The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 11, 1867, Image 2

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IW There urn !I,IMM Chlnrw 111 one ,
nuinty In Idaho.
tetf" L'ctrolt'tim ! illfivi'r('il In In
vnltinlilu ih 11 euro fur tlui lli'h.
lir Hoimcr lim pnlil f 1 1 S,0in for i'V
m BH'(.liiii'iH of trv IIimIi.
tnr A Imly illoil of cu xlcUitifi-" on
liiku Mli'hlnrtii i tVw d.i.vs
W (Irani Win niltflii'.illy n
Whltf, hut voted fur lliii'luiimti. lie
rurely vote.J,
W I'm- MJIll llllllily of KtlJlllUlil
y"inl or pocUet over tio iiml hill
millions yeiirly.
e.e A I.oiiiliui Imly irliieil In her
Crinoline, liruUt' her li''. mi. I Inul to .uT
ft'r a.iijuii.illi.M i.i'tli..! n.eiii'u r.
kj" V yoii iy l i I., u imi i! M.mii, iuiiI
(i .iK'H en, uii.l mi'ikIiim full' li milrel
f HI Hi', lllls llVtVl lit I'Mltillllll,
an,r l'ln- ee, iry fns, nl til-' Mi'l-
fi ,iisli.'.i:i "i tin l-'rini'Ii over
rlit. i ImiIiiiiiiiI ilollui'." in uohl,
htf Tle re I- h boy in Mlnin "t:i 1
yrtirH ulil, ho-i. vk- nre only ten inch
es lniijr imil nre w Itliout lione-i.
na-Aivcirillntr to the New York iu
j,eirt they Ini ve , .woman In t lint city
trim Inis heen Henteni eil to the peiilten
tfary ltV) time-.
frt A huly of ;V in.mloil n man of
W, in I'liii'njjii, l-t week, III imisiili'i'ii
tlon of lll,WU which he jiromlMil to
Mr A eoriinerVJtiry In Montium ren
tiered i verdict "that lhe ilocousiiU'iiiii
niltted suicide, mid that he did Nt In
IMS A Milelllluil, Ohio, paper iltoto
Duiiei' in twelve ceni.J n poiiim auiuii
ptiuv, ii'iu vnff nt
fourteen eeti'-. per
W It h prupu-i'il to enll our new
.Northwestern 'IVrritory, Nlcklis; In
honor of the e.iiiinr.iinler ot the Second
Jlllltiiry l)i-lrlct.
Sr-iT One of the rl. he-t nu n in New
KiiIhiii1, Aiij,'ii-tn- llcninwny, of llos
ton, vli.-o entnti l valued tvt 5.",HHl,ii)0,
it t-oniliii'ii in an iii-ancinyinm
. . .. . . . .. ..
air A i-ervuiit (,-lrt living in a laiiiuy i .. ,,r irlll4.,i ....ini,,., ,,ml In eiiiwe.
niiir l.lveipool, has unexpectedly comu . tKu ofeli rmed opl Hon inul In uiik
Into n fortune or .I,iW,0ihI by the death quenco of honest reflection nmonc the
of a relative In one of the colonics. ' pojple. Our own county contribute
-(r Al'iii'Man eomuiltted suicide the ' to this result a majority mafjuilk'ei.t in
other day by stlcklin,' itWout lllty pins ,,xtent notwitlistmidiui; tlie dinicultv
Into .Is breast. lien -ho was , , , ,
hlisslini; to death and expired shortly . ,, ,, , . .
jfj,,,., for (iovernor or 'resident was impend-
sjA hull Mm m which lasted live ' Hut the most striking point with
inliiutes, broke it,(l!)'l and 7,000 Ihn pi) vote Is to be fcon in thu re-
incs nf uliiss in the railroad shop at
Siisipiehaiina, mi the nll( niomi oi t tin
1Mb ilistmil.
Ct. The bridge in-rnsH the Jis-sspp
wt St. I.ouls will he the llm s. In thu
in hi, unit will co-t live iiiiliioii dollars.
Tin work will be liejsmi Immediately,
mid will be completed In three yeuix.
(B.loliii W'csim. a shlfll -ss fellow1
living ut Itnslori Corni'i'-, New York,
li.ul t lir. i noil IU,' In Ollil fl li.iY I'lllltiltn.
liiii- e.,0W In Spanish dollars while pick-'
lu berries lu the wnnos, the other day.
lyIn .Stanton. Wisconsin, a little
girl went to sleep in tho Held where her
Utlier was cutting Ills wheat, and he,
not notlcliiK tho child, ran over her,
the machine cutting her to pieces.
tri" A pastor of a ennjfreation out
IKf I"'!"" ' IK""" . n '
West, last year, received as reniunera- ! that tho KiMicral result is n.ost favorable
Hon lor his service, Slf,i) from an Eaj. tl) tl,0 friends of Constitutional Govern
tern missionary society, mid from his . . . , , ..
s fleet lonnto tlock n barrel of whisky and m"" "u"wt r"lL-
a keg of varni-h. "
Kir X .Southern paper denies the slo-' THE RESULT IN BLOOMSBUHG.
tythuta Virginia uesro Is Ki'adually TltK llloom township election of 1R07
turning white, but declares that several wiu nmk all)nlj; mportnnt political
Whle men are turn tiL'b aek w th ama- ,,,., ,,. , .. ,
alng facility events in tho history of this county.
fcrf-A l.operul youthat lloston, named , MnJoritii exceedl,i WO have been giv
Wm. Walhice.stolo his mother's feather en hero against tho Democracy In for-U-d,
worth $10, and sold It for $7, to iner ycars.aml at notablo elections In re.
take his Irlout ridinp; the other day. wnt yt,,,rs mvo ,wu 1W j,ib, ai g,-, nmI
Mr A Methodist minister in Jllddle- J s;, a year ago (even with somo Ite
Jord, Conn., Is found to have four wives, i ,,,,,,.. ,iiJJir,.n..i rn...i
lie ouRht to bo made to live with them 1 11"1'"" rection) Geary's majority
kII nt onro, to rIvo him a taste of future J was 71. Hut tho jiresent year with a to
punishment. tal vote about tho tame ns that given
taft The latest advertising dodgo Is la-t year, Judge Shurswood has a major
that of n Xew York tobacco dealer who 1 (v 0f if, !
iUVitLTr i1.1"!...!!, 1 Several onuses have contributed to
fei'tnriwop u-iin hivs tiini l,n Tines 4n. i
p1?? Three men wcro recently comic-
tvil nf murder In Texas and sentenced
to bo hanged within a month unless the
,X " ' " " I
they wore set free."
te- There are 1,017 convicts in the,
Illinois Penitentiary, 700of whom '
uro each earning about ti n cuts a da
over mid above the expen-cs of their
Ceding, clothlncr and gu.irdliiL'. The
number ol convicts is now i.ipidly dl
&ir Thomas . I. Wells, of Auburn, a
shoemaker, was poisoned to death by '
nu over-dose of tartar emetic, which lib1
n i li, n t in ..F i i i.L' ....
fcho had no idea it would kill, and the
Oironor's Jury exouorated her from
isi'- In one ward of M.icou, l a,, thcro
am thirty-three black "Abe I.lucolns,"
seventeen "John Hrowns," twelve "Hen
Hutleis," nnd twenty-ono "Horace
freelys," all reglsteied ready to vote.
.S'-rmtor .Sumner recently said in
tho Senate that ho hoped thod.iy would
mioii como when he could welcome lie
Cm S.'iiators on thetloor or the Senate
rjf thu I'nltisl .Stales. To such a depth
of degradation bus the Itepuhllran party
itf The distance from Xew York to
I'ranciscii, by way of Chicago, is
three thou
mil three hundred miles. If
u train should run at tho rate of twenty
mile- yer hour, including tppnLr-, it
would require a little less than seven
days to accomplish the distance.
mA ni'in named .Stanley, ihe king
of the gypsy trib.' In this country, died
u I' a years ago, and was lun leil near
liiUon, Ohio, and since then, no matter '
wheivii meinher or the the tribe has
died in this country III- remains have
W taken to the same place for Inter-
Urf-KIht liundred tons of shells have
iivocntly his'ii rulurnod to Washington
to be emptied and stored, and it is said
that tint workmen have discovered that
wnrl' tl.i.i.i lu nut , I n ,i inir.t, .u
ttiwdust hasUs'ii Hiibstltuted for powder
J,.. .i.. i. L i .... o..i 'iii.,i,.,i ...'..i .
In tin) preparation of these projectiles
Uow many thou-ands of them similar
ly flllod were llnsl at the rehel forces
tfurlli!; the war it is Impussllih. to calcit
UW. 5i-During a tit o in WllletU Street,
Nw York, the other day, a woman
threw it small child fronuui upper story
window, without any regard to what
tho consequences might be. A poilco
ufllefrrsaw the movement, anil rushing
jurwurd, caught tho child in Ids arms,
fiti saving It from instant death.
uThn nAu. it m,, 'st...w. '
who lives near Florence, In Xew York,
wfts milked dry for several nlglds in
nvieofsslon recently, and although ho
kept watch ho was tumbled to catch tho
thlof. Tho story runs that It was ut
last discovered, by setting a trough full
of milk as a h ilt, that a siiako was the
depredator. The reptile, together with
itlx of Its otrsprlng, wasatoucndlspatch
d. and measured over seven feet in
kogth. It was of a grayish color, and
known its tlio milk snake, from ltd hab
it of milking cows.
Iir Iast Wednesday at Chlllcothe,
Ohio, a young man muncd Hunter was
Dtandlng In front of a saloon with never
al compiinlons, all very drunk, when
Hunter's mother itimo to thu party and
Implored her mn to accompany her
home, Suddenly ho seemed seized with
froiiny, rushed Into thu street, mid,
picking up a heavy stone, threw It into
tho group. Tlio fatal missllo struck his
motlieron tho temple, Sho sank to the
eurth and died ill ten minutes.
Vir During the last Coiignvslunal
rtimjmlgu in Oraiigo county, (ieneritl
Van Wyck, who was running for con
(fr(ss and who was elected, lost ids
fjicctiicUs In a stream near Otter Kill
nation. A few diiysj tigo they were
found in thu belly ol u lingo pickerel,
which wan caught there, 'ihitt pickerel
must hnvo prcentcd rjnito n pjax'tnelo.
tc Columbian
.r'UlDAY MOll.MMi, OCT. It, lUt.
U Till! ( Ol.t.MHl N tiAi Ihr lntrl
Cln-iilnlluii In Columbia niiit ndjnlitlnx
t nintltt nf nil)- jmprr pithll.htd litre, mill
) nUt n much lsrijM' Uttt Ihnit any nf
M ititrmpol n i Ir m mid l I lit I ("fare llir hril
iiiMlliim Mr i-.tMlitf tu (tiU rrthm uT
lit. Klft
Til 11 ll'iECTlON
1 r ii Mil li iniieli ii' i!:u'll"ii " llllnd
llmi Ni.' plllili-ill Inn Wm I; i iVilii.iUo.
of result" at the rli'Cilnln ill ai i mt II
.imi utlirr H' .lesj for Unison -n't mark
thepiotrre-- of it ri'-lstli'si i-evolinloii
In pnhlie . pininli which will leform
Xoverim ent mid Kcuro the fiitiiieofour
country. l'.lectloiH held (luring the
pro-ent year In Connecticut, Kentucky
nnd Ciillforiila, i.unil ov; n In .Maine mid
Vermont,) Indicated very distinctly n
ehiilieln the opinion') of the people,
hut it win left for lVninylvanla mid
other rttutc the present month, anil for
New York and Mill other-, month,
to prove that IhU I'lmiigo was very
general If not universal. Now, Ohio
reject! celored HUll'ruue when uhuiltted
us mi amendment to her fcstulu Contltu-
lion, mid hereuorinousradlcal majority
of t'nnuer years Is brought within very
narrow limits, If not altogether demol
ished ; mid from Iowa anil Indiana
(,'ieat chiiUKO.i me also reported.
Hut it Is with our own State we are
mainly lutciv.-tcd. We are fully author
ized to believe that .ludife Shar.sw ood,
a ureal, pure and truo man, is elected to
the Sinu'eme ( ourt us the renre-enta-
tuniMif l'lilliidelphla city. That city,
which jjave n year sluco to (iovcrncr
(eary ii majority exceeding 11 vo thou
sand, and thrco years npiKitvoa Hepuh
I lean majority of ten thousand, now
Elves to .Tudi:o Sharswood n majority of
about three thousand, mid elects nil the
candidates upon thu city ticket associa
ted with him, lucludliiK a Juilu of the
Common l'leas, Sherltr, Treasurer, Com
misnioner, Ac. Tlio vote In l'hlludel
pliia Is not u (,'aln merely, but a com
jileto and a thorough change. 'Wo jo
to press too early this week to glvo def
inite or full returns of tho Whole Statu;
but enoiiKh Is already known to uliow
thin result bo.-ido tlio general feeling in
tho Stato mid County against Itadlcal
administration. Hut principal among
them is the odious character of tho Kdi-
of the Itadlcal newspaper published
bore, and his prescind upon thu election
ground niiil activu exertions as driller
and wlilpper-ln of his party during tlio
d..y, rendered great assistance to the
il.'iiioci'atlcc.iiise. Inn communication
which wu publish tills week a Itadhal
Republican mid a soldi, r, has point
ed out somo particulars in P. John's
career which explain Ids unpopularity
nmi ,a,i stnndiiiL' in tho t.olitlcal com'.
" -
munlly, but hooml's to notice ono of
the most Important which is, the
aliu-e of cill.cns In his newspujier and
his indulgence in slang attacks upon
them. Tills Is constant and has olfended
many nnd has both eroaUdand exu- ora
ted opposition to the negro cause which
ho rcirescnt.
Tho Hloom District may bo put down
as lived against radicalism for the fu
llv recent roiwltnsf iitnnt nf .llvlilnnu
I ,,r ,i,l i, ,.,, ., i .i...i. .i .. ...,.
1 "... "",u, ""'"""'"'
three Assistant Assessors assigned
duty In this county as follows:
I'or tho townships south of the Ulver,
including Centralla llorough, Kamvi;i.
II. Dtr.Mnu, ori'ituwiss.i.
For tho townships of Montour, Hem-
lock, Hloom, Scott, Centre, mid Hriar-
, creek 'Including Ilerwlck llorough)
jOIIN Tiidmah, of Hlonmsburg.
,,,. , t0W,;,l,,H Ilf Mm,t)n) Mt,
I l'1T,,l'' ?M";?", "a,"mvn,,l, ''Wilng.
creek, Jackson, Denton and Bugarloaf,
! I)anii:i, M'llll.s'ltv of .Stillwater,
' v the. new arrangement of siihdivl-
I . ' "
! slon madu by Mr. Clark, the Assessor.
tlio services of no le.s than foil- Asss
hint Assessors will be dispensed with;
to wit : two in Hradford one in Wyo
ming and one In Columbia
In this county Mr. M'Henry Is a now
appointee to net In the northern town
shl h Iti plneu'of Jlessrs Woods and
Ikeler. Mr. Dlemer nnd Mr. Thomas
have been assistants and are slmiily
i continued.
Tin: Law .v Hr.cuiini.Nr Di'.i'.ns.
As a great majority of the poojilo do not
seem to bo acquainted with tho
provisions of tho law upon tho re
cording of deeds mid other Iiiitrumoiits
or conveyance,, wo ijuoto as below. The
law says that "all deeds and conveyan
ces which shall be made mid executed
within tho province, of or concerning
any lands, tenements, or hereditaments,
ur whereby tho "amu may bo In any
way allectod In law or equity, shall bo
lecordbd in the oillce for roc riling ot
deeds In tho county In which such lauds
or'uts are laying mid king,
within hlx ti.ouihs after tho uxeciillou
of such deeds and conveyances J mid
every such deed or conveyance that
shall at uny time after publication here
of, bo Hindu and executed, and which
iliall not bo proved and recorded us afore
mid, thrill bo adjudged fraudulent and
void ugaliist any subsequent purchaser
or mortgagee for valuable coualdcrtlon,
unless such deed or conveyance bo re
corded as uforesuld, beloru tho juoving
and recording of ihodeed or conveyance
under which bucli subsequent jiiirclia
her or mortiigco shall claim."
Great Democratic Gains!
BY 3276.
I H-mod-atic fi.uii "-((! I !
Iu31odiii, Scott, Qroomvood, Orange,
ami Citawissa.
GAIN 87!
icr. jcean
I l If
Heaver 17.. 11 17 fl)
Hentoi 171 ft! 171 fil
Hei wlck lloro'... (17 10:1 tW !)7
Hloom 23'J ilOlt 2S0 flil
Hilar Creek l"i 7ii Ml maj.
Cntnwlssa Itl'J 101 1!17 159
Centralla lloro'.. 131 8U 1H' 77
Centre PJI 'M 100 maj.
Couvngham lfi!) 72 131 tin
l-'ishlng Creek... aw fi7 220 fiO
l'ranklln...v 1 !! maj.
(Ireeiiwood lliii lo-s .'11 maj.
Hemlock 101 1 10 G2
Jackson 'M .' 103 i
Locust an) II!) 121 maj.
Madison 105 II 1M) !I0
Maine 10J 12 110 11
Mitllln 200 !!.- 1S3 !1S
Montour ft) 10 CI 19
Mt. Pleasant 91 01 2.1 maj.
Orange 121 72 110 00
Pine Ml 30 Ss s
Hoarlng Creek... 17 12 Omaj.
Scott t... 110 150 12.1 122
Sugaiioaf l;!l 2.1 11) maj.
Totals !!52S 1010 20M0 1170
1010 1170
Majorities... Kits 1700
Pliiladeliibia elects the whole Demo.
cratic City ticket, by the following ma
jorities :
Ludlow, for Jiulgo of Common Pleas,
Lyle, for .Sheriff, 012.
Halllcr, for City Commissioner, 2292.
Piersol, for City Treasurer, 1819.
Leech, for lieglsterof Wills, 1170.
Megary, for Clerk of Orphans' Court,
Majority in tho City for Judge Sliars
wood, as Judge of tho .Supreme Court,
Democratic gain over vote of last year
for Governor, SCO 1 .
Allegheny county, (Williams' own
county,) gives a Democratic gain of 1:100.
I A di-pateh from 'ten. W. II. Km,
savs that Heck an. I the thrte Members
I of the I lou-e, are elected in Lycoming
I district, being a gain of two Members.
, Judge Woodward, Demojrat, is dec
ted to Congress over Kelchuni, It.idical,
In Luerne dl-lrict, In jilnco of Dcnnl
son, who lately dUd,
PniiannMMiiA, Oj.t 0 :i A. M.
Wo h.ive Democnitie ninjoiities in
Philadelphia ufii.OOO, Hucks75o, Scliuyl
kill I, s00, Luzerne tl.tMKl, Monroe 2,200,
Lehigh 1,000, Heiks 0,(100, Cumberland
Sou, rranklln 250, Clarion 1,200, Clear
field 1,100, Centre 700, Cnmbria 1,0110,
Lycoming son.
Republican majority in Chester 1,700,
Delaware 1,100, Allegheny 0,500, Craw
ford l,!!00, Venango 550, Hlair 550. It
Is my o liiU.n we carry the. State.
W. A. W AM. ACT..
Tiit'iisiiAV Kvuxi.NfJ, Oct. 10.
Tin: latest returns for this Stato rou
(terhiiarswooit's election certain by a
handsome majoilly. There urn alo
large gains of Senators and Htpresenta
tlvcs in tho Legislature.
Hoth parties claim tho (iovernorund
Legislature in Ohio. Tim iirohablllties
are In favor of Democratic success.
Two Mo.vms i-oi: Xothi.nti, I,nok
at lili (Mir. -We have received thu
American AyrlcutlurM for October
We wish that nil our friends could see
this paper. Wo know of no wuv In
which so lnrgomi amount of truly val
uable, Interesting, and Instructive read
Ing matter couhj bo given to n'famlly at
so bniatl a jirlco as thu (subscription to
tlio Agrh-ulturUt, ICacli number con
tains 02 to 10 largo quarto pages, and no
to 50 lino engravings, many of them
very co-tly and beautiful. Here, In
this October number, wo find, In addi
tion to the great amount of valuable
Information, hints, suggestions, etc.,
nioro than flu engravings, several of
which aro among tho most expensive
ever found In an Illustrated Journal.
This number I of Itself really worth a
year's subscription. The cost of the
American A'rtrullnrM is only ?l.50 fin
a year, In advance, or four copies for ii.
The publishers oll'er that valuable Jour
nnlrv for the rem, lining two mouths
of tills year to till ncir sitb-crlbers for
ISOS. (Vol. 27,i who sond in their sub
scription ilurinr Mix month of O-to'ier.
Wo advise till our readers to secure It
on these terms. It will ho siir. to bene
fit nil fathorsuiiil mothers, and Interest
and Instruct tho children. Subscriptions
should bo scut to the publishers, Orange
Jiidd.YCo,, 215 Hroadwav, New York
A soldi t:n, mid a Republican ono at
that, sends us tho following communi
cation. Of course wo do not endorse
the writer's positions throughout, but i
it shows how P. John's com no has dis
gusted members of his own party, esjio
citilly tho mldler part of It.
Tin: "little bill" of something over
30,000 run up by ono branch of tho
present Congress for stationery and
et ceteras during tlio year 1800, Is being
copied and descanted upon in tlio Dem
ocratic Jiress to tho Intense disgust and
mortification of tlio Hadlcals. Some of
the latteraccuso the Democratic JouriinU
of "Paul-Pry-lsm" In ferreting out and
exposing this piece of Congressional ex
travagance. Hut the fact Is that theex
piisuro was first niado in thu Washing
ton correspondence of a Hcjmbllcnn
newspaper, the Springfield Ilqmbttcan ;
which doubtless considered that Its
renders -particularly the poor tax-payers
among them would regard It as a
very good Joke.
Now that the Joke has told so much
more heavily than was o.vpoelel, we
piesiime the Jtrmltllem, or some other
journal of Its kind, will direct an exmii-
illation to ho made into tlio expendi
tures of past Demod'atlc Congresses, in
order to find an ollet to the pressiit fig
ures. Such a search will ho generally
.utile and may us well be abandoned.
In the matter orkld glove, lor iustuncu
Democratic Congressmen, who uro uc-
ustomed to handle their opponents,
iciltottt gloves were not likely to be
s'ery extravagant. Xeltliercould there
have been need of corkscrews In Con
gress n ii 1 1 1 1 Hutler became a member ol
that body; when those instruments
might really have been required, in the
I ret place to "uubottle" lilm, mid in the
next place to draw him out. Nor weru
eight pocket-hooks each, annually, ne
cessary for a set of the peojilo'ri servants
who did not rob their masters' jiockets
of more money than a reasonable num
ber of wallets would liold. As for the
l,0s,5 boxes of ping" recorded in tho
"little bill" us having been stuck Into
50 iiiiicushlons" tho cost of those,
Sl,b95,0l wouldycem very slight if tlio
pins hud been distributed by tho atten
dants of the Senate Chamber in such n
way as to cushion themselves in the
cuticles of the Kudlcnl Senators, and
thus binder tho course of that malign
legislation which lias well nigh ruined
(he country, by so many hours as it
might have taken the victims to pull
them out again each day. Tho extraor
dinary list of toilet articles such as
pomade, powder, sponges, cologne,
brushes, and combs which aro set
down as among the perquisites of the
Itadlcal legislators, may have sufficed,
except In one or two notorious instances,
to keeji them presentably clean j but
tlio aphorism that "cleanliness is next
to godliness" was never more utterly
disjiroven than in tills costly expcrl
incut World.
At a regular mooting of Hloomsburg
Lodge, Xo. 139, I. O. of G.T., tho fol
lowing preamble and resolutions were
ndopted : .
Whereas, It has pleastd God in ills
All Wise and gracious Providence to
suddenly remove from tlio busy scenes
oi nine, 10 ino solemn realities or eter
nity, our beloved brother, Willlam'lt.
Drake. Therefore ho it resolved ;
1 t. That In his death wo recognize
mo loss oi an industrious ana useful
citizen, an atrectlonato husband unci pa
rent, and an ardent friend of Temjier.
2d. That whllo wo lament his sudden
and unuxpeoted end, wo bow submlss.
Ively to tho Lord of all. and feel aware
of the Importance of "working while it
'id. That wo extend to tho bereaved
and afflicted family our wannest sym-
patmes, anil nrayeriuiiycommcmitlicm
to tho Godot "tlio widow and father
less." lib. That a copy of these resolutions
he given to tlio wife of tho deceased,
nnd the several papers of Columbia
County for publication.
J. A. Price,
M. nu Itiiskirk, Com
John (tinker,
Hloomsburg, Sept. 21, 1MJ7.
J)ii:i) on Thursday morning, the 191b
u 1 1 . , Mrs. D. M. F. Walker, wife ol
Prof. C. W. Walker, of Mlllvillc, Pa.
The deceased wns a zealous member
of Amosa Lodge, No. 2S7, LO. of G. T.
The Committed appointed to draft
resolutions exjiresoivc of tlio sense of
said Lodge, on tho death of bister
Walker, submitted tlio following, which
were unanimously adopted :
Whereas, in the workings of Divine
Providence our beloved sister, 1). M.
F. Walker, has been removed from our
midst by the resistless agency of Death,
therefore i
Jlesotecd, that in tlio demise of our
sister wo have sustained an irreparable
loss, tho cause of Temierance nn able
advocate, society a worthy citizen, and
her homo circle a devoted and intelli
gent christian, wife and mother.
Jlesntvetl, that in our sad bereavement
wo recognize the fact that there is no
safety except in tile fold of Christ, put
ting our wholo trust in those things that
aro unseen, eternal, mid that f.uleth not
away, truly believing that "righteous
ness keepeth him that is upright In the
way j but wickedness overthrowelh the
Jlcsnlced, That we most tenderly sy in
patblzo with thu bereaved family of our
departed sister, in the severe ordeal
through which they aro passing, (inly
ing that they may find consolation in
Dim who Is a "strong tower," "in
whoso presence there Is iullness of Joy,
and at whose right hand there aro plea
sures evermore,"
Jtesolveil, That theso resolutions bo
published in tho Columbia County pa
pers, Temper unci Hanner, and Monthly
Chandlee Kvw,
Anna Lyons,
Leah Hunter,
Mlllvillc, Sept. 21, 1807.
IIoitAcr. Gukklkv has tho reputa
tion nmong a certain class of being an
honest, though oftentimes a misguided
man, To show his "honesty" more
fully wo produce in parallel columns
his prlvateojilnlon of Gen. Steadman an
expressed in a letter to President John
sou, nnd his opinion of the saine man
as given in tlio columns of tho Tribune,
lWid ls07.
icoxnn.vriAl, I i he appointment
OrriuKoi'Tuiiir r. rniendmun us He-
.nk.w loi'.K, i iiryof.Warinou
Jan. '!"!. IMiii. stroiis nnd rhlieii.
DCAH Sflt: Tlw lou.tis It Is Intrin -
jntiiniiis Ki-ni'iiiii, is jierieciiy
say that Mr. rjlan- lu keeping with air.
ton has tendered his Johnson's mil lev.
resignation, and ex- which Is always to
poets soon to leave choose tho worst
tho War Depart- man iu tho couiitrv
incut. lorn given position,
KhouldthlsbotlKi II ho could have
case, I venture to found a successor to
suggestnshlssuccesM .Mr. Stanton more
orGeneral James II, obnoxious to thu
Sleadliiuu, of Ohio, pcoplo, ami h ps
ono of thu bravest worthy of tho office
mid truest of our than Stcadiuan, ho
I'nlon volunteers, would have Inevlta
and a capable, do vu- bly chosen him.
ted patriot. Trust- Hut that was lin
ing that you uro possible. Stcadinun
aware of his merits, Is tho last man In the
I remain vours, United Suites who
lloriieu Ureelcy. ought to be Bocro
llou. A. Johuton, taryof Wur, &V-.
KtHTolts Cot.UMMAN t You arc well
awaro that a wldo dlfferenco of opinion,
politically, has always existed between
us. You, for Instance, always hold to
tno doc trine that "powers not delegated
to the United States by tlio Constitution
nor prohibited lo it by tho States," as
mentioned in the tenth amendment, nru
reserved for tho action of the States,
whllo wu believed It to boat tho decis
ion of the people and their national rep
resentatives ; you therefore believed
Congress to liavo no right to exclude
slavery from tlio Territories; wo be
lieved It had with our consent, as tlio
majority of the people should have tlio
right to decide on tliecommon properly
of the nation. You believed that ar
ticle Ith, section 2,-i), should bo kept In
good faith toward thu slave States,
though they went out In rebellion j we
believed ourselves not to be bound by
that article In ctiso they rebelled. You
believed turner our ConslltutloiiAl con
nections, wo had no right to deprive
tlieni of "chattels" even though they
were hilng ll-cd to gain their Independ
ence, ami wu thought just to tho con
trary, anil though each ono believes thu
other to be In error, yet we cannot ne
who each other Willi hypocrisy, since
ne have always practiced those ostcn
does. Hut thoso Hopping over from ono
extreme to tlio other, then, coming
o.ick perhaps half way, then wriggling
lo one or the other extremes, owing to
which ono jays best must always be
considered iloublu.fucod and unreliable.
As a fair index for such mi arrant
knave on our side of tho political line,
Puleuion John, formerly the Shitistreet
milk mid sugar Doctor, Is a good siiecl
men. t'p to '50 he was operating in
your party, having written political es
says In 1S51-55 fir tho .S7rr of the Xurth
In 1850 Sluiou Cameron offered to fur
nish him a press or loan him tlio money
to buy one, It is said, if Palcmon would
go for Cameron, and ho went, as wo all
knew, and was then on oursidc. From
1S57 to 1801 lie wns very friendly to tlio
Old Lino hlgs, piijiportlng Win. O
Hurley for Congress, and proclaiming
from tlmo to tlmo that thu Hcpubllcau
party was, politically, .about the same
us the Whigs this ho said at that tlmo
becuusQ that party had built up Ids sub
-crlptlou list, and one of thu main stays
of that part had loaned him flvoorslx
hundred dollars, (giving Palcmon his
own time to pay It in) so that ho should
not want, for bo was quite oor,
After 1 S01, Cameron told htm tho
tinio had come for him to commence
abusing the Whigs if ho would becomu
truly great in tho future, nnd securo the
Post-Onico at that tlmo to bo let, which
of course lie did by (lolnting out Wm.
H. Heed as a traitor, but saying nothing
better could be expected ns ho was an
Old Line Whig, thus shamefully abu
sing somo nine liundred of his subscri
bcrs from tlmo to time, because it
pleaded Cameron who had been a Demo
crat uji to 1S55, opjiosing the Whigs,
was now Secretary of War, and was
ready to assist any onesufllcieiitly small
and mean to do ids dirty work, and of
course held the soul, body, nnd breeches
of Palcmon (the first mentioned being
quite small) somewhere between cnrtli
mid heaven.
In the Spring of 1S02, Palcmon was
inclined to be quite radical, giving
Hurnido right for not "doing homage"
to tho slave-holders of North Carolina
Inside of his lines, who would not take
the oath of allegiance. And ho also
justified Hutler who was "putting on
the screws" at New Orleans ; but, soon
after, seeing Hurnsidc susjiended, and
tteverdy Johnson, a Maryland slave
Holder, looking after Hutler, bo changed
his lolltictd step to suit tlio "ro-ewater"
tune of Post-Master Hlair nt Washing
ton, who now laid full control of Palo
iiiiin through the power of the Post
Oillce; ho therefore .sanctions the action
of the Cabinet in suspending Fremont.
wiio was ordered to the valley to save
I be Capitol, which now being safe, tho
General must be lowered bcc.lilnhu had
liberated somo slaves of rebels, officers
of high standing in tho (.'on federate
service, although the "rosowater"
step almost miibllated the army of thu
Potomac, because it left tho rebel (ion
oral Jackson free to unlto with Lee in
turning "Little Mack's" right wing un
der M'Call, which brought nn the other
live days fight so destructive to ourar
In 18!!l-0l ho was qulto radical, do.
clnring tlio rebel slave-holders to have
forfeited all rights under tho Constitu
tlon. Hut, lu thosummcr of 1805, hav
lug wormed himself into tlio Assessor
snip sometiow, no was quitu conserva.
tlve; lot iiogavo warm bupjiort to tho
President, who was imrdonlug tho high
official rebels by the score and by tho
regiment, sending them home to become
tho Senators and Governors of their re
spective States, nnd continuing tho
same friendly greetings in thu Spring of
1800. First, by way of letters written
to Ids Kvcelluncy, the President, nssur.
lug him of n continued support, and
next ho defended Andrew for vetoing
the Frecdinau's Bureau 1(111 and tho
Civil night's Hill by saying that tlio
President was not opposed to t bill of
the lli'bt, mid lie had douu nothing moro
than performed Ids high Constitutional
privilege by vetoing thu .second. From
this, it uiilsl bo seen that ho had ten ids
friend Simon, and the thousand dollars
to bupport tho President who was re
taining hill) in tho fifteen liundred dol
lar salary; but Andy didn't want such
precarious Mijiport and sent tlio name of
Mr, Clark to tho Senate for conllrma
tlon, which being done, Palcmon says.
through an editorial, that "tlio breach
between tho President and Hepubllciiu
party Is deep and wide,"
Had President Johnson continued
him In thu ASriKSoOHSHlP, Palenion
would bo to-day a good Conservative
we have no doubt, and if he could b
made President of this nation by pur
suing Johnson's "policy," no ono iu
i looklni: over Ids luvst scrambllnir for
' pelf, would for ono Instant doubt but
that ho would Joyously accept tho blllco,
And one of tlio Soldiers.
Jackson, Oct. S, 1R07.
JMi:ssr.K. LniKins: In your issue of
l-ciiti niber l!7lh, wo see that thu sjiorts
men of Orangevlllo challenge to hunt
tigalust any equal number of siiorts
men. Tho Jnckson boys hnvo conclu
ded lo acceiit the iliallenge. We will
iiuit tin m at llohrsburg for supper,
They will jileaso send a cotumlttco to
lloliisburg to make tho preliminary ur
rungeiniuU ncd'Uoary for tho occasion
If this bo RWptcsl address through tiu)
Columbian. jaciwow.
Mnrktt lltpnrt.
Whriit r liiislirt
n aj
nj" r-f
(Vim " 1 ivi
('lour per Imrrrl II
imorHrt'a '
tltXKPCll i -i
luttcr ;Ci
I'llllllW II
'oliuncH , vt
irlcil Appli s 2 "I
nilt I.,
Ilunm IM
HIiIi-h una Mlim,liltrs 1
UMll HT iimiml in
liny per Urn l w
Ilrmluck llonnln pir tlminiuiil fis t f Id o
I lllf " 1,11,1' lilt ll ,-l,'F
InlKt. Hf-flltniiiif. 1'lntiU. MlMiiliH-kl 11 (.1
ISIllltKtCI,, No. MHT lIliMliulltl KIM
11 " 111
Hlitltljt " " fl IS HI
riillilflilil M.rkrl..
TiicitsiiAv, (Miiiior, ri Imi:
NiiilliMcHltrn siiptTllnc nt
I7.KW T. ,1
.S.OIf.o (1.141
;,.4,.i.s ji
.Miriiiwi'strrii rniiiuy
I..........I. n..i.. ...... ,.,,.
tin--, Ivnnlii nn.l WYKtcru nuiiily'.'..".
iiiiHvliiiniii una W,'Kt,.rn Imii'V
Viih.i 11.111
lil.ii.u .liii
It, .kit 1 1, ill
Ill 1. 11. M r
IIKsl i'1-uiiH.vlviinlii r,',l, V liui ,
,. tJ saw.
Ciilliuriiln ' "
ul.Ki. " ...
. f:l.lV.l,-.l.j
Itvc l',-inistMinla r,-, V I'll
('nils i ,'lliiw, "
Whit,.. "
.. I.'.1.l'
uji. ..;ii.
Oil's 1 tins
itm ISII1NS .,1,'KS I'tlfK, ? inn
.ni'Ms i it ri,
Ort'ssisl Ili,ii, V V
tsinuki'.! Hams "
" KhuuM-TH-hlti
Hkkiis Clovr-rsit'it V tins
l lluiilli.vtii.eii v nils .
ri.ii-u.,.ii i:.s'ii.i.j.ii.
I'm Iiiun No. I Mi-ntcl
Nn. 1 . fl'i.e-i
CATtl.K-Ilii r I'ul llu -,,! Hi i.i.l
Tims, v Ihsu! -i.v.i.sii
.SIIKKC Vl'i .Vlutiv
llims-v iiki It-K iiii..i'i,-ii..m
INT ItOI'sUIKNI'dtT-On tlm 101 Ii lnH.,liy tin'
Ki'V. J. A. I'rli.,', ."lr. K. l'. I .lit in .Mrs, l.n.'ri-liu
(iiiini'ktu.clit, of Ulifiini'.iniri', I'a.
.M'iioNAi.i)-i'Aiti;r.n-(in iiic tti ini., i. in.
Ilov. .1, A. I rlos, .Mr. .ins .M'liiiittCil. nt ill. mi -liui'l,
to Miss l'liumi J. Parker, nf .Mllll llli'.
llll.YAltli ONsiliAClt In Homer Viillfy, nn
nn, .,111 nisi., ny Allrll .nilllll, riil , ir. lli-lin, 11
llllynril, of s-lu-iiiuuloiti l'ltv,tsrliu Iklll i in
Mrs. i;ilr.ii OiiiImcIi, of l!i-uur Vullry, l.'iiluni
tiln ciiiiiiiy, Pn.
AIiMHU-In niortniHtuim, nn the Cth lnt,Mr.
Ueorso V. I'iiliniT, in tltu .131 year of hi h h&v.
I'tilto notice, that I tliti nnilersliiiiril. tin fintn
thWilay forwnnl forbid any jht-ioii nr ihm'soiih
liuntltiK'r in any way tresnimsliiKn my nmumN,
ii louim ku (iuii)K limy tit nr m-nii wnu iirriiiu
HlkMolnw. JOHN II. 1,1.111V.
Liinin toino promises or mo suntorinr-r, in rai-
Hoiitemtior2stlittMJ7,anunii bl.ifk cow with ix :
on. i nn owner is utiiu"u-i.i in pnnu' lorwani pny
t'li:iriH anil lake her away, olla rwlso sho IU v
illspf sd of accnnllng to law.
juni.i u ii,
1. tho matter nf pxccntlona to llio runoit nf Au-
ilitor for dlhtrlbutlnn of tin; estate oi l'i trr Km1-
lima, ttcct'ftsou. Mfptfinber Olli, ro,t). ( Kahlei
Kscj.. upnolatc-d cotnmlHsloucr to lako testimony,
lly inuCourt. Ct,rtlileUfrnmtlnKei'f)nl,
ToimrtlfH Intert-kted In the aboe case tuku 110-
Uo I Mhall nltoiul for tho purposn of my up
tKlntnunt. at inv nillce. In Ulnnm-tburtr. nn 1 'ri-
day. tho 8lh U.iy of November, WJ7. at t) iVlockt
a. in. O. ('. KAUI.I.U.
octUCT. AiKlttor,
i nnrmu'H vormiv
The unilcmlirneih niiilltor annolnteil hvthe Or
plmnV Court of Columbia coiiutv, In make 1 i -trlbutlon
of the balance in the bruuU of lirtija
niln Allabach, administrator of li.inlel ii. Kut,
late nrOranne townslilp, in tml.t county, ticroasi'il,
In anil amonif the reniMetlve t reilltors nf the de
cedent In order fHlablwied by law, will attend at
lili nniee in niomnstmrt;, on .tuinmy, me L'u itay
of .November, 1MJ7, at 10 o'elm-lca. m., for the pin
pone f attending to the diltlet nf bin ap)niut
ment, when and wherr all )mrtle Inten-sted, me
requtren ioireHeni inrireiaim-, or ne ieiu'i
from com I ii i; in for a tsliare of the lund,
i . it, in;' a iv ,
octM'fiT-lt, Ainlltor.
i TTniTnn'e vnTin.'
K1TATH ii ATT II r.W .'1 HOViM.I., Ilr I M,
Tli.. im.liintrmn,! n 1 1 nr n ttiuil (I I ...t lit' tlinDr.
jihnitH Court of Columbia eoiinlj. to maUeilltrl
Imtlon ut the balanre In the Imti'M of l' lei' I'.nt,
exefiltor ut Matthew M'Douell.ntSenll township
In mid e-aiiity, ilerfani'd, tt and annum the hi t -
and lenatet" of the tleeedi'lit, in tlm ni.lfi i-tab-
llnhed hv law, will attend at un court maws n
IMiuMiiblniM)'. nil Mnlnnliti' till- fllb I if Nm f lo
be T. I"7, at 10 nVloels a. in., for the purpnMi of at-
lenolUK m im ouiiet ni run niiiimiinn-m, iu-n
hikI whi-rw all ruirllrn Intcrfhlul are le'iuilrdtu
prenent their elnhTH or be debarred from einnlni;
In for n share nf the fund.
II. 1IAI.).
oelll 07-it.
An Ihnr.
the Clrst National 1 lank of Hlonmsbini;. I'a.,
Oeiobet 7th, I"07.
Ill ist)l'll( KH.
NotrKimd bllU ilKeounted I')
I ..I'm '."J
f17 .Vi
lt),T;. r
.IH (Nl
1 1.1 (HI
1 l.l'-M IN
i urrent expenses
Cawli items
I Hie Ii om .National iijiikh
IT, h. Ilonds lo Mecure circulation
IT. H. Honds
Notes of National lUukn
oilier law lul money
$.T,1UI W
, 5-i0,0o0fr0
. ;ii.iO"i in
. 4l,lU(fl
. 10I,W1 l
7,U',0 mi
;,:i7 n
3,l't0 &i
Capital Htoek
Hnrplus fund t
Due bank and hatilurt.
IMHcntiut, ti pen sen and Interest .
1'rqtlt and Iosh
8JO.101 W)
. TrnriN,
The ahnvo Is eorreet,
lUooinfiburK, Oct. II, W7,
and for the County nf Columbia. In the mut
ter of the petition of Abiahamhchweppenlu ser,
for Kpeclfle performnnce uf eoutiaet vslth the
estate of Solomon Kikront, deceased, Hepti tuber
(ith, 1M7, C, It. Hrockway, INq., appoint d com
nilislouer to take proid nf eoutiaet. lly the
Court, Certified from the Hceords.
Jkjssk Uoli'.man, Clerk.
Tn inn-tins Interested take notice, that I tdiall
attend for the purpose of my appointment, at
October 11. 1S!7. ' " CcmmUsioiier.
... . ..,
Ihli In to give notice that on the 27th doy nf
September, A, n. a warrant In llankruptey
was lMHitetl anlnst the 1 (date ut Kllsha C. llaitou,
nf Illoomsburn, lu tho coiinly of Colutnhl.i, and
State of 1'cnuiiiv aula, who lmu been adjudged u
Uaukiupt nn bin own petition: thai the payment
or uny d-btn and delivery of uny properly be
loiiKltn; to such ll.iuUrupt, to htm. or f ir IiIh use,
and the transfer of any pmpeity by him a in lur
blddeu by law; that u meciln ofUieCruUtort of
lhe nald Iluukrupt, to prou their do bin, ami to
choouo ono or more nsttigueeH of his ehlate, will
be held at ft Court of llankruptey, to be hold on at
the Kichtmi'e Hotel, lu lilooimburtf, Columbia
county, and Htate of IVnnaylviinla, U'lorn 14
ward Overton, Jr., Keg later, on thu llth day of
November, a, u., tsy7, at Ioo'cPk k,n. m.
rilOMAM H. UuWI.r.Y,
oettrtJ7-lt. 17. K,
.1. nd for the County of Columbia, In tlx' mat
ter of the petition ot II. F. Hartmtui, administra
tor of Jnmet UaUton, late of lllmm township,
deceased, for spec I He performaneo of eoiilnut,
HeplemberlM, lw, i:. II. I. Mile, Csip, appointed
eommlsHloner t take pnmf of eoutiaet,
lly the Court, Certtned from the Hecoid.
Jr-s.SK COI.KHAN, Clelli.
Topartlen Interehtetl in the above case, take
notice, that I Modi a tend for the purposes of inv
nppolnlmnut al my oillce, In lllooiitsbtirfr, nu
I riday, thnMh day ot Novembtr. a. i,. wl, lit
IfUo elm'k.B. m, K. II. ATVLV.,
October 11, ltrr, CoinmlHNloner,
Trvr niirr.' nnmr a vci TWin iv
I for the ( not v of Cohiinbi.i In the
oTrnf l.oMltlm. nf rllM.,i Ki.ii.Ih. f..f KlH-elfln
....riilr.V,!.,:. '..ff Ar (r.Vt Itli t(. . otl it.. iA ,1...
',n ',hr,'uV,"t,p'1- ; I'V." ''rr..V!n.
. i ..... . .
ir-mJiH u,V-!.r? ' lVI lit kVn ckiK
Tn rf 11 UirVr..Ml .1 AriV.5 iVt.-. Ai l!ie
...,?..ra.i. i1' f'nt . i VIJ I... ..r. . ,
MMMiintiViiVtit i, I t iti ti V. in iif.yi iiVi ltif n
Ti lw
ia l i u nV c l l'l' ' v
ti.'no.i.;'..1' tsrt? lrhV.n!dKsi;.r
" ! .... .... I-, i
Iium bi i ti adludptd a liaiikiupt on tils own pet I
lion I inai ine payniciu oi auyncn'tt ami deliv
ery nf wuy propel ly belouulmi to such II uil.iui I
tu him. or for his use, nnd Ihe transfer nr any
pmpeity hi him nre loiblddin b Ijiw ; that ai
ini'i't Ini nf I hit i iKfllirit-H nf tint said luiiiltruiit. In I
Tni,lf1 1X. ii t vi'intni'.v Imiuliemr M.Jr 1 nm ' Jbdii.n l.hilmi m, audi AI0.
T-VTOTiCIJ IX UAXKUUIMO. uikVnnol mi. riii.,.M)it . lerbmtle. l'nr s.ile ..... . . Lr1.., llllt(l , tll it..t.h
1 1 at wl.-.IeM.le and ti lull b ih tm.s pal m s le. ( o ' ' . .. .V.i, i .inn. . iV 'V V ,r ,
'Ihls In tn dive notice, that on the th .lav of Prnk how. N. Y liidn . te. tM.i,.jIlM,tlu,-i,: . 1 " ' ' '"' ' ' ' ,l, ' t,,,( ? ,",ly'
Hcptenibcr.A.P. Warrant lu llaiiltruptcy , .N , i .; I , i , WtlU a i o.t pj. ultnu-si.. ( V' ,.,'1',' 'f' ' , ! .'. Jt, . -I ...t., , t' ll'iV
wiils.ued'aitalni.tdielMateofnrasti.slleidet. N, tli has. N. I llth hdii,.is nth ve., 1'. and ' i? ,'L11 'V..t " n n K
shot, of Or.fnwnod township, in lhe county of I hv le.e. bible Imu.I.u ihnan;hoiit the voinl. I'W,' li . n .', t V I ViV. V M,,uVt.l,y
Columbia and the Statu of Pi IUIM.V Iviillln. Vi Im l None ui imlne unh sIl-iu d liv .iobn 'lliim- tJiiie. I !',.ll.I".,,,t ',.w,l I.neiist Av
prove their dihts end to choose one or luuieA- 'I be President nnd Mamuers of lhe Calavvlss.t
slKiieeHof hU tstiile, will be held ut a lourt of I llrldue Company latve Ihls Ua dt claiul a dl I
biinkruptcv. In le holden nt the r,xrlinni;e Ioii I dend of Ihn e i r mil. ("jet uu ptr shale i on the
lu l(looiin.hiirK, I'a., tiefore IMwanl Ovuilon, -lr, I capital stutk'nf lhe Coiuiuu.v, pnjabU tn llio
Iteulster, on lhe I'AU dav of November, a. n., lso7, slot kboldei s or their It tut Upiuciitallons un nr
nt 10 o'clock a.m. THOMAH A. lUlWI.KV, I utttr Ihe Kth lustuiit,
U.H. Marshal,
ONKof iho Ut beli'ctlonH of lMcco
UO&M lu the tumult t ClIKMUtni.IBl'
The Oi'tiiTnl TriihtlilhlK (VmipiiiiyW HplWl
thtl Htrntiislilimi
rT. t,AriM,.T Iln',NtH . Mntunlny Oct,
l'KKI.IIti: in chi.hni . MHiuriniy, i. r.
NMI.I.l" IU! I,HIM..M MiMiiNr .Suliti ilny, Nov, i.
I'lt'M't' .. . . 1,1-M vidi: .suimtt.y,Nuv, Id.
ii nn ur iiuvtc, iwUip hit lii'li'il,; I'll nt Ciiblii.
I .it Hrcinnl ( iilitli.f.!, ihujdlih.
"Ihcin hUiiini I'm tin imt nr Hiivmnn n
i is, (11.1). MAI k'I'.Nlli. Ak nl.
,1 liiti.itlwuy, ,
ky(TnI) tITi: ii i h i h s n m i . 1
1 OnnpMc JhtariJ'f .r S'fn(cs
uml 'Jtyritot'h'fitfrtmi the (frettt
Jtii iT (o if iv ureal vecan,
If (....ularity Untt.-itM ly llio Mile ut uwr
juk") I'l-iiifH in a hltislc iiinnlli. . . .
'I.Ui unit AtlM'ntinp I'nilrU", Mdiiiilnlii
an. I Un I'iirllle o.itt, Vttlint ri.iit) Hiw rlhllf
uinl riiMtMHiiipliio Vi-'U" nf tin htviifry, rule,
IjiihH, Mine, l'i Dpi"' ninl ClIllo'Otl.'H nl t It Now
Malt's inul i'lTrilurlfi." , 4 . .
fi i.u.spu rmlKvruiH niKl ottlers In tin
M'ttr Wfii," tliH Htt(n t.rilml nt iumI ffilllf
M 1(1"" Will fltHI- hll HtU.ltl.lliiM IH,MittHI', i-np-
ii. m iimi4 It ilni'M a n.inl lmu 1'H 1 until, lutlhi n
tic it nl ntijaliM' liiii'li li cii nmk', -toll, innl(itin,
un' ii i imft, i it. .
AU K.N im WAM'l.l). t'lnl mr CltftilurH ini-l
M-r niir I-lint, nil 1 Hill li'sriliill'Mt ol Hit' nk,
A-Mm'-h .NAllnNAI lTUMS.NU IV., W
i vrtiln St., l'!illiik'l.til:i, I'a. '
"iT;vi( uu:7 i knt.s Va nt i ;i
to l.ilifoiilct lr Mti r iiitliiia llot-Kh uii'l I. n
. iiistH rlthiT mi i'iiiMiutitin tr -tiitrv, tMir
i tiiiiii ui i mm mi' sin inl i hi Morltt i iv tin ht't nil
i I ml III (lie riilihtr.t , tihhuu Ii It'll It
l'i limit i Mtiol itiouiHh mil i i-.ii.rv ,
lln.llllltl H Ml- fl,
Ain'l'. UNtory ol Hit- Wur,
Hi .ull.t 's' HI Hiuliuloll,
l.i . t. t'hiili s i hriMl tit Home
inl ii h r-. A(''iiH ii it ne it'iinri l to nii
tii't tinilorj i'H1t-u-'. ni'i iii.mI, uiili'MH in
,, . t.i in ii n tuis nit-Hi , oi Hi ih.s, lul.l.
.V Li'., I'UnlihiU-io. :iiuiull lit, .Um.
WcliiiM' iut.ii-.lii'l a if.inM- I.M ut all
ii.l)i'm in lilt" .ew i ii.uiiiiu nnni'ij inn-i'
, , Hi' New Yoiki hi lri ..i'. tMilnj rl.v il'ic.
i mit tnnl.i : i n n o Inilliiim
Ml 1 tlx ti ho Vi' lol IMI" I tl:il. U. t
.'ii., II I'ltlU Unu, N. ,
1) A M
V o Y '8
itiim.T st.ntr
H f f f o it t i: n ,
Culnlillt' In mir Klirtill'llttl .IT-
f. l-t llltlllL! Clll-I-I. Iltl'l tll IllHSl
iti'nlrulill' Mlill WI.Hlt(l' I'MT
llllfll'll 111,' IHIIKll'. 1 1 lU.H'PS III,"
ut'iiilit "1 Un' .kiiih iiiiiin Un'
siimililrrs lnsii..i,l ,,r thu lilps;
It lmpi oil's tin' mriii ulllii'iil
tlulll llli'llll!', KlM'l I'llsi-1111,1 l ll
cuius.", Isuiipniiril inul r mi
nrliilisl liy iihisli'lntis. Munii.
inl stimuii'i' hi., llostiin.
r.sri:Y coiTAdi: (iuoanm.
j, nTKY .1 fo., llr.itlloliurn, VI,
Tin' Orliilml Iinitiliii-s nn.l Miimifm.liiii".
I'limlilnlug niiiio pel fin I Ions iiiun uny utlur In
tin' IVllllll. .
IIhvi' Inkcn llii'tlrst prrtiiluininl lilt Hi" I'll"
rliili" l'ulrs In Hie cmnlry.
:i'i, WiiHlihiKion-n., limtnn ; II" lii-oomi-st.,
H No. Tlli-i,!., l'lillaili'liliiil 1 111 ILili'l'iII'li-st.'
" "ti KNTSwTXT K I ).
Ti, IllMll'O Ap litn, ill'., i ll'. Wi" "Isll to M
. mi- nu r.w lit In i-M-ry i-lty of liioi,, thiin .,'"H
iioiiilliitlon, niii-t for ns In riinviiiHtnu ..r linsl
ne ih, A iiiun lm Is nil imly i Hiilillsliisl In uniu'
IH'CllllllliOll Mllllll IlllllllS llllll 11 Tl'lV hl-llH' IH'lllH,
(iilii'iisilv Ini'ii'iisi. Ills liu-niiH' Ki'M-i-nl linii'lrnl
iIiiIIumimt 'Hilt Is nn ni'iKiiliiiilly for in;
(lip nn n to fipi'iuiMi iiinflliilil,' i-iinni'. lion wllti
tholii'sl ,-HinlIMii..l AilviTllHnu Aui'iuy In 111,'
I'nllisl tsintt-H. Aililii'., llli t til 1 inirlli itl.its. nl-
iTi niTK, on'., (it:o. i'. iluvi:ix A w., m I'mi;
llow, X. Y.
rTTX it ii ci Tm i .(T
Ami will pri'si-nt to liny u'l'nli nrli'llnil linn
cluli ill our (liriit Dm. Prld' r-tili'. of Iry inul I'uli
V (I.iikIs, .li..,n Hllk Dipssl'utti-rn, rippporshi i-l.
Inir. Wnli'li, Ai, lli'oof in.t. CnliiloKU,' uf .imls
ami s.iiupl,., UPllt to 1111V Il.l.lH'SS 1IPP.
Ail.lrpU -I. s. IIAW1X .t in..
.Til Ilnnovpr htn-i-l, lloHtou, Minis,
Bppll'ilT-Ini. I'. I). Iliixuiai.
nk noFFviu oxh noi.iAiti
Am nM Wnntpil (-,'rMlipri' for our lini' Hol
lar mil,'. A Willi li, a TpiiHill, n Miiiul. ll llli'ss
roronpilolliircipli, Si'iiil 'Jli-ls. nii'l stump for
two plipiln nmi i-iruilnrs uiilnu lull iinrllciiliiis.
A.l.lnss AKI.IMIKl.N, IHMIW.NI! in.,
07J Wiislilnsliin, lloslon.
roF:NT.s WAN'l'r.I)
fV. 1'Mi, ju n il.iv, to, lntrlnlu', our now p.u-
. iu M-.Mi Mil l ii.i: hi:vimi m.m iiim:.
1'rlt't' 3.i. It its. n tuo, inul iiiiiUih lln
ui'iiumi' Liii'li i-tlii Ii. All otlii-r low prlifil tn.i-i-liliips
luiiki-ilii'Cli.ilnsiiii-li. r.xi-liiiii' ipirlio-,.-
ul .-ii. i-piiil for i-lii-ul.irs. W. (I. Wilum .V i ().,
.Mmiui.ii.uiii-s, I li'ii-liinil, ulilo.
n: s'rii.i. i.ivi:!
Iioii'l lip liuuiiiuiim. oi IintHifttorH or -pui.
pmv, lion o, nun I III.. "Ml IK-11 loo h. ' St ll'l
loriitir Nru rnliilomu-ol I nipiin iil Mi ni-ll Dii-i,.
Ji Mirli'll,.. nil ol i'iih fully (InlsliP'l nmi
li-lnpi-ri-il. s. .M.SPi;Xlll.lti I'll., Ill "till Ijoiii.m.
V lvf wiiU m IMleir Meliell Tools. I pnpn.v free. Iii-U ire of llifi IliUi'l'-i. My elicit
.alH -IH i .!.Un. Ad lus-ts A..I. KulIam.Spiiiit;
(le.d, t nil ail.
C-r. Tli h:1oii IM IU .MONTH AND
' li.iv. blnu ext fiH'N paid ajzi nts (n
-e I .nil Patent J.MIl.l lilm Uhtle VVIte i mi m
Itn-- M. ileal.'- nnd addle - lni ri all Wile I ..,
p.-- 11 udv.a.. N. .
7-01; uk WAXn:i!
iiiinK u 1: u 1:
Aet nt, both m i'e and fi m ib wnntnl cverv-
When ti sell the i' VI I I I'll'liov I l INK III sl.ll
V out, ihv whit ll bom one to two p.u;es call b
v, rill 1 ii w Itl inul 11 ph 11 Mi 1 nu' w lib I11K1, iHlt, otil
I'.iuivand ln ( Is.cic. cm clear 1 1 Mb-
?liaili)V. Nntapltal lUl)ed. VtU t IKclit,
vi ilh an udvi itli mtnt d ilhliu ntticle lor
-t lie 111 our Dollar l'mi hai-lia Agency. Cltlll.ii-s
si ui nee. i:a'.im n a- kiInhai i..
-rptiii7-lm. llanovi ii., Kulon, Mit-s,
nnn ahknt.s "vaxtiTi, to
UVJvw vIIM New Inventions, of ureal val
ue to f.imllles all pay jiicat pmilts, hen 'J."ieenb
and t sap.iK.s and nample units, Auents have
made iluioio Kphrlam liiown. I.nwi tl, Mas,
tiii:ti h .T'f'O'Ai i.A-r dihcovi-h-
I.D. Cl'lIAM Hl'ltl-'slI MhA'l CL'ltl., prepared
iroin the formula or l'rof. Trousiean ol Pari.,
cities CoiiMimptlon, I.unu Diseasm, Itronchtlls,
Ptpepslu, Maiiismu-, Ceueial Dehlllltj ami all
liioibld 1 niulltlons of thu ttyftcm depend lit on
deficiency of vital fori e. It Is phasant to taste,
anda shmle hoitlo w 111 com i nee the most sUepti
eal of Its vp tunas llio meat htallnu lemedvof the
liKe, J?l a bottle, or MX botlhs for go. Held by i;.
pn sn, Hold hv H. C. rphiltil, No. 'Si Houtll-st.,
1'hlladclplilu, and principal DiuM. Ciieiilars
tsi-nt fiee.
A N n O T II ll It H.
Tiinou.vrioN MiN'ritAi vmst comi-any
Are now ni'inufacturlni; the best, ehe'ipest and
iit.-iiit .Int jt.'it IVilitl In iicm I vt nialu .lull .lit itn
. teen cars; It Is of n light brown or beautiful
j ehoenl.ite color, and can bo changed to nit en,
' Ifnd, Moiie, olive, diab or ream, to Milt the bn.le
of (lu consumer. It h valuable lor koiises, bain
bn ecu, ailcullunil liiipletnentM, eairlane and
ear nmkers, palls and wnoden-uiiie, eiinvn-t,
ini'tal and hhluule roots, ill bcliiu lire and water
protif, btldK h, burial eases, canal boatM, hhlph
and ships' bottom-, tloor nit ilotlu, (ono Mann
bieiuicr bavins ust'd .VHObhls, lhe puht car,) and
uin paint fin iuy purpose is iiumii piisM-d for
hotly, ilmablllly, itastlelty, uud adliUhlveiuKs,
l'rlee $a per bbh.of .H)0 11m., which will Hiipplyu
farmer for years to come. Warranted In all Mines
as above, bind for n clictilar, which kIvch full
parllcularti, Nmio genuine uhIcns biauded Inn
trade marl (iiatton Mini lat Taint. Address
It.VNII.I. HII)Wi;i.I., I'luprlotor,
ih.'pC'07 1m. 311 l'earl st New Ymlc.
J. Wl)ltl.l.
llMiiVcroi- a I. Firm ruoM ltvi;n Hoi-omv.n
1'Vltls, Mil Vpril, NU, ri") Hue I'ailby, HI. Iloume
Wllljtm be kind t noinih tnliave Inrwurdeil In
me here LixJboltlesol jour Indian l.lnium nt i If
you will send nl ihesame lime the act nuiit, I will
tor ward nil tlieiliuoitt Ihroiliih Messih. Ueliuolll
A Co., New YoiA,
lii.ron Holtiiiiou Hot hsihile havhm leeomuu nd
edtn man.v tifhU lilt mis Mnjtr I.AM.'A UNI
Mrr,and IhfV b Ins d slinus In prnciue It. lie
hhmitd advise him toestabllsh a depot In Pari ..
'ini: inihan i,inimj:nt,
i iV. !' ':''. 'verrtadyiaH a killer of pain, taken
t UWI tll.V, .r ...inuiimj u. t, iai i , "l .
t 'f It"' I 11 11111 I'lIK I UUt 11 III. II H' ll 1111 .M
ulu .iu i u-ms. r a,
r.iudtetl. It i; al'o m.M lllf.Mlntw.
ii- un-
I ' buiiuuh. Dati I, 1'JM iiieiy, Cla hia
Ml bU. I hnh 1A Dit Ulllini, I II'., lilld fs VUtle.l.t
' cMeptlonllte liiesl vu.laellul 1 ahia i a I he V. Id
nin.i.K. Nn nun siiiiiiiil ! without it. I.K it
ul on s. .no l nmi-v simiin he w ii limit it. is ,
- ""'''l bind orseasla-uldhuve a bottle. Ml- 1
'" H I'-'htt iH itshbmr at a ilMiiiiet fmiii.
1 riosiilmm sbM.ld ki.-p ll .nnsanil on b .',
i ii ...... a... .i.i. i.i. ,,i;.l .n.i.i. .. ,.n... tw,.i ui
t aeh 1 1 mpliunis. Ha .iluc iiiuiioi Ui tMiiii did,
lmudb .Iobn 'I lioi-. Unie
till I cotlllteUljilit d ll'l J, '1 .l.uite ( o,.l'inpl If lot ,
I'll iin.idwa , N. Y. ll'l or clKiilaiH,
1 -!
I )
uinoH xotu'K.
JOHN Kit AII1'I.1'-W.
C'tttuuisj-u UrUloeOtnie. Ticanunr,
JVKUY ruHtoiniT may lio mi id of a
J (IothI Kit or noKulent Ciu.nntui.iN'H Cloth.
hitf Htore,
factured by
Mrrr. ny Anus ptuni ntrit, I. Ti;nt'M(iVTOiK
Tuw.viitip.Mn.c.siiiA tot-Nrv, m.e'n,
Tothe wlitnw, heir-i, and lenl repretrnlalKei nf
jtuld deeraoed, tn wit t In Hnrrlet, tlileriiiitrrli'd
wllli.leHi llnllliiuiheafl! John ll. IMelterleh,
Ui hel, Inleiin.irrli-d with William M'NIneh ;
Sarah, nileriuutrieiMWth 'lh 'mm WViim r( 1.1b
INibi'th, lulei in:illli'd with Wllllulit CieMiln
and Kihih IHctlerleb ; and the lollowlnu imtmut
urtuidchlMti n, (n wit i It.iiel lih-llerh'ti, CIuih.
lib (lerl''htMadnta IMetteile'i.aud llo.-tta lHet
lerteh, children of I'.lln- I KettiTleh, deei'iindl
and Alice Metierlch, Wlltuiin Hit in rich, chas,
iHeilerleh. Mury Uiellerl'-h nti t rranklln Diet
tel eh ehlldlell of lletij llilltl DleMerlch, dee'd,
Voit and each d you are heieby not Hied that In
pui Mm lien of a will nf partition or valuation, U-
Mird out of the tritium' Cniirl of Columbia enmi
ty, for the art ll Inn or Mituntlnit of the r al estate
or mi Id deceased, Mttiate In low liihlp f Montour,
Ii. sald eounty.uiumi3 Ihe helm nnd lentil reprc
.entatie-inr llu- Mild deceased, I will hold nil In
quest on the Hild prcmlMn, inlaid ton ledilp, on
Tuesday, the 12th day of November, next, at lft
n'rhxUlu the forenoon nf h.iM dav, when and
u here ini are irtiuested (o ntteml if ou think MAMl'CIt HNVltKlt.
Ill iisbiirK.Oct. 11, ls)i7. MierlfT.
pi-1 i ! , 1 0 S MA "
of VAtrAiit.i: ui:ai, i:mti:.
Ill pliriu inceof ii ll order o' the DrpluHli' Coin I
of Columbia entmtv , on 1'rhiuy 1bn '."ih d.i of
NnVWli'w r, 1 fl7,at l'"n'i In" III th I HeluiU,.lo!in
III nii-1. utinrdmu ot the pi lnoti uinl i vute of -a
tali W. I.N' ilium, ii inliinr ehlld nf Mary 1 l'-n-hill
t. bile nf i s-f.i tow tishin in t-iiid i-otitiU .
le i'Mm d, w HI epsf to M-iti- by pibtii' endue, on
Ihe pit mist n, a ii il.i ii mcMottei;!' or
TIlAtT Ol' I.A.NI),
, ontalitlnir i . nty Aeim, iiii.reiirh"-sadJoinhiu
I. m li oi ltudo.phu-4 imuii ..ti n,i' north, Jaiioh
lM illiihi Her nu the nith. lb lirv hill on the irvt,
it. ii 1 .1 inif Mill nn tin' i ust. I beie it eitctiil un
tin t.i.d pit ml i u
A I. ii ii ll it t h i;,
one idnry n'el it hall hlich, a l!arn, Wucott
llntioe, t Kb r Tii'hi mid Mill ; all I (hen1 Ih nn tho
pn iiiN'i two iw td ri h -r I, n tprlii nf neer
lall.tu Wih t. Willi -pthii b ill-si-; the estate nf
iU Wind, tti. ue In the loMtithlp and county
afireald. .Iissi I 'nl.t M IN, Clerk,
Cnndltl"n of Kik:- I'lipi-i cut, of ilia tme
f -it Ciot the puichuM- moiM'V In be p dd on the
d'lV ol wile; nui -f.itn lb l M Ihe ten er Citlt, nit
the enullim it ion of -uli,anl the bataitee lu one
, cur tiom i null i mi. ii imi, w lib iuti ir.t fioiu eon
til m-ltlon, mtt. I'nn'vinu kIvi n nh Hie f 1 '( dav
nf A pi 11, Ihi,;, l'ureli.tsicr tn pav tor died Mid
M.Miip--. JOII.S JM.ltNKlt,
tli inner II, lvi7. ihiardliin.
tn tlie ilinhvhistniy of medical dtsenerh k
itr.MKi has perfutmeil o many such remarka
ble cures nf the nttmeroii-; directions of th
Ihioat, liutKS and thcsl,aHthls Imitf trhd and
Justly , etebrated thtlmm, ho generally aekiiowl
I'dgrd K the htiperlnr ecelh me of this remedy
that but few of the many who have tested lb lr
tues by expet lent e fall lokeip It at hand as a
Kpetdy and teitalu tute foi Nitddcn attaclcH o
OW(f fully bellelii? that Its remedial powers
are eomprelu nsle enough to i tubmen ccry
fotni of disease, finm thu fllhleMt cold to the
most iliing mus isymptom of pttlmoii,ir com
plnlnt. UNMH,ICin:il TESTIMONY.
riflhi lll.. I'ltAM IS 1. oil DPI.!., fitntufo thr f"tUth
(ba'AfiT'ieimi C hxmlt, Jlriiliftjffit, (hnuivticut,
"I consider It n duty which I owe to Mid'crlng
humanity to beat te-dhnoiij to thu vtiluesnf lit.
Wisr vic'm II of Wii.ii Cin itiiv. 1 have
ued It w hen 1 hae had ficcalnn lor any reme
dy lor fiuuh, ColiU or Siui thioat tor many
i nr". and new r In a shmle Instance hits It lulled
m iene e and euie ne'. i nae ireiucimy m-cn
ery hn.use on alunlay, and looked Innsard to
the di ll t ry of tun sermons mi the Jot low iti day
with Had liiivh luu but byalilaial use of the
ll.iNam my ImarM has invariably been re
moved, nnd I have pleached without dltllciilty.
I commend ll to my bicthreti In lhe mhiNtry,
and to public Kpealtern uciieially, as a certain re
Iiiedv lor the bioliehlal tlollblesto which we are
peiullarly exposed."
IMcpnred by SCTII W, 1'OWI.H A SN, HTre
moil l St.. lloslon, and lor sain by I'JiUKKlHtH uene
(jp.ack'.s ci:r,i:ni:ATi:i haiam:,
I'lom Mr. Tec, liepot Masb rat Hall-dairy,
1 have been troubh tl for je irs w Ith a bad liu
mor ; hoiiietlmcii aitmrdl and m unci linen In
wardly, Dm luu the past Mimuier It nt.itdteHled
It -el i mure than icmul outMniilly.and I iiM-d
jour Salve. All slyns ut It have since tlN.ip
pi aied, vv llhnnt alhcilnu me Inwardly, Indlcu
IIiiH, 1 think, tht eiadleiitlui; uatiiieof the Halve.
Sl.TII W. I'dWUI.tsON, lloston, Prnprh t-iis.
Hold by Inimi-.ts at iTicts. n hoi, Kt nt by
mall lor 1 cts.
Tit CO-SCMI'I IVIN.-'lhe Hev. lMward A.
WIUoii v ill fend Mlie nt halueilnitll whndeHlre
it, lhe pieM-uptlon vllhthediiccllouK formakiiitf
iiinl U'dtiK th. i simple itined.v I y vthb-h lii'inn
iireil ol a luuallet llmi and that dreaded dlscR
Cousitimpll n. Hbeci Is lo hem Ut th
Ulil It led, and he hopi n eei Milieu r Will tl till
piesetli'iliin, it's it will i ost tin m nothing, aud
lil.tV i lov a bh svhiu. I lea--i' addtetxt
Itl V. i;i Attll A. WII.M1N,
Nn, p.lHnulh eeond Hlieet
m .IV-lv , iliuiiie-biinf, Khich cn N. ,
lNrnltMA'l HiN.-lnfnrmiitlon uii'iraiiteeil to
piodmea luxuilatii uinwth of hair upon a bald
lieadoi heal tiles, ijn-c. aIo a Heelpe tor the re
moval itl l'llilpUs, Itb.tehe-, 1 lllitiotis, etc., on
the sit In, lenv nm I be vjinii sofi, e'eur, nnd b uidl
.til, can beulilameil w 1 1 lean eli.nue by addlessiiu
1 IP i-. I. i II 1 M N tin mt-t,
si p; t,;, vjt lirojulwii , Nt w oi ic.
S C It nl' V Ii A-co N H I' M I'T I O N.
Di. 1,1 1. 1 1 1,, of Pari-, one of the eminent ( hm-
. IS nf I tltnpt, s.iid
' I in- mo t ashnu.illiu n ults ma be ant lei p-
ti d W h ll Iixlllie I'lin be dlsnlv nl til pi! re W.lti r."
0. , vudeis.iilltr llll. i ll .M'Uls n M-felitltle
ii si aten mid eNpeilnu hi, lii.s mh 1 1 etli d In dU
I..V Ilex tun nn i 'in- ijmnti r nmtim of Iodine to
en -h lln Id ounce u walei, and tfir ttntl u!onml!ng
r. utiti imi i ih ut-, pa i ii- nl. i ily in i"crolu
l t tnitl hiinlled il I'lisf, i lu alius Iiee.
Dr. II. Aieb i -' Iodine Witei is lor sale b P. J.
DlNSMtilii;,.Mi luy Hlietl,StW toll, ami alt
Dinu Isis,
bt (., 1 l, lM.7.
1 !,! (iiti'int'itts iiiiiik' In tlie latest anil
X- til'tsl tuiiiinved
at 1 tl t.M II Kill IN'M
Inll.ln tnie.
p Jni.
A Mi KhxK uf UfiIy Made ClutliliiK
V allow figures at Citf Miinti ink Clot hi hk
f-loie.'s bbx k, UloiuunhuiH, l'a.ia-m.
OV KHOmt-Clifapnt Ciii.Miti'jtMNM
ClothhitfMoie. i- .im.
C1JCXTS KiiniNlilns Goods at Ciikm
I HKIU.IN'H Stole. -I..), ff"" -lo Jill.
LetteiK of admlnlttration on the t stati n( Mary
Ilartman tale nt lienton township, Columbia co.t
(h ceased, li.lVtt been ki nut I'd b Ihe Itentnter ol
said en., to lien. M, 11 aft .ian,of said tvtp. Ml per
sons hav hit: claims or demands men Inst the estate
of I tie tit cedent ate n quested to make tbein
Uuuw u, and thnstt ludi bled to malic pav leent.
Oct., 4, lliT.
it; -M. II.lll.MA.,
xVi:stti:p w, w. Mri.i.K-K in ( kasi-ii,
i,e leis of administration nn the estate of W. W,
Melllck, hite ot M'ott town-thin, Columbia county
tleceased have been uianted hv the Henlster of
Mild county to Akucsh. Mcllhk ami Peter r.nt of
s.iid twp. All pen-oils having claims or demands
Ulltl-d the cstitle of the tUcfctlelit tile letplesteil
to malic Hum known, and I host indebted to
make payment.
ii.M.sw. mi:i,i.ick a vivrv.n i:nt
llv lltlH- of sevi ml Wilts of I.tutri Fneuit and
I r.mbiom .Jiwi'iai, Issued (ul of Ihe Coillt of
l uiiiiiidii nmi ui i omnium eouut, to me ill
leetfd, Will be exposed to public hi I eat the Court lU.OOMMU'liU. diiH.VM ltliAY.Octo
b r'M 1'.7, at 10 o'clock, A. M the follovi ln real
estate, v I. :
All I lad eeitafu mifivmuze and tint t of land Mtt
utile In MiidNon township In Ihe (lamly uud
hi. itn aforeKaid hounded and described as fol
lows j Hct; Inn Inula a w hlte oak, eotner of land
of l-'rcdcrhk Den and I onrml Cintm-r, thence
north Itlty-bvn ihixreis, wist IA3 pt n-la-n to a
pot.1 tbinte by lautl of l-'redcrlck lk-rr noutli
twi nty-tvvo and a half dctircen, 72 perch ch to a
post; thence smith luhly-thuo nnd one-fourth
ileuties vest Im! perches to post j thence houlh
Hlxty-si'Veti and one-fourth d Rices wvut 19.H
pea ben to a isli thince by land of (ieorifi
Deir's esiuie south fm ly-sev en and one-hatf ilt
preesiasi, Iifl.lpeiches to post thence by land
or John Svvis er iioilli m veuly-keven denreefl
east, lis ptiihes ton pott ; theme by laud of Con
lad ciamcr iioith ten debits west 11 perdu n lu
a post; llieiiee m. ith llf-three and one-liaiith ilu
Kiees t asl, JkI." en bes lo a i liCMUUt ouk llu II Ce
nmih twt nt.v -loi.r and .me-muiih dt un-iseast 11
pen in to tin plate or i 'ulunliijx, t ontaliilhxone
hiindteil and lwtnlysoeii uohh and one lain
died nnd i h-M n pt ti las, It bcitm the same pre
ml i -i ot vblt h Andii w Hhoi iiinUer died sleed.
nmi u hit h alicr pint ei hit's In pal tit Ion w us mid
hv nidii of Oi bans' Couri to .lacltson 'lletm.u
his admliiMnih.i, upon whlth a moiluKe was
taki n lo mi un th niiu Ihlid p'lll nf the pur
chase Iilotif V ,i
Mi . d, IiiKi n Imi (Aituimii hiid to be sold as
the i i opt n i.i h. 1 1 1 oon uud Icrre ii nuuu.
A li' 1 1
Al' 1 1 ihtili I nl!i!llij! lot died nn a lot or
piece o (.'Hund tn .V.i h i nn eily, i on nPam
township, i otumblainiiiii) K built on tarts
of Inl-, .No. -'laud 1 I,:; it) tin-aroiesnld MohlH-
tm i-l I and K a -torv ami it 111111 hulldlny belnu
" y ""in hik unni;
-""l sKiei-i. i A in nmi bv tw nt.lvV le. tin
,IV;,,,'I llUi ,t'M1'u,,V " " bialertals ur-
' -'' f" I i 1 1.1 Ui.
!-li Y '. i icn in ei i ntlou iturl to Im unlil nui in
, pt-nij t tiuriiower.
tin i list I v Un biinU ol the I.oiiivt Mountain
I oat i.nd tM'iiCoiiipatiy,
Mivi tl, tnKi u liu m iiilb n and to I e Sfdtl an Mm
iiopeiii nl bmhty Mel!nait.
Octobo' I, sJ7,
Jubt n t Ulil a splendid assoi liueiit uf
Also PAUUm nnd HUOl'KloVlH Htove Hpi.
Tinware ami House turn hhliiK Hardware alwavs
on hand.
Orunucsllle, I'liOetobo rl, I-07-3iii,