"7 1 THE COLUMBIAN,! BLQQMSU$G, QOLTtfMBIA COUNTY, PA, anncr'jl Jiciiiiitmfiit. Imjt 11 llit tllp llonif steml. Tin ili'.t tlilliR I 1I1011M ttri on tlio frtimrri )n tho way of Improvement, woiiltl lie what wo might mil rimiMtlo llii)iniVfinoiit. Keep tlio i-nttlf oil' tlio j liln'inuy", krop tlio woiiN cut cloo nml , llni'- oMuule ttvei on ouch sldo till", with unit feneei, will bo an ovhlonoo of I ctvlllz.itltm to b(nln with. Then I , would enjoin tho removal from tho roml'lclos near tho dwelling, of nil dllup- hinted nml ln-okon Implements, which rue mo iiptomohow or other to necitin ulatii. Tho burn nnd other oiit-hullillng' nro very frequently located more on the I prini'lploof convenience than good tnte, I but wo limit take thlngi as they are, I mid Improve them with paint or wmh I of some wirt, mid n good thick belt of rapid growing trees nroiind them, both for -bolter nml shade, nnd to partly eon- 1 co'ii their unsightly appearance. Then, ns for tl' door-yard, I would illir up, root out all the old neglected, iil'ii.i, peach, and iiulnce tree, that seem to have sprung up In the fence corners. tlt, t,r(j brood of eggs, as it sacred tle All thiselass of trees, what wo might , H)u, In his lap, begging him to guard cnll tho tlncr fruits, not uMially grown ) H,m for i,in, lint tho beetle, having In orehnrh", I would form Into u nice timile a little ball of dirt, How up with fruit garden of half an acre to two acres, it and dropped It In Jupiter's lap; who, ns might bo necc-sary. There I would rising up on n sudden to shako It off, have n complete collection of pears, . nml forgetting tho egg-, threw them clKi'rienpricotsilumsofiulnces.'ill tho n mvni and they were tigaln broken. Mnall fruits systematically planted and Lioplter being Informed by tho beetle o.irel'ully cultivated. This garden might I tlit he had done this to bo revenged up-bemadoonoofthomo-tlntere-tlng per- ibo eagle, who had not only wronged tious of thu.prcml-es, to.-ay nothing of m, but had acted lmplouMy townrds the abundant supply of line fruit and 1 jvt, blniholf, told tho eagle, when ho Vegetables It would yield. Hero the Lium, to him, that tho beetle was tho family could acquire tasto forgardening n;-;;rluveil party, mid that hu complain us well as Icttm to practice It. I ed not without rtmon. Hut being tin- Then tho ground nbout tho house I ! wllliitir that tho race of eagles should be would convert Into a smooth lawn, which inti-t bo kept cut clo-o all sum MiT. This lawn must bo suitably em , bi li-hed with deciduous and evergreen trees, dowering shrubs, ro-os,etc. This Is tho way I preach to runners when 1 vi lli- tkem, but only once in n great while with any effect. It is a shamo for our well-to-do farmers that they aro 3D behind in this manner, it makes firm life o dull and dreary n pursuit, that i 1 am not Mipprisou to .oo nil tno orignt- bovs run nwa.v fioni It, and our ru- u j "piilatloii grow lug li-i and Ut-s ( vit year. Then think how much tin . Improvements would add to the market value of tho farms, a nlco house, some good fencoand an orchard, ii. cfin-o the vnluo of the farm from sj" bi sil per acre, otlicr things being eiiual ; but carry out such sugge-tlons a- I havrt made nnd whnl do you sup-pi- It would nibiito tho valuo of your firm'.' Almost doublo It! This argu ment lins some weight, It touches tlio pocket, but tho moral effect of such Im provements would bo absolutely local culnblo. '. Harry. H.'alltifr I'tnr. KvKUYJioiiv who remembers Hoiton thirty years ago, will recollect tho hat store of Col. Me-lnger, on Washing ton .Street. It is related that two of his apprentices, Sol. and Hen., one um mer coveted tho fruits of Col. Houl stone's neautifiil pear trees, in tho next inclo'ure which was surrounded by a very high fence. Hon says to Sol., I "-hould liko a few of tho-o nlco pears; how can weget them V" "livy enough," n.iys Sol., "fetch mo your fishing polo." Tho polo was brought, nnd after attach ing ono of tho knlvej used for cutting fur from tho beaver skins, together with a "mall bag to drop tho fruit in, tlio rob cry was completed. Col. It. saw the whole transaction, but tho boys were n it aware of It. Tlio next day the Col on '' little girl called on lien, nnd sk ed hlm to lend papa tho polo that ho u- I tosteal pears with. Hun. of couio appealed to Sol., who answers, "I think we iiau nutter let Him Have It." Y lion f new machine was returned, it gave m much satisfaction that the little girl nv, Va sends Ids compliments, and v. .ii.i,! to know ifyou will please to lend h!u your pola next year after you aro d -teallng bis pears V" - o.,r1 - "' i:ii);ll.h lM'ioliis. W Americans have coiiie out in 1 im logju-t about as the Kiigli-h did l ibo plowing match that Is they i everything clean. Kvory one . i I i-k, "Were there any American 1 and plowmen V" No; but It i .ml have made no dlll'ereuco If there li. d iiwn, except that in not trying, we bled being outdone. The Kllgllsh i' I evcel ih, as they did the I'rench, i.i i ir i'o very good reasons : Wo can i . .iiupi'to with them either in plows, i ..in nr plowmen all nero .try ele-'-ina plowing mutch. This will Meetly iinder-tood and nckuowi d ny all w ho have seen I'.ngllsh and ' ,'.i the le.i-t notice of plowing there, I i. will not Im by those who have not. I do not contend that tho time and expended by tho KtiglMi plow . i j nuy moid remunerative than i us, but when you come to tho do I a nice Job, such as I- expected at n ing match, wo cannot coniu up to 1 p iruttllnury work. However bitter i pill may bo to some of our "crack" 1 !i men, plowniakers and horsemen, Hay bad better take It, miTl It will do U'rtiii a vast deal of good. (be lliirut I'orAcr. Mluiln l'otntoru. I'm: suust proleclloiuanliist rot In in' potato, after being harvested,' thero i no nucstlon wo think, Is nlr-slncked lime, Let tho 1 1 ii i (j bo sprinkled over bottom of the bin hcrom filling, and ii pent tho application at each foot of t I'atoos n tho bin is tilled up. Tho v'liutlty is w hat a farmer would call a gjnd sprinkling, l'olatoes should bo - eluded from tho light, and whero i iiivenieut covered with old curiiet, etc. Wit n burled out doors a high, dry spot si mid bo selected, which can bo thor - ou'hly drained, nnd ' theo purstiu tho Mine course, with tho Itmo as beforei A vent, must, of course, bo left In thu top for tho escape of the contined nil. ' riiiuntoiCH Ttletrtijih. "Taki; rlpo tomatoes (tho small red m. i s nro preferable) wnMi but not skin them, and thoroughly boll ono hour, and thou put them Through., hair sieve , , ' ' , , , , , ' and to ono quart ofjulco ntltl ono table. . v' . " ""'""'"' " ....i.-slio..i. hiirrf'Li'ri'r ?r hour longer; bottle hot and seal up! ' '1.N catsup vlll keep for y.ars, and no 1 ,., , i..!i.i.,.. i ,.f, .,. ,.. . , L l Xt h u. ; I"'rit" lull, kettlo should bojised. ( Tml plensuro" of doing good la tho i only ono that nnver wears out. ' .t;ov the ouii oi$. Tlt Ktairlr nml Ihr Il-Hlr. A llAiti: bchiR iittMiii'il liynn ciihIc, betook himself lor i-pAiro to tlio mt or a liectli.', whom ho I'lilrcuU'il (o suvo li 1 in . Tho beetle tlieruforo Intercoili'il with the. en.,lo, ln'Rulni; of him not to c II t tho poor suppliant, nml conjuring him, by mighty .lupltor, not lo bUrM hh liitimloii nml break tho laws of ho-ipltnllty because ho win mi smalt nn animal. Hut tho Magic, In wrath, gavo tho 1 lectio u tlap with hit wing, and straightway seize I upon" tho Hnro mid devoured hlm. When tho Kaglo Hew nwa.v, tho beetle How after him, to learn whero hli not was, ami getting Into It, ho rolled the eagle's oggi out of It olio i,y one, and broko thoni. The eagle, grieved nnd enraged lo think that any onoslioiildnltemptponudnclousn thing, lu1t hit nest the next tlmo In n higher ia. ; but thoro too the beetle got at it iiL-aln. and served hlm in tho same manner as before. Upon this the eagle, licliiiriit n lo-s what to do. How up to .linilter. his l,ord and King, nnd placed diminished, ho advl-ed tho bcetlo to vnnw to an accommodation with tlio ,..,.,1,.. As tho beetle would not agree to thl", Jupiter trnnsforred tho eagle's breeding to another eca-on, when there aro no beetles to besem. No one can slight tho luws of hospi tality with Impunity; nnd there is no st.itlon or iulltionce, however powerful, Hint can nrolrct the oppressor, in tho frm tho vongeanco of thooppresS' The Old AVomnll mill llir PllJ ll'Uu. AX Old Woman, who had become blliid,e.illedinu liiysiclan.nnd proml-cd hlm, beforo witne-c-, that If lo would restore eyesight, she would give iilm n most handsome reward, but that if ho did not euro her, nnd her malady re mained, hoshould receive nothing. T'ie agreement being concluded, tho Physi cian tampered from time to time with the old lady's eyes, and meanwhile, bit by bit, carried o(T her goods. At length orter a tlmo ho set about the work In earnest and cured her, mid thereupon asked for the stipulated fee. Hut tho Old Woman on recovering her sight, saw none of her goods left In tho house. When, therefore, the Physician im portuned her In vain for payment, nnd .sbocontliiuallyput hlm olf with cxcuscm, lio summoned her nt last before the Judges. Heing now called upon for her defence, she said, "What this man says Is true enough ; I proml-od to give hlm his feo If my sight wcro restored, nml nothing If my eyes contined bad. Xowtlieu hotiiys that I am cured, but I say just tho contrary; for when my malady first canio on, I could seo all sorts of furniture and goods in my house; but now, when ho says ho has restored my Sight, I cannot seeouo jot ofelther." 1 la who plnys n trick must prepare to take njoke. Tlir nitimr nml Hie Wolf. A Wot.F.J roving nbout in search of food, passed by ndoor where a child was crvinc and its Nur-o chiding It. A- he .U)0l listening ho heard tho Nurso say, ; ..xw leave off crying this instant, or fll throw vim out to tho Wolf." So 1 thinking that tho old woman would bo 1W K00,ins wr ho waited quli'tly J about tho house, In expectation of u i lMpIt,j mi)1,el., !ut us It grow dark ..ln(ltltt,llllll hvnww ,,,,,(, iiu ,,;,! heard thoXur.se, who was now fondling tho child says, "There's u good dear, then: Iftliu naughty wolf comes for my child, we'll beat hlm to death, wo will." The Wolf, di-appolnted and mortllled, thought it was now Ids tlmo to bo go ing home, ami, liungrynsji wolf Indeed, muttered as he went along: "This conies of heeding people who say ono thing ami mean another!" 'I'll- I'i K nml Ilie lit, Ax ox,grnzing in n swninpy meadow, I I chnnceil to set his foot among n parcel of young frogs, and eiu-hed iiemiy tho' whole brood to death. One that e.-ca-ped ran oil' to his mother with the ilrc'dfiil news; "And, ( mother!" said no, "It was a beast vucli a big fourfooted beast !tlmt did II." "HlgV" ipp.'th the old rrog, "lluw big '.' was It its big" and hho.pnlfed herself out to u giuit degree "as big as tins'.'" "Oh I" said tlio little one, "u grout deal bigger than that." "Well, wns It so nig'.'" and she swelled neiself out more. "Indeed, mother, but it Wns; and ifyou weru to burst yourscll, you would never reach lialflts sUe." Pr.ivokcd tit tuchiidls p:itiigi'iiii'nloflier,oweis, the old 1'rog inailo one inoro trial and burst herself linlced. So men nro ruined by attempting n greatness to widen they luivo no claim. Tlir 'UfP mid llm ,Vx. t t ! A WoonMAN camo Into n forest to ink tho trees to glvo hlm. a handle for his axo. It seemed so modest a reouest that tlio principal trees at onco agreed to It, and It was settled among them , that tho plain homely ash should fur uMi what was wantoil. Xo sooner had the Woodman fitted ttilf to Ids purpose, than bo began laying about hlm on nil sides, felling thu noblest taw in tho 1 wood. Thu oak now bcelng tho wholo , matter too Kite, whispered to tho cedar, "Thu flrnt concession bus lost all ; If wo hud not sacrificed our humble neighbor, wo might hnve yet stood for ages our selves," The (lri hiiiI tlir IMtelirr. "Y rc';my u( " 0 w ,mr?t' tt ", '"r '' ' i saw at n distance. Hut when ho camo .V Cuow, ready to dlo with thirst, up to It, Im found tho water no low ..,,, , , ..,..., ,,,, s1.,.,, ssa,r,? pebbles at hand, ho dropp- Va "i ,K'm,l T(l1,y ";"' Into tho iiltcher, and so ru -ed tho water tl,u Mm, ...id quenched Ids thirst, UIU mid Hatlei.co will H.icceed whero Korco falls. Necessity Is the Motlor of Invention. RAIL ROADS. TVroilTHKUN CKXTHAT HA11! 1 WAV. niiti:iT uomr. Noiuii ANi) sotTit. Throuttli between UulilriHi.p pud lUeheter wi niorr t'liA.viih or rAtrs. on miiimu'..p.ii'.?i, iw, t ijiiiis win leeve us lotlowat TltAt.NM NOIITUWAIHI. ,1.(13 A, t, l.KsVKitntti'MnHiti.vMii'iilletr!:. cept .Mnnt'iU sl.stopplnKitt ji,'huli'lftt.'tions I'riKIni til WIUIii.iiiiI T.Mi'.ni., l:lmlm VISQ noon, OmniitiiliN'ft 3.11 li. 111.. Iloelle. tpr 4.1.1 i. III.. Ill'llelotl.1.1 p. 111., mnt Mnxil.li l'llll IMW ,1.1.1, 4, IT. l'.M.I.nwi: N'ciiirnc.MiipiiMNii ilully(px cept8inuli', Mnpplhtfl'l 111 Mrtlonsl .' iM.ui't II I linn -iH.rl o. II p. in., I'.liMl.ii nt ll.m l. in. TltAI.NN N)l;lllWAltl). D.C3 a. M. I.nvvi: .VniirniMHH'.I.iNii dully, tdoppln x I't prhtclp.il Millions; nr.hlutf n( llprii'tiuncvlli'. in., 1 1 ' 1 1 1 .null' IJ.10 li. in., Wi'shhiittou .Lin 1. in., nnd l'hllntlelpbH Liu p. in, lo.M A. m, l.i: vvi: NniuiUjMnKiti.ANtnli'lly iex cr.it Mni'lin, iirrtilnu nt IlnrrKiiin x 1,11 p, in., r.nltlmoreiUlp. in., Willllull 10.00 p. ill., illul l'hllaili'lplilil.1.IU p. in, ,I0 I'. M, I.KlVf NlllltltlllllKllLAMJltullylPJ ,.ni MiitntKi . stimuli! r mill nt t.rliidpfil rti'tlniiil nirltlmt in Jlurilshnru s.'lo p.iii., l'liiliMiilpliin i.iii n. in., nml Hull Iliinoio ,.,'r ii. in. il.no i' l.riVK XllltTllt'MlltHLANIl. xtoppllIK til prtllrlpill Ntiltlnlis! Ill 1 1 tivi lit I III) Hsl'lOK .'.Ilia, in., llntlliiinru '.(Kin. in., l'lillniU'lplilii 7.IW p mi. I Wiiwlilitrtf nil 7.UI li. III. I'll H VIIIIVII. Mny3,lNjT. lli'll'l. PiinicllKcr AkoiiI. IKlf. I'W. DIllf.ADKl.l'IIIA AM) Kllli: I I'.Att.ltOAIi. This mi'iit lhi trnvrrwK Hie nort lip.-n nml nort li i't o unit li- wrl'i'im-.v Uiniln tn tlio rlty if i:-ic, mi Iikn i:rlc. It Ii ii bi'i'ii ll'llmsl mulls nlHTl'ti'il bv IIh' l'UN.NsVl.VANIA ll.VII.UOAt COMPANV. Tliunnr I'UHHi'limT Tlntns at Nnrllilliulu'ltntutl I.KWn IIastu-ahii. i:rU Mull 'I'rnlli, lli.111 r.M,; Krlo Kxpivm Tniln,ll;O.IA.M.: ;liiilm .Miill Trulii, Mild a.m.! Irfn-'k llnifli ArconitiMKliitlim .i:li). I.RtVK WcsrWAltn. l'.rln Mull Trelii. '.':l a.m. K.',i- lUpri-ss '1'riilii, U: 1 1 1'. M. i:inilm .Mull Irulii 4:l1l'.M.; llulluliiKxpr m, mm A.M. t'u.srni:frrurHriiii ilirmiclniii llu l.rli Mull niul i:prrnH Trains ullhoiit ilinliKO Imtli mujh uc- twi-i-ii riiiiiuii'ipiiiuiiti'i i:no. Nhw YmiK ruNt.t"riiiN. lA'iiie Nrv i orient y A.M.. arrlic at Krlo at Iihihj A.M.: LiiiM' New Vnrk at M I'.M.l I'ini- Krhint rcOl l'.M., nrrhpnt -Ni w Vurlt at 3:11 p.m.! I,oum' Itrlc at lUil.v.M., arrive at Now York at llllW A.M. Kli'U.iut sli'opliitf cars nn alt nlulit truliii, I'm' liirnimalloii ns.'iliiK puwrwr IuihIiio-s apply at tlio luincr f Thliiklli ana Muikol I'lillmlclphlu: nn.t for frpluht luilni'si ol Mlt'l'l., I llllll, i Hip IVnl pany'- uuflils. r. II. Klll'Znii..ir, ornrnif Tivelflli nn,t Murkpt stiii-lH. I'll l.iclelphlii! J. W.lli'yiinlils, l.rli'i Hum llruwti, AiCPiit X.C. 1 ( . H ..!: I U iiior e.( Clcnerill Fri'lglll Aui'iit, l'hllnili ip'lila. II. V. llWIXNIUt, (leniTiil Tlckrt AKi'iit. rhUuilolhl.'i. (lo.ioral SnporliiU'iiil.'ii'l, Wlllluiii'piiit. Mi'y 10, 1 7. c ATAWISSA HAII.HOAl). iiuniut after Mnmlny. .Inly 1, IW, lMswnm-r traltiH mi tlio I'utawlHMi Uallruail Mill run at llu' fnlliiwluit nalmsl luulrsi Mail M,fi. ST M HISS. Wllllampit. Mall Xorth. Arr. ll.ll p. in. Ill'p. S.H.1I1. 111. " il.lll " " MB " U..Vi " " 10.10 " K1..1S " 11.10 " l.'.IS l. Ill Miincv lii'ii..1.ll WlltMllltllll II .1.1. .Mlllllll. lialivlllP. " ltitpoit. " I'alaulHHU. " tUlUtiiwn. " .Slltlllllll, " (luukiil.c. ' I,. Muliulioy .Tune. ' . Tuntituli.i. IHiii'. " Itciiilhiir. I'liUmUlntila. " Xew Ynlk Vlrt, Ilcutl' 4..M 1.1:1 :t..i " :i.r ". '.'.:n " .'.mi " I.M l.'M " l.til " 111. IIU. 111. S.1.1 1. 1 IS 1.3) " -Mi " 4.Si Arr. isxi IT. IU.11 "l lin;iir Maiu-li I'luiiik, rrnni ;m'v- iiiriiiu. Mum Ii I'lillllk. (l.'IO Xn ch-niut ef oar. IicImitIi Wllllainspnrt anil l'lillaili'lplilu. IH'.D. Wi:illl, Muit. MISCELLANEOUS. T mik ji utua li iii ri: i xsu it xsck i'omi'.vxy or xi:w yoisic. f. h. wixisTox', I'ki:siiii:nt, Anl orrr $20,000,000. KXCI.USIVIJI.V UAH1I. ASNfAI. IllVlllll.NlM AVAILA1I1.K IMMiaUATKl.T TO INCltKASi: TIIK ISSCllANCK lilt Tlilltt- 1IUCT. TUB I'llKMlUM, The Comjialiy lusiicl durlni' tlio your enilliiK January lit, 15C7i Tnllcles, lnurlii!i S.1I,S7.i,iiO. Tho total Inromo of tlio ycnrliplnit 9il,S17,0.11.'W. Oer TiiU purtleiilam ns to the wurklui: of tho Company will lie thoi rftilly glvt n liy nppij lug til jyiix ill rm:r..i:, " ainsO'CJ IlI.OOMllt'l!fl, 1"A. Q a X K K CTIO X K BY,' KKUIT, XUTS, AC, AO. lAI'OHY & IVIDMYIIH, MAMTACTCIIKKS, WholpNiilo nml rtftall DcalerH 111 .v a xi Kixcr coxm'rtoxnnr, A Nil 1IKAI.FUS IX I'OllI.IOX FKUITS AXH XUTS. llxrhanup Hlm, IlIK,insliirB, l'a. (IKANOr.l, I.l'.MONH, ItAISl.NH, l'lllIFiXH, It O J K A X I) Y , SPhlil.KSS 1HS1SS, l.AYKll llASIXS, ITBIIISIS, UITllOX, FIOS, DOI.I.'S, AC, IIHKAD AXI) ( ! A K Ii S , of all klmls. KXlis .lAI'OUV, i'iti:n. k. w:iiMVi:it. IfCT, IlIooiiiKlmrz, A "PUHNITUHK '. KUKXITUHK! ! xi:w ruitxmim: waiidhooms, wuot.r.sAi.r. AXi iu:taii., JtonMH OVFIl Mll.l.HU'rt sroKl, IlI.UOMHIUmO, l'A WlliaiK may ho foiiii.1 th flno-t ftHiortiiicnt nf !' U H X 1 T V H Ii t'M-r oflvii'il In tho penplo of IIiIh sirtlon, oonUt- ItlKof PAltt.Olt, KITl.'linX AXI) IlKIl-UOOM ItTIt- xrn'iu:, (r nil kluil, nIoh, HtloK, ilcsi'ilptluii ami priooN. CIIAIHS OK AM. STY MiS, Kllohi'ii, lllnliu, r.trlor anil Hlttltif; Itonin rhnlrH, IiXTliXSIOX TAHMiS, tlroaKlUwt TahlOH, ll.nlnit TuMph, Kltelicn Tables, Mliraiy illul I'eiitio Tubles. S I 1) i: II O A It I) H. ITieNttillt, Walnut, iiikI t'hentliut-walliul Trim meil, i;tnj;pres a larco assnrtiiietit on linii'l, noli inailoiiiKl nki'ly IlliUliPil. DlUiSSIXr. CAS IiS, Kali Hiaii.t, UatlriPHunil ItrneketH, every vari ety nmimlh. H 1' H 1 X O II li I) S . Tin t'pl I'vor otTertsI to tho pulille. l'lCTUHli KUAMliS, Anil In fact riery tlilnn to hp found In n Clly Wari Uoom enn ho li:ul in nur rooms, anf at the very Indent prlis's. I tinvo ontahllhpi tho KI'.AIIY PAY AXI) OXi: I'ltlCi: HYMTKM, Anil warrunt our n'wU as reprpseiiUil. J, It, IIATIM, niooinnburc, .May 31, 17. S , 'Ulli' 1 "l'fe'1' " jy K It ,0 II A N 1 I H li . XOTII.'n IB 1IKIIK1IV niVKX To mj fripmls fttul tlio puMIo (jenernlly, Hint 11 klmUof DRY 0001)3, aitociiuira, QUHIiNSWARi:, NOTIONS, AC, at eonNtnutly on lmnit niut for alo AT IIAUTOX'S OI.I) HT4K1I, lti.ooM.snciia, nv .IAM1V1 K, IJVKTt. A.-ltoKOlo'Atctlt.for V.l LIS' I'UOPIA1EOK im. Imw lolronfclunll) cn liaml. tfobS'OT. pAXTOX A IIAUMAX, H U V K It T, I A .. .MANlirAt.Tl'Iir.H'H AOILS1H, roil tub Ml.- nr nu'ftitmiMt' 11, A W II O N B SUI'liR-l'lIOSl'IIATIi OK MJIK, AT MANlirA(.TUIIi:n'sl I'UICIX. W.l.l. OIVK I'ollTr ITKCKHT, INCkKlSEOV CHOPS. Uupert, I'n., Au. 0, lJ7-Sm. JKNJAMIN (IRiiliN, tlonie'' Ju c.v lu-i-.Ti Nils, wi xixiw wrAtiua, Oil, 1'I.tiTIIH, MATH, da, No, 13 .Xurlli Uerouil Mil cet, riilUililphla. DRY GOODS. &c. G RAN11 OI'JiNINt? . . . tlllANII .m'KNIHU 'ttitANP on:xiN(i , dnAMo"ori:xtxo QllANl). ul'IiNttO .cn in, f : l'At.V AXI) WIJSTTJl 0001i., PAI.Ii AND .Wl.N'TKIt (lOOlM, KAt.t, ANI) WINTI'.n (1001W, l'ALI. AND WIXTlUt 0O0IW, KAt.I, ANI) WlXtKU 006lM, ronsUtlni! ol ooii1Mni of cotistslfnff of consisting of ouustatlus of DUY ClOODS DllY (l(K)IIS, DUY UODIM, DUY OOOIW,' DUY C.OOIW, HATH IIA1S IIATH HATS AXI) CAW, AXI) t'Ars, AXI) CAlf, AXI) CAIH, HATS AXI) CAW, HOOTS AXI) S1I0IN, HOOTS' AXI) SIIOIJS, HOOTS AXI) HH01-S, HOOTS AND HIIOI-Jl, HOOTS AND H1I0IX, iti:ADY-.MAni; clotiiino, liaVDY-MAIir. Cr.OTH!Ntl ltKADY-.MADi: Ct.OTHI.X(l, iti:AHY-.MADi: ri.oTitiN(i, lti:.U)Y-MADK CI.OTIIIMO, I.OOKINfl-OI.AKHr, LOOK I Nf l-tll.AHSIVS, i.oorcixn-ai.Assi!, i.ookixo-oi,a'hsi;s, I.IHIKIXfl-llI.ASSIH . XOTIOXS, NOTIONS, NOTION'S, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, TAINTS AND OILS, l'AINTS ANI) OII.1, paints'and OIIX, TAINTS . AND OII.S, PAINT AND OII, anoenmns, OltOCKIlllM, ai!Oci:iin:s, (IltOCKUIKS, (iitocr.uiix, Hur.RXswArir., 'QUKKXHWAIIK, (lUEUXSWAltK, QUniixswAiti:, 'Qtir.KNsWAiti:, HAitiiwAnn, HAItDWAlti:, IIAltDWAItn, HAItDWAlti;:, HAnnwAitK, TIXWAIti:, tixwaui:, TINWAItH TIXWAUI :, tixwaui:, hai.t, SALT, SALT SALT, HALT, I'IKII, PISH, ,1'isn, KITH, I'lSH, OltAIN AND sunns, OIl.UX AND HLI'IDS, (iiiAix ani) si:i:ds, oitAix ' axd' si:r:iw, 'JltAIN AND .SUI'.HS, IrKULVY, NKAI, McKKLVY, NKAI. McKHLVY, NKAI, McKKLVY, NHAL MtKKt.Vr. NKAI, J4 UI.'S, C'O.'S,. A CO.'S. A CO.'H. A. CO.'H. forth wMtwirner of Malmtnd Market Htreetn, Krthwt roriter of Matti ami Market Ktrecu, Northwest corner of Mntni nnd Mnrket Mticetn, North went corner of Muln nnd Market Sirueu, Narthtroht e nier, of Mnin nml Mlnikc btrettn, KIX)OMftnUItO, PA., , IlL00MHHUHOt TA. nU)OMHUUU(l, I'A., ltLOOMW.UUO, A.( BLOOMrfimUQ, I'A, iron anp naiih. ihon'ani naiiH iron ani) naii.m, IltON AND -VAILS IltON ANJ XAII.M In Iate luuuittrH ami t rtiuced rutoti, nUay nn linud. Yt o. iiowmt, iiiut opened it fliktcloHn IIOOT, HIIOK, HAT AND 0V HTOIU5, nt thenldatand on MulnKtrret, nioonihtmr;. Ills atock iHCinuprned nf th very lirieit itlnl bwt.t atylcs evfroftcied to llio rltlzenii of Columbia (kmntr. lie ran accommodate ilia pulilio wllli the folUm Ins klndd and ut rhenp prlcem Men's calf Inwdn, flno, incit'a kip, double oU, Itoya' ehltd'a loots, Mmi'n clovo kid, ConitriMH, do Men'aslovu Lid HiihnoruUhf.fN.Mea'tt, woman's trf.y', nad inlMsen' glovo kid Instlnit (tultern, Wo inen'a jlov kids, very tine, Women'd line Bcal morocco bfllraernls, Wonif-n's nieu'a monK-connd rutf shot-, commoa ali(M-a, MIwiV nnd chllil alioMi, Men's, women's, iiiInhiV. Iy', and child's sllntrrs. JIa also keep n urnt vurlety of UiTi, CAW, AND a,TUAW OOOIW or vii-tj klad, at ths lowest nxlcM. Una foi cahk and ran u try prtsluee, ltf insiubfr the attmetlea U hi our KKds. Don't 9 alurrae4 al theory nf hlcti prlcoM, but cull and t tfoyourtielves-.- UetfiieMIally. if, f. U&VTKK DRUGS & MEDICINES. -I J Dnro.m niuTosn imuassti Til K Jin t cniiii)k'teniii4(iircrnlly clfttoilnlock tdlmfunrl hi tlio rutin ty, roiil-tltiff In imrt of I)rti( CIitiiilmN, I'n I til"-, (UN, Olns-., VurnNhoji, Tutly, tlriMicn, H.i'lulN. Mlxmt l'dlntu, HYUtM'M, 1Hi:.ClN, IIXTUAtTM, HPICI, IVrfiitnory, llnir lycK, rnney HonpN, Jlrmhri. Coiillm, C(JHMH'tk'if Hl.itlotury, 1'fvkft IIikJh( vr.x knivi:m( pipjchiaiw, tdhaccu l.Mt4, flU.MM:-s, HUADJH, 1.UHNK1W, hpniiKC"-, y Utfunoliylclns CiUhctcrs, ' jR-cuIiun1 TrWHc"( nf upprnvrtl nu.Uo, A lnrcni'-ftrtnicnt uf rliott-p I.trmor for Mc-llcl nut purpnscH, tous.thi-r Willi the mitIouh WV.l.l, KNOWN STUilAcU ItlTTKltM, Thoio wllli iniiny nilirr tu tlclrs tu mwuurmis ti)C('lfy foriunhlutk wlitrli (vlvi iui.rtttlon Imth nt K'BitnN prlct'itml the iunllty uf tliOKnuiln. I'lHrtM I N.-V Vlll iUIUITIUNI tuMI'nt'Ntil U WKIt i in, risinnr t'Aiti: and iu;sr.Tt ii. Country (U'uIcih art Invltctl to Inpi-ct tlio stock tii-fuiu imiiliaisliiK clHt-ulnrv nt tluy Illul It firrntly tn their mlvuntnitt, I'lvsli gomN nrvcoii'strxntly lii'lnKvccchctl fiom tho rlly, nml an be rjlitainul rithvr by nhntcsittc or rttait, Keiiuiulioi t he plarr i:cit. mjk III urtc hop l.xotmnn Hutt'l, Muln -lriTt, lUniHuhiutr. AliKU-tt it, imj7, wiioi.KNAi.iittitirrAii. I) H V O G I H T, (nilNKR tH' M UN ANH M lUliKT aTKKKTM, IlLOOMHUUIUl, I'A., whiTvillho found i laro mitt silcct Ktoclt of Drug-t, MKDICIN1C8 AND CUKMICALS. AUonli the PATHS r MIIDtClMX OF Till; !)Y, I am ulsti prcpari'tl tn fimiMi Country Htort-s with Caslnroll, (Jo-tm-y's Conlhl, TtMM.INr.fsTON'H IIAIAM, nitil nil othi-r niHIhn" krt In thHr tlwnt City litlccn. tJ3. I'lT-scrlpllom ran fully rniniioiinrtcil nt nil horn. In iiifillclnc. qimllty Norttio nrnl lniprirtiiiin Illooiiisliiu'fj, .Iuno71.Sii7 E. KVKUKTT it Pit. J. II. CASK'S A7;ir jnua tyronvy in (niANdnvujj:, JUST OP K X K 1) wuir a HPi.rNiun ani vaiiii.h aksohtmknt ok OOOni AI'I'KllTAtN INft TO TIIK lUlfO nftINFlM, vvnv. DnvfiK, (.h;micai.n, i:tc,, AtAVAVS ON II NI. In fchort nny artido Hint mn h i mm oil In tho lmmtlnoum Ik h.il at their store. Dr. .1. It. Cjw U n I'riu'tlonrr, atnl also un.lcrhtiuuls l'liar luucy; U l-verctt H H .Melkal HtmleiU. 1ms at teiiiled one term at I lit Jelteihon Medical College, ninl unieistants tho eoniiinunillnu: of Orusj'. i'hey resiH-etlnlly. lmlte tin iialronai;o ot their fr(eii(N, ami theputdlc Ktiu-mily, nsvurlns them "hah:,1' ami whatever u til hy mrchau-U ol them "i it m-rii ii iiu jHiir, ai'r-uu- TIIK FIRST PREMIUM J or n Silver Mcilul STAB AirAXMII TO W BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Djlli N. It. Stoto Arti'Hltunil Korl.tr, St II Alt It ETT'S Vegetable Hair Restorative Jtt-iturn Gray llslrtu IH ttatnnl color. Pro ft mot the grow lit ot tilt) lluir. Climcfi tht A rooutottitironi-iuil urRftiUa sclioii. Kradl- aw A catea Dnndrull iii'l I Union. 1'revrnti UairttiUir.it out. I tt MiiM-nor Iirtitlrif Cimwiiit no Muiinuiin inirrruir-i it, jm mi it llieiiMX popular end rU- tan, til nvfuj Sua J. R. BARRETT & CO., Proprltlorl, MAKCllUSTFJI, M. It. -HoMlij- L. N. JIOYLIt, Illoomslmri;, unit DrligKlsli Kfiu-inlly, fnpri'oT-Cin THE GREAT ZINGABI BITTERS Tht cotaponent rarU of Ihii r(nrViLlo rrcpamtlon were first dUcormct, cououmluj sinl ditlnbuttd, orae twenty year ngo. iy Ur. Chiohiub, tli cel britcd Ejcyiulan rhinclnn. Thoui.ni'ljcr Lis luffer log country men were rcitua-d lo tie alth, as well i great cumbers of thtjlnbabitstititf Nubia and Abjuinia, fiLd of ihecountrles bonk-rlntf upu the tiouthero coast oi u.c Ajtaucrraneao oea. Itidil, tho fame of tho Zl.NUAltl 111TTIUU ocn epitad erLuroi-e, and as adotfd by tha principal I'lijikUins la charge tf the hcipltili of the old orld,iaLkti It Is (till UlL-il Kitti tire ml. aLt lucceji The Vlcaioy cf t'gypt placed tit nam a cf PR. CutoPBts upon tho Itoll bf Nobles," and pre lentod to Iilm a Medal bearing tie fallowing iQicrlp tion: ' Dr. Caaorart.ttie l'ubllo litncfaclor." 1 his Hitters ll now offered to tlio public of America with tte full aim ranee- that It will bo found, uiva 6 fair trial, t act as aiclfla for the euro of Cholera, Djitntrry, Dlairhorn, Cho.rr Morbus Kcvcr ami Acne, It How Fever, llheumatlsm, Typhoid Fever, Dyspepsia, Colic Uronchltls, Consumption, Flatu lency, Diseases of the Klilneyt, Ncrvoui Debility, unU Female Complaints, Kcm.rliable cures of tho aliovc dlicBGei Ii&tb bcrn &ectl by In uie.BlnumcrouirertlllcAtcs, many rroia tcirular lib) liclani, fullj atlciu and It li ilcsllottl t. aupeneda any preparatloa extant. As an SLTecaU. Tulle, and an 1.VVI00BATI.VO BCVIKACD, IT riAH NO LQIUL. Tan Tna ZIVGAIII niTTEn.4 HAS SUUI. AS WELL Ail IIODY, a-D ab a rRKVENTlVE or nianAsn. niS NO SITLMOR. A FEW C0HI13 TO I.ADIE3.-TU ma cf th. ZINOAItl II1TTER3 will ulto to you that aqft, semi, tranipftrent complexion wLich tl.o Uwd bf nature Ida algnlnit woman lo b. Uia lorell&it of Lll worka) fully lounded that yoiianould liarc for It la nature's own . powder and paint combined. By purifying the blood, aUmulaUna the pig-mcatary calls of the dermis, and Imparling health and lifo throughout the entire ystsm, It esrlally (Ires that smooth clearness and keaaty to rn. complexion so much to bo dtslred re snoTlnn all roughness, blotches, fieckks, pimples, and that yellow, alrkly biok so common fa our day; and what is eren lielter than this. It cures erery stnclcs ol . fi.male Jcregularille s and disi ase Prlotlal Dciot, Ilarrlsburg, l'a. BAHTEIt & HAUSE, Boli l'Horauroaa a.' for bale by I,. N, MOY1UI, Wliohknlo mil Retail Drumltl, llo(tiiaburt.', l'a, illZVUT-Cm, y.M. v.. ruiu'iivs .sons, s 'v a t i o n r. n a, STIJAM I'll V nil I'll IN THU H AMI llLANK J10OK JIANUl'AOTUUICH.S an Clu titnul trcct, AM Huitih Fourth "trcct, I'HILAHKI.l'llIA, J'A, They mukuit pei I.illly of funiV-lilni; Nnllon.il Haul., County onicer. JiiHurniico coiii)unles, Hanking Hou.e, etc., Willi r.vi'.nv AitTici.i". or iu.ani; iiookh AND IMUNTINII, havltifr machinery. ypijelalty u'laptml for all woik they may rcniili'i. lfeliS'ti7-ly, JOHN C. VUAOHH A CO., Whiile'salfl Deillel 1 In ' HATS, WW, SI UAW OOOliS, AND LAIHW FI'IIS, No, Zi! Noith ThlrU Hlrcet. llillartelphla, j ii. WAirr.it, Lato Walter A Kuub, Iinitorter unJ liiiiler III CHINA, tlLASM, AND liUL'tiNrnVAltll, Nu.211 Nuitli TUhJ Hind, Uttreen Knot and Vine l'hllmllikla. DRY GOODS. JJUHUAII VOW CATAW1BSA1 lllin WAl 1'UHllAllUAIr. Good 4 to rot n par o wllli Hlrlnnency of tho money market, Imk nnd compnro prices beforo pur chasing elsewhere, Juit call nt the favorite busl lioa Rtnlid of McNINCIt A81IUMAN, nnd you will beinut by tho obliging proprietors or t hrlrelerUs, and ahown throtiKU their itrcat variety Morn frcoof chatter, of courne, They will glvo yon n fair elm nro to ).end your looio change, they trim inuoh mnroprontably than It cainjw dpeut el-ewhere. Their HTOCI: OF DUY GOODS IhH SprhiB N much larger In nil Its vai lotion than usual. Their LADli;s' DUIHS OO0D3 are of the tilcmt atylei In market. They hae n line nvsortmcnt of DATS, CAIV, ltOOT.4 AND HHOVii, 1SU.MMKU CLOrilH, OAftHlNin, CASlMi:illt, AND VUSTINO! and mnncrnus nrtlclei common to such establish- tuents, besldei it BCiteral u-trtniciit nf HAUDWAiu:, TiNWAtu:, qui:i:nsvaud, and oi:ockuii:h, nil nt Rtcatly liMnctd pilcs. They with to eon duct their bushu-Hson tho system of "I'AY AS YOl' GO," nnd they think they enn aiTord to hell cry cheap. 'Jhey return their tlmiikH lor many pnst f.tvorn, and nnk the future imtronnnc of their furmer eus- lomririand thn public Rcnnalty. MrNINCII A Klur.MAN. 4 HMiuiiT.--i'ri.Mi iiiifvrit kii inipuniTH nun .joiuht- (ii HiNiintv, 01jvr.x, Hiiiiirs.NHi)itAvi:iiM, llUlTOXS, HL'Mt'ilNtiF.nM, 1IOOI- HIvIIlTH, iiANiiKi:uciin:rn, thiii:aiw,hi:vinohii,kh, TUIMMINClM, I'OHTi: MOSNAIES, KOAW, I'KHKUMKKY, FANCY O00M, AN 1) NOTIONS OI'.NEUAI.I.Y. Alrt Mnnuracturcri nf IIIU'MIIDM AND I.OOKINU (II,ASHh, illul IViiUth 111 WOOD AND WILLOW WAUII, I1HOOMH, ItOl'KM, TWINIX, Ac, No. 900 Ncirlh Thlnl Slu il, nlim o Vine, I'lillmlelihln. jyj Mi"MAnT'liK, NurinXH, iioMinitY, ir.ovi, and I'ANCY (I001W, No. SI Nnrlli Thlnl Hlroot, riilliulrlrhln. J. l.KSTHH, Wliolcsalo ami Hctnll Dcalei In ror.iiioN and domuhtk: cAunrrw, OH. CI,oril, WINDOW SIIAIIIX. Ac, No. i."J Norlli Seroml StlcDl, opp, Clirlst Clmrrll I'lill.ulclphl.i. NUKKWS, WILKIN'S & CO., Dealer In rO!H:i!N AND DOMIXTIC DUY OOODH, No.WVl Market Stret, l'hllailelplilH. JOSKl'II S. DKLL, Mnnuf.ielurer of ami Wholesale Dealer In CI.OTIIINll, CLOTHS, CASI.Mi:itKS, AND VISTINCiS, No. H Norlh Thlnl Stfelt, 1'hllailelphln. GROCERIES, &a, Ii K 31 O V A h O V C. C. MAIIU'H N K W S T O it K a" o amy .".v 71 . o v k. ON TUT. t'llllNl'.U or MAHKKT AMI Ir.oN HTIlKKTS. The llliilerstuned has hut reeeleil from the city a lull anil complete supply of Sl'ltlXd AND SU.MMIIU DllY (iOOI)S AND OHOCKIUKS, N O T I II N S, TIN-WA11H AND 1IAKD-WAK1 ci:iAii axd wu.i.ow.waui:, CIINFi:CTIONr.UY, OLASS-WAIli:, TOIIACCO, .1 r s a A' n s it o 1: s, I'l.Ol'lt, SALT, 1'IhII, ANI) MHAT, all of which I propose hcllluirat n very low llKuro i for cash or prinluee. Hit Call an.l (.ee. A pi 11 12, bW. C. C. MAItll. JJlfuN AKI) S'i'OIINKK, Woulil respeclfully autiounecto hUfrlrml anil patrons, that he has openeil a lllhtetasH F K U 1 T A CO N KKCTI O N E K Y STO I IK w here thero may lo found at all tlrntH, a Jlneeol leetlon of FUUIT, CONFKCTIUNUUV, NUTS, lc, ai well ns riNi; (iuoci:hii:m, MhL'h may ho obtained at reasonable rates. The KtooL In alway fresh and of the very best quality. No iahiH Mill bo wjiared to make this estab lishment the tlnest of Its Wind In tmui. A eall Ih Kotlelted before pi.ri-hr..en are mndo elsewhere, us It lx heltevitt that jierfeet H.itKfaetlon will ha elen, COLVMUIA UUVHU, .Main ht.,o.ptlto MIlIerM Store, aus9'ti7.j nioomsbtirg, l'a. I riKNKHAI, C'OMMI.SSION MHHCI1ANTS j Dealers In l-'IHII, HALT, CHi:iXK, I'UOVIMIONH, Ac, Noh, llSiund 121 North Whanex.ahovo Areh Ht. 1 IMilladelidiia. Solu niceiiis for Wlleox'H 'heel Oreane, In bar relM, kens, nnd cans. TAINW'KKillT & CO., WHO L li S A I. H OUOUIiHH, N. 11. Corner Sceolul ami Arch SlreelH, I'llll.AIIKI.I'IIIA, Dealers In thas, HYiiui's, cori'i:i:, scoaii, molassii, 11K K, KI'K'H, lll I'AIIH SOIIA, AC, At', t Ordera will reecho proinit ntteutlon, May 10, isur-ly. jjgSTAllI.IsTlKl) 17m. JOItDAN A HIlOTIinit, WIIOLI5SALK OHOCT.ItK, unit DeulcrH 111 SALTl'I.THi: AND 1111IM.1TONK, No 30 North Thlnl Slrcet, l'hllailelphla. II. with v. i'i'n:uMAN, i.iri'iNcorr a tuotthu, WHOLIXALIHlIlOCKItH, Nu. SI Norlli Water Street, and No. 20 Norlli Delaware Atenne, rhlhulelphU. JOHN STItOUI' it CO., HiicccNHori In Ktroup A Ilrothcr, WIIOI.IWALIi HIUMIItH IN KIHII, No, 21 North Vh.irve. an t Si Nrlh Water Ht 1'hllailelphln. Q W. IU,AIION & CO., Manufaclnreni of OIL CJXVrilH AND WINIXIW SHADtU, Wurahouae, Nu. 121 North Thlnl Slreel, rtllliul.lplila. o1TT1T.- ' I hereby caution nil iernn ncfllnat I'liylniror neffntlatliifr n note uicn by me to (Jt-oree w, llenton, nml ll. II. Hlint.on, ilnlnl Aiieuat 13lli, lsti7, fur the aiim cif lllai.tio for wtilth Ihae re ei Iveit no value, filul wtihh I nm (IcterlilltHil not to pay tmleaa total vllea loilo so by due coume of law. 1 JOllKJi. thSUK. rVtllte 1UII, To,, StpK B, UKT.iw, TOBACCO & SUGARS. ijMIK ONLY 1'IiACli to gel tlio brut TOIIACUO AND CKIAIW, AT WltOLlAt.K AND IIWAH. nl nVNOSIIKIUIKIt'H, n few doom below the Amerlenn llniiie, lllooinihurfr, l'a. Ifo has the largest nnd Inont select uf 8.M0KINO AND CHEWING T0I1ACCO evcroITered to tho citizen of Illoomburg. All the fancy braml- of MXIAIW, ami Ilia IjohI Flnccut aiul I'litjr 1'IIKWINO T0I1ACC0, can bo had at his eouiitcr. TUIIACCll l'll'F.S In gieat arlety iiremnon hi large htock. DON'T FOIiailT TO CAM. ii. ii, hi)nhi!i:i:cii:u. JJ V. HANK'S WHUl.IiSAI.i; TllllAI.'Ut.HMIl 1 . AND CI1IAH WAIimiOFHi:, No. Ill) Norlli Thlnl Sheet, btlween Cherry illul lliiee, west (title, 1'hllailelphl.i. q l.. woomaTi'M',) WlioliMilo Detilem In TOIIACl'OS, CKIAHS, I'll'US, Ac, Ac, No. 11 North Thlnl street, nlmvo Market, l'lillatlelphla. jpiUSHMUTJI, IHtOTIIKU ,t CO., WHOI.USALi: TOIIACCO DIIALKIW, No. lolNnrtliTtilnlKlri.l, live ilnurs below Ihiee, Faetoilei, No. 2J1 atul 22", quarry street, riillatlelphla. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QUAHLKS w. knydkk, nr.tt.r it tx ii a n d w a n k, i Hon, nails, sti:i:l, ac, ac, ac MAIN STItllllT, IlLOOMSllUIlfl, lMINN'A. Take this melhoil of luformlnijlhcelllrensof Co. lumbla couty, that ho has opcncit nn cxlelislte llat-ilMinohtore on Main htteet, In HloonishurK, near Iron Mivi't,im,l that be has on linrut n LAiionn sron: and inrrri:it asaoutmi than can ho fount! nny whero elo hi tho county, atul whklt lin Inteutls In m-II at prices which defy competition, CHAINS, AXKS. STICK!,, IUOX, I have ehalnt, nit ulrev axes, all make and weight, steel, all slHs.tron, all MiapeH, und nil very low. II UI MH. It's II A It I'A It K, of every deserlptlons. Nulls, axle imtleys, fash eonls, latehes, loekttand knobs, butt erews,f(nhh f.mtK, window hprli.KK, base knobs, utran hlngex, hatps and KtapIcH, huuks mid htapteis, und In fact yverythltiK needed In that line. COACH A WAdON MAKKUS' HAUbWAUK. einhracliiff almost every thlni; In that line. Also lIAltNCSS MAIC ills' IIAItmVAllK, llnekleK, Japanned; huekU-s, silver pt.tted; bills of every kind , Hami.s, Iron : pad.Jlrees : Hamks, wool jh.uldte trees, trees, Klrth wid., woihted and eotton : thread, ullk, awNand needles, tooln of all kinds. hllOKMAKnitS HARDWAItl. A ftUl asNortnicnt forcarpentfrn. I liaveplanc all Kinds, sawH; liaiid,pannel,rlp, audeompasn square steel, Iron, and trytborlue machlneis, chlle, ntiHei'H, heels, mallets, braeus, Ki"meH, pious, rules, nits, nnd abimt everj thing fur ear pentcrM. roit Tin; ii:oii.i; (iijni:hai.ia" 1 have enal lls, coal KhoveU, HcoopM, coal lflers, hint erns.table eutleiy.poeket eutlery, plated spoons, plated forks, hen 1 1 s, t en and eof fteiKdv.buUfr kules,nilllsawH, cross eut s, rh eular wiw s, pniKMiws, tiles, horne.shoes,vienehes,i ii'tH,hniu ner, lutehets, niidloc-ltN, pitks, forks, drub bing hoes,shoels,(pades,spadiiiK forkH, hoes, ruUn, bed pins, lne,Kkateiu, plaus, eotllu trim mliiKs, Kmery, rid chalk, uhlto chalk, ulre, hoihv nails, meat eullern, seale1-, wash boards, hnrho buekds, wmkU'Ii pa IN, ehdhes plnv, j;hu', dour mats, ponh mats, pAi--lor mats, corn poppers, paint brushes, lurs bnuhe, slolfih bells, heel enllts, enamel ed kelths, hiass kettles, copper kettles, Mewkctth s.saneo p.(Us,lro.id axes, nails, M(dcc, eurtnlu fixtures, 'rhlinblebkelns and bnxvs, ruiupN, lead pipe, etc Tarred rope and hundreds uf arlleh h nut ,enu meiated eunst;mtly on hand at niAUMM W.hNYM.U'H, .Main htuit, rsloumsburi;, IRON, TINWARE, JATIOXAIi KOUXDIIY, llloomsburif, Columbia County, l'a. The Hubserlber, proprietor of the nboe-t ineii extensive cKtabllshment, Is now prepared to jrv celve ordem for all kinds of MACIIINKltV rtucoixii:itins,ui.AST riTUNACr, HTATION HV IINfllNIW, .MlI.USTimUSIIINO JdACIIINlsH, A( Ho Is also pre pared to miiko Stove of all Ueh and psitterns, Vluw -irons, and e er thins iiKtiall) niado in tlriot-elasii l- uundrles. IIU exteusho faellllles and piatftle.il workmri warrant him In inviting the lanrrht contract on the most itasou.ihle terniH, (Jralu of nil kinds will be taktn In exchnngo foi C.ihthitfs. ThisestahlNhtnent Is Imnt(sl near tho Ijicki wanna nnd ItloouuhurK Hull road Depot. iTri:n IIIM.MYKU. rOVKS AXI) TJXWAltK, a, m, urrKitT announces to hU filends nad cuMomerH that eJUllmu-K the nboe business nt hUold place on .MAIN M'lti;i;T( HI.OOMSlllTIKi. CilstomerH can be accomodated with I'ANCY HTOVUS of all kind, HtoNeplieH.TInuure.nnd eM-ry n rKtyof nrtlclo found In a Htovo And Tlnwaro r tnblNhmeut In theeltle,nnd on the most reaon. able terms, ItepalrhiBdouo nt the Hhortettt notice. si ik),i:n sui.k-vanh on hand forunte. X JKW STOV1C AN'I) TIN SHOP. OS MAIS HTIIP.KT, hKAIll.V Ol'I'OSlTK MIl.LKIl' HTOllK, lir.OOMSIU'Itfl, I'll.VN'A. Tun iiiulfislitiieil bus Jnt tltletl up nml opened bis new HTOVK AXI) TIX iSUOl', In IIiIn phien, whero ho Is lirepnriHl to nuiliB up new Tin W.tith of nil Itlntls In lib Hue, nml ilo repitlrluu wllli lienlnthH nml dtaptitch, upon Die most lensonablo terniH. He ntso keepn on ImlM htovi:h ov vauioi'h iwrnniNw ahtyi.kh, whlih ho will (.ell ution terms to .tilt purehnt.rs. tllvo hlm l.eilll. Hit Is h Ktiotl loellinnlc, uliil iluiervlutj of Iho puhllu pnliomiL'e. JACOll MKT.. llloonikhurB, April 31, IW, JOW'K, HUSTON .V CO., Muiiur.ii'lure l nlul Wholewlo Deiilem 111 cornw yAHNn, o.Mii'irr chainh, IIAITM, WR'KH, Til: VAUNK, t'OUDAdi:, 11KOOMH, Wl)0) A.NI) WILLOW WAUH, rxH)K'(l(H,AWlIS,CI)OK.l, I'ANCY IIAHKiri'ri, TAI1LK, I'UKIIl, AND C'AItHI Alii". IHla'LOfllH.itl'., No. tvn Miirliet Kirift, ouih We, 1'hllniltilphU. JOHN UII.IIEHT, 11110. A, 110 VAl,. G II.IIKllT A ItOYAI., UTAIII.1HIIKI1 1S.15. WHOLIXALli IlllUdfllhTH, Noa. 300 nml 31 1 North Third Htrwl, riillmlelphln. Importrra mail IHulera In WtUOH, MKI1ICIN1. Kl'lClV, I'AINTH, t)X. OI.ABH, DYIIHTUI TH, 4C Itny 10, IW.Iy. SEWING MACHINES. ri ItOVJ.U' UAKKlt'6 SKWINO sMsA.CIll.XKS, W'cto nunrdcit tho IIIhet rremlumnt the Htato 1'alri of lientucky, Vermont, Nuw Jerey Mlsnoiirl, Alabama, Ohio, New York, Tennessee, Pennsylvania Mississippi, Indlann, Vlrlnl.i, North Cat ot Inn, Wlscfmsln, Iowa, OreRnii. AT TltK I'ltlW ot TIIK .Mlchtgan, Catlfoml.t, American Institute, 1'runkllu Inslliule, Murj. land Inslltule, Muss, Mechanics' Astoria tlnu,Peun. Mfhanles Institute, Ht. Louis AKrlclillurnt and Me chanics' AKocl'itlon, Alidnt numerous Institutes and County I'aiu Including nil the Fairs at uhleh they ero exhll -ltetl tho past thteojeans. Klist Prizes June also been awarded these MuchlucNUt the exhibit loiitof I.OXDOX, PAHIH, DUIUjIX, IjINZ, llesanean, 1taoune,Ht, Dlzler, Chalons, and they liao been furnished, by spec hi I command, to the Kmpiess of Priinfo, 1 Impress of Austria, l.tupiiHs of IIukhIh, I.inpiessof Hnill, tuceu of Spain, and Queen of llavnrla. Tlir: OUOVKIt A ItAKKK VA. ISTlC-sriCll S K V I X (J M A 0 H I X K S are nuporlur to all others for the following rea sons ! I. They hew with two threads direct from the Mpools, and ret-juirliiK no rewluillntf. Iheyaiemoie easily undertiHMl and used, and lesH liable to deratntement thiiu other nm- hi lies, 3. They nro capable of executing perfect ly,u 1th nit chaiiKU f adjustment, n nuuh rent( r arlety of work than other machines. 4. The Ktltch made by Iheso machine Is much moie firm, elastic, nnd durable, especially upon irtlcles which require to be washed and Iioucd, than any other stitch. C. 1 his stitch, ouintf to the manlier In rhlch the under thread Is lnwroiiht, Is much the most plump and Iwautlful In use, and retain this plumpness nnd beauty een upon articles fre quently washed nnd Ironed until they are worn out. 0. Thgistruefumof llieHeam lsisucli that, though It bo cut or broken nt luttrvals of unly a few stitches, It will neither open, run, imr rael, but remain firm and durable. 7. Unlike other machine, theso fasten bath ends uf tho seam by their own operation. R, With these machines, while Mile Is used upni the rljtht or face side of the seam, cotton may be used it ion the other kldo without lessening the strciiKtli or duiablllty of tho fceam. This can be done fu no nthcr mac blue, and Is a Kieal salut; upon all articles stitched fir made up with silk. 1). These mat bines, In addition to their superior merit as Instruments fur sewing, by a cIluik- t idju-dmuit, easily lpai ned und practised, execute the most iH'autlful and perm ment embrolder and uriiiiuteutal work'. In nddlllon to their family m.ichlnes they have uNu tho IMI'HOVKl) DOUKIiK LOCK STITCH. MACIllXKS, maklnga Rtllch allknonlHdh sid. ThU Com puny luako Iwith tho Loek and Iioiible htlteh Ma ehlne, so that persons hain u preleienee e.ui eleit Mieh as they like bt st, and If not suited ran Mh.mxc for the other, tliusj;l ink; the public the adwmt.itfo of this an linden wot-. "Ihej uNo make the newly lmented XO. 1 LOCK .VHTCU ilACUIXLS an ad wince upon all machine heictoforo known , torsewiiiK with the I.ocU-Stllch. It Is of (,'reat pow r and stu nulh, imperially adapt el ft a tailor-, slu -cinnkcrs, harness-makers, e.irrl.ttje-trlmmei'. and for idl desetlptlons of woik to which the loik-stllch Is applicable. It works with cmui f.irillly silk, ot(nu, or linen thteud, und w 111 sew (he finest muslin as well as the thickest lcatlu r. Pi-Ice 8s0; with He miners fO. 'I heir No. iMs -i light Jtr.vxxa macjum:, containing many Imprmeinchta, ndnpted for tai loring, est-makliiE, IlKhtshoemakini;, ns well as for family sew lug. Ijirgo number of theso m.i chlnes are In use, and they give unlersal sails faction. None who lme seen this mnchlnuwlll willingly uso tho noisy and eunibrous loik-stltch ninehlius heretoloru In general use, Prlfetj-W, with Heuimers, Sou. Theso machines of every description can be had at thongi-nt's ofllco InJIlloumshurg, nt positively the manufacturer' prices, to w hich tho nttttxttwci of tho public Is especially ln Ited. T. II. MASTKlts, Ajutt, lfartnutn' Xiat'tUnf;, Ili.ooMsi.mtr., MarCJ'67-ly, Columbia Cuuuly, Pa. " . t pOWDKH KE(IS AX'J LUJIIIKIL W. M, MONHOi: t. CO., Hiiert, Pa,, Manufacture th of PilWIlP.lt KKUH, mid dealer. In nil kluds of IX'MIUUt, glv notice that they are prepaied t-oacimnodato their custom w lilt dispatch, and on. Ilia cheapest JJIIilsKH A HOST, Kueeeasorii to Franklin r.Mtzer Co., Immrlora nntl Whohttale Dealers In LIQUOllH, WI.NIX, Ac., Noh. no nml 112 Norlh Third Btreet, rhllndelphln. 17 A. JIlCNDltY, HlleeeaAor to ll.inlre .t lfurrlu Miimirm'tuier nnd Wholesale Henler In IIWIH ANIIWIOKH, No. a Norlh Thltd htiiet, rhlliidelphl.1., J. wllh 1'. III.'AIU), I.iri'INCOlT, IIOND i CO., MimufiK turtra mi l Wliolewilo Dcnlrni In IIATH, CAlf , rtlllH, AND KTItAW C10O11S, No, 11 Murl.et Slrcet, , rhlliitUlphln. gNVDICIt, IIAUItlH &. 1ASSKT'I Miiniif.icliiii'N nnd Jobbers of MK.VH AND IIOY'H C'.OTIIINO, Nos. ficfi Miirliet, uinl 6il Commeree Htiret, l'hllndelphlit. j s t It 7 yT " ' " dime to iho prciulnaof Ihonibkerlbirln 1'Mi. Ini-ereilt ow uhlp, I'olunibln eounty, nliout two luonlhiikluei', n nil und Mhllo .polled Heifer, auppohul ti; I, e ii),,, nt Uiiyuus old 'iheownel la iiiiuealid loisjiniuinil lultolt nwny otherwise Hie will boillapokid of nceonlltm In luw. ... , , , . wii.i.Tam iki:i.i:ii, I IsblufCTC.k l., Hi pt. 1J, IM.7. Qicouai: ii. itonintTS, Importer and Deulorln HAItDWAlti!, CUTLKHY, OUNH, rto., No, 311 Noi lb Third Htiect, nlxne Vine, llilluilelplila.