fornnl caiibo beyond reparation.
Thu returns from all tho counties in
which elections were held had wen re
ceived, but their publication is still for
bidden. A negro man who was known to be
opposed to tho League, and used his
Influence to keep negroes from voting,
was killed by n violent Radical negro
Inst Monday night about twenty miles
from Montgomery.
Tho Democrats in Congress held con
ference Inst night, Representative
N I black of Indiana in thu cliulr anil
Hon. Samuel J. Randall, acting us se
cretary. Tho particular oliject of the
meeting was to organize for the com
ing campaign. A Congressional Com
mittee, consisting of Senator Doollttle
of Wisconsin and Uucknlew.of l'a,, and
Representatives Randall, of Pennsyl
vania, Humphrey, of New York,
Trimble, of Kentucky, Ross, of Illinois,
and llarnum, of Connecticut, were ap
pointed. This committee. Is authorized
toupjolnt an Executive Committee, ol
three members and n Resident Com
mittee of three or more members, the
latter not to consUt of members ol Con
gress, with hondmiarters In Washing
ton, charged with tho distribution of
In tho course of the debato on Mon
day on the Impeachment resolution
Judgo Woodward referretl to tho fact
that ten States were excluded from rep
resentatlou In Congress, and lit) denied
the right of tho llouso to impeach any
body.or of tho Senate to try an impeach
ment, because thoHoii-o was i.ot now
composed of members chosen by the
several States; nor was theSenatu com
posed of two Senators from each Stato,
and ho would, therefore, advise the
President to deny tho jurisdiction nl
Congress, Theso remarks grossly olfen
tied Mr. U.-n. Butler, who, on thu In
stant, prepared a resolution to censure
or expsl Mr. Woodward for treasonable
language, but wa-s dissuaded from It by
his friends.
MI'.XT. Wasiinhtoh, ribrnorj 18.
The Senate Select Committee on Im
peachment reported to-day a oodo of
rules for the irovernment of tho Court
during tho trial. They nro the same In
substance as thoso published exclusive
ly in tho Times of Wednesday lost.
Though considerably elaborated, the
iinucipai auditions are tno provisions
i.v which deb.ito is limited. Ono coun
sel on cacti sltlo will bo heard for one
hour each on nil intirlocutorv or collat
eral questions. On the Until argument
two cousei on caen sine win no heard,
Willi no regard to time. Tho Scnatoru-
serves thu right to close Its doom for de
liberation, and on such questions no
Senator shall speak mora than once, uor
more than ten iiilnutesnt a time, except
on tho Until question, when thu speech
es will bo limited to fifteen minutes.
I'bo Chief Justice, who will nreslde. Is
empowered to" decide nil incidental
questions and questions of ovldence.ex
cept when some member of tho Court
shall call lor a decision of such questions
uy tnu wnoiouoiiy. too rules as amend
ed will be voted upon In tho Sonatu to
morrow. Sctutor Sumner offered n resolution
In Executive Session to-day, that pend
ing the trial ol tho President the Senate
will neither confirm nor reject tiny of
thu nominations beforo it.
Tho United States Marshal for this
District called nt the War Department
this morning, and formally handed .Mr.
Stanton the writ notifying him of tho
suit which had been entered against
him which claims $150,000 damages.
General Thomas was at the Depart
ment during tho forenoon, but has not
had any Interview with .Mr. Stanton.
It is not probable that ho will make any
further demands for tho ollico, Gener
al Thomas has in ids poises-Ion, execu
ted in form, the comnils-lnn signed by
the I'reslduntiiippulntiug 111 lit Secretary
of War ml interim.
At this writing there is no cliaugo in
tho situation, Stanton holds on to the
War Olllcc, nnd entertains Ids Radical
friends in that building, both night and
day. No application has yet beeu niiulu
for u quo mirrantu, or anything rise.
Tho partisan character of tho District
Supremo Court is so manliest that It
would bo nlmust Useless to apply to that
tribunal for any legal process looking to
tho removal of Stanton.
Tho communication from Superinten
dent Kennedy, or New York, to the
police authorities hero, about steallngn
largo quanlty of Tal P. Shall'ner's ni
tre glycerine, supposed to havo been
for uso in this city, has almost fright
eneri Radical members of tho House
"out of their boots." Every approach
to tho Capitol and Its vaults is strongly
guarded, und the valiant Radicals with
in tho building manliest tho greatest
unearlnesi lest they should bo suddenly
elevated above, their present comforta
ble beats.
Tho new Senator from Kentucky, Mr.
McCreery, wits sworn in to-day, making
tho fifty-third Senator. It will still re
quire eighteen votes against it to defeat
Impeachment, but It may bu added thnt
Senators are discreetly silent regarding
tho trial, and nil speculations which put
certain benators either lor or against it
tiro tho merest nonsense.
To-day noon ii dotiblo guard was
placed at till the entrances to tho War
Department. Two commissioned oil),
ceia wero stutlonetl Insldu of tho build
lug. To-night a double lino of troons
encircles the building. This additional
precaution is cot explained.
Wasiiinoton, February, 21,
Tho President has aimrovcd tho fol
lowing bill:
ir any ncrson or nersons entitled to
the bounty provided by sections twelvo
and thirteen of tho net making appro
priations ior tne civil service, approved
July 28. 1800. fchall have died, or shall
dlo before receiving said bounty, It
shall bo paid to the heirs of the soldiers
as designated in said act in tno order
therein named, and to none other.
The Itei ulilkai Representatives held
a caucus at the Capitol to-night. Mr.
I'oiand occupied tiiueiinii-anii .Air. van
Horn of New York, acted its Secretary.
There were about seventy members
liresent. The only business transacted.
and fur which the caucus wits expres-ly
called, wastho selection of managers to
conduct the impeachment proceedings
tietore tiiotscnaic. I lie billowing man
agers wero elected by ballot: Messrs.
Stevens, or Pennsylvania; Hutler, of
.Masiticiiusotn ; iiiiigiiuui, oi umoi
lloutwell, or Mii-schusetts: WiNounf
Iowa: Williams, of Pennsylvania ; and
l.ogau ol Illinois.
About forty Members havo entered
their names with tho Sneaker as cm
tlldntes for tho floor on tho discussion
of tho Imiieachtneiit articles. Tho do
bate will accordingly occupy ten hours,
oncii s-pcaKer oeing limited ny tne reso
lution to fifteen minutes. There will
be a session to-night for tho purpose of
ueoate, tue veto on tno articles ueing
nxeti ior .Monday nt l o'ciock,
Tho evidence or Colonel Moore, of the
army, and one oi president's secretaries,
will nut an entlrel.vdluVrentfucoon the
testimony or General Emory relative to
tne Hitter's interview with tno J'resl
dent. It will bo shown beyond adoubt
that General Emory was simply called
to the White House to furnish tho truth
of tho rumors regarding tho alleged dis
tribution madoof troops around Wash
ingtou without tho President's kuowl
edge, and that his Interview really
amounted to nut little iicyond Hint
Tho President has not yet selected his
counsel I'or the trnl, but among
those likely to bo retained aro llenlamlii
Curtis, David Dudley Field, Charles
wixinor, anil James T. urady, oi .New
xorK ; juugo iiiuck, ot rennsyivama ;
Hon. William H. Groesbeck, nnd Seniv
tor-eieci inurman, oi unio. it is pre
sumed that tho President will bo al
lowed ror counsel tho same number o;
gentlemen ns constitute tho managers
on mo part oi tno uoiise, viz., seven.
Despatches received from New Orleans
lo-nigiu announce mat utuerai nan
cock has asked to hi relieved from
command of the Filth Military DWiict
Thu President has despatches asking
him not to relieve General Hancock.
Tho trouble has arisen from Grant's
latu order reinstating the New Orleans
Councils over Hancock's order,
It Is believed by many Congressmen
thnt Senator Thayer's hill, to abolish
the office of Adjutant-General of tho
Army, will uecomu a law.
washisoton, Mnrch 2.
Tin: Impeachment conspiracy occupi
ed the attention of both houses again
to-day. Thu Senate, at comparatively
un early hour, resumed the considera
tion of the rules for the trial, reported
by Howard hist week. It is apparent,
that the majority intend to adopt the
rules substantially as reported, and
during the debate to-day their anxiety
I'or the speedy conviction and removal
from ollico ol tho President was perfect
ly manliest hence the elforts they are
mak ing to bring the trial within the
shortest possible time, by rejecting
every proposition calculated to allbril
rcii-onablo latitude lor argument on In
terlocutory motions, etc., etc. The
Houso met at 10 o'clock (two hour
earlier than usual), and debated by fif
teen minute speeches tho urtlcles of im
peachment presented on Saturday last,
Mr. Stevens making thu closing speech,
seated In a chair at the Clerk's desk and
reading his remarks from lnanu-crlpt.
Ho concluded at threo o'clock, where
Uon Mr. Doutwell oirerreil nsubstltutc
lor tho nrticlcs reported on Saturday,
making verbal changes in each article
except thu 7th, which he prooo,ed to
strike out. Mr. Jeuckes, of Rhodo Is
land, oflerttl nn i.niiiKliiiint tor the
whole In tho nature of a substitute,
which was not agreed to. Hutler, of
Mii-sachusctts, then tried his hand, and
presented an additional article, reciting
tho President's attacks on the Rump
during his tour in the fall of 1800, and
quoting largely from his speeches on
tno occasion referred to. In ids (Hut
ler's) opinion this was an impeachable
offense, but his Radical friends, know
ing they already had more than they
could conveniently carry, and appre
hending that the proposed article might
nrovu "tho last feather on tho camel's
back," voted it down by n considerable
majority. At this point Mr. Eldrldge,
ot WIconsin, ro-o and asked unani
mous consent to present n paper signed
by fnrty-llvo Democratic members cri
tho House, which bu dcslnd to have
read and printed in thu Globe. The
Speaker ruled the request out of order,
and a dozen or more Radicals objected
oven to tho printing of the document
in tho Congressional Globe, und thus
tho subject dropped. The paper refer
red to was a protest against the revolu
tionary conduct of tho Radicals In at
tempting to riepo-o tho President from
office for partisan purposes,
Tho House then proceeded to vote by
yeas and nays on the first article ol' im
peachment, mid it was adopted by n
strict party votu; tho second likewise,
nnd tiio remainder will no doubt he
agreed to ero adjournment takes place
Ihlsovcning. Tho next thing will be
thu election of tho seven managers on
the part ol the llou-e, to conduct the
-.iso before tho Senate. As the caucus
on Saturday evening decidid who
should ho chosen for that work, the
election by tho Homo will bo but a
mere matter of form. Notwithstand
ing the fact that tho oxclloineir of the
past week has been nlmi '. entirely al
layed, tho Radical leaders are Just as
determined ns ever to rush the Impeach
ment through in "hot Iniste," If they
etui. They declare openly that Its tali
uro would result in thocomplctii down
hill of their party, mid destroy all chance
of their success in tho coming Presiden
tial content ; whereas, they assert that
If they succeed in tho movomeut, they
can rulo tho country by mil tary pow
er, with Grant as their leader, and In
that way overcome tho popular upris
ing already manifested against them.
This is no doubt the Idea that impels
them forward In tho revolutionary
course they are now pursuing, nnd It
rests with thopeople, whose Institutions
and liberties they aro seeking to destroy
to put their seat of condemnation upon
tho outrageous proceedings now going
on at thu Federal eapltol.
Thosnccch of Jiideo Illaek before the
Supremu Court or llio Unlled States to
day lu thu M'Ardle test case, was ono
ot mo most oriiiiani, anil earnest enorts
of that distinguished Jurist and states
men. All thu Justices uf the Court
wero present with tho uxccptlon ol Mr.
Justlco Urler. There was also a large
number of members of tho liar, and
Senators and Representatives, besides
n crowd ofspectators present. Judgo
Ulack spokoover an hour, when, on ac
count of indisposition, ho gavo wny.tind
thu Court adjourned. It Is understood
that tho argument In tho caso will go
on this week, and a decision may bu ex
pected in about two weeks, Tie gtiw
at Imprtttlon here Is that the Court will
pronounce the to-culled reconstruction
(ic-fj unconstitutional to fur us they estab
lish the military over the civil law, which
Is thu point involved in thu caso now
hefjro them.
WASius'orON-, March 3.
Tho Scnato Kullerlctj wero woll filled
at t lie hour of meeting to-dny. In antic-
i put i n oi tno appearance oi tnu nousu
lommltteoof Milliliters wlththenrtliles
or Impeachment adopted yesterday.
Aootil ono o'ciock .Mr. lU'i-nerson,
Clerk or the House, came over nnd ror
inally nnounced tho action or that body
on tho articles aforesaid, Subs, qtietitly
Mr. Howard ofiered a resolution, which
was adopted, directing the Secretary
(I'orney) to Inrorm the House that
tho sennlo was tirennrod tn rccelvn
tho committee having ehargu or
thu Impeachment articles, but not
withstanding tho ptiven lmpeachers
railed to nut in an atinearnncv. It was
soon whispered around, however, that
tney mm prepared two additional arti
cles, which would bu adopted, and the
whole iiateh (eleven in all) would no
presented to the Senate to-morrow.
About 3 o'clock Mr. Hutler, (ri Massa
chusetts, rcnortcil the first of theso ad
ditional articles to the House. It is
precisely the same ho Introduced yes
tcrdav. but failed to get through con
slsllng ol' it recital or tho President's
speeches during his tour In 1800, nuil
declaring tnem unbecoming in nn one
cor of his position, etc.. etc. Consider.
able debate uniso on the article, but tho
hero or Port Fisher Insisted upon hav
ing It In ; nnd, on a vote by yeas nnd
naes. It was adonted veas 87. navs 41
making tbe tenth article, lllnghani
then presented anothcr.slmllar In char
acter, and it was likewise adopted, thus
making eleven articles instead of nine,
as agreed on yesterday. To-morrow,
neriiaiis. mere may oo stui nuntner.
Tho multiplication ol charges, already
twice disposed oi ny mo nreseni iiaiii
cal IIouso, and Reconstruction Com.
mlttee,prves wiinl n noted jacobin re.
marked vesterdav. viz: That tho urtl
cles predicated on tho removal of
Stanton, tho appointment or Thomas,
and tho conversation with Emory .when
they como to bo thoroughly analyzed,
will be round Insufficient for the pur
noso tho Radicals havo In view. Such
Jacobins ns lllnghani opposed llutlcr's
article yesterday, but upon further con
sideration supported It to-day, for tho
reason indicated auove.
The Election Committee of tho Hump
House decided to-day that neither
M'Kco nor Younc wero entitled to n
seat in thnt body as a Representative
from tho Ninth District or Kentucky.
They found that M'Keo (Radical) was
defeated by over 1,400 majority, and
that Colonel Young (Democrat) was
fairly elected, but that, for tho reasons
stated In thlscorresponde ce yesterday,
ho was not entitled to Ids sent. This
Is tho second outraeo oi the kind nren
etrnted on tho pcoplo of Kentucky
within a lew weeks.
It Is now believed thatan application
for a writ or quo warranto, for Secretary
Stanton to show cause why be retains
possession of tho W ar Department, will
not ue made.
A delegation of tho worklngmen of
Genoa havo presented an address ti
Admiral Karragtit, whom they honor,
they say, ns tho representative of
country which sympathizes with the
views of Mazzlnl.
Cable dispatches glvo particulars in
regard to tho progress of tho Fenian
trials. During the preliminaries or Gen
Nagle's ttial, Mr. Georgo Francis Train
volunteered to become ono or the Ju
rors. This offer, however, was declined
A Grand Secretary of the Orange
men's organization, having headed an
Illegal proccsiou in Ireland, has been
tried and sentenced to imprisonment
King William, of Prussia, on Satur
day closed the sessions of tho Diet with
the usual speech.
Louis II., King of Ravarla, died Frl
day, aged SI years.
Latu news from tho Abyssinian cap
lives reports their well boing. Tho ad
van co of thu llrltisli expedition had
arrived at a place near Antalo.
March Ith. Mr. Train has been
rearrested In Dublin, this time, it Is
supposed, on tin action for debt.
The case or Hen, Naglo is to bo re
moved to tho Court of Queen's Ilench
in consequence of the Impossibility of
obtaining a mixed jury. Tho tri ll or
Nugent has been postponed on account
or the Illness orajuror.
ll.iron I.. N, Do Rothschild Is to bo
raised to u higher rank In tho peerage.
Market lleuort.
Wheat oer bushel 2 30
lto " a",
Corn " 1 25
Flour per barrel 13 m
l loverseeil 7 0U
Klitxseid 3 00
butter )
Ek'iis , i'i
Polntoes 1 OO
Dried Apples 3 Ml
Hliles ninl Mmuliteis
Ijirtl per pouiul
liny per ton
Hemlock Hoards pcrthousnnd feet SH u
I'luo ' one Inch) IsnJo
Jolht.Kcnntllnix, Plnnk, (Hemlock) 1.5 00
Shinnies, No. I per tliuusaudH ., 8 )
" " '2 " ' 7 in)
Siding " " ft IS 00
No. 1 scotch pig.
No. 2 " "
Philadelphia Markttf,
Thursday, Februarys) 111
Northwestern Kuperflneat $7.AOta 7,
Northwestern extra li.
Northwestern rum Ily 10..rjtKill.5o
t isyivnuiu. ami ..esiern superlllle... ,.W(tiS.r,
Pennsylvania and Western extra 8..'iit$9.-
Pi nnsylvaiila ami Wesiern family -ll.otwani..'.
t'clinsylvalili. ami Western fancy l.l.lsKtl5.i)i
live Hour H M,iUjt)
tt n e, r , cnii-yi v ama reu, ous K.-'mti.
Sinulhtril " ' IAU1I4SJ.7)
California " " $.vii
white " Milam"
Hyk Pennsylvania rje, v bus 81.7'Hl.73
OWN Yellow, " II.I7'4.I.IS
White, " Sl.l7(l.a)
iHTS-a), ,u , 7SCW.
I'ltev. laio.N's Mess Pnrlt, V bbl
Mess lleef,
mcssi'ii iiuh, m S'ewue
Smoked Hams " 1 iw
i 'ooumeis in ll jcMHc
SEEliH f'toVcrstcdV lilis'.'.V.'1'''.,''',,.'.V.'M.V S7.&Kl!sJ
Tllnolhseed V bus MT
Flaxseed , I2.&WJ.SJ
CATTLK lleef Cattle V It 7cv-
Cows, A head M $40(317,
nnr.Ke ftui .icfl
IIS'lH-VlulHia - IM0it
(VUUUI liiyi.
MAYKIl-KMNi: Atthc reslilencoof the bride's
lalheron the.Tlluif Fe. ruary, hv Die It v, II.
11. Wilson, Mr, Joseph K. Mayer to MUs Mury
Mary l:. Kilne, '
Clinton Democrat please copy,
McVICKKIt-PICKAIW-On the th ult.,bvllie
dev. Huimuil llurrl.ou. Mr. C. Wilson MoVIrk
er, to Marv Ada Plckltrd, both near WushlliK
leuvllle, Montoar county,
VANDtNF-HTWIvltll-lly the same nn tlloOlh
lilt.. Mr, tl. W. Villi line, uf I.yconllllK CO., to
Miss Mantle H.Htrrlter, mar Wusliluulouvllle,
WAUNI'.lt-llAItTIIOt.OMI'.W-On die Mil till.,
by tho dev. Ileo. K. Wolr, Peter Waauer ot
l.lliieslone two,. Montour Co., to Mrs, f.hzulJar-tholomi-w,
nfrurbot twp., Noith'd Co.
lIAirZFI-N YKlt-On die 2 Ih lilt., by tho Itev.
W. II. Fox.Mr. Michael llartzel loMaltlaC,
Nyer, both of Miftllu, Columula cwiuty, Pa,
IlI.ACK-HWAY.i:-On the37lll ult.. at tho resl.
ilenio ol the lirnle'a father, by Itov John A,
tlese, D, D.,Mr. Perry D. Illaek, of Ith.irsburit,
Cut. co., to Mlvs l.uzto A, Hivayze of Mahanoy
city, Pa.
BUI.T At tho roH lilt' nre of Atlnm Hult, In llrlnr.
trt-ek twp., on the 30th ult., Jlm Mult, ftaeil
y.-urK, u mouth unit VtlUaytt.
HAYOItV In II.nomi.huri,, on TuemJay tho Wih
ull.,tHilcnly..MrH. MuryH. Huvury. (aiviiKhter
of tl. W, niKt Mury iUlen.) ityed it yeurn, 9
lllOIlthH UIHl 'i till) H.
"In the mUt of life we aro In tloatli,"
MOItltlH In 1J loom th uric, on Tuwiilay, tho aith
ult., Jinei'li Morris, ultcru Rhort Ulueoi. uuM
uhout u yeurK,
UTr In Greenwood township, Tcb. 2ft, UfiH, Mm,
Mury Aim Utl, lu thu OTth j tut ot hir ago,
I.AUIIACM-On the Ut lout. , In Kui.arlof two..
huruli hUKmi.u, (laughter of Andruw lvubrtcL,
of utM, ihim'I 2 yeurv i luonthi uml lit thiy,
ltU but unhurt time Mlnouwe bjw the ttuhlt-ct
of thoubove notloe,on-1 though not well at the
thuo uetthcr w uor tho fond parent lroulDd
Death waattioeur, Wo only my to the Ureavd
rrlndvi "TheljordiElvcth.thoIxird taUethoway j
tlcuod by tha namo of th Jrd," x, C'ou
District Court oftbeUnl
leu Slides for tho .Unlet, District ol PennslUn.
nin, lu the mniter or aih-1 tiiohiah, nniiKrtti. iu
whom It iimy concern i The iiiiilcrnlRiipU hereby
ns nonce oi not hpimmuiiiiciii hi. u.hikii, -v i'i
. l.l T1.....K. ... .!.. I.un l.t II. A Ar.lll' Ilf
Coliimiiln, iititi Htftte of pcnnit. tvHiiln, who tins
been mUnilKtslnhnnkrupt hjionlilsowu ictltlo!i,
hy tin. District Court ol siilil District.
I lllooiuMutrK.lliu.'Viliiliivoi I'cnnmry,
t. U. 1,UI1,1,1 Assignee.
Ll IttMiri-v Tn die llUtrlrl Court of thu Ulll-
L-iftales for die W, stern lil.t'lclof Penn. Iva.
nM, In Ihi, matter t.f Iianlel W.
nipt, T , whom It m iy concern: Tlicnndcrsinucd
hereby Rives notice or his nts,lnltnent as as
slunte of liillitel W. ttolihlns of llloom
toan.lilp, iii the county of Coluiiili'a, and mate
or Pennsylvania, who lmsbicnoiljinliicd a bank
rupt upon his own petition, by the IMslrlcl Court
of salii District. D.ited at Illoomsburii, dip -.Mill
d.iv of February, ISO. C. O. DAIIKI.I A,
JI ir.0 US-.ll As.mnee.
tho District Court of tin tint
ii'ii stales fur the Western District of lYnnsvlVa-
uta.lnthn matlernf Samuel ll.llelmer, Hank nipt.
To whom It may concern! The tilutersluneil here
by Klves notice of his nppollltlncnt ns assignee
of Samuel II. Dctmer, rifc' the county
ol Culmnbla, and Mate of Pennsj Ivanlu, who
lias neen iiimuukcii n iianarupi. upon ois uwh tho lilstrlcl Court of mild District.
Dated at llloomshurg, the VJth tiny of Fibruary,
18"S. C. U, UAUKIXY,
Mar.a'W-3i Assignee.
In riiKDmnicrCouuT of tiik Uniteii rtatm,
roil Til KWIWTKllN DIMTKICT OF 1 l-.?ibVI.V A?I A,
JAM. IS n.rAMtt.n Iliinkrm-l n ruler tho Art ot
( 4 ti k rent or .mutch :i. mwintr npniifu mr u
D.KChnrRO from nil hU tl.btH.nml otdor cbtlms
prov-nuo miner wuaAci.oy omcrmiiiti uuun,
Noticr ii HEiiKliT all l.Tetlitnrn who
have provptl ihcir (lvoU, ninl oilier j-f-rnoiiM Inie
rinteil; to npnetir on the 17.H tiny of Maucii l.
Ut glster, at llie Kxrhnnge Hotel In HioomMHirg',
1 11., hj know vuuiif . ii tiny mry inir, u u wis
charce BhmiM not lie urn n ted to (ho naU Hunk
rml. Anil further, notlcu In hereby given, thnt
the -pcoikI nml Third meetlnui of Ci
Rfild Ihinkrupt, reaulrcd hy the i!7th atid th hvc-
tlonsof siild Act. nnd wilt he hud Lefora tho Mild
2.1,1 i fct-r
llci?ltr. nl thn Hilton 11 run anil olnre.
Clerk of U, 8. District Court for laid ila'tr let.
Foil TllKWEsraitx uitrnitjr or i''ia
r.inVAUU O. HitllNi:, a Ildnkrupt under
,ct of ConcreH of Mnrch !W. lf7, huvltiK np.
tilfiMl fnr n iMnhnrt'n from ntl lilt delttd.nnd otliel
clalmt provable under wild Act, hy order of tho
court, notice it herchv Riven to ull creditor who
cRted; tnnppenron the Ibth day of M.vncit InW,
iiiivr nrnvpti incir iioijih. iiiiu iiiikt iifrmMiiiuttr-
nt a o clock p.m., neioro i u prion, jr., i.ti.,
HeKltcr, nt tho l-ixclmnce Hotel in inoonourK,
HIBIItlW tltM., II 1111 IllfJ ll.t"sj .ll'Uliiih
should not huKrnuled tothofnld lti.ukr.ipt. And
furtner, noticuiH nereny yneu, iiiiu inn ni-i-tJim
,.t,.l 'I liit-,1 l.wmllmm .,f I ri.i 11 tl ,rM Ilf lllO M..IJ I 111 OK
mnt nrinlr-l I.v (ho VTTth mid ltll rtt'CtlotlM of
ni.fd Act, will be had beforo wild Heyifttpr, upon
tuo wnuo uuy, ut ine name piuce.
Clerk of U. KDlntrfct Court for bald lAitrlct,
N tup. OisTnttrr couutokthk un iTKn mtatiji ,
.insTAII 11. nniwnv. a Ilankrtint under the
Act of Congress of llnreh'At. 1MJ7, haliiK a plied
rora ii.seimnro iroinau uitueoi,nuii huhtcihiiii
provable under mid Ac,b order of Hie lurl,
notice is lmiEny oivf.n, to nil redltorit who
have proved their dehu, mid other person into
ret-tti! : to appear ou the iMh day of MAHrii.l"3,.
at Pt oVIoeli, A. M., In fore 1 O.Pttoli, Jr.. t.q.
in hIkiw iMin.i. it un v thov lm hv a Dihchame
iinuiHtt-r. ut tn.. i:x')ini.LFf 110 e . loon to rir.i'u
KIIOUKl IHIl lit) KritllirU IU lHtfHIHI l..lli Um "ini
further notleo ! hereby Kieii, thut the Ktrond
kinl Thtul .Mft MtiLfM uf ('rcilltornof Ihe Miltl Ihuik
ruii, requireu oj im aim aim riiimM 111
naid Act. w'll ho had before tho said lU-tfisler at
tho Maine lliuc una place.
Clerk of U. 8. DUtrlct Cmrt for nald C tit riot.'iH-2w
i. tiik DisTKirrC'ounTOPTiiF. rstTKn Btatfs,
HAMlTKL It. HIHKIir.u Il-inkrnpt under the
Act ol Congtef-M of March 1, W)7, Un ln ufiplled ii diMcliiirtre from nil hlH debt), and olhi r
elaliiH provable under wild Act, hy order of the
t,'un, MllH'K IS lli:Kl-.HY uivfcn, w nu iirunurn
who have proviil tht lr dehu, and other iht-ohh
IntcrcMted; tonppfitron the I'll, day of M Alt' 11
imw, nt (i o'clotk, A. M., before V.. Overion.Jr.,
Kw , HeslMter. at the list li.inge. Hotel, Illooiiit
burn, i'a.. to hliow causp. If iin they have, why a
DKchurtfoMi-aild not be u run ted Ut the Mild ltank
nipt. And further, noth-e Ih hereby r1 en, that
(he Ht'coud und Third Meetlnv or Creditor of
llio wild ll.inkrupt required hy tlie iTtli and 1Mb
Sect lonn of Kiid Act, will he had before the wild
UeBlsUr at same time ""V.Pj,.,,,,
Clerk of V. H. UKtrlct Court, for ald Dintrlct.
J of MAUV fUYUKU.dicea.Md. IittrteN-
tHiiifnliiry on the CKtuieof Alary 1,. Cryder, of
IIuioukImu llfrwlck,hae oirii milled by the
It Klft-r of Colutnbut cnitntj , to Inane I Crder,
All perHoiiH hn Um ihiluu amilnl tbe ehtate are
reqtuHtvd to present them lor settlement, and
tkoio Indebted t (lu entato, either on note or
bonk uet'ouutwill make naviueut t't th Hxecu
tor wllhnut delay, IHAAO L. CUVDIJIl,
Mar.GiW-tit, llxeculor.
Ill the Court of Common rieasof Columbia co.,
Deu. 'J, bti7. I. Ibid In divorce a uncufo matrimonii
And now rehrunry .11, A. 1. Wis.ihe i,uhjoenn
and itKM subpoena hulne leen returned N. C I.,
Iho alHjve niiuu'd lespoudent tiihereby uotltled to
Ite and appear In Court on the First Monday tu
May next (lSwU to ntiHwertho complaint lu this
Mar.O'aMt MherllT.
li NKlHT.DIX'IIAHKD.-roMnry WhltenlKht,
Mictiaei Whlteuhiht, Henry Whllenlifht, AiMey
Whlteiifght, Julian wlfo or Daniel Wantch, Ue
tecca Klizabeth wife of Henry hunimerw, Uachmd
Kmina wife or William ItrotiHoii.aud Lydla M.
WhltenlKht the two last named bflntf minorn.
and have fort hair cuardlnn.od UUnm 'I hm, J,
Vnntlersllce. Lineal dc-cendants of 1'eter White
nlKht deceased, and to nil other pcrnuiiK interest
ed, Ureetiny t You are hereby elled to he and ap
pear before thu Judtfea of our Orphan' Courlat
an Orphan's Court to bo held In llloonihUuty.on
the KlItbT MONDAY OK MAY next, then and
there to accept or refuo to take the real estnte of
Kftld 1'eter whltenlght deceased, at the appraised
Miluntlon put upon It hy the Inquest duly award
ed hy the wild court, au i returned by thu (Sheriff,
or tthow cause why the name should not behold.
And hereof fall not.
WltnesH the Honorahle William Klwell, 1'ienl
dent of our Hiihl court, the 15th day oflVbruniy,
A. D..1MHS.
Jessf. Coleman, Clerk, o. c.
i nine to the premises of tho subscriber InHiicar-
loaf tou nshlp en or alKiul the 'illh of Kcbrunry, n
Ill'.OW'N MAUI! llh a white strip.) lu the fare,
supposeit to I e about live years oll. The owner
is reqot-steil to collie foi want, prove propel tynntl
pay ihari(es, nllil take her away, otheiwlse she
will lie disposed of accorillliL; to law,
AI.I.NAS com:.
RiiRarlissf.Mar.OC. It
pUllLlO SAL10
The nnilerslgneil on MAUCII so, wm, nt 10 A. M..
at his resilience lu lleinlock low nshlp, Cotiimbio
counly. will dispose of his personal Knoils al pub
lic vendue, and ut the same time will sell his real
estatt collHlslillk of
iwi;NiY-THiir.K AcitiM or land,
on vr Icli Is cncteit ncoisl Irume houso and barn
wiih the usual outbuildings, 'terms niAdu know 11
on day of .ale.
M ir.'ttWl' JACOI1 IIAMPAI..
Will be exposed to public sate on the pr. ,n sos
In Ornniio townstilti, Columbia euuuty, Pa, on
H.VTUHIiAY, MAUCII VI, Isos. a trncl ol ml.
Joining binds ar ileiilitintii Htlner Hlnion liowry,
Isaau riellrlrd, and luvld Hull ; cont. Inline -o
ACRall In astute of cultivation, belnit diets
tiilooi Jueol, Ilalldeeca.od; uad to be sold by tho
undersigned us Aitent for die helr.of salddo-ceust-ilt
iiintsr poHei ol attorney.
AIt)i Al die sumetlnie and place, a lot of
land adloliiini; lli.nlsive eontalnliit; Nlsr:TKh
At Itsv,, neai 1 all of which Is cleared land, lllub r
Kisid culllTailon l ami whereon are ereettsl a
ttOUI) 1101,'Si: fciitl llAUNiiind otlit r oi.tijulld.
im-slaiiood well ol YtHlcrul die tioor, and nu
Il.xcKl.LiKr Oiu llAiui. Tills rroperly Is known
as thu homestead of da, late ItUlnud Hull; und Is
sold by the undersigned us Audit for tho owner,
under the will of Deuedeut.
TFiiMioy hale: Ten per rent of the purchnse
inon.-y on die ilityofMalc. Italnucotif the one.
fourth un the 1st day of April wiii-n pnssessinn
will Ihi ulveii; nnd llondnudMorti;auepauLileln
one year a Ittl lutetesl,
Heoond piecoi Trims cash,
.. .... . PIITKIt KXT,
Mrfl Cs-ts Attorney and An.nt,
pill VA T K S A li
Tlie undcrslttneil guardian and attorney for die
widow nud thllilrtli ol John ltumse, lute of
lllooin toKiislilpin iheeouulynf Coliiiiiliiii.ue.
ceased, will sell al private salrllie follow Inn de
scribed rial estate to wit iTllotlectased's interest
III all I hut certain tract of luntlslluutelu Moillolir
loHnsliipColuiubiu coui.ty, adjolulim IhihIh lute
of Peter llltlenbender, Clirlstoplit r Wotlley, Ju
eoli lllttfiibeliilt r mid the heirs of John ll.tylor
contalnlnit UriV At'Itl.s uioioorltss, IlLelnn
wood Intnl.
Also die following piece tifBround situate in the
town of lIlooinsburKlll said tounty, boondeilnnd
aescriUcd as follows lo wit I lleuiuulllu at u Hist,
corner of Pine and Kjer's Alley, and ruiiuliiE
IhriicealoiiK Pine Alley Norm siity-oue degrees
r-usl Ihlrly.lwo feel to u post, thence by die land
of Abruhum w. r ry Kouih twenty-nine deiirets,
tMkl klllecu feel lou osl, tlirlice by the sumo
Houlh sui) .0111, dt-KreesWesl thlity.tvtolrct to
l;or Alley nfoltsuld, Ihento uloliu said Alley
Jorlh tweiil-nlntl(iirfes Vist,niietn fm 10
the place of beeliiiiln,- coutululuE ono perch ami
nine, ti 11 1 lis. of a perili more or less, U Iiik purl of
'.?,' No. uu in tho tiutiul plan of said lowu of
Kor iiuttlculnrs lutiulre of the under. hnml.
. ltOlil.ltT.1',1 I.AIIK,
u"iney Attorney Ior Iho heirs 01 John
lilooiusb'on,, Marth t, CJ-(!t
ll .Notlc. Is hrrt
buy iell,jr udierwD
lirrrby itrrrn to all p.rions not to
.. la security.
In favor 01 rredrrlrk I'ad.n.a. Iitlnsmu pay
tb same cot liarlng rereiTrd vulae iberelor.
OP Till!
jANUArtv 1st 1W, TO jANCAitr 1ST ISM.
Tiik Auditors elected to settle nnd ndjust die necoiintsnf Columbia county, respeclfullr beg
lenve to report that they Imvo exnmlned the same from the flrsl dny of .Innuiiry A. n, one tho-is.
and elulit hundred nnd sltv-se lothellrstitny of Jnnnnry A, 11. one thousand elulit hundred
nndsljtty-ditht nnd, nnd resp-ritully lay lu fore Iho lion. .Indues or Iho tvurt of l oininoii
Pleits, of snt.V tsuinty the rollowlmt sintement nnd report mtri-enbly to IlielUnd Section of tho Act
of Uenernl iis.emblyrrdils C'olnniowentdl passed the fourth tluy of April, A. r. IH.1t!
JOIt.V J. &T1LM, Treasurer ot Columbia county In account with said county.
Jan, '
To amount nutstandlni for I'd
nnd orevlous veurs.
" To lialuuce In bauds of Trcas.
un r, us per Auditors re
isirt. Jan, lsti7.
Peb. 6. To Cash of Hauiuet Kelclmer
tif llrlar Creek, for keeping
Mar. ft. Tot'iish of Homuel Kelctiuer
of llrlar Creek for keeping
Juno Toamriunt of county tnx ns-
sessed ror IKU7.
11 To nni'iuiit ndded to Dtlpllcato
of Hcott Township.
41 To uinount or Tcndiy assess.
Ilirtit, ISIIT,
It To CushorCoulItlileo Improv
ed coat Co., I,, rcdrinifd.
H(pt. 2 ToCasli or A. V. lien, Agent
!. reileeiutsl.
To Cash or Hunttry persons I
" 12 To Cash or Thayer A Nojes,
29 10
37 1J
13.171) C9
11 :o
M si
IT7 10
100 w
so II
60 00
21 13
Dec. I
To Cash of fleorge tlvnns of
llrlar 1 reek, ror keemmi C.
To Cash Tor ten day nssestnent
HHalid PJin,
10 ToCnshrromNorlliumtierlnnd
coiiutv tluu Columbia co.,
tor repairing llrltlge.
" To Cash paid Assessors.nssess
Ing dog tux, Isitr.
To Cash ror Muiidry Taxes.
" To ILtlance otitstnndlng.
To Cash of Sundry persons lie-
!N .14
in 10
ticmpuon money . 10
(2173.1 OH
JOIf.V J, Am.t,Trcnsurer of Columbia county In nccount with tnx on dogs.
To nnionntoulstnndlngforPfiO itrevlous yenrs.
Tonmount nssesscd lor 1807,
I PIT 0.1
1201 60
Ii'ii SO
Statement showliigthc nmonntof county nnd
trlct In die county, as well as the nmounl due
...Matthew VJ nkoop
..David Miller
.. Hnlilllel Nllliifesser
,. Hninttel lthone
...taints Jaeobv
...Patrick Klllccn
do tto -
Herwlck Horougli..
Centralla Horough
1 em re
Mount Pleasant
, It. A. Swepiienhlser
P. (I. fiimplicll
Thomas flower 5
loseph Ciilrmali
tucoli H. Kviltls
1) inlet Net hurt
Abraham Manning
ClirMlan Hiniill
Miimes Ktsuer
lobn I.elby
Thoinns J. Wctllvcr
Itutlolpli Hhuinun
Peter J, l.nntr.
Hillben Hellas
Iiicob Long
N. Drelsbnch
i 1.. Moore
.laciib Ti rwlllfeer
lleiluct ten do!t s assessnient IslfT. SV, SI
M exira assessinenl Scott, 11131.
Lrnves nmotuit county tax assessed
ror iw.
Noth Those mnrked with have sinco been
KiiiteitKiil sliowlng ihenioouiit of county
lerini oisincis 111 sum couniy.
Sngarloar. lsdllohn W. Kile
Itentiin. lMl3Saiiioet Apptemnu
Flshingcreek... " .I'lliu suttou
Miiillsou " .Inctili rchleL
Ptlie " Albert lltinlir
Ilenver ISf.IJ1.l1n Illiulerlller
Iienton " sutiiiti 1 AppUmiiu
tvnttiula Uor " W. II, lleinooid
lliinyimlium " W, II, Helnboltl
Hemlock " ItuuliA. Hiirtuiaiu
Madison " Jacob llvclilel..
Ily limoiillt paid Auditors nnd
Ci lerk.
lty amount p-ild c. H. rrts-k-way,
au.lltitig Priitlionnta
r and Heglslcr'suecolllit.
Ttloem township
Htuver '
Ittlitou "
Hrlat t'nek township
lit rwl, k H-iiough
ClItUWlsM. towushhi
C. Hire
Conniihiim "
Celittulla Horough
Franklin low nshlp
I'lsliliigcret k "
(Ireenuood "
Hemlofk "
1H'llst "
Malliu "
Mllllln "
Madison "
Mt. Pleasant '
Oriiugo "
Uoiirlngcrerk "
hug.irlotif '
Hitman cothact.
Hy uinount lmld Wlllhiln A. ltlge In 1 Ishlngcrcek
Ily uinount puld Piter swank,
bridge on county line tc
twtcu Columbla.aiut Mon
tour HJ0 IX
13 00
e'J 00
HrniMJ. TitnK.
Ui W '.') 00
19 25 IU 7.1
22 (10 2b 25
9) 2.1 S8 73
0 2.1 1110
20 21 'i! 75
21 7.1 25 75
21 25 311 7.1
IS (HI 25 7.1
17 7.1 11) 71
21 '.Si 21 7.1
23 21 27 7.1
2(1 Si '.ti 71
20 M II) 71
27 Si 27 7.1
10 ii lb 7.1
J) lO 21, 7.1
11 1 11 7.1
23 ti 28 (
20 SI 20 50
22 Si 211 7.1
10 2.1 23 7.1
12 75 11 75
111 10 20 7.1
23 SI 28 76
1511 50 C.M 7.1
611 60
Hy amount paid Montgomery
Cole, Shingles. Ac. 25.1 Of
Hy amount puld John llcmcr 1-3 :t3
Hy amount p. id Ucorgu llur-
lcman 159 60
Hy amount paid Joshua H.
Hess, "Stone." 40 tW
Hy iilnoiiul paid Philip Hart
man, lumber, 223.10
Ily nniount paid David Kilo 222 07
Hy uuiouul paid Jonas Pah-
r lllccr. IH 40
Hy amount pold Jonna Fah
rluger.brldge on county lino
between Columbia and
Northumberland. 21 00
Hyaliiouut paid Win. Kvetand ts b'.)
Hy aiiiuuiit paidM.C. Wood
ward. 6.1 1.5
Hy nmounl stld J. II. Furninn 73 00
Ily amotilit )uld l:ilas Miller,
shingles. 00
Hy amount puld Joseph I leister 2).1 0.1
Hy liliiotlut uild John Savage 5s 00
Hy nniount puld sundry per
sons, "(J 01
12110 50
lir.A.NK llOOKH.
Hy nmotuit puld for Iltunk
luMiks ror Piothonotiiry und
Kecoriler, unit assess nook
mid tu duplicate. 1281 CO
llll'MV I U1I.DIM.S.
Hy nniount tod ior it mis nt
Ct un House, and jai d and
Jalldillliig I he mr. 189 0g
Hy auiount jiaid Mrs. Ovcrdtrf
rltiililngCnuit House, J0 00
Ily amount paid Ii It, Utile,
Commissioner's nitorney, 75 CO
Hy amount paid MosisCotrmaa
for inejiar 1807, 87.100
CO.N'sTAHI.l; ItliTUIl.VH.
Hy aninunt inld die several
ronsinbles tiring die) car. 188 00
Hy amount paid sundry per
Hy amount onl-1 Allen Mann
Ily amount paid John I'owlcr
nyuiiioiini puld Montgomery
Cole commissioner.
Ily iiiiiouni paid Dm Id Yengcr
couimlssloiii r.
t 6 80
SXI ti
254 00
230 (0
SO 00
M0 00
Hy nmounl puld Wm. Krlck-
Olllllll lO Jllll,
, ,18ixi Cleik,
11171 00
155 00
Ily umoiini juld M, M.'l laugh,
Hy nniount paid sundry per
sons, spring elections.
Hy auiouiit iuM sundry per
sous general eleclious.
Hy amount paid A. Mnson fur
coal t ourl Houso and Jalt,
Ily umount paid suudry per
in-cidi:ntal i:.pi:.NsnH.
Hy nniount puld stationery 4 tc.
for Court,
Ily uinount puld Lycoming iu.
stiraiico Co., 'Muluul.o
Hy nniount pnld John Dook on
tiio btsi) or John 1 loultr.
Hynmnniit paid John Clicin.
berllu on body of li li
Hy nniount paid II. CJ.Crevcl.
Ing on body of u small
Jly amount puld Wru, Hong,
laud on body of D, Churles.
Vy aniount paid Jnroradarlai
10 I!
14 70
" '"
10 12
117 SI
. '
-,.o, ,
IM66 36
Ily amount outstanding lor
1M17 nnd previous years.
ny f.xonerntlons nllowed col
lectors. lty Commission nllowed col
lectors. Hy iimntiut of County orders
retleemo 1.
Ily Treasurers commission on
f 1.101 sit at i percent.
Ily ll.iluuce.
I 620 M
190 01
90S 81
lstcn tu
to m
3KJ i
By Imlnncn ttuo Treasurer per
inidltors ret"rt, Jan. IT7
Ily nmounl outstanding n u
Ily exonerations nllowed col
lectors. Hy commission nllowed collec
tors. Ily nmolint sheep dnmngo or-
tlers redeemed.
Tty nniount pnltt Assessors for
assesslngdog tax 1WI7.
Ily nmniillt iald Trensurers
comiulsslull on 1(13(1 75
I6IS 61
370 40
OS 00
8.1 40
I0M 75
S3 51
M 84
32-Jtl 50
dog tnx assessed for the year
from ench, also the nanus of
A. n 1S07, In each dls.
tho collectors of said
,20 12 8: S'-"I7 01 7I M J7 60
ram iuw) 0150
.vim Mai
4111 41 .'Hi 41 .11 60 111 3)
371 :a 17 r.)
310 41) 111 49 21 Wl 2 60
11S8K2 llttt 10 ll 60 7 60
11.17 41 4JI 21 75 50 21 60
707 10 601 11 61 tO 31 50
IJI 8.' 113 10 40 )
I.,l 41 6.14 47 fill ) 39 10
Clt! 3.1 101 09 HI 60
021 112 ls7 62 61 60 10 60
1(12 35 111 ll 30 10
(.Nl.'ll I.VI2II IIIITiO 'JI 81
ffl. 3(1 112 37 61 M
61 ?2 PS '.II 30 60 3 .'l
0 49 10 45 00 8 (0
7 .10 11173 SlfiO
710 71 '.".I'I 67 71 00 ........
417 87 2S2 60 49 ()
IM Kl .HI 60
287 41 22l iH 32 (0
I.M U1 107 SO 40 60
123 M 28 41 W 00
11110 70 11042 4J $120 1 00 1183 67
70 (17
paid. JIV176 CO
andttog tax duo ror lft'l, 1PS3, ftr.d ISM, rrom thedir-
Ain't, eo. due.
SIM 16
41 Kl
6 51
100 47
1.17 .'SI
220 10
ls.1 67
Am't of dog due.
2I 10
3 60
0 60
0 60
8 (O
49 60
8 70
10 00
17 2.1
30 60
19 60
11.13s 15 102 HI
Tnic from '17. 4042 40 Due noni'CT. NSI
eoso 5i
Ily nniount paid Dr. F. C. liar-rl-ou.
attendance on prls
Hy amount paid Jesso C.ileman
Piolh'y. lor i ecordliig spring
election rt-tuins.
Hy nniount pal'tM. II, Jncoby,
' " " J. 8. sunders,
" " " C. H. Hrockwny
1370 40
1122 40
U2 (SI
I. 10 10
tJOl 40
Hy amount paid John It. Pursel
P. M.
Ily amount paid li K. Penlten
lluiy ior suiHirttng conv Icls
Hy uuiouul paid stale l.unatle
Hospital lor the support of
S2!"9 37
H amount uild sundry er
sous as v lew era.
Hy nniount paid K. 11. Hlggs,
Hloiiin township,
Hy umoiitil paid Jucoh Oer-
lurit. tlret nwood township,
Hy 'inn puld llcury ltlchle
1'ilie tuwnshlii.
Ily amount paid IMwIn Jones
Ht mlot k tow nshlp.
Hy. amount puld Kniunui'l Con
ner, (llitiiwoisl township
Hy ainount aid Oeorge Heuglo
Ml. Plensiint township.
Ily nmounl paid Usther l:vest
Pino township,
Hy nniount paid Samuel Sny
der for boarding prisoner.
Hy amount puld Sumuel Mny
tler lur conveying James
llenwoodto die House of
!272 00
530 W
30 U)
Si 00
10 CO
13 tO
42 (0
tiVi 85
(11 00
51 (JO
107 10
310 60
101 .') .
0 50
87 60
IV) Si
11.1 10
SS 60
HO 50
3.11 25
65 10
3d (O
12 50
40 (XI
40 tO
0 IO
104 75
81 60
iimTss DAMAGE,
niooni township
Htiiton 11
lirlnr creik township
Centre township
1-islilng Creik township
tllleuwoud "
11 em lot k "
Jucksou "
Mi.PI.asnnt "
Ma ho '
Mltdison M
Itouiliig Crctk "
sugnr l.ouf "
Hy amount paid nt thu several
l.y ii nit n n t paid C. d. Harkl.y,
lotinij suKrlnli i,,li m ,m
per bill rendered lor ssme.
17. a
Hy amount paid Kllsliu Iluy-
iiinu.Jury Commlssoticr, $17 61
Ily nlnoillit .nld Tnos. J. Wei-
liver Jury Commissioner, 10 02
Hy nniount paid John U.
Fret re, recording Treiwur.
er'a bonds nnd stumps.
Hy ttmouul ot road, sclusil,
iKMir, and bouuty laxe. re
funded to the several town
ships, and redemption mo
ney, Ily nmonntof orders Issued for
the eur 18U7,
Deduct sheep order, forthe
year 17.
tuxes irfundetl totownshlpa
actiiul expriise.ror theyeur
Hy niiioiiiitdue from collector,
tlitluct coins, llz. "suy," ,
led net amount of sheen or.
tltisiiiirtdttintd ior 107,
said mud, ror said ear,
110 75
J18oi irr
I5soo a
1992 24
1801 D7
Iijuoj sa
37d 40
HO 10
1.76 40
11005 50
780 M
i l 1 17 . IsTATI'M KKT OF COUNTYOItDKIl'.'1"
iii 17 Amount issued in nxn liisos 33
.oss.. .". r,.',l',im "' 13800 M
4- - Deduct old order, rcdteiued 4U 60
150 42 New ordrrs redeemetl 118823 &S
Deduct new ordei. ledeemed 18823 33
132 60-'n,,l'.!lm new nrdrs (r v ortlrsl iinredind IVi oo
v.r. the under. Igned Auditors or Columbia
tounty being duly elected lo adjust and stlllo
II. e necoutitsorttie Treasurers uudt ommlsloiiers
till SS'bxerlirv li st wo nut at theolllceor the Coin.
nils. loner lu llliuimsbtirg. und curefully eiiimlii.
ed dieuceountaaiid vuuclier. of die suine. irom
r,s nM ''"' ' January a. u. 1S07 to the tlrst tluy
1-iJ tuof Junuuiy, a. n. 18(is, una rind Ihiru eoirect us
set lord, in the lou going siuu iiitni und we nnd
alulunioiluti lulutiiliiuiuuuty of thuo thousand
n-t lour iiiiodred und six dollars und seventv-Mve
- nutt, 13,114, i5)lrom John J, htilui, ireasurir
of said County.
Iillrli uudt r our bunds this eighth day of Jim. 1
,j J7 uury,A, u.uiielhousuudelglii hutidreduud sixty J
eight. 3
1 it. IIITPS'IIT 1 Cn.,nl
JAtOilllAltllls I Auditors,
Mtttl Wa, KlliCKUAUH, Uerll.
blu county, ductrtlly Ihul the loregolng Is a cor.
ltd ci die accouuuiof the .aid coliuly
,v tue uiiuersigueu, cuiuiiiissionersor uoium
I'lnjUU 10U1,
Wlluciw our bunds. Jnnunry eighth, 1871
i!'"?' ' KVLBIt, I
MtIN f. CULK, I Caaam'H.
. , , DAVI1) YHAUr-ll, j
' Wat. Kukkmauji, Wert.