The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 18, 1867, Image 3

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SUhc (Columbian,
llt.OOMNUl'UO, I'ltlllAY, OCT. IS, 1NI1J.
oniTUAnnY usolutions.
ATiiineutllitfoftlio TriHtcw of (ho
llloomsbiirt! Literary Institute, held tit
the I.lbmry Itn'oiii oflliu Institute, tho
1 Ton. Leonard II. ltuncrt. President.
W'K wlmll devoto some Bimco next 1 '" tnc flinlt, tho following l'reiiniblo
week to the subject of tho recent Aeri.
cultural County Knlr, which wni n sue-ec.
Tun Hpurtsmcn of Ornngovlllo.lnleuil
emllng " coiiunltleo to Itolirbm, on
Saturday next, to niako arrangement'
for tho hltnlliit: match with tho cruel
shots of .lack.ton town-tdp.
Tm; Uljht ltovrrened William llaeou
.Steven", I). 1)., Il'shop of the Diocese of
IVtH.vIvnnla, vMteil St. I'.nd'.i IJpNco
pal Church of thti town m Tuesday
evening last, mid ndniliiMcred tho
Apo-dolle rlto of eoiillrluatlou to Mx
pemoiH. The lllthop preached from tho
text, l'hlllppiaiH, I J I IStli and 10th
verse. Tho .sermon, listened to, by a
largo congregation, was a very able and
eloquent one, "bowing tho preacher to bo
fully imbued with tho-plrll of the Mas
tor ho serves.
lli:.v. Wadi: Ur.nnr.ii. The Dem
ocracy of Ohio, havlngpoiiirod u major
ity In both branches of (he l.egl-latme,
have control of the next election for
United States Senator. The Legisla
ture of that State meets once In two
years. Its next session Is in Wis, The
term of ollkoof lien. Wade, as .Senator,
expires on tho Ith of. March, isiil). The
Legislature elected on last Tuesday
llierefore has tlieelecllun of Wade's suc
cessor. This fact inciva-es the Impor
tance of tho victory In that Statu.
l'AUTicfl.Ati credit is due to the fol
lowing districts of our county in which
gain-, are shown at the recent election
over the vote of ln-t year :
lllooin s7 gain.
Cutaulv-a ID "
(ireenwood a! "
Orange ill "
Tho vote lnt year In (Ids county was
so very satisfactory that fear were felt
about maintaining the majority then
secured. Hut in-tead of a falling oil' in
the majority, there is an incrca.-e of l.'i'.i,
and that too, upon a total voto some
what reduced. It Is very evident that
tho majority, upon a full vote, would
exceed 1, SOD. That result will come of
cour.-o next year; for this county will
advance and not go backward when
Jtadicallsiii N the enemy to be encoun
tered and subdued.
Tin: ingenious ell'orts of tho ltadlcal
journals to convince tlieir leader" Hint
tho recent elections, more, especially
those of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Callfor
nlaand Maine, arc not indleatlvoof any
lncreae of power on tho part of the
Democratic parly, aro to say Hie leat,
amusing. It Is singular however, that
they can make these, statements in the
face of tho fads, and still morosingular
that they can expect their readers to be
lieve them. It Is all very well to speak
of "temporary reaction," and lay the
blame to the liadlcat branch of the Re
publican parly, hut be assured there is
something deeper than tills. When tho
voice of the people Is heard with Mich
marked distinctness, H H idle to en
deavor to explain Its away by the term
"temporary." The truth of tho matter
Is Just tliN: The change is accounted
for not by spasmodic action on tho part
of the Democrats, nor apathy of the
Republicans, but by mi awakening of
the people to a sense of tbeirdanger.and
a.fervent de-Iro to Improve tho political
and social condition of the country.
Two .Months top. N' Look
tit I lis OJ'ee.W'u have iviclwd tho
Amcrieiin .tiricitltm:ht fur Oilnber.
We wish that all our friends could -co
this paper. Wo know ol no way in
which so largo mi amount ol truly val
uable, interesting, and instructive read
ing matter could lie given to a family at
ho small a prico as the .subscription to
the Aycieutliirht. Kiieli number con
tains IW to ID largo quarto pages, and !!D
to fid line engravings, many of them
very co lly and beautiful. Here, in J
this ( (ctober number, we 11ml, in addi
tion to tlie great amount of valuable
Information, hints, Miggcstlous, etc.,
moro than "0 engravings, several of
which are among the most expeu-Ivo
ever found in an Illustrated Journal.
This number Is of It-elf really worth a
year's, niibserlptlon. Tho cost of Hie
American Is only SI..H) for
n year, In advance, or four copies for ;j.".
The publishers oiler that valuable jour
lial.Vic for tho remaining two months
of this year to all nnr .subscribers for
1SI1H. (Vol. :!",) who send In their sub
MM'lplloti ilitrlii' thin mouth of October.
Wo udvlso all our readers to secure It
on these terms. It will be sure to bene
fit all fathers and mothers, and interest
and instruct the children. Subscilptloiis
should bo M'tit to the publishers, Oraii
.ludd A Co., U 1.1 llroadwuy, New York
and IlcMilutions wero unaulmoulv
adopted !
Whereas, Our Into honored and be
loved associate In this Hoard, William
Snyder, hat been removed from our
initio, by tho hand of Death, therefore
Ittmlmt, That wo will attend the
funeral of our lamented friend ami fel
low member In our olllclal capacity as
a Hoard of Tru-tecs.
I'cmlird, That in the death of Wil
liam Snyder, this Hoard lias lot an
elllclent, active zealous member; tho
Institute one of Its earliest, most vigi
lant and liberal supporters; mid tho
community an honorable, high-minded,
ami public spirited citizen.
tlemfntl, That we tender to the be
reaved family, our condolences on their
Irreparable loss ; and that we will wear
the uual badge of morning for thirty
iYsoiW, That this Preamble and
IlesolutloiH be llleil among the archives
of the Institute.
CIjXIjY 1)1111 a. T 1.1X1' to I'HANCK,
y llipflrncmtTrnmliinllr (Joiiiimtiy'ii suilm-
till Malt Hll-nl.lsliljisl
fl'.lAI'ltUlT llouAKIil: Hntiir.liiy, o,t. IS,
l l.U.l-iUK Iil'iiium: .Siiiunliiv, (Hi. In.
V ll.l.i: I'AUK.-saiimii'it .xntuntny. Xm-.2
l.'linrn l.FMAiun ..Hntiintiiy.Nnv.Ki.
In Hi i't nr mil to, (uliiu Imliulntl,) l'lr.l (.'iil.ln,
Hull snuml I'nliln, Js-i,(iiko1,Ii.
'1 Iiiti st.titiH.rsiln nut rnrrv Htr-erniro rnssctm.
l". 01 Ml. MACkKN.n", Agi-nt.
iM llroiuliuiy, N', V.
" jTk y 7x i f 'nfioTiississiPiM,'
A Voniptcte Jlistori of the Xcw SlitUn
m Wrrrllorlrf, from the. (Irrat
liiriv to tha Until Oct mi,
IIV Al.lir.IlT 11. HICIIAllllHOX.
tl-IMipuliiMly Untlosloil liy (ho Mil.. ,,t m,.r
2i).ihh'ip1is in Hellish liiiiiitli.
''I.lfn imik AiUi-nlmi' mi I'rnli'lf-!, Mnunlnliin
nli'l I ho eurlllo (.'uiisi, H'llh iii-p ym Ilcicrlptlvo
Ulul I'hiiloKrillihlo Views uf (In Jm'oiutv, Ciller
NlluU, MIiick, IVuph- nll'l Clirlusllli'i. nf tho ,.w
HlntcKiitiil Tt'irltnrli's.'
Tn iui,( tlM ciiiluriiiiti mill otlliri In the
"I'lir West," this HMnry nl Unit usl mid MtUy
O'krl'iti will .rn i mi IliMilimliln nsHNtmice. xini.
Il lni4u- II iluts ii want luiu felt or u mil, mil lit u.
IIimiii'I rellalili'KHlle 1" ellmale, unll, linnlncti.
IMcalH nrilurl, ele,
AdllNlH WAN' Hi'iiJ for ('InulurM nn.l
M'i' imr li rtns, mill lull ilost'iipliiin t,f the umk.
Ail.lri".i .NaIidNAI, I'l lll.l.-SIMI CO., Ill H,
StMiilhsl., I'lillmhli.hla.I'a,
4 l.'IIW MI1I1IJ All I.' VIM W vrni.'li
to InlveimlerH lur nnr ii,ii,iilnc I w.l.., tm,! !.
I lii ivlnns either nil (oiiilnisMon or mlarv. our
I'Ui'ili m Ion - til'' il worUshy tint hi il nil.
1 1" 'is in i lie t i.iiuiiy, a lining I lieu n
rNiioi nrr.m.Y It Is right and proper
to take as cheerful a view as possible of
iiiisfurtiim s when they overtake ih, but
there I- siicli a thing as being too cheer
ful. Such a case we have In the arllclo
of the N. V. Tribune commenting on
the 1:1 1 1 1 I'liii'llnn In (lliln. Tim V'.'Ajdi
standing on a remarkably high moral
platform, congratulates the ltadlcal
party on their honorable and
minded adherence to the slrht laws of
truth ami justice. In llii, that they
brought tho question of negro sttlVrage
fairly before the people, although they
Ifiiew that by so doing they must lose
many thousand voles. Now all this is
mere twaddle; the ltadlcal party did not
believe any such tiling. On the contra
ry, lliey Judged fiom their Immense
majority at the last election, that they
would have fores enough to carry their
measure through. At the the time of
its adoption by tho Legislature, no res1.-1
sonablo doubt could have existed in 1
tlieir minds as to Its llnal acceptance, j
They wero simply disappointed in tho I
action of tlieir own party, and they
have nobody to blame for It but them
selves. Hut now to coinu forward with
tlio decimation that tho question was 's js.,eiea llli'Kral liy mid llislorv,
i iioiinuo I, lie in i.ineoiii.
i.l.ol's IIMory ufilie War,
1 1 i ll'l I '1 l.llei.l,
lle. H. rhlllll's' C'hrl'.lllill llotiie
llllil other. AlIellN vltl not lie ri'rillll I'll til eilll.
, miss Ili'i llury )ie lolisly oeittiiiil, null sM pre.
t lert-e'l, rorpmlkulms ivhln . Ill'lllioV, nil. I.
i List' Ol' NKW.SI'Al'KHH.
J.. We lime puhllsliiil a ( olnplele 1 .1st of all
Ni U li.l I il H III III!' V. V I'llirllllt.l .Sli.l,. ..fl....
high- 1 11111 New Vol!;; pi lee L'V, lllllu; pllie UV
All ortle' nlioe lorone liollni, d. l n.iuiU.C
eu.. in I'm U llo"', .V. V.
I' O Y ' S
('nitm-.T HKiitr
s r t p o it t r. ii,
Cotutilui s lii one pmnent api-r-fit
t lltllnir Torn I, anil Ihe inost
ih shalile SUIl t Mlppollir eer
ollen il Hie lull. II.'. 11 plates the
weuhl t,( Ihe skirt upon the
shoulders Instead of Iho lllpsj
It ImpliiMs tiia rorm wllhiait
tljiht liielUKI Klvesense and ( le
U'lnee; Isapptoxeil mul tu'oin
ineudeil I iv physli'iaus. Maun-
n. n. M.rMii:i:t in.
