The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 11, 1867, Image 4
JUJl-LDL j. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. burner's Otaitlif; Kriat l.nmta. As wo rwliUtl uinvarils ofsoven yeiirs hi tho wi-Morn country, wiy tlic hki-I- oultuml i-ttllorof tliD'rtnvlnnntl Jui'ulr . ... . i .! I tr, Ditrl of tho tiiuo litmniK it in n mg oabln, uml nwrlv tin- wlioluof It active- ly cnnnutMl In clcirliii; forc-.t IhihI, nml 1 liringltiK thorn Into viimvtitum, we pro fcis to know foinetliln iirnetlc.uly of flip i.tiljc-ct upon whlili woiironliont In writ.'. There mo fovcrnl itietlinia of clnirlni; Uml, iloponilont entirely upon tho price of wooil nml timber In the ui'Ifrlilior tiwil of tlielr locution. Where these ro vuluebw, except for tho pnrpo-o of fencing tho fiirni nml iimkluK IN biillil Itiffi, llio ojiff nystein nf clrnrlnc Ii BPiiiilly resorted to. Thli cniwIMs In taking i very lnre tree for the centre, nml cutting It olriw nearly in pmlble to bo ko without enilnngcrliii: 1U fulling. Then begin nml cut nil the trees In n circle of h hiindreil feet orco from tho centre, tho wmie iHtheflrt, and In -ucli a mutinern) to liinire' their fiilliiiK to ward tho centre ono If poll)le. When the circle li thin cut. four men with their nvp tnke omio-'lto sides on the utsldo of tho circle nt the liirgcMt tree), ami commence cutting on them till they fiilt taking care tlmt tho four trees shnil como to the ground in nearly ai nn-wlble nt the Fame time. 'Ihc-e in falling, generally carry all tho other tree with them that tliey toncli, ami they again othemi so that when the circle mi cut ha llnllieil railing neany nil the trees In thin diameter of two hundred feet will lie with their heads lMilntlnc to tho centre: their butt's out and lapping each other HUo reverted uhlngles. Other cut tho trees sous to fall In a line, head to head, making them appear when they get through chopping n wntb, its if they had been rnked In winrowri. To lay the trees In circle or row-, requires both Judgment and nil tire.;,! and none hut experience!) hands should undertake It, nthenvl.-e they will I'.ill entirely In accomplishing their task. Si.'iini Ih uIm performed by cultin'r the trees and allowing them to fall ih they pleae; but this i- con sidering very imwiUmanllUe, and un-ie-s the wood and ground uro very dry at the lime of tiling, It leaves many run" lugs t roll into heaps for binning than either of the plans llrst mentioned. Heavy lug-rolling is not only an ex pensive; but an excessively labolrous bti-lniss, ns we well know to our cost.; Wo reckon It equivalent to digging rock-sand laying stone walls; a'H In which we profess a trillo of experience. The extra number of hv usually left to be rolled after firing, let the trees be cut with all thu addre.s possible, is tho greatest objection we huvo heard to tho tlanhtuu system uf clearing laud, and although it save labor in tho lltvt operation, unless the toil be a dry one, we would not recom mend its being adopted. Whoro the mil abounds with clay, thu land is tena cious In holding water, and if thu for ests growing upon It aro slashed, the trunks of the fallen trees aro sositura KJ w Ith moisture that tcarco one sum mer in four will provo suniclently dry to bum them. It will be necessary to let the trees hla-hcd lio till tho second summer after being cut, before they will effectually burn. IJTIip second method of clearing land is is fast as tho trees aro fallen, to cut them up into logs of convenient length, bay flftwn or thirty feet long, and roll them together, placing the largest at the bot tom, mill then pile tho tops of tho trees Wpon them, and burn when tho wood heroines thoroughly dry. EnVcl f IladSrr. How Might a thing will sometimes have serious elfect. 1'or instance, the farmer prepares a largo Held of corn, plants it with bad heed, as is so often done, and tho labor is all for nothing, lio has to plant over, and then hewlll get n late crop ; the drought will airoct It, and sometime the frost. If a third planting is necessary as in sometlmt Iho case, the matter is ttill woru. With wheat and the other grains, the crop Is generally a failure. Hauled nt the right time, a le-.sowin must be t io late, and thus defeats the crop. Now, the water, and had to swim for land as with a little care good seed may be had, j bet they could. And among them was unit then nil thisevil will bonvolded. the monkey. A dolphin saw him strug !: It not sheer eareie-Miesi? Wo cannot jgling, and, taking lilm for u mini, went tie I, mi careful In getlinir ripe, sound, to Ills assistance and bore him on his healthy wed..-Hum! H'orM. hack straight fur shore. When they ) had Just got opposite I'irivus, the bur i i irati lint. ' luir or Athens, the dolphin asked the 1 liwr.just tieea talking with tin old I monkey "If lie were an Athenian V" gentleman of tills region by the name "V," an-wered the luonkey,"ii-suicd-enrge I'lirre-t, who states thu, . ly. and of one of the llrst families of the wlie a young man, ho moulded the place." "Then of course, you know llrjt east-lion plow ever iimilo ill Amor- l'lneu-," said the dolphin. "Oh, yes," lei, lor i tjiiaker called Jethro Wood, I said the monkey, who thought It wits in I'lyuga County, N. Y. Said Wood j the name of some illMiiigulshod citizen, hail made his own patleiu, anil applied "he Is one of my most Intimate friends." i lie shop in which Korrest worked Indignant nt so gross a deceit and fulse for a easting. After three trial, u per- hood, the dolphin dived to tho bottom, hst rusting Mas got out, and Wood, , and left tho lying monkey to his fate, who was ii (junker) went away rejole- log, and immediately euteri d a cav a! 1 The ami in. Tnriir. for tin invention, tuts win in wo ywtroflsaiorlsil. Thellwt I''""' ,muu.,, f,r his pace. Hut ho laughed over brought Into this rejlou was a MlMi (lIlt h wm( nnl ( ns, )tr "Peacock," mud.- ,Clu'imuii,brou-:l,t ,, , ,,ur (Mv W(I1I(, In IMS, nml line, by inyx-l in IsH. 1 .,.. -o...i.- on." said tile Hare, wouldn't "scour" In our sell, nml I b id .., , s,(, wm f(,(t to curry a wno-leu spatula u clean It, utT, u ,., ofi So u WIW (X tm , st Ihecnd of each furrow, Shortly inter ,,,,, a,irt ut ,mcp T1 ,,,,. wtt this Mr. Deere of "rand IWTour, on offJ , , without it moment'is Hock tivcr, comnieiicc. inaklns whtlht , n, ,,,, UWB, , , ha called ho " Diamoml p,, which , treating tho whole, matter was -Imply a diamond shaped piece "rl v(.rv lightly, salil she would first take sheesleo attached to a cast standard , fl , n f, fh(j Hh hiu landslde. Dds was he , llrst plow 0VPrtnk, tll0 l()rtos(li .Meanwhile the vr introduced in Illinois that would , tnr)I( ,,,,,,.,, 0) um, 0 ,Iurn scsmr, a.... w..s .,..v.. .v um v.n,, find-send. Since then the sumo Idea hiw gonerully been followed liy all our plowmnkem, with tho addition of a "lay," which can be taken oil' and lur ptmed. Ciarlen Jloynton, l.yont, low, tn American Institute J-hrpicrt' Uub, TltK following hints to young farmers v clip from nn excliango and fully en ttorso the sentiment: Consider your calling thu most elcvat od, and tho most Important; but never 1h above it, nor bo afraid of tho frock and tho apron, Put off no business which ought and can bo douo to-duy, until to morrow An sootius the spring opens and tho frost Is out of tho ground, put your finces In order. Plant no moru ground tlriii you cnu well manure, and cultivate to advan tage. Never hire it man to do n 1)1 ceo of work which you etiu do yourelf, Keep no more tock than you can keep In good order, uml that of tho best kind. Kwepoiitofdcbt ami avoid tho Sheriff. .for tltf -JJoutifl OlhS. !- " . - - - Mtrrni) kiui it nliti)r, Mlucciiv luwIiiR n mliiii to know In wlmt eitimiito liu whs unioni; mi'ii, iIIol'uNwI lilitinulfaM u traveller, iiml tfi- ..!.... ti'itrbulwilt. liiMfllll ihk m." """i'"-" - "" " ' inklnj; tl l'rloo of tin- illlloront , otntui- Iiomiw llieru. Pointing to Jupiter, lio asked how much ho wanted for that "A drachma," said the Image-maker. Mercury laughed In his sleeve, "How much for this of Juno?" The man wanted n higher price for that. Mercu ry's eye now caught his own Image. Now. will tills fellow," inongni ne "ask me ten limes us much for tills, for 1 am the messenger of heaven, and the source of all his gain." So lie put the itiesllou lo him, what ho valued that Mercury at. "Well," says tno M'uipior, "if vou will give mo my prlco for the other two, 1 will throw you that into the bargain." Thevwhoaro over anxious to know how the world values them, will he seldom set down at their own prices. Tlirllrftr and I lie llitlrhrr. Tin: llceves, onco on n time, deter mined to make mi end of tho butchers, whoso whole art, they said, was con celvod for their destruction. So they assembled together, and had already whetted their horns for the contest when n very old ox, who had long worked at tho plough, thus addressed them: "Have n care, my frlends.what vim do. Thcso men, at least kill us with decency and skill, hut If wo fall Into tho hands of botchers instead of butchers, wo sliallsuirera double death for bo well n.sured, men will not go without beef, even though they woro without butchers." liettPr to bear with the Ills wo have than to lly to others that wo know not of. The lluue Hog ami (lie 'olr. A i.iian, hungry Wolf chanced ono moonsliiny night to 4 fall ii) with iilunili well-fed IIouso Dog. After the first eonipliments woro passed between them, "How is It, my friend," said tho Wolf, "that you look so sleek'.' How well your food agrees with you ! and hero I am striving for my'llvlng night and day, and ran hardly save myself from starving." "Well," says tho dog, "If you would faro llko me, you havi only to do as I do." "Indeed !" says he, and what Is that V" "Why replies the Dog, "Just to guard the master's house and keep off tho thieves at night." "Willi ail my heart; forat present I have but a sorry time of It. This wood land lire, witii Its frosts mid rains, Is s har" work for me. To) have n warm roof over my head and a bellyfull of victuals alvvays at hand will, niethinks, be no bad exchange." "True," says tho Dog; "therefore you have nothing to do but to follow me." Now as they wen Jogging on together the wolf spied a mark in tho dog's neck, and having a Htrango curiosity, could not forbear asking what It meant. "Pooh! nothing at all," says tho dog. "Nay, but pray" Mys tho wolf. "Oil I a mere trilie, perhaps tho collar to which my chain is fastened" "Chain!" erltd tho wolf, In surprise, "you don't mean to say that you cannot rovo when mid Where you pleasoV" "Why not exactly perhaps ; you seo I am looked upon us rather llerce, so they .sometimes tio mo up In the day-time, but I assure you I havo perfect liberty nt night, and the master feeds mo olf his own plate, and the servants give mo their tit-bits, and I am such a favorite, and but what U the matter? where aro you going?" "Oil, good night tn you," says the wolf; "you are welcome lo all of your dainties; but give me, a dry crust with liberty against n king's luxury witli a chain." The ?oikej mill tile llolplllit. It was an old custom among sailors to carry about with them little maltese lap-dogs, or monkeys, to amuse tliem on tie voyage ; mi it happened once up on a lime that a man took with him a monkey as a companion on board ship. While they were oll'Siiuium, the famous promontory of Attica, tho ship was caught lu a violent storm, and being e:iisi.ed, all on board were throwhn In A II aiii- liiorml nl ii liirlntsn fur Hut ,Mw,,ll(j herself arrived nt tliogoal.ouly to seo that tho tortoise hail got In be- foro her. Slow and steady wins tho race. The Prog anil the Oi An ox, grazing In n swampy meadow, chanced to set his foot among a parcel of young frogs, and crushed nearly the whole brood to dealh. Ono that esca pid ran olf to his mother with tho dreadful news; "And, O mother!" said lie, "It was u bcast such n big fourfooted boast ! Hint did it." "lligV" iiuolh tho old frog, "How big V was it ns big" and she puffed herself nut to a great degree "ns big as this?" "Oh!" said tho llttlo one, "a grent deal bigger than that." "Well, was It so big?" and sho swelled herself out mure. "Indeed, mother, hut It waa ; nml If you woro to hurst yourself, you would never reach half Its size." Provoked nt such a ills parniteiiient of her powers, tho old frog made one more trial and bunt herself Indeed. i So men aro ruined hy attempting a I grcutnes to which they have no claim. RAIL ROADS. TVTt IIITI 1 HUN CKNTIl A I j JOUTIIKUN HAIL J-l way. WHKlT UOUTK NOliril AND HOUTII. Through tirlwrcti UiUllmorp nnil Hnctlrntcr wiiiioi'T riiANUi: up oaks. On nml nflir April 2. Isilf, Irnlni will Icictr m ImIIOM! WAINS. .NOUTIIW.MU). 0.113 A, M. t.KU'K .N(lHTIIl'MlirllHNllll.lll (CI- irrl Itiit nt Whlninnixirt T.luii. in., Dlnilm U.k) lUMin, ('iiiinlHlnluuii .1.11 p. in.. IIim'Iip trr l.lip. in., Inillalol'.l.lp, in., una Miimint LIS P. H. l.K.WK NllUTIIfMllf.lll.lNIl ,nlly(Pf ITPt KlllKlilVH), Wllippillll III nil siiui"iis iii- rlMmsiit W IUliiliiisirlil.lp. m., I.llnlrii lit l!.u"i p. in. TKA1NH rtOl'TIlWAllli. 6.C3 A. M , M. I.FAVK NllllTIICMIIHlUMl ilillly, ipplliK nt prllli'Uml slntlons; urrU lux nl .'.Ii.i.T.r,, i ni in . lUllliimrp 1 J. 10 ti. in.. t.tolnl iiirrixiiurtf Wnslllllllli'll WO I ..mill l'niiiiiu'ipiiiii i.ii p. III. A.n . t . .... V.ilil-lll'UIll IK. INli itnll V tfx ' .Tpisiumlivs'), nrrlWiiu nl llnrrUlmrK 1.15 P, in., lliiltlnmri'lUilp. in.. WnslihmUm Hum p. hi., nml l'liiimii'ipinn o. hi p. in. ...... t ....... VnB.lll.Wllt til. A Nil ilnlll' IP ' Vuli.lnj )'. Htuppliin "illy ul prllillpiil tiri-Ullltf ill linn sliurir K.fl p. 111.. I'hlliuli'lnlil.l l.iu li. 111., nlnl lUlllmolo 7.00 n. in. II .10 P. M. I.rVKNllllTIII-MIOIll.Ml, ntnpnllll! nl urlncltiiilMiitliinn; nrrl ln nt HiirrWmrv l!,Wn. in., lwllliniiiiii.Wn. in., riiundcipiiui May a, isur, (li'ii'l, rni'iiiipr Am nl IH.T. lnihAi)i:i.rniA and ek b L lt.Ml.llOAII. This pnt lino triuprsis llin nTirlhrrn nml liiirlhcslcimnlpurivniiii)lnnl.i lo Hip rllv of KrlP, "ii IJin" KrlP. It lius Invii '"Y!V:l.!: WC' 1" ! 'Vim,, company. Tlinp'nf i'iipn'prTnilns l NiiilliliiiilH'iliimll . ....... mm' , mi I .Hn Mull linln. UMllr.M. l.r..r. lll 'IVi.Iti Trip i:xiirpss i nun. ..'i.i ...... ....... ....... I'lllll A.M.: ltrk lliiPll AjToliiliiiHlillloll iilin. i vi.. i-.Tim ssTrnln.iiill r. M.l r.liillm Mull 1 nun i.F. ivk i Aiui.-i.Mi. - ,:KiilSK;ffiL mu ,,.i I'.ii rpH drains wllliont i-liniiBB '"'Hi "" iwi i-n I'lilliiai-ipiiiiiniiii i.nv. v.,.,, , N'rw YiillK I'nvXKTliiN. U.lP m.. nrrlM'nt llripnt nw .-, iK p.m.! Uno i:rk' nt -.. p.m.. nrrlin ut Npw i rlciit:l:l5P.M.:l,.nii-i:rle nl H1.S1A.M, nrrlw nl NYwYiirK nl I'll" .1.11. l:pu.inl stpoplliKiiirium nil 11 wit triiln. r liilor 1 rpsis 1 llriK pusipnsor I.iisIiipss nimy nt Urn is.imr "t Thlrtlilli nml Market stii'iV, l'lilln.lplphl.i; nml ror irelsht Innlm-sinf ''S.Vi.kI Hlrpi'ls, l'hllii.l.lphl.1,1 J.W.HfM1." ' ''rlf W,N 11.1111 lirown, AKem VpiiiVoN. (loni nil frelBljl ''V1vKs"N'r:iV!'la' Oclipr.ll TlikutAKPlltj PMijilplji'lll.l. Oeiiprul Hiipprlnli-iulpii'l, 'lUiiiluHirt, M.iy 11), 1-liT. c 1ATAWISSA UAIliUOAl). on una nftpr .Momuty. -liny 1. i--'!'. 1 .is-.-iikv. Iriilni iiil lli. I'Mnw Issu lUillroiwl 111 run nt tho followlllK IllllllPil nnurs! Mitll Stmtlt, MT VTION'S. Wlllliiiinporl Mmipy. WntsontoM 11. .VinJ Xnrth, Arr. JUT p. in llep. K.:t",ll. 111. ll.lli " ii i.v, i. " H..VI " ' 10.111 " ' IDAS " " 11.10 " " ll'.lS p. 111. " IJ..V1 " 1.IH " l.'.H " " ..! "liino " l.i'i " in-p...ii " .'i.U " J..V, ! " 4.1:1 " :i..Vi " " 3.C, " " 2.11 " S,il " Mlllnii. lunvllle. ltuppll. CulllMliill. KlliKtown. " Miniinlt. " lln.ik.ikp. ' 1.. Miilinmiy-Tlllic. ' .'I'ntiiiujii:!. June. " 1,'0 l.HI " 1. to " 10. 10.1. Ill S.IS Kciiiinii;. I'lilluilelnhln. " Arr. ll. H 1 To Npw York 1.1. upuil l Inn or Miuttli riiniik. Id.r. nun ii". 1 ,1 li) . Mntirh Chunk. I Niii-hnnilP "fenrs IipImppIi Wllll.imeliort una iiUiuh ipiiiii. "Ko- wmm, Hupt. MISCELLANEOUS. riMIK MUTUAL I AW. INSUUANCK CIIJII'ANY Of Ni;W r. s. winhton YOIIK. IMIKSIDKNT, Ainlt over '10,000,0011. r.xci.usivr.t.Y cAHir. AVNCAI. IIIVIIIIISIW AVA1LAW.B 1MMK1UATKI.T TO I.V111K4SK TUB IMSUIUMU 11111 0 KK llfCK TIIK PlltHlUM. The t'linipnny Issupa ilurlns llio ynir rmllng January 1st, lo U7J l'lillcles, Insulins il,S75,lJ0. The total Inpniiienf Hie year lielng SU,2ni1".s,i. -rull p.irtlclllnrs nt to the working of the Cimipmij w 111 he ihpcrfully Riven hy npplylnii to JOHN it. KKKKZi:, Jtcyvilcr'i OJJUe, iiiiHU'iiT.l liLooMsnciia, Pa. r () N V K C T I O N H U V FUUIT, NUTS, AO., j.vcoiiy & WUIMYKR, MANUKA crVJltHW, nml rtelall Dealers In rr.Ai.y .i.v) FA.vcr roynxio.vMtr, AMI liKAia:l!S IN KOUKIOX 1-1UJ1T.S AND NUTS. Kxihaliue HIiK'k, WiioliwltiliK, I'". OllANUIX, I.KMONH, UAISINS), I'ltUHNH, 11 O C K C A N 1) Y , sr.MII.KsS UIS1NS, I.AFU UASINS, tltJ.IIVSIS. ctruo.v, niH, noi.i.s, .ic, Iiitr.AU AND OA K IIS, or nil klmls. i:niis .iai'oiiy, i Ki n. i:. wiiiMvni. I'.liioiiisliurif. A lisfT. TUUNITUlti:! 1'UKNITUHK!! ni:w rL'UMTL'iti; WAtinnooMs, witm.iisA li: .i.v. ur.TMi., lltlilMS III III Mll-l.t'll'S STOItK, III.UO.MS!II'l!ll, i'A., Wilt UK ni iy he fuiiml t lias llm.,4 njiMirtiiieul of 1-' U It N I T U It IC eer iiirt re-1 lo the shii!i- of this section, eonslst. Inor PAiii-oit, kiti:iii:n and iii:d-iioom kuk- MlI'lli:, of nil klmls, slps, kIj Ii-n, iliKPrlptlou anil prleea. CIIA1US OI-' Ahh STYhKS, Klti-hen. Dlllliu, Parlor nml Nlttlu lloiilii elulllH, i:xti:nsion taiu.ks, llre.ikfnst Ttihles, Dillllu Tnhlps, Kllchetl Tahlea, I.lhraiy ami Centre Tiihles. H I D V. II O A H D H. Chestnut. Wulnut, nml Chesliiitt-wnluut Trim lin-il, DtagiJles n liirn ftssorlinenl on li.inil, nelt made nml uliely autuheil. DUKSSlNd CASKS, Hall Slum!, Ilaltreeii ami llracketH, eiery yarl. i ly ami iIiiImIi. S P 11 I N (1 It V, D S . The heal ivtr oirerisl to th pllhlle. PIOTUKF. I-'HAMIvS, Amllnret eiery thlug to lie found In n City Ware Itooni eau he hd In our nauim, nnj at the very lowest prleea, 1 have PHtahlUhed the 11KADY PAY AND (INK PHICi: HYSTHM, And warrant uur joiKla aa repreaentrsl. J. It. llrVTKH. UlooiiiHliurg, &Uy SI, Iwrr. -yyKAVKU .1 BPItANKIJO, WIIOl.lSSAI.r.llltOCKUim ANDCOMHISWION MI.r.CIUNTH, Nna. 211 ami '.VI Arch SJtreet, Philadelphia. J. II. LONOSTIIKTH, PAl'Klt-lUNUINO WAP.E110UHK, No. II North Third Hlreet, PhUa.1i.ipMa, K HO II A N D IS 13, NOTICI'. IH MDlll'.llY fllVI'.N To inj frlemla and the pn Idle generally, that all klndaof DHY OOODS, OHOUI'3HIIiS, QU13I'3NSWAIU3, NOTIONS, AC, are eonatantly on hand and for aala AT lUHTON'H OIill HT4NK, IllxaiHsat'ao, HT JAUKVl K, HYWn, rrAho, Hole i(illt fur t'',l' IN-k, l.alga lid cntlii I n 1 mid (tel'Sir, KffJA M I N(l HKKN peelarln CAnr-immiH, winikjw bhadkm, Oil. CIXITIIM, MATS, Ac., flo. 13 North Kernnd Hlrctl, DRY GOODS, &c. ri UAN1) Ol'KNINtJ IT (IllANll ol'ENINO UllANU OPKNINO UIIAN1) Ol'IlNINO OltAMI 6l't:NINO KAM, AND WINTT.n OOODsl, l'ALI, AND WlNTIHt OODS, KAI.Ii AND WINTKIl HOODS, KAt.t, AND WINTi:lt (lOODM, KAM, AND WINTIUI OOODS, iinslslltif; ol eonslntlliK of ronsisilnir ot IHlHslstlUK of cinslstlnii of DttY (IOODS, DUY (lOOlW, IUIY nootw, DUY (MUDS, DRY HOODS, I1A1S AND CAPS), HATS AND L'Ars, HATS AND CAfS, HATS AND (.'APS, HATS AND CAIS, HOOTS AND SIIOIIS, HOOTS AND SUllIM, ISOOTS AND HII01X, HOOTS AND SlIOIX, HOOTS AND S110P.H, rti:ADY-MAiu: cuithino, HKADY-MAfli: CLOTllINa ItHADY-MADi; CI.0111IN11, ltllADY-MADi: Ct.OTIIIN(l, UIUDY-MADK CI.OTHirO, I.OOKIN(l-(lIKSIJs, IiOOKINCI-llIiAHSl-.S, LOOK INU-d I.ASHIX, I.OOKINd-dLASSICS, J.OOKINU-lH.AHSi:sl NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIOMS, NOrlONS, TAINTS AND OtlX, l'AINTS AND 01I.S, PAINTS AND OlIH, PAINTS AND OIUs. PA I NTH AND OltM, anocr.itir.s, OUOCHHIKS, OltOCKIUIiS, UUOUF.nirX, unocr.itiEH, QUKHNSWAIU:, titlCKNSWAItK, QUKKNSWAUK, QtinHNSWAItK, HUP.lINSWAr.K, IIAUDWARK. HAmiWAHK, HAUDWAHi:, HAHDWAHLI, IIAltDWAUK, TINWAltR, TINWAUi:, TINWAItr., tinwaui:, I'lNWAUi:. HAir, SALT, SA LI SA I.T, SALT. PISH, PISH, PISH, ' PITH, PISH, IIItAIN DltAIN (lltAIN (IIIAIN JHAIN and si;i:ns, and st:i:ns, AND SlIKDS, AND SKKDS, AND rllXDH, if., atrKKI.VY, NIIAL McKCI.VY, SllUi UcKKtiVY. NKAL UlKUf.VY, NKAI. Ifi'KP.f.VY, NKAL CO.'fl, CO.'S, (1I.U Cll.'S. CO.'H. Kurllrial aorntr uf Mulil and Marlcl Mtrreta, NorthvMt corner of Mnln and Market, North Mt pornar of IifaJn init Ma.rk.t KtrMla, KorlhMt rorner nt Main and Markot Htreta, Narthait m tiifruf Main and Haikat hlml, ujoitsmmo, rA nr)OMsinmo, pa. lUAOMHllUllO, PA., IlLOOKHhUIUl, PA., ULOOMHIllllKJ, PA. IRON I HON I HON IKON I HON AND NAIIX, AND NAIIl, AND NA1IJ, AND NAIIX, AND NAIIX, ! larcrt ii&iitltleu and at reduced ratea, alnny JJ 0. IIOWI3H, hat opened a flrKt-clasn HOOT, HHOK, JIAT ANI CAP HTOir nt the old tnd on MHlnKtri'ft, Illoonnhui. 1 1 In ilork iruinuo-ci of the very Ut est and lCNtiityh's evtr onerri io ui t-nien oi i.ouniiom i ouniy, lie can (i"nurnirtiiic iu omaiu wivu Die nuiow tnr kind mid ut cIihuo nrh t-n t mva'n puit Utotat, tin, iim'U'i kip, doijhl hole, ihiji riu ni at uiHiiM, a iua ii, t iihhii i,nu Xlen'a kIiits kid 1 ULniorid ki(ie. MriV woiiio'h Irftya, nrA mtt-i' kI't Ul! iBctlnit lultrm, Wo. mu' slovo kldn, irry floe, Vmntn'ti (In ro lnoroi'n. ltlinArialN. Woimau'i. invn'muorotvoHiiil rtf t-hi-tm, common ho, UkHint' en (I clitldU rliocn, wonitfa'ai, mltaitva1, Ixiya', and rhthVv mijptfr. ne nito aecv4 a arcMt variriyor HATJ, CAW, Aft!) MTIIAV i001W of Try til ad, ft tha luritt hrlowii, boka foi caali ana cTuntr If nie, Ruuf mt4i Ilia i tlraetltn 1 Ii nnr I km I b uLarmtai at Ika CI cj hi- rrtmk Kit mil and a aw raeTaax mmmmTUijt 1ft HpVW DRUGS & MEDICINES. T N. M(.)Y13It'.S or.i) i.HT.uiu....!) imrd htoiu:. DltUOH! )HU(iS!l DltU8l!I Tiik most rttnt'U'tpnh4rirffiilty ncloclciUlucIt tolio tvWuX In the rnutity, conMMInn in rut nf l)riiKii I'liomlcnW, (11jhh. ViirnMiC". l'ntty, nrulics, HYiiLTix, i;hs!:ni;k,kxthai'Im, hI'Ici;,h. I.HKNTI U (HI, l'crrumt'ry, llnlr lyi, Htulhuiory, rocket Hooks, 1'i:n knivix, pipix, crn.vns tohacco. IjAMIM, t'llIM.NKVM.HIIAliK, lllUNfK, ponsos, ClmninU Hltln, CiitlidrrK, HjrouluiiiH Syrlmji-s, lltvust l'uniit, TniHHf of nl'ronl !i.:il;c. A larun nntorttiu'tit of choice !,l(Hior- for Mt-ilkl tml purOM'rt. twtlirr with the M.rlous WT.IX KNOWN HliiMACII nirn.u. These with mrtny other artless tf nuinermis tonpnclfy form ft utiM'k which tlelh-H enintetltliti Imth ns regains prlto mnl theiUllty oniiemiotix, rmfsiLiANa riikscmi'Tio.Ns comimlmikk with TIIK t'TMUIT C VIIK AM U'll. Country ileaters are invited In inspect thu (-tock U fora iurrliu-lnu ulseuhcie, im they will tliul It yiently to their ntlvuntftK). 1 ieMi iM uro I'omluntly heliii ieet I veil from tlie c-tty. um cim be obtained etthtr to uholrwtc or rttait, Ketiuniher the Hiiro V.xt HANun Hloc-k ntiove HtfViiUiKO Hotel, Main street, IHooiiistmrtf. AuguH V, Nt7. J It, JIOVKH, wiiom;sali:a ltinwiti J) n V UG 18 T, 'OUNUl Ol' MAIN AM) MAKKKT HTLi:!. TS. UlaOO-MHlUUU), I'A,, ulicitiwlllho found u KiiKe ;md select stock of I Hllgs, 3IKD1C1XK.S AXD CIIKAUCALS. ANoitll the 1'ATL.NT lIMUUSIaS Ot 1111. 1UV, I inn n ho rcii.ircdU furuihh Country .Stolen with Castor Oil, Oodficy'ts Cordial, Tintl.INnsTOX'.S 11AUSAM, nnd nit other medicines kept lu their lino ut Clly prlees. t- rrehcrlisttoin e.ircfully eoniioundcd nt nil hours. In medicines, riuullty N of tho llrt itntoitimce. Hloonishurn, June", Ni7 E. KVKIIKTT A 1)U. J. n. CASirS IN OltANtJl.VII.M., JUST OP K X K 1) WITII A sri.KNIMI) AMI VA1UI: AsSOUTMES'T OF fJOOlM Al'I'FHTAINIMl TO THE M'.t'fl Itt'SINESS. ruiiK intUGs, cimMiCAiiH, inc., ALWAYS ON HAND. In short nny nrtlele that run ho mimed In tho iniU llnoenn he hnd nt their store. Dr. J. II. Citve. Is l'nict loner, mill also underslnnds 1'har inacyj :. i:rreit Is a .Medical htudt-nt, him at teutlcd ono term nt the JcH'crsoti Medical College, and understands the coiuiM.undlux of Drmrs. They rci.teetlully Invito th-j pnlioiiiujo of their friends, nnd the nuhlle generally, nllrlul them "Ht v," and wliuterr will ho imrchaed of them rill In- fri-sh unit pnrp. nprjii i.7 AH0 Till . FIRST PREMIUM A Or n Nllver Metlal Wil AWAIDtD TO f BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE T DjthB N. II. SUU Arrlcultural Unclft.kl nABUETT'H Vegetable Hair Restorative Ileitom Qrty IHtrto lt nitural color. Tro rood to their oriirlu! ontntiic action. Lridl- av lr catei Damdrutt amt llumori. IVerenli litifiainnf out. iiaMitienor iirtMinf j Iiconiaiiia no injurmu lDKrruirun, jm nu la ineriioii pojuinr nn ri n- t,ti, nii. nucm ana w J, R, BARRETT & CO., Proprietor!. MANCHESTER K. II. 4i-8oldhy T N. MOYint, Illooii.hurn, Va. ond DriiRKlsts Keiierully, apr3'(I7-0n THE onnAT ZING ARI BITTERS -?ht comrt nenl ptrti cf lliti rcm&tlttM rrcrarallon were Ant diicorcrcJ. cotoiioundud and tliitributcd, lomt twenty yeari ago, by l)r, Cuiurici, tltt cetd truttd Egyi'lian rhjaiclan. Thoui-inUi of LU luffer leg countrymen were restored to htallli, ai well an ret t Dumber! of tho inhabitant! of iS'ubia and Abyniols, and of tbeeouotriei border in k upao ll.e tioultiiracoust -Di ino aicuiierranesD aca. lii(Uiil, ino fame or tha zi.uaui urrrKiui aooa liinad over Europe, anil ai adoi ted by the Iirlnclj.ftl j'liTslci&oi la charge cf the hoi.luli of tho bid woild, In which it ia Still USfd With nrceml. Th Viceroy cf t'gjpt placed the mmo Dl UDfin the ' lloll of Nubtci and lented to him a Medal bearing the following inicrin tlont Da. Caiopsui.lhe I'ublio Dcnefactor." This uuieri ii now ooereu iu ws putjiia or America with, the fall uiuranco that it UI ba found, upon a fair trial, to act ai a gpeciQo for tho cure of Cholera. Dyaenterr Ularrhcrn, Choierta Morbui, Fever ami Ague, tlloiv Fctr, lltieumntltm, Typhoia Fiver, Dysnrpiln, Colic, llronchltla, louiuittptton, Vl nt ti le ncy. UUcaiea or the Kidneys, Kcrvoua Ucbtllty, nutl Femnle CoinplatuU Remarkable caret cf the above dlieaiei hniebeen eSected by Iti ue, ai numcroui certificate!, many fioni regular j.hyilciani, fully attcat; ind It U deitincd to uivenedo any preparation cttaot. Aibq igrttallo TifQic- ftn-1 an I.SVIGOBATINO SEVER AGE, II IIAl ,o i:qlml, Tun Tm zixGAiu unrrnns HAS RUL'F, AS'HELI AH UODV, AID AI A PREVENTIVE or ni3r.A8R, nis no supEition. A TKW WORna TO I.ADIE3.-The use ef the ZI.N'OABI D1TTU13 will glv to you that loft, leml trDiparent complexion which the God cf Datura (do ilgning woman to b the lorclleit of Mi work) fully taiendtd that you ihouli bare for It Ii nature'! own owder and, paint combined Dy purlflnjr, the bloel, tlaiulitlDK the ptfmentary cell! of the dermli, and imparting health and Ilfo throuihout the entire ajitam. It Mpr filly girvi that imooth elearneai and Went to fhe com pica ion io touch to bo deiired re aaoTioi all rough um, Llotchei, freckle!, plojplei.and that yallow, alckly luok ia common in our day; and what fi even better linn Hilt, it curei erery i;leo .female Ifregularttlei and dtaao 1'rlnelpa! pepot, Ilarristurj, r. KAHTER & HATJSE, Soli rBOrmiroak - Tor aale by I N. MOVKIl, Wliolrnnlo anil Itctall Druu'Klal, Ulooinaliini:, l'a, lllV(l7-0in, yji. v. jruneiiY'.s hons, s T a t ion : n s , HTHAM I'OWIIII l'HINTKKH AMI IU.ANK HOOK JIANUKACTUHKHS 119 Clnalniit atroct, A M Honlli 1'onrlli alrml, I'llII.AIIHI.rillA, I'A. They niako n Hpct-lnnty of fnrnlslilUK Xatlonal llanka, L'oiuily Olllcfra, Ilisuralico Coiiiunlca, Hanking Houara, rtc.wlth r.vr.uv AitTicMior iii,ank iiookh AND I'llINTINH, liavlnir maclilnery aifclnlty udniieil for all work tliey inuy reiiulro, fctiH'tTf-ly. joiin o. yi:aoi:h A CO., WlioUhalu lic-alvrii lu II ATH, CAIH, HTHAW (IIIOIW, AND IiAHIIiH' l UltH, No, S57 Norlli Tlilrd Hlrtiet, I'lillailrliilila. I. II. WAIl'KK, Iilu Walter .& KauU, Imimrtfr and l,aler In CHINA, OIiAHH, AND IJUKUNrtWAnU, Nn. JW Nu. til Talrd HlriK-t, IMWHI1 1UM Mid VklO lalH-it. DRY GOODS. JJUHHAII Foil CATAWISHA! TJL1H 11A1 I'l.U I1AUIIAIAS. (looitn tx, comparo Mllhtrllli;,'ll(-ynf Mm lilolioy iimrkeL IxkiU mul ooiniiato iirli-ti iH-foru liur clinalns cUewlicri-. Just mil nt Hi? fnvorlto liuil. noflH Ktnnd nf McNINCH AHlIf.MAN, nml you will lii-im-l liy llioiililluluit iiirl'turir llielri'lcrkK,iiiiiliiliiiuilliriiii;lillirlri!rnil viuuiy Moro frponf clml-RP.iifriilll'si'. Thry will Rlioy.m n full- clinnrp In aprwl ynur Iihimi rli.ilui', llioy trut iiiucli tnnri-priiittnlily tltim It i-iui w nn'in olaewlicro. Tlit-lr STOCK OP DUY (HM)IH Dili Siirlim It initrli Inrm-r In nil In vniMM Mm" iinml. Thplr ladius' imiisH (loons nrr of Hie lilo-st l)li", hi limllu l. liny lmi'ii lino tiMsortnicnl of HATS, CAPS, llOOl'S AND SllOliS SUMMPH CLOTHS, CAHSINI.-IS, CASSI.MLIlli, AND INllH, ntiil iitniiornui iirllrU'Ht-nniinoii tonnclifstnlilMi' titpnlH, bi'iKlcN ii K'-nirnl iinnirtmrtil nl iiAiiDWAiii:, tinwaui:, (iPi:i:Nsv.iii:, and (iiioi:i:ini'.H, till nt iripiitly inlnci-il pllii-n. 'HievuMi un-oli iliu'l tliPlr litistnpMi on llio h -iti in nl "PAY AS OU (III," nliil tln-y llilnlt llipy pihi nfliinl IokpII pryi-lipnii, 't'lipy u-luiti tlii-lr lliulildi lor ln.ui )ni.l Iniol nnd nsk Hip fulillp tuttnimitfi- of tlufr fitnncl' i-ui- tonic i h nnd lb,- iulillt K.-ni'ttilly. MfNINl'II A SIIU.MAN. 11M11HU.ST1311 A IlltOTIIi:il, Import i-i'M mul .loliliein or HOSiKllY, IILOVIIS, SllllirS AND lUtAWLIW, I1UTTONS, Sl'SPIiNillllts, iioo i sutlers,, TiniKADs.HIiWJXOHlI.lis, . TlilMMINliS, POUTP. MONNAIIN, SOAPS, PLUPL'MLUY, PA.NCY OOOIrt, AN I. NOTIONS fll-.NPUA I. I.V, l.o Mmiuf.ictiirorn of IIUUSIIIX ANDL0Oi:iNfl(ll..S.-'i;s( mul IH-iilcrH In WOOD AND WILLOW WAIti:. IIIIOOMS, ItopiW, IWINlX.Ar No. .Too North Tlllnl StiPi-t,lilKio Vine, Phllnili Iplil'i. M. MAUI'l.i:, NOTION'S, IIOSIPItY, CILOVr.s. AND FANCY IIOOIN, No. ..! North Tlllnl Slli pt, PhlliiiUIililil. E. J. LICSTIOU, Wholi'salii and Uitall Di-iiti'i In i'orti:iiiN and DOMrxru; cAiii'irrs, OH. CUVrlN, WINDOW KIIAD1N, AC Nil. a Norlll Sornlld Stn it, ".i. I'lllM (,'lllirrll, l'hlla.lrlilil.i. N'DIIKWS, W1I.K1XS A- CO., DoiiU-ri In l'OllUIUN AND IlO.MINTIU 11HV G0O1M, No.ail M.illiU Htlifl, riillnUol.lilil.'ii .s.1m:i,I;, Manufacturer nl unit Wluili'Mllo Duller III CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMi:itl, AND VlSirlNOS Nu. 1.1 Nin Hi Third MreU, I'hllmloliilil.i. GROCERIES, &c 11 M () V A h O V C. C. MA 11 H H n K w a t o n i -3 t n s n i r k'h ii r. a v k, on Tin: rintNPii of MAitiir.T ash ikon siuf.i: Tim undi-rslirni-il li.i Iny Ki'i'lvod fmin tin" i-Ity a lull and rnniiiK-li1 Miidy of Sl'ltl.Ni: AND rillMMCIl DRY (SOODS AND (i lldCHItl 13S, x o Tins, T1N-WAIU'. AND IIAKD-WAIU W.'.Ui -I.v) H7..K1I-ir. i ..', CONri'.CTIONIIIiV, II.A!-K.WA1!I.', '1' () I! A C C O , A T ii A A' D S II O I! ,V I LOlIlt, MAM', K1XH. AND MIIAT, all of whk-li I pi'mmM-iM-lllnKiil u vi'i'ylon limn for lasli oi fiiiidui'i i- Call and soe. A lirll 12, 11U7. , MAlllt. "PI'3Il.AHb S'l'OlINKll, Would rei-i'i'i'tAilly nnnotnii-i'lu liNfiMiiNnnd li.ltrini'', that In In, opened a tllst-cta-s ria'iTAcoxFrnoxionY.sTonn wliciutliili' may ho fomul at all thill's a llni-col-li'dlon of nilJIT, CONI'KITION'DISV, NI'T.., Ar ni well ns finis (ii!oi i:iiii:h, m liicli may l.oolitalii'.-d at ri iMinaldt latra. Tin hloik N atuaN fivsli nnd of llirNi iy Ik'1 illallly. No (i'iIhh will Im iiparod to nnkn IhU iiit.ili-lWliini-nt tlio llin hi of ita Mud In town, cull N hulU'llt-d lii-lniu laiuiuii'!-. mi' Hilda tUuuliciL-, usitl,lH-lli"Vidtlial ..ili'it silUfai-llon will Ii ClMll. I'OI.r.MHIA IKU'Mi:, Main hi., iip.-iH' Mllli'i". ."tori', auHTirr.J lllmini.liuiK, l'a. cciif:i.i., i!:iini3U a co., ii:ni:uai. commikmox .miuu'iiants liraluu In Kihii, halt, ciii:ii; riiOVI.SIO.SX, A,., Noh. 12 and 121 Noith Wli.UM.K.almvn Auli M. riilladrliilila. Solpugenta lor VIUnx'a Wliiid Urease, lli'luir. rela, krffa, And cans. WAIXWIUU1IT A CO., v ii o 1. 1 : k a 1. 1: o nor i: hh, N. V., t'orner Keeoml aiul Areh HtreetH, riiu.Ahi J.i-ui , luahii In TKAH, HYUlUs,COrFin.,fsirtlAU,.Mt)r-VKSlii men, wrirr", nt caiiii hoda, av At. t1- Ortlern 111 leeelva prouipt ntteutlou. May 10, lSt7-ly. joiiuan a lutornini, wjiomxwj: ouocr.its nnd pealeiH In HALTPirnti: ani khimstoni:, No 2iXi Nnrih Third Htr--et, rhllntletphln. im;tkumax, wiiii LirriNixirri TiioiTKit,, No. St Norlli Wati r Hlui t, and No. si) North Ivlaw ft i o A enini. I'llllailrlplll.l. JOUN HTIIOUI' A CO.", KllccraaolM tilHtrnnp A llrolllr, WIIOI.l' IllUI.lIltS IN FIHII, No. 2 Nurl ll WilirviM, an I Ji Novlli WatiT HI., i'hllinlililila. G. w- Ill, A HON A CO,, Iiiiiufn',tiiri'ra of on, wmim ani window mi aiu., Waralionaa, No, 111 Norlb'I lilrd Hlrt. riillmMphla. T'()Tl'e'j3.- 1 lion by camion all,n.nualnat l.iilnpoi' ncKollallliH a imtf iii'in liy nn in Uioiko W Ilrnlon, and i:. II. Minf.un, dali'il Aumikl ISIh, ir.w, iur un Mini oi iiiii.iii. lor ll mi ii 1 naii li pelVHl nn vnltl,.. Alnl u 1 a la (i I inn ilt'lrrliilln d not tniay lllilraa uinail'llld lo do an ' ilui' iiairai of l. .HHIN D. l"ll K WWII 1UII, l'hit,V, IMI'-IW, TOBACCO &. SEGARS. iill'3 ()M,Y IMiACK tn-RCl tliMiPKt KlllALVO AND CIOAIIB, AT Wllol.lf ALU AND 11IXMI, l-i nt IlUN(l?lli:tttll:it'S, n fow iloom liploiv 1 1n- Aiiiprlonn llouip, ntooinahlirg, P,l, Ho linn I In- Inrgt al unit lilnl BPlfot of SMOU'INll AND CIII'.WINH TOHACCO roltpunl In tin- iltlxrn nf Illonltmlitirit. All Iti,- Inni-y tiimi U of SPOAIts. mi l Un lient !'hnrut n ml l'hij CllliWINll IDIlAi'i-O. c.tu lit- linil nt lit (Hiutittira. lOllACCo P1PI.- In itniit vntd-ly nt(.iinuiii Ina ini0 -im u. Ik.V r I'OltlllTl' 1M I'.M.I- ii. ii. iii-nkiii:iiiii:ii. W. HANK'S m iiuiiriAi.ii i in. a f i., vrri,.i.M' i niAlt ,i... i"Cn, No. in, Norlll llihilMn 1 1 iwtwt I'll t 'In i r .nnl Itnec, weal ai., 1 B, 1 1 1 11,11, n. c. 1,. WodDIUM'Is Wh-ili'MlIc li illein 111 lllltAl'-lOH.titiAltM, I'lPllH, '('., Ac, So. 13 North Ihlnl M.rem, tvtc Mnikt t, rh11mtell.t. IHIaSlIMI'Tn, MHoTIlKIt As CO., i. wiiou. w,r. th;.('i'o DMAi.ntn, Vo. lil NorlhTtilia stn .t. (He thiol a helow Ihiee, Tut toiler, Not. 2-Slainl -i Quarry Mi eel, Vlill. Mlflphla. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. -Ql I MILKS V. SNY1M-:U, ttHAI.rtt IN U A It I) V A U ikon, naii,, sm;i m, m;, ac. .main m ui:i:t, m.tioMniriuit jmi.nn'a. 'I'd Jit' tills method of liirtrtlllt4llie(JIIy.ill'iuf L't)- lllin,il:i eiiiiij , Hinl ). Ihin oiitiinl till exit hMW il.irthvnii' M'ire 011 Mnln Htre'-t, In lt!oonihtH( o ur Iron tifft(nii t tlmt he lint tm himd it hio'ii ami nirniin asmueu:i Ihitn i'inl linn1'in wlitu e!ne In theeoiinty nn 1 whleh he to veil nt prUt whU-h thfy t'lHiipelltlon. niAixs, axks, stkki, iitox. I h ive (huhix, nil -ait s. iiXeK, oil limUo ihhI weight, I i 1, till ltHtliiii, nil shui-vf, it it-il nil very low,'w iia ituwAitp., of every tit Acrli-tloin. N.iiU, nle I'lillryu, huIi t'ottN, hitehex, Itifltsaml l.noh.,hutt sc vw h, nivli in t , wlndou sj ilnii", lui-e knohv, pirnp hlnse h:ips nnil tnj .I?, hotilcH nitii Hlnple., nml in f,x l (ier thing neeihtl in tlmt Hue. COACH A WAtjON .AIAKKILV 11 MLMVAUl. t inhnit'in nlniost cry UiIhk in that If ih. AImi HAlt.i:SM M AK II WtlAVAl.i: Hack I oh, .lji.:tuuett; htn Ulet, Mler )ilnliil; hitts ofeiry klnil , IJ.Mi iic.n(p,nl tno: Hami-s, woinl ; wnMIe tlt'e-., tn eit uillh weh, wolhted tmd eottntt : tliiTiid, nllk, nulKimtl m-edle, tooN nf allklniN. kiuii:maki:u'h hahiuvaiii:, A full asstn (nu nl forenrpentu. I huei'lant nu u new, miwij iiitnu, p:innel,ilitniideonip:iRs sfpt-ireH vteel, htm, nnd t ry : horiinr inuhlnes fliWIes, mui'l's, hfclH, m.dht', huieew, K--U,; plnis, lule-, hit-, nnd uloul etr. thliijt Itir e:tr- peutiit. yon Tin: i-kopli: fii'Ni:n m.i.v I huvo t nnl llOll-a, I vhoeN, seonpt, ci Ml Mil. is, laiil t'lnstuhlc eulleo .pofki-t fill U i j , plnti tl 'pnoii, pi i letl tot !., i m in, it-il tmd t of f.'eiH.ts.l .utter knleh,niUI HtwK, t'tossetit 'fiWN.elretihir wiiw Kuiurs tu t, llh", horne Mioe-stt i em lies, 1 1 . 1 H,lifiin nit-is JuliheK in.ttttKkH, picltv f.irksfTi'ih- bin-; litiiw(sioc), vpiuh"t,stiidltis ftl lit, hurt, rnke, bed pin--, Ine, tkntev, plt-wn, eotllu tl Im iuIiius laUitry, ted tlnlk, u hltoi halk, wlie, hot'Mi nalN, incut enttern, M-nh'", wash bonr hole butki'lfa, noodeli pnlK, elnlhes phiv, glue, tltMr inatH, pun I. main, w lor iii'ilf, etiin Ripper-, p.ilnt hriishi'K. hirf. ItriwhtM, hh'i'h bi'lN, lit 1 1 t"ilk--, ' nuuii'l t'd k'-lll' -a, ,. 1;, itltn, eo pp. r Ut (Hi ., fctewkfitlfs,-iuti-e itxt-s n dlt, -It dfrett, etittnin llxttiri-s, 'J'libnhU'pki lii" nnd 1-ox.h, ruiup'', lead pipe, i le. Tutroil rtfpt'iind hut. In .K ol iirtklt" not ,iiiii- in crated loiutniilly on hand ut riiAitiitt-. .Hxviunr, Iuhi ISlr-Jdt, Vdoiimsbui. IRON, TINWARE, &C. jaT'Oxak rurxniiv, ltLMnbuiy, (Joliinibia, Ci.anty, 1'n. The t-nletcil) i r, piopilf'or of Ihe ithoe-' ('nii i h iivlv e lahliNhiuciit, Is uou prttpiwod (u ie t-elvo ui' hi lor nil kinds of MACJUNi.n ttJituuMtiKittit, auwr ri'IlN ( HTATIONV UY KNOl VUS MlI.T.Tiim.HINfl .MACIIINKM, At !' also iepirel Ut nmke MuvoMonUj frlKt- tmJ putt eras, I'low-huns, and ever tlijnif uMiml1. ni.tdt in iifaix'laHt. riuiiiliic, IIWoNteiiMveftelltlteN nil puMi'-rtl vrorHniM. wjrraul hint In urolviim tho l;ired uiiitnit-tsnit tho tuod leUMtiiutblti leiiu.s, timiu "i all kin N will ht- taken lu i-xt'lmuye foi ('nvtliiKfi. 'ihlttwtnbl!hm.'iU u bn-.doJ mstr the Mel wuim-i nnd ItloouuliurglUilnnd Deiwit, ri:n;ri mi.r.Mvcvi. gT( ) V RS AXD T I X W A 1 1 10, A, M. nt'I'KUT minuHiii-v t his iihn K nwil uitom.rh thnl eojttlntiek ih, nbovi hiiMiifnt IiInoM plnieop ' 'V i-AiN HTitmr. iii.ooMHiirnci. (u"foTiierKeHn l-enfi'otntMtatt'il wltlt-..a- fi f'ANUY H'MVIl , nf alt kind, l-tovepljieM, Tlnwnie, and eeiy va riety of art It lo ffiuud In it Slovo .Mid Tin warn Jl tnhllshment In thoejilnai.iinil 011 thejuot n-usoii uhlo leiins. itepuiiinaduiiiMit Ihehlaaleftt nolh'i m imy.ItN M1I.K-PANH uii hand foi wale. JTTKW KTOVK AXD TIN SII0l on main hi iti:Kr .NUAiii.v oi'i'ostn; mimiu1 Hroi'.F, IH.OOMrslUMttl, IM.N.V'A, TllH tTKleisIyiud himJuM lltttd up nnd opened hU new KTOV13 AND tin suae, III tlila ldari, Mlipn-In la liti'iniinil to niakn llli now TIN U'Altl: ol all MniU In Ilia lini. and do 11 ialilnu 11 llli in nllii'wi and duimti-li, iijhiii lln most loiiMonatili' li 1 ma. 1 1 a .ilan kcria on liaiid h'lOVIIH Ol' VAIilOllH I'A'l ll.llNHAKTVI.KK, ivlllill tic. Will n-lt lllinn Irrina In still l.nli lini'lK. tllMililin 11 lull. Hi la 11 pood nita lialilt, nml dusi'i vIiik ol lln' 1 nnjin tiniioniii., .I.MOII MKTZ. Illlartilklilllir, .plll 91, NiT. "J OWi:, KU.STO.N A CO., Mallllfartllli'ia anil Wlioli-aaki liinti-laln COTTON AltNH.l Alll'ITl IIAINH, IIA1TH, WICKH, 1 III Y.MINH, I'OllliAOi:, I1II00MH, VliH AND WILLOW WAUL, LOOU' f) lll,AlHi:H,rM)l'lv.., I'ANl'V IIAHKiriK. TAIII.I-, I'LOolt, ANlK'AllHIAOi: Oil. ll.lli I Iti, AC.. Nn. M Murki'l Htn il, aoutli aldn, rniladtrli!a. jqll.N illl.lll Hi'. llil.n. ., uov.VIa QII,1II3HT A HOYAh, HTAIII-lailKli 1X15, WIIOLI K A 1 1' ll:l l.lllHIs, ' i nn .ml "ll N. ul 'll lid Hurt, I'lii' 1 1. if 'ii i Jiiic i tot t.inl Dc ii, ra In Dlll'li-., MI I'K IM HI (I 1 S I'MNTj. OIIH. Ill M- l I VI K Tl I I K A. May l.u, ly. SEWING, MACHINES. HO V 1-3 II A II A K 131l'H G ,s inv l no m a chin i;s Wi'reawnrdul llio IllRlii'it ITi'inlnm-ni ll,. mm H ri i if IKi w Vorl( 'rennrastH?, Ki'iiiuH:-, Ni vi .lur-iM Alii'ntni i, In li it. Vi-llil'inl. Ml.-OH Ohio, Vir '.ii , W..1..H , I'enn hanln Mllwlppl, MltlilK'Ui, I ItlllOllllll, I'tU i. ' ' '" AT r.wi . hi A.n.'rl'flU lntlltitv Hf"' v In-iiiin 1 hth l Instlluto, Miww. M waMv A.- . i - llnti,l'tnii. Me-hit nit's iiuttiul", t. Atn Arn tiHurnl .m I M -HmhleV Aiwoelntioti, An tat iititnrrntiH Innltutin and Ciunt' I'alit tin ImlhiKnll i ho rnlntnt which 1h wi re t h.' Him pioti thn'p yenl, Mwi Vrlet hnvc a' . I tech uwaidedlhi-sfMnehlltt -i ul I he esthl'-'l ioie l LONDON, 1'AltlS, 1HUII, IN, I. IN, 'i jumii, Itnj (.nuk1, "-H. 1.1. r, haloii- an 1 ih. iiuM' in i n liu ii'Mii-d, I n)t 1 il c iinni.iii 1, I .a hnipreis of rrai. l", ! ni if ufAu Irl.t-l-nii'i. oi Il'i-s'n, !:nij ivf-'or ftw. ', ()a tin.fHj -In, mid 'iiic n "f Ilftviirln, 1 1ll, OHOVlii; A LlAKI.i: s i: v i x u m a c ii i x i: s ire NUi rtttr to ull othurt loi tbe iolJuwlny rut tOll-i J I, 'Ihpy etv with two thrantlt dtroct Tioiu tho 'I molts and n.(tulriitA( no ruMludlJi J. flit-y arr liui.e i itilty tindcff H.tnt and ned, and lest Ilnhh-to demitgMljeiit limit other um- hlnoH. A. '1 hey ale t-n tthleo) OM't-uiniK I'll feel ly, w an- oui Uuiutfo ol tuljustmud, umut h un.dti iu iei ul wink Ihnii t.ilu i ui.u'hiiie-t. I, The hliUlt luudt! hy (lno luuelilneH U niuell uioie ilriu, t last a, aial umuhle, ei-ot ciull upon .titb les uhieli retniir.' to ho iastn tl and ImiuM, than any other -tliieu. 5, 'I ids Ktilfh, t l!-.K to tin- iiiiiuiui' in w bit Ii l la itialt r thread n inwion-thl, in mueh the mud plainp and heaittirul in uiu, and letnlus thu i'luiiipueM. and bun my ovin upuii ailh-len in- ijiu-nlli wit die I ai d Iroiiyd until lhe aiu vs'tuu nt. 'I'll, stiuef ure ol thou'UiuWMieh thai, Hamuli I lie eat or hiukttt at InturxnU ol ouU a u sdlehes, It Mill tu'ttlioi'or)ftt, um, nor niel, hut u main 11 nn nnd durable. I nlike other ina-hliHi, tin-he fasten h -i am bt theh v n opt t .it Ion. .tii ( litis of It.e t. Willi the-e iivjeiilnen, while stllc l tued np.n tho illd (a l.ieu .tltlo of Ihe heam, eotlon may Ihj ' tl Upon liu u I her ildf Willaait leNsetlllU 'he -In imtli or ilarahdily of the seatn. This can he done on no oilier m-ietihto, and I- a un at sa Inj U un all article" tit hod or made up oh Mlk, 'l. Th si in. libit ., In u tdtlion lo tin n upi-ilor nu rll" an iiiMruinei.iM .ir sewing, by a ( liane of eijlisttiuill, eiwll I Mimed nnd piaellsed, exekiito be nui-t heatltillil and ptimuiaut eiubio'dei,, llal w M'k. In udtlltiou b I la it li'ln.i. ui a lime- 1b h i also the imimiovkii doimim: lock STITCH MAOinXKS, aialtlliri H stlh h alike on both sUU-n. Tin- t'oiii pany make huth the Lo It nnd I'ouMe stlleh Ma- I'hliit h, o that peisiins havhut a picien nee inn led such as they llko bo.!, ami It iu-l sunetl em M'h.iimc for (lu iilher, tlitutulx I114 the public the id . tillage ot this 111 1 la alsu nial.e 1 hi new I) llivetlti ! XO. 1 UK K STiTCJl lAtlllXlaS I nuadwiinv upon nil tuaehlu : herei .lute kiiuun It.i M-ulliK -th Ihe I-utk-MHeh. It Is ul v tat puvrl tltttl sin llttl, eHpee'il atl.lptt'il lulM.Hlui sln4'm.ikerL', ii-midters, ( an i iKe-ti naia. m, and for ali d. -t up. ton. ol soik t i h tin lut'k-Mltch e app. ib'e. I- uulls . Eh . i .tl f-lll ,'Ui, 01 I ta 11 tin . d, in 1 u Ul w t'ne-d a ti-lln .1-1 well lis liu lb . !.. t 1- tl'i t. l't t j 4)1 1 lit mtiiei, s-,,, 'i tit 1 , N" 'Ms J MdTlT Itl XS'!tXC MM IffXL euiththiliiK inpiiy Improve ninttf , mlapb 1 foi inr-U-riiW, vomI-1 inkiiv, lifdit Mlioeinakim;, n. well as fur J.iiully ..owur;, J.uu tuuuhtisol ihe..e 111a ehlues are in n .'.and ihcy hm unl.'i-il smII -laetloii. N'Uio who huvo pen MjIn maehlnv wlJJ. u lllinitiy ttfcr HirrfHrttyTiTiU vRtuTioun luck-Mitch tuauMiucH Jint Jn uem.ul n,. Viw w; whli liemnu'iu, u. Thva-t luneliliiea of every th tei l thai ran be had at tm agent's ufTtee luri'uisburif, nt p..-iil i-lv Ihe mnnufaetorei'sprte' i, lo-wl leh fit nHoi? of llio puhllr it er(tHy Invited, t ir. Mf -Ti:ns a ,'iin ti.i fit' tttihhih' lti-f.nMs;nrtai, Mur'W-l.v.' -M-Ma-auaafaM-aaw (Joltilnblii County, IV a-y-taMaaaa-i poWDMl KEOH AND MOUthll. W. JI. MOX IjOK J. CO , lUllHil. l'n,, M,linliiulin. iil . j IMWDHttliDJC, nnd drali i-a In all Itlllda uf LrMHJIlt, -'.vi. initli. Mul llii-v nn iiri'tutri-d tn in ioinrnlatii lln-ll i Willi illajiaii ll, and on tl'i ilnnpcM Wrnva. MII,ll'3IU.VUJOT, ' f-'Jt Tl1' Kiicn asoiH tu Kmiikyir.HJir Co., miioii'iiM uiiI Wlu-U'UiU' Di .iter In l.lltUOI, AVINI, ,tr Nm. U'lnnd lUNnitliTlilnlfflrui. I'lilinlililila. E. a. uujfnny, Hncenaanr tn lUiiilry A Ifiurla, MimuHu uili'r and Wlinlnuli' IHnli r In HOOTS AMI) HJ101.H, N".Vi Norlll HilrilMrii I. I'lilluilnlrililii. J. Willi 1. 1U3AKI1, l.ll'PIN' i'IT l l'ND.Vf n nimiliiiii 1 1 ATH, I'A r- ' W llill-iailll' D iili-ta In I l 1.I-' AS'llKrilAW ii. . !-., Nn. II i Mai 111 I MM'tl, flllUi.KilllllK, JsJN YDI3I!, llAfaUA.t 1!AKSI3'IT, Muuuiji iQu-raimU Jotla aa or 1I'.N'H AND IIOVH ("iOTIIINO, Ni. Ml Minki i, uml ittlVmini rii' Hit. i l, l'lillinlil.lila. j"HFlt"XY7 Caniti lollio ir mlttfior lliiiiiil'tt.rll'..-ln 1-l.ti. InuuriU lovnliln, Cntiunlilii loiinly, aliont tun inontlia allien, a fid ami nvliltn aioti-ai HiKir, all) I'i'Hil toliuulol)l luo,iiia olil. 'llaMinm-r la iiijin Kti d to 1 1 nn' nnil tal.11 II uiia ntliinilan llio will l', ilUj. 111,1 cl m,-irilliiii In law, WILLIAM iKIxril. KlvlilniiiiKli If.. .ji. l:l, IMIT, Kouiii; ii. luiiir.iriYi, l il i ill I ii iIm In 11 I'l V I 11 I 1 III VH AI' Nl 1 v 1 Tl, i ( I(,