The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 22, 1867, Image 5
THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUIIG, COLUMUIA ("01 WIT, 1A. ,f4ft .' ' ij in. u nana ir. 3 imijr ,nn rjuny ,uy )I,'"f"!J 1 Mmulay nml Hun .luj nl 2 i 1 t uti.ur puil'thlp lay mid 1 itl.ft Am i by u It In: du'iini'1 "1""t W' '" n'"1 M-ll,lr,,,-j .lJrl,"1 ''IJlMrti'l'dutfitiyun IInnJny ly "V ' -"-..'.'' imi uiiiTOir.iticit. IiOH tU. iiiilil. Art ,tti WiSNhoiovWu'li-y. iy ill ham; iv'Vsv j " vo HI M lnrfl.linft-1'fW, i.e.ite M.imnuijitDtiJ.iyjrVreilnc l".v,iuuUM AltlMi n( VlkVnlrfi fLMliln. 1 4'lHioi t i Hill no nil, h'-tniire mia TiuiUfaieij tinies u vne-ic, I i,. .vri im, h, , ivr,, fi , n, Miun, '1". i 1 .' i i nil 1 t . . . n ' 1 1 i 'urn. i SIM I'rrnit 1.1 It Umi liidAj M Vulloy. I nnitlwkxii'n wit, ' Lento Kill Hun Tiiiwilny Ami Miilunlin rim: . . ?V ",U"i 'X' ''.' .-'"'lilt W'l! IMI'I "lll'l . , ,,. ,j , ,-, , ir ,v - ninr,, hi' K.'.li .i n ,,, I., ill t in i !l,u In.- lit I n in: Ai'rtw ,ii . 1 rt roeii bj-ii pi.,. In III i M I'lt'n leek MulJ,lil ul Mini; Ariiveul tli;i i.y II m. Itilitt llllll Tuoufl.iv rltl.l U,il..nt.. ..1 .1 Arilvc r.l (lm VulloV by inn m; i.i iinn,i i. x mey TIMnlhy una Buluritnv i,t ' 'Ai live Ut ):i!i Ithli I iv , in 2.1.1 KnnnTioKi.h) rHrintnsitoii 1 1 lit nu.l l'n rnf lligt in I i in if, lo uioulii, Ij rnllfi Hint hiit-lt, tint. Jii'.ttu I IvHlur, WmlliCMlny, lili.l l'rliln1 lit I' n In: t.lTlllllll tioonu, liVlniu: Liavii Oieola Tunc.", TluiMilny, nn.l Hultmla hi 1 1 ii in; Aiitte uu 1' Spin. : . .'1 mm .Mt'lillobury Cmiirr, liy Ki'invvllli Cn illiiim nl!y, I.ltUiiMiti,li,iiii.(llimMI Ai ll !iV,-til. fO In Wtvtm i.l, IT lilllc il mi l Imk tit leu li wi'i-k, J 1.1'ini. At,i.i.niry Ontm 'j'uwlny iitnl !nltif. llllV III II tllf vVirUiMit rntnoM liy 13 in: 'Mo V, i-dttlvlil Tm-Hdny mi l HntimJ.iy nt ' '.tlvciJii iron j on. Kioiivvillc, I.y Trit' Cnrnt'iH, ffi u., nt ju"T iiti'. 1 1 miu'i Htm oncit, once n Kpi n Nilut-iinv nt 3 u tu; Aren't nt Knowlllf f. Mil in; Ktuiy iMPHifunl-ty nt 1 p m; Alrtvi nl Ki-oos llo liy 1 1 in, 1TM I'r.Hii liwirnt'vlllo. I.y Xoivon, riUl.ih v'--'mu. iii"miii, iiii'i i nwi'iii ,qno iu try, l.fni Jvujf mu illi! ilully, i'.cfit Hnndiiv. ti i' m: Ariltt nl WrMflt-M hv 111 hi: I -u.' Wtsitl'-M ilnlly. I'M-cpt Hmiti.iy.Ht linij . . -'l i Hi" V"1- "J I.V V! j 1'rniu (JiUnct.ltv Mnrihft('Mniirt (irfnmn to-4'mtt r- 'iiiup, lit mitr nn 1 lnvlt, twlv wit f.i- iv f I 1 1 iii s I ims In , i inl I'llilnj Ht 7 n m; itit nt . ii.M r.iinn ttv 1J tn: 1,vm Ciirifv I'linip iumliiy mil Tnilay nt i' in; Ai i Ivc .i' (Hini'i by 0 pin. !.'K; l'niP) ( hThnm Viill.y.'tty 'Dit1Iiii',Ky mil ltoswi-ll A"lil'VA, tn Wtnim-M, li nilU un i n li, 'in-1 :i M'iIt. ihumtitPis L-'M'itJ l'.v nuv rii-M-mi nt-niitfy . . : ; rrom kronvlHc, y Iittit s CnruiiH ai. o..( i Knowillr. j t'uvt'iisl hf HilvfrtHpinPhMrnuttT '."i-fl 'v-j niiHihHr(r, liy t'tMpnbun?, lo In , ItmiM'li. IJ tnllpH nut) Imvk, Iwii-fMt ui clt. j l.H.tvc Hlos-iljurfct JluU'lay uul V'c Ini'iiy nt Ai rl i nt Itmrlnt limtif t hv l.t n m; I,ivo m; Iliaticli MuiuJuv -uii'l W'ciJntH ilay at 1. m n nr. I ArrUu nt lihmslmrn ly 1,1 p m, I I'nipiHiiN fot-mbi'O n'fpt'Mt mrvfei 'nltio u- Mtftl. . . 2J from Tlyn, Uv -rprinlitoji UUl :ut rurniliiytuii.O'lltn', tuOvtil:u TIiIh 1h fiivrrud liy ikIm rtWinnlt, di njitc 2lJ1. f Truni II. Vcnnlllm " i!ntti, Ijj I.onc linil nn) NAhhivllIt', in Wi'Mtfli'M, 14 nilloa tmolf, iinrfii wrrlr. ' ' 1 1 nvc i itnfR Wi'tlnpwlnv nt 7 a m; Ari l nt to iiiln1 lllii tiv If) u in; . t,'nvi'Snlitii liw WfitncHiUC nr2 i)in; t Arriw nt tJiiimi tty 5 p in. Hop.irutt' proiwiviilM lu ttfit fur tliiU jiart of jtlw r(ntn from Gallic lu H;ijtiivllli'. j, I-'roni tTtyin, )y TuriiiT I'loclc, tn lJnn- lintn, U miles utiU lack, oiivc n w,i.yk,, t l.cavi) riysNa Tucvdny nt I') n in; ! Arrlvn ut lldmlfitii UvT.'mi ' r IpnVo Ilirrjh-un 'riic-il.y nt I p tn; . Airivitnb WIhmii hy ;t ii m. , . , , ; V I'riiiw lUtnjJckinl. I'.y C1,uh'h f.vntiv und rijwH ! (Joni'Msuf 1'fHKf, 11 iiitUw ninll'fccJc, tlin-f tlniet a wv I;, i . . Lone lmioUJ,iii(L TuorfUgy, TliurIny, niviFut- tirtllVV lit H HIM! , ' Arrlvt' nt tu hct-c rnrkVliT'12 m; t " i (i'infH I'm Un i inviM), FJ hurjuUj , uiul S ititnl'iy nt i' p t; , , Arilvi) ut iouLlnud y (i p in, ( UTWI rinm ri'u Mfl!, tv sun.lorlIH X Ml tnwn, inul Suliln Mile, 1m V" lilt M, 1 n',-i ntul tin I:, I'lii'r ii v 1 1 k. , Li nvc l'llti' Milts H iitiulnv ut i n in; AllJfU'WiMUlrH hr IJ in; I.iilM Wi'slliulM Siitiinli. nl I p hi; Arrnt- rtpmct- Mills Ity 7 pm. j 1'rnni'i if-pnrt, y Itmili lie, l!tnt imr I'l.rt. Alliyjiuii. , P f.iuilUpiil, niiMuitl h u , twit a v-i'Vi1" i Ivc ( ' i ili'i'' 'ft MMMny fttit! lVMftyfut i h in: " ' ' f AnKiUil l.iiu.llir.nil 1... I. tu i,txu Miictlipitit 'liuVil, y uu'il f'nhinKV nt 0 ftm; ' " ' I AnUi nt t'owilrrfpdr ty 3 pnu . Ctir, Vwm Cowih rpfrt( lv (.'ali-Hburp, y.MU IAiVc. (If!Tit-Pf I'nrK, Shotmn, mi l htuli6nnl'i iin ''ti, t ' Wfllti illi', IW lnlU nml Imi'U, t'.irri i.r.iM- i w iti "W i"" r t 'rucKimr.-ThNrilfuf, uiul Hatiinliiv'nt n rn; Auivi4t v;tJiit'i' UvUpmi- -u- t ..... . w..ii,ni. f..n,itiv W .liionv.ntn 1 r Wft Hi , ' AiiU-nH-nvli'fcl(irl '),Pn. , i, 'HU4, Wll.IlL I nAUlltll'XIKt! i. hv 1'!IS. 111 lll'01tJU HlliJ ,J'l!Uyiil, tn lhVll!i', ivi iiiUh nml .,,1. f In. . til,... , iil't lc: r.tliVolOWrt''tstVt -MtHllIjJS V.'.LillH ;tl, nml TM.Uini ii nr. t Arili-ut U'rH-ill('irMipim L'''kV WilKvlHi' 'iiii-')iiv,'ilnnlitv, nnil Sat mdiVv mi fu'rU'fil nf Nm iwrli iiNpn. nml-Niy nt in n iv; . ' i AirlV4.ul.OjMlmlvnt-lvvHpin. ( t ivfi I'n.iii i:..vviiiMhimrf. ttv Ilfiirnii. rl ua, Mill- (,i n'U; nnd 'Milnt!l' IhSllXi', itu I i" H .i li.u'ftiiil lnir..-'1 iv i'cn v. t k. "iV-itvr enuslpoil. Wi-iUlu-Oiii niil bnPi"1;'.. ui n in; m t A 1 1 1 i :it( in--l. Jpln; I,-ni' (Vn s Tin - 'My rwi't f rfIy ut'l'1 in; Aiilvuut ( tmilt.i!! rl. t-y Up in. (i-i ri,,in r .(. imti r Itv Avnr'H (till. IIoliiiT. UniiH'i. Nmlli tmiinn, Wliurmli. mnj 1 Irit lVik. m .smiuunHliniijnir, ijiilf wnil Im'!;, niici- h wi 1 1;. l-cuvt'X'nwih'iMpnrt Alnndny n V n in; AiriX cut Kin ni' million I ni; I.y 7 p in; l.niM1 H!n no ninlinmn!! '1 m-wl iy at 7 u n ; AriUe nt I iwli r-i o : lv 7 p m. i.?fy I-'miii rnlisimiK lo lta, in.inr,-i mil. h nml lHUk. lllHl'llnil-KIl Wll-K. , LiiiM- C.ili "l.uiif Mniuluy, VYiliiMny, nml l'rttlny nl II u i.i.or un uuHulni mall liuin Gmv itriNrni i; AiiUout ll'iunnmlN hr I'.Mn; l.i-uM- linvniniiil'-i Mumluy, Wiiiiicfc'iay, an I'rl. uv nl u in; 1 A.r vnit t nlifliurKliy 9a in. U'i'H) I'mm i'nwilfrtiport, Pv Kwoili n VnlUr nml,., i,. 17. .i il. i I 'i-.ii It " inlliu nilil lull'!.. tu li-c n Mi'i !;'. ' . ,. , , I.miu ri.Mli'ipiit Turiul.iy nml liMny nt,. u in; Iti-Itu nl I I In t 'VFt lr I IV 1 11 III KL'tilui'itt k WuUiuNtluy ami MtUiiiUy nt 7 ii in; Aiih' at L'wwilurnpoit by Ipni, Jin I'rniii lnirtvUli', by WlllMon, Annln Ci'i't I;, nnd llUnn in Cm,2S intleo nii'l nadc unri' a wt'i-u. hum' r.uiivllli'Sntnrilny at.iti m; . . AirK.'iii i i t bv 1- in; I.i'iiM' liri's nut unluy ul 1 p m; Arilvi nt llintvUlo bj s p id, mii' i..t.i Pnuih rsiiort. I.v 1'ulnlio rml Tit tuiiMpi', tn 1 mpurlum, mllm uiat lualc, hlx I illl.'v II (( It. I II I . I,eue Ciiwilr-n-port U;lly, i-xcept Miiidwy at a iclti nl I'm i nor I inn hv 1 ii in! l.i.Hi luuurluiii dully. rui-i.t H I'm tMiorn' Tnr-Hilm atil Prlday at 2 n mj Arrhont Jernfy Hlion Woilm-wlny uml hntiif tiny l 7 pin, sin rinr.i Mpppnn.p, hy ruupii' inp niJa 'nllmnslllP, p, linhtrn-in, M mllcn nnd PriIc, 7iiftvuflpptiniwftYiliicdnyftn( Hntunlny nl Arr'lvrtM nilttrnatf )v Inn I.mivo llmtros Widnpiilnyiiml Hntunlny nt 11 i rl p nt NlppciioM) by 2 ti m. ii t t ,in?. "Vincr, lv lliiRhPuvlltp, 1'lcttiro Hiclc, livnll, Mtincy ltnlluin, nnd Hometown, to l.tiMiiti', ail inili' mitl bin k, Mx tlinprt n wi-ek, l. in M tinny d.illy, pxcrpl Hnndiiy at 7 p in: An Ho ut IlimiiPtvlllo by h p in; ' aiir'" ln,,,lU,ulu,lIll,'yitstTpt RuiuUy.nt 7 Arrhent I.npnrP-lij I2in; ,,!;!'.t,vo T"1'1 ,llyi ,xt'pt Rtmdtiy, nl 1.30 Arrlwnt Muory by 8p m, J 1 1 I ' r i n ? 1 1 u i c-v, 1 v Act r Itun nnd llunttTH. m.'.'i Oruf, VI inllCH und butk, oncitn I MunrvTiii-flnvat 12 m Arilvcnt mil-, drnvMl. v 7 p in;' llil.'s (Jiiivp Wi'dncMdny ntCiim; Ariivput Muncy by Urn, 2I1K Kruin l.nalfh rvntrr, by Vexninnd Nnu viin, tn l.Hiprty, 17 iiitlon and b.icl(, unco u ivi-ck, 1,1 bvp l.n jIIm Centre Hut nr. lay ut t n in; ArrtMiut Liberty by Hum; lft-p l.Hiprty. m mmlny nt 1 p in; Arrtvn at i:ii(rlii Cpntro by II p m. 2117 rr.nn Trt-nt Htm, In ltnito'n Vallry, Wdlllh' Itun, und Ki'llliuir.ttu llarbiuir'a MllN,:i mllm nnd luclt.onrcu wtek, p i nml linn Ttu'tdnv Rt o n m; Arrtv- ut li.ulirmr'n MIIN by 2p in; l,i-u" llnb.nir's M It tn Monday r.t 10 n nt Air.vf .it 'J rout Itun b U ptn, 20S r-'r.iin Minion Htatlnn.fn.p.,) tn MmlPti, two iiilli'K nnd lin'-, nix llini'Hrt t pit. by n M-liPdulp 'tiritiii.iiiili train on tbn l'hlluJilplilii nnd hriP ll. 11., nnd lo by nation -loo tn tlm Uepart inotit. 1 HiliU'niiii Atib'i IVit to .Vlppenose, 2 mlk nndtiuH, tlirti-Unifii week. l.pfti. Nlpppno,fTiu-td.iy, Tliundfty, and Hal unlay nt " a in; Aiitrsriiit by Nn m ; l.Piii p A tile rrt Tiicmlny, '1 luimtay, and Hat urdn at sii m; AtriM'at Nlppcnoic by Da m. iUJ i rimu Anlps I'm t in .Irr-py Hhnrp.S tnlli m ami bui k, Imp1u tiniPH a wcrk. K'hi'iliiUi muklii'i cliw-p (nnniPtti)ii with mil tindtnb.'ni'nij;',d to tlto.allraUlon or t Impost- Illlisd'l-H. ' 2121 1'ioin Miiii!tiiiKvlll,bv Loyal ft.vk.rHlr tli'lil (Vniro, (ii. n, (and Wolf lluu, to JIuncy,22 mid s und bni k, nncf n wrek. 1.1-av.' M.iiitutt-hvllli' 1'iMiiy M inin; ArriM-iH Muncy bv-'M' l.o i vi Mtiuo M iturd.iv at s u m; AtrHc at Moniun-KVllbi bv3p tn, l'mpn-iili nlon InvllPd to end at Wnlf Hun. 2lj I suar Vallpy to (.'arrnll, 7 lnllo und bock, oni'pa wpi k. " l.p-ivoHntoir Vallpy Haturduy at 2 p in; AriMU'titHlirmtlb) Ipm; I,r.i"Curroll Hutmday ut On in; Anhoiittiimur VnMry by 11 n m. Tmhh T.'i-1: nptnlnttftn, Mill linil, -ilonH, i vdor uprlmrs l'.irxln, Liinuir. Nil t.inv, HuMiT-bni!;, nnd .Ion, In JlolU'tonte. 17 mil' s nml bnvK, Mi time a week, Li. iw X.iit-I; lluvuu dally. efi'pt Sun Jiy, ut it in; Attlvrul llcllrfontp by itMn m; lif.Lve JiL-lkluutij dally, ixiriit Hundny, at A p in; ArrHynt Iiek lUvcn by 10 pin. 5l-t rrom Lot k lluvrn to Island, Z)A mtlo and blK'lr, OIHVI II WIM'k, lA-uM'L'H-k lIapiiHnliirday at 10 a m; AritM-ut bv U a tu; l.pnve Ifil.ind Saturday ul ll.a0n in; Arrlw ul Un U UiiM'ti by U.:iop m. 2t:"i I'rmu r.uiily, nuiumpthlpt'n 1 in k, und i 'loss l.rk,to Kctllo C'rirl;,) mil h uiul b.ul;, t Uv a vi pk, Le.ivu U'l'fclpnrt Tiu-sdny an t I'rlday at 0.30 a ; AWiVn nt Kt-tllp Crpidc bv iirtunni' lii'llli' KpEIId I'li'i'lt U'l'dncK.liiV iiint Wjiliintiiv at 7 a m; rilo at pstport by " p m. r.S I'm in Mi i:ilmtt!iti titriinllmtn run ? tnlli. Ulid back, MX Mmri u rrk, HfllOtlllli. in ilk h if I'lusii I'ulilicrtiim c1Mi (ho railioHd, lo be nruuiatd to tbi'MttWaction of llio rttilii Halniiu tn I.nnmr Mill-) tti. n-1 " IlllttHUUd bill k, ODOliU Wt'Ck. imi nti inn t niuirany ai o p in; vuno ut Uuiitir M s l,v ti u ni! 1 melini'ir M I IN Saturday ut .1 p in; ;irlPUtNrtluiiH by 1 inn, Jlf I'liltll ltfdzpwav. Iiv Krrspv!. rfttpdntiln. nnd 'l loi k. In 1' liiiliuid. 'T mtliM uiul luirk.tu ten i.i'uv i iti'igowny Tuesday and Baturday at 9 ,iiie at l'ennlli'ld byUpm; caVu l i nulU'lil Mond.iv und I rlduv nt Un ni! irrl' ut Uldcvny by II p m. 21-H rrom WUcnt. bv Hmllhnnrt.?' mikf ami back, thn-u tlniei u eck. I.iin W'lU-ox '1 uihd.iy, '1 hurftday, nnd hulur- day uj.y u m rUiivoniMin hitort Ijv I tun: KciVP hllllllioull MonJ'iv. U'oiIli?sd iv. nnd I ildny nt 11 mn; Awivunt H Hint bj 1 p in. 21iJ IVoni Wllirox, hy Wllllaiusvlllp und Her- K'.iut. to l Icrinontvillt', ltl miles und buck, oih'o Hi'i'K. la a WIU-ox huiuiiUiy at 2 p in; i no ut (.Itriunnivitk by 7 p in; I. i v ( lurnioni villa suiurduj nt S a in; ai i ivo ut iitux hy 1 p in. -I :i Prom ralpdnnl Iioncptte.Hi)nl'H Hun. ml HU'Ii'h Uiul, In hei-uud i'oik, 2J lulliH uml "ifll 1'iom rivfu.. bv llmilfon Vrlioy.-t'J Vestll.dd, II milts ti lid bmk.nm-' li V- t'k.s i Iauxm rhMffuHnluulay at Ipm; itiiMit liiiiiiNiui Vall'-y bv.'lpin; I., n vp Ilunlsoii Valley sal uiday tt 1 ptn; ,. ii I l'lt'.uiy l.v U It 111 '1 W'puiutep!ui'wilsti)lipd fur tbnMinrt of tb luUun flU(s jiJ,1" ami Jim iifiui ot"-j. i hi f, Mntti't "lTvT Vn'inl in.l lllIliKlll nn i 1 uityj l,(io, lofolkvlll.'.i'l milcH and buck Muiiey WpilnpMlny nnd Haturuny at n a'.'i Iv.. tit I'ulL. llll'llV I It III 1.. .im vili'Tut.sdiiviiUrldnyatlnini in i- ill MlDlt liV I U 111. Li i mid WntprvltltitoHaney3ni7rullPHnn'l Put k.fincnn wefic , i I-ui i' WaU'rvt''" Tliuriidtiy ut 11 u in; Aitlvp nt flHniyllloby I p tn; W'liv lHHvvUlWaiiHdJ,vjt.ta in; Airtvo at WuU n 111 by Kin W. i 1 Ti .m .Tprspy Hbore, by TIipIpm' MUU, to 11 i ii.'s vlirp.'il nlllff. and iiurit, oiupu t l..'.i u .Ii'ii-"' siti'r' 'J'liuiMlny at a u ni; , ( AirlM. ut llimi-v lllii by 12 in; 1 ,'iit'i lb. i c ulU'TluuMlny ul I p in; Arrive t J ipy Hliom by il p in. 1 1 WIIIinnvLiort. tO PU.illHI'l vvrr.nHvill .1 ml:. I! iboui'a M Ps, Hip s (JioM'amV (iu iiiiiv lino vIUp. a't I Mtllvlww, l.t a" Win lam port IMilay at pin m; . i (vi- v i I ni-0 om Hutuidiiv by ti p m; I t i . ,i '1 biufiiiiv nl iJ a m; , nl M nilnmiii ort Trtduy by tf a in. . . i'i n rl'ri7t import to MnutuivUh1 in..' mi. I b tele, rtx Umtf mvrtk. - 1 M e Willluni.c ort daily, L.a nt imday, al 1 vViiMini Moidurp!lli by 8 p tn; laiivii MlntnttMfllo dnnyitActpt Bunday, P m ArrUouI Vililli1ftirfrt0'l'r'i. .Mil From f'otiin PI? t Ion, by Cokhi. !Nu V. hue Pine, 1.1 tullt'H nn M-oek. nnu'U wi'el,. i.. live ( 4 linn HtftMn i Ha'Uitfuy nt 7 n in; A i nvp nl White phip by n tn l.i a 'Wbltp pinnHaPirilnv nt I2rrt; Arrive ai CoyntlMutlon by 1 tun. Clio rirm luut lliui.lrt I ibt tiv, to HlcUbW, j,inwTrt'Ul Itun luwlay, TbuiMlay, mul Ha' ui lav at mi in; Anip at Itloburtf bvl pin; t.l.wiiin. Imu hiv U i ili.i'Ki IIV. Il rt rt" I ilftv un iu rival id i-aiHiium fiunliM-my it H n ArrUu atTruit Itun IxO.pJU. . "Til rioiii .Tir pi levy's Cieek. Kil nivhbiuif, and Whltnl' KuUMi CiuUi',U miles nnd bmk, tulip i Mri k. Iaiiv jirp)-hluMP TuiMlay ami 1 r'day nt 0 a in; Ai rUonrrpRllhrCuilrp by IJ in; t ' 1 .n1 uti '1 in i-tluy and rilday utJ ' a'i i IlJilI .li .un Kllliri' h 7 It 111. ljpi l'n in Jui-t'yMoiv.l'y Vbi'liK' MllU.WuW w-v"-.'Jojy luiiCiTTiinitfc' jnih, mar j u, ktloYiln,ii)HlMOii' WiiJbliuio'.iil inlUn andlmc4:,trtcuft vck; ' U-lv,v,n(e U, Mil IC. l. ilc 1'iileil lonlu 1'rlduv ut 0 ii m: Arrive ut Second I-orlc by p m; lit'avtt Httintnl l'urk hutuidny ut 0 i m; Alilvout Caledoida by 1 p tn. :12 I ipin Sim tlipnrt, by Colstrovo, tnNorwlel inilp'i nml buck, iwlee it week. l.t'iive Mini tlipnrt Wednoday and Saturday at P in; rrive iil orwic i iv u n in: I.imvp Norwu li Wedtieiiday nn.l sntuidiiv a( S in; Aitlp at Miieiluiorl bv IJ m. Jl j.l rioiii snielliDni I. Pv I'ni-iner'i Vullev. ur -eti. a in "i.i ii v iLioif. uui niuii i, ni.ti n. lo I'lHtX Ilk, M n i lies und bntk, lime tlnie-s u l,eip Simllinorl Motility. Wi dnesdaj-. uml i iid.iy ui nn in; ,ri ui'iii I'oriviiitt i iv i p in; I e:it PurtvlU'Tui,silui.'lbursiIuv. nndSulur- iv ni !)u m; Airive ut snieihpoii uy i pm. i.l I'mm Alluii. bv l.n ru.M-tlP. to IMi-ti.O nun s ami oaeic, om iuiwh it. Li avu Alton lUPMiuy ui u a tu; .ilie ul l.Ut n iv u tu: l.eae IMeil I'llesduv ut 1 p lu; Arrie ut A Iron by A p m. 2lt rrom Alton to Siiii'tlmoit.O miles and barl; tfl.V lllllCHU.Wl i Ic. ;,'uvi AHou dull; , PMeptMinuuy, at u m; ri us in: diillr. fin nt hundnv. nt .1 tl lit, Airlv'p .it Alton ryha m. :'t i 1'iom KiisKini, by Kane and New II;;hluud, Marionxii e. 1 1 linn r uuu oupk. oneo u Ufit, 1 .t'u ve Knsnii, '1 utday ut 7 a in; Arrive nt Mnrlimv ro bv.s n m: lrfiuo Mai Ion vlllu Thursday ni 7 a m; AnKuat Kumu by up in. 'Mir Trim! l'utiTnlnwnpy. bv CnnuoUldtrP. Ilor- linil, und t'liih, to Cbi'M, 111 j inlU'4 and back, tW.f'it II ASi'i'k. I,ea n l'unxntuwtiey 3ionuay nun i rioay ni i in; Arrlvp nt t.'h"d by 7 pm; lau v ( lit" t bndu und Trlday at On ni; Arilveul Punxutawiicy by 12 m. lnin HevtiuldsvUle to UiM-kdalo MIIN. S nines ami iiuck, oiue ii vs ecu. llpyiioldsvillp hiituniay ai l p m; ,Wileut Uoikdaht M IN by 3..S) p in; l.enve Hwekilale MIIN Hutu day ut ti.SOri in; An Ivo at lte noldMN UIp by 11 u in. 211" rrmu l'unxutnwm-y. br I'ruslburi:, Hprau kl- s MIIN, Wuilbvllle, uml raclu'r.lohuiunuri. i lie V' tn lit s il till!.. 1 11 Ii'l II l i t'I. 1,1 ue l'unxatuiMiey eilneMiay una .-niunuiy 1 1. u m ; l rrk'n lit Kll m lili'l M 11 1a IiV 1 1) III! .uuiuicrsMllo NS'ulni'sduyundbaturday ai a p in; ,i rn e m i nu.;iuii m-j ij ui, 21 W riomTliookllP, by Hiiii'lnml l.'lavliutou, in .mii uu ilie, milt m u uti i 'in. it , itiicti it i-t-iv. l,en.c in noit viiiu Tiiursiiay ai i u in; Airive nt MarlnnvtlU' by ft p m; I,ene Mar join II Ip l'rlday at 7 a in; Atrlvo..t llinukvlllo b) a p in, I'lU rrom Wortlivlllu to ItlnL'Cold. UK mil tmd bnek.nneuu weok. lmi a orinvillP miiuuiuv ih a p iu; ArrHe at ltlntrnld by tl p tn; I. uf( llliiriinld Saturday at 2p in; Aiiiwut orllivllte by a pm. MP I'mm ItrnfikvlllP. Itr ftunuiHrh Hie. HbllU lioii'lure, f.'prr'iSitiri', New llethlehem.Oukland mid Hi d Punk 1 urmue.toOrrh. lile,;il islltuiii ,UUl' JilUUIHIIIl'mill.'i .it' inii.unj, 'sn'ii.iil I Irl.'l1l IiV 1 1 1 111! Li ae ttrMllo dally, ixcept Sunday, at 11 a in; Mine III i.roi'K ilie uj o u in. Mile, I Utlt'Tidty, nnd lldltn, to ltldaeny, . miieu una lucn, six iiiufh u weiK, .tilp ui iittiqpivny nv op in; I,i iuo HlilKuHiiy daylly, except HuncUy. nt 0 21 it I rom HprliiR VptHprln Crcik. to I 'uftlp, li milp-i mid buck , oucp a week, Mmvo Spring i.'rnrk Hatuiday at 1 1 in; Arrlo nt i:ph1(1 by ftp m; Miivo mizloHftturtUy ntSnm; ArrlontHprliijtCnpTt,by 12 in. SIVi l'rom idrrmany to Warren, 9 rnllci and baok, tnicu a week. 1.PUVO (lermnny Huttirdny nt 8 a m: Arrlvp at Warim by 12 tn; Leave Warren Saturday at Ipm; Arrloat (Jeunnny by 4 p in, 2lMrroinHhpnifM Dpjiot tu aheflMd, Smiles and batk. Mx tf in cn a week, Mlietllold dully, cxcpptHundny. at 2 pm: Arrive ntHliPtllPld by 3 p m; liPauHhcllleld Depot dally, cxeept Sunday, at ArrUo atHhctllcM by 5 pm, 2lilrolnHuKa(lrllVPtoWftlts,atfttlon,(Wntll, I lattH pout oltpp,)7 mllPH and bnrk.oncu n week, jiPUNuHiitfur rirnvo Haturdny atfl am; Arrlvpat Watt' l'lntis by a ft in; Irf'iivo Watts' PUttA Saturday nt 1 p in; Arrlviintsmcir tlrmo by u p m, l'rnpniaN ttivltpd Tor tlirci-tlme-avrcck fer- lee, 2I.VS l'rom TrPNldrnt's 1'urnaeo, by Mnovllle and l'rybur, tnTyb)riiiur(f, 17 mllos mid buclt, tutteu s(ek, I.puo Prpsldcnt's I'lirnnco Wpdnaiiduy nnA itun'ay nt I p m; Arrhu nt T Irrfhura by li p m; l.pneTylerfiUiirB Wedumday undHfUurday nt S a in; Airive at rreildenl'H rurnaoo by 12m. 2I.VI l'rom Agnrw'ft I.nmartlnp,.lPtTer ion rurnaee, and Kuox, to hhlppeimvlllo, H tmfCH and utul bark, onre a Mtik, Ijphw Ai'iieWn MIIN Wt'diiPHday at Oam; Arrlvp at Hhlpptiotvillo by 12 m; I'.ivu SlilppenHVlllo WpdiicKday at 1 p m; Arrlc nt AriioWh MIIN by 7 p m, 2157 I'mm Kinlcnttm.fey r.lUworth, iAwrcuep buii;, nml MIllcr'NlMdy, toIlrudy'iilli'nd.tSmlliH nml back, three t lines n ivppIc, I.envu Kmleiitou Motulny, Wodnedayt and 1 rldiiy Rt 12 m; Arrl u at I tritely 'm Ilcnd by (1 p nn I.eno llrady'n lleud 'luendny, Thumday, ami Bnlurdny atlnni; Arrlvpat I'mlenton by 13m. 21SS From Franklin, by 1'olk, Mnplo (Irovp, Henderson, lVrrlno. and Hntlerlleld. to Mercer, 'I't miles nnd back, tlitee times a week, I.enVp Franklin Tne(utay,lhursday, and Satur day at 7 a m; ArrlWMit Mt-rcer by 12 tn; la avo Mercer '1 upHdny, I hurHilny,nnd Kutnrday at 2 p in; A rrle at Franklin by 9 p m. 2li'l From TloupMn, by htPwart'H Itun and Lamb', to Ferry, lfrjjj lnllpffnmlback.threullmpfi a week, I.t'inuTlotipMa Tuesday, Thursday, and Hut urdav at U in; ArrUe at Ferry by .1 p m; Lp.ivo I'prry Tu.dny, 'ihttrsdny, and Hnlur tlnv nt 1 1 m; Arh o at Tlom-Mft by 7 p m. 21) From Utlea, bv French Freek, New liOba non, New Vernon, Skeakley vIIIp, and Halpni, to drc-pin lllo, 2Fi inllen and bnck, threo tlme n wi ek, lienu FlIcnTuti-lay, Thursday, and Saturday at n in; &Arrlvent flrpen IUp by 3.81pm; Leave lrenvlUo Monday, S ednpulny, nnd Friday at m m; Aritunl L'tlca by 3.p m. ViiiX From Hencea, by Tm MIN Hottnm, to Fer IIu'h, li) inllet and buck, once a Meek, Leu vi senei u Wedtipwlay at 9 a ro; Arrive nt Fpi tlir'H by 12 in; I.invo Fertls'H WPdntmlay nt 1 p m; ArrUoat Meucca by Ipm, 2 lift From Laytonla. by Hencca, fraoborry, Hncklaml, I'lttn IIIp, Fortprlleld, and Agnew'it Mills, to Ftnlcnton, 22 mllen and back, three tliiicua ifcik, I,mic LatonlaTtifsd.iy,, und Hat urdny utti ii ni; Arrlvent Kmlenton by lp m; Leave Ltnleuton Tuesday. Thursday, and Hat- unlay at 2 p m; tvu ni Jiiiyiunin ny y p ni. 2ir1 Prtitn IHIpu. bv Canal, ('noiterfttowii. Hun vlilp, and Wallacfvllle, to l'luin, 20 iiiIIph and bach, Mx times a seck o roopemtoun, und bnektw Icp n wi ek the resldup. lA-inc Utlcn dally except Sunuuy, nt p m; Arr oat Cunperttown by 7 pin; Liu pi Coopcrhtuwn dally, exciptHunday, at 12 m; Arrive nt . ilea nv a nm; Leave L'uotterntown lucRdar und Saturday nt On in; Arrive al l'luin hy y a m; Leave Plum 'lucKday and Haturdny at 9 a m; ArrNe at Conpertown by 12 m. 21(11 From Frnnklln to 1 Jem niev town. D iulh and bnck, twice u week. Limer rutikllti lueitday ami t-taiuritny ai i n m; Arrive, at l)empcyiown, nv ipm LeaTo Uemuy tow b TutMlay andNaturday ut u in; Airivo at FrmiLim uy ii.j a la. 2 1'O From Tlonesta. by Newtown illlb.ta. o) tn Fox bum. tn.o..) '.-i mlhs uml bAckonce n week. i.t'uv.1 Tionemu euucitaay in t u m; Arrive ut FoxburB by 5 pin; Irtnvc FoxburK'lhutBday ul'a tn; AirlveutTloneMa by Op in. FrouDsulsfor taxtendlns rou to to Hhclileld, lu cieashiff distance Mx in lie n lav lied. JliUl l.'mmi Pflrnleom (Vntro to Cherrv TrpP.2Vi miles nml back, tilx tlm b u week. Leu Petroleum Ceutru dally, except Sunday, ai i m; Arrlv e at merry I Tee iy l p m; Lea e Cherrv Tn c daily, except Sunday, at 10, S'Jinn; , . .., ri vftni i'nirnitnni i vnirn a in. 2ib7From Wesl Hickory ,lo Leant llkkorJ wllen nnd luck.tlirre times a vo.k. l.eaTu West Hickory 'iuesday, 'IhtirBJuy, uud hftUinttiv at .(.i p in: LaiveliHi Hickory I'uusday, TliurJay, and saturda) at I p m; 1'iChl rem Petroleum Ceutru to Plumcr.3 iuIIvh nnd Puck, Mx times u wee it. Lemo Petroleum Contio dally, except Sunday, ul 1 p in; Mate Fluiuer daily, except Huuduy, ut 10.15 a in; A rrlvo at lvtroieum centra ny u m. 2li;0 Frntn Jleredlth. by Chamiilou. to I'ltholu City, (j tulles uml buck, Mx tltucti u week. JA'Uve .iieri'uiui u.iu v, exei'pb ouinnijf , j. i All ne ui riuioie u.iy o i in; Lcumj Flthole City dally, except Sunday, at u tu; Ainu ul .Morctutii oy n am. i!iTo Krom Wulterson'i Ferry, by Luwsonham, Ulmeisjui, CurlNMlIe, and Hvldshunt, to ciar l,in l 'i mil.. mill hiiclc. mI.v limes u week. Leavo Wutlerson'' l eiry dally, exceit Sunday, ui v. in; A l l-il. it nl t 'l.i r lull liV .i II 111! Lpiivu Clarion dally, except Sunday, at fla ni; Anivo ni V uilui suilH ferry ny u a m. 2171 Krnm (.'InrUn. bv Llmestoue. to Klnahvlllo, i;unlleMnud imtK, iw ice a wceat. I,eae cinriou lueMiay uii'i naiuroay in a u in; X rrlv.t nl k' Inir tv Ilia hv 11! til! Least) Klimsvillo'Iuenday and Saturday at 12.U0 P in; ill rive iuii i,-ji in. 17 .V.m I'lnrl.iii Iiv I.llilllil;l KlirilUCP. TV- leuburtr. ami Nebraska, to '1 loueitu, 2J miles aiul back, threo times u wi ik. Leave Clarion Monday, N idneMJuy, nnd III nay ui 7 a m; A rrivn nt 'l irtiiihtu nv- ;i n Ul! Leu a'i ionesta TucmIuv. '1 hurday. nnd. Hatur' day ut 7 u in; Arm e ai cinnon m. 2173 From Clarion, by ShlDPensvlllp. KohsuIIi, ins, uiui iniuoirry, i niiintitu, j lumn u uui' r . til r 11 mi's il u icic. I,euv o minim tinny, except njiimv , " ipx, 12 m Hen nnd bifk, tlnro tlinen a week. Iavo Mercer Moiidny. Wcdiienday, and Friday at un m; Arrive nt Went Mlddlenex by 12 in; Lenvo Wct Middlesex Monday, Wetlnfulny, and Friday nt 2 p m. ArrhnntMercirbyAp in. Froposal for more freipH nt nervlco ln lied. 2137 From Mercer, by lrUhtown, (Jenlrelown Klluore, WeMey, Cllntonvlllp, and lil IKnd,lo Kriilcnton,3lJi inllcn nnd back, onco a week, Lcavo Mprctsr Friday at 6 a lu; Arrlvo ut Lmlenton by p m; lipavc KmNnton Saturday nt tl a rn; Arrlvo nt Mcreer by 0 p ni, 2IM From Oreenvlllp. by Maynvltlp, to Wtut Hnlem,7 mlhuand Imck.twlcon week. Leave Orecnvlllo Tucwlay and Hatunlay nt I p mj Arrhu nt WYitHalpm by Op in; Leave WpntHnlcm TupRdny ami Hnturday at 2 p m; Arrlvcat Ureenvlllo by Ipm, 2N9 FroinTltusvillp, oy HouthwcM, Pleatant Vllle, llerry, and MIIN, tn TidtotHP, 22 mllen nnd back. Mx times a week. Lpuvo '1 It tisvllle dally, except Hunduy, at 12 ni; Arrlvr ntTldloiilo by 0 p m; LenvuTidlouto dally, i xcept Sunday, nt 12 m; Arrlvuftt TItmvllo by 9 p m. 2IW From Mpadvllle, by liarmomdmric und DlckHotiKburir, to CotincnutvlUe, 15 iuIIcm and buck, three tliienu weik. Lphvp Mpndvlllu Monday, Wetlnts-biyund Friday nt 2 p in; Arrive at ConiKautvlllo by 7 p m; Lra c Cnniieuutvltlo Monday, Wedneaday, and Friday, at7a m, ArrlMiat Meadevllloby 12m. 2101 Front Meadvllle, by lliiylletd, Potter'H Corners, nnd Htimh'M'M to Conueuutvlllp,22 mllcH nnd bnck, threo Union a week. l,pavp.MHumiiPTuMiuy, iiiurMiay, ana run unlny nt 1 p m; Arrive ni i iinnenuiviiin ny n p m Lpuvo ConnpftUtvllIo 'lucndny. Ihurnday. nnd Hnturday, nt A n in; Arrive ni .'icnovnio oy a in, 2lta From Meiidvllle. bv Mend C.'ornpm. (Juv'm MltN. ulid roivnvllle. to Hteiitieii. 21 mtlei und : back, threo Unit's it week, i.cuio .Aieuciv 1110 j m-hiiny, ami rsuiuruay nu n m; ' Arrive ni mcuiK'ii .nonaay, euuesunyt mi'i ridny nt 7 n in; I Airiront Mpudvlllo by 2 pm, n.m I lf I. ill,, i.., tii,..,.l1-e.,llit,, ll.ii,. dolph, lilncs Hollow, ?i'W Hlehtnond, Little Coo- ; iiiMnr s niniui, iiicrviup, i.iiicniuviucv uno thoiunll-,1 tolio pr .vill i i. i i,' under the din i lion ol tlm l. p.u mi ni Ui'lrouduudMi uinb .titt tin mm re i io ii un ine mull iioui an t ti ,iu r o t n .op mlk (nut UjMm giiitiintf und cud of i licit rt.m uiui in mi'i iruiii un oiik en nor inure mull If 111 V rods from u Mat Ion or hmdlntf. lTopoiiiNnitiy 'uriniilliri iij mi WllipnlUI'H HIT llll' ihiiorni ntuu or nil other Md.- net s lei Unit N, fui ( II) I'M oi r cUhb to-ts fiom u stini.m or Imidlii '1 heru will be "wny bills piepuiiil l p.imns lein,or otlfi ncents of Iho lu purtineut, tn ne eoiupnny tho nulls cnnvejidnit rullnrnds nnd MtmueiH, Kpt'clly intftho iiiunber nnd desMiiutimi or thi) hevernl buKs, on oiiur prinpli.ul louien, llKL'W Np, leep)pK HI bo reUlied nll-f Wuv bills tnrwuidcd; llw latter to be i vittnlm d b. tin 'v i nil poMinAMPiN, to liu.iireiegul.iili lu the de lltry ol intilN. 4. iso iy will hp inndo for tiij s not pcrronm-d; nud lor inch ot fiueh omNHimiH, nni i,tliiru. tu lij ix plained, thrte nines thu puy oi.tiii) trip will Im deducted' I nrurrhnlrt ho inr behind time us to break connexion with di pt ndliu inuIN, und not MHtlelcully extUMd.onc'f mrlhof tht-eonip nyri tlou Tor the trip N Mibject to fu-feliuru. i or re lieuled tlcllmitutu lenoi Die kind hen In s ilh d. enlarged pi tmltleH, propoitloiu'd to the niiui-o uieicoi, uno int. unpDiiuiic'Ul inu inil'l, in sj lie lutle. or leavimr be iln.1 or thrnu tn nil i lie inni!. or any portion or Uiem, inr iheudinikslou oi pan BetiKerH, or tor be in it tonet incd lu Kettliinupor runuuufnii expn ssiout. in,; Inli'litneneu In ud umi; ui inu in-111,11 nimucrn iniy may ue de ducted. u. 1 lltPN will he lliilii iHetl. uiilps llutdeUli illtii- ey he piomplly uml K.iiNi.iviorlly explnlnni hv pa rlllli ft ph of )oMiii-istcrKor the ol1)da Its uf ot It er cieiliolo lii'isotis. Inr miflliitn nrrit Ii i. ttncttlme; lor ncKltcUtiii to tuku the limit iroiu, or deliver It lutn,w post oiilcc;toi' sutlerluLtlt luIhi vt ei, iiijuifiiifNinyeti. roniHu,nf msi; umi ioi re filMinr, utU r ileinund. to ennn v Hie uiull tin fit- qtiL'iiily ni tho eon tractor inns, nr N eoncerupd in iiiuiiiut. u coacu, cur, or mciiiuuj.ii ouu route, 7, 'lhc pusimiiHU'i (Jenirul tuny iiunul the con tract lor repented l.tiluiestortiungioeably toeon trucl; los IolntliM llio post ollleu ltlvn(i.r dlm beyinj the llistructiuiis of the iJepui tiilthl; for leiusiiiy tndlsilmrge u carrier wlu u iriuli d hy tho Ik partiueiit to tin t ; ir itmiiiiM nn ex pn h iiHjilorpnlil; or fortntii-pnrilnKlois mi or pmkut;eitcoineiU'iiia liblem.ut.'i' out ot the mall. Ihr roHihristtr Oetit'i'al may order un In crease of hervlceoun roiilo hi allo,lnB tin reii.r aji c ia ii liurea-se on the lontruct pi. He iim ili.itisu ttchediilcs or dPpui'iUHs mid nn ivuis in nil CUM', titid particularly lo mat etle mt on lot III tn i.iilinii I, ilia with .i 111. i. lit li.i.i ,. oomileld. Io Union MIIN. 311-4 iiltcs nud back, puy, pioWded tho lunnlim time bi nut nurului d. three times n week. He may uNo order uu lucieuso of hpetd.ithow in, ley, IlfoC Af rlviS nt Hldfcpway by (1 p m; Lue Uldeway ilullj , exoi'pt Huud iy, atfl VII I l ! IIV IUIIK11I1 tiy U I' 111. Lenvu Krunkllnon arrl al of mull from Mead vllle Kny nt i p tn; .iirivu ui i.iuriou uy iu u in. JITl Friun ('Lilian, bv Helen FurtincP. to Hcotcb mil, iiniiicunmi imeit, iwicw u wpik. Leave Clarion Tuesduy and suturuuy ui i p m; Arrive ui M'nieii tun oyupni. Leave Scotch Hill Tuesday and Hnturday at a in; A i ri c ai i mriou ny i. ni. 2173 From Htrattoiivillp. by FNher and Kahlo'i toClarlnnton, 1(1 inlien uml back, onco a wee liCavo (suaiionvilip .ttouony ni i u in; Arrlvo at cliirinton by 12 m; Leave Clnrliuitoji Monday at 1 p in; Aulvo ut Htruttonvillo by 0 p m. 217(1 From Cillenbbunr, by Htant'n Store, to Ulinerslnirii, 7 uillei and hack, threo Hints LtnvoCalleuHburpE Mondny, WcdncMluy, ami i riiiuy ui u ii in; Leave Meadvllle Tuesday. Thursday and Sat urday at On m; Arrlvont wnkm MIUhy.' p in Leavol'nlon Mills Monday. Wednesday, nnd Friday at (la m; Arrivo at .Mcanv nio uy, p m. 101 From Hvansburir. byTainarae. to Lliicvlllc Station, 4 miles nnd rmik, twtco a weeK. lieaA v t.vansnurg vv ennesn.iy ami rumrnii) tn 10 u m; Arrive at liupv hip station hy l j m; Li np LliiGVlilaSlatleii Wednpsdav nml Satur day at 2 p in; Arrlvp at Lvanshurn ny p m. 2tli From Harlstown. bv Marshall's Crtrni'n. to TurnprKV IIIp, il miles and back, twice- a wpek, j,enve iinnnionu lucfiuiy aim niiiuruny in in; Arrlvo at Turnpntvllle bv 7 n in; LeuvPTnrnersvlllu TueMluy anil Saturday at. m; Arrlvo ut lfartMown by i p m. 2iflB From fluv'H MIIN. bv Suirar L-tke.Wavnp Centre, nnd Wllson'H MIIN. to Cooiiemtow n. I'i mites und bnck, once n week. Leave tiv .mium amnoay ni xn in; Arrlvont CoenerMown bv 12 in: Leave CiMinprMown Monday ut I p m; Arrivo ui uii m .hiiih oy . p m. 2137 From HueaPrMown. by Mosheltnwn and CrohltU! lllo. to Lundv'H Latiw. 17 miles und buck, tliiep tlincH u week. Leave Hftpcerstown luesdny. Itmrsduy. nml Hnturday nt I p m; Arrivo ni IjIihuj s iinue. ny u p m; Leave Lundv'H Luiin TuPMlay, Thurmiuy. nml Hnturday nt 7 a in; iirnv ti ni rtnei;crsin n ny i. in. 2(94 From Follow Held, bv AdnmHvllte. lo IlartH- town,r m I Irs and b.u k, Mx llmos a week, lipavo Miuowuciti uauy, oxt-ppi nunuay, ai uj in; Arrlvont Hartstown by"l.lWn ni: I,eavo llartstown dally, except Hunday, at 9 m; Arrive nt Fallow field by 11 a m. 2100 Froi Miller' falallon, by Chaplnvlllp, to Incolnv tile, 10 miles and back, once a week. Leave M lllor's station '1 uesdny ut 7 am; Arrlvpat Llneolnvllh by 10 a in; Leave Llncolnville Tuesday at 2 p m; Arrive at MIller'H Stuilon by .1 p m. 2.if0 FromhprlnKHtalion(n. o.) to Heaver Cen- e, i iiuicHanu puck, iw ico u weiu, I eave Spilnir Slallon Tuesday and Saturday at 12.10 pm; ATriVP ai Jicuver i enirti uy i,.io p in; Ltoivn lteavHrCPiitro'luesday and Saturday at 10,-w o ui; An IVO Il Olt-UJt 13UIIIUU lij HrtTJ 1. Hi. M01 FroniHtony rolDt toKTauiburjf, 2 iuIIph ml back, Mx tltuoH a wetk. Kphedoips lmikinc close conniH'tlon with rnll- rood, to bo urrnnRcd to thu tiatNfnctlon oT tho pasimnsiers. 2.102 From Fnpyvlllo to North Shennnyo, 25i mtlei ami uacic, uiree nines a vipok. seneiiu ips mn tint' c ose rnn nee ions who run- road, to bo arranged to the witNUetlon of .ho postninMcra. 2r03 From connaenivnio, ny Mtoamuuri;, io i Peon Line, 10 miles and buck, onco a vvpilt. IjpftVt connaeiuviuo isiiiuniuy at p in; Arrive nt Fenn Lino by .".) p m; Leavo Pen n Lino Saturday ntua m; Atrivo at Conneuittvlllo by 12 m. "Wl I-Vftm Vtmanco to WriO'Ieoik. 21 miles nnd buck. MX tlmehiiwtek. Lcavn VPin.iiKoaaiiy,extppiNununy, ni up ni; Arrlvn nt Wood cnc k bv'tnui! Lemo Woodcock dally, eept Hunday, at 0a i; Arrlvo at Venaugo by 10 a m. avtt From Corry lo Carter Hill. 5U miles and duck, nnce a tireK, IjCuvo corry rinturoay at ;vjju p m; Arrive at Carter Hill by o p m; Lpuvo Carter Hill Saturday at 1.30 p m; Arrlvo at Corry by 3 p m. From tak Urovo. by IMenvltle. to Clinitlih vllle. flltf miles nnd back, twlcrt a week. i.euvu urnvn euiiesniiy iniu n iiurunj nt ,30 p in; M.knnl Phinlitpllln hv .lllitnr Lpuvo Chnninv lllo Weilnehdav and Saturday ni i. in; Arrive at t;aic .irove ny 'i t m. ii77 f rom f.iip, ny .Mcivean, mpliiup, rough, and Drake' MIIN, in llnrkdule, ill miles nnu iiuck. ma nines it vt ecu. Leave FiIp dally, except Sunday, at 12 in; Arrlvo at rWickduio bv 0 n in: Leavo Hockdilo rtttily, except Hunduy, at II.jO a m; Arrlvo at Hrlo by 5.S0 p nv 200 Fiom F.rle, by ltnllo VkMpj', Fast"lnen, Wattsburjr, and Hutch Hollow, to Union MIIN, jb mnen nun oact. inree iimesa wppk. Leavo Krlo Tuesday, Thursday, nml Saturday nt vn in; Arrlvo at Union MIIN bv I n m: Leave Union MIIN Monday, Wodne-idny and r nouy m v i in; Arrivo at Krle by 1pm. 2.7)0 Fiona Hall road Station, (Ihlo andl'lltsburs It It I... I'lI Unrlnirllnlil mw l I J lipl 1 1 nil ol, I week ioVTeM.SprIuntleld,andlhreetlniesft weok Hie lesliluo. Leave It. It. Htatlom daily, excopt Sunday, at 7."w a in; i..ii....,i t,t'Ait rji11.t1i,,nrli fl)ii tn. Louvo West HprlnsilUid dally, e'xoept Sunday ai .) p in; within the restrhtlonsofthe luw, jmt mtt lie create ni pay inr toe nooiiiouni mii'h nr em i icis, If unv, '1 he contractor tna , howt ver, in ift i-ia of inr-tso ijnitt, icllmtulMi Die colitrint h giving prompt nut lee to the llcpallliieiit Unit ho pit icrs nuiim imj in i.iri j iii iiii- tn i it r nun em t-i, iho Postmaster (li'iieiul iiinv ul-o tliM'tiutimu' or eurlall tho servke, ai whole or In part, In older to place on the mute u tut uii r dt nn e of m rv he, or vi believer the public inl i rests,! u his JuiUmt ul, shall i ei uii c stun dNcoulli uiuiwe m- ui tainm nt inr nny niuer muse; iiv uuun in us inu iuoi nun Iv in coniinctor one month's t xirn imvun Iho UlllOUUt of MTV Ice ilNpi lined Willi, tilill tl (int ntlti couipcn-atluii fur the nmuuul or nice h iiiimd il iu 1 1 niiiiiiueii. I', ruvinenls v III he)nailel colleellous lnni or drills en i oiliunstcr, or oil crwKe, alter the expitutlnn of eacii ipiarier -n m .tivi tu ber, 1 ehrmiiy. May, nnd Aimust. 10. 1 he distant cn nieiMli,uc(uidlnu lo lhc hi t lniumuttloii; but miiucuusnd p.i will he abnwi d shuiild tin be meuti.r llian udverttMil, li Hie poitilHtnbe supplied UUI Corn clly stilttd. Hut tlu's mmt wfurm thuntrhc on Iftii finit, und uNn In rcleience tn the w eight of the mall, the eotuli tlou of roads, hllN, htreani', Ac,, und nil toll bridge, lenles, or nhstrucllous nf nny kind bv whlth ex net i so may be incurred. Nn ehilm lor uddltlnuul pay, baed oil such m'ulind, i.tti be considered; nor lor ulleited mislukesen luNup prcht usifni ns to the ihitree ol etvln; nor lot UiliUes tlcst toyed, fi rrks iliM'niiilnmd, or otht r nlistiuctioiis lucKuslnj dlstnuce,nieuriin du rlllt! the emit lin. t telin. Ulllees t stuhlNln d a11r thN udvctllsemeut is Nsuid, nnd uNn ilurlmtilie cniiliuet teini, iitu to ho VlMled wlthtjut ct!i pny, If tho tlNlance be not lncie.sed. 11, llldders are cautioned tom.dl their pn.po ats lu time to tearh the ln-pailiiunt hy the day uml hour nametl, 1 1, p. in., Man h I, Inis,i Tur bid-, necHed utter tbiit time hi nt tn toiitnl r. 'Mil cnmpeiitloii with a bid of iimsou ihle iiinmiul n cclveil lu time. Neither can bids lie con-eli rod whlth are without the tftiarauiie rciuiii t hy luwnndii eeitlflcateul the suilk ii-ney oi mu h n KiiaranUe. 1 llldtlers slinld tlrst propose for irvl'-e slrlctly nccot'dlim to I be advert Nt men t, nnd then, It tin ) desltr, ki introtih tor dllh lent -ti v In; uml If lhc ftiutur bid be the lowist nib iel Im the ndvtrlNtd service, thu other propositl-in may ho ciitiMdoivd. 1 1. 'IheroMiniild bp hill em" rein to bid for In n proposal. ConMilhlutcil or enlilbiimttoti bids t,"pti'pnslna one sum for tun or iimieroult h j nu ll. Hie lo'ute, the scrv ieo.the v i uilv pay! I be n.'imp nnd iptildi iicp of tho bidui r. (that Is. I .n usual nost otlk e address. i und the nniiie of i lell member of ullrin.wht io u eniupany nllers, should he iitHiinciiy siaitu. l.i. llidd t is nt e let mettled lo lll,e. as lar as ni.ic tlcablo, tho printed proposnN luiuNhed h. the Iiepiirtuirut, tu write out In pill the sunt ol ilu Ir bid, and to lotalti copies or them. AJtfrod bids should not ho suhniltlid; mr should bids once fcUitfjaA' li iX t w lihdr.-iwn. No wllhdrawai e.ra ntiiiirror iftuinvuiur win u-- tu lowed unless the w'thdr.iwul U dat-l txuA ly inro ine ium uay mr receivinj protm-iaia. 3luv (.(otumMaUi iii.ouMHin in., riuoAV, mi v. in, if-07. Vjik WHUtuiiMjKHt i'oiivcull'm of ti.e IJliiscftpal churi'ti, will irir-ct In lllooms btirfjf, on tho 7th of Jnminry, VfiS OwiNfi to tho grcut pre! of nttvcrlh Ing mnttor tliln wofc wo lnwo been eomppllcil to ImiiHror Hit) Iigt tiotlctfl to tho fourth finj?o, Uy-Hiuvji tho Unltotl Stfttes Malls ml vortiinf; which niipcars In thin week's CoM'MMAX, wo glvo over u eoltiinii of tiiiiiortnnt lonnl nilvprtlHemontH. to which wtllrcot speelnl nttfiillon. Wi; leiirn thnl a mnn named Henry NVhUonluht. wua sfverdy hruied nnd had his leg hrokoi, hy the fall of a large iii-ass of ore whilo working tit M'Kelvy Xoal tS LVh. nitiicH near tlio red mill, j Wk wouht cull attention to the ndver- tlwinentof Wldinycr A Jneoby, lo ho found In another column. They have laid In n flock of rhrMmasuoods which all lovers of sweet thing should stop nnd HOC. Had Acer ikn t, 0 11 Tuesday last a little "on of V. II. Monroe at Itnpcrt, Htf.'d about S year4( was drowned hi the canal at that place we Hlnecrely .ynipa- thlzo Willi the parent In their pad be reavement. riii; Itadicitls admit that they have lo-t In the North and West, but crow luMIly over the result of Iho Khctlons In the South, where while men are dls fraitehlH'd, and only hlaikn nro allowed to ote. On the 10th day of October, IJShop Lnn-dalo of I,Ichflcd, Knland, died at thea-jfo of i-oveuty-nlne. On tho Mrst day of November, HMmp Strahen of Toronto f'anada, tiled nt the ap;o of elshty nine. f 11. T'cKHAitT J a cons bin opened a C'nnfecllonery Store and IVikery in the biiildinp; lately oenipled by Uernhanl Slohner. He Intend- to keep a fir-t e1i establishment and we advise our rt adors to fjive him a call. Tin: new Kvanuelleal Lutheran church near Mart. School hou-e, will be dedicated (1), V.) to the wor-dilpof Ond, on Sabb.ith, Hie 1st of December. Service mnrnlnp; and evening. Tho public are Invited to attend. tub KALKiuoacorn ! ' -A map of busy life II" iTir'i'alloa nnd It? vrtM ronrrm.JI- 1 d by two rit-poiiMhlo eolved I 1 1. it'll iiii niiisi itiifiiar 1111 oorsons. 1 ho bid andtuiiitniee siumid plainly w iiii the lull name oi i ai It t rcu, 'lhi'depaitment it selves the I u,Ut to i ji i any bid whlth mav betlePtiu l exlr iv.iji hp and nlsn In disregard the bidi of t tUm : I'unfl i lot's uiui liKiners. I'i. I ho hM siKiuin i"T M'lui'ti, ii ) cr-i i , i .t i ui I Proi osnN, Statu of IVnnsvlv mi i, all.- d "Second Assistant PostiuaMerU. uerul, l him t Hike,'" und sent by vtmf, not hv eir lo mi nt; UU'l ItOsllllllMfls win mil iiirn"" '"ii'iimii mi It Meruit any kind) In ihelrqu.tileiiv r tutn-. 17. I ho en. il runs are m ne uii'o inio n- tin- Itnthe lKMiartliieni I V or hiTore 1 lie lt umi nt .iiiiu. imw nut u i-w viri- iiiusl uu ih-liuii ou'thntday or on the mull da next niter it, w uellier i lit' coiuiiicis ne exi i-iinsi ni not. Transiors ot eoiuracis, or m iniercM in in i nu ts, me tot hidden bv law, and eonsefpientlv i an nul nit iLiuiwfii. itioot'is v in tin. iL'iiiii) nu.v no tlce that Hit y will bp epeted to pertnihi the rv leu uci cl'ieu in mini i motion ine wiinu' irui tif Ine t mitract. s. I'nsi n isiersni ninces nn or mar i.iuioa'is. but mnn lbanctyht roiNlioin u hI.iI Ion, will, inniisi :iieiv alter me no oi .via i en iii i. leiioii their eacl tllMaitce liom the in ir .1 spu em and how llii'V uie ninerwee suppimi vsiiu in nun tn enable the Fostmu-lei' lolul'iil In dl et a tilill-UH"'llit;er Mippi.v iioui un im in .unv in m, 111. Sect loll el il III cell of an (let proved Mutch M), pmvlih's tint c mitiu ts for IIIP irillispniiiiiiiin in im- iiiiiu run 1 1 ft- iti, ill t'verv r.L-e. lo t io lowehl lUiUier i.-inh i in'(Mlllli I- . nt uuarantt es lor J.ilthlul pel I ununee, wit hunt iiihi-r ii'leii nee to 1 he lot" e o MU I linnt-noi' tat oil t han tu IV he IH-eessiii; y in pinv me ioi' lllo due ei h ritv.i ei nllily, und -.eeuiirv oi siu-h I runs- pnitntloti, l liner iuii iau onis uiai prnpn-.o io the nut Is w til " ' ntu. n rtn-iittt. ttntl MTiirttt." hunn'ihifii ticr,tlil tn le tin' unh Itjttl lthlft arecotiatrmit m li't itl'Wf tuvihe iifhv imu, flfrttf'l'ir ftirtf, n"fir i" nn ui'iii'- fj inm t tmurp ii'tVSH'IM l iJMi i't ill "p ontit H - tit tttul xivtirtljf,' unit Ami tf jnimw' tnei- u'l '.'0, A inodilicutiou ol a bid in any nf ilu eshcn- al tt inn N luutaiiiouiit m n new mu, nnu eauiioi l.o r,.i ..!.( . t.u us to intf i teie with lcimrir i in Ion. nfier Die lint hour si t for rt d Nine b iN, lililklim n new hid, Willi mi iliillleo nud eei tlile lie la ih.i mi v uitv In mod I U nii'VluiH hid. "1. 1 i isl liinsi t r n i e m i hi i n 1 1 i n i not in eciiu.v the siilllcieuey of mini ant m or sureties without An exchange says that when Oeorpce FrancH Train was In Australia, he sent hit wife hoirip that their eomlns child mlirjit bo born In tho rutted Statfnnd be elliffiblo to the Presidency. The child was born and proved to be a pin. Of.n. Oiiant has Nsiied a special order, honorably inuterlnjj out of tho rViTvloe, MHjor ( Jciiend D.mlel 1, Sick hv, lata -Military Hat rap. rhero Is another good deod dono, and power taken frmi a man who abused Ushnmiv fully. If anv of our fi lends deliv to Ut tin nwelvo- w lib cheap and excellent p-nod-, we advl-e them to call at the tore of Dihlino A Smith in Mine-tone ville, Tontour county, Vonua. Wt refer them to our advertising columns for full particular''. AVi: have received two sweet II tt lo sonH written by our friend B. W. Lacy K-M.,of Vhiladelphla, entitled "As in day when thou wort near' and "Oh tell me not we've loved in vain." They are published with tho muMc by W, H. Smith, l.w North KWht St. at the price ofMOcent- each. We commend them to our nui"I''.tl fiientN. Wr. published la-tt week an account of ti rattlesnake kM by Val. Winter fiteen which measured five ftet In length nnd had thirteen rattles. The rattles weie to be deposited a this ofllee and the man who "went one better" was to take the championship. Mr. Jonas llit- tenhenderof ralnvllle comes forward thli week with the rcipii-dto documents lomu Inir I hat Un V uiP tieisous nf Millie cut le- iltld we ttiril t MO Plt'Ull lllnil-. Ill It (IVIT to .11. fit J.-- i ,.f Ih.. 1.I..,, I l.i, 1 Arrlv.iat It. II. Htutlftn br 7 n m: Arrivo ut West Nnrintileld 'l uesday. Thursday. nnu rsuiurouy hi u m; vmstvvi tmi tiohitmn of thvir uttth ut o'llrt Mitiu Vt' Airivo at llrnokvllli! hy fl p tn. ;M1 From Hrool.vl Ip, by UU hanNvlUe.Sclmh u i'dtrtriurs.tiiul Uldewny, .tt mile up' l ihk ii, uric e a wt eit. T,p;iVo lirookvlUoThur'duy nt7 a m; .Arrive in ivinnwiiv m.vuimi, Lcis-m llldewnv Wednesd.iy at 7 a m; AuUejajtrooUvllIp by 5 p m. "lift Viom Martnnville. bv Noithl'lllP firoVe. toTvleUhum. 1 Mullen and biuk, onco a week. I.t is p .Apirionvilio fsaiurnay ui i p ui. Aim o ut 'I j lersbu i g by ipm; Uiyr 'Ivp rbui Kiitnrdtiv nt 8a in; AiiTvo al'Marton vlllu by .m. JDiiFiumi MUNtonpauil Iiaimht'u MiMfi, lo Alinjo, is milt m and bai-k, oiu-i n weolt. l.i uvi' i-iiiriiiFHm niiuiiuiy in t oi, Aiilyeut Anojoby 1,'m; . Lfivi' A rmyo Saturday at 1 p m; vun)iUCl;uim'.toii by 0 p in. 2112 rje-m Cory don , Dnovllh'. and Ft lends Ferty, toHiiamhurK.IUJ jiiiilcuiind back, tliucitimetui Mti k, L'ao Klnuu'l uesday, Thursday, and Satur dayitfita mt AirlvPiitsti'iunburKby 12 m- Lt a o sif ninhurK '1 tionluy, 1 hurtiduy, und sat unluy ut I p nt; Arilve lit K1U7UO by 7 1 III. 2IIS From Wanen, by iJinder, In liustl, i.N. t . iiillpn nml buck, l hen week, L.avo Wniuii Wi'ilntsilay ami Suturduy at lp AirlM- nt Itusti bv 7 p m; , . ,, 'ie'ilo IliNtt AVodriPsday nu 1 Saturday at tl a " Arri c at barren by 12 m. 3lTo iv.rn Younirsvllte, by ChundliT'-i VftUpy, mtaaiMhuve.-mid mhll,uNA..Ho juuustown.H in IU m and buck, six tlnu h a wick. -l'ino--YoutiKs'tiUedaily.uxiipt Hunduy, at 7 nni; .vn ip ui uamusnnt M uv i.iii, Liav v Jiiuustow n dally, except Sunday, at I p ' Arrlvi1 at YounKsvpio by 0 p in, ni'A I'. Hilton, i!,l IV.a1ii.1iI ulid I .fit IS- rflle, to lliuki n Straw, lSjJ liille und back, six turn. s a kr 'iitsuiin uun, Lt ae I'i except Sunday, ut V a , AirUoatlholuiiSliawby lpin; !a in o IirokV n Hli hw dally, except Huudity, ut : Airl,ot J'llUlk-W by 0 p iu. A i i lv,. nl iMintirLlmrir hv ft it in Leave llimersbura Monday, We-lnesdiiy, and Arilve at Callensbure by 1 P m, 2177 From CaHeiiHburu, by Alum Hock and Silnt lVtersbure, to Lmtontou, 11 mlb auu buck, once a wet k, LeuveCallensbure Monday at 1 p m; Arilve al Kmlunluii hy iim; Leave Linleiitoun Monduy at 9 a m; Arrive ul Culleusbure by 12 in. 2I7 From New Ilethlehcm, by Lout her wood, 111 in ner ion, umi .qw npriUKocin, in v-uiinmn IM n.lli.M ..iwl IidiL- IuIik ii Uimlf. Uuvo Now llethlchem 'lucsdayand Hatuiday at 1 p m; lrHvi. nl r'urllBvllln l.v I n in Leavo CurlMUlo Tuesday uml Suturduy al8 a m; Airivo at New Ilcthtehem by 11 a m. 2I7U Fiom I'allanshurg. by .Ji tterson 1 urnace and Nlcklovlllt, to Ciikh, 17 inilex and baekthiip times a week, , Leavo Culleusbure Mondny, ednesday, und Friday uto ii in; An hi nt Cuts by 10 n in; Ltnvo diss Monday, Wedneday,nmlFilday ut 5 p in; Arrive nl C'alleiiHburi; by 10 p m. 5t) From Mercer, by HtrtheRhi.Hi.wiktey vllle, nnd CuslAid's, to Meudvllle, yoiullt-H umi back, three Dints a week. j.eavp fiercer ,'iuimiij , nvnueun), mimi h duv nt 2 p m; Arrlvent Meadvllle by 10 p m; Leave Mea lvlllu Tuesday, Thursday, and HU unlay at 2 p m; At iho at Mi rcer by 10 p in. 2hl From Mercer, by North's Mills, Htlipiboro. Kundy Iake, New Lebanon, and MllhMeevllie, to ( ochtanton, 2j iniUs nnd buck, three limts u wii-k, Leave Morcer Monday, WMnesduy, and Frb dnv at 7 a iu; Aiilveali'nchrantnii by S p in; L'-ave CoiluaiilonTui'a'lay,11irsilay, und But uiday ut 7n in; Arrlvont Meicer by 3 p m, Cisj l'rom Mercer, by Indian Hun New WIN minifU'ii, and NfMiannoi k 1 nils, to Now Castle, Ui i iiiles uud ba k.Mx tltueii a week, Luive Mercer dully, except Hunday, At 10 a in; A rrli n nt NVw Ciihlle hv A 11 in: Leave New Cusilo dully, except Sunday, at 10 a m.nrmi nrnvuioi cars wuu iiiiiu; Anivo ut Mercer by a p m, 21s3 From Mercer, by Peluwaro drove nnd New Hambure. I" Urccuvlllo, lo 5 miles uud Lai!, three uiiirh u wt u, I .en vo .viereir luesuay, iiuiriiiiy, uno nmui thiy ut ii u m; Arilve at tin en vino oy iu a m; Leave Ureenvlllo Tut sduy, Thursday, uiul Hat unlay ut 0 p m; Arilvu nt Meuerby K.R0nm, Froposul Invited for seruie six lime a wtek, 21SI From Mercer, by Hill and Hcrmluigo, to Sha ion, 11 tulles uud bat k, thtio times a week, Leave Mimr '1 uesday, 'Ihursdiiy und Sutwr day nt 8 u in; ,i ri Iv e ut Sharon by 11 in; LeavoStuiroii Tuesday, 'Ihursduy, utul Hutur ilarntVpiii: Anivo at Mercer by 0 p m. 2isi From Meicer, by Wolf Cretk', HsrrlHVllIe, Muirlnsvlllp, Lau Llaln,and Muplo 1 uriiace, to Luwrencoburi:. -W inlle und buck, onto uweek, l.eine Mereer.Tuesilny at Uu m; Arrlin ut Luwuucehuru by 4 pm; Leavo Luw rt iu churn Wediuhduy at tl u in; Arrlvo al Morcer by i p m, tm Krom Mf rcer, by Worth, lo West MldJJw- A orlun at I'lmrtv T 1 1 1 1 Iiv 1A fill ix tn- Leave Cherry Jllll Tuesday, TliursJay, and Saturday, nt .1 p m; Arrivo at WestSprluefltfld by i p in, 2110 From Kalrviow,byStrHanla,torrankIlii corner, iu inneM ana nncK. twice u wueu. Leave Falrvlow Wednesday, and Saturday at v an n m; A vi Iva at li'rrtttlrllii ritrnnri Itv 13 in' Leave Frauklln Comers Wednesday nnd Sat- uniny ai i-'.;jo p m; Arrlvo ut Falivlew by 2.1 p ia. 2.ill Toperrorm the im'Hsencer service from thu Frio and PittsburK H. H. between the following polllN, by Belied u le to hpsuilhiuiiory in mi post mnuprnt (he nlnci'S Mini'lled: From It. It. lo (tliard, 1?4 miles and bitk,twlco uauy, exceriminuuy; , , rrom It. Fhitiu.'JmUes and buck, dully Fiom It. H. to Flk Creek, S4 miles and batk, dully, except Sunday; FromAlbion to Lundy's Ijuip, l4 iiillcs nml haci:, tiKitv, except numiuv; Fnr H, It, to Aloloii, I'A mllis und back, twice dally, except Sunday; Kids to be mndo to cover all thN fcerv Ice, 2,'il2 From Juekson station, by Wett Osnvo. to Luke Pleasant, S inlNHiiml buck, twice n weok. LeaveJucksou titallon Widnesday and Hatur- tuy tu in n tn; .rt-lL'int I.ttr.t Leave Lake Pleasant Wednesday audKlurday at - p in An heat Jackson Station by 1 p in, Form of Proposal Quarantcc, and Certificate. FHiU'OSAI. The uuderuUnpit , whoso po&tofllco address is , couuiy m , isnno in niiuuu. n io ni u ev me iiihiis ni ine iiniieti nun from July 1, l!, to June M, 1S72, on iouh No. neiVt ecu uiui iiiiin-r inu u vr iNement of lh) l'osltuaster Denerul, daied Dcto Ur3l. WI7, with "celerity, eertninlv, and seeurl lv. tor ine uunuui sum oi iiuiiiim. ii f .on imumt'mte nviovat. All btddi lu.uti t'lun tors, nnd sun ties ute iINlllietlv liotltied that ntl ufuHuietiMnterlnto tu peiinrm the eonlrncts ft.r i ho tit rv a fi nronosi'ii tor in in u 'i n i u o im their hynl liabilities will be eiifniivd nyilnsi L"' I're'sent eontinctor". and I'ersons known nt the Hepnrtinenl. must, i iiiui!y w Ith other. emu n i iiuntors nud celtilleateMif t helrmlllcleil' cvvnhstaiitt.illv In Die torins ubove l.n sei Hit il. 'Iho cerDMi-ate of iiiusl be signed hy n posimasu r, or oy a jiiobi i ii i-unn oi ucorn. Notdherwill beudtnUle'l. A hi-A. W ., Nov. 22ud. N(i7. Fostniaster (iem-rul him. flit ninth1 was 11 vo feet six and a half Inches lon nnd had Jlffccn rattles. For the ?at Israel Inn or tho skeptical we would state that we have the rattles in I our po--e-.sIon, T MUCH KIt'.S INSTITl'TK. .vn net of the LeuNlalure nl IV litif v Iv.mia. an .roved the ninth tluv nt Al'itl. M,7. lit it It d. "A I' SUOtih llieilt (oitll Ait Inl III If'Mil.iDon ulid continuance ot n syMoin ol I.iIm uUoii nf t'omiiioii St noo s. ai'.. i uui i as uu ovrs : Si i'. " 1 nut ine i ouiny rupei ijiieiji.' ni oi I'tii'i i ( oti ii I v in i ins t I'liiiiionsteuiiu is leieuy uuthnrled und ieiUlleil, mm in tueli (, nt kit oi i i nnu a mii ma' e us i . 01 11 ininii'i, v itiiiiioj- Ircd InUlIillMie ol 'I em In iv, UiiillW villi hllii, may eh i in tilost eonveiiu 'M .o 4 all upon and in vli.t tin. Ti'iiihtrs ol the I otiiluou HeiiO'ils titid other institutions oi Ui'inuu In bN lonniv.lo UNM'tilhht tnLPMiel- umi oi tni.e lUClllfi im s uno it Ti'iu hi ri. Im.lltutp.tu he ik voted to the Im in ine m leuee ani un oi Wr trust that our readers will over look the late appearance of our paper thN week tho largo amount of advertis ing 1 living eaued an unavoidable delay. Tun CoLUMiiiAN is one of the tlvo papers In TVnn- Ivanla which publi-h the United States Mall Kouto Letting, and thtU with other additional new ad vertisements obliges ii. to N-uit a sup plementary half sheet. We are glad to ay that our Inert a-lng patronage Is likely mvo-sary freipient ly ; and In order mir reader-, may have their mil share of matter on such Ml ilVf tllfllt Of '1 I Ul 111 I education, nml to ronilnue in sisioii nt u a. 1 1 vp n,.,.(mtnrtrt vo nniikmenl ..r enlartrt duvs. ineludhurn hull n dnv;ohiK io. au-l a 01 t-ic-unm vve win -uppumi iu ruu,uki . llllll 11 lull ioi lilillliiiiH lunn uiv piiisTio uivt-i' -111.11 nil U,mnU: Mu- loft POLK ItAIMINII. Oil SlUltnltlV tllO Wn-yKiom'i KluX?X!ii;l!!C& lt " vi'ry inrno ini.nbcr of IVm lnim illu. ilmii.niiiiii. n Umi miy omitlcttinl ('Diiicrvntivo i'Jtl.cim)i Ct'ii l..M(.,..l' 11 11,1 llll"! lllh ItllllM'll IIIUH INK lllMllllllU of Ills founiy. i lllimil ii r'io'1 ri-iiHftn, in iv Inivp 11 IH tllllll l piiMiM'iii.ii . I'll M inul , rui iiiiiu (il. il I..... Ii.iii.i tniit If iiii hi ri I tlllrali. Ill tin., ni'tii'l li4 of li-iu'liliii;, limn hi' wiinkt filliiru Iho Ii.tvi r.'i'i.l- it. .... ,ir,lini,.. with Iho nhovn I'ltril ne! .if A", ll'O Ti'ii.'liMK of ilii't iininiiuiMi'liiiiil, n.Ll iltlHT llnlll 111 loil in li'.iillinn Hi niliiiii ill i '.llll ll. ,ii. t.i, hv hit iti . io nw mi, i' r.,v ilu i n i'i i li'li'uv t. Ktnlo'il. Ill III. llllll uf Un. I.inl.llliif In on .tlti. li.t 1 , nil .lii I'll ut' I llli..iiiml.iilir. llll . 'f,t. nrf,,nt'il ft iiimla ti'tlh full AJIOM tlillUC 01 l.tH I v.n'i'Miii'i, I1.1.7 1.1 ..'..lo.-li ,!,i',iii ul the unite, the xuei'iM vf tht mull to le nir- 1 i t l,.!....ri.l.iiin. Mini ilntoii.lont of I Vnn. rial, ami till utlitr thtrtlL-ulfiii I rrfimivc to tle n i. ....). uf I ' ini.i I vnnl.i. iiiiil otlit'i otnlni'til rnWi' uiul iithit, iimi n,u ttjttrrnriful cxnmimtlion oiiuinlor, Mill ho lit iitt, nilnni'ii to iii1i1i-ih tint 011, tnu 1 (tint iiwinH-'itou iin.iiorii .viii, MMi.iii.. 111,111111.,. 1 into. n. ii.t uiii.i', t , wlf. lli'lo'.n'.), 11T. Htip t. of Col, L'o. llilltil (Hisliou.) (ii'.skanti:i:. riiounilir'iiiiiii'il.ii.sliliimnt .Hiuloof , 1 I'ATIIIUU IiK.VTlllilt ! ! iiniioiiiiku Umi, 11 ilin loiiitoiiu hM lor t'tiirymi: I I tliuinulloii riime r;o tw iicii ihi'i 'Un. unilprklcniHl taken till, lili'llwl of Inform- ii,,l,I.Muii',,d li.mrl In. n,l Inloi-nllii,, lux 111' IrlimU ini.i tiif imlilif isencrttlty. iluttlw "l "' "" -t."v ""' ...(, UU, lowilllli'il lllo i.iniiii-wi ui iiiiiiiiuK AT Till; DI.ll TAN VAUI, IntoMliK'li holms iiilroilnvoil nU'iiih wo.-Um nml lUtlilt.N, ttllli ul! Iho in.iili'tii in i.iniir hiiii:i:T. t'oi.r.MiiiA in., ll(.iiiiliri'H IiIk frivnitH iiitilri..ti,iiirr:, thnt ha Int. cousuim y on iiuiiii nun ior nuio at Tin; i.owit run i.-t, itoil rohlln.lhlir lltncral, llioblililir sti.lll, ,llor lot ho latiln ofJulv, lius, fiitiT Intnlliu ri'iinlrou unit U.ttliin or t'oittiitt-t 10 iwrluriu llio or Ivo pioiMii- 1 I'll, Willi blul llllll Bllini.r.l, ."HU' 7V.i, ti i ill, tiMifrlJiiniliilj; tltttiiiclli the oliliyttt'Ma iimi 111611it, it-tiiniiMf ty uutirimtm tm'fir the'ith m-ttun olhv ittt o tonrf,," juiy , ts-iu. li.itcl (Hlsnt'it hy twuisurtiiilnr,.) ui;iuincATi:. Irt' uml uilJiilnlniT t'ivnlilps iia-ciubk'il nt tho Ifalfiwiy Umwo to I'omnu'iiior.iUi tlio ui'ftit Itt'iiiiK'nitio victories aclilovi-il in l'nnylviinl.i, Xi-w YoiU, Xiw Jor- spy, jrrtrylsinil, O'iIo, rto., liy nillnjt polo nl mu t one luimlri'il iimi ton ft'it In lii'I'.'lit. Tlio i)lo win riilifil nt llirit'ii'flori; I'.'i. I'upt. ('. li. lliwkwiiy w.u then c.UlO'l Uiioii Ui utldross thu us- Miulily of vMe JQrijjnlali llnRfiilmrli won Cfosmcnt, II, V. Kuorr nnd J. (i. Jiiiviliy K 'i., Vico I'rojtlilcntrt, Jf. H. irk'!;t uiul ('. II. Dlolturlfli St'('rclnriis rilOM Till'. TtlVIiKTO Tiin.MorsTAiKfl Tun stenmor iirrlvi'il nt Ilotlogm, or n. tho ImlliitiH cull il, llnhnlioyn, nbout II) o clock in tho evening, but Innimuch at no loilijlngi could bo lintl wo slnlil on board nil nlftlit. Tlio next tnnfiiliiff svo lnndcd, nnd found iiuartcM lu n roush sort of n building In tlio Interior of tho (own, Uodi'Hti", as Ilu nltirtt Indicates,; II u depot for nil good piml)f to nnd from tho valley of Quito. It N tlio head of tlio river iinviK.itiou durlnpftho sum mer month?, nnd from thU point nil trnvel Is either on foot, or on mule nr liorso back. Tlio pla.a wo found lllled witli natives s(iiattlii,' around small, temporary nwnin, tinder which they kept fruits, bread, wit, nnd other nec esMiricsof life. Salt, In particular, wo found wiiaii very fcarco article, and not only In quality, but very dark in color. In this vicinity crows tlio envw from which is mado tlio celebrated Cfunyaqull fsomclliiics called I'nnnma) hats, some of which uru of so lino n texture ns to be entirely wntcr-proef. When prepared for oxportntlon, they are rolled up in n package, ni though they wero doth. Some of them arc valued as high ns $30. Out of the mine gnifs they manufacture hummocks, n sort of swinging lied gathered nt tlio ends, nnd Mispomtett by cords, forming n sort of sack. In tills "couch In tho air" tho natives suspend themselves, nnd whilo pos-ei-slng tho mcril of being cool, it is a protection ngalnt mosqui toes and noxious vermin. Wo spent a large part of tho day In purchasing prqyMtnnr for our Journey, and In hiring mules' to transport in, and our baggage. About .1 r.Ji., wo got Murtod on our route, each one of us mounted on n good strong mulo except tlio am'crn, or muleteers, who fol lowed along behind on u sort of dog trot. Alicia was too young to ride, hut we overcame tho difficulty by tying her to u stalwart Indian's back, and In thnt manner sho traveled tho whole distance to Quito. Our Middles were peculiar o tiie country, being high before and be hind so thnt it Is almos't impossible to fall out. A breast-strap and breeching is nttached to each -addle to keep It In place in nscenilingniiddcscendiiig moun tains. Tho stirrups nro blocks of wood hollowed out, one side only being open into which tho foot is thrust. They not only protect tiio foot from rain, but irom chanco knocks against baggago mules, or rucks In narrow passages. Tho girth consists of n number of thin hide trings, which unlto great strotigth,wlth ease to tho horse. They nro so pliable that mud does notadhero to them. Tho brldlo had tho enormous bit commonly used In tho country, weighing nbout 2 pounds, it only needed n pair of spurs with rowels two or three inches In di ameter tocnmpleteourequlpmcnt. Tho trunks wero carried on bamu, which were simply two half round pieces of n cork -like wood, placed on cncli side of tiio mule. Our party numbered about twenty, nnd wo travelod nlong in tho best of spir its, enjoying the beautiful soonory, nnd novel manner of riding. The path, for roads there are none, was comparative ly gootl, though I have traversed It in tlio wet sea-on when frequently the wa ter would bo to tho horses' necks, and wo would iloun ler In tho mud which was of Mich u htlff and clayey character thafwhen onco in it, it was almost Im possible, to get out without assistance. At such times, too, tho small streams are swollen, and their pajs.igo al ways involved a wet skin. We stopped for tlio night at ha JIouii, on a branch of the Guayaquil Hiver, and quartered ourselves In ono uf tho peculiar huts of the country, built on .stakes, or poles, and with a roof t hutched with plantain leaves. AW cooked our own suppers after which we retired to re-t, if that phrase can be applied to a monopoly of tho floor room. I managed to secure a hammock, In which I "hung myself out." Tlio following morning wegot started in good season, and Unit day made twen ty-fuur miles. During Ilie forenoon our nmto led us still through tlio lowlands by torpid -treauis lllled with mu-ky a! llgators, or through deop forests giving us views of monkeys, armadillos, sloths Ac, in their natural condition. W lunched at rsabanetii, which, during tlio winy season is used as a depot for trav. elers nnd goods, the river then being navigable to that point. It contains about ti dozen houses but In the sum mer timo is de-crteil. On my return stopped all night nt tills, point, nnd.asit rained nil night, wiwghul togettheshel ter of a negro hut, which hnd tlio merit nf a water proof roof. ?nt only hnd 1 to go silppcrlcss to bed, but would Imvo had tlio same for breakfast, had 1 not been fortunato iu meeting a tint! vo who had gathered some pnlm treo eonc' which proved pleasant and ntilrltous. lu tlio afternoon the road changed from tlie dead level which wo had be traveling over, to n rough and broken country, slmwing that wo weru near ing tlio mountains Tlio Inhabitant wero mostly Negroes, who stand the hot, moist climato better than thu In diaus. There Is it deep enmity between tlio two races, ('on-iderablo quantities of tobacco nntl rleo nro raised. The Wo v jio up early the next morning, a weluwlu heavy day' work before up,, Tho character of tlio country was very simllnr to that. piKsotUveribo lay be fore, except wo were continually ascend; Ing, Tho colfeo trees wero laden with ripening berries, tho nnnntto was In" blossom, whilo thoornngo nnd lemon tioos wero loaded down with fruit, which could bo had for tlio plucking. Cnstor-oll trees wero iiImi numerous, from lhc lecdof which thooll isexpret?- oil. Homo or tho trees worp remarkably large, nud their bark was smooth nnd wlilto llko our beech. Another chws was peculiar from tlio fact Hint bovcrnl trees starting from dlfferont liolnts, united Into ono trunk nbout thirty feet ubovo tlio ground, .nnd then branched out ngtdii nsfrom n common trunk. Wt) wero now Irr n region where liugo for- csU clothed tho soil, although thatres wero of ii elns entirely unknown to ust Wo recognized bowover tlio "wido spreading pnlnit" tlio gigantic fern, and tlio various species of OrcMdac, a parasite of largo dimensions. Wo occasionally passed plantations or bananas, sugar-canes, nnd plantains, which wero attended by half naked Indians. About noon we reached Jorge, nn tuciemht, or plantation nt the foot of ngus mountain, where we stopped to lunch. A primitive looking Biigar mill was in full binst here, nnd lind very much the samo nppoarnnco wl machinery ns our elder mills. They occasionally mndo hero aguailientc, a species of liquor ns colorless ns water, yet as intoxicating ns whisky. On subsequent occasion I spent several days at this place, and beguiled tho timo In collecting plants nnd Insects, or In hunt ing parrots and monkeys. I was frjr tunato enough to catch n boy In tho net ef killing n kitten, which ho confessed his mother intended to cook for us ns a Ouine.i pig. Tho wenlher nt this point was pleasant, tlio Thermometer stand ing in tho morning C3 dig. noon 7-1 deg. and evening 09 deg. Quir.N Sauk. Tin: Xew York legislature will stand ns follows: Semite Democrats lfi; Itads 17. House Democrats 71; Itads 57. Democratic majority on Joint ballot, 12. In 1SC0 the Uadicals had S3 majority on Joint ballot. One of tho Ilndtcal Sena tors is nn Independent. Murk, l lienor!. Whcnt per lnisliol Ityo " t'nrii " . Hour per barrel t loMTieeil. , riaxsoeil, llutur l'srKs ,., Tul low ,., I'olatooH Ilrletl Applet i'ork limns .,. Sldettnnit 81louliUr-l I,tnl per jioimil ., Unyperlon - I.UMUKlt. Hemlock HoardA per thousinil feet. lit Oti l'lne " ' " (Otis Incltl 11n33 . 12 ) i 1 IS . 1 00 . 14 CO ,. 7 IO , 3 00 . 40 . 2 14 10 20 1 . la . 13 to Joist. Brnnlllnu. flunk, fllpiiiloekt sjlilnttles, No. 1 ier llioitH.tnit. Hlillnt! " " " n. T.V."V.'.'.V.'.'.V . 15 on n ay 7 W , li uu lh II ltd, I plil Market.. TUL'ltsuAY, Novclbor 22 1S37. ri.nril Northwestern mipcrflno nt I7.oo a.tu ..s..w e.uo .10.0O..U.0I . 7.VS.71 . R..ritfll.tlO Northwestern rxtrn. Northwestern family, , IViinsylMtnlit and Western nupertluo lvniutylvanlaiinil Western extra I'elllMVlvtuiht anil Wefctem fiitnllv- retinsylvnitUt nnd fiutcy llumfluO uii. num.. ....V..,,H. O Uli.UU W llKlr l'ennKlnl.irod, K hus. ?12u '!.! Southern " " .,., tSW.fo52.75 California " ' CMll " wlilto " Hl'-tWA) 'r' ........j i.t.iiin i, p im.. si.vp.i.rii U'OIIM t'llotr, " .wiii'i'. " iLuxti.:. OATS-VIJS n-7.' iiovisios ..iiess i-orK, v uui 1J1.70 Mens Iteef, " tl J27.M llrcseil llopM, y r 8lii'fftlo hmoked llantH " llicotJie " Hhouldr nt Y " 13'JciUi: Ijinl. It ft itM-ov,. HI'.Ktis floiersted 7' hits 1 iniothytteed V 1ms 12. ',0 Flaxseed ' ,iv.oivi r.TTl.r Ileef Cuttle H lb sew. I ows. il heitil II ultn.ft.-. lll'r.-li ft ,,.v. itoos p mu irH sn..vxtiti.ii MAItltlED. I YOIIK-IIAhhAClir.It-On Oct. 1".M, ut ttcrtt let., t,- lu-v. j. il lioiicnsu'lll, .lohn Yohe, of Mlfllln, to Miss Hnohel T. Ilallsicher, of llerwlck Oiailli I10OAUT On tlie 21 ult., by !.... XI Ui., St. Xt'llll ni r i'v . it .llvi li iiii:i., .ill . il iiuitiii VilLT, of Hemlock Township Montour Coun ty, nntl Miss IU'bcecn (.'. Ilogart, of Miulison Township Columbia county. l'lUCK-HICIIEhOKirUK-On Tttes day tho 12th inst.,athisomu' lu Light Street, by .lo-epli I.illey i:,(1 Mr. O-car I). Price, of LimoHltlge.t) Ms Knimti J. ltlchehlelfer, of the former place. CHKIHNGTOX UAIIUIO On the 17th I nst., by tho Itev. William J, Kvcr, Mr. Owen C'hcrlngton, to Miss. Kfia lietli llalirlg, both of Hoaringoteek township, Columbia countv. S! YDEH SILIXGIOIt On thesaini', ilaybv thesamo.Jer. Snyder to l-'reder lea Silliiger, both of Ceiitrallti Colum bia county. HAHXIXG Ell-MKXSCH-Jiov. 1 Ith nt tho residence ot tint bride's parents, I v Hev. D. lieckner, .Mr. Willlain Hani inger of Montour county l'n. 'to ML Matilda Mensch, of Columbia" couii-v l'n. 1II10WN'-ritKY At thohmi'o oftlif brides l'lilhor.onthoUth Inst., by Itev. John Thomns, Clins.A.lI.Hrown, so. of Kaston, l'n. to Miss M, F rrov, of Centre. Kr.II'KH-lIAMPTOX-In Ashlaud, at tho houso of the brides Tardier, on tho fJOth ult., by Itev. It. C. llrjxni, Mr. George S. Koiper, to Miss Mnrv L. Ilanfliton, both of Asliland. YOUNG lt ICI II K November l!Ub, by Itev. J. 1'. Tustlii, Mr. Jamfw ;, Young to Miss Kate A, lllchie, both of Illooinsburg. DIED. streams abound In fish, but the natives either do not like this sort of food, or 11 AHI'HT In Iklich llaven, on Til and was thoroughly enjoyed by tho as- wmbly, Tin underilRiii'il, it.Miinitttrnt .s-tutoof , I'l'ltllti'., t'NP hit HIS llllll 111' lll'HCI, iimi Iiii I. iii'i i ii iiliii ft 1 u llli tho allot ti tniaianloiH. itu.t lillottii them to tituili'tl uf propel l, uud uhlti to uuiuu uooit tiicir ibUuniutt-e, luted (Hluned.) AM, contagious poisons doubtless pro tlucotbelr peculiar Intliienii'ttpon tboor- guni.-m tliintigli the blood, lu fact, they pass iiilo this tliilil. grow and multiply there, ,'lwii vise to changes In its com- INSTRUCTIONS SO BIDDERS AND rOSTMAETEIlB j I'oNrtlMNIl AlJtu loNllirillNS lu I1K IM'Oltro haiku is tin: 1'uKriiAi.iit 1111111-: t-xiisr-im: WAl UUt.t t-ttol'Ull. I, haven inliiiitii, tut' iiltotttil to tilth In'.t'ilne dlntf tiiiii'i1, when not uitn i vtiuti .it'tliietl, lur un u.irl Inu Iho liuill, t hut ult rnilliutd unit ..teitlll- bout ruute thl'lti 1. Io iio no luoro ilelity tliiin 1, faulllt'lt'llt fur till exilniuifeul Hut luilll pollehe,. 2. iiii tnllriitd uiul htiiiinlHJiit lliuM.tiuil utlitr luttleH tthero tlio luiulo ot t ult oj uneu ttdutlt. of It.lbti Hiniclal utfi ills of thu I'o.t tltllco lieisttt nit nt, itlitu po.t oillce lilunltH, mall buKit.loi k. uud ke ftro lo hi) euiiwyi'il m exit it thnrm'. 3, On rnlliuiul unit .tvaiuboitt llui.thu rutttu Htfellt.of tlio llepurtmeul, ul.o the- llrlllstl and I altaita mull., ttlitll iitlilt-U.auil tho UKi'lltit aii eoiiipauylnix Ihein, uio to ho i-uiit).il wllhnut t hurtte; utul fur tho iviu uf tho t'ttltoi biuttit nitotii. tt I'liiiitntHllotm car, or part uf u our, prop erly lighted, warmed, und liuuiRlifil, ulidttdupltd to Ih.t-uitHuleut .listmtluu uud tlue.t-iurlfy uf litrco nunntltli'K of I.t utl.i rofull Itlluls, rorwlili-li no ct.ailelilltN too uxiiHiin.t'.ii'ii ot nut ei.. It I! k A v 11 ni it r. tt ttllllie iitlleiiii'.f it lit mo i ml rate, or I pin"i" 'o- i.,i.ibi'"ii tmi-'i" himr laUen In im hango Mr Huek, ttwlllrr Ith ally l'onlst of living matter, 1111(1 tills, Uu uno (iietiU and e.x, mine our calf, kip, and holu leather lief in ,lllehlli.lus t'luutvliero, UK we Mill eel III H y Hint you, JAM KM V. HAM;.V 1,1111 surmu, Nov. I, iot-ii. JLUCIIANT'H 1IOTKL, III Mlliril lot'lttll HTllEKT, rilil.AIH'.l.I'lll A. .1. A W. (1. M'KIDIIIN, I'loprltt.'f. May 1", li7-ly. -01t NI'.AT AND CI1HA1' .lOIJ PJUN'riNC. CAM. AT llli: llil.I'Mlll.VS tll'tlt'l.' l,v Itri i-rnittli uiul tivnilnons. Iiv il'ie great ehaiigi'iu tliuiliciiliitiug lluiil, tht'si' terrible nllecllons. Theo lontuglons ioisotiH will fall haiuilCMi where tberu I- no Impairment of health In unv I tut if tlio svslem. but Wliert-1 e liiuitnis huriuciM are reiaxeti, th" cupill.iiit illbti iiili il mi ticeiiuut uf n slugglsb I'lmilltliiu of tlifiilittlo'i, tho blood thin mid poor; and it las Kudo, lin y will be taken up, and pro duce their legitimate illVcts sickness mid death. All dunner from these poUons can easily lie avoided by lu-lug btetullly tho ftlniiurl llltleis. It iievents by prodtic- lugjust, ituvii ii munition oi tun system luivo not the ingenuity to catch it, as they seldom eat them. Wo stopped fur tho night Iu a romantic valley, surroun ded by mountains through which boun ded an Impotuons mountain stream, Tlio hut, as usual, was erected on up right poles, and was. open at the side". The lloor consisted of looso bamboo poles, through which there was momen tary danger of falling. Access to this "mansion In the sky" was gullied by climbing n notched pole, slightly In clined, which proved to be quite n feat to the uninitiated, mid especially to u lady. Wo stewed ti chicken, mndo some tea, nnd then sat down with tho looe, poles Corn, table, with tho satisfaction that wo hint gained an excellent appe tite. Hut, alas, how transient nro Im man hopes, and human calculations ! Tho Doctor hnd Just taken his seat In tlio circle, Juan audi wero patiently waiting for our rations nud tlio others of the parly wero watching with eager interest the pouring of tho ten, when an unlucky step separated tho poles, and our supper went below. 1 hastened down tho "notched stick". .In order to save tho remnants, but tho 1 nil Inns had gobbled It up. Sadly did wo stretch ourselves upon thu poles, nud were lulled day night on tlie 8lh Inst., Saiuul linocrt, ngeil -J years 7 months und '.'1 days. HAYMAN Near Hhorsburg, on tho lfith liibt., Jonas Ilaymnn, ngeil about 05 yenru. I'or all tint I'roten I)U,,a.w orlnttmUiiit scnopiXA, hituhas PaUltheuin, Cuneer. (Ainwuniptlon, a a., theie Pi nothing run equal the punning the i of lodlu. when admttititiered tn u pure, .tat, 1)11, II. ANDUllM' IOWNK WATKK t u pure tollUloa pf Iodine luioltcsi lu w wlthiiut n .nivent, and I, tht Lm,i rerneu Ki'txifiilu und klndrod tlUfusett eret- dUeu r I'lretllan. free, J. I'.UINHMOItl I'I IVjr Mrs!, New .ft- r-... ui II., Wl. KTnn I, TO INMI'JII'TIVKJS.-The It.v. VUlw.til A. Wllitin will t.enil(freiif eliarcjta all wbotlu-Jr. ll,ilierif'rrlpttiinxt!tlitli.iilireetloiii! form.kiu. und u.lnt! llio .linpl. reinedy hy which li. Wtr. cured of u lltiigaOevttoit and that dreaded dUnu., Couhllinptloti. 111. only uhjts?t la to heneni tin. iittlleltil, and ho hopea ex-cry fcittlerer will irv tlttu pte.erlpllon, lis It will cil them notltlcc'. nd iitity pro e u liUaslnir. VlraHo mUius ui:v. niiWAim a. wiiKiN . , No., Iil3r07-ly,l rg, King, co., N, V 7 VKUY Custouiir uiny be niro of u 'l 11..,1 I It ,.i t,.....ti nl I'iiV.iiil in iVI'l,,ll,. ugblorv. 'sfliu, . ......1 ... i .i .i i .... i... US IS li llllllltl 111 ll'SISl till? 111,1-1111, lit)- ... 1,.,,,, l., 1.. .1.. - . tl sltl. , ilu i city neutiiilizing iiiuiiy or t0!,ltl-'' ' ie singing of mosquitoes, ilium iu tlie blood, tw. I nud the braying of donkey,. ' - IMOUMATION.-Iufonnitili.n gtiarauUxd to uroiliii'oit luxuriant growtlt nr haft upon a nld lieutl or In unlit., fuee. itbiita rts'elpe for tho ik mutator l'lmiile.. lllotehtti, Krupllolui, etc., uu tho. klti, leaving thu .tune .on.cltar.und Utttl lul, nut iMCbtttliiM w Ithoul ehargtt hy addresvj nit T1IOW. Y. ClIAl'MAN.lnieinUit. kt'plSS7. k't llrtmlway,hew Vurlt OV lilt Contu Cheap ut Ciikmukum v' (lotlitughUirtt, 4t8,M ALL Garments mado In thuhitunt uust moil npprovud .tyle at' lothlng btoiu, 10-ii,