Passing Events. I An llllnohetlltor propose) to "board 'round" lits non-tiaylng sulnerlbcM. I A Dayton (Ohio) tnre horse hn traveled as.iKM) ihIUh In covpii and linll' year?. - Tlie last new font rtrnclreumerobnt consist. In turnliii; u iloublo somerset over sixteen liutskcH with llxeil bayo nets, the nuiw being llred at thu mo ment ortholenti. Every houso In one street In the First ward, HprltisrfloUl, Mississippi, was blessed with n birth during 1807. A eountrymnn In Portland after eat uk threo dozen raw oysters, told tho man to "stop when ho bad opened ten eenls worth." The man "stopped" at once. - I'rcntlco says that the aristocratic neuroes aro In n ifrent raw: at the nreiieh- ern who tell them they must bo hori again. They aro afraid that tho next tlmu they might bu born white men Tho Albany Penitentiary has earn ed $22, 100, over expenses, during tho past year. Why wilt iieoplualway.SHiiell bulla Ip robo with i capital "H." As Faxon would say, buffalo robes do not como irotn lluffalo any morothan goo: o'.c rlo eomo irom geese. Tho first load of "provisions, ' land ed at Virginia City. Nevada, was eignteen barrels oi wiuiKcy. A sexton In Ohio worked so hard digging a grave that bo fell dead at Its sine wiien It was nnisneii. --Twenty-five thousand pounds of raisins were prouucii oy one dinner i Uilllornia last year - -A Lowell widower, with thlrty-onc enmiien, in two sets, mis just leu to ti altar tho third bride. It Is stated that llev. Henry Ward needier nas given si.wuio a limn 10 tho benefit of General Lee's college A nesro urand lurorlu North Caro Una stole his employer's pocket-book on mo way nomo irom mu court-room Tho farce of Inquiring Into tho loyal tyof tho Kentucky members has nl rcauy cost siuauuv. A fow days ago a lad found n skiff iionunr in tno river in jenorsim Lity, Mo. Resides a revolver and omo other articles, thcro werothrccflnirershcsered from u man's hand lying In tho skiff, wnicn were smeared wwi uioon. jnoii: lnglurtlier was known about tlie mys terlous affair. A neuro in Tennessee, while climb ingn tree missed his footing and felladls lance oi twenty-nvo leetona solid rock nut its no eamo down neadiorcniost l escaped without a bruise. Some three weeks ago a very larg eagle made n sweep at a i:ooo l Cawoods Gay threo miles south of Snltvllle. Va., but not having taken good signt, as u minter woumsay.over- snot inu goose and ltiipnieuiiiinseii ni ouasnair. iirodueini: immediate death llonieasured seven feet from' tip to tip oi ins wings. A lady in Ft. Way no .opened n do iimct unrn yard cmcKen. in tiioinui ot said chick was a paper of pins, a small breastpin, nn Infant's necklace of bead with two gold clasps, a pair of armlet for a small child, and ornaments to adorn toino fair lady's head, all being in a nno state oi preservation -A young lady Good Templar at mm, sieunen county.tnc onierevenin explained her position on tho elder imestton, in conversation with a young gentleman of tho samo order. "Ah," t.aui sue, "l got out or it nicely wiien lie asked nio If 1 drank cider. Of course 1 answered '.No!' ou see miico fathe bought that barrel from Jlr. II that you liko so well, 1 havo always used a straw, fori know ourofllccrs would not ask mo anything about sucking.' An awfully'curlous bore, learning huh n young intiy was going to tno eiiy asked "What motive is taken you thither. my dear?" "I believe they call It a locomotive. sir," was tno innocent reply. Tho "intrusive stranger" wilted Jack Taylor, n negro residing ot unnmnuign, Illinois, unueriooK a low days since to disciplino his wife by hit ting her overthe.hend with.achair. Just as no was in ino act ot doing so, slio punctured his heart with a pair of scissors, which caused his death almost Instantly. A comer's jury absolved tho woman irom uiame A man in St. Louis drinks so much whisky that several mo-qultoes who navo uiuen mm, nave died oi tno tie lirliim tremens. Itocbling, builder of tho Niagara suspension undue, nas retired to larm Ing in Iowa. Ilis little garden contains si,imi acres. It costs seventy-flvo cents to havo a shirt washed in somo parts of Ohio, just now owing 10 ino scarcity oi water, Thu Montgomery Mall says tho Aiauama convent lonists met on ruauus glvinu day, and immediately ndlournod tho obieet helm to save their per diem. This little trick cost tho people of .-iuuamaoueinousanu uomirs. An Illinois woman sold her litis. band 'o another femnlo for 5120. Tho purchaser como near being swindled by paying the money before tho delivery of thogoods, hut on threatening prose cution tho husband was handed over in good older. Tho number of women of mature years, that Is, above tho ago of twenty, who mutt remain single in consequence of the actual disproportion of the sexes In Knghmd and Wales is between 1)00, 000 and 400,000. Tho number of adult woman who actually are single is 1 ,r:!7, 000, of whom 1,2.10,000 aro between twenty nnd forty years of age. As a train was appioaching I'eoria, 111., the oilier night, tho pialrio wasdis covered to be on llro for miles around. Tho flames leaped up to the height of thirty feet, and spread for soveu or eight miles apparently. Tho train ran directly through tho belt ofllame, which extended ucro-s the track. Tho heat was Intense, hut tho current of air, eanscd by the motion of the train, pre vented the ears from being lu tho least blistered. Tho passengers on tho train say it was a splendid sight. Tho following certificate was ilulv granted to tho parties therein named, and signed by an embryo justice. "To nil the world grit tin, know yo John Smith and Peggy Myers Is hereby cer tified to go together and do us other folks dots anywhere in comporuv pro Inet, and when my commission comes I am to inurry'cm good, mu dalo'em hack to kiver accidents." - In Frankfort, Kentucy, n negro committed an outrage on an Iaish girl flfkon years of age, and afterwards threw her over tin embankment at tho railroad tunnel, hrenklngher shoulder blade, and otherwise Injuring her, Thu ii' ;;ru was arretted and lodged lu Jail. crowd of Infuriated citizens assem bled mid forced tlH Jail, taking the nc i' j and hanging lilin to a tree on lop of tho ) reclplco whero thu young lady was tlilown over. Several shots were fired inly tho body while hanging. Tho Gov ernor Uucw nothing of the object of tho mob until they had taken thu prisoner from tho tall, whin ho ordered tho Adjutant General and usslstauts to res cue tho prisoner, but without ciriet. A lady in Weymouth village, 3IosMichun-tfs. went out to spend the day recently, faking with her an infant child, which Miowcd great uneasiness through tho day, crying nenrly all tho time, without uiipurent cause. Upon iindretslng tho child at night, It was found that one of its toes was bent en tirely back, broken and turned black. - A Poineroy, Knnrns, pnprrhas been cdjfiid by llio Kptclucle, in tho court moiii of that pluce.of four luwyera read lug one Iliblti at tho mmo time. Two were filling dowiuuid holding tho book betwfrn lliim, nnd flioothcrtwolook Jug over their thoulders; tho utlltudo and expxi-slon of the group nas such as to Inspire tho bellel that they had never tun the Leek Lcforc, a hue m us flcigblng in Admits, U, on Ttimluy Jcfct. Sfhe (Ijoliimbian, liI,OOMSIHIxC., PA. I'ltlDAV .1IU.M.C1, I'lill, J, isns. - TUB COM'.lIUt.VN lina I lie I.nrRKl Circulation hi Columbia mitt nilJolultiK eouiillcs of nil)- impel published hrrt. nnd la also n ltntcli Im-fxcr sheet tlinlt any of Its rottlilpnrnrlc anil Is I lit rr Tore I lie lust medium for mix crlUhiK III till section of I lie Stale. HK.MOCH.VTIC MTATI1 CON VI1NTION, IIaukisiu'ihi, Pa., January , IsGs, Tho Democratic sunto committee nt Pennsyl inula hnxollTod WIlDNKsnAY, i in: point In (ITU) IlAV Of MAItl'll, 1MH, nl I2ucluck M..IIS Iho lime, nnd tho Hull of the llnuso of Itepre- seninmcs, in iiiirrisnurg, ns me pincc, ioc noui- ing ino nniiiini i nuvciiiinii ni nic pony if in ft it mtliTPil lint Mils Cum out loll lit rumtiospit of fine Member fur ent-li Hpiiuhir ntnl ltiiiu-si'ii-tiltlvp, u tin Ktmll Ixi elect cil In tho llsiliil lunmicr nml I hey m lit meet lit tlm t Into nnd plnco Afore sum. for tho juiriio'-p of noiitliintlni; rmull Inles for the iillleen or AU'llUir (Ipiiernl nul Hurveyor (Ipneml, lllul orseleelllift DeUwites lo tlio.N'iitlon nl e'onMtitloii for tho nomination of ciimlidnti'H lor President nnd Vice l'reHldettt. Tho membcri mid eonmiUtees of Ihe orRnhlrn Hon nnd ull conservntho eitl.ens uiin enn unlto u II h n in llio Kiinnort of eotlstltullotinl orlnel. plesnro reqneiiled to proceed to tho election of inonciCKiiicn in uieir iipecino insiriein. Ity order of tho pemocrnllo Ktnto (.'oniliitllee. W1I.MAM A WAId-Afi:, O. O. PrtsK, Kec'y. Uhnlrninn. COt TV c'o.vvi:.tiox. Tun Pemocrnllo voters ofthe neeml PKtrlels In Columbia eounty nro reqttesteil to meet nt the toiwiMiIp elections, on Miiluriliy lite lithtlnyof l eiirilfity i-us ipeiiieen ino iiottrs oi uirce n cioeK In tho ntternoon, nnd nevett o'chH-ic in the niter noon of Hint ilny, nnd elect hy hnllot two persons to represent I he District Inn County t'onientlon to lie held nt the Court lloimo In llloomsburit on MouU.iy, rebrunry 17, nt l'-lo'cluik, noon ; to se lect two Scnatorliil Conferees nnd two Represent ntlo Confelees tolneet hlmllur Confelees, from tho other counties ofttin IHitrlcl tonareo upon n Henutorliil llclPRtito nnd 11 ItcprcKcntutUo Pele Knto to I'eoresi'iit.tlie County In n HUite Coin entlun loiioueioni jtniiisourK .inicu I, iMs ; 10 nomi. unto n Sjtnto tlckit nml lielcftnteH lo tho Nntlon nl lletiKHTiitlc Contnllon iiBieenbly to the notice ortheHtnte tVntnil Cointiilltee. lly onler oftlioCommlltee. J. u, ritni:i:, rfinfniHin. CI. 11. MoltKNItV, .1. O. WCNNKII, II. W. I'fT. J.U.OUR'K. It. .t. Mill vup; U J. ALiiKitrsoK, J, i . 11A.N0, Ocary in Court. Wi: havo bad occasion before now lo expose infamous disregard of law, and tho disgraceful and con temptible political partlzanshlp of the present Governor of Pennsylvania. We are called upon this week to add another chapter to hlsdisgraccful record. At tho last fall election George W. M'Kwen and Parvln Eves, n Judge and Inspector of elections, In Greenwood township, refused tho volo of Joshua D.ivlsa qualified elector, upon tho al leged ground that hu was a deserter. They wcro Indicted in the Quarter Ses sions, a true bill found and tho case called for trial at December term. The defendants swore they could not try for want of a material wtlncst, absent in tho West, and tho cause went over. On Monday last they appeared in Court, and when tho easo was called, their counsel, Messrs. Ikeler and llal dy, produced a pardon from Governor Geary, and the defendants were dis charged, the count; lo pay the costs. It is clear now, that the continuance at December, instead of being for want of a material witness as sworn to, was in reality for want of time to get a par don; they not daring to trust their do- fenso in tho hands of a Jury under the law. Tho truth is, thero Is no defenso in tho ease. Tho Supremo Court In tho cao of Iluber vs. Roily, Judgo Strong delivering tho opinion says: "Tho pow er to determine who shall or who shall not bo a voter In tho Slate, belongs to tho Stalo itself, and tho Constitution of tho State gives Congress no power to prescrllio tho qualifications of electors In tho States. A citizen drafted into tho sorvito of tho United States, who had notleo but refused to report and was registered as a deserter, tinder the acts of Congress, is nevertheless enti tled to vote, unless ho has been convic ted of desertion by n court-martial." 3 Smith 112. The defendants therefore stand before tho country guilty of this misdemeanor but escaping a just punishment by n pardon ; an application for which ad mits Just and deserved punishment. They refused to put tho document on file for the examination of tho public. .oir. Davis' counsel have, wo under stand, directed him to offer his volo nt the Spring election and if refused, again 10 mulct tho recreant ofllclols nnd let them again call upon u partizan Gover nor again tho recipients of n par don. Curiosities of Radical Tinancccrinf. i: have lying before us a copy off ho uditor General's (Ilartranft) Deport for the fiscal year ending Nov. SOtli, 1807; inn wo propose to seta few of Its figures in airay before our readers. And wo call the public attention to them, for every citizen nnd tax-payer In tho Stato s interested in an economical expendi ture of tho public nioncys.a thing which wo aro never likely to obtain under Radical rule. Expenses of tho Senate &Sfi,70S r,2 -initio up as loiiows partly: Paid 2i women 921 00 Messenger to Committee ooni3 108120 I or!!OcoiiiesPurdoii's Dlwst. 'tan an Stationery (pens.lnk, paper) ;K22 17 ..ii'itniumisu twniii was HY) Jill oil Lxpensesoftho llouso SB) J. 7 13 Mndo up in part as follows : rasters aim Miners $20,012 10 87 10 b3'i 00 Marshal of Rotunda Assistant (can any body tell tho du ties of those two men'.') Services in ISasemcnt 761 20 -.'ill 00 What am tho (Giving bad. whiskey to members?! Extra compensation to wo men .7. 1210 00 Jacol) Kenedy, member of tno jioiiso ior extra ser vices C, II. Looker for bervieee. during thu recess (Doing what V) , Purdon's Digest Merchandise (what?) Pens, ink, paper Ac L omnilttco on exempt prop erty Committee on Freight in. J. Ovens looking after committees etc., etc (Smelling mound gen erally) 1100 00 100 00 1120 00 72(1 71! 21)011 .10 !10W) )!) 222.1 00 UM 10 And so tho list continues. incfudlni tho expenses of a dozen other oxpomdvo and uselobs. commltteco, raised for the purposo of concealing some rascality, and giving Ovens and Jenkins and oth cr lotingersaud hangers on,n grobat thu peoplo's money. Will tho tax payers look to It and bend hereafter n majori ty of honest men who will curtail tho expenditures? Ciii:miii:iii,i.v Is still at his post. His goods aro Just ns superior ami Just an reasonable as ever, and you can not ex pect more than that. Or course you wish something new nml pretty. Every body does, Jt'n human nature. Well, Chemberlin has tho very nrtido you need, that Is, if It ts anything in tho clothing line. Justtukoa look at his ovrcoala and lieuvy goods, warm nnd durable. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Columbia County Tcachors' Asso ciation. Tin: Teachers of Columbia County, puistiant to a call, met at the lllooms burg Literary Institute, February 1st, lo organize a Teachers' Association. Though tho weather was extremely cold, n goodly number of teachers were present. The mcellng was called to order by Prof. Carver. Superintendent C. G. Darkley, was elected President pro-torn and S. C. Joyne Secretary. F. M. Hales, Chairman of commilteo appointed by Teachers' Institute, Nov. 1807, reported a constitution. Deport aecepted and committee discharged. The constitution was then adopted by sections. Several sections wcro amend ed nfter eliciting a spirited and Inter esting debate. Tho morning session was' nearly con sumed In adopting the constitution. A committee, consisting of F. M. Hates, Prof. Carver and Prof, Rest, was appointed to arrange programmo for afternoon session. Adjourned to meet nt 1.(10 l'.M. ai'thunoon HnssioN. Darkley In the Chair. On motion, proccedetl to tho election of officers for the ensuing year. V. M. Dates was elec ted President nnd look the Chair. D. F. Johnston was elected Vlco President S. C. Jayno Secretary and Joseph Gar rison Treasurer. Tho President then requested tho teachers and thosi-conlemplatlngteach Ing to eomo forward and subscrlbo to the constitution. Every teacher prcs enl signed It. The association then witnessed with pleasure, an exercise in singing by a class of littlo girls and boys of Prof. Carver's school. Their performance was excellent and reflected much credit on their teacher and tho Institute. Several of tho young gentlemen declaimed and a few of the young ladles reatl essays. The excrel scs wcro highly entertaining. Prol. Carver then delivered nu excellent lcC' ture. Subject, Education. Ho asserted that wo live in a money-getting ago, and if money bo tho object, the quick est, easiest ami best way lo secure it to tho young, is by giving them a liberal education. Tho lecture was listened lo wllh pro found attention. A vote of thanks was tendered to Prof. Carver for his able and eloquent lecture. Moved, that when we adjourn, wo adjourn to meet nt Derwlck on the first Saturday in May next. Much discussion was elicited by tills motion. It was opposed hocauso Dor wick is in tho upper part of the county, and therefore not convenient. On tho oilier side it was urged that the Associ ation lo accomplish what It should,must meet lu different parts of tho county, thereby arousing a truo and lively in terest In the eauso of education among School Directors nnd patrons of public schools. Nearly all participated In tho debate. After a lively and interesting discussion tho resolution was passed unanimously. Miss Jcnnio Drccso was appointed to read an essay at tho next meeting, S. O. Jnyno to lecture. Miss Freeze was appointed to conduct an cxerciso in orthography and reading. Miss Hutchinson in Grammar. D. F. Johnson In Geography. Joseph Garri son in Arithmetic. The ofllcers were then constituted an exccutlvo commilteo to make all neces sary nrrangcmculs for next meeting. F. M. Dates, Pres. S. O. .Iavxe, iS't'C. School Expenses. Dy a glance nt tho Auditor Gcneral'H Report, it will ho seen that the appro priation by tho Stato of tho school fund to tho soveral counties, amounts to $297,oS3 15. That sum is' distributed among tho hundreds of thousands of children throughout tho Stato ; but to ti ft w hundred who aro denominated "sol diers orphans," there is nsiun appropri ated amounting to S3oO,fl5a,S3. Now thoso children could bo and ought to be, educated in their respective school districts, without any additional ex pense. Tho provision by taxation, which schools other children, would school them. Why then is it tiiat tho pcoplo aro taxed for tho purposes of their education, over threo hundred mid fifty thousand dollars ? For no reason under tho sun, except to provldo places, imd fat ones at that, for men who, unless they live oir of the public, must starve. Is Charles R. Duckalew a Senator In Congress from Pennsylvania? As no one ever hears of him, tho question is pert i nen I .Milton Ian. Perhaps tho best reply to tho abovo would bo to substitute thu namo of Si mon Cameron or Ulysses Mercur for tiint of C. R. Duckalew. Tho latter never makes a speech, and tho former can't. Senator Duckalew, wo need hard ly add, had spoken on all public ques tions of moment, and his speeches havo not only been widely circulated through this country, but thousands havo been printed nnd circulated abroad. Had tho editor of tho Miltontan rend tho Tribune ot January 20 th, ho would havo found Iho following reference to his last speech on Reconstruction. "He" (Pom eroy) "was followed by Senator Duck alew In a speech on tho other sldu of tho question. Mr. Ducknlow's remark were-listened to attentively, and aro considered tho ablest exposition of tho Democratic policy yet made." Q FN. Thu Hartford correspondent of tho Doston Advertiser writes tho following lu a recont letter : A paragraph has been floating through the press of tho country concerning a proposition mndo lo General M'Clcllon to accept the position of civil engineer In an important railway work lu Paris. I am also to say that it was partly on account of this project that tho General did not return homo In November. Ho had engaged passage on tho Scotia, to sail on tho 1ith, In company with friends from Now York, and Hartford, but gave up his tickets when tho rail way matter was suggested. Private letters received hero stato that ho has now received a deflnlto offer to accept tho position, ids salary being llxod at $200,000. RUCONSTIIUCTJON AT I.ABT. Tills question has been settled lu D looms burg If not In tho Southern States. Mr. David Lowcnburg lias reconstructed his stock of clothing lu a manner which guarantees, first, tho best quality of goods, second, tho best workmanship, third, tho best styles. Ho has Just laid In tho largfistantl best selected assort ment to bo found outside of Phlludel phln. Everything frh and new. See ing is UllYingl Tho Presidency. Wi: transfer tho following nblo ar ticle to our columns from that sterling sheet, tho lincaster Jntcllipencer, not only on account of tho source from which It comes, but becniiu of thq In nate good sense which makes tho ar ticle. En. Cor,u.tB!AX. Tho Radical Presidential programme Is rapidly developing. When Congress met In November It gavo signs of mod eration and regard Tor tho will of tho pcoplo. The scheme of Impeachment wns promptly dismissed. Rut since the Christmas adjournment, Congress has become more violent than ever. Stan ton has been reinstated, a military dic tatorship devised for tho South, and tho Supremo Court Insulted and attacked. At tho samu time, Grant has been an nounced as tho Republican candidate for President. This movement clearly Indicates what has recently taken placo within tho Re publican lines. Tho Radicals have again threatened disruption of tho parly If their measures are not carried through, and tho more moderato havu again sub mlttcd. Rut as tho latter havo always been governed hy the spoils, tho enndi date for tho Presidency Is conceded lo them. Tho Radicals are to havo tho principles, nnd tho moderates tho plun tier of tho party. Each division thus gets what It most desires ; and success is to bo secured by tho negro electoral votes ofthe South pieced out with tho military popularity of Grant. It cannot be denied that this is a prom Ising arrangement, and It must be op posed by the Democracy with more In tegrlty, but equal skill. While wo rely upon tho soundness of our principles and the indignant hostility of tho people against the Radical projects of tyranny, revolution anil negro supremacy, wo must havo Presidential and Vlco 1'resl deiitlal candidates who will command the support of all that agree with us In principle. Wo must havo candidates whoso record and hi:,tory will entirely satisfy those that aro expected to vote for them. They must attract tho votes of Conservatives who have formerly acted with tho Radical party, and not repel them. In short, thu Democratic candidates must not carry weiyht in the race. In tho coming campaign wo want the benefits of tho expcrlenco of tho last eventful years, nnd de.lru to fight tho battle of ISfiS upon tho living Issues of tho present, and upon these alone. Wo nru not of tbosu who think that tho welfare of thu country or party de pends upon an individual or two. There aro many Democratic statesmen and soldiers among whom wo c.ui Hud sat' isfactory candidates for our National ticket, and it is only necessary that these should bo free from positive objection Tlio Democracy will make tho coming canvass distinctively upon principle and It is only important to havo candi dates whoso past career will notdeprivo them of thu votes their principles would attract. Tho Pennsylvania delegation should go to tho Democratic National Con ven- tlonopen to tho conviction and frco from all Instructions and preferences. Their main purposo should bo to select tho mostsultablo and twallablo candidates, and for this reason they should bo itc ccssablo to argument until tho very day of tho Convention. Thcso revolution ary times aro fruitful of change, nnd tho candidates preferred in March might not bo most acceptable In Juno. Thu blunders of tho enemy, too, aro tak ing placo so rapidly that wo should bo In a condition to Improve them ns they occur. The two-thirds rulo only re quires discretion on tho part of one third of thu Convention to secure us from nn unfortuiiato nomination ; and although wo entertain tho highest hopo from tho patriotism and disinterested ness ofthe wholobotly,it is consolatory to know that tho prudenco of one-third of its members will sufflco to snvo the party and rcscuo tho country. Pursuant to announcement the Co lumbia County Fanners' Club met at tho School llouso in Espy, on tho even ing of January 00, 18G7. On motion of Thos. Crcvcllng, Caleb Rarlon was ap pointed Chairman, and M. C. M'Collum Secretary pro tern. Mr. Crcvcllng gavo us nn exposition of tho nature and designs of tho meet ing. Then followed nn interesting dis cussion on potntoes, their varieties, best methods of cultivation, etc. On motion of D. Snyder, that thero bo a eoinmlttco of threo appointed to draft n constitution for tho government of tho association, tho following named gentlemen were chosen, viz; D.iulel Snyder, Thomas Crovellng and Joseph P. Conner. On motion, thu meet ing udjourned to meet In tho .samu placo on Saturday, February 8, at 7 o'clock i'. m. Thero was considerable Interest manifested, and tho Columbia County Farmers' Club may bu consl tiered a fixetl fact. M. O. M'Coli.u.m, Sec. On Wednesday morning of last week, as Patrick Dark, residing at tho Excel sior Colliery, descended tho stairs, ho found tho lifeless body of hisnged moth er lying nt tho bottom, with a deep gash lu her forehead, and her neck broken. It is supposed tho old lady had attempt ud to go down to tho kitchen at an early hour, as was her custom, nnd In boino way fell headlong to tho bottom of thu stairs, although no ono heard the noise. She was ono of tho oldest ladlos in this section, being in her ninety-second year but bad full uso of her limbs, and was considered actlvo for ono of her ago. Hhamokin Herald. Tin: Springllcltl Republican says of lotteries; "Wo may consider it a bot tled thing that nil dealing in lotteries is gambling, and manlfoslly demoralizing and degrading, whatever may bo Its preclso moral character anil criminality. This is reason enough for avoiding tho practice. Then, tho chances nro ten to ono that whoever buys n lottery ticket is swindled outright. It Is no Indica tion that n lottery Is genuine and will 1)6 honestly conducted beeaiises it pro tases to bo for a benevolent object, or endorsed by buslnes men of somo note, or is advertised lu respectable news papers. Our ndvlco Is, don't buy lottery tickets." Till. South Carolina Convention, now in session, has u colored majority of ten. This is n hard pass for tho haughtiest of t ho sla voBtates to eomo io.Jlepubltcan. In other words tho party claiming to possess all of tho Intclllgcncouud virtue of tho country, is compelled In order to retain power to placo tho ballot In tho hands of Ignorntit and brutalized no groes, ami then shout in triumph be cause tho negroes control tho Conven tions. Republicans of Columbia county how do you llku tho abovo pill given you to swallow by the "quack doctor?" I Court Proceedings. Cot'liT met on Monday, Feb. 3, 1808. Present, lion. Win, Elwell, President Judge, and Hon. Irani Derr nnd Hon. P. K. llerblne, his associates. Cluts. Cornellson vs Carrie Comcllson. Subpieim lu divorce. Returned "De fendant could not ho found." In tho mailer of the levy and condem nation of the llfo estate of Jacob Hoff man nt tlm suit of , Inuia S. M'NInch. Court orders notice of application for venrlitioint exponas to ho published for threo weeks. Com. vs John Waters, ltocognlzancu fornication mid bastardy. On motion of MrTratigh, District Attorney, case dismissed bccatisu charge was unfounded Com. vs Franklin Iltigcnhuch. In dictment fornication and bastardy. De fendant and Fruderlck llagetibuch held in ball $500 for appearance of defendant at next sessions. Com. vs John R. D.tker. Defendant appeared In Court to abide Its order. Thereupon tho forfeiture of recogni zance of said defendant nt December sessions taken off. List of Grand Jurors called. Absent, Jenks Dyer and Jacob M. Glrton. HI ram Smothers excused. In thu matter of tho estate of James Duudninn for distribution. M. Whit' in ycr continued ns auditor. Com. vs Christian Asli A Gideon Hess Deft's. and Win. Ash their ball held for their uppcuranco next term. In tho matter of tho estate of Daniel Mortlan. On motion of Mr llrockway, D. S. Howell, Esq., appointed Auditor to make distribution among creditors. Com. vs D. F. Mtisteller. Rccogni zanco assault and battery. Case tils missed, and prosecutor to pay thecosts. Com. vs Geo. W. M'Ewen. Indict nent, rejecting vote of a qualified vo ter. True bill. Pardoned by Joint Geary Com. vs Parvln Eves. Sumo ns above. Jacob Shoemaker el al vs Michael Coon. On motion of Mr. Ikeler, Sam uel Knorr, Esq., appointed auditor to distribute fund In Court. Com. vs Ezra Stevens, Wm. Hessnnd Geo. Lewis. Indictment, maliciously throwing down a fence. Not n true bill. Prosecutor Collins Sutllff to pay the casts. Com. vs Henry Vniulcrslice. Indict ment, fornication and bastardy. Ver dict, guilty. Sentenced to pay costs, n fine of $10, and $1 per week lor support of child until It reaches the ago of seven years, Com. vs Wm. C'rosaloy. Indictment, aiding anil assisting Amandin Seybert to escape. True Dill Com. vs Thomas Doebler. Indictment, larceny. Verdict 6'illty. Com. vs Adam Dictcrick. Indictment adultery. Verdict, not guilty. Prose cutor, Freeman Dictcrick to pay costs. Com. vh Cecilia M'Dowell. Indict ment, adultery. Verdict same as above. Com. vh Silas Grett and Daniel Sny tier. Indictment, larceny. Verdict, guilty. Com. vs Frederick linker. Indict ment, forcible entry mid detainer. Not a true bill, nnd prosecutor, John Koons, to pay costs. Com. vs Win. Beaver. Indictment, larceny. Truo hill. Com. vs Michael Mum ey. Indictment, fornication and bastardy, ltecognlztinco of Deft, and Stephen Lehr.bnll.forfeited Com. vs Collins Sutllff. Indictment, erecting n fenco across a public highway. Truo bill. In the matter ofthe account of Leon ard Adams, Admr. of Mary Eisenhnrt, dee'd. On motion of Mr. Clark, John G. Freeze appointed auditor to maku distribution. In tho matter of the partition of leal csttttoof Henry Fedder, deceased. Rule granted on heirs to tuko or icfiiso tho purparts at the valuation, or bhow eauso why it should not bo sold. Estate of Rebecca Vanderslice, dee d. Itulo granted on heirs same ns above. Estate of John Dictcrick. Samo ns above. Licenses wcro granted to JUoom. Wldniyer A Jncoby, llert7l(k Henry M. lloamiin, E. House. miiiwisMi, litiueri uo., . Stoic. Hotel. tlrccnuood. .lohn Lotrcott. Mnlno. .l.rc. loiiL'i'lihcnrPl. Ilo.ulnuClt. John I.. Kline, lierwldc U'ulsllnko, To the Honorablo tho Judges of tho Court of Common Picas, now compris ing a Court of (Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for llio County of Colum bia: Tho Grand Inquest of tho Common wealth of Pennsylvania inquiring In ami for tho body of thu County of Co lumbia, Respectfully Report. That we havo examined tho public buildings of said County. Wo would call the attention of tho Commissioners of said eounty to tho following matters, and recommend that tho following repairs and improvements bo mndu with as little delay as pos-lble, to wit : Tho room in tho jail that is nowpaitial- ly lined with boiler iron, bo lined in tliesanio manner on tho other threo sides ; that tho Jail yard wall bu re paired: that new locks bo put on tho jail doors ; that tho door lending from tho back yard of tho Sheriff's dweiliug into thu Jail yard bo repaired by lining thu samu Inside and out with boiler iron, and that it small aperture bo left in tnltl door well secured by n lock, to euiiblo thu jailor toobservo tho work of tho prisoners inside; that tho halt lead ing to tho prison hall bo covered with cocoa matting j That tho oven for tho use of tho Sherlffbo repaired or rebuilt; that as soon ns tho weather will permit that a now roof bu put on tho front part of thoSlierlff'sresideneo; thattwolargo cisterns bo 'tig In tho Court Houso lot for tho protection of tho buildings in caso of llro, and to bu located nt biich plnco or places as tho Court Commission ers shall deem expedient, Wo heartily repeat nnd ondorso tho recommendations of former Grand Ju rors ns to tho enlargement of tho Court Houso thus securing fetiltnblo jury rooms and unices. And wo nro glad to know t lint the commissioners havo commenced the work of enlarging tho Court Houso ns heretofore recommended. Our attention has been properly called by tho Court to Lottery schemes, denominated as gift enterprises. Wo fully concur with tho Court lu opinion 1 1 1 ut theao bchemcs nro prohibited by the laws of this Commonwealth, mid recommend that parties who shall hero- alter bo concerned In such enterprises bo brought to speedy Justices. All of which Is respectfully submitted. Jno. SiiAiifiiiBs, Foreman. iV petition was presented to tho Court this week, for tho Incorporation of n Flro Company lu this town. Thoy proposoto rnlso $1,000 for that purpose. shoes, etc., at A. Ilartman's store. CONGRESSIONAL. Fr.mtUAitY 1st The President of tho Snate, yesterday, laid before that body a joint resolution of the Ohio Legisla ture rescinding Us ratlllcntlon of tho Constitutional Amendment. Mr. Sher man denied Hint this was a first expres sion of the will ofthe people of Ohio, hi id Mr. Sunnier cqulended that a statu could not withdraw Its approval when once given. Tho mailer was referred to the Judiciary Commilteo. in the House, the resolutions of the Stale of Ohio regarding the Constitu tional Amendment were debatedut con slderablu length, the question being on a motion to refer to Judiciary Commit tee, with instructions to report tho law In tho ease. Tho motion finally pre vailed; yeas, 110; nays, 31. The bill providing for the continuance of the Freedmen's Dureati for one year from July 10, 1S08, was ordered printed and recommitted to tho Committee on l'reeilmen'.s Affairs. Tho Committee on Elections reported three resolutions in euso oi llio contested election in tno Second Congressional District of Ken tucky. The first declares that John Young Drown Is not entitled to thu sent for the reason that ho voluntarily gavo am anil support lo tlio relit is. thu sec ond declares that Samuel E. Smith did not receive a majority of tho votes I'llSt. mill rnns-orlMfUllll' fs tint nntlllnil In tiioseat. Tho third directs the Speaker id nniny mo uovernor oi Kenuicicy that a vacancy exists lit the representa tion of that State. The resolutions wcro dl-cnssod separately, but no vote was reached. The Conference Committee on tho bill to repeal the tax on cotton repor ed that they had agreed upon a cluuseexeniptingfiom tax all cotton Im ported lifter Nov. 1, ISiW. After debate, tne report was agreed to, yeas, nil nays 13. The llouso then adjourned. Fnnni'AitY Ud There was nd session of the Senate on Saturday. in thu House, thu Kentucky contest ed election ease was discussed by Messrs, Deck ami Cook, after which tlio subject was postponed until to-day, nnd the tiottso ntijotirncd. Fnimi'AiiV I lu llio Senate yester day a largo number of bills and resolu Hons were Introduced and appropriate ly referred. The Supplemental Recon struction mil was taken up al tne expi ration of the morning hour, when Mr. Ferry nddres-ed the Senate, contending that tho reconstruction laws of Congress were in accordance witu tno constitu tion. Hu was followed by Mr. Stewart. Among tho bills presented nnd refer red to thu Committee on Foreign Af fairs was ono regarding American citi zenship, and thu rhtlilH of naturalized citizens ubroad. It declares the rights of expatriation and naturalization us part of tlio law of tliu hind, and requires the Exccutlvo to protect till citizens when in foreign lands on lawful business. Tlio Kentucky election easo was discus sed at considerable length. Mr. Robin sou introduced a resolution relatlvo to certain American Fenians imprisoned in Ireland, directing tho President to demand their release, and in ease of re fusal, nuthorzing him to seizo certain subjects in tills country in retali ation. A debate arose, and the tho res olution was mutinied by striking out that part authorizing reprises. Mr. Robinson finally moved tho previous question, but tho IIousu refused to sec ond it, and llio resolution was then re ferred to the Committee on Foreign Af fairs. Tho Houso adjourned. Our Kcttcr from Washington. Wahi unci ton City, Jan. 20, 1SG3. Senator Duckalew to-day delivered a powerful speech in tho Senate on the Reconstruction question, during which ho produced some statistics which com pletely upset several important points in tho speech of Senator Trumbull, mado bovernl days ago. He also show ed by Indlsputablo facts nnd figures, that instead of only C.0,000 Southern whites being disfranchised by tho exist ing Reconstruction nets, ns represented by Mr. Trumbull, tho number Is actual ly not less than 300,000 1 Mr. D. was re peatedly interrupted dttrlntr tho deliv ery of his speech, by Radical Senators, who desired to ask questions or make explanations; tints fallowing that they felt extremely uneasy underhls irrefra gable logic and scathing condemnation. Senator Sherman, of Ohio, in undertak ing an explanation, lrmiKiy annulled Hint ho had never avnroved of tho act which disfranchised tlio whites of thu South and entrnncli hed thu blacks! Yet, Senator Sherman was ono of those who voted for that act when it passed uiocjenaiei ills admission now, mat ho never approved it, is but nnotfier Il lustration of the complacent submh slon with which leading Radicals havo from time to tlincyielded their own convic tions of riL'ht nnd lustlce. to the decision or inundate of tho part v caucus I Could anything more clearly demonstrate the inner iiiiiiiiiess oi uieso men lor the po sltlon thev bold? l'ronnuent Democrats wno aro hero from Now Hampshire clvo encotinitro ment to tho hope that tho Democracy may curry that Stato at tho ci mlng election. Tlio campaign is scarcely yet fairly opened, but it Is clearly uvitlent unit in mat state, as everywhere else, thcro is deep-seated dissatisfaction in regard to Radical legislation and Rad ical purposes, and this dissatisfaction will undoubtedly speak out In thunder tones when thoproportlmoarrivos. Thu result is looked forward to with lntensn anxiety, iiy politicians hereof both par- uus. ji is sum ti at an cifctnmncri nr fund has been secretly raised amongtho midicai cierits n t leDeiiarttiien s hero. to help tho waning cause. Many of thcoo clerks, lop, nro expecting to bo permitted to go Hume, to assist Willi men- votes lo carry thu State against re.sll.CIH JO ISO n. A good deal of concern Is fi'!t Imro among leading Democrats in regard to tliodcleclioniu tho Democratic ranks In Ohio. Tlio course of Mr. Vulandlng hum, In refusing his support to Col. Durns, thu Democratic! rnmlnlofn f, ,v Longress, at llio ment special election, is uuiiig suvcreiy animadverted upon, Detter things had been ex peeled from n man of Mr. V'sstuinn. in sniinnriMa iiisuuviiiiiiiHu, nuwuvur, uoi, isuriis re duced the Radical majority in tlio dis trict. IIS COlll liaied With tlm nriir.lln Congre.sbionalclection,about!,000 votes ; and It is belluved In bomo quarters that. nut lor Mr. VnlanditiglitinPsterglvcrsa tlon, hu might havo been elected. Pa triot and Union. Washington Items. MI.NIhTXIl A11AMH. An authenticated rumor prevails lu oiiirreislonal circles Hint Mr. has resigned his position na Uliiilstcr to England. VHIMIDKNTIAI. NOMINATION. General Wlsowell. who lun sn fin. mienlly been mentioned for Commis sioner of 1 nlernal Revenue, was to-day nominated by tho resident to thoSeii eto in tho successor or Mr. Itolllns, tho present incumbent. TIIU I'UHUU ii:ut. It Is learned from that tho regular monthly statement of imiiuniiiiioiioi tno puimo debt will not bo l-sued until Erlday next, ami that It will show (after deducting thu cash In tlio treasured nn lnirnt.M ti.,. slneo tho last statement or about twenty millions ofdollurs, J Till: KTANTON AlTAIIt. Tho response of Mr. Edwin in nin,.. Inn In n roolntl..., niii...- r. . ..... ., ...,. ,,,,, uilllliu llll' ionics OI all correspondenco between himself and the Prcs dent relatlvo tu tho limitation Vi ih"iiih'bj jiower as occreiary of )) nr. wns received and road In tho iiuuru iiiisiiiiiiriiooii, ii niiruetcil verv ing tno tautest conduct or tho hitler lu surrendering thu War Office to Stanton. Ah the Associated l'rcm will doubtless send you tho correspondence lu full, it Is unnecessary to repent nny of the re innrliablo btiitcmcntd mado therein hv CJcnerul Quint. Tlio l'mlili-nt clearly proves tint lio(Orant) vloluttd bis j. press jrromitt, m ytU t hliduly n Seo- general atte ntion, owing to tho fact that it win accompanied by copies of till tho correspondenco that passed between the President mid Oimnnil fiismt ..,,,..,.. relary of War ad interim, In faking thu course ho did, nfter llio action ofthf Senate on Stanton's case. Grant tries lo show that ho had no other alterna tive left him, and In so doing, gets out of temper nnd talks about his reputa tion "as a soldier andii man," (which, by tho way, Is far from being as great as holias been led tnbellevel, Tho (ono of his letters Is simply insolent, and ex- limits a degree oi liisiirporiiinniiou which calls loudly for somo Intcrposl lion on the part of thu President, his su perior olllcer. The document were re ferred to thu Judiciary Committee, per haps ftir another Star Chamber Investi gation Into the facts alleged therein. Gkn. John Ricattv, tho Republican candidate for Congress In tho VHIth DWrlct of Ohio (to fill tlio vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Hamilton), was on Monday elected hy over one thousand majority. Last' November Gov. Hayes had only 210 majority In the district. Tho result Is especially irrntlfvlne and auspicious from the fact that the Democracy threw their wholo power, with Andrew Johnson tit their head, into MiJIrst rcction in 1K0S ; that iney uitt tneir utmost to get ono nici 10 sustain their noisy clamor about Con gress belntr repudiated by tlio people. Heruwusa test case; it was Congress versus .lounson; a uongressnian was to bo chosen: the district was to bay tlio least very close, and needed but tho change of two votes in a hi, ndred from last October to glvo them thu coveted victory. Miltontan. Wu nro willing lo take the election nbovu named ns n test case. At tho Congressional eleitlon a llltlo over a year ago, Hamilton was elected by 1852 majority. Deatty at tho special elec tion has S00 nit Jority, a loss In ono year of 1,052. Wotlontsce much com fort to Radicals in that. Mr.ssp.s. EniToits : Tho undersigned desires through tho medium of your coluinnsjto present to his many friends, his tbankfui acknowledgement of the sociable visit they paid him last week. Tho hearty good cheer, which they man ifested throughout the occasion re freshed him, and tho substantial tokens oi their good will, which they left be hind them, will not soon be forgotten hy himself or family. May tho blessing ofthe merciful be their reward. John Tiiosi ah. A mi:i:ti.nci of tlieStockholdcrsof the Dloomsbtirg improvement Company, for permanent organization and other fmpnrlaut business, will bo held at tlio Dcglster's olllce, on Saturday evenlngat 7 o'cloolc, A full attendance is earnestly re quested. Jons A. Eunston, l'rcs't., pro tern. Wii)Mi:vi:n it- Jacoiiv having been granted a restaurant llcento by tlio pres ent court, have reopened their splen didly furnished oyster, and nlo Saloon, l'orter, nlo and lager for tho thirsty. Oysters In every stylo for tho hungry. Also XX oysters by the can or hun dred for families. Legislative expenses last year wo find "William II. Selbert, ornamen tal writiny $02,00." Can any body tell ot what use all that was ? Want:!). A dwelling biiltnblo for a mall family, inquire nt this olllce. Tin: Grand Jury have decided not to glvo us n Dorough. Marltet Ilcport. Wheat per bushel - - Itvo ' . 82 SO . 1 21 . 1 2" Corn " 1 lour ner Parrel . 11 00 e 00 . 2 ( I'loverMu'd Flaxseed Mutter Kcks Tullow l'olalocs , , llrkd Apples l'oik ., Hams SUilesand Shoulders I jinl per pound liny per ton I.U.MUHIt. ItemloiU Hoards per thousand feet I'lno " " " (one inch) .low, SVunlllnii, I'lanlt, (Hemlock) shingles, No. 1 per thousand . 1 w . 2 SO 11 20 . 10 DO SIB (HI 1SU20 15 00 S 00 IK 18 DO Sldlni! " Ikon No. I Hcotili pit. N...2 " llloom II. . . ...Sits I'iilladelpMn .llnihcltf. Tl ll' iisn.u, January 30 lad. Kl.ot'H Northwestern Mipcrflnont C7.00 S.00 Northuiidem extra S.i0 ll.m) Northwestern family 10.OOCjlll.oo I'enus- iMinla nnd western superfine.., 7..rjOM)S.2 I'enusylMinl.i nnd Western c.tra S.WKn.lo.W riuusylMiul.i nnd Western family ..ll.0ii(")12..1il 1'cnnsyh aula and Wi stern tnucy l.l.UK.flll.lHl III o tliinr... Will u-I'cnnsylvanl.iied.v hus. ... Kouthllll " " , Olirornl.i " " " whlto " Kr rnnsjlvanla rjo, Vitus C'ou.s Yellow, " While, Oats-It nm l'ho Isiu.NS -Mess l'olk.Tl hhl Mess Iteef, " llresf-cd Hoks, -plb , Smoked llftlm " " Shoulders '-i 11) I.ard.fUti ; Si m-s ciowis-eid vhus Tlmollo seed V hus I laxsied " . . avrn.H-lleel CultloTlft t'olvs, ii head SULCI' 1 IS Hoort ,1 lOOlhs 8 MixOM . S2.t7(.SSi.Vj . S.'.liO!jS2.7. . 51.1.VSU10 . 51.fs8l.fiO . l.:(!)l.:u . 1, 3X9) 1. 2 1 . WeCiJsc Si'..VI UIM SUedilk! 1W'I(I I3iiilla PJeiinnKc )7.0lXalf.U 82.1.1 S2.M6l2.SO i!ui)sc ?KK.j7i Ce('C7c !I.G0!1I.10 DIED. llIKTCItIC'!' In Ilrlnrtroek township, on tho llOlh ull., Henry Dlutellih. 7J Wri. 11 mouths nnd lo days. H. AitrjiAN. c. ii. nn.i.iNiii.ii. ti k. iiaijiah, HT.MAN, D1LLINGEH & CO., -NO, 220 NOIITH Tlllim HTIthET, (AWty oj.jimHc James, Kent, bantu il Cfc.) Wholesale Dealt rs In YAHNH, BATTING, WADDINfl, CAIU'LTK on. cloths, blunts, i-ly inlts, UltAIN 11ACIS, C'OIlDAGi:, AC. AIAO, WILUIW AND WOODI1N WAIIK, lllirmiEH, TKUNKS, LOOKING (ILAD3L.S, LrC, Mny 10, JSCT-Iy, JOHN C. YEAOEH & CO., Whnlewilu De.ilers In IIAT.H, OA PS, hTltAW 000 DM, AND I.ADU'.S'1'UItH, No. 277 North Hilrd Ktrect, Philadelphia. MM IE ROAD TO FORTUNE, t Si I ,i "'',! i' ""'""llf nl wanted to till the ci,.ni i , "lU'l'f honcc AteiilacnufnsIlT f,wr 5? ''"''"J': 11111 lo'lonoutliomeorlmvof. I ?,;: w'i K"'",l'l" "i"l "In ulnrs sent froo for 10 cvnu posl in ,1 . I or further particulars llddriM n 1 1 M'HM -v I II, tso llroudwiiy, N.Y. DiciT w in " ,lll",l''la "r olu 1-nU-rptlio. fro THE TEACHERS OF COliUM .1 1IIA COUNTY'. i no i acucrs on oiuniLln county nru ririucsteu lo noi-t hi llio Institute ai niooiiikhuie, on Hut. UlUliy, I ehruurv 1. lSHS. ot III u'clncl; n. in., fnr ll. purposo ol orkanUliiK ii Te.ichers' Assoelutlon ly Teacher is eurnistly re- UUlbtcd lolittind. c, Al. ji, 1 1 js, ( halrniiin of Committee, aii, in ii", No t : All per I O E. rbons IndLhteil lo Iho iindovlc,,,,! I.v I olu or on hool: nicomuuro heiehy uolllleil til iH'.'" 118 lV! ,!u "Uhln thirty ilnys, or tho fciiid neisiunts w i ho placed In the. han'ls of Jan. it'olt jo'i JOHN II. PUU.415U NO T I (J E. The books Of Ihn Jul,. r n .. ... . Havo lu, ,, leu ,, hnndsof J.ll.Iiiih, 5n Vlo !!Violi,e.0sVi lr',V'rcoll,'c'i.""' All lirlo n.", ,h!bV: id lo the bald ilrin, aro hereby warned not to ninko paj minis to Iho sulil Case, m I aro reViucst" '!0!"J.lininoillnl payiueut'to J. lihS man lq.,nnd ibereby uveiols. H. llVKHHiT. y A N T 10 I) . II V tho kliiwrfluin nt 1 1., ,, . jan.m m tn.o, KUAMlUt, Urailgexllle, Pu. NUW ADVERTISEMENTS. fOR SALE Oil RENT. Nunc Ti U r liouao mutlntfof ntn or rntil. In. mtrpnf v- . r.mi.i:. lYU.T' Hloomaijurn, Pn. AnMiNlSTHATOHS NOT cm:. rsTATK ((' JOHN M. MAltTIN I)K('KAM. lilltTHOJ IMllIlMlinilllUUIl UU tHU VJMUiy IH ,IUllll M, Martin, Into f OrrnnwocHl tnwnhln, Colutn. bin t'o., ilrctTKeit ImvoliiMMiKnuiU-il hy llio lleuw. ter of county tn Win, Jlouumuit of rim tun. All lirrMtinx linYltitr I'lnllliH of ilniatutu nii!nt Iho ( itutc tf the ileri'ilrtlt MX ri I'lif-Mcl in iimicf HiPin ktmttli, him moe lum-incd hi mnltp imyment, Atttiilnhlnilor. W1I.MAM llnmtHTON IVIj.T, 1Rj7-CI M USIO DON E S, ri.-u hit from one to Hevrhtvtwo lunrt- a nil cnsllnn from ?l w to Slw) IWj every variety of llio ncwot m-roii-punlim-nt. They nro itlcntunL companion for tho Invnllil, rn well fu lino ornntncnMfor tlio parlor. Having Klvrit nur Npccliil ntteiillnii to Hint branch nt trmlofurtholii'-trljiliteeii jciir. wo nro 1U1I0 to mipply nny wnnt littler nii'l quicker than nny oilier homo In tho country. M I, rAlIXAltb tfc CO., Importers, 1'eh. 7'iNMim, 'ii Maiden Lnno lui'Sturnj(N, V. OTICE IX DANKRUPTCY. lhtaN to clvo nntlcol Hint on tlm 1st ,lnv of l-'clminry, A. n. Isos, u wnrrixnt In llnlikinplcy vn Nuicil nRiilliHl tlio cslnlo of Aaron AnilrLn, nnlioTwit., ur .Mllllln, In llio county of I'liliun. bin, ntul Mtnto isr lvmmylumln, who hns In . n nilJmUoil n llnnkniit mi liUnwn iirtlllmii thai tho im incut of nny dibtinnil ilcmpry of nny nroiirrly hrlonclni; to supli llnnknipt, to him, ur inr ill uso, nml Iho trnnsitr of nny properly hy him nrt roihkUlcn hv htw ; Unit n jnoctinK nt tin rtoilltor-i of tho snld llnnlcrupt, to proo thi-h dehm, ntnl tochooso ono or nioio ftHnlitneei of hli fstuti", will he holilnt n Court or llnnkruptry, to he hohloh. At tho Kxelmnuo Unto 111 Uloumsliurit l'n., hefoio IMlvnul O-iCUnh, Jr., ItrRlstor oil the 12th ilny of Mnrch, A. n. IMW, ntHn'elock, n. m. TllOJJAS A. IIOWIXY, V.H. Mnrslml, I'ch. T'li-l-lt, lly II. 11. Cuor.iiu'nii, Deputy. 17 S T A 11 Ii J S 11 E D, 18 3 2, H T l) 1) A It T ni:v sevtr, ovniiSTiiesa, rfl.I. max tuamk I' I A IS O E O R T E S. ft T II II A It FIT M O It It 1 H. Mnnufneliirrrs of drum, Hqimro nnd l'lnno rorlei. Our new Heule l'lnno Tortes lu mhlltlim to their peculiar merit, contain eery leully vnluiihle modern lluprineinent, lonttcrlnir them tho must complele nml perfict lntiumeut cer nireieil lo llio puhlle, nml for purity or tone, Iel. Icneyof touch iluinhlllty, nnd nlfto Mnudlnic tho lest of M".cle cUmulcH, tho new scale Hlnihii t l'l nno I'nrloMiimN uuriwiltil. Tliel'Jauoi of this manufacture have slood Iho t st of uioro than a quarter of u century, nml Iho umniifncturormru in iiiiLriy loii-uriii mer iwcniy.llve tliousand f.nullh'H who Im'.o had them In use, in ueaily nil parls oftlio clvilln-il world. All Ictteruulj! ho promptly answered hv MlODAlfl'.t: MOUIIIH, rih7'(!1.:ini. CSI llrondway, Now York. SPECIAL NOTIcii. Among tho many reitorallvci which nature ha supplied to relievo the ufllletloiiK of human . ty, thcro la no lnoro f.ivorlto ono for a certain cIum ordlieaio than the "medicinal tjum" of llio Wild Cherry Treo hut hovuor vutuahlo it li, Itipow. rto lieiil,tonoothe, lo relieve nnd to cure, is en huncod tenfold Iiy selentiflo nnd Judicious com. blnution with other Ingredients, In themselves of eaunl worth. This linppy lalngUiiK exists lo a rcmnrknhlo deitrco In nn. wisrAii's iim.suiok wild rummy, whoso value In curing VMtght, Oildt, Uronchtlia, Whooping CUtgh, Cioup, Asthma, PulmonUrj Affec tion, ami Incipient Oinsumptlon U incitiniahh: 8TI10NU TI.SriMONV, I'rom IlllNJAMlst WltKEl.KH, limp, Depot .Master ofSoutli lloyiilston, Mass. "In tho Bprlugof Isil I was most setereh nf Meted with u hard dry couch, with Its usual ac companiments of night sweats, completely pros- trallmt my ncrvoim u stem, nnd producing hueh n debilitated htllto of he.ilih thai, niter trying mcdleul nid to no purpose, I had given up all hoies of over recoveilUK. nslmd also my friends. ji mis huii in iiiaiieis i was jircvnlled upon tlnoncli tho intlusnco of mlBhhor totry Wis tnr's llnlsam of Wild Cherry, nnd, before using two hottks, tho clleet was nlmost magical. JIt cough entirely kft me, the night sweats descrle'd me, hopo onco moro elnltsl niy depressed spirits, and soon I had Attained my wontedRtreiictu nnd vigor. Thus has this lliilsnm, as lias often uemi remarked by persons (ouvcisaut wllh tlionbovo facts, llletally snntehed mo from tho juwulug grave. Ynu urftnt liberty to use tliNfor tho heue llonrthinllllctcd." rrepiirodbyHliril W. FOWLE .1 SON, IS Tre mont St., llobton, nnd for sale hy Druggisls gene rally. QUACK'S) CELdTimATIIDBAIiVlJ. cures lu a very short tlmo CUTS, lltUCNS, SCALPS, WOUItn.S, 11KU1SKS, Si'ltAlNil, KltYSlt'ELAS, HALT Jtllt.L'lf, IlINf.WOKM, ClIAI'liS.n HANDS, 110ILS, KHOZKN I.1MDS, Fl.LONS, C11I1. LAINS, &.C. II Is prompt In action, removing palu nt once, and reduces tho most nngry looking swelllNgs and Jnllnmntlons, as If by mag!o,-thus nfl'ordlng relief and ncomplcto cuie. HLTIl W. I'OWJ.K & HON,-Uoston,:i"roiir's. Sold hy nil Druggists, (Iroeers, nnd nt'all coun try stores. l.MI'OHTANT 1IKCI8I0.V Chief Justleo Woodunrd of tho Suiirems Court or Pennsylvania, has delivered tho following opinion, which is important to our merchanu; liianiir.iitnrirs.Morkliignicn.undlu fact, tho pco plo fthe wholo country, Ho says: "I Dud 'IIoornNh's ( l!n rr.its' Is not nn Intoxl. callng hevtrnge, but Is n good tonic, uselul liulls erdcrs of tho digests e oigans, and of gri at hene llt lu easo ol ilehllily and want of nervous nellon in the system." No better rccomenilntlon could ho given to so valuable u tonlo ns Ihls cclchnited stan dard Hitters. ''Ifviil'tmls (Icrmnii Jlittcra" ic mnli rial. contains, no Alcohol' noorj. vnpji cir-natAN toxic Isn mlxlurn containing all tho Ingrodlcuts of Hitlers, ( oinblwd Willi into sanlii Liu, lltiin, orange, nnlsc, Ac., forming tlio best and most .Icnsant Tonlo in tho world. llineipal llpcc Ull An-li St. J-hilalelphla., Sold ot rywheio by Drugslsts nnd othcu. l'eb.7'11. Ol tlio almost Inuunicrnhlo preparations in IllO 111.11 KOt lor resllll Mil. mv linli. I., ltu nrLvlnnl color, jc i know of nono which giies so unTvcr- ..ii,sii,v;iiuii ns uiugs vcgeluuio Aliimosin. o liav ci ti led It and lound It to restore llio color In a tiuly womlcrliil manner as well ns lo re move d.inilrull' ami nil itching causi a by humois of tho scalp. 'Irvltandhosullslteil. Jnuuary2l, Isos-lt, INrullMA'IKJN.-Inloimatlon guauinlud lo modU(oaluxuil.ii,t giowtli u hair upon nlmld uodiirlieaiiilehslaec, nlsou iccehio lor tho re- iioval or Plinples. lllolclics, Kruiitlons, i ic i I ho skin, leinfng Iho samo soil, clear, nnd biaiill nil, tun bcobtnlucd wlthoutchnigo hvnUdiessluc THOS, 1', CHAPMAN, I'hemlst, sqiI307. S21Ilioudwny,New York. Bomo WlkiCan't Sloop NTghta Vrnv niany suirer fioni general debility, others MO II Ilia lI........ 1. .....t i....r.oi,.. ,.. d gist their lood; some havo creeping sensations nlonKllioiKrvollhres, or pain lu tho hack, Willi nehlngiina Henry Ihluhhingof tho limbs. Thou fc.inils of l,ii cs sullcr thiough long jtuix Hum iwnii arocuni d rs.MAl.n Comi'I aim in, caused by liKlc .ixnllon ni inusrlu una llgnmeul Unit al end ilehelency of v iorce. '1 housimd ol bus- lllcss men. oi ,.i .... i, l.-ii.i ii. ... i...i .....i 1....1.. the in Tunis Hold and hecomn until lor ilulv or huenjomenlsiir life, Dxeessln yoiith.uinl Ihn in Ihlo llci is of lexer nnd iiguc, luwiUo shnl cicd ciinsiltiiiionsanil Iho fulluioof Ihocenunl IllUctliillS Ol liealtb. To sulh.i crs fcini nl llirsn e.iuses, DdDU'S NT.ItVINR AND INVItionATOlt oiarsnn InMiluiiblu hoon iinalninlnndelllelent ueoii ry id lost powers. No iH?rsou, man orwo nn n, (.tillering fi om nny umsc, cun ulloid lo neg lect lids umi dy. Tlio Ncrvlno will ho round lo iqu.iuzingnnil uiitrlt Uopi nc pie. li IILS nl 111 t V Inr I lilt S.'i.....i.u t.'ll.....u ...l ...... .1 1 ..u Iheiu lor tho wuslo that Is constantly tnUtnEplace. I.lkoMholchoniofoisI laicm Into tho stomach, II undirgoes nnild diicstlou, Invigorating In it pioei ss tlio digestive organs, nnd producing a CAUINUSH AND TllANQUII.ITY unknown to (my otlier prcparntloli. It coiitnlii mg rut lousuiiiptioii nnd bos ol.lulnc.l it wldo icnown' lor this piiullnrlty. WHAT PIXIPl.r, SAY'. "Hear Doctor! Tho InxtniedlUno nivsi rlh,..! be sou I ohtulnisl, unit will say Unit Dodd'H Ncrvlno mill Invlgoriitor is all that It ilnlms to ho. I led llkoii newmalii Isleep welli liavegooa nppetllc: and ficl stronger limn I luiyo for ninny years iT..., .. l, V. . i 14 'i! -x, luciicr, -llnton St., llrooklyn, N, V, ' "t lmVO IISI.ll 111.. K'uviTlti.. n..., I l. I . .1. V . . . ' ' T ",,-,l ""I .11111 I11VSC1I 1I1UI II hencllti il by it, pnrtlcularly In llio increaso nl slieiiglh and euro ol Ihoso trembling sesiillons. My eostlvcness also seems to bo entirely clued." Iietier to Dr, Tucker, ino men ciuo sou ordeled (Disid's Nervlnei woblivo taken llir..,, l.,iiil,u i. ... '".f'.f , .V"".1"11'" bll '""1 lather luno nun I ,lll;oli'L,,,lm" "rl' '"tois. sho iseutaiuly hetler. I.tucorrh(cucured I don't Ull lliu drug lug down so much i boweis'movo i aslcr, and fii a ..lleriiinoimionillll.inexery way " ' V i 1 '!,"" I1' i;"shh rlJlen House, Long llrunih. N. J..SII teslhatlioisrs NcrMno lias cured him Sml .iTK i wV"VK'b" I'm btomaeli, illrclliess w iiolo sybtcm. '' e y ,,tH'"ll"'"i'l I'" David llarlbhorn, 300 Ktntc-kt., llrooklyn. cured of cliioiilo niubuilai and nervous debility, Jllllll I liirliltl llr..,.l.l.... V X' Into Iho bow. Is w II limit ,'.r,'li.' i,is, x. biUSl "In n-irii. feet, Qlllct tho nerx es, nnd tono un produelii lenllmnlo if- Nervll!e"ni'iCllll'iylll'n' "'" ".".Hied jHsiiVi 11 1 ip Iho system, I bns MiViid r 'p '' Ij,"1'1'''. '-'onn.! "iiy wife licfv oiis nl ni i it w ,1, : nlccu j i ars tvllh extreme Ur. C, C, York, Chiulibio i.. .i... v ". .Mt. itiiK l'litV,. .I, ' t"UBl,,,"ll0"l,lt"1 lor Hi" Insillio lit rou pi:iikonai. TIWTIMONJ.MJ WIl, MUSS. I "III Clbf4 ,, ...L .A Vf "'""ay. not com net by any i n , M iniV, ".-i1'"" 0 oW'MlMtlou nioio coinmon a?. oll'uriMffiiV'iD I'.? Dooil's'Nsrvln.r' '.,' .'.1,.'"'. "u,,t's ""'.. aior s cm un i 'i mil l-ifhwni e,u"i",')'l''ily,ImllKCbllon.Hlcip rn'iih. i olV "V1""1'- WHi'l Coire.iintl 'einnlo ' iunlly i ' 10 fulluWII Ktntleliiui lu Ull W iSJi','.." ''!'!!' Avenue Hotel, N. Y. iIiI.mxV' nrf1' 1"'.'1 House, N. Y. i li. ,"'f,"'i"i Policeman, N, Y', lir ll x iK1' ' "'. Cllutoii st., llrookljli, i s1 wh'o l.'lkl,' ' "'""""I Urookl) n, ii ' V,r'"1",sl-iJl,lseyl'ty, Hon, Wnrren t'huse.iiliiroailwav N.Y. I or rolo ,yail l;rUKgll:'pVlTn(?Jrl,o'ile, Ati.usl IK W7.h'UU'' t'" ',0" Yl