THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. NEWS ITEMS, tea- A nlno-yeur old boy In lliitlleM, MiuxnehuwUt, woIrIm two liuiiilu-il pounds. Ckf Judge Buckiier, of Kentucky, ni'il lTtV-!VI'. foil III lllVO Willi ft WOlllllll nllirtPi'ii, iiiul-liot himself bratuso ho couldn't Ret licr. limit youlh 1 lei-Tho Mm. Lincoln $100,000 funtl, to bo raised In subscriptions of ono dol lar encli, hm nlrondy renclicd tho liuml onio ngRregnto of six dollnrn. TllrmlnRliuni Is one of tho lintlth let towns In Knglitml. Its death riitti li rlghtucn to n thousand. That of London Is twenty-four and that of Liv erpool In fifty. jST Colorod dreon 8henerd Is running (Vir l, I.nnUlntiirn nf North Cnrollim. Who rules o'or freemen thould hlnitclf be freo, and who ropiv.sonts iroeumen h,nild himself bo green. fcarTho Now York ITcraW thinks filnto Senator Humphrey ouht to go to prison, bcuttiso It Is "n mean Job fur n Senator to sell himself so low iw II vu hundrod dollars, and as Improperly de pressing tho market for Assemblymen and lobbymen." t-Coinplcto ofllclul returns f how the Ohio Legislature to stand thus: Somite, IN Republicans and 19 Democrats ; llou-e, 41) Hepubllcans and CO Demo crats; hhowlng seven Democratic ma jority onjolntballot. MT A woman of respectable standing In Now London, Conn., cowhlded her son In tho public streets or that city tho oilier day because ho refused to marry to suit her wishes. Near Sherman, Texn, recently, Mrs. Bentty, a widow lady, met her death In n moot singular manner. Slio was In tho act of getting on ft horse, ivhi'ii ii ivimmfui bp iv I hi? needle. W'lilcll stuck In her dress, caught In tho saddle and was driven In her body near her breast, sllirhtlv Piercing herheart. She lived only about half nn hour. Kir A gentleman residing n short (llstimiii north of lluntsviile. Ohio. sold from his farm, n few days ago, a single-curled black walnut-tree to n Boston dealer for $300- The treo was not an exceedingly largo iio at that. The purchaser, after tho treo hud been foiled, and Its true valuo ascertained. lomarked that ho would not take $2,000 lur It. Js-Brltmtono Brownlow was elected V. 8. Senator, on tho l!3il Instant, by tho so-calbnl Legislature of Tennessee, by 21 mnjoiity overStokos, also Jtadi cal. Another farco of un election will now bo held for governor, In case Brownlow does not intend to run both olllces together, which Is quite probable. Mr-In Vlrzlnia City. Nevada, a noor widow, in over-hauling an old vest of neriiusoanu'H, who nan recently men, found a dirty paper In the pocket, which, on examination proved to bo a deed for lliree feet of tho Savagp claim. The Sec retary of tho company Informed her that it was genuine, nnd that $1,S00 were duo on it. She took tho money, sold the dirty paper for $1 1,000, and went to her homo and lrlcnds at the Kast. tSf Joseph Cloud, of East Nantmenl, says ho raised n pumpkin vino seven hundred and eighty feet long, which boro throo hundred and forty-eight pounds of pumpklna, tho largest of which weighed sixty pounds. JUT" A German nnmed Miller, In Haelne, applied keroscno oil to an ulcer on his band. The hand soon be gan to swell, and tho swelling extended over his wholo body. It was Impossi ble to stop Its progress and Mr. Miller died in great agony. A young Englishman of wealth nnd culturo, recontly fell In lovo with a squaw in Omaha, Kansas, and mar ried her. The next day she got drunk and turned somersaults in the street. Tho young Englishman of wealth and culturo at Ia9t accounts, was seeking for a divorce, on the ground of incompati bility of tastes. tSf A celebrated dentist says that in tho United States, In n population of thirty millions, theroaro twenty millions of teeth lost annually by decay nil caused by tho uso of bolted wheat, which deprives tho Bystem of tho limo needed in the human teeth. $& Sixty days ago Cheyenne, Dako tah, was a howling wilderness; now It has n Mayor and Common Council, fiublishes ordinances regulating city Ife, und has a nowspaper, rum shops, and vnrloug other Incidents of civiliza tion. tfrTho Spirit of Jefferson states that the fish "trap" near Mr. Manning's residenco on tho Shenandoah produced as much as one thousand eels in ono night last week 1 And it wasn't n good night for eels, either ! af A dog In tho employ of tho United States, at Peoria, Illinois, stands t tho ladles' entraucoto tho postoftlce, and declines to allow gentlemen to enter. toSr Whtlosinklng a well In Fayette County, Iowa, Captain Appleton enmu upon tho top branches of a buried for est, twelve feet below the surface. Tho trees were erect. tV A Democrat of Ohio came nil tho way from Chili, in South America, to vote at tho recent election. That W tho right kind of a Democrat, and his pat riotic zeal should be Imitated by every ono of tho sluggards in this county who Tallowed themselves to bo kept away from I ho polls at tho recent elec tion. edrln one of the comic papers, Ben. Butler is represented as n manager be fore tho footlights, apologizing to tho Eubllc, and faying that, owing "to u rcak In the machinery, the farco of Impeachment Is unavoidably potpon t il." In one of the stago boxes Is n fierce military man with u Radical program me In his hand. tar An Ohio editor has ciphered out tho numlior or grashoppers in that State. Ho estimates tho number at 42,020,150,000. Theao placed In single file, allowing ono and a half Inclnv to each hopper, would reach a distance of 8,D0,000 mllen, or would girt tho earth 2,100 limes. t-The Mound City (Kan.) Sentinel says that nt Twin Prairie some neigh bors noticed that the prairie was on fire and rallied for the purpose of putting It out, when their attention was called to a ruan-jvlio was riding along tho road dismounting und totting tiro to tho pralrlo In different places, somo half n inllo or a milo apart. Tho neighbors went In pursuit and captured ami hung him. J-In nensent Albion, Now York, where a telezranh oporator. summoned us a witness to dIscloo the nature of dispatches which had pas-ed through his hands, refused to testify on tho ground that tho dispatches were eonfi dentlal communications and the private property of tho parties, tho Judgo ruled that they were not privileged commu nications, or private property In tho sense mentioned, and issued an order requiring eoplin of tho messages sent to bo produced In evidence. Near Woodier, Ohio, n boy aged nine years went out to tho barn to make a bed for a sow with pigs, and In doing o tho animal attacked (dm foroelouslv. Injuring him almost fatally. Ho was fearfully bitten and mangled In the knee, legs, anil arms. His right arm, below the elbow, wus literally "chawed up," tho bones crushed to pieces, leav ing the arm hanging by the tlesh iiloue. He managed, however, to escape, unci went to tho house. Physicians aiiipu tilted the arm, and at hist accounts lie was doing finely. tW-Tho masses hnvo ono privilege left. They rise at ft vo twenty nnd work till ten-forty nt night to earn money to puy hoven-thirty interest to bond-holders. Tho bond-liolder gots up at ten forty and enjoys hliiibolf till ten-forty t night, when ho retires, chuckling over tho fut't that ho has no road tux, or school tax, or county tax, or State tax to pay; nnd then offers thanks to Jacobin leaders for privileges ho enjoys over tho laboring million. Tho masses hnvo power to right matters nt tho polls. WU (hoy do It'.' Jatr-Thoru Is a boy In Minnesota twelve years old, whoso legs aro only tun lituUw louj,' uud without bones. 3fhe Columbian. HLOOMSlintG. PA. h'ltlllAV MOUMMI, .NOV, S, tBOT. j- THIS COLU.IIIIIA.N lin. Ihe Laige.t Circulation In Columbia nnil ailjnlillng counties of Ait) paper piihlLlicit litre, anil I. nl.o much larger ahttt than any of lUioliiiporarl. nml ! Ilicitfoiellielie.l medium for "! erllilnrf I" till rclloil of the Male. TIIE RESULT. Agaln,lalthfulreader,doe3tlioCoi.UM- max come to you bearing good news. Now York and New Jersey have been redeemed from Radical misrule, while oven In Massachusetts Ihero Is "a qua king among tho dry bones." Party leaders cannot maintain further that "local K-iies" defeated them. Tho tide has swept from Maine to California from Kentucky to tho lakes, until the only resort for tho once omnipotent Re publican party is among the negroes In tho enno brakes and cotton fields of tho South. Tho "party of Intelligence" now depends for salvation upon tho votes of n brutalized race Juit emerged from sla very, having been defeated wherever white men boro sway. True, wo cannot change tho present Congress, hut they daro not oppootho loudly spoken voice of tho people, and pursue their insane policy any further. Tho Radical party is dead. It was not beautiful In life, nor is It lovely In death, yet wo will cheerfully perform our duty as ono of the pall-bearers. W'c would sing, as did tho preacher who was burying n wicked man, "With rnpturo we, delight to sco. This wicked cast removed." To our friends wo would say, cloio up the ranks permit no straggling keep united and no combination can defeat you. Keep tho column moving, lot each ono do his duty nnd cro long our grand old Union will bo restored to her prlstlno glory, nnd wo can then look back upon tho past ns n hideous night mare. THADDEUS STEVENS. No better proof could bo adduced with which to satisfy tho public mind as to the falling powers of the vclcrnti repre sentative from tho Lancaster district, thnn the remarknble document bearing his signature, nnd addressed to ono M. D. G. Pfeifier M. D. L. L. D., which wo find In full In tho columns of tho Press. Remarkable It certainly is, not only for tho singularity of its arguments, but for tho style and manner of thelrf-ctting forth being prj-emlnently Illogical, rambling nnd discursive. It is difficult to perceive, In this loo-ely jointed and Incongruous array of words, any traces of either the statesnun or tho philoso pher, mm wo doubt whether this pro duction will do much to strengthen the Radical party, or convince thu thinking members thereof a3 to tho Justness ol Its deductions. Through it all wo can hardly fall to discover the querulous complaint of tho bed-ridden old man, that because of the non-acceptaneo of Ids one Idea, thecountry Is In its present ftato of confusion mid disorder. Tho general tenor of Mr. Stevens' argument Is this: That the Constitution of the United States as handed down lo this generation, Is but n faulty nnd con strained Instrument, not carrying out tho Intentions of Its f miner 4 or fully elucidating their Ideas. He contends that wo of tho present day aro competent to alter nnd Improve this time-honored instrument, and that by so doing we will raise the country to a more perfect state of liberty than we mvu heretofore enjoyed, or than, per haps, tho fathersofthu country had con templated. This wonderful improve ment Is to lio brought about by simply adopting his principle, that Congress has full and complete authority to leg islate for all the States In tliu matter of tho elective franchise. In other words, ho proposes to Ignore all Stato laws and Constitutions and to establish u central power In the Congress assembled nt Washington, which is to adjudicate in u matter so important m this, mid exer cise a controlling power over tho elec tors of thovUnitcd States. And thU, Mr. Stevens thluks,lsappri)aching near er to tho full nnd perfect liberty con templated by iho fanners of tho Consti tution, nnd the signers of the Declara tion. Mr. Stevens however, does not declare that the Constitution furnishes any authority for tills centralization of power, but says that it was the, Inlw linn of the fathers of the Republic to establish such a government, and that wo should carry It out, Thlsiirguinent is amusing If not convincing, nnd evin ces a singular unanimity of opinion be tween tho nblu patriots who framed tho Constitution, and the ablu leader of the lust Radical House of Congre.-sl Mr. Slovens deduces from his reading of the Declaration of Independence, that thoclcctlvo frmichUuis not merely a privilege but a rlyht, and that this right descends as a matter of course up on tlioiuenl'ranchlsed beings wlio3o wel fare was considered In tho 1 tth Amend mcuttotho Constitution. It is dilllcult to treat an argument so peculiar in all respects. Tho Declaration falls to fur nish any evidence of this, but tho tu sumption of meuninys which Mr. Ste vens adopts, settles nil descrupmieles. It were easy in any cno to perfect uu argument, II' we were allowed tofuruMi ideas und suggest Intentions, when tho letter of tho Instrument would not bear out our statements. In Mr, Stevens' case "the wish Is father to tho thought" It 13 not what tho fiaiucr. uf tlu Cou- i j.fl stituMon did think but what they ought to have thought (according to his be lief) which furnishes tho basis ofhlsnr giimeut. . t Mr. Stevens closes tils letter with a brief allusion' to tho islands of St. Thomas, Santa Cruz nnd St. John's In the West Indies, and a prediction us to tho futuro greatness of tho United States, "If wo do the Justice which tho Declaration of I iidepeudenco proposes, und we now propose." Taking the let ter as n whole, It Is weak, illogical nnd altogether tho most unworthy specimen we have yet seen from the pen of the " Ureal Commoner." Wo fancy It will need tho strong mid elllelent help of his friends mid followers to convince the thinking men of either party that Mr. Stevens Is entitled to any position ns statfiiiutmrrcusoncr. It Is not dilllcult to understand tho cause of such a docu ment being written. No ono Is more thoroughly convinced of his waning powers than Is the author himself. As his Inability to hold his position in the House becomes more und more appa rent, the hitter und disappointed old mall chafes nnd frets at his own impo tence to tarry out his revolutionary schemes. Prostrated by physical suffer ing, his mlud,stlll active, finds vent for its passions In writing such letters ns the above, and those containing denun ciations of his own party nnd accusa tions of corruption und fraud In the Legislature which his own exertions have helped to place In power. Tho recent elections must hnvo filled to overflowing the cup of bitterness which he must needs partake of, ami hnvo doubtless called forth the letter which forms tho subject of this article, which although Intended, from appear ances at least, to be culmly dlscusslvu and convincing has failed so signally of being either ono or the other. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE. Justici: com pels us to say, that tho Assessor's olllco in this District, was nevermore faithfully administered tlian now, both in regard to the interests of tho people nnd of the government. R. F. Clark, Esq., tho Assossoi, Is pro leading on the only principles that can Wad.T a publin olllco, (however exact ing In Its demands,) satisfactory nliko to the taxpayers mul to tlio government. Those principles lire JCconomy nml Im partiality. Wo are led to these remarks by tho recent re-orguniz.itlon of the District by which tho number of Assistants is re duced, nnd the expenses greatly dimin ished. Without lessening tho efficiency of tho work, the corps of Assistants has been reduced from 18 to 13; several di visions have been consolidated, and in order to render It moro satisfactory, both appointees In those di-tricts have been set aside, and new olllcers appoin ted. Tho thirteenth District Is now organ ized as follows: assessok: R. F. Clark, Esq. Olllco nt Blooms- burg, Columbia County. Cterk-ll. II. Grotz. ASSISTANT ASSKSHOUS: Dlv. I. n. II. U. Urovrcr, " 2. Thomas liutler. Montour couuty. 3. i. 6. I) . 7. K. U. II) . 11. M. U. Hiunuel II. Dlemer. John Thomas, Daniel M'JIcnry, James Tliom-iou, Ira Ave.-y, II. K. lleebo, J. Van Dyke, W. II. Derkcr, H. W. liuik, Andrew I-'ee, Charles U. Ames, Columbia county. rtiiUlvnn county, Wyoming; county. Hrndftml county. Divisions 1, 3, 7, 8, 9 nnd 12 tiro old appointments. Wo know of no District In tho State whero there has been less trouble, or fewer attempts to defraud the govern ment ; In fuct from tho very first, this has been a model District. The econo my and strict Impartiality of Its ad ministration cannot fall to commend It to all who are interested, either as tax payers or friends of tho government. In tho exercise of official duty, the pub lic officer should know neither Irlend nor foe, in a person I or political point of view. This wo believe to be the action of tho Assessor, his gentlemanly clerk, and all his corps of Assistants in the Uhlrteemh District. The people of this division, though they have paid a vast amount of tax, will bear us out In (ids assertion. Montour American, As the December ses sions of our several Courts, will com mence on Monday, Dee. 2nd, we aro re minded that of all unfortunate people in tho world, none tiro moro entitled to sympathy nml commiseration than those whom circumstances obllgo to appear on tho witness stand in Court. on aro called to the stand and place your hand upon a copy of the Scriptures In sheepskin binding, with a cross on one side and none on tho other, to ac commodate either variety of the Chris tian faith. ou aro then arraigned be fore two legal gentlemen, ono of whom hinllesatyou blandly becuiso you aro on ins side, the other eyeing you sav- igely lor tho opposite reason. Tho gentleman whosmiles proceeds to pump you of all you kunw, und having squeez ed all ho wants out of you, hands you over to tho other, who j rocceds to show you that you tiro entirely mistaken in nil your suppositions, that you never -aw anything you havo sworn to; that you never saw tho defyudant In your Jlfo; In short that you'htvo cnmuiiufd direct perjury. Ho wants to know ir you havo over been In Statu prNou, anil likes your denial with the air of u man who thinks you ought to have been there. Asks you all the questions over again in different ways, nnd tells you with un awe-Inspiring hoveri'y, to be careful what you say. IIo wants to know If ho understood you to say so, and wauls to know whether you meant something else. Having bullied and scared you out of your wits, and convict oil you in tho eyes of thojury of prevar ication, he lets you go. By and by, overybody you have fallen out with is put on tho stand, to swear that you aro tho biggest scoundrel they over knew, nnd not to bo believed under until. Then thoopposlug counsel, In summing up, paints your moral photograph to tho ury, ns a character fit to be handed down to time in the typo of Infamy ; as a niuii wlio had conspired against inno cence und virtue, and stool convicted of tho attempt. The Judge, In his charge, tells tho Jury If thoy bdluvu your testimony, etc., etc., indicating that tliero Is oven a Judicial doubt of your vuruclty, mid you go home to your vlfo nml laiiiily, neighbors and ticquain taiices, a suspected man, all hecuuso of youraccldeutul rcsenco on an unfortun ate Decision, Who would ho a witness V JCxchunye, BoYc, the new I're.iiU'iit of Liberia, Was fonuorly a barber In Ohio. VICTORY! VICTORY II Radicalism Defeated. DEMOCRACY TRIUMPH ANT.THE UNION SAVED. THE "OLD FLAG" STILL TIIE EM BLEM OF 0UH NATIONALITY ; NOT A STAB DIMMED, NOR A STRIPE ERASED. Our ROOSTER, who could sCrccly bo restrained when wo carried Pennsylvania and Ohio, insists on entering; his first appear ance since the COLUM BIAN was started, and In clarion tones sends greeting' to ourbrcth rcn in New York, Wow Jorscy, Massachusetts and Kansas. JUSTICE, WITH IIERSCALES, HAS WEIGHED RADICALISM IN THE BALANCE AND IT HAS BEEN FOUND WANTING. TIIE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE HAS DECI DED THAT "This is a While Man's Govern ment, established by White Men, for White Men ami for their pos terity forev- WBW YORK. New Yoiiic, Nov. 59:10 i. m. Complete and estimated returns from thirty-seven counties in tho State, inclu ding Now York and Kings, glvo n De mocratic gain of 40,107. Amiany, Nov. C Tho Argus claims over 10,000 inojoiity for the democratic state ticket, a majority of tho assembly, and at least fifteen out of thirty-two Senators. Ni:v YoitK, Nov. 7, 1 a. e. It is conceded at tho Tribune office that the stalo has gono Democratic by not less thnn 10,000. The Democrats will have a majorlt In tho lower branch of tho Legislature, nnd havo gained so vend members In tho Senate, New York City gave a Demo cratic majority of 01,200. WISCONSIN. Mii.waukik, Wis., Nov. 0. Tho net Democratic gain In the state, as far as heard from, is 2,001. Tho Republicans claim that Fnlrchild Is elected Govern or by about 1,000. Tho Democrats con cede n majority of nhout 3,000. Tho Democrats gain six or eight members of Assembly nml threoor four Senators, MINNESOTA. St. Paul. Nov. 0. Scattering returns received Indicate Marshall, repub lican, Is elected Governor by about 1,000 majority. Negro suffrage will probably bo de feated. The entire democratic ticket is elected In ihl's county by from 700 to 800 majority. MARYLAND, IUinMouu, Md., Nov. C- Returns come In slowly. Indications now are that o ery official position in tho State will bo filled by Democrats. In Wash Ingtou county tho entire Democratic ticket is elected. It Is also believed that tho entire democratic ticket la elec ed in Frederick county. These have been strong Republican counties. Kent county gives 1,285 Democratic majority, and Wlcomioc, a new county ,gives 1000 Democratic majority. KANSAS. Tin: principle issues in Kansas were negro and women sullrage. Both are defeated, though tho "women" run ahead of their colored brethren. NEW JERSEY. In New Jersey there weroonly mem bers of the Legislature to elect, and tho Democrats havo secured a majority in botli branches, MASSACHUSETTS. Bullock, Radical Is elected by ah lit 2.3,000 majority, ugaiiist 05,000 last year; a Radical lo-s of 10,000. The Liquor men huvu carried both branched of the Legislature. IUX'iiuond Journal oppohotbiicullliig of a Statu Convention. COMMUNICATED. ; Cemtrama, Nov. 1st, IOT. T)1K CKSIllAl.tA WCnSTF.ntAN LTCCCM. Mn.,EuiToui You will plenso give this a corner In your worthy paper. We (a small part of tho young men of this locality) knowing that nothing has, or can be accomplished without united ef forts, have organized this Lyceum ten weeks ngo. Since, wo have debated nt our regular meetings, which ure weekly, soverai subjects, many of (hem de bated before In other societies, hut Iho same as original to us. Wo havo twenty-eight members wlionttend pret ty regularly,and It seems to spread Its In fiuonce among the young, with no small amount of Interest and effect. We have the presumption of giving It that great qualifier, nml wo also have the presump tion of making It n great thing. Our Improvement was, and Is, rapid, and 1 think a couple of hours In one evening of each week, cannot ho more profitably spent. Wo not only debate, but wo rend, dcclulm,,niid now It can be tll'cerned that the natural bashful ness and tlmldness which nearly every one has In his debut, nre fading nvuiy, nnd those who spoke nnd upon needles as It were, can now Maud ns Im movable as a rock anil speak to the point as unconcernedly us If they werespenklng nniiing their own families. So much is derived from lt,beslde the great associa tions of Ideas that nro expounded there. I bcllcvo I nm safe, when I say Centralla Is In the lentl on educational Improve ment of Columbia county, taken propor tionally Its Inhabitants. The reasons aro apparently simple, wo have threo public schools in active operation for ten months, an evening school, (select,) n Lyceum, together with other beneficial ocIetIe. Inhabitants of Columbia eo wl y not InsNt on having a longer pub lic or common school term ? .nml not let thoncndemle9 monopolize your interests so much ? Cnnynsrhiun township built two school-houses last yoar.nnd Is nbout to erect another this year. See our im proveinent down here In the Comer, close by Dark Corner, nnd dark It Is by name and nature. I will give you the names of our officers in my next. You will hear from us occasionally. J. J. C. Mil. EniToit: We look for accidents from collieries nnd railroads more than ni y other place. A sad accident here, lately happened n man name I Alexan der, who was returning homo (In sobri ety,) one dark evening,nnd fell Into ono of tho old worked-out Inclosed cham bers of Gorrell's colliery and broke his Jaw bone. IIo has since died, nnd leaves a family to mourn his loss. Theso holes nro very numerous, and the operator ought to tnko measures to have them filled up, or somu moro accidents will occur. A person Is in danger goingnbout somo parts of die town in the evening, and even those II vine In some houses aro In danger. Wo would not be surprised to find the Conyngham direc tors taking measures to have the breach es filled or fenced that arenround one of their Schools, for the children aro In continual danger while playing. If the operator's cattle were meeting with these accidents the broaches would be filled Immediately, J. J. C. Eight Vi:i:ks rou Nothing. The Country Genllenvtn. All Now Subscrib ers to tho Cultivator and Country Gen tleman for lKfiS, received previous to November 1st, 1807, with tho money, will recelvo that paper Weekly through November nnd December, eight num bers in all without charge. Tho Cultivator A Country Gentlcmnn, Is published In largo weekly Numberx of 11) to 20 pages each, and designed lo include Every Department of Agricul ture, Stock-Rnlslug, Horticulture and Domestic Economy. The Publishers prefer using the fol lowing extracts from well-informed sources, rather than tospeak themselves: The Maine Farmer speaks of The Country Gentleman as "Standing nt the Head of Iho Agricultural Press of the Country." Tho Scottish Farmer calls Tho Coun try Gentleman "The Best of All tho American Newspapers devoted to mat ters of Rural Economy." Tho Gardeners' Monthly says that The Country Gentleman Is "Conducted with a Degreu or Talent equal to any European Journal, ami superior to most of them." The Canada Farmers' Advocate sayrf : "We aro In receipt of Agricultural pub lications from various parts of the world, but for truthful accounts, well written practical articles, anil general manage ment of the paper, we havo seen none at nil tocomparu with Tho Cultivator A Country Gentleman, published in the United States." Terms. Tho Terms uro lower than those of any other paper of similar stnnding: Ono copy, fiMi per year; Four copies ii) ; Eight copies, $11). Speci men Copies Freo of Charge. Ami let It bo remembered, in fine, that those who subscribe for lbGS.utuny date subsequent to Nov. 1st, 1S07, will bo supplied witli the Weekly Numbers from receipt ot',Kcmitlunco to the close of 1S(J, gratuitously I Address Luther Tueker&Son, Publishers, Albany ,N.Y. Foiinuy's Press of a few days ago had extracts from southern letters, utili sing tho northern people, and call ing them rebels, etc., and elolug with tho following sentence: " Tho only "loyal element in Virginia is the " emancipated slaves and a lew white " Republicans, und 1 tell you it would " bo lar preferable to lei the Southern "States go, mul establish for them ' selves a separate government, than to "allow tiicm lo bo controlled political " ly by the whiles ulone." This Is tho same old disunion talk that we had Irom radical black Repub licans beloro tho war. Then, iimUtid of continuing slavojy, better dissolve now, rather limn let while meiirulutho Soul'i, belter let them no mul "(Hlablish a separate government." Tho people have repudiated theso di, unionists, and tho tall elections glvv them Iho quietus. Tin; Ri:v J.C.Cl,.uiK,of Hunting don county, Pa,, will deliver a Temper ance Lccturo in the Methodist Church of tills place on Saturday evening next, Dili iust. under the Directions of tho I. O. ol G. T. O.C. KAHI.Eit, G. W. C.T. ALL Kinds ol Ready Made Clothing ut low ligllllM ul lULllllt.llU.'li UutlllUtf fcavrv.llbiUAiuu biwk. lilfouikburu, ru.tts-uui. A LL Gui uu nth niiiile in thehiUstand XX 111141 UlJIUtil ktyll) Ul lUUllifcHMN ttOlU.UU toluiv, 404111. A LL hlNDa OF JOB PIUNTINU Market IUorl. Whrnt tier luulu-l H Itye -Si ivlrn iT Flour pr barrel H t'loversisstl...,T, ;..'M PlnxRccil ,M liutler . . KiiRs,,.,. t,', .; Tilfiow l'otntms ,-, ,;.;, , Dried Applet H fork ,. llnms Midi's nml MiouMors Iinl per Huml. liny per tun... I.U.MIIKIt. Itemloclc llonril per tliousnncl reel I'lnc Km, hii h Jtilat, Hcntltlltliz, I'lHItk, tltetlltfK'kn... Hhlhiftcs, No. Iper llioiiHtttuU "Wing " n, ;'.v.vr.'