The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 27, 1867, Image 4
THE COLOMBIAN. BIOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. .armrr's Scpnrtmfnt. FMrmliiLr on Nlmr. (('oNKCTicUT IhiiwIh ,of, snmuigrrnt fnrmi-M. They huvo rt curious way f ilolti"; tilings rm iAftrtV, rliftl ttio ri'stilt of thco operation orTor i lino field for the dhplny of lolu. Otioof Ihcsufuriii w Icuscd to liliinoii'lii-lnw tliri'u iicrcs (if l:ind, to bu plnillwl with corn nml bo I'tiltlvutitlby hint "at tho lmlvosi." In the Knll, tlio Iw-w wild that Win tho liiKircit lund bu over worked on; for, mild It", "I worked linnl nil Hummer, and nt Imrvrst time, when wo enmo to .divide tho crop, 1 not only Inul no corn for my.wlf, tint I had toV'o nnd buy Itvo tiiiihuli of nhclled corn to iinike out my iitlier-lu-hwv's half." Hero Is luiolhcr en-o llluslnilliiK tho working of this "peeullnr Institution" of doing tiling on nhares: Farmer A- - lmppcncd to huvo moro pigs tlian he euiild keep, whllo lil.s neighbor, 11- , luul moro milk than ho could dljpoio of. Ono ilny A brought two pig over nnd deposited them In IS 'a pen, Haying that ho wished 11 lokcep them two month1, nod have one of them in liU share, H replied, ns ho had plenty of feed, ho would keep them four moiithaond have them both, tu, of course, that would amount to tho primp tiling! A loft, MiyiiiK that ho supposed It Was all right but guessed hu wouldn't bring any more. Hwi et Crn, It U u iturprNlng fact that nvvoel corn I not abundantly grown among farm er, ljvcry farmer thinks he must rnhjo flvu or ten ncrvri of Indian com every yeiit', In order to havo something t i fat ten hi pork, and to furnish fodder for his stock, etc. 2fmv, If every farmer would grow threo or live acres of sweet corn, Ids crop would prove of much moro Value, In proportion to tho number of acres than Indian com for feeding purpo-es. Last spring I planted six ncrwof sweet com, for tho purpose of taking It Into market green, llut after the. market became 'glutted,' 1 conclud to Nwotho balance of my corn, and euro It to feed. I cot and fed to my hogs corn (1" the stalksj every day, nnd they would eat stalk and all as clean as they would green clover. Through the month of October and until tho Inst of November, I fed husked corn. I can sit- I never killed n fat pork before. They appeared to bo completely filled up with lard. I prefer sweet cornstalks to anything else In tho sliapo of fodder for slock, and especially for cows giv ing milk there Is nothing equal to it, tho stalks, husks nnd leaves, aro much morojuley and sweeter than any other corn fodder. I would recommend to those that sow corn for fodder, to sow tho ftwect corn In prcfurenco to any other. Ito careful to trace up your seed In tho fall, and then you will not " fail to have good seed when you eonio to plant or sow. I'atteuliiR Hog. In Hummer. A XuMHEii of letters havo appeared In your valuable paper, recommending feeding hogs in Summer. Tho reasons urged wcro numerous, the most impor tant being that hogs fattened so much faster and on so much less food than In 'Vlritcr, nnd that the prico was im aria bly higher. Take, for example, the prlcu of hogs in August, September, nnd October, of any year, and compare it with tho prices In November, Decem ber, January and February. To theso encouraging facts In favor of Summer feeding of1 hogs, let mo udd that .there will bo this year an unusual ly early demand for fat hogs, not only fur tho Montreal market but also for iiughmd. Tho stock of bacon In tho Liverpool market, on tfioil'Jth of June, lbCli, wa3-j,000 boxes, with a financial panic raging. On tho IJOthof June, 1U07, tho stock of bacon in Liverpool did not exceed 7,103 boxes ; and whileold bacon Is worth but 12 shillings per cwt., new Ice-cured is in great demand at do slilll .Ings and upwards. Cbr. CUnada far mer. VUrt on Hor.c. uit Cattle. The annoyance of theno summer pest to animals can bo greatly mltl grated by tlio usoof n mixture of one third kerosene oil and two thirds lard oil, applied to tho legs of tho horses, oxen, or cows, with a feather or brush, or what is better, but moro objectiona ble to the nppller, with the hands, rub bing It well in. A farmer In this neigh borhood used It Inst summer on his oxen, having it applied twice a day, on their going out to work morning nnd noon. Ills cattle gained In llesh during fly time. I have mod It on horn's and two cows. Its benefit is immediately observable. A horso tin tl.iy, fretting and stamping, becomes, after tho application, at oueo quiet, 'l'linoo who synipalhiso with tho noble animal in the constant teasing endured by them from thews pests, will bo glad In u-o any harmless remedy which will spare incessant work when not called to labor In harness. Horses will keep belter on u less supply of food for tho repose thu obtained. ( ows will givo better anil moro milk from the rest that they will get from this mixture. Ji'eiv JIuven Courier. To Jit ji l9tMo... A Coiiur.sroNDr.NT or thu Sclentifio American cays that ho has tried the fol lowing method of keeping pbtatota for years with complete success, though In sonio Instances tho tubers were. dUeased when taken out of tho ground ; "Dust over tho floor of tho bin with lime, and put In about six or seven Inches of pota toes, nnd dust with limo us before. I'ut In six or seven Inches of totatoes nnd limo again; repeat thu operation until all uro stowed away. Ono bushel of llmu will do for forty bushels of pota toes, though moro will not hurt them tho limo rattier improving the flavor tliun otherwise." United Host persona boil hams. They aro much better baked if baked right. Soak for an hourln clean water and wipedry, then spread It all over with a thin Hour batter, and lay I it a deep with sticks under It to keep It out of the grn vy. When fully dnno take off tho skin ami batter crusted upon tho llesh side, nnd Hot nwny to cool. You will find it very delicious, hut rich fur dyspeptics, fays one of our agricultural exchanges. lUitn cider will turn to vinegar very soon, by exposing It to tho atmosphere In it warm place. Allowing It to run slowly from ono vessel Into another, over n platform covered with oak sha vings, will hasten tho process. A fuw drops of red eubbago water will mako tho color deeper red, Ifpcoplo Ueslro It. lUsrfUnnfotiia. LA.TI38T PItOM THE SONO wniTEns. ( Tin: mall w'ho " Dream l I Dwelt In Mnrblo Halls" has opened a marble quarry there and Is doing rt thriving business In getting out grave stones. The author of "Curry nm hack to Old Virginia" inut opened n livery stable, and Is carried I ack In hi own convey unco whenever ho wants to lie. Tho man who sang ' I nm lonely slnco my Mother Died," Isn't quite so lonely now. The old man married ngalli, and hi step-mother make It lively enough for him. Tho author of "A Life on tho Ocean Wave" Is gratifying his tmtc fortliosea by lending a saw mill. He will bo on tho water now. Tho ono who gnvo tho "Old Folks