THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUllf j , COLUMJJIA CCVCOTY. 'PA. GlfX,. if.vt ....tK l.i. III.O.IMSIltlKI, l ltlDAV, OCT. II, lnnj. ftm the lint tlmo slnuu lit-t rinlilciieo In Ulooiinbiirif, 1. Julin nttumlcil the pollt all day tliirlnjr, tho election mid worked with nniinml vlnor. Tliu renilt I-, his party lint N7 voles. (I ki:i:n wood, I'. John' former home, ami tisimlly n Uadlnil tow ishlp( repu diates ti 1 tn mid his prlncIplfM, by kIvImjt rjlinrtiwond 31 majority, itfraln of as over Clymer'H vote. Thu JladiLMl.s have but two tllstrkU left In thu niunty, Hor wli'knml Ciitmv.ssa mid wo have hones of heir regeneration. Of it i- .i. I til" n w nl ttirkl.t. . ' llli-tl. of II ll ' Important, A i o'lwl no! full li, reinl "III' t Wl' llffiT III" III I'M" llllllll.IT, Ill-Ill ii. 'hi- are miiMially rll-riiii'iitsoflbat ela-i itr printed minti-il M'lli-I fly In the I'ol.f .MI1IAN. Ot'U friends tn Centro held a ineetlii on hut Monday fvcnliitr, of which Levi lliitcliliison was President; and Henry Shaffer, vice Pre.-ident, VIIiii I Iairenbui'li was Secretary. Tim tut ot ln was addrc-ed by Mc-ra I licks, Miller and Cooley. (loud order and har mony prevailed throughout. Tin: political campaign lielnj: now river womIihII endeavor to inake the Cot.r m ntAX more entertaining to our render.-, than Is po-ib!c diir-liitf tho heat of a political canviiKS. Our object Is to make it a family iiew.-papcr, and ono that shall provo lnton tliiK to all cla--cs and conditions of hoclety. We doubt not that dtirint; the lonj; winter evenings It will provo i welcome vMlor to luin droiNof families. (ii:o. W. Ciiii.iii, proprietor uf the J'ltblic I.ethjev, Philadelphia, now pub lishes thu paper In ono of thu Illicit buildings in tho city, at No. "Ill Arch Street; which was specially erected for that purpo-o. Wu shall put thu photo priiph of thu building into our choicest album, Thu I.eilyrr U well known to ho one of tho ablest and mo-t reliable papers In thu State, and though Independent in politics, It Is CoiiM'rvative In tone. IN "money" articles aru the mint leliable pnbli-lic.1. 'I'm: Democrats of Hemlock held a I meeting in tho (lood Templer's Hall in Hack Horn, which was kindly loaned them for the occaMon. It was mioii comfortably filled, and after thu meet ing wasorganlml the I Hick Horn String Hand, led by Mr. Win, Ilnrris.dl-'coui'.s-ed ,-ome excellent niulc. (.'apt. Ilrock way was then introduced and reviewed the Hadtcal policy of lccon-tnicllon and showed bow they had failed to re.-toie the Union after having held unlimited power for .seven years. He was follow -fd by Messrs Shoemaker and Hani-, who in a few pertinent remark-) gave conclusive reasons why ltiiillcali-m was not entitled to the xiipport of the people.. Tho priKcedings were Inter Hpersed with liariuonlous intt-icaiul "all went merry as a marriage bell." Uolliisisfiiii. i In Monday the . ev eutli, the l -in rricy .il'li.venwoii 1 .md adjoining town-hips n--emli!cd at ltolirshurg. Wo failed to securu the names of the ofdeers of itlio meeting; bul wero glad to ob-ervo all the old and DciiinciMts of the vicinity In attendance. Judge Derr, Jo-epb It. I'lttou, Ksii I. D.'wltt, Ksip, Mr. Moorr, Mr. 1). ('. Albert-on and many others. The ladles were out in force, together with large numbers of young an.' working Democrats. The meeting was aildri id by Sena tor Huckulew and by Col. l'reive, alter which Hubert V. Clark, II-ip, made a few lemarks; when, with ctitliii-la-llc demonstrations for the ticket, the meet. Ing adjourned. Wr, am under meny obligations to our friend II. W. I.acey, for the inii-lc Hi-lit us. We really think that a man ...i... t . i.t.. ..r..,.m..n n,w, ...... i- "m"Ml"'"1"1 .... . :...n. . - rv, should never practice law. 11 IS III I extinguisher of sentiment. Wo wrote oetryonce. I lvn when a fchnol boy, and consisted of ii iiim u on the "ma-ter ' for thrashing a youthful flame. We wero detected In the act, .severely pun iHhed, and the last npark of poetical genius crushed out of us. Hut for that untoward event wo might luwo rivaled Hyron, or at least HoUer! Our friend T-acey, liowever,happeiH to bo a t'npltal lawyer, uml any of our friends liavlnp legal lui,l.ieM to tra.wu't l.,l-l.lla,leI,)l.ia..M ... we . ilrexM him nt 127, "Walnut M. IM.IIa.lel. phla. Mi:i:tino in lli.ooMsiiriio.-Tlii'caiii-jmlKii was closed by tlm Deiiioerats wltli a iiieetliiKlutlieCourt House In ltlooms btirff, on Monday evening. The Ilrass Iliind was In nttendanee, nnd tlie largest niulleiH'0 which n-H'iubled there durliiK tlm eanvasB, The nieetlus was organised hy call ing .1. II. riiriwui to the chair, Hon. Jacob Kvuns and V, 11. Koom vice Prehldciitis, and l'etrr Hlllineyer, INq, nnd Samuel Snyder, Secret.iries, Tho meeting was addressed for about an hour hy Cant. Ilrockway. At the clotip, after music, Senator Ihu'lcalew was called out and mado a few remarks, when on motion Col. I'rei'ze, was eallid upon, nnd spoke for an hour upon the ,...r.,i i.u.n.j ,,r ii, n u'licM with cheers for the ticket and cheer the Hand, the meetlngiKljo'iri.i il. r On" last Saturday evening n niectlnu of Iho leniuci-i le citizens of i.inli' was held at :h."'W"l,'li scales" in place. An')' mi bill-wero oul, nor any previmi i.'.n 'i-n-i iiiciil of a meet lug made, "In wvcn o'clock It was ilotoriiilni"! t c.u' out the "11111111111" men. and have a grand rally. Stoes, Hand tvero mioii In front, mill lu an, i . ,i i....t i nrni ..til.,i.n li.wl Wlhonnt at . ....signal,,. (,pt. I ..WS' " Ilroukwuy tlu-n iiililnwii tlii'in lor an tn ic-ntii-r It illllUuilt for prai'llllniu'is to hour, polnlli'K out tho lonili'iU'U'S oi l kiop piuiMvlth llsiliivi'loiiiii'nls. Ton HadlcalLsiii, how tlioy with iliannlnu , ir inn IiiUIiik the pliucol ilrnMics, anil ' i ,, I il I .vli III nl I h'l mill I'MTI'l-O s ll... lorn. ... our ... vrr.m.o. ,,, im . , nhxr Da Hliortlitu I In U'tu fnlliiUl (1 a . ; .: .... ..,,...1: . wliu vlvlilly.lf. I UUIIIllS L IIUIIlllll, I jM hitIIhmI tlio t'oirillitlon of Urn Itiullnil I,..islaturi), nuil nlu .ll-ni(.l tho i"stl.. of tuxutlon. Tlio Itii.llniN licl.l ii mwtliiK til tlm otliiT i'M.1 of tlm hlr.i t wliloli, liowi'vir, wns dimly ulU-iitlcil, notwitlibtiimlliiK tlm i'xltiitvn nollio Klven, .mil tho uuu.ui.1 .-rtl..i.M n.mlo toRot out u crowd. Tlio iiii'.'tli.i; nil lounifil with roiislmr cluvrs for Wiiiih- t.(, 'ihls llliti'rs will jmltlvily pro wotK I vcntartiirvullmiilnriou(llm. tw. In Catnwlsiv, tliu Irmt utronlinld of Hndleiillsm In this county, oiiritnln was 10. Who Hiiyi tins world doen not move'.' Mni-.Ti.Mi at IltiA vi:u. Tho incut Int; whs lulled to order by duties V. Mann INip whoiiained Moes Schllclier INipas I'reildent. The large ii.nenibly was then iuldre.s ed by 1 Cnoly i:s,,,0. V. Miller, lOwp and Col. l'rece. It was tho largest anil Mint Mitl-fiietory ineutllin wo havecver attended In Heaver, and thu voteshow.s that tin- Hi iiiovrncy were alive to the lnue.H, Mf.lITINd AT HlINTIIN.-.XotwIthslalld- ingllie very impronilslngday thu meet ing at llenloii, was large and entliu-la-iic. I'lve or .-lx liillidred pcnpiuli.ul ... sembled there In i-plieoi the I'.diijiind at tliree o'ciook the meeting was called in order by I, K. Krlckb.mni, Usi, and lolin .M'llemy, Sr. was cho-eii l'rel dent ; John ( . Doty, Andiuw l.iiubuch, .ti.d M. A. Aiiiiueriiiali vice I'resldeiits; and John C. Winner, and T. Henloii Cole, .Secretaries. The meeting was then adilrcs-ctl by I'ol. l'lee.e, wlniill-cilssed for over an hour tho Issues m'lliu day, Atthuclo-u the meeting gave threeeluers I'orSliars wood and the whole Ticket. The I'icslileiit then .-sing, "Hall Col umbia," at the conclusion of which, cheer utter cheer Went up from the as sembled crow d,au11 1 lie meet ingadourn ed. Tin: Mfi'.i ink at SfciAtt V.wxr.v. An eiitliuii-tlcaiid largely attended Democratic meeting was held at l,o gaiissille, on the -illli lilt,, at which the people nianlfe-teil the ino-t earnest at tention and eager dc-lru to hear the truth dbcu-sed. Mr. Lacy, of Phila delphia, spoke In the afternoon In an able and logical address, and in the evening Capt, C. It. Ilrockway of Hlooinsliurg, with Messrs, Dci-u and W. 1'. l'urey did the speaking, ('apt. Ilrockway Is an earnest and forcible peiiker, and made an lmpreslvo and etlcctlvo speech, lie was listened to with profound attention and respect, as Indeed w ero all tho speakers. Thu la dles were out in force, and the occa-lon was one of enjoyment and productive of much good. We should like to notice tills meeting at greater length, but have not the tlmu nor thu space to do It. Clinton Democrat, A TRIP TO CLINTON COUNTY. Ik response to an Invitation from the Chairman of the Standing Committee of Union county, wo started week bu fine last to that locality on u "Stumping tour." The "Commlltie" placed us in elegant ipiartors at thu l'lillou Hou-e, and before midnight wu knew Lock Haven, and lell in love v Ith It at tlrst sight. We inu-t say that wu never bu lb 10 were so well treated, nor, we may add so often. The morning after our arrival unite a delegation got together and started for Sugar Valley, a locality celeiirated for its lieailllful scenery, ex ci'llenct w iimeiiaitid large Deinocralli iiiajoriiy. The main load runs thiouulu. iiarnn mountain gorgeand cniitimi,ill. a-ciinis until near Hyilu itine we reached thai point w lelt coll s .Ii utlily lie villi it, being hiin .il'cl leet above our leel. Wi v, eie al nine taki n to the bou-e of on. old friend, (ieorge Achenliacli, fur merly of this county, who performed his duties as a host In bis Usual hospita ble manner. Tlie meetings, in the afternoon and veiling were held in the town ball, w hicli had been beautifully decorated fur the occasion by the ladies of Logans villi'. The afternoon meeting, after la ing organled, wu- tiisl nddro-scd by S. It I'eaie, U-ip, of the S;aiidint Coinmltlee, In a neat and elinpient in- troiitictorv -iieech, after which II. W. Lai'ey, K-i. of Philadelphia was Intro duced and for an hour entertained the audience iuaii earnest and logicalspeech. In theeveniugthe hall wiisagaln crowd i ed and we weri'tlien introduced to the and lonccanil. spoke forovornn hour. Hon. i (i.u, Dei-otlie Dcmocratlecaiidldato for ! the Legi-laturethenaddressedtliunieel- . . . . . , , ex- , t. , .1 ... I . , puH'tl Hie liaiucai con iiiiiuu in i mi 1 1. j burg, and gave u history of the inside worUiuisoftliat botiy. Uo wan listen ed to with deep attention. Ho was followed by W. 1 l'urey editor of the Clinton Democrat, who, held tho audi ence an hour longer in ono of Ills charac teristic speeches, abounding in fun, eloquence and t-atlre. The next morn Uz we returned to Lock Haven, and lu the evenliiL' addre.ssetl the Democratic , ; th;U Wu ... ... .,, ....,.. ,..H ,.,,,, llloro , Her usual vo'to. We IVel ...,, , ,,.... we . received, ami in return can only i-ay i comonnd visit Columbia couitty,uud we , will endeavor to reciprocate. LOCAL NOTICES. I'min-iin-t ill vl iiu. miv.s. "I have been iilng thf l'eriiviiiu Syrup, ll give.-, mo new vlgor.biioyancy olplrlts, ehibticlty of inu-clo." J. 1'. lliiniiiro, III! l)ev Street, New York, will wild free, a'pamphlet of:U pages, containing 11 lull iiccoillll ol UIIS reiiiiirKiiiiii) iiieue cine, to any one wilding him their ad die--. Ki n-i in i-ruiNs to tho 'a-hlnton Library Company of Philadelphia are pouring rupiuiy. rno iiaiiii-oine i-w ginvliigs given away with ouch -hare o wiiu.i nt' Hire uml c.vccllcllt work mumbll!. Hy t-uli.-i-t iIjIii); for the Mod, hi niu' dollar 1 101 -llltle .Mill Obllllll ai nil- 11!. MOVIII lll 1IC1 CCI1I. MIOII ,10111 ..oil IIIVitI, bl!lu ( il rl KI ' '' Ii, .iio L'laud ili-lriiiin lou oigliiN Kveo hbillii ofrtock will uceivOriHiiO pio.-ellt, u ! h mi I'liini i ltince ol secili' lu' Mime nl Hie v.iiuiilile article, as puliiiihed In iho wheiliilo. I'ho oiigravliig il "Iho Mar . rlagool rooihoiilas," whith is given to tlio-o who hike the hliiircs ol mocI, Is . ..sccutiil in the inmost and most ap I proved i-l.vie,anil fully eipial to those ol I ihohime characler Ihat are now retail- oil at lioiii eight dullaiH and upwards. Hi ail thi ailM itlMinem. ; ; ( n,IinrKllW(. . 1 V, .... . .. t ,i,i.I,.i, fX" "t 'is. i . ,,, (,,.n,,.ri.l Iii iliutiiiiiiiiil hv-lt-iii miIhiiiuv nilli'il uiilnolilliip. I" u U HHi nry ol' tl;K In tho I iiinini i .V" 'V!'. .".Y ' . .'" .. iT V 1-,.., I. . . 1 1 U.H.U Km; ,mt uV poUons li-troy thi-MiliMiincf, Ourol.Jwt tli.'ii liiiiilil I"' to lai'i tlio kvU'W i mi'P lli'jl Willi 1 fiMZB llitlm - nml lu-thiuh iiionililniitioiiuult riiiulr- TIIK KALEIDOSCOPE ! ,, , " - miipof limy life ItH tlnctimtioii'. ninlit. vu.t emu-crn.. tiii: niitKH or tiii; sfsir i:hanna. Hon within thu lurks of tho Hussite liaiiua, on tho very bank and directly at the mouth of one of Its romantic tributaries with the tempest roar and sunny sparkles of both streams tho most familiar sounds and sights of my childhood, and tho peculiar, sweet sounding Indian nniiiu of each In my young ears, It Is no wonder that the re gion watered by "thu river of tho wind ing shore" should bu to mo thu loveliest spot on earth, and from which (led grant that war, pesllleuce, and fainlno bu uvcrnb'cnt. And there Is no valley In the world which, f r h uuty of seen cry, fertility of soli, salubrity ofcllmiilo and facility of access for the mineral1 wealth of Its hills, the moral health, liiispltalttyaind Intelligence of Its inhab itants -surpasses that lying In the forks of thu Sitsipiehanna, in the good old commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Hut It Is not only for thu things men tioned that this valley Is celebrated, Its historical associations and recollec tions are fully worthy of Its high char acler In other respects. Within that territory lies the thobcuutlfvl Valley of Wyoming, the plain tale of thu massa cre of whose citizens hrlngs tears to the eyes of the must careless reader, mid whose charms nnd horrors have been palntul, but not beiglileud, by the magic pen ofCninpbell. Here, too, thu celebrated Van Ctimpen followed tliu trail of tho Indians, or suffered ns a prisoner in their cruel hands; a narra tive of whose adventures, some of them occurrlngalino-t in sight of where I wrltu would be more exciting thaua romance, In this charmed region, Captain Sam uel Hrady performed many of his fam ous exploits, and made his hairbreadth escapes. And no greater iiaino than his brightens the roll of Indian fighters. The celebrated Montour famlly,wlilcli has left Its name Indelibly on one of our most beautiful ranges of bllls,llved, act ed, and died, nnd'aro believed to be bu ried in thu Valley of thu Susquehanna. Kate .Montour, the Queen Ksther of our histories, dashed out the brains of the unhappy captlvc.s,on the "bloody rock" of Wyoming. And even to this day, tho lelntofthe warm red blood on thu rough boulder, remains to tell thu damn ing deed ; nor is there water enough In tlie sweet heavens to wash It out. Here dwelt the Leiinl Leiinpe, "Un original people ;" and the eouncil-llres of Tauiaiieiid, their most illustrious chleftan were kindled in Us forests, l'or many years annually on the of May throughout Pennsylvania, his festival was celebrated. In Philadelphia, the members of tliu "Tamniaiiy" society walked the streets in procession, their hats decorated with bucks' tails, and upon reaching the wigwam, had a talk.sinoked the "peace pipe," and per formed Indian dances. I'roni hinialso, thu celebrated Xew-York Society took itsname; and that ancient Wigwam of the unterritled yet blazes with lights to elebrate a victory ; or if tho gloom of hangs over us, like the great lileftain in honors, never surrenders Here, too, in his early youth, cainii Lo 'an, the famous chieftain and orator ifllio lromniis. He hasloft a imnie that .an never no forgotten, while elooueiicc and nathos are admired. "Who Is iliero to mourn for Logan V" "Xotone," sayest thou. old man eloquent ! Thou art nil -taken, most di-consolate chief- ..I.. I ll'l... I I ..I I... I...I.......1 mm i ll iiu u.ii iiwi i L'.i, i ill ill i iiuiiK.i . Alvarctta. and shed a tear over her sad .md untimely fate, u-dditig to It a eopl- oil-. Mood for tht-irre.u rief that rent thy iu-iUtV . i .. .. i i ii. i t.i .ii uotllil uiat i mm a pen umiuiuiuiii - v ii-irr-ilo t Im lnrv nl'Tlin Furkri of the lfc liarrait lllHhor, OI im uurMin im ii,.iindi!tiiii-i ' ln ((iiilil i ( f inlior. or , , , . . i 1 1 .i .... Jit U'ViUKi pi'i'Mit mum linn mitn ...wi. i.i. i.p ii..;,.,, ,.l..i,-.j..ti.i--t Cf ou "on ' "'"'"o iiinii I-. - of the localltli s'ni.ide everla-liugly fll. minis by thow magic rlters, h.ul half the n.ilural beautio.-. a, id ailuptatiuiis to ronianceiinil cong, which lie unceli)brat- ed and almo-t unknown within the winding of tiii- exiiilstely beautiful ftreani. What withering .-atlro lies in tho lights of tho I'cniiamltos and Yan kees over the Connecticut .surveys I What tragedy in tho history of Kate .Montour, tho Canadian half-brood, lib erally educated, and mixing In the best oclctyof Philadelphia, and leading her bloody warriors at tho mas-acre of Wyoming! What room for Incident uml adventure, not tho liiiagiuings of - ..... .... 1..., .1... ..1...h I,, tlio iiiiiuiuri-. imi inn -u.ii-i in. in, ... i"" live- of Van Canipen and of Hrady ! rim vid eo mu-t have boon very IM.I..K. ,,,,nl,ili.,l fnr t.iiinv roiniilns of Indian tuwns are poluteil out. ory extouMve biirial-grouuils are known lo oxl-t at overal places within tho forks. Curlo-ltlcs of various kinds-mounds, excavations, mm iurniuiuuiii,,( im uu- doubted Indian workmuiHhIi-aro found in law numltei's. Through this valley miikoiuu of tliu most important ami, I'mpioiitly travolL'il "war-paths" known in tlm lil-lory or thi' raw. Shall 1 truco ihcm out for you hy i-xistlntf loailsaml villuu'i'sV 'i'ho writer has boon over. of thoi.i, uml you can iut your .1 .1 u. .ii.jii ,. i..wU. .,, lliitsor on thi' "paths" on almost any map. "TheShamokiit Path" l)0an ut tho phu'o now tMllt'il Himbury, uml coutlu tictl up tliu Wi'rit Iiram.'ii by tlm mouth of Warrior Kim ami an Indian town thiTo locak'il ; tlii'iico tlirtnih thu pup in Minify hills to tlie town of Muncy, whom tint public rotul now pacs. "Tho WyoinliiK Path" left Muncy on tho Vrtt lliitiicii, ran up Olath Hun, iIiL-ii through ntfap 011 thu hill-t to KIMi iiijC ('ri'i'U.whlL'lii'iiiptliM Into tint North Hrauch at HlutmiaburK, twenty inlht above tlu-Jmu'thm; oruwl the ort-ek, paeit HiH 1 now) IjUxtuu nuimy through lue Xescopock pip, ami up tho North liranch to Wyominp. "Tlm Wyalunino; Path" uw traced upthoMuney Civek, near where tho lierwk'k turnplKeeio(H, tlu-n to Du hhnre, thenro to WyaluIn 1'it-iik ud to the Hat altove. "Tlie SlHlKipiiu Path" ran up Horn ern Hun, theiu'o to I.yroniln tVeek, near the mouth of Mill Cret'k, thence up Ivconiiutf to the Heaver l):iiiHttlieneii lilU'll TiUViU'tU Cni'k to HheHlieqtllll tiai.4, ! , ''''""j5 ii i tin-Hull Itloniii-liiiiK, on tlie.Nortli ISmmliiiip I' 1'lilHKt rrel; li.v(imii(;ovillii , , ' to nnir I.iiiij,' I'ollll i tll. lllti KW tl ( rirK. It whm on tilts - . IIIIIMIIIIIUOI" I very imtli Hint an i iimpi'ii. inn mon , proiiiliii-nt liulhui IlKlitor on tliu North Draiicli, win (Hitiirtil, within tlirw wo ! " "r w"' KuVfml oIIiit Irrslmiiiirliiiit nith U'1 Into tliOMi Ki'i'iit llioioiiglifurort, uml uru wvll Unown lu their nrlidiborliood. Such aro the materials fur a history of The Korku of the Susquehanna, In do tiiched piece's and from othor points of view, It has been written j but there is the more Interesting ouu of personal narrative, which It seems Is lost for ev er. Woshnll not attempt lo criticise those works which wo have placed 'at the head of this article, though correc tions on sovcral points might bo tnado. llioy embody nil, perhaps, that cam now bu certainly known of the ovouts they profess lo relate ; and they prove thu eagcriiesn with which thu public de sired to know whntover was written of tho different localities, which, by lovu and wnr, have been mado famous. Soiiio day, Justice will bedono to our most beautiful river; some day, an Kngllshman or a Herman, an Italian or a Husslnn, will (ravel nlong Its "wind ing shore" nnd celebrate Its bcatillis ; alter which our countrymen will awak en to Its romance, and consent to (id mlra its valleys mid lovu Its hills. From the lake In which It rl-es, to the bay In to which It discharges Its water, it Is tho most beautiful stream on the continent; thu history of the people who lived up on Its banks is thu most mournful mid romantic; tlie adventures of Its heroes tho mot tlirlUtnir ami exciting; uml i t . i f 41 t t the most worthy of that anclvnt raco who roamed through its forests, the Lk.vni Lknaim:, C'KNTUAI.IA HoUOirdlt. Tilt) UH'Otllltf at Centralis Ilorotih, w:h a Hplomlltl hitcritsH. It wivi 1 it'h I In tho upon air, and wiw ortlcorcit rn follows : Cluw. (1. Murphy, Pro-dtltMit ; John Iuighlin, J. Keoly. Vlco-rrcshlcnt-, ami Jorcinhui O'Connor anil l'atrlrk Klllot, Socrota- Col. Kroczo wan then Introduced to thu audience with a few excellent iHlii j judicious Hentences by the President; nnd he proceeded to expose tlie course of tho KndlcnN on tho public question. of tho day, in n manner that seemed entirely Katlnfactory to the large assem bly. Somo Folks Can't Sloop Nights. tl.lll niuuj rrnui-r jtiiu ri-iii -itti ii'-fiun .miirii from upiikncNH of tlm htoiniich nnd inafillltv to tlltft'Kt thi'lr footl hoini' Iihmi cru-jiitift onutlonK nlontho nerve nbics, or pain In the litick. with lu-hlni; nnd wt ury ttiroltblm; of tin limbi. Thou wmdi of Indlci sutler thioiiKh Iouk j cui-s front wniuiirernm-u i f.mai.k i OMri-Ai rs, cuuhcu ny tin relnxntlon of iniisrlo nnd Ilktntiii'tit that nt lentl ili'flch-iiry of linl turpi. Thotinnndw of bus lin ns men, o.rwoiki-l in mind nnd body, usp f tlm nprvouH lluid and hfcoint' unfit for uuty or thi enjo, menu of llfp. Kxpph In youth, nnd tin iml niruc. involve Mint tprcil ponstlliitlonHiuul tin fjiUureor theKenernl funi'tlonit of liealih. To jmireri'M I rum nil thono ennui's, DODIVH NKUVINK AND INVIOOUATOH fl( r an linalu.iblo boon ii natural and plHch'iit H'covitv of lost iMjuers. No ncihon. nmn or wo man. MinYrlnufrom anv pauio. can a (lord to not: lei-t thin remi'dy. Tin Ni-n im will bo found to MssfhH an CQuuiizinu ami nmrunopi'incipii'. u ink nfllnltv fur thi NiTVotiH I-'ibros. nnd hiitmllcs thm for the wiwt' that Im i-onstnnlly taking piupp, Like whok'sonif tood tuKcn Into tho Htomarh, It undiTKoi's rapid dlKfhtlon, ln Ittonittntt In 1U prmeHs tin dljicsthe ornans, nnd produclns; a UALMEriH AMI THANQuII.ITx unknown to ny other preparation. It contains no opium or ImKhepfth, and ho far from producing cost lvt'iu'ss It will hi' found ah efficient cure for cousuniptlon, and hn obtained n wMe renown lor uns pei'uiinriiy. WHAT PKOI'LK HAY. 'Itar Doctor: Tho last medlcln? nrcHorlbed bv ou l obtained, and will hay that lodd" Nerlnu and InvlKorutor In nil that It claims to be. I feel like a new man; I meep weuj nuii(ooa uppetiti and frel Htronfier than I lmt for many enrs iHim. luonirtuuieu uy ir. ji. a, lutucr, (;ilntun Ht.. lirookl) n, S. Y. bent' III im! by It, particularly hi tliu increaMc of sircnain ana run oi inonr- irrinoimn t-tjuifiN. My i oNllvinifM ais'i renin lu on rmimy runi, 1 1 ,iMir in Dr. Tucktir. The inedh'tmi sou ordeml Dood'n Kcrvlnej wohae trtkin thrco bottle of. It 1a . sn-nt thlnn, My wlfo naj h t-hfi had rather havt oiu IMIIU OI IV limn loriy uoriQn, nun in ri'iittuuy lutfr. Iu.nrrlin't cured ilou'L full tho tlrniz- iwx down mi much ; bowels inoio punier, and In ii hctlir mroiit condition ocrv wav. Martin. Cashier ( Hpii Houfte. Ixintr Ilrnuch. . .f htati-Kthat I)ooJ' Nervine mh i it red him oi phronk Wfakncs of tho htomach, UlzKlnrKS and sick headache, and greatly Ktrcngthcned Ills w holi Myhtcm. lia III Hartshorn, .109 Ktftt?-st,, trookl n, rured oi enronii' niiin vniir aim nf rvmm uriuiin . .Tubii llurbut. lhooklrn. N. i. khk! "To reau 1 l.itt tlin bowels without nrodtielnu cAthartlc cf tii t, iUlct th" iures, and tone up tiu'M.vstem, I !:, ;;;;.fu"J '"". pu tiled W. I'. llenn-, l.-n. , lixlloril, l'onu.1 21 v wife lias nil ifcrcd for hm ntccti turn wltli extrcuiH nervous debility and nu-ntral iirostratlon Mie uiih liidiifcd b a fri ml to trr lr. J. S'. Dood's Ni-rvlmuind InveiitlK-itor. and b Its Use it now n Mtorctl to ne r ax-1 health i nr.CC. Vork.CharleHtown.MpsM.j "In case ofKrent ner.ous debility, not coullned by an to tho feniah. orKanltitlou morn common i him iimouir men. I cinnlov DoihI h Nervine and InviKtrator with th- h.ipplfst i tu-t It i'ieii'd in tniil(iMiwriUillilow that I know, whih ti action upon tho UoweiHiwall that can b iichired. t l)(iii(t'H rswrWne anil invent u.ilorM fiiutiovti 1 in the MaHsachnni'tt IloKplutl for tho Iiis.mH at UlUHllUl. roil I'KKHONAI, TKJSTISiONIAI Tocurt'H ut Cit-nc-rnl llfbl.ty, liullucatloit, fslern IvI.ltiiT c'uimilHlnt. Wltnl Colli', unit Keliu.i, ih Mi, Kldner CoinpUliit, W Ind I'-olic.and tciuah I'nuinluhilH 111 llietniwli fiimlllp.. wp rrfer. wllh in ineir ow n itiimues, wp reier, wiin to the ftdlowln iiemli'iiicii lu this pi'riiiiH'H.n vk'liiliy: . l W. 1111 . I'Nll. IH1I, I'N.i., nnh Avenue Hotfl, X. Y, Un.lL.. 'fmi't lloilH.1. N. Y. W. II. IICKliff, fnut lion..), N. Y. John William., rollc'rliiun. N. Y. J. W. IVi'kflt. i-wi., fllnton-.t., llrooklyn nr. ll. A. Tucker, i niuun-Ki., iiriniKO n, J. M. WrlKla, L(i..JThi city, lion. Wurri'li I'liiu.-. Ml Ilrim.twuv. N. Y. For wilo by all IruKlsts. l'rlci' I1.IX) jht liortle, 11. ... nioitT 1 .u'.inv.i,n( i, Augu.t 30, ls7. J) U 11 II 1 C ti A Ii K 01' VALCAHLE KKAL EHTATS A N 1) I' E1IHO N A I. V 11 0 V E It T V, , oi the .uimcribcr, in H.iiiiixcrfck Tuwiisiiii, on n.unujti miui)r i.iii, .j-j., b r ,i Iik'Ic, tlio jollowmtf di'.crlui'u jropvriy, A msuaqk asd tuact of inij u,i.i,,.rii,.T now iiv, tiiunto in Flh I '?'. l!n !U,.TK km unu ouwre, i ahout miah aliiijj. jnriKS?,Mratra j y'llASS- ft huiivhiioii, I ALMi, a tract of land back or Hie abuc,con. I titinltiK ahuut mrly acri'H, halfut which it. timber I luiul.aud tin-baluiK-o cleared. ALSO, ft tract of laud mljoitilnw that llrnt dc MTilKHl,Hltuiit?d oh the Main Unud, eontahilna about twenty aw, on which I itecttd Kood l nm to bam, AI-SO, a tract of land aero Ihe road fi mil that Lust mcutioued, containing about thiee aero, on m I licit In erectoit u gooii frame hgUKP, tho new .. ry outbulldluM, and a well of jtxxl water. ; v I uUolnliiK the almc, th lot conlnlniiin iiimut ijuKtaroruuKcnuV Kroumi. AI0 KIOIIT VACANT IjOTH, a quarter of an acrerach, adjoining the alioe nauitsi proiwrty, and all Jjlaii on tho Main Hnad from lilooitiHburg. AIHO, a MfHHUHgonud tract of land idtUAtoon Kaon (TtH'lt In Denton Township, iHtundod hy litndi of Jacob Anil, Poter Crevellliiif, Abrahaui Ullne, and others, containing AlIOLT ONK IIUNDUKD A KOItTY ACKIX, cf which twenty-Are crm aro cleare1, and on which aro eieetod a Pit AM K HOPHi:, PAKN, Ar. Thro will tie ortVrcd for lo at the urn time, a numlior of Horfffi and Cattle, a la rue iiuantlty of Hay, and farming utenttlli or all kuidn, Ternii mado known on day t f nato. WlM.IAM IKr.I.Ktl. PMtlniicr'?i'klwit.,Heot., au, INTT(-St, CALK OK VAMJAHLK KKAL KS- O TAT K. Tho undc rnUiml, exciutom of tho, hut will and ltameut ol iioorse Ilartmait, do. ppaecd, oin r fur kale. otll.cnej'aratcl or together, I Uin joionwnx nriTiotxi HIX LOTH OPOHOVNI Hltttulo in tholowpri ajtu! 1 n.y,L'olumhm nuin U.frouliniton Main otrert, and extending I '"' lu an allo In thodttpcthm nf iho ranal, and in a hiiuthornly illrootlim as far (rnnn Htn et. 1'ach lot Im uhuulMj feet front, and N) feet In detail, making thorn wry dcniraMe for tul!dlnu lulu, 1 hey tan boiiuri hanisl itt l rlato pnloiiutll Mon dav. PccomhiTVlld, iMfT.atwhlcli tlino Ih UaV, 1 U'Vt'lll I'r I tllH. I 'v' I , ni T I 111 II HHI' ll'imr ,1 malliiUK tlllMtld will bo tltMs.'d nf at public out cry at ono oVlm'k In Iho afternoon. Ikhms hy halk. Tin ht ct nt.of Iho urrhae miue al tho ntrikln down oi ttioniop tv t atal niiehalf, IfM the ten pt r ci lit,, on tho 11 ol A pi II. Ivjrf, tuid the balams' one cai lliereafter, with tnli'ixi.1 nil IliH lillliiild HlilOtinlK. lKwdrt Will U t sivirii when the Upafmi nil-lyi'jlj.. I t pdwahd haiu'man, i fl'V, I -i nrjn, n, ini.-'iii, I " wiMKTIIINd ni:w. 5irn. .IuIIh a. nn-l mi. HabM. Darrlu w 111 op n, on tlm rortit r of Main and WVht frtii'etii,liltK.'ni.hur((,iU tho ninth day (ij UCIDL'er, j a 1 udkM'attd t itiMKt-N'a amuon inl-K f jik i I'WII'HN llltd IiKkeakTOltK, With an rntlndy new anhorlnit nt of ihn be.!,1 latent and litoHt fatiltmiible oihIm, a1i( iittleum and l Iuk to mull h, and at rvakoiiahh rttl rn, tin y Italler thi'innfl im that ihey ran lUTnmmodate i tho public In eery particular, Now MTHKTIUK. Call and i-xaiclueourkUak anddflect you 1 pattern. October I, U07, LEGAL NOTICES. E XKCUVOIl'H NOTIfK. )jTli;ii JACOll Mf-.tIf.,OV- Iif0rt?t if. 4 PKCSi, NttrrH tcitmncnlnry n ilir rMntft of ,Taenb I leli I, lute of llloom temmhtpj t.'olnnililn county. lU'ix-Hsul, lmi' Ijicii wrHulwl by Iho U'-Kl.Ier or wild emmty to J)nM iouini-itf, executor, who rril1" la IHnomslmrc. All Mirom Imvhitf rl.iliiu or ilcmniieli ncnhi't tlu f Mutr arti h qucH lpiH(iiri'r'iii tin in tntluM'Xi i ulorfnnettI nir ht, nnd tin ho Immrlng HiM)iMlrH Indi tit 1 tmnako IMjim-nt. 0 ID 1iWl MtCItU, Ki ii 4 mhiT n, 1l7 y.xtt iiior, i DMINlSTltATOK'.S XOTICK.- 2. IHTATK Of IlItlt.Mlli HAM-, ll L KAt"l. 17'IU rt of ndmlnMrntloti to the tMntn of Klcli fire I llitll.l.iteoforituuotovviihtiiti.cohiiiitilii conn ty, ilwrHxrd, irnvt Im-cii unnitfl by MwlU-itMvt of Mild Con ii ty to Vt trr I. tit, u lio rclk'i tn Hcott m imhlp AH iiniiHlm liiK' luitiitordt'iuaiKN unlnt tho rit:itcof tlin dcrdt'iit, nr rcqui'slcd ioirchcni irn'iii in urn niimmiMriiior uiimoiii drfity, mid nil luTsotiH lii'loldcd nt retieiil to inukp inj mi-Hi. 4 ri;ri:u i;n r, AdmittMtJttdr with th Will imnoxrd, .SrjdrinhiT , Io7-(v, A DMINISTHATIIIX'S NOTU'liT 1. l.trAir of Mi IHM- MnviiiiAv. tiu'n. Irf'tlt tM'f iiiltitttilstmiidii with tl Wlllunnewil to t ItH cHtnld or Mlt lnti 1 Moii'tlitm, t.iti- orcciittit IU llormt :h, ('o)Uliihl.i ruttnty, dcci-usi d, hic Ijfcii Krimlt'd ly th" Hrlttt'r of mild cnunlv, to Aim MntKjh.ui. All i tTvuirt Imvlny rt.Uiiit or ttcnmtnl (tilifd 1 1 if t"tiuc or 1 1 n dcccdi'tit nrc rfiH".tci) to ni'ikc thrin known toM, ,M, lVrllf, I'lMat Aklilmid I'.u, iilturtH-y fur Itn'pstiitr; nmi nil irsohn lnd-lii d iitv rffn-"t4i to imiki iii) im nl. ANN MiMilIN, Admhfx fi'liU'C-rtw f in t U troiicifu tfiirif id. 4 DMIVIKTIIATIJII ('nri-i. l ' ''" ""-:. .. t J. X. I liAIr, OK IIMIK'TA HI CIWI.H K, VV H, ' 1a llrrn of iiditilnlhtriitloli mi tlm t-Mtnti' of Itc- liK-fii VniidiTHliro, htof Hloftn t'iuiiMt, t'o- tn. uouim roiVni-u-oiiiity to ,i( ii(-i-tcr vmi-ii r- illf, udiutnNlrnl 'f, uho ti'fldi'H tn Mount I'lrni- tun !owiiiil, ah roi'4 Minium iiu ihm m h indi'tdid to th' wi'-l ih'CMtciit iii runnel d to iii iki! iiuviiictit. mill tliiiv li-kx Iiilf rl'ilnii or di M in. It iiiminst Ih.' S.UI)' will t s lit tlH'in Mlth- jontdi-lny. .1. Ill.lIljlt VANIH:il.!t I roirs not km:. Of I MA1UTH llKNHINfirit. IO i 'P. S J I STATK ( letters ti taiii''ntiir on t herMnlt'oi l.litih. ih IViihitmtT, t)f ( .itiiw Ns'i, rniiiiiihlu ci.iiiity. I'u nv hu n t'r.'otMl hy thr II'-kIIm of --iiiil county, to MU-lno'l Itroiii, i iiunr.w1io hhhIim In t'itt.iwlHHiu Alt t-iMMins lm liu- rliiluiviudlii-t the !t.ttt'iiri rt-iiUi i'lt n s. nl Hum to t,i Kixnlor for M-ttti-ini lit, nnd lliot kitouiii tlii-iuvhi's'd to iniilvi-1 t iiH-nt, Midi t l, JUl'HWT, St'piimiMT n, i7. i:tcutor, A HMIXMsTllATOItN N'OTiri!.- Vl.srATr.o ituH'vitHAiiT.Dnc'n. 1. ttrn oi n'MlllUliriltinn m uic imui'- hi i ni m i m hi imi i, lain of IM-uit tmumhlp, Coluuilii.i loiinty, Ph., dpi'Piivi'd, lmi- I n't II liillt'd ly tliu J!iNItrof t'ohunltliu'oiinty, to l,i onurd Admit, ho ri-Hldi-s tn said tovMiHhl,('oluiiihlii rouiity. All niMoiis lm lnflahiH or ili'iniUids iiynlnst tin rituteor thi diTi-dntnri- rcqiH-nti-tl to niako thfin known to tin' udinlnMnitor without ih'hiy, mill nil per sons Hit cbtcd urn rrniipttru lo iiiiikc pa lni'ni, I I'nVtllli It Mil A.lm'f hcptenibcrf,, lCT-ol. A DMIXI.STItATOU'S XOTICK. rv r.siArK uy rvitcs niv, nrri.Ai:i. I.i'ttersofa"linhilJ.tratloii w Itli the will annxt'd. on the stnli; ot (;.nts Try, kite of lilooiiTdmrn, rolumiila ('ouiuy, have bun KiuntPU tjy tnn tern Isti r of fili county, to Isaac s. JCulni. whole sides In niooinshunr. All Demons haIn claims or dciuaiids against the K.ild cNtnti'.nre rutui sled io present iiu in 10 inu niminisirnior tor m-ihc ment, and those Indi bt J to make pavment. IMA At,' H. Kl'lIN, fcfp.t 117-ci .mm r. c. r, u. A UDITOU'S XOTIL'K. IX TiU'.Oii XV phanv fourt nftlm I'ounty of Columbia ; Lstatrof KA.ML'i:ii 1'AHT. dcciascu. 1 ho audi tor nppolntpd bv the Court to make dlstrllmlloii of thu balance of tho cstnto of hnld di erased, In the bunds of ltobett I lust Administrator ot Iho h.iid sammd Uu-t lute of Scott township, In Mild 1'Uiny, oi' i ascu, m hi mill ion purine lor niu niriMtso oi Ills appointment, on Saturday, Octo jcr -."ith A. 1. nl his otIH'c in Wonm-burc. 1'. II. Jv W AY 'tobi-r'l, l-37. Auditor. JX KC CTO ltS NOT 1 V IC. KIT ATE OF J .COH It ARTZt L, Mli., liEC EAt P. Lottpri tcslnnifntftrv on the cstnto of Jitlmb . IIitrl7Al. nr.. l.tlu of Mlltlln towtlKlilit, ('ohiiuhU county, lmi Ih-ch Kruitlfd hy (lie IU'kNIi rofwiM i county, In J( urns riitrt7i'l nnrl ,nhn 11. HtlUr. I cxi'ciiiorx, ooiii rcMiuiu; 111 .miuimi uni ii-mp. ,u i pt-rsutiH hiilnii clulntH ir dctuutiiU ntr:tint tho I fKtuli n ri-quttc! In prci'llt lh'lil to Hip t-xt-c-utfirn fnr hfttlciiiPiit, mut tluM Knowing llitm- , cIch hidWitPit lo nt.tkc jm iiiciil. JOHN ii., , HPp-1)'ti7-Jt' Ilxf cut om, ilI)IT()U'S OTK'K M1ATR Of KOSWTM. HM ITH, I. ATI" OF HP.hKX- woon luw.ssmi, ((ti.i'M in 4 (in s-n.M-.c'n. ( Tho umU t (dotted, itinlltor npjiointcil hy ll.pOr uhitiiK O'tirl on'oluiuhttt loiinty, to timKii dls- lllDtllMUl l I i itiHiu i- in 1 1 if iiiiuim in aniiiiMUl 11, lkeler, udti.lnlRtrator of Uotwt U Mnltli. lati 01 itri- minimi mw iimiii, ui i iihi u, hi huh imiom; i-n v tvi ikimp m vim rrint tho rofj ntlM mditorH of tl.o don dent hi th, 1 cn A-Nl MAM I AC TV HI- ordi r i stulillslif il bj law, will ntterd at his uilh . iT (oMritHi.t o In lilnomnburK, on 'l)iiirnlay, tho tMi-ntN-lhit da of NnMiubt r, ls.7, at 10 ..i-Intka. m., tnr tin ' H "4 I T It KHS S purjitM' nf attcudinie to the dttth's u(An jipp inl ine nl, u hen and ttt rr all iitrlliN Inton-t-tid, aro 1 SOI'AH, 1.01'Ntil-S roiiuriu 10 inoi'iii 1111 ir nanus ''r m u.unM frniii cunt I ilk' in for 11 hharp of tho tund. II. It. IKi:u:il, Auditor. 1 lUorimi-burst, Sept. l'(, l'l.i . 11 s a 1. j: 111 be Kold al iil. al hiiTi it ry d.sirabl.' iliimbia I'ouiii n si' h in 0 in s tin It lllo'iinsbnn;, 1 1 , Pa , tho pi'npfit oonwiihi; nf T WO I'HW N .i ultuateon I frontt n Third Mi. MtooniAbui, wnot'' nt arc c.'i bturj .'t nfthJ ti in of ito 1 :i l.ti iwu P II A M P. D U i: I I, I N (i II u f M i: a 1th klli'hcn nttai-lnd. a laro I,b! :md Car rlUP hnil-i. unt i"i; nt j o, hniiM', etc., ac md i 11 of IU-MT r.tttlim M.iU-r lit tin- It irk dni.f. Poo 1 ssioji will hi- (ft, :i mi tlh' t!r-t of April, It , Hot hold bt IVU 1 ll lotM .ititl till' Hist, nt !''(- tuber neM the t-i'ino m ill t o d tn public hit it mi Attid date at I uVln, k l'. s(. Kir in thff paili'u lari, ititmio nf Mh'h 1. 1 i". Lvoriv, nt iho niilcM (,t It. P. t'llttk, 1 "- l',.i.tiil lit V I nil. ll Linen,, Pu. N-pt. 7. 1 Mr;. lA-sTATi; UK IMITi: it WU ITK- i:j ni NIOH r, IU.ri,AM.I. In II hlii.Pl hllcnlltt ; Hiin Whiti limhl ; Am1 Whllt lilL'lit; .hill. ill wltcnf lt.udt I Watt- , l.'h; Itphocpii i;il.ibith, Uo of Hoiirv Sum- IDfTfi; Ihtrhf-l I in ma, u lfo nl illli.yi litniivmi; and l.dla M. WhltiltlKht, (hihliiti and l.otra ! of lVti-r hituilnht, lai nl' Hi in'oil. lonif fchl, (.'nltimhia county, dccciiM-d. Vnu and noli of nu w III tako not Ire, that hv i i Irtuo nf a rlt nf partition i r aluatlon, Ik-muM out of Iho Oi I'hatih I'otiit nf the I'otihtj oftVt-1 lumhla. an Inoticft will ln lu-1d at the ilui-lUmi houn', (.Uunf Poti r Whltonlfiht, iletoahod. In tho ; U iiNhip of Hcmhx k, In t-ithl rmint of (Vilum hla, nn hatuiiluy, I ho Vt li day of Not mhcr, a. n lk7, f..r tho puiihit of makliiK iattitlon nf thi n-al t hlatf nf tho Mdd iloci-aid. hlti'.ato In II nihil-k low iithii, atn Miltl, to and nmni! tin ( hit dro n and rt-pi sc-MatlM nf the ald dnoo.tsi d, If thi imitno oau hi' dno without pujudicc to or i simi Hut; tho t-atno, othorvUst to altto and at pralsotlto wholo. V5IUHI. HNVHClt. i liloumsburs, .Si'l't. 27, IMiT. Hhcritl. plF iv Ttk "s a l "k OP VAI.PAIIU: HPAI. ITAT).. Will ho s-dd al pilMito '.alo, hv thcnndi rrdjuM Apenl for Iho on, TWKNTV ACUP.H Op I AND, lylnu lu tho tow tiwhtp nf DrittiKo, Cnlui.thl.'t . i.ttn ty.adjolnlui: lanilKlatfofAri-hlhuld lU'iuj li.tid-t 1 Ikiiac hi-ltilit Id, and hiinon I o t . J io llntu. -stcml nf tho Into Kl-haid Hall. d" Ti iiM-si-one-thlid on tin- ii ullon nf the atirn nn hifh lint '-poo v.-chIoh win ii,iin; oni'-lhlrd on tho ilrt da of ,pril. In'S wnh m. torcsl finm dat nf auri-i-ui(-ut, and tin itin.ttn- ln niii-thlhl ii thf' int-t da or pni with intirct limit tho ilut uf nun tlm nt, at Vhlrli t line u dot il u 1111k-fit . ulvdundih IImmi 1 IVr patth-nhirs id ln?i PI.TPK KM. sop'J'i tJT-:t. Uht KtriS't. Pa. "jHK k T ;y st ) nTT( it v j -Tt s t n i p p k it. ATCNlttincioIO"U 'J, l-Oi), TIiIh almplo, thouuh Hoi live mat hino Ih admit li il hy all HcU'iiUtlo ohhin i-ra to he tho mobt dirt ft i devlco for nathcrlntr clocr toi'd jot dl.ocrod. A mereulanceat It In Hnlllclont tnonuvlnce tho I aioKt ohtiito mind of Itu nrartit-al utility. It Htrlprt thoilowr head fiom theidafk Ualnrf tho idraw Htandlttg upon tho Kiound. It In oaslly draw n hy om hoihc, and ri'MUlros hut one m.ut or hoy to work It, It U compact, nimplo In tructuio, and lint tin-, hlo to pi t nut of ntih r, audi uti hi -hcail unt up. The (trial aiHnulauo lu tllla mat lillin l, e ( hao tho M'cd ualln rttl In thoclmtt'. ntuly for tho cloMT mill nt Miller, beMden havlm; Ihc cri-aV t length nf I Into and latnr of mow iiiu. handling and , Ihrt hliifl It fiom tho 'Iruw, It ill alvn pay i . or Mi iner In nlh r hlM n-rd w Ith thU niai-hhii, ntt amuilit nf I lio K.tvlmto! the nul whUh 1 lnif Iti llni iidt uiir nf L'tillierlntf ll. Pxtranrdluat. ludiu i meii'MnllMod tocia-tL't t'l , im u w h . w Uh tu piiichukehiatt'iir enuntj Itlhls Pnr pHitiiuiaiH nddrfH 1 Wl IW'M N A, I'hMIULM, Jin'iVf,;.1 Poluinhla t'taiiitv, P.t. , oMj;Tnf;n HiiMuiderhlnxl Uit lit Itifotm lir frh mil niiii the tiMi- M'linally, thai lie hiti u t tietl in I. Kill I' nTUlT.T I. lri'.h tnl. ,r fi.uN Jn Hi., line of MII.I.IM'.l llllll TltlMMIMirt In oiinnfrlli.n Mltli" DrfH". Mnlilmtt MM Ih ).rr ).ni,i In, l.i . I l.i I B "rK K II lis J on llio h1ii.ii.hi ii.tu,,nii.l In Iho t.t .ltii uf tlm uri, t'tlu. i l.u mul fuik MiilKlui'lury, MIH. v:. KI.I.VI..;iitHir(it,o lili. r4, IMI7, vr'oYT 1: k." UlMtUok IKK ItlAJoUxMVMt I.ITl'll iin'l jNaiiii'iK. jiilfv I, lrJ7, 1 I hut tiieromlilloitM upon wbhli th t.t-i ru'iltM'tlp ttoili to thu Mink ui Hi Id IllMiUlto wuh lilado hiivti hi t'O i!iiiniilifit w'.lh. u n. m'i,i:nr,i'ie.Mni. Allft, T, (, i:i it, rMi-rttui, Tin' sulM-rlb( j-H in the Mock of iho ulivi-itntmil lUKtltttli w 111 ph axe tav Ih' UiM liulalliiieul, to will onit-foutihof thcli Ktihurilptlon an p't'f.Hd condition, to William hmi.hi, 't'iit.iiri r. lu II, HI Tt.UT, rretldvut. July 6,1, LOTHING. t'rrftli t ol VM.h AN I) WtNTKK Ui01. DAVID LGWKNIlCiUl linllfftattciitlun t'jliU tlock uf ('iii:ArANDrAiituNAiii.i;f'r,orntNi. ol hit Hlotu on Hula HU-rr I, twoit'K)M itUivo lh- A mm Irnii Jf aih ltlooiniljurtt, Va.t wlicre Im 1iai Jiut irc!(.tl from Now Yntk nni I'hlltiiVIi lilft n full n-f-nrtiiipitl ir M H.V AND H0YH CUiTl! JN, Itu hi'tin,t Iho most frtihlntinWp, ilurnhle, And lininl(intij Ditttss rnwiiH, (finiiiiii(j or HOX, HACK, F110CK, tll'.M, ANI) OIIt'IJTIf COATH AND I 'A NTH, uf nil Hurtx, Mti, Rjfl ruluri. Ho Imi nlso rrplen labt'it IiIh nir'H(t)' M$r ntfnk of PALI. AND WIN i:it HIIAWI.M, BTUirilD.t'KUMli:!), ANIU'iaiN VI1TH, minu,i:uAVAit(HTo(:KH, coi,, HANm:t:iuiin:iM,(iM)viy. hv.hi'i;niu;iw, and I'ANCY auticmw lie iniH Mntlaiitly nil I in it til AU'l writ -no locit HKMorttiiciit uf run ns and T,srtNiH, v 1iitli lit triirut to inaUc lo unlor tntuniiy : 1 1 Ul lid Ut rl'tllllll, IHI lmrt liullrr, iilul In tlm lft mumicr. All ItU rlutliltiu U tu.ute towt'itr. IHl'l ItMht nf it H nt liniiic nt iiiu&u Iiirp. mr.D WATtitiw and ji:wi:i.uv, nf ccry ili'iirrlptloti, flno mvl i lifnp, HU rune of Jewrlry H not iiruiKr.l in tliU pt:. Otll Riut ( xuiiiltin liU (jiifril iifnrlnif nl of ruiriiiNo wat'iius,jk,wi:t,uy,u DAVID I.OWr.NIUJItd. Ti:V(JKOTlIIN(! AND flKXTi.K- JIKN'K I'l'ItNIslIINd HTOllK, Tlio innliTtiUnril refpi'olfnllj itniioiiiirps lo IjM many frtoivU lio li.'tn ft)H-iiott u m w LI'Jthln I ftii.l (itiitlcfiieit'M runiNliliu ston, In (ho lowrr rrwjin of tin.1 II irtinun llullillns, KOiithwcNt corner of Main uiid .Mmkt t Mri'tH, lUntnshiir( I'd. Ituvlntfjtut ifturnl from rhllinK-lphiii with a I.n ri?' Htnck of PA M AND WINTKU 'I,OTlIIN(l una cii:nti.i:mi:n h ruuNiwiiiNa ooodm, &c, Ac. ho fliitli'ri hlnndf thnt ht cn ploivt-ttll. ItU Htock puinprlsfi JIIIN'H, HOYS', AND YOUTHS' CI.OriUNO, such fll DUKS COArH, HACK COATS, 1'ANTS, VI'-STS, rNDntsiiiUTs. imAWKIS, ovnncoATH, SHIIUH, COM.AUS NIX'IC-TIF.s, llOIMtY, HANDlCKItf'HIi;rSt Hrspr.NDKKM, UMIIUKLLAS, Ac nudlnliict e.r thlntf tn tho Clolhlnnor Ktir nlnhln Htm nt wry UtH'prlct.'i. In acldltlon to tho nljovo ho hnn an olefintit pf ECtlHCIlt of ci.o'ins.', and vkstingb. CLOTHINQ MADi; 10 OHDlUt AT TIIU xnournr notici:. f'nll (i ml hcc bcfoio purchasing chewht re, nnd Kctmr. oki:aT iuuomnh. fcttt-ly J. W. CHKMIltZHLAIN. CAIUNET WAKE HOrSEi 1 nr. underslpncd takes this method lo Inform t the public that ho has opened ft I ni:w rniNiTvnp. wahi: norsn in tha Witlb-r Hrlck l.ulldlntt, on .Main Mrret, , itr.ooMsm'jta, r.t.. Which he h h purclvtcdand lntend-i to kevprfr- . manently fllhd Mth Purnlturo of MAititu: top cnNrm; taiii.k f HAlll.s-crsnittNi:D,CANP. IIOTTOMKD, N D HfWiD P.iTHMi:D. i:TI.NSlii.N 1AHUM, I.OOKINO (ILAIX, PAULUII, CIlAMIIini AND DIN ING KOOM I'lMlNlTlMtl-:. In f-ict a full astnrtmont of It P. A D Y I X D r. COP r I N S of all tl7t , nnd of p.vKtti rniNo in Tin: i.inp.hp iiihiuadi: All of -Ahleh will bo hold (' 11 V. A P r o it c A t It. 1 ho pnlihr hip ln l(ei to rail nnd exumliio my Moik I'l-ioio j tirehithlni,' plst-whcro. (11 oiuii; Y. ( OUP.M.. Illonictsburj, Aunust IC, Nr. !! I.OO.MSIIfli.i I'ANCV Tltl.M- MINO AND linoKsTOlir, Necntel tl'Kif ln'tuW llnltlii.ur, M.illl Street. Jii.t ri'it-iwd a new otoi-k ot ZKPHVie. WtKil.KN AND CorrON VA11NS COlins, LACKS, HMIIUOIDPIUIX, MUSLIN P.IKIINOS, DUKsS TUIMMINOS and over arh ly of artloje usually kept lu a PANt'Y hlOItU Also SCHOOL P.OOKK, HYMN HOOKS, IUULl, SPMUV-SCHOOL liOOKH, nnd n lftrire lut of ihmcpllanp.oum iiook, atvopnt and mpmoilvndum ii00kk, 11 LA NIC D1:i:DS, IIONIH AND MOKTtlAOnH, and a nenctul and wol-tflocttd tisHortment of, KNVPI.OPP.S, Ac. a. d. wiam. N: kTi;v TAILOHKVO 11STAHLW1I- MiNr. . . WILLIAM MUKHIH, TaUcrt this method of informiUK tho fillittu of Cnluinhl U'ounty.that hohnvoi t nod a ucwt.tilor Ihk i'ttublNhmi til lu the town nf CATAWIhfA, PA.. . hoe he it pit 1 altd to tnukf up nit shot I notlco all ltlndt l tieiitleineti wiar lu tho laltM and must fat-hlnnahlo i-tylif. Havlnvr worked at hit husini lor h cral M-araln thu oily of New York, ho Haiti t n hluiH If umt l.o can a o full and com )ih tn hatltfactloii to Ills cii.tomem at leunotiublo laiis Ho uuinnnh thi v i;in ii i. h t Pirn, or tho nork nrcd iml lo tukj-'h AH work will I kiMittttid Let nrc inultiiijf, M-i tliut llieic hl.all to nott it r pot nor 'hrlnkime. shop hi .IihIko IlaKH'H Drills JhiildltM, Midn Mlt 1 1, t'alawlt-Mi, Pa. A idiareof piiblh'pattoiuico In npoctnilly tole ted, rs'u Oaritifitl can full cltattcd and ro alnd nn Iho hhurtont notice. !HcpO'07-:tiii. PAXTtiN A HAH.MAN, ii v y i: i t, p a MANlTPACf PUr.HH .AOLNTK, ' I OH 1 II K H41 r Of llAl'lOt 'lVH' 11 AW llONH srPKH-PHOSPlIATK OP LIM IC, at MANrPAcu'itPirrt ritiPiy. WII.I. UIVK rOKTV rut tl.NT. IM'HKAfP: OK CKOPM. Itnpett, pu.. Auk. n, W--V'm. i; It C II A N I) 1 S K. sen in: is.ii.;iu:iii hivcn Tn my frlPn.l. nn-l Hi jaililli' urlifrMljr, lli.l nil UltV (i(KII)S, tiiuicKitnw, (ji'i:r,NsVAiu:, NOTIONS, AC, irt iv.iihIjiiiUj (in l.uuJ j.n.l Mr mile AT lUlttON'rt (11.11 HT4NH, llMulil'UH, lY JAMIX Is. ItTITt. m A n, 1 1 1 Ar.'M 11 r 1 1 1 iv ruii iuTL.ii' 111. 1 Lit. T( I ft 1 fiitnllN n 1 nml Ifi'lisOT. ----- j jihin utt.itKHr. t mo. . nui ai.. 1 1 JU'!HT A 110 V A li, A iMfnt tKitrn iw, WlKU.lAl i: lillt'titilH'lH No, tiini mul ll North 'J hlid Mnvl. 1'hila.telphln. DHivorleiKiiiid DohUtn In Dltl'dK, SirDH lNKH, hl'H IX, 1'AINTH, tHUs, (il ASH, DVJ.fcTtTrH, Ac, May 10, iwriy. DRY QOOD8. A 1 ILI.KH'H STOUK. VMVH AKIUVAI, 01 HrniNd and r.MKti tiooim. The onhnoTltKir htm Just rolnrnrri irom ih eltltfi v Itli uullior Urn n l elect nfnurtinont nf fl'HINO ANI HUMMKIt (JfK)D, ptirchit! In New York auJ I'hllftMelphln nt thf lowcut figure, nti. I which lift Ii 'Irtc rmlrul tfl Hell j on nn molerntt' l-rmn nn nm he prucnied ctfe j ultrc In inoomsburff. IIli" stock roniprlAM ! I.ADIIX DUE81 (JOODfi i of (hnrholrent ulylm nnr Intrttt railtlonK.toitMlier llh a tarn 'afr.orlnient of Dry 'KkxIi unit Oro rorlrn, mimlKtliiftor Iho ftlovlnanrtlrlr: ' ritpeti, OU Clothe, Glut I w, CnvilnirrM, Hliawli, nanncli, HlU:n, Whll (lo-i, UiiPhM, llin.pHl.irtH, MtiKlInn, Ifollowware rpiliimnrc- Hurt nwiire, Danlwutc Il'Kttn nnd Hlioin, Ilatt titi't IV p, JIo Nf If, t'litltrclln, UhtklllK-WlilHICK, Til.infi, follf!', suiiflrt, Ulv, Allnpli-i', (llnitpr, CIiiiintoti, NtitinfRx. AND NOTIONS (IKN ItAt.IY. In liort, ft.'rtliliii; UKuuWy kept In tHiuntry ftort'H, to which imj lnitCM thi' uttvntloii of tin puhllo RpiiprAtly. TholtlKhcit price will bp paM for connlry prmlttCf lu I'XchaiiKo for chhN. H. II. MIM.r.U, Atnult litilMlnK", HlooinlmrKt Vr, pill- AT ItKOUCTIOX IN L'HICES AT PKTKH KNT'rt HTOUK, IN M01IT RTIinKT, Of SPUING AND 9UMMKH OOODH. Till! nubHcrlber hufi Just rcclvid nnd htm oa hand it t Itli old Aland In IJyht Htrcft, h Iflrgo nnd solect assoutmi;nt or mkrciiandihk purchased nt tin lowest flKiire, nd which hols ilotcnnlncd to kcII on nt modcrnto tonnn ttfttwn he procured vliowhcre In Light 8trl, roit cash on (vx.vrjp vnonvrji. Ills Htuck coniUtn of LA1HKS' DllKHS OOODH, cholcoit stykfl nd lalel ftnhlni. Collcoc?, Mmlltm, (ilnaUnm-, Flunnelf, HcAlory, Ciirr-wl", Kllkti, HlmuU, HEADY MADi; CLOTHING, Hatlnrtts, Ct)ssImor, Coltonidw, Kentucky J'ami. AC, AC AC GUOCKIUES, MACKEltviv, Queen ware, Cedarwnro, Hardware, Jtcdtdnt-a, Prugn, Oils, Pulnt-.Ac. DOOTrf A SIIOEvS, HATS & CAPS. j In hhort c.eithln unually kept In a conntsry j ntrc. The p.itrnnasf of hliold friendu nnd the public ncncrnlly, U rcupcctfully solicited. ! Tlm hlshcst morkrt rftci? paid for countr pro duco. P17I KH KNT. Light Htictt.Mriy 3, lsr, pHKAT UKDUCTION IN PHIOKS AT D. K. HIANH HTOr.K, IN OUANGKVILLK, PA., O Y .SPUING AND SUM M VAX (iOODH. Tho MibscribirhaflJuHi recelod andhnnon hand at his More in Or.inp'vlllo, a laro and select ASiSOHTMKNT )K MKUCHANDISK purchased al tho hwot llirc, and which ho U determined to soli on a moderate terms aw can bo prueured elst w liero In Orangf ille, FOU PASH OH COCNTltY 1'UODtTK. Din vtoek connlHts of J 1. A DI K.S DUKSS (UIODS, I srvi.ns asp utmt rAsmosi, ! I'allcueH, Muslim, tiltiKhams, I'latnn, Hosiery, I t'Ai:i rrra, miaw i.s, j HKADV MADE CLOTH INO, Hntlnetn, tiiHitmer, (oltor.aib a, l'i ntueky .Lans, At;., At, AC. (HUH'KHIKS MACICLHAL, iueonHwaro, Ci-ltrwaro, Hardware, Modl-lnis, hunt-., oii.h, I'Msrs, r. ( HOOTri tV SMOi;.S, MATS A CAP?4, in shoit ootth'ii4 usually kept Inacuttntry i tdoro. Tin' pittroitauo of his old frinN an 1 the 1 public nenoMllj , i re-p.'Ctfully hollrlte I. Tho hlfjieht mat ket prloo paid for enutitrj pro , ducu. D. K. SLOAN. Oiuncvllle, Ma 21, PITT. J J, H H O V K It, U now niu.-ring lo tho public hln Stock of S 7 11 1 x a GOOD s cohsUtiiig In part of a full lino of I XG II A IX. AVOOL AND HAG CARPET H, Hue clotliA nnd rasalmero fur iAdlen' couta, HANDrtOMi: I)HIH (3O0DS, of all patterns and qualities, Inlaldi and Print or Mirlous qualities and prlcrf, I IILKACHPD AND IIItOWN MUHLtNH, jLADIK'S khknch COHSKTS, ' A X II i HALMOHAL RKIIITO. ' (ijod aortmeut of , LAiHWA aiUURXyN OA?TX2ia& 1300T8. I Pith Uioeorlc nnd Hplcta. Ntiw aaiortiwcnt of OI.AHU AND liUHKNri-WAUi:, V X X O, 1. M A 0 K K It II L lu oui'hatl and onclourth barreln, Now l-t thi time to mako your hc cHoum, m I i am otrcrltiK Kloili al ery tow pricH, and our 1 motto Is fair dvaUnu lo all, and not to h under sold by any. J. J, nitOWKH. Ulo.jmsburR, April li, lwn, j jpUHXITl'Iti:! KCHNITCHK! ! NP.W Pt'UNlTUm; WAHKHOOMH, r u o i, i;,s a t, ; a .v d n j; tail, liOOMa UVK.K U LUK'S HiK, niO.M-IlI7II(, PA., bo found the fluent MMn.-irtmirt of k r it x i t r a i; eeroflerM tti tho pooplenf thin eetlon, tsmslul. 1 tllff of iwitmn, KiTi'imy and r.r.ii-nooM wu- N ITU UK, of nil kiwi. .I.e., ntI. , ilierlrllon nnil prlciN.. CHAIItS OK AM. STYLES, 1 Kltelien, IMnlni, l'.rlir 'ml Hitting lioom ehln,, j KXTKNSION TAUI.tW, HrmltfA.t Tnlilr, I'llllna TablM, Kltrlien TMi, Mlirwry nml .Vntre Tsble.. I Sill K II O A 11 I) H. I Iti.Mnut, Wittnui, mi l nii-.tnul.Kiilmit Tilm. tn.'il, i:iAi:i-r,'- rnn uiimirliiu'nt on liaml, I Mill ni.ulo ami nlci'ly nnUlinil. nuixsiNo oasix, i j ; 1 I I j 1 Hull Mumli, llnitri'i .nn,! HiHik.1 Uy un.l , evury Trl- k i' 11 i n a 11 1: I) S . The K-.I r,-r .jfli-rnl In til. lll)llc. I'ICTL'lti: ITtA.MUS, A inl In fnei mr Ihlnij lu .e fouml tn 11 Oty Warn ItfMiin cnn Im hivl in our room., an nt tli' very lowiNit prlie.. I Imte th. iti:.i pay ami 11NK rum: hyhtkm, Aii'l wnvranlnurff'Uk n. rouri .L'nle.1. J, II. MATI. ir.ijiiinsi'uiK, M 'it, wr;. JKNJAMIN tJKi:i;Nt Itvilor lu tuitrimMiH, winihjw hiuium, i Oll.l'l.dnih, MATH, Ac., N. Kl Xorth Htvond Hiret, I'hUndfl-rlttm. 5JV- KOU NKAT AND VMKAV JOH PKINTING, CUU AT THK 0OI.UWHIAN OKHCK MISCELLANEOUS. I'JMU: AVAHIIINOTON IdllllAIt CO., PIMlADEM'JnA. HUnscniPTio.v i-oi t v. pui:i;nih to hrnscntin.i OMICArtrt ffHPSI.M ftPHM,0fM. 0SKf4-li fHPrtl-.sjr nt 9tXfiCft, onk tAtii riiKv r or flD.iO'. fisr.(.Pit rrtwp.Mf ny V,f'. IWO f A8It rRPSKMt OK t2Sft I.Af 11. Jt'iftvltH-ftettttt tf Vrfn firtou. liich cerllflcnlr of Htock U n(nmpanli-d Jth a HKAUTIITJ, KTP.KIPITK PNiiltA VINO north more nt retail tlmu tliu cukI of Ci itiriLulir, And aIho InsutM to tho holder a Prtffiit tn Uw Great Distribution. THEWAHIIINOTON MHItAUY t'O. U chattcreil hy tho Hlato of IVuunyhnnta, and orpmiltM in aid of thn H I V K H H I D P. I.NHTITL'TI, ion fOinirH' AMI HAI1.0UA' filtHtA-ff. Incoriv.ratod ) IlioHtatoof N, J., April ivC7. TDK UIVKasim; INhIITLTK, Hltunte nt IlitnMf IhtrltnKfon romit, ?ew .Ifrsoy. iMfmiiid... i i i'ir 'inriM-nf Kiiuiiitnusly plucalini( tin' mi H'ildlf ni k.' nun of tho rithnd '1 ho Itnatd itt I'ruti-t cuii'M of tho futlowin Aoll'kuovn clllen" of PrnifylMOila nnd Nov Je rm- i iinii, iii. it. .-mhhii, iiisirfi .nnrnoy, i -i -i ' t Iphln, I'm I IdM. Lowln It. llromnU. i:.t. Chirr CtihuM l S, .uiiH,iui'i in intir ni i 'chu, l Jiuaunipuiit, Hon. Jiiiim'h M, Mut l,Nou .Jcim'y. Hon, W. W, Ware, New JorNoy. llcitty Oorman, f(.( ARcnt AdntnV P.xprris, Phllit.U lplila. J. II. Oa-, Vn.t of Joy, Co.- A Co., Phllftdi li hL- Tur.A'iunv Dk!', Vaiii.mitu5. t. l, April li, lwS. Oillce of Internal IU. ntio - li. I IK rtHd natlffactory evldt'iirp Hint )h ( of ihp t nterprlw comhielod by tho . i InKton I.Ibr.try Cumpnny, will bo deoltd to charitable tiNtii, pi rmltslon U htnby uianUd t paid Company to conduct nuch cittcrprlhoottntpt fnun ntl charsc, wluthcr from pcclnl trx or other duty. K. A. ItOLMNS, Cinna!oner Tnn WASHINGTON L1DKAUY COMPANY, In order that tho benevolent object vt foitbtn thUclrculnrmay b aucceaifully Eoooinpll-htd, hettt iiftuod tXe Horlc of riSK BTKKL-I'LTE KSOK VI.S'm1, which nro put on aubacrlptlou o I prl h much be. low their retail valuo. Cortlncatci of Htock In tho WushlncWi I.;hri.r Company will bo tisued, Ktainpod witli tlm set.! of thu Company, and signed by tho 'r None otherit Kennlne. Any peron hctidltii ui Ono DM1 tr, or pir. if the namo to our loil aaents, will rwolvo itmuo dlately allneHtrol Plato eiifravlnK,iil eholci'fiou. tho followlns list, and onoti rtlflratc of ht-y k, . . (turlnu ono pre"ont m our published nelirduh-. Ortr Jtotlar hnpratiny. No. l-'My Child! Mv Child!" No.2-' n. v IHAved! Thny'ro Havod!" No.3 "Old Hoiui nli; or lite liarly Uayaof tlio ltcvoiutlnii, 1 Any person puylnn two dollars will n i i miller oi ino louou ma nno blCCI pil flno btcel plaice, at choi and two certificate? oi stoek, ti-n StOfK. 11.11 I - lltlllL titled to two prewentH, 2Mo Dollar ltngtfit t.ii;. No. 1 "Waiihlnftlon'sCourt.'-hlp." S,'.' "V lnton'a Last Interview v lib hit Muthei." J7nrre Dollar rnyrailti,3. Any person paying thrco dnllara vlll r the beautiful slool plate of "Homo from the . and tlireo ertiflcalcn of tock, Wcoimnn ut' tothrfopreseutn. I'ottr DoUar cnnraxln,!. Anypeison paying four dollars fl..tll r't tho lario and heanlbrul meil plate of "lhoI of Our Forefathers," and fotirccrtltlenlrsni entitling them to four presents Hv Dollar I'lVrnrinf. TIIKWASIIINOTON LIHHAUYt O. WILL AWAIIti THHl'K HUNDUKD TIIOLVAND I'OLLAHS in to thk PHARrnoMir.irs, On Wednesday September 2Mh Is07, AT PHILADP.LPHIA, PA., OR AT TIIH IJVHTITCTK, KnKUitDr, N.J. ffheUvln o Ynir. 1 CaMh PrCHcnt 1 Cahh Present 1 (.'ah Present 1 (.ah PrrKcnt 2 fash Present of fi.fniO rach.... vju) 1 Hamtnomi' cottntr nsldonoo t.l. Bi-ounils.Ao, Oermantown. Pitlladolphla ll.ut) i innou reftuenio, iuri-iory brlcli in Camdi'ii. N. J 1VM 1 Coal Depot, nttleen, nhi'drt, ground, With minims eKiaotinieu, .o. i.n Nv.isnmu ton Acnuo. Phll.idcliiliia 1 i.nuo 1 Cntintr leildelli , UHeiBld, N. J., wl'h nrnimd, iritlts, Ac 1 i.u'O 1 l lirt.oMor mil! itjo. lot, .e Valunlo bull llnp 'ot. IUorido, o oaeh 1 PI Knt turn mlly cartlnuo, of hoi hen, he- complete,,.. 10 Valuablobl- , , 1U eihli'. eu It , .. 1 beautiful u. i Miro. IV. ht'i s ,UiO hlyl., mri'd h ii. . i. hrated inn or ll .raniau iinis 'i n i hi; aton, i i.v': ' ro.,d wa n, w-t it lie pnuuili, wlia of mi pei iur htii- iiui ni'st, Ac, muki'u; i. l)lhlclaH I'MuMl-diinent. . '.""i P'nti'is, i net) .Mi U lenlii, ).i t'uch !i it -ew xnl ttt Itm nun ll.lif, 'J'" Hi Pui'iilv wwtrirf nuicl.lni. 'loofaeh !) I me li'dd Wtitehe-J, ?.injfneh Hi nil palnllm!, h loailini; artlsts-Hn'-U-lto aluo 1 Camel hair haw N, -l.uxeaeji 2 Camel h hair MuhU, S'inn rucli .. . 't Ilaiid-iimc I jtce liaw Is, fciVi oaoh. 10 Caltiiuro kh'iwli, ?M carh W Mlk dres put l mi , fT" t m h Cltv htill.llliu lotn, nT.'ioneh .. lheitmaiudir will luinUt of Mlu. waio, muiical lioseH, opera ulas-i h, iioi-ket bibles, and didVrent arttcUs of ornament and line, tunountln to Total M 'Mi AH the properties ylvt-n oltornf lin-umhia- now TO OIITAIN hai:i; AND n A VINOS. Kendordern to nt by mull, enclunliijf from ftl to !JP, cither by Pout Oltlce ordtn or In a leyUU rt-U lotter, at our Hsk, Ijirjer nmonnt? nU-at'd f tont by draft or exprcw, lOhharcH with Kniraiu3 ) 2,"i share wltJi Knsru Inys, JjO nharea with InHravtnn, . ... 7flduiren lth PnuraTlnHS, 100 nharm with niwravlnus,. . .. I AtlKKr-i WANTi:tillii..nillw l -' , tiilHtotri. Tlie AHi'ielntlnn lmn nt'li'ilnti'.l in. I .1 Me... (IroniiR A. Cookh a Co., I known lnteurlty onil buine.. ci..iUi) . , 1 iiMiincU'iii ituAntntortiluit tin1 iii.iii, .u. .1 to thetu will bo promptly t till '1 1 1 . m -1 htiitcM. rmiAriM 1111A, r v., ! . To Ihe Oltceri avl Mcinhfri ty th 11 n brary tU, .V. KKA T, A'rr. tn. 1, Oeiitleruen: On reeolpl ot v.'ir 1 i - ir , lMh Inst., nolLrjiliK uh of uui .im oil im ..: 11 ; civor. for your (Vmpnny, s.c 1 - !, iii.- . 1 i .ubrultH eojiy of our Clmrii r. wlili n i' n 1 your cnterjirl.e, to Hie liifhc.t li-pni .in'1, nil ,1110 Htate, nn(4 hHslnn nrUs,.! hw t - ' opinion In rrtfanl to It. l.K'illty, iuil Mm ' " ' Iiir sslth the benevolent object ormi oc n ' lion, vlu tlie filuenltoii nml nmliiti'u of thn orph.u chtMre 11 or our .ulilleiK ulul ..tllori. nl Die . rtl.eriiMe In.tllute, sre n.ncliKleil toni'vpl the liu.t, nml to U.00UI Ix-xl etlorl. lo p ite no worthy isn object. ' Ite.tieetAtlly, your., Ae U'.o. A. COOKr. ,V . Addre.. all letter. Anil order, to UKO. A. CttlKi: A.M. Il.vr:KPr.. SS Houth Tlitrd ftreet, riillmlolpliln. ISi. rte.lver forth.. WMnhlniitiiii J.tbrnry I'.i. J. U. l'IMtsKL, Anthorlfed ARent for I11CHntburtt and v. n ,j JulyS, H7.4iii, J.J U. HOWKH, Kan opened a flnd-chv nO(T, HHOK, HAT AND CAP MTulD. ai tneoii NiAit.) on st.tinMiret, li.'fHimbuiK. Di nl wk im-omptinedof tlhuery late-t mul W eTrofTeied to tlie cltUeim uf ('olutnlifu 'try 11" ran aeeoininodat ih public with thtt lot) v lna kind and at eheap prlrent itt b n ealf hooN, tln, nnn' kip, dm la ll.nh' ehlld'i boou, Mrn'tjclovtf kid, t'.ii r k Meit 'A lof a kid lWiltnnr4UIH-, Me' w it hoj n', aad mUni' kIiiTu kid hutitiu bu T , c 1 inen' !ovi kl.1, ery ttne Womfit u line cat I ntoroiw t'Hlmial)', Women' iiiea'ami,-.ii' ur.ud I'alf hlinr. I't'iiimo fchn'i, MIm., ' mul - l't I h.vt, Meit'M, . ('', iiiUmV, Imj. , nnd eh ioi' tllpt' 111' ! a BTmt ret ..r HAT, i'i I of fcTerv kl1. at ivtnt prifsw, both fi t And rMiitirj" pnihicr. n. tnomhfiT ih ultra. tiiltiiii I . kit. liH It . tit dvuii I. A V Kit d SIMtANKl.K, j IIOI.UMI.h(HOCKltII- Mt't)MMI M hKCll A NTH, N.ajaandST Alch Hit it : ridiudeipiiu. j if. jao'nosthkth, rAI'KH.HANOINU WAHKllOl'HK, No. u jfoiLU Third Blrttl, iniHdelrlri. lON
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers