THE COLUMBIAN, 13LOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. f: aruur's gfi;utMfiit. H.atafatlnc Araaa l.aa.. iK AtU'tthi'iiy i'orrtKtmk'Mt of tho Mural New Yorker, ftiniNhi"" an luti-i--tvtliiK stiiti'int'iit of hit f xpt rlineiilH In renovating iiitiiilnwri whew ilmr.vlni; l-i tlit prliiilpti' liiinlin', mid wIutp It I tUtilriiblu to ki-i'p tin' lund must of Nu llum In grwu. M'dow thrre becomi' uii'ulW illuiiniMirtl In their i-rorw, In a U?n jern. lit) trluil harrowing tlioetir fuw, tOi-dronlii with iiutiitrr, reced ing, iiUhtrrlnj, applying iwhw, i'li' with 1 Itllii tiritt. llulmrrowcil oiie-lialf of an i'lght.yrar medow after imimtrlnK It In "prlii!, ftnd had nn Incrc-neP of trnty&vp iumli of liny jicr fim Khw-p nuiuure.iipplliit 1 fU n a uieitdovt'tKawAii lnoriji-o of n liundred pound per acre. Discard I titf tlumi raixlft', ui next turned the soj with a gcoil plnir, and rvsifded to clover and timothy iilttr tin Urt crop what thli crop wan ho ilow not xtalc, llu hiw thus renovated .-.evenly acre, rolling In the il. AimUl twelve-acre iiit-ailow yield wl lutnlx liml-i i alter renovating ade Hcrljl, tho Urr-t crop wai tvventy-olx hud, the next twenty-four. In four yturp.lio jiloweil aalu, needed with four and half Imula uf manure; per iiiTiyititl harvitited tlfty tuiihcU of oatn per aete, a id the net year forty-one hud of hay t out the twolvoRcro lot. It will te een nit manuring wn not heavy. Tho application nnnlo In dBriiijr. In a former experiment, resulted as w ("houhleicpeet.espi dully If thinly mid unevenly applied at that of the .sear. Autumn manuring, uniform ly made, lit much elllcletit. Hut It mint be admitted that Inverting th "nl on dry upland!", In the imi-t perfect way of ritorin ; heavy crop,-i full amonnt 01 gnit hm-iI bidnc u'.ed. Manure must be applied fnvly. If only a -liiule yiftr In taken for thin renewal; but If two or more yeai.H can b added, i at to tnrn In a heavy crop of clover In a ,-hort ro tation, there in no question thu'.a grout Improvement would be made. It aiik-l not be forgotten that one ureal tbjee tlon to plowing and re-mrilrtf stf-" Qeldt, 1 owing to a nnrliir am tjftr.r-.iMr .il, anil mi Iiupeifect pn pnralW) i1 the furfai-e for It. Sow thickly, my n peck or more per acre, on a pmtolSt, mellow, liiiely ton-iln-niftl siirf.u-e, nml a deime, heavy growth of r.m will Li tho rtnult, much belter in quality than that alTorded b,r Ure, cojrm-, thinly acattered hit in. Stimv HMTC-sful grn aler.i luforiu ui that they have Micreed ed la reMorlng meadow alter cutting four or flvo erupt of gran from them, by pasturing tin m -villi cattlo for two in three yean, taking caro never to artii Un tn abort, but ullouiiitf a growth ot urau at loatt eignt or ten Imliin hii-h, and especially In autumn ami on the approaching of whiter. tbo Impli-munl-i uw.-Jed on very farm It a ixni -upply of lutluVr. A long Udder I always in.ecn.Miry to reach tb-. top of a building In case ol arc. A Minna.- Udder for km:'i ami Ihe walla of bulldlm;-, ii alio mwrwury. A Uibter Sve or six feet in hvh;h: U Often convenient for fruit trees. Um can hanlly do without tlie-e thtc; lad ders; but tlier Is onu other ladder which Is very convenient In painting buildings, and especially In gutlnrltii frnlt. It conslntn of two ladder put to getherllko the ratten of a building. Thie may have a xtiull platform on the toji which any ordinary mechanic can make, on which a person can stand for the purposof (jatherinif fruit, graft ing, or any other kind of work nsjulr Ing cuch an elevation. Xnw let a light piece of wood b attaclus.1 by a pin to each side of the platform, as to Keep thf ladder from fallllnff aldewnys and It l complete, Such a ladder will last i. iiretit many years and n.- o'a muA real umi a any other article on the farm fi1 a lahor-Navinfj contrivance, Wu In; whm-vermak(i'iuclinn liiiple ment will be In the Kiime alttinlhm w tho man who after twenty yfwrs of fnrmlns bought n Krind-tnne, and wori dered why he had never bad ro N fore. Vi'r may safely act It down as a (J.iort rule.that in farming It Is good economy to provide otirwlves with iuch tooh at will Its-sen our labor In tho various op erations of the farm. Who would thin), oow a day of raidnjr two hnndrcd bushels of corn and then nhclllne It out on a Are shovel as nir fathom and farm pr's boys often did half a century agf. A curn-fheller can be bouuht for a fc dollar, that will perform tho labor nl Mvtral men by the old mode of, opera tion, and a man would fikvo his time by working out at a day.s lalxir wvlnt! woo1 till he had acipiircd money (inoujh to buy one. Ingenious farmer? and iius-hanlcH are conidantly at work devl-ln newand Improved methods o' carrying on our farniltiK we ulwaya ball with pleasure ever' real Improvement. ilninc I'armtr, rrmi kl fr HlUh rnck W'b had alwaya auppnscd that from pumpkins were of little value for any tUln, IbI we havtf ome to a different conclusioa. Uavlui; a Kurplua at tin oommeni mueut of the winter, we threw a load of them In the Ice hou'e when they kept fron nolld. To nse then t fesd while frown wo think them u ao Taltie, and perhapa Injurious, hut out plaa havi been to carry two of them Intr the kitchen, place them (chopped up, c kettio1) In au old butu-r firkin, and le then gradually thaw till tho next day vvhea we pour m immc hot water, ma klag a KFiieroui supply of warm drink aod food with very little trouble. Tin forrew cow partake of one such a mra a day the renull thus far has been ni-ar-ly, or quite double tUo qunntly of mill wo had reasn tooxavt. Ieo cold wa ter and food In the stoiutuli la not well calculated to Iuctctw the Uow of milk, The au)ply ot extra food for milch etiwe the year jound at ctieap rate, muht ro ccive the utteutloit of tho farmern tnorr tlian heretofore. Jfuine Farmur, ti Mom: IHau WAaiun,-A Mkhl gau. gruloa has luveuted 4 inaclilno that will wash a dluner'd dlshon 111 double quick time. AU tho kit hen maid has to do Is to drop tho plated lnlo a machine,, glvo two turns ol a crank, and take out thu cIkui article m Itriscv from the audiy bath, without tho leastdanjur of.scalilmg her llngors ur even getlng worn thau the tip of them vrrt, WltV cannot u cook fat hw own apruuV UooaUM) U koim against her stomach. IsOVH not hooka with Um eye, bat or the 1 o it n ii .frails; Tl. lUlil rCnlnhl. A CutlTAlN KnlKbt i!fwlnf old, his hair fell oil, mid, he became bald ; to hide which Imp! rlu-tloti, he woren periwig. Hut us he was r i 1 1 1 1 1 out with i-omu otherii u hunting, u midileii Kiist of wind blew oll'thu pcrhi Ik, mid exposist hi bald pnte, The company could not forbear laiiuhlni; at tho ncci dent ; and ho hlui'clf laughed as loud as anybody, Niylntf, "How was It to be expected that 1 should keep strung hair upon my head, when my own would not May there V" TU Hta.iltlt Trt ttltr. As Home Truvcllirr wcie making their way along the (.a-ehore, thej came to a hih cllif, and, looMiit; otil iipnii the tvi, miw a faKKot.tloatiiiK lit a distance, wniih they iliininht at llit inu-t be a larjje Hhlp, no they waited, expecting to mm: It come Into harbor. Asthofntttjot drlfti d nearer to the -bore, they thought It no longer to ben Hhlp, but a Iloat. Hut when It was at length thrown on tho beach, they saw that I. wm nothing hut a faggot after all. Umgen stem gri atest -it a dNtance; nndcomlngeventi'nremiignllkd accord ing to the Intereit or Inclination of tin beholder. Tli Anitttr nil llir Milt l l-l'. AN Angler, who gained his II veil hood by ll-lilng, niter a long day's toll, caught nothing but one little fl-Ii. "(ipuro me," hald the little cmiturc, "1 law-h you ; so "mall as I am, I hhab imikeyon but a Mirry mull. 1 am noi come to my full -b." yet; throw nu hack Into the river fur the prcent, anil when I am grown bigger mid worth eating, you may come here and catch me again." "No, no," c.iid the man ; "I have got you now, but If yon unci iret buck lnt-itlie water, your tune wib be, 'fateh me If you can.' " A bird In the hand Is worth two in tho fcuidi. t'ln .Vss, tUi- li'as, H(1 llie Moll. A.v Am and a l-'ox having maile u cirirtict alliance, u nt out Into the ilehls to hunt. They met a I.lmi on the v.ay. The Fox leclng the impend ing daiigi r, iiiado up to the l.lon, and 'whlpi ied that he wi.util In tray tin An. Into his ower, If be would proml.-i to bear him liiirmlesi. The l.lon h:iv ing agreed to do so, the Kox contrived to lend the Aa Into n .snare. The l.loi no Mmcr kiw thu Aca -ecured that hi fell utonco ujmii tho l-'ox, rcccrvlng tin itlier for the next meal. 'l-lir uM llauad. A Hot'MD, who had brcn an excelN ait one In his time, iuhI hail done genu: -ervic- to bis master In the Held, at length bicaiue. worn out with the Weight of years and trouble. One day, when hunting trie wild boar, he seized he creature by the ear, but bis teeth giving way, he was forced to let go hi 'mid, and the boar escapist. Un thl (he liunti-tiiaii, coming up, everel,v rated hlni. Hut the fW-blo Dog replied, "Spare your old servant! It was tlu power not the will that failed me. He-tnvmla-r rather what I was, than nbum uie fo.- what I am." Tlis Ttvu Pot. Two l'ota, one of earthenware, the othor of hnw, were carried down a rlvvr in ti Hood, Tlio Pot begged nls companion to keep by his side, and he would protect him. "Thank yon for yunr oner," said the Karthern l'ot, "but that Is Just what I am afraid ol; I you will only keep sit a distance, I may .loat down In safety; but should wi come In contact, I am sure to bo tin .uflvrer." Avoid too powerful nelghhojs ; foi diould there be n collision, t lie weakesi goes to the wall. I I,. VVulf unci ll r I.lou. Dm: Day a Wolf had seized n shee,r ?rom n fold, and was c rrylng t lion e fo his own den, when lie met u Idon, 'vhn straightway laid hold of tho sheep ftnJ bore it uway. Tho wolf standing 'it u distance, cried out, that it was n frrvat shame, and that tho Lion had r-obbed him of his own. The Lion laughed, and w i 1. "I suppo"p, then. Unit It was cnr good friend the shepherd who gave It to you." Till Klrtiv stirt llir Rraml-Ui A Klli-TUKi: was one day boasting Itself to a HMinble. "You are of no use .it all; hut howcotihl barns mid lie built without nioV" "flood sir," said the JJrainble, "when tho woodmen emtio hero with their axes and siws, ivhat would you give to he n Ilramhle md nM a TirV" A humble lot In security Is better than tho dangers that encompass the high Riul haughty. Tlis ntlnrt Msnnitil ilia Wlifi. A Jinn was wont, on any inluial being put Into Ids hands, to sa what It was. Once they brought u Wolfs Whelp. He felt It all over, and belli? In doubt, hahl, "I know not whether thy father was. i Dogorn Wolf; hut this I know, that I would not trust lice among a flock of sheep," I'.vll dNpusltlonsare early shown. Ths Civk aatl th Craiis Some (!ee.-e mid nmo Cranes fed to-1 rether In the same field. One day the i 'portsmen came suddenly down upon hem. The Cranes being light of body, Hew off In a moment and escaped ; but the (Its-se, -weighed down by their fat, were all taken. In civil commotions, they faro best who have least to fetter them. rh Ragle aitd the Arrrm. A Howmvn took aim at an Kaglrnnd lilt hlni In tho hunt. An the Kagln turnisl Ida hind In thu iigonles of death, hn saw Unit the Arrow was wingisl with his own feathers, "Uow much sharper," said he, "are the wounds made my weaoiu which wo ourselviw liuve supplied I" TiinHwallowand tho lUven contend ed which was tho finer bird. The Haven ended by saying, "Your beauty Is but for thoHumiuer, but mine will stand jimny winters." Durability Is better than show, Thk higher you rise tho wider Is your li'irlaon ; so, the more you know the mom you will see to know, AVii v has a clock n bashful appear anco?lls.auso It keeps Its hands lie fore Us face, should bo the key uf tho day, aad Um kk ot tio oljtlti. DRUGS Si MED2CINHS. EOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, A MM Hoofland's German Tonic. rrcpor.4 by nr. r, 1. l'niuttittrnij, Ti. 