The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 11, 1867, Image 1
lie j J i tltilli i. 1 . h fl U I VOL. I. NO. 41. iiLOOMSBTJKG, PA., 1MDAY, CKTOUEll U, 1867. 'Rior five obnth: If MISCELLANEOUS PMK PADDY UlTX 'I C () A Ii A X Y MIK'KMIINNY, I'KNXmYI.VANIA. CAPITA Ij 9130,01m,. AMIS M. KTACKllflfHi:, rrnldcnt, CHAM. A. r.(nNi:,M,.rr, tnry nndTiciiMiiV iiiukctohs: IJiilm M.HtnrkliniHi, N I,. ('hiii'1h'U, lOlim. A. lIiNttii't I'yrm Slackliousc, A, M'limwll. orrtrr.: MAIN HTItr.l'.T, Sim'KHUI.NNV, pa. Tin land lit Id ty UiN tvniMii, romld of VOVl IIITN'DUKD A N I FORTY. OXK ACHKS, inivl n1';l.-fnnr 1'crelir-, of cart rnll t-Hiclcil land 1 Iim ijtitli iit nf WllUi'i-liiuio, I .ti7i i no conn tv, In the wcMcin part if ilin (iKiit Nnrtln in nr V.(mlnKnul Hindi, Ami) rn refill and tlifitniiitli enmlii:itlwiwn'. tlltly made lint (tipmii then 'fur the at.oi l.ltnU to he tliu riiili'ullliu'lil ot n Mist ntliomit of Hie i-ry heat (ti.illly of nnlliin.'ltn, liaxliw iiry f.ulllly that could hi dialled for Iran poitut'ou hi all dirci-tlont. 'lln iiIjoai tract It fifi..ei hy it i'i.o. mad, nnd nK tllrcttly In r limit, mill Joining nre t tia Lackawanna A. lllooni ll'Ultf ralllond, titul I In- Wjuliiliu c.iiiul, thin ii r Elo.ii inn tin- cr, bc-d advantage of nciii Ihtf mad f nit 1 c rut'tiliiK tfi I he wry tnoiitli of tlm f mines without rxpen-i hi Hie company. Hie HicnMlU nit lit of the dlllcicul heil-nnr M-llliH 'nliiti'l tkihi'nl w.ii eaultilly obtained ami iinlile.t loyt tJiiT : the tlilcKtiei nf thcM KcnUl-, including tin r delii. it pil "ltod Asti,' "Urn-l: Moun- tn In," nr'Mirnnd Tunnel" vln, N thlrtinn' aii'l lu half lei t, t-UJa ei rj ruhle jttrd nf which will jiildu ton, KtUinf a liltfu .ilnuiint of the he-t Stju illty ot eoal. The locution l Ktl 11 ( till till tln lilfiy he SlUt ntnl wotked lotl.eKIOfltcht .ov-dUL'ad.nnlai' pi ! u'aN v tcwi, an I at mill h tes i, use thiili Iran he laie fiom collcri. s opi'mllm; Iieluw wiid'i I in- coal I'i'ii in brought to the mu lm-e ihrough Iilrhti or tiiiiix is whlehilialn the water from tin llnlne, and na s the hnlMlliu of the ,al. So the elluihlllty ol thene hinds f ir ilea in tiling U tin- HiiRilon.ihle. 'ir. lately tho ''Ui.uid I'tinnel ' tir "I'ed Ash" iln h:is l.ei n oh' lit i, aii"l h now n-rtMlueiint line a iMlll) of eoal at h.m eti tliei ii ntodueeil in the ailtlil'ailte ielui', 1 ht f hrvaUcr liow 111 It ill Ii mpahle ttf pieptultu fiom I') Iti'JK1! tons ii r d.i . TliuhurLu'eiontaln1- can supply of woodund tlnih(rtry Wil li) ihle for mining purpof-cs, uhleh les the tiaet Ft he adantam' of many other coal htiida. The 6 fuel that al limit all wdu.ihle eoal landn an Ik'Iih; iranldlv taken tut hy heaweatdtalKtior hirer eoi- is point Ions shows lhat they must steadily and ( Sleuth iie In the in.ukcl wdne, while with Hie J Jniineiise and ennvtnnlly lniiea"ln ilem ind loi ' this eoal, and the It itlrnad and Xoith I 'ranch in j v n il, pa-iliiK h Hie mouths of tln nil urn, through J,, thedn-at lion limiting tlUtrleti of llloomslmrj:, ffT' Pumllle, lMincannon, Harrl-htirK, Miildtetown, , Marietta, uiul Colnmhla, tt tide-water at llaie iledinoe, "no ran hean-ely c-oncelxo of a moie prolltahle or pernumont soma of wraith than m. iv he found In lands like t1ii-M, In order to he nh'e lo open their woiki on a tnotf t tenM pi ri, this company has plarnl a poitlon of Hieir raiiital stm k In mailu-l on the loltowha; terms : Any pel vai taking one tir mote slmu h ol Ktoi lt at T UN DO L DA US D A (MI, wlll he entlHett aiiiiu illy o a ton of coal at cost at I no mine per, and any MocMioiii in Mir iti.rmviN(i Tin: iki i- aloirsjild, to he iietllled on the liook'Hof the (' mp.lli , W llll the ttllleleliee hetweeli Iherost to I H'l II Hi! pi lee loi t-aell Khaie, to he paid helttie i IKkUlidfth.tll hedeel.ued. r. r. kn rv, Aent. Mmrh I, IM.7. 0 jixiurs DIXIC The undcisiniiul would re-pi ct fully atiuoutice to thocltltlis of IlioomsliiUK and the puhlle Kelie iali that ho is luuniim mi UMNMU'M IdNi: heiwien Ihls placea.d Hiedillcltllt lailtoat) d pots dally iMllid iy rcettlrdl, to connect with He secnd ttaius K"iinx Nniili and UVsl m the fnt.i-ui-a mid Vllllampoit 'italhoad, and u llh llio-. goln N'otlh and South on the Uu kawauu.i ani Itloom-ohuru it.illiotid. Ills Omnlhusses an In i;ood coti'llthni, commo dious and nnnlortahlc, and (;rs te-iiiiiahle. I'eious w Mi I in; to meet or tin ir fiit nds de- pin 1, 'Mil l necoltlixhll i d Upon leiloiiahh i hnU'i hy Ua luj timely not h o at any of the hotels, AM t'.n I. (HltrilN. Proptietor. THD AM DItiCAN MAY KX1KK 1 AMI rOHK.Wo the underslu'iied clll.lis in 'cohiuilda County wllnessed ln Hid ol Inn lorks on the hum of Mr. I'lir-i 1, in Ileiiiloik rownshlp.on Moud.i, May 7, Istt, lntucn the Amerii .in llav Knife and I oik nianulacliiiist h, WAM.H. SlIIHMUt X r of .;r hm ' I'.i., mnl the llundel's Patent llav Hook. Ike American pork lilted mote h.i In one drmiidil Ihpn the Ituudel 111 time. A e wv mIK r hTCl It will itritnA Intotheniowastwo lr 1 Imisev rnli iliaw. e lll-o saw It cUltlU ln , mid think It cannot he heat its a h-iy knile, and eherrnill. iccotiimentl It as t'n hest hay toil; and kulfw wo Ime ccr set n. ('. P.irrrNtirsinit, I Hi. P. .!iiiiv, V. 11. Kun.vs, John I)ok, Imrv UirrnMi'i;, H wn i Noi t it, II. Imti.i miii nit. i. t.n n lTi!"i i., iticini t. It 1. 1 i.i it ton v Wni ! Thc also liifinul'ittnie the celt hraled Iiuckf-f 11. ,t)H r UlUI ,OIM. I, 1M1U Wl lift 1IB II' II II HI." tui-lils. s s r M A N C D A i K X C Y. Y"ltt.tU' .Klim Vonnuer'o . Kuliim lUlIk rmnxm MfriU-ntt. Kl'ilUKtli-H t.i'i niitiil.i flV'.'lj!' .'Ltil.tKM' ".Til.iWItf .Vki,ii' tiiMirum'i' nmiiMiiy of Hinic I'um'ii., i ,'" i , im, i Unit 1.11.' i,i.i',im Ntirii: TnuiKit .V'",!""" I Hi:AK llllc.WN, Awnt, ill lU'liT I'. ll.llcHl.l'ltll. I'A. M IIADVII.I.I': Til KOI, (Hi U'A 1. t-i III ii il.. 'i Im rail li-iiu Iick.iii hi'l'iim hfi .i. 'Iiii I'lii'iilly I'flii'.iiiK'llim coiiMm nflonr rt'Hl'U'iit mnl l"iir inm-irMih nl i.tok-Hnrv, (mil b nitiir. I'lii'iil'Ji'il It I" .'luiiili' uuug iiipii fur lh I'lirMlnii MlnMry. 'lluio j n im-iwiutiii i-la-w Hum' Mil" luniMlot reii Ul -..lliislnli eiliinillim. On.' Iimulml linU . a ji ur nro rmitfil to buliollflnllfs, w llh im luMlllimal mini In u'Hul cuf. 'ilm Ulllluli, uso nf Mlilarj nun ti'xt-lHiiikH, mi) free bi nil. Hi" H'li;il wiw foiinili-.l l.v Hu' I'nltiiii.iii mnl clirMliui ilriumi llllllOllrt. Illlt ISI'ltl-ll III III I Wll'l 1 Ul'M' III I IH' 'II vliinnrliilii iifi'liiMliuiliy. Ilm IJl'tnrj ruiilt - Ai.i.lli iilliin may ! inailii lo Hoy. A, A. r .iii.ri', J'li'hl.lillt of tho lloal.l or J Ion, Mi-u.lvlllo, Til. uol7-ly Q A I I U A OK 1 A N U FACT! ) H Y, JitooiiiMiuri;, Viu M. I). 8U)AN' imOTIII.ll liahitixisorMif WILLIAM HI.I'AN A H().V I'linllnlK' Hie UusliicMiif nuiKlN'4 fAimiAn1, uruiiiKs. .ml tvery Klylenf I'ANC'V WAtldNt, Mlilili llii'y liiiMiooiisttttillyo" IhiikI nillni tonuTi, .VoCf 1H.IHB any liititfllnl liut Ilm lul litnl inii'liiyltm tliennwl rxa'll.'nci"l wnlliliicli, llii'y Iioki tni'iiiitlniii' an lim'totoii' to bInoi'IiIIi.' xrtti-r.ictlc.n In iiryiiiionii i-. An lni'iitloii i l lli. lr wink, mnl ot' price iLltoil for tin' siiiiii', Is mho to instiioii wui'. lAU.MKItS LOOK II Kill-:! I lli.iun.l.Mliii''lil''slri'liiiinnotinrolotlii'furiii I, ,x .oiiiiiiunli Unit In' Mill .'..nt inn's I" iiiii i n fiii'iuro llw iviilnali a Win i li r a Tali nt HM ay I'lmiii IIDIIKI! roWLlI AN1I Tlllir.r-111'.ll, lit llio olil stiilul III l.lulit Wiril., I'olilliil'lai'olin ly, I'll. HllMllKllllJIBi'il ll kli"!', ,'n lini't ll' IniTiiislliK ili'innnil lor thriu, Im lu-U nssniril lii'MllI lionlili'loiKi-olnniiMlalt. nil Mliolnlor lihn wllh tlii'lr orili'rs. Ila Inn on hkooiI mi'l'ly of IImwoii I Itiiutii'rol till, lu'i.1 itnullly, mnl Moikinin ii i liuwi licvni imiui-'lla lliolr nittnnruiiuro ruriin '. he Kiinninti .1. lln ni Hjiut If imi .uifrlortouii.v lii'n Infoin in. nli'. Hi' aUo iiiiiniiriu liiri'a iioHTi:ririi' rTi:Ni' n. 'IIU'I K ANI IHNVrVCB. Ui inlrlni: t iliokhoiti st iioiliruiul on i.tuani. nl. In n un.. ricllnallianUlul ror i'ii.t faiot.lm kolli-ltH a i onllniiani i' ol tho lNitroiiii.; lii i loforo ixtrialt-il loliltn, M. Mill M.I. II. Llulil hlivil, l'a., Atltf. Ill, N'T, A KINDS OK JOII 1'IUNTIMI liuitly I'li'CUtcilul TUB CiilXMIHAN hli'Utn rilntlugOilU'ti. HOTELS AND SALOONS. J'O X (I I () X D II O T K D. 1 Hi: nnderHlmieil ha intf tensed and rrfnrnMi f'UnuxHl nljle tho nhovi welt-known lloue, j It 11 a to A M () N (I T II Ii M O V S T A I N H iti thehitrilersofColHiiililaimd Snlllwihfoiintli i, In one of the. most heaiitlfill and healthhll Teuton In tin Htiite; Is fully piepatul lo lUL-oiiiinodatc Mtois mid sojourneis Willi 'Ilir.tK l AMM.IIM, 'Ihel'olid and stleams nre w ell slot ked with delicious iNli of nitiny I; 1 1 ids Including T H t T A N 0 I' I K t:, mid iKiatH In ood order will he kept lor the no oIiiIiioiImIIoii utid ainii-i melit ol i;m"ds, lithit for ilshhm or pleiiMiteext nrnlons upon this hemi lllill r.u-i t o water whtetl Is SIJVI.ltAL MILKS IN i.xni.vr. -urioiinde I hj an rtc nslw Ton st, theieisattor led to the hunum in a nph mini field lor his ttwn peculiar Kpoi Is, iilid cxeieiM' w It li his ! O fl A N 1) U V N. Ills Larder will he nlns pitldod with Hie h Henries or thcKeiiHon t and his It.U storkid Willi l'l 1(1. 1.1 u I olt.s. '1 ho lloue In In I p a lid roliiino uious j li.e htahlliiK cxtrusli' mid sale. 'I he IIoUmi Is lent lad Honi ievrial dntH nil the lIloonishuiK A Inirknwnini.i It.tllioad; iilid Is a KpleudM place to p:ls tht hoi hinnllH of sum m r. II. It. IIAYlIl'llr. Ma 17, W.T-ttn. IXCIIAXIH-: IIOTDD, .XJ UliUilMHlU'ltd, (Ol.f.MlllA Cilt'NTV, PA. Ine (lat rslKiiril linMny plirihand tills well kllou a mid ivlitl.itly.locati d Iioiim, tin l.xelialige Hulel, MMialuoii .MAIN M Itl.l.T, 111 llluoiushui k', iiimiMllaiely opposii,. Hie I'oUimia.i Couuly t'nurl IIoum-, upectiully Inloims his irliiids and the puhlk in Kdieiftt that his house Is now in older lor the ten pi Ion mid cnterlnlinm tit or iniwdlerH ihoma liedi-postd to l.ior it wllh their t us toin. He Imaspuml iioexpriise In pit itarlnn the l.xthmue toi Hie i tileltaliUMetit ttf his Kliesis, ncllht'i-shall lla-re hr aiithini( wnntlint (on his pall to liilnl-tel to tin Ir prr-ioii ll ct.mroit. Ills hoii-e Is sp.icioiivm.1 enjoy mi excellent hud hess loeatloli. oiniilhuvM-H run nt nil times luveen Hie V, eham;o Hotel and tin wit In ralhond tlepots. ry which U'ttwlleH will he plcivatltly cone.e'l In nil 1 fiom tho tcptvtlW' st:it Ions lii ihle lime to meet the curs. .IOIIN I'. 'AM.(tV. HliKiMintniiic, March 1-!. lJ'W. C" d v m u i a it o t; i:, It Y II HUN a n I H I ( II n r.ii. II wish I.itcl. purchard mid HVtril up the wt ll-kuow n KoMson Hott I l'roprrt . located n vvw I'ooiis novr tiii (tirr.r itorsr, oulhesiliK' side ot the stleet. Ill the tow 11 of lilotmishuiit; and lialm; obtained n lUnio for the same as a It K S T A T U A X T , tin 1'ioprlt lor has h tennllied to lw to the pen plu hltlii the tow n im business or pleastiH, A i.t n m; Mum; iioom, Ills lahlln also Is exleiislw. and Istlttetlup to put hunu'icsnud carrlayes In the dry. He piom sesthat ewr tlilnu nhoui his esiahli'.hineut shall he condiirled hi tin ordci Iv mid law Jul mauiii r; utid he respcctluily sotleltH a sham ot Hie public p.ttlolia!:e. in 17li7-Mii, CTDVKXS HOUrtK, 31, 2"., 2 A 1.7, IIUOAHWAV, N. V. OlioxlTe 'tiling (jiern, UN THE niMlttlTAN FMI, Tit k Hrr.VFAH Horsp. Is well mnl widely known lo the tinrlltiK piddle. '1 he location Is l sultfihle to mercli. tuts and huslnevs men ; It is lii closo proximity tollie business part of Hie city Is on Hit' highway of soiiilnrii and Western lr.iel and adj.ici ut to nil the principal railroad find tlepots, 'i he Stew ns House has llhetal accommodation lor ovi r WHlKiicsts- It Is well furnished, mid pus. srssrs eerv moderate Imprownieiit for the com lort ami ciiteitalnment of Its Inmates. The rooms are spacious mid well vent i hit td provided Willi was and walcr the nttciid.inep Is pnunpt ,ind lespecitul ntid tho tnhle W i;ciicrotMy pro v Idcd wllh ew'iy tlellcncy or the s,.von at mod ertitv raies. (Jllu. K. I'HASi; A t il. m )l'ti7-tim. Piouletois. (Jl.olECIi: W. MAPtlPIt, Proprietor. I'he ahoe wt ll-kliown hotel has iccentlv umlcr- Komj i ad It'll I changes tu niiaiim incuts, mid Its propilctor nunounccH to Ids loiiucr custom mid the trnW'HIni: puhlic that hUmconiodationf lor thecoinnill "I His nucsiHarnseeonn to none in I lie i on ul rv. His table will alwaN he found sup plied, not only with substantial tood, hut with all tho dcllcaelesof the season. Ills wine mid 11 oiiors (except tliat be crate known a .V ttrj" , purchased direct trom the Importiini houses, are entirely puie, and flee from till ptd sonoiisdi uys. lie is Urinkfiil for n liberal patron- i"e in tin, and w ill continue to iiesere n in thelllttU-c. (IHOItHi; W. MAPHP.It. K S.X IIOTDD, 'thk rrcn: iinf-r, nit WiiP.VIM.i:, CDI.PMIHA PH., PA. Ths suliscilbrr resprclltlll) llifolins hlstilends ind the niihllc. that he lias tnkeli the tihow well known Ilmise of Pntcitaliiinent, and will he pletied lo ruche the i ustoiii ttf nil who will ( iwir him with a call. in; wii.i. ki;i:p a noon taiiu:, i well sloi ked w llh the best of UtiUOlK. ntid .'ei eilort will I'p made to lender tntln satis- iaclioii. JOHN SNYIUIII, Oiaiinevllle, Ph., MjiicIi l"), I.7-Im. JXCMAXfiK SADOt)X, 1 1 it: Pioprletor of the llxfh.ine Saloon has now oil hand a hlle stock of SPMMi:it lti:i'ltl.slI.MP.NIS, coiisistim: of spin I) iirii:s, j-itiiry, tiiipi:, innotiVAs iiifU'Tu.Mirr., Miii.nMM:,.l.V,t ii ntiuxr DAOKIl DKHH, ADK, iU'. up roMi: os'P, co.mi: aij ami si:i:. -u l.AWrto.S CA I.MAN". lit, lttooi tshllU', Mtiy II, IM.7. rpiID IMPY lKVPKD, 1PY, COl.rSUHA t OPN'IY, PA. I o i- tol fl i'Y rn.1,1 1 1 1 it 11 intollio. Ids flit lid: ,..1 il.. i ill ill., ihnl hi I us lid, t n I he a bow Well known lh'iise ot 1 rti miimt nt. and will he id, I.e. d lo itii-iW lit ili-i'll ol all who will imoi him w ah n oill. in: wii.i. ki I r a (.( nli TAIII.I., n l'ur irll "l"i I; .III II.' 1.1 Kl ll I.IllllK, lllKl i- cry ll"i l wll l 'i iniim i i. .1.1.' r ti . it. Kin ii W.M. III..MI.1.Y. llll-IW'l! I I i. A) 1 1 i:', I i.T. iioti:!., 1 J llllANfir.VII.I.i:, CIII.V.MIIIA I OU.NTV, I'A. Ifl.AI.I. Ml'MMA, I'lllll'lll l.TOI!. 1llllllf tnln ll I . .Kl-l r.nlnti nf llila mi U'Ulii'Wli lllill'" . Ml I'.IIU III l I') lllilHl.'l I ... ' ' ll. . "' i. ..k ii it ii.-iiiitiii. nl i. nil r mnl urn d i nl I'A It ASP I A illil II m llli tli.' limit . nl lliiimrK ami lii'Mi ! ililliarliK III" Hal'li' N not i'.xiflliil in ilii'ioiiiii.i : mnl no wilim Mill I'u Mnitil to m-totiiliiii'lati' (s'tlcvlii. Hlirjll7. QUKQUKIIANNA 1IOTK1., t L'alnivlsKrt. I'a. Hie iiIhivi' Hotel lia" Intfl) Iksjii )jtirc!ia.'il lo lll'.NItV J. ILAHK, nmt lin' lufn llmroitslily n ino'li'lli.l, ri'palf.l, mnl ri'IitriiWiiM. It will l" rmmil now, In Its jrr.nuifaii-nt ntnl a..lnlini nt, a Hrl-oUM lliili'l. mnl .onin.l In noun In tin1 ...unit -v. lvrniniln cltlfi mInIiIiii In sni'inl tin hot monllis In llio iinintry, will tlu M-rll to tilv.. tho .ri'irlotor a (all. X1IK I'.N'ION IIOTK1., Arch HHi-rl, hi'lifoi'ii Till nl uiul I'mitth Hlrri'l", riilliulolplila. UIIHIHTA WLIlI'.It, Pror-rli'lors. p I HAIII) IIOUSH, I'nrni'rof Ninth ami fliosttinl Htrofls, I'lilla.U'lphla, II. W, KAN AO A. Proprietor, T:"hcTia'T'hTioti:i,, 111 MIUTII I'lll'ltlll hi KI. 1. r, I'lIILADLLrillA. J. A W. 0. M ICIIIIUN, Proprietor. Mav in, sii7-ly. t'.. llt.lel mnl N.looii klflieli. nf llloolil. Imiu ami I'olninbl.i I'oiinly.-I IniM' appolnle.l Mr. It. Milliner imetit lor Hie .uloof my ale, poller l.roMii kliinl.ainl laser hei'f, Mini will unpi'ly yon ut Hie sumo pllii'iainl villi lliokiinio nlllele), m I mohIiI fin nlsli on from Ilm lui Miry. KiioomIhk Uiul lie M ill ln piinetnal ami altentlTo In all Mini limy fin or him vk It It lliolr Irinle, I mlli-ll for lilin jinii mippoil, Vi-r ii'Mpeilfiilly, riii:u i.Aiir.R. hlonln Uri'Mt ty, I.eililhlK, IM. M, MIT's in. e. il, ini.i.isiint. it. .otrit "..n. A1 I IT MAN, nll.l.lNOHll A CO., mi.WH Niiinu iiiuiii HTurhr, l.Vfill'V ojjioi. Jaunt, Krnl, .viiiirp .( O',) Whole. lie Ikslcm in YVIISH, llA'll'IMl, WAIIIIIMI, lAHI'l.'IH, nil, I li. Ill, HIIAIikS, ri.t M.1S, CHAIN IIAI1H, COIlIIAdi:, '. Alll, WII LOW AMI WOIIIU N WAIM llliCHim, 11llM, 1SIUKIM1 UlAisSlH. til. llu) i(i,lJ-iy. TJ1EC0IAJMBIAN, A DtMlKHTilt ic XowHpwpoi', IH t'l'lil.HIM.ll l.VI tfi H.ltiA! MOI1NIM1 T iti.oo.MNin uu, i'i:..NA. TllliptlnclpUsorthis tn,icl alt of the.Iellersou. kill Schoolof politics. 'Ihosc-i lulpk wllltifc hu comproiulscd, yt t lourlcv. and klinkstt Khatt hot he Tori-oil- nlntllM'U-'-tnibciit,whithcrwith linllvldu.its, or with ronieiiiportntes of the Trots Tho u nil y, htipplncsK.mid prosperlly of the conn, try is our nini mid ohjt .-t ; ntid as ihu nnmis to scenic that, we Khali I dor houcslly mleaiiiest for the hni mon , mi ressiiiid uronlhof our Nrcun, IlitMHui st iiscniiTloN: Two dollars n jenr H paid In advance. If hot paid lit advance two dollni s and lllt cuts w 111 he luwulnhlyelmttfid, Tl i:ms ot- An vi HTisiMi: Onefttiiuuo'tcn lines or less) one or thin Itisc rttnm !l,iO; nulisiihve tUtnl lnveitloti 50 ci M. kii i:. One s-rju.iro Two nuaics Tin rp squares.. 1'our stiuait v. Mat T column. . Hun eoltlliili... lM. S'-'.IVl , 3,Jtl . fi,iK) ;ih. ? i,i) ii,)!! s,on 1 1 1,1 JO IV"1 1",'JI) UM. IV. n,l 5i(i,u l',M) H,IJ I2.IKI I I,1M JIIK jn,ti :utt) 1,(l 7,m ,) pAeeiitor'ftiind Administrator's Mitli e 8l,iM; An dttnr'H Nnttee 52,10. Other ndvertlsementj lner ted accordhin tn hpcclnl loiitrnct, Itusluess notlci s, without mhertli nit lit, twenty o nts per line. rranslrtit ndw rllsrincnts pawihle luiuHnnee all others duo after Hit lin.t Insi rtlon. W- It Is, In iillc'tia, more likely to he satisfac tory, both to subscilbers and lo tin Puhllshcrs, Hint lemlltaiicesnnd all coinmunlcat Ions respect Inn I he business of Hiep-ipcr, he si til direct to the olltceof piihllcatloti. All letters, win thcr relutlnc to Hu editorial or huslness coneernof the pajior, mid all payments for subscriptions, advertising, irjohhln.nre to he nnde in and nddii'ssed ititoncww a rin:i:zn, IlLooMsnritcj, Pa. Printed ul Uoblsnn'h Uulldlngs, ntnr Hie t'oiirt House, by CltV. M. VanIifkmI.H K, I'i:vnk It. Snvufu. BUSINESS CARDS. TOll P ItlNTlNO Nently exeenli-il nl this Dlllio. i 3i. i.'vki.i.i:, in ATTOUMlY-ATdiAW, Ashland, SehujIUUl County, Ptnn'a. M. :. JACKSOX, A T TO It N P. Y - A T- I A V, Itciwitk, I'oliimhln County, Pcnn'.i. M. M TItAtr(WI, A TTd IL N C V-A T-1 A W, Item leli, Coltimhln (ountj, Piiin'n. riIJ.IA3I II. AIIItOTT, A illMIA I. I -. 1 I, A V CKNTKAMA, I'A. W, Mll.l.l'.lt, AT TO UN IIV I nil.'., iilth 1'.. II l.illl. '. In In!.-!.- l.iillilliiit ml lli)iliill's, u.ti kl'ny uii.l 1M-.jn,7. nlnliii. I'nst Hill. ', llslmiH enlleeli il oiin o. i'ui:i:.i:, A I Tn li N i: V- T-I, A W, nmooln Ili'Klstef nini Ueiiinler's nllle In tl.e linseln. nt nt thi'l'i'int lliin-e, llln itllshlllK, I'D, OHKItT I'. CI.AItK, A T Tn H X H Y-A T.f. A W Ollh'L corner ot Main and Maihet htrcets, hmt Phst N' Ii.uiK, llltHiuiobur, P.i. I,. It. KI.1NH, A graduate of .h th isou Midi-al ( o It ue. Phil fl'lelplila, lia lin; pel liliinctlti, local d, oltels his prolefslonal Ken iccn t tin t Itlcns ot Catau Ua and lclnity. Hlllce on Main sticct, Kciond door asi oi icay .v -loun liuuuinu. pipi ni.-mn 15. ii. i. iTTi, i:, T 111 II N I) Y - A T-I, A W, llllh'o un Mnln "In 1 1, In ti ll 1; l.llllillli'.' l.eln' Ihe onrl IIoiiso, lll.iinnsliiii'H, I'.i. Q It. l'.UOCKWAY, A T i t 1 1, l.V A T I. A W, I'A. iii.iKi.Msm'iir!, iA-HH li i: L'nurt Utilise Alley. I.el.iw the '!. (.l.illl li". Ittmhitm Ollleo. II. ltOltlSON, ATTlHt.MIY-AT.I.AW, nl.iKIMllCI(.l. I'l.NN'A. Ollleo In riiiitusl's llnllillni:. Main slieel. Wml ul the Anurienn llnllsi . (inj-I'l'T. C T I O N K i: It. miihi:s I'nri'.M a n, llnv hm fi.llisiM il tho l.lnfesslnn nt l'uhlir Vi niliK rili i' im iiinnv ji til's, wimlil Inrortn Ills fileinl Unit ho is stllf 111 Iho llehl. reinly ntnl ivlllllnt ti nitiinl li.nll llio iliitit'i. nf his o.iiiliia. I'ersiins iloslilnii his ser loon klmul'I Kill nr r lo tn nun ill uiiHinisimiu;, en. ininrsiw. jyit. v. ii.TmAuLKY,"' tl.nto Ablaiuni lcuie41 inro),tii,- ii. pt .iin ,1 I'HYHIOIAN AXII fjunOKOM, .-nm.'onl Ihohmtso iinnni.ltoHlil'.e'a HIiHrk Itliininsiiiiri;, l'n. Culls I'roni'.tlj nttcinleil tnhiith nlijlll nml ilny. Ilhiiinislm"!:, .Ian. S, In;;. T 11. l'l'ltSKI., V . , . UAlir.l2ssit ISAliin.r.. .1.111 llll,i .MANl'l'AlTtmr.ll, nlul ilenler ill I'AIU'I.T.IIAIIS, VAI.INIX. n.Y-NinU, AC, Mnln Htieel, lilii.itiisl.iirj, l'n. s. C. K II 1 V i:, C A 11 I N 1! T M A U 1! u, AMI JlAM'l .M il IIV MIUM 01C SASH, lll.LNDS, DOOUS, H II II T T li II K, M n L' I. I" I N l H, WINDOW l"ltA.MI'"S, AC. MAIN STltftrT. lil.ilu.lsl:l;lUl, I'A. June i 1W7, s. L'Oiii.lN.S, !' AM II I"N V hi' SIIAVINd, 11 A 1 It Cl'TTlNd AMI HIIAMIMIOIMI HAI.CIIN, dver Wl.lninjl r A Jin h'fc lio L'lctllll hnlunli UMlllMhlllUKI. I'A. ....I- i,.Ai.,n .iti.l l l.tslcrs'il lilnek I . ' . ...i.. e....i.. ... a.... mv . I r ..nil Im'iiiii tlnlnu'tliolinlri lll reslniu linlr tn lt e!,Inr lllinul siilllnit tho llnehl Intulo, eon iintly on lininl, ii'r...... jrf k:k a'v'a a if, IIIAI-lUil. WATCIIMAKI'.U ASH JI'.WHI.HY, Main Nmt, limr Ilm ftuuil Hume, lllllllMSIIl'llll, 'A, Ci.nkliinlly nil h ili'l lino nssnttiiienl o VMl.HII'AN AN'" HWIHH WATIMI Vt, L'lni k, Jon Cliy, Hli irwnro nml Mrs etiiel. I'lirllenlnt nil. Iilli'" luM tn III 1 1'UtrlnH I Iii Uh.J. 'ltj nml Hiifetiioli'n. if Mnsunlu iiinil. inn.ln lu nrilnr. All work wnirttnU'J. m'rHin, A M K 1)112 V. 11V M 1tlo o4. Hut tl away tin hlue-tnllcd llv, Mmyt.indtiiy.Murylandi Pin polnif tn Ahdnm-i With ulmrti w-Ithlti my hau I. llrlnst Ihy uluilteied honrl lo me, Aiiiilnofthe utle; Jlrae men hi hold your fallen i hlef, UMlntoii tin nil I. ft Is a flrirmliitf Kill I Inn, Her name Is ndry IHI When I miWHwitt N( II In liome, I nerr UNn niel tell, Oft In the-lllly ntuht, I fondly Ihink of thee, Piute Sam what ulUyoti lttlnnnyoiidcrlre'? I'm KoIur home to IUte, Wllhn wlnek rowd-do ; Oureounlry Is In tlany;t r, Who will earn toi mother now ? IlaiUI t lie.irllichuitlenouiiillii, Prom Hie i choless hlunu ; May Hod piotecl Collllillil.l, When time shall he lio moie, II M nil tip In Ilie- Klssltu nh lli'fdv; The world ti t tipsy Umy Hoot, horf, or die. WliSfcUii ncous. THE TOWN LOT. Unit, iipnn u limu It luijiiciK'il tliat thi! liii'ii win) KiiVL'riR'il In the ullair.-i of a iTrt.ilii (rrtnvlni? tiiwn in tlu Wist, rt'-olvitl, In Kmvu ilcliboriition !i-M.'iulilt il, tn imivlm-i' ii IUt-iuto lot nt tliu north I'litl of tliu flty lwnlly In coriiorutt'tl itntljittvo it linprovctl forii park or ptiblii' square. Now, it iiImi lni)ipuiR'il that nil tlio .s.ili'titilo Kfiituiil lyliiK north of tlioully w.H ownnl hy u liuiii iinini'il Sinltli :i fliri'W d, witlo- uwnko imllvliliml wliti-i! motto was, "l'.vi'ry man for himself," with un oiv.i- slonal iiililition iiliout ti I'l'i'lain Kcnth:- Ulan in black inking "the iiiinlmi-t." tinilth, It may bo montioiu'il, was sccri'tly nt tho bottom of this sclii'ini.' for u public mu.ux', uiul hail liim-olf xugBL'.stcil Ihu matter to an Inllticntiiil iiiL'tiibur of tliu council ; not that hu wai inovctl by wliat U tlciioininatcil public spirit no tho --piinK of action in tho case was merely "privntc pirlt," or u regard for hi-j own id. li'tiiu council decided upon n public Mjuare, ho was the man from whom tho ground would havo to bo bought; and lie was tliu man who eoultl get his own therefor. As wo havu s.dd, thu park was tledd- ed upon, anil ti committee, of two up- pointed, whoso business It was to stu riuiilli nnd arrange, with htm for the piiicliasuofiisuilablu lot ofgrounil. Injsimiire; and the city must become the due form tliu commltleecalluil upon tho 1 lanil-liolder, who was fully prepared for the Interview. "You aru the owner of these. lots'.'" aid the -spokesman of the committee. "I am," replied .-smith, with Irwin ing gravity. "Will you sell a portion of ground, ay live acres, to thu city'.'" "l'or what purpose?" Smith knew very well lor wliat purpose ine laiiti as wauteil. "Wu liavu decided to .-et apart about live acres of ground, and Improve II as kind ol park, nr public promt uadc," , "Ilavo you indeed'.' Well, I like1 that," Miiil Smith, with animation. "It liow.s tliu right kind of public spirit." "Wu have, moreover, decided that the best location will lie at the north , end of the town.," "Decidedly my opinion," returned Smith. "Will you sell us the ictiitlreil acres V" asked one of Ihu loimclliiiun, That will depend somewhat upon whcie.otl wisli lo locale the park." Thu particular location named. ,;i'iiu very spot," replied Smith roiiiptly, "upon w bleb 1 have decided to creel four lows ol dwellings." "Hut II is too far out for that," was naturally obji cletl. " di, no. Not a rod. The cily Is npitlly growing in that direction. I have only to put up the dwellings refer red lo, and dozens will bu anxious to purchase lots anil build all around Ihcm. Won't Ihu ground to the lelt ol lhat you speak of answer as well'.'" liut the committee replied in the neg ative. Thu lot they bail mentioned wa- the one decided upon its best suited for the purpose, and they were not pre- ared to think ofany other location. All this Smith understood very well. He was not only willing, hut anxious for tho'Vlty lo purchase the lot they were negotiating lor, All no wauieti wits to get a good round price for the same say four or live times the real value. So ho feigned lndill'ereii''e, and threw dlfllcultlcs Id thu way. A few years tlruvlnin to this time, Smith had pnrcha-etl a considerable tract of land at the north of tho then nourishing vlllngo, at Illty dollars an acre. Its present value was about three hundred dollars an acre. After a L'ood ileal of talk oil both sides, Smite dually agreed to -ell tlio particular lot pitched upon. The next was to arrange as lo price. "At what do you hold this ground per aero . ' It was some tinio in foro Smith ans wered lliis ipii-stion. ins eyes wero east upon tliu lloor, and earnestly did he enter Into debate with hlm-ell as to thu valuo himboultl place upon the lot. At llrst ho thought of llvu hiiiitlrcd dol lars per acre. Hut Ids cupidity soon tempted lilm lo advance on Hint sum, although a month before he would have caught at Mich mi olfer. Then ho advan ced to six, In seven nnd In eight hun dred, Ami still he Ml undecided. "I can get my own price," said lie to hini-eir. "The city lias to pay and I might Ju-t as well get a huge stun a-a small onu," 'Tor what price will you ellV" question was repeated. Tim "1 uiusl nnveu goon price." "Wearo willing lo nav what Is fair ami right. "Of course. No doubt you have llxed a 1'mlt to which you w ill go." "Not exaclly that," said ono or the gentlemen. "Are jou pri'imred lo liuiko an offer."1 "Wu are prepared In bear your price, nnd to make report llicicon," iwis- re- piled, "Tlial'is n very valnahln lot of urouud," wild Smith. "Nnine your price," returned one of Hie eoiniiilltee men, u little Impatiently. This brought up to the point, Smlili, nfler thlnklnc hurrli'illy for n few mo iiK'nls1, f.ihl : "One thousand dollar an nere." l'.otli tho ineii shook tbelr heads 'n n very posliive way. Smith . said II was the lowest he eoultl take; and m '.he iiinference ended, At the nexi meeting of llieclty ells, n report un ihetown lot was inniie, uiul tho extraordinary ileniiuu! of Smith cauva-ctl. It was uiianiinoii-iy tlei'iileil not tn make Ihe proposi ti . ,f shiise. When lids tlecl-ioii reaclietl tho i.i'id holder lie wiisconsldi i ably ilisappol d. lie wanted money badly uiul won!'! have "jumped ut" Iwo thousand tlollnrn for the live acre lot, If Kitlslhi! f It.,- it would hi'liitf no more, lint when the city came forward ns n purchaser, bis cupidity was subjected to a Very stronc temptation. He believed that he eoultl t,rct live thousand (Molars as easily in two ; and ipilotcd his conscience by the slave "An article Is always worth what It will brills." A week or two went by, and Sinith was calliuc upon one of the menibcrs of tho councils, to say that, If thu eilv really wanted tho lot, he would sell at their price, Ieaviiij,'lt with the eomiell to act Justly and generously, when n friend -aid to him. "1 hinr that theciitilicil hatl the .sub ject of a public square under considera tion lids inorninir ," "Indeed,', Smith was visibly excited, though lie Hied to appear calm. "Vest and I also hear thai thev have decided to pity tliu extrava''iuit mice you asked for n lot of ground nt the north end of the city." "A thousand dol!ua an ttcie'."' "Yes." "Its real value, and not a cent more," said Smith. "l'eople ditl' However, you aru lucky," said the friend, "the city is nblu to pay." "So 1 think. And I mean they shall." Jlel'oio the Cominlleu lo whom the matter was jrlveu In charge, had time to call upon Smith and clo-u with him for the lot, tliatgenlleman had conclutl un in hisown mind that it would bejiist as easv to get twelve hundred dollars an acre as a thotisaiid. It win plain that the council were bunt unou havlm.' the ground, and would pay a lotintl .sum for It. It was h'sl the .spot for a public owner. So, when bo was called upon by the gentlemen, and they said to him. "Wo are niilhorlzcd lo nav vou vottr price," lie promptly answered, "The olfer is no longer open. You declined it when it was made. My price lor that piece ol property is now twelve hundred dollars an nere." The men ottered remonstrance; butit was of no avail. Smith believed t lint hu could get six tliou-and ilollai.s for ilu ground us easily as five thousand. The cily niu-t have the lot, and would pay almost tiny price. "1 hardly think it light. Mr.Smli i,' said one of Ids vi-ilors, "for ,ou to such tin advantage. 1 lii- siniare is tor the public good." "Let the public pay, then," wa- tin unhesitating answer. "The public i able enough." "The location of tills park at thc norllt end of the city will Improve the value of your other property." This smith unileistood very well. Hut Im replied: "I'm not -ti sure of tliut. 1 havosonic very strong doubts on that subject. Iis my opinion that the buildings 1 coutem plated erecting will bu far luoro (o my advantage. Hu lhat a- It may, howev er, 1 am decided in selling for nothing less than six thou-auil dollars." "We were only authorized to pay live lltoii-anil," replied the committee. "If .you agrio to that sum we will close tho bargain on the spot." I'lve dollars wa-a largesiim of money, and Siullh felt sttongly tempted In e!u-e III witli t lie liberal of fer, liut six thnu-anil loomed up before his Imagination slill mure temptingly. "I can get It," siihl helohim-elf; and thu properly is worth what it will bring." So he iiodtively relu-eil to sell It at a llioiis itid dollars per acre. "At Iwelvuyou will'.'" leuiarUed onu of tho they were about retiring. Yes, 1 Will take twelve hundred an acre. I- Hie lowest rate; 1 am not anxious, oven at that price. I can tlo ipiltujis well by keeping it In my pin- pcssloil. Hut. as you seem so bent on having II, I will not and in yoiirw.iy When will tlio counciUneet again'.'" "Not until nexl week." "Very well. If they then accept my oiler nil will be right. Hut understand lino: If thoy tlo not accept, the oiler no longer remains open. It is u mutter of no moment lo mo which way the thing i.nrs. ' It wits ii matter of moment to .Smith, for all this a-sertion u matter of great moment, lie had several thousand dol lars to pay In lliuioiirsuofafuw mouths on lantl purchases and no way to meet the p.iyniDiiis except by mortgages or i sales of properly ; anil It may naiu-iuy 1 bo concluded that hesiillcretl cousltlera. bio iiuca-Iuiss dining tho time which . passed tinill the next meeting of the 1 council, ' Of course the grasping disposition shown by Smith became Ihetown talk and people said a good many hard things ol him. l.lttlu, however, illil lie care, so that lie uvurtd six thousand! dollar.s jur a lot not worth more than i two tliou-and. I Among oilier residents mid properly I holders in the town, wits a simple , mliiiUd, true hearted, holiest man, . named Jones. His father had left lilm , a large farm, a goodly poitinn of which ' In procc-sof time, camo to be Included , In tlio limits of the new cily; and he found n iiiuiii more prollltible employ- meat in telling building lots than In tilling the Mill. Tho property of Mr. Jones lay ut the west sldi of the t wn. Now, when Mr. Joins heard of tho eio. liliaiit demand made hy Smith lor a live a re lot, his honest heart llirnhled wilji ii feellno; of Indignation. "I couldn't bellovo It of him," said he. ". ix thousand dollars. I'ropostci ou! Why, 1 Would ulvu tho city a lot twice lliesixe, nnd do It with pleii'iire." "Voil would?" said a member of the (ount'll, wlio happened to hear this re mark, "Ceiliilniy, 1 would." "You are really in earnest?" "rndniibtedly. (in and select a pt b lli'MUare from any of my uiuippropil- ntcd lantl on the west side of thu city, mid 1 will pass .ou thu title, as a frio i'llt lo-ionrrnw, and feel pleasiirn in do- 111' so," "I'hat Is public splrlt',"Nild the conn clliuali. "Call It what you will, I am plea'cd In iiiiiklnv; the oiler." Now, let It not be siippo-ed that Mr. Jones Mas shrewtlly eidciilatliiK thu ad iiulaj;e which would result to him from huvinjra pari; nt the west side of the cily, N'o such lhotij;ht had yet en tered his mind, He spoke from the im pulse of, ii Kimoroiis fccllug. Time iiassed on, and the .session-day of the council eamo roui.d, u day to which Smith had looked forward with oulln.iry feelings of Interest, that were touched, at times, by the coldness of doubt and tliea";iliitio!i of uncertain- l.v. Several limes bu bad ntoru than half repented of his ret'ti-al to accept the liberal oiler of llvotliou-and dollars and of having ll.ed so positively upon six thousand as the "lowest llgtire." The morning of tho day passed, and Smith Iiclmii to "row uneasy, lie did ""I venture t eek for information as to the doliiK- of the council, for that would bo loepo-e thu anxiety ho felt in tliu result of their deliberations; slowly the afterno'iu wore away uiul it so happeuiil that Smith did not meet any one of tliecouiicllmeii ; nor did ho even know whether the council was 4111 In se-lon or not. As to making allusions lo tho subject of his anxious interest to any one, that was carefully avoided; for hu knew that his exorbl taut demand was thu town talk and ho wished to tilled the utmo-t Indifference on the subject. The if.iy elo-cd, and not a whisper about the town lot had come to thu ears of .Mr. Smith. What could It mean? Had his oiler to sell ul six thousand heen rejected ? The very thought caused his heart logrow heavy in his bosom. seven, eight o'clock c.une, and still 11 ':- dark with Mr. Miillli. He fould bear the su-pensu no longer and determined loeall upo i his neighbor iwm, wno was ainemoeroi tliecotiu ('lli ""'1 !linl fr"" lllm what had been Hone So he called on Mr. Wilson, Ah, friend Smith," said tliu latter, " how an- you thi- evening '."' Well, I thank you," returned Smith feeling a certain oppression of thuchost. " How are you !" " Oil, very well." Here there wa- a pause. After which Smith .-aid- About that ground of mine V Wliat did you do'."' " Nothing," replied Wil-on, coldly. "Nothing, tlid you say!" Smith's vnlcu was a Utile husky. No. You declined our oiler; or, rather tie- high price llxed hy your-elf upon tlio land." You ri-fii-eil to buy 11 al live thous and when it wasolferud," said Smith. "1 know wo dhl, becau-e your de mand was exorbitant." Oh, no, not at all," returned Smith ipilckly. In that vv n only diner," said Wilson. " However, tho council has decided not to pay you the price you ask." " Unanimously. "There was not u ilis-untlng voice," Smith began to feel more and moru uncomfortable. I might take something le-s," he to -ay, In a low, hesitating voice. "it N too lute now," was Mr, wil- oil s prompt reply. "Too Into! 1 low so'."' " Wo have procured a lot," " .Mr. Wilson !" Poor Smith started to his feet in chagrin nnd u-lonlshiiiont. Yes ; we have taken one of .lone-'s lots, on Ihu west ido of the city. A beautiful teu-aciu lot." "You b.ive!"Siidlh was actually pale. "Wuhave; and thetltle-dceiUaro now being made out." It was -oiiie tiino before Siullh had ulUcit nt ly recovered from the stunning ellect i if this unlooked for intelligence, in iiuiue me inipiu-y uil pray how iiiiuh dhl .lone.s iisk for hi- ten-acre lot." He presented it to tlm city asa gift." replied tlio councilman. !'Atfiu! what folly!" "No, not folly -bill true worldly wisdom; though I belluvu Junes did nut think of uilv.iutagu to hiiiiself.wlieu no generously made tho olfur. Ilu is worth I iveiity thousand dollars more to lay than bu was yesterday, In the sim ple advanced vatuuof hli laud for build ing lots. And I know "of no man in this town whose good forluueelfects me with mure pluasuru." Smith stole back to his homo witli a mountain of disappointment on his uonrt. In his cupidity, liu had entirely sivern.iclied himself, anil hu -aw that , lie consequences were to react upon all .lis fit i u re prosperity. Thu puliilcsq i.tro it the west end of tho town would tl aw iiilprovi mciils in that direction, all the iviiih' increasing Ihu wealth of Mr..louts, While bits in the uorili end would re main nl preset prices, or It might be, take a downward range, And so ii proved. In leu years, Jones was Hie richest, in. in In the town, while Hall of llie llvu ucro lot pus-etl irom his - bauds, under tliu hammer, in thu foro- - clo-iiic of a morlgago for one thousand dollars ! Thus it is that Inordinate sclllshucs.s .mil cupidity overreach themselves! w hile llio liberal man ilovloth liberal things, and Is sustained thereby. -str- - 1 1 I- doubtful which of tln-so thrtsi grein force exerts tho greatest Inllueiice upon ii lely thu cartridge box, tlm balloi box, or tho band box. COUttY OMjANUa" BPISTIiT:. ., , .. ,, ,, , . ,,,, , it llati!ii, J'ritnlif J'Hdhnj, imiu lii MttfKdhre inifiiMnn - I lie it ' 'ttfcii llti' Vklnrs -I'lipm-rtliinifitl .Vwc. I)"iir ivigloi The great Ita-e Rill .Mulch which I refered to last week has been played, 1 1 was between the first (nnd only) nliir of tho O'l'ake club, and tho Chad j club. We played on the I'tipltnlluo ground, I which Intel been nicely swept and sprink- ' letl, and the bases white-washed. i The weather was fine though cloudy, anil warm though windy. The attendance of specta' 's tiiti-t have been le-s than fifteen thm ind, but i for fear of accidents from heav. hatting I none were allowed in the enclosure. i Chad arrived first and threw his eaMor I into the lingjind otfered lo bet u year's subscription "to Hall I'layer's Chron-1 Ide against n ticket fora Turkish Hath on first blood. i There was no takers, ns every bull 1 player fakes the Chronicle, hut none of them care about a Turkish Until. 1 ,. . , i uiii- .en I.... ii ..ii. inn : im I...... i ..... ' i , O Pake soon nfler appeared, and was , , , , , t1w,,,,,,,l,,nlw-n," '11J,''1'-; The twoballs came at once, and try .'. .,. ,, ... , , , ing to hit bjlli I went between (hem, ...hi. . . ... .... i wo,i,, c., was ciiosen umvire, anil play began Tho t'lmils went In llr-t ntnl wo went I out. l We expected lo have M. T. Jugg for u pitcher, but ho didn't appear but .-cut his cou-in O'Tard, who pitched in so heavily at the start that he lilt the bats man, cornered on the short stop, and knocked tliu scorer out of time. Tho Umpire cried fowl. O'l'ake wanted to know who he railed a fowl If liu alluded to any of his nine. He'll llnd there were no chickens in Hint crowd. I'luplroapiilng'izeiliinil the game went on. Chad gol a splendid strike, got as far as the second ba-e, and was calculating on a home run when our right Held, who was stationed on the comer of Washing ton and (Ireeno avenues, caught tho ball on a fly. Chad out. niWer then took the bat ; lie let fly at the ball, bill thu pitcher dodged, got homo on his bread-basket, and sent him to grass. First knock down for the O'l'akcs i (1 rent cheering. ) lame suspended to take a drink. Hlo.ttor then frietl his luck nt the bat, which he handled witli great skill, liut lulled lo connect with tho hall, lie al way.- hit when the ball wa-n't there. Umpire ruled him out. Thu O'I'akc.s then went in. Cbloritl O'iiinie then took the, and as soon us thu ball ciiniu along, sent it back again, and started in pursuit ot tliu llr-t ba-e, Somehow the ball got there beforu he did, and tliu chap who ran that station in the Chad Interest put hint out. O'lllique had the next chance. After ml-slng Iwlco bu got tlio range and made a hit. The ball cushioned on a house in lied fori! avenue.caroiiietl on tlio ll,t;-stalf of tlio Capilollne licadiiuarters, anil was caught on tlio hound by Ca-terile. O'l!liiiieout. iSoino mean person In the crow d cheer' cd. I afterwards heard I'.i-terile wa Imported from Idaho, cxprcs-ly to beat Us.) 1 tonka turn. The crowd sii-pendi'd Its breath It Is a critical moment in a man's life, when hu stands for tho llr.-t (line with an exaggerated potato nia-lier in both hands, to protect himself from the tie-sign-) of n chap 111 front who i going to lire a ball at lilm, another behind Ills back ready to take any advantage nf him, and all the Ik-Id beforu him. Hut I stootl a monument of resolute llrnincss walling for the ball. I ennie, 1 saw, I hit, I run. Tliu ball went to right Held and land ed In thu Union Oiuuudr,al out a mile oil'. Olio of tliu Atlantic-, who wa- playing at the time, kindly threw it over thu fence, and it came lo hand Just as 1 bad scored my fourth home run, ami taken soino thing. Tiii-hrlllant play stirred up O'l'ake who went In to beat It. O'l'ake was always good on thestrike, which accounts for liissuecesln politics He ouiiled heavily on tlui ball vbcli went oil' to left Held The ball was lost sight of for some lluio, but hy tho aid of tliu l'olice Teh graph wo ascertained that It had come down in l'rospcct 1'ark. A committee was sent after It In a bug- .Meaiitlmo we took a recess for refresh ments. O'l'ake scored live homo run-. He might have madu more but lie was not going to run liiuijclf out before election. O'Sbaw look thu bat; being left-handed hu knocked tho ball round the cor ner. It niiiile a short stop mi tliu Um pire's unsound lapped bis claret, l'lrst blood for the O'l'akcs. Umpire gol -av.ige and ruled o'sbaw out on tlio ground that this shot was u uintei-ba-e, and contrary lo rule 1, Ul. This put our side out. The Uindlsts looked desperalo nnd plnycd as though they meant mischief. Tb'-y undo one run, owing to O'HII que. o'llllquo was left Held, and having broke Ids eye gla-s looking so hard through it, had lelt thu Held, to get a new pebble Inserted and tlld't get back in time to 11 ml tlio ball before Casterllo minion home run. It was the mufllnlst play 1 ever saw. We went In ami made another rim the har.iuul loltl Ihe bar-keeper toseore I II. Woshoiild hnvcKeorcd one, hut Ihe Umpire riili d us out on ilechiilciill - ty. O'l.lnu. hail made the llrst baso.when O'l'uUo million lilt and changed hi-base, O'simwetiine nfter lilm and made n ton Htrlko nnd ww followed by o'Denr who made n foul, and whs siibscqui ntly caught out on a fly by tin pltcher,wlnii O'HIIqu" iiuiile u hit mnl ran and get to .thu second base Ju-t as O'.-shaw had i mde up Ills mind that it wns loo hot td run, and O'l'ake refused lo leave his hands belli"; tumble to llnd the bull thu siiort sluii was unable to put enylitniy nit. Imo.I 'Ii fiey were nil out nt the bases, tind (he rest of our nine having1 , gone tos en man there was iioIkhIv to i take the but. ! The L'mplre, who whs mad been, c wo hadn't asked him lo fake u drink, ruled us out, Thu Chads now squared for work, and Hllstcr having recovered himself, made a lilt and got hl.sfirst lutein good style. llora.v followed mid got hi- setolnl base because tho small boy 1 had bin d to run for mu on left fluid had run homo to see If hl.s mother wanted him. Camomile hit to centre field and brought Ulislor honi". This was all they made. W'c went In again. Things began tu get mixed. II wit my turn nl lliebat and going in 1 found they were going to plnv n double game, two innings at once, to make it short Tliele were six ha-cs now. Also two pitchers. t 1 1.,1. II... I...I. t.. 1...II. t. n.i.t. Iim, wl,Ml (1(nvn(0 nvol(1 nuiilslimeiit. The referee called time. Asked. what was trump'.' Somebodv said clubs, Saitl I'd piss. O'l'ake Insisted on my playing. Offer ed to piny muggins for drinks for the croud. Somebody took me up and stood mo on tbuba-u. The two umpires wanted to know if I win going to play. l oltl them It was none of their darned business, IM play them, or any other man seven-tip, ti l moonlight. Short stop put in an observation on feeing stars. As it wasn't bis put in. 1 stopped lilm short by dropping ihe bat,on his counte nance. The pitcher though! he'd pitch in.iind might It on the Irolili-piece. The play became general. Things Incline Very lively, and tho battings very heavy. 1 got mixed tip with Ca-terileIlli-ler, ihe Umpire, and a camp-tool. e went In without regard to inn ing- We came out heavy scores. I ,-aw somebody home, and havel.ei n liome ever -inee. Ha-e liall lias a singular effect on per sons unaccustomed to It. My shirt, vest anil trousers ripped in all directions. My head has expanded and uchcs like the mischief. ( Ine nf my eyes don't match tliu other, and my no-e Is much enlarged and very tender. My limbs aru rheuni.itic.illy out of Joint anil I am out of sorts generally. I don't think ba-e ball is my forte. It'- too vigorous. Something milder would suit me better, uch n- muggins or euchre Yours on tin- home ba-e, CimilY O'l.ANi s, 1'. S. O'l'ake has just brought mo tiii: scout:. n'l-lKl.s. I II tn tl. II. o. r. 71 I II 7 iW s l'l l 21 a i 17 t O'l.anii', O'i'.liipie, O'l.lme, O'l'ake, O'Stiaw, o'Dear, l I'l.eaniler, I'l.eum, O'Tard, I UHI1 IUIslcr. II Uls Ca-terlle, II l' "Chad," t l.Vi Hloaler, :!-J I- I'orax, Is 17 Chamomile, 11 12.1 .In ni per, 1.1 ill- I'ounyroj al. li 1 li Swlllager, (it I I7 i'J Total. 112 l:!2P I'otal. We are going to Challenge ihe Allan tics, lrvlngtons, and Mutual-. I am going to write n book on Ha-i Hall, with explanations of the new rules, etc. SHU yours, CO' I,. Tin: IC.vXs.vs Vai.i l.v. - Leaving the Slate line for the Wt-l, we entered at ouee Ihe I'eilile valley of tlio ICtiu-a-Hlver, l-'.M-a tli-tance of two hundred nnd thirty miles we ran through t'x valley of the Kan-a- nnd ibe.--n.ils Hill, every mllu of which was ibr.m,-ii lands iuexliau-tibly rich in tln-psiil. which, under ordinary culture, yield the largest returns lo the hand nf the liii-b.indinan. Apparently to-' valley lamls are n.-i riili us the faiiinits lauds of tliu American bottom, l.tko nu, IjjUh-t, Kiinsas lands of win h f speak are n lev I plain, llanked on the north and smith by h .iiitiliil slopitu hills, the entire valley covered Willi luxuriant verdure. It is through this valley, never once forsaking it, that the Union and I'.u-Itlc Itallroad run- for tho ili-tniiee I have named, encountering iinwbi re any engineering ililUculiy,and nowhi re being suliji-eted to thu expeli-o in dtep cuts or lilts, It seems as If rn imu bad designed the valley for tie-1 . eourugenient of thmu underl.ikl it. io initiate llio gigantic enterprise ol i uing the continent with u rallr d. -orrrfiMiHlenrc .?. I.nnh Jtcjiitlillruii. It Is Muted that tho cholera ut Album) wa- preceded, in the llrst Instance, by a wind which conipellul the Inhabi tants lo put on warmer clothing; nml towards si,u-et, on tho samo day, a den-i and heavy ulouil appeared In Ihu direction of tho sen. It boro directly down upon Album), where il burst, bringing i nuu-oiuis odor, us though of sulistiiiiee In n state of decomposition. Immediately after the setllenient of this! cloudy mass on Alb.ino eighty-six eases of cholera broke out, Kor several tlay.s, it Is -iild, tho nair.eoits odor was rcuuiikcd. on i A i.aay residing on "Hemlock-side," went nut shopping, pioiiiislng her Utile h u she would get lilm it coacu nut. She 1 procured into with (he lnik, In which , stale he had never seen one. On nrrlv- j tit home she gave It In the boy, w la looked al It curiously, smiling, mid laid u down, l'rescntly he said, ".Mother where's iii coiico nut V" "I Ju-t gave It lo you," she replied Tid.lng It up again lie vlewc 1 II cuiti inptuoiisly forn iin'iuei.t.aiid i xclii'iu -d "That thills ucoiuoiull 1 thought It ,m a '- - "'' A virv iiatiiinl ml lake, i ,i