The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 15, 1867, Image 1

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VOL. I.-N0.46.
'J31ooni!iburfl Uiiincr.ii Siitjlor)
lAf'on MirrZ, dealer In stovrMA tinware, Mnln
) ft., above court home, I nil
k M. lirPKUT. slovcs and tluw
2t block, Malnst,, west of Market,
I.OWI'NnCHd, merchant tailor, Alain st., at
door aliovu American house. ln 1 1
t V. CllKMUKHMN, wholesaloand retail doal
t), er In clothing, etc;.; Ilarimau's hullillnjf, Main
Inifiatstand apothecary, 1.t
v nit
T N movi.h
j change block Main st
l LUTZ. drugnlst ntul apothecary, llupert
, block, Mul u fit., west of Market, vl-ull
RCATIIOAUT, walchandtlocrV niaJU'r, MtuUt
Ml., belowMaln,
I ot'IH HKIlNlfAHU, vvalch and clock maker,
I j near southeast corner Main and Ii ousts, ln 1.1
I U HWAflK, dealer In clocks, watches and
jt Jewelry, Main t., nearly oppslto American
Ct M, UHOWN, hoot mi J shocinaker.Maln street
r, opposite American house, vl-nll
VKOLLKDIIIl.manufarturer nnd dealer In hoots
and shoc8,Malnst., opposite Ilplieopal church
nKNHY KTjKIM, manufacturer and denier In
booU nnd shoos, Krocuihs etc., I Inst Bloom
Ihitk Main ttt. v 1 -1 i I J
AVID I11.TZ, boot and shoemaker, Main st.,
below Hartman's tore, went of .Market street,
l It. 11. Y, Kinney surgeon deutWt, tcethertrnct
J ed without pain. .Main Ht,
LpNcopal Church.
nearly onncwito
I n. M'lClXW
i it r.
tJ side Main st,
t ii ,...,1 .... ...
south Hide Main st below Market, vbnH
It MVANH, M, I), nurceon and physician south
oeiow .liarKei, yi-uit
injit jS-lrcrl gictciori).
ni'.TKH KNT, dinlrr In ilry goods, groceries.
I Hour, leed, salt, llsh, linn, halls, rt'., Light
sitriet. vl-nli
manufacturer and denier In
Vl-n III
I Tr.ltWlI.I.KiHt, Cabinetmaker, UndcrtaJtcr
X nnd Chiilrmakcr. vloiM
Ii r. ki:i.i.i:v, iiinkiiiitii,nitiicr,nt ""ice,
1 M'lilU
J L ntiovt' school house,
W!i"cli rliihts, llrsl dour
MltN. P.. KI.INI , millinery ntul fancy good..
I W.H.VN'KIIY, dealer In l.cut her,
I etc. Cash paid lor Hides,
M. M. li.N'T, dealer 111 slolo
II nil Hi bl'allehel.
, llnrk.
mi 1 l!n w.iii In
I-11 XI
Market Ht., above Main.
I). Rurgeou and rhjsk'iati,
Dlt. II. t IlOW'int, surgeon dentist, Main M
abovo court hoime. vl-nl 1
MISS I.I.ZIK I1A11KI.KV, inlllliuT, Itiliiiicy
liullalugrMiiltl st. M-nli
1IISS A. I). WKHIt, fancy cnmN, nntlnnH, lionltM,
111 utiitioiu-ry, nurtliBlilo .Main stn tl brlow Mur
fctt. 1-nlt
1.1 IM1TKHM AN, inlllpnery anil fancy goniln op.
!i ponltc i:plscoial cliurcli, Main l. lull
if II
111 ctoal4anil dress p-ittcrn.
Main aim west si.
kouthcasl corner
MUS. M. II. FUltMAN. inllllncr, .Main Bl.,liclou
llartmau's store, west of Market st. lnll
riUlU M1HSKH IIAHMAN, lillllenery nnil fancy
J kooUh, Mailt street Just lielutv Aliierlciin limine.
IHH M. DKIUtlCKHON. mlllcnrrv and fancy
lifKMls MainBt.,opiwsita Court Ilonse, l-mi
I can House. Mil I n hi., lialtzt-r lA'acoek huixtIm
Undent. vl-nl
AniMYi:il A JAt'OHY, eonfeellonry, link cry,
11 and oter Kaloon, wholesale and retail, Kk
chantte block, Main tt. Jn(.J
HOXAVBIin, eon fed lonery, bakery, and ovh
T ter saloon, wholesale and retail, Mnln ht, Jut
below.Iron. Mill
tiXCHANUK IIOTIir-, by J. 1', Callow, Main
j t., opposliu court houoe. 1-nlt
1 MI'dllCAN llOUSK. by John liKACvcK, Main
A st., west of Iron sheet,
by (J.W. M U'orn. ea-tend of
jOKO POND 31 ( T i: L.
iif k underslKned hnrliiK leased and iefmnUh
edlnood Hltc the abuu well-known House,
In the bonlers of Columbia and Su)lhnti enuu(lr4,
In one of the most benutirul and heallhtul region
in Ihe Stale; In lully prcpnied to accommodate
lsltors and sojouiner1
The IVaxl ami streams nrn well stocked with
delicious llsh of many klniN Including
T It O V T A N 1 1' I K 12,
and boats In K'axt ordei will bo kept lur thcae
coiiunodatlon atal amusement ot miccts, ellhei
Tor llMtiliu or pieasiiieexcurHlons upon (his beau
tlltll hhet I of wider whk h Is
surrounded by an etenli I'oit sl.tln'U'Isnflbr- 1
ded to the huntsman u nplendld Held tor his v, n 1
peculiar sport-, and eu nlse with hU
I) O (1 A N 1) (J lT X.
Ills Larder will bu alwajn piovlded with the
delictu les id tliu st'iinoh ; and his liarMorkcd with
l'L'KK Lmtoits. '1 hu 11 ou mi is laino and tommo
dloiis ; thu Mabllnn extensive aim sate,
'1 lie House H leiu-hed ironi weveral point k on
thu lllooiushuru (V Uiekawauua llallroad; and l
a splendid idacu to pass the hot months ot Mim
mer. H. H, llAYUUItsl'.
May 17, lf07-hu.
lite umU'iHigmd haMU pun lulled this well
known and eciitiallV'louHed lioii.i, thf KxchaliKc
Hotel, hltuatu on MA1.N hi 1(1,1, 1 , in liloonisbin,
Uiiiilcdlately opposite thu Coluiubu County Court
House, reHpeiiiully lulorms his jrlcnds and the
public In KtiirrAl that his house Is now In onlor
tor the letepllon and enteittUiniicnt oi inwellers
who may bu disposal to laor It with their cus
tom, Hu has spated no expense In pn paring (hu
llxchanm) im thu enteriaint-ieiit ot hW Kuests,
neltlifr shall thero be anythluu wantliu (." his
part) t minister to their peihoual comtort. His
house Is spacious, and enjoja an e.xeilhut busi
ness location.
