THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. $t Gfolumbiam LULOOMSBUllCh PA. KIUDAV MOIlNlXdi.DKC. 13, tJ. TIIK COLUMIltAN hat the L.rgrit Circulation In Calumliln una .djoliilng tnutltt of muy .aprr inlill.heit litre, ami l alia it ninth larger .heel than any of H.cotemf ararle. Anil U therefore the be it medtnm for ailrertl.lng In thi. lertlon of trie Stole. THE END OP TIIE IMPEACH MENT PKOGHAMME. Ah wu nrctllctctl. tho Impeachment humbug received lis quietus, In the llousoof lloprcscntnllves on InstSattir ilay. Tho Kiullcul malingers tried himl to find an opportunity to mnko speech ea eljlier to justify thcmselvw, or to full down as easily m poslblu, but this the majority would not allow, hut com pelled n direct vote, nnil on tho question whether President Johnson should be Impeached or not, tho question stood Yeas 57 i Nays 108 : or nearly two to 0110 against it, thusllually and forever icmovlngthis question rrom our poll' tics. The public will rojolco at tills event not only beeauso It Is In Itself a vlnUl cation of our Chief Magistrate from tho foul charges which liavo been preferred against him a vindication too by po litical opponents upon testimony civ tlroly one sided, but beeauso It will sootho the disturbed elements, allay the fears of another civil war, and removo a dangerous topic from public discus fIoii. True, It shows a criminal Intent on tho part of Iladlcal leaders to depose tho President because of a mere differ enco of opinion ; but tho thunder tones of popular opinion as uttered at tho late elections, sliovroil them that the pcoplo wero far from endorsing their cx cecs, and compelled them to back down on this question. Mcrcur, our lnls-reprcsentntlvo from this district, was ono of the "67" who voted for impeachment. Of course ho otild not (Ifoort his master, Thad. Stc vena, even nit hough tho latter has lost tho powers of both body and mind With such men as Uutler and Stevens nnd t.ognn, let him remain. It Is said he at ono tlmo held tho position of President Judge. If so, wo pity the man who was compelled to apply tit his Court for justice. A man who can find the President guilty of "High crimes nnd misdemeanors" on such lllnisy tes timony ns was produced by tho Com iulttee,nnd tho mass of that from known and convicted perjurers and scoundrels, either lacks brains to discriminate, or permits partisan feelings to dictate to lih Judgment. Wo know him -to bo a man of some ability, tlierefsrs igno mnco will not excuso him. Ho Is mak luga record which wo will take enro to keep boforo tho peoplo of this district Tub Cheat Pacific Railroad, now being constructed from Omaha, Nebras ka, to San Francisco, n distance of 18,10 miles, will be ready for through bu-4 ness in 1670. Two companies aro at work, one of them, the Union Pacific, lias tho eastern portion, and has In running order about ."i5 miles, to the base of tho Ilocky Mountains. Tho Central Pacific Rail road Company of California, has tho western part, with over 100 miles tln Ished, to the Sierra Nevada Mountains, About ono-thlrd of tho line, it will bo observed, Is in running order. Tho work was begun In 1SW. About forty millions have already been expended, nd tho most costly part of tho road Is yet to bo made. Snow falls so deep on the Nevada Mountains, that It Is neces sary to cover tho track like n bridge, for thirty miles. It is, in tho main, a Government work, built undortho supervision of Its officers, and mainly at Its expense. Many readers and believers In null cal papers, aro doubtless disgusted with thoconductofJudgoChaso for not going on with the trial of Mr. Davis, whom they wero taught to regard as guilty of treason, and all tho crimes imaginable. Tho truth Is, Chaso dont want to try 1dm, for ho well knows that Mr. Davis was not a firmer believer In. Stato rights, than ho was, and that would bo very apt to bo shown on tho trial. Mr. Davis has boon dcmandlnga trial all a long, nnd It is obvious enough that It is not his fault that a trial Is not had. It seems very strange, when we remem ber tho past, that this should bo so, and especially that General Leo should bo a witness for tho Ooveriinient: Wo are afraid omo of ourferoclous radicals will burst with indignation. It Is not a llttlo singular, that out of tlio tevea Presidents elected by tho Democratic party, none died In ofllco, and all wore truo to tho party and Its principles. Tho opposition, under one nnmo or nnothor, have elected flvo Presidents, oftheso three died In office, Harrison, Taylor and Lincoln, and what is re markable, of tho four vlco Presidents, three of them, Tyler, Fillmore, and Johnson, when becoming President, in tho main, abandoned tho party, refus ing to carry out its principles. Mr. Hjntok How.vs I iKi.i-Eit.tho au thor of tho "Impendlncr Crisis at tho South," a work found In tho hoiihos of many or tlio radicals in this County ,and which aided greatly in building up anti-slavery and null-Southern senti ment In tho North, though still claim. Ingtoboa ltcnublicnn. has Issued nn appeal to tho peoplo of tho North for neip to rescue tlio whito population of tlio South from thodcLTndationornn. gro supremacy, which tho radicals aro luborlngto lmpooon them. Ills eyes aroopeueu. Tin-; PiifjiiUKia' OoNanATui.ATi: When tho result of tho voto becamo known, all seemed to brcatuo freor. thoughadoadly weight were removed off mo uoay pontic; general rejoicing; nnd lucuiocrs ot uongroh. are calling oi tho President to offer their contrmttiln. tloiis. Mr, Johnson behaves witli ex ceeding good tasto and becoming dlgnl ty under the circumstances, "Tim uncommercial Traveler" U wrlcs of sketches by Dlckons.whlchhad and deserved great popularity. Tho work is published by Hurd & Houghlon, 450 Hroorno Street, Now York, in their regular musics or Diekcnn, In threo dif ferent iityleii i Tiio bent and cheapest of Which h tho 'rilolKi Iilitioa ' In ono voluwo at $1,80 with lllutrotioiis, In clear large, long primer typo; tho vtry UiIutHo eavo tho oycu, und a moat Im portant coittlclentttou. COURT PROCEEDINGS. Wr. resume, and recapitulate some what tho proceedings of the Criminal Couit. In tho easo of tho Common wealth v (leo. Lclb, tho Court pro nounced tho tuiial sentence, to wit i $io lying In expenses and maintenance, $10 to tlin Townshln of llcavcr, and SI per week till tho child arrives at tho ago oi seven vears. Com. vs Amandus weioert uorso stealing. Mr. 1 Velio and Mr. lUelcr, Deft's counsel, moved to lia vo tlio caue continued till next term ; cans shown nnd continued. Com. vs Lawrenco Caoy Tho case went ofT because tho prosecution failed to prove tho filing of copies of net and plot In Secretary's ofllco at Ilarrlsburg, and In Quarter Sessions In Schuylkill County. Prosecutor, John Anderson, to pay the costs. Com. vs Lawrence Casey ludlctmnut, not repairing roads. Mr. Little moved to quah tho Indictment because by tlio law the Supervisor was tcqulrcd to let tlio roads ton contractor forrepalrs Ac, nnd having lo" tl10 indictment should bo ngalnst tho contractor. In dictment quashed, and John Anderson, Proiccutor to pay costs. Com. vs Clinton Dnwltt, James Dc wltt nnd John Lazarus Indictment, Forgery. Not n truo bill, nnd the county to pay tho costs. In tho matter of tho'Uorougli of Illooms burg" the Report was set aside, because tho Act of Assembly required tho des cription in tho Petition to bo set outnt length by words in courses and distan ces. Wo understand tluoo propositions on tho subject aro under discussion. First, the old town plot. Second, tho Horough as per tho late petition and draft. Third, tho wholo township to be erected Into a Borough. Court adjourned Thursday afternoon. Soveral Indictments Ho over for tho February Sessions ; nnd it seems now thatnweek may bo required at that time for tho criminal business. Monday Moii.vino, Doc. 9. Court met. Present, Hon. Win. Klwell, Presi dent, nnd Peter K. Hcrbino and Irani Dorr, Esq"., ids associates. Jury called. Alel Thomas, nbcnt. David Clark, Geo. Furvcr, Watson Fiirman, Wm. 1!. Woodin und Win. R. Demott.exifti-cd. Tho balance of tho forenoon was taken up by motions for Judgments. ArninNooN. On motion of Mr. Drockwuy, II. II. Grolz, liq contin ued Commissioner to tnko testimony on exceptions to the wldow'sappraisemcnt In tho Estate of II. Hosier, lato of Hea ver township deceased. Philip Ort vs James Lake Appeal. On motion of Mr. Clark, Atty.forplain till". Rule on Deft, to show cauo by tho first day of next term why the up pen I f-hould not bo stricken off. Kilns Krunis. fuse; y li::!c! Krsir.V, Admr. Debt, on Note. Issue nnd rule for trial. Jury called and sworn. Plea non-n-sunipslt infra 6ex nunos. Pill", non-suited. Clark for Pin"., Hnrly for Deft. Ueubon Miller vs Isaac Yetter Deft. Issuo and rulo for trial. Jury called and sworn. Verdict forl'lff. for $110.21. Jaclcson for Pltr. Freeze for Deft. Tuesday MonNi.o. David Yeager vs Clinton Dewltt Debton Note. Issue and rulo for trial. Jury called and sworn. Jury failed to agreo and was discharged. Llttlo for Via., Clark for Doit. Samuel Martz vs John W. Clark Re plevin. Settled by parties. Judgt. for eft, Jackson for PUT. Clark for Deft. Simon A. Feldman vs Isaac Yetter Debt, book nccount. Settled by parties. Judgt. for riff. Clark for Plir. Freeze for Deft. Sylvester J. Faux vs Millard C. Green Admr. Debt. Settled. Judgt. for Plaintiff. Clark for Plir. Frcezo for Deft. Jacob Evans vs Wlllard C. Green's Admr. Debt. Settled. Judgt. for Plaintiff. Clark for Plff. Frcezo for Deft ArrEHNoo.v. David II. Fry vs Da vid Sliuman Trespass, etc. Issuo nnd rule for trial. Jury called and sworn. Verdict $300 for Plir. IUilO granted samo day to show causo why a new trial should not bo granted. Clark for Plff. Llttlo for Deft. Thomas J. Vandorsllco vs Amos Drescher Appeal. Freeze for Plff. Rroekway for Deft. Judgment for Pill'. Thursday Mounino. On motion of Mr. Barkley, Mr. James was admitted to prnctico in tho soveral Courts of this County, tho examining connnltteo hav ing reported In his favor. (Cbiitimiril.) Tnn Atlantic Almanac, edited by Oliver Wendell Holmes and Donald G. Mitchell. Messrs. Tlcknor and Fields havojust published an Illu-trated Al manac for ISG'3, upon a plan and In a 6tylo new In this country. It contains sixty-four royal octavo, doublo column pages, over fifty of which aro filled with original matter. Tho literary character of tho Almanac Is altogether mperlor to that of any similar Almanac ever before published. It contain? Four Full-pago Illustra tions, in colors, of The Seasons, repro duced rrom paintings by Mr. A. F. Bel lows, tho well-known Inndscapo nrllst. In addition to these, tho text Is pro fustly Illustrate 1 by tho most skill ful artists of tho country. In tho general character of its litera ture, the Atlantic Almanac may bo re garded ns a ChrNtmas Number of tho Atlantic Monthly, whllo it Is rendered additionally attractlvo by tho number and beauty of Its illustrations. A beau tiful Colored Cover adds to tlio attract lvencss of tho Almanac. It Is sold at Fifty Cents by all book sellers and newsdealers, or will bo sent postpaid by tho Publishers Ticknor &. Fields,' Boston. Tin; Imitalivo faculty of tho African Is i pronounced, that tho now eviden ces or It which his rc&tii In politico nf fords, ought not to surprise m. Already ho cnu tar aud feather, as ho did In Georgia; play tho demagogue llko i.ow is i.inusay, tlio colored barber, and wrangle over tlio spoils with tho most practiced whlto pollclcians. In tlio Virginia Convention ho mins to havo uono ins slmro in quarreling all day over tho printing Job; and In tho Loulsluna Convention, which voted that tho wogcsof tho members should run from tho tlmo of tho election, not from that or nfcsembllng.ho certainty "bettor cd his. Instructions." A colored man supported tliLi movo on tho ground that uu ivanieu to -enjoy roiue or tlio luxur ies or freedom, and all tlio money ho could get." Obviously, In tlio procure ment of ortlcial f.ay there is to bo "no distinction on tho ground or color." Wo hope at Itost that black leaders will not bo os crccdy as HiowIiKc-a; j-, ijmr. xxxn rnoriiD again hears Tho Domocrata Still Voting in tho Old Day Stato. Til 12 HALT. KV.KVi ItOLLtNO OS. Boston. Dec. P. Dr. N. 11. Shurtleff was chosen Mnyoror this city to-dny, receiving 8,31 voles.agalnst 7,775 votes for Otis Norcrois, tho present Republi can Incumbent. Tho result for Alderman and Council men cannot bo known without tho offi cial count. Probably n portion of each ticicct is elected. Nr.witrnvrouT, Mass.. Dec. n. Na thaniel Pierce, Democrat, was elected Mayor to day. CoNConi), N.1L, December 10. J. A. Weston, Democrat, was to-day elected Mavor of Manchester by a majority of thrco hundred nnd two over Clark, the present Republican Incumbent. Tho Republican majority last year was live hundred and forty-three. VlYranvnu." Democratic Mayor JXee ted by 21300 JIajorily Tremendous Democratic (lain. The Democratic ball continues to roll' Mr. Blnckmoro, the Democratic candidate, Is elected Mayor by twenty-llvo hundred majority. At last election Williams received a majori ty of 1,'iVJ n Democratic gain of !),7tVJ. PiTTsuuno, Dkckmuku 10. In tho municipal election hero to-day unusual Interest was manifested. Tlio Demo cratic candidates for Mayor, Treasurer, Controller, and City Attorney, wero elected by largo nv loritlcs, approxi mating to 11,000, over tho Radical nom inees. The result is unprecedented and causes great excitement. GEN, HANCOCK'S ORDER. The following Is Gen. Ilnncock's or der on taking command oriili district : IImrqu.itTERs rirrn Miiitaiiy District, i Nlw-Ouleis, l., Nov. i"J f Splcial Ouduus No. 10, First In accordance with General Orders No. 81, Headquarters or tho Army, Adjutant General's Ofllco Washington D. C, Aug. 27., 1SC7, Major-Gen. W. S. Hancock liereby assumes command of tho Fifth Military District, nnd of tho Depart ment eoinpo-o.1 of theSlntesof Louisiana and Texas. Second Tho General Commanding is gratified to learn that peace aud quiet reign In this department. It will bo his purpose lo preserve this condition or tilings. As a means to this great end he regards the maintenance of the civil authorities In tho faithful execu tion of tlio law, as the most clllcient un der existing circumstances. In war it is indlspcnsablo to repel force by force, anil overthrow nnd destroy opposition to lawful authority; but when Insur rectionary force has been overthrown and pence established, aud tho civil au thorities nro ready and willing to per form their duties, the military power should ceaso to lead and tho civil ad ministration resume its natural and rightful dominion. Solemnly Impress ed with theso views, tho General an nounces that tho great principles of viiierieuii uucriy sun nro mo lawiui in heritance of this people, and ever should be. The right of tria by Jury, tho liu bi'HZ "CTjm.'u, the iiueTiV olii'ie Iress. tho fiecdoni.of speeeh,aud thenatmal rights or persons and tho rights of property must bo preserved. Free institutions while they nro essential to the prosperi ty and happiness of tho people, always furnished tho strongest Inducements to peaco and order. Crimes nnd offences committed in tho di-trict must bo re ferred to tho consideration nnd judg ment of tho regulnr civil authorities, nnd those trlbunnls will be supported in tholr lawful Jurisdiction. Should there bo violations of existing laws which aro not Inquired Into by tho civil magistrates, or hhould failures in tho administration of justico by tlio Courts bo complained of, tho cases will bo re ported to theso headquarters, when such orders will bo made as may bo deemed nocessary. Whllo thoGeneral thus in dicated his purposo to respect tho liber ties of tlio iKioplo, ho wishes nil to un derstand that armed Insurrections or forclblo rcslstanco to tho law will bo in stantly suppressed by arms. By command or MnJor-Ocn. W. S. HANCOCK. W. G. Mitciikll, Ald-de-Cnmp, A. A. A. G. Aiivkktlsino Salls or Phopkuty. Tho Lancaster Intelligencer, in speak ing or tho importance nnd great advan tage or advertising sales or property in tho newspapers, in addition to having handbills printed, very truthfully says: "A newspaper Is read by hundreds who never seo tlio attractlvo bills which aro pasted In tho taverns aud in tho store rooms. Every subscriber to a county paper reads all buch advertisements carefully. Ho knows who aro sellflig out and exactly what is offered for Kile. Tho advertisements nro u topic of con versation when friends meet, and ar rangements aro mado for attending tales. Tho result is u largo crowd, spirited bidding, and n realization of ten, twenty or fifty times of what It costs to ndvertise. No money is ro sure to return a largo prollt as that spent on printer's ink. A single additional bid der on a single article will pay nil it co-is to advertise a sale of personal property In n newspaper. Is It not strange, then, that any ono should fall toadvertlio'.' Let our friend, think of the matter." Godijy roit .lANi'.vitY. The best number ortho best Lady's Magazine wo havo ever seen. It Is leally a gem. A piccoof block painting Is produced In t ils number, especially for tho ladles, tliat Is a novelty In this country. It Is thp figure or a stag printed In eight colors, mid is exceedingly beautiful, and wu presume could not hopurchiiFcd In tho stores fur doublo tho ptleoof tlio Book. Tho two steel plates nro very line, ono or them contains threo distinct pictures. Tho tinted cut a specialty "'f'Odev's is sweetly pretty; mid tho inimitable Anhlon-platu Is beyond all pral-o. But tho great feature or this number is Godey's extension pinto or tho latest fashions, two feet long, prin ted on both sides, making four feet n new thing. There is no magazlno that can get up a fa-blon equal to Godoy. Wo know that they nro true, for wo know who it Is that gets them up. Tlio reading matter Is decidedly good. Mar lon norland's story will nrovoto bo her hv'l.i'iiadelphhi North American. Tin: oxqulslfo absurdity of "a rcsolu " tion of thanks to God for tho success "ortho Radical Republican majority" In tho Stato or Louisiana, was "laid over" In tho Loul.iaua Convention on Saturday last. Why, Indeed, Mi.uUI Radicals thank God at all? Havo not Thaddeus Stevens and his men bias plicmously declared a dozen times that "neither hen ven nor hell" laid power to prevent tho onward march or Radl eallsm In tho United Stntes? Tho now ers ortho latter rcirlon. who havo never attempted to hinder, but have, on tho contrary, neipwi tno Radicals rrom tho outset of tliclr career, ought purely to rccoivo tneir urat acknowledgements. IforW. Mu. ScmiNoic proposes thatn colored man shall havo tho privilege or selling nlo and beer In tho Capitol, Isn't this drawing Improper and unconstitutional distinctions by reason or raco nnd color? Tho whitctiniv not allowed lo tell, but only to buy nud dijnk, liquor tf any kind In the Capitol, CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY. Deo. fi. In tho Scnalo yesterday con siderable debato was elicited by tho In troduction by Mr. Drake of n Joint reso lution declaring that tho President lind, in hU Message, transcended hU Con stitutional prerogatives by declaring that tho Reconstruction Ads pnicd by Congress wero unconstitutional; that tho uso orsuch lnnguago by him was calculated to IncltorcslstancetotliolnwHj that tho olllclal denunciation by tho Presldcnt,or tho laws passed by Congress In tho nbscnro or a Judicial decision to sustain his position, Is it departure rrom olllclal propriety nnd n breach or olllclal obllngtiou culling Tor tho dlitlnct repro hi'iiMnn or both Houses or Contrress. After debate, participated In by Messrs Sumner and Anthony In favor of It, nnd Bucknlow and Dixon opposed, tho reso lution was laid, on tho table nnd ordered printed. Mr. lMmund's bill pledging payment of tho Government indebted ness in coin was debated nt length, but without coming to a vote. In too House n resolution was offered declaring that alt American citizens, whether nntlvo or naturalized nro enti tled to and shnll receive protection from tho United States Government; nnd that no claim mado by any foreign Gov ernment ovor naturalized Ann r.c in citi zens shall be recognized ns destroying or weakening tho right of such citizens to tho protection or tlio United States: and that tho United Stntes Government will nt nil hazards protect tho rights of all citizens, whether nt homo or ubrond, Tho bill abolishing tho Internnl revenue tax on cotton grown after the year 1S07 wns, ufter a lengthy debate, agreed to. Dl'.c. 0th In thoSenato yesterday a resolution was adopted requiring tho Secretary of War to furnish tho num ber of colored and white voters lu tho South who had registered their names, tho number of tho-o who were incapaci tated from voting, and tlio number of those who failed to apply for registra tion. Mr. Sumner's proposition to strike out tlio clausii in tho resolution provid ing lor tho printing of extra copies of the President's Mesago, was lost by a vote oft) to 30, nnd the Mcssago ordered printed. Mr. Sumner then called up his bill, passed at tho lato session, but not signed by tho President, giving further security to the black raco in the DNtrict of Columbia, pasod finally by n voto of iiO to S. In tho House, Mr. Schenck from tho Couiinltteo on Ways and Means, repor ted a bill repealing tlio authority or the Secretary ortho Treasury to make any reduction in tlio currency by retiring or cancelling United States note. Alter tliu expiration or the morning hour, the Speaker announced the buslne-s lu or der to bo tho majority report of the Judiciary Committee, recommending that tlio President bo Impeached. He also announced that If any demonstra tions of upplntiso or dissent were mado by spcclntors during tho debate, ho should order tho galleries to bo cleared, and that if members of tho Ilouseoffen ded hu should present their names to tho House that they might bo dealt with for contempt of its rules. Mr. Bothwell then addressed tho House in favor of impeachment, having first ou tlined psrmisslon tospeaktwohours,lu stead of one. Ho then proceeded to consider tho facts in tlio case, analyzed tho charges against the President his acts, his Cabinet advisors, his speeches and messages, his interference to pre vent tno nuopuoii ot t..e t,onetitutiuiiai A l.t.-. ... iln nf nKnnrlAn. ed land-', ami his removal o! Stanton, Sheridan and Sickles ; and concluded by declaring himself iu lavor of impeach ment, ana caned lurmc judgment oi tno House. Without having concluded his remarks, Mr. Bontwell gave way to n motion to adjourn, and thereupon the House adjourned. Dr.c. 7th. Mr. Edmunds' blll.pledg- lng the faith of tho United States to tho payment ot tno public dent m coin, wns taken tin. Mr Hendricks offered a sub stitute providing for tho payment of tho puuiic ctcut in lawiui currency, except in cases where tlio law siieeiallv pro vides for payment in coin. Tho wholo question was referred to tho Connnltteo on l'inance. Mr. Doutwcll resumed his speech in favor of impeaching tho President. Mr. Bontwell spoko for upward of an hour, when ho wns Informed ihat the tlmo granted him Iiact expired, no was, now- Lttli .I.IIIVI. lll.U.IIV;. II. J..,, HUM VUIII.U- uod Ills remarks. Mr. Wilson, or Iowa, Chairman of tho Judiciary Committee, wiio piepared tlio minority report, re piled at length to Mr. Bontwell, In concludini: Ids remarks Mr. Wilson moved that tho subject bo laid upon tlio tauie. i ins caused consitierauio exciie incut nmoug tho members, and, as the motion was not debatable, tho friends oi linpvaeiiment commenced "liiiitniS' terlng," In order to gain time. A mo tion to ndlourn was lost by Yeas 51. nays 107; this votoshowing tho relative strength of tho friends or Impeachment and their opponents. Tho yeasand nays wero then called on all sorts of dilatory motions, nnd much tlmo consumed. At leugiu n minion toaiijourn until to-uay prevailed by a voto ot yeas 80, nays 77. Di;c. Oth. Tho Senate was not In scssson. In tlio llouso resolution fortho impeachment of tno President was tho nrat uusincs.sinorucr,ino pending ques tion being tlio motion tolnythusubject on tho table. A number ofdllntory motions lrom .nr. i.ogan lolioweu. air. l.ogan men sum. it mo ciiairmau or tno Juui clary CommIttc would withdraw his motion lo lay on tlio tamo and allow tlio voto to bo taken on tho Impeach ment resolution, tho minority would withdrawal! opposition. Mr. Wilson, assenting to thN, withdrew his motion to lay on tno tame, unit moved tno pre vious question on tlio resolution or im peaclimeut. Tho voto was then taken, nnd resulted, yens 07. nays Ids. Pend- lug tho vote, n number iff statements wero made lu regard to tho opinions or ausent inemuers. .nr. bcncucK, irom tlio Committee or Ways und Means, re ported back tho bill declaring that tho nuinoruy oi tne (secretary oi uioTreas ury to mnko tiny reduction in tho cur rencv is suspended. After soniu dlseus. sion, Mi-Sclienck moved tho previous question on tho bill. It then passed yeas 12JS, nays ill!. To u proposition to rel'er n portion or tho message to tho Connnltteo on Reconstruction, Mr. Ross objected, as no such committee was In existence, and moved to strikes out that part of tho resolution, but his motion was lost. Dl'.c. 10. Tho house, vestordav bv n strict party voto, passed tho Senate bill, striking out tlio word "whllo" wherever It occurrs In tho charters or Wasblnirton anil Georgetown, respect Ively, and in tlio laws relating to tho District or Columbia thus giving tho neru oi couirnimnu negroes in tills com munity tho privilege or holding ofllco, serving as Jurors, mid entering tlio pub lic schools. This is substantially tho snmo mensuro that passed both houses last spring, but failed lo becomo law on account of tlio adjournment of Congress beroro tho President could return It with ids objections. There Is no doubt now that ho will promptly veto It, but tho two-thirds Radical majority In both houses will ennblo them to repass it over tho veto. It Is n noticeable fact mat mo ltcpupllcau mem hers from tho States which havo first repudiated negro suffrngo, voted solidly to force tho imamoiH mensuro on tlio unprotected ami unrepresented peoplo or this DIS' tnct. . Dix 11 Pho only ninttor of Intproxt in Congress yesterday wns tho revival of Thad. Htovons' confiscation project, ami nu agreement on tno part, oi i Houso to adjourn from tho ioth Inst. tho to jamiry, oin, Tun Now Orleans Jlepidtltcan states that JudgoDurrelioftlio U. H. Court has ordered thojurlos to bo drawn ror his Court, o bo composed or citizens without distinction of color. Tho grand and petit Juries woro discharged on tho 0th hint., und n now panel ordered to bo tiruwn nccordlug to law. Judgo Dur roll wns nppol nted by President Liu 1 coin, "Putnam's Monthly," n new radi cal Magazine, pays! In tho Slates or Kansas, Minnesota, Ohio and Pennsyl vania, tho pcoplo voted upon tho ques tion of striking out tho word "whlto" from tho stiflrago clauso In tho Statu constitution." Tho Pennsylvania part will bo news to our people. Putnam had better try ngidn. Ono Dcnslow, In Putnam's monthly, speaks or Webster, Clay nnd Calhoun ns men "of words, words, words ;" and his article, "Thirteen years of tho Na tion" Is very materially false In fact as well ns lu logic. The first number of thn resuscitated monthly Is written by Brlggs, Curtis, Butter, Elliott, Dovcre, Tuckcrmnn, Duycklnck and others, it cornea nt SI. n year, Is beautifully gotten up, has 1130 pages of reading matter to tho number, and Is published by G. P. Putnam A Sou. CGI Broadway New York. 'Putniims Monthly" barring Us poll- tics Is very readable; but It bids high ror radical favor, nnd Is trying to lead tlio "Atlantic." For Instance, H says, "More Important legislation has been moulded, by a silent sneer from Tliaddcus Stevens, than Webster's most brilliant orations ever discussed." Tho Italics nro ours. "Silent sneer" Is good ; nud If tho "Silent sneer" can do f-o much, oh , yo radicals, what would bo tho effect, If Tliaddcus should snort" Mnrltit ltriorl. Whcnt per lnibhcl Ilvo , !2 V, Corn ' . 1 11 . 11 oi U (Nl , 2 OI . to 21 ! lour per nnrrti dovci-ccl KIhxkcoiI. Putter Kent Tullow 1 roialocH. , Prliil Apples fori: ., ' ' , 1 (0 . 2 m V co . n 13 . 10 l) lining HlileH nli.l MiouMerc , mm per pouml liny per Ion , MUt 111211. Iteinliid: Pimnls per thousand fct I'i'iu " " " tono Inch) ..... J16W . HaSI .1011,1. Scant 1 mi. lMnnu. lllpmlopltl- 15 W) Hlilnlet,, No. I per thousand.. , .. 8 IW . 7 M) .. IS 00 HldliiK ft. . IMillntlclrttiln Market.. Titt-DHDAY, Dtlcmbor U 197. 1'i.oru Northwestern suporflnont 8T.00& !.) Northwestern extra... ayit y.mi Northwestern famllv lo.HOwjII.IH) I'eunsyluiulaaiul Western Miperllno... T.-'iiVrf.s", I'unnsj tvauta and Western extra Sifha 10.05 lV'unsylvnul.innd Western family 1 1. ( Weil 2.50 Pennsylvania and Western laney 1UNI!.M ltyo Hour 7 ..Vkrfi'.oa Wiikat Pennsylvania red, V Iiuj S2 47iliJ5 ruumieui 3..W.MH-.7, California " " J3.i.v " Willi.. . . f?41 Ifl IUc1'onnsvlvniilarve. wlius . ! fi-. Coit.N Yellow, " S1.3ltt!1.4J While, Sl.V0atl.3l OATS-Us kf'C7.V i iwiviaiufts .uess I orii, imi HSiJio .uewsiieei, - Vil.V) Preyed IIors.i Is fckeiaoe .Smoked Hams 5c31Gc " Hhouldcrsytb 13Uelic Iiril.VI6 ISnrilKVi. Seeps Cloverseed V hus S7.U0(a S.IM Tlmothyseed V lns - $J.C5 I'latseed ' S2.r.Vn.'iui Catti.u llief Cnttto Is 8oSic t'oV8, ,hcnd M SlOfasU, HIIEKI 1 B tciv.Vj nous iw its 5 0.50(2 :l'-,S.j DIED. MAItlt At I.lsht Ktreet, Columbia county, on Wednesday, the 4th Inst., or Consumption, Mr. fliarlos Marr, In thulKth yenrolhlsutfe. IMuvlllc papers pleaie eopy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, -joris liiluxiiAKD Would Inform tho citizens of HloomsburR nnd fclulty that ho Js now prepared todoall klmlnof platlutii silver or Rold. JJecJ3,i7. 111-: UOAIJ TO I'OttTUXK. 'JoWi Male nnd I'cmalo ascnts wanted to sell tho most naleablo article of thuasf, A KenU can easily elenr per day. Can bfilonunt home or travel ing. TwoHamplesnndCIrculnrd kent freo for 10 cents post paid. Torfurther particulars aIilrei. ()i:0. KLTIIN A CO, l Ilroadway, N.Y. N. 11. TJiis is no humbug or Olft Kutcrprlse. Iecl:i.ti7-Im TN TIIK MATTER OF THE METJI- X OlUKT KIMHC'OPAh CltUUCII AT AKTON, scorr TOWNsini'.coi.UMHiA county. To am. Wjioii it May Conceiin: Tnko notice, that Aaron ltoone, John Trembly, J. It. Ius, i rt. rowler, 2. White, T, W. lilfinr William Mllnes. c. A. Hoono, and Mnrtlu An dh'ws, bln (itizes of tho Ktato or 1'euHsylvu nlii, belns desirous of mxpilrUff au4 cnjoylns tho Innnuniiiesnn't prlvllesffl of a UkIj corporate, have exhibited ainl presented to tho Court or Common Hea-s of Columbia County, nn instru ment in writing, purporting to bo the propobtnl charter of tho Jietkodlit Kpiscopal Church nt Alton," township of beott. In tho County of Co lumblu, specltyinB tho object", urtlclcN, condi tion!, name, htylo or title., under which they have itxsocliited und mean to usHoclato. And tho ha Id Court haviiiR neruspil and exninlntvl tho .nld ln htrument, nud ft mud tho objoctH and conditions theieln net forth nud contained, to h lawful nnd not Injurious to tho community, have dhrctcd wild wiitlni; to bo Hied lu tho rWhonntary's of llco of said County, nud notlco to Iks given accor ding to law, that application has been mado to Mid Court to grant mm Id charter, nnd that If no hurilclent reason bo fdiown to the contrary, by thellrst day of tho next term of hald Court, to wit. on tho First Monday of February next they will tlccrecand declaro the persons ho asso ciated tobteomoanU bo a corporation or brnly politln, ncccrdiUKto tho wild articles nnd eomli tlon, nnd to have continuance, by the mime, blyle and title, In hald lnstiuiocut mentioned. lllooiubuitf, l)ee.lJ,'if7-at. J1SF. COLKMAN, Frothy. JKADINO UAILItOAI). WINTKIt AnilANOnMIJNT, NOV, 23, 1S37. (ireat Trunk Unn from the North nnd Norlh West for l'hllatlelphla.New York, ttcmilng.l'ottK villeraniaqun, Aithtand, JiCbnnon, AlUntown, Katon, F.phrnla, i.itlz, Ijuienhler, Columbia, Ac., 'linlus lcavo Iliurlsbur for Now York, u.s iol Iowmj At3MLfl,rnniK,lO. m., nnd U,arnndV,Ki p.m.,count'etiim with hlnillar tiulns nn the l't'iiu nlani.illalliuiul,iindurrlvinj, at New York nt .ri,lu, l',r nud 1 1 ,0 ii. in,, nn.l .,10 iuhI i',:W p.m. hleeplnK earn nccomiwmyint; the ;(,(.U u.m. aud y,'J- p.m. tniliiri without Iinnt:e. i.eavo llaiiifcbuiKfor HendliiK, I'oltsWIlf, Tn maiua, Mineisvlllf.AKhland, FinoOroxe, Allen tn iv n and FUUndclphla nt H.1U a.m., nnd a,W and l, hi p.m., htuppiox at lbanon and principal w ay stHtioiiH; tho -Uup.m, making eonuectloas for Fiillauel nhlarnd Columbia only. For Fotlsvlllo hthuylliill ilnwn and AubuinvU .Vhuylkllt nnilrLutiiuhnnna Itallroad, leave JlarrUbuiii nt 3,r p.m. Ketuuilntfi heae New York nt (,) n.m. mid l'.'.(lHa.,aiuir,")nd (-.1) I'iilladel iihUntit,15 n.m..und 3,at p.m. Way l'nw.enijer Iraln Ituven I'hlladtlplilnnt 7,!J0n.m rctnrnlnK lrom Krcndlm; ut U,:n p.m htooplnx nt ull stitlloii-i l'litthslllent VI in, in., and 'i.Fjp.m., Ahhland ,00 u.m and litio newm, nnd ll.O'Jp.m.. lamofiua at Ml u.m, and l.oound t,ij p, ni, I-euvo FoitHviUu ln- Ilnulrburi:, IaKchuvlklll und bfuti inn huuna lUIIroAd at 7,10 u.m, und 1100 noon. Heading Accommodation Train leaves Ucntllnu nt7,:iuu,iii., u turning from Fhthulelphl.i nt s,t p.m. Fottxlown AcvommodatlonTrnln leavcuFoltH town at (J,ra.m. rcluinlug, leaven Fhllndelphla ut.j.oj p.m. Columbia Hall road Tialnn lcae Heading nt 7,N)a.m,,mid iMi p.m. for Fphrata, I.ltU, Lancas ter, Cidtinibla. Ae On Mindayn, leave New York nt 8,bd p.m., Fhll ndelphla k,(a1 n.m, nnd 3.15 p.m., trnin runnlmt o'tily to' HfU'llnu;' Fottivll'u ts,uo'u.m.; llurrluburtx i.2o u.m. nnd 1.1'J and 0.82 u.m.. and HcndtuiEitl 1U nnd 7,15 u.m. fur llarrisburn, nud 7,uo u m.. und 11,40 p.m. fur New York, nnd V-5 P. lu. for Fhlladelphta. Commutation,'O, Reason, fichooland Fx curs Ion tickets to und Hum nil polutM, nt uduced rules, J iauirage. checlEed through ; l'JO pounds allowed Ui cat u ixiiscugf r. O. A, NICOUfl, (ieneral Hupertutendent, Headlus, Fa., Nov, -', Utf. IS, JOTICK IN IIANKHUI'TOY. IhU U to che notlco i that on tboSiIdavofdle- cf mber, A. P. IW, n warrant In llankrupter was lMKuediiKaliiKt the ifttnto of J M ward (J. ilorne, ui iiiHitur, ui ni'rwiri(,m uif couiliy oi uoimu bla, nud Htnte of lVnnylaiila, who has been adjudged lill.tukrupt on hU own petition! that tho paymuitofauy diblH nnd delivery oi any probity belonghiK to Much Hnnkrupt, to him, ui-for hUiiHo. nnd the tntiififcr or miv uronertv by him ntu lorhidden by law; that u meelluK of im' ui euiii'it in mu Mini lutHurupi, io provo iiioir deblH, nul lo eliomo ono or mom ihslnces of his entate, will bo held at u Court oUlanKruptcv, to be holdcu at Iho Kxchnime Hotel, lu MlooinMjuiir Columblu county, I'diunylvanla, beloio Filwaul 0ettnn,Jr.. ltrgihler, on the lOlli day day of Jiui unry, a. n.. IMI7, at U o'clock, a. in, 'IIIOMAH A. ItOWl.EY.U.H. Mantlml, IKe, trtrr.ft, Ityl 11, cooLUAt'uii, Deputy. OTICK IN UANKUUITOV. Iliij Is to otve llOticoi tlint nn Ihn '!?M rlnr nf iiavpinwr, a. i. iwjf, wariani in uanurupwy wnliuued ayuiunt thneftluteof Montuoincry Cox, of FlnoTowmihlp.ln the county of Columbia, aud H talis of Fcnmtyhunta, whoha ben adjudged n Hankrui'ton hU own tltloii; that the payment of nny tlcbtuand delivery of any property bo- and tho trausfer of any property W 1dm nro for bidden by lnwj lhatu meetiuKorthe Ci editors of uii'Ntm ituiiKrupi, io provo ineir tieuiH, ouu iu choOMeouo or moiu nMHlgnrisiiof bin estate, will bo held ut n Court of liaukruplcy, lo Imj holdcu nt theOUleo of M, WlillmuyiT, ii.,lii itluoinRbtux, (kjlumbln county, I'euuNylvnnlu, before Kdward Overton, Jr., Hcultder, on Iho 9Ui any of January, A, P., ItMjti at lu u wlovk.n. in. TllOMAfl H. HOWM3Y, IT. H. Marbtiul w Mewcuficr, lly K H. Cooluavuh, lH'iuitr. Nov,a)tf7it. O VKU Coatd Ctieui nt CitiiMUKitMNb' T ITTKMAS LIVING AUK. "TNnii nnd execution eomtnemlM liy Jnntloe I Htory(Chftncollor KcnM'rejtttlrnt AilnmM HUto- nnin rtjiHrKu, itcicou, imnrrou, mm uuuiui j hpy ncnry itrrcnrr, nnu lnnny mucin. ILIiim lifipn DiilttUhoil fnr morn thnu twenty ycuia iin.t I now culnrRctl. It Is Hsiml KVKUY HATUUDAY. Klvlna fifty-two numborn nnd over Threo Tlious mid tloublo octavo paaei of lending matter, It 1.1 n xrnrlr ivMj-Oi fottniiinmla Itaitf til rverV ono who hann tnto for the bout llternturo of the .MtiKurinrn nud iinviewn. or wuo enren 10 Keep up with the events of tho time. 11 contains tlielient;ilelew,CrltlcmBtHtorles Toetry, Lttenry.Hrlrnlinr, lllunrfiphlcal, ItMor trill, nnd Pol I Ileal lnys from tlio wholo hotly or KnftlUh 1'erlodfcnl Mtcrntum maktnir four volutnen n yenr, of liumedlnto Interest, nnd solid permanent vnlne. KXTUACTW rilOJI 'OTICCH, 'mm thtilnla Vrolttfiit of Ihn ttnUnl Htnte. John (injury Adnm. "Of nil tlio pertotllenlt de- iuru ia nit inuirt' lino Ffiriuf, wimn uikiuuu hi KuroDr ntul thi rounlrv. "Tho lilvinu Aue" hni Appeuted to inn tho mont lapfnl." I rom Hv. Henry Wnrd needier. Jlny Wr7. "Were J, In view of nil the competitors now in uu' iii'iu, io CHOORP. i Fiiomil iiimoHUivwiy fiuni"c " I he Llvlmt Arp," There In not, In nny Ilhrnry I know of, i much lnnlrurtlvo nnd entertaining renillnR In iho nnmo number of volumea." rrom thn Xru Yurie '1 horH. "'1 ho taste, hide mnt, nnd wlo tnct dhplnycd In tho nclectlon of RrucirKiiro nuovn nu prills, uccniife iiiry mwti never been enimllol.' l'nim tho rprh)K(leld (Mns) llepuldlcnn. "Wn enn do those niaontt our renders who love nouml ni.d puro llteinlure no tietter service thnu by leferrlnj? them to this uterllnij; weekly, It I ik cideiUytha bent mncnzlno of Its elnsn published In the ('tilled Hint p.. ir nt In tli world." I riitil tho UtiKlnii I'nvt. "Wo rlltlirp to UllV that lu no other farm enn uwo. lt of flniltnr ehnr-ucti-r found ot cfpinl merit, ornt ho moder ntiMi prloe," l'roin the Church tinlon, New York, Au. 10, 1S07. -"JtH editorial illHcriinhmt Ion Ihmu-Ii nn eer tonlTbrd its leader nu enlertnlnliif lesume of the beHt current lluroponu innm.zltn! liternturu, und no complete nto imtlsfythem of their lmv IiitC no neeil to resort to its original ourco. lu tliNreKurdwotlecmitthobeHt Unto or Its kind extant." l'rom tlio New York Independent. "No ono enn rend, from week to week, the rsoleetloni bioiiKht before him In tho " I.ivliiK AKe," without beeomliiK eonsclouof n quickening of his own mculttew, nud nn enlnrpenientor hln mentul hor izon. Few private libraries, of rounc, enn now wcuro thebnek olumen, t-etNof which nro limit ednud coRlly, Hut nubile libraries lu towns nnd vlllnRc miKht, if possible, to ho furnNhed with tneh n Iriftxiirv nf in if t A rt Bill tiff ! llllil ltlill vldlials niav bcKlnas hubicrlbcrn fvr tho new tserles, nnd UlUfl Kcejpacc 111 liliuru uu iiiu uii-- in mu n 'from tho Itlehmond Whlfi. .luno 1, 1SU7. "IT u mnn were to rend Utlell'H mai-arlne reRulnrly und read nothliiR eNo he would be w ell Intormed on uli prominent mibjcctn In the Beiierul Held or I m man knowledge," . , , l'rom tho Illinois Hiato Journal, Autf. ISOT. It has moie real fcmld worth, moio uerul Inlorma tlon, than any tslmllar pubiicntton wo know of. 1'ho ablest cksajH, tho mo"t entertuiuliiR stories, tho iincst poetry of tho llnglish languase, nro liere nathtied tuHcther,'' , . . .. rrom tho New York Home Journal. June 1j. 15o7.'I,ltteirH LHliitf Aisc lonK ditiiiKUlslud usn pioneer In the repnblliMtlon ir tliethoicest rorelKn periodical lltemturo, Mill hold tho fore most rank nmou woiknor Us class. Uu stnnd nrdofMeKetlonslsnhlRhcno ; nnd its entile til are not only of Interest at tho present moment, but possesses nn cndurln nlue. , ltiepresentn llon or the forelcn Held oi periodical literatuio Is nmplo nnaeomprelu n'slve; nnd it combines (he (asteful und ertnllte, tho romantic nnd practical, the social nud ncholarly, tho grave nud ay, with u nkill which Is nowhere suriased, ami which Is iwlmlrably nuttisl to pleiuto tho cultivated render." From tho Protestant Churchman. Juno 77, 1!f7, 'Ace and life nro aliko ItschnrneteriHlicji, U In linked wllli our memory of the old llbrurj nt home, nnd It seems to nrow ircuhcr and belter ns It srmvso'.dcr lu yoirs. Out -Mntrodutei ito the f.uiillv circle, It cannot weHl dl-peueii with; nud the botuul olumenon the llbinry nheles will Kiipply n eonstunt feast In yenu to come." Krom u Clercyniaii In .Massachuvettn, of much literary rclebrlt. "in tho Immallcu of my mind nnd character, I owe ns much to "Iho Living Aug" as to nil other metum of education puttoiiether." Published WKKKI.Y, nt $i n yenr, freo of post ne. Au extra number sent gmtls to nny one lifHtlnii una, club or hceu new Rubvcrlbcrs. Aildicsi UTHlUi A GAY' C) Iliomllelil Htrect, Hoston. Dlt. WISTAK'H UALSAM OF WILl CHIIUUY Where this nrtklo Is known It Is a word of sup ererogation tohayotie word lnltsfmor, sowell Is It established ns nn unfailing remedy lor Coughs, Colds, llroncliltls, Croup, Whooping Cougli, Astlmia, diseases of the throat, chest, nnd lungH, nswell ns that moat dreaded of nil dUease, Consumption, which high medical authority has pronounced tobo an Incurable dUcae. Those who havo vied thh remedy know Us valuo; thoso who luve not have but to mnko a tingle trial to bo sntlslled that this Utiiu ltEMhbY. The He v. Jacob Scolder, well known nnd much rebpected amona the Herman populallon of this country, nm iunu . Hakovkr, Fa., Feb. 18, IV. Mcsbrs H. W. Fowlk & fros, lioston : lit.- tit Kiim 1 luvltit r,inll.ed lo tnv fumllv 1 111 portaut bencllts from the uso of your valuable prepaiation Wxstau'h Halham of Wu.n Ciii.n- nv It niloids me pleumo to recommend it io me iniiii. Kumntdcht venrs ueo ono of uivdauuh- lers keeintd to bo Inn decline, nud llttlo hope lor her recovery weie entertained. I then proem cd n bottle of jour excellent lialMim, ami beloio fUC Iinu UlliCU IJIB wiiimu 1 11 nieiu nto it luhi lmproenient inner hcaiiu, i nae, in my imu vlrlmtl IU-.K tll.lilll lll'Mliellt I1SC Of OUT Vlllllllblt medicine, und haNeafwajH been benellted by It. I wini l.l hfiwuvcr. f'liillini tlio iinblic nir.illiit lm pusltioti, becnuse thcr Isa uood deal ot t.purlous Wlstar'K iiaisamoi v ua merry uuoui uiutuKu ml thnenuotrv. JAL'Oll hlX'IIbFH. None Rt n ul no uhIcsh Hlgned "i. IJUTlh" on l'repuied by HUTU W. I'OWLIl A SON. 18 l ICinoui BiriCl, HUMUll,lllnt iui mi to iij til uHinia generally. UuAt'K'H cizLKiiuvrKit haiau. I rom Mr. Jus. Curlin.of Amesbury, Mass. "1 was mulcted wltha heere felon on one of my llnircm, and tiled many remedies without reller. My frkmla Induced mo to appl our Halve.In two days it extracted the lullammntlon from my tinser bo uu to enable me lo rc6iui.o m work, IeanuliuoHt wiy that tho Snln wolked like magic, lor it elicited a curewithout leavlUK a hear. runhehilatlnRly nionoume (Hate's mUv nn excellent remedy and ilo not doubt it will bo appreciated throui;hout tho land." ONLY i CFNTH A 110X. 81:th W row Li: A. wN, Hostuu, Froprletois, bold by apnthccnrlea nud grocers gcnetiilly. JOTICK IX UAMCItUI,TCY. This is to clvo notice! That on the Cist day of Novembor, a. i. 1vJ7, a svnrrnntln I(ankrutey was Issued nsalnst the cbtnte of I'eter rt. llniman. of IlloomsburB. in tho lounty of Columbia, mid hialeof I'ennsyhantn, svlmhoH btcn adjudscd a lUnkrupt on his own petition ; thalthe pigment ofany debttt nnd delivery of tiny property be-1 loin I hi; to huch l!nnkruii, to him, or for IiIh use, . nnd tho transfer of nny property b him are for- , bidden bv law ; that n meetliu; of the Credltorsof the bald lluukrupt, to provo their debts, and to, ehooso ono or moro asMlmieoiiof his Chtate. will bo held at a Court of llunkruptcy. lo be holden at 1 Iho i:.chauo Hotel lu Illooiiivburt,', Columbia county, Feuusylnnln, before Fdwnid Overton, 1 Jr., Henlster, on theblh day or January, a. i., Isirt, at 2 o'clock1 p. m. '1JIOMAH A. HOWLF.Y, 1. H, .Marnhal. lly V.. H. t.'oomAruii, Deputy. Dec, n'UT-lt, 1 jmTn-: fx THvatcVTcvT i 'ibis 1h Io (e notke ! that on thcSIst day of NoMinber, a, n. 1m7, uwnrrant In llankriiite was lMucd nualnst tho estate nf Joslah 11. Dmi Mm, of tho Ilurounh of lb rwlek lu the county f Columbia, nnd rttutn of Finubylvntiki, who has been adjured a llankiupt on hlimsn ittitlou: that the payment ofany deMs nml delivery )t nny property l)elonIn to bitch lUnkrupt, to him, or for his live, and thotrnmrarofnuy iil erty by him are forbidden by law; that a uuel lug of tho Ci editor of the wild lianlti upt,toprov their ilelitH, nnd toilimtso one or more assignee of his estate, will bo held nt n Court of llankiupt cy.tobo holden nt tho Fxchnne Hotel, In Jllooms. burs, Columbia, county, l'tiiusyhanla, befoie IMuard OVfiton, Jr., Heubler, on tho HU day of January, a. i. lsos at - o clotk p. in, TIIO.MAH A. JtOWLKY.l'.H. Mnrshal. Dec. o't7-tt. Jly F. H,CooLnL'(iltt Deputy. TX TIIK 01UMIAX8' COtMIT OK X'lHi: OOFNTY OF COI.F.MltlA. FstatP of Joseph Faxlou, lato of t'atawlssa township, do ceased, The uncle rtdened. Auditor nppuinteil by the Orphauii' Court of Columbia County, to re jroit distribution of the balance In the hands of Oeorce HuheH, John Hiarplis und l.lud Put ton. Administrators of Joseph F.ixtun, deceased, wll I meet tlio jmrtleN Interested, lor tho puriiose, of Ids nppolutment. at his otlicn, In llloouikhuif,', In snld countv,, on 'I hursdny, the ttid day or Jau uary, a. n.,lsis, at 111 o'clock a, u of that day. All the parties Intel eated nro leijucsted to at tend ou lhat tlay or be forever debarred from comtnu lu for a pnrt or slmieof tnid luud. C. II. HltOCKWAY, Auditor, llloomsburiz, Dec. (J, lv7-U. TX TIIK OIUMIAXS1 COUKT OK JLtOT.UMIlIA COl'NTY. In tlio matter of the Inn u Ml Ion aud valuation of tho real estate of U oi ki Mcliwen, late of (Ircenwooil towuldp, Columbia county, dee'd. And now to wlti D cembcr Hh. Ivi7, on motion of W, (I, Hurley, the Court grant n rulo on Daniel McF.vw u,U(ori:c Me Fweu, Wllllnm I. McFwen, Henry I. McKwen, Matilda Irvln late Matilda Lk-Fweu, Amanita Haymau Into Amanda McFwen, children ami belts of tlcorco McMvven, licecnaed to appear id nu Orphans' Court to be held nt Utooiuhlntiir. lu and foi said -ounty, on tho llrst Monday of 1 1 b ruury, a, n, 1ms, nud accept or it fuse tho iald h- ,) late ut the valuation or show causo why i u h. the same should not bo sold, Cert Ilk d -' lrom tho records Decombor 4, lsC7. J1HU LOI.FMAN, C. peci inner 0, 1307. C 1 O N V i: C T IOSE It Y Iho umtrrftlennl oull rofcl-cellully nmiouiico to Iho imlilte lhat lie hujtoiicmil a i'ii! co.Ni-r.cTioNi:uv mom. In tlm bull, Unii laUly owuplcxt hy lloiiianl htoh jut, who; ti ho U prepared lo luruUhnll Ulmlsur I'l.AIN A l'ANOV CANIUIJ', rilKNCII L'ANDUM, roitKION & IMIMIJiTIOfllUITH, XVW, IIA WINH, A l! AC, Af. UY WllOl. U8A1. 1J Oil IIKTAll.. In ehort, a full iwiiortnifnt ol all oood. In liU lino of buMlncHfi, A ervat varlt'ty of DOI.I.H, TOVB, Ac, KuttnMofortho JlollUays, Particular atlcntlon IflVl'll lo IIUUAI) AND UAKI1H, of all Uludit, frch every day. Oil HIHTSt AH DANIIIHH, OH1HTMAH TOVB. A call In tollclted, aud satbfacllou will lx KuarautetHl. Nov. Si. IS07, KCKIIAUT JAOIim. A LI j Uurnipnta iiiado lu Uialatttotuiid larmt uiinroved .tyle at UuioiuiaiMM'a flolhuiiirtUre;' O-du. 'IXCKLSlOIt DIALOntTICS, JLiconslstlnK or New nnd Orlftlnnl tlrst-elnss tirutnns, f-utlocUteri. etc., for nd Winced epenkcrn In Kchools, i;xhlblhouroomsand pilvnte thenU rlcnlB, J. very line written expressly forthls book by ncorps of rrofeosionul TencherH nnd wrltern, Acknowteilced to bethebeftt work ol the kind ever puhlhihcd. Cloth, nearly JiM douedeelum panes, price 81.75. tun I led free, AdtlreM 1. OAU "M A CO., I'libllshcm, TWUieMnut HU, I'hlln. a x t i: 1) i TWO IlUNDItCI) l'AUMt:itSI ToenpnReln a llctht nnd honoraMo huslnrss for the Inter nionliis, lu tho vicinity where they reside, tthlch will net them from f V9 lo 8150 lur tnonlh. Tor nartleulnrs apply tn or address PAUMI;. I.i;i: iUuh.,;xi Hansom Kl l'hllaclelhla l'n. A f- v 7) si XV. Threo nmixninenlly llluslrnlMl Medical nooks, eontalnliiK Important riinolnglcal mror mallon, for men and svomcn, ncnt free on receipt 'il cenlH, by mtdreHsliiK tlio Hecretary of Iho New mlt Meitlcal tfnlverslty, No. :iu Clinton place, .New Yorlt City. QTAN1UW) .MlLMNO macuini: O 1)1' IMri!t)Vi:il CONSTItt'tTlO.V, rjreat power, lamo capaclly, unrivaled eouenlenco in iiojiisioieiii, .iso, pipeviecs, wun and with out extra Jau'.nnd vlei s ofalUlres.ror lieavvam llshtwork, Hcnd lo tho IIN'ION VK'i: CD.Ml'A si i of lloston. Mass., for IlhiKlratetl ellcular. . "i piuu i) ui'iiici jii uaruware nnu macuuicry. llltST MohTOAOK llONOS. hT. 1,01'IS.t IKON MOrXTAI.Vli.UI.UOAl) CO. SO., nil ,il ..nn Inlnrul i.kH.......l ..... Ihcsn ilondxcocra UoailofDl' liilles, ilnlsheii from M. Ijfltllsto ritot Ktmli-ninl III llr. ..In,n.. dcr.ulid an ettenslon or about the same length from I'l ot Knob to lletinntit. im.- int.lli. ..nn. hirudins, for which tlio proceeds of thcke bonds ale to Imi used, maklnu n tlirouch roulo Irom si. louls to New Orleans by rail. 'Iho euinlnus of Iho W miles are tmio.ooi) nyearjlho net prollts nowarenutllclent lojiay tlio Inleiesl onllio en tire amount of bonds, were tbev nil basis of hecurltv Is licllevnd tul'u. IM........ i.n. t ' ""n'l" v ".'.r.. .: -rp'yai ine (June or the Company, No. tt Wall M., lu II. (f, MAIL ((t'ANll, Vice President, or to CI.A11K, DODtll; V CO.,eorucrtif Wall nnd William nts., .V,, rtUXTUHY TOIIAC'C'O. $111(1 Bs-Wri havn not ills f'onlhltiod. llnr ill u-n In, I'ACKEU tend to enilitn tmi'ltlni. IS IIIH lilt M IIA 1 1. Y. I lp) liallv In iau'ri of i emory j oijacco.ri'poru in in.- i-uiiiiury uoiwill itnlidltnr. MonitaVN.Onn flOONolo. TueMdny, Tivo Fifties. itil Wo aro making tho Century from tliu rholrest leaf; II Is free i (il KilaM, 1 Ivo Twen ties. Thursday. Ten Tens. l-'rldaVK. Th enty I 'ives. ironi oroi'i.auil 14 In ev ery, the Hint 1'lnO I 'ML 'I'liliflfrr. Iikiii. MaturdaH. KlftyTwos, " uf ictllreil. Hold by all r. i. i.i'itll.i.AUli, IU, ltA Jiclnuiilicrs M leipectaoiojooijirM. J A 1) A iM ? O V H H IT 1 I' o u ti; 11, Combliu h In ono cm men tuner- feet llttiUK Corset, nnd tho mot ilcHlrable Mflit Supporter ever ollered the pubil". 1 1 places the vvelRht ol the fklrts upon the hhouldeis liivleud of tlio hl)w; It lmiTovos tho form without ii-mi ineing; wives easennd clc tru licet iNiionioved and rccoiu mnmlixl In- ,.)t'ullitiU ol Indlf fiincv u-imkIs ftoo ireuerallv. nud ntvibfile- nalo by D. H. HAITNDi:ilS A Li).. W Hummer Ml., llostou, and 'JJ Walker Ht., New Y4irk. AIpo, by HIINUYC. MOdlHMJJlMatket Htrcct, Thlla. and hi i.i.i.via., Jii.Kii, in a K.K'., .'i jianovcr ri, ltaitimoie, ,vm, TrAXTKU AX AOKXT- ii Hue elinnco In ench town, worthv the nt tcutlou ufnn active biiHlness man. to take the aKeiicy for tlin wile of iinm-d reefs uunuer mouui HU' 111111 t'llllHT hirill". 11111)1111 111 111U Mlin. Hill' torn, top and cent te or doors nml windows. 'Iho n,ue is oeyoim aiiviiium e er uuereu ueniiu in uu at;eui, ami irom siuioii imt imy can uu utmie Send lor acents circular. '1 he ilrt who npplyho cure n bargain. Terms for Moulding cnh. , .r. it. yuAD.sTin;i;r & co., iwon, iiass. Ol TO $2r PKH DAY SUKK. v L?7 Airents wanted everywhere, to well our Patent Iivcrlavttng Whltw wire Cbdhes-llncH. "Hvcry Uouw wlfoMmuld UReit." N. Y. Tribune. "We have wen it and Ituiven witKfacllon." N.Y. ChrKlinn Advocate. ,"Tlm Patent Wire ( lotheH-iinu is all It purports to he." i. iu depend, nt. Address tno AMI'.ItlCAN Willi CO., 1CJ ilroadway evv erlt. wf: sTiiTiTiitvi:! IIUII t HU MIlllllftlKKI' '. 111 IJ1H1I 1H1 hi I cut" cast iron or machine "stencil tools." Send fur our New CatuloKueot Improved Stencil Die. m varieueH nit in r-aeei, riiu'iuny iihimh-u mm tempi red. S. M-HrKNlliatACO-.tlrattlcbuio, Vt 01 H A DAY MADK BY AXYOXH O 1 VJ with my Tuteiit Stencil Todt. I prepay hampies iree. licwiue ui luirinnern. My encir lars will explain. Aildn tssi A. J. 1'ullam, Spring' ueiu, v ci mom, KVOI.UTIOX IX TivADIO! I JidicM. you will be ndonlshcd nt tho vnlne ot nil kinds of tmodttKcnt by tin- well known nnd just ly ceMnatcd linn (J HA II AM A CO., roil ONI.Y ONl": DOU.Alt! Such a Hlllt, Merino nnd Alpaeca Dies, suawi"., naiinorais, imien ijou'M, i.inous'-e.i ia tile Covci-h. WiiteheH. Jewelrv-Sllver Plated Waie Sew tut; Mael dues ite. '1 Uls Is no hunibutr, but a icnlity. Seinl your cIuIjm of ti n and upwauN, fur theiksdc-crlbfux the (,oodS w Ith l"ii entH fur each check, and the getter up ol the club will ie celven vnluablo presuit, vorth fit m -1 lo g-XKi, an oiillug to number of names neni, Ak nlH wanted In every town. Clrculor- Kent fue. AililrehM, (iltAIIAM A Ci.,tiUV(-; l idvral stictt, lloMon. UUCULAUS SKXT i'llKK! I ContalnlUK I.btsof Dry and l aney floods, sold. ONl: Dol.I.AU for each ni'tiele. limit In duceiiunts to Au-L-litiS. Pi.rM.MIMt A MOl'J,- TON, I i Marshall street, ltoston, Masti, K Alti: COJllNO, And will presi-ut to nnv jierNon (ending us a club lu our (in at one DutlurSale.or Dry ami l-'nii- cy liuuiH, ivc.u MiK uretss nuieiii. i'u LeoiMicci Imr, Watch, Ae., fito of cost, CutnloKUo of jjuod and hample, hent tonny nddiess nee. Addict J. s. HAW1M A CO., 00 Hanover Mitet, lioston. Mnvs, hepG't!7-lm, 1 O. Ilux 61 ii. 0 G it 1 run nr..sT ciianci: i;vi:u orn:ni;in no or two day'n time will securen K"'d SewltiK Machine. Watch, Silk Dieas, Itevolver, or borne ouier ariicjo 01 cquui vaiue, 1 uv ui 1 u-i 1 AcriiU wonted everv whi ie. malo and femnl UrtliebcHt pawnbioker'H Sale In tho country fumi lor circular. r. 1;, inujii DUii . ., 31 Kxehaugo St., Huston, Mush, riTHE ItlCIIKSTMAN IX TIIK X WOIH.H. IixTUACTup a I.KTrrn 1 kom IIakon Solomon ildTHstiiii.n. l'AKlSMh'i Hue Tauby, HI. Honoro Will you bo kind nouch t havo lorwordeil to me neie ui'iiouien tn your jiunau januiiem j 1 vim will M-inl nt ttiosfiinn t Itnollte acciatnt. 1 will forward you tho amount through Mesirs.lLlmout A Co., New Yorfr, liaion Solomon uotlnsdiini navins recomixuu tn iiitinv ufhU lileudi Alnfur I.ANI.'K 1,IM MTNT, nud they belmj deslious to pioeuie It. he KiiouM anviso mm loesiammu 11 ucpJi 111 i iuit. THU INDIAN LINIMKNT, As a relief, over ready : ns u killer of pain, tnlcin Inw.udly, or outwatdly applied, hus no e(ual. cur mi' iciiei uii'i cum ui i.iieuiuuue ituu i-unu- Kle Allectloii', Sprains, ltiulen, ite., Il Is un equalled. Ills ulsit most t llleaclous, taken in wardly, in tho ruioot cholein, Crnmpsiuid l'nlns In thn stomanh, Dlarihoea, Ityhenterv, Choteia Moihuo, ChtiUni lufanluin, etc.. and Is without exception tho most wondciful Panacea the world allouU. No l-'uinlly should Im without It. livery Travt Ur by laud tr sea should have u bottle. Mi ner ami runnel h lesldliiK nt n dlMnme fiom rhyAklans should keep It cousin 11 Uy on hand. In case of Accident, and sudden attaclin of Stom ach Complaints It value cannot bo emaled. Inquire fur Mnjnr Jjiuo'h Indian I.lnlmeul, and tnkuuoothcr. i'rhv, ,Vl cl. pcrluillle. Ior salu nt wholemile and retail by Demas llaims etc. Co,, 21 l'nrk How. N. Y., (ialo ite, Uoldusori.lfMlOicen N, V.i 1'. ( WelUA Co., 1J I'ullon-st.. N. Y.; Chaw. N, Crittenih n.iW tilh Ave., 1. Y., nnd by iiKpectablo DrutzgMri throughout Ihewotld, Nouu enuluo unlesH signed by John 'I hot, Ijme, and eounterhlimed by J. T.Ijuih a Co.,l'roniletori ItH ilroadway, N, Y. J-Mcnd lor Circulars, SOXKlMITIOX (.'AN liK CUItKU. THHTItlMI ItKMHDV ATI.AST DISCOVKll , I'IMIAM'M I'llKHH MKATCL'UIl.picnarLd from Iho formula of 1'iof. TnaisKeau or rarls, cuies Consumption, LuuR Diseases Ihoiichltls Dyspepsia, Marasmus (icuciul Diblllty nnd all morbid eoinllllons ot tho sst(in depimUut on dellclency of vital force. Uls pleasant lo taste, nndasiiiKto botllo will convince Iho mot skepll. cul of Its virtue as the great healhiK reined v of the ue, (1 a bottle, or six butllcH for JV Sent by Im press. Sold by S. C. Hplmm. No. 21 south-sl., rhlhulclphia, nnd pilucipal DitigKist. Ciiculars sent free. i:XI)KUSIIOTT'ri "Vhaumacy. II ilasjust recilvetl a Winter' ulock ol pure DUUOS niKMU'AIiH, I'ATIINT MKDICINI?, IMlnts, Oils, Colors, Varnishes, DjoStuftV, WINDOW-ar.ASS, IVMI'H, chandhi.ikus, LANTIHlNrt.ROAl, ruuniMi'dtY, toim;t AND I'ANCY AHTI0U, which mo being okl at astonishingly low prices, I'liAKTHH TAUIH AND HIIA'IUI HAND hi quantities to suit purchasers, 1 1 1'.N D UKH 1 1 OTT'H JkVLHAM of HOllllHOlTNH forCouahinnd Colds. IIA III TO NIC, Tor promoting tho grow th of ihollalr. OAMlMIOIt I 013, Tor CUupptxl llantbjaudHoro Ups. WANTKls-llbck Hyr.for which a Bod price nrlce will bo paid; novW,7-tf A nIv H U 1 T O Y. 'Jho undersigned practices IntUe U, H, Court nud kIvom special attt-utluu tu the prnctico under tho kite llunkruit net. Iiebtorssn king the ben fill of (hlN humsnotuXot Coucrcss run u)ply per souully or by letter for lufoimalion to ISA AO X, OltlUt.AttoineyntlAW. Nov. V, IWT.U Dsuvllla, l(a. jOTICK IX DAXICUri'l'C'Y. IhHIs IohIvo notlcol Hint on Iho 3d day of Docemher, A, b. Ir.n warrant In Hankruptcy vrns Issued nRnlnst tho estate of Hnmuel Heiiiorl, orihoTwp., of ornmic, In tho county of Coluiu bin, nud Htnto nf Fcnusylvanln, v ho Iim been ndJudRcdu Itaukrupton bis own petition! that lie pnj nieiu in nny iieuii Him utiirry uj nilV noitertv beloiiulmi to such llnukrunt. to him. or bir hi tine, nnd the trnnpfi r of nny property by Hill lllf Itn nium-ii i-i im i nun i. nut-u ill my 'icdllomof tho raid ManKiunt. to nrova ihnir dtibp, nnd to choovo ono or more nssluuees of hist PSiaie, Will lie neni Hi i v ouri. in imuiirupicy, lo to noiiieu mo i.-ii'iihhkp iiumi in iiiiwintouril ln.. beforo Frflunrd Overton. Jr.. ltculster. on ihr. 10th day of Jiiuumt, a, n. IW, nt 10 o'clock, n, m. TllOMAS A. lUlWI.FY, V. K Mnrn'-dl, uy tt, ii. cooLnrmr, it'cpuly. TX TIIK OltPlIANS' COURT OK L COl.r.MlllA COUNTY, Flata of Wllllnm F. Uobertu, Into of Jackson township, Culmnhlii coumy. i im unuemiuin-ir, luiuitur nppoiiucil lv tlm llrtilinim' I'tnirt of 1'ulutobiii enonli. fti t..til. and mljust Iho rntcs ntul proportion of tho as. r-ets of thn deceased, in the hands of Abiuhain YontiftVuiminiMrnioroi vvuiiam uoocrtft. cie cencd,tonndainoimthe eredltornln tho order (tttnbllshM by law, will meet tho creditors ortho dercdttit.nnil nil other persons Interested, nt the illlce oi tno iiecorurr oi neeu, in iuooiunurK, u nml for said cuunty, lor the purpose of his njr lolutment on Haturday, tho 2.illulny of January, t III t. mi if vtll.l iltlf. All t-irtla.! Interested nre nmustcd to nttend on lhat day, nnd press tlu Ir claims or befoiovcrdebariedfrom com fn tc lu lor u pan or slmie of the fund. llluomsburg, Dee. , lwi7. ' J XKCUTOH'S XOTK'i:. 1 Hern testnmcntnry on the etstnie ofAbrnh mi iVriTcn, lato ofOreenwood. Columbia county, I'.t, Imve been a 1 null il bv Ihn HrL'UtiT ufAlil r-miot v to Abraham llernen Itrowe, of MnunahawKin, Ocean county, New .lerhcy. All pernons hav iim ehi Iuih nunlnM tho estnlearo icoiufttcd to pic-cni inein luuie i.xceuior iur neiueiiieiH, niiu iim.e Unowlnu tlu mclvru Indebted to mnke navmeiit, iir.i.iti.. iiiin 1,. Nov.J,6T tiv. i:xecutor. J7 O U S A Ij M 111 ue huiii ui orivnit' Niie, n iery ui'-nruuie iniui iii-u 111 roniiu iiuhmuhii i k, v uiiiiiiimu v.tuui- ty, Tn., the property consisting of T W O T O W N Ii O T 8 fcllimte nnd fronting ThlidHtreet of the town of lilouinsburn, whereon nro elected n lurgo two Htory V n A M 1: D V 1; Ii L I N O H O V H i: with kitchen nttnehed, a larpo Stable nnd Car rla'0 houe.Rood pl stye, coal house, etc., ncood Well irinVir fnlliiH- Xfnlf-rnt flu lmrlf ilnor l,iu. Hcsslon will be k! ven on tho llrst of Atrll, Imw. if nut, nuiu ijviwccii tint aiio 1110 isi, 01 lieccmocr next tho saiun will be exiiOHed lo oubllo nnl nn wild lat nt 1 u'eloek . y,t l-'nr further partlcu- mi f, 1 1 11 1 li if; in .mi uiu-i 1 , 1, j, fllV, ni 1 in- uiueo OI It. I .Clark, Vjhi.. l;ioomsburg Cotuir.bin eo., Da. Hept.1.7. 17, pC(IilC SAI.K OI VAMJAMiH UP.AL HSTATl!. Will bo hold by iho undersiKUed, etecutor of Iho last will nml tcMnmcnt ot .Iiuob I Held, dp ceased, on riiinvY, DixnMtu uir7th, 1mJ7, at b 11 o'clock n, m., Ihefnllowinij described ical estate to wit 1 A IX) r ol- OKOUND, sltunto lu tho town r lHoornsburir, Columbia county, 1i.;kuM lot fiontsnu rirst Mrect ofKiitd town, and contains In inuit nlly-nlx toct, and In depth two hundred niut lour teen feet and six in Chen: nnd bounded us follows t I'IihI utrecton the north, an alky un the houth, nu alley 011 the, and nu alley on the west, wliereini nrueiccttdu good twoKtory Fit ami; Dwi:u-iNti norsi:, wilh Kitchen attached. nWi n cellar Klt hen un der the kitchen j n hinall stable, n InicuBtableand enrrliiKo houso used a- a livery stable, n well of Komi water at tho back door or tho livery stable, u cistern nt the back door of the- cellar Kitchen, wll bother outbuild I nui. The property Is Immp dlately lu the lear of the Court llouulot, nd ti avery denhable hlaiul for n livery stable IVh bosHlon nl von on the Ut day of Apiil, ISf,s. Teuns made know n ou day ol sale, when ntlcndaiicu will bo kIv en by DAVID I.OWIINHKUa, Kxeeutur Itlooinsbura, Oct. is, 17. jp V IS LI O HAL 1: or VAiiUAiiiii: nn.vii cstati: Will be excised to snlo by public vendue, on thn premises n 'I hurmlny, December lUth,, 1,7, ut 10 o'clock a. m., two certain lolsortropud situate lu Die town of Itloouisbuig, Culiunhia County, Pn on Main Htieet, near tho Puhllc Si pi ate. On tlio one Is erected a IiAIuh:htoni: dwi:i.mno IIOUSK, nnd other out-buildings nnd upon the other, n uoed frnmo stabh, the fiont of said last iin-ii-t loncd ha beluga very ileslrabto touui for bull tlln purposes. Also 011 1 he same day ono other IIO ITH i: AND LOT Ol' OUOVND situate ou Hock Street In tho said town of Itloomshuru, lu tho county aforesaid, whcnim 1- elected n cood I'lame Dwelling Houe and othi r out-bulldlm;s, Abo. uu l-rldt'y, thoEDth day'of Deeenibei. 7 at in o clock n. m., will bo exposed to sale bv pule llnvendduo tn the piemisenln Hemlock 'low n shl nt tho tesldcucti of 'lhomas.1. Vamlerslic-, nccrtaln.l.irm or tract of land containing 81 XT Y-KI V i: AC II US', moie or less t" bo sold In two parctls of about tldrty-foura n s each; tho public road loading fiom I.lltlo rishlng Crtek Ilildgn to ituckhoru, nnd luuulng thloah the said farm to bo the dl v idlug line. '1 ho w holo tract being very rich and excellent Milt for farming purposes, besides thcro being upon the om- tract, ns divided by salt) toad, huge nnd convenient hulldlntrs id eveiy deHeripiloii, nboa largo and very valuable Mine stone tiuai ly, open and In gool wotkiuf; urdi r Upon the other tract ns divided aforesuid, theie Innlhon verv valuable I.tmestono tuairy,one gooil largo I.lnie HiuMe, TWO (JOOD UMU KII.NH, oueof which Is in full bhistat Iho present time Also, on tlu sanio day, and on the pituiKes near Huckhoin, vUII bo sold at public out-tr,a ceitain lot of gtouml situate In Hemlock Tuun shlp, pilncl)ullv limber IjiiuI, adjoining lands ul John Appleliuiu, Jacob Harris, and othtis containing about it acres, more or less; all tan tho estate ot ca Vainlersllce, tleccast d. CuMUTioNrt Sai.k: Ten per tent, of one fnurlh of the puuhase money tobo paid tin tin day of sale, one-fouilh less Iho ten per cent on the M day of April WH, the leinalulng thiu fourths Inlwo equal pa mcnts, ono ou tho l-i dav of April l"iil, Iho 01 her ou the 1st day ul April lsTu, with interest on the amount ri ma u Ing unpaid fiom thelstdayofAprll hM. I he deed uv deeds to be exeenteil and dellvcied to the purchaser or purchasers the nt f, on the payment o( theone-fiairth less tho ten per tent on tho 1st day of Apt II Wis, when tho balancMif Iho purchase money shall bo secured by Judg ment or mortgage, at the option of tho present owners. Dom'ssIoh given on th 1st dny of April 1US I'uichnser or purchasers to pny for deeds and stamps. J, H. VANDlUWIiH'i:, Nov. -J, iv(17. Admr. II. v. now 1:11, has opcued ft llrst-tilass r.ooT, snoi:, hat cai. and rru stomr nt the old stnndon Main Stiect, lUoomsburg.a few doors above tho Court House, Ills stock W com posed ot thf ver.v lab st anil best styles ever oth r cd to tho citieuH of Columbia County, lleean aceunimodato the public with thefulluwlngbocds at the lowest raits. Men's hiavy double sokcl stugabootM, nun's double nud single tun solid kip boots, men's lunvy slcgn shot h of nil Kinds men's Hue bunts nnd shots of nit uiades, I o doublo soli d boots nud,rhois of all kinds, men s glove It Id Halmornl's, women's, bovs' and lulvsts' lasting gaiters, women's glove kid Polish v cry fine.woiiiiu's morocco tlalmoinlsaud calf shoes, women's very lino kid buttoned gnlt us. Inshoit boots of all lUscrlptlons both peg geil nnd sewcil. He vuuild uKo tall ntti ulion to hli fine 'if- -rt-uunt of HATS, CArH, FLllH AND NOTIONV. which eompilses all the new nnd popular vnn ellhs at pi Ices w cannot f.iillo suit all. Thesi goods are ollered at the lowest rush lates and will be guainulecd loglve satisfaction. A call K solicit id before purehssing iNuuhcio ns il W Udleved that belli r baruahu aro to be found than at nnv other place In th comity, Dec, 0 07' poITVKLY (Xi: DAY OXUY! I'HIDAY DKCKMf.LH, 'Mm 1S07, AT SNYDKU'S llAIX,2M:Vi;r.H AT3A7'J 11 n t i" n n rnoM :titopt, after mi nbsnw 0 of thtro 5 curs wheiothey liavi aiipearitt beloio uenilyall the Kings, (juiius, l.mpcrois, and Nubility ol tho old Woild, th i; tiitKATi'ST wondi:u Ol-' thi: AOl. ' Pour beautiful and syiunuliloally lormed LAD IIIH AND OKNTLKMP-N IN MINIATPItP TUT OIIK1INAL AND r.I'NOW'Nrii OKN. TOM TJIUMI1 AND W1F13. COlIMODOHUNlvrrAND MIHH MINNIi: WAIUIMN Their unlquoand exquisitely enchanting ITdtrtJUMANClW AND rXIIIIHUONS nev lt fall toiharm nnd dellebttvciy beholder 'Jhey ai'pcarin SONtJS, DUKITM, DAN( I, COMIC DDI-INT ationh, ami mino imcjcH, nntid.s (11i:m, and co.mi;dii:h in chah- ACIKJMSTIC COhTPMlX Iho niCUandi:M:C)ANT DIUICs nml the htllltiiht coil ul. ui id DIAMONDS worn hifoie Iho va 1 toils Potentates f llurope, nil of width mo iulioduci d lu these popular Levees cost over Twenty Thou sund Dollais lu Hold. Ladles nnd ehlldicii 1110 cons derately advised touttend (he Day inhibition and thusuvold tin1 crowd und eouiiuion of tho llveulng Pirfor liiHiiceR, To tho Day Jxvcis Admlssluii 5 rents: C'hll pi en undir tt n. I ten Is. Ueservtd Heuls.wtts t'htldieu under leu, '.'uctnts. livening Petfoiinaiiee Atlmlssloii to nil parts ti the House, in its 1 Chlldun under ten, 15 cents. Deo, C7-JI OTICK IN llANKiUU'TOV. lliUN lo clvo notice, lhat nn tlio 1.1 tlay ot November, A. i, NI7. wnrrtmt lu lianlciui'li'y wns ImiuoiI nculnst tlio i.tHlo or Jutiioa II. lw. urorunitovlliti, In tlio rounty ot Columbia, ami HtatoorrcnnnsiMinlfl, v. Iio Iiaa liocn hiIJuUkiiI ii llilllkllllit nu 111. mi 11 lK lllloli; that Iho pu) Hu nt cifiiny dilita mill ilrllvcrof uuy iroMily lw. lon(!lnK li nu Ii llonlirtnit, lo hlui.ur for hU iiav, nml tlin iriumli of nny rroporly uy lilm nro foi . Iiiiiili'iiliy law lhatu luielliwofllioClcUlloru of lliokald I!auliruit, lonrovo tliclr ileUa, niul Jo rhoo.0 ono or moro tiwilRiilvd oflila tfctatr, IU Ijo liclil ul it t'uiiit of lluukruntcy, to 1 holJi'li nt ItioOlilroorM.Jillmoytr, tw In llloomii. Iiuru l'nlumlilicounly,aiiariliilonircuiuyhnnla hofori' l.ilwnru Lni'rtou, Jr., IU::lU'r, nn tliu fill iluy nt January, A, u., IW,nt IQnVlixIc.n. m. tiiomahh. iiovi.t;y, l. H. Marshal as Mifscnpr, Ih 11 II. COOUIAI'UII, I n fin'. Nov, WVT- It. : I'OH NUAT AND CH13A1' .TOI3 PKINTINQ, CAI.I. AT TIIK COI.UUWAN OKWCI3