THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. .1- I r t A . !i- St' a 01- J' Slltc (lolumbinn. ULOOMSHUIiQ, PA. MMMAY .IIOIIMNU, XIIV, -III, IttOT. S-Wt UH I'OLt'AIIIIAN i.. llic lu,u CIrculallou In Columbia null Adjoining H alio a utticlt larger tlirrt thnti nit)- of IIIMlemMiMlHi and li Ihrrrforf tlii.lir.1 vudiura far advertising lu this trtluii of PONEP 7 " "' TjpiScnnto 0f JYitiy,lyinIn..vlll,.it tfiojnecUntr of the LwlsliUuroiti Jniiu- ..jrynoxt, bQ cQinnoscit .of II) llatlinilti nml U JetnQcr.it9,.'ui'l nt UiQftloti.orl wo. will boyonu doubt, ealn wo t Hcn. tow at Uio, uoxt rkctlon, (jhq , from iu zotnc,timd another in the Atlaus mid Prnnldln district.. .... .TJialtadlaiWumlerstatid nil (liLs per- iUy wollaud .will throw out. twp nowiy joimea KcriniQt. .MUiitiru mill Sliusnrt, Jroni. tha VUtclct. conippsgd.df tho CoimUoi. 9C JJlalr, , l(iuitjnguril, MIQlIn, JuiiJnta. Ccntro nutl Terry, on somo. ptyitust or .otlior, lit'loss Dcino crnts nro protmri'tl to jirovof, hiji'Ji nn outniRO... uurtu yinra, iu;o.t..liH.B!itii(' district elected two Ucingcrii.l.i.lj.Ht jjipy .wpnicoimtcaout,iiBtoTipji"iyjiit,xnui(Jii Iwit. BoJdtpr votes sul.icqi)i!nti.v ob- tallied. - . , . . c Only, two -caca.ilKo, l-lrixnUliii mid Adams, jilcctedj .JH'lilWTAticSoiiator, but ho was ntonco thrown 01)1 by, tho BetmUibrihcrcasQii.tlut. nljrgcs:! dc , iserlersJuul v,QtOdor lilat aiij this will . uiQBtlikory.h!.tb(3.odt.e.nslbio rea?oh glv .en foriimiHg pot M'hitlrojiiid Shup nrt. Can such it wrong bo rcpcnted-wlth , .impunity.?, .,Jn4&lS.S.ti!VCi.i3.nn.d. lita party, nfUr" . ...tlpa ilefwt Of-Vovernot ll'tncr, openly proclaimed tlilr.)eterinliintl!u tof.'trrat . , tho election .as .though it never hnd been. acid," nuil.iiti'iuestlonnbly would; have" duauso4 hail not thousand of Dotno- .cnit .'ab!ii;Uiblcd .n Harrlsburg at -the meeting of. tlnr.' tegislarnre, iliGonvenl- .Nit juLlt.wus then tq travel, compared to . .what it ttp.w.i?,n"nd dro vo t be consiifratprs . out of tho. back windows of tho Capitol,. couin-ci. violence, and- vc. . t eiirnrstly liopo there? will bu-no-occaftui': forjnii, but Avq'lpMty that woharchad quite enough, and inoro-thau enough", oHliMthtfij; afkeejiing out and ttirHlng BUtdiily.'l.'lectcd reprpjrntatlvosjjf the . peopli. LotourrrieiuN in tho LrgHla . .tunviind o.crywhorc, finy that tho day. . ihne pjw-ied when hucIi wijingt will be tdicrnivd. wo say so with emjiliasH. ..TliH 'Very pop.umr; and exceedingly clieap Jtngazjno preserrts an attractive , i.tnbli) of contents for Dewmbeivi Ame thyst ayno's cliarmlng story,- -''The Derwcnt Ej-es and Halr,"ls conijletcdi JMiST. .Edfon's cxcrtlni,' nc'rinl, "The iAfly rof.' tindcnwold," isdntcnEelyi In.- ter&ttjig,, while, "Paul's Homanco,'t by .MlfisTllnlo, juirt ".My Uarllnfri!' ii-poem .by Jftraes Franklin Flttf, nro among Itlio eioicest;of Jfagiwino reading,.. TJm; lriUHtrat lom nro hIko- reniaritably-gcqd: Tm4klruj thh? one of tho best nunibfrH pf Jhulou cvofisiucd, ' - The publishers offer unusual attrac tions for thpr coming year. Witiittlie Januaty nu"mljcr,tho;JfaKaziuo"wJU bo enlarged to one hundred pages) and sev eral new ttnd attractivo feaUiros-Jtjtro-clUeed. 5Ii9s Willlan lias wriflen a romaiicd entitled., "So "as by 'Eire,? which Will cominenco tlioyeai. Am ctliyit Wnyno will furnlslran txciting serial btory 'for lioys, etitlth-'d "Old Hugh'3Xook-oir,,"whIch will bo finely illustrated .by.Jvllbirrn, and will- oppfrir. "in thb," ndiV dupartnient, cHlledv"Onr, Young' I'ooplol; .Story-Teller;"-R popu lar author n ; charming story for.arrlfl, wliUotherifwIll be nt-lcist.u dozen Other stories and -poeuw.-of ,the higliest literary excellence, nnd intcdJiQ: ly Interesting all'Complete iu.tlie Jan uary'numbcr. - II will bo Veep from thoforogoini' that Batlbu's SJagazlno for 18C3-w4lt eclipse its prtsent; excellence,' whllo-tuu. extra, ordinary lov price ,1s retained,. IL,.i only A1.50 peryear, or in-renU.iv noni. ber. Clubs, receive It fof'Stl'i. Tin.- ' . proptletors'havogoodcau'e- fur-callln Iftllocheaneat magazine Intho world." - "I'uljllshed by -Elliott) Thoincs fcirallok 'IVmo:i; Mas. Till) Alexandria (La.-) J)emacrut, ro tates thu following! .Atiioiig-.tlie, many notlccatilo Incidents of tho Jala, election farce, woAvcrenn oyo wltnc&itojliojbl lowing: An old uud.falthfuttsurvimt of one of our oldest cltizotis hai just been Ushered out of the baekdoor oith6 vot ing room, in tho Towu-IXail,. whenhi wasuccoated in the streets, by. bis bq- and aikcd tho ijuestion.) i'WVll, Petpf, liavoyou voted-" Old moiluaKta ui: Wisely and remarked, "Xoyi Uarp O91) I Ma-"t"(T Jixvthey-tooli. my--ticket frojii mo and put 1 1 in -a.ctuidlujjox. nnd M'Otildn't let Tf.nil'ortsniouth i;nlu,u Dwiiocjatlc journal, 111 .-u' jiumpmru, x-iiu:mu cd by h "loyal moh," in lElWund Ve rionsiy injured, Tho louder of. Uib mob ono Daniel II. .Spllineyv.waa.aued. and tho case hiv-ijuat bwn- tried, .utX'UpyJng three 'dnvK. Tho-Jucy (comiiotcd" of e'ight Keimblltrtiw and four Democrat- found ono thousand dollars daiuugqs to thcowncr, and tho oa-itn-rwiilch ma'R' Spinney's uilserabloheod spin j6me, A Hadicai delugato ta thaLou Wana constitutional con voutlou,u negrp about elglity-livo years udTrp.l!Pajre(l at Al exandria, li.fow days ago, on his way to bu-dnesa, wltli-two largo navy rovoTveM buckled in Iiis.belt, a ippper;box rovol vcr iu each pocket, a. hig6sugar-cano knlio in his bo-iUii ojidajoadpd eano In" ills jiund. - Jio.coM.djrt easily have Ktuck any . morQ.l,tadJcal.argiiiiients wtjout him . -, r. KANNAH..-EIglity.thrf9rei)reutatHi'' aisiricts oriiiu tsiauj. i'Jf.ct, jwynty-two lK'inocrat.aml,tluj. rcjjaqyucr Ilepub llcutiAAnd Judiipendiuit?. Forty -eomi ties irlvo tliu followliiL' result! Fin-iuk gro smTnigo,7,r'3lj. panlivst', (JjlI tHfir. Milium huiuwjo, Ji.Ujii i jigiJiUifx for disfranchising jUjlStfaUis, tij "With (enofftid "StateV'firflcr negro rulo, what chanco Is thcrir'fiir1 luiilntmti to becoiufl orociKirotii, and hovf van we CXpdct any other result than tlioJTJterj (ivifuyiiou 01 wmiwuf oiieu uio ino-ii loyviy Rijryou 0,1 our couiury v nureiy blillonsofdebt.iinirtuxntlSfi'ln all lm Aginable bIiuikw, whs not" Incurred Tof Umt. OOMMUIIICATEI). Till: N1W ASSIHTAXT Ah-11'.sviiK IN SULLIVAN. Mr.xim, Knrrolis: I notloo tlmt for somotlino iu.t tlio "t,'ui)iiii (Xumtu Jlcimlilicaii," "Ivee riot," ".1iim.y J.umtnury," nml I'erlmiH otli-r if tin Hniltciil imtieiri, round ittiout,.lmvi.- Ihcii "ralsliiga leiublo liUIUllMllOll llll'l" Itic romova! of l.ewl, Zaner, m A'slstaut .Visemor of Internal Iteveuiie of this rmintv, nnd thf aiiiioliitiuent of dipt, Jaincs Thompson 111 ids place. I'. John especially! appears'lti bo "rlfeit" rt't the' removal of one of lilt pels and nil flonbt 'ficTs 'tluIt'siue'e'lid liiis' hwt "liSft'er' nnd placo In this county, Ids .WAV llllt lias greatly Increased; "TWI "(-ontcntl lth e.xp'rtwli'ig his feg'ret"t1t'lli""ri lhot-nrof Vine of lil-i fbrn'ier tondlt-., Hi'iTlVrvc- scent lrc bolls over rihd' la M iWihg fals 611 "tho deVolcd Iicftil" oT Ctpt.'Tltoiitp-' iJon iuid tliO'InVulhcrablcr el'own'Of Itob' ert T. CHti VA. :To tlU' foriiicV lK- liWlli's tllb 'ObltliMf 'of " 'CfiiiilcrhCad," n'mf ori tho'lfltlcr; lloexpoilds-hbj wholo Vocabulary of DlHlnBsgnte.' - - Js6 doubt tl'10' defunct ihetihibelit,1 on l.t . ..1 .11 ... II ,.r.1t.....T1.l..-i self of alieavy budget or woe.ehiSugh to sniaih the toes' of his forliier li'iYvVTf as it hraivlly fell Hl'liU'R-et. ' ' I have no dotibt.tip;) nniiies of CIaVk, Jackson, and Thompson, anil thu copper head nartv generally, we're noured forth in cppiiins.sireaiiHrom the." vials of Id" ,wr.aln, ami that they were iiono up 111 ll.ip choiiR language for which lie is bo .