The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 15, 1867, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SHItc ($aiumhian. ULOOMSBUKG. PA. K1UIIAY MOn.MMCI, JiOV. IS, 180. T- THE COLIMIUAN lia. fit Large.! ClrritUllun In Columbia anil adjoining count!., nf any paptr publl.lml licrr, anil I. al,o n much larger than an)- of lt.cotcmporarle. anil Is Hie re fore Hie lic.l mrilliim for advertising In fills .tcllnn of the Stale. REPRESENTATIVE REFOHM. "Wu nro Indebted to n friend who has been sojourning In Europe, for n copy of the Loudon Timet or Aug. titn. 'una number wrw Issued vending tho consid eration of tlio Ucform Hill In Purlin ment,nud several articles In It nro devot ed to tho discussion of that measure, nnd particularly to tho amendment pro posed by Lord Calms, In tho Houo of Lords, to secure minority ropresenta tion. First, Is an elaborato letter from the New York correspondent or llio 'Junes containing extracts from Mr. Uucka low's speech of 11th of July (on Cumu lative Voting) nnd using tho facts therein to refute certain assertions made by Mr. Bright In regard to tho practi cal working of tho American represen tative system. Next, Is given an ablo artlclo by M. Provost Paradol (a distinguished French writer) in review and commendation of the Cairns amendment. Jlcsldes, the lending editorial article Is devoted to tho Reform 13111 and ton vigorous support of an amendment, which, having been adopted by tho llouo of Lords was then pending in tho House of Commons. And tho ex pressions of opinion In America nnd Franco In favor of tho prlnclplo of tho amendment nro referred to with much of enmcstness nnd satisfaction as sus taining tho position which hadbecn tak en by tho Times. So much for tho particular number of this great paper which wo liavo before us. Hut this number does not measure tho extent of support given by the Times to this question of electoral re form. Tho London Spectator asserts that tho Times was more thoroughly in earnest upon tho occasion of tho Cairns amendment than It had been at any tlmeslnco tho Crimean war, and the articles which havo been republished from ltd columns In this country go far to sustain this statement. Day after day It directed vigorous logic and ex hortation to members of Parliament, nnd to tho public in behalf of tho dis franchised electors of England, and an swered effectually tho arguments of the cnomlos of progress. And It had good eauso for exultation at tho final result reached upon tho 8th of August. At tho evening session of that day tho House of Commons approved tho amendment by a majority of 19 and made it Irrevocably a part of tho Bill, thus vindicating a prlnclplo of Justlco and sound policy In representative gov ernment which will, io doubt not, hereafter obtain general acceptance. Tho Cairns amendment Is, "that at a contested election for any county or borough, represented by three members, no person shall vote for more than tico candidates." It was adopted by tho Houso of Lords, on 30th of July, by a voto of 142 to 51, and concurred In by tho IIouso of Commons, Aug. 8th, by a voto of 253 to 201. Its effect will bo to glvo representation to minorities in three-cornered constituencies j that Is, tho majority will elect two members and tho minority one. Thus as to tri angular districts, or districts electing threo members of Parliament, tho samo Jesuit will be obtained that would bo obtained by cumulatlvo voting. It Is not as perfect a echemo as tho latter, but It accomplishes tho saino purposo In tho particular districts to which it is applied. THE VOTE IN THE GREAT CITIES. Thk opposition havo for years laid claim to all tho wealth, morality, and Intelligence as belonging to their party, nnd this has not been without Us lnllu enco upon certain classes of persons, young and old, so that wo frequently find, especially tho young, abandoning the faith of their Fathers, for no other reason. It Is mi much without founda tion us theirclnim to all tholoyalty and patriotism, but our present object is to call attention to tho votout the lato elec tion, in the four seaboard cities. It Is well known that there is always more wealth, intelligence and and refinement in the cities than in the country, though thero may bo also moro vice. J)em ocrailc. Jtudical. Now York, 85,809. 25,010. Philadelphia, 52,074. 411,087. Baltimore. 19,'JU. 4,8(30. Boston. 1,483 maj. Making a Democratic majority of 77, 100. Let us hear no more about "all tho smart peoplo belonging to our party," and especially not now, sinco tho N. Y, Tribune admits that your only hope of balvatlon depends upon tho enfranchise ment of brutalized blacks, so ignorant that they cannot remember their own names, only recently given to them. Thk Mutual Life Inbuiuxw: Co.,' of New York, has enjoyed for somo time tho reputation of being tho for most Company In tho United States, but tho figures In tho annexed tablo show thnt It is tho largest In tho world. Tho Scottish Widows' Fund lms hereto foro been claimed by Great Britialu as tho largest mutual Insuranco corpora tion In existence Tho tablo will ex plain Itself: SCOTTISH WIDOW' KIWI), rOUNDEl) in 1815. Cnxh Assets $22,000,000 Annual Revenue 3,000,000 Dividend Mny 4th, 1807, for soven years 4,170,018 NEW JIU6INEK3 IN 1800. Amount Insured o,160,(K)0 Premium Receipts 201,50(1 Amount Insured 70,000,000 THE MUTUAL I.IFK Of NEW VOllK, rOUNUKD IN 1813. Cash AhhCts 23.000.000 Annual Rovcnuo 8,000,000 Dividend Feb. 1st 1807, for one year 2,121,000 NEW I1USINESS IN 1NW. Amount Insured 01,875.000 j'remium iicccipts .,17U. Amount Insured 150,000,000 The Mutual Life, In amount of an mi ul revenue lias au excess of ICC per cent Tho Mutual Life, In now policies In 16(30, lias an oxcess of 800 per cent. John O. Frcczo Is agent for tho Mutual Life t'ompauy, ut Bloomsburg, Pa. Raid Judgo Agnow's decision In an oibvr column. THE BASTILLE BUSINESS. It lmibccn suggested that a conven tion of thn.o Illegally Imprisoned dur ing the Lincoln rolgu behold on tho 21 of February next, for tho purpose nf concerting some lit wims of ivdrc,and drawing up a catalogue of "loyal" out rages to be published In form of Mileiim manifesto to tho world, Alrendysover al communication havo appeared upon the subject one of ability In these col umns nmt the probabilities are strong ly lufavorof the convention being held. In such ihso its manifesto will bo read with interest by nil who linto oppress ion. Imagine Garibaldi twirling ids grizzled mustache over It. Abroad, too, us ono wrong Is pretty suro to bring another In Its train, it may lead to a new prejudice ngainst republicanism, but here, whom wo understand the matter better, wlllnrou?e, If wo do not mistake, a very sulllclcnt wrath against thc-o "loyal" doctrines, which, llko tho word Itself, cannot eo-exist with a truo republic. But, to return to tho subject matter of this convention, it nmy bo stated that Mr. Justlco Mlllfr, of tho United States Supremo Court, has Just decided that while Congrc-s may protect olllclal per sons ngnlnt prosecution by an act of Indemnity, thero is no power In that body to validate tho unlawful acts of such person". In two words, therefore, while tho "loyal" punUher may bo safe, the "loyal" punishment Is altogether null and void. Thus If flue has been inflicted, that lino may bo recovered though thoo inflicting may not bo amenable for Us Imposition. Tho cun ning act, therefore, of March of this year, whereby Congress nought to pro tect Its ban-dogs as well as vnlldato their deeds, is of doubtful nvnll as to the protection and of no value whntso everas to tho legalization. Hear Mr. Justice Miller upon tho matter: "As " to this point" (validation) "tho law " Is unconstitutional, undoubtedly so. " No clearer case of an ex post facto law "could bo framed Us effect Is to hold "In confinement men Tor offences not " punishable by any law at tho tlmo of " their commission, and to detain them "In a servitudo imposed by a court "which had no jurisdiction to try "them." Mr. Justice M., being of very pro nounced rtadical politics, tho fact of his having thus decided Is very fair ovi denco that his view of tho ease would be sustained in the Supremo Court on full bench. And whether so sustained or otherwise, tho fact now Is that the Justice's decision as abovo quoted In petto (to bo found in full In tho matter of Win. Murphy), is tho law of tho cae, nnd that at this moment any man held at hard labor, or Imprisoned, or lying out of his money, as having been fined, or in any other way under pains otherwise than by scntenco of a lawful court, Is under such pains without any warrant therefor, and Is entitled to im mediate release, We, therefore, havo it to trust that tho President will forth with order such nn investigation into tho records of tho " Bureau of Military Justice," and other pcstlfcrious loyal- ism, as may reveal tho names and whereabouts of all persons held "by authority" with tho specific warrant in each caso of such detention. It is truo that In tho whirl ofovents that havo sublimed a turnkey into n martyr, thero has been a very general jail delivery of thoso wrongly held, but stjll It may bo that thero nro some drum-head senten ces In force, and were it only ono man who suffers, his case demands immedi ate relief. Let us havo tho Investlgn- tion.-A. 3'. World. THE l'EDCSTltlAN AND HIS WAGEU. Edward Payson Weston, tho pedes trian, Is twenty-eight years of age, weighs somo 135 pounds, Is of light, complexion, nnd has a pleasant expres sion of countenance, without developing any particular characteristics. Ho has undertaken a Journoy of twclvp hun dred and twenty-six miles, on a wager of $10,000. Tho starting point was Portland, nnd tho ending Chicago. Ho Is attended by John Grindell, n well- :nown pedestrian, nnd Edward Ingnllsj and Mr. T. F. Wilcox, tho other party to tho wager, is represented by Benja min M. Curtis nnd John T. Laphen. Tho latter gentlemen go over tho route with Weston, but rldo in a carriage. Messrs. Grlndbll nnd Ingnll aroalsoal- owed that prlvllego when they desire. Weston wears a bluo sack coat, short breechoscloso to tho skin, red socks, nnd gnlter shoes reaching well nbovo tho ankles. Upon his head ho has a hut nearly white, mado of cloth, tho rim of which was buttoned nt the top from foursides. In bis hand ho carries a rut- un stick. Ills gait is easy nnd his speed fast. Tho utmost earo is taken to preserve his health. Ho eats sparingly of eggs, chicken, beefsteak and stalo bread; drinks cold ten, sleeps on husks nnd ex pects to accomplish bis Journey by tho 26tlilnst.j or rather ho has that period In which to nccomplls'i it. Tho fact is ono that will tax tho courageous pedes trian, and If ho accomplishes it,tho sum named Is nono too much for compensa tion. Since tho Negroes and Radicals, by tboaid of Federal bayonets, havo se cured iilltlio Southern Conventions, they seem to.coulemiilnto carryingjiut their measures wltii a lilgh hahd. 'Tho Alabama Ncgropliolltcs, for instance. havo resolved In convention to dlrfran chhe all who do not vote, and all who vote uyalnst them ! Wo commend this to our legislators North. It Is nn easy way to get ltd of opposition. What a free, happy country wo live In, to bo suro! A sovereign Stalo Is placed In the hands of degraded, brutalized no. groes, who at onco disfranchise all who do not vote, or who voto against them, This Is tho fruit of Radical rcconstriiC' tion, for this wo fought, for this wo pay millions In taxes, and yet men are found In our midst so slavish as to endorsu It, O shame, whero is thy blush ? BlU'Oltr. tlio electionsjust held, mine on, Radicals overywhero wero talking of the importanco of tho results, and urging tho necessity fornctlvoexertlon In order that Congress might bo sus tallied, tho President rebuked, and radl cal measures triumph. Now, tho elections having gone over whelmlngly against tho party In power, thoy coolly turn round and, like Mr Toots in tho novel, sny "It'n of no con sequenco!" Oh 1 no, of course not But If they hurt been ugulust the do mocracy, then tho lesson taught would huvo been of tho first Iniportauco. They had better own up beat, and retire to the head waters of Hnlt River. IMPORTANT DECISION IN THE SUPREME COURT. Titncaso of Mary Miles ngainst tho West Chester Railway Company, In the Supremo Court, came up day beforo yesterday, and Judgo Agnow gave nn opinion that will lie found Interesting. The case was one where tho plaintiff claimed Unit tho was ousted from her seat In a car on the said road, and ejected from the train on account of her color. Hho gained her cause in tho lower East ern courts, but defendants carried it to tho Supremo Court. The following Is tho decision: Ills admitted noouo can bo excluded from n carrhtgo by u public carrier on account of color,rellgloiH bellcf,pollttcnl or religious prejudices. Hut the defend ants asked tho com t to say If tho sent which the pUilntllf was directed to tako was In nil respects n comfortable, safe and convenient scut, not inferior In tiny respect to the ono sho was directed to leave, she could not recovor. The case therefore Involves no assertion of the Inferiority nf the negro to tho whlto passenger. Tho simple question Is, whether the public carrier mny, In the exerclso of his prlvato right of property sepnrato passengers by nny other well defined characteristic than that of sex. Tho right of the carrier to separate tho passengers is founded on two grounds his right to prlvato property us n means of conveyance, and tho public Interest. Tho prlvato means he uses belong wholly to himself, and Implies tho right of control for tho protection of his own interest as well as tho perfor mance of Ills public duty. It Is not an unreasonable regulatl in to scat passen gers sons to preserve order nnd decorum and prevent contact and collision. If tho grounds of regulation bo reasonable, courts of Justlco cannot luterfero with a carrier's right of private property. Tho right of a passenger isouly that of being carried safely and with ft duo regard to ills comfort nnd convenience, which nro promoted by n sound nnd well regulated separation of passengers. Who would maintain that cither at an inn or on n vessel It is a reasonable regulation to compel the passengers, black nnd white, to room or bed togeth er? If o right of prlvato property Im plies no right of control, who shall de cide a contest between passengers for scats and berths? Why tho Creator mado ono black and tho other white Is not known, tho fact Is apparent nnd tho races distinct. Con ceding equality with natures as perfect and rights nssacrcd, yet Ood lias mado them dissimilar, and imparted to them features of character Intended to imply that they shall not overstep tho natural boundaries ho has assigned to them. The natural law which forbids their in termarriage and the social amalgama tion which leads toftcorruption of races, Is clearly divine. Tho separation of tho white and black race.1, on the surface of tho globo Is a fact equally npparont Thu right of each to bo freo lrom socinl contact Is as clear as their right to lio freo from inlcrmar riago We, there fore, declaro a right to maintain sep arate relations as far as Is reasonably practicable but in n spirit of kindness nnd charity, with ilue regard to equality and rights. From tho opinion delivered in 1837, by tho lato Judgo Gibson, it nppcars that tho status of tho negro never fell wltlilu tho term "Ircemen," nnd that tlio emancipation act of 1833did not ele vate him to n citizenship in the State. In 183S, tho peoplo of the common wealth, by an express amendment of their Constitution drew tho lino directly between the whlto citizens and the black inhabitants of the State, it Is clear, therefore, that under its Constitution ho white and black man stand in sep arate relations. Never has there been an intermixture of tho two races soclnl- y, politically, civilly or religiously. Following theso grounds wo art com pelled to declaro that at tho tlmo of tho alleged Injury thero was that natural, legal and customary difference between tho black and the whlto passengers In a public eonvoyance,tho subject of a sound egulatlon, to secure order, promote comfort nnd preserve tho peace. Tho defendants wero, therefore, entitled to nn affirmative answer to tho points ro cited In tho opinion. Judgment reversed. Venire facias de novo awarded. Pittsbury l'ost. 3tr. Tiiaddkuh Sti;vi:ns' Confisca tion Hill Hums to bo bomowlmt unpopu lar lu hid own party. Tho "old war lorfao" Miorts out u duflnneo and nays: Tlio tlmo for confiscation billd, was during tho war, when they could ho of uo iu pruvt.'iiting men from going into tho rebellion, but to think of pass 1 ing such a measuro now, was sheer 1 folly and nonsense. Jf the nryroen of ' the South wanted huuL let them work for . Protty good that! Now if tho party will only abolUh tho Freed meis Hurcau and let them havo a chance, perhaps they will work. "NVj; nro at length gratified to find ono man In tho Ratllcal party who has tho courago to Hpeak out and avow tho prin ciples of that party. It rounds well af ter tlio latoclectlons. lieu, "Wado states positively and with no attempt at ova- bion that "wo arc committed to tho doc trlno of universal suffrage, and no man U a Republican who'would desert It now." If that had only been fully understood by tho peoplo of Pennsylvania at tho recent election, tho result would havo shown a Democratic majority of thirty thousand, Tin; peed sown by Hunuicutt and U crew Is already bearing n forced fruit. Whllo In mot other parts of tho South tho temper of tho freedmen i." qulto sur prisingly commendable, In Richmond wo find ono LewU Llndhay declaring, In an altogether needles hypothesU, that "before any of hN children should buffer for food, tho streets of Richmond Miould run kneo-decp in blood. Ho thanked Ood tho negroes had learned to ii) swords and guns." It seems, then, that negroes can bo demagogues as well at whites. ThU fellow's ravings nro as toneless as thoso of Bommes or Jt'Cartle. Hunnleutt's needless sujipo sltlon and prophecy wero, that "if tho aassln's dagger should reach Iilm,moro than ono whlto man Mould fall that day." Hut LewIsout-HerotUlIunnlcutt. If ho does not waste Ids tlmo In gratui tous speech whero no hat Is pus.-cd around for pennles(nnd will tloeach day a good day's work, ho need not fear Ids children's starving. A. J . Junes, Fuom Richmond wo learn that tho trial of Jelf Davis will commoncoon the 20th iust.. and that tho Jury will bo f mostly compoicd of black. Tin: Elections. Tho returns wo ga vo last week are so nearly correct that wo hnvo but few changes to make. Our majority In Now York Is between 45, 000 nnd 00,000 with n majority on Joint ballot In tlio Legislature of 25. In Maryland our majority Ii over 40, 000, and wo elect every officer voted for In tho State. This shows what n freo State can do when released from bayon et rules. Tho popular majority In New Jersoy is 13,000, nnd wo havo ono majority In Senate, and 30 In tho lower House. In Wisconsin wo havo gained fifteen members in tho Legislature, nnd n llko gain In tho popular voto will glvo us tho Slate next year. Fnlrchlld, Radical, Is elected Governor of tho Stnto by n majority of about l,noo.-a Radical loss of nearly twenty thousand on last year. Tho Radical majority In 1800 was 23,007. Tho Democracy havo now four out of the six Congressional districts a gain of three, Tho other Stales nro substan tially as wo reported them. The New York Tribune says: "Hu man life In Now York Is too short for anybody to rend five columns of the J'rcss." It therefore reduces Forney's "points" to these; "1. Gen. Grnnt suc ceeded Mr. Stanton ns Secretary of War j this being an act of "raro sagacity and courage.' 2. Gen. Rowling believes In Grant. 3. E. B. Washburno believes In Grant. 4, Senator Thayer, of Nebras ka, believes In Grant. 0. 'Several gen tlemen nnmcd In connection with tho Presidency' havo promised to voto for him. C. What his principles nro Is no body's business." As a conclusion it remarks: "Grant mny bongood Repub lican, but wo nro not satisfied with his backers." WiLKEs-llAitm:, Pa., Novcmder 12. Tho execution of Nenl Devaney, aged, 21 years, for tho murder of his wife, Catherine Dovnnoy, near Hazlo ton, Luzerne County, Pa., In July last, took place nt 1 o'clock r. si. in tlio jail yard nt Wllkes-barre. Two or threo hundred peoplo wero present In the yard,und at least 6,000 people surround ed the Jail, covering the house-tops, trees, and every available resting place. Ho confessed ills guilt on tho scaffold, saying: "Gentlemen, I tun guilty. Domlnlck Toomey swore falsely. Ho sworo my life away. I forgive every body. I forgivo Toomey too." Market K.porti Wheat per lus,hel Ityn Corn ' Flour per barrel t'loveriiced Flaxseed llutler . Fc Tallow Potatoes Dried Apples Fork Ilnms Sides nnd Hhnuldcr. .. Irfud per iiound , Huy per ton LUMOCIt. Hemloek Hoards per thousand feet l'lno " " " (ono Inch) .. Joist, Reuniting, riank, (Hemlock) Shingles, No. 1 per thousand 52 30 , 1 , 1 IU , It 00 . 7 () , 2 (O , 1!8 II 80 10 so . n i . 15 00 . $10 00 .. lSa'J) 15 m ... 8 00 ... 7 00 . 18 00 SldlliR rt. . PhlUdrlphla Markets. Thuiwday, November 1I1M17. Fl.otm Northwestern superflno nt Northwestern extliL Northwestern mmllv Pennsylvania and Western superfine. Pennsylvania nnd Western extra Pennsylvania nnd Western family Pennsylvania and Western funey Hye Hour , Wiibat Pennsylvania red, lms S7.00 8.01 ...SJjOttu U.IJO ..10.01 Wnll.00 .. 7.50G4H.73 .. 8.ft'all.00 ..l.(HXli50 ,. Ruoain.oo 0 .lAKm.W S.'.JJtiSl'.lj Sf.(l6SSi7.5 .1.10 83.r,es3.a) 1.50Sl..'7 ei.ni6s.ii.u7 8i.ax4i1.21 U0e(S.7.o southern " " California " " white HYtf Pennsylvania rve. w lms Cokn Yellow, " White, " Oats-Vdus Pkovisions Mess Pork, V hid S.M.7. .Mess lleef, " Dressed IIors, 7S lb Hmokcd Hams " " Shoulders TS lb Lfiril T II, SUeCttlo lKcMOo 13'e(llc le(rt)i te 82.50 82.5.VS2.IM Seiaoo Hf.kps Cloerseed Vhus 'llmolhyseed'ft tms Flaxseed Cattle Iieef cnttlo lb Lows. hend 8HKKP V lb 4i' lefliae S10.33 IIOOS (1 100 Us . 9.50: MARRIED. IKILKIl MANNINO At tho rnrsonace. In Or rangeMUe, ny Iter. Nattinnlei hpear, l. M. Iko ler.ol Mt, Pleasant to illaa Arunndn Munnlni?, IlATl-IIor.MAKi;n-On tho Oth Inht., by tho Hannah hhoemakcr, nil of Uloonibburg. MIUd:n-FKTTKltMAN-On the 10th lnsl.t by me iiev, wm. j. i;yer,5ir. win, a. .Miller, and MlssHarnli C. Fetterman, both of Locnst twp., Columbia co., pa. CONNELLY-HANDKUH-At tho residence of JncoobDeltrlck, in lterwlck,on theevenlnn of N oMmbtrM, by It. H. Eaton, Knq Alem M. Connelly, nnd Mr. .Mary Juno Hunders nil of Uorwkk, DIED. HTIiWAUT In OrniiBevllle, on tho Dili lnst., Jen- uiu ji, uuuKuicroi a. i. uiui Finney niewan, aged 11 ycuis, 1 month nnd i tlayn. lUUtl NK-In nioomshurgon the Sth Inst.,Mnrln , wife of Dcnnhiou Urlnk, aged 35 years, IlKOIIU In Greenwood twp., on Monday even Ins last, Abraham IliTKer, uaed 57yeurs. 1IKNUY In nioomMmri,', mi theiom Inst., after n IhiRcrlne lllneHs, Mis Iteucccu Jlenry, iikciI 61 year. SPECIAL NOTICES. Iron in tho Blood. Tho necessity of a due proportion of Iron lu tho Mood 1 well known to nil medical mon; when It becomes riducedfrom nny cnuso whatovcr, tho wholo systemHiirTers, tho weakest part being first nltncked, and a feeling of languor, lassitude, nnd "all goneness' pervades tho system. Stimulants only nfTord temporary relief, and havo the sumo cfl'eet ns giving n tired horso tho whip Instead of oats. Ihn trim n-nndv Is to hiinolv thn hlon.1 with the necessary fuauttty olrou. ThlacKnrbo I'KnUVIAV HYRUr, a protected solution of tho protoxide ot Iron, which is so prepared that It assimilates nt onco with tho blood,glvlng strencth, rigor and new llfo to tho whole system, To tiiko medlrlno tocuro dlsensefl oernslonedhy 1 n deficiency of I hum in thk II loo it. without rc torlnn It to tho Nykiem.U like trylnR to repair u building when the foundation is gone. An eminent divine hnyst "I have been mlim thu PrituviANKYitui for somo tlmo nasi! UhIvcm mo new lgor, lmouncy ufoplrlts, clnhtlclty of I 111! "I'll', Pamphlets containing certincatcs of cures, mid rccooinu ndations fioni somu of tho moKt cml nent physlclnns, elerKymeu and others, will bo miii uiu hi iiiii limn Tho uenulno has "I'kkuviam Bvnui'" blown In tho glass. J, i, iTopneior, No, &0 L)ey ht Nvw VorU. Sold by all Druggists, Tor nil tho Protean forms of Dlsea&o originating in SCHOFIXA, such as Salt ltheum, Cancer. Consumption, de., there is nothing eau equal the purifying ttlects or lodlno when mimiuutercd lh u pure state. DU. II. AN DEI W IODINE WAT EH Is n pure solution of Iodine dissolved In water, without u -olvent. and Is the best remedy for Scrofula and kludrod dlseascg over discovered. Circulars free, J.P.DINHMOItK, 36 Dey Street, Now York. Hold by Drugs Ists gencrly, TO CONRUM!TIVES,-The Hey. Edward A. WiUon will send (free of elm r go) to ull whoilesire It, tho prescription wlththedlrectlons for making and liking tha simple renmly by which howus tuicd of u luugallt-ctlou nnd thai dreaded disease CouHiimptlon. Ills only object is to benefit the nlUlelid.uud ho hojH's Mry sullerer will try this picecrli'tton, ns it will cost them nothing, nnd may vro e u bleshlng. please uddresi HEV. EDWAHD A. WUXON, No. JU1 South Second Htrec t. mySrC7-ly, Williamsburg, Kings co N, V, INFOUMATION-Informntlon BuaranteM to iroducen luiurlant iciowlh of hair uim a bald headorleardIehhrar, alio a recelpe for the re movalof Pimples, Jllolihes, Erupt loni, eto., on the skin, leu fug tho samo soft, clear, and beauti ful, can be obtained wlthoutcharge by addressing TUOH. V. CHAPMAN, Chemist. irvlS'CT, Urodwsy,Ncw York. NinVUDVERTMIENTS. T H. 1HJRSEL. IIIINUM3, HAUUl.j;, AND TKUflli MANttFACTtmEn, , i And ilealerln CAM'KT-ltAUH, VALlfltM, l'lA'-Nr.i'H, M'FI'At.O 1U).IM, llOllsK-Itl.ANKtOTH, ,U'., which tic frcH Kmflt.fnt lio cnn'ncll nt lower rto than any oilier permii lu (hi country, Kx amine for yourselves, Hlmii Urst t.oor Iieluw Ihe Tost OAtce Main Htrrcf, niooTmburg, I'll. ' JiOV. 1), 107, 1 LnqiiPftloimtily lln bent mistnliu'd u oik of the liliuUntho Woihl. HAIU'EU'S NEW MONTHLY MACIAZINR Tho most popular Monthly Intho worhl. Ant 1 ork Ohm n t r. Wo limit refer In trrm of I'liloirv In tho hlirh tOllO lltlil Viirlnl nirllmf 1iif lTnrnnr' itnrrfilnfl n Journal 1th ft monthly ctmilnttoti of nhout 170,'niO cnpIcA In MhoHO jmfH'F nre to bo iouml noinc of Uh ehoh'ewt Unlit unit Kenenil iiwltn of thuttiiy, W'v npi'iilc of thU wuik ns nn cvMrnoe of thutulturnuf tho American IVoploj mul tlio iMjpuinrny u ujnactniire.. h merited, ijicii .vum her con tain's! fully 1)1 nnire ofreft'llnit-matlcr, ap- propria It i-miit telv 11 tmrntPil with ihmhI unod-mlM! and tntilncH In ltvcir Ihnnirv monthli- anil the more philosophical quarterly, blfiuleU with the beat fculureiof the (hilly Journal. It lms great power In IhoillKHeiulnallon of n loooftmie lit crnture. JYubner't (JuUtc to Atncrlcun Literature, We ran nrrnnnt fnr ll mircpii nnlv liV llio Mini leiactthnl intctMltpriclsUy theiiopulartaste luiiinuiiiK" wineiy oi incusing ami iusirm'iivt Bl'llHClUlTJONtH 1MS. The l'ilhllhfr linvn ttnrfonti-xl n svalnin nf mull lng by which they can supply tho Magazine, Weekly nnd Haz-nr promptly to thove whprefer to receho their 11 lodlcalH directly Trom thuolllcu of publication. I ho iiostairo on llnrnor n Slairazine 121 reman year, which mint bo paid nt tliefiuberlber' poit oillco, Ono copy ono year $1 00 or liazarwill bonuonlled cratN for cverv club ol jn uxiru copy oi cn.ict too M ceuiy, .tingazuir. llvo (sUbMerlhert at $1 each, In ono remittance; or mix iuiiifi nr 5.iJ, Hack numbera can be supplied at nny time, A Comtilctn Hot. iniw i)iititriliirr Tlilrtv.llvn VolumcN. In neat cloth blndlnir. w 111 bo i.ent by express, frelyht nt expense of purchaser, for ti it I'vi uiuiiiL'. iuiyn' uttinics, uv iiimi, njii.iu, 63 tw. cloth enscK, for binding, vi cents, by mall, post-pntd. subscriptions cnt from British North Amer ican rrnvIncL't, mint hoaceonmanled wlth21centa nildltlonal, to prepay United states postaRO. Ad dress llAUl'ini A IIHOTIUaw. lubll(diera. I rank lln hiunie, 2ew orK, rpiiE AVASIIINGTON LIBIlAItY JL. CO., PHILADELPHIA. 1h chartered by the Stnto of Tcnnsylvnnln, and orgnulzed In aid of tho KIVKHBIDB INHTlTUTE roil r.DfCATINO OltATUiTOfal-V HOLDlUIW AND SAILORS OIU'UANS. IneoriKiruted by tho HUte of N, J April 8, 1WJ7. HUllMCUIITION ONH POM.AH, THK WASHINGTON LIBKAKY CO. in vihtui: or Taunt ciiautiui, ANP IS ACCOKDANCE WITH ITS PUOVISIONS, will dlstrlbuto Tuuni: Ht'NmtiiD thousand ikuxaks IN l'RCSCNTS lOTIinHHAUr.IlOI.DKItS On Wednesday, Wi of January, next, AT I'mLADKU'HIA, 1A., tut at Tiin Institute, riverside, j Schedule of Prescixta 1 Present, worlh 1 Pieaent, woith 1 Present worth . , 1 Present, woith 1! Presents, worth j'-ViOO eeel 1 Present, valued at 2 Presents, valued at SIj.UW each 1 Present, valued nt 1 Presents, valued at $i,oiWeach , 2 PresentN, valued al J.OOtieach 3 1'renents, valucil nt 1,000 each , S Presents, valued at .'lOOeach 10 Presents, alufd nt ItnOench , 3 Presents, valued nt iVieach 011 I'rpscnls. vnlnnl nt. eHch ,..$IO,00 .. 20,00 ... 10.IAW .. 5,000 ... C.000 .. 1K.0U0 , .ULIJIPI ... lo.i mo ... J0,0(W ... fi.uoo H,1HH) ,. 10.OU0 3,Oi H) 7.V) 4,100 M Presents, alued at fOOeach - ll.Oirt AO PresentH, valued nt 7"ench h,TA IW 1'reseiitn, valued at l"0eaeh , hi.ouo 2) Pi esents, valued at 75 each 1,-Vi0 10 Present a, valued at each Tho remaining Presents consist of articles of tisoiiud value, uooeitalulnir to thodlf fusion of Lllemtiuunnd Klna Arts J)2,000 jjaen eenincatoorMtocK w aecompanieu wun a iiEAUTirui hTi:i:iPi.ATi; i:nouavin worth more at retail than tho cost of Certlllento, nnd also Insures to the holder a 1'renenl In tho Great Distribution. SUHSCIUPTION ONE DOLLAR Anv nerson i-endinc us Ono Dollar, or ravine tno snmo 10 our ioc ii iiKeniK, vwi icteivo imme diately uflneHteel Plat'ennrainK,ntehoicofrom too following list, ami oneceruueau oi kiock, in Miring ono piesmt in our GltKAT DISTUIIIU TION. One Dollar Jlnyrtnings, No. 1 "Mi Child! Mv Child I" Xo.3-"Thi'V,r Saved 1 They're Saved !' No. 3 "Old Seventy slxj or tho liirly Days of tho lleolutlon," Any ierson paying two dollars will receive cither of tho following lino steel plates, nt choice, anu iwo cenincnics oi biock, inus uccoining en- IIIICU lO lU ptiL'Ult, 3Tico Dollar Engraxinys, No. 1 "Washlncton'H Court shin." No.2-"VhsU' lngton's Ijist Interview with his Mother," Three Dollar Jbigraitngs. Anv nersnn navlna three ilollars will reeclvo thobtrnutlfulMeel plate of "Home from tho Wnr," nnd threo certilh-ates of Ktodc, becoming entitled io inrct prcsi'ins. J-mr Dollar cngrailngi. Anv norson navinc four dollars shall receive the liirizn unit ltt'iLiititul Meel iiiatn of "The Perils of Our 1'orefnthers," and foureertltlcatesof stock. cnmiiug inein io iour prebeuis. rue Dollar Engravings. Anv nerson who nnvs flvo dollars hhnll lecelve mo iiirno uno fpiciiuui nicui umuui "Tin; MAitniAGi; or Pocahontas," ondFlvoCertUlcaUsofHtocl;, entitling them to t lve i-itseulM, Tlin 1'ncrniylii'" nod Cprtlllcetes will bo deliv crtd u cachMibscTiU-r nt our ln-al Agencies, or ny cxprisH uh may uo oruemi. HOW TO OUTAIN MUAHDJ AKD KNGHA' Send onlers to us by mall, enclosing fioin 31 to either by Pont Otllco orders or In ft n-gtstered letter, nt our risk. I-irger amounts bhould bo hunt by draft or express. 10 shares with Engravings,.., m 9v.i& 25 Mhares with Knyravlngs 10.5 CO shares with Engravings 404 75 sharoH with Engravings,. C0.S 100 shares with i:ngra ings, , D0.0I Ixjcnl AGENTS AVANTED throughout the Unl ted States. the liivr.nsiDi: institute, Kltuato at Itlverslde, Ilurllngton county, New .lerhcy. Is founded for the purpose of gratuitously mi ti nf thn Hnlti'd HtatPR. '1 ho Hoard of Trusties consists of tho follow Ins well-known eltUcns of Pennsylvania, nnd New jersey i Hon. Wm, II. Mann, District Attorney, rhtlad- lion. Lewis It, Ilroomnll, Ex-Chief Coiner U. ti, Jliui, ami lu'coruer oi lict'tn, ruiiaueipum. Hon. James M, Scovel, Now Jersey, 1 Ion. W. W. War'. New Jonev. Henry Gorman, Eq., Agent Adants Hxpress, 1'hlhullithiii. Pa. J. i:. Coo, Eh(., of Joy, Cop A Co., Philadelphia. TllKAHt'KY IKI'AItTi:Nr, Washinuion, D. C April 13, 17.-Oiilco of Internal Ueenuoi-Hnv. lng received bailsfactory evidence that the pro ceeds of tho enterprise conducted ny tho nnh lngton Library Company, will bo dooted t churltublo lues, pernibrtlon Is hereby granted to suhl Company to conduct fcuch enterprise exempt fiom all ehnrge, whether from special tax or other duty, E. A. U0ELIN8, Commissioner, Tlio Association hno nppolnted ns Ttecelvers. .-lCHhrH. liFOIIOK A. UlUhK Ci U'O., WUOMH BI knou u Inteirrllv and buhlnekM nxnerlenco will bi n miftlcieiit tiuarniilen tbaL thn moncv Intrusted to them will be promptly iipplivd to tho purpose MIUCU. Pmi-Aniai'HiA, Pa., Mny 3D, 1SC7. To the Officers ami Members o the Washington JA Irary (v.. ff, a. HEAD, bveretary, Oeutlemeni On receipt of your favor of tho 15lh Inst., notifying us of ourappotntment on Uo celvers for your Company, wo took tho liberty U submit n copy or our Charter, with ft pmu your enterprise, to tho hlghcfct legal authority of tho Stale, nnd having received Ida favoruble opinion in regard to U legality, nnd sympathis ing with the benevolent object of your Ausocla tion, vim the education and luaintenauco of tk orphan children of our soldiers and sailors nt th IUvcrddo Institute, we have concluded to accent thtrtiBt,andtoueour best efforts to promote so Worthy an object, llenpectfully, yours, Ac, GEO, A. COOKE A C, Address nil U tiers nnd orders to OEO, A, CCOKE A CO., liANKEttS, 33 South Third Street, Philadelphia, r. Hecehers forlhoyashlngton Library Co, Authorized Agent for Dloonuburg and vicinity, Nov. 15, 1M7, OVEH ConUChcapat Chemheklins' CtoUUng tttoio. 40-5m. NEW ADYERTISEMENTS. T It K O It A N T O N lMIlVi Iir.I'UUMCAN will be ImuchI on and nfterNov. J, In Urn to KAnt.IEST MOnNINQ TIcAItH OF TIIF: Helaware, Ijickawann, A Western j ljarknwaunn & llluotnshurK i liChlBli Valley j IjcIMkIi a HunmiMmnim t nnd Deliiwnrn A HihUum ItfllroadR. It tvltt run eh nrlnt wtMihi tlftt' iti n JltlUdreil inllrn ofHpriintoii Hffrnl hour Iliad vancoofthoNew VorkiV Philadelphia Mornlnu paper, It will bo printed In new tpe, on n hrno u luiuiuii niii-fi : win t'uiiliuil ALU THK TLXUOUAMH ()!; THU ASWCIATHD 1: Is Intended to bo In every reapcot u Vial elans naiiy newrtpaper. Atranccinenta will be made for Its del Ivory by the local Ncua Auenti nt about two-thlrdn tho com i a ,ew York or rmnuipipnia uaniea. K. A, iliANli M,, ) (JUANDATiIt.t CO., Jos.a.hciianton, J l'liblUhcra, IW, JllIljADEIil'lIIA L ltAII.IlOAI).- 1K07. KltlK AN1) WINTIIIt Tlin TA11LII. TUllOt'Olt ANIi DtUKTT ItOUtn JtKfWIXS I'HIt.A- DKI.rillA, llAt.TIMOItK, ItAHIUMllUHU, WII. I.IAMsI'OIlT, ANll Till: oui.AT ou nnaio.v or wnnhyia'ania. I.t.lIOANT flLKKI'INU ('Alt' On nil Nlxlit Tinlns. imnmi nitrr tMONiiAV, iriToiihK nit imj7, iiio Trains on tin- l'hllndclphlii .V Krle Hall lloatl will run uh follows! WKHTWAUl). MAIL TRAIN leaves, p.m. " " " Nor Uiu in bei hit id...5jUn, m " " nrr, nt i:no H,r,p,m. :itin UXt'llUS-SIctUcti l' in. ort'c 0.11 run. " l'rln U J'm in. Kr.MIIiA ilAIJj leaves IMilladelphla H.noa.m. inruro i,2 nrr, ui iacKiiaeu t.i-j jt.iu, r.AHTWAHD. MAU.TriAlN leaves Trie 10.10 n.m. " isoriint i.'Ji, " nrr. nt PldtndfltihlH SAI n. in. intlK KXritKss leaves Mrlo I.Wn.m. " " ort ft A.Ju.m, nrr. ni I'liimnoi tMiin i m n tn r.UII It A MAIL leaves Iiotk Haven 7.10ii.m. orinii lu.iun.m, " " nrr. at 1'hlladelphbi fl.10 Malt and Kxnrrss rootiffta Willi nil irnlm. oti WAIUIIJ.N. I'UAMvl.l.N UAlIiWAV. 1'UhHen rcih lenvlnx Philadelphia nt i'i.w M. arrive ix'nvimr I'm adeiniiiant 8.00 i'. 3i.arrio on nt in- i. to p. in. iruiiif on nrren a i innKini iuii wnv make close connection ut Oil City with trnhiN for t-rauKllnundrctrolcum Centre. ItaggiiRe checked uiruugu. 4. It. k l l-r-.d, General Superintendent, Wlltlnmsioit, A KKl'OSITORY OK KAHIUOX, HAlt I'EIl'H HA Z A It. Tho Publisher will commence, on November 1st. thn lsnne of llarncr 1 la 7 nr. u weekly Illus trated Enmlly Journal, devoted lo Fashion nnd iiomo Jjiicraiuro. l neir aim ik iwoioiu; io sup nlv tho ex 1 st 1 m; need of n Wceklv FnHhlonNews nnopr. nnd to comblno therewith n flrstelass 1 11 urury jouniHi, which w in iv louispeiiMioio io vv TV HOU"f u u. Arnuitreinents hnvo made, nt nn lnimcn-o cost. with tho most celebrated of tho Push Ion Pattern of Europe, especially with tho famous Ilaar of nen in. wi ic i sumncH ii e ms on io inc irauinc Journals of Paris, tu furnish tho same to them lu inai neneeioriu me msmons ui np pear in Hnrprr's liarnrstmultnneouRty with their publication lu Par In and llerlln an advautiigo enjoy en ny ihmuiht journal in inc couuirj . j no nan on oi jiar ncr m ititar win receive icry fortnight lame pattern-platt'S containing from nriv to nny ru iiHi7eu naiti'iiiH or iui es . m hscs'. nnd chllilreti's bonnets, cloakN, itrcsHCK, under- eiothing, nnd oilier ciotning, ana other articles, accomimtiied with tho ueecsNarv dcscilidlons atu dliectloiiH, and occasionally nn elegant Colored i- nsiiion l laio oi mo sizo oi Jiarnci'H weeiciv. Harjier's Ilazar will contain Itl folio pages of tho sin oi jiarjier k ciitiv, prinico on Hiipcrnnn cni' endcred jiaper, nnd will bo published weekly. SUBSCUIITIONH. I8G8. Tho Publishers havu petccted n system of mall' lng by which they can supply tho Magazine, Weekly, nnd Itazar promptly to thoo who prefer to receive their periodicals directly from tho Of fice of publication, postmnsters and others de sirous of getting up Clubs will bo supplied with n Show-IUll on application. Tho Postnuo on Darner's llnznr Is 2HeoutHii vcar w in c ii inusi uopaiu at inosuoserioor s posi-ouice Tkums: Harper's Ilamr. ono year SI 00 An Extrn Cnuvnl elthcriho Mim7ltie. Weidtlv. orltnai vlll b mi polled gratis tor entry (,'lubol F w SiibM i Ib i s nl 1 00 cue h. In ono i emit toner: or mx i opu s for VJ) iiatK niTH can no m n i 'i ni anv i mo. hubcrlntlons sent lrom liillith American Piovlm es mut be neeomnauled with J0 cents nd- uuiouai, inpiepay I'uuen r-tuui" rnsiim'c am dresi HAIIPI'.UA IIItOTHEKM, Nor. 1SC7, Fianltlln Squaie, N. Y. jTKW HOLIDAY HOOKS. ii, vt , i.iw.i.iu. .v a., I'uousuers, Lovk Lkttkr. A selection ofthe most absorb ing character and lntetcst, fiom eorrespondencn of celebiato uud notorious men nnd woinen.J UU tho author ot "Widow lledolt," Illustrated. $1 73 A Hook ahout Lawykhs. A n ni lnt of tho In tensely curious London woikjiiht published.?.! 00 Epistmw of ColniY O'LlNL'M.-An lrresKtnbl lauuhablo book of comic onlulons. Illuntra ed. 81 SO Woman's SruATKfi v. A unlendld new Enc lisu i.ovn rioiy. iicuuiiiuuy ami proiuseiy ji lsiniieo, ci it CoNiFNsnn NoVKm.anit olher Comic nnd llur lesuo Pnpeis. lly Diet Harte, IlhntiaUd, $1 AO Tin. Cami:iiov 1'RlliK. A most dellirhtful new homo novel, lly Mary J. Holmes. $1 00 Autfmi-s Wakd in'IjOSHos. A new Comic Hook by this gnat author. Illustrated, 1 .7) St. Elmo. Hv tho nuthor of "Heulnh." Ono o the best and most popular nonlsof tho ngo.SJ 00 Thk Cui.t'itiT kav. A mncnlflecut Hlustrntcd Edition of this Poem: Etcgnutly bound In gilt. t-J uu How in M Aicr. Money anu How to kkep tr. A valuable dook mat every ono snouiil reiui.?i m Tjie Haiiits f noon Society. An excellent work, teaming good manners mm neiinvior, si The Aiit or Conversation. A book that can not fall tu mako almost anv ono n uood talker. The Aktof A m us iNfi. Instructions nnd hints forovcry sort of Ilouso Amusements. g'. 00 Theso books nro nil beautifully bound sold ov erywheio and sent by mall, itostaife free, on re ceipt of price, by (1. W. CAltl.ino.N &VO,. Publishers, N. Y, A OENTri WANTKI) VOIX TIIK r "HlsToitY ok nn: mt iii.tsuivk it." Hvtien. E. C. linker. Iho astoundlnu revela tions nnd starttluifdlsckisures mado In this work nio creating the most lutcnxedcidrn In tho minds of mo pcopif io ontain it. it official chnrnctcr uud leady sale, combined with nn Increased com iuIshIoii. mako it thu best hubeiiolloii hoak oei published . Send for cliuilats nmUeo our terms and why useiis taster than any other work. Ad dress P. UAHUETTA CO , 70"J Chestnut St., Phlla A DVKHTIHKIl'S GAZKTTK. -f New Vol. Prlco adanced to ?2ner advance. Slnglncoplcft'xtnls. (1, p. Howell i Co., Fublbdurf.N' Y. ComphleEistsofult News- miners in Mlchumn nnd lucoiihln in Novembei number, Also u complete list of ull Hcllgious ifwapiipers hi aiiiiticii, piUST aIOHTOAOIj UONDS. hf. LOUISA IKON MOUNTAIN KAIMIOAD ( Seven per cent. Interest. February nnd August. Thcho Itonds cover a Iloadni 01 miles, flnUheil from St, Eoulsto Pilot Jviiob, and In ilrsL-tlass or der, and nn extunsion of about tho sumo length iniiu i nut iuuo io jiciiuoin, now rnpmiy con htructlug, for which tlio proceeds of theso bonds nro to bo used, makimi u thiouah louto from St. Louis to Now Orleans by mil, Tho earnings of urn vi mne urn a year; nut uci promt nowarosuiucient lopnytno liitcresi on tho en tiio amount of bondH. wero thev nil iRhiieil. Thn IiumIh of security Is bellevtd lo bo boond that of anv otuer nouus now oimtcu, Apniy ni mo uiuco tu uiu x illllilliv, i Ui 1 1 it 111 1 n l.i IU II. U, .tl All- liUAND, Vlco Fiehldent.or tnCLAUlv, DODO x uu., corner oi v an nuu iiuain sis., i .my "TV"0!'!1!! AMKIIICANSTKAMBIUI J. l CU.MPANY. OPPOSITION UN1J 'IO OALirOUNIA, EVEHY TWENTY DAYS, I'AsiAoi; and fueioht at fiEprcr:) hatf-s. For further Information, npply to D. N. UAH uirtuiio, Agi., est sueii, . JKSHOrm LANDS. .000 aercHchoico furniluor mid Timber Iniid.s In houth West Missouri, nt ncio (cush) tu lois lufcUll. J1I10 neiletl, V.M, HltKtMv, Jit, ou urouu hi., fsew voiiccity. JJVDUAULIO ItAJIH, jkei' w r.u. roitci: TUMI'S, ANt POWEH PUMPS, Munufarlimd by COWINUACO,, SENKt'A Palm, N. Y. A M consirr suiur h u p v o u T ii u, Cunibltirs In ono icarment a nor, feet fitting ( orhct, and tho most tleslrublu Skirl Hupj wirier over ollered tho public. A placi Htho weight ol the skirts uim tho Kiiouiueia iiiaieuo ui uiu nips It Improves tl'o form wlttmui tight lacing gUtscasonnd tie iriinetit Irifiimruved and rtrnni iiieiidedbv hb Vkleluim. Knlil ul lauies- laney goous store Keneruiiy. ami niwnoie- Iloston, nnd 'ii Wnlker Hi., Now'Vork. Also, by HENItY O. MOOUE.IJ0 Market Street, PhlU. nnd nir.iiijjiiAin, jumuwit) m tv.,n jiauuvvr nt, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VEUYIIODY CAN CUT TIIEtU OWN Clothing for men or lloys, by using Puritons Unl r fiitlriirMiur I'linft. l.'niniilrln not NPIlt to nuynddre for flint. Agents oider n sample. Send stnmpt for terms nnd circular. llUlllJEE A l'Aiuw., unnuiiin, i. STIlili LIVKI Don't he humbugged by Imimstors or "pat; enfenst Iron or mnclilno "Mtrmll tools," Send for our New catniogueni jinpioveu riencu inc. m nil Ul.inl imrArnlll' fltllvhoil lltld tempered. H. M.BPENItl'U A CO., Ilraltlcboro, VI, rAXTKI) AX AUHNT- Ono chance In each town, wotlhy Iho nt tentlou of ninictlve bmlncs man, to tako tho agency for the salo of llradt reefs Huhbcr Mould ing nnd Weather slrljw, applied to the sides, bot tom, top nnd centre of doors nnd windows, Tho salo Is bevond un thing ever otrered beforo tonn nKent.nud Horn l0to$i. per dayennbo mnile. Send for ngents' t Ircular. Tim tlrt who npplye euro a natgnin. i emu ior .ioomiiiHranu. J, It, yilADSl UEET & CO., Hilton, Mass. T V)IUIHY'S I'ATKXT WKATIIElt HTU1IM. All rxfinillintlminf tlA mrritHWlU in Itn-n nnv mi tluit Tnrrpv'n I'ntplit WrnthiT Klrlw ixiel lill olliirn, Hrml for lllmlrnlM dr Milnr, Aiji'iitH wnnli'iUluivcry town. JI. H. A.t, IIIIIIVI.1 IV I ii. i nolo I'liiiiuiiiriiiii i"i I. .Minimi rfltH', Suw Vorlt. "AAfANTKl) hi, uoon wiikch linn .tr-wiy fin io nn-ni. u IrriH Willi mmup. IIA.MII.lO.N. t'KltKY, & CO., HL'll'lllllU, UlllU, V" ANTED !J CKN'IVS- y To sella llvo man tu every county, ft bind ficss paying Si'VJ ja-r month suro, J.o. TILTON, FAINTS KOlt FAHMK11S AND O T H I! IU, THEOHAlTONMIVEltAL PAINT COMPANY Arn now innnuraclurlnu thn IichI. chenoenl and tnosl durably Paint In use: two (outs well put on mixed wun puru jinnieii un, win nisi ion or in teen ical itl It Is of ii llnht brown or beautiful ehocolalo color, and eiin bo changed to green, lead, stone, oihe, or drab to suit tho tasto of tho consumer. It Is valuable for houo, bums, fences, agricultural implements, cnrrlago nnd car-makers, pulls nnd wooden-ware, catnns, metal and shluglo roots, (It being fire nnd water proof), bridges, burial onsen, canal boats, ships and ships bottoms, lloor oil cloths, (ono Mnnu f.icturer having used 5WW bbls. the past yea.,) and ns n paint for any purjoso 1 unsurpassed fur oouy, inirnoiuiy, ciasnciiy, mm nuiiohivencss. Price til per bbl., of 3U0lbs., which will supplyn farmer for vears In come. Warranted lu nil cases as above. Send for a (Ircular, which gles full riarticuinrs, nne genuino unless branded lu n rado mark flrntlon Mineral Paint, Address mami;i. iiidw i;li,, Proprietor, ACIENTM WANTi:i. (sei(('(t7-lm, lill Pearl st., New York. rpiIK X won HIC'IIKST MAN IX TIIK OHI.D. EXTUACT OF A LKTTEH KKOM HAItOS SoiJMON ItOTHSClfll.ti. 'Aitis, Sth April, 1S01, 23 Huo rauby, St. Ilonoro Will you lo kind enouch tA havo forwarded to me here imbottles of Your Indian Liniment ! if ou will send at Ihosnmo tlmotho account, I will forwani j ai ino nmouni mrougn .Mesirs.iieimoni A. Co., New YorA". ltaron Holomon Hnthschltd havliii; recommend- rs) to mnnvofhls frleuds Major LANE'S MM MENT, and they being desirous to procure it. lie should ndvlfO him to estnbllsh n depot lu Paris. THE INDIAN LINIMENT, Ah ft relief, ever rendy ns n killer of pnln, tnken luunidly, or outwaidly nppllcd, has no equal, Por the relief and euro of Ilheumutlcnnd Neural Ldo AMectlons. Snralns. llrnises. etc.. it Is un equalled. It Is also most efllcaclous, tnken in naiuiy. in iiiueiui'tu i. imivrii, ciuiiijif uuu i hiiih In tho Stomanh, Diarrhoea, liysenlerv, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, etc., nnd Is without exception tlio mont wonderful Panacea tho world atlurds. No Enmlly should I hi without it. Every 'lrucler bv land or sen Miould hn en bottle. Mi- nets nnd runners icsidiiig at n disiuueo irom Physicians shoutd keep It constantly on hand. Incase of Accidents, and sudden attacks of Stom ach Complaints, It value cannot be estimated. jiimilrofor Jlajor llanos Indian lammctit, and tako no olher. Price.Wcts. per bottle. For sale at wholesale nnd retail by Demas Hamea etc. Co.. '11 Park How, N, Y., dale etc. Hoblnson.lMlOreen- v, v.; i , i , wens v ro., iyj i- unon-si., N. Y.i Chns. N. trittenden,:Wbth Ave., P. Y and by lespectablo Druggists throughout tho world. None genuine unless signed by John Thos. lane, and countersigned by J. I'.ljuie , Co.,Pionrlelois lul Hro.idvay, N. Y. i-Seud tor Circulnrs. SONKUMPTION OAX BE CUHKI). THE 'I HUE KEMEDY AT LAST DISCOVEIt . Ul'HAM'S 1H1II MEAT (THE, prepared from tho formula of Prof, Tunnsenu f Paris, n... Ii,i,.i.,.i,II,.ii t nun llknmnu ltw.ylilll Dyspepsia, Maiasmus, (leneral Deb'lllty and nil uioi oiu eouuiiions oi uiu ucpi'iiucui on ib tlclencv of ital force. Ills lileiisimt to taste iiorla Kliiuln bolt In will convince Iho most Mkentt- cal of Its Irluens tho great healing remedy of the age. ei a nouie,oi'Fix ooines mr j.. rtiuoy i.x hlladclnhlu.nnd I'Llmlpal brufitjlsl, Cliculurs hent iree. T ADIKS A- OKNTLKMKX. 1 J You can hnu a beautiful Cnrd Photograph nut oi expense owm cucuiars or our my aim l'nncy (loodM Sale) by sending stamp for ictuin postage to HEHTMAN A KENDALL, (V IIanotr Sln-ct, Iloston, Mass. IT IS THE m:HT CHANCE EVKUOFI''EltT.D! Onoor two day's tlmo w 111 seturen good Rowing .iicuiue, aien, rsuic uross, uevoier, or somo olher article of equal nine, l Ten of Cost 1 uiu i pi Miiiueo evtry wucre, maie aim icniaic, for Hie hefct nnu nlii nit i-r'u Knot In llm nmolfv. Send for Circular, S. CTnoMISON A CO., ill i;xciiango hi., iloston, .Mass. (Srr WANTED-Agentsto I H priced hew Ing Mnchln Y "ihLr by the month or to sell tho beKt tow ilne ever made cl nr mi i-mnniUhlitti. Our Machine will sew. hem. fell. tuck. bind, nnd embroider eoual ton bluh-orleed nmehlno. Cut any third stitch, nnd tho irooils will tear beforo lnoRcom win gie mil. i-rom 7-i lo giw per month, expenses paid, Aildicss HAKEIt hEWINU MACHINIH,0.,Cle eland, Nov 1, 1MI7. Ohio NKW SUISSIUIltillS KOlt 18G8 to tho Hlustrntcd Phrenolocleul Journal, nt 5-in year, will receho Nov. ami Die. Now. this year free. s. 11. WELLS, flxfl llrondway, N. Y. JJAU.OUS MONTHLY MAGAZINE POIt 1 WIS. ENLAUUEl) TO O.NC Jll'MlJitl) l'AJtS. Tho circulation of Hallou's Magazlno having In creased during 1&07 nearly flilcen thousand copies nnd ueer being so iirosperous ns nt present, tho publishers nro lliereby Induced to still further udd to Its vuluoby enlarging each number to ono hundred pages. Although this eulargi incut In volves au additional expense of somo8.'i,(.ni0n year et thero will bo no Incieuso lu tho price, NOW IS THE TIME TO GET UP CLUHSJ Terms: !l..V)n year; seven coplus, S9.00 ; twelve copies $15.01); uud ft copy grails ono jenr to tho poison neudlng a club of lwel o. Single number, 1j cents, semi stamp for speclman copy. 'Ihe cheat let, t Magaluo lu tho Worldl Addle ELLIOT, THOMAS t TAL1IOT, Iloston, Mum, rtAXVASSKKS WANTKI). Vj Wo are In want nf Canvassing Agents for Doyutoii's lllstoiy of theNay, the most elegant 1 Unstinted utik ever Issued lu OiIh or nny coun try. Apply for circulars to D. APPLEToN A Co., -113 it Hillroadwny.Y. Y. n A DAY iMADK BY ANYONK, V I W i ith my Pntent Stencil Tools, I prepay samples frie. Ilewaro of lufrlugers. My clicu lurs will explain, Address A. J, Eulliiin, Spring field, Vi rmoiit. TK AUK C0.MIX0, And will nreseutlo anv nerson Hcndlnif us a club In our Oicut Ono Dollar Sule.of Dry and Fan cy (Joods, Ao.,ufallk Dress Patteiu, Piecool sheet ing. Watch, Ao., freo of cost. Catalogue of goods nnu sample, scut to nny nddress fioe. Address J, S. IIAWES A CO., II1) lbmocr street, iloston. Mns, scpil'tn-lm, P, O, Ilox MJ5. rnin: amkiupax hay knifk X AND 1'OUK. We the undersigned citizens oi Columbiu County wltmsned tho trlnl of hny forks on tho farm of Mr. Pursel. In Hemlocu Township, on Monday, May 7, 1MW, between tho American Hay Knlleand Pork manufactured by SLII-EU, WA LIsp SHHINEIt A Co.. of IwU buig, Pn., nnd tho Huntlel's I 'a tent liny Hook, Tho American Pork lifted moio hay lu one draught than the lluiule) In Unco, Wo aro bntls tled It will take ns much hay Into the mow ns two good horses can draw. Wo also saw It tutting hay, and tMnk It cannot be beat asu buy knlle, and chcei fully recommend ll ns tho best hay fork uiui knife wo hno evtr seen, c, luriFNnr.Nin:jt, Dn. P, ( Dahieison, W, It, KOONH, JOHN DoAK, John Dint. hi i k, Daniki. Noyfh, 11. DIULKMIU.KU, SVlAKSrKU PL'JWEL, Mh'iiali. llm.i.rit, John Wolf. 'I hey ulho iimnufai line the ulchrntcd Huckeve Hen per uud Mowir, nnd other ugriculturul Imple incntH, 7JVAV TAILOUINO KSTAHIjIHII ll MENT. WILLIAM MOnuis, Takes this met hod of Infoimlng the citizens of Columbiu county, that ho has opened u new tulloi lug efalallishmeut In tho town or CATAWISSA, PA w hcie ho is pie pared to make up on short notice nil kinds nigentlcmtu wtar Iu tho latcht nnd most iushioiiable styles, Having worked at his business forseveiali ears lu tho illy of New York, be Hutu is himself thut ho can glvo lull and com plete satisfaction tu his customers nt leuNonnblo lutes, He gunrnntces Iho V E 11 Y II E H T PITH, or the work need not be tuken. All work will ho Miougid be ft He making, so that (hero fchall bo lieltlier pot nor shrinkage. Shop lu Judgo Huldy'H llrlck Ilulldlng, Main street, CulawUsa. Pu. A share of nubile palronngo Is i expect fully sollc tcd, (larments carefully cliancd and ie- iilrod mi the shoilckt notice, sep(J'U7-Uin, JJKXJAMIN OltKION, Dealer In CAItI'LTINOS, WINDOW SHADED, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, Ac, No. 33 North Second Street. Philadelphia, 4hU KINDS OK JOH PRINTING neatly eiecutisl nt Tine Columiuan Htnam llngOmc. S T U A Y. vamo to me premiocs of tho MiineriiKTin Ml. Plentnnt township, Oct, 15, 1hiJ7. tHUKk whitk PRIM about Mo imintti nld. Tim nwner U m. fiursled to romp rorwnrd, pay charge, and tako them nwny, otherwise they will bo imposed or noeordlng to law. J, It. VANDEHSLICE, iOV,, 8, IMii it. p U H Ii I 0 S A Ii K 01 VALUHI.ll ltEAIi ESTATE lu nursunnco of nn order of Iho Orphans' Court of Columbia County, Pcnnijhonla, on SATim hay, NovnMtnn .Kith. 1MI7, nt 10 oclo k In thn forenoon, .lohn O. Kllno, Executor of Hnrninn, Kllno. lain of Scott tounshlp, In snldrnunty, de censed, will expose lo sale, by public endup, on tho premlsis, u certain messungo nnd TUACT OV LAND, situnto In Scott township, lu said c unity, bound ed by lands of Thomas Creeltng, Wcsly Huckel and others, containing SEVEN ACHES AND TWENTY PEttCIIKH, on which Is erected n niAMIJ HOUSE, nnd the usual outbuUdlnns; lato tho estnte nfnnd deceased,! t unto in the township of Scott,nrilooun ly aforesaid. Jkhsk CoI-kman, Cleik, A'irCondltlou or Sale. Iho one-third of tho puuhn'o money to remain charged upon tho prunNesduilngthr natural llio or tho widow of snld deioned, nnd tho Interest thereof to bn nn nually nnd regularly paid her by tho purchaser on tho llrtd day of April of each and pcry yenr during her nnturnt lite, and nt her death the pi tu olpal to be paid by tho purchaser to tho persons legally tntitlid tucicto. Ten per cent, of one fourth of twii'thlids of tho purchase money to bo paid nt tho striking down of tho property j tho one-fourth oflhe two-lhtrdi, less tho ten jwr cent, nt the confirmation nbsolute, unci tho remain ing two-thirds In ono yenr thereafter, with Inter est from confinuntloii ni. The lirehiiser to pnv for deed nnd stumps, JOHN C KLINE, jsov. p, iti. uteuctor. T KAClIKlt'S 1KST1TUTK. All act of tho Legislature of Pcnnsrlrnnta. flo pped llio ninth day of April, 1HC7, enlltted.,,A Kurt her Sumdement to nn Act for thn leculatlon nnd continuance of n System of Education of common ncnoois, ac," enncts ns ioiiows i Skl 2. "'Hint tlio County Hunerinlendr.nt of each County lu this Commonwealth is hereby authorized nnd required, onco In each year, ut such time nnd place ns he, or n properly nuthor- ircu tuiiiiiiiui'ii oi leiiciiern, iiciinu wun mm, may deem most convenient to call upon nnd in vite the Teacher of the Common Hrhonln and other Institutions of learning In his County, to nssemblo together nudorgnulo themselves into ii Teaciiers' jnntituie,to oe ucvoted to tho im provement of Teachers In tho sclenco nnd art of education, and to cnntlnuo In session nt least five dnys, including h half n dny for going to, and ti half a day for iclurnlng from the place of meet ing," Ac, fM 3. Provides! "Thnt nil Ilnnrdsof Directors may allow tho Teachers lu their County, the prlv lege of attending theso Institute, without mak ing any deduction from their salary, and that any teacher who absents himself from tho Institute of his County, without a good reason, may have his want of professional spirit nnd 7onl indicated by h lower mark on his cert idea to in the practice of teaching, thnn ho would otherwlhfl hnvo reeel d." In accordance with the nlnivo cited net or As sembly, the Teachers of the Coruiion Schools nnd otlu r Institutions of learning In Columbia coun ty, nro hereby Invited to nsMcmhlefor the purpose ntHiv o stated, In the Halt of tho building in llloomsburg, on MONDAY, thk Mth DAY OP lK07,nt 10 o'clock a, m. Mr. J. P. WlckerNhum, Superintendent of Com mon School of PenuHylnnln,nnd olher eminent educators, will be In attendance to address the insmuio, October -", IstJT, UJlAtt. li. IIAUh.l.L.1, Sup't, of Col. Co. JKATIIKU ! DKATIIKIl I ! Tho undersigned take this method of Inform ing his Trlends and the public generally, that h bus resumed tho business of tanning AT THE OLD TAN YAHD, Into which he has lntrisluced steam works and fixtures, with nil tho modem Improvements, IN L10HT HTHEET, COLUM11IA CO., PA, Ho assures his friends and customers, tluit ho has constantly on hand nnd for snlu AT THE LOWEST PIUCES, largo quantities of leather of all kinds, for which lio ihallcnges the examination of buyuru. Ii A It IC AND HIDES will bo purchased nt the best market rates or taken In exchango for stock, to,felhr with cash nt cash prices. Dosuie to en Un ml examine our cnlf,klp,nnd solo leather bcfoio purchasing elsuwhere, us wo enu certainly suit i ou. JAMES W. HANKEY. Light Street, Nov. 1, lrMt. TjJMMltK SRWING JIACII1NKCO., SALESUOOM.filO HHO AD WAY, N. Y. No. 1 Unmlly Machine. Tills Machine has a straight needle, perpendicular action, inaAcs the liOcA or Shuttle Stitch, whUh will neither Hp nor lave, nnd Is nlUo on liolh sliUs; perfect sewing on ivory dehcilptlon ol maleilaf, with cotton, linen or siU- thread. It hems, Pells, brnlds Tukcs, Quills, Thilts and (lalhets. As a l atnlly Machine, it has no superi or. Price, with llemiuer and Braider, 8 ISO, Particular attention In called lo our Now Im proved Manufacturing Machines. They run light and areeomparllhely noiseless, simple, duiable ami efllclent. Por cloth or leather work the lmo no eompetltorh. No. 2 .Mai bine, with Hetnmrr unit llrnlitrr S7.1. No. ;i Machine, Nr AgLiits wanted, to whom u liberal discount will bo glen, Oct, Z"), leii7-am. Somo Folks Can't Sloop Nights. Vfuy many suiter from general debility, others from weakness of the stomach and inability lo digest their lood some huo creeping sensations along tho nerve fibres, or pain In ihe back, with itching nnd weary throbbing of tho limbs. Thou sands of ladles Milbr through long years fiom what ure culled Pk.malh Comi'I-aints, cuused by the relaxation of muscle and ligament that at tend deficiency of vital force. Thousands of bus iness men, owrwoikcd In mind nnd body, use up the nervous fluid nnd become unlit for duty or the enjoyments of life. Excess in youth, nnd the terrible etleetM of feer and ngue, involve shat tered constitutions nnd tlio failure of tho general functions of health. Tosutlerers from ull these, causes, DODD'S N Ell VINE AND INVIGOIlATOIt offers an lnvnlunbte Ihiou a nnturnl nndelllclent iccovery of lost powers. No person, man or wo man, suflcrlng fiom any cause, can aliord to neg lect this remedy. The Nervine will bo found to possess an equalizing uud uulrltlvo principle. H lms nihility lor tho Nervous Fibres, nnd supplies them for tho waste that Is constantly Inking place. Like wholesome food tnKcn Into the stomach, It undergoes rapid digestion, invigorating in Its ptoccss the dlgesth o organs, and producing a CALMNESS AND THANQUILITY unknown to tiny other preparation. It contains no opium or hashei sh, uud so fair from producing cos liveliest it will be found nh clllclent cure for consumption, und has obtained u wide renown for this peculiarity. WHAT PEOPLE HAY'. "Dear Doctor: Tho lnst medicine prescribed by yon I obtained, nnd will sny that Dodd's Nervhie and Iuvlgorator Is all that it claims to be. I feel llko u new man; I sleep well; have good appetite; nnd feet stronger than I huvo for many years past." Contributed by Dr. II, A, Tucker, HVl Clinton st., ltrooklyn, N, Y. "I havo used tho Nervlne.nnd find myself much beuctHed by It, particularly In tho Increase of strength nnd euro of those trembling sesatlons. Mycohtlvencss also tccms to bo entirely cured." Letter toDr. Tucker. "'ihe medicine you ordered (Dood's Nenine) wo have tnken threo bottles of. It Is n great thing. My wife snys she had rather have ono bottloof It than forty doctors, sho is certainly better. Leucorrhuii cured ; don't fell tho drag lug down so much ; bowels move easier, nnd In n better nervous condition every wny." O. II. Martin. Cnshier Olen House, !ong Hrniuh. N. .L, hlutcH that Doixl's Nervine haa cured him of chronic weakness of iho stomach, dizziness and slcl; hcudacho, and gieatly strengthened his whole system. Da Id lluitshorii, U90 State-st., Brooklyn, cured of chrontu miucular nnd nervous debility. John Hnrbut, Uiooklyn, N. Y. suys; "To regu late the bowels without producing enthartlo tf leet, quiet the nerves, and tone up the system, I have never used uuy thing that cquulleu Hood's Nervine." W, P. Deans, Esq., IZaslford, Conn,: "My wife hassulleied lor seenleeii iars with extreme nervous debility and meulrnl prostrntlon blio was Induced by u friend to try Dr. J. W. Dools Nervine ami lmcutlgatnr, nnd by Its use Is now icstoiod to perfect health' Dr. C. C. York, Charlestown. Mnss.t 'In eases or gieat nervous debility, not ron fined by any means lo tho It male urgaulatiou more common than among men, I employ pood'H Nirvluo and Jnvigorutor with iho happiest etlct. It exceeds lu tuiile power anything thnt I know, while it action upon the bow els is ull thnt can bo deshed," Dood's Nn lno nnd lnventlgatorls cmployid In tho MussnchusotU Hospital for tho Insane nt Taunton. POU PERSONAL TESTIMQNIALS To en res of (leneral Debllty, Indigestion. Sleep ncss, Kldner litunplalnt. Wind Colic, and Pemiile Complaints in their own turn Hies, we refer, with pcrmKscu, to the following gentlemen in this vicinity: I J. W. Hall, esq., Fifth Avenue Hotel, N. Y. W. 11. liodgo, Tract House, N. Y. John Williams, PolUemau, N, Y, .1, W. Peikett, esq., Cllntoii'St., Hrookl)U, Dr, H. A, Tucker, Ulnton-st lltookhn, .1. S, Wilght, isq.,Jcrsey City. lion, Wniren Chase, Olfllroadway, N. Y. PorMilobyull Diugglsts, Piice Sl.ou pcrbortle. II. II Stoier A Co., Pioprietors, N. V. August UK, lNi7, JNHUHAN OK A O K NOV, Wjomlng JlW.OiX) .i;tnn Com nu r co i'Kt.w1 Pulton SoO.tftf Ualtto Putnam &",tto Merehunts ahi.ftH Springfield ... WO.wu (iermanln 6"", Insuiai'Co Compauy of State Prnn'A.,.., tVW,41 Conneitlcut Mutual Life KM),1 North American Transit - 0XV Pit E AH IlUOWN, Agent, martt'U7-ly. IlixtOMsnunn, l'A. 0 J1NI11US i.lNH. TlienmU'rilBiit'l would rewlfiillynunounco(o Ihocltizcni of Dtiioiniiljurtf an.l tho public gen' roily Hint ho U running nn OMNIMMMNH Lclwion llils placuiiiiil tlio dllltiri-nt mllroiij Jn vil dully (HiuiJnyn exropted), to connect with On .i vi rol truliu golnit South nnd Went on tlio Ciiln wlnu nnd Wllllanmiiort Itnllrond, and with IIiom) Enlnu North and Bouthon tho Ijickawanua and llliMinihtmrg Hatlrond. . HUOmuUiiuu.inn) In good condition, coinino dlou. nnd inmlortablo, and charKca rcnonulilf. lVrnou. wUhliiK to inert or u. their friend. iW purt.can lio acooiuodatud ujiou rcuionublo cliuru i tiy leuvlug timely notlco at any of the hoteln. JAfOU J, ulllfON, l'roprlctor,