The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 06, 1867, Image 1

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    UMi 11 nwn
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i-riiw rtis 'nil tn .: .K i
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" ; ' " ' ( i
-NO. 40.
Sloomnhurjo gushicr,!! Sirytorg
I ACOII MIU'Z, ilcatcrlll stnus A Manure, Mnlll
tl M., nhovu cnlllt holme, l-ntl
M' !!l'.,.'liUr! "I,,vr" n,"l llnro, Itupctt
j. block, .Main!,, wont nr.Mnrkct. vl-nll
DLOWIjNllLMtO, merchant tnllor, Main m., LM
, door above. Amnloim house. vbiiH
I W. CI II :M IILHI.IN, holcnnlo imil rcinUi1cn7
il, or In clotlilnir.rtc.! 1 lurt nian'.i bulldlm-. Mnln
ktreet. vl-nll
1 N. MOVi:it, ilriurslstnml npothecury. Hit
11 t-huiiKti block Mntn nt. vl-nl
It1 !V I't'T, ilruiwlit nnd nnnthocnry, lttiport
I'j, block, Mnln at., west of Market, vl-ul'l
clocks, "watches, &ft
H CATHCAHT.WftlcIl mill dixit maker. Mniliit
JV t., below Mnlll, v 111 1 1
I ol'W liiatNIIAIII), watch mi.l ilotk maker,
I J ni'iir soul hmst comer Muln and Iioiikh. l-nrl
( l HAVAOl!, denier In clock", watches niul
Jewelry, Mivlii wt., ncurly oppsltn American
1 M, HIIOWN, hoot nnd shoemnker.Maln street
, kiuhjsIIo American house. vloil'I
4 nLI.LDLIt.mnnufaclnter nnd denier In bonis
il and hhncs.Mnlnst., opposite I IpNeopnl church
UIJNIIY KLI'IM, mnuuf.icluter ntiil denier In
boots nnd shoe, groceries itc, Knst lllooms
burg -Multi st. vDiiH
DAVID IH1TZ, boot and ahoetnaker, Main t.,
below llnittuan's toic, west of Market si net.
Iv It. It. V, Kinnoyurceon dfnllst, teeth oxtiaet
J ed wllhout piun. Mnln st.( nearly opposite
l.plseopal Church, vl-nl'l
l II. M'KKLVY, 51. 1. surgeon ntnl phjslclan
J south sido Mnlll st,, below Mill kc-t. vl-nlt
I It. UVANN, M. li. Kuim-on and physician south
J Mdc Muln St., below Mnrket. lnl'l
rC. UUrnUt, M. D. surgeon and Physician,
tJ Market Rt.,nbovoMnIw, inlj
lH. II. L IIOWKU, surgeon ilcntlst, Main st..
ish i.izin iiam;m;y.
UulIaliiK', Mnln Kt.
mltlliuT, UuniHry
MIHS A. l. Wl;llM, f.mry kikmLi. notlmiii, ImioIik,
hlatloiury, north Klily Mnlustict't l.i-low Int
kit. II PI-TIIUMAN', milloncry uinl fancy koo.1h np
i pOHltn i:plsci)pul flmu'li. Mnln Ht. vl-iil(
MIIM. .JVUXA A. A HAliriLniCI.r.Y, liullcs
I'hmliM )iul ilross pattfriu, Moullifii hI corner
',lli "til.w"HVHt' 11111
Mil-. M. Il.rUllMAN, mllilncr. Mnln M.(IjpI.iw
lliirtmiut'fi Btorc, weM of Mnrkcl n, Mil 1
JPIMOII HSI:h IIAUMA:;, mllt.-nory iitTTfaiicy
l gt-'o-ln, Main btn i IJusl hulow Anu'rlcati Imuv,..
1-n II
MIHKM. I)i;UUtCIChON. inllloiipry ami lancy
jpHhlh Mnl:iht.,ttppohlttj Court House, l-nll
I UiAcoClC.nterniM cnllin mloon, Amcrl
) fin II ou hp, Mnlti si., I!(iltcr 1,1-itcock hitpciln
tin. lent. llllj fc JACOIlY, ronn-Hlonry, liakiry,
1 unit u vtcr hhIooii, whulnnlo ami rut nil, lis
iliniint' Idork, Mnln t, vl-nll
IMiK A. WIIIUI, foiifi-ctloni-ry, huki ry, mi'l o h
1 lei Mlloon, wlioh Hate niul iclull, Mulil., Just
iclow iron. l-tiii
nXi'lIANfli: Illin:!., Itv .I. I'. CAhijiW, Main
I J Kt,, OppOsllH COlirt llOUM'. vlM
I Ml'ltH'AN IKUMlIJiy John Ij.moci;. Mnln
A nt wthtof IroiiKtrit-l. 1 1
nuItKH UliTKI,, by I.V MAfni-n.fHKt i nl of
V Main Kt. vl-iii;
1) STOIINTJI, ivfiL'shnu'iit sulofjn.Mulii bt.Jul
, kIj iw court houst1. vl-nl 1
l l'.r,S(,oV( tcfrcHluncnt Hiilooti, i;xclmnj;c
I linU'I, ,:ivNon Cntiiitui, Hiipcrliilcmlcut 1-n 1 1
r 11. (JlU.MOltl., l-'fiolmiciit Mtlonn, HltUc's
MoLkhimlliNkloMuliifct. 1 nil
i,i.IA(oi:m, c. I'lKiluim;. xnntiUH i ic Muln
I j slMithovo Coin I House, I-n I'J
Sll, Mil. 1 .1 It, ilcnlcr In dry k".K kiocimIch,
ciuunswnic, Hour, mlt, mkhf, notions ilc.
l.xchiinjju Mock, Muln Mu ct. vl-nM
MKKIA'Y NI!AIj A Co, (hnlcih In ilry (jiN,
groceries Hour, feed, mlt., Im-ii, nnlli-,
etc., iinrllu'fit e-triier Malniind Mnrket h(, Iiu t
i J. hl-OAN, ileulf rln eholccilry nl, IIoum'
A kc epl iiffi?ninN. fi t sh hi (teerlt h, i tt etc. Muln
a., oppo-.lto court lioiwi. v-lnil
I K. r., kwi ritm niul K'H'ri' nicicliniullfc
J Mnln M., iihoxo Wol. 1-n 1-1
C HOWKIt, ImtK nml enpw, Imots cii'l rhoen.
Mnln nboc court lmu.c.
in i
T.HIIAIiri.rhS'lryjjfKMt-, tjtff lies, ltoof,
I j, slioec, elc., Ilupert blodt, Main St., we -it nt
Maiket. vl-nll
( MAlMt, dry fZtxnU and notions MtiilhweM
I , Mini i r Main and lion Ms vl-nll
I ,1., dry noods jitm ei li , etc,, not 111
) , Miht eoriur Main ami lion wt. 1 nil
pi:V. A. IlAlVniAN. thy (,'oods ladloiis and
I I jroecrlcH,, Mnln t.,npprHlie KpiseopaUhuieli.
Mi I I
Mil, IIl'.NHHr,lUli:it, (am nl,)i!io(erIeH, tolmc
, co, and confectionary, Main M., below Ann r
Kiui liouHC, l-ii 1 1
DA. JHX'KM-JY, Keystone shoe More, hi Mikmind
, Hiatlutieiy, MjutliucM corner Maiket and
Main sts. vlnll
urjI.MAM rJtAHMlTH, eonfecttotu.ilts Main
li t.,JUHtubuocntirt boiiM'. vlnll
11 Mi:'li;M!AI.I.,KtItcrnl Rtm!c f nielelain
Ij. illrioitnd luniU'X, corner tf Muln sited ami
Iterulek road, N l-nlt
1 .1. linnm.s,ibnUri dr (-otHNKiiciicHile.
, Hhi(j's block, Main nt. below Inm yNnlt
I K. (11HTON, (ItiKerleH A l'lovlsloiu, soiilli
t J east corner Main and Iron 81 reels vl-nll
BI.OOMMIll'litl U'.MIllIlt CO. mnniimellirets
nml dealers In Liunlxr, of nil kind", plnlnlnu
mill iieiirlho inll-Knel. vl-ino
T .1, llIIlLli.MAN, unildle nml linrnen innker,
11 . nenr houllllH'Ht collier Mnlll nnd .Mitlkel Hi.
ul v. HNVULII, linrdwnre, cutlery, litiin, up.,
'U. Muln n., below Iron. vl-nl)
il M'tTMAN. lilfllblo uolkH. IHUir nulllllWi ht
A. nonicr Mnln nnd Mnrket M.!
tl. brii( on Mnln !., et of Mnrket M. W-llfJ
l In nlnno. nru.llis nml
li ,,L,likii..,it (1. V. Corolrrifiirliltliro roolilM
1,1 J.'J'IKIll.NTDN, Willi pnpir, wlmlow hlindik,
la, nml llsliirn, Itupi rt blm k, Mnln Rt. U-nll
Ml hTm"aHI1:hx, nut it for (Iroier.t. r,nkoi'
I . Henlnit iimi blue, Muln m., llurliunirH Imlld.
lint, up Mulm, 1-nH
If IlOHlINh'IOCK, iiholoKinpbor, llxrluiiiiin
II. block, Muln Kl.,opposltiuiiuilboii.. vl-nll
1 1 lllintlp ,ll.t,l,r,i,,li..r llnrlliinil'M bllltit
1 lngtioitliuu-liMiriitrMulniimlMurki tht. vl-nll
l ItmilllMa 1 i.ii,., iKxili-r kpi'iiml d. or from
I). no'itliui'U eor'iu r Miiliinud Iron kin. U-nll
T W, IIAHTOX.Iolineei.lllHl.nnd ilenlerln Ktolo
il, lonl, Mulut.,oppilli'olirthoilM., Vl-liia
lr l'HAfOCIt. N'otury l'ubllo, nortbiwl porni r
11 Muln nml : Mnrket l. vMiW
IDIIN A, l UNHION, mutual and m!i mien (In;
I liiHiiraiicPiuuipuny.iiortbiukteoriier iliiln niul
Wcstnt. vl-nll
CILOltnr UAKHKIIT, ninnufiieturor mid ropnlr
I erorrnrekliluK inaeliluiii, tbtiubirlln ndliy.
near Hbitipltkk'fi'Undi)'. ilnli
I H, lU'llN. ilonlor In iiieul Inllow, i te., fluvlii-
I berllll'il alley, bueH of Anierleall lioutio, l-ll 1 1
I II. I'lMIXIU.!,, knddlo, trunk nml linim.
ij maker, Mala kl below court, Iiouw, vl-itKi
VAUl'i:li JACdllV, llurblo ami llrown HIoiip
II Works, iji.t IlkolllkblllK, llel wick mail, Vl'll 17
yTKrilLN KNDllll, lllnckkiullli, Noilli-Mikt
O wimer ul Muln uml Wi.t htrut. vl-n)7
(1 i wrillt. Gluo MaUn-.miaWlilUnna raucy
, WniAT.ricoltonD, Vl-nf7
(Dnuuiiatillc girnlort.
(). A. ll:OAHfli:i l.hynlplnn nml llrKeon.
1 Mnln Kt,, next ilonr to Oooil'H Hotel. vl-lllf
HIIU'i; ll()Ti:i, nml n n clnnont (.nTnoii. l,y 'u.
rncl Muinmii(roriicr of Mnln nml rinc bt.vlnlT
yW'AN ll()Ti:fi, tlintn.tier liomn liyjnl,,, Hnv
IJ iter, Mnln kt nl p rfiip, vl-lilJ
Iv, 8I.OAN', ilcnlcr 111 dry kooiW, KroetrloK,
. lumlH-r mi.l Renernl Mcrcliaii'lku Mnln nt,
rnltOMAS lllH'Kl.i:, w,ct,llonliiUlnrncs7innkcr
i .Mnln fct., ntwivp tlioHwnn Hotel. vllil7
It. HMU'ir, lilinuf iictnrernf lilt worn niul
. il"i,ler In Htovei ete Mnln St., nhovo the
Sunn Hotel. Vllll7
rjAMlTDI, i;Vi:ilKTT, Drugglat tc Apotlieenry.
ijMnlli Htrcet. vl-nl
t A H. V. COM:maN, JliTelml,riniio7"nml
il.llPlit rilrnMilii-f(m,l., .Mnlll Ht next iloor
to tlio hrkk hotel. vl-n!7
MH. HATIII'IIHT, flocks WntiliPH nml nun,
. renulri.l. (inns nml Wutohm lor Mile, Mnln
M., Iitlow l'ilip, M-H17
7 A.MlxTl. HAIIMAN, niMliPt MnkUr, anTui?.
tl iltrtnkcr. Mnln Ht., below fine. vl-n 17
Al HMIA1.7. C. Ki:t.I.i:it, Conrectlnncry, OyMerii
ill Ac. Ac ,1'lnoHI., liilM eon Mnln nml Mill.
ll.JM!. Ki:i.(;llNi:il, llluckMiilth,on Mill
, Hlieut, nenr rinc, vl-n!7
ttril.I.I AM lii:i,ON(l. HhoiinnUornml nuinur.iV
M tureror llrlclt, Mill M.,uit of l'lno vlnlu
I.H.tAH HNVIll'.II, I'lour nn.l OlM Mill, nml
J'j liinlerln KlHlii.Mlllatieit. l-n!7
I HAM st'IlITYI.i:il, lion roiimlor, MnelilnM,
i unil Mnnumrttticror plown, Mill M. vl-n 17
MII.r.H A. WILLIAMS A r,,y,TiiiinerBiili,nLTn.
urncturpMoriuither, Mill Htrcet. I-HI7
IOHN Id:!.!,!:!!, Hoot una HioemnkerTlNlie
.) street, opi'osltu tlio Aemloniy vl-nl7
1 It. ItCltltlNOA lIllO'lllKH.enii.cnteriinml
A. llulMers, .Mnln strict, below l'lno. V1-1H7
fj AMtrr.I.M. lMtKNTISH, Vclerlnnry Nuri;eon,nt
D the llrlclc Hotel, comer of Mnln nml fine sn.
Slight Afreet gircctoi'ij.
HllTini I INT, dealer In dry K"ods Broeiles,
I tloitr. feed. will. IIhIi. Iron. nail), etc.. Mir lit
struct. vl-nlj
W'lIirMdUJ, niauurafttircr and denier In
bootn nnd shoen. lul(J
rTJ.UWir.MMKU, Cidilnetmnker, Undertaker
t) uudt('hulrtnaker. vl-n Hi
,i i KUMXY, lllaekfinlth, iiposlto post ollke.
V. OMAN A Co, Wheelwrights, ilmt door
ubovo school houe. vl-nlO
MKS. K. KMNII mlllenory nnd fancy Kuod",
' W-SANIvHY. dealer In Leather, Hldew, Hnrk.
i Ic. Cash paid for Hides vMilil
"M. M. KNT, dealer In stoes and tin ware In
an us uianuies vi-iuu
Jcriicil oiuu girettori).
NDHl.W MADISON, ilcnlcr In dry koihN, tjro
L ''c'hvt, Ki-alnliimbcr etc., Jersey Unvn. J;'-"
I A CO It A. HVISIti:it, dealer 111 Illdes, Leather
J It.ukelc, Madison law nshlp Columbia county
ra. i-ni'
O N (i 1 () X i) II O T K L.
i ii h undei signed ba Im; based ami ic-liu ulsh
lluirootl stvlo the abuu uell-known Houne.
In (hchimh ts of Columbia and Hull Ivan count 1cm,
in out ot thu most beaut It ul and heal thai! n nt"ns
In the Stale; 1 hilly pnpaie! to aecitinnioiiatc
visitors and sojourner
Tho Pond nnd blrcams aie uellstoekdl Mlth
delicious Ilih ol many kinds liuiudlii
J II U l 1 1 .V Si It lw 1 Iv j.,
and boats In m"1 order w lit bo kept for Iheinv
lONiiniMiiuiou auo aiiitiseuieiii oi ueiN. nuin i
tor tlshhi'r! orpleaMirin-'ieuiKlons upon this biau- i
HUH Klieet ol watD .tilchts i
Mil rnuiiiled by an extensile Fori si. theielsaitor
ded to tbu huntsiiian a sph mild field lur his oun
peculiar spoils, ami exctcisu iu ins
I) O O A N 1) tl U N. i
Ills Liu dor will bo alwnvH nrovldcd with thu
delicacies ot Hu'Keason; and his liar slocked with
I'lMit: Lltji-ous, 'lite House Is laruoainl loiumo-
dlous ; Hut MahllliK cM-nsl e utal safe.
The Hoilsu is leached lioiu beeritl points tilt
the llloonisbuiir A lU'lniwauna Kailiond: and U
it sph ndld plaeu to llio hot inoulhs ill hiuu-
uier. ii. iv. iit i ul. urn .
.'lay 17, iMjiMm,
IxTiTanuk iiotiu. "
i no u tu lot Mmuis 1 hiivhiL' uu i clmeil this ell-
known n nd ci nirally-loeat ed house, thu Lxeluinj;u
iioiei.Kiiuatuon hi iti-;i;i, in iiiooinstaiiu,
Iniiiitdlatelvoiiiiosltii thu Columbia Count v Court
Ibme, tcsjiectiiilly intoiuiM hit trlends tual the
public In t nnr.1,1 that Ids houu 1-now In older
for tlio leeeptlou and entertainment of tiaxelh is
vhf may Im dlaposeil to J,ur it llli their ens
tola, llu has spaud no e.xpciisu In piep.uliiK the
Lxeiunjie. lor thu etiU'ilalniuent oi his quests
neither llnll theie be nnjlhliiK wautlna (n Ids
nitO lu nuiiiMcr io lueir personal (oinniii, -us
loitso Is spacious, nnd injoys an excellent busl-
less loc.illnll,
fininlbiMses run at all times IxtMcen the Lx-
chanso Hotel and lhearloi s iidlioatl dei'ts by
which lraelleis will be pleasantly conwyrd to
and from tint icspcclUc stations Indue lime to
meet Hie cars. juu. i.i.NpI,
;ioom".burg, March '22, 101.
1 () U V M 11 I A HO U 8 K,
IIWJMI lately purchased nnd ItUed up the
ell-known Itoblsou Hotel l'ropt liy, located a
i r.w noons ahovi: tin; roi'itr uorsi:,
onlhosatnn nUUt of the sheet. In Iho toun of
Itbiomsi.uij;; ami liming ooiaiiieuu mniho iur
thu same asa
11 i: H T A U It A X T,
Iho l'ropllelor bnsileteriulueil to glvo to the pen
pie vKlllui; tlio town on Uudncsj or pliaMiru,
A liulu siuki, i.uu.m.
HllubllmtiilsnN oxtenslvo, nnd N lltted up
, .,,.li . LKul imrr n I K,l ri'. 1 1 11 1,1 Kill
ln-muitl evorytlllllBaboulliHoslablMimcnlkliull
be condllelPd In im oulerly niul lulul nintnier,
nnd be li.pfilllllly Milloltaii kliule of I be publlo
ai:oi!(ir. v. M.uai:u, l-roprutor.
Inn ,ii,.,i ii-ii.iftimi-i, hotel hn recently uuiUr-
onc uidlenl ehnliKi's In llu Inlernul nrrantioiilullB,
uml Its propi letor nnnounee to bN loi iner euiom
nml Hi,, tinvelllni! public Hint Ills nci'iniiorlallon.
lor llieoolllioit oi ins KiiiMiiiiiho,-., ... ,." ,
tliiicouully. Ills table will ulniiVH bn foiiml Mip
plloil, not only Willi nbi.lantlal lood.but with nil
thu dellenelcsof the wnkon, Ills wines ,md II
riuors ic.M'opt that popiilur bcveiaee known as
'.If.', i""),P"lcbaseil direct from the Imporlhut
hour's, nro I'litlrely I'tiro, and llee Mom all pol
KotinlHdllius, H Isthnullliil lorn liberal pallou
auo I u the past, uml will continue todiM'lvo It In
tho future. tli;olt(lli W. MAI'dllll,
TiTv. h v a x 1 Tire v. h, '
Tin: in-PKit iiofi.1:,
Ths miIwpi lber rekpeclfullv Infoiim bUfilends
nml tlio public, thin ne un inai n im ove iien
known IIoumi of Lnieilaluiui nl, and will
pluikodto rxvlvo tbu iilktom ,r all who will
l.ivor lilm Willi a cull,
in: will ki;j:i' a hood taiili:,
n llnr well klockcU with the best of Liquors, nn.l
evciy l lorl will Iki lil.lilo to remier iiiiirn wiu
fncllon. .lOlirs" h.NVIIKlt.
Oranyevllle, I'll., March 1 lMr7-lln.
jxt'TrTv NiuT.sTvujnx,
TMi: I'ropili tor of HiellicbaiiKeKalo minis now
on baud iv laryu ktoek of
HlTMMLH ui:rinniMi:.N"rH,
coll.UllllK of
Kl'Il'l.n DVStKl'.s. HlltlllNI, Tllll'K, IIOMHISAS
mii Ki1 Tiixniiit, noii.nn i.uiw, HWi-ii.nuiiKi:sE,
I,Af!KIt llinUt, A1K, AC,
U6- COM!! ONU, L'OMIi ALL A.N1I HIli:. -S4
Illoouikburf;, May a, 117.
Tun kid hi liar iikiaitfull InfoinubU frluuls
niul ll.o tublle, Hint bobuslnkui the nl op wi ll
known lloiikc or rnlciliilniiiuil, nml will Im
pteakiil lu ncolie the uuklom of all who will
t,iorblui Willi u tan,
III! WILL KLl'.I' A (10011 TAIII.i:,
n liar wi ll stocked with the lt of Lloliois, and
v cry ellorl w III bo made o icmb-i i iillii. iilU.
facllon. WM. III-MI.L,
i:py, IM., April U,ll.
17VKHY Customer limy lo suro of u
e, rmr.l I'll or nokalontCliKKllihlll.ltl'sClolh-
Till: prlnclplcsof thlK paper aroof tho Jeirernon
1n School of politics. Thoso principles will nuvo
bo compromised, yet courtesy nnd klndcss Blial.
not be forgotten In dlHcussIng them, Mhcther with
lndl Munis, nr with contcmporarlcH of tho Presi
The, unity, happlnrss,nnd prosperity of tho coun
try Is our aim nnd object) nndns tho mennt to
secure that, wo shall lalior honestly nnd earnestly
for thu harmony, ? uecc ss and growth of our organ
Izaltou, TEiisisorftuiciiu-TioN.'-Two dollars a car
If paid In advance. If not paid In iidumco two
dollais nnd IHly cents will be Innrlnbly charged.
TrnMH oi AtivriiTisiNci t One fcfnmtc(Un lines
or less)oion- thno Insertions $1,30 1 nch subse
qtuht lnertlon M cents.
fcl'ACL', 1, 2m,
Onosijunre... :i,(nJ
IM. CM, lY.
tl.w) fO.if)
R,'M 11,00
K,t)0 li'.OO ls.01
io,()o aio
1VW a,oo
,TO,C0 Wl.Oll
Twos(ii.ires .1,00 otm
Tliren sfniares. .
1'our witiaivs. .
Half column. , ..
Ono column
, li,o
Kxeculor's and Administrator's Notice $J,00( Au
ditor's Nollce $2,'A Other advcrtNeincnts Inser
ted according to special contract,
nutlneRS notices, without advertisement, twenty
cents per lino.
Transient ndvcrtlscnicntB payable hi ndvnnce
all others duo after tho flrst Insertion.
5i- II Is, in alt rotfi, more likely to bo satisfac
tory, both to Hubscrlbeis and to the Publishers,
that remittances and nllcomtminlcatlonsrespect
ing tho business of the paper, bo scntdhect to the
oiilce of publication, All letters, whether relating
to the editorial or business conctrnsof the paper,
nnd all payments' for subscriptions, ndeitlslnK,
or Jobbing, nro to be made to and addressed
imocKAVAY a ritr.nzn,
"Ibtuwblan Office,"
rrlnted at Uoblson's llulldlngs, near tho Court
House, by CiiAs. M. Vandkilslick,
Frank It. H.nypkr,
.SYntly executed nt this Olllcp.
-jyj- jr. i.'vi:iiiii:,
A T T O It N II Y-A T- L A W,
Ahldaml, Hehulklll County, rciin'n.
1-T." JACK.SOX,"
Heiwlek, Colulubl.i County, lVnn'tl.
Jl. TltAUGIl,
Hei wick, Columbia County, lvnn'a.
rilililAM 11. AlMiOTT,
A T T O 1 1 N L V - A T L A V
" ' A T T O U N II Y AT LAW,
lllllte Willi i:. II. LI I II.-. In bllel: bulldlliL' nd-
ohihvi l',ihl Oltleo. K,i lloltnlles, ll.itk-l'ay ami
nsloliH oolleetoil. jkOpVli7.
jonx 0. Fni;i:,K,
A T T O I! J I'. Y A i - I, A W,
O lllec In llisiMor ami lteeordir'a olllco, In tho
basement of Iho Ccuit House, ltloomxbuit:, I'a.
OllKltT V. ClyAltK,
'till li .N I; V A T-L A W
Olllco corner of Mnlll and Maikct ktiects, oer
l'llkt National Il.iuk, Illooinburir, r.i.
it. liiTTiii:,
A 11 U II A 1 . 1 " A 1-1. A M ,
Olllcc on Main Mrci t, lu brick Imii.tlni; hi low Iho
Coilll llollo, llliMiuishuil, Ca.
Q It. 11I10(KVAY,
A J (Ul, N F. Y AT LAW,
fS- Ol Fin: Coult House Allow below tho fV
tmnlflan Olllte, J.inrt',7,
Olllco In Inan:sCM llulldhu' M.iln .sheet. Wt hi
of tho Al.lellc.iii Iloilte. niy-'l'l".
U () T I 0 X K K It.
H,i In.- r.illnu.,',1 Ib.i , uf, st bio of 1'ohlli, Velldlte
Crier lor ninny yt'iiis, would Inform bis ftlends
Hint he Is Mill In iho Held, toady mid ullllm; to
ullimltoiill tlio iliill, s of his inllliiK, I'eisons
doslrlm; his kervlcea khould cull or write to blio
al Illoouisbuiit, IM. maisi,7.
tl.aie .Mxiiuni .Mcuiem mreeior v, r. iri"j ,)
V II Y H I U I A N A N I) H V U fl L O N ,
JiTi-Oillro nt thu bou n omioidlle Shli o's I i lock.
ItliMimshuig, Pa.
Calls promptly attended to both night and day.
Illoomsbu-g, Jan. 1 1M17.
Ct H II 1 V 15,
c a ii i n i; t m a k i; n,
H 11 V T T j: h H, M O U L II I N (J H,
main Hiiturr,
Juno lsfJ7,
g C. COIihlX.S,
I'AHlllO N A 11 L II
Over Wiillniijel' ,v Jmoby's lie Cieiiln liatooli,
llI.oilMHIlt.'IIO, l'A.
Hail lljelnir uml WhUKelk (olollil httitlE ol
brnu n. llali Ton to to ill ktiov tbiiulrutl' and b, nu
ll! vlnii the bull i w III ii vloic hnlr lo Its orluUi it
it. lor wllhoui kolllnif Hie llliikl luoric, eousi.'tuio
on hulid. tupll-'H?.
M. AHTM VN. i'. II. IHl.l.IMIHK. 11. H. 11ATMA s.
NO. '.-.'U. Mllll II .11111111 hTIIKKT,
(.Vidlfy f.J.J,lY' JclillM, Jtillt, llllic tl ft',)
Wholesale liiulcm 111
oil, (InlllP, I.1IAPVS, rl.V M:ih,
foHAlN IIAOrt, COHDAHl:, if. ALpO,
HIll'kllKK, Til UNKH, MIOKIND OI.shHIB, hid
Mid In. Iwi7-ly.
MAN U l-'A Cl't 1 It Y,
mj, 81:1 mi ill ll lliliatullii l.r,
Husiud I'oor below Wooil,
I'll I LA II HI, 1 II 1 A.
J. W. WAiirutx. II, 1'. HM1K.I.MAX,
t 1,1. Kt nils uf Ht'iltlv JIiulo Cltitllllil!
iA nt low iikiim. ul ('hi.iihii.i.n'h t'loihlim
hlolc. 1 lit 1 1 11 11 II M oioi a, itiooiiiMitiru, , n.i, j,. KINDS Or JOI1 I'UINTINd
neatly executed 111 Till CobUMUIAN Btuam
(Clmhc goftvii.
c.vor.u Tin-: hnow.
The follwltitc b'utirul toem wo cut from ono
ofour catcrn oxchntnrcs '1 he reply, lu brackets,
has been written by Col. rrec?e.
Hweet llltlo lovltiK thing, low, low, low,
Down In the cold, cold grave sho lies,
Deep 'Death Ihft daisy knoll, under tho snow,
Hlleneed forever her carols nnd cries
(Hllcnccd forever her enrols? no! not
Hinging with nngrls beyond tho bhnj skies ;
Wnllltig for you who rcm-tln hero below,
Wnltlng.sttll wnltlng to seymi nxlsf,)
Hweelilitllc dimpled chin, how sho would dnticel
Drnr llttlo laughing eyes, how she would
fetlll are her tiny feet how, nnd her glnnco
Iknms not on mo for n wenry long while.
No-but It beams on a heavenly scene,
Watches nnd looks foryoitreomlng once more;
At lust when you tome, oh then will be seen
Her tiny feet skip o'er a diamond floor.
"Dead 1" do my neighbors say ? Death Is a dream
In tho mld-Mnytlme sho went out to piny
Dally I Heoherbymeiulownnd stream,
Couched 'mid tho golden cups sunny ns they,
Now from her crown of gold flashes u beam
Now from her harp of gold lsuet u strain,
Would you replace her by meadow nnd stream
Couch her mid butter cups, sunny, a;ptn?J
Weep my eyes seal thu tears, eep,weep,wcep,
Diced my soul, throb my henrt, heavy with
LonulngKllll Tor licrnwakoornsteep.,
Vhendm!l I gazo on my beauty ngiiln?
I When our eyes open to Hen etily things,
When your heart pulies no longer with pain,
When with Iho blessed your thanksgiving rings,
Then will you g.izuou your beauty again,)
Swcd llttlo loving thltu low, low, low,
Down In the cold, cotd grave sho lies,
Ik ep'ncath thcdnlsy knoll under the mow,
Hlleneed forever IicrVaroIs nnd cries.
Hilcnced foievcr hercaiols? no, no,
Hinging with angels bey nml tho blue skies,
Waiting for you who remain hear below,
Waiting and hoping lo soo you arise.
Tin: liYcly iiiiiiist'iiii'iitforrospomU'iit
of tliu Clilvitgo Tribune Kt'ts off thu fol
lowing, which will ho niiprceliitcil liy
all who tiro In the habit of putronlziiiir
tlu hotels of that or tiny other city :
l npiiroacli you In n tlnilil franio of
mind to-day, with n fow liL'sltatlnft
words on tho stiliject of hotel clerks.
And I appeal to you, 0,omnicieiice,
H tliero a greater peivon on earth than
tlio hotel clerk ?
1 have come to tho conclusion that
there is not.
Kavlhly potentates, philosophers, war
riors nnd poet.s dwarf In cnmpnrNon.
My eyes are open to the enormity of
my Ignoranco nnd I freely own that I
did wronR in asking Hint yotinj; man
with the nlco hair and .stunning vest,
If ho would glvo me n room on tlio rc
ond Iloor. I do not lilamo hltn that he
looked at mo through his eyo-glaxes,
willi a tootli-piek in his mouth, for ten
minutes ; that he then said ho would be
back in a minute nnd went olf to nlav
billiards; that hn was gono half an hour
and camo back and read half a dozen
notes from widows In tho house ; that
he then looked up nml aikcd nie what I
wanted; and then ho sent mo to the
llftli story. AH this r ought to have
Hut tho look ho gavo mo was cruel.
Tho glance which commenced at tho
top of my hat and wont to tho too of
my boot, was too much. "Was It not
enough toovinco his superiority by or
dering mo to the fifth story? Wliv cx-
po-o mo to that chilling look? I know
that I should havo begged that nice
young mail's pardon for spoalclng to
mm, but ono cannot always remember
hotel otiipirtto.
nd I went up to my den in tho fifth
story thoroughly convinced that I had
no rights a hotel clerk was hound to re-
-pect, and f did not c.t.o to look at him
lifter that, and I paid my bill through
the proxy of n man nnd a brother who
knew tho hotel clerk better than I did.
Xext to being Khauof T.irtary, or
Tycoon of Japan, I would ho a hotel
clerk. Hols a subject of interest only
second to Rtnuun's gorilla a being so
far elevated abiivo tho petlv strifes and
cares ot tho world thai, ho can look
down from his altitude upon as all and
smilingly consign us to the devil if it
so ple.tso him ,i compound of arro-
unco, self-complacency, don't e.ire-a-
ciwsatls-eness, and utter disregard of or-
llnary human beings, so strongly com
pounded that it becomes sublime.
And I always revere sublimity of this
description. When liu sent mo to tlio
filth story with a carpet bag in each
hand, I did not complain. I kis-cd the
hand that smote.
All that ho does Is done with an air
of superiority. Do you doslro to ascer.
tain what time tho train departs? Uo
relets you to the office of tho company,
and don't know where It is. On you
want to know wlicro Hangs k Co, do
btisliie--,? He waves you to tho dlreo
tory of some other city and replaces his
whole mind on his tooth-pick. Ask him
fiirsoino tickets to an ovenlng's perfor.
mancHiit the tlieatro, mid ho will cru-1
you with a glance, us much as to say
do I lnokliku a man lu a box-olllco?
lie Isi master of all ho surveys, abso
lute in his sway, wonderful In bis make
up, express and admiral In his func
Hons. Ilo knows everybody, and has a
front seat at the opera. When ho puts
his whoio mind on a carpet bag he can
tell at a glance whether It contains a
shirt and u tooth-brush or a first-class
trousteau, and ho can grade men Into
their rooms by their coat buttons with
Iho utmost, ease.
Oullnary Impudence Usually gets
snubbed, hut tln'I'O ilniM not live it lll.lli
with courage enough to snub tlio hotel
clerk. Ills Impudence N allied to gout
us. It has taken him years to reach It
and tliu painful hours of study ho ha
given to tho characteristics of the tooth
pick aro something wonderful to thinli
When I rellro from tho pomps and
vanities of this world, O, Tribune, anil
havo no further Interest In sublunary
matter. I hope to ho it hotel clerk.
can eoucelvu of uu epitaph moro im
pnudvo than the touching words "Ho
was n hotel clerk."
A (it'Nii man and n young woman
got iiiarrlcd fur I'uii thu other day lu
Detroit and are now vainly becking lo
ho divorced in earnest.
A (;oliui:sl'ONDKNT of tliu Cough
kenpsln Dally Ihylc denies tlio report
recently published In tho Amenla
Times, that tho big snake which lias
furnished a local sensation for Canaan,
Conn., has been shot, or that liny ono
attempted to shoot It, but declares that
an ordinary shot gun would havo no
moro effect upon It than a pop-gun on
nn Iron-clad, nnd a man would bo called
crazy who nttemptcd It. Of Hi history
nnd appearance ho gives tho following
graphic account:
" It has been seen every morning for
tho last fifteen years in nearly tho samo
spot. It was seen but a short timo ago
by n gentleman of tho highest respecta
bility, who Is well known nnd no ono
would think of doubting his statements.
Ills name Is A. lloardnian, it skillful
machinist, recently employed by Mr.
Ames lu, the manufacture of his cele
brated wrought Iron cannon at Fulls
Village. Mr. H. wai passlngnlong the
highway whero the snako had been gen
erally seen, not thinking anything
about It, when suddenly hisoyo caught
fomcthlnglylng under a largo elm tree,
which looked llko the shadow ofnlargo
limb. Its shining brilliancy and tho
real shadow of the tree being opposite
from where from whero tho object lay,
tho thought hwtantly entered his mind
that It was nothing less than tho big
snako ho had heard so much about, and
so It proved to bo for It Instantjy start
ed for the swamp. Tho animal having
to cross a road, ho had a fair view of
his snakeship. A thrill of horror
rushed through Ids veins as the mon
ster crushed Its way through tho brush
with nlniost tho speed of lightning into
thu swamp, and was almost immediate
ly lost to sight. Mr. Iloardmau thinks
it w uld measure thirty Inches around
its body lu thu largest place. In fact,
It appeared to be nearly of one size, ex
cept three feet from tho end of the tall,
which tapered considerably towards tho
end. Its length ho should judgo to bo
not far from twenty-eight or thirty
feet. Its skin was so black nnd bright
that It fairly dazzled. Tho farmers In
tho vicinity complain less of thu depre
dations of tho animal than formerly.
On the borders of tho swamp whero It
lives, grazo largo herds of cows, and It
is among theso that It gets its living.
tho owners of these cows havo forsomo
time tut wondered why somo of their
best milkers had railed to glvo their
Usual quantity of milk; nsitis only In
the morning tho owners miss It, they
havecomoto tho conclusion that the
nake sucks them, and thus gets Its liv
ing. It Is well known that snakes aro
fond of warm milk, and It is this kind
of food, no doubt, that has caused this
one to grow to such immense propor
tions. Tliero Is it reward of ono hundred
ilollars oll'ered by a private citizen for
Its capture alive, nnd fifty If killed.
There Is a strong pressure bearing on
tlio town authorities to offer n reward
largo enough to securo its capturo or
destruction, and tho subject will bo
brought before our annual town meet
ing tho first Monday in October. Hun
dro Is who tittendocMho camp meeting
lately held hero camo moro foi tho pur-
po-o of seeing whero this monstersnako
lived, than to seek for tho straight nnd
narrow way. Kow could bs induced to
stay on tlio ground nights for fear it
might mako them a visit.
It was thlsouo tiling moro than any
otner mat ni.itlo tlio meeting almost a
failure, One man has determined to
ell his farm nnd leas-o tlio place. His
wife has already left and says sho will
never live on the place again until tho
snako is killed. Tliero is a perfect pan
Ic among tho people, and what will bo
tho result tlmo only can determine.
PAsnvon "Tact'es," and "Huttetfleld
on Picket Duty," admirable nnd Inter-
estlngas thoy aro to men of blood-thirsty
tastes and habits, havo nevertheless
been mado tho subject of criticism by
subalterns whno practical experience
In tlio field entitles their opinions to ho
received witli respect. Wo wore moved
to say this by way of introducing an
incident f cut to us by a party who must
be nnexcesslvotjiiaker, ns bo signs him
self "A Quaker Friend." Tlio Friend
liefore tho army of the Potomac
moved on Its grand march across tho
Itapldan, and theuco to Petersburg, n
board of officers was In session examin
ing Into the mollis of many ofilcers.
fieneral Gibbon was President. Captain
M'Annlly "I.lttlo Mse," of tlio Sixty-
ninth Pennsylvania was tho "subject"
under investigation, to whom fieneral
(I. put this question :
"Captain, what think you of 'Cnsoy
on Tactics?"
"Knysay, did ye my, Oineral ?"
"Yes, Casey."
"Xotfllneral Kaysiy."?" said Mac,
with ii merry twlnklo lu his eye,
"Yes (ieneral Casey."
"Well, fliueral, nil I've got lo say Is,
that 1 don't think much of him, fur
thtoppetl hi in at Fair Oaks !" whlcli
was literally true, Man being under
Couch, who checked Casey's Hying troops
and encountered tho fieneral himself.
Tho (ieneral proceeded : Well, Cap
tain, what do you think of 'Hutterllohl
on Picket?"
"Not Olueral lliittorfiold, sure ?" snld
Vis, (Ieneral Hutterfield."
"Then I don't think much or him,
for ho says: 'Shtlck your vhletto fifty
yards in front uf your picket ;' and If I
hud doiio that, sure mu men would be
lu the bottom nl tho K'.ippahnnnock !"
Mae was p.iwd, but as ho left the
room (ieneral (1. quietly remarked to
the Hoard: "I would llko to have had
tho Captain's opinion of (ilbbou on
Artillery,' Imt I'm nfraid ho would bo
too many guns for mo!"
Tun Republican Party ore having it
nlco quarrel over Grant. Forney Insists
that ho Is as good it negro man as ho Is,
whllo Raymond & Co. Insist that ho Is
mild as the 'Ilnh'3. In tlio iiieantliiio
Grunt quietly smokes on, nnd will only
tall; "horse" to tho anxious pollllclaiis.
What Is taken from you before you
got it 1 our photograph.
6, 1867.
Oni: of tho most miraculous and
frightful accidents wo havo over been
called upon to record occurred lu this
place, on Friday morning last. Helow
wo glvo tho full particulars :
Xo onu ofour town or neighborhood
has heard, without pain, of tho unfor
tunate death of Oeorgo Shaffer, tho cir
cumstances of which wore truly appall
ing. Ilo had retired, it scorns, to Ida
room soon nftcr tho arrlvnl of tho lato
train from I'ottsvllic, on Thursday
night, on which ho was engaged, nnd
after undressing for bed, had gono to
the window to close tlio shutters, and
lu reaching out to unfasten them, lost
Ids halanco nnd fell to tho porch below,
a distanco of somo forty foct. Tlio room
Is on tho fourth! floor of tho Itcppllcr
Ilotisonnd tho window is very near tho
floor. Tho fall produced n fracturo of
tho thigh and a compound fracturo of
tho loft leg, driving ono of tho frag
ments somo distanco through tho
This occurred nbout midnight, and ho
lay where ho foil, partially conscious,
but unable to moveor glvo nny alarm,
until between five and six in the morn
ing, when ho was discovered by (.'apt.
Lolb who was on Ids way to tho Post
Dfilce. Ilo was carried to a room and
physicians immediately summoned,
wlio could find no other external evi
dences of injury, except thoso already
mentioned. The most astonishing fea
turoDf tho accident was that ho was
not Instantly killed, but after receiving
so sovero injuries, nnd lying exposed to
a cold night air, with no other clothing
than a shirt, ho was found after nearly
six hours perfectly conscious and sonst
blo of indescribable pain. Ho passed
through Friday much in tho samo con
dition, the powers of lll'u struggling but
feebly for tho mastery. On Saturday
there seemed moro of an attempt at re
action, and ho rallied and seemed lively,
and disposed to eonvurso naturally
with Ills friends. About noon the phy
sicians thought It safe to administer
chloroform and reduco tho fractures, of
tho leg, which they did successfully.
Through tho remainder of Saturday ho
continue to Improve apparently, until
that night, when symptoms of concuss
ion of tho brain nnd spine began to de
velop themselves. Theso symptoms
continued to increase through tho night
and on Sunday morning ho becamo en
tirely unconscious, and continued so,
rapidly sinking, until Monday morning
at eight o'clock, when hooxpired.
I!y this truly nppalllng accident, our
community has received it shock from
which it will bo long in recovering.
Thus has passed from among us ono of
our most promising young men, a
mostamlablo companion in tho social
circle, and u generous, energetic and
popular business man. Of this tho
anxiety and unceasing attentions of his
many friends, was a gratifying evi
dence, whilst tho faithful and untiring
devotion of tlio truly noblo hostess of
tho ltepplier Houso to tho slightest
wants of tho sufferer, must ever com
mand tlio respect and gratitude of a
largoclrcle of friends. Athlantl Advo
cate. ItrritALiSM is not to bo permitted to
crush out, without a struggle, tho noblo
spirit of Protestantism that pervade;
this country. The great West is coTn-
lug up manfully to tlio contest. Illinois,
through her city of Freeport.scnds forth
no uncertain sound. In that goodly
city resides Mr. S , a clover gentle
man, brought up in tho strictest rules
of Prosbyterlaulsm so much so that,
until within a few years past, ho had
never listened to thu Liturgy of "tlio
Church." Ho is, besides, an active Radi
cal politician. During tho early part of
Hticlianau's administration Kplscopal
services were fur tlio first time held in
Freeport, in tho Presbyterian Church,
kindly tendered for that purposo by the
trusteos, one of whom wis S . In
company with u friend ho attended,
deporting himself with becoming gravi
ty until tlio prayer "For the President
of the United States and all others In
Authority" was read. This was too
much for ids Republicanism. Turning
to Ills frlond, ho said : "Lot's get out of
this! that fellow's it Copperhead!"
nnd they left. Through thu elibrts of n
Piisoyitu constable of the town ho has
lnce been Induced to ruviuw hi opinion,
n (I Is now regarded as 'Sound.
llAitnoN THiiOrricnits. Thu lying
lowu unecdotu below, comes to us
from tt re-it'-uhlo friend:
Trees, stumps and rocks, were some
times lu demand during tlio progress of
ft light. A good lying place (not n
lawyer's olllco) might often bo turn
ed into cash.
As for Instance a member of com
pany r . l ourleenth X. C. 1, by tho
way, the company with which Govern
or Vuiico entered tho warns captain
was giving Ids friends at homo an ac
count of a very fierce fight on tho Pen
Insula. Ho said: "Wo woro inarching
through a thick wood to flank a portion
of tbu enemy, and Just as wo entered
thu edge of an old field, three or four
Yankeo batteries opened on us at short
range, with grape and canister. Such
a storm I never saw since 1 was born I
The colonel shouted out, 'Ilo down,' nnd
down wo fell quick, but tlio dirt unil
gravel How all over us, and there was
not a thing In the world to shield us
from the terrible storm, and wo had to
just liu still and takult."
"Why didn't you get behind u tree?"
suggested it deeply Interested listener
"Tree, the devil," said company F,
"there wasn't enough trees for tho of
All but ono county ofllchil from
Mlnnssotn makes tho Radical majority
5,!li!l a loss of I.Sil, Tho total poll was
about (11,000, an lncroao over 1S0U of
about 22,000. Xegro butlrago win du
feated by 1,218 majority.
Jonathan presented himself and his
Intended for thu purposo of being mar
rled. llclng questioned If they had been
published, ho said "Oh, 1 guess so; for
I told Undo Hen, uml ho told hit wife
morc'n a week ago."
Lowistown Democrat says tho follow
ing Incident occurred In Juniata county
n short tlmongo i A rather good look
ing stranger, engaged lu peddling spec
tacles, visited thohousoofa farmer and
exhibited his stock to thu old lady. Shu j
men several, aim unaiiy one suited ner
exactly, hut she had "no money to buy
with." Peddler pressed her to purchase.
Sho reiterated tlio fact that sho had uo
money, but Jokingly remarked. "I'll
trado ono of my daughters for a pair of
spectacles." Upon tills tho eldest of tho
two girls spokoup "You needn't trade
mo, mother, for J won't huvo him."
Thereupon tho peddler turned to tho
younger and said, "Woll.wlll you havo
mo?" Tho nnswer was promptly,
"Yesl" Accordingly tho spectacles
wcro handed over, and arrangements nt
onco mado for tho wedding. That night
tho happy pair (who had novor scon
ench other before that day), woro united
in me noiy bands of matrimony by
Ksqulro Ii. A Hhort honeymoon of
three days passed pleasantly enough,
tho peddler going out on a trading ex
pedition each morning and returning
faithfully In the evening. All seemed
delighted, the old folks as well as tho
. . .. 1
young, the new-made husband being
exceedingly nmiauio and apparently a
perfect gentleman. Ono or two nights
ho absented himself, but made satisfac
tory explanation of tho circumstance,
and besides mado additional ttmends by
presenting Ids wifu wlthasum of money
sulllclent to buy a new dress nnd pair
of shofs, botli of whlcli she very much
Another night tho family roof
covered tlio gay spectacle man, but that
was thu last. Ho took his departure
next morning ns usual, but failed to re
turn at even, and, (to make it longstory
short), has never been seen by the In
terested parties since. Who ho is and
whero he camo from, nro alike myster
ies, and as for the name ho went by
whilst making his Interesting sojourn
in Lost Creek Valley, that was proba
bly assumed for the occasion, and will
hardly help to dlscovor whither ho has
Anr.L Phukins, of S , had a spite
against Squire IJ of tho samo town.
bomo one remarked In his hearing ono
day that the squire was a mean man.
"Mean," said Abel, "guses ho is. Ayard
of black tape would mako him a suit of
mourning, and then ho'd havo onougii
left for a weed on ids hat,"
"What do you call this?" said Mr.
Jones, gently tnpplnghis breakfast with
his fork.
"Call it?" snarled the landlady,"what
do you call It?"
"Well, really," said Mr. Jones, re
flectively, "I don't know. Thero is
hardly hair enough in it for mortar, j
but there is too much if intended for
hash." I
A now styloof hoop skirt issliortly to
be introduced, whlcli will enable u lady ance, since I missed my bottle of Hour
and gentleman to walk together more bon, last night," replied the old gentlc-
A littlo girl was very fond ot preach
Ingto her dolls. Her mother overboard
her ouo day reproving ono for being so
wicked. "Oh, you naughty, slnfull
child," sho said, shaking tho waxen
limbs, -'you'll just go to that lake of
brimstone and molasses, and you won't
burn up you'll just sizzle I"
A Dkn of Snakks. On Fridaw tho
d ult.. D. T. Wise, of Trout lluu.
whllo in search of a flock of sheep, on
tlio mountain, about one miks from the
village, wasstnrtled bv the rattliiiL- of a
monster snake, and seeing, to his sur-
prlse, that ho was surrounded by tho
poisonous reptiles, he commenced tho
nia-sacro by
shooting. Ilo fired four
times, which started them toward their
den : then seizing a stout cudgel he Un
shed tho escaping snakes, Upon gath
ering together and counting them they
amounted to llfty-two killed. lie then
left on his journey, and marked the
pot to visit on his return, or at om
future day. Two days afterwatds ho
returned, accompanied by ids brother
and A. T, iiicss. Arriving at tho den
they discovcredu inonstroiiscopperhcad
snake lying at his content over tlio en
trance of tho den. Killing him caused a
buzzing uoiso among the rocks, and tliu
party commenced removing tho stone,
finding and killing six moro copper
heads, eight rattle, and three black
snakes; killing In all sixty rattle, seven
copper nod three buck snakes sum to
tal seventy snakes, II nt Jlraneh Jlul-
AuTiriciAL Diamonds. Although
all the known sources of diamonds in
tlio world nro running low, astonishing
quantities contlnuo to bo supplied to
thu trade In Kuropo, and as these aro uu
mistakably genulno. dealers nro creatlv
exercised to know whero they come
from: while somu nro of the onlnlon
that certain Parties havo discovered,
niul keep secret, certain Immensely
nroductivo mines In tho Fast, others
nroqulto as confident that somo lucky
chomlst produces them bv artificial
means, and has thus far kept this great
secret lu purifying and chrystallzliig
carbon to himself, A man named kicp
plug, or Kcppich, of Hreslau, who has
mado Immenso bides ofdlamouds of lato
In Paris, and who has kept nil tho cut
tersof Antwerp busy for somo weeks,
is thought to hold tho key to tlio mys.
tery. So say tho Into foreign papers,
O.v Tueday two children of Mr. Amos
Camplln, residing on thu T. K. Hazard
farm in this town, were playing near
tho orchard ; onu of them got upon tho
wall, when a donkoy, which was kept
in tho orcliard,seIzed thochlldanddrag.
Ifllly Itllll (IllU'll. .llllllllllif,il In trululiln
and blto him, .Meanwhile, thu other
child, seeing what occurred, mado for
thu hoiisoand Informed its mother that
llttlo Horace had hern killed by thu
donkey. Tlio mother hastened to the
orchard mid saw tho terrible- spectuclo
ofthubruto kiiawlug tho oor child's
throat and faco. Thu poor woman gavo
a scream which, so startled thu donkey
that hu retreated u lew paces, when the
mother rescued tho child from further
harm. Thu throat and face of thu child
were shockingly mutilated. Wo under
stand thu child died on Wednesday,
XarrayaiwtU 11, 1.) Time,
Wit una gumor.
When is nn Infant llko a cannibal''
When it cats Its pap.
lyiUlsvii.Li: Is the borne of tlio mmir,
It has thirteen thousand cnt.
What paper has tlio largest circula
tion ? Counterfeit fifty-cent currency.
THKrock nliend what a youg hua-
band foreseen when tho cradle Is brought -
What is the difference between a bar
ber and a mother? Ono has razors to
shave and the other has shavers to raiso.
ALWAYBiudgo of man's business by
tho length of his advertisement. If he
Is generous in that lie will be liberal in
his dealing.
"Whatkyku mado you marry that
old woman?" paid a mother to her son.
"Hecauso you always told mo to pick a
wife like my mother," was tho dutiful
It won't do to bo bo devoted to a ten
derhearted wlfo as to comply with her
ft" l' sl.o asks you. "Now turn-
nln nvpr itin prntltnnnrl tirrtnlr vmlrnivV.
bio over the cradlonnd break yourneck,
my dear won't you ?"
A Dutchman, with n bad wife, told
his master that "sho was tronk nil to tny
Saturday night, and all to-nlght.Sun-
day morning, and I vos so vild that I
klek tor stairs right down her."
A WniTEn, dwelling upon tho impor
tanco otumaW things says, that "ho nl
ways takes notice, even of a straw, es
pecially If thoro happens to bo a sher
ry cobbler at ono end of it."
A Pi;ht miss in Portland was reading
the parablo of tho wise and foolish vir
gins, when sho suddenly paused nnd
began laughing. "Well, what did they
forget?" asked tho teacher, encourag
ingly. "They forgot their kerosene,"
promptly responded Miss Five year
Womkn are queer creatures. They
ire no soonor married than they are en
tirely lost from "society" and do not ap
pear in It again until thoy havo "gods
to dispose of in tho shape of marriage
able daughters, whom they tradejoffas
mothers onco disposed of them. Ci vlll-
tioD is o groat thing,
"What do you call that ?" said Mr.
Jones Smith, gently tapping his break
fast with his fork. "Call it?" queried
tho landlady, "what do you mil It?"
Well, really," said Smith, "I don't
know. Thero is not hnlr enough in 11
for mortar, but tliero Is entirely too
much if it is intended for hash I"
"Do you believe In tho appearance of
spirits, father?" asked a ratbsr fast
VOlim nifUl of hlsillillllyentalre. "No.
Tom, but I bolievo in their dlBannoar-
Bad Taste. "Mrs. Scruplo, do you
always buy the same part of tho ox
when you buy corned beef?
"Not always, Mr. Swallow ; why t"
"Oh, nothing; only I havo come
across a piece of grizlo Just llko this for
the past six tfcVs In our hush."
AN old lady who had never traveled
'o resolved last year to visit
Hasten. She had no sooner alighted
mnn hold of her arm with
"Haven hack?" Looking him
ful1 1,1 1110 f'W0, sho drawled out, hd-
tathiRVj-, "Wn-al, I donno, Ilo they
good to eat
Tin: credit system has been carried to
a pretty flno point In somo of tho rural
districts, if wo may Judge from the fol
lowing dialogue, said to have recently
occurred between a customer and tho
"How's trade, nquliu?"
"Wall, cash trade's kinder dull naow.
"Dun anything terdny?"
"Wail, only a little on credit. Aunt
Iletsy Pusleil has bort an eggS worth of
tea, and got trust for It till her speckled
pullet lays."
Pkkuksti nation. A Missouri paper
contains the following which will
without much urging:
"Do you bolievo In predestination ?"
said a captain of n Mississippi steamer
to a Calviulstle clergyman who happen
ed to bo traveling with him.
"Ol course I do."
"And you nlso bellevo that what Is to
he will ho?"
"Well, I'm glad to hear it."
" Why ?"
"Jioeauso i lnteini io pass that boat
"id in fifteen minutes, If thero bo nny
virtue In pine knots and loaded safety
valves. So don't bo alarmed, for if tho
"n nt ' "urst, they won't."
J'ro tho illvlno commenced putting
0,1 1,ls " '" "''" to look llko back-
'"K which the captain seeing,
"1 thought you believed In predesti
nation, and what Is to bo will be?"
"Soldo, but I prefer being n little
nearer the stern when It tnkiw plucv.
Inihan .Stuiiv. A romantic young
lady, whoso mind was deeply Imbued
with reading tho "Sorrows of Werter,"
nnd other novels of the exquisitely sen
tlmental school, approached a stalwart
savage whoso sombre vlsigo indicated
buffering of some kind, nnd addressed
him thus : k-
"Why .droops tho eaglo cyo of thu for-
1 ct -llrV Ishobniodlngover tho wrongs
of his race? Does tho memory of tho
red warrior revert to tho past when Ids
proud ancestors roamed through tho
mighty forests,audeiijowHhiiprimoval
gloried of nature, now sadly marred by
tho ax and plow of thu uusympothlzltuj
Tho nnswer of tho forest chief with the
di ooptng eaglo eyo was ulUtluahockluy
toher refined sensibility :
"Nol whltoinnii gib Injuu heap to
much whlshky. Injun big drunk last
ulghtj Injun sick, by and by Injun
pukoj Injun vul tigalu tight" I