THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSJ3 UllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. he (ifotumbimu BLOOiMKIJlTUa. PA. l'liiDAV iidu.mmi, rr.n, 3I, lUOfl. Uf TUB COI.UMnl.VN li". till- I.nrgril UtranlMlvN In t'ttliilulitn mill adjoining ouatltt of any paper publl.lml lici e, mul li alto & much larger .Httt limn mi)' iif tttcolemporarlt.i anil L t lit rt tore III t lit .1 mtdlnra Tor i1rerllilug lit Oil -colon of I In stale. nnMocnATic rtatk coxvnxTio.v. It AitiiiMit.-i-.ti, r t., January 0, I MM, The Pemoerntlc mate, rolninlllfi' ol IVim-vl. Tnnlt Imvo filed WUIINIXDAY, Till: l'Ol'Uilt (1TIDDAV OK MAItCll.W.S, lit lju'ilnclt M.,li the time, nml the Hull ortho Homo or llcpie. tentative, nl Ilarrtsbunr.ii. the lui-o, for hold Inn tltontitiunl rout cut Ion or thoistrty, Ft 1 ordered Hint this LNmvrnlloil lie. composed or ono member rorench Heiintor nnd lleprcHca la th l who shall liotlot-teil Iti the usual manlier nndlhey will meet ut tho lltno nml place ntori said, for the pnrpo-o of nominating ciintlldutiil for the office, of Auilltor General and Hureyor llplicrnl,nnilof selecting Delegates to the Nullum nl Convention for the nomination of candidates for President nml Vlco PrcsldcM. The. mcniliera nn I commuters of tho orgnnlrn. tlon nntl nil conservative cltlrens who enu unllo ulth uh in Kiiooott of Hie constitutional urlnel- pies are remiesled to proceed to tho elciilon of llio ucicaaicn in wieir rcspcciivu iiisiims, liy order of tho Democrat leHtntn onmmlttep, WILLIAM A. WAI.I..UK, O O. DaisriiScCy. Chairman. Mis-Hcprcscntatlon. Ki'SATon Buckalkw, in his Intc B)if cell, eays tho World, statwl soiho facts worthy the attention of the American people. At tho Inst popular elections licit! In thoor'hcrn'eiitr.u and est, 2,1UI,G31 votea wero ca&t In fuvoroftholtepublleau party ; and 2,- 100,lG9votO3Wcrocnstfortln' Democratic party. How arc tho people who thus represent themselves reprc.-onted in tho Hump CongrciH? According to a rule of equality based on numbers tho Republican majority In tho Senate t-lioulil have -i member; and the minority 0. Now the actual constitu tion of tho Senato Is this 43 llcpubll onus and leu Democrats. In the House pesplto nn equal bhnrc In tho voteof tho country, tho ltepubllcans outnumber tho Democrats by nbout four to one. What aro the causes of this fundi tlon of tho representation ? Tho six States east of tho Hundson have Bnaggref,'nto popu lation, according to tho census of 1SC0, ofO,135,2S3, with twelve members of the Senate, giving a Senator to each 201, 273 inhabitants. Take all tho States ol tho union represented in Congress, and there is a population of 4 1 1,072 for each Senator. New England lias tlx mem bers of the Senate more than she would bo entitled to If there wero n distribu tion to tho different sections of the country according to number. Iu ISO!, when Mr. Lincoln was tak ing steps to reorganize StntcH in the South, a revival of the former political power In that section was feared. Tho Itadicals Introduced bills into theScnuto, which wero enacted, providing for the organization of Nevada, Nebraska, ond Colorado. The unprecedented pro visions wero incorporated in these bills that tlio organisation of Stato govern ments should ho carried on to tlio end under tlio constitutional directions of the President, and that ho should, by proclamation, declare thoo Territories ndmitted, without any further action by Congress. It was not required that tho proceedings should ho completed and tho constitutions laid boforo tho two Houses, nnd nn act of admission then passed, as had been tlio previous practice. Itadlcal political power was aimed nt and obtained unscrupulously, Colorado is not yet ndmitted; doubtless ho soon will be; but Nevada nnd Ne braska contribute four of tho unfair Itc- publican majority in tho Senate. Yet Nebraska, nt her last election, had n total vote of less than 9,000 Colorado less than 10,000 Nevada less than 10,- 000. In neither ono of these States is there a population of 50,000, which is half the number required, under tlio ex isting Apportionment law, for a mem ber of Congress. This is what tho Itadicals have done to increase their power In tho Senate; and give themselves a two-thirds vote for ovcr-ridlng vetoes. See what they havo omitted to do. Thoy have omit ted to pass enabling acts for any other of tho western Territories, either In 1SG4 or subsequently. In New Mexico, nt the lait election a voteof 7,CS0;3Iontana n a voto of 10,000 in Utah a voto of 10,231; in s hasa largo population than the two which were admitted, ortliantho third which was attempted to bo a'dmltted. Utah has a population more than double that ofeltlier of themjsohasNow Mexico. Why thodlfTercnco? ThosoStates which we're admitted, nnd admitted in the manner described, gavollepubllcnn ma jorities; thoMS Territories which havo not been admitted gnvo Democratic majorities. That Is the whole reason. Nor was this enough. Mr. Stockton, elected a Senator from New Jerkcy,was expelled under tho form of a decNion upon the Irregularity of ids election expelled by n party voto of tho majori ty. Several members wero expelled from tho House, Baldwin, of Michigan; Brooks, of New York ; Voorhles, of Indiana expelled by a party voto for that reason and for no other reason Tho reconstructed reconstruction policy has tho sumo purpoe moves to tho snmo result, "political poweratnny cost It is proposed by n political party to shapo'the political Institutions In ten of the United States so that itspowcr shall bo Increased In both Hour; or it ill aster befalls them In .tho North, that their power in both Houses shall bo re tained for thu future. Tjik "Globe Kdltlon" of tho complete works of Charles Dickens, pu Wished by Hurd t Houghton, o. 459 Broomo St Now York; began with "Nicholas Nickleby," and N completed In 13 volumcfl lit tho rato ol ono a month, nt $1.C0 per volume, Illustrated by tho first urtlstfl. By a lino to tho publishers, you can get n list of tlio order In which tho works appear, nnd they nro so cheap and como.nt such Intervals, that you can easily' rend one, and got money enough, wived off ofsegars, to buy tho tho next by tlio tlmo it is ready, It will bo iiirlnvestmcnt bringinglastlngpleas uro. Wo observe since writing tlio abovo that tho wholo set is ready for delivery to subscribers, nnd others ordering tho work, nnd wo trust tliexo beautiful vol urnes may havo n Inrgo nnd rcnuiiienv live Milo. Klduh Knai'I', i.penkliig of lor.g prayers, onco tuld, "When I'eler was endeavoring to walk upon tlio water to meet his Muster, nnd was about fluk ing, had his buppHuitlou Lieu its long us tlio iiittcduction to one of our mod ern pl8jeri, b'.foie he got through it ho would liuvv lu lUly Kit under water. Democratic Count; Convention. Tin: Democracy of Columbia County assembled In Convention, in pursuiinco of the call of tho Standing, Commtteo at the Courtllouse, In Bloomiburg, on Monday, the 17th day of February, at ono o'clock l'.M. Cnl. John (I. I'reezo, Chairman of the Standing Committee, called the Con vention to ordur. J.J. Bobbins nominated Thomas J. Vnmlerslleo for President. Curried. On motion of Charles Conner, Geo, W.'Uttnnd William Iimon were elect ed Secretaries On motion, tlio roll of townships was called in alphabetical order, anil the following gentlemen presented cre dentials and wero admitted to seats In the Convention : Hearer Peter Knclcht, Allen Mann. I teuton .... M' Henry, Abr. A, Kline. yjfooHi J..!. Bobbins, Peter llllluieyer. Jhr. Jltrwick Absent Jlor. (Vittnttiu Absent JlrtarcrtekW'm. l.unmi, .ler.C.Smlih. CiitmehM- Geo.Manhart, Jos. Martz. Li uiHjh am l A bsei 1 1 J-'ishlnpercek A.J. Kline, David Savage. J'rtiikliii'. Parr, J. Loreman. OrccHiroorf-Geo.W.Utt,Oo(i.W.I)err. icifoe.'