.'.'.'.'.v.' , 12 40 , I , i 00 . II no i 7 Oil . i . 41) . ! . II . CO . ami . n . a it . 12 nil ... .'Ill I'l .... hi:i .... I ) IU H Itl ..... 7 10 ..... IS in) PlillxdrlpliU MrkM. TllUltsliAY. November 7 l-l?, I'Litl'll Noriliwe4iicrn HtiperH'cnl '' 7A ,S4irlliwlteril (ixlni. 11. rt. Nort li wi-Nlet n rnlinly HUia 1 l.'Jii IVuiiM'ltunlii nml Wentern nupeillne,,. T.-Vitv-.J i IViiUsylviltilu nil I Western extro. ........ ivin.tyll.'.i I' nn-ylvuiilii nml Welelii rmully- ll.HMIiii I 'ennsylvuulft nml Wenteru fnney I I.UN.M l. i llye Hour s-.uii.oi inivr IVnniylviiiiM m,y luis.. J.'.ino,i.V) Southern " ' iiWMl.'.'.Tt Cnlir.irnu ' .. .. M.M " "llll! " Sl.lVtf.ft.JI in i-r4'misj ivnniu rye, y mi COHN-Yl Mow, " 4l.ll,.l..l'l ' liltf, " ll.aHSI.-.'l oats 4b, .. eAVajtr. I'hovis ...s Mess l'4irlt, V bill... 3JI.7. Me- lleer, ' . .. S'.TrVP Ilres-eil Hon, II..... sealle Hluotteil llniiiH ' l-e'J-k' Slliullders V t M" fetal le Ijinl.UiTi I as I lift. Hfkiis rliierceetl Vitus fi..jor't7.i Tlmnlhyiteeil V liu-. Mnxheetl " S'J.3.Va; I'm Ikon Nu. 1 Hentcli jii.ik) No. 1 Atnerleill I HUH i;atti.k lleer Cull e vr, - KetU'Je t'owa. 4 heml tUXftiil) HtlEKl' VHi - 4e(fl)V lions V10O tin 9..' MARRIED. t"it.'t.i.t tt tvi.' r. ........ m u.,.. miti liy Uev, d. ili HMT, .Mr. Franklin IvlHlVr. ni Oruinyvlle Ui Mlts HiHiin J, Kltnc, or ilrfen wotxi. lmss-imiNK-At Ornnaovllli, Oct., tho Hnmo, Mr. Alcxiinilpr IIckh, of Benton, to MUt iTiNciun minx, ui juckhoii. lvMNi:-IIi:ss-.t Ornnapvute. Oct., IIMi, bv the name, mt, a. n. iviine, ni urune, to ,mish .mi try L IIcsh, of rishlnscrcek. IIAUTMAN ItAUIMII At th lirMe'a ralhorS Oct Jlih.. bv tho name. Mr. Miner Uiirtmin. of Columbia ?., to MIhh Nurcim.i A. iUirlnli, of muuvmi co. PI FE It WA T.T m A t OranKovllIr. Oct...lM, hy Hie wimr, Mr. V ivM lMfer to Mist Mary K. Will Ut, both of Columbia m KINSMAN WINN On Mnmluy tho llth but nt ins ouice in uncivil rn v jacitu nurm rq., Mr, .foNpph KliiHiimn, of M mlotir, tovmhl, tn Mm Winn, of Hum oclc township, nil of Columbia co. WIirn;NIOIIT-I.r.K At tho rol'lonco of tho iiriiie'H miner, nv iuv. hniur, .Mr, umricK w, WhltcnlRht, of Mlw. Himh L. Ico,of Huott. liMtOS-HHANNON-On Hut fith ult., nt the house of PcunNou Brink, tti IHnnm-ilmrjr, by Ihe Hev, I. C. Hlielp, Mr. Jotpph Ijinn, nml urn iuiiinno nun un mi, umii 01 ition, ru, DIED. IIAOKNBUCH la Centre township, -nn tho 2U' oi ucioitor, j.iizuiH'iii, wiieoi imiii.-i iinenimcn nod (31 yeurM, 4 in on I hi iind ltiyi. Osk who wai t: really beloved, having for ninny yearn Ultoil tho uotitlonof wife ami mother ho wisely nnd well ns to have attracted Hpeclal uo- tire, linn finished licr tourise, nnd nit will enjoy her ever cheerful funlleund greeting, no more. We most heartily Bympathlzu with our friend, nnd hi ettlmable family lit their ktoixI berenve mcnt. MOVKIl InRIoomnburfCon Babbath Inst, Mn Oeorn iloyer, nueit nbout M yo ia, HKA11LY On Snturdnv. Oct.. Mth tSiJ7. at llur- veyvllte, Luerne Co., I'll, Wtlllam 11. koii ol if. r. iieuaiy , a yen inrte years nnu r months. Hliri.MIAMMIUl-At the residence of O. W. Kuth, 111 HerulcK.ou Iliurt'l.iy mornini; lat, very suddenly, MrK. Alum Margaret Hbelllmm moi, In tho twin jetir of her ugo. SPECIAL NOTICiiS. Iron in tho Blood. Thenocunity of u duj proportion of Iroti In the blood W well known to nil mtlleil m'u; when It becomes rtduced from any cati- wh it-cr, th wholo NyMtemsuirtTrt, ihe wnl;cst part beinu llixt attacked, and n feolhn; uflaiuu-r, lusitude, and "all KoneneNs" penades thoMyst-in. Htlmulants only afford temporary relief, and Imo tho name effect an Blvlng a tired horna tho whip Instead of oats. Iho truo remedy .li to supply tho blood with tho necessary rmantlty of Iron. Thticnu be done, by mini the PBttUVIAN HVIIUI', n protected botut Ion of tho prutoxtdool Iron, which in so prcji.ired that It an Imitates nt onco with tho blood, giving .strength, vigor nnd new Ufa to the wholo system. To take medicine to cure disease occasioned by a deficiency nt Ikon in tiik Blood, without res torln it to the nyhiein,N like trying to repair a buildlnu when the ft undntlon Ih none. An eminent divine Miy:'I hne been using the Putt'ViAN kui fur sometime nuRtt It ulvi-n mo new vior, buojnney ofhpirilH, elablklty of Illll-MJIL', 1'amphU t contnlnliiR certificate. of cures, and recommelidntlont fmui homo of tlie moht i ml. nent phjsiciam-, cleiuymeu ami others, will be himh iri'L nt any aooi hs. The uenulnu has "I'titt'ViAN Svitur" blown in lie yiasH. J, I BINSMDUE, Proprietor, No. J l)ey Ml., New Yorlt, Hold by all DmsiUta. I'oi all the Irotcnn forms of Dlseoso originating in scnortXA, Kiich as Salt IUioum, Cancer. Couium)tion, Ac, thero is nothing can enual the purifym; ttlecU 01 iwjiiiu wut'ii uMiiiiiusicrcii ui u puie biuie, I)U. II. ANDUItS 10DINK WATi;it Is n mire Nolution of Iodine dlsKoIvrd In water. ultliout a M.lvuit, nml Is Hi best icmedy for niToiuia niKi itiuiiro'i (menses eer uiseo erru, Circulars fue. J. p. niNsMoiti:, .J Iey btreet, New York. Hold by Drum Hti saucily, TO CONhUMllIVfK-lhe Ilev. IMward A. Wibon will M'Ml (IH4- ol i hnicejto nil who dr hire ii, i lie i it si 1 1 i ii'ii u iiiiiiieoirt ciiouN lor maitiiiR and m-lng tho flinple tinndy ly vhlih hewtiH uu d ol a limit it fit (Hon ami that tlieaib d dlhcnhe ( 'misttmidh n. Ills (nty objut ih loUnctlt the ..4111, t .1 fit., I l.l. I. I .k . .. ...Ml t.. piet-t rlptloii, aw )i will itiht Hum nothing, and IllllY iiir u moMiiu, it HM' IHHin'KN 111 V. I I AMI A, W1I HON, No. HiHoulh H( cond Slieet, msr7-ly,l illlmbuii:, KincKio., N, v. INl'OHMATION. Infonnntlon tmiinnileed t( )n (1 in t a ItiMiitnnt ptowth of hair ui on a bah I.i'iuloi beiiidlehs hit e, iiImiii retelpe (or the re montot l'lnithr-. Blot(lu, I ruptloiiM, etc., oi the hkln. h iifnu Ihe hnme Milt, cli nr. nnd henntl 1 ul, t un I col lelnt tt w III i ut ( Imipe bj nildreKslntf imh, i . i jiai MAr.( liemihl, heplTfiT. vjti I n iHlvny.Mu Yoik NEW ADVKRTISEMKNTS. p S T 11 A Y. 1'iimo lo the nrrmlneii nf the Mi'mrrllier In Mr. Pleasant township, Oct, IV l-V7. ritriKK wiiitk rir.K nbout fle montliH old. The owner Is re. nuchtfd to come forward, rviv biiraew. and take lb m nnv, ntherwl-se tbev will bi dl-iosed of neeornini! m inw. j. it. VAJil.ltl.U ;, Nov., H, 1M17-It, rAHTMA.V A K.NOKI.JIAN, TOIIAOVO, HNUIT A Kr.o.ut MANUrACTOtlV, un. 313 tronrii TiimiiHTnrnT, Heet n 1 Itoor lielow WiwmI, P1I I I, A DI'. I, P II I A, WAr.TMAN, II, I'. lISni.KVAN U II I. 1 n S A li K oi' v i.u m; nr. i. r.s r ti Til ACT Ol' LAND, Mtuntn In Heott township, tn mltl oninly, tiouutl etl liy lunil in homitH (,reellui;, Webly Uuckel ...... (JiiieiH, .-4iiiiiiiiiiiii Hnvn.v Anti'js ash twi:ntv l'liuciiix on t lileli Is rrecte.l n I'll A M K It UUHK, nml tlio likllnl .uIIiuIIiIIuku; late the l.lnle or.nltl nforrMilfl. Jihhk t'ol.iiiAN, Clerk. 4-('('nillUonR ol Hnle, 'Die nne-llilrtl of the pitrchn.t tu(,ney in reinulu ehnrnfil upon Uia prmiUri. (lurlniill e nniuiul llle m ihe widow of .nlfl dceenMil, nml (he Interrhl tlirreoflo 1st nn nunlly nml r. iiulnriy uld lierhy Iho purelm-rr .... iiiD.ii.iun) iti.tpui .ii i-itt ii boh eery 3enr lurlnii her iiutuiul Ihe, nml nt her ileulli the prln. elpnltotiit ml(l hy thu pureliumr to the peiitonti leiiitlly nllilid therein. 'len ixr (em. of one. foul th of fAD'thliilH of the purchio.e money to he pntd ni the Kirlklng down of the proitertyi tlio one.fourtll nlthe Inu-lhlrdu, lens Iho ten lier lent, ul the eounrniatlon nl.M.lule, und the remain. I nn iwo.thlida in one )enr Iheiiniier. Willi Inter, oi irom nll. iho tnuliacrr to HitTforilMtlBlnlitUiliiiui. JOHN CKI.I1MK. ov.,7. tiruetor. G Ui'lB Fiu-ulriiIxittUeoa'ot Utui Jp i rm 1 1 tc 1 1 rr i rt'n i f Hie orplinn.' fourt r.f t't ipn'liin (ii'iit-.. 1 1 iu hrnin, t n Hatiiii vax. Ni.)'rii Ifil. im m ft (.'iliwk In lltt. ffitintiti Jt lot r. Kline Iiiulorof llnrnim, Kline, tot. ti.hlp, In r-iiltl f mini v. fie 1 1 axil, v III S ie InMtle, Itv pultllo enttmt, on lite ihiiiiIm , n iilllilu meit.uiJge nnd NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ilIKUIl'T'S SAL.K8. itv virtue nf mi nd rv writ is litmifd out of the cotut of Common Pleim of ( Vtlumbla County to me di rected will l exposed to hale, nt the CiiUUT HOINK, In IlltMimsburn. on Mn lay, the tfd tiny nf iKM-em'ter, next, at one o'cIinR in thn after- ihhi, tlie follow. i KuevrliMii jiroperiy, vir.i Alt Hi, wo In. i ei-flulM fninli or tilit-t'flllf land li' Inrfiuid In'Iiik In thotown-thliiol .tackiton, In tho l 'on nil nf t.'iiliimhlii. and Hi ale of IVnilV Ivatlln Iheonn piett'oi lund li'-niided on ihu ent b inutl oi joiiii ilea I ii. on ine hoiiim oy mini wi Parker, nnd on the went and noith by landa of Jiioh chriitilnn, tuninlulmc neven tu-ren moro or less ine m ennu piece oi iani oeuiK rimi lyinx llin tllWIIMlllll. Illlllll' f Hit NflltlMlflllPSIllfl.lHlUnd ednfnllowHi regiiinln nt a led oak, thence by tnnd of John Christian mmth7f degree puxt tour perchei Inn iosl I Iheiico by laud of Win, Patter won, wmtli .l.i il areeis wet hlxty percheis to a lwt in the roait leadhiK from Hhondnirtf to l1irltlan n uiwmltl; thence atitint thomiiiiu north At tlfKrecH wesi, heeniy-inree n it-iies in a i-osi i inence ny the name n irth It deitress ensl nine ihtcIh-h to a iniKt In Lltll Klshltuertckl Iheueo liv laili ol John Christi ti north HI tb'Riees -nsl, nixtynlrie pt'reiirit in tut itkiiiiimi cm mm i nv louru" nereis of l.ind and ell-maneo of hl per cent for rim 1 1 He,, moifor less, ist'lfd, inkeii liiloex eullon an I to he ft lt as the propel ly of Wni. IM K'r, mul J'lhnin'ey, .idin.aNtiMtor of Pl.tim Kd i', .eceaseu, AI.0 All Mint ceilaln tr.UL or mrctd at IaihI In iln nsliipufU.iirlnserre hi th county oi Co- lummi formerly .Mnutourjhotitidi'darddf'ci'b -d in fii lovsl! nn th n.irlti h luti I r .fnhn l'.r- ry on tbecasi hv l.tudtif Ja olHHn on ihi-H -uth y land now or Iiatnel iCotenl,au.ler, and on the ucst by laud oi Jomoi PahritMor. ContalnhiK one hini lrtilaiilhveacies, rttdxud taken In excel i ion it ii i iu i Mr ii uu as i uu prom-rty or Tlioiuas Marks. AlsHO (irtaln trni t of land hltuntod In ttt Tnwniiiin of iiemkH'k and Coitniy of l oUimblaaioihuldisdi. laluhM ahout one hundred hcm-h iHiuiidtnt and ilescribnl as lollowH.towlt i on I he not tit hv laud KPtler WerlcbflKiT mi the Mniith hv hitnia .f a jouu money on mn vsxhi nv miitiiii u wr u it oiiutiii'i in u ii-r nnu on i no wesi uv iliil'is Ol Muust. Heled, taken into exei-utlon ami to be holdns lhoproH'rtyof AuKUstusC. Itnljb.admlnlH tratorwltli tho will anexed of jienry iHlKhmiller, A USO All that certain hllllillnir tnmlnil nnnlnl AfnlAm. ol ground situate tn Ih inr Creek townsblpOilum- flOlll Ha til Uf I Hlllltll. Illirt linioift.xl l.v Inml .if ntiiu nmmin fitiiin nilH nilU lllinil fllorj' framo buildlnu belnff fourteen by ittxteen feet In Me. Helr-ed, taken into execution nnd to be sold as ine property oiisamiici Miller, ALSO A ecrtnln lot of around sltuntetn th nnrnin.K ii luiiirann, youiinoin co., conuunintf twenty tlvn feet on )jtcust Avenin nml rttpn.llnir li.wlf nloiv Soul h Ht ret t one huudrrtl and forty leet lo I ii j t freeifo a mo ftiorj- inline m iiiiini iiuusc wiiii int) uppiirieiiaiiceH. peieo;, iiiHi-ii imo fTi ion nnu to nei-soHi ns ine proper ty of IM .v rd llailey. n..iui.u . i iiiiii, rMicrnr. November , IW?, V U K S 0 11 A N T () N daily hi:publican wilt lw Issued on and after Nov, 1, Istjr( in, tlmo to f.aiilikt niAiNM or THE I)olaware, Lackawann, A Western i liickikwutma Jt Bloomhbur ; Ichbth Valley; LehlKtiAHUjtquehnnaa; mid Deluunre Hudson Ilnlroadf. It will reach nolnLs within Plfiv or u llliudiod mlte of Heian.ou MfVt'rul hourn In ad vance of the New mrkA r hilndt'lphlu MoriiliiK paper. It will be printed In new t pe on u large i oiiiioii nni'vi i win vuilllllll ALLTUKTUIXnUAMHOFTni: AHHOCIATKI) i'lUCSl Incltidlm; markctM fiom all Important polnt,and is Intended to bo in every reopect a frrnt cluss dally newspaper. Airnneemeuts wilt bo made for Its delivery by nit! mem .inwn awiiim hi ni4mt lU'n.ioiniH irnt com oi ?vw iorK or t'liii.ioeipuiiiMaines. r. n t tMA.MI.VLL, I lli,l U. 1 .1. iK I If., Jot.A. acKANTo.N. PublUhem. 1807. 1S67. piilLADKLPIHA AND KH1K A. UAIl.UUAli.- WINTKH TIMP. TABLII. l Hitoi'uii ami inni-rr iiottk u'-tween rut la 1IKL1M1IA, HALUMOltt:, llAUHiaitUlUi, WIL LI MHI'OUr, AND TIIK attiiAToiL ui;oniN op r i ; n n .s y l v a n i a . KLFOANT HLKr.riNU fAIl-l On all Nilit Trains. un ami aiirr 31omia, ucioitru I Hi mn. th Tim i lis on tin P. lUt'.ujpltia A l.i.e Kail will iuu as niio; wcsrv.'Apj). vi.ur kiiii: Tlt.UN leases I'hlladeIiletphla...ll.I." " " Norlliuiiiberland.i.r)if a.m " arr, at Lne PXBIllSx lemcN Philaiit li.liiit . 1 :.i' m. " nrr. nt l.rle li.4",ui,4 ii n ".it p. in. i:l.mi IIA MAIL leuvitH I' hllinli Iphln f.l'lu.ltl. .Ntntlitl .I.l! " " nrr. nt I.ttelt lluven M5 p.m. TASlWAltl). MAIL lltAIN IC.HCJ llrle ll.t'ln.m " " " Ni.rlh'd.,, , I.'.'l 11. 111. " " nrr. ut I'liliiideii.hlo.. -..v.u.m, Ulllt: i;M"ltl.H leaves i:rle 4.2", p.m. " " " Nort'tl, " " riillatlelphlu I.iioii.i.i, m.MlltA MAIL leave. Lock llnven 7.10n.m, " " " Norlll'd lU.lUn.m. " " nrr. nt l'lilludelplilu 6.11) p.m. Mnll mid IxnresH eonneetH Willi nil trains on WAllllKN i r'UANICI.IN IIAII.WAY. IWili DerH le.ivllix I'lillad.'lplila al I2.IX) M, arrive ut l. vlneloii at ii..) 11.111. and Oil fill nt, Leiivlnu l'hllaileliiliUl nt 8.) 1'. M. arrive Oil lit City ut 4.1S p. 111. All Irnliw on Warren t Prnnkllu Ittillwny maUc close connei.tlnii tit Oil City with train, for Kraltktlu and I'clroleum Centre, llagtiiieeelieiktd til rough. A. I.. TYIXIt, General Huperlutcnileiit. WlUlanmport. 1 AHKI'OSITOIIY OK FASHION, l'l.LAMUIti;, AND INHTUUI.TION." I A UPEK'M DA 2 A K. Thu I'ubUshera will commence, on November 1st. tho Uhuu ol Uarperh lluznr. n wei kly lllUH tratt d ramlly Jourmtl, devoted to FiiHhToli und Homo Literature. 1 heir aim Iti twofold: to sup ply IheexlHllliK ueetl of u Weekly Fashion News paper, und to combine therewith n Hiht.chifcH lit em ry Journnl. which will be IndlMJCliMublc toev- ry liouweholtl. Arrangement), have tnnde, at nn Immense coat, with the most eelebratiil 01 the Cushion raiterti of Kurope, especially with thu famous- Ilnznr of lierlln, which supitles the lashlons to the leadlnir JtttirnalH ol Paris, In luruish Ihe same to them 111 advance, ho that he mcforth the iahlons will np penr lu Hariter's ItaziirNlii.ultiineously Willi their publication In l'nrls und licrlin nn udvnutage enloyetlby no ot Iter Join mil In the country. '1 he patrons of Hunter's Utizar will receh f every fiirllllKht lurue pntlern. platen, enlitalnlnit from forty lo 11 fly tllll-llzcil pallernsof ludles', misses', and chll ren's bin neis cloaks, dresses, uiuler ciolhluit, and nlher t li.llili.u, und other urtldo, aeeomptiulcd w till Ihe necessary description, and directions, and octusloi nliy nil elegant Colored r ashlou 1'hilu of Ihe size ol J-lalper's Weekly. Uurner's ll.mar will contain It, folio pages of tlio sire of Harper's Weekly, printed on superfine, cat cndcliil paper, and will bo published weekly, HL'IISCIIU'TIONH. 1(W. Tlio Publishers havn pi lcolcl n system of mall Ini; hy which Ihey can supply the Maguzllie, Wiekly, and llnzar promptly to those who prefer to receive their periodicals directly from Iho Of. Ilco ofpubllcntlou. Postmasters nnd others de sirous ol getting up ciubs will bo .upplled Willi a Hhow.Illll 011 npplifutlou. The Postage on Harpers llazar Is ) cenlsn venr wlilclituust be paid al the subscriber's posl-olncc. TmiMsi Harper's Ilarar.onnycnr... . M to All Lilra Copy ofelllier Ihe MngHZlne, Weekly, or llararwlll be supplied gratis lor every Club of I iv; Mibsci lln rs al it iiocuch, lii one remittance; or six 1 'opii s for Jin l). Hack Niimbcis inn be supplied at any time. V mihcripiliius s, ni fiiun llrllMi Ainericnn I'ltivlnccs must be ufcnmpniiled with M cents ml tllllunul, toprupay l'tnieil Ktnles lVistatti. Ail '"V" . 11AI1PHU A IIHOTIIUHS. Nor. , W17. y ranklln bquare, K. Y. JKW HOLIDAY HOOKS. O. -W. CAUI.lriON A Co., Publisher.. I.nvi. I.tTlllK. Asileitlouofthe ul. sorb, flit) iluiraitel all't Interest, fiom eorrespondelice 01 eelebralii und tiotorl uiH ineiliilnl womi 0.) Wilio' isrnititli.Vi. A new comic volume, bv the nuihitr ol "Widow llediill. ' Jl A 1:001: Vlinl'T Lwtnw,-., ii prllll of Ihe In tensed turl'.ti, London woikju-t publistied.2 utl Ill'HII.Ui'fl IIIIIU D'l.ANI'H. All liri'ltl-tlililj riughahle bottk 01 coiiuu opluloiis, luutral etl. (I Oi W()MN's HlllATKOV. A Bptelltlld new Kng- llsh Uivo Mory. buiuiiiulij ami itrotusely II. lu.irutetl. ! si CoxiihNiKti Nov n., nn ! olher ('oinleunil II111. lestiie Palters, liy liiel llarie., SI .VI Tn is Cahi.kos Pkiiik.-a inosi dellBhtful new home novel. II) Mul J. Holmes, JIM Auti-mim W.wm in Losoosr -A new t'omlo Lo K h u, .glint UUlhol. Illus'illll ll. (1 SO HT. i:t.Mo.-lly Ihe nulliorof'P.iuiali." 1)110 of ..v.. ntui oust novels or the sge.f." di I iik r i'm-iiit r.vt.-A miiBnin.'cnt lllustrmed I..I11I0111.1 ilns Pi.imi l.iegantly loiitd lu kill. k.i uu How to .Make Monkv ami How 10 it, A vain lilt, buok licit every one should it TlIK llAllllrt Ol unon sni'ii.rv A n...nlt..,i work, tuuhliitf gtssl manners und behuvlor, II 73 I iif Aitroy CovvuiHATio.-f.-A hook Hint run. not f ill lo miiku almost any one u gwd talker. , Tun Alitor Avrsiso. Instructiomand hints ior every soriot 1 1 Amiisemeuts. li to tiiese niKiKs aionll beautifully bound-sold ev ervwheie-and sent by mall iHtstni.i Iree, on re cilpt of price, by 0. W. cAlll.iri'ON A i'O. Publishers, N, V. A OKNT.S WANTKD roll Til 10 XX. 'IllaiOliy OK 1IIK SH)IKT)IVKK." 10 it'll. ll' . Lulu r. The ustouiidliig revela tions und siaitllngdistlosurcB made In lids work h.'.';"""!1 V'" 'i'''iisiide.lro In Ihe ml ml. Oho pi opin io oblaliilt. Its olllciul churucter und led) sale, coiiiblned wltliun Increased com. mission, inuku It the best subscription Imok ever piibllshed. rtntl I1.1 iliininintnilseooiirteiins ami wby jt se 1. f tsier thuu nny olher wink. Ad. dn.s P, UAIIllL'I'fa ID , wMiislhut Ml., J'llllu. A m'EnTisKii's oazkttk. ?'w i,J'.l ll""lvamd to lijwr er In uuuut.. hUitieiitnitsruvuu. a. t: itoweu a Co.. ublUher..A' Y. CouinltteLUUofull pupj-T. lu ttUWtnO lUua wlWsuBsUl In Nov.toU t uiuntKf. Alto u uiplete luiol uU tuilxlou NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J7IUST MOHTGAGK HOND9. ni. IJUIMA IIION MOUNTAI.VItAIMtOAD CO. Heven per eenl, Inlerokt, IVIinmry nml AlutMt. 1 h... Itoinla enver n ltii...l ..rui ...ii. ...I flOlll Ml. IrflUlltttt l'llot KllOll. ntlil III flr.t.t.ti... t.r. tier. III! nil extelntl'tll of lllKillt the .nine lenutll mini rnoi unon to lieitnunl, miw rnpltlly con .IruetinK, for whleh Ihn prt4i-eit. of thetie hontH nre to Ik ii.otl, tiinklmt n llirouxh route irom hi. iiiii. 10 ..ew urienn-i nj run. inn eiiriumcH or U10VI mile, nre StW,i 1 ujeiii; Iho net piollta Mow ure Mltllelent In puy lli luterenl on Ills en. tl.e ntllollllt of l, tVBri. II...U nit I....D.I M'l... I11I.U ol neeurlty I. l.ollrM d toho lievond Hint of nliy ntlier liollthl now olleri-4. Apply nt Inn Ufflee 01 Ihe :oriiiiiuiy, No, 1 1 W'ull m.. (o II. (I. M Alt. HUAM), Men Pie-ldelil, 01 tofLAlIK, IMHHIi: t-u-t"t",nerof Wall nnd Wllllnm l., 8. Y.CUy. N OHTH AM:IU(!ATSTKAMSI111, t'tiMPANY. orro-tttto-,' mmk to rAt.ii'on.siA, r.vr.nv twh.nty dayi. r.-inn and iitKinitT at KEDfc kii KAtci. l'or further Infurinntloti, npplv lull. N, rAit. lllMllDN, Ant.,,li;-el,y, Y. ' M IHSOL'HI I.AM1W, I i.tttt' tere.tholee rnruiliiK niel Tlmln r l.ind. ...rn.ll... l..'tl, I. ,, -I.. II4T liei'H teil.ll) Ml hitit In -nil. Title neneel. WJI. IIIt'KtlK, in., W Immd W., New York ellv, JJYDIlAUMl! HAMS, PRCt' WtLt. 1 V M 1' S, KOIIL'E 1'IIMIV, AM) t'OWIJll l'UMt'rl, Munufurturid by COW1 NO & CO., Henkca Palm, N. Y. E Villi YIIUIlY CAN CUT THKIll OWN men or Itoyn, hy iiiiIiik I'iirtton selflnslriictlmc Chart.. Complctu net sent to liny lltldreNtt for $2.00. Affenli, order tt Nainpte. Hend ntninpi ror terms nnd circular. II UIIllUl, Jk I'AU-tONK, Unndlllu, N. Y. I) A M F O Y'S ctniHirr HKiHT RUIM'OKT K It, Dimblnrs In nno garment a per ft ct flltlntcCoiKf't, nnd the most desirable Hklrt Kiipporter eer orteredthepublle, ft ploeeHthe ueiKht ol th fcairti upon the fthnulderi instead nf tlio hips; It im proven the. foim without tiftlit laclna ; lven ean nnd ele Kancc; Is approved nnd reeom .ll.lf I.. UrJ.I nt ladles fancy Kocdn More cenerally, ami atM'hole Kiito by I). II. HAUNDKltSA (t)., (hi Hummer hi., lloston, and 21 WalkerHi., New York. AUo, by IIKNUY C. MOdUK.tJr Marltet Street, Phlla.nnd KrPI.IM.VNN, IIINKICHS& CO., 21 HanoerMt. Ualtbnore, Md. W K STILL I.IVK! Pon't be humbuicue bv Imnoitorft or "iat eut" east Iron or maehine Stencil tools." Hend lor our New Catalogue of Improved Htenelt I)len. 2 varieties all of Hteel. carefully finished nnd tempt retl.H, M.HI'KNMKU &CO.tllialtleboro, Vt. WANTED AN AUKXT One ehanee lu each town, worthy the at tention of an active buil new man, to take. Mm agency for the aatu of ltradstreet's Hubber Mould initand Weather Rtrlpv. applied to the aides, bot tom, top ami centra of doors and wlndo wh, Tlio wile Ih beyond nnythlni ever offered before to an iucent,nud from 8l0to$2i ier tlay can be made. Hend tor agent' circular. The flrt who apply hi cure a bargain. Tcrmt for MnuldlnKcanh. .1. It, MUADSTULKT A (.'()., llontoll, Mhm. rpOUHKYVS PATENT WEATHEIt X HTUIPS. Ait examination of itn merlin will ttiuvluco any mothat Torrcy'H latent Weather Htrlpt excel alt otherH. Hend Tor llliHtrated cir cular. Aueiittt wanted In every town. II. H.A.I. 1'OHHKY A CO., hole ManufueturcrR,72 Maiden Uine, New York. WANTED Ha let men lo travel and iell boo-Is by Rum ple, Good wanes and Mealv emplovmetit. Ad tlrerii with fitamp. HAMlLlON, PKltKY, A CO., Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED a TEXTS lo tell ii live man in every eonntv, a buhl nev i.iylm; per mhiilliMtre. J.C, IILTON, Pittkhun;, IVnn. pAINTH roil FAltMKHS A -N I OTHEttS, niP.OItAKTON MIVPHAI, PAINT COMTANY Aro now m.mufacturlmc the ta'ht, ctieapent nnd imiKt tint able Paint in oiti: tuneowln ut 11 put on mlxctl u ith pure I.iimied (ill, will last ten or IU teen m.hh; it w ot a llnht luuun or heautltul ehocol.iio cttlor, nnd cm bo ehui.i'tl to reen, lead, Ktone, olie, or drub to nut the taste if the eoiisumt r. It is valuable for Onuses, biiiiiH, Ifiteet, hnjilf lueiitM, carriaKe and tMi'inukerx, pull n and vtiHidtn-Mate, cunva-t, metal and ttluiile rooti, (It In Inn; tire and water piool), br.dKen, burial cant-H, canal bouu, hlilp and lilpt' oottoniH, t!ofr oil cltitliN, (ono Mauui facturer havinKUHed UK nil this, tho ptut yen.',) and artu paint for any purpme ) iituurpoHRetl for iMMly, durability, elajttlclty, and adlie.tveuc. Price 3ii per bbl., of 3X) Ibi., which will supply farmer lor years to come. Warruntedluallciue. ax a hove. He lid for a tlreutar, width kivch full particulars. None genuine iud M branded lu a trade mark Graiton Minenil Palnl. At Id I eh PANIKL 1U1AVU.1-, Proprietor, inpvru vl avpii'ii tieU"trr-J in. Pearl M., New Yorfc. fVim IUCUESTMAX IN THE X WOULD. I.XTHACT or a Lkttkh fhov IUkon Holomo.h ltOTHSCHILD. Pakih, Mli April, ISGI, a" Hue Faulty, Ht. Ilonore Will you Ite kind euoucti t liuvo forwarded to mo here LUOboUleH of your Indian Liniment ; If vou will Hend at the name time the account, 1 wilt forward you the amount through MenirH.llelmout A Co., New YorJt, Ilarou Solomon UothsohlM having recommend etl to many of Ids trlenda Major LANK'H LIN1 MP.NT.nnd they being detdroiu to prwuie it. he .should advise him to establish a depot lu ParU. TIIK INDIAN LINIMENT, Ah u relief, eer ready: uj a killer nf pain, taken iuuahtly, or outwardly applied, baa no equal. Por the relief and cure of Itheumatlcaud Neural ele AtrectloiiN, Hpralm, ltiu)sen, etc., It Ih un (.(malletl. It la also most elticaclouH, taken in wardly, in tlie cure of Cholera. Cramp and Pain In tho Htomaah, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus Cholera Infantum, etc., and Ih without exception tho most wonderful Pnnaeeatho world uflbrds. No Family should be without it. Kery Traeler by land or fcca shoultl hae a bottle. Mi ners and Funnels residing at a dlntauce froui Physic hit in should keep It constantly on hand. In case of Accidents, and sudden attacks of Stom ach Complaints, iu value cannot Iw cstlmab-d. Inquire mr Major ijinu'N Indian Llnimeiil, and lake no other. Price, CO cts. per lioltle. For sale at wholesale unit retail by DeimiH Harm etc, Co., Jl park How, N. Y., fialo etc, Uobiiisou.lMi Green N. Y.; P. C. Well A Co., HJJ Fnlton-Kt.M N. Y.: Chin. N. Crlttendcn,;w titti Ave., P. Y., and. by itspectablo PruyiiltU throughout the world. Nona Ki'iillllie unlt-SNslKiutl by John TIioh, lilie, and eouulcrhlKnetl by J, T.Lane A CoProprlutar-i 1U.1 l.iDudviay, N, Y. 44Hcnd lor ClrcuturH. SONSUMPTION CAN HE CUUED. riiK'iltUKHKMKDYAT LAHT DISCO VUI , UriIAM'HPItl--SH MPATC'UIti:,irfnd fiom the tovmula of Prof. IroiiHKcau of lurln, cures Consumption, Lunir, DIscaneH, llrotK-hltis, Dyttpepslu, Marasmus, General Debility and ul! morbid conditions of the sjstem dependent on tieliclency of ltal force. Ills pleasant lo tatu, and a kIukIu bottle will convince the most skepti cal of Us Utile us the great healliuj remedy of the ae. 31 a botUe, or six bottles for $5. Hcntbyhx press. Hold by H. C Upham, No. 'J& Kouth-sl. Philadelphia, nnd principal Drugget, circulars sent flee. T A DIES A GENTLEMEN. Jj You can have a beautiful Card Photograph JiL'O oi expense (wllh circulars of our Dry and Puncy Goods Hale) by nendlnt: stamp fur return postage lo ItliSTMAN A KKNDALL, 05 Hamper Htieet, lloston, Mass. 0 c it im rm-: iiutT ciianck kvku oi'Ki:iti:i)i One .rliiilii'biiiit..leUruu K0(t Hoilnl ."liirlillic. Waieli mill Hress. lleMtlver, or .elite other in tic ote.iuiiUnlue, treoofCostl Am uts unuiid mn win re, mule ami female. ..riliel,. vt ju.w i.IjioU. r'n Hale In the country. Hum ior ciuular. h. c.tiki.MI'noN a Co., 31 Klthullb-a Bt., Huston, Mann, fhrtr 1 r i;i)-AEenttniieII Ihe hest low. fltljlorii eilr.,uiii(Maelilui. eer nindf eh T'WlllerljV Iheilll.llllw.r nti ..n,nlnl..lntl W Our Machine will n-w. hi in, fell, tuck, hind, and einhiii ider itiual ton lii,;h..rictd uiaclilne. cut ..i.ii, ami ine eoitus will iriir neiui the m-iiiii w in Kve out. from 7j to t.tu l' 'nnnlh. ex riiKes i.ald. Atldress 1 AKI.'ll HliWISu .MAI Ili.Ni:ct).,Clceln.l, ov 1, 1MI7, Ohio "VTI-.W Hl'llSIUHKKH rou isi;s J.1 lo the llliutruled I'hrennloelcaljnuriia), t iu year, will rec. IveNov. and lec. .N'tw. ttiii year l-'rco. n. It. WKI.l.s, SS9 llroutlway, N. Y JAl.I.OU' MONTHLY MAUAZlMi: KOIt I Ut. XNLAKOED TO OXK Ill'rIllltCI) l"APIW. Theclriuhilloiiof llallou'. MnBitilne liavlmtln cleasul during Iil7 nearly llfleeu thousand .J and never helinr to irosnerou as at iirearut. tt" inihllslicrs are thereby Induced to .till lull In mid to Us value hy enlarKlliu each nuluher loor hundred traites. Althouisli this enlurKeiuenl volvesnu additional eiitenseof .nine (.vueu a jisr yet thero will ho no incriatitt lu Ihe price. NOW IM TIIKMK TO OCT Ul' rl.UIIHI Teriiisi-I1.60B yer: seven conlen, JD.OO imi ly copies I15.uilj uiul nony (trails one year lu In. itetsoii si-n.llnr a cliti) of twelve. Minnie tiunil i r IjccliK. Hend sUuin for sneclluoli co.j. IM chcnitest MiiKutlpo In ihe Worltlt Addriss hM.lOT.TlfolAH S, TAI.HOT, Ilo.loli, WaM. 01 H A OAY MAI)K BY ANY ( 1 f lv with wyVuteut mnuiniil. 1 ) I uunple. free. Iievure of lulrlnper. Al; ' I Un v.111 iplain. Aildrusss A, J, 1 ulliun, til l..' O.ld, VersoouL it M CANVA8SK11S WANTKD. Wu are lu want of Cantuslni Aecnlti fo lioytiton's lll.ioryoflhoNnvy, Ihouion clreiinl jllu.trttlid , oik ever Issued fii this or any toiiu try. Annly for circulars In 1). Al'I'LiriuN A t'n.. 4l34UllroaUay,. .