The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 20, 1867, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 1 Iii.sstrm dialogues. Ilatius otKcrnna Original flrt-clii Reliouuies, eic nr I.UVHiie.-u ryrmv s, Eitublllou -room-) and private vurv Iln rrliliii .. furthls l-ooK .t.fnr.iAfltlntinl 1 ullll,ra Utltt Wrlt.TS. rtMlmxl tn I,.. 1l l,rt Work lit the kind K Wished. Clutli, nearly 4DI iloiliiieclin.i ilcotl.73, mailed free. Adilro s P.iiAH- II., IMbllsJICls, W Clio.llllll, ni., iniiu, X T 1) D! I rwo hundred farmers! letnnlleht ntul honorable business for IT IllOIllIlS, in 1110 VICIIIH. nnn h.clt will ne-t (lii-iii from M to ILrJ 1 it ttlcular. apply to nrnddrrss IVVllMt s.,7Z!S.insiimSt., Philadelphia Fa. lrniershMngaso In n business thai sirs) ta sr.) tier month fr-.m now .ii A'MnJ0LHHI'04O.t DAHD MILLING MACHINE I IMPROVED ItlNsTllFUIION. great large c.isiciiy, utirivniiti convenience Incut. Also, pip. vice, wltn mm witn law. and vices of nllsle,for heav 3- nnd 14. Send tn he UNION VICE COMFA lostoti, Mimx.. for Illustrated rlMilnr. iiy dealers in Hardware ana miicum ry, It moutoagu noxas. 1& IKOX MOUNTAIN riAIMlOAH CO. crcont. lntcr?Rt, Frhrmry nnM AiuuM. ..inlmiv. rn Uit.iiltifUl inllcrt. UlllstKHl IlmUtnl'llol Knnh, nml tn flmtTlim or nn pxtrtmlnn of nlwut the mitup IciiRth ,1 K'linlitn It.-ttlKtlll. IlllW flit lilt IV POM niM. ni.iklnii 11 ilirouli touto I mm it. IKpw UrlPuiii iy mil. 1 he curnltmn nt ii Rhi wo.uxi nvi'iir! the net irunit Imimcu'Ut 10 my ine iniurrni vn inn ni . , lustiili unrn llii'ir nil Ibii(hI. Thi 4fcrity U beliccd iol"p UoyuiHl tlmt of truomlt uowiui.Titi. -ipiy m inv muv lVwl.l..nt nplnl'I.AltK'. IMHH1K Iriioruf Wall nn.l Wllllum S. V.Oty. IrunY TOIJACCO. 3Vo lme not tilt- eoniinnna, nuru.i wo ni ton 1 to cc." pncltlnn tuu Jallv in TuitT lHL1 nitANt) D A I L T. to the contnuy tioHntlv lDIVVAT.7M.V il-W nro making Iivm viv.. in" v.cniur,v iriuii tn- p t.m frumilrtis,unil Is In i-v IrniT,v' nwiH-cl. Hie Hol pniV ft i. rm Tnlnmi . I,llllll,l,.llllJ. ,, i,l,rri. JP l.-lmmnoM nt,, ' IV 1) A M K OY'f) cohsct sKinT suvrontn u rvimhln.s In on. mil mrnt rt per- r..rt nttlnif t.'ur el. nll'l the mm' tl.'.lrablu hklrt Hupjjorter i-vi-i ufreredUw public. It jililcCMtlli v.-eiKht of the fcklrts upon tin Instead of the hips: It Improves Urn form without llclll lftcinjt; Klvril-liM- linn rn '.lien. l4ntinnted lllld rt-Coln liv i.h.'Hllnn. Sold ill I fuucv kooi's ntnrep-ncrHll.v. find atwholi- ..J... iL.iiL..i. Mt Yorl:. Also, tn kV c Mild llll. M irlu t i-trei'l, I'hllii. nim I.MAN'N'. HINItlUIlrt It).. 21 HUIIOVITM. poro, Mil, IVTTt.'ll AV AitHN'T I... ntmiinii tn midi tnutl UilllllV tllCIlt- . r.f n n.llva l.ii.lnAus tilllll. tl tllllO tllL 1 weat lerhlrlns. ftppueii iiiiueniu.-:., H.i,lrn I WlllllOMR. lll Inridfroin.lOtosri per day tan be m.ide. tiraKontsVlri-uhir. Thellri-l uno iippiym bargain. Terms for Monlillnsinisli. r, li, . siit.vusrHH.Kr & co iiiiuii. jis. TO .". l'IMl day sum:. Azents wanted even win-re, to el on Vtwrl.iMtlriL. Whltn Will. C "1. it hexl I lll'h i iiniium ir.tkhiinl.i impli.i' N. V. Tribune .ivi-een 11 llseiliimt 11 BlMs Millliu l ull. tlirkll-Ki l.linmlp. TIlP l'.ltrllt ill I lino Is nil It purpnrts lo ne. . I . in nt. Aililnn. two A IK AN Wlltl uroadwiiy r.ew ioik. ISTILL MVKl in't lie hunibuKtsu ny Iinpoitors or --ihi Lew Cat&loirue of Ininrns cd Stencil Dies, Il.H. M.HrKNnt'.R CO., iiraitleboro, VI l DAY MADE BY AKYONi: f.elih nv ratent xtoneii Toaim J prepnj ins-, lli-wnre 01 nurineers. .ny circn rxtiimn. AiiaresM..j. i-uiiain.rpnn 1110111, lOLUTION IN TItAUni .vnn will be atonlf.hcd ftt Uw nln ot nil f oftis hnt hv ttii wen Knuwa ana juui- rurvj nrui uuaji A.n & tu., ran ONLY ONK DOLUVUI tfrR,wtclit', Jcueiry liner i'ihkm uaro. Mat htne cU ThU in no humbug, hut t I Hcnd voiir fluhM ot ton unci UDWurtl. tor LiUtrlhfne the go'Ml', wlili ten tents fn mtx u, ana ino k in r up m iiiu win rt aluuble nrovnt. worth from ?J to I. to number of iiami-H t-nt. wanUHlin 'erviovn. Clrcnlnrn nen dan-. GUAM AM & CO.. MAW 1-Vdt-ia ltton. ICULAItS SENT FUKK! ! ut&inlUK LUUof Dry and Fancv OomI. .u lilnlul W lira fnlUrv i t n nl tn k WSiz IXJLIAH for each artlrli'. (IrVnt In hni tn Aci-nts. ixtJMMi.n A muui. i liUTHiinu Htreot, Uofton,l.if. K AIIE COMING, atll present to any porKon sonlliiu us n nir (reai one iJimruie,or iry mm i un- . ic.iiHi ik DrtrturutiertK rn-tf nrr net-i Itch, Ac, frcoof at, L'atuh guoot good iiiue, tunt loanyiniciress irei. Jdrw- J. H. HAWKS A CO., 33 Hanover Btret-t. IJmton. .much. 7-lm, l O. lio-x 5Wj. Ithe nnsr chance kvku orrmi:u i I twAflny'R llmr will Krcurea kot-1 rwln riltile ftt equal nine, Tree of Cost! tn wnutttl eit-rj win re, tnatt'imJ femiili-, i ix'ht )iivruurok(i tt m mo coutury. IE UICHESTMAN JN THE toiu.D. lu-Tor a I.rrrTnu mux livuox holosios ii.H April, WZl.tti Uiifl rauby.Ht. ltonor( It you ho kind cnoujih It h.ive foi w.irdfd to (to ixw ijoii ipk or your niaiuu j.iuinuui;u lllhondut tiiiiHllm itccuul. I wli iM you the amount thruugliMrts'.rb.licliaont . N'fcW Yor. I on Holomun IlGtlxchlld Imvlnc reenmtnend ' inanv or nu rrifii u or iA.Ni.rt l.ij- f.'T. andthov bt itiir dt'idrous to tirot-uro It. he 111 advUohun toef ublKh tidciot In ruris, THE INDIAN MNIMENT, Irelltf, ever n-ndy : at a killer of pain, tnken i idly, or oiitw.irdly Hpplle4t U. no, the rellt-f and i-urt of Klu uiiiatieiiut NruruN FAflrctiuii!. Stujhu. I ruthLH. i tc. It In un. il!ed. ItH um) I n or. t t-nieatdoui, tulten ln llv. In tho cam of I'ljotrrn.. i'rinniw uud I'rtin llio Moia.uli, iJiurrhot.'.t, Utcnlerv, Choleri I out, Liioicrn jiimniuin, eie mm in uiiiumi nllou IhP uiutt wniidtrtul l'.imu-L'fttlin Wurld Lrds. Sa l-'uinllv ulinuhl ho wltlitiuL it. Lorv elcr t)V land or hen choultl have a bottle, Mi and Varmers rccldiiiB nt n dUtnuco from . sicianii fcnouiu Keep u consmnuy on hhihi, lane of Aecltlcnpt, it Jul otidden nttaekstf htotn L I'nniiiliLfnlR. It nilnn i-nntint htt pktltnutcd. fiulrejor Mnjor Ijihoh Indian I.lulment, and lo no other. 1'ripr. io ct. ucrlxiitlo. i'ur tiule Iw lioleaie und rt'lall bv Dmii.oi llnrru-ft cio. L'o.. I Park How, N, Y., (t:ile etc. Uobinhon.lvlOreeu ch.RtN. Y.;tF, C. Well 4 Co., Itu l ullou-ht. It ,i L-tlH. VlldCllUf JI,i3 UlII 4 VI., r . 1 ., MUM respectable Druvuhu thiouphout tho wor'd. nu ueiiuino uiiirKfi kurnrn nv .lnnn 1 now. i jiiip. Itrnadwav. N. Y. -Hpml inr I'lrcnuirH. k IMIE IiEST LS THE CHEAPEST i JIAIlVFflT IS OVETt! Tiir. yield ih our. at! ritOsrMUTY A50CNl! W1NTCH II c.uuir.oi and now U tho time to tuko MOORK'H HURAI, NKW-YOniCUR, ITHK OB RAT TOWN AND COUNTRY WEEKLY t Tho Rural U.tho LeadlnK and Lament Clrculat- .11 NoXltutDt-r if lia ItlitvM mi Ihn l'niitlnnr Iperloriu Value and Variety of Contents and Mlp.-tmil-S. Ill UlUIUbCO IHUI D K( Ilium., uonicuiiurni, neinune, i.uucaiioinij, terarv and Newa&latttr. InturMntTiii'il w ltii t-!n. avlugii, oil'ti Journul ; for It com rUtii iOTtftrtnitni Including lrlQulture, choice Ltternture, uriitutiuru, noifixe. una An, razing, Ualrytntr, YtalVw Hendlns, rai Airimticture. iieiiHrui rtw. IxnMtlo Economy, CVjminerco, Markets, The Rural NewYoricehUh Xational Jour mU, rlriulaUiig lerpely In the I 'at and Wmi, Iepartrnent. Itn eorpofilltrM,t'onlrlba. , to., ownrlmi rouny of tho bout Farmers, intern. Woof rowpm, OrAslef, HortknlturUt. Illlty, In krlef the ituralla Ahly'cdtiPd, ITth .! tll.,t.i.f.l VT.,.. I.. lt-lt.ia.l !..., jientllc, i'irtul-Moral, InvtintttYfl uud ntr- yhercTf r lochtoilln Country .Vlllfttfc or City 0U WANT THE RUnALl YOm FAMILY Aff miEJIWl WAWTIT r Ilia dnntr to the wanl of all. Nnt that It Eiota monthty. but aUrarid lt-uQtltul Week ann w.a; vol. aia win lu muunuwy r.n kn . ... cn no. onntoina p ini uoumu uunrio i-AUtt. uttdlncstrafctylr, ClrarTyi1, Oool Toiler, I mare and lctter IlluktrMtloim than any oth ir im lhuii. a Title 1'age, ifiuiu, tJic. t Vnluiu . niv ia yiari torluna often. 1 aiPtT XIX bi'iilnn Jan. 4. Uiw. Now the Mlobuoftcrlbe-aoiJ inn. un ptoiii-rH to urn Dtl Hircliiiptiji. Hhowltllltt. rrentluiti ldl. Laent frcep rtiie IS nuiuheiHof thU (jnitrter, IV ADVERTISEMENTS. . wimuti i irmi, i'T wn ,v r my t t-tii j ttu m h V H f llr h im IT. V. rtnN - MiiMi'TinN can he cured. j in k i iibi: remedy a r las r discover i.D. vrii.vJi'H mi-sii meai-cure, prepared from llio formula uf Prof, trousseau of I'ar'a, cures Consumption, Lung Disease., Bronchitis, Dvspeps'o, Maiasinui. General Debility and nil morbid conditions ui the rystem dependent on utflclencr ,r vital forie. It I pleasant to taste, and n .Inalo bottle will convince, the must slcepti ml of Its virtue as the great healing rimody of the age. II a bottle, or fix I mules far J I. Sent by Ei pie.s. Sold by f. C. Upliuni, No. 21 8juthst., Philadelphia, and principal Drueglsl, Circular, .cut fn c. I 55 Y O O SI J. Time mnuninirntty Illustrated Medical iiimKh, cnntnlnlmr iiiimrtnnl I'li.i solnglcnl Infor mutton, fur mi n und women, sent lice mi receipt M'.eiitl. liv ,, llm heei .turf of lln N'ew lorn .Million university, mo. bi Clinton pinc-c, cw York City. rp II E PAPER I'Olt THE MILLION 1 JL lli AltU'rienil runner, inn ir.icurjii i itm. r m Own l'linri. llm i'ln ntuM ittid tht llenl AuTl- cultural nnd Horticultural Journal In A hum lea. lUiinttttiiiv I II iiht ruicii with NiiturrniiK i.nnniv h'nrtii ItiiltilMmi. nlmnl. ITillt-tKlltl l-'iow Only One lHitAr n Your ArtiMil rvrvwlnri. 1'nr dull l'rlon Lint ni Vnlunlilr rrl7fiiTn tn nil, tc mldicwt IT, , 1 . T rAKMAU COLLKWK VOl YOU NO V LADIKh. Thu TruleMof the tiitjtulluit. inuultlcontKUtf ir tholteller rtttientton of nung women, Ml admit, nt any other t Hue In the Col le-tluto year, undent iiri'imred to Jtm L'oiKv eluNoen, chnrpifitf rxpfiit. i only from theilitteol meir rccejuion, itrnniuwj urr.u mnmin ui euurniion, BUCil nn KtuiuuiM, an viuiht,, .mjiu' rv, Muilcnl rotnerVntory.i te, rorelrculflreii' t lining full Information, nd.lrewi. I. N. Ht'IHlu. MILLINERY GOODS. M iss Lizzn: uaukley ... lust reei-lvetl. nt her old lilace on Mulll t llloomsburii, her KALI. A Nil WINTKU HTOCK of rnllllnery kihI.s of every quality and ityle. 'ouslstlng of I.ATIHT HTYI.II HOSXCTX. of the viry best matertnlt tojeiher with the very ocst a-sHoriineui 01 TlttMitlNOK, lllimONS, iC, SThlolmreoITinHlforsiilo at tlio lowest possible win nna sop. moom.uaic.uci.. ,!..... QOJIKTIIING NEW. 1 he unilcn-ljmrtl bees lrnvo to Inform her rlrnil. una llie puiutc tceneraiiy, inin sue iuu ipt ncu in I.IIIIIT bTlU'.llT a fi-e.h stoclt -if poods In the line of MIl.MNllllY lltlll TnlMMISOH In connection with Dress .stnklnitt atnl Is pre- paieu in nuiiuion, in ISIL'JII STIt.VW 11 VTH nn tt-e .hoiti.t nnllie.nnd In the lest stylo ol he art. rrht.iliCninuidtvoiUMitlMnctniy. MU'.i:.KI.lXi:. I.lphtfitrect.Oitober t, 1'07. JIILIilXKUY ESTABLISH- he Misses Ilarman would reitrCt'llullv nn- nounep io thelrfrUnds in town nude-iuntty, that h.-v hnejii"t rtcelf'l ut Ihoir plawnf biwiii.t m Muln t., b'.low American Hou o, a lnrw itno utrvr supply of M 1 L t, I n i: Y 0 0 O I) Ji if all descrlptlonq milted for Fall und Wlntrr' W't ar; liieludlns Itonnrts of the luti'ht htvlo.ttili hon.,irliiiilnKS(rall fortR, nnd In fact keep ft etternl lurntthln t ore for 1 idki. 'I heir put erus mid Myhs are nmontt the IntrRt, nnd the irh ts but u tilllo in ndnue ot thoMi In the City i)onot r.Ul b.entl nn I i.umlne their Boodi;befori purch.iHiiv elsewhere. Nov. ltt7. S' 0MET111N0 XEW AT U.Mr.-sTONllVll.Li:, MuNTOfr. COfMV, r V. The pnblle nre.leslred t .taliepiirtlcularnotlee, tliotuiilerHlsni-d have Just retuineil iromthe tln-tern cities, with the T IM II D I X S T A L I.MCXT, lor tho present fall und winter seaion, of ilUV GOODS, ouonnim-., r)ijr.i:xsr.iii:, ;ujth-, CAMSIMntS, VIliTINfls, cvljcohm, flllAWL?. ii-elileilly the largest, nnd lost, J chcutcet cs .orlmcliluf lir.ADY MADE Cf.OTIIINO verbroiiKbllnto tho region; und thut birkeil up with t:i) rnrn Melccilon tl the luli.t ami most fiishlnuable stvles of HATH A.SD CAIV, IlOOfH AND SnOHM. Thero Is also connected with the storo MISH OJJ-IN DILDINH-H illUJMiy.Y TAuutmurxr, where may b fooni n lurec nnd choice iurt ment of Mlllli.i-ry iin-t lani-y txw.s eurh ijt i hits nnd cups, Dri.s trlmmlm: Kiowcrs, Iluir Inn;., hdiiltiKS, Itlbbons, etc., nnd In pri-lmnd to cut, III, nnd re-ninkt-,all kinds of Li.llen' wiar, with all the latest style sol 1'atUrnn etc. Every body can be lllltd and suited. Ladles und cl,-niki n, Iik nnd cirls, inn rlmt thi -ln-uet lot of niKids they etr hatl tho iti-u.uu uf louklnii through, ill DIl.DI.NEdihSlITII. .Nov. K.', QOKF E CTIO N E It Y , FUUIT, NUTH, &C, A(J. JACODV i WUDMYEll, M.vscrACTfnnRH, Wholesule nnd Itctnll Dealers In rr.Ai.v .t. xn ;vl.vcl co.xu:viio.xi:iiy, AMI DKALKKS IN FOUEIOX FBU1T.S AX1) XUT.S. Hxchanse llloek, Mnomslmrtf, I'a. OUANOF.y, LESIONS, 11AISINH, l'KVNIX, H O C K C A X 1) Y , SKr.DtrAI 11AS1SS. LIVER IHSI..S, CfllltA.STS, CITUO.V, HO', D0I.I.N, AC'., BIH', AD AXI) CAKES, of all kind?, OIIIUSTMAS ! C'lIIUSTMAS ! C'LIIAU TOYH, TANCV 'I0YH, l llENl'II CANIIirn, of all kinds to suit IheChiUtmns trade, on hand at whole-ale or retail. UNO'S JACOllY, rm.D. i:. Illomnsliurir, Nov. IX!, 1m57. JEW STOCK OK CI.0TIIIXC1. I'resh arrival cf TALL AND tVlNTEU (iOOLB. DAVID I.OWENBUUO luvlti s atlentlon to his stock of CHEAP AND rAIIIO.VAHr.nrLOTHINO. at his .tore on MalnKtrr.t.twodoors above the Amcilcnn llous llloomsburt;, Pa., where he hss Jtut received from New York and rhlladelplila a full assortment of .MEN AND HOYS' CLOTHINO, Including the most fashliimble, durable, and handsome. . , DltESS GOODS, consisting of 1I0X, H CK, FEOCK, aUJI. AND OIL-CLOTH COATH AND TANTH, of alt sorts, sties, and colors. He has also rcplxn lined his already large stack of FALL AND WINTEIl SHAWLS, HT1HPED, riOUUED, AND PLAIN V1XTM, HIIIKTH, CIIAVATH. STOCKH, CUI.LA1IM, lIANDKEIlCHlErH, OLOVIX, SUSPENDEIW, AND FANCY AUTIC1.IS Ho nas constantly on hand o largo and well-se. leetc-d assortment of CLOTHS AND VIMTINOS, whl.h he is prepared tu make In order Inumiij kind of tlothlntt, on cry . hurt uotlee, and In tltV lie.t inuuuer. All his clolhlui; U made toiwear, md most of It Is of homo niaiiufiittu'ro, (JOLD WATCH IS AND JKWELIIY, of every deserlptlon, line nnd cheap. HI. enso hi lewilryl. not .uriuuw-d In this place, Call and oicinliie.hl. general ns.ortment lit CUJT 11 1 NO, WATCH 1 X, J EW F.I.I I Y, A f. DAVID LOWENriUIlO. J B. l'UUSEIi, HAHNESsH, HADDLE, AND THUNK MANUFACTUUEll, and tUalf r In CAllPCT.HAOfl, VAIIKIX, KLY-NEIM, UtrrALO MM, 110IIBE-BIAKI.-ltl, 0., vulitch he feel, eonndent he csin .ell .1 lower rote than nny oihi r iicnon m U. louulrj, P,x ainlno for younM-lves. Hhop first dour U l.w the Vmx Offles Unln Hlreet, llliMimsbulv, 1"1U Not, li, I6CT. JIUOKHOTEE, OIUNOEYIUJC, COLUilHIA COUN1Y, PA, h it all ii mm a, piuipiin'.Ton. Haslnit tjjiiii i4sifcidiin t-f UiIm well-kuown hou.e, snloliKWciMTl-y FuniuiJ Kvnrv-U, Uio Prs. nrletor lissbiil In It piiiiiuuwit nspalrand fnrnlMh-i-.l IIAIt ANK I Alll'l 1C ullh UieeluOis at liquor. nnd in wist ill lb hi h-s. 111. stiiblo 1. not eieeluitt n tin us, ni) 1 1. 1 i-i nu ihuiu Hiu u ri in MISCELANEOUS. rjyiiu w.vaiiixaTON liuhauy Is cWtcr&l by the Ctat of rcnneylranlrt, Mid crgnnlicd In aid of tho III V Ull 8111 B 1NBT1TUT12 rou hnrr.iTtMO anATCtTorLY SOMUniW AM AllOltV OIII'IIAM, Incorrmmtod by thcHhitoof N. J., April 5, 1W. HtuwcuirnoN osn ih)Maii. THE WASHINOTON IjIHUAUY CO. nv viurut: or Tiinm ciiauteu, AN II I2f ACC011PANCK WITH IT1 MIOVMtOKJP, wllldistrlbuto Tiniui: Hi)Nim:n t!1uu.-anp ioLUMtf IN I'ltmKSTS TOTni:KHAnr.iuM)i;itH, On U'cdnmtafoStfi of January, next, AT rillLADr.M'lttA, l'A.. OR AT T1IC iNSTlTLTi:, Kt VEItSlDf, It, J &,Wiiu o rrecn:s; 1 Present, worlh 1 Present, worth 1 Presc-ut worth 1 Priseut, worm 2 Presents, worth sV'W csicli I Present, valued ut It Presents, vu.inslat ri,u 0 i-neh... 1 Present, Milucd nt t Presents, snlutsl at rA,moi-:ieI t Presi-nls, Milui-.l nt fl.llHJ i ueh.t.i .1 Presculs, snlued nt 1,'S.J eiu-li..., ,...8M,i 1-0,114) .... lit.uw ... . o.i. . i I .... .'In.iwi lli,oll .... ,'. II.IKI .. . :!,'' .... 1IMSS .-j rreseuis, saiuci in uonsiei J Presents, sulueil ut :l Presents, vinued at 'Jil Present-., nlueil nt tt Presents, nmisl nt fr) Piesents, valuisl ut 1ml Presents, uliieil ut IM Presents, vulue.1 ut III l'l-l-Hl'lal-.. Mlllied Ut csieli -j-ileaeh 2euch vrle.u-u 73i'iich lmle.ii h 7i i-neh .... 3,0 0 .... ,K 4..VH Il,l .... n.TV .... Uv I,' .Tl each, at The rem ilnliu Piesenls ism-Ut of arlleles of tiseuud value, nppeitnlulli to thodlf fus.ou ol Lilernluii'iilid Fine Arts, ( l,'" l.-acli ccrllllcaleof Kloik Is necompniilcd with u IIEAPTIFUL STEEL-PLATE ENOltAVlNC. worth more nt retail than tho cost of Cortllleote and also Insures lothe holder n Present In th. Urctit DL'trlbullou. SUR5CniITU)X OXE B0M..VU Any person ncmSlns: u One Eo"jir, nr iviyliu the same toour loeii nuenis, -win recene mime ll.itely nilncHieel Pialoenisravlne.nt choice mm un- IOIIOWIOK ii-.i,unii uiiov,-iniinii V'.---" "i'.'! .nrliu! one present In ourUltU-VT DlislUlllL'- no.v. Oil- D-illar Knirtnlnpt. No. l-'-Mynilldl MyChlliir No.5-"TheyV -invedl Ihi-v ie waveai - .mi. ;t "iiui r-eveuiy- Is: or tho lauly Divs.t llie in-oiuiiou. -Anv person p.i llu two dollars will reeeh. ellhcrof llm follimln llnosleel plates, nt hold and twoceruiKsiusoi &iocic, inns oeeouunt; i n titled to two presents, 7o ;jo"ar Itorjrax tngt. No. 1 "Wnslilimtoirst'ourl-hli." No.S-"Wnsh Ington'n IjisI Interview with his Mother." 77.rce Dollar i:ijrmtngs, Anv pelson pnvlliR Ihree dollars will reeeh. i ii,.i,l.nntiriii kIi.i l nlnti.fir "Ilmiii-from the War. nut llneceerillleufesof stock, becoming entitle. to three presuus. 7isi- rK-jrmiitt. Anv person pavliu lour dollais shall recelsi Ibe lame lili'l lK-iiutlltll steel phitoof "llie Peril of Our Forefathers," and founeitlllcutesof stoel- i-ntltlllig lllein io luur presenis. Piie Dollar .'iwi-iliia.'r. Anv rs-rsm who pays Me dollars shall recelv. the large and splc'idld Mecl Piateof "THE JlAP.r.IAOE OF POCAHONTAS," nnd Five Certlllentes of-tock, entitling them ti Five Presents, The Engrns lns and Cerllllcates will bo deliv ered to eaensuusenntrni our l.oe.'ll .lyeneu-", by etpres-i, ns m ij- be ordered. how to; mii iie-s and knoua- VINO. Hend unlets lo us by mnll, enclosing fiom ?I P 31, ellher by Pnl Oftlee orders or 111 n regl'lerei letter, nl our risk. Lnrg.'!- ninoiints should Is sent by draft or i xpn s. ID shares wllh Engravings 'St shales w 1th Eiwuv lugs sl shares with Enyravlns 7 shares with P.nynivlngs t'X) shares u ilh Engrav logs, 21..-, 4IW W).:, HO.o Local AGENTS WANTED Ihroughotltthe L'nl I oj (Statu-. the nivr.uaiDn institute, ltunto nt niverslde, Ilurllngton county, New Jersey, Is founded for the puriKise of gratuitous!; educating tho sons of decease.1 Soldiers nndM-a men of the t'ulted Mates. 'lh Iloaid of Trusties eonsi"ls of the follow In wcll-knoiwi citizens of Pcnnij liutila nnd Nei .lei sey : lion. Wm. B. Mann, District Attorney, Phllad. clphla. Pa, lion. Lewis It. r.rooniall, Ej.nilef cnlncr I', h Mint, i. lid K,eoiderof Denis, I'lillail.lphlu, Hen. James M. Keosel, New J.-rsey. Hon, W. W, VRre, New Jerse. Henry Oorinan, fc.q.. Agent Ad&wih Ijpr.-s Philadelphia, Va. J. E. Cov, LVq., of Joy, Cm ft Co., Phlladf Iphls TitrAscnT I)CrAIlTMt.-lT, WABIIirOTO.V, D. t April I1, N7. Olllre of Internal Hevcnr.ei-llav-ing reeelled latlsftu-lory evidence that the pro-i-eedsof the enterprise conliu-led by Hie Wash Ingtori I.lbrnry Company, will lie dcsotisl I' i-haritable usi-s, permission Is hereby granted I said Company to conduct such enterprise c xi-nii from nil charije, whether fitni spoelal tax m other di.ty, E. A. I10LI.1NM, Commiisloni r. The .Woelnllon hsn appointed as Iteceher-Mii-trs. (Il.oniir. A, Cooxl A Co., whose we known lutegitt.i un t business experh nee will N asulllrlenleiuir-iniei-thiil llie money Intrusii in tlu-m will la plolnplly uppliL-d to llie urHjM statist, Pjiii.ahi:i.'IIia, Pa., May 9, I'ur, 7'u the OjJW r$ wul McuJuln o the ir3.'iiifeil .I miry tt ,V. fi. Hi;. I ), A. rrrliiru. (Jelltlemi 111 On loci Ipt of lour favor of tin IStli Inst., nottr lug us or ourappulntnu nt io. Ut ,-i Ivors tor your Company, we took llm lllierly t, subuiltn iojy oi lui U.nitd, with u pl-ni i ourenlirpiln-, to the hfyhesl legal authority ol he i-tnle, nnd having tenlved his favorabb iplulon In legiird to Its Irgullly, and sj inpnthlr nig with the 1 1 nevoicni objnt oi'our Aisihii tlon,vit the edueutiou und mulutt mince of tin i.rplinn chlldr, n of oui sodllr ami sailors ut tie Hive-"- ie lusttluli , vie havo eolieluded to weep" tl' - '.f, unit lo use our bv.l oloits to I rolnol, u .nhy an oljeet. 11, spLcttully, yours, A., UEO. A.COOKE A CO. Address all letters and orders to UEO. A. CCOICE & CO., IIASKUKS. l South '1 bird street, Philadelphia, Pa, Receivers for tho Washington Library Co, .1. II. l'UUSEL, Authorized Agi nt for Uloomsburg and vicinity. Nov, 15, IC7, JTEW CABIXET WAKE HOUSE. 1 he undersigned takes 1Mb melhoJ tolnfonr tho public that he has opened a NEW FUHNITUI1E WAHF. HOUSE In the Waller llrlik Pulldlug, on Main Street, JU.0U1161IUK1, i'.l., Which he has purchasednnd Intends to keep pel matic ntly lllled with Furniture of CUY AND HOME MANUFACTUHE. u (OJirnisM or B E I) M A T 11 E S S E S , HOFAS, LOL'NUES MAUIILF. TOP CENTIIE TAIILEs CHAirs-CUSHIONED, CANE POTTOS! KD, AND WOOD I10TT0MEI), EXTENaiON TABLEa'ixioniNa ausu I'ARLOIl, CHAJIBER AXI) BIX IXO ROOM l-'UUXITUUE. In fact n full assortment of H E A D Y M A I) E CO F F I X H of all siren, and to EVEHYTIIINO IN THE LIVE OF IIIH THADF All of which, will 1 sold O If P. A P r ft K OAKII, 'lie public are Invited to call nnd examine Iti) strut belorc 1 un basing i Isewhere. OEtlltllE W. COItELL. Itlonmstnirv, Ainrust n. 7, EUCII AXD1SE. NOTICE IS HEUEIIY (11VF.N To my Mends nnd the public genernlly, that al kludsof BUY CI00B3, (lUOCKUU'ii, qui:i:xsware, X0TI0X8, AC, arc constantly on hand and lor utle AT BAKTON'n OLD KTND, PUMJlSBVr.O, BT JAHEH K. in'Elt. C7-Ilia, Hoi Arrnl f er I inn' I nrtriiATCot iuk. Invtelrd reMt.nllr r I ml. fiM't7, J-J. jeuchant'b hotel, 41 woirru Wfirnl urnFrr, nilLADF-LPHU, J, tr, a, M'KinBIN, rregirletoi, Uor n iim-iri DRUGS & MEDICINES. 1 . J C. MOYEll'a OLD fcHTAHLIBIIEn DIIUO BTOIIU DltUClSI DUU0SI1 DUU0311I THE most complete nnenrcftilly selcctedslock libo found Initio county, consisting In part of Drugs, Cliemlcals, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Putty, Ilrushen, Dycttuirs, Mixed Paints, HYIlPPfl, IHKNlIW,E.T11ACTH, HPICEH, r.SSCNtlAL oit.s. Perfumery, Hair Dyes, Fancy Honps, lliu.hes, Combs, Cosmctlce, stationery, Pocket Ilooks, EN KNIVES, PIPF.I.CIOAItS T0I1ACC0. Lamps, citiMsr.vs, shades, Ilt-nsti-.s, Sponges, Chamois Skins, Catheters, Speculum Syringes, Ilre.vst Pumpe, Trusses of approved make, large assnrinienl of elmlce Liquors for Medlrl ual puriosi;s, together with the various VVEI.I, KOVV.N HTU.MAltl lliniilts, Thcsuwllh many other articles tisi numeiotis tospeclfy form,n stock which delles eompetlllou liotli as legnrds prleonud tliequalltyottliegissls. I'itYSIClAN 1-lltlSC'llllTlONS COMl-OltNlinil WITH T1IK PTXIOST CAI1K AMI UKSl'AKll, Country deultrs are Invited lo Inspect the .tis-k before purehasingelsi-whi-ie, ivs they will ilnd it greatly to tln-lr advantage. Fresh gtsitls ire ciu-,tnhtly lielug reeelveil from the city, and cfiu te vtihtlnnl cither by lemesiiecrritiii, Uenieuiber the place E.xciiamik Pluck above K.ebango Hotel, Malnstleet, ltloomsburg. August P, nj7. J It. .MOYElt, WHOLESALE A RETAIL 1) It U O U I K T, IXIllMKIt Ol' MAIN ANI1 )t AltKET fiTKFI:TS, 1ILO051S1IUII0, PA., where will bo found n large nnd select stock o' Drugs, MEDICIXE3 AXD CHEMICALS. Vlso nil tlio taient nr.mciNTj or Tim dat, I am nli.o preiare,l to rurnlsh Country Htarc3 with i-astor Oil, (lodfiey'n Cordial, TUULINOSTONS 1IAI.SAM, end all other medicine s kept In their line at Cit.v irlecs. 05-Pievcrlpllon i carefully at all lours. In medicine, quality Is of tho first Importance llloomsliurg, .lune7, 1H37 17 EVEUETT & DU. J. B. CASE'.-, IN OUANOEVILLE, JUST O I E X E D mil a M-i.ENinn Atrii VAittcn assoktmi:nt o .oons Ai-PEiiTAtsisa to Titt: nnrci nusiNc-ss. PURE DIIUOS, CHEMICALS, ETC., At.VCAYS ON HAM), 'n short nny nrtlele that can be named In tin mig line can be had ut their store. Dr. J. u. nn- is u rriictloner, and uiso utiili rsinnels l'har- nnn... I',. Is n M, ,. 1..,,, I... .... ended one term at tho Icll'erson Modlcni (.oilege, -nd understands the eninnoiliiilllii! of Drims. I'hev resH-etiuliy Invito thi patronage of their rii-iiu-.. linn int-puoiie urni-raiiy, insuring litem s vi-i:," nnd ft hatever will bo ptirehnsed of them , in mi- limn itii'i nir,-. apnni e. THE OriEAT ZINGARI BITTERS Tb cocponcLt parti if II.U rcaarlhUi rreranitlca it tn C.-it d.M.ovtrcJ, coiafOJt.ili.J tuid dulributtd, lom-j twenty jtari uo. ty br. Che(,vhv. tho cetd trjtctl Kyi'iluu l'jij.v:Un, Tlkouiuutlj if Lll uffer 1l2 countr mt'a wt re rrtuivd lu Ik ulili , as wtll us great tumbun cf tli inlmtilUnti iif Nubia tnj Abyulala, led tit tt,i!oouMiit.ito.dsirlnu(ju tin? SguttierocoiJt -.ti i. to Jtuiirriti.eiui ee. Intuitl, lite funis cf tl. ZINUAU1 ULTTCll! uuu ipatisl rcr lCuroie, Mil Vbi adcUtl bj tb luinclj-al I'i iitviaci In charf e f tLe Wluli f tlit M aui.J.lawLlch II a rtl.l timi itii iirtciiiU Lfnl lacc-M Vico.-ay tf Isjpt placed U.t ni.Bt rt ca Cheopsus upon tho P.olt i NoMi-f,"anrt tire ffDtcd to Mm a tKdul bcarlti the folion-lnji loKiin tion t " Da. Cuionci, t!ic 1'uV.Ic Ccncfnrtor.' TI.Is litun I) now 5v)ni U tho vubUe cf America iih the fall amranc tint It bo found, vpvn a fair trLd. U act al a Fptxisj tit Un cuic of Cholera, Dyacntcrj, Clarrhan, Cho.rra Ilorttuj, l-Nivcrouti Acuc, "itldoiv Tocr, Xlhcum-iUam, TypUo.ti 1 tvtr, Uyinrpaia, Colle, Ilronchltu, otunmptlou, Vlatu lency, Ulscasta of tho Ktuucya, lVcn'tiua Debility ona Ptmalu Ct-mplainta. mi n-n.nrl.ahla cjrri cf th" fchore diwHuea hatrfcrra etTjctt by 1W ne, asniimcromeerllficntp, aiany I cm KftJhr pijkUn, fully attt; and It li ttcMlnrd ta rupf-n-dq any preparation citaat At aa agrccaU Toolo, and nn INVIGOnATIN'O BETCRACP, it n,s K(J I.QUAL. zrvcAiti BiTTmw HAS 6ULT. A3 WULL A3 I10DY, JsVO AS A pncvcNTivn Cf D13UAIiT, RA3 .no supcniort a few Tronnq to i.auics.-tu ai cf th ZINUAKI IlITTLIia will Kite to joii that Kft, lctnt tranirtttrf nt complnlun h 1.1ci titt Gtwt ef raturt He Inning nomtin tu bo thtt ell tut cf Ma weiLi) full intrndifd that nu liouI4 liave fur It It nature' cwo jowdf r and umt comhlncd. 0) purifying tlit tlwxJ, ttimulbMlug tint iit,tncnHry ctlli cf tht dermli, and Impming litatlh and hfj throughout tht cntlia (tyitem, tt ftih'clally pit tj that moctlt clcarneii and beaut; to tht complexion much to bo d-iirrd re D9vlng all roughncM, Uotchvt, frccklci , plmjilca.and that jelloir, alckly lnolt m common ! ourdjy; and hai tt eten ltfr thin iM, ttcurei erery pecl;(p .tni'i I'nuU-lii unit diu&i) Trlaclpal Depot, Ilarrlalurg, Ta. ItAHTEIt & HAUSE, Sou PsirsUTOM. For sale by L, N, MOVER, Wli.lesule and llctnll Drugsl ,t, Uloonisburg, Pa, MlU'tTMtm. JOHN 0. YEAGEU & CO., Wholesale Xiealcrs lit HATH, CAFS, STRAW OOOIw. AND LADIEM' FURS, Ha. S57 North Third Street, Fhlladclrhlu. J H. WALTER, mie waiter Kant), Importer and Dealer la CHINA, OLAfla. AND Q0FJOTWAJU:, Kt, 31 NoitJi Tldrrt HUeet, between Itaee and Vine llillailelphlu. PHE KEYSTONE CLOVER SEED BTIt IPP E II . I'AinMTED exTounti 2, UM. TlllA olmtlle. Uioueh nthiollvfi mnMiliiM I. fl.tml!. td bynllsctentineoruervenitotithemivst direct devlco for gathering clover seed yet dlseoverud. A mero glance nt It Is sulfide nl to ennYlnoo the must obtuso tillnil at llu nriu-thtfil iilllltc. It Blrlps llu-i-luvir lii u'l from llie stalk leaving I lie strnvr btntidlnc unott Ibo cround. tt u i-nMllv- drnwn by one horse, und tcqulres butoue man or miy ii. nors li. It Is lomiiaet. ilmnle in structure, ntulnotlta. bio to get out of order, nude nn hit cheaply got up. The great siUnnlligii In this muchllin Is, wo lllll-u Ilia Ml,ll,r,..l l I liu,- I.. ,1.. clover mill or holler, besides saving the great leuglhol llineniid labor nl mowing, handling and llinrhlng It trout the straw, It will uiso pnv ev ery funner lo gather his kee-tl with Ibis machine, on account of Him .living of the .eed which 1. lost In the. old way of gathering It. KxlraoidlitHry liiilueemeiits offered toenergepl men who wish to pun hssebtateor c.unty Right, For isirtleulars nddre. WHHTMAN A rtFINItOLD, IsnlV.TT.l ri.lunil.ln iv.iinlr, (la. To Haul a ad Raloou keeper, of lllaoins. burg and Columbia County, I have uppolntcd Mr, II. Htohner agent for tho saleofmy ale, verier brown stoat, and User beer, who wilt supply you at tlio same price (and with the same nrtlele), n I wnqld fumtsh you from Che brewery, Unoowlng that he will bo punctual unit attentive to all vsLo nay favor blto wllh llielr tnule, I .ollotl let him your .upport. Very repeetflly, Fiiei) iJcurn, lite. m Hrawery, lleodlai, r. mm ?ff- Von NKAT AND rilEAJ1 M .TOM PIMNTINO, ALL AT TUti tULUMblAJt 4TICB DRY GOODS. TTUitnAII l-'OU CATAW1S3AI THIS WAY FOR llAUOAINH. ta compare with itrlngency of the money tnatket. Look und compare prices before pur. chasing elluwl-.ere. Just cull at the favorite busi ness steJid of McNINCII A HHUMAN, nnd you will bo met by tho obliging proprietors or their clerks, nnd shown through tiielr great variety storo free of charge, of course. They will glvo)iai n fair cluince to spend your lisi-iu change, they trtiil much more pnifltubly than It can bo ss?nt el.ewhere. Their HTOCK OF DltY OOODS this Spring 1. much larger In nil Its varieties than usual. Their LADIES- DIUXS HOODS nro of Ihe nicest styles In market, They linven tine an nlmentof HATS. DAI'S, HOOTS AND HHOHS, SUMMEH CLOTHS, CASSINElS, CAKHIMEIIES. AND VF-STINtls, and numeious urtleles isimmon lo such establish, incuts, besides n general nsttortmi-nl of IIAHDWAltE, TINWAIti; tjUEENSWAUE. AND OltOCEIttES, all nt greatly rislueed prices. They wish to eon duet their business on the system of "PAY AS YOU 00," md they think they can uirord to sell very cheap. I'lu-y return their thanks for ninny past favor-.. md ask llie future patronage of their fornn-r clls- toiiieis and the public geneially. MrNlNCH A SHUMAN. YHMBUUSTElt A BltOTHEU, Importers und Jobbers of IIOSir'.UY, (ILOVIX, KHIIITM AND DIIAWERM, lll'ITD.N's.sUsPENIIEIls, 11001 SKIRTS, lIANDKEKCHIEFs, THIlEAIts, sEWINtl SILKS, TIll.M.MINtIS, IHIITE MDNNAIUs, SOAlV, PERFUMERY, FANCY (IllODs, N NOTIONS tIENEUALLY, l-o M ami fact u re rs of IIRUSHES AND LOOKINI1 OLASSES, and Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, IIIIOOM, IIOPF.S, TWINES, Ai' No. nod Noith Third street, nlsivo Vine, I'lilladelphln. M. MAUI'LI-:,' NOTIONS, HOSIERY, OLOVEs; AND FANCY OOODS, No. 61 Norlli Third street, Philadelphia. XDUEWe), W1LKIXS it CO., Dealers In FOREItIN AND DOMESTIC DRY OOOIH, Nn, Ml MirKetStre-l, Phll.l-lelilla, JOSEPH S. DELL, Manurai-turcr or nnd Wlnih-sale Dealer lu CLOTHINO, CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, AND VESTINOS, No. a North Third Street, Philadelphia. GROCERIES, &c, E M O V A L 0 E c. r. MA p. P.'S X i: Y H T O It E r u a it i r k'h n t.o c x; oNTiu:conNitn or makkkt and ikon sTttni-rrs. Tho undrrslgned hav lug received from the cltv i lull nnd complete supply of HPR1N0 AND SUMMER BUY OOODS AXI) GHOCEUIES, NOT! O N 8, riX-WAUE AXD HAUD-WAUi:, ci:i)An n'tu.or-:utK, (,'ONI'ECTIONERV, GLASS-WARE, T O B A C C O , 1 T S A XU 'V IT O K S, FLOl'lt, SALT, FISH, AND MEAT, ill of which I projsiso selling at n very low ilgure or cash or produce. Call and see, April lg, l(,7. f?. C. MARR, JEUXAUD STOIIXEIt, .v'uuld rt speet fully an uotuiee to his friends and i itlolts, that ho has opened a ntUriVvCOXrECTlOXEUYSTOltl. where thele may bo fuifud at nil times, u llliecul leetlon of FRUIT, CONFECTIONERY, Nl'TH, Ac, is well lis FINE flltOCERIES, which mav Is olitalneil at reasonable rates. Tlu tot k Is always fresh und or I he very Is-st quality N'ii pains villi be sii.ii-el to make tills estab lishment llie line si of lis kill I In town, A enll Is snlk-ited befoie puuhives nro tn-idi. elsewheie. as It Is hi-lU-ved Unit perfect NatUfaellnii will lu given. I-OLL'.MIIIA HOU.-.E, Main st.. iipp-slle Miller's store, uuhO (77. ItlooniHliitrg, Pa. CCIIELL, BLIKilMt & CO., (iENERAL COMMISSION MlillCIIANTS IX-alers In FISH, SALT. CHEESE, PROVISIONS, Ac, Nos. !!nui! till Norlh Wharves, above Arch St. Solo tlgents for Wlh-u.x's Wheil Olease, III Isir tels, kegs, und e-alts. yAIXWUKillT A- CO., W II O I. ES A I, I. ft It DC E IIS, N, E. Corner -leiniid .in I An h streets, I'lllbAliKM-lllA, Dealers in rEAS, SYRUP-, COFFEE, SUO Alt. MOLASSKs, uitr:, HI'll US, 111 t-Altll HOI1A, Al M , ftS. Orders will receive pt-onipi atieuilntt. May in, iii7.1v. p.STABLISIIED I7!. JORDAN A ItrtOTIlER. WHOLESALE IIROI'ERS, mil Dealers In SALTPETRE AND BRIMSTONE, NoSW North Third sir'H, Phllad el.lila. v, ii:termax, with LIPPINCOTr A TROTTER, WHOLESALE (I HOCERS, S'o, 21 North Water Street, and No, 3) North Avenue PhTfaileiplila.' JOHN RTROUI' & CO., Huoemsnrs to Rtrnnp A Itrother, WHOLESALE DEALER IN FISH, No. U North Wli irves, an I ft N .rth Water St., Phllmtidphla. JOWE, EUSTON A CX)., ManufaeturerH nnd Wholeaale Dealera In (YJTTON YARNf. CAIU'l-rr CHAINH, II AITS, WICKH, TIH YA UNH, COHIUtlK, nitOOMH, WOOIl ANI1 WIM.OW WAHR, I.OOKH OLASSI J. CLOCKH, PANt'Y HAHKirTH TARI.K, KI.OOH. AMCAIliUA(IK (ULCI.OTIlH,ArM No. rVM Market Htreet, nouth ahle, Pblbt.lWphiH, QHOVESTEENS PIANOS. ouovi;sti;kn'k imanoh, OHOVLNHTl.irH HAN OH, I0 DllOADVAT, NEW YOU If , HQ Rroadway, Now YorK, 410 rtroadway, New YorK, Am nnrlvalhd for imrnbl Illy, Power nnd T'en neaaofTnne. Thevnrefal bei oinlnn the favor ite overall tt hern, wltli MiiHlelnna, Amntcura and nil lovem of flood Mmde. Ihev are warranleil In every renpc 1 1, PritcM onethlrd lower lhau olher nrtcinra mnkira, frnn mr t ircoiHr OIU.ViTrN,A CO., Ui Urondny, New YorK, Oet,Sr, tfi7-1m. SUSQUEHANNA HOTEL,, Ta, The ntxire Hotel ho. lately liefti purchase,! lis nr-NRY J, CI.AIIK, aurl has U-en thoroughly is. nileUed, re.ilred, and refurnished. It will U rmind now, Im Its arningeMieMl and appobitusmts, (IraUiUsa II.ul, nu4 aecoael to nnas tn Hi. enanlry, IVrseow la eMtsa wtsteiKg to mm i ma hot moaUt. la th uauutoy, yCll a 01 to gtv TOBAOOO & SEGARS. rjMIE OXLY 1'LACE to get th, bed TOBACCO AND CtOAIW, AT WHOLESALE AND ItETAlI, at KUNUSDERUKll'M, a fow door, below the American Home, Illooinsbnrg, Pa, Ho has the largest and most solect of HMOKINO AND CHEWINO T0I1ACC0 everofTered lo the cltlieus of Illoorasburg, Al the fancy brands of HEOAIW, and th, best Fliic-eul und Plug CHEWINtl roiiAcco, can Is. bad at his couniers. lOIIACCO PIPIX In great variety alenmung his largo stock. IKIN'T FOIltlEP TO PALI. II. 11, HltNsllEIKIEIt J1J W. KAXK'S WllUl.l.-Al.i: TOHACl U, M.MIl- h , AMI C10AR WAREHOUSE, No. IM Norlh Third Street, between Cherry and Itaee, west .Id Philadelphia. Q L. WOODUUl-'E, Wsolesalo Dealers lu TOIIAtXVS, CIOARS, PIPES, Ac, Ac, No. 13 North Third street, abov e Market, Philadelphia. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. Qii a m7F:s v. 5x Yl)EIt( tiKALRn IK H A U D W A U K, I Hll.V, NAII.N, HTi:i:i., AC, AC. AC. MAIN HTKUKT. IH.OOM.SllUUd. li:NNA Puke UiIh luethiNl or liiforiiiiiiytlio elllzfinof l'o lumbltieouly, Hint he hut opened nh exteusiv ilurdunru hloru on Muln atreil, In l)lmunslmt(i near irmi atrri t.and that ho ha-, on hund ti I.Allli;it Hit) K AND lliriTCU AHM)UTi:i than cut i bo found any w hero cUetn thn count) .md which he Intends to sell ut priii'H which ihf; I'liiuptMlttou. CHAINS, AXES, STEEE, 1U0X. I li.tvt rlmln. nil Hires. axi-H, all make it in weight, htet l, all hizi-H, lion, all ahnpc. and nl very low, HUM, I ntt'R H A U I) W A U II, if rvery dcHcrlptlons. NalN, axlo pullryM, m- t'onln, lntchen, ItK'kHund kuoln.butt KerewH.Nnsi fnst window pprlniM, baso kuohH.Ntrnp hinife- Mitspnatm Hinpifft, imoiunnd atjtple, niul infne aerythinj; mtnlrd In tlwt line, XACH A WAGON MAK1.1W HATtfiWAIll "tnbnielNK almmt every thliue In that line. A1m HAllNllSM MAK HW HAHDWAItK. Ihielctcs, Japnnnrd: bucklea, silver plated; hltti of fcry kind , Hamiw, Imn : nul trees i Hamf wooo Nnimif tns.uir tree, Kirlh ueb, wornt nd fotton : thread, id Ik, awlimid nf eillei. tol or an Kiiirit. hhoi:maki;us iiardwark, A full assortment forearpenter. I havo plane all klndi, mn; hnnd.pannel.rlp.nndcompafli viuare- teel, iron, and trytborimi machtnei fhlslen, ausept, beveln, mallets, bracea, Rau pIowm, rulen, bltH, and ubout everythlnK for car (K'nterw. KOU THK TKOI'I.E (JENnR-VIXY I have coal hod, coal dhovelH, MCUOpH, coal nlftera, lfltit ernH.table cutlery.pocket cutlery, plated aroon, plnteil fork,riener8,tert and cof fee p"tMhutterknlvpR,mllIiHAu-K. cross cut n wn, circular nnws, nngRn wa, files, horse k1iocm,w reiiehes, rivet s.ham mers, hatchets, mattocks, picks, forkn, Brub bin hoes, HhovelH.fspadoH, spading forkft, liom, rakes, lcd plnn, tu Inc, skuttH, pKwa, coflln trim mlngM, Kmcry, red chalk, white chalk, wire, borne naIN, meat cut tern, hcales, wash hoirdu, hoiso lnukcts, wtHMlrii palls, clot hen pins, Etun, iit-Mir mats, porch mat, par lor mats, ci in i pop pern, paint brushes, Idisv brush k, Mlcluh bells, heel calits, enamel ed krltlcH, brass kettles, co pper UctllcH, Htewkettles.-siiuco pi(iis, axes.n illtt, letlKCH, curtain llxturen, 'rillmblehkelus ltd bitxc Pumps, h ad plpp, i d Tarred ropoand liundrels tf aitlrles nut ,t m -iterated ctindnnlly tin hand at CH A I IM W. hN Y I :i I'H, Main Street, tlluomsburc. jAton K. Sjiini. J. R. Hiltzi i gM ITH A SEETZElt, ImpurierMund Denlersin rurnlen and iKimeMh HAH 1) W A 11 E, Of.VH, cutm:uv, AC, .no. WO x, th 1 1: STiimrr, aii. ca li on u I i.l, piiilaii;m'Hia. Nov. e.',C7-tf, IRON, TINWARE, RATIONAL I'OUXDIIY, llloomhhui'K, Columbia Counly, l'u. The Kiilwcilbcr, piopili tor of tho aliow- 't'nr cxtenstve tstahl Whin cut, Ix now prcpninl to r eclveordein fur nil klndi of MACIXINKUY KOU COLLI i:iUlt,ltI,A'T KlIllN'ACIX, STATION HY i:N(IINI. MlLLM,TlIIti;HHIN(l MACHINE'S, He h aUii pn-pjired lo innki HIovch of all idze nnd patterns, Ilowirons, and nverythlutj UHtiull made In first -cla pouudrlen. HlHcxteiisivofacllttieH nnd priwllcAl workmei warrant him In rece tvln the larvat contrtwb ni (lit must rcuhonahte terms. Oraln of all kinds will taken in exclmmre p- t'HHtlllKH, Thin establishment It located near tht ljeK wanna and nioomabuig 1 tall road Depot, nrrr.K mllmyel. gTOVES AXI) T1XWAKE. A. M. ItUrKUT announcea to his rrlcnda and cun torn era thai continues the uUive boalutwa at h la old place on MAIN HTKKtrr, nLooMHiiuna. CuitomerR can be nxmodatel with FANCY 8TOVIJ of all kinds, HtoVHplpea, Tinware, and evry a rlety of article found In a Htovo and Tinware K Inhllshment tu tho cities, and on themt reason able terms. Hefalrini; dunv at the ahortest nolle' S5 DOZEN MILK-PANfl on hand for wale. JEW STOVE AND TIN SH01 US UAIN 8T11EKT, NKAHLV OI'POBITK UILLKH arouf, IILOOMHIIUKO. v i.nn'a. THK nidcislnetl haa jtut fit lid up a ml oin nxt tilt, new STOVE AXD TIN KH()I'( In this plnet. when he in piepnrcd to mako ti new Tin Waiik of all kinds In his line, and di repairing u 1th iiealness nnd dispatch, tijKin th tniiHt reasonable terms. He also kcf mi hand HTOVI OP VAUIOt'S I'AlTl'.ItNS d HTYLI'. Mhleh he will hell iiimiii tcrint IokuII pint liawerf. Olve him a call. Hls a i:od uieianlc, and leservlnu or tht publlo patioiume. JAtXIl MKT.. lllosimsburi;, AprlUM, Q W. HEAHON A )., Manufncttirera of OIL CU ITHH A N I W I N I K)W HH A VVH, War-bonne, No, 11 Nirth Third Hirett, riilbkielphla. Q.EOIU1E II. JtOHEHTS, Importer and iMiler In iiahdwaiif; cutllky. uunh. 4c, No. Sll North Third Htreet, uUmo Vine, I'liOailelphta. ICAVEU i HI'UANKLE, WJlQtJaVJALK QROC1U1IIU ANDOOUUDtHION ilUKCHAKTI, TUa. t and T7 Arch lltreet J-aJUsoVpliUi. DRY QOOOS. JJILLEU'S ST011E. FIIE8H ARRIVAL OF TALL AND WINTER OOODS, The ,ubMrlber hai Just relurtma from the cltlt, with another large and select assortment of BPKINO AND OOODS, purchased lu New Y.rknnd I'lilladelphln nt th. "urn. iigurc, nnn wnicn liu is uelermined to sell ui ns mislernte terms ns enn lie nroeured ,.t... shere lu lllooiusbuig. HI, .lock comprises Will IX- DRIXS UOODrt if tho choicest styles and latest fashions. In..ti,. . with n large nssortmeiit of Dry 'loods and Oro. eric., consisting or lite riill.iwingiiitleles. Carpels, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslltlelis, Mtnwls, Flmiliels, Kllki, t Wli' U.,.,1 . Lin- ).-. II... . -i .i M. - i Ccflarv IlltlUl Jueenaware, Hoots and Hhoea, Hats and Caps, (toui Nets, Umbrellas, IjOokliiK't-lhiMieit, Tobaeco, t'otlee, Huars, Tens, Hi.,., Allspice, (limicr, Cinnamon, Ntitim ifi, AND NOTIONS (UIN HALLY. In Rhort, everything usually kvpt In country toroK, to which nw luvltea the attention of the public Kcncratly, The hthest prhewlll pahl r country product hi exchange for kkhU. H. II. MILLi:it, Arcade Hulldlni;s( llloomshurir, P,i, QUEAT UEDUCTIOX IX I'ltlCKS AT PETER ENT'fi STORE, IN LH1HT STREET, or KALI. AXD WINTER OOODS. THE subscriber has just received ami has uu 'land ut his oM stand lu Light stie-et, a large mi l elect SSORTMEXT OK MEUCIIANBISK .uircliased at the lowest Ilgure, und which he di-terinlned to sell on ns uustemte terms as s, procured elsewhere In Light Street, tvn ami mi cou.xritr nioDVct.. Ilia stock eon.Lsts of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest ityle., nnd latest fashions, Cnllcoeji, Muslins, Olnghnms, Flannels, Ho-lery, Carpetl, silks, shawls, READY .MADE CLOTHINO, satttietts, Casslmers, Cottouedes, Kentucky Jeans. AC, AC AC GROCERIES, jIACKEK-si,, Queensware, Cedarware, Hardware, Medlclurs, Drugs, Oils, Paint., Ac, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS A CAPS. In short everything usually kept In a eonntry stare. The patronage of his old friends and the public generally. Is res.ect fully solicited. The highest market price paid for country pro duce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Nov. s Pf?. QUEAT REDUCTIOX IX PRICES AT I). K. SLOAN'S STORE, IN OIlANtiEVILLE, PA., it KALI. AXD WINTER (lOOD.i. ThesubHcrlberhasJustievlli.l ml,,,, I it his store In Oraluc-v ille, u huge nnd seln t ASSORTMENT OF .MEKCHANDlM. .iiueh.iscd tit the lowest Ilgure, nu.lMHteh he K leterniilletl to sell on in. miaU-tate li-im. as. it e procured elseuhne ,n flrungev ille. FOR CASH ..It COUNIHY Pltnlll I.. Ills sioek con-lsts id LADIES' DltESS OOODS. niou-nsT sni.Ks ami i.isiiuins. illlcoes, Mu-dliis, Olngh.ttiiH, Finnliels, Hosier. ., Sll vvv l.s, READY MADE CLOTHINO, nllnets, CaiHlmer,., Cntlonaili-s, Kentucky Jeans, AC, AC., AC GROCERIES MACKERAL, tuctnswiirr, Cedarware, Harduare, Medicines inil-os, Oll.s, PAINTS, ar, HOOTS it SHOES, HATS A CAPS. In short cver thing usually kept In ucoimny lore. The patronage of his old rrlends and Ihe public generally. Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest niaiKet price paid for country pro luce. ... D. K. S1.HA.S. Oi.ingovlile, May SI, Tiff. J J. B R O W E R, Is now orrerllli; lo the public Ills Slock nr .v y , A' a a o o j) ,v slstlng In part or a full line of INGRAIN, WOOL AND RAG C A R P E T S, Fine cloths lllld CASsIltlere for Ijiilit-s isiat... HAND-O.ME DRESS (iOODS, if nit palteilts nnil iiuttlllli's, Inlaids and Prlnls of Vtiriillls qualities 1111.1 pill C, Itl.EACIIED VND I1ROWN Ml'SI.lNs, I, A DIE'S 1'RENCH CORSETfl, A N It BALMORAL SKIRTS. .Hid UHtairtmellt of I.AlUtSfi VIIIUIItK."H (SAITIUMA II007H. i ri sh Oroeerlts und Splees, New assortment (ILASS AND ItUEENS-WARE, K X-N O. 1 MAC K E 11 E L In one-half mid one-fourth barrels. Now Is tho time to mako voiir selections, a, I in oll'erlniT goods at very low pi Ices, mid our motto Is fair dealing to nil, and not to be under .old by any. J, J, 11R0WER. Wloomsburg, April 15, 1W. poWDEIt KEGS AND LU.MDKU. W. M. MONROE A CO., Rupert, Pa., Mauttfnctureis of I-OWDKR KKOS, und dealer. In all kinds of LUMMFJl, give notice thut they are prepared to aixsHnrsluto their custom with dispatch, and on the cht-aiasit terms. jILLER A HOST, Suecessois to Franklin P.Selizer Co., Intpiirti is ni d Whnlisul,- i,-aler. m Lltjl'OHs, WINF.s, Ae- Nos. iiannd, Plllltelelpul'l. A. HENDRY, Successor In Hendry A Hart Is, Manuf.ieluri r and Wholeit,, De tier In IltiOTS ANIIS1I0I, No. V, Noith Third sir.! Philadi-lphln. J P. HEARD, Willi I.IFFINCOTT, POND A CO., Mannracturersand Wholesale Dealer, in HATS, CAPS, FURS. AND STRAW (ItK)IW, No. tll.Maikel Street, Philadelphia. gXYDER, HARRIS A BASSETT, Manufacturers and Jobbers of MEN'S AND HOY'S c'iOTHINO, Ku, m ttarkrt, an.1 US (,nuiu-n-e Hlr-el. rtillsdelpliia. 01 NEnf tli I'tnt nltclloiiH ol- Pine HOCKS 111 Hi I HUD III I III 111 1 II IS I'lotlllUU Hi ll- I UlUlH.tll, Hies III I t ig 1'a. iD-UM. ie rsTTwexn a aw?.