The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 28, 1868, Image 1

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    in '.i . , ,
VOL II. -SO. 0.
I Al'nll Mln.. .lellerln Hurra & HhWiirc, Mulfi
tl -1 ., IO I" I . 1 1 1 H I T I IIUUSO,
M, Hlll'llltr, sinus ami tihwaic. Hut-ell
l.nlt M iln.t.,
sc.t of M I-IH"
CM) I'll! NO, AC.
i mi HMU'.mi. hi. reliant tailor. .Mnln St.. a I
I tt 'l''r rl m vi Aim Menu house, . tnl I
W.i lir.Mll:ll!.I.N, wl.oii .aieah'liolnllileiiT
i), it in cl.itlilii ..etc.: Hlrlhintr iiiI1iI(mh. .Mii.h
SUO.'t, .l-lll'
s .NMYini, ill npirM nnil unntliei nry. I'x
rli i:ii lilnch Main si. .t.iift
1". I.f r. ilniirdil mi I iiimtliiTary. Ititneri
iilnili, M tin Hi,, it ofM.irUii. M-ull
clocks, watch i:s, AC.
I oil ln'.llNHAIlli, nnteli mi l elts-k maker.
U hear southeast corner Malniitiil Iroiisi.v.uli
IlIlT 111 flocks, Willi lll'f llllil
V. loweiry, Mnln st
nearly fi,psHv AiiK'iluiii
l-lil 1
t) i'a rue-Air, r, uifii nii.i i
It St., below Main.
loUc maker. Mniki
i M. 11UOW.V, I,
ll H'l-I s'liH'tn.ltini- Mnln tri
AltlM k'. llOUM', Vl-lll I
JV Htllt SltOl'.s.M.llHsl,, UppOsltO i:iiSCt)j)Jllfllliri'll
Ut'N'IlV Kf.l.IM, initnuf'icturoi nnil dealer In
hiNilnan-Ulnn'8, KriKt.rU - -U, Hist lllonins
Ijiiiu Main hi. vlul (
.VVUi ltl.tV,, liuol ninT hhnt m liter, 3Iain M.,
) below llartnmn's ilore, west nf.MarLi Ulroel.
vl-nl i
I U KVANS, M. It. Miryrun ml phyk'liui Kimtli
i Mde Main nt below Market, vl-ntt
1 It. II. I'. I ; 1 1 1 1 1 Kurioriit duillst,leothetrnet
1 t"l wu
Without, tnilll.
M kill t lieu I h opnnslf.
l.plseopal church.
1 II. M'ICl.lA'V, 31. Ii. Mun:onn and physician
tJ MnithsldiiMfilii ht., below Market. l-nll
f '. UUTTJ'lt, M. D. hurcenn and" VUy','nu.
f) Market st.(ubovu Main. 1-nl I
DU. II. O. ir.AVIMireieon dentist, Main M..
aliovt court lioiisu, I-nll
MI-- l.r.ZIl! HAIlkT.KV, milliner, ILiiiTwy
bullciliv, Main si. vMii.1
MISS A. I. Vi;illl, miiry ttmirls, nulluns, Inv.ln,
MallulKO, norlliMil.; .liiln stri'tt Ik-I'ivv Mar
U' I - I
II Pi I'l'tl l S, lilMIIIKTV IHI'I l.lll"V K'kkN m;i
!IIi. I'liiirth, M'llli st, v I -1 1 1
-Mil's. . A HAlii: IIMtKM.I'.Y, "ln.U
.11 iHoiksau I Ir. ss patlcnw, (.(Millii-ant inrii. t
Main int. wist si. .til
Mfs- M. l)i:i:ill(MC-iO-V, iiilllln.Ty uii.I f.ino
(mills Main stM (ippnto I'.mrl lliitt..!'. .lil'
MIC-. M II. i-'d'ltil.v.V, inn niui. Main i..,li.'l.i
llailiiimi'.s kiuiu, ul Malkut St. M.I
rplll. Jll-sns II.UOIAN mllllm-iy mi l f.iin
1 i;iij Ih.MuIii HU.S'lJusL btluw Atiu I I'-an Iimiisc
II.I'.Ai'tH ICtA u-r uii'l filling Hal ot m. Allien
i hi I loiic, .ititn wf., 11 ilier U. ) K Mipcthi
U IKllMtt. l-'tl
11MHMU.H V!iy, l.-i-lh.nry, i
t) mi to -It r Milium. ti)U t.ilc nli-l it tall. ',
Ji, Mutn s
I n:
I ill
Ollfft ItillH I , I1
ilrc. lie uti'l it'IiiH,
.i-i , ti i id ti-
M'HII -l , ju-
I' It I -.lln
nxi:iiAN(ii: Him I. t'v i.
I J .".I., upHlsllf COII1 t lOll-(.
t'AtuiU, Mat-
Mr.KIfA.V llor.4i:,lr.!ni
j l.t W(H of Iron m n 1 1.
l-n I
II. W, M M in. It,
.Main M,
--IDUNnu. icfnliiiu nt s.Uor.n.Mniii .t.,.iiiH.
I), uiiov- fuiaili-otwi't l-n '
I, Utw-ttui ChIioiIii.
M1H lIlllCIHlcIlt I'ltl
r tr. (iii.i.Moitr.. iin-ktiiiH-iii
ll I 'Ol-U (SOlltl) Kill.- Jl thlKl,
l n
Ii IAi'OIW, 'o"t.t'il'i'i(r,
'j st.,.ili.ito I 'nut llmiso,
Kro t rit-
Vl.lll I
Ct If. Mlf.l.llU. .!c:tlc
In iln urni.'il.
n nut i nMiirc, tUnir, i't
ll(1 s, noiii.Hf-, i tr
-h(iiie!0 Ithick, Mnln Mii-t't,
iTuiilfx. limit, ifiil. Milt, fl-li. iron, null
i ti'., ii'ullicuht (uincr M.ilniiinl Market t-t. vl-ni:
Hr.HiiV.'I'.Il.h.ilMiti'l (ap,
Main hIu1o.i' lonri luiii-'1
lnuttrt unt mIioch,
i MAltlt. ilry iriMiilmnitl in.tlcii',
, (in in. r Main nml lion m.
houiliw rt
,i. liin Vi:il. itrv uiKls khhvi i.
, wi'hl coUH'i- Main nml lion Mt-,
, i e., north
1 nit
ni;v. a
IIAHTMAN, dry cio,l, noiion-, and
ll (jr.K-1-rli-K,
.Ullin M.,OI'llOf.Ht' I.lMtftil'IlU lliui ".
Mil. IILNMIi:Kni;ii, 'ns:riit.i:i(Trli', l"l'f
, ami funl'uttoimo, Mnln t., I low Anu-r
i.'.in Iidiim'.
1 ATjU:t'Kl.r.V.I'".'tonohli
W, HtnlioiU'O, Mitiin
cornir MaiUct nml
v 1 -ii I J
r.tiAUMI. itiift'ftlt'nerit
H bt.,
Jutul-o(' rnurt lum-'1.
p MI:NI)1:MIAU.,' iurnl htiK-l; t.f mi ii-lmn-I'j.
tUhtnind hinnVr, coimr of Mnln Mntlnmi
1 .1. i:ollilINS,iIoalt-r In dry wU kh-i-i U -j'ti.
i M.cVbluU, Jlalnst., In!nwlrnn Nj'
i t.v niitrnv (ipiiii.nrii a lr(HIslon,. miihIi-
tit .ist fnrtu r Main uml lion htu-tti. vl-nll
( W, K.NVDKIl, haiilvvau',
t utu r.. , Ktin, n.