--N.P..Mooro,T.J.Vandersllce. Juvluon Irani Derr, John Savage. Locust Absent! Maine Nathan Miller, U.J. Campbell. MiJJUnio Snyder. Charles II. Hess. Maillton Jacob M. (llrliin, II. Wagner. Montour W.a.Qiilck.J.T.Kiirnsworth. Mt.l'hasunt-A. Mordan, Win. Miller. Orange- Charles Conner, D. K. Sloan. Pine Albert Hunter, Win. Knrschncr. hoaruifcreek I ADseut Scott U 11. Knt, 1. T. Hnrtman. A'jnWo(('--AndruwLaubach,J.A.l'rit. Gen. Wellington II. Knt, of Scott of fered tho following: Jlesoh-al, That William II. Shoeniit. f in 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 'j iv ii ii 1 1 v H jilt Jwrnu J Jllllard, of MIUllii, bo Bepresentativo uonierees to meet similar uonicroos, frnm Mnnfnnr (inntv. tri hnlict n llnln. gato to tlio 4th of March Democratic niato convention at llarrlsiitirg, on Monday, February 21th. in Danville, at Lindners' Hotel, (formerly C. II. oavnge-sj Tho Bcsolutlon was unanimously adop ted. Charles Conner, of Orange, then olfer ed the following: Jiewh-ed, That E. J. M'Hcnry, of MsningerceK. anu capt. William j. Allen, of Madison, bo Senatorial Con ferees, to meet similar Conferees from Montour, Northumberland and Sulli van, to select a Senatorial Delegate to tho 4th of March Democratic Stato Con vention nt Uarrisbtrg: Conference to meet in jjanviue, nt l.iminora' Hotel, (formerly Savage's) on Monday, tlio21tli wuji vi A vuiuai iouo. Tho Resolution was adopted. Tho following Resolution was then read, by Gen. Knt, recondetl by Andrew I'rcas, and unanimously adopted: Ilesolveil. That we deem it inexnedl- cnt to instruct tlio Delegates to tho Stato and National Convention in favor ofnny particular uerion lor Pre.-. h lent : believing that a Judicious selection Is more iiKciy to no niatie, when all the Delegates are free to select the right man lor tho place. Tho Hon. Irani Dorr, of Jackson, then offered the following: -Rfjoml, That wo heartily and fully endooso thecourso of lion. (J. 11. Buekii- lew. U. S. Senator lor this State, and deem it fortunate that the Democracy of , -I.... r iiiu siunu mil su auiu u rciiro- sentatlvont this crisis. Tlio resolution was heartily seconded nnd adopted by n tremendous "aye." Capt. Gcorgo W. Utt, of Greenwood, then otlercd tho following: Jicsolved. That this Convention view with nlnrm tho present condition of mo couniry, anu especially theiitteint of tho Itadicals In thoso-called Congress of tho United States, to usurp tho power oi uiuuovcrument. Jlesolrcd, That wo regard tlio persis tent clforta of tlio Radicals to dlsfran. chiso tho white people of tho ten south ern omics, nnu to lorcc negro suirrago upon thcmnirainst their will.ns a fearful outrago upon tho rights of tho people of iiiu wiiuiu union. Tho resolutions wero heconded by uen. lintln a capitnlnnd telling speech, iu which ho briefly recapitulated nnd commented upon tho salient points of radicalism. On motion, Col. Frcczo wascallcd up on nnd responded in a short nddrcss,re ferringto tho difference between tho last Presidential contest and this, and urg ing harmony, nctivity, nnd vigilance assure to bring us a splendid triumph. capt. Utt, in response to a call, ad dressed the Convetion in a brief and forclblo speech, commenting on the policy nnd precedent set by tho Radi cals us destructive of the best interests of tho country. On motion tho Convention adjourned with thrco rousing ehocrs for tho next Democratic candidato for President. TIIOS. J. VANDKBSLICK, fm'l Gi:ouoi3 W. Utt, , . William I.amox, ) 'rctariei. Annual Incomi: Assixsmkxth Tho United States assistant assessor.-, aro preparing lo proceed with tlio as sessment, oi tho annual income tax. Commencing assessment at this early day will ben decided itdvuntnirn In tin. tax-myer, as his business will bo fresh in ins mum, anil the Items of Incou.e will not havo b,jen forgotten, Thu fol lowing nru tho reoulrements of the law; Every person -.vho has an Income Is re quired to mako a detailed statement of thesamu to tho nssUlant a-scasor In tho division wlieio ho or she resides, and bo sworn to Its correctness, whether It exceeds the sum of $1,000 or not. Every person who posoei-sis u gold watch, a carriage or buggy (including harness), exceeding in vuluojaoo, nil gold plate kept for use, and silver plate exceeding In amount 40 ounces Troy weight, must mako a return. Guardians, trustees, executors nnd ndmlnUtrutors, and per sons acting Innny other fiduciary capac ity, nro required to mako return or tho Incomo belonging to minors or other persons for whom they act. Persons falling to mako a return will ho liable tobottssossed by tlio assistant assessor according to tho best Information ho can obtain, and in buch case fifty per cent, penalty will be added to tlio tax. Businessmen Intending to pursue any business incurring a liability to tlio special or license tax for tho ensuing year commencing May 1, 1S09, will mako their application to tho nssUlant assessor for tald Hcenso or special tax receipt, at time or making their Income roturn. Gentlemen, you needn't wait for a card of Invitation, but walk tin nnd report your accumulation of green- uacKS, nnu yon will llntl the assistant assessor ready to tako your report. HKNATOIl THOMAS. TllK rase of Senator-elect Thomas, of Maryland, oecupId tlio greater part of tho tlinoortlieSenateiigain to-day. Mr. Buckolew madoan excellent nrmunnnt in Mr. Thomns's bebair, but It Is very evident that when a voto is reached ho win no reiuseu admission to his sent. His opponents claim from four to six majority nguinst him. Tills calcula tion iins bteii made on a careful can vnu of tho Sciiuto. Final Collapse of "Impeachment." Mr. sit vent reacts the xehip in vain the Jlattieal leader aimounees Ms ikter mlnution to touch the sutitect nu more important Interview with Mr. fiteeens tiitler denunciations of lirjmbllean lowardsthetvidenet in the President's faeor on the question of veracity. Tin: Impeachment question was finally tested this forenoon. All the members of tho Reconstruction Com mittee of tho House of Representatives were c(ut at an early hour, when Mr. Thad. Hteveni, chairman, propos ed that thu definite consideration of tho matter, which seemed to him to havo been shirked on tho lal tiny of the ex amination of the writer of thedlspalcli es signed, "J. U.S.," In The World, should nt once bo had. Mr. Slovens stated in very strong language his opinion that tho Investigation had gone far enough. It was useless to argue upon tho subject. There wero plenty of proven charges whereupon .Mr. John son could be impeached, and It was Mr. Steven's conviction that ho should be Impeached without further palaver. Mr. Stevens then laid before tlio Com mittee the following preamble nnd res olutions: The Committee on Reconstruction, to whom wui referred tho correspondence or Andrew Johnnn, President of the United States and U. S. Grant, tlio General Commaiidlntrtho Armies of the United States, having considered tlio snmo nnd tho evidence, do report that, In virtue of tho powers with which your committee lias been invested, thev have fully examined the evidence before them, nml nro of opinion that Andrew JohiHon, President or the United Stales Is guilty of high crimes and misde meanors, and therefore, thev recom mend tlio adoption of thu following resolutions: Jlesolecd, That Andrew Johnson, President of thu United States, bo Im peached of high crimes and nildcmcan or?. Jlesolrcd, That a committee go lo tho Senate, and nt tho bar thereof, In tho iiiimu ui iiiu umiu ui ivuirusuni.uives nnd of nil the people or tho United States, do impeach Andrew Johnson, President of tho United States, or high crimis and misdemeanors, and ac quaint tho Senato that tho House or Representatives will in duo tlmo Cx- hiiiii. particular articles or Impeach ment against him and mako good the same. Jiesolved. That said Committee do tie niand that tho Senate take order for tho appearance of the said Andrew Johnson, to nnwcr to said impeach ment. Mr. Bingham moved that all this, and tho wholo subject of impeachment, bo laid on tho table, whereupon Mr. Stevens waxed fearailly wroth, and de nounced not only Mr. Bingham, but Mr. iilngham's disciples and Congress generally, as -'a pack of wincing politi cians." Mr. Stevens' extreme illness and debility spared him from being compelled to listen to any very excita ble responses, nlthough'somo sarcastic, but decorous, remarks Wero indulged in by Mr. Brooks, Mr. Beck, and others. At last Mr. Stevens insisted that the yens and nays should bo recorded upon tho motion by Mr. Bingham, in that the country might know who was and who was not In favor or giving Mr. Johnson his deserts. So tho voto was taken, nnd was recorded thus : 3 "cms Bingham, Beck, Payne, Hul hurd, Brooks and Beaman. A'd.ys Stevens, Boutwell ami Farns worth. OI course, this voto sufficed to lay tho suhject on tho table, from which it will never bo lifted. Although ono member or tho Commltteo seemed dlspo-cd to flinch from voting, nnd attempted to retire from the room, Mr. Stovens was too determined, ns everybody will bo glad to know, to allow such a proceed ing. Ho demanded tho frill voto or tho Committee, nnd It is tho frill voto of tho Commltteo which has overthrown tho impeachment project. After tho rush of membors and poli ticians into Mr. Stevens's room at tho Capitol had ceased, and very soon after tho defeated "great commoner" had been homo in ills chair from the Capi tol to ids home, tho writer of theso des patches, who had also been a witness examined in tho preacnco of Mr. Ste vens, called upon him. He was receiv ed Iu a chamber whero Mr. Stovens, tho dying leader of a once powerful but now fallen national party, leaned bnck iu an easy chair alone, looking almost utterly exhausted. Nevertheless his welcomo was cordial, and his expressed regret that Mr, Stevens might not feci himself strong enough to con verso upon tlio subject In view was nlloviatcd nt onco by Mr. Stevens's outspoken frank ness. "I'll say this," proceeded Mr. Stovens "Not particularly for publication. And ye," ho continued, "I don't object to your publishing rnytlilng I say, I'll say this, that tho wholo question of im peachment lies almost iu n nutshell. As to tho first part ortho Grant antl John son correspondence (Johnson's letter Is chieily nlludo to), I consider that there Is enough ovideneo to impeach a dozen mm. Tho main point Is, was the Pre-ldent guilty or not guilty ofn viola tion or an attempted violation or tlio Tenure-of-omco act? Ho Is explicit enough hlmselfon thlssubject. Although ho states In one place that ho did not remove Stanton and put Giant in with any reference to the Tenure-or-Ofllee net, but tiiion tho nuthorlty granted him by tho Constitution what Is to bo said in Ills defence for his requiring Grant, as they both ngreo in all their letters, to arrange with him (Johnson) lo keop Stanton out of oflku nguinst tlio will or tho Senato? Tho Senato had con firmed tho Tenuro-of-onico law. What right had a President to deny, defy, or seek to disobey, or circumvent that law? Damn it, don't both tho President and General Grant sub-crlbo to this vital fact that Orant had nt least con sidered, nnd that Johnson had insisted upon, tlio proposition tliatarantbhould help Johnson to keep Stanton out of onico anyway notwithstanding tho Ten-uro-or-otllco act? If this direct attempt oi tho President to vlolato a law mndo by tlio Congress of tho United States doesn't render him llnblo to bo impeach ed, whatdoes?" "I am, ns you see, Mr. Steveus, only a respectful listener." "Well, then, thero's tho wholo thing, It'snssimploasday. What tho devil do I earo about tho question ofvcraclt v. as they call It, between Johnson nnd Grant V That's nothing to do with tho law. Both of them rnny call each other liars If they wnnt to, perhaps thev both do lie a little, or let us say, equivo cate, though the l'resldent certainty has the weight of evidence on his side. But Johnson being right or Grunt being wrong, it makes no difference. If they want to tettlo tho question between them, they may both go out In my back yard nnd settle It nlone. Of course have a slight otjectlvn (o having that area soiled by either of them, but I wouldn't object, If they would only tlx It so that wo should have no more talk. What I am after Is, that tho law' of these United Stntes, ns mndo by the Congress of theso United State, shall bo obeyed by tho President ns well ns by all men ho? hie. Thero wns plenty of evidence, God knewsloconvlet.Ioliii sou lal year. It's all nonsense and folly to nrgue ngallist the self-evident proposition that there Is moru than plenty of evidence now." "I suppose, Mr. Slovens, that you limy have been a little disappointed at inylestlniony." "O, not at all. That was right enough. I've told you already that the question between Johnson and Grant has noih lug to do with my Idea of Impeach ment. They may fight that out them selvi's. Grant limy bo ns guilty ns tho President of a violation of or un admit ted attempt fo violate tho law, but Grant Isn't on trial : It's JoIui-miii whom wo havo lo consider; nnd, while wu are not talking or crimes, misde meanor Is enough, and that Is proven against him." "Well, wero you tils-appointed In tho voto this morning by tho committee V" Not a bit, sir. I know nil the cowards In this Congress. Long experience has enabled mo to black mark every one or them, damn them I" "What, then, Is at hist your opinion on tho question whether Mr. Johnson will ever be Impeached." "Sir," said Mr. Steven-", with a hitler smile, "I shall never bring up this question or Impeachment again, I am notgolnc to dally with that or any other committee in regaid to it any longer." At this moment a secretary entered tho chamber, nnd I bade tho "great commoner" good-bye. Ho said, as I took his hand, "come, sir, at nny time. I shall always be glad to seo and speak with you upon this and other subjects, I shrink from no revelation or my opinions or convlc-t!on-."-Coj iV. V. World. CONGRESSIONAL. Fnmtt'Ar.Y 11th. Tlio Senate yester day debated tho bill providing lor the admission of Senator Thomas, of Mary land. A substituto was olfered declar ing that Mr. Thomas, in permitting a minor son to join tho rebel nr'iy, and furnish him with S100 for his expenses, had given aid nnd comfort to the enemy, and consequently was not eligible lo a seat in tho Senate. Mr. Sumner spoke at length iu opposition to the bill, eon tending that thu Constitution required that Senators and Representatives in Congress should be loyal men, and that consequently tho substitute was un necessary. Mr. Trumbull replied, de nying that there was any evidence of disloyalty on the part of Mr. Thomas. Tho discussion was continued at con siderable length, and the Senate adjourned without dlsposingor the sub ject. Thu bill to .secure the rights of Ameri can citizens iu foreign States camu up for eon-ideration in tho Hou-e. The Kentucky election ease came up fore on slderntlon. Tho Committee on Elections having reported that Mr. John Y.Brown was not entitled to thu sent for the reason that he had given aid and comfort to the rebelsdurlng the war, M . Brown was permitted to address tho House iu his own behalf. At the conclusion of the debate thesubstituto was rejected and the report of tho Committee adopted. A Joint resolution was adopted directing tlio Secretary of War to take immediate measures for tho reduction of tlio nriny expenses nt, nnd iu tlio vluinltyof, New York City by eoneen (rating tho busi ness ol the various bureaus iu tlio City. Tho llouso then adjourned. Feisiiuaky lflth In tlio Senato yes terday the resolution to admit Philip F. Thomas. Senator-elect from Mary land, was discussed by Messrs. Bucka lew, Blicrmnn, Howard and others. In the llouso tho Kentucky elec tion casooceiipied the session, but with out concluding tho discussion thu House adjourned. Fr.nnuAr.Y 17th. Thero was noses-ion of tho Senato Saturday. Iiithellou-e tho consideration or tlio Kentucky con tested election caso was resumed. Mr. Samuel E. Smith, tlio contestant, ad dressed tho House nt length In favor of his claim to tho seat. Ho contended that ns Mr. Brown, who received n ma jority of votes, had been declared in eligible, tho votes cast for him should not havo been considered in tho count, nnd that as ho (Smith) received n inn. joriiy of nil others cast, ho was entitled to mo seat. FuimuAiiY 18th. Tlio resolution pro viding for thcadmlslon of Mr. Thomas, Senator elect from Maryland, caiuo up frjr discussion in tlio Senato yesterday, when tho Chair announecd that Mr. Johnson, who Introduicd thu resolution was ill, and desired that thu vote on the question bo postponed. In tlio House Mr. Bingham introduced a bill to restore the Slate of Alabama to representation in Congress. It recites that at tho recent election in that Stato a majority of votes wero given for the new Constitution, prepared in accord ance with the Reconstruction laws, and provides for the eonvenlug of the Leg islature elected under thutCoiistl tit Ion ; also, that upon tho rntlllcntion of Un constitutional Amendment by tho Leg. isluture, anil the establishment by law of Impartial sullrago within her borders, Alaluni.t shall bu cniitled to represen tation in Congress. Tho Diplomatic and Consular Appropriation bill wis considered In Cummltuo. Mr. Will lams ofl'ereil an amendment stilMug out tho nppioprhitlons lor tho missions in South and Central America. lit siioko In favor of his amendment, de claring that the business In tho-e mis sions could bo nil transacted by ono or trt-o consuls r eoninieieial agencies. Mo-nrs, Wushburno and Banks opposed tho amendment, anil, alter a lengthy debute, It iis lejeeteil. An amend ment proposing uu appropriation lor a mission to Itomi ,vin rejected yeas IS, nays AO. Fr.llIllJAHY lUtli Tho stfnnfn vester. day passed the llouso bill providing for tho reduction of expenses in tlio War Department. The bill providing for the gradual reduction or the army was also passed. Tho resolution providing for mo uuuiissiou oi Dir. i nonius, Menulor elect from Maryland, was taken tin. Mr. Trumbull siioko In favor of tho resolution. Mr. Jolinsonalso spoko in favor or tlio admission or Mr. Thomas, nfrcr which tho Senato adjourned, with tho undcrstandlllir that Mr. Johnson. will close tho debate to-day, and n voto uu union on mo resolution. Homo News. Lir.irrii.sJANT-aENWui, hiii:kman. Amono tlio nominations by tho Pres ident. WHS that of Lii-iitenant.rienni-iil Sherman, to bo Brevet General of the armies ortho United States. Tho Pres ident has directed Geneial Grant to assign General Sherman to the com mand orn now department, headquar ters In WnshliiL'ton. to lm --iiii.,i tin. Department of tho Atlantic; It Includes uio departments ot Washington, tho Last and the Lakes. Tho order him not yet been promulgated. Tlin BUUUATT TUIAL. Till' Tii-nlm!i1lltman. .. I' U.WUHIKWIHU ,1111V IIIU 13 J I I I I trial will not begin on thutwenty-fourth Infltnnt. nl nmiriim..f.l llntl. I,t,l.. ... .... , U1II.V...I v l.tlU Plerrepolnt, who Is retained for tlio prosecution, and Mr. Brady, who con ducts tho defence, will bo prevented Hum iitii'imiiig ii nun uino uy previous cngagiinintB. Thnin is also consltlcra- mo tniic or tiiklug tho necessary steps iu cimiuiiiiiuiigo ui vinui) lllidtOIIUVO the trial tnLe place at the North, Tin; m'amiI.ijcasi:. Tin; Supreme Court to-day overruled the motion heretofoto maile to dismiss tho application Iu tlio M'Ardlu ca-o for want or Jurisdiction. Tho ea-e will therefore conn' up for nrgiiment on Us merits, ns previously arranged, on the first Monilay of March. Tin: 'appointmunt or Mtsisrnn to i;x(ir.ANi). Ti'r.lti; ; coins to be no dnnbl that liuiniipolntmeut of Minister lo England has been tendered to Gen. George 11. M'Clollan, but nothing ilellulte has yet boon heard from him us to its accept ance. The leslgnatlon or Mr. Ailam-". It has been ascertained from all ollklnl source, takes place In April. t O.NdlSUss'lllN.W, I'llOslM'ATi-. T.n. probability of at tlnuoiis sess ion of Congress hence to the Ith of March, IStitl, Is beginning to bo tli-cuss-ed among llio members. Nearly nil the expressions point to a recess in June for a couple of months, a rcnsssoiubling in Septenibtr, If events require 11, and then a recess until Dei-ember, The present session cannot po-slbly complete lis liuaticlul work before the last of June or theearly portion tif July, and there will probably bo houiljouriihiciits fur the National Convention or either party. Foreign Jffcws, FimiiUAiiY llth The riotous distur bances Iu Cork were rcnoucd Wednes day, and n-siiults were made upon the Police In dlU'orcnt parts of the City. Tho Portuguese Government has au thorized tho laying ol'a cable from Fal mouth, Eng., to Oporto; thence to the Azores, and tlienco again to thocoaston the United Slates. I'i:n. loth Admiral Farragut having recovered from his slight Illness, lms attended a Stato dinner at the Royal P.ilaee In Florence, to which he was in vllid by King Victor Emmanuel. The Italian Journals continue to speculate upon thu object of the Admiral's visit. Minister Menabrea has staled iu the Italian Parliament that several ships had been dlsii.itt hed lo South America; ho gave no Information, however, ns to the object of the expedition. The piisouer Leunou, having been convicted of treason felony, but not of murder, lias been sentenced to fifteen yeais' Imprisonment. News from Abyssinia sets forth that King Theodoras and tho British cap lives were, at last accounts, at Magdula. Leave was yetcrd.ty granted in the lSritish House of Commons to bring in it bill to suspend for it swrt time the operation of the writ of habeas corpus lioni the 1st of Marih, prox. Tlio French Government is rapidly pushing forward tho organization of the National Guard throughout France. Fi'.UUUAtlY 17th. Lord Stanley Is expected to shortly succeed Earl Derby at the head ol'tlioMlnistry. Lord Derby, howevcr.still lives, us also does Judge Shoe, notwithstanding tho announce ment, of the death of both gentlemen, In London and New York Sat in day. No changes in thu Ministry, and no Important alterations of the Constitu tion uro, wo aro Informed, contempla ted by tho French Government. FmittUAiiY 18th. Information was given in tho British llouso of Com mons yesterday evening that tho Gov ernment was preparing an Irish Reform bill. A motion Wiissubscquontly made for thostcond reading of the bill, sus pending tho writ of liitbean corjtits iu Ireland, mid Earl Mayo, dining the progress ol thu debate upon the motion gave explanaltons in regard to the ar rest of Mr. G. F. Train. Mr, Sullivan, editor of tho Dublin A'atlon, lias been found guilty of pub lishing seditious libels. Italy hasathngth determined to pay part of thu Papal debt. Count von llisinaiek is seriously ill. -liu-Uvt JUiioi t. Win lit ik-1 linshcl llo Torn " , Klmir per lurul t'lnvei-M-i-il Flnxsot'il llullcr i:i',s , I'uUnu- I(ltllt(l(-S Ill'lril Apple I'nik Mums siltli-s unit Miiiuhlcm Luicl p.-r pinuiil ll.iy per Ion I.U.Mlimt. Hemlock Itoarils per tliousunil fei t Pino " " " (one liu-li). Joint, SVuntlltiu, Plunk, (lltitiiloi-lc) stlilnyluM, No, 1 per lIlOUKUIUl , . S2 .10 . i n . i i' . 7 I'll . J 01) II Ml II , 1 I") . ) LD I'l VI . 10 M . fit 11 .. 1MI-J) ... 15 IK) ... S 1)1) ,.. 7 W . IS 00 swing IlinN No. 1 sk-ntch pit;... No. 2 " " , illuutn ft. 810 S-1S 815 I'lillmlrllilili, 'i'liuiLSOAV, l-'cbruary 20 ISC'. FI.OUK Northwestern nuprrfluo nt 7.003 8.00 Northwestern i-xlm ...s.-'ytji) li.mi .N'nrtliueMerii family IVnusylwinl.wuiil Western suiK-rlluo... 7.VK'$s.'.Ji l-i-iiu-ylviiiilu uiul Western extr.i siOf-jilo.w IViitisyallii nml Western family ,.II.on$lJ.7) l'i nnsylMuiia ami Wtsttrn fancy lt.Uk.iUI.oil Iliu Hour s 7).3.oo Wiir.vr IVitiisylvnuUreil.ti Iras 8ii;(it!2.W) houtlicrn " " $-MHXj$W.7'i Calliornla " tf).-:o " whlto ' S.1.lVdHi.h) Kvr. IVnnsylvanti rye, vOius I..V)&)s.i.-, runs Yellow, ' lil,.infi.,i M nue, Jl.JU'i&Si.-ji llTS-stills iy ..'.7-h- Pl'.OVIsioNS Mess Pork, $ hbl ?JL' M Mess Heel, " illM wrtsseu iioks, l siic&liu SinokcU Hams " lVCsiKji! " hliuuhlers vlt) 1'ILiu.flllu I.nnl, V ID llMjlulJu Hrxps Oloversii it i hus ST.tloois.oJ 'i ImotliysutU V hus .!.i;, 1-lnxsieil ' , J-.KW.'.SO e.vTri.t. neci uuoe-nip 7et.$so lAms, tt, laail , ftJa57."i -silr.ri- V lb 6ii;i.7e lliiu- tUOOtlw II).i0Silii0 NEW ADVURTISEMKNTS. A UDITOlt'S NOTICE. iu tlx Ornhnirnfiuiri fur ilir Cminiv r rv.intn. Mh In the mall i r of llu-o-tntf of lnnl-l MunlMt, l.ltf Ol Ipv , M-0' I I W J , I'll, 'J lit- AlUiltOMlplolll. ' I Uv tlu'C.nrt tu U.-iI.iiuh nt Hih It'HHnt ) Win. CtirUiiiiiiii ucr Uu- fiiiiiituiL -.It'll) nt ( niitrl (iill rVi II ill I'ki V. tn 1i.i1:i i)U. tnbmtuii niiiuiiUxt l.'Uililulb on I.l'Mh!Ml,lhu 'itOlIKIll I'.'lluWr.LU Au.ll.l'.tnr. in llio Oijiliith'K i'oiirt for the Comih offiiliim. III. I. Ill tljOliiiltliT Ol I hi- Mnl-v I'l.. iliri-nst'il. 'Ilai AlUlllor no niiili-il l.y thi Court i- ii mi iv tti-iiii'iiiiun ui im niHtiu.'f in tho tinn-u of Lconiinl AitmiiK, AilniliilMnttor oj Mm i;i. K llh.iri tli-n'ilM'il iiiutiUH tlimlnillnif,ot tlio wild limstn!i. will iiH'i't tin- imrtlra liiU'n-itfil for tlm Mh. A. l. 11, ii) Itlti'il.ick. A, M lit hU iiitU-y III il-ouiuitliurColtniilitii piumtv, l'i. .IUII.N (1, niKC.U, An lltor. A UDITOIVM NOTCH. in tno urpnairii uotirttor llio County nf C'ulum Iiiu, In thu mutter of llio estulo nl Wlllliun L'luy tnu ilei-easpil. 'Ilui AiuUlor iippnlutt-ii hy tf,0 e'ouit, lo inaltiiiUstriUutlonortliu luiluueo 111 the ItullitH m rsniuiu I Hul 1 Miiiv. I of William Uluy. Ion ileieaia,limomt tho Iccatct'iitiUf state, , lut-it the tK-M Intel rslctl lor Ihe t of his nppnllitlnelit on l liliiAV.VTIh nf MAlail.A. I), limn at 10 iieiock, A. it. ul lilsolllce in lilunuisburn, Culuiiiuu enuuly, l-u. Jiiii.Narrtiaizi;, Auaiior. UMT'b'U'H NOTICI3. In tho Orpluni'iiCottrt for tlin County nf Colum. Iilslu tin- liuitlerol iheisiimiol I'lulcrlek lless ilto aseil, I ho AliUllor nppolulul liy llio I'uurl, In liiilku lUktillmtlnn ul Iliu Liihiurolli Iho liiiiids ol Thomas Hi., l'jtttutur of KiiiUrlik llissde (NiMH uiuonn ll.eli times- ul inlil ti Huh ,w in unci llu pnrllm llilmsliil for tho purpose of his an pollltlllint.ull HAll'llDAy.SlAlUlliH.A. ll.lfuS, at len o i Ink, A. l in tho llliuuf ICuhcrt P. i'iiil.,tKl,n.ii,iroi Main nnu Market HlueH, llluoiinljiiiu, I'uliilnlila eounty, Pu. M. U, JAt KSO.V, Auditor, PUHLIO SAL13 1 OP VAMJAIlLli IllIAI, UHTATi: t In minunnco cf on oriliruf IhoOri hiiii's Court nt Co ii in hlu fount), l-u., ui HA-I UhDA V Murtli lull, IMi, ill onouiluiltluiiK-ulirinoou, Willlnm Cmi.y, (luaiillau ul Hisjn one of Hie nili.ordill. illili ol Josiph tliarharl,lulo of Main luunshlp, Insula lounly, diiuisiil, will iiio.clu sola by puiillu Miuiue, en the pninihn, llio tiniiniilril ono-IUIrii lutcrist In u urlain Ij O T Oh' (J 11 O U N 1), sltunlu Iu tou iishlp nfortrnlU.nuJoluliiElonil of JJenJumlu Mlllir. Ailuin 1 ellirolf, una otherc containlnir iitiimt TWi) At III HofliiuU, uiitru ii oroeri-ctijlu liWl IMMI)IUUhl-.,r-iora llouso ana riluhle. Iliu luliritlul Iliu widow, nml of John Oinrlmrtjurul Matilda I:. Cii iirlmrt, tlicutti. -r cliiltlrt ii of dictUint, will L- solum ihummo tlmo nlul jilaie, JtfciiKCOLl-ilAN.Cliik. fyurm ol iliu I unhufro uu my klmll Luimld ut tlio KtilliUiKilowii -iftliuiiroiirly.ttuDiii'.iciiilhlikH tlio ten jit?r uut.nt il,u luiliimntli u uUolutu' anil llio Kiuuliilnu llirtt-(uurtliB Jn vne jiar Ummiitcr, jvlili lulcrriii from tlio tonilrina. lion m, bi. ruichuiit r to yuy tor On U una fctwiun, I. Mi' tl.c tHutp oi u til iliuoHil, i-ttualft uu uforc lib, UVr yS l11 JAM 1 ItLhV' UnwUiai.. g T A T E M 13 N T- O F V if 13 ' F I N A N O 13 S or Tin: (j O U N T Y, O F OOI, II M II 1 A , I'llOM jANt'ArtY 1ST I8DT, Tn.lAM-AKY 1ST 10". TllK Atl'lllnrn f lcrlfil Id initio nml mllllM tho ncimtitH r.f t'lilmuMil rnimlv, rMttOTtfullr I 'PR ti-Mv.- to irp ,ri iliu ihi'y liim-t'-Hmimtitlit- (.niiit- frutu Hi-- il M tl.ii f lithium- A. It, iin I tin is. toi.l i-IkIiI titiinliitl nnd 4lt" m- fit, to ihi Hi ki ilai i.r.hthimi-,v a li'. mii-ihi itmiu.l i-inlit iiitli'ln-1 ittt.l slkli-i'lslil tiii.i, iitnl lvt-p. i tutllv lii lii'fiiii. Hn Hih, .titilbr hi Hn- tnurl il 1 1'liilm-li Pints, nf mM enmity tlio Mto.vlnmilnlHiiriit ami rrpull iigt-i i-alilv tn llif anil K.i-tloti nl dm Aol of tlciu-rnlniiM ii ili li- i.nliis t'iMiitii.ivriulili ihism-iI ilu- lutirili iliu nf Apt II, . I-, lislli J. bTll.i:, Trm-un-riir Coin miilacoitnly ll, in:. .Inn, 7, Toiimoonl mitfttnti'lln for ltkl ntil ircvloiM vfni's, 1 " " To lltilniKv In Ii in ii of Irrnv tirrr, m pir An lllnr ro- ri. Jit 1 1. im, IVh, 0. Tut nil nf .h iimiol KrlHmrr of llriur Crotk, for Itismin 2 C.Hnlr. Mnr, .", Tnl'iiKh of K. lclmrr of Crrrlt for Iticptiiif .Iiinr Tonniiiiint of cnunty tux riv M'NM-il lor Isl7. " Tn ninount inMt-d lo Duhltcnto ofHcult Tuw IHlltp. M Tonmoitntof Ten iUy nM"it tnctit, iMi;, " II Tn I'li-liof CmuI Ulitpp tinprov cil 1'iml 1 i riili-i'intil, Mcjit. '2 To fasli nf A. . lUni, Awiit li. rrilOPUl(-i, Tufa-sliur Kinitlry i-otkoiih i. roilfonicil. " 12 ToOkIi cf Tlmyor A Xuye-i, IVtTt) M It Cil 177 W 100 0 no 11 MOO 1 r, 20 21 l"i l)ec. 2 Tn('iili r fJcnryn llvrmi of llrlur t ifi'U, for Lct-imiLf u. Suit, Tu fali forlm ilay so-(n.ent ' 10 T(iCfi-lifromNortliuinlTlnjnl ruiintv iiuc t'iltimlla co., for r.-tmlilnu MrMitc " TO 0111 AHHPHluri(,!l3K'S llU 'Ion tilX, W,7. " Tn ruh fnrsuiKlry Tatf-i, ' Tn lliit.tiuv fintituiiiHntf. Tu Vih nfHuiiilrv persons Itc ili'inptki.i liiunvy til 27t 70 fJIUJ M JOIIXJ, STtfjUi.Tcv rct of ('olutnlil.i eminty In nooutint wltli t tx rtntldi-t, UU. CU. Tn ntnmmt ontMruidlnnfor lsfitJ 11 il ptvvlom uirH. Tn ntuounl n!wl for IM7, $ 017 d Rtntrmmt -liowlntlie ninndntof ennnty ntiil ilng ta: ns-is-eil for the y trlct in thu county, ui m-11 111 the ninount duo tiom c.uh, uln Ihi'iuini-- MllllflH, niniiin ...Mutthow wynltoop ,.1HM Milter .mHitiuiH-l Nntmr-ss. r Hniiuiel Uhone ....Jam H.Ineobv .. , ...l'uirhls Killci 11 ito do ,...11. A.HucpppnhUt r ....I'. (I.Cump.n-11 ....Thotim-i 1 lower fi , .Inteph ('olctnun .... Ineiiii H. Kvnns ....Duiih 1 N'evPnrt ,...AIimlmin tMiiunitu ...ClirKilim Kiimll ...lnmi'i KKm-r ,.u.Iohn lii lliy . ThoniH.f, VUIer .M.Hnilolpli Hliuiiiiin ....I'utcr J. tnnt .. .Hetlhi'li llcllui Iliroh I,on(; .. .N. DmKlinch ....(' 1 1. Moore TucnhT. rwlllliK r Hilartrcelt Hi'rtvcr It'-ntim , Hcrxv Ick It'iroriiih (Vnimll.i HorotiKh i,'nn nullum , Ce-itre , ('ntinvlHvn I-'ntnlclIn Kl-tlilimerecl: (li'icnwiiiHl Ueinloi-I; .Inelc-on , , liOCUht Mh'IImoii , Montour Mount rieunant .. Mulno Mimiu tiruiiKO I'l lie. It'Hirlnyererl: , MiK'trhmf 1 Itict ten ihij s teiesistineiit t-Vi hi " exir.i list tsHmcni Keott. it Leaves niuuunt county tix niicR-.ul 11 r iftti. Nun: Tlet tmirlie.1 wltli ' hauiMncu I een fjliiteiiii-ntMh-nvlnthnniiKiuntiif county icruui, uiainum iu feiuti couniy. Himurloar lU'iitou I lohlimcrccU.. MlllUhOIl l'lne Heaver Kenton IVntrulla I tor. It'inyuKhatn... Ileniloi'k MlltltrtOll ....Mtriilm V. K'lh. HL'Muntnel Afphliuiii-... " John Sullon .Tat fill edit el ... . " Alli-rt liuntcr !JtJolm lllnikrllter .... " KumuH Applcliiitu .... ..... " W. II. IlelufioM ... W. 11. Iti iubu il .... " llnuli A. Hurtnmn .... " Juuuli DcehtU EXPENDITURES. AUniTOH'-t AMlCI.ntK'H l'Y, Uy ..mount pnhl Aivlllors and (Vlerk. amomi' nuM 'Ml. Uroi'lt wity, ainluinii 1'n thoiiot.i ry unit Honhlir'tsiit'count. AKSlISOIfH t'AY. hi-ulNri. ,u (i'l 111 2; X in jo 11 '.:." "11 -ii L'i 71 1 il IS IM 1- 71 It H 3! 2, 1-7 Si 10 Hi Jl (U 11 -J5 31 !3 To h 12 7 .'l la 10 Illnnin townslilji lliner " lli-ulnn " Ilrlar C'r.-f-U township llerulik U-.tiiiit-h Catawissii tuvu-.lilp Cent re -fonvuuhnm " t'eiitr.ilia II unui;li I'laiiklln tiivvnsliiii rishlllKi reek " (irui-iiiiu nl " llenilnek ' .liukhuu ' Liieust " Malnu ' MUllln " Miinlnur .Maillhou " Ml. I'leasant " Drallg-j " 1-ilio ' Un irlPKeieelt " hilKirluaf " JS 73 1 I Ul II 7.1 I'S ) M !Ai Jil 7.1 SI '5 II 7,i oil M iminai: coistuact. Uj- amount i:ll'l William A. Klle.tjrlilguln rislilncereelc liy ninount p-itil I'eler hvv.uilc, brl.lfio nn eounty linn be tween Cotllliilila.aiul Mull lour BIUUOi: KCI'AIIIH. ily amount paiil Mnntgomerj- t'ule.HliliiLlek, Ae. SV, 01 Ily amount p mi John llemer 1-.1 IU Ily ninouut p-il (korgo Uur- li man 13'J 0.1 Ily amount pnhl Joshtui 11, llis, "r-toiie," JO (O liy iiuinunt i ulil TliUIp Ilarl- inan.luicilMT, SIirA Ily amount pul'l D.ivlil ICIle j7 Uy ainouut p.itl Jonas i'uli- rlnc-r. IH i liy nmount ral 1 Jonns 1'ah- rlni;cr,iriileoneouuty lino 1 etwei u Coluinli.i nnd .Nurtiliimlierlanil. 21 (S Uyaiiiount 1 Wm. nvelnml v t'J liy aiiKiunl puldl.C, Wuod- waul. M l'i lty amount pnlit J. II, runnun 7J tM Uy iiuinutil pal.1 i:n,iH Miller, .lunulis, HID Ily amount p ild.lni.epli lit Ister 1.1.1 1'.1 l.y nniouut lllil Ji.iin hinaco M ISJ Uy ninount paul huntlry pir- h'-lis. W7 CI VJIW a I'.t.ANK lilOKS. Ily nniouut pal.l for lllink huuKs fr I'lothouijt.iry aii.l Itei'oiiler, i.inl i.hM.m uuok i.u I n, ilu.ll-.ili. t.vjK) (.'(IIJ.NTY IIL'IUHNDH. Uy iiuioiiul t. I.I lor ii alls at t'oiitl ilnuse, anil ui. uiul J ul iln.lui! I In i nr. I'Jl H CIXAMMJ t (il'IIT lior-ii:. Ily amount pal.) Mr-, Oieuuif eleiiiilnu t'ourl House, -Aj ty;ii'h Arrur.Ni:v. , Ily nmount iiahl H, II, I.IUIc; J C'olillirR.lolier'M itttoriley, 7", CO coimi- i-iui:n. Uynuinunt pahl MosiHCollmaii forlllejenr 1-07, 87S C CON-TAIH.i: KinUISN1). Ily nu Mint inlil tin- herrnl (iilihlHl.len in It k llir s. t nr. I1 10 rOMMONWKAI.HI fOSiS. Ily nmount pnhl unnliy per- KI11H.'sin.riiK. Uy huh. not inlil Allen Miuiii euiiiml.Mioiii-i. Uy nmount paiil John I'owler isimml-.iiiiier Uy ninount piinl MnntRomery rnleeoniinlMioner. Ily nmount paht D.ivlil Veneer ii mmli-i.iiui r. Ily nmount t alii Wm. Krlrk- Utuiu lu Jan, I, Ibis Link. Illt-TIIKT AT'intlM V i'.Ci to m tu s CO :m tv no ro 11171 tu tM t) llyaniuunt alii M. M. Iinnth. ni.lXTlOf. KXI'KNBI ts. Ily nmount i nid niudry itr- Mimi,i,prru(;i:UstUuK, Ily nniouut puid tunUry ptr- honK ut nerul elections, KUDU Uy n uiiunt i aid A. Miur.n for conl I unit Houseatid .lull. 1'OX AM) WII.K t-AT K-AI VP, Uy nniouut paid mniliy per fconii, incidi:ntai, lai'iiNsiw. Uy amount inld ttnllom ty i tp. l'riUJlAXU Uy otneunt jnld I ei ml... jn. i, ii luiii o t u "Uniual," INCtl'I-HTH, ly nincnnt raid John Uenlt ( u Iho cf Jel.n .1 owltr. Ily amoiinl laid John tlu-in. I'irlln on body of IJ, I.', Unburn. t.n. .. 51-0 II f6il I. Uy ainouut uild If, (I, frcvil. ii.K oh uouy ul .1,11,1 ' " U.....II llyninount inlil Win, Hook. Im.d on IsAly tf I), I'liarltn. 10 13 Tl-TTiT lli Jl i:oi:h wahfh amtihh u: Vy omouniinMJiirorKdorliiu H n vjiur Jti7. JH5 ?5 In mm on with wil'l -ouiily. ( It. I!y nmfttmt nutstntiilliiff lor urn; mi l en-vlmis ,vo-s. S fi.!i K lly r n iimilloiH nlla-vwl col. Im-im. I SI 51 Uy Uu mnlftslnn nllmrtM 'tl- loilors. W SI liy iiiiiiniitt nf county oMits rftlix-inn i. IT r.1 liy 'J rsnsto-ewi pnmiiilimion Mi itl nt I rr font. w ? liy llihinis-. 111! " Uy Inlinoe ilneTrrA-siirf r tmr nu.lltofn roport,.Iun. 1mj7 Uynmotint tmtut ui'lltu n l' tmcnllwtixt. Uy rxoni f.itloni nlloweU roN Uctnr. , , 11 v roni 1 n hftlun alio v Oil col lee tors. Uy 11 mount fcheep il timm cr- iteri iihIcpiiii il. Uy ninoiint pnl-l AMir for (He.ttisil(U tux Hi", Uy ninount p.l-t Tiv--urrrs roiiiiiisloii on l&l 7i &r -! 371 W C4 0) 81 40 H.-j0 7 i Gl a: si I'iir a. ii lvt'7, In ( nf li 'UK of the collector-, nf naM $.1)12 J-2 tW7 01 7I M J7 Ji'l ifti oil 1 1 iso tJi r) KM ftl M IV1 110 11 av 11 aMio 10 in T,i K 17 .) 3111 in I l.j 111 li Ul J ftl n-tfv; nw 1-) -w " t liH'7 -It 4;i 21 7'i 21 .V) L'I f-2 111 ID -tfl (il 1,1 ti o-i t 17 o m ay w m 101 to ii to u.'i 1 i-7 ta fii r- i o'i u.. a. iu iKt an) . . tv ui u 20 ins fti i M d. ;vi i..t fti to ... fs 2J 1-PiVtl ft' to to ;w i-i in lit -15 il S w 7 .TI IU 7-1 to 7-lli 71 ttM w "1 un -j." 7 3J n 01 1.V1 :n rm to lS-7 41 2J) 10 il-' H) 1W t"i li7 Mi ItS to las 7" ivi 11 ww iir.iij ;c. ftjuti siy.iw sinj.i7 70 17 ' n, IiTO fV d tax il lie for Mtit, Uft Mut l'Ol, from thctUr- Aiu't t f .'.AS (Inc. tit w :i to i ."1 1 ; S.ll n fti S 7) 111 0" 17 i"i iw r, ii .1- Ant', iluc. Ihi in 1 1 Ki AM "&i"'t I :-j Hs liXl 17 At 1-17 :;o tin 10 ivi r7 ivuA r Hue from '07. Ul-' 10 5l!L U Duelruurc?. IM ftl Sir. 0 I MI.DIfAI. firitVKT. Ily nnioiini paid Iir. K, ', Har rison, uttellJ.iiiCi oil puh oner.. I T.Ot'llONATAUY. liy amount p-iULIi-su i 'i 1 -1111111 l'n.lh'y. l.,r 1 ti oiMltiu spi iiik it.etloii reluiits, l'llIXI'INd, Uy amount paid W, II, .l.ieoM, " " .T. Hinderf. " ' t". II. Uiotki.iiy roHTAai:. Uy nmoiiiit paid .I0I111 II. I'm si 1 1-. M. I'lIXITHNTI MtY. llynmonnl p-ild '. H. 1'elillen llury i,,t- .iipjMirilns com lets !y lilliolllil paid Slale I.uuallc llospltul lor llio huppurtof U. hull. 110AI1 and intuitu: vinws. Uy amount paid sundry per sons im li-in rs UOAll IlA.MAdi:. Uy nmoinil paid U, 11. Ul;i;s, Doom tow iislnp. Uyamounl paid .iiu-oli (It r- lurd, tliei 11 wood township, Uy nmount paid Henry lllelite 1-tne tow 11s.l1 1 p. Ily iiuioiml paid IMwln Jollts Hi 111 lot k lowililp, Uy iimoiint paid Uin.iuuil foil lur, lli-Leuwooil township Ily Iiuioiiul paid til oltte,-le Mt. l'liusaul townshlli. Ily uliioiltit paid llller Hies, I'luo township. HIIKlliri 'S IIII.U t'.y ninouut paid saniu'-l Sny- tler for bonding prlsom-is. I'y iimounl paid h.uuiul Huv- iIit lor eoinevliiu .Iuiiiin Hinwoisito the House of rtini'.e, SIIi:i:i' DAMAOU, nioom tnwtisliip Ilea 1 r " Jlenloii u Cirrk lownslilp CeiiUn lowmhlp l-r.iiiltlln -risliltut f.-rei k lnw-n.hp liieinwood ' H(tnus-U " .luU.MOIl " Locust " Ml. i'lensniit MaUiu " (Ililllll Monlour " Aliidlson Or.iliKo " l-lliii " Itoiirinttduk .snmir ixjnf ' .Siolt " 1.2 IHi IM CHI 10 IK) 11 00 I." Sl'J) 0') Sits 8.1 Sll IU M IX) 1U7 III Sill M) 111 .HI G .VI S7 a 1 I'D -.'.1 ill no JS 81 lis) HI fa i I.S H) is uu w on c iu Ul 71 Si il 1I1-HT.WIW. Uy nmount .ild nt llm fcoverol fourts, tM ',s' oi;.iy i.ssijtl-ih. Uy limouiU paid f. (1 IlaiUley, I i.Ulll Ml elhlli mil III ns p.-r bill H'UdelisI 01 me. 7I JUUV CO.MMI!Vl().Vl:l!-l. llyiiiiiount pni.i npsiii Hny iiiii,Juiy t'oinniissoiit -, .Uy nmoiiiit paid iiu.k, ,1, 'llu-r Jur- I'omiiiissioiier, s nncounriii. Ilynmcunt paid John fi, 1' ris-oiillnit i rensur tl'Hboi.ilslilid slumps, S10 7j TAXIW l!l:i l-.NI)in. 1) Mill Hill III Hid, HIi.kI llor.lllld l.ol.Ul) IIIMsle. iuiill.ll Ki 1 1 . ,, ,, ,,,!,,." sldps, nlul liikjiipiloii mo. Uyiiuiuuiil of 111 ilus issued for Ihe teal ifb't Diilnrt slHipoidirsforlho 5 err lro7. uixca leluiided Intniwi l.lpa iirtiint 1 v ,. c ., . ' li-CO US lM W 1,1- iiiejiar Malcinintofilostuxfoi-ikiiT 1 ), nicoiiuii'rH ilulueiiims. I...'hij,-' ilidiKtnni''imr. il'im i.ii.iu 11 1,'n I.eiSBi,fsl, dun nteipf, icriniu jiar. il.W'l l! S.17I1 IC li 0 w u IU tK(i CO 7fOW .MUCUlit llltllii 111 1M7 . eiAll-lll,, ' "I'NTY (illDI'lih. fllli .VI -' IDediKt old cm, u luliiiiud lWl M Sll Ul jV' Y " rn!i 1 mcd ti w.'iHi vn uiiitmreiicmcd Itsji .1.1 (S2 M t '"V",'""- new ordm (r vnrdrs) uniediiul Slim ssfspis,ss or-'tiittn . a. i). 1H, luulllhil linn! !,! met is n t foilti in the Ion iioiuu Miiliiuuii an. I u (in.) to.. tl-'-i-'eilueloliiinlilaicijiilj of Ihuc thfiumi ul tS!l XI four humliul i nml Mx .lollaii i.n.l Kfci , v.ivi W Vii:i mmi1' t"U JoUN J" HUJ, Cj2 ST uiiutrYurlitiiwlt Ihlm j-htli iluy of Jun. r(!i,iilA,,,,,li lU,u,M,uU,e--W umlutlulWiiUty ln v, ' IL ItllPI UT. 1 County Mtittt W'H. KltlUUMVM, IffrA, II ?0 Ma ffiunty.Untt ttily ihe fon noliiK U TuTor. for lUTiur 1H.7. Jl l,,w wlw wnm WltinMuur luimlH. JnmiarvrlKlith. Il7 Juiti r. j ,S , . , IAVli VKAVildt, CuBim'rii. 1 1 1 1 Ut Jvi.JiKUAi'W, titrA. SPECIAL NOTIOBa. Amouac tlio tiism reMlniMiKe whleti luiturn linn r-u plltil tn icllevo iliu ultllt ttntii of ty( Micro In tin nnm fioi lie ouofur ueertitlh elut-i ofilltpiisr thmi t1ui"nitill(tliiiilKUur of thu Wll I Cherry Trei'l hut hovvi r vuhmlilo it K lttpnf trio liiMl,l()H(i ithr, tu rcllcVu nml tocuiv, ih eii hiilKetl ten f.l. I hy M-lrnt (lu nnd Ju llcloui com hlitillnn u ilh oilur limri- li( nih, In Ihem-ielveti ofMpi'ilu .rili. 'Hits luppy iiitnillfff cxiNti tu n reiutirl. ihle h v lu Ml. win 1 Mi UAhtiMor ' ill.t:ii. nhiMo vu 111 111 eiuiiM Oiifh, 1 iif'iiii' t iti . H'AtNii Smtiu Aithmn, '.-jfII'iU' ttfr tintttutt Itirtjiiint (tmvimtttum m in-s'tin t'lfv, nXiUt-t 1 rmristosv, I'rutn Hknja.'II.n WiiKhi.bit, iip, V pot Maitir ufH Mllll It '.v.llHtOil, .M.l-vt, "In Ihe hprnm of fi I s tnot n-crctynf-llleii''i wiiii li.ii'l'liy 1 nitfii, with it iNiial ho iMiiip mum n It ol 11UI1 1 iv.ii-i( toinp ctcly km Mill lni lu lici tuns kI lii.ntnl pin .11 uu -Uc 1 1 ii li-oilllitli'-t Htald ol hi'iulh ttiniK IllUillClll il til t" UU I lit (rtmi, 1 inui k.iu up uu I101 1'- off Vt l' 1 1 e l filial 'in I mi I ni-o u liliti'U, V- IMft i-tiiKcor lil.dlil'-I wh v,.i I lii nil throiiHii ihi- iiitliii-ui'c f 11 m-iMiiiroi tutry h liir'i h.ilwuiM.f Willi i'Im ri, mill, hi line ui-ng tun hul hen, the t Heel uiit ulmo-.l ni:tl(iil. My con it h cm in H lift me Uu ninhi n in-ihwruM nn-, hope on, c nifiii' 1 inti-il me h iicr-Kiil NplrilH. iiM'Ihooii I liiul (itiaineil my woiiIhIkIh nvlh mnl uur. Thui hni Hilt liitl-iihi, ui hie otuulii'i'U ri'iuut Kcti h iM-rNou-t (oiit'innI itn ihutinoi ficic, I iit-nil l Miali'hi-il uu hunt tin1 .Miuulim Hi ni', Vitil tin-al llherty tn urn- IhmliM iIidU-Im Ih'onhtiilll.ilitl." t'n W. l OWMI.tstl.V, pTrr. iniiiil M.. llontou. mnl hir wile h 1uiuhI-1h k rally. (IK (Kf4 CI-'.lil-.ttltATKIl h I . V 1 1. ciiich iii 11 wiy short litne I't'TH, m'llNSMWi.lin.UDLNM, mifMH. fl'R MNH, l.l!Mll'M,AH, -W,l' Itlltt.'l, 1MM. nl.ll, iiiAiri.h 1iA.M11, no ilk, h.o.lx I.IM1H, I I I.o.Ss, 1 UU,. I.MNi, Ac. II Is prompt hi m-'tloii, rcm-jviiw piln nt once, niM iciiuccH the mo.-1 nlmr IooUimk kmcIIiuk1 nml Inlhinmtlon-., u- II nt luic-ilumilhn.liiitf li lliT nlul 11 lomph tc 1 un . Mrm W, I uWlii; A M).N'(ltn-Ion, I'ropr's, Solil h nil 1). umts UiMfurn, uu I ut ah cuiin try hIuich, Chh filu-tU'e or Ihe Snpietm-Court of lVmisvlv uil.i, li e il II wi-iil tie- liillouliift opinion, uh leh it luiiKirtiiui tn our uii'ii'ii.iut-, in.iiiuriciuti-it, vwnkinif in 11,1111 1 In fid, tho )k'o p.e ! Ihe uimlu eouu.ry, Uu ,ij: "I Hml 'HuorLM)'MiU.HM.v Hit iMti' N nol an Intoxl cutlim iii-MTiiisi 1 lint h 11 mil mule, 1111 hi 1 111 ilH itlMiirt or tht' HUctlM' 01 null's anil l mi lit In lit tit lu iec oi debility, nnu ot ik-inoih nctl m In tin Kyisieiii." Nn hitlir 11 coin, nilntloli con hi li' i rn to hn Mtiuulilc a Itiine iii tins ilIi hiulvil kI.iii thiril hlturr-. "Af(Wt.mj (,'vtiiiun H.Utu" co'imi no titcuJwt' it? tit'tUimi, iroori. vmriLiiM.N tonic Ii n inlXIUIc oiitiillillU all Ho1 Inniedlciils of IIoifiiiHr I'ittt'l'M, loinhtniit Mlh I lire Silllil Cm. Hum, nru nut , niil-c, Ae.( foimliuthu hibt Uiul IIIO-I plCllSjilit 1 111) 111 II Wiitlll. I'niirjMtt OJlcv Uil Anh At, l'hilwulihUi,t Jt. I i-viT w here hy liiuuuints utat otlicrn. IVh.T'iw. ()l the tituwst Iiimimi-riihh' pn-p.irillonsi in tho 111 irltci tor rcsiorliu ki-hv huff lo Iti or ulnnl color, wcMiowor iioiicw hlrii tfivi'-t Hn unnrr Mil h.iliHlnclioM 11-1 UllM'h Vitiitnl'lo Anitiii"-ln. -c ham tncl It nnd louml II to tt -i tnc c Ior iu a ti lily Aoiuicitul mmiiici' ih Weil iti to ic m e il null nil nixl nil .u-iiiiin ciiiiscil hy huamm vt tin' f-ciilp, Tr It ami he wiUsll.'tl, January l, W-t-it. lM'OUMATIt)N. Inlormatloii uinrmiiKil tn profiuu'ii luMiilaui mouth of hair 111 on a bald hcml or hi tutllihH tucc, uho a un-lpe tor the re monlol 1'imphv, IUuIiIicn, l.inptloin, etc., on Un hkiu. Ica ilij4 the sunn- Milt, clear, iuul heuti ti ll! 1, can l'i ohtuiiH 1 1 w It Imhii i hamc hy adilrcH-thm 'UiU. V. IIAPMAN. ClitinlKt, m pIMT.7. sj'l Itroiuluiv. New in U, lit IWUMi IH ANU IMANTKU-t. 1 hphuh(-eilh rw niter for wile, 11 lot lomlt pnr eh eri. ciM i t-.orinu lit K ItKI-INDli I'm'. imi:ni; oithc i.o.ii Mmiurni-turiiiK en.. m ni Irom tl.i- till lit t-ol, IiIoihI.i lln I nn-t h ad anlmiil-i ol New Yoj; CllJ , tor ullUll ill" I oiip.lllV hrtVo exeluslM' coin r..ct. I tlct only i t Ol Ll!- I'l. It K)N, Ik Ij-.l't und vhaincH fiom Ncv oik ndilcil. v ariaiiu d n, ilii'txio pun) to hi wciutl r loi Wi 1011 1 to ati. li li h id mi pel 1 hovphiuo m tin- nun Ut 1. '1 he 1 1 stil Im nit 1 01 11, t oh on 'I'd h 1C1 n mid 1-M1I11 h.i i lit 1 u iiitn 1 1 1 1 1 Ihepiii-t n'liMiii, 11 mm nit "4 die 1 ioi' It 4-111 iu H.uHiuiuo ttulf latlhl, and id ulilehs llin cntp, 'I hit P.iinphlc uim (ertllh it ol iilindieds of will Uu ii pin 11 1 ti . ml Mum r-und c 1 1 llitonim 'l'ti, Kt id In e to nny one ajn living t letter 01 o hi 1 wife to Ml I t. 1.1.1 M (. I It- 1 1,1., I upv Cn. In 'iih.a unt , I 'a , 01 lo the 1. ah-Ii Mm uiaclur IU oiupiui ..Ni v Y01 1;, Tel'. .1, Ihis, Till: (iUKAT l'I'IZK ! I:i-ositox 1 -.t,n, I'MIIS, 117. 'nn: nnu 1. si.w is.. i invn i-o." Award -.I ov. . r. .i , l ,-. n i up t tors, T1IK IllOlU'.sr I'llKMII'M, Tin; oni.v 1 loss oi Tim i.i.ijion or n nop nnd (! O l. 1) M i: DA L ulvi n lo Aim ileiin Kewliut Mnchlms, pi r linpe- Hi 1 ll.vne, plildlshid In Ihe ".Moniti in- I'linir sel" .loiiiiuil or ihe l uiieh Huiplrul, lllesd.lj 2d.lllly, 1S07, 111 lluse wolds: Irnlirli-nnle, ih- M-ietillles ueiiilli- expii.aiil, liner oi m-hHiki Maelilnes, HMilbiloi-. Tills doll hie flist In nor Is auolherpioof of Hie Klel ni 1 lloilt) ot ihe HuweKewluu .Maihlnes over nil ollieis. SI111.KY A STISOOl'.S, No. 2:1 Koulli Hli-hl Sired. Am Ills for Pi linsvlviiula Kew .lersev, Del iwiire .... '""l Wesleiu Virginia. " 1 eli It i.s.:;ui. 0 M.MIiUH 1,1 NK. riiuu inlil signed would lispec Ifully i.niiouneu to ihet-lllrein 01 uioomsliniK nnd ihe pui,n,. KUIC. ally that lit- Is runnlm- un O.M.NllllIrl l.INi; lielwien this place and Ihe dlirereiil railroad do polsdiilly (Sundays exis ptedl, loiouneel Willi thu several trains koiii huuihand U'csl on Iho Catu. w-lssu und Wllllamsport It.illroad, mid Willi Ihosu koIhk Norlli and Koutlion thu Ijultiiwaiiiui and llloomshiii-it linluoad, lllsDiuulliuvseHiiiii In gooil eoudlllon, eoninio. dlous mid eomlortahle, and eliarues reiusolialile. l'i rsolis wishing 10 mil I or see their Irlelidsde p 11 1 1 , en II he a. .-oiiiuduled II pi ill reasoll'ihle eh.ll'it, Ui leavilll-lllliel, linllte ill mil Ml the holtls, J Ai nu I, uiiiin.v i-i i ir- u.MTi'ui'.sriiH jTiiitoniKii, luipoiti rs und Jnhhcrsof lliHii;uv, (iMiVlls, Slllltl-H ANDDUAWHUS, IIUITD.N'rt, MlIh-l..SI)l;ltH, HOOt SKIUTis, IIANDIv'I'.Itfllll.l S, - N 'nH'.IIAIM.HHWINU Isll.KS, 4 -. illlilMIMlis, I'liltlU.MliNNAIIW, HOAIM, l,i:ill--UMUUV, I'.VNOV lillUll.s, AM) xorii)Nn(ii:N;it.i,i.v, f- AlsiiIiinul.iiluiiiaof Illll'hllliS A.N'I) LOOKING aLAWlx, and lllsllers In WOOD AND WILLOW WAIll'I, IIIIODM-S, ll()I'i:-i,'rWI.VN, At-, Nn, -mi Norlli Tlllrd HtH et.nlnivu Vine, I'lllliidelphPl. Jj KN.IA.M 1.nT.1T.1-.N, Uwili r In CAIII'LTiNtiM, WI.NIltlW HIIAUias, OILC'LO'I IIH, .MA'l,Al- Nu, 1 Norlli rn roiiil Hlrect, I'lllludelphla. NMHIHWtf, WII.KINS A CO., Deuli rs lit l'l)lli:iON AND DOMIWI'IO DUV OOOUH, No. .nil M ukel Hired, I'lillndtlphla. H. AltrVAN, f. II, IIILIINIIEII. HIC,utrtN imiAN, J)lIiI,I.N(lKU & (.0,, ' NO. 220 MORI H Tllfllli hTIIEl-r, l.Viilrf i.suKe J,n,u, iVlif, Aiiiide d- Cti.) i uiiiesain lieaielM ill VAIINH, ll.mi.MI, WAUDINO, C.Itl'IJM Oil. tl.ulll.s, HMAIIIJS, ri.V M.TH, HIIAMN IIAOH, ( (lltDAdi:, AC. ALSO, WILLOW AND WllODliN WAUK, lilllMHf.s, TIIUNKK, I.OOKIMI Ol. I,b., 1!IC, Mill- I'l. IssT-l, JOIIN O. YKAUi;it cV ll) Wholisalii Deal, rs lu HATH, t Al-H, HI IIA W ClOOliM. AND LA HUM- l l lls, No.a'J.NortliThliilKii .t(, 1'lUludcli I1U1,