1L" L .- THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. he (ifolumbhm. HLOOMSUUKQ, PA. KHIUAV .MOIl.M.Vtl, OCT, I, 1S0J. TIII3 COI.l'.MIIIA li I lie Large.) I'lrrnl.tlon lit t'ollimlil ntnl .(lJolulnR cimiiiiL. of nn' mitr iiiilill.lml lier. nnd Ii alio n mnclt larger ihf t Ihaii any rf IIMotrniinrartr t niil I therefor. Hi It .1 medium for aurertLliig In 'ilil. ..eiton nf the. mate. ONE MORE RALLY. Tun Democratic nml Coiiservnllvo rltlxciiMof HloonisbtirifjWlIl bomlilrawcd nt the Court limbo, on next Monday Kvrnlng, by Cut. C. II. Hkockway, mid othrr. Tho DIooniHlitirtr llnwi Uiunl will bo In ftttcmhim'C. Tlio Indies iin- ri'iiiectfully Ittvltisl to Ik! jinM-nt. " No illlTcrciiculiowtliet'lfctlon row," say tome. In It ,o? Did It imiko no dlffori'iico that tho Democratic party Wiw defeated In 1SC0? Did we over have stamps on noteH, reci'lpts, deeds, niortiraRW, BKrccmenti', pills, lozeiifres, matches nnd tliotiNimU of other things 'too tedious to mention," until the Radicals unite Into power? Did you ever hear of nn Income tax, of n tax on carriages, on silver plate, and of being obliged toglvuan account under oath, yearly, as to how much you Mild or con numed under a Democratic administra tion V Did you ever hear of any one being paid flo dollars a day to lounge around your neighbor's distillery to watch how many gallons of whisky ho manufactured, under n Democratic Ad ministration? Did you have to pay the present prices for tea, coffee, btigar, iniisliii, calico j nnd everything you eat, drink, or wear, undent Democratic Ad ministration? J f not, then It does make a difference how the election goes, and which party is in power. RX A M ' SV. Tl I U T i:.V I) A V A SS BW.M EXT?. Our i'rleiuls, the Committees of vigl lunco and others, are earnestly urged to examine the recent asei-iiients nnd eo that thu persons ifscssed nro lawful res idents of tho towiiihip or Borough and not Mjiiio hired Radical sent theru by the I'nlon League) from Xow York or elsewhere, to help carry Pennsylvania. I'intl out all uliout that before tho day tf election, to that any attempt at fraud may be defeated. It Is greatly to bo feared that tho Radicals will do what thoy have done nt all our elections, sluco 1862, hire thousands of persons from the adjoining Watpj to locato themselves temporarily In Pennsylvania to vote on Tuesday next. Stand at tiio window allday, challenge uvery stranger that offeH to vote, and Insist that his right to voto bo made clear under oath. llKAit In mind, taxpayers, that yon ore not only required to pay tho real estiito tax which was remitted by act of tho Legislature in 1SG0, hut over one million dollars in addition, for that amount has been added to tho yearly taxes, to maKO up for Radical corruption and extrnvigance. For this year the peoplo have been required to pay two or tltreo times moro tax than during any previous year. The extra tax levy will cover Ihn real estate from two to three Union over. Voto for Judgo Williams nnd tho Radical candidates for tho Leg islature, nnd you will always Imvo this great burden to bear, nnd probably i-till moro grievous additions. Patriot and Cniun. Who is Riyroxsiiiu:? Ren. Wade, In his speech at Clcvaland, Ohio, the other day, said "the country Is now In a perilous crisis," commenting upon which, tho Springfield (III). lleglsterm marks : Whoso fault is it ? Tho Radi cal Congress and tho Radical Governors in the North havo been controlling tho country sluco tho closo of tho war. All tho laws made for tho government of the people, both North and South, have been mado by a Radical Congress nnd Radical State Legislatures. Iftho coun try is In a "perilous crisis," tho Radicals nlono aro responsible. They havo had full sway. I'liosi every portion of Pennsylvania wo recclvo Intelligence which assures us of a great Democratiu triumph on next Tuesday. In every section tho Democ racy are thoroughly organizing and properly preparing for tho great battle, .lodge Hharnwood's nomination has ex cited tho most Intoiisecuthuslasin, while the corruption and infamy of the Radi cal parly are driving away from tho support of Its candidate thousands who never before faltered in their allegiance. Tim masses want u change, and me wheeling fast Into the Democratic col umn, Tho day of our redemption Is drawing near. Tn:: Democratiu party lias over been tho friend of tho foreign born citizen, And that has always been well under stood and appreciated by tha sons of Ireland, whoso patriotic real for their adopted country is ever shown by i heavy support of our candidates. Many of tho Ocnnans, especially In tho Western States, were carried nway from us on tho Negro issue, but they nro coining back faster than they left, not being willing to go with tho Radi cals any further thoy dontexaetly like Sunday laws, and laws to nstraln the sale of their favorite beverage, Lager lleer. Wo welcome their return. Ouit Information from all parts of tho State, lsof tho most chccrlngchnrncter, mid there) appears to bo every prospect of tho election of Georgo Sharswood, hut wo must work as wo never beforo worked on Tuesday next, If wo de-Ire to rejolco over our victory. Columbia county has never failed to irniicupto thoexpectittlou of our riends abroad, has in fact nearly always went beyond It, and wo hope, at tills, per haps tho last clinuco wo may have to vote, moro than thousual majority will bo given. Itcnn'bodono if our friends determine to do It, It Is poor economy anil worse policy, to my nothing nf tho dishonesty of the thing, to defraud tho government by not putting the proper stamp on busi ness papers. A real iluto agent In Chicago was recently lined fifteen hun dred dollnrs for neglecting to properly htnmjiu largo number of leases. And yet these risks nro run every day care-.) Icwly or by design. A LIQHT VOTK Wtl.ii not secure a victory. A full vote will do co beyond n doubt. T'i Radicals In this county are holding no meeting-'. That Is In accordance with tho order of their Statu Committee, They have directed that no meetings be held In heavy Democrat ie counties, be rouse It would tend to stir up the Demo crnts and get out a vote. In their ovn "counties they nro pusli Ing a strong and vigorous Campaign Dcmocrtts, don't bu deceived by tho up parent npathy of the Radicals. Turn out nml poll till your votes. A full vote Is a victory. Don't I.iki: it. Tho Httsbttrg He nubile (Republican) docs not tnko kind ly to tho WIllliuiHiiort platform. It jays: "Homo of the resolutions passed by tbo Convention were extremely radical, and cannot help proving ofTeiiHivo to all reasonable, progressive, aim conserva tive men. Tho question of negro stiff rnira was beforo tho Convention, nnd al though not acted upon, it was admitted that tho party was In favor of It. With tlin t.rliiHnlnii nmmr-tiitml Iiv thn C?nn- ventlon, ice feel confident that even the good reputation of juage Williams can not save the party from defeat. It ro quired ten righteous men tosavo Sodom am! (lomorrah. Rut Lot could not llnd them." This Is Just what wo liavo already said. Tho better tho man, tho less like llhood thoro Is of ills accepting such nomination. Ry accepting It ho cannot Ignore