THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. tIor the ouna olhis. two CJmmliiA'a Htnry. "O Orniulnal" shouted llttlo 1'mlille Leo. cllnihlnc up Into U criuiilfutlier's lan. "I do wish you would tell ma n story. 1 shouldn't ho fo restless If you would." "Well, Freddie," replied his Brand pa "what kind of n !tory shrill It buV n fairytale."' "O, no; n icnl llvo Rtory one that will mnko mo shiver; one of your own ndventures which really happened," "Onco upon a time," commenced the old man; hut lie had scarcely spoken tho word when ho was interrupted uy his emmfcon, who exclaimed, "Don't commence fairy-story way I'd like It better to he. 'When I Winn hoy.' " "Well, when I wiw u hoy I fear I was not so contented as 1 ought to havo been, for I had a good home, kind parents, plenty to eat, ami clothes enough to wear1" "Why wasn't you contented, ;rand pa?" tald Freddie. "Becnuso T thought farm-work was too hard;and,llvlngliiu small town,Ilmd not the advaulitgis of attending school as city boys have. I had read enough of foreign countries, their customs, and manners, to make mo yearn to learn moro. X'ow this I knew could be ac complished by going to a largo school; and onco J set my mind upon going, 1 nuver remained quiet until father and mother knewof my wlli." "Wero they willing to have yon go, grandpa ?" "They reluctantly consented at last, for they wero awaro that no ono could vrit a good education from me.'.' "Jlow did you go, grandpa '."'In the cars'.'" "Wo did not have earn in tho-so days, Freddie; nothing but a lumbering eld stage-coach, which pas-edby tho school to width 1 was going. Mr. I.eillaw was tho teacher's name, and a kind man ho was to his "band of children," as ho alwaj s Killed ids school-boys. Poor man! Hut I should not say poor, for ho Is better off in his heavenly home. "Is ho dead, gradpa ?" "Yes, Freddie, he has been dead many years." "Well, go on with the story." "I arrived at Inst at thoacadtmy, and soon learned tho routlno of school du ties. Kvery study camu easy to ine, .save composition ; somehow that was exceedingly dll'lcult for mo to write; and as the penalty of appearing in the recitation-room without one on tho day they wero required, subjected us to tho punishment of rising earlier the next morning to writo one, you may be as sured I tried hard to fullll tho require ment. Ono morning, however, I failed to bring it; and Mr. Ledlaw, after ob taining tho others, ticked me for mine. "I havo none." I replied. "And why havo you not V" he sisk ed. "ISecauso I cannot writo one." "Cannot, Hurry! that Is n very ( strange word to como from ono who Is t wi smart as you generally are, nnd lean,1" u ' lu" , , , ,, .... .... ..... should havo a delicate tlngo of blue, take no such excuso from you. You know the penalty, which is that you must ri-c two hours earlier to-morrow morning, and accomplish your tail:." "I thought Mr. Ledlaw was extreme ly harsh and unreasonable; and as I foolishly Imagined that I really could not write the composition, I resolved, during tho afternoon, to run away in tho night, thus c-caplng my bugbear. Tho timo eamo for the boys to go to bed, nnd I did up alt my clothes in n llttlo bundle, and undre-ed myself, got into bed, and made up my mind that as soon as the hoiiro was still, I would make my escape. Thoughts flitted through my mind of tho adventurous life I was to lead, and that after I had been away tomo lime, I would return to father and mother, who would bo to glad to k'O me that they would readily forgive mo for my runaway frolic ; still I kept thinking until my eyes grew heavy, and I fell nlccp. "I thought 1 heard a clock strike twelve, so I Jumped up, dressed myself, throwing my bundle over myshouhler, nnd taking my shoes in my hand. 1 crept down stairs and got out of ono of tho lower windows; then 1 stopped and put on my shoes thinking what a lino thing It was to herefrom the restraint of school; and I really thought how happy tho old trees must be for they had no compositions to write. "f wandered along until I heard foot steps behind me; and Imagining that my c-capo had been discovered, I hasti ly hid my.-elf behind ji big tree, hoping whoever they belonged to, would pass me by unnoticed. Two young men whom I had never seen before, and who wero as villainous a looking pair as I could ever wish not to seo again, now camo along and Minted themselves In front of tho very tree where I had se creted myself. "I say, Griffith," exclaimed tho filler of tho two, "If wo only had a smart boy now to help us In our work while wo iro breaking Into borne store, ho could bo keeping a sharp look out. I wish wo could como across such a boy ; I'd tako him along very quick." "0, grandpa, I commence to Silver," cried llttlo Freddie, clinging eloper to his grandfather. "Well, Freddie, i"sliWercd, with fear mytttf when I heard thhj man talk, and I was almost afraid to breatho lest tho least sound should discover me." "I'vo often thought," said tho ono called Griffith, "what a good Idea It would bo to break Into old Lcdlnw's school somo dark night and kidnap ono of tho boys. I reckon tho youngster woum nnvo a harder time with us than with tho bchoolmastcr ; but thieves wo are, and thieves wo must remain ; and our apprentice must bo equal to tho masters, oven If ho does get a few years Jn tlio Stato's prison. "Comonlong," broke In tho other; "we'll bo late at our work ; and It won't do to let daylight catch us.' "Greatly to my relief tho two men nroso nnd left ; but I was so frightened that I did nothing but tremble ; my teeth chattered llko dice. At last I got up, determined to tako tho ojqioslto di rection to that tho thieves had gone. I walked until I camu to a tumble down hut, almost covered by the dark folhigo that grow around It. Seeing n light In tho window, I mustered up sufficient courage to draw near to it. Tho door was swinging to and fro ; but between its motions I caught a gllmpso of an old white-haired woman rocking in front of tho flro. I knocked ; but receiving no answer, I inudo bold to enter, nnd over heurd tho old woman bay : tin' tittr limn I WHS dead I Only sons and tlu'Viu bad as crime can make them. They rum not for the poor old mother who loved and brought them up. I pray .night and day that they may reform and my prayers may bo heard." "Do not foci so badly," said I, going close up beldo her. "Who are you V" cried she, In nton- lshmrnt. " You're not a spirit are you V" "Xo, my good woman, I am only n runaway school-boy that wants a lodg ing for thonlght, which If you will give me, T will bless you forever." "I'll let you have a place to sleep to night, for you are tho first person that has said a kind word to mo this many a day ; but you must return to your school In the morning." "Oh, that I will as early as it Is light." "At that Instantfootstcps wero heard; tho door swung open, and the two men I had seen before entered. "Hold I" cried the eldest, espying me, "Whom havo wo hero?" A boy, as I live I the very thing we aro In search of. You go along with us young man." "He shall not," exclaimed the old wo man, who was no other than their moth er: ".-teepetl as you aro In crime yourselves you shall not lead tlds Inno cent boy Into guilt." "Don't you fear," I spoke up ; "for I won't go with them." "You won't, eh? We'll seo about that;" and raising n largo cowhide ho was about to bring It down over my shoulders, when I awoke, and found myself in my bed at Mr. Ledlaw's school, for my midnight adventure proved to bo nothing but a dream. "IlutOranpa,"brokeIn Freddle,"you deceived me, for I wanted n true story something that realty happened," "Well, that was u truo story, for It happened that I really did dream 11 I havo told you; but let mo finish it. 1 got up and dressed myself (this time In reality,) sat down and wrote all I have told you, which answered for my com pidtlon ft saved mo fromdIsgracc,and I a-uiro you that my dream fairly cured mo of ever wi-hlrg again to run away from school." (fanner's grp art incut. About Wnshliir; Clollirs. Tm: following from tho Moutrcal Witness is worth tho examination of housekeepers: Tho evening previous to washing, all the clothes should be gathered up and assorted ; woolens, culored clothes, un bleached cottons, linens and fine clothes, into their separate bundles. Kxcept woolens and colored clothes a" other kinds should bo put to soak over night, the very dirty part having soap rubbed on them. If you usea washing lluid, it is usually mixed in thcsoaklug water; if you usu no wash mixture, the next morning wring out tho clothes, and proceed to wash them carefully through two warm lathers; then boll them In clean water briskly, but not longer than a halfan hour. AVash them out of boll, rinso through i ...... mi... Ju..t.. ..... likewise a small quantity of starch for all cottons and linens ; reserve thoso you wish stifTcr for tho last, and mix more starch in tho water. Shirt bosoms and collars in short, anything you wish very stiff, should bo dipped in starch whilodry. Swiss and other thin mus lins and laces arodipped in starch while dry, and then clapped with tho hands in tho right condition to iron. Call' cocs, brilliants and lawns of white ground, aro washed llko any other white material, omitting boiling, until the yellow tlngo they acquire makes it absolutely necessary. Unbleached cot tons and linens follow tho whltoclothes, through tho same waters.but in no case sliould bo boiled or washed with they continually discharge a portion of their color, and so dNcolor tho white clothes. In directing tho preparations for washing lluids, wo glvo the process em ployed with them, but colored clothes, In our experience, can bo washed In none of them without Injury to tho col or. Calicoes colored lawns, and colored cottons, and linens generally, are wash ed through two suds and two rinsing waters; starch being used In the last, as all clothes look belter and keep clean longer If a llttlo stiffened. Many call eoes will spot if soap is rubbed on them; they sliould bo washed In a lather, Mm ply. A spoonful of ox gall to a gallon of water will set tho colors of almost any goods soaked in It previous to wash log. A tea cup of Lyo in a bucket of water will Improve tho color of black goods. A strong clean tea of common hay will preservo tho color of thoso French lliv ens co much used in summer by Uith sexc". If the water in which potatoes nro rooked Is saved nnd boiled down it stiffens black calicoes as well ns starch, and saves them from tho dusty anil smeared look they m often have. Vin egar in the rinsing, water, for pink or green calicoes, will brighten them, 1'carlaMi answers the same end for pur pies anil blue. Colored and white lhup nels must bo washed separately, and by no means wash after cotton or linen, as tho lint from theso goods adheres to the flannel. There should be a llttlo blue in the rinsing water for wldtollan nels. AlloWjyour flannels -4o freeze after washing In ' winter ; It bleaches them. How to curt Hams. Tin: hams of Maryland nnd Virginia havo for a Jong time enjoyed a high reputation. Premiums for hams were awarded at n into meeting of the Mary land Agricultural Society. Those who had opportunities of cxnmtnlt.g tho tho American Farmer, that they wero of excellent quality. Tho following Is tho rcclpt after which those wero packed down which received tho first premium. "For ono hundred pounds of pork tako eight pounds of pulverized alum, two ounces of saltpe tre, two pound of brown sugar, ono and u half ounces of potash, nnd four gallons of water. Mix tho abovo Ingredients nnd pour thom upon tho meat, after It has lalnnbouttwodnys In tho tub. Let tho hams Ho about six weeks in the pickle, and let them dry off u few days before smoking them. I generally rub tho meat with fluo nlt when I pack It down. The meat sliould bo quite cold before It Is packod In tho tubs." Kinci: ln:a without Avvi.rx nit meat. Six crackers, ono cup of mo lasses, two cups uf sugar ono half cup ofvlncgrr, and two cups Lolling water, will uiuko tbiopKi. DRY GOODS, &c. AND OI'KNIXG ouANit ori:NiN (IUAND OI'K.NINO llllANI) 0I':NINII GUAM) Ol'KNINO or wi.vrr.u WI.VTIIIl wi.vrijii WINI'lill WI.NTDIt I'AM. I'AI.I. I '.U.I, FA l.l, AND AND AND AND AND (lOOtlH, (lODIW, (loons, noons UOOIM, consisting nl consisting (if consisting or cnnstsllug of ennslatlutl, of imv I HIV III1V imv imv noons noons (II HIPS (llOHH, noons HATH AND CAFH, HATS AND CAPS H ATM AND CAW, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, IIOOIS AM) 8II0KH, HOOTS AND NHOK.S HOOTS AND HIIOIX, HOOTS AND HIIOKH, HOOTS AND SIIOF.S, nlUDV-MADi: CLOTHING, HtlAPV-MADi: CI.OTHINO UXADY-MADi: CLOTHING, lU'.ADY-MADi: CI.OTII1NO, UKADV-MADi: CI.OTHt?'(l, i,ooKiN(i-(n.Assr.s I,OOKINO-(lt.ASSI, LOOKINO-OliASSIX, U)OKINO-(II.AHSIl, LOOKINtl-(H.ASSr.S NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, TAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND Oil J), PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, onoci:uii:s. OHOCKltlllS nnoci'.uins, onoci'.niLs, cmociniiKs, (lUEHNsWAni:, QUIXNSWAIli:, (IUi:i:nswaim:, (jur.KNsWAiti:, QUr.KNSWAKi:, llATtDWAIU', HAnnwAiti:, HAItDWAIti:, HAItnWAItU, HAItDWAIti:, tinwap.i:, TINWAItK, TINWAUl'i, tinwaih:, TINWAP.L', SALT, HALT, SALT SALT, SALT, nsir, FISH, PISH, KITH PISH, OKAIN 0UA1N GRAIN OIIAIN OltAIN and ski:psj, and snr.iw, AND, AND SEP.IIS, AND SIIKDS ir. ili AT MlKEI.VY, NIIAI. McKKLVY, NIJAI. CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO.'S. CO.'S. Ml-Kr.LVY, McKP.LVY, McKKLVY, NIIAL NP.AL NIUL Northwest rorlii'r of Mnln nhil Market NtreeN, Northwest corner of Mnln nnd Market street", Northwest corner of Main nnd Mnrkct Streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Htieets Northwest co rner of Mnln nnd Mm kit MutlN I1LO0M8I1UHO, PA., -BLOOMSHUrtU, PA, I1LOOMHI1UUO, PA., BLOOMSIUmO, PA., ULOO.MHIlUnO, PA, IltON IKON IKON IKON IltON AND NAILS. AND NAII.H, AND NAILS, AND NAIIJs, AND NAILS! onlmild.'"1'"""10" B"d ' t'"'-1""1 rates, niway MILLINF.rtY GOODS. M ISS LIZZIK UAKKLEY DfflSr''1 old place on Mains.., I'AI.L AND WINTEIt STOCK of tullllnery g,ss of every quality and style, consisting of LATEST STYLE 110NNLTS. "i " n,?mcnt Sfnte'"" ! ,0SC,,,t'r " lm " Tltl.M.MINGS, 111III10NS, AC., which nro ollered for s.ilo at the lowest possible rates. Call and see. Uloouishurg, Oct. i,, lVTT. s OMETIIING NEW. Tho unilerslBned begs leav to Inform lier opened In" 1""'"! sv,u ,h"' ''l0 ," IiHUIT KTKEET of gooils In tlio llvrtot u fresh stock MiLLxyjiitv anil tuimmings lnconnectu.ivillh Dress Making; nnd h pared In vi4illIloll, to COLOIl ST-.lAW HATS on t&hiirlest n.illce ,nnd In the best stylo of tlx qrt. I'ricesiliiupuudVTorl; sallhlnetory. r, .. t. MUSE. KLINE. Light Street, Ortober 4, "EW MILLINERY liSTAilLISH- 'Ihe.MIe Hnrman would r(sctfully nn nounie In their friends In town nnd country, that they have. Just received at their place of business onMalnst,, below Aliurlcan Huuve, a large nnd now supply of 1 M 1 1. L I N K II V GOODS ofnll descriptions suited for 1'all nnd Winter's Wenr: including llonnetsof the latest styles.ltlb lions, trimmings ornll sorts, nnd In fact keep n general ruriilslilng sloie fur Indies. Their lint. terns and styles nro nmong Iho latest, nnd the prices but a trlllo In ndvanee of those in tlio City. Do not fall to call nnd exumlna thilr gooils before purchasing elsewhere, Nov. 1, 1MI7, J U. 1'UIISEL, HAHNU4S, SADDLE, AND TItUNK alANUKACTUKEK," and dealer In CAItlT-T-BAGS, VALISES, FLY-NETS, DUrF.U ROUES, IIOH.SEnEANKETS, AO., which ho feels confident he can sell nt lower rule than nny other ierson in I lu country, Ex- Shop tlrst door beluw tho Post OUico Jtalu Street, lllisimsblirg, Pa. Nov. 15, IBII7. E. (r. HOltNK, I) E If T I H T, l'ormerly of Uerwlck, Columbia C'ouy. I"n. Would nnnounie to the elllrens of Illoomshurg and vicinity that ho Intends to locate permniK iii ly nt Jllnomshuru In Iho coming pprlng. 1'or Iho present ho may W found at Ids olllee.on Vuln htreet, n few sloors ntmve Hendersholt's lirug Hlore, over Pox. Wdili'sConfeetliiiieryt where he will bo lioppv to wiilt li till who tuny need his services. Onlco open only Irom tho first lo iiiu ii'iiiu u, euen itiouin Ulllll April 1SI INiS. nnVJ.'.'07-tf JVAV FUHNlTUltE STOUE AT M A 1 NVI I, I, E, PA. a, J, Would respectfully announce to tho public, that lie ha.s onellni miur 1,'iiriiltiiri, Ul,,r It, Mum ille, where ho keeps all kinds of city nnd homo lauuo FURN1TUIIE, enno bottomid and hair cushioned chain, all styles of lledsteads and bureaus, tables and stands and nil goods In his line. Kepalrlng neat ly and quickly done. House palming and paper hanging douo nl short no k-o and reasonable mtes; iu tho Ust muuucr. Also, liuilerlnklng at short nolloH rnov'i'(n-es SUSQUEHANNA HOTEL, Cutuwlssa, Pn. Tlia above. Hotel has lately been purchased by IIl'.NKY J, CLAI1K, und has been thoroughly re modelled, repaired, and refurnished. It will be found now, In Us arrangement and appointments rt drst-class Hotel, and second to none lu the country, Persons in cities wishing to spend tho hot months In the couuiryf wUi do welt to give Ike proprietor a call. MISCELANEOUS. rjMIK WASHINGTON LtUUAUY CO., l'UILADISIil'ILIA. hchnrtcrcd by tho state of PcmisylvanlA, nnd orRiMilrcil In (Oil of tho HI V U II B 1 1) I: INST1TUTK roll EDCCATINO OIIATCITOCSLT nOl.tllKllV AMI SA11.0IIV 0 111' MANS. Ilicori'i.nitcil by the Stale of N, ., Ajirll 8, IfW. SUIIHCIHPTION ONI! DOLLAlt. TIIH WASHINGTON IilUHAIlY CO, nv viutui: op THi:tn cHAivmt, AMI 1H Acronn sce with its I'ltovuioxs, MlllilMrllmlo THIIPX HL'Nl)ltl:l) THOUSAND DOLtiAItS IN l'HKJES-TS TOTHl'iSHAltllHOLDKUfl, On WulnenUty, 8th of January, next, AT PHILADULPHIA, PA., Oil AT TUB INSTITCTK, IIIVKIISI11E, K. J ti.heitulc of Ircsentir 1 Present, north tiiyrno 1 Present, worth 'Jl.tnw t Present uorll lu.iMi 1 Present, worth 6,110 i-reseins, worm s-v"! cnill u.ihhi 1 Piesmt, vntnednt Im.imi 'i 1'ieselits, ullled at ilj.O tlciich .'til.lHM' i rresent, vnineii nt i.i.uo 4 Piesents, vnlned nl S.V0"" each , M IM.mni '2 1'iesents, alued nt a.WMcnch. tyM .'1 Presents, valued nl l.uiueaih H,'" ') Piesents. valued nt frur.M'ti lu,m in Presents, valued nt Jtinleiifli a.ido .1 Presents, nlucd nt u'lOcach 7iii 20 I'lesi nls, valued lit ie.ich l.."i"Kl .m rresi nts wuiii-ii al aMeneli ll.mii si Piesents, valued at T.iencli s,7'ji iw l resents, valued nl liMcneh lu.ivi 20 Presents, vnlned nt 7.eaeh I,!) in i leseMis, viiiueti at mi caen unu Tho rcmiihtlnir Piesents consist ofartlcl of use unit vu lie. ntiocrtnlnln to lliodif. fusion of Literature and 1'lne Arts S'.OOO i.MI.110 I.HCII eeruueaiooi rioeu is aeeoinranicil Willi a iinAUTirui, sti:i:l-platk lnouavinu worlh tnoruat retail Ihm tho cost of Certlflcnte, nnd nlso insures to the holder n Present lutho Great Dlstrlliutloii. SUUSCmi'TION ONE DOLLAU Any irrsi,n n-nilini-ns Ono Hollar, or paying ine (.nun- in nur uie ii HKenis, will reeeivo 1I1IU1C- dtatelv ullnesleel PlnteenKrnvlni;,nteholcorrom iu iouowiiiK nsi, nnu oneeeriineiiio or kiotk, iiv Mirlnit one present In our OltKAT DISTH1I1U One Dollar .'iffrainji. No. l-".Mychlldl Mv child I" No.2 "Tliey'rc fuveiil iiirro iiiiveiii iso. i "111(1 p.cveuiy Bii 'u in,- iiiij n,i,nui mo iki'voiiiuiiii. Any net-son nnvluir two dollnrs will recelv either of Hie followluir lino steel plates, nt choice. nun iii-t'iiiiieiiits oi mock, iuuh uecoiuing en unco in iwu ineseiiis, 7'no lioUur lhigraytngl. No. 1 "WnshlnKton'sCourtshlp." No.2-"Wash- innioii s iisi interview wtin nts .Mower." 77iree Dollur Jttiffrin'tngs, Any person pnyina threo dollars will recelv the beautiful steel lilnteof "Home, ft mil thn War. nud lliree cerlltleuies of htoclt, becoming entitled i,' iiiieu jneseiiis, I'uur IhMar tngraitngs. Am person nnvlntr four dollnrs shnll recelv the larire and lieuutllul steel plan, of "The Perils of Our l'orcf.ithers,"nnd fourccrtlllciitesof btock enuuiny meni to lour presents. hie Dollar llngravinyt. Any person who pays avo dollnrs shnll recelv ine larife nun spicuuiu nieei l i.liaor "run MAitniAai; of Pocahontas," and PlveCertlflcnlesofStoel:, enlllllnc them to e ivv i resems. Tho P.ncrnvi lies nnd Certlnentes will hodellv ered toeaclisubserlliernt our Locul Asencles, or ii cApiess, ns may ue onieren. HOW TO OnTAIN SIIAItUS AND P.NaltA VINGH. Send orders lo lis by mnll, enclostnfr from St to 8J0, tlther by Post Ofllco oulcrs or In n registered letter, nt our risk. Larger amounts bhould bo sent by drnft or express. 10 shares with Engravings 9.50 2o shares Willi Kiigriivitius, ZfUH Mshans wllh Kngrnvings, iQ,ri 75 shares with l'lmravlngs, l'KI shares VTtlh Pngravlngs 00.W Local AGP.NTS WANTKD Uirouehouttho (Int. ted Klatcs. thi: niVEustm: iNSTrruri:, Sltunle nt Hlverslde, Uurllngton countv Jersey, is tomided forlbi'puriosoof tr'',..!!.,'.,;.. eiiiieauiiginosonsol ueccnseil riolii'' .ru k,h. 1 1, on l.l I I,,, 1 1,1 11,.. 1 Ml nl,,., ....... um' k', '; '"?'":? r"a'.sisof ti, fonovvms eiinsylvanla and New jersey: ( Mnp ..,,-.1 clphla Pa ' c1"1 -vnoriiey, i-muiu- Mi!.'!";'wi' wls Ilroouinll, Ex-Chlcf Coiner V. . I?,!,', , .i (.order of Deeds, Plilladeliilila. I lmi Scovel.New Jersey. V. W. Ware. New Jersev. 1 nr.? (loriiinu. lisu.. Ancnt Adams' Express, nlladi'llilllii, Pa. . . , J. E. Cue, Esq., of Joy, Coo A Co., Philadelphia. TllESSUIlV DEl'AKTMENr, WASllINUTON, P. C. April I. 1SU7. Olllco of Internal Ilevenue: Hav ing reei Ivid satisfactory evidence Hint tho pro ceeds of Iho enterprlso conducted by the Well ington Library Company, will Is) devoted lo eharltablo uses, permission is hereby granted V said Company to conduct such enterprlso exempt from all charge, whether from special tax or other duly, r.. A, UOLLINS, Commissioner, Tho Association havo appointed ns Receivers, Messrs. Oeoikik A. CooKB A Co., whoso well known Intcgiitv nnd business experience will bo a sulllckut unaraulei Hint l!n luonej Intrusted to Ihf in will bo piomptly applied to tho purpose statu!. rillLADEM'UIA, l'A., May 3), 1S. To the OJJIecn und Members oj the Washington Li brary c.. A". N. 11VAD, Hceretaru. aentlemen: On ucelpt of your favor of tho lilli lust., notifying us of ournppolntBient ns Re ceivers for your Company, wo toolt tho liberty to submit n copy of your Charltr, with a plnu ol your enterprise, to tho highest linl authority of tLo State, nnd having received his favorablo opinion lu regald lo Its legallly, und sympathU lug with tlio benevolent ol'Ject of jour Afcsocln Hon, viz: tho educntlon nnd maintenance of iho orphan children of our soldiers and sailors nt tho lllvers'do Institute, wo havo concluded to accept the lrM.t, nnd to ui,u our best citolts to plomoto so wurthy no objtct. Respect fully, jours, Ac, GEO. A.COOKE A CO. Address nil letters nnd orders to GEO. A. CCOKE A CO., 11ANKKIM. 33 Soutll Third Stlect, PhlladelphU, Pa. Receivers for Iho Washington Library Co. J. ?. l'UKSKIi, Authorized Agent for Illooinsburg nnd vlelultj'. Nov. 15, 1WJ7. jKW CAMNKT WAltK IIOUSK. Tjie undersigned takes this mithod to Inform Hie public that he has opened n NEW FURNITURE WARE HOUSE In the Waller Prick Ilulldlng, on Main Slreet, UIMOSmiUlia, l'A., Which ho lias purchased nnd intends to keep per innnenlly filled with Furniture of CITY AND HOME MANUFACTURE. IT t'oitntiflE!) or llliD A TRESSES, SOFAS, LOUNGES MAItnLE TOP CENTRE TABLES CHAIRS CUSHIONED, CANE HOTTOMED, AND WOOD HOTTOMED. EXTENSION TAJ1LES, LO0KINO OIASSra, 1'AItLOn, CIIAJIBKH AND DIN ING ROOM FURNITURE. In fact a full assoitmsut of II E A I) Y - H A 1) 1! OOl'KIKU of all sires, nnd of EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF 11 lb TRADE Allot chick III be sold O H E A P rOR OAStl, The publlo nre Invited, to call and examine my stock belore purchasing elsewhere, GEORGE W. CORI'.LI Iiloomshurg, August 10, ISS7, jyjHRCII ANDIHE. NOTICE IS HEIIEI1Y GIVEN To my friends und the publlo geuernllj', that nil kinds or DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEEN8WARE, NOTIONS, AC, nro constantly on hand und for sole AT HAKTON'a OLD HT4N1), IlbooMiuuiiu, nr JAMW If. KYKII. ttfAlio, Hole Agent for'' Pjiodi'iiate or lur. lArgu lot constantly on band, (fibtl'07, jyjEHCHANT'H HOTEL, ft noimi rooiiTii utkeet, PHILADELPJIIA, J, A W. U. M'KIUIJIN, Proprietor, May in, HxJ7-ly, DRUGS & MEDICINES. N. MOYKlt'S OLD ESTABLISHED DtlUO STOUE. imuasi Dituasii nnuosm The most completonud carefully selected sloelc lobo found In tho county, consisting In part of Drug", Chemicals, Pnlnls, oils, Glass, Vnrnlshcs, Pulty, Iirushes, DyeSlurrs, Mixed 1-nlnts, hyihji's, i:ssi:nci:.s extracts, hpicix, laSESTIAl, OILS, Perfumery, Hair Dyes, I'nney Hoaps, Iirushes, Combs, Cosmetics, siatlonery, lVwket Hooks, PEN KNIVES, PIPES, CIGAItS, TOHACCO. Lamps, Ciiimxkvs SitAnrs, Iiuiineks, Sponges, Chamois skins, Catheters, Hpcculuini Syringes, Urensl Pumps, Trusses of approved tn.ike, A largo assortment of choice Llfptots for Medlcb mil iurHises, together Willi Iho volloiis WELL KNOWN STOMACH IIITTEItS. These wllh many other articles loo numerous Inspeclfy fol ln,n stock uhlch delles conipelltloli tsith as legards irleenud tboiUulllyolthcgnoil tilVSICIANS mil.srKIITlONS CIIVU'orNllKII Willi THE t'TMOSTCAItll AMI llE-SPATC!!. Countiy dealers nro Invited to Inspect Iho .stock befiile purchasing else lit le, as they will lllld It greatly to their ndvantntic, Prcsh gouts are constantly being lecelved from Iho city, nnd ettn be obtained ctttirr by uhohmle or ritatl. ltcmcmbor the place E.xi'llAMlu lll.oc K above l.xchnngu Holcl, Main street, llloomsburg. August u, ls,7. J It. JlOYFIt, WHOLESALE 11ETAII. iutuoais T, COIISEK OF MAIN AND JIAIIKET BTEEETO, llLOOMSUUlta, PA., where will bo found n largo nnd select stock of Drugs, JIEUICINE3 AND CIIKMICALS Also nil tho PATENT .MEDICINES OF THE DAY, I am nlso prepared to rurnlbh Country Storcswlth Cantor Oil, Ocslfrey's Cordial, TUItLINGSTON'H I1ALHAM, nnd all other medicines kept In their lino nt City prices. tn. Prcscrlpllons carefully compounded nt nil hours. In medicines, quality Is of tho Hrst importance, Illooinsburg, Juni'7, 1807 EVERETT it DR. J. I). CASE'S IN OltANOEVILLE, JUST O 1 E X E D WITH A SPLENDID AND VARIED AS-SOIITMENT Or OOOIIS AlTEItTAIMNO TO THE 11RCO HCStNESH. I'UllE DItUGS, CHEMICALS, ETC., ALWAY1 ON HAND. In short any nrtlclo Hint enn bo nnmeil In tho i't .nt nn,.- inn uy nan in ineir store, ur. j, ii. is ii i riieiniiier, unit aiso uuiiersrnnus fiiar' tllllPl. 1!. lVAI-nt, lu .1 t,..llnnl Ul...l... I tended one term nt tho Jellersou Medical College, and understands tho compounding of Drugs. . They respectfully invito tlio lutronago of their mends, nnd tho public genemlly, assuring them "sake," nnd whatever will be purchased of Ihem win oe iresn nun pure. apr2!i 07 PHK OREAT ZING AM BITTERS Thf wmpenent parti tf thU rcmrViMa rrcri'itton svercfirit dUcorercJ, comiiouodtd mhI diiaibuteil, om Iwentjr vv ko. by Ur. Ciltotsci, the ceU (rated E-pt.aa l'hyiicin. Thousnndi ct LU luffer countryintnwerereitoreJ to health, at well u great tod of the countrica bofdcrlng ujtn the boutherncout Indeed, tlie fame ef tht zi.NUAiu uirrcua toon iprtad crer Euror, and wl adopttd by tit prlocljiat riijilciaoa iu ch&rce of the toiclUIa of ths old world, lo which it lia atlll uid with rrccnil Bfnt aucccsa The Viceroy of Egypt placed the nam if bk. Cdeofioi upon the 41 Roll of Nollei," and pre sented to him a Midl tearing the following laicrlp tloa i M Ds. Cuioncf.tbe i'ubhc DenefMlor." Thla Blttert It dow? effored to tho public of America with lit full assurance that it wltl b fouod, upwB a fair ID. IU11 93Urllli0 Wl. IV TI,ll W IV..U, trisl, U let u a ipeclQo for tat curt w Cholcrm, Dysenterr. Dlarrhom. Che Morbus. Fever suiil Acur, IcUov Fc o.eni 'ever. lUieuniBtlsm. TvnholuT Fever. Uvsncnsla- Collc Uronchltls, t'onsumptlou, FlslU- leney, uiseasea or ino jkiuneyi, ncrvona leney, Ulseasea or tho Kidneys, IV Ucbtllly, and Female Complaints Remsrksblo cure! ef Iho above dlsraiet tisre beca ttTcctrd by III use, as DumerouscertlRcst.i, many from regular phyileliof , fully attest; sod It la tittocil te auprnoile any prrfisraUoa extfitt. Ala agrtcsble Tonic, aoa an 1NVI00IUTINO BETERAOE. IT HIS NO EQUAL. Tan Tax ZIXGAIU HITTERS I 1IA3 E0UI. AS WELL A3 BODY, asb AS A rnEVENIITE or riSEAsri, TJAS NO SUPERIOR. A TEW TT0RD1 TO LADIE3. The rut of the Z1N0AI.I TJITTEH3 will five to you that loft, Itml. tranipareat compleilon which Ilia God of nature (da aigolnft woman to bo the lovclicit of Ma work!) fully ioleniled that you ahouU have for Ills nature'a own powder and paint combined. By purifylna the tlooj, stimululoR the ptttmenury cell, of the dermli, and imparling health and lifo throughout the entire pyilem, it riD,ctally glici that eraooth ilearneii and beauty to the complexion 10 much to tie deilrrd re moving sit roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that jellow, sickly look so common In our day; and what Is evea belt-r tbas this, it curel every species ol female Irregularities and disease Trlnclra! Depot, llurrlalurg, Ta. RAHTER & HATJSE, BOU X't.r&UTOM. For s.ilo by L. X,, Wlnvk-hiilo nnJ I let n II DriiKijUt, llluoinslmrg, Va, ftliVC7-Jia. JOHN C. YEAOEH & CO., Wliolesalo DcaltiH In HATH, CAIW, STUAW GOODS, A Nil LADICa.' KUaH, No. North Third Htreet, riillaUelphlft, J II. AVALTEH, uiie waiter A Kaub, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, OLAS.S, AND O.UKEN8WAIIE, No. AJt North Third Htrwt, between ltnce and Vine rhlliulelphlH. JiUK KEYSTONE CLOVER SEED s a? it i p v e it. PATENTED OCTOIIEU 2, 1WJ. ThlH hlllinle. Ilintlirli .tlrMvi tnrif hitio l mtmlt. ted tiy ttll Bclentltlofthsfni'iHlutietliHiiioNt illrcct Uevlce for KuthtrliiK c-lovrr heed yet dlnwiverel. A mf rn ulunro nt It U hunk'lcnt to roiivlnco tho most oMiiMt jiilud of Us pn.clif.ul iitllltv. ItMrlpHthuelovi-rhfait fiom thoNtutlc leaving the hi raw htamllnif iinini irrniiml. 1 1 1 iihllv ilruwn hy mm huiht. and rt-fjulrtH Imtono man or ItlHrnmpact.tsliiiplo In htrm ture, nndnotlla bio to jit l out of onUr, and ran be cheaply K"t jiio mi-iii noiuiiiiuu in huh inui'iiiim i. wv lini-.s tint tarn. I ami lia.r..Tl I.. ,.t 1.. r. I l,.s clover mill or luillor, ben Ides hnvlntf tho great H-nKuiui luiii-uiiu iiiuorui mowini'i naimiiiiK urni thrifthlnu It Horn the ktraw, it u ill alwi pay ev ery tanner 1i gather lil M ed m lilt thU maehlne, mi lueount of llm Kuvlnuof the beed which 1m lust In tho old way of uatheilnu It, I.XtUioidlnai v lodiU'einctitHfiflfrril tDpnpiiret'l inenuhowUlitopuiehai.eHtateor comity KlKhU Id I'M! Ill UHI1 IMIUI I'M WLUTMAN & HKINJ10LD, I'KNTHA l-IA JniCVC7.1 Columbia County, I'd, To Hotel nud Huhum keepers of II loom burK uud Columbia County, I havo uppotuted Mr, 11. Htohuer iiyeut for the wiloof my ale, porter brown tdout, and laer betr, who will mipply yoti at the hfuno price (und with tho kaido article), an 1 would furnish j on from thu brewery, Knoowlng that he will be punctual and attentlre to all w bd may Xnvor lilm with their trade, I (tolloU for blra you, nupiori, Yery reflect rally, KltKI) LAV IU, titcatn Brewery, Reading, To. SVf- von neat and ciikai1 JOB PRINTING, CALL AT 1UK COLUU11IAN Ol-TICK DRY GOODS. TTUmtAH FOll OATAWISSAI THIS WAY POlt 11AHOAINH. Goods to compnro with stringency of tho money market. Look and cotnparo prices beforo pur chasing elsewhere. Just cnll nt the fAVorlto busi ness stand of McNINCH A HHU.MAN, nnd you w ill bo met by tho obliging proprietors or t heir clerks, nnd shown through t heir great variety storo freo of charge, or course. They will glvoyiat ft fair eliauco to spend your looso chnngc, they Irust tntich more profitably than It can bo spent elsewhere. Their STOCK OP MtY GOODS this Spring Is much larger In nit Us varieties llinu usual, Their LADIES' IlMESS GOOD-) aro of Iho nicest styles In market, They haven lino assortment of HATS CAPH, IIOOTH AND HHOKS SUM.MEIt CLOTHS, CASSINL-irl, CASSIMEIIES AND VlisHNGS, nnd liumerous nrtleli s common to such establish ments, besides n general nssortment of HAHDWAItE, TINWAUP, (21'EENSWAItP, AND OltOCEltllvS, nil at greatly' reilueed prices. They wish lo con. met their business on tho system of "PAY AS YOU GO," nnd they Iblnk they can nirord In sell very chenp. They return lln;lr thanks for many past favors, ami asu the ruture patronnuu or their rormer ens lomers and thn publlo generally. JlcNINCII A HlttJMAN. UMimUiSTKlt .V UUOTIlKItr impoi tcrs and Jobbers of losit-'.UY, oiflvrn, SfHtltTH ANDDIlAWElf, IlL'rTONH, SDSl'ENDHIM, H0O1' SKIItTS, HANDKEltCHlEI'H, THllEADS, HEWINO SILKS, THIMMINtiS, I'Oliri: MONNAII'.S, fSOAlfl, I'EItrU.MEItV, I'ANCV O OOIJS, AN NOTIONS (1ENEHALLY, Also Manufacturers of IIKUSHES AND LOOKING OLASHEl, nnd Denlers In WOOD AND WILLOW WAItE, llllOOM1, HOPE'S, TWINIJI, Ap.i No. S00 North Third street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia. JOWK, EUSTOX A CO., Manufacturers nnd Wholesale Dealers In COTTON YARNS, CAHPCT CHAtNH, HATTS, WICKS, TIE YAHNS, COKDAOft miooMa, wood and willow wake, LOOK'O (H.ASHEH, CLOCKS, FANCY HASKETS TAULE, I'LOOIt, AND CAItUIAan OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. ttlO Mnrket Street, south side, Philadelphia. M. MAIU'liK, NOTIONS, HOSIEItY, OLOVES. AND FANCY GOODS, No. 03 North Third Street, Philadelphia. NUUKWS, WILKIXS & CO., Dealers in FOIIEION AND DOMI'.HTIC DUY OOOIW, No. 003 Market Street, l'lillaililphhi. JOSKI'lI S. J)KLIi, Manufacturer of nnd Whole.salo Denier la CLOTHINO, CLOTHS, CASSIMEItES, AND VIXTINOM, No. 43 Norlh Third Street, Philadelphia. GROCERIES, &c, QOX F E C T I O X E It V . Tlu uml ithIc noil unuM repcWfiilly unnoiiiu'i' to Iho public Unit lio 1ms opciu-d I'lltST-CLASS CONKIHTIONIIIIV SIOUI!, In O.ptiulltllnc latch opciiplnl liy lloinnnl stoli jut, wlie'u he Is pri'i'sUfil lu lurnNIi nil liliuls of PLAIN A rNtV CAMUK-S, ritLWUH CANIUIN, rom:ifiN .v DoMiTir rnrns. Nirrn, itAiniNf, ac., ac., At'. 11 y wiiolkhaiaK on iu:tail. In Nliurt, ft full nssnrtnifMit of utl jjomW In IiIh II ne nl liutlnt'tiH. a uml variety ut 1)0 LLH, TOYS, Ac, Huitulilo for (ho IU11iKib, rurtit'iilur niton llou tflVl'U to n It K A D AND OA K 1IH, of nil lclndi, frrsh cvrry fifty. CHUIHTMaH CANDIIIS, CHI HTM AH TO YK A cnll tM holk'lU'il, nud NiitUfaH-tiuii will I e (itiarantcnl, Nov. 2. 1HT7. IXKHAKT JAfOIIS. 11 10 M O V A h O F C. C. MAItlt'H X E W S T O U E t o &' n i r ;:v ; l a a A', ON T1IK LOItNKIl Of MAUKI.r AMI ir.ON fiTKHITTH. Iho uiiderslgneil hating reothed fiom the eliy n full nnt complete bupply of SI'ItINO AND HUMMini DUY GOODS AND UKOCKKIES, NOTIONH, TIN-AVAKE AND IIAUD-WAUK, c:nAit axi wn.i.o ir-ir.i ;;:," coxrr.cTioNi:iiY, (iLAPrf-wAitn, T O 11 A COO, r ,y a A' n y ii o j: y, FLOUH, HALT, FISH, AND ML AT, all of which I propose neillnnut u ver low llguro for cash or prod iter. A Call and r.ce. April ii, iwi7. V. C. MAl'.lt. gKHXAlll) STOUXKU, w oum repeclIUlly announce 10 ins iricnui miu patrons, that ho lias opened n llrst-elass FH U IT A COXFKCTI OXKIIY STO 1 K wltcrolln'roniny hn fiiuml nt ntltltiu's, n llnei-ol-lection of Knurr, conitctjonkuy, nuth, av.. ns well ns i'ini: (iiiocintius, which may bo obtaltieil at rcnsonablo rates. Tho stock is always frt'shandof theery best iuullty. Nn imlns will be sparetl til mnko tills cstau. Uilintcnl tlio Jlucsi 01 lis kiuu in lown. A rnu is Hoilclteil beforo puichases nro imule elsewhere, ns It l believed that iicrfrct Mtlafiictlon will bo Klven, C'OI.UMUIA HDUHIV, Main at., oppMilto Miller's Store, AUbO'CT, Jllooinsburi;, I'll. OCHKUi, HHIiaHK A CO., OENEUAI. COMMIHHION MHItCHANTS Dealers In fihii, halt, cnmwi:, thovihionh, ac, Nos. 12! atlil 121 North Wharves, abovo Arch Ht, l'lillaileli)ila. Holo aKcntK for Wilcox's Wheel Urease, In bar rcls, kegs, nnil cans. yy-AixwnianT a co., WIIOIiIJHAI.i: (lUOOlIHH, N, K, Corner Hicoml ami Arcli Hlreels, riilLAUKl.rlli.l, lieali rs lu ti:ah, symii'H, coitix, nuoaii, ioi,akhi:m, llll'F, HI'ICF.S, 111 l'A 1111 HOII.l, dt',, dt', ,9. Orders Mill recelvo prniupt ntlcntiou, May 10, lMIMy. 17 .STA1IIJSIIKI) 17U:i. sit JOI1DAN A DIUlTIIKiC, WIIOUNAI.i: OltOCT.IW, nnd Dealers In HAt.Tl'lITHM AND lllllMSTONi:, No SW Nnrlh Tlilril Slteet, I'lilladeli'lila, II. wllh V. I'KTKKMAN, i.irriNcorr a Tiiorruit, wnoiiiwAi.u uiiucr.iis, No, SI North Water Htreel, and No. 20 North Delftwnrc Avenue, I'lilladelplila. AVKK & M'HANKIH, W1IOM! HHAI.HaitOCKItlUSJ AND COMMISSION UKJtC'lIANTH, Ki.a. !U5 ana W Arch Htreel I'tiUiwlclpkU. TOBACCO & SEG-ARS, rjAIIE OXIiY VUOK lo get the best TOIIACCO AND CIOA1W, AT VHOI.tIALi: AND ItETAtt, snt HtLNUSUEItOElfH, n few doors below the American House, Illooinsburg, Pn, Ho has the largest nnd iihmI seled of HMOK1NO AND Cltl'AVINCI TOIIACCO cverolfered lo Iho elllcns of llbsimsburg. All the fancy brands of HKOAltH, and tlin U'sl rineeulnnil ring CIII'AVI.VO TIUIACCO, can bo In 1 nt his counters, TOIIACCO l'll'CH In great variety nro nmong his largo sloclc. don't roitunr to cam II. II. HU.VHIIElKlElt. J.J W. HAN1CS WHOLlXAI.ETOIlACCO.K.Ntll'I'.ANI) CKIAIt WAIHUtOl'Mi:, No. 110 North Third Htreet, lutween Cherry and ltnce, west side Phllndelpbll. c. Ji. WOODRUFF, Wholesale Dealers 111 TOI1ACCDS, I'ltlAlt-s, I'lPt, W Ac, No. PINorlh Third Hlleet, ulmve M .ilk el, l'hlladel pliln. HARDWARE &. CUTLERY. QIIAUIiES W. iSNYDEK, MlAM'll IN H A It I) W A U E, IKON, NAILM, STLLIi, AC, AC, AC. MAIN STUi.LT, IlLDOMHUUKd, I'LNN'A. Take Uilw method of Itifoi mliiKlIm cllleiifof Co luniblucoitty, that he has tipemd mi cxtenHt IIuidwaioKtoriMin Main Ktuet, In JJIoomiliurg, near lion utreet.atul that ho ban on hand u LAU(ii:n hiock and ni;rn:it asaoiuld than bo found any wlieie elxe lu the county, and which hn lnteinN to sell at pi Iron Mhlrh def. competition. CHAINS, AXES, STEEL, IKON. I lmo (lnilu, nil hlzcH, nteK, all mako ami weight, steel, all sUes, iron, all fch.ipeH, and all very low, 11 LT I L Dl" It's It A It D A nil, of e'ry desi-rlptton. Nails, axle pulleys, Rath cord 4, lalcln , lochsaitd kiiotw.butt MTewH.sasI fasts, window pilurf, base hnobt, utrap hinges, haipH and htaplen, hookx am! Maple, nud In fact hVcrythlUKntf-ilcil lu that Hue. COACH A WAdON MAKKIUS' DAUDWAItr.. cmbracinn almost everything In that line. Aho ILVUNI.NS MAIC MtH IIAHDWAItL', lluektet, .lnpanneit; buckler, Mlver plated blttr. of every klntl , IlAMt-s turn; pail tieen; JIamk--, wood ; Kiddle trei.?, kIs trees, Klrth web, woMft. and cotton : thread, MIk, nwlsand hcciIUh, tooN of all klmW, HIIOLMAKI.H'H HAnDWAHi;, A full nhortment lorcarpenters. I htiveplnnen all kincii, sawMt hand, pannel, rip, and compass. Mimres steel, lion, and try:lKrliiK machines. cI.IkIci, augeri, beveN, mntlets, braces, Kaums ptowt, rules, bits, and about everything fur car penteri. roii thi: rr.oii,i: olnlua m.y 1 hut c coal htuls, coal MioveN, scoops coal iltirs, lant ri m,t able cut !ery,pKket cutlery, plated hirnonv, plated forks,herers,(i a and eof .recpots,biillirknleH,mlllMiw.s, cross ( ut saws, circular saw s, Raii ss n, files, hoi se shot, 'N.iv rem Iks, rlvets.lmm- mers, hatchets, matlocks, picks, folks, rub blng hoes, hho el, sp'ules.siudlnif forks, hoes, lakes, bed pins, twine, l;atcs, plwws, i ,l!ln trim mint,'-, Lmery, red c halk, white ( balk, wire, I .mi si nails, meat cutter, scales, wash bounls, hoiso buckets, wooden palls, dothes pins, uluc, tloor mats, pinch m.its, pair tor mills, corn popptis, paint brushes, his bru"hes, sleljjh bcIN.hci 1 calks, maim U cil kitttes, brass kettles, copper kettles, stewketlles.saueo pa ns, broad uves, iialU, Htdtcs, euitalu fixtures. 'J hlmhler-kcln and boxed, 1'u nips, lead pi)', e(t Tarreil utpu .uul liuudnds of articles not 4enu meraled constantly on hand at CHAHMW W.H.NYDLHH, Main Hluet, ltloouisbut', jj KOIKil-: II, I(OI!i:iflS, Iiiirnrtiruiii liculer In iiAiuiWAiii:, cuTiii'uv, iir.s, dr.. Nil. MI I .Voitli Tlillil H!lfi't,Hl.OVH Villi', l',ln. .lAllilt k.Hmi-iii. ,1. lc. in.Tru i t ii a s i: i,t , i: u, Iniliorlersan.l Dealt 1 iu 1'i.ri'in and Ilotursti' 1 1 A 11 I) V A 11 K, (i liNs, i'UTi,i:i;y, , mi, 1W n. iiiit:ti,Tui:i.T, Aii.i'!.i.v.Tiii.t., l'IIII-AHi;i.!'!IIA. Nov. 52,.tf. KltlDKX CUTliKltY COMPANY .Mniinracturi'rs of mperlor Table cutUrr, oi rear!, Hoiy, llnrn, Itiine, I'hony mill I'oeiiil liAIl- illl's, Also, I'M lusiie .M.miilacluivis ol Iho l'ATl.NT 1IA11D ia'Illli:ll HANIII.i:, which Is tho most iluiaiile liaudle ever Known. It Is much less cxpcnillt' than luirv. Ilnlwajs ret Ins its polish In u lll'use. It Is warianud not to become Ioom. lu llieliall. ille. II Is lint ullts'lid by lint water. 1'iir sale by nil tlm iilnclpal de.ileis In Cutler) thlouhout the I'lilled stales, and liv tho mi:hidi:n h'ii.kIiv ro., I)eiS0,ii7-lni Now York. IRON, TINWARE, &.C. J"ATIONAIi FOUXDIIY, IlliHitnsbiiri;, Columbia County, I'a. Tho subscriber, proprietor of tho abnver imerl extensive establishment, is now prepared to ro eelvu orders for all kinds of .MACIIINUtY I'OH COLLI Kill IX, W.AS.T FUKNAtTS, STATION UV JINOINfM, MII.I.S,T1IUII1HNU MAUHINKM, Al' Ho Is also prepared tnmaka tltoNeji of all sizes and iiatlerns, 1'low. Irons, and everything nsiial) made lu llist-class rmmdrlcs, HIseslenslvofAcilitles and practical workmen warrant hlui lu leceivlui: Iho largest contracts on tho most reasonable terms. (Iialn of all kinds will bo taken lu cM-lmnue fm C'astlnas, 'ihlseHablMiment Is lis'iiled near Iho Ijielr wnnnii and Itloouisburi; Depot, l'lrrr.n iiii.i.myki;. QTC OVRS AXI) T1XWAUK. A. M. IIUIMIUT iiiinoutire.s lo his ft lends and customer thai continues Iho abovo business al his old place on main sTitnirr, iii,oiimiii'uii. ' Customers enn bo accomodated wllh FANCY KTI1V1X ofnll kinds, htoieplpes, Tinware, nud eiery Mi liely of arllelo found lu u htoo and Tinware I'a labllsliment lu iho cities, nnd on Ibeiuost lensoii able terms, Itcpalrluudnuunt thu shortest imtls SI DO.KN MII.K-l'ANH on hand for sale, JTKW KTOVi: AXU TIX K1IOI'. U.I MAIN Slhl.UI', NKMII.V Ol'I'lUiirn llll.I.I.Il' nioiu:, lll.OOMHlU'lKl, l'i:N.N'A. Tun iiuUirsliiiied has Jusl mud up und opined his new STOVK AXI) TIX 81101', 111 lids place, win ii be K prepiiml to inakn mi new TIN N AHt oi nil 1 our in bis line, Mid nn leiiiilrlnavllh in itit"- mid ill'-i alch, upon lie most rtuToiiublo turn-. He nl u lici is on hand H'lOVKH OK VAHKlf l I'A'iTl 1IVSA Vl'YI.l.l, wlilch he will sell iimiii I mis to ' till pun iiuser'1. Olio him uiiill, lie is ii I'ovd loci lialilc, and ilehervlui; of the public iiaUonnyo. JACOII Ml.TZ. IJloouisburt;, A rtl 1U, IW. DRY GOODS. riiKHit AniiiVAti ov 1'AI.Ii ANtl WINTIUl (IOOIIM. The suliscrlbcr Iin4 Just rolurnril from tliocltlrs wltli ntiollier dirgn timl srlert nssortinrnt of M'UINU ANll HUMMI'.H (IOOHK, litirdi.wil In New Vxrlcnnil l'lillnililililn nt llm lowpst iljturp, mill which In' Is lUlcrinlMiil in mi nn us imsieriilrj linns lis din Im ris.'uriil iiav wlicro In JliiMimsbiirif. Hlsstiiik i-umi'ilscs 1.AIHI1H' l)UI'.si (loolis of llui rli(ilcist sli lis iukI Inli-st rishli)iis,lof.ttli with it l.irie iissiirllui'til nl tiry (imsls mill l i irrli, I'tnisl'llngnr Iho liillowiniirlK-lrst l'illicls, Oil Clullis, ('loll II, ('llssillHTI s, MmwN, I'llllllll'ls. Hllks, Willtn IIS.. l.llll'IIS, lllsijiM;i1Ua Mllslllis, IIoIIiiWHii i IV'tniM ir. liui'cnsuuri', lia.u. ll'Hitsllll'lMliuir, llnls llll'l Oisi, Jtr)ni Nfla, I'llllillllllll, liUulllllt'lillUMI'S, Tolsuicii, OorlW', Htwurs, Ti-ns, All-l'lnr., Ullim-i. 1 Inn in i, ?' l.l 111 AND NuriUKH CHIN IIAl.l.V. it hhoil, ivcrjIliliiB usu.iliy hit in ,.,, r, slonn, lo Mlilch uf lultva llif ultt'iitii.ti u c. ubilc KUiornlly. Tlio hlifhi'st iirliv vim i , , ,i lur country I'riKluer' In cxctniiKii fur ku"hN. H. 11. MII.l.i.p. Arculo Ilulldltifrs, ltliMiiu'.huiir, I'n. qi;i:at ui'.dijctiox IN I'llUI', .TOIl'), at ri.ri:r. i:nt'S .v i.iaiiT STi'.i:i:r, KAIiL AXI) WIXTKK (IHODH. Till! MilisrrllN'r lias Just rin lMd and tins tn hand nt lilsui stnlid lu I,la;liiMiei I. a large and cicci is.sohtmi:xt or jii:uniAxnisi; inirclnisril nl iho lowest figure, and wi .i li I. U'tertiilned lo sell nn as miHlt'rnte teruri a he iirociired elsen hero lu l.lj-ht Wrcct, tvn t-.i.s oi! cDrxwr w,wiii . Ills stock consists of IiADIKfj' DIIMHS GOODS, choicest styles and lalisl f.ishlons, ''ullcoes, Mmllns, lllnijiinms, rinnliels, Hosiery, Cal pels. Silks, Shawls, iu:ady madk ci.othixo, s.itluctts, t'siislniers, Cotloliailes, Kelitlltltv Jenii' 4U'., Vl a. (iliOnntlKS, MAl'KKl'.m, 'lueeliswiite, C'ediirware, llarilwiire, Medliini in uus, Oils, Palnls, Ac. HOOTS A KIIOICS, 1 1 ATS .1 C.M'S. Inshoil everylliln tr-u.illj ki-pt tn a eonn . st.irc. TheiMtronttirenf his old rrteiids and Hi public Kcncrnlly, Is respeitfully solicited. The iiltihest market price paid for country p dine. I'KlLll r.N, l.luht Street. Nov. s Mr. G" ,T ItKDCCTIOX IN I'ltit 1 s AT 11. K. SI.OAN'rt Hllllil., IN OKANOI'.Vl I. l.l'., l'A., o f I'AI.l. AXI) WlN'l'KU fiOOIih. The KUbscrlherhasJiist nss'lMsl iiii.lli.isuiih it Ids stole in llrniiiu'Vlllc, a Iuikc and ic ASriOimiKXTOK MKlU'JlANI)l.-t putcluisid nt Hie lowest limine, audwlilih lelirmlued In sell on as moderate tcrm n oe ini'ureil I Isew lure in Ortlliltel Ille, roil I'.vsii wit coi xi ia i r.i.i'i-i i Ills stock consists ol I.AD1KS' DISKSS OOOli Liioiciisr as-ii kisiih ''alleoes, Muslins, Ulluhiiuis, riunneis, Ho.. I'Alll', hiiawm. U1CADY MADK Cl.OTIIIM.. atlliets, I'nsilhif rs, I'otloniidis, K'i lituelo .b i AC, AT, i (UtOl'KItlliS M.U'KKItAI., liHiensware, I'eiliirwiue, Hindu. i. e, Mi I liKl'liS, 11IIS, I'llMS, Al'. HOOTS it SUORS, HATS A CAP-. In' stent eer.i Ihltijf tuuitlly kept iu stole. 'Hie pallou ij;o ofldold lihnd ' publleBenerallv, Is icipiellillly solielteil Tile highest Initlki t price put 1 tor eoiiutri , duie. D. i:. M.l'i '- iiiaiiiievlllo, .May 21, ivrr. I j. ii n o v i: it. V . Is now oltet llijr to lite public his stoik ol .v J' n i A' (i a O O J) .V coiiiistiUK III ptll't of a full lino of lNUHAIX, WOOl, AXI) i: C A 11 1' i: T H, Klne lut lis and casshneto for Iiitdle'.' i " HANDSOMi: Illli:ri (lOOII", of aM pattirusnnd qualities, Inlntds and 1' n' or al lous qualities and prices, m.i:.r'in:i and imov: IiADIK'S lMtKXCIl COUSK I-. A N II IJAIiMOUAl, iSKlUTH. (iood assoilineiit of ..ti;;v'i( ciiiLini:."NuMTi:iiSA i" I'lesh tlloeelleHltnd Siilcis. New nssoilun m fll.ASS AND fJUDDN.i.WAIli:, KX-XO. 1 MACK Kill: I lu ouc'liulf und oue.ruurth balicli Now Is tl.o time to mako your selectii-n am oirciluir yoods nt ery low inicis, tun ' mnttn Is fair dealllig to all, nnd not lo lie im sold by any, J. J. Mintt i I. Ulooinsbini!, Apill 13, So7. pOWDKU KKHsS AXI) I.I M1SKU. W. M. MONUOIIA tn Kurs-rt, l'a., Munuraclurirs or rowiiKii and dealt rs lu all kinds of I.U.MIIi:ll, tilvu uollco that they are prepalisl to a"'"'!-'""1 ' their custom wltiidlspntiii, and on thechi m'i lerins. jyii,M.u .t host, Isuccessois to Franklin I'. St Iter A i Importers iitid WhoUsate lienleis In I.IHI'OHS, WINKS. Ai'., .Von. nit ami It? Norlh Thud sin I'hll.nlclplilii. E. A. IIIIXnilY Successor to I D mil y A Han Is, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in IIOlWH ANDslKIIX, No. IK .North Third street, I'hlhidelphln. J 1'. llICAItl), wlisi 1,11'I'INC'OIT, HONDA I'd., .Miinttfaclurirsaiiil Wholesale Dealeis In HATS, CAl'M, 1'1'lis, AND STIIA W (Im d' No. IIIMiirkitstiiet, I'hlllldelphlll, gXYDKIl, IIAH1US ,t l!ASSi:'lT. Maiiufaetiiri rsaiid Jotbet'.or Ml SH AMI IUH rt Colli. Ml, I Nos a55Matkfi,nntl '..".'rommii' " si I'lillndelphlii. OXKof the bt'ut H'liLtiuiis of I'li'K (iiiods lu Iho rouuty at IliiMl'ili " l lothlnu Sloie, llurluuiu'it Uoik, Him in ' l'a, a'J- iiiii