The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 14, 1868, Image 2

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S5he djfllumbimt.
Friday MOftNiMd. I'Rii. m, in.
Tll COI.DMIII tN linn tlir I.nrflt-.l
Clreulitlln In I'eliimbl ml Adjoining!
tutilUt mf mny ftptr imlilWIitil here, nntl
It ft much Inre'r .hrt limit nit)- of
IUrettmprrlM mid I. Ili.te for. the Ii.-ii
mttllum fr ftilverlHIiiK In tlil nectlou of
lh Ml.
!B 1 I"" 'I
DKMOcnvric mtatk convk.v no.,
ItAiimsnUHii, I'a., Jnnunrv s, lsos.
Trt ticmoerHttc ntnin t'omm tie, nl rcnnsti.
Tmila ho nied Wr.llNKMlA V, THK h'OUHI 11
(IrmliAY OK MAHC'll, Isss, id VI n i-I.h k a., iu
llit. Unit, ami tho Hull or tho Homo or llcpii;.
,ntiulvi-, nt lliirrisiuirit, ns tin place, tor hold
ln tli annual IViiiveutlon id tun Hirly.
Ft t ordered thai tilts Ouitt ration lw
of one mt.mb.T-for encli rs"iiulor iitul llt-iiei(.-li-titttve,
who kIimII Ihi elected In Urn 11.11111 inuntict
(I.... will moot nt Hut llini' iltlit hlftt-tl ilUm-
.aid. for the purpose of noliiliiiitlnil e,indl utii
fur the offices ur Auditor tlt-lK-inl .md .surveyor
Oenerol, niiilof nem tliiil neli-itnlcs to ilo.s.niiiin
ttl I'mivonllou for tlio nnnllniitloii of cutulLUtL"
lor President unci Vlro id.
The member" nnd ctnniutltet of tlio urir.inlMi
tlon nnd all comervntlve citizens who inn unite
with it. In the ut.ttirt of constitution tl (irlucl
Men are requested to proceed to tin' election 01
the dolrgHte In their rcipectltodlstrlci.
lly ordorof the ItemocT'tllcistitto ijomniltloe,
' A. WA
0. O. Drstsit, Bcc'jr. Chulrinan.
Tits tMmocrntlo voter, or the Districts
In Columbia county are requested to meet at In.
tianal ntikpnnriinMlnff Ih.t ueiicrul. miee nl. Mm
towunnlp elections, on Hwuid.iy Iho Ijlh ilny id
February PSGs between III lionnoi tnreooeiocK
In tho nhornntm. unit Rrvell o'clock In thcnltt-r
noon of that day, anil elect by ballot two punnis
to represent the District In a County Coimntloli
to he helil at the l oan Homo In llltiotiifburi; nn
Monthly, February 17, at uo clock, noon J to sell-!
two Henntorli.1 Conferees und two Hel-rcsent
ntlve t.'onfereeM to meet .miliar Conferees, Irom
the other counties or the District to iirett llMn a
fjcnatorlal Deleirnto and a ltepreHcntullvu Dele
ate to represent the Countv In a Slate Com eutlou
to bo tirlil at HarrlsburK March I, li lo nniul
t n. Mtnte ticket nml llclrmitr to the N.H ou-
ill Democratic Convention incredibly to the notice
or the mate t enirai uoniiniuce.
lly ordiroHhe. Committee.
J. ti, 1' IlKTZK, Chairman,
C n. MClf KNRT, J. I'. WEKNtll,
II. W. llTT J, O. UriCK,
It. J, MiLLAnn; )- J. ALiutunos,
Ocneral Grant.
A few months ngo dun. Orant was
looked upon by many of our Conccrviv
tlvo citizens ns tin avnllalilo fandlilnU1
for tlio Preslilciicy, not betnuso lio hml
shown nny extrnorillnnry tiurilitles ns 11
military mini, nor because lio iirnsu-sed
Bny abilities at a statesman, but be
ouisohe was believed to be popular,
was available, nml hud not torn ally de
dared towards nny party, although hi
leanings were known to bo townntt-
conservatlsm. Impressed witli till
Idea, a number of wealthy men In New-
York, fearful of tlio nomination of a
radical man, called a monltrom meet
Inf at Cooper Institute, and formally
nominated Gen. Grant for President
Nominally It wa9 a no-party (fathering
yet It was a notable fact that its leading
spirits wero and always had been lit
publlcnni, and tho speakers wero Rail!
cuts f tho deepest dye.
This Cooper Institute organization 1
now busily engaged In flooding tli
country with circulars claim I ug su ppon
for Gnnt on the ground that hoU not a
party man, and his nomination would bi
a measure "regardless of party." It 1
our duty to lay baro this trick for sucl
It Is. Om, Grant U Id-iUty in the hamh
nf the Radicals ami will be useil by thim
for their own purlisun purposes. Iot
withstanding the strict lies -i with which
he held his tongue, late events at asli
lngton compelled him to sjieak, and hi
first utterance shows that ho aceeptcu
tho position of secretary of nr (
interim In onier to enable the Itiullcul
to carry out their nicoiistrucllon
schemes in the .South. The Hadit'it
Conventions In New llaiup-hlic, New
York, and otlier States have Instructed
for him, and It will not aniwor to claim
his nomination "irrespective of nurt.v'
when the Itadical Convention-turo giv
ing him support, nor claim thnt lm la u
moderate man when Win. I). Kellej,
Thad. Stevens, and other Iladlcals in
dorse him.
It Is n sign of weakness on tho part o(
our opponents when they nro compell
ed to abandon representative men like
Chase, and Stanton, and appeal to Un
people to support their candldato be
cause ho has no political principles.
Tho trick will not serve. The people
will not run a man Into tlio Presidency
on account of his epaulettes alono as
was proven In tho cases of Gens. Seott
and M'Clcllan ; in this crisis they want
a man of pronounced views, and one
tlon about him. Gen Grant nor any
other man can save tho Hr-publican
party on a Itadical platform.
To the "Prisoners of State."
Since tho call of our Convention for
tho 221 instant, In this city, some have
taken counsel together and have sug
gested n postponement, nnd have nam
ed other places lor holding the meeting.
Yet as many from distant points may
not be advised of tlio proposed changes
in time, I havo thought It to bo duo to
them nnd to our cauo to provide a
piaco for the meeting. Tho hall in
"GlbBon's Building," corner of Ilroad
way nnd Thirteenth street, will be
opened to us on tho d instant nt 12
o'clock m. That meeting, of necessity,
will bo preliminary to tho Convention,
which Is proposed for a ftituro tiny. It
will lay out tho work to bo done, and
assign to each special service those who
shall bo deemed most competent there
to. It is time, that wo should know
each other, and that our minds should
bo directed to one chief end. Let all
who can como bo present on tho "M iu
Rtant, so'tlmt our great work may pro
gress. All papers fvaorablo to tho
cause will please jmbll-h.
Now York, February 7 ISOS. ,
Gov. Geaiiv having withheld the
Pennsylvania appropriation to tho
AntUtRin Cemetery, because tho Mary
land authorities have made provisions
for burying in It Home of tho Confeder
ate dead, tlio Now York 7W4u;is says
or it:
It is sulil that Governor Geary with
holds tho Pennsylvania appropriation
from the Antietam Ciini lery, Uvau-e
the Mrryhmd authorities Imvo made
provision for burying tho lelu-l ile.nt
therein. Wo trust that iho story U nut
trtue. Ifwouro ready to pardon the
rebel!) who have laid down their arms,
can we not forget resentment towards
those who havo given up their lives?
We would call the attention of churl
table, Christian Ilepubllcaus to tho fact,
thut elnco tho absorption of tlio fund
of tho tho Southern States, by tint pres
ent negro Conventions, tlio inmates of
tho Iiibune Asylums and other charita
ble Institutions heretofore suj ported by
those States are nlmost on thu point of
starvation, and now subsist Milcly on
tho charity of an already pauperized
population, Yet whllo these poor creii.
turos aro suffering, negro Ktntesim n nro
making lavs to bind while men, and
an-diuw lig ten (Jollmi- jirili-y ler the
luxury. Crmt IsIUtcLttitUUii.
Columbia County Farmers' Club.
Mu. IClimm:-Pursuant tout-all, tin'
Columbia County Knrniers' Club met ill
Kspy, t-Vb. 8, Tlio meeting was
called to order by Thus, ('reveling, Sr.,
Caleb ll.trttiu war elected President, and
TIhh. Cri'Veilng, Jr., Secretary prn tan.
The committee appointed at the Iti-t
meeting reported the follow ing eon-tl-tutlou
Sec. 1. This Association shall bo
known us thu C liinmlu County l-'.trni-
i-s' Club.
Kic. '2. Its object shall bo tlio ml v nice
neiitof the scienco of Agriculture ami
Horticulture In the bound of tho coun
Hiv.3. Its members sliull consist f
uiiiinil members paying tin fee
if one dollar, and of honorary mem-
icrs w ho "hull conlst only nf persons of
listinguMicil merits In farming or
mil growing. Thu wives of iiiemiiers
mat be members without fee. Mem
lershlp shall ceasu with tho expiration
if the year for which thu feu Is paid.
See. I. Its olllcirs shall consist of
President, Vice-P rtsiilelit, Secietti ry
'orre.-iiondiiig Secretary ami a '1 reiisur-
r, all of wlioiu shall bu elected ut the
tegular January meeting and serve uu
ill liielr successors are eleuted, and shall
constitute the executive committee.
See. 0. Thu Kvecutlvo Committee
shall havo charge of all tho property ol
the Club, and have power to call special
meetings ami attend to all execiillve
business not otherw-lso provided for In
tho by-laws, or by special vote of tin
See.O. this Club shall havo monthly
or other meetings as may undetermined
by by-laws or resolution.
See. 7. Tills Constitution may be
intended at nuy regular meeting by u
two-iliirds voto of tho members pres
ent, notice having been given at the
regular preceding meeting, udopted by
sections, after which the Club pro-
cded to theolivtlntinf officers for the
yen1 1809, ns fol'oae:
Caleb Carton, President ; Thomas
Crcvellng, Sr., Vice-President ; M. C.
M'ColImn, Secretary; J. C. Hutter, M.
I)., Corresiioiuljog Secretary, and Dan
iel Snyder, Treasurer.
On motion of Thomas Crovcllng, It
was agreed that there he a general Invi
tation given to all, and particularly the
ladles, to attend tho meetings of the
On motion, adjourned to meet at the
School Houm' in Iispy, on Friday, 1-Vb.
1 1, at 7 o'clock p. in., at which time
there will bo n discussion on tho eultl
vation of corn, and other liu-luess in
Court Proceedings.
Fill DAY Feb. 7 Coin, vs Collins
-Siitliff. Indictment obstructing high
way. Verdict Guilty. S'iitcneo $1.00
Hue, nntl costs of the prosecution.
Sheriff's tlccdsto Andrew Croupe, and
Michael Stino wero acknowledged In
pen Court.
Com. vs. Silas Grett. Sentence o(
ourt that Deft, undergo Imprisonment
in tho County Jail for a period of!)
months, anil pay tho costs of prosecu
Com. vs. Daniel Snyder. Sentence of
Court that Deft, pay a ftno of 30.00
costs of prosecution and undergo lni-
nrlsonment In thoKastern Penitentiary
(or 11 months at hard hibor.
Cuukt met on Monday. Feb. 10, 1608,
I're-ent, Htm. Win. Elwell, President
ludgp, ami lion. Irani Uerr and Hop
I'. K. Ilerblue. ills tts-oi lutes.
On motion of Mr. Chilli, John G,
Frerzo appointed Auditor to distribute
Hiving legatees the balance in the hands
Samuel Knt, one of tho Executors of
Win. Clayton.
On motion of Mr. Clark, M. E. Jack
son, Esq., nppointu I Auditor to inako
distribution of the balance In the hands
of Thomas Hess, Executor of Frederick
I Ies.
Com. vs. William Heaver. Indict
ment Larceny. Verdlil guilty. Sen
tence that Deft pay a llnu of J10.00
costs of prosecution and undergo Im
prisonment in tho Eastern Peniten
tiary for 1 1 months In solitary confine
ment at hard labor.
William Ikelervs John Savage, Ver
dict f,.r Dert.
David Yeager vs Clinton Dewltt it al
Verdict for Deft.
A Sr.uiotw JIatti.u. The
Philadelphia J'ust cays, in reply loan
Inquiry :
If thu charge that Gen, Grant h is been
seen drunk in thohlrcctsol' Wa-lilugto
wero made merely uponii .-ingle rumor
we should not have re-printed it. Hut
thu rumors aro many. Mr. Phillips say.
they reach liim from different and trust
worthy sources. Thu Independent ofthls
week tells the same story. The Iteenlu.
lion deliberately says that "Gen. Grant
Is drunk hall of his lime." Mont than
this, wo have repeatedly and recently
received similar information, with state
ments ol thotlme.plact and company In
wnicli no Is salii to have been publicly
Intoxicated. Willi Mr. Phillips, wocan
only say, "Wo know nothing otirsolves
of tlio truth of tlie.-o rumor.-," Hut the
question Is not one of personal know!
edge, but of public report.
In fact, so often lias the charge hi-en
made, so emphatically Is It repeated ,anil
so liiauyareltsbelievers.that Unmounts
now to a deliberate iiccu-atlon, which
Iho political friends of General Grant tire
hound to meet. We plueed thu mutter
solely on the high ground that tlio peo
ple havo a right to know whether a
Presidential candidate is sober or Intem
perate. If It Is iiot true that Gen, Grant
h.ts been l.irtely intoxicated in public,
Senator Wilson, or Judgu Kcllcjyir Mr.
Washliuriio gentlemen who want lilm
to bo tho President bhould put an enil
to the calumny. They cannot continue
to treat these minora as mero Idle tattle,
for they must be tiwnro that bllcLco will
Inert use Iho mieu-luess of tho public
and injuro the political fortunes of Uielr
IIkavv l)..M,t(ii.s AentNHT A Hml
lliiAli, in Ihuhupii ine Court ol this
Slate, in tlutcasoof J.tnn U. Caldwell vs.
tho Catawl-a railroad company, tho
decl-lou oftlie court below wasulllriiicd.
This ileeUloii awards to tho plaintiff
damages to tho amount of 1,000. Tho
plalutlir claimed that thu accident
which resulted in the Injuries for W'lileh
she obtained so largo an iiuioiuit of
(lamiiL'cs was caused bv carelessness.
while thu company contuiiilnl thut
..... . . ' '
rail that hud been made hrlttlo by thu
frost had broken and thut tlie mishap
was beyond their control
GitHKi.KY fays: "The man who pays
liuue fur I. Is ciiup rent tliuii fur Ids ad
Mjtlcirg, Ueu'tLiitw blbLiHuvirt.
Eniroiw or Tin: Cui.i'mmaki Sirs
I was luditied to lien tlio following
rcllectlonsnfter reading llio very nblo
and eloquent address ol Mr. Chnlfant,
on the resolution lorcstoro Ktl. Stanton
during the adjournment of tho Legisla
ture, nnd having it little leisure, I could
ii' t but contia-l my situation at lire-cut
with that u lit. le iiU'i three ems ago,
III passing the old Guard Home In my
strolls thiniigli the city, how Iho scenes
therein enacud iiedicd thmtigii my
mind, The horror and nil-cry there en
dured never can be forgotten, Being
rudely forced from n ipiiet and happy
Inline, by the lawlcs net of a number
of nrmed men without nny iiccu-atlon,
and liurrlid oil' with II others to Fort
Mllllln, there to endure everything but
death. Some of thno scenes made Im
pressions that e.iu never be eradicated
as long as llle endures, or any ro-pcct
for tlio rights of citizens remain-.
Here sirs, I saw old gray-headed men
groping their way around In that dark,
damp unhealthy cell by tho dim light
through thu lltttu apei-turesof thothiik
walls until weary, mid they would He
themselves down on the filthy, yea
lou-y boards and In their restless slum
tiers 1 could hear Incoherent expressions
of homo and of their families. Tho
most touching easo perhaps was tin
sickness anil death of Win. K. Huberts,
a poor man with a laigo lamlly, but a
man ol' some education and lino feel
logs, lie soon hecanii' very feeble, as
III tact wo all did, ho being of delicate
constitution, ran down very fast, he wa
left In the cell until nearly dead, was
then taken across thu struut lo tlio hoi-
pltal where ho llngcied a few days and
died. Alter he was taken to the hoipi
tal, and those who had charge of him
saw his mi-ery both of body and mini',
otl'ered words of eousolalion. They totd
him that Gen. Conch, who had eiii l
maud uft he department, would he there
in ti few days and release htm. His
lossy eyes sueiucd to I Tighten hut only
ns thu last flicker of Iho lamp, to go out
for ever. I was told by thn-n' who watt
ed on him, that his last expressions
were about his poor family, and In
would froiiiiontly iii'iniro If Gen. Couch
had come. There was but two or three
of us permitted to see his ho ly after he
tiled. Another eaS'1 nt ynilllg Colley
wuo was carried over to the ho-ipltn
perfectly helple-s. eau-ed ly rheum.i
li-ni, brought on by the dampness of
the cell, and was In such mi-e.-y that
ho begged of llie go. ifd to .-.hnut hlti
and put him nut of mUory. Others wh
became partially In-.iue, others weieal
most deaf. It also iili'ccted the eyesight
of some seriously. Hut the horror of
horrors of all we had to ciiduro was the
stench. You can form somo faint idea
If yen take into consideration that i
men crowded in a dark, unvciitillated
hole, our Illth tub locked In tlio same
room. This, blr, is no overdrawn pic
title. No man can Imagine or realize it
unless he endured it, and as I Mild in
the outset, I can but think of tlio eon
trust ol situations. To-day, instead of
enduring llui misery ahovu recited, for
the second time (though I con less u
very humble one) a Heprcsoiitatlvu of
the people of one of tho greatest coun
ties in the Stale of Pennsylvania. I
thank tlio Democracy of old Luzerne
for thus publicly vindicating my con
duct, and indeed, nil the fair-minded
Republicans in that vicinity who know
tlio circumstances, protest egiilnst the
act as tyranical and lawless. In conclu
sion, I want to scu this Government ad
ministered by men, or party, if you
please, who will protect tho rights of
its citizens. 1 was brought up to ob
serve thu hnvs of God and my country,
and those iiiiseralilo hounds who were
tliecniiso of my imprisonment never
attempted to show wherein I had viola
ted any law. I believe tho principles
of Deuiecracy are right, and thu hut few
years of experience are iioi likely to
work u change, but to confirm nieniore
thoroughly in tiie truth of tlioiloctriiies
of the fathers of our country.
Stati; Capitol.
Obituary Notice.
OttANor.viLLK, Fun. 11, KsCii. At the
opening exercises ot thu Orangcvillo
Soldiers' Orphans' School, Tnenl iv.
February II, thu folhr.vlu pieaiiibto
and re-olu(ioin wero lead ami adopted :
Wulukas, It has nh Used our Heav
enly Father, to remove linui us hy tlealh
Aunts iiia uicus.v, our iMovea lumli
mid selu o.-iinite. Thuiel'oio
Hittilvctl, 'lh it in nils iicivavemont
we leciigiilzo tho hand ol an uII-wimu
I'rovldeoe.-, and would Low
iveiy lo tho wilt ol linn who doctb all
things well.
tiMineil, That wo will elp-rish the
memory and iiriicti.e the irtuesof the
ilepiirud, nntl strive m lie -ie.iucd to
loi.uw her who is inn lo-i Iml goiio he
mic. Jlintfritl, 'I hut we tender oursyuipa-
lliiis in tlie beieavid uniiher .uiil sis-ei
ol the ileceiised, ami pr.iy that thev
ma Hud eiiUsonilloii ami with that
iiuuiir, wlio wo trust In- inkeii Anms
in III- eeeria-llng Ar us aim loiuuil nur
to Hi- lio-om.
Kmuutt, thai n co iy ol tho iilsivu
lte-oiuiiims he oneitil lor iiubdi.ui'in
in the Columbia coiiiuy papers ami i it
file Pi-niisj Ivitnla rsclioiil .louriial.
Lfi'ii: Va.nci:,
Josnrii Hack i:it, Vonmlttt-e.
C. C. llUlilll.s,
II. D. W.w.kk.ii, J
Tin: Lr.TTKitop'nii: iMtiwinii.Nr.
TimPreldeut to-day. In answer to
ti resolution of thu House, sunt to that
luiiiy lus reply to lirnnt s lii-ulent let
ter nubll-bed hint week, it Is coilclti-
Hlvely hbown liy this hist letter of tlm
rrc-tiicntinut no was entirely correct
in Ids lornier letter to Grant, as to-hls
(.(i'n) iiroiiilsuconcoiniug ihocourso bu
should imrsuu wlllrVefurenco to the
reliisttitemeiil ofMr. Etlwin M. Stanton
by tho Semite, and tho declarations of
the President uslo w was said on thu
Biibject. ut thu Cabinet mi utlng on tho
11th ult an Mibstanllaily corruborateil
by tho letters ol live members of tho
Cabinet, via., Messrs. buwnul, M'Cul
loch, Welles, Drowning, nnd ilandall,
whlchtu'company iho l'lesldeut's reily.
Later in thu atteiiiuoii it lejolnder
from General Omul was sent to tlio
House by tlio Executive, and read at
tin- Clerk'n desk. Grunt replies to thu
charge of insubordination, unit contends
that hebas not been guilty of n dioolte
illeneo of orders. Ho wtrfves thu ques
tion of velocity raised beiwtun thu
President nntl himself in regard to bis
promise in too Stanton uirair, nnd
claims that Mr. hluuliai uus recog
liizid by tlio I'o-tiiiUKiei'-Giiieral nnd
the Secretary of 'lhti rreiisiuy as Secro
fury of War, and eiiclo-es letters Irom
those olllcinls, making uqulnitions on
tlie War Dei arliiiem for unity es-cort
and tran-portallnti, and also thu older
of .Mr. Maiilou directing him to luriilsli
saltl escort and traie-pnrliilloii, Hutb
' t oeumeiiis wero oiuertsi to no prinie.i
. nml, il Iti llii. I Htnrttrhltleiit . llllllH
anil leii rrtil lo the Impeachment, alias
Keioiistructloii Liiminitiee, ami win,
no doubt, be closely hci iilliiizcil by that
Mar k hamber JmjuMIuh.
Six full rigged ships, each nbuvo 1000
Im u.i rruu nu nt, bavu txcu built ut
Lutb v. 1 1 bin the luit jw.
Fl.iif miv ;. -Ill the Senate, ye-ler-day,
Mr. Sherman and Mr. 1 tender-on,
from tlio Finance Committee, reported
favorably their Finance bills.'1 , ,
In tlio House tho bill concerning tho
rlgh'sof American citizens camo up
lor eonsiiieratioii, wnen .nr. iiniuier
addressed Iho House, objecting to tlio
lilll. .Messrs. lioyer anil vtontiuiini
al-osiioke brlellv oil thu subleet. and ,
the further conshlcritlon of tho bill
V'.i " " ..At.i.. "...i..:. ..".i:..
was postponed until the morning boor
ofTuis.lay. The Ar y Appropriation
bill was reported fioili the Couiinlttiu
Aiuiroliilulloiis. nnd eMilalti"d by
Mr. limine. It appropriate $:13,000,IWU
iiiriiriny exni'iise-. nnd iirovldes for it
gradual reduction of the army by eon
s illdallng thu new reginicnH, leaving
iweniy-iive regiments 01 lliianiry, sev-
ii 01 cavalry, anil uveoi artillery.
FmiitfAUV 8. In tliu Seti.ito yester
day, the lesolutlon lo print the PieM-
i"iU's nies-age relative to the sus pen
sion ol Secretary Stanton, and thu two
reports of tho Judiciary Coniniltti'o on
thesamo subject, gave rise to it discuss
ion during w hich the President's net Ion
In opposition lo the Tenure of Olllie
bill was severely crltlcl-id, Tho re-o-
lullon was adopted yeas 27, nays 12,
lu tlie.llous.'. Mr. Vli.-on. ( lialrman
of the Judiciary Committee, made n
pi'Minal explanation, denying In the
most pmltho in inner the reports In
thu effect Hint lie had given evidence
before his own ('iiiumlttie relative to
luiguage attributed to Judge Field,
regnniiiig ino uucoti-iiiuiintinHiy n
tho llei'onslnietlou nets. Mr. WiN n
had been c'larued wllh liiililleatln.
Chief Jusilce Clutse and Judge Davis
III the matter, but heiieutcd any knowl
edge of Hie views of tin i-i gentlemen i n
tne-uiijecl ol uecoiisiruellon.
Janl'aiiv 10.- There was no ses-Inn
of the Senate Saturday, and it helm;
general debating day in the llnu-o, im
bu-luoss of imiioriitntv was trau-actt n
Fun. Hili. A lat'je number of bb
and iiHoni i m ei- liui-nd i in i' '
SenatO yestenlay, ami r t'er.'ed tonpii "
lirlatto Ciiiilmitlei.s. Mr. Iltrlan ad
drcswl the Hemtteoii the Slliiplementai
Heeonstriiclloii bid, lb'
exlstiiigStateff'.veiiiiuentsat tlieSoiHb
not Hi nec.iu..t.iC(. with tnu ton
-tlttltlon, urir wei-e they reinetlnued b..
I no people, who simply suiiinilieii n
them at the iliioellon ol thu Piebldent
Tlie liim ulng hour in the llou-e wit
oceiipled as is customary on M mil i
with the In Milticlion ofbills anil Join
resolutions lb,- lel'eience. 111 aecordaiie.
Willi it lesiihiiiii i adnnted on Fridai
aist, the ne tubeis procei'.led to draw
.ii'ew lor ciio ee ot -eats, wiucn procei'.i
nig eonsiiiiieil niii-ldcrablo turn
and foruished the ll-itul umoiliit o
aiiiiisoui' ut. A resolution to pt lu
nl.elUt) copb s .i th. Iui)eachiiii'iit ti-n
neiny was 1'. ,..ned, u 'lor debate, in m
Coiimiitiee on ( . 1 ut I ti r-
Fi.iiiti'.Mtv 12th A large imnibi i -.
peiili uis and iii. ninvl.ils wore bum
duco'l lo tuu S"iiaiu yesterday and
pi'..pri.iie y reieried. Mr. Davis, in,
ingile Hour, prnc-eded to tuldre-s to
Senate on Mm .Suniileiiicntal H :
structiou bill, lie offered an ameiiil
meiit inoiinsing tho of nil reeon
etructinii acls. and in ids K in irks sup
porting It, cluliiud that, the Soulhern
Hconlc had been sulllcii utlv ininished
for their sin of rebellion, and that now
they wero the most loyal peoptu Hi tin
In the IIou-o the morning hour wn-
eoiisiimed in discii-slug the bill relative
to therigiitsof Anierieaucitlzeiisiiliro id
11 met with much opposition on lie
count of the language in which it was
couched. Tho dl-cits-lon will bu re
sinned this morning. Pru-ident .John
sou's letter to Gen. Grant, accompanied
oy letters irom niemli'irsot the Cabinet
was laid boloru thu House
Washington Items.
Tun Kentucky ilelegalion luivu le
ci'ived a telegram continuing thu rt
port that .Senator Guthrie, of that Stntt
has resigned bis seat in tlio United
States Senate.
It Is reliably staled that General O.
O. Howard, Coniiiil-sionerof the Freed
men's Hureau, declared thu other day
at iv meeting of the trustees of tho so
called "Howard University," that he
was til favor of 'practical amilijaiiMlion
between the white and black races, and
that hehnd no desire locunccal his views
on that subject,
Tin: ALAtiAMA KLncnoy itr.Tunxs.
Month imliiv, Alahaina, Ft'liruary
11. In thiitvlour enuoties the vote
for thu Constiiiiti. in stands 0I,7.i'J. The
registration in the saiuu coiiuth-s is 111,
20 J. This Include- all the nee ro enmi
ties hut Hide and .Marengo. Tho tweii
ty-slx remaining enmities havo white
majorities unit will not voto at nil. To
carry tho Constitution BU.OOU votes i I
luivu to be jioiled.
Mit. IICMitv Wils'im, Smafor from
Massiichii-fi t-, reioruitl to thu city Hits
morning, ral.icr unexpectedly, frmn
his Ktumpm.,' mur ill Now hamphiu.
It I- a-erteil by souiu that ho w is tele
graphed lor by his political iis-oclatis
in tho Senate, whllo rttlicrs tay that
lie left New Hoinpshlro because he saw
tho Hadieais had no chancu of carrying
Iho State at the approaching election.
Tin: new iiupenchineut matter lia
assuuied de. ldetliy mine definite shapi
ulncu tho .-Imiilleaiil motion by Mr. Ste
veil-, bv w liieli the evhleneo taken hy
the Judi' la y ( ominltlie in their In
vesilga ihi a i I'.di win referred tn In
Kecoiisl met no e 'tiiiiiiililee. The pros
pect of Hi. hii.i'i--ui-i es.s dues not seem
lo he up i'.. t i.ina. glng mW llinn In it
lofilio, nu U -i-etii- eiy likely that wt IlltM' li . wnl of till' llUIIO,, il.L'
and to lis. i timmiinii nf the ipie-lhu.
riioriun i omiidttee, Messrs.
ilouiwi nun IfcflN, look nu lui-m
testiiiinii.t in day. They permi. ti d iin
World v ii re-pniidi nt to t-irrec tun c.
p alu tisliuioliy piesiouslyglve.i.
.Market llepon.
er blli-liel
i a
I .'l
I lour per barrel
I 'loverseetl
I i
m hi
Illleil Apple-
Mill, s nml MitiuliielH
uirtl ptr isiituit
Hay (sir Ion ,7......
, i.uiii)i:it.
itetalocls floanlji por thou&anil fecu
l'lno " ionolncLiu.
. 310 uj
.. HOi
.. I. ll
,., s 01
,.. 1 HI
.. IS Ul
J 11
... s-n
Joiat, KcautllUK, I'Unlt, (llemluckl
t-UUMle, No. 1 Kr lUouhaud
mains " " rt. r.V"lV.V.V..."!"
iiwx .
No. I r-ntcil
No. J '
II loom
I'llllailrlplila .'Inrkel..
Iiiuiuuav, tVbriury ll jsos.
ortheiterusuicriluoat s.ui
Niirlhueittern exirn s..'yi,. ii.i.i
Northweatern lauilly Iu.i4ll."i
I'enu.yUiuila nml Western huta-rlliiom LVl-t-.-i
IN niiHylviiul tuna Westi-rn extra
rt-uintylviiiila anil Wiitlerii lamlly mI1.ixiiivU'..i
I'iniiNylviiiilaiinil Wtslcrn lancy l'
llu il.nir .'i"'ii.ii
Wllu-tl reiiiisyltiinU ictl, V bus IJ. I7(j. 61
Holllhi ril " " SJ.IM;:J.Ij
Cnlliiiruls " "
HvF.-rtnnsvlviinl.i l)e. V bus.......
, Hl.iMil.oi
louN Vellow, "
Wlittc, "
tier-- V us
PlUiVlatOSS Mies Pork, '(1 bbl
MlM III 1 1, "
Hreiii Hons, nir-
hluoketl Hhiiis "
' hliuiiiiloni Hi,T 0
HRKbs-nnser-i t'tl V bus....
Tlmiilliyseeil V 1jUn
riux.tit! "
1,'ATTI.fc ll.el lalllewn
Cows, lienil
hiieki-v r
Ho.. y l-li t-t
, i..!oi-iiri.i
, I.'JinH..'l
, tltjv7se
sl.u (.nue
IV jl-H,Hll
I'.'tsivl IJ,e
. 7('i..o
. " 7'
lll.'.l'ti 'II o
i.1 TUtlbnuk nt III l.i
luittj Ufcll lift lit llH b.l
l.i le firm oft: ert 1 1 A Ot.hc,
.111,1.1,1 J. It. Hjriiiiiu. 1-iei..
atorauguviile, irisilUctiiiu. All .triuini hi-
' (ti to 11.(1 ftititt ii r 111, am 111 it.i'3f ttitfiiit., 11.11
1 lull 1:0 pa) nil I use, uli.lareri (tn. t
U tu u uro iuiU.ouiaU yuiiktto J. II. lli,iu.uu
, 1 .u.,nLa tlfcat j kuvAki. l-i.Vl.l.k.'il.
IIOl.Ull-MlLI,i:tTEiin. Win. n : I ra weMlle.
In ll-v. N'.tnnir. lVler llocai I of l-Millin-ekl
lo Mls 11,-beeea Hlllteror II. nilck. ?
KOONs-ttlXS-tn OrnnseMlle IVh. .1, by Ilrtt
N, spi-ir, Koons.i.r Wet .Smit'iokc,
fair. i'ii. lo Mm. Mary W. lles ol snmiirionr.
sitn. i;
M'PI.KMAN-Oii Thursiiiy iveiiinir,
I'eliiuarvll. I Mis. hv It-v. tlio l;'l-
itell rtbi-In l.le'at-nr, nl, Mr. A. II. mi'icll
HMiiismi,M', I'll, lo MI-sM.imio Al'I'leiiiaii "f
liHioiiisiitirir, en
MHTLtN tll, 1t,n Iho re.l.lcnreon be
brlile-s pur Ills, lie inn Mev. -. ii. lino. n-i'-."
Mr. Huniuel I . Mllllln. M Ml M.ltl.l 11. IloM.
both of near lieiub tluven, l.ur. rn.
t:)W Mttw-nMll:lll-Jiili.9i,nt Hi" resiaenre
or -In. Drl'le's lilii-lil, br Ihi'Minii. I.anilt', Mi
minis In Miss Aniaiiil.iO,lt.awrl,lKithorr alcm
tut.,, Lit, en.
HMlrn-lt.UII'.nr-lVb. l.t, al llio Hi-fornie.1
iiir-..iiii 'i- In Hem It-It, bv lf,esatiii'1Tli.ui is II.
"mull, In MltisLyiiln AnnilHla Hubert Is.lh ol
N -senilis It, l.ilr.. en.
TlliiMl'0N-l'.olt.N-nn Iho anil uli.,by t, K.
I.-,I.U , I .!,. ,. hi. iiltlct' Ill lli'lllitll. .Iiu-U- Ihiiniiisiill. in M ss llaehael Horn. iM.lh ot
I .i-rilloitlll lilvil.llii, i.uei lie vuuiii.t , ...
;l:itstlNI-U-t-ON'HAt)On Jan. II, nt llir. rc.l
il -nee t.ri'bi . I. Ilrllner. bv Juiiits llmiril l.-is,
Mr. .Ini-.iii I'. Ki-i sliiier In Ml. s Lonlsii Vonniil.
Imllinr enllllitblit eoulll), I'll,
UOIl:-WI;i.l.IVI'.ll-lly l A. fl-irmiii, i:i. n'
Ills n-sl.ll nee. .isli.-s.., .ir, ii.ivi.i i.-ni-ni .iu.i.
sun l-., to Ml-s M ir K. Welllver ol rim-.
II HM s. At Klipcn, ( i.mi.iij.
Souiihiy ln.l, Hlleril ioiij; nines-, . ni. ...
11 inn in.
ili:i'KIN-Iu I'.ilnai.sit, on Hie 5'h Inst., Anna
rai - (l.-iufn nai-il I vear,.l iiioallis ami l-J ilsji.
(siftl-ei.lit'Vill.'tiat.riitiit irv 3 111. M s I
11, H. llweeliennelser, alien ii seal-. .......-
an I Villus,
jl III1ft7.l.. (...ll.nn Itftt. nit I in "lilll il l
h till me A. ilillli'li i-r lit .Itililt l. linn ..en?
Hb il 11 K, Usui 1 MiirTlilonlhsilliil li lliiis.
KODN- VI hi- n-sl.lenei. In Hunk -,".. n lb" l
K.ii'ins or lli.t uriii nlJ. Kiioiis i,nilhuu,iiiii'il n
i '.
M , Ivii'.ns was fiirmerly Irnm t'enn.ylMinli
ml llit-l been a resilient of HlltrUrv ti lily 'tl
ii- mis esltenusl iisan imnola ile anil i-seiiipl-il
I he sublet of tlie hIkiM' nollec until n
X ii-tIi.iiu,.t'Mi, ti iw Mniioi einiiity, r
h. neo In eiiuiti Willi liU l.illl. r, Iho UU1 l'inl.
.us in inn nti ot ivreU
s be ii ii i b .iiMn br il'it r Iklir, WIT" III
n '..-t suns i.i tucri.iilb. Is.iiu-ille.l In ltiini
in tm ah ml 10 je.ns .vix. M . Knnns lnisi
.lei- iil..llKislMu$in ll.e InHt r .llnr L lrm
.niiiy.ali'l iwns.slors enmity. 11
bit I e-n iii'-UKul in the im ic intllc. busliie
sO'-.te Tm I y s i'ii i" '. till?! Mr. ICo-ius ivus in irrlt
la.MI-is V. In l.'oliiuillU r-.inll) nuei
linooriier ntlll reiM.'. tte i.eerii
t-nti-reinii.i; m.u-. Wllll.iiu who w.ii.t noiaic
.t 1.1s Inn in tin" lull-
imi N'iri'nt roirs mtu:i:.
u uMif ii.saKit, ii i.w n.
-1 nt ' ilHllM'tstmLioil nil llicililtc HI (I -eT
1 iiifj 1, itile 01 Mmi 'nil txu ti-iiii, Oihitnii' 1 c
f Ht'i hHi'ti iriiitcil hv In' II it'- r
1 j .-Mint til. wi lirist nii':r of :-'iitro tw
I !! ls I, I M , 1 Pl Ills. I til III Itl'll UK UU
rvlut m 1 (I in ur- ti 'Hitti"I tn Hid
.il lill -VWI !i I I ' fill' ' 'C-1 til IIClKt' ) il T
. 11. Ii! WIH I'liltlM- IMUIH,
. . ti I ' Ailtii 11 rutoi
i.J i'A -)i nt.sitv uti.i if j
uifit ui.( 'n
t - , H it a v uu tliti ertltitt nt Ilctit
Oi ' 1 11. 1 iu- .1 Miuroiv'-k lnnli t, (Viluin
utiiit1- hi. - i'imi t;i' itilC'I hy the H -rtislvr
C )liiiiHHii i.uiuitv m Mitniitl Dtotlui ich, mi
.nu.'. A. lit h'lMi.tif Mjiid Tttwiislilii, AlljHt
,iiui li iv iiu . 1 ilim n.inm llinrxjiattntro it-fjtt -it'll
1 )tioi iu tlh-111 lor M'ltleiumit, run I lh xu in
(It'iiUnl In Hit- chtiLtu vUlicroti imtti nr Imuk in1
iinilit Will ni.tUu 11 iy 1 ili ul to 111"' Kt-'CUtnrtt Willi
mil .1. l.iy. HAMIIKt. IJIIT1 1 l.lttCH,
uuN'itv A.unrn:itr n.
IV't, llV-t, KvL'uutor.-!
OU'ri NOT1CI-:
ii tho'ins' Court rt Ihc rounty, f Cu'.iinv
l. in. l.hikif of Jnnii'H I, liiiiliii.tii, l.uimt I.Hn-t i
low ti-siiip, Moi. itir cumity, tU't'i'ivM-.l. Hif ttti
id iiiHlUur itpiiolttU'il hy tint Orphanv
'mi ri nf Coin ntll.t cLuniv, lo n port ilMrlimi loh
nl llio haliiuco lu lliuln.ii'iH ofDtvM Ui,V
tn-niltt Of JiiDK S I, lllbliriitll. tit e i,lcil, Will 1 1 iff I
thu p-uil. h lutcM-atinl for tliu piirpcjs" of his ut
pointinetitt uilili nill. e In In h itu
comitv, i (tiuJiiy, tho "lh dnv oi Miui-h, A. I.
lMj,ut 1(J o'clock u. iii.f.ulhatil.ty. All tlm p:vr
lltM ulii it mu till il to llttrinl nil I hut
.i.iy or In) f iruvi'i .luh.iiii'tl from iuinln lu fur u
inn or iihU.uo ut miui kiiio.
.M. Willl'MOYint, Aui Uor.
rth. ire?.
p H X V A T JC H A li 13.
I'lir: nib-icrlbfroir.TN nt prlv.iln M:i1p, hlsif.uni,
jiM:.iti-tn lifinoii tuuiifhip, t.'uturiibi.i,iuuiii,
e.-UlMKllUK (f,
liLlwcLii h'iunil tJ Hunt of hottotn land Mituly
Ijoiu, well m.U.Uel til wln'.U, com, Imcliwlnttt
nnd oiilx. Atieiit7lttifreH cl-irf.l, It il uicd tlm
Ut'jl.iiiel wUli,.'llll4j pint, whitro.ik.uihl chestnut
it If tttlt wiilrietl. Il Ih-H on thu lii.lhl m.vl lead
tut; lioiu Cod until m Jllonmshnrn. Iu Iho loun
oi iluuton. i;iahtlntHon ilw in iiilti Kin ft uinl
ii" 1J tiiiiiij; I itul of I'M Men icuh.ill Jr., HfitJ.ituln
M llf nr , l'.irvln M.tKtLib nml ot)i-'rt, It is mil
iniunl to K'!imiN, cimichfsi. Mills and .SIoivh.
liuiMiiiKs t nnsleini a h tiling hittise It hy il n
bull) I1) hv inim I pi In i hoiivit, wm i h-nw. fie,
ll. 1), l?v. Jl. liLNJA.Ml.S WAUNini
lttlituu, IU,,
il'- vhUie of a writ of I'lcrl rnolni Nstifd out
Of Uo Coin I of C uu in hi l'it'.iN of roh.mbl.i o liu
uinl nt nu 'lirtMunt, ami hy urt-cnn nl of IK
Icll lutit Itli-il, Will hff.tlMi-stiltni.iil. llf h.llfttriill
fi on Ihfpr. intM s mi V. DNi J).1 thti nil 1 1
i.V ol li hiu.ti llittiilil, tin- lnllowiny
prop 1 1 mi' 1 1 al v Mto lo I1 :
I wt) IIullUs, oao iwn horoo uncoil oiiomI
'luiltilo tun Uti, unti iwn ti. i r mi Met I, iA r ni -tl V
(vu'iN iiioit or liK-iof n- It nil; ono ploimli, oi
i.ttrow, Miat lni p wt-r ikhu, ttiil two
iioilen, l.f vletl.dii tlit'Minif tiny on hf fillowlim
ifsi,'nhed'l nf hunt IUI.ltl 111 IJi iMIuHII-
tup, il uiiiiti.i uiuiity, houtulcel unit ilcscrlofii
ns i llo s in wil i 11 i;itiiii!itjui a hloiifi ornt mi
l. til I oi ri iloui hi Mnuis-ir -riil runiiiiu lrooi
ilf.cel). I iti-t tf oiUer lAati-i Hniiitillilrii
.ill nilf ll.llr etCKlft rt, (MM Jltl Itllflt pt'K llf to II
fill., 'Il )e.f hV lllO Siltllt IKllUl hlly thl'l I' 1111
' in oth t,t ui'iir-i'h f.iit, iiiuf .iiiooiiu ti'ii th pirt'ii
s in i III i ( If, tin mo j tut- Hilno ,ml I unlol i. lie
iiarl J f r Mtiiiii, rn iy-ioii. itcun i h ui.'-l.nliie-
l. t!tli nl) t,.hl ItUtlJ-i I (Teller lo n Motif,
lllell.f i! 1 111 1 t-f rrCililCl; htllZ, holltll hCVfllU
H.-Vill ' C i f t-t Wl'il 111. 3 ' Hlnl IH.I IfllUlf
;i--n lift ,. a 1 1 'in , iiJi'i.cti i thf -itlin Miiitli leii
ilfL'ici-i, t u .i ol -u -e mi t .lit t nth pfrclu" lo
a hlohf ! lli.f nt I. llio) ItdLli.ti 1 lAilIii-, tliciic
oy Hit! uno Ilhriititl iiiittlnt John Vriir iioiiu
e chty.H-v. n an i nno h.ill iIiilla mt
liuii'lii'l ami Nffti ant ni n hah pt-iohf to it
sioiio, ilifiic hy liiiol nl 8.ill JnUn Vi'ii-er noilh
iWiiiiViiul thitf f antli tlfiiii'i" Wfsl. one hUH
ilit'tiiOd nllf tin i pf telle to a jwisl 111 it illlu j!
i n. ni oioiiinii niritiMsir, ill'i(rf oy Milium
no iti lift v two iitul olio fourth (If frt fani.uln
t ilir. mi noi'lHi-h ptr lio iti t if pl if of h -kIhii
uu v ii inn n . ONT HI Nl'UI Ii-nil KIV
.ml ul ii ill ai ii-n s i-ici iiifiiMiro Willi Lin i
liilitt'.iitll f-. Hflt tl nil'l tikililll tM UiltluM a
thf iiioin-tty i Joan 1 t-tj triH. hiniimwrri
I.ilh.lll.L'AI .MIM.A11H. ufrlll.
II i-fti ti.iri. i hru try II, Int. .
o i . I r a i: L i. r i a j. v.t r a 1 1
. , t.ii. .(.on i) ol an ordur ot Mh- Oi pliau' Court
I -ill mi Mil Illy r.l Oil MonOH. lh- HfC Htli
i i .M if .i iit-.ii, at iu o urifK in tint inuiioi'h
... n ..n.stilit r. Oua da. u ot tin 1 1 imiiih tin. i
!; .iti . ni 1 1 1 itomir i ii 1 1 lit on ituum-m
tit i. M i im lutwi'hlp. In i-atd i uunn , to f .t-tti.
i.l f po-f to KUf, tn li'-l i. t-.m,e, t,n ili.
i i . s, Ihtt it im 1 1 v ii'f i lt h'tll uilelfsl In i.
.i' ttu I lot ot ii. uiil lUi.iie lu IlliHiai's
m:' i tmiu j innrsa tl, on ThliU strct I, inljoinin
tin . i 1) n.t 1 iliiuniuiiiii I J. l t'.oiiuhit a
1 1. 1 i da ino htni j i h.iue. ( 1 hf niht-r nn
I VI i'el nliu h.l f llh fit hi V HI hU tUiLilit thuhilllle
toiiK li ihu owiit'rihfit't'f.i
(JtiNoirioN-i ii v rtiiLr,-(Ino third of tho Mir-
iiiiHf in nn- to rt'iii.iiu In ihu prtiaKfi iiiiiiuu
iIih naliirul lllw oi iho uitlow oi tho hutil llttir.v
liiitllliuu, ih 1 1 act tl,iilil tin- iiUpii hi to he iiliinutl-
iy an i ii-gii-nny piii i ii r u inJ puruni
M'r oniliult ti-iv f Vpill of nieli anil overy
y'lirdurliu Iho nnt r.U llfo ofMitd .vhlow, llm
tuL ia inc-ii l- no ii ulo on tlio l si o Aoril
bi)u. I fit pel ftl ' ot l f l a hi lit i' o I tilt' puri'htso
i none in lit p.tnl mi toe ihiy of Kalo ; out l mrlli
r! it v. ia' n percent lo ho paia on
ihrji-oiillrni.ittoli HtKultiie il kjtlf. uiid tho To-
ni.iltiiiu ihrto (oiiriii-i jti un 5 car lloireirier,
uu tin lent ji in" iiiiiriuaiioii inn, ritf-i-
l.nintn April Jut litH, I'utchiivT tu pay lor
tkctl ttnj shtlUl'
.lrto,ouTuoiuy( March 3rd, at lOoYlnck lu
oiu iuri uovii, a uiunurHu uiiu nut 1 01 iuiiu umi
ted In M tin Tuwiiihlo. t'ountv utoresntil.buund
cl by Iriitdiof Josepii MiiHttillt-r, (lenKS MUI01,
Dtvid Urowu ubiI others, ttmtalulOK ti ncriK
mora or lo. on which 1 trccicl u Uouhu and
buri), thu totfU lutiil lu hobold hj thoucio aial to
no kurtrj rej,
Condi iiuni of hhHai.iv Onothlnl nfthomir
tdiiihe nioiif y lorniiulii in thu jin mlKH Uiulin;
l no uaiuiai inu ni uiu unow 11 LUUftiiini liiiu
m, in. deceits, tl. anil the intfiiht tn ho rtnulurlv
and nniiuully paid to her by (ho or
purt-iiituituiir iih intt iiiiiiirui tuttui 1110N401 wni'
uw.ill llio aiiie 111 iliac rushitre totore: I'.ui tho our-
rh on no -1 ley l'i lunula lu the pruniiieH oiirlui;
Hlti 1iAi11r.11 11m 111 tint WKltlW ni llio nil ni iieinv
ilaiiiii 10, tlecv.o-Cil.and tlioliitrienl to Im annul.
Iv and ifL'iit illy o.ilil.riald to her hv the i.urclm-
K'f or puicluiM iH 011 Ihu Ihi day of April of each
and i-wiy .rar wur miritiz ihf ii.duriil litu of
Mil' I widow, I lio ilrt pavineiil to inioio on tho
1st tlav of Aorll I'U'j. IV n iu.r cento! ihu b.ilnnt w
ni m p"iclut money to n puid on ihu day of
n nit , t-iif i ut rut in inu (juiiuiif ieH inu it 11 ptr
ct'iit to ho pan I on Iho continuation uhsolutn of
1 a If, ami ihu it-iiiuiuinu thito 101111)14 iu one
car inert uier, twin inttieM uoiu uiPionunna
tioiuo'. 1 'nh lo 11 j.lvdi Apilllht ltW. l'ur
i-li.iM-r lo pu lor ilfftl mid Mump.
L it g thu oiUta ofitaai ih'tvi itl,Hltu itn'tainfnro
Mild. JUdtiljt'OLkUAH, Cltllf,
M-hiu.iry II, IfO.
11 ii i h u 1; l), 1 a a 2.
NKW HC'r.K, OVf.luritliNO, VVLU IRON nilMC
1 I A N () V O U ri' K a.
n t o u a 1; t &" u onni a
iiiufarturiTH of (Irnml, Hquaro nml I'lann
rout -t ifur new pcuhi f ano 1 uiio 111 luinitmn
to tl.cir pM niurits, loniuiu orv (eitlly
vuliirthl.i laitleui liuprm tin tot, malt riim theiu
liif inu.i toni) t if and pi riit m.tininenl ever
itlS-mlio In i.ul.l c. 1 nd for i-urili of lone. lel-
I ue of (ju. lifinai'Uil,aud nltu t-ti nninj ihu
li UI'HUl. l lilll Kl I a, IUU 110 1 vilM'O nTlMllllfl
ihi ru uiHWiiurtviiled. 'I'h l' of tu(s
hi tl 'uic liavoMtood thti t(wtof tntiioihaii a
nouiui of an iiturynaJ Ikn mMnifu.turernur
a 1 i-nt 1 y 10 mtf iu utr iwomy nv iiiutiytmi
f luiliii ho Iihvw hud thon lu iw, in u curly
all iliu t tvlll il Wur.d, All ItlUarnwiil
h liuim tly lUJhWWud hy
I' A. T
E,'M E.NWr '.O.'F
i "'I ' jAMCAnY 1ST HC,
Till; Aniiltors pterin! In settle nil ! atlild llm
vi. In icn .rt lh it tnee havo ex inline.! llm sunt
ill I elullt Iillllilrii.liiu lsHlt-seeil, In lliellrsl il
m.l slxlveltht mil, nml resp etnillv lay belorr
'leas, or baiii rtniniy ine louowin- Mntrnicui huh
r litneral iinsi-inblyor this l.'iitntmiwtalilt passeil
JUllX J, .vrA.V.Tre.i.urerofe'niiimlilAcoiinly
Toninninit outstuiiilltu for lsoa
nml jirevlmM yeirs. 1 o15l 15
To Mai ti In hill l.t.r Trcns.
urer, ns per AtUltors ro-
boil, .Inn. HiP. Is-UVi)
l'eb, 0. Tot'-ish of Hiintlel
or liriar i;reen, I ir ats-pnu
lar. 3. Totiisli of Hatmtel Ketehner
of llrlar Creek fir ltee.nij
39 10
5) H
106 OJ
30 11
SO 00
11; so
21 15
12 00
Wi 10
Z 70
luno To nntiiunt of county lot ai
esseil lor 1.117.
To am iimtil'l leil to Duplicate
ofHcolt Town. hip.
To amount ol Tciulay nsscss-
nii-iii, inir,
11 Toi'nshof e'linllltilirelmprov
el 1 N mt l,'o., I., retlcelneil.
sept, 2 Tofil-ll nr A, w. licit, Agent
Ii. rriii-t-iiitsi,
Toi'nsinir sunntry s.rsousL.
Ii To''n-h of Thajcr A. Noyes,
IbC. 2 Tilt'nsh of tlenrte I'.rnns or
iirinr irecit, nir Itretnmi L,
To I'a-h for ten it.iy ii.seMucul
iirnin-l Mil
10 To t'lish Irom .Nortlminherlanil
cniinlv ilue riltimbla en.,
f-irrepaliluu llriite.
To l 'il-h ti.iM H-e-s irs,as-icss-
lt ilii lax. 117.
7-it'nsh liirunlrv l'nes.
.l'o Ili1 uu-- out-la iillmr.
To l'ii-h nrsunilrv I-THOIH He.
JO I IX J. ,S77.:v,Tr.Mvir.-rnf Colunihlu couniy
Tonin-int tvtuiamlhvf r tdOl
Toatn junt iww 1 1 for IW..
f IU7 l"
Kt 5)
. ..1 t..ii. ..r 1.1
. In 1' w.-ll iu tlm mil nl'lt 111
1 1 on
!rhncrik ,.
i-rwh'lt 11 ir 1
Milthrtw Wvn'mKV.
Pivll Millor
.Humid Nnnit'M r
'ntiiiifl Hhoiio.
Il Id III s.lacnbV
ciiimli 1 ilitrniMh
l'atrif k Kiiirf 1
ito do
uj innmin H,
" "dr.
nhi vlsii
I hlit'fri ek
II. A.Rweptftihi?i -r
, V. (J.cnmplnll
, Thonm-i llnwer
Jovt pit C'vlern'tti
I.iroli H, Ilvaim
.. . Dudi I Ne hint
Antttn on ,M Mining ...
.. . Ctirlvtinn i.' . ...
...... ,J'inv Miv r.
Inhti I.Llhv
t'tuv-i d
.tf'-Mtl .
! 1 Mtm
1 tutir
1 mu r;
tH.U it
.....TUn-nm 1. WI liver.. .
llml'ilpli Hhtimuii ,
'iVicr.l. Ijimu
... Uftlht'ii I Jr I
hit! ill Kotii!
.... N. Ur."fsh.ich
,.,..i. lu Moore.
1 1 mi
1 m.n
.111150 ,
ii;,rlouf 1
l)i-ducl ten itujHiieisniriit 181J7.
" IX HI lisMK'-iiit u r'am,
Leave-tftinountcyiinly Uix niieviC'l
lor lct)7.
Htfttenifnt hhon In-; iliti amountof ootinty nnd
.eitutdl-trict'i lui.uu vouuiy.
It'll ViT
't ntrnilu Itor.
Itoin nt'liain...
llfinlot k
.....IWItVin W. Kilo
I'-ti'-riaoin-! Apph'imin ,
John fuiion
.... ' JilCOlJ ' I'fllH'U
. " AIM rl intnttT
MittJohn HlndtTllter....
" sniimtd Al'i'l' "inn .,
W. It. Itflllhnlil
" W. 11. 11.' Inho d.
, Mu A, Hurttimu,.
" JacjU UfcUlcl
Aumroirt AMDixnnK'H pw.
J!v nnimmt p.iUI Aiilllorn nml
lly iimiim' ptMIMl. rinioli
sm.v, mi'liliiiK I'r.'tlinnuln
ty aullU'ijUtor'H.iwount.
t'J uu
Si 00
ill 71
a 75
11 i
a 71
2.1 75
l 7'.
in 75-
1'J 7't
at 7".
in j
:t 75
iu :.
S7 75
HI 71
11 7ft
im r
211 ut
M in
i'l "5
II 7'.
III 75
'is 75
S-Vvl 75
Oil 5J
Illonin toivnstllp -it etil
Homer ltlffl
li.-niiin " '-MOO Cr.-ct( tnivnstilp iU -i
l!..rttl. It It .nitii-li 9 '.Vi
t'lltllWlSU lUlMlBllIp
d-ntrii "
font n-ih-iiii '
I't'iilrulia ll.irniiiih
rrtiiikliu tiivvnshlp
ri-liiiiui-n 1 It '
tlll't'llttOxl "
SI 25
21 75
1 -i'l
17 7 .i
VI il
'.'3 .'.'.
M 'il
Jl it
19 'ii
Jl 10
a 1 -i'l
111 .6
Vi lh
111 IM
UU 00
Jiitlt-i.ti 1
Mu llHi.11
Mt. lMr.1b.1nV
lly luiiiiillil p tM Wllllitm .
Kl I IS'H 1 Maiiliui-rt-t k
lly niiiuiilil l'i liT,
lill lif-i .111 to.inty Mnn i-
tir.-t'll ColuutUl.MlU Mou-
an os
unman rti:rAm.
lly iiinouiit kill M jiittEouir
llv autouul p'd Jotiu llcmor
lly jiiiuiiiiL p IdOtoruo llur-
lly am .tint paid Jon It on 11.
llt.".s, "81011'."
lly i.iuouiit iiald Piillin Ilarl-
111 in.luiHOfr,
llv tun mil- )ul I Iivld KIM
Ity luno int paid Jonas Tab-
lly nniount paid Joii'Ui I nf
rins'ir.'jridt-'rtoii county llnu
in twccji (.'olnmhU nn. I 1,
llv n iijii it p.Ud Win. U.fland
lly ino l'inl ji.ild.M.Ct Wt.oi)-
Ity urn am' paid J, lM'uriu.tu
ity nuiMiinl paid lUas Miller,
iditnit 1 h.
lly uniouiitp it Unsi-ph llfl-iu'f
I 1'iiii.uut paid John H.t an'
lly amount p.Ud Mimlry pt-r
lr-5 tr
160 30
159 61
2-jrt M
VI 1
01 e'J
.'.1 15
7J Ol
Hi Vt
207 01
Uj ainotiui imM for III 111 lt
houith tor lVotU'ju tUry ami
ltt coriltr, hu I aistHft ttoolt
uu I lax duplicate,
lly ainounl pmtl for ri 1 airs nt
O Kirt Itout, and yaul and
J ul duri'U tlm yfar.
lly amount p.M Mr. OvcnU-rf
clu-iiituj Court HoiHe,
t 'om m n 1; 1 vh a r rouN 1 ; v.
lly amount mid a II. I.l t tic,
Cuiutiiliitluntii'a attorney.
Sy rmount paid MohosCoirman
(r luoycur W$J,
lly naiouut ialil th several
conHtHblei urJnu thoytar,
lly ainnuut jald sundry per
lly 11 mount paid Allen Mtum
lly amount paid John Fouler
Tly ituiouiit pftul Montgomery
Colo coininiMlonei',
lly uinonut p ud David Yonfitr
Hy ninouut paid Wrn. Krlrk
liuuiu to Jim. J, lid clerk.
50 W
673 01
U1 C4
2 W
W) 0)
vm oj
iirsiHicr Anoitsnv.
IlyiiHiouni paid M, M.TrniiKli.
Uy aiivinnl pal l hiindrv jx-r
hoiit, Kprin rloolNmx.
lly aiiiotint paid hiimlry ptr
soa-j 4onorjl tilooilom.
Jly ftuttiunt paltl A. Mnson for
ojul. ourillouuitiiuil l.tll.
Uj hiiiuuuI paid nunilry per-
lly niiiiiiiiittxld.latloitt'ryi'tn.
Dy nnvirtuli.ild l.vtsiml!: In.
.ur.moo Ot., ,a,Mittnl,"
lly iimiaut imld Jonn Usik on
tlio limly of Jolm 11, r'owlir,
lly mn inul paid John t.lirm.
iwrllu on body ol Ii li
By mil ium pil l 11, (I, IYkvi-1-
lu uj iiy of a .mill
By niuiiitnt pnUI Wiu. Hoax-
isfcu uu oj 01 u. i.iiirjti
Vy a.iiouul(UJwwMdulair
up Tin:
C O 1. V M 11 I A ,
TO .lAM'Alir lsr I'll'.
acsiunts of I'ntumliU cilllity. ' VI,,v.'tl,!l..,1,J'
l fr.ilit III" t!rt il IV or I mill try V ". "": '!.".' "I
nl.tiiniliiry A.ti. 1i'l''lll!ll',',l,,Ll.,.1""!!"i
Iho Hon. .!u;li(is i.r the Ct.nrl of I o m intm
lepnn iiitrweainy n. int- -.ii-.
the foiirtli ibiy or April, a, p. isiii
Inaivnnnt Willi Mill couniy.
tly mnunt oiitKlAtollini lor
ISO; and prcvloui ,vp:irt.
Ity r.totieiatloiii allowed col
lly Coninil-islon iillowctl eol
Ity uiiimiiit of County orders
tly 'ireiis irerirnmmlsilonon
HJ'Ol htl al I per will,
tly Uiljuci.
lUOJ fi1
3ij ;j
In AceuunL with tlx mi Inst-i.
J2I711 0
Ity Inlinrn tlm ri-uirtT pr
an liimo n porl,.t m 117
Ity uuioirit ti itst 111 Uim u l
un:iiltct.l. It , ,
lly oxinifratUnn nliowwi rol
II v (niiimlsslonanowe'I collec
' tor.
llyuniount Mirrp a tmai;o or-
tlrri rcloiMiit-tl.
tly uniomit pniil Af"P.orK for
aifHsiii8itoi; tat IW.
lly urn mm pild I'r -siurerri
coiiimhlou on MM 73
SMS 31
375 M
IS i
1 I')
2S -M
U l
.i.,.in. f..f thr fir t. it W?. Ill 1 ft- h !!
fr.llll eili'll. rtll'l tlh mtllel )f Ul fi i-lccttiri nf HH.d
2 i "17 lit 71 VI V &
ctu) ll 1 i '-i-ft
:w ul m .vi
41011 um in vi
. . . tni .12 " w -
3h II Wi I'J 21 &0 11 M
I'M U liM 7 ft I
1U7 41 411 21 5 M SI '"
797 I'l 5'H H W W 31
4il hj 111 10 4tl.n)
0)l 44 6H 17 ftt 8 W
. . .. cu si 101 ra
;l az W CJ Ct M 10 ")
uu mi'l :i 0
I. KM Wit VtiM '-t?
t"J :n ti 17 ft fti
ii IV) .-I 3' l lit
,'!IfJ 10 I'l ft t 1 tAl
;t7 ti I! 7"l 1 1
7-11 71 0( -7 7 Ul
Ah" W ii'.' fl J
lit III .'
i7 tl id 'ti
l.Vi i,1 iW 0 10 -VI
l'-.V7. S-U II WW
E.V t
14 Ul fllM'lTH SW1J li cl.Ulix) SIMTJ
7 H7
SlIKo 0'i
ilo tiixdun
for ISCI, Ut'i, mul Mil, from tho alf-
Am'l.m. il up,
$114 Hi
41 K'l
r, At)
""Z'. 'KV'iu
1 .
lt 41
ai vi
rt; ;ia
km 10
1 57
Duo from 'C7. i&rt 10
Am'tofiW dut.
, 3:1 ou :
3 ft)
0 fjO
8 10
4)M I
8 70 1
10 m
17 S3
::o m
iu u
Uuu Irum 'C7.
mi 01
St-ao u
lly nmniiiitp 1I1I Ur. IM'. Ilnr
rlsiitt, ulu-utl.tuait on pris
oners. rnornoNATAiiY.
Jly ninouut pitlil Jossu t'l.K-mln
I'nitli'y. lur rtctsjrilln uprlii j
cltclion returns.
lly nniountimld V. lLJacobv.
" " J, H. Hunilunt.
" " C. 11. llruckA-rty
lly fimonritpnUlJuhn ll.l'itrncl
Hy amoiml pulil l;. H. l.-nlli.n-llury
tur HiiporlliiK cuiivlrtH
lly uiiitiunt tuiilHuite l.tinuttu lur tlm mipnurlur
V. hull.
tia n
t'J oo
S7 W
m 45
itoAO and nniDGnviuww.
IJyamonnt pnUI ouudry per
(ouriaHJevcrH. ILOAIl DAMAflU.
Dynmotint p:iM K. II. HIcc-.
Mtmiii township. ty 01
Ilyamtiuiii paid Jacob (iir.
rar I, (Jrtt uvmod towihlp. 30 M
Ilyainount hil l iiu.ii- Hlchtti
l'.uu ioMnhli. 20 OJ
Uy umouiit puui 1 win Joncn
Hi uuot k mwtotiilp. oi
Jl itHioiint paid Koiaituel (on-
ur, (Jrifiiwo.d township JO 0)
By iiinuuiii uiidtJcort liti.ulQ
Ml. I'lfat.nt InwoHtdii, 13 fct)
11 nu lowubhlp, jj oj ... ... -WJ)
itti.i( r n jiii.ii,
l!y ft'iiM.iiil paid ainu I Hnv-
tlerforliotullnj priH.MiMrs. $IS8 li
i-i""! n.tnnit-1 nny-
dtr lor fonwniiu Jiiiiiffl
Jll'llHOOdtO the HullMJof
ft fust'.
lllOQUl tOUIUllip
Jit'litUIl "
l.rlar L'rrck township
l'i nun township
J-'niuklhi "
1 ifliitiprn'ik tomihliln
-luennohl "
JItllllOCU M
lH'llht '
Alu no
Mallln "
Moiitoitr '
M.IiHmjII ti
1 no
It-itrliiB Crci:!i
11W. ;
'ill' UTAVDI.
Jly Jiiiuimt pulil nl lUo sov.;rH
uy niitounipniii u. (j. iMrUIi-v.
fiiMiiiy Siiptriiitt iiiiiHi ,''
per 1.111 rcn iLTt'tl .or k ihu,
JUHY CO.IJ!lbsIO.N'i;iW.
Ilynmonnt paW IIIMiu liny.
liiiiii,.lury t'i.inmlssiin..r.
lly mniiuiit iulit 'lli.m.J, Wcl
Imt Jury ejosmiuslvner.
ST3 ii
JI7 01
18 M
tld 76
IlyiiiiiouHl pil.i jo!,,, (j
I- rit te, rwutillni; Trimtir
.rnliiiinl.iinil Nmp.,
taxi:s ui:kunduu.
lly ni roml. scliiwl
l...r, nntl imuuiy in,,., ro;
iiiiiiit-ii 1.1 tlm M-wrul town.
ii,'.y' "" r,,ll-'"iptlou mo
lly uuioiintnfnrili-rii Issoctl tut
Hit. i-iir Isii;,
yHtr'lKCT!"1''' a"!"in f0"l)0
Uil ictt'intlnl tolowti.lili,,
iwi 'ur "1" "'r
Jly itiuiiuniiluu litiiiiisiii rtor,
tltmiti coins. la.-Miy,..
Jjjslnfl nniotiiit of niecp or-
Kii'i im. ' tlicrpiiiimnKii per
Mlii luiid, far him yrar.
tl'tl w
im is
itoi m
Sl.'WJ ii.
(174 14
1 0 0)
wAT.i:mu?T'i county omkiS m
11..1U .nil. i.suuti hi isuf hltsiji.l I n, BlsWIJI
MDetluct oltl orUir. retli-i mtil
lisffl RI
Iti .7)
WX1 IJ.Vcm. orik r 3H.jdi
Ilciluel nt w onlors rt-ilcDmeil i:5ca M
M W11 tho tinorli!ni'd Andltori. nf cvilumliu
mil ilvi fi".'i,.',r,",u r""""'"-'"""' o.miii.iomrH
,,n ill'iSi',!,',?, wo'npl'it lli oiti.-ii of mo Coin.
nlMloui-r In I I'siiusiiurK, nml rrnvfuiiy i.xiiniln.
"-'V""l"'"i'l viiiiilwuur n,r w,ln t,m
w 01ilio llrst tl.iy o Juminry a, . .7 lo ll,o llr.t duy
"'iif.liiiiuiirj-, a, 11. His, iuiiI nnd 1 1, tin u
id loiili 111 iliu luiiuiiin binti mi in nnd uud
ul.iiuiiiai.luo Ct.luiulilutoiilily nfllinu lliouuml
JU iifuur iiuinliitl nun six diillum uiid untiiii.iuu
ceiiu, tj.n. ;j,iiuin Juiim j, rtriLui. ireuluror
Ol .illd isiunl .
Hlvtn uiidirotir liiiiiiU IliUiluliiti duy of Jan.
i'ljuV' ,u"u"'uuul"ll'l1'1 liuiuliitliiudiHlJ-J-.
H. ItUrKlir. 1 IVmniy
''"J a . v -IA. Oil UAIilti-t Auaiuir.,
W llio utiiiii .iitiii il, i.oiiiinii..liin(.rNof ivolum
II T(.lltiouuiy. tin un Ur Dun ti.t- r..r. niin. 1.
. .5tci ,k"l"'"!iil el Uiu ULtXJUUI. u iho .nil IMUDIJ
tif'jr llio far INJ7
- W!iUviour Itrtiuls, Junuurv rltihtli. j7$
.miii. r. rtiti.i-.u
Kl "is I I yi.15, V
Attt,Vu iditYr
A uoiirf tlm iimm reMo.iiilv whu-u iiitutti
Ii.imi pllfd tn rt lltvo llHUitllli lloiiritir hiiniiihl.
H illieroln no ui'ito f tvorlto nuolor tn tilu ehisn
of dlto:in lioiu tlio "niftlloiii ilKunr of thu Wll I
Cherry Tril hut hnvet r Viiluuutu it lln.iw
irlo hi'.il,lMHi1lie, lo lellexo nti-1 toeuie. H en-
ImiiOfil tenfold hy nclt lit ito nnd Judicium inin
lilnitlon with other huretlft nln, In (lu nui'lve
of . fpuil w.irlli, 'Ihi- luippy iiiliilh' exhln to 11
leniHTkiihle dciiiee In
Pit. WHfAU'r. llMOt DP U' C1IKUUY.
wlioto vn'm In curliitf LhtHjhi, O'tih, ilftmchiti,
thit, ttmt JHciimnt lhniumitwi f tneslhnahtc.
l'rorn IIknJamin, !., Uoot M.isttr
of. -I ni tli It ly.ilitoit, Mn,
"In tho ftnrliiitof Ias I wni iuoHt Rrwri'ly nf
t'otiipiinliiieiilH ofntylit (, romp etely prui
lliiiiiiri in.v iivritt m 1.11 in, nun Mhiut-tiiH 11
u th-hlhlatt-tl Mule of liealth Hint, itftir irMlnx
medical aid lo tin purpose,! had Kieti up ad
hopemif over rutivtrlnn. imtui'l iiIho m fritiid.
Al thin ntiiHiof tmilUirtl whh juevaiitti upon
throimli the liillueiiru if a in hthltor lotry win
titr'n TiaUtiuiof Wihl t'herry.nml, htfoiu u mi,'
two boltkn, llio ellt-el Wilt nliiiol iiiukuiiI, My
coUitliiiiUiely lift me. (lit iilhl nwoatf-dei riotl
lue. nope iiiiu1 111010 riiui-ti 111.1 uepn-iwu r-iuriif".
aiidKiKiti 1 hud attained toy wnntttUtieiilli and
lgor. 1UU iiiihiiii iwu-aiii, a nu imihi ih-iii
reniaiUeil hv pi 1 Mint eont isniit it li the aonu
facts litt rally fciinlched 1110 from Iho nu nliii;
tfruvf. You ureal llheity lo litu thinfor llmht nt
tie 01 in t auiicifti.
rrepurfd hy HKTIt W. I'OWf.l! A SON, is Trt
inont Ht.. llobtoii.iiiitlf r Mile l iJiuutll! P'hf
1 ally.
(iu CmVs ci;i.i:iiha ri;i
curri luaver nhort lliuo
IL'IH, lM'KNH.m'Al.l.Ot'Mrt.lUU'l!-. HI'lt UM,
l.lnMll'KI.A, MALI llllKUJl, Ill.ilOtmiJI,
1.1 MU, I- I.I.U, t 1 1 1 L
It I hromit In nctloii, retnovlnii inln nt once,
and reiiiiee! Ihe 1110 t tumi MelliiiM
I lllll.iliuitlon. a 11 lil-itfic. inu aiuruoiK
it lief and n (oinplfto 1 uie, (
rtr.l II . 1 U tV 1.1, IIOSUUI, l'llT
old hy all DriiJtist. Uroecr. nil I nt l' coun
try KtorcH,
iMroni'ANr imcisKiN-
Chic r.!u.tlc" Wihi lwrtrdof thu Hunieini Cmirt
of IN nnvlvunla, hi tl llviit-d lh. lolloum
ou ti on. uiitciiii itiinort.ini in our iueteuiin.
in uiuf.telureiH, ui)iklin!'iifii,tui'l 1 11 f tcl, thf pen
1 inu vsiiojo ttuiii.o, ne Mjm -1 11101
tuitoi. imi'h 1 1 Kit m in 111 rrnt U nut ah In toil
rating la.ei'U(tv. hut lia k "I ion If, ui ml in dlt-
nrilf r tu UU' mwrMir 01 Kit u. uno to ni em ne 1 1 t'
tl I in ran of He uiuiy. ami wain 01 in-rvou ucii"U
in the inti'iu."
(ii in lit t it conn iitmimn lonio i itani 10
,o iiltttiilf a tun if a (Inn ethhiaietl M.iii
ilard Idiitris.
'tloo'lantti Gcthmn It.t'cra" contain W) .tcofat
ic inut rml,
lt a tnlxturt eniil.nii'n all tli.t Ini e I'ontH nt
I In .fai'il h 1 lltfi-st. i-niiih tl. d udh hii.o ri li it
('1 11, Itilin, oiiinji. , anet , t,e.. fm 1111114 I mi l
11 in I mod r-nilc lu I'm,
r nwjvt lyi"' oil i a v, r.i tout a., ta,
X il I fV inIu rt hy lluisuK nml toiii is.
l"h.7 S
ill tV a'tii I linn uerah'e p'vp irnt...n - 111
tfJ 111 t.'.te . o I U ,t 1 IV ll lir lo II 4 1111,'i'Ml
,0.tU, Wti . 0ml il II ilf UhiiU KtVtho l.liler
Mil Hltl.sOlf .'III lit ItllUH flillhhlf AlllDlltH.I
Vo liavf ti 1 ii 11 mi niiml it lo i"h-if I iif 1 m u"
lii.ttrul ut-iiM'iiol in oiifrcf a; to n
m i'f d ) in hull Old .1. itt tun- cimimhI 1 hiinenf,
IlPl"cl . .r l oi I iit tiill!l''d.
.1. 1111 ir . t's-tt.
1 1 1 ji. 'J- n 1 ii mtii't t-tl in
ui, ,1 ' i,.t 11 on ii hniit
O.t ri 1 i- im th r.
1 hill, 1 UillOIIS, .'It 01
T tliift 1. 1 111 an l'I
i.t ad or ht hum a.
novai ol I mi 1. s, I Ii
Txi-ostTiiN r.vtvnuti:t.t.n, Paiiis, iw,
i:mas iiiiwn, j.
Awarilitil ovi-r i:,Ul''twoCoiiilltor,
Tin: 111011KST iMtKMU'M,
riiK only rrto-s or thr j.koion of 11 M
a o
m 1: i) a h
slvrn to American Scwlntr Mnt-hlnrn. tier finte-
rhil Dirt-e. puhlMictl In tho "Mniillcur tlnii r-
Ht" iQ.tP'lal Journal nf ito I'mich Iltnplru),
TncHday -d July, imjt, in tlu-ftc uiriU;
iralirlcaiitc, tl( Machines
acouro ppti"aut.
M inufiicturr nf Hewing
KtiAMllowr, Jit.
I, l-icnincN, i.xniunor.
No. 21 Hoittii i;i?ht Hinot.
Agenti lorlnnsvUiinl.'i Ni-w .Ir-rnr-y, Delnwar.
111111 tti-sii-iii iritlllM.
l'eb H'Cs-Sln,
.MN I It I'M I, INK.
f ho undt-rsliit-! would rcspt'clfully nnnounro In
lhc rlltzf n. of HUsiin-iliitri; nml the public Km.
r illy ihm Ik. Is runnititt uu
ftlurcn this placcaiid Ihn tllrli-ri'lit milroml tin
tsits tlatly (uti'lnyn t-xi-t-pti-ili, liiisiuntH-t t. It I. tlio
HtiviTuI tmttis Kolu'l isi.ulli nnd West on Hid t'utn
wlsitusiid WUIlaiuxk-iirl llntlriutd, nnd with thtMni
loln .North 1111 1 Miiiillioll lilt. UicknttttuiMHltd
tl'ioi.inslinrit Ilnl roml.
Ills OrnnliMisst-K urt iti ntssl isindltlnu, t'otiiinn
dious uud, .tuil clmrg.'t'M ri-nsoniiblt..
I'ltmiiis t isliiu,; to unci or hco tln-lr Irlt'inls tic
pnrt,tiin l.iu..-iiiiii.liiird ii.i.ii rt-nsoiMlilti i-lisri;
tiy lenilui; liiiit-l.t unlit e ut iiu til tin. liiitfU.
.IAi'iiII I, lUIHON, I'ri.prioit.r.
K.MiiHU.sri:u a mtoTiiiiit,
liniiuiii-is unit .Inlibfrit ol
nimiiiiti . tii.nvi;s
-lt! Ul- NI im.WVKIW,
1 1 1 : r re i.n'm, .s I'm 1 'UN 1 11 'iih,
IIOOI HKIItl -,il VNI!vi:ill'lll!.rS,
III.' .I.-..-1 ll'IMJ .-.ILK.
I III.. I All Mis, ptdll'l, M.I.V.N,il.-s,
hOAI's. I ,,,ti . Hl'.llV. I I .'.' ..I ni.h. . .N
ll '.Vllli.t,. ,1.1 l
APo Alan. 1 i tr. i--
Jliti'- a. m ami 1 tiiii;i.i. 1.1 ih. 1 s
nu 1 IXali ' 1
WOOD AM' H tl.I.uW v ti:,
llli'lil .l.s, lllll'i, , t.wsAI-.
'to. 'Hi North Third .sli.i-t,Hli ,ji
Iiolcr In
Oil, tt.tTI!H, MATH, Af.,
No. 3.1 Ncrlh Mtctuid Hlii-ct,
Deitloti lu
No. Vil.Mnrltut Hlrcct,
,AnrlN, C, It. DII.I.INdKK, K. H. KATKAN.
HTMAN, lJlI.l.I.N'GKH & CO.,
'0, SlMMinill Illlllll HTKRKT,
(.Vearlu oppoiile Jmnri, Kent, hnntre Oi.)
WholcKnlo licnlcrs In
'.IIIA IN HACK, ('OllllACiK, AC'. M,
ItHrHlirjl, TIIFNKH, Mtilk'IS-l U1.AASRK, KXC,
Mny in,
WliolpRiilo Jioalcr. In
IIAIX.CAIH.lsl'llAWlllitlllH, AND
No. r.7 North Third Miri rt,
Ixirtkl men tit Munlt-d In - irv low n nml t-llv. tn
employ (ri,n m u-lt an aillcio nl u t uilllty.
Kvrryfunill) uaittnfi ml 01 llu iw. (n receipt
or llf fy cents two MiiuplfK, uhhh nlull lori'luli
ly c ntK. will hfii tit Willi cm uIiumiiiiI hriiut tu
uk'.'niH. Adtlri-kH 1 , II, HUluN,
Jun, 'Jl.'cs-11 u tm Uunui r-t., N V,
joitN STitoui a t:o
fsUt'vMtjin lot-tioup A liiothir,
O. H jNuiUl V l.MMf.blKl .VMlh Sk1tr Ht.,
I'ttlltclt ipi.U.,
h v'nn.'t .i-iki'',i .i tm o.t. o .ui-i i n.ti
.1, n I11 1 if itito n iiiii'UifiiurM uitiii "nn;
1 im- I i Ii l .. ' rh( i.ui.
I'M Si-. 1 0 H
L I)