the platform, nor can ho bring it up to n decent standard, lie must go down to Its level, and (hero ho must stay, Oiticiai, figures show that In blx years fourteen billions five hundred millions of dollars havo passed through tho Treasury of tho nation. Ry the census of 1SC0 It appears that the value of all tho real and personal property all tho United States and Territories was sixteen billions one hundred and fifty-nine millions six hundred nnd six tccu thou-and and sixty-eight dollars Thus nearly the full amount of all tho property, North, West and South, has been expended since the Radicals came into power. And now, although peace prevails in all parts of tho laud, tho par ty In power Insist upon taxation of the country as a means of retaining their hold on power, place, and plunder, Will businessmen agree to this? Age A woman in Tennessee informed iter husband, a few days beforo tho election there, that If ho voted the Mongrel tick. ct she would leave him. lie did so, and true to her word, on the evening of tho election day she moved to her father's hone, where her husband went after her. Nothing daunted, sho ordered li Int to leave her prcsonco, as sho would not live with him another clay. She declared to lilm that sho held In utter contempt a man who would voto for n party that was seeking to degrade her self and her children clown to the degra dation of negro equality. Glorious wo man. Tiik State pkiit. A statement lias been Hying through tho Radical organs that tho State debt has been decreased almost two millions during tlio admin istration of Gov. Geary. Rut when the whole truth appears, theso "pnper- bullets or tho brain" fall harmless. Tho people havo not yet forgotten tho adver tisements in leading papers, calling for a State loan of twenty-three millions, nnd agreeing to pay six per cent interest, when all previous loans havo been ob tained alflve per cent. Will these gos pelsoftho Radical persuasion noverstop such lying to which in their desperation thoy resort ? The Radicals arc afraid to hold pub lic meeting ami avow openly their de termination to impeach tlio President, overthrow tho government, foreo their Puritanical bluo laws upon tho country, tho negro into the railroad curs, into tho public schools, into tho social circle, and imywhero a white gentleman or lady may go. Rut they aro thoroughly organized, and will bring to the polls, next Tues day, every one, old nnd young, belong ing to tho party of many names, but al ways of disunion principles since It abandoned tho faith of Henry Clav nnd Daniel Web,ter. Am. over tho land, wherever the Radicals have been In power, comes the same taloof Increased taxes of extrav aganco nnd plunder. Is not this the ex perience hero? Has not our State been bankrupted by them? lias not tlio ex penditures of our country been steadily lncrea-ing since It has been under their control, whereas they should have been decreased? Is this the party tho peo ple, looking to their own good, should keep In power? Answer nt tho coming election. .V. Don't TitAtu: orr ouu Candid ates. Democrats, voto tlio whnlo tick et front top to bottom. Tho opposition nro resorting to their old g.inio of ouer- Ing to trado certain candidates, that they may elect ouo or two men, but ev ery truo Democrat will regard such an offer as a personal Insult. Tho men on our ticket wcro fairly nominated, aro honest nnd capable, and every woy wor thy of your support, which will elect them all by n luutiUmio majority. " Am I a Rapicai. I "Wo clip tho following rrsponso to (hlsquestlo'n from thn Now York Journal of Commerce: Ami n Radical? God forbid! Call mo any other name, "but ns thou Invest me," call mo not i Radical. What ! n trampler upon and a desplscr of tlio Constitution of my country I n vlllller and nu nbuser of tho section of my birth nn oppressor of my people an avowed enemy of my own raco nnd col or, and n worshiper at the shrlno of Af rica! No, no, not n Radical. Call mo anything else, but for goodness snko don't call mo a Radical. Tin; Radical managers nro alarmed ; they sco that the peoplo are about to drive them from power, nnd becrct 'ngentshavebeenprowllngnbout through tlio country to find out howinauy fraud ulent votes will be, required to eavo them from defeat. Our friends must keep n sharp look out for all kinds of tricks and fraud, for thu Radicals will stop at nothing to gain their ends. Money wlllbo thrown broadcast over tlio Stuto next Tuesday, by the Union League, with the hope that enough vo ters (an bo bribed Into tho support of Henry W. Williams to elect him. White men are expected to voto to bring themselves down to the lovel of tho African, for money ; Is there a white man In Columbia county base enough to do that? HOW THE PUBLIC TREASURY IS SWAMPED, ritn-'t,ia.ov oi' Unitkii states t HEN'ATOltS. Conouess continues to create now officers and lncreaso salaries. There an array of twcntyjhousnndofilco hold ers connected with tho Treasury De partment alone In this country, nt this hour, sucking out the life-blood of tho masses. Wo havo sonto of them In every Congressional district laying up from five to seven thousand n year for services which thousands of honest capable men would bo glad to perform for ouo-llfth of what they receive. Congress has raised tho pay of Its own members to tl vo thousand dollars a yenr. besides pillage nnd plunder. This snln ry Is about fourteen dollars n day, for ovcry day In tlio year, Sundays and'nll nnd probably moro than thirty dollars a day for thu actual time spent. To this should bondded an nvcrago of J2,000 each year for mileage. In other days. Congressmen took a largo number of news-papers, on both sides in politics from their Stoto and ols-ewherc,but now they very largely commute for money Jtkli. Intel. Tho amount of plunder thoy get Is past finding out j but, by way of Illus tration, let us give tomo simple of.lt upon a small scale, and leave you to Judfto what It must bo on a largo scale, We havo a copy of Sennto Mlscellano ous Document No. 51, Thirty-ninth Congress,'.'!! session, In which Is a detailed statement of payments from the con tlngcnt fund of the Senate for tho year ending December .1, 1800, published In accordance with an act pas-ed in 1812, and certified by J. W. Forney, Secre tary of tho Senate. It Is a pamphlet of 87 pages, about 10 by 0 Indies, in flno print, giving items of contingent ox penscs of the Senate, which, In tlio nb eonce of Southern Senators, is composed of 51! members. We havo added up somo c'ns-es of those Items with tlio following.resiilts,whlch show sufficient ly the character of thoe contingent ex penscs: For roclipMcnli". Ml hi number n.lts :to Kor ien-Uiilvcs,ll. In numln-r I,3JI 00 .Milking VI l kuut-H rnr lhoNu5Ji;.-iiUHmclit in ihiu riir. iiuuiii iit'iicn: uvcrnirw cusi iiniountlnir to Oil 701 piilrn iflit'nrit, nbiiut 1 1 inlr ohcIi, aost.. .T-iS fto Hniiiw 301 7.117 pair uf wlsiors. MiuutL-J imlr nicli.nt n lltlK-iiver Stiiii.'ilr..-. I.1S0 10 .wimir ui KiuKiu UH.UUUIH 4 IHltr C11CI1. lit H'-iilniinlr 11(1 inrl-H !'..'.'..!!.!'...'".!"". Sill CO .. Sl 7! l'l nortrollns.ncurlv li pitch, nt nltniit St . 1,101 01 . 1,1)19 30 1KI litH.-Hl'1-UtlUKS, J! CUCl. Ill UlHHll tJU... .") linishc... .v4 r-ln-cusliluni , l.i 8. b Hi's of tw-11.1 ,. 31' I W .. m CM . l.rcii r,i 2,MH Ic.Kl-pcnelU . 721 : ,. -I.-.KI 00 N'w-iitniers nnd magazine 2,H7uJj realm paper . 4.0-rj 37 ,-ui,iji cuvcioics.. .10.001 t-'J Other items, such as paper weights, corkscrews, cords, erasers, leather dus ters, chamois skins, folders, pen-wipers, blank-book.,inkstandj,eyelet machines, pamphlet-eases, copy-books, papcr-flles, pen-racks, stationery cases, gold pens, dies, key-rings, match-cases, fluid, sill: tastle, card-cases, memorandum-books, combs, cologne, soap, pomade, toilet pow der, lemont, are scattered through tlio book In quantities sufficient to supply ail their friends, or to set up variety stores in tho country. J11 tho IIouso the rule allows each member so much for stationery, to bo paid in stationery or money, as ho chooses but stationery is furnished in addition forall committees, and tho practice is for MEMIIKRS TO SUPPLY THEM SELVES FROM THAT FURNISHED TO COMMITTED, AND THEN TAKE THE ALLOWANCE. ItEl'EATI.NCl IT AT THE ADJOl'KNEI) SESSION IN JULY. On motion of Mr. Spattldlng, of Ohio, in tho IIouso of Representatives, on thu 8th of July last, an order was adopted to allow tho SAME AMOUNT TO MEMBERS FOR NEWSPAPERS AND STATIONERY for that brief ad journed term ns followed for n short term of Congress. If they will thus rob tho people in small matters, what may wo not expect on a largo scale? Is it any wonder that theso men amass immenso fortunes : that so many of thorn aro able to bo traveling now in foreign lands, rioting in tlie luxuries nnd splendors of wealth? 0 ask tho tax-payers of this county to read over this list of stealings, nnd then answer tho question whether tho itrty which permits it should ngnin bo trusted with favors? Tho tax-payers now furnish members of Congress with combs, brushes, soap, pin cushions. i(i'd(wliieh means widskoyleorkscrows, etc. All thesoin addition to the $5,000 n year salary, and heavy mileage. How long bhttll tills waste of tho people's inonoy e lutinuo? Let us rebuke it at the polls the 2d Tuesday of October. The meeting nt Jerseytown on Moti lity afternoon was unusually large nnd iitliuilastic.andthls.too.inthofacoofthe fact that it was a line 'buck-wheat day.' t least ono-thlrd or tlio audience were ladles, who rewarded each of thu speak ers with a handsomo bouquet. Tho olll- cers were John Smith, Esq., President j Richard Demott, John Mordan. N. Welllver and Isaac Wagner, Vice Pres idents, and J. A. Swisher, Secretary. rito meeting was addressed by Colonel Frcoze, Capt. Rrockwny nnd Thomas Chalfant, Esq., who reviewed the poli cy of the Radical Congress, their failure to restoro the Union, and their respon- llilllty for the present sondition of af fairs. Wo venturo to predict that Mad- on will do her whole duty. Ot;n Democratic friends should bo car ' on tho ground, noxt Tuesday, and not only sco that every Democratic voto Is polled, but what i3 qulto important, bo at nnd near tlio window, to watch tho movomentsof tho Radicals. There every reason to believe that hnvlng nny amount of money at their command and not over scrupulous fin tho means they employ to carry elections, they will not lie.sitatato to resort to bribery. noon yourguurd.atid let it bo seen that you know your rights, ami dnro main tain them. You nro expected to bo earnest, nctlvo and brnve. Hon, Ono, II. Pendleton, whoso most eloquent nnd powerful address wo gave to our readers last week, will bo remembered as tho Democratic candid ate for VIco President in 1801, but It is not so generally known that ho Is tho ton-ln-law of tho late Francis 8. Koy, tho author of that splendid National song, "The StarSpangled Manner," nnd also of that must beautiful hymn In tho Episcopal Prayer Book : "Lonl, Willi kIoyvIdi! honrtlM prnl tlif Yot llinlillsi thy line brxtowij For tho pui-ilonlng grace that na n me, Aiul tuit ik-acti that from It ftowi." The Radical party appropriates mill ions ofdolhtrstosupport Idloand worth less blacks, but It deliberately repeals the law, and tukes from tlio soldiers of tho wnrof I8l2,n pittance of forty dollars a year. DESTnucriVE HunuicANK.-On Wed nesday last about noon, one of the most clestructlvcstormsthat has over visited this section of country, aroso suddenly lu tho west nnd hurst over our town with tcrrlblo fury. It lasted some thir ty minutes, during which tlmo It over threw spires, blew down buildings, top pled over chimneys, twisted up trees by tho roots, and otherwise did Immenso damage. Tho beautiful spire of the Mahoning Presbyterian Church, which had braved tho tornado a year since, had to yield to this blast, nnd was bro ken off above the clock face, lifted up bodily and tho baso thrown upward by the storm, causing tho npex to strike the roof of tho church ns It cnliio down, shooting through It llko nn arrow, tho point end lodging on tho sofa. In tho pulpit. The loss to tho congregation will amount to over ono thousand dol lars. Mr. J. G. Thompson, on Mill street, had both gables of his store houso thrown down and tho roof carried clenn off, ono portion landlngon Bloom street, while nnother section landed in n garden in tho rear of tho block, whilo still another portion fell on the adjoin ing house, crushing In tho roof. The eastern end of the new school houo on Walnut street, was blown down to tho second story floor. A houso nt tho corner of Church nnd Jfa- honing streets, was partly demolished On Mill street, tho tin roof on Henry Moycr's building was rolled up llko a scroll and carried completely over tho largo store houses on tho opposltosldo of tho street nnd landed In the rear Various other buildings on this street wero moro or less Injured. Several buildings on Yorks' Hill wcro much damaged. The new casting house nt Hancock it Crovellng's furnace was blown down. while chimneys without number wero toppled, fences, sheds nnd outhouses blown clown trees uprooted, etc. Uiero were some hair-breadth escapes Part of the roof on Stephen Cuthbert's house was wrenched oir,nnd tlio chim uey thrown down, the bricks from which fell through the roof on to a crib containing n small child, covering it up completely with bricks and debris, yet strange to say It escaped with n few slight bruises. Tho esc.ipo from death was wonderful. Sluco writing the nbovo wo havo heard from the country. In Liberty, valley, junlionlog and ndjoinlng town snips the destruction was fearful. Any number of bams wero unroofed and whole orchards nearly destroyed. Ono near Mausdalo having somo twentv eight apple trees torn up. Tito corn and buckwheat suffered badly. In somo fields tho buckwheat Is laid down as flat as n floor, making it imposslblo to harvest it. Resides this, miles of fences havo been thrown down and scattered. Tho destruction of timber has been immense. A gentleman from tho coun try informed u? that ho noticed where hickory trees from t'lghteciilnohcs to two feet In diameter wcro wrenched off at the roots as though they had boon reeds. Altogether It was n storm long to bo remembered. It was accompanied by by heavy hall and a delugo of water. bavo our town from another such el o- inental war. Danville Intelligencer. The Atlantic Monthly rou Oc: Tonun. Contents : Tlio Guardian An gel. Part X. By Oliver Wendell Hol mes. Themlstocles. A poem, by William Everett. Ben Jonson. A biographical and critical sketch, by tho essayist, E. P. Whipple. Uncharitableness. Tho Rose Rollins. Tho first section of a story of New England seaport life, by Alice Cary. International Copyright. A vigorous and unanswerable plea for the protec tion of authors, and this for the best in terests of literature, by James Parton. Tlio Flight of thu Uoddess. A iioem. by T. II. Aldrich. The Throne of the Golden Foot, by , W. Palmer. Tho Autobiography of a Quack. Part I. Writings of T. Adolphus Trollope. By II. T. Tuckerman. A Natlvo of Borneo. A sketch of n colored linguist found in South Carolina by a Masaehusotts oillcer. By-Ways of Europe. From Perplg- itau to Montscrr.it. By Bayard Taylor. Dinner Speaking. By Edward Ever ett Hale, author of "A Man wlthouta Country," "How Mr. Frye would have preached It," etc. Reviews and Literary Notices. Ticknor A Fields, Publishers, lloston. Meeting in Espy. Tho meeting was held in thu now mid spacious School House, which Mr.Relghnid had ghted nnd in order. John Hobl-on, resident! James Lake, P. T. Ilartman, 'ice President j John Krcssler, Secre tary. Tho meeting was well attended and was addressed by Col. Freeze, In n speech which cllcted frequent applause. 1110 ntato negro legislation, tho squan dering of tho nubile taxes, the impor tance of tho election of Sharswood, and Its results wero forcibly depicted. Tho meeting ndjourned with tltreo cheers. The Democrats of Centre township met last Saturday night tit tlio houso of John drover. It was organized by tho appointment of John Hill as President, Charles Dieterlch, VIco President, and Mordecal Millard ns Secretary. Tho meeting was then addressed by M. R. Hicks, O. W. Miller, Capt. Brockway, and ,Dr. P. H. Frcoze. The voters of Centra will bo out In full force next Tttosday, hut wo doubt If sho cun beat her votoof last year. Hotvover, thereis no harm In trying. IIundui'.iis of Democratic voters are poor men, havo no way of going to tlio election except to walk, nnd thoso who havo tennis, carriages, or other convey ances, should by nil means seo that no Democrat falls to bo at tho election, noxt Tuesday, for want of a way to go thoro. A JiiDOE of tho Supremo Court Is electedor fifteen years. Securo thercforo by all means tho election of Hon. Geo. Shnrswood nnd !hat,securcs tho Bench for many yonrs. Dont leave n voto nt home. Every voto counts ono. Millions of Public Debt, and taxa tion twlco as great as Is exacted from nny other people, are the frulls of six years Radical rule. Yellow j'isvr.it In New Orlcaiis.Qnl veston nnd other points South Is exceed ingly futul, the deaths being forty dally, in tiio flrt named placo, DEMOCRATIC TICKET. KOUJtlXIIJOI-TlIK SUPIIKMK COl'ItT GKROHGE SHAltSYVOOn or piHLAiiEt.rittA. , VOU ASSHMlll.V, THOMAS OIIALFANT, MONTOUK COUNTY. Fon sm-.itiri-. MOttDKOAI MTIjT.AIU"), UENTlti: TOW'XSHir. foil Tiin.Vsi men. .TA0013 YOITK, MIFFLIN TOWNHIIIP. roil COMMlHSlOMIll, DAVID Y13 AGE 11, LOCUsJT TOWNSHIP, VOll Jl ltV C0.1IM1NSIONKII, TITOS. .T. W12L.T.IVI3K, MT. PLEASANT TOWNHHIP. I'OIl AVDITOII, JACOB HARRIS, HEMLOCK TOWNHHIP. VIGILANCE COMMITTEES. The Standing Conimitteo nt its re cent meeting adopted an address, select ed tiirco Democrats In each District to net nsa Vigilance Committee ; to whom Instructions will bo sent by tho Stand ing Committee ; nnd directed the nil dress nnd tho list to bo published In all tho Democratic papers of tlio county. Heaver B. Zimmerman, AIlenMann, iiuirics .UK-naei. Ilenton J.J. M'Hcnry, RolirM'Hen ry, I. K. Krickbnuin. Hertciek Isaiah Bower, Hudson Owen, J. S. Sanders. lllooml). Loweuberg, P. Blllmeyer, j. ji. ensey. Ilriercreek Win, Lntnon, J. O. Jaco by, J. C. Smith. Uitawissu M. V. B. Kline, Dr. J. K, Bobbins. J. II. Creasy. CWitYe-C. II. Dictterlck, H. D. Knorr, Andrew Frca. tntralia-J. B. Knlttle, P. Killeen, T. O'Oerharty. Conyngltam Win. Goodman, D. T. M'Klernan, Dr. Wohlfortli. I'ishiniicrcekl). M'llenry, David Savage, John Sutton. I'ranklin David Kuittle, Washing, ton Purr. II. J. Reeder. OrienwoodlMixc Dewltt, John Leg- gou, a. J. Albertson. IlemlockW. II. Shoemaker, Capt. i. i.eiuy, jacKson i-.mniett. Jackson Daniel Young, Silas M'llen ry, Henry Wagner. Locust Gem I lower, John Snyder, Daniel Stiue. Jfadison Capt. W. J, Allen, James Kisiier, A. K. Smith. JAiVic-U. J. Campbell, W. T. Shu matij JI. G rover. Jlij)linA. Sehweppenheiser, Dr. Montgomery, J. H. llottlor. Montour Noah Mouser, P. Helm bach, James Farnswotth. Jit. I'aimnl Wm. Miller, Win. Howell, John Mordnn. Orange Dr. Megargell, Col. Kline, Moses Everett. Pine John F. Fowler, John Lore, Luther German. Iloaringcrcckicii D. Hotick, N. Dreisbach, Amzl Craig. Scott P. Kut, B. F.RoJghard, J.Lake. Sugarloaf Alinas Cole, Andrew Lau bach, G. Moore. By order of tho Comiiiltte. JOHN G. FREEZE, Chairman. It Is said that tho shares of tho Wash ington Library Company of Philadel phia are being disposed of with lines nmpled rapidity. Tito absence of nil concealment, tlio honesty oi pttrpo-o manifested by tho-o who first inaugu rated tiio enterprise, tlio fairness with which tho proponed final distribution is to bo conducted, and tlio patriotic pur poso to wliich tho entire surplus Is to be applied, have taken firm hold upon public confidence. So largo havo the ales been thus far tluit tho t rustees hope to anticipate tho tlmo originally fixed for tlio dispensation of thcglfts.nnioimt ing to i300,omi, thus placing the funds collected much sooner than they expect ed in n channel to carry out th nohlo act of benevolence which was the object of their enterprise. All tbo,-e,therefore, who desire to participate with them In tlio pleasure of doing it good action should suh-crlhe without delay. Thoy will receive at oneo a flno engraving, wortli at retail more than the money invested, besides a gift of stieli value as their share may ho entitled to in tho final distribution. Read the advertise ment. ' Vote Haki.y. Tho weather is very uncertain at this scaon, and If tho ele ments prevent your going to the polls at tho hist hour, you cannot sleep in peace for having neglected your duty to yourself and your fellow still'eiers under Radical misrule. Vote early and vote right. JrnriK SllAltswooi) Is no repudiate!-. Ho Is in favor of every man paying his honest debts j and If ho agrees to pay In gold ho must do so, nnd not in wood, stone or paper, nud call it legal tender, nfler n positive agreement to pay in "gold." The session of the P.tn-Angllcan Synod convened at Lambeth Palace. London, on the t!llli of September. Bishop Whltohoiiseof Illinois preached tho opening sermon. MARRIED. AI'PLEMAN-KI.INE-On llu Srtl, r,r Skplim- . - '. "..-."i- ilium, u.v 1 lilc-r .1. J. Ilnrvpy. lr. p. !. Apiilnntin unit M In H. J, Kllnp, Ixiih of Columbia county, 1-u. CAltt'.y-Kl I'KEV-Oii n,o iwii ult.. Bt Town Jllll.lij- llnv. K. WwUworlli, .Mr. John Cnli-y, 2.' oluinlms, liiMJsji Loruiiu Htuliry, uf Tnwu IIIII, I.uc, io., Pu, " LASHl'I.Ij-Pr.C-K-ln Drookljn. N,Y..iv tlio iiov. w.ll. I oolo. on ll.o Villi Jan.. lir. It. M. I'thell, of llilHt-r Vnlli-y 1-u., u .Mmy Pf ck, ot Urookl) p. N, Y, ALIlHIOllT-IllXAPI.AI.V-Ontlii-tttli l,y tho ,.l,V.v:v,m,,,1'J'r.JlrIl,1 Alluluht, lo Vlr illllttI)cliiplnlii,U,ilioUtoorliimiiil'Jwi..,Col. lunula co., Pu, 1 ' HILL-lIUaiII-Oli IhoSIIU Hit., nt tliu rrcl- iieoru 01 ini-onue-K iiiinor. Iiv I ho llev. A. II, Mil ru. Mr, Jiiiih Hill to MiMMaiy f. Hushes, IkiUi ol Ltlitro -Ittp., C'olumlilu in.. Pu. LOOMIH-PENNMAN-lnlloulnnC-lty. C'olorniln on uin-Ai nit.,ly tin- Idv. N. 'llminiMm, Mr. W m. LoomU to ML. Aniili- Piiiimin.ioiiiicily bflllooiiHljurg, Pn. ItOW-I.EIIiy-Iii W'ntlilnmomlll on Urn 1st li nu., uy inn Ilov. II. 1', KIllK, Mr, Ili-nry J, How of Volley Twp.. to Mlm Marllm A. Lrlily, of Ili-mliK-XTwp., Monluur co Pu, Iil-AyEn-mKiiiriiiiii,in 1110,1.1! ii.iTiiinit Mlliu iiKlilt-nconrtlii-lrMo-Kfiillirr, ly tln-lti v J. II. C'linidinii, Mr, Arllmr W, r.imir, to Minn MuryAIUo Iilihl, toihof Kwivlllt-.Pu. DIED, nnoAiis. -In l oenkt K, mi. bin. on I'tlilny hop flnu'r 17, IMiuolUioiuln.uutil UIJllimiiulMltllll ..MM . .IWj . I'or many yrniu Mr. llliouiln Let t llio hold nl tho foot of the mountain anil u av, cjtiny, more exiiiiblM-ly knomi II, un i ny lunula I u county. Ho n homtt, upright una leu ccliO, Ijcunmui liutuMo christian mid un uiiviiuilni; Pintorrnt, IIAUP In Loitlft loiikhlion the 0tli of Pip- nml 10 on) . ThiiH another honoicil iliiuocrnt. lmvtum osml Iho thrrom-oip nim nml len iillolte-il. l-y tlio rfcnimitit, iinvdoiiiMn It In rrt, I.El'ITmt-In I'lillttililililn, en tin- Cflh till. tluuftLU f ot t)ii lute II un. Aniu w j!t uijiuoiit. 1'4 AIWI t AUUIIKi HAim:iiOu tLcSJUiuU...., ltrlurmU. Midi nei jiutu r, niciU uhvuxm turn, JO UN-Ill Wtiln, Hillio IStli Mil., iluiy vlfw o hllilfj' Jt Jiu, LhJ. DCi-U ttUrut (1 utl l. noooipts to THr C )IiUMI3IAN for Mi'irnnlllo Apr T J Hwlnlir r lnlpl Hlebcr IjtH-UNt Towiiihtp Il of Mniiohiin lirdj I.tirti r.ninii riiiinuT I'liFiimK H.iillli .loliH Mtchiu-I t'unynuhniii tqi .lolm Kli-rcr Alrx Lorkniil M I HuriH rhlltnl'reiitiy ti A Ucitnnti I'M i) auni-licll Ut'Han.ln (.Vtlumtiln rounly chriwtinn limit ,M li Jlctirv AVltilnm Slo Juli n Hnjder (Ion V Derr UfiotlTunplarn llitrrlct i;lafp IKDIMIiip llmyer A Nnyr I'M V, llciiMhiffcr John (.1 lTcrir Kniniicl Hiiydcr CO Murphy .1 ok turn lliirlrrl I'rrmk Jncohy John Ikt. tl tifJ M Chililn.an 00 I (' Wftilier ltlclinr.1 lliorton .1 0") 1 w ft wi iim-mltA Co a i'i 3 0KI, Keinclpy i ft iieiiicii-i r,t v.h uicurlch H.lvMinl Ilnll ' Itloom tnwiikhtp U'lllliiiii Plnmrr 1 w 2 .V) 2 0 1 tl 1 1 '2 (10 2 00 :i im r no 2 m 2 00 4 00 2 IH 1 W) It .Inrt.b Hiutrcl I (' T II Mllti r I i .fohti li JlniMxr U (Ht lAllrt'il Crot'lliift 1 (hi A TrrnllllKpr I mi cjtin.toliiiMm a t v ,rotniMii .Vi )t .1 T sn tU r BtMilM'llinriilnti I WJ'M nf A llrnile :l nn''lt Illohnnl Urtll 1 OU -tin-oil Mldirul 2 wnv H Hhmmlicr a Wii VM crn Fry 1 1-1 lllllali lUrrlng mm 11 PXnir a (Ml III Mrttrn ; mi '2 11 1 00 2 00 2 I'I 2 a 00 2 00 1 00 ,1 Ol 2 50 1 0) H W IS Ul n oo 2 CO 2 Wl (MiHiiH.n Ho) tl A. CM !l 00 (MMIarr in (mill II KHchnor 1 Wl A M I'uuftnti '2 m Julm A runtn l ui liutiit Wnin tip '2 w Hitmutl llliubyHr 2 1 00 2 Wl SPECIAL NOTICES. DlkWlHTAU'ri UAUSAM Ol' WIMl CULItUY, In tlie ho1o litntory tf mwllcnl iJlsoovrrles No HKMrnv lins iirrMriiicilf" tnnuy Mich rcnmrlcft' hlo curcH uf tho muncrmu nfTectlont uf the tlnuut, luiifif mnl iht-M.un thN long tried nna Jutly cMehratctl Hahum. Ho Kohrmlly ncknowl rilled It thcmiperlor I'.xcollonpe of tlili rrmcnly that hut ftwof thf uuny whohnvc tcstrcllt vlr- lues by cxpcrlciue fall luUrtp 11 ut liniht nt a lKt'ly nml ccrlnlu euro urmuUi'iiattadiwof Cb( fully bcllcvliiK that Its rciucillal ixiwtri are romprc In tirIvo rnoiuih tt embrncu ovcry form of lUir.lsc, from tho sIlshtMl cnM tr thn most ihuijtorinn pyniplum nf piiliuuiiiry t-ont plulnt, UNhO!.IClTi:il TISTIMONV. t'wm lti.v. Kkam ih I.(niiEM-, iVwor ftp tuth t'f i.imuI.1..f II (v .liilt ti lilcli T .in-,. tr bilfn.rlnn lumianltv to boar iciittiinny Ut ttic vlrturmf Dn, Wistak'm Uai.hm k Wilii ('i(i;ituvt I liavo Used it wht-it I Iiiimi luul cktuIoii lor anv nine ilyfor tViuchs, ColiN rr Soro thrn.il for many j rnrn. mm uv vr ill n whkih iimumct; nut it i.iui-u In rpl io aiul ni 1 1 mo. lliuo licuuciitlv In't-n (,ryhllaru on Nittuuay, utii lonkcd r'ruard to mv ilPllvl'r.T 01 i wo MTiimn nn i ni' mi i own in uay with n.id iutslvtniin, but by a llbfrid mi ol thi llalsiiiii my hoaiMmi linn luvnilattly vvi tv niovfd, nml I lia n prunched wit 1 1 out dlftlculty, I rniiitnond It tn iuv birthrcn In tlio ministry. nnd to publk1 pulcrrn nem-nilly, im n tt ilalu k modv lur Mm bioiu hlid UutlbUsto uhlch wduiv peculiarly ffXiMisfd,' Prrinud hv KKTII rOWf.K A WV. HTip- moiu M., limtun, and lor sale by I- iuil gun- ruiiy. ciiiAi'i'.M cr.i.r.nr.ATiui salvi:. I'rom Mr. 10. Tuc uj:k. IK hot Musterat SulKbu- ry. Massaclmctts. I hae Im'ou troubled for WAV-i with a bad hu mor; bfiiiit'i lint h fititw nrilly and Mimftlmos In wardly, Durlnathe past Mimincr It iiunlft'sU'd Itfccdf nmiu than iiMtal outwurdly.nnd 1 uvul our Halr, All siui of It haw ituie dKnp. prarpil. without ath-ettnij iiip Inwardly, Indlea tliitf, J think, the ctiullmtlnx uatiuuof tbuKihe, Himi W. l'OWMI A f-ON't lloston, lVoprletorH. .Snhl br Drncirlst nt "'let, n, box. Kont bv mull for Aj cts. TI ADVERTISEMENTS. ONKof tho best f-eloftions of ritco OiMjih In thu f-nuity nt Ciiouti-ki.in'h lolhlllll Store, ll.tltfiiairs btotlc. lllouiiishlllL'. EVKUY Ciittomur may be suru of u GihxI Ht or no salt' utCin.Miiriti.iN'M Clot li Um Mow. 10 3m. A Lit (iarmcnts nmdo in the latent nnd irnwl iinnroid htvle nt (JiiiMnEiiLiN'H Clothhifj More, 4J trn. A Kinds of Heady Mttdo Clothing iV at low iltruir t nt iii.Min:iii.iN''s (Mot hint; More, llartnian'ti blof-k, Ulootiixbiutf, 1U.I0 3m, o VKIt CoaUCiifaput Cui:miu:umxM I'lothhitf store. 10 :im. GIANTS J'ttniHliiiiK flo'jds at Ciir.M IIKHId.N'ft Stoil'. jo m. 4 mil vis;Tit ATmrst x'o'iuf'i. 1. i.-ir.ui: u MAiiV HAiiiM n, iuxi:asi.h. i.tuers or uaiiuiHstiiition niitiut eiiitu of Mary ilartman Into of ilenton township, t'olumbla en., deceased, hive Ih ell Lrrnnted b Ihn ItciflxlL-i nl H.ild co.. lo(Jio. M.lliii I .inn. of tun. All imr. 8nti hn Intr claims or demand iu;nlnt tho estate of thu ih,f-(d''Ut me ie(iuited to rn'ike tlum iuiuh ii, ami move lniicoieti io iiuiko p i ineiil, (ji;untii; : M, II AltTMAN, Oft., I, WT7, dmlnWtrator. ADMirslKTUATOR'S NOTJCK. KSTATi: Ut W. W. 3tr.LI.IlK IHiHAM.II, Ijimicih of iulliilli.triilluli on Iho rstaln ot V, W, Mellli-k. lAle oTHcfilL friwnshin. Ci.liiinlihi i.niiH deceased hao hi en granted by the Itettlur of wild tumity to Amies H, Millkkaml Pelt r i:nt ot wild twp. All poisons having elahns orlnifinds afrihiKt ihothtatoor tliodcewdi ut nto reipiested hi iii.iuv nii-iu ifciiun li, nun I UUMJ iuueuu'i io make ii.iynient. Admlnlstiatoi-s. A UDITOH'S M)TICi:. In tiij: On- - liluilH Coin I of the ( umitt or c nlntnliln ,ttntPnfSAMLrI.L 1 1 AST. th rimru. l h nnl I. tor unpointed b the Court In iuhUh itlt.li I tun dm or tho hukiiieo of tho etftle of wiM defeased, in the lmmNof Uobeit JIasi AdhtliiMnilor ot the wild samuel i:.it late of Scott township, In said ounry, nt eeaMit, will nu-et tlie parlies lor the iiuiio-4.' ot Ids iiiiioiuttui-ut. on saiurd.iv. ntm. c. ii. imocKw.n ()etohet;i, lj,7. Auditor. QTOVi:S! STOVI1S!! STOVES! !! .nisi rrrt-iiu n t-puii'llilnvhorliiicnt nr W.M. I'KN.N cooki.no S10VI, . . . A Nil I'AI'.I.Ol! nml HIllU'STOVIX. Slow. I'll, TlllU lin llllll tlliltki. fl.l lii.lilli.r ifm.lu nt.. itn t..-u w. n.NMnii Onill.'l' llli'. I'll., Ol t'jlwr J, lilT Um. s ojirriiijca XKv. 'I 111- linilelMirm il In u-t lonvo In liir.irn. Iii-i- fililnls ni-.l ll.' pulill.- iti'iK-inlly, lli.it i.liu lias i.uiiiT ti!i:i;t r Kuuili In thu linn of tl fll -111 htucli MII.I.I.VIIKY mill IKIMMIMIS 111 riiniu-i-tlnn with I)n Miil.tiii;; ami li pri-p.iri-tl lu HiMilluii, tn (ui.iii: aiiiAW u.vr-i im tin- uliiirli si imtlci-.i.iul In Um mi,i htv ,,i UK mi. i lu-i k t iii-.in tilltl s.UKi;ti-!urv. I.luhtMrdl.Oitiilirr I, K'-l;'1-- oKlnafiriu'il-x- .J t-oMKTiiiNa vr.; sin,, .rum a. una mus llll- M. 1 liri-lllV W II Oltl 11 ..11 1 u, M..I.. nml Wmt luii, llliionibbiiri:, on tho nlntli iluy I.AUlf h'HII'l I JI1I.II11I..N-H rnlllll.SAni.Kll.ll.lK i-.ni:iiN nnil imrjvs siunr. M'llh nn enlln-lv iiiiriinrlnii'iit ..r ii.n i...ui Intrht unit mohl liisliluii.ibln pimhU, ullli nutttiilu una tylr.s loimitcli niiilntli'UtniiuliloiuK-H.llii-y llutu-r lluiimelvi's ihat tlu-y uui nwunmcxiulti tlio public In i vcry pmllruliir, Now is the tijii:. Cull una i-Mimlnr uumtwU mid w li-t-t your piittcrns. wfiooer i. I 7rKiriT'i-'H.sAiii:.s7" " IIV lrtliunf knvi't-nl riitu t.f -, ,ir i .....i VauUttnnl ojiot, lisued out of the Court nf L'omilion PUuh nf CohniibliL i-mmh' tn inn ,11. 1 i (led, Will be ex nose I lo public Kileat Ihn Court . . t "I nww.MOU nil, OIlHA 1 l HUA1 ,(JCIO ber 20 1mi7, nt 10 n'cluelc, A, !., tlio followliiK real All thai lertaln nu unni'it nml i mi i.m.i uti. uato In .Madison lowiikhio in Hia Mnto afoicmiil boiindil and deerlU-d nn fol low i iieuiiiiontfui u wiiii..- uau, corner of land ' m m i .,Jt'ir niu t,", 111111 "riuiitrt Iliunrn " iih"''. i piriueH in u kwi; uieu(H uy latin oi i rederhk lierr houth wtjitV'twbniuta half iliirrd 7' .r.-u, i,. tlOSt: llieliee Mlllth CkrhtV-llirfU ntnl ntw.-fnrH, ih Rrees ve.t loo orehes to u prt (henci miuIIi iij-oii.-h nun ujieinuiiu iiefiieeH uel 1V.H nerehestou poht: tin inu by land of Oeuii;e Horr h estnle smith foriy-Ken i.nd nnedinlf de KiteM eiiht. Km. I nnriluu in iut. ti,,,.,, of John huUlur iiuith iV(utyhecu tfeaurs un-1, - 1 -vi 1 in- 10 11 Kiki ; ineneeuy nitui or I'oii- nul ( miner north tin iltrrwn wm 11 perehos to n lxiht; tht-mu north liMlueo nnd one-lourtli dt UU i m tafct, :iO,7 pen hen to u i hetmit oak : thenee north twenty. lour nnd ono-Murth deiuies east 00 porchOH to thu plaeoof bCRlmilnir.eomntuluyniie Imntltednnd lwciity-heen iu-km and onu Tmn dred ami eluven i erLhes.Mt btlim the kamepre. nnd which niter ptueuHlhiKH In pnrtitluinvimholii by on it of Oiphans' Couit to JaKion 'Hioiiuh his ndmliiMrator, upon whleli a mortwaKo was taUeu lofceeuie tho oao-tldid part of iho pur eluuo money.) nuvo, uiueu ininexreution nnd to be Hold ns thu pio4..ry nf iiithutl lUiiHiud uire teimnlrt. ALSO All that terliilii biiil.llii l.u.i.-i,i i..t ... irceof ground In -Montuna i lty, Conjimhain iwnshln. Co hi i nb hi iiiimiv mill fVi.,.iii .... of lou and 4 bloelt :i lu tiio nforemild Monta naetty nnd U u utoryand a half bulldlntr belu 'I110 '.l 1'ecn.,(',u,l.fl'!,,lt 1-5'tweiity-llMi feet In 'h'pth. UhofllMJve elalmii f lor lnaterlaU fnr nUlted fr i-uKl building.) projMfrly uf Pettr Ilower, ALSO. A ef rtatu lot nf trroim.i itiinA in n,o n-. ik "V".1'11 i5t,l,I",'1i founty, beiiut tuent. whl; I ireetcd muo Mory frame houxA with tlmPpurUnniuei. Ilouiulcd on thn Kuith by lotbf Mm. &lCntluit. on Iho uiol Itv liviki Av. r mm nn tlie nortli by lot of JnmeB liarry uud on ib uniiyiiin iimn nj jjo ,UCUS( MoUlltUlll t oid and IronOomiinny. bUz-ed, laUfu lueiuuullou nu4 to Lo gold wtUus propkrty 0f lioruey Mcnreartv. October 4, 1SV7, pitKMlUM IjIST or Tin: TWIIMTlf ANNtTAI UXHIMTlOX OK TIIK COU'.MMIA CDt'NTV AOUlCUI.TtTttAI,, HOlt TICtf M IMtAL AND MIX'ltAMCAI AHMOCIATIOX, la nn 1IKM) AT IHiOOM HUV ltd, l'A,, On Wednesday, Thursday nnd I'rldny, Oetnher Uth, Wli,umllllhtl807. The tnahaen nf tl n Aarlcullural Hoclety of i oiiuu oia on my, win eii'ieaor in pin every' thlmi In the beMtoriler tu make the neenmmrxbi tlotii entunlele thUear. nnd m Agricultural Ho- etelle h'io now Ireeomu llxcd lntltutlonn. nnd CMty body acknowledges that thero liaKreAtu amount or Iiiformatloti, recrratlmi and nsrernble asioelatlon lu iittemliiitca well-conducted, nnd n well lilted up l-'utr, tho t'nminlttoo, to whom tho memiHTHiu inoian year n i nir navo entrusted the liiHiinuetnent, woutil rnrnestly nnd reopoet fullv solicit tho eoolioratloii of evfrv ternnii In the eounty, hnptmt lliey will nil bring nctmethlmt to thu 1'nlr of Columbia, thU ever memorable jearoi our lioru, ivt, An evenlhin of thPi kind must havo n syntcm tncnrryllnn with mitlxfiictlon, exhlbllom nnd eontilbulors will pleau rend the ltiMructlUM, nnd en mo to the Pair expecting to nhlde by them iiuoiiv nKiiiiix ior nny mirraiioit. lly orJcr of the l.tecutive Committee, It. H. ItUl'Kltr, Heeretary ri.AH I, tlOIWFA Abnrr Velh. Hunerlnteudeiit. U l pair draiiffht horhen 00 2d do do do fiOO IleKtpnIrcnrrlaKe do kid Sd do dn do ft 00 Ueftt pair rnrrlage mares 8 to 2d dn dn do ft W) Bent Stallion o cr 3 yearn dd 12 W) 2d do do sou jwsi iiuuiii inure. jiii eoii. ni liernliie, Ih)IH owneil liy tlio exhibitor, god .'a no oroon mare, wnu eon ai nor Hide, both owned by tho exhibitor, Host kIukIo cnrrlago horve, 2d do do do Host MiikIo cnrrlago mare, ;n on tin on Kent celdlnj h?tween Ilntvl 4 yenr old no iiiiin- (ill tio ito (Iridium do 2 nnd .1 do do Maro do do do Horn' eolt between 1 A 2 yenrsold do inaie do tin do home or maro colt under 10 months 1 00 2d do dn rlo do do 2 00 un pair mucin eoits uudur i years old t broken to harncHs goo i.MumiorM uiioer huh eiass w in nnreineir nor- r on iiieKitiumi ny wueiooic, Jimrstiay morn Iuk, when they will be exnntlned. JllilifPt Abnrr U'eWh. nrnnimf XVI! tin in 111! dine, Mndivmj Clinton Mendenhull, rniukllnt CLASH 11 OArTI.E, Xelumlah Iteew, Buierln(endent, Durham Stock, Uest bull 3 yenr old and upwards $ 12 00 2d do o do u Wl bent bull between 2 nnd 3 yenrsold Cfx) 2d do do do j w best bull between 1 and 2 enrs old .1 wi 2d do dn dn 2wi hunt bull ealf under 10 monthsnld 2(K 2d do do Atrtrulturht 1 ptttr bi.t lnu't VrilN hill ntnl imu-iir.l. 2d do tin dn best helfi r between 2 and :t yenrw 4tkl 2d do dn do 0 00 I 00 I'M :t no best heirorenlf under 10 months old Dcmn Mock, Itest bull :t yenrs old nnd upwnrdi 2d do do do best bull lMtnrn "nn,! .1 vMitunhl $12 co UWI (JC0 KM :i w 2d lo do do bed bull between t nnd '2 years old, 2d do do do 2 0J npHt null ealf under 10 monlhi old 2d dn 2 00 do do Agrtcultiirtstlyr. tod eow.1 e.'Li itbl iir mtu'iiril' 2d do tfo do lnmt heifer I et ween 2 nnd Jl venm old 2d do do do ( on 100 4 mi :i t 2 00 S 12 no II 00 U(HI 4 00 noo 2 00 best heifer under 10 months old AUlcrnctf Stock. t Ttest bull 3 years old and unwind 1 do do tin best, bull between ntitl .1 vnnru nlil 2d do do do best bull between I nnd 2 yenrsold 1 do do do iKt bull ealf undtr 10 months old 2.1 do do 200 do Arrrivvlturht I )r. 1 dn do do l'.st heifer between 2 and 1 jeur.s old 1 do ilo do best heirer ealf under 10 months old (r(erf Mock. Ili?sL bull '2 rum nbl ntnl nnwunl IM'St TOW n e.iri fiM nml iiniiiiril i no 1(H) !W 3 00 '2 m Sl-'uo 2d po do do Uest bull between 2 atut fl years old 2d do do do V w tl r) -1 IK) :t oo 2 00 2 00 bent, bull lH-Lveeti 1 nnd '2 Vfiirn nlil 21 tin do ito beKt bull ealf under 10 months old 2d do do do .luncuiiuriu l r nest, iniu H MM i ild ii n.l hum nr. I i. ii l do im do A oo best lulfer between 2 and '! yearn old -I uo 2d do do do j(ti host iieifer e.ur under 10 months old 2 00 AVinf S'ock, West bull 2 vear-i ol.l find nnwurit iintl 2d do do do 1 00 oe-il litlll Ot'LUfim l ilikI 'l tuirn ulii .'Inn i.i no noi ilo brs bul eii f under 10 loonllis nl.l -lit) '2 do do Armeutturut 1 vrar best cow 'A e;irs old unit nnwunl it oi 2d do dn ilo (vi best heifer between 2 mid: years old 4 oo Jd do do do ;i txl best ht Ifer under 10 month! old 2 0) rtrm nml Steers, Host yn!:n oxen owned and worked by ex hlbitor aoo t do di do au nest joi;u siei'M nnween 2 nnd n years old I 00 I do do do 2 ik) t.n 111 ItirU wl 1 1 I ill V it Ihn Fkliwlr i-miilv fAP tin, day, and tn remain until 1'rldiv. :i o'efoek. n. m. .luunes Neiiemlnh IIuohu, Hemlock (lottleb uuiniier, i aiaw'iKfti; .ies-,0 iiotimau, Ltntte : .lu cob Yolie, .Mlltlin; U. Wilson, Madison. rr.vss nt swink. A. 1', Young, Superintendent, llet boar 6-l.'i0 t (lu do ;ii best brood how i tm I On UO ,1(h) best sow and phis ((lor more) m noi iot .i or moro uuuer n weeits old .( im I do do do 2 (xi best lot stock iKMsformore) mxi I do do ito 2uo Ileiiry, Ilenton; Lewis lto.it, Montoiu. rt.Ass iv siti.ri', FnincN Ilvntif, Hupei Intendeiit, ( HW, Ilest buck 2d do do b('ht I'Wl) 21 do do Uest buck 2d do do best oW 2d (lo do Itest bin, I; 2d dn do best ewo 2d do do .(111 4 W r. iti too Mhhllt U'oot. a oo t no :i (ni inu IE 141 I 00 ;i oo Judyes t'rances r.nns, Ihiarerock Oco. 1'tl tiiman, Ntcust; John Hmlth, Miidhmi, clhs v roui.Tnv. John Cidm m, Superinteu tent. Itest and lare-d display of poultry 310i) bet imlr chk-kuns Aaricvlturltt 1 vro, 21 do do ,i0 best pair turkeys um 4i uj no nefct pair zwa j , 2d ito do fto bet pair dlU'lCH j (Kj m-iti nun i.nneMoisnuiy oi tamo pigeons , w Jiidvs-Joiin Cadm-iti. lilonn; ilenry Del.-h-mllk'i, Hemlock; Joseph Ulley, Hcott, CI.AS.H VI (JltAIM AND HKi:t, Joseph -Mout.c-r.huni ilutendeni. l.ehl lulf tiiulK'I elover seeil 1 'T -i nu no no i at tlo half do Timothy uoo 2d do do do i) do bushel white wheat nm do do ry w i &u do do buckwheat l frj do dn Knurd ecd eoni enrti 1 .M) do do yellow do 1 ftO do do tunoked do 1 50 do huirbiuhel ll.is.cd I ,'jO do bushel nats i yj Judgeii JoKephMoiuer, Montour; John timber, Hemlockt Wenloy limwimu, Uraimo; Jackson M'Hcnry, I Itlilmjcreok; lYances r.fjyes, Orecu woikI, cms vii vi:fJHTAm.!:s. Minim ApMemnn, Hupcrlntondent, Ihst bushel of nny of tho different vnrit I icK oi )Kimioes 1130 ' (Ml ij bushel Hwcet potatoes on Ufchtj ilel'l turnips 1 .V) j ouNiiei ruin naga 1 ,a J2 ilo hunr beets Aurteuiiuritt 1 vmr l do nuuifold uirt7.ol 1 00 j dn beets j oa 12 do carrots Auriculturtst 1 year do pumuips no : on ouiouh dn dozen vegetable oysters (salnlfy) ilo iwrlc tomatoei do a heads cabbuo do 3 buneheseelery do 4 ew plants do 2i)UaiU Jlmu bonus do 2 do California bean do 2uunrt Koun I leans. dulHnf pumpkins G or mora Auriciulri yr Judges It. Appleman, Hcmlnokt Kolomoti tiUuinuu,Cnlawlsta; Conrad ltlttenbeudcr,llloom ( LASJ VIII HOrbKIIOI.l M ANVVACTUItkK. Uttihen Hum boy, HupL'rluteudeut, Host 10 yards Klanuol, 91 fio 2il do dn dn AgncitlturUt I year do fi yards WnoUn Cloth, l Ui ilo lu vunl-i t'ltrni-t. t .vi Al do do . tl... AtnicuiturUt yenr do 10 ) urd Plaid uuen, 1 ,V) do lOjardt itinper. j ,V) do K'ntt Wool KlrHklngM, 60 do do do Milieus, Ui do Cotton HtoeUluus. til) do Home tuadoHliIri, 1 50 21 do do do do l ou do pair Wool JilaukeU, 200 do pair Linen Mnetw, AHniituTMlpnir do Iloim madoTablu Cli,tli1.lyrlcufunt I yrar Judcs lleubeu Ilomlwy, Hemlock 1 Mrs. Phil ip Cool, Itnurlns Creel; 1 Mr-1 lllrum It. Kline, Oraniiuj Mrs. II Irani J, Heeder.Kranklln, tLiHf IX-bOMESriO MANfFACTUItW, .. J tluUk, Supeiluttiidtnt, Uest loaf of bread, ui do Pound Cake, m do Ulnger Cake, ,y) do Hjiohkw Cake, do Hiuiplo preer es, a) ilo do 1-iult Jelly, ,V) duCiuumber I'iekUN, ,v) dn PUkles of any oilier kind. ui do Applo 1 1 utter, (a do I'eaih tiutter, ,V) do Plum Hut ler, u do (l.apu lluttur, U) do (iulloti rt(hum, 3 oy do tHijed Ham, AyrlcutturUt 1 year n . i n Uo of Hutter-iiot lets (Uau tt, 1 00 -l do do do ui dutuiuplu Haiuat, w do Apple pit, to dauuipbj Yeiut, Ui : do do hardiwap, Ui do do soft do U) 1 jLuItfei-Johu a, Quick, Montouri Mm, Jacob, j K(tetibader, rrahklln) Mrs, lleubrii Wilson, Madl-nni MrN.Harnh i:. l'lirnel, Urnnej (loormj W, luelslmch, Hemlock. CLASS X-I'ANCV AHTICI.K.S ANI1 l'!,OWr.Us, capt, r. u.Jackson, Hupcrlntondent, Uest knllHhawl, fl (M 1 oo 1 in I no 1 m 1 on 1 00 I no 1 (Nf I 01 I 0i) I no t 01 1 00 Vi r i 1 01 1 on 1 on 1 00 fti no no wuni. do Tidy, iIoTetilmi work. dnpceimen Hemt work, do (In dn do do do do do do do In do Shell do lun r do leather work, Hair work Wnx do Prawlntf, I'alntlnc, - -Hiik HnibroMcry, Worsted Hmbroldery, Cotton do do do dn do dn ilo do tin dn Wondcd Mat, 1 In Cotton Mul. no wonted slipper, dnratiey Tin Cushion, do Head l)rens, ipiDlNplnv MosA I'alntlhff, itoOollrofion lhihllnv ' In Worked slipper, do do -tfliousp rianta lu lilmin () do do m Drtetl (Irass, & do do do Klowem. .ni do arlety Kloxrern; r. t) do specimen of Ten man Mil p, t( 1 fj .Indies CnpCC. O. Jackson, "tlrwleki MIm Mary Mendcnhnll, FrnnklnpMnt.ipanlel Hens Mllllhii-Mrs. Harx'ey-L'revoIliiK, Bcottl Mrs Charles It. Fowler, Hcott, T CI.As4'XI KbOtMt, HTOVF.p, TIN-WAItE,' ANH SKNTlHTIiy, Xonti Crltes Superintendent, icd M pounds wheat Hour, It o do do buckwheat (lour, :t ft) do do rye Hour, 3 im 'do do com meal, 3 oj on 1 (MKiuii movu wuu iix uues, do Parlor do do do Set artificial teeth, do Variety of '1 luWare, 2 Ul 1 Oi 2 00 Judges Noah Crltes. CaUwlssai Wm. M, Uni. Hcolti Win, Ulchart, IivmhKk. C't4. U ANHHTIrUHAb IMCI.KMKNTH AM) MAI'ltlNKIirY. Jacob Harris, Nupcrlutclulcnt, licst Plouuh for KOieiul use, 92 (i do (n-n I'loucu, 1 (nj do Corn 1'Ianler, 2 oj do 'I hrerthhur Machine and Power, 1 m dnMouernnd Iteaper wnnbliml, tm do Can 11 1 n Mill, 2 ou do Horio Hay Cork, 2 l) do Corn Hheller, 2 if) do drain Drill, ;i m do farm Waiinn, 2 m do straw or roddir eultr, 2 00 do llriptp Hake, j tt do portable i-hler mill and precis, 1 00 do hied 1 (ii) do Clothes WrliiKr, 1 (ni do Wnvhliut Mai blue, 1 m do Mtus-nire urlnder, I im iiorioer miner, do churn, do Wheel barrow 1 i Ui iprittitturut 1 yittr. do Uglier, Ju dues J acil HnrrU Jlemlockj Wm, T; Hhu nmii, .Main: John Uantz, .laekson; Jn. MftKtrrn Madison. crass xni VEim i.us. Il-ibert Pursel, Huperlnlendent, Ilest family earrliiKe, $i im do top bii'Jijy, 2 ou dn open do mi dOHlelt'l, !..) dohtilky, mi Ju Ikch 1Mb. Pursl, MadNnn ; Hen. It. Hunter, Greenwood; S, P, Mooie, Ih miocu, C'UMS XIV lll.I'.S A Nil IIKKUI M. fKear Anchi nbach, Kupcrlutenditit. lleht swat in ol bees, f(2 im -M do do do .tirlmlturiit lumr. doanii)e five tmt'tidsnf houry, I 01 do bet blc, 1 ut Judges i) Aueheiibarh, Ornnjcc; A. Smith, Hemlock ; John Scott, Cidawln, l LAM XV WINIM ANll MQL'OllS. A. IC. Smith, Huperlutcmlcnt. Ilest rpiart current wine. $1 ro do do blackberry wlue, 1 yo do do Krupu w Ine, 1 00 do do cherry wine, 1 m do do ryo whiskey, t 01 do do cider vlneKr, fio Judges A. K, Smith, Madison t nil Mendenhnll, lien ion; ivtcr Uuibach, Ilenton. CLAV XVI CAIUNKT WAKI. TANNKKM, SltOKM -Ki:ilS, TAII.OltS, POTTKRS AND IlllKK MAKLlt-S WOItK, .Ioenb ReatterLfood. KnncrlntciKlniif Itest ltuienil, dodu'Dsin htnnd, do dliplay eablnct ware, do r.ct wlnJt-or ehaiis, do spring scat chair, do rock I iir elmlr, . dubcUee,.. do made suit of clothes. t uo 2 (01 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 On 2 Oi) tonaitturiit I fcor. 2 00 2 00 1 ii 1 () I 10 1 llj 1 (M 1 III do halfdorou broonn,' do set Rlnle harness, do do (iouhhs do do two sidesNole leather, do do do kip, do do dn calfskin, do pair ealf boots, do pWr kip do do lot earthenware, do sample bricks, ,1" -fill Judges Josepli SeatterRool, Pino; Noah Mous ', Montour; Philip Hartmnn, Hcott, f r, CLASH XVII MtUIT. ThoniiH J, Welllver, Superintendent, I lent half bushel of any arlety of Apples 1 im do dUnhiv olnunles. i ii un (in uo do display of pears, 2d do do do dn display of peaches, 24 do do dn doen (Uincch, 2d do do do AgricxUturiit 1 y'nr. . Ml Agriculturist I ymr, 2 (Ml Agriculturist 1 Jrur, 1 10 M 1 U) 2 00 do uvecIuslerHof unties, do disnluv nfuranex. 2d dn do do Hrtcnltnrist lytur. ilo Iie clusters CreM-UliK KiaHs, do do Concord ur.ipis, do do Diana nriiK'n, do do ltehiware unipes, do do If.ibclla grapes, do Lot Vox crapes, do display of ll.ispberile.s, do sample of dried apples. it) Ui Ui Ui .VI Ui 1 (Ml do do teac les. i-i Uest bfimple dried cherries, stoned A mistimed 5o ludires I bos. J. Welllier. Mt. 1'lt iu.niO H..11. ben Itich.Ureeiiwood: Kllas Kriim. Hcott: Jliiam aUr, 1 Lsldncreelv, (LASS XVIII SI'OUTINO LIST, Uest trotting horse, in-ire, or Keldlng, (en- iranee l"e 5Ji wt 9M If less than four horses are en(nrpl tnr om-h horse less than tour, $JJMiall be deducted from the pu iiiitnu filleted, 1 vkmkkV i.is.r nusr Titur. Uest trotllns horso mare, or geMlntr, (en- 11 ii(i-ii n n r wj id If h'xsthail tour. SIOnIi.iII 1h iltluelid (mm tlif pirmlum oilcied. KWtiSD TKoT. lied trotiliu hots.?, miiro or tfeldlnir, (en- 1 1 iiiKii iee e 0 o) If less than four hnrxtes nrt enteral 4.11(1 horhu less than f.mr,$H!uill be deducted from tiir pn mtum ullcied. , Nometntums will be nwarded for iinv nf thn aboo thii-e trots il less than two hornes oppear to compete lor thu pieiuluiiis. -MiiencHiN, 111 nnrness nesi oui 01 inrec. Ill the l-'.irmers list all liortes nniNt hn intr roil by residents ol Columbia County nnd owned by the competitor nt least threo months beloru the Pair. Judges Stephen II. IVttlbone, Orange j Tims. . Vaudi'i'siUv. Hi mlnek r William Shait'er. Ct n. tie; I'leus rowlil', llllurcieek. clss xix toot ltvriNn. st tun onco around the couiHe(entrauce Si ci li best do do do 00 11 h (hall I ill co Dersou enter furihtu run im pn ni Ui m wilt beawaideil. Judirts -Audiew .Mndison. Madihon A. J. At. beitsou, Ureenwood: A. Melllck, Mt. Pleasant. Ill A NU li:uLATIU.NM. (Article third of the constitution remiln n.r. sons to pay llu AkMK-lAtlou ono dollar to con Ml line jiieiuoersMip, 1 no piaciice. 111 reioioru lias biLii to buy th kelson 1'alr day x.iiud havo thilr names reennlel at the time 1 lri. 1-veiv nerson hav nir articles for iiliu bll ion 01-eoitipetltioli, must becomo a ini'lutr ol tin- Af-siK'l.iton beforeeuterlmt them, second. Minors can beeomu niemberA or ex hibitors when their p.ireulsaru membciM. 'Ihltd, Iho Held of competition Is upeu tunll, tuTons fioiu itthir counties uud Htutwt mn be. ciiiiio cxhibltius upon the samu term un citizens of this County, l ourth, All nrttcles nirered for eomptitlon must be owned bv the comnetltor. Krnlt. nr.. tables, dowers ret., must bo Hhi growth of the computltor.and nil manufactured urtlclo muut bo inane uy 1110 eomiciiior, l'lflh. All stock entered must bn ulmt li rn. resented or piemiums wilt Im forfeited. bUth. AH articles for exhibition or competition must bo mured by a o'clock, m., Wednesday the 1Kb. and e.t-ett In linnnkKlliln nku Im 1 1n. around at that time, and reiiiuin thero until Frl jy 3 o'clock 1. M.. when they will bo at tho dis posal 01 inu e.Miioiioiit, Seventh. RlllllfU fur till ttntn nf mrronlniinnlu ean bitobloliieUby aimllcatlon to the Heeretary or 11. P. Hartnian. KlKhth, NnlUceiisowtllboamntftdtAndfi that sell splrltous or malt llquorH. juuKcupnuinicu 10 oxaiuinouieuiiicreniclass. s will eonti-r a favor nn tin Afc.nrfntimi .nil. Inu'nt the Seeretary's oitlco rnrly 011 Tlnirsday mornluetn nhtnln their Instructions. TIckitsto the i'nlr can be obtained at tho dif ferent stores lietoru tho Pair oral the Ticket Of llco durliitf I' Ulrduys. . .. . JtlH'il P. CONCH, Picsi't Ii. II. Kt'l'I.KT, Sco'y. jnooiiisbuiKSept. 27, lvCT, pi I IC K 13 YSTOX13 CLO AMU'SKKD H T Jt I V V k n, PATHNTCIl ncroilEIl 2, lHCO, 1 his slmnle. tlmuuti 1 in-iivn mtmhii.. 1. ted by all bcletitlilL-observers to bo the most dlu-ct 4c im KiiinerniH eiover seen yet discovered. A meroL' lance, at It Is Niitiinimii inMinvinnu m.a most ohtuu mlud of lu piactlcal utility. It strljw tho eloer head from tho stalk IcaUtm the Straw Standlnir 11 nun lln uronml II u mull diiiwu by ouo horse, and reinilres butono man or boy to w ork It. It Is euinpact.itlmplo In Mntcture, nnd not lia ble touet out ot oidtr, audeau bu cheaply got up. ihe treat Advautauo In (his machine Is, ho ll.n m 1 1 ii 1 k.iiil )iilliiiul tti tl.n nlti.fr t n,n clocr mill or hulicr, hcwldes shvIuk the great h nlhoi llmeund lalmr of niowliio. ImndllnK nnd thu liliu; It Irom thostiaw, II will ulsopuy ev ery larmer to gather Ids seed with this machine, on net mint of the saving of tho seed which Is lost In llio old way of uullu rlntc it, I.xtruoj-dluury IndiicciuenUofTerfdtnenerKet'l nu ti whnwlsh to purrhascHtatvor county ItlghtK. 1 or puttluihtis adilii's W I Ut I'M A K Jc UKINHOM), ... , CCNTUALIA. Jana'ti7.) Columblu County, i'i.. N1 TKW TAILOIUNO JLSTAHLISII- MKNT, WILLIAM MOIIUIS. 'lakes this metho.1 of luformlna the cltlien of Columbia eounty, thnt ho hnsoiiened u uew tailor Ink' establishment lu thu town of , , CATAWJSSA, PA., w ht ro ho Is piepansl to iiinke. up on fchoit notify nil kinds of ceiilltiniii wear lu tho lutest and most lashloiiuhU styles, llaMng uorktsl nt his biih iK ssfor suM'rnljtarHlnlhBvUywfNcw York, lie Hatters hlniMlt thnt he run itlvo full and com ph to sutlsfuillon to liU iUstumcu ut icasoiiahle ratiK, Jin KuarauticN tho V II It V Jt KHT KITH, or tho work need lQt bo taken. All work will be spontted belore. mnkliiff.so that there shall bo niIlher6H)t n&i shrlpUaKe. Shop hi J inle liiildy iirkk liutldlUR, Main stucl.Cutawlssa, l'n. A tdittrouf pubUoimtrounKeUresix'ctfullysollc tod. 0-(larnieidM euretully (leaned nml ro ttlrcd ou thu nhortts t liuttcc, sepi'U7-iliii,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers