The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 22, 1867, Page 4, Image 4

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, 2103 From Canton t- Oleuiburg, 9 mllei ami
uncle, once ii week.
Iahiv o Canton Hntuuluy At 10 a tn;
Arrive ut(udenkburit by 11 in:
Lutve Uiidcmhura ri.itmduy at 1 p in;
Arrive nl i (in ton by 3 p m.
..107 frvuL (J ran vllle Summit to Oranvlllo Cen
tre, iU mlltunud batk, twice a week.
lnvoUrnnvllleHiunmll 'luoaday nnd Friday
Arrive nt ft mm til Centre by 2.30 p in:
I.nivo ti nut vllle Centre Tuesdny nnd Frldny
alArrUu t Oram UN1 Summit t- p m.
2M rrtmi l' Hvlvnnla. Hulllvuti, (Jrny'i
Valley, MHlnwburK, to Mntniletd, It) mites nnd
I melt, hIx times a neck.
I,iive Troy dnlly. except Hiinilnyt nt 8 n in;
Arrive nt Mai.tlcld by VI m: m ,
IawVo Mtunttcld flatly, except Hundtvy, nt I
P mj
Arrlvent Troy by ftp m.
S1W rroni French Mill, by Well, to LMsall.
vllIo,7 mitt nnd buck, twice u wwk,
Lmvo Fiction Mills Tuesday nud Mat unlay fit 3
n mi
Lcwe FlullvllloTuediiy nudBaturdny nt 10.1S
oiiii ! rttn Tfiu'iimhi. hv Mvcriduirif and Homo.
to Not Hi urn-ell 11 mllea mid buck, ihreetluua a
"aQ Tow utiU Tuosduy, Thuriday.uud SAtuf'
A ..It... I V.',.li Ill-urn llV 12tti
Leave North orwcll ruesdivy, Thursday, nnd
Kammay ut i p in;
m l'h.!,! ifiimn hi Vnrfh lLnmn. Hnillb Litch
field, Litchfield, mid tluK.i Valley, to Athene, 194
1cay Homo luetdny nnd Friday at 0 ft m;
Arrlent Athene by U a in;
Ionve Ath tin Tuedny.nud I rlday nt 1 in;
Arrivu ut llome by A n m,
21L1 From Lo IUyvllle,Houtli Wnrren,
West Wnrren, Wliidbnm, nnd Last NlchoK to
Oweao, 'II miles nnd buck, threo time week.
Leuvo Flke Monday, Yvednendny.nnd Friday nt
Arrive nt Oweiro bj iJHQ p m; ... .
Lc"veOweirfuwan,lVumd.y nnd Hatnrday
HlDiun; .
Arrive nt I'lke by 3.W p m.
2113 From Cnniptown, by Herrlck. Hrrrielu
vllle Huutli Hlll,lntoMVlllo Orwell, North Of
well. Went Windhnm. nnd Windham Centre, to
Leave Cnniptown Myndtty, Wednesday, nnd
l nuuy nion in:
Arrlvent Nlchol by 3 p m;
Leave Nlclioli Tuesday, rnurn Uy, nnd Batur
tiny otflom; ,
Atrire nicatnptown by 3 p m.
31 U Fwm Terry tuwu, by Sew Krn, to Mdd
tunc, H laUtt uud tactt once a week.
Leave recrytewn Buarduy at 6 n in;
Arrive nt LndtUuuritu by Ii tm
LtAVo Lad'lapurgh tuTdiy ut 8 p m;
Arrive at Terry tuwu by 7 p tu.
3115 From OrcutUCreistoChemun,5mJIe3ftail
ovOrcuttCreokTuMiliyand Raturdey tvt9
U Arrive at Chojnunjj byU.SOnm;
LoooChemuntt;rue'idny,HndhHtiiraayat 11 a
lnirrlvo nt Orcutt Creek by 12.T) p m.
21ia FromCnutoii.byHhunU, to UdredVllle, 19
mllM and bock, twlwn week.
licave Cnntmi Tuemlay nnd Hnturday nt 1 r '"I
Arrive at KldrtxiMIlo by 7 pm; ,,
Leavo Lldredvllle Tuesday, and Hnturdny nt 0
.tu- t- ttiuiiif hviWi-rmn Am Liini
pbellsvlllo, to CldredlUe, mile nud back,
onco u teuk,
I,envo New Albany Monday nt fl n in;
Arrivu at tldriKtvlllu by 11 a m;
Leave Kldrodvlllo Monday nt 1 p in;
Arrle nt New Albany by d p m. J
niu r-rt.. hi Truianti HpIv's (tl.4.1 nnd I
Kenyou Corner, (ii.o.,) tu lcholi, 13 mile nnd
bi'Ck, ouceu week,
l?uvo Homo Wcstndny nt S a in;
Arri e at .NlchoU by 11 h in;
Lt-uvo MchoU Wednesday nt 1 p m;
Arrive ut llome by 4 p m.
2119 From Montronc, by, I-nwnviU CVntre,
lirookdule, Orbetuvllle, nnd fonklln Ceulre, to
lllnUamUm, aimllennnd bock, three tlmei n
Levo Moutro-te Monlay, Wednesday, nnd
Friday at 7 uui; .
ArrlwHt lllnKhnmtonby 12 m;
U'avo liinghainton TueUy, Thurfday, nnJ
Haturday ninm;
Arrivu at Motrowo by 1 p m.
2W) From Muutnwe' by Klk lkt Auburn
Four Corner. Auburn Centru,nndHmth Auburn,
to LueyWlle, -i iiitUvi and buck, threw timed n
WSluvoMontrinTuwiliy, Tliursday, nnd Bnt
unlay nt 10 a in; , .
ArrIvofttLiM.vvllUbyp m;
Leave LnevlUo M.mdn.v, Wednesday, and
Friday at (J u m; . ,
Arrive at Monlroe by 4 pm.
2H1 From Montrose, by Ulelironnd Hill. Mlver
Luke, nnd Unickney, to iluMleytown, 1j miles
undbuek.UirctitlmMa week.
Loavo MnnlroHO Tuevluy, Tliurhdny.tvnd fat
unlay ittSnm;
Arrlotit JlawWtownby 13m;
Lnuvo llawleytuwn Tuesday, Thursday, and
8utunlaynt2p m;
Arrlv at Muutnxte by 0 p m.
3122 From MontroHe IK'pot, by Harford, to
(lihwn.lOmllMiund back.Mlx Umwa week.
luiuvo Jdontruna IX-pot dally, except Huudny,at
e.s p m;
Arrive at Qlbson by 0pm;
lv Olbson dolly.OKoept Handay, nt 3.J p m;
Arrlvo ut Montrose lenot by tt p in.
3121 From Olbson, by Jooason, Aramt, and
Thompson, to rttarueca, 13 miles nnd UicK threo
llLMlbon Tuesday, Thumdny, nnd Hntur
day at 7 era;
Arrlvo ntHtarnrea by 13 m: lu..,.
Leave auiruccu Tuesday, Tnurmlay, imlHatur
day at 1 p m:
Arrive at Olbson by fl pm.
FropuHulitooadat Liuicwboru" WialhH Hl
tlomu, tuvUtnL
212J From Montroa Depot to Montroftn, 8 ntlle
and bAOJC, twelve tliaamwMic
rMVoMuntrosedAily,exieptunly,at earn
5 AirrtvoI"iMntroIep6byT.awS'nl5 P
mienve MontrnsA Ipot dally, eiccptflun J ay, at
K&) n m und tJ.ft) pin;
Arrive nt Montrose by 10 a in and 3 p in.
2125 From MontroH". by Forest Lake nnd St,
Joseph, to Friendavllle, IU miles and back, threo
Hxnurf u w(M)k. , , ,
Leave Montrose Tuesday, Thawiay, nnd antur
dayatUam; Arrlvo at Frleudsvllle by 0 a m;
Leavo FrlendsvUle Tuesday, Thurdday, oifJ.
Saturday at li m;
Arrive at Montnwe by 3 p m.
21W From FalrdnlMiy IllrchjmlsvlHo and I,or:
ost IKkrt 0iUtre, to Frlendsvllle, 11 mllw and
back, onco a wet k.
Uwvo Fairdnlo S'cdntHday nt 10 a m;
Arrlv- at FrknnNvllie y 1 1 m;
Lc im rilt'iuUvilUi Wednesday at 2 pm;
Arrive at Falrdale by 5 p m.
2137 From Frlendsvllle, by Llttlo Meadows and
Apnlachln, toCampvllle, liiulleaand back.thrco
ttmeri a wclc.
lifuive FrtendivlUo Monday, Wodnolay, nnd
Friday ut 7 iv in;
Arrive ut Campvlllo by 12 m:
IviveCrtmpvlfle 'lliesdayTunraday, and ihxt
urdny nt 1 p m;
Arrive nt FrlentbtTlllo by 0 p m,
From Uoj Bottom, by llrooklyn nud Dist
Dimo'kl to IU mock, 1J inlles and btu k, nix tlmti
a w eek.
Leave Hop UotUm dally, except Hundny nt 0
p m;
Arrlvo nt Dlmoek by 9 p tn;
ljuave Dimple dully, except Hundny, at 3 n
Arrlvo at Hop Bottom bynnin,
Fryui Hop Bottom to Ijithrop, 3 miles nud
back, th r timirt u wcvlt.
Ichio Hop lluttom Ttu'idny, Tliuriday, mid
titurdny at ti p m;
Arrivu ut Luthropby 7 p m;
L'avo Iithrop I uwilny, Tliurday, and Satur
day at 7 u iu;
Arris u at Uup Hot torn by 8 a m.
21M From lUmock, by lUk Lnlcettud liwl Uiwh,
to llUHh.Kl uillew and back, twlco u me.k.
Loin o Itmock, Monday and Friday at 11 a in;
Arrive at llu'di by 3 p m;
Ienvu lUlsh Monday uud Friday Jit 3 p io;
ArrUo ut Plmock by tl p m.
3131 From Duolafl", by Union Ud HurrlclE
(Vntre. FltUhaiit Mount, Jrton,nntl Liko Uumo,
l)Hixli)ortHlaUon,ij mlleb an 1 twJc,on(e u
Ionve DundarT WoinUy ut S a in;
Arrive ntHtockport HUUun by 6 p in;
lrfUMihtot-kport HUUon TuetKiay utbam;
Arrive ut Duuduffby Op m.
2182 FromWuqnehnnnnlVepot,by North JneJc
oii, Jacknou, Hmlley. Houlh (llbsnu, Iauox, and
Wil Ieuox, to Hop lJottom, 37 intlw und back,
twice a wiMdc.
licnvehuiulinuua Dejiol We-luelnyand hut-
uruuy ai 4 it iu,
Arrive at Hop Bottom by 2 p m;
Ivivu Hop llottuiu '1 iim4.i.v nud Friday nt 4 a
in; I
Arrive at Suitielunnn Depot by 3p m,
31'MFrom IttiMhtllle, by Mlibllidown Centra,
FrlndvHle, i'luMnut, and Idmlej town, tu
lltnxuamiou, 30 iuIIoh und back, threu tliuen a
Leuru Hiik1i111u Tuthduy, ThurHUftvyitul Knturr
iluv ut 7 n in:
Arrive nt Blniihatntnn by 3 p in:
Iuve IHnuhauiton Monday, Wed new lay, uud
Friday ut tin m:
Arrive at Uutlivlllo by 5 pm,
2131 From Mlddlctowu Ceutro to Jucknou V'nl
lev, 3 mile nud buck twice a week.
Leave Mlddtetown CVntre Tuemlay, and Satur
day at 1 p in;
Arrive ut Jaekson Vnltey by 6 p m;
Iwnq Jackson Valley Tutwluy und Haturday
at 6.3U p m4.
Arrive at Mlddletowti CVntre by 0.30 pm.
213.i Trom Auburn Four Cornern, by Wetd Au
burn nnd Fast HprliiK Hill, to Wjalulng,
Covered by Houte 'JM,
31.10 From Duuduu to Unlondale, Q mile nnd
biwk, oneo a wwk
Thla U provided for on Ilouto 2131,
nrr From Hand Cut. by aiftou nnd Ooldsbo
rouh,tu HUKtdHrtMVllte, 10 iiiIU-h nnd back six
tlmea a wrrk,
Jve Hand Cut dally, fseept Hunday, at 3 p
Arrive at HdoddurUvllle by 7 pm;
LeavntitoddnrUivlllodtlly.exceit Hiindiiv. at 7
u m;
Arrive at Hand Cut by 11 a m.
From jronowlale, by Indian Orchard nnd
VhltoMlll. PiHftHloy, ty. wlW nnd back.klx
tJnuii a week.
I,oae HouowdaU dally, exoopt Hunday. ut 12
Arrive at Hnvvlfy by ,1 p in;
IrfwvveHawleydallv, pxenpt Hunday, nl 3a in;
Arrive at Hoiuulala by Hum,
3l9t From Iiamahcun by Mllunvllle, to Kldrml,
10 mlleii and back, mice h wtek,
Lisivi Dninii-icurtTimrwlay ut l u ni:
ArriventKldrMbylpm? '
I-nve i:idrt d Thursday nt 0 a m;
Arrive at lhinweut by 13 m.
VI From Unmnwiw to Uallleo, 3 mm ftnd
wk, on'c n vieelc.
T nve nimr-utt Tlinnda 91 I p in;
A'TiVr Gntih.' bv 3 p in.
' .iv at ( laPVeTl .1 Nlr nt Piinj'
Anivr lAninkwu byUvi.
?!U FiQiuFUiiiiinlt-lVlivlllfl,5 .iW uud
bmu, once a wyilf.
icive loitilnunU Tlmrs lfty at 1 p tn;
Arrive ul FfiwvlJlfl by H p m;
Javc rrInvlllo Thuntdav ut 10 a iu.
Arrlie ut Bntnenk ty VI iu,
?ir from HoneHlnle, ly llelbhny. Io 'Jlufinti'n
Vc" t, -1 Mi.i nd bftk, 'hree ttmMf n wwk.
s If'nMdrilo Tttwday.lhiLradny, uad rUt
vr. nt .Ipin; t
ur i nner'i I alia bv ft p mt
T tinM'u Full Tin Joy, Thurwdav,
oud Hnturday ut tl u in;
A rrivp at Hoaedu le by 10 a in.
?U1 From Itonedn1p. bv Dvberrr nnd Itller
vllle. to Cold Hprtng, HI iQllos aud back, twice, a
Lenvo Honesdata WlucvJay and Haturday at
A I l-a nt f'M.I Qttrlna bv It n tn
Leave Cold Sprliitf MVduesdny nud Saturday o
i p ni;
Arrive ntHonesdale by fip in.
mi titm itmifiiiiitn. .iv Herl In Centre Oi. o.
and Beach Fond, to Nnrrewibtiix, It miles nnd
Lea'vo Jloneatt'vla daily, extcpt Hund.iy, nt ftp
Arrlv f nt Narrowiburg by a p in;
Leave Narrovvburg daily, etcpt Sunday, At
a rrli .. ..t tlnflM.latn l.i' .In til.
21 0 From lloncddnle, by Chrrrr Hldff, Middle
vnuey, atici, iinummoii, jioiiisierviiu-, mm
Mndloouv lite, loMuscow,2H miles nudbnek, nix
Innvo Honesdale daily, except Hunday, nt 6.30
. rrU-n lit. M(mnw liv H 111!
Leave Mokkw dally, except Hunday, at -I p m;
Arrive nv iiunenunip ity 11 p in.
i in Prmii ltnnt4 1 iln. bv A idnnVlltfl and Hte
veiison Mill, to Pleasant Mount, 1 J mtles nud hI T t 1 1 1104 fl Wf'ltlt.
t.vvo Huncsdale dally, except Hunday, nt 190
1 ni;
l.euve 1'lo.iMUit Mount dalfy, except Hunday,
ni n in,
Airlve at Honesdalo by Ha m. . ,
VI 17 From Mnwlcy, bv T.mnn. 1'aupw, nlitl
Nyces, t, lird'n Valley, miles ami back
tlneu tlmeHu wetk, . , ,
Lenvo llnwley Tuesday, Thursday, nnd Hntur
day utt) am. , ,
Ienve Lnrd'a Valley luendny, Thursday, and
wniuruaynt urn
Arrive nt Ilnwley by 0 p tn.
21 From Hnmllntou, to Cnnaan, mllc aud
back, twice n week,
Iieave 11 am Union Uedneiday nud Saturday nt
n m;
Atrlvti nt niiiain bv 10.S1 a ni:
Lonve Canaan Wexlncuday and Haturday at 0 a
'Arrive at Hamltuton by 8 a m.
2 I J From Itotsvllle, by Wellavllle, to Mount
Tcp, i miles and bark, twice n week.
Leave ltuMSVllIo WwJncsduy and Wturdiy at 2
p m;
ArrlVtinl Mfinnt Ton bv 3 n m:
Leave Mount Top eilnosday nnd Haturday at
i in;
Arrive at UosVlllo by 1pm.
21V) From Ktter'a.liy Newberry
Liavo litter's Wednesday uud Haturday nt 3p
Arrive nt Newberry town by ftp m;
Iieave New berry town Wednesday nnd Bntur
tiny nt II n in;
Arrlvo nt Ktter's by 1 p m.
lUlFroin Apple Orovo'and Crown
Roads, to HopetteU C'entre,.li inilei nnd back,
twica a week.
Lcuto Qaluvstown UoncLiy nnd Friday nt 8.30 n
Leave liopswell Cenlre Mondny and Friday at
Ai rl vo at Dallantown by C.TO p m,
312 From York, by Dnnastown.UnJon, Chance
ford, M'ShorryiviUe,ii.nd Cuttle I'in.toFeach XioU
tom.'W miles nnd back, three times u ft eek.
Leave York Monday. Wednesday, and Friday
ut (I n m;
rrivo ni ream ituiiujii uy i p in;
Lenvo IVfich Bottom TutwdiiV. ThurndilV. and
Baturdny at 8n in;
Arrive at loric uy u p in.
21il From WrlithbtvllIe.bvMunrarotta Fnrnnce.
nnd M'Cnll'M Furry, to Cuttle Fin, 33 ml lea and
ba -k, twlee a woek.
Leave wrlRhtsvlllo Tuesday und Haturday nt 0
n m;
Arrive ni mwiie i in uy a p in;
Leave Castle Fin Monday and Friday ntSn m;
Arrlvo ut Wrlghta vllle by 5 p m.
2111 Trom Mhrcwsbury, by Finnic Ilond. Httw
artlottti. Htrnwbridao, Fawn Cirovf, Constitu
tion, nnd liryansville, to Mlno Hill, 25 mllM
and back, twice a week.
I .cave Shrewsbury Wednesday nnd Haturday
nt 1 p m;
Arrlvo nt Mine Hilt by 8 p m;
Ienve Mine Hill Wednesday and Haturday nt ft
a in;
Arrive at Hhrewebary by 12 m.
21 1 j From Hanover, by Abbottatown, to KAt
Berlin, 11) miles and back, three tlmen a weolc.
Iieave Hanover Tuesday, Thursday, nnd Satur
day at Llwp m;
Arrive nt Fast Berlin by ID p m;
Jytave lut Berlin Tutviday, Hiursday,aud Sat
urday nt 0 am;
Arrlvo at Hanover by 12 m,
31VJ Trom Hanover, by M'Hhcrry town and IUnI
Liin 1 to Hqnnre Corner, 1.' mites nnd bock. hIx
tlmeHa week to M'Hherrytown, und thre tlmon
a week tbo residue.
Leave Hanover dilly, except Hunday, at lp
Arrlvo nt M Hherrvtown by 2 p m:
Ixmivu M'Hherrytown dally, except Hunday, at
11 am;
Arrive nt Hanover by 13 m;
Lenvo M'Hherrytown Tuesday, Thursday, nnd
Saturday ntSpm;
Arrlvo nt Square Corner by i pm;
Leave Hqunro Corner Tuesday, Thursdny, and
Haturday ut 4 pm;
Arrive at M 'Sherry town by 0 p m.
2177 From Jefferson Htntlon toHprtng rorge,3$
miles nud back, twlco n week.
Bidders to propose a schedule to bo satisfactory
to the postmasters.
E1M From JcfTcraon Htntlon, by Codorus, to
U rod bock 4 miles nnd back, twice a week.
Lenvo Jefferson Htatian Wettncadny nnd Hntur
day nt&p m;
Arrive nt Brodbeck'H by fl p m;
Leave U rod beck's Wodnesday and Haturday nl
4 pm:
Arrive nt Jefferson Htntlon by ft p in,
3110 Trom Jefferson Htatlon to Xenln, 7f miles
and back, oneo a week,
Ijoavo JeflVrson Htatlon Haturday at 1.30 p ra;
Arrive at Xenla by u p m;
Ieave Xenla Haturday at 2.30 p m;
Arrive at Jcfforson station by I p m.
3100 From Qlen Itoek Uj HetrlckV, 0 mllea nnd
baok, twloon week,
LeAY01en Roeh Tamday and Saturday at 12
Arrive at Itetrtcfa by 2 p m:
reaveHetrllcsTuewda7ftui Hatarday a T a
Arrive at Glen Itock by 9 a tn.
2101 From tlettywhurs, by Fairfield, Fountain
Dale, HI nevoid, and Ijoiterabunr, to liafierbtown,
30 miles nud back, three timed a week,
Iavo (Jettysburti Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday at 8 n m;
Arrlvo nt HnRerstown by 3 pm:
Lenvo Hugertdown TueHdny, fliura.lay, and
Hainrday at s a in;
Arrlvo ut (lettynburs by 3nm.
iliW From ll' New
Cliestcr, U mile? an i butc, twloo a wrek.
Leave Qettytburg Tuesday an 1 Haturdsy at 8 ft
Arrive at New Clioster by 11 1 ia:
Lvive New Chester Tuesday and Halurdsy at 1
p m;
Arrlvo at acttybburg by I p in.
21(13 From MummnsburK.Arendtb
vllle, Blsler, Flora Uale.audllcndtrtvllteo Ida
vllle, li miles and back, twice n week.
Leave Gettysburg Tuesday nnd Haturday nt 6 a
Arrlvo at Idnvlllo by 12 m;
lioavo Idnvlllo Tuo.-'dny uml Haturday nt 1 p ni;
Arrlvo at Otttj sbnrg by 7 p m.
21UI From Gettysburg, bv Table Itock and Me
nnllon,to Idnvllje, l'i inlleH and buck, twlco n
l4iavo Gettysburg Mond ty and Thursday ut Ifa
Arrlvo at Tdaville by 12 in;
Lavo Idavllle Monday nnd Thursday nt 1 p ra;
Arilvo at Gettysburg by 5 p m.
310 From New Oxford, by Green nidge, Hamp
ton, nnd ltound Hill, to VorkHulpliurHprluif, 11
miles and bat It, twlen n wet k,
Ieavo New Oxford Tueuday nnd Haturday nt 1
p m;
Arrive nt York Hulphurfiprlnan bv 4 p m;
Lenvo York sulphur Springs Tutidy nnd
Hatuid.iy atAnm;
Arrlvo at NewGxford by 8 a m.
2hl From Fast Berlin, bv Beimudhvn nnd
Finn kiln town, to lUllHbur, 11 miles uijd buck,
once a week.
Leiivo Fast Berlin, Thursday ut 1 p iu;
Arrlvo at DllUburi by i p m;
It-nve lilllsburgThurHduy nt U a m;
Arrive utFast lieillu by 12 in.
2107 From Littlefltown to Harney, 7 miles nnd
back, threw times a week.
1-oavo LHtlmtown Tuesday, Thursdny.and Hnt
urd.vy nt 1 p m;
vrrivo nt iiarney oy a p m;
Ive Harney Tuclay, Tftrsdny, and Hatur
day ut 10 urn;
A rrlve nt Llttleatown by 12 m.
3lftH From York HnlphnrHprlnics, by lit r mud W
nn. Hall, Mulberry, and DnvUKlnirif, ti York, 'H
milofl und back, onee a we-k.
Iwve YorkHulphQrHprinws Hntnrdxy at 1 p
Arrive nt York by 7 p m;
lA-ufe York Haturduv ulrt a m:
Arrvio ut York Sulphur Spring by 12 m,
21i9 From Chambersbnrg, by Haint Thorn am.
Mount Farnel.Londoii.M'CiJuuejMiurtf.narrUon-
llle, Akernville, Kay's Hill, and Bloity Hun, to
Bedford, Mmlle and back, six times a vvk,
U'uvo ClmmberkburK daily, except Sunday, nt
Arrlvo nt Hedford by 7 p in;
Ihuvo Bedfonldally. except Sunday, at 7 am;
Arrlvo ut Chambert.burg by 7 p in,
3170 From Chambersburp, by Kovfnr'a Htore
rpKrHtrtthljnrv.FuniiettHburK.HiHl Burnt Cab
ins, to Hhalo Oap, Killed and back, three tluips
u eek.
I-euve C'hamhwrfaburg Tuesday. Tlmriday, and
Halunlay at7 a ia; ' 7
Arrlvo nt slmdo Gap by op ra;
lieuve Hluulo Gap Monday, Wcduenday, and
Friday nt 7 a in;
Arrlvo t ChambewburiE by 0 pm,
"1TI liVnm fM.nnl...t,..M I... trtl
Mount Alto, und liuliiey, to Vuneborough, li
miles und buck, time lime a week,
Arrlvo ill WnyneHbwrutich by 0.13 n m:
U-avo WayiiubUiruut-li Monday, WedneMlay,
Arrlvo at C'lianibor.burB by l p m.
2172 From Green Custlo, by Hhady Orove, to
WuynottborytiKli, D niHts and back. kl times a
Week. '
Lcavo Green Cattle, dally, except Hunday, nt
5.1.0 p in; '
Arrive nt WnyneanorouKh by 8 p m;
Ia'UV'h Win nmboruuifti dullv. nint Hundiw nt
K 1l .... " ' - -
Arrivu'ut Grreii Castlo by Sain,
2173 From Green Outle. by Upton to Mercer
bin if, V) mllfsaud back.Mlx tlnuu Wek.
Lt avo Grreti Cuitla dally, except Hunday, at fl 1
Arrive at MererirAimrirliv H n m.
Ia-uvo Merceuburg dally, except Hunday, at ft u
Arrive nt Green C'utl by 7 a m,
2171 From MerwNhurK, by Hylvnn.toHnneork,
30 mi tew nud buck, onee u week.
Jn-ayo Merrernmir Friday nt 1 p m;
A rrlve nt Hylvnu by & p in;
IieuvoHvlvan Friduv attain:
Arrlvo at MerrerMhuru hy lrn;
Letivo Hylviu Kalurdav at ti a in;
rriy ni IJlini wk nv is iu;
bi. Man-''k Haturdnv at 1 p m;
i Ar..j ithyl.un bv p m.
j 2!7i From Clav Liek, bv WeUh Hun, to Upton,
' TmMmnnd back mleoa vrek.
i MtK v t int i'iay nun Haturday at 4
Arrive nt Upton by 0 n in;
t Ieavu Uutou Wediienday aud Haturdavnt 0.W
Arrive nt Clay Uck by 8,30 p ut,
2170 Froinfitate UmSlath.n n.o.) to HintoLhie,
m "lino wm wkuj k yi n, u Wt'l.U,
lnve HUUUuoldlathw WeiLncfedny nnd Hat
An ive t Htnui J J no by Q.C0 u tn;
I ej Rtn tn iJttA Wcdaddy rijail ttatojjij t
Arrive at (et:oI,Vi9)tAUvaby pm.
2177 From Amberson Valley, to
I'ry hum, i inuen nnu duck, mien a wrm,
1 hli la covered by icrvlco on Houte 21W
917A From M'CoiinetUburii. bv Webster's Mills.
to Big Cove Tannery, smiles nnd back, twlco a
Invo M'Connctttburg Tuasdny and Friday at 4
P tn;
ArHvftnt 11 In rWnTAtmrv lit 0 n in;
Leave 111k Cove Tannery Tuesday uud Friday
ii n iu,
Arrive at M'CnnnelUhiiftr liv 12 m.
217V From Harrlsonvtllcto Hlpe' Mill, 8 miles
Ann imcic, ttneo n wren,
lcave Ilnrrlsonvllle Tuesday nt 4 p m;
Arrive nt Hlpei' Mill by Op m;
Irf-nvo HlpeV MltlTueiday nt 1 p Vi;
Arrive at HnrrlNonvllle by 3 p iu
2la From Harrlsonvllle, by M'est Dublin nnd
vveuv innnery, io iioin;wcii, alanines nmi imh k
tjeavo linrrlsonvllto Wednewlny ntul Haturday
ni . a in;
A rritn nf IlAnowell I)V it fl fll
l,oavo Hopewell Wetfnrfldny nnd Haturday at
Arrive nt Ilnrrlsonvllle by 0 p tn.
2141 From Harrlvmvllle, by Hustontown nnd
imiiiin ai s. io inreeniiriniis.k'uiniiesnnunncK.
onco n nn'Ki
Leave liarnsonviiie rueKtiay nt i p m;
Arrive at 1'hrre Hprinus by 7 p m;
lieavo Threo Snrintf luesdny nt 0 n m
A rriva nt I In rrlnnti villa liv l'i
VIM From Hay's Hill, by Diuniuv ll!e. Hldellne
Hilt, nud WnrrordsburK, to Hnncoi k, 20 miles nad
b.iclt,ltlcon week tn WniionhburK, and thiee
llmt'M u week the residue.
Ix'iivo uay's inn .Monunyniut i riuay nt i.wa
leavn Warfordsbunr TuesItnT anil Saturday nt
j rrivn ni nriorusimrir iit ii in
iu u ni,
Arrive til uav inn nv . n in
Ix'iwo Wurford'iburir Monday. Wednpadar.nnd
r riuoy m n in;
Arrive ni iiaucocic ny a p m;
Leave Hancock Tuesday. 1 hurfidoy. nnd Batur
4 ay ut 8.3)a in;
Arrive nt w arromsourK ny y,;w a m,
2183 From Hopewell, by Yollow Creek, ratten
vlltp. Now Cntcrnrlsa. V)itirHlde.nnd Wnodburv.
to Martlnsbunr. h miles und bock, three tlinev
n wi'fit,
Ijcnve Hopewell Monday, Wednesday, and Frl
day nt 1 tn:
ArriTM ill .iisriinsLiurir uy o n in
luve Martlnsbunr Monday. Wednesday, und
l'rnnrtNiiU Invited for stxtinipR n.wefk service
Arrivu ni tiuiiGuou uv li.ju n in.
between Hopewell and Woodbury, llj i miles, 3
21S1 Pmm Mount Dullns Htntlon fn. o.) to netl
ford, 6! inlles nnd back, six times n week.
dnv, on arrival of the, cars any nt in;
Arrive ni nruivni ny p in ,
lieave Bedford daily, exce)t Hunday, nt 7 n m;
Arrive at .Mount Dallaa station In time to coir
neel with the tnrs nay by I a ra.
1A Prnm Hnti rUnl-vllIt. rtnbUnri.
vllle. nnd Buck Valley, to Vnrfordsburg. 3 miles
umi duck, onee n wpck.
Luvvo Moody Hun Friday nt 7 a m;
Arrlvo nt Wnrfordiburg fy 4 p m;
LeuVo Wnrfordnburg Saturday nt 10 n tu;
Arrive at Uloody Hun by 7 p in.
21S11 From Bedford, bv Htuekevsvitleebells-
burif, Buckstown,Htoytslowu, Jennertowu, Jen
nor' cnjas-roiids, Lang b 11 mown, Llgonler, aud
Youngotovvn, toLatrobu, fitfullies and bucjt, &lx
times n week.
Leave Boiiioru uauy, except sunuay, ni u a m;
Arrive at Luughllutown by 0.80 p in;
Ixavo Lnutihllutowu daily. excuDt Sunday, at
Ou m;
Arrive nt ueurorn y p m;
Lenvo Laughllntown daily,except Sunday, at 0
Arrive at Lntroue in time tor man lor I'ltts
bin k hay at lo.uU a in;
ieuvu unirouo uuny, except tunuay, ni in;
Arrive at Laughliutowu by 0 p in.
'.'l'i? From Bedford, bv Haint Clalrbvllle. Harah.
Fn.Ht Frei-dom. N'ewrv. and Duncunsvllle.tnHol-
lUInyaburr, ;id miles and back, blx times a week.
iiHve imuoni unity, exeepi nunuu, in. u in;
Arrive at Hollidu; sburg by 4 p m;
Leave Ilullldut t.buru dullv . exettt Hundnv. nt
10 a in;
ivrrivo iu ueuioru uy o p in.
Cumberland, W mles nad buck, Mirco tiiuena
eave uwrora Monday.w uneeuay.ana rriaay
nt 8 n m;
Arrive ni Lumneriana ny a p ni:
Ij'iivo Cumberland Tuesday. Thursday, and
H a turd a j at n n in;
Arrive nt Bedford by 0 p in.
FroDO.ils uIhu luvlltHl lorhix-llinifj-n-weekficr-
SISa From Bedford, liv Bedford Hnrlnss.ChnrUs
vlite, ILilneHburg, uml Cliuiieyvllle, io KIblus
vllle, 31 inlles nud back, twice n week.
jAitve ueiiioni i uesuuy auu naiurtiuy t a in;
Arrive nt Llblnsvilio by 3 p m;
Leave Klblnsvllle Monday and Friday nt 7
Arrive at Bedfbrd by 3 p in.
3100 From Hlddlcburi; to Hix Mile Run. 2!
ratlctt nnd back, six times a week.
i'uvo iviuuiesuurg u.iuy, exeejit nunuuy, m
10.33 a m.
Arrive ut Hix Mile Hun by 11.15 n m.
LcuvuHlx Mllo Hun dally, except Hunday, at 0
a m;
Arrlvo at lllddlesburg by 0. 13 a ni.
1191 From Warfordsbunr. bv Emmavlllo. to
Hay's Hill.
ivovereu uy ramo iiis.
2192 From Mechanlcaburs. by Hhenhcrdstown.
Dlllsburt?. Cltar spring, lurk Hulphur springs,
and Heldlersburg, to Gcttjaburg, 3) miles and
uacK, inree limes n vveeK.
Lenvu ileehanlchbunr Tuesday. Thuruduv. and
Hnturdny ntO a in;
Arrive ut vif iij nuurit uy u 11 in;
Licavo uetiy&uurg juonuay, vv eunehuay, ani
Friday at S a m:
Arrive at Mechanlcsburg by 3 pm.
2103 From Mcchanlcsburg,by Hidowdmrg, Uv
burn. Lewlsberry, lUxuivllle, und Hover, to Vork,
SO uillcH und imck , twice a week.
Leave Methuu leu burg Tuedity nud Friday at 0
a in:
Arrlvo lit York bv 1 n tn:
Lenvo York WtHjuesday und Hnturdny ut G n m;
Aruvo ut Meihuulcbburg by 4 p in.
3101 From Cnrllslo, by BoillncSprinEs,lo Allen,
8I mllea uud buck, twice a week.
Leave Curl is lo Tuesday aud 1- rlday at 3 p in;
Arrive at Allen by 0 p in;
L-'Avo Allen Tuesday and Friday at 9 am;
Arrlvo at CurlUlo by 12 m.
2105 From Carlisle, by Whltollonse, IMckinson,
Walnut Bottom, and Loo'u Crossroad, to ship
pen.sburg, UJmllea and bock, three times a woek.
Irfuvo CurlUlo MoudAy, Wetluciduy, uud Fri
day at lp m;
ArrlveatshlppoiiUjurbyT pm: !
Ieuve bhlppfusburg 'lutwhty, Thursday, aud!
Haturday ut l p in: 1
Arrlvo ut CurlUie by 7 p 111,
2100 From Carlisle, by CarlisleSprlngH.Hteiutt'a
Gap, Hherniau's Ualo, und Fulling springy to
Livndlsburg, 3) inlles und buck, six Hints a weok.
Leave, Cui llslo dully, except Hunday, nt 3 p m;
Arrive at Laudlbburg by & p in;
Leave IaudlAburg dally, except Hunday, at 8
a ni;
A 1 rive at Cnrllslo by 1pm.
2107 From Kerrsvlllo to Mount Hock, 2 miles
nnd back, iwiconweek.
Lenvo Kerrsvlllp Wedpthdny and Haturday nt
3.l p in;
Arrlvo nt Mount Hock by I p m;
Lenvo Mount Hock Wednesday nnd Saturday
ut,:M5 p m;
Arrivu at Kerravlllo by 3.1ft p m,
210S From Newvllle. by Big Spring, toHtoughs
town, 1 miles und b.iclc. twice. u week.
ix'uve Newvilio Monday undThurbday ut lp in;
A 1 rive at htoughsiown by ftp 111;
lit'av'o Htouglmowu Monday and Thip-lduy nt 1
P ui;
Arrlvo at New vllle by 2 p in.
21W FiomHhlppeubburg. byOtrfitown.FIeasant
Hall, Uoxbury, aud Amberbon'a Valley, to Dry
Hun, -l lulled and buck, twice u weelt,
Lenvo Hhlppensburg Wednesday and Hnturdny
at 0 n in;
Arrlvo at Dry Hun by 5 p m;
Leave Hry Ituu Tutsday nnd Friday ntOn m;
Arrlvo ut Hhlppensburg by 5 p in,
33K) Middle Hprlnir, to
Nuwbttrg,7 mllt-H nud but k, six Hints u week.
Leave Shippensburg dally, except hunday, nt
i.'M p m;
Arrlvo at Newburg by C.30 p m;
Leuye NfWburg dally, except Sunday, ut 12.30
p in;
Ai live at Hhlppcuuburg by 2,30 p m.
3J01 From Carlisle, by Mouut Holly HprltiQS, to
York sulphur HpiiugM, llj miles uud back, six
limes n week,
Leave Carlihlo dally, except Sunday, nt 2 p in;
l.euv 0 urk. Hulnbur Nnrinifdidli .exei-itt Hun
day, nt Hum;
'HJl From Dunuvnnon. bv I ten venue. New lhif-
fulo. Montacmery'H Ferry, Liverpoul, Mohonton
ko, Mt'KbuTri Half Fulls, nnd C'hupinan, to Fort
lrwwirujn.fujS milos und back, six Hmesn wti'k.
ijuiivuiinuii uuuy, e.eepi nuuuuy, aii:
p m;
u itv i-ori 1 rcTtirion uy 11 p m;
Ijenvc Fort Trevorton dally, except Hunday, nt
a in;
Arrlvo at Duncannon by 11 a m.
N0TK.TI10 accented bidder will be 11 Bowed the
privilege or hiii'pUlnK the oIIlchH between Dun.
rnigion und 1'oitTrovortou by meshenger hervico
iiuiii in.' nvrim-fii v-t-mrui it.iiiiouu, 11 aeireu,
und II It bo moro Mitibfatttory to tlio eommuiiltles
2J)3 From Nowoort. hv Junlntn Murtdenvlllo
and Hostfburg, lo Ickeshurtr, li miles uud back,
threu times u week.
Lenvo Ninvport Monday, Wednesday, and Fri
duv at 3,:pm;
viittvum um-nuurg uy J.ouji in;
Leave lultekburi? Mundav. wivlnpit.lav ntnl I'rl.
day ut 0 u in;
Arrivu in (Hwport uy 11 a m
Val of mall from Baltimore say nt 3 p tu;
Arrlvo ut liLUdlsburif hv 7 ii in
LavoJ,andlitburg dally, except Hundny, nt 0
Arrlvo ut Newport by 11 a m
331j From Green Fark. by Andesvllle, Centre,
Audoruonburg.uud Blaln, to New Germanlowu,
10 miles and buck, six times it woulf.
Liitve Giecu Park dally, except Hunday, after
u. . , i i t 111 it i ,111111 , c n inui HI. 1 w ill.
Arrive ut New Gorniiintnwn bv lt 11 in
Leave Now Germuutovvn dully, except Hundny,
ut i 11 111;
Arrive at Green Parkin tlnioto conpect with
the mull lor Newport suy by 8 a m.
3)0 From Andesvllle to Handy Hill, 0 milts
unit urn . mn u uuit'N u wt'eu,
Leavo A iidcsvlllc T uesday, Tuuradar, and Bat
urduy ut 7.30u m;
Arrive at Handy Hill by 0 p in;
Leave Handy Hill Tuesday, 'Ihursday, und Hat
prdny at ft p in;
An Ive at Andesvllle by 0.30 p m,
. 3207 From Mllleritown, by Donnally'a Mills, to
Irkeiburg, ii miles and back, three times u week.
Leavo Millcmluwu Tuewlay, Thursday, und
, Arrivu nt Ickesb'urg by 7 p m;
Leave Ickebburg Tuesday, 'Ihursday, and Hat
urday ut 7, wuiu;
Arrlvo at Mlllorstown by 11.10 n m,
3iM From NftwGermnntown. hvrvinioni. Dnv.
lesburu, lrv Bun, nud r-nrliig Hun, to Fannetts-
burir. 'it inlfemiiifi lim-L- )!. rlnmu a
l nvo New Germanlowu Monday, Wednesday,
Arrive ut FunneiLbnrif liv 2 n tn Fannt-ttsburg luday, 'ihursday, and
flu 1 11 1 .lit v nt O .Til t. '
Arriittpt ew (Jorinantowti by 8,30 p m.
2AXI From Dnncnnnon, by Dclvllle uud Grler's
Point, to Keyname, Jl pjIe nnd back, once a
Lavo luiucuunon Halurdpy at p ui;
Arrlvo ut iCoystonu by 0 p m; '
Louvo ic tone HutuidAy at 0 a tn:
Arrivu A XJimcAnnan by 1 p in.
Sjm ffrom Nofr atonlVW to Mnnnavulo, ft
jueara New Uuioinuelil Wetfiu'day ut 1 p ut
Airrvo at ManxiuvlUeby 20 pmj
Leave Mammtlle Wolnesdny nt 4 pm
Arrlv e at New Blooinlleld by ft.i p m,
llitfervllle. I 'rwnlutnna. Itfrlilletd. .Mnuiit 'I'leiifi-
nnt Mills, Freoburg.nud Knutz, toHelln's Glove,
XI mll.trt nnd Imrlf. Ihrrn tltue n Week.
(LeaveMlllllntown Mondny, WtvJucsdnv, uud
1 ruiiiy ut u iu;
Arrive nt Helln'a Grove by 0 p m:
lnvo Hello's Grove Tuetdny JhursdAV
Haturday nt 7 n in;
Arrlvo nt Minilutowii by 0 p tn.
3212 From Mliniutown. hv Fatlersoit nnd Wnl
nut, to Acndemln,u mile und bnck, six time n
V. eek,
Lenvo Mlllllnlouu dally, except Hunday, ntl
Arrlvent Arndemtnbv Onmi
U'live Acadcinlailully, except Hunday, nt
a in;
Arrlvo nt Mttllltitown bv 10.30 n tn.
3J13 From Fori Hoyul, by Hpruco HHI, Acailo
mla, Doyl's Mills, Fleusnul View, Jl Ctiysvllle
Honey Grove; M'Cullock'it M1IN, Peru Mills
llnut Wnterfnrd. Wnterlno. nml Noisv Ille. ti
Hhado Gap, M miles nud bnck, three times n
wet ic
Leavo Fort Hoynl Monday, Wednesday, nud
1 rioiiy nion in;
Arrive nt Hhado Gnp by 0 p m;
LeuvuHliiuIn (Ijii Tuis.lnv. TburMlav. nn
tuvin.v in- u 11 111,
Airivo nt i'il uojni ny v p m,
nr roni uefuivinc, ny ivniinviiiiiinnwi. iirne
Vtlle.Menno. Allensv lie. nnd Airy Dule.lo Mill
Citek, 33 milts und bnck, three Hints a week.
lieavo iieeusviiio ionduy, vvtunesuay, and
Friday at 3 tint;
ArrlventMlll Cieek Tuesday. Tliursdnv. nnd
rwuiiriiiiy ny iu in;
jjeavo miii wit-tit incHiuiy, inurMiay, uuunnt'
unlnv at i! 'Kl t ut
Arrive ni iteeonyino ,ionuay, v eaucMny, nnu
1 IMiiy IJ.V IV II 111,
3215 From Iteodavllle to Lock's Mllh.ft miles
mm unei(, oucti h wee it.
Leave llcedsville Haturdny at lla 111;
Arrive at Lock's Mill by 1 p iu;
Leave loek's Mills baturday nt 8 n ia;
Arrive at Ileedsvlllc by 10 a in.
2lQ From Lewliitnwn. bv IteedsVilto. Mlliov.
Potter's Mills, Centre lllll, Centre ifnll, nud
l'lrasnut Gan. to Bellefotite. 83 mllei nnd buck
six times 11 week.
Ieave Iewltown dallj', except Hunday, nflcr
arrival of the llnrrlsburg mall say ut 7,w a in;
Arrive ni iiciiciume by 4 p m;
I .cave Be lleftutlft dnlly, except Hunday, at 7 u m;
Arrive ut iiL'wisiowu vy pin.
3217 From Newton Humlltow to Beaver Djui
Mills, 4 mites und bnck, twlco n week.
Leave New ton Hamilton Tuesday nnd Friday
ntu p ia;
rtrrnuni itcaver imn .tuis uy i.t-i p in:
Leave Beaver Dam Mills Tuesday and 1 rlday
ill 1 p m;
Arrive nt iewiou iiamiiton uy n in,
2214 From Lewlstown to Htrodo's Mills. 0 miles
nnd back, twice 11 week,
leitvo Lewlstown Wednesday nid Haturdny nt
M'; w ,
Arrive ntniroue s .tiuis uy y p in.
Leave Htrodo's MilU Wednesday nnd Huirun
4ay ut 1 p m;
Arrive ut lA'Wisiuwii my j ji in
3219 From Hpinco Creek, by Celeraln Forge,
rnnkllnvllle. Grnvsvllle. lloek Hnritur. Pino
Grove Mills, 1 touts bit rgn ml Linden Centre
Hall, do mlfen nnd bneif. six times 11 week,
Lenvo Hitruci Cretk dnllv exeent Sundav. nt
0 n in;
Arrive at Contro Hull bv 7 pin;
Leave Centre Hull daily, excent Hunday, nt 0
arrive ai upruco urcti; uy 1 p in.
3J30 From Mount Union, bv Auahwlck Mills
Hhlrleyxburg, nnd Orblsoiria, to Hiiado Gap, 17
iiiue.1 unu uuck, six times u wcck.
Lenve Mount Union dull v. oxcetd Buiulnv. nt
nmi ... . .
Arrive ni rnnuo tiap ny 7 p m;
Leave Hhado Gnii ilnlly, except umlny, nt 7
n m;
Arrive ni .mouiii i nion ny 11 n m.
"'1 From Mount Union, bv 1 1 1 1 1 Vullev. lo
Three Spring, 11 miles nnd back, three limes a
Leave Mount Union Monday, Wednesday, isnd
Friday nt 6..V) pm:
Arrive nt inroe isi-rnies uv w..vt p in;
Leuvo'ihreoSprlnib Monday, WeducKdny, and
Fi Iday at tin m;
Arnvo ni .Mount union uyiuniu,
2223 From Huntincdon. bv Wltsonln. lvna-
tlon, and Crownover's Mills, to KnnlkVllle 10
nines una imeit, twieo n weiK,
ieuvc uuniiuguou Aionuny nnu 1 ruiay ni 1
Airivent rnnlsvlllo by 7 p m;
Leitvo Fnnlsvlllo Monday nml 1'ilduy nl fla m;
Arrive ut Huntingdon by 1.' 111.
333,1 From Shavers Cottnip Stffl"s Mills
Manor HIll.hnulsburK.KnnWvllIe.nud McAlve.Vn
I'ort. to Greenwnoil l'urnnee. IU1 in Hps mid I mi If.
threo times n vrcek.
Leave Shaver's Crastc Mondny. Wednesday and
rlday at 10:30 a m,oroti nrrlvul of ears ;
Arrive nt Greenwood Futnnco by 1:30 p m ;
lit-nvo Greenwood Furuaco Tutsdav. 'Ihuisdnv.
nnd Sntuiday ut 0 u m ;
Arrlvo nt Hhuver srCreek by 12 111.
vllle, Fort Littleton, nnd Knobbsvllle, to McCon
nellburp, 3i miles nnd back, twice a week.
i,c.ivo urmhonia 1 ueeuay nnu Saturday nt l pm;
Arrlvo nt Fort Littleton by r:'i p m;
Lenve Fort Littleton Tuesday nnd Snturdav nt
fw a m ;
Arrive at Giblsoninby 11-33 a m;
Leav e Fort Littleton Monday und Friday ut 7:30
t m ;
Arrlvo nt McConncIlsbnrg by 11,30 n in;
Irfnvc McConnelsburc Mondny nnd Friday at 1
P m;
Airlvo nt Fort Littleton by ft.10 p m ;
iTominreo sprinRS, ny iiubeisvllh'. New
Gn-nud.t, and Hpenrsv ille, to WestJ Dublin, 10
miles nud back, onco n week.
Lenvu inreu springs ' iiurMlay at7 a in;
Anlve ut West Dublin by 12 in;
Icnvo Weht Dublin Thursday nt 1 p in;
Arrive at 1 hreo Springs by (J p m.
3iW From Broad Tn. bv New Gren.idu. Dublin
MIIIk, nml Fort Littleton, to Burnt Cabins, -I
miles and back, twleou week.
lieavo Iiiond Jop Tuesday nnd Friday nt lift
Arrive nt Burnt Cabins by 4 p m: J
Li nvo Burnt Cabins Monday und Thursdnv nt 1
10 am;
arrive nt Broad Top by 3 p m.
Irtm Uniiil Tnn. hv Pnirtf lVimtitrt Tnlil
'nvville. nnd Calvin. to Alanleton Donot.iriinlles
and back, onco n wetk to CusvJlle, nnd three
times it week the residue.
Lonveiironu lop 'inursiiay nt H a m; j
Arrive nt CiiskvIHo by 3 p m;
Leave CuhsvIH Thursday nt 7 a m; 1
Arrivont Broad Top by 10 a in;
Ltitvo Cfihvlllt) Mondnv. Wednrndav. find I'rl,
day ut 8 am;
Arrivo at Ji.tpictou icpoi ny 11 in;
lflvn MuiiIrIom UimmiL Mimilnv. U'cdiif kilnv
nd Friday at 4.3" pm;
Arrive at uiwivino uy p m,
222S From Covo Htatlon, by Clover Creek, to
Martlnsburg, Vt inlles nnd back, six limes a
w rek.
Ia nvo Cove Htatlon dally, except Hundny, at
10.30 am;
Arnvo ni .lnrunRourg nv u.w p m ;
lieavo Mnrtlnsburir dallr. extent Hundnv. nt
5..'0 p m ;
Arrive ni uove station by wip m;
3330 From Dudley tn Itrond Ton. 2' miles nnd
bark, six times n week.
Leavo Dudley daily, except Hunday, nt 10.33
Arrive nt BrondTop by H.3ft m;
Leavo Broad Top dally, except Sunday, nt 8.10
Arrlvo at Dudley by On m.
2330 From Tyrone, byHmlth'sMllls.Hegarty's X
Bonds, nud Glen Hope, to Audonvllle, 21l inlles
nnd back, twice n week.
Leave Tyrone Mommy nnd Friday ut 10 n m;
Arrive nt Anson vllle by 5 p m;
Lenve AumjiivIIIo Tutsdoy umt Saturday nt 8
Arrlvent Tyrone by 3 pm.
2311 I'rnm Hnllldnv t.buri. hv 1'rnnbntnwn nml
'anno Cretk. to Wiilinmbbunr. 12 mllesnnd bnek
six times n week,
Lenvo llollldnvsburg dnlly.execpt Hundny.on
nrrivnt of the Western mall cay nt 2,3 p 1,1;
A invent wtiiininjurg by o.30p in;
Li u c Wlllinm-djurif daily, except Sunday. nt7
n m;
Airlvo nt iioiiiiiayRiuirg by 11 n m.
L2iJ From Hollidnv sburir. bv Hnnnu's Mills end
'iiht SbariihburL'. to Murtliifcbuiiz. 12 milei nnd
biuk, six times it week.
T.rm n 1 (nl 11'lnvF-l tin i ilnIK. rrcrnl Wntiihn- mt
arrival of the estein mall sny nt 2 p in; '
vi 1 111 111 .niu 1 inbuilt k up 11..; p 111;
Leave Martltibbuvg dully, except Hunday, nt
a in;
Anlvo ut Hollldnjhbuig by 11,30 am,
r233 From WIIliaiu.bunr. bv Yellow Hi.rimiK.
Wnti rstrt et.und Alexundiiu, to Hlmvcr'a Click,
li j Jlllicw Mini uurit, ma l lines it V. i eit.
Lenve WHUuiufburg dally, except Hundav, at
a in:
AnlvenlSliavt r's Credc by 8 u m;
Ltnvu Shaver's Click dnlly.exceil Ht.mlav.nt
8 p mi
Arrive nt v liuainvuur uy iu p 111,
3231 From Willinnihburg toHnilimfit Id Furnace,
A miles nnd bnck. twice n weelr.
Leave Wllllaiimburg l uebilny and Haturdny nt
Arrive nt rprimmriii r urnuep nv n a in;
LeuveHnrlmilltld FuriiateTueHdnvniid Hid nr.
day nt 0 a m:
Arrlvent vviiiinmsburgiiy lonm.
3XL"i From irllldnvsburi;. bv L. lltmnitV
Alius, 'ii. n.jifi vtuiiiiey s turner s, 1.11, a.)
lliddtrs to ktnte dlttt,u;co an.d propobon hchtd
ule nf depnrtureM nud uriivnis.
zui 1 ruin irnu awreeK.ny iroxeiviue, 10 alia
die Creek, 10 miles and back, once n week.
ijuivu i'enn s t reci; nnsnturuny nt u iim
Arrivont Middle Creek by 1 p m;
Lmve Middle Ci eek Hiituidtv nt 2 p in;
Arrlvo nt Pcnn'f .Creek by 7 p m.
3237 From Helln s Grove, by Krnlaerville. to
jxave senn a urovo 'j utmmy nnt snturdaynt
Arrive 111 nnw ueriin ny n..iO p m;
Ltavo Now Berlin Tiwmlnv nnd Knluidnv nt
e,vi h 111;
Anive ni seun s urovo ny 11 n m.
22:W I'rom Helln Grot 1. bv K rrnmr. tntld
dleburg, lOiullisnnd bnek.tbtee times nwetlr.
Leave Helln'H Grove 'luehdav. Thursday, nnd
Arrivo ni ai icnurz nv s n m 1
lenvo Middltburir Tuesday. Thursday, nml
mituiiM.j in .in .itj
Arrive at neiiu s tiiove ny u a in,
(n, o.,) by Helln's Grove, to Shumokln Dam, ft
raiienim nacK, iweive times awteic to Meliu s
Grove, nml hix times n week the residue.
Leave Northern Cent inlltallrond Htatlon dally,
in'i nimiiHj, 1. i.i 11 111 f
ii it e in. niiiinioKiii iniui ny p in;
LcaveHhamokln Dam dailv. exeunt Hundnv. nl
0 a in:
Arrlvo ut Northern Central I tall mad Htntlon
by 10.13 a m.
Willi an extra daily trln between the Hi'itlnn
nnd Selin'H Grove.
riuTK. Tlio accepted bhider will bo allowed to
sumdv Hoi Ill's Grove nml Hbiimokln Hum frnm
thoNorthern Central Hallway If tteslied, nnd If
11. w Hwrv ratiwiHciury iu ine vommuuiiit inicr-
B0 Frutn ltiwikburir. bv 'ti-kt.)iiru tn Mimin.
bun Q miles nnd biirk. nIt I lmpn n . I.
V,uu w''''riiiaiiy, except 7,pm;
ArrlvontMiftlliihburifbvftiiiii. " "
Lmve Mlllllnsburu daily, exeent Hundnv. nt
Arrivo nt ivvuburg by 8 a m.
3311 From Mlfllluhuig, by Haitlutou, I.uurelton,
nnd HprlngMlIU, to Cin'tre Hall, i't lulles and
Uu'klx limes u week,
lieavo Mllllluburg uully, vxcept Hunday, at 8
LeAye CeUtro Hall dally, except Hiimlny, at 7
Arrlvent MimiuburgbyOpm,
?1IO IfrAln Wrtuf Itnptl.. t. ll.,lu., -1. fl.ll
buig, Ihuvertowu.lhverHnMnxi.MlddljCreek,
Uauuerville. Drcalur, and KeUey, to Lewlstowc,
lieavo New Berlin Tttcsdoy, Thursdny, nnd
Haturdny nt7 n m;
Arrlvo nt Lewlstown by 0 p tn: ,
Lenvo LrwMtuwu Monday, edltcday, nnd
Frldav nt7am;
Arrlv nt New Berlin by 0 pm.
3J41 From Iwtsburg, by Cowan nnd Bun'alo
Cross Bonds, t(t Forest Hill, 10 miles nnd bnck,
threo times n week,
Lenv cLnwlsburg Tuesday, Thursday, nnd Snt
tinlay nt 12 m;
Arrive nt Forest HIM by 3 pm;
Ienvo Forest Hill Tuesilny, Thursdny, nnd Hat
urday at 8am:
Arrlvo Lcwlsburg by 11 n ni,
3311 From Mlllhlem. by Centre Mills, Hebers
bnrg, Tylemllle, liOgnu Mills, Hugar alley,
Hoseeraus. and Walona, to Lock Haven, 3i inlles
und batk, thren times 11 week,
Uave Mlllhclm Mondny, S etlnesdny, nnd Fri
day ut 0a in;
Arrlvo nt Lock Haven by I p m;
Irrnvo Lock Haven Tuesday, Thursday, nnd
Hnturdny nt 11 n m;
Arrive nt Mlllhclm by 1 pm.
32l"i From Fillmore, ItiKI'ilo Hun,
Half Moon, Centre Line, nnd Wnrrior's Mark, to
Tyrone, 32 miles aud back, three t lines 11 week.
Lenvo Bellefuiito Mondny, Wednesday, nnd
Friday nt on tn;
Arrivo nt Tyrone by ft p tn;
Lrnvn Tvrmin Tuendiiv. 'l hursdn v. and Hntur
dny ut 0 a in:
Nnri;. TIib nrrenled bldiler wdlt be allowed to
supply tho otllees on this routo from tha Bald
1 aule Vnllev ltallrnfttl If ilrnlrcd, nnd no com-
pl.itnts are inndo by theeominuultlcslnlei-ested.
3310 From Brltcfonte, by MlleMairg,Hnw'Hhoe,
Meshaniion. nml 1'lno Glen, tu Knrthous'0 lullcs
ami back, three times a wt ek,
Liavo Itellefoute Mondny, Wednesday, utid
Friday nt n tu
Arrive ni ivannous ny o p in;
Lruvn'Knrthnus Tuesday. Thursday, und Hat
urday nt 8 n in;
Arrive nt Beiieronte bV5p m.
2217 From Bellefotite. bv Hotiser Vllle und Attrl-
cultuml College, to Pino Grove Mills, 17 miles
nnd bnck, three time a week.
lifave iieiierouto aionuny, vveuncsuny, nna
'ridnynUn m;
Arrlvent Fine Grove Mills by 8 n in; j
Lenve Fine GrovcMlllsTueHday.ThurMdoy.nnd
Haturdny nt 3 i in;
Arrive ni nciieionie uy u p in. 1
32 H From Centra Mills toMndIsotibunr.4 miles
and bnck, twice n week.
i,cuvo Centre Willis TucNiiuynutt saturuay ut 4
rri o ut .iinuisonuurK ny .1 p n 1:
Leave Mudlsonburg Tuesday und Hal urduy ut
p in:
Arrlvent Centie Mills by 8 pm,
3311 From Hobcrsbunr to Wolfs Htore.SMmlhvi
nud back, tw Ice u week.
,tnve Beberbbum Tuesday nud Haturday ut 3
P in:
Arrive ni vv oil s store uy p in;
Leave Wolfs Htoro Tuesday nnd Saturday nt 1
P in;
a rri vo ni 1 icnersourg uy z pm
22VI I'min 1Iilllliihiircr liv xt..rrlsdnle. tn lvv
lettown, D inlles nud bnek, tlirVo times n wttlc.
TrfIlVf. I'llllllllillnr TlK,1.,.. TtinrcilriV. lit 1(1
Hnturrlny, on nrrlvnl of tlio rnslern mull wiy nt
Arrive nt Kvlertmvn bv n i i.
Leave Kylertown Tuesday. Thurhdny, nnd Hat
urday utU'll p m;
An ive nt Fhlllipsburg by 0 p m,
2pd From I'ldtlliielmrrr M'...( TLnlur nti.l
AVoodland, to Clcnrileld,' 17 mile nnd back, six
times n week.
Leave Fhilllpsburg tlally, except Holiday, nt
Arrlvo nt Clenrfleld by 5 p m;
Lenvu Clcnrileld dally, except, hunday, nt 7
Ai ilvo nt Fhlllipsburg by 12 in.
2t2 From ITnwnrd inll'nlkn. qtnnaun,i i..w.v
three times a week. '
t.PUVrt Ilnu-nr.l Mniiilm. U,,l,.,l,t 1 l..
day nt 4 p tn; '
Arrlvo nt Walker bv ft p m;
Le.We WnlkiT .Mmnlot VV,u,nr.B,lAir nnd TVI.
lav at 3.30 pm: "
Arrivo nt Howard by 3.30 t rn.
32.iT 1 rom Clenrfleld, by Curwlnsvllle, Forest,
Itoekton, Lutheihburg, Jeirerson Line, Heynolds
v lie, Bmokvllle, Coislcn, und Htrattouvllle, to
Clarion,r.!iinltesiind back, six tlmesuwcek.
imivu . rarueiu uauy, except Sunday, on nrrl
nt or mall from Tyrone sny at 7 p. in,
Arrlv e at CurwliisvTlle by 8.30 n mt
Leave Curwlusvillo dally, except Hundnv, nt 0
i m: " '
All Ive nt Clenrfleld bv 10.30 p m:
Ltnve Curwlnsvllle dally, exeent Hundav. ut 4
a in;
Airivn in t inrion nv s p in;
Leavo Clarion daily, exeent Sundav. nt 4 tn
n m;
Arrive at Curwlusvillo by 8.3i. p iu
331 From Clenrfleld, by Hlmwsvllle, Bald Hill,
i. ., . . , lino iiuinous. to
Hall Lltkj Ti tnlleHniid bnck, twice u week.
v "il -nnuuy nuu i uuuy ni in m;
AnlveutHalt Lick by pm;
Lenve Salt Lick Tuesday nnd Haturdny nt 8 am;
Arrivo ut Clenrfleld by 4 p m;
32.Yi From Clenrfleld. bv rifirfidd iiri.irrr. t..
Jelli it s, 10 miles ntld buck, twice 11 week. '
Lenve Clenrfleld Mondny nnd Frldoy nt fla in;
Arrlvent Jcllrles by 10 u m;
Leuyo Jetrries Monday nnd Frldny nt 1 p m;
Arrive nt Clenrfleld by 5 p m.
v iii.r . . 4 V 1 "v mooiiiviiie uuu
cwMmport.toAnsonvllle,12mlles nnd bnck,
onco n week.
Leave curwlnsvllle Haturdny nt 8 n m;
Arrivont Ansonvilloby Vl
LcuvoAnonvlllo Haturday at 1 pm;
Ai 1 ive at Curw insvillo by 0 p m,
23."i7 From CurwinsvlI!.- tnT.nniiinp rn v n nil
unci buck, threo times a week. 1
Leave Curwlusvillo Tuesday, Thursdny, nnd
Huturdnynt 8,30 um;
1 litiru.t i 1
Saturday nt On in; '
a rrtvc nt uurw insviuo ty h a m.
32.iS I'rnm Lutlierf.1)imr liv Triititftil!. in.r Hi...
and Bell's Mills, to Punxtitawuey, 3-1 inllesnnj
Lenve Lutberbburg Tuesday nnd Hnturday ut C
Arrive nt Fuuxntnwney bv 12 m:
Leave I'unxntnw nry Tuesday Mud Hnturdny nt
llu ......
An ivo nv lAitucrbijurg by 7 p in.
210 I rom Ansonvllle, by Marrnn und Hurd. to
New Washington, 11 inlles nnd bnck, twice u
Leave Ansoiivlllo Tuesday nnd Haturdavnt 7
Arrivont New Wnsblnatnn bv lt n ut
Leave Now Washington Tuc&daynud H.itu-day
nt 1 p 111; '
An iv o ut AnsohvBIo by 5 p m.
2200 From Anhntivtlln lit ((innti-nt-'u vew.
over's, nnd Enhtltidge, to Grunt, 33,'iJ mites uud
Lenvo Ansonvillo Haturdny at S a in;
Airivo ut Grnnt by 3 p m;
Leavo Grant Frldav ut n m;
Arrivo ut Ansonvllle by 3 p in.
3201 From Woodluwn tn f Irnlininti-.n r. miinu
nnd back, t wlee n w et k.
Lenvo oodlawn Tuesday nud Haturdny nt 11
Airlve nt Grnhnmton by 12 m;
Leave Gruhumtou TueHdnyand Suturday ut 1
Arrlvo nt Woodl.twn by 2 p in.
"lM I'rnm T'nftlmi.o l.wU..I T I.I. Tl..... n..
(n, o..)nnd Nelsonvllfe, (n. o to ifound Islund!
i nines nuu n.tcit, onee it week.
Lenve bait Lick Wednesday nnd Saturday nt fl
a m;
Arrive ai itounu uinnd iy n a m;
I,euve Hound Ihland Wednesdny nnd Hntutday
1 12 m;
Arrive at Halt Lick by 0 p m.
Fronosals Invited from Halt I.lelr tn ibmnd Tfc.
and only.
320-1 From Cret-SOll to Iin-ttn 4 mil nnd bnnlr
six times n wtek.
Leavo crehsonldally, except Hunday.ut 8.10 urn;
Arrlv e ut Loretto by 11,40 ti m;
Lenvo Loretto dally, except Hundnv. nt 7.10
n m;
Arrjvo ni Lrehstdi ny s.iunin.
Otilt IV,,,,, I npalln l.L UU. Ut
ille. Flllleil Timber, llnvctiilni niwllflnhvllln In
smith's Mills, 3.) lullesnnd luck, tlireo Hints n
week toHf. Augustine, und twice 11 week the ie
ldue. Leave Loretto Mondny, Thursday, and Hatur
dny ut 11 n m:
An iv o ni sntm Augustlno by 3 p in;
LenV e hull It Annusi Inn Mmuloi '1 lini-kilnv. nnd
Hatuitlny ut 3,n p 111;
Aiiiuut i.urtuo DV7 p in;
Lt UVe Hillllt AllirllUlnti 'I iwtilnv nn,1 l.'ildnv nt
0 11 m;
ArilventHmith'a Milts by Ha ni;
LunoHinllh'B Mills Tutbday nnd Friday ut 1
p mi
Ai live ut Halnt Augustine by 0 p in,
3201 Fiom Fbensburg, by Cutrolltown, Flalle
vllle, nud Gannun's Mills, lo Grant, 33 inlles nud
baik.blx tlmih 11 wtek toCnrrolltown,und thtee
limes n week the lesklne.
i.tuvu Lbeiisbutg daily, except Hunday, nt 10.30
Arrive nt Carroll tnwn bvl ni'
l.euve Currolltou'ii dnlfv. pff.iil Mnmlnv. nt
Arrive nt Lboiwhuig by 2.30 pm;
LeaV O Cur roll! own TiinwHn v 'rimruilnv. nml
Hnturdny ut 1 p 111;
uinoiu uniiu ivunni!
U'UV e Giant Mondnv. Wednpuduv. nnd Friduv
Airlvu titcnrrolltown bv 12in.
22P0 I mm Cn Hsnn t Mntiutm inllnu nml
bat k. twite 11 week. 1
bthetlnle tube nrrnnged to tho ratlsfactlon of
hid nunuuuftiers.
33G7 From Indlnnn. liv U1i(.1itn 1'ldrtAti
Wbitfubiirir nn.l IMm,!.. urn t I'liionhw. -r
(inn-it auu umi, uiieu nines in weeic.
Leave Indianu Monday, Wt dubdny,
dnv nt 1 pin;
', und Frl
An ive ut lviuaning by p 111;
Leuve Kllttinlng, iuesduy, 'Ihuradny, nnd Hat
tiny ut 1 p in;
An iv o nil uuiaiui ut bp in.
320S From Indlnnn. bv 'ftllnlti I fin hp
Marchund. Covode. I'unxntnu nev. filit
1 nuilliH, nun niuuiou, 10 jirooiiVUlo,
Illlll'S UlllI UMI If . llll ell I 111 u.fx n u.. 1 lr
Lenvn Indliimi 'I iWiU.l.ii. Ti.., n.,l u,ir.
Arrlvent Brookvlllo Wtdntbday, Frldnr, und
Monday ntjjun;
Leave iuo(jiiville, Tuesday, Thursdny, nnd Hnt
ei niuinna wcanei-uny, 1 rmuy, nnu
Monday at opm.
32ii0 FlTtlll Ill.llnii-i tiv r'lMiiiil.AruulIln U'lllnt
nnd Fluiuville,tobiuUksbutg,3Jmll(und bntk,
i.eav 0 inuiann Monday und Thursday at ft a in;
Ari'lVnnLHm MrUmrv hv in,. '
lavo Hnilckbbuig Mondny und Thurbduy ut
Arrlv 0 nt Indiana by ft p ni.
33T0 From Jndiann. bv Penn Bun. Mlttbeir
Mills, Mintn.Ginut.Fateliinsvlile.Burnsiile.Now
iiMu mion, Gvunu, Chest, Bower, uud lirum.
plan Hills, to Curwlnsvllle, 03 miles uud back,
IrfUVO indianu Mnndnv nnd Tbuikdnv 11 1 A n 111
Airlvu ut Curwlusvltle 'i utbduy uud'Fildny by
Lvave curwlnsvllle Tuesdny uud Friday ut 1
Arrlvo ut Jndlnna Weduebdny nnd Haturduy
by 6 p 111,,
8271 From Indiana tu Bnuh Vnlley, bi inlles
Ltaye 'lucaday, Tllurhday, und Hutur
ttay nt 4 p nit '
Arrive ut Brubk Vnllev bv 0 n mt
Lenve Brush Vnllty Tuesday, 'Ihurbdny, aud
nainrony at umi
Arrive ut I adiuua by 2 p ra,
3373 From Indiana, by Crete, Kent, Kbenewr.
nuu wiaraunurgu, 10 tder s Jtiuge, jtf mncs uiui
puck, twice a weK.
Leave Indiana Tuesday nud Hnturdny ut 1 p mi
Arrive- ni uiuera uiugu by 7 p m:
Leavo Llder's Itldgo Tuesday nud Sntiinlay at
Aulyo at Indiana by 12 ra.
2371 From Indiana, by Tauuory, Wvl Ibauon,
nuu nouiu itt'UU, UI UUVVl, 19 UUifA nuu uats
Leave Indiana Monday and Friday ut 1 p m;
Arrive nt Gtlvet by 7 p in;
Ienve Olivet Monduy und Filduy nt 0 n hi;
AnlYC ut Indiana by 12 iu,
2273 From Haltsburgh lo Ferrj Ion, ft miles nud
buck, onco n weelr,
Leave Haltsburgh Halunlay nt 11 a in;
Arrlv 0 at Ferr ton by VI m;
Lenvo Ferryton Hnturdny nt On m;
Arrive nt Hnltsburgh by loam.
. 3370 From Home, by Mnhonlng, Hmltleti, nnd
Hamilton, to Fruit burgh, 3 1 miles and bnek, three
tlniesn week,
Leave Home Tuendny, Thursday, nnd Hntutday
nt 1 p in;
Arrivont Frnstburgh by 7 p m;
Leave FroHtburgh Tuesday, Thursdny, nnd Hat
urday ut On tn;
Arrlvent Home by 12 m,
3277 From Mahoning, by Decker's Folnt, Pur
rhnso Line, nud Hillsdale, to Grant, 30 mlleft nud
back, twieu n week.
Ircnvo Mnhonlng Tucudaynnd Hnturday nt 11
Arrlvn nt Grunt bv It n m
iionotirnut miuiuy nm
Friday ftt 8 a in;
Arrive nt Mnbnnliia bv 2 11 m.
I'rnm llrniil. tiv tliiiniot nml HlmiKrulriuti.
to Nolo, 17 miles and back, once n week,
Leave Grnnt Muliirdiiv nt 1 11 tn;
Arrive nt Nolo by 0 p m;
Leave Nolo Hnturdny nt 7 n in:
Arrive nt Grnnt by 12 m.
2370 From ICIltniilng, by Worlhltmtonaud Coy
lovllte, to Butler, 3d mllesnnd bnck, three times
ti lll'Lli,
Leave Klttntilug Tuesdny, Thursday, nud ffnt
urduy ut 0 a m;
Anlvo nt Butter hy 12 m;
, Lenvo Butler Mondny, Wcdnesdoy, and Frl
day nt On m;
Arrivo nt Kit Inning by 12 m.
32s0 From Kltmnlnir. bv West Vallev. Oscnr.
I.clio.Br lkunp,nnd Dav toii,toHmicltsburg,32mlles
una tuick. twlco it week.
Leave Ktltauliig Tuesdny nnd Friday nrtcrnn
rival of Pittsburg mall-sny ut ion m;
A I rlvn nl I...V. t. ....
Leavo Hmlckbburg Monday nnd Thursday, nt S
Arrive ntKlltnnlng by 2pm.
e-MI rrnm K'lt tnt, I., I... A. I -I.... t,
Wulerson's Ferry, 17 miles nud buck.oucca week.
j ieu vo jviunning nniurnay ni 7 n in;
Arrivo ut Wnterson's Ferry by li in;
Lenve Wnterhon's Ferry Haturday at 1 p
Arrlvo nt Klttnulng by 0 1 m.
2N2 From CowuuHVllle, Foster's
Mil s, uud Adams, to Jhudy'a Bend, 10 tulles uud
unlit, ntx nines n w eeit.
Leave Klitunlng dally, except Hunday, nt 11
a in;
Arrltent Hrndv'n Haii,1 l.v.lttim
I.enVn Itrnilv'n llfml iliitlv ..vrni.l Umi.tnv ,.
Arrive nt Klltnnlng by 3 p m,
2253 From Klttnnlmr. bv (irennd.ile. liuml Vnl
ley, nnd Burnards, t Flumvlllc, 31 miles und
back, twlco 11 week,
Lenvo Klttnulng Monday nnd Fildny nt 1pm;
Lenvo Flumvlllo Monday uiid'Ftlduy nt 0 a in;
Arrive ut Klttuntug by 13 in.
231 From Fine Township. Go-
hteinllle, FutneyMIle. IMdyvllle, Fhanlx.nnd
i-oriei, tu iiaiuiuon, mites una unci:, twice u
W I t Ji,
Ltnyo Klltnning Tuesdaynnd Fildny at7 ntu:
Arrlvent Hnnilltnn bvtl ti tn
Lenvo Hamilton Monday und ThurMlny nt 7
Arrivont Klttnulng by Opm.
32i From Frceport, byHlnto Lick nud Melissa-
ilnle.lo Leasuieville, 10 mtletuud buck, thrio
Leave 1 rceport Tuesday, 'Jhuisdny.nnd butur
dayntlOnin; Arrivont Lensurov Ille by 2 pm;
Lenvo Lensuievillo Tuesday, 'ihursdny, nnd
Haturdny utitpin;
Arrlvent Fieeport by 7p m,
32M) From Kelley's Htntlon to Cothron's Mills,
u tulles nud back, twice a wtek.
Lenvu Kelley's btnllon Wedneodtiy nnd Hatur
day nt 0.30 nm;
Arrlv eutCmhrnn's .Mills by ll.ttn m;
Lenv eCochum'N Mills Weduesday uud Hatur
duy ut 7 11 m:
Arrive ut Kclley'b Station by 9 a in.
2ZS7 From Apollo, by HprlugChurcb, Iongltun, Udtr s lUdgo, 1J mlh k uud back,
threu times u wetk.
Lea v e Apollo Tuesday, Thursday.aud Hnturdny
Anlve nt Flder's llldge by fi p m;
Leave Flder's Bldge Tuesday, Thursd.iv, and
Haturdny ut 7 n 111;
Arrlvent Aollo by 11 a in.
PropoMils.will alsolw received for service blx
times a week nnd buck.
32M From Clarion, by Fluey, Callen-sbiirg, and
vet I reedom, to Lnwrcnctburg, 30 miles und
bnek, twlco t week.
i.enti t. inrion 1 nnusntuntny at 10 n m;
Arrive nt Law leneebuig by 1 p m;
Leave LuwrentebunrMonduv nnd Fildnvnt to
irnvo ni t inrion ny 4 p in.
?2S0 From Hni-vri-n lllf. im,l Mnv,i.
burg, to Butler, 10 mllesnnd buck, hix times n
Lenvo Frceport dnlly, except Hundny, nt 3 p ra;
Airivout Butler by 7 pin;;
Leave Butler dnlly.except Hundnv, nt 3.30ft m:
Arrlvo nt Frceport by 7.1 On 111,
n-Mlft IVmn Aitni,m l. 11.. t.1 ... I I ti .., ...
...... liuiuii-i. nj U.lUllllJl Mini J) 1 11 1 11, IU
Ijiwicnccburg, 17 iiiUcs nnd bnck, twlco u wtek.
I .IMU'll A HflllW Wlul MIiLiln r n ,l l.aliiK.1:... - . .1
p m;
Arnvo ni iJiwrenufiurg by 7 p in;
LtnvoLnwreacebura Wedneduvnnd Kntnrdnv
Arrive at Adnms by 2 p m,
3201 From Ibn-nl v ntwl Tli.r tn
Keir'H Htoie, U miles und buck, once a week. '
M inu inly uui r-muruuy umii m;
Arrive nt Kerr's btoiu by 12 m;
Leav o Kt 1 r's htoro Saturday nt 1 p m;
Arrive nt Dayton by 3 p m, 1
3212 From Klttntiln-f tn I'linnvltt.. I? ml leu nnd
hue It, once it wt tk,
i ins is provided lorou routo 323.
33J.1 I rom Grecnsburg, by Weaver's Old Htanil,
Mount Pleasant, West Overton, nnd PemisYllIe.
to Con ucllsv ille, 30 miles und bnek, threo times a !
wetk; 1
Leuvo Giecnsburg Mondny, Wednesdny, nad
Filday nt 12 m;
AnivoniLonuujtiiviiio bytipm;
LeilVO Connellsvllht Trndnv. l Inirutnv nnd
Halunlay nt 7 a m; J
Arrient uieensuurg uy I p m. 1
2301 From Ftnu's Station, by Hanlson Cltv. I
Mnnor Date, Murruysv ille, Surd is, and New Tex- I
ns. to Parnassus, 30 mlh s nnd bai'k, tw Ico a week, j
U'uvo Fenn'sStutiou Wednesday nnd Hnturdny
nt n.30u m; '
Arrive at l'arnassus by 3 p m; !
Lenvo I'auiabsus 'lucsday nud Frldav nt 0.30
n in;
Arrivont Fenn s Htntlon byflp m.
32Jj From Lutrobe. bv (?rnli Tiee i.u- ai,tui.
drln, und Congrulty, to Hulem Cross-roads, 17
iiiues ituu out'K, tniee times n vveeie.
Leuvo Lilt rn I in Mnndnv W'pdnfu.lttv mwl IVI.
day nt 7 ft in:
Arrive ui waicm LroHs-rnaas by 12 in;
LiilVo Hulem l'niku.rim,ln Mn,t,n. tV,l,,,.i..
tluy.unil Frlduy nt 1 p in;
Atri u ut iitruue oy 0 p in.
321.KJ From Grecnbburg, by Gem y, Halem Cross
roads, Oukhmd Cross-ioads. North Wellington,
McLuuglilln's Store, and Hliearer's Crossroads,
io 1 1 vvpun, oi nines tmu duck, tw ice a w eeic,
Leavo Gieensburg Tuesday nnd Hnturday a 7
n in;
Airlvo nt Frceport by fl p m:
Leave Frceport Monduy and Friduv at 9 n m;
Arrlvo at Grecnbburg by 8 p m,
3207 From MeKenn's Old Htnnd.liv Vi, ftinnti.ti
Walt's Mills. Madison nnd l-'nlinM in iruMn'y
Station, 'J'U miles nud back, three times n week.
Jeuvu McKeun's Old Htnud Tuesdny,'! hursdny,
Arnvo nt irwiu s winuon uy li in;
LeAV'O llWillS StUtloil aueNdnv.'llmif.dnv nnd
Hnturday ut 2 pm;
Arrive ut ivcivean s uui suind by 8 n m.
..?7?t.Vrom I'lb' Grove Furnace nnd
H I View, to West I'nlrlluld. iu ndb nml u.i l-
onee n week,
Lenve Ligonier snturday nt 8 n m;
Airlvo nl West Kulrtleld by 11 u in;
U'liveWcst Falrlleld Hatuitlny ut 1 p m;
Arrlv cut Ligonier by l p m.
32t0 From DoilClial to StubUlnun 4 mllndnnd
back, onco it week.
Leave Donegal Frldny nt 1 p ra;
Arrive ut Hluliistown by 3 p in;
LenvuHtahlhtowu Friday ut 3 pin;
Arrivo nt Domgul by 4p in,
2VJ0 From Loektiort Hint Inn In VI'mI VnlrH. td
3 miles and back, six times u week,
Leuve Lockport Htatlon dally, except hundny,
nt 10 u in; r "
Arrlvent West Fnlrtleld by 11 n m;
Lenvu West l'nlrileld dnlU- u.i..inu ..t
8 am;
Arrive ut t.ocjiiori staiion by 0 am,
2101 Fl'uin Muiiurhtntlnti tn AilniiivI.Mi.r ?mllu
utid back, three times u week, '
Lenvo Manor Htatlou Tuebday, Thurbduy aud
hatuuiay in;
ai nu ut vvuuiubuuig ny v.-ft n in;
Lenvo Ad.iuibburg Tuesday Thursday, nnd Hat
urdny ut 7.:j0 u in;
.Vnlve ut Manor htntlou by 8.30ft in.
ir2 From Veiona tn Armmrii q miicu mwi t.-w tr
filx times n week.
Ltavo erona dally, except Hunday.ut 11 a m;
Arrlvo Armagh by 12 m;
Leav e Armagh dally, except hundny, nt 0 a m;
At ilveul Vtruua by loa m,
3303 FlOIll Mllwood tllVmvll.nv 'l.nilr.j n,l
bneU.slx tlmesn wetk. hihedule.iauklng close
coniMvlluiiH with tlio railroad, to be arranged lo
K.vmuiJiwvuuu vi iiiw nuaiHUibiers,
23i4 From Greeiibburg, by Pleasant Unity, to
Lyetppus, u'j miles nnd buck, twice a wetk.
,J,. Jivt-iisuuig luebuuy unasuturduy nt l
Ai'rlvunl I.yclppus by 4pin;
Ltnvo Lyclppus Tuebday nnd Hnturday ut Dnm;
Arrlv e ut Gatuhbuig by,l2 m.
3J(i5 From Berlin, Wlltenburg,
Wellersburg, nnd Barrullville, to Cumberland. J
mlleb nud bulk, hix IIiium n uwlr.
Lenve Cumbei land dally, extent Hunday.ut?
Arrlvo at Homerset bv t n ni
Leuvo Homerbut tlally, except Kuuduy.nt Cum;
Arrive ut Cumberland by 5 p iu.
3300 From Somerset, by Lnvansvllle. Bakers-
yllle, Jones' Mill. Dontgnl, Luurelv life, Mount
Fleuhjuil, MeKenn's Old Htund.und Mtndun, to
tbtNew ton, II lulltsuiulbntk.stx tlineft a wetk,
Leave hoineutt dally, cxt ept bundny, ut 0 n in:
Aiilvout West Newton by 7pm;
Leavo Wi'hlNewtun dully, except Hunday, ut
iv it in;
Anlvo nt Homerset bvll nm.
3f7 Fiom Homtiset, by Hliesville, Jinmr's
idoss.ruuua. ami soiueibel Furnace, lo Johns
town, Ul miles uud back, six t linen u week:
Leavo homerset dally, except Hunday.ut 10
Arrivont Johnstown by Op in:
leave Joliubtuwm dully, oxcoptHundy, ou nn
rival of turb say ut 12 in;
Anlvo nt Somerset by bp tu.
33oi From Bcillu, by Htony Creek, Dividing
Bldge, Wtst Ktid.Dry Jtldge, uud Butlalo Mills
iu iivuium, wt iintvn mm uutit, inieu uiucsu weeu,
Leuvo lleilln Mondny, Weil nesday.nnd Frldny
utloa in; '
Anlve nt Bed foul by 7p in:
Jrifftvo llislfuid Tueiduy, Thursday, aud Hutur
dny nl 0 u m:
A rrlv o ut Berlin by 3 p in.
3300 1 New Lex
liigluii, II miles uud but k, threu times n wt k,
Lenve Homexbel Monday, Wednesday, aud FU
day utap in: '
Aril VII lit N'nu. 1 nvllltrtnn ,vf x in.
ln". New Lt'xlngiou Mouduy, Vtdntbihiy,
uud Frlduy utlo,:iouin;
-i 1 1 1 v et nuiuurset uy ?,ju p in,
2310 Fiom New Lexlmdnii. bv innru-ruui 'Pur.
key Foot, uud HftrnedkvBle, lo AddUon, 10 iniltb
fltld Imclr one., il ui fir '
Leave Now Lexington Thursday at 0 a in;
Arrive nt Addison by H u mi
Leavo AddUuu Thurbduy at 1 p m;
AnlvoutNow Lexlngtuit by Opm,
3311 From Homerbct. bv Bcnfords Htnn. fttnv.ii!
town, Hluuton'H Mills, (u, o) and Davldsville, to
Johubtown, 30 miles and buck, tlx tlnus u wetk.
iVii., "VV. 1 1 ' -pinunuayii 7 niu;
Arrlvn nl Jiduifttown bv h i m. " ' 1
Leuvo Johnntowu daily, except Hundny, at 7
Atrlvo ntbohierael by Spin,
Mla 1 riliri llVrilll, ly 1 III IIVI nu-ivnninii j
Mcyer a Mills, Hummlt Mills, nnd 1.1k Lick, lo
Grutiuvllle, 3d tu lien nud bacic, tnrcc nines
w eek.
Irf-nvo Berlin Mondny, Wednesday, and Friday
nt iun in;
Arrlvo nt Grnntsvllle by 0 p rn;
Leave OnmtsvllleTucsd.iy, 'ihursday, and Hnt
urduy nt Hn in;
Arrlvent Berlin by4p in.
2113 From Berlin bv Klinnkst Ille. Hbadn Fur
unce, ntui Henlp Level, to johiudowii, IWJ tulles
1111(1 I 'lit K , IIIIIM' II AVl'I'K,
Lenve Berlin Thursdny nt 7 n m;
Arrive nt Johnstown by 7 pm;
Leavo Johnstown Frldny nl" ft tn;
Arrive nt Berlin by 7 n in,
3311 From Connellsvllleto F.ltn, 8 mites and
bnck, twlco ft week.
Leave Conucllsvlllo Wcdncstlny nnd Hnturday
in .! p in;
Arrlvent. F.lm bv 3 n tm
lenvo Him Weilnesdnynnd HaUrdny nt0.30n m;
Arrlvo nt Conncllsv lllo by 11.30 a in.
2315 From Fnlontown, by McClellnndtown, lo
Mnsontown, li mllesnnd back, threo tlmea it
LeaveJtTnlontown Tuesday, Thursdny.nnd Hat'
Arrive nt Mnsontown by fi p m;
Ienvo Mnsontown Tuesdny, Thursday, nml Hnt
urday nt7ntn;
Arrlvent ITtilantnwn bv llnni.
3310 From Fnst Liberty to Flatwoods, 4'.j miles
and bnck, twice a week,
Icnvo Flnlwoods Wcslntsday and Haturdny
ji in;
Arrive nt Fast Libert v bv ntu
Leavo Fast Liberty Wednesday, nnd Hatuiday
(lb I 1 1 llll
Arrlvent Flntwoods by 2.30 p m.
3317 From Unlontown tn t'ppi r Mlddlctovn.S
inuen ituu imeit, iwjef n wiik,
Ixnvo Unloiitou n Wednesday and Haturdny nt
8n m:
Arrlvent Upper Mlddletnw n by 1.30pm;
Leave ITpperMlddlctouu Wi dncHtluy iiiulHat-
iiiiin.v ui, i p iu;
Arrlv e nt Unlontown by 2.30 p m,
23tSFrnm tlrnu'ntn. 11 In l.t lli-Ulnt-fclnint Mr-i-rtlla
tow n, nnd New Hntem.lo unlontown, 1 1 miles nud
leitvo Unlontown Tuesday und Frldny ut 7n m;
Lrnve Brounsvillo'Iuesdnynnd Wldnyntl pm;
3119 From Hmlthflcld, by New Geneva, to
Grensboro, 7 miks nud bnck.thrce times u wetk,
' Lenvo Hmlthfleld Mondny, Wednesdny, nnd
1 ildnvnt 1 pin;
Arrive nt Greensboro' by fi p m
Lenvo Greensboru' Monday, VednpKlay, nnd
Friday ut I p in;
Arrlvent Hmlthflcld by 0 pm.
3330 From Fnrinlngton, by File Falls', Mill
Bun, Kim, nnd Dawson, to Donegal, 30mlles und
back, twice n wtek,
Lenve Furmlngtou Tucsdaynnd Filday nt 0
Arrive nt Donegal bv I p tn;
Leuvo Donegul Wednesday and Hnturdnv ut (1
u m;
AirlvenlFnrmlngtou by 1 pm,
31 From Fiirmlngtontn Ilrntidonvllte,12mlle'
and bnck. onee it week.
Lenvo Brnndonvlllo Tuesdny nt On m;
Arrlvent Furmlngtou by ion in;
Leuvo Fnrmiugton Tuesdny nt 1 p m;
Arrlvent Brntidouvllle by ftp w.
3333 From Lnvlon'MHtnllnn n m, tt...n.
oils to Iteil Htoue, ftmlles nnd bnck.threo tlnics u
Lenvo LnvtnnV H tnt Inn Tnna.Mv Tl,n,i,,u,. n,l
Hnturdny n't PVNtnm; '
iii rive hi, mil ntoue ny jn:
Leavelled Stone Tuesday. Tli nrndnv. find H..f
urday nt7nm;
arrivont i.nyioirsstniion ny K.riOn m,
12: Frnlll lllilontOWII. tlV Smilrlil'M Itfntrna.
vllle, West Brownsville, lkist Bethlehem, Benlls
vllle, Hccnery Hilt nndHtrnbnue. to Wnshtncton,
M miles und bnek, six times n week.
Leave Unlontown daily, except Sunday, nt 1
Arrive nt vviisumitLon ny io p in;
Leuvo Wnshluictou daily, exceut Hundar. nt it
n m;
Arrlvent unlontown by 3pm,
3321 From Wnt Ilnnklnu Milt lint
Store, Hlmpson'MHturu Uiit Flnley, West Fin-
n-.i.iiuu .ijiuuu iiunui, in v cbt Aiuxanuer, iti
uiesatid nack,roncoa week,
Ltnve Wnynesburgh Hnturdny at "n ra;
Arrlvent WeAt Alexander by 0 p m;
lrfnvo West Alexander Friday nl7 n m;
Arrive at 0 p m.
232i From WilVlipUilirph. bv Itnrrnrsv Itln Inllv.
town, nnd Dent. to Blncksville.2S inlleinitid bmlr.
once u week.
lienveiw uynesburgh Wednesday nt 8 n in;
Arrlvo nt lllacksvlilo by .1 p m;
Leavo Blacksvlllo Thursday ut 8 n in;
Anlvo ut Wnynesburgh by Op in.
3320 From Wnvnesburi' Dent nnd Knnitnf'M.
to Blacks v Ille, 13 miles und bnck, onco a week,
i,envo nynesburgii Saturday ut 1 p m;
Arrive ut Blncksvillo by ft p m;
Lenvo Blncksvillo Saturday nt 8a m;
Arrlvo nt Wnynchburgh by 1'2 in,
"Tl7 l.'rnm V.'fivnnuliiifioli l.w LW.Ia T'l,liAl..w
Willow Tree, nml Mnpletowu, to Grtc'nsboro, 2'i
miles nnd bnck, once n week.
j.cnvo vvn nesnurgn vveduendoy nt 1 p rn;
Arrlvent Greensburo by 7 p in;
lieavo Oreeusboio' Wednesday nt 0 a m;
Arrivont Wnynesburgh by 12m.
2328 From Willow Treo tn IbvUMwn. J mltm
nud back , onco n week.
jeuve u.tvisiowii vv eunesuny ni i p m;
Arnv o ni vvinow Tree by 2 n in:
Leave Willow Tree Wednesday nt 3 p m;
Arrlvo nt Davintown by 4 p m.
3320 From Wnvnehlinrcli. liv irnnfj ru i,
Harveyn, Wlml Hldge. Byerson's Htatlon, nnd
ltoek Lick, to Cuineroii. tJ inibui nnd tudr twi
n wet k.
Leavo nynchburgh, Slondny nnd Friday nt 8
Arnv o ni uamcron oy .i p m;
Lenvo Cameron lucHday und Hnturdnv nt R
n in;
irnvo ni vvnyneBinirgn liy ftp m.
EtO I'ruui Wiivuesburuti hv iVl.- 1'nriu.t wi,uA
Cottage, and New Fitepurt,'lo Mllo, 30 miles and
back, once n week.
j,eavo vv ayncbhurgii Thurhdnv ut 7 n in;
Arrive at Mllo by ft p rn;
Leav o Mllo Friday nt 7n in;
Airlve nt Wnynesburgh by 3 p tn,
3131 From IttciVs Lnndlnf bv .Ufi.u-.n in
ayiiehbuiKh,12mlles and buck.slx times a week.
Lenvo Hlco'a Lunalliig tlally, except Muudny, ut
1 p in;
Arrive at vv uyncsmirgu ny p in;
Leu u Was nesburgh dally, exeent Hundsv. nt 7
Arrive nt lllco's Landing by Ham.
ifi'From ('iinnlchnel-s.bdtiee'Hljindlng.ft mlle-i
nnd back, blx times n week.
Leave Cm mlchact's dally, except Hundny,at7
Arrlv o nt Itlco's Landing bv 8 ft in;
Ou in;
.ri Ivo nt Cuniilcliacra by 10 a m.
srn rrom Wni.lilr.Ktou, liy Cl, DunnliiKs-
Villi', (j line,' 111 . llniiiiliLrnli,.,, I'll.-
HMc, una tlamlilo Wral Ncwtuii,S0 mlUn ami
I.iilo Washington Jlo'tHlny, Wfdni'clay, nml.
l'rlday nt fl n in;
Arrli e nt Wim N- .irton liy .1 p mt
l.pao Vckt Nuwtdii Jlomlny, Wnlnrailay, nnd
1 rKlay nt a in;
rn e in asiiiimiou hv 7. W n m.
1'rolKlMllM 11, .(I III. 11,41 fnr l.ivI.klU
131 rrom U'nshlnirtf,.. hvlinfinln nr,..i.
Wf'St MtlllllolllUn. lllilfliotxlniinn nti.i I '..i,.!..'.1
ti WtllsUurg.SUJJmllciuml Iwclt, threu tlmi-iii'
I.pnvo "a,-hlngtoii, Munilny, Wednesday, nnd
1 rlday nt 2 n in; '
ArilMint w.llaliiirs liv 8 pm;
Leavo WUIsIhub Tuesday, Tlmrsday, nml Sat
urday nt 1 p in;
Airno nt Washington liy 7 p in.
rrom Wellington, l.y Vnn lluri ii. I'nu.
iTlly.I.Ind Jj-yXJI lln,nnilliuircrotlc,toani'-
blirKfl, i
.envo WlmblliL'tini ilii 11 i.vpi.i.t w.,n,i....' n , i .
10 pill; T
Arrl p nt Wnj nehburir bv 7.B0 n m;
Leavo WayilL'sblirC daily, exfl'lit Hnnitnv nt a
u m;
Arrlvnat wasblngton by 12 m,
rroni WashliiL.friii in- r..,,.i nm tn.i..
oiy. and Cherry llurgettstim n, il mile
and bnek; twleein week.
i.eino Hnwiingion iionday ami Thursday nt 1
.iilo atllurgettstiiiui byll p m;
Leaollurgettstowu Monday uml Tim
ItrMluy at
ArrUo nt Wnslilngtun by U in.
."m!7 1 rf! n WnslilnRton, by Amily, Ten .Mile,
Zollemllle, nmUJIarkHilIle, toltleei'n Lanillua
i.7W liillLMtiinl bnek, threo time, u week.
I.tuo nnblUL'toii 'rnik,hii. 'ri, -.,. in.. .....i
Satuidaynt sn in;
ArrUoat Itlco's Landing by 1 ii mi
Leave ltlee's Ijindlug .Monday, Wednewlay,
nud 1 rlday nt tu m;
iiinuHi usiliugion ny i p m.
-11 i'rnm Hunrtn In I'mairll r 111' n.llna n...l
bnek. three times ii ueek. ' '
Lea ouparlu Tnesduy.Tliurtdny, und Suturday
nt2 ji m;
Airuont rsosneruy by sp m;
LeaelnihiierItvTlH'sdav.Tlinrh,lne' nml nl.
urday on iii rlul or Waslilugttn mul'l-sny nt 3
Arrive nt Hpnrln by 1 p in.
irv rrom ritisburit, by Mount Li bnnnn, I'niK r
Kulntl'lalr.'lhomiiMimlllo, llimer lIlll.Muiin
to 11, Heck's MIIIm, nml Keer'a Htntlon, to Hun
iiliigsvllle ni miles nnd bnek , twleu n week.
Leuu IMtUburu Wedm-hday nud Halunlay nt
On in;
Arrive nt llunnlngsMlloby 6 p in:
Leavo llunnlliKSvillo Tuesday and Frldav nt 0
a m;
Armoni l'lttaburg hy 5p m.
,r",,,?,1''rom.V,"l".,mCfi 'y View, IVrrysvllle,
Williams, Wexford, Ogle, nnd Zellenoiile.lo llur.
mony, 80 mile's und bnek,tlneo limes u week.
Leuvo Pittsburg- Monday, Wnlncsdny, nnd
I rldny nt7n m;
Arrive nt Hui-mony by I p in;
Leuvo Harmony Tuesday, Tlmrsday, nud Hat
lildayntoam; '
An U out I'ltlsbuig by 0 p m,
8311 l'rom Sharpkburir. by Tally (Vivey, link,
ers own, nnd (Undo Mills, tu llutler, 'is miles
nud back, threo llincs u eveek,
I.eao Hliarpsburg .Monday, Wednesdny, and
l'rlday nt 7 u in; ' "
Arrlvo nt llutler by 1 p m;
Leave llutler Tuesdii , Tliurhdtty.iuid Hnturday
nl v a in;
Arrho nt HIiurpsbuiB by 3 p in.
2IIJ rrom I'lttsbum. by (Ireen Trrr.Wnsltllla,
lloorhead, lIerrlolsll!e, und Ciinnonsburg. to
A iisblnoton, -M miles uud lioek, six tlniesn week.
Leinel'llisburK dully, rzcwpt Hunday.ut On in;
Anlve nt Wuslilngiou by i ,,m; '
I.OUTU Wnshlnaluu dully, except Sunday, ut 7
Arrlvo at l'lttsburg by ,1 p rn.
'113 l'rom lluvelock.liy Venice und llleUory,
to oodrov.',iij miles nnd back, three times a
Ui'Ck to lllrltlire'. llllil nlim nu,.l. II. n
Lemu I javeloelt Tuesday, Thursday, nud Hat-
ArrUuIut Hickory by I pin;
Arrive nt Woodiow Hal urday by 3 p in;
(jnvo Wnodrow Hnturday nt 3.;upm;
duy'iu'i.3(Vpkiu!' Tucll"'.1"1r,"n)-. "tut hulur
Aruvo ui eiuvtiocK liy 7 p ni.
SHI f rom l'lttsburg, by Tempernniovllle.lli'od.
t1'"'.1! ,Ll',Inl,,)!.,olV, lll!''"'Vllle!,ruyelle,Hlilrlulld1
North Htar, 'andijr,:iiHluatoii, riorruev, uud
I arii, to llolllday'n Cine, 11 miles uud back,
llneo lliiiisa week,
rnoM 1 to novi:miii:ii i.
imSy iV? t,r'TUi,hl"Jr, Tlll,rkU"'i K"'
An Ive at Ilnilday'i Covo by I p in
nild nU.a'lt'g'n'inV 0 J""'a"y- "Wrrtn. .l.y,
Arrive utl'lltsburu by 11 pm,
I'ltOM NOVUM lli:u 1 TO JUKI! I,
jveritUburg Tuesday 'I hursdny, nud Hulur.
Anlvo ut 'Holiday's t'o 0 by 1! pm:
'iVS,aaV"!i'UU.rit,1t-'OVt' Jluui,"' W..1n.elny,
ArtiTti nt I'UUblUtf by : p in,
, 2115 1 rom llurnctntnivn, liy t'rosi Troe-k Vn
laffoitua l'attiMiil .Mill., tu Went Mlddldoiw,
li mllei nml Imcle, three (Uui n a eele. '
Lenvo lluriiettiituwii Tuenduy, Tlmr.dny, Btl(
Hnturday ntl2 in; " m
Arrlvo nt We-st .Mlddlptown by I p m;
l-nvo Weil M hid letowll Tuesday, Thum.).,
ArrHont llurgettstown ij 10 o in,
C1I0 rrom I'lttdtairor, by C'nrrlck. HiiriFnt,
llnll.(llllllnlLlbrnry.ll!ilvlUe,(lliitrII iTSSj
lientley vlllo. to Ik-niWlllo, St) inllca oiul bacii
lavo l'lttsburg Tuesday nml .1
nm; J
Arrivont Henllsvltlp by 8 p m;
Leavo lleallsvlllo Monday nud Wcdnei,Jav n.
On in:
Arrlvo nt I'lltukurg by 0 p in.
mi" ,iirom 1il,""b,1,f.,!'5; thartlort, llwlnn',
...v.c, muuii. IllllUM, .itllllllll-KSVII .
rniiKrort Horiniri, UommlttMjurir, nudlllnlr, ti!
1'nlrvlow, f J' mile, nml bnek, twieo a week.
LenVO Plttsburir WpdnoHtlnv nn,l Hnliir.,. ..
6n 111!
Arrlo nt 1'alrvlew by fl p in;
Leavo l'alrvlcw Tuesday and l'rlday at Oaiie
Arrlvo nt l'lttsburg by 0 p m.
SIM rrnmShnrhsbum, by JloraeyTllle, llur.d
Itldge, Culinervllle.nnd Itlddlo'H cross-roadi to
Haxotiburg, w miles and back, onco a week,
Lenvo Hlmrpsburg l'rlday at a in;
Arrlvo at Huxnnburg by 3 p m;
Lenvo H.ixoiibumTluiisday nt 7 a 111;
Arrive ut Hbarphburg by 2 p m.
2)11) l'rom l'ltlsburg, by llueliniinu, l)n,ul,,.
nml llotio Church, toLe bnnon Church, lou i,,i,, .'
nnd bnelt, twlco dally, except Hunday, tn iiu, ,.
nnnti, nnd twieo n week Iho residue.
in'nml' b30lpm"rSU',1'yt'Xt'OI,t IJUnua-- "'"'TOa
ArrU e nt lluclinnnn by 7,1.j n m and fi p nv
m jfniU.8! p m""" l'""y' K""J"'. " On
Arrive nl l'llisburi! by d.TO n 111 nml 2 p in:
.Leave liuclianan Wednesday and Haiuijav nt
i.w am;
Arrive at Lebanon Church bv 0.30 n m;
Ijenvo Iji'banon Vluircli Weiluenlny nnd Sat.
unlay at 10 a nr. '
Ann oat llucliannn by 12 in.
SIM From Shlrland to Clinton, 8 miles and
back, three times 11 week.
tlny''ari(jV'm:al'"'Sll"r' Tl,,,r8ll"y-ll"J HH"-
.vrnvo niciinion liy 12 m;
Itfnvn f ' Ti.n,..ln. l
daynt8..-Wnm; J ' ' ",uup
rrnvo at Hinrinnd by 10 n m.
2Td From llttsburn toArfieiial, 4 lutlti n.
bnck. tVVlt'll (in r. nvrnnl Miiiwlnv n ii.l . .
bunduj-. ' H
lA'uyo Aiscnni tinny, except Hundny, at 7.fe
i and J! p m Hunday nt 7.'HJ a in;
u "-."r unuiiiK imiij, i-xi-i'iii nuuuny. t.
8nm nnd '2. Pip m; Hundny liy in m;
Irf uvo Fittsbum dally, exei id Hunday, nt S a tn
nndapmiHundny ntUit in:
Airlvo nt Arsenal daily, except Hundnv, by Ha
i und ;u p m; Hunday by ID it m.
2l2 From TiirtleCreektoMonrnvll!c,t,J milo
nnd back, tw ico n wet k. d
Leuvo 'lurtlo Creek Wcdncduy nnd Hatun1i
nt It a m;
Arrlvn nt -Monroovlne by 10.30 n in;
Leav n MniiriM'vll tit Win) tiitM In v nttilCiliir.K.,
7ft in;
Arrive ut Turtle Creek by S.r0ft m.
2t'1Frnm l'lttntinrtr In VW Mnnnl.L.t- .
lulleM and bnek, fdx ttmen a week.
j.eavo i-iuiiourgiiniiy, except HUtuluy, nt li.
Arrive nt Went Mnnchffder by 11 n m;
LcaVO Wt'St MlllirliitiT ilnll p. rtiKdl k'ttii.l i.
ntO n in; 1
Arrive nt Pittsburg by 19 n m,
2-t'il Frnm Tnrcntnin l.v T jin.iluviii,. i,.u,. .
bnrc, 12 miles nml but k, once n wet k, '
j-i-.iu iiuciiiuin nniuru.ivni sn in;
Arrive nt Hnxonbum by 12 in;
U'uvo Havnnljurj; Hnturdnv nt lp m;
Arrivont Tnt eiiltiHi byJipm.
f'helliPld, Hevinty-hlx, und Green (Jardtii
"'Hi iu 111 net nnu ijiicji, ttvico n vveeK,
Leavo Lconomy Wednesday and Haturday &i
tcr nrrivul of Pittfcbur mall-wiy nt 10 u m
Arrlvo nt Holt by .1 p in;
Ijt'ftVo Holt Wedtiecdny und Hntunlav u(
P m;
arrive ni ixmomy nyo.wp in.
ILljfl From Bejiv,r. Itv Unit. Mnn.nn u..r..i.-
HnrtihaviHif, und Foe, to Frankfort riprlniw. -mlhtM
uud back, twlco u v eek.
i-iTif uwuTvr tTeuut'kuuy una i rnuy at i u
Arrlvo at Frankfort Hprlnui by 8 p m;
Lrntn TrnnK-fiirt Murlrnrsi 'niiiv,liiif .....( u ....
day at 8a m;
Arrlvent Beaver by 3pm.
-ii7 From llenvprtn lirimlt I'l-i.l-r . i.tii.
back, onee a week.
lit-avo licuvur Maturuny ni n u m;
Arrive nt Biush Creek by loa rn:
lA'iivo Brush Creek Haturdny at II u ni;
Arrive ut Beaver by 1 pm.
2V1 From Hmlth'H IVrnv'liw f inmt,.,..
IIuukNtuun. Ken iln 1L 1'nmlr f.irt Mtirliwu n,.
Florento to Burgettstown,'2I inllc nud buck', k
llmeH n vvcel;.
Leave Hniith'n IVrrv da v . exeent Hundnv t
n m;
wrnve ai iiooKiiuwn bv ly.;jn i;
lnuvo Hook-down dailv. exeent a
n in;
Arrive nt Pmllh'H Ferry by 8,30 n m.
leuvo HookhlowiiMaliv.
Arrive nt nuru'eiiMown liy 3 ni;
li4'ao Buriett.stnwn il.illv voi.r,,i. u
3.HJpin; 1
Arrive ui liooKsiown by 7.;w p in.
ST-ia From Kmitli'n IVrrv In milo 111.. r .
nnd back, twlco a vvt ek, : ' '
I'iivoHmitlus Ferry Wednesday nnd h irm
Arrivu utOhlovIlh'.by 11 n in;
Leavo OhlovIIlo Wetlneidny nud Maiurd: vu -
Arrivont fcmllh.H Ferry by 1 p m.
rtf-O IVmn ItrxttneioP 11 n ..,!...,
buck, bervico to bo performed us fuiluws:
i nnu itauruiiu ntuiiun ui UucuelcT to i
twelvu times a week uml butk;
Fiom Railroad Htatlon to Hochcatcr pot ofii
twelve llineiawecknnd bnck;
BttWCCn tllOOlllei'S nt IIiMh(itir nnrl 1t,n.
clx timet a week uud back.
"uivtiiin -1,; iiuMi connections wn i'
railroad mall trnliiM, to b arranged to iliuinK
fuctton of tho iKjbtiua'iU rs,
ZV From New- (lutllto to Durllnuton. .vu
nnd liatk, My tlmenu week,
IUJlVIl Noil' liilllti-n ihillv if.,. I Unn.liiw
O.youm; ' 1
Arrivont Darlington by FVWn m;
Leavo Harlinatoiidull, except Hunduy, tit
Arrlvo at New Oullleo by 0 a m.
25W JFCnudlefcH, Brownin;;tun
hllhiiery ltock,NorlliLlltrty,Uindoii,niid Hitlm
to Meret r, 'M milch nud butk, Mx limes a vvw K
LwvoButltdally,exc1j)tulHlay, utt u ui
Airivout .Mcrei r by ti pin;
Leave Mercer tlally, except .Sunday, at U n
Anlvo at Butler by Up in.
161 Frnm 'MTntntlr-Kn. bv I n. lit,. 1 ri
Anandale, AlurrliuMlle, cflntonv lllo, and h
nerdell, tu Lufct Handy, U) udlt"i nnd but It, t'
u w t ek.
lAuve -M Cnndless MomUj nd Fildn) ui
Arrlvo nt i:ast Sandy by . p m;
I-x-nvo Hnt Handy 'luLdav und Hiunljy
Arnvo ni .M.cnndlcs'. by 5 p in.
ForterMVille, Bosu oint, und Fi Inceton, t '
Castle, 27 mlleH nnd back, nix tiinen n wtek.
imiiiT uuuy, except rsunuay, uiwi-'
Arrive at Tew Custh by 2 p iu;
iA-nvo Xew Civtly dally, except Hund.i '
Atrlvcnt ButUrbySpiu.
l?ttj Frnm Vnrtb t)fibhinl. und ll-
bnrt'H 3I111-. io Baldwin, nmlleti and I'tc-lt, -a
ijenvo Butler Monday nud Friday nt t v
Arrlvo ut Buld win hy op in;
Lenvo Baldwin Monduy und Fnduv i'
Ariiveut Butler by li in,
2.loti Fiom But ler.bylVtei i.bui!iindllri ai u k
to Zclleaople-, H mllei and buck. nnei a
with two additional trlp.s ti week lit twet n Hi
nick nnd Zelicnople.
Arrlvo nt ZelUnuplo byl p m;i
lieavo .elleuuplu Thursday ut 7 ft m;
Anlvo ut Butler by 1 pin;
IvonvoZtllenoplu'luesdJij nndHaturda) u '
Arrlvo ut BrenUnaek by l) p m:
Leavo Breakneck Tuenduy nnd Hatuidnv at
Arrlvo at Zcllenoplo by a p lit
!tl7 I'mm Butler, bv Bnvditnvvn. IlnU' 1
North Hope, liuui f'lalie.Hlx Fuluu, nnd An i '
hou'K Millt, to LjenlonpJuiileauiid back, 'tt
ii vt eek.
i,envo juuier i uchuuy und Haturday ui t"
Arrivont Fmleutuu by t p m;
Leave limlenton Monduy uud Frlduy u'
Atrlve nt Butler by I pin,
SW From Haxonbun to Double Hale,
nnd bnck, once n week,
Ixavo haxonburK haturday at 1) a in;
A rrlve ut 1 loublu Hnlo by 10 it in;
Luiivu Double haloSalurdayut 10.3f) a nr
Arrlvo at Haxonbur by liW a in.
2M9 From Middle Ijiiujui r '
ternvllle, YVllIlo ltoy, llarlensburirnnd U'i
to Mercer, ai mih-n and back, llireo thiu -week,
lieavo Harmony Monday, Weduesday, llJ
Friday ufter urrlvul of Flttbburu injll a '
p m;
Arrivont Mereer by 10 p m;
Univo MercerTueidny,'lhurbdav, nnd
tiny nt 3n in:
Arrlvo ut Harmony byOam,
277 From Brownliiftton, by Hnrrtsvillf W
If y. nnd Find Handy, to Frunlillu, IMM tint' -
lm.U, tltreo tlincH iv week.
irtiivo BiuwniiiKiou Monday, vvcdbesd
Frldny ntlMSO am;
vo at Franklin bv 7 n in-
Lenvo Franklin Tucudiiy. 'Ihtirsdav. etui f'
day nt 7.!X) n m;
Arrlvo nt Biownlnaton by C p m
2,171 rrnni Vcw Ciivil hv rlu uuiuht. WuKi'"
burif, nnd North huvvlckley, tn lli'inewucu
inile-t nud buck, twlro u wtelt,
U'av New Cubllo Tuesday nnd Haturdi
4 n m;
Arrlvent Homewood by 10 n m;
IavoIlonicwoolTuehduy und Hutmda u '
rlvul of Pltutmrw mult .uy ut 1 in;
Arrlvo ut New Castle by 0 p in,
1B72 From New Cn-stle, by Kant Brook, ll.o
burir, ond Plain Orove, to Slippery But k.'-r toil
and buck, three t linen it week,
lA'avo New Caillo Munday.tWedue1 dj
Friday nt 8 n m;
Arrivont Hllppcry Bock by 3 p in:
Lcivo hllpnery H(kIc Tutudny, Thurn U :i
haturdny ut 1 p in;
Arrivo ut Now Unt.Ho by 7 p in,
2T73 From Hew du,tle, by Mount Jm-U'tvl '
lnburs, Hlll-iville, IweJLsvlIle, nud 1'ol.mJ,
Voununtowu, Vrt in lies and bud., hU IhJ'
U nvoNew Cuslle dully, except Huudjy '
a m;
Arrivu at Vounstuwii by '1 pin;
Iauvo Vtuiugitowii tliilly.txttpt Huik'
u in;
Arrlv out New Cabtle hy 2 in.
1171 Fiom MniihlUld, by FkhI Chnih'fci"U '
Charlebton, to Wtlbbuio'.U mlUtf und biv U,
llmcH ft wetli,
Leuvo MaiiHtleld Tuotiduv ihurMlfty, nnd
urdny ntptn;
Anlvo nt Wt'llenlorii, byOpm;
Leave WtlUboio'Tuewluynnirmlay, or
tirday nt hu in;
Airlve ut Muusflcld by tf m,
175 From H oen, by Crooked Cnek.Ml'
ry Centre, and NIUk' Valley, lo WflltiJ'
intleHiiud t'urk, ix tlmeu n wit k.
LenvoTlotfu daily exct pt Hunduy, oi uitd
val of Corn! na mull hy at lO.U) a iu;
Arrive nt wt ihboiu by l.flo p int
Ltavo WelUboto' dully, txiept Hunui'i p
ft in;
Arrive ntTiogn by 1,50 piu,