THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 2170 rroni Wclltljorn', by Pino Creclc, (l.ihteif, Plko Mill, Went I'lue, llmoUluiid. ulid Hvveden, to Cowileupurt, tyi mllci it ml IjmcU, twice it vierlt. . I.ouvo weijfcbuio' Monday nnd TliuiB.loy ul 2 1 nJ Arrlvo nt Cow dcx sport Thursday nnd Friday by pin; ' Iienvo Cowdcrsjiort vVcdtiend.iy and Fiuturduy ftl".1"' I , , itINIUiH iinnuuiM 1 lllll )U y mill .'IUIIUPJf IP ltl2 HI. ri77 1 mm vveii-noro , nv merry maim Acid, I i ml In mul hiu It, three lime u week, Ii4-uvi3 Wi Milium' Mond.iy, Wednesday t nnd Friday ntsuin: Arrlvo at Muinfleld hy 12 int I,onvo MuiWleld Monday, WeJnevliiy, nnd 1'rN duynt -J.:!') inn; Arrlv o nl WelWioro' hy 0.30 p in, SI7H From Tin-git, hy HulIey'H Creek, (n. n Itullnnd, and Ainl'nvhle. to Colunihln CrnM HoikIm, 111 mile1 ninl Imek, lliieo I line n work. !nciTloBaTiietdny),lliur'iiliiy,iiii l Huluiday ni iuii ni Arrlvo nt Columbia Orient Hnnd by 3 p in; l.fMivn Columbia Cross ltondi Tuoheliiv. 1 1 lhurs llllV, IllKl niiuiruiiy in i p m; ArrlTu it Tioga by 8 p in. ri) I mtn Ting i, by Mapb' Itldxo nnd Hum mond'N Creclt, luHu ly'B ueelt, IV i milt and U'.Uo'i'loitn Monday nil nm: Arrive at Heejy Creek h.vil p in; UuveH elv'a Creek Monday niitnmt Arrlvo nt'llotn hy IJ 111, 2.1) Prom F.Ik Uun to (Jruy'u Valley, 2 mile n,iiave' 'kill' Hu tEJW nnd Halurd.iy at PArrlvpftt(irv'Hynllrybyn.t,ipin; IuvoUrn'n Volley ruedit ami Halurd.iy at ' Ai'rl'vo at P.ll; Uun by U) p m "rll Cmm Tlniri.hv Fnrmlmitnii till) and Piirill hiKtoii Centre, uHie'eoln, li mllca and Mick, Un to tllllt'H a VM'CK, , I,wiVi''llti.iMtmdart Ldiim lny, nnd lilday ai i' mi in; t hlll'.l .1 1 I W..1 1 I..' .. til Leavo Oceolu Tuemtay, Tliurtidny, and Hnturdiy at 1 I h in; Arrive- nt Tinea by 2n m. V5K! From Mlddh'bury (.Vntrf, by Koenwllle, ChiUhtm Valley, l.llllo Marsh, und Itiwvv. H Aili teV, (ii. ii.,) to Vot'ltld, 17 inlltH and baik, Lea c Mtdiiicbnrj rvniro Tui"duyaid H.itur dav nt 7 a in; Iamvo Wllltdd 'liirday ""d (-ntunlay nt 2 ''Arrlvo at Mlddkbury Ontn by 7 p in, 'ni I'rnm Ki-envvllle. bv Trt'it'n (Aimer, fii ti.,) to Unnwlllp. II indt'H and lurk, (mco u wuek, Leavo Koem Hi" MifUMHiy ni n a in; Arrl"ent Kiinxvllleb II a in; Lenvo Kn-'tvllle -atunl iy nt I p mj Atilvent KcciiM!eby I p in. 2.WI Prmi I. iwri'iiivvlllp. by NeNon. i.lklun t r In U'tin.vlHi. mnl Ciiw-nm smihi nlbV.t Wi'Httlebl, iN1 lilbeHitlid baeU, t-lx linit'Hii week. I.pav Iiwicnci vlllu dally, e.ivpt un in; Arilvnnt Wi'Mfii'M t 1 11 111! I-no Wi Mllb ld dally, exeeiil Snndn.V.atOam; Ail I vent laut( me lie i.y I p in. 2-N'i Pnnn ( Mjirlitle!d and iernntiil.i to ('ai Ur I'ninn. 1H miles un I hat-k, twice a week, Leave (l.ih.en Tuendav nnd 1'i'ldny at 7 a m; Arrive nt ( 'nrliu Cithin bv i'2 tin i.eavai-ari r iamp jmwi.ij ima iitniy ul i p mi Ai rive at (lahus by (1 p m. 2NI Pnnn t'iiathnm Valle,bv iMrliH JS:es' and Un well Aililey'H, to Wenlleld, I.' miles hiid back, mice a whcI;. '1 hiH run to Is eoered by advertlscnient route 3W. ! Prom Kecnys lllo, ity Treat's Corners, (n. o.,) to Iviiitw ille. Covered by mlvcrtlseincnt roule SKI 2-M Prnin lllosvburn, by OadeiiHt'iirK, to Uoir ln Itraneb, 1- in lies nnd bat k. twit i n werU. Leavo lilossbnri4 Aimnlay and We im-wlny at 2,'U) p in; Arrle at Un.ii hi; lb nne1 bv (VII p m; Lpui Hnarlnu llrnncli Monday and Wediies dav at y.'l"n in; Arrle at Hhnsbur by 1.J10 p in. ! Proposals fur more freuuent sirvlee also In vited. 2.111 l-roni Tlna, bv PnrmlUHton Hill and PiirmlnKton Ceutie, toOeeola. YhU Is eoverwd by advert Nnneiil on loute 2.1-il. Prom II. Vei mllleverX ((I Une- ly Lmm Una and H.Uilie III", to HVsineld, II miles and ba.'lt, olieo a Week. Leno (lalnes U'ednevda at 7 am; An le at S ibiiisvllln bv I'l a in; Leave HabhihvUIe Wediiesdny at 2 pin; Arrive nt (taint by r p in. Hrp.irnte proposals inWUd for that part of the rou In rroni Ctalnes to Saidnsvllle. iSKH Prom UlyKvt'., by Turner Crtek, to nin,;. ham, i mlk's and lack, oneoa week. Leave Ulysses Tuesday at bin m; Arrleat ItltiRhnm by 12 in; Leae Itlmiham Tuesday at 1 p m; Arrlvo at PljhhPs by il p m. 2:1112 Prom llrnokland, by Plysses (Vntrn and Ptjsses, to (Ipihmi'0 Potks, li miles ami bat-k, tliree limes a week. Leave Urnc.klaiul Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat nrdav nt Hn m; Arrive nt (lenessee Porks by 2 in; Leave (leiiesst-e Porks Tuesday, 'I bursday, ami Haturdayat2pm; Airlvo at iiooklatid by fl p in. x IW.n Ull-n Mlllo )v Wiiti.lnfUli. Hid Mlr- towti,and hablu-svllleto Westtltdd, Is inlleaand hack, nnci a vvetn. Leavo Plko Mills S-iturd iy at On in; Arrive nt Wehllield by 12 in; I'avo West Held Satimlay al I p in; Airlveat Plko Mills hy 7 p in. 2X'H Prom Cow tit rspoit. by Itnulelte, llmtv Ille nnd Port Allenliany, to Hmet!ipoit,2S mllesnml h.iilc. tu len a a i'ik. Leavo Cowdersiort Monday and Pilday nt ti a in; Arrli'n nt Shicttitiort b fl li 111! Leavo Mntthpoit Tuesday and Satmday at tl h in; Arrlvo at Cowdersport by 3 p m. r. Prnni Pnwilf i nrnirt. ( 'oli-stiliri;. Pill' bum. (k'lievM'e l'otks, Hliono. ninl Mannaid's Comeis, to Wellsville, ; miles and Itaelt;, till Ltave CmCdersporl Tuthday, Tliui.dav, ami Saturday utMi in; Arrlvont Wt INvlllo by 0 p nr. i i.nv.1 u'oiuv nin Mi.ndav. U tilnoHbiv.nud l rl' day on arrival of New nik evpress mall -say at ID a m; Arrive at Cowdersport by S p in 2PK Piom CovvderKport.b.v Past Ifcbron. 0-.wa-co, and Plmwood, to Wrllsvllle, :i nitb-Kiuid baek.tbteellii.eHa vtk. Leavo CottdtrM-oit Monday, ediu-Mlay, and Pridav al s a in; Arilve ul WelNMUe by 0 p in Leave Wellsv ille ' ut sday, riiursdav, and sat unlay on aiilval of New oik e.pies. mall -!iy at Hi a in; Arrlvo at Cowdcisport by s p in. 2:11)7 Prom Cowileisport, bv Helu-on, Claia.Mlll port.Slinnni Celine, and Milnulo IIoum1, to L'e lr. t i.iIL.m mnl IiniI: luld'ii i rk. I.Vnve CovtUifport Wtdnesdaj and Satuiday ni 7 a in; , Arrive at Ceres bv .1 p in; Leave CeiesTmsday nnd Priday al 10 n in; Airlre at Cow tit rsport by (i p m. 2!9s Prom Cowtb i-poit. by's Hill, Homer. i...i ii..i.wr v.mii wiiMiittii. Wl -uion. and Phrt Pork, to sninaioidinnfim, .is nulet and ba. k, oneo 11 uerli. Leave Cowdeifcport Mmiday at am; Alllveal HiniieinalHMilm; by 7 p In; Leave Wnnainahonliiii 'luehtlay at 7 a in Anlvo at Cnv.doiM.on by 7 11 in. CfiPi), Prom olehlmiK to lla.v inond's.-'i mlleamid iiatK, tun n iimiK 11 mi'.-k. Liaie Colebbuiii MuiidJiT, Widneniny, ami Pilday at 11 a m, or on td mail Horn tuw del sport; , , A .-I. t IMtMnnn.l'M liv I ' ni Leave ItaymomU Monday, Wcdmsdny, and Priday at a m; Arrlvo nt Colehbun: by 0 a in 2100 Prom Covvderstiori, by Sweden Valley and Cutter Cauin, to Kettle Cieek, 2 nit 1pm ami imci; twin a week. ..... . Leavu Cowdeisport Tutwlay and 1 rluay nt Ltuvo Kettle Citek Wediu-Mlay nnd Saluiday at 7 a in; Arrlvo at Cowdersnoit liy I p m ..... 1 11.. in. U'llllulnii tmln Cretli.and (llenti, Ki Cues, 2S miles and back, uneouweeii. Uao llmtv Ille fntnrday at -'i a 111; Al live- at Ceres bv 12 in; I,i avc Cotes Katui'dav at 1 p m; Arrlvo at liuttvllle by h p m. k.i i'.-..n cnu-.lriiMi-i. I.v I'ulalle nmt tonvdlle, to I'mporlum, 2S miles and i-auk, -ix Leave Cowdersport dally, t mm 1 1 Sunday at 8 ftmi. .,, VJ nv Le.wo pni'poilum ilnllj, extipl a 111; Airlve at Cowderport bj i pin, 24W Prom nwin, by Haiinoii Vidley, tu West Held, II lull s and Intel , imee u wtiu. Leavo PIvKM-kSatuulav at I p m; Alllveal llairisoii Valb.v bv I pin; Leave Harrison Vnller Hilurday at 1pm; Separate pioposals invittd tor that pint of tlic routo Peivvetn 1 ij h-es ami iiiiitimih nw . ioi Prom Mutipv. by .Moielaml, Lairdsvllle, and Pnltyvlllo, to Polkv Ille, 21 mlbs and luuu IWU'O a ween, , , . LenveMuney Wednesday nnd bulurday at ft Arrlvo at Polkvllleby I p m: , J.eavo l'olkv lllo Tuesday nnd Priday at rt a m Ari-tvn nt MlllicV 1)V l IJ ill. L'iaiProm Watrivniol(inftiieyv211e(7mllcsnnd back, mice a ucek Leavo Watervllle Tburhday at Ha in; Aiilvent llrtneyvlllo by t p m; lenvo llaneyv UloTliuisiIny nl 8 a in; Arrive at vvaieivm ny ia m. 2100 Prnni .Trrsey Shoie, bv PlitlpH' Mllh, t Haneyvllle, lit milts nnd back, once a w it k, Leave Jcihpv Slmro Thui winy at 0 a m; Arilve al Haueyville by 12 m; Leave Haneyvllle Thurhdav al 1 P m; Arrlvo at Jeuey hmuu ny a p ni. 1 17 Prom Wllllnmi.poit, bv Wnrrrin-ville, 1 Lov nl Hot k, llnibour's M lis, I UI'b (imv e. I 01 l;s- life, ami Jlillvlow, to Hushou1, M mill and .baek,oiieoav.tek. . . . , , Li ave WlUlanisport Priday at ion in; Arilve "t Putduiio hat in day by U p in; J.tavo Uufhoio TliuiMlay nttlii 111; Airlveat Wllllninhpoil Pilttay b Uam. "Ids Prmn WlllIami(.ott to Mtmluitvllle, 3.-; nnllesaml baik, hit ilnusnweek. Leavo Wllllamsiort dally. except Sunday, nt 7 ''Au-lve nt Mr.nturesvllle by S p m; Leave MoiHuusvIUh d.ill , itept 3 'Arrive WllllnmBpoit by l p m, 2Hrf) Prom Conan Houm, tn While Pint1, Pi miles and but k, mite a vvetk, Lt ave Counn Station Sa'iuilay at 7 a m; Airlveat White Pino by 11 Hint JaavoWhlte Pino hnturdny at 12m; Arrive at CngnnHtnlltm by t p m. 2110 Piom Trout Ituu,b Mbt ily, tn lllchSUiitf, i'unlltsniid bncK, Ibiee tlinth a vwek. " ae Trout Uun 'iueula), 1 luirMla , and Hat urdav at Ha in; Arrive ni jnot-yitrK 1 1 I.i n vi' llliikl.uri! Moliclnv, v i iiiicniiiy, nnu m; 1 ,li,y 1.11 imlvnl i.l mimiom fi.rnlim-n.J- ul II. n nil Alltvw iu irouv inoi iv u r om !.!. turkii Khore. bv I nrrv fn i k, mi lvhburtf,aiid Wfille Tine, to HutilMi Ctnlie.'i. n;.nml batli, tvvlten uielt. n J'lveJ'iny Hhoro 'iueduy and 1 ildtiy at 0 H...11.1. !. P i,i l i Ltirlbsli t entio Tin s'dny und l'lldyy at 2 Pter' VMvrv Mm v. rvill .f) J ' ... .....1,1.,. I . ilnr Ifllll. SI'S ui"'f'U' 10 Wtl:aoru'' " ""u' f Jemey filiuro Monday and Thwraday at 6 Arrlveni We'lsborn' Tuedny and Krliar by JJm; liouvo ., eiisnot-n' mvaufl y nni 1 rmay ai2pm; ArrlV n at .Iirnf-f hhnrn Wuiltiiila nid Uulnr. tiny by 7 p utt 2111 Pmai Nlppenoso, by TUuch's Clap nnd Colloinsvllle, to llnMroR, 11 mlUi and back, t Ice a week, LeavoNlppeiiohoWetlncsdayand Maturdny at 7 am; Arrive nl JJnMroM bv lOnin; leavo llaslrobi Wet netdar and HaturdaT at 11 am; Arrive ai ipprnoe ny 2 p m. mi hn.iii (itnrv. iiv iiu..i.Bkni iiAt,ifA Hocks. Tlvoll, Muncy llo'ttom, nnd Snnestown, to Lnpirte, 2il u.lles and back, nix times a week, j.eavo .viuney tiauy, except Huiiday al7 p in; Arilvn nt, llnirhr4V 11 In liv S n tn 1 1 Leavu Httf;benv Ille dally, except Huiiday,at 7 a in; Arrive ni linportniiT 12 m; Leave Lnpmlu tlrtlly, except Sunday, al l.V) p m; Arrive at Muncy by 8 p in. lilt'i Prnlll Mllticv. lit- U' Hum nti.l If.ihlA.. vllle.ln IHU'm Drove, 'Jt inllen and back, once a Leave Munry Tuenlaynt 12m; Arrive at Hltl's (liovo bv 7 p in; lrnvu Hill's (Iriivti Wednesday ntfla m; Arilve alMuucy by Urn, Sll'l Prom PnullstiCi litre, by Texas and Nau voo,tt Ltheit v , 17 miles nnd btck, once a week, Ioiivo 1 aiallsii Centre Haturday nt 0 n ur, Arrive at Liberty by 11 a 111: Leave Liberty Siturdav at I p in; Airlvo at PiiKllsh Centre byOpm. 2117 I'rom Trout linn. bvItoso'sVnltev. Wants' Hun. nnd Kt llyburK,.lo Harbour's Mills, 21 inlhu Leave 'I rout ltlin 'luenday at fl ft in; Arrive nt Haibmir's Mills bv 2p m; Leavo II thour's Milts Monday at 10 a m; Airlveat 'J rout Uun by (ipm. 2IIH Prom Linden st!itl(ni,(n.o.,) to Linden, two inlleHHiitt lac -,hix tltnesn week, by a schedule 1 " li "oo uiioi on mo I'niiaucipnm nmi ........ .1.1 i in u wuiimi inry uj um J'cpun1 ny .t. Sll'l Prm Antes Port to Nlppenose, 2 mlle-s " ' " '' uiiM'-f 11 wi'en, Leave Mppenose 1 uesday, Thursday, and Hot nrd.iynt7a m; -ttiVe aL Antes Port by Hn m ; Lea e Antes 1 'ort 'I uesday, '1 bursday, nnd Sab 111 dav at sa m; Atrlvoat Nlpprnose by On in. 2!2 Prom Antes Port tn Jersey Hhore, 0 miles n m 1 kiii it, inrnr iiiih- it t'ris. Kdiedulo luaklimtloso eonncctloti with rail load tobeatrasned to thoi-atlsrat-tlon of the post, masters. 2t2l Prolll MftlllnrCMVlltn.livl.nvnl Hiwlr 1'nlf, Held Cent 1 e, m. o.Miml 'it Uun, to Muncy, 22 Li --v.- Mmiiiiii- sville Prldny ntfla m; Arrive ti Muncy by ;i p m; L -ive Miilu- S.itUl'dnV nt m; n h f nt Muntur. s ille by :i p m. lioposiis also Hit lied to end at Wolf ltan. 2I.J Prom Suar Valley to Carroll, 7 miles and 1 tacit, once a wee it, Li av v Kuuar Vniloy Saturday at 2 p m; Anive nt Cttrroll ly l p in; Leavu Carroll satunlas at 9 a in; Airlveat simui' Valley by 11 a in. 21JIP10111 Lock Haven, by Plemlnaton, Mill Hall. Salt mil. Cidor Snrlms. I'nrvlu. Latnnr. Nit tiun, llublersbiii',', and .I011, tf llellefonte. 27 11 mil inn 1 iiiuii.mi I llllt'H H l'l l. Leave Jocl; Haven tlally, except Sunday, at in; Atrlvent lli'llcfonte by 11.30 a m; Leavu litllcitmtu dally, except Sunday, at in; Airlveat Lock Haven by 10p m. 2121 Proiu Iick Itnicii lo Inland. 1 mltiK ninl i.euru i,ocji naveii.'sniuiuay ai lua m; Arrive at 1 viand by II a in; Leave Island Saturday at ll-TOn m; Airlvo i.t I a sk Havt 11 by l2.:tap in. 212-t 1'roiii WestnoiLbv Lchlv. llimimcriklf'v'M '01k. and Cruss link. to Ktllli l'ii-.k..Bi ml'lo. ion 1 i'im h, 1 wiee a vvt'tic Leave vvesiport luesiiay aim rriday at (i.' a 1 AnlVK nt Ke llo ( I'CelC OV Ii. "0 Ii 111! L'mvo Kettle Cieoi Wednesday and Saturday Atilve at Westpoit by 7 p m, 2I.N Pro in MePlliiiltnn liiflinllinin Itnn mttos uml ilnusa week. seuetuiie. lua cilia elosi connect on with tlio railioail.lo lie tirianued to Hit) Miltsractlon of til- o .1 iiiuter. 21.7 1 'it'in S.dotia to Kiinar Mills, fn. n l miles ami bin k, niunn vct I:. i-av e saiona satuiday at a p m; Arrive at lunar Mills y l! p in Leave L nnar Mills satuiday at 3 p in; Airlveatstdtiia I i p m. IHM t IM.1,T,,.,.,. ... 1. I.. ami Ty let's, to Pi unlit. Id, 27 miles and back, twice a wt 1 k. Leavo Kidseway Tuesday and Saturday at 0 Anive nt Pcnntield ovOpm; L-avo ivnuilchl Momlav nnd Priday ntOa m; Airlvo at llldijeway by A p m. 21.",) Piotll Wilcox, bv Hinltlmnrt."4 miles and hat k, tlueo times ti vsevk. LtllVo VV ctiX '1 liesil'iv. T hursi av. nnil Snttir. uav 111 11 a 10 Arrive at Sialthtiorl ir 4 u m: Leavo SinltlluoiL Moud.iv. Wednesday, un d Arrive at Wilcox oy l ii m. illi) Prom Witeo-C. bv Wllllnmsvllle and Her. gcnui. iu ciciiuuiuviiie, m iniics una ijuck, one l 'H't Ik. Leavo vv licit Saturday at 2 p m; nlve at C'iermoulville by 7 p m; Leave Cleimniit vllle Sauuday al ti a rn; Ait Ive at Wilcox by 1 p m. -I ;t Prom (ilcdniila.liv Itinc7i ltt ItftitV It ti ii ami unics mm, 10 Second Cork, 22 miles tun uac.t.,ont'p a wick. Leavo Caledonia 1 iluuy at 0 a m; A 1 rive nt Si cond Pork by I p in; Liavu Second Pork Saluula at y a r: Airlvo at Caledonia by 4 p m. 21 Prom Sim tlinort. bv Colcrove. tuNur'.rltdi 11 hides ami hack. I w It t a week. Leave siutllipoit Wtduesduy uml Saturday at aiiivo ai Aonvic i'V u 0 in: Lt tveXon; cli WediUhday nl Saturday ntfc ti 111; Arrive nt Snictlinort hv V2 m. L'lil Prnni sinillinort. bv Parmer's Vullev Saituell, Alet;lii ny Itidue,aad stalo I.tne.MllK, ii'oiivine, iiuicfc unit puck, inreo iiutek tele. Leave SiiHilinort M.nnd y. Wednesday, and r riu, iv 111 11 a iu; An li nt Piii l Ille A 11 in Leave Poitvllte 'I uesdav. '1 hursdnv. ami satur ti.iv ai ;i a hi; au iv o iti snieinpori uy i pm. '.'i:JI Piom Allou. bv La Puvette. to Pd n miles uml back, once a week. Leave Alhm 'i ucRday at u a in; Airlveat L'dm by lim; Leave Pden Tuesday ut I p no; An ive at Alton by 1pm. 2 Ma Prom Alton tiSnielhiort.Dmiksanduuck hi nines a ween. Leave A lion itauy, it p 111; Aulvo at Siiielhporl by U p m; Leavu 81111 thpnrt tlally, except Sunday, nt a m; .rriv o ai a 1 1011 ny s a in. JittPtoin Kii'-niii, b.v Kane and Newllit.lil.viid .vim iiaiv 1 ie, 1 1 mill", ami unci;, once a wot-K, L if Kiis on. Tut sdav at 7a in; tilveat Marlon vll o by s p in; Leu.e M.11 luitv illeThuisday at 7 a in; Airi Kiissmi by Hp m. 1 ,7 Piom I'unxatawiicv. bv Cituoe IM1I2 '. Jtor ioiii.iiiid C11 ai, 10 Chtbt, ITjj milts ami b.ici; ivviee a wet k. Leave J'unaiawiuy .iiommy ana inuayui 7 nm: l.i av e i he-1 Mnmhi und Friday at C a m; Airiveai i unuiuwie,v oy i.ui, '.'Its riom Ibynnldtvllle to ItocUdale MUU. s jnll-K uml bail;, once a wi ek. I.t a vi' Keynol'isviiio ntnruny ai l p m; Arilveui Ih'clulnlo M lis by aj p m; l.enve lb kdale MUN Sutuiday atti.Wa m; I Arrlvo at ltc noliUvllle by It a in, 'imi riom Pnuxatawnev. bv rro-dbnrif. Hnran Isle'a MllN, Win t hv Hie, and Tai Iter, to Hummer- vine, i- nines nm i im k. iwico a ci'u. i.i-ave I'LiiiMiUiwiicy NVednesd.iy und Saturday ,.t a a m; AniveatSimimi rsvlllebv 1 p m; heave, - uinmcrsv Ille Wednesday and Saturday at - p m; A 1 1 iv eat 1'un.vitawnei by 0 p m, ;'l:o 1'iom llrookvlllL', by S)t 1 and Clarir(:ton, lo Ma lonvllle, Lit mticn and back, once it ue-k, Leave llt'ooiivlllo '1 hiiiMiav at 7 a in; A nlve at .Marlon Ille bv .'i p m; l.t avo Muilotiv Ille I'tltiiiy at 7a ur, Aillvo t Iliotd.V Ille b .iplil, Jill 1'ioni Wi iilivillo to llin;tiold, Z)i oiIIcm und l)io k, oiiee .i vietd;. heave Wordiv die Maturdll.V lit 5 p m; Arrivent Uiii'.atdd by li p m; I.i ave l'dutv'ld Mat urday at 'J p m; Aiiiveai Woiibvlllebyy p m. 'iti.' 1'iom llrooUv ille, b sumnierwvllle, shan noiiiah', Kt i r'H More, New liolhlehcm, Oakland, and Ued liauU I'm n. tee, to Orisville, 31 mih ami bm k, h I lines u week. l.tave Hiui'kvillDilally, except Sunday, nt 4 a "'Arrivent drmvllle bv I p m; l.eavu Uiiavllio dally, except Sunday, nt 11a " Arrive nt llrookvlllo by 8 b m, iMi.1 litmi Itronkville, by Wniwivv, rtrockwny vllle, Ut tie Toby, uud Hellen, to Itldeeway, as ml lew nnd back, six tlmettn week. Arrlvo nt Ulli;evrny bv 0p m; Ueave HldsevMiy dayily, except ftundny, at 0 a "Arilvent llldcevvay by 0 p m: Iaiwu Hldevvaydall-, except Sunday, attf a "lArilvo at llrookvlllo by 0 p tn. iit i'rnm liinnk vllle. bv lllchardsv Ille.rchair- m r foriiersand Ariojislo Itlduway, :il mile lave IU twkv lite '1 hurtday nt 7 ft ni: Aiilvoat Hidifewav by & p m; Leave UltlKeitav Wetlnetday at 7 a m; Airlvo at Ilronkvlllo by 6 p m, '21 ,ri l-'inm .Marlniivllle. by Noith rine Oiove, to Tv leubtirn, 11 iiiIIch and bnik.oneo n wick. Leave .Marlouv Ille Haiinday at 1 p m; Airlve at T.v h-rhlair by 5 p mi liciivoT.vh rhimru Saturday at da mj Airlve al Marloiivlllo by 1-' m. vil ) 1'ioni I' Mlllstoiieand Hnuhtii Mllln, lo Ano.vo, is miles and back.onca a vvn k, l.t nv e i laritmtoii Saturday at 7 ft m; Arrlvo at Anovo by IJ in; Leave AimvnKilurdny at I p ni; Aiilvoati laiiUKton by Op m, 2117 1'iom K1I17UH, by Corj don , OnovlUe. and Ti lends IVny, loMiamhurKily'jmlleii and back, thico tlmeHMt vw ek, . , , , Leave 'luiday, IhurKday, and Bitlur day at Oam; Arrive ntHteainbnrft by 12 m: I .eav e hleambuia 1 ut .day, '1 bursday, and Sat in dny at I P m; Arrlv e at by 7 p m, SI ! 1'iom Wnrren, by Ijinder, to llustl. (N,V.() IS intlcM and hack, t wlc a week, I.mvo Wiiricil Wednesday awd Saturdny at lp "Airlve at Ihistl by 7 p in; Uno Huhtl Wednenday and hftturday at 0 a m; An Ive at A rren by 12 m, IHh) I'loni VouiitrHvllle, by Chandler'! Vnller, Suai (Jiove.and liuMI,lN.Y.,Uo Jaunidovv n,ls uilh m mnl imck, hix nines a wti u, Leave Yoiuitf.v lllo elully, except Sunday, ntT Aril. nl lAinnlnwn bv 11m' I.i hv e Jnuutovt n dally, except Hunduy, ut I p Xrrlve at Vouiukv lllo by fi p m, "i'n iVtiin Plllhfleld. hv I-'i et hold uml jittb- vUI.,iolliokinhliaw, lil)J mill' and back, nix 11,... j 11 11 1 I., nv.- V it-.deld dally, except Sunday, at 0 ft ' ' , . nt I'i-. ,1r.n Utriiw hv I tl 111! u o llrokt u Straw itauy, eicepi ouuuu, ui I '' Aitivo m ruunoia by g P Ul'd Prom Hnrlnu Wwt Hnrlnn VtcUc. to KukIw, 12 mile and liaU , once a week JjWito npruiK vrccn naiuruay hi 1 p m; Arrive at ImirIo by 6 p m; lieavfl Initio Saturday at fi am; ArrlTo at Spring Creek, by li 1. 2tVi Protil Ctermnnr tn Wrrm. (1 ml Ira tnul baok, onco a week. ieao ucrniniiy nsiurasr bibb m; Arrlvo at Wurreii by Ii in; Leave Wnrren aturdn ul Ip in; Arrlvo at Germany by 4 p in. 2tVl Prom Rhcmrld ttnxt to fthcfflrld. 2 m Urn and back, six times n wu k. iicave snemeiu uany, except Mundny- at apm; Arrlvo nt Shfillcld Iiepol by .1 p m; lavo Shcdlcld l)iimt diillt- rtrf nl. ftiindnv. At 4 J. Arrive nmucinciu oyopm. 'iL'iirrnmMiitrnrnmvnlfiU'uttn'flliBHr.ri fUVtl.' Plaits post ot1Ue,)7 mites nnd bat k, once a week, U'ave smear (trove Saturday at u am; Arrive at WnlttT Plaits hy 8 a tn; Leave Watts Platts Snturdny nt I p in, Arrive at Suffer drove by 0 p m. Prooosals luvltoil for thrcfltlinM-nwttik nor. ticp. I'rnm 1'rliln(' 1itrnnf. liv t.lnivlltn nnd Prybur,toT)lersburit, 17 tiillen nnd back. Iwlcu a uctk, Irf-nvo l-iesldeiit's Purnaco Wednesday and mil 111 r j lib 1 i 111, urunni 1 viprnnuru nv n m Leave Is letkOitrir Lslncsmiv nnd Sntiirdnv nt Arrive nt Preldcnl'n Purnaceby Mm, 2 Pit Prom Acnew's Mllln.hv Tjimni-thm sou I urnnce, and Knox, to shlppcnsv Ille, H Mavo AKiiew s .Mills vveiineHdu' at Oam; Arrive at Shlppensvlllo by 12 in; LeaVnSIilppensvllle Weduesitiv at 1 p m; Arrlvo at Akucw'h Mills by 7 p in, U'J I'lnlil 1'i..1a..I,... 1,,. t'lt .,t. t ., ...... ...... b lire, ulld Miller's lldv.'tn Itrudv-'HlUnd tSinlti u and Isick, threo times n week. Iavo l.mlcntou Monday, Wedueday, nnd Arrive ni itrnuy s uenn ny ap m; Leavo Itrndv's I lend 'lnesdnv. 1 hurnditv. nin Saturday at (I a in; Arrive ni j.mieiiion uy 12 m, 21V Crnni l'rrttilrllii Lv l'jllr. tnnlo flrnvn Henderson, Perrlne. uiid sntteilleld, to Mercer, in hit uii' i ii ten, 1111 ei iiiih's iv wens, Leavo Prankllu Tuehday,Thursdu,nndSivtur' lay at 7 a 111; Arrive nt .Mercer nv 12 m: lieave McreerTucHdnv. lhursds'.undSatnrdav ai i p 111; 1 ri e ni r rniiKiiii uy v p in, 21V) Prom Tifiiictta. hv Stewart's Uun and liiiiuh's, to Perry, lo milcsandbnt.k,tiireethnes icaveTlonetaTuesdav. ThurKdav. nnd Sat urnay ai vz in; Arrive at IVrrv hv .1 n m: lavo Perrv 'liiekdnv. 'I nnd Sato r Miiv m 1 1 1 in; A r iv o iu 1 lonesia ny 7 p m. 2lil Piom Preiich Cretlt. XeW-Lebn- mill. New Vernon, shcaklev v Ille. nnd Salem, to dret nv Ille, 23 miles and bntk, tluce tlim-i n w ei-'t. i'avn 1 lira rutsday. J linrsdity. nmi hnturilny tu n a 111; Anlvo at drecnvitie iv.(. iin m: Leavo Orcein Ille Momlav. tdneslnv. nnd 1 1 IMJIV 111 n 11 in; Arrive al i;thu ny 3.7) p m. ttll from Seiirca liv Ten Mile Itoltnm. o 1' lltt's, 10 injlesaiid back, once a week. Leave hi neca Wedmsday al I) n m; Arrive at rerun nv 12 in; Ltave Pertlir's Wetln.'sd iy at 1 p m; Arrive at Seneca by I p m. 2112 Prom Ijiv Ion In. bv Scnccn. Cinnhcrrv. K'ltklnnd, Plttsvllle, Pmteitleld, ami A view's .viiiis. in i.uiicntou. miles una unci;, nine nines a wet it, Leave LnyionlaTucs lay, Thursday, and Snt urdny utuii tn; .rrivo ai i.micmnn nv in in: Leave Ptnicntnii Tuesd.nv. Thuisday. and fat uroay at . p in; Arilve at Laytnnla hy 0 p in, I'Urt Prom Canat. Conlit rstow n. Sun. vllle, and Wall iccv Ille, to Plum, 2i miles nnd haeh, six times a week o Cooperslown, ami incu iwh o a viet'K ine lesiouc, Leavo Ptit a dailv except Sunday, at Ipm; Arr e nt I'lKMiei stow n hv 7 ii to: IiCiiVu Cuopvistovvu tlally, e.e ptSutidny, at 12 u; Ai rl n nt . Ilea hv .1 n ni; Leavo Cooneistown Tuesdnv and Saturday at in in; Arrive ni num ny y n m; Leavo Plum 1 ut silay and Saturday at 9 ft m; Arrive al Coopcrtdown by 12 m, 2101 Prom Prnukllii to Dcnmsev tovvti. 0 miles and back, twice a week. Leavo minium Tuesday ana snturuay ai i p m; Arrivoai irejiipsu) m n, nv ipm: lAiavo Denimeylowh Tucsduy andHaturd.iy at o a iu; Arrive ai iranunu uy n in 2CI3 Prom Tlonestu, b Newtown Mills, (n. o) toPoAljurn, (n, o.,) miles und back, once u v t fit. Leave TioneMi Wedne day nt 7 ft m; Arrive at Pn.buriby j pin; Leave Poxlmr Hiuisda at 7 am; A r rl vii nt 'I limes! n iv !"ni tn. l'roposalstor oxtendlut; route to ShefMeld, hi' creasing utsiance six mites, luviien 2(11 Prom Petroleum Centre tn Cherry Tree,2J nines ami nacii, six tun s a weeu, lit-ave Pet rob u in Ceiitretlally, except Sunday ai i in; ifrlin nl riif-rrv Tri-c in-1 li ni; Uav e Cherry Ireu dally, except Huuday, at 10,. av a in; Arilinnl 1.M n ileum Prnt r. hv lt.TO ft in. 2lj7 Pnnn West Hlckory.ttiPtust HUkory3 miles and back.three timt'-i n. week. Leavu Went Hhkory Tuesday, Thursday, and sniurn.iy ai i..t p in: .Hw.i.l I'ua Illi L-niv tv J rill n m Leavo Hus lllckrjry 1'uesday, Thursday, and sai until' ai i p in; Arrive at West Hickory by 2 p l 2Hs 1- rom IV ti oleum Cent ro to ami tini'lr . slv tliiioM it ueelc. iplumer, 3 miles Leave Petroleum Ctutro dally, except Wunday, ai i p in; A '.!( nt l.lnlilni. liv I. tilt 1.1'llVU 'Iuiiht uauy, t'Mvni nuiuuii, iu iv.i Airlvo at IVlroIeum Centre by lldiam. 21'it) I'roui leredltli, by Cliampion, to I'itholo City, OiniltK and back, tdx times a vveelt, l.ive Meredith daily, ev.tTit Sunday, at 12 Arrlvn nt IMIlK.le Cilv hV' n Ul! Leave i'itholo City tUlly. except Sunday, at 0 u ni; Anlvo at Meredith by 11 am. l! 170 li om Vut t er.oifs Terry, by LawMonham, llimeil)UiK, Curllsvllle.und iield-.burn.iu leiar- Inn m mill si mnl I in fir klv I ltnrH u week. l.euvo Watterhon'sl Viry dally, except Sunday, at j-in; A rrivn at OlArlno hv o m Leave Clai Ion dally, except Sunday, at 6 a in; A 1 live ai vv auerson s i crry oy ii a in. rj 171 I-'rom Clarion, by Limestone, lo Klnsivllle, lumiiiHami nativ, twitu a vmik. Leavu Clarion 'lucstlay and Salurdny at 8 a m; A rrlvi nt I.'Iikni I ll.i he 1 J no kmc KIiiksv lllo Tuesday nnd Haturdny at 12.ZQ P m; Ai rlvo at Clai Ion by 4.oi) i m. I7 I'tnin I'tnrion. lv i.uelnd.i I-'tirnnce. Tv lerhliiiri;, and Ncliraska. to Tionesta, W miles and luck, three times a week. Leavo Chulou Monday, Wednesday, and I rl- tutv ai 4 a m; l-rll-i. .it 'l'(tiri.t In- .p li tn- eTluueHii'l uesil.iy, Thui.d.iy, and Satui- tiny ai i ti ui; All Ive at Clarion by Ti p iu. SITU I'l mil Clailon, by NlilppensV'llle, Koshuth. 111,111111 e ianiicriy, in iianiiiin, .j iuiu'diuhi Illicit. klX tlllH' 11 VVt'ck. Leavo Clarion dally, exivpt S .uday, at tl a in Arrivent rranklln by ;tp m: Leavo l-'rnukliu on unival of mail from Mead- v lllo hay at 1 p in; .rrivu ai e;iarioii in- iv ii iu. 'JI71 1'rom Clarion, by Helen rurnace, to Scntth Hill, li miles ami Imt k, twit on wei-K. Leave Clarion Tuesday and Saturday at I p m; Arrtoi nt Set itch Hill hvriilii! Leav'uScotch Hill 'liu-day and Saturday at S a m; Arnvoat Clarion hy 1J m. 2(7. rroiiiSlratumvllle, bv rMierand KahloV, lo i lariuutoii, pi nines aim naeK.oueu a vu'ck Ltavo st i at ton v lllo Monday al 7 a ui; Arrive at Clariuiiton b.v IJ in; Leave Clai Inutoii Monday nl 1 p m; Al rive at SlialtouvUlo by ti p In. 2171 Kroni CalleuslMim, by Stant'H Store, to Klincuhurit, 7 miles and hack, tlneo tune Leave CallcnsburK Monday, Wednesday, and i no. iv ui u a iu; Art 1 i tit I ! iiiii t-kl.nri bv f I n tor Leavo KiinerKbuiti Monday, Wednesday, and 1'ridaval 10 am; Arrive at C.ilUnduirK by 1 p m. 2177 1'ioni Callen-bum. bv Alum Hoek ami Saint Petersburg, to Lmlcutou, II miles and hack, tmco ii vt ei k. Leave I'alleuslairK .Monday at 1 p m; Airlveat Hiuleutou by ."ipm: Ltavo Lmientown Mond.tyat8 am; An hunt Cailciuburu by 1.' tu, 217J 1'iom New Ilethlehein, by Leathers, lti Inkerton. nnd NevvSnilmillelil. to CuiIIntHIc, rS milt ami back, lvlcea veek. lavoXew Ucthleheni 'luu.daynnd Hat ui day ai i p iu; A rrlvti nt CurlUvllIn liv Iniii! Leave CurlNvillo Tuchdny and Saturday at a in; Arrive nt New P.clhlhem bv 11 ft in. J17U I'lum Callenshur. by JctlerMm l-'umnco aim -icKievutc, mra, n luuesnuu oacs uun tll.iru n ii..lf i.eavu Calleii'.tiuitj M mliiy, Weduebday, and I'llduy at & a in; Arriv o at CaH by 10 a m; Leave Cas Mmiday , Wt dnenday, ami Friday nt .ip ui; An (rent CaltenfcburR by 10 p m. 2Im1 I'mm Mercer, by IMrllicniir.H fnkleyville, nnd CUHtnid's, lo Meadvllle, JluiulUi uud back, line u nines a vieeic, Ltave Mercer Monday, Weduebday, and I rl day at 2 p in: Arrlv. nit Meadvlltn he 10 n in: Leave Meadvllle Tuesday, 'Ihiirbdny, and Hut- , it nut y ai - p ui; Airlve at Meiccr ny io p m, 211 lVom Menvr. bv N'orth'H Mills. Stllieboi o '. Sitndv Lake, New Lebanon, and MltledKev ille, to cociiutninm muci ana uucu, imeo nine wtek. Leave Mercer Monday, Wednesday, nnd Frt- iiav ai ? ft m: Ai rlv u at t'och ran ton bv 3 n m: Leav eCoihiantou 'I ut-itdav. Ihurfcdoy. uud Hat- lirUHJ HI t M Illi Arrive aviercer oy a p ui. 9KJ I'mm Mercer, hv Indian Itun New Wlb mliiL'tou, and NeshanuooK I'alls.toNew Ctoitle, IV mi leu aim naca, inuet n min, Leavu .Mercer u my, exct pi numiay, ni iv ui; A rrli i tit S'i'W t'iKille hv 'A 11 III! l.eno Ne'w CtiHtlo ihtllv. exeent Sunday. atlOft m.orou arrival m rais wnu man; Airivoai fiercer uy a p m. 2K1 Prom Mercer, by Delannio drove und New Hamhuru, to iJncuvllte, JUjj miles and ruiCK, inreo iiincH a eeii, Ltiive .vierier iUt'Miny, iiuusuny, nnu niuur- ilnv at 0 a in; Mr ViiUI 1 1 feel I V 1 1 In liv III R 111! Leave llreenv lllo 'luebday('lhuudy, and Sut uiuuj ai it m; Anliii nt Mern-r bv 8 Ul ii ill. 1 'report I luvltiHl forbervlte blx time u vvcs.k. 21U From Men er, by Hill and Itermltimo, tt Sliartu, 14 uillcb and luicL, tliree limes a wetK, Leavo Meicir Tuewlay, Thurday und Hut ur nay ai a a iu; Leave Sliarou luidny, lliuriday, and Butur uay ai p in: , K Arrive ut Mercer by 6 pm. 2Ki From Jdeteer, by Wolf Cusjk, HarrlsMll. ii.uuiil.. I'uii I'liilrtv and Mniihi Put liucu. I ijiwiciK'ebun.'. ilTnuHciiund back, once uwtek, Leave aieu t r iiitboay in uu iu; Airlveat Ijiwienctbuitf by 4 n in; Leavo Uiwn mtbur cdneday at fl tt m; Arrivo at Mercer ' vtii in Sit FroiuMrre y WtiUi, to Wwt Mlddlv- ser, 12 tnilfi nnd back, three tlmt-s a week. lieavo Mrcr Monday, Wedmduy, and Priday I at Hi in; virnuni ii-i Kiei'iK'nu vy ii in; Lpkta Went lllddltscx Ktoudav. WednMaar. and Priday at 2 pm. Arrivo ai sicreer uy o p m, Proposal for moro frequent fctrvlce Invited, ill 1 mm lliii.-i, HJ iiiinninii, vt'Jiu i-iun Klluore, Wesley;i;ilntmllle,arid III! i.mieiiun,ii4 uuien aiio niicH, uuce h wvcn, leave Mercer rriday ai n a m; Arrlvo nt Pmlenton by ftp in; I,envo Pmlcnion Saturday at 0 a m; Arrlvo at Mercer by 5 p m. I null iiUTiirim-. i'j nnniiiir, j nmi Kalem, 7 miles nnd hack, twit o a week, Lciiv. ureenvinu luesuaynimmiuruay ni p rrlve nt Went Sslem by 0 p m; Leavo WcfttSalim Tuesday nnd Saturday at 2 l,!nJ i Aimrin uiiTiii iiiu uj- in. K!1 IVmn TitiKitltn. nv Holithttfst. V entnnK- Vllle, Herry.nml Sleam Mills, to 'lldtouso, 22 IllllCS ntio iHlca, ni a tones ii Merit., Leavo lltusviiintiaiiy, except sumiay, at ism; Arrlvn nt Tldlnilln hv H li tiv laave 1 Idlnuto dally, except Sunday, ut 12 m; Airlvo at Tllusvllu by U p m. 2PM Prom Mcndvlllr. bv Harninnsburic and Dlcksoifburir. to CouiirnutvlUi'. 13 milts and back, Hire times n week, t l,eav o .Menu vine Alumni)-, it ruin-n- ij, .iiii I-'rldav nt 2 p m; Arrive at ( 'ouneautvinn nv 7 pm; t-ravc Conneauivllle Monday. Wwdnesdny. and I'rlday, at7nm. Am u ai .M( nue iiiu i it ii, iu, 2191 Pi mil Mcndvi Ie. Iiu Hftrrield. Potter's Corners, and Kuiidcll's to CcTeftutvlUe,22 miles ami men, inren nines a wir. LeavOieadvllloTuiwUrHursday, nnd Hal urday at I p m; Leave Connenutvlllt '1 utility, Tlmrsday, and Mniiiniay,ai an m; All iv t ai .Mcao nm ur w in, 2112 Prom Meadvllle. bv Meld Corners. Ouy's Mills, nudTownv Ille, to Htcubeu, 21 miles nnd l ni Mr. t lireit llmim n week. ijeaj o .ieno'i ine i ueMiiiy(iui toumiuhj in, t ni; Art ive nl stenuen Jtontiay, vveunesuay, nnu I rainy ai i ft m; Arrive at aicudviuo ny p in, 2191 Prnm Meadvllle. by Iiloomlna Valley, Hn ilnlt.h. I.1nnllnlli)v. New Itlclimond. Little Cix- loy.Tavlor'BSbind, Uleevllle. Liucoliivllle. nnd liiotimiieni, to uinou 4Miun,.ii;j lilies nun nuuv, inreo tunes a ween. Leave Meadvllle Tuesday, Thursday ana Sat' urday at a a tu; a rrivn ni. i mnn .mo s nv n in! Leavo Union Mills Monday, Wednesday, and rlday nt ta in; Arrive in .Mca'ivuiR ny.i pm. I'll Prom Pvniivliiim. bvTniuarac. to LlnevlIIo Station, s mlle mid bm k, twice a wtrK. Leavo Kvaiisbur Wednesdiy and Saturday n't n a m: . . . . Arrivent Lineviiieinimn ny im; la-nve Llnevllle Statlt u Wt dnesday and Satur day at 2 p m; Arrive at ivanuut-s oy i p in. iTi rrnm Hartsto'v u. bv Marshau s Corners. toTurnersvlJli', mites and hnt It, twice n wtek. litave iinrisiow'ii iiivuay ami naiunmy ui u p m; r ,, i - a rrivt' at i ui lie i m 1 1 in i. i i' in, LcaveTurnersvllle luisda.v nnd Siturdayat2 P m; a i ri s e at i in 1 1 i ii l,j i ' in, itoa l'l-iiMi rinv'M MIlU.livSiiL'nr Lake. Wnvnn Centre, ami Wilson's MilK tti Coopcrj-towii, 13 miles ami bat k, oms a vut k. Leavetiui s MUH .vinimay ni sn m; Arrivent Cooperlovvii bv 12 in; Iave Coopers tov n Monday ai 1 pm; A 1 rive III till .Mills ny .i i ill. :ri7 Prom Siie-;erstnwn. iv Mnsiicitnwn and Crosslimvllle, to Lundv s ltne, 17 mites and btuk, dure times a Wei It, Leave sacjrertow n Tups lay, Thursday, and Saiurday at I p m; Arilve al.LUiniy s Lane ny n p in; Leavo Lundv 's Lane Tuesd iy. Tliurhday, and Saturday at 7 a in; Arrive at saetiersinwn nv u in. 2 I'M Prom Pit Howie Id.h.v Ad Harts- tow n,3 miles and Im'-U. six times a wet k. i.eav e i auow..c tu uauy, e,eepi fMiuuiiy, ui p in; A l rive nt uun iou nv n in; Leave Jiadstown uany, e.api sunany, ai v a m; Allive ni i niiowut hi oy ii n in. 21'iD Prom Miller's station, by Chanlnvllle. to Liucoliivllle, in miles nnd bat It, mice a week. Leave Miner sstutinn i ut suay ni am; Arrive ni lancoinv iuo ny iu a iu; Leave LItieilnville Tuesday at 2 pm; Arrivent Miller's Station by fl p m. STiiirt Prom snrliu Stntlon tn. o.) tn licavcr Cen- lm I Hilled ninl Inn I:, t w lea a w it k. Leav e spring station Tuet-dayand HatunUy at u.iopm; Leave Denver Cintro Tuesday and Saturday nt iu.i'111 m; Arrive at spring mauon ny h.imi m. 23(11 PromStonv Point loPvansburit.EV miles ami hack, hlx times a weik. schedules minting cinsotonnccuon wnu rail road, tn hu ariancd to the satisfaction of the postmasters. 2-iOJ Prom 1 snvvll e tti r.nrlh Slienanco. 2'5 miles nnd hat 1c, three times a wcclc. Schedules making close count ct Ions with rall rnnd, to be nrrnnyul to the hatlslactlon of the postmasters. 23U1 Pi om Coiin.w utvllle, hy Steninlmrg, to Pen n Line, K miles ami hack, onco a week. Leave Comment vine hntuuiny at p m; Arrivent I Vim Line by fl.:m pin; Leave I'enn Line Saturday atl) a m; Arrive at Conneauivllle hy 12 iu. 2.V)i Prom Vennnuo to WuodctKk. 2l miles nnd bntk, six tlmtN a wet k. Lenu 4.niiuuodativ,extepi hunuay, nt - p in; Anlvo nt Woodcock by il p in; Leave Wondcaclc dally, exctpt Sunday, nt 9 a I m Arrlve at Venango by 10 a lit, I'rom Corrv lo Carter Hilt. Hi miles aud back, once a week. Leave torrv Sntuntavat :imo p in; Arrive at ( nrter Hill hy "i p ni; LeaviM'nrterlllllSatutday ut J..W pm; Arrive at Corry by p m, SVK1 Trom (al: drove, bv LdenvlUe. to Clianln vllle1, hYt miles nnd back, twice n week, Leavo Oak ('rove Weduesday and Saturday at a.,vi p in; Arrlv o at Chaplnvllle by 5.10 p m; Leave una n nviiie vv ecu ni'Mlay and Saturday nt I Jin: Arrlv eat Oak Grovoby2p m. 2.1 '7 I'rom I'.rle, by McICeau. McLane, I'dlnbor- rouuh. and Drake s MI1I, to Kntkilnle, ii miles and back, six times a week. Leavo Lrio daily, except Sunday, at 11' in; Airlvo nt Kuc)iiio by 0 p m; Leav o Hotktl ilo dully, except Sunday, at 11.30 a m; .rriv c ni i.rie uy p ni. CiOS From I'.rle. bv Hello Valley. lTasfOrt en. Wattsburn, and Hatch Hollow, to Union Mills, :s nuns ami unci;, inreo times a viceic. i.eavo luesuay. iiiurKoay. nnti Miiuruay nt 0 a m; Airlveat union Mills hy ipm; Leavo Union Mills Monday, Wednesday and 'rlday at" a in; Arrlv oat l'rle by I p m. 2-Vrt From Hall road station. 'Ilrle and IMltsburc H. 11.,) by Fast sprlnulleld and West V,rlnnneld, to Clu rry 11111. 10 milts ami hutk, six times a i; to wt -i sipriiuueiu, imuiiivu-tiinohii vveeic tlm residue Leave ll.i;. station uauy, except Muminy. at 7,'Mu in; Arrive ni vi cm nprnmucm ny e..ri n m; Laavo West Snriiull-M dally, except Sunday, at p in; Arrivo at it. it. stall n ny p m; Airlvo ut West Sm-iimlleld '1 ui-sdny. Thui day. and Satuidav at iK l a m; Arrive at i iieiiy inn ny nvma m; Leave Ch. rrv lllll Tiusday. '1 burn lay. and Saturday, a ."l i m; Airiveni vi t si sprmuei i ny ipm. 2.1IH I-'itun Full v Slarettanla. to Franklin Cm hers. In mill s an 1 hack. 1 wit e a week, Leave Fain leu Wedinsii.iy.anii H tiuuiay at m; Arrivevni rinnuiin 1 'im rs nv um; Leave Fiankllii i orneis Wethusday ami Sat llldnv at 12. H 1- in: Aruvuat laiiviewiiv .ajpin, "l 1 Tniierfinni llie nu sseimi r t.ei vice from the File and Pittshuijl U, H. lielwuu the fullowhiK points, by sent nine to 1 emiisincioiy tu 1110 posi Iiiasteral tin- places Mippllt d! i'lum 1 . it. 10 uiumi. tniiei, aim bacu. twice dailv, eeei t Snndaj ; riom K. it. 10 I'jaun. - nines nmi untu, hut. except Sunday; i'lum Ii. It. to I Ik 1 i ek. I1 1 miles und back, il.illv . rvi'(tiil S11111I11 I n. m Albion to Lundv i- ume. i , miles ami biu-k. dallv. 1 xecnl Mimiav : For It. 11. to Alblnn. p . militt and btui;, twice tl.ui.v . etci-pi sinma , inus 10 Do ninuo 10 1 over mi ma service. i"d2 From .lacksuii Matlnii. by Wei i rove, to Lake Pleasant, H mile 1 ami ineii, 1 wico a wieu, Leave Jackson Stnlloli Wedllebd.tV Ulld Sulur- day nt 10 h in; rrli ti ni i ,-i rn iifm,itiL iit i in: Leave Lake Pleasant Wednesday andSaturday ai :ji m; ArriV Oftl jaciison niaitun uy 1 i 111. Form of Proposal, auarantcc, and CcrtiOcatc. FlUd'OSAL Tlio undcrblL'iml -. whos postdfflee addiess u 1 . conniy or , snue n , proM-.cs to convey the mails oil no 1 uiieu Mint trom July I, lii to Juno w, l7.', 011 rtaitH No, tlsemVnl of Iho Postmaster (it uc ral, thttctl Och- herid, ls7, with 'eelfriiy.eetlainiy, ami beiun tj ," lor Hie uuiiual hum ol ilolhtrx. 77i(ji Pi-pjion it tnnttcvith full kuontotttif of the ttixhutce vi the route, the u ciylit of the limit to be cur r.nt. unit nit at her uaxtiruliti a in rrfemnce to the toute itmt sen Ice, unit uhovjUrenrrful rrumnvttioH of the lausmui (md mtiont tuitumi lotnn auauic iMied (Sined.) Ul'AUANTF.i:. i UL- num I n lin 11,1 1. Dimilrt 'l nion-'t 1 undeit.iko tliul, il tlio louuohi hid lor carrying tho mall on uaito No. bo accepted by Iho rustuuiste r torn rai, tuemuiiersnaii, prior 10 hip ihi 1 lav 01 ji v . isu,t. ( iiier 1110 too reuiureu uun- fit luu or eontiact to perlorm the st rviee propn- l-M. v uu kooi uun hioniivm suieiien, TIiIm u-f do. uutUrstttiultiti tlMinetluthe obUontxont aii't luiltitiths atunmt bu vwrntniori umttr lite 2TA Paltsl iHluucd by two guarantor. J CLliTIFICATi;. The underRkned, poslnitiiler at , Stato of . eiTlllktf. t MO II HIS OAlll OV (IllUh. that Iu In aenualnicd vi lib the abovo mint an torn, and knows them to lie men nf ptoperly, and able IO IIUUV fcUUU llit'll B'lt"lt"J, lUUd (Signed.) IIvrSTRUCTIONU SO 3XBSXSRB AND rOSTM AGTIIUS ; IH.MAIMMI A1AO IONMT10K1 lUlIK INWRro- llUHl IN TIIK tONTUAI'lS IOTHK BirHSTTIIK lit PAItrtl r.NI AV PKKH 1110 et It, 1. Hevtn mlnulpn nro nlloned lo imIi lnternu' dinto olllce, viheii not othwi wUo specified, lor hv sortiDKlho mulls ; but on lullroad und "tenia imai muitb ineie is io no no inoio ueiay uutn u bultleitnt for uu exclinnuo of the mull itnuiheii. 2. On rnllruiul und bit utubuat 1 hit, nutl other routes vUicio tho mode of oIitc'ihuco tuliullM of ll, ine Hpe'i-iHi nireniii 01 uio itt inneo injri uu u t, also pout ofllte blank, mnl) UittsdrKksnud kev s.nro to bo eonvt jed without exlra t huiKe, It, On rut I Hied aud steamboat Uuum llw route nutniHoi ine ucptirinuMii, iiimi ino uriiisii nmu Ciiiiadu mulls, w lit li nth rt tLiind th uuents utv. coiupiiiiuK luim. ure w iki eonvtyeu wi(ikait ctmi'U'i uud for Iho use of Hie Fnlte Sinte-s auen ts n coin nod it ua ter. or i tut of a ear. pron etlv lluhted. wurined.uiid imnished. undatluntid tt tuo ttUTuiiirapMriitl kd duw wt nrltqr vf the mall, Utohif provided by the contractor, under tho direction of the Department, I la II road nnd steamboat compnnies are required j to lake the mall from and deliver It Into tliopoi otnrpsat tlio beKlntilnantid end or their route a, nnd lo and from nil ollices not mtrc tbati clslity rods from a station or landing, Proposals inny ho submitted by the companies for the perform ance of nil other side service that U, for olllct over eighty rods from n station or landing. i nero win no "way uins- prtisireti ny posunas tors, or other agents of tho liepartmeut, to nc company tho malls conveyed on railroads nnd steamers, HHjcifylng tho number nnd dest Hint Ion of tlio several bugs. On other principal unites, llKowiso, leceipia win uo required rum wnyuius lor warded: thu hitter tn he examined bv thnncv trat )iostmasteis, to Insure regularity in tlio de livery in iiiiinn, A. t nav will be mad for trios not performed: ami lor each nl such omlnsloiis, not satlsfat torlly explained, three times tho pay ol the trip will ho denuded Pnr arrivals so jur behind time ns to break connexion with deluding malls, and not sutllcieiitly excused, otie-lourtli of the com pen na tion for tlio trip Is subject to forfeiture, f or re pealed delinquent Icsoi the kind heielti specified, enlarged penalties, proportioned to the iiaturu thereof, and tin Importance or tho mull, may be made, a. Por leaving behind or throwing otf tho malls, or any sirtloii of them, for thcndmlsKlon of jxis scngers, or tor being toncerned In setting up or running un express convtyiuglutclllgcuco In ad vanco of tho iuall,n tputrtcr s inj may by de ducted, U. Hues will bo Imposed, unless thedelluqueu ey he promptly nnd sntlslactnrlly explained by cert lilt ales of poslinnstersortho ttflhlavlts of oth er eicdlblo persons, tor lalllngto nrrlve in con tract time: tor neulocilmr to take the mall from. or tlellv er lt Into, a post ofilce;ror sutlerlng It to bo wet, Injured, destojed, roblHd,or lost; ami fur re ruslug.afUr demand, to convty tho mall nsfre quentiy as tlio eoiitraetor runs, or is concerned Iu running, a coach, ear, or steamboat on n route, 7, '1 he Postmaster Ocnernl may nnmil tho con tract lor repeated lallureulo run agreeably tocon tract; fos violating the isist otllco laws, or tllso bejlng tho Instructions of tlio Hepaitmeiit; for ri tuning to tllsehatge a carrier when rtt-utrcd by tho Department to do so; for running an ex press ns;ti foresaid; or for ttauiorting perisons nr paeknges conveying mailable mutter out of the mall. s. The Postmaster (leneral mny order an In crease of sen ico on n route bytillowing therefor u ;rora'i lucreasu on tho contract pay. llo mny change schedules of departures nod arrivals Iu nil euscs, nnd particularly to make t htm conform to eonnex Inns with railroads, wit hnut Inert use id nay, provided tho running time ho not abridged. Ho may also order an increase of spcetl.allowlng, within tho restrictions oftho law, a pro utta In cieasu of pay for the additional stock or cairlets, tf increase of spcett, rtlliuiulsh tho con trait by giv Iim prompt notieotn tho Department that ho preieis tiuing so in carrying im oitier into eiteci. Iho Postmaster tlcneral may nlstitllM-ontlnueor curtail tht service. In vvbolo or In part, In order to place on the routo a gi eater tlegrt e of service, or whenever tho public interests, in his Judgment, shall require sueli tlW-out liiunnecur euriailment Tor any other c.uisil he nllowihg as full indemni ty to contractor one mouth's extra pay on the amount of service dispensed w Itli.nnd a jo rata compensation for the amount of hen Ice letalmtl limit oiiiiniiisi. win bomaaoiiy conectifiiis irnm or ilrmis on postmaslers, or otherwise, after me expirauou oi cacti quaiier say in aovciu bcr, Pi uriiary, May, and August. pi. The distances aioglvt it according tn the best lulormatlou; butuolticreasodpay will be allow t d should they bo c renter than advcrtied. If the iHiluts to he supplied are correctly Mated, Hal dcrt in tnt inform tmntiftrsrm itis point, nnd also In iclel'elice lo Iho weight ol tho luall, I lie condi tion of loads, hillo, sllenins, Ae., und nil loll bridge, feules, or obstructions of any kind by which expense may bo Int ui red No claim for additional pay, based on smli ground, can be considered; nor fur tillcged mistakes or mlsap pn hinslon :m to the thgrie of servlct; nor lor bridges dest roved, ft rrhs dieiintlnued, or other obstiuetlous fncreitslug distnuce, oecutllug du ring the eontract term. (Jlllces evtabli-lusi niter this advertisement is issued, ami also durlugthc contract tiim, iuo to ho visited without extra pav, If tho distance lie not lncieued, 11, Illddeis ate cautioned to mail their propos als In time to leatdi the Department by Hie day nmt hour namtd, t.t. p. m March 4, 1ms,, ior bids retelved alterlhat timeieif not bt consult rttt Ui ennipetulfui wllh a bid of leasonable nmount ie celled til Hint. Neither eaiibidibu considered whleli mo without tho guarantee required by law nnd n ceitlllcutoof the Milllclcncy of tuch a guarantee, 12. Didders should llrst pmpose for servlco strictly acctudlngtothe advert isement, and then If llii.i- .Iniilt- crwii-nMn . I i ft ..ri.n t w..i vl,.... uml If the rvyulur bid be toe lovvtvt otleitnl lor the udvcrtNcel nervier, tlio other propitious may be etilisldered. la. There should be but one route bid for Inn oroiiosal. Con so II dated or combination bids ipionoslns miesum for tvvonr nioreroutesMjure iwrnnuieu oy law, unu caiiuoi no coniueieo, 11. The route, the servlce.the vearly pav. the name and residence of the bidder, (that I", bis UMial post t)llee addresv.) and tlio uniuoof each member of a llrm.where a company tdler.thouhl no oenineiiy Maieti, IV lllddcrs nro reuiiested to uv. as far as nrne- tlcahle. tlie nrlnttd proiuiKats (urnished hv the Department, to w rlto out In lull the bum of their inns, ami io reiitm copies ot uiem, Altered bids should not bo submitted: nor Kb on Id bids onco submitted be withdrawn. No withdrawal ofa bidder tir yunrnutnr will ho al lowed unless the vv thdrawal is dated and re celled before Hie last day for reeeWlm; pioptwuU. i:iicli bid mtiHtbeiruaranteed bv tvvoresiHiiiKlhle persons, '1 he bid nudtmaruuti'o should he rfyacd plainly wnu iuo iuo 11111110 01 eaeu oerseni. Tliedcnuitment reierveslho rlcht lo reteet alsotodlsreKard the bids of fall I n contruclors mid bidder. ULrihe hid siiould ie sealoti.Minererlbeii"Mnll Proposals, State of Pennsylvania,' addressed M'coml Assistant rostinasierueiiernl. Contract oil lee." ami sent hy ?naii. not by or to an imeiit and postmaslers will not enclose proposals (or tellers 01 any kiooi 111 meir iuarteriy returns. 17. -i no conirncis are 10 no executed ami rt1 turned to tlio lfHirtment by or before tho W Uui ff Jul, lWisj but thoserv ice must bo bcRtin oninnnuiy or 011 iuo man nay ncxi niter 11 w het her I no eontrnets ue exeeuieu or not. i ranstcrs oreeniraei. or 01 intercut in contrne t, are loi bidden by law, and consequently can not be allowed. Itidtlers will thcretuin tnko 110. lien Mint thev will he exnecled lo Perform Ibe service neceplcd lo them through tho wholo teim 01 ine eoniraci. is. I'nsiinnstcrsulomcesonor near ral roads, but moro titan eiuhty rods trom a utatiun, will, Immediately after tho tthof March next, report their exact distance trom tho nearest station and how tliey nro oihcrwlse supplied with tho mail to ennblo the Postmaster (ieneral to dlrirt a tnaipmesenuer mppiy irom ino jsior.iuiy next, lroveii Mnrch :l. IMj, provides that contracts for in. si'i-unii I'luiiitt'ii in an ucl oi iiiitrresH oil uo iransporiniioii oi tue man snail no ui, "in everv ense. to l ie low t si miuicr tern eriiiL'suinci' ent miarnutees for faithful perfounance, ulthout other reterence to tho inodeof suih trnnspor- taUoii 1 nan may no nect Ksaiv to for I ho tiuo ceieniy.eeriuiniy, nmi security oi sucnirnns portallon. Under this law bids that propsu to Iransonrl the malls w til "ecleruv. crrtatnh. ami security" haiinybein ucctiled to be the frnlf leiat ohm, orccoiMino ii tn pr( iciiiij jur ine ruiirn mail, tionevvr larfje, ami uhaten-r win be the vuute of cnnteimnee iH-rexsaru to iiisurcit "crlcritu. certain- IU umt security," nntt time the preference bter all vlnci s, (I7ii nooiirr ore rw7wiiici mi. JO. A moiiinctit on orn niti in anv of i s esen al terms Is tantamount to u new hid, and cannot no reeeiveu, so ns io inieriere w nu iiumnr com pel t inn. aiicr ine nisi mair sti ior ieci iv uz bid mnUinii a new hld.witliKuaiantee and certillcnte u the only way 10 mouuy a previous niu. .1. iom iiinsti i n in o io ne eareini nm. u ceri IV Ihesulllelenev of miaiantorsnr sinetles ulthout Know inn tnai inev ate persons oi sumcient ie sPonslbllltv: rt ilmeannl of Art imtruetum bu poar masters lut notation of thiir oath of inliee, tubjicl in f them to iimiialiae remoial. All blddcrH.uuaiaiP toio, and stiieties uroilMluctlv notltied Hint mi ft failure to enter Into or peimrm the enntracis lor iuo service propoeti ior in too at cepii u iuum, their legal liabilities vsdlt be enfaiecd against tin. in. I'reseni coiuraeioie. nmi persons nnown at ino iienau neui. n um. ei tiniiy wit u ntucr. cure ciuiruutnrs and ecrtlilcnlt softliclrsull c t n ev substantially lu the tonus nlovo piiscilhttl i no eeiiiueuie oi sun ciei ev mi si sat n en n n postmnster. or hyajtide ol u court oi leeunl, ,o oilier win no annum . , lU.MMlil., Nov. 22nd. Isti7, I'ostimib r e nerul T MIK AMKIUCAN HAY KXII-1 ni Columbia t'mmly nUupciI llii. ti-J.U ul hay lollfi on tlu I. il la r.r Mi. rui-M', in Ilrml.M Tnu i. .hin. un Mnn.lfiv. 7. V..-ti i-i-n II Aliii-1 h'iui liny kiiiii- itn-i i un. 1IUIUU1.H-IUU-.I i.y SMITH, W.M.1A SIIUIM:it i Co., nf 1.1-w-N. l.iil'i;. Pa., autl Uu. niilLli'l'M r.Mi-nl llay Uouk. 'lilt. Anii-rk-an TorU lllli.l mole liny lu one illinium 1 1 i.i n IN. I .ill), u-l in lim i M i' nr.. hallf licit It m Ul talti' as imu-li liav Into lln iiinu ui two Ko.i.1 Im.ii-ch r.ltl illliw. Wi' .No .aw 11 lulling l.av.iiii.l llilnlt It inuiiol I.i' Lint nv a liny liiilli-, ninl t-licorrully ri-i-oiuiui-ii'l it um tin- l.i-st liny loik Utl'l ltllUn MO ll.lM' I'M l Mi-ll. I ., lll. 1. I . IIAIllllvoy, W. 11, Kooni, .Itlll.v IIOVK, John IiinKiuiT, livsui. Niivrn, II. lii(, hil.i isti:h I'l-i-iEI., Micilirl. llKl.l.rit, .Ions- Won-. Tin..- nlu.t i. ...ill. f.i.'ttn.i II.,. i t-ltil.r.ili-.l Hn.-lii.iM Itiiiri'ruiul MoMt-r, iiu.l i.tlifr iiKrli' liu)ii- lIU'lltH, TMPIItK .SKWIXa MACUIXIH'O., Hl.r.1U001,CHllI!OADWAV, n. v. Ko. 1 l-'nmlly Mirlilne. This Mnchlni. Im n utrnlulit in, i'r..-u.ll''iilnr iir-tioii, iuiiAi-h tuu lM-A-or Sinn tli suit li, . hu li will ui-filH-i rl not rnMl.un.lU Alllnoll both hUlt-H; l-i-lli-it -..-wlllu on .riy ni'Mri. uon in iniui'iiai, v uu roiiuii, Unci, or MM tlirriul. It lirlilH. I'c-IIk. In ii I. U. Till;.'". Oulllu, riullH uml Oatlii-m. A.ll rnlully Mm-liiin-.H bus 1111-.111 i-rl r. rrliv, Willi lli liinur nnu iiiiiiuiM, sun, Pxitn-iilnrnll.-iilloii lMi-iillL-tl to i.lll- New Il.l- luoinl .Miiiiiiriu-lurliiK.MMi liliii-i. 'Jlir-y run Unlit nn.1 nm I'onit.iirtltvely nol.oli-hH, Klmiitt, ilurnblo mnl illlc-li-iit, l-'r i-loili ur Iciitlier w.rk lhc-- linvn no i-omnpiiiorn. NiLi'MiK-liiiuNwliti Uemmr-rniul Ilrnlilrr, V No. .'1 .Miii-liliii1. ifi AkciHh wiiitfil, tu ivlioin n llbi'inl illM-otuit will buijlvcn, IH-I. A, l&ii7.:ini. j.j c. now Kit, liiiinioiictln flr.t-ctn'.i HOOT, HIIOK, HAT I'Al', ANII I'L'It Hldlll!. nt the olil .tiimlon MnlnKtri-ot, llnonn.biiri',iiruw itoounboio Hit. Com t lloiue. 111. kiin I. l-.ii. in. inii-ilor Iho M-ry lali-it mnl Li-kIkij u-n no- nih-r-il to llu. i-ltlzi'li-i nf Coluinlilii I'uunty, llni-iili li(-i-olulno.Ullo Hie publle with llie follow IiiukooiIh nt tlio low 1-t.l rail-., Mt-ti'ii luavy iloubln hloinl booth, du-ii'm iloilblu ninl itin;le lap holeil l;ii bontti. nu n. ht-livy hloijn tlioib ofnll kllnlN. liu-n'ii Ann bontH miilnhoiK of nil eriuli-K, lioy'H iloubln Koh-il biM.lM mi.l.bliuiH of all l.tmU, uu ii'h Klove UM llnlnioral ilioi-K,ini'li'ii, woiiien't.,boi h'm mnl inlsfu-s' lAhtlnii K-ilti'iM. wonu-trK glovn ulil I'iiIUIi riy flui'.W'onu-irHiiioioi-i-o Hal iiioraU ninl uiir.lini-i, w'onii-li'M M-ly lino kl.l liuttnnisl ialt. 11-M. Ill .horl hunt, ol all ilt'hirlltlull. holll .t; Kul rth.lH-wi-it. Id. wouhl nlMi cull attention to liU fliio u.Horl kient of HATH, C.MH.t'l'KS AMI NOrlONH, w-hlcli roin.rlieH nil Iho new anil puiulnr url-t-llliHiil .rii-i-Hwhli-tli-aliiiotfuUto bull uti, 'lTie.o Ko.hI-1 ulo nlleleil ut tlio luui-.t rule. nnl will bo itunrmilet-il ti.KlM. Mitisfui-tloii. A i-all 1. befolo l.lllchi.Mllil i-Kewlu-ri. ll, H U bi-lleie.1 thut better luiintii. nro to hu fouii-J than at miy oilier iilueo lu Hi. ('.uiiily. iH-cttin T M1K ItO.VI) TO roHTexi; V'-i.m.) Male mnl remain nscnU wnnle.1 lo n-U Iho luoht isUi-ableurlk-leof tho uue, Am-utu i-miiuiUy ell ur 'Ji per day, Can bi'ilononthoiiieorliaM-I-luu. TiMiKaiupti-Hmi.t Clri-iihir-i .i-nt fie., for 11 ei litit po' t pal. I. lorfurllier purlleuling aililreh. UKO. KUIIN A CO, iJt llriiudwiiy, N.V, N.ll. 'I 111. la uu huiubuj! as UKl i;uliiniUe. I).cl3.7-lia Sfht Ojatumlriiut III.OUMNIll'IKl, I 1UDAV, lint'. II, HOI. Hon. C. 11. IIi'ckai i:v arrived nt homo lust Saturday, nnil njiponrM to bo In ills iiHiml good health. Tins week tint ndvertUemsiit of tho I'Ht onk'o routes lu this Statu will ex pire, mnl wo eiiu I)ci;ln iho ytiir with new and moro liiijiortaiit matter. A STlil.Nd hand 1 1 liclng urbanized hy the youth of our town. Wo know the fact, bee.nuso they nro iruetlclng Iu n room nbout ten feet from our imiic turn. A l.Aiion quantity of brick for tho Court IIouso extension lini nlrendy been hauled. ThU commendable cner py on tho part of tho Commissioners U to bo approved. Wu nro rcfiiestfd tonnnouncothaton next Sabbath morning at half pnst ten o'clock llcv. CI. Jt. Spratt of Lowhburg will preach In tho Baptist Church at till place. At'cor.DiNci to ancient custom our carrier will call on our palrom with his address on New Year's day. .As ho luw served them faithfully through rain and shine, wo trust ho will meet with a generous reception. Wi: have just learned that the Iron Companies In this town propoo to re duce the wages of their employees fif teen eeuls on n dollar, on and after the lft of January. Tho Danvillo compa nies wo understand, adopted this policy koiiio time ngo. Wi: nro Informed that at the recent sale of the Heal IMato of Mm. llcbecca Vnndcrsllce, deceased, 'P. J. Vnntler slice, Kail., bought the Hemlock prop erty for about SMl.nuO, and tho lot of ground and utono hoiiio on Main Street was vld to Mm. Armstrong for $3,000 CSi:k. William A. Pctuikix, of -Muncy, Lycoming-cmiiityj'cnnn., died at that plaeo on I- rhl.iy, Dec. 20th. Ho was a leading and nctlvo politician, a man of great Integrity and form of character, pronounced iu his viuws, but lily esteemed nnd respected oven by hU opponent". SuiHcitiin:n.s to Tin: Columbian fchoultl rcmunibcr that tlicy guiity-livo uiiinbcr for a year; that It U the Inrg cdt, liamUomuit und bi-t paper hi tho ounty; ami that it coined ut tho piuuo price m tlio other, Wo dou't charyo oursiihscribeirf for iifty-twopapeni, and give them fifty- A xUMur.ii of ourcotcniporarleshavo (lcli'nnlnt'd to i'suo no paper ilurliiK tht holidays. Wo would save about $101), by pur-uiiiK tho miiiio uourso, but b'.'llovo tlit' publk', and tho-o advertU lii!i,irom tn ncli entitled tonpapurthen as ever. We Ihiirufuioond thu Coi.UJl niAN' as u-uiil to our readers, ferlitii; as bured that they will appreciate it all tho more for beluga "holiday" plicct. l'ou fOino unexplained reason our ltonrlngcreck pael:it;;o wandered eover- id days through tho math beforo reach ing Us destination, and portions of tho Espy package reached us Tuesday, with tho papers soiled, tho supplements ta ken out, and other evidences of having been tampered with. Woaro now In vestigating this matter, and propose to expo-o tlio guilty party If wo can find him. We nro informed that tho friends of Dr. J. 15. M'Kelvy presented him, as a Christmas present, with a splendid sur gical work, accompanied with the fol lowing note : Br.ooMsnuno, Dr.c. M, 1607. I)u. J. 15. M'Kr.i.vv .S'iV: In nunrecl- atlon of yourskill as a physician, and In testimony of our personal recard. wo beg you to accept tho accompanying nook oi Anatomical nates. With great respect, Yours Ac. Wl! were surpri-ed mid pained to hear of the sudden dca'th of Leonard Slum-man, which occured on thu HHh Inst., at K-M-y. Sir. Stonoman was eat lug supper and was choked by u piece of iiieiit.caiislng strangulation nnd death In a few moments. Uo was well known in this town and at the tlmoof hlsileath belli the office of Cim-tablo of tho town ship. Ilo was bulled with military honors on last .Sunday morning. Anxii nil, an editor's life has Its amenities. While very often lilslabors are unappreciated, yet thero nro always some among his readers who aro wil ling to encourage, by generous acts and kind words. We aro under especial ob ligations tn Joseph I.llley, Ksn,, Win. Krlckbauiii, our elllclcnt County Clerk, and Jeff. Vauder.-lice, for "(.'lirlfctmas" Turkeys. We doubt not their sleep will bo sweeter, their lives happier, and their future moro blissful for having " tho '.Cditor." On' last Monday Evii. n number of our citizens had au informal meeting on tho .object of organizing n Cooperative In diistriul Association in this town. The Idea was favorably received, Commltteo appointed tn draft u Cim-tltutlon and Hy-I.tiwis, and to solicit subscriptions. Over if lion, was snb-cribed on tho spot Thu object i-i to form an As-oclntlon which will eMnbll-ii u sloro to sell at reasonable prollis nutl dlvidotbo profits unioui; tlio Stockholders. Thu plan has been extensively adopted iu Knglaud and in our largo Cities, and so far has proved successful. If thoroughly or ganized, iiiulhoncstly managed welmvo un doubt ot thu succcts of thu Instill! Hon. A .most distressing accident occurred nt Espy on Tuesday morning last. Two young men by tho namo of Illlllngf r aud Xeyhnrt wero driving u tenu of mules attached to a sled down tho road leading from Ught Street, and attemp ted to ero-s thu railroad track, as tho train from llloomsburg was approach lug, Tho mules crossed In sfety, but tho sled was struck by tlio locomotive. throwing out both tho occupants, llll linger was caught by Iho cowcatcher and managed to cling to it, escaping with n severe gash Iu bis sculp aud a cut over Ills eye. Xeyhardt was fright fully mangled, having ono leg nearly torn oil', nmi tho other badly crushed, losing half of tho foot and having tho tkln stripped oil' from below tho knee, Tho shock to his t-ystcm was w great th -t It was deemed lnadvl-ablo lo per form amputation, Uo lingered until night when death put un end to his j .ullcrini;.'. fur enpa nt L. T. Sharpie uo Bom ni low prices. ... i i. . i .1 inoomsuurg, win uo huui i illi. 11I111III1IIUI I. . U1I j.uisLuiiiii Vjiuiii:ii ill iiii'i 1.. 1 UU.11A1 JUt US IU ill nf n HMinll tilnpk ilnf bl'l " - " o T. Conner ot Orangevlllc ly received by him, Oni: ilnv thli week wli llrldo was digging under Htnrnor'H lirlrk.vnril. Ilin unvprrlv inliirlntf Ills font .1-mtTi In lin linit-lll the limb. 'Pitt fntitmii A ns'trfi out of Uanvil o to 1 nd tl nnd that of tho worntkl PtTV ilin (.Ai-rnwa nf T'.vl A vA fi.t.f cinlnllllnj round ; .tiu.unuuin iiiuu iitvun A ml lnfn nlnnllnn. .1.1 i found. Wl! nro very Kind to tl IT .M.. III. I 1- . in ni. I'liiii'H imiri ii. ill. iicccptcil tho Chaplaincy Itall Ilonil Company nt tho IstlmitiHof Pannma, lea. cna nf ihn elm III lCr.Q 'lit . nt n nV np : "II 1 mnrnlnir. lnvUIblo In th .i it... n ..r .1... ...... . o'clock liihiiiti'S In tl 1'a.. i nini.i I nt nr I ho I Inmf.prn rrniii'i ii I unnnia iifir il.i ll-r. Till .r liiiinnt-. iv lull aiit-uil.lliri. 11 H i; regret in learn IIU.. JUIlll UU.L'l Ul LI ami presiding i.uier lie uien ai 1 yrouuou i nppii mill? nun iiivnrni people of this county .111. ...til. -r. 1 1I1?UV..IIU llll 1111.-1. lint.-T.,nir f ...lULl U IU-1 lllll VI. tlmiiirli ilir.v. .1 lie- uiu iiuiniiuiiuii in i jurymen they get. lin.iinrnnn. ir tin. nit ty nro considered. iii.l ll.i.n.nH m-n. 1 1... ... 1 . .. n t . .... n.m tn i. . vice to iill who are large quantities of liiu nuilillil.-L llllilllll not many years ago, VArn o Hiinr.l nf nnA .,.k .1. . tl. 111111.11 1IU11 IIIUVIUIH. ter thero came a thaw U..I1U KrilUII 1IIU Villi. 1 this experience. i . . " uu-31111. Ul u rangemcnts to have Mill Illi llf." 1.1111' ninf u.tiint tmi.iioi. rr,r1. r.T ....... l'......l J.1I1. 1.UI.U .11111. . 1. .1 . ......... ... I)l.tln.lnl..l.t rri 1. iiii.iiii-Jiiiii, XIIUSU LTI continually prating abui niAK uelng ileail eapl pilch in again. Tin; four great wants nro : Hall. town. Third Wafer works. i uui in 41 r D i uiu 1 1 T-......I. 1 T'l. blo apparatus. ii.i.i. .1. .i ....... . canizauon. our town wo ............ t.. .( .1. wnu i nrnvn mil linorn mndo onn of the fairest I .NAimow- Escai'i;. wa. driving to town, n lilu pnrrlio-r. ii-llli ti lnfll innirnii iii.iii I n.r- n in mill ills I'-iri-lnmi In tlm nvli. i betting the carriage, whl across tho road at tho ii tins nine oi iiutionwooii horses continued at full n.,.i. ...i... ii.... ,.i were carried acro. by liiiuliiif nn tlin i astonished ti) go further. went clear over Dr. 11. who was first thrown was somewhat lamed, bu seriously hurt.frror TukSi.ekiiiisg Caiixj with finer sleighing than tlnin. nmi tl.iin u-lm lie. and appliances aro enjoy long our streets resound enl "tintinnabulation" gantly eiiulpped sleighs fi er In rapid succes-Ion ; nnd rosy lasses," may town for neighboring thov havo a gay nnd ..... ...h.U.....h . icei," to ino inspiring dlo nnd tho bow. At .1...1 1... ll..n.. i.. ... U11U UUHUlllllUll 111 Bill "nlelgli-lielW I Inning nil llAHn.. .....I uu, mere n. iuo ui-ui-e iu 11 ucu no .u inn .ii-i mer noes nt S 1.00 ner merlnoos alt shades, nl muslins, enssimeriJ, 11 niiiiiKuiH at in-ces in lllMllV t.-iv, Ul. .J. X. Dlltl