The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 25, 1867, Image 1

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    B1MT1 t.
.ftlinum si; ifljttow JnrtJ
'end tn '.nil lo -o-e),
lo-. him Ii ivn '
'..ii ! i j -
i l i i i mm i im i
.1 .,' ,SK . 'O t 1HT 4
VOL 1.-N0.43.
iMocinu'ibiiri) gusinpsi: x)irlonj I
t) t . ahu
J- Itnwnio, Mn In
ln 1.1
JO X O P O N 1) II O T Ii Ii.
t tun un i- iMiiiieir uru iiiK ittiKi-a nun re-ntrnwi
, en 1 WHM , lu Kill UOo
Minn to
A M i
Ibhnown tlmve,
N f T II ). M o li NT AINU
M, IMTt'lir. wtnToi and Hum mo, Itnprrl
l.lo- I, .M.i In m., west of Mm Kit. l.ini i
In lliuUjnleinof ('otnmblnalid ulllmi fountl,
In miwof thi'inmtlmiitirul mul henlthllil nylons
hi (dentate: U ntll prepmed In tm I'mmodute
NHom mul fuiJoinniTf
wirit tiii.iu pasiimin.
'I llO 1'o.ltl llll I Nll'fMllllH lltO W ell Ittflf lied Willi
r.f)vrNlJi:itfl.tnfr.-lmnllnUnr. MalnM.. 2d ',' ""'"i if"uiiB
door iiImivo Aineiieim house.
r .('ltr,MIU:VMNwlioloiilonivtrrlnll 01
,1, rr In clot Mas, etc.; Har!inahM bulMInt, Muln
drugs, CHEMICALS, u
I V. M(V1M t1rtitiirlt nli-1 npnlheenrv, IW
jehiiiK.'blne!e Main d. Lit It
11 l IdTZ. diuireNl and apotheeary, Hupeit
V bfod;, Main M., ireM of Maiket. vl-uW
) oATlI.'AltT. wuhUniidelue. in, MnrM j
ii (., below Main.
i dfn in:itxnAiu,
wateti nml etwle mnlirr.
j near ttoutheust;cotner Main and Iron ntn. vln 1 1
( M.AV.(n:, dealer In ilo. Its
. Jewelry, Main st neaih nap
M. mtoWV, li . .t mi l -li'i-Mn
Mjr.I.riiKlt.innmtl irluror mi'ldi'iiliT hilnn(t
ailil "lKici.Mfiliif-t., ((jtpnitlp i:pfeoinl rhitivh
MlINMtV KI.IIIM, in muf-iPliiriT nml ih-ih-r In
i lHKMH ltll
luiri; Main (.
, mocerli'i tc, l'jist
r i: o i' r a n i i i k i:,
mill ii i:tt Iii L.'fin.) nnlur will It- l;o.t for tlionc
I'ltinitiiHlulldii iuhI iiniiiiiHiiiiMiL hi piifsix. I'lllii'i'
fr llnliiiiu "riik'iiuinM'M'iirsioiiH upon thin hfiui
llrtil Hhrcl nt witter which In
MA'iMiAf. jiium jn' i:.ti;nt.
Hllliotuiil .1 lit l ( 1 liNlVL'I'nchl(l!n irNullur-itt-il
tu tlif htintfiimn u HplniillH lh'll tur lilt mvn
iM'tllllal "1hh tt mul OYl K-isn V'ltll tlH
D u u a n n u r x.
Ith I iii'ili-r w III 1 1- iilwa. i iiulil.l with IIk
ilHk'wlt'H n, id. nnl lilHltitl'Mlnt'ttuI With
I'riiK t.i'ji Tin Ift.itM1 H largrinnt pomtno
u lulls ; tl siti hi inv i xiPtmivi mul mft
Tim iliaisi-in rt-m lit i Irom mwiiU imlntt on
tin- ItliMJiiisiiiirtf A Uivl.iiWitiiiiit Uiillnmtl; miu W
ii N)k'lidil iln to VM th hot luntitllH nf fuiti
in r. 11. It. II AVIlt: USl
May I., i -I,-.
j 0 XL' 1 1 A KUK "iioTKli.
.lU UUnMAVlut ror.L'MllA t iU'.N'TV,
tin imilt rtHHml huvin jiiirrlinHcfl HiIh wi-11-I:nortn
nii'l nlriillv-lowttPtl Iihum , Hie i:xihniic
H'lit i.Mtu m- on ; M'Ui'.m'jn iiioMiuohtiiu,
Itntm .lui'fl.v 'nnHLite the (Vhtiultlti t'uunly L'omt
llultso, iifin:t tally itiTurum ithii.4 mul i!n
I'Ulnii) in u'-itcral linn liN Imuisi- . utw In imh i
lor tho iicfpllnn mul uiti-itmnni-'iit oi iimC'11piii
Vliuni!t licilKp, s,.t Ut luviu it with their cu
I loin, lit ImrtKpiiit'tl nno.NiK'iiHi. in pr l niln thu
- - - 1 iXt'lltailw inl' lilt) I'llU'l'lttlli")! lit of III KIKSl.,
Mniiif tu'fil 1 ni-lili'M -'.uill Hi-1.' t.i- nn.MiitiM .inlintf miii his
vl-nl'l pun 1 1 t.ilnl-tt i- i- their eonitmi. Ills
h()Uti is tput inu, una i-njus nn etailli nt lml
IH'KH lllt'llttlllt,
OiiiiiH-u ii run n t nil tltiu't hejumi tin
flinngr Iltilol nt) I tlli'Millo' Mitllri'ail ih'lMtlK. hy
Will' 11 ll.lM-IUlH WlU ho ploilSnllllV ritUMM'! til
ilti't flMni tin- le-'peellve slnlloiiH finltli time In
meet theeitrH. .I()llN F. CASUiW.
ltlntiniilurc( MiH''h ti, IfWi.
wnlcliPH mul
Ito Ainerlmn
nVll Itt'rZ, boot iitil .h'toiii'i1;er, Tn hi ht.,
hrlnw Ilarthimrs .lore, wcxt nfMarKot xtiret.
II. M'UriA'V, M. I, mrut mi mul physk-liin
I KHith -tlile Main it., Iivlow MntkLt. l-nll
I U lA'AN'M. M. It. Ktirtreon mitl plivslclnn Muth
I Hlile -Multi -t Muikt t. M-lll't
1. ttnrcnji niul riiysU-tnti.
i' Main.
T Ill'TTPIt. M.
w Murt;i t M., nhn
It. II. (. IfOWr.U, Hupppfni ileiitNt, Main M
J nlxive etmrt Jmilse, l-lilt
Miss I.I..ll; IIAHKI.CV, milliner.
liHllnlliu, MnlliM.
11 ISS A
, stull'im-ry, lnirlh M
I! utivy
V Jt Ii I A 11 O U S K,
II v
II WIVll lntelv
w ll-Uii'Mi'n K"
I). M'KMU, finv irnntN, notion;, hnnUs,
.Maui Mieei ih'huv ,M:tr
I'i:ri:UMAV, inlllenery mul f.ui" op-
pilte Kphfnp U rinUTll, Mnltl hi, I -II 1 1
nit'-!. .U'UA ty
M l.mey tin
: saih: ItAltKI.nV, 'Mil
sntithent (iinn'i1 Main uiul
I -ll 13
MIIS M. It. I't'ttM V, liillllii. r, Main M.
llarlinnnV Mciv, went of Mm ket st.
X JACtiltN. conl-H'tionry. InUrry.
nml m t'r i-il, ,n. ti,I'iil,' mul ul:il.i:-
luin'i' lilocl:, Main -t.
p IX , Vi:illl ife, llnliorv, liiiKi-ry, un! ns-
(' l,'i' !,:ilo wholtsilU' :ml n lull, Muni t., Just
I .,-1, v Imn. 111 1 1
pXCII VMM: IMITI'.I,, h .1. I'.
'su,U', Muln I
i Mi:iii.
V si.. Wi
S lllM'Hi:. I,y .Inns I.k.mdii.
I ,,f In.n sir, , 1.
, M.ilu
liv (I. V. M riiKti,
.Iftt 4-n.l ol
ii mi;-i iioTin
r Mum si.
j) HP ilINT.ll, M ll'fMilii.Ilt
I). i1h,v,' I'ltlll'l lien!1.
i r.r l.ov, refroslimonl vnliMin, i:flianir'
I linii'l, liu-Rim i')tliunii,Mn,i.rlnli'n,U'in l-iil;l
WW. ! I t.I.M !( rrrusl.nii nl Milium, Wilw's
1.1... k sunllisl,!,. M.ili.Kt. l-ul.i
Ci II. MII,I,i:n, il.aler In try
H itu cnsuiije, tliiiir, s ill, sin
limncc Mn.'k, Malm tici-t,
Konds, rrrni'i'lli'M,
i . nut Ion', i le.
ki:ia y .ni:ai. a vu
crti-n, lining it-Hi,
ih alcis In hy irnnil-
fl U. Mill. 11JI. IHMI.
, uoitluit'st iuiiu-1 .M it in mul riai kit st. l-nti
1 .1. Mt.Cl W ilrnlf r 111 tlrv f-f mil. l.ltu V BOO' I,
A etc., r.M'li.inut l.iilliliuy-, Mltlll Hlu-i t. V-lllll
i K. L'ucci li- an 1 ifciu-ial niin huh IIm'
Main -t., ahn. UVi-t. Vl-liW
II Iff IWKIMinlk ami eniH. hiinl-t anil mIiopk,
1 1 Main st., alM mint Iioiim, I-M 11
it i; ii s a it it hto ii n i:n.
pui'' li.isp'l mvl (Hit 1 1 up (he
oil I Intel l'Kiprlty, Ini it tt d a
rw iiodim Aitni, ntiM'ornr ilhi-n,
mi the viune nlite of tin Ktret-t. tu the tnwn of
ItlnotiiHliurtx; mul )ielu ohtaintln llci-iivu tor
I ho me im n
n 1: a r a r n a n t,
thu 1'iojn U-li.r lnv (h'teimllu'd In nlve In I he pen
pl.t Nlilng the town on taivltipiH in- pleasuri;,
A 1.11 I'M; MOUi; IU'OM.
Ilin hi'ihllllJiahn N i'tentlve, Htll W titled Up
In put l.uirtEleMiiul fiirrluK' In Iheilry, He pioin-li-vtlint
eer Ihlnniinut hlsentalillHlinieut j-h.ill
l t omttu'leil In mi oih'i-ly aiul lawlut innnm-r;
uiul lie ii'ipeetlnlly HollPltn a li:lle of the pnlille
p.ttrnnaire. im, 17'ijT-tiin.
21, C., il, A i7, mtOAHWAY, .V. Y.
un Tin i:n:opt;AN i i, vx.
Till.Hicvi ns IlnrsK Is woll uihl widely I;iuhi
to the timt'llUK phhlie. '1 he Incut lull N i"pf-i tal
ly hiiltahle tn ihi i.-huutK and himltuvt nu u; Il Is
In t low) uuoxiullV to the tin! lie pai t ol the city
Ik on Urn hluhway of southern and Western
travel and iul!act-ut to nil tmi iiueipal ratllouu
and ttUamlinal d pom,
'1 he Mi'Vi iih 1 1 (at ii luiH hhrinl aceoiiiiuodatlou
lov ovei :ynKUlH It In well (mulshed, mid pin-
, iicMiy modcrale Inn mxeim-nt Int- the eom
t.r Hn.1 i-nit'i talituieut of lis tuiiiatct. 'I he
loi.ius me spaelnliHaild well vcnl ilati'd )tnJded
wtthdat and water thu attend nice N ptouipt
all'l leftpfctiul and tin- lahle Is Kent roiwly pin
Vkted llll every dell-ney ut the-e.i nu :U liio.1.
emit.- uiies. tlKo. K, I'llASr. Ae t it.
Ill II i-Uil,l 1'lopilelniK.
rr i.i Li nni mrni ,t
A I (mooi'at ic Nowsi'aikm1,
is t'l'tlf.lHirtt BVUlV IIIIDW MilllMMl AT
'1 linptliielptef ofthNiMpi ratvof theJt ItfrHnn.
1-in School of pnlltles. Thoe lrl nelptc n HI tic e
I in fotnptiimi rd.jeleouiteHy mid kinder Khali
Hot be lurgotU 11 tndlu'Uvdtulhciu, H he! her Willi
In llvldti iN, or with eon temporal leu of the I'tini
The unity, hiippl!ipv"ul piosperlty of thecotiu
liy W our aim ami ohjeet; and as the minim to
M'Piue that, we shall I ihui honeidlyandcariieolly
for theh'ii nioiiy, HiifirsM aiul n'oullMtf our oik'iii
Ti itSHok'hruiciui'itoN: Two iv jtar
If i aid In advance. If not paid hi advmu-u lun
do) hint a tul lirty tentH v, III hehmiil.ihly l imited.
Ti.ttM-t or An l itTiMMi:--niieii'Uiuett nlhiiH
or l.'HN) olio cr thu-a hiKPtlloiih eaih hulii-e-
iui id tiiseiltou -V) ttntx.
(hie vrjuaie
'1 wo finurt' ...
Three mjuuipm.
1'oiir sipi ins..
Half eoluuin...
One eohuiin...
, (;,"
, 10,0(1
OM. 1,
!1,(f) $l(,(jil
!, 1) 1 1,1 N
I'J,Utl 1,MI
ll.MI 'J1VMI
v v
poiiK's mTi;i
i r.MiAiiri
1 1, sliite 4, t It-,,
MalUt t.
llu p
div irnnd, tiineeiles, Imu'I",
it I line!;, Main St., west oi
Mouthwef t
( C. MAItlt, tlry nndH and tint Inns
, (outer Ma n and lion n.
r SVMn and Imn -t.
J. HltmVKlL ilr ijouds ptni eilen, ( te
1 lilt
MTV. A. 1IAUTM X, dry K-mdn, lioli.ais, and
1 1 ioeile Main st.,opiiilli) 1 'plseopitl rhuvrh.
II II. Ill NMirJ'mUt.MWilim'neeik's, Inliat-.
II, 'i, ,uu( eon let ilnu.ii, Main id., Welmv Ana r-
A. ltrrKI.P.Y,KeystoueMaieHtire,ho(imd
, t iiioiiei.v, MihweNi corner M.ailu't mul
M.ull si-. Vl-ll.i
MM I M i:UAS.MrH, ejiifet.tlouerIep, Main
I ., Jusl aune toitrt nouite, vwnn
p Ml NDKNAAI.W.ift lierul slneJc of inerehmi-'j.dl-eand
luiiiher. coiner of Main street mid
Hiwlek mad. Vl'liM
J.I. Iti UUtlNs, dcah r In dry KtJs prperles etc,
tir.nilfir. W. MArr:i;i:, prupiloinr. 1
'J lie ahovo welWUnmvn hottd lain reeiu!. umler
U'niu nelkal cliunues In Its Inlt-i n d liuanui'iiK niH,
and Its pr iprlftni pnrtfum'f s t tils tort iter euxtom
an 1 tlv i niw ihin puhllr that hN 'H-eoiniMintion-.
ftr Iheeoiiifort nl' his KtleMNtirf: teenlid to linhe 111
the eountiv. His lable will alwnvs ' (Ollll I -up-plle.1.
tint r'.lil; lllll KUlntnlU Utl 1o.l I, llllt villi '!!
tho delica--,i'-oi ilip senun. 111m wine and 1W
fnini'M ii m- 1 1 that pujiliWi' hi wkuo litioun as
,i.)fitJf' nfi' i, pit 1 1 Ii.isfd tilreet Horn the Import hm
houses, aie inih'ily puie.and l roe (mm alt pol
utiiimiHiltujis. Ih- U tliatikful in) .1 liberal pat i on-
n-'e 111 I lie p M, ail I lit e. Ut tlUle to tleseUe It In
iiiefutme. (ir.oitdi: . MArui:i:.
Tin: I'i'i'KH Hoi'nr,,
Tlin vuhsrilher 't hlieetfullv Informs hltfiklids
and I lie pubtle, thai lie hfln taken the well
known llmiM nf Itntertalnnieiit, and will !e
pleaM-,1 In n-eelve the custom of all who will
l ivor hint ufih a call,
nr. wir-r. Kri:v a oon taum:,
ii liar Well Htoekrd Itll I he hest of 1 Irjnnis, and
ewrvefTnrt will he tnnde In rend' r inilie natls
f.ielloli. JOHN hnyui:ii.
oranaellle, I'.i., M ireh I", va7-lm.
'i in. Trt-i ilr-tor oniierselmnpK!i!o.nlmt now
nu hind n larue utoel; nf
!-tMMi:it ui:iTtru.Mr.NTH,
conf Mlii of
spiiin iHTi-'its, haiuum', 'ii'ier, i.oi.oi.nah
-ijti.i i"ios..i nmi.Mi UM.e,
.ii- comi: osk, coMi; all and si:i:. -m
Hit pi rluteuUcnl.
IIliH.tnsl.uiir, May il, IfCT.
rpu: i?fY ifo'rEi, "
' i:f TY, coi cm in a cou:;n pa.
Tin snl mtIU r re-pulfull. liifonnwldi. ftlendn
unit tin i ul lle, llml lie has taken the nUif m II
known ilt.we tf IHileitaimiient, and will he
pluird to tin-ho tin cimtom of all who will
tavni hint Willi n all,
un wax KKtiP X ooud taum:,
a liar v.i 11 st ekttl with the 1m si uf I.Uitiots.nud
eveiv i (Inil Will he nuiilt) to lelhier ilium sail
(aetlou. VM. ltUMI.llY.
Jl.v, Pa.. pr!l 12, P.
I'xeLiilnr'N and Admluhtiator'tt Notice S.1,00; Ail
dltor'N ote 2ty Other adveillspineiits Inser
ted neeortllntf lospielal eonttiut,
l'ulness not ee, wlthoMl ad crl Wc ment, tw tidy
eellU pel line.
Transient adertlsrnients payable in advance
all others due nftrr the Hist Instrtlon.
It Is, In nil rniff, moro likely to be satisfac
tory, both to subscriber and lo tho riihlMiels,
that icmlttances and all communication) respect
ing thu hu.-dncbsof tho pa per, he si ntdintt tn tha
oillcpofpuhllcatlon. All loiters, whcllur cdattux
to the or business eoncerusfd the paper,
mid all piiynu nts fur subscriptions adveitislnif,
or Jnblihi,aie tn be nude tn and addressed
nitocKWAY a nn:i:zi:,
"Cbltunhuui Ofcr,"
IlLOoMsitt'Crt, I'A.
rrlntedat t'.oblsnu's Ihtlldlnys, near tlie C'otnt
HniHc, by i'iias M. Vanhkuhmci:,
I'iiani; II. Hs ni'.it.
Nrnlly c.f cnlrf at tills (inlec,
I. 1VKl.liK,
A TTO I! X II Y-A T-l.A V,
Aslil.unl, Sclmj Iklll I'miuly, l'cnn'n.
A TTll U N' I! Y-A T-l.A W,
lit i w lc k, I'nhunlil.i County, Pum'n.
M. THA Hi 1 1,
A T T O 15 r. Y - A T-1. A V,
r.ciu'U-k, rulumliliv cminty, r,-im'ii.
yil. 1.1AM II. AltliO'LT,
A I I II II I. 1 - A I 1. A
ci::;i'iiAi,iA, i-a.
W, JllI.r.KIi,
AVTilltX i: Y AT LAW,
mix (i. riu:i:,io,
A T T ( II 1 X 1 1 Y - A T -1. A V,
OIIU-L' In llt'Klstcr anil llrriinlirt, ,,lllc,', In Hat
liasoini-nt t,r tin- l'(,uit Hons,', IMoninsl.uti;, T.l.
()iu:itT im'IjAUK,
lllli-ci ciiiu r nf Main ami Malla-t strn-tn, ,,M r
rilsl Hani;. Hloointlmm, Ta.
ii. hiTTii n,
A TTO 11 Si: Y-A T.I. AW,
DIlIi-iMin .Main Mii'Ot, In lirlilc luillillm; Ih'Iow IIic
utt 1Iiiim llliminilimu.r.i.
ni.dn.M-iiu'iin, pa.
fti'Orru-K I'unrt lluusc Alliy. Ih-Iuw f-
hnithhut lllllco. l.Ianl'i.7,
1!. HOlJ ISOX,
lu'ai h.mtlnvt'Hl
.1. II! ni.r.M vN, xikIJIk mul Imrni -s inali. r,
'urtiiT .lain ..mi .luiiti i m,
1 1 W. HNMil.l!, lianUu l. i nlli r . iruiw, He,
l , Main M iirluw Ivun. .1-nli
I1.MN, wiiiUh, nial'n
t w. 1 1 iltl Lis lurnltmo ii,nnin, tlina
I -III".
l.'li i.i Main hi., 1,i Ht ol MalUt't st
El. ril' illNTiiN, wall fajKr wlnilim ..lunli.
, ami lIMin. s, l;u,iit Wmk, Jl.llnM, ' W-llU
in II.MAMTKIls. aoini lur drover .t Hnlcvi'
I , nfwlnit inatliliif, .MHln t JUrimmi Imllil-
lu, up fcllllK. M-llll
ir ikisi:xhtoi:k',
n hick
llItAXlllA'II.I.l:, UlI.fMIlIA fOUSTY. I'A.
1S1IA1 1, MUM MA, rJiOl'HIl.TOl!,
hloflt, Main hi., ol'liosllul ollll limitt'. vl-nll
Ua Ina lulu ll tin.'! Nsli.n f till vcll-l:nran
hon-.,',Vi, It hk 1 1 if-i i.uivi j.m ifii. iiit'i'iti
...I , ii... I,, ii,,, iiiiiii, ill u-tuili ami turnn
ill 11AH ASH I.AUlil.ll v illi ll" ilio!n.llliUnl
lilltl in i si ilt lleui'lf. Ill,t kIhIjIh Is not e.t t lit, I
In llie : alal no l-llllis will I e .I'ltleil lii
lU'eiilimioitatf i.'.'i-rilK. iiiinoui
I.J ratal. Is.i, I'll. ia ,
The iU! llol'l !' InK-ly I'ini iniidmsctl'by lini ueen inortniiiiy jtc
mo k-'.ltil. mmliotl. mul ii'fuinllietl, 11 will 1h
lmintl now. lii ItitiHTiinKemeiit nml nnpolntmciits,
a iiisit-elii Hotel, and wftiinl In nana lu the
....liltlrt. IVisui In c-ltl. u v Iiiin n. M.on i nu
lioi iiniiiilis tn I lit- oomitiy, Mill du noil In uliu
I !! on .fill lur n tall.
I r. Hl'.iiAlir, i.liolnuraiilicr, llaiiinan' ImlM
,) lug iiorllit-sl oi mi .Mitinan,l.MiiiKt.ll. Mili
nW. Ill UIINM, n,iior tlealt i' MHoml tloor iiuni
, lioithwfht t'Dini l' M.lllHllliI IlnllkU. Nl'llll
V W. llAllTON.tobat'fonlsl.tillil tl.Mlorln I(im;
A, Ml, Mallit.,olU,olleeoilll lioine, vHlll
Muln mul Mmket il,
IDII-N" A.rrXi-niiX, mulual mul easlimtes lire
I lniiruiuii iiiini'any.lioillleii.ti'oi iielMitlli iilal
Wi'isl ll-llW
anil mtall'
,,i i l,i , .'hi iilt liiiii-lilliii. ('In ml". rllll'M alley,
nt ar feliuiili.s' iiatiuliy. Inl I
I ir.ultiii; iiAssi:iir, iiriiiniattui
ll II
iM 1. 1 ' 1 1 V .li.iiti r ill tniiit Imlo... ttf,
I hilllirulll-, I we of Amtlleali laawt
ojiivrmxci XKv.
'i i,n'.,,,.i. ,i iii mi ltnvo lo infoiin lur
filtntU uiul lliu i.uMlii Kiiuiiilly. Uiul U lw
!. tinl In
i.iiuiT i-tui:i:t
(1 ftCHll t-tlH I.
a i ooils In IIm Una of
MlI.lilXl-.llY mill TJllMMlXrirl
III miiiicellon wllh lnvw Muhlipt mwl I" l"1'
1'iiieil In lul.lllluii, to
mi lliel-liolliRt lintlte.illlil In the l,eM style of
i he ml, 1'rhi it lieiip uiul m tn U Millklat'toiy,
Mil, 1!, KI.INK.
laKlitMlttt.OltnUrl, WIT.
111KU lioia e, uiai i tilt, ,,,,iivrni,tn,, ,,,,
iliistl's fni it. oil loiltltl any )4raoii or iic,-soii4
l inlllitfol lnun wii. urn iltHsinnniiliiyuioiinii",
"Hit tin 3 itiu "''", "J "' '
.li Htreei, lietw,, n Tnlrti uiul Kouilli Hlircis,
iiiiiwT.'t wraicn,
TU 11 A 111) IlOUHK,
I'.ant r oi siniliuiiil CLokimitHiivi'lH,
III smi'iil I'oriuil mi.l.i'.T,
J. ,t V. fl. M'KIMUX. Vii'l'iltlor,
.Mm Hi. imir-ly.
i' ll 1 anil Halo-ill briiirm uf llloonu-
Ijiiik anil I'oluinlilii l'ouiiiy.-l Iihmi npi'olnte
il,. ll. Kltilinei uiul for tlio mile of my lile.porte
iM-uwii biimt, uiul luKU luer, wlm will mpply "ii
i .).,, un nrlroniml with the wuiii! ill tit le), a 1
....iii.i inn from lliohietti ry. Knoowlna
,li, hn t III lit, I .nnutual andallenlhi) to alt
may favor him with their tnule, 1 ndli-lt for him
M-Ut'lilippnlt. MO lespis liuuj ,
unite Wllh K- ll,
ildim 1M Olllee.
Unions lolled ed,
I.lttle, 111 brkk bulldltu' aW
Kt,-Iteiintli s, Ilack-rav and
mm conoztAvn or Qtricnu.
"TilH was the piirpnse of their mcctltu;,
Tor which thev chootc n lime as llilhv'
'llud. r' 'M.l. pliant In the Mnnn."l
When Pncle sum was i r l U,
And feniedadlsiulultou,
A lot of fjuaclis Whether tin t,
Tolifh 1 hlsCMii-dtttillnn.
Ilxttvniely "Inynl" men were the y.
And loud of martial mul',
!tellhltsl with the Mmllltf blond,
oil drenched w 1th bl.i'-t( phynle.
Tliouiih millions nf (heir pallenls died,
They Iipt I heir poslllom,
And claimed the oi her (jimclis to In
The Simon Pure physicians;
In ConurcNs Hall, at Washluyton,
These fpiat Us took up their slat Inn;
And Vucle Kim he inn tht m hmtmht
Tor an examination.
llelnK ery wealt from low of bio-id,
In nu arm chair they placed him
lly old fi lends scarcely teensnled,
Six years bad sn deraecd him.
1'uor Ham looked nt Ithir blacl; wv w hlte;
Tn latid!ie was unablr,
I hit sat an I mIkIiM, nnduared upon
Tltethlllt Up tu the table,
(lasf, lancet, piohani, clysttr pipe,
llhtibarb, senna, mniinn,
Magnesia, jalap, calomel,
And Ipj pcacinnna;
Kpsnm salt nndcastoi oil.
l'llls, powders, pla"tei'M, lotions
And various Alu Isof worthtesstrash
Ma do lu the laud of notions.
Tho iiuaik aioiilid tho table fat,
And held a consultation ;
Which, belim ended, they hefjin
AVIth Sam's examination.
(lunch Potior Hum tur felt Ids puWe,
And sild he should emh avor,
lly dlumiosts t learns mud,
To prove tho ease I Uncle 1Yi r.
The skin was hot, the Hps wi re diy,
'1 ho nervo wa badly shaken j
Sn many cases Irid he seen,
He could not he n: Makcti.
'I here was danger In the ease ;
Hut still la f.'ltasKtired,
If Sam would swallow hM black dose,
Jleqiihkly would he cured.
lie had himself Us h lues tiled,
And knew how It would act ;
I'm once It had healed up his head,
Which Dully lirooks had tra-kid.
iluack WINon next examined sum,
And said hn felt sutprh'fd
'I hat lioetursumtier could iml see
The man was p iralled
Kspcclally on the Southern fide.
Where all ob-.tiuellotn lay;
Uul his hlaek plasier, ll put nu,
Would tine him rlht away.
(lirick Wllsmilheii resumed his seat ;
Then dime (piack l'o.tor 'I had.,
Iiookcil alSam'M tongue and said thecase
Toblin set med rather bad.
Hut felt iptltP eeitalu Sam would noon
llefrePtrom eery Ilt,
By taking one nond dose of Ids
Itlack leconstructlon pill.
He owned II w.iHiiMn-t',
I nit lnd a sugar coat ;
Aiul If Sim would not take ll,
He should Tone it down his 1 hi - al.
Uul Mar bin 1 and 1 Ma wait,
And Kentucky as will,
He thought should beet mptlhd tn lake
The iKonstliictloii pill.
That! said, tn make sain take the pill,
Miuhl pi. i Imps he thought a crime ;
Hut exery Stale would be compelled
Tn lake the pill lu time.
Hut tliM It must gntlown am'i thmat,
Hy fair means or by foul ;
Or every Iin.-tnr iheie would soon
He Uitkedout of the hall.
A sliad of sold lots (hen waseall'd,
Who came without delay;
Their bayonets diew, mid ordeied H.dn
To take It tlht away.
Although he made an ugly fate,
He swallowed 'I had's hlacit pllt;
And i oor white trali are taeil and robbed
To pay the dot tor's bill.
Anil now thiMiuaiks In Congiess Hall,
Togclher sit and slug :
Huitah for Yankee 1 mille !
lie will swallow au (hii.g!!
Olllee tn rnaiiiisi'-s Hulldlng. Main Strcit, Weht
f the Anuileau Jlnu-p. (lnj-l l.
I.S.N 'A.
V u 0
t i o x i: !: u .
ll.tvlllK i.,ll.iweil the piofesstnn of 1'ulille enillie
Crl, r lor lniinv M ars, wolllil Inlou.i his tilentls
thai he IskIIII In llie llehl, leiuly mul w lllhii to
Ml It litl (i. nil the ilutliH nf his tiilllni!. relsons
tleslllllU' his M I. lets sholllil fall ol Wllle to lilltl
III J, ! ,11111. Mil IK, 1 ,1. I ,'" ' "
A fow tlny.-i lifter tlili 1 notifktl licr
noimiiiLn occunnENCu.
tlmtffon. titul llN Wife vtm!tl ''no Children Ititlcn hi it lulle.uiiilen
illno with ih. IIci' cyc-i i-imrUkil. f ' ""' ' T,ll'' tifxninl in llir Saimi
know lliuro win int'i'litof ImnvttiH, Iml 1
j I'dlilil not foresee . 1 Nr!vi;it In our f.vierli iu'i' lis Journal-
1 mlvl-eil licr llml the (, hi ' ' u ""'il ur limy in enriiiiicie
wife iiikU wnulil lie iit tlii. i'iilliij. nt 'leiiiim'iii'O iimri' ImrrM lii Its (lutnll
ime. AiiilisiilveiiiiiiKli wo were. tlmli tlm line we nre uli ml tti relitti;.
Ami Amy wui ueiiareil for U-. Mlie '' 'lo mil nffiilr If n a wl.lnwtxl
hull liri'jiureil un excellent dlnnor, mul nmtlierelillilleiH.miil fur llie time l)f'lii!
met in ut tlieilnor to weli'iuue n, mi-' n1niot herelt if i-f-ns-ou, Ii:iihiioi1 uUiil
nimncliiBiil the fame time tlmt iltMiir-r ' nic IfUh ult., Ill thf iiiljnliilnir emiiily
was remly, "" Allen, ft ?lmrt illilmiepl'rom the Wrir-
So Minn i'h we pru.nrt'il -he h il tlio ini loiintry lino, nml In the vicinity or
wuy tn the illuliiR room, mul tn my 1 Anthony' JIM. The luurt-romllii";
mriirlsu liiul .smvmlu lurso table, anil 'letuilK, in related to u hy imt-oiih or
had i M'uii'y old neKr.) hy the lUhie of ' mi'lueHlniialite venulty, me nl.out
Crow, with lili wlfo mid two chtl.lieii Hie.-e: Somo two month- since Mr-,
that were seated next to our children ut 1 ll'mil.eii-hl., u lady of iispcctnhilily,
lost her Iiuwmiil lrom dl-ea-e, ami us
hlj-h I'minl !ihm lint step( tuplliiid
plane of nhotft n(f lilindreil mid llfly
feet In leiiRth is iimdo ut the chltte
i m 1 1 n-ii ruux mm! n ihu'iu-ihiiimi nu inn
Mile oftlic iimtintnln ton Inme elrctitrtr
i evil vllij s cretxii ; tn thelfiitlml tin- !jrtl
liichfd to ii rope which ilr,nv- ilpnnetui
ty cur, und.uirlvllljf ul the s 'I'l i'ii, thf
lowei' end in the dir I- nuldeilly tin
lioltetl, mid the eonl ii lnvt with jrrint
vtliH'lly Into n lioiiper; till it
directly Inlnu cieon, Which lin ihrre
loiiff tliui'iljfi'fl, throujfli which con I nf
iih nmny i.'n Ii rltldled out, alld tm,
hy .'ctipperi into jint i ninny hoatn,
wiiltln-i I'lrillnVrviit drcrittlon"iif the
few weehd since u Yinikc" of tho
.school, utre.idv ut the tuhle. Pho uiiolo
Kled for her haste In sealln- her ,..( e.i wiin iu ee cn.iuren, iwii imerosi.iijf , 1lIm, Urm i,,,.,,!,,,.,, ljIlt
BitwU, ussttmlno; that shulu.l couclndod mul n little. Infant jrlr jut hirKe 1101.(l vt,1.(,lU (,ml ft vnkco Mirtul.t he,
wo were not eonilii-, mid then proceed- 1U nloue mid hcKUllo tho , KllLM, ,,, sU,.,n1 ,,.,, ,rti(H,
ed to formally introduce old Crow mid 1 1,)IR,1' tlln 'th"i' with Iti In- won,k.1. ,u H,,,, ,ltl.v,inoe-.. Ilo imrtic-
niul the Crow lunilly generally to the' nwent pinttle. On iho Kith ult., tho , U,.U.K. tll(, swfnm, wm,
(ieneraimidliUwIfeus hiolher Crow, '"Oinor, .Mrs. nw ,M.nMiip, lor me pur- w,lIch tll ,,,,,,, ,,
1 po.-o oi wasiuo"; cioiui's, icaiicii .o uiu ,
lstel, niu-lcr Crow, and llltle Mis
( row.
1 felt a;;ood tliul
lice erowlii"' Mimo
myself. My lejisheijiin to show initnis-
tuUnhlfhlBnt of elustlclly. I fell as If t
could heave out nny six nid'n In tlio
splint; lirmich nenr tho hoiise In the
lOL'allly referied to, lnUiii'' her tliree
L'liiirtled its lontl, nml (he veloelly with
which it reinnieii to (jive pimv to nn-
I iIIk.,.
children witliljer, the doK follow- bu ..., ww ,ltlr.K,lrtl
..lif oeiMno. .-l e nu ueeu eumntm ... b wp) b,1(m,r ()m, ()f K.
washli.K but a s hurt line when the do;; , m ( n))(mt (o Mak(i tkvfmU
ll-JKI l".-UUl . IMIjUlllsl III".
" Ve fmtf (n oJtuti wimH von ttt
fluncinl'.-! wife wns nhout to explode. "a' '"" 01 ln" 11 i "Waal, I uuejs- I'll i-tniui hit timf-ce
Tin; (ieneial, nltl.oi.uh an camel Hadl-1 llt b',.v't!lu tw. little hoys propoi-, ym u
cid, could not suppress his olfaclorv ' l'" m o" 'cuie uio k.u..l'.
r,o,n i.,.,,,l,. sii.ri.iit- ,.ii-i,.,i m,. i With the mother'- consent the litllu
liel-rhhorliood. llutJfullvcompreheiid.1 win liaikliij? inccs-utilly on 11.
ed tho nature of Hit. situation. Tho 1,111 m""- '' Thlnklii!,' that the do
Amy was extremely polite, and chatted ! rMow kt"rlwI oir Ill81' K11;''- AllH :
away apparently In one ol her happiest
moods. OIil Crow sal hack with hl.s
thumbs in tiie mniliolesof Ids dilapida
ted old vest, whilst his wife, with folded
miiis, vnis assuinino; mi air of maiden
Amy handed the d'eneral hy the
wench, which tilled up that tddc of the
table, and hurriedly seated the (iener
iil'ri wife by old jinnis and ivory. Then
atlicrlns up the children soated them
bosido their school fellow, uftcr which
hhu took nt tlio of tho ta
ble, mid requested mo, to be sin tul nt
the further cud to wait upon tl.ofjue.-ls.
I p to this time 1 had managed well.
I!ut tho (icnoral's wile ihmhp mid re
marked that she did imt i'ltf'iul to bear
the insult further. At this time the
( ieneral tlcw Into a pn.-bion, and accttscil
me of purpoi'ly arraintliif; an Insult. I
iroleited, and lucused Amy, mid as I
did so old .Scraps stepped In. The Gen
eral remarked, 'you old butternut, you
are nt the bottom of this." My Amv
better had they never been born. On
reaching the "pot where the doi; was
barkiii,' they suv a short distance from
the ilo;: n largo object colled at the foot
il.nte A'slstant Metllnil liliettor .7, H. Army,)
I'll yhii'i a:; a.s'd Huiuir.uN,
rn-din't-eat the house oonosltt. Shl.e's lllotl.'
Itlooinshilli,', 1'a,
'alls piniiii lly ill lenileil to with nluht mul nay,
hlooiitstiM'-g, Jan. Is, In".
11. I'UHSlOli,
iiAiisi:-- i, HAiim.i:, am. tui'xk
fAiit'irr-iiAtiH, v.i.iHr.s, i'i.v-scth, 4c,
Main Kliwt, IllonniOtllie. IM.
v. s'ii 1 V K ,
C A II 1 .N liT M A 1C ll 11,
S 11 r T V V. 11 S, ,I l. I' I. ! I N 11 s,
j. hn Minrr,
llI.ODMSHl'ltll, I'A,
June J, l'U7,
V A H 11 I O N A I! 1. 1'.
t it 1 1 w lil iii iin t r ,1 Jatohy'" lee riiam Haloon,
m.lHIM-llflKI, I'A.
Ilalr IlMil.l! uiul lllsl.u eololi'l hlinli "i
lunuii. Ilnlr 'JliiIi' It. iltMlfj I..MUI
tmlliKlheliall'i Mill Hklole hair o lla tiillilnal
I'lllOr .1 llllt ill hlUOIIH IIIW ttOtr, ,........ .-.. -. "-y
on iimiii. 1..1-...-,.
s. v-
ll'llllll SII41"
't III. I' If.
ii, lohi r II, In,;
.ions v. i.i'.iiiv.
l.I. fiiirmi i.i imuh In the latest mul
inn' l liopuilll H.Ue III . 1.1 Hit 1 11 i.i w t I
1'itr.n LAi'im
Slelilil llll'M.'.y, lleilillllB. I'll.
.MlllllN. C. It. llll.l.lNl.iai, I'. II, AMMAN.
It'l'MAN, DII.I. IX(i i:il .V 10.,
. -I'll KtilllU lllll'.l. bT.ll l.T,
1 v,,iiiv ,.;.( Jiimct, Kail, Suntir ,1 tv.)
Imlcuilu Dtiileu tn
11I t .o lis, K.IAIil s, I I V Ml',
(IMN HAl.s, ((HtliAfir, 41'. AI-W1,
1 ' .aVt M ' linn ''" 1
lil.Ctlll ., ll.l'Sl.s,
.May I", 1 '.1 ly
I.HOKISU l.l.Ahsts, IIP,
rt K. S A V A (i K ,
Jti(,l Adoi, litnr tht CvMt Ihuie,
Hi ooiisiiciai, I'A,
C.iihluiilly on l.iui'l u line asMntinint t.
I lot U, Ji 1 hy, Sill 1 1 1. uie nuil S'pei liifla tltllll.r atlelitli ll pihl lo.llm ltpalrlnu
Wall lu, I lo. Jt '!. "'.'I SI"', laen-
Ui Ma olilo iiiiilli" inanti u tuner,
All oil
I 11,
tl .
I'MTlt-IIANIMNtl WAItmilll'HIl,
No, It Nt" '1. 'I lilnl Hlreut,
Thecal' swiftly descended, and ere 11
reached the hopper the laborer lumped
"Do you do Unit often'.'" Inquired he
of one of the laborer in tlio shed.
"Oli, yc," continued the man with a
wnpffWi uiiawor; "you know nil of the
o. a .sun. p, in a no-u.e aui ui.e K.p- hmtmm ,m sIn,0 .,,, , thoy f.
a moment. l'...Ker only to capture thu
supposed ttaiue, mid not thinking of
danger, nor knowing tho nature of the
ploy, they approached the hideous mon
ster llml In fatality of attack "outven
onu all tho worms of Xlte." The old
dost of the two boys approached tlrst,
with Ids little hands outstretched mid
lit face aglow at tho prospect of his
prize, ho said, "I'll get -him, brother."
(jno step more and lioruOied to n death
ten have orders rnr umllj (ottf, we al
May. send down, a married man with
every ear of that kind to let them
"Wall, now, dtt tell," uttered the
I'astern man.-
The more the Yankee looked at tho
apparatus the more did he become con
vinced that It would b" a groat thing
lo go down tlio stoop In that way
Miniftlilng that lie could tell to hum.
Wit linrt 2Utmor.
WltAr do wo often drop, yet never
stO'.p tiriilrk npV A hint.
lift who yi'fuoi forgiveness breaks
the bridge over.wlilcli he must pass.
XiM'loild .'mi ovt'i'cihadow the Chris
tidil, but hixfiillli WjUdlseeril ll lldulmw
Wn ii vp kN.'o Ilko the creation'.'
Il5cuii.( they nro iniitlo out of nothing
mul uro very good.
Wiii:n nlonc, wo havo our thoughts
towntch; in our families, our tcmjiersi
tuul lu society, our tongue.
"My dear husband, nni I not your
only treasure?" "Certainly, I should
Ilko tn lay you up lu Heaven."
A "Moxstcu in hiinimi form," says
that the only time n woman does not
ixnggorate is when she Is (nlklngnf her
own age.
What is tho dltforenco between a
(own and 11h people'.' It is layed out al
the beginning of its I'Nisteilco and they
ill th" end of theirs.
lie gave good advice who enlil: If
you uro in trouble don't tell it to ovcry
person you meet. Xot one man in a
hundred will sympathize with you.
I.ovr. Is tlio shadow of the morning,
which dcerotwH as the day advances.
friendship is tho shadow of the even
ing, which strengthens with tlio setting
sun of life.
Mi. I'Aifi'lNirro.N has been reading
the health ollleer's weekly reports, and
thinks that "total" must bo an awful, since as ninny die of It us all
of tho rest put together.
lMlll'kltnr on roni'mr,-, In, nimr-rvielo tl
more te. .Ible and i-pecdy than wore thu yuporlnlt'nleiit.
torture o, fabled Laocoon. With one , ..Th.,t beats s-lhlding down hill, don' t
d.irt of his forked tongue, with ""e I Ily Ynu couldn't letn teller ilowii.eoiihl
death-rattle of his tall, the huge rattle-1 V(Ul'
snake for II was nothing less -drew
back ids scaly folds, and with one d.ut
in the tlesh of tbebi.v. ami loft tho dead
ivmlndisl 1,1,,, llml ll.nt us,. I,m- l '' poi-un eour-iiig urn iiiuiiigii ins
and no one should in-ult her r.i,t,,. j young veins. Again am. again Mas ...e
there, and ordered him to leave. , ""' "lU,' ".v 11 lllt'1' n l,l"o"" h'' "'U (
Tlio lieiievnl called her a dirlv hu.v I oxlmusted in the coils oi tt.o inonMer. 1
r...... .. , . ., I 'I'lif, nlliev litlh, f,'l!i,i' riiwlicl liirwoiil,..,., aim ai uns "in ' , . . t . . t . ... .Tt. .... .,...i i... friend found tlio snood to learA.l and
.- ....1.1,1.1 1,1. ,1... 1 ill 1 lit.' 1 'lift 1,1 11 is 1 1 ttli I,, t,i ui, , lit: ,
,-Lt.lus lllt lulu i nil lilt- i.iit,. i'ini tu a . . ....... ' tl,,. il,...r.vtlv . ,.ir, tt, ,1 1,.. f ...I
. ,,. ., , ., ' nl-o ricelvet l ie ( eiullv Lu.". i.l llns - . o-s ,,s ...
"ran ' ((in nun.. I sjiian ; oi'i wei ll l .ci l .... - . , t ., ,. .,,,i .! !,. ,,r ll,,.
. . ., ,., senient n severa ti aces. The screams l ) s"lol' " 'l,ut ''l'l' till' side ol tile
III llltLl-ll IllS tllll'St. Lll.'ll I lit I I lltW ' '
I "Oh, ye ., I'm reckoned cou-idurable
lofajumper. T once jumped ofl' u hay
mow thirty feet high, mid It made luc
'o suil.e that I'm give in to be the
be-t dancer In the whole township."
"Well, get mi mul tal.i c.ue of Mil. r--elf."
udde.ily the eir moved oli, and our
Thu where
i ... , . , ., ., .,. vehicle tin .mil,. ii'.
. . . I (ll llll. III IV. Ol. I Illicit llll' 1,1111!,!'. V I 111 . ' 1
pinceti mo t.enerai ami me on an ujtint-, ; ., .. " " ' ,... ...' ., 1 Uie laborer leaned oil' was reached, but
the Vaukeu wa- not In a pusitlou to
'It IHU - It 'I It.' I ill illttl llll' I Ml ,111 ( '(Ofl i
In the nieleo the wench le-sdlcd washing at the bench, and .
ii . . ii ... I., ii!iv fi1 f i.i v rr n s i r:iii i rn n i 1 1
inu uenor.u .-.wiieaiui nu- uglii inciiuo I . .''.'. ; . ... . . Iioou- l. lol . i,!,l , ,ni,,i,.,.
iv in tne spot, w nai a s.g.u incro met - - t
!i.(wo. .i,l,i m-iii. n.,!.i,:, vvol!t.ii now ii ii decern inreu nines a, .-leep u
1 and black, and bitten lu many (.laces,
one of her boy.s wa
the other dying fiom
1 am no novelist, and have never ar
plied to be, but I claim tobohoniethiug
of a politician.
If there is u loyal man I belicvo 1 am
one. l made great sacriuce during uiu
war for my country. I did not go to
ar l.ecau-o I could not. My private
ill'alr.s would not permit it. Hut If olio
person In the United States of America
pt tn. n more galling tiro in tllu UMl
than nnv other or.o I am tho man. 1
ave been the niarkot tlioCoppcrhoail
nd besides it has cost mo much do
niestie trouble.
(leorgo Washington Ilarrlsouiiocr.ite.s
'lavDobbs, (that's me) unfortunately
married onoAmy Maria l.oulsaScraggs,
mil as old Scraggs Is u Democrat, my
Amy has been u follower of the old
rebel sympathizing Copperhead l.iulter
nut.aud nt times thecllnmtoat"l)obt.'.s
'ottago" bccanio somewhat tropical.
Hut I have borne It Ilko a Christian.
old Scruggs h.i- nlwny.s been too fast
for mo In argument, but when ho canio
visiting and 1 held family prayer and
got tho old vepiubatu. upon his km es I
had all tho say, and you better tieucve
I poured grape mul canister Into l ort
ui. iter. Amy was a bcautlliil gin,
and 1 married her becaiiso I loved her,
Some said I married her for "I)obb'
Cottage," but that Is a He. It is true,
her father mado us a present uf the farm
ami cottage, but what of that'.' It was
Ids daughter and sho had ti right to It.
i was master of tho situation until in-
ceiitly. Tills sttlfrago question involved
mo In a very fcvious iiitiicuiiy. I nan
taken pains to tautallzo Amy
about copperheads, butternuts and sym
pathizers, but when this sullrago ques-;
Hon came up she gavo mo "Hall Co-j
lunibla" upon the Xogro equality ques
tion. .
I defended tlio best l could, nut louuii
tlio position was getting untenable, and
so I declared straight out for equality
and went ut it upon general equality
1 went my whole length uiul declared
for out-right equality.
Our people had got patriotic, mid had
admitted tho negroes Into tho public
schools, and 1 hail tho honor of moving
llrst lu that patriotic litep.
One evening a few weeks ago I came
homo mul Amy mid I had a set-to on
the equality question.
The children had been at school that
dav. and each Inula negro next to them.
I saw Amy was working her wit, tho
result which was an announcement that
if the children had to associate with
negroes, 1 should too.
I regarded tho threat mi Idle boast,
ami thought no inoroof ll.
general. Amy In the meantime expo-,
tulating and counselling ponce.
r'lnally wo had all succeeded inrcsiini
inlng our perpendicular po-ltioiis,
Crow, who was J list then the e-peelal
object of u charge from tho (ieneral.
Amy wa-, playing I'ouihonta-, by
leaning over tho old carcass, -ucceeded
in causing the (ieneral to
She then placed heru'riiis around him
and attempted to iid-e hlni. I How up.
Making a charge upon oid manhood. I
ruined a call skin.
Mrs. Crow patted n.e on (ho hack with
n chair, whll't the young Crows set iq.
a regular jubilee.
Hut 1 cleaned them out. I did, indeed.
Tho last words 1 heard from old Crow
were, "you'r a geniman."
Seraggs enjoyed it. Amy was exceed
ingly sorry, and could not comprehend
what had c.iu-cd the row. The (ieneral
and bis wife were oil' In a Hurry.
And I 1 was the maddest and inut"t
Hadlcal lu tho State.
1 pursued after the (ieno.'.il to apolo
gize and evplain, and ran into old Crow.
He gave me an exhibition of his "man
hood," and -eeing I win Hanked, I
wheeled lo retreat, lu my haste I en
countered the wench and over wo went.
I partially n oovotvd and 'started on
that which he had come, with a sudden
nli-enilo it, nil .in,t i cnci. oui siioi uie uu.i, uuii wiui a vio
the s lino cause ! .s"- "'-..' inn rn.ui wieuniicius, i aiiueo
I'll,. M.ako had crawled awav. and tho ' mcimieo, i.uo u.e uoppir
I livinirbov lived lust long enough to tell i "Murik.' ! get me out ! slop tho con
i the elrcmistauce of their death. )ver-1 earn !" shouted ouritero as hu felt lilui
: whelmed with an Intensity of agony i self sliding down the hopper into thu
, which mothers alone can feel, she re-1 cylinder. "Murdo.' ! stop the conutrn
niained nt the fatal spot a short time,
when she bethought her of lur little
girl at the branch and hurried
On reaching the spot, honlble as it
may seem, she found Hint the llttlo girl
had walked tt) the waslitu'), into, which
she had fallen head loiemo-t and was
diowned, "and il too was gone." The
mother's cup ol nil-cry was full: not
another drop could he added, lien ft of
children, and almost of iva-oii,;
under the accumulated horrors of tho
hour. Assistance wa- piocuictl, the
heart-i ru-heil woman and the remains
I'll bo klllul !'" Hut thu motivu of "the
concani" was water, which bar, liosym
path. with those who pur-uo know led
under diH'icultios, and those who saw
hiii were too distant ami loo much
cou ul-Lil with laughter tu render any
assistance. Into the .screen he slid, land
ing on the toil ; and .'she felt himself
revolving Willi the coal he tin.
wiles ill desperation lo pruoui bi.nst.lf
from being lulled to tho bottom. Around
tho wIko! ho went, and our filciid
sensibilities, were touched up by a plen
tiful shower of line coal dust riddled
nil li.Mi'j teltint i ill! f 'i'ini- oil inr, tit tn v ns.
sistaiice, anil by nn attack upon tlie'iear ' (l,r''" J:-''' "'"W'.
enabled mo to make the lime on
As 1 came down the pavement 1 dis
covered a waving handkerchief. II
was Amy's,
Scraggs had n-sunied u belligerant po
sition and as f pas-ed 1dm, sot Crow to
liotllug In the opposite direction. He
made gooil time, but nothing in com
parison to what I hud done.
Since which time I have been dubbed
"Dexter" by Amy and In . fatlu r, and
ut intlmati.'ii tl. it 1 intend, d
to voiuthe H.rllcal licke', Amy In- l-ls
upon' reliearslng'her lmy of the rate
between Manhood and Hiulleal,- -
1 lmve partially succeeded in reconcil
ing the flenernl anil his wife, but my
suggestion to play ll.o same joco on
of her nestlings were taken charge of : lliroitgli I'.oui ail lliu chamber
laud cared for. A short time after a Ho managed to get uno eye opened
large rattlesnake with thirteen rattles, j ami saw with delight that thu cylinder
, was killed near the spot where the I oys W;i, only about ten loot lu length, mid
wire bitten. he forced his way forward wllh despot-
I The event created n profound i lion, but It was not nltogeihor success.
I Hon m the community, mid has scarce- f,,). another re..l-ilionol the wheel hail
I ly a parallel even In tlio e.-cinn; initial" i VL.t 1() u, ,., mt u. iWKl nK, ,t,
ot our ( any and l.ariiy ptuneeis. i,uir. v(,ai.hed the bottom hewn" "hot out of
: Tni'.ui. was two e.uly settlors in the
! western l art of 1'uiiisylviuiUl who-o
i names weie Holer Schmidt and John
IswiU'tz. J'etcrliad Iticrciied the size
. of hi-, farm by niinexlug to it a small
i trait of land (wHolnlug, and ho Iiwlu'd
i about one hundred dollars to pay lor
Ids new ftc.ii!-llIon. Ilo called on tils j )mt ()V(.,. htMojes,lieteam(-do!f,iniitter-I
neighbor John to horror, the amount, i j,, ';n,r,i mid .v vieiml, by timuderl"
I John consented ut uitc, ai.u goriw imo
anollier ro u lu brou lit mil un old
1,,'ead !' iskel, tin 1 "j ii'.ti 1 out the do-
' -bvd t -.Hiibor o. 'l,.!!.!.' a'i't then tho
. ,1.. w.,l it,.,,,, 1., lf. 1,11- nt
.I i.i." i.miio !.... (,r the oNteut of his knowledge i bouii.l
the scupper Into the bout beneath. '1
the screams of laughter with which his
advent was hailed our hero wild not
word, but getting out anoldlmndkrehlef
rubbed the dust out of ills oycn, and
surveying his torn apparel and bruised
battered, scratched and cut llii.lw, ho
'raised Ids vein" to know as to what
quality of itiithiiteiU" he had tiecn deliv
erwl, when, simisbliighlR remnant of n
A Tl-.A iu:i:' Titoi -There l
llv.uo un Mai'ilia'c Vlneiui.l un obi in.i.i
' wlniTias never been off the Island, and
Alter einoklugovertliQinattvinwhllf,
It occurred to l'etrr that in a similar
Scraggsaud Amy.tU their hoti-e brought , transaction ho hail seen or henrd Mimo
to the (ieiieral's mind such a viid rec
ollection of old Crow's' pow
eis, that heci.ncludedtl.ulliegviHqiiali
ty wo. .1,1 aii'Wer for elect loneerlng pur-p'o.-o,
but was a deiidedly dangerous
experiment by way of practical Juki s.
I thought so too. Ohio Stall miiim.
A (loon tory Is told of I'lofes-or
Adams, of Amherst, lie was very dry
and witty, it Is said, and the following
thing like a note passing between the
borrower ami tlio lender, and ho aig
gostod as much to .lohn, Tho lender
ii"-' 'll led to the propriety i. .'such acour-o.
I'aperpen and Ink were produced, and
between the two n document Will con
cocted, Milling that .lohn had lent dmi,
which I'eter would lop.iy to John in
"tn e mont"." This I'd. .' signed, nun
thus far the two llnaneleis made the
thing "nil regular and ship-shape."
Hut at this point a ilillkuliv presen
ted It.-olf. They both knew that notes
were drawn in the operation of borrow
ing uiul lending, which they had wit
by the ciiillnrs of his homo.
too good lo pass by :
A .-tudent whs called upon to describe nPsu.(i, imt neither of them' had i.bor
lie I
I con told ofu war between JtJiXuijh
midisoutli hujijlnutjver jieard the
din of httltlo, nuy miy soldiers he
considered It a hoax, lie Is utterly un
til. lo to lead, and Is ignorant to 11...' last
ib ,'ioo. A good story Is told of hi- fh.t '
and only day al sclioul. Ilo was quite,
ti lad when a lady came lo thctllstrhl
w here his father Ivol to teach scho il.
Ilo was sent, i.l as the teacher was
classifying the school, he wits called up
on In turn mid Interrogated ai to his
necr beeu to school, and knew none of
Ouk devil says that when you sec n
young man and woman walking down
the street, leaning against each other
o a pair of badly matched oxen, it Is
pretty good sign that they are btnt ou
What Can Slimrun Mk T 1 i o fl ii o
comparison ofu Chinese who was anx
ious about bis salvation was, "How can
man think of trusting to his own
ghteousness'.' Why, it is llkoseeking
bolter tinder onc'r own shadow."
" Wk shall -oe now what are the no
ssarlcs of life, said a country storn
kf eiier dining nseveie slorm, us no one
will venture forth to-day except to pro
euro them." In the evening he found
that most of his sales were yellow snuff
,nid Xew I'tiglaiid rum.
I'm; following are 'among tho signs
over the shops of traders tit Kurt Smith,
Arkansas: "Camphcin And burned
Hewed," "dies Xuts Idled and Hoar,"
"Caiiiscet clieosr lle-eotcd Hear,"
Wiv-hing, lronln, and goln out duln
dais wur!: dun here."
"Oh, dear !" blubbered out an urchin,
who had been suffering from the appli
cation of Hie birch. "Oh, my! they
tell mo that furty rods make n furlong,
but I can tell n bigger story than that.
Let 'em get such a plaguy llckln' as I've
had, and they'll llnd that one rod
makes an aeher."
l)i int. In Georgetown, I). ('., lu
one of id" -erinnns lately, u-ed as a quo
tation the scriptural query: "Wheronro
the nine'.'" On u repetition of the ques
tion, u demure looking young gentle
man who had been nodding, suddenly
roti-od up and was heard Innocently to
lCspnnd: "They're playing a Washing
ton club."
A'.fa max one Sunday at the
dose of his pennon, gave notice to tho
congregation that lu Hie course of the
wcelc he expected lo goon it mission to
he hi allien. One of his parishioners
exclaimed. "Why, my dear sir, you
have never 'old us one word of this be
foie. What shall we do '."'
"Oli, brother!" said the minister. "I
don't i xpi'ct to go out of town."
l. n school, recently, a teacher took
o.caslon to lelate an niiecdoto of tho lit
tle girl who tried to "overcome evil
with good" by giving a Xew Testament
to, i boy who had Ill-treated her. Tho
story was appreciated, for a few min
uter afterwards, one boy struck another,
and on Ik IngtisUul the reason, said lie
was "trying to get a Testament." This
was a practical hoai lngnllogcthcr unex
poulid. "I Slim lit. ' tlmt beautiful spotted
little tiger uit," aid a lady, while vis
itingtl.e iik lingerie, last Friday. "What
for'.'" snld her husband- "Oh, to havo
fornj t, mid lo sleep with," said tlio
l.idv. "What do you want tn sleep
w:!i siu'h a thing for?" "Why Just to
.H'V dKl'grcnw-' between that nnJ
tlcvjiljij? yfltli a bear." Tho hutbamt
sutlilenlly proposed to take a look at
tho monkey.
A l.ivr.uv stable keeper named Spurr
v, i u.lil nou r Ii t a horse go nut without
u questing tho lads not to drive fast,
i ue day a man called for a horso to nt
i tend, "CorlaHily," said. Spurr;
i "but," ho added ; forgetting tho solemn
I purpo-o for whleli tho yiningiiuiii want-
i,l II,,. Iw.rsii, "ihinl! ,let.-., f.i.l II 1 1 MM,,.
Oleoitrsoliohadtostiyliohad . . ,. ,.,,, ... ,-,,,. ',,,
,. ir.. i ,-,,, I,, ut ........
tit lii a "cat on onu sldu until
at somo length,
"Incorrect," said the I'rol'essor.
Unwilling to acknowledge his Ignor
ance, the student tried again.
"Well to toll tho tiuth, I'mfc-sor, 1 I
don't know ftiiylhl.ig about it.
A I.rrri.r. boy having a-ked hUniotlt-
er wiiiu a 'moon reiaiiou menu, uemg
1.! !.. MM. .
Ill- Iflf.-. Ill- s, l, OIIIISIUSS M.I-V ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,. ,,, ,,.
i ll' '" t , ",,.,, . .,,..11,, tu uvt-i,
"o" m, il,, .,i.t,... ti- ii i.tii.. .i...
lliiMied tlv preliminary examination ' j' "",',' 1 " ""'
of the lost of tho sdholiuv. Hho then i ' -.. - .
called htm to her and drew on the black-. A li.M.V making n lmirnlug call ills-
the peculiar charactcrl-tles of Iho shark, ' veil what dl-posltlon was nuido i.r tho
lie was a ,luc,.l speaker, and answered , docunu.i.s ; neither of , ,u ... .mid tel.
r'liili r to lul. o o uiruii ol Ihc nailer.
lleru was a dlleuiina. At hist a bright 1)0,u.,i t10 hitter A, mul told him what (oveiedherfiiiiialeiiequaliitiincoiiiaklng
''"iiii have de iiii'.iiev to p.iv, I'eter ; " WIW 'd asked him lo remember how 1 tremendous lunges with a broomntlck
,'ou take ills paper, "' you' can seo as itlookid. lie InoUcil nt It u inoinout, under the lied. Conversation breaks
vou lmve to pay It." and then Inquired :
This was coudu-lvoj tho comiiion "il h lt-how do vou know it's A V"
scllso of the tiling was plain, and Holer j ..,,..,.. ,vnlbl Unit whim she
pocketed Ids money and his note "so he I 11,1 ' V , ,, , i
could -oo that he had to pay It." was a litllu gill she bad been to sch.x.1 tn
Three months passed over, mid to the j nu old gentle. iui:i w ho told hor so,
day appeared I'eter, and paid over tho 10 hov eyed the A I'oru munieut and
........ f.... I ,.. I..1... 'I' ,1m l.tiltll- . .'
pitoui-ieti mini hi iH'iiii, .,.- "j i thou asked :
ow hut he
. , I.I ! .1 t, I . ninilli
to nil ll eiini uearii'i.iiiui.s, 8iuu,iiiiui ii i luoe un; aai- a " , .1,,.- ..... ' iiii.h.i,,,., ,'
.. ,. ,. ..! .i... leiiiiu it (iiit. Alter mi tlmr aw die. 1 il-n-iiow no you
momenr-iiiougiii. -1110.1 in.'.!.. ,v . ",,, , , t, ,n,mh.,t tt
nuHtbothu bloodiest .elation I've got.' ,.,,,',,,,,,,!; Tl,.-L.ul.e, could not get over
-.- ,,w, .Inhn, vou inn-t l.t'.e tile note , "
I'... v.a. i.'...-,. u.t,., .,. Inn-.line. , ,, , ,. 11, Hi.. tii.i.ii'V had I", -ml ...o 10'.' Hoy W.l-
ly at Xew Orliaus.
In u pal 1."'
In. m iv tic .nUibJe,
forth :
"flood morning, madam. Ah, you
have a truuliUomo cat under tho bed'."
" J'i'oublunomo cat'.' no ma'am, its
tlmt - ..caking husband of mine, mul I'll
lmve him nut or break every bone In hU
"Y.'iiwill V" Mid 11 voice under
iho bed. "Now, Suy you may vti vo,
Inil I il iint '-".lie out from under this
1 11 ( 1 v bile I've goi tho -pirlt of a man
1 ut in."'"