00 Htllllllli r M., lioslou.
- A 1) A M
rut tllli d hy
epll i,;-iui.
.1. isri.VA Co., Unit llehoro, VI.
i 1 1n i Itiswiilois mul Maliiirnttiitcs.
roinhliiiu iiiore perreetlnii' than any other in
; ill" tn ill.
i llae taken the llrt preinluiiisnl all the piln
' i Ij.le Pairs In (lie eoiinliy.
SUDlllltteil Willi tlie lorCKUOWICdge Ol ' 1 No. Tlli-l.. rhlladelphl.i ; 111 liaiiilolph.M.
1 1 ... 1 . . It ,. ..,,1.1 !l lj II,.. I, I , ('llli'i'Uil.
less inclined lo urge measures which uatiitinewiy eity ta nmiu than .vi
uonlil reilnee lis strentrlll. or 11 liartV l loa. t lor lis , 11 riuijii.sliiB Inisl
which would yield power more iinw 11
There has never been a party A OI INTri WAN'I'KD.
, , . , . 1 JIT11 Ilivme Anelils ete., 1 le. WewNh 1
'd to urge nieiisurcs Which i,t In eeiy elty nt nuna than
llngly, especially on moral ground
The Ti-i'imie certainly has .suggested
thus far the most ingenious and origi
nal plan for soothing tho Injured and
outraged feelings of tlie ".so-called Hud
led" party.
Tin: ollliiid report from t'inclnnalti
gives a Democratic majority in the
Ohio Legislature. Senate, 111 Demo
crats and IS Itepubllcans. House, .17
Democrats and IS Itepubllcans, being a
majority of 10 on joint ballot. This Is
a gain of seven Senators and twenty-
one Kepreseutativcs.
Out 1'rliiter'ri devil, in tlie absence of
the "powers that be," mniinleth theed
itorial rostrum and dl-courseth as I'ol
lows, " Hepa'tUnui"
Jhe election pill operates severely on
P. John's stomach. Judging from his
newspaper, It Is a remarkable ca-e of
"black vomll."
P. J. i-ays "we are overwhelmed but
not whipped" this is certainly an over
whelming observation.
V. 1 TATII. 'I llO tlllilcraltrMrxl ltirllliira (if Ilia I r VHTAtf. nf MAItV ItAllTWAM. UVt KlHftl.
rouictl, nilcr for wile. rltliorNcpurntely urtnlher. 1 Hfirttnim Into oritrutoii town1ilp. ColuinhluVo.,
tho fnllouliiff doncrlboU I dcrrnntil, )no Itorti Kmntcvl 1y (tic Itcgl-drr or
biiiu nMiri. m, JiHrioiitii, in miiu iwji,
Hitunto in the lower pnrto! K,KpylColiimlm rotin
ly, fiontltift on Mnln utrert, nml cxtcnUins bark
to tin Riley in thodlrrctlnu of ihorntml, ami in n
Hontlif rnfy illrertlun n fur ha Cronn tttrrrt.
lot hiinnlMmt&lfert front, nml feet In dentil,
nmklnit them very denlrahlo Tor ImlMIntf lot,,
'iliey run hnpurt lm-tel tit itrlvnte nntountll Mnn
lay, lieroinliprUn'!. which tlmn thoFtere
niulnliiit tniMold tetllMx-i(ilfr nt public out
HfitiH linvliiK rlnltnt or deinnnd-muuiiint thPCMntt
of tho ilernlotit aro re'itir-iteil to tnako them
knosvn. nml 1 1 into lnlehtel to nuike payment.
UKdlUli; M, IIAlt'1 M AN,
jci i, iv, i, AMiiiiiiitiminr,
.KMTATHflK V, W. Mt-'I.I.K'K !)!,( KlKll.
4T1 1 if nil mliilxti it loll tilt tin cut nt 11 1 if H. W.
.MciiicK, inn tireou inwii-mip, onuinuin county
ii. i
Tkhms ok HAi.f:. Tin irr rrtit. tif the titirrhfutt- iteei-UHfil hit i lifeti u rnutct I liy tho UcuNtf-r of
ISlW .find I ifl m nnin (inn tear ili(.t-urii ulil I nillllOHt IMP f-MltlP or tlio iIiTuileilL 11 f(! rtHiUfKlcil
lnteift tm tin' ntiMitd ntnniintM. ihtti win i. loiiinko them known, and those tiukbtcd to
KUen wlnn tho last piijmenl In nimle. nmke puTtiHiit. ....... , ....
i:iiuAitii it AirrXi v I Ailmhilrutorfi.
1..C.V. im.,..". wii. iifiruton.. i,vw-i7TmV.vvmfM.
X mtatkok Jirun M Kill , or iimxim ir lire n.
in . l.l' Alll.l. lll.AI. l-HTA l l,. I,t lli rit Ipitnnii'iiturv mi this mIhIp til Jucnli
nit hi, InU1 of uiiHtm tonnlili. CiMiitul'lu I'liuiity,
ilrri'dstsl, li.ivr- licoli Krulitetl liy llio IltultliT of
tn Mirimiircor nil tinier nf llir Ornliiiiis' Ctmrl
nf Ciililliililnriilllitv. on Krlilny. tln aith tiny of
l . .H ini.i .V It JAiJJ, .I V.. I nV A; .. r.V. te.ttopreNeiilihemtothoexeiutorfnrHettlcment.
hurt, lulu of I'nlnu Ihsii (nu tikhltt In knhl mtiintv
uVcenM'il, will ixtwtotof(nlH hy publlf vcinlue, on
the premlnpfi, a etTtnln mcKmiiKt or
TitAcr or i j ax i),
eniilulnlmi Seventy Ach-h, inoreorle.ndJolnlnK
tiintlMofltuihtlphus Venner on tho north, Jaitoli
Ihumheller mi tho wmlh, Henry 11111 on thru pit,
Intnl. lames If III on Iheeait. 'Ihero H elected on
the nM prrtuhf h a
A 1,0 fl III) I'HI!,
fine tory nn-I a Jinlf fiili, a Ilarn, Woyon
Iloue, t Ider Vi"- nud Mill; and then It tm the
pretuNpH tun kkmI urthanl, a nprlntc of nter
Idling water, with cprln Iioumh; thf estate tif
paliMvard, "Hunto tn the township and rotinty
aforesaid. Avik v, cleric,
fiiiidltlnimof Hale: Ten per rent, of thti otiu
fuittlh of tlm purehase moiifv to ho paid on the
day of sale; one-fourth Iphh the ten pereeut.on
thi eontlrnmtluti of unle, and the lialatincj In onn
enr liotn (tmilrmatlon, with luteievl irom eoti
tlllihUlon, nnlt risves.slou m! I'll uli tlio Hlt day
ff A lrllt )tirelmer In piv for diti and
Mnmpt, .KtfiN ni:HNi:it,
(Ktot-er 11, isur, liuardian.
and tluHo knoultiK thfnitelvei Itidchti'd tomnku
pa meni, hayiii j,) i,.mu.ui,
repieinoer n, ii7 ixeeumr,
"V KHTATK Ol' ltl( II AKI II A 1 h, PKI K VU.
ia'Uvth fii aiiminiotrntioti to tin i-Maln of HU n
nrd llall,hit4oftranvetownslitn,('olumlila etiini'
ty, dereiivpd, hui 1m4ii uratitcd hy tho Ilt'UlMfi
of Nuld Count v to IVler Knt, who retldct tn eotl
S A I. 10
ntt, man who fx already rstatdWhed In snine
tici inmtluii uhli-li nlluwrt lihii a fvw ooai e hoiiM.
eant avlly incrcan' Ids Ineoino Kieial hundied
dollars per year, 'lids is an opportunity for ae
thf on n to st'cui't) a piotltahlf emiiH'itloii with!
th.'hest eMahlWhe.! eHl-lm: Atcetiey in ihe
Cnlti'd States, Addles, with lull partleulaic, ti t
en tiers, ete.,lli:(). 1'. UdWKI.I A CO., I'l link j
lluw, i. Y,
Will ho tiild at trlati s.dr. a Vrrv dptdrnl1n
it kI'1 ikp lii Sotitli lllooiuvhurs, l V'lu tnhla Cmiti
ty, l'a., the property consiHtin of
hltualeaud frunlln Third street of thi town of
ItlnoMHlnnv. lieifun ate en'e(d a l.ire lwi
r it a m i: i) w r. r, i, i n o h o v h r.
with klttheti nttarhed, n larp Stable and Car
rlame hotf-etuoml pin m e.eual lioitsc, i ic acHid
will of n el' fiillln water at the back dour. I'os-
sslon will bo civ en on tho Jlr-d of April, Wi-t. if
imt sold between thin mul Ihe 21st, of lmmher
liexl tin fame w III br exjiosi it tn puldie Hale on
wilil dale at 1 nVluek I'. y, 1'or lurther pnrtleu
I irs, linjure of MlHiael l erly, At theotlleoof
It. 1', Clink, 1o,m ltliHitusbuti; Ciiluii.bLt eo., I'n.
Sept, 17. 17,
It I V A T K HA Ii K
or VAMwm.i: ui;ai. khtati:.
Will lie sold nl ptlMde snle,hy theunderHlBtied
Ap'nt fur the,
twi:ntv Acur.H or lani,
h hm In the township of Orange, Columbia eoun
ly adjoin! tm lauds I.iteof Ait hlhald Ilrnry.latuU
Isaae Ndufreld, and Simon I,owry. 'Ihe Home
si. '.id or Hi.- lato 1U hard Hall.
ttir Tl- It Ms; Onc-lhlul on the exeeutlon of the
art'enient,at w lib h tlmeptivseKslonM 111 beuHen;
t.iu-lhlrd on Ihe tlrsl ilay of April, I'W, within,
leresf fitktitdati of ami einent, niitl Ihe linmln-
wlth inlettst from the ilutu of nuret iik nt, ni
w bli'li tlmeaileed w ill he (-set uledfiudili'lHi'red.
1 erparib'ulaisiul.iress ri.i i;it km
Mpli) b7-'Jt. lilubt stru t, l'a.
TV. AltK CO.MlNti,
And will nr.'sent to auv ihtsdu siudlm; ih a
t lull hi our (teal m I'ihe -sale, of Dry and Can
pv OiHids Ae.,a Silk Drrj's rattt-rn, I'leeeolln et
liu:. Watch, Ap. fn e of cost. Cat.tloiiue ol kiuhU
and vuinpb', si-nt toan address her.
Addiivs ,1, s. HAWKS A CO.,
.!) HauoM't hliect, lln-tmi. Mass,
m irfri"-im. v. o. ijo .m-j..
Au ids Wanted en w Jiero tor our one col
lar hale. A Watch, a least tt, a Miaul, a crrss
ha otic tlollar each. Siiidi'iits, and hlatap fur
iwo rhrcKs and elmil irs clviim full particulars.
Addle1" AKl.lNtllllN, IMHiWNlM CO.,
3Ti Wiishlnutan Klrect, Host mi,
i'cVkxts waxtiod
J;V -in ini a day, to, inlriHlucr mir new pat-
riii sr.vit sin i n. i. maciiini:.
Pi ii .. II mm twit thrtiids. itlid tirdes I lit-
lieiiultie LoikSlltth. All other low pllud ma
i hllU'S make liu (.'liain milieu. i..ciuir iciruo
rv uleti. Send for t Irculars. W. O. WlWon iV CO,
Maiiuiaeiurcs, i Icvclaiul, iMiio.
Thl4 is toule notlt-e. that tm Ihe CM h da of
epienioer, a. p. 1'in.n h nrratii in istinurui'ic.v
Issued iit-iiiuvt the Cslnte of Crustus 1 lender'
shut, of Oieinwood township. In tho county of
l oiumoia mm lor riair oi itiiiiviiiiiiii, wivt
uas recti aojuuceti ii juiiiKrupi oil mi own jieii-
t tti nat ne iiavmeiiL oi au tipots ami iu-mt
cry of any ptoperty belotiKltiK to Mich Itnnkrupt
lonim.trrior ium ur, mm uif iraiisier oi itny
.,r.,i.Art- l.f lilm inn O.i-l.I.lil.iii l.v l.nw. tin it ii
meetlmi of the creditors of the wild bankrupt, to
i.rtivr t he r i e bth nml to eliomo tine or more Att-
dlunees of his i state, will be held at a cwurt of
bankiuptey, to no lioidin at the l.xehnn Hotel
in liiooinstnirir, i'a.. neiute i;iiwaru iierum, .ir.
ItenMer, on the lilli ditv nl Nuwinher, A.n . Id7,
ai lu it eioea a.m. i iiuai a-s a. iitjw i.i.i ,
oct.U'(I7-lt. U.8. Murnlinl,
k sTii.i, i.i vi:i
'I'm: l! St.amon. -Xntwlth-titiiiiilliii;tliu
ffcnornl (li'invlnii In nil
IvIlliHofbii'.liH'-', wbleb lmi la-led for
many mouth, intclllKont pcojilo aro
lireilk'tlnj? a pro-iicrmii M'u-nii (luring
tlio I'oinlii"; Kail mul winter. Tlio iTopi',
which aro tbu main otirco of wealtli
mul prosperity, wero io remarkiibly
Kootl, nil over tlio country, Unit tbiy nr
icortulii to briiiBovurytliini; up ton bet
ter eimillllon than inn been known for
!i lotiu time. Tlio wbeut, nits ry'i l'"nl
anil liny ImrveitH linvo been kIuiIou-', A-
tberu will probably lio mnny hUpfrnu
mis mlllion.sof binheN to export, In cam
of u dearth In Kurope. Tlio eottou crop
win MJinuwlmt diiiniij'ed by the July
rnliH.und ero.iUer.s and npei,ulatiu buve
been doing tlieir best to create an im
pre Ion that tliero would lie le.-- pro
duced than was Mlmalcd. lint U U
iiultoeortiilii tliat tho crop Will be n
Inrgo and vuluablo one, audit will K
fur to hct up tho !-ioutliern peoplo ngalu.
Tbu moving of the crops will put n
' largo amount of money lulu circulation,
which Is now lying idlo In the haul;-.
Tlio wilo of them will uuablo tho l'aniier
to pay tlieir debli to iiicrclmiiH ami
thus supply fluid-. In purclm-9 goods (if
all descriptions. Trices ought In go
down, and probably will. Tho good
effect of an abundant luirvc-,1 Is already
felt all over tlio country. Tho prospect
nf the full and winter trade is also en
couraging, mul many of our bushier
incn, lu niiticlpatlon of It, liiwu Inld In
or aro ordering largo sloclts of good'! nf
uvory dcfcrlptiou. A dull M'aou Is gen.
eiallythii best tlmo for f-uch prepar.i
tlonn, mid a dull neii-on Is also very
ollen a irood tlmo for talvertl-eliig. Tbu
most Unowing iIcuIcm lire acting upon
this idea, mid mo tulvertblng their
goods. Thoso Unit aie carllcit, mini
liberal und moat Judicious will derive
tho " advniitiige.
I'. .I.'s ''life long Democrat" .Mid
ulil Dcnincrat" of whiw remark', we
hear -.ii often in bN coliiiniH, tuni- up,
in Ills latins a ".lollVrnolilaii Deinncrat." ,
I'beolil veteran's coiiliiiunicalinii i-decidedly
in the niiiilcrn -tyle ofl'. -I.'s'
P. .1. i-yet g.Ievously alllicte.l with
the dl-ea-ii ol "Hob t'lark" on the brain.
The "new Doctor" in town pre-crilics
the following remedy: com. dec. tgr.,
coin, tense. 1 dr., honor 1 i-eruplejto bo
well -li-akeu and Imbibed as "a -tun-
The matter lu P. John's la.t paper
wii-. o mean that IiN l're.-. broke down
lu printing il. We refer p.irtliul irly to
his poetic il llllling-g.ite which was no
doubt found in a gutter.
. P. Jolm'.s statement that money wa
ent Into this county to aid tlio Demo
crats In the late el( ctlon is of cour.-o an
alxolule fiil.ilioiid. Xot one dollar wa
hi'iit Irom any ipurtcr.
A t.Aiini: bu-liu"-s gifaianiees low
irice.i. A Miinll bii-ine.-s ilcmnnds large
lirollh. -Our filend I.. N. -Moycr the
DruggUt IsM'lling moro than any other
otabll-bment in tlie county and con
hciiuenlly at lower rate, Country ileal
I'lsare ciil'iietly reiiuentcd to call and
ee bis prices before purcha-lng eKc-wlierea-.
tliey will llnd II gnatly to
their advantage. His arrangements
aro now perfected for u wbole-ale liu-l-uess
and Ids goods uro offered, of the
very bed quality, and In any quantity
desired. Xo otiicr dealer can oiler like
C'lIll.VI'l t'lir.AlMlll!! ClIKAI'IVI'll!
Our cuttrinUIiig townsman I..T. '.Sharp
less lias. u,t received, at his old stand
on Main street below Market, a full as
sortment of fall und winter dress good-,
which bo will give nw.iy for cash any
porsui wishing to get n c moro for
tlieir money than their money is worth
can do so by calling on l.loyd.
Of Medical science Is mak
ing rapid progre-s so rapid, Indeed, as
to tenner u iiiiucuii iur n.iaiuiniri n.
keep pace with its developments,,, 'ton
ics uro taking the placont drastics, und
a careful system of diet nud cxercNo -dispensing
with drugs to a remarkable
degree. Dr. llelico Jones, of London,
has discovered In the animal system u
siib.-lance called nniinal qiiinoldinc. I"
adellclcncyof Ibis, ill tlio liiuuim sys
tem, inu evidently due those diseases
cau-cil hv malailal poison, for It Is now
ti-..ii i.iuiivii iliiif ilii'si! iioisons do,-troy
thlsMllbstauce, Our object then sboilld
bolo keep tlie system supplied with
material Irom which this Mib-tance Is
elaboiated. In tho Zingarl Hitler u
tind lust such iicuinblnatloniislt requir
ed. 'This IlitterH will positively pre
vent or euro all malarious dU'iwn. iw.
.-iivl 1 il-HUH 1 Ills .sli-ni-lt UhiIs." Semi
In) mil Nl W ( illllliiHUiMirllillM'ilM'il SII'lU'll liii's.
jii mii ii'lli h nil nl Hli-i'l, uiiiliilly llulviii'il mul
li'iii.i'liil. .s. M.slMlNIII I! .11(1., Ilrullli I ml ii, M.
Willi my I'.ili.iit Mi'iii 11 TiiiiIh. 1 in t'p.iy
siuiliU'S tii-f. ll' in- nl" IntillitfiTi. M.vilnu-
llll.Ml II . .li. til. AllH'-s V..I. I'lllllllll.SlUlllJ
llOlil. l UlKlllk.
ii vu it 1:
NKHiT, di:ckahi:ii.
yoTja: of ixquest.
Tn Mlchmd AVhitenlchl : lletirv Whltenlaht
Auwl Whitenluht: Julian, w Ifoof Daniel Wall
leli; Hebeeea Kllatielh, wife or Jlenrv Hum
in. tut lliichcl r.iiiinn. wlff t if William llroiixom
and Ldta M. Whlti niRht, thlUlren and helm
nl l'elir Wldtenmht, lata orilemlotk town
i. bin. Cnlumbla count v. det easetl.
Vou and f ath of jou will take notice, that by
lumbi.i, an innui-Kt win he iieiii at the mwunitf
tfiwnshlp. All persons havlntj claims orilemaiids
nalnst tho cstntp nf th decedent, are requeued
in Pii'ciii ineiii in inu it iiiinimi ruitir u iiiiiuii
delay, and all persnns Indebted uro vrniiesieil to
make pa tm tit. l,i;Ti;U UN r,
Atiminisirator wnn ine in atmexeii.
Heptembt r tl, liT-fiw.
IMt tk t)F .MinrKi. Mooiuv. iii.c'n.
IictlcrHofadtnltdslratlou with Ihe Wi11anneed
tothe entate of Michael Miiimhan, Into ofCeidra
I la Kmoiuth, Culumhla county, deceased , have
hecncninted by tin Iteclstt r of wild etntnty, to
Ann Mnliohnn. All oeiHiiOH 1i.i1ml? elultiw nr
tlcmiuids lurafnsl the estate of the leeenit aro
renin sled lo make I hem known tttM.M. IVelle.
i:s.i.. al Avldntid Pa., atluruev tor t heeslnte t ntnl
all pontons ludebtetl are rctpif'-tei in mtike pay
Oieiu. UI.tJIA., AUIIlin x
hejiti in-fiw fit hi trifttnirnttt ttmicro,
4 UMINMKTItA'rrilt'S XOTll'W.
2- rT.rr or lu-nnccA vanokksmi k, nt r'n.
1.1-lters of nilmlliUtrutlim fill the ett ittt tif Ue-
1m ecu Vandtfllie, latetif IlliMitu townhlp, l'o-
I u in 1 nil louuiy, (let i nseii, 1 111 e neen grumcM i)y
the HeirNler of K.i!d county to .1. HeNter Vander-
hllce, adiuhiNirator, who rculdes iii Mount I'lt an
ant lownshlp. All jetsnnt knowing Ukuok le-
inuenicn 10 in" Mini iiiteoeiu aiu itquesii'ii in
make payment, and lhose lui Inn elaluiH or de
maiuN aaint the same will prevent them w llh-
outtieiay. j. m:wii:i: VAMinitsijci:,
.Mt, rieasuiit, Aiiit.'i', lir. Admtiilslrator.
I j IHTATKOl' FI.I7A1U.TII lIKNINfll'lt, liFC'n.
i.eiu p lesi.imeniary on ine estate tu i.immctn
lit nsltmer, lale of Cat aw tsxu, Ctilumbi.i ctanity,
l'a.. have been LTaiitcd hv the UeuMer of wild
county, to Michael lirohst, exet uttir. who lesldes
in i iiiawissrt. aii persons utw inu ciaiinsim.uuNt
the estateare refpiestitl to present them to the
i:exutor for hellleiiicnt, and lhtse ktiowiux
theinsches Indebted to make payment.
Septttnher l ls07. Keiuttr.
xVlNTATr.oFl)AViii(Ji:nnAHT,jiKf'n. I,t iters
orndmiuistrathui to the estate of iMvliUlearhart,
hilf t if Irfieic! tow-nshln. Coluinblii eoutitv. l'a..
deceasetl, hae been mauled by llio Hcnister fif
rtiuuuiiiaetmiHy, to 1,1 onam .tianiH, woo resmcn
In said tow nship, roiinutiia county, am person
tiavlnfft lalms or tltmatnU against the estate of
the tlecedriil are rniui'Med to maku tbi-m know n
tothe iidmlnMrator without delay, and all per
hniiK Indebted are ref) nested to make paj meiit.
spptembfri. liI7-iit.
r. 1ATATK Ok" CYIlt- Ht, IiKCK4Kn.
Let tersofatlmlnlst nil hu with Ihe will annved.
tin the estate of t'vrus l-'rv. lute of ItltMitusbliric.
Columbia County, hae lnii granted by tho
Isti r of wild county, to Jwiae H. Kuhn, who re
side1 In lHoomsburic. All persnus halnKelalmn
nr ileiiiaiiiK aca nst tlie wild estate. uro reouiMteii
tti piesent them to thn administrator for wttle-
meni, and iiuisn nuieineo 10 inithe im niriu.
' lhl I I ' U I." I T I I S."
hep'-7'GT-Ct Aitm'r. c, t, a.
XV phans Court of the County of Columbia
llate of HAMULI, CAST, deeeaei.. 1 he uuUl
tor aniMilnted hv the Court to make distribution
of the balance nf tbu estate of wild dt ct ased, lu
the hutnis or I toocr i l.asi Aumiiuiiraior tu uie
wild Samuel Kastlate f f Scott township, In wilil
eoiiiuy, oeceiisi'ii, in uieev ine punier iur im
Inirpose tn his iiiiMiiiiiiut'iii, mi iiiimiii , iieiii"
icr '.Sill A. 1. hN unite In 1tlMiohun.
t II 111 H II M - l' A '
Krisih nrrlinl of
DAVtti t)wr.Niii:no
Inrll.i ntt.iitlon to hli .lock of
nt tiln ntoro on
Mnln H(r.('t, twoiloor. itlioxe the Amn k-nn Hou. .
lllooniiliurR, Til.,
wliurn lio h Juit rccflvrit from Jfcw ViitknnJ
riillnilclrhln n full nmiirtiiionl of
lllrliiillng Iho inixl runlitnlulili',, ulul
ron.lstllifl; of
110X, BACK, riKX'K, (IL'.M, ANt) Otti-eUlTlt '
of utt .ortK, lUi'M, mul rotor., ttu liai ftUn leplru
Illicit till iilrendy lurgo iturk of
Iti nas fon.lHiitly on hand n Iiurs nuil Mll-st-lprtcil
nsMortniMit of
utilnli lie 1. tircinirrit to iniiki. lo onlcr into tiny
liliut of ctotlilim, on r-ry hhoit notlci', mul In the
best milliner. All hi. clutliliiK Ii iniuta to wcir,
ftint most of It U of lioinn lii.iiiiifncture.
(loi.i) WATiaix anI).ii:wi;liiv,
of t very iW'rliitlott, flno unit i-liiap. It I. enm of
Ji'urlryls not In thl. iltiri, Call nml
eamlno lit. Rcnoral nHiortnu'iit of
HAVJI) !,()Vr.N"IiL'll(J.
jW"KV C1.0T1I1XO AN' I) fir.NTI.K-
.MI'.N'K rt'UNISIIINd HTllltll.
Tlio nnUi-rKlKlicit ri'-iicctftilly itniioiini..i In Ills
many frlelulu lio li.l. opcunt a now C!ot)i!tl
mul OentU'iiu-irM I'liiiiUlitn Htoto, In llio liiMrcr
room of the llartiiiiin ItulMllifr, soulliucst coiner
of Main ami Market Hlr-i'ts, Illooineliiirn, 1'n,
llalngjtist li-liiriunl from I'lillailt'lpliU with n
Ijirgo HtiA'k of
fAI.t. ANII WINlllll CLdlHINll
ii:.Nri.r.Mi:vH i'UIinimiiiN(i (iuiihh, ,p.,ac
ho flutlcrH hllii-otf that hi' can ph-.iHi-all. Ifli
(.lock comprise
Milch as
i:.Minti:i.i.AS Ac
ami in fact cvcrythlni? In llio Clollilnor I'nr
nlshliiK line at cry lew prices.
In addition to Iheuliovo he lias an ctca-int in1
Hortmcnt of
kiiouTixT Nonci:.
Coll nnd ice licfuio iniri'linsln clseuhcre, and
octO-ly J. V. l'Ili:IIli:t!I.AIN,
pi.IiKIt'H STOIti:.
Ml'IIIMJ AND L'.M.Mi:il (iooIim.
Tlii'iiilim'rllier lias Jn-t rtlnriicit rinni Iho rlllii
with nnothcr larRontid it lei I a.iorliuent of
inirrliased In New Vork nnd l'hllndclphhiflf tlio
lowest retire, and which lie Is dcleriiilned to sell
on a. moderato lenni ni can Iki irocitrcil else
where In llliiolilihlirK. Ills itiK-k com lillsia
of tlinchiilciit ilyleianil Illicit fashions, lnucllier
with a larKe.'iissortmriit of Dry "lissl. mid (lio
ci rles, l onslslltiK of the fdllow ItiK articles I
Oil pets,
Hhaw Is,
While (lis.l.,
llisjp Hklrli,
Qiiecmwnie, llnnluaio
II' ml. nnd Hho,
Hats and Cup.,
t'lnlin lias,
In slioil, r erylliliiE llimliy kept In country
stores, tn whli-li llivllen Ihe attention of the
pnlille Ri-neralty. ThohlRheiit l.rlcowlll he paid
fur eouiitry piislin e In exchaive for goods.
H. II. .MILl.LIt,
AriaJe I'llilklings, lllooiiisliuiv, l'n.
riNi:r.ti riiiKSTorllo,Cio.
oxn 1'iiMEKr op f jiymn.
(INK C'A.H MimRNT ol' llo,.
(INK CASH pJtlnKNT 0.' M,(.l.
two c.isn 1' or Jii.n kai rr.
limit full ll,ntule nf I'tnrnlt J.toic.
IImcIi lerllllenleof hliK k I. nminipnlilcd ultli u
worth moiont leinll tlmn tho cost of (.'ertlilcult,
nnd tilsn insures tolhe holder a l're.cut intb.
(Ileal Instill, nil. hi.
itKAT iu:i)urrio.v in imucks
AT I'llTIMt KNT'.l HTOIti:,
I.N LllillT fni:i.T,
SI'IMNli ANDSir.M.MKll (100DS.
Till! suli-crll'cr has Just refilled and has on
hand at his old stand In Until Htrei I. n LirKe mul
purchased at the Inwesl II RU ie, and which belt
determined to on us nuxletate terms as tan
he proeiifed vlsow here In UnM Htteel,
ji)n cash OA' cor.xrzv ii:obnv.
I1U p.ttK.1: eoiiSh nf
i a i) i jos' noons,
' ehoirest Kti lea and latt st fashion,
Cntleof , Mit-illns,
filnylianit, rianneN,
llflety, Carpet,
Mlkn, Shaw N,
HatlnrtlK, Chnlmer,
Is rbniloiMl by the Htale of tMinnvhauhi, and
ord'iiilrtsl In aid or the
it i v k it h i ii i: j s m t ; T V T K
MiMllMlV AND fl.Ul OltrifANI.
InenrpotMnl by the Htate of N. J., April tsrf?,
jiii: uivi'iiHiiu; i.NHiirni:.
Hllnate at lUvi-is,h- IturHnalon county. NVr
JiTneV. Is foil lii 1 ii 1 l nnr in n .r rrfimirr.iii
rducntliiulhnonofdin-i'iifei and Sen-
men oi m i mini male.
'I ho Hon nl of Vi utters com Mm nf Ihe folhnrlnr
W'C I'KliOUIl fltlKili nf Pi'linnVliiiifn mul Voir
J nil. ni. I!. Mutitl. 1) ti .-t ttr.rii(v l'liltn.l.
Hphlft. P.i.
Inn. Irf-W i II. tV.lliloi I u
Mint, and It nb-rof in ed, nuiadelphla.
lion. .Inme ,M, heunt, .( w .letNey.
1 Ion. V. W. Ware, New- .It ruev.
lleiity Ooiinnn, Ust., Aent 'AdatnV MxirM,
Philadelphia, Pa,
1. Cl'tie IV., of Jny, Cm-A Ctt., Phllfldelphln.
TlJK.Wl ltV Jri'AIITMKST, Alt JM! TO.N, I. (
Apill in, isiiT.-ortUv of intiriuil lUenue:-IIav-ing
ret eltl ftatlffaettii-y eulinee that thoptu
vp(U nt the riitetprl-e t fimtiteled liy the W'a-di
liiptftii r.Ibraiy Contpnny, will he deM.ted to
eharittiMe unw, iH-rtuivduu Ih htieby Krantedti
M.ial t'umpnnj b eond in t tuch uiti rprle exi nipt
frcm all clmrK", whether ritmt f-peclal tax or
I'. A. lliiiXlNH.t'ouim.Khl.mer.
October I, 1M7.
Kent lid;, v
AC, i
.Il (ttlt.
hmiM Lite ft Peter Whlti nlht, tlecf asetl, In ihe
tow hMiip or iiemioei;, ni miki nanny or i oiiuu
bin, on hat unlay, the tnh ilavttf Nu ember, a, i.,
pt7, tor tlot putptiu ol making partition of the
rein t tiaie tu ine miiu iierenM"ti, Minnie ni iieiii-liK-l:
inunthltt. atoresald. tontiil ainom Ihe chll-
dic n and 1 1 pie setitut lc4 1 if Ihe said det eased, If
thclMime can lie done, without pnlndlce to or
fcpn iiuij inn fauie, utiuiwi'i' m Mime iiiei nil.
prnSetho whole. HAMl'KI HNYHKU.
lHotitusbutl, hept. .7, P'jt, Hhetirr.
Ti ) slim PKit MONTI! AND
t.ii1-liliii'eien.i-.iuldi:'id mrmiis tti I MdT W 'l.' (ill1 INOUKST.
in patent i;erla-tlut; White Win i h.this I
I. int.. tate aifi-and ad'li
H,j raoatiway, i .
ror'llK WANTKD!
I, o ii k ii i: it i:i :
... ats, lfolh male and lemale, wauled eeiy-wtu-ie
lo il ihe Pa i kn i iMm.m i n Ink Hi -mi- ,
S'U.t.ibv which Hem one to two pa- ten be
w rll ten u Plamt it'ph hl-him.' wUh Ink i, and mir
l'iiu tnt lav .Ji'O.lN t !c. cuti eh nr timn i.i
Mud'V. ;eipltid ii-Mnhed. I'l ice li ct til-,
with an nd i It-1 nu Hi di m iihliti an itlllcle 1m
iv In "tiv Iio'Lu1 Punhti'.'MU Agency. Cltculais
sent i i:I.MAN A ICllN i'A 1.1 ..
scpil'i.T-lm. Ilnnov rM.. linston, -Ma--.
11 n Nt v. ln cut loins ot ureat val-
lau.illts; nl' it ,r..ii protliv. sen I'ocfiiit
hi) li-l.'e-t OH) UllpiC t. .iKeiu
In.iNcut, Pplllltm lilown, l.'twell, Mas.
, I iiiK'iuri: upmi i'V vn.AM-PiM-ovi.ii-
' l. p. I'PlIAM H I ' 1 1 1 1 1 .Mi: WCrilP, pienand
trom Ihe torniui.i oi riot, iinuiau tu im
' fini". Cmi'.unihtion, I mm Pi-chmm, itrtau-hiti
It. btiiilu MiililtUl.x. (il'lll
1 liltil Onlt tlUilUHUlS ill ine finn I" " " V"
tt Hi leiie ot ltal lone. UN pleasant to tasle,
I mid n Mnalo btillle will com luce 'the nnM m;cp i
I c.d of Its irluiMis Ihe weal IumIIiib i cmel i-r ihe
iiue. tl a bottle, ta- m bottles hu- i'i. st nl hv l,v
oi.vH. miiu oy r. , i iuihio, -r-..,
Plill.idelplu.l. ami pllnclpal lmi'A
1 vent fiee.
Ksr.vTi: or John nii-rrrKiiii'ii, latkofmontui
town ni tr, roi.t'Mii countv, nprit.
l'o ihe wi low, huliK, and lejral reprt tat Ives of
h dd debased, to wit : lotluirlct, luteimariled
wilii.iehsu iiiuiimixicati; .loiiu ii, imiierit u,
I ....!... I ti.l il..l . III. lI1M nt M'Vln.l.i
Kai all. Intermarried whhUioiuas Weaver ; i:il
r.iUth, liiterm.uileil with William Cu Ntllntt.
and I-iiIhIi Pietterich ; ami thcfollowinu named
ui-audi hlldreu, (o w II : Pavld DU tterh-h, CIhik.
ifn lu-rii'ii, .Mauoi'a inetn nt u.aini imseiia juei-
i'l c i. ell (lien uf i:il.u Dlcltt 1 1( ll. tit eCstlM
and Iicp Plfttfi l( It, Villlam Pietterlth,
i net t ei leh. Marv iie tench ami i rauitnu Diet.
terk-h. ehltdien (d lkiijiimlu Plctlerleh, tlre'd.
You and eaeti oi on aro hereby uoimcu mat in
ptir-.uauee tn a win in partition or valuation, iv nut of the (irnluinV Court ofi'tilumbla coiin
tv. tor the nai I It Ion or vaUiotlouofthe it at estate
o ha Id ilete.ihed, ttituato lu lownshlp of Montour,
ll.Huld (utility, the ilrst I her tot Is hounded by
lauiNiit amut 1 Pry nnlhoeiiMt, jitaihandsoLith,
mid Mat Idas Applem-in on. tho west, c(jitiilnlu
outtaeie, moro or Icm, wltii Iho appurtt nances,
'1 h Kccond tin i oof is bounded on llto east hy
landu or .lohn Hit h irds on tho unuth hy hamui'l
Piv. on the west hv Mathlas Ai'tdcmau. aiuloii
tlie north by John tiller and others, coiilaluhitf
tifu-tmo acres and t hilly pcjcheK, wit hallow aiicu
of tlx per i nt. lor ttiads, Ac, to and ainom; Iho
;ai ieiirc.e.iiium o ui ine n.uu ui-
thn nuittt r of exet ptlons to the lutiort of Ail
illlor mr iiisiriouiitiu ni ine tsuuetn i tier Ice
land, deteat-d. hepletutier oth, Piw.l). C. Kaliler,
I km,., apnouiii (i cuminiiHumtT m utKe leNuinony.
liy IliotVuit. C'erlllledfroinlheHeeord,
.1 1.- l til i.M..-,t leiiv.
To tiarlles Interested In the abo e east take no
tice, that I shall attend for Ihe purpose of my ap
pointment, lit my nu ice, in ihoouisuui n, on i ri
tiny, tho Mh day f o ember, lso7, at lUo'eltnU,
a. m. O. C. KAIU.I.K.
(K-tll G. AlHIllor.
and for Hie County of Columbia. In the mat-
ler of the H'tltlon of I i force Snade, for htteel lie
perfornianee of font lac t w 1th tin estuto of Soltt
iiinii lieu roa t. tU-et used. Senleinber ith. Im7. C.
II. Hroikway, llstp, apptdntctl eoinnilssloner to
l. Hie prtxii oi couiiaci. nj ine i ouri. i t'riuieu
frointhe Ki cord. .ii-sm: Coi.i.m ks, Cleik.
To parties Intertsted In the nht.o case take
notice, that I hhall atlend for the purpose of my
annolntmcnt at my olllee, in llloouisburi:, on
1 nurr.ii.iy, i no 4 1 II oay tu .-iinnnurr, in(, m u'li
i ciock a. m. u. ii. itutt i . i ,
Oct ol rr 11, Pt7. Commission!-
X am
...l li. I I .....I ..II In. Ik llllil I, L'l
nu i.t . iiiii . t.i. . oT I...I.I .... I, ..I II,., unl.l , i.i.i
Ises. Iii said Montour lolMlshlli. Collllnbla co.. on
lllesd.iy, thn l.'lllil.iy ol Xovemlii r, next, nt I'l
n clnt K 111 1110 lorcllisin oi sum oiiv, wneii ini'i
wheio sou aro ri'iiuesleil to attend It yoii think
proper. HA.ML'Ll. IS.N VUKH,
lilisiinsiinri,', Oil. il, i-i.;.
A N II (I T II I'. 1! H.
ltvtilno of seierul writs of l.eiurt lirfrt.and
I tmlltlllHt JlWtt l.Slll'11 lllll III .lit .uui. .it
I 'mill. i, .li I'nliiliililii eolllllv. (II Ills, ill
,i.,....t will Im eviiMseil to .nilille suleilt lilt. Cotllt
Ale HOW lll.llllll.lillirllli; llio hest, el.e.ivt and Ur.M wi7i ia iii ,",vloi k, A. M the lollimlUK real
most dllll.le r.unl 111 use; iHocojisnini'iii mi m'.ini
. . ...... .........i,.. v 11 I le.i eerliilii mi.SHiini'e nnd Irai t or laud sit
u.KtdWiPjpinei.iiiMe.i .... mil mm u. te n M.uilson township lu the louuiy and
t.i o eius: It U id U liiht blown or beaulllul ..,,. ,,,, ,,,,, t, l,,-,,,, , ,!,.,! ih'M-ribed as f o I
chocolate color, and tan be changed to i:ret.n, . lows: HcKlnnlUK at u white oak, comer of land
!. lastu i i if l'.fdetiik Pur and Conrad Cramer, thence
leu.i.Moue.oiiMviiuotJi or m, iuh.i ... ( n,tv.riu thLMttx. west ML1 mnluH Ma
.f theeonsuiuer. It 1 valuabh. for ousen, iiaini. ost : theneo bv hind of Piederlflc Derr Matth
iwenty.l wound a lailf tlennei., . perchen to a
post: theneo houth elnhty-thriti and oue-toitrlh
tlcurtei weit litapeiciitjtn a poht; thence houth
il i i-.k. v fii mul Diie.liiiil th dcifl ft H Wl hi 70. S
perihelion jmhI; thuice by land of (icorco
f( nei-x, iirlculiural ItupleiuentH, eaitnme aim
cir-makei's, palls and woodenwaie, eaimn,
im andhhitisle 100H, 'It l liirf lire t.nd watci
jiroof , btldses eastw, canal honln, hhlH i
and ships' huilonis, tluoi' oil clothe, (ono Mann
factuu r lmliiff u'tl bbN. the paht 5 ear, ami
iihu paint for any purpose l unsuumfchcd lor
iKidy, tlumblllty, rlastlclly, nnd adhehUenefH,
PrUo5ilperbbl.,of :HK1I.K., which will iipplyn
fanner for jeais locoiue. WanantedlnallciiheK
asiihtt, hi ml for 11 tiuulur, whkh lull
paitleitl.uH, None uenitlno unlchs biatided In a
Hade mail; ilrnltou Mlnnal Paint. Aildrefi
n N'ii:i. mitwm.i., piopiiotor,
M-l-t,T-liii. ii-ll IVail ht., New Ymk.
i..rr'k i.lnl n konth fniU.seVeti nnd one. half do
uu 1 t east, Iiki.i peri heH to post; I hence t land
of John hwlshir mutli wevenly-heven rttKices
t ujt, IJj pert hen hi a post; theme hy land or Con
r.ui iviinii.p iiuiib ten tlfin t h west 11 nercheii to
a post! theiico north flMluee and one-fourlh de-i'i-.i)!
I'fAHt. iu).7 ne re h oh lo u cht-kinut oak : them e
1101 Hi tweiily.tour and onp-fourlhdiii'eeii east W
peri hex to tbu place of beginning, eomalniiiK one
liunuretl ami iwcuiy-itoeii ucr. utiu mm nun
.i..i uml ili.iti twrt-lifH.llt lii'imr tho .ameiire
ml-en of which Andrew hhoemnkfr died Hleid.
and lor th Coiint of ColumhUi, lu Ihe mat'
li 1 of the petition of It P. Ilartinan, 'uliulnMia
lorof.lamiH IhilKton. laic of Itloom lownohln
deee..sed, for spiel tic ptMformnoee of mntriet.
Septeinl cciM, I hT, 11. II. I.tltle, IImj,, mipolnted
oiilliiissitinei 10 laae protii 01 eiMiuaci.
Jl.v-K Ctn.UM .N, Cletk.
'l'o pat t It Inter hied In Ihe uho ense, taU.
noilce, that I hhall attend for tin purpo.ei of my ,
xilnlmeut at m oiuce. in iiioouishur';, 011
1 rlda.v. the Mh d.i olAoMinbii, k. n Is' 1 m. il. II. I.I ITU., !
ocloiier 11, Ptb. commi.-sintifr.
I. and for the County of Columbia, In the mat-
b-r ol the petition of Abraham .srhweppenhelser,
for h pet life performance of eontiacl with flu
es tale of fsolmnnn P kroat.ileceahetl, SepteiulM'r
lith, PUT, C, H. llio(l.wa, INi"!., apptdllted com-
uilhsionei lo take proor or coiitr.u t. it the
(;olllt, Ceitlfled from the IteeonN.
j 1 ssi, cn 1.1. man, lefK.
To hartley Interested take uollce. that 1 hhall
attend tor tha purpose uf my appointment, m
lll in nee, ill jiiihiiii-simii.iiu . rumi'iiin ..i(nvni
beruh, Pi7. C. II. ltltUCKWAV,
ucioher 11, IM17, ituiimissioner.
I.ctlcrH Ichtatuentarv on the estate of Jaholt
Harttl. sr.. lato ot Mlllllu lowiishlo. Columbia
county, hiiNe been uranteil by the Iteulstcrof iUl
county, to Jonas Mail el and John II. lit tler,
'xeeulorn. both residing in .Mlllllu low nhlii. All
piioiiH having c IuIihh ir dciiiainU una 1 11st the
estate ale reiiuesu-d lo present Ihem to the exee
utoiH lor hetilenu nt, and those knowing them
hehesludibtcd lo make payment.
.11 1.S Ait II. It 1 f, I,.
John 11. J 1 1 n 1.1 .it.
MeplXt'T t i:eciitorn.
rniToit'.s X0TH,K,
i;-tth ov iniki. .1., PKcr.Asrn.
The Hiidcrsluncd, auditor appolnled by the Or
ihans' I'mirt ol Colitmhla louutv, lo make ills
ilhulloti of the balance in Ihe huiidx of Ik-nJ 1-
min Atlahaeh, administrator of Patilel (i. Put,
late or Or.umc township, In Nald county, deceased,
to and amonu the respeetUe credltorn or Ihe de
cedent In otdi-r established by law. will atlend at
hhi oil let in Itlofun1 burn, on .Saturday, the :'d day
f November, POT. al 10 o't lot k,a, in., for the pur
pohe of attending tn the dutlfM of lit appoint
lllflll, lien itim wiii-ti' ii 'mi" iiiii . i
retiuired loprcheni ineireiainm, or nt ue.irreti
'1 Hi underhlgned lakes this niethotl to Inform
the public that he bun ojKMiod a
In tho Waller Uriel; lluIUlln, tm Main Street,
IllJtOMMtUMt, I'.i.,
Which ho ban pnrchaiedand Intends In keep pet
inanently filled w lib l umltute of
CITY ANII ll(Mi: .MANl PAril UP.
li 10 1) a t it 1: s s 1; ,s .
ciiAHiH-cirsiiioNpn.cANi: norruMKit,
AM) woiih norroMP.P.
In fat t n full asoitim ut of
It I. A P Y - M A P 11 I O P V I XH
of all sites, and of
All (d' which will behold
C II P. A P r a H 1 ASH.
The public are lu iied to cull und examine inv
htixk belore puiehasiim t-Kt wbrre,
diiomii: w. coui.i.u
Itlooinsburj:, AukihI hi, lr.
liucenswnre, Cedirware, Hardware, Medlelnes,
Prusi, Oil-, Palnt-i, Ae.
1S00T.S A SIl()i:s, HATrf A CWP.S.
Ihhhort eeithlny iually kept In a conn I r
htre. The patronao of hli old Irlcnds nnd Ihe
public tenernlly, U retMetfully KollelUil.
The highest imtket price paid lorcountrv pro
duce, piripit i:nt.
IJhtKtr(rt,Mfi S, PC
In older that the leneol(iil object net forth tn
lhli circular may b itueritfullv aeeompIlNhed,
hae IhmuiI iho wiie of
1 IM. HTrhI.PI.ATK 1 Null WINOH,
which nre put on mi1m riptlon at prices tuncli t
tow thelrii-lall value.
1 vrtllltatf t of Mock In the Wasldntoii Mbrurr
Company will hi turned, nlampel with the seal
oi the Company, and nlgned by tho eretary.
Vohe other (niutne.
Any petNon hciidlumM One Poltur, or im ltijf
t he hiime to our loc u nyentt, will n cel e Itume
tllati ly alneiif 1 Plato euvia iinf.atiholeefrtiin
the rollowitur IM, and oneeerllllcnte of Htock, 111
htirlna one pn hent lu our publlnhed nchedule,
ihic DoU'iv Knijcavnigi.
No. l-"My Chll.ll MvdtlMI No.i-"Theyie
haved! Thev're Saved I1 N'n. S')ld Seenty
tx; or the I july Daj m of tho lte volution."
Am 1 eiMon paring two dollar, wilt recflve
lt her of the follow lug line steel plate-, lit choice,
and two certificate of stock, thun hecomlUK en
titled to two peM-nt.
'Vy Ihiflttr Uujiuiitn
No. I -"Wii-diliulon'KC'Hutshlp. " No.3-"Wash-ln?lonV
r.uM Intel It w w Ith hU Mother.'
'Jin-re Jtnlt'ir iUufrtivinpn.
Any pei sou 1 u Im; three dollais will rnelve
theheaitllful htetd plaleof "Home from tho War,"
and tin eo ct illilcntcM of MoL', Ueoinlh rntltletl
to three ptestnt1.
I'tAtr fin'I'trrngiatinii,
Any peioti paving tour dollai thnll reelM
the lart-e and lumtiiul htetl plate ot 'The lVriM
of Our Poteiathei'and fourt erlllientesof stoelc
tnlitUnu; them to hair picr-ent.-i.
'it J,tUtr Iliitifivtity,
Al' 11. IC. M.OAN S Hl'dltl'., I
VIM. AMWr.t.
Tillil'.l: Ill'NIIItl'.ll TIIOt'iAXIl tilll.LAIl.
in I''.nts TOTiir.,
On 'ilnenh'u, Hqilanber t'lth IS(i7,
AT l'llir.AliKl.l'HIA,
011 t nir IssrniTi:, m hiisirn , s. j.
id Mhleli iilier'irocceillni;iniiiirllllO!liniolii fronu'Olnlnit 111 for a .linre of llu. fund
l.i.inu 1 HUM HUIIIN 1-ill.oM.
1 ins, Mil A l II. l"lil, J'i line I'allliy, M. irunnle
W 111 inn lie liind 1 in 'Hull I Ii lie 1111 m aldeil In
mi' lii'l'n ymlKilll.'S of Jour Indian l.lliiilnelil l If
ion will send lit 1 lie same Utile I lie account. 1 Mill
ii.iwaid on the aiiii.nt tlnoiiKli Messis. Iii linonl
A'l.'iri'ii holoinini llmliM-lille liavinii lecoinlm ml.
nl lo i.l.ili) ol Ills II lends .Major I.AM.M 1.1 M
N I', ulul llii'V lit Inp desliims In l-loeure II. lie
si "iild a Ii Isc hllil lni'-liil'llsli it di'i'ol In Tail-.
Ilti: K.'lllAN" I.I.NIMr.NT,
V u i 11' l, ei i- ii'iid,. -, as a kllli'l'nf I'liln, InKen
luu ii. Hi, or oiiluaiilly ii .1U . iius im .iliiil.
I i.i nu it llel and I'llie of lllu'lllilatlealid ellr.ll
ul. Mliiilons, Hl'l'alns, llllilM's, tic., It It nil
I'llllllid II Is iiImi ii.i it i lllcaclolls, ill.
l. mill , In ll i' i ill. Ml I'lioli in. riiillilisiiniUJiullis
In tlio Ui.jiu mil, IH.iiiIuk'U, iijsenliiv. rlioleia
Mortals, I'lioli til Infantum, etc.. anil Is iillliont
i , ollon l lie iiiosl wonili mil I'aii.uia llie iiiu'ld
alliilds. Nol'lllllll.l slioiild In ullholll II. lAi'jy
I '1 1. ii li i' li land ol si a should liiiln H liolllo. Ml
1 m i- nnd lainnrs u -lilmi: in u illsiinue lioni
IMii -I. Inns rloul.1 l.i. i ii loliMiinlH on lmiiil.
I II i ' .1 HI A. c.i II in, linn ..ii.nn-11 en... ..............
in .1 I ' I'll !i III! S. lis Mlllli. llinilin lie
H L' II I) r U I. A-C "SSI M I' 1" 1 '
I, Vi!lll uf I'.ll In. i.lio of tliei
iii'oiiiii'iiii .Ma.lor Lane s 1 Milan I.Uilini id, and
lal.. nu ullii l. I'lki', 'in i (-. I'irl'oltle. I or sale
111 Mlirdii-nle mid until li HeliiHS Hal lu sili'. I i.,
"I rial.lltm, -N. lialeilc lit l'lliiui.l's.lili ell
ill I 'li st N. .; I C Wills A lo., IIU i nlloli-.l..
S' .; I tsn , N. l Uli ti.l.-ll,li l.tli A-., I . ..lilid
in li 1 1 I. line i- im.ii'11 ii.......... ... .....
s mil.. . mile'
null, nli'lieii.. ,m,i , ..null i stem d li .1. 'i.i nu.. i Co .I'loiuielois
, ,, . .,,1,1. 1 i,i liitiai n. . i rirreini an-i in iniiii.. ,
Ml iu,,-i lot innillnn lesiill-ill il li aull' Ira,- i .
leu inn n limine inu I'l'dlssolH'tl III ,ul'e lia ur. ,i i iw . i,' v( .'rice, inileis, allir llll.en J""- i' r 1' 111 pitll't'l' " '
lesetnrli unit . Xl't I lull III. luo. silts'., III ill" l I
loll 1k ;, ! iiihIVii. iuu.iil' Ul-Hm oi. luililiott. '1 la- f .Id, ...1.1 tl. ol llio l"'' .
nu ll mild ounce of water, nud i;.e l.i.W (i.i.i'lu(iii' iirluycr. n.i.ln have lliln da ilcclniul a illi l. i
' l i in . wlh.uul il a., , ',nll. ulilllv IllhCl'iilu- , ,,, ,,,fn Hun 1 1 r ci ul . i7fi cents ) el .lull 'i oil III' '
, and l.inilred dln'iisiui. I'iri'iiliu-inc. ,, , ',iii,ii i r il . ( oiiiiany, iii;tli' lo tin ,
I,' I .Ai.l.iV lodlno Winer is n.r' " I'.., .t,' 1 ,i . i Ii unl i' 1 1.-. iiii.U.iu. 1
III. Miilll , S.P. i flU'liNlW M'I'.. "'"I , iillel .111 I'UI in.'llllt. U)1(S KAllI.,jMi
'"s!!;,l!,"'l.. I i. i (ulaw Hi "Ine lllllci'i, t " ' liin.ui.'r.
' i,
rNKof thiUbt cuhinnin-imiy bu huio of a,
,V., .V Sbi tanii Vi nood iti ill MhntldN'Ht h. If
pa, "-in, j in' Mm'
t.i tii-ib'r of OruhaiiH' 1'ourt to Jatkhon 'lhonuvH
adtnlnUirator, uptui Mhldi a inortKiiiiO wiut
tni't'll lo heeiuo mo oiieiiurti pur, it mu ur
nlinu. IKI.II..V.1
rttv.t-'d, taken Into txccutlon and to be nold an
tbu piepeii) or Miuiaii L'oontimi it ire leuauiH,
A lt)
All Unit certain bulldhut localed on a lot or
pit'toof jfround tu Mouiiimi city, PoiiyiiKhum
tounhhlp, t'olumbla county and ii built on part
of lobi No. .'land I bliK k :l In the aforesaid Monta
na illy and U a story and a half building belnu
about hlxteeit tit tin fiont hvtuent)llt ftet lu
delilli. cineaooM iiauiiH m ior uiaicnait ir
..i.i,. .1 i..i ..ii 1.1 l.nlhllmr l
sh td, taken lu exeiutlon and to ho HoManlhe
prouriy if Piti ritowir,
A ictta.u hd of tirouml hlliuite In Ihe Iloruiuh
of icnlinlia, Columbia county, belnk' t.inlj
Hi- -oi t I runt unit twu bllliillid It t I tlltn.oll
uh leh U nichil uto btoiy ftaine hoiihe with
tlo appmieniinecR, iiounuui on iih hmim uj i
lot ol Mm, Mtlair.iit, ou lhoveit by Locust A - I
emu- on the hoith by lot ol Jami Man y and on
the itihi by the land of Ihe Potiikt Mouuliilu nnd I rout oinpan).
siceil, tnlvt n IncAt tiitlon ami lo he fiuld ah Ihe
properly I Harney Mcr.reat i.
1 1 ' hAMPl.I.h.N'VDr.U.hherin.
I Oelohcr I, Ptir.
'the until rhlytii'd b(K lcae to Infoim lar
Hi. ii.U and the public i-encially, that faint hai
opt lied 111
I.KillT bTlir.UT
ii irewli Moek
nl kihhW In the lino of
, mid tiummincih
in cumiUon with Prexa MaKIm; and Ii pie
pattd In addition, to
loioi-biitiw iurn
t.u Ihe hhoilet Hot loc, and lu the butt ulyln uf
the ait. PiitHM iiieupaud roru atiianoiy.
I.iKht Hlll'et.lUlober I, 107.
Take notice. Hint. I the iiiidertltinod,) do Iroui
Ihiitday huwutd loihld any piuon or pcihont
hiiiitlmiot in any way ire hasxiiiKouiny kioiuuIm,
If loiiud huUuiiiK 1 1 icy will no ot an uu aceoin
im tutaw. JU11N L. U'MW,
Oc;oUt 1I,Im17H
n-iTATK or MATTiiMV M'powkli,, ni-.e'i.
The utalerhlBnet). Auditor Appointed by the Or
i.lmns' Court of Columbia eouuly. loniaae-dMr!-Uillon
of the balance In tho hands of Peter Kut,
iitiiciiinr of Matthew M'l)oi elLofHcoll lonnshln.
lu hald county, deceased, to and amoiiK the helm
and I cunt ecu of thn detcdeut, lu tho order ehttih
itsheti ov law, win itiieiui hi (in (inn inrush, in
Hlooinsburtr. on Halunhiy, tho Dili day of Noem
her, 1mj7, at ID o'clock n. in., for the purpose of ul
lendlmt lo the tlutlPH of hi apolulinciit, when
and where all purlieu lot erected are rerptlred to
iireRent thf irelalrri or be debarred from comlny
In forahhnrof Ihe fund. K. II. 11AI.PV,
oclll'7-6t. Audttor.
Wool) loWMilur, foi.i nuii I'urfti . im- n,
TLn uiuIfikUtieit. auditor annollited h Iho Or-
i. initio' I'mirt of Columbia (outilv. lo make din-
hit idiot) of thu balance in the hand of Johnson
II, Ikeler, adinlnlfclrator ot Itohcwcll Mnllh, lain
,.i i in i nu ritd ttiw nt-hln. tlece.iheil. lo and amomi
(tie !chpcclle (KtllloiM of the 'decedent In the
ortlt r ehtablUhiit b law, will attend at hU utile
IU inooiUhinilL', on omini.i, ine iMcuiyiuhi
ilaj of Noviiulier, W!7, at ll) o'cltHd. a. in., for Iho
purptioof attendlm: to the dittleH nf hln appoint
lot mired toprihent their clalin, or he tli-bantd
fiom euinluB In fm a hhare of t he fund,
llloolilfchlirf, hejit, H,"lsT-ov.'. '
i'lilbln toylve- not let i thai on tho Tth da) of
repll ineer, u. iwi, a niiuiiiu iu i.ituHiupicy
Somo Folks Can't Sloci Night -j.
Vt it k' ..-ii Ml- LMI1..I' iK.tii '..iw rut .t.a.ltllv- i. titer-
fiom McaUnes-t ol ihe htomai h and tn.ilillt to
ilit;t ht their I'm id ; Koine bae clt eplni; cnsal lutis
ahtm; Ihe m re itbiett, or pain in tin- back, wllh
nchlnaud weatv thinbbituuf 1 I.i limbs. Ihou
hituds of ladlch sulb'i tluoimli lon iats lioin
what arecalletl PrM i.t i hmii. i s is causi d h
the relaxation of must le and iiuanunt that at
tend th tieh ut of torcc, 'I hoiisntuls ot I us.
Itiess nu u, oeruorked in mind ami ImkIj- u- up
Ihe m rous iluiil mid bet unlit lor tint or
Ihe enJo m.'iitK of lift-, i i t s In youth, and 1 he
tculble citecls of h-t-r ami ii.Hi1. invde
it ii d ct tist it ut inns and Ihe lalluro ot tin x-iu ml
flll.etlons of ht ahh. 'l'o Millett rs lioiu nil I lien-
en list ,
ofh rx an ln atuable boon a imtuial and ellh lehl
recoetyot lust powers. No pi isou, orwo
tiian, snlleilniioiu tiny catre, can atlotd lo iieit
Uct this iclutdy. 'ihe Ncillie w ill be loiihd to
post hs an cipialllm; and nuttltie pi Im pic. It
lias nihility Iur the Nei inis Pibres, nud Mipp'fe
ll.i.1.1 f.krtll,.VL-kt..llMlt Ul-Hllhtllllllt t..l.-,li '111. .i'l.
I.lkt wholesome food tahen Into (fie j
utiiieriii s rapid uu;tsiiou, iu ui-uiuum in us
prtKCM the digestive org nis, und prmluclm; a
CAI,M.S A N 1 1 'lltANtfl UdlV
unknown toany other piepaialioii. It eoniaiiis
no opium or hashecr-h, and so far horn ndiii ttu
l'ostleht'KS it Will be I-aiud ah i lllcietit ( lire lot
consuinptbiu, and has obtained n wide leiinwu
for this ptcultatltv.
"pear Poiiort The last luedlcilie pleseid id by
vou 1 obtained, and w 111 say that podd' .Nt-n hie
and ln lorutor if all that It claims to lie. I let I
like a lieu man; I sleep ut-11; h.leuoil nppcllte;
andftel htrtmser than 1 hae tor niauj .eais
piist." (Conttibllltd bv Ih. II. A, 'lut-ker, 'J'iD
I Hilton i,t inonKij u, i .
"I hae used tho Net Ine, aial llnd m sell much
btntilttd by It, p.irth ularly lu the ineitiiM nf
htu uuih ami ctue of those trmihliun M-atiou.,
.My eosiiene.H also heeint lo oe eniiieiy curt u.
1 ho medicine s on oideted Pood'o Nervine;
weh:ie takt u thrte hollies of. It is a Kitat
thiiu. M wile hajN hlio ha ratio r have one
but tie of It than lolly iIim-Ioik she lsceitafnl
bitter. PeueorrhuM cured ; don't fell the tlrtti;
Imc diwn ko luiu h i ImjwcIh mon tasler, and in
n h. iter nervous comlltlon evei.v a,"
(i. II. Martin, Cashier (iten House, Wn llinueli.
N. hlatcHthat PihhI h Ncnlno bun tmed huu
ofehronlc weakms of the htomai h. dizziness
mul hhk headache, and citatly htteiiytlieued his
David llatlh hoi tl. -T.fJ Mille-ht.. Mtot iKli 11. t urcil
of chronic muscular and nervous debility.
jonn iiiirmu, iirtM)Riyii( i, h,ijhi iti rci;u
lato the ImweU without produi'lutf cathartic tf
fcct.tpilet the nrie, and tone up thnityKtem, I
have novel used anythitiK that eijuaUcd Itond'n
rv Ine."
W, P. Ptans, lf., Kahtford, C'onu.i "Mj wl(o
huH hiifleretl for .eentern yeara wllh extieuif
nervous debility and mential prostration1 hhe
wax ludueetl b a lrie nd lo try Pr. J. W. PimhI'm
Nerv im and lueullt;a(or, ami hy Its u-c- I now
i est o red to per fit t health.
Pr, P. C, oik, Chartchtowii, Muk. : "In eiihea
or great nervous tummy, not conmieii vy nnj ;
m can it to tho leiuule oiKaulatitai mote eoiniuou i
than ainom; men, 1 1 mpo pood'H Net vine und
lnviBoralor with the happiest cittt It otceetK
lu tonic power nu thlnu thai 1 know, while Hh
action upon the bow el It all that can bo desired."
pootl'H Nervine ami luvrutlfnr!it(rlt rmploytsl
lu the .MasMU'luiHt tlx lltihpital lot Iho IhKino nl
1 o em en of Ik nci al Pebl i , Indlirestion. sleep,
hchti, Klduer Complaint. Wind Colte.autl 1 cmal
Coniplalnlh In their own families we it fer, with
peiinKscn, to Ihe follow Im; KChllcmcu 111 this
tetnltv :
P. W. Hall, t hi)., find Avenue Hotel. N. V.
W M. Pcdlie, 'fine! House, N.V.
John Williams, pollci man, .V V.
J. V . Pt(,'I.Ctt. I'M)., tlluiou-ht., Kt-itoklu,
Pi. II. A. 'tucker, ciluli n l., Phm kl n,
.1. K. Wright, t !.. At in vl lu.
Hon. W.iiu-n Chasu.ailltioiilwav, N, Y.
Porale bvall PnulhU, Pilee SJ.uj perhoillr,
11, P. htoit r A Co., PinpiUlms N. Y.
Aucnsl .'ft'. liT.
si'itiNd ani sr.MMint noons.
1 he mbscrlber h.isjust u-ei-ived and has on hand
.it Ids stoie tn (iau?i v ille, n lare and wlc 1 1
purchased at tho lowest llifiue, and which he li
tleleimluetl In ht 11 on as modi late k i iiih nt can
he pioeuied i Kewlieie In Diaiiui Vllle,
pint c.vm mi; ciu'ntp.y imuippck.
HU stock eoiHlHts of
iiA i) i i:s' on i;ss cou is,
i uoicr.-ir -tri i ami i.VTrir j. -;iios-,
Callcoi's, Muhlins, (llu!mm-t, PKniielt, Hosiery,
t VUfKr-!, lII VW u,
H.ltlm tw, Caislinels,
Coll nndes Kcutin-Ky Jeans
AC, AC,, M
(iHO('i:i:ii;ri MAt'KKHAli,
Qnecnswaie, Cetlanviiie. Ilanlwate, M.iHeines
SUKl li, oll-S I'M'JIS, .ic,
In idiort overjthlnK iisitaily kept In a country
Htoie. Tin-patronage ofhUidd ti.t-ndn am! the
pu'dk (;i'in tally, N rt -.peet fully noil -fled.
The lil-thest miukri prho aid for eounttypro
duee. Ji. K, f,0AN.
Or.insevlllc. .. JI, IN.
1 Cash Vienent
1 Caxlt PitvHt.nt
I Cash Present
I Cnnli Picftont
i cash Preacnts' of -'i,.V'W-neh .
1 llntvTvntoe conn try reslitenee
L'giUUds.Ae, tk-niianttHMi. Phlliidellthln 1",0W)
' 1),.VI
I Pile
story brkk, in
... S),(W
, 10,1X0
.!. n it o v i: it,
U nov,- tdliTinii to the puhlle liUi-t(M-k oi
1 double rehldeia1
rani It n. .1....
I Coal Pt pot, olllces, .heds, jjround, with
nu-iuess e-.iaoiisiieu, ,iti, i.m Washing
ton Asenue, Phllatlelphla 1
1 Cou ntt y residence, Ittvernl le, N.J. , with
around, trults Ac lj.uou
l i ntee-'.it i v cnn.itte, iot,,ie
i'i Valuable I uiM.ui: loin, ltiwisld,. jm
I l.Ieutint iiirnoun.imlly cairlute, hpan
of hoi hi s luy ne Aw, comt It 'e
Ul VaHiablobundlliK lotn, Illverhide, JJJl
eadi . ..
I henttiltul llt r-itnv horse, lVj hands
h'Kh.slltdhy ihe inlebtaltd tmpo-Pd
A ntiil ih Hm-si. Caliph;" also, u liht
KH I WIlKOll, weight lio pounds With set
of sui t ri.u -single hario ss Ac, tn. kin
a flisl-tkiss t mahllishmeiit. .
y) Planus each
'21 Me lodoons fJfiJTi tnth
.1 Itojtevvood newinii; inachltiex, $JHU ueh
II I nmllv 'lewlini mncdilm h, khi cuch
p:uo pld watt hes h-jxt each
W) -,jt i -dut mo-, by leading ailUl. i.-ji.-
fft'li value
It Cnud's k.dr -.haw H, i i-m-h
" Cumel'ft hair hbaw'ls '1M) each
.'i IfuudMome I.neeHhavvls'Ocach . .
11 r'ahlituere .shawls ?.Tt eaeh. -
: tl "silk ilrew pattc run, i neh
Vi city huildlni; lols ?l7icaeh
The remainder -will insist (d hip r
ware, mimical tiovin, npem classct,
pocket bibles nnd dlireient iirtt-le-
of omatnent and use, amountlm- to
y " "ji
, y ' n i x a a o o h s
cousMlns in j nit of a full line ol
C A It P II T rl,
Pine cloths and easslmer for IjhIIck' coats
HANlHO.Mi: IHlP.rf-) (KKHH,
ot all i atteihs and qualities, Inlaid, and PilnU '
id NuiioUH tiinilitieh ant prli s
intod ussoituient of
laiu:vi vim.Mu:x aAjmt.s v.vors.
Piesh HitHirkri and spite t, Nt vv assort hunt of
(iI,A.S ANU (iPPKNrl-WAUi:,
V X X O. I M A (' K 13 li 10
In one-half and onc-fttirlh ImrreU.
Now I the Hum lo make our settetloiis tut I
nin otTerluK piodn at very low prleeh, ami our
motto Is fair dt uUng to all, and not lo beundi-
ddh any. .1. J. MP.iiWPlt.
UltHjuisburf.', April Vit 1st,
Total HNi.ikw
All the propel t n h kHi n clean t im umbruni -t.
NiaKiiIoih to it-t by mull, tncioslny fiom it to
tdthcr b, Pott (ull.v (i(!ern or In u nuUiortd
loiter, td onr rlRk. Uiruer in noun should he
sent hy iltalt oi'epii-si.
lOhlures with Piiiii'inliu;.
tyihliaiiw Willi PiiKi-nvliiKS v
."iiKluieA with Hnnravlnm, t..v
T.thliautt wllh IlnmviiiKs . . u)..V
ptihliari-K Willi rngravlhffv iw
Local Aai;XTH WANTPP thnuiiihoui the Cup
led Ktntea.
1 MP. NT.
WII.l.TAM MnPlttS.
Taken UilsmethtMl of Intormlnu the eli7t'ns of
1 oiumbiuiouut.v , thai he Im. o) i in i u o'u tailor
inu ( stnbllhhiu. nt In ihe tuvi n f
i ATA IS. p.
v hi ii hi Is pre) and to luulte up on short liota (
all kinds of irenllehn u wear In the latest and
most l.udihihuble hl le. lluvlitu vtoiked at hit
busliiehs (oi sevt ml j cam lu the ip ot New S oik,
In Halters himself that hetantilvt mil ami cum
pit le s.itlhfat tlon to hit ustoi,iern at niiMomiblo
lati'H. He imai iinlecH llio -
v r; u i ii ii h j
P I T K .
orthoworU need not be taken. Ml wt.ik will
ht) h poured before, niokliur.ho Unit tl.t re hhall bo
' Hhop hrj,uio liahiy'r Prick Puildin,,, Mnln ( u 7T u- m 'T'
htieet, catawihsa. Pa. Itec Ivort fortlm W ahhliiKtnn Library Co,
A Hhareof ruhllepnliomipe in rt s i rl fully holle
led, kR. liai nu lit tateiiillv chimed and ie
ailed on the Hhoilent notlee. 'hepti't,7-aiit.
The AtKKiiatIon have np'Milnted ax Iktelverx,
Missi. (IbotitjK A. CuoKi; A Co., whose well
known lid curtly and buhlucts t pei It nco will b
n ttuillolt. ut Btmiantco tliat the nvoui-v mtimited
to them wtiP'i promptly npplled lo ihe puipot-t
ritit.M.i lit' , P v., Ma .a, 10".
7' ttu Off -in ami .Vfini' im fftf f''(vio, f-.H T.i-
fcitlfn., .V. d. It HAD, S, rrchtry.
ikutlenuu : On reei ipt ot jour i-tv n oi ih
Pah, uotif.v .iu t.s oi out appo mmt ut as He
eei vein fur our Cotni i in , we took the liberty to
nubmli a t opj of "t.i ihtikr, wllh a plan oi
oiir ehterpfsi to the Idid'cid hifat authoilty m
thn stat', and having retclvetl his lav oral le
oilulou In rcrd to Uh legality, and hj uipalhU
liu with Ihe heiievok nt of our .Woclu
Uon.vUi iheedtieallon and timluteiiaiieo of the
oiphau chlldicn of our i Mlers aiuUailorit nt th
Itlver-'de Inilllute, we hue cwnciuded toaceep
iho i ru-i, nnd to use nm t i ttrojii to promote,
eo "-..tthy an objtvi,
lleleeifiily,ours Iv.,
OKO. A.i ouKk A tt.
Addrt ht all let! era and older Pi
(ipo. A, ecoici; a co Hv-nktrs
MHouth Third street, Phltsidelphlit, ISi.
vtaa hkiud against Iho thlale td I'lUha P. Ikuloii
or 11 uoiosbiim. in i m luliutv ol Columbia, aial
statu of pi niiki ivaukt, who hut btiu ieljudicd a
of lUuomsLuiK, lu Hid luunti ot Coliiui
lltlon; thai tliejiuynunt
ITV Ol ailV lilil'ilIV Ik'
loiiuinii lofciuli Paukiupt, tohlm.ov f ir hU use,
iiial the traUkler ol uuv i ioocilv hv him are lot
bidden by law ; thai a imetlim of the Creditor ot
onn liKio: i,aiii:s.
MlMnrillN'll NKW. Mrs..Iillls .iinl.Mlss
K uie M. ltiiri-lii i 111 n.. u, i.n Hit' .htiii I nf Miilll
nml Wrst si i is ii.lllooin.liiirif, mi tlin nliitli ilay
uf (i. ii.l'ir,
A l.AllirJi'lllllt (Ull.lllll'..S'n f.lslllllMAIII rimiK
I'.ITritMilld lUtlMHMIOIll ,
Wit It mi . llllirty ii. v iisfcortmi'lll nf 111.. Usl,
I iti'st iill.J Iiiosl laslllnllithl.' His. I., .villi iniIIiiih
llllil .tl I OS tit IIIIIK ll. llllil 111 ri'lUlillillllO I IlllS. 111! 1
ll.tltt'l' Hit ins.'li i's Unit llii'i tun hi .' iiiiuliiiliits
Urn sul'l lliilll.llll'l, It. .nil u llu ii .litis, ulul I i UK I'd' Ili'lll in i ..ill''ili'
Ch'. Ulil ! II mo (slklll'i .1.11. , will VUI litllll II1IK I'll) .11 I v i il .11 sl-ik
I. ulil i'mirt nf llitiikriiili. lu in., li' tl. ii nt iin.ts..i,iii.iii i... t tn
tliti l.xi'll.lliKH llul.l, III lllisiliisliliri, tullllillilu i ii, ( r ( is -
( mill, Hll'l nuiii' i'i . . .... .j, li. .'Mi. t.u"
iviuu iivi'iiun.jr.
jjl.OOMSlil'HU FANCY '.'Itl.M-
fni-ntiil iliior lieluw's.Miilii Htrci't.
Just rtfdii'il ti iten stud; ul
COll'-KTS, I.Al'IX, HMIIllOIDiailCS,
MUHMN r.lKll.Nds, llltK-ss TltlM.MINU.
umH'M'r inlK'tj'iif iirllol.siuuiill; U. in In it
M'ttnul. I'.niiKH, IIV.MN llitdKK. llllil
Qii'l a titruit tut ut
Mls.l.KU.ANW)l'i4 IKlftKM,
iiinl a Kiuiiral unit w.-tt-sclcciuO usuriiiuiit nt
l'AI'Kll. KNVKMU'KH, i
A. IL Wit ITU.
,1. II. I'l'USlX.
Aiilliiirlxt'il AKi-tit 11 Illu.insl'iirij ittitl vUlultji
July iMlTul,
jmu; kkyhtom:
.S T It 1 1
ri.ovKU sr.KD
r i: u.
l"ATI.Nr..ll (H-.l-HI'll V, ISIHI,
litis KllilplH, lllnligli i rn-t'tlv.'1llll.'lllno Waillllll
ti'tl Uyiill s. Itim 111.' idwitnt-r. lulie Hit' uiusl itns.l
1U1 t.'' 1UI RHIIH HUH I'lllVlT hl'l'll i I'l illMt'ov.'Hsl,
til 111 111
. iiitui' (run l'o iu ii i. .1 I lit i
Ittisit ulituw iiilnit.if Its iinii'lli'iil ntllllv
til .'IHtVllH-0 I lis.
i it mo loiiu- piiiutNiNoi tuuKuUerilwr,
uwibhii iuw itHiiip i ommuiuuiuiy, on
Bemi i on, j'lTi.i'. , i omnw orih vt
oil J lie oV in t l it tji( I i( to i nun toj
I no t ih 1 1 'if u '.tin iwim-i
dlb ' o. w
It Klrlt tho clover heVt ln.m ihoktniu
tliuhliuw hlaiidliiti up hi the ground. It Hcill
I tlinwn by one hore, end uuulrrM but one man or
' bov to vi'oi k It,
11 Iriiompacl, simple In stnictun , and not llu
. uie io get out ol old r, mul tan I hi lu upl u it up.
Tin (rreut ftdvantiu-e In iIi!h machlmi Is wo
liavt the wed i a the ml iu the t hull, r ady for tho
elovt'i' null or huller, beddcH Hnvlns tho urea
ImiKtliof lituoard ItiUtrol mnv inu, hntuUlna and
tin AtUna it fi-oni the si iav, It will uttopav ev
ery lUtlllH' lotutlicf Iijh mmI uilh lliln machine,
mi t ceoiint of tin M'tv in,t oi ;ii si o w : i -i, (Jt,t
U !) old way of i'atljeilu it,
I Kttniordtuuij' luduiviuuiUoitt ed to c ut rgipj
men wiiovvoh topurt'liaKeHtnteor county Ptutd
r'r pfti titdi'.j-mldi'.'
JanU tfT.i Columbai t ""int.v, pa
rt, bt 4t- T .
No. i Ni.nN itui 1 irt.,
I'll 4 't Ipli'K,
'"' ! a i'i-("v.ii.'.its i.m.u. n. a,.. .i ..mi t i-i-1
lllllMAb H..IUIWI.I V, I -tv liliist nl'liruviil :,lvli. ul I III till itiiNK X nl it" l
i-i"it it
t . li. Muulml. j I litllilllf hit-1
Ills I l
lictil.v 1 m! ( O Inni,
111 I III llllHtl IN S I I'lP i.'
i, I . HI I.'
Yt, '"-' ' NJ'VT AM) CIIKAI
' t
T Hit ' 1 MUIAN OITll'K