nt Homo" to tho world lias recently ta ken them to the poor-houo, a they weru getting troublesome. Tho author of "Shell in the Ocean" I In tho clam business. Tho man who wauled to "Kl him for his Mother," attempted to kiss his mother for him the other day, and he gave I 1 1 li n walloping "fur Ids mother." Tho ono who willed so plaintively "Do they missmo at Home'."1 wasmlss ed the other day, together with a neigh bor's wife. Ho wn missed by a wife nud seven children. Tho author of "Three blind Mice" has started n menagerie witli them. Tho man who wrote "Five o'clock In the Morning," found that no snlooiu wero open at that early hour where he could get his bitter., so ho ilea a bed rather lato now. " Give mo a cot In tho valley I luve," has got n cot In tho Infirmary. Meln Cott I The man whoslghcd, "Takomchomu to die," took Dr. Kccr's System lleno vator, anil is now a "Kino ould Irish gititlemau." " Meet mo alone by Moonlight," has left off meat, nnd taken to drink. Tho author of "Itoll on, silvcrMoon," has opened a hall alley. Silver moon isn't roll on liU alley without paying for It.. Thedlsconsolate ono who sings, "Have you seen my Magglp?" has heard of her. Another feller In formshim through tho music store, that "Maggio's by my side." " I'd oirer tlieo this hand of mine," has been sued for breach of promise. "Oh! Susanna," hits settled with her at length, and don't owo Susanna any more. Tho author of tho "Old Arm Chair" is still in the furniture business. Tho one who pleaded "Itock mo to sleep mother, Kock mo to sleep," ha nt length been gratified. Hi mother yielding to hi repeated solicitations, picked up u rock and rocked him to bleep. Ho hasn't woko up yet. The ono who asked "Who will euro for Mother now?" has finally conclu ded to take caro of tho old woman him self, as no one elso seems inclined to. A Vnuv worthy fisherman, by tho name of Grizzle, was drowned somo time sinci', and all search for his body proved unavailing. After it had been In the water somo month, however, It was discovered floating on tho surface, and taking tothobhorc, whereupon Mr. Smith was dispatched to convoy tho In telligence to tho much afflicted widow. "Well, Mrs. Grizzle, wo have found Mr. Grizzle's body." "You don't say sol" "Yes, wo havo thejury hassot on It, nnd found it full of eels I" "You don't say Mr. Grizzle's body i fullofeols?" "Yes it is, and wo want to know what you will havoduno with it?" "Why, how many eels do you think there is in lilui V' "Why, about a bushel." "Well, then, I think you had better Mnd tho eel up to the houe, and n't him a'.'iiln." SAYIXO l'ltAYEKS, ASH l'UAYINfl. A poor old man, when a child of three years of age, had been taught by his mother to repeat a prayer every night, which ho did till ho was boventy three years old j and not a littlo proud was ho to say that ho had not omitted saying Ids prayers overy night for sev enty years 1 At this advanced age it plea.-ed God toullliet him severely, he was led by thu Holy Spirit to sco that ho was n poor sinner who had been living in a form of godliness, but had never felt its power. Ho was enabled .to spend the fuw last years of his life In huinblo dependency on thu griico of Christ; and when ho referred to him self, ho would often add, "I am the old man who bald his prayers for boventy years, und yet all that tlmo never pray ed at all." Don't Do It. No young man.don't do it. Don't marry dimples, nor ankles, nor eyes, nor mouths, nor lialr, nor neck, nor chins, nor teeth, norslinpcrs. These blls and scraps of femininity nro mighty poor things to tlo to. Marry tho truu thing. Look after congeniality, kindred sympathies, disposition, (.-duration, und if this bo Joined with social poMtlon, or oven filthy lucre, why don't let them stand In your way. Get a wo mannot one of those parlor lay figures one of those parlor automatons that hits down Just so, thumps a plnno and dotes on u( whisker. Living statues aro poor thln'gstbcall intoconsultation. Thopoor littlo mind that can scarcely fathom tho depth of u druMs trimming, can't bo a helpmate of any account, Don't throw away your llir.o upon sucli trilling things. GituMiiMiiu. Theso aro every whero ami tney seizo upon everything which goes wrong, to find fault about. If n moxmlto lilts across their pillow, tho announcement-Is made next morninir that not a wink of sleep had they dur ing tne mglit. A slight pain is inatrnl tied Intoeholera.andagrumhllng tooth ache into excruciating torture. If tho sun Milneu It Is too hot, and If it rains It Is too wet. If they lose a dollar, ruin stares them in tho face, and anticipated Hlcknoi- Is kept constantly on tho slate. Law ion Laiui:., In tho year of grace 1770, n law wns enacted by tho Kngllbh Parliament "That whoever shall soduco into the bonds of matri mony any of hlsMuJesty's malosubjects, by thu utoofecents, cosmetics, paints, washes, artificial teeth, falso hair, Span ish wool, lion stays, hoops, hlgh-hcclcd shoes, or bolstered hips, bhall bo prose cuted for witchcraft, and tho marriage declared to bo null nnd void." How would such a law work in theso later days In this ytnr of our Lord, 1807? Think of It, oil, yo wowen 1 US ADVERTISEMENTS. - iL - I'hv ltfw M)-U-m of lulvertlMng Aloitet by 1', UompU A Co., AitvrrtMnst Aifentn, Nt.40rnrk I low, Now York, Unttrnctug ftgucxt dontufnttrn Mem. TIip fotUmltiK I'Ttract from u pccch delivered fore IlioNcw York KdltorluUVntvcntlon, (lately holtlcn nt lYnti Ynii,)by a prominent AtlvcrlUltijf A it en I of Saw York city, roci to show tlmt he nt left-it nr kiiowlctlgrn Its RtlvftntnK, Vom JatHMlotm, A. Y,Journnt e Au.2ntlt Ktlited tijf C, K. Itislior, Chntrmnn on Oammfttrf on Ati- VKltttSINO AOKHCIIVl. " Mr. rrtteiitcllt upoke In trrMM,ltln ttitlmt firm from tho tuhtthtr' lntn point nloiio. Unallow ed the publlnbppt that by Ihh ftyxtcm ofcoulrnct luj: lliey wcrcglvtiiK lower rnti's thnn their own homo ctMomern or other equally m prompt riml gotKl ctHtonier that they were celling ono por tion of their paper to lo until to com(ctu with ami unilerbt 1 the other column! thnt the owner of tho nc3 thin wild cotittl (Wiio right In nnd bent the publisher' prlcia und take hh tmulm nn nwny from hlmj that If tho publlHhert, fully im dehdntidlng thin, Mill wlhod to rontlnun no Ir riRular and unbitHlncuvllUe n syitem hu (l'ettln Bill & Co.,) hhoutd of course cenno tryln to Ket advertising for thempcm nt their regular rates nnd K'i Into tho other ay stem or contracting which he could Rtnudlf tho printer could. Theunxtety on tho account of newspapers Is t meal led for. Thcro Is not ono In twenty which would md prefer to rccehe nit their foreign n tnmagu on this plan, u hen It is fully understood. UN too generally rteognlied tw thoroughly l-en-t'ficlattonll parlies eimcerued to bo iuJurM In tho leant by anything which may bo maid against It by Interested parties. Advertisers (should fend for a circular giving nil explanations. pOIjLOUK INSTITUTK, A rirst-elawt llonnllng Rhool for Hoys, at Pitls field. Miiih, Pull TtTlii o twenty Meeks logins ueioucr itn iii. r Kor tHittlciilnrrf luldrcss it PA. IV lIII'IIAIltm. nepO'G7-lm. 1'rlnt'lpiil, HAVK YOU SEEN THE "PEXN MHTKU HOOK," for copying letters wlth oui ih ue ofeUhrr prt'ts or uaterl Itmves time, lrtU)r,and tho expense of n copying press, lir hale by all llrstrliss stiitlonors, and at the ntllet'of the Ml'enn Mnnufueturlng Works,' 7w.' Chestnut st., rhllatlelphta, la. eprt 7-lm. A FEW MO HE AO ENTS WANTED A for General I. C. liaker'H "Illhtory tf Hie heciet Hervlee." Inrrensel com mission allowed nnd greater JnJueeineiits oirereii. AiMresn, i. (lAititirrr a cu sep(i'C7-lm. Hox2l7, 1'htlmlelphla, iVi. 6000 AGENTS WANTED, TmiollMli NW Intentions, of creat value to fatuities; nil pay reat profits. Send '.1 rents and get n paces and aample crntls. Acentu have nuute lU'IIUAlM llltOWN. te-tl't7-lm, Ijowell, Mmws. A THE ATI ES OX DEAFNESS, CA tarrh. Consumption nnd Cancer. Their i-mixe and means of immediate relief and HjH'edy cure, sent free. Hend particulars to mi. mint) i.uij No. to Mouth 6th Htreet. Williamsburg, N.Y. sepO'C7-lm. A 1) A .At F OY'H coiisirr HKiiiT H U V V O UT i: u, Combines in ono garmentnper fect lifting Corset, ami tho movt deslrablo Skirt Hupnorter. eer otrered tho public, it places the weight ot tho bklrts upon the shoulders Instead of tho hips; It Improves the form without tight lacing; gives ea nnd ele gance; Is approved and recom Hiendedby pnyslclaas. Mnnu 1). 11. HAtlKDKItS A CO. W Hummer Ht., lloston. pAINTS FOR FAHMEHS a n r oTitnts, TIIK OltAFTOK Ml VIIUAL PAINT COIl'ANY Aro now manufacturing the best, cheapest nnd moht durable Taint in use ; two coats well put on mixed Willi puro Linseed Oil, will last ten or fif teen years ; It Is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, nnd am Imi changed to green, lead, (done, olive, drab or cream, to suit tho taste of tho consumer. It la valuable for Wouscs, barns, fences, agricultural Implements, carrlago nnd enr-makers pnlls nnd wooden-ware, canvas, metal and bhlnglo roofs, (it being Uro and water proof), bridges, burial cases, canul Ixinta, ships and ships' lrattoms, floor oil cloths, (ono Manu facturer having used WW bbls, tho past year,) and as a paint for nny purpose Is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity, nnd adhesiveness. I'rlce Jfl per bbl., of 300 lbs., which will supply n farmer for years to come. Warranted In all cases as above. Rend for n circular, which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded In a trade mark Grafton Mineral Taint. Addresa DANIKCj lllDWKLn, Troprlotor, sepfl'07-lm. irl Tearl nt., New York. YU'HE WANTED ! look ii r. n i:i Agentt., holh male and female, wnntd every where to sell the Tatent Imphuvku Ink Hksmi voik, (by v, Iiteu from one to two pni.' enn be written without replenishing with Ink), nnd our Fancy nnd Iry GoikIi-, etc, Cim clear Mom i'ttu Sluaday. No capital required. Trice 1') cents, ultliuuiidvcrtlstincntdtcrlhtog an article lor wvIh in uur IKillnr l'urehasliig Agency. Circular bent tree, KAHTMAN A KllNPALL, hepU'OT-lm. J lii n over st., 1 (oh tan, .Mius, D EAFNISS CUHED. the Orcrnntc Vibrator 111h into the ear. 1h nut perceptible, and enablfH deaf persons to beat distinctly at ihurch and at publlo aKKimblk-R. Send parlleulnrs to int. Hl'IIAVKIX, No. -I i SDUth (iih KlrcL't, sepCOT-im. Wllltaiiuburg, N, V, TK AUE COMINC1, And will lireni'iit tn unv norMnti Kpmllnir nn club in our ureal Oin Trice hale, of Dry and Tan ey (Jomls, ilc.aMlk Dress Tiillcili, ThceofMioet tug. Watch, Ac, free of cost. Oitntoguoof gtXHts aiul sainple, nent to any adilress free. HO Il-uiover street, IJostim, Mass, Ne-xTflT-lm. T. O. Ilo 51.15. piIIHTEEN YEA HS AGO, Dr. fuls. of Tnivldence. t.I..illhcnveri'd Ilftii. edh-s with Hblch be bait runt) hundreds of cues of Turulysls, Fits, and nil forms of Nt rvous dis eases. Hend IwoMtamps for pamphlet, and cer- A WATCH, VIUJE. A Hllver I. Watch elven irmtU in tlm inirc1ifik.r of every 10) of Keiiitttly'H Mammoth Trlze htu- uonery i-acK.igt-s, me larxesi in iu world. (As an luiluecmeiit tn luivi them liilriulmiul ium.mIii sell tho packages a fast as tbey can reach them mil. Thirty dollars per ilav can bo ninth mire. v nwf iim-mn iiihi M-n m nu inerago jmiu per Hek. Trh'O UtT llUlldred. Ufteen dullarx. ltL'fdll attutniytlvecenu. Atula Watch in the bur- tiaut iiihi hid retail lor nuctiiiloiarmoro, l r lull parthuiluisof Trlre Taekages. and other sale able, good. Address It. MOXHOi; KKNNi:iY, Corner 6lh ami Wood htreet, Mp0'67lm. TIttsburgb, Ta, i O H O O h H . 'rlncllialHOf Aca(toilllf...HplntnnrtfR. .tp..HhritiM oounuit in In ri-Kunl tu mivvrtUlns. Nu charge (inoitor. i nownr.i, m.. nejiom-lm. AihvrlUIng Abciuh, n. V. N V E N T 0 11 S . If you wl.U tu Advert lie you fhouM cmuuU . OfXI. 1'. 1UJWELI. Jt 1X1.. l'IT7-lui. m I'atk How, tifsw Vurlt. B OOK rUULlSIIEUS. OKO. I'. ItOWKI.I, i CO., of N. Y on thu .uhluct of itdvertUIUK. N EWSl'Al'EUS. I Ilo you want tnlnrrrnHpyourclwulatlona? Vou iirenrh clayou not practice It? Con.ult o. I'. imWBlX&L'u., N.V A DVEUTISERS. Ouynu want tnkrrn nostM nUiut llm Ww.. pni.ur.nnil their vivluo t you us mrilliuua for AiUprtl.InK ? H.nd a Dollar for the Anvrims kim' UAtCTTK. ruiuiieditt vt I'ark Uow, n, Y. JJUHrJEItYJIKN. YOU BllOUlll DflVfrltHP. TlAn If lin.lrkton.lln. you nhoilla i-uliMltt O. 1' ltl)Vi:i.l. A. CO., (0 Viit'i lUnv, N. Y. jnuciaisTs. 1 Are ynu awnri. of Ihi. Rrat advanlHse. yoit will nivlMi from iIoIiik jour uilverll.liiK Ihrouuh n rrJLl.".'.,'. AiU ertllu ABinry? I'., mult li, V. ItOWKI.I, A ro.,w rrk llir, N. Y. "yEAVElt A 81'ltANKI.E, wiior.mAt.n aitocnitiiM aniicommihmio.n MhllClIANW, Hon, tZ', ua ?.7 Artli hlre.t, rilllndrlphla. J II. MWOSTHETH, fAI'EIl-IIANUINO WAHKJIOUHE, No. 1 J North Third Htreet, IMilUd.lplil. M faclured by H'pM"(i7-lin, DRY GOODS, Ac, G HAND Ol'ENINO tlUAND ori;niNO OIIAND OPKNINa UltANI) Ol'KNINd UIIAND Ol'KNINd K.vr.r. and wiNTKn aooDM, FALL AND W1NTE11 OOOI, KAt.ti' AN!) WINTKH OOOllS, VAhU AND WINTER OOOIW, KALL AND WINTKU OOODH, con.l.tlnft ol cou.HtlnK of comil.tlng of noiml.llnte of (vin.lnttnii of DItY GOODS, DKY OOODH, DHY OOODH. duy nooixs,' DRY GOODS, HATH AND CAW, II ATM AND L'ArS, HATS AND CAT, HATS AND CAfH, .HATS AND CAFH, KOOTS AND HHOIX, HOOTS AND HHOKH, llOOTS AND HHOUH, HOOTS AND HHOrX, 1IOOTH AND S1IOKH, UKAnV-MADK ofJTHINO, HUADY-MADli CLOTHING HKADY-MADK CLOTHING, 11EADY-MADK CIX3TUINO, ItnADY-MADK CLOTIIIHO, I.00KING-GLAR8W, IJOKINa-GLASSES, IXJOKINO-OLAKSIX, LOOKINO-tlLASSliS, LOOKINa-OLASSrcu. NOTION!), NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS. PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILH, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, .PAINTS AND OILS. GROCERIES. GROCERIES, GROCERIES QROCER11.M, GROCERIES. ClUEENMtrAKff. cjueensware; tlUElMWWARE, UUKENSWARE, lUEKNSVAflK. HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE HARDWARi:, HARDWARE. TINWARE. TINWARE. TINWARE. TINWARE. TINWARE. HALT,, HALT. HALT