l.-JJ.. USHSHSI" THE COLUMBIAN, ELOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. NEWS ITEMS. PS-(ten. Orlffln died nt Oalvestnn lately of yellow fever. IWr President Lincoln's conch Is offer ed for snle In New York, V. -'len. Sheridan lias an Interview with (leu. (Irani 011 Saturday. DWfl'he private bank-, of- Chicago hold an aggregate of -?."i,r-0(l,iMW. tor-Saul-) Anna, His thought, will escape with Ills life, but loso his property. tijjf Kx-Mayor Withers, of Mobile, has not asked the President to reinstate him. jisiT Mscobedo, Diaz anil Juarez are considered the candidates for Mexican Pre-ldency. Ssfr- Queen Vlctorl"poppcd the ques tlon" to Prince Albert. Ladles, gonnd do likewise. jtB-Thntl. Stevens is n true prophet, lie prophesied n Itadlcal defeat In Penn sylvania. S- The Hoston M thinks Forney came home Just In time to help us in Pennsylvania. SrOtptaln I.ott, of tho Cunnrder Persia, has crossed tho Atlantic three hundred and forty-live times. nSf Crop accounts from the interior of Xorth Carolina are very favorable In regard to the cotton crop, WT There aro reports of trouble in theStoiiington Hank, Connecticut, and the cashier Is said to be missing. t(p- A frenchman, named J. .1. I'er rlner, inmmitted suicide in Xcw York lately by shooting himself with a pistol. J-eT front Key West we learn ithat tlio yellow fever Is abating at the Dry Tortugas, and tho officers are out of ilangrr. for A rlro In a lumber yard at Troy X. Y., 011 Sunday night, destroyed 1, 1)00,0110 feet of lumber and two horses. I.o-s is!,-l,(K)0. far In Virginia every negro over nineteen years old Is registered to vote. This is a special privilege not granted to "White trash." 5P Primary elections are to bo held In Moxlco on tho 22d, when a vote will also bo tnken on certain amendments to the constitution. teirThecltii'.pns of Montana aro call ing for Government interference, to stop the Indian outrages, or to let them do It themselves. Kay-Advices by the table from Lisbon state that tlieallied forceson the Parana had achieved some succoss over the Taraguyano. Santa Anna has not yet been tried. The general impression Is that he will not bo executed, but that his os tate will be confiscated. . BO Prohibition has so demoralized the Maiuc palate that boys at Machias fill old rum bottles with water and sell them for whisky, and nobody knows the difference. & James Piper, the sam? 0110 that played before Moses, died last Thurs day .somewhere in Massachusetts, at the ngooflOl years, jtlus. Ills sight, his hearing were etc., etc. and ho was a freemason. Sair'l'he Xew York Herald gives cur rency to a story to tho effect that a prominent Massachusetts politician, who held a high commission In tho army, has had a detectivo dogging tho move ment, of Gen. Grant for a long time, foriwy's Press Individualizes tho pol itician as Hen Butler. It is a business suited to any of tho Radical breed. ISTA private letter from New Or leans gives an even more deplorable picture of tho terrible condition, of things thero than Is to bo found In the newspapers, and that is bad enough. Under tho conviction that the fever would hold its own till October at least, all who havo thomeans to lenvn tho city aro coming away. tivg- The last Radical Connecticut Leg islature spent ?I00 In whisky for Its members. Tho present Legislature has a committee Investigating tho matter. This shows that tho political change in that .Statu Is likely to expire the not "grand moral idea" doing of tho Radi cals, a similar change in Pennsylvania and In Congress would result with equal benefit to the people of thl- State and nation. Stir John M 'Green and Charles Ken ucy, of Kelly's Island, swam a racoon Lake F.rio, fron Kelly's Maud, toward the main land, at Marblehead, a ills, taneo of four miles and a half, When they had swam three miles Kenney was o far behind that lie gave up, ami got into the accompanying boat. M'Green kept on, and readied Mar blehead injust two hours and a half, milking the eutlriidlstauco without halt or rest, He smoked, chewed tobacco, drank wine, and snug songs on tho way. He seemed very little fatigued. Thls'is the most extraordinary swimming feat on record. " ij-Isaac Taylor emigrated from Eng land to Cleveland nt an early age. I To commenced by hlacklns boots, got a small farm In Michigan, engaged in the Wisconsin lumber trade, and became rich, from his own experience in or phanhood he formed tho determination to found an orphan nsyhun. This Ids widow has done. Tim endownmcnt I nearly ir0,O(iO. Tho asylum is. situated at Had ne, Wisconsin. uir Mrs. Hurlny, living in Vincen lies, Ind., on Wednesday evening last, attempted to pour coal oil on somo hot coal to make It burn morn rapidly when the oil Ignited, bursting tho can, and setting her clothing on lire. She ran out Into tho yard, screaming "lire," when somo of tho neighbors ran to her aid, tearing her clothing from her, but before they could do ho she was mos( horrible burned. It Is not expected that she can live, e-Sr Jules Maud, of Philadelphia, died few days "Inco in Paris. IIo wns form erly the largest mnnufactuor of perfum ery in this country. iiir A deputation from Jackson, Twin, am In Nmhvillo, urging Gov.Hrownlow to withdraw tho militia, who nro com mitting all sorts or depredations on tho citizens. &-Auiong the Inst ordors received at Oinnt'ii headquarters from Gen. Grif fin Is 0110 abolishing all distinction, on account of race orcolor, with passengers on railroads nnd steamboats. tiflJ-The extraordinary growth of veg - etatlon in Florida Is truly astonishing, It Is reported that thoro is nearSt. John (only by tliu greatest euro and closest In- tlmt In duo time. Hut among thoso aslnglo tomato plant, spreading ko ) spcctlon. Mostoftho "-.TO lloiids being kuowi. to ho "workers of Iniquity" In tho b.inyau tree, which has entirely interest-bearing and payable in curreii-1 tills business, whoso agency in it is un coverud 11 bod eighteen feet square. It cy, nro held in this country; therefoio disputed, what one has been held to n had produced itbout tx bushels of fruit 1 tho loss to European governments will ' Just responsibility V Col. Stewart went up to the latter part of August, and was lie comparatively small, hut thudlseov- away and the last wo heard of him ho tlll producing a bushel or niorii being ery of this gigantic swindlo may depro-1 was before a Military Court upon a tin It sonierliww at once. elate the value of our bonds abroad. Jrhnrgn ef fraud nnd rascality, Tho $t ojolumhinn. HI.OOMSIU'KC!, 15A. h'lllllAV .IIOHMMI, OCT. II, lull. tr Till: CUM MIIIAN li"" Oil- l.iUKl L'lrriilnllittl III t'oliiinlilA ntitl fitljnliilllfr rnlllltlf of nil)' intrr tillillnllril lirrr, mill U Alio n inurli InigTr shttl tlmu mi) of If, colt nt itl-nrltM mill tlirrr rnrr tlif l,f ,1 mfilliim for ml, crllsltiK In I'll' tirrllnii of I hi- Hlalr. THE COLLAPSE OF KADICAL ISM. iiro now nlilc to Mntis KiMii'nil ri' Mitt In sovonil Static In wlili'lu'lci'tloii" linvu lii'L'li lu'lil llio iiri,-i'i)tiiiolitli, liitli ciitlnir tin1 ureal rlr.tiigi Hint l Ruing " tlir. UK'li'iiil lliuinuiilry in prlille opln lun. lly oilk'liil report, Sliuriwimil I-i elect cil Judge of tlio Supremo t'liurt of this Stnte, by 11 majority of Til. Tills h not large, but It Is pullk'lent, and compivred with rc tilt.- In former year, It U mint NitNfiU'tory. ( ienryV majority lat year wai and llartmnftM for Auditor (iencral in lsr,.",,vaiover'Ji),iMMi. The great ltepiibllean niajorltle" of for mer yeari are wiped out, and n r-core begun on tbe xlile of Democracy and Conervntl-iii, the magnitude of which will bo lncro!v-cd at future election-". In thoHlatc l.egi-latnro there Is a gain of two Democratic Senators and eight or ten members of the Ilou-e. The. political ouiple.vion of the legis lature, would in fact, be changed, were it not for tlio tm fair ne.s of tho ext-tlng ipportlonment law by which members are distributed throughout the State. Philadelphia well lllu-trates the Iiijus tlcuof the law; for while there is a large Democratic majority In that city, the Iludlcal minority have the greater number of Itepre-entatlves. Still, the legislature will not be very unequally divided between parties. In Oliio.tlie Governor N still In doubt, though It Is reported that General Hayes has a -mall majority. The vote will be very clo-e. The ltadlcal ma jority Inst year in Ohio was over (U.noo, and it was -till greater in former years. This enormous majority is now over thrown. In the Icgi-laturo there Is n Democratic majority in both branches. Henjaniiti V. Wmle, Itadlcal Senator from that State, and President of the United States Senate, will therefore bo defeated for re-election, and a Democrat boehofcnin his place. The proposed amendment to the. Constitution of Ohio, allowing negroes to vote In that State and disfranchising deserters, has been voted down by an enormous ma jority. It Is said to be tn,0D0 or .'0,(1011, and maybe more. There was no election, wo believe for general or State olllcers lu Indiana; but tho local and district elections mIiow largo Democratic gains and a political revolution of the State. In Iowa tho Democratic gains aro al so very large: though full returns have not been received. In Connecticut, tho town elections show a decided majority for tho Demo crats, insuring the next legislature mid the cholco of an antl-ltadlcal Senator from that State upon the expiration of Mr. Dixon's term. These results aro already achieved and no doubt is entertained, in any intelli gent quarter, that New York will go against the Radicals next month by a decided vote, thus giving tho finishing blow to Itadlcal Reconstruction, Xegro Suffrage and Impeachment. Radicalism has collapsed. In all States which havo held elections tho present year, there has been a decided reaction against it an exhibition of popular hostility to its system of despotic rule, debased suff rage and lawless encroachment upon the Constitutional powers of the Kxec utlvo department of tho federal (fnv ernmcnt. Tho people havo seen power slipping out of their hands and perver ted and utilised by those who usurped it. They havo chosen to Interfere in defense, of their own rights, and against pernicious and dangerous measures of public policy thrust upon the country without itscon.sentby tho Congressional majority. Mint salutary consequences will follow from this exerti.m of popu lar power. The patrons of despotism, of corruption, of social and political de generacy, have lecelved an admonition which they will be compelled to heed uniler penalty of .still greater displea sure hum their masters, the people. If, in spiteof the elections, they shall per sist in the mad and lawless career which they have recently pursued, power will bestlll further taken from them In the elections of tin coming year. In other word-, tho strong condemnation now pronounced upon them, will hofollowcd by one still more decisive and effectual. 1.1'nTjtn from Tliaddeus Stevens, re ceived ill I'hilnilelpliia, state that it is Ids iuleution to urge upon Congress on their meeting in November, two mea sures which ho regards as essential for the safety of tho country. The tlr.st is a general Impeachment law declaring otfeuces upon which an nlllcer may bo Impeached and prohibiting Ids holding office during his trial. The second law provides that no State shall havo power to prohibit citizens of the Cnlted States from voting, on iiicount of race, color or religion. This latter law which e tablislies Impartial "-ulfrago throughout tho Union, lintf tlio (fleet of idiolUhing State Constitutions, and is similar to tho bill introduced by Mr. Sumner at the last session of Congress, and which was tabled until after tho election. Mr. Stevens does not mention where he gets his authority for a-siniilng Mich power, nor Is it likely ho ever will. Tun Into extraordinary discovery of fraudulent 7-30 Houds, has thrown tho country Into an Intense state of excite ment. These counterfeits aro admira bly executed so well In fact as to do-ceis-o oven tho experts lu tho largo Hanking houses of New York and else where. It Is denied by somo that thesonr counterfeits, but aro over issues, basing their heller on tho dllllciilty of so suc cessfully Imitating such dellcatoaud In tricate engraving, and upon tho great expense of tho machinery and plates 1 uccowary therefor, llu this an it may, 1 there Is undoubtedly a large amount of . Iheso fraudulent bonds thrown upon thocouimimlty which cm hu delected COLUMBIA COUNTY OFFICIAL ELECTION KETUUNS; MUJIiH OC'l'OHEIi 8th, 1807. Norn'. Demoe-als, In roman j Republicans, In italics. -p - m.' -ri-x--3-i , SCI. JL'lvTt:. sHSKU. NIIKItllT. TltKV. ro.COM. J f a -s I- X It t i I I 1 1 Denver Ill" 2n H',7 -0 1(1" "0 107 ) 107 -0 107 1!0 107 20 ltenlon 171 "il 174 fin 171 fid 171 fin 171 ) 171 fiO 171 fin Horwlekltir HZ H7 00 !I2 Oil SMI 00 H2 00 IK! 00 2 00 112 Hlooni 2MI 201 200 27J1 2011 27.') 270 27!) 270 27il 270 27.'1 270 27.'! ltrlnr Creek. Ho .11 112 fil HI 10 H.'I fill 142 fil H2 fit 112 fil Catawl-sa.... 1!I7 Ififl I.'IO lfiS lKfi tfiS liK 15S 130 Ifis 1,10 ifis 1!!0 IfiS Centralla Ho Kill 77 107 77 101 77 107 77 107 77 107 77 107 77 Centre ins OS 170 00 17K fiS 170 till 170 00 170 00 170 (if) Conyngham int 111 12!) 02 120 !12 120 !12 1211 i!2 12!) .'12 120 .'12 fishing Ck.. 22!) fill 220 fiS 22fi fiS 220 fiS 220 fiS 220 fis 220 JS Franklli fil ! fil H fil Is fil is fil is fil is fil is Greenwood.. 170 112 17.1 111 17.1 11.1 17.1 111 17.1 1M 17.1 111 17.1 1M Hemlock Hi) 02 Ml fi!) 1,11 00 Ml 00 Ml 00 Ml 00 M0 00 Jackson 102 I Iil2 fi 102 fi 102 .1 102 fi 102 fi 102 fi Locust 217 00 218 !Hi 21$ 'JO 218 !HI 217 07 218 00 218 00 Madison 1&0 00 100 a;) m 30 180 10 100 !W ISO ill) 187 .TJ Maine Ill) 11 100 12 10!) 12 100 12 100 12 103 12 100 12 Mltllill 195 !)S ISO 3!) 187 3S 1S6 3.') 180 39 ISO 3!) ISO 30 Montour (It 10 (It 10 01 10 01 IS 01 10 (il 10 01 40 Mt.Plc.lsant 87 01 8S 0.1 88 01 87 01 8S (1.1 87 05 88 0.1 Orange 110 00 130 GO 131 01 140 00 110 00 130 00 110 (in Pine 88 2S 87 20 87 20 87 20 87 2!) 87 29 87 20 Roaring Ck. fin 3.1 fin 31 fio 3-1 fin 3.1 fin 3.1 00 3.1 fin 3.1 Scott 123 122 121 121 120 123 120 121 121 121 121 121 121 123 Sugarloaf.... 12S IS 12S 18 128 18 128 IS 128 18 128 18 128 18 Totals,. .3 1.13 1090 3118 1091 3112 1000 3117 1088 .1119 lOOfl 3U7 1091 ilHO liiiil 1(!!)0 1001 1001) 108S 1000 1001 1(101 Majorities. 17.17 17fil 17J2 1750 1753 1753 1752 THE NEW ASSISTANT AS SESSOR. "DANini.M'HKN-itv of fort Mifflin celebrity, has been appointed 0110 of Hob. Clark's Assistant Assessors. J. II. Ikeler and J. S. Woods aro left out li the cold." -Innmtin launty llrpub lirmi. This taunt against Mr. M'llonrymay not so funis ho Is concerned) require any answer In n community wheru he and his assalhmt aro both known; but It affords an opportunity for recalling public attention again to the persecu tion to which he was subjected. It is truo that Mr. M'llenry was nr rested by military power, along with other peaceful citizens, on tho last day of August 1801, and confined for seve ral months, in Krt Millllu: And It Is also true that an odious celebrity lias attached itself to the transaction and not upon him. The imprisonment of Mr. M'llenry was against law and in contempt of justice, and therefore disgraceful to his enemies (among whom tho Editor of the itjiiiblicaii was conspicuous,) Hut as to Mr. M'llenry himself, ho was completely vindicated by his trial which took place before a Military Commiss ion at 1 Iarrisburg. He teas honorably aiul fully acquittal upon all the charges made ayutwst him. IIo met nnd answered ev ery point which enmity and malleo could allege, to tho satisfaction oven of the hostilo and Irresponsible tribunal beforo which ho was tried. Hut let us consider tho Injustice and hardship of this case, dUtlnct from tho decision ultimately rendered. 1. The Military Jurisdiction, assumed over Mr. M'llenry was entirely law less. Tho plainest provisions of tho constitution of tho United States and of the constitution of Pennsylvania wero dolled In his arrest,lmprisonment ami trial. If there could havo been nny doubt of the rank illegality of the pro ceeding it would havo been dispelled by the decision of tho Supremo Court of tho United States in tho Mllligan case from Indiann, in which an arbitrary arrest and trial of a civilian by military pow er was branded by strong Judicial con demnation. Hut the question was per fectly clear before that decision was made and none of those engaged In tho persecution of Mr. M'llenry wero ig norant of the fact that they wero tramp ling upon his legal rights. Tho fact was.thcy cared nothing for constitutions for laws or for tho rights of tho citizens, because their passions and stlllshucss alono dictated their conduct. 2. Mr. MIIenry was imprl-oned for many months in a disagreeable and un healthy prison, during alt which time lui was denied atrial or hearing of his ca-e before any authority whatever, re gular or irregular. Ho was thus se verely punished without being heard. Resides, tho privilege of giving bail for his appearance was refused tohim when ho made application for tho purpose. 3. The expense thrown upon Mr. M'llenry isdefunding himself was most Loppressivo and scandalous. Ho was put upon trial one hundred miles from homo and obliged to call a large num ber of wltties-Mi that distance to refute tho falsehoods and hearsay evldencu of the prosecution. Then, tho trial did not comooll'at tho time fixed by the prosecution, and ho was, obliged to havo his witnesses in attendance a second time. It was also necessary to employ counsel and pay thcni.and to incur other heavy expenses. A littlo miscreant named Wes-els, acted as Judgo Advo cate during a part of tho tlme,& had the case adjourned after tho Defendant was ready for trial. Kventuallyajudgiuent of complete and honorable acquittal was wrung from the military tribunal by the facts, but the Defendant boro tho costs and charges of Ids defence. There was no law for their payment by tho Government or by unv responsible prosecutor and ho had to bear them himself, heavy as they were. IIo was compelled to expend moro than $2,000 in tho unequal contest with arbitrary power nnd political malice beforo ho could re-cuo himself from prison nnd from all Imputation of crime or mis conduct. It cost an Innocent man tho price of a small farm to defend himself against intolerant, base and wicked scoundrels whosought his destruction ; I. This prosecution of a citizen has 1 not been avenged or punished, nor Iins ue nan any reures, uisiruoino nam- cal Instigators of kldnnpplng nnd out rage In this county havo been well whipped nt ourelectionseverslncolROt, nnd this year their party lias conio to grief generally lu the county ; but they have not ft It tho hand of remedial Jus tice directly applied In behalf of their victims. Their secret charges against their neighbors ; their letters, and afll davits and statements, nro still hid awny from public observation. Thoy may suppose these memorials of Infa my will always bo suppressed, along wllli the whispered f.dslioods which ac companied 1 1 1 1-111 . Wo shall see about 1 2 miscreant Wcssels lias wandered "t 1 parts unknown." That bag of folly General 1). X. Couch went home to Mns-achusetts, ran for Governor, nnd got soundly whipped ; Cadwallnder re tired upon his laurels (not green but black) to his palatial mansion in Phila delphia. Tho military instruments of Radicalism disappeared from tho sceno slipped away went ofT were scatter ed. Hut tho civilians who instigated tho Invasion and rejoiced over its vllo work ; who applauded tho kidnapping of their neighbors nml the wicked Im prisonment and mock trials to which they were subjected ; who sought out false testimony orencouraged those who dld,thnttho innocent might bo oppress ed thereby; who spread abroad calum nious reports upon their own section and calculated nicely tho number of freemen who by imprisonment and by threats could bo kept from tho polls Mate men (ltd not go off, they nro still here, and they aro known ! nt least some of them nro known. Hut not 0110 of them lias been molested bj tho law or by personal violence. Their guilt is known, but they nro per mitted to live in security nnd peace. They are, thus far, held amenable only to public opinion and their Intolerance, lawlessness and persecuting spirit, re bukedat the litills. Offices nro withdrawn from thorn or withhold from them, nnd their political power Is broken down by tho volcooftho people. This however Is not punishment but merely Justice; It Is not oppression but policy nnd thnt dictated by tho public good. Hut forbearanco by their victims and by tho people, must not bo misunder stood. Itnrises from tolerant princi ples, from n christian spirit, from high considerations of expediency and mag nanimity and not from fear, from sub serviency or from respect for tho op pressors nnd their works. The latter aro held in abhorrence nnd will contin ue to bo held up to Just reprobation in future. One other thing may also bo under stood, and that Is, that tho kidnappers and persecutors must control their inso lence hereafter and treat at least with civility tho men whom they have wronged. They aro not to bo allowed with impunity to taunt honorable and Innocent men with their Imprisonment in fort Miultn,onvltht!iolr"celebrity" as victims of despotism and outrage, for whenever tills shall bo attempted It will bo reannounccd and proved, that tho kidnappers themselves instead of their victinis,aro stamped with an infa mous "celebrity" which they cannot shake off or remove, Mr. M'Honry'a appointment as As sistant As-essor Is most lit and timely, audit is all the moru fit and timely bec.iusu of his lormer persecution. It is but Just that favor should bo extended to one who has been Injured and oppress ed lu tho namo of tliu Government, and who will discharge the duties to which hols assigned with intelligence, fideli ty and energy. Mr. Clark's, reorganization ofhlsrevo uue district is a measure of true reform. lie dispenses with unnecessary olllcers and by his selection ot Assistants se cures an intelligent and faithful execu tion of the revenue laws throughout thu district. In.fact, the Assessor's oillco of tills district is under nblo manage mom, and Its administration is sustain ed by public opinion. Tho Editor of the llejntblican vents his spite against Mr. Clark to no purpose, lie thinks it is smart to call him "Hob Clark" in his newspaper, whereas It Is simply low and vulgar. Ho supposes that his fre quent denunciation of tho same gent Io nian will have somo effect witli tho pub lie, whereas It falls still bom because every body understands his .motive, which Is, to revvngo himself for tho loss of olllce. The Uepublican complains that Mr. Ikeler and Mr. Woods"are loft out In tho cold." They uro not removed,but they nro not reappointed as Assistant Assess ors under tho now arraugement of sub districts. As tlio districts wero reduced lu number, a single Assistant was to lie appointed in pluco of tho two former ones and It was proper that a Conserva tive should bo preferroddn making tho now selection. Wo suppose tho old Assistants, as good Radicals, will feel n deep sutlsfactlon in being relieved from service under Andrew Johnson; Tur, Cincinnati Commercial an tho Cincinnati datette two of tho leading papers of Ohio, which havo hero tu foro favored Impeachment havoundergono u charge of opinion en tho subject within the past few days. Tho Commercial says that tlio impeachment question seriously damaged tho Republican par ty In tho lato election, nnd hopes thnt Congress will not bo liisauo enough to press tho matter further. Tho (lazede thinks "the opportunity bus passed nnd the grent necessity will bo shortened to a brief time beforo tliu trial could bo completed." It might have said, before the trial could be com n dual If wo aro to Judgo by tho pro gri'rs which has been made under moro favorable auspices. Certainly elections have a wonderful effect lu convincing Eowo men of the wror of their ways. THE INTERMENT OP THE LIN COLN MURDERERS. Washington, Oct. 3 Iwl". On Tuesday last, lu accordance with orders received nt tho Washington Ar senal by General Ramsey, Command- untof tho Post, from General Grant, Secretary of War, the bodies of tlio as sassination conspirators, as also tho body of Wlrz, tho Atidersonvllle Jailer, wore removed from their graves anil relnterred lu another portion of tlio grounds. Tills removal was rendered necessary in consequence -of tho projec ted Improvements oithonrsenalgroutids and as the contractor for tho removal of the old Penitentiary building was about to commence Hint work. Tho body of Hootli was burled In what was known us the wnreroom of the Penitentiary building. It was In closed In an nuimtmltiim bov, and tlio grave was filled up with dirt, tho brick flooring was replaced. The burial hav ing been accomplished, the windows were boarded up and tho door made se cure, Secretary Stanton taking the key witli him. The key was kept nt the War Department until 11 few weeks since, when it was returned to the Ar senal olllcers. On tho receipt of the order for the re moval of the bodies, Including that of Hooth, on Tuesday, labmers were at onceset to work, and soon accomplish ed tho work, taking the bodies from the graves before mentioned and carry ing them to warehouse No. I, where a trench was dug, a few feet from the north wall in which the In idles, were placed and as secrecy was ennlucd, but few persons were aware that the remov als had been made, it would seem from lids account, that the government does not Intend to give up tliu bodies to the relatives. Tho bodies of Hnoth, Payne, Harold, Atzerodt and Wlmmd Mrs. Surrat, now rest in a common grave. THE OATn-BOUND PARTY. Tin: Radical party as It is now organ ized seems to bo run by secret oath bound associations, first thero Is tho Loyal League, which meets in secret and swears Its members with all the solemnity of tho old Know Nothings. Tills is ma le up of government contrac tors, Radical spies, and oillco holders, and forms tho right wing of tlieirparty. Then there Is the Grand Army of tlio Republic, mado up of tho hangers-on to the lato Union army, and the negro soldiers. They aro bound together by oaths, and forms the left wing of the Radical party. It is not strange that this combina tion should bring forward nn old Know Nothing for Secretary of State. That Is tho kind of material that tliey would naturally favor. The real character of tho association known as tho Army of tlio Republic, is seen in their opposition to a person liko General Harlow who was n live general In tlio war and did valuablo service, and their support of a member of Caseins M. Clay's White house guards, whoso duty it was to pre vent all save those olllce seekers of tlio truo Radical stamp from approaching tho President. All this is hut n natural sequence to tlio character of their organ ization. It is these two recent organizations that Governor Kenton Uses to run the party lu his interest in the Stale. What care they whether the record of their candidates is in direct lolation of the platform? Deception is tlio fruit tlmt all secret, oath-bound political organi zations live on. Tho convention adopt ed a resolution modifying die Kxci-o law, yet nominated a Maine-law man for Secretary of Slate and an avowed prohibitionist of tliu btrlcte.-t type for Judgo of tlio Court of Appeals. Tho convention denounced coiiuptlon In office, yet nominated n man for Canal Commissioner who has been tried and punished for his deeds in tliat line. Such is the record that they present the public. H'oWif. BLOOriGBUHG IjITBHAHY INSTI TUTE. At n meeting of the Uii.iril of l'riisiei'S of the ltloomsbur Iiller.iry Insfiuiie, at the Miliary ltoniii of tliu Institute, September 2"th, 1S07, nn nmtitin, Juliu (i, I'rcezo was eulleil to tliu elmlr, imd Conrsul Ilitteiilientler wits elioseil Keere tary. 1 lavlntr uxtimineil tliu Uullillnpi, leneuiiml uroumls, at tliu request of tliu Iltlildiui;' Committee, anil vUltul the .Schools, In whleh already two hituilral and thirty students are utt end lug uimn Imoiisly llenolred, That our tlianhs tire due to Leonard 11. Kupert, l'eter lllllmeyer, and KredeiieU (.'. ICyer, the liuililluir Ciiuunlttee, upon the completion of the Jltnomxbttrt Lilt rary Institute luidiiiyn and tliearraiijfemeiit of the e;roiiuilsntul funeu about the Kline, anil that as Mich eommittiu they lie hereby tllseharced. Ilesotrat, That we are greatly indebt ed to tlio Indomitable pei'severance anil energy of, 1'iof. Henry t'liiver for the splendid Mieces whleh lias atleniled the erection of a Jluilding and the Inau guration ofa llri-t ela-.s School in Illoonis burg, and wo tender lilui our hearty thanks and continued confidence. Jlesoticd, Tlmt wo can now oiler to the public tliu advantages, of a School second to nonu in tlio State for beauty and iiealthfulness of location, fur con venience of access from nil parts of tlio country,, uml for thoroughness of In struction In all branches of education. J. O. FHKKZK, Chairman. V, IliTTr.xiiHNDlili, Herniary, THE RECOHD. JlAJOMTiiis lu Columbia County slnco 18")0, when Montour4' County wtu crectiM. lfiril, IUkIlt for Oovurnor 18oi. IMercofor Prcsidont 1851, IJItfh'r for (lovcrnor , 18fi, EiH'lmntui for PrcvltUut., Ifc57, 1'ncker for tiovrruor 16b'(K Foster for Governor 1,017. IK17. 781. l,lu;i. i,l:u((. 41 Jlrceklnrhlgu niul Doulus for President 570. 1MJ.1, Wootlwnrd for (Jt)vernor.... 1,511 IfMil, K'OHIl lOr lTOhUU'IH I.itl-. 18(1(1, Clymer for Governor 1,(118, ISH7, HluHWooil for .Iiulo of tSu- prcino Court. 1,757. Hum Mouat 1iu:ak. Tlio llinlk-als htylu their purty, tlio "party of hlIi inornl Itlcns," "tho iirosveKvo party, etc." It U truo their Ideas of govern ment aro novel mul In ndvaneo of llielr opponents, hut unfortunately, their course U tlownwnrtt'iuul hackwanl llko that of n ealf's tall. Their policy U to free ami enfrnuchlso Ignorant, hrutWh, ImrharoufineKroeH.tfrom foreiKU Afrlcuj ami euMuvo ami tlltfraiKhio Intelligent anil enlightened mitlvo Aiueriean whiten; to return from a freo tavern nieut ol'tho jieoplo rcyulutcil hy a Con Htltnttontiml ueitatu lawa mado by tho people, to an nrhltrnry toverelKnty of an ancient military ricBpottimi whero tho will of tho military tatrnps le tho law. Thcw) aro "hlj h moral lUenn." Thlrt is proerw ns tho IlatHcals umlorstaml it. Mnrkf t Itrpol 1. Wht'fll 1'iT l)ll-1li1 Ilyo mm " , riour ior Lnrrpl I'lnlPl-KPlMl, , l-'lnxvct! ... lliilur , 1'Rft M Tiillow , rotators trlpl Ah1p , I'nik Hums , HUIch nlullSliouldt'iH m 1'iiril iter entitiO liny .pr tun I.I'.MIIIlll. ltplnliK-lc tlnitnls yt'Y llmusntnl reel 1'lno " " " (iinnlnt-li) Joist, HranttliiK, l'lntik, (llcmliH-k) HhltiKli's, No, 1 per lliotmnmt . a a-. . i in . I mi . 11 im .. 7 ll , 2 m . . in ii Ik) , 2 m r. . 1M II . 11 ,.IJ ID , tin i .. lsn:ll .. 11 Kl ... s mi ... 7 l . . IS 111 Hldliix n. , llillnUIililn Mnrkcln. TllCUSIi.W, IVtoVr, 17 NI7, NnrtliMi'MiTii mir-oriliiont..... ..... .NorthMi'iti'ni I'xlru NortliMN'Rteni rmitUy lYmis) ivantii mid Western MiiKTIInp. ri-tinlMuiiiimnl Wrstprn extra lVnnsy luintii niul Wi-stern family Pi-niis Ivimlu unit WYsteui fnnpy Il)i, Hour W ni:r l'l'iinsylMiiii.i i-oit, hu-... . southern " " ... , t'lillfornlu ' " ... ... uhltp Itvi. lYnmjlviuit.i rjp, v hits C'ohn Yellour, " ,., White, ' hits t hits lMlovlsloss Mess 1'orlt, V hhl Mess I lei I, Plesseil Hi iip, VI' isilliikeil limits " " shollMers V ft Ijinl, V In Hhl.ns t'loNersi eil V litis, , I'ltiiothysepil V I'us l-'luxseeil " I'll Ileus No. I Sisiteh No. I Aluerlenn. 1'Atri.i: Heel Cultle y It. I'nws, V heml sm.i.iw-vi it, , ;.iii 7."m . S.MIOfl if.ul .IH.IIIIM12..M ,. 7.."iilc.tS.,v, . H..MK.0 1 1. .M.KK3 l'l.ll . 1I.VI1I..V, smi.rf s,.ii . S.ViV.(,J.ll . SJ.lnUS2.71 $2,711 .. tl.l.V3l.JU .. JI.'M.l.-,7 .. SI.lli.iSI.il .. JI.JiKil.-.'l y.ley,7! 8JI.71 tJMJ .. Ue1e . IJiwiy.e JS,l(iVll.lSl wo 12.1.. J.IH SIIKI S Km 1 1. -i.i t.'ie SH.lm.sM, tivt.M.e slll.Vllu. II. VI lines-",. 1011 tt.s MARRIED. lilt 'WX Wl.llli-ln niootnshurit, on the 17ln tlist., at Hie house of the brute .s in .tnei, liy the lies. Itii.liliH II. I llln-ll, Ml, Ainu r II, Itlown, ot ll.invltle, to llelsM K. Welio.ot lllnoinsoiirn. M.l'Ivl:.NsII.-KlMI'lll.-llll Hie I' III lust,, hv lies. II. J. Winn-1, .Mr. K. Maekeiisie, oi lliooius hiHK to Miss l inoliiu Kiunploii, ut Loniton, KllUhlllil. MMITII-.M'AI'i:i:-(lll thojsih lilt., I.v lle. A. II. In Ine, Ml. Allium T. Hnillli, to Miss Mmy M'Alee, both ol UrliirL-rpi-U lm tishlp. lmoc'iiYiM-iiinnTitirii-iu moom-bun.', on I hp loth lust., hy llev. .lohu'llioiiiiis.Mr. 1'rank lltl llloehyeii, ol'SJcolt lonilil', to Miss I. lift llleltelli-h.ol Centre township, fdlin-IIINS-In lliiuillle, on the lolli lnt hy Hew .Hteplk-U l'ulie tu Milty A. Iless. hoth or Cuiliu tounstil)!, I'oluinhlii county, 1'n, Kui:AMi:u-wi:r.t,!Vi:u-in nioonishmv, m the house ot John A. 1'uustoii, INq., on the 17th lust., by llev, 11. 1'. Allen, Mr. Win. Kreiiiner to .Miss i:il.ilieth Welllu-v, nil ofCuluinlilaco. DIED. KNYIU:ll-In Ulooiushuri:, on I'rlilny Hip llth Inst., Mr. Wllllmu Snyder, nueil .11 years, 7 luos. niul M il.iyn, AkiUii the sllvpr elionl litis been looseil, ntul miother flout lias taken Its llnal ilepmtute. The busy limn! Is still, the thlnblilujx lieurt Is at rest. It Is illllk-ult Mllliotil heeiuihg In pxusiieiute, to spp.ikof Vir.MAM S, tin: as hp ileserxes', mid In this community especially, vhere lie passed the whole of Ills life, lliere is not one petwin ho speaks of htm lu other terms than those of te speet unit praise. Ilewnsamau of l.ire puMip spirit, n kite! anil Reliial coiuiiauion, am! a inn nist nt christian. Tlie Uoartl of Trustees of tho IUonmshurfl Lit erary Institute, of m hleh he Mas a member, ut tcnilcil the remains as an cscoit, ami a ety larue concourse of citizens, many from a tllst.uice, as sciubleil In tukun last look, uml pay Hie last re spect to (lie frlenil llicy hail so lonjr kuoiwt, To those left his death seems a Kreal loss Indeed, but tiililm it is assuredly hk tin, for he rests In peace, IIIUC'II In lltoomshuri;, on tho 12lh Inst,, fuuu Injuries leeelwd by mi explosion 111 llle mines, Ilicliiird lurch, aged Mycins. I.AMOX lu llrinicreek township, on thi."idlust, Il.irriuuton Kichuldsiin, sou ol William and Cathiiilue Itiunon, uued 2 years, S mouths mid 1 1 day . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JO T 1 (J K. The si'coml iiiMnlimrnt nf Hit' lustM,l).crltli-1 the JUfM)iushurKli)ttriiiy Insttlutuwus .hit' mi the IIthI ul October, Subscribers 111 iltitM pay lliclr le-pect lt' atiiuuuts uidI olilln-' nil nn riles, iM tI-i07-.lt 1 1, II. Uri'JMir, Pn-st. D 'imsou'tion ok iATrirx j:lt M1I1 'Hie part nt r-lilp lim'tof-uu rxMhw under tliii nniiif Crcu-y V .!hn, lu the inerenii tlio business In I'.i tn wNmi, 1'n., IiuhIk ( ii tlsstl et I by luutunl ronsi-nt. 'I he hooks mid aecttunirt of until 111 tu nn- In the hands of Mr. .Iiilm fur m tlh - limit. riti;.s A JOHN. I'ntiiwlss.l, OetoWr Is, 1m,7. A DMIXISTltATOlt'S XOTK'i:. l-sr.ut: of i:i.i.ai'i.iii n u bolt, in c'n. Lett! rs of lldmlulslriltloll oil the estate ot 1.11, -iibelli Jtay lor, lute ol Montour township, t'oluiu bln county, deceased, lune been granted lie the Ki'Kister of said county, to Iliinlcl J 1 11 lor, lulinln lstlator, wllo lesldes lu said township. All per sons liu Iiik claims or di tiiatldsiimilust tlio estate oritui said decedent, are leiiuestcd to plismt litem lor si-ltti in, ut, and those Ind i bti d to in a Ice payment. liA.NIl.l. liAM.dlt, October is, lsii7. Ailuilulstiiitor. I D.MlXISTltATOU'S xotkm:. X V. lr MK III' 1.KV1N.V HI II lllsoN, lu ( '11. t... tiers icsimiieut-irv ou I lie- estate of l.e Inu llutehlson, 1 tie ot s-cott township, I'oltiiuli'a in., dci eased, hu e been uT.uitcl bv ttip Uejrlstei ol s ild is unity to samuel lie Itlcrlch, w ho refill's tn IV litre louuslnp. All persou hilMliu cliiilil s i.j ilcllliill'U iu.oll-1 llle cslate ot s dd dl ccitt nl , i ti i iuesi,.ll i.it'st ill i lis tn tor si ttii ou ut, uml those indebted to lillllve payluehl. isami 1:1. lil.iriiaisiii, A.im i. Oeloherls, 17, A 111. iiiiiloislmieil nu'lllnr. nnnultiit-il bvihein. f-Viatis Cmirt nt I'uluiuliiii 1 mnily, tt make iis tributltMi ol llu Hinds In the hands (if it. I', lurt ner, iihslKmi1, nf t'lluton utul .Itnnes Ucuitt.td iVnlinllii. In miM i-diiuty, tn and iitnoui; the u- hpei tl e eu-dtlois uf Miid Clinton and Jaine,s le wltt, In onler entublNhed by , attend lit hs t.tllee, In tlltitunisbiin:, un utnulav, ,utm her ITInl, 1'7, ut ldu't'ltick n, in., lui the ) mi pose ot nttciitllli In the ilittk'H ul hK ilppulnt ment, w hen niul whele all ptirtleH Interested nie m ntili. I'd tu pu-hfiil thfll" cliillii,' nr be tlt'luilletl Iumi coming In lor a ttliatu ot the tund. i W. sMII.MUl. Auditor. (Ktober IS W17Ct. Un' Jlvru'it'K Hnztttc iUitie rojit, pntuc sali: t)l VALf'AllI.i: ItKAI. 1 STATU, In pit uu a nee of nn onler of thu Oi plums' C'ottU nf Columbia eount , I'.i., on vnu , Xo r m nun iSJnl, W7, nt lun't-loik In tho fort noun, Tlmt, Cievfllnu', Jr., inliiilnlMintur, Ac, nf .lolm sillier, plleot hiult township, III si I Id Coil tit V, ilei niseil, Will expose to snle, by publle endue, till the pi em I vk, n certnln lU)lTJsi; AND UfC OK (iUOU.l. j nltuutt lu thelnwiinflSpy, iintl euuiit ntoievald, 1 ndlotlllllir lllluls of .lolili Sleriier no I hi. il i kl Kei. oml htieet of hi Id tus n on the nurtli, nit nlluysn the enht, iiinl nn alley on the huiith, i-untninlni: about one-third ot nil ncre, wheieoti are cricttil a Initne dwellliitf hou-e, with outbullillnn', It1t tlie t Ktnle nf Kniil tU'(t?:it.eI, sltunte In I hu town ship iindeouiity afouvald, Jtsi; Cui.i:m.n, Oli ik. iry Coiitlltlons nf Hi.l,eT n per cent, ot uue fourtli of the piucluisu inoiiuy to ho paid ou tho (striking Uumi of tho property onu-fourth le tne ton per cent, on tho euiitlinintlnn of tho wile, and tho balance In one jeiir troin tho conilnnu tlon niul. roNhthslnii Kit'ii mi tho Iliht dny of April, I vis. 1'n rehnt.ertti pay ftrth ed niuUtnnips, uuAiah cunvr.MNti, (Ktnher l, ls(J7. AtltillliNtlhtnr. priiUCSAIiK or vai.uaiu.i: hum, ixr-vrn. Will ho sold by tho mideislmu'il, ceeutur cr tho last will and testament nf .laeub Olchl, do' COM ted, OU I'ltlli.W, lr I'KSt I1KK !T7t ll, lNJ7, lit tell j o'clock a, in., tho Jollowlim dcseiihod leal t Nalo 1 to will ! A LOT OK OKOlWIi, hltitnto In tho town nf l!lnoinnhuitt, Columbia 1 enunty, 1'n.; said lot fimitH nn I'ltst ittioet uf said tuw n, nnd eon talus lu I rout slxly.sl.x nit, and In i depth two bundled and fmuti on feet and six In- ! clU'S; find hounded us lotlowm I'lrst Street nu tho iinrlh, nu alley un thu smith, an alley un tho oust, and nn alley un tho west, v, he loon nie erected a tioud two story KUAMi; OWKI.I.INO IIOIVK, i w Kli Kitchen tit t at lied, alio n ct liar Ultilieii uu th r tho kitchen; u siniiiUtahlo, a I.ircostitbloninl , onrihit huiise iinft) intn Uwiy stable, n well ut uotnl walor flt tho back door of tho IKtiv stable. u oUli rn nt tho bat k thmr nf tho cellar kllcht u, witliidheruulbulltUnus, Tho properly 1 Inline illntely In the rear of tho Omit House lot, and U a ciy tlosliublo stand lor a 1 1 wry stable. J'o. sot4sluii kImii uu the 1st day nf Apt II, lH, Tonus matte known uu tluy of sale, when itttcndiitico will ho ttlwn by JiAVIO I.OWllNHr.WI, Keeutt.. Illuouishiiry, Oct. IS Im.7. CAUTKItltY lli:i'()HT oi llio l'lmt Viittiiiial llnnkiif llliKiiiikliiir. I'a . UcluliiT-lll, 1107, m-humcus, Noti'HUIli! Mils ilUooiilltis! 1 1 J7 (11 10 t'tiru'iit t-xiH-iis,., Cnsh Iti'lu Hue rutin .S'ntli.nul ltiinlts 1 ..',: 17 M .t'l.ATI 17 . M.i'iO tn) 4MI IM 1 1 U) II. I I" . Vfi.m oo .Kj.mi to . ii.i. n ui 101, '.Til ul 7,(01 IH t),!li7 II l(.H. lluiiiislii fciiurui'lrriil.itluii 1 r, m. iiiimis I .N'litrHiirNulloii.il Links ,. Other Inn till liinney , UA1IU.ITIIH, rnjiltnl vtni It HuriilUM fiuul . . I'lri'ulatlon ,. , . lleiiimltH ,. , , Duu butikii mul UmUfrM ,. ... iilsciHuit, i'iciibfi aiul luuri.t , I'lutll uml ) , , ThOftbfAola corut, lHuormturc, Ott. II, lft7. J, TVHTIN. C'ok-hicr, JIST OP IMtKMIUMS AWAHICKI) AT tun TWIll.n'll ANNlTAIi r.XIIIIMTKtX lit'TltK t'oM'MiiiA covntv AcnunTi.TiniAr., mm- TlcriTI'HAI. AM MCCIIAMCAI. ASSOCIATION, lOl.ti AT It LOOM Hill' It (I, PA., Oa Wednesday, Tlitumliiy ntul 1'rMuy, (telnbor 1'lh, loth, nnd llth, N. ( I.AM (, IloltSKs, IUft bio-nl mnre and colt nil Meiidfiihnll 8ix) ihi Il(irectilt between '2 A :i jenrstdd i:il .Mendoniinll KO do mnro do I A 2 do Mil Metulenlmll :ltc) tin hotxo colt 1 A '2 do .lutneH I', Htucker .1fn "d tin brood mnro and eoll. A, lloniie iini L'd do pair draught hores, Jaeob (iei rard KiU do enlt hetwccnilA.IjenrHotd, Ihonms Hchuyler Km 2d enrrlnne tiuire, Chntulloy V,v. dorolt under in months, hhiu'I I Ild la ;t ( lleftt pnlr carrinte nnireft, .loyph Hetn niii do niaroeoli.JA eats old, M, t. Vntiee in pairrarri.'iutiiiorM'ri, ,i, v , iniernieen nm nn p.ur earrniRe mures, , it. ioouh 'Jd iloenrrlaKohoifte, T. Oallni in Heft enrrlane tnnre, Christian Crust thi ialrtlniuht htrnt", (ton. Cava nee tlo lour oar "'d tnUlnnl lunlel Krvln -d tlo do do tlo r.llns Kinln tin enri nurii )i,.i nn. Win. 1'..l lilt mi I ut M (XI I. MM Hint I INI 21 do pair rnrrl.inc horses, i n. Hill .tuuuri-., neese, u hall, Um. Wlntorsloi'ii. .iiKiues ."., Ki"i'.p, Will. HCHU5 lev. C. MelldCII t l..sn it caiti.k, Ihithtm SltK'K, lls bill ( Mathlns K. Apptfinnii JI.MhI t o bull Inuda.eais.l. It. Vatidetsllee 'li) no run uuuer iu nios., yt jt, man nest nm'i'A :ionts, Caleb U.irlon Kin tlo heifer I A Jeale. to thi :J(M i no no no tltl . .1. nueklllew A ''hut ft .SficA-. hi'-l bun I iind-Jpnrs, l. .1. Waller lirmhil .Stock. Ilest bull, .lohll K (IftilF um no ii-i'er -aii'i :ietiri( ,ioim l Urol. j tlo tlo 1 and 1' do do :t do ti,t UitlelilH'liiler I1UI -M tlo do dti mt t do heller 'Jatid 1 jours, C llllleilbelKli r 2 ml who no laini.' o l lliuietilnull bt si i ., i un r I't tnos., ok-li I tan on l st bull Jali I I J ea is, Held la il (Hi -1 do do tlo ; Kolelllier 'J") best pir twin e-tlves 'Jnii'l 1 von is, rillnu)ie.MellMi 1 1 bisteow, do to (Htj ot n -ner tin ler in ius., catrit k Dillon -M tlo e-itv, I. U. Vntl'b tsee bet heil.-r 1 tiieU'.Mai-K, .1 It Vnndi I stlee .lud.os Abner WeNh, .lehse ilollm.m, tl, 1'tiwlor, 'bAHS III HW I NT. I lest Lhesleroo. white hoar, .fohti Olalv ri(-i tloll do tlo nlj-s,. I P Conner II tl 2d tlo do tlo boar, Chlllp Civtiv a l .) bent sow ami (J pt-js, .tohu vhlli' t If I tlo (luluea pUt W. Clnilt Hloan .V) JlldRtM-A 1' Youtltf, Is lac IKelt r, .larob Kesb r. i I.VsS 1 sill. Kl', Muhltc Wool, iji'm Nitiiu iiowtiMieep ,i r Conner Hi do buck, W 1' Whllo uo -d tlo tlo AnriSji Smith :hj bt st owe, Haitlr-l Vandcisliep m '2 tlo tin Aaron sinlili a no 2."ttg uof. best luiek, .ItH V Sratterunoit 01) 2d tlo 2 ewes, S.imiicl Illdlil mm IteKt ewe. Aaron Hinlth i m 2d thi bui'lt. IMIas ICiuiii ;m0 .Indues I'rancls i:iins. Tlioiu.is ,1 VutidcrHlIi Malhlas shaller. vi. ss v rnri.iin. btMt pUr(''!lIllChllltehlekf'lM) f. A. . 1 'utt or, Atfiii-uiturtut l.i. tlo lot f-en In thicks (.' INirsel 1 OO tin iniiiirv uiros, in, tin i. lore do pftlrHImiialinli'h'ckons Win ltupott.Jr, I 2d best display l'oultr. Aaron Koslor 2 best pair uet-se) tlo 'n 1 tu no iiniuiiiil rooun onit KOIls, v J Iliiekit . 'w .... . AitricitltnM ' dotlUplny f.f thlekoiis, H llltit nhender m 2tl best tlo do W ,1 IllKknloW lit" best o hi to Shaiinhnls, II V I tart man I ( do 1 llantum chit kens. W P.eas I ."pi 2d hoHt tlo tto i; V Ilnrtiniiii it host pnli ilttcks, Win Iloweii ;,) Ct.Vss VI t1i:IN A Nil si.KliS. best bim. Knutd M-od oin, .Itihti IMaly I thi bushel ttatt, tiooine Uussel 1 r tlo tlo buckwheat,. Ineolt (lemrd 1 .'V till 1 - do rot eoll Villfie i-nrn .1,. I , tloH tlo sweet eo'lil,.! (ieraid Aqricvt'ttrut I 2d M do titnothy sotd, W C lllehart nei mis. r.o, Anion Kostor tlo do smoked corn, V. Ibmeubuch do do rot I wheal, W 1 White tlo tlo yolluweurn. I K Olldlno tlo J ; bus, t o or seed, V 1 1 llacenbueh tlo 'thi timothy seetl, Aurun KeMer tlo nop eoin. llenrv Utlteiibeiider .Iude .1 .Mouser, Woslev How man, .InrkM.n ri. s.i vii MiirrMti.ix best bus, white sprout tiutators. c llarloti 1 7 do do early tiondih h, tlo do 1 .in tin tlti Snellecks, do tlo 1 ."1 tlo tlo oalleo, do do 1 i) tlo do nistjeu.it plnke.M'. do (leo Uussel I "ill tto tlo Harilson pot nt ii X Kit-hard I.Vi do tlo plnkeya do W C Hh hart t M tlo tlo tliseo do WlllCnrroll 1 . tlo do unriit t Chili tlo OA.Ineobv I .Mi tin peek sweet potalties, OSteek ' lll no nun poiaioe, u iitlleubt inter. A'r. 1 mm- tto do I'llneo Albert potato, M Melllek I 't tm n iiem MUIipKllls,.HMin IIIUV .If, I r. tlo lot buekejes, W A- A IHalv .'iH tlo 1 ildoui tuiuatoes, .N, lllohard I ml tin !iiik w inter siiiish tlo (M till Milliliter Kret l Mp..i tto tlo INpv do do tlo salsify tin 1 tlo head t nuliflower do tlo Mum bean- do 1 ti do 'j bus. pa, snips thi mi tlo lot eel !, .Jesve ( ol man, 1 ini tlo in ine wuitel, Jacob (ieraid I OJ i ot i;k pia'ii, t nas. auo, .t,rtculturit I h iio i (jis soup iieans, Aaron ICesler 1 a) tloswttt pumikiiM,i A Toittr I m do sn-ar fleets, 1 Davis if, tlo.l heads drum oii.jIj:il'i , do I ini do i j bus. unions .hiciih Ti rwillU'cr, 1 m mi ous. pouuo onions, l 11,1s. "Saul ,) tio no iii id turnips, John Kiessier .'Vi tlo 7 sweel piinipkliis, , stint mnti, A'r I u i o2sut 1 1 pumpkins U-vi shotmakoi' I on .1. j .un. t aii.ns, , uert:tMi, Ajir. I ionr. o bus. Lion., ht.liitoev i N Wllllts I.V t o t o Cii.'ibrook seedhm's. (i N Wllllts 1 ai do tto cnp,rnilit tto l."M tlo do Oh asou lu l :m th) tlo Monitor do 1 .Vi ji tiit it i . ,i iji m.in, Nt.ionion s-hn man, c. nun inn in i , .jo ut iiitiim in. t 1-ASs III IIUt's tlO,l) M VM J-AtTt'Kt-, Host i nidle liiiiii, ', W. ..union Aurtcultuntli, do iilinl, Aiiiaiid.i (inlld I . osl'k ipillt, Mist M. .1. -Mellhk I Hi M do mil nil hi t.Mit.. A. KiohorJ.rnft.rri l)f tlolliun tnhii elo h, to A'tnruttiwlXv i e u jams tieiH, .Mitrj 1.. 1. 1 inner I tin v.'ool shlU, do do Knit ool Nloekinjs, ji,St p, liuiinnii .V) uo p.ui- uuo.i nut ots, .Ai.irunri t A II; in en AuriculUntHtlu do tloiiiiio wool com ih t tlo 1 on tlo lot lliiiiuol, .Mih 0 VithiiersJIiv l ;(ti .u ooiiuin. .Mrs reter i;nt An-intUuri lu douncy tuiilt . .Mrs 1' lleehtlo do laEempi t, .Nlrs .1. Schu ler ilo. ltls wih.1 i hnlu onipt t, Mm SSeaiU do p.'ilr witol mills, Martha Abbott do tott hall in iso, Mih 1' UhrlMiium tlo linen hose Mrs , Coh-man tlo knit pnters MIsk M M'Kol tlo wool. Mrs M. Applonmu do knit littso, Mr A lUndeiRhut I'ldf'1'' Houbt n Ilonihny, Ilibttrti Kline, Hun- nt i, iti-sn-i, ciiiiu iiaiiuiiiu. I.VSs I buMMril- MM t M lflils, IKstiurinnt Jam, Mi, V. Itioua tloKoost bt.1l tlo tlo tlo poach Jtlly do do tlo MlllUI.'lltide do do fjiiliuo do dostrawberry piest ie do t tiwhlteeurnintjellv tlo tlo Apple llutter, C.I Kdjnr t o Ki tchtlp, Kit, i Tut toll tlo erabnpplo jelly, do donin.heirj symp Uur lleohtil tlo toinnto butter, Irs .1 Coleiuati doiJtiim piiseuib. Mm i; W V nkot.p ilo tin Jelly do ' 1 tloonnned hmkh berries tlo tlo Uhubarhji lly do do preseied mi uin mils, Ch-ayo do tlo black do tin t o Fsinermn i run prosei oti do i t) nrttrsLdetitisiuriv do tlo liluckborry Jelly H K ICnupp do iM iich huttor MlksTilly Karlnu t tnjuliicu Jelly MptUA .Mojer tlo 'tnr butler tlo tin preserved iienrw t, , thi ouiiiK tl cot hart i herrU s Ml-s H Uhlla 50 Mjiiunitejeiiv ,(, tin onniiotl mimeo, Mrs JJ 1' doprosi-rwiUiubiipplo do donriipo (oily du do plum butter, Mrs L I) Cuso oiherry .to .MMM ( hrMnmu i onpplo Jelly do do pliserod utnpo tlo tlouuinod plumb .Mis I. DCnstt do prisoiotl ( lieiri.i( Mit I' chrMmiui do ein rnut Jelly do tloipllueo butler tlo t ootiuiutl stuiwhoriioM Mr II II I nns do cherry Jolly Mrs It IIMeniiMh iliiiiirinui Jain .la ilu pi-ai- inui itinlmli' tin iliiiiprli'iit jiu'si it .tn ilu liltllll do tin uu ii, Kislioiry tin tin i nuillpojiiln il iilUlilli.il 1,,'Uln, t il ilu IllUltlltS ,l. i n ilu lilillillis Mih I, IM'ust. ni'liMluil iieiuhcs Mn 1'1'liiMiiiiiii '1;' ilu iiuliiics it, , In tiumi'tl .t'i.t'j..i Mik , v, M i u iiiilmi. i.itKKs Jli r iih.wii lit, .. lit il ttiKt ,1,, do (-up I'll;, tl., llilMllkl ,i . il ..I iillillts, W.ln, A ,,,,.,v i hi iiiiliiiKti.MU, j" Winner i ii ilium ilu Jh ii Winner i uniKliriTlleliersJIKH Jt WertMi- Hi tmtiitii sluit Ii sirtinf WsnlttitMi "lliillll.UII.I.MIss M .1 Melllfl, ""'1' i iilii l l;illlet'lti,li,.rt Ulelinil "il li;l lilstlill il f lluiK.i, i ii I'liKliMiieiit.iUt'is Mm , Kiht, r I V1 eifnruniiiii yiiiii i:iu r.fH :i m '. ,'! .'ili'i'.'."," A Jl1 '"Ii "!"'! slr (ii Ki".l i.;,i- ; 'JM'l'd iiulneoH SlislIrl.uU lY , ilo ulilotlt do iIcmuiiyrupNJ Ilunifrshol tuniiiimo d.i ,i(J 'hJUlltlitlll ilu doiufcpbtnydo ,t diilmlitt,jfo ,(,, (UJOttluj-Uu .1.. S',i:i,!.H-iuwiil(.orlu.),hi 1 K'liijtronko Mr j Wldmvor til; ton enko MU M.C Is mnn to iiuluketi hup do ;! Ixo.1 pliLUi do . ,,sPh td pom Uv MIkh M cl.rMti.iiii ! ,l li? I'C'hrlMiunn .V) to to to ,1,. 7 i TV ""V ( v to ".tl ",tl JlHllZC .1 ( ( l Jink M i, in (M i y i rn i Ck, fi S 1 lit)i I I) .If II, bach, V M tturttiinn, Mil M.iuih Ilnrlinon.Mri l ii .ppicnian, et.vm x rAsev atitici.m anii n.nvKits. It. I rhllr rover. I II Hen It I 11 M I in I (i-l lOJ to nn I 0) I Ul .VI m M .In Ziiii imlnthni!. l'mil Wirt lion! crneuoi inse nny, .ui .m onor do hosier orlt, Mtn M Abbolt do burr tlo Jolt nTot ten thi tin bucket, Mrn V.Wra ThHpii tlo poiimntithli), Mm II W W nAoup tto Inrimr h wieath, MIihM .1 MtlllcJl do nttmnnii eoer, do .t . 1. Il..i lll.t ...... I Alt-. . U t ll.s. 1.1-.. (IO liioie imuiniii'iin.M iiuinM-,1 M tin a pin cimhloiiv Mht A llartou tin tnttlmt btind Ml T Itnrtuu l!d dortprrltnenpeiimatililp, V W Kocmn itolMv, Mr- IIP l.ut. 1 IM ti) 101 no I'liiiini einoroiiier( f i . r-tumiri iiiii tto ftlH. do do tlo tlo wax fruit, Mm P fhrlMiiinii tlo picture frame, It 11 ay mi u tlti wurntod tidy, I.lyloslinrpUsn tin oil pnlntlmf, Mli 1' Itnrlnii tin plncii"diltni, do tlotollet tuatrt, do tloombrol.lt roil slIboM do tlo elet elmlr seal, Aliulo Urns-dcr tto sofa cushion, do tloehnlr do MUi Mnry JI'ICclvv ilo fancy sherpsAIn, C I'niter doswfet Jrksamlne. Mrs I' lmver I o I I j ItT) I IN) Km I IM 1W I 111 I (KJ I I 1 I I I I ft) . ft I tlo nrletv tlower. Claru Vimdcrsllco do wnx llowert. Mli M.irali Cnror tto tlo water I Illy do tto do iroi tto ilo tlo loses tlo tlo'J picture frame, T W (luntoii do I eiUedolly, MIsh M Woinor tlo frnino wnrA- tldj, Mr II onxor iloeiocltel collar, .illos M Abbott tlo bead collar, do tlooriH'het otdt ha)let, Mtn M C UaNluli . tlo tidlet lil.i1, Mm II I Mb I tlo bead liccAlat o, Mls II Applomail lo pule wnrmeis, thi do braid Inv rllon. Met I lliiriu.iii ilo il oi bet wnlA, Mrs A IN ndershot tlo ornamented plctur. trainesf Mr IMuhn I no nriiiuofi inn t usuiou, .Mrs t. r i.ut7. it p.ilr tittuliliili', Miss U llowoii I do ottoman, i,tie jsiiarpiiss tlonrstod tidy, Miss Itarlmi I tlonll sola pillow, Minimi UatAley 1 do taiicy thn ad tiaino, Ml-s a Iliipt rt VI tlo oolloetlull dahlias ' 'nndersleo ,) tin tlo hOK-o tldWOit thi I tin dl led mum tlo ,'i iloboipiet siraw ilowor, Mrn.1 Coltnati . tlo bin 1 1 let I lowers. Mis 1 John u thCJoloplmills. I, OHnyder 1 do sola lld, , Mih M (Vlt-tlslnii tlo bun homes, M .1 Mel lie, hi tin Wood lilllt, tlo ."in tlo colt biaidiuu", Mm i:ilJi Dlold doruM1 Odv. do , ') tin Ik'iuI lUnltiii, s II Kunpp cm tlo tlo sateliel to ,t) tlo 2 colon d emboli pUtun , A llartou I tlo Indian moeensuio, Mis I1 Iliiiinnn I do iiultiinl stmw tlowt is A moss 11 i; Iturr V) ilo lulitnt NU't, Vfiina tie-ier ,i do lllion tid.v tlo ('j tlo .Utt brae.et, Mlis Woaoi m tlo knit shawl, Mis I, lu'nse i .IlldKos-lUv Jl M.eiti, MisOJIt ,Mi( Hl'uw lot. 1 1-it .t -i t.or), Mnvi Tt.s-w tti:, i.n. tlo .o i lor tot A M Kui i rt -2 io lot Ilu w.iic tlo ' tlo laid call Jacob MetK tin ten Ut ttlo do tto cook stove i lilllmeer '2i tlopailorsioMi tin dti wheat iloui Julm Jicalo tlo i. o tto ill) tlo buelcw beat Hour II tU'eter 'Jd tlo win-id Hour IVler I.nt do com meal II Ikeler M Aifftrutturx'it t :i .1 :i ;t JinlRri-M 'iit,.ttiiin K'MIer.Wm Illchnrt riW l I AttKIt L'l. rt'It Mi IMI'i.l JIKMH AM) M l IIINI.HI.V. do side hill plows hull beam S Ihibt r I tlo rluht hand tJows ' p Cusopit ilo horse diue It 1 1 Hill mi v V do uriib hoe .1 1 llrard 5f ilo but k o ti mower and lenpor si I for Wall 4 Shriller A. eo r, ttoha lake Wulf A lllllmejer " tlo coin plow I Kltt. tlo main sopatalor x thinshei Gulor Piloo nnd on tlo hand torn shiller I K Mnrhh ,i on tlo ArmddH spear hay fork U H Piusel tlo main drill Iteevtt Mollkk .Loo tlo corn i.lautei W Morrison tin IIxceMor mower mid lenpor tsnn- billed Selbelllni' nnd eo 1 tlo hull axle f.il lii wairoii Ihnbst .(, I!ans I tlo lo tllvpiay tarm tto II llvis a llio ." tlo t n mors spring wnunu thi th) Valh'y ( hlof oomtdniHl,Xolf rnkor reap ii and muuor I S Marsh a co ,"i Juduos W JIowell,M A Moio, J Masteri i lass Mit vi:ni( i.i-s. tloshlltiim tup Imguv, M ('Sloan A Ilro 2 dospiin w.ion, do '2 tlo open hiieiir, tlo j Judes ftobt I'ursel, Oaiilet tK'iiiu. (I It Hun ter. cnn xivmr.s and iihi:mivi.s. tlo'JKW'arms Italian bees, II W Creusy it tin I tlo liatlo do tto . Jd tlo 1 tlo do tlo tlo Aj;r. lr. tlo sldo'UpenhiK U'O hl0 do 1 tlo sample ho ne v do I tlo Mrnw boo hlo, K Kruiii At;r. hi. .luil's A smith, Kimuel crovellujx, Iai Aik iii in. M.V-s V WI.NUS AMI Mljt'UIts. tto black currant wlnoCsriK" I tto red tlo do i tlo rheiry wlno Mi-s M Apploman I tlo tomato tlo (teiiVteti I do tjUlnce do tlo tlo black cht rry wine (Ion Yost I tlo blackboiry wlno Mis A McndcMiot I tlo s beilati t rah wlno Mrs W II shot- tlo main uuiKor i do tlo tto P Dillon tlo tlo tlo dew berr 'Jd tlo mn,w 'Jd tloeldeiborr.N 'Jd tlo bl io libeiij tlo eldethorr -M do iavpberr J. tlo IMiim prape do tlo tlo tlo iatpbiri w hi I I tlo do do I', Conner tlo tlo do tlo do II Kliilil tlo tlo John Kiossier Mr. I) 'iiti,lii klti.. .it no eiu r.tui tu i t. 'on Ntoar i . i nartuii ' o tlo tlo Mrs w llshotiunktr do while cm i ant wlno peter Itochtol 1 IioIkos P Tow lor, .1 Creasy, Andiow Tow-It r. I ass xvi t iui.r w Mir, tnsi us.miioi m KI.KH, TAU.OIO-, AMI 1'OHKIH WoIlK. tlo ltd eiutheii waio A Uabb thi ' . to. blooms l.luoodUiulies Jri I ctiUitrht 1 ; ilo 'J tlooi bells I Itlaneh.iml liU.toiit.t tit) tllllMi sole 1 IC-ealt. li;otl tlo omIi slin P ( hrKtiuuu ! .luklps do t do tleor skins c I'or-ter t do kin boots.Iaoob Itlch.irt I do calf u do 1 tlo sot wlnd'ior ohatrs.I Terwllbwr I ii" oii-ion lui-iiui-: eiriir no i uo ujiper leatiier r ciirist man I .llld.'0 lMIaidei s. I P M.l..r. T It S,..iii (!')' I. " CI.sH WII-I III U, dt frosl rapoH(ho YusI Vi tlo Iu'n II.i ympei ii,o Yo,t 'id dootmouid tio Mih W II shot maker I do diana do tlo tlo Ily.l i;iIadT tlo 'i dotpilm t .V Uabb tlo aikt pours II Znt plnjior 2 Hi h.iket i-nis M i 'lu mbt iitiutwfi.furit I j thi ilo i.pphsMl-sM J Mt-tlkk I dobaldHiti tlo I K Mltllno Atnmlturht a iloduuH I'tuis Mit A Ilf lalorshot 1 do monthI lipbeitjLs Mis If c llartmmt Vi Jd do J.j hu quliicts John Ittacnik to do tilled huckhbeirles Mis IIW Wyiikoop .M) ilo do ajiplos Mis A lit iidcishot .i do tlo lasphonios Mis A 1) (Julld fti tlodiledoheiiioHMNsM A DavW tlo b iskct tall njiph s T J Vniidestleo A(i(' cuturtst I jt tir .ludues-TJ Wnlsuii, K I, UKh, W Ilaitmau' Isaac II rode, VL S.S X-MlscFl.h VN1 Ot'H AltriCLKs. tlopnwdor .ojis, I l Monroo A Soli IMp. tto ilowo sowlumnathlno. CK (build IMp. do puli nt seal. II i:os- A llio .V tlol set bllKSV hubs. thi r, tlo wliith.w sprlim. UM'Clnro 1'ip ilo potlahlonwn A ftult tlrler, It M'Clurt v tlo patent water uluel, Samuel h)dn 1 1 tlo clastic stlieluirtA i r A UaAir Kwowlfcrf lunehhie, (imvor A llaAer Dip. do hK-.V stitch (bnver A Itakor soinu machine, tiroser A Itaktv Dip tlo 2 huehos saw id shingles. J Schuyltr Agr ly do nisilo lion ti nee, K I ! nice Coleman -I -Judaos-M W.ianop, A Melllek, Panln T.voh, IT Unttman, II,SH XMIIlllI M. UV lttllili.Mh I'nruut'a I.ixf, lli.sjiniAb, hi st tint Hal mnn Kline 31 SMSIMI wH 1 1st tn.t 11 an.- .r.icAsnn 'Si .Idiro-s-Krowlor, .1 u ijuM. T J Vimdcrslfee, shaier. -H'OitTINO usr, rnisr ti.ot, - Usl t,vt II II Umy smiNti ii:mi.. host Out Dnuiot lirscl jn Judfcos Win Slmfor, A 1'rins, .1 K (irote. p r n u 1 o h a h k p VAMwm.i: miAn itatk. In lairMinnco nf nn order ol tho Orplians' Court nf 1 oluinbla.onuiily, Pa., nn Batpuuav tho loth day of N i.Min:n, 1m7, ut lOoVlock a. m.. Aliu-d Urvollntr, Kiinidlaii of Mnry P, crewUtii mid 'i?r! A;i-,,,l1 l,:',(IuroW.,Ciovelliii;,t;iiar. ilii.n ut saiah i:. t iev ting and Mnrmuet Vrvwb Iiil j nut l.cu a Udloy.inullfln uf Clara Crov illnuMulnor ih Idrrn of i:il Cievollmi, Int.. nf Scott inwnshfp, hi said euutitv ttoooiuetl, will ox pnsn to sale, by publlo cnduo, un tho proinlses.n teiliilu phiuln tlon and Had nf laud, tuntnlnlim N I X BTY A C It JIH, tiioieni less adJoIniHalmiiUnf Auron i()imonud iMer lliueiibuchnii thojitxth, IimdH nf Jauien Jilte mid l,e.l Mood on tho West, tho .Noilli Ilia icli uf the Uhfr Susrjmhaniia nu the south, lillids ut Anion Konno, (i. W, L'ieollliK A Co., .1 It. t nrtol, ItlulielA CleellnKuild utheMnn tin 1 as, w hoieuii aio oiectttl a intici; Dwi.i.i.iNo nopsi:, !;,::,',,,'i':;!s';,l1:.!::;,ili:,,rlJ','.'"s """'p- ' f I' I. I. tl 1! l- Jl A It Ii, tIieiHatii(if.ilil win tis, Mi until liitiiu townililn f UUldtH'HM t,f ,(itf w'J,n t.f CVUI Of I be i.n... f.illlt l..rtl,e(u,,,.,,,,o, t" iVp'il, hJ," ilii.vol siile i i,.ri,iiitl, I, is U,o tu, L" Veilt. i n m Jm,'.1,1.' 'Ii" ,""! """" iiii'iin iumi iT.li. .!, i . Vi .i f,1- '"-" i"U ulveiKiii the nrt tluv kini'i i.s ' ' " . V..".', "f "lr '"'"l ""'I Ai.riti:li l in;vi:i.iN(i, II. W. t'HKVlIl.l.VO ' I.I'.Vl a. tiiiH.r.Y. iluurillaiiii. net K, IM7. Oy.',''!f ''""'"Wlt'KI'Xt ClII'.MIII'.UI.I.N'H ClilllllllllHttire, li1in. rUCN'1'.S l'iiiiiliiii(!(iuis nt Cur.M v III lll.lN'H Mote, lu-Stii. gTOVKSI STOVKrt!) STOVKMMI Jut t(Telvi-itni,.ii.,iiiuioiiiH'nt nf WJI. I 1 .N.N U I K1MJ MClVJ-H. A 'e I'MII ( II nml UK I'Kll'VKS, t-lme l lle, II illl'l'l'll l",lllltHKll.HllWl- tllMUM W. II. l-Mnil. Dm umiim. In,, cutUi H, Itir-im,