'J'fte Great ttn.ieiittt K,m Msi!frtss LIVLH, STO.TIACH, or mniiwivn onoAtvs. Hoofland'n Gorman Bitton 1j e(sni.(smti-J of llie (otf JiiKs1. (rii tlicy n ntllclBn.lT unn . rij l. trtrncu) of tlooti, lli-rbl TjrjTr ndll.,rknnk. tuif lTcl-nriitlcn, " ItJ hitfht coikvih IM1.I, Mi.l mtlre tJJ Oit 1 fra fn Jll nftatu njrilf(ir esy lilisL Hoodand's G:nnan Tonic, ti s roiBl.lntlon of s'l tt of lh Ilihcrt. ultb tho porvit ntullly ol Stnfa t'i Rum, Oriiiffi.-, cue , making ona of llw mol tu-sftnt noi stfTPvsolo rm-4U cvvr rflkml t Ibe bublle. Thoau pn-fr-nlnff s Uedlds trtt from Aloo bolle sdiuUlorv, n 111 u Hoofland's Qonnan Bittors. In ctt of nerroni dprrti1ot, who mim Hoofland'a German Ton:o xl, ttnj contain the i,im mfdieinal Tlriuen. Ttio Hamuli, from ft . srlctj of f aop, urh o InJlmvillon, D)i - I !'!, Ntrvon Ietl.tty, fta.. la mf "Wk wry apt 14 1m lit futttlom d? 'n Jam mribifl T it tJi of truth i, Vk Hut iht i-itli't't uffiT from or u.or ot thu faljwli'si din an! Ocnstlpntloiv FlntalfMio, ItiwaH Pilot FiUncM of Dlood to ina Hcail, Aridity of tbo stomach, Nrutto, Uirtbnr t, DUkuvI for Food rutnfBSor WcUht In th btoraa h, Sotir Krtic tttlona, tlinkliiB or Tiut tflrlna at the Pit or tta Stomach, Swimming1 of the Hend, Hutriod or Dilllcult Brcith lux ITluttciinif at the Heart, Choking' r buffocfttin t Oensatt m whan la ft Lylns Posture, Diroact of Vision, Dott or Wubi blor tno SicrTt, Dull fain la tho Head. Deficiency of Periptratfon, Yellow nss of to filttn nd Eyfi, Fnlnlntha , Side, Barlt. Ch-at. Utn tffr5 ti, etc. Hud. deniriuiheiof tSL JCJ Heit, Burn lnv in the i-S' Vlctb, Con tni Iznnclnlngs of Evil, nd Ureat Depression of Sp rlt. ThM wmpJlct will ftfVrinaltj enr Urcr Complaint, JauiiIcv, Dftvpnli, (TliM'itc ur Kirtotia iJtjlUij.CInotilc 1'ianliiTH, I)Ihh fit the Kldtic)i, anj a!l UicaH'i arising Uqvi 4 DirHi JcrnJ UvHr, tttomcb, or IatuiMa. DEI2ILIXY, ItavrtTiio run ht Ctrtu wiiTirtat PItOST AT ION Off THE 3VSTE!, IneiXXD sv Uavaaa I.tvoa, UtBDnnira, fisroars, Kti, rto, T)ero la bo mttltdtia esUnt tovnl tt tttra reiatulca in tuco cam a tout and got U Itn it4 to tht whle Syttem, tb .iiutit9 U H.iectithencJ, fooj ,ji 1 tnjojtd, Ihf lomiuuuivtais t-TI pronptiy.tbt h6l la purine!, vrr& la cutaplcx. ih cutaprcxloti tcuiL- iounj and . ticaltliy, tl.a joJ- lov Uuii la eradtcalvJ frciirt tLo )'ia.u tlim !i tfiVtu to U10 dit,aii4 the wenk uu nvrrom In vu 14 bcouua auouaiul haULliy U-ln Persons Atlvttncctt in Life, AtA tm'int the fcarvl of rims welxblnf heart; npeo tktM, with all to atltndnftl ilia, will tlnj la lb in ( thla IUTTJUH.or llw IONIC, aa olUtr tbat wLU loaul tww U Into their Tkloa. rsatora la a mcaiure tht eoenty auJ aMor of tnt youthful dija, VulIJ up tlu-Lr aLrunkaa faiDM,aj)d hvolLh aaj Uiplui te Ihtit rciaxuiiBg ytara. KOTICB. Itt a we UuUULM f-ellhM fallj one-half of tha female por fia tlii of utir iopu latioo art wltVxn In the t-nioj turrit ! tood haalth ; r, Jt m to dm thiff own UpreMleu.uom HUI frl woll." The wa Uncvl.1, dareid oC all unrjtjr, eitrcmoly ut-r-fou, aii4 hata do appvllU). To thla alaaa of p aooa the DITTSRS, or tto TOJiy, U eijtoclajiy rcoaiuiuJML WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are mail atrang hy the nie of elthrr of tlirae mfJk Thy will ctirt vfoj cut of MA ItA&tfUB, without fall, Tltoaaeada of certUfatr hftta secomnlaUJ n (A hftoda of lh 1 ropricior, but apnea UI allow of the puWicathm of but a fuw, Tliose, It will ra olwcrTtd, aia nn of nct aud of auUi ataoi b4 that Uity molt be ballwed. TESTIMOrTIALS. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, VkUJJmtkn qftM Snprimt Court l'a , writ. rhlkiJelpMa, March 1. 1M7. l fihJ lttxt- b lid's rk-rmar EUtrareMsaitofvl Am tonic, o-wful Ift ilerauK-aef thndl 1 "Wk tci eitv ryarn, DIklCf gat Vn UH rafflM tilt In raat-aof lv UBIy, swl want of nrotia acUoa In th )itetiv Yours truly. "Olio. Y. VOODVAHI., Hon. James Thompson, ff tM Sifrmt Ccvrt of Vtnnryhml VhiMnphit, Arril 21, MflflL "1 eftr.sMcr 'Honilanda Uerman Itinera a vatuatrk mtdicim la eae uf att-vki of Iti'llgei tln ot I ai-cpfllo- 1 can ccrtiry thla from my ipertnc of ft. " Venn, with rrrcrt, "JAMLrj TnOMI'SOX." From Rer. Joseph IL Kcnnard, D.D., fitter of . Ttnl JliftiH Church, rMtMfMx. &r, Pear 81ri I 1imo torn fvuf?ntly rf qurtUil to connect nr tiauiu rllh rmi nineii dannnt of dl litre nt k.iuJ ot im-ilklm but, n' gnrdlnj llta prjfj tires out of my appropriate TftV i fphcrf, 1 U n In aliifiictdtvli'itd; '! S?J bat wdh it fiTixjf la various EmU ti liotniivntuinlpi r iruarlyln my owa fttnlly, of tho um.fuiiitt nt Dr. JluofUnJ a (fennan IJ.llci. 1 dvpurl ir oiico frm 0 my umial eour, to 1 ipriiit taj lu I convlf IliMi that, vr etneral HdiU'i of tU iyirm,itl oj'eidfy Jar Itrtr t'cwijifjint, i( ti n w itl MlufitUyrtpiuati'm. In omn ranca it my f4li: lut ciuaii), 1 il'tubt not, it will Nmry U-uutlJ W XiiWM ho mttcr from llio ahn eauMt. Vctja,i'r rxi-Ttrtilly, X II. KL.NXMtn. KlMtilt bwtow Coata 3. From Itcv. E. D, Frndall, Artidant Eil'.vr Chrtt'ian CTirffntfiV, J'SiImJ I hutt ilfrlfrd ieeMttl hevfit from tlia oie of Iloollsiid'a Utrrnan Ihtun, -11 1 frei lttnyiril h to recorumf i4 thin a mrtt aii.tbi tonki o aU wlio art lufiurlrij from trortfral deUilly or truia lUwa w!lnj from dvratgvmuui of the lrf. "i, W. D. PKDALI OAUTIOITrf WeanVs Tti!ljei ftn mtnfniatu d. ff that the . - sljoaturaof U. M. JACKdOiflerw "TSI lite wrappor of lbowU. All pijy -ffl ethwa art ou VrlnHpal Of!ke ar( U iiinfjftory at the (Itt Un Urdlciee fe)tora,K.iUt AKClf tfoct, VUV lolttl. OHAHLl'S M, nVANa, Orrmau Lruiw, Viu tutor, Pormwiy ii. M- JtcEln) it Ow. leteuWtvaU Drvftfiaie mU Duaiaeludf Me Jloottial's aerrnan lhtbfs,pt-rtAttltf t (0 H W Dooiland 1 amusa Twite iut up la nmirt Lotties .....,.',....... 1 CO lr bvttlr, wabJr dotouror 1 W yiubu)'lLautvrletVtiU t.U. Jwuarjr 31, 1 t.9 t vwoLraAtj: ur.rMi. I) II U(IG IB T, lllAXIUSUUUO, I'A., JlKDIOlNlfi ANU rjIlKMKUU. Atxihll Uhl Y.wt vttMrcniK w this &r, I m u)i ti, ruinltU Country Htorm Willi t'lni- nil, (i..lfrvj-Si CrwJUj, TUULIJJfWTOS'rt 11AI.M.VM. n nil tflit'r uunlkiiua it lu thrlr Un .t Cll irlren. . rrf.!p!rtirAfi-iU!!r ctHountll l &II hoai.. In incdl(Ju4, ttujllly U c-r ILe (irt liniMirtanc. ni()uuburK, Jtiup7, b7 G IHAIll) IIOUHK, Cxarx r MmUi tuul Uutfnut Hlrteu, IMIylntljlti. MISCELANEOU3. qiio'i:u & II A K Ult'S H i:VI NO MACMIlXEH, WVrp RWftrdftt lf Itlghrst l'rfmlurnutlheHlHte I'lrsttf N'rw Yurlr, Tonttwtrr, IViintjlvntiU, MtchlKitu, C'nlirortilA, KeiiHieky, New Jvrnfy Alulmtiui, India 11 :t, Norlh Curollnft, low.t, Wnnotit, llKioiirl, Ohio, Vlrlnlt, Wlicimlu, Oregon, at inn f unn op fin: AmfHcnii ItiHtltutr, I'miililln Intltutf, Mry laud tlittltitf, M AtwImliltV A-wlit tlon.lVnn, JtM'hniilcV, Unl AgrlMiltuml nnd M Andnt tuimfiMif ItiHtKuir ntid County I'ftlr (iiHttdltijj nil Hit I'nlr ut whkli lliry wcr vxUU tttil tln luoUhrcf'yf.irH, Klrnt 1'rlrcn Jmi kN iN-cn Hwaidtnlttiee Mnchlutnnttlirt xttlhlllonn London, paiiih, duumn, mn ni'HiitKilli, UnjniitU', M, l)i7lir, t'hiltitTM, liti't the haw tit'cti fuintlit'd, ' coiniiiitii l, In th ItinprMts uf r'raiu-i', Kinprt'snot Auntrlu, Ktnprt'H ut Utiwtlu, i:iii r'ss(f I!mJl, (u'i 11 nfmln, hii tjuffit of llm.irhv, 1 rnr; r.iuVf:i: a maki: ( M.A-TU'-incil I H K W I N ( M A 0 II I N K h j ure sujwrlor to nil nthiTH for llir follnlim n-n J honsi j I, Tiu-y riw wltli two tlirra-I dlrctt Irom tit l h)MHiN, 1111 1 rt'ijulrliit no rfwludini?, ' .'. riwy air iii'Ht tnNlly iiiHltritoo-l ntnl ihi-i ( mid li-JtH Hal, It-tii ileranm inriit tlian other inn 1 ililnif. ,1. Tliry uto ctip!illrrf .xertitlncprrfi'ttly, villi nut i'h:iii:f i iiiljUhtnuht, utiHKli rt ntrr arlvt) i work Hutu oitit-i' in (chliifM, I. Tl.-".liti-li fnadi by tl.i nrtcliltirM It rnucli nun, Uitn, il.tstr, ittul Miirati!i( twp el illy upmi ituuli-n uhli'li tc'tiiiti- In hi witflitil Mti'l ItotiM' t than iny tithrr Ntltt li. ( X M.l- Htlldi, owing to tho ntiuiiu'r In hlrh lh 1 urdr tbi'viHl L- lnttiou,;ht, li the tno ' iunii uh'i In-aulitiil in ut, and inaln On 1 Imnpi'4M ant liftuitv iii upon nilk-U's In I Mn""j' wtnlnl iiii-l irorn'd until ttoy urn won I (lUt. I t. Hit' struc'nif of IliffcaiA NHti'Mi ttiat.lhotiK' it 1' rut or lru!.tn at inlruK t nl n U' Htltf l.t-H, It w lit iH'ttlu r ojt'it, run, iiur Mrl, hn I rrtn tin firm an I Ittruhh'. i 7. liitl't otlicr nnu'liliH's, tin-!' faslen bV 1 en It of Him H,mi h tln-ir uwn optTatl'tn. J. Willi tlaNi inm-hlrH-, whllr illk U urd up j the rUht r f.u'r nidrut the Htimi, rotton in.iy t" ' tMtd tlpll the ntluT Mlttt' without Icvu-nliu th j ttrciinth onlurat'tllty of lh Ht-nm, 'llilt run t iIoik' in nr otlit-r ni.ichtnr, and U threat miii. upon all urtlch-i Mltcln'd or n vW up with iltk. 3. Thcio ina'htiu"4, In addltlou to tholr Ndporlor mt'ilu tii liistrtitm nh for tfwln, hy ; t h,in' uf a IJmtmviit, illy ! mictl und pructl-Htl, t-xreuti thf most Im-huIICuI and prrm.ttivnt tiibrnUfrj und 0111 ttnt-ntal v.mi. In addition to their firaltr machine lb hi Ut tin iriMUvi:n douijlk locic TITCH MACIUNlvS, iiriklru a stitch allkroit both Kldia. This Corp- puny iimln tin tiK-k and Iioubl xtltrh Ma IchlnfH, nu that pf-iriotM harlnx o pn fi-ietn-c.n avltvt HUfh at,thcy tiki- bst, and If not fiillnd can" for ll.r otltrr, thtiKlvinic tit I'lildlr tli dvant.i- of IiiIn arr.ntj; iiH'Ht, Thy ulno inuk 1 tin ni'Uly hiM-nti'd no. 1 lock STnvrr rACirrNJW an advance upon all niachlnr hcrctoforr kinwn foi Nfultit; with thi f.rn'k-lltrh, ft U of urat , fxnsrr ntiilxti ninth, rfrrfally itil.iptcil for taltor1, I h'h'tn.ttcrrM, hnno'H"iiiaki'rH, rarrl.ik; trlinru I anl for all iloNcriptlotH of wot It to whhh th liH'k-Mtllch 1h applli-ahl. it vrork with equal ' farllltyrtllk, cotton, or Ilni'ii thrcj-d, and will , tin llnrit numlln as wi II an tho thUkfwt leather. I vO; with IIiuuhier,JN5. Tlair 3 is I A LIGHT IU MXISG MACJflXi:, containing many Iniprovoinrnts, adapted for tat' 1 1ortii'4, sc-d-m iklni', llijht hhoi inakliiK, a-t well ! for i'.iinll Hi'wliiic IjirL-f nuinlH-Mof Hao in:i I t hhu'H an In um; and they kUc unlverhal HatN- 1 f.u-llini. None w ho have irii thin machine w 111 willingly tt-to the uolny and rtimhroui h k-Klltcli : mitrhtio'H hcrlttffnu In ticiteral u-e, TiieeSVi: j wltli Ui mint rs, r riie-e iiiachiiieH of nery deaertpllon enu be Ink) at llir am nt' ofhVe Injlllnomstmrn, at jHwltivi-l.t the manufiu'turfr'H price, to w htch th" attention ; of the iulille N epcci.ill ItiMtcd, T. 11. MAhI KHh, AyttU, JfnrtoHiit'i HuiUlui'j, IlUKiMlil'ial, Mar."'il7-Iv.J Columbia CotiRiy, l'a. I jWV 'AIHNKT WAKK IlOUSK. ltiKiinder.HlKio-d takes thl method to Inform , the publle that he opcnetl a m;v 1 ritsnum: waiii; iroivn In Hie Wall.r HiUl; llultdlns, n Main Street, JttAtOUVtCJiU, t'.i., ! ViiU h he hnn purcliawedaml Intendi to teep per manently tllltsl with rurnltnrcof j CI'IY A.VIt IlllMi; MANLTACll'IlK I it rosiruHi's ok I It i: 1) M A T H K S H K K , ! MOI'AS, I.(l.NIKS j MAUIU.i: TOP CKNTItr. TA1ILKS j 1 llAIIK-ClMKtNIin.l'ANi; i:nlTOMi;i, I AND WitOI) ItHTOMi:i. I KX'ICNHKIN TAI1II-H l.onKINfJ (If.A-O, : I'Aiu.ou, ciiA.Mni:it and din- 1NU ROOM rCUNITCKK, ! In r.i-t a full ahM'itiiK nt of j It i: A I M A 1 1. CO V V ! WH I of all kin-, an I ot I nvr.uYUUNu iniiu: mnhok hithhi: ; All of which will hrMU CM I I, A V yOl U A M IT, 'He public are IriTltcd to tall and examine my ', Htei 1; heinre pun Itaslng elww hero. tii.oiitii: w. (oiti:i,u Wlimia-ibltrj, AlIKtHt Id. 1-T. 11c 11 a n i i s 1:. Minn: in iti:nt:itv otvwi I T11 my fvIi-nU uti-1 tho juibllo uoni-rulb. that ill kliiiiHor Duv'tioniw, OltOC'KHIRS, (Ui:i:NHVAitK, NOTIONH, i.0., biv miikUuill, oit hiinU un4 Utr uUfi AT IIAHTON'S (It.D hTAXU, lliMiHm-uu, Br JAMIM K. 1IYIJI, Cl-.l'lf, fio ARKlt ft hi I.U' llU'IIATKOV IUK, fturuo UK rMii-lrtilly Mt I nlil. rrhs'97. II, tlUM opt-lllHl , llMW'!A.Ht IKXT, HIIOK, HAT CAP, ANH HUH HTDltll. t thonhl Htiindou MalnHtreft,ftlnomkhnrr,itfcw doirn aliot m thttCouit Houno, Ilia kUk k Unin vml of tho very latent and Ntvtj Ut vwt oiler tl t the (Itlyt-iiHoi Columbia County. Ilecan twNomuioliito the public w I til the follow ItiKKootbt at tin btwt ft rub, lltn's tuuv dotddo aolt-il fto'i U-Ktta, luen'H ilotiblv find tlt)!e tup Holed kip UmiIm, mi h'h to a Hokh sbo n iifall klifls. tut n'M flue Ufti uial pIiot of all uiailie, Imj' ii-ui tile hi led btiti, and.ulm s ol all LlixU, nun Klove hid Italinoial xtiietrn( n', wonim N.botH'e ftlul inthMih ltollli valtt r, wntueli'h ylore kid Pt llnlneiy flne.woiiU'U aiuororro PalnioraNand mlf ah.H-H, woiut'ii'Y u tine Lhl btiltoiiett jialt er. lu abort btMittot utl ilcKrlptiM Ix-lli ph Kfl litidMewed, He would ultocall nttbiitlou to hU line lutMtrt ynmt of HATH, OA!"H( KPHH ANI NOTIONK. W'blcli uunilr4U4 nil th new and opuUr vurt et t lis at prici m w hit h cuunot tall bi kuu iUI, 1 lievt UootU are olboed at Ibe lowtht ituli n.te and will Ui KHarauieoi tutMt witlaUii Uou, A u'l iMMilUittsi heftao i'UrliA)UK tUvlrtiu na it U Uliovrl ahnt UlU-r baiKi4ut hiu tj bo fuU Uiha ut any otUu pluce lu tbv county, Dec Q VI 0 VI Iti le( htat''ltJli'Vllr.l(l.a' UssmjsjgMaiMfc -Vilsj. MILLINERY GOODS, M ISS l,17.r,tl! IIAUKlit'TT 111,4 lu.l rfflil. t krroM rt,o n Mala at.. lllouimimri,, hrr t'At.t. asi wtwtr.n atdc of mllllnf ry rKt, ft utrrr inlll.f a1 Hylo, i-uliMlbllnv nt I.ATI.-nT MTt.R rONMMH. of Hi Trrvl-i-M mairrlal) tmolhff fllhlh.tfry ih-i.1 uHunnu-ni ni TiitM.Mt.MiM, ninno, c, whtrliKtoiim rod Tor.ilo l th tow- iwilhlo rut. Tall iilul H,-. lll(KiinlmrK,, l. OaMi;tiiin(t new. The uioiM-Mletiod bcz h m e 1 Inform her tlemlH and ihf publlo generally, that she Iim jh ncd In l.tUHT RTIiniiT a rreti stock if Roott In the line of Mlt.UN.IHY niltl TUlMMINflS l'i mmuctlof. with IfM Maklngj ml 14 pre pnicl In addition, to toi.oinTnw 11 AT n Ibe ilortrrt notlct-.nnd Itt the bet ulyle of 'hr art, ithi h rhrap and work witwuiory, MRS K.KMXK, t.!nhtMrrM,Ottolr4. IC7. Ti:V MIIiMNKIlY r.STAin.ISII 1 mi:nt. lb MitniH nitrntnn wotiM reipeetfntly an ttouiiee to their frb ti.W In town nnd country, ttiai 'la have Jtint it t-t-lvHl at 1 heir place or btiMltn-N in Mnln SI., brlow American I louse, a large a new kupply tjf f I Mil 3 Kit T OOO f all dct-rlptloii uilted for Pall and WlnteC Wear; lncludlnt Itotmrtnof the latent M les.ltih ion1, trltiitnliiKt of nil ftortM, and lu fact keep 1. (1 m ral lurnMiltiii itt ore for ladlcN. lliclr pat leniH and Mj It are amoiM the latent, and tin orb i h but a Hlflc In ad tain e ot thoie In the Cltj l)o not l.ttl to call and xattiinu their i;oKh hffon uitt lialna ehewhore. Nov. I. TtIK PttPLMAIl KIUTION ()P HICKKNH. D A IM'IiKTON A COMPANY, 441 A 4lMU!0t)W T,M.W TO(t( Will Publish lnrnpillalcly nCicap Pdllion of Ihe wmu;n of citAtu.Ks ui' i;i:ns, rtt; tup: mu.uox, Clear type, hnntlsoniely pi Inted, Htid fifconvetf h'tit nle, cohipriMnc the totlowhiK Milunie, a I fie anuexi d prlce, ar itn; la Prit r m cording lo lilt' lllltolif l'Of IlIlL't'H ! iillxir 1 wltt uio'v rctly) 172 p. licenla. 172 p.-j!i Ml .1IH " uierinn .otca lintiibev A nn t.1ltH1 ;im7?tcTll 101 Mutual 1 rleiiil IS M Hi M :i yi .v, i as ai ui ui S-il I'hrl-dnve Morie-. now read ) l0 Tnleol rwoCitbit 111 lib' ik lb Hive ,H') tattle liorrtt H-V) piekwick Pai l it :m tnld t'opperl't hi itt Iim uaby Umkr 217 HldCuiloitt.t Mtitp yA) hull CXpeetatlotll 1M '2i vki tehetjA Plctuictrroiil Ilitly 170 ' '! " itn let t int of tt.Vt we mail tti any uddret, a- pu UnIiciI, post-paid, the tntlie w-otk t,l Cb r''"i hicKfii. P.ither of the aim, p sent irt eby ms II on receipt of the pi Ice. I Mraotdinary oppm utility forltie inblioti lo Kccure a Library, Cirii I'.mw- discount f 2i 1 er tent, will be in ate lor iPteopit of one voluino or :i( complete Mds k nt t -n ndilicni; a illieottnt of 'JUper cent, oti yt coplt ti, I"! pi r cent, on hi t oplei. iANVA-ofr its rmvetli" opportunity of pn urliiR n ie hiibierlbairt for this eriort timn for nuy other, ft t,v .tiip't'iitice, mechanic, and Jour tie nmti will teitnltih lmy lilrkms at thla low prh e. .end to the Publisher for stu'Ial raten. Nrxtti.Y III ti. Ihe Wnerly 'oel, In the Mitnoehi iipt-tyle. Jnni7"6i pill". KHYHTONK CI.OVKIl .SKKI) h t a i p v v. n . rATrr.Il ncmnrr. S, la. TIiH simple, thonsh rlli't-tU p ninrhlrp 1 ftdmll !,! liynll --plrnlini-rlicrM rstohelhonumt illrn-t U' U fur -Jill-iTlnc clover -eo,l t ilNrnvprciI. A in.-ro ul it N nullti-tcnl lo -unvlnro llu Minit olilust' rnlntl of IU irHfllrnI titllily. It Htrlpn llu-cici,r hrU'l from llie Kliifk lcAvlnw llu-stniw stiin-llm: ti,nn ihi-crcmu-l. II Is cnsllj iIi-.iwii In i, up hr imJ ri-TJln tmti-nc :nn or iov t f. worlt It. It I erinp.K'tt flnii'tt' In Mnultln-, amtnotlia l.lp til crt nut of nril.T, allil cull I'P rllPnrilj' ROt Hp. Ihf- irrcut mlxniihue In IIiN mnrhine 1. ttp h:tc Hip vrct calhPrt-,1 In I ho t-lmir. rcfttlv for tlw-cl,-r mill or hullrr, UphIiIm witns th (trfat Ipnuthor tlmi-nnil lnUtrnf nuiwlnz, Imntlllns nun Ihn .lillr It from Hip Hlruw, II wilt 1mo iy pv try ftintipr to li-illuT hi-, t-i-,l Willi 111! ru.whlup, ti.i itccouut of th -mlni?or tliPni-i-,1 wlih-h l ,t in tlu- ohl wkv of K.itliprltm II. Hlrimrttlniiry lii'lurcnipntnofTi-rri topnPTfpfl in i-ii who wlli lopuri l.iip Mol for count j Rlhtu Tor piirtlculuri inhlrcn WltltlMAW IIKIM10I.B, urritAI.M l oliTiihf. f'onrity, Pu, 7 F.VKUKTT A OH. J. T, CAMVh u .vf?ir nnvn sront:; IN oua.nui;vim.i, J V H T O T K N K D WITIt MlT.K.TntP NH VltlKD HSOItrUPNT Of iioonn i'ri-rtrAtNiv(i t run vnvtt m pinu: rtiirtH, cirnMicAT, ktc i.vrA-i ll Jt Ht"fO. Tn fhort anv article that cn bo named In the I inn: Hue can be had at their More. Vr, J. 11. i "ate U a Prat t loner, and aNo tinder-dand Phar imtey; P. i:eictt Is it Medical Student. Im at tended one term at the Jt ffenon .Met Heal College, aul undertaudt Ibe i-oiuponndiiK of lrm:. They rr-pt et fully tin He tho patn.nae of their friend, and Ihe public generally, a-omrlnt them t k," and whatever will be purchased of them will lie I rt hIi and pure. ar-rrii" rpn: AMniucAN ua y"knTT-,i- 1 AMI P)ItK."