(.elebratcdj .This no doubt as winded through tho columns of tho J!f)Mhlin was received by Sambo's delectable ail'- .iidrerf m worthy a;j;faco I'n t'lio annals o'f injured luno'cwice, and long- efti this" has jijaced the lmnio or Lewis .aner lu mo calendar 01 inc manyreii patriot. Hut what are4ho facts uf thecns'oV Jtr. Zanerih (ho fll'At phiccfls a ronegado Demdcrat, ttjt wltjcltparty ho chmg te naciously suHong as cither einolitiucnt' or office, coul'd boi brought "withiit. Ills grasj), and then iiftcr eshau-itliig every etfbrt.he ceaildipHt fotth,.to retain .posI- tion and power na'ldader In tlio J Vino- urutlp party, aud'Iludiii'K.tliat his party; ftlendsJiajlJosb'all. ConOdcnco; iirhlni;' aiid'tha't otherslmoro worthy had lllled his place, like llliihy others of. kiudre'd" typo ho suddenly discovcrd that ho was Hi tht wrong box;-und whatjiext? like," all others In tbb new school 2f. patriots 11c ouereii niswts(lopj afi j-xperieuco "on thialtarof hh coniitry,-anil, illle'd with gloWlng ptitriptlsni, actually eou- sentedto receivo oftt;cr ijniler hlsnewly adopted friends? This bacrlflo certain ly must Imvo endeared him tirall.lovers of Uncle Abe's crib. " Ullt that Mr. Clarltever- allolveitJlliii to remain hvoillco u-week wasii-inatter pf those-4io nfoac(inainti.Hl; w;ui ijotn, nnu wotiavu uqitcslro- to oe sparing, hi ourblainoon Jlr.Clark-'fordo- Ingsq. That ho was not qualified cither by naturuor educationdils innamefabto blmulers will'-fiilly-certrfy. T-lfls dec-; laratlou is abuuilautly-provontby tiio reiicatcd-' -corrections by his- superior of mistakes mado-by'liliii. I a-ut inform ed by undoubted authority... that in' every caso of appeal inado froin'hh! ns- ncssinents tho'ftpiHillauts were jiustalii- 'etl. It 'ccrtaHvly seems .straugo that- H10 ItadicaB should eoiuplaln7f tho re moval of their Incumbents, "wbiu dur- l lug thoi-r days'of-powccllro Departments were cleared -of ovefy Duniocratiioldiiw piiweror position. that room, alight bo mado for tho rapaelous Juu'du lhiit de manded tholr placos, Tlio.pooplo by an unmlstakcablo verdict have declined that corruption mustccaso ami rutreuch- inentftud icforiiw must begiu, and why not -conimcttcoy .why.tiUoulil Bulllvau county escapo notico '.' certainly. j largo majority ol her citizens deniaiuled that 11 change should iMjiuude, espccially-iu tho odlco of.aMlslaut aHsC.snoXt.i;i ivhk-li Hioyworii ll niHro.ov. Uss-lHt-'resU-d. That Mr.Clark hanctod mignanimuus- ly.must cvenbocuncvded-hy.bU. tnvdu cot. -To-allow thasCto rcsuain In olllto- who were' not only, glving.-diiiitlslac- "tlon but dally-'ubuslng hiin,.would -bo declaring llmt p.Uionco noviir. eoiued-lo bo a virtue nnd assisting- -to-. louder .op liroblous-tiio only-avalLtljltiiueans that ean-now-bo- omployo,! byovernmvut to keep-down her poudei'Oiii.lMirdeu of debt.' So f.iMsthe-utliu.(3Ir. Clari lBeoneerud.I--speaki Lawviug; when I vnytlmt -It tiVdls-diUMuluiuit. ills i'e.t ,A ms-well-knoviv.ablllty. and Julegrily, the-fcithftd iiiul.aucoptatdajuuujier lu 'Which ho-- dUuharges Jiis duilc,s as a public o(IlirrhU urbanity lUldJini nTll- ality us 'iiiuch,. render. Jiim Jiivulueiii' blotn-tlo-s..-urlln)US4itta:kii ,ofi'. John liml-hls aUles.- ConaJvcd-jis tl;ey arc known -to- -bo .iu,.iiKiUi'e,.. coming trout thoK) wiio.aro uctuated-b' eelings oiill.itppolntmeHt ami uuuy, thoy Jiavo tlifeHeetron candid. Julu.ils..if. -proving conclusively 4lut-HiovIctIni.i)f llwlr -jileen inii-t-bo.moK).tlmJi.(u'dlnary to merit-llto dlr4iiiti-Jud-aotii; is ro- LVlvllllJ'. '' '"As-regai'ds" ino'lfo'wliicuinbent. we .1 I IIIUHIIS L-l I L-J11U - acter'Tis' nji'"al)Wl hdnfcr'and-"Capable 'inffii'HiVrnV'nuWKitTrfnrirlveV-iKirnos't '(liH 1i,l."aauinnUrft'tlsirvllr-'rlbt'oiny .lafi'nwl u7H3rrniO'lineMfifToeTiuTv7 temih This CTtihlv. biir ffll-ha'6 a Tendency ' ib'imikfi it liTlpular"as nnlic- (.eiitublu ineans iSfiireetifi's 'tho llnblll..! Ties' of trio"fio'erlini'6lit. "' A"m"oTo popu far appofiitmctft 'tii'iiUr'not'Ttavo been mado, and wo can safely ftreillct that Cant. Thompson's first minttal round, TviilUrnig lirils TiAlif flfu' happy- an" jirobatlon of his udmmistMtlou b'v id'f witli whom ho has'lmlnebs, llo' is noi"c)nT' listrlcllylffornl man In e;o6Tl standrngTn'ilm'cTrurclt'rDVhlch lie b'o longs, but freo ff olrrprcjuuleo" has fow el emles.nnd is of that initlinchtng nature," that fro wrllnviider-even-hniulcti Jlusllco to iifl'Wltfmut fear? firvoi, or'aHocfloh. " , . On'strtv'jiii,. IHWEU ov a IIoiwrAnKcj;,vr. Thcro ,Ls pun Rt'ryviLQn that ajtorsu it(scifs Ui wliivl.tliWLHtijq "artciitlon Juvi btcil With Homo Iioivos Uvi'jfij tu with i tho clog; uml for tho LeuoiVt of Ihotj itlluiv) to drivo ut ulhl.-, 'Hiich us jLthVcJlcIans'Ml olliers, th!4 knowlutlo s yalitTiJi. "T 'niToV'JiiuiW It tu-f.ilr: iwiu 4 nnvo ri'incii numirofis 01 uiiu:t(ju i... ..rirr. -"f. .. uuyjuu. huit fiiuri. your nfll.pptwJ Y,V.lit M,m1 imircu luoncai . ... A ....... - . . . : Tiiffoii;'iUimii'iftuiifMi.rioxfn whovi'ii.Htx IU"Iir3, UUt IClVlMMIIl U irOO IieiUlii.tllHl vim in:iv n-st nU,iVrMl tliAf h. vidll n.ut.,.. " J ,Z : - t V. L'Ot tJlT fllb I'OilflltTrn Wlti nirev v.ui .iii:- " ... .j.' .... " ' IkSllllhUflftlBisMfcly.-lrt rfgnhUo tho one ur u puif timt vah stolen ttiiiLreciiv crud iiuunly by tho trauU IjcIiiit-timtlu iitf-liyltsuiuto. wul ..llmt. HfUT lim had bwu alwi-ut .ilx or el8Ut hours. rKllSMl'rS. J I . M. ir tnlntJJJvl llt.r.jdll. I llllV 1 s fix lln.llpul m.lipuifli r nUnVii'iiimti: III flivn! M 1 lie, 1 1 i-..imt' . ifli iVSwi-.sif Mniniilinwltliif , li.iini' -ii 1 1 1 i-i i i - Nil. rt'(iin tti'il to pi rMni Mllii mrlit. ntul tliOi0 li .i.'.i ui 'i i"i-i, iiii-nt, nti. I llioio tlii-in in Hi,. I vi uli.r l i(lioui.iiu til. ni-..l . . Inn. lit. .1 1 tl I't Titiitcr tmviru'tit. j-iiti tii.-nfii'sr .iitti'mT- NVv, S,ii7 t,w, V.xvcwmr, vti;v i' niNirrnK 'sV6u!i2 . - .-i.,.t. JlKUNJMIIJll,. , Would t.'.ln'i IfllllV nuliot-tli'O in (fio l.llljllff. Itiit Im I1U4 .it.rnnil tt.- I 'tiriil till U FlIliN.. 11 .,Ullnili',.wii;ll. K. ryji nil lihlUs (if. city mill linmy' i' i' u s I t r it i:, aiim lulUiiniiU'.lil.uM''l rl"h", nil myks pf lU'tltl'u-l- mill Iftiit-iius tniitt-R nml .1- i ..11 ....... I ,. l,u lit,,, ttcn.if Hmr tiiml ly hihI iiuJrkty ". IIphhp alVMntf nii'irmitrr' Ui, uiiilrrinkinii i ' rnin'-VC:' i T)BN 'ri ST." ' r -" 1 oimcrly of llnwlrk, Colmnliln County. Vn. WouM nnnminit' lollie rlllinn of liluoAiHlmrif IV III iHMIIlHirKTIl 1 1"' fMlllINK n" lUK- V 'iir thrt c focm-ll hW njIU'o, nrv Atnln Hiwi, n "ilotns niHtvc IlrnilcrHhoIt'8 lru More, of r Vn A VtljiH Cimit'Tl lonely x whir Iw Mill Jj4vluu)iv tn v ult Ult)t n)I wlin nmy nefil hiiwrvIM. iilHci- ocn only irohi Iho nHt to thfffntlrH toIiiuoHiUiihUUVprll Ut l T.X THE IHSTICT COUllTOFTlIK 1 l'nlli-1 Slnli's f..r the Wli'oni tiMrK't of lvnn lvnlilti, Il.lrl.iil, JliinkiliiH. j "'"'""ll'. ' b"Mn4A 11 imicM .' 1 tin iinli rli.nM liwliy Jllvrs Jijllu' Hi Ills .li'ln.litm. 'ill us As. nltipi'.il i:ilslm'. Hrtrlon.cif llloomslmrir.ln tho i-tmiiu-. if CoHitiii.l i. nn.ltuU' or i;ciiiiyl aiil.i, Mlthlu Mlil liMil.'l, ulm h.ns lii-.-n n.IJiuti:! u lliinkruiil initii, his nin Vrtltlini liy tlio lil-.trlat C'outt ol unlit lllntrli-l, lit JHoonislniiir, 11m Hill N'mcnafiT, 1X17. .1. If. i:ndA II, llovty.Q7-i!l ... A.I11C jj i Tx i 1 1 i tsit oYt'A' T'Tiau ma c v. . Jl isjtit inH-ilvi-iln Wtnlri-'H ftoolc'nl rniN lintfUS, (.illKMICAIA l'ATKNT. SlIIIUl'tSES;. l'.tlul", tills, trtor, Varnlshps, lijcHUUIs, VrNlOW-flt.AS!, .liAMI'S, CIIANKV'.UUUS,, I.AMTi:ltNS,Sc)All,' . ". " : ' )'i:ni-:i'.Mi;fiY, Toiun - AND I'ANCY AKTIOl'.lM, Mlil.-liaru N Iuk ut', I'liASTKK l'Altlri A'I HltA'l'.lf SAMi III riuniit(luji toutlt luirchtLHem. lll'LN'll'r.imilOt'f'S ll.t,SAMof lhllt:il()l'NI) for Counlis an. I I'jliN. . , .' . lt.Vl H TONIC, . t-Yir iifoni.itlnir llin cruirth nf tlrn llnlr. . I'AJUMtDlt I (ill, .rorClironitsl ll' renlS.iro I.Hps. ;WAN'Tini-tlj!icj! goo.; l.rlc-c. lirk-orlllliL'inlM' . .mivK.irr-if at MMixroNi;vii(i,i:- ni(iiubI(fnro (U-siml tatnkoi'iirtlcnlar notlcn, I hut tlm unilcrsfKii'M Imvc Jnt i KtimoU fronHh' JUstcrn rjtlet., vltriilio - " 'iIIIltl mTAIdfJHl.VT, for lii' ili 0vnt fallnnt.rulntor.isoi, or Z 'oitoXi:ttn:, cr.urns, . ' . Ili'cklc.Uy tlio largest, nnd bct, ntitl ilicitt at Hsrtin.i'Ut.uC - , , - - , - icimv ma6i: CLofnfNa eerl)ruiiRhtinto tho icplin ; nnVl thnt tiictl up with tlio ilncht fcluction of.tho iatcst aim nri-.tfiishloimhlontylc!or - HATS AM) CAIV, TIOO'I'M AM) HIIOP.H Ilrcry lolytoim h llttrd niwl .ulltd. Ludh'S nn.l ontU-Ki ui, 1iiih nml K'lli, i-iui 11ml llio' olu-.trost lil-i)f ..noils thi-y iivi-i-lin.t-'llio iilon-auo ui I- I looking tliipuli,!tt . Kov. stK-U. 1H1,I11.SI,KJUJ Jl . oi' ,y a jjtj aii i 11 h;,:abL kktatiI' Will th e'cposod to nalo by puhllo vendue, on thfT.ri'inl'i,-4,nitThuritny,,ltci'mhfr lytli. ai-. Ji7tat I'J o'clock 11. in,, two ciTtiUn lotsoruronntf Hltuntoln tho town of Muomsburfir, "Volinnhfti County, l'a., on iluln Htrcet, mat. tho l'ubllq S(iu,in?. On tno ono U oreetPtln tARtii;fito7rn'nVLrxranourtK, - iilnl-orhiA" otit-titiHdtikis,' nnl upon, 4rnu other, n gtic.l frajflo 8ti)l)l(, tho front of said last nion iMiiMTol ijc1nK')tV(rytlWlnil)tc fornrl.n boU "tli p4iri) iv. AWo.umliiJ xiimo dnjfuo other 11 o yn n and, lot "or 'U uoOxd 't-Iluule ofi Hock Htn'tit In 'tlitr fcMd' innn nt ItLionulmrK, Lu tbw .vuiity. ati'p;fiitJd,,,vh'",rcon in erecifl u Rcful Kniuo i'wtllm Hoitp and nHrft-imi-linliUlnKV , . AIm). (in t-;rldiy, ih33lh ilny-af Beoaxuuero:, at"!) r fuwlfni m.wUl hexptltoiukllvpub .Jlc.v.tiia.dii-,i: tiu iirotnlta lp H?nl'i,k Town Nhlp, uithuro lUtnpti'of ThomftA J,"nmanriilioo, ib-f vmln.i-u'iiuor U'ncLoCluadcmUatnltu S.I pv,X ) -V I V i: A C It i: H, nuiro or loM-t, to hoHoltt In two pn'ra-Vs' of nhout thlTty-iMiruiV tiicht llio- hiIjIIo road.lpitdhni jroiii l.titio J'NIjIhk Creel: llrldgc lo ituikhorn, "unci tuifiilhglhroiiifh tho-sald tnrnrteHift tlio ill -vJ(Uijc.iUio. Tlic,hol4ivKilH'lii Vorv jkh and oxi'Oliont Kitll Fo 1 ".lrnunu purpbsfi'.li'eslihjs then l4lnr4ip.utitho oiio-tiieU kH.tllvtJCit .1y Kiild roail, Inwo and oonvtMiU'iit hnlldlnir ol ivtiy rtifrrntlon,nNn Mnit mid vifji 1(kUjI- Llmo sttmo (ninny, opon sorlcln lifoVr. lP n tlio other tract an divided: iiforw(ld, tlu ro NuIioa mtv viilnahto Llmcstcjny Ouuiry,'oho K'wkI largo I.lnio Houko, -TWO HOi LhMli-iCIIiKS, oiuitif v hjcli I tJittHll bliit uV-tUo. present time. A! -40,011 tho fit 1 1 10 dny, aii'l on iho j-rcnitsen nrKuClfltorn, vUUM-isiilil-ut-puhllu-tiut-cry, u (ertuln lat gf uround sltuiito In lloinlock To. kinririn-lni'lpally 'nmhiT Uinrt', adjoining landn .if.Iofvu pplcninnJucoli llurrin, uiid others, cotitttlnlng uoout nrrenfnoro iit Iom; nil lute tliueUUn!.4l bo cj Vjuulcrllu', dt'ccaned. (oNiiiTioNso(.'HM.ntr-Tvn PT t. of.QUe fnurth of tho imivliaso money tobo ptiM on tho day of hale, ono-rourlh lesjlio tcp in-r ccnUoiiv tho 1st d,ty of April Wx, tho remaining throe toiutlm In two' fcimtl -uiymuntv, on tho' l.t U.yof , pill IWJ, tho other on tho 1st t)uy of April 1 170, with interm on tho Ainoitnt rcma'n liU JUip.ii'l from IjH 1st day of April 1M. 'i hutleod or deed-, to'bu execntiil and dellven d to litij.puuJjux.iJr jiurtluiMs Hicwf, on the pn incut ni ihcone-lDiirth lesnthe ten per cent, m lhi llty lf -April A-vjh. wUP4i lhv balancer of tho our liaht ni' nr hhall ho ispriiii'il hv tml moht tirnnrtTriK?,'iiHriW of.ilon of tha proMiit oviu'l'i. V,'- vion nVMt on iho 1st day of A pi II 1'iH, I'lm-u.oH'r or jiLirchiihVrs "to for deed J. it. VANDlllLiLlCi:. All tar. I TO vfrflu. -.iriil'?t-nt ti'Vifa .tr v., i Juutiflri(.tLdtMjjiho, uxpod to publlo MUoJjit tho Colliery of the .Murnmoth vein CoiiHoUdulecl Coinpiiny, hmv ithip.i'oluiiiiiia -K3tnric tii, hv- iinnanuioai, i-onj njiinm liVOouuty. I'a., on MuNDAV, i. Iir.nt len-(Wk In tht 'rout' .11 V lorvw';,,,Jiy iJb'lnK.l''JHO"lU wlti All ItiAL c. I'falu KMhChiiM WdhWuud rlglit Iw.ttiirj-uiUlc.nnd ciril'.uAWLV tfunUlu mid timn tin Mmiiinolli . in, tipoiilaudri uf tlw. lWust -HnulKiit Coal uud Company, lu tuning haul iounahip, i oluiublu t'ouuiy, I'a., from tho ilittifllndrflM-f Mmimiiiu to tho smith-tt-ulijuiury uLUi laiitU of iho ljcut ilouu tuin Coal audnon Company 'nlth a" run tfp'ou fcfii! A-etn itnniiiiiK-inct ata.Jtnu foimlug. tuii Wo-uern limit . ot tlu run on wnld veln.-t jirescnt l us d to Ui-pplier, Moudy AnA U.rinl oMoiai; lug wesiwardly tu tho buundary Hue f thu lutitU of tho l.(xn'tt Mountain Cm! nnd Iron .Ui.i'unjVaudiiUiObi .uid fym ull other voln Of Cl. ll till ill X Nil iHllils l llU'li hivulmun .p.'ht-a' hy Hhnilumtauth. Yiiu -Coniolldaiod ( ml Compnuy, for tho term of hcvtn years l'i;l.-t0Ji!:ui,.rvUU ft A" t.-nbtr rlghm; lmpryv;,y'arta tlrttircn tlieiewtUi cauncoU'dwrtja'iJigiiiKoAappuru-hftt thereto, ooutlngof hlxliiii ifltH K of Miners' Irotr-r. iwoMitiMi MiitviHiMr.inoAiopiUiouM tnio ulnvty horH.iny.!riMMHii nutl ix hollo, omj H'xtetfif IntTVpTnnffdriim ftinlVirlng, ltttirt whuryuiv onotaw iniil.yiih uiimlit wtw and hUckrfftmhhhop.lniy tuVicU(efsi.bfl,' oxirinnWitKii and knojni, . lIAiri1rfolltr,icrii'n,'mctdnery nnd ueiring. uug wJlK'V.-ilw.P.Ll hous-. ono htuUlo, aivtall othi-rimurui nil l ni;.i'hhicfyiippuri'uaut K'fcJii Ji4fhjlil AnjJ MiUi tuu.iopo L)ulleH, two pah d ( halii, two hium iH.HcruPtr and laiEp, Jtir-Rnrto lnirn,oiio kim uekn ono. Jot of jyjnkatU3i;lanvOyitrillurT iall, J wneolbar luw, i nut ijoiioia unirr.Trrmrgo uigiii, lo xuo 'Uuuu ueU hauus. it h.m.m vritguin, I dump M-Uuto, iJ duply oil h mi'H iTot incftjumt iVmi, .lijtmr.uuWK.l tvt bUiklilUii looU icitin. PU.U-, lot of old lion, 1 eogheei, l pari.I grind- iu.K'iih.iin. ltovo.l mnali )iCf 1, dozen emp ty oil bfirn-M, I lJlUmirYVr,,3 pti-ks.ShUov tiU iqcow Uii'tUrolW)i. J Move M,y dirt on,, InhU'- tiun, 1 huuifhcii'rn,iii1i'LH, t 1 1 h nirf, i pan Iiimsmn, t HiMvu. 1 wul buiji ri wa 4 t tublf. 1 -jtlllV tU 1 ClLlJ tilllJlll. i hhowi, one lot oi old malo hur, 1 laigo'puncy, xygiuyni-s, i jmull ioo coal wiun hcumonta, il uur,' 1-nnntr.picKt.rfW UeitmiU'iOHl Mrui'U tCgimiiU.i gmUeoiL 4 ruber, liouwbei I. aidiiloii whils.U iiniti bitr: I drfhiftrwhi.r. li.i.N Mt.Ll-,i A.U I'iV).: lltlUSI.S. I nin-'lmrx ! V.Ryu ?!ihKS UtibrecVllMfncr Hni,i ioj(..riijiiu,.i iyx ungww-a fciovvJM . pit lifiU,L' 1. uiun. unn hull hushil nifiwuiu. 1 nfirrcitinhjf'A.' tfriiiuiii.l'tttUiia i u t 'i, ui 1 to .lE.XT uii. ouo oi'i. uiiggy.i ioe, t 'Ii(0un,-j lo"- chuliw, 1 hiiy ii.u.1 joi.uf iiii cm in iiiu miiili Ire.-. uit ouiiT .t-iiioiiui prufivriy not i i 'i'Mll'14 " ,i -st-cixittjji,aiia to teiii ustim Villi I'iil.iilldJtM i. iuA ju'u.. u. moomaur,. No'.V'""' bu""r- mm jWO.N' I1 EC T 1 O N K It Y ,T raiMu7.M.-,viir. m -m bU$i AM llpfffl)en.lers In , anii ueALnas IN -WtUlTH AND NUTrf. TOUUION j j Kxritnngii Illooli, llliiiviliurtt, 1M. , . ftANfll, t.llMllSM, ItAlSINH, t'UU.NlVi; ' oft. lt-O O-K O-A-N D Y , iiasin4, lavkii iiasinx, ctnnMi8, CITttO.V, i'ki'm, l)OI.i.M, At'., HllKAl) AXI) CAKHS, , I, , of.nll IiIii.Ik. , CHRISTMAS I CilltlSTMA.m CI.lIAtl TOYH, 1'AN'CY TOVS, rnr.Ncit canihix, of nil Itliiilsiiisiill Uio clitMnms triidc, mi lian-l nt iiluilL.Aiilotirrt'tnll. ' i:.w jAconY. I'ltmi. i:. wimtyKit. IHotiislmrK, Nov. 22, 117. lUHIilO HAW: ()!' VAl.UADI.K J. Jtcjtl I.Ntato, ThpHuhNorlher will otrer to Kelt (it pnhllS hnlo 411 tho prllllsOH on rt'LHUAli DtCMinnii 10tli,J l7,tlio roi lowing uoflcrajcti rciueMauvmuaiein tlrornwrtftil Mn-niiilp.Uidnmhlii itiuniy, hounded 41 follow 1 On tlif mill by lands of Isaac Do v It I, on thonorthhy lundi of Muinucl Alhertton nnd otlierc.on Iho iast by IntiiU of John -Monro uud otla-rt., and on the wont by Imnla lalo or Da vid rtt.oimialnlng N J ,V 1. T Y'H.I X A C II II H, tnoroorh'hH,ofwhlch about fcoventy actcn aro ctoart-d, In good fttico, and high ciuto of cultlva Hon, iiul.tnco woll tlmooreil. There aro rect-d on biild (arm u largo tuo-fttory Kratuo Dwelling Hotibr, llarn, wagon Imaso, nhcdt and outbuild lug, i'liero U ul ho at (ho hotinu an ncellcnt hpilng, anj a nrvor falling stream of water rim iLliig thtougli Hit' farm, 'there U alno a ginnl or dm ul df varl ui klbdn of fruit uion tho preml ch, Alto, at tlio f-Hino timo nnd pluce, tho follow Ing portonitl property : Tau hornoH, ono of thorn A YOLN(i 1'INU JltON OKAY, tu o milch cown, ouu beef cow, two heifer, two fat hogH, 0110 lrm wngon, inioMettloullo harness, KlciU plow, hnrroWH, and nil kind ol farming ntwWK uraln, conslNting of wliiHt, rye and corn. A No, potatoes, hny, corn fodderandftrnw, HOUHIIHOU) CiDODH, comprlKlug tobies, stoves queenswnre, ihatrit, nnd various other nrticIiK too numerous to men tion. '! r uh niadQ known on Mity ol Kale, Hah tocommt-iu'oatlifo'clool: hi thoiorenoon. .Mm. KI.I.AIIKTH II. IlKltOnN, AJuiiAiiAM iu:uaiiN imowi;. NovemlAt?.', ltW. Q) XL' K 0 T O IS K It Y . The mulerNlcned would rewpectfully nnnmmeo loino puimo mat no uas opent-aa 1 1 riiLsr-crAs coNi'KcnoNi;itY htoiii:. In ifiohullillug iutely-oocuiniHl by lk rimrd Ktoh uer.who-oho Upreparedlo furnish all kltuHuf PI.AIN A FAN'CY CANDID, runxcii candium; I' OHKION A DOMKHTIC rilUITH, UTM, UAISINH, AC, AC., AC. lnfdiort, n full nsnirtment of mtch goods a nro ivi pi 111 un eNiuoiiMiiurui oi iini tviuu. uu tlcular attention given to It U i: A I) .A X J) C A K V.H, of vfirloim kinds which ran 1 ji prociirrd at all times. A mil la solicited, and Kitlsfactlon will do Kiiuriuiirru, Nov.SH 1SC7. lX'ICIIAUT JACOItR. .1 troll K. hMiTH. J. It. MO.TWKIt MI Til A SK.I, Importers nad Df'alerH in Torclguinnd Domjcstlo 1 T A H I) W A It K, G uS'HCUTLlUl Y; A'C, .'O, 400 ntIIIKD STREET, All. CALLOlIILh, niiLADKiirniA". Nov. 22,C7tf. . jVTKW' HOLIDAY BOOKS. ' O. CAItM'rON 4 Co., IHblMiers. IoVi: I.irrtMtH. A selection of thenumt ahworb lag clwrnctcr and Intel ct, from corre(.noinJeinv ot i-L'lebrato and notorious mon find women.?- 0 'nnw Pi'iiiontNi. A n'ew'Oomlo volutin', bv thonuthor of "Widow Uedott." Illustrated. 51 75 A Itorti? AtioiTT T..iu vpu A ronrliit nf llin In tensely iiirlous Iondon workjit publlsht-d.S 00 KriiTthftor f'omtv O'lanus. Ai Irreslstubly libuuhahlo book of coinlu oolnlons. IlhLSlrat cd. 81 oO WoiIan'k HTitATF.ov, A Nplemlkl new i:ng IMi 1axv Story. Utautlfully and profusely it liMrutcil. il 50 ro.sDENicn Novn.i.and other Comic and Dur. pfimf J'aprH. -Jly i;ret JIarlo. CO Tub CAMnMisrl'uiiii-:. A most delightful new home novel. UjvMuiy J. HoimeH. JL&1 AltTKMlH Altn IN I.OVION. A HOW CoiltlO Ikmk ty thtsguiit author, tllustmtod. 1 ." - Hv, Hr.MO.-Mty-tho nnlhorof "lltulnh." Onoof tho best i)iid most popular notdtof tho ngo.SJ 00 tdUliutJf thU l'oom: hkgnutly hound In gilt, HOTT TO MAUI; MQSY AND Il0V TO K KKl ITr . tuiu-iuiu wuutt umi vTvry uuo luouui rcuti.?! ij Tiik IlAnrni &r codii Huciety. An excellent work, teaching good manners ilil behavior, 73 Tun Aur or los vrnATioy. A book thnt ran not f.ill tu m.iko almorit auvoub a irood talker. sr CO Tin: Autoc AMfKiNO. Instructions and hints for every sort ofJIouso Amusement, t'2W Thest hooks am all beaut Ifullv bound sold ov erywhiTo and went by nmll, post into ireo, on ie cctrt nf price, by (I. U. ('.UlhhTON A (()., , ltjbllhhcrs.N, V. A(.i (IKNTS WAXTKlJ FOH TIIK Itv (loll. I,. I', linker, 'llin iiUontiiHtii. rp..ii. tloim H!KtMiirtllni.lli.i.loMircH nmilo In tliW woik nr.. omitlne tlio tnost intenscUohlroln the mltulh of IhOfHOplo m obtain II. Itn olllUnl rlinrncter and rowly wile, coiiiUIikU Willi un Inrrpnued com inNslon, ttinko It ttrolirl.t htiLsi-rlptton hit piililUlicil , honil for t-lrt-liliirH nmUt'o our terms ami Hliy It hollB fnuer tlinn ftny oilier work, A.t ilrtsit I'.UAItltini'.VJUUiTKSt.'lmlnutrit., I'lilla. ADVKUTIfjKil'S GAZETTK. New Vol. rrh'DAUntnml to SSper your in i.Uvulier. Hlnett.i filen 1'itenU. (3. I. Howell JL Co., lHilillvlierH. V Y. ('oniiileter.liitHornll News pkpum In Mlcliluu and Wb-iujuslu in Novenilur nuiiilier, AImi a lompluto lint of all Hfllnl.jus New-impft. la'Amrrl.-ii, JMI1ST M'OIITOAOK 110XD.S. nl I.OUIHJ; I.KO.V MOUNTAIN U.IIMIOAW CO. Heven cent, InlereKt, 1'el.ruary nnd Almut, -VlR.o-itiilidn.eoviH.a Ho.i.lofl)l lulled, llnlslied from St. IiuIhIo rilut K'nob, and In flmt'CliHs or. ilf?r. nn't'im erTeiuloir of-uimnt tlio mimo length fronj Pilot Kn.ji) to lielinont, now rapidly con. Htmi'llng, for which Iho prncic'.W of'thede lion.U aro to boomed, niaklti u through louto from ht. IrfiillHtiiNcwOrli'iiliH by lull, 'llio t.iirnliis nl thr-M nillm nto Jwio.ijoo ajurj tlio net inollts .nowiiii. NiillU'lont to tiny tho InlereKt on llio en ure tunoiml of bonrtrf. wiTOthoy all -iHHed. 'llio bal o K'einlly in livllmcil tubo beyond Unit of any olhi r homli now oilen d. Atiiilintrtmi i on, of.lli.. l.'ompany,.No. llWulHI.. (oll.o. MAIL (tl'A.Nll. Vl.-o l'lCKldont, orlol'LAltK, llOIKll: o?i'.i.,eniniroi VHllnnit Wllllnm hih,, n, V.l ily. AJOHTII 'A J1KHICAX 8TKA J1.S1M 1' 1 "I'OMl'ANV. " " ' opi'ofrrox MNK 'TO CAr.II'WINIA, KVHUV TWIJNTV IIAVH. " l'AWnp;.ASrrritKtflllT'AT Kltnlll'BU ItATKi, For lurthcr Information, apply toll, N. C'Alt. KING TON, ARt., Wtst htrei t, N. Y, Tf ISSOUIU I.AND.S. .. 15,1100 iicimcluilro r.itniini.'nnd Timber In Holifli -A'cJit Mimfoilrr, nt JI."Jiirrnrro(euiih) In luUtautlUTJUu IiorlAct. W.M. illUKIJK, Jit., 3.1 Urond Ht., Now York city. JJYDUAULUi 11AJ1H, . nttni' wkll ' v u m r s, roitcu I'ti.MiM, AKIl rowiut ruiu-H, Miinnfitctiucil by rOWINOACO., Hk.vkca Taliji, N". Y. M..A w A M V O Y ' S oonsirr HKiitT HUPl'OHTr. it, CittnblnrH In one unrrncnt n ier. f.'il JltllngCort, nud thu iinvt detvlrablo rtjilrt tiupiwlur ter otTiuMUiapulille, it phvoHtho wiilKut. tit. tho i-l; u upon th Hhoulderri InKbrtid of tho hi); U linbttivoH tho furm without tight lacing i given msn and ele giince; Isnpiuoved and -risoin lnelidiilbv i.h hlclniiN. Mnhl nt ladleN niney gooun tuoro uenerany. nnu atwiuiie milu tiy.dl. It, t. HAUNDKIIH A CO.. ini HimiiiuT HL. Huston, mid 'il Walker HI., Nt w VoU, Also, by MMNUSt, MOOUKJ-H Markot Ktreol, PUWn. and KUILLMANN, UINJtIL"iWA;0.,:U fliuioerHt. illllllllllllC, .tu. UNION-JlOTIOl., ArchftlroU.Ulwecn ThJjU luni l-oujUiHttctk rwUviciphJa. cjimaT ft WKiim, Pfopiit-toru, NEW ADYIiltTIRBMUXTS. E vnnvnniiv cav rut Till'.Ilt OWN I'ClolliInur.irnitnnr lmyn.liy u.lim I'mwili n .Unlfliitlriii'lliiirCllnrts. OnlilDk'lo not KPliI In Uny nililri-ss for UOO. Asoiils imler it m nii'lc Hclnl ntmniK fur irrmil mulclmilni-, III IIIII.I.A ivjiwyiw, tinniiiiin, n. y; wrr, sTii.L mvki IT llo li.m't lio 1iiiiiiIiui 1 by Iiiuliii' r 'i ml - nil" rust Iron tip tnnclillio isuncii iniiis. mini fntiiur cw 1 ntn iuikmii inin.iiiii nii-iiin nil-., in viirlotlrs nil nf ftr.-ol. rni.Tnlly tin tnt nnil U'liipi-ri-il.H. M.HrKIS' A CO., Ill'utlU linro, I. fANVi) AN A(?lJNlT- " 11 Ono I'lmnni In oncli Ion n, wotlliy tlio ill i. ,.n..,, r,,i, i,i.iu-n IimiIiim, mmi. In Inkn tho iirciicv for iho mlo i.f linulsirwr Hulilior M.mliU iimi.iiii iiviiiiivi ii 'i , I'l'i'i,,. . .... " , linn. I.ipnnl ("ontri. m uoors nn 1 v n.l.iws, I no Wllo Is biMiiiil 11115 llilna i'Vit tilU-li il lo nil nm-iil,iiti.llrom10l.iS2i . r ilny inn In. tinuli'. Hoii.ltiria.iils' Iri-ulnr. 'tin. llmt wbo npplyn curcn liniiriiln. 'lorrns Pir Mfiill.lltmr-nsli. J, It, Mil A I 111 III. I. I IV 1.11.,, ..inn-.. rrniiiniY'H iati:nt vi:atiu:u A. MTHII'.-I. All I'Sninlniitloll or lis liin llii will , ... Ii,i..i mil. miilliiit 'rnt.nV'M rilli-llt Wont KT wrlps pxccl nil oiIh'in. Hi'iul for lllu-lmlril clr riilur, AuiiiIh viuiloil inovoiy Ioivii, 1:.H.A.I, Timltl-.V A CO., Sole MiinulnHiirrn.Ta Maklcli T ...... V..., ...(. 1 1 Hitlemn to l ravel ami cll t-ooln by I le. flood viigesand utrndv i iiii'lnyinent. Ad dress with slump. JIAAllIlUiN, I'J.HK y, V"-l ('lowland, Ohio. "lrANTI.I a CKXTS IT Toil Ha mnn In every eminly, ii( hllftl- s iinji iiig c h roi nioinii Hiur. IMtsbni-,!! iT ON, elin, pAINTS I'OIt KAKMKUiS A V O T 11 K K H . lIU:tlUAtlONMIi:UAI. PAINT COMPANY Aro now mnmif.tcturlnc the hexl. rhr-ipit and most du ruble l'nint lu mo I n eowtNt II put on mixed with puro i,inced ou, will last leu or in ti'cn i i'firn ! It 1h of a llcht liroun or beautiful ebof-ribito color, nnd rim bn fhnlmed to I'lirn. lend, Ktnne, olive, or drab to suit tho taste of tho consumer. It Is valuable tor aousrn, barns. fences, ncricuiiurnt implements, imringe mm earmukrs, p.xils and woodeU'Wiue, onnin, metal olid hhtuiflo roofs, (It beln.t lire and water piool p, hrldgiH, btiilnl cnes, canal boats, ships and ships' bottoms, Hunr oil chilli, (ono .Mann fncturer ha Ing uud fid m bhln. the p.isl year,) and ana paint for any pjrpoMi Is uunuipassed lor bodj, durability, elnstlel, nnd adheUeneHn. I 1 III CU per OOl., OI rnl 1 1 rH,, HUN lll niiml ll (tiriner lor ears to ( ome. Wan anted In all eiien nsnbove, Hciid tor a elrculnv, width glcs full larttcuiars. isntio gi nuino uukks oinnneo inn liiuie iiiiirli oration .Mineiai rami, .iioiess ii.,mi,Ii iijin i,i. li, 1'iopncior, aoi:nth vanii:i. hei0'i7-liii. CM I'mrl si., New Yolk, T1 MIK U1C11RSTMAXI Tin: WOULlt. KxritAiTor a LKrrnu riton IIaieon Koloiiun KOIIlSl-IIII.ll. P.utis hUi April, lMit, Hue rauby.St. Ilonoro Will von ho hind ( notiifh li lmvo forwarded In mc here 'Aiobotlh'Hor our Indian Liniment ; If mi will kend n t Ihei-iimo tlinllm neeiuut. I will forward j ou tho amount through Me I'-rUlclmont cc i o., ew or. Uaroii Solomon ItotliM-hlM n Ing rerommend eil to iminvirbls lrlin ls Mnlur iAN'l,S LtNb il ill i , llllll l 111' IN'lllff IH"IIIHI" HI 'IIH HI it. m- suouiu auvise mm loi'siuinihii a nejioi in ritni, TUII INDIAN MXIMKNT, As a n llcf, ever rtndy; as a klllrr of pain, taken luu'aidly, or ouluatdly nppllod, has no ecpial, 1'or tho ullef nnd cure of llhiumatU-ntid Neural' gle AUVctloiri, Sprains, bruises te It Is im foimlled. It Is also niot t llh-aclntis. inken In wardly, -In the cuie of (hull in, Ci amp. nnd l'alus in tin .-stomnaii, iMairuoen, oysenu rv, i noicia Mm bus. t.'hiilein Jiiliintuin. ele.. and Is ullhtnit exception the most wondciful i'an.u-ealho woild ailoids. No 1'anUly fehould h wllhoul It. lAen 'iiaveler by laud fr sea should hae a Inittle. Mi nets nnd rarmeis lestdlng at a ilKtaiico fmm l'liyhlclatis. should keep IL constantly on hand. In cum; of Accidents, and sudden nttiuksof Stom nih t'omplalnts, Its value can not bo estlnmted. Innulre tor .Mnlnr I jine'H Indian Mnlliirut. nml take no ot hei1, I'rlee, M c ts. per bottle. Tor salo ai w uoiesnie ami man oy nemiis liiiiuci nr. 1,0. II 111.11,.... V V ( t..l.ln...l. Ihit I lroo.i ttli X. v!:l ('' Welln .V lo.. It i'lilloii-ht.. N. V.; Chnf. N. Crlltcndi n.ltsuh Ae., V. Y., and by lespecinnio iinnrgi'-is inrniignoui inowoini, Nono L't'iiuim1 unless hlirned hv .lohn Tho", Lane, and count erslpned by .1. T.I an A (.'o.,l'iorietorii h.i itroiutway,., . e.soiui lor uitvumrn( Tinmiri;itr.Mi:i)Y at last dik-o LI). l.M-IIAM'H I KI.S1I MLATCUIlK.l.lCR'iiei from tho formula of Prof. 'irousemi bf Paris, (..... f lL,w.Lnu lt..w.l.ll lu l)y(.pepsiu,Mnia.un!s,'fJuietul peb'lllly and nil morbid condition ot u.o sjshm ii(pciidi-nt on ueiiciency oi Mini loieo, n i piensum u muc, anda t-lnule bottle will convince tho nuut skentb cat of lis lrtueas tho gieat htallugiemedvof tho nge. 1 a bottle, or m bottles lor gj. bent by I.v puss, roai ny r. i-, iipiium, o. -i r-oimi'Si, Plillndclphla, and pilnclpnl l)ruguM. flnulai sent frt-o. T A DIMS it C!i:XTLKMI-:X. I JVoueatibavo a henutll'ul Caul PhriioL'innh titju ofrxpnise (i,-lih clieulari of our Iry and i iincy tion- i-it u ni-iniinix m.iuii utr reiui u IHistiigPtn UUsTMAN A KLNDALL, CO Ilumncr nireei, liovmu, .insi, 0 it is Tin: ni.-iT i'iianci ; Onoor two.lp'H llmr v. Ill n-curoa poml Kowlnj; Macliliie, M'aleh, SI. I. llrcss, HeMilM-T, or some ouicr aruui) oi cunnl nnii i rio ol uosl 1 ' AU'lntM wnnted i-Nerv wluTe, nialeund feninlo, for Hie best Jinwubroliir's Hole In Iho inuntry, send fur I intilar. H.c,Tllo.MIWN t:ti., :il r.ehan. i-u lioion( las. ANTP.D-AgeutsloKollthe f,it low 32 priced Sewing Mnchlt.o eer made-' (tier by iic month or on mi, n Our Miiehino will how. In m, fell, lu k, bind, nml cinbrolditr equal to u hlgh-pifnd maehlmF. Cut any third stitch, and the uoods Mill tenr befoio Ihoseam will glo out. 1 tin fTi to ti'M) per moniu, expemeH pniii. Aibin-vs DAKint NU'.VINU MACIIINIUO., Cloviland, Nov I, 1"j7. Ohio kv sUissiUBi:us von ipas to tho Illuslrnted iliriiiilouLeiil Journal, nt 6.1a vear. will rrwlui N'mv. ihhT li.-e. N'n.. Mils ear Pit t s. It. W'MLLS, ;il UruadM iiy, N. Y. AhL()LT,S MONTI 1 1. Y MAOA.lNi; l'OIt 1 hh. i:;o.Aiiru n ii iini: jicnpi.i.h i'aoi. Tho elreulatitmoniallou'H M.igd!uo bin Ing In created during N7 neaily llltieuthousiiiid copies and never being so prospernus-ai. at piesont, the publishers me theieby Induced lo still blither add to its Mihif by t'lilarglng'eaeh inimber to ono huudri'd pauen. AlUmuiih this i nlnryi tnent in Mlves an nddllloiial exiu'iKiMif soirtei-'i,! 01 a i ear jet thorn UU be no lucunse in tho prhr, now im 'ini: ti.mi: to ch:t t;r clpiisi Tenn: Sl.TOajoarj beven eopU'H, y,w) ; twlo copies ilj.W): and a copy giatU oim ear lo thu pei sin fceudlngailubuflwele. Hlntilo number, nci-MM. Send stamp lor siiedmnn copy. Tho chenpest Mnmluo III Iho Wolldl Addiess IILLIOI'.TIIOMASA TALllOT DoMon, Moss. TtAXVASiSKHS W'AX'J'KJ). Ato nro lu want f.f Camusslng Ag nts for 1 my n ton's HlNtur iiflheNaw, tho mosi ehgant lllu-vtrated voikevi'r Isnmd in thin or auv cmtii try. Abt ly lor elreul.a in D. Al'PLinoN A Co., IDA llIhoadv.ay,Y. Y. n A IAY MADK HY AXVOXK, v'U with iu. Pnti nl Stem 11 Tools. I pit pay fcumpltn fiei-. licv.utc uf lulling is. 'Mv elicu Iur will ( xplalu. Addrc-s A.J, rulliUU.Hpiibg. field, Vi nnont. YirAitiri'ijMtxirr And will iri'M-nt lu ur.r iernu Mendlni! ih it club in our llr. al int.. lullai liryan.l Kan- cy (IoiiiN, Aen Mill, lires t'altt-i ll. I'lecootM t- lllll, ill ell, Ac., file uf Cutul..;i' ol bhikN llllil, M-iil to all.v addles tii'i . AiUIicm. i, K 1. .H & ( ll., Ml HanoM'i Ktrect, Huston. Mass, I,e)i0ll7-lm. 1'. II. iln .'ilii. rpTlH luulllU'AN "iIay" KNlT'K X ANII I'liltK.-UY Iho iiiidtraluiird cltlenn oi Columbia t'.iiini.v huci.ed thu trial nf liny loiks on tho l u in ot Mr. 1'ursVl, In Hemlock Townshlii, on .Monduy, Mu- 7,11)011, betwofli llio AliKTi.-iUi llnv Kulfo nnd iVills iiiiiiuifnctillo.1 by Hl.iri It, WAI.I.H, HllltlNlUt A. CO.. or lA'Wli liurg, l'n., and llio Uun.'il'n nuent liny 11. Kilt, Tho American I'm-lt Inn il moro bay In ono dlaliKht that! Illc (Hindi I lu tlnee. Wo ulo Balls. ho.1 It will take im lilu.-'h hiiy llilo tho iuowiih to cood homcM can draw. u also mw It outtlnB li'iy, and think It cannot bo beat rut u huv klille, aiid.heciiull.vrecoiuiiu.ud It uh tltu liuht h.i fork and l.niro wo line . ver i.ccii. f. HflTIINIIl.NDKII, Jill. I-, I!, ItAKKWO.S, , II. KoilN, ,IoilN JlOMv, Joll.t llLTFIlll'K, IlANIH. NOYKK, II. DlNI.UHM.KII. mi,j,rhll I'L'IMCI, MiciiAt.i, llui.t.iii, .Ions W'oi.r, 'lllHyalsiiliiiilluluotlllo tho eilebtutod Hllckcyo Iteap. r and Mowir, and other auileultuial luiolo. ineiita. N '.WXT1' A ' U) 1 ' ' N KSTA ' ' ' 1 HU" ' WIM.IAM MtlltlllH, Tnkea Ihlmnelhod of Informlna tho elliwiuiof tnluuibliicouiity.thnt liuhnoiiciio,tuliiw Ullor. Ills e.lublli.liuii.iit ll. Ihetown of ' , , IWTAWIKOA, I'A,, where lio Is iitrpatid to inuliu tii ou thotl notice all kind. i i. uvntii in. u nr hi the hitem nnd ;uol IliMiiiahliikljlii,, UaMnir vorkud at llin ill. nt'HiiforfeliiallialiiluilK iltyolNow Volk, he llattei'H IlluikiOf Hint he cauitlMi lull and i mil. iletoh!lllr,ictlon In hlK l Uktoluiia ut liiuionublv talCH, lie t'lUilLiilecs the v u li y ih;ht I-'ITH, pr Iho work ncsiil not bo lalieii. All work will ho niiijiuul Uloio nialtlii;,Hii Ihal Ihtlu M 'Jill bo tu'ltlitr Hint nor hrlukaue, Hhop lu Judito lliildj b r.rltk HiilMIni!, Main mrcct, Ciitawlum, I'a, A ahnrooi i.iiblici ut n niiiif.. li. ji .i-.-t full j- iillc- 1 ulroitoii I'lm mnnn ki nuik,., lneHiW-.iin, To Itultl nml Suloon hciprM of Ittoom.- burg nml Columbia County, I hnvu r.ppolnlod Mr, U. r tohner ugent for tho wiloof my ale, purler brown stout, uud lurfcr boor, v, ho 111 supply you ut tho wmio pi leu and v 1th tho mimo urtlelo), km I would funu-Ji ynu from tho htowery. Kuoowlng tliat ho wlllbopuiietuat aiHliiUi'litUolo uli who may mvor Uliu with tliclr trade, 1 joIUH for Wm your support. Very rwipcctrully, niKU 4ui:it, f-Hram flretvery, Readlns, Ta, GKNT.-J I-'urnUhluu Oootls lit Oueu uiiitLiWiiHtorf, ID-Ma, T M1K WASHINOTON JiinUAllY CO., I'IIUjADKIiI'IUA. In'iinilcriit liy tliu HtWo of lVnliiiylvniiliiniin.l ( cii-gnulznt In iit.t of llio, lrivnitHini! tNS'riTUTiv e "ion rjiVi'.uisg (iiiATiirorsi.V Roi.nii iil' axii MAiLoiiV onntAN. Iiitoi inratnl liy llin Hlntc of N, .)., April t, 1M7. HtlllSCItllTlO.V CM! JIOt.t.AIt, I'HBWASIUNUTOX UIIUAUY CO. iiy vi'itTt'i: tu Titi:tu citAjmiii, AND 1.1 Al'COKUANt'K WITH IT4l'lt'l HIONH, MlllilKtrlbtito TIIIli:i: ltl'MHIiniTItOUr'ANI) !OI.t,Al'H l.V 1'IIIJIKNTH 'iOTiii:SitAr.ntioi.i)i:iiH, On Wutneitlay, 0 JitMiyw, next, AT I'lIlI..M)Uf.riIIA; i'A., U!l AT TItn INSTITUTT, ItlVnitSiPE, N.J J&Keitutc of rrcsenti: 1 Present, worth 1 Present, wotth 1 Present worth., I Prencnt, worth PicM'bts, uoith fii'AW each I Present, nlued at ,. i! Presents, allied nt SntJcnch 1 PicNent, nlucd nt t Prefelils, nluts ul JVKO-ach 2 PrcseiiTs, nluclnt :,ti each .'t Prest nil", valued at I.mKUnch l?i Presentr-. nlued nt fitMeneh.. li) Pn si-nlK, aliiel nt iltut each.,,,,.., :i 1'resenlK, allied ut pleach W Presc nts, allied ut U'leadi Vi Presents, Milticd nt '-iWcach , ft) Presi nts. nlucd nt 7")CiU'h ,.10,0e ... IMX .. la.iino ., fi.tum ... CXx) ... H.oan 1.. .., nyMi ... vin . . ti.o) .,. ln,(iuu ... ii,"0 7 V) t..Vn .. ll,t"t ,.. 7Vl lmi Picscnls, Milued nt lwi each vt i'retcni, vnuieu 111, i-ieiien lit PrenemtH, Munoti nt onenili... iff) nt nvit Miiil v-nfiin. itniii'i-l'iltihiL' tn ttii illf. fusion of Literature and 1 lnArtr i.iivn ct rtiii'-atp ut sintit is nicmpniueii wiin a ni:AUTirpL sir.PL-i'LATn i:n(ihavin(i worth more nt letultthaii the cost of Ortlfluitc and also liuuten to tho bolder a Ptcfcnt In tho (treat Mstrlbutlon, KIMISCIMPTIOX OX!-; DOIJ.AU Anv bcrson scndln-j us One Dollar, or intihui I bo mi too to our loc il nueiitK. win teceivoimme d lately alltioStiel Pl.Uei ngravlng, at choice irom iho To low ing list, and one eert meat c or Hiock, in mi ring one prisent In our tlltLA 1' DIsl HII1P 1 iu., Vie Dollar l?nyrtiiitit No. I-'Mv Child! Mychlliir Nn.2-,They'ro N.iveui Tbevn saved pT .mi.;1-"tuu eMtiiy mI or tlin Cnrlv Iiuvn of the lolutlnn." Auv person pajlhg two dollars will iecele either of the follow Ing tine steel pintin,at eiioiee and twocertlilcales of Ktmk, thus beeomlngm tilled b two pieseniM, Tiro Dottnr J'nnittviijit No. 1 "Washtniitou'HCourttdilp." No,0-"Wa"h' ingtoii k uist lnter lew Willi ins iiother, ' Thtrc Hottar I'lifruvlngt. Anv inivlnc tbiee ihillitis will recrlo tholieiuitlfultt el plate of MIIomonnmlho wnr,' mm inii-e eeiiiueaie-s oi Mnn, oeeoiuiug euuiiei lo thin ptcents. I'oir Ikltur cnrmtnii, Am nrrson navlnir t-jur dollars shall recrivo the ItilL'oaud beautliul sliel plnteof "Iho Perils of Our 1 nrefathers," nml fourcerlllicatcMof htocli eniiuing mem 10 lour pieseuiw. J-Hir Dollar .'nrmi tniji. Any perHon whopnyM flvoilollarn shall iecel i no niigo ami spioiuuu sieei i-iaiuoi -run MAititiAon or pocauontas; and Iio (VrtlHeates f Stock, tutltllng them to i io rreheni!. The l!mira lm:t and Certlfleati h will bodillv ered lo eaeh suli-crlber at our Local AgeneloK, (r ny express, as may no orueieu. IIOW-T 01AlNlIIAUii AND IINOIt-V VINO Send nrdciH to us by mall, enclosing from $1 to S-M, either by Post Olllce orders or In a irglstered letter, at our rick. I turgor amountu should ho sent by tliaftnr c prows. lu shai es 1th l'ngt a lugs, -IMinreM with LnKrn lugn 3) Klmres Uh lkigra Ings ifl.s 7jhhares with Kngravlngs (W.60 lWjshares with Kngnulngs, 00.n0 I will AOIINTH WANTHD thiuughouttho Uni ted Slates. 'ini: itivnitsiDi; iNsintTTi:, Situate ul Itlverslde, IUnllngton county. New .jersey, is lounueu ioi iuopurHi.ooi graiuitouiy euucuiilig un suns oi iii-eeiiwu roiuiera aim neu men of tho 1'nlted StatOH. '1 he 1 Inn id ol Trustees eonslstiof tho folio wlntc well-known clll7eiis of Petiusylvaula nud Ni;w jersey: Hon, Wm. II. Mnnn, District Attorney, Phllnd ( Irliln. IM. lion. Lewis It. llroomall, Kx-Chlef Coiner U. H, Mlnt.atitl Itcconlcr or oeeds, I'lill.ulelphln. Hon. James M. Hcovel.New .Icrsy, Hon. W. W. Ware. New Jeisev. llenry (Jnrnuui, V.itn Agent Adams' Kxprenn, Phllulelphln. Pa. .1. H. Coo, Lmi., of Joy, Coo A Co., I'hlladfl'phlfl, TlinASlMlY Dr.I'AIlTMKNT, WAsIIINtlTOM, D. C. April H, 1M7. Ollico of Internal Itevenuc: llav Ing received satisfactory evidence that tho pro ceid-j of the t nlerprKc conducted by tho Wash ington Library Company, will bo dooled ta eharltabk' iHett, poi mission is hen by granted b said Company to conduct such cnteiprlso exempt irom nil ehaige, whether from special tax or othi rtluty. i:. A. KOLLINS, Commissioner. i no Assocuiuoii imo iipi'oiiiien us iiecejvern. Messrs. (ii:oif(iH A. Cookk A Co., whom well known lulegiity and business expei leneo -trill bo asuitlelent miaiiiuteothat tho money lUrustd to them will bo promptly uppllid to thu purpose siaitti. PtliLAbKM'HiA, Pa., May 23, lrr. Tt tfictijjiccrsunrl Mimbm of thr JltwiMoi Li brary (b., A'. .V, JUMD, .SV-crtfrtf,), fJontlkinini On roctdpt of otir favor nf tho 15th lust., notifying us of ourappolntment as Ile- felMTri for your Company, wo tool; tho liberty to submit a topy of jour Charier, with a plan ol j our t nti rpi Iso, to tho bight st legal authority of Iho Male, and having recelNed his f.iNorablo opinion In regard, tolls legality, and c mputhlz- Ing with the bi'fieoh nt oljict of jour Associa t Ion, iz : tho education and maintenance of the ot phan child! i n of nin' sold leu and sallorn at tho ItheiMldoIustltute, ohno concluded to accept thftitoitinil to Use our best elfortM to piomoto so wrthy an tibject. ItoKpectfully, ours, Ac., ni:o. a. cooki; & co. AddresH nit IrtUJH nnd oi tiers to oi;o, a. cojki: a co., iunkkica. South Third Htieet, Phlhulelphlu, Pa, lL'ceUeiii fortlin Washington Library Co. J. II. PimSKL, Autlioi ti'd Agent forllloonubuxsaud vicinity No. 1", CLOTHING. jrr.w stock ok c'lothiko I'rciili arrival o; l'AU. ami oooiw. liAvm i.i)vi:Nm:ito Invites attention loliUtock of CHi:.l'A.NI) l'AHllIO.NAllLr.Cl.QTJtI.ut. at i i In Miuo on .Mil In St i ecl, tv.idoor above Hie Aiuct lc in Ifous llkHunshurg, In., whom hit h.-..sjiut rocclvod fiotn 'nw Yorlt tuiil I'hlluittlf hhi n full assort uicnt of mi:n and iiovh' cr.oTiii.siA llicludlns tlio moat, fuhhiwnahte, dur,tI, nn.l lllllllll.Olllii UltllH,-) (lO(ll)S, coiisutlur; of MIX, HACK, riiOPK, (1UM, AMlOtfrC'I.OTH COATH ANII rANTt', of all sorhi, h7ch, and colors. Ho luwii' rc'idi Ixlu d his iiltiudy larijo Ktoeh or I'A 1.1, AN 1 1 Wl N ITU HI I A IVf A, M'ltllTD, rilllJUUII, ANII n,AIN V1W1H, HIIIUTH, (,'UAVATH, H10CKH, U0I.I,AltH, iiANiiiriiiicmin'M, tn,ovit, HUM-US I'lUIS, A Nil l-ANUV .UITU.-I.IM 1 1c nas coni'taiilly on hand u l.uso ntul wcll-so-leelisl assoituieut of ruirns AND vi-stinoh, Mhtoh ho Is lileimicil to malio to orihsr Into any kind of elolhliiK, on vi ry iliolt liotluo, nud lit tin. 1 M inniiner, All his clotliliix I mado tu wear, and most ol It Is of homo inniiuf.ietiiri:, fioi.ti VATc11r3 and jinn:uiv, of oM-ry doicrlitlnn, Unn and cheap, in. eiiio of Jimelryls not nurivibxcil In this place, Call and Glainluu his fo-uoiut in,MOrlni(Ut of fi.OTiii.Nn, w.vrcuiw, JIIWTI.UY, Ac -..,-.....f'AV" 'ow"--imw. Q IHA1U) HOUBK, l.'orncrnr Ninth and Ountnut Streets, riillwli lphlu, II. W. KANAdA, I-roprlelor, JJUXJAM1N OIlKHN, IVfllcr In CAtiri.TINdS, WINDOW HMAIlKil, Oil. CMTIW, MATH, Ac, No. W Klith hxoud rillut, riillucUlphla. DRY GOODS. MIIitiKll'S BTOIIK. 1 1.1111 aiUllI AN ui l'AM( AND WINTXH UOOIM. Tho nubscrlbcr Imsju-t rclurncd from Ihr rlllw with another largo ntul ? led o.Hso.rtmnit of SPUINO ANII HUMMKIl fiOOPM, purchased In New Yarknnd Philadelphia nt tho lowest tlgnrCtnnd-rhirh lmUllMmlu.l.Uj-JcU on as modernlo terms in can bo procured rise where In Illoomsburg. Ills Mock eomprle iAIUKs' DUIHS (1O0IH of the chol ccliJJ -tiiUl'iliJi'J 1 'iilii' 0itct"'-' wllh n laranVisHoilment of Dry 'Joods and uro cerlcM, conslttUnt',!'' tho following urtclesi Cnrpctn, OllCIotlut, Cloth. , . , Ciw-sl meres, ' ' .ShnwN, ' rianneli,' ' ' . 1 Silks, WhllotWI, , Limns, iloopHklrt, , MuhIIus, ' Hollow ware ' . . CVtlarwaro ! (iureiisuaro, ( J lanlw are Iioots and Shoes, Hals nnd Cap, ' ' (loop Nits, Umbrellas, Looklng-ntasscs, Tobai'co, Co tfet', Hit gar , Teas, Uleo, Allspice, dinger, Cinnamon, NutluogK, A Nil NOTI0N8 OKN HAI.I.Y. In Miorl, e cry thing usuahy kept lu country stores, tn which no lnltes tha utleitlloii of tho public generally. The highest price will lioljuild for country produce In e.tch,nbgo for gombi, H. II. MILLL'U, rVrcado DulMlngs, lllonmsburg, Pa, riltKAT UHDUUTIOX IX pmuiis AT PIITP.ll 1INT-S HTOI5C.. IN LK1IIT HTUKKT, or . FAIJi AXI) WIXTKU GOODS. Till Mibseiiber Um reiolxeil and luis on linnd at hU old fitaiid in Light Htnf I, alivrge and select ASSOUTMKXT OK MKUCIIANlllSK purchased at tho lowcut figure, and uhlih ho In determined lowllon as moderalo terms n can bo procurt'd lsowhere In Light Stfcol, ran cash on corxTnr-moDucK His stock constat ot LADIKS DttliSB GOODS , choicest styles and latest fashions. Calicoes, Muvllnx, Olnghnms, PlannelH, HoMlerj1, Cant't's, 'Hllks.'WmwlM, HEADY MADK CLOTHING, Satlnetts, CuHslmcrs, Cottonadefl, ICentttcky J4inH. - - A(i,' An" AG GUOCEIUKtf, JIAOKEHaL, Quccnsunie, Cislarwaro. Hnrdwarp, Medicines, Drugs, oiU, Paints, Ac. DOOTS it HIIOKS, IIATH.A CAPS. Inhhort everything iHitally kept lu a connlry sttire. Tho patronage of his old trionds ami the public generally, Ih jrspfctfully solicited. .mo ingucHi maraei prieo paiu lorcountry pro duce, pr,Ti;n i:nt. Light Stiff t'ov.H lo7. Q.UEAT KEDUOTIOX IN PUICI Ai l'lcnLOjNJIHTOllH, . . IN 'OUAX"J.V,u;i,;,-PA., o r FALL AXI) WIXTEIt GOODS. TlioHubserllMirhiotjuntrecotvM and hainn hand at his storo In Orangevllte, a Inrgo and celoct SSOHTMHNT Or SIEKCIIAXDISE purchased at Urn lowest llgino, and which hols dctormlneiUoiioll on as moderate to'rmi ascrth bo procuicd olsewhero ltiOrungvilte, COK CAHII OH COUNT11Y PIIODUCI;. Ul sUck CUllritstH Uf LApii:S' DHESS GOODS, (MOICKST MTYX.K.-4 AND LAT1IST KASMIONt. Callcots.iiusllnKi OjnghnniH, Flannel Hosiery, LAiin.n, oji aw i-, kkady1 jrAin: ci.OTinxa, Kiillmti., CiiKHluicrs, .. .. CuttoiuuJcH, Kentucky Jcuiih, AC, Ali, . AC liHOCKUIlvS MACKKHAL, Qttccnswnrc, Ccdnnviiro, llnrilwiirc, Mwllclncit mU'UI, OILS, fAI.VIM, AC. IIOOTf .t.f-IIOKS, HATS A CAl'S. In Short everything timmlly kpt In n country More. Tlio palroniiKO uf his old friends and the riuhllc jjonrniUy, li minwIAilly hollcllnd. Tho hishcHt mnrlict prlco pnld for country lira 'luce, ' I). K.iij.wAN. OraiiKCvlllf., May"!l, lt07, .i j j. n li o w i it, . Is now oilerliiR to t'ht- puhllo his t-loclc of SIJl.tK a GOOD s conslntlnii in part or'rt full lino of IKOUAIN, WOOI, AT1) HA (I o A It 1' i; IH, Kino eloths nn.l cassltncro for Ladim' eoaU, 1IANDBO.MK Dlliai aOOtl.'S, of alt patterns and qualltlcK, tuhilds ami Trlnts of vurlous qmilUlcf and prices, AND UltOWN MUMI.1NH, I.ADIIJ'S FUKNUII COK.SHTS, lALJl01tALDSJvlKTa. Good ansortinent or j.a lui-v , cmi,v !:.vtv a.uTr.usA uoott,, Krch Oroocrles nnd Spleen. Ncwin.sorlln(lit OI.AB-) AND QUIIUNH-IVAIII, FX NO.- 1 MAOKUllEIi inoue-lialfiind oiie.f.iutth harrclii. NoM- Is tho tlmo to muko, your M-lcctlons, ns 1 nm otlerlnn Roods nt very low prices, and our luollolHfalrilciillnirtqnll, nnd not lo houn.lnr bold by any. J, J, UltoVtTll. Itloomsburz, April ll!, 1-SJ7, fpilK MUTlTAIi LII'K 1NSUHANUH L'OMI'.VNV Of NI1W VOUIC. 1', R, WINSTON,.!. , ...l'ltlWIPlINT, , , As. its over $10,000, 000. i:xci.iHtvF.t.y,,cA!-n, . ANNUAL IIIVlnBNIlS AVAU.AllLli IMMUnfATKl.V to; Titrj innuieanch nit to iik. jit-tu nil: i iiEMfUM. Tho C'ninpanv Issued during tho cnr tli.lina January 1st, 13 072 l-ollcies, Insuring,S7i,0lii. llio total Income of Iho year being SO ,217,u.lU.s, tlj)" I'ltll particulars as to thu wot kins of Hit. Couiiuny,M HI bo clut rfully Klvcn by applyliu; tn JOHN O, ruixzi:, lleutilir'i icf, nii89'07, Ili.iii.Mhiiflin, J'., J li. PUIISKL, IIAUNKtrW, HVUDUv AND TUUNU. MANUI'ACTUUUH, and dealer In CAItn-T-IIAOH, VAIJHl,- KIA'Kj;W, IIUKKA1.0 ItOIlt-ii, H0IWE-m.ANK3.TK( tr.t which ho fecLi cpnfUtent ho ran wll at Uiww ralo than any ulhor ickon lutlu country. lunluo tor yi'iUM.lvfB. Hbop llmt door belyw tho 1'out Of Ilea Main street, lUmnnMbiirg, I'a, Nov. Ils67, c ATAW1K.SA UA1I.HOA1). on nn.l after 'Mundiiy. July 1, 1KI7, rownirer Irnlnson Ihr L-iitanlMultallioiul ulll run milio i.uKiwiiii; iiaiueii uours i Mat! ,Suiili. Hl'AHONH. Wllllatnstiort. lliiiic'. - U'l.lMllll.lUI, Hall A'orW, An', 0.15 p. m, Hep,S.U ' " " 5.U " " 4M -" I.IJ " a.ta " " a.i.5 " 11.35 " 1U0 " Hi P. n.r."ni. ui. e.u' " " ll.-H " tl..V, " " 10. w " '. MM '.' " 11.10 ' ' liw n. m, " KM " " l.os " Milton, Diuivlllo. Itupvit. , t-UtUlVlHHA, ItUlKtOWll, Huminlt, (liiHknko, IM - " IM " l.ui " U.4.J11. in, ".U " I. 'JO 11. fiiaiiuuoy June, li.15 " I!up,-1'uniao.un..Diuo. ' IJfi ,M lU odllui. " Air. "-lo " riiUadcfiiliW." . To Now ork tn. Head. io. - i lugor nuucli t'huiik, 1 roiu Ni w voiit via, 1 ,i .i a .Nocnniiiio of cms la-twcoh Willlainsirt and riillndtlphlii, (i,o, Wi:Ull,hllpt. Somo Polks Can't Qloop Nlfjhts, Viiiy many nufTer rrmn general dehlllty.otlu , fiom wenknessoftho Ntomach and Inablllti- t digest their food nomo havo creeping ienatloin nlotig tho ncrvo ilhren, or pain lu tho back, wiiii aching mid weary i broom ng or mo limbs. Thou. Hands of ladles Miller through long earn fi-mi wiml nro called ikmai.t; i omi'i.aims, emised i thorelaxiilloii of mtiHcIo nud lluameiit that nt tend ih llclcney of vital forre, 'Ihousends of hn-. Iness tncn,oerworked In mind and bisly, use un tho m r mis tluld and become unfit for duty rir the enjoj ments tf life. K.xees In nuth, nnd tlm lerrlblueirects of fever find mine, luvolv sli.i . lered constitutions nnd the failure nf the geui i functions uf health, Tunuihicrs from mi causes, s'r'uViM" 1'Vlil otrcunn Invaluable boon atiaturulnndt tn. i recoery of lost ponorii, Ki nrsim, man or iv man, nulleilugfiom any ciitise, can ulbud lo ,. leet tills lemedy, 'Iho Nervlnn will bo found to ihiss-hm an 'Utill;Mng and nutritive principle. haffnmilUT fnrtrii' Mt nms-KHfwY nnd miuuUi s thcmior tfiownstPtliatisconstftiitly takhupl it Ulto tilifilusotpn t'K'd JfWtfn Into tno nlomi ill. it undergoes-rapid illgtMton, 4nvlgtmtm lnf its process tho digCNtho orpnns, ami irmlueln ri CAIIMNLHH AND TUANtiUIMTV unknowti to AW'otder' proiiaratron, tl c-ont.i . no tiplutn or lmsbi ish, and so far from pnslui it coslheneNs It will bo lound nh e UK tent (Urori ennsumptlou.nnd has obtained tl w'Mo rcimu for thl peculiarity. WHAT PLOPLIl HAV, 'I)ear Doclnrt Thol.wtmtilli'tlio pn rU 1 you I obtained, nud u III say that Dudd'M No uud Itnlgorator Is nil thnt ll claims to In-, l- , ' llko a in wmati! I Hies1!! f lit hnvenood noin and feel fflroncer'tliaii I have for bi'iny ast." icontrlbuted by or, JI. A, lun., Union t., llrotiklyu, N, Y. "I hap usMit the Nervlnn. nnd ffmt lo I benefited by It, pailliularly lu Iho fnrr plrtiiKlhnud euro of thfsi tri mhllim m My c('.lli ness hIm fcems lo bo enllicly e r. U ller loDr.TuehH', i no iiieu irioe J nil ono'ieii ijiuoux .m : vohao tnkm tlneo bottles of. It Is a thing- My Wlftv Rlic had mthcr hat oiiuni oi n limn loriy iiocior. nun is cr bitter. lieucorrlurn cured j don't fell thu it lngdowi so luueli loiel mow cirilfr. and a U Her nervous londlllnu every way," (J. 11. Martin, Cashier (Hon Uouic, Long limn 'i. Ni .1., KtntcHthat Dood's Nerlno hns euiedlum of eh roll k weakucsH of tho stomach, dlzltn i and sit k hcMilachc, and grually strenglhemd tn whole syslem. Davhl Harthoifri,HFlalr-t., Ilmoklj n, eui- I of chronic muscular nnd nen nus (tebllltv. John llarbut, lirooktn, N, Y. rmya ! "l'n re -Into the bowels w llliout prodilchig nuhnrtlt 1 1. feci, quiet tho iieres, and tone up the stem i lme neeruscdanythlng th.U inualleil li'jfi Nerlne.M W. K DeaiiH, i:sr nuttfoid, Coun.t "My Vif hassutlered lor seventeen yeain with extriun ucrvouideblltlj-nnd mential iirosliatlon Mm was Induced by a lib ml to try Or. .1. V, Dwul -Ni nliionud luM-ntlgalor, and by Hm tiso li v r revtoied to p4-ricet hiullh.-' Dr. C. U orKvChsrlestown,M,as,: "In t td great nervous drblllly, not conllued by mi means to tlio femnlo organl7allou moivenmmi i than among men, I employ IHkmI'k NeiVliioi .i Invgorator with tbn hupnlest i Ib-'t It cxi In tonle ioveran thing llinl I know, whllr i npllon upon thcliowolsUail that (nil beile-dr- Dood'x Xvrvlno and luenllgatorls mpl.-. In tho MaF.iichusetls Hospital lor thu Insutn Tatiulnu. VOll PP.UhONAL TlTIMONIALJi. Tocuren of (leneral Debit ly, liuligejdion, Ml. i liesx, Kldner Complaint. Wind I'olk, aiul 1 un CumplniutH In Ihilrowii lam Men, refer, permlsseii, lo tho following gentlemen til t vicinity: M. W. llall, (mi Piflb Avrmin Hotel, N W. II. Jlodifo, Tiiiit Uuuse, N. Y. .IohuAVlllianis,.rijUuemaii, N. Y. .T. Y. Peekett. esq., Clllltou-sl., Ilroolil Or. II. A. 'lueker, t'llnton-st., HriKikUn, J.H. 'rluht,(ss.,J,erP.'City. , Hon, Warren Chase,5ll Ilroadwav, N, For sale by ull DiugKlsts. Ptlco 3I.C0 per bin tl' IL P. tflvrer A Co., Prourletors. N. N AuRuatSi) " X H U U A N CJ 1-: A O K X (' V Wyoming - ,i:tim Connnerce $i:i-mi 4 It 11,0 - 1t m Knllon lUltlo .,.....-r..T...- rtnniflT.!rf..Xt...,,M....M...Ml-..wr. Merchant Kprlngdeld Uermanla 67a Jltr i lit Insnranco Company of HliUo'lvrrii'ii.,. Connecticut Mutual I.lfe ;,. . North American Trnnll i- rilHAH lUtOWN, Aycntt marS'07'ly.l ' dtf.QoMsntiKu, 1 0 MXinU.S'hlXK, rh utulerslgned would lespeclfulty nnitoun .IhceUixjiAxiX.liioojivjbnrjjrtid tho ubidf rally that h? U running nu oMNiiiCH bctueen this place nnd the dillen nt rnltp . pot,s dally inndayBoxccpted), to connect wit'i i Mecral traliiMgotug lioulh aiul Wt on tr ' wlssanuil yijan)iii0rt .ItaUrmiil, and u tt 1 t! KnIhg7.bTfTl"rtrrd"7itTirrti Tirrttit imekawatni'i m lloomsburg ltallroad. IIIm OmnibimtrH nro In gofnl cmidltlon, dlous and coin Ioi table, and hargi-s loiutbti.ii ' 1'erHons wishing to nu-et or seo thlr frien-' n art. cd unoti ieasou.tbli'k ' iy leaving timely nolle? at mivoftlic boli - uit u uiiui., riniiii ' i SPE CI AL NOTICES. Iron in tho Blood. Thenecesslty of a duo proportion of Iroii in blood Is well known to all medical men; w It beoomes rubicof ffoui any ca'iMo wh'ito wholo system mifn-rn, tho weakest part beln ' attacked, and a feeling of languor, l-mllticb'. 1 "all gonciu'HH' jiervadfis the y()te;n. Hllimif .m only ntl'ord tciuorary rollof, aiitl luo tlu1 m ofTect ax gl ing a tlretl horso. tho wldp Int. il oaW. TUn true remedy Is Ur supply Uh t'l - with tho neee.i-iary Quantity (( Iron. This m 1 done by using tlni 1!j;huv.ia.n .uyuuv, aprnlectcd solution of tlio protoxide, oi lion, si . Is so prepared that ft asshu Unknot oiidrw ' blooil,BlvltigtrcriJtlt, vieritndnfwlHo i - i Wholo nytem, To tako medicine tucpro di'-cnr" occasion 1 1 a ilelli'lency of Iuon i nu: Ili.oobVvlTtioiit lorlng It to lb11 Hsteni,lM like lr,lug,lq it) bulliiinifi when tho foundation ligput. -. An emlo.vUMJno -ajH: "I havo bifii n tho I'liUUMANhiiUiPforMimoIlbio pfl.t il c" mo new Igor, buoyancy cjfhpirJJs, elistmi muscle. I'ainphli'tH eontalnhiif eertlllcates of rnif recoinmendatiuns' fiom "homo ot tlm rnot nent phslelans, eleigymen ntul otlais u. bin! irto to nnv uudrt'us. Iho genuine hfus riniuvrAiMvitcp" bl- tho gland. J, I lUNMMnilK, Tropin Nor'J-J Dry M New i . i Poldliy all Druclflt.s. IDUlLADKlil'HIA AXD KliU X UAIIillOAD. wiNTiat timi: T.viii.i:. TllltoVntl ANII litlircT ItotTK ni'TW'nK.N I'll i IIKI.I'IIIA, lltl.TfMOIlK, llAltmsllVIIII, a n LIAMSI'OUT, AMI Tlir. (IllKAT Oil. ItnaiON Ol" ITNNSYf.VAN I.IXOAM' HI.I.i:t'lMi 1'AltS .OniillNlithlTinlns, Ou and aflcr .MiiMiv, o.'Iobki: lllii In." ' Trains on tho Philadelphia A-hrlo Kali lio. ' tun lis lollotvsr WIIhTWAItD. MAIL TUAIN leans l'hlla.Icl.I. Iphla 111. I ' " .Voithuiiibi.rl.ind. .. '' 1 111 " " arr, at 'Hfle "ic i:illl; HXritl'K.'i leaves l'lrlladelphla U.o" in " Horl'd ,.. .il.ll i in " " ni r. at r.rlo n i . KL.MIItA MAIL Icuvos l'lillndelphln.,,i in " " Ninth it..!.r... I.. P " ' nrr. at Lock II liven 7. i nASTWAI!!). MAIL TUAIN. leaves Trie Hi. . .VoMli'.l I..'l .. ' nrr.nt Philadelphia . . . -' LUIK i:Xl'ltlHtnrvm lili-... I. " Noll'.l '.. .'I " nrr.nt I'hlla.lelpiiiii. ,t I'l.MIUA MAIL loan Louts llaltn..,.. . ".at. " " " Norlli'.l...; a.l. i ' " nrr.-nt I'lilladelnlila. n.jn i Malt and lUpress iMiiniicls Willi till iiiiiu WAItlllON A- I HANKl.IN.llAJLWAy. I'.i' ' irers leavlnit I'hlladelphi:! nt M. at tit. a' '.' inetoti at a. I.! uud Oil City nt 9..rsi u.m. LenvUiK riilliiilc Iplttuut S.ou I'. M, nrrivu City at .-.'lo p. m. - All trains ou Wurren A. .rtltlilylin lii nuikoi'losucouuts-tlall at Oil City tilth inon I'lnkllnuuil IVlruluuui (.Vnlr,-, JJuaKUii.. . li ttll'UUKll.. . A. L. TYLI i' GciicralHuperlntcitdeut, Wllli..mi n "jVOKTIIEHX OKXTIlAli It U - 1 WAV. DiuncT uouti; noiitii and hh i u Tliiuugh lictmcn llaltlmore and Uneli.'stei WI llloirr i-HANOi; oi' uails. On iiml after Ainll SJ, "ISC7, -UiUns V.U1 lc fuilOMSt TlUrNrl 70nTII,V.VIll. Q.03 A. M, IjVliNnurtlUHI!Klil.A9.l)llall v copt AIoiidnyHi, htotuiiuuat principal m nirlvliirf at WlltiAiiiisiitAtou. ui., Lou lH.oo noon, ('niiuUAliuuaji p. in., I. ti r l.luii. in., liuilaliiu.ij p, in. and . . in 1'ulUU.U) ji.!.!, '1.13 IVM. LrrAVTI NOItTIII'MltHU.AMI dull.. -ccpt riuiulayal. KtOililllltilL all htatiolls ur rliliiR at Williainioitu.U P. tu., Liui u ' U.ttj p. m. TltAtNH HOUTUWjVUI), D.t3 Ji. it, IXAVK NfHlTJIt;lllf lit-lNI) ill' blopplUKiil pilllcltnil stiiliulis; tltllltn a' llaiiishurb.Ja. tu., llaUlmur.. 1...I.I p "'. Wuslillmtoi) 5.U3 n.iu,. uud I'liIUdeliiliJi i p, lu, U.KI At v. I.isavi; NouTJtL'MiiK-.i.Ajin ihuly oa coiilHuudiijui, urriiluu ut llmiULuii I.' p, lu., lliUtlmuruli.ou p. 7u Wioihluittuu p, ui,, uud i'hliudtJpuut p, tn, 0,10 I'.'U. 1JCAV NOUTltnMl!liUI.AMldall, ll t'epl biunlayk), utopplli,! only at pllliilai niiiiiousi uiiii iiih-ui 41U1IU.IAUU n.uu p, in., ritlluuclpliut LIM u. nud liaUiiuoio 7.1M 11,80 r. ir.lJ-AruNormtuuRi-.iii.AMi. Htoppin.. nt prluclpulstutloust nrilvluKiil llmr Inn , '.'; Utiltlmoni.jnn. ni.,iriniaiii.'iiii! i 7.1XJ li.-Tii.: ntiil'SVitshhitrtoH iiiwii. in. l.D, Hi liOfMl, May,l,ilt'.l7 Ueiri. I'uf.n nsi r A nt Ahh KlKllH OK .1011 tuntliitciitcdlil tilo'lSn Uiid uillcA, 1 I'ltlM'INd I lllilAH bltaui
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers