The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 01, 1867, Image 2

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8Hhc (ilolumhimi
rnniAV atoiiMNO, xov. i.jnot.
tj TUB rOM'MIII 1ST lie, 111 t.nrgt.t
t?lniiilAt.ltiii In CotuiiililM unit ntljttlnliig
eetiiitlr, oFanjr miitr iuiitLli, tl licrr, nml
U nlln ft mnolt larger ,ht Omit liny nf
HtotrniporArlri unit I. th.r.ror, the lit .1
m.tlliiiu fur mlvtrthliiK In Oil. itclloii or
th Slutt.
Uofr$. Tlio discovery that tlio oito
thousand dbllars soven-thlrty bonds
havo'ltoSti oxtfenslvoly comitcrfeltcil, Is
wfcll calculated to oJccllo unenslnet in
tlio tultiilt of pcrioiw who nro fortunnto
eri'otigh tolmvoaullioltrnt money to bo
vlfcllinlzeil in 1 1 i;'t manner. It Is not
yet kniAvu to wlmt extent tlio fraud lms
been cnrrled, hilt lfMocnis to bo ncrloui.
Tho'woret fentnro of tlio discovery is
tlio demoniitriitod fitct that tho govern
incut bonds can bo Huccessfully counter
fcHcil. The feeling of Hccurlty In tho
KCmiliionesa of all jmpef ostensibly bear
ing the government lmprosH, will no
longer exist. Ho much earo Wnu taken
111 tho dolgn and workmanship of tho
plates upon which the bond, wero print
ed, ''that counterfeiting them was
thntight to bo practically Impossible. It
will now bo 'necessary for tho govern
ment to call In nil the bonds of the coun
terfeited issue, and replacothcm with n
new design "nlitl hereafter still greater
criro will need to bo 'exorcised by per
son?' Holding government bonds of nny
It turns out after nil that, Instead of
being light, tho vote last month In Ohio
was tho heaviest ever east. In tho coun
ties thus far onielally heard from thero
lshriricrcni)o'of-nbout.COiOOO over the
voto two years ago, of which tho Demo
crats guilt forty' and tho "Republicans
tw'onty thotisnnd; Tho theory that tho
Itenuuienns stayed nt home, therefore,
wilt iirrfntisvyer. They have evidently
In, a' good niitiij' cages' voted tho other
way J; and of' the hew voters who have
odnVlnrp tlio field wltliin tho last two
yen'r, 'lie Pemoemts have got moro
than their eiualMiure. The ''reaction"
lsm6ro decided than it seemed to be at
Titr election for tho Convention in
Virginia', bo fur as heard from, resulted
In n triumph Tor the Republicans. Hut
few Conservatives nro elected, and oven
the, moderate Republicans woro repudl
rtted'by tho negroes. In ltlchmond tho
liwfpoll was closed at 1 o'clock Wednes
day morning, tho negroes having occu
plcddt until that hour. Thoentlro voto
cast in tho city was 10,031, of which
thero was for tho Convention 0,323 and
against it 1,723.- The Radical ticket was
elected In tho city by- -104 majority.
Twenty-six negroes voted tho Conserva
tive ticket, nnd flfty-ono whlto men
voted tho Radical ticket.
When tho California Democracy cnr
rled tho Governor nt tho election in
September tlio Radical press and lead
ers declared that'thu defeat of tho Radi
cal candidate was owing to his corrup
tion, and tlmt nt tho Judicial election in
October they would certainly roll the
tido baclc upon tho Democracy. Well,
tho Judicial election camo off, n few days
ago, nnd it has resulted In tho election
of both Democratic candidates Sprague
and Fitzgerald; How tlio Radicals will
account for this second defeat wo cannot
say, but tholrsHenco indicates that they
will probably say nothing nt all about
A ai'siiixo being nt Lancaster, Pa.,
sends in word that Thad. Stevens Is
better. "Ills own will," says tho ml
miring agent, 'even surmounts disease.'
Wo further-leant that T. S. Is an "Old
Commoner," andtliathewlllgotowork
on bis various mild little schemes so as
to have them ready to spring on Con
gre.ts at tho opening of tho seaslon. "T,
B.," the agent says, "has not left Lan
caster thls'summer, although ho had In-
tended a visit to his furnace and tho
Uppcr'Litkes." Thero is perhaps more
likelihood of his visiting tho furnace in
conjunction with tho lower lake.
What In called tlio "Crawford county
system" of making nominations, from
the p Into of its origin, is becoming pop
ular in Pennsylvania, It supersedes
the caucus, nnd Is In fact, n prelimina
ry election, tho votersof tho party meet
ing at the usual polling places and cast
ing their ballots directly for thoto they
prefer as candidates. Tho votes are re
ported to headquarters and tho candid
ates having tlio highest number nro
matin tho regular nominees.,
Homk threo years ago a man was ar
rested in Xcw York nnd Incarcerated
in a foul and loathsome cell of n dun
geoa by military edict, ids onlyciinui
being that ho had spoken "disrespect
fully of Mrs. Lincoln" but she was
tho wlfo of tho government then. Tho
Radical papers aro now saying worse
things about her than wero ever
droained of by any Democrat.
Tun public will recollect that at tho
Burrutt trial tho panel of Jurors, in the
Criminal Court hero was quashed bo
cnuso the law had not bcon compiled
with. Last week anew panel was order
ed and twenty-six names wero drawn.
They nro all'whlto; atho lav--yot -includes
tho word "whltb" In Its phrase
ology. Congress tried to chango It nt
Its last session, but tho President pock
eted tho bill.
PnnsiDKXT Johnson promptly (lis-
tiits,sed a Radical clerk by tho name of
jWCr., from tho Quarter Master's IJe
pnrtinent, for tho reason that ho had
the to offer resolutions lauda
tory of Stantoi Sheridan, Uutlor cVCo.
at a Radical meeting held at Alexan
dria, Vjt, General Urant tried to savo
blin, but tbo I'(CbIdcn Insisted upon
his dismissal,
Tnu Radicals talk of nominating
(icueral Grant, for President, not be
(auto ho is their choice, but for availa
bility. Remember tho result of tho
past, It is dangerous for Radicals to
tuko Mp former Democrats. Where Is
President Johnson '.'
Mr.. Cou'AX ays "Congress will
nleetat tho appointed tlrno, whoever
and whatever may oppose." "Any
man's sheep," said muttoit-devcuring
Sambo, "any -man's sheep that bltu's
me, I'll kill,"
Al.L quiet along tbo llnee of tho Rad
ical iry.
f.. .1 I. r- U....1...1 ...I.I..I. I
11 U1U )'UVIH UJ -Hit IHIl'lvlllUW II llll.ll 1
h printed 111 tlili pnper woro turrfully
read by our Republican fellow
wo should confidentlv exnect oven a W'
moro general change of votes than that
which wp now have good reason to an
ticipate In this St.tto and rlsou'lien1,
Wo trust that Its length, rendered nec
essary by the scope of tho Important
details of political history explained by
him, will deter noono from rending it
wit't tho attention duo to Its clear and
convincing exposition of public nffalrs.
When Mr. HucknlcW was chosen to tho
Senate by tho Legislature of Pennsyl
vania, In 1803, high expectations wero
formed of tho standing ho would attain
in that body, from his well-known abil
ity and reputation. Ho has been nit In
frequent speaker, however ; ami, per
haps has Judged wisely, In not wasting
his lnlluencu by "beating tho nlr," but
prefcred to btdo his time. In Congress,
In fact, as with tho majority of tho peo
ple, in the country, tho mo3t unanswer
able appeals to reason and Juitlconnd
Constitutional principle, nnd to ovcry
magnanimous nnd truly patriotic emo
tion, bns seemed to full ns ineffectually
as n summons to lifo addressed to the
dull cold ear of death.
Hut tho downward course of things
has nt length startled tho pcoplo from'
their torpor and blind rellanco upon
men who' havo shown themselves so
unworthy of confidence; nnd tho Just
dread of fatal mischief to overtake our
republican Institutions has created the
opportunity bo earnestly longed for by
tho friends of popular rights and liber
ties. At this favorable exigency, Mr.
Ilueknlew iias been' found equal to the
occasion, and in tho most deliberate
nnd completo manner has brought to
gether and set down on record that as
tounding scries of facts which consti
tutes tho legislative action of Congress,
foriho professed rostoratlcn of tho Un
ion, sfneo the cessation of arms between
tho sections, Tho great valuo of the
speech, therefore, consists In its timely
delivery ; in tho weight due to whatev
er a statesman so able and so unassum
ing has thought -t necessary to say ; nnd
in tlio fact, that the topics ho
aro of tho most pressing nml Immedlato
interest to tlio present well-being mid
futuro existence of the republic; that
ho has been himself so situated ns to
know personally tho exact natureof tho
transactions doveloned and tho motives
and causes leading to them ; that bis
speech is perfectly intelllgiblo by all
who chooso to give it perusal ; that it
furnishes a careful explanation of tlio
questions actually nt Issue between the
parties; and is, In reality, a clear and
concise history of tho rlso nnd progress
of that monstrous scheme of legislation
by tlio Republican Congress, intended
to promote confusion and division nnd
to postpono Union, and which has thus
far unhappily availed to effect that In
iquitous object.
However tlio better disposed nmong
the pcoplo may havo observed nnd de
plored tho special instances of wrong
doing as they Individually occurred,'
few persons nro in possession of tho ac
cumulated facts, or havo had tlio means
of marshalling them, In all tholr defor
mity, for enreful inspection nnd reflec
tion, until Mr. Rucknlew thus oppor
tunely set them forth for popular Infor
mation. In tho view which wo havo
thus taken of it, tho speech seems to
us positively Invaluable, both for pres
ent nnd future use. Yet in only ono
journal havo wo seen it printed ; and wo
havo been, therefore, induced to give it
whatever currency it may havo through
our columns. No fairer comment could
bo furnished upon tho justice of this ex
posure of tlio revoluti -nary scheme pur
sued by tho radical leaders for the de
struction of our free Institutions, than
by the following unqualified ndmtsslou
of a Journal so high In repute with no
inconsiderable section of tho Republi
can party ns tho New York Times. It
says :
" Wo do not think that the great body
of the people, or of tho Republican
party, nro tutislled with tho manner in
which this question (Reconstruction)
has been treated. They aro not satisfied
that wo have tho right to force unlver
miI negro suirmgo upon tho people oi
the Southern .Slates at tho point of tho
bayonet, and to exclude thoso States
from the Union until they accept ltj
nor that It would bo good policy to ox
orcisothn right If wo had It, Still less1
aro they satlsllcd that it is either Jut,
or expedient, whllo thus admitting tlio
negroes to the ballot-box", without qual
ifications of any kind; to excludo tho
great body of tho whites, thus hand
ing over tho government of thoso States
to the absolute control of the negroes
within them. Thd practical result of
such n policy Shocks tho public sonso of
Justice. Kvcry man, no matter how
strong his party feeling may be.shrlnks
from a nollev j-o entirely at war with
fair dealing. And while thoso acts of
tho Republican party have excited dis
content, tho speeches, menaces, and
loose tnik of many of Its most Influen
tial members havo dono still moro In
thosamo direction. Tlio threat constant
ly held over the South that, 'If It does
not take this It shall ho forced to take
something worse tho menaces of con
fiscation tbo bullvlcir Insolence which
such men ns Wade, Chandler, Nye,
ash ev. and men oi tneir smnin mis
take for statesmanship, and tho coarse,
vn crar ami nuensivoiono inov intuitu v
adont fowords all who differ with them
in opinion tlio ovinent purpoo oi
leading political managers to nornctu
ato their own power by excluding tho
hoiitii irom an snare in tnu I'rcslden
thd election tho fuli-omo laudation and
senile sjcoiiliancy displayed, on overy
occasion and In every relation towards
tho negro, and tho onen. undisguised
contempt with which tho pretension
of white men, even to an equality of
e i.t.. .t-t..n t ! "
lacumi-a, ifiYii.'gi3. mm ngius,, ury
treated by some of tho fanatics who
claim to po Republican leaders these
aroamongthothlngs which havo helped
to disgust thousands of tho calmer and
moro considerate mc.iibersof thoparty,
ami to uom mum iuooi irom tno poiw
ml contests of tho day." Jloslon Cour
ier. A ConufiT Lr.aisriATOiu:. Tbo
Doylestown Democrat makes n sovoro
chargo against tho radical Pennsylvania
Legislature in the following paragraphs
At tho last session tho two Houses of
tho Assembly employed and paid for
mcir services out or tno puouc luncis,
moro than sixty women. Tills was
novcr heard of before in tbo history of
tno Hiaie. o can saiciy say tnnt mat
ntimncr in womon was not employed
auout ino i.ogi-miuro ir a goon pur
pose, t neir mines wero merely nom
inal. If thero wero that number of of
fices to bo filled they would havo been
given to partisan favorites; but as tho
woman wero appointed to temporary
situations, It lends to n suspicion that It
was done to enable them to bo near
iiHinbeis under whoso protection they
live, move, and havo their being. Wo
uouui wnetiier n respeciauio woman
would go to Ilarrisburuund accept em
ployment about tho Legislature. Their
imy was iix inch per session too small
a sum to tempt n ropcctnlilo woman to
leave her homo and family und tuko
torvico tintier a political uotiy.
KofNTiNjU.v Youth. 1 JAoi7i
w... i ui.tii.wi J tfivun
'none gemilnt onless signed by ,1iejZJro'
til liltllllt uiiliv vy ti-
UyrpetroU;itin5it. Xrliiyflr. M.ffivlehf:
l'ostmnse"r.).p W
rtt.vf. i.
It wuz lu Noo York city, that gay
inptropolls,'Oiacot UV luxury nnd re
finement, nnd the home tiv John Mor
rlsey and tho lllnck Crook.
Thither had I conio, after O how
many days uv tlri'sonio walkln ez tho
rear guard uv n drove uv tho cnttlo tivn
thousand hills uv western Pennsylvnny.
I wuz In Noo York, nnd on llrodwny
wuz n site! Therumbllnjuinblln, mass
uv wagons nnd stages and coaches 1 tho
sidewalks tilled with a hurry In mass,
tho rich, tho poor, tho high,, tho low,
tbo pr-oud, tho humble, tho aged, tho
yoothfnl 1
I gazed into the winder uv n drug
store. I'atal gaze I Uirfortnlt look 1
That look lied an Iiiflooenco into my
fuchcr life.
Wat did I seo?
A card.
Thus it red ! "Harrctt's Hnlr'Rcstor
tttlvel" witli a picter uv a man with
thin, gray lox nforo ttsln It, nnd tho
same man with heavy hair ez black ez
Poo's stately raven uv tho days uv yore,
after yoosln it.
Only this nnd nothln more.
ItwuzcnufT. My hair wuz gray. I
brought it bottlo and applied It ez by
directions' on the wrapper.
CHAl'. II.
Homo again! homo again! from n
furrin shore! I wuz on tho threshold uv
my homestid, wlch wuz n homo to me,
humble though It wuz. Loolzcr Jnne,
tho wlfo uv my buzzum, wuz nt tho
gate a gosslplu with her nabor ez wuz
her wont.
"Loolzer Jano 1" shreekt I.
"S-I-r!" ted sbo In a surprised touo.
"Ha," hist I, "Is this tho treatment n
fond husband reecoves on his return to
the buzzum uv his family?
"Husband 1 yoo? Is't polblo?'Whero
is them gray lox? Hast grown young
agin, ez'whcnin manhood's prime thou
woodst nnd won mo? It cannot be,
and yit.-that breath! It Is! it Is!"
and she swoondld nt my feet. Tbo chll
brcn I bed moro trouble with, but they
finally acknowledged me. The nose
wuz tho feechcr they took hold uvj that
wuz unchanged.
CHAl'. HI.
"Husband initio!" scdsho to mo in
her winnlnest tone, "thy locks is black,
whllo mine, alas ! is gray. Buy for me
nlso Barrett's potent cure, that I may
bo ez fust yoo knowd me lu love's young
dream 1"
Cood I resist the entreaty? Nary. I
bought n bottle, and lo! in a month she
wuz transformed. Her rusty gray llnlr
bcoomo ezblack ezjet. A new set uv
custom-mado teeth, wlch cost mo fifty
dollars, completed tho metamorphose,
nnd sho wuz young ngln, her yooth
costtn mo flfty-ono dollars, ensh.
Disastrous investment! Four weeks
from that date, slip run off with a ynn
keo pedlar, who sposcd Sho wuz but
Klnlsuo Barrett and git Judgment
for her vnlyoo? AIns, no! And so I
plod on wearily and alone, a mlzablo
objlck. I cood marry ngln ez a young
man, but this fond heart kin never
thump for nnuther.
Falso Looizer Jano! Too eflleashus
Barrett! Thooend.
The Atla.-stiu Monthly rou No-
VKMlir.n. Contents Part Eleven of
"Tho Guardian Angel," by Dr. O. W.
Opinions of tho Into President Nott of
Union College, respecting Books, Stud
ies aud Orators. By Prof, Sanborn, of
Dartmouth College.
Cretan Days, tho.first of a series of ar
ticles' by W.J. Stlllman, U. S. Consul
at Crete, describing tho Island, nnd the
character and incidents of tho struggle
between tbo Cretans and Turks,
Chanson without Music. ByO. W.
Tho Rose Rollins, concluded, by Alice
In tho Gray Goth. A story by Miss
U. Stuart Phelps.
Busy Brains. A chapter of Literary
Anecdoto, by Austin Abbott.
Part Second, and last, of "Tho Autob
iography ot a Quack."
A short essay on the authorship of the
noted poem entitled "Tho Lie," by
Charles Sprague.
Tho Bowery at Night. By Charles
Dawson Shnnly.
Stephen C. Foster and Negro Min
strelsy. By Robert P. Neviu.
Tlio Feast of Harvest. A poem, by
K. C. Stedmau.
A Great Public Characler. A sketch
of tho life, character and services of
Jo-iah Qulncy of Massachusetts, by
James Russell Lowell.
Tho Conspiracy at Washington.
Reviews and Literary Notices. Ticlc-
nor A Fields, Publishers, Boston.
Tin: Diamond Dickkxs, Little Dor-
W Tho eighth volume of tho dainty
llttlo "Diamond Edition" of Dickens is
now out, completing nearly two-thirds
of tho whole scries. Tho saino merits
that wo hrtvo admitted for tho. formor
volumes ot this edition mark tho pres
ent volume, namely, compactness, beau
ty of typography, rubstuntlul paper,
characteristic illustrations, handiness of
oblo cheapness. It slips easllyjintq.u'n
ordinary coat pocket. Xakinc ui) but llt
tlo space, whilst-it Is handsomo enough,
insfdonnd out, for tho. library .shelf or
tho parlor table. Cleveland Jhrakl
Tho probability that Dickens will
coino to this country to glvo readings
from his works mukes It desirable for
all who hope to bear ami thoroughly
appreciate htm, to bo acquainted with
his wonderful writings. Tho Diamond
Edition renders tills practicable for nil
Tho cost of each volume of tho beauti-
ful. Illustrated Diamond Dlckenslsonly
$1..')0; plain edition, $1.20. It can bo
procured of any bookseller, or will bo
sent postpaid by tho Publishers, Tick
nor nnd Fields, Boston.
R.ui.ito.M) Aqcihunt. A man was
knocked otf tho t rustling nt tho Haiti
moro storo by tho morning train of tho
Lehigh Valley Railroad on Monday
morning last. Ho was u boatman from
Bench Haven or Columbia county, nam
ed Lewis Mussulman. His Injuries nro
severe, but thorc, aro hopeful indica
tions of ills recovery. His wants havo
been ministered to by tho Odd Fellows
of Wllks-Uurre, ho being a member of
that order. Ho lies tit tho North Branch
Hotel, and Mr. Thos. Boyd, tho pro
prietor, lias kindly shown him every
attention. He Is attended by Dr. J. E.
Biilkploy. lAucrrip Union
'MoNJiAV, Oct. 23.