-We the undcnlsined eitlrene ot Cilnmtilt County wlltteoaetl the trial of hit? fire on the hum of Mr. Ptirael, In Hemlock To wMilp, on Monday, Mav 7, IhM, between tb A in rlejin Hnv Knife and Pork innnufaetured bv HI.IPPJ:, WAfJ, HIIKINHU A Co.. of Iwls Imii;, Pa., anil I lie Uundil pAtent Hay Hok. The American Pork lifted more rmy in oat druisht lh in the Unudel In thie. Wo ar Rails tl d It will lake an much liny Into the mow as two f: iod l.iTM-t ean ilntw, UeaUoHuw it rutting itv.ynd think It t tin not be beat n a hay knife, ami elu i rrnll reconitnt nd It on th best hay fork jti l knlle we hae rver act n. c. fiTrf:.'nrnKii, Pit. r, f HARnrRos, V. 11. KliON'S Joni POAK, .lonv l)nriiict, lUNirr. Norm. II. luiJi.rMiu.ra, htlvihthi Pcusn Mti i tan. luu.rrt, Jon Woi.r. 'lhc. hNo m tnufactute llie celehrnted Rnckete Pen per ami Mower, and nlher fisrlttiltural Imple- Nlt'UtH. p HOVKHTKKX'S IMANO.S, OltOVITKHN'fl PIANO., (iiiovi:NHn:p,'fl ill llftOAPWAV, SRlt Ar, t lliondw'jy, Kfw YorK, IP liroadway, Stw YorK, Aro uurltalled for IiuntbllltT, Tower und FT netM of'loue. They aie (pat beconilrif Ibe faYitr It orerall i'ihcii, with Mmlelanv Amnteurn and till loTeikt of (lot id Mn-ilc. 'ihey are wm-rmted In eyeiy repei t. prlt.e oioMhlid lower llian other flwl-claia nihk'etH, hetid for ("Irenlar (in()VIHTCIf?f.AC().. 441 BrondwpT, .sw Yorr. Ort.'JI, llT.a. J II. IUILSKlit IIAItNUHM, HADDI.K, ANH THUNli MANPPAtrPUKH, and dealer lu CAItPKT-lUCN, VAT.I1!?. FLYOJl.T?', nUfKtlll KoIIHH, llOIt!f!-rif.A NKKP, AC, whlih ho leclt coutidciit Iw can Melt ut lower rale llian an oilar peuon In tlu cvuntiy, Ex amine for yourHi'hef.. bbop iliht iloorbdww tha Piwt Orllce Main Htret t, Itkiomhtaira, Pu, Nor. It, lv7, KIUINJTUKK S'lOUK A T M A I r V I Ii f, K, PA. A, J. ItKHNINCiPn, Vo4iId renpet llully aniioiince to tin jruMIc, that be ha ti pcnei) new l-'urnllmo Rlnre in M-i'ti Hie. where he kivpM all kHuls pf Hty wtd homo mifle r n it n i t ir u h t cano iKdtcunul ud Imtr ctih toned dmiiM, nil fct)lci of ll4NUt4ftlM nid tfUirauM, table and ktutttbt, and all komU lu hU Hue. llepalrlnjt neat ly mid qtiitkly done. ItaibepHlutlngnndpAter lot ijk In a tlono at khort moire und reAMoabU ratea; In the I cat mnumr, Alao, uitdertkllifr ul abort liolUv- tmvJ2'U7-fc s UHQUKUANNA UOTKIj, Tht sliove loUA hsu lsiely beet) purctissod by HMN'KY J fl.AIUC, Mitd 1m heni tltorvti1ilr re miHlrlletl, repAlriM, aiisl rrfurUhel, It wil Ix1 found hot, In IU srrsueeMet and aiiMUitmentM. a f)ri4-iaMi Hotel, ft 4 ecoul t mb 1b the Humlfr, Penams In rttle wtvtriag ta spend tlie hot mntinm in the eotmtr, will do weft t gfvi ttrv rri)rJttf a eut. w M. I MUIU'IIY'.S K0N8, h t a t r o n i: a h , MTUAM I'OWBU I'ttKfTUR AMU HIiAN'K HOOK IIAXITACTUUKIIS rv llictmit triM-t, A Yi Houlh fourth urcpt, rilll.AIUII.I'IllA, I'A. Tlipy mlii a ppi lallly of rurnUliliii Nlloa IIiiiiIk, rouiity om, cr. Iiuuruac ConipanlM, lluiiklu: llou. pa, etc., with UVI'.HY AHTII't.K Of III.ANK HOOK ANII fll.NTlNII, havlliK inachlii.rj aaeclall adaplKt (or all wwk may rciulr J. i'. hi:ahu, will. UrriMXITT, IK)KJ)tXl., UuiultKluraxa una WbAWnUt twikl.ii lu II ATH, CAfM, KUIUi, AJiBBllUW HWUcl, No. tUMaikataamk, miftdcajan. GROOBRIES, &e., qonfeotionkhy. The nfirtmtjard otit,t rnr'ro" niinnf l th, rnblle llit ho Iim op nl r:nT-a.AnH cosrEtTiOMKny htorr, In ttihnll(Uii 1II.t nrnijilH hj Bnrd Hloli ncr, wh, h In prtparMto furnl.h klaatuf I'l.AIN FARCTL'AKlllU, rriKNUit (!ANtitt;,, domiwtic khuitm, NUTM, riAISl.VK, (.'., c c. T f fll.HAI.Il OR BTAII. la hofl. ft full iirtmpnt of all aoodi la hlii lln ct bMinn,, A errnl tarlttj ol UOt.tiB, TOTS, A.., nltnhlr for the nolldnjl, r rttcntnf atlallou itlm tn Rnr.AI) AND CAKK9, of all ald, frfti HHjf ntt nisT m ai CAnir,i, C It I n T M A H TOYS. rail ! nollcllM, amt mlllirtlr will 1. iniMimt'etl. NaT. 91, 1C. CrcrtAtlT JACOtlH. T KMOVAIi OF c. c. MAtin' N R W 8 T O n K ro Jitrrs m i, a c r, ,n ma conitR or BnnriT mo wnnirrM The nnOpnlffriprl lm Ins mcp U cJ from tin, clt nill aii'l complete supply of HPIltNM AJCD Ht'JtMRIl duy noons and ouocKitriis,, n.V-WAIlK AND HAIUMVA1U:, cKttAtt j.d wrr.r.otr-w.iiiK, )NI'KtT10Ni:nV, OtiAMH-WAItK, T O II A C C O , ti A TK A X I ,V II O R H, viom, HALT, rintr, and mii.vt, ill of which t propoMPdiirnnl a ycry low nguri ircAhh or prMucp, ,r-Cnll hu1 co. April li, 1MJ7. 0 0. MAllll. nURNAim .STOIINIMt, WVinM riKpccttolly iinnouncpto tiNfrkmU n,l piilron, tlutt hp Imi oj,( np.l n nrtPllJ'n I'lUTl T A COM'KCTION KllY STOU V. (hcrpthfra inny 1." fnim,! nl all llnon. a RiipcoI lei lion of I Itl'IT, CONFIXTIONntlY, NfTH, Ac, ih well an rtXK. OltOCK.IUF.S, vchlcti iny tip otiLilucI ut rctoxtnulilp ratc. Tin "lock Im Rlwnys IYchIi nnjof Ihovcry t,pl rjUMtlt No puliw rllt lo hp.irul lu lunlic thin i-nt,ili tH'imiMlt thil lllt.Ht Uf Ul klU 1 111 t'i,7'l. cill I llcltrst l,cf'rp purchiuicy nri) m-idt- cli-cwhcru, ii 11 1 li'lt.-THl that tTfcct hxllif.K-tlon will b. clvpn. (OI.t'.MllIA HOUmK, M.ln l oppanllp MltlPr'j. Htorp, aiu.9 17, Btu. Bisa.ira. f a. CCHI-XI., BKROKIl A CO., 0K3SHAI. roMMtfIOM Mmit'ItA-tTn jDcaJprw ta VtBR, tALT, C31IHHK, riU)VI.-tONS, c, Ken. IB awt t;i north Wharraa, atora ArM Nt, rhllaitelphi. Rol. atnta tor Wllcoj', Whpel (tTMnt, la bar rel. kpaa, aal ran. yyAiNwniGHT a co., wiioiiMau onocrnii, X. K. Corc.r pippood aad Ar,h ailrppla, ISII.ABI,PaiA, Dpal.r. la tkak, HTtiupf, iwrtr, huo am. uolamhh BIC'F, FPIrB-l, HI TAR BOftA, 4Ct, C. OnlPr will tpcpIt prompt attention. May l, lsp-Iy. H. with V. I'KTKnMAN, l.trnstTTTT Tnorrrn, wnor.wAt.R or.ocKr, w. n Nrtk Water HtrMt, awl No. n north Polawara Ar.n.p rhtln.lflpht,. n' r.oa7Ttir.i AMDroMnsioN VSWrrlAKTB, Sw. Sa. al tn A rti IWO DRY GOODS, &c. -IIIANP OPKNINO jr OKANn OI'l.-NfVO muNn (H'i:nis(i OIIANI) OIT.St.NO aUASD Ol'KNIKff PALI, A.iti wimfb fionrw. pM. and nrwiim pai avii wiNtrn cmviph PAT.l. ASH WINTKK flfwilm PAU. AND TriNTHB OfWTO; wn.l.tln ol oon.!llnff of iion-l.tln or oaNiin? or aon.lsttn? or jirt oooni, nitY lliMliiq, imv nonim, imv nnonfl, unv QOOtfl, HKT AND r.P. MATS ANTl f-APM HAT- ANII ('AIM IKTt AND f-AI-s, HATS ANII CAK nnriTs anti irnr.'. nnmv anii bikun nnnT-4 and miniV p.nrnn AND MiriKH. PHOTS AMI HIIOI; PIKADY-VDK (I,nTlITNO. HKAIIY-M Allli I'llTMINd uhahy-m Tir: cuirmNo, UKAIIY-MAUK CMlTlllNfl TtfAllY-MADK. CI.OTIIIr"(l! IVIKINn-flLAWW, lklKINO-flliAHMKx, i,oniciN(,AHsii lKIIC I N(l-fl IAS.-IK1. l.oni;iNa(ii,AssiH NOTrnNs, xonnSH, NOTIONS, NOIIONH NOTION!; PAINTS ANII OILS, I'AINTt AND Olln I'AINn AND OH I'A I NTH ANII OII PAI.NTN AND Olli; onocrrttro. (HVOCRRlin, (IHOCKItllH (iiiociuum onocumiM, i QtirKNSWArtr, OljnKNHWAIlli; iltir.ilNHWAKii; ttu:i:NHWAHK, ijUKKNaw.vrij;, lIAilDWAIli, IIAUIIWAUI7, IIAllDWAKI,:; maiuiwaIii;; TINWAP.K, HNW'AHI TIKWAiUt; UNWAIIP, 'IINWAUli; HALT, HALT, HA 11 HALT, HAir; flsit PISH, KITH PISH, drlAIN ANV1 HRRIW, (ill.MN AND KI.KIW (lltAIN AND 1.1. Kin OHAIN AND HKHIiS (lltAIN AND Hi.Klti, CP. .., rffKPf.VT, NRAI, (t).'B, MfKr.I.VT, NHAI, A (TI.'U MrKfi.VT 5PAI. UlKKI.VT NP.AI. A lO'M JJatlhwp.iPoro.rof Mala ant MrU Hlrivl.. Northern cornpr el Main aa I Market Htrppi. NorUwpat oora.r of Main ami Markt KlrMla' Nnnhwoat corn.r ef Mala aa 1 Markni IUiMl of Ualaan.l MarkMMUM, iirookruunu, pa., SUJOaBUICUU PA. BlJXlMMIl'llii, PA?, UaatlaataVIIBn. PA. tlKHHlW, PA. laVAN AMI) NAllil. ANII NAIIH iS8 iliifc la lari, ajinitttM (Ml alt itM4 ntkss. al.n I HARDWARE & CUTLERY. 15 h a n r w a n n, I HON, NAILH, HTF.i:L, AC, AC. MAIN HTlttiKT, IlMmMHHUIlO, PKNN'A. Taho this mcthtKl of ltifortnltiK the rltlseuNof Uu- luinblacotily(thrtthf haa opened an etenlv Hrtrdnarrntoroon Main street, In Illoomsbura, near Iron ulrett.and that he ha mt hand a laAUGPU HTOCK AMI Hl.TTF.H AHWUTKl) than can o fmiml nny where else In the county, ami which he Intendn lo sell at prices which dcf competition. CHAINS. AXKH, HTl'A-Xt, iKUiN. I hnve chains, nil Mrr. axett, all mak anl welRht,dtcl,nIl Hrvn, Iron, nil shapes, mid all very low. IUTITluill'n ii a it i A IV II, of every tlcttcrlptlont. NnN, nxlo pulleyn, ranIi ctinlN, laKhrtt, Imkiand knmt,i)ull Hcretts.nnjtii tasts window kprlnpp, Imie "knftlw, utrip hltine. haietandrlaplrs(hooknand ntnpieH,nmt in ntct vi r thltm needed in Itml line. COACH A WAOON MAKF.IIM' HAHmVAHU mbraclnR almost every thlnir In that line, aimi H AltNIlHH MAKilltH IIAHHWAIH-:, llncklcn. Jtipannedt bucfctcn, nller platedi WtU of every kind , Hamf-h, Iron ! pad trees t IIamicm. uoiMlihaldlelrceH,Kl(ttrees,Rlrlh wen, womco and cotton thread, wllk, awln and nevtllcK, too! f till kinds. HHOP.MAKIUl'M HAIlItWAUII, A full iiHNortmctit rorcarpi-nter.. I happ!ane -ull Ulnih, waw; hand, panncl, rip, and cnmpiuN iijuariy nteel, Iron, ami try t burin machines IiIhUk, attiit rn. beoN, inalletri, braceti, iiauttei plow, rutin, bite, and rIkhiI ever)thln for car pehW'rw. ion Till; pkopi.i-. cii:M:uii.i.Ya 1 hare coal hod, coal HhOCln, MCHOpH, coal nlfterV, hint trnMablecutlerj.rKH'ket cutlery, plated apiMinn, plateil forki,hcriTrt,teaand cof fee pots.butler knlvcH.mlllftiifvH, ermictit sano.cln nlarMawh.KaiiKt-aw, fllew, horMonlaiei.wii'nchen.rUPtsham incrn, hatchtt, nutltock. plckt, foikh, trrtiti hiitK lioeit, hhorlK,Npnd(rttNpiidlnK forkn, hsei, rn ken, bed pin, tulnettkatet, pl.w, coin n trim nilm;M, l.'mrry, ntl chalk, white ihalk, wire, horoe nalN, meal cutters, Hcalc. wanii bunrd, horse biukclH, woolen paIN, clnlhen pint, tilue, door iuitl (Kirch math, jir hr mat, corn in-pper, paint blUHhei, ti iptfc biiirthit, hlelh hi 1 tntkH.criamel ed kcltle. bras keti,e Co (pt t k''ltle l('U Uettlt'H.'-aafO pnti.brtiail axet, ntilHt lei!(t,ui1alti lltuie, ! hlmh'e'kctns mid Ika Pump', U m pipe, e(e. ritrrel riKatid huu lriit uf articles nut .tmi iiicraUnl coilr-tantlj on hand at CJtAKMX W.HNVHKI I'M, Main HI reel, Rhitimibur);. Qi:oiUlK IJ. KOI2KKT8, Importer And PeU'rln HAHDWATtK, am.r.HY, (HJ1NH, Ar o. .111 N'orlh Third Hireet, kImiv Vln. Pbllatlelpbtft. Utoll K. SMITH. J. It. WP.L7ZH 8 K I, T . K II, SM ITU A InilrtprNaa,l lliMlcrnln lorclin ami IVimpntt, 11 A It I) W A n K, I' N f, I'UTl.KRV, AC, o. ajfl p.Tnir.PhTHrir, ar.cai lbwuill, I'llII.AIin.l'HlA. Nov. r,T-tf. IRON, TINWARE, AC. JjTATIONAIj FOUNDHY, Blnomilmrf, Colnntbta County, J1. The ulwcrlber, proprietor of the aUno- vneo extenstte Mtabllnhment, I uow prrptrel Ut re ccItc ordera for ill kinds of MACTIINHUY foil WM.iniUEH, MIsWT rUUNACFX, MTATION. UT KN01.NKS, MIU,THHrHIN MACHINE, .ti Me h lso prepared to make htorej of nil tlieh nml pattcniN, Plow.lronk, and erer) thing uullj made In first -class FotmdrlcH. HlsfxtrnMve fHclIltlen and prnttlcsl workmen wurmnt him In recelrlnu the Urgest runtractn on the rnott reasonable termH. Grain of all klndi will be tut en In c xchange foi CAsttntrR. Thin efltahllnhment It loeatM neur the mnnnaand IllroutNburg Ua II road Icpot, rKTi:n nai.MYKA. CTOVKH AND TINWAIIK. A. M. TttlPlIItT annonncf-H In his rrlPnttit aatt cu.tamrrn tha, pnutlniipH ttip b!mh p ImslncMk nt hlaolil placaon MAIN KTHKKT, l!I.OOMHlll'ItO. fnhtonirii Pftn l,p ncromoiIntM with FANCY HTOVKH of all klnil, fftOTeplpra, Tlnwiirp, an,l prpry va rlPly of nrllclc found In a Move Hint Tlnwaie li lalitWhrnPiil In tliicltlcN,t.nil on thpmoM rfaaon nble Icrnm. Itcpnlrlnifdantat tbPsWnti-t nollci- 1K17.KN MII.K-I'ANM on tmnd for untp. N i:v stovi: and tin siioi. Il MA 17. HTIIIKT, NrAUI.l orroHlrB M1LI.KK t-roiir, BWIO.MHnUIlO, I'KNN'A. Tnr nndiralKiipil himjunt fllttil upnud oppnpit KTOVK AND TIN S1I0I', in nil. pllicp, Mln ip lip In rrcoarwl lo inakp on new I in MAKr.of nllklii,I In hl llm. and do l ,." ni-llli till, I UIHOUIIII, I1IMI1I ml' niohl roiiMiimljl,! urinh. Hp aluo kcipn on hand l"w Of VAIUDUM fATTl:RNH AHTYI.J1 hl(li hi- 111 krll iijjon li rms tomlt pur(hakr. Wf hlni ii call. Hp l a onl riiohunlc, anj .tri-i , ihk oi win pnouc initrnniiKP. , JAIOII MKTZ, Rlnomahrirt, April 31. 1T. TOBACCO & SEGARS. rjMIK ONLY PLAC'K 'o eft th bent T0HAC0O ANB CIOAIIN, AT tVIIOl.KHAI.K ANII ItKTAlI, al nUNtiSlinUdVMt-w a fow doo,r to-low Iip Ati,ll.,n llouw, lllbgsiiliarit, l'a, l(o tuw th larifpat and mini aelpci or HMOKINO AND CHUWINU Tt)UAaJ encrotrcrpit to tho cilltpua of llloonuboij. All ,,k.miu7 urailti. ot HK11A11H. nud Ih, lpl Pine-out and flu( UIIKW1NU TOnADOO. enn lio ha-t at hi, counter.. toiiacco fifm In irrpnt varlPty are nraong IU. huge Hock. lKJN'T KOIKII.T TO CAM II. H. HUMHIIKTIUKH. JJ W. HANK'S IIIII.KHAM: TOIIACCO, HNUKP, AND CHlAlt WAUKIIOl'HP, No. lit North Third stri ct, beletn Cherry and llaoe, wealaldi Philadelphia. Q I. WOODHUKK, AVkohkale Healcraln TOHAIXIIH, flllAIt-S, Vil'tX, Ar Ac, N. U .Noitli Tlilut Mri ,1, iibuy, Market, fhlladulphla. JHiLKa A HOST, taoaaaMra Vo Franklin t-.H.ltwr A Co., laatui,aaut Whulpwl. I A-IliUOM. iaut, M:,Z Noa. US a4 ill Norik Third Html, kliallpaat I All. LLCli A tn aiBrle In U Utwt laiiu -alfa, at UIHUUUS DRUGS & MEDICINES. s A V K YOUlt MOiVKYI (1 KBAT IN 1 U 0 R M II N T Ml o n i: a t r. it i n i v v v, m r. xthii ti H llATRflT I N I) U V V. M K N T HI!! AT Tin: old imuo hti.iu: or Ii. N. MOYKtl, Where can bo found the l.AiuiF.tT and ttrjir ak flOHTMf.xT ever oiTcreI to the cltlrenn of this county, of PrtiKi, Chemical, PalnU, "in, (IUm, VarnUhc, luttj. llruie. IlictutTi, Mixed Palntr all of thee ntc of the 1 nt known muke and ar narran ed ah tire tuid unaduttriutcd. The Uuvnt and lartnlfitMck of v a n c v a n r i v i. r, h tn he found In lhl or alJiilnlni:eMuntlH Vrfunu ry, Hnlr Fancy Htinpn, Jtitnln", Combn, 0ttnelle UalrOIH, Toilet Atllelen, Hlatlmiery, Potket llottka, TOltAl't'O US, moklni; nud chew lnv, ClnarH uf all desennt Ioih, Plpt't.ctKar Holders HOUHP.noMi AKMCI.KM, Iimpn, aiMortctl blcH and style, t,AM,Clll:Nr..4,HllA!)G, Ilt'ltNkKft, MNCKI.LA.NPOPH (K)OliM. Upon ((en, Ch tmoln Hklnn, Cattlntem, Hpicultun, HjrlriKfH, Itmtst Pump. Uubber (mh14, Trurti-e of alt npproed pattrnk Ac, Ae, MtllOKH, A line assortment of tire liquor for puriioMit conslnntly on htud and ill- bct know n kludrt of STOMACH IIITIMW. 1'A'tr.Nr MtiiiciM.tfi Mtr tteM-ilptlon, in ind.tik' the last vnriellt h of pill t and loii e-. riiYrfiriANS i'Hirmi'ii'tHr,KH-ri i i k, I'AltfP. No Kiich Mock hat er bun presented lo thf peti pie of thlt Ktctloti of cnuntr. The prlcikure an (.mall hh the dock i lura. The H'AofW'ifV Vi ices are ote faver.'tble b tint urchmer than ever, a .'rrmiKementi have been i Heeled with the wholesale dealers In the larger elth h, ho that goods can be procured In Uloumio burn aft cheaply as In New York or Philadelphia. y-(otmtry duller are earnestly United to ntudy thitr own luten-HU, by exuiilnlnu thl htock, Kenietnber the place KciiANtit: IIlock 1hjvb IlirbatiKe Hotel, Mailt street, Illouihurtf. Jan. ti. M. H- H KNDKIiSUOTT'rj I'lIAKMACY, nttMciTv Awt-ttiiAw nni:4t. Where my be found ncompletn umiortment tf fresh and pur MIIIW'INFJ. DYf. HTtll-'FM, COI.OIW, OHJt. WISlMJW.OI.Ae. t.AMl". t.ANTfHNfi. H(). DAS, SOAPS, ALCOIIOt,, WINIX A I.tCJ-OlW HYJtVrH, ITJIKUMKUV, TOII.KT ANII f ANl'Y AHTICM. Hhleh ar. onvrcl at oM tltucprhp.. 1'rPHcrip tliitia accuMtpJy prppircil. Jun 3 K-ly. BINO'S VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE CF THE AGE! Oniy-ITcailoa loril lux- their lock, restored by it to tin- ilaik, luttioui, tiHtn treurt of youth, and oro lni,pj l Young rooiilo,witlitjnf,,(fi0r rid Hair, liao tin-so unfashionable lolorn clumgcJ to it beautiful auburr, und rejoice I lYoplo whoso head, ore covered witli Dandruff and Ilumort, me It, nnd lime !can coati and tlear and licaltliy sihIjk! nalil.IT.-itil.vil Vol tun n h have their remaining locks tijjlitened, and Ihu bare snot, covered with a luitirlant growth r.f Hair, and dance for joy I Young Gentlemen uie It because It Is richly perfumed I Younit Ladies ut- It because It keeps tiieir Hair In place! Everybody isuif and wiU use ll, because It is the tltanttt and if article in llir market I For Sale by DrniiU generally. ANb loi.SAI.K III t.. N. MOYKK and '. 1'. I.l'IZ, I)rtiKKll.' Jj A U ( IPS COM Kit CIA I. MASU1IKH. IViilllV. !! iu.?f" to' ' "'"I dealer, n i,.l.,n ..? rf'.V'i' "" '".llllwl,nH Prteen hate been wioptcd for ihe prcHeiitMpiinK amaou :- llAfdll'H IlAW HONK 1'IIOHl'llATE 1'rlce, .al per J,IJ llu, JlAUOIfH ( IIICAllo 1IONK I'KHTIMZK- rnce.iw pprii.oniiun. UAI'IIII'HCIIKIAIK) 111,000 MANUIIE" I'rnp, 5opcri,UA)lli. Thla will.known popular Irade-mnrk will it found npon e t ry .m ki.Ki- of lh,. nljovp miinurpit nT1i..1.'lh.l'tl"!llllon lu l,h IIAI'IIU'H IUIM ..!.t"K".,"l:'? '.Tf" beld.tlurllla muilteai veanl luial, hp jhall fully auau i (he future, llav or ii if ' ' "'. c",,,,ul K." l rioure .i I'".". ".n i to ,'i i nt- in at rtaoureta, and rfi'M","''??1;!10'' Iu""b)ii AmmouU llr Pd Hcali, tlloihl. Ac, wi-Imte, lu conniHli,M T, ."' ,""r. t .'" l '"l"'lt t ) t-al Eml larll low iSieeli" S n',",uu. linauh rVina.IMiltndplphla. ftirJiufP-fJ "l r""1 A"1"-. N.w York, jjiorite M , Klrko A I'ii,, ' Hoalon. Dromr HiiRilulf.n'liolraulPAgt ., Hallli ujre. a.i.iV..: i,.T . ; . 1 I """' hip anoi oManurpa, eltlreaa ellherof the above liouna. jauai twSin. WITH Till; CAT HUT CIlHICIUtr l ni.iuri, iitceiliuer ltll, 1M..J niiiiaraiiiiwiruRi-a i,y i niuienl playera la l th. licul in uc, hi nd inr di n-rh ni ciii iiUr, KAVAN Atlll A JHTAllLlSUKD I7t:l. jotuiAN, wnot,MAi.E (inocr.iw, and Dt-ulrra lit HAI.TI'CTIIK AND IIIUJWTONK, No SAI North Third Htivat, l'blla.l.ldila. M. ilAItl'LK, NOTIONM, HOXIKHY.dlAlVKH.ANII FANCY UOOlirt, No. W NorlU Third BUMt, ITiltadsJplUa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers