The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 28, 1868, Image 2

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Sflw Columbian.
fiiioay hoiimno, pkh, , ism.
- TUB COI.UMniAS lirta tlir I.nrx'al
Clr.nlatlnn In Cftlumula nlitl mlJitliilliK
tnnlUi of uny paper ittlilllinl litre, ami
It al.s a Inrs'r .he.1 limn nJ' "f
lueoltmpornrlr i (iiitl I tli.r.fori' lliMic.l
m.dlttra for ailrrrililng In thl. ..cllnti or
thi mate.
llAnitniiuno. 1a., Jnunnry, , I,
Th Df raorrHllo stitto I'omtnllttr- tl ,lVnli I
Tnnla linvo IU11I WKliNI'-MlAY, TltKl'Ol III II
((III) DAY OK MAKCIMMW, nl Mticlnrk M lit
the llnip.nntl Ihe Hull or tho Homo uf Hi'pri
aintittlv... nl Hnrrlnimm, ns tin' ila'c for Imld.
Inn the minimi Convention of tho puny.
It l ordpnil that thl l"tm union im nimpnsnl
of one member lor each sennUir nnd llt-pri'M iitn
tivp, whoBliiill no elected In tho iimihI timiintr
ami tliey will meet nt tlio llmo mul plnec iilori
aM.l.for Iho purpose of lioinlimlliiK i'iitidldnti
forthonfllreauf Auditor Orlieriil ntnl rMtrw jtir
(leticml.nud of aolcctliia DitcKiilt a to tlio Nation
M Cnhvenllon for tho nomlimltou of i-ultilld.iti'4
ror rieald.-lit nnd Vk-o rreMdeul.
The members uti I commuters of lite ortinnlrrt.
lion ntidall conerTlvtlMclllri'li who i nn unite
with ui In upHrt of the rotintlliitioniil prlncl
pKanro rrqumtiil to proriwil to tho Hi-dlou of
the delegate In Iholr rraitt-ctlvixUatritt.
lly order of the lk-innerM!!' stale ooiiitnltltc,
0,0. 1)iisit,Soo'y. Chairman.
Jin. STnvn.NS on Introducing a bill
not nmny dnya slncoln tho llotiie, salil
lio had no hesitation In tieknowleiluliiK
that "they wero nctitiR outside the Con
stitution in many respects i It luul be
come too old-fashioned for tho require"
meuts of this progresslvo n,;e." Such tt
remark from bucIi a quarter suggest-
sovoral queries. In thutlrst place.wliere
ilmy Congress get Its authority to net
"outsldotho Constitution?" IfCongress
may net tlius.nt Itsowii discretion, why
mnynot tho President also? Uothdcrlvc
nil theauthorltytlioyhave,both, Indeed,
derive their official oxlstcnco from tho
Constitution,- "outsldo" of It thcro
bo In this country neither Pre-jldunt nor
Congress. Then, again, If tlio Consti
tution Is "too old-fashioned fur this pro
greslvo age," why not call a conven
tion to frtuno n new one, or proposo
nmciidincntsto bo acted on In tho way
pointed out by its provisions'.' Or does
Jlr. Stevens think thai the Idea of hav
ing constitutions which can restrain tho
action of hOvcrnmonts, or departments
of governments, Is "too old-fashioned
for this progressive ago?" Ills action,
and tho character ho ascribes to the
action of Congress, seem to Indicate that
this Is his view of tho situation.
Tiinsuccessof tho Constitution over
its enemies has been, as everybody has
noticed numberless times, indicated
with curious accuracy by th" barometer
Of tho Gold Market. In view of this
llttlo fact by no means u strango ono
when wo consldertholntimato relations
between political permanency and
commercial prosperity It Is Interesting
to noto that at tho cloo of 1802 gold
stood at 133r; at tho elu.-o of 1S03 il
ranged nt 10H; at tho clo,o of 1801 it
was 227 li at the close of lSfiJlt called for
1151; atthoclosoof 1SCG it was ml:
and nt tho end of tho year Just closed It
was tolerably steady at 13.'1J although
it has slnco run up to an nvcrago land
ing of 139. In tho baro fact that the
robellion has laid down Its arms, the
Republic Is confessedly stronger nther
wiso wo aro back again In thu fluctuat
ing tides of 1863. Why is It?
AKOTinnt Pakijon. At tho late
term of tho Cumberland county court a
woman named Mag Miller was arraign
ed for keeping a disorderly house, Mill
ing liquor on Sunday and to minors,
plead guilty, and was sentenced to six
ty days' Imprisonment. Certain par
ties undertook to procure a pardon from
Govornor Geary for tho gay and festivo
Margaret, and last week succeeded, not
withstanding a largo number of tho
best citizens of Carlisle remonstrated
ngainsl It.
So tlio Governor still stands up brave
ly for his friends. Nlco Governor I con
sistent Good Templar! Promoter of
good morals I P. John's pet paragon.
IIo sees that "tho law" is faithfully exe
cuted and upheld, don't ho Paleuioti?
Nobody shall break "tho laws" wlillo
ho Is Governor.
It looks a littlo as If thuCoiwlltutlon
nl Convention of Georgia would bo call
ed on to part with onoof its members.
Mr. Bradley, colored, a lawyer from
IJoston, who has hitherto played a very
conspicuous part In the work of South
ern rcconstJtictlon seems in soirednnger
ofcomingtogrlef. A comniittooliasbccn
convicted nnd imprisoned for seduction;
that ho was dismissed from thq Massa
chusetts liar for pocketing the money
of Ids client ; and that in tills State lie
parsed some tlmo in Stato Prl-on for
larceny. Tho question of expelling him
Is pending. It naturally creates some,
embaraesmont. Tho Convention will
learn In time, probably, that Inquir
ing Into tho antecedents of Its members
is a very perilous piece of hiislncsi.
Somi: of tho Radical members oftho
Legislature aro making tho itiiml objec
tion to granting n pension to tho sol
diers of 1S12 ; that It will take m much
monoy out of tho treasury. Verily thcip
gentlemen aro getting to bo very eco
nomical all at once. Do they forget
that their own pay is more than twice
what member? of the Legislature re
ceivoin other states, and that tho ex
penses of tlio Legislature can be readily
reduced to such a figure nito enable tho
Stato to pay tho soldiers of tho war of
1812 double tho pension they a-1; or ex
pect. TllHiinof tho officers of tho "Row"
elected by tho Democrats of Philadel
phia last October, aro kept out of their
offices by t ho Radicals, becauso It Is al
leged that In ono or moroof tho Districts
Illegal votes wero east. During all this
tlmo tho old Radical officers hold on
nnd pocket tlio fees. Of course this Is
only a round nbout way of doing what
tho Radicals do In Congress, turn out
regularly elected Democrats, and put in
their friends.
Tim President lias nominated Gener
al Georgo I). M'Clcllan as Minister to
England. Tills Is n wcll-diwrvcd trlh
uto to a gallant soldier and dovotcd
patriot. Will tho Sennto confirm tlio
nomination, or will party spirit over
rido that respect which all American
citizens should feel for n man whoso
actions aron part of tlio history of tho
nation? i
Tjik Radical party nro bold nnd open
violators of law and usage, nnd as n con
hcquence, tho quiet ordcrof forinerdays
ha passed nwny. Tho predictions of
Daniel Webster and Henry Ciuy, witli
regard to this party, nro literally ful
filled In our liny, und it Is hoped before
all rcfiu ct for these (jrcut Mutt mien has
Vj-tu fwuottui by their IrliuiU.
See The Record.
A nlir.AT deal of slung nnd ntiui has
been Indulged In by I". John and "little
creatures" of "that Ilk," nbout the com
timltlini of the urmy, nnd the material
of which It was composed. In a lull'
peech by Senator l'Uher of Lancaster,
ho made the following flitti""u-nt about
Iho "Pennsylvania Itoervo Corp-;." It
will be remembered that Colonel," now
Ucnernl Kill, succeeded Colonel lllel;
ettsln the Sixth :
I will run over tho eolouelsof Iho fif
teen leglments of tho , lYiiinylviiiilri
Itei-ervcsj and If 1 do not stale their
politic-! correctly, 1 hope my distin
guished friend, bitting right before me,
will correct ine, fori do not Intend to
Hiy what Is not true.
The 1'lrst was commanded by Tt. Hid
dlo lloberts.of Plttsluirg. IIo had been
u life-long Democrat had been .Mr.
lluchannn's District Attorney for tho
Western District of 1 iiiii.vlv.iul:i, and
had llguredlu theotlierendoftliolnilld
Ing ntfccvcrnl Democratic convention",
mid was considered perfectly sound In
tho faith. That Is number one.
The Second was comniamh d by Col
onel William II. Mann, of Philadel
phia; afterward by the gallant Senator
from tho First district .Mr. JPCitlid-lo-s,
q'hcrols ono Democrat undone
ltepubllcaiij and tho rccoml comman
der of that regiment was a Democrat.
The Third was commanded by Col
onel, now General Horatio G. Sickles, a
The Fourth by Robert G. Marsh, or
Philadelphia, n Republican.
Tho Fifth by Col. Simmons, a Dom
ocrat. Tho Sixth by W. W. Illcl.etts, of
Columbia county a
Tho Seventh by Colonel Harvey, of
Luzerne county, a Republican.
Tho Eighth by Geo. ii. Hays, of Pitts
burg, a Democrat.
The Ninth by Conrad F. Jackson, of
Ht-rUn, a Democrat.
Tho Tenth by John S. M'C'nlmont, of
Clarion, u Democrat.
Tho Eleventh by Thomas F. Gal
lagher, now member of tlio House, u
Tho Twelfth by John II. Taggart, of
The Thirteenth by Charles J. Diddle,
of Philadelphia, a Democrat mid mem
ber of Congress.
Tho Fifteenth by fighting Charley
There is a pretty fair sprinkling of
Democracy in that division. If you
willtako tho Adjutant General's re
port, you will find tliut there Is u large
proportion of tho lending officers of the
Pennsylvania regiments who were
A WAsm.vOTONcorre-poiidentofthe
Commercial says that tho proposed legis
lation concerning tlio Supremo Court is
"called for by tho discovery that live of
tlio eight Justices now on tlio bench of
tlio Supremo Court nro of tho opinion
that much of tho legislation on recon
struction Is unconstitutional." .'nstead,
thercfoie, of allowing tho Supreme
Court to overrule any of tho uction of
Congress, Congros proposes to overrule
thu Supremo Court by law. Suppose
the Court should pronounce that law
unconstitutional, which decision wouid
prevail ? Congress seems disposed to
assert for Itself nboliilo and suprenio
authority; tlio eameomnipoteucocl.ilni
ed and exercised by the Hritlsh Parlia
ment. It overrides tho President, sots
aside tho Judiciary, nets "outsldo" the
Constitution, and will probnhiy very
soon bring in a bill to abolish that in
strument. Why nut?
In striking contrast to tho unchris
tian nnd unsoldlerllke antipathy which
Gov. Geary, in ills menage, expresses
ngalusttholnanimato rcmaliisof South
ern soldiers which lio within Antiotam
ccmctcry,is tho following from tho mes
sage of Gov. Fcnton, of New York, also
a Radical: "To-day not'iiug perhaps
could sooner awaken u national spirit
In thoheartoftheSauth than tho thought
that representatives of tho Northern
States wero gathering the remains of its
fallen snusforintcrment Inour National
Tin: Radicals' in Congress refused to
send n United States Minister to tlio
Papal States, and thereby insulted tlio
largo body of Catholics In this country.
At tlio snmo time they provided for n
Minister to tho negios of Htiytl nnd
Liberia, nnd thereby "did a compli
ment" to tlieir colored brethren scat
tered 'hrougliout tho Union. They cor
dially linto tho former and fondly lovo
tho latter, nnd exhibit their petty splto
in tho most marked and decided man
ner. Tnu Constitution makes tho Chief
Magistrate of the Nation Cominaiuler-ln
t liicf oftlio military nnd naval fonts of
tho United States. Rut t'onure.-s says
that ho shall not exeicNe that power.
Which will thu President obey, tho
Constitution or Congress? If Congress
attempts to u the nrniy against tho
President, tlio latter may o3umu tho
command or the Military forces, and
vindicate his legal power In such a man
lier as will settle tho question.
Tin: Nntlonnl iHinocraticl'nmmittcc
adjourned flue ilie, alter naming New
YorK city ns the phue.nnd July I asthe
day for tho meeting of tho National
Democratic Convention. No ili-tlnctlnn
whatever was mndo in tho eommltteo
between members fro m loyal nnd rebel
States; and tho representatives In the
National Convention uiu to consist of
but tho number of Congressional rep
resentatives to which each Stato Is enti
tled by tlio last apportionment.
Wa question whether tlio present Leg
islature will bo an improvement, as
compared to tho last. It seems that one
of tho first bills introduced, and that af
terwards passed in tlio usual maimer,
was so defective and uncertain In Its
meaning, by reason pf grammatical er
rors and otherwise, tliat tho Governor
was obliged to veto it. Ho mys"to put
such an enactment on tho statute books,
In this ago of frco schools, would be a
reproach to tho State."
Radical leaching was, that tho Pre
tUlent la the Government. We trust that
P. John will not forget his (inching,
and in tills Stanton rnieule, stand by
thu Government, to wit : by the Prerl
dent. Como Palemon, don't back
down, The President, Ihe Government
tlio Government, the Picldent,
i Tin: FhmIi nimy bill fmblds all
ul it 1 1 mi (i jt 1 1 1 mir fit in marrying
until they iuo27.
Washington News.
jgL Vahiii.soton, I'lhi'imry IP.
(AstnirgriN ATOIl TIIOM A8.
'I'm: Semite to-day,hortly after tho
expliatlon ofthe morning hour, re
sumed tlmeonslderatlon of tlio c.i-e of
1 1. in, Philip F.VriumiiiH. Senator elect
until the Statu of .Maryland. The de
bale continued until ne.u' live o'clock,
and vuis very unlimited. Mr. .tohi"on's
ilolbiisuof Ina colleague was INtciied to
with proronrd utUntlnn by Heiialorsnn
tlietloor and the iiiiim roinspi etatois In
tin? galleries. Ul remark?", evidently,
maiien deep liupn lou upon nil who
heard them ; nevertheless tho Radical
clique, headed by llowiudof Michigan,
with Stewart, of Nevada, to do thedlr
Iv work, xuecfc'dtfl by the application
o"f the "party lath" In hrlntilng out n
majority vole against the nilutlon to
admit Mr. Thorn is to his suit, the re
silli on the prop .slllon lieln. yeas 21,
nays 2s 'llius Maryland, one of the
Old Thirteen, win donled the light,
guaranteed to her by the Constitution,
in reprcentatliin In the Senate of the
United States, by a Senator of her own
choice. A line days ago a similar nut
luge was perpetrated III tho Ilou-min
tlio people of Iho Sei'Olid Dlstlict of
Kentucky by rcjccllngthelrcho-en rep
ltM'Ulatlvc, lion. John Y. Ilrown. The
Radical majority in Cungre-M are not
content with depriving the people of
the so-culled dWnyul States nt their
right of representation III the National
Logl-latuif, hut go further, and .'Ivtu.
ullv declare bv their acts that ni man
oppiwd to them on political question
shall havo a seat In Congro, 1 1' by any
possible means they can keep him out.
AIl.MtSStoN (If AI.U1AM.
In the Senate to-day, Mr. Wil-on, of
Mas-achtisetts, Introduced a Joint reso
lution, prefaced by a long preamble,
for the admission of Alabama to rep
rosentntio i in Congrc-s upon tin1 nillll
cation oftho iiiiU'iidui.'iit to the Con
stitution ol'the United States known us
the I th article, by the L ",'lslatiirc of
that State. As the prnpiwd new Con
stitution has been rejected in Alalnnu,
us a matter of course all State olllcer
elected In accordance- with lis piovl
loiis, cannot enter upon Ilie discharge of
their duties. The question Iheietbre
arises, how Is the Legislature of Alaba
ma to ratilly the iimi'iidmeiit when
there is no I.igl-Iaturo recognized b
the majority In Congress as legd in
existence? The, Kadlcal leronstruulion
Kts, however, will no doubt got over
this trilling obstacle, and let In tho
mongrel Stato ero the clo:0 oftho rain
ing month.
Tho Election Committee havo not
yet taken a tliml vote in tho Ohio con
tested two of Delano vs. Morgan. It is
understood, however, that tho majori
ty report will favor the sitting member
(General Morgan), who Is shown by the
testimony in thoca-o to havo received
a majority of all the leg il votes cast ut
the election in Ids district in thu fall of
1 SCO, which has since been tho subject
of contest.
To-day, in tho Criminal Court, Judge
Carttcron tlio bench, tho District At
torney, Mr. Carrlngton, moved that
thecvoof John H. Surratt, Indicted
for tho murder of Abraham Lincoln, bo
continued to the next term.
Mr. Merrick, ono of Ihoeounscl fortho
accused, said that tho defense would be
ready to enter on the trial at Iho tlmo
The Court answered that a case of this
importance should not bo tried at the
closo of n term, and a contiiiuuueo would
be granted.
Mr. Merrick remarked that It would
bo Impossible for tlio defense to try the
case In March or April, owing to tho en
gagements of Judge Hlack lu thoso
months, and hetrmted, as this contin
uance had been granted on the motion
of tho District Attorney, tho defense
would buiillo'ved, at the next term, it
similar privilege.
The Court remarked that tho eoun-el
should confer and fix upon some tlmo
lor the trial agreeable to both sides.
Mr. Merrick ordered the Clerk to en
ter the appearance of Judge .1. S. Hlark
and Cliuuiiccy 111m k as counsel for the
prisoner, with Jlr. J. IL Br.tdey, Jr.,
and himself.
Ai con I lug to arrangement, Chief Jus-
llcu canter win noiu tuo .uarcn term.
WASinroToy, t'chraary 20.
CKNEP.AL fclli;t!MA.V.
The letter of Sherman suggesting
reasons why ho would prefer to bo ex-cu-ed
from taking comuitiiid of the now
military department, headquarters in
thlsclty, was dated tho 11th Instant,
and did not reach tho President until
five days after Its date. Tho letter was
unsealed, and eamu through Grant's
headquarters, Inclosed lu a letter to tho
latter, ns your correspondent is inform
ed. Why tlilrf circuitous roil to to tho
White IIoujc, und in earn of Grunt, Is
left to Inference; but tho purpose of
Sherman In this particular is supiioscd
to be to permit General Grant to know
all that transpired on tliosubjeutin cor
respondence witli the Executive). Upon
reading tho letter of Sherman tho Pres
ident promptly telegraphed him, ac
knowledging its icceipt and btating,
substantially, that in view of tho ob-
jtctioussuggested toa'ssumlng tho new
command ucnenn nnermau woum not.
bo required to como here, but should
remain In command of thu Dciiai'tinent
of the Minso-Jii. General bhernrati re
plied by telegram, thanking the I'nsl
dent for relieving him from tho effect
of tho older directing him to iriuko his
heailfinaters lu this city, and tho l'iei-
dent thereupon directed a revocation of
so much ot nut order ns assigned Sher
man to command of the new depart
ment. That department remains es
tablished, however, and it is expected
that the President will shortly mime
an olllcerto take camuiand of it.
It has been reported that General
Meade has ordered a new election In
certain counties of Alabama where the
original election was not properly held.
If mis is so, it Is not known at Grunt's
headquarter-, where tho latent ailvkes
on tins oiihjeut are, that ho has ordered
an Investigation preparatory to holding
a new election, If It was found neces
sary. WasUix itom, IVIji-u try 21.
nii jvai. ok nrvMni.
The Pri dilent lhrew.i"ioil-ji !" into
the ltulical ranks nt the Capitol to-day
bv a inessatfo to tin" Senate liiinuoticini'
1 tluit by virtue of tho authority voted
lu liiin I iv the Cuiis'ltiillon ol the tiiitiil
Stales, he hail, on iho inh of August
last, suspended L'lwiu M. H autnn from
the exereiso of the functions of Secre
tary of War; und now, by virtue of tho
same authority, he had remmal him
ft sin i that po-ltlou und appointed
Adjutant-General Lorenzo Thomas to
discharge tho duties of tho War Office,
ail interim. At noon, ns the contents of
the message becumo known outsldo tlio
Eonat i c!umbor,tho wildest excitement
picvalled among nowspunci' men and
others anxious to Icaru all tho particu
lars. Messrs. Chandler, Thayer, and
ono or two other Radical Senators,
started oir In "hot IiobIo" to tho Depart
ment to ndvlso Htuntun not to vncato
tho office, but to hold on, and tlcep there,
If necetwary. They id-o called on Grant,
mid told him that ho must stand by
Htaiiton In tho present en urgency. Tho
Senuto went into J'xicutivo session
on tliu subject of tho removal shortly
after two o'clock. Alter an executive
session of seven hours tho doors wero
reopened, nnd thoKmalo adjourned. A
resolution offered by Sinator Wilson
declaring the riniovid of Stanton illegal
pa-std by n vote of 20 to 0. Stanton's
son Immediately entered tlio chamber,
and was warmly gnetcd by thoRadlcal
Senators. Wailo asked, "Is your lather
still in ?" nnd to mi affirmative reply,
raid. "Tell him It I. all right." Tho
rui-olutlon adopted was ordered to bo
sent to thu President und btiinton to
nlL'lit. Thomas savs lie will tnkn eossi s.
I slouof tho War D( purtmciii to-morrow,
htnnton issltei'lngllKroto-nli'lil. Stan,
ton has no Idea ot rethink until coin.
polled to do o. either by order of some
!... ... ..w i ... t "i" v uiuer ut cHiiiiu
i-iiiupeieiii. jniiiciiii iiiounai or superior
mllltmy (ilica.AsGciiciiilTlKnuihhi's
( iiotilHU Hit Pu.wiut ot hlsu(.wpiuuuj
oftho position of Secretary of War ml
interim, and has also uotilled Mr. Stan
ton of tlio Aid, an I Ihe latter ban virtu
idly refused to vacate tho office, It Is
highly probable that tlio ease will como
before tho Supremo Court on Monday
next, on a motion lu behalf of General
Thomas for n mnnthimua to compel Mr.
Stanton to turn over Iho office, ns di
rected liy the president, 't ins seems to
be the oliject to-ulglit, anil If carried mil
Will doulille-s result in u decision ad
verse t" the coiistllutloiinllty of the
teiiiuo of office bill, so-called, and In fa
vor oftho President's nower under the
Constitution to remove civil olllcrs In
tho milliner piopo-ed In thu ca-eof .Mr.
Stanton. The House Radicals are fu
rious over tho President's action and
thieaten to Impeach him ut once. The
leellug In that diiectloii vwis so strong
tills altenioon that Ilutlerund llolitweil
louiid no difficulty whatever in having
the resolution lor adjournment over
until Monday re-clnihil, and leave ob
tained lor the so called Reconstruction
Committee to repot t at any time on this
new seii-auou. Miiutoirs communica
tion to tlio I louse, enclos'iii: the Presi
dent's order removing him lioin the
w ar (iliu-e, Was lelerreil to the com
mittee, und they meet to-inoirow for
thu purpose of considering the subject.
In the midst of Ihe excitement that
now prevails it Is of course, Inipos-lblo
to predict with any degree of certainty
what Mirn allnlr.s will take, but theiels
no lea-oii to believe that any force will
be applied to remove Mr. Stanton from
the ar Deiiiirtment lu advance ol u
judicial decision upon his right to re-
mm lucre ns sccictury ot war. . nu
impeacliers, however, insert that they
have ti sine thing of it now, nnd only
await tile action oftho Reeonstru?,tiin
Committee tn-inoriow. We sliull see.
Accompanying thu message in regard
to thu removal ot Stiintini, the l'
dent sent to the Senate the nomination
or General George II. MVIcll.iu to be
Minister to Kiigland, Hon. Jiniies It.
Ilubbell, of Ohio, to be Mlulter of
l'iiador,niid General George ll.Tlioinas
to lie l.ietiteiiiiiil-G' und General
of th" Army by brevet. M'Clellan'n
nomination had been anticipated, but
the other two were entirely unexpect
t'ho Executive Committee ot the
National Democratic party, upp luted
bv tho Chicago Convention in I Mi I, as
sembled ut the Metropolitan Hotel, in
this city, nt noon to-day, for the pur-po-oof
preliminary consultation. There
was quite n full attendance, and the
brief ills-cils-lon which took place was
entirely harmonious, August Helmont,
Mauton Marble, and other will-known
Bacheins of Democracy, nro here. The
committee meets to-morrow for the pur
poo of fixing the tlmo and place ol
holding tho Democratic Nominating
0:5 Monday last alter the Slnnlon af
fair, reported elsewhere, the Hon e by
a strict party vote pasted the impeach
ment resolution which had been twice
before defeated. The vote was, nyes,
120, nays 47.
Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, then
moved tho following resolutions:
Jlesotval, That a committee of two bo
appointed to go to tho ."senate, nil nt
tlio oar thereof, in tho nanio of the
Hoti-o of Representatives and of till of
the people or tho United Slates, to im
peach Andrew Johnson, President of
the United Slates, of high crimes ami
misdemeanors in olUcc, and acquaint
thu Senate that the llou-e of Represen
tatives will, in due time, exhibit par
ticular articles ol impeachment against
him, nnd make good thu same, und that
the commi lee do demand that thu Sen
nto tako older tor the appearance of
said Andrew John-.on to answer said
Hcmtetd, That a eommltteo of seven
bo appointed to prepare and report arti
cles of impeachment against Andrew
Johnson, ('resident ol'the Unltul States,
with power to send for persons, papers
and records, and to tako testimony un
der oath.
Democratic members attempted to de
feat them, but were cut oil', alter an in
effectual effort, by a motion to suspend
tho rules, sons to bring the Hoiiie im
mediately to a vote on the resolutions.
Tho rules woroBU-p.'iided and the ies
olutions werendopted yeas 121, nays 12.
Tlio Speaker then anaouiice I the t wo
committees, ns follows;
Couimittco of Two to announce to the
Senate tho action of the Hoiwe Messrs.
Stevens of Pennsylvania, and Uiugham
of Ohio. Commlttcoof seven to prepare
Articles of Impc.ichnicnt"Mesr-. Ihn.t
well of Massathusetts, Stevens of Penn
sylvania, Ulughnm of Ohio, Wilson of
lowu, Logan of Illinois, Julian of Indi
ana, mid Ward of New York.
Tho IIoiiho thui,flt G:20 o'clock ad
journed. lVbll-ir -J,.
srunt'ii oi now. a. w. woodwauh on
Mr. Woodward obtained tho floor, re
fusing to yield it minute's time to Mr.
Wushhiirno to conclude Ids remarks,
because of the slanders uttered iigiiinst
thu President, anil prot ceded toinldii .-s
tho llous.0 against the Impeachment ns
olulioti. Hoiirguid that the resoliuii n
of Impeachment was a mistake, ami
that any impeachment nfihe Pie-ldent
on t lio idia that .secretary Siiiuton was
within Ihe pioteeilon ol the T. nine of
Office bill, was what Foliche, tho Ciller
ot tho old Fiench i'ollie, would have
called worse than a cr me a blunder.
Whatever executive power the Federal
Government po-sesed was vcsiid In
thi President, who was the sole
of the people ill that regard, in the
mallei' of appointment to office and the
li city -making I u net ions a check was im
posed upon the l'r. sident, but even m
tlio.e Instance-, the power e.M-rcl-id was
tho PieMdent's. The concurrence or
thu senate w as only a I egtihitioii lor the
e.erclo of the power. It was a new
advl-ory dl-cretion, not tin executive
power. Tho si purulcncss and complete
ness of this e.Niuttive power in the
hands ol' the President was a doctrine
e-scniiul -o the huruinny of the system
o. lloveriimentand lotoe responsibility
or ihe President to tho people. If Con-gre-s
middled with u , Congress becaufe.
u ire.-passer, and Its net tin Impertinent
nullity, and tho President was not tube
Impeached for disregarding it. He quo
ted extr. els from the debato lu the Hist
Congress upon tho Lxicullve Depart
ments, and argued that that debate sot
tied this que.-tlon absolutely, and de
monstrated theiittir iicnustltutioniill
ty of the act of Mutch 2, 1M17. Uonlso
argued that by tho veiy items or that
act itself, Mr. Suintou dltl nut tome
within I Li scope, and quoted Senator
Sherman, nnd Messrs. Spalding tiiyl
lllugliaui ns taking that same view or
tho law, when it was under considcre
tion. Mr. Johnson was n man of tho
Republican Party's own choo-lng, and
ho verily belluvcd that tlio Pjeslih nt
was trying to restore th Union to pad
llcato tho country, and to admlnisii r
Ids high office with u Inlthfiil legaid to
thoobllgatlous of the Constitution and
thu b"st Interests of thu people, He
seemed toliliu to be a line li lend to tho
whole of his country a I'althlul public
officer, and entitled to Cabinet advisers
who wero his friends and hot his cue.
mles. Congress had far better sustain
such n man lu his ((institutional right
nnd address itscirto tho relief oflliuhul
loring country, than to waste Its tlmo
anil thupioplo'n money In thelmpi inh.
meut ul ii hdlhJul public si rviu.t. on
charges that nro both lul-o and leollsh.
At thu risk oi (leiiuncltillmi lie (Mr.
Woodward ildiiultherlghlol llieseiuito
try an iiuiieacliiiieul. The llou-u was not
compoiid, imine ( i n.-lliullon Kqulitd,
of members "cho.-en by tho ploplo ol
the severul Kliitcsr" Nor wni the beiiato
composed of "two Scnatoia fiom mill
i mine." ill loi.lill: ion. no Mild : iNir.
i, to mu uiu I that tho Anitrb
(HlijKpK Will n jut this objtctlon,
that Jf 1 wtio tin I uslduil'u counselor.
I would ndvlso him, If you prefer ar
ticles or lineachment, to ilemitr both lo
your Jurisdiction and to that or Ihe
.Senate, nnd lo l-siica proclamation that
while ho held hlniseir Impeachable nir
misdemeanors In office belore the cim
stitutloiiiil tribunals, ho never would
subject the olllce he holds in trust Tor
thu people to the Irregular, unconstitu
tional, Ingomcntnrv liodhs who pro
pose to strip li 1 1 n ol It. Such a procla
mation, with the army und navy oi
bund In sustain It, would meet a popu
lar response that would make an end
of Impeachment mid tho inipcacher.s.
WI11T (jrqt'O WAItllll.NTO AO.M.NVT Mil.
The President has directed Attorney
General Stnnbeiy to apply lo the Su
preme Court of the fulled States to-day
lor it writ i mi tcnrrinto against Mr.
Stanton, thus bringing thu constitution
ullty of the tcniiic-iif-oHlcu law dlrcitly
belore the court, and ohtiilulugaspcidy
ui Ij in I ii-ii 1 1 mi or Ihe conflict.
1 lon.Tliouias Hwlng,c nlor,todny was
nominated by the president nsSecretitiy
of War, vice Stanton, removed. This
nomination was prepared on Saturday,
but the Senate adjourned before the
Pre-hlcnt's secret.iry, Colonel Moore,
niicueii tuo uipnoi.
Mr. Eivliiir Is well known as nu old-
lino whli:. was Secretary of the Interior
under Piesldeiit Taylor, Is u lawyer of
distinction, was astipportcr ot thu war
lor ine union, anil is one ol the mo-t
promiueut uieniiiers oi tuo union con
scrvatlve party.
The excitement bus slightly abated.
Mr. Stanton Is Mill Induing and feeding
in tuo ar Ui paruneni.
w ssiilvutun, IVIiruar- li.
Tilt: rOltMAI, IMPI ACItllENT of THE
Ai I2:.HJ Mr. M'Phcrson, Clerk of Ihe
llon-o, appealed in tin" Senate, and me
uoiineed In the ii-ual niauuer that the
noue hud pa-scd the resolution oflm-
peacluneni, and sent to the ile.-k or the
l lerl ol tlio ."sennto ii certified con e
theieor. The Senate Was jiroceeding
about itsoidluui V business. jir. (!,ir.
rett Davis having the lloor, when at 1:10
the main door of the Senatu opened,
and Mr. Thuddeus Stevens mid Mr.
John A. Uliigliam entered, attended
by a largo delegation from the House.
aim in arm. 'Iho Sergcant-iit-Arms
aiinounced ii message liom the lloiisi
ol Iteprenentiitlves. Mr. Davis sushen
drd his remaiks, when Mr. Stevens,
pale, emaciaieii, iieailillKe Hi appear
mice, but in a stern, vigorous voice, and
tu u hold, lolty manner, made this for
mal announcement to theSrnate:
In (ilKilleneetotheorderoniiii Homo
or Representatives, wo appear before
you in the name of the House of Rep
rcscntntivos and of all tho people of the
United Slates. Wo do impeach An
diow Johnson, Piesldeiit ol tho Unit
ed States, of high crimes mid misde
meanors In office: and we further In-
foim the Senate that the House or Rep.
ic-oiitativcs will in duetimeexhih't ar
ticles against him, nnd make good the
same, nun in uieir names we demand
that the Senate tako order for the up
peiirance oi sum Aiuiiew Johnson to
answer said impeachment.
Mr. Wade announced that the Senate
would takoorder in the premises.
Mr. Howard then offered the follow
ilur resolution :
Hcsotvctl, That the message of the
lloiisoof Representatives, relating to
the impeachment of Andrew Johnson
I'lesideut oi tuo united States, tie re
furred to a select committee of seven to
be up minted by the Chair to examine
and report then on.
Mr. Dayard raised tho point that the
mailer couiii not no entertained until
the.S. mile hud constituted itsc ni court
according to tlio riquiroments or the
i (institution.
Mr. Howard quickly refilled this
point by showing that it was only pre
limluary action, and that it was strict
ly in accordance with the action of tlio
hciisito in lineea-es heretofore. Reverily
.iiiiiiison agreed w iin mm, anil uiu reso
lution Was iiiianluioii-lv ii'-'ieed lo.
The Chair aflerwaid appointed the
iiniimiii; ii-, mo i.onimiiico : .mcs-is,
Poineroy, Morton and Johnson.
It is said to-day that If Chief-Justice
Cai tter should to-nioi row decide to hold
iioiioral 1 homas lor his appearance at
court to answer the charge of violating
the tenure-ol olllce bill, no bail will bo
ottered, hence the General w bo com
mittiil to jail to answer the charge be
lore the Ciiniinul Court. An applica
tion w ill then be made belore one of
the Judges ol the Supieme Court ol the
uiiiuii .-simes mra win ot moats ior
mm, and Geneinl Thomas will be
brought belore that Judge, who will, and thus
havo the nuiiler brought dirtclly be
lore Ihe Snpi-i mo Court of tho United
Waisiiinhton, I'ebiuury SC.
Since writing theuliovo we learn that
.Hr. Stanloii has w ithdrawii li s in-osc
eiii Ion, and General Thomas has been
dischurgi d,
AT OT I (J I?.
i.1 Nitl o 1 ttcn lv c(tti t mil ptTsons not to
nu Kcii,'r iiuiitwiii mufui rinvt lion, (ir iwn i'v
ini", uti'l mi uhtcli William IJiuinyst u hcrurli.v,
ii f.nur 'i rii'ilcrlclt I'uilt' 1 rnfuvu Ut uy
i i h hiiu noi iiauipi i' w-ntsi Mini" iHi'it'inr,
, WM..M.I,AUIIi;itl!Al'H,
Eorlts.Col. io.rili.iXi'.
NO I'll nisliirrbv clvfii In nil r,prsoti4, to
iuy. pst'ii, fir uiiirrv imi ii"'i;kiiiiu it nciu u niw n i
me In f.ivoi -if Jfihu Hull, tlutcil ulioiit Ihe l"t u
(Vtnhi r in 7, Jt-r twenty ilmliirs, ii.h I imvo nut 10
ti tM'il ,ilue (In rcTor, iiii'l will not nitv It,
cii.oitdi: U j.t
All pern.nsnro hfrc bv cnutlonol ncalnKt imr-
f lutp-lnc n ui lnnidi) iniiinlfMpry iiolc n h, ian
httl.Miiv' IV Kiirtfc lur .iUHi(I linvn i In ntiii illlV ii r-
Iff litllc' ilnd (I I hf. 'Mid i1n nf .Mtiv 1m;7. 1 lltWV
ii( in cli it ttiut- tin n lui.und mil iHlrnnliud
not tu t:i il unlirsH i!inii iun imio ko iv itiw.
ui onuK w. mil i. int.
KitiKtuu l -iv. f-ii
ti n.xsGkvii i.r, ( M'iniA Cci'my. Pknn'a.
Till: limit rsiunril riKiuttfullv In form' Ills
ii U nils ii i I tin i u I illf I fin t lie lum I tun u lit out
Tin ?i as II t i hi i it nl will rontiriHi llio InislncNii
ni na lUU.l.l'i.ti llAUM 1-SJhMilMi, in mi n
N.tuons nnnu ih ui iiienMi bin mi jiimvu Mimr i
llutt 1 fimt lLoreNti ilit rf ami n ih Ivc tin' yul
ItillHUIl 111 till M I J VI lit t U HI lit UN II) (II" II I II',
1 tb.VIW til lUKli; IiAAlU'H.
AT O 'V I c i:
i.1 In li u by f;lrn tu tin- puMlciretif rally nml
i xi'ii'iall v lu ll.u f lllzi imfil l.imiM tuuiivlihi.Col-
i mi-lit it tintj, 11. nt tlir iiMUivinmd in. tdken
(ait ft l.Ucnt-ft khicilvi tu r lo wltt iUoiIk, inort
KMmp.Ik iK'K.will.iititUhofrciiitn nt rlc. He
will In- nt 1 lint. rmir 'h 'jiiwin vtty r-iiinuinj
Ik in llilh dull until 'In l.ilihi 1 1 Miiv next. Id
Hutltn mnr niUnnMiii vine In Hill Ijl fuiind
til lioini'. LlmrytiH',
WltKillT llUdUKH.
POTATO 12 8.
I'tMRIItlH llPMlrlnilHfPil I'ntatoCX OFTllI! HU.ST nt
iMitLiirti" KiNl'S run In tumillca w lilt
I'rom rlnn noil, nml not liable tu nt
Aiil to I..N W1I44'IK,
N ur I in Ituuuium IViiut. Ki.oojiMitna, l'A
1 b.Wi v
Ji A II'
A 1101 OK1NS'
Bl'I'Kll l'llOSI'IlATK OF 1.1JIK,
A STAN HAItll MAM'tlt; lui: ai 1. 1 II 1 1' Uli
chain 1 1 til'H
Httvli u w iihlii Hit- jt.fct i-tirrirnll Inrrtinril
mnl liui ititit citir iHilltkH im nilimlnii luimi.
mnl mm I'li.iiiiinn, vt iui' iiiniil lu
Dm linn 1 1. ni 1 1 1 n. iMiiiin a mi trttir urtuie
i.i mti ii I imsriiA'ir.
Ilur Im lilniutf.i,t liiiblfin tliortutihly lil-trtl
llit. -ni l M-iiM ii li prncltt-iil incn ul tur linniK-illnii-
mli'lil , il.tii ti mul i Uimi trt', mnl in ftry
t il f I lui ii lull I lit- I , I ii , ill In ly t-ullblnrlury.
Our i rm nt- il iiIm rlzlue, win (Lly tt l rrt.
pauil tor Ul'tl tlitillil-liiil
tliVinliH Kliltti iitlutliiH In tunny
It ill tin r-,i ml mi mti, to ll.u lum tr u tin tnu ol
lum li itlnuu'u Hint.
Solil III Uiu inailltlnctory rAbTMAIIKKTSlItU.T
SliMii'itY, 1'a., nml liy tittr tigftilH Ihrnuittitml
tilt' iriiiiitry,lli I una uf Sf-0 II a, IKI mr Inn
nf W 1 llOJIl'l l.V In nil
iillllu titif -i.ibln liy mil nr (ttitul, uti itTi-htuf
AI n At-iiilH mr st jiiiiiiir, Mut tn ii & Alltn.a
t-t I It' lit nu mnl Mi-hit film Nt w di It.
ti .no I'lLiuvsit dlt) 'a liny nutlUrnlii lliikt-,
, , J. K. l-YJ'ii.Attqt. lllotuiDl urB, I'u.
tXKil Jw tlrdilui', l"tl.'.i (A
(3 0 U N T Y O F 0 O L U M II I A,
Jancaiiy 1st 1IC7, TO Jancaiiv 1st IN.
Tlir. Anitllnri rtarlnl In arllln nml nillunt tlio ms-nlints nf CnlillnlilA omillly. rflwlfilllr ieg
tmi ... ,i. la. I., art ( I. it t 1 1 ml- till ..(, ( 1 1 II n.l , Iw, ail In.,
una I'ltilil litniilri'il ion! i.txly-i'i'ii, l.i tlir lirM tlnv i,f .Iniumi-y a, n, miiMliiiiisiiiiil i-tKlit hnnilii-tl
nml Klslyrlxlil nml, nml resp. el Hill v lay Infurn I lit- 1 . Jmlk'i's r tlx' Cnurl tit t'litiiiunti
l'li-iis, nf mill county I In- follow lint Ktalriuelil nml rrorl nitn-rtilily lo Ihp-.'Jml Ht-rlloti of the Act
of (lelirrnl hrhimiiIiIj- of I Ills I'olnmowinltll imikphs! tin, fuilillitliiy of April, A. I. Ivlll
JolI.V J, 577Xr.V, Tri'iisiiuT of Coltinililii county
.1.01. 7,
To amount nitMmiillng for tfiff
nml tircvlolts cnrN. S 1
' " To llnlniK'O III Imii'lsof Trcn"..
nri-r, as tcr Auilltors re
port. Jan. I'm;. 111 It
'cli. 0. Tot'ilsll of isiilnucl Kctditirr
or llrlurCrttk, fur kci-tilnx
II. Mull. .-ilia
Mm. H. ToCinh of Hninuol Kcli'lmcr
ot nrmr irccic lor Kectiinif
(".Suit.. 37 1'.
.Titni. To mnotiiil of rountv tflx ns-
I'HKcii mr in... ivrra cd
Toiiniount mMcil to VHtpttcntc
ofHi'otlTowii'.lilp. II CO
Tomiiotint of TciiiUy assess.
input, IMI7. fl
It To I'lisli of I'oul Illiltrc lmprnV-
cil I'onl IIo.. I., ri'ilc, mi il. 177 (0
Scit. 1 TolMsli of A. W. Hon, Aiji lil
ii. rpiii'ciiiisi. ivu vi
To Cash of Kutiitry persons Ii.
rt'ilis'iiii'il. AO tt
Ti I'asJi of Thnycr A Noycn,
t'ln us. so 00
ToCnsli of (Iconic ltvnns of
Itrlnr ( rci'li. for kii-oliin (I.
Doc. 2
Mull. 115 ti)
To I' forlpn ilny fisspsiiicnt
IsHiiiml Ivul. 21 .-
19 To CiihIi from .S'orlliittiilii'rtioul
count, ilup I'oliilnliliv ru,,
for ii'iutliliiu UriiUp, 12 00
To l 'iisli imlil Assi'siirs,iisciis-
Iiir ilon lux, tsi,7, 2S -,l
To I'usli lor Muiulry 1'iixcs. tr, lo
To llnlfitipii olit-liiiiiUliu. CI
ToCnsli ofHuliilrv nTsunsIlP.
ilpiuiitloii molii-y ?7S 70
t.'irn ns
7.V J. .S7,.?,Trcnsurpr of Coluinblu county
Tu i mr nnti'titMnmllncfoi leffi
n tt ii vioim t urn.
ToutiKiiinl n-MM-it lur lstf7.
? J)I7 Hi
Mnl r tn rut nhiiu Inn llif nniniuit nf rnitntv ntid
trlct In the county, nt well ns lb nmount due
IHhiriClH, Mnttlicw Wynlioun
llrlnrcreck lmvl.l Miller
lleiiver Sntnuel NuniresH r
llenton , . ... Hituiul Utnme
lcrwlc ( Itniouch Tntii h .Jiicnnv
(Vnirnlln ltornuKtt ..rntrtck K I Hern
Cunvimlmm ,
.... (Ill tut
...41. A, Hweppenhlner .......
...4. (I.mtni'hpll
...,Tliomiw (lower !.,
, .IfiKcph I'olcmiin
,. Inenb M. IIvnnM
....Kinlel Nc bntt
Abrnluim Mnnnln
....t'hiihtlun t-miill
JanicH KlMier.....
...lulm 1.1-lhv
Tbmn(iH.l. Welliwr
,. llinlotpb Hbumnti
...ivter J. I.nnt7.
.. ltruben ltellnn
i tnttre H..
I'ndiwltkii ,
i riinuiin
I- iHliluifcrei k
flrrrttwnoil ... .
iluckion ..
Montour ....... - ,
Mount l'leiisnnt
Knurl mre reck N Drelsbncb
r me
Inroli Lntii;
HiiKiirlonf i Ij. Monro
wcou .1 neon j l rw i m icer
l'oiiuct ten tiu,n nsseKsment ISUT. S M
" extra nt-( h"iiieni Scott. II W
Lenvrs ntnunnt county Uix ns!tHHcl
Notk Tlioto mnrkcil with liaohlnce been rmlil.
Iitr IMiT.
h nt inn nt Hiowinif ilie nmount of count v niidilne tux due for fC4. lECfi. nnd 1VXJ. from llieair-
ivrtr in utMiait in fiiiii cuuiii y.
Hnjrnrloaf. IsciTolm V, Kile
Kenton WhiKtuunel Applemnn.. .
r i-iiiiincn't.'K " joiiu ruiinn,.
Jacob -echlel ,
Hi'Hvi r ,
.... " Alb n Hunter ,
...lMUJnhn ninderlitf r
... " Kuntiel Applcrnan,..
.. " W. II. Uelnhold
.. " W. II. Kiiinbotd
.. " 1 1 null A. ttfirtman...,
... " Jacob llcchlel ,
Ct ntrallu Itor..
Itmij nttluun
iiemiucK ,
AUDITOIt'.S AM) (.'I.KItkS 1'W.
Ily amount paid Auditors and
Ily nmount paid (Ml. rirock
way, (Uullltnt; Prolhonotn
ry and Ket;lsier'accuiiut.
s"j no
l'J 75
:ii '.i
VH 73
lllooni township
l!(ner "
lu nton "
Hilar Crrrk township
Hci w h k ll'irnuuli
CalawlMi lowiedilp
Coii.Mitiham "
Ceiitialla ltorouch
Piniiklln township
l'Nhlnereek '
Otccnuu nl "
lleliiluclc "
J.ukMin "
Malmi '
Mtintuur '
.Madison '
Ml. PleiiHaut "
OrniiKu "
Muotriuul '
a on
iy s
it ;
11 no
11! 75
r' :5
Jl 7.1
Is IM)
17 7'i
-'l 15
'M V. j
-1) U5
si ai
'JJ 10
id :.'
12 75
19 (o
st as
W Tj
10 7 1
1U 7.
VtJ 75
10 75
11 75
JJ ft)
Si 75
a 76
muiian cotkait.
Uy nmount paid Wtlltam A.
Kl e.ln hlyeln i lsblliKciei k
Ily anioiinl paldPtltr -wuiiU,
brbiK4 on ounly line tt
twt lii Coluiubla,aitd Moa
tour UHlDf.n UKPAIIM.
Uy nmount paid Montgomery
Cnlf,Millu.les,;c, SVi 01
Ily amount pud John Ilenn-r 15 HZ
( nmount ) Id (itorue Jlur-
It-man li'j bn
lly tunoiint paid Joshua XI.
IIe.s, "htone." 40 W
lly amount paid Philip Hart-
nian.tuinlH'r. 1511 "fl
lly nmounl paid David Kilo lii; W
Hy amount paid Juiuim I'uh
i rJnucr. ItH tV
Ily nmount paid Jonits I'nh-
rlneer.brldsoon eouuty lino
between Columbia and
Northumberland. Si Ui
lly umoiiut paid Win. i:velaml t X)
lly amount paldM.O. Wood-
wanl, M
Uy nmount paid J. II, rurmim 7U w
Uy amount paid Kllas Mllkr,
f-hlliCles. 8 tO
Uy amount paid Joseph llelsttr 'J-'t W
Hy niuouut paid John Huai;o tn w
Uy nmount paid nuuhv pti-
kOIlfc. f,7 01
Uy nmount paid for lll.thh
bouku lor Prnthonoiary and
Keeouter, nnd ahhi huolc
find lax duplUalo. f) C0-
Uy ninouni jnnltoi niufiK nt
Ct urt llnut-e, and utd ni.U
Jail (luiiiiK the jc ar. U9 Cj
Uy nmount paid Mm, Oierderf
cltiinlUK Court l!oue. $W 00
lly nmount paid K. II, Lit lie,
CominlBhfoncr'H ntlorney, 75 00
couuT cun:u.
Uy nmount paid MoKiBt'uiTmou
fortnejinria7, $75 W
CONM'AUI.i; IlinuitNH.
I'l mi runt infd 11 r kmihI
c nt-tid Iim ui Jt m tl i )t ir. Hi W
l!j i it t mil ii !d muti i rr-
MUlf. tKttft
COllMlWilOMIlSA 1 1 i ui;.
J ; i n i u i ui Ailii Mn.ii
( II llifMi N. I'd (0
11 n im nut J uUI Jot n ( wlir
i ii in but mi
) i n 1 1 to 1 1 il i'l nticiiiuy
( It nil inii 1 1 1 r.
l:j i ii 1 1 i.i ndd I i.Md (rgir
ii ii niht-u m i
1 ) t n 1 1 1 I )i U V n Kibti.
I n lu lo Ji n. 1, Jmm Jt tk.
t w
Jf 10
in to
tU 10'
1 II H11I1 ATI f I M Y.
l'J" lrttliti t W J 'In i (ii.
M.KTtON IsriHl'B.
lly iimounl i nlil auntlry i rr-
iniii.arrtni; t-lt-rtl.nt-,
Ily pitintinl innl Minilry ttr
tuii ti nt ml t licilijim,
''! It
ll.l li
Hy nun. lint prtlil A. Mn.nn fur
ft ul 1 nun Hutniemui Jul).
r o i l v ii i ai m i is
II) mnminl pttltl Mintlry I cr.
i-nna, ''Idi:ntam:xm:nsii.
lly nintiiint f .ill notiomn itc,
lor ( nun,
lly mnruiit inld I..nilK in.' ( li.,""
1 y irnHn i kiiiji n riil. m
tliv lit) ti Jili 1 iv ,r.
lly nnrnnt rmin Joint t'littn.
I t rllu on bi.tly nf K. U
llllnmn. '
llytiiuoiiiiirnlil 11. (1. ("rt-vtl.
II 1! t n lotly nl u email
1 y mm ui t ri.!U Win Ilur
Im il (it In ) 1 1 1 1 1 till,.
US 11
Vy fturi ritj nlil Jut K
F I N A N 0 E S
f r,.i , in. 1 1 f. I . l.i V I if .1 lOI HflT A . II. Iltlfl tllll'IS.
hi account ultli milil county,
liy nmount nutittntnltntc lor
t -FT nml f'M X Imit ytntrt,
liy f.xotiL'intluni nlluwt'tl col
let tnr.
By Cmnmlsilnn ntloncil cul
Irrtor. Hy mmmnt of t'ounty orili'rn
reilti'tno i.
llv Irt-nnriTi rnmmUMoii on
! I. tu I Ml til I -cr cent.
Uy ll.ilanrL',
9 fl.N0 ,Vi
3 KM :
In nccount witli lx on iIors,
Itv bnlinco tlnoTirturprjTr
niul'tn- ii'(wrt,.In Wtf
Il iimuniit oiitsbiiiilitiK ii (1
Uv rximerntlonn hIIowciI col
let lor.
llv roinmlislttn nllowol entice
Uynimmnt Rlierp tlnmnno or-
ilf-rn reilt'i'tnett.
llv iitnt.unl finld Avtiors for
nt'("KHinuiluctnx ImjT.
lly ntnunnt pnltl TrenMiriri
conitnlsin on 1(J 75
Rl tO
IS 61
5.ill M
ilncr Inv nt.ieitri1 for th( unr .. n In ( nrll tilt
from cm-li, uNo the nnnu h of the eollcrinri of wilil
8MI2 K i'?f? S t ?71 ft) 57 Ml
tAi m in n in mi
zs at :a m
4W ti :c il :rtw i i-ii
T,l W 17 ft)
SID 40 II.", 'l Cl fiO 2 ft)
1IM hi U 1-1 lii ft) 7 ft
lrtC n 421 1M 7 ft) 21 ft-
71T HI J"pOI H V) ft) 31 ft)
41 fO HI 10 4(1 r0
(4M II Ml 17 ftl () an M
n?.' t ini fo ti ft)
tCl .J 1"7 w M f If. ft)
12 Ki IH K1 .'VO IX)
t.H lit U 'JO llfl ft) 2i HI
fit .HI 1VJ :t7 M ft)
to i. fti ft) a ft
Wl 4'l IKI 111 4"i U) 8 00
3s7 Ki IH 7:t .11 ft)
7ifi7i a w 71 w
4T7 ST 'A'i I'J H)
iv. at .hi fti
2S7 1 1 ITJO 41 oo
IV. (.' f7 KG 4fl ft)
1152 73 2VMI WIO
$iMH7i jisijj 3iMi to ii(Ni57
70 (C
S1S170 09
Am't. co. due,
SI It! It)
41 X5
6 M
HiO 17
2tft .11
rt? :tii
IVi Vt
" jisw r
m 'f.7. WV2 40
Ain't of dec due.
fi l (HI
3 ft) !
8 10
4t ft)
H 70
19 (Ut
w w
li ft) :
iHieiam 'C7.
im ;i
lly amount paid Dr. K. C, llnr
rlhon, nttcmlnuct' on prU-
Uy nmount paid JiseCoIeuinti
Pmth'y. lonecordliiK hprlm;
t.lectlun renin).
Jty tmt-unt pid-lM'. II. Jnrnhy.
" " " J. h. Hinder.
" " C. U. Hint kwuy
t 50
5122 40
IV) (Nl
tSbl I')
Uy nmount paid John J!, PuricI
Hy nmctiut paid K. H. Pi nllcn
tluiy 'or mi piiitiui; (oiilctH
U) uuiuunt piiuiMiiie I.tiiiallo
llospitui lur thu bupporlof
C. hull.
ItOAli AND ItniDGK Vir.WH,
Uy amount paid fcumlrj per-
llOAll DAMAfiK.
11 nnioLiit paid l:. II. HIh,
IdlHlll tOWIlK)).
U anioi.tu pnltl Jacob Oer
Uyiunonm paid Henri UUhlo
Pine lowm-hi)..
Uj amount paid Kdwln Jon en
UimiiAk lownMdp,
11) ami ina aid Lnrnmif 1 Con
mi, (iittiAM. ii it wnthip
il) i.iuoun. pntd (Jiorgt IWunla
.ll, PieiiHiIll tow uMilp.
Uy itinouni paid IMhi-r Uves,
I Hie luwiihhlp.
!fti 0i
'2& W
10 Ui
U) nun tint juld hnmuilSny
mi lor buaidliiK prlBoncn.
U) amount paid Miniuel Huv.
(It! lor loni eying Juim
lltnwuoit to Ui llou-e of
eiK8 8.1
Mii:r.L DAMAtJi:.
Uloom tuwiihhip
Hen it
Hen lull "
lrlai i'ii ik township
Ctntie township
1 IfdiiiiB Ctitk ti wiibhln
Ontnwood "
lhliitotk "
JailiMiii "
lHlihl o
Ml.ritaMint '
lluiiiu "
Mifillu "
ltoiilllii; cutk
hiiyni l,oof "
m to
107 IV
an, fti
lot ft
d fti
n to
115 00
U ftJ
IHI fti
Ut w
ix lu
ftj eu
U to
49 00
ib 00
tj (0
10,1 7
hi ftJ
lly iliiutilil Jllltlut tl,i tMrol
t.tiun. t
1.) 1.11-tl.m uld I , (,. UniMiy,
( tt.lllt Ml, Ittit. ,il 1. 1
1'tr lilll rtnutittljoi m nit-.
llyuniMint jultl i:iikl,u Hit).
Ililill, Jl.l) ttllillllti.lilitl.
Ily uini.iiiu iiid 'i, j, Wil.
tltr July Lumiuli-alontr.
llyiiutoimi ) Jutiu o,
1 ittt-, ittotuiUK'iittiiur.
tl aLoiidaiintl ataliih,
'I'AXIM ItLl liMJI.Il,
1.)' I li.tLl.l tu uiu, (l,ot,l,
1101,1, i, J u.Lui) inxtait-
I1U.UIU III 11.1 .iMliaioMII.
,tib,t.uu nut in lion mu
1-) I liitlilitcf nl tilth III utd Itr
ilit )!!! In',,
I'luuii ji nidttb foritio
Ittii lit".
IHtHtllll ill it loll Mill),), ,
iiii.i.i).I..,iitKril1,i.1 .
in n
Ot) Ti
I nc 1 in
1UW u,
KW 16
ill! b',
inn im Mil tit cli anuria:
1 ) 1 1. 1 1 1 .t 1 1 I,, 1, ,, .,
ttl UlllUl. 1 . -II.),'-
tit t' ut 1 1 intunl nfil ttnt,i.
11 11 1 1 in 11 n 1 n u j,,
r.Miti 1 il tt i.i,, , . , . ,r a 1 u, 111 ,n.u ),,
1. it id
I Kit. u.
it . "A" ' 1 (c MCI 1 1 1 .
lilt, u
" VMIH I I I ttll III II I'll
tlUlk 5..
lt 1. .11 ill In II CT
r 1 ilutt nidi tut
lUtti F.'.
-I. Ul
? 1 v 1 n'tiK iii'i 1 n nl -i.i-kUi
1 11 1 11 1 iv .1 in iit'ti n td
uiir ri'
It I " n" 'v iltln 11 v k, until 1,
111 tiituiriti Auliiiiii it ml
11 ... 1 1 1 1 . 1 j 1 ,ii, 1 1 1,1,1 11, mi.
ii ,1 ., : 1 . . lu.'" ", " 1 1 in n uiu in
'.' 'I'l. "U HI 1 In, 11 ,1, nil.
,, 111 un ii) 1 Jinri)., nr. k i, nu id
11.11 111) . I nil III Ul -1 ,11 11 mil 11
III It 1 I I .1 I il Hit I I - i,,i , 1 , 1 1 vi 1 1 1
Ml. I I 11 I VI I I It II I I .1 1.1.11 1 in II. 11 1111 1 d
III I I II I lilt III. Ilk llllnil llll MMI.D-lM
I it, 1 11 -.1 nt 11 k'uiJri in nnnu
ni '. iiiiiiiiiiiii'i'iiiiiiii)(jii.
1 . 1 . 1 1 1 11 1, I ll 1 1 15
II IS .'AM 1 1 I 1 il ( All lit If,
AlHU. I II I I At tl (III. 1
V 1 111 tllt.t tl.t . till ii i.kl, ii,,, 1 1 n'l in
II tli I uiu 111), 1 1 111 ,) ill I , it 11,1 1 1 1, 1 11 1.
,ri'fl"","!,'' I'llHlllllfl M.Ullllil)
- . 1,M,M,,,;vi,.v.,Viw
?!?. V.'fj.. JC.wui'r..
... . . . ' ' 11 1 1 1 it, J
ilk, llll.
Amotitf tlio tunny rcitomllvei which tmture
litiH mi piled (o retloo tlitnillllctlotii of butuutiU
ty(llicre lit no mora favorltu one Turn ccrlnlncliiMH
of (llM-rtM" tlmli tlie"iiietlloliiiilKiuu' of the Wil l
Cherry Tree; but how cut viituublo It It, Hi pow
er to hcnl,lo Koottio, (o rellcu nnd to cure, In eti-
bnticetHrtifoM by nclenl'llo und jnllcloun com
bination wltholhcr ingreillenti, In theiiHelt!i
(ifeipuil worlh. Thli happy mlntflhiR exist tu
reiimrkuDIo deKtee In
Pit. WlsrAM'H IIAM4M OV Wt I.I) Ut I IIHV.
who-ip Miluo III eurliiK Ihwjhi, (hhh, llrunehtth.
Whooninii t)itoh, Vtoni, Anthmxt, ruhnuuurit .lTce-
tion, nml incipient lnvinntiun in incntiuMblc.
rroni Hr.NJAMiN VS'JiKKi.Kit, Im., Depot M niter
of M.nilli H tj uNton, Mum.
"In the Mirlmtof l 1 wiii nmtt neeroly nf-
tlletedwktn u hurd dry uoimh, wiih Uh uhuuL ne
etiinp.intim nt of nlnhl ftwctl1, ennip etely pro-
intuitu ui iivmiun hnciii, i i . ...m
Hi lillliuie'i uuu in iieinui unit, bhvi iijimk
'dleul it It I In no pllllHite, i nun Kien up mi
hui en of e t r n eoerluu. n li.ul uImi tnv trit mu.
Al tbl Mnneor liluMfM 1 Whh prcvnlletl llinn
thrumch the intliumt- or u nelKliltor tutry Wlv
tur'n li.ihaiuoi wilil i'htrry,ttinl, heroic tiHimr
two bultleti, thu elite I wiii nltiiust iniiglcul. My
euiifth tnilrel lilime. ihi nUhl weitt iIimi leil
lue, lioin' mil v more elated lu.v depleted Milrltn.
umlMiuii I I nu I Htbitned ni wuiileistrenith und
IH". IllUt IIHHII1IH iiiiimiiu, ui iiu unvii neeii
remnikeil hy pt r-Min- touveiHiint ttli the ubovci
huls im ritllv Muddied mo fmin tho a n I n n
Itnm. You urent ltbtTiy lu iim- ihii lurineMene-
IH Ul III I mint ten.
Tit puretl III rl.l M ' . I i i.ri "t( f ire
nu. ul ht.. lltmton, nml for Milt b l)iuttIMt i ne-
ciirt-n In nxery ithort Unto
rti, id'HNH.HMl.iis, wm Nif,iiitritps. iriuis-i,
CIMITMl llAM-, Hill!-, lltOL.N
MM1H, IH-tlN. UIU.
I.A1N M;
It It tii-MiiiM In m', reiniivhii pibi nt inter.
ti...i 1..IN..U th. in. i L .iitriit Im.Kinn nvel .hurt
ami intl.imalliiiix, hi II U in tKte-tlnu ailunlinic
U In I tin! 4t t uiiipM ie i nu
"lil ll Vt . VltW ill'" -MJ.iIM'Mt'll, ( ll'l'l
Sul-lbi'iill I)iMiiitstJrocM,.iu 1 utnh coun
try MoreK.
Chi. fJiultee WiHilwAnlof thu Hum rim; Court
nl 1'eiius ivaiila, hat il llvered th" lullowlfitf
opinion, whlt-hiH luiiHii iitnt to uiir meii ti.inl-,
lll.llllll.ieillli'lt, " uinniHiiirii, v.) i-
pie -rtho whulo couuir, lie B.iyn: "I Und
'IIookianii solum n Itiri i n it noian intoxi-
t'tltlllK hi'KTllXl . bill IHU K'HHl toill(, UHtlUI 111 ills-
unitTis Ol I lie tll''eMle dikiius huh oi km-mi ut-iie-
lit in eaot'ofth hlllty. und wutil of mruiii action
Hi the njitietn."
4ii intiir uitiinemiatiun euuni w unni m
a iiul e u ionic s liui ttuoniieu hutn-
third llltlel-K.
"'HiKtiluvln (Icrniftn Jlittcu" coiUitliwno Alcohol
nooFb.iMH nr.u man tonic
Uamtxluie (tonlalnlmr till Ihe hmredlentn ttf
llor.audN iltli ri. toinbiinil wllh pure mila
L'lti. Hiilii, oiuUKe, nliNe, Ac., furtuili; the btut
and iiuM pleiisimt Imileln tln-woild.
Jrtnuimt vjjtrr Ml mt rtf, ftimnntpnui., j-ii.
Hoi I ewiywheie by IhuaiilstH ami olhelx.
Ol the nltim-d luniliiierable pieparatlotii In
the markei lur reniorllm yiiiy h iir lu Its urlifhml
color, we Know or none which ullen no llliler
vid MilMm-tloii ns Uititf'M Ven table Anibrosl.t.
we Pine irteii umui luumi u to i cm ore ine ittir
lu u truly wondtrful manner its well n-j tu m-
uinveil i mil nil n nd nil llebln i by nuniois
ol the scalp. Tr It find hPMilKlled,
January i, imh-ii.
The Mibscrlbrrs oIFer fur Kule.'n lot toMilt I'ur-
chuMTf, '.ixri'iNsoi-' nor ut, f; KKFtMin rotr-
DKl T 1 of the bthll .Manuractlirllit Co.. Hindi
Iroin the nliilit hoi. fin-4 dend nnlmaU
ol New Yoik City, for which IhuCumpanv lmi
exchisiieconiract. I'l Ice only a-1 104jA1W Pl-.K
'ION. lrciMit anil ebarires I mm .New ork ntldeti.
Wariantiil hy theCotrpaiiy to be erpial w i.nuir
fur W'i.kiiit to any hlh priced Mipi rj ho'.phnin
lu thu market. 'J he u miIU on Corn, Cotton, To
biHTuuud Uraln havo been iiMonlshtuc Ihe pal
Kenon, It niaturt'H the ertti rroni 1U dayatotwo
weekH carlhr, and doubles tho crop. The
raiuphln with ceitllleatu or liumlreds or will
known plan tern tititl larniern, and eeiy Infonuii-
I liti. si-tit. frii Iniiiivonn iiTiiileliiiT hv Intlur ur
ol her wise, to MU'Ol.l.U.M A t'lt-KI.t,. INpy Co.
luiubin county, Pu., or to thu I.odl Matitiractur
Inji Company, New York, leb. il, Ws.
Winter and Hnrim: ,n!Klon ol tlilit Institution
will coinintneeon MOMlAY MA licit '.'nd
Inst nut ion it ill be imtii in all nram-bt a tauu'iit
In llrsi cIiixm Aeiiileinh h nml ht mil nrles. mu
di'tiK pit paring lor College or 'It midlife, will ie
ctlo parileular nllniUon.
Ti:itMH pi:iUiUAUTi:uori;LUVi;N
(Ircik.Ijitlnand Mathematlr $ 00
Ctnillium Hebool Humchftf r IK)
rriiuary Mcbuoi brum Iicm n w
.ip ora, inijiier Arm nu tie, jiimoi) ami
Nalmal hcleiuei . fl 0")
Incidt uiu h . s'i
Mnm.uN I,AN(,UAUM ami MrsttMexira), namely
1 run b und (Juhian.&.i IH'.nud Mum e SI.' oo neb.
menaii luii.on im anie in ainm e.o u r hair
nt the i lid ul the tjuarter. No deUlHtluu except
lur nit it in hs.
W 1 144 AM fIAIjI4(UIF4l' Prlluipal.
All emu mini teat Ions hhoti Id be addressed to tho
Pilnelpal ai t w Coluiubu, Lut rnu count) , Pa.
r i ils i",
pTTii i. i (;s a l, E
oi vai.uaui.i: iii:ai, istati:.
In tin Dlirsiinlirii nf mi drill r nf Hip nrnlinn.'
Cmirl nf I iiluiiilil.i t i.uiii , I",!.,!))) Muliiliiy Mm
'."'il iiu. nl Miiuh ni'M, nt liliYlo(U In lhi fuii'-
nixiii, .lulm Mnlili ti.litiliiiKliiitcr nf ollvir I'.
111111)1111 l.tll'fl MlllIlM 11 tClWMSlllll. lIlM'llM'll. uill
i'Xnisi in mi:,., ii iiuiiiu' M.nltif,i,n il,,. iirrtnUti,
U I I'l til I II 1 1 III I lir flit lit I llnl Kllll'ili. Ill Mn.llw....
lllWl.l!l. lUllllMlllll.tliljDlllltll. 1,11, iN lit Illill .
mc, .Minim lilliliillii, Wllllillll .M III lilf, Jllllli 1
Muri'lty nml utliirs, p ntiiltilnii I'lilrlv Aui
ni iliillnuiinii', tlioi. is im tlir im iiiImhii l'i nun'
Hons.' nml Cm .inli r i-Iihii mul a miuiII
A i t ill' tin Itnl lute tln i-KintK i.r k,i!ii ii... lu.. .1
Ulnuif In tut- h. unship i,l M, nil. ii nml ,-i,untj
"li'l"-!''-'. Jlhl 1 III. I MAN. I'll'lk.
J. im ni l i',i lu-r i.t .mi .r..itrti i.r
tl.l I'lllllllIM- II ! Ill 111- luil.lllll lilt-ll.l III !1 ill-
iini'-l'illltll lii Hit- ti-n iii-r ci-nt at llu' c'.iillriii.i-
llt).. ui m ... t a- iciiinttiliii' tliii-i, turn ili m i
(-.n- lliiiuifli r Willi i n l, r, si hiiiii Hip uiiillirii.i
llnii M. hi. 'I In iiri-l.iisi-rin tm. l..r tli- I'lin-ii'V-iiiKx-
mnl ii'tuiu-nniKiii. KHI.XK.M ii,
r nu. i ii-ji. AUIIllllslllltor
Ji liKATiiroTi:.
. r, 31 tni.ANn.
. itAiiro-v.
j iii:athcotk & company.
iiuii, 1: u ie o ji a s,
toi-.NHiorwi.srsTitnEr A ulaiu iiou-r AM.r.r
IIltlllC llU'iru.f'il . lir filolllllpi. In IIk, f
blmp 11111111, iniirlilni rv, Ai-., p me tirptuiii il tu
luiiuntiM inri! LOroMoTi vi! t'l.UCniiti nil kliuli
ulS'lltAM 1IDI I.I II-.,SMOKi:.s1 Ai KS.Tanki.
siii.Ki.lntis WouK.Ae. done
ti 1 in dt-r, 111 hlitit 1 nnt it i-, mul
Vntll' lit tt 11 1 Inn lu kwr-liillc , nil. .1 ... 1 1... ...
lit ra nfu'ir tlmi-itll litlnu I'mttmil Jl,tlr r Mitl.ri.
Mr, llrATllt'uTi: luia Inul nu t xi t-rltnii-tiliiM'r
Ihlily jtitrs In Hit- iiuiiitiutturt- nf nil klmlsof
Mi mu llulli ii nml i, mu i,r limtii-xt.t rli-i
111,- III! I1UIIII- t. li.p IIPMUltj t-I.uill..
und M.llli it nlly liiiici-1.1111.1 u, linn 111,. nui milt
llllt-l) l.llt tint) rilllll:nnil tti'blinlluHi
nur tllklnllielh mil) llll .0 I.I till' l.l'ht lllllllllV uh
itunitu liiiitt.rliil,wtiil,iiimiki,,un,!Uuiil lit til
lint aiirfiii'i'. 111 il ii 1 1 . . ..ti. ... ii...t.... ...
tli r mi l.liit linn, nml ul in Itis lully lis low ns n.iy
njlit'l Intlldoib liaiin; lliv Bumc iu..lll uf muter!-
n n until mil Hip nilPiillun uf Itulhinv rmn
l'."J".','?.","llr I'tfllltlta fr 1I0I11K I.Ol O.MOTIVi;
OI K, 1.1 1 111 it i.i.i-Aiitt nrt mh, ns up tmikv 11
h iili I liiruiinufllif lit in tituluuyKitUelila ntr '
Wt-nrt-ulwi i.reiiftrctl tn tin nllklinlnnf Slt-nm
Jllllut.'a, fctitli tia llt-nllntt I'tililla nml l.M'tti
tllilMlliva, rurltilt'K, Ililllii! upsu-ulii llolli-ra.At-,
t t.ii-.tmillt un luuuliill kluila nf stkam I'lT
mul nil llltliittat-nnutttf il with Hit- titib.liiaa.
All. .('llatlliL'. ui till ItlluU llnllpr l'i,,., u 11.11I t,
Sluf. I'H. u, 111, il nil Moil; tulimt ltd ivllh llnl
tti'iierul fiiunilry litialtipka.
iirkl.tiiiuiiy buiii'iuim ynur nrticru, wo nif
Yntira vi ry tiul), J. HrATIICoriii CO.""
A PPiiirroNS' r.DiTioN
v A V E It h 10 Y N O V li I, f
Nnw 1 ulillsliliif fiom thu n.w Hlprptityin-I'lni-1.,
tinlf.inii with Hit new ttllllniiof liUKt tm, -u-lulnlliK
nil Uiu Itiilia nf tin. Attlhur, und nrltlUtl
mm llipltilt-ki .lit I.... .iriii..miiti,ni...i i.,i
'lo lii.i;.ni.kli,l In'.'.i M.luuun. l'rll o iitl. tp)i
..I...-M ..11 1 nu wiiiiu ia,iei, t' lyi't,, una con
vt nit nt lu ilie. ' '
l'ltuhuUMui A "MirtACLu ny Ciikai'nuu."
oni)j:noj-' jssuj:.
I. Vnprlfy
'.'. Ivniilnip,
II. Kinllnurlli,
I Hut- ftliitiui-rltiir.
H. Fnrllint'H ufNIcel.
15. IVtiilli.l ilitilVitk
III. j III 111 11, Iu, ,.rd,
17, si, lto nun's Well,
R Itiduiiuutli-i,
19. 'Hui lit'iiiiilitil mil
llllililillid Widow,
20. ThP'inlli.milll,
VI, WumlhliH k,
Ililr MuliliiflVtlh.
11:1. nun nl (In latpiii,
vi. ("mint ItnU-rt uf riirls
'J. Tl't'Htlltft-ultb iMUll.
U. Hi .li (toy.
7, Old .Muilullly.
k. '1 In. Kim k Dumf nnd
A 1.1'tit ml nl Mi iiUDM
0. Hiidu uf liiiiniiit-i'-
lu, lltnilnfMlillutliinn
II, 'J Im Muruibtt-r).
I.-. -llu- ai.i i.t. '
13. Hit- I'unle.
Oil ll-t.ll.t (ifMK Tint T.AtmwAkilltkpii.! tin.,,.
Ilrt'btt nf WiiM'ilt) Nmil,iia 1 iililUlit-it ulut a
t'i..y nftt iii'W
hTi:i:i, Pi.ati; roiiTitAir or Hut
Wai.tkh Scott,
rrtitnrt imlltllnK liv Kir 'lliunuis l.iiuii 1100, m1'
nli ti Itii'liniiiliitti lliu IltuikH uinl llntiitvliic...
lit- bl'llt ftlU Of tiliitllt-H In liliv iiiirt i.r llu. Iti.lli
Htiilta. "
l.lllurnf tliPitlaiM, kent l miy addl Kionr
tpiil ul 1 rltf, 'i'ut-.itk .ir uttiiut-,
..oii.i'.''t itii.i.Ain 11 tuniiilpto b .
,..'. !'.!'.J:!f!" ttnlfnrill kl)p), 17 M.llllllia,.tl..
,;A l.ltl.H ,'i'i MiluiutH Hill im brill nuM ILtld,
I In-1 lii ni kl) 1 11 lu, I, ui' Murlli tulioiuitui 11
llu- ttl. nip runki'uf l.lierutuit-, 1'urly-tmi vol.
1. mis Im Slf.
bCDl'l'H Mtllllll ltl0Wk.U WA
MIU.V MillU.
I I I'l I1A1 1 Si Mil- Ci ln.lilt-Ht t,I'jnIuinr.!o
?. ',' 1 V 'L'1'.'1 ".'.,'".'''!.,". l'"1"'. II8- Hi e hi m,
till, Tin l-i tk.liti, Miilltdiiiiiii i iiuikp.
Any lu rann i.ldnliiliiK four luUorliris fur tlio
"'.'.V.".'? !"lU'lll"1"1 iillllltlllK U till, Mill Jttt
ini Ini i" II kt 1 1. 1 'Ilk 1 11a l7ululilt'B,l!liill.. All
mailt ilntunrtxii'iikt-.
Any 1 1 mu ol.iuliiint; ilkiil itibbrr'Tira, mul
li 111III11 ii 8li,,l,i win rut Im it tuny nl tlif'Hu.
;il) i.ulltn," t-i.iitiiiiiiiiK 111 sttil I niiiiivIiiBH
( I Hit I tii.iilft l.miiti, u 111 iim Wtiwiit-y huv
i'ia, t-t nnd In i-it k'uni muiui-tu, jiritv sis.ui,
liimiikH-ia wniiitii lu miy luwn In Hi.
Ulilltd Slulia, A Klfut ii',,iiully la 11II011I11I
lu iiidiiktiluiia mi 11 biitl uunii ti iiiiunki- iiiuni-y
naiMiy lot. 11 vi iiiuu und ildld will nurtliuao ll
V. 1VII11.H NoMLnul Iblb Iuh nrlti-
ur itllul laliaant I) lu 11, e Vul,Mklit i.
,. , U.AITlVhiN, OilirANV,
IktOK-tt llJlliIJjlOAUWiT N