Tho nows from Italy Is startling.- To!-
ecrains received In Paris and In'Londoti'
(Viinounco that pen.Garlbaldl,, having
?rn tltnt-ruf ct M.t irn frt.M niit1til Itlltt la
b..tiv. y.tHw 'vu ...Ul.t'l. ,.., f
marching upon Rome. G'nrlbaldl's com"
mnnd Is divided lu two columns, and
that headed by tho agitator has readied
Monto Rotoudo, only n few miles .from
nnd within sight of tho Eternal City.
Tho Papal troops vWcro, nt last nccouiits,
retiring Blowly before tho Gnrlbaldlans,
who havo again recaptured Bngnnrea,
tho town they had already held. C'lvl
t.i Vccchla is in n state of siege. Tho
seml-ofllcial British Press opines that
Italian affairs aro In a worso condition
than when Napoleon planned tho
French expedition in tlio Interest of tho
Tho Fenian trials' uro lit progress nt
Manchester. Tho trial of Grovo was
completed Saturday, and the jury found
a verdict of not guilty, Mugrldge, who
confessed that lie shot O'Douucll, was
discharged after n short cxutnlimtlon,
there being no doubt in tlio mind of the
Court that tho man wns hopelessly In
sane. Tlio trials or tlio Fenians now
imprisoned In Dublin will begin
Monday. Gen. Fnriola has declined
tho services of counsel, nml will defend
himself. Unreported thnt a man from
Dungnrvon lias already turned State's
evidence. .
Wbdnbhmy Oct. 30lh. Particulars
havo been received of tbo engagement
at Monto Retondo. They represent
thnt tho fighting wns obstinate on both
sides. At ono tlmo during tho" day,
when reinforcements for tho Papa'
troops arrived upon tho field, nnd issue
appeared doubtful, but nt end of tho
conflict Gem Garibaldi, who led his vol
unteers In persons, wns completely suc
cessful. Gnrlbaldl immediately followed
up his victory, nnd tho defeated soldiers
of the Pope, who fell back on Rome,
vlgdrously pursued. At the latest nc
couiits from tho South tlfti revolution
ists, estimated nt from 10,00(1 to 12,000
strong, had udvnnced to tho outer for
tifications of Rome. Monday's advices
from Rome announce that great agita
tion prevailed within tho city, ns tho
authorities hourly expected nn nttnek
from the Gnribaldians. Tho Popo has
retired from tho Vatican, and sought
refuge nnd protection within tlio Castlo
St. Angclo. Ho luis Issued no encyclical
calling tho attention of tlio Bishops of
tbo Church to tho great perils by which
ho Is surounded.
TurariAY Oct. 20. Florencodlspatch-
es sot forth Victor Emanuel's soldiers
to fight ngainst Garibaldi. Tho cause
of national unity in tho councils of the
King's Govenmcnt is fast gaining
ground, and it is now understood thata
thoroughly rndlcnl Ministry will be
formed, whoso policy will bo to make
Romo the capital ofltalr. Tho French
fleet sailed front Toulon Saturday under
orders to proceed direct to Civlta
liio Popo lias addressed a letter to tho
Roman Catholic Bishops throughout
tlio world.calllng upon them to pray for
tho Holy See.
Friday, the polico of Rome, when
about to search a house, met with somo
resistance. They ntonco used tho bayo
net, nnd killed fifteen Gnrlbaldinns.
Hoooipts to THE COLUMBIAN for
B It nnyhursti?2 OOUohn Thomas 2 00
J II lloyt 2 00,, Reuben Miller OI
W F Smoyer 2 00 ,A Potter 2 00
Martha Gilbert 2 00 'Pnxton & Co. !1 00
S S Driesbacb 2 00 Jer. Ilarman 2 00
Est. Geo. Raup3 00 John U Lelby 1 CO
Win. Harris 3 00 J P Ilannon 2 00
win. uo. (twin 2 00 Samuel Shlvo 0 00
T H Forsyth 2 00,,M Kramer 2 00
I) lierrington 1 00 Geo. Kramer 2 00
TJ Vniulerslico2 00 'David Johnson 2 00
11 S Marr -1 00, J P Walter 2 00
John Waters 2 00 .Cad. Roberts 2 00
A J Sloan 1 00 R Shuman 2 00
Est. Rcbeccca ' Henry Wagner 1 00
Vnndersllco 3 00' S S Sitler 2 00
J W Hess 2 00 iM Lemon 3 00
Chas. Doebler 2 00 II Y Hott er 2 00
Est. W Melick 3 00, Charles Reed 1 00
MHottsknecht 2 00, W Trowbridgo2 00
Jos. Kohns 1 00 1.1 Rounslev 2 00
O 13 Savago Q 1MU J Thornton 1 00
Kst. . awniiK 2 oo.iF P Kelioy
W II Gilmoro 2 10 W M Eut
A II Stono 2 00'lEst. I Rlioads
2 00
1 (JO
3 00
J R Barret ACo!) 00! S Hproll
.2 00
15 00
1 00
1 01)
2 00
2 00
Hartman 2 no Alt. Society
II J Reeder 2 oo.fl1 H Masters
Samuel Snyder 7 OO.iR Cathcart
S Wbitmlre 2 00 'Jacob Gltllng
James Kicfer 2 00 'Tho-. Clark
I H Walter 7 001
Tut: llepubllciin members of C'oiigreH
who iiicilltulo liuncitc'hliig President
Johnson ami suspending him from of
fice during his trial nro commended to
the study of "Jlailkon's Debates in the
Federal Convention," from which tho
following extract Is made:
"FitiDAV Sept. 1 1, 17S7.
"In Convention
"Mr. llutlediro nnd Mr. Ciouverucur
Morrli moved thnt norsons Imueaeh-
cd bo suspended from their olUees until
they bo tried and nwmltted."
".ur, .uuuiMiii i noi-resiueniis mane
too (lPiiendcnt nlready on tho Lcclsla-
turo by tho power of one branch to try
him In conseqiienco of nn Impeachment
by tho other. This Intermediato sin
pension will put him In tho power of
ono branch only. They can nt any mo
ment, in order to mako way for tho
function nf nnother who will bo moro
favorable to their views, voto it tempo
rary removal of the existing magistrate.
"Mr. King concurred In tho oppo'lten
to tno amendment.
On thoqucstlon to ngrco to It Coif
nectlcut, Kouth Carolina. Ocori;ln nvo.'
11 j.N'ew Ilumphlre, Massachusetts, Kow'
Jersey, A ciiiisyivauin, ueutwarc, jinry
land', VIrKinln,wyorth Carolina-no. 8."
llllAUTirui, New Juvenile Hooks,
with ulco Pictures.
Grimm's Goblins: wlllt Colored Pic
tures, by Cruiksliank. Handsomely
Hound In Cloth, with dllt Stamps. Price
Snow-llcrrles: a Book of Poetry nnd
Proso for tho Young i by Allco Cnry.
With Illustrations. Nicely Bound In
Cloth, PrlcoJl.fiO.
Queer Llttlo People : Stories of Dogs,
Cats iiiid Monkeys i by Harriot llecch'
erStowe. Full ,of Illustrations. Cloth,
Gilt. Pricg $1'.W.
Haiubows fyr Children: Kill toil by
dydla Maria Child. Small Quarto, with
28 illustrations. Ilandioino Cloth lllnd
ing. Prlcol.oO.
All bookvellcrs'havo thesonlco Holt
bay Hooks' for sale. Tho Publishers will
send them postpaid to nny nddress on
receipt of tho advertised price. Tlcknor
& FIohH, Publishers, 121 Tremont St.,
Ouit friend Peter Knt of Light Street
has Jut returned from tho City wlthuu
uuuiually largo stock of now Fall nnd
Winter (JooiN, which ho Is prepared
to tell nt tho cheapest rates. Ills assort
ment Is complete, and embraces nil
clasM.'B of gooda tisttl Id family, buch as
Ureaa goods, notions, queouswnro, gro
ccrltfl. etc., etc. Now In tlio tlmo to
Innko purchases, before another rite
uikw piaco in tiu marnet.
LENCE. AT.n regular mooting of Van Camp
Lodge, No. 1 10, !iro. O. F., held In
their Lp'dgo room October mth 1S07,
tho following prcamblo and resolutions
vcrouud'nlmbusly adopted nnd ordered
to be printed :
WitnilKAH, It has pleased God In His
all Wlso Providence to removo from
our inldSt our worthy Brother Richard
Birch, nnd, wherens. by his death wo
havo lost mi estlmablo brother, and tho
Lodgo n worthy member, therefore
Jlctoltal, That whllo wo deeply la
ment tho (lenth of our brother, wo bow
with htimblo submission to tho will of
our Heavenly Father, knowing that ho
Is too wlso to err and too good to bo un
kind. llesolveil, Thnt wo deeply sympathize
with tho bereaved widow, and orphan
children of our deceased brother, and
earnestly recommend them tolllmwho
has promised to bo tho "God of the
widow and the father of the fatherless."
Jtcsnlved, That a copy of these reso
lutions bo presented to tbo family of
our deceased Brother, and tho Lodgo bo
draped lu mourning lor tmrty days
It. 11. IIIXUI.UI!,
W.m. Pittci:,
Wi: clip from tholteport of the Hoard
of Missions of tho Episcopal Church,
tbo annual meeting of which was held
n couple of weeks ago, under tho head
of "Afrleas" tbo following paragraph,
lu rcferenco to n lady well known In
Uloomsburg, the daughter of Dr. David
N. Scott. Jllshop Payne sailed from
Africa on the fifth of September. Tho
report says:
Jliss jrargatctta Scott has had thoen
tlro charge of tho Mission school nt
Cavalhi during tbo lllshop's absence In
this country. A naval olllcer who re
cently visited that station, writes lo a
brother lu this country an account of his
visit. In which ho saysi
"Miss Scott attends personally to the
feeding, clothing, nnd educating of six
ty children ; Is doctress to tho surround
ing country, and In addition, edits the
Ca valla Jtessenrer. Such energy, enthu
siasm and devotion in tho work never
seemed possible."
JIarket Itrport.
Wheat per bushel -
ltyo M..
Com M m
l'lour per barrel ,
Ta ft o w '. v. vz.v. .v. v.v rrr " ....
1 tried Applet
Jlnina H
Hides and Hhouldera ....
ljrd per pound
Hay per ton ,
nemloek lloaidrt tier Ihouwind feel-
. f2 10
. i -r
. 1 00
. II 00
7 00
. 2 2.1
. Isl
. 2.r0
. I'j
SKI 00
Pi no " " (ono inch) H
Joist. Heantllni'. Plntilc. (Hemlock)
..... li to
Milnles, No, 1 per thousand ,
HM Ins " " ft. mVm.'.V.'.V.'
7 110
it m
Vhllnittliilila MnrkeO.
TiiciitDAV, October 31, 1W.
NoithweKlom superfine at $7.(n ".'W
Northwestern c m MUM fi.wi
Xorthwestern family lu.UtygUAi
IVnnsylvanla and Western su)cillno... .HK&,lX)
Pennsylvania and Western extra fi(l(((ll.u
1'onnsylvanlu and Western fuiiilly .ll.oiiGilii.uo
renusyivauin and esieru niucy
live Hour
iiki lVnnnylvanl.1 led, yi bm
Houtbcrn " "
California " "
" whlto " ,
Uvi: Pennsylvmila rye, V nun
Cons Yellow, "
While, "
O TS bits
I'lHiVlSHiSH Mess l'orlc, y bbl
-Moss lleer,
I)rcKt.ed Horn, flh
bluokeil Halm "
" Hhouldcrutirt'
Hki:iis Plnveri-eed 'pi bus
Tllnoth) seed V lam
l-'l.ixsei'd "
I'm IllON No. 1 Scotch
No. 1 Amu If an
CATTX.H Ileef omio v tb
Cowh. 'tt head
Spii-kp T li
Hons V l'wf'N
IIOllN-HWIHllI'.n-At the M. II. Tarso iiubo, In
i aiawissu, wciooi'i, ny uiiv r., i . nwanow,
1'erry Horn, lo June hiiisher, both of Hoar.
MATIIKItS-KAUl'I'-Olltlio 17th lilt., by ltev.
m. i: uiosinwniie. win, ji. 2iatners, or itonrs
hurt;, to Mrs, l:. Kaulf, of KalrniouutHprlngs,
WHITS IIHAKK At I.lKht Street, on Thursday
eieulilKlctoberllh, Josephl.tlly, lq.,
Mr. William N. Werls, of lllooiusbtiri;, nnd Hiss
Alvrrctttt A, llralce, of the former place.
KII.l'-VANtICI.i:-IliHuKar!oaf.TownsIilii, Co.
L'omory Cole, K's'i.. Mr. Alldlcw .1. 1'lle. to Miss
.nana ansicie, an 01 nuxnnoui jownHuin.
r..MlOS-Hil.NN0.V-On Hie 0th lilt nt tholiouso
of llcunlsoti Hrlnlc. bv the ltev. 1. C. .sbelo. Mr.
Jdsepb l.nros unit Cntlutrluo Hhaunon, Uith of
Lastou, I'll,
Wri'MIIti: In Centre township, on tho 1st lilt.,
Iron in tho Blood.
Tho necessity of n due proportion of Iron In tho
blood to well known to nil medical men; when
It lieeomes Mducedfinni any eauso whatever, tho
ivliolo system suiloiH, tho weakest part being llrst
attacked, nnd n feeling of languor, ljssttude, nnd
"all Boueness" perules tho system. MlmuhmH
only alfor.1 temimrmy relief, and h.ivo tho aaiiie
cllVrt nsglvlnt'n tlud lioiho thowh)i Instead of
oatti, 'the truo lemoily Is to supply the blood
with the necessary quantity oflron. Thlsean be
done by ustns the
I'liut'v i a x svnur,
njuotocUdsolutlonof the protoxldeol Iron, which It assimilates at onco with tlio
blood, glvlnpt strength, visor and new life to the
wholo system. ,
To takO lnedlclno tneure discuses m easlotuslbv
a dertclenev nt lnon IN Till: 111.000. without res
toring II to tho system, I like trying to reimlr 11
building when tho foundation Is gone.
An ciiilhuildlwno says: 'I havo been using
tho rEUl'VlANMltl'l'forsoniotlmeiiast! ltulves
inu new vigor, buoyancy of spirits, clastkliy of
I'ltllllillletH COhtu nine: eertlileates nf cures, and
recommendations fioui somo of the most emi
nent physicians, clorKymen and others, will bo
scut treu to any address.
The genuine nan tkucvian Htuup blown in
lue glass.
a, r. iM.-Mssigiu;, rroi.rieior,
u ,,, .k,,J'p. Wlfii-y fit., Nbw York.
Hold by iH Druggists.
. 1 1 ' 11
fTTor all tlin l'rolcan forimuf Dlseaso orlgliiullug
...v..... .....iihuiii, vuiicci, uuiisuiuiuioii, o-..,
thero U nothing can utuai the purllyluu ellecls
(Jnll ill....... ....
oriotiiuo Mncn tiaministerod In a pm o state,
Is a nure Solution of IotltlinillssnHcl in water.
without ft solvent, unit u the best remedy for
ncruiiiui iiiii tiiimroii inseasi's ever Ulsuuieren.
ui rc nuns nee,
, M Dcybtrict, New York.
Sold by IlrusclstH geuerly.
TO CONhUMlTIVIX-Tho ltev. IMward A,
Wilson lll SendlfleeoreliareeHo all who desllt
II, tlio priscrlptlou HltlilhedlicitloiisforniakliiK
and using tbo simple remedy by wbllli huwas
1 nrcd ol n liinuiitlectioii ami thuLdrinded dlseaso
t' His only object Is tobenetlt tbo
fillUetisI, nnd ho hopes every silfterer will try this
pKscilptlon, as it will tost l l.i in nothing, und
rl"lo 11 1111..IIIII. 1 It'll. U IKllin SN
llLV. UlWAllll A, WII)N,
No. lUi Notllh Necnnd Ktreet.
in) 3ru7-ly,l Wllllunisburg, Klugs 10., N. Y.
INTOHMATION. Information Kunrnntml to
prouueen luxuriant gioutn 01 ntiir ui.on 11 nam
Iieiid or biaidless face, alson rcielpe lor tho io
niovalof rinibles. Ulotilie., Krupllons, etc., or
tho skin. Initial: Ibe same soil. 1 h nr. and bcaull.
Iul,(iin teoblidiicd wllboitlihurgubyiutdressliig
lliun. 1. L'llAi'.vlAi,lll(inisl,
sepI3'07, nsi lircadway,hew Yorlr.
Ir. I.fJOOI,, of I' of tlio eminent Chenv
lstsnf l-'.uropi., stildi
"'llio most astounding results may licnullclpa
lea when Iodine can bo dissolved In nolo water.'
Dr. II. Aiuleis, alter lutein eai of selentltlo
research and CAprilim nt, lias mcieeded In ills,
solving tine find en. uinirttr rvnmi. of Itslino to
eucli Dual nunie of walir, and (he mou atwumuni
refill U hmctiUoxietl it we, luirtl.-ulurly In rkrofu-
tu 111111 Hiniiiiu uiseusts, LiuuiiilH nee.
Jir. II. Amu rs' iodine Water Is lor snlo by I1.
NSMOUl.',tJlfy biiut.Niw u)i, mid 1
Tlin keurn J lnitnllmi nt nfthn ln.t lllij.erllittfin to
thn Blocinabui k LHeraty Iiutltute wm due ou the
ur.i 01 ucibuer. nuij.cilD-r. wui piuuKi y iiunr
rr.nei.llve nlnr.titl. 11 lu! cjjluuul nrliM.
U 11. nuitiri, nm.
X Notice 1ft hereby given thnt nn nipllrnttuii
hun been made to the Court of Common I'Jeni of
Columbia rounty to grant a charter of Incorpo
ration to "The HI. I'aUlck'R llpticllclat Hoelety of
Centraliaj" nn Inntrument In writing therein
peciryliiRthe object, article, condition, and
name, Biyioor iiuoni iuu iirop omi-iuij-. nuv
jtmhi: Jiii,i:.MAN.
OVi J, 173W,
Hot tern orniltnlnlftlratlnn with thou III nnnexed
oii theontatoof Imae Hhouiln, late of Ik-uM town
uhlp, Columbia county, hnvo been nrnnteit H
Kcutfttpr of atl county, to thn nmlcrnlKneri, who
renklen In iall tnwnMilp. All Kruotn havlnu
claims nuntnstl ho rstnlo aro rcquenf! to present
mem to inn anmiuirurairix nr Nnurnirm, nmi
lluiMi knowing IheinKclven Indebted tn make nay
ami. .M.iuuAm.j iwitm,
JVov, 1, 1H07-Ct
x. wtatk or rnRiirnicK noitit, nt:o'n.
letters of administration on me omuio or l reti
erlck Hohr, lato of Greenwood towhililn, Colnm
bla county, havo lieen grantctl by tho Itrglnler of
wild county, to Nlcholtm Kindt, udinlnhtintor do
Itonl, iion. with tho will annexed, who resides In
aald township. All pernon. hnvlng claim or di-
uiuiius nRiiiUBi wiu F-HU1 cauuu iiru u'iiifin in
ireneni mem lor nciiieineni, ana mi"o looeuieu
o make payment. MCHOLAH KINDT,
Aittn'r .11 liniila I win ulfli 111. U'tll II li HOT Hit .
Nov, 1, lWT-Ct.
TIC J5 ,
Tlio (!nllr.?tnr. linvltia ilmillf ntr&. nro liprpl.r
notltlpil to kciUo tlio lmlniu-u of nfthl tlupUmU'H
with tho Tri'murcr of Columbia County, by thn
4th of December next, without delay. 1lie ilou
tax especially, H needed on new ni ucll n oM
duplicate. Collectors may ilu well by complying
Willi thU notice, lly order of
MONI(JOMi:ilY cuui
CntiimUfdnncrn of Columbia eountv.
Altett: I. K. KititKiiACV, Clerk,
lite first
first nnd flnnl Amount nf Thmniui .T. Hut fit.
Inson. Committee of William Kobbln. it 1 nun tie.
now ilcceaKcd. All tiersotiM Interested will tako
notice, that tbo account of Mild Commlltco ha
been 11 let! in tho l'rotlionotarv'a Olllroof Cohini
bla County, and that the wild account will bo pro
Rented to tho JudfjeH of tho Court of Common
riean or nam county, ior examination ana con or
mntlon. on TucHdav. tho third day of iVct-mtn-r
next. JIhi; COLKMAN, rrothonotnry.
Ulooimuurg, Nov. 1, 1W7-3,
and for tho Count v of Columbia, lit the Hint
er of tho petition of John Hhuman. (liiardliiu of
buuico ttcnmcci, a minor jor privne wiicor Haiti
ward's real estate. Kent, tfth, Init Wllllntn 11, Ab
bott, Knq.( appointed nn auditor to leport thn
facts, with his opinion. My the Court. Certliiod
from the Itecord. Jkhmk Coi.kman Clerk.
To parties Interested In the nhovo case take no
tice, that I Khali attend for tho purMtso of my ap 1 1.. I. CInrk'H Hotel lu Cntuwivn on
hntunlay Novcntber,yi)th,l''(f7,atoneo,cl(iek a.m.
w.m. a. Aimurr,
Nov. 1,107. Auditor.
anil fur tho Countv of Columbia. Ilstale ol
kniiv dee'd. Tin Conn nlm loner on--
iMjinted by tho Court to tniio testimony lu the
nailer oi tno exceptions iu um tvmnw iiitpriii-
item ot inn wmow ni Jienry iinticr uiiu in nni
L'er tnu'imliin. di-eeased. will niect the thirties In
erestetl for the tmrnnsps of hit nniHliitinent on
Haturday.No ember .Hit h, lOo clock a. m.
ni me tinicn or uonert r. riant, usq., in inooms-
it.. iifiivH- ll iilinrv
ov, l, iMiT. LommiHHiouer,
1 mi:nt.
Tho Mlssp
Ishcm Harmnn would resneclfullv nn
nounco to their friends lu ton u nnd country, that
tl.i.t. It.i.-n ln.t r..inKi..l ot IIiiiIm itlnon nf l.n.lnn..
on Main Kt., below American House, a largo alvi
new supply oi
M 1 1. 1. 1 X nitv OOOIIH
of nil descriptions suited for Tall nnd Winter's
Wear: Includlm; llonnets of the latest styles.lllb
buns, trlinmliiuH of alt koiIm, nnd In f.iel keep a
ceneral fiirnlsfiliiff store for lndlen. Their iat
lerus nna niyirp tire aiuoiiK me jaiisi, auu 1110
.rices inn n trine 111 auiaiici oi loose 111 uie i ny,
lo not fall to cnll and examine their uoods'hefore
j.ui i-uasiiiK riseiviicie.
ov. 1, 1SU1.
rno whom it rAY conckux.
I'iiwt National Hank ok HLooMsnrno,
Oetober iMh IMIT.
The followlm; ureamble andrerHoliitlmi uas t
tiay nnopieii ny ino Directors oi inis tunic:
"WiikiiEAM. Tlio (;omi)troller or llio eurrenev
ban decided thnt It Is illegal ft a Xutlouat Hanks to
nssumu the custody of miscellaneous paiculs of
Ilenolvcd. That all Mich narcels now held by thlB
Hank he returned ns soon ns posnlblo to (he ou n
ers thereof, nnd that from nnd after! Ills Unto nn
moro hucIi parcels lie received on social deposit."
rtii owners ui npfviiii ihiosii uiu m-ieny uou-
iieu 10 rt'iuovn uifir linriiatces wiinmii iiciuy,
.,..l'.t- It 1 III 'PI'vlMY ",.lili
J, 1'. TChl'lN, Cashier.
X 11 O A S T.
A reculnr old fushloncd Detnoeratle Jubilee
niKI UOUHl Will UO 111.111 1I1UI HIIUIKII Ol, 03
I ll ii li ii-i lut ii mi' K'" m I'tiuw, nn i ii t. iiui i , .iw
NF.MUEit tho 7th, Inst., lu thu vlllno of
Tho will ho ready and the dinner he nicrur
ed nt 12 o'clock, noon.
Tho Democracy and other friends from the
counties of Montour, Columbia, Lycoming, Noi-
inumoeriai ti nnu oi er coum os are resi4-cii i v
nnd eordiauiy mvitcu to intend.
A 11 HASH 11 AN D
will dlseoui-so excellent muslo and enliven the
occasion wltliconeord or hwi et sountiN. Allei the
dinner, the ineetlnir will he called loonier, nml
nddrehhcH suitable to tho neenslon, will ho deliv
ered ty Hon. 1 homas ciialfant, rapt. Charles J I,
iirocKway, i oi. ,10011 u. r 1 eee iiiki ouiein.
1 01110 one, como an. iny onier 01 11 1"
Nov. l,lhG7. COMMITTi:i:,
'1 ho iinderhlcned takes this method of Inform'
ln his irlends and the public w neially, that ho
jias icstimeii ino ousiucss 01 iiiuuiiik
Into which ho has mtndnccd steam works nnd
fixtures, with nil the modern improvements,
He nssuren his friends mid customers, that holms
constantly on hand and tor mho
at Till; i.owit n;icj,
larpe ruiantltles nf hvai lu r of all kinds, for which
lie cimm-iiRCs the examination 01 mi) eis.
11 A It IC A N I) H I I) V.H
will be purchnsrd nt the best market rules or
liiKi'ii ill L'XCIUiiiKt 101 rtiotit, iii tiisii j 1 1 it ri-,
llohuro totall and examine, our i-alf.l.lp,
solo leather before mirehaslni' elnewhere. as ue
can certainly suit ou.
tltJJI.S . f.l.S IV 1. 1
I.UhtHtrctt, Nov. 1, isirr-lt.
Tho folio wlmt niinralsements of real and ner
Roual property set apart to u ldosK ot decedents,
havo hotn tiled in Hie onieo ul 1110 u Ulster fI L
liimhia county, under the 1 tides ot Court, an
will ho presented for absolute continuation, to
1 ip OrnhniiK' t'omi to bo he d in itlnoms an ir. in
and rorfcaltleouuty.ou Wkpnkmi vv.tiii: l oritxii
Iay or Dm Mini n, IM,7, nt two o'clmk r, m
of said dav. unless eteemlons to sueh eontlnn.i-
lions aro previously nieo, 01 which an persons
inieresiea in said emaies win uuee maieo;
1. Widow of Georce W. Talmer. of lllooin town
.l.liv ,l..n,ica,l
Widow of Daniel Melllek, of Scott lownslilp.
X Wldowof Daniel flearhart, of Iocuat town-
hhln dereimtsl.
. Whlow of Henry Uowman.of Maln township,
ft. idow or joim hiincr, orurango ivp.,ueou,
l Widow of HenJiiinhiNuhs.of Main lVp., deo'd
n, mow 01 1 M 11 111 .siiks, 01 .j 11 1 II I wp iieti 11.
0. Widow of John 1'enler of l-'lslilmrcreek. twi
10, Widow of lienjimnn J, lloone, of Ccnlio Iwp.
11, Whlow of Jacob Kurus, of nshlngcreek twp.
12. Widow or Jacob Dlehl, or llloom twp., dee"d,
JOHN U, ITtUi:.i:, lloKtster.
lKaiSTKlVtS NOTICK. Notici; jh
J. hereby yiveii 10 nil leaatees credUuifl. nnd
other tiersoiiii luterehted lu ho 1 h till en nf tho re-
speetlve decedents nnd minors, that tho follow Job
ndmlnlstrntlon nnd uuaullan accounts havo been
filed in tho olllco of tho KcKtster of Columhln
county, nnd will bo presented for eonilimatlon
ami nuowauco in inu I'rpiuioH louri, 10 uuiien
December, !M7,'nt two o'tlock m tlio u ft .-n 10011 u
kllltl ihlV.
1 Account William ChrUtmitn, administrator
or Daniel .Moruan, into 01 hcoii low uhiup, dee d,
2 Account ol VA HohbliiM and 1 alabetJi I'adeu.
ndmiuistralorsor James I'adeii, latu ot 1 isiutiu
crcek township. detenH-d.
3 Account ofThomas Hess, executor of 1'red
ericlt Hehs, lulu of hiiKarloaf towuihlp.dee'd,
4 First and final of John 11. Heller, ex
eeutor of Henry U, Miller, lato of Mllllln town
ship, deceased.
6 llrst a ceo ant of John 11. Heller, mlmlnlstrn
tor or Michael lry,latoofMllIlln luwmhlp.dio'd
U Account of John M.Huikalew. hiirl)iarex
ecutor or J. M'Klnncy llutltalewjatoor rishlnii'
ei eelc tow mdiin. di u'u.
7 l-'lrstund llnul net mint of John JI. Mnrlz ninl
i;uzn Keictmer, luinrrs, of oeorue Ji.Keium
lato of Centre tow nshln. tli t( ased.
H Tho second and iluul account of Win, O. Hur
ley, adm'r. of Culih Hartoii, Into of HIihjiu tosn
snip, ueo d.
9 Account of A. Hardee and A. ItohUon. ei
utoiH of Wm, Hoblsoiif Into of lllooin township
ID Account of (ieomu W. Drelhbnih. adm'r.
Elizabeth Jtlclmrdx, lute of Hloomlownshlp.die'd,
II Account of tJllUrtlle.adm'r.tif Maiy Hes(
lato of buirarloaf townshti'. deo'd.
Vi Account of Wm.T.Hhuman.ndm'r.ofdldeon
1-1 slier, into or -Maine township, nic ii,
13 Account of THehman Itlltenhoue, surtvlii
nunrr, 01 isoiomon nvtauu, uuo 01 iieaver iowii
it lit 11. dee'il.
II Account of John Try, euaidlau of Mahaln,
ton ran. Misauiui, ramuci,ii.e, now mo u.,j ja
coot iTikciua, cniiuicu 01 rsoiouifu nwaiiK, tieo 11
li Account of Heomud Adams, adiu'r, ot Mar;
j.ucnnart, Jato or raiawnsa township, decease
JOHN tl, ntnnZK.HeKlster.
llloomshuru', Nov, 1, Istff,
X HHU'.-
'llio narlneiHhln hcietofoio existing
under tho iinmo 01 Crtasy A John, In the mercan
tlio business lu Calawlsba, l'a,,haslet 11 dlsnoHed
by mutual cou&uit, 'IhoUsiks and lueouiiiH ot
said 11 r m nro In the hands of Mr, John fur si ulo.
t'ltl!AH A JOHN,
I'ntllirlMil, OclbUcr 18, 18D7,
TT (Male or I iniule) fun clt-nr 150 pr-r witk
at llielr on 11 liomr, In 11 llglit mitt lionoiuMd uu.l
Di. Any pcrnon tiavluu 11 fvw houm dally to
licuu will ilnd tliU a cood imylux Uutlnuu. Ad.
tirfw. imudlug two ,iauii lor full inuUtulArv,
t. IC Lockwoud, IMrolt, ttkklllli.
ni:itns. Iho lion. WllUnm Khrcll. rrclilcnt
tn.lrrn i.f I hn 1'iilirf nf I tVfr lltlll 'I'lJir 111 I OPT III 1(1
U.'iuTulJull !cllcrj, Court of tiimrtrr HcmIoiu
r mo iTnco mm iimii oi huooojh i il-hh mhu u"
linti'-i Court 111 Dm .Tndlrhtl lMRtrlct. rotn
iosci) of tliocouutirHnf Colnmlilii, Hulllvnii nml
iVjoininp. niiiiiiK' imii, iruni lurrnnn reier h,
liTOPiii, AMm-nuu jihik- 'i kmuiiii'iii t"uiiij
iuvo linucil llirlr Mrcciit. hcnrltiu (Into tlio 7tli
tnv of Knt'iftmior, Iti tho cnr of our Lonl, ono
timotnntl.i'luht huivlri'd nt.iUUty.horn. nitil t
me tllrrctwl for holillnun loiirt of Oyer nnd TcrmW
lurninKli'turnl.Tnll Delhrry, (ionrrnl tjunrter
Kosion nf tlio lVnco, nml orlmn' Court, In
IliooniHimiK, lit tlio county oi uuuinoni, on ino
llrst Monthly, hcina tlio 'M tiny ol December next,
o conunuo ono wt i-k, , ,
A nil vi thn ttntiin .tlldirn lnIlPtl tllClr DfO
ccpt of lhwunoilalr,nntl totncrtlroctMl for hold-
IHK U I.UIII 1 (1 1 1111111111 lltUf 111 iiiiiiiiiniHii 111
liovvuniyot uuiumuinjou 1110 ftctum imhiiihu (
H-inii tlio uth ilnv of Ik cc inner tiexl, to contlnwo
0110 urpk. . t
Nollfols hi'mliy kIn n, tollu' (Joronor, lo tno
Ju-tlrr of tho lVnco, nlul tho ConHlnbloi of tho
altU'ount,v .of Columhlii, tlmt thry bo tluiiniul
thero in imar itiooer jirron ni iu onocK in ino
forenoon oHKiud with thflr roMinN, iiuiulnl-llnn-4
nml other iciiu mhinneei, toilo thoso thliiRH
whleh to tlilr ofllcenitppottalu ta he done. And
thoMtthitt nro hound hy recounUnm-', to prote
eutoftnlmt tho iirlMincru thnt nroor mny ho in
tlicj.tll of tho nld county of Columhln, to ho tlipn
nnd tlirro to jirnscculo them Ah nhnll ho Just. Jh
rnr nro reiiuentrd to ho puiictim! In their nttend
nuce, iiKiei nhly Ui their iiotlef. Unlet I nt, Itloonm
Lturjf, 1 ue win ni i uii'i-i, in 1 mi j rui
l h. i ffimr lxnl, ono thounml eiht hun
rtrtd nml Klxtv-even.nnd In ttm ninety
flrnt jrnr iSf tho ImleipemlPiiro of tho Pulled
MtnteHOf A4iierleji, HXYI)IH,
ihooiuHbK. iov. l, iNi7. niierin.
ltKIt TUIIM, 1W7.
1 Ha mil el Mart. va.Iohn v Clnik.
'2 Knmuel Henry vn HuiileriV Kllnctob.
;i 1;I1.1oiich VHMlhjHOAhboitctnl.
i WrlRht lluwhoH m l'eter Milter,
Ti Jomithnn Knittlo vh WrlRht Hughes.
0 .Mnry II (Ireon vi UobertH Howell.
7 Simon A Kcldtnnn xn Isnno Yctter.
8 David Yejipcr Clinton Dewllt rt nl
l David Krv vh Davtd Hhuinnn.
10 Krum'H uon vn Daniel lvruin'ftndin'ru.
11 win A ?inrrvH JiimeHiiyKe.
'2 Thoinai J VanderKlleo vn Amos D rentier.
H Hylveier J I'nux vh Wlllard COreeirn ndmr.
1 1 .Ieoh H llvans vn Wlllard C (Irecn's ndmr,
H .Joseph U'ley vh l'eter Melllek.
Id Reuben Miller vh Mane Yetter.
17 .Ineoh A Hwlsher h Ahel Haitma.i.
18 .Ineoh A Hulsher v Itlchard W Lyons.
II) .lames (.larntan va Michael t'renno et nl.
w (Jeorgo J I urown H Ionnrtt H Ktlnrmnti.
11 (J W Cnmobcll et nl vh II W M'ltp oohl i-t nl.
a Shields A Itrolhervfl IjovI Kutr..
:i ka 1 verier J raux vh John itobmon,
I WmHeliuyler vnHamucl Yetter.
:'t James hiniUHter vs HeorRo Hirleker,
:il Tillman I'nux vs Hvlvetrr.I I'iiiit.
J7 Hiimuel AVnlleiH vh UK Mnru'eruin.
'JS nmnel Wntlern vh (leorso Wlllltn.
iTMamiiel Wattern vh Cleonje WIUKh.
.tf) John Tiemhly A Co vs ftiary K ()ren ot nl.
.Tl Adam Htrauiner vh Ocoruo Hirleker.
i.iaru rtiewari ei ni vs i.njiui ; Lieuver,
x Deliorah liwiMUlhvpn I Dtan.
: rranklhi Yoeum h Win THhumnn.
.til Went Itraneh IuNuratieo Co Klnnm Ohhlve
i;(lwnrrl Airn et nl vn Joliti iswienev.
;t7 joim Jveieuner h .it remm 1 k lien' ndmr.
.H Mlltou TnuiKh use n 1'hlllp H Mo or tt ul.
tV .Pt-RW Ittii Millie ,v llll V 111 l, VH Ci W JIC.
M Itohert .1 Lvous' ntlinr vm WohIbv I.voon.
l P H IVarwui vs Ainlrow I'lon.
1 II lVtitwin H.liihn I'u 11.
II .Innit" M"Vh-ker h N It Campbell.
H Win Iltpiers John Havauo el al.
l lMur A Mat I; Icy h.IH Iirotnt.
in ,iji-kc iriiiiivft jHjoio lPilrr,
I" Frank Itndher A Co vs.! H itrolnt.
in Win A Klino vh Joseph V Uma
4') Daniel it UiiCn ndmr vs James RankeV.
.7) Clint lesM -Mltlcrvs the Township of Illoom,
.11 Daniel I,evnn'H ndmr vh John LcMin.
U John Mnrrls h J M Trick.
M Joslah ThomaH Henry C riefls.
t Iiott Parker shlIaH D l"-H;:ir.
.Vi Daniel IMwIlt i. Dinlel M Holwltr.
51 Mary M'IlrenrtjMs Itohert OorrelT, gnmlsheo
01 j lit in. ii u iiuiiy ci ni. ,
Jl-SHU cotHMAK. I'rolh'y.
rtUxonslmi, Xov. 1, 187
Tilt an i) JUitons
UHIt TKItM, H,7.
Heaver h y Ocirhurl, Tranl; LSImmnn,
ltfiiton W llllnin AitoIriiiHii. .lolm IvuriiH.
llloom John IC (hot.
Hrlarcreek Jonathan It Oordner.
Catawlssa Jacob Klstlcr, John Klefcr, Natlmn
eutralla Horn John Hllnnnou, D W Wert nun.
i le.'isv.
Cony m;ham Patrick Hiacken.
eiure .mine ivih'iilt.
1'isnuiKcreeit amuei voietnau.
IlfiriiltM-lr lnn' lliK
.IncAson nooriio (Jetty, Hiram Hakcr.
Mntllson John A Kunton. Wm Johnson.
Hlne John Hrnner. James Masters.
Migarloal Hich.ird Hess,
snsjrtioNhi. di:ci:miii:i:
, 1SC7.
Denton Ahrnhnm Al'Neul.
Hrlarcreek John 8 Hosier, Joseph fituckliouse,
llliMini John J llniklev. .ToKenh Klinrnless.
C.itawIsttWulterMuott, Jesse John, Daniel dear-
Contio Aurou Kclchucr, DAHowinan, W M'lt-
Con viifxham John Anderson.
Orei nwood Naiuuel Vrens, I'hllln Younix. Wm
ntra 1.1 Horn Hem v (i.ihic.
Jackson Mul lliew M'Heiiry.
Iicust l'llas OeorKP. John 1' Walter.
Madlbon Iaae M'lirlde, Jas Kcnlln, D. riilllps,
Maine Isiuio Yetter.
Mimiu Isaac Miir,
Montour James Hnrton.
Oramre Ileeso J Millard.
ito.iungcreeK iiauiei jioniuo, jacoii ioimenber-
cott peler Tnt, Thomas W Kd;ar, Jacob Mel
Hi k. lmnlel Snvi er.
Sn-jnrlonf Christian l, Moore, Newton Herring
1011. i-naoiacK ii jicks.
) Mii.N Pl.lIAS, DF.CHMllHIt It. IstjT.
Heaer Moses Melillelier.
Iienion 1 iiomas Da la, Jesse u. Pciiiilui;loti.
HerwUk Itoro Jeiemiahbttiiiideis, r-ctli H How
man, win. wnouin.
Hi iaicieek Alb. it smith.
Hlooin John H .Sterner. Wntson W rnrtiifin.
Cjitawlssa AhelThoinas. llenlamln P Portner.
CentriIoliuHlll.Nalhanlcl Campbell, Mordocat
.am aru.
('on uham Win (Joodmnn, James Harry,
1 isiiimrerieK Jaciison .n'Uenrw
Oieeuwooil John Thomas.
Hemlock Anion Hmlth. l'eter 4 rkbeisitr.
Jackson Kzeklol Colo, Oeoriio Parxei, Hmanuel
Ijciist Hnmuel Keller, Jacob Yeaucr,
Madison Wm II Delimit.
Maine Josi ph Hartrcl, Nathan Miller
Mt Phasiuit John White.
Montour David Clark, Noah Mouser, Samuel
Orange Archibald Patterson, DuId Aihenhach,
jott'iii iniii,v.
L-ott ifenry Kdcliner,
U, V. U.ltl,l,TON A CO., PubllhirH.
TjOX i: I.m'TKlEH. A Kflef Hon nf the niot iibsorh.
Inu t hatiuter and Interest, fioui eorieRnondeneo
ot celehratoand uutoilotis men and women.?.! 00
Widow Si'itioriiNs. A new eomle olume, bv
1110 author of "widow Hodoti,"
A Hook miout T.Aw vniLS. A renrlnt of tho ln
tensely curious London workjust publlshed.?2 i0
Hi-iftTi.i.soK Couuv O'wnus.-An lrreslstahly
lauuhahlu book ol comic onlnlons. IllnstruN
ed. 81 .y
Woman'h sut iuqv, A Knlendld new r.n
JisliLoe htmy, Hiaullfully and Drofusclv 11
lustiated, $1 ,50 NoVKLS. und other Comic and Hur-
ksquo Papers. Hy Hut Harte. lUustratid.SI 00
Tin. Cam r.itnN Pmin:. A most delliihilul new
homo novel. Hy Maiy J. IIuluus. 1 oO
. Auifmi's W.vitn i.v LoNnoN. V new Cmnle
H0.1l: hj thlscrcat author. Iliusliated. il r
Su KLMO.-Hv the nutlini- nf Mtetilnh " Oin
thu best and most popular noelsol tho tmT2 (w
Tin: ( Li.l'i:ir v w.A macnlfleent IllustraK
Cdllloit of UPa Poem: Llemmilv IjouihI in tf tit
6 oy
How in Maki; Mom;v ani How to ktfp it.
v uoou uiai oery ono snouid rcad.ifi ui
Tnn Hatiiti 01 cmon Hocu.rv. An excellent
worK,icnc!iingf!ood inannerH mid beiiavtor, ffl 7
Till: AltT ol" Convkiis vtion. A book that can
not fall lu in.iUo almost any ono 11 ejood talkir.
1 &
The AiiTut' Ampsimi. Inst met Ions and bint
for 0 cry sort of llouso Amiibcmeuts. w
Theso books aro nil lieautlfully bound Sold ev
crywhero and sent by malli lKmtauu free, ou ic
eeipi 01 price, uy u, w. CJAUlJatt? rtit
Puhilihirs.N, V.
Mi:v hltiisuuu:hs for isjs
Xl lo tho llltislrated PhrenoIoKlml Journal, n:
mil year, win n ceivo ."sov, nnd Dec. No, tin
jearirio. is.ji. wi;i,i,H( jiruudway, N. V.
JAlil.OU'S "
Tho elrenlatlonof Hallou's Manazlno having In
creahed duilimlN7 nearly tltteeiillioiiNiind cooler
and no,vr belunso piosperous us ul present, Ihe
liubllsheirt nro theiebv liulucul fit 1(1 rnrthcr
add to lis valuo hy enlarplm; each number to 0110
iimiuuu jijikcm. Miiioutiu hum euiarKi iiieni in
olves an additional expense of Komot5,ouu a oar
j . v nil," u 4t t uv mi iiitumu IU IIU1 ll Hf,
now irf Tin; timi; Ti) oirr UP CMJHS1
Tcrmsi flJiuii yenr: seen conies. SU.uo i twelv
copies fil5.oDt und a copy gratis ono year lo tho
oeihou hiiuunwueiuiioi iweivu. Hiiuiuiuimiu r,
inieiiiH. nrnu miiiiiji jor siH'Ciuiail opy, tji
cheapest SIiilmIiio In tho World! AddlesH
i:M.H)r,TlUMASA TAMlor Hoston, .Mass.
J Wo mo In want of CainnHKiim A ko its for
iij iiion n niMoiyoi ine.avy, inu mosi t iciiuiu
itiioKttn u m in iv 1 1 ri iMMii-u in 1 11 ih or uo y 10111
Hy. Apply for clicnlars to D. APPHKloSf A Co.
nSAUWtronUwny.Y. Y,
J. "Jiisinuv 01: Tin: fcM 111.1 ki ltvin:
liy lien. H, C. linker, Thn nsloundlmr roclu-
iiouH nun KinriuiiKoicioitures imuie 111 mis won
nio creation tho uRt InUnxodesliuln the mind
Of llio lieoiilo tu obtain It. Its olllilnl ehniiieli-i
and uudy sale, combined Willi nn lm reused com
mission, iuhIip it tho best subset Iptlou hook ew r
puhllkhi d, He ml ior cluulais malsiuoiir tirms
iiiii Ji!l 11 1,111,1 nnyiiwier woik. Ad
MUM 1, Vlillllll.l 1 V V II , ,UC1U
kllilllHI I'blln
AI) VKUTIKIMl'M f! I'T'l'l."
i !' 1 1 'f '""
M'W nl. 1'lUo 111 ynntn lu ,Jpir your
,.,, I, ,',ll,' V'lii um. ii. j iiourll .v 1
. 1, , .iiiiiirit..ntiiiii nil riuiiN.
.niu In Mlclilmui imil Hlmvn.iM In Nuvi inl.u'
iiiuiiUr. Alhu u iiiiiii'lcli'
t'WKJllllll-lll In Auurlin,
IMi'l nil llill)sluu.
P1V will) my I'aUni HUncllTuoU. I iirffwy
uiuipli fit, lknaro ol Ininuun. U clriu.
lain will oit4alu.
imn a. J, rulltioi, Hrrtn.
uvio, Trrinoui,
.oi" it a i hon mountain HAiMtoAiu 0,
Mevcn per pent. Inlerest, I'ebru iry nnd Ati'tus
'Ihene llondseovern Itoiulofid mllei, flnlshi ii
'nlil Ht. IxiUlo Pilot K1111I1. iitnl in lli-Ht,.!,.-. '
dcr, nnlnu exleimton of alou the miiho lemitu
from Pilot Knob (0 Helmont, now rapidly eon.
. . ... ., .i.i niv nnu 1 11 m ui mee, 1 if mm 1
iMHMii'iidi'u, inniiiomi iiiroiifjii 101110 from mi
.oulsto New Orleans hv mil. Dm ih.i-i.o,. . .
tholU iiiHo4 niu ffBV'' njrarttho net PrUlu
now nro Hiillh lent to pny llio Interest on the i n.
ire noiouiii 01 Doiion. nero iney nil Issued, 1lt,
flfi?ApEriKn I IlKlQIIT AT llt.lJL'CCIl HAT 1.1.
Tor rurther Information, nppty toll. N. t Mt.
Ul NO ION, At Wisl strltl, N, Y. Ut
IV""' 'cresehoieo farminirnnd Timber l.ot.t.
n Mouth rt Mlsoonrt, nl per acre. (ruftiiHi.
01-tOT.ult 'lltle pel (eel, WM.' HICKOK, . u
01lro.uiw Ni'i Vorkeity, '
1LK1' WLt.l.
t tr M 1 S,
roitcn rrMHH,
rovi:u hltmi'h,
Manufactured by
Hknbca lAt.t.s, N. Y.
V K It YHOD Y CAN CTT Til Hilt ou
ciothlmi for men or o-tttur I'irvim--
Mrlf In 1 met Ins: Charts. Comuletu het m nt t..
anyaddiess for S-.oit. Auents oider n mmplr
Hend stamps (or terms and circular, lirilltl.I, a
I'AIlrSU., Uliauilia, 1
V O Y ' S
cohmht HKiitr
h r p p 0 u t 1: H,
CotnbltHH lu one Kiirmcnt a pt-
feet llltlnt; Corset, ami tbo mom
desirable Hliirt Supporter ei r
o He ret I the public. It places I he
weight ot the sklits upon the
shoulders Instead of the hips:
11 improves tho form without
tftfht lnelnai Rlresrnseand el,
trance; iHiippiovisI and leema
icttit,iil liv iilivulxlniiu Hi.1.1 1.1
lndtCM fiincv iriMiiU xloro irciirinilv. und nt uhnln.
huIo by D, H. HArNDKnSA l'O.HIHiitniiui St.,
lin4ini nun iiihit ni., iti w iuiiv. viso, nv
IIHNUY (T. MMOHH.I.'JI Market Meel. Phlhi. at..L
sn:r,i,MANN, 11 in mens a co.,21 iiniioerst.
Ualtlmgre, Mil.
no sTiiiij livi:i
Don t ih humbuavo b DnnoMtors or "vm-
enC east Iron or miu Line "Mchul bwls," Sul
S MirlMiet all ol m el. .inlul1v IluMied nn i
roroiir rvew uniaiouiwoi imnioed stt ucii 11 u
tempi. 1 ed, s. Ai.sri:Mii;u ivcu., lirauu 11010, 1
ti iitlnn rifnii iii-IKe, bndiiiHK m-iii. lo lukn
njriievior tin salo of HnuUtiect's Uuljber Moulii-
m and v earner miiik aiipiieii to the siuex, bet
tout, too ami et ulro 01 doots ami windows. 'Hi.
Mlo is be ond hum' una ever ofTcrrd before tg an
nueiit, unit fioin tlntoSi pi r day enn be made
Semi ior apnU vituilar. Tlio first who applj
euro 11 1'iiiK iln. Ti rms for Moulding mh.
j, u, inisiiu ti;., iiosiou, .iinsM
.1 Sinn's.
coiivlnco uny iiio Toriey'H Patent Wen liar
Ktilps uxrul all uthuis. Hend fr itlugtrated eh-
Hilar, Aleuts wanted lu every town. H. H, a-J
'louitiiY a co soie Mnnuiactureifi.TitMaid. 11
Irfiue, New York.
Salesmen to tiavel und sell cootU by ham.
Die.- Omul uiim-w nml htemli'
dress with stamp. HAMll.'lON, I'HltKY, A- ( O.
iio inent. Ad-
v icveiniiu, wiiii
II Tosclla live loan In every county, n Imsj.
iiuis jmy 1 ok ?. iti per nionui nure. .1.1, 1 1 1,1 1 1,
I'llimiiii, i-i nn,
A10 now jminufaclurlmr tho best, eheanesi im-l
moKlduruhle Paint lu use; two routs v ell put on
mixed with pule Unseed Oil, w HI last ten or lif
ted! ears 1 it U of a llirbt brown or hentihlnl
ehoeolnto color, and i-au bo cliauned to Ki"ii.
lend, stone, olln, 01 drub Ut suit the ti Me
of Hie cousuuicr. Ills uiluablofor koust s, bu i.s.
leiicirt, aKilcuituntl Impliiiiiuts, enrriaj; uiiJ
cnrmukcrs, 'palls and woodeit-uare, eanv.iH,
motal and shingle room, (It hi inn lire and wait r
uiootj. blidu-M. builal s. enitnl boalK. hides
and ships' boUoiie. tloor oil cloths, (ono Muiiu
lucllliur liaviiiz used lit) h. in liiihL eiii.. nnd
iLta paint for any purpose Is uiiMirpnsscd f r
ootij-, iiuriioniiy, enotiii m, ami adliel euesn,
PHco oilier bbh, of :hh lbs., which will supplv tt
tarmtr mr vers to mine. Wat ranted In nil cum i
asnboe. H ud lor a elioular, whleh uimh lull
lailk'tilars, None tjeiiulno iinh ss hi united in.t
rude mark (Ira ton Mineial Paint. Address
I'AMI.I. IHDW1.M,, Pioprletor,
scpl'i7-lm. Cil Pearl st., New York.
MMii: iuuumstma:; in thk
i:ruArTor a HrTrFit fiiom H.r.os Soi,oi-s
I'AKH.slh April, lsitt.ll- ituo Pauby, Hi. llou.-r
Will oil ho kind t nouli lm havo forwarded u
ino hue Lixiholtles of your Indian Mnftmui;!)
ou will .send at tlu"-ftmn tlmo the nceount, I will
foi ward you the amount tluoitli
A Cn.f Now YorA.
Union Solomon Holhvehllil huvliut reeonimi h I
tsl lo main ofhlslii. lids MaJr LANPS I.IM
MliN'l', ami I hey helliK dcslious to plocure It. h
should advice him to establish a deJt lu Purls.
Asaiellc'f.ovei readv: ns a killer of pain, laU-n
Imvnidly, or outwaidly aplled, has 110 eipial
Por tho lellcf and euie of Hhuiuiatioaiul Neural
Clo Aiheiloiis, spruliis, HiulstK, lie., K Is ur
criunllcd. His uUo moAt cllleaclous, taken in
wardly, in llio rtiio ol Cholcia, Cramps and P. dm
In Ihe Mnma.ih, Dl.iuhoea, I3sculeiy, Cholors
Moilais, cholera liilanluiii, ele., and is wltlami
except Ion tiio most woiidtifulPanactatho wi-rM
ailouls. No I'amlly should he without It. Ucn
'liaehr hy laml or sea should bin on bottle. Ml
tiers and Paimui icsldlug at a dlstnuce hum
Physicians hhotild keep It constantly on hand
Incase ot Ai chh nts, nnd sudden nllai Its of rtUitn
ai ii Complaints, lu alue cannot ho estimated.
Imjulie for M.ijor Uino's Indian Liniment, ond
lakoiioolher. Price, fin ets. xr bottle, 1'or silt'
at wholesale and letall by Dennis Harm etc. Co,
21 Pail: How, N. Y dale 1 te, Hohinsnn.lsMiieeie
wlch.K N. Y.J P. C. Wills A Co., 10.'
N, Y.j l ha N. Crltte nden,.w Mh Ave., P. ., aii-1
by ie--peetiihh Due'irlsts ihioiiuhoiit thoworM.
None ueuulno unlcMifcli-m d hv John 'Ihos. I -inc.
and eountersiRiied by J.T.I Jino ,t Co.,PiopttetciK
nil Hroadway, N. Y. in send Mr Cluulais.
rmxsvMPTJox cax ukcimuuk
111. lUl I. KI.MLM AT LAST DISC() Lit
i.D. I'PH AM SJ-U1H Mt.ATCL'UL.pieiiaietl
Hum the loiiiuilu cr 1'iof. Tioiissenu of Pan,
rules LonsumpUo), I utm Dlsenvrs, llroiicliltis
Dypiia, Maiuaiiuui, (oneinl Dihlllty and nil
luolbid 4jjidlUoi)D o( tl.u shUin dlpeluluH "li
dellciciicy or ltal Ion e. Ills pleasant to tnsti
and u "-hi'.h bottle will con vim e the most Kkepti
cul ol .' 11 1 to as ihe gi eat henliiiHictnPiH of Hi"
use. s n toltlu, or six hollies for 5o. sent Ia I x
miss. Kot-1 bv S. C. Uphnm. Nn. li'i Soiith-ft .
Plilliid. ipiii.i, and pilnelinl Drnffjtlst. I livulaii
suit fue,
J J You can hnvo u benuiliul Caul Phoioumili
tit,e of os-peiuo (wllh elruilai-s of our Di.v 'il
Pnni-i (i ods snIo) by semlliiL' stamp for itiuia
iiosbti;e to ItLSl'MAN A KHNDALL, i Hanoi, r
wire t, Uoston, Muss,
it is tiii: i:uvri'ii.Nci; i'
(liipnr twmln.'ii llmuMill mrurni j;oinl HmvuiK
Miii'liim. Wiiti'li. Klin IhtMi. Hi'Mihi'i, or wiiih'
othrr mili'lf ol ihiiiiI miIiiii, Tnu uf Cnfl I
Arl'HU uuuli'tl i-MTy uherr, limit, flint 111111111'.
for Um lnkt jiiiuuLiuUi'r'H huliiln Um riuiiitry
Nml fur utuulur. b.C.'llIOMrON A tu,
Ul Udiuuiw,M., llukluii, Muk"
Anr WANTiin-Aiiratdtokciitho iiont inw-Annn
NnprkTclHrwliiitMni liliioi'Mr iuniliw..y II
V "Ihirliy tin. innlith or 1111 riiiiiiilM,luu.Vuv
Our Mncliluo Mill ww. I10111, fell, lm k, Mini, iiml
I'liilirnlilfririijiiliiiii liliili.iriii'il 111111I1I111.. 1 ul
nny 1I1I11I mlli li, nml Um munis will linr lii'lun'
llio kmin will clvu mil. limn lu ii "'
lmililh. rvi I'livi-R pnlil. AiIiIi-i'nm
iiAKi:it hmvimi jiai,him:l'o.,(.'Iiim'ii"11.
Nov I, 1Nj7. (Uit'i.
itMiii'V IJANU,'""ll"ll',n''s"1'v '"' '"
COr.VMlllA C'lll'NTV, KS!
1 urlllj', llmt ul n Cuurt or ( 1.1111"""
IMIAI I I'l' iin l""i Iln-icunly iiluri'Milil, Ih'I'Ihi
V rsJ Itliimn l.urir on Uu alt tiny rl Nl-
lilnlir, I'd?, IjiIiuo tlio IliinuiiiUi
Willi 1111 niu'll.l'ilhiili 111,11ml lilt. kiiitlnli.l ii"
Ik'i'K uf halil 10111 1.
In lliu iniiUi-rul I'toi'inllnuH lu I'nrllttun.
'Iln. Intjiithl linvlnmiiiultn-i'lulii Unit Um I
Inlfct H 111 Miil .r"t rt tttlin ilccrnlitil, tulll.l ll"l u'
illvlilul Mltlimtt ini-liltlU'ti 11 in- kliuillnu
wlioln. 1111 ninlliin ul liulit'rt 1'. Clnik, l'i , 'l'"
t'miil I'niiiiuiih Mini nun 11 nml i jititi'.l 11 lUl i''i
nil llif intrtlrK tuli'miliil, In ni'i'ipt nr ''
lilst Um I'll lil (.ri iiiUvH nt lira vnluulluii fill nl
mi It, ur in ftim uf mil 11-1 ni'i'tftiKiil tuntu'pt I'11'
pulilf, Iti .Iniw ritusti ili tlio tiiililti btnililil li"' w
Milil, ri'turnnlilii nn Um Hi.i Muml.iy ui luit'iiiin
v lurm. my luiiiilninl mil i.fhiil'l t'uiirl, ii'
Ulld.ij u biliUlillol, Inu,
. . JI'SKU
rni.i.M.w. Priitli 1
To Jnliii Crmii.0, l'lilllii (Jiuiikr, llllnin finiiM'
"i '.i.' 1 ..11 ini-n-i nun 111 wn
t'luuM', joim iiuii-ii, 1.011U11 riiwiiiut, Wiim."1
I'll mIiiii, thai Ii'h riildiiii, illflnid m, I'IimIiiiI.
I'llT I
Aiiuii .uiirill rit'W nil, I'lfili-r CK l U'.tl'iu ii".
iniiilhm 1 lis.iiui.unilnll nili.-r mTiialnlH"
. lit) Ml. IT I'. I I. Mll
oiioiit r i ior. An y f.u r. ut r
111 ,
'1111111.1.11111111111.1 Mni.fii.oi ..r ll... 1 it. tit .-i
lIllilL'ol'ijiiipniiy liiiM. 1I1U tiny tliilurtil lulu''
Ut ml of iln 1 ti ifr iful, (7'mnu pri itluiU'lou tin'
uiplinl Hotk of llio louipuiij. punibki lo w
.loikliuMfiiiur llielr Usui ri'i-riMiiUilluui. 1,1
ulkr luolCUiliutucu
juiin Hii.Miri.i r.
CMtawiwn llrlilije Ollkv, I 1 n il. 11
11 HST J
any oilier bonds now ofleieil. Apply nt the om, ,,
of (hi Company, No, II Wull Rt., lo'll.u, mah.
tiUAND, lco.JliwUUlit,vv lo UUVHK, DoDu
A COPonierof Wnll nnd William sis., ,v, Y,Cit
iiiiuiiir II, l"i73i, 1