Oiuulbuvscs run nt all times bctwein the fix
chanKO Hotel and thovario siallroad depots, bj
which traveller' will bo pleasantly coueyud to
niiil from the respective htalions Indue time to
meet the ears. JOHN 1'. CAS 1.0 V.
THimnntmrK, March 22,
qo17v Sf inA rTTu s i:,
11 Y
IIAVINO lately purchased and (Hied up the
well-known HobUon Hott 1 I'topcily.Iocateil a
rr.w nooua Aiiovn Tin: miMvr houhi:,
onthesamo sldo of tho stteit, hi the town of
llloomsbuiHJ and having obtained a lleenso for
thu same us a
11 K S T A U 11 A X T ,
the Proprietor has ileteimlned to jilve to the jeo
plo hiilns tho town on business or pleasuie,
a li itm: mom: hoom.
HIsstablinKUlsols extensive, and fsflttidup
to put biiKuU'siuulearriiiues In the dry, Ho prom
Ist'Hthat eer thlnn about his est abllshmeut shall
be eonduc ted hi an onh lly and lawful iiuiuuer;
and he tespeettully sollclls n slum ol llie public
patlon.iurv, J,li'17t,7'ln,
(inoUQlIW. MAUGKIl, Proprietor.
rvHKrt UOTfcX
V Main st.
I) KTOIINKH. refreshnunt saloon.Matu st.,just
I), nbovu court house. vlni I
IP. CAHLOW, icfieshiueiit saloon, Kxehanpe
hotel, raw'Kon Caiman, superintendent 1-nll
TV. OII.LMOltH, lefieshment saloon, hhlos
block youth hide Mains!, vl nil
1 he niime well-know n lioti 1 has recently under-
Uoue iiidlcal elnnues In lis hit ei nal aiiaiiKi ments,
aul Its nruprielor iiuuotineeH to ins toimcrcusioui
and Ihe tiavelllnn taiblle that his m eomoiiation-
f. I itort nf llU I' Musts' nrt SCi'OlHl to IIOI10 In
ih iMiimirv Ills tuhle will always tiauid sun-
piled, not only ltli substantial tood, but with all
the delliaeieHot the stason. Ills wioi and 11
fiuois fe.xeent that nnpular beerasn known as
vl-nlt 'MA Ihnry"), purchased direct from the importlm;
houses. aie entirely pure.iinu nee ironi uu oi-
uimnusilru-rs. lie is Oianklul for a liberal patron'
niro In ttie past, and will continue to deserve- it in
the future. (ir.OlKii; W. MAIHIIIU.
A DemocM'atit Nowpapor
ti rriiuaitnn t.vutv hiia MoitNisn at
THM principle"! of this paper arc or the. tenerfcon
Ian School of polities, Those pi hu Iph s w ill uue
be, compromised, yet courtesy niid klndess shaU
not be forgot len In dlscnssitiR t hem, whether with
Individual, or with contemporaiies of the Press
I'ho unity, happlness.ntiit prosperity of the coun
try U our aim and object) find iw the means to
secure that, we bhall labor 1ionetly and cafftHtly
for Ihehaimony, success n tut growthof our oiRau-
TriiMsoPSun-sciuiTloN: Twc dolkus a. jear
if paid In advance. If not paid In idanee two
dolkus and fifty cents wiJlboiinarlabty charged.
Ti iiMsk"AiVMiTisi(i: Oi cMiiire(Un lines
or less) one or three Insertions jH,V cacti suhse
tiueut Insertion OH cents.
SPtK. lM, 2W. 3M. fiM. IV,
Onosfinare t3,t $0,00 810,00
Twowpiares 3,00 ".,00 (1,00 Q,0 14,00
Ihree sriuarcs...... fi.mi 7,0() 8,00 12,00 IV
Piatr stpiare fl.00 s,C) 10,00 H.00 20,00
Half column 10,00 12,00 15,00 20,00 TO.00
One (oltimu I j.OO H.00 20,00 30,00 00,00
Uxecutor's and Adininistiator's Notice S1,00 j Au
Utor's Notice 12,' Other advertisements Inser
ted according to special contract.
Ituslness not Ices, without net vert Isement, twenty
cents per line.
Transient adertisementi payable limdvance-
all others due after the first Insertion.
It H, In allcasrs, more likely to be satisfac
tory, both to eulAcrlbers find to the Iubllshers,
that lemlttances and all communications respect
lug the busp-f of the paper, be scnttllreet to the
oflleeof publhutlon. All letters, whether relating
to the c i'!torial or business concerns of the paper,
and all pnynunls for subscriptions, advertising,
ur Jobbhifr, are to be made to and addressed
nitooKWAY ti PHi:i;zi;,
"0'ioi(imt OJJlce,'
r.I.OOMJli 1110, pa.
Printed at Uobison's ItulUtlngs, near the Court
House, by Chas. M. Vanpf,,
Nf atly executeil at tills Ofllee.
A T T O n N V. Y - A T Ij A W,
Ashland, Schuylkill County, Penn'a.
1,Ua('OHS, Cnnfeellonery. gnvrtlt s clc. Main
J stalHivu Court Ilullse. l-ll IU
Q II,, dealer In dry kooiN, cnn'i'i Ii ,
O fiuecnswaie, flour, salt, mioci, liotltiii1., ele,
i:elialiBi! Murk, Main street, l.nll
M'Ki:l.Vy NTAI. i- Co., dealers III dry goods.
Klocerles, Hour, fd, salt, IKli, Iron, nails,
etc., noitlieast comer Main and Maiket st, 1-nll
1 J. BI.OAN, dealerln diolcodry poods, llouse
A UeeiilnnKoiHls, fu-sli sroteiles, ttc, ele. Main
St., opposite, court house. v-lnll
TK. KYJiH, itroi-erUsand Kcneuit meri-handlsa
Main fciatioo West. vl-nll
II. 5
O. HOWlHt, lials and cajis, Issils and shoe
Main sLtUlioxiiourt 1ioum.
itupcil uiock, .Main m.
lj, slides, ele
Kroctrles, hoots,
wesi oi
fTMK ri'i-cK iiorsr.,
uiiAXor.vii.i.i:, ((iI.umiii co, p..
Tlis suhscriher lespectlully Infolins hW fi-iend
and the pnlilfe, that lie has taken llin above well
known Iloiive or l:nlcitalnuieiil, and m 111 he
pleased to leeeHe tho custum ol alt who will
luov him with u call.
hi: wn.i, icr.i:i' a (.hdh TAiu.r.,
n liar well stocked Willi the hest ol r.liiuors, and
eieryi-llurtwlll lioni.uliito n nth r enllre salls
l.icllon. JOHN SNYDUI.
l)ianKellle, l'a., Maicll 15, 1-0T-Jlil.
jxtriiAX(!i-: saloon,
'I'llr. I'ropiletor of til" Kxchall!,'!' Saloon has mm
on hand a lanso stock of
si'M.Mnii iti:rnr.siiMi:N"rs,
uinslsllnij of
sricrii ovsTrns, saiipini.1, tkii'i:, uoiotiNs
sm ri"io.vnui:, I i.cis, swniTKrii niBist',
ts- coMn oni:, comi: ai.t. ash si:i:, -cj
hupclilllelidt lit.
Illooinshuri:, May 3, 1CT.
-r 1:. jacksox,
A T TOU N U " A T -1. A V,
IJerwlek, CoUmihlft County, l'enn'u.
IleiiUck, Cohiinhl.i County, IVnn'a.
ri v,,
A T T O 11 N II Y A T I. A W .
Ollici Willi 11. II. l.lllle, In hrlck hnlMlns ail
lulnlnu Post Ollleo. ,) Homilies; II ick-Pav an-1
Pillalons collected. isepjll'1.7,
John o. i'-m:i;,i:,
A TT O 1! X i: Y-AT-I. A ff
Olllceln IteiilsKr and lteLoriler'.s ofllee, In tho
hasi'iuent of the Court House, llloouisburir, Pa.
(Choice oetty.
Tho Hitter Von Bchwarzcnfcls.
a r,r.rNtorTttK ltitisr.
In iimny n strife and many a fight
Had tho Hitler Von Kehwarr-enfoW fought,
And In dents nnd In sears cm his helmet burs
Wero the tales or his combats wrought,
He had slnln-hiore men, he had stolen more gold.
He had drank moro sparkllnti. wine,
And had uttered more onllis and had broken
more xows
Than did ever n knight on the IUilne.
lie liutcd the chinch, nnd ho hated thetsiale.
a i id he sworo tiy the power or might,
That he never would bow to Pope or the KlhR
Ho lo.ig as his sw ord was bright.
Perched on n crag mid the drifting clouds,
The outlaw hadbultded hlsncst,
And he scanned the rlet froin noith to south,
And the valley from east to west.
Over tholllver he stretched n chain, J
Alul Ihe boats that paused each day,
liefore they could sail either up or down,
Were forced n tributetopay,
Once a year from his st roimhold he sallied forth,
At the head of n hundred men,
And, laden with spoils from rich and poor
Came hack t his home again.
Not a pilgrim knocked nt his castle gate,
Not ft Havener nsked to stay;
P.u teach crossed hlmsetfwhenhesawthe lower,
Then hastily sped on his way,
And more tlinn u score of hardy knight,
Who had striven to rid the laud
Of his fearful eurso had fallen beneath
The stroke of the robber's hand.
Thus long had ho lled ami loud had he laughed
lloih abwt and lord to scorn j
Ami declared with the fiercest offlcrman oaths
That he ft sovereign was ltorn.
Ilright burn the lights In the banquet hall
And loud groaned the tables with cheer,
And (lie wine was fjuarred from golden flips,
Thatwerestolen from altars near.
Then upiose the Hitter, and In his hnnd
Held a llagon of choice Moselle,
And rapping his sword on the oaken board.
Said I fain would something tell.
Not one," cried he, "have I tiver found
Who was sti onger or braver than I ;
The le exists not a being on Karthor In Hell
Who w ould dare mj challenge reply. '
It Is false,"said ti flguru till now unseen,
Who hud entered tho baiKiuetroom,
Then tho lights grew dim, nnd theatr grew cold,
Thehallseemed wrapped in gloom.
'! come to avenge each pillaged shrine,"
Thus the stranger gravely spoke,
"And In answer to prayers from ruined homes,
That loudly my aid Invoke."
I have listened full oft to thy boastful speech,
And have followed thee home to the llhine,
To dare thee to draw thy bloody sword,
And to measure thy strength with nunc.
"Brave thou art, by my faith, I trow."
The Rltter with rage began ;
"Throw back thy etoalc, and draw thy blade,
And show thyself a man.
In the deepcnlns gloom the Hitter fought
And labored hard for breath.
"Tlsnouse," said the stranger, "to strive with
Por I am thy conqueror JJeat A
And the liarons within their castles' walls,
And the monks In their lonely ceIN,
Thanked Him vvhohadsent his servant "Death."
To vanquish Iwld Schwarzenfels.
men's Land, who wuro making up forn of tho famous IUmuIIro oltt-UohL Mr, am not BurprKod now that a lad of
U'tigthctitd period of enforced honesty I Uiilthvln announced hU Intention of I eighteen, who In London had been tui
ted. It was of no protection to ho poor.
rhe man wheo pocket wero well lined
was robbed and released ; but tho wretch
who had nothing wherewith to MtlNfy
tho cupidity of bU bavage. a-Haltant,
was pounded to n jelly ; or, being tied
nuked to a tree In thu lonely forest, was
exposed to all tho horrors of slow starv
ation. Moreover, tho weather Wus ex
tremely uufuvnrablo for traveling: rain
fell In torreutM, and the ro.uh weretutch
hopelerjii qungmlrert that one hundred
and twenty pounds sterling was gladly
paid for tho conveyance of i single ton
of goods to tho Bendlgo ("reek. I deci
ded, therefore, to wait awhile, and took
up my nbodo at u tavern called the
Duko of York, which ntood In tho-se
dayn at tho corner of Stephen mid Col
lins streets, Tho Duko of York hail no
doubt been u comlbrtablo hostelry In
tho primitive day.s of tho colony, but at
tho time of my sojourn there H was
crowded to oxce&s. Kxtra beds had
been cutmmed Into all the bedchambers,
and wero instantly secured at prices
which would be thought exorbitant In
in aristocratic Went Kud hotel, Mat
tresses wero laid at night on all tho alt-
ting-room tablis, and a largo shed In
the yard, with rough .stone walls and
n earthen iloor, was filled with Iron
bedsteads; but oven this apartment
whien wo nicknamed tho cholera hos
pitalwas fully occupied, and 1 was
fain to pay half a crown a night for tho
privlicgo of laying my own blankets on
thodirty ground in tho confined spaco
between two of tho aforesaid bed.
Cl MAKU, dry goods and notions, southwest
, corner Main and Iron sts, l-uH
rj. UHoWPH, drv goods, groceries, etcnorlh
, west corner Main and Itou sts. vl nil
UKV. A. HAKTMAN, dry goods, notions, and
gioeerles,, Main St., opposite Kpiscopalchuich.
II II. HUNBUKHnPH.togent.l groceries, tolmc
11, co, and confectlonaiy, Main st., below Amer
ican house, vl-nl.t
DA. IlKOKLP.Y.KeystoneshoeBtore.bfMiAs and
.stationery, southwest corner Market nnd
1IMIXTAM KltAhHMUH, confectioneries.
II St.,
.,Justutuvocomt house.
11 Mi;NI)KNAAMv,general stock of merchan
j, dlsoand lumber, corner of Main slieetaml
llerwlck road. vl-ul'i
J J, HOIlltlNH, dealer In dry goods grcerles etc.
Hhlve's block, Main st., below Iron Yl-nl
JK. OIHTON, Groceries A Provisions, south
east corner Main nnd lion stieets, vt-ntl
BL00MRI1U11O I.UMI1P.H CO., niamifacliirers
nnd dealers In Lumber, of all Muds, plaining
mill near Iho rail-road. vl-n m
W J, IHDI.KMaN, saddle and harness maker,
II , near southwest corner Main and Markei st.
vl-n II
I w. HNYPIlll, hardware, cutlery, guns, etc..
Main &t., below Iron,
WITMAN, marble works,
, corner Main and Maiket sts,
near southwest
1 W. COHKI.r. furnlluro rooms, three storv
U, brlclcnoMalnst., west of Market st. l.nil
1,i J.TIIOHNTON. wall paper, window shades,
!i, and tlxtures, llupeit block, Mnln st. vl-ntl
I , sew ing machine,
tng, up stairs,
rpilH KSl'Y IIOTK1.,
Tin suhsi rllu r icKi'eitiiilly Infoiiushls friends
and the puhlle, thnt lie has taUi n the uloo iell
kuoMU llouso of l.utcrliilumt nt, and will he
jdcastd Hi reiclve the tuslom of all who will
laoi him with n tall.
hi: wii.i. ki:i:p a good taiii.i:,
a liar 11 stocked with Ilia la-st of I.iiiuors, and
every ell'ort will he mailo to remler Millie satis-
i.ieiion. w.m. ui;.mi,i;y.
i:spy, Pa April 12, MI7.
oiiANonvn.i.i:, ciu.r.MiiiA county-, pa.
IrSHAlX Ml'M.MA, PP.OPliir.'I Oil.
Jluv Ins Inkm possession of Ihls well-known
house, so lone kept hy Faniuel i:M'i-ett, the Pro
ulli lorhasiiutlll It permanent. rcpnlralulfunili-h-id
I1AH ANHI,AIH)I-:itwlth thecholcestllquors
and newest delicacies, Ills stahle Is not i-xcellisl
In the county, and no pains will ho spared to
accommodate guests. (apr3 17.
O Catuw lsa, lit.
Tho ahoMi Hotel has lately hcen purehaked lij
llllNHY J. CUV UK. uad 1ms been thoroughly re
modelled, icpalml, and refurnished. It will he
found now, In lt nrraiiRement and appolnlinenls,
a first-class Hotel, and second lo none. Ill the
OUlltry. Persons In cilles wlshllll! In spend Ihe
hot months In the, country, will do well to give
tho proprietor a call.
rjpjnT UNION IlOTHl.,
Arch Hticel, hetwi-en Thllu and 1 oultn Slieels,
cmtisr .vvi;iii:it,
Proprleloi s.
, CI.AItK,
OllUe, corner of Main and Muikcl streets, ovir
l-'list National Hank, lllooiushurg, Pa.
II. I, ITT1, K,
Olllcu on Main slreel, In hrlck hulldlng helow Die
Court House, Illooiiishurg, Pa.
li. imOCKWAY,
Jlf.OOM.silUUO, PA.
113-Oki in-. Court House Alley, below the Co
lumbian OIHee. Janl'OT,
bT fio a i son,
UhnoMSIiritd, I'KNN'A.
olllce In Unaiiast's llnlldlnt', .Main Street, West
by iilimtlorlii"; ami nmltrt'iitlii"; Her liartlngfroin ih, us he Iiivtl frlondi In u
Mn.ity'n llcptu riKlit mul loft. Tcrrillc cully Imnl by. I to took me nsldu, and
runiorn of lliclr outraBPH wero olrcula-, Mtlil that I (with nn Ptnpliii-Is on thu
proiioiin) hail always rwpucted hli feel
liiK-1 mul treated him like a p;oiitleimin,
wlik'h It ooilld he plainly seen I was
myself, In cplte of my liltie serge shirt.
Alone wo should have hecn iw eo-ey as
could hu together, away from that surly
hrtiteofa Liverpool horse-oor.-er ; nnd
eotihl I obllgo him with tho leinporary btu
rouiidotl hy attentive friends ami ro-
latlons.should fool rather lonely among
the motley, self-necking herd of gold
hunters. 1 told llroeklfbank of my HI
fortune, nnd nskod htm what I had
better tlo.
"Do nothing to-day," ho said, kindly.
"You aro tired with your week's travel
ling. Tako It easy. You can make
yourself useful by helping mo In the
loan of thirty shillings? he had inlsoal'
ciliated tho expenses of the road, nnd
his funds were In tho Union Hank nt
Melbourne. I was such n confiding
youth In those day.s that 1 lent Mr.
1 was delighted at these words, and
fell to work with alacrity. Jlcfore two
hours had rlapwd 1 found mysell dis
pensing slices of bacon nt three shill
ings u pound, and n-sMlng sturdy dig
Il.ildwln thu money without n (pinlm. gers, seated on a treo-sttimp In front of
Ho copied nn address which 1 gavu him
very carefully In his pocket-book ; but
though llftecn years have since elapsed
I have never heard from him. Perhaps
the perusal of this naratlve may recall
tho circumstance to his memory.
As for Fry, ho was morose, horribly
morose, but, I really believe, thorough
ly honest. After tho parting with Il.ild
wln, which he characterized as a good
riddance of b.ul rubbish, wo traversed
numerous gullies and ranges In search of
a man whom Fr knew. 1 inav here
i observe that the aspect of the diggings
, was very dlll'erent to what J had expec
ted. J.xeept in the neighborhood of
tho Cloveriiineiit Cunp, whero tho
storekeepers' ttnts, witli their gay Mags,
presented the aspect of a country fair,
there was nono of the erowd and btistlo
which I had anticipated. Tho whole
area of the gold-Held was as large, per
haps, ns the area of London, and the
nurlferous valleys or hollows, which
lay parallel like streets, were sep.u ted
Thero wero some drawbacks to this bi' wide undulating tracts of forest eoun-
modo of passing tho night. As most of
my room-mates Indulged in tho objec
tionable practice of smokltig in bed ,ntid
as I lay on a lower level than they did,
I was apt to become llie unintentional
target for sonic- of tho results of their
tobacco-vapor. Again, it was not un
usual for some jovial gentleman to en
ter tho cholera hospital at two o'clock
in the morning, with a bottle of cham
pagne in his hand and a couple more
under Ids arm; ho would wake up
everybody in turn', nnd insist that each
of the sleepers so awakened should
cither drink his health or fight him on
tho spot. 1 have several times been
aroused by tho unwelcome apparition
of this veritable "Champagne Charlie."
At length, just as It grow dark, wo
reached Iron Hark Oully, wearied and
hungry. It was hero that Fry's friend
lived, mul, after numerous Inquiries at
all tho diggers' tents wo p.issed, we
learnt that Ilroeklebank kept the lloyal
Liver .Store, near tho head of the gully.
It was almost dark, nnd I had tum
bled down sevral times among the
tree-stumps from sheer fatigue and wea
riness, when wo readied llrocklebauk's
establishment. It consisted of a large
tent with boarded sides, and was (pilto
n mammoth editlco compared with tho
tiny residential dwellings which lay
scattered around it.
1 felt very friendless and dispirited
On tho whole, however, wo had verv "I,on our 1, for 1 could not reckon
good fun at tho Duke of York. As the
that Urocklebank would extend Ills
weather was cold nnd wet. nnd ns il,n "ospiiaiuy u mo as won its to p ry, ami
streets after dark wero full of foot-pads, , 1 1,11(1 110 film'' for sleeping "Inno out of
wo mostly btavodat home In the even- UUUIH ""il'I'eu ' imiuikoh, inougii
ing, and amused ourselves hy assem
bling in thu parlor under tho guidance
of nn experienced chairman, and slug
the Itnyul Liver, to pull on refractory
pairs of new boots. Our distinctive
Hag, bearing as its emblem tho fabu
lous bird which forms the crest of the
good town of Liverpool, waved grace
fully overhead in the sunshine, and my
spirits ro-eas I onco more found myself
of tome use In the world.
In tho-e primitive days thero was
little coin current on the diggings, Ml
ners paid for their stores in virgin gold
Just dug from thu soil. .Storekeepers
made largo profits by thesu transactions,
for, owing to theiu-ecurity of the roads,
tho value of gold was from fivoBhlllings
to ten shillings nn ounce lower on the
diggings than it was in Melbourne. 1
forget the exact price now, but I think j
tha gold purchased in lieudigo in 1S32
at three pounds flvo shillings nnd three
pounds ten shillings nn ounce, was worth
three pounds fifteen in Melbourne. In
these systematic day.s, when tho small
est margin of profit attracts speculators
to thu most distant goldfield, such n
difference seems utmost Incredible.
Some of tho storekeepers were sad
rogues, and, not content with their fal.
profits, cheated the hard-tolling minor.
who visited their establishments bj
means of false weights and other devi
ces; but Broeklcbauk was, 1 am sure,
thoroughly u, right and honest in al
his dealings. His plan of procedure
when a goltl transaction took place wa
nt once busines-'-lIko and simple. He
weighed the gold carefully In his scales,
and kept each parcel in aseparate paper,
with the name of thu seller, the date of
transaction, and tho precise weight of
tho contents, marked legibly upon it
All these packets wero kept In a tin box,
which nt night was deposited In n little
secret chamber under tho ilooringof the
tent. 1 soon discovered that Urockle
bank was much liked and respected by
tliesurrotindingpopulation. Men would
eomo in, and sell several ounces of gold, . previous had worn such a en
tako away only a few shillings' worth noss-llku expression, was no
of goods in exchange, nnd leave tho
balance in ills hands to cover future
transactions. "I can trust you, Muster
of tho Auurkan House,
, Harlmau's hulld I
U0si;.'!sT0CK, pholiyraphcr, IMihungi;
Muck, Main st opposite court house. M-nll
-f p inmjiiir li,.in,i-imlii r. Iliirtiium's build-
i) Ihk mil Ihiasi turner Main and Mai kct st, l-nl 1
W, llOlllNS, llmiordculer second door Irolu
northwest corner Main and Iionsts, vl-nll
W, liAHI'ON,luh.icconll,and deali r In stme,
, coal, MuliislopposIli,eouithouse, W-lil'l
PIIACOCIC. Notary Public, noitheast corner
i Main iiud Marki t st. vl-nll
uitAiti) uoi'.sn,
Comer of Ninth and Chestnut blucls,
H. W. KANAfiA,
t U C T 1 O N K K H.
1 Iiik followed Ihe profession of Public Vendue
crlerl'irnianvjears, wuild Inform Ids filends
thai ho Is slin In Iho Held, ready and ullllus to
alii ml to all tho dullis of his cnlllnc. Persons
ih slrlnn his seniles should cull or write to him
III IWOOIUMJUIK, i -a, i. .....
TU. . II. nitADLKY,
,1 a'e AssM.inl Medical Dlteclor it, St. Aliny,)
40-Odlceat Ihw housi) opposlloShlvc'H niock,
Ulooinshulg, Pa.
Calls promptly alii nded lo holh night and day.
lUooinkbii-K, .Ian. B. 1M17.
'.sir i v e,
C A 11 I N II T M A k i: It ,
S II V T T 1! It Si, M O U I. II I N fl H,
lll.OOMSIU'llO, PA.
June is, si;;.
PAHIIlONAll 1.1!
It is now nearly fifteen years ago
since I was attacked by an epidemic
di-oider which prevailed extensively
at that time among the young men of
the United Kingdom. It was common
ly styled the gold-fever, and tho fit
seized mo veri suddenly. I called one
evening in Camden Town it wns a
plea-ant nlry suburb at that time to
seo to bachelor friends of mine who
shared lodgings together. I found the
iloor of their sitting-room lumbered
with boxes.
" What aro you doing'."' I asked in
" Wu'ro off for the gold-diggings."
"Ity what ship '!"
" The John Taylor ; next Wednesday
I recklessly flung my hat to tho other
end of tho room, gave such a leap that
my head nearly bumped against tho
c'illng, nnd cried,
" I will go witli you."
" Thnt's right, old boy," they respon
ded. Go and securo your passage tho
first tiling in tho morning. She's fill
ing up quick."
The London atmosphere was nt that
time surcharged witli an auriferous In
sanity. The gray, sober light of morn-1
Ing did not Induce mo to swerve from
my resolution of tho previous night ;j
on the contrary, as soon ns tho governor
appeared at the counting-house I boldly
walked Into his private room, and dis
charged myself.
Tho governor was, and, I nm thank
ful to say, is still, for I am once moro
back In the old shop, a very Jolly fel
low. " You going too, Parker? Wcll.well,
I'm sorry for it ; but if you young men
vlll insist on seeing the diggings, I
supposo you mW. Make, out ft check
for your salary, and I'll sign It."
1 next rushed oil" to the firm vvho
vere agents for tho John Taylor. Dis
mal news : uvery berth on board of her
was engaged. 1 had to take my paasago
by another ves-scl, and this accident
probably led to the adventure which I
have undertaken to relate.
I shall not descrlbo the voyage on
in company I had dimo so for several
successive nights. On hearing Fry's
voice, Urocklebank came lo tho door of
Ihl' Rontrs in the most nnnrnveil Rnns of. tl'nti lim' 1 Wi,s llt "-'o prepossessed , Urocklebank," I heard a rougli old dl
Harmony fashion. Mr. .Mills took tho l,-v "."let gentleman-like appearance, ger say, "and my gold's a deal safer in
chair, a man whom we greenhorns look- was 11 y"tf of twenty-four, i your big store than in my bltof aslianty
uu a June, iiuiiiisuine luce, nun large, i .vunuur.
dark, expre-.-lve eyes. i As for myself, I felt highly pleased
"This," says Fry, in the most ungra-1 thnt Urocklebank should trust me, an
clous way, pointing to me as if I was , entire stranger, so implicitly, and I
ed upon witli no small awe, for although
only a twelvemonth in the colony, ho
was reported to have amassed a fortuuo
lu tho diggings, nnd was now on tho
point of returning to England. More
over, ns Mr. Mills was thirty years of
ago, and had a prematurely bald ibte
head ho assumed quite a fatherly air
towards a youngster like me, for I was
not yet out of my teens, and my beard
was still all "underground."
"Why don't you go up, young man?"
says Mr. Millsonu morning, as wo Mood
cleaning our boots in the yard. (The
landlord kindly provided bru-hes and
"Ilecaiise I'm waiting to hear where
my friends are."
"Pooh, sir; never wait for friends in
this country. Everyday In town is a
day lost. Every day there is so much
gold subtracted from the soil, anil every
day, consequently, thero Is so much le-s
loft for new-comers. Why not go up
next Thursday In company with Bald
win and Fry V They are going to walk
up to Ilendigo, whereyour irlendsare '-1 nJ;
X VCIIllllt'U IU IIU1IH UUl III iu sums ( ,1,,
that 1 kncwscarcelyanythlngof Messrs. v"',
Hahlwin and Fry.
"No moro do I," ho retorted. "No
body knows anybody in tills delightful
country. Haldwin does n't know Fry,
Fry does n't know H.thhvin. I know
neither of 'em, except as members of
tho Duko of York Harmonic Society. I
have heard Haldwin say that he was
first counterman tof.i grocer in tho
Klngsland Hoad, on that topic I have
no certain Information ; but I tlo know
that lie sings n good song. Ho throw
a pathos into that popular ditty,
Tlieu words Impressed meiimazlngly.
How delightful it would bo, with noth
ing but a tin dish, to wash out in the
courso of tlio morning gold enough for
n week's board I I reckoned thus.' "Be
tween breakfast and dinner 1 can sure
ly wasli out twelve dishes full of dirt;
well, If ouch nf thoso dishes only con
tains twelve grniusof gold, the merest
specks possible, I shall have six penny
weights of gold, worth eighteen shillings
or n pound." Such wero my sanguine
Before going to bed that night,
Hroe'tlcbank, according lo a custom
which ho told mo he invariably observ
ed, went carefully over nil the little
packets of gold-dust which lie had
bought, either during thai day or on
forn.' r occasions.
"Twcnty-sevoii packet'," I heard him
say aloud.
lie then placed tliem, box and nil, ill
tlie little receptacle under the floor of
the t?nt, unchained Boxor, the bull
mastiff, wlio had been tied up during
tho day, examined the capping of his
revolver, placed It beneath hlslicd with
in arm's length, and retired to rest.
Perhaps I had slept loo soundly the
night before, perhaps I was excited by
the thoughts of llio glittering gold
which I hoped to wash out on tho mor
row, at any rate, for some reasons or
other, I was unable lo get to sleep. At
last,tlred Nature asserted her dominion,
and I dozeil off Imperceptibly. I cannot
say how long I had been asleep, when I
awoke suddenly witli a con vulsl vo start,
opened my eyes, and gazed confusedly
niound me. But was I really nwako,
or was this merely an attack of night
mare'.' Wlint I saw was sufficiently
disquieting. Urocklebank had been tho
last to get into bed, nnd ho had extln-
iiuls' od tho candle. But when I nwoko
-or fancied I had awoke, for on the
following morning I attributed nil my
terrors to the heaviness of an unicaven-
d cake which I had eaten for euppcr,
when I awoke, my eyes wort dazzled
by a bright light, and I presently per
ceived that there were no less than
threo candles burning, two on tho coun
ter where wo wore accustomed to weigli
out the groceries, and one on the floor.
I was still more surprised to observe
that Urocklebank was out of bed, par
tially drex-ed, and thnt lio was stoop
ing over tho cavity whore ids treasures
wero deposited. Ilis back was towards
me, so that I could not discern ids face,
or make out what ho wns doing; but
after n lew moments, ho rose to ids foot
and confronted me. 1 was horrified.
Tiie handsome face, which a few hours
calm, busi-
now distort
ed by passion; tho eyes which had
sparkled witli a kindly shrewdness,
now glared wildly, yot in such a vacant,
objectless manner, that they appeared
totally unconscious that I was staring
into them with nil my might. A few
moments later, after he had carefully
replaced the flag which concealed Ills
gold-chamber from ordinary view.
Ilroeklebank put his hand beneath his
a cur-dog, "i a chap I came up the resolved to work ns zealously ai I could bed, and drew out his revolver. The
road witli. 1 don't know anything
about him," ho added, In an audible
"Have you no friends on lieudigo V"
asked Urocklebank, kindly.
"None that 1 mil find to-night," I re-
' piled, blushing like ti school-girl, "but
I hopo to find tliem in a day or two."
I Sjiiio whispered conversation took
I place between Fry and Hrocklebaulc
after this.
"I must tako the poor boy in," I
heard the latter say.
"Well, don't hold mo responsible,"
growled tho former ; "l know nothing
! of him."
1 don't think Fry had any special
, animosity against me, it was merely
I his natural crustiness ; but 1 felt so mi
I gry with him that I could havo rushed
upon liimuiitlii-saulted him on Ihe spot.
My wrath, however, was dissipated by
in a pleasant
in Ids service while under Ids roof, as a . sight of the weapon seemed to enrage
practical proof of my gratitude. I liin. ; lie ground his teeth together,
After the sun had set, and all .vork i and began lo pace rapidly round and
had been suspended for the day, threo or round tho tent. As far as I could judge,
four of the inhabitants of tho adjacent it was the dead hour of the night, and
tents strolled across to tho Royal Liver i all founds, except tho distant hayings
Store, and sitting down in front of that of a dog, had up to this moment been
establishment on a gigantic prostrate hushed. Hut the noise of Urocklebank'
log, in ono end of which a perpetual . rapid footsteps aroused tho watchful
lire was burning, lighted their pipes, , bull-mastiff outside, and he began to
nnd proceeded to discuss the nows of
the day. Tho conversation was mostly
of -n monotonous character, and referr
ed chiefly to mining topics. How Tom's
new windlass had given way, how
Harry had picked a half-ounce nugget
out of ids "wash-dirt," iiow Dick had
tumbled down a thirty-foot hole while
out 'possuming tho previous night. I
was much iniprcs-ed witli tho decency
and respectability of our visitors. Be
fore I left England, and oven after my
growl. The sound of the dog'-, voice,
subdued as It wa.-, seemed to fill the
proprietor nf the store witli alarm. Ills
flushed countenance grew pale; he
hastened round nnd round tho tent with
singular rapidity, nnd ns ho performed
this strange march, ho pointed ids re
volver successively town rds the four quar
tors of the compass, muttering, "North,
eat, south, and west. My enemies nro
on all sides."
I felt very much alarmed while this
IOIIN A.l'UNhTON, mutual and ca.hialis tin;
I liuui alien couipuuy.noi hiast corner Main and
Wtsut, 1-nl-l
ni.OlKIL, inunuf.ii tuier andupali'
U ii of rTiiisidng iiiaihlnes, Chcinherlln a alley,
bear hharpUss' louudry, InlJ
I H. Kl'llN. dealer III incut tallow, clc, I'hein
1 herllu's alley, bacA ol Amerlcun house, l.iill
Jll, PUrcsi:i.U saddle, trunk nnd liarucn
maker, Main st.. In low rutin, house, yl-niii
lini'iinii TTiinm niiwlnni
(JJll.liy 4uivil fSjjm ivi
in Miiirit rocnrn srnit.T,
J, ,1 W. O. M'KIIUlIN, Proprlelor.
May la, lsto-ly.
i'o Hold niul Saloon k,eper nt lllooin.
burg ami I'uluiubla County. I hnvo appolnled
Mr. II. Ktohner agent for thu s.iluof my ale, porter
biuwn stout, and leger beer, , ho will supply )ou
ut the sunni price (and w ltli the same aitlcle), as 1
wnuld furnish you Irom thu hiuwuy, Knuunlng
that he will be and nllentlie lo all who
null lairl.liuwlllilhelrtimle,Uollcli mt him
jourslippoil. Veil' lispecllully,
nii:i uvrmi,
htiaui Iliuwiry, lle.ulliiB, Pa,
0er Wlilniayer Jacoby's Ice Cream rinloon,
Hair 11 dim and Whiskers lolnied black or
bum u. I lull 'lunleto destroy dandl lilt and beau
1 11 Ihe, tin hall ; wilt resloie hair in Its original
, oli.i II bout soiling the llncst labrlc, constantly
on lianii.
Comoin,Mr. Parker, don't be afraid;
I cm give you a slnke-down, and as
soon as I get a pot of tea ready you
shall have -omo sardines and -oft bread,
which 1 daresay will be a tivat after
the rough fare of tho road,"
1 slept that night like a iloeu hum- i place. Men worked from six to six, and
ming-tops. Only tho-o who have lain ' took itnscoolly nsnavvlcson piecework,
arrival In Melbourne, I had pictured ext'-nordinary seeno wns being enacted;
mo on tno diggings ns an existence oi . in
wild excitement, whero the perpetual so
but 1 nlso felt entirely helpless, us if
some superhuman power had chained
anticipation of fabulous gains, and tho my limbs to tho bed on which I lay. 1
sight of lucky gamblers shovelling out ! gradually formed a conviction thnt 1
the yellow metal, would keep tho brain was only dreaming, that the alurminj;
in a stato of fever. In actual fact, Iron
Hark Oully was a most prosaic, sober
I had a dream, a happy , Ileum
I dreuml that I was lice,'
for several successive nights under tho
cold sky of a Victorian September, and
have woke up drenched, perhaps, with
raili,cnii appreciate the delight of a roof
overhead, albeit only a roof of canvas.
Next morning, after breakfast, Fry
rose, and addressing his fellow-townsman
in Ills usual curt, inoro-n style,
that is to say, they went at It with a
will. Work over, they ui'ido their
dampers, washed out their socks and
shirts, or lounged round an open-air
flre.disciisslng tho lo.'al gossip. Urockle
bank, howevei, informed me in the
course of tho evening, when we were
ulono together, that tliolittlecomiiuinl-
ty gathered together nt the head of
Iron Bark Oully consisted of exception
which is worth v of n more refined nt
mosphero than that which usually ild,
.I.IUII irlnriU'llmlli, re of Vo. I "1'lllOtVtO Eagle Hawk" 1 tills WUS U
A.rniw... iw.ic, ni..v,,v- i,i.i 'gully some two miles distant) "to look ally quiet nnd respectable people, Sever-
,rmn.,. ...iii ir,i,in -,ni 'fuiliwr rennil. i after my mates. See you again to-mor-1 al of them came from South Australia,
cd to bu one of the lirst horse-dealers lu row. -..You'd best II ml your mates too,"
Though reserved, nud al- uniiuii, uciowiug a p.iriing gmnwi
on me.
After tho departure of surly Fry I
breathed moro freely, and felt less like
most sullen in private life, Fry comes
out well lu u chorus. I ullitdu especially
to 'Landlord, fill a flowing bowl,' and
'A hunting wo will go,' Mr. Parker,"
tlguio before me, with its distorted
eoiinteiiiiiice, lis muttered threats, and
Its brandl-lied weapon, -ns only a
creaturo nf the Imagination, ami that
the real Urocklebank: was fa-t asleep in
his lied.
This conviction must, 1 tuppo-o, havo
soothed 1110 considerably, for the Imagi
nary Brocklebank hadscniecly uttered
thu words which I liavejust recorded,
when I wiisoveieomo by an ii resistible
drowsiiie?-, mm remembered nothing
To 111: CONHNVUD,!
Foxn patent keeps sending us 'droll
g.iiibleoi funny little cliild. It is curi
ous how much of this occurs In Sunday
schools and Ulble-cln-ses; seldom in
places of amusement. Example: in
Kankakee, Illinois, a teacher asked her
board tho Coldstream, but shall merely I said this antipodean patriarch ofthlrty,
sav that wo reached Hobsun's Hay safe- us ho laid a friendly bhickiiig-brtish on
my shoulder, "1 recommend you to go
up 'villi Haldwin and Fry."
I think Mr. Mills was a good fellow,
but too apt to Judge human nature from
tho harmonic point of view- I shall
not detail the history of that Journey to
ly lu tho month of September. Mel
bourne was a queer place at that time.
Emigrants were pouring in at tho rate
of three thousand a week ; there weru
eighty thousand people in a town built
to hold onlvtwentv-tlvo thousand: nro-
npriTO. I visions wero at famine prices and all i Bendlgo, which occupied nearly a week,
'- rT social distinctions turned topsy-turvy, nntl which was lull oi adventures mucii
M.AKTMAN. t. 11. Wl.l.l MO II. VA . . .. p.u.lor I..,,! nrrlved S01U0
Iti'MAN, DlLLlNf.l'.H & CU., (Inu ljcforo Uw C(m.stl.eami lim Il(.r
mi.xumiiuii i n street, , ,m,,eugers had been scattered over tho r' '""' :'""" '1' ',) ! leiiL'th and breadth of tliocolonv. After
riKNTri Furnishing floods ' '"".I'-M
lj'sHloru. " "".
I NDHKW MAIUHO.V, dealer lu dry
A cerles, grain, lumber etc., Jerseyk
guilds, gio-
oun, 1-MU
VCOII A.sWIKIII II, dealer 111 Hides, Leillher
llaikete, Madison ton iisliln Columbia county
Pa. 1-llW
LL (iaruients made In thelaKst and
X hll'St appioil'u siie ii, v ....... -
Clothing Mint'. ""
miltlj llltululllt Tim LOI.O.IWAH mum
rllitlug llillco.
Wholesale lvaleu In
VllNH, llAT'IIMI, VtAHUMl, CAllPl'H-
ouain I'Aos, (i liHAni:, .u.,
IH-.l Mill s, U'UNks, IniiKIMl UI.AsKU), KTC
Mai I", isf-lv.
lull M CO, SMTP A bi:OAH
so, 313 JIOltTII TiiimmniiKT,
sieeond I'our belou Wood,
J, W, W HUM S, . P, HNOKmAN,
i i.i, U'liuls nl' lteadv Miulu Clothing
XV III low UgllHS at ClIBMIIHII IS'" Clnllllllg
Hiore.nuiinian's bhsk, llloonuhuig, Pu.lU Dni,
1?VEHY Customer limy le sine ol u
li lluod l it ur liusulKUl lUfcllltf'hClolii-
lug tet.le,
waiting three days nt tho miserablo lit
tle post-ollko wiiitlow in Ellzabetli St.,
now supplnutul liy u palatial edifice,
in tho midst of an eager struggling
crowd of letter-seekers, I got u commu
nication from iwy Loudon friends, sny
lug that thoy wero gone to Hundlgo, and
would let mo know whero they were as
soon ns they wero settled,
I scarcely know what to do. I had
come lo Australia solely nnd entirely
for tho purpose of going to tho diggings,
ami to thu diggings I was determined
to go j hut 1 did not care to go up tho
road nil by myself, The hundred miles
of bush which lay between Melbourne
ami Hcndlgo was swarming nt that time
with escaped convicts from Van Dio
a colony which lias always maintained
a high reputation, and one or two of
those standing by our log-tiro wero sub
stantial Adelaide tradesmen, vvho liav
Inir been smitten by tho universal epl-
au Interloper. Nothing could be kinder ilemle, had deserted their chops, nnd ; c1iks-"WIio betrayed our .saviour?"
than llrocklebauk's manner towards coino to seek a speedier road to fortune. The cln-s being youthful-u ivntlj
me ; he could not have treatt-d me with One of theso ml venturers, a chemist and weaned nan not neen thoroughly
more consideration if 1 had come reco-, druggist from Bundle Street, Adelaide, "coachol" in theology, and failed toitn
ininendcd by Ids mo-t Intimate friend, took my fancy Immediately, and wo ' swer correctly. Finally, n little gin re-iu-tead
of beluga mere w.dfand stray soon became very intimate together. I'HI : "John Peter Paul -.lob," but
or the great Australian Immigration. I Ho advi-ed me to be in no hurry about not reteiving an alUrmatlve nod Horn
Alllionirli Im waskeeiilu'' a retail store, beirinnlng gold-dlgging. Thero was , her teacher that she had named the
ami wiling trla-ses of lemonade, bottles I plenty of time, and plenty of gold left I right party, said : "Well, then, it must
of pickles, ami diggers' boots to any I lu splto or all the croaicmg one hoard.
then, ny way oi consoling mo wr my
loneliness, lie hinted that If, In a few
days, I should be unablo to find my
friends, and lie thought it very likely
that I might never find them, he would
chance p.f-or-by, I learnt that ho was I
leiisautor to talk about afterwards than a young man ol highly re-poetahlo eon-1
to endure at tho time. It is enough lor nectlons in Liverpool, uio sou oi a
mo to statu that Mc-srs. Baldwin and Nonconformist minister, unit that,
Frvsnon betran to uuarrel with each like mysell, ho had iii'enilrawn out ny
other, and before tho end of thu Journey t-plrlt of adventure. I pretently asked
was reached displayed towards each mm now i nan oeiiui- set nouui iimimg
other sentiments of the most deadly 1 my Irlends. Ou hearing that I possess-
hostility. I managed to keep on pretty eil no moro special utiuross man non
good terms with both ; Mill, It was I dlgo, lie shook Ids head, said that the
scarcely pleasant to sit down to break-1 diggings covered uu enormous aroa.and
fast with two men who never oiiencu mat i migiii spoon a inouui m visiung
their mouths except to snarl, and on 1 every gully in suece-slon. 1 laid better
ono occasion proceeded to tho extremity I rail at tho post-olllco on tho Camp, and
be Juiiunn ."' Let tho "Impeachment''
or "Custoiii-liouse" Committee, who
aro clothed with power to send for per
tons and papers, summon tills babe.and
e if situ lias further disclosures to
make. Mimcbody "betrayed" somebody
of hurling pannikins at each other's iiscortaln if there was a letter awaiting
heads. Tho hardships of hush-travel-1 mo inure.
ling lay baro weaknesses which n I went to the Camp, and Inquired at
lengthened course uf harmonic reunions ' the post-olllco. There was no letter lor soli of these gullies. I have seen a man
might never discover. Upon tho whole, "Mr, Fri deiick Parker, late of Watllng washing the common road du-t, and us
Hiked Haldwin better than Fry. To mu Street, London," I returned to iron lie went ou all day at it I fancy It paid
lie was exceedingly civil, whereas Fry , (iully in ratlieradespoiidliigfrauie I liim. You won't want many iniph
was morosu to both of us. of mind. 1 was heartily iisliamcd of my-1 moots. A pick, n shovel, and a tin dish,
As soon ns we arrived on tho outskirts self at the time for my low spirits, but, 1 1 will set you up as a 'suiiacer.' "
try and introduce mo to some vespecta-1 ou tliC'tieuernlOrder" business - that's
bio mates. certain.
But these prudent obsurvationsscarco- ---
ly satisfied my youthful iirdui. Ilmd oni; of tlio niot popular clergymen
travelled sixteen thousand mil s to dig , of San Francisco, Dr. A. L. Stone, re
goltl, and I wanted to begin at once. I ceiitly from Boston, attended nut long
confessed my longings lo my new I ago a public dinner In the former city,
friend, Langford. i.lvoii in honor of tho o cuing of steam
"Well," heremaiked, "If you're very loinnuiiilcatiouwHIiClilna, Tho Doctor
anxious to begin, you can go 'surfacing' j n'nt n waiter for llsh. Tho waiter 'oon
bv yourself. Oold Is found in minute returned with n very small quantity.
quantities lu almost every part of tho The Doctor looked at It, and said to tlio
scrviug-mau: i , timiitine nmuv
But whether he succeeded In obtaining
ftiliher supply Is not i forth.
May we nevtr bo lu possession of
, I'.ches which wo do not enjoy.