The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 22, 1867, Image 6
THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMS13UUG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. PUBILC SALES. CALlTor VALUAIU.l' IU'.Al, lVri- Q TATE -Tho uiulerliheil, .Ai-jiiton or the Ri Miiimul muinini ur Uiorim Itnrtiiian. Of,oirrrorle.ollhcrepi.iuUiy or tugellior, tno toiluwlna ite.crlUi.-d h : x i. o t h o i o n o v n n n..i.1HDi,ri.J I. afv. I'nlitltitil'l Csmll. tv, minim on Muln street, nml ejtonillim back linn nltey In thotllrcctlon or lhocnni.1, nnd III n mnthernlv direction n far as (.Toss street. .1 noil lot hun about M feet front, nml Isn fee t In .lentil, . . a I. a. tlttH Ipn fhtu frit lilllllllllu lOl S. They inn iiepurehnseii nt private siilnunttr.Mon. dy; December 2nd, 1CT, nl which time those re maining unsold will b dlst.osod of nt public out cry at ono 'e lock In tho afternoon. Term, ov hai.k. Ten per cent, of Iho purchase money nt ihe trlklng.lown M ilioi.rnpoitvt nml ono-mlf. te.n the ten tier cent., on Iho 1st of April, lww,nnd Itir luilnnco one soar Ihcrenricr, vjlin lntercstonlho nnpnld amounts, lieed win liven when tho Inst pn metit f "y jiiwuiiiiAu'rii.vx. lT,ro.,ftept.l,t,l-ll7-Jm. Ksciutois. -pi'M.IO SAM2 or vvM'Ar.ix m:.t. rjir.vTn. In pursuim-enf mi order of Ihe Orphans CWitl l il'lny the. 2'lli jrwfiiiwr. Istn.ntlilnYloeH In l''',re?0,""'J.i ilerner.Bonr.ll.ill of the person bii.I eMiito of M. Mht rVninrt.n minor chid of : Mnr ' H7 lwrt. Into of Cntnw Issa township. In sal I munis , deer s-ed, will ejpo-e to sale by public vendue, on the premises, a corinln meunao or TllACT Or liAM), rontnlnlnu fievrnlr Acre , moiw or lerM. nUmHig l.n.l. of KiHlolphm Yenser on t h "orl'i. Jmrnb tirumlielleron the outli,llenry II III on t lit; oi. toii'l J.'men 11111 on the ea,t. Them Is erccte.1 on liie fcftl'l premliei A 1. O (I 1I0UHK, ono Hory nml n hnlf li'ith, ''."r". Vlfffi llerl'reMnn.l Mlll n'VV.T.rfV.mer S.n ', , ,..7.r. 'ivltn .nrina house; the e.lnlo of Ml,tnt.l,luiMn In the towniUIP . "'JJ1 .'JL1 ' uIoreuM. JruK (.'01.KSI vn, Uerll, Xn.lilh.nof H-tlol-Ten r cent, of Ihe one- theconnrmallonof nle.nli.l Ihn Iralnlico In one l.SJf S.n. . Jnflr.imtlnn.Vltli liilere.t from .con. Brmntlon, nlf. lVwseHlon Riven ..ti Ihe nm onj of Aorll. liht. l'urchnscr lo lmv for tie.. I MM -.-.-" t.f.K.' III'IIVI'II ilnniib.. October II, 10T. Uunntlnn. 17 Oil BALE WltlhcrmM nt private mile, n Jiery tllrnh'" residence In Honth lilfionwhnrK, rolumbin Coun ty, HI., me property i-uimuniuri TWO TOM'.V I.OTH Uuntc nn I froutlni Thlr.1 street of the t wn of llloomstiirc. whereon nro erei tetl a larso two tory Fit A.MK IIVKIMNO nouns .. ,.i,i.A n,,nAl....l .. 1..rr. fc.tnt.le nml C?lir rhwo 1 ciiv., Kuril pli; Ht e.ctwl Uouhe, ele., n.-tiHid r, r.......:. A.m . ui tl... I..k iliM.r. I'tet- k(K-,!mvul lw'ilvi"itm Iho tlrt of April, MH. IT nut noMbetwr.nllil-inii.l Ihe ilkt, ni li ml er nest the Mime will ! I 'pi.M tl to I lllilH- foio on . . ..... ... .....i....!, i if i.,i. ruvi her iinrtleu- Ur. Inq-lic hi Mie!. am I .il.erlv. nt the iineo of II. F. t'lnik, 1 -n., iiii,niiiuri!t o,i.n oaten., m. Ki-pt.-JT. pUBLIC SALH In iiiinmimcoornn nnierof the OrphnpH Cuuil of t'nluiabla county, l'u., on H4TLkimy, oj .m. HKit ttlnl, 1SJ7. nt 13 o'clock In tint Mrt nntui. r .on. Crrrlin Jr., ndmlntttrnmr. Ac, 1 John MlHfr, Inlit HI Fulfil I tfiWIl"IlMt u Kiti'i nmiii. will pxiwmo to Htilf, by t.cltilc m-Jiu' ou the prcmlci,n critam UOITKK AND LOT OF OKOUNI. iltnutf In Hi town nflNpy, nml county nforonsM, adjcinlni,' nndn f Jolm Hternor on tt- wi"t, H.t- ,. w, i .imhi i.r si. i.l f.iTi'ii u tht nnrth. nn nllcV Oil tlitrnl, nminn txiUy mi tin Kouth. (Hmtuinlinj nio'jtoni-tilnlof hii ncrp, whereon lire crectt-! frsn ilnclllnj liouv. with outbuiUtlncB, Into th fM-tf of wiltl cleceftp(l, ultunta in luoiown .ia4r (Vit.KMAN. Clerk ui- i-' nlltlorn of Hnl.c I'tn prr cent, of on fonrili "f the purcluwo momy to bo pul) on tn tH.riJt.n tl- Mil Il l"f I'i.-ifltJ, I'l'l'l""'!" thn (.., ... (MM t iiii thu f-itiitrmntiiii of t hp khIc. n.i.l t . iLtiiifnlnnnPi.tir tmni llm i-OIllrilUl- tkm rml. INiMtwHlon given on tho ttrt day of April, 1-W3. l'urchaertonnfor(l'cilnnUt.'inip,j. Octohtr tJ, 1W. AUmlnHtrntur, pUBLICSALi: Of VALUADtJl Itl-VL KHTATK. WtJlbi tkotd hr tho uiulcrMctieil, cxicutor of tlio hint will utul tt-Mtument of .Tmob lUehl, Uc ccfltctt, on KmnrVY, I)KCi:sinKn"J7tli, nt ten o'clock ft. m., tho ful.owiUK Ucncrlt't-il rciil -w-tHto a ror or tmoUND. Itiiul- In the town f Il!ooml,unr. ColnmhU county, ln.: mM lot fronts on 1'iist ntrr 1 1 ot n.iM town,ant contain in rruni bi.xij-hix it-oi mm m ilonlii i wn l.i.n.lrrl f.llit tctirlctll ft'ft filial Kl 111 ehi": uml bt)unlpil a- fallows: Klrst wiieet on tho nortll, tm nil-v oultiOMimn, nnuiiey on im- t-iit, nndnn alley on tlw wctt, whereon urc crceteJ a Koo'l two story I'll AMI! nWIXLINO nousi:, nil irttMioti ntiiutil nUn n nt-llnr Litehcn tin rior ttun Liii-iu nt ti j-niftilnfiiblc. n InrfTp.stahlt'fiUil cnrrl ice hiui-M1 tiMtl una livery Mnble, ft well of so-fit ntcr?.t the tucknloorof tho Hcry Mnblc, n clMcm at the hfiik nuor or uip ceiinr Kucnen witii MhiT fiiiiliiiiiilin. 'flip urom rlv f Imine- tlUt' ! In Hip nrnf tb. Court fout- hit. ml Is nrprvrlri-tlriililn t.tntl for n ll el V m titbit) I frr.b.u shux oa tho 1st tiny ot April. ItM. Terms inmle known on day uf t-ule, when flttcmtnme will be kIvpii by IAVII I1WENBEU0, Kiccutor, lilonjmnburz. Oct. Is, lirtf. P U B L I C SAL K of VALunu: heal kxtati; Tn rnrhimnce of nn order of the Orphunn Court of tviumbl County. ivnnylinn!.i, on Hati'r- DAY, NoVr MHCK .'KlOl, M)7, tit 10 nVIoilC tn tllP rnrennnn. U. Kllno. I'xnulcr of Jlnrmuu. Kline, Ifttenf Hcott toutinhlp, in nald tounty, dp ceno i, will expose to Mile, hv public vendue, on ine pn rniMrw, a certain nitfumiK-j uwt TRACT OP LA 2f I), fcltnftlp In Rcott township, In wild p mnty, lound ed by Inndnof Thorn-n Cievclliu, Woly Kuckel ana oinen, conuunins KKVKN ACRH8 AND TW1INTV PKROIIIW, on which l erecteU a FUAMK HOI7NK, undthe uual outbulldlnux; Into the rstnte of-i.tld ueccnseu.imiaieinine iowntmpoi,-scoi,iir.acouni tv nftjrf(.nld. .IiA-nK I or,i:w,iv. Clcrlr. i-Conditlon of Hnlo. Tho onc-thlnl of the wirrliflnp innnev rn ri'tn-iln chtirucd niton lbi premises durintbe batum! 1 1:0 ol tl.c ldov of wun iifrpnwn, ttiHi mo lnitrt'ri iiicrcono it' tin nunlly nnd rKUlnrly pud l.erb (he pUTflnw.! fin iiJp nri tui t,j April 01 c.iui itu-i jtry jlmi durluir her mittiml ii.e, mi l fit lnr dentlt Hit" prin ci p.ii iii'K (Hiin fiy in" l'u 1 iiitt 1 lit trj in r ii le:iiry rntlilfd tneri-to. 'Itn w-r iml. m on foil. h of twii-tlihdi tf 1h' purciinhi iuoip.v ttil pnl'l tit tin Kr k'ng down of (be propcuv; tho one-. i. una on... to-ihnMi. less tin- u n per tim u. the ifiiilrnmt'jn nbsolntc, and Hie rtTiinln lnu two-lhtid 1 In on. . our ibciVMPcr. with ini.-i i-ht do'n ciiiUrni'iii-.n u , 'lb i'urihiiMi to piyf-ir '(.p i mul s'ari jnn.N K! Nov, lxiiu tor. rPEACHKUS INSTITUTE. vn act of the I etf.flnture of Jcnnsj Ivnnln, uji- ?Medthp ninth l i oi A,'rM 3v(7, tntilb'd, "'A 'urtherHili-DhiiiPi:! tonn Aft fur tm rttfuhith,n nnd rontlnuunt'ii r,t a Syntem 01 Kdututhm uf loinroontM-iiooift, ic" i tt:u'tr ti follows: Hkc. ''"Ibnt th 1 'on 11 tv Hup iintuiiUot 01 tnch lountv In this C'-mtni'iiwenllh Is hereby tinthnrlred end required, oiuu m tinli jeur, ut men iiuio niKi pittep us hp, orn pnipn-nv i.iunor Iced Committt h of Tiiicher, nctliu with him, mny derm mtwt convenient to call uijoii and In vito tho Teacher of thp Oonwuon .Sctiools and other lnttltutioii4 of Icirntuc tn his lountv. lu HrtPiexnblo toKither rnd oraiuzo theiinx 1m h Into ATcncLitM' bp devoted to thu lm provemf ut of 'itnUu'i In the svIpiicm and art of education, a.d to contltiu),n iteriition nt kti-ailve dnj-H, Includ'njf a lottf a day for goln to, and u half dty f.r rturnlnj from th plncp uf meet In,' Ac. hKC. a. Vro Lit nj Mfi.t all Honrdwof filreitors may allow it 1fKtieru in the IrCotmty.thp prW tfrt nf ntt"n lltis thest I utitutt, without mnk ItiH any tl liictln from thplr h'l that any tPHchpr thoHbtcnls hlmlf fioia tho IiiitltuiH of Iiim Couui. Mlthouln Kootl ruakon, may 1iup his want of prufejtMonul npirlt and eat luttlcatiHl by a lower nrtrk on his crtilkate In tho practlco of tcarhlns, thuu h houM oth rwlfo hnt rocrl vl." In acordanie with the ubop cited art of An wmhly, tho Ttoohersof tl.i:ConiinonHehojlH and other JuiiMtunonH of li-jirnmi; iu Columbia coun ty, are hereby InvUt-d to fmetemhlp for the purpiw aliov e HtAtid, In the Hall of tho building In niooinKburf, on MONDAY. tUK 5iit DA V OK MiVKMHFIt. lNJ7,ot 1 J o'clock u. m. Mr, J. I1, Wickpn.hii, tuptrlntwidcntof Com. inon HohoolH of I'r nil riy Ivan U, and other unlnent rducators. will bn lu HttfnJunco to ivldreM the InatltutP. I'ltAH. O. 1IA11KI.1-Y, October -i, HUp't. of Col. Co, LK ATlIEnt LKATIIKH 1 1 Ihe undemlined takes thin method of Inform Inic his frlrndi and thn public generally, that ho lius rttiumed the builneini of tauiiliiK AT TIIK OLD TAN YAHD, into which he han Introduced iteam works and nxtorts, with all the modern lmprovemeutx, IN LI0UT HTHE1TT, COLUMHI A CO., DA, He re Ids friends nnd euntomerstthatheh.i coattautly on hand and for salo AT TIIK LOWEST PUICEH, larn QUfintltlr of Leather of all ktnda, for which tie chalteuges the examination of buyers. IIAHK AND HIDKH will be purchased at the best market rat or taken In ttxrhangn for stock, together with cash at ch prices. Ueaurtf toeall and examine our calf.blp, and ot leather before purchasing elsewhere, as we an rcrtaiuly suit you, w. . - . JAM KB W. HANKKY, Llht Btreet, Nor, 1, ltCJ-it, JjJMPIBE BEWINO MACHINE CO., BALEBnOOM, 118 DIX0ADWAY, N. Y. a No. I Family Machine. This Machlue luis a straight needle, perpendicular action, miUen the Loci or Shuttle Mitch, which will neither rip nor ravel, and la allla on both khb-u oo every description of inalerJ linen or all4c thrviul. Wivneei rwwiiig , with cotton, It heint, Fell-, braids. Tukcs, OullUi.PUiU and 0r.thrs. As n Kamlly SUctilDe, U tun no suporl or. Price, with llemuisr and 1 J raider, flw. r'.rUcnla-at 'mion Is called to our New Im proy;d !"Q'jfi'ttnlii3'wLu,hlne, They run Ubl and rrc remrai I'lve'y .I'dselens, slnipfo, dursT'lu LI i 't i i, c'oUi tig leather worlt lUky -i . -'ii,. li . fi,J . 1 r' -nmer and J:ro!vler,J7ij. Vo. a Machine, , Argots wintd, lo whom a I'tyrcl dlcogut will bitlvou, LEGAL NOTICES. i DMIJClSTUATOU'tf NOTK-'K. .lVenWh."T11?n im.uied by he Ihuut'i sons havltiit claims or demands nxHl the l Kloof tho Utwlint iirn te-iucste I to make Hu m MnSw" "nml tU. pvmr.nt. Adlulntlrnlor, Oct.S"', l7 01. fXlitlUTOlt'ri NOTIC1". Xi MTATATII or Wll.1.1 tM HJtrllltP, JE'wnmm elnlms niwlnt thofsintoiirn requested I" present tUem to 'ill" lixocuiors for will, went, and those knowing themselves VrtthKH V' WILLIAM m:ai Oct, 11, NT. Lsccntor' K I)M IN ISTllA I III xoTici:. I Ix. ixr.iTf. or AiniriiMKxri i'-irii. rr.,..M.,.i,i i n -.irniioii tutu "i .nn"i Meniie.lnioof lllinn lownilili'." rn m nn m i nt-. in. .... .. t ...,..1 lt.ivnliiin ur inu'it r i.o- ih-kii' . , inii.,iiiMM . All ocrsonn n Miiii miiu ... "." -;-, , . ,.:.i. ,,r I . I r.-Mile.l nrorenui itte I to niMic iinymeiil In " " - HOIirllT r . I'l.AltK. Ally. Kir .Mllilinwir'nvi. Oet. Si, US.-, Td'minTst UATOH'H X0T1CK. A pnTATK ,Tr rt.tx AitKTit iia vLon. bi.e u, r.l!cll llnvlor, Into of Montour lowiielili;, V".1"'11: bli eoinly, .leVc...-.!. by the ;ecl-iter or wiltl comnj , . i..i.-. - Vr. i ji ..V lriu..r, ;v.i.. . , .n,Wl,,Vl thi. i-Onte ,mV . ; nil to Ibein Tfor leltiemenl, Imd those na mcnt. BAN I M" I'A ) I-"'.-. u mi- Ai n niNiriii' TVClltllinll ATKIV. X Notice U hereby (tlM'li .lint no nM''!'"'''1'' been Innile to Ihe I'ourt of Coioninti I'lf nn of Ctilmnblf. county to lira i n . nnn. r m u ori -rutlon to "l ho Mi. rnlrlck'n Keneflelnl H . I Cent mil..:" nn lujtrumeiit In wrlllna t' erc .,'.l.rt Mm4. nrtlcleit. cotutltloiis. lltlil mime; myloor tllTcof nl.l l'"l'';' .i-V,.''?.;'.' ti ueen uicu u. .uu v , it.iv M 7. J v.----.. lTothy. 0V. I, A DMINISTHATUIXVS NOTICE. Tn KHTATE Or IMAf llllUAl", umi j. lAlternofa.linlnl.tratlonwllhihewllliinriexe.1 ..,'.'.L-r,.r.i.,.nnl(l,rtn,t inteof Ijk'UsI town- hlp. Colutnhln eounly, hnvo been uninte.1 by t o IteilVlcr of unlil county, to Ihe umli r- Igmnl, who feTilen In unl.l township. All perions huvlM clHlnini.enlnt the eslnte nre retiuesteil o present tut III 10 too niiiiiuiis.ii.i.... .... " lhiolinowlUKtlieliiselvesin, i im. ...) ment. Aim. ji. .OV. 1. IS07-.U. "'" " ' A DMlNISTItA Tun a .nutiui;. h .-r.n .. i HtllVlllfk' lillllU. 1)1 t '11. i , tQto'..f rJtilnltrnllfiiinii tht entitle orl'lt'il niet Hohr. latt of lretnwtHl tnwntblp, l olum buicvuntv, hnvn bet n nrtiitnl by the Ih-uMerof Mitic unity. to icjioiii jvintu, i iii' i'"""' "' Y, D"ii s noii, wiin nm in iimi' ' " , . .i.. ..... ..Ii.i.n aii tt.fin uiv hit f bdnis or i!p- mnnds nitnliw't tlw Mild eMnto nte n iiut-Ud to iirrfieni num ior Menu " v:..,'- Adirrdp b-niW ti'-n with the lll annexed Kov. I, !Mj7-6t. L UNACY, t nn (lrt nnd final .iceontlt of Thomas J. Hlltch ln...i. CitnitillliTinr U'tllllllO lltlllbllltt. 'i Intuitu ,.m.,u.wu.iui All wrHtitiu iiilir.titiMl will take notice, tnai ttie accouui oi nuiu HMmiuun' mm ISM-U Ilieti in him iTtiiiuJiiiiimj t'iiii.u v'"i" lin ivmiitv nml Unit the saltt aeeonnt will In, lrc- M'tited In the. Jndtrcs of tho C'tutrt of Common iiiiu nr it 1 1 1 fount v. ior l'.:iiiiiiiiiiioii miti i-ooiu- matlou.ouTup'tdav, the third day or Dicimber iL'vul' nil.KM W. I'ruthnuiitiirv. iiioom.uurg, isov, i, iwt-j, TX THE OHIMIANS' V VW IX Aft nml thn Count v of Columbia. Ill Ihe mai lt r of the petition of John Miunmn, (unrdhui ol l-,unleL htliniecl, a nmior ror prii ne ai oi nlu wnnlV rnl rntnte. Sent. (till. H(7 William II. Ab bott, i:sn., appointed nn uudltor to report the tacts, Willi his opinion, uy ine nmi i. . eruiieu fiom the Itecord. JtssKCtn t mn Clerk. 'Inivirtlfiu intoratrl In Hip ill mi, c iiUnP take no tice, that I Miall attend tor the purposo of my up iKjlMtnifiit.nt H.J, Clark Hotel In on Huturday November, lf)th,H!7. at ono o"( lock a. m. Nov, 1, 1S57. ' Auditor. TN THE OUPHAN'S COURT IX X "tid for tho County of Columblii, IStnto of HKSRV HONLUl dee'd. Till Coin ill Ui toner np polnted bv the Court to tane tentlmony lu the matter of thp exceptions to the widow's nppnda niPiit of tho widow of Henry Ilosh r lale ot hea ver townsblp, deceaMcd, will meet the purlieu In ttrp(icdforthe mirrumeH of hU anpdiittnuit on Hatunl iv,Ko'ml)cr.J'Hh, 17. nt luoVlockA, m, nt theoillceof ltobert K. Chirk, Ksfj. In llioums- burc, rn. Jir.iti.i ji. unuis., Nov. 1, 107. Conuuihhtout'r. "YII)()VS, APPHAISKMKXTas. The following npprnlscmcntR of real and per Nonal proirrrty ttet apart to uMown of dcecdeiits, haoleen tiled In theofllce of the Kenrlsier ol Co lumbia county, uuder the liulcn uff'otul, and W11Im3 presentnl for abiolmo eonflrm.ith n, (o tin Orphims' Court to lto held In Hhjom-sburK, In and for.ildcounty,on WrPNF-snv(ini: Kouktii Day or Dtci:mih-k, Ik.7, at two o'cl(K.k c, m., of K.ild day, unless exceptions tn Mich continua tions nro nrevlou-dy llled, of which all persons Interested in said estates will taku notice; I. Widow of fieoige W, Palmer, of lilooni town ship, deceased. i Widow of Daniel Mellick, of Hcott township, dPcenied, .1. Widow of Danlfl Gearhort, of Locust town ship dtceased, 4. Widow of Henry Ilowiaan, of Main townihlp, dt ceased. fi. WMowof John Htiner, ofOrtuyio iwp., dee'd. fl. Wnloworc,ius Kry.of Dh'ora iwp.,dccd. T, Wt low uf ltt-nJ.Hiiln Nlits.of M.ifnlwp., doeM. X. Widow of :inli I Nii-s.of Mn tn twp., dee'd. 9. Widow of John I'e.demn'ishliuiciiek, twp.. die'd. 10. Widow ut JlenJ!rTi;n J. Doono, of Centre twp., dePPtlTd, II. Widow of Jjicoli Kurps, of rii!iintcrccl; twp., de(eiil. 12. Widow of Jacob Dh hi, of Itloom tv. p., iWd. joiin (i. ntr.Ki:, licHicU'r, TX THE COUItT OF COMMON XI'M'AH lNANDOIt'niU0CNTY 01' CO LUMUIA. COIA'MniA COCNTV, IS.' v-- I cerllfv, that nt u Court nf Coinmon f su i. Ditnx, for the o-uuty nliL'ir.ttid, hod nt VCiiJ lllooiiidniri:. en the lih dy of Scn ' 'i t ember, lwi, U-torc H.e llniiornhle Wlllnini Kiwe.ll.l're-idi l-t.ctttl hi- Aitn lattsJus t'ces nf ftntd court Tn the mailt rol nroi eetilimr. In um llttou lulu en .lohn t loii'c. I'laint'ir; un I I'lu lp crouwe, e' ul 1 ercuLtnts. 'l ho inrpu st b.i :n . nm lc n turn that ihe pie mis s n .1 i r tin .i. . i I eil. t oli'd not la. liMded m thoul prejudic, io or poiio. tin nhoit. i n moi or i I !tol-'i!t.( ric, lijiin Court i i.lliiiifs Mini r-itiru nu-1 Mfltllcd n rmo eh n'l ihe pniiHri mli ru I. to inctpt (r ie iiiip Un mid pti mie, nl ibe valiiMttoii put up on It, or In carte ol ni-u ect m n fingtl Io nteepl ih mint , to sii iw ' i. use n uv tut m.?o.' s-cum nm ih st.Id, rctuimJe t.ti tht ilrst Moiiduy ul Ih 1 1. mU-i WJtncK-mc hand and seal ot suit! Court, this J1-'kV0I.KMAS. I'roth'v. Tn Julm Cn.ue, l'mlip t ioue, Iliiaiu cruse, NeUon Croiirp, lkeier and lii wit". IimUa Crouse, Jolm J timet t, Jj.uwi 1-Jeicbut, Wllllmu rieehnt. i hurlen KliKchut. Mich n-l M. riechut. Autia Mttria Kicxt but, I iedi-rUk Klcstimt mid Caroline l-kschut, ittidnil other w-rniK tnteres- p. i. i:om:iir r. laiii;, O'toUrSl, 1V7. Atcy lor IMlt'r. Tunoas yon conrr or emi f MON I'l.l.AS, Dr.CLMllLU U. IMfT. in-awr Moses SihUchcr, llenton 'rhoiiias Dnls, Jk-o It. lYnntngton. Ilerwlek Doio Ji reiiilnh s midcrs, Beth It Ituw man, Wm, Wootlln. llrlannck Albirt Smllh. Itloom John rt sterner, Watson W i'urman. CiitaHlsi Abel Thomas. Henjumln D Former. O utrt John Hill, Nathaniel .uiiairn. Cotii iiijham Wm liooilninu, Jtiuu-s Harry. FUhlnncrct k nlacksoii M'Henry, Urtenwood John 't homns. llcmhK'k An ron Mulih. I'eter WeikhcKer. Jackson lUcUtvl Cole, (J tor ye I .irvtr, Linauuel 1 'HIS, locust Batnuel Keller. Jacob Yeucr. MacllMonWm It Dttnott. Maine Joseph Dartre), Nathan Miller. Mtl'hnunut-Johu While. Montour David Clark, Noah Mouser, Samuel Jlnirciibtich. Orange Archibald Pattcraon, David Achenlmch, Joseph Henrv, Hcott Henry Kelehner. QAniUAGE MANUFACTOHV, Illoorasburn, Pa, M. C. 8 LOAN A DHOTI I Kit the suceeriHon of WILLIAM BLOAN A BON continue the business of rnakl CAHUIAUKH, ItUGGUiS, and every style of FANCY WAOONH, which they hnvo constantly on hand tn suit cut tomers. Neer using any material but the best and employing tho most experienced workmen they hope to continue iu heretofore to give entire sat Li fact Ion to every customer. An Inspection ol their work, and of the reosunable price asked ror the same, Is suro to Insure a sale. E It C II A N J) I S E . NOTICE IB IIKnKIlY (JIVIIN To my friends and the public noiierHlly, that all kinds of DRY GOODS, OHOCEIUES, QUEENSWAItE, NOTIONS, AC., are constantly on hand and for sale AT MAUTON'B OLD HT4ND, Si loo usr una, ut JAM KB K, KYI It -W-w, fcr-ie Arr.t rr4-riiTfl" J ik jiuifo Mpr. IitjwrTrtTirrfctrlly tm hud. lfwU'97, LEGAL. QOUttT rUOCLAMATKLV, WttKitaA. the Hon. William Elwell, rvclteur Ju tirpofthe Court of Jyer ami Terminer nml Ornernl .lull lh llvcrv, Court of (lunrter sHtnm of th" li ncr and Coint of Cotnimm t'le is uml or- piinll n conn ill hip H'i .iinurmi imhiiiii, rtni- MISLHI I llll' rouiit i't ui oiuuiiiin, riiiimnt iVvomlmt. nnd the lion, ImmDerrand lVter K. HeriK-in, Awtlaip .ludprt s oftolumbtn county hnvo Ntied tlu lr prpecnt, beiirina date the 7Mt d.iy of Meplember( In the ear ot our !nd, nne Ihousnnd.pliiht hundred nnd dxly-fieven, nnd to lupilhei tetl for lioIdluanCoitrtoroyernniUVnul tier and tlen.iul . Inll PilKtry, (hneral Uiiarlj-r Memflntis tf Hip I'cnrv, and Orphan's iVnirt, m lUotnilHimi-u, til Hie mini I oi nuiiiiiiiHi, im uw llrst .Mundnv, brlnn tht- .d tliiy of Deei huh r next, toconilntie nun wtek. , .... AIM w hen as, ihe mime .Jud ' Kited their pre ecpt of Hie wimp drtte.imd iohv tl neted mm hold lOH ii v. on 1 1 in ' lino n i i -t in iii"i the Coiiniv or I'tt.nmi'i , on ihe vfmnd Monday, Ik-Iiik the Kill day ot I) t tnln r lifSt. lu c-i tiUUO ono week. . . Notice Ik hereiiy trivtn, loiue l oroncr, io me Tinticennf the iVate.ntnl tin1 Coustiibie ot the said countv of Cotunibl-i, that they ho tin n mil incro in men pio ii r rerstm in w i.uwi mi'm lure noon oi nam o-iv, nu iin-n rmnin, mimih-i-tiotis Hint oilier rcnit inbtnli' f s, toilnh-r,t h'"t.T! whleli to tlndi o(U enn,,t,ln to bo d uns Ami thnso ilnl are buiind hv r . 11 mce, to proe-uiti-a iilnsi the pihiMutN ih ii nr.-or m ly iw lu (lie J 111 ol HIP -.11 1 e ill n OI t oiuruu n, nt iw iiit'H Htld thi'ie lo fh. ti) a-i !t til Im Jl tt, .111 ron ii r rei4iiefsied to he punctual Iti their iuteii.t nniT.nHreenbly tothplrnotlees, lhttl at HbHiro-c ,,,, imrKi i "e wjiiinnyoi ouiuiwi, iu iiiB.tnn t.H, y four, ono Ihousnnd Hht littn--syvJ ilrtnl nnd -Ixtv.BPViMl. nml In the nlheb- llrst c,ir of the Independence ot the I it Uctl .Htrttesof Amerlcn. 'm.VMUHI. HNYDMl. IlIOOUlshurB, ."SOV. I, 1NI7. pjiicnii, T 1ST OT CAUriES I'OK OliXKM SJ hi :i t 1DUM, lst7. I Samuel MrUs.iolm Clark. J Hiimuel Henr, h Hopler &, KIUi-t . 3 l- II Jones n Hle C Ahlxrlt nt al, 1 Wrisht Hughes s Deter Miller, f. .lounthnii Knltllp vs Wrlald HttKhc. t Marv i; oreen h Hoberl m Howell. 7 siiutin A reldnmn Nnn' Yetu r. H David Vetificr s Clinton Dwill I nl 1) DaMd 1'rv s Dnvld Shiitiinn h) Dllas Krum's ine vs D.inlel KruiU'n udm'w. II Wm A Mt r v .rnie D 1(p. 2 Th iiim J V.iudtrtHet! vs Ain Drcsli. r. l:i Hviti sier J 1'iiux s wiiinrd C Oret ns admr. II ,h' ob : I aii. t U'Hli.r.l C (J rue us .idmr. 11 Jnsepli l.d.ev I'eter Mi Hick. M Heubt n Mllb-i Nn-ie Ye ur. 17 .liieoli A Swisher Ai-el Hnttmn.l. is jncoli wwishi i vs UMmrd W i.'.onn. ID .btnn's Oiiriiniu vs MMmel Cicanc et al, iPI iP'orKe H Hri n s I. conn id Hi Hit m ill. 31 C V C.inip!'ll t nl vh II W M'lh yiu.d ctul 22 Mileld- A !U"IV M I I Kill?. 21 leMir J I nux s .Itinii Ho 'hi on. 21 Wmischuyler ntmiel Y iter, 2i Jimesstmu-si-r -t Otsiup sirieker. 1 'llilmnn 1'kux s Hvlvestfr J rmix. 27 smnviel WnttcrH v C K Miiric-rum. L" annuel Watt th s fit ori( vllllts. it rntiel W.ittt is vs (htinre Witltts. rr) John TremMj A Co vs M r. 11 ( n et oi, , :tl Atlum sunlit i v Ooorpe tnck'-r. .1J Clatk siew.irt it ii 1 s Khjali C C, r. St Ih bor-ili Denn vs Owen , Ih'an. ill I KinUllii Yikuiiih U'm I Kiiitmmi. a. I -flint F.l M'l'nil ni ul h .lohn sw. eniv. ;i Wt st Hniii'li iinuninwt o v sun n'c hive, y7 John Kt lelmer s Ji riiniah h mcrv ndmr, Ss MllPui Tmimli ust- vn I'hlli(i Mocr 1 1 at, Ji-sne Uohbliis A wlfo vs Win llvis a wile, 40 UoImtI J Lyons' ndtur Wesley Lyons. 41 I' II l'mlholi vs Andrew Kiens. U I'll lVuntoii -t John C'ttfti. 4t JjiineH M'Vleker vs N I, Campbell. II Wia Ikoler vh Jtdin Mnvnuo oi al. 4 i lMT0rA Malk ey n J s Drouwt. M ilctiritp Drtitn vh Isano Yeiter. 47 Trunk Ilrother A Co J s Urohst. is Wm A lCltnes J(pph I' liOtni Ad D.inhltl Knl's nd nil' v Junics Hinkey. .i cimrleH Miller s the Township uf Uloom, Al ImiiIiI liCS'iiu s ntlMir John Jvau. ol John Mori is mi J it IViek. 11 Joslnh Thonns vs Hear c Frras, ."! Itolt I'urker vssihis DKtUur. v. ii-tnioi ir..i -i . binii-l s lU'inlc M .Miry M'Hrpiiilv s ltobert Uorivll, gariilaheo or r.iiricic m um y et ui. JiiKK cof fMMAN, Drotli'y. RlooMl-sburK, Nov. I, IS'17. I) IXilSTEU'rt X0T1CE, XoTifK A JL V h' reby Kueii to alt Ui;.iU(a tiedHors and oi b r ix tsoiis hid ii'stcil tn ttu eslati'-t ottliern- Mierlive 'K't eli ill" and minors, that ihe lollowtliK nilmlui'-trntlon and meirdl'in aceoitni.s hnvo biH-u lllt'il in the ollbe of the Ue-lsier of Columbia i otni 1 1 , ninl will iu- pn -enti d ror lonilitnntlon nnd iilloWHtict In Hie O ml mils' Coiil't. to lie held In llloonisbiinc, ou v edc(inv, Ihe tourtli dn of December, lsw.7, nl two o'clock in the afternoon ol KIlU ,1.11. I Account William ChrlHtnnn, ndmlulslrotor 1 iMiitei .loniiui, tnte or hcoii inwusmp, aee ii. 2 Aecouiitol 1.11 Hohblus and l.llwibeth l'aden. ndi)iliiislriitorsof.liimes 1'adcii, lute of Fltiiii(j- irei K lOWlisuip. ineeu'-e i. :i Account or J nomas Urns, exerntor of Trod rrlclt I Ii-sk. Lite of Suuarto:if towiishlo. dee'd. i i- rst ninl una ncionnt or .lonn a. n i er. ex ecutor or iictiry it. hitl er, tale or Mi n n town- xliln. f et nstsl. ;Vleot ...Humiil i.r T..1..1 tf IT..ttn mliololvtm. ior oi iicu'tCi l ry, i.iipoi .mhiuu iowiihiiiis'Icc o, cut'ir of J. M'KlniitV Liu l.nlew. late oi Fish ill crei k township, (h c'lf, 7 I irsT mill ii 1 1 1 1 1 net oiitii oi .oiiiii ii. .Mtiriit ami i;iiz.i Keicnner. aiim ih, oi iit'i.ivi- n. wt icjitur, Inle or Cen I re tow nublp, tit 1 1 ni 'the M'co id and flimi n.t until of Wm. f. llur Ie . ndtu'r. of Caleb liuvt n, !!' of jit join luu'n shin. de'd. 0 Account of A. 1'nrdf e and A. lb.liion. cxt- ulors ot vVm, Uob:oti, Intf of lib nm tuwiidilo, dp( eiiM'tl. in Aect.nnt or Uiorge w. rm-iMin'M, a.mrr.oi i.uiiircm iiieiiaiMs, uieot Jiit'om irm umiiphh! ii, II Aeeonnt or utfii. rl Ut-ftr, ii'Itn r, of Mtvr; IK late of Sinrari'iiii tovn-hrn. dee'd. i A't'ornt of Wm, T. humau.ndm'i', nt DUluon r ishi r, lain ol M.itm towui!i)i. d'-e tl. Pi Acounl ol 'Ikommuhi Kil lenhn .c. tir-lvlnu ndin , ot Solomon mi auk, lule ot i.t.i-.c mwn 11 Account of John Dry, (rimriHnn of Mnhn'. i 'on rnd Susanna. Samuel. i ,a nowd. . t..i.!u cob, l'rlscllln. u of K iloliioti Sw mli. ,b eM P. .oi,iinl.,l Imi.hiril A.lunu ti.tin-t ..( l.Ucnhnrt, hit. of (' lowiubip, ihceuseif. in. Account or cinru iiwwn. i;xetutnr i .lolm Moiumii. lale of U loo in tow null I ix U i-t.iaed. 17. 'll.o Ilnal ai'ioinil of .Snuini 1 Lot, onu of the i;xei utoiitoi Wm.C'luj lon.lateof 1'r.uikUu towu- sinp, iittcnsen. joiin o. rnr.iy.Hcriister. rtlo.mi'-burg, Nov. 1, 1mJ7. pUAND .TUHOKS roil Df:-KM O tiLt! 'ii::tM. la?. lle.ivir-s M tiearhnrt, I' IK!iiinrtii, 1 1 ulon W'illtr.m Apph man, John K rns, lllotan John K (lioty., Hri 'reek .lotmthnii It fJordnt r. 0. .taUHs i J.i oh KifltUr, Johu Kf-rtr, Nnhii ro-ifiy. Ceniu.Ila Itoro lohn V Hanuon, D W Wetlmm 1. 'i litre Jmnes Koeber. Coiivimh.ini Dtinok iirnpki n. rishliitfeieek --annuel Colviinin. Ilrtnl.!i k Imiic 1-eldy, .IitcAtion (leorge ( ity, Iltnutt Hul;cr, WwHst njuuib'I Millie. MadNou John A Funalnn, Wm Jol'tsnn( Pine Jot. ii limner, J him SIu ins. Jugul nf llh'h ird Hess, J' lT UlUtS l-'Olt THE H All i EH r N . 11. I. Hi l.ii . )tt nt u i.i-i io t t. ii. i .-it . UJo' n S Jm .k ., b t ;i M CK..0.1 i J.m.ii'b ll! ot m- Joi ti J i!'ikl. v. r t , oi ;e.-. (MutAl-- i VtiMer'",U, Ji - . i" . :.i!ii.'i hart. Cent i e 1-ir.iti Keh'Iitier, D A i n U Wi rnlrn. t win iiii'mm-John Audi is.n, ft ni rn Tin It'iro llemy li.ihl". UntnwtMjd miinei Frca, C!.. Ip Y mi,;, lobie .-n. Inekson Mn'l In w M'llt my. I list Dllus lieontc, John Wn'b r. M.ellstMi I-uue M'iiilde, Jos Kya..ii, K Phllfp. Miiir.t Ihiuio Yettt r. M 1(11111 I-ilUe I.UI7, Monttnn James Itnrton. tirnnue Iteese J Mlllur.l. UonihiereeU Duiihd KunUle, J ictl Tiiftniher (Jer. Stott Peter Knt, lUomtm W IMtar, Juwb Mel ih k. Daniel Snvder. 8 i 'c I -f chrMlmi Ii Moore, Nowtnn Herrltif i mi, nil .niiirir. i. Jti'Mi, s UEUIEF'S SALES, ily lit ue of sundr writs Hn,ied out of the enim u common rte.-is or rouiuiniM i ouiity to nv ui-re-ied v. Ill b- exposed to wile, ut the COlTKi' 1101'sK, In DhKmisburtc, on Motv'tiy, t. e .'d dnv oi iiueiniTiei, next, nt one oeioeK in the niter- ikhju, me miiowiLK oesenuei propt rry, vuei All those two cert n In tract a or oIi-pphoI Inn 1 lv I Hit nml tieliiif In Ihetowilhhiuoi Jaeksun. In the Count, of Columbia, and stale of Pt-nuHylvniiiu iiit- tiue iii't-e in iuihi iHiunoeo on uie can?, lund o John IV nth, on the muth bv b,nl of - Parker, nnd on the wtst und tiorlh ) laids of jn un i nr. sunn, eoniainni vwn n(r pi i less ine second pteee of luiul iielim nn n in uiu unvMetinc, i "iim.v nun rsmieuio, i r-.i o n uilo ml ai lollowpi : PeKlniilnit at a ietl oak, ti, n by land of John Christian Hoiitn 71 d Ktee, iu h fan pinutsioii posii iiK'iHu d iimu oi vm. lu DiieifliiM west stxiv pi lebes ! n .ost ill ine ionn it. u una itoui uuori-ixiu lo t im ., mil Kiiwmlll: thence iiloni Ihe snme uoi-ili .1 i..u..i- i -n, seeni -uiree pi renus in a poni : theme In Hut siiine north PI deuiesH enit liliu . n ins lo 'n post In LI Hie IlshliMcreth; Iheine bv btud ot John Chtlstlaii norlh M (bgiei-H east, -.Kt-nlne perelics to the b winning contiiiiiltiu hnirlveii m!,1 V ' "" 1 ui iyit.i tn mtm. jtvr eniii I(H nwj.t-u-., iin'to tir.iwi. niMtu, ihucu lnlO OXU euilon end to t sotdns Ihe property i l u m. i,d ar, and JnhnMtnley.ndiutnMrulor of Diana lUb Kiir(uecen.e.i, AI4t) All that certain tract or n-ueel of lun 1 in tl (OHiuuipoi itouruii'iePf ui me count.' of lumblattormerly Moiilourjboimdeiiuudib e ht as lonowsvit on iup norm n. inn t oi .bum r ry on Die ca-si o.v land or .lacoiiHtln',oii tit soiuii V lund HOW of Dilltiel Ko-teiibntitler. mi.l on il.. west by land or Jonas ruhrliiiiti, i oninuilmi one hundred uud live acres. SeUed iitlo n In cxci n- Hon and lo be Bold iw the property o ihomas AIBO A certain tract of land situated InDieTownshli nf itemtock and County of Columlna nloinuliD on. laluliiK aiHitit ono hundred ueies IjoiiuhmI and detKt rilted as lollows, towlt : on theiiortii tit (nnd oi .ioiiu Kuiue on uie east oy uiun oi i.. w niu n. I in i toiiviiriwi no lilt) HOUlII OV 111 UHS kmiuik-I Itruulernnd on the wh- bv imi is of Moiul. Seii d, lilken Into exeeul'on mid to I sold ns IbeproperlyofAUeitutusC. H.i dmltits tmlor with thu will uuoed of neiirj D .itMnd'er AIO All that rer'fllnbuiitiinjf located on al'it or piece oi yrounu siiunieiii uriur itpou iouhhiiiiiI olum bl.nHtuntl, purchnKsl by thu said Snmut 1 MHei pom tu nun! smith, nnd boundid by imul or itJiui nuiiMiei muni nia one nnu .t nmr Hion irameiiuiiiiiuu neiutf rourttteu .v sixteen feet In Nie. reirisi, loueu into ex ecu lion unit to in soli as mo prujieiiy oi ramuei aiiier, ALSO A certain lot of ground situate lu the llorounh mi t,iiiuniui, i imhiiiuiu no,, cuHuiiiiiii;; iweuty live feet on I.x ust A etino and (Xteii'tluu lack alouu South Stiei t onn huudiiYil oiul ion v n ,.i ti. an alley on w hlch Is creeled a two stoiy frame iniiiiim iiiuiit' turn i un- nriuni'iiuii'Tit, neison, UII.PI1 luioexi Pinion auu io besom a tin pi v o IMnnrd na(fe.. nAMTJKL BN DI l.,'inljr. Atvuni.f r , i i., V LL ( iTu i ii i, Uoihto-,. fetvro. r ii. ' lllltl 1 iHU, DRY GOODS, 8cc. n HAND OPi;NlN(l O HAND orRNJMO OltAXD OPKNIXO a HAND OPPNiVa (100 DH, U0(TIs AM) U1I0ES, BOOTH AX! H0B, H00T9 AND 8110 1W, HOOTS AND H0f3B, IKKrM AND SltOKIt, HKADV-MADU fIXTlltKO. UKADY-MAKK CMinil.Vll lUCVDV-MADR OLOIIllXll, riBADV-MADl! - CLOTHINC), 1IEADY-MAIIM fLOTlIirtl, t,noiixn-aLAiwEfi, LOOKlN'O-OIiASHl, t.flOKtNO-CIU.Hl!H, i,ooKiso-aiuiisr!H, UlOMNO-Gtut.Wti'. SOTIOtfSI, .V0TI0S8, NOTION8, NOTIOlt. KOTtONei, t'AINTIt AND Otlis, TAINTS AND Oir. 1'AtNTS ANT) OILS, PArNTB ANU Oil.', rAINT ANU OtIJsi. anoc ktiiw, onorfoniiffl, anocnniEfl, flltOOenttBH, lirrJUNHWAHE, qubunsw.uu:, tVt'RKNBWAItU, (ItJBENHWAlli:, ' tlDBENSWARH TtATtPWAItE. HARDWARE, MAnBWAlU!, nAltOMrAIUi. iiABnTfAisu, TTNWAHE, TINWABK, TINWAIil!, TINWAltr, TINWAW?, HAW, SALT, SALT HALT, 8At;r, rail, ih, ran, PITU l'ISIt, 0B.VIK. AND HIIKIN, AliATIf AND HCK1M, (iiuin Asi) si:i:iist, anAiN and snr.iw, GRAIN and snr.Ds, An, Ac. XT NBA I, A COft, ni:.i. x can, JtKAt, A CO.'N. sKAf. rvi.'s. Nl: A I. a ro.'s. jlcKKI.VV. McKBI.VY, JUKM.VV. MrKHr.VV, Mrl.'T'.I.VV. Northwest cirner of Mntn nnd "Market Streets, NnrUtwoRt corner nf Mnln aud Mnil;ct Bttei t . Nortliwwt cntif-r of Mnin and Murkcl street' NortltWPKt point rof Miln nnd Jlnrket MtvcK North Wert intmni Vi'mml Mml.i t ftrui. DI o. iM-Wltw, PA., IJLOOM.slILUO. PA. ilLliOMKriPIUi, PA., " HLOOMHlU'ltO, PA., UliOOMHIll'IKl, PA. I HON IRON I HON IKON jnoN AND NAILS. AND NAILS AND NAILS, AND NAIIJs, AND NAILS in larRe quaniities ..11 1 nt lei'ucid mtes in nneii, MILLINERY GOODS. M I Si l.IZRli: 1SAUK1.KV a tn -l r. ( lc L nt lu r old nlnce on M.iln t.t.. Itloouiabur, lar PALL AND WINi'nU STOCK of inlllinery no of 1 very qu.dlty nnd djl. consist Ins of LATi: .1' Ki'YLF, EONNLTB. of Iho vrry la st material ; together with tin 1 best nsHoritu.-nt of TTtlMMIN-;?. niP.nONB, C, whleh uie fr u t fin t.vle at Iho low'eiit ims-dLli rutctt. Call and . 't . lilOOUlSoUrjf, K I, il, lrtiJ7. S1 Tho nudetvlitrrd brnh leavp to Inform hei rjtiid-. nnd li.t.' public geneially, that she h.e ipeiietl iu LKillT bTHKLT a fresh ttock of hi the line of M1LLJNKLY ttllU TUlMMlNCih in eoiincelb n w Hh Dlc Making; and Is pre pnreu In udditluu, to ;oi.ou srit VW 1IAT8 on thei-hortist ti--i! e.mid in Iho lst Mylo of the uri. 1 iid s tbi up wurl; fcntlsfridory. iMDH.i:. klini:. Lighl Sliei t.Oitol t-r , pffT, 'JSJKW MJLLINEKY ESTAltLISII Ihe Mlwm 1 fin man would restKtcl fully nn nounco to tin 1 irJ inU In town andeountrv. thnt they hac Ju. t ict lv d at their place nt binlness on Main hi,, i 'ow Anieilean House, a large mid new biippi ui M 1 L LI " Kit Y 0 00 DH of nil deteripth.uH hulttd for Putt nnd Wlnter'a ear; ineiimuiri itonncis or ine latesi sivjos.tttb Iiohm, tiliiuiiini.'fs 1 i nil sorts, nnd lu fact Icuep a Kciieial inriilii.n t(.Ie tor l.nllcfc. 'I heir pat leriiri nnd f-l !i me 111101111 the lnlest. ami tin. nrhcin but u 11 it't 111 ittUnnce of liiote in ibel'liv. Do not lull to e.iil mid exmuinetlivlr K"K,a,foiv IHO l-ll.fsld-' t ' .. IK 1 1'. Nov. I.1-..7. JTj ( IUJWEU, has up lu-dii tliMl-cUa ItOOl', B1I0D, HAT AND CAP BTOItD. at the old Htnml on Mnin Btreet, Jlloorindnui;. Ilia 'd'H'k Iseomposed ofthe cr) latuhtnnd biwttstyleH pieroiicreu 10 ine t inens m i;oiuninia uniniy. iip enn nceoiiiiiiotiiue uie piinuu wun ine louow mix kinds and at t hi .10 nt Icpk Meu'H calf bootn, tine, inen's ktp, double sole, Hoys' child's booth, Mi n s ulne kid, CotmiewM.Ac -Mi-n'a glove hid mIioik, Mt n'n, women's boys', und mints' trln kid bistiiiK itoitei.. Wo- men a uloe 1 b!-. verv line. Wonien'M lino uosl iiionKTo balnioitilH Woiiwn's nun's mnrocoand i-ti If hIiimh. (ouihioli shoeM. MlhMii' unit child's sIioph, li nV, wonn uV, mishes', boys', and chlUI's "iij'i in, in' jiift ui t jim (i t.rem nrieiy 01 1IATH. 1 A PH. AND BTltAW 000DH the lowest prices, both foi cash and country produce, Heineuiher llu ntiiiiellon Ih In our Roods, Don't e nlfuiritd al Hit ei 1 ()f nltih 1 rltvn, but tail nnd tor yiiuiei 1 s. ut -pf euniiy, It. t. HOWDIt, MKA DVI LLE Til i:0 LOO I OA L Milm.L.-lb. hall leim btnn Beptem in r .1. Tup l-'ie oil . ol 111M1 ectloii consists of four resiociii iino 10111 le-n-n siueni pioicssoiH, mm 11 tutor. The object U io etlin ate J ouilir nan fui the cnristinii .Mm 'ibem Is u preparatory dass tor thohe , bo biiM not ieu hed n colli Klnto eduoatloii. itie- bitndretl mnl sixty doIInrH n yenr iHf Brniilftl M( nt ll in Jill Ifrt, W(UI 1111 UUU1I lOIUtl sum in sncclnl vi'h, 1 lie tuition, use of Llbrar una ee to nil. The He boo 1 wn.n founded b Ho Cnitiirlioi mid ChrUHsn denntnl nitttoiiH, but Nnptn tout) who believe hi thedb vine nrliu ot ctuKtiaiiiiy. The Library consUtH ofUJiflO Vollllilf rt. Application nin b, niedo In Itev, A. A. I.l.i r more, Pneldeut 01 tl.o JUard of Instruction, MeieHltliin Pn nnvlT-ty fJUit'K HOTEL, oRANorv.r i f. roi.cjiniA codnty, pa, 111 1. Mi ;aiA, pi.onnr.Tou. Hflviuj U.Li 11 U'i.filrn nf thU welLlmown m HHP, sn Iciiu keid Ly cj mui 1 Lverett, the Pro orlcti r Pn t ut In It V rmnncnt repair and furni-sh. 1 l .' P AM API 1 Itxiltli tl echoic. st Hat" rs tfi' curbs DIs stable u not exc 1 im hu 1 ulxat will Lo pnrcl n HCCMiiUir i( tlit PALT AND WINTKP I'.vLL AND WlHTkfi IIOOlix, 'Atl. ANU WIKTKU OOllllH, consl.tlng ol SoSniffiol eoHalltlnK nf rnnilsllbA or pnv iii Hir, Mr fiooiift, pi mk buy noolw, IIAIrt AVD OAW, HATS AMD OAHJ, UAM AND I'AlU, ItATM AND CAt. MAT AND Vn, h'AI.l. All Win I I' OOll M DRUGS & MIDjl01NjS' J N. MOYEIVS OLD 1-STAM.IHHKD lilll't aTiiui:. DIUJOSIM TriK rnoBl eoniiiloW nnil nnerully .eleotoilitock lolw fuuinl In the oouhly, eotmlnllnii lit pint of lmtgii, chonilcals, mints, una, Ulflh., Vninlshtii, 1'utl, llnilie, li.eMtlffi, Mlni'.l 1'illntl, MVtiri -l, KXHKN. t.M, EXTIIAt'lsl, SI'ICKS, irtrAi. oim, l'i rfut-iery, il.ilr UyM, I'nn - Ko-ips, ilriu'.io.-, tjomhn, tVismtile t, xtnilontry, ivk ket lloolt., I'ES- KMV1-.S, I'IPlII.CtOAIlS, T01IACC0. I.amim. (.'ntJlMnvs, HIIAbWi, lu uftnr.n, Hponuts, t hntnols NNIni., Uitht un, Hpioiiiuni yrhitfs, llrtusi IMmpn, Tl ilMt'M of npproveil l.tAlte, A Innte iixnoi tiit.-i.t of eholeo Lliinom for Metllel- llltl purposes, l ixettlor with the Vftrlotin WKI.U KNOWN MTOMACH IIITrWW. Tlitsewitli mmiy other nuMo. tot, immeroun lo.iKtliy form i. .lock wlneli ttefles eouijietlllon Iwth in. io.iHi-.lf. prion n-nil thottuulltyoUlM'COoiln, PtlYSTI'IANHPltKfll'Kll'riOS COHI-orMDIU, WITH Til R l-TMOM1 1'AMK AND WiHUTl'll. Couutiy ileolen uiu luvltotl to Inspect Iho HbK'll iH-fore pttrehiiNlnif elnewllere, (in they rlll flnil It iiri'ittly to tlielr mlMintnire. goods ure eon tnntly bctn-j rorctvc.1 from the city, nu.t ran bp oblninM otttter by wholrmte or rrtttU, Itenuhibertheplnco ICxcilANiiu lll.'nn- obovo nxekitnge Hotel, Mitln Mtrcv-t, tiloomHtmrir. Ailtiilst 5, tm. J U. MOVER, WHOU'.SAI.K J. KblAIL n rt u o i h v, COI-.ShR OP SIAI.f AMI. )IAl!Ki:r I J l.hTiS, HIOMHHDRO, PA., v.hev. will he found u Uirgo tuul m-lw-l toek of Drass, JIKDK'INES AND cnKJUCArJ. Also till the patlnt iiBmctstai or TUB UAV, I nm nlso prepnrcillo furnish Country 8lort with Cnsior Oil, Ooitrrey's Cordial, TtTIlUNaHTONH ItAUtAM, nnd nil other metllclnas kept In Uiu- nt Clty prlcc3. ta. Prc'ierlptlfiiin enrefnlly compottntlrsl at nil hour.. In motllchitM, qnnllty Is of the first linpirtnnet-. Ulnomsbutrr, Jiinol, 1IM7 E. EVEKETT A Dlt. J. II. CASIVS A7Jir J)RCG STOHKt IN OH WOCVILLK, JUST 01' E X E D wiin a nt'UiNnin An vahikd a.isohtmkm' my ockjds Arrt:nTAiNtNn ro this vuvo fHiNKs, VVllK DllVQH, CITKMIOATX, Kri'., ALWAYS ON HANO. In shnrt any article Unit enn he mi mod lu tho Dvnjr line can he had ut their Mote, Dr. J. II. Cneu Is n Prnettoner, utid nNo melt ratmida Phtir- tt n.fetl ono term id Hie Jetrotson Medical College, nnd undPrKlnnds the cniiipnuiidfiifi ot Druu. 'I hey reiipectlully in lie th" I'ntuHin'je of ther frk lids, mi id ihe puhhe ti ut ia!K iisurln't them "H i I ," mid w !i it f i i m ill In p'ti t it d ot tin-ill Wilt be It.- !i tm t t ti't . 'tr."! i ?nn GREAT The e-rapemont rvis cf r .. Vt-'.o rrBratic v.crort ili-couriJ, C"Ut.uiiaw4 uul tl.-tubuli J, to mo t'tii v m u,'0, by Dr. (.ueoi AVd, thu cclj I Lrvj i m riijaiu.ui. lltoujatiJitf hij suCr lug i oui t . wen wt t u r siurtd tu bt.iitii, as it til a (treat lumbers cf ihe Inh.ibii.mt3 tf .NuUi and Abjsslma, ci.4 tf thccouotrUibuiil.tin,; U(jiu the Huuthcincoait ;ci i,.i iituiu rruiuan at's. In! .1, th"j firm cf 0.4 lcAiii iiinniM torn fprtail oierEurcie, and vr.l &ilt i ted. ty th1) M-iincijmi itjncnn la l mrg. oi ii o iioiiuiau gi i'lO tlJ wood, in wliii.h it 'ii EluI used nilh itilii.1- i.ent laeccn 3h Vibt.o f Vgjt l-InaJ tig nitLC) ( m. CUEopsirs iipcn till P.wll oi J.ollf," unit ro iitiUJ to him a lPtl-1 bcaiitirf V. f i I3 hit-'Ip-ton: ' Da CuiopaifltthL l'u' . 0 ttiKfuctor " li.ii Hitters tl now clT.r?4 tJ ilia iu . j of Aim wi-.Ii the fall at'uranco I' at lb v .l b U. mil, UJ jii t Uit trial, t) act as afi'Cbiuc fj Ihj cu ti tl rholtrn. Dysentery, Clarihan, Cho.cra riorbns, Feiir mm Aj;ue, billow i'Ccr, llhrumitlflin, Typhoid l'tur, Dyspepsia, Colic, IlroiicIiUint, ( oiutunptlbii. l'Jatu lency, DlscaMs of the lUuurys, Ntnons DtblUty, nml remnle Coiuploints K'raarVnblo cures tt the above diieaui Itaiuleen tflisittd by in e. ti numerous certifir-iti'i, mmy fi i-w rcr-ilir jiNjsiclam, fallv aitnt, tui It is uttlnd it upmeti8 any preparation extant. Ai sn tSJUtill-J Tome, and nn 1NVIG0IUTLVC E: it nia xriucr, Trtrs triH 7.XNGA1II 1HTTCIV1 HAS bUt'L A3 WKIiL A3 110DY. ASH AS A ITtUVC.MlVn tvr MS 1: a sr. has no sermon. t A rrw WOrtPs TO LVDintS.-Tl.s usa tf tri I ZINGARI EITTE1.S fllll die to jcu U.nt ft, ccinl- 1 transparent comph-xieu'i tho God of n&turo (da fig nl riff woman to be tho Im' t t cf Mi woiki) fully intendcil that yon should hart for tt In nature' own 10ilersnl paint ccmhuKtl Uv purifin,t Iheltlooi, ttimuUtint; thu iilrriLril.iry ttlli cf the Ucml, and impsrtlng health nnd bfu thiouphout tho cnll. yiUm, It riuxislly i;iv-s that eroootii clearness an t beauty' to tho complexion so cuieii to be desired re laovloit all rouitliiie'K, htoti.!u-i, fct,kki, plmili,an I that yt-bovT, plciily lo.,!;,o tammonln our day, and irtaai it even rwit-r thnn 1 t, a ciru crcry rptc!wct jDlll" t-ftsHiU "i. 4 Mid it Principal Xepct, HafiKburg, Ta.. EAUTEIl & IIAUSB, Set. I'BorrtcKr) r..r na'.e hj I.. N. 1I0YKII, Wholcstlle ul.d P.ctull II, ugisl, Uloom sluirR, Pn. l!IJV07-0lil. yjl. F. MUHPIIY'S riOXS, H 'i' A T ION K a H, HTVAM POWKIl I'UINTKIIH ANU I3LANK HOOK HANl'FAiTUIVElW :',i 1 !.'he'.inut tituet, A s.nH,mth Iotirth street, riut.Atii.i.rii.'A, pa. Tl.oj riitkon Kpefltill,.. of fuin..hlHKNntl.mnl Dunt... I'oimtv OflU-crt, lii-iiinneo roiiipiutati, IVinklpg Housi's, ole., nitii , .r'--. -I'.VKHY All'tU'lb OF JIT.AHK JlOOKfl ANU PRINTINfl, linvlnii mnelilnery ijieehiny nilnpteil for nil woik they may require, fobSW-lJ". j6u"NcTYliAaini a cch," Wh .l.-t.U- in " II ATI, t'AIM, hi I! V W I.IKVT1S, AND LADItiS' Fl'lM, No. Nortll ThlrU Htroet, Phlluil.lihln. I waTtcTT, ' l.nto Waller Kiub, Importer uil Dealer In (TUNA, aLXHH, AND t)UEKNHVA8H, No, iA North Thl ui Hiieiil, between Itace uih vine ITilliuloliihli. "ji i:"k 'iTvrJTOMrtMvWi Hin:f) 8 T It I 1' P K n . I'.iumlii ot 10111.1: !, nm. '1 his simple, lln.ttgh ( lleettM nun hint' hi nilinlt I'd bj till solinlilliolwi rvt i. lo he llieiiiosl illrn t li vtti for unlheritiK nlovei sneil vol tllhisivcreit. A mere lllnnee nt It Is milflntf nl til eanvllleo tlin wst ..hi use 111I11. 1 oi its pmetUui inilily. 11 stiliMthneloverhou.l liom tho.t.ilu l.nvlnu lheHlrt.1. klullillliL.' Ilium tin. uimiii.l. I, Ursiftilv ilniwn by tine lio.-so, uiul uiiiuiom buioae manor 11 Ii eoinpuoi simplu In sirueitive, nml not lia ble. In t-l out ol ortler, iiiiil.un be ih.s.ply uot up. Ibe , mlvnutujio In this muchlno Is, we hove tin. not! ftnihcrwl In I he t hull, rcotly lor Ihe clover mill or butler, btstlihs mi.viuk tho irronl l.iMth of time ninl hiUirof niowlnff.hnntlllnKtin'l io. iiu.uj 1. iron, too Hirnw, ll will illsopny evi .-i) 1111 iii.t ... kiiiiii 1 Ills .reii nil i ins lorn nine. on Hfcniint of iho siivlnaol Ih. .mil tvhii h is l.s.1 111 the oiii wnv or unt lit line ii. - ' 1 ti I .! 1 11 irv it-1 'in 1 11 1 1 'k 1 l'i il In 1 In leet n 11 v In v .0 ti 1 tin I li.t hi t .1 1 mint P 1 1 ' ' 1 . 1 1 Ii ehrs i.iiitn s v 1 i.,i. li iNimi.p. L't'NIUATIi, t 1 ( e 0 if I ullllly, J'.l. DRY GOODS. JJUIUIAU FOll t'ATAWISSA ! mm AV I tlll IIAKMAI ?.n, Ono!l to romittro wlthmrlnircncy of tho money mnrket, Iioolt ninl rompnre prlcen before pur eliiwlmt eluevf here. Just cnll nt the favorlto hual. noMstnttilof MeNINClIilslIUJIAN, nti! yon will b.smet by ItioobllKlng prtiprlclor. or their eterl:., mill flhtiwntlirouiih their itrenttnrlety store free of eourHe. They will gliny.m n fnlr chniioe to upeinl yonr looso elmiiRe, they trn.t much nmro profltt.bly Ihuii 11 enti bo upcnl elww hew. Their rrOClC OF DRV (I00IM thin Pprlim Is inueh Inrui r In nil lis vio-lullcs thnn tuiMl. Their r.AIHEM' nitlw OouDH ere of the tileest stjlcs In murket. They hnven flliu tuworttnolit of HATS, CAIft, IIOOTit AND HltOEft, HU.MMEH CLOTHS, CAHMtStTul, CAltfllMlillBH, AND VnnTINOJt, nml nnnwron. Drtlclon ooinmon to luch ntnbtMi. tui't.iif, bt-Mldei. it Bonernl u.MiUm tit of II.VHDWA1U3, TINWAIIE, llUKE.VWAUl:, AND (ntOCKKlUK, nil nl grcntly n.slnce.1 pilma. They wtah lo con. tiuet lhelr builuew. on the syntein of "l'AV AS OV 110," nn.l they think they cnti ntforil to Mil verveheno. They return their t hunks ror tnniiy iit favors, nml onk Ihe rmiiM pntronnue of their former ens. loineturiiiil the pttblli-aenenilly. Ml.VINCII A H1UJ.MA.V. ILMimVSTElt A imoTIIEU, I m pui tcr-i and Jobliers of lIOSielUY, OltOYKS, HtnTfl AND DHAWKUB, HiriTONrt.MUHPLNDKUS HO-t- BKIHTS, IIANDKKItclIIlCrH, THREADS, 81WINO HILUB, TJUMMINUB, POKTR M0NNAU. BoAWt, PEUI'TMnitY, FANCY GOODS, AN NOTIONS (IKMEUALLY, Abni Manurnclurei': of nnrwiiKs and i.hokin( oi. vbsin, nml Tenlera In M'OOD AND WILLOW WAHK, WUOOMW, UOIKH, TWINI44, A c Nt m Ntirih Third Btrcct.rdmvu Vine, rhtladelidiln. M. 31. MAKl'LK, NOTIONB, IIOSIKIIV, (I1.0VIX. AND FANCY aOOUW, No. 83 North Third Wtrecl, rhlloaelihla. Denier. In nillKHIN VXD UOMKHTIC UllY (lOOI)M, No,.vvj Jlnritei Hireel, Phllntlelphln. JOSKl'Il S. DKKli, Mumifnclurer of nml Whohnn!e De.ller In CJiOTHING, TLOTIIH, l-AMMl.MKUISs, AND VIVtl'INOH, N... 1 1 North Tlilnl Htreet, l'hllnili'lphtn. GHOCSRIHS, 8ic.L It K JI O V A 1, O !' C. C. M Mill's x 1: w ,s t o li j; r i) .v r j: 1. u v k. 11.N 1JII. t'llIIXKU OK .MMIIvl.r ASH IKON HTIiHKTM, Tile nnilersltrneil biivlntt rem-lveil from the city 11 lull itnl eolnpli'ti' sn,iily of BPItlXU AND HUMMl'.r. 1)UY CiOODS A?,'I) (.ItOClIHIKd, S 0 T I 1) N B, nX-WAitl-; .AND - TIAKD-WAIU-ri:iAii .i.v ii-L.oii-ir,i;;, l oNl-l.lTI(lNi:r.V, (II.AHS-WAKi:, T O 11 A C 0 O , .1 T ,S' .1 A' 1) S U 0 ; ,S i-i urn, wa i.r, ri-,11, and jiiiat, 1 'I of w hvh I pmpo i elliootnt rt vely tow llgnre etmli 01 piothi, ! Hi- full 1111 1 M'rll tl, 1117. 0. ('. MAP.U. J.rKItXAU') STOJ1NKU, i onlil respi-i ifnll itniumni'oto hlsfrl. mis nthl ti.ilions, that lit h is opene 1 11 ilntt-u Inn I-'IIUIT & CON rrX'HONBHY ST01U whcie iheri-mny he tnuiiil at ulltlme,nllnceol. tiiMi'.n ot i rsi'iT, (-osrr.cTioNr.Tiv, nuth, Ac, is u-e'i .u j!!fici:Tiiri, v. hlr'i nriy h. nbt.ilni'il at rettsnntiblo mtes. The -tu K isnU-ii - fresh iiiidof Ihe vi ry liet-t qinilll N'n 1 i'ii ..111 I" -pni. I to lil'lllo tills estnh. 1 1 linn nt the tine-! ol lis Itlnil III town. A .-nil Is s illeitel befoie pui , ore innile elsewhere. s II i i i lit-, p-i foot Mitlsfiftlnn will be .-Ken. i rii.i'jiniA iionsi:, M 'In t. ui'1'.slle Miller's t-toi im.'i'f.T.j llloomshnrv;, l'u icii i-:i,i uintuKU st co. t oi:ni:i:l i o.mmihhioi; muhchantb I iciler In 1 II, -Al P. 1 1IKI1S, PnOVlHIONB, Ac, . iin'i i ut i"ti Wharves, uln)o Arch St, Pldl.uliilplile, .le i' p nts I ii Wilcox's Wheel Grea-e, lu Uir s, l.( , u,tl en m. AIXWHinilT A C'0 ii ui.r. h a i. tl a i; oiMMiH. N. II, I'otner tsee-unl allil Anh Ktroets, l'lllt. MILM'lll.l Dealers In I'K As, KVlll.'Pn, COWKR, HUOAlt, JI0r.AtI i:rt k, M-iri:rt, hi o.iun houa, .ic, .it-, t. Ortlera will teeelvn prompt nllention, MnylO, ini.7-ly. JSTAllliiailKI) 1708. Jordan Jt niioninii, WIIOI.IMALE fllt'il WIS, tin'1 Denlers In HAi.TPKTim and nniMsTONi:, NoiDNi.rlll TIliHlHtircl, I'hllnleliihln. He Willi V. PKTUIUIAN, MPriNCOTT a tiiottki:, WIlnMWAI.EOIlUC'KIlH, Nn. 21 Noltli Vnter Street, nud No. 30 North Delawnre Avenne, I'hlle.lelphln. j OI1N ST110UP A CO., Bneeesiors lo Hlroup ,ti llrolh'r, WllOLhSAM' DKAI.EIW IN I'lsll, No.!M Norlli Wiiu-v.... nn I l'i N.rlll W.iter ft l-hll uli'lnhlN. JOWK, KU8TOK & CO., Mununietinvri. nml Wholemle Duikru In COTTON Y A UNH, PA P.PUT CI I A I NH, IV.VTTH, WIL'UH, TIE VAn.VHIC'OllDAdl'.. Ill'.OOMH, WtX)D AND WILLOW WAltl LllQK'a OLAR-IEM. ( 'I .IX'KM, I'A NCY IIAHK I :'l H TAUl.i;, IO.0UU, AND 0A1IIII A (113 OII.ILOTI1N.A0., No, .VUI M'irLel Klrivt.sonll., I'hlliiih'lphlii, Q ItOVKHTHHN'S P1AN0.S, OMOVISTI LN'B P1ANOH, (iltllVi:NHTl.l; I'lANOM, 410 1UIOA liTTAT, NKt YOltK, Mil lhoiiilw.i, New YorK, lilt Hromlwav, New Yorit, Arn iinrlMilleiltorDutr.hllltr. IViwt r nnil liven nei k ol Tolie. 'll.t l-rc f.i.t In tomiliK Ihe fHMir' lie o,-r ..11 .iihers. w lilt Min.1. Inns. Ainnti nrs nil loes of tt Mnste, The) tiro wnrtnnietl In e.eiy i. nuts oni.ih!n inwt r limn oini'i nrsi-eiurs inuk, i., ixpti im i-irtiutir- (ii.ovrxTKi'.N. a ro Its Ilruittlwiiy, N. v. Yoik ui i. wi, iu.,. iin. SUrSQUKIlAXXA HOTIM;, HA s,l( lI(i The ul ovp Hotel 1ms lately leen purcluwol b HLNHY J. CLAltlC, mid lias been thorouKhly modelled, repaired, and refunilidied. It will le r mod now, in it- n- ratiKciiicnt and appolnluu nte, i lii- HuUl, and second lo none In the r un i P iKiijuln c-ttfji Uhlns to spend the I. -t niiiiin in llio ccuutrjVTl.l du well to (five live rm -rnouib TOBACCO & SEGARS. MtU ONLY l'LACK to pet Ihe best T011ACCO AKD t'KIAItS, AT WIIULISAU: AND UIITAll, nt nuNosiinuanitB, n few iloors below Iho Ainerlenn House, Illnotiisljurg, Tn, llo hiw the lrtrel ninl most select of K.MOItl.VU AND UlinWINO T0I1ACC0 uieroircriil to Ihe etllrcnn nf Illnomsbtire. All thofiiiieyhr.iinlnof m:aAiifi, fitnl rine-ent nnl rittii ClIIiWINd TOHAIUO, enn be h el nt hi t-onnlers. TOI1AIXO pins In Ktent tarlcly nto nmnnii hln tnige tock, IlllN'T riJIUIl.T TO UAl.I.. ii. ii. iitTNKiimttinu. V. HANK'S WIlOI.lMSALliTUlIAl-UU, W. Ul 1 , rtiH cioAU WAiiLiiorsi:, No, IH North'lhlrd Street, belweui Cherry nml ll.u'0, went nlde Philadclpliiu. Q L. WOODUUEE, holenftip Dealers In TOIU.CCOS, CIUAIfs, PIPJX, Ac, AC, No. U Norlli Third Htrect, aboo Market, Phllndrlphiit. jULSILMUTir, IIIIOTUEU it CO, WIIOLi;s.Li; TOBACCO DIIALKHB, No. 1M North Third SI reel, live doors below Itace, P.ictoi lea, Not. W.I nnd t.uarry Btreet, Philadelphia. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QIIAULES W. HXYDEIt, m:i.t. it in jr a n i) w a n e, IKON, NAILS, STLLL, AC, AC., AC. .MAIN STKllLT, IILOOMHIIL'HO, ii:nn'a Take HiIm method of lnforniliiKtho cltlzensof Co luiuhl.i eouty, that he hns opened nn extenshe llardwate mote on Main Mtcct, lu Dlonmsburg, near Iron Ktrcit, and that he Ifns on hand u LAIiOl.Il STO 'K AND DLTTKU AS.SOIITIID thnn can he found any where i No In Iho county, nnd M'hh h lie Intends to sell nt prices which def) competition. CIIAIXiS, AX'ES, STEEL, IKON, I hme ehnlns, nit sizes, nxet, nil mnke and weight, slecl, nit Rlrcs, Iron, till shnpev, and nil ery low. DUILDP.Ii'S II A It I) W A It H, of every descriptions. Nulls, nxlo iulley, ssh 'ords, latches, hnksnnd knobs, butt screws, sash fast", window nprlns, base knobs strap hinges, hasps nnd staples, hooks and Maples, nnd In fact (.ei thltui needed lu that line. tlACH A WAOON MAKIUtB lIAUDWAUi: mbracluit utmost ecry thln In Hint line. Also HAUN'USS MAK ills' HAHDWAItn, ItiicMcs, .lapniined; buckles, slhcr plated; bltt or every Uliul , H mi.s, Iron ; pad trees: Hams, woo1 ; sntbllo tn is, uiu trees, ulrth web, worsted aud cotton : thread, MIk, nwls uml needles, tools f nil kinds. biioi:maki:k'.s hardwap.i:. A full avMirtiiunt forcarpenlprs. I have planes all MndSMiws; hand, pannel, tip, and compass, sfpiaies steel, Iron, nnd tryiborln;; mnchlnes, hlslcs, miners, Levels, mullets, braccH, Kauccs, plows rules, bits, nud about ccrylhhi(; for cur peniers. roit thi: pi:opli: oi:np.ually' I havetoal hods, coal shoels, scoops, lfters, lant erns.taMei ullt ry.pot ket cutlery, plated poons plated lorks.sei vers, tea and i of fer ptits.butter knhesmlllsnws, erosn cu t saws, circular saws, gang siiwh, tiles, horse shoes.w lenches, rivet s.hnm iiicrs, hutihcts mntlocks, pit ks, forks, prub- bfllji Iuh'S, rdio elsspieles.spudlnn forks, hoes. ikes bid plnx, iwlne.skates, plwwseolllu trim mimes Km cry, ret I (b.tlli, white chalk, wire, horse nulls meat cutters scales, wash boards, horse bucktts, wooden palls, clothes pins, tilue, door mats, porch mats, par lor mats, corn popper, paint brushes, Intsv bundles sklgh bells, heel calks, enamel ed kettles, brass kettles, copper kettles, stewki ttles,s-mco paus.broud uxeK.nnlls, wledes curtain llxlures, Thlmhlcid.ilns mid I Mixes, Pumps, lend pipe, f tc T.ivi'eil nipeund hundreds of urtlcles not ttiui bi-ruted eon-itanlly on hand nt CIIAULIN W,hNYDi:iPH, Main Htrcct, Hloonisbur;, IRON, TINWARE, &C. "ATIONAlj I'OUXDHY, HliKiin.burs, (.'olumbln County, Pa. The subscriber, proprietor of tho nbove-i vned extensive estahlhhmeiit, Is now prepnred to re eelve orders ror all kinds of MACiiiNi:uY ron collip.iuus, dlawt rritXACIW, STATION. HY KNOINEH, MILLS, TIIltLSHINfl MACHINES. At He U nlsfi prepared to mnko Stoves of nil sires nud pallerns, Plow-lrous, and everything usunllj made in Mist-clins roundtleH, HlsextensHofAcIlltlcH nud prautlcal workmen wnrraiit him In receiving tho largest contrncls on Iho most renson.iblo terms. (It tiln of all kind will be taken lu CAchnnge for castings. This establishment Is located near the LncV wanna nnd Dlooiiisburg Hall toad Depot. pirn:rt iullmyek. QTOVE.S AXU TIXWAItE. A. M. UUPEUT nnttouncts tn his frimds and customers Hint continues the uboo business nt his old place on .MAIN Bmi.LT, 11L00MH11UU0. CuAloiners can be acioinodated with PA NCY BI'OYUS of till hinds, Blowpipes, Tinware, and ewry vti ilety of mtlclu found luuStowmnd Tinware lit- tabllshnie'nt In tho cities, nnd on tho must reason r.blo Icrms. Ilepalrlna done nt the shortest not let iVi DOP.N MILK-PANH on hnnd for wile. jKW STOVE AXl) TIX SHOP. ON MAIN nntl.KT, NKAltl.y 01TH411K MIM-KU' biuui-;, DLOOMHIlUllO, Pi:.VNA. Tin I'lidcrslgnetl hnsjust ilittd up nnd opined STOVE AXl) TIX SHOP, In (his place, w lu iu he Is prepared to make up liewTl.N Wahi: or all kinds In his line, and do npulrliiK with nenlness nnd dispatch, upon the moot n Hftojiuoic itiuis, tie tusu neeps ou uaiiti S'IDVLB Ol- VAUIOUB PA'iTLItNB A BTYL1.I wlilt Ii he will m 11 u non terniH in suit liurchnserH. (Ihe him a call, lie is a until uieihatilc, and iicser in oi inn puunu pairouiiKe. jacoii Mtrrz. innoiiiMiiiit:, aptii vi, jhit, AT 10W CA11IXKT WAHK IIOUSK llIK niiileisltitieil tukcs this methoil to Inform tho publio thnt he litis openeil n ni:w ruiiNiTunn WAiir. nou.sii In Ihe Wuller Uriel; IliilWlnB.on Mnln Hired, tii.ooiisuumi, i:t Whti'li ho has pnrehaM'ilam! InlenJ. to keep per niitnenily llllnl with I nrnlliiro of L'HV AND II0.MI3 MANUPAirrUIl& it lojii'iiisM or 11 i: 1) .M A T U 1 8 8 K 8 , hOI'AB, I.OUNUlit MAIUILI3 TOP Ci:NTHI3 TAIILI.S ci i ai its-t:irni 1 1 on 1 :d, ija NI3 iihttom i:d, and wood 110tt0mhd. i:xti:nhion taihxh, uioiuno ombskh, PAU1.0U, CUAMIIKU AND DIN- JNC1 Itnojl I'lMtXITUIlK. 1 ii (.ul n full lufiortment of 11 r adv. ma uf. corpiNH of nlUUi'H, nml of r.VPUVTIIINO IN 11113 LINIIOPIIIHTllADi: , All of which will be tolil 0 II 13 A P ir 0 11 I) A H II, 1 bo puhllo ere to rail uul tiitnliu) uiy .(oik before nrtlnuJoa eluewliorei, aujituu w. ouskx. IthMUUbatv, AvsvM li, UHT, SEWING MACHINES. rj. iiovkii .t UAKEll'S SEWl NO MAOIUNKS, Wereawnrdcd the Highest Premiums at tho Hlnto Pairs of New York, Kentucky, Vermont, ennessce, New Jersey Missouri, 'cnnsylvaut.t, Alnbamn, Ohio, Mississippi, Indiana, Virgin 1 1, Mlohtgnn, North Carolina, Wisconsin, 'nllfornln, Iowa, Oregon, AT TIIK FA 1114 OF" Till. Ymcrlrnn Institute, Frnnkllu Institute, Mary laud Institute, Mass, Mechanics' Associa tion, lYnn. Mecliaiiicn IUstltute,BI, IiOuIh Agricultural and Me ehanlcs Assoclntlon, nd ut nuiuerous Institutes nnd County I'alrs including nil tho Fairs nt which they wcro exhib l ted Iho past three 5 onrs. First Prizes hnvo aNi been nwaidetl these MacbtuesntthocxhlbltloiiN of OXDOX, PAIUS, DUIJLIX, LIXZ, nesanctui, I!aoiitur-t. Dlrder, Chalons, and they huo been furnished, by special commnnd, to tho impress of Prance, Empress of Austrln, KinnriM or Uussla,, Queen of Bpnln, and liuecn of Ilnvnrln. nin auovr.u a hakeu i:i.ASTIC-S(TlCH S E W I X 0 31 A 0 II I X E 8 nrc superior to nil others for tho following rea sons: 1. They sew wilh two threads direct from tho pools, ninl requiring 110 rewinding. ihey nru moro enslly understood und used. and less liable to derangement than other nn- chines. 3. They nro cnpnblc of executing perfecth. w 1th. out change of adjustment, n much grenter variety of work thnn other machine. L The slltch made by these machines Is much more linn, elastic, nnd durable, especially upon articles which reaulro to bo washed nnd ironed than any other stitch. 5. This stitch, owing to the mnuner lu which Him under thread Is Inwrought, Is much the most plump und beautiful In use, nnd retains thU plumpness nnd beauty even upon articles frc- luently washed and Ironed until they are worn Hit. C. Thostrucfuroof tho8caiiilshuchthat,lhoui;h it bo cut or broken nt Intervals of only a few Mllches H will neither open, run, nor raw-1, but remain firm nnd durable. Unlike other machines, these fasten botli ends of the scniu by their ow 11 opemtlon. 8. With these machines while silk Is used uiwn the right or face side of tho senm, cotton may be used upon the other side without lessening the strength or durability of the seam. This can be done on lm ottu r machine, und U n great hulng upon nil nrtlch n stitched or made up with silk. 9. These machines, lu nddltlon to their superior merits us Instruments for sewing, by a change of adjustment, easily learned uud practised, execute the most beautiful and permanent embroidery and ornamental work. In addition to their family machines they haw- also tho IMPROVED D0UI1LE LOCK STITCH aMACIIIXEH, making u Milch alike 011 both sides, This Com pany inuke both tho Lock nml Double stitch Ma- hlnes, so that persons having a preference csn select such as they like best, ninl if not snlltd cat' xchiinge for the other, thusghlng the public the advantage of this aiiangenunt. The also make the newly Inwnted XO. 1 LOCK STITCH MACHINES an advance upon nil machines heretofore kunuu ror sewing with tho Lock-Mltcli. It Is of great power nnd strength, especially adapted fur tallorh, .hoemakers, harness-makers, cnrrlage-trliuiiiers tnd for all descriptions of work to which Ihe lock-stitch Is applicable. H works with tqiml facility silk, cotton, or linen thnud, uml will sew the finest muidln as well as thu thickest lealict Price gsO; with HcmmcrN, Js,. Their No. Vh ,1 light nuxxjxa macjum:, containing muny lmproements, mlapted for tai loring, est-tnaklng, light fchoemnking, as wt 11 as for family sewing. Largo numbers of these ma chines nro In use, ninl they give universal satis faction. None who hnc seen Ibis lunchln will willingly use the noisy ami cumbrous lock-stlb-li machines heretofore in general use. Price $Vi; with IIcmm.'fsSiA These machines of ewry description can be hud nt the agent's ofllce InIUoomsburg, nt positively Hie manufacturer's prices, to which the attention of the public Is especially Invited. T, IL MASTEUB,,!;;, Jfartman'i Jlttttding, llLOOMSHL'Ufl, Slni-JD CT-ly.) Columbia County, Pa. pOWDEU KEGS AND LUMIJEK. W. M, MONHOE A CO., Kujtert, Pa., Manur.icturc rs of POWDEU KEGS, nud dealers lu nil kinds of LU.MDEIt, glvu notice that they nro prepared to Accomodate tlielr custom with dispatch, nnd ou the cheapest terms, jyILLEK A HOST, Successors to I'runklln P. Seltzer A Co., Importers nnd WIioIcniIo Dealers lu LiqUOllB, WINP-S, ,lc., Nos, HO und 112 Nortll Third Ktrt et, Philadelphia. A. HEXDHY, Successor to Hendry A llurrlv, Mtmufacturer and Wholesale Denlir In 1 100TB AND SIIOHM, No. fi Nortll Third Blrcet, Philadelphia. J. 1'. lll'AUD, LIPPINCOTT, I10NI) A CO,, Manufacturers nnd Wholesalo Dealers In HATH, CAIH, FUIlS, AND HT11AW (I00DH, No. Illl Market Htreel, Phllailelphln. gXYHKK, HAIUUS A HASSirrr, Manufacturers nml Jobbers of MI'.N'H AND IIOY'H t"A)THIN(l, Nos, Kit Market, mul KZZ (lmmeree Htrt-et, fhllailelphlu. r w. m.AiioN & co., Mnnufuelurers of OIL LTVTIIH AND WINIH3W HIIADIW, Wurehonse, Nn.UI Norlh Tlilnl Wreet, rhllailelphln. QJCOnClK II. ItOllEUTS, Importer nml Deuler In 1IAIIDWA11I3, CUTLKUY, UUNH, Ac, No. .Ill North Thlnl Hlreet, nliove Vine, PhlhulelphlH. yyKAVKIl Sc SPItANKWC, wuoi.iALi: aiiocKitim anduommiksion MhHCHANTH, Nm. 225 nml S7 AreU HUeel, Philadelphia. 0 Nil or U10 Uul bclectioui ot 1'lure (kMtta in Uie etwutr it Uuhiiihiiuii'i Milk lug Mate, Uwtaiiu'i Uook, Uluunutlmni,