V.', Minn n., ihmow iron,
.1, t-LOAN.d.un rin ilmiivilr;
A Kit plnuno(Hl, frrhli khni rlt
:m., uj'p".iti- ntirt Iioum.
. IIonM'
tc. Mnln
K. r.Yrii, iiiiTrlt-KiiiiU,fiii lid iiurdinn-liM
Mum m.. nt)iti Xi,
'I.HIAItl'l I hH.iliy ti("'l. KrncirU'f,
til Hll
V I s
IlVll I.
1.1 1 1 1 ') ! .'Ul lit m
mim r.iaiAN'i.oi-.
1. v riiitlT.I.. funiltnri' rooms, liner- inrj
U. Iirlckoli Malnsl., mst ul Mnlkil M. M-n'
n .1. llllllIN IiiN, wall papoi, wliulow slmili'
l'j alal IIMlilis, ltlli II liloiK, Main t. l-n
f ITiiL'STis'llirK. tihoti L'l'ai IliT. I'mI'IIP.
II. I.lot'k. .Mnlllsl..orinisltll,otlll Iii.IIM'.
I I'. IIIIIIAHT. I linti'tnil l. I, llnrlliliill I'llilil
.1 Inu unit 1. 1 101 1 'to 1 Maliinnil Mmki'tst, lni
o ii.hiiiv ti,l,.i. nli.t 'ittitl .link-rill ito
null Main st..opi'ostlu . lilirt liouso. .il
mmisi I I l.i.I.IIi. trunk anil liallK
ii.i'iki.i'. Main h''l..w I'lairt, lliaw, M-i"
lt (.MTU, Htni' M.ikir. uml lull' am1 i-iin
I. T Hllimr .isiltoH II. 1 t'"
mi i'iiM-m tin ,
iii.iiiitriirlni. 1
laml .lin'.i l III l.lllllliil. Ill 11)1 klllils.l.lalll'l
mill linn Hif lalt'ioutl. I'11
W I. IIIIU.KMAN. laililli' mill liailu-s mnk
II , liinl'n.llltiwrsHi 1 Its. 1 Main mul M rki t
W1T.MAN. P'nrlili' winks, nun tonil.w'
ininil Main 1. nil Maikl't .Ik vl.h
. ii 11. ltir-oi I r.ii't.i'
III 1 inlii.l'Ulitls
ll, li.n lor.n ii,
Kl. W Cnif llVim niliii. 11
'11 II. .MAHTllllH, nt-itil l" (UPMrA I'nliir
I , ttwlni! iiiicliliio. Alain H., minium', i
nx, up Htatrs, l-n
V. IIOIUIINH, liquor ill all r m roml ikKir In in
l. iiurui..'.! 1 01 hit juum linn ipm .is i
l1!A('l)l'i;. N'otarv l'nl.tlp. tioltliMIt coriu1
Main mul Unrlui n. .nl
ti tut-urniii'L'ioini iiny.imitluiihtiuitiei MhIu iumI
l'l IIV A I'I" Vl4l tlV. imilnul . .it. liitt k 111
II I l 1 f -Mf
ll.OItdl-: llAKHI-IiT. lonmiliH tiller mid UMlll
U (l ortlirtKhtPK inmiilmt, ClioiiiLtllln'hiillty
in ,11 nctu i. r i.iunufft XIM1
I H.KU1IK. (tinier In iiuiiL Inllow. ttc,
1 1 1 rlln't 11IU ) , I u(A of Aim iltun Indite, l
QAMUtL JA(0UY, Marblu ami liniuiihUmu
t X It. II.
A. Mr.llAIKU'.l,, ak-l iri ami nir nti.
I) Mnln l
, nnil iiunr tiiiiirfiii i. ilnui. Mnii
1)1111 K 1 1 1 1 1-" I mul rifn stiini HI tnlumi, liv
l)Mlllini liaih.TiiK r "f MninniKl riiii't.i I ri IT
SVAV HUT I., llii til'lsT lunisi- liy.Tolm Mnv
iliT, Main I'lno. l-nlJ
l l. l.llAN, tli'.il. r In itry kimIs, irn rli-s,
I , linnliiT nml o lu'rnl Mtuliatnllsi. Main .1,
ill iilKIl: I.AZAtll' l.llcnli.l hanii'ssiiialiir
II Main !.. nluivf Ihf XHiin Hull I. VMll"
. I. ll.
M!IM, in inur.irluri'r of tin wan ntul
1 1, I' lit hIii i- i If. Midn St.. iiIimVi. 'hi
,-.v an ll .li I VI.IIIT
oami i:i. I r Urussist
.. Atiotln inry.
W. COt.l'.MAN, Mirrliiilil lallor anil
i ttlrnlsltlnii uuihIh. MalnHt.. ilour
A. iii'ti'
i i in.' urn u mill I, vi-n i,
MX. IIAYIinisr,cl,,.lt,Valiln-s nml duns
, ri palri'il. (Inns mul N aU-lii h lor Mill', Main
M., U-luw I'Hif. vl-nlT
TaM IX II. IIAIIMAN. r'alilnit Mivki r.iiml fu
ll Ht'iiiikiT. Main Mt., Ik-Idw I'Iiic. vl-nir
MICIIAIII.C. Kl:l.l,i:it,ri.iiriilliiu ry, Oysii rs
Ac. Ai'.,im 1'iliu Ulwiin; Main ami .Nllll.
II., tr. KI.I.('lIN'r.I), lllaikMillllls, nil Mill
, Mii-i I, ni-nr I'ltu'. 1-nlT
WII.I.IA.M IH'.MI.Ml. Miiii'liiiiUornnil luanuraf.
II Hirer of llrlik, Mill M.,urt nirinp vlnl'i
aliTln umln, Mlll.stritt.
I IWIM It. CIH'Vr,i:il. him iainiliT.Ma-llln-Ijist.ntiil
ManiiractltliTtir plows, .Mill St. I-lll"
II.I'.S A. U'l I.I.IAM A Ci..'liinni iHiin-l Man-
uraciiuiTH nrii aihiT, .'.nil Mrt-rt. vi nit
1(HIN KKM.KIt, I ! iot
t) Mm t, npnti-tlle tin- Ai
tml Hliorinnkrr, I'lnc
lulttny vl n!7
i ll. llt:l;iUMJ A m;onn:i!(r,irp
A Utill'lfitM.ilnsti(t'ithlo I'lnc
CAMti:i HllAHI'r.KHH.Mnki-f i.ritit
O (Jialn t'r.nllf. Main Mt.
nit rf mul
LHillT STItlillT DIltlU'TOKY.
MIVI IMC l.NT, (UnUr In .Ir rihhN,
1 Hour, fri.l, Halt, tsi, lion, iiuiH,
tc, I.luht
I TKItWIt.I.KlKt:, l
I and I'liiiliniaUi r.
. Ki;i.U;V, I'l.ii'liMilltli, npposlli post olIUv,
I. OMAN &. Cn, Whfflwriulil,
nlMHi- sc hool liou-ii".
llrst doir
V., i'l,INi:i mlllliury Ami faiu-y ginnls.
f W. KANKIIY, itial.T III Lialla r, lllilcs, Hark,
J ill'. Cask paid or lllili's. i. l-llli)
ll'.M. M. i:NT, ilratcrlr stmts nml tin wan- In
l all Its lirnnclu's. MU'I
1)1.11 It W.IIMAN, tnmitiratliiriraml iti'.iUrln
1 limits anil kIiiii-s, M-nl'l.
i N't'IlKW MAlKMiN, ilc.ilrr In ilry kwU, unt
il r if. uT.iln, In'Mhi-rijhTr'. ton n vl-nl'i
l.V'oii A. -V'IHlti:i;, il.alpr In IIMik, Lcitliei
J Hni I; i k', Mutli-ion toM niliip I'ohimhlu f ouni
'i. vl-nl
. 1 M'r.SAMft:! IttMltY, Mltdionii lloti'l, Urn
kj i is uml straiwrs rntfrtium-il. --n I
r () N (i 1' o X 1) n o t i; i,"
i .it an I. i
.. li. l lu ll) IciiM'il ili'l re-llli nlsli
, i- llio aho'e welhl.liouit llolKc,
n T Tf 1! M V N T A 1 N S
i in t;oi).i
A M () :
i 'he
'honlei it i.,niiil)'ai'iidMiliivjiti i.auiilct.
,i ..H nt tlM- III i-.l Ik HlMIUl itn lieallllllll "lollS
lilt, -slate; i .n.. t , u . I t t .1 1 !aw
i-n.ii-s ami yiiiii.H rt
i. aii'l htii-.inif ait wi- mik iil with
' ...ii iMi ni nuiiij Muds haltulltn;
T It V V T A . I V I K i:,
ii-l ith In viwul or.ler u 111 he lapt for thrue.
'iiiiiKiiiatlon -i't'1 aiuu-enient al niH'si. elihii
. 01 pi. '.-lilt cm lirMoliM lipMi, , ait I't.tH'
' - -ti Im.1i h'.uai. Mi.i.f in i:xu:nt.
iiiT'iniitit i li am Mem-He I'in si, tin le N atfor-
1 10 uie nuiii-nrin a spit imai iioki 101 in aw 11
. ult. 11 in polk, and 1 t'ielM with hit
It O f A N 1 1 I1 N.
MlIirdei will he nluny provhhit with tin
a 01 UH' 'isoii ; an1 1 11 IA I'.U MOi'M H '.Mill
I i:f I.luLiti;4. Die lhai've k laiu'e.ui-l e-mnto.
It-ii-; llicMulilim: i-Mtnshr nnd t..i.'c.
1 la- iioijvc is n-iieiit ii uoiii M'crai puinit un
1' I Iltt MUNi'lirii iV .itet.a.aliiui li-illioud ; 'iii'i h
p. udhl pluei to pass tin1 lint JnotilliH m bulli
on 1. II. It, IIA III lol,
May 17. ki7-lin.
1 i li u
1 it I A II O L s i:,
it v
ti 1; 1; x a Kit hTuii n 1:1:.
IwiNij tnttlv purehnnd and llued up tt.y
llUiion UuMsou Hold l'roperl , located a
ri.w nooiw ai.ovi: mi. (orui hiti k,
m the Milile hldti of the ntletl. Ill tlu tou P of
liloonishuiK: and Imwntf ulitalneda llei use fur
the same as a
It K S T A U it A N T,
I he IVoprlrtor Imn delPriulin-d to cle to I ho I en
I le vkillllij the loun .n hll-lnexs ur lleavuie,
a i.irn.i: muui; iioom.
UN Miiblliitf ulsi W t.ten-.e. nnd Uiltkdup
1 in I l.e--Lt. m mul .'fin iaie4 In the ill V. lie nrotn-
ki sthat eer IhlnyiU'ont lilsi'Htahllshint nnhall
oiii ueled In an ohh Hi' anil l.iuiui inanner;
Hit lie MiHif iih a Mtnre 01 inepiniiic
itlonnue. ni 11 h.-jiii.
ui:oiuji; w
M l tii:H, l'ropU "ir.
11. e ul,c
Il-known holtl linn re. i utly under
Imiui tin ltHlnttnml nruiiim menu
Holm ind 1 al
nnil ll pi.
rli'loraiim.iimeMnhJ. torne 1 1 uk1iih
and the tiiiNelllhi: puhlle that his aeciniMHiatlon
lor I heeoiiiioii 01 i.iM umisinari'hoei'ii'i i" nnf 111
ll.e..unii. Ills table w ill alwth he found sup.
hd. not otiiv uilli ntilciauiiai imihi, nui wjin 1111
I lie - Icae im tile m ason. 11 1 Villies .1 U1 n
iiioi-. icM'ipt that popular uiioun its
'.leif 11 ru" 1. mi n Imvtni illri'i t fiitm the Impoitlm;
hoiifi, are tuitlielv pure, and Ine I10111 all put
.ououmIiuus. lie Ntlmnkiul for a llhrral pnti"ii
ije in me tuiM. lilui 111 eiuuiiioe in uchci 11 hi
he UI u re. oi.uaiii. ,
.Til F. I't'l'Kl. IIOLH,'
llItANnr.VII.IiK, ini.UMMIA CO,
Tit sulisetllier rems-rifully Informs Ms frleu Is
Hint nlilk , Hint lie lins Iriken the nlmve well
liliown House of I nti llaluturnt, alul will oe
luiM'iltti leirlve the eiistoni 01 ail unu win
ivor hint Willi n eall.
111; win, Kr.i.r a noun taiii.i:,
Mm wi'llstoekist Willi Im I . Kt i.t I !iiios, ntl'l
U'l etlorl Will Im llllUll' lo n ll'Ier lllttli satis,
ni-lloll. JOHN KNYlll'U,
Oianei'vllle.J'a.. March 15, IN.T-Iin.
Ulr. I'ropriotnr 01 tii" nrjiainjenaioon uio nnw
111 Imud a;c ftork of
eonslslln? of
s'!( I P nlrnts, HAUbtNtJ-, Tt'.IPK, POIOflan
11 1 I-1 10MIUK, liOtl.Ktl I-Uti, SWtr I I ZI1t I'll I.J SK.
ucii;u u:v:u am-;, ac.
j iiMi' iivn. coMi: ai i. ni hi:i:, i
Hup linttiuk nt,
Uluoinshuk!, May :t NJ7.
III' sul m r'l 1 1 ur is. Hull) 111 I., IM. lilt f limit.
' Hie l ill Jit- Hail 1 1 lias taki I. the al'ine will
wli House il t nil i iniiini. in, ana ..iti '.'
astil to Hiilt Hie
.,1 li'.lu M lib a t nil.
tiblom ol all wlui w 111
a noon taw.!',
iih wii.i. ur.ri
, "nr i i II '"rki t Willi Ha Imi i f I kiuols, miti
, eri i llorl will he li ',.",T,, '., ,.V, ,, "
iet, ti. C. II. I'M 111 ItM II.
Kl..y. I'a.. Al Til 12. l'l'
nIAN(ll 11.1 H, tm.I'Ml'.IA COVN'IY, l'A
-Mll.Tf.N II. UAH Y, I'ltOPl.U Hilt.
II.LS till! tllklll UlSStlsllll .1 tl.l' Wl M.I.III.WII
lii,liM.nlilitl.lll l rliliitul l.MIHI. Il'l l l)"
in It Im l,as i lit li ll l i iiiiiii. in 1. 1 on nott MO 1 1 IP".'
..II A 1 A i. . I A 1 1 1 M I : y 1 1 1. 1 1 . I.. 1. -.1 1 l.ij..i ;
... I ' V. a, ai. I. l Ilk isl utile hi not exu 1 id
ni ihfiimtitvt and ho palm- I !"
111 ltd I
aeconiiuuilHlc cueitti
ii riti il minim mitfi-T,
I'll i i.a iu;i.iii i a .
J & W, 0, irKIIIIUN. 1'k I'lliK.
Uy1V, IWM.
.S "
IS ri'llhlHItKl) t.VhllA t- lit l V MllllMMl AT
TU II principles of llik i,i per at oriftlioJeirerKoT).
Ian School of politic. Thov principles ill
he roinprmulHuil, ji t enurtiy und klutliR hhi.l
not lat forgot ti nltntlHiHishlim thrin.u hel lit r with
tiutk Idii.ils, or with contemporaries of tho l'reivs
Thw ulty, lmpplnenn,niul prosperity of the coun
try l our Aim ntul object ; nhdni tho tiuatu to
secure thai, wo Khali labor honestly nnd rnrncKlty
fur I ht) Imi nioiiy , succi-hh and grow th of our orpa n
Tf HMiorhfiiscnipriONi Two dnllnrH a jtar
If pnM In ndvaiier. If not tutld In advance tuo
ilollarM and fifty cents will be hiMirlahlyt hurled.
Ti iims ok A tivnt riHi.Mi:-One (juaic(t(n lines
nr less) one or three In-ettlniis $ I (.0 ; cm h M.bse
(ticnt insertion fiO touts.
Im. 2M, "m. Cm. lv,
M.iu S' 1,(0 M.ik) jio.tiii
.. ;i,ou vi fl,'") y," n.o1!
V1! 7,'JU S,IH) IJ.Irfl k,IK
. S.lO 10,00 11,110 yijo
nvm i:,tu IV' T'V'rt
. I'i.OJ ,ro 2n,ni) fttW
One mimic. . .
Two squares .
Fin 11' S'ltinieK.
Four Kijimrc .
Half column .,
Ono eolumn ..,
Kucntor's mid Vdmhilstmlnr's Notlio tM-t Au
ilitor'M .Ntitlco i,.jii. OIIh r wkcrllnenientH Inner
tid accordlns toHpcclnl ponlract.
lluslmss notlees, without ad crllscrnont, twenty
rents per lino.
Transient advertisements pnjable in advance-
all others duo after tho first Insertion,
tr It is, In all cu net, iiioru likely to be sntlsfac.
lory, IjuIIi to Hubscrllcrs and to the l'ubllnhrrs,
that remit tnnen and all ooiamunlcut loin reHie(t
Inn the htilms of the paper, bo fcntillrcd to tho
ittlecof publication. All tctterc, whether relating
to the editorial ur l.unlness concerns of the lnper,
and all pa mentH for mibserlptloiis, aihertklni:,
or Jobblnir.aie to he mido to and nddn s-sed
nuo-'KWAv a nu:i:zi:.
"Oituutltnn Gtrrt'
It 1,00 M III 1!0, V, rtthknn's llulldlnns, near tho Ouirl
llouso, by
C. M. VAM)KltM.I('K.
P 11 1 N 'V I X O
NV.itly oxtfiilt-il nl tills (Mile.
A T T " It N i: V - A T -1. A W,
Ashlaml, Kt'linylklll County, IViin
A TTO It N ll Y-A T-I. A W,
It'Twk'U, I'nlttiiil'ln 1'i.unt.v. I'l-nirn.
A l"l
1 II S i: V-A T- I. A
iv.liiinl'la I'mihlj', I ' ntj'n.
lii-rw 1. k
ril.l.lAM 11. AIUHlTT,
A T T '1 15 N 1 : T A T -1. A f
Ci:N'niAI,IA, l'A.
w, Mii.uin, "
A I i n li N i: Y A T I. A V,
illli.i' with 11. II.
'oinlnr I'ost npli'i.
IVn-lons is, Hi 1 ml.
I.ll I!,'. In In Ul; l.uil'l!ti ml-a-llimntleK,
11 11 lt.l'a nii'l
,SI pjl) Im,
joiiN U. I'Mikkxi:,
A I TU It .N r. V. A T. I, A V,
tinii'Pln Iti-uNii-r uii-l Iii'Liirilt-r's otllci', In tin'
lia-i'liicnl of 11,' 101111 llnnst'. lll.Hiiiisl,iii'n., I'a.
I'. Cl.AltlC
(-01111T ol Main tilnl M-ilkrt slli'i In, ii
Mist National Hank, liloonisiau, ',t.
A TTO It N i: Y-A T-I. A V,
oiilwon Main slri-i'i, In hrk k Lull Una hclow tin
f'oiiit Hons,., iiioonisiiur, I'a.
1 11. DltOCKWAY,
'TOllNKV AT I, A '
ni.O()MIlt'ltfl, l'A.
(in.iWilii IlllU
,-rv.urt IIiuhj Al!
Is low tl.l !
it 0 n r son,
lll,IMMsil Hit, PIUS'S. '
Ollloi' In l'nnni!l'ii lUilWInc, Main Mln'l, W.-.I
of tlu Anu'rlcan Hotisi'. 'nij'-'loT.
T Ol'IS llICltNllAllD
aonlil fotortu Hi,, pitly.ns of 111. ,11111. lain' anil
Ulnllj that lie Is now pri parnl lo.lnall kln-lsur
platlln... silver orgnli, I
V c
T I O N K V. H .
ilavlnit InlMn-eil llio profession ,it I'lllill,' t li'ltn'
Crier for liialiv i'ats, woiitil Inloiin I ,s (rlilals
MAl'llllt. i itt.inl in nil tlie duties ol lili. Valllln:. I'elsou
I ileslrltm Ills sen lees sliollM . ..11 or write to I1I111
at lllisansliurs, r.t. mars j,
W. II. liltAHLKY,
ll.aln Asslstnnt Metllcal IUlrrtor iI.SI. Army,)
ftfisrimecutt Ihohuusa ciinin.ltu Skive's lllock.
mooitisui!!, l a
Calls pminptly tolmtli nlitlit nlnl tla.
Ulnnmslnis( Jan. is. r;.
C. Sit 1 v v.,
c A 11 I N k t m a k i: it ,
AMI llAM'KAcrt l.r.Il 111 H1FAM of
s. II U T T K It H, M O I! I. II I .V a Is,
It A IN HTItrr.T,
III.OIlMhlllllKI, l'A.
June is, sj!J,
I'AlslI ION A HI. I!
lltl Vlilhliiir A Jntol.y's ee Crmm,
HlAHiMliri'.ll, l'A.
Hair liMinu Wlil. l.i rs ioIouiI blnrk m
liowli. l'l . . i luiiii ti i'i siio ttmiilinlt nml hmi
lll ll ti Hie hnlri will iisi.nlalr in lis oiluitml, I wlllioul lollmt Ho In,. -I li.liile,eolisl.inll
(HI liatltl." Ikpll.'i.
1. N T 1 H T II Y.
II. C. IK Wllt. 11N1II-T,
HisiHtiiill rns lis iH'ii.Mtiiil unlresln
ti,.. linilis i ml run It mi n ol I :i. i iul nif nml
I'lnll. . lie Is i Hiniiil tc t in i il mall ike .nri
olis i . in Hi lis III I) I I in in Ii s ro'e- loll, anil
Is ,ti,,!i'ul Willi llieluli.l lni line'l I'liml l.tIN
Il iHI v lit. Ii will lo lutsrleil on fulil iilalluL',
sIlM I i mill 1 1 t I r.e in It . 1. ns u 11 rs I lie hal
uml In Hi. '1 1 1 lli i Ml mil 'I ly nil Hie new .ml
tiin.l I II ItMii la. Ilails, tmtl all 'l erullon. on
II e III Hi .Ml IUI el 'I I II I " 11 "Ht llll.'l In. ,
Iliilililu.' Mai (,RI(v a luw tloori ulanu tun
Ci im Ik tat, .Mile Mile.
Hit ninsl lit J iili.KI. L.l I f
'IOIIACIO, f-Mll V f. t-l V.AV.
.1). S13 hOI.HI TllllihlHII M',
KeC(4M liotir U'luw Vtmil,
I'll I I.A 11 K I.T II I A,
J 1 WAMMAV U, 1'. MI.M..M
..BLO.0MSBU11G, PA.,F1UDAY, FEMIUARY 28, 1868.
X. , , :
1 (Choice Voctiii.
ltlCli:it MIT I.OMJ.
I I,lnor not Ions I Uoinu Is ntt home without
Its dearest tokens only tnake tn mourn t
(Hit let Us memory, like a chain at n jut thl
I Of ntly cuiiipelan 1 histdi lh relurii.
lalUcr hot 0114?
t I.irutr hot tons I Though crowds lould Mouthy
tn itu.
tltiliiidt thee can Hp; a.lrlti of Men U, tliouli
tea r,
Compensate) for the grlefm thy linn delaying
t'osts I ho poor heart tliHtntrfhs tohnMh''oher(7
I.tnaer not torn; I
I.litKcr not 1-ns-IIow ohall I M-fttch thy comlmr,
As fVeiiliiit'Hf.hiKl'msKlrf tclio'cr uiooi r id fi'll;
When the wild heo hath ceased her weary lium
in I up.
And Hence hnms on nil thliiKs liken npi II,
liliiKer not lotij-I
How hhnll t w a till for then when fears Rrowstron.
A lilyht rtows dark nnd darker 011 tho hill I
How ulutll I weep when I can watch no longer
Oh 1 nrt thou absent, art thou absent id 111 ?
Linger not lonj; I
Vet I sliould Krlf not, thousli tl.o ejo that
peeth me
(Jarith through tears that mnko Its cplendor
l'or oh t I sotntt lined fenr hen thou nrt M'lth me,
My cup of happluosH Is nil too lull !
Milder not long?
Itnsto-hnsta thee homo unto thy mountain
Il'isfcnsa bird unto Its peacriul nest I
Hustons a ultlfr.when tempests wild are swelling
I41os tn its haven of oeure rest !
Llugi r not lomt t
Tho AHidtoi- It not a nutllTof Nil
I'.iikIiiiiiI i ho 1" dm ttsok'M ii crltler to
he horn tlinro.
lie hclimt'i down South, nml ri'lik's
hi the miiiic riwninp that tho ooiipcrlii'.ul
Ho lives upon raw pig, nml don't lies
Itiito tow tuke thrill iholo, If tluiro
ilim't lmppon to bo u smnllor ono hainly.
Hoi. iiIm) fond of ti littlo iipuio once
In a while by way ol'ti fresh.
There am amphibious, and several
other kinds of eii'S tew plenty to men
shun. What on cartli they are Rood for, I
don't seem tew know, itnle-s it iz to
wateli for pltfa.
Their hides i-.ui be tanned Into leath
er, but they are az hard lo i-kln nz u
liei eh tree i j and the leather when
tanned, iz Just about as limber iu u
lonkiiij; .stove. Hut one pair ov boots
made out ov alligator, will Ins! as lou
,is n mail's inuiie do.; tin only way to
weartlioni out is to lieave them uwny.
Alligator iiioiit Iz nut lu.'lous. If you
,is'i for it at the llrst klass hmels, uny
ilwttz toll yu "that tlio.i arojust nu.'
It tnstes,az 1 sboulil mink Iholnel iiv n
unlit) would, "vhii had b 'rn worked for
ly years In it brick-yard, and then "
struck by lllilnlii to rot rid ov hlni.
When the AlllfM ur'. iiioutli 1. wide
open, hi be.iil UJits! al) mt tn the ci'iitii'
ovhlzboddy; Imt they have ono vir-
tow I e.iine very near fnrittiii; they
make a very stilt noi.e, allno lliey have
niiiiti jaw than emiy other critter I
know ov.
I'lio-e oresonieov the lie.ivycst f.ikts i
have boon able tew .itlier about the al
ligator. The alli";ator ,-eems to he a secuond
edition ov the krokadilo,ui.tilooiit ov
whut wuz loft.
I I tit ii U the krokadllo Usually lays
eui;s when they waul some more krok
ndllos, but 1 don't siiow whotlicr 1 ll Ink
the alligator diu or don't; hut if they
do, and I ever llllil the iiest.aud the old
feller til lit oil the licit, 1 shouldn't Hesi
tate tew hutch out tie' ej;'s my-elf -
with a kin'.'.
This iz all 1 kno at present about the
Tim ui:.
iz Ihe Miiallest tbln;; siirrotiiidcd with
feather'", except the liunuiiliri bird.
He iz about th.- slzeov a horse, chest-
I lu lz ov a dark brown eolor.atid hlhls
hiznost In not hole., oat ov little bits
ov Mix.
lie iz az urltt.v az a mini pie, and will
ll;,dit a hen turkey.
Hons are little pirates ; 1 have seen
tiiem drive a bluo-lilnl mil ov his house.
tlllll rCtt lip biZZIIl'sS on hl own stock
in trade.
They lay an ev aluuit the dzo ov a
marrow fat p, and hatch out at le.i-t
half dozen ehilduii at a cttlutj.
A youiio; roil iz the funniest little
package I over tee done up; I hey ain't
much bl'or, ami look very iiihch like
a MiiaU-slzed semicolon.
liens are lotiit-lived, but il they should
live lew lie iizoldaz Methiiscler, they
wiinlilil't he azbie; az a butter mitt,
They live on tho bii and worm fam
ily, mill spend their winters miiiIIi.
They are not prullltahel to eat I
would as pouu dress a htiliihel bee, null
one ren potplo wiuld, usj up tho whole
Tin; enow. to tho moiikoy.lhn crow has tin
most deviltry to spare. They are horn
verry wild, but kitn be az easy
az the uoat kun. but a tamu kruw Iz
iilclually Kii-s 111. in a sore tliiiiub.
If there Izeiuiy tliuin about the Initisi
that they kautj;it inlo, it Iz b.viiis. the
tllim: uhl't hi eiiuf. I li.ul ratbu
w.ileh a illstrlkl Hkool Ihauoiie lam
crow. Crows live on wuai tiioy can
steal, ami tiny will steal emiy tiling
that ain't tied (imwi.
They are loud ov meat viltles, and
areihelli'st to hold an impiest osvr a
departed horse, lira still slieop. I'luy
area lino bird tew hunt, hut a lurd into
lo kill j they kun -i'i' you :! miles lift,
and Mill smell a k'" ivilit through tho ov ii mountain.
They are not sotwstlns altho they
nav a (,'ood voico lo eiiltlvate, but wluit
they tlu till,', they fcceni to understand
thoroughly i lonj; pr.ikllss has iniidu
I hem pertekt.
The crow Is a tulf bird, and kan stand
the heat like ahlaekunlth, ami the cold
like a stun wall.
They hlld their nest aiiionp; u tree,
anil lay twice, anil holh et,'u would
hatch out, If they wax laid In u suuw
bank, tharo ain't uiisiich thliuiuatep.
pint; h youuk' crow.
CrowB urn very IciiKthy, 1 liele.ivu
they live nlwuy, I never knu ouvi im die
iiatral doth, nnd don't beleavu they
I. ci how.
They nrc iilwits thin in lleh, ami are
llkeanlnjim rubber show, poor Inside
nnd out.
The are not considered line eating,
altho I have read somowhnro ov blled
crow Imi still I never heard of tbosanie
man, liatikerlii); lor sum hi led crow -times.
This e,.i on tlie erow Is copied from
n.ltur,nti(l If It Iz true,! ain't tew blame
for it, nattir made the crow, I didn't, If
I had I would havu made her more hon
est and not quite so tulf.
teals mo tew remark, lu the fiut place,
that thus far, they are a stickccss.
They are donio.sllck.and occasionally
arc tu IT.
'Vhls iz owing tew their not liclnp;
blled often oniiirln tholr younger daze;
hut the hen ain't lew blamu for this.
Illled hen lz universally rospektod.
Thara iz a grate ileal ov originality
about Hie hen exactly how much 1
kant loll, historians light so mutch about
It. Sum say Knowor had henv with
lit tu In tho ark ami sum say ho didn't.
S.i It goes, which and lurther.
I kan't tell you which wuz horn filst,
tho hen or the egg; ."mutinies i think
the egg waz-and stiintlines I think 1
don't kuo, and 1 kan't tell now, which
lz right, for the life ov me.
Laying eggs iz tho lien's best grip.
A lion that kant lay eggs Iz laid out.
One egg Iz kotisld.ired a fair day's
work fur a hen. I liav hoard ov their
doing hotter, hut 1 don't wliiuit a lain
ov mine tew do 11 -It izapt to hurt their
eon. million and by-laws, and thus Im
parl" their filler worth.
The poet st'Z, dutifully :
"Mtiuliii lv lit, stole nnr ol,l lilcw hen,
1 wish Hit yl let lie- hee,
she use lew lay '1 ejis a ilay,
Ati'l .Huu'lays slit; In eil 3."
This oiiui!-, trew eniill' for poetry, hut
1 will hot o7 thousand dollars that it
never took place.
This bet stands open till tho 17th day
ov next November, at haft" past twelve
tiii: iirMiii.r. inn:.
Iz one ov natiirs i-ekre's-.
They probably hav a destiny tow fill,
and are probably necessary, if a fellow
only knew how.
They 11 v apart from the rest ov man
kind, in llttlu circles numbering about
7") or SO souls.
l'licv are born aboul baying tinte.nnd
arc (lllli'iont from entiy bug 1 know ov:
thev ire the bigg '! when lliey are fust
"mi. I'liey ivsonilu'l Mima ni"ii In this
rheir prln 'iple bl.ilne-s lz making
o ill i ii",- but they don't make etinj
t i sell.
li (.v-s .siinnliiios rob them out ov a
wliiih'.sumiiK'r's work ; hut there is one
ihili "b eit ,t biimbel bee thai boys ill-
wts v. ! b 1 1 red I'll I closs, and that Is in
their Ani.
I had rather not h.iv awl the bumbell
bee lioir y tharo iz luluscii hire Mul
llieclty ov .leru-elt in, than teV hav u
bumbell bee lilt mo with lilz helm when
lie i'iiiiis round siiddiii,
They are dlllurent from other war ves
sels ; tho helm alwus minds Hie huinblo
A Day's rood for a Spider.
Ix order to tet what a spider could do
In (he way of eating, we arose about day
break one morning to supply his lino
web with a 11 y. At llrst, howovr, the
pldor did not come I'lom Ids retreat; so
wo peeped among mo leaves, aim mere
discovered that an earwig had been
caught, and was now being feasted on.
Th" spider hit the earwig, rolled up
the lly, and at once returned lo Ills "first
cotir-o." I ins lias at .i an ,. .u. ai i
A. M. the earwig had deen demolished,
and the spider, alter resting a little
wldlo, came down for the lly, which he
l!ni-he.l by UA. M. A little after ! we
supplied hint Willi a iladdy-longlogs,
which was cati'it by t.oon. At 1 o'clocK
a blow lie was gr. ullly seized, and
with an appetite apparently no wor.o
for his pri vlou- Indulgence, he com
ineineil on the hlow-lly. During the
day, and toward-ovenlng.a great many
midges, had been caught in tho web.
Of tin-...' wo counted one hundred nml
tweiily, all ihad, .imi fast prisoners in
Hie spider's net, Soon alter dark, pro
vided with it lantern, lie went to ex
amine whether the -pider was sutler
lug at all from his previous meals. In
stead, however, of being thus all'ected,
ho was employed lu rolling up together
the various Utile green midges, which
he then took to his retreat and ate.
Tliis proces , horepeated.carrying up the
lots In detachments, until the whole
were oiton ; A slight rest of about an
liour mis folloiied by a most Indu-trl-mis
wi b making pioco-s ; and belbie
day break anol her web was ready to ho
used In the same way. Taking the il
lative slzo of tho spider, and ol theerea
lures It ate, and applying this to a man,
it would bo somewhat us follows; At
d.ij bieak, a small alligator; at 7 A. M.
a i iiiih; .it 11 A.M.u young c.iiiieleopard;
at l o'clock, a sheep ; and during
.lie uUlit one hundred and twenty
i irl-. t'hnui'it '' Jwiriial.
As i . ge gives the following ,;ood
.nlvi' i in 'yoiiug ladlis"--of the pres.
cut g 'u. r.iilon : (lirl-, do you want lo
get in.irrh.l.uiiildoyou want good bus-
tun. Is? If so. cease to act like fools.
Don't take pride in saying you never
(lid housi work, never eookul a pair of
ebb keus, never inadoa bed, and so on.
Don't Ittin up your m'-es at honest lil-du-tiv;
never toil yum friend that you
are not obliged to work. When you go
.shopping don't take your muther with
you "to carry the bundle."
TiiiiACi'O chuweis are not always tiw.iru
of the eharaclor of what they put in
their mouths. It Is reported that lu
tho i lly of New York over two hun
dred per-ons iniuiiigc to earn a liveli
hood lho-o hard tluien by picking up
tho ends of cigars that have been
thrown away and are found lying In
the streets tind gutters. These aro again
sold to nennv dealers lu tobacco "bits,"
and afterwards are manufactured Into
"cholco brands' of lino-cut chewing tn.
A Sccno In tho "Black and Tan"
Convention of Alabama.
A "coi.oitini t'i'ss" has the floor the
place Is the Capllnl building of Ala
bama, tho lime November in, 1807 tho
oralor Is Julius Augustus Mare
Anthony Dyonllin Siptiish, represent
ing the most populous and wealthy ills
tiictof the Slate, llo'-torks:"
".Mr. Speaker and Kellow Niggers:
I have listened pasliunlly fordeeoiisee
utlvo days wat Introveiied senco
we cum from do ballot boxes of a llltis
tins eoiistltuenshee to hrudder lllng
bam and (Irlllln and Keller, and do ud
der respeckted white nlggcr.s, and
longed for do opportunity, to get up
and shako myself loose for do salvation
oh do Lord ami do glory oh doelghtand
forty thousand what had trabbled to
Canyun! And hero 1 Is am you ga
zln' at mo?
Niggers and Mister .Speaker, dero huh
been somolln said Insoino of do nooso
papers about do bottom rail belli' on
top! Now, who am de bottom rail? Kb!
L'ni-ali! l)ey means us, niggers, do
down-trodden race, who, bress de Lord
ami Massa Llukum, am on top! Ami
we's gwlno to stay dar till (labrlel sits
on do Saint's roost and blows his horn
lit ly scaro do dobbll !
Whar am wu now? Cast your delu
ded gazo about ills room. Five years
ago wu was a tolin' cotton, blackin'
boots and etittln' bar. Now kl wo
and dose Yunkeo white trash Is inaklii'
laws, for, in do language of Hoss Oreo
ley, do bottom rail am on top.
Niggers is stimbody, and do rebblls
hah got to lay low or (ley catch hell!
We'so gwlno to yocciipydo land woVe
gwlno to hah our forty acres oh land
and a pair oh mules we'so gwlno to
play gompltim, and du rebblls has got
to furnish do spondulix dat's what's
do matter, for do bottom rail am on
Do white trasli is played out. Didn't
wosaho do country ? When Massa Jell'
was a standln' on A-bra-ham's stoop a
kleklu' do doah and thrc.itenln' to bust
bis head, didn't us colored men put on
ilom blue do's an ar brass buttons
oil, no. I guess not and wlndercato
de Hag dat's why de bottom mill am
on top 1
Ilruttis Gumbo Sardanaptihis Crow, 1
rl-o to a pint of order I
The Speaker State your point, Mr.
Crow 1
Crow-Tlieodo-ius Ca-sltis Swltchell
lias put Ids clamps on frio of my mar
bles and
Sultcliell Oo way, you black raaklll
tell mo I hook your marvels, 1 punch
you in (lejaw. bat I do with yure
marvels V Ain't I on do Koiii-iultteo
.ii drag a bill uv rights? Say marvels
:o me and I break your banjo obor your
I'otick !
The Speaker f.'clillemen will plea-e
preserve order and allow .Mr. Sipuish to
Sipia-li 1 am dl-g'.i-ted wid you ; and
I 'elate for (!o'l (hit's do-o two mokes
from Ihif.ilia and Mobeel mini' asleep,
while dat aro no account nigger from
Titscaloo-a stands by do window tlck
lln his -tiln wid his heel! (iora mity,
don't you kuow nullln Ciu-h-li! lint
I dl-giit "iii'li nilzzlblo niggers, and
peril od.
We intend lo do du woling; to go to
Congress; to lie Clubner.s and Justices oh
do peace ; to bo sojerswid dra-s bullous
and big surds like llos, (Jraut uml Sher
man, ami we is going lo West Finland
'Napnlis ; to ride in kars and go to
schools and churches wid do while trash
for de bottom rail am on top.
And we'so gwlno to 'boll-h 'llio and
Minno Sola and Kansas fur refusin' to
gib our brudders suiTr.igo ; and we'so
gwlno to 'bollsli Kopperheads '11111-0
dey am while ; and huh clam soup nml
pig's feet ebory night, for do bottom
rail am on lop.
An' (lat ar Ariel feller what says we
nlggcr.s am biastu-es, without souls,
we'll send him straight to hell a rallln'
and 11 lockin' fore ho can't twinkle dat
eye, f"r ain't 'llabyloii fallen;' ain't
we got good -our apple trees ; don't do
f.iscliiatin' Indies oh do colored 'swa
slum light this respectlcle oh wisdom
and Intelligence, ami do perfoom oh dar
olfactory swietness unci ami and do
bottom rail am 011 top.
Advici: to Wi VIM. i:tract from
Madanio Mahiten on, the Duchess of
lliirgutidy's.diary lu relation toher con
duct in the marriage statu:
"Do not hope for perfect happiness,
Thero Is no such thing in thissublunary
"Your ,ox ii more expo-ed to suffer,
heraii-o It Is always in dependence, He
neither angry nor ashamed of .lii de
pendence on a husband, nor any of those
In order of Frovldrnce.
"Let your liu-bund be your best
friend, and your only confidant. Do
not hope that your union will procure
you perfect peace. The host marriages
are unhappy.
"Do not expect the name degree of
frloiid-hlp that you feel. Menaregene.
rally less tender than women; and you
will be unhappy if you are too delicate
In friend-hip.
"Hog of Clod to guard you from
ealottsy, Do not hope to bring back n
hush mil by tomptalnts, Ill-humor, and
reproiehes, The only means which
proml-o success aro patience ami
softness; impatience rout and alienates
tlie heart; -oftii'm load i thetil hick to
their duty."
Tins Is a good story of a citizen who
used to go lioine lalosllghtly Inebriated
and lake a lunch usually set out for him
by ids considerate wife:
"Ono night, besides the uual dish of
eabdago and pork, she left a wash-howl
Illled with caps In starch. Tho lamp
had long been extinguished when tho
staggering sot returned home, and, by
mistake, when proceeding tn satisfy his
hunger, ho stuck his link Into the
wrong dl-li. He worked away at hH
mouthful of caps very patiently for
some time, but finally, being nimble to
luasllcatn them, hu aaug nut to his
"Old woman, whoro did you get your
cabbage?- -they aroso darned klrlugy,
I can't chew them 1"
"My gracious," replied the good lady,
"If tho stupid fellow ain't eating up all
my dH that I put Itistarch overnight.'
Leap Vcar.
Tho Almanac makers Inform im that
tho year ISB9 Is especially Hot apart for
tho ladies tho unmarried portion we
mean who, by time-honored custom
and concession, are entitled to do a good
many things during this year, that they
aro denied on any other, They have
the right tu ask their "feller" to taku a
sleigh rldc,gi) to a concert ,nr to church;
they have tho right to draw "their
weasel" and pay tho bills and more,
they have tho right to do the courting,
to put their arms around a plcco of cor-
luroy, and oven "pop tho question."
This Is nice, It Is pleasant to hoar the
Idol of your heart in tremulous tones,
8.iy, "Denr A gust's uadorod of my henrt,
tho bright star of my future life, thu
sun-beam of my waking hour3, say, oh!
say, wilt thou bo mine, he all thine own
dear Penelope Ann's?" And then to
hear tho bashful swaln,hnldliig his cam
bric, scented with the flavor of u thou
sand dowers, or a skunk's cabbage, Him-
per out, "Ask par and mar !"
Show ! wo ran't do the subject Jus
tice, mid will lot Corry O'Laiius speak
fortis, ho knows all about such things,
as he'd just got married.
It is leap year,
Of which fact I with to remind tho
Thero is a division of opinion as to
the right of woman to vote, but there
can bo no question ns to her right to 11
husband, if she can get one.
Now Is her time.
Hut I would advlso young ladies not
lo he rash.
Although it Is leap year, you had hot
ter look before you leap.
Hccause, 11 you got 11 limb mil, and hu
don't suit you, you can't change him for
1 bettor one, nt least, without going to
There aro several considerations to ha
observed lu tho selection of a husband.
Looks are a matter of taste : size,
complectlon and color of whiskers may
bo left to individual tasto.
They are of less eonscquonco than dis
position and pecuniary resources.
Particularly tho resources.
I wouldn't advlso any young woman
to marry a man who would expect her
to Htipport them.
It is not a fair thing on the old gen
tleman, who has been looking forward
to tho marriage of hii daughter as a
happy rcleno from milliner's hills.
Never disappoint your parents.
Young ladles need not inqulro too
particularly whether tho man of their
choice belongs to a lodge, which meets
four nights a week.
She will And that out after they aro
Husbands, Uko other domestic, ani
mals, when caught young can some
times bo trained to a good many luoful
things They have even been known
to get up in tho morning and light tin
tiro when the gitl has gone away.
1 hero are some profession', not advis
able to marry into.
Such as editors, for they never get
Or reporters, who are nover nt homo
Or politicians, who nru not satisfied
witli one wife, hut nru always gelling
wedded to their country, anil like most
bigamists abuse both their wives.
Hut as the great object U to get a hus
band, mul as thoMiply Is limited, It
may not do to ho too particular.
Pliion to the election of ISfiO, lu .1 vll
lagoof one of our neighboring counties,
a company of " Wide Awakes" was
organized, ami like these organizations
generally, took an active part in the
caiiVHss. The loader, Captain A ,
was very zealous, ami ho lost no oppor
tunity to In for 11 the citizens of L
and "tho rest of mankind" that if the
South seceded, rebelled, or committed
any overt act of treason, he was bound
to lead this Identical coin pa ly of "Wide
Awakes" upon them, and Inllict exem
plary puuLshmcnton the' tyrannical and
cowardly nigger drivers."
"Well, as all remember, the South did
ai they bail threatened they seceded
ami began to do business "outside of the
Constitution." Provident Lincoln called
for troops, and It became tho duty of
the village ol L to enlist and or-
ganizo a company, and for this purpose
a pulUlc meeting was hold. This moot
ing consisted largely of tltoso who re
membered ttic doughty captain's boasts
mid many of them without distinction
or party determined to test Ins courage,
now that war had actually come,
i wag addressed tho audlnce ex
plaining tho necessity of prompt action
In each and every locality, "to nustain
tho government." Ho remarked that
their success In raising tho company
would depend much 011 confidence lu a
bravo nnd determined loader. Then he
called on Captain A to put him
self at the head of this movement and
redeem the pledges ho had so often
This brought the Captain to lili feet.
Ho assured them that Ids zeal and cour
age had not abated in tho least, hut his
Judgment was that the volunteers
should at first consist of the slnglo men
nnd then they could recruit from the
married men. "As for myself," said
he, "1 haveu wife and five children,
and the oldest Is not as high us this ta
ble." "Hotter go, then," cried ono of the
audience, "ami let your ( rtcrutt,
Geneva Oateltt.
WoitTn KiiMr.MiinittNO. "If a man
faint away," says Hall's Journal of
Health, ' Instead of yelling out like u
savage, or running to him to lift hlni
up, lay lilm at full length on his hack
on tho floor, looo the clothing, push
tlio crowd away so as to allow tho air to
reach hlni, ami let lilm alone. Dashing
w ater over a person In a simple fainting
lit is barbarity. Tin- Philosophy of a
faintingfit is that the heart falls to send
tho proper supply of blood to the brain.
If thu pel ai I. erect that blood has to
ho thrown uphill; hut if lying down
it has to bo projected horizontally,
which requires less power, us U uppa
I U-
Hfttrjtou iUnllun.
Tun citv or tlOl).
nv niAMCis tcns11.11 r.vuiiiAvt.
Othott with hand.,
Not llirufie.1 above tin) kle,
Nnr wall'tl villi .hilling wolli,
Nor frninctl with tone of price,
Moro lirlidit limn sold or !,
(Joil'. owu Jerusalem I
Wliera'er the geutto heart
Klnils eourago from fttio. e
Where'er thc.henrt forwiots
Warms with llio breath of love 1
Whore fallll hlJ. fur depart,
City of (lotll thou nrt.
Thou art whero'er Ihe proud
In humbtenens melts down j
Where clf Itnelf yield, up:
Where martyr, win their crown 1
Where faithful .out. posse.
Them. Uun In perfect peaev.
Where lu life', common wa
With hecrful leet we iti ;
When In liUtlep,
Who trod the way of woo I
Where he 1. In the hearl,
City of Ood I thou art,
Not thr.ncil above Hie klc,
Nor Roliletewall'il,
llut where Chrl.l'a two or lures'
lu Ills n.ibte i;nUicr(sl nru,
He In the inldst of thint,
nod's own Jerusalem I
A CHILD'S t.ABT MKSSA01'.. A little
girl 111 Australia nbout thirteen ycnrB
of age, was employed by her master
and mistress to fetcli In tho dairy cows
and was In tho constant habit of doing
so. Ono afternoon she had sallied forth
is tiMial ; but slio went never to return.
After the lapse of a few hours, a vigor
mis search was Instituted ; tho cows
were found at no great distance, hut no
girl. The most diligent search wns
mad j for days, but uiinvnlllngly. Tho
niater kept continually on the look-out
hut never could dUcovor nny trace of
the missing one.
Two yenrs nftcr when In a scrub not
more than a mile from home, ho no
ticed a few branches of trees placed to
gether on the ground j and In some
way or other they excited his attention.
He got oh" his horso nnd examined
them : they had been arranged by some
human hand. T ero was a small space
underneath, and In this recess lay tltn
bones of tho poor lost one, who, almost
in sight of her homo hnd apparently
becoma confused from Borne unknown
cnuse, and, finding herself uiinblo to
discover her path back, had formed this
little shelter. How it wns that no ono
ever found her,or that sho never heard
thoc in pursuit, must forever remain a
mystery, ns must many other similar
cases, nut n toucning renc proven ner
death a natural one, however fearful !
A littlo Wesleyan Hymn-Hook lay by
lier side undestroyed. On opening It,
her master found tho following words
pricked with a pin in the fly-leaf:
"Dear father, lovo God, and don't drink
any more;" to which sho had added
tho first letters of her name. VToWv
Kxcirsi: rou not Goino to Church.
Perhaps our readers may find in tlm
following excuse tho reason why they
do not go to church.
Overslept myself ; could not dress In
time; too windy; too dusty; too muddy;
too wet; toodamp; too sunny; tooclotidy;
don't feel disptsed; no other lime te
myself; look over my drawers; put my
papers to rights ; letters to writo to
friends; mean to take a ride; tied to
business six days in a week; no fresh
air hut on Sunday ; can't breathe In
church; always so full ; feel a little
feveri-li ; feel a little chilly; feel very
lazy; expect company to dinner; got
headacho; intend nursing myself to
day ; new bonnet not come homo ; tore
my muslin dress coming down btairs ;
a new novel must bo returned on Mon
day morning ; wasn't shaved in time;
don't like tho liturgy, always prnylng
for the same thing; don't like the ex
tempore prayers; don't like an organ,
'tis too noisy; don't Uko singing with-
o it mo nervous; the spirit
Is willing imt tho Uesli Is weak ; dislike
an extempore sermon, It Is too frothy,
can't bear a written sermon, it Is too
prny ; nobody to-day but our own
minister; can't always listen to the
ame preacher; don't like strangers;
can't keep awako when I am at church.
Oitni'.itKD to tiii: Fuont. ni-hop
Ames, at tho reunion f thu Indiana
Conference, told this touchiugotory ;
general In tho Into war told me
not long since, that among tho trooim
that were under his command was u
youth hardly fifteen years of age, who
was token violently sick, and tho hoyg
belonging to tho company synipathiml
with lilm Ills mother was a poor widow,
living in southern Illinois they saw
the little fellow growing worse and
wor.-e, so they made up a purse, and
sent for hit mother to come and fee
her soldier-boy dis. She came. Ho
wivs fast sinking.
Thoguneral Hyinp.ithlr.ed with hi to
and vlsltod him frequently. Ho caino
in ono morning tho mother was sit
ting by her son's bedsldo nnd singing :
" cin ruattc ft d Ins be,l
Feel .oft a. downy pillows are"
The general listened till she had (!
Ished, and thou en inn forward, look hlni
by the hand, and said, "How are you
this morning, John ?"
Said tho dying hoy, "Not every well,
General am onltrtd to the frort!"
and to flio front he went. Angels cuuio
down to conduct him to tho reulim of
glory. When God Is ready to order Jut
to tho front, I trust wo will be, like the
soldier boy, ready to march nt i mo.
ment'ii warning,
A ni'AUTirui, Ii.i.ustiutios, It U
said of tho Icelanders, that they scrupu
lously observe the usnge of reading the
sacred Bcrlpttires every morning, the
whole family Joining In tlieflngingand
prayers. When the Icelander awake,
he salutes no person until ho has salu
ted Ids God. He usually hastens to the
door, adores thuie thu author of natiim
and providence, and then otepi back,
saying to his family, "God grant yon a
good day." What a beautiful Illustra
tion la this of the Christian obll.-e.tloa
on the part of housi liolil. to raconltn
and worship God.
Wlir.x tiii extravagant friend wlshc
to borrow your niuuey, consider whlck
of thu two you had rather lose.
K3 wvtw.Baituivmkire.Uvrvnvfcnttf. timi'