The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 06, 1867, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. MEWS ITEMS. ltf-Wo!i,tliopcMlcNlrliui, nrrlvcil n Chicago at Ion o'clock on lint 23tli, win Ini? lili wager. WrWIiynroyoutiKlttrtlrsIlkcinrrttWH? Hveiuino tfipy lu-vorKoolTwItlioutiibow (In-nu.) nml limy urn nhviiys In n quiver until they srut ik. &g- Mi'ltcd snow iro(liicono-plKlitli of It bulk -nf water. Itunra two fret of mmw will tirmlmv limn IiicIich of wii tr when tlmuol. -Tlio InrRest Ox In Amcrlen lifts lnit tllo.l In Manchester. N. Hainililrp. lio WAR f9veu yearn ttUI, and wcIkIinI Qv( tliim-urnl K)umlit two tons anil a ii air. MT Tlio English languiiKO lias 00,000 ' words Iti Iho dlctlonnrleH. Hood talk-1 en anil writers uso 8,0U)In all, and a j foreluner can travel on MX). 9 A boy In Hudson, Hcotialtif was sent out to catch a horsu, and whllo fouling him homo, caielcsly tied tho ropo about hU waist. Homo liuunt after ward", tho homo wan cauirnt with tho corpso of tho boy still diUKglng after him. Nr'A Mr. Chas. Wooloy, of Vineyard Point, Ulster County, bought toecuro Kimo 13,000 from all contingencies to which National Uanksaro subject, and burled the aura deep in a hole In tho woods. Tho next day on search lug for IiIh bonds ho discovered that they had bevn du up. -4ii Icebergs only one-seventh Is out of the water, and niary nro aoimi 200 li-kt high abovo tho siirfilco. K" One of tho negro delegates to tho Virginia Convention Mtolo a and rodoto tho election In .style. Tho Con vention will mbu him, as bo Is now In Jail. HA- A panther which has been a terror to the. peoplo of Livingston pill Is. i, La., for a year or more, has been shot by an ex-rebel boldlcr. It weighed ISO-pounds, and one of Its paws measured six Inches In length and four In breadth. mir A lady advertised, In n Southern utipur, that sho has for salo ono baboon, three tabby cats, and a parrot. Shosays that being married sho 1ms no further uso for them, as her husband morothan supplies, their places requiring more attention than tho whole lot, and giv ing her less pleasure In return. W A modern philosopher, taking tho motion of tho earth on its axis at seventeen mllesn Mfond,.says thatifyou tako oft your hat tho street to bow to a friend you go seventeen miles barehcad tnl without taking cold. iwr .About tho year 17US, Washington M irion, or Xew York City, youngest brother of Major Morton, of tho tamo nlutv, aN a brother of Mrs. Joslab Qulncy, of Hoston, walked from Xew York to Philadelphia Pa., In one day, on it wager which ho won. Ho was ac companied by a few of his friends on his way. MrThc new Jewish synagoguo In Nnv York Is nearly llnlshel. It Is con Ntruetod In thu Moorish ntylt-, and Is cowre I with traceries of exqulslbi de sign. Tho building Is one liiimlrul and eWtv four feet In length, ninety-six in lii-lili, and ninety feet In width. Its oiK will hi) about 50U,06il. fcj- A Cincinnati iiork-packer told a tViend who wislusl a little pure lard for hair' dressing for his private ue, to send a bottle in largu as lie pleaded, aud It should. bo tilled. Number two applied to a gla-s blower and had u vial made which held over one humlrril pounds. XuiuheronufulAIIod his. promise, aud the M was then presented to an or phan asylum. A tallow tree jrrows In Attakapas, IjonlfclntMi, aiiit on the bayous of St. Mary, Irom which enough berries may be gathered In a day to make eight pounds of superior tallow, much har der and purer than common tallow. These berries grow on thu wax myrtle, but it should bu called too tallow myrtle or tallow tree, slnco It produces not, wax but tallow., Mr A sad accident occurred at tho new elevator In Erie, recently. Two boys had got Into ono of the bins, un known to thoso angaged In running the machinery, and a showor of wheat sud denly esimo on them. One of them, named llrooks, escaped, but James Hennesrtuy was smotliero.l to death bo, foro any one but his companion kutw anything of tho occurrence. MiT A "tin" wedding was observed In (Houcester, Mass., after a rather un usual manner. Tho wifo eloped with a young fellow, taking with her all tho "tin" ho hail saved In ten years. The dUeovery of Iiora-e-i'iicn closed tho fes tivities. MiT-At Hartford, Vermont, thero Is a wealthy and mlncrly farmer who quar reled with his wifo fifteen years ago, and though they livu In the same houso ami eat at tho umo table, they have not spoken to each other since. Two daughters, well along "In their thir ties," complete this "happy family." IjrA Peoria (III.) editor woos his sweetheart In a very practical wa. Early In the morning ho steps round to tho house of his Inamorata, builds a fire, lays In a supply of wood and water, and, after making himself generally useful, departs stealthily. Mtf-In Kugland, at least 50,000 tons of enceso aro made annually, ana aiiout !t0,00 tons moro aro imported from America. Tho consumption of cheeso In Kugland is said to havo Increased much more rapidly than tho population and for some years past the prleo there has steadily risen, and tho amount Im ortcd has steadily Increased. MaT In Malno thero livo the Passa maquodily Indians, and these eminent savage, In order that their light may not bo hidden under a bushel, are given two Representatives In the State Legls lature. The two distinguished Indians Just elected to represent them In that Ixsly aro known by the sonorous names ot reaspoio Hamulus una wocKnnesiau Swasslau. We trust they will make good legislators. M-Itev. Theodoro L. C'uyler sug gisits that "on stormy Sundays every ono should go to tho nearest church', thus securing to every pastor a large audience oven on the dreariest days, aud to the people in opportunity to hear others than their own preachers, and thus promote a spirit of Christnln bur in any among different denominations." M0-A gentleman "of undoubted ver ncity" toll the Stamford (Conn.) Ad ourati that a few dys since, at (Sreen which, an eagle or some huge bird, de pended III an open field whero his dog (which Is of cnti'-lderablo size) was cross ing, and literally took bold of him by the luck and carried him up perhaps sixty feet In the air. For somo reason It dropped the animal and followed him tenaciously to hcIeu him again. Tho dog escaped, and, what is remarkable, nol ono whit the worse for his icrlal flight. - A young lady recently died at Elgin, III., and at her funeral, when her relatives and friends were taking a last look nt tha loved face, a young man to whom she had been engaged, and who had presented her with an engttgeiueut ring but a sJiorKlmu before her tleuth, dellbvrately bent overtho corpse nnd in the preaenuo qf all In tho church, re moved tho ring from her finger and walked off with It. Wo believe tho depth of ueoqaeai could go no farther, SOP Oil Saturday Judga Sharswood retired from thu bench of the district Court of Philadelphia, to take tho higher seat, to which he was elected In October. IMvbl Paul Ilrown madu a handsomo speech In belmirortho bar, and tho rn tiring Judge, made an eloquent icply. M- Complete returns from N. Y. tho Majority election give tho following riwnlt i Hoffman, (Tammany Dvtii.) Wood, (Mozart Dem.) Itarllng, (Itop,) Huffman ovi.r wood, " " Darling. " " lloth. Total vote of tho cltv. 02,081 22,832 1H.IG5 ,09U u,m i. hi i iM,r.!3 MiT" Adam, according to u learned Frenchman, stood 123 Inobes In kla miW BYovullSlDchwlcDff.' Suite (IvotumMmt. Ill.OOMSUUUG, PA. KIUDAV MOHMNd, UKC. Ht. tj-Tllli COLV9IIIIAM hm the Lrnl Clicnlftllon In ClnmljlA unit Atljnlnlng nntla f r pf r iMihllthrit hcrr, And la mnrh Urfar alitft limn may mt Unfit mpriill nnit li thrf fare the lit .ainmfraTfrlllliglii I 111 tltlnit or lh Stl. IMPEACHMENT. It has already been staled thai a ma jority of tho commltteo has mndo a re port favoring tho Impenrhment of tho President. Two Republicans, ono tho Chairman of the committee, roport against the wholo schemo, in a very nblo argument from their stand point; nml Judge Marshall and his Democratic colleague, also mako n report adverse to Impeachment. Tho points made are that impeach ment will only lie for itn'Mndlctablo off ence," and that no such offense has been proved again.tttho President; that there Is nothing charged ngnlnst him which would convict him In n court of criminal Jurisdiction, for uny offeiiso now known to tho law ; and Congress cannot declare a thing to ben "high crime or misdemeanor," and then proceed to try the President for that offense. Tho position Is strongly fortified by abun dant decisions of the courts, nnd able legal authorities. Tho charges against the President aro: I. "Usurpation of power and viola tion of law." II. "That tho President has corrupt ly used the appointing power." III. "That tho President has corrupt ly used tho pardoning power." IV. "That tho President haseorrilpt ly used tho veto power." V. "That tho President has corrupt lv disposed of the public property of tho Onited States." VI. "That thu President has corrupt ly interfered in elections, and commit ted acts and conspired with others to commit acts which, in contemplation of tho Constitution, nro high ci lines nnd mlsdcmeanorc." In summing up, Judge Wil-on says: "The case upon the law nnd thu testi mony fails. We therefore declare that tho case before us, presented by the testimony aud measured by tho law, does not dlscloio such high crimes and misdemeanors, within the mcahiug of the Constitution, as require the Inter position of the Constitutlo.ini power of this House." COUHT PROCEEDINGS. Ckimi.vai. Coi'itT convened on Mon day morning, Dec. 2, 1W!7. Hon. Win. Klwell, President ; nnd Hon. Irani Derr and Hon. P. K. Herbcln, associates on Iho' liench. Tho various Constables handed in Iheir returns. In the matter of Kdwnrd Torby, now In Jail under teutenco for fornication and bastardy ; application to bo discharged under Insolvent laws. Discharged by the Court on Tiicm1:i . ('has. Conellson vs Carrie Conellson Subpoena In divorce. Publication of alias subpn?nn ordered. Com. vs Frederick Uaker Forcible entry and detainer. Deft, nnd Dyer C. Moss held In 500 ball for Deft's appear ance. Com. vs Itobert S. Howell Assault and a-ittcry. Deft, held In $.500, with 1). Snyder for Deft's appearance at Coutt. Com. vs John It. Uaker Itecognlz' anco forfeited to bo respited on appear ance at' next term. Com. vs Chas. A. Shuman Assault and llattcry not a true bill. Prosecu tor Henry Lager to pay costs. Com. vs Henry Lager-rAssault and Ilattery not a ti uu bill county to pay costs. Com. vs Parvln Kves Indictment, rejecting vote of a qualified elector. True bill. Causocoutiuued. Deft, bound to nppenr. Com. vs Geo. W. McKwon Indict ment, refusing tho vote of a qualified elector. True bill. Cau-o continued, Deft, bound over. Com. vs Win. Stephens, Kzra Ste phens, Wm. Hess Indictment, mali cious throwing down fence. Continued by Com. Dcfts. bound in $300 for np pearancont next Court. Court direct the Jury Commissioners to put lu tho wheel from which tho Ju rors aro to bo drawn to make up the Ju rlesof tho several courts for theeiiMiIng yeat the names of four hundred and llfty person. Com. vs Henry Knapp Assault and Ilattery. Clark for Com., Knorr for Deft. Verdict "guilty." Sentence $25 tine and costs. Com. vs Allen Mann Indictment, adultery and bastardy. Xot n tiuo bill. Joanna Shuman. Pros, to nav eo,ts. I Com. vs Christian Shuman Indict ment, keeping bawdy house. Xot a true bill. Pros. C. V. .Mann, to pay costs. Com. vs Joanna Sliumnn Indict ment, fornication and bastardy. Xot a true bill and I-:il.aheth Mmui to pay costs, Com. vs John Ilimuncl Indictment I'llliigillqimr to miners. Xot a truo bill, nnd county to pay costs. Com. vs Philip Mowror Itecog nlzanee. Desertion of wife nnd child IVppmi and Jackson for Com. Knorr for Deft. After hearing thoCourt mndo tho fol lowing order "that the Defendant nav the sum of feu dollars per month for tho support of bis wife Mary II. Mow rerj nml nlso flvu dollars per month lorxim support or Ills infant e did VI! Ham; counting tho timo from the llrst day of September last, nnd that hoglvo security In tho sum of one thousand dollars, with ou or more sureties to be approved by tho Court, for compliance with this order. That he pay tho costs of this proceeding, and stand commit- louuii tills order bo compiled with. If the Defendant ut tho next or any subse quent sessions shall satisfy the Court Uiat he has bona fldo mado provision fbrUi malntenanco of hU wifo and child, and has no longer continued to separate himself from them, tho Court will modify or annul this order as to them upou hearing shall provo reason able." Michael Heller bound with Philip Mourer In ono thousand dollars for performance of the above order. Com. vs Adam Dleterlck Indictment, Adultery, truo bill. Oausoeoutlnued Deft, held in $-500 with H. Stohntr its Burety for his appearance at next Court. Com. vs John Horau Itocognlzanco, Surety of tlm Peace. IUchard Thornton prosecutor. L'Vello for Com. Freeze for Deft. After hearing Court refused to hold Deft, to ball, and order tho par tics to pay corta oqually. Com. vs William Kesler Hecognl zancp. Surety of. tho peace. After hear ing, Deft, seeming to bo a lunatic, was remanded by the Court. t Com. vs Cecilia, McDowell Indict ment, Fornication. A true bill. Com. vs Allen lltickalew Indictment assault and buttery. Jury called Lit tle and Jackson for Com. Clark for Deft Verdict "guilty." Sentence JfiO flno and tho costs, A petition signed by 10 citizens of Omyngham tw p., asking for the clinngo of the place of holding elections In said township from the public housu or 1). T. McK lernnli, to the public houso of Samuel Lclby. The Court order an election to bo held on tho question of ehungp, on the third I'rlday of March A. li., 1808, the day of the township elec tion. Jacob Stauffer vs Isabel Htauffcr Subpoena lu divorce. Depositions taken In tho case were considers 1 by tho Court, Divorce decreed. Com. vs Chas. C. Orecn Indictment, larceny of a canal boat. Clark for Com. JJaldy for Deft. Verdict "notgnllty." In the matter of tho division of Hrl arcreck township. Cuo tnkun up, and depositions in thu enso on both sides read to tho Court by Mr. Freeze. Mr.1 Llttlo argued tho caso for tho except ants; Mr. Freeze for tho petitioners. Court hold case for consideration. Thursday. Iteporl stit asldoand court nppolnt as Commissioners, 10. CI. Hick ett, W. H. Koons and Walter Scott. Com. vs Amaiidus Seybert Indict ment, stealing n horso. Traugh and Llttlo for Com. L'Vello and J. Keler by the direction of the Court, for Deft. Com. vsOeo. Lelb Indictment, tor- nicatlon and Bastardy. Freeze for Com. L'Velle for Deft. Verdict "guil ty." Com. vs lawrenco Carey Indictment not opening nnd repairing road in Con- yngham township. Clark for Com. Little for Deft. tbntinuttl.) congressional summary, hiixati:. MonhaV Dec. 2. The Senate met lit 11 o'clock. A few bills were offered and at 12 o'clock the llrst session of tho For tieth Congress ended, and tho second sc.-slon was Immediately called to or der. The Secretary was directed to In form tho House, and n committer was appointed to notify the President. Mr. Stewart and others Introduced a num ber of bills Including one for the repeal of the Cotton tax. Tho commltteo ap pointed to wait on tho President, re turned, nml stated that bo would com municate with tho Sennto to-morrow. The Senate then ndjourned. or nr.fitusn.NTATiVKs. The House convened at 10 1-2 o'clock. On motion of Mr. )lalne,thu Committee on Hanking and Currency were Instruct ed to Inquire Into the expediency of changing the tax law lu respect to Xn tloruil Hank stocks. Mr. Wilson asked t obtained Icavoto mnko a personal ox planntion in regard to an editorial lu tho Intelligencer, in which Mr. Churchill is spoken of harshly. Under tho call of States, numerous bills anil resolutions were offered ami referred. Mr. Ashley Introduced a joint resolution proposing an nmendment to tha Constitution ; re ferred to tho Judiciary Committee. Tho amendment declares all persons born or naturalized In tho United State,s,citlzcns; makes all such over twenty ono years of age, electors; makes It incumbent upon the Stated to provide public schools for all children; renders Ineligible to office cortaln classes of rebels, and provides that tho validity of thu publicdebtuhall not bo questioned, nor tho rebel debt be acknowledged, nor payment mado for loss or emancipation of slaves. At 12 'clock the Speaker announced tho first session ended, and thu socond session comjjieiiccd. Ono hundred and forty Rlxnne'mbors nnswered to their names. A committee was appolntud to wait on tho President. Tho Committee on Elec tions announced that Mr. Ulack.of Ken lu:ky, was not entitled to thu seat, aud that Mr. (lolladay was. Tlio subject was postponed till Wednesday, when both claimants will boheard. Mr. Hobliison, ns a question of privilege, offered a reso lution looking to tho impeachment of W. 11. West Consul at Dublin ; referred At 2.30 the Houso adjourned. sr.XATK. Tuesday Dec. 0 After tho reading of tho Journal, Mr. Iluckalow moved to amend by striking out tlio word "Honorable," placed before members' names according to long established precedent. Soveral petitions wero presented, when tho Senate pro ceeded to tho election of Standing Com mittees, dispensing by unanimous consont with vote by ballot. The President's Message wa then presented by tlio Private Secretary of the Presi dent, and its reading commenced at half past twelve. Tlio Report of the Secretary of tho Treasury nnd Comptroll er of tho currency wero also presented, and after a resolution relative to tho National Hanks the Senate adjourned. Tin: l're.sident'a inewiga Is Kenernlly conceded hy tho leadlns Journals to ho an ahlo though rather lengthy docu ment, llo takes n very decided htanrl at'iiliist tho advisahllty of (,'Ivliif,' tho negroes the right to vote, if Con gress nosHossed tho power. lie remon strates strongly against tho reconstruct ion measures of Congress stating that ho is "unahlu to communicate nny definite adjustment, Ftitlsf.ictory to tho Ameri can people," nnd that thero Is at this tlmo "no Union as our father under Htood tho term." Ho attributes: to tho Tenure ofOtllcoUIII tho "enormous ami disgraceful, wasto of tho publle rove nue,"re.strletlug as It does tho President's power of appointment aud removal. Tho messiigo Is written lu u hold mid manly htylo, and ulthough an Impeach ment hangs over Ills head, ho fearlessly attacks and exposes tho absurd meas ured of Oiiigrosj. Kven the lludlcalaof tho IIoudo admit that although there aro in it homo things lo condemn, there aro many worthy of attention. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO CONHL'MITIVr.-Tho Itev. Ulward A. W IIhou will t,end (freo nrcliatiii)ioall whodcKtio II, ilia tireM-rlptlon wltlilhedlreetlons formnklug and unliiK Ilia tluiple rcnusly by wlileli he wiui enroll of it, lunganecllou uudllialilreadedUlbeasa ConaumpUou. JIU only objoct la w Iwaellt tlio nrUlelotl uud ho Iioihh, i vvry tulltn r will try this preftcrlpllon, as II will etl Uiem notlilutf, and ,'iu,.H,u.r,.i. i ivu.r isimiM ItliV. i:i)WAIU) A, WllON, ... . . No. IdoHoulliKwonUrjUes t. my3P7-ly,) WllllaliiBburg, Klnga eo., H. ' INr0llMATI0N',-Infarinallin Buaranlwil lo prndnrvn luiiirlani Kiowtli of liiilr uiuu a U.ld head or beartlUiha fuc, ulsoa retrlpe lor Uhi ro- movai ui i-iniivN, iuotcju, l-jupuolih, ale on In akin, loavln ll.e auuia Hon.aUstr.und Uimill tul, rvn boobtalnnl wlUKSiU-UarBil'yiMMrtsuUi talnnl wlilKsiteharB ly HuUrtsuUiw T1IUM. V. UlAI'MAN.t-Ueanlsl, - -l?i7. Ka uroiMitvay, Krv Yaik. rtKNTSl'urnUhlriBCsjswU Ht Vmmi iCMkrr. Receipts of THE COLUMBIAN for Novombor, 1807. W H Hmltli 3 00 J V (llllnupjf A Youni 1 CO 11". O llnrum HaltilK'l OakM 1 10 A J llorniuxcr M llrrckblll I Ul .1 Htnckhnima 1 I 10 00 1 ui 11 00 A 00 1 U) tt 00 llfl 1 Ol 1 on I in I 00 1 0) K.l U-ntcr 00 (Ion. Ciwlnoo J .1 WM.ttibnv 1 III II Ir K (1 llnrnn 1, 11. of o. K. ut Urngc- ol Thai linker vlllo !M oo h'rlihmulli . Urn Frnnk It Hnytler llr A II Hun. lli C W nlkcr .1 H Kline J II lVnnlngton .loll n 11,1.1 l! (' Mil IT W M Knt Win Hrnrx .Tohn Moon Prtlrlrk Itolior W II llnnrk i: I1 KllltKcrmftil V ' Krllry It 1' Onmn II Whltmlrn MftrKMnt Holler .toHcpli Tedder l P ltnwell A Co 10 in , o II Oitrimder (-rHHIIullok .1 1.1 1 1 V lv Hlonn a oo i iio itiii klo 1 w 2 III 1 on. I Oil 3 00 2 Oil lnmne! Kverett mh llni l,tir-t Kiln Hnvder 1 II M A WllllinnsAro I irt llr OA Memirule 1 io Llolin Ivpllor 1 ! 1 M 3 ( 0 110 Ill 14 1 tt 2 OO.HiimurlHtctler 2 III l:st of A lleraon 1 DC 'A II Mrcnfo 1 Ul liiinlel quick 1 oo i.I W Kelrlmcr 1 14 (1 W Itlioles 2 &0 .I H VAliderHllee 2 no ,J fl I'reero 1 1 ft rm CO Mn or i:nt nrH nnrnlinrl 1 lav I I ltllilebmlut J 1 1 riirmnn John Hlitner Til Prleo W J Hjienrer (! II Morrlii J V Keolrr 2 0 II llerrliiK A Urn 1 M 1 IM 'T II I loud 7 ui,.(i il (lolly ! no '(Ion W Atllter 2 Mj.I HHIllllimll 0 M II miner 0 (K) (lenHtnekliouie .VI.'lS NmiReRNor I Ot) 2(H) 2 (0 2 00 1 M 2 00 jlnrlcet lleporl. Wlient re r bushel - Ilyc " (Vim " Flour per linrn I ('loverKood u Klnxhcoil Duller :W . 12 ro . i -i . I 00 . II 01) .. 7 no . 2 00 (0 . 28 II W . 2 W 10 SI r lu . r w 1UIIOW PotnlooH Dried Applei..... Pork ..! Until : Hide nml Hlioulilcra K Ii nl per pound.. Hay per Ion , i.u.Miinu. Ilotaloek Hoards per tliounAiid feeH Pino " " " (one Inelil - , iis oo .. 1M1J0 ... li oo .. ft no .. 7 no , is oo joltt, Honnllllie, l'ltink, (Hetulookl M HIiIiikIoh, No. 1 per IhoiUMlul " 3 " Hldlnit " " PhllndtlphU JI.lU.I.. TiiunsnAr, Noreiber 21 157, l''i.oln Norihuesterukiipernnent S7.00ro S.00 Nortliweniern mm Mutt O.oo Nnrtliwentirn lamllr 10.WM1I.IW Pennsylvania nnd Wetlerii Buporllno... 7iOrifiS.70 Poimsylvanla nnd Western extra 8..10cs.lO.(Vi PeliUHylviuilannd Western finally M II-UHli'iO PeniLsylvanla nnd Weslern fniicy l.LlilXd 1 1.OO live Uonr 7 .M.,ai."0 W HEAT Pennsylvania led, V Inis S3.kVj52."0 Mouiuern " " suMat.a Uiliruiuln " " Hal while " i-'llluSS 1.10 Uvk Pi.uiiKvhniil.i ri. vims l..r,0calS1.70 (.oilN-Yellow, " Sl;H(4l.ll White, ' . SI.SX.J1I.2I ()AIS-S)US 0MI7HC l'KovIsniss Mess Pork, 1,1,1 J.'1.7.' me-N iieei, .mm Iiresked IIoks, lb BJSefrtUc Mmoked Hauls " Ise-c " shoulders ft lT,JeCitlc Ijird.vit. liiiin.-e Kr.KIiS Cloverkeed Vims. m.60ft7.(0 i itiifiiuyKieii v ous H ?-.iu riaxseiM " 81V,4iir.) CATTLK Ileof Cnlllo V Ci SoflOc Cowm, li lieiulM $t(hii.S0j SHEEP Ttti !W.le ItOUH f IUU U lf.JUl99tU. MARRIED. l)i;MOT-lir.LLKn-On thoi7th ult, nttlif rent- uenctt or the briuc n loitirr in iiatiiHOiriown fchip,lijUt'V, U C.iHhcin, Mr. Cyrus Deiuot nml Mini IjulHii Heller, both uf ColumhlA county. OIUTON-KLINIAI OranKeville, Xdv. 2i, by ucv. Hpenr, ir, t us uirion 10 ziiih i.izzio Kline, botli of (Jieenwooil. K I I N 1 V HA lll'l t H v tlm ftamp, at tlio mime Hint? ami ptaeo.M. I.. Kllno of Ilenton, to Mlit NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TsJOTK'K IX IIAXKUUI'TCY. This is to ulvo notlee t Dint on Iho Sd (lav of Do. ecmhir, A. u. 1SI07, n warrant In llankruptcr was Issued against the ostatn of IMnnrd (), Home, oi lur oi iifrwu'K, in iiieeoiniiy oi loium-lil-i. and stnlo of Pennivlvanln. uholias tieen adjudced a ILinkriipl on tilM ovn petition ; that luu purulent oi any fioois nnu delivery oi any nrmtorlv betonattia to htieli llankrunt. lu lilni. or fur his use. mid the triinftfer of nnv oroDerlr liy hliu are forhldden by law; Unit n im-etlnir of mo i reoiiom oi mo tmui iinaurupr, 10 prove ineir debts, and lo chooso one or morn nsslioieos of lilH I'slnte, will bo lleld nt a Court of 11 inkrilptcy, to lie holdeii at the Kxehaugu Hotel, In IlloomsbiirK Cotutnblu county, Pennsylvania, heforo LMnam Overtoil, Jr., HoKlster, on iho loth day day of Jan uary, a. ii., isoi, at u o ciook, n. in. THOMAS A, HOWI.llV, U.S. Marshal, Dee. 0 07-it, liy li. II. (Jooi.iiAiuir, liepuly, "OTICE IX HAXKltUI'TCY. Tills Is to give notlea: that on tho 3J day of ueeeiniier, a. ii. i-ik, a warrant in amnKrtiptcy was IsMied ai;.iln8t tho esteto of Hatnuel Nelbert, nftiieTwp., of OrAiiKo, in Iho eotinty of Colum bia, and Htulo of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a U mkrtipt on his own Petition: Hint inii puyineui oiauy ueoisnuii ueinery or uny property Belonging 10 nui'ii ii.iuarupi, to nun, or fur hia use. uud Iho trnni-fer of any lironerlv bv hlin arc forbidden hv law : (hat a meeting of the Credtlora of Iho Mild UimKiunt. to nroe lliolr dohta, and to choose ono or more assignee of tils esinie, will im ueni ui u Loin b oi iiuiihi iipn-y, la bo holdcu at Iho Uxehnngo lioUI 111 Uloorusburg Pa., before Kdward Overlon, Jr., Iteglster, on tho 10th day of January, a. n. Ilx, n lOo'cloeJf, u.m. Tllu.ilAM ,. liuw l.i, t, li. m. iiiors'iai, liy V.. 11. CooLUAUdll, Ileputy, OTICK JK IJANKUUl'TCV. This U to alvo notice! That on the 21st duv of November, a, i. lvJ7, n narnintln Iianluuptey of ll(Kmtbiirt;, lu the rounty of t'oluiubl.., nnd HUitB of l'ennftyhanin. who Una bicn tulltidueil a iiHiiHrupt on nil uwn i-eiHion ; inui vnu juij niriiv oi nny iienn iinti m iivery oi any iroTiy ie Ion Din a: to such lUiikmm. to htm. or fur Mh nse ami tho transfer of any nromirty bv him aiti fur umneri iiy iliw ; itmt a inttcuni; oiuuj LretiuoiTioi i no s.iM iLiiiKrui". t' prove incir dehts, nut to chooso itan or niori io.Nli'ne4 of lilt rHtnti- will he li'-ltl at h Court fit Kankruptey, to ho linliirn at tho Kxchuniro llolrl in lllooiiiHlmrt'. Columhia rouniy, ri'iinsyiT.iiiia, oeiuio htnvni'u ijv?riuii r,, i.iiurl on int'uui imy in .iiiuuury, .,, j,, ljU III HIM MH'K' II. III. THOMAS A. KOVM:YtU.H. Hy i:. H. t'ooi.B.vvtnr, lHputy. "VTOTiCK IN IJANKllUI'TCY. l'Jits in to nlvc notlco : that on tho Cist day of .toxmiup.', a . i. ivji, a iirruni m ti:iiiKuiiuy w.ih iiMtied niralnst tho fstute of Jclnh II. i-.ul. son, ot tho itoruiiKliof Uerwlcklu tho county if uoiiiiuoia, aim niaio oi reinir,yiiiiiiH, won ins bpen aillui'bil a ll.inkruiit on lilt, own iietllluti that the payment of uny debts and demcry f any prtMieny oeioiiKiiin ia mien ikiUKi'upi, io him. or for his Use. and Iho trnnfer ot nnv nru. erty by hliu aroforbldden by law: tliutu meet In? of tho Cn dl tors of thu N.iid llankrupt.tnprov their ilehtu, nnd to (.boose ou of mm hssIkiuts ni ins cxiai'. win ii neiu ai a uouri or ii.inirupi (y.tubo liotden at tho HxilmimeHotul.tu lllooms- hurif, Columbia county, IYiiiib IvhuIh, befoio l-Mwurd Overton, Jr., iteilster, on tho Mh day of Jillllltll V. A, II, I'M)"', III . It l" I IK' It I'. HI, 'IJloMAH A. UOVJ.i;Y,U.H. MarMml, Dec, tl'fi7lt. Iiy i:. H.CooLiiAi'dii, Deputy. XTIK. OOUNI Y OF roi,UMIHA. Ksiato of Joseph Fas;ton, lato offaiawlnsu township, de ceased, 'liio tindei'slcned. Auditor aimoluuul br the Orphnus t'otirt of Columbia County, to n1 port distribution of th in liialiaiuUof ueorgH jiuunes, jouu iiaipieHs ami uoya rax- jiuiiiiiiiAiiiaii'in in owncii ) itxiiui, lll'l llinU, will muet thu I'arlles lnteiested, lor tho purpoHe, of IiIh appointment, nt IiIh nilleo, In itloinntshiiri,', In HaiUl lounly,, on Iburiday, Hie Zld dar of Jan uary, a, n..lW, nt it) o'clock a, k., of that day. All tho paitls Interested ore irouehted to ot tend on that day or bo former debarred from cuminij in ior a pari or Knure oi miui niu'i, C, II. UIIOCKWAY, Auditor. Itloomsburff, heo, (1, lMi-li, IN TIIK OIUUIAXS COURT OF J COI.L'MHIA COHNTV. In tho mailer of lb inulNlllon and nidation of tho real etate of (leorne itcKwen, luie of Oreeuwood towttahlp, Columbia innuity, deo'd. And now to wit: D- iviuoer ui, irtJ, on moiion or w, ii, iiuriey, the Couit giant a ruloon )AUlel.Mei:wf-n,tborcoMc Hweu, YVIIUmi. F. Jlei;weii, Henry I.Jlellwtn, Matilda lrWu late Mtttllda U'Kwen, Amtmla JIaymuu lalo Amnuda McHwen, children nml heir of (Jeorgtt MeKwen, deetaned tu iipptarnt an OiplmtiH' i ouit to be lieldnt Hloomhburir. In and lurHiild county, on tho first Mondny of Teh- ruury, a, i, ik(ts, ami accept or rtiuso tho bqiu cs- i r , iaio ai ino aiuuuonorbiiow uauiio wny i i.. the nauio fihuiild not bu sold. IVrtitlud Kr from tlio records Doccintier 4, 1107, JLNfii; i.OI.liWAN, Cllt,t.C, Docember , 1J7. IN TUK OUliIAN,S' COUItT OF OOLUMUIA COUNTY, VMalo of Villlm H. hoberts, law of JucUkoji tnunthlp, Columbia county. 1'hu uudcrhUjned, auditor upuolutcd by tboOiphuns'C'ouiLof Columblu county, tnbttll inn. (.ujuii uiumw n iuiu iiiHjraiuos oi mo as hets of tut deceased, lu tht liamU of Abruhuin Youmr.udlllluUtrAtor of William i:. Itoberla. iln. ceased, toaud anioiiet tbo rredltotslu the order esublibhei by law, 111 meet thocredltots of tho dmndent.and all other peitiout, interested, at the otlleo of (bu lteeorder of Deeds, In JUoouihburg, a, a aai.i ,( aiuu.vuiuj.iui inn ininiunn ill lll ll polutmeittt on Huturdaythoi'AhifHTof .Januiuv. M ut 10 o'clitck a. m., of MiMduy, All parties Interouled ari lequested to attend on that day, and pies their flulms or hofoio cnbibar rod from coin Da In lor u part or iharo of the fund. . JOHN U. VM.IV.K, Auditor. Dloomiiburi;, Dec, , iw, OF I'KIWON'AI, I'ltOlTHTT. Will bd Hnlil ti ftiA tlm litnlfarultrnoil nt l.r- ,mm. idence, lu Mborly tu, iiblilp, Montour cuuuiy, on Frldav. tbn lb .Inv i.t I i.i omt.i- mrj ,.i inn o'clock In tho forenoon of bald day, tho iolluwiiiB nvi: I1KAD OF HOIUKH. two HprlnR Culm, threo Milch ('own, four head of jr wuuk luuiu, iwemy iiimi oi met p, beven hiionU no ,woboibij wukuu.oiio kprlng wukou.oiio U p buiuy, ono tworori.u carriole, two iwudiutku naviin, mill 1WU-I1UI0U CIllllVaiMJr, two Olie-UOIHO cultUatoru, ono corn plow, ono iuttlnu iKix.oue fullllLliu mill, iiiiu iiuv nikt-. nnu hnv Kfuilr rm. and pulley, nnu doublo mt mrrluyt li.uu(s. ono flniflo h. uf tiariiuK, one iluublti h! of (vain Iumiwm, IuhiUht wllh a lam lei of furmUig uUitklUi too UkiloiM to uwuiloa, OoudlUous uu muuwu ou uuy Mitj, !, fl, hOJ. OYKK Cuta Kit itt CMaUiauii dm' ClOtMilrKlOM. lO-fiml. poarriVKiiY one day oniam AT BNYDntVH It AliL, 2 AT 8 A 1 UI1TUUN KHO M r.uitoi'i:. after an nhsonro of itiroo yoitri wliere tlicy Inve ntpoii(tt lieforo nearly nil tho KIiirh, tiucoiui, l.mH'rors,atnl Xobllltyof tho old World. thu om.ATiwT wondkh of run aciiii I'mir honullful nml k riiinelrlcnlly formed LADIIX ANlKn.NTJ.llMlIN' IN MINIATUItK Till: OR t(4l MA f A Nil nKNOW.NKU f ucv, Tuxr Tinr.Mii ani wifk. COMMODOltn NUTT AND MlKMMINNHi WAllUKN Their tinlquHnnd oxnuhttoty cnchontlnrf l'r.UKOUMANCKH AND KXHIIUTIONH hover fait to rhiirin and itftllalit ovory beholder. They appear lu HON OH, DUUTT8, DANCIf COMIO DKUKK ATIONH, AMUHINO TllICKH, BUIILIIH- qui:h( and comi:dii4 in uitAii. Atn:m8ric co9TIt.mum, Tho ItUntandKM'.flANT DR1't8UN and tho lirllllnntroilpctlonnf DIAMONDS worn huforo tho Tiirloti't I'otrntntrs tf Kurono. nil of uhlrh are Introduced in those !ai.i co"t oyer Twonly ThoiiHitnd Dolliirti lu (told. laiioiL-M hixi I'uiuirtMi nro coni ueraiciy auviiru to attend the hr lixlilhltlon and thus aold tho croud nnd con fusion of tho 1, veil log ivrfor lnnneeit. TothoDav levees AdinUilon 2.1 cenlni Chlr pren under dm, 1 iconti. Ueervrd Heati,D0ct; Chllilicti under ten, J cents, l,vonln( IVrformaneo Adn.Hnlon to nil porta of tlip ltoutsV.icti! Cltlldreii under ton, llrents. H C. U () V E It, liaiuiteuedn llrst-clas' ROOT, PHOr:, HAT CAP, AND ITU ftTORK. at the old ntandon MalnHtrdt.nioomNbur&.nfow dooMaliovo the Court Douse. J 1 in Mock lscm poHcaoruie very lntefii and DeMMyicM eer oner r-il to tlm rltlrenv of I'oltimlila L'tiiintr. llecnn Kccoiiuod&(o thA public with thefollowlnsgoodii tit tlio lowest rateM. Men's heavy douhlo foled toi;a boots, men double and hIiibIo top soled Kip oooiH, iiK'U m neavy siogii Kiiors oiau hinui lliaMl'M lltll blH.t.4 nllll kllOfH of all ciimIpk. 1jo ' doublo Holed bootn nnd.Bliofn of nil kinds, nieii'ri giovo Km iiunnorai iiioettmen , women h, uuh , and mbses' InMiiiKKiiUerti, womon'H rIono Kid l'ollrtli ervfliH'. wuiiien'miiorncpo ltiilmoralswud calfhoe, women's very line kid buttoned filt ers, in short boots ot iilUlusLrij't-oin. bout peg Ited and rpv, imI, Hi would a Iho call attention to hU One anort hent of HATH, CArH, FUlta AND NOTIONK. whleh comprises nil tho new nnd popular varl ctllH itt prices w hteh r.iiinut fulltu suit all. Theso KwmU aie ollcred at thu lowi't cash rates and will ho icuuruutoi'd to k(vo hatlNf.tcilou. A cult W Mullcln-d beioio purchasing cNuwhern as it In belk'ved thut hotter barg.Unv aru to bo found Hum ut any other plueo lu th county, UCl'. urn- G IKTH FOR OIUUSTrAS AND N1AV YlCAHH I AHlH'i:itn HTOCKOF FINIMiOI.D AND Bit.- VI ,11 N A 1 C1IJ.M, W AJtlbAiN 1 lil 1U UIIN, AND 'lHOIUllKHlDV U1.UUI.ATKD, AT UIK lMIICi: OF 110 1UC1I. AND BATIHK VUTiON Ul'AHAN'Il.I.D. litu Uulhl OoldJIuntliur Wut lies SCVi to Sldml 100 .Mnitlc Cased Uold U'atchu UoUlu &Xi hO I. ad en' Watches, eunmvhrl IW to 30 AM) Uold Hunting Cbtonoinetcr Wutch- m iV)to .1X1 4)old Huutlmr Kimllsh Levers.... Jx)to am (lold lluntliij' Duplex Watches IV) to .7mj Gold Iliihtln- American Wutchesiuo to Q frx) Hllver Hunt I mi Levers M to 150 fj.K Hllver Hunting Duplcxei 75 to ax) Hold Ladles' Watches -V) to ii) l.lHdi UoUl Hunting Leplnes.. flit to 7.1 iilliei'llllIlL-uusniit i-r ti ilium.".... WJ u ii' J ifix llunllnii HlUer Wntches U-ito W Assorted Watches all kinds ID to 7; I 111! IIUII ItMUt'K Will UU llJI)Mll UI llll IUU IIU1I' wneprleo plan, ulvlng oery patron a tluo vioin or nonu .Tiitr uil-u lor biu, wiiouui. u gaid to valiirtl .li!UIII ltICI..iV. ll 101 IHTHUI.Yll. . .1fY t Ol M wish Immediately to dispone of theaboo majt nilteent stock. Certllleales. naminir the articles. nro placeil In healed envelopes, and well mled. iioiuers aru eniiucu io uiu uriicies miiiieii in their certificate, unon payment of Ten dollars. whether 11 will boa watch worth Sl,o0 or one worth loss. Tl.e return of any of our certificate ontltlesyon to tho articles named thereon, upon r meni, irrehpceuvo oi us worm, nnu ns nour tclo allied lent than 810 la named on any certifi cate, It will at onco bo seen that this 1m no lottery but a straight forward legitimate transaction, which may bo participated In even by iho most insiiiiioiii, A rdnirln certlfleato will bo sent bv mall. ihs paid, upon receipt of l' cents, llvo for 51 eleven rnr S3, thlrty-threo and elcKnnt premium for S" Hlxlyhlx and mmo aIuabto j-remlum for ?10 ono nnti'lrcil ami moro hiiticrb Watch for Sl". To Brents or those wishing employment, this Is n raro opportunity, ii is a ic;iiimaieiy couuucicii liiiMlmxiM. ilnlv utitbnrlxoil fir tlio I i,ii fr imn I . and open to tin most careful scrutiny, Wntches sent by express with bill for collection on deliv ery, mm uiu no uiitsiiuKiaciioi, can pos-Mmy occur, Try us. Address Will (II IT, IUU)., A. CO., Dnimrt ers, 101 Dio.idiay, New York, xVrvi'J I lis f VATCA1:8 ! ! (HlTrt I "OH CHIUHTMAS A NHW Y1M.U t A supfrbStock of Flno (lold and Hllver Watch is, all warranted to run, uud thoroughly reyuUt ed, at tho Low 1'ilcoof j)W Hach, W I T 1 1 O U T It II O A It tt T O V A L U K, and not to bo paid for unices perfectly snthlau tury. I(H Holldflotd Huntliifr Watches, to II.OX) iixju 3iacie uiistn uout wuic ics. 100 to bwo Laiiies' Watches, enameled, 100 to X IJ-K) Uul.l lluiitlnChrnii'ter Watches, '2ZA to U'w 1 1 ui i 1 1 iiii 1 1 ok uiinifii i vith, iif j in 110) fiold Hunting Duplex Wnlelmt "0fo tMO i w) tioia iiuutiiii: .m can wateius. hmn I'M Hllver Hunting Leer-. :) to m I.'jW Hllver Jluntluir Duplexes, 'i to 'J-'iO tttO OnM I.nd!t,H Watelnw. Ml to 71 jm (oll iiuntfnu Lenlnef. otto .iiiKi.eiiuueoiiH rsiivi r lucmi. w io i) IM) Huntlnt; stiver Watches, ZiU 7fl JXXK) ANottsl WntchiS, all kinds, 10 to 75 0i) Ihery iiatrtu obtains a Watch bv this ar. ranaeinont.costlTmbut 8lo, hllo it may I worth si,'""'. iiuiuiiij ninnm, uu o wish to iinini"! iitelv iUsdoso or m.isulflcrnt KtiK-it. Certificates, n'imiii; Ihu nr tlclcw, are placed In sealed invelopes. and well mixed. Holders nre eiitltlinl to llio articles named on their certtfleatu uti.m the n.i mom nf Ten DoUnrs, whether it bo a Watch worth 31) or ubu norin jiip rjiuinoi anv oiour ceiiiii ..tori eiitiilft-i Nou to tho art I -le named thereon no on p.iyinentlrresictlvoof Its worlh, noiir do xalui'd less than Ten DolUis is nun let I on any ceruuiai(,ii win aionco no sts?ninuitntslsno lot tory.buta straight forwaid legltlmato tr.iufcac Hon. which may ho participated In own by tho A hliiinc rertl lcatn will b, (.cot bv mnll i.n-a paid upon receipt oi 2i cents, 1'ivo fui SI, sixteen tor5.'iot l'lity uud i legant premium fur 5 t)m iiimoie.1 nnu iiTciurumi moio va n ihl.t nrcml um lor 5b), lu Huudied nud most hiipcrb idovmetit. this Is a nirit ooiinrlunlt v. It n I. rr. ltlniately cotiduelci business duly authorized bv tho (ioreinmcnt, and oneu to tho most careful M'liuiuy. iry us: hj,;,iu lWtiiH.,, a ( O, No. 1 Pink Plftiv. Dec. C'7-::m. Corner Hro.idMny N, Y. jST1A Y. I'll me to tin nr. tnIhi.sof thi snWi lbr hi Knur, Inscn-ck township, about the first of June, 1mI7, I'l VI. Hill. LP. three nlii nml tun miuiii- 'n ou ui'i' is re(nesied toeoino forward, pi oe proper- v ' 1 ti, " 1 1 u 1 1 a , oim rniso inrj ni nc uioposcii oi as ioe iaw tuireis. CHAHLLH 11, (iAliLH. December (J, 1M17-Ct. JOTIOK IN IlA.NKUUl'TCY. '1 li Im Is to ulvc n.tlenf that mi llio "M .1-... .-. r " ihni, u. ivj, i rrani in ii.uiki uplcy wnslssuCilngnliist thm-Sitalcof Monlgoiueiy Con, ori'fneTovvushlit.hi tho county ol Columbia, and statu of IViitiHNhanla, who has been ml Indeed a Iluukiupl on Ids own petition; that tho pfivtueut ') "'"i" ii'-iiviryoi any liroiitiiy it' ll.IlK HIT tli alll-ll II ,1,1.-.-..., I,. I,M .i a-,'- I. I.. Illld the tllUlnltT nfunv nrniirrlv l.v lilni nm li.r bidden by law; that u metliu of tho Creditor., of niuhiiui ji.inKrupi, ioproo ineir mtbts, auit to chooso one or muro nvhlgnees of his estate, will bu held at a Court of Until; ruptcy, to bo tioldciint tho ofllce of M. W hitmo er, esq., lu Jlloomsbuii,'. Columbia county, IVnimylwiiilu, boforo lMwiud witiini,ji i.t-uiiitT, on imi Yn uny oi January a. n., lvosiitlJocl(K-k, J HUM AH H. HOWLIiY, V. H. Maishrd a Messenger, llT II. H. CornjiAffJIt, ieputy. N.A.i.M,7 4l. JOTICIO IX IIAXKUUI'TCY. 1 Ills Is lo give notice, Hint on Hid ilny nf .VncinliiT, a. li. Imi7. n warrant In linliki uiilcy wits SKllPll nirnlliKt iho r-utiitn nf .Inim.. It f (irnnenvlllo. In llio county uf I'uluinbiii. nud Htuti. ul lVrinslMinln, vho lias hei'n iitlJuUi;iil u liiuikriiiit on Ills own lu lltlon; Hint tho payment ... hl... ni ,i im-f j hi my HOifiiy nu loilL'lllS 111 atlfll It.lllUrtltit. Inr Ills lis,. nml I tin transfer nf anv I'miiert . i i-., r.,. lildtlen liy law i Hint n incelliiKof tliecruiuoraor uinsiiui jiiiiiKrilil, lOlirovo IlielrileliU, tu to elmose onn or morn nssluneea of ills rstnte, will lie lieM nt n I'ouit of llanUrilicy, to lio liolilen nt tlindinci.of M. Wlillinoyer, ii. In Illoonis. nirnC) uiiiljlueiiiiiily,nnilHlnlootIVnni.jlMinln ..ui.iiiL, uviTiuii, jr., ueKlsier, on llio M ilny of Jilllimry, X, n IsiW, nt 10 o'l loelt, n. in, , 'I HUMAN H. IIOWI.IIV, ,, tJ. H, MitrHlinl ns Mcasengcr. llv r II. Cooi.ll.wuif, Deinily. Nov. ill (.7.11. A X IC 11 U ! T 0 Y, Thn ,l,tll..r.l.,.n.l ,n u ,. . iiiiiI KlTf B kju ,-iiil iitltiitloit in the iirnctico umlcr .1, .1 V i 1 ii i'ii'iiit-'tiiiiiK inn nen ... um. iiiiiuiiiiuiiei oi L.oiieress enn tinniy pel aonnllyorliylettirftirlnforniiilloiilii JtAAi'X, UllllUt, Attorney nt I.nw, f?ny. 181, llalivlllo, l'n, A l)MIXISTJtVTIUX'S NOTIC13."" U-llcra of lulmlnuirntlon wllh ilia will annexed on tlm e.lnle of Imno llhoiiils, lalo of Iiciisl town. ; Hp, ( oliimlilueounty, lime been uruntoil by tin) lleiilsler ;uf Milileounly, lu Ihe initlerblijiieil, wlni realilea In lownlili. All .eiaon imvlim eliilnisiiiiliistlliikliileuro reiiue.letl miiiraunt I he in lo Ihua.liiiliiUlnuiU for aettlement, nml i t .t i V, , ' . ,7.'' , " io n m im nny .Nov, 1, IKUJt. . .... . .'...,,,.,.i,i,i iwiii.ui.'s. AUiiilnUtinirlx, A D.MIXISTHATOH'H XOTIOK. i L Ijll'.il K Ol.' I 111 liklill'V im.iii, n,'... Lellera of iuiiiiiiil..irntloi, n ,i,.. Li..i.' ..ri.'...i. erlek ltolir. IiiIh of I lie.., ..".'...I ,...u. ",.i i . - bin county, hiivo been uriinleil by Iho lle'uMer of fulilcoiiiily.toNltholii. Klnill, HiliiilnUlnilorilu iiiiii, wiui ini win uiineieil, Mho UKlilea In aulil township. All poMona IiuvIiik elullils or do. inunili HKiiliii.1 llio mill ratnlo urn reiiuesleil to linsiFril Ifiem for aeltlilnrnl anil Ihism lmlebte.t limiftki.iiajmirit. KII.'lll)l,AH KINUI', .. Ailiu'r do i,n ,ib Iho will uiinexcil. Not. I, IMJ7-8I. S- 01l N1JAT AND CHliAl JOB PllINTING. CAIJj AT THU (JOI.UMJHAN OVrWM 17X0KLSIOU DIALOOUICS, JlttcouftlfttlnR of Now nnd OrlRliml flrnt-tlftfls arauiRK, colloquies, etc., for advanced (speaker In HihooM, Hxlilhltlon-roomtand prhalo theat rleaK livery lino nrltten exprensly for this book by a corps of l'rofesslonal Teachers and writers, ArknoM ledaed to be tho best work ot Iho kind ever published. Cloth, nearly 4vK) douedeclmo pngeri. prleo 51.75, tnalted fiee, Addrei 1'. (IAH ltlTr A CO.t l'ubllAheri, 703 Chentuut St., l'hlln. y A X T M Dl TWI ' IIUNimi.O l'-AltMIaHHI To rngnftotn ftllalit and honorflblo business fr tho winter months, in tho vicinity where they reshle, which will net Ihem from $M to $154 per month. I itr twirlliumm pnly to or address FATtMi. 11 It OH., 7W Hansom HI., 1'hllnrlelphln ta. A Y (J O HI 1 V. Three inatininently Illustrated Medical I looks, coiitatnluir Ittinortant l'livsolniztcal In for. mntlon, for men aud women, Kent freo on receipt '"icnlifa litf ail.lrnialmr Hid MfiCI'nliirv nf tlintV..i York Medical tlnlvrrsllr. No. St) Clinton nlaee. New York City. QTANDAIU) M1LMNO MACHINE Cl (IP CflVMTIMIfmflV. nrnl IMPUOYI.D CONHTHHCTJON, creat power, laiRO capacity, unrivaled convenVenco ofiidjustmeut. Also, plpo vices, with nud with nut extra Jaw, and vices of all sizes, for heavy and hkmi worn, ncnu in mo usiw?i vjuh iiiiia NY, or Hoston. Mass., for Illustrated circular. 1 ursnto by dealers In hardware and machinery, I UST MOHTG AO E HON! )S. hT. I.OHIHA IltON MOUNTaMNHAlMlOAD CO. Heen iter cent. Interest, February and Aumist, T)inCn n,liiii..nvn... t..;..i ..rm ,.,ii .i.. i i..i from HI. liOUlsto Pilot K'nnli. nml In t1rwf.rln.iu or. tier, and an extension of nlKtuttho namo lenpth iioiu i-iioi iviioo io iteimoni, now rapidly con Rtllietlnif. for Which Ibir) liiocri'ils nf t linno lunula aro to he used, making a ihrouh ronto from HI. liouisio .ow .-iricaus oy ran, ino enriiincs or thorn inlloi nro $iiu,0uo a year; tho net profits now nro sunielent to pay tho Interest on tho en llro amount of bonds, wero they nM Issued. Tho basis of Hceurtty is belleed to bo bejond that of any other bonifs now offered. ApptynttnonfTlco ofthoComtmny, No. 41 Wall st., to 11. O. MA It lilrAND, VI co President, or to CliAHIf. DOlKIi: iv v ii.,corneroi an ami vt iinam ms., l.tny. ru:XTtTHY TOllACCO, $111(1 Wo hnu not ills, enntliiueil. nor ilo lie In. I'ACKIUI leml In I ,'iisn niicliltiir IN THIS nilANll Ulliil Hilly In papera of i etitiii.Y i tjimei'ii.i eporis tlmi.l '.u ri,,.cli,ie..i. stllllllltu:. Tuesilavs, To I'lflles. nro nuiK iit v en aiiiiys, rivo iwen , ,es ' ' eholeest lenft It Is freo TbursiliiyM. Ten Tens, "'""'"i's'i" I'rhlnja, Twenty 1."' rCV?-1'1,' Hiitlinbiys, FlflvTwos. ' J"0' u(,'"!!; l.Oltll.l.Altl). irllire,l. H TlmrsiUya, Ten Tens. ',r"."i 'i',1," '. il n" i roiineeo iniin . Hul l bv nil 10, IS A an Clinniliers HI., Ifspeelilblo jobbers. MIW YtlllK. O Y S coitHirr HK1UT H U V v O U T i: H, t'otnbtni s in one carmcntaner- feet Ilttlnn Uori-et, uud the most desirable Hklrt hupjiorter ccr oiCTedtheiutblie, 1 1 laccMth weight ot the skirts u)on tho hhoutderH Instead of the hips It Improves tho form without tight melon; HiNCHcnxe nnd clO' ciince: Is nmmned and recom ,.,,.i,.l,,ill.v IiI.lUhi.u M..1.1 Inrllna' f-iticv irnoili Ktorn ircnerallv. ami at whole ale by IK li. HAUNHICltS A CO., in) summer Ht., ttimtmi. mill Wnltter Ht.. Xew York. Also, hv HI.NItY U. MOcillIM-D Mmktt Htreet, I'hllu. and HTIXLMANN, niNltlCilM AlU, IlanoverKt. ji.iitimore, .mu, WrANTKD AN AOKNT 1 (Inn eliiinen In raeh town, worthv tho at' tentlon of an nclls'o business mini, to taku tho agency ror 1110 snio oi jjratistieet s ituooer louue liwriiinl Wcnthor nf rlos. nttnlleil In thn KldcH. hot' tout, ton and centre, ot iloors nud windows, 'Iho Kitto Is beyond anything1 ver otlered bcroro to nn aKuni, ami irom fiuioci per u.iy enn uu iiiuui-. Send for nRents' t Ireulur. I bo Hist who npply t,e euro a lmrKiilm Terms for MouldlnR cash. Jt It, VllAUD 1 Itl'.l.l tV U'., JillSlsJll, .IIIIW. C I TO $2o PER DAY SUItK. OJ--' AKcnts wanted everywhere, to nell our I'atcnt i:crlustlna Wblto wlro lIlolheH-llncH. i;vcry nouvp vtiro niiouki ukpit. i. . irioune. Wo hat- mccu it used and II wives .ntKf.ietlou." N.Y. Christlun Adtocntf, ,"lho Patent Wlro I'lotlipq.lino Is all It lauoorls to lie." N. Y. In dependent. Address tne A.MUtKJAN W1HH CO., Jlrontlway New rk, W K STIIiL IJVK! Don't bo linmtiUL'sn 1 liv Imnostors or "nat ent" cast iron or machine "htcncil IooIh." S-ihI for our New Cataloiiuo of Improed Htcncll Dies, 1!U varieties all of steel, carefully finished and lempercii.s. m. a iu, iiratlienoro, vt. Q1 n A DAY MADK 1JY ANY ON K, ?lv with my Patent htoncll Toidn, I prejiay Miuipien irec. iienuru 01 uu i iiigiTn. jiiy circo- lain will explain, AddrcHSH A, J, i-'ullan),Kiirlng-Held, Vermont, 11 KVOI.UTIOX IX THADK I .adieu. nu w 111 bo astonished nt tho valno ol all minis oi KoodNKcm hv ino wen Known nnu nisi' ly celcbiated linn OltAlIAM A CO., roil ONLY ONi: HOMiAUt Such ns Nllk, Jlerino and Alpacca lircss.'H, ruu is, ihu in onus, j.iueu uooiii, L.moosseu iif i d t'ovt i. Watt lion. Jewell v.H Uerl'ialeil inc. Howint; Much hies etc. This Ih no humbug, but a reniiiy, s no your emos ot u-n nnu upwards, ior t neeKM iieei iiuii i ttjutii. wiui it n ceiio ior raeh i hci k. mid tho L't tier un of tho club will re- eelvo a atuablo piehcut, win th from fei to aeeoruim: io iiumocr oi muocH hem. At!cuts wanted lu eM-rvlown, circulars sent flte. AddrCM.. OltAlIAM .1 CORUIIM Tnileial micei, juisiun, muruLAUs SKN'irKUi:iC! ! J Contulnltiu I.NiH of Mry nnd l-'nnev Ooods. Walt hi-s. IMhIi d Watt, (ullii v. etc.. tie., lu be Mh . (.N . DOI.I.AK for each article, til ent In dUctmeiitM to Aents. l'Id'.MMi:it A .MOt'I.- 1U., i.t .Mariimn stitii, iiosion, jiass. TV. AUK COMIXd, Ami will nrcM-nt to anv ih'Ioii scndlii' us a club lu our (lient One DolhirSalc.of Drvnnd run cy Ooodn, Ac., a silk Dicssl'.itlem, rieceotshet l in ie. Watch, Ac,, lieo of co,t. CataloKuu of K't'ds mm Minnue, vyi ui anv mi'iiens nee. .MUirt SS .1. (S. UAWlil iV I ( I., ;u IliiUtiVer strei t, iio-tou, Mus, r,ej.C'il7-llll. 1'. O. Ilox RlJTh 0 G iriKTiir; jiiwr riiANcn j;vnuoi ia:m:in One or two iIiiv'k tlmo will t.i t urea cim1 Kcwln Miu-htnc, Watt h, slllc Oicsn, Uevoher, or isoinu oilier in lien' in equ.ll Millie, j ieo tu l ost ( Alients wanted every where, male nnd female for tlm bcht paw ubioLer'H Sato lu the country send inr r. .;. i iui.MrMi. tv i w., Ill KxchtuiHe St., ltostou, Mass, HMIK UICHIiSTMAXIX TIIK X WOHl.U. l.xiKALTor a J.i:r i ri:oM Mwtox Hoi.omon i.oiiist-iui.n. l'.Mtls, bth April. Nil, 'l't Hue 1'auby, Ht, llonoro Will vou bti kind i in inch In have forwarded hi me hen y nihilities of jour Indian I.lnhutnt ; If vou win euu ai inoKamo umoine nccouiu, i win forward you the amount thiuiiKh Messrs.llt Imont Uuroii liolomoii Itothr-chlltl having leeommcud' ivl to manvof his tiicnds .Mil lor LAN I I.1NI. MI'NT, nnd they h in deslrius to procure it hi tihould ii W Im) him to I'slniiiNii a depot lu Paris, Till: IN1UAN JdNI.Ml'.NT, As a ndlif, ever ready : as a killer of pain, taken luwaidiv, or ouiwaituy ai'pncu, mis no euai l'or th i el Iff and cure of ltlu unuitleaiid Ntural' gle Atri-iilon-i, spialns, Uiuisis, i tc it Is ti ii- otiuaiicd. itis iuiO iiiohi tiicaeioUN. tu at n in wardly. In tho nun ofCholeru. Crumps and Pulus in inu nmioiiuo, iMuiiinieit, uht'iueryi v ikihtii iloibus, Choluu Iiifiiutuiii, t lc. and i.s without cieeiitlou tho most woiiili'ii'iil P.imiccathe world atlords. Nti ramtly should be without It. i;cry Traveler nv mini or mu kuouiu uuh u nouie, .mi iiern ami l'aimerH icildlug nt a dlhtanco fiom rnticiuns hiiouiii Keep h eoiisuiutiv on mind, In caso of Accldt nts, and tuddt u athu ksnf Stom iich Comti alntH. its vuluo e.innot be CHtlmuted. Inrjulieior Major Ijtne'K Indian I.lulmeiit, and taKo no other, Price, ft) et, per bottle, l'or hale nt w holesalo ami relu II liv Detnas Ilarncs etc. tky. 21 Pftrk itow;, N. Y., Oaleete, jttdiliiKon.Nif been- Willi. ni .1. ) t lili tv. in., H' I 11 1 m ilifil N. Y,; CIiuh. N, Crltli nden.M Uli Ac, 1 Y., und hy rcapectaoiu j"ruKi--i(i imuunoui ino world, Kouo lit'liulnt) unleKS hlirneil bv .lohu Thtis. I Jinn. find count at tl(;iU'tHjy J, T.tjine CoPiuiuIcIuih ju.1 iiroiutway, .-, . brenuior Lircuiniw, riONSUAIPTION CAS 11K CUItlCD. L;'iiii;THi!i:iti:Mi:i)Y 11). I'lMIAM'M l-ltlXH MI'A'rrl'lti: imrt'i fiom llio formula of Piof, Trousseau of Paris, DyHpepfcla, MarnsnuSx, tieueial lul'llity aud all inorold conditions of thu hy Klein dependent on iicneieocy i uai enci", jiis intiiMtui in uwic and a Rinulo bottle will con vim e tho most hkcotl cal of Its 1 1 1 no lis the prcat healiiiKiemedvof Iho ue. ? i n oouie, or mx nomex inr ?. reui nv l.x INilla'dclphia.nnd princlpiil liiuglst, ciumtuiH neiii iit-v. TTKNDKllSIlOTT'H l'HAIlMAOY, ii lias Just leeelvetl ft Winter', atmk nl puro DltlKW, ClIKMIOAIil, r.VTU.NT MinilCl.NIt, Pnlnts, Oils, Colors, Variilshin, IlyoHlliir., 'INI(JW.I!,AS.H, I,AMIW, CIIA.Nlil'.I,li:itM, I,A.N'Ti;il.V-!,H(IAl', rciiFUMuur, Toiurr ANIIFANOV AIITIOI.KS, irhleli aie helot; aoM at nutouUlilugly low pi lees, l'l.ABTWt I'AUW AND KIt.VKIt HA Ml In iiuiiulltlea tohtilt purclinscis, iii:Ni)i:iwiiorrH iiAi,.AMof iioitinint'.Mi for Couiihi ami ColiN. II A I It TONIO, Tor prninotlin! tho growth of tho Hair, 11 A. Ml' It Oil I OH, l'or ("liiippoil llniuU nmlHoro l.lps, WANTim-lUnelt It) e, for whleU a fount jirlc prlie will bo)iui; novW.irf-lf Q.UIAUD IIOUHK, (Wraar uf Niutli und tlwulut btriHiK PhiUkjlliaLt. . V, XXUXOAt 1'rtfrletor, PUBLIC SALES, CALK OK VAIiUAlUiK HUAIi KS O TATi:. 'Iho utiilersliiniHj, exeeulors of the lust will unit leNtnnient of tleorse llnrlninti, ile censeil. oner for anle. cither seiminlely or together, lur imioiviiiK iieAeiiuiil HIX tiOTH OP (lllt)UN I) Hltunlo in tlie lower pnrtnl i:spy,t'oiutnliln eoun ly, frontluir on Mnln alreet, nntl cxtcnttltnr bnek lo nn nltev In tliniUreetlon of iho rnnnt, nnd In n aolllliernlv illleellon ns fnr n t'ross alreet. Knell lot Imsnliimtii feel front, nml ISO feet In ileplh, mnklliftthein ery ileslrnble Tor bultillnit tola. They enn bo purclmsi'il nt prlntc gnlouutll Mon. rlny, lleeeluber 2ml. sti7, nt wlllell tlmo Ihosore. hinllllliff hltsahl will boillsiioscilof nlliliblle out err nt nun o'eloek lu Iho ntfernoon. ikhiis iif mai.k. Ten per cent, on no purennse money nl thn alrlklnmlowii nt IhntironorlV! nml one-hnlf, less thn ten per cent,, on llio 1st of April, ma-,, nun me iiinniieo ono jenr inercinicr, wiui Interest on tho nnpulil nmounta. Deeils will he Shell when the Inst payment Is mnile. If. T. IIAUT.MAN. i:i)WAIll IIAUT.MAN, Kupy, Pa., Pept. 11, IW7-11H, i:xeeutoia. Jj O It U A Ii li Will bn uold nt or Kate sate, a vcrv deitlralda rrftiilcnet In Houtli ltlotiinsburtr, Columbia Coun ty, Pn., tho roorly consisting of TWO TOWN IjOTH filtualB nnd froullns Third Htrccl of the town of Illttouiftburg, whereon aro erected a lurgo two wiory rnxjiK dwkiiMNo houbi- wllh kitchen nt Inched, a hi run Mnblo nnd Car bomtp.uooil niir dlyo.conl Iiounp. etc., a Rood Well ofnever fiillhur wntrrnt thn li.ielc ilooi. I'os- ttcHslon will bo Ktvenon tho tlrnt of April, 1HW. If not Roldbctwectrtbts and Iho 21st, at December next, ino name win lie cjikjhciI to puiilio Mile on Mild date at 1 o'eloek 1". M. l'or further imrtlcu- Ifirn. Inquro of .Michael r.Kyerly, at thcoilleeof it. r, t inia, i,q., jtioAmRimraCotuiriiiaco., ra, Monl. '77. 1w!7. puniiic BALK or vAiti'Aiiiii. iii;ai iiHT. tii. Will bo kold bv the Uliderstirned. exeonlor nf l ie wi u a id icM imcui oi .i aco it incn . t c- ccased, on l'lttDAY, Dfckmui.ii L7th, 1MJ7, at ten o'eloi k a, m tho followinir described leal cstalo io w 11 j A LOT Ol- aitOU.NI), i1t unto In Iho town r llloomsburir. Columbia county, Pa.; said lot fronts on Plrnt Rlieet of said iuwii,mm I'onnun in iiooi ri.i) si leei. nnu in dentil two hundted ami lotirleeii feet ami tdx In- chvi aud hounded nn follows: First street on tho noitli, an alley on thohoittti, an at ley on tho east, nnd an alley on tho west, whereon nro erected a guou i wo eiory I UAMI'. DWKI.MNO JIOUHi;, tier tho kilt hen: a Mim'llhtnble. a lariro stable ami carrhiKo house used as a livery btulile, a well of good water nt tho imeu iioor or tho mcry Ntnole a cistern nt the bai k door of tho cellar kitchen with other outbnlldllms. The oroncrlv Is Imme diately In Iho rear of the Court llouso lot, nd Is a very desliablo wtand for a livery stablo Pos sevHlon clven ou the 1st tiny of April. His. Tonus mnutj Know ii on uay oi miic, wuen aiicuuaucw will uo clveil hv i.ii) IiImvi,.mh.k(j, i.xecuior. Illoomsburg, Oct. li, lSi7, p V 11 ;ijic sa i n or vai.u aiilk ustati; Will be PXDOsrd to sabi hv tiiibltn vttn1o Ull' M l-llll-si-.-a, Ull Hill IVillJ , ad t-ium ( (i'l II, lso7. at IDo't lock a. m.. two certain lotaofirround ttltirite In the town of IttoomshurK, Columbia County, Pa., on Main (street, near tlio Publlo nil tt are, tin the one w ereetcil a i.AiuuiBroNi: houhi:, and othcrout'liultdliiRS, and upon tho other, a j;ihhi iriiini Miiuit, uiu mini, in Mini iiim iiieii tltmed lot be I nn a vcrv deMlrablu corner for bull dins intriMises. Also on the khiiio day ono other IIOUHI: AND LOT orClitOUND ultuato on IbK'k Htreet In tho wild town of lUoomsuuiK, in uii county ntoiesaid, whereon l elected a uooil I'rnmo Dwelling Ilouie and oiner mu-unimiUKs. Alo, on Friday , tho iUlh day'of Decern bo r,'ti7, .1 III ,Jrxn, ,. ., illl lui mri.....ul tn Im ., .1. lie venddue on tho nrcmlncs In Hemlock Town ship, at the resldeneu of Thomas J. Vnnderslico, a ceriaiu.i.iriii or tract tu laim coutaiuioK S I X T Y-K IVIJ A C It i: moio or less, to lie Kol.l In two tin reels nf about thlrty-fouracres cadi; the public road leadluf; irom i.iuio rinini; urecK jtraiKo io iiucKiiorn, and runnliiL' throunh thosnld farm In bo the di viding line, Tho whole tract belnjt very rich and excellent soil for farming purposes, hefddes thcto belnn urKiti tho ono tract, as divided by wild rtiad, lumo aud convenient buildings ot eveiy deHcrlptlon, also a largo aud very Miluable Mmo Ktono tiuatry, open nnd 1urok1 working order, lfjon tho other tract as divided aforeRitld, thero Unison erv Miluublo Llmevtono (Juarry, one guou jargu i.iiuu noose, TWO GOOD LI.MI2 K1LNH, oneor which Is In futl bliist at the prescnttlim Also, tin tho same ilav. nnd on tho oremlMi near lliiekhorn, will bosokl at public out-ery, a c rtaln lot of ground Kit unto in Hemlock Town ship, principally Timber lind, adjoining lands of Joint Appleman, .Jacob HartlH, and otheirt, containing aticmt iiarre.H, moin or Icsm; all lata iiioestaiuoi jieue ca auucrsilcc, ticceaseu. CtiNlHTlONS OP HAI.i:: Ten tier tent, nf one. fourth of the purchase money tube paid on the uay oi sine, ooeiooriu icsmiiu icn per cent, on tho 1st duvnfAnril ixiw. the lrmiLinhii' thret- toutllis in two t ipial pnyineulH, ono on tho 1st iluyofApill isiei, the other on tho 1st day oi, wiui iiiiercht on tne amount remiuil imr unnald from the IkI davtif Aorll Isr.s. 'I he tltod or deeds to bti executed and delivered to tho puichavir or pun hncrn therecf, on tho na luent of thoone-lourtb Icsm ttu ten inr rent. ou tho 1st day of April I vis, hen tho balnncwof nit' I'uiuiiiMi money snail oo secuteu iiy juug HUilt or morliiaire. at tho ontlon of tlu i,rsent ow iPi-m. Postsslou glen on the 1st duv of April I'-iH. I'urihaser or puiehasetH Jo pay for deed nun fsmiii,!". ai . u. A.M'liiniill ., Nov. '-J, IfctiT. .tlmr. IUHLIC SAIiK OK VAhUAHM X Heal Kftlate. The Subscriber will oiltr to sell at public sale Oil ino pieilllSfH Oil llliSIIAV. I'M km hk it iuiu, l."iJ7,tho following desetibed teal oMaUltuntoln Orcenwood townshlp.Columbla county, houmltd ns IoUown : On the touth by lands of Isiuio He witt, tin tho northbv lauds of Samuel Alljcttson and otheu,ou tho east by lands ot John Moore anu ni n ers, and ou uie wesi ny minis i.uo or IM ui ( ii, eouiuiuiu nini:ty-hix- acuum, mote or less, or w inch about seventy aeren are eietiied, ill good icncc.aim idgh sfito of cultlva t loll. Ifaluuee well timbeteil. 'f hele aro ir.etei on said farm a huge two-story 1'iaiiio Dwelling Huu ir, I! ini, wagon house, shells ami outbuild ings, TlieieU also at tho house nn excellent spnng, and a never tailing hi i earn m water mu lling ihiough tho f.trm. 'Iheie is also a good or ch.uil ot mh bait k tuils ot Mult upon tho pit mis es. Alio, at tho sauiu tlmo and nl.icc. tho folltiw. lug personal property : Two hor&cri, ono of them A YOl'Ntl FINK HtON OKAY, two inllcli cows, ono beef cow, two heifers, two fat hogs, one farm w agon, ono net double harneHu, hletl, plows, hurrowH, and all kinds ol larmlng uiensiM. iirain, eonihimg oi wneai, ryo aim corn, Also, pot at och, hay, corn fodder and straw housi:iioi,h GOODS, comprising inhh-s stoves, queennware, chairs, and ai Uuis tit her articles too numerous to ineii- llou. 'ierniH madu know n on ilay of sale, halo io ciJMiuicuec ui lu o eioca in i uo lorcuoou. Mrs. i:idAiurrn 11. ni:iuir.N, AititAHAM m:itoi;N nitowi:. November 21, mj7. HAl.i:Hi;OOM,BhlIIIt()ADWAY, N, Y. No. 1 Futnllv Machine. This Mitchine Imx stialght'needle, perpend Icuhir action, maAes tho I.oA or .shuttle btitch, which will m-itherilp nor nn 1 1, iuiu it niiMiiiiiiKnu uiin : iit'i leei iserinfj on iery tlcscilptlon or mnti ilaf, w Ith cotton, ilncm or slU thread. it Ik ins. Cells, bra Id m, Tukes, Quilts, Plaits and (i.itiiei-s, as a i ninny .Maciiuie, it htm luiNiipttl or. Price, with Ilemioer and Braider, $(. Particular attention Is called to our New Im piowd Manufacturing Machines, 'Ihey run light aim aie coiupaiiuvi iy ihuscicss, isimpie, duraiiie and eillelent, i'tir cloth or Iiuthwi work they N.- Machine, wllh Hemmeriind l.ialdcr.S" 'i. ! iaeiinie, i Agents wantru, to wnom liberal dlMunt will beghtii. Oot.iri.MJT-lim, rpjlKlAlKH KOHTIIKMUiLlOX 1 llio Ainellenn l nriniir. the Pruetlenl Turin ei H lliui 1'nl.i r. Ihe Clieiini st nn.l tin, lli-st Ami enltunil ami Journal lu Ainerleii, iieiiiiiiiiiuy jiiusirauii wiui .MitneroiiH i;nur.iV' llllTS Of Till m Hill til burs. Aiilninl. I'm II un ml I'lnw. ers. ov is lhotluiulosuliheribelortlioi'ar 1m;s, Only (ino Hollar n Vrurl Afjelils wanteil eeryvhere. Tor Club I'rlee l.lsl of 'almib)o 1-rles open lo all, etc., mhlresH juiis 1 1 lli l,ll,l ub llslier A IToiirtelor.ltoches. jjJXKCCTOIl'S KOTICK. lAlteis tesliuneiilnry on theeslalnof Abinbnin Ilertri'ii, Inlo iirilieeuwooil, Uolu.ibl.i eiiuuly, l'n, hiio bi iiiiiiaiiliil by llio lteclsli r ofKnlileiiillily; In Ahrahniii Ii.tkcii Hrowo, of .Mnuniihiinliln, lieenu eonnly, New Jerny, All perhons liaMnii f minis luniltist llio estalo aro leouehled tu present them totho llxtelltor for hettleun nl, nml those l.hnwlnu liiennelves In inallo tiavnieul, AllltAHAM llllltllliN liltilWII.'.W Civ. i;.eeutor. JS Till': DISTICT COUltTOI'lTlK 1. t'nllisl sinks for Iho Wesliin District of l'l'iiiisyhauln, in tlio ntiitU'r nf jnihtii, c. I , llnrlon.llnukilipl. ) lhiulirupley. To u hm It miy conrmi i Tlio lillileralKnr'il h.reby ulvra nullisi of his npnolntinent as A Bluneo ol r.llsliii (,-. llnrton, of nioouibburi;, In tho isiiinty of I'oiuiilb in, ami rilulo of I'enusylviinlii, wllhln bulil lllslrlel, who Ima been nillmlaisl u Itaiilirupt upon his own illtlon by Iho District Uuiit of ml.l lllslrlel, ut IlloomsbiirK, Iho lth Sn ember, 18117, J. k. i:ixl.ut. uov..,u,sii ASHlunee, 'jpili: .MUTUAL MFKINSUllANC'U t'OMI'ANY or ni:v YOltlC. I". H. WINHTO.V, I'lllHlliKNT, Amu user 810,000,000. i:.(.UIHIVi:i,Y CAHII. AN.M'.ll. I1IVIIIR.NH1 tVAII.Alll.l! IIIHr.niATRI.Y TO INI IIIMSK TIIK INitl'IIAMK on Til UK Hill! TIIK 1-IU.MII'M, 'llni(!niilsiny lssuwl ilurluu Iho jenr rnilliiu Junuiiiy Ul, 13 07J rollelia, liikurinu J5l,fc7S,O0O. 'I hu lulnl Ineouio of thn yeur belim ,e,5l7,u.i. -rull iiirlleuliir na tu tho worklnuof tlm Uuiipauy ulll boiheeiftilly isllen by apjilyliie lu JOHN II. I'llKliZi:, Utgltltr't Offlct, UU'CT.l IILOOMHUUUU, I'A, A lil, Uuruii'iiU uiiidu lu tliu fntc.l anil . tirvoa itflo .1 ciLjiiiiii.iti' JKW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Freli nrrivnt of KATiti AND WINTKIl OOODH. DAVID LOWK.VUKlta Invites ntlcnlloti to his utock of CIlHAr AND rAftHIONAHU: CI.OTIIINO, HtlilHdtore on Main Hlrtct, two doom nlmvofhe Afucrtcnn ltoiisr llloomsburj, l'n., whero lio Iuxm Jut rccflvM from Ntr York mat Philadelphia a full assortment of MKN AND DOYB CIX)TinNO, tncludlnff the most fftuli Unable, durable, hi id hnndflome Dltr.MR nootw. conslitlng of OX, HACIC, lUOCK, (JUM, AND 0lI-CLOTlt CO ATM AND TANTH, of all HorU, ftltofl, nnd coUrs, Ito ha aUo re idea. Uhcit his already large Rtnck of FA I.I. AND AV1NT1UI R1IAW1S, HTIIIPED, I'lGUItCD, AND I'AIN VEHTM, Bill UTS, CHAVAT9, HTOCKH, COI.LAUM, HANi)i:i:nciiii;t'H, olovim, aUHPKNDi;iW, AND FANCY AUTICI.U4 He mw constantly ou hand a large nud woll-hu. lcctcd nNsortmcnt of CI.OTIIH AND VUSTINUH, wlilrth ho Is prepared in mako to order Into anv kind of clothing, on cry Miort notice, uud In the best manner. All his clothlnu is imm towuir, a4 most of It is nf homo manufacture. OOUl WATClinU fNl) JKWKLUY, of every dCHcrlptlon, lino and cheap. HliiciwrtHf Jewelry Im not surpassed In thin place. Cll and uxumlno IiIh general nsNnrtnunt of CLOTHINt, WATCHI4, jnWLUtY, Ac. DAVID laOWIlNlIUHO. Q O N V K O T I () N K 11 Y KllUIT, XUTH, AO., JACOI1Y A WIDMYIUt, MAMUPACTUIlEIW, Wholesnlo ami Itelull Denlcra lu VI.AI.V A.l) i-.t.VCf CO.VFKCl'JOXMtV, ANfl l)KAl.l:it1 IN koueion niurrs and nuth. Kxehaimn ltloelc, IUuoiusoiiik, l'n, (IIIANflKH, I.KMUNH, ltAISINH, lMIUNIM, It O C K OA S I) Y , SKKIILUIM 11A8INH, 1,AKI1 HAHINS, Ct'KUASTS, citiion, kioh, nor.r.M, .ic, UllKAl) AND CAKES, of all klmls. CIIIUST.nAH I CII IUST.MAS I UMIAK TOYH, PANOY TOYH, 1'Itr.NflI CAN III KM. of nil Iclmls trmult tho Ciirlstmns trnJe, on haiul at wholesale or retail. KNOS JA11111Y, Kiini). i:. wnisiyiut. tiiqniKliuiK, Nov. 2i, 1MJ7. gOJIETlIIXtl NEW at mmi:stoni:yim,i;, MONTOI'K COUNTT, IA. 1 ho tlllblle Ore ilestriol f n In irr.,.., I... In. that the iiiiileralxnril hnejustrellirlleil from tho ii.n,,-,,, vill,', IIIIII IUU TH I II I) IN ST A I. I. SIK NT. for tho present full ami winter aouson, of inn UOU1I4, tlllOCi:itIlN, llUKIINSWAIli:, CI.OT11H, CASHIMUltH, VIMTIN'Ur), HII.KH, Mt'RMNM, HIIAWI4. DeeJdedly llio lnrizest. nml best, and rlmim..) uu. Morluieutor ItllADY MAIJi: CIOTIIINd over broiiKlit Inlo the reisl.n nml llinl b.ukr.1 "i . . -',,i',i .neieeuon oi mo iaieu and most fashlounble atylcs nf HATH ANIl CA1H, HOOTM ANI 8II01i. llicro Is nlsoconncclnt with the atoro MIKS r.M.HN IIIMHNK'H MIM.INIIHY IX. TAflMHIfMKNT, whero muv bu loiiiul n luruo nml etiolee nssoit inelit of Millinery ami limey (Jooils Mich as Unls ami Cnps, liress trimming Flowers, Hull lings. KiIkIhus, ltlblions, etc., ami is prepared lo cm, lit, ami roinnke,all klmls of Lailles' wear, with nil tho latest sly If sol l'utuiiis etc, l'.M'rv body enn bo tllleil anil tultril. IjuIIis una Kenlhaien, boya nml ulrls, run II ml tlm choiiinst lot of kooiIs they ever hml the nlenstiro or looklnir llnoiitjh.nt IIIMHNl: A HMIT1I. Nov. 1,1,7-lf. fjniIE JIAftAZINE roit Tiir. TIMIM! V II T 1'. It H O N S 51 A O A . I N K. Till: CIIKAl' AMI llBSr IN TUB Wolll.ll. This popular Monthly Miiu.iriue Klves iiuhi for llio money titan nny lu the worlil. lu con heiiuelico of Its merit ami cheapness, It tui.1, In lsi.7, n elrcul.illou ualllnir tlint of all Iho oilier I-iulles' .Miu;ii7liieseoiilblm'il. l-'or lsb, II will b, Kie.itly iuiiuiiiisl. It will eoiilulu ONE Hllll'SAMl PAIIKSl lllfllTKBN 1'I.K.N III II srKf.L I-LA1KH t TWI.I.Vi: ilAHHoni IMSIllllN 1'' rwci.vK I01.UI1PH iitm.tN i'iTTnN.s! NINK 1IVNHI11III MOUll CL'TSl TWIiNrV-l'oril PAI1F-S OF Ml'SIl All this Mill tin Riven for only TWO IIOM.AIH a year, ora itollur liss tliun Mnmizlues of the class of 'l'etei.son.M lta HIItll.MNd TALIS AMI NOVKI.BTTIM Aro the In at piibllshe.1 un. uhere. All Ihc most popular writers areeiuptoisl to write original! v fur "I'elelsoli," In ll,s( luHililltioll to its usual uiliintlly of short stories. FoIIlt OUKIINAI, rill'YWIlJdHTMIVllI.llTl'lXwIII bo Ann H. Stephens, riaiilc I.eo llemllet, Aiuamlu M. Iiouuliis, aiiil tho Author of "Tlio riocowl Life," II also publishes .MAMMOTH COI.OItnil TAHIIION M.AT1X Aheail of all others. Tlieso plntes aro eliRraveil on sloe! iwlco the usual size, ami contain six IIr ures. 'ihey will bo Mlperbly coloreil. Also, n pattern, from which it luess, Mnnlllla, or I'lillil's Ureas enu bo cut mil, without the alii of n mall, tlla.lllnlicr. Also, sccrulpn;.sor Household ami oilier reeeli(sj 111 hlioi t ccrj IhlllK Inleresllns to Ladles, iris TIIK 1UAI' l.Abs' MAdAZIXKIN Till: WOl'.l.ll. fljf'Terius Always lu iidrauce. I llio Coliy. Ono Year.. 3 '2 III l-'lve Copies fur One Yi ar. IMI i:ii:ht I'opii s, fori ino Year 12 ml rourtcen roples, for ono Year i '.il uo mi.MiriH ion iiKTri.Mi rp arm; Toevel v Killlnir lip a club nf file, eight or foul-. teen, nt the above rales, n copy of the Mngnziue fol w!s win j,.j;lveli crnlls. Aildless, iK.M.imld CIIAUI.IM J. l'llI KllMON, ."iML'hestllllt,Ht., riilla Kiieeliuens lent Brutls, when wrllleu for, Nov. LU, IMJ7. Q O N Vli C T I O X E H Y . 'Iho undersigned would reprct.?,tty ana-iiiuco lo tlio publiu thut he has opehcil & I'lItHT-C'LAW CONl'KUTls).Vi:itY KtOlli:, In thebiilMIng lately oerut.l3d by llernaid Slob ni l', who' e ho Is prepared u. furnish all kinds of I'LAIN A TANt'Y CANDIJy. ritCNL-H L'ANIHIX, I'OIIIIIIIN 4 DOMIStTJO FllUIl'S, :;ui's, ltAi.siNH, ac, t:., ,u 11V M IIULUMAI. K Oil UKTA11.. In st.oil, u full nJisorlineut of all goods lu his lino of business, A great variety of II O t, I. H, T O Y H, A c., kiiltnblii fur tho llolldaya, Particular nllenllon glen to II 11 I! A II AND OAKKB, of nil kinds, fresh omtj- day, 0 II It I H T M A H C A N D I 1! H, OH I HTM A H TO YH. A call Is solicited guaranteed, Nov, ir. sfl7. and sallsfuctlou will hu IXKHArtT J'AtOllf). TXSUUAN OE A a E N (1 Y . WyoniliiB JlM.lMii Vllluil ,.,. 1,000,00(1 Commerce w loo.ovyi Fullou , SOO.OjO Ilalllo w.,u S2,n) rutnam . nooo Mflilianls JM.000 Spllliglleld -....... 570,001) Oeruinula SOO.OOO Insuralieu Comi'iiny of Htato lVuu'il (i.10,000 Colllieillcut Muluul Life ,..,. 10,O,UOO North AmerliuiiTrunsit oOO.OOO I'lllIAH JlltOWN, Jfwn, IilillS'II7-ly, IH.ociMSlirjIlo, I'A, J 11. PUHSEI,, ' HAIINIXS, BADDLK, AND TUUNK MANUI-ALTt'ltKIl, nud dealer In I'AHI'I.T.IIAt.'H, VAMHISH, I'LY-NITTH, iiurrAi.ii uonnH, uon-si'..yf.ANifUTr!, c, which ho feelM coi.l.ent ho. call sail at Unvel' into than any other ix'r.ou lu th. couutry, Ka nuilue for joulaelvi a. Hhop Hist door below th. I'uat Olll(s) Main Htreel, lllisiuuburtr, I'll. Nov. I 1WI7, W A N T E 1).- 1U1 I'lirmerk In I'livui... In n litiwtiu-Ns Hint will pay frum tloo lu 1150 per mouth from now uulllrlprlluj. Addnn JONIW 1IIIOH ACO., l-hlludelp ila. IVIOHV (Jimttmier umy bo buru of u J-J Uood I'll or au,aloBtUutJijliKl.l!i'sClolh. lagUl.ra. "-Jm,