M.. ,..,,t,l In !t Vf I IIVI" 11(1 I'dllV 1)1 I t lug nil uecouni oi mo III.OO.MSIIl HO, I'lllllAV, .IAN. '41, 1 S08 When .tntr nrpcnrrlnl liv I lie nlihoniHl free, lHllrliinll'n limit In MtT fur ! II. 1 MahtI'I.lek oiiu of the prison ors wlio recently escaped from Jail mill win recaptured has been roli'ti-ccl on kill. Ki:i:i'lt before the people Hint Tiif; Col.UMliI A.N is tilt) boat, largest, niul con-oiUoutly much tho cheapest paper published In this county. Hon'. W.m. 1'. Hamilton has been elected V. 8. Senator from Maryland for tlio term of ilx years In place of Hon. Hovordy John-on. 1 Io l-i u stmljflit out Democrat. Lost. Ilotwou llloonishurguud Huck Horn, on Wednesday ovcnliiK, i hroche shawl with u Mill! centre. The Under will confer u fuvor by leaving It nt thin oulco. "SVt! Imvo on hand n few nioro copies of thu HoiM mid lhty-Uonk almanacs for 18iW. They are full of valuable sta tilth's and other Information, and should bo In the hands of every voter. Price "0 cents per copy. Wiuskuy is tho motlvo element of modern Democracy. llcpuMican. I'lcw! explain then how It happened that thu" whiskey men triumphed In Massuchu-etts, a .State where the Rad icals had In 1801 over "0,000 iniijorlty! To GUNNl'l.". Thosonson havingex plred on the lit Inst., any person kill ing n patridgo.rabblt, etc., subjects him self to a lino of i't for lach one hilled. Our sportsmen should see that thu re quirements of thu law aro fully compli ed with and carried out. Tin: Hadlcals sell out to CI runt, Who's nooil at talking hor.-o; And ho sells out to. Stanton, Which thu Hadlcals endorse; And now this pair of pretty birds Hldo over things rampant, And ha vo the party fixed llkohlni, Who won thu elephant. Donations. On Wednesday next the friends of ltev. John Thomas pro posoglvlng lilm donation visit at his rcsldeuco and on Tue.-day next Un friends oftho Hev. V. C. Ilcs-er will do tho Mime at thu Parsonage . Uotb of thiMi gentlemen are zealous laborers In a (food cause and de-crvo to bu fully remembered. Wk print on our out side the poetry of "Tumbler," not on account of any Intrinsic erit it may contain, hut to prove to the author that "u pout Is born not made." For Instance, we take thu lines "Tin-Itttlf Llrdi Hint enroled, With such ultt.itillc i rliUa." to bu mint too much of "poetical llcen-u" for these prosaic times. Tup. Hl.oo.M ItoAD. At the annual meeting of the Lackawanna A Hlooin.s burg Hallroad In Sernnton on Monday, heretofore reported, Mr. John C. l'belp of Wllkes-Iiarro was reelected Vice President of tho company. Mr. John 1". Ilsley, former Secretary and Treas urer, tendered Ids resignation, which was accepted, and Mr. K. II ill of Kings. ton was promoted from a clerkship to tho position of becrctary and Assistant Treasurer. No Treasurer has as yet been elected. Tin, ltloonnburg llulldlng Asiochv lion held a meeting on last Saturday, and found their prospects M) brilliant, that tliey concludod to not only build up the uorner of Main nnd Market Streets, but to tear down tho building occupied by Sharpless' Sloro and by 10 I'. Lutz, and build that up at I tie same time. A Committee was nl-o appoint ed.lo procure a suitablo nrchltect at a meeting held on Monday night, and it was resolved to increase thu stock to $::o,OM). It will therefore bo i-een that our townsmen aro wide awake, and are bound to supply n want long felt In our town. On Tuesday last our sanctum vn- graced by the presence of Joseph It ailiwright, Kin., well known to many of our readers and thu most ol our merchants. Ho Is Interested in the llrmofWainwright & Co. Whole-alt grocers and Ten Dealers, north east corner of Second and Arch Street I'll 1 1 adelphla . Any of our mcw-hunts wantinganytliing In their lino cannot find cheaper or better goods, or n more accommodating firm. Wo tru-l Mr. Wainwriglit will visit our country In tho summer season, and wu can prom lu him more pleasant travel, anil nr- hups better company. Wi: uro Informed bj l'c Overseer In Con . i.i.. i.. .i.i miii, in inn i nun ij , vim liU r-lmririi ill Itrivuptlt 2i JOHN IllNTI.ltI.lTI.lt Coiiyiiglinni, Ltl.erne Mini (if llt.ChVl. He has 1 1 tu t In construct two n ! .. . 1 1.... 41.., I, and Wllko-bnrro It. It., uirougu r-cnicii aiicy. I ik lirinmr it'nti linn miration for Clenry, yet doubtful compliment of linlr.irl.lu V(...nun Milt. tells its readers that "lb if tin lint (Hire It lukel uovoniors Mcs-agc. nsliamed of It, or does readers would know no I against taking finely uxi the denomination of ten Mrst at ona Hank ol Xono but experts can ills ill nil; ji. iiiiiim-, itiii.-, ti ., 1 1 ...I I. Philadelphia. It will bu . I......L. ....... n.wl l.l.lttn. ."lull ill 'v - ,' nun iiu.ui.- .,11.. I,. I. i 1. l,,,,l- , 1 hi: attention of our rea to the advertisement In nm of Jones lirotlicrs A t o,. 1 Ph., Publishers of "The and how thev lived. foui'l tor me i nion." erom me nmliiatlon we have been give It, wo should call It asii .....i . .i... t ..i.i.. .,.i.itit,.i. ... linn .1 iliniiiiiin- mill uii'ii in work. W'l! u-nuM ti-Jr rm t- rcade Hie Prospectus of the A". V. I en in this week's Issue. In .,1.1111,. MM, I ,,,,(, .-,,,!-,. II I,., J ,,,, i t. I... . i.. I.... ,i... r ...... uiitl ii inn iiiiM.il nil' mini mi: exponent of Democratic idea national organ it Is free, foarle .!...,. i. .., .,.,,1 r..ll,. i.i,. i .... linriiulr.u .if ,ii, P ,,,tiw,ii,.,i f V i to know that lis circulation ! Illl'l f'llllllir. Illlll llllll I'll, IIIIILT 1 I in liircinnr wiiiriiiil In Atiier i KI.KCTION 01" OlTICIllts. A t ..-,t i. 1...1.1..- . r . i... l li in nil' siiii'iv iitjiiii'i .1 ill nil: j Hnzlvtoii and Wilks-llaTO Hi Company, held at the ofllce of 11'., ..r.H.. I II,,. It,.,.,...!, nl ,11, ..llllll III I III. 11.1 IMItl ... Monday tbu lllth day of Jiinua tbu following named per-ons we ed olllcers of said company for i .,,;, l .... t u ii i,- , ( 1.- 1 .. . ,.l U tl Al. It.nii.iiii ii II, .in r Ii. .-u III,,. V in, Ills Coiir.n, Mill Willi, n,i I mil M. J. droves. P. John's capacity for downright lying is well shown In the matter ol Mordaiiivillo Pint Olllcu. llo not only endor-ed tho Petition for tho change of the ofltco to Hear Hun, but wroto n strong letter to havo It done. In fact he was In such high blood on tlio occas ion that ho denounced tho Mordaiii villo Hepubllcans, who opposed the change, as "lovers of strychnine whis key," Now, hear him In his paper of January 0th. "The story of Tin: Coi.umiiian res pecting the 'Mount Pleasant mail ser vice,' is a llctlon. Tho use of our inline In tbecounecllon is unwarranted. Mir hail no tittitty in the rhmiyri all the partus hittrtttetl ti tll know. When tollvitetl we tnvarktUn rrfuml. Tin: Coi.umiiian rou IRiW. We would Invito the attention of our read ers to our prospectus for 16GS,.pulilied In another column. Do not fall to read It through, and then goat oueo and read It to your neighbors who do not take our paper. Tho necessity for action, immedlatu exertlan on tho part of every true lover of his couutry Is apparent, mtl now Is the time toltcyhi, Kvory man lias his Influence, nud If each would get ono subscriber only, It would swell our llsl to what it should be. A guntleniuu Ust week, with scarcely an effort got us eighteen subscribers, and If ono man can do this, certainly actlvo uxertlou iiirougnout tno county would gain us two thousand now names, Wu aro en tering on n campaign, tho result of which will settle tho fatu of our conn try for weal or woe, for centuries. Xo man should fall to contribute Ids aid then, In circulating houiul.coiiitltutlon id doctrines iimong tho peoplo, Again wo urgu read tlio Pio-pectus, act upon" It, and you will havo tho consciousness of having lidded your mllo hi preserv ing tho llberlhu of our fathers bo quwitUvU u. Wi: learn that many of tho Hev. Ii. P. King, preacher In iisli iiL'tnti vi Ie t irciilt L-uve It ixty-threudollar.s,on Saturdii nisi, lowing in inu very sum resented. Howuver the parse I'm 1 .11, .M-lh.,. l.-l.Il.t imi was 1 1 1 ii turn nil cm 1 til M'fiiru the .nr. jvmg on me circuit lor year. WnoNC An arliclu has lllll, ,,1-l.i. ,1,11 IllUII LlWIMl oi i no naners i n s lartoi ... i. ,r.,..i ii. i I....,,,.., . , ...i t .. ti ...t 1 1 1 ... c. matter. Tho Hochester l)e, II, fit in. ,i,i iMiilllt-i' n, llnl l, that city, It learns that no tins been received there, at iit.i.,,-,i,l lli..t .in. ,11, n ii I'l 'wi i. ..mi nt. nu.ii will ho issued from the Post .....VI. .. . . ..M.W-..,. .... .. procuru pen and Ink, and to person irom seiiuiiig a leui ii minis iiii'sii. wiiuiii ill! mi folly and Injustice. Tiikiik has been laid on HHt-lv llllll nil riviilillniil lull .... I , i r..i , Prescott Sjiolford begins it tho January portion of upon Charles Dickens in veins a Keen nun lerrinte p uuriiiiuii. wiiii.',: (.-(iiiirii Wirt Hikes, who tells us Philadelphia;" Mr. Tufts, eminent metropolitan needier. tut nil nun iiur M'Kwen Kliuhail, whoso f cm ed." IsaL'i'in: and si writers less known but .il.l,, 'I'l,.. IMII.,,.1.,1 n.,,. leaturcs which diitlnguish inner .uugn.iiR-.i, nun u ter is worked up hi n quito Statk Ti:m ih'.i'.anci: convention ol thu frii aiicu win ou iieni in it . ...,....!.... .... IP I . I. Illl-IILIIIL: 1,11 1 Ill'SllilV. nil lllt, llllll llllS4,ll.-.sT nj l person attending thu con lias purchased a ticket to inn lima ill inn ni, mull 11 syivama railroad, tno run i. j,i ,i,., 111.111. 11UII11 kI.iii ii,,ir,iT imi ,i,i r.iw. mill ill lliv.1 iiiiiu in lll uiiiiiiiig, 11 olueo on tho Heading rallroi II, ,. it.ii, ., U .. 't'.. inil-1 i lillllll I. , ll 1 1.- 4 l-lll IH'l will hold its annual session IIUI 1111- llll, ll'liUL. Ml tllll i.iilli I.IU lllllllfll 111 IJIllL-l'IM 111 II 1 lio report of the managers Kcnted, showing tho success terpriso during tho year. r,,., iliilt, ,iu .....I ....it ivnuillllllll anil IlliUISUl UClll iiii.'91.-iiii-ii iiir iiisi'iis lull mil n,i.i.ii in iii iju Mti'ii'i)-, IU I'l occasion, 'I'll lllll'n It Qtlll ill nlnll,,.r...n. mid of handsome material. Yo i hiu nutii i4 Bint m iiur ineiiu i llll'W 11,1 l,, '..j 1. .. ....I... ... I ..it o, .... .iiiinu,-, ii H Injun iu I - .... ..,,,n, imi. i ii nt i-ti riA ii i.i, .hi mill.l.. ..CI 1... I.. . ':. ' iMiiniuu in liui llll I Ml O I, MI .. ..II 11 nun ii you nro in need of nnyt Ids lino, vou enn luirillv full t.. BVUi