" t ii 'in VOL. II NO. 10. IJI.OOMSIU'IK) DIllr'CTOKY. Hl'OVKS ANIl TINWAP.i:. Mil .Mill'.. liilirUnlnveiiA linniin-, Miiln ,J st.,lllliV. I'lllt 1 1 Inill-e, l-llll . I. Il"l'l-Jtl', n.in. mil tiiiu.ue. Klll-crl t, luo I. M I III -1., Hi'l ill ,M 4 ki ! l-ll!t CLonilNG, ,VC. It .ini'i-.NIII'lt.l ii it-li.iKl l.illoi. M;iln nl.. li ilour lilmvi' Aniei Ii mi In iii.i, .u I 1 W. t'lllllllllJltl.IN. ii-li.ili-s,n7.,.i.,ii. lull ,'i'..il. I . it III I'liillilMj.i'U'.i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 'n Iii.IMIiu. M in su-.-,, i-ih DllUlid. CIIP.MICALS, AC'. I N. MnVr.lt, itiiiKuut nn,l npniheenry. I'x I VIKtllltl' HUH It .11,1111 XI. l-UI 1. .1', MM, illnirirlitt mil iii,itl try, Ittipeit Ii. iil'H'lt, .'llllll 1.1. , ur, in iii.i i. VI-MI CLOCKS, WATCH C.S, ,U I OTIS lll.MXlIAI.lt. wuNh ami cloelt nmVur J J ti.'nriullifjiHtrt.rnor Mafnulid tronst. vImiM CI I). MAV.Uli:, dr-ater in clock, watches ami h fi'welry. Main st.. nearlv onmllp American 1) (,TIIfLi:r, ujiithntulchHlt linker, Mnrkit 11 I '01(1 U Main. Mi! HOOTS AXI) SIIOKS. n M. IUtOWX.1t i itiiti 1 Kli'Mjin Wur.M.ihiMti.'t jt ..j-j.n-.iiiT iinu-iiUIII IIDll,C. VI 4 HOI.MMHUI nt umr.irtnrfr nii'l itrnler In tmt Jl lllld nIkil's.M 1 1 ii Ml., uppo-dte KpUenpalchun Ii W-tiH HI.NHY IvI.HIM nmnufin lnrcr and dealt r In hootMiind dioc', irroeerh" ft ft. Kast Itlnoinv l'iir; .Mti 111 st, I-n t . OAVlli mrr Imotimd hoeiiiakpr, Mihi st. hclow llui Ilium's fctinr, wi-Kt of Market wirei'i, J'UOKKSSIOXAL. I II I'.VANH, M. I. htirnt'oii tui.l hyslcl.ni -.inili t) side Main Kt hplmv Maikcl. vl-ii. It. It. I'. Kitnip -mnreou d ntld,tciihetrae t'l without pain. Main ne.irly oppoh l.plifopal i;liurtti. .in III. M'KIJIA'Y, M, l. aiivcou mill plideiat south Hide Main hi.. Im-Iuw Mirkct. lnl 1 f. liiriTr.lt. M ) miu and riit!i-li. t f Mm kei Nt Mn hi lii I) U. II. f. IHiwr.lt. siiryeonilenHsi, Main s III to1 PI Oliri liiMf. t-ll' MILLINKIIY tt PaNOY GOODS. Mi-s i.i.m; i(iti;i.i- Y, miiiiiict, h.iiiimm laiilohnr., Main si, vl-nl MISS A. I). Wl.llll, 1.1111'. CDMiK notion, hook. Ntuttom-ry, nuriliHiily.Muhisiifi'l WUtw Mai ki'L vl-nr i I'ln'r.UM N. mlillm-rv aii-l rin.-v Ko..-Nop Ii uUr KpNcopal c littich. Main v. l-iil Ults. .Itri.tA A. A MA UK It MtKI.IlY, la-ll Main aixl wi"t ht. til i ioiiivi hum ur"i iiaiKTii tiHHhi'att i'hpih'I litl llIH M. ItKltltK'K-tOV. inltlhh'n an I Mil- 'ioI Main kI nppnsltu f'ntirt llimnn, vl-nf MICn M. II. KUUMAN, mlllhu'r. Main mmIiiIiiu H.iitinaii'H Kii.il, wvsi ni .Market M. 1. 1 rniii; Miosis II liMAN nitiliiiiiy anl lam 1 K'k it, Main Hiri'i-ijut lal.iv Auu-iifan huu-i IIO'VKUS AN 1) SAKOONS, II liAt'OriC.i'VHifrninl i-atlm: .aln..ii, Aiik-ii em i liniMi, Main hi,, llaltir la-K-otK snpi'itii t ti'W'iit. t-m rTlVj:iti i vi.'tiiiv, iiiiirT'i'!i..iir., iri .. i H alt I nj htt-r H'llnoii, wiaikali; ami iit.ill, K. t li-Hi.f I!im k. M.iht Ki. .t II . A' WKIilt. fiiiitti'lluiit ry. ImiKi rv, an.l m It i Milouii. whoU.'s.iIi anl it l.ui, .i.un nt , Jii nx MAXtii: non;i mj .i. r. i .m.uw, mim Ii t.. iplnsc rimrt li'HiM'. t-lit l MKItlC'A.V IhU'Si;. l.y.lnllX I.I.AH.IK, M.tUi i sl wvsl nf tnm i (. I-nt M illN'S lliirr.li. i. W. M.n.ui,faM t ial n i1 Main st. l-iil nMTolINIIIE. M'li.-lnm in sain m.M ilu l.Jti , nimvn rnurt In niv.. i-m IK, CAHljOW, lituliliu ill Milium, i:-lmhu lintel, KimiIi Calinali.Kiipi rlliti-niU-nl r lt.dlLIiMDlil-:, i.Ti-mUiu. til -uliH.li. Hike t liluck Mailh KKUiM.ilHHt vl ill MICIUMIANTS AXI) (lUOt'KHS. Ii JAL'Olls, (in'i'riunu ry, niucitifs Main lnl' Q II.MIMiI.lt. ilfiili'i- In ilry kinhN. utim-piIi-s, r) iiuci'iuuie, tli n r, ta'l. sluas, iiotlmis, itc, 1 : i-l ii l M ura IiIim-K, M.i In stift t. ln 1 i M Ki:i.VV M'.AI. iV Cc., il.aliiH In ilryyiNMl ymivrlo, UnHr, It oil. mil. tMi( Inm, nall flc, not tin n1 onicr Main ami iai ki t M. lnl II C. lUiWVAl. hats nntl ni w, liuiitf uiul ttliiiio Main k iiImim mirt liou-i'. lul CI ( MAltll.iliv Moo'Nimil notion, fouthuesi ', (oriuv Main atul lion it. 1-nl I J. Illtiitt'Cn, itrv k"'m1-i( crmfrks ( iciinrih J,Mst coiiuT Main uiul Iron hi., I ni l)i:V. A. IIAUTMAN. dry non.l-i, notions, ma' I Kimviii'H,, Main ht.,i'iiiKn,lio i;pi.fop,ilflniii'li 1 nl nil. iurNsi:ri:(ii:n. (ut:i-iit,)cio(fiUs, ioim , -o, ii nt i onUctionui j, laln st IjlIow Ann i lean ImtiM'. 1-n I 1 A. iti:i'KI.i;Y. i;Ty"-.t7ini!hi'st ,lMoki nm I . slat loin i j , oinliwt nur Marki't un Main mm. liii UM.MM KUVMIM, cotinTtloni'i.t's, Mi.M H hl Jutl aUit i otnt hoii. ln n M1.X1iI:MI M..u in-raUt-Mk ot nu'ii-han I J, il-.i' aial lllliiher, enliier ot Main sll'irl lili Itet'WU-k lo.lil. 111 1 I .1, linltlllNH. ileiih r III ilr. ii.iU uimh t n tl Hil i ' him k. Minn hi., ln'Uiu Iron ln I K. (llttKtN. (iiiriiTl.w A I'loli.loiiN Map Jii( rni in i' Main aii-l I inn Mini. l-n CI w. .Wlil.U, liaiilvutir. ( titu r , yini Main m U low lion. lt J.KI.UAN. li ah r In i1io1hmIi ioihU, IIou-i J I ttei plniiooiln. In hh k"H r'1 , t If., i if. Mn hi,, oppnillf fiilttt liotivf Mailt hi., lilmvi1 Wi t. I T. rllA!tl'l 1 h14, ili u'mhI. unnfrks lA J j, hlnih, i tf l(ttri Llotk, Main hi,. uM ti U.SC'l'.ia.AM.Olft. (1 W, rOHDM.. furnltlllt' innin, It) Iff Mni,. 1, hlli k (in Main U wtkt nl Mai It 1 1 ht. v lli i p J.IIinit.VOV,tAiill pi'l"r, Mlmlo yj nml lliire. Ilu perl hliM-k, Main k! i hUll l-nl H1I(M:N-T0( K, phnliH-'iai hi r. i:xrhanp . I. Inek, Main M opposite coin l lioiiM', hni 1 I. IIItdAllT, hi'li't'lHfh- I. HiilHiinliV hnlli tt InminitlaiiMiniia i Mull nlal Malki Iht. l II NY. llAltlO.Vlnlaeioiill.iiliil ill ale l In lo. , toal Main si., o pimlii- loin i lioiitf, vln i I It, rUlMXI., hinlillf, mink unit hum.' ) maker, Muln s hflow mint. Inaf, I i I '4 -vi 1. 1 1, i. tiie Maki'i, ji lnif tun iii t, ' Hhiifr. ulliiw li, l n HI DOMltl'IUi MMl:i:il HI. niaiiurai'liiif-i a nU ili-ali in In Uuiihcr, of nil kliuls, plain iiu mill near Hi" mil hukI, lnl T .1. HllU.CMAN, MtiUI If ami l.atiHM mnk. i ) iM'ar Mnilliuol imiut Muln atal Maikfist, 1 n W1'IMAN. ii'iiihlc uoikK, laiir m iihv( . (tiitif r Mnin ami Mnrkft U. vl n 1 II. Hlf ( 11 V I'-'t r in i In m fc,4iii'i,n nil . tut Jnttf n-,iil It. ,1'ou H't lui nllin i ii( m l-nr rp II. MAKI lilts, nfri-ni lor UnAirA 1'nl.fi -I . fi wlnif mat him-, Main itt, IluHiiuin'h hnllil va, up ittalrs, I-m DV, IKMIlU.S'r. Ikmor ilfiih-r fee.. ml iionrfmii , uoTthufht t'lnnr Main mul Inai Ms l-nt" t I'HAt t)CK. .tnir I'uhllf, noitliiUhl mrm i .moo iiom .illltuf I hi, i 11 1 I' UN A.riTNSIOX. imtlniil nml iah in If 111 nil ti lmiiruimitowipuiiy(iioithiiuttoiii.r Mulnnnl l-nl fiJ.Ot(JI. JlAKh-KHi.inaiiuliittiiitr nml tfmli I tr nf ihiflilim innt him h, Chtinhi riln't tillfy iifiii Man pit-hh' loiiialr , int IK Kl'IIN..lt(iter In mint Inllnw, ric, (lum ht rlln h nil , , hut k ol A mi l lum home. vl-iH k.?11!1 h , JAlOUY, Mmhlf nml ItrnuuMnm O WuikjilL4ifliuUibiktujVi-(urwkkiua, vl'ull H!AX(ii:.VlM,K DIIUH'TOItV. ; L4-r Oil. II. A. MI.II.Ulli:lilnMrl!in mi l Kiirm nii, .Mlllll at , ln-xt ilmir lnlliKln Mul, I, vl-MIt nllll'K IKrini. iiii.i t-.rrili,n,ii( nil,,,,,,, i,r 1 Mil lull linllj ,i-n1tiu- nf MiUltniul I'ltn' t.vln 17 (i'.W llllTI 1.. llii, in lKir llil. In O -l,r, M till si., altnVf I'iiii. . Inlm snv VI-IU7 Dl. MUIA.V, limit r In ilry kihI, ur,,,-.. Ic, , luiiiliir mul uiiutiiI MiTi-lruiiIim., .Mnln .t. Vl'1117 I 11:111; I.AV.AIirt.n.lill,, 1111,1 1,11,1, ii,iiilii r 1 1 .mini i. iiiitit i-11, t- funn 11, .11 1 vl-nl, V II. MIJII. 111 iihiiufiurcr nl ilu umnmul M . il.Mli!- Ill ntllVl-il 1 (,-, Mnln ..t.. lilHiVf 'In- JXMI'I'I. I.VI.IliriT. llmwUt .V Aliitlitiiil, OM11I11 iirrii. ' vl-ni I K. W. (llt.r.MAN, tlcrcliHl'lT liilliiTiiiiTt V. (I, nr nmiMilim kihiiN, M.iliiKi., ui'xi ilmir II tin- lirl.l! Iiuii'l. v in; MM IIAYIIl'r.MT, ( Iih-U, W'lTlTliih miiMlui , ii'imlri'il. Cuiniiihl Wiilctm Inr kiiIi', Mnln .l.. I10I11W IMiic. vl-nl AMI'-S tt. IIAUM .VTl ViW Hrjj 11 l.i r, 11 nTlT 0 i.t'itiitior. .Mnln ,, liulnw Pine. vl-ni7 Mli'llACl.c. Ki:i,l.i:it.Ci,nrcciii.niry, oynr Ai'.. Ac.on l'lnu Ml., lulufi 11 Mnln unit Mill. vl-ni; nit. AC. IC I'M ,1 'I I Nl.lt, I JhicUMHllh. 1,11 Mill , Mii'i I, tunr i'lnc. vl-nl' U'lt.f.lAM nTTlXiMf, f li'iTlii'ilii'inliil l"j 1 1 1 J 1 1 . 1 . ttlit-rnr lirlilc, MI!lM.,Uht lit l'lnu Vlnl'.l IM.IAS MNVIil'.ll. rii.nr nii.l (I1I1.I .Mill, nml it il.nlrr In Kinln, Mid Mr.t t. vJ-11 IT 1 II si'llfYl.tllt. Iron r,mn,l,'iM ifiiln. I!t, II 11, 1 Milllill.H-lniiT nl tilmi , Mill st. v I-nt" Mll.i:s A. WII.UAMt.'. I'n,, fninii'lsnnil iilit.'turt is nl I. nth, r, Mill Mn 1 1. Vl-nl" Idll.V KCI.I.kTi. IIihiI nn,r MliMliinl.ii.lMlif J Htr.'i't, i,.piivi' tin Ainilriny vl-ni; I Tt. lll.lllttMl.v lllillllll It, l-m,nilort.nliii .. 111111, Kt, Mnln Miii'i, in low I'm, . vl-nt; o ,1111,1, r.iiAi.ri.i-t, .i.incr 01 liiflln.v lint 11 O tli.mi criiill,. M11I11M. v.ii). MttllT STKEKT DIHKCKHtY. i.,i, oi-.in-i 01 orj tiwiii, wrofirn I iloiir, h nl. Mill, ll-h, linn, nalli, ele., l.imn 1 'i. iin J ll.UWII.HiJ.lt, i'abin-lm.iker, Uialfriakti an.l Lhuli m.ikf r. l-niii 1; i. i;i:i.i,r.v, in.u-u-miiii, oppoHitf pn-i o'tin. i Miin. I. OMAN .V Co, Wli-ul.viie':iU, Hut iloor alioM) m liool Iioiim'. llll.i I lt-i. I!, ICMXi:i inlllhifiy uml faiu-y U'""!. 1 VLlll'l I W.HANICIIY. ihah r In rA-atln r, lll.h Ilaik, f vie Cash paid for HMei. Nl-nn ,r.M, I. KXr, ile tier If. hlovcs nml tin whip ii. U alt II- hiMliches, 1-nla )l"n;it W. OMAN, inannrartiircrainl itialcr In hoots and M.och, vtti in. j!:nsi:u(nvN diim.iui.y. NDItKW MAIUMi.V.itiMlrr III ilry jpmN, Kri. 1 I'l'ih'.. tie iln. tiimlii'r i'Ii'., lori.'vtmMi vl-nni lAl'illtA -U-slIi:it, iIiniIit 111 Ill.ti-K, Utitlii-r I i:.n k rli-. .M.i'IImiii toniilitii I'ulu nil m enmity 1. M-nlii Ul'I.HJII'l.l, ItlM'IV, M.l.ll-oll Until, in... V ii-rimi-t stmiiyi-is , iiiril.iln il. vMil HOTIILS AM) SALOOXS. j () N u I' o x 0" II a T i-: . .ur ninlf rUmieil ha ln leai il a in I ii-lni nNh 1 in nootl t i il the uliow utll-knomi Uouve, ilualf a m 0 x u t 11 1: M iT N T A I X H 11 ilu honler.!!! Colitinhl-i.iinl snllh.m eoiintiis, .1 oik' 1 ilu in. 1 lic.inilm .mil ln-.ililifiil r ifloitf Ullli''-ite; 1. Hilly ptepaietl to in . otlllilolaU- Imiiois and Mijoiuiu is wiru tiii:ii: i.MiMi, llipl'onl and stliain- an- well toi kptl ultfi 'etleloiW I N! I ol lllaliy kllldi IlH'Ill lilU T K O II T A N li 1' I K II, Md hoals In uood ordi r U HI lf ke 1 for the AC iiiiiiiod.ition and ainiw nieiil oi une-is eitlai r iKiiln or 1 1. 1 .iMtiie M-nisioiis uimii thU heim- lllll Mm t ol wilt. i uhh-h W M.VMt.M. MIM-S IX I.XTI.Xr. tin oil lull d h !ili f Mi ielf loti i-l, tin U' loldlor ftl to tin hti in Mini ti a spit ndid Hi Id lor lui o n eeltliar spoi anil eci s( wiih his 1M) 11 A, X I (J U X. lilt Idiidi r will he always pioMdid with the ifliiai'if-. ol tlu'M-Mviii ami his liar stoeked t Hh I' UK l.l ij l oi;. 1 he 1 louse In liuye and foiiiino Hons ; tin- Sliiblhm etfllsif mid Mile. I he I liiiii K l eiu tu-il In. m .vi.nil o.ihilt. nli the lllonitislmij: ,V ,i ktiwamia H iltlo.id; and Is pii-iuiM piae 1 in p.its Hie not nioiiuiM in r-u in ner, n. u. jiAYiiuitvr. M.i 1", IM.T-lm. C 1 O U U M IM A II O V H K, li v r. i: u n a a i sto h x nit. a vi Nil l.i! td v mm-liiwd and fill id nn Dip ull'kiionn ttoliUou Hotel I'mpertv . locnud a i kw iooi;i a iki i ilu. lorin iiui'.si:, itliMiinshiiiK; nnd liaxina oblafni-da IKcnsu for (he k.uiic us a it K S T A U R A X T , he I'romleloi has itelfi iiihtcd loirle to the hen iilc Wtlinj the town on hiishu-ss oi plea-ure, a kinij; moui: ihmm. Ills slnhlhi' also Is fxlfiislvp. and Is filled tin o mil huii.'luMittd fiirilittips In tlitMlo . I If proiu- M'sthal ft i tiling uhout his stahll-lmieni shall if eondiH-tfd In an rdi rl and la ail iiuiniier; lid lie li spectlllll) solk'ltN it share ol Hip pllhllf 'llloiuu'P. lTb7-iiin, JOUK'S JiOTKIi, ur.diuu: w. maioi;ii, rioprii-inr. hfnho'-f Wflhl.iuiv.lt hotel hasim-nils uiidrr ,i'lip rail ul i halttfos in lis Inlelnal m intmi nielilH, in. I itf pi. pi Inrunnoiiiift s lo his mum i eustoio 1 1 i ii a irii'i ini1" t'uiuM tnm in or Hieroinioit ol his mipsiHiiii'M'i olid lo none n in ftnintrv. ills in iiie in niuii i'p i aimi Mip lied, noi .'ml) with Mil.-taniuil food, latt ullh all lie deikai IfHid tin M'asmi Ills nlue imd II nois feM'i'pl Ihill poiiillur hei'ia-:e known ii" f, ift (in" I, pun lnsp.1 dliet t lloln I he Impoitliu. inps, an enilHdv phi p. and liee liotn atl poj n ni di ims. He Is f hunk lul fm a llh nd patron e In Hip inist, and IU tsa.fi lllle tndespi ee If lii i.i iiittiie. iii:ci:ui w. mai'mi it 'PII K SWAN HOTEL, tiik t'rrru iioivk, oitANfiKviM.i:, ror.rMr.iA co., v.. Thi suhsiTlhf r rfspi'i'llully lnroini his frit nl ml the piddle, (hat lie has laki li Hie id.ii ut II ; now 1 1 Umise nf I'liti rtalimietil, and will op 'lcasfil to rei-fUp Hip custom of nil who vlll .ior him w llh a call. "in; yim ui;i:r a g(mi T.ni,n, i Par wfll Kini'kfd wllh Hie hi-st of I.lijuorn, and M iv i llort will Iuj uiade In render Millie Mills aellon. JOHN KYDi:it. Orancevllle, Man h I 'i, m;7-iii. JXt'lIANOK SALOON, I'll K I'mprlf Inr nf the llxrhaniif SAlnoit has now .it hand a la rue stork of BUMMl.ll lli:r)tlHMi;XTS, t onssln nf riiK.n nvsitns, Ai:iMts, imrr, noinn.NAH iiki:i' m Mir r, ikmm i h;(.h, b t.nt it ciuthp, LA(ii:it MKKlt, ALL, AC. s- t oMi: oni:, i'omi: am. anii hj:i:. LA WM tX 1'AI.MAN. f-npt rllih ndfiit, Itionuishuin, May :t, 1m;;. rIIK KSl'Y IIOTLL, in i t wiit .i it w 1 1 1 1 i i i , i . . Tilt sliI'M ill er lfhi-i i UiiJ, inlolim his filflids ml ilu I til He that la has h hi n Ha id om m II uiowp llotisf ol I lit i lainiiii id, nnd will he defisul t llO'lM' Hlf (lUtllll Of till Vlo Will anr htm w llh n fait. li K wn.i. ki:i:p a coon taiii.i:, I Wi r wt II "loikiil with the last of tijuoo, mul i i t Unit w 111 If iniuh to rt mil r i mm Mill, aelfon. Jl. IHIl'lMtRlI. IVpv. Pit., .t prll IV. IH.7. I'jIMCK HOTKL, HitAxnrviM.i:, roM'MiwA rorx'iY, pa. MI1.T0N II. IlAll V( IT Ol'Ii 1 1.1011, IIuMhk tnkm fmsslcn i i lit-? vflhUnown hoiisi-, so liii.ti In id h Kjuiiui I 1 h it II, ihf I'm ml loi hasiait In It ) 1 1 li aim ut 1 1 ) ah nta liniilsh id IlAll A.N01 AlEM iMWIli ll.i . I.nln-t ll'ii'ois .tint nt-wtsi tltlhiirh-h, lllnstl le Is not txitlltd n i ut i otini t mai mi pains win u mihoi n leeoiniiioilalf uiiesU 'j. mu is KUCIIAXT'S IIOTKL, 10 hoitrit loeniii i i hut. J'llllAlillI.PlllA. J. i W (1, .M K11I1II.N. 1'iniilttnr, lv'IU,lM17-ly. TUG GOLUMUIAN, A IomocM'acic NowHp'Apcr 1H I'l lit, i in ti l,i.n luilt.W 3ini;MNO AT ni,ot.nMn it(j, pi;.n'a. Till, principles of thlsp.ipt rale oftho.le nrnon l.tn Helutol of politics ThovpprliK'IpIt swMlnpMr heumipinmKtil, yrt (s-uilecy mul klndifcs shal not ho lorKolteniinlUeUHMnKthctn-wliPther wllh liidlvldtiiUi, or with rontrmporarlCH tr tht Picks t he unity, happliiM,niKl iirnspcilty of thoenun try U imr aim ami ohjuti mid ni thp menus to senu'etli.T,, wr r)iill labor honestly nnd r.irncitl. for tl!ehnrinoiiytnueefsiaml grow Hi of our ornu iKittion. TriiMsnrhrn'iCRiiTioNi-Twn tlollart a )vnr If paid In mhanre. If not paid In ftiHuiieo two dollar and fifty cinU will holiiirlMjiy thnrwscil. 'IntMor An i uiisiMi:-uiH'"iiiiie(i. n liner or lcss one or three liisettlon! I ,VJ ; rnch mine iicitt liifertloti ,7i ecu l. Hl'ACt:. I.M. 2m, m. tHifsfniaro $J.tH) fl,ui fl.Oti Twownftri'H . ... ,1,00 5,(Mt o,'X) Uiup wnmrt'i ft,(W 7,"0 (f.dO Four Miuarc ., 0,W 8,fn 10,00 Half column K),W U.oo r(,iJ Cm. IV. $(J,oij hi.m' IV 0 1 12,10 IS,!' 1I.U0 2ll,ffi isj.no :&v' ftw wi.ne One column Ij.W Hm) Dl.m nxfpulnr'h and Administrator Xoticu 5t,nilj Au dltor'i Notice S.VK Oilier mUf itlscmcnts Invcr letl accord Iny to upeclal contract. IMilnt'sH notice, wllhoti tadveit 1st inent, twenty vnts per line. Tranlent udveitlsf nirnli panhlp In ndvanci- tt oihcrHthiP alter Hi" ih-st hi-erllnn. It Is, tn (tlvmrn, morp likely to In' ntlf'ic orv, Imlh to huhscrlhpr-. and to the PuhtMicrs Huit i emit taiu't's and nil mnumi tilAt Ions n peet 'luf Hip laiNlnesHof the paper, hi- sent dh let to Hit iflh'Hoi puMlcntlon. AH Icttcts, whether relatlni! (o the cdltoilal or hulness coiuornsnf hc papt r, ni'l all paymcnti for suhseilptlons, niHritlsliiu r JohMn-i.nro to ho ni.ntf tonnd addressed MMXMCWAY A VW.K.K, "OitumUan Ojpcr," IlUiOMsv.ntn, Pa. Printed al Rohlson's TtiilMln3i, near Hip Court Home, hy C. .11. VAMIKUdMCi:. BUSINESS CARDS. Pit I NT I NO NVntlT t'Xrrnt.'il lit llili lllllif. ji. 1vhi.m:, ATTOItsr.V.AT-I.A W, Aslilimil, Si'lni.vlklll Cimnty, lVnn'n. M. V.. JAC1CSOX, A TTO It N I'. V.. T. I. A W, ttiTvvt,'!;, ('nhmil'l.i fnnntv. IVnirn, M. TltAL'tJll, A TTfl K N II V- A T-1. A W, ll.-ru fl;, rnliniiMit I'nmily, 1'iiin'ii. ril.MAAl II. AlillOTT, ATTOUMIT-AT.I.A W Ci:.NTIlAI,IA, PA. C I V, MI 1.1. Kit. A TTllltX I! Y AT LAW. oni, o w III, V.. II. Utile. In In Irk l.nlMli,2 ml- tnlnlin: 1'nsi inilei'. jij -1 :, unit l-.-, Miik.l'ivunil I'i liliilienlliteil. (.ep-VliT. ToTin TirFftnKZK.' " A TTIl It X I: Y-A T-l, A V, (illii'e In Itil.ter mi, I Iteennler's nlllee, In I lie Ihim men t t,f the t mrl llnii.e, r.liHiiuvtiurt;. I'n. mTi:; iVr v ci , a 1 CiT, A TTO It N 1 1 Y - A T-l. A W Olllet, em tier nf Mnln nn-1 Mnrkel slreeti, nvrr I'll st Nnllonnl Itnnk, ltlnniiivl,iiii!, P.i, ATTOllNIIY-AT-I.AW, Olllrciiii Mnln nu et. In l,rh k IiiiIIiIIhk l,elow the 1'ourt lliui'.e, Itliinint.iirir.l'n. Q 11, liltOCKWAY, ATT()tlNt:Y AT LAW, ni.ooMxm'iin, pa. fitf (H'Kli'K Cnlirt House AUev. In Ititf Ihf fin ttimhian lillhe. .lnurr.7. J. It O III SOX, A TTOH X KY-AT-I.A W, lll.noMsU'l.o, I'l ,SM', oilli'o In I'li.inutt'H I'.iilMlnu'.M.iliiMreet, Wen of the AlnerleilH Unlike. lulCri'T. J OTIS llKKXKAltl) Wiuil'l Infill in the eltlrnih nr l:l,,r,in.linrt! nml veiiilly Hint lie U now i ii imri ! milnull kln-Unt t'liillmr, sll -ir nrirnlil. I i i l t,U7. u c t i o x k i: It. MdSlIS t'Ori'MAN. Oil villi; fiillntM-,1 tlie priire..liin of I'ul.lli' Vemllie rtiTliu iiiiinv Jim., ttnulil infoim IiN tii. -nils Hint he l Klill In the 11,1,1, lenily mi, I t,lliU'i tn ,illi ml ti. nil the Untie-, nf lilx inll'liir. Persons n sii inn )im sei vh . h shmilil tall nr w i i 1 1 to him tit ItliHiiushuiu, Pii, ninrs'117. T) It. V. II. l!It.I)I.i:Y, ll.iUf Awlstnnt Meillenl IHieetor .'. W. Army,) j'ltYHiriAN a:; ii s f u i, r.ox, Cd-lllllee nl tliehnu-e nppnsttt' Hlille. Illnel., Il'o.illl'.l'llln.ni. rnlls- prniiiplly ntlemlril to imth ullit mis! iluy. Itlti.iniMtiii'-ir. Jhii. is, sii7. q a. s ii i v i: , C A II I N i: T M A K i: It , AMI lU.M'I'AliriU II lit hlKAM nl" SASH, I11,1X1)S, DOOItS, S II U T T li It S, M ( V I, II I X fi H, WINDOW I'HAMKS, AC. main urnn r, III.OO.MSIIIIIKI, PA. June JS, PR. s. O. COLLINS, V A H II I O.N A li Ii K SIIAVIXO, II A I H CL'TTINO AM) UlAMPOOI.Nd HAI.rilXt our Wldinajer A Jiohyn ln Ofam Hnloon, III.UOMSIMUKI, PA. Jlnli Jt.M'luu nml Whhkiih ioIokiI hlark or hiown, Hull 'Joiia toiltslio iliiiulinll nnd Man lll luu the hull : w ill itsloif hall to It nrluhm! fnloi without solllnn (he tint si tahile, eoiitatiH r)i hand. nprl.'7. D X T I S T It Y. II. C. IluWKIt, PCNTIhT, llfsiieetfiillv nlltiH hU piolesoiinl srlees lo the hi It's nnd iiMilh nu ll nl louiithniir and I tlnlly. Ilu U pn puitd lofiltend lonllilie nrl mis ope latlouH In Hie tin p id his piole blon, and Is pio hied Wllh the hit. st Imphiwd Pnlti y LAIN IM-TII which will hp lusi'ilnl nn Mold platluir, sl1i-r and inhlx r hnse lo look u well us he nal ni n 1 1 1 tli. Ti Hi fxliaitiil hy all the m w and most npiUMd incHaiiU, mul nil oiialoiu in Ihf li i h i nit luli in d pn t rl nUi'hthi) In. lltKlllllllf Mil lll'tf it UW tltMtU UtOl! the I'ontt llmin', si ntf ni'f. Illoi llisl HU', .It.ll.'d.'lislf r a utm an a i:xni:i,.MAX, 101IACIO, S.NUI-r A hl'.OAH JIAXI'I'AnoltY, so. sn Munu iiiimiMHU r, Sft'Olin Ilnnr hdow Win.l, pii 1 1, a in: I, pit ) a. W WllllklA.. U, P. IO.GK1IMN BLOOMSBUPvG, PA., FllIDAY, MARCH 6, (L'lioifc ? o c t r .1 . t'.iAJi.iio.niu:." iiy lollv ii ter. lYuUjtd .lAM.no nKK. , noy tlilrtfoii vr-im nl.l, ,,ii tn tli i uir.ki,iH.r uf in i i",r ii.,.h ki, loiin ri'iiiilni',1 at In, p,Mt in th'i Iii,'I(.,ii,i n (in i llule.i in tt-1 Kiiinu nf I'lichr nf it I lit, iirl v' Ii nl lirnUi'ii it , In ii icmt.'iiit 'ti-ni" uti'l t'Vi'rv "Ii in I" li 1 1 li"pn iiii'in I, mi. Ife-i'i t hltiivin.iiti I llmtnf out ri'innltitiiK hiti tunty.j Tln iHiy tii'l.l nn tu tlin ttroftty "iloclc," When nil mil 1,1m li i.l iicl ; lliol.imri lliri-w Its lu il nn lit.. l.Kt rcO oluok Anil liu liivlnltiinn(liir"icit." Yit li'iuiliful nti,l hrUht liml, Ah i.tirii tnwltt nr 1'ihi, H'llti lh"nifnf trump, lilt un,W lit. lint, Anil n "tmivrr' or two In hl rioting. Tlio nam" wi'iit nn lie wo.ilil not a Willi nil hi. fuller' nl Tli u f ttlier, ilrnuli nn tlio ilrwr lv-IoA', lilt vulo no 1 iiucr lieniil. Jlf cilllo,! itttiti,) ly, U.utiH. nay Hit lift I IwiUT "i. II iiloiii' , Ha kin it n H Hi it tllnclileruln l.ifj i Viiuniuutnntf nit mi i. "r"iwilt, fuller," unco ninln lie crloj, "I'm pi iy,iii in iM.t for oven, An I" inutiie in in on tli i other h t "Or,lt!U',t hlni up on tlii'.icvf)i." HU (.'ouiilen inoo Ml wiu-nlilHrarlienratlml, Hill It wntn'l n time lo Krlevei Hn ho pliyel hlni theniM friin nn ler lit. lml. An I the "rlsht Ijowoi" nal nf lilt Vpm c. An I he hliuuinl lntnl nuco in .re ,u 1 itr ".My rulier 1 iinM I hlnv ? ' At o er the tnlilo IIUeK nml f.itt Tim fluttirinj' i itte.li nr.lf pi ly. Tlio tnllinv dip tmriic I tltrnlly wiU Ami lllrlu'ri',1 up nn liluli, Ali,lBle.im,',lln I in in mi,; h .gilli itoMM, Ami ni'uily UlUilcl hit eye, 11 llt'kercil up nn I It llielc re 1 il vvti, Ali'l nt l.ttullLippii'ieil In the mi lict : Ami the in in nt tno uli'.o wlw "hillM fnim toin," Hllppul nil Ilia sUkuj lu lilt p wkot. An, I Mien with u luir.t nf thilmter.miu 1, lli'Uii'ki', ner mlite ,in,l cli ilrn Anil cl.ire-l ttitttloor wi'h l -tlnale lioiiu.l, AnJ fejitl il.jtvil t in liuutU'rst.urt sfHlflrcUaiirouis. THE MYSTERY. 11V CIIAI1I.1 II. DAVIS. Hatti.i:, clatter rtimhle, ritinlile; the train went tluindcriii"; on, tilling my ar,s with thu din, nnd conl'ii.-lii"; my eyes t they wnndeicd down thu print eiUolunins. 1 let the inmer fall eare- ie-tly npiin my lap, tttid yawning f. r thu twentieth time in half tin hour, looked into the faces uf the Utile group around mc. On the heal beside me tat my wile, submitting lv-igmdly to the dlstnu'llng annoyances of traveling in ti rail car with otiryoiingcsl quietly h op ing In bcrarnis. L poll the. iv.-crvcd teat in front,and facing us.iat our two eldett cherubs, Sti"y and Hob, wrapped In cloal: and Jiic!. wuuluii .thawls, mid hattcting tmay llkou pair of magiilcs, fouieliuie.s in their iiiolhcr's ear and -(inieUmes among Ihuniiclvct. Since I he early dink of tlio November even ing hud overtaken the ilyin,' li'.iiu, their busy binins had I'cen, liinieil ftiiui ga i'.liigout of the window, In i-pcrulatilig upon lite probable proportioiitol'gr.iiul-niother',- 'l'hatik.-glving puddltigs uiul turkey on tbel'ol lowing day lor lite tiadui mutt bu aware we Hi re on our way to mingle in the festivities of the great an nual litinlly reunion ut tlio country lat in lloll.tc. "lMi't Thanksgiving mn-t here, papa?" cried llitlo l!ob, seeing my at tcnllon disengaged for the lirst lime in a long hour. 1 smilingly answered in the iifllrina live, and pulled out my watch to note our progri-s. ".My dear, said I, to my wifu ; "we are duo at 1" in Unco quarters of an hour. If you can inanago to inaky your self comfortable, I think I will miike a short pllgiiniagu to the -looking car. My v, ile never interfered with llieen Jiiynii'iitol my favorite Indulgence the cigar; and laying oiiu inoro fold of thu thick woolen sh.iw I over her shoulder-, I quilled my scat, ami made my way out of tin dimly lighted car. 1 stolid for a moment upon the plat form of the .tin kng cir to get u froth breath of the outer air. The evening had grown feai fully dark, but the brakctttian's lanlcin, hanging above my head.tlitew its traii-ietit glaieon the black outline of llj lug ledges a-il nlcop i iiibiinkuienit, u, I wilt whirled u-t at a rate tliat almo-.t made me ga-p fur breath. 1 stood unsupported by the lulling, uiul striking a match, lighted it cigar. Just then, a man wearing u light, shaggy overt out, Willi sli.btcr-lookiiig eyes ai d haggard, repulsive eotinto nance, emerged from the ear behind me. Athosteppul livt ween the pi itfurnit he .larlcd a qtiiuU, ptcullar glance ut me, mul, I thought,outcrcd the smoking-car. In rephtclng my cigar cute lu my inner coat pocket, it dropped upon the plat form. I st.ioped to pick it up, when a ttrong hand gra-ped my shoulder, and, with a llerce push I tviis hurled out Into llieil.irkuo.i-ii ti wild, li'inl-llke l.uifi riiiglugln my ears. 1 e.iu only r member thetigonyol tliiit Iiitituit, n-s, jtt 111 falling, I liiitig in tlio lilac air, thu train, willi tremeuilout iioho rtttlilug p.itt me, and the fearful tiueerliduty of thu abyss bo low paralyzing my brain. When 1 caiiio lo niy-iolf It was day light. I felt like nun routing from a horrid dream, and tried to force my teiiM's to net. Willi dlllU'iilly I ilxul my eyes on the siirroundlng objects. I was lying on thethloof a steep railroad embankment, it portion of my body em bedded In thu mint, which tilled my muiithaiiil choked me, mid stopped up my ears, eyes nnd no-o, With an ef fort of my bentinibeil Intellect I tried to lecollcct how 1 caiuo there. I tried to li-e, but my limbs were wrenched and sore ns If broken by soiiio great shock. The pain brought a groan to my llp-, and then my situation lUshcd upon me, and thu whulo startling incident of thu prcicdliig night canio to my mliiil with tno vivid ue of a picture of horror, and Ihodeilslve, deiiioulai'laugh raiigngalii lu my cars. Who hail thrown mo from the plat form of tlio smoking ear? I could form no Idea. 1 had, to my knowledge, no personal enemies, It could not bo the work ol n robber, for my money was till about me, and thu wild, tleudbh laugh that had chilled my blood In that fearful moment, was tlio outburst of a mud revengeful ptis.lon. Had I hi n mistaken for niiotht r victim? With a great physical elfort 1 managed to gain an iTcrt iol(ltin. nlml t(i lliiil my inju ries Wito (inly lirulip-., tliuujrli .wvitu oiiwiit Unit, l'li'klnp; up my Iml.cru.lictl t() l rilllipclcHS ollJt'Ct, 1 I'lllllbl'lt tlpOII llio trni'k, uiul lonkcil In utloiiinlmu'iit on Hid pl.tco wlifri- I hud been lying. Within (en . vui lit mi either .-!du vtcie leilneH uf sharp pulnleil imUs, e.vlutid Ing fur ii quarter (il'u mllu In eiteh ilirec tlott uliiii"; thu triiL'k, wltU'h wuulil Imvo ifiDiiiid my lui ly to ntoim. .My r.illin 111 tll.lt ripH w.o u lllllMjIo. I'lk' Mlft, ylulilln r-..iul h.ul raved my llfo. Thu iln)iiK'ht(irthi!ii";utiyiiiid unxletyot my 1'n.ir will1, an, I iltu flight of tlio llttlu e.'iil.lren on nil-shi"; tm- fnim the tntlti, riHheil iqidii my mind with lnteno I'urce. 1 lelt that next (oa lli.iukful heart for priservallon fnim Intttint do trticttoti, my next duly was toiieqiialnt my wlfi) with my -alcty ut thoeaille-t poi-iblc moment. Tor n moment 1 was puzzled what direction to pursue, but thu sun was shining gloomily through the heavy, leaden-coloured cloudsiii thu ea-tt, and I knew that ! lay lu an opposite direction, ami probably not many miles away. 1 started on up thu railroad track, nnd it was not long be fore I came to u cro-t-lng, nnd lu sight of a cottage. My llttlo remaining strength was exhaii-ted oven by thu few rods I had travelU'(l,aud quickly en giuliig coiiveyancu uud driver, I was once moru on my way. I arrived at 1' .paid nnd dl-mb-ed the driver, uud entered u hold. 1 felt much better after n rre-hlng the Inner man, and ta king up ii paper while waiting f,,r a carriage, my eye fell upon lliu following paragraph : "Wcthb iiitlnnt learn that Mr. Drad- ford, a well known merchant of 15 , wits misted by his family, with whom be was travelling, from the 7 1'. M. train last evening, between S anil 1". Ills deeply dbtres-ed friends i suppose he iniitt have fallen front the train while in motion." It. seemed, then, that search had been made for me. 1 cleansed my clothing, and replacing my damaged hit, ordered the hostler to drive me over to tlio firm house, live utiles distant, where even then my family and a ho-d of lelatlvcs, were nwallingdlstiactedly snnie tidings of my fate. It was on the tttokeof four n'clo.'k l. M., when I drove up to the gatej the hoit-eilog ciinie running nois Hy out to greet me; the door opened, and in a nionieiit 1 was in the itrnis of my wife and little ones, wllh a scoie of lilendt ovi rwlielmlng mo with ques tions. 1 had nstrango story to tell.but my appearance fully (orroborated it. 1 was, tifler all, in lime for the grand an nual dinner; und at we dlew around V, IhiiuU-glvlng went up lioiu tho lips ol tlio leverenil hem I or Die household, I'lie next (In v the tiain liore me to the city and lo my huim , I c tilled a i..,!,,- ...,,i i i.i... .i, . ..i. i T ",. .... poiite mm mo nii'is oi my adventure, nut to no purpose, i coiiiii get no ngtit as to my woidd-ho murderer. It vv.it a mystery slon in my own house witli mv family, -iiiilathomalilo. Ilti-ini-s often ncccs- i in the city, in the owning I attended sltal.'d mil way turn I.luit I tank llliu-u-' a levee tit a friend's, al pn camion when I stepped Irom car "Mr. lira lford,"-ahl niyho-t, "allow to car In a dark night. Only the evil , me to trice von an Introduction In Mr. fe.ttitns of the iiinti who paid meat 1 stood on the platform of till) Hinoking ear haunted me. One day, a lltilu p.t-t noon, at I sat in my coiiming-itioin alone, (he teller nf a neighboring bank entered. ".Mr. Itindforii," he -aid, "you over drew your balance this inuiyilng. We were Jiitl closing, and I took thu oppor tunity tostt'i ovcnind iiifoiinyouol'it." 1 thanked the young man for lib courtesy, and bidding me good-day, he wilt hurrying oil". "Ilold'nii, Jones !" I ci'h d. "Stop and lake a cigar with me, won't you ?" And i iiiinoiiii in my pocM'i ior a eoique in i followed. Knteiiug the room, 1 or Hlivan , It, lml without success, "I do- dered tho door elo-i il to nil t-nvi, Hi, clare," said I, a Utile irritated, "I be lieve I have mislaid ilieiii." I ''Allow mo to offer 'mt one," said ho, I politely. 1 thanked him, but as I lighted mine, my eye fell upon the purple morocco cigar ca-e which lie Had produced. It was wonderfully like one 1 lormeily! po es-t'd. A curious impulseri ized me. 'Kxcu-e my curio-ity ; hut will you I allow me to examine tlt.it cigar ease?" 'Jtrlaluly." I took It in my hind, tun nil it over, opened the under lid, and there lucked away in a corner not ea-ily ili-covi rid, were Hie letter,- of my own name, "Muilin Jl. Hriulj'unl," in red India ink. Suddenly tlio idea Hashed lull upon my mind, Thb vvu the veritable eig.ir-i.l-e I had lo.l on that dink night when 1 w.it pu-hed headlong fioni the rii-liing railio.nl train. Now I had a clue In the mystery. I grew pale with excitem lit, uud trembled from head to tint. Willi an effort at si'll-coiitrnl, u c.i inly as 1 could, I -aid : "Joni't, bow cuuelhi-in your po - ! - - siou I 1)01 levo 1 nail the good fofttmo to Mill, It, (in ivputll ut,,lt,l, , tt.ttlllll me wlt'i nu Inquiring Mure. Tound it? Where? where?" thun dered I. "I picked It up on tho platform of it railroad car, while making u trip to the city in' P , a few iiionthssltice. Why, n.,,1 u o ,ll,l i.i...,. t...tt... ' sir, b it yours ? I should haw looked loran owner long ago, had 1 thought" l cut short hi astonished tpiech.by tt Ik-lce pull ut the bell-mpe by my side. "John," cried 1, at the porter made lib iippearancu, "run to Mr. Clarke's of fice, uud b'iug him hero Instantly," The servant was oil' lu a Jiffy, and 1 rose to my net ami strode up and dow n the r mm, in a stale nf liilensu excite iiienl, witlle Jones stood staring at me, like one nut of his sou-en, "What dou.- thb mean There. Is some mystery" "Yes, there Is a mystery, which I propo-e lo lerret out," 1 erlidj "and my conduct means exactly llib, Unit you will not dare to leave this room till tin olllcer arrives," "What do you mean sir? Do 1 como hurt1 to do jou a favor, and receive an Insult In lettirn?" ho cried, stejiplng imgrnj lorwtirii. My reply was prevented l y the en- Inline ol Mr. Chill e, w I i I il-tled to a ch..l.,,.i.d il 'po tttigh p, enlagon tlio desk, and e-ros-dng his - hurt legs in I8G8. liN ttrlof, 1)UIiiom flyle, liupilred : "Well, Mi'. Ilrtuirurtl, what U ItV" ' I Imvo round II," 1 cried, rtisldn rurward with tliuctfur-eiHe." " I lure U the elite to inv iin"thi." Mr. Clarke took th" ciar-cao In III? hand, and exauilnetl II iiirefully, i ttli uiit a piirtleleore.Nprewhitiou lib ph len til itle fi-iturP'. " TIiIh yotmjf man ha-i had It In lib piHe-(-li)ii for months!" .Mr. Clarke, itdjuttetl lib spectacles to lib nine, nnd looked over them at June, who .stood during at ns wllh nstonbli incut and liiilljrnatloii depleted upon lib eminteiiani'e. Thu lawyer then put a few question? to tlio youiiirmnn, wlikh the latteranswc red with very had Trace, al the same, time relatliiR to Jones the 1 elrciinistnncu of my ml vent tire "When did you Und It?" asked the lawyer. "Tno night before Thanksgiving, a year ago." "Was any ono with you mi tlio train whom yon know?" "Nn, I did not even know that Mr. Hradford was on the train." "And yet, If I recollect rigidly, you were seen lu town hero tlio following nio'iilng ?" 'Very truo; I was to meetn friend at tlu hotel at I , who disappointed me. I then took the retiiriUraln next j morning," i "A very plnti-dhlo story, young man," , said Mr. Clarke, shaking lib head. "Thfre'.s not sulllclent evidence to war rant your arrest, hut enough to warrant i your being carefully watched." And muttering sonicthingalioiit elrcunntan- tial evidence lie to ,k Ids leave, while, I Jones bounced out of the door, nppa', I reiilly highly enraged al the treatment he had received. The more 1 reflected when I became cool, t. nimo absurd it, .-oemed to poet a young inaii of Jones's position of complicity witli so foul a crime us min der. I felt sorry now th it, in u lit of iinrea"oning excitement, I had wounded his feeling, when tlio only ground for suspicion win the Innocent .o.set.lon ol the cigar-cite. I had further cau-o for regret ; for the alfaii' got wind, und, in tplteot'my Intercession with the pres ident and tru-docs, Julius lo-t his iil.ee at the haul:, and with a widowed und i sickly mother tositpporl, his lot became n hard one. My partner, In Ids misgui ded pity, did tho young m ill tlio Indig nity to offer hlni employment In oil' -'.ore, which hu scornfully rejected. Junes'H bu-lne.ts pro-poets were about as good as rttlntd, and 1 apologized, and exerted my efforts in lib behalf, but to no avail. To crown all, he was sudden ly taken 111, and for djys he lay in lib , ,,'.,' , "U'" "y "Wl'"or mm"l'r' Id, Ule hanging by a tnre.id. Hut tlio mystery remained ns mifalhoiiiubb. us 'ever , Tho t w-nl v-nliilh of November came '". iiiiiiii ti -Mittiiini r t.iiiu lotinii once more, ami witn it came thu old New Knglatid test! val, Thanks giv- lug. This year I celebrated the occi .iiiioo-v ' Tin stranger turned hi- bead. I stood riveted to tho spot. Great heaven-! It was tlie man whom I si.w on the pliitlorin of the smoking car the siiuiu features, eye-, hair: and he j recognized me, lor lie grew deadjy pale, uud lib lips became white mul ' coinpir-.-eil a- ho Involuntarily exten ded lib hand, which was cold ns ice. I could not regain my speech. Tlie next moment he fainted, and fell into the arnitofa liicud, and wtt homo to u bedroom. Dbeiigaglng lujself from tliearm of my wife.withoutexplaiiatiou, host mid the gentleman w ho tended the tainting man. "Wlm is he?" 1 demanded, pointing i to the mail upon the bed. "Why do ,voii a-k ? Your appearance I here litis nll'i ctcd him strangely," bald I the nsfnnbhid gcuth num. "lti catise lie has attempted my life." , "Attempted your life!" I The mail upon tho lied opened lib I eyes -lowly till they fell upon me. With j a long hrlek, -o shrill and unearthly j a- to make us all siatt Iroiu tbolud-lde, lie cried lu raving accents : "(), take him away ! Ha, lia! 1 did the dud I threw liitn from the train! O, will lib goblin haunt mo always ? Hack !" And he leaped up in bed, lib feature- glowing like those of a demon. 'Tor lleavs'ti's Mike, le.ivu him!" eiiid my host, dr.iwliig ino out of the room too i ii ii cli bewildered to speak, "lie b a tniiiliiuiu ! What docs all thb mean?" I then rt lan d my mysterious ttdven- line a veiir ago thai ni-lil, and told i of the man who pa-sed mo nt the mn- ment, and wlioso stiango excltemenl now corroborated mv apposition of lib gulit. "Mr. Jacobs was formerly a danger ous iiuiuiau," said ho "and it is not at all-lmprobablu that, in a mad lit lie pushed you Irom the car. Of late ho lias been kept secluded ; he had recov ered his sunny, uud entered society ngaln. When ho came hero to-night. lie was a Nine us you nie now. The due-tuts have pn dieted Unit Ids next ol'Scnator Kiluiimds tosuspeud pending attack would lie lui uialile." i trial Would undoubtedly bean r post Ol course no shaduw of public sus-l(7o law so lar as my c.iso would he piclon or calumny could now be. attach-1 concerned, Such a law is declared nn ( d to tlie eluiracter of Jones, He u cov- constitutional by tlio very language of ercd from lib lllne-s, got back his old tlio constitution itself. My offence, we place in tlie bank, with out. thou-iiud I will stippo-e, Is tlio removal of Mr. dollars per year addition lo hi salary, Stanton, That is an nevoinp Iblied uiul licciiine beloved by all who knew fait. Any law prescribing a penalty 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; and, 1 may add, by none morn so lor that act would be ex post facto, uud than by tlie fair yoi'ng niece of my wife, who visited tit our house frciiucntlv. i Poor Jacobs died In a inad-houso 1 within uuo year. A bi(i(i-'noN, If anybody wants to knoiv how it hoi-so feels on it bitter liioi iiing when n frozen bit Is placed lu lib mouth, let them llrst place, it piece ol Iro-tcd Iron upon their own toninic Having done thb, let tlie coachman or driver s e that the tilt b wanned before being tlxed ill po-ltloii. The horse will look though he cannot my, "tliuuk you." She Frcildcnt's View or tho Situa tion. VVAnui.vaTOM I'eliru.iy il, ls&. Yofn corrcs-pondont, had an Inter view with Ids Kxccllonoy to-ulght af ter thu statu dinner and found him not stricken with fear or trcinbllng.but smiling and radiant, In better humor nntl spirits than for many months. The President received your correspondent after the usual hour for visitors, and granted him half an hour's Inter view. After thu customary baliilatlons your correspondent remarked that the country was soinowliut taken by ur- prbo hy tho sudden removal of Stanton and tho appointment of Thomas as See- rotary d Interim, The President smiled and hundred. "Well, what do tho people say? I sup pose they nresurpri-cd ; but I have only dono what I hud determined upon long ago." Correspondent Tlio removal, then, is not In pursuance, of a recent dotcrmlim- Ion on your part, Mr. I'loiitlcnt?" Tho President "Not ut nil sir. The people seem to have mistaken my course altogether in this) matter. I nev er had but one determination on tht subject, but I have acted carefully, pru dently and moderately. Perhaps 1 have been too slow about removlng'JIr. Stanton, but not beuuiso I feared tin bugbear of impeachment, or that I dreaded anything that Congress might do. Nothing th.it body could attempt or carry out would Intimidate or sur prise me. 1 know they aro capable ol doing anything. I delayed final notion solely to let tho country seo and un derstand tlio position of Mr. Stanton We first intimated to him that we would llko li I tn to withdraw from our privy council, llo did not take the hint. We then lequcsted lilni to resign. Ho lefu-ed. Wo then suspended him, under tlio constitutional power which wo have to su-pend or remove a mem her of our Cabinet. Tlio act of suspen sion was also not in conflict with the Tenure of Olllcu bill, though wo did not theieforo recognize its constitutionality. Asa matter of courtesy wo sent rcisuus lor our action to thu Senate. That body pretended not to consider those reason stifUciciit.uud assumed to reinstate Mr. Stantun in otUee. Well, wo still wait- id, hoping Mr. Stanton would sco the propriety of reaigniug.liiiiisolf. General Sberiiiimand General Grant uffered to go to Stanton and auvbc him to resign, Iloro U a loiter which Indicates whal they proposed: Thu Pretldeut hero allowed your cor respondent to read the following letter lu liitn lrum General Sherman : 3.MK .-ruM:T, WASlllNiirns-, 1 jitu. is h.uurniiy. j I 1 neglected this morning to say that ', 1 bad agreed to go down lb Annapolis tospend Sunday with .VdmlcaU'orter. General Grant has" 'o leave for ltlch- 'i'.0"'1 0,1 M""'l:,-V "T,"''."1 "lS '. ' !' i At a conversation witli thu Genera) til- i tor our interview, wherein I otl'ereil to go witli him on .Monday morning to Mr. St,i,,, ,Kll,, It t.-.,u ri. I, .till opinion he should resign, it was luuuil impossible by reason of his going to I ltichiiiond uud my going lo Annapolis. Tlie General propo-ed thb cour.-o : He , w ill call on you lo-uiorruw mid oiler to go to Mr. Stanton lo say for the good ol 1 the service und of tho country lie ought to resign. Tills on Sunday. On Mini- , day 1 will again call on xou, and if you I think it neceary I will do the same' call on Mr. Miiuton and tell him In should re-ign. if lie will not, then il I will he time, to contrive ulterior mea sures. n p, meantime it so happens that noueeo--lty exists for precipitating niaiiirs, Your truly, W, T. Siir.n.M.vx, Lieutenant General. I The President then continued. "After kwulting a rea-onablo tiniu we thought ' proper to-day to order the removal ol Mr. Stanton and to appoint General riioiuas Secretary of War ml interim. Thb b the v hole story.'1 Correspondent '"Wits thb 'top ills-eti-sed In tho Cabinet Counsel, Mr. Pre-ldent ?" Tlie President "No, sir; not precise ly. A general policy was ugrnsl upon some time ago, uud the removal lo-ila b in accordance therewith. I have ju.-t leceivid a topy of tlio resolution adopted by the Senate to-night in exe cutive session." The President here rind the rt solution printed ehewhere. Corre'poudent""Whnt will thoSeuate do Mr. President, under that ro-oliitlnu, If jou still Ins,t upon having General Thomas act as Secretary ml Interim. The President- "I don't see Unit they can do anything. Tlie resolution It self is tlie end of the mattered far as the Senate b concerned, uiilest tho House pro-cuts articles of impeachment and tlie Senate undertakes to try tlie ICxe etillve and resolves it-elf Into a high court of Impeachment." Corre-poudent. "Do you think Con gress rt it 1 1 y will attempt impeachment, Mr. Piesidcnt?" Tlie I'lcldent "I don't know, in ('e('" ' nor 1,0 l'llH'' " would make i very little dill'ereiice to mo," Your corre'spondent hero n.lced what the President would do in thu event of the pissagoef Mr. IMuiunds' bill o( suspension, to which tho President an swered, substantially, "Sir, I would not obey the law If they attempted to sus pend mo. The law is clearly unconsti. tutloii.d. There b a point against it which you gentlemen of thu pre-s seem to havetiltogcther overlooked. Tlio bill I theretoro unconstitutional. How, there- lore, can (Congress legally pan a hill of such a cltaruoter? Your correspondent remarked that certain radlculs might argue thatjn per sistence lu keeping Mr. Stanton out of I olllco alter the Senate declaring Ids io. iiioval contrary to law, and after tho propo-ed pas,ige of Mr. Kdinund' sus pension bill, would be bringing tho question out of tho operation of an ex post facto law, I Thu President renllitl Ibul thai ......1.1 I not niter the case, us the otleiicechiiige'd , wollld b,m bo Ull) ,-,muvuiof Mr, Btull. PllICE FIVE CENTS. ton nn act performed before tho pmii nge of the propoed law. In reply to an Inquiry as to whether tho President had seen General Thomas slnco the Interview of tho latter with Mr. Stnnton.the President said yes, and proceeded to statu what, according to lib Information, bad occurred at that Interview. "Oencral Thomas," ho said, ' waited upon Mr. Stanton, and showed o him tlio President's order removing Mr. Stanton and appointing lilm (Gen eral Thomas, as Secretary of War ad in tcrim. Mr. Stanton read tlio order, and a-I.ed Thomas whether ho would bo obliged to vacate tho office forthwith. Thomas said his Instructions vvcro to assume control Immediately. Stanton then said lie would llko to havo tlmo lo arrango and take away his pa pers and documents j to which Thomns replied hat a considerable tlmo would bo allowed for such purpose. No time, however, was fixed for Mr. Stan ton to finish lib arrangements." Your correspondent had somofurthcr conversation with tho President, but 'he chief points Imvo been given. Tho President repeatedly expressed his utter indltl'erencous to what course Congress might adopt on the impeachment ques tion; and In answer to n parting ro mark of your correspondent that tho President might sleep soundly in spito of tlie threatened Impeachment ho said, laughing, "I don't think my slumbers will bo much disturbed by that fear. I -hall sleep soundly and awako refresh es!." Krom the Scrnnton Rrglster of Feb. 3). Mino Catastrophe, Filling up nf the Oxford-Mine 100 nun submerged a terrible ruth of water nurroic escape of 2J'meri. Tin: majority of our citizens were startled yesterday afternoon with a ro- port that went flying from mouth to mouth, that the bod of tlio Lackawanna itivor had broken through, and thoOx- ford Minos owned by James S. Scran- ton, lisq., were suddenly filled with water, and all of those in tlio mines met with a .sudden death. This report caused Intonso excitement, and our citizens docked to tho sceno of disaster by hundreds. As soon as possiblo wo visited thu mines, and from tho gen tlemanly owner learned full and accu rate particulars. Thu accident occurred about three o'clock In tlio afternoon. W. Thomas, who was working nt tlio point where the opening vviv made, h; d prepared n blast and let it off, when, without jl moment's warning, tlie water poured down through tho tunnel a volume of full five feet, spreading through tho chambers and dips, and filling them up as well us carrying everything before tlie rushing torrent. To showits force, a muio wis struck, and turned and rolled over as if lie had been a leaf floating on the sttrfaco of tho stream. Mr. J. S. Lewis, loremim of tlio mines wlio was In tho lower chambers at tho tlmo of tho accident, acted with great coolness ami decision, and it was main ly through his prompt action that tho accident was not attended with severe loss or life. Mr. Lewis, on tho fl st In timation of danger, gave tho alarm to the men in tlio dips, and they made their way out as fa-t as possible, many or them wading In water wabt deep, while others swam to places where they could gain a standing place. After see ing lib men taken caro of ho next turned his attention to tlie mules, and f.istenvd a part of tlio twenty in tho mines in an upper chamber, after which lie waded to tlio opening and Was con voyed to thu upper world in safety. About threo acres of ground were oveicd with water to tlie deptli of live or six feet. Tho-e pre-ent at tho mines when tha accident first occurred assure us that it was a terrible scene. Thou-ands of peoplo were assembled, men, women and children, and a largo number of them had hu-b.inds, fathers, brothers and sons In danger. Women sereaiuod and wrung their hands; llttlo children lidded their voices to tho general lamen tation, wlille men stood silent and wept. A hundred dear ones wero many feet below, powerless, helpless, and for aught they knew, were already drowned No wonder tho cry of agony and the wall of despair was hoard from thosa who waited above in horrible suspense; nor Is it to bo wondered at that strong men, "unused to tlio melting mood," should we-ep briny drops, us they thought of tlio fato of their friends and neighbors, and tho awful calamity that was hovering, llko a pall, over thocity. When it was ascertained to u certain ty that all wero rescued, the scone of rejoicing wasequally as intense. Knocking away Puoris. "Se, father," said a lad who was walking with his father, "they are knocking away tlio props from under the bridge. What nro they doing thut for? Won't the bridge full?" "They nro knocking them away," said tlio father, "that tho timber may rest more firmly on tho btono plow which nro now finished." God often takes away our earthly props, that wo may rest moro firmly upon 1dm. God sometimes ttike-s awiy a man's health, that lie may rest upoa him for hb dally bre'ad. lleforo lib health failed, though lie perhaps dally repeated his words, "Give us this day our dally bread," hu looked to hb own Industry for that which ho asked of God. Thu prop being taken away, hu rets wholly upon God's bounty. Whon he receives It as tho gift of Gd. Gotl takes away our friends that we may look to 1dm for sympathy. When our nfl'ectloiis weru exere'bed upon ob jects around us, then wo rejoiced In their abundant sympathy and btipport. Wo wero brought to realize that 1I alono could glvo support, and form au adequate portion of tho soul. Thus r our earthly props removed, that wn may rest moro firmly und wholly upo God, A Cincinnati Journal record, dre-adful disaster which occurred Trinity Church In that city, tho wntu , full of a huly as she uro-so fiom pruyor, suddenly explodul, (tailoring tho , u,uU fur" uua wl jWf ' U