halt: HALT, FISH,' FISH, F1HII, FIT!!, FISH, ORAIN AND HEEDS;, GRAIN AND HEEDS,. GRAIN AND HEEDS,. GRAIN AND HEKIW,, GRAIN AND HEEDS. Ac, MCKEI.VY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKEI.VY, NKAI. McKELVY, NEAL Ml-KELVY. NEAL CO.'S, avs, CO.U CO.'H. X).'H. North wmI corner of Main and Market Htr.iti. Northw et corner of Main and Market Btreefti, ' Northwest corner of Main and Market Street,. Northwe.t corner of Main and Market KtreetH,. N.rtliHre.t cm rner of Main and Market HtrwU, llLOOMflllUHO, PA.. IIIXKIMHIIURO, PA. niX)OMHIlUlttJ, I'A., llUJOMHllUltO, PA., llUIOMHIlUUO, PA. IRON AND NAILS,. IRON AND NAILS,, IRON AND NAILS,. IRON AND NAII.H' . IKON AND NAII Im l"fd.',u,"tl!" ni ra"0I, rati, Jway H' C. HOWEIt, opened & flr.t.claii ROOT, HIIOE. HAT AND CAP BTORE. ",n"d "." Mn'iiHtreet, IllooinHhurir. JII lock lniniie. of t in very lateat aiul ueUti Mr. fill kln.l 'l1,"'1!1" ,h" VuW, wllu '' ' luit kind, ami at cheap price, i iiIi'.'J! f ,boo'"i''"'.nMr kip. double a, )le, Iloy. child . tKKit,Men' it uvekl'l.Coimre.. id Men,llove kid luilmoral aliow, Metrt, wm" i men'i "L'Ll??' "'u''W"lnVlter2 W -.1 men. glpva kldn, ery fine, Womeji'a line er a,l morom,lml,raii. wSmwi mei.Vino riliooa ?. .f.oV. Mm:.."'"'"".''""' MIMW Wld Chill l' . ml e"ui women. inle. boy.', and child ' iiH-r.. lleal.ukiH.p.aitri-.l varl,ty or HATH, CAIN. AND STRAW GOODS S'nS'ESS, AiiH low" vt,a"-b"'" "" lU-memtwr the attraction Is In our looda. Don't b alarratsl at tha cry of hUh nritJl.ut miulni sh fur yourselves. lUmpwASuilr. MUWM,UU it a howkk. DRUGS & MEDICINES. - - .1 - I... tt N. JIOVKll'S OLD ESTA11LIHHED llltttfl HTOllli unvam Ditutisu DiiL'asm 'TilRtnoit eompletonnra re fully scloetedhtwli hi be found Initio county, eonslsllnd In part of Druirs, (nieinteals, Taints, nils, Glass. Varuhiies, Tutty, llrushes, liyotulK Mixed TalnM, HYntTIW, IISHKNCIN, JIXIUACTR, HTICI, lMHCNTlAti Olf.S, Terfumery, Ilalr l)yes, fancy ionps, ltrusbrs, t'ombs, Comcllei, Klatlonery, TikIccI Hooks, ti:n knivus, TJTiy.eiuAitH, -nMiAfco. iMMPrt, IllStSIiVKltADK', IirtlNKUM. Hpomtcs, CharnoU Pklns, Catheters. PpeculutuH Hyrlnues, llreasl Titmp, Trusses of approved mako, A JarKonsRorimciit "f cholco l.lmiOM for Mntlcl nal purposes, touclher with the various wKIiTi KNOWN HTOMACll llirrr.UM. 'llieso with many oilier nrllcles too numerous tosiTlfy formnsttH'k which dotles comilltlon both ns resards prleonnd ihoqualltyof the Roods, PHYSICIAN PRI.SCUIITIONS CVMIUt'.XI)f:iI WITH THK UTMOST tlAltK AND i.S'AH-)I. Country deahrs nro invited to Jnpeet (ho sloek befnro purchasing el-w hero, ns they will find It Rreatly to their advantage. Fresh R(hls aro constantly bclnnreeeliied from tho city, and can be abUtlnvl rtlur b;i uhntevtfc or retail. Hememberthe plaee KxcllANdi: Hl.otKab.Ae lIxckatiRP Hotel, Main direct, H!oimHlur,. August H, 1S(j7. J It. MOYKR, wnoMmi.i: a urTAir DHUUUIS T, tOUNElt OF MAIN ANII MAllKKT HlCIXTi, IILOOMHIUIIIO, TA., where will be found a largo and select stock if DruflN, MEDICINES AXl) CHEMICALS. Also all tho PATENT MK1IC1N1-H OF THK HAV, I nm also prepared to fu rnWi Country Stores with Castor Oil, Godfrey's Cordial, TUULINOSTON'S HAT-SAM, and nil other incsllelnes kept In their line nt City prices. ft3.. Trescrlptlons rarcfully compounded nt all hours. In medicines, quality Is of tho first linporlniuH', UIoomsburR,.Tuno7, 1S37 E. KVKUKTT & 1)K. J. II. CASK'S xi:v drug stoui:, in, JUST OP K N J) WITH A Sl'LnