'I' THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. armtr's gcpartmcnt. AVInlrr Car. ofl'iull Trrta. KvnitY IiciHliy,vli!orimH troo or pluiit UhiidiiIIchI with nn iilnioit Infinite tnim- her of fibroin loots, which petictrnto every pari of tho soil nml Riithcr snp, nmlnlongwlthlt n supply of onriinlc mid InorRunlc food. Tho ixpanlon nntl contraction of tlinsoll lnrlUK llio win ter, tear nntl break nuinbora of theft? nilnuto root, n imrtorlty of which nro co small ns to bo imperceptible to the unaided eyo. Where thoro la n ureat number of alternations of heat and cold, ao many of those roots) nro broken to leavo tho tree In ft sickly condition in thenirliiR. nnd it should bo a careful study to protect them from etieh action from frost. Should thcro bo but u Blight dcKrco ol frost, not more than enough to freezo water half an inch to nn Inch in depth, u body of water around tho roots would doubtlessly net ns n preser ver, nnd from this fact probably tho ridiculous habit aroonlluded to. Hut in this cllmnto wo have to guard against foot-deep Instead of Inch-deep frosts. A flmplo experiment will show tho dlfferenco between ntlry nnd wet soli urn 1 1 ml tho base of tho tree. Tako three cups, ouch nlno Indies deep, fill each one of them within ono inch of the top tho first with wntcr, tho second with earth satunited with water, nnd tho third with moist, but nearly dry earth, and subject all thrco to cold enough to freeze them solid. In tho first, tho wator In changing to lee, will so expand ns to fill up tho cntiro measure. The moist earth in tho second will have ex panded nearly as much, while tho com paratively dry earth will scarcely ex pand nil eighth of n Inch. Tho experiment, or tho prinelplo which this Illustrates, viz : that water freezlngoxpands but ono eighth of its bulk, whilst dry solids do not thus ex pand,has n direct bcarlngupon the win ter treatment of trees. Instead of ro sy mining water around them, it is better to dig a ditch (at a sufficient distauco to avoid cutting the roots,) to convey tho water away nnd leave tho soli dry. It Is sometimes oven advisable to bank up tho earth eight or ten inchvs high around tho body of tho tree, nnd slope it off a few feet. This will both carry off tho water nntl afford nddltional warmth to tho roots. Corn far Stack. Cork for fattening animals, and maintaining nulmnl heat, during cold weather, excels all othergrain. It re quires strong digestive powers when fed In quantities; and for feed to all kinds ofstock, at every age, is illndapt- etl. As food for young and growing niilmaN, requiring a diet rich in form ing bono and muscle, it is bad economy, unless for market. Oats, Pens, nnd beans, promote growth nnd strength, and for this reason should form the grain feed for growing nnlmals. Oxen nnd horses can bo mado to perform much more labor, and cows will yield mora nml richer milk, on n generous diet of corn meal; but In the long run jt effects their health. Tim ;--eSQ nei,(1, much richer food than !!iu its, and will boar It; yet corn, under nil circumstan ce's Is not the grain. Somo of tho ill effects ofu course of high feeding the horso upon corn, nro seen In n dull eye, dry skin, nntl rough coat. To road bters, particularly In warm weather, when liablo to ho overheated by exer tion, it gives n tendency togreator heat, and to laying on fat; when a diet is neetlcd simply to repair waste muscle. Oat, dry hay, nnd carrots, aro tho must appropriat'i feed for fat driving horses. Tor draught horses, whoso mo tions are slow, the bad effects of meal nro not soupparent ; still n mixture of other grain, ground with com h much better. Itural American. Frost llrlps tht lnrmrr. In tlil-s clliunto winter rarely sets in until from 'frequent nnd heavy rains tlio ground is pretty thoroughly saturated with water. It would bo a misfortune to tlio agriculturist to havo tho soil freeze solid and permanently for tho soa'on on tho heels of a drought. Wells, and t-prlngi would fill in the winter time, nnd tlio action of frost timid not piovo so beneflelal to land us if larger quantities of water were present in it. 1'ew tako noto of tho actual effect of freezing nntl thawing upon till kinds of icttl, moro Especially on tlio heavy and therefore retentive ones, These mot need the action of tho front and nature has provided for them to receive it to a larger extent than naturally light, porous soils. Tlie wuter is dispersed nil thro' the pores of the soli, and by its expansion when frozen it cracke, pul verizes, lifts npart tho particles from each other, to a moro mlnulo u"(creo than it is posslhlo to accomplish by any machinery, Wlilto this action U favorable to tho extension of tho roots of plants It doubtless sets free much plant food which Is physically mi com bined ns fertilizers. So tho looser tho soil is left heforo winter, thu better will bo tho action of frost upon it. On licnvy lands, Bpaded gardens nnd plowed fields lato in autumn are, signs ot good husbandry Llinc. Tiinusoofllmonsnn application to tho Mill, it is believed by some, acts in two ways one as n ttlmulant that pro motes vegetation by causing tho soil with which it is mixed to exert itself; ami tlio other, in promoting tho growth of trees and plants, by enriching tho land ns Mumor,nnd adding to tlie quant! ty of vegetable food, lly others it is looked upon in a chemical and mult clrtal point of view, acting na nn alter native, a corrector, a dl6solver,or a de composer ( a dipengager of certain parts of tho animal, vegetable nntl mineral gubiitanco contained In tho soil, and as a retainer and a combiner with others, hut not as n substance, liko dun";, or decuyed organic matter, fit foV tho irh- mediate nourishment of plants. Prof rr.i Auout tho worst feature iln tjio eon' btructiou of our roadfl(TsT't1iopraftlco of working them only onco n year and then nover thinking ofthem ngnln, no matter liow bad .1 hey gtt.We ought to havo more or less work on them throughout thocntlro season, for it is' much less work to nil a small mud holo than to ill! a largo one. In Kurono they put men on tho road when it is nectfsary. Asboon us tho rut is seen it Is tilled immediately by broken utono. largo hoai of which aro kept lying along tho road reatly for use. Our dirt roatU should havu a broad base, and the dltcli Simula not bo tooe osetotho roud well drained, and then tho road will dry ou". When tho dltcli Is close to tho run J, iuu lapuiary luiiuuion win uiwny kci'P tlio loud luoist. .?$- the iU iuy . Tilt M'nlta of i'.rtui.M. AN honest fanner had once an nes, that had been n faithful, hnrdworUtnn the lea. the slave to him for n grwit many ynrn, had but was now growing old, nml every day moro tuid more unlit fur work. Ills mnter therefore was tired of keeping him to live at ease like a gentleman, ed ho nnd so began to think of putting an end to him. Uut tho nss, who was n shrmvtl hand, and mw that some nils chler was In the wind took hlnisclfsllly off, and began his journey toward lire iiiji, "There," thought he to himself, "ns I have u good voice, I may chanco to ho chosen towii-niuslelan." Afler he had tin veiled u little wny.lio spied u dog lying by the ro.ul-.sUlu, mid panting ns If lie wero very tii'oti. " v nut mnkes you pe.nl to, my friend V" caid the nss. "Alnst" said thf dog, "my master was going to knock me In tho head, becnitbc I nm old nnd weak, and enn no longer niako myself useful to him in hunting; so I mn lawny ! but what can I do to earn my livelihood?" "Hark ye I" said tho uss ; I um going to j Bremen to turn muslelun : eonio with me, nnd try what you can do In tho same way." The dog said he wiw will ing, and on they Jogged toguther, mm in nrm. They had not goncfar.bofon' theysr.w a cat sitting in the middle of tho roatl, with tears In her eyes, and pinking n mo3t rueful face. "Pray, my good la dy," said tho ass, "what's the matter with you?you lookqulleoutofsplrits!" "Ah, me I" said Cmmlkin ; "how can a body belli good spirits when ono's llfo is in danger? Uccause 1 um beginning to grow old, and hud lather Ho at my ease by tlio flre,tlian run Mtout tho house after tho mice, my sinistrals laid hold of mo nnd was going to drown me; and though I have been lucky enough to get away from her, I know not howl nm to live." Oh I" said the ass, "by all means go with us to Uro men; you tiro u good night-singer, mid may make your fortune iih ono of tho Waits." The eat was pleased with tho thought; so she wiped her eyes- with her nocket-handkerchlef mid Joined the narl v ,1 ' t. ,i noon uiiei'wniu-', 11.1 uu-.v uio jiiim- ing by a farm-vard, thev f-nw n cock 1 , " i j peieneil lllimi H , ,liltlMCiL'iiiilliiK "in with nil his might and main, "Bravo!" said the ns ; "upon ir$- wortl you make a famous noise ; pray what is nil this about?" "Why," said tlio cock, "I was Just now telling all our neighbors that wo were to havo Una weather for our washing-day ; nnd yet my mistre.-s uii.l tlie cock don't Hunk me for my pains, hut threaten to cut oft" my head to-morrow, and mako broth of me for tho guests that are coming on Pundnyl" "Heaven forbid !" fcald tho ass; "cmno with us, Muster Chanticleer: anything will be better than staying hero to havo your head cut off! Ileslde, whoknoWB? If wo tako earo to sing hi tune, we may get up a concert of our own : ro como along with us!" "With all my heart," saldthocock: jo they all four went on Jolllly together towards Bremen. They could not, however, reach the town the firtt day; to, when night came on, they turned off the highroad into a wood to deep. Tlie ass and tho dog laid themselves down under a grent tree, nnd the cut climbed up Into tho branches; while tho cock, thinking that tho higher ho Kit tho .safer ho should be, Hew up to tho very top of tho treo; and then, according to his custom, be fore he goundou his triumph and went to sleep, looked out on all sides to seo that everything was well. In doing this, he taw afnr off .something bright ; nud calling to his companion", mid, "There iniiit bo a house no great way oil1, for I see alight." "If that bo the cjse," said tho ns, "wo had better change our quarters, for our lodging hero Is not tho best in the world 1" "Bo sides," added the dog, "I should not bo tho worso for a bone or two, or a bit of meat." "And maybe," said I'ip-s.nislio licked her whiskers, "a stray mouse will be found somewhere about thu premises." So they walked oil' tho spot together towards the place whero Chan ticleer had seen the light; ns they drew near, it became larger and brighter, till they ul livtcnmochvsoton lonely house, wheroa gang of robbers lived. The tiss, being the tallest of tho com pany, marched up to the window and peeptd In, "Well, Donkey," snid Chan ticleor, "what- do you seo V" "What do I feeY" replied the nss; "why I ee a table spread with nil kinds of good things, and robbern sitting round i: making merry." "That wmld hn n no ble lodging for us," said tho cock. "Yes," said tho as, "if wo could only get In." Ko thay laid their heads to gether, lo see how they could get rob bers out ; and at last they hit upon a plan. Thonbsfcot himself upright on Ills hind-legs, with his fore-feet ivsting ngain.-t the window; tlio dog gut upon hlsbaik; the eat "cmmMed up to tlio (lig'.h(uldorp,Midthocock flow up nnd put upon puss, When nil were ready, Chanticleer gavo the signal by pulling puss's tall; Grimalkin mowed, and up struck tho wholo baud of music. Thu ass brayed, tho dogbarkcd,thceut mew ed, and tho cock crowed. I hen they all broko through tho window at once, and curio tumbling into thu room, amongst the broken gla-s, with n hide- ou clatter I Tho robburs, who hud not been a llttlo frightened by tho openin concert, had now no douiil that some frightful hobgoblins had broken in up on them, nnd scamperod nwny ns fast as they could Tho cnat onco clear, our travellers soon sat down and despatched what the robbers hail left with as much eager' ne.-s ns If they had not hoped to cut again fir a month. As soon a) limy had had enough, thoy put out tholiglits,nnd each onco moro fiought out a rwtlng placo to his own liking. Tho donkey laid himself down upon a heap of atrnw injtlio ynril i tlio tlo' Htrctclicil himself upon u Hint uuniim iuu uour; iuu cii foHoillfT'iaelf jjp on llio lunrtli ljoforu Uio wfrnnlislios: tlio eoel: piTclietl iinon a benin on1!lfcHT!Ji1-of tlio lioimoi mul, iw iillwpremtlicr Urftl with tholr Journey, tney soon lull iisieep. UUt about mltlnlght, whi'ii tho rob bers eiiw from nfilr that tho lights woro out nnd tlir.t till wa4 qulot,tlioy besnn to think that they Iiiw been in too groat hurry to run nwny 1 nnd ono of thom who wnfi bolder than tho rest, went to bco what was going on. Finding every thing stllhho niarcheil Into tho Idtchcn nntl groped about tilt ho fun ml it mutch In order to light ncmidlo. Unpylng tho glittering iltreywy of tliocat.ho mistook them for II vo coals, and held tho match to thorn to light it. liut tho cat not iiiiderrttamllng suchnjoUe,Bprttugat Ills I t.'o, and -pit, anil (scratched nt him. This frightened him dreadfully, and nwnv he inn to tho luck door; but thcro dosr lumiied uinintl bit him in tho J- As ho was ciosslng over tho yard, nn kicked him ; nnd the cock, Who is been awakened by tho nohe, crow with nil his might. At this the robber ran back ns fast us could to hlsenmr.iiles, nml told tho oaotnln "how n horrid witch hnd got In to thohou-o. out! had tnit at 1dm, and had scratched his face with her long ipm.; WASHINGTON I.lllKAllY CO. bony fingers j bow n man with n knife in hlshnutlliadhlddcn himself behind tho door, nml stublxtlhlm In tho leg; how n block monster flood In tlio yarn ami struck him with u eltidi-and how the devil sat upon the top of the hoiio and erletl out, 'Throw the rascal up here!' " After this the robbers never dared to go back to the houi-o; but the musicians! were no pleased with their quarters, that they never found their way to IJrcnicn, but took up their abode In the woods: nml there they live, I dare say, to this very day "Jolly companions every one.' MILLINERY GOODS. M ISS UZ.IK llAllKhKY l in a lust received, nt kerotdplsc. on Mnl st Jjloomsnnra;, hit fALli AND WINTElt STOCK of millinery coods of ovcry quality nd style. consisting of UATIST 8TVLI3 BONNETS. of tlie very best materials tosclhcr will) the very nest assortment or humming1, ninnoNH, (c. which rtreiifTerMlforsalo nt tho lowest possible rales, uulianuscp. llloomsljurj, Oct. 5, 1J07. OOMKTIIIXa NEW. TI mnlernlRnNl Im-rs 1mo to tnlorm her friends nnd tlm public. Bcm-mlly, thnt bUo Irns opencu in T.KIIIT RTl'.UUT a flesh Htock of (.oods In the line or MII.MNimY llllll TRIMMINGS In connection ivlth llrel JluUlnsj imd is prc- piueilia ftiiiiuion, ui COLOI! STISAW ll.VTS on the shnrtrfct notlce.and In the heft style of tlie nia. rriccAtnennnnavorKMniimeiory, nn-".!:. Ki.ixr;. iJcnl street, October 4, MILUXKRY ISTAULISH- 1 M F.NT. The Misses ITaminn would rfcnectfullv nn- ,(.. ,d,i,0r friends in tun nudrouniry, Hint uiei-imiejust received nt iiuir ipi. -of business. on Main St., below Ainerknn limine, a Inrge nnd newsuppiy oi JtlliMNRflY GOOli.n iflldhcript1on'ilt.l for I'hII nut! Wiutrr's Wnrj ImlutlliiK lionnets of tlie lnttst stvlr.Uib bond.trlmrulnctofflll fcort, nrni In tct Urep n conrral tiirnNliInc utoiolur lad Iff. 'J heir pat U-rnH atiJ Mylot. tire timonn; the latest, nnd tlio nrlcen nut n tiitie m rUMince ormose in inn ( ity, l)o not fall tn rail nml f xnmlnstlielr zouiKhefore S' OMETIIIXO xew AT LIMnSTONtVlLLE, MONTOllll OJUNTV, I. Tbe nubile arodeslre.1 tolnkeiuirticularuofle,.. that the undersigned have Just returned Irom the l.'ijiem cities, Willi iiiu rlllltD INMTALLMHNT, for tbe present fall and winter season, of DltY GOODS, aitouciiins, , QUEENS WAUK, CLOTHS, CASIMV.ns, VKSTISGS, " ' CALICOES, MUSLINS, : WIAWLS. Decidedly the largest, nnd best, nnd cheapest ns fcorimctitof READY MAUU CL0T1II.SG ever bmuRbt Into the reaion;nnd that backed up ulth lite llnest Kelecllou or tlio livtist and uiot f.iblilunablu styles or HATS AND CAI'S, HOOTS AND SHOPS. There is nlso connected with the store MIN !:LLKN DiLDINH'H MILLIXEUY 1 TAIII.IIIMK.ST, where tnnv bo found a large nnd choice nssort meut of Millinery nnd lancy Goods i-ueh ns Hats nml Cups, Dr,ss trlmminr rioucrs, llun lliiRs. IMkIiirs, lut.bons, etc., nndls ptepared to cut, lit, and iu-mnke,nll klndsof l.k11cs' wiur, with nil Hie latest styles ol Pali jms ele. Every bodv ;m Ik lltled and suited. Ladles mid OculliMi'ii, boh and uliJs, iuu lintl tlie elicnpist lot of Roods tbey ever hnd tbe pleasure 01 iQolcluiithi'oush.lit DlLUlNi; AMMilH. Nov. iJ,07-lf. QON v n V T I O X 12 n Y i-'itUIT, A U To, AO., AO. JVC011Y A WlDMYElt, MANrKAC-rrurRs, M'I.elcKalo nnd Itctall Dealers In VllIX ASD FAXCY COMJSCllOXVltV, AND riEALEUS IN FOREIGN KKUITS AND NUTS. Exltanj?e JUiiek, niooblsburK, Pa, OIIANQIW. LEMONS', ItAISINS, PHONES', it, O C K CANDY, KKnl.lSW llARlVS, LAYPll I'.ASINS, rt-'UKAHTH, C1TE0N, VIOS, D01.I.S, AC, JUtKAD AND C'AKKS, of all kinds. ClIltlSTJIAS ! CIUUSTJiAS ! CU'.Ml TOYS, VANCY TOYS, . I'llTOCH CANDIES, full kinds toKtllt the tllil Istlus trtnle. on bund at wholesale or retail. ENOS .IAC011Y. VIIKD. E, WID.MYi:il. lUojnisbiim.Nov. 2, 17. KVbl'OGK OV OLOTlUNuT 'lesh arrival of VAI.L AND V.'INTKIt GOODS, DAVID LOWI'.NIir.EG lll 11cm attention to Ills sliKlc of ClIAP AND VAklllONAni.E CLOTHING, t bis slore on Meln Street, twodoors above tho American Hons . Illoomisbursr, Pa., wheru he liss Just received from Ntw York nnd Pldlndcl phlti u full nssorlment of 5ir,X AND IiOYh' CIajTHING, li ucludiiitf thu most fashiuuuble, durable, and handsomo DltESS GOODS, onsUUlig of I10X, MACK, VllOCK, OU.M, AND OIL-CLOTH COATH AND I'ANTSI, of all sorts, sizes, and eol.rs. Ho hs also replen Isneti ids already large slock of VAI.I, AND WINTV.lt HIIAWII, KTHIPED, FIGITHED, AND TLAIN VEHTH, HIHItTH, CltAVA'lH, HTOCKH, COLLA1W, lIANDIvV.ilCIIIEKM, GLOVEH, RUHrHNDIMlS, AND I'ANQY AIITICI.E8 Ho nan c-onstuntly ou ijind a large aiul well-se lected assortment or CLOTHS AND VUUTINGH, wliljii ho U prepare-l tu make to order Into an v kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In Ihe nest milliner, ah uis rioiuins u i.t,ie to wear, and most of It U of liomo manufacture, GOLD WATCHKH AND JKWUI.ltr, of every description, fine nnd eheap, HU case ef Jewelry li not surpassed lu Ihla place. Call and examine Ids general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCIICM, JEWEI.ItY, Ac, DAVID mWENHUHG J 11. I'UllSICL, HAIINIWK, BADDLII, AND TI10NK MANUI'ACTDHEII, aid dealer In CAHPirr-IIAOS, VAI.IHEH, VLY-NETH, iieyrALo itonm, itounc. blank rts, a, which ho feels eontlde nt he ran sell nt lower raiu iiiun uny omer persou in iuu country, i:x amine for ronrselvea. hhop rirst dour belw tho 1'ost Ofllce Main nireei, iiioonisuuig, i-u, Not. 15. 117. JKIOK HOTKIi, OltANOKVILI.E, COI.UtllllA COUNTY, V, IBIIAKI, MUM1IA, PllOPltlV.TOIt, Havlntz taken nossesslou 1 Ibis well.ktinw! house, su Iouk kf id by Kuinuel Everett, thel'rO' urletorbuHi.uLIn ft i.erinaiient repair and furnlsb. ed HAH ANplJMtDEItwlllitliecbolcrstllquora and uewesl delicacies, lib. stable la uut excelled u the county j and uo palua will b siaured to RQTQmixivaaiv fuwv, lapnrvr, MISCELANEOUS. MMIK WASHINGTON MllUAUY T .1 J . UU., I'll J llll)VlUl JliiV. chattered by the, statu of Pennsylvania, nml nrsanUed la nlil of tlio 1U V nil Hill 14 INHTITU'l'r! loll KUVCATlXn UIUTt'ITOCIt.Y HOt.IIICItS' AND HAI Milt' OIIIMtAKIi. IncoriHirutcd liy the stuto of N. J April S, ISW. MtllxcntlUOX OSH H01.I.AI1. nv viinui: oi' Tiir.m ciiaiiti:ii, AND IN Airoi'iiANcri with ITSPrnvmioNs, HllldlMrlbuto Tllltmi IIUNDltLl) T1I0U.-3ANI) DOLLAIIS IN rniMKNTS TOTlIHHIIAltnllOMlUUst, 0t Wcflnadai, 8tt January, next, AT 1'1III.AI)I:M'1I1A, l'A., Oil AT TUB iNSTlTUTn, IltVEIHIDIt, X.J Hehtdutt o Vrctcntal 1 lVe.enl, woith SIWO I lMewnt, wortl WfiM 1 l'lesenl worlh W.'Wi I rienent, worth f,i"JJ 1 Pren-nt, vnlued nt 1' 1 I'rcwnto, valued nt 116,0 Ocnel :l,oirJ 1 1'resent, vnlued nt lojm 4 1'renents, vnlneil nl f l,il i neli Sufm i l'risentu, vnlurd nt 3,iul rneli ii,i1 ft l,p..v..lfl vnt.in.tnl I IN.) f.ifll llllll) !0 l'nsents. Milued lit WOenell IO.M"' W I'resenn, vnlued ul inwoncn o,".; a 1'reNGnts. vnlued nt 'J'lOeuclt...,. 2D l'reient, vnlued nt yi'ieiu-li 'fin l'resentii. vnlued nt 7."ieftelt 1IW Presents, vnlued nt lliOcneli 1?'',"J, w i-resenis, vnuteii ni .cncii.... 10 l'renets. vnlued nt fioencli CW Tho rcmiilnlnir rresrnts eonslntof nrtleles nrn.nntii vn tin. nnnerinininir it) itioiiii- fusion of Literature nnd Vine At Is 82,000 .u.o(io Vnch cci'tincntoofStoeK Is pccomiwnieu sviin 11 IIVAUTIVUL STUVX-I'LATK KNOltAV G worth inoront retail than Ihe cost of Csrlincnte, nnd nlso insures to the holder n Tresent in tho Grent Distribution. SUBSCIUI'TION OXK DOLLAlt Any person keiullnir us One Dollar, or pnyln tbe sumo tu our loon agents, will leeeive imme diately nllneSlcel plnteeiiRinvlns.nl cholco from tlie lollowing llsl, mm oneieritiietue oi htot u. , ,. surliu ono present In our OllEAf DISIltlllU TION, One JMlar Iiarmiiw. No. l-"Mychlldl My Child!" No. 2-"Tliey're Mnvcui incy to rniem - win f-,-,i.j- uiv. or iha r.rtrl- ll.ivs f (be Devolution." Any person paving two dollnls will leeelvo either of the following flno steel plates, nt clioiee, nlul iwoecriuicaies oi siock, inns uL-vuunna vn tilled lo iwo presents. Tun Dollar JMaralinm. a No.l-r"Wnbtnsrtnn-sCourtslilp." 3fo.S."Vnh. Ington's 1-lst Interview wltli his Mother." ifu-fc Dollar Kngmetngs. Anv person paying three dollars will receive the bcnutlltll steel plateuf "Home from llioar," nnd three rertllleates of stock, becoming enuueu tn three presents. I-Xur Dollar engrax lugs. Any person paying four dollars shall leeclve Ihe large nnd beuutlluHleel dnloof "Tbe Perils of Our l'oreruthers,"nml fourceitlflcatcsof stock cuuutUH' lliom 10 lour iireseius. tie Dollar J.'npratlngs. Any person who pnys ne dollars shnll-reeelvo ino jari,o nnu spieuuiu -ueet i uueoi 'THE JIAltlllAGE Of POCAHONTAS," nnd Vive Ceilincnles Of Stock, entitling them to I'lvel'resenis. The llnsmvlnirs nnd Cei'tlflcntes will betlellv- ered tornchsuuserll.ernt our Lis-nl Asenelts, or by express, as may be oruereu. HOW TO OUTAIN 8IIARIM AND INOIIA- PcihI onlcrs to us ly mail, piicIohIhk from ?1 to 4Ji clilior Ijv Tost Ofllce orders or Ju u rrgUtcrcu letter, nt our risk. InrKer amounts RhoutU ho sent by urnrtor express, 10 hharcs with Vnizi avliigs , SD.50 2o shares with Knpmvtngfl, , 21.50 CO shares wltli IhigrnvInK't -100 To shares w 1th lhigrm tnn C0.50 100 hhares with Kimmvlngs 00.00 Iwal AGENTS VVVNTED tliroichoutthe UnU teil States. Tin: nivEnsiDE iNsTiiun:, situate at ltlverslde, Ilurllnnton county, New I Jersey, Is founded for Hie purpose of grntultouslj etlltcaiins llin sons i.i to-,-, iii-t-ii noiuiers Him nn,. ,.,,. of Ibn irnllcil Kittles. 'lbs jtoartl of Trustees consists of tlie iolloMlni: well-known citizens of IViiusylsitnla and New ' Ilou.'Wm.Il. Mann, District Attorney, Pltllad- r.l,,lit3 I'D. lion. Lewis II. Ilroontnll, Ex-Chief t'olnr II. s. Mint, mul llecorderof Deeds, l'lillnileipiilii. Hon, .1 .tines M. Stosi'l.Ni'W Jelsey, Hob - W. W'nr.. New .tersev. Ilenrr Gorman. Esa.. Aucnt 'Adams' Exiuess, Plilla.lelr.hla, Pa. , , ...... r t.. r,.. , TV. l,lilln.1l,.l,ll.. I TllEASIir.Y Dr.PAHTMlI.ST, Wasiiinctox, D. C. Airll 1!, 18117. Ofllce of Internal lteenuei llav I1115 received satisf.ieloiy i vldeneo that thopio ceeds of the enterprise conducled by the Wavb Inslon Llbrniy Company, will bo dcoted to eharilablo uses, permission Is hereby eianledbi bald Company lo conduct such enterprise exempt from nil charge, whether from special tax ov other duty, E. A, KOLLINN, Cumin tsslouer. The Association lime, appointed as Deceivers. Mcssis. Gtouun A. Cooke ,V Co., whose well known IntcBrlty aiul business experience will bo nsi'lllclentiiuaranlcothiit tho money Intrusted to them will ha promptly applied to tho purpose stated. Pllll.APf.Ll'lllA, l'A., May CO, lfC7. To the Ofiucrs ami Members o the Washington Li brary Vo., A', ,V. 1WAD. Mmtaru. Gentlemen: On receipt or your favor of tho i;th init., notlrj ins us of onrappolntmcnt as He eelveis for your Com pony, we took thu llbei ty to Hilimlt n copy of your Chnrter, with n, i:m ol Mmr enterprise, to tho blithest 1'Kal autboilly of lie Male, and lunln.; rm'lM'U his l.ioraoie opinion in reKiird In its legality, and sympathiz ing Willi the benevolent object oijour Associii tlou, vizi the education und liuiliilenancu of Ihe rnhnn children of our soldiers una suuoia at me Itler'de Institute, Me havu concluded toaecept tbe'. -t, end louse our best clloils to plumule so .rttiy an object. lli'tpcctfully, yourn, .to., GEO. A. COOKE A CO. Adtlri.ss all lettcisaud oidcrito Gl:t). A. CCOKE i: CO., IUNKE1W. 33 Huntli Third Htrcei, I'hlladelphla, l'a. ItccelUM'S for the Wushlnaton Library Co. .1. 15. 1HJIISKL, Authorized Au'eiit for IJloomsbuii; nnd vicinity, Nov. 1',, IM7. JKW CA11INET WA11K HOUSK. l nn unuerstsneii tuut-s mis 111,-iiion uniuutii. the publlo that he has opened n new vunxnuiti: wahe iiouhi: iu the Waller Hrlek Hulldlng, on Main Blrcet, nuooiisnvnci, pa.. Which he lias purUiascd ana Intends to keep rer. mancully llllrd with Vurnlture of CllY AND HOME MAHUVACTUHE. IT cournisEH ay n K I) M A T RES8 R S , SOI'AS, I.OU.NOIX MAnni.r, Tor ckntiie TAni,ii CIIAIItH-CUHHlONV.D, CANE norfG.MEI), AND WOOD BOTTOMED, EXTV-NRION TAIII.I31, LOOKING aLAhHKH, I'AUI.OIt, OIIAMnEIl AND DIN ING nooM FymiTunK. lu fact a full assortment of HKADY.MA.DE OOfPINH of all sizes, and of EVKHYTIIINO IWTUIS LINK OP IlIH'inADK All of which will be sold o ii is a v von uiuii, 1 lie pablle are inviied te ealt an 1 exojwlne biy atoek before piarihaaliag: elsewhere, GV1KOU W. COHELI, sTIaaaabbNrg, August 18, lS7. JKItOII AN DISK. NOTICE IS HEIir.HY GIVEN To my friends and tho publlo gcuciul!y,'l)iat all kinds or DHY OOOD.S, UltOCEltlKfl, QUKIONBWAIIK, NOTIONS, AO. ere eoustantly ou hand and for sale AT IIAUTON'S OLD bT4.NI), IlIAOalSUUtlU, BY JAM FA K, EYEH. Air Also, Holo Asrnt forlEi.MHM'noHi'iiATErie imk. Ijirgelot emislaully (.11 band. febH'u7, jJ KUCHANT'S HOTEL, id -uii'rii rouuTii tfTni.nr, 1'UIIiADULl'UIA. J, A W. O. M'KIUHIN, i'roprlotor, Miy 1 IWf-ljr, DRUGS & MEDICINES. X. MOYKH'M nnd their store 0M lXTAnMSItt II llllt'U MTOItl'.. r WU'GSI nnUO.Mll Dlll'OSIII trust TllKlnost erttniiU'lonnciuclully selected Rtoc It lolio found In the county, eotisihtlnit In port or IlrugN, Cheinlcnls, lMlnls, tills, (llnss, VnluKhes, t'utty, Ilrushes, DjcSlun's, Mixed t'uluts, hyiuh'm, v.smi:nli:m,i!xtiiauth1 himcin, r.ssrariAL ntr-i, lVrfuinery, llntrlijts, Vntu-y Honps, lluislti-i, Tombs Unsmetks, stationery, Vocltct lioolts. I'I'.N KNlVIiM, 1'11'KS, CUIAIlt, TOllACCO, IjAMI'S, VItlMNn1, MllAltKS lll-HM.It-S Hponzes, Chamois Hlclits, Citheteis, Hiieeuluius Myrtnges, llre.lst Vltmps, Tiusi-pf, of nppmvisl liuiite, A Inrironssuiiinentiif cholco Liquors forMeillcl nul iurioses, toRether wltli thu arloun WKI.I, KNOWN HTOMACII llirrKlW. Tliesowltli mnny other nrllcles tnonninerous toipeelfy form n stock which deiles comiietlllou both us H'unrds price nnd the quality ol the Roods. HYstciANS riitwcuirrioNs isihi-oi-nhkii with Till! UTMOST CAUU AND lltSl'ATCtl. Country dealers nro Invited to luxpott tho slocl: In-fore purehnsliiRcUnwhere, ns they will And It eriully In their udinntngr-. Froth goods nro constantly belni? riecived ftolu the city, and can be vliaitml c'tltcr by wholesale urvclnll, llcniember the place UxciiANOn ni.ocK nbovo KxehnliKU lintel, Main direct, llioonn-buig. Ausust tl, INjT. J 11. MOYKH, WHOLESALE A llliTAIL DllUOGIS T, roiiNKit or main anii jiAittcnr Stki:i:ih, llLOO.MSIlUKfl, PA., whCrewlltbo found u largo and select slock of Drugs, JIHDICIXKS AX!) OHUMIOAIiS. Also all Iho FATEXr MKblClNIU 01' TUB DAY, I am nlso prepared to furnish Country Btore9 with Castor Oil, Godfrey's Coldlnl, TUllLINGSTON'S 11ALSAM, and alt oilier medicines kept in their lino nt City prices, Prescriptions cnrcfully compounded nt nil hours, In medlelnoj, quality is of llin Unit Importance, llloomsbuig, Juno", tsl7 E. KVJ2KKTT & J)U. J. li. CASK'S A7-:ir drcg sroiii:, IN OliANOKVlijI.K, j u s t o v i: X K D WITH A "I'l.r.Nlitli AND VAUIRIt AflhOIiTMKNT OK GOOIW ArrritTAININO TO Till: Mtl'O JlCilNFS-i. i'uui; nuutis, ciiu.MiCAt. uiv., AIAVAVH OV 11ANP. In short nny article that enn 1h iiaitieil In tho Kruaiiiipriin no una iu men fioi-r. nr. .i. n. t'uve Ih n 1'rnnitoner, mul nNo iuul rtfunls Vfv innev; J'. Kverett li a lellei.l htnlpiil, lint t teniled one term nt the .Ien"croii .MeiHenl ('olk'H', unit uiiilcrstiiuds tho i oiiipmiilhit; of lrims. They icpicttully Invite Hr rntroiinirn nf tlielr frlemN, nml thotuhllo (jenerruly, npsurliiKlhem "s i i:," unit whnlcer w 111 be puiehnseil ot I hem Will 1m frefch :uk! .tne, iupr3i"07 TUB GREAT ZMGAB1 BITTMS Ths esnpentat rrtl of this remarlcsUs rrrpsrstlom srert first ducovsrvd, eompouadud and diilrluuteil, some twenlj years ago. by Or. C'Htoesvs, the ctle trstrdKgyittisDl'hjflclaa, Thouiiodiof bis suffer ZZ couotrjrmea if erereitorsd to ttcsltb, as weU as sreftt lumbers eflhs lahsbluati of Nubia and Abyl.iala, aad ot thecouotrlel borderlag upsa tlie tiouuiera coast -tot me ueauerrtncaa aea. Imaectl, tlie utoe or th ziNUAiti in n uns oon rprctd over Europe, sad was allotted by Ibe. iennnrai iiitiicians la charge of tlie boipluls of the old world, InuUcb It It still used kilh oreeml. ceat suecc.) The Viceroy otrgrpt placed the came of ia. Cutorscs upoo tho " noli of Nobles,' aad pre sented to him a Medal bearing- the following luicrip tlonl "Da. CutorBT, the l'ubllo Benefactor.1 Thia Xlllters ll now offered to tho nubile of America with the full asiuraaco that it will Vo found, upon a fair trial, to act ai a ipeclQo for the cure ol Cholera, Dysentery, Dianliocn, Cho.rrai rloruiu, Favcr nntl Ariic, . tUoiv l'ever, lUieuinntlsut, Typltoltl I.'es'cr, Dyspepsia, Colic airouciiius, s onsitiiipiioil, v iaru lencp lYtrvoug. Ilrbillty, una Famale Cotnpl. ills. ncmnrkable cures of the aboro diseases hare been cSeetod by its ttse, as Bumerousocrtlncatcs, many from nsrular phyelelsnj, fully attest; snd It le destined to supersede any pieparatloa cxkuit. Aiaa agreeable Tonio, and sn INVIGOItATIMO BEVERASE, IT UAS NO EQUAL, Tnrs tni ZTNGAltl IUTTEnS I 1IA9 SOU I. AS WELL A9 DODY, Ave AS A rnEVE.srivn cr DISEASE. HAS NO SUPERIOR. A FHW WOTtnS TO LAD1E3.-Tle w of the ZIN'OARI BITTER3 will five to you thnt soft, leml transcarent coinnlexloo which the God of nature (de signing woman to be the loveliest of l,Ii works) fully Intended that joa should have for it Is nature's own powder and paint combined Dy purifying the blood, Etlmulatlog the litgmenUry cells of the dermis, aad Imparting health and life throughout the entire system, It crjwcially gives that smooth clearness aad teaut; to Hie complexion to much to be desired re moring all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that jellow, alckly look ro common in our day; and what la eren better than this, It cures arery rpeclcs ol female Irregularities nnd diess Principal Depot, llarrisburg, Pa. ItAHTEIt & HAUSE, Ban I'aopimwnj. -t- I'oiale Ijv I.. MOYKlt, WlioU-wilo nnl Uotult Druifwit, l.liHni.tjiii, Vn, fll-iV07-flm. poll IS' 0. YHAGKlt & CO., Wliulcsalo Dealers In llA'i'H, CAIW. HTItAW (lOOllfi, AND uniii' runs, No. 1V7 Nortti Third Htre cl, I'hllailolilila. I. II. WAimt, Ijito Walter A Kaub, Impoittruiid Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND QIMUINSWAUU, aai North Third street, between Uaca nnd Vine ridladelphla. JlHK 1CEVSTOXK CLOVKU SKKD 9 T It I I 1 K n . PATKMIXD OtTOBKH 2, JWiO, Tli! utraple, UuhibIi cflVctlvo mnrhlne Ii Admit ted by all ttclentltlc ubftf rvers to bo tlm most direct devlco for (ratheilUKeloer seed yet discovered. A mero glnnco at It In fcuiUeicnl to convince the most obtut.0 mind of lu practical utllltv. It NlripH thu clover bead from the stalk Icavln I lie straw standing upon tbe Riound. It tt aflly drawn by one borne, and u-fiulics but ono man oi boy to Mik It. It UiomiKict, slmplo InUnifture, andnotlta ble timet out of onler, and tan be ilicnply Kt up. 'the eront advautnuo In tbls innct.itin i. u Inn i4 the .seed KHtlieitd In tbe chatl', nady lor the clover mill or hullcr, besides uavlna the khmiI lenel It ot tlmeond labor ol mou lug, Immlllut; and llirckblult trom the ktraw, JtwHlaUopay ev cry larmertOKatber IiIn kc1 with tkk machlue, on account of the ua hue of Die td which In lout In the oH way of nalherJiiK it. Kitruurdliiiiry liitliicrnif ntnofTfiedtoFnersdi men who wish topurt bocehlateor cewnly Itlghts 1'or i)urtlslar adrln T.'EklitAN A ItKlNltOLD, OT,MTil.lA. Jt,vCT,1 Columlda County, ra. To Ilnlel and Kuluoit krriwrt of llloonit- burtf nml (Vdumbla County,-l huve appointed Mr, II. Stohncr oseitt for the f uleuf my ule, porter brown stout, and litter Utr, w ho i 111 nupply you &t tho came price (and with tho same oitlcle), an I would furuUh you from tbo brewery, Knoowlng that he will be punctual and ntlentlro lo alt who may favor lilm with their trade, I to licit for him youmupport. Very rinpectfnlly, I'UKD IUKH, Hteam Prewery, lUtudluff, IX XT A N T K I). I T IDOFariuerHtoeneaicalu a buslnosa that 4J( liny I1UU u tit ttpr.ii ic. win nay from liou to 1150 per month from now Aauru JUNl'J M BHOrt 4 CO.. t I'iiuaueipuiH. DRY GOODS. TTUtltAH KOU UATAW1SSAI llilrl WAY J Ull HAIlUAlln. Goods to comparo with strlngeney of tho money market, Iiok nnd eoiupnro prices before pur ehnsltiR tlsowhere. Just rnll Pt the favorlto busi ness Maud of McNI.VCtt A HtlUMAtf, ou will liomet by tlinotillsltis prnprlelomor clerks, nnd nhowit through their (treat variety freoof c!mrRc,of course. They will hIvomi fair ehnuco to spend your loose ehaMKP, they much more prollhibly than tt can be spent rlsewbere, Their HTOC'IC 01' IlitY OOOIM this HprliiR is mucli larKcr in nil its vai lelles tbnu iivunl. Their l-AMW llltlrtS UOJ1H ure of the nicest styles In itmiket, They have u lino assortment of HATS, CAPS, liOOTM AND HlltllX. HU.MMP.lt CLOTHS, OAXSlNll'lel, OASSIMIXIW, AND VV.SrlNdS, nnd iiumemusnrtlelctisjnimou tiisuchi-stnbllsh melils, besides li tenerrtl iissoi-lment of HAIlllWAltl', TINWAIli:, (iUHUNHWAIlt:, AND UIIOCV.HH, all nt Rrcally reduced prices. Hiey wish lo con duel their buslnci-N on the syiem of " PAY AH YOU 00' nnd they ihltik I bey enn nfTord losell eryclieni. They return their tlumlm ior mnuy past favois, and nsk the future ptitronnRO of their former cus tomers nnd the public ueuerully. McNINCII A HIIU.MAN. UMllllUSTKU .t BUOTIlKlt, iinpoiici's una jo'j'jcis or lIOStiCllY, GLOVl'.S, MIIIK'lVl AND DIlAWKUS, mirro.Ns, huspkndev.s, IIOOI- S1CIUTS, HANDItV.nClIIUVS, TIII1EADS, HEWING SILL'S, TIHM.MINGS, PllilTE MONNAIHS, ROAl'S, VHnrUMEUV, I'ANt'Y GOODS, N NOTIOXS GENEH.VLLY, Alo Manufacturers of llltUSIIlis AND LOOKING GI,AES, and Dealers in WOOD AND WILLOW WAItE, I1P.00MS, IIOPBS, TWIN V.S, Aft, No. 3'KJ Norlli Thlld Sin nt,nbovo Vine, riilladelphl.i, jJ ' Tu jiaubTk, NOTIONS, HOSIEIIY, CII.OVIX AND I'ANCY GOODS, No. Kl North Third Klieet, rhiladelphln. XJJllICWS, Wll-KIXS & CO., Dealers lit VDHEIGN AND DOMESTIC! DHY OOOIH, No.Gol Market Streel, nilladcliihlit. yorf'in'u h. ISiTiTl, JInnuf.ieturer of and 'holowilo Dcnlcrln CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSI.MKltlCH, AND VESI'INGS, No. II North Third Street, Philadelphia. GROCERIES, &c., J K Ji O V A I. O V II. U. JIAltll'S X 13 AV S T O 11 K r a ft n t v K'H II i. o o A", OX THE roltSEIl Ol' MAltKET AN1I 1HOX KTllECT. The undersl-rnetl bavins iceelved from Ihe elty il lull nnd I'onipU to supply of nl'HlNG AND HUMMER DRY C.OODS AND OUOCKIUKS, NOTION , TIN-'SVARK AND IIA1UMVAHK, CJ.'DAI! A.Xl) WIU.OH'-WAJUJ, CONI'V.tTIONEHY, (II.A-r-WAItE, T O 11 A COO, Jt A T S A A' I) S II O E S, VLOUIl, HAl.T, l'WH, AND MEAT, .ill of which I propose selling nt n very low figure for easb or ptodii li- I'.tll and s,m A U II li, IMi7. C. C. MAHH. W'mittl reppoft fully nunouncoto hNfrleiitlsnncl l-.ilron.H, that lio Irns tjiemnl u ilrnt-cl.w.t Kit U IT A t'ONKKUTIOKKUY JSTOltK wlit'itliorrniiiy bo fotm :U nlUlnics, a flnocol Ifcilon uf I'lturr, rNri:iTioM:aY, nut.s, ,tr m fink f.i:oci:nni, which limy bo obtained nt reasonnlilc rate. The Ktork Is Hluay rrcshanrtoniiovcry best quality. Xo ji.ilui will bu spari'il to in.ilco thU rhtab liNlmicnt the llnest or Iln kin 1 In town, a call U hollcltcil bcfnio luirrhriMM nro rnndo oNpwIhtc, iuh It Is bpllcvcil thnt 1'cijVct fatlsfactlon will btj given. COM.MI1IA JIOUHK, Stain M jjisUh Mlllcr'H Store, nufs9'tj;. l.loomtbint;, l'a. QCIIKU,7 liKUOKH & CO., ui:xi:itAi. uoMMih-sioN muuciia: DfiiU'i's In risii, salt, rin'.iNn. hiovisionh, jlc, Xos. liiaml 1-1 Nnrtli Wlinres,nlflvo Arch Ht, DillaJflphlr. Holongi'iiih lur W'luor's V.'liral Oreuso, In liar rels, ki lis, mul cans. yAIKWniCillT A CO., Wllt)l,i:nA l,i; (iitotjuiiH, N. li. t'Driii-r HvuhhI una Auli Sin els, nttL.MlKLl'ltl.V, Di-alcl'a 111 Ti:.S. SYUUPS, t'OI''i''Ki:,HUaAil,J10I,AHMEM, nn n, M'icty, nt cahii hoda, ac df. f")- Orilois will rocalva inoinjit uttcnllon. May 10, l,:-ly. 'ADLIMUKD 171)3. JIIIIUAN A. imuTIIUlt, VI10I.EHAI.i: OltOCKIlM, ntul Di'ftlcis In HALTrrcrnK ani iiiiiiihtomi:, Ko !M) Ncirlh Thlul Stist, I'lilliiikllil.i. JJ V. PKTKItMAN, with LirriNconTnoriTu. WIIOLUSALK nitocims. No. 21 Noith Water Street, and No. CO North Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. JOIIX STKOUP & CO,, Buccessorn lo Htroup & Ilrolher, WIIOLTALK DKALISIW IN FINK, No. 21 North Wharvos and 2 Nth Valer WM rbll.idelphla. JOWK, HUSTON & CO., Mauufailurera and Wlioiesalo Dealera In COTTON YAIl.NH, C'AItl'in' CHAINS, U.VTTH, WIl'KH, TW VAHNH, COItDAUIJ, IIHOOMH, WOOD A Nil VII.I.OW W'AIIF.', i.oou'0(ii.AKKi;s,('i,t)('KKrANrviiAfKi;Tr( TAIII.i:, I'l.OOlt, ANP CAIlltlAflK OII,fIOTIIH,Ac, NO. VH Muikll Rlreel, south sl,!t?, I'l.lllMelplll.l. Q 110 V rSTKENS PIANOS, anoviKn:i:N'S imano.s, finOYIINHTEn'rt PIANOS, 419 IltOIWAV, NEW TOIIK, HtO llrondway, New Yoric, 410 JIroadwy, New YorK, Aro unrivalled forlurnbiltty,powcnnd In ncstfofTonc, '1 hey uiu fut becouilntt the favor Ho overall others Hit AIuMehuu, Amateura Hitd all loern of flood )1ule, Tbey ure warrant cjI In f ?ery rcHpet t. Price one-thlid lower than other Uut.clui maKcrs. Hud for circulnr OltOVrSTlXN.A ro., 4Ji) Ilroadwoy, Now ToiK, Oet.X, (iu7-;:ni. SU8QUKUANNA IIOTKL, ('atattUNa, Va, The altovo Hotel has lately Uu purehawed by HKNHY J. CLAltK, ami lmt U-en thotouiihly n wod elted, repalrewl, od refurnUliM, It will b fonnd now, In Um orraiUjeMfat (tad apiola Luteals a Mnt-laM llotd, tvni HewouJ ta nana la tlie oh a try t remMut hi U0i wLJibiff U upoiiJ tko kut taoaUis In tfco oauoUy, wfll da well t giye itio proprUtor a uall. TOBACCO Hi SEGAnS. rjntB ONLY I'liACK to Ret (he best T011ACC0 AND CICIAItS, AT WIIOLWUU: AND ltltTAIU sat lHt.N(ISIlt:U(lP.lfH, n few dooi-s below Iho American House, IlloonisburR, 1. Ho lias tlie lnrgestnnd most select of HMOKINO AND CHEWING TOUACCO I'Mroirefed lo iho elllzeus of lSloomsblllR, All the lahey lirnuds of HU0A11.S, nncl llii liest Vlnc-eut nnd Plug CIIHWING TOUACCO, enn be lind nt ills counter. TOUACCO PII'IIS In Rrrnt Mirlety are nmouRlils large stock, DON'T I'tlllOirr TO CAI.t.. 11. II. IIUNHIlV.UHKIt. TT" V. IIAXK'H Wl MLMA 1.1 ! TO It A CCD, SN UI'V, AN1 CIGAIt WAItEIIOUHK, No. 11(1 Noitlilhlrd Street, bet with Cherry and Itnce, went side, Philadelphia C.1 wooimui'F, Vholc.itu l)ailcr lu Ho. tt Hoi Hi Tlilttl yticct, nb'jvo Jlurltot, l'hUiutclhtn. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QlfAULKH W. SXYTJEft," " liCALKU IS" II A It 1) W A H K, I HON, NAIIaft, STEKL, AC., AC. main KTm.r.T. iir,ooMfiuntn, ruxx'A Tukn thlw tnctli'Hl of Infotinlngtlio citizens of Co lumbia couty, lb.it ho ban opencU un wtiihi.i' lluiiluiuf hloro ou Main htii-ct, In Jiloiunsburtti ifar Iron sUret, atvt tluit ho has nn hnnd n LAIUll'.ll HUVK ANI IIKTIUU AKSUUTIU than en n bo Umu any Iicro clso In tlio county, aiul whi-h he Intnul to sell nt prlcr-i which ilcr coinpctltlnn. tJMAIaV.S, AXIW, BTEEIj, 1UON. I hao chaln, all sin m. nxns, nil tntilto nin wi'tbt, tt(u'l, nil sliew, hon, all i.bup'sH, mul all wry low. h u i ii i i: u- h it a n i) v a n v., of every .U'StcrlpLlonii. Nallw, axlo iiillcyM, naMi eor.ls, latchcn, U-t-t;sniul Kufjb-4fbutt ifreM8,Ka.li fasts, window Mirlnc. tiw l;iiob4, atran lilnccH, hasps ami staples, hookn ntul fitsipleH, nml In fuel flvcrytbln lu-cili'il In that line. COACH A WAtiON MA K Kits' ilAHinVAlll ombrneln!: ahnt I'M-rythlnx In that lino, A No HAUNI-sH MAKaCItS' JtAIMAVAUK, Iluckltnt.lnp.uiii''i1; bucklcM, nlhcr plated ; bllt; ofcveiy klml , MAMhM, Iron ; pail tn-ps: HAMli, v.'ooit ; a-Mlc ircc", 1 tn cm, Khtti wcl', worMcil nnd cut ton : thicad, isllk, nwl-amt nccdtc,, it ml, of all klndn. Kiioi;MAKi:it'.4 fTAnnwAiti:. A Jull .'(M(oitnicntforcarpcntci.s, I haeplnnea nil ulndx, huwh; hand, panni 1, rip, nnd compass, s'jnarci steel, Iron, .nnd tiy: boring machine, chUles, auger", bevels mallets, brace, gaiise. ploww, rulev, bllH, ana about e-vcrytblng for ear penters, ron thu ri.orLn onNintAUA' I liavc coal hod-s, coal IiocIh, snoops, coal nlltcis, l.ml t'Hii.tableeutleiyjHickot cutlery, platiil spooni, pl.ded loik,erveri,tea andeof Kepots.butterknlvcs.m'Ilfawi, cro-sseut vavn,elri iilarwiwsKniiKnawn llleH, hoiMo ashocH.wienelif'SiIvcts.hnni nicis hatrbrtq, mattock, pkki, forks, Erub- bln hot's, shovels hpadeH, spading forks Ikm's, rakes, bed pins twine, skat ph, pluws colllu tilm mines Kmeiy, red chnlk, while chalk, wlr hor-e Hills meat cutters, scab s ah boarils Iminu buckets wihkIcii palls tlotht-s pins idue, door mats porch mats par lor mats coin poppers, paint brushes hon-s bru-dies sleigh iK'lls.Iuel calks enamel" oil kettles bniHH kcttlsH, copper kcttJeh, slew kettleH.sauce l,ms,biond axesnalln, b!ed,ii s, eui lain JIturc, 'J blinblefkeln nt.l boxes rumps ld pipe, i tc, Tan I'd rope and himdii'ls of aitlclen not ttiiu mem ted constantly on hand at cnAiuj4 w.KNYii:ir, Miiln Ktreet, Pdottinsburti. Ja on K. Mn i J. It. 8Kt.Tzi n g i T II A S K LTZ 10 It, IiupnrU isnn-l lionli i-s In roreli;n nnil Doniostlo If A 11 1) V A it K, OI N'K. CCTLintV, AC, ml Ri . Tmitubtnt'irr, aii.cAi.roM'nit.i., rmi.Ai)i:u'iiiA. J,C7-tf. ,-. Mi IRON, TINWARE, &C. "jTATlOXAIj FOUXDHY, lilodiiis'jiiitf, Columbia County , l'a. Tho bul.eitbcr, proprietor cjf the above- vneti oxtiiicnu i stabllslitnent, Is now prepari.it to iu celveordeiM for all kliuU of MACIIINftUY roUCOLLlKltIl,IiLAKr I'UKNMCIW, VT.VTION.MIV KN'filNhS MILf.TIIllIaHIIINO MACIIINKM, Ac lio U alho pu-partnl to make htoesofall siren and patterns I'low-lrons and tnerytluiiji usually made In Urst-elaHal'ouiidiles, lll4oxlenHKe tuctlltlcH ami pructlcal workmei warrant him In loci lvln thn I.ut coutiacU on thu nuwt icasoii.iblo terms. (Jialn of all kinds wilt b taken lu ixchango foi ( lutllngti, 1hl8ctabllt.tiinent li lomteil near the LacVr wanu'i and liJoomnbuvc Itallroad Depot. VlTYlin DILLMYKIt. QTOVKS AXD TJNWAJtK. A. M. ItlTpi;nT announces to his friends and custom era that lonttnuuR the aboe business nt his old place on MAIN HlltlXr, ULOOMHUUIKJ, Ciutoaiers tan bo accommlatetl with I-'ANCY STOVIVI of all kinds HtoviplpelTlnwaroland every va riety of article found In aHtovonnd Tluwaro 1- tabllshiiHiit In tho cities nnd on tho most reason able t tuns Ut'iultiiitf U0119 nt tho bhorlCkt notice, tfi DOZ1IN MILK-PANH on hand lor sale. N1 KW STOVK AND TIN HIIOP. UN MAIN HT It K KT, NTAnbY Ol'l'OSin. UlLLtll' IILOOMSIIUKO, Vr.NN'A. Tit ic rndeiHlimcd has Just fltttd up and opened STOVK AND TIN SHOP, In IhU nhit e. h. ro he btMirenared to make in, now TIN WAtu: of all kinds In his line, and do reiialrltiL' ulth neatness end dNnateb. noon ibt most leasoitabte terms Do .iIko keeps ou laind HlttYl H uV VAHIUUS 1'A'JTKHNH AKTYLl'-H, w 1 1 he will Ki ll iiiioii turns toKiilt purch&i-erM. illo htm a call. J litis u uovd mei1ianl t 1H li (JVt-1 In ptlroniific, and iichcr Jny or the punue piironiific, jal'ou Minz. Illooitnsbtirjr, April yo, 1"OT, HLAP.ON A CO., Manufaf turem of OTLt'L(rHHANl)YINIH)W HllAIU, Wnrehoux, N. I-'I Noith Thlul Stieet, I'lilliidelidila, G ICOltUK II. HOHKUTS, Imiioilrruuil Dealer in II AUDWAUK, CUTI.KIIV, OUNH, u No. ail NoilliTliliiIritiect.alaivo Vine, riilliuleli'hla. yJUVUll A HlMlANKIiH, wiioi,iijAi.i:oiioci:uirjj ANiiooiiuiHHioN llllUC'UANTrl, Nos. and tst ArOi Htntl, ruladclUla, DR.Y GOODS, jvriiii.ini's stoiik. rntMit AnittVAt, ov VAU. AND WINTVU GOODS, Tlio subscriber hns Just returned Irotu iiie ellles with nnolher Inrgo nnd select nssorlment of Hl'KlNU AND HUMMKIt GOODS, pnrehnsed In New Ytrknnd Philadelphia nt tlie lowest Utture, imd tihleli lie Is determined In sell ou ns moderato leims ns eun bo procuud ili-e wherein HloimslHirR. Hlstockniiipries LAIIIIX' DlliS OOOtW of Ilia choicest styles nbd Inlrst f.ishlonsivetiie, with n lartto 'assorlbicut of Dry ilouds aiul (lio. cerles, lonslsttllK of tlie following III I hit si Cnrpets, Oilcloths, Clolbs, Ouslmcre, Minwls, l-'laiini'li., Slllls, WIlllUtllHHls, Linens, Hoop Skills, Mmllns Hollowaie Cedaiwitn- u ei i wa re, 1 1 1 t d w r e Itootti and hhovs, llatH mid Cap), ttniy Nets Umbi'i Has l.tioklnH-Otes, Tutu, ceo, c'otroc, Sugarn, Teas Jllcc, AINplce, (IhiKtr, Cinnamon, NtitmeK AND NOTIONS (IKN IlAtJA'. n shoit, cerythlnjj usual i.v kept In country stores, to which ne IiinUck the attention of the nblic Kc-ncrally. The highest price will be pakl for country produce In exebango for Roods. h. ii. Mirxr.n, Arcade Huildltis lltoomsbutv, I'd, nr.nrrnox ix kiucks AT I'J.TlWt UNT'.S STOIli;, IN l.K'UT KTItr.l.T. FAUi AX1) WINTKU OOODS. Till subscriber ha.H Juvt i itched and has on hand at hln ol.t ttand lu IJjht Htrctt, a bire and select ASSOUTAIKNT OK IKUOIIAXIMSK purchased at tho lowest flume, and which hols telermlurd tosellon as modcttitc tcrtiiN as can bi procured ulsrwhere In T.lbt Street, roii cash on vouxrnr produce. His took eouslit of LADIES' DIIKSS GOODS, cholcexl st) tin und lutfrnt fanhloiis, CallcicK, Miullnv, (IlitKbnins, Flannels, Iloilery, C.irpets, Hltlts Shawls HEADY fADK (M,OTUIN(i, Msithiclls, CuHHlmcrs Cottonades, Kentucky -leans AU, AO AC. GKOUKJUKS, MACKKliiVii, tineensiwnic, Ccdarwarc, JIaidwarc, Medicines, ihuys, oils, Paints, Ac, HOOTS & SHOKS, HATS & VWS, IiiKbort evcrythliiR tonally kfpt In a country stoic. Tlio pulroimso of his old frhmds and Hie public generally, Is usprct fully wiUelteil. Thu highest market price paid for country pro duce, Light yticM, Nov. 1 1107, rin'KU i:nt. rntKAT ItHDUCTIOX IX K1UCK' JI AT I), h H LOAN'S STOIli:, OltA.Nti l.Vlbhn, lA., KAMi AND WIXTKU GOODS. Tho subsciibt-rhaH Just received audita on hioul at Ills stoto In Ornuuetlllc, a laro and select ASSOHTMKXT OF aIKUC'II AXDISK puichaM'd nt the lowest limine, and which he Is determined to sell on as moderate terms as inn e piiM-iiK d elsculir-ie In OriniKc llle, 1'OIt CASH rtlt COUNTRY PUODUCi;. JUS Stock COTlSlMtM Of KADI ICS Dlt KSS (JOO DS, riioit'KHi hrvi.rs mi i.AfFsr fashions. CallcofH, Muslins, (J!nhinns, I'lnnnels, Hosiery, I'Attt'KIS, HIIAWIX, ItKADV 3IADK CLOTH 1XO, llnotH, 'nssluiers, Cottonades, ICeitlucky Jeans AC, AC, AC (iKOCHKIKS AfAl'K KHA li, tiuetnsware, (Vdarwaie, llaitlware, Medlclitejt UKt'GS OII-S PAINTS HOOTS tt SHOKS, MATS tV- CAPS. In short eer tiling usually kept In acoimtty store, ThopilronaKe of bis old iileuds nndthe publlo generally, Is respectfully solicited. The hlslicst market pilco palil for country pro dure. D. K. I.OAN. iiianjievllle, May i!J, I'M, J J. II K o w k n, U nuir oll.'iliut lu the public his Mook of ,v ji i x a a o 0 j) ,S' rnnslstln In part n full lino of 1 NO It A IN, WOOL AND ItAO O A It ! II T H, l'lnc cloths ami cassiincro fur Utvilcs' conts. IIANDill.Mi: WW'S CiOOI)!i, nf nil luutcrus util iuulltlt's, Iui'iids ami l'rlnts nf viu 1'ius i)ti.illtlvs tuiil prices, HM'.ACIWII ANl IIIIUW.V ML'Hl.INS, IiA 1)1 K'H I'ltKNC'II COltSKTS, A N i JIAljJIOHATi SIC I UTS. tiOOll llbhdlllllCllt Uf l.ADIDS' A- ClllMiMlX'IS (IA nV.V.'.V.t HOOTS. I'tcfih (iiiii'crli i nnil 'Jptcci. New tiusorlluciit (il.AhS AND (lUIIK.Nrl-WAlW, f X-X 0 . 1 JI A 0 IC K It K U tnonc-lialf uiul uncfeurtli haricls. Nun is thi. llntc In nm'it! ymtr selections, us I am (illcrlnR goruls nt very low prices, nnil our luotlo la fair il,.ailli(; to all, nml not tn ho liuilwr wilil hy any. J. .1. IlllOWl'.lt. yloonisburg, Apill J, IatJ7. poWDKIl KKOS AND LUJUlKIt. V. M. .MONIIOK CO., Itupcrl, l'a., Manuracturcra of i'OM'Dnit KKIW, nnil ilenlna In all Iclndsor I.UMIIKIt, Klva uoticothat they aro prejiauxl lo accomodata their custom with illspateli, and on tho clieaiieat trims. II.hKU A HOST, KucccflsotH to 1'ranklhi r.Heltzer A Co., Importers nnd Wholesale Dealei'H In Litiron Ao., Nos, IP) ami 112 Not (It Third Hire t, riill.idclplihi, a. lir.xnitY, Huecew,or to llen.liy A lliurls, Miiliilfnelurer ami Wholasalu lleuter In liOOTH ANDHIIOllH, No. li Nortli Third Hlreit, rilllltilrllihlll. IlKAIU), l.U'l'INCOTT, 110ND A CO., Mauul.ictiuers und Wholesale Pealcis in 1I.VI11, C'ArS", I'UllH, AND HTIIAW (10OIK, Nn. 113 Market Wtreet, Vlil!ai!clil!la. gNYl)i:it, HAItHIS A llASSKTT, Mauuftu'turera and Jobbers uf Mli.N'H ANI IIOV'H C'-OTIUNa, Nos. 62j Jlnrket, and fl Ooiniueico Hlrwt, fhlladeljilila. ONI! of tho best tolt'ctloiia of l'lctu tlooila In the comity at OiiKitiiEiiMN'a flothlliL' Htore, Ilartmaii's block, llloousburtf l'a. t-3aau
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers