THE COLUMBIAN, 13LOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, VA. 11 elhbnm'. by I'lno Creelt, (hilnci. , Went riltr, llruoklnml, nml mvcilen, i spurt, r$ miles utitl hark, twice a riko miii, wen (o ('imtkiapurti line If. l,rvo VHnWo' Moluluy iml TliurstluY nt 2 Arrlvo m Cowrie retort 'Iliurmlny ntnl 1'rMny ly 0 in; I,oavi' Cowilerfiiort Wcrincsriay und Hutunlny ntilum; Arrlvo nl ellnljont TIiu rbtlny ntxl Muiulny by 2177 Prom WvlUlinn), by Cherry n-iKtoMiinv uM, J itiih atiillmctc, thrro tlmei mu'ck. Lea vp WflNhuio .Moiuluy, Wt-ilnrKriuy, uml l'rldny ill H 11 in: Arrive utMitinnYM bv 1J m Luuwi MatnllvM Momtuy, Wrilne-jiliiy, umtKrl day nt p m; Arilp nt Wi iNljoro' by 0.30 p in. ClTS I'rom Tliturt, by itullt-yn (.'reek, (it. u.,) ltuttaii'l, nihl AiiHlinvlllc. to Culutnbhi Cron ltoiids l't iiillrt nnd Imek, tlnon tlmvn a wook, u Tlngu Tuesday, '1 liurml.i) , niul H.tlunlny III f II III Arrlc nt ColumbU Crtm Itwu-U by .1 p m; I,i'Uc ColuinliU I'rinN Komi Tiieiil ay, 11 Ilium rrlvo KtTlnK.tby Hpm, ad l'mm Uoi(by III. let iiuiinl's Crrtk, hiHnty'rt tWk, l. h.ti k.nnPiMi week. niul Ilnm. , U) inltcH mid lA'iixo'llucn Moiid ly nl I p in; Airlvu nl Hi-eiy'w l reck byrt p in; iHHnt'H.-cty'HCrrck Mnmhi) nt ttain; Airhenl'lloKH by li in, 2N Prom l:ik Itun to (Irn'H Vnlloy, 2 inlli k nml hitrk, twice it Week, l, Kile Itun TuwiLty tit id Satuid ly nt 2.9) p m! Arrlvo nt flrny Vnllcvby 3,tt p tn; I,fn(! (Jrny'n Vnllpy Tue-uLty mid Kiturdny nt tf.n p in: Airlvcnt Kilt Itun by I.M p in, Stl t 'arinlittftoii 11111 nndrnrin Infirm Ci' litre, to Oceol.i, 1 j mile wul lunik, ihnu tltuo.s n week, I.pavo'ilntfu Moii'lar. Vwtntnday, nnd I'lldiiy nt lo u in: At live nt IKvnl.i by 2 p m; IiCiio t)( poU '1 upHilny, 'I burHduy, find Saturday nl Id u in; Arrive nt T1oki by Up in, Trum MMilli'Miry (Vntre, by KicinWllo, Clmtlinm Vnlloy, bltllo Miiruli, nml Hohwpu Avli 1e V, 'ii. o..) to Wt-rttlltlil, 17 mllfi niul buck, t let ii wcfk. IifiiM' MbMlcbury t'rnlip Tucadny nnd Sntur day nt7 in; ArrUont MhYM by 12 in; Lcum WcRtllcM 'liu-suluy nnd Saturday tit 2 p m: AirUout MIddlobury CVutruby 7 p in, 2WJ l'roiu Kootiy lllt by Trent' Corner), (n. ..) to Kmix I1I II mlk'H uml lmck, once tv vi ok, Lenu Ke ti v ll lo Haturdny nt 8 a in; Arrive nt Kuoxvlllo bv 11 n in; lioavp Kuoxvlllo Hatunl ty nt i p mj An lo nt Kcciiyllo by I p in. 2W1 1'roiii r,nwrrneplllp, by Nelson, Illklau-l, Oceoln, Knoxvllle nnd 'owuiiemUo Vnlley, to W'chlllolil, '2Vi in Ik's nml back, hIx timet n w k. i I.eae ijiw leneevlllo d-tlly, except Huudny,nt I C ii in; ArrHont WestUeldby I pin: I-tnvi! ViM field tlally, eecit Sunday, nt On in; Arrlo at Ltiwttmollo by 1 p in, I 2M 1'rotn (!.ihnrt(lv MarHblleldnnd (lei mania, t ii Carter Cniiiti, Ht miles nnd )ack, twlee n week. : beavn (IuIiipm Tuesday mid I'lldny ut 7 n in; AtrHont Carter I'amp by 12 in; Ijavu ("nrler Cuiup Tuesday nnd I'rlday nt I p in; Arrhofit (Inlnes by 0 p in. I'rom Clintlinm nlley, by Darlui Syht't' nml Koswell A hleyV, to U'estlleld, 1J inlleH mid I tuck, ou i n t ek, '1 bis route Is com led by tuHerliseineul routo liisT I'rom K enys lite, hy Tint's Corners, (n. o.. to Kiiowille, Cuered hy uiicrlKt incut route Zii'i. U-M l'roiu lHohburK, by OuiUiibuiK, to Ins nraiieh, 12 miles mid hntu, twice a week. Leave lilnssbur Mondfiyniul Weduesday nt 2 W p in; At rle nt Untiring llraneb by tl.T) p m; bcase Itturlny Itintteli Monday ami Wednes day nt P.'C n in; Arrlvo nt llhissburg by 1.80 p m, I'ronosnlii for moie freouent service alsa In vited. rrom Tioa, by rarmhmtim Hill and rarnilnston Centre, toOceola. This U toficd by uiUerthemcnt on route icisi. "Zm) From H. Vermlllevyr'n.CClalnes,)!!! I.ouk Hun and hablnsvllle, to Westtklil, 11 mlleu mid lmc k, once n week. l.eavo (Jatnes Wednesday nt 7 a in; Arrlvo at Haljlusvllle. bv 0 a in; LenvoHnbtiisvlllo Wednesday nt 2 p in; Arrlvo nl (Jul lien by G p in. Separate prnposalu Invited for that part of tlio roulo from (lalnes toHablusvllle. 2)1 From Ulya'-eH, by Turner Creek, U lllng liani, (1 miles and back, oneon week, Leave Ulysses Tuesday nt 10 a in; Ai rive at Uliicham bv i m; Leave liliiLdiam Tuefulay nt 1 p in; An Ive nt (JlynHoa by ii p in, tfKiJ From llrookland, by Ulytshes Centre nnd tM.vhHPS, to (ienoHsee Folks, 11 miles nml back, tbreo tlmeH a week. Leae lti'ookland Tuesdnj', 1 Iiurhdny, and Sat urday at 8 n in; An Ivo nt Uenece Fmk by 12 in: Leave llenensco Forks Tuesday, Thursday, and Hatuid.vy at 2p tm; vrrio at lliookland by 0 pm. 2EU Hunderllnvllle, Mix town, ami SablnHvllle, to WeNtileld, H miles and lack, once n. week. Leave I'lke Mills Saturday at 9 a m; Artlveat WeMllcld by I2iu; l.iae WesttU'ld Saturday at 1 p in; Anlent 1'ike Mllli by 7 p in. 2111 Fioni Cowdem.ort, by lloulelte, Hurtvllle. and I'nrUAllebaiiy, to Hinelbport, 2S mllen and hack, twieo a week. Leae Oiwderbport Momlny and Friday at 1 a m; Wincl In inrt.liv 3 n in Leave Snu tliiifJtL 'luthdaynnd Saturday at C 9101 IVnm r,oudiirf.nnrt. bv (Vdonblire. Hill butt!, UinesKco Forks Hhonyo, and StauuanrH Cornel k, to WtdlMVllle, :w iuIIch nnd back, three limes a wer. Leave Cowdemort luesday. 7liuiday, and halurdayatSain; Arrlveat Wellnvllle by fl p m; i.i.i. WVltsvilln Moiulav. Wedliesdav.nud 1 rl flay on arrival of New Ymlc express mail sy nt inn in; Anlve at Cowdersport by 8 p m. 2W0 From Cowderwportjiy Kat Iltbron, Oswn Ko, and lllmwood, to Y1M lllv, o lnlleHftiid h.u k, lureeiiines a wieit, Leave Codennort Monday. WedupMlny, ami 1'tlday at a in: Arrive at WelUlllo by 0 p in; Leave Wt llsvillo Tuesday, '1 fmisday, and Sat unlay on arrival of New York expreh-t mall nay ut 10 a in; Arrlvo at Cowdorsport by 8p in. 21197 From Cowderhport, by Hebron, Clara, Mill port, Sharon Centre, and Shingle House, lu t'e tv. 21 miles and back, twico u wik. Leave Cowderpoit WtdneKday and Saturday at 7 ii in; Arrive at fVi ok by 3 p m; Leave Cwren luesday nnd Friday at 10 a m; ArrUent Cowdnspurl by tip in. U.1 From CowdeiKport, by Aci'n Hill, iroiuer. Fast Homer, North Wharton, Wharton, and Fiist Folk, to SliiuaninhouliiK, 'H nilles and back, one a week. J,e,ivo Cowdeisport Monday at 7 a in; Arrlveat Sluuamahouliu" by 7 p in; Leave Slnnaiuahontiu' Tuesday at 7 a m; Arrlvo at Cowdcuport by 7 p m. 2TJia Fiom Colebur to laymoml'R,5 iiiIIoh and back, tlnee Minis a wet k. Leave Colehhum Monday, Wednihday, and Filday at 11 a in, or on nnlval of mall lioin Cow-ilci-sport; , . Arrlveat ItaTinond s by 12 m; Leave Raymond h Monday, Wednesday, niul Filday tits u in; Ai i Ive ai ColchbuiB by 0 a m, 21') From Cowdersport. bv Sweden Valbv ami Curler Canii", to Kittle Creek, 2 J mites nnd hack, twice a we k. , , .. , , CovvdeiHport Tuesday and Itldny at U Arrive nt Kettlo tre k by i p ni; Leave KtttloCnel; Widnihday and Satuiday nt 7 a in; . ... Airlvo at Ctfwdersport by ipiu. 2101 I'rom llurlvllh', by WlUUton, Annln Creek, nnd Ulenn.lo Census miles ami lnuk, dliee tl week. Leave IliuU llle Salurday at Ha in; Ai rive at Cere by 12 m; Leave Cerei Satuidav nt I n in: Arrlveat liurtvlllo by s p m. 21W From Cowderport. by Kulalh) mid Fm'k tonvllle, to Fmpoiliini, ' mlhs and back, l times a week, , , t ... Leave Cowdcr-port daily, exnpt Sunday nt s u in; Arrlveat Fmpoiiumbv 1pm; Leavu Emporium dally, e.u-pt Kunda,ut b u in; Anlve at Cowdeisport by 1 pm. 210'1 From I'ljMrs by Harrison Vnlb'y, to Wesllleld. 11 milennial back, once a wtk, Leavo lfl,vsses Saturday al 1 p in; rtlvoat llnrrlum Valley by 3 p ni; Leavo Harrison Valley Saturday nt I p in; Arrive nt Flybses hy (', p m. Separate propusnls lnlted for Hint part of the roulo uotvMcn I'lysM'snnd IhtrrlMiu alley, 2101 From Munev, by Moretamt, I jilnUv llle, and Hnllyvllle, to I'olkvllle, 21 inlleH and back, lwlee ft wei k. Leave Muiicy Wedtu-Pday nml Nilurday nt " Airlvo at Folkv llloby I p in: ' lxave J'olkv llle Tuesday nnd Friday at n m; Arrlvo at Muney by -1 p m. 2105 From Watervillo toHuney2Ue,7iulles and back, once n weik IiPiivo WatervlUe Thursday nt Ha in; Arrlveat Hnneyvlllo by I p m; Leavo Haney vllle Thuisday at 8 ft in; Arrive nt WutuvlU by ilia in. 2K'(1 From Jersey Shore, by Phelps' MllU, to Haneyv Hie, M miles and back, once a wei k. Leavo Jersey Shore Thurd.iy at il ft m; Arilvo at Hoiieyvllleby Uin; lnyoIIaneyvUlo'lhurmlayftt 1 pin; An Ivo at Jersey Shore ny u p ni. 2(87 Fiom Wllllnmfcport, bv Wane iisvllle, I Loval Soik, Ilalboui'H JFIIh, HII1' tilove.l oihfc vllle, and MUlvlew, to luiilmu', W mih'n and back, once a vviik. Ltavo Wllllamsport I'rlday nt 10 a in: Ai rive at UhhIioip Sal hi day bj ti p in; Lruve juithoie 'Ibuisdnv at lla m; Airlvoat WllUalni-poit Frliluy by uft m. SUM From WllllntiiKpnrt to Monturesvllle, S', miles and back, nix lime uwuli. Uavo Willlaiusrf'rt dnlly.cxeept Kunday.atT ''Arrive al Monturt Rvllle by H p m; Have Monturesvlllo dallyi l't Sunday, nt 3 'Arrlvo at Wllllnmnporl by i p ni. 2101 Fiom Copaii Station, by Coau House, to While Fine, n imie tuiunacK, once a ween, I,eavo CoKan Slntlou Hnturdny nt 7ft in; Ariivont White Fine by It a m; Leave While Flue Katuiday nt 12 m; Arrlvo at Conan station by I p in, 2110 Fiom Tioutllun, by Liberty, to WoNsburn, 21 mltea nnd back, three times a week. LeavoTrout Hun Tuesday, Jhurwday, and Hal mdayutBain; , a Arrive at ltloBsburR by i p in; Ltavo WoHsbuftf Monday, Wislnthday, mid trU day on arrival of can trotn t'ornlug-fcRy t 1 1. u m; ArrUeutTrout Hunbj'Cp m, 2IH From Jrey shore, by Larrr'Cink,Sab ladyubum, and WhltoFlne.lo lUiKllsli Ccnlre,22 in I lea and back, twice a wet k, LeavoJfmey Hhoio Tuesday and Friday at fl 11 a'; rl a nt Vii.lkll IVtrn l.v l't in. Ltave i.uuil-h Centre Tueniloy nnd Friday ut2 p m; Arrlveat JereyShoioby 7 pm. 2iii Vrom Jer',5'Hhore, by rbulpa1 MllU, A fib (rvlilH. Joikitv Mill. Tohkbu' Itun. CedAr Itllll Morrla, uml Ktony Fork, to Wellsboro',61 mllet uuu until, itvic a vucu, SITfl 1'rnni Welhbnm' a ntnV Jlr0" Snort 3IonJay nnr! Thursday at 0 l3Arrlvont Wcllaboro' Tuesday and TrlJny by Leave Wellsboro' Tuosdny nnd Friday nt 2 p m: ArrlvpfttJerfy blmio Wodiiewday nml Sntur day by 7 n m, 2111 From Nlppenou. by naucli'd (lop and t'o lomsvllle, to Jtalrosn, 11 mlleu nnd back, tw I co ii Ucrli. ' Leavo Nlppeiioso Wednesday and Hnturdny ut 7 am; Ainve at unsiros by 10 a in; Leave HiiKtross Wodnexdiir nnd Hutiii-dn till am; . Arrive aL isirmeno-e ny a n m, i.a,,i' !;'rn".1. (u,u'v.,,y HUKheftTllle, I'lclnre IIockH 'iivoll. Muney llottom, ond Hoiutown. to lJipoite, J0 lulles and back, alx tlinen a week, Lenve Munry flnlly, except Sunday nt 7 n m; Arrlvent Himhesvlllo by m p m; 1 1 Leave HuuheiivHlednllv.etceit Mnnlkv.nt t am; Arrive nl Import by 12 in; Leave Laporlo dallr. ixcent Hundiiv. al rnn pin; arrive at jiuiicy ny 8 p ni, 2lt"i From Mtitici' lit- WiAt t!im a(,i tr...,!,... IIIII'm Oiove, Similes and back, nitre n v ei k. 1 Leave Muney Tuesday nt 12 in; Arrive at I lllt'H (Hove bv 7 p in; Leave HIU'h drove Wednenday ntOn In; ArrlvenlMuney by Win. 2lli! From F.tifillsh Centre, by Texas nnd Nhu Liberty, 17 miles and b.iek, onco iv week, Leave LnclUhCenl re Hnturdny at On in: Airlvoat Liberty by 11 a m: Leave Liberty Saturdny at 1 p m; Arrive nt FiikIIkIi Cenlro b opm, 2117 From Trout Itun, by Hoso Valley, WallU' tn, i. i inn k,. ii) dim w ill r n tini, 41 III lien and I n k , once a w eek. Leave 1 rout Itun Tiiemlny ht u n tn Arrive at ltarlnmr"n Mills by 2 p in; Leave luiboiir'ff Mills Monday nl 10 a m; Arrlveat 'I rout Hun by A pin. 21H From Lltnten Htathiti.Mt.n..l tn f.ltnlnn lu.. miles aiul back, hlx tlmeta weelc.bya schedulo to cnniieet with train on the Fhlbidelphla nnd menl. 1 2110 From Antes I'nrt to Xhiinrmri 9 inllnu and lutk, tlnee times a week. j.eave ippenoso i uesuay, Tliursday, and Hat urd.ivat7am; Arrlveat Antes Fort by Ra in j LeilVe Antes Flirt '1 iiewelnv. Tliot-Ndiiv. ntnlMnl. urday at a am; arnvent ippenoK ny tin in. 2IJ0 From Antes FurL In .fernev Klinn. :i mllou and back, twelve times n week. Schedule muklUK close eon licet Ion with rail load lobonnmigcd to the millsfiKtlou of the post- 2I?1 Firmi Miiiittircsvlllc. bv I.nvnl S!iwlf Vulr. field Centre, (n. o.,)and Wolf Hun, to Muney, 22 mlh s mid back, once a week. Leave Monluresv llle Friday nl 8 a tnj Arrive at Muney by 3p m; Lenvo Muney Saturday at 8 am; Arrlveat Motiturepvllle by 3 p hi. Froposals also Invited to end nl Wolf Kun. flJ' IVnm Mlllriif Vnl!o In Cnrntll -i.,ll.u an.1 back, oliee a week. Leave Mimar alley Satuiduy al 2 p in; Anlve at Carroll by I p in; Leave Carroll Saturday at it n, in; An Ivo nt Sugar Valley by Hum, 2IJ3 From Lnck IIha i. bv I'toiiiltictnn Mill llnll.Salotin, Cedoi Hprlnu's, Farvln, Lnmar, Nit tuny, Hublurburt, nnd Ion, to Jlellelonte, 17 miles mid hack, nix tlitu s a week. Leave Lock Haven dally, except Sunday, at 0 nm; a i rive at Heiicronie by n.TOa m; Leave llellefimie dally, exeent Sunday, at I fin; ivn e in liocit iiaven ny vj m, Finlil Liiclr lluv.'ti l.i Tulnml nt'intln baek,oneo a week. ' t.eavoi,ot it iiaveiirsaiuruay at ion in; Arrlvent Island by Ham; Leave inland Salurday at 11.10 n lit; Arrlvent ick Haven by p m. 2Ui From Weslport, by Leldy, Hammeriiley'H Folk, and Cnms 1 ork, to Kittle deck, 30 miles linn niu it, i h ico ii weeu. Leave Westpurt Tuesday and Friday at 0.30 am; Aiiivo at Kettle Creek by ft.m p m; Leavo Keltlo Creek Wednesday and Saturday at 7um; Airive al West port by 7 p m, 212s From MeLlhaltan toChatham itun, 2 miles aiitl back, six times u week. Seheilllte. maklmr rinse enniiectlnn wllh tlm lallroad, to be nrraiiRed lo the Bntlsfaetlon of ibo posunnster, 2127 From Kalona to Lamar Mills, u, n;) 2 illes and Inn k, once u week. jVuvc Suloua Hfttuntny at A p in; Arrlvo at Lamar Mills by 0 p in: Leave Ijimar Mills Saturday at J p m; Arrlvealhatoiui by 4pm, 212 Fiom IUdKovvay, by ICerey'n, Caledoula, nmlT.v ler's. to lVniilield. 27 miles and Imck.twlen a w et it, i-avo liiiieeway iueuay ana Saturday at v n in; 1 At i ive at Fennlleld by 0 pm; Jx'iivo Feiiutleld Monday and Frldaj ntOa m; Arrive at llldncway by '& p in. 2120 From Wilcox, by Knssoti, to 8mlthport,22 in lies ami back, three times n week. Leave Wilcox Tuesduy, Thursday, aiul Satur day at On in. Arrive at Smllhpurt by 4 p in; U'uvo Sinithpoit Monday, Wednesday, and Filday at u am: Anlve at Wileox by I p in. 2110 From Wilcox, by Wlllhiiusvilt and Mer Keaut. tu C'leriiiontv llle, 16 ml lea uml back, once a week. Leave Wlteox Palurday at 2 p in; t rrlvo at L'lerinontville by 7 p in; Leave CUrmoutv llle Mil utdny ut ftn, m; Arilvent Wlko by 1 pm. 2t1l From lleiUTetle.Detifs Uun. and Hick's Itun, to Second Fork, 22 miles and back, once a week, Leavo Caledonia Friday nt 0 a m; AnlVe at Second Fork by I p m; Leave Second Fork Satuiday at 9 ft m; A n ive at Caledonia hy 1 p ni, 2112 Fiom Sinethport, by CIarove, toNarwUh, 11 miles and back, twice a week, Leavo Snu thport Wednesday and Saturday at 2 p in; Arrive nt Norwich by 0 pm; LeaveNorwkh Wtdued.iy and Saturday at 8 a m; A rt iv e at Smetlipoi t by 12 in. 2111 Fiom sinethport, by Farmer'H Valley, Sartvvell. Alk-Kheny HtdRe,aml Htate Llin .Mills, toFoilville, 20 miles and back, three tlmeu a week. Leave Hmelhport Mondiy, Wednesdny, and Filday at i a m; Ariivont Forivillo by 1 pm; Leave purtvllle Tinsdaj , IhurMlay, nnd Satur day at On hi; Ai rive ut Smelhpoit by I pm. 211 From Alton, by La Fayette, lo IMen, 8 miles uml back, oncnu week, Li nv e All"i Tucftday at 0 a in; Airive nt lMeii by 12 in; Leavo lMeii Tuesday at 1 p in; An Ive at Alton by l p m. From Alton tiSmethport.O nillrsnud back, sl times ti week. Leave Alton daily, except Sunday, at 0 p in; ArilveiitSinethnort by 0 tun: Leavo Nnnthport dally, except Sumlaj-, nt ft in; A l rive at Alton by 8 n in. 2 I'M Fiom Kiihsou, hy Kiiuennd New HlKhbind, to Mationvllle, l't mlh h and hack, ouco a week. Leave Iviiskou. TucmI.iv' at 7 n in; Anlveal Mailnnvll'e byi p in: Leave Mai tonvlllo'lliuiMhiy at 7 a in; Arilvent Kussoiiby 8p in, 2117 I'rom l'unxatftwney, by CmiooHlde, Hor tons, and Cun, to Clut, 17) -j miles und back I wlen n wt't'k. Li uve Fuuxnlawney M.onday nnd Friday ait 1 p ni; An Ive ut Chest by 7 pm; Leave I he-t Mnmlay and Friday at 0 n m Arrive ni i-uiixaiawiiey oy i in 21.W From UejnoldsvUle to HrK-bdalo M11N, lOUCS HIHl MlllJi,HIIC' II ITI, Leave Itej noldsv llle Saturday at 1 p in; Arrive nl ItockdaieM lis by a-.TO p m; Leave lloekdale MllUSntUiday tit K.flO a m; At live at Keynoldsvllle by 11 a in. "ifi IV.itu Pun vntftniifi liv 1'riK.tliuri. Miiniu. kk-'s Mills, WoillivlIle,aiid lieker,tobumuierK- me, miles nmt naui, nuee a ween. Ltave Funxatavvney Wednenday und Saturday t.1 iia m; An Iv e nt SnmuicrHviUo bv 1 p m; Linve.fuinnimvitle Wcduemlayand (Saturday al 2 p m; Airive at Fuuxalivvvney by I) p m. 2110 I'rom llrookvllle, bySluelund clarliitjtou, to .via noli vine, -.'i in iie aim oai k, onrti wem, Leave Jirooicvuie i mirMiny tu i a in; An Ive at Marionville by .1 p in; Leave Marloiiv llle I'rlday at 7a in; Airive ut lliookv Hie hy b in. '2111 From Worihville to Hluccold. Z) , nilk-s and back, mice a week. Leave v orinviiio (-aiuiuav in op m; Anlve ut UlnifKold by 0 p in: Leave Uinnuold Kalurday at 3 p m; An Ive at WoUhvlllo by a pm. 2112 From Urookville, by Huinmersvllle, Khan- nondale, Kei r't Stoie, New llethh hem.Oaklaml, and Hid llankFurnai e, to OrrhVllIe, HI miles ami J,(UVe IirOUli IllW OilHJ , (-( nuuuu, nt in Airlvr.nt nrrsvHIn bv 1 It III: LciiviHiiiiAltlo dally, except Sunday, ut 11 a " Anlve at Urookville by 8 b m. 2111 From Urookville, by Warsaw, Hrm-kwav ville, LlllleToby. nml Htllen, to Kklueuity, y miles and back, six tlmesn week, Arrlvo nt Kldcewoy by 0 pm: , LnvellliI'ewaydaylly,cxeeptHunday,iit fl i '"'liih.i it Illiltrewnv bv (1 it ill! lavullidBevvny dally, exuept Kumhiy, at 0 u Anlve ut Ih-ookvllle by 6 p in. 2111 Fiom Itrmda llle, by lllehardsville.sehnir. ner'H Corners, mid Uklguway, 31 miles niul bark, omeavu-ik. Luive itHM.kvllle ritnrMla.v nt 7 ft ni; Anlveal ltld way by 5 p in; Have UldcowRV Wednesday at 7 u in; Arrive nl Hrookvllle by a p in. iv., in Miirimii llln. bv North Fine drove. to TikrsbiiiL',1'1 miles and luiek.ouee a week. LoavMHrlonvlllo Nilurday at 1 pin; Arrive at 'lyleisbuig by .r p in; Leave T lersbniK Saturday nl 8:i m; All Ivo at Marionville by 12 m, 2HJFiomClaiJnjlnn,by MHUtonuand Ilauiihtn Mills, to Airoj o, is inlfenaud back, onc.i i week. Liave t'la I'll i nl "ii Saturday ut 7 a m; Aitlvont Aitoyohy 12m; Leave Aru) o Satuiday at 1 pm: Ainveai Liaiumiuit oy u p m, 2117 Fiom Kiiiun, ly Corydon , OnoMlle. and Fiknds 1'erry, toHteamburif,ll,lii miles and back, thttotlmtsmwtik. Leave KUuuaTueiday. lImiHday, and Satur dnyalOum; Anlv o at Htcambnri! by 12 m; laavesieoinburgluisday, ihumilay,ond hat uirlay at 1 p m; Arrive n Kliuua by 7 p m, "i 14 rrnm Wiirren. bv Ijinder. to liilbtl. iN.Y.,) IHinlhsandbock,lwlceiiwetk. Leavo Waiten Wtslneudtiy nml Saturday at lp 'Arrive at Hindi by 7 p in; , t . U-uve Hutl Wislnesday uud Snlurdny al 0 a Airive nt Wnncu by VI m, 2lii Fiom YounwHvlUo. by Chandkr' Vallov, Himar (Jtov e, and liustl, iN,V.,l lo Jamelow n, lo miles uuu im k, hix unit h u nit iv, Leavu Yountisvllle dally, oeept Sunday, at 7 W Arrlvent Jamestown by 12 m; Ltsive Jamestown dally, extipt I p " Arrlvo al Younxvllle by 6 p m, oi-jt I'niiii 1 l 1 1 kit ild . bv lreeliidtl and LotU- vi'lle, tolhokeiibiraw, lulkn und biuk, six Liavel'ltlitilcld dally, except fiuuduy, at 0 u ' V . l., ,il llmlrnn Ut-ilW t.V 1 ll 111! Ltavo UiokeuHtruw dally, eitrepl iSunJay, at 3 ' AiihtfMI'ittiifleM by Op in. 21d From HnrlnR Went HpringCrck, to Kuftle, 12 miles and bnok , once a week, Leave spring tlrcclt Saturday nt 1 p m; Arrive at Lnpilo by 6 p in; Leave Lnj(le Hnturdny nt 8 am; Arrlvo al spring Creek, by 12 tu, 2F2 From (Itrmnny to Wnrrcn, 0 inlle nnd bnMc, oneo a week. Leave Germany Saturday at 8 a in; Arrlvo nt Wnnrn by 12 m; Leavo Wnrren Saturdny at Ip in; Arrive at Oonnany by I p m, 2IVlFromHhenieldI)eiKJt to fclitmelil, 2 miles nnd back, tlx t linen a wick, Leavo Hhellleld dally, oxeopt Sunday, at 2 p in; Arrlvo at Shellleld llepot by 3 pm; Lrav u Shellleld Depot dally, except Bunday, nt J p in; Arrlvo ntahellleld by 6 p m. 2lIFroinSinararovtoWntt8,Hlatlon,(WMt' 1 latin pttst ofine,)7 miles nnd bnek.fincp n week, Leave Hnar drove Salurday at flam; Arrive at Waltn Flails hy s a in; lavo Walts Flatts Snlurdoy at t pm; Arrive nt suitar Urovo by 0 p m, l'ropoKnlslnvlteil for three-tlines-a-wcek ncr tleo. '2Wi I'rom FrMldont's Furnsee, by t.lnvllle and Fryburn, toTylfrshuric, 17 miles nnd back, twice ft vviek, Leavo l'rpsldetit's Furnace Wednesday and atuniar at 1 p m; Arrlvo nt Tj leiKburu by Ti p m; Lenvo Tylersburtf educsday and Hnturdny nt 8 n tn; Arrive at FrldeutH Furnace by 12 m, 2IVI From Akiiow's MlIN(bv Lnmnrtlne, Jeffer fton Fnrunci, mid Knox, lo shlppeiiNvllle, li miles and and back, ouee a week. Leave Aanevv's Mills Wednesday nt 6 a in; Arrive at Milppensvllle by 12 m; Leave Shlppensv llle Wednesdny at 1 p in; Arrive at Atttiow'n Mills by 7 p in. 2CV? From l' Filwttrlki, Lawrence bum, and Mllh r'ftlMdv. to Hradv'KlIeiid.lx mlleu and hoik, three Union week. Leave Fjiiteiiton Monday, Wtslncsday, nnd Friday nt 12 in; Arrive nt llrady's llrnd by 0 p in; Iteavo Itrady's ilend 'luesday, Ilmrsday, and Haturdnynt on in; Arrlveat Fmleiiton by 12m, 21 H From Frnnklln, by Folk, Maple Oroe, HenderNon, Ferrlne. and Hattertleld, lo Mercer, '2o miles and bat k, tlnee times n week, Leavn Franklin Tuenday,'! hursdoy, and Satur day at 7 a m; Arrlvoat Atereer by 12 in; lave Mercer I uesthiy, 1 hurndtiy.andSatirday nt2 p ni; Arrive nt Frnnklln by 9 p in, 21 Vi From Tlonesta, by Stewart' Hun and Lamb's, tu Ferry, 10ja mllennnd back, three times w eek, LeaveTlonesta Tuesday, Thursday, nnd Sat mday at 12 m; Arrlvo at Ferry Ly .1 p in; Iicavo I'erry Tuesday, Thursday, nnd Satur day nt I p m: Arlve at 'Honest a by 7 p in, 2100 From Ftlca, by French Creek, New Leba non, New Vernon, Sheakleyv llle, ami Salem, to (Jreiuvllle, i mites and hack, three tlmesn week. Ijeave Ullca Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday nt tn in; Arrlvent tlreeuvllle ly .1.S)p mj Uavo llreeuvlllo Monday, Wednesday, and Frldnv nt K a in; Arrive at Ftlca by .1.00 p lit. 2101 FroniSeneea, ItvTt n Mile lloltoin, to Fit tin's 10 miles ami buck, omo a week. LenveSeliceft Wetliusday nt 9 am; Arrlv e nt Fcrtlji's by 12 m; Lenvo Fertlu's Wednesday at 1 p m; Anlveateneeivby Ipm. 2102 From Laytonlft, by Seneca, Crauberry, ltoekland, Fittsvllle, Fnrterfleld, nnd Anew's Mills, to Lmlenton, 22 miles nnd back, three times a week, Leave Lay toiil.-v Tuesday, 'lhurhday, nnd Hnt urdny ato a m; Anlve at Fink nton by 1 p m; Leave Hmleuioii 'luesday, 'Ilmrsday, and Sat urday at 2p m; Arrlvent Iuiytonln by 9 p m. 2103 From rilcn, by Canal, Cooierstovvi, Hun vllle, nnd Wnllaeevllle, to Flnin, 2") miles nml bach, six times n week to Conperstowu, and back tw lee a wetk Ihn residue. Leave L't Ira dally exiept Sunday, at 4 p m; Arr.veat Cooperntown by" pm; Iveave Coopeiotown tlally, oxceptsuuday, at 12 in; Arrive nt utlen by p m; Leave CeopeMlown lut.Hd'iy nml Saturday at 0 a m; Airive at Flnm by 0 iv in; Ltavo Flum Tuesday and Satuiday nt 9 a m; Arrlv e nt L'ooperstovvn by 12 in. 2101 From Franltlln lo Dempseytown, t) miles nnd bnck, twieo n week. lAAVcFruukllu Tuesday mid Kit urday nt 1 p ni; Arrlvent Ik-nipsoytown, by 4 pin; Leave Utinpscj towh Tuesday andRturday nt 8 a in; Arrive ai i raimiin uy n m. 1101 I'rom Tlonchta. bv Newtown Milts, (n. o..l tol'oxburi;. (n. o..i 20 miles and back, once a ween. Leavo Tlonestft v eunesany ni 7 ft m; Arrive nt Foxbura hy ft pm; Leave Fothurt '1 huinday at 7 ft m; A n-lvn nt. TlmieHta Itv ft n in. Froposalsfor extendln louteto ShefHeld, ln- reasiiu: lusuinco six mites inviieu. 2IWI From lVtroIeuiu Centto to Cherry Tree.2' miKs ami nncit, six units u weeii. Leave ivtroieum ueuireiiaiir. except fsuiiuuy, at 12 tn; Arrive at cnerry iree oy ipm; Leave Cherry '1 reo dally, except Sunday, nt 10,- 80 n m; .rnvo ni reiroieum v-t uirti uy n.. u in, '2107 From West Hickory.toKeasi Hickory 3mllcs nnd hack.threo times ft week. i.envo i eHi jiicaory luesony, inursujij, mm Saturday at :t.30 n in: AnlVMOi Last Hickory by J.up in; Leave Him lllckorT Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdat at 1 p in; .rrivo hi ewv inciiury uy p m. 1! fws 1 rum lVtroleum Cenlio to IMumer, 3 miles and buck, six tlmeH week. Leave Feu oleum centre tuny, excepi .umiuuy, ut 1 p m; Arrive in runner ny - p in; Leave FJumer lally, except Sunday, at 10.1.) a in; ti rn o a i reiruicuiu t.eiiire uy n.u n in, 2ir,Q I'mni Mrredtth. bv Cliainoiitll. to Fitliolo City, 0 miles uml hack, six times a week. j4aYO .Met en ii ll tiany, except nmtu.ij , t- Airtveat litbole Ciiyby2pm; Leave Fithole City dally, except Sunday, ftt 0 a in; .rnvo ai .-viereuiin uy u inn, "17(1 From Watterson's Ferry, bv iJiwsonbaui. KiinerhhurK, curiisvine, ami iieiasourt-, 10 tiiat lou, 19 miles und back, six times a wt k, Leave Wutterfion's l-erry dally, exeunt Sunday, nt 12 in; -rne ni v;uinoii oy a p in; Leave Clai ion dally, except sumluy, at a in; Anlvo ut Walter sun's Ferry by II a in. 2171 From Clarion, by Klniisvllle, 13 miles and batk, twice n week. Leave Clarion Tucfiiuy ami uutruay tu s a in; Arrive at Klnssville by 12 in; Ltave Kliigsv llle 'luittdny and Saturday at 12.-10 p m; Arrive m Tiiinvm uy p in, J172 From Clarion, hv Luclnd'i Furnace. Ty- lerhburir. and Nebraska, to Tloneita. 20 tulles and iKick, three tlmea u week. Leuvu Clarion Jitmi av. w etinetauay. mm rn day at 7 ft in; irri e in i inuesiu oy .i p iu; Leav oTionesta Tuesday. Thuisdav. and. hat ur day at 7 ii m; ai nv e in rinrion iy o p m, 2173 From Clarion, bv Hhlnnensvllle. Kossuth. Cass, mid Cianberry, to Franklin, 2J nilk and hack, six times u week, Luive Clarion tlally, excepi Holiday, nt o a m Arrlvent Frnnklln by 3p m; Leave Franklin on arrival of luall from Mead vllle say at 1 p m; .rrtvo iu uirioii oy tu p m. 2171 From Clarion, bv Helen Furnace, to Scotch Hill, M lulksund batk, twieo a wtnk. Leavo Clarion Tuesd ty and Saturday ut I p in; Anlveal Scotch Hill hyftpm; Len e Scotch Hill Tuesday and Saturday at n in; arm e ai cianou uy i. in. 2l""i From Htrattonvlllo. by Fisher and Kalde's, to clailUKton, 10 miles and uaek.onee a wtek. Ltave strat tun vino .Monuay at 7 a m; AtrlveatclariiiKtmi by 12 m; LtaveClflrltmtou Monday at 1 p in; Arrive at Httalton vllle by 0 p m. 2170 From Callensburir. bv Staut'i Shtre. to ItlniersUiri, 7 miles and back, three- tinier o tveeii. Leave Callensbur; Monday, Weitiiesday, tiinl 1'iiday nt 0u m; Airlv e nt lllnicrhhurt by 9 am; IAve lllmeihbuii' Monday. Wetlueinhty. and I'rlday at lu u m; 1 Arrlveat Callensbur;! by 1 p m. 1 2177 From Cullensbiirk-. by Alum Hock and Saint Feleibhurif, to Liuluuloii, 11 mllm and Imik, nine a week. Ltave Callenshurc Monday at 1 p in; Arrlveat F.mlenton by ft p in; Leave i:mlenttiw n Monday at 8 a m; Anlve at Calteiisbum by 12 in, 217S From Nevy llelhlehem, by I.eatherwod, Hrlnkertou.nnd New Sprinntield, to OurlUvllle, lo' . miles nnd I nek, twice a week, UuveNewlJetlikhem luesday and StlunU ut 1 p m; Anlveal CuiHsvllle hy 4 pm; Leave CurlUvtltc Tuesday nnd Saturdny ut8 a in; Arrive nt New Ilethlchcm by 11 a m. 2179 Fiom Callemburtf, by .lellerson Funiaee and Nicklevllle, lo Cuss, 17 la lien and back three times a week. Leavo Callensbur Motulay, Wednesday, nnd Friday at ft ft in; Arrive at Cass by 10 ft in; Leave Cuhh Monday, Yv ednMdu,aiid I rlduy al ft p m; Arrive at CftllennburK liy 10 p nt. 20 Frwii Mercer, by HartheRlw, MXenkley v Hie, nml Ciutivrd's, to Meadvllle, umilwt and hack, IhrtotlineHrtwtek. Leave Mercer Monday, Wednesday, nnd l-rb ilav ut 2 p in; Arrlveat Mcndvlllo by hip in; LuivoMendvlUo Tuesday, Thursday, niid Sat urday nt 2 p in; Arrive at Mercer by 10 p in. 2m From North's MIUs.Htlneboro', Hiwidy Mke, Now Lebanon, ami MilleilKevllle, to Ciuhrautoii, 2i lullm and buck, three tlnus n w t ek. Luve Mercer Mondaj, Wednesday, and Fri day ut 7 a in; An ive at nichranUm by 3 pm; L iiveCoehiantim Tuesday, I huistlay, and Hat . urday at 7 a m; Ainve ui leieer ny a p in. ils2From Mercer, by Indian Hun New Wll inlniftoii, and NeshannoeK l alls, to ,ew tattle, vi nines auu oaeit, "ix imm n v,v. .'nvii fiercer uai v. exeein nunuiii ,uuvu i. ArrlTe ntNevv Fustic by dp m: !..., v.. N'mr I'linlln d.l lv. CXCeUt Stllldtiy. fit M m, or on arrival of ears w ith mail; Arrive ai .iiercur uy o p in, 21-21 From Meietr, by DIawore Orove and New Hninburif, t flueuvllle, id!-, miles nnd hack, three limes u wtek, Leave MereerTuehdny, Thursday, and Satur day tit (J a in; it, , i(i Arrlvo at llreenville by 10 a m; Uiivo ln envllle Tuesday, Ilmrsday, and Sd urday at a.:wji in; Anlve at Meicerby 8,10 n in. Propostil luvilwl for service six times a week. Shi From Merrer, lv Hill and Htrinlt.iKe, Iv Sharon, H milt a and back, tlnee times a weew. Have -Mercir luesday, Ilmrsday and suiur day at 8 am: , Ia Arrlveatsharon by It nit Uuv Sharon I uchday, Tliun-duy, and Hutui da ut 2 p in; Arrive al McrterbyO pm, Jlvft From Mercer, by Wolf Crock, IlarrUvllle, MurrlnsvIlIe.l-.iul'lutre.anilMai'loI urnaoe, o Lawreticebuu, .HftmlleM und buck, omo ft wet k, Liavo Meieer;nuday at 0 a m; ArrlatLuwieucibur ly 4pm; Leavo LftwreiuebuiK Wednesday at ua m; Arrive at Mortor v i p m. UlMl FromMerct 'y Wtwt Middle ex, 12 inltcfl and bnck, t tires time a week, I Lenvo Merctr Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ntHnin; Arrlv out Wtst Middlesex by 12 tu; Leavo West Mlddlctex Monday, WetliKssdny, and Friday nt 2 p nt. Arrlvo at Mercer by ft p m. Fioposals for more fre'iut-ut service Invited, 2iS7 From Merter, by IrUhtowu, Centrotowu Klteore, Wesley, Clftitotivllle.Rtid IUk Heud, to Hnilcnton,3.( mites and back, ouco n week, Leavo Mercer Friday nt 0 n m; Arrlvo nt Lmlenton by ft p tn; Leave Hmt'utou Hnturdny nt On la; Arrlvo nt Merger by ft p in, 211 From Greenville, by Maynvllle, to West Salem, 7 miles nnd liack.twlco n week. Leave (Jreenvlllo Tuesday nnd Saturday nl 4 p m; Arrive nt WetHnlem by 6 p in: Leave Wot Salem Tuesday nnd Hnturdny nt 2 P m; ArrivutGrcenvlll by 4 pm, 2s9 Frnm Tllusvlllo, oy flouthwesl, rienlant Vllle, Merry, and Steam Milts, to lidloiise, 22 tulles ami batk, six limes a week. Leavo Tllusvllle daily, except Hundny, nt 12 in; Arrive at ridloule by 0 p in; luvo Tldlouio dally, except Sunday, at 12 in; Arrive at 'llttnvilo by p m, 2100 From Sleadvllle, y Harmotishura ami lUcUsoimluirp, tn ConneatitvlUc, 13 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Mcadville Monday, WcdueiiJay, Jand FildaV at 2 pin; Arrlvo at ConiieJiutville by 7 p ra; Lenvo Counenut vllle Monday, Wwdintdny, and Friday, nt7 n m. Arrlvo al Meadevltle by 12 in. 2191 Fiom Mcadville, bv liny field, Fotter'n Corners, nnd KumloU's toConneautville,22 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Mcadville Tuesday, Thursday, aud HnU urday at I p m; Arrive nt Cmiiirantvilln bv 8 n m; Leave Conneutitvlllu Tueitdav. Thursday, and Saturday, nt fin m: Arrive hi .Meaav mo oy ii m, Mills, and Tovvnville, to Steuben, 21 miles nnd bnck, three times ft week. leaye Meauvilio Tuesday. nnd wuuruuyni, u in; Arrlvent Hteubeji Monday, ednestiny, nnd Frldnv at 7 a m; Arrive at .vieiviviuo uy i pin, 2191 From Mcndvlllo. bv Illoomtnif Vallev. Itan- dolph, Lilies Hollow. New Htchhioml, Little Coo ley, i if mr s nuiuu, iiiceviue, i.tiiciuuvjiie, mm Ilfoninfleld, to Union Mills, ;ltJ3 tWn uudbaek, three tlmetn week. Leave Mendv llle Tuesday, Thursday niul Sat unlav nt Oivm; Arrlveat i nion .mihs ny .i p in; Leave Union Mills Monday. Wednesday, nnd Friday nt On in; Arrive nt MeadVlllc by 5 p in. 2101 From Fvansburir. bTTamnrac. to Lllievlllo Station, h miles nnd imck, lwlee a weeK, Leave i.nnsonri5 rmn-uiiy nun rniuniiiy nt 19 ft m; Ai rive nt Llnev llle Station by 12 m; Leave Llnev llle htatleii Wtdnesdav and Satur day nt 2 p m; 2l'ii From HarLstown. hv Marshall's Comers. to Turnersville, G miles nnd Imck, twieo a week. Leave Hnrtstow n Tuesday nnd Saturday at 6 P m; Arriveni jurnersvine ny t p in; la'aTeTurnersvIllo Tuesday ami Saturdny at 2 1 in; .irivu at iiiirimuwu uy i p in, 2JWI From nuy's Milts, by Sunar Lake, Wayne Centre, nnd Wilson's Mills, to Cuoherstowu. 1 miles und back, once n vvetk. ianve ttnv s .mius -tionony ni 8 a m; Arrive at Cowperstown hy 12 in; Leave Conperstowu Monday at 1 p m; Arrlvo at (lay's Mills by Gpm. 2I')7 From Saeo;erstowii, Ity Mosheltown nnd Crossliie,vllle, in Lundv'rt Iaiue, 17 miles nnd back, tlueo times n w eek, Leave Saeirerstown luesday. Thursday, ami Saturday at I p in; Arrive ai j.uuuj a i.aiu oy p m; Leavo Lundy'K Lano Tuesday, Thursday, nnd Hatutday at 7 a in; .rnveai r-aeersiowii ny t- in, 21'JS From Fntlowtleld, by Adamsvllls to Harts- tiiti'ii .". tnlliu nml liticlr. Oy t Iiiicm il w ci k. Leave Fallow field dally, except Sunday, ut 1.30 P m; ll,,rtut..n-n 1V. 1 til (I Leave IUiistown dally, except Sunday, at a in; An Ive nt Fallow field by II ft m. 2190 Float Miller's btfttloti, by Chaptnvllle, to laneoinvine, im nines nun oaeic, once a wct-K, Leave Miller's Station Tuesday at 7 a m; Arrive at Lincolnvillo hy 10 nm; Lenvo Lincolnvillo Tuesday at 2 pm; Arrlveat Miller's Station by 5 p m. T 2.70 From PprliiR Station (n.o.) to Weaver Cen f rn I niHftinii.l lmfU. Iwlc ll Wei l:. Leavo Sprint Htation Tuesday nnd Saturday at l.'.ui p m; ... rvl a nt lln r Onlrp bv 1. .8 l m: Leave IkiiTerCcntre Tuesday and Saturday nt 10. lo a in; Arrive at SurliiK Station by 11.50 a m. 2-Til From Stony Foltit toKvunsburtf, 2 miles nnu d.ick. mix nines a ween. s.rhnln(p mnklnc close connect Ion with rail' rontl, to bo arranged to the satisfaction of the pn 1 masters. 2ft02 From Fspvvllle t North Shenauso, 2J; miles nnd buck, three limes awcfk. HhAlntfs mnklnir close tsinnecttons with rail road, to ho arranged to the satisfaction of the postmasters. 2ft03 From ConiiaentvlUo, by Steamburit, lVnu Line, m miles ami naciJ, once nwrm, Leavo Coniiacutvlllo Salurday tit 2.:) in; Arrive at Fenn Line by ft.'W p m; Leavo I'enn LliioSaluiday nt9 n m; Arrlvo at Conneautv llle by 12 m. 2.VJ1 From Venanco lo Wowlcock, 2 miles and untK.Pix limes ft weeic. Ltnve Vennnfio dally, except Humify 1 at 2pm A i-i-Ica nt U'ruHlnnlr itv .' 11 tn Leave Woodcock dally, except iMiuday, at 9 a Xrrlvo at Venaimo hy 10 a 111. 2Wi From Corry to Carter Hill, B) lalles ud UiiPK, ouco n mi'ck, Leavo Corry haturilny at 30 p m; Arrive at Carter Hill by ft t m; Leave Cm ter Hill Saturday at 1.10 p m; Ai rive at Corry by 3 p in. 2t"0 From Oak QroVe, by ndeav llle, to Chaplti vin.v t inlleM nnd hack, twleu a week. Leave ink O rove Wednesday ond Saturday ot p in; At rive nt riiniiln llle by ft.o0 11 in; Leave eiiaiiluv llle Wednesday nad Satnrdny nt 12 m; , t , n Arrlvent Oak (irovoby 2p m. n-.rr Vmm Fria. bv McKenii. Meljane. Kllnbor' romh, and intiko't Mills, lo Itockdale, 20 miles niul IMtK, hi nine ivhi'iu, Leav e Hrle dally, except humUy, nt 12 m K -a nt UnlrMtlA 111. it ll 111 i.iavu Hockdalo dally, except Sunday, at 11.30 "Arrlvent Rrlo by5.H0pm. n-ji T'rln. hv Hello Valley. FjistOr.en. WallRburK, and Hatch Hollow, to Hnlon Mills, miiDM nn, 1 iia-L three tlmesn week. " Leave Frio Tuesday, 'Ilmrsday, and Saturday ut 9 n, in; l ri-ltn ul TTnlnn Mills lw 4 U 111 Ltnvo Fnlon Mills Monday, Wednesday and rnuay ai u a m; An ive at Krlo br 1 1 m, 2.v,i Fiom Uallroad siatlon,fi:rleondFItlsburK It. 11.,) hv Fnst Sprlnirup'd and V est toprinnnei i.i rrv mil. in inllcR and hack, six times week bAVest spriimUfld, and three tlmesn week lim lesiuue. Luive It. 11. Htation tUlly, ejtwpt Sunday, 7'" fvi. nt. West Hnrlnirfleld bv 9.10 a in: I-mveWest SprlnsIIold dally, except Sunday Anlve at It. It. Htation by 7 j m: Arrive ut West Springfield Tuesilay, I Jiursday, aud Saturday at O.-flt ft m; Anlve tit Cherry Mill by 10.:t0 a in; Leave Cheiry iilll Tuesday, Thurlay, and Saturday, nt p m; , , , , , An Iv at West spriiiRllohl by 4 p m. 2"il0 From Fairview.byStorettntilu, to Kuinkliii Corners, la miles nml back, twice a week. Lenvo Fair View Wi rfnesdny, ami Saturday ut 9,ao ii m; Arrlvent FrnnKHn Comers by 12 ni; Leavo Franklin Corners N edneHilay und hul urdayU2.:iipm: Anlv e at 1 atrvie-w by 2.'J0 p ni. 2M1 Toperform the ini.shemers4'rvkefromtlie Fileand between the lollowlm; points, by scheduiotu besatMuttory lo the jKist master t the places hupplkd: ... l rom U.K. iodlraid.lSmlhRndbnwk.lvplce daHy.excei.tsuiuh; Fiom it. Flittea,2mll and batk, dally, except Sunday; w . , ,. , . , From It. 11. to 1.11; cretU, 2', milts and bnck, dally.oxeeptSiltlda); IroniAlbion to Lundy ' I-ane, 1'4 mlhs and batk, dally, exrent hund.i; For ll. Jl. to Aimou, P , llliie-i ami utu.u, n-ni-ilally, except Sunda; Itids to bo mudo to cover nil IhU st rvlee. 2112 From Jatkson Ktullon, by Weil Lake Fleaant, hinlls ami back, twice a week. Leave Jacksou htntloii Wednesday and Saluw day at 10 ft in; .. , I . I Mi, ItV I tn Leave Lake Fttusunt Wednesdny and Saturday nt 2 p m; At U VU a I .iticiiivJii nmi' "J r ' Torm of Propoaal, Guarantee, and CcrtlOcatc. FllUl'O.SAL The umlerslRued , wIkao ptwt ffleo luhlnss Is , county of. Stale of, oioim-t to touvey the inalls of IheUnlled States, ii urn July 1, liS to June oO, 1572, on route No, , between and , under ibo ad ver- tlsement tif the Fust master tifiieiul, dated Octo ber.!!, Iu7, with "telcrity, ci rlaluiy, and sivuil ty," lor the annual sum of dollars, 'iuproiu.if it nttt'ltu-lth full knoutoibif vf tht tin 'aiive t the i otiCe, the wetyht ! tht mii( to Lv cttr tutl, uti't off other itiltcutar tn ifjaence tu the i outf ami it nice, ami titsa ttfler ranvl emmttuttiotx oi ih" lnu ant mttw dvns uWtchnt t-tthe mlvvituc- lUlod m'AHANTUi:. i Signed., Tliuuiiili'r.iKiini.riMiiniKiu .muiuoi . uiulirtul.o Uml, If tliu lumping Mil Inr c-.ury n lliu I1111U011 imilo No. bu iuwiiti'4 hy 11") 1'ii.Iiiiusler (ifiiirul, UieMdilor Mmll, prior to t he 1st il.ty ol July, isus, enter Into tlio irmilretl obll uulloii or I'oufiiKt to ii-rfoiin tho nervlw iroH. nl, Mllli Kooiliiixl .mikirut mirctliH, 'IhftvKh, umlnhtttwtuiil ilutinctly the oblitintmna itnU tutbitltirt ttmnni it bu yuumnlttta uwli r the wctlw vfthnietof tmuittitf Jiity'i, lf-ltl. Thuiiudenifcned.rihldiiignt- lUUil (Siiuuil hy two tiuuautoiH.i CTHTII'R'ATi:. tttiiU'rhlEiii'il, poHlinaxlcv ftt , Slut,' of . 1'lllllii'H, l Mill; lilt, mill of OFflCl!, Tin' Uml hi, IsiuMuulntt'il with iIihuImiu uuuruiituiH, anil Knott SI hem lo bemrn of liroerly, mm lllilf to limlli' until Ihelrgiliil'.llilei.'. llHteil lWmic.1.) irSTIlUCTXONS TO BIDDUItfl AND rOSTIVTAQTEHB I lOXTAIMNd A1AO IXmlimom TOIIK INCOIII'n- iiiinn in im; cuNruiem iotiih Etioniic liKl'4l(rpNTIAV mci.M I. Heiui iiilhlllejiuie allomil toeodi liitenne iliate otnee, w bell not olburw Iwe k)mic11IiI, for an borllnif thu louii 1 hut oil latlroml ullU hleum Uut louti'M tbelobtlohe no moie Uwlay limn U kUllliUnt lor uu i xi Intuitu of the lnull pouches, 'I, on ntllii'ttil anil kteaiuhoittUiteM, ami other routeH wbern lltu liioiliiof eon e unee itilmltu of II. lite upeelal nueuw of Iho Tout llllleo ieart iiti'lil, iilno jiojI ollliu hluukn. mull biiKH,lock ana Ke M, uro in oe eoilll'JCll ll lllluil, win i iuiik. a. tut ruilroutl niul kteumboat llnetho route titfelllnof the Ueluirllinnl, uUo lliy llrllMl anil I'ulitnla uiulU. lugulinujlut; them, tu to l,u ixilivcye.1 wltboul eltarge; unit lor tho nnu of that I'nlto.t istule UUellU 11 eolltulouioii eur, or iuit o, u viii, HUJ' r)y llchleil, vriiriuiHl.aHil fuinUbettamlniluiUl to tlieoouuKjoul i,ei4iintloii uml itue keetirlty of Hio ninllt, It to bo provided by the conductor, under thv direction of the Pepartmeht, llullroad and steamboat ompauleaaie 1 frpilred to take the mull flout and deliver It into the toit oflhetmt the betlnnlni and enrt of thflr routes, and to utid from all gHU-m not moro than eighty rod from h station or landing, I'roitoHal may lio submitted by the companlos for the erforiii mice of ull other side aerv leo that Is, for olllcei over t lahty rods from a station or latidlntf. '1 hem will ha "wnv h ills" Ttrennretl hv iMwtmun lorn, or thr nirents of the Liiisrtinciit. to lie- company the mulls conveyed on railroad! nud steamers, specifying the nnmber nud destination oi me HCTCiai iiuks. t'n uiiilt 'iriiiciinii rumen, likewise, receipts will bo rtriulred nml way bill forwarded; thw latter lo be examined by the sev eral postmasters, to Invuro levularlly In th de livery in mans, t. No tmv will bo mnde for trlt-s not itcrformed: nud for each of audi omissions, not antlsfactorlly explnliifst, tbreo times the pay of tho trip w ill bo deducted For nrrlvals so far behind lime us tu break eonutxloit with dcpendliii mnlls, and not suiiit leniiy excused, oneiourm oi ino etiniiu nsn llon for tho trip Is subject to fnrfeltuiu, For re pented (k'UiiMUeiiclcsol thektml herein specified, enlarged penalties, proportional to tho uatuie thereof, mid tin linpoituncoof the mall, tuny bo made. or ichv im ueiniuior t nrowimi oirtne mulls. or any portion of them, for the admission of pas senders, or for be Inn concerned In setting up or running' nu express convey inn Intelligence In ad vance oi iiiy uiKii.fv ipaarier s ymy inuy oci- ductetl. a. Fines wilt lie Imposed. unleas lliudcllnquen eybe prtiinptly and sallsnutorlly explained by et-rtlilcatfN of ponimasttrsortho uflldaylls of nth ereretlibln persons, for railing to urrlTe In eon tincttlmc; tor ncKleellnfr to tnko tho mall from, or deliver it iost nillco;for nullerliifIt lobe wet, injured, dcsloycd, rohbed.or lost; and for re fusing, urier demand, to convey tho mult as fre quently as tho contractor runs, or Is concerned in running, ncoacu, car, or steam ooui on n rouie, 7. I ho I'tisimuster Ueneral may annul tho con tract lor repeated lallurcs to run agreeably to con tiuel; tos vlolutliig the post tdtlce laws, or dlsa beylng tho lusliuctioiis of tho Department: far re! using to discharge a currier when required by the Department lo do ho; for running an ex press ns'uroreaald; or for tiaiisporting persons or package conveying mailable mutter out of the mall. s. 'i hp l'imtniaster tienorui nmv order nu in crease or Hervlctf on ft routo by allowing therefor a pro raw lucreaso on tho contrnct tny. Ho may change sebethtUa of departures und arrivals lu all cities. ftiidDuilicularly to inakotheiitconfurm tu eouiiexiouswiin raniouus, wnnoiu increaso oi my , provided tbe running time bo not abridged, lie iiuiv also order nu luerease of Micedjitlow Im. within the lcstriellons of tbe law. a uro intit In crease or pay for the additional stock or tnrrlers, If any, I hu contractor may. however, in the case of incrcute of tjnvtt, relinquish tho Hiving piniupi notice iu inu jeparimcni innt iiti rciein lutnm so 10 enrryniK me oruer nun eiieci, he FnstinnHlcr (leneral luav also discontinue or curtail the service, in whole or In part, In order en ei eater deureo of service. or w henever the public interests.ln his Judgment, shall require such dlscoililtiuanceor curtailment Tor any other eauso! lie allowing as full lademnl ty to contractor oim month's extra inyon tho amount of service dlsnensed with, and n oro rata (ompetioatloii for the amount ttf service retained nmicouuiiueu. 'nvinents will bo made bv collections from or ilruits on postmasters, or otherwise, after nit) expiration oi eacu qnorier Bay m Novem ber, February, May, nnd August. lu. Tho distant es nregivenjuccordlngto tho best Information; but no lucieasotl pay will be allowed should they bo greater than adverllsed. If tho points to be supplied aro correctly stated. iim witurf fnorm thnnicliei on this xmt, and alo In referfiieo to the weight of tho mall, tho condi tion or rouds, hills, streams, Ac, ami all loll bthlgOH, ferries, or obstructions of any kind by which expense may ho incurred. No claim for additional pay, based on such ground, can bo considered; nor for alleged mistakes or lulsnp- irein iiKion in id i nir urgiru ui M.'rvtcc; unr iur iriilt'iM ili.kt rn i il. fun Inu iltftfnntltiun,t ni nllmr ohstiuetions (ncienslng distnnce.occurring tin- riUK mo eoniiiici icriu, inuccs einntiutsi nilrr tills ndvertlsentent is Issued. nnd nlso ibiritu-tbn con I met icrm, are ki be visited without extra If tlio flUimiMi l tint liir..juA.l 11. Illdders are cautioned to mall their nronoH- als In time to reach Hie Department by the dav nnd hour named, i.t. p. in., March 4, Ifi0,i Tor bids received after thai tlmottff not be vonxiitrrctl lu competition with a bid of reasonable amount re- ccivtsi in time. cimer can mus no cousiuerisi which ato without tho guurunleo renulrtsl by law nud n certificate of the suflleleucy of such ft guarantee, 12, KIdders should first propose for servlco strictly accordltmtotho advertisement, and then. ir inev tiesn p, st junrucn ior uiucreiu service; nmt if tbe trfulnr bid bo the lowest nilered for Ibo advertlsisl service, tho oilier propositions may ie oonMiiren. VS. Tliercsbould be but one rout m-i ror in a roposal. Consolidated or combination bids "pioposing one sum for two or more routes ') uro roitincii oy mw, iiiiii cuiuiui ur i-iiiniiu'rcu, naiae andresklencoof the' bidder, (that , his usual post oiuco ftuurtss, ami xae nnmo oi encit member offtflrm.where n. company otrers, should be tllstltictly stated. 1. Illdders are renucsted to use, as far as prac tlealdo, tho printed propavnls furnlshetl by the lcpuriniMll, in w rur uin in iuii iiiu sinii ui uicir Altered iiius Hiiouiii not oe si omitted nor should bids once submitted bo withdrawn. No wniHirawni oiu tnuuer or guaranior win ix al lowed unlc-.H the withdrawal Ls dated, and re ceived In fore the last day for receiving prcuwhals. iLien tmi must neirunruuieeu oyiwo res nuns nie persons. The bid andtuaroutee skould bo rtieif plainly wuu ine uin name oi eacu neraau. 'I ho ilr nm I inent resericstlio rluht to relect any hid wbloh may beileemed extravagant, and uisoioiiisrtgiiu ine bius oi iiiutui; couiracivrs unci bidders. l.TIlie oiu snouui seoieoiiiierscriDCU-'Jisu I,nt.i .r lii.-'n,,,. l.l..,., I "Hecoiid Assistant Tost master Ueneral, Contract Ofllce," and sent by mail, not by or to an agent; and postiuasteiM will not enclose proposals (or b tteis of any kind) lit their tjuartcrly returns. 17. The contracts are In be executed und ie turned lo the Department by or beforo tho lif io.v of Jul, lfiiS; but theservlco must bo begun im that dny, or on tho mull day next afttr It, whether lite tantracts be executed or not. Tiansrers of contracts, or af Interest in contrac ts, aio foi bidden by law, uml consequently can not ho allow t d. Itiddcrs will tiiereforo take no tice that they will be exacted to perform tho service net opted to them t h rough tho whole term of i up euntiact. is. postmasters tit offices on r near railroads, but mote lhaivlubty roda from a station, will, iiiimtdlately utter the 1th of March next, reisut their exact distance lrom the uoarest htatlon,atid how they are otherwise supplied: with the mall, to enable the 1'oKtiaastcr General to direct a inoU-met-eimer supply from Uio 1st of July next. 11. .section eighteen of an act of Congas ap proved March il. Ml, provides that contracts for ine irunspniiMinii ni ine man Mian no ici, "in eveiy ette, to lim lowest bidder teiiderlngsufllcl cut guarautets fur faithful peiformanee, without other tefcrenco to the modo of Midi tranvnnr- tutlon than may bo necessary to provide for tho duo celerity, eertolnly, and security of such turns pollution. Cnder this law bids that props to transport the mulls w lib Weri'v, ciriatnty, unit 3curttl," futvwf been tleatletl to ie the out ttynl bids, tire conttru til uivich 11111 fur the entire mutt, hou n er ttnyt', nml unntevtr may be the motte vf convrfnncv nectiiartn future 11 "eiltrtty, nrMm ty unit tecurity,'" unit hmc A jnjtrcnce 01 er alt itficrt.ttml nootttcrn rue coitmtrreti, IX). A modltleatlon ofa bid lu any of Its -nl letniH Is tunlamount lo n nevr tid, and ennnot be received, so as to interfere with regular pom pet ll Inn, n!U r I he lust hour set for recti vim; bids, uinltliu a new bid, Willi guaran tee andceituleute W the only way tomodiiy a previous hid, '21, l'ostmasters tue to bo careful not to certify the sullkieney of guarantors or sureties without knowing that they are persons of suflkieiit re spoiislhllli v ; ft ittHTttmt nf thu inttmcttonhv ia'ittr$ li u liolutlon vf Aur mtth of nftlee, suojrct Inylhrm tn immediate remmat. All blddcrs,iuuran tnrs. and Nineties uro distinctly untitled Hint on 11 failure to enter Into nr perform the contracts tor ine serv ico proposed mr in ine accepuu nius, their k gul UablUlleH will he enforced ngnlnst them. 22. Present eonliat tor, and persons Known at the Department, liuisl, t quull with others pro cure j-aarnloi's and certlilcatesof thelrsiiftleien cv snbstanthillv In tho foinis above iirtscrllad. '1 he eetlltlcule of sullkieney mutl'tt signed by n pntunasiel, or ny u juuge 01 u etiuri ui Ktoril, No oilier will be admit I til, AI.HX. W. RANDALL, Nov. 22ml. ImC. postmnsti r tient nil riMIK AMKltlCAX HAY KXIKK X AND niltK. We tho undersigned tltlens 01 Columbia County witnessed Iho trial of hay firks mi Hie farm of Mr, Torsel, lu Iletnloik Towiisklp, on Motulay, May 7, 1M, btlween the Anieileait Hay Knife anil 1 ork manufactured by SLU' Lll, VV AItl, MIItl.M.H iV 1 1 Of I.OW1S- bum. l'u.. and the Humld's I 'a lent Ilnv Hook. The Aiiieilian i'ork lilted mure hay lu 0110 ilraucht than the luiiu e u Ihree. e atv satis fied it will lake ns much hay into the umw us two f:ooa iinrst's can oraw, we uiso saw n euiiing iny, nud think It cannot bo beat as u hav Unite, nnd clid'i fully rt commend It us the best hay folk umi k 11 ue we mw e i'i m en, C. lIlTrRSUKNPI u, Dit. V. c. H VIlltlVtN, W. H. Koos, John Dovk, John Di:Tniit(K, Damki. Novkie, IL Dkiu.mii i.hit, i'l'itsi'b, Mm if. 1 IIki.i.icic. John Won. 'Jliey also iiiuuuiaclurn the celebrated lluckevo IU llpl r llll'l ainw 1 1 1 11 HO iMiii-i "Bin in i iu m iiin'iv- luents, ATKW TAII.OUIXG KSTAHIilSII 1 mi:nt. VVil.tilAl .MWJlUin, Tukes'thls method tf informing tho cltbvens of Columbia cnuut,v , thai liet.aopeneiiu new iuiior lug establishment tn the town of I'M'AWiSSA. V.K.. whole lu lsprepunillo make Up oil sho nollco nil kinds ni in-nth im 11 iunr in ine jmitu nnu most i.udiinimbiotle. Having worhtd at his business tor sev eialveiii-KliithotKy of New loik, he Haiti ts hluiHelf that he can give fall and com- pit Ie satlhlnclion 10 ins eusiomeis tu retisnuiioiu iuti, Hegu.iiiiniis'siiio ...... tl V 1: It V ll il K r PI T H . or tho w oik heed not bo tuken. All work will be sponged befote maklng.HO that theie shall bo initiii 1 spot iiorKhrlukaue. f-lup In .lodge Haldy h Hrlck lluildlng, Main sin ei, 1 aiaw issii, A hliurt'of 1'UtiUel'fttlonnKe Ulenpeetfiillvnolle' teil. 1111. ffiirnii'iiln taiclulty etenlteil ami u allril on Ihe Khorli'it nolli-i'. luehti'tT-Vllil. Nfw FrN'!TLTK 8TOUK T M . 1 N V 1 1-1. K. J A a. j. m.iiNiNor.n, Wnuhl rfhiMTtfullv iinmrnnoo lo Jlie nuljllf, i hni In hrv. ntuMiixl .4 litnv i'tiililtlin Kturi 111 Miilnvllli'. ulHioholai'i'i till UHuIm ofrllyuml imiun umui r u it n i t v n u, ruin linttrtnuil ftiut tm I r cushioned elm Irs, ull Miltk ut lU'ititt-iuU ami hurt'iius tulilei unU KiuiuW, niul nil k'hmW in hU lino, lii'imlrliitf neat- K- nml niilfklf ilntti. lliuiMt itiillitiiiir Hint liatrr litiuuliut ituiit nt Minn nolle! uml misnniHilo lutes lu tin In'tt mn m ht. Aln, uiuloiliiUtnti ui 111(111 iitiiiou Limt i:. ti. nn u x i;, 11 li ST1HT, rotmerlj' of llcrwlck, Columbia C'ounly, l'u, Woolil iinoooiifi. to the eltlrenx of lllooiusliuiu anil li'llllty lliftl Im Illli'iuu lo luuilit louilem iv ut llloiimoliiii'if In tlu, eonilio! MirhiL'. Tor Iho iili-MMit lie nniy oe fotiml at htn olllee,!!!! Main HUel't, 11 lew ilooi-M iihole llejlilelkhntt'il lrilv Store. o er 1'ox A Welili'KCoufivtlimery; where bo will ho liltnti to wait Unui all who luav uiiit hu nervleeti, Olllee ojieti only lrom the llrnt lu tho teutb ol tuehmoulh ulttll Anrll Ut ImK i I riim.i iTV-fixr irrTiT.,i I ' i'""" iw.14,, Areli tiircet, bttwrin Tltlrit nml I'ourtli Hireu, riilluileliilit.i. UlUtlMrm WKIll'.n, J'lvorMur, afte (lyahtmbinu, IlLtlOMHItt fttJ, I'llIDAV, DIM'. 13, 1807. Wncall nttentlou till- week, to tlio advertisement of II. C I lower, who has a Inrt;o assortment of Hoots, SlioeM, Hats, CnpH and Furs, which ho oflTem at the most rcaonablo mte.i. Wo would BURgcst to our clever eo temporary tho Hunbury $Venttnett that It should occashmtlty glvo ih credit for orlglnnl matter taken froinoureotumnH, ItHsecondedltorlal last week, was taken from tho Com'mihan. M'i:aro Informed that Geo. II. IJrown, tho pojiular landlord of tho Hupert Hotel hns sold, tho samo to Mr. Tubbs of Hhlckshluny. Votru-ttho new land lord will provo to ho a neeommodatlnp; and eflklont as tho old one. Himon 1 Kahi;, Presldont of tho Danville, Hazlcton and Wllkeaharro llullroad Co., brounht Into tlio Itceor derN olBco In Columbia county a mortKHKO to Shcphard Knnpp and Wil liam I. Grccnotiffh, In trust, upon which there wero $1400,00 worth of Stamps. Wr. call tho attention of our readers to the advertisements of tho salo of tho real estate of Mrs. Rebecca Vandersllee decd., on tho 19th and lOth days of De cember Int. The propertlertaro valuable and dotdrablc, and havo not been for many years In market. In response to repeated recommen dations of tho Grand Jury, the County Commissioners have decided to enlarge the Court Houo by building an addi tion In the rear. This Is n measure of reform demanded by thopubllc Interests, and for tho 8afo keeping of tho docu ments nnd records of the County. Wo will announco the plan when decided on. Ovn mail routo advertisements will run out on the27th of this month, after which wo shall bo able to give our usual amount of spicy and sprightly reading matter. Wosliall attend to the Radicals, keep our readers booked up In congress ional topIcstpropare for the Presidential Campaign, and keep abreast of things generally. On Thur.-d!iy tho nth lust. Sumner's 1)111 to tako out tho word uwhIto" where It occurs in thochnrler of tho District of Columbia, passed tho Senuto by a voto of 30 to 8. Darkles can now bo used for ftllingjury boxes and holding official positions, when occasion demands, and tho Radicals think thoy can afford to give up anything which pays. Wi:aro sorry to learn that John 1; Creasy'bf Fishltigcrcek township, was robbed of his pocket book, containing about seventy dollars,on tlio evening of tho 28th ult., near Ashland, .Schuylkill county. Our friends who tako produco to market In tho coal region, should bo careful and not allow strangers to them with money RoiitiiTj. Wat.Kkk, Who, as Treas urer under President Polk, won an en during fame as a financier, has issued an address to tho peoplo of tho United Statcs.urgingan Immedlsto resumption ofspecio payments, accompanied by a vast reduction of taxation. Ho says, "our present system of taxation is the most onerous over imposed upon any people, ami it is utterly destructive of lln, lirnanorllv of tlio nnnnrri- ' thoprospiritj or the country. " " '"" .... W i: nro sorry to learn thai John Owens formerly of this place, was fatal ly injured on Monday last, at Danville, by tho premature explosion of a blast lu tlio coal mines, lio tiled on Tuesday night, and was buried on Thursday at tills place. Notwithstanding the heavy snow storm his remains wero followed to the Cemetery by tlio Order f Odd I ellows, of which ho was a member, and by a largo number of friends. We have received from tho Philadel phia Xews Co. 20 South 6th Ht. Phila delphia, a drawing representing tho overthrow of Jtadlcallsm In 1867. Tho hydra headed dragon Is on its back writh lug under tlio blows of a whlto man wielding tho bludgeon of "Popular Will," wlilietho "1'reedman's llureau" olK nrn conn In tliiwtlm ,l.i, II t etc. ai i seen In the dim distance. It is a latighablo picture, and appllcahlo to ine nines, iteinii price loccnis eacu. Wi: havo received several copies of t.n .tnii.. c.. . - i . ..i if i , i i tho daily State Guard, published ly Dungllson, Hirncy and Kauffman, at Harrlsburg. It Is a good sized sheet, printed on good white paper, and liko Tin: Cor.UMiiiA.v, Is free from all ob- sceno nnd Improper advertisements. In politics it Is ralildly lliidlcal; but Ismi - perior to tlio Hessian 'JrleirajM, In be ing moro courteous, nnd In not stoop ing to the low personalllles which make that sheet a disgrace to thu profession, and Its naino synonymous with filth and blackguardism, Wr. had intended to publish tho pro ceedings of tha Teachers' Institute to gether with tlio address of Mr. Host ; but wero not furnished with either cop. les nr proof-slips to enaldo us to do so. Wo will not insert matter a week after! il has appeared in tho other County pn-1'1111 ? w 1010 i.y nut ."'"-''f1 per.becausolttheubecome.sstalo.Itc'oliid i!!Si!1,,TiS very easily -have been iirrauged to havo of these hundreds of buildings being had tho proceedings referred to appear , built about tho sumo time, an appear- in all tho county papers tit once, and i-"1,1'0 V,f,l'lc';ll,l"!"i U,mt l?,vc'l'v ,1,l'IK1'1' ti, r.,iii,. t,.nw (A ,L i i,., i ... ,1 ml, Iho details of inch tcvlural urna tho failuro seems to us to havo been the ml.llt l00 flU1 ,uu, varll,(li liri,fC,m. result of ncgllgenco or partiality on tho - ing.a tastrful, rich, varied, yu conso- part of tho person or persons selected mint cot) tl 'a ll tn the beholder. Por to furnish copy, h'1"'' touilii'.' to Itlchmond, therefore, in - thk Pooit. Winter has at last set In with nil lis vigors, and mother carta is sleeping under a man tie of snow. Now Is the time for tho exercise of active bciievnlenco among our people. Within tlio past year God has bles-ed us with abundant harvests, nud now that Winter lias come, we should remember those who through Infirmity or other causes were preven ted from laying up sultablo stores. Thero is scarce aTowiisjilp In lim land whero some poor mortal Is deprived of nil thocoinforts.aiid many ofthonecessarles of life, nnd who, though pinched with hunger, or sufi'ering from tho cold, do not like t beg for charily, or become Township paupwis. Let us remember Biich, A load of wood.ti bushel of wheat, we would hardly miss from our stores, yet they would bring gladness to liiony g ntlnes.s to nionv 1 Ihi t. Zl I san e tin VNt"u,a -s above." I hen our own cheerful a heart, ami w.ont tho bo "laying up trcusurcs could wo draw around our own cheerful fireside, and listen to the howling wind lou of on oi ty. or driving Meet, with tho satisfaction of knowing that wo had tlono our duty iiiif. i:iiiiiDoanoPi3: " -A man or Im -v lim its fluctuatiniis nmt Us ynsl eoiiewriu-,' SO, LVIII. ltlCHMONII AH IT WAH, AMI IH. i: .Uscrllicd how, on wilcrliiK , iiiirromtlionorlli one iIIvm 111. 1 1.1 1... I! i I. ..I I.- I HAV Itlrlitnniul frnln tlmnorlli to 11 tiiimul, innklni.' 0110 bollcvo that lio M 10 00 iniHlou 111 010 ceimr oi 1111 noioi, tlicnco to bo triuisiuirtod by wmo imtoiit clovntor u la "Continental" 'or "Fifth Aatiiuo" Iluti-H, to lilnillottud clmin ber; but thu liiiprcwlon clvi-n, nftcr 1 1 7i. .1... Jt 1 t iniviKK inn uiniH'i nnu cuiiiiiik ii" : dnvllLdit onto moro, h no lrni ri-tiinrkii- blc. llvcrywlicro nrlso blnckentd mid 1 liiltrirlm rnlia. Hum IiIIpk nf lltfi.Hlllur los bricks, Btalncd apparently by tha 1 hole Southern rnuntry to the iiiimii solllni? handj of Apes. Desolation - ' pll-"hment of their bao cnih, of holdlni; dank aud drear! One, mlaht iinncliiu 1 himself in Herculaneum or I'ompell- , thoso cities (Utioved and entombed for centuries. ! lo tho rlirht hand nr se tho turrcted 1 remains of thu Rrcnt Armory, extend. linr fur nvnr u mitinrn lii IimikiIi. nml rp. i R'niblliiKKime old Feudal eaitle, Milked tfoptue, Mho neither Khouldoreil a 11111. and untjarriHonod. To the left arNo in 1 bvt or drew n wibre durliiR tho war. nondo-crlpt lillc, tho charrod and i 011 will llnd 110 reboM iimonir tlio men criimbllii'' waIN of lmineup f.iclorios i who coiiipofd tho Coiifoderato nrmy. and mills, wherein once, tho hum of innest industry was wont 10 no iioaru, now. tho nbodo of tho bat and tho screech-owl. All around, and covering tho ground for acres, llo tho ilebrlt of tho Danville A- Petersburg H. It. Depots, engine houses etc. what lias desolated tho city thus'.' Fire nnd worse man I It was 011 aHundav morning iu April lfiC'i. hriirht nnd lovelv. that tho news arrived lii Richmond, of tho fall of Pe tersburg and itsoccupation iiytno union armies. Jefferson Davis, tho President of tho so-called Confederacy, was at church, when 11 mcgecnger, booted nnd spurred, pushed his way through the crowd to his pew, and handed him a letter. T hero was a nauso in tho exhortation of tiio preacher us tlio letter was taken and opened, then Davis walked totter ing and stricken from tho church. Tho services wcrfbrought to a sudden cloo, nnd tho peoplo streamed out upon the sidowalk with anxious faces and fast beating hearts. Thostillncs and tor rllilo constraint of the sacred Tilace. had weighed upon each 0110 there, like tho stilling ellects or an nlr-exhaustcd re ceiver. Knch gasped for breath I Tho threatened blow had fallen nt last. The Inevitable had come, with Its front of terror I Hut It was not until later In the afternoon, when tho boxes containing tho public nrciuves ami treasure, cum bered thu sidewalks, that tho peoplo of Klchmond could realize It. Then camo tho terrible rush, tho despairing cry, "Wo aro to bodescrted by our own peo plo!" "They aro going to evacuate hichmond as they did Petersburg!" Crowds of citizen", bearing their most valuable worldly goods, filed through tho streets ; horses and wagons sudden ly brought fabulous prices; ami palo wo men nndpeechless men, followed by ne grojs, bending beneath their burdens, choked overvavenuo of eress from that cltv of doom. With nightfall camo tho certainty that a forced evacuation ol the city must quickly tako place, and to prevent tho violence and confuslotijeoii sequent upon tho too free uso of liquor under such depressing circumstances, a committee was appointed by the mayor of tho cltv to broach nil barrels of whis key or other spirits in tho various store houses; an act which perhaps brought about the very evil sought to bo guarded against. Soon the gutters wero flowing whith tho choicest liquors; crates and baskets of tho finest and most cost ly wines wero thrown from tho topmost windows. Astno won; progre.s-eii,soiiio straggling uonietieraie somiers tin inu retreat, iiu.sctl throuirh tho city, Saj'o ( rt Southern writer: "I'rom that moment ' law and order ceased to exist. Many of the stores wero pillaged, ami tnosiue walks wero encumbered with broken glass, whero tho thieves hail smashed tho windows In their reckless hasto to get their hands on the plunder within, Tho air was filled with tho wild cries of dlstress.ortheyells of roving pillagers." But a still moro terrible agent of ruin was soon to atinear on the scene! As tho night advanced, tho yells nntl.hlas- 1 plielllOUS sllOllU 111 tllO dl'UllkOU rebel , ',,.,... .... i,,,,,!.,.. nmi i,)11( (.r. and above "tho house tops appeared, as thoutrb In Httlmr acconiiiiiniiuent to tich fiendish cries, thesliani crackling and roar anil fiaino of a great conflagra tion, while from the river camo tho ter rible concussion caused by the blowing up ol t no relict rams uiiiinnini" turn "Virginia." ( Kvvell, the Confedcrato com mander, had given ouler.s to fire the r.... ..I, ...I ii.t..inti-iii.l,nii.ij i.rtlm ! cits'.iiud tliese.commuulcatlng with the surrounding buildings, soon enveloped tlio wnoio inisiness puriiou ot ine tiooni ed city in its destructive folds. Imag ine tills, and, as Pollard vividly de scribes It, "In the midst of all, tho wild agony, tho fugitlvo distress of women and children rushing towards tho open npiaro fur a breath of pure air, all that was now left them lu heaven's great hollowncso." l'ho verv heart of thu city was burned out of It l or one-hall mile on one '. "hlo tho main street, tho lire hail left ""UllUg mil ll ill IS .lull mull- . nI(,H (m . ()lh(,,. si(lc. , nxXn vxWm. cd upwards of twenty blocks. Amid mo couiusioii ami terror too ciear cr.tsii 1 of ti military baud was heard. Oneral Wellzul entered the city. , aim u niciii ig iigui luwaius mi' v niiiiui , i,!.,,,!,.,! the shirs autl siilnes above It. This was not tlio Hist time that Uicli- I niond hail suil'ored frnni that terrible setiurgo-llre. Iu KM tho traitor t)1"" . V. V." . ,. . . V? ''. f j most of tho town. Tho hurtling of the 1 Jtlcli.nond theatre too, on the night ol lice, aith lsil, will bo liamleil iinwn as n fearful page in the nistor.s of (!nat l'lrex.tniccd in IN nm-t appaiillng clinr iiclers. Over sixty poisons perl-hed In this heart rcnrling catastrophe, and scarcu n hotiso throughout the city win plunged in innuiuliig. After leaving the immullate neigh borhood of the Fredericksburg Depot, however, all traces of tho even Into de vastation aro lost. As though by nug lo, beautiful buildings , fine plato gla-s window fronts, tall commanding piles of architecture, surpassing Baltimore, and almost equaling 1'hiludclphln, stretch out on every sale. One legrcts ' i;.,ii'i;i-iiiiii vi iittiiiii m-i siui ,i-.ifv-li ill , her ashes, will have tliN Plu ulx aiipa- i rltlon to confront them and tench them i differently. nichmoiul was so called bv lis found. ors from ii fancied resemblance to Itich- niond tm tho Thaines.hut ll far surpass- es in picturesque situation It, Ungllsli naiiiesiike. Imagine seven lilll, like tlio seven hills of Home, ilslngand con- fronting one of the loveliest valleys in thoworlil. At the loot ot these hills, rushes tun lapltl James river, IncaUlng and bubhllug lu foam over the Impedi ments in its way anil studded with beautiful Islet. Connect tho two banks of this river witli threo almost Intermi nable bridge, then look over toward" tho seven hills with their rWng tiers of bouses, crowned by the majestic piopor tlons of the State Cnpltnl, a building In the Unoco-Aiiierlcnustyliyiud von have Jtlclilliontl. in the large patk nr ".sqiiaio"surruui!iIlngthf Capitol build- U'K " , If'"",' equmtrian staiue tif ashing im, raised upon an eight cor - IIOI'Oll Inu lllkllll Imil l-lil.r li.iw.,.ll,.l' , ...... . V .1 i i V Vtr . '"' . "V "1" fti"' t,ll,,l,Wl'.vul .y'f.11!1!1 '"I""'- I I at oacl tuiiilo, with imblo statue,, ol some of the most llliMrlou sons of the ; Dominion." iho wholo thing Is , """ I"", v. men iiiiiu a griiu lil ' l,"Ct';., A. ( ".';1.tIUul.'i1 ,."lr1'1"' ,"f Henry .Clay, by birth a Virginian, tilo ! adorns the i;rounds which are very III' il i 1. A mini" . .1' l'i' 1 . blii ill Uiulllliuiid, 1-. Hi" -1 1 1 1 liu iilal liiut'li, whloli ocfiiliiis tin "Ito of tin' 111-fnloil thentro of which X Imvo 1 ikcii. St. .Iiihn' (iliurh, mi old fmino buildings th'liltorlciKilvhuii I'HlrlcK iloniy iwiiuimci moc 1111- ,"ul'"' wonl In-elic-U it woultl -ocni ; -""Ivo mo IJIktI.v, or trlv mo UrMlMI DhiIIi l'i Althongli not 11 Krent Hly, Jtichiiiond Is doubtliwly Inli.'iuled lo lio one, ivt ii'i vcrv dNtiinl dnv. Imluinu from Ht liral ntlviuilutroj; mid believe that here mlolit he found n iiin-t fru tfiil llcld (trt irti 11 iHi11ll.1l 'I'lin lilllu flrilU , ."" back Ih tho im(eclilUtato or thcSaiitli Vf":'! l'i' tho criminal prostitution hy the Hadfcal portion ofCoiiKrws, of thu m me power ami pairomv.'o 01 u o uovernmcnt. in tiiy binii' or irgmia pr nt leant, throiiBh tho urijo portion or " Which 1 have jia'sed, (hero nro 110 reiicia, oxee 01 11 110 one now auu inen ; nnu Invariably In fcuch eaten, it Mono like Pollard or Miuiu iSoutheiu ileum iiR'UMiien "accept tlio hiiuatiuir 111 iu broadest (en-e j are honorablo and in tend to keep their parole. The peoplo nro therefore ready to welcome North ern men and Northern capital, and, If only lot nlono by Conyro-s, It would tnko but 11 short lline for the South to recruit herself and yield, as of yore, her tribute of wealth to tho prosperity nnd common fjood of tho wholo country. Kut with the cloud of confiscation and negro inls-rulo hanjrlnc; over them, Northern men can neither irlvo the Im pulse nor can Southern men, nf them helve.-), tnkn the Initiative. Northern men won't buy, for they are not sure mat llio tltlool tlio laud bought is good. ii uepenus upon Whether 1110 ltndicai.s In Concrc's detf rmlno unon conllsca- tion or not. Southern men will not spend tho little they htivo In Improve ments, lor they cannot say now long their property is troluc lo belong them. To-day It may be theirs J to-morrow1 confiscated. s soon as tho matter ls settled, as common humanity and national pru denco dictates, Hlchniond will become a formidable rival to the cities of the North. Tho ltan Ms or l a s of the James river, which extend for sonio six miles nbovo tho city, alford 11 water power unsurpa-icd In tho world ; whllu situated as it is, ut tho mlddlo point of tho connecting links of tho great Northern and Southern routes of travel; iiinumg as it were, tlio extremest points ol our land with tho Iron bands ol com mercial intercourse, it will become, lu time, the depository of tho wealth of both sections. Iu my next I will dive still deeper nmong tho He-constructed. So-Mirr-i-Mva. Proceedings of tho Columbia County Tcmporanco Society. Tin; Columbia County Tcmporanco Society met iu tho Kapy M. U. Church, December oth nt 7 r.M. President, D. J. Waller, being absent, on nitilon V'm. Saunders took the Chair. Tho Constitution and pledge of thu Society was mid, and nn opportunity given to persons lo sign tho tame and become members of the Society. Eigh ty names were added. During tho ta king of tho tignalurcs, Kov. S. C. Swal low was called upon for nn address, to which ho responded lu his usual earned and effectual manner. Tho Committee appointed at tho pre vious session to canvass the expediency of petitioning the next Legislature for a prohibitory law for this countv. sub uiiiiiug inu louowing report solved, That we deem such action premature. Jl'solecd. TliHt v.e wroa-pd at nine In memornllzo the coming I.eglslaluro of tho State, to enact a law submitting the ipie-'tlrjii of License or no JAccmc to tlio popular vole, in each towiHiIp, ward, i or election district, throughout tho county, at the general clcctiun, on tlio sicond Tuesday of October In each sin -oevive year. Providing that whenever n majority oft ho votes cast -hull lio agnliv-t license, no license shall bo granted bv tho Court, or tiny olhir authority, in such township, borough, ward or'eb lion district, fur the sinuv of one ye.i . And that where a majority of the v -'s cast shall be In favor of license, such li cense shall bo regulated iu iuc,ii!iti.i.a with existing piovisloiis. . riwiiv (, i ir.u a Loinmlttt'fi or tin. henppointcd to draft such petition, and I furward a copy to the township maun ! gcrs or each township, whote. duty ii I shall be to obtain as many slgnatun . s possible, and forviard tliPm imnieili'ili". ly to the Livlslature. Signed bv i!m coiiiinitte.-. Tlioie)iort mu iiiiupltd, audlhocuii. mlttee called for In the lust resoluUuii appointed. The lollowlug Is a list of tho Township and l'orough numagi ts : liloomshiin: lir. llrtoUey. I .T. HharpI, n, r Ml' k Will. Wooilen, Iwulilli noweiM, l: u 1 1 l:iiuinnel l'ei-Hltiff, lleutou I'.triln Miu.0 r,i, s IIii.Mnek. Lintiu N. 1,. I'unipbi'.l, i i, ,i lluhs Conyiutham Alexanilev Itlieii. i i '.. whin ,1.11. (.'tensy, (leo. .Miuilmult. ..tins las JobiiKon. I'lne-("luimlb'r 1:voh. .laiiii . lers. UottrliiK creek I'ranklln YiHtini. I .. Itn-II. .1. Hee.lil, I'. Keehltoll. Mail. .1. llemler-holt, llnllls HleilliiB. Mnnlour-U m; lloinoe, .lohn Jtuikle.i. .luekoti J. Uoni . , smith. Mentt-T. W. r.tmir, A. While. I . ,r fi.ek-illlbcrt 1'ov.l.r. Jtlttlu-il. II. llu iin.'-. t't.usy. lf.-mloi It 11. l!'lubt,y, ti. W. IHf '.n t i .Mount PienRfint-r. It. m-iom, '1 .t. MM I' i (lleeln, II, in r, I'. Llueli. Klbln,i i . . :. -I. n.livwi. W. Miurv Km , I'rof, II. I). Wall;,'!. Nuxalloul-J. s.-.i n . , o . I. uilMeh. On motion it was resolved that nn ab stract of tlio proceedings bu published in tlio county pniiers. A committee was appointed to procure speaker for lb -next meeting. On motion, adjourned lo meet ut Ber wick, 1'ebruary Dili, at 7 p. m. Immediately after luljnurniiionl, Bcv. T. P. Hunt, whij had linen engageil to deliver an addn -a, nud bad failed In bo present earlier, o.itorcd Ihe house. 'I ho nuilleni e again rosunied order nnd Mr Hunt took the floor nud entertained li s heaters for two hours in his usual i in r getlcand Impressive style. I.. 11. K1JXK .Set'v. Tur, 1'reu.i a fov days ngo predictid I'ernando Wood's election nsMayorof Now York city over I roffiunn tlio regular nominee. Uolfuian bent Wood by 40,000 votes, thus nduilnlflering u sovero re buke to Iho "Bolters" Iu that city. A gwiUcnmii writing from Jack m ville, l'ltirlda, says: "I do not llmla single bltick ide living expenses null Is hind, hut a neighbor of mine did find tho hide ami hind quartern of nfuvoritotnw In a black mail's hou-e Innt week, nml ml-Kd several other initio previously." I..OCAI, WOTICIIS. "IIllAMMl on Its Wilms." s-ay ho have made iimj of f)i )l it nil itaimm tl Wild ( lim;, and b stu b "" ' " ' .' v. l'01"'- "r"l!, n ". "'))', ' " ' m .i,r eoiiMimiHIoi,. ' , , I i ,V ',,hvnh 1'a'l' "'"'"''Ud remedy by them, Ciiuist.mas iw ihiin(; Su i.s Ni w Yr.ut!--Our entcrprllnt lowti-mnn ! .Mover is ror liotli, ill. i,. -s. .uiivtr is rca.iv ior noili. Ilia Store l filled with all klmls of Holiday -iiils, Wilting Desku, Work I!u.. -, Perfumery, Fancy articles, Soaps etc,, lust the things for pro iiIk. Hit-- list f DriigsaiidChemleaU U larger than evir. lie Is fully iloteiiuiiied that If the pub lic wish to buy, they shall have tho op. portuulty. Stop and see if'bla Stock is not the best to bo found 111 this part of the count I'V. It' you lie on ihu sired a htiiid-nnie , uyereoat or a will fitting suit of clolhcs you may be sure It cime from Clu iu. t...-lt..l iff. ... .... . . miniis, un pwn neing m me t,i-i material and made up ly flrnt class, workmen, not only tA wall but u.tu- well. He has now tin hand a perficl as sortnient of wilder goods of all tho Iu- icst patteniH nota plain nml a- loT ''MWMts, , resh oi Muiklng sails, , Call and set- him ami u am Trtdly , i.dl to I e iu-tiid.