The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 10, 1868, Image 2

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Sflw Columbian.
f-TIIK COLUJIIUAN lim llie. l.nruct. In Columbia, nml adjoining
counties nf any paper ruiblLhril licrc, nml
In aI.o ii imirli larger sheet limit mi nf
tt.eottntpornrle.t nml U tlierrfnrr tlir liril
medium for mlrcrtl.tiig In fhl. .ccllon of
th. tittle.
To Our Readers,
Wn havo mow fairly entered upon tho
Beconil volitino of tho Coi.v.miiian,
nml wo can i.uuso for a moment ntul
look over tho pint mid take heart for
tho future. Tho impcr lirn been a snleu
(Hit success. KstablUlieil iimoiig other
things for tho litiriioso of raising tho
tono of tho newspaper pros?, especially
In this County, It luw iiiuliitnlnctl the
high character with which It started
nnd has shamed Into comparative do
coney somo of Its contemporaries.
In tho literary department It has
given inoro good and high toned read
ing, than any two other local Journals
and In both tliwo respects It Intends to
keep tho lead. In tasto nnd purity
tono ami teaching, its columns, both
reading and advertising, will continue
free from every thing improper; nnd
thus mnlntnin Its claim to boa newspa
per ror tlio family nnd tho parlor.
Knrnest in Its political convictions
and honest In Its avowal of them ; it lias
n tlio very tlrst contest through which
It has passed, swollen the Democratic
majority In this County to a higher
llguro than was over beforo reached.
And this has been done, not by abuse
nnd vituperation, but by exposing tho
designs of tho radicals and arguments
against their policy. It Is proposed to
continue- that courso whose good results
nro nlready sonpparant.
Hut tho paper lias been u success in
other respects. Whereas wo began with
ono uiousaim names on our list, we
havo now over seventeen hundred. We
began with a hand press, wo now nub
lisli on n steam power press: nnd it is
most gratifying to know that tho peo-
plo wilt nbuudantly sustain a good,ablo,
pure and decent paper. Wo challenge
ana ueiy competition In any matter,
and for tho year 18C3 wo nro bound if
possible to do still better.
Now is tho tlmo to increa?o tho circu
latlonofTur. Columiiian. Tho fight
through which wo havo Just gone is
but a skirmish. Tlio Presidential ulua
tlon Is npproaclilng. Tho llfo of tho re
public depends on our success. Every
inan desiring tlio overthrow of rudical-
ismand negro equalUy.should subscribo
for ana nhl In tho circulation of sound
and proper Democratic literature. In
no other way can the great battle bo
won. llolltip tho subscription list of
TUB CoMJMMAN to two thousand, nnd
wo think wo can insure a Democratic
majority of that much for tho nominee
of our party for tho Presidency.
Lot our friends every where bo activo
and at work. Subscribo for tho paper
and sco that your neighbor sends his
nnmoalso; soehall wo win a glorious
victory, and rejoico together over our
political redemption.
General Pope.
Tun removal of General I'opo from
tho command or one of tho Southern
Military Districts should have been
raado long ago. In fact ho uliould nev
er havo been appointed. His folly Is
equal to his vanity nnd both are excess
ive. Ho made himself very ridicu
lous during tho war, and by his Inca
pacity subjected tho Union cause to tho
most serious check it received. Ills
Inglorious defeat by Leo and Jackson
brought us Into more real danger than
even the disaster of tho tlrst battle of
null Hun.
President Lincoln got off somo grim,
contoraptuous humor upon Popo's fool
ish conduct In Virginia, and very pro
pcrly eent him to tho Indian border
where ho could not do much harm. But
Congressional reconstruction brought
him forwnrd again Into a conspicuous
position, and ho has duly displayed
himself in tho South during tlio past
year In the business of manttfacturing
Mates. His military orders may bo
classed among tho "curiosities of liter
ature," and might well provoko con
tempt if they were not potent for nil
Tho public interests demand men of
sense as well as patriotism for tho ad
ministration of tho reconstruction laws
in tlio South. Theso laws aro bad and
nnwisonnd they must become lntoler
nblo when their administration is com
mitted to such vain and foolish men ns
General John Pope.
Qen, Hancock,
TrtK Itadical Congress havo tabled
the resolution of thanks toOon. Hancock
offered by Mr. Eldrldgoof Wi.-conslu.
Tho rcn-on is, the fighting General of
tho old Second Corps Is not a Hmllcal.
To show that the hero of Spotsylvania
is In the right track we publlch an or
der recently Issued by him.
i . Nf.w Chilians January 1, I
General Order iVo. 1.)
Applications havo been madoat theso
headquarters, implying tho existence
of an arbitrary authority in tliu com
manding General touching purely civil
controversies. Ono petitioner solicits
this action, another that; and each re
fers to somo special consideration of
grnco or favor, which ho supposes to
-xist, and which should intluenco this
Department. Tho number of such ap
plications, and tho waste- of time they
involve make It necessary to declaro
that tho administration of civil Justice,
appertains to tho regular courts. Tho
rights of litigants do not depend on tho
views or the general ; they are to be ad
judged and settled according to tho
laws. Arbitrary )ower, such as he has
been urged to assume, lias no existence
hero ; It is not found In the laws of Lou
isiana or Texns; It cannot bo derived
from any act or nets of Congress. Ho is
restrained by a Constitution nnd pro
hibited from action in many particu
lars. Tho Major-General commanding
takes occasion to repeat that, whllo dis
charglngjudlcfal functions in civil cas
ts, ho can sutfer no forclblo resistance
to tho execution of processor tbeeourts.
By command orMnJor-General Han
cock. GfcNEHAI, IlAJtTRUir,
Thk Home Journal says that Mr. and
Mrs, Churls Sumner have agreed upon
h permanent cepnratlon. The caubo
aligned is "an incompatabillty or tem
perament and opinion upon certain
social questions, which precludes tho
possibility or their living happily to
gether an man and wife."
Tub borough of Columbia has goao
Democratic for (ho first tlina In twelve
Tour ITcars Anion? The Spanish
Ihl lion. J JTassUuielt, late Jm Mrr
llesldenl of the United Hates to the
Jieiu'iHo of Jlcmuh.r. Published by
Jiuruei. jiouyiiion. Aeio lorit. ?-.wi
Wi: have read tho nbovu work with
much Interest, and can commend It as
containing an necurato nnd elaborate
description of tho natural features of
tlio country and of social nnd political
life In the regions of tho Kuuutor. Mr.
Uossaurck has expended much labor
nnd care In collecting his mnterlai,nnd
Ids personal sojourn In Ecuador made
him familiar with tho country and per)
pie. llesldes, ho endeavors to bo faith'
fill throughout in his work, nnd not to
.sacrifice tlio truth to pictorial effect. In
fact, the main criticism upon his per
formance as a work of art, must be,
that In several places ho depicts certain
unpleasant facts with too much plain
ncss and fidelity ; that he does not duly
subordinate them to matters of more
lmportnnco or omit them altogether.
There is a defect In the proportion of
parts, or an unnecessary proinlnonco
given to somo repuNIvo particulars
Ills style, generally, Is condensed,
clear and vigorous; and within tho
limits of a volume of moderate size, ho
has compressed a prodigious amount of
Information. And In tho nrrangomont
of his materials ho Is successful. Upon
the whole wo can say with a clear mind,
that this book Is one of genuine merit ;
that it is interesting throughout and
will convey to tho reader a better Idea
of nature and of human life In tho Cen
tral Andes, than nny other work ex-
taut. Many passages In It might bo
quoted which would remind our rend
ers of sketches, heretofore published in
Tin: Coi.u.MlilA.v, of scenery and travel
In Lcuador. Mr. llassuurek very well
describes Guayaquil, tho main seaport
city of tho Republic; ids journey in
land across tho western cordlllera and
northward to Quito ; a subsequent Jour
ney to Imbabura and Cayambi; the
great mountains which he saw nnd the
towers nnd valleys ho visited. Gigan
tic Chinibornzo; CotopaxI in eruption ;
I'ichintlia with her jagged sunimltsand
monster crater ; Antlsana with her
double peak ; the volcano Sangai, and
u d(izenfother great mountains aro made
to stand out upon theeanvass ho paints.
We get from him somo knowledgo of
tho plnnts and birds of tho country ; of
tho history of the people; of tho struc
ture and character of their government
and of their primitlvo modes of agri
culture. And ho is copious in details
relating to tlio manners and customs
which prevail both In town nnd coun
try. Tlio peculiarities of character and
conduct observable among tho various
classes of population aro well drawn
and Justly discriminated ; wo havo not
an cs-ay merely, but a picture to be
stored up among the treasures of the
memory and to be recalled at pleasure
in future times.
Wo sincerely hopo (though wo can
hardly expect) that tho author will bo
handsomely rewarded for his labor by
an extensive salo of his .work, and wo
shall gladly welcome an additional vol
timo from him (which ho suggests ho
may publish hereafter) upon Spanish
colonial civilization and tho War for
Independence, under Bolivar and ills
compatriots in tho countries of tho
Eighth of January.
This day, rendered immortal by tho
victory of Gen. Jackson at Now Orleans,
has always been celebrated by the Dem
ocracy, as n day peculiarly their own.
In fact they havo legltimato claims as
well to Fcbruarj 22nd and Fourth or
July. This year tlio day was celebrated
in Washington with great eclat, Presi
dent Johnson and other dignitaries or
tlio nation being present.
The Democrats or Ohio, Indiana,
Nebraska, and West Virginia appro
priately selected this annivcrsnry to
hold their Stato Conventions for tlio
nomination or Stato officers and Presi
dential electors. Tho Democratic. Cen
tral Committeo or St. Louis County,
Missouri, called a mass meeting in St.
Louis on that day or all who aro oppos
ed to tho continuance in power or tlio
"party or high taxes, extravagance,
"corruption, confiscation, te-t-oaths,
"military domination, centralization
"and'kindred ovils."
Oi.i) Brimstone Brownlow is still
bleeding and suffering from tho wrongs
perpetrated upon him by tho pesky
'rebels." It appears that tho $2.r),000
and sundry other piles of green
backs which, several years ago, wero
given him by "loll" courts as damages
for tho tcrrlblo wrongs ho suffered In
being compelled to como North on a
book peddling raid, havo either been
spent or wero not sufficient to eatiato
his appetite Ho has brought suit for
$10,000 more, from four individuals
whom ho Imagines aro worth just about
that sum. As he owns all tho courts,
Judges and jurors in Ids dominions, of
courso ho will get all ho demands. 1 lie
old reprobate ought to havo a forty
pound lump of gold tied to his neck
and bo started on a voyage to the bot
tom of tlioTenncsseo Itlver.
Tin: ilrst horse dinner in Knglnnd
has been held. Tho beast was eighteen
years old and thirteen hands high, and
after being butchered was served up to
a select com puny in great variety or
modes of cooking. It was pronounced
excellent food, flno iu texture, lender
In quality and unimpeachable In flavor,
with such a remnrkablo refeemblanco to
beef that It would bo difficult to tell the
difference between tlio two. It was
further pronounced to bo thoroughly
wholesome, nutrltlois nnd satisfying
which Is more than can bo Bald for somo
other sorts or popular flesh . It can also
bo procured at a cheap price, which is
another grout advantage In Kngland,
tho land of dear meat. As to tho moral
Justlco of eating horse, onoof tho guests
argued that If the horso Is really tho
friend or man, eating him teemed tlio
most innocent way or living upon one's
Mil, F. B. Caiu'kntkii publishes an
unqualified retraction or certain
statements concerning n communica
tion between President Lincoln and
Gov. Seymour, which ho had publish
ed on what ho deemed good authority.
Ho now states that hlsauthorlty ror tlio
statement was Mr. G, II. Lincoln, of
Brooklyn, who also publishes a curd
acknowledging that ho was misled, and
retracting tho statement hu had au
thorized to be made. It Is unfortunate
that ralso statements should ever get
into print, but In this case the parties
concerned havo doue all In their power
to .remedy tho IcJuttico douo.
Columbia County, FaM Tort Mifflin
Political Prisoners,
ON tho morning of August 01st 1801,
before tho break nf day, about one him
died citizens of Columbia County wero
arrested by tho military forces under
Gen.Cadwallader,nud hurried olf under
their escort to tho nieetlng-liouo nenr
tlio village of Denton, half dressed,
without breakfast, nnd after a drum
head examination a number of them
discharged, and forty-tlvo(onoof whom
was released the second day) hurried to
Itloonisburg, put on board tho ears,
guarded by a detachment of soldiers
with fixed bayomts, hurried to I'lillad
elphla whero they nrrlved at 0 o'clock
In tho morning of September 1st, and
tho afternoon of the samo day taken to
Fort Mllllln, on the Dolawaro below
Philadelphia, and put Into bomb-proof
o. !). But fowofthem wero tried, nnd
of those tried but seven wero convicted,
and that beforo a Military Commission
on testimony which would not even
havo been received In a court of Justice
and beforo a Jury.
Of tho seven convicted, one, William
Appleman, paid his fine; one, Samuel
Kline, was pardoned by President Lin
coln; and live, John It.intz, John Lem
ons, Joseph Van Sickle, Ho v. A. U.
Itutan and Benjamin Colley wero par
doned by President Johnson.
Tho names of the persons arrested and
detained with their ages and occupa-
tions,and length of incarceration, nro as
follows :
37 farmer A mer. 4 m.
33 farmer, 70 days
Daniel M'llenry
Kilns J, M'Hcnry
Joseph Colonial!
Mnthlas Kllno
Abraham Kllnu
Hanuicl Coleman
Jostnh Colemnn
Charles Coleman
John Lemons
Hllas Dcnjamln
Samuel Appleman
William Appleman
lleilben Appleman
Thomas Applowin
James M'llenry
Pycr 1.. Chapln
13 " 53
M S3
.11 farm. & but, S mo. 1 1
31 carpenter SI
It! firmer S3
farmer 52
merchant 10-1
" 1 lno. 2
farmer 13
1:llai M'llenry
Kamticl Kline
John itnntz
8 mo. II
William n.i;oberts
John Yorks
Henry Uurllman
Grorgo Uurllman
" I mo. 0
" 4 lno. 3
Innkeeper I mo.
merchant 4 mo.
farmer I mo.
" 8 mo. 11
John J. HI lies
Illram I'. Kverctt
Slott I!. Colley
nenjmnln Colley
Joseph Vun flickle.
Ilohr M'llenry
30 farmer .V ills,
00 farmer
SI "
John Karnes
4 mo. 5
t John C. Kaincs
Montgomery Colo
Hussell M'Hcnry
Jnmes Evans
Jonathan steelo
Henry II, Uurllman 21 car)
win. Uurllman
Valentino Fell
19 farmer S3
43 blacksmith 8 mo. 11
SS former S3
20 c-rpenter 5 mo. 3
57 farmer I mo. 17
28 wheelrlght S3
11 firmer S3
J John It. Davis
Armlllis Davis
Samuel M'Hcnry
M. D. Appkmau
John Hakcr
hraham Hartman 20 "
1 mo. 1
Was n sohllcr in tho ?ar of 1S12.
Died In tho Tort.
4 Keen In tho scrvlco nlno months.
I Hick when urresteil.
i Drultril whilo Hi tne West, nnd knew nothing
of it until ho arrived nt homo.
And now to wit, January 2d a.d. 18CS,
nt apubllcnicctlng held in the meeting
house near tho vlllago or Benton, con
sisting of tho persons hereinbefore nam
ed, for tlio purposoof makingtho neces
sary arrangements for tho election of
a delegation from them to attend tho
National Meeting of Political Prisoners,
to bo hold in tho City of Now York, on
the 22d day or February, A. d. 1809.
Hon. James M'Hcnry, was choson
President; Joseph Coleman and Sam
uel M'llenry, wero chosen VIco Presi
dents ; D. L. Chapln, II. F. Everett and
Daniel M'llenry, wero chosen Secreta
ries. Tho President, upon a call or tho
meeting, stated tho object, whereupon
Daniel M'llenry offered tho following:
Jlesolved, That It Is expedient that
tho Political Prisoners ol Columbia
Countv should bo renresented In the
N.itionnl onventlon. to bo held In tho
Citv or Now York, on tho 22d day or
February. 1808, and that thirteen dele
gates bo elected by this meeting to rep
resent us in that convention.
Jlesolved, That Samuel M'Hcnry, Jo
seph Coleman, John J. Stiles, Daniel
M'llenry, ltohr M'llenry, D. L. Cha
pln, II. F. Everett, James .M'llenry,
E.J. fll'iicnry. i'.uas .u-iienry, win.
Appleman nnd Montgomery Cole, bo
tho said delegates.
Jlesolved, That a bound copy of tho
"Nob Mountain Book" bo presented
to tho Convention and filed among Its containing a succinct and
correct history of tho "Columbia County
Invasion," and of its results.
On motion of Ellas M'llenry, II. F.
Everett, D. L, Chapln, Daniel M'llenry
and John J. Stiles wero appointed to
procure a brief statement from each
Fort Mllllln Prisoner.
On motion, adjourned,
D. M'IIi:.viiv, )
I). L. L'iiai'IN, Secretaries,
A Nuw Way to Pay tiii: Nation
al Duiit. In alato lecture In Chicago,
on tlio Arctic lleglons, Dr. Hayes mado
tho Interesting statement that ho had
seen an iceberg so large, that If it wero
brought to Now York and sold by the
pound at market rates, tho pioceeds
would morothnn twice pay tho nation
al debt. Tho Trlbuno thinks tlio doc
tor is no doubt a reliable mathemati
cian, and commends Ids discovery to
tho notice of tho Secretary of tlio Treas
ury. Tho Great Eastern might be char
tered, and sent to tow tho Icy treasuro
Into market, and Cooku would undoubt
edly take tho job or converting, it into
greenbacks. Tlio project Is certainly an
SrixiAi, dispatches say that the Im
mediate cause which led to tho removul
of General Pope, was ids order allow
ing nogroes to voto for tho Convention
who would not mnko oath that they had
registered. Gen. Meade, it is believed,
will permit a rovlslon of1 tho registra
tion lists to bo made, so as to cancel
somu twcnty-flvo thousand names or
negroes and minors wl o wero register
ed contrary to law. It Is believed this
step will ennblo tho whites to voto
down tho Convention by about twelve
thousand majority.
Tin; -workmen, nearly ono thousand,
employed In tlio railroad shops nt
Scranton, Penn,, wero last week notifi
ed that n reduction o! ten per cent In
their wages would bo made, Tho shops
havo recently been working on eight
hour lime, Tho proprietors or tho
Dixon Iron Works, at tho saino place,
which employs about seven hundred
men, gavo a similar notlco to their em
ployees, and will also reduco tho num
ber or workmen by discharging many
or tho single men, Tho iJickawannii
Iron Company at Scranton recently dis
charged u large number of men, and
will further ruluco Its force.
A Few Straws.
Tito.sK credulous mortals who havo
deluded themselves with tho belief that
tho llepubllcan defeats at tho elections
of October and November wero duo
solely to apathy In tho Bepublleaii ranks
are respectfully recommended to pon
der tho following facts ! On Monday a
municipal election was held In Boston
In which the Democrats and Iteptihlle
niiseontcsted for the Mayoralty, though
divided In tholr support of candidate
for members or the City Council. Tin,
result In tho latter ease was the elec
tlon or a majority or tho Bcptiblicai
candidates, but, In tho former, a mark
ed Democrntle victory. Tho figures,
compared with the vote of tho city fe
Governor In November, nrons follow!
J)cm. lien. Dan, Ma,
Governor 8,77'. 7,i!t)2 l,h
Mavor 8.8S." 7.8S0 til
It was claimed by tho llcpubllc
presses after tlio November election tin
Johu Uuiiie.v Adams carried Hosto
by virtue of his opposition to tho liqui
law enacted by tho last Stato LegNI
ture. Doubtless this may havo lull
enced some voters, but In tho conic
for tho Mayoralty, Dr. Shurtlelf, tl
Democratic candidate, beat his ltepu
Mean opponent nnd tho present Incut
bent bv C0" majority, though a vear a;
tho latter was elected by over 1,001) m
Jorlty. Tho Itepul.llcaus did their be-
Tliev polled 2,100 more votes tliau in
did at the mayoralty election of 181
and fiSS more votes than they cast f
Governor Bullock In November la'
Their efforts proved fruitless, nml Bi
ton to-dav takes its nl.ico among tl
Democrntle cities or the country.
Pittsburg, Pa., held a municipal oh
tlon on Tuesday at which, to tho utt
astonishment of the radicals, the Dei
ocrats elected all their candidates
the general ticket by majorities var,
lug from 2.C00 to 3,000. This has be.
a stronir Itadical stronghold; it hi
now removed that stigma.
Last, though not least, James A. W
ton, the Democratic candldatu for Mn
orof Manchester, N, II., was elected
Tuesday by majorities of 302 over
present Bepublican Incumbent,
carried tho city last year by 013 ma.
lty a clear Democratic gain of
That will do for Manchester! If
Stato will do as well in March next
will take its placo beside New Yo
which, with hut one exception,
given the largest Democratic major
of any State In which an election
been held during tlio present year.
Tlicse facts may bo only straws,
do they not show which way tlio w
Is blowing? Tho drift Is all In one
rectlon, and only tho-o foolishly
willfully blind will fall to recognize
ract. iV. '. World.
Tjm Jlepubllcan says that 'Genl
Joshua Owen, Chairman or tho Si
Executive Committeo of tlio Boysl
Blue has issued u cal 1 for u con veil t loil
tlio honorably discharged Soldiers il
Sailors of Pennsylvania, who adherJ
tho Republican party, to bo iicldl
Philadelphia, on tho 8th of January
formally indicate their choice of Pi
dent and Vlco President. Each coul
is entitled to ten delegates."
Wo doubt whether Columbia couJ
will ho represented in that Convent!
forlicr"Boysin Bluo" aro sick nnd til
ora party that after tlireo years tl
has failed to restore tho Union tl
fought for, and, in its placo, has orl
cd a despotism, tho comer stoml
which is negro equality.
Besides, J . T. Owen is pretty i
known In this section. A man who '
court-martialed for "conduct unbeed
lug an officer and a gentloman," wl
other charges", found guilty, and i
tenced to bo dismissed tho nrmy,
fit leader of a convention In tho Il:i
cal Interest.
P. John publishes with mucli ci
mcndatlon, what ho terms " a scatl
letter to General Hancock," from
obscure individual J. It. G. X. Y
Pitkin, of New Orleans, one of tho b
nnd tnn convention sitting tlioro
wonderful how bravely such nincom
poops talk when tlioro Is no danger.
Men who likcPltklus and P. John cow
ered ami hiu. their heads when tho war
was going on, now that tlero Is no dan
ger, talk bravely Indeed, prate of " loy
alty" and even attempt to read n vet
eran soldier like Hancock, lessons on
duty. No difference how eminent tho
soldier may be, If ho falls to como up to
the Itadical stand point, nt onco ho Is
slandered and insulted by thoso "little
creatures," whose o,!(i was or tho pay
ing kind.
SnNsuil.i:. Somo orour close-listed,
slow going business men might tako a
u-eful id nt from n conversation between
a merchant and an acquaintance, re
ported, as follows: "Why don't you
trndo with mo?" The reply was char
acteristic: "You havo never asked me,
sir, I havo looked nil through tho pa
pers for an Invitation in tho slinpo of
an advertisement, and found none. I
never go whero I nm not invited."
Let business men issuo their cards or
invitation through the columns or Tin:
Coi.umiiian, which circulates by hun
dreds, and among all classes of people
A Mki:ti.nci or tho Stato Central Com
mltteo was held at tho .Democratic
club rooms, llarrisburg, on Tuesday
Inst. Tho attendanco was a largo one
nnd tho members In tho best spirits. An
official announcement or tlio action will
made by Mr. Wallace, Chairman.
John A. Funston Ii-q,, member from
this District wns iu attendance.
It was decided to hold tho next Demo
cratic Convention at IIarrIsburg,Mnrch
-St It 1608.
A Kawcai, organ says "the pcoplo of
tho United States last year paid over
ono thousand millions of dollars Iu
taxes, which is $100,000,000 more than
tho Britisli nnd $100,000,000 more than
tho French paid," Exactly, bo; and
what has become of tho money V Two
thirds of It havo been spent In "recon-structlon"-n
schemo to keep life in tlio
rotten pnrty of grand moral Ideas, and
hundreds or millions or dollars or the
remainder havo gono into tlio pockets
or dishonest officials.
' Tin; lamented Lincoln mistook
Popo when ho said Unit ho was a good
fighter, but ho was probably right when
ho bald that ho was an inordinato eater,
and unquestionably bo when ho said
that ho was n monstrous liar.
Tjib cost or tho Impeachment rareols
halfa million or dollars, This In tho
ritco or tho fact that thousunds of whlto
men uro out of employment, and buffer
ing for bread.
Jan. 7. Tho Senato reassembled nt
noon yesterday, there being but few
Senators in attendance. Mr. Sherman
Introduced a bill relative to an interna
tional coinage, proposing changes in
our gold nnd silver coin to make it cor
respond In value to tlio coin of Franco
and Great Britain. Mr. Johnson, of
Maryland, cnlled up tho case of his col
league. Mr. Thomas, who has been de
nied his seat 111 emiseiiiieni'ii nf rbnnros
of disloyalty buying been preferred
In tho House, Itobert S. Van Horn,
sitting member from tlio Mi--ouri
District, was declared entitled to his
seat, Other matters wero di.-cnsisl
and sundry resolutions or Inquiry we, a
adopted. '
Paiiih. Jan. 3. It is now generally
conceded that nil hopes of tho assemb
llugof uGonoralConiereneoor thud rent
Powers fortho settlement of the Uonian
miction havo been abandoned by tlio
French government,
lll', Jan. a.-ie.Vnrd newspa
per lias received intelligence from Paris
that tho headquarters of tho Fenian
Brotherhood has been discovered in tho
F.iilliotirgduTemploin P.irls,nud seized
by tlio French police. A largoqiiantit v of
letters and other documents, revealing
the plans of organization, and lists of
tho Head Centres of tho Brotherhood,
wero round on tho premises, and havo
beon rorwnrded by tlio French authori
ties to London,
7.0 A'ord also states that nnnv Dm
documents brought to light was ono
containing tho details ofn plot for de
stroying a portion or tho Channel fleet
uy lire,
Other paners or a similar character
havo beoiidlscoverod.all or which havo
been gplaced lu tho hands or tho British
Lisiion, Jan. 3.-rTumults havo bro
ken out 111 this city and In oilier nnrla
or Portugal, In consequenco or tho Im-
iiusuioii oi new nixes, tho unpopular
ity or tho new system and tlio excite
ment created hero led to tho resignation
or tho Ministry.
DunuN, Jan. 3,-Lord Strathnairn,
thoCoinmander-lii.Chier of tho rorces
In Ireland, Is actively engaged In dis
posing his troops to meet posslblo out
breaks. Particular attention is direct
fd to County Cork and County Tip
perary, In both of which extraordinary
precautions aro taken. Tho banks or
thu Itlver Shannon and tho west coast
of 'ho Island uro guarded with Increas
ed vigilance to prevent nlniidlng. Tho
liollco In nil tho huge cities, especially
in tho south, aro unusually activo and
Fi.our.Nci:, Jan. 1. General Meno
brea, Priino Minister of Itnly.has given
publicity to a number or privato letters,
ploying that Kalnstzl was fully apprised
of tho recent movement or Garibaldi
against Borne, and fimired It. ho also
lent tho Insurgents his valuablo inllu
e.ico and assistance.
Sr. Pirniiisnuito, January 7. lie
ports havo been received from Siberia
of tho discovery or rich mid extensive
gold deposits on tho A moor Itlver. Tho
natives wero Hocking to tlio gold re
gions by thousands, and so great was
tho excitement that troops havo been
sent by the Governor of thu District to
pieservo order and guard tho mines,
and dcHiioratc mid bloody conflicts had
aken placo between tho natlvcH and
tho boldlers,
London, January 7. Lord Stanley,
acting upon tho remonstrances or thu
bubllmi) Porto, has prepared n dispatch
protesting iigaliibt theulleged Intrigues
or the Bubblan government in Jlou-innuia,
Loniion. Jan. 1 Evenlm? Tho miv
eminent lsalmost continually In receipt
of Information relntlvo to movements
of the Fenians. Tlio public excitement
caused by tho recent operations of the
i.ruuicruoou nas ny no means aiiateu.
To-day dlsliatches havo been received
from Cork giving tho details of another
I'C'iiau movement in tnat locality, A
body of Fenians Inst niglitsurreiitltbiiS'
ly entered tho magazine In that city,
and. iinchallemred. carried nwnv tnnn.
than halfatonofblastlngpnwijer. There
is no ciuo 10 ino perpetrators oi tins
Tho pcoplo stand nghatnttheefi'ront
ry or tho Fenians,
Tho clergy or tho City of Limerick
ave affixed their signatures ton docu
lent uccinring tnat there can l c no
ermanent peaco in Ireland unless It
ireaicii into Hungary.
London. Jan. C Tlio latest dlsnatch
s from Abyssinia report that thu Brit-
h exiiedltion still remained at Honnliv.
.'hero it has been encamped since bo
'inber 7th, nnd no movement beyond
int point would be made, until tlieur-
ival of General Xaiiler, who was daily
.xpccicii, ino neaiin oi mo troops was
ood, but tho horses and other bea-,ls of
iiirthen wire dying, In con-equeuco of
!ln l,. .it,, I I ..( - IT...
iiv iuii-ii-)u iimu mm luilll Ul J'lllliui Jul'
IVomlnafion of Officers of the l.rnlsla
lure Jiurinomou Aclwnof the Demo
cratic Cause Dissensions A many the
IlAUUlsiil'lto.JanunrvO The follow.
ng Is tho full list of thu Democratic
mucus nomination", mado Io-iiIl'IiI. for
illlcers of the House: For Speaker,
tichmond L. Jones, of Berks, who was
nominated by acclamation ; lor Chief
:icrk. John P. M'Fai den. of P h edel
ihia; for Assistant Clerk, John O'Coii-
nor,oi Aiiegneny; inrsicrgeaut-at-Arms,
Ueo. Bailey, of Dauphin; for Doorkeep
er, John Bawl, ol Philadelphia: lor
Postmaster. Samuel T. Brown, of Nor.
tliumberlaiid, and for Messenger, Mo-es
1 . I'OI.
l lie llonuDllcati caucus to-n irht was
not very harmonious. Eiirht members
stayed out, refushiL' to vote for Davis
I'orSpeaker, Somenvor-Ningiiino Demo-
crais iiiiiiK nun l i s win lean in tin
election ofa Democratic Speaker to-mor
row, unic-s ino mailer is arranged to
night. Conslderaiile bad feeling is
manifested in the Bepublican ranks,
uom ouisme ami inviiie.
IlAiiliisnuito. Jan. 0. Tho Beiuihll
can Senators met in caucus tlilscvenliiL'.
and nominated James T. Graham, of
Aiiegnaiiy, iur pcuier; ueorge w.
Hamersley,of Philadelphia, fir Chief
Clerk, anil Lucius lingers, of M'Kean
and Francis II. Broggins of Mercer, for
Alstnnt Clerks. ForSergeant-at-Arms
W. A. import, Crawford, nml fur Door
keener, Ethel Full or Bradford.
These will be tho ollleers ol the Senate
which meets to-morrow.
Tho House Bepublican caucus met
this evening, nnd nominated the fol'
lowing: For Speaker, ElUha W. Da
vis, of the Fifteenth Ward, Philadel
lor Chief Clerk, General James L.
I-or Assistant, Edward G. Lee, of
For Sorgaiit-at-Arms. Casper Giinz.
For Postnia-der, A. G. Henry,
For Doorkeeper, J. II. Hall.
Eight Bepublican mcmlvrs wero ab
sent from tho caucus, viz., Bid
die, Smith and Beckert, of Allegheny i
Espy of Crawford, Armstrong of Lan
caster, Warton of Huntingdon, M'
Camant of BInir,and Blehards ofSomer
IlAltI-,l.HllUll(I.Pn...Illll. 7 Much ev. ails in loirislativo circles
to-day, arising from tho refusal of nlno
Jiepuniican memijers to take part in
tlio caucus last night which nominated
ollleers. This renders tho Bepublican
majority of eight iu tho Hou-o power
erless. The dissenting Bepublleans say
their opposition is based on tho fact
mat they nro in favor of a Freo Bail
.'Olid hiu' nnd riinlinf. vnln for (il. l)n.
vis, tlio nominee for tho Speakership,
whom they regard as opposed to that
measure. They express adetermlnntion
jo mini out to tlio last, ami it is prouii'
bio that tho organization of tho Legis
lature will bo impeded in consequence,
IlAiutiHiiuno, Pa., Jan. 8. No
Change whatever in tlio political situa
tion. Tii, organization of tliff House
appears as far distant as ever. Tho nine
uouers nave maUo a binning agreement
among themselves not to voto for Mr.
Davis, tlio candidate regularly nomina
ted by tlio BepulilicancaucusforSpeak-
er, under any circumstances, and the
irieiidsof air. Davis uro equally un
iieiuiiig. mo uemocrats havo some
hopes that affairs will so change as to
givo uiem tlio Speaker.
l'!i:.NT lluclainan n said In
be very leelilent hi home near Lancas
ter, Pa,, and is not expected to llvoovw
tho winter.
Tin: Ohio State Convention yester
day resolved that lion. Geo. II. Pendle
ton Is the unanimous choicuof the Demo
cracy Tor President.
Caution I In our chnntrrnbie hi
mate, coughs, colds, and dlseai-es of tho
throat, lungs nnd chest will always
ni ovmi. iruci consumption will claim
Its victims Tluse diseases, if attended
to in time, can ho arrested and cured.
V. remedy is Dr. Wistur's Jlulsum of,
.Hiirki-t llt-porl.
Wheat ner liushel
Ityo ' ".""".
Corn '
l-'lonr per Imml
riHxsci d
llultcr "
1 allow
Dried AMih-8
fork .'
. I :
, I 11
, I I ii
. II no
. 2 on
: i ij
, 1'uO
Hides and Hhouldt-rs '.
i,ani i(-r pound
Hay per Ion
: id it
nemiocic Hoards per thousand feet..
flno " (,m I, ,,.,i
. IlilOO
Joist, HcnntllnK,, flank, (Hemlock) ...
rihlnles, No. 1 js-r thousand ,
... n w
H 00
... 7 (O
IS 00
. 110
. .8SS
No. I (scotch rile,.
No, 2 " " ,
I'lillatlrlplilit .Mnrkfli.
TminsiiAv, Januaiy 2 ISOS.
Northwi-htcrnmiperflncnt '.no, s.ik)
Northwestern extra s..Vhe
Northwencrn family iu.ukll,ii
I'l'iuiayUuniaiui'l W estern Mipcrilno . 7,'i0(s.ii
fennsylvanlaand W't-Mcin exlra si..vio4ilii..Vi
'CIlUHviiailiaiHtd Wi'Nlerii ftitiilli'
fcniiKylvnulaaml Wiatern fancy
llyo Hour
W 'iii:a r fcnmylvnula red, y Inn,. ,
. I' i.w
. s'11,0.0'1
nuuilllT.l -- ....
1'nliroiulii " lt .
ltvn I'ennsylvnnla rve. v law
L'OUN Vellow, "
White, ,
riluvift.OM, .Mods J-olK, V hid
.Mt-l-ll Ill't-I, "
llri-8i,ed Hokh, y D)
Smoked Ilaiiis "
' Shoulders lb
.. Sela'lo
- Il'to!7l
HKKPS ClO t-rfcl I'll -ri hus
1 Imothyseed Y lau
KluXM-i tl
CATTLK-llccf L'atlloVlli ,"
1'own. il head Hi ;
!IOI,Sll ilW PJH
STiriTI.KIt-MASON-riii Ihu SClll nit., nt tho
riBuiinieiijiiielirlde, liv the Ituv.J. f.Tuslln.
Mr. Kiiinui 1 sunk-no Mm, Nancy Mimuii.Uoth
of llloonniljuii;. 1
Iillllll.IJIinw-I.AWIO.N-At llio rcldenco ..f
the lirlile'i; l.lllii r, .Mr, riunkllli HrlMililes In
iliHH Waliil, Ijiui, i, linlhuriliruiwiHid,
W.).1ilv'l!,l,:l,MI ,'- lll'TI IH NHln Mlllllnvllh.
nil l ie Him nil, HI till- le'ldenciM.I Ihe lillil.l'H
Mother, Mi, Milnui I WiiikliviM-ruriUui-li Hi.
ven, to Ml lioiiim Illinium,, uf tl.eiouner
AI,lll.lirpN-IIAKi:il-AtToii lllll, on tho
'"'"., "y inouev. i:, wiuiswoilii, Mr, Ham.
uel M. A herwon, to Minn l.ljlu il.iker, holll of
lluiitluuton, '
I'lTZOKllAMl-lIAItlllSON-Onthoai !ntliy
the. nunc, Mr, l:llord f. I'ltum rald, of Hhleii-
Ion ' ii jiamftu.l Ol Jlliuuus-
tlielna lnH.,Lj le, 1'. Kyir, Mr, I'liarlm
Ilcndertliot.foruurlyof llIoouuLurii, to MLu
Mutlhau, nrj mir, ci Uuiclillincn, IK.
I nm nilahly In tho .il..r,
fiercely wielded liy the hravc,
lllorlous III the stalwart Rteamer,
Laughing nt the storm and wave.
Ucnlilcnu In tho palace pillars,
Havlna til the pointed ind,
As II brings tho deadly lightning
(plelled and lull inlets to llio Nod,
Hut there Is il glorious etonep(
Whero I take my kmiuIciI power,
tllMiut to llio uAc my surest,
sjweetest aid, III danger's hour.
Heel before mn fly discus's)
Hie tho darkest hydras Imwt
Hco tho roue of honlth and beauty
1 al.o Uio palest check and brow,
fly, dyspepsia I lly eonsumpllonl
Wi, all Ills are (-milled nt length,
for 1 ulc what human nation
only ever needed sriiENuru I
Khali 1 fell lu what iireat essence
I can thus our niilrlts cheer up 7
falllil, trembling, imtur-uflVicr,
' l'l tin, finned T rncviAN hvucp,"
Tlio fimfVIAN HVIttT Is ii protected until
tlon nf the fro'oxldeoi Iroti.u now discovery In
medicine that sfilkes nt tho loot ofdliiaiHe bv
supplMng the blon I with Us Mini tirln-jlpln or
lire elenieni, Iron.
'1 lie genuine ban "fnncvi IN SMlCt''' b'own 111
theglasi, famphletH tree.
J. 1'. liI.N-MIUli:, fniprlelor.
, No, 30 lley MNew Vnrlt,
Hold by nil IlrugglMx. Jaulo'fts.
cmioNic iiIhcahix, scnunr.7irm:iTr
It N Well Ifhnnn Hint II, n l...n,ll. .,..l..A.l r-
ilrlliklliu or IIiii I'ongre", HaraliiRil and other
eelebriitiil Kprluis Ii pilnclpully owing lo tho
Joillnc they contain.
eonlalns water lu the amo pure stale that II Is
found In theso spiing waters, but oer im tier
cent, more In iiiantlty, cniitaiiihig an it duesli
grains In t well fluid ounce, divnoHcd III pure wil
ier, wltho iiMilienl, ii dltcmciy long sought
fol. lu IhlH eouulrr nnd Kiinum .ml i8 ,).,.
remedy II; tho wor'ld for sclolula, Cancers, Halt
I tin lllll, Lie-em, nti'l all I'll run lc I .Nellie-,. C'lrcil-
,ii, nit, j. i-, im..iiiiUm rrniirielor,
. . , , , ,, , , l DeyMrreel, New York,
Soldbyll Druggist?. Juniu'm.
(Iiiich's rruu Mr. Jus,
Cutllu.of Ameiluiry. .Muss.
" I wns mulcted with a severe felon mi one nf
ii iiiik'-ii, nun mien iniiiv remeilles without
iillit. My rrlends Induced me to aiiplv jour
s-ahe.tli two days It extraclcsl the liill.iiiiinatlon
flom my linger so as to enable mo to lesuloo inv
Winn, I mn nlnio.l say thai the Hallo worki-h
like tiingle, lor Itelli-eted u i uro without leaving
ll scar, I unhesitatingly ploliolllice llraee's Hallo
an excellent li'ini dy ami do not doubt It will ho
iiipieei.iieu nil iillgllulll llio land.'
hi 1," w ri)VI,i: A son, lloston, Prnnrlelors,
. ..j "iini ,.,!,.--, miiu Kim-ein gi neraiiy.
TO WSHVMin'l'l-
llsuii Will M'M'I (flCf-nf i iiiirt'cInfitl wIuhIliiIi
II, tin- iH'srrli.tlt)ii wIlhtliiMiiit'clloiif rnrtnukinu
ami U"lnlh.i nhiiihi teim-ily l.y wliltli lie wan
i iim ii n ii imiyiiiiri iHMi iiimi IJIUI im'itili'U IHM'Utr
t'itivuintttlnn. UN iiiiU- filiict tn i.,.!!.. (it 1 1,.,
ulll Id fit, nnd hi Ihijich i'ory Mitlcur will tiy tliN
ir-filiitln, nt It will (nsi Hum nothing, utul
Illil J)1U l ll lil'rSSl, I'll KM' IIUlIrCSH
ItllV. i;ii AUI A. WILSON,
.No. Iiijhoutli Hct'OiHl HlHM't,
iny3rc7-ly, WUILimsburt;, Kins coM N, y.
iNI'OUMATln.S, tnfornmlloii Ktinninttnl to
TiMHiui-i'ii luxuriuni piuwui or luir upon u bum
inonini rimnicH, itlotclics, i:riitlon", rtc, on
my nikiii. ii-n inn llir WH1 hull , C It'll r, iml UCiUUI-
lul, cau I'L'tiUiiliictl w liliiiutrluirpf l inlihcKHln
Hl, 1 14.11 iH 111, i ut'iimi,
Ni'I13(7. h'j?l liiomtwuy, New ork.
Somo Folka Can't Sloop Nishta,
Vl-ltV lilflllt' kllfV.. fY.xi.i ,in. .1-1. It la.. i
fittin u'iikni'Ks m tlit htoniufli uiul In.iftfllty to
tuiii'M uifir iim hi; homo iiuo crct'iiiiifr AuiisutionH
ulmitt tho lierwHUitvK, or p.iln lti tho Imtk. wUh
iw iiniy unit rury iiironomi; oi ino linibs, J hoii
siihiNol hitllCH hiitl'T thnnmh lon jrurn from
itiiin iiK-iiiiiiii i i-.tiAi.i-i t.iisii'j..i.Ms, tnnsi'd uy
uii.-iii.iuiiuiiin iiiiiM-ui niui imuint'iu uiui ill'
It ml ilctlch iuy u( vltiiltom-. 'lhoiisiui.Ntjrims
uwtit men, otrworjipii ininimi uiul body, iimi un
tlio norvous tluld nml hcconio unlit lor uutv or
tho enjoi iiiciitH of life. Kxtcss Hi youth, nm'l tho
Ulliyiuviu-tlfiill IVWV UIUI Ulll lUVOlVC 811111
1 1' red ConstlllltlnnK ntul the ffitlnn. nf Hn
ruiii'tioiwof litMlth. Tubullvrem from nfi ihvsu
Doi'ur.s xnnviNi: and invigoiiatoh
odors tin Invnluubto boon n natural nml cflklcnt
uviM'iym Krttpowcis. .o ptrson, man nrwn
limn, MilIerliiKfioni nny cnuvf, rim uftord tri iwa.
luct tills reineilv. 'llic Xcrvinn u 111 .m fniimi i.
posi'SHun t iiuiiilzlnuuml nutrltlvopriuclidf. it
hits til Illllt V lor tllt Ncrnii. I'lhrosi nnil uiii.iilli.u
tht in lorthownstotlmtist'onKtiiutly tukliijipluft'.
Lluo wholcsonio food tuKon Into tho Ktonmch, It
uudort;iH's rupld iIIbcMIoii, Invlconitlm: lu h
I'lui i-m nit tugi'biivti orKHllH, umi plOlUH'lllfJH
iinknoun toimy other prrpiimtlou. UcontnliiH
noopluinnr hiiKhocsli, and so fur trom prmlut'lni:
t'ottUt'iuH It will bo tound nh ctllflfiit runt lor
rouMiuiptlon.nud hut obtained n whin icnowu
H'l I Mil -. 1U1.II 11 ,
"lipar Duel or Tim l.i-t. mo,! In! im nri.rll,A,l I...
you I obtalut'd.and will hay llodd'n Nt rMno
and Invluorator H all lLthilnii to be. I feel
lllkou iit'u man: I Mct-p well; haMiuoml annUllo:
Iindlltd StluIH-lT tb.UI I luiln fur hkiiu v..n rJ
piiHt." (t'ontrlbulrd by Hr. II. A, iucltcr, SA)
l 'I 111 trill til ltri..ilrliT. . ' '
"I havo usrd tho Nfrvlne.nudlliiilmvfclfrnucli
bi-firhUd hy It, pal llciilarly lu tho uiciciiku ol
Ktit'iiKth aiul ruioot Uiom) irtmbllu hfrulion,
.'i i DMMriii'hHiiiMiM'nii-iiuiie I'liuuiy cuuu,
'i'ho inrdlrliio you nrdercrl (UoikI'h Nervine)
. . im.. umui HIU" mil urn Ol. II 11 a KH'lll
thinx. My wife hus hhu had lather hiwo ono
oouiuoi ii inan mriy uoeiors, Hlio is rertalnly
belter. Lciicorrhaa rtirt-d Mon't. loll tl... iti,.r.
ItlU (town HO much ! bowt'ls inovo ensitcr. nnd hi
. tl. II. Martin, Cash lerU leu House. lAna Ilranch,
a. J.. uinu'Hibut nnni'M Viiriimi i.i...
of rllronio weaknrhH of tho tiiomai-b. iiizxitwK
and Hk-k htiulache, utitl sieatly hlriumlieuL'd his
Duvld HartbIinrn.:iDlKtntn.f.l.. Ttrnnklvn nr...!
111 IIIIIMUU llllirsuillfll IIIIU Ill'l VOllS (icouiiy.
John llarbut, Urooklyn, N. y, wijh: "To rrgu
nut ii i' now is w niiOiit nrm in- iiir ciiiiifirMd
.vm,.uh. un i.'ni". nun iuiii- ii. win rt, nit-ill,
hu iitvor used nny thtiiK that tiiu.illcl Dond'M
V. I. Drnnu. linn.. 1 iifclfnn . I'.mii i fv uir.i
hnsfciUUied lor M-M-utcen juus with ixtieuio
liervolin debility and luential pitstnitloii Mat
wiii Induced by a lileud to tiv lr. J. W. Dond'
.it int' unti imt'iiiicauu, nun ny uso is now
n rtoM'd to nt rit it hualth.''
lir.l'.C, oik. t'hurb'stown. Mutss .: "In msn
ul meat iu roiih dtbllity, not eoullurd by any
'"'"in i in- ii mint' in gii ii i sin ion nioj u con ii non
iiihwmk mill, t illiUiV I'lMiilnjIlllllH' 1111(1
JilKrutui with tho happlrsl t lb t U rxreeds
action upon Ihebowelslsall Unit run bo di sln d."
liofid'n Nwr ltllt Uiul 1 liwtiMirnfiir U i.iiiiil..v...l
111 IHI11L lnlSI'r 11 111 llllllu IIIIU 1 WIII1U'. VI II lit IIH
In tho MusnatliUhtttti Hospital lor llio Insulin at
roit l'lMLSONAL T 1 T I M I ) N I A LM
Tn ( lilnu at t liitwii.i 1 I1n)l,t.' I ,,,U,,.,. I t,.., t-l
Hess, kiilucrCoiiipluliit. Wlml folle.aml Ivinalo
fornplalnts In their own families, wn rrkr, with
permlhhen, lo tlio following KeulU-ineii lu tills
i;. w . nan, thfi,, ruth Avenue Hotel, ,. Y,
W. II. limine, Iimt House, N. Y.
.lohn WillliiniN. l'nlli i.iiMiti v
.1. V. ritlutt. ihfj,. t lliiion-ht., liiooklyn,
V. f it.. i, tiiin-u-M., iuuuiki ii,
.1. H. Wrlliht,tK).,.KiM City.
Hon. Warrru ( Iuim.5U Jlioudwnv. N. V.
1 or hale by all DiuiMh. rriio $i.w prr bnrtle,
i. i. rslUll l, ,u., l lUpnt'lOlh, iN, 1 ,
AUBiist Iv7.
f.1.1 of I.tllm III nialnlng In br I'o.l (lf-
. ..uiiiiuiii, uwiiiiuiy i, iboi.
ll.ilulcn, 'I'lioiiuw 1'.
lowiuan. i.cnige u. licnvlll, W. y,
lless, II, ll.
Illppenstlel, I'eter
1 1 i.w anl. II, 2
llockltur, James
John. W. J.
.louclicr, w.H, Owen
K'l nsle, It. II,
ICeelcr, James V.
Kllugamnii, i:, ,
I.ce, Mary A,
iiiuiii-Hirr, i;, u,
ltllllich, Jnhu
iieiini i, i iiarles
iiergeri.. lohn
lloone K, n.
llovliv. An nlo
llnkkiin Willi.,,.,
clurk, r,
rarnahati, Itebeccn
I'oolt, M. M.
Caslincr, ivter
I lodge, Alonzo ('.
DodKOU, Mary J.
ii w." "".y ,',. :;
I l-i". iiiuu. l . ll.
Moigiu John I;,
I'errln llebccca
, Price, Thomas
I ltouley, Hartleys
Itlckhart i lleasle.
ltantz. Jacob
Slungh, Kntto
Khali r, Jackson
Klmpnoii, i:. Ii,
Slioup, J, ll.
Tbacker, Jus.
Wallace, Win.
Whllenlghl, Mary
tinier, i.iic
tumour, namuei
Halve, John
lielerlck, John 11.
I'ln.ninn 1-111., II.
i. tins, ii.iurii-i
IMmiu, James V.,
liittllllllds J. M.
Kllbcr, (I.
Fly, ll.llilel
Try, Malllu
rry, .nary
i , i-imi, josipu r .
J Wagner, Josciili
I Williams, .IiimeM
' JVIUon, Mrs. William
Worth, II, M.
1 Young, Joscphlno,
joiin ii. l'lnisix, i. m,
nurdy, Muiy A.
flirloii, A. IS
(llrtou.ii, K'.
(ielsliiger, Dai M
1 lM f V'ltl'l'l. A 'rriiiiLi X.MI,,,S
, ........ ..i. . w i un a ,xui iiiiv,
J:X. f.statk i.p Aiintusii Ki.iNr, nrc-KAsrn.
"rl V,1." aoiiiiuisiriiiionon IhoestiitoofAbra.
Iiuiu Kline, lale of oiaiign township. Columbia
c ouiity.deccasisl, havo been granled hv llio Keg.
Isler ol Mild Coiiniy, to l'. iir lint, iiiliiilnl.irutor
r.imfnfiiirn(o iiiHjra,(fr bonlt won, Mhorenldes
In seott lowiishlp. All persons bin n claims or
llelllliuds I mil list I in knl.l M.ln.n.
present them fur settl lucnt ullhoul delay, nnd
,.w.v ,,, IMUKr JHIVIII, ,11,
i,.i,ia-a ' ", Auinininrainr
Jimiom. ,., ,., Oonlt noil,
1 IT
i-.iT., 1 1 V ,i I-"". no anu mr uio i oiimy oi
lai ,l,n nr.,.n.., I . . .
ii , .' '";, "inner oi inoesintu or William
,i '..Vi'i'"'.!'',0' ,""!"n '"W'lshlp, In tahl loiinly,
T,"1.1' V " "'"l'i signed niiillior, apiiolnli'l
by tho I ourt to mnko dl.ti llaitlon of the lialalico
i".,.'"i. " " lolmlnUtralor nf mldileee.
dent, Mill inlet the panics Intrresled, lor the
purpose of his aiipolnliuenl, at Ihu olllcii ol llob.
b irhK-. f'to, Wi !i:'':!"!.l.'tii:!!...1,i'r.J":.
; ' l",lr'!V" '"'erefcleilaio niiuiHled tonltendiiuii
. .V I Ih' lr claims on thai day, or bo foienr
- - . , , .1 , 1 ' Miiire oi said lilllil.
,,, , , "i-". -'i, i.. ii. rs, ,uil lor,
llliioinkburg, Januaiy, lo, lv,H. "'""'"
1 Illll.lMlvim ,.,-w, ii-.,,....
A 'A 'll , S. 1 1 . Vi r , ' 'O'.l l'.l., III'."'
fT,- ,,.' i, i,. wn niiiuii I. II l.."S-
Not ice islicnby glyinllml Hie follow lug pir.
, na i, ,i i 'i' i ii ii i ii oi i o un- riot noun ury
1 b, t,V!T''r' l"r.'l'cni, Iti-niauiHiit nnd
i, i'. i . ... ...ii v. . . ' "' Bnniiiii in ino com.
,"'"".". Wldliij er Jaeoby, I'Hnu
llerwlclr. y, liuril ll.,ri P " .liiiu
n. riviAi, v. ; ....'I . noiine
Urcenwood, John l.ltuolV,
I.. Htore,
fo", V :.T:u,;"uS',
I'rothonoUry'b Olilce. '
UlooiuKbai J, J. It'll,
r)I,UMIUA COUNTV, S.S!-i.s-Titr
J Orphnns' Courlof fnlutnbla I'oiinty, in n,n
tnalterot tho partition and valuation of Ihe V..
Into or I'eter llarlzel, Jr., late or Malnntownsbin
t'olumbla County, deieased. To the liclrs or si ,1
Peter llnrlrel, Jr., deceased! Tn I'eter Hurl?,'
Harah, lutermiiirli'il with John llcitulngcr. itnr
inerly Interiniirrled with John rinhcr.) jn,,i,
llntlrel, llenrv lUrlrel, r.llr.ibelh Inlerinnrri !
wltliMiunuel llanlrann, W'lllbimT. Ilailrei m,
Ksther, Intrrmnrrled with Isaac Nnycr wlin bi,
since died, leal IliR Issue, the nanien and pIr?.,
resldeneo or whom nro unknown j take nntli-i-that
an Impicst will Im held nt tho Into divilli,,,!
hoilsn of I'eter llarlrel, deceased, 111 Ihe ton u,, !i
of Maine, and County iiMresald, on natiinliiy. ,
Iirst day or l ebiiiary, a, 1.. istis, between n
hours of 10 o'clock n. m., nnd I o'clock p. n,.. ,,
siilddiiv, ror tlieiiurposoor making pnrlitUu
the estate of en I.I ileeenseil, to anil among In,
l llll. In ll and legal rcprcsclitatltcs, f ,(. "
can bo dune without prejudice to or snoilin, ,,r
the whole, otherwise to value and iiiiiuaino i
same according 1. law, at which tlmo an I nl,i
J oil mo rc'iuested lo attend If you think nrm, V
MOItlllll'AI Mll,I,Altl,Mli,.,Vir
llloomsliurg, ia., Junuary lo, ls(,s,
js tub 7)ITpiTan s rovhv op
JLtiii: county op culpmiiia, r
.biincs 1'. Ilotidmnn of Liberty lnm.lni. m
lour county deeeiiscd. The un lersigne X i.i
lor apifillileil bv the Orph ins' Colli! in i Ii i '
enmity tn reirtdlslrlbutlon or tin, babm, ,,
Ihe hmidsnl luvid liavls, i:xi'i-nlor ol Julius p
llolldmilli, dieeniKsl, will lueel the I aril,-, bin .
i-sted, for llio puniosn ol Ids npppiuir m i, ,
bis in lee, in llliionisburg. lu said eoiinn ,
Saturday, Hie 1st day or i-.bruarv, a. i...
ID o'clock A, M of that ilny. All llio imillt-s'l .
tcrested ule leqiicsled In intend on that dav r
be loreier deliaried trom niuilng lu f,u- , , '
shnronrsald mini. M. WIIIWluYIIlt, n.I iu
Ul.omsbuig, Jan lutT,
l-'Ilim- VATII1VAI. IIAVI.- fit.- in, ...'
llintil, Jiinnary nth lw,s. ' 'lv
mils Discounted
Current l:peliscs
Cash Items ,
Hue from Hunks ami Hankers ...
U.S. Ilonds ,
Notes of other National IJanks .
Legal Tenders ,
tlT',1-,3 II
, i il at
iVI, io
i.di'i i.i
lMij-j in
liW,9 ' W
S.1I.C0O m)
, Ifl.i.M oi
. llli.lljlM'l
I-,'") Ii
. -i.ii i n
, . I.tAlltt.lTir.S,
Capital Sim k
surplus I'uiid
line other ilnnks ,
Discount, Kxehmgo. end llltelest....
I'rolll and Loss
t l.'li'l '.J
The nbovo Is correct. J. p. '1 UsTI V
llloomshiirg, Jan, 10, 1'-CS-lt. l'abi( r.
i o iinibia County, ss: In the Orphans' Cmin
orsald County ; 111 the luntti-r of the exception,
tiitbeneiiiiintor llenrv D.-long. ndlillliKtii,ir
or 1 iter Deloug, di-ei-aM-d on Hint Ion ol Mr. I, It
lie. I, I. Iliockwav Is apiioluted auditor tu
make distribution on exceptions, lly tho luuri
Iroin tho ncorJ, Jaiiuitry I. imk
Jl-SSK Col.KMAN.Clcrk.
The llliilerslgncil lllll attend to the ,1 ii I i.i or
hl iipiiilntm,.iit at bis nllb-e lu lilnnmsburg, on
tho Istdnvfit rebriinrv, A. D. H'.s, at 2 ii'i link n
can attend,
in., ni which nine and plaeeu'l parties I, iitri-st(:,!
Jan. iii iis,
"IV" o t i c k.
JL s Tho biKiks of the late firm of i:elett Ai nse
havo been lell lu the I mi"
lilOriillgevllle, f.ircollecllon. AH persons ludel'l'.'
ed to tho mid Iimi, u i e hereby wariied, not t
in.iku pawnentsto the said Case, nndaroienuisl
ed toluake liulneillulo pay Incut to. I. II. Iliitiiu.i
l.Ml.,and Iheiiby savocostb, u. i:vi:itl IT
Jan. lO'OS-tf,
"vr o t ilTioT
Xs Wo caution nil persons ngalnst purch islng
ni-iiiiilii.ii , promissory nologlven by us tuT. it.
Miller and John llakcr, for &. paj able lu sixty
dilj s day h alter date, d.itud Nm i mber 1 lib, 117
... ,..,-,,u,t .miiu iiiiTcioro nun are
determined not to pay 11 unless cnntpcllist to do
1868. "Till; AUK." 1060.
juuun'ai. in rniLAnnnrniA.
The nt tent Ion or tho Hemocrallt and dunena.
tlo i-ltleiiHof thoeontitry N railed to thu Diily
and Weekly 1-st.m-sof thin widely elrculntedjour
unl. 'I)millK"i'mlimtlon of sound pollthul Joe
trim's Kliould rommiind tho farncsi ntlcntlim of
-eiy truo Iriend of the Union and the .'ontltu
tlon. The runts or tho pnt political year are
lull or slmillleaue-'. Tim uprising nf thu imi.iiJk
l'l opposition to the ilestriu-tlvo policy ol IUUI
ciIUiii, elenily hhown that thnniashcs aiodter
mlued t restoiea In to power the (,'rcat licin
ofiutic parly, etiy panti of wlamo hUtory li
tilled with thoglory and jirosperlty of our enin
nion eountrv, Sn nioro tltfcttml mettioil fur
pM'MMitluK ihi'Truthi-ii I m devlsttl, tlmn in ,-ir-rulatln
Ik'imMTailcJtuirnals. It iHthotntent uti
ortlui fioprli'tors ol 'Inn aik to maki n in
t'ery way, worthy of tliiMipHrt nmleoi'.il t. n.v
that havo hcii'loioro I'M-n i Mt ud( d to ii im
piovtmenlHaro eonlenipl.itt d In ttr il , in
mvut. and no pains or t'. use will bo 'f.i r. i to
ket'plt lu the irontiunlc oi American Join n .
The Daily AiiKiuntalimhi'liti-tiiHf t . i .
fiom all parlHot ihe woild, with arlli li s mi j
f rnuH-ul, politli'H, trade, tln.uuv, and all t.i ar
rfiit iUi'ht(otis of tho day; loal liilclH'iicc,
maikr-t repoits prices current, ntoi k tpuiatioiiM,
marlnu and coinuierctal lutelllgcnei', tepuitn oi
public irath.'ilnn, firlgn and domeMJe mrres
pomlence, hyal u-)or(N, book noili-ti, theatiluu
erltlelKiiiM, rcviewHut litetaturo, ait and music,
agricultural matters, and dlseuttslonsnr whatever
Mibjectsnre of general luteicst nnd lnipoiiance.
IteRldeH HpecLtl teleurnni' Iiusall thodlspattlifi
nt tho AMoelated 1'ii-sh trom eery pait of tho
united Mitten, and also thu Assoc In ted 1'iesKilU
patehfH reeeUed by ihe Atlantic Cable; and tho
ncKHirom ull, parti ofiUiropo broimht hv thw
bteninerH, is instantly tt leKraphed from whatcn
point tin HteamerN tlrst touch.
llio WI'kklv Ann will be a complete roinix n
dlum of the news nt tho week, ami Usldes t!a.
leading dltorlals Irom the luily, will entulti
larfje amount of InteieMliuj matter pieiiaieti i v
pressly for the wetkly Imw, Il will ho In all
lospeets a iliht-elass family Jnurual, paiticul.ul
lulapleil to tho politician, tho tanner, the mer
chant, tho niifhiwile, llio family elide, and (he
L'cueral leader, h.iiiu, In iact, etry vhuimbr
Ihtle ora lite newsjuipt r. At an early da will
be beyun an llileuhcl IlltercMinn MTlul, b one
of the most popular nnd l.tselnullnu autlmi au.l
it Is also the liiteiitluu lo puldlKli, Jioin wU i
wtk, in lliocourM' oi the itar, tUicn or ami
I hu hckt and lattst novels,
Tr.KMS Ol' TtlH llAll.Y, Olio limv, one out ni'iuths, ti.V); thieo monlla. j, rfi; -i
any lis peiiod, at the into ptr movitli
I'.ij metit rerpihed tiMirlably In advance, t'ost
ai;i on tho I)ally, Mill tv i-enls jier tpiartei . wi on
dollar and twenty i cuts per annum, ti uepii
paid at the ofllco of deli ry.
Ti.iims f 'tin; Wi i:ki,y. Ono copy, one icu
f J ; tUo copier,, nue ear, Ir'i , b n eopii t( oni m'
il7..V)j twenty eoplci', one, To lull
W he! u tlio papei'H aio (sent to one add less, the t"l
lo wini: i il net Ion w 111 be made : I'ive conies, oni
jear.SV); 'icn copies, one ycir. Slfl.MJ; 'Iweni?
copies, ntio tar. S-IO. A copy will he tUIUi'-L.iJ
Kialis for c ftch club of ten, or mote, to oia u 1
tin tor one tar, IM tnenl ii-iuiii d luv.u i.dil
in a(ianc(, t'oKiasto on inn 1 1 i;iy, ni e u
per quiii ter, or twenty cents ier nnnam, t L.
prtpuhl at tho oilkeof drlltry.
&) Tim abovn terms will U'rurfdly adln u d
lliaiitt on I'hllailt lohl.i. or PostoiltcoOnleiri. n iv
aiilo to the older ol tho I'ublMiirs, bdni: h.iar,
aio preiirnblu to atiy other mode of it iiiittanei'
All who wnd money bv Kxpn hs, must pnv l.x
plthscharKf". hpt tlmcn eoplenof the Dalit itti i
Weekly sent urails, on application at Mil' "At
iiiivt'i Ukfiui'iiiH iiihi.ui ii ai inoucraie uiu .
AUtiuM wi;i.hii a jtoiiit,
rU Oithtuut htnet, 1'hlladclpliM
company or ni:w Yomc.
, h. winhto.v nti:siDi:M .
Akiets orr S'iO.OOO.OOO.
i;.UIUHlVi;iiY CASH.
ANN IM L mvniKMH A V. 1 1.AI1I.K IMWUt.i
to inc ni:Asr. iiik iNsuiusrn euio i:i
nm; tiii: wif.mii'ji.
The Company Issued tlurins Ihe Mht 4
January 1st, 13C7i rollcles, injurlns SiI.amVU"
llio total lucomo of tho ear belns ffl.'-IV'"''
a-l'iill particulars as to tho working ni
Company will he cheerfully given hy app') '"
joun (I. rio:i:.i-.
Jiegiittr' ('
1UM8 7.J Uf.OOM.sllUKU.
iOMl'nilNO NKW
Tho nubile aro iloMli-d to take Dnrtlclllar ll"l '
that tho undersigns! haiejust n tinned I101111 '
K.istcrn cities, iillh tho
T II I It l I N H 'I' A I, I, M II N 'I' ,
for llio present fall and winter season, of
MIV liooiw,
ii.- me lareesl, and best, and (hcapist lis-
sortiiiciit of
ever brought Into tho reiilon i nnd Hint luii'lied
lip Willi un- iiiiv, ii.-,. -
most fashionable styles of
'llicrelSBlsocolllieclid Willi thu store
Hiu re may be found u Inrca and choice iissorl-
meiil ni .mii un ry ini'i inn. j ",' ,"" ,, ,
... i.;n...w..,.w iiw.wu ii-iiiiiiiiiik I'loiwrs. Hull-
IIuks, IliUlut", itibbolis.elc., and Is pri'iinliil to
cut, ill, and lc-liuike,all kinds nt Lndlis' nir.
Willi il l the lalest sl h ol I'liltJl lis etc.
l'.vrry Imdvcnn bo llllid nod tiiiin. i,nuii
nnd llenlhfci n, in and m i. riii n m "
chenpest lot olaisHls they eler lmd tin; ' plj"'
ill looklim ihroinih.nt HII.IUM.ii sMlin. ,
Nov ...iit-h. i
- - i
It. IIOIINK. W.H, Kl Nil, J. II. Sl.l HI III (j
HOltN-K, K1XCI & HllYlllIUT, I
u-il.vl I-.III I' IIIIV llfllllW. U
ll Illtll .-,.,,,-.', , - - If
No, .1.1 Market Ktrc't,
OrUcMlillcaiiromi lly at lowest innilict pri' '
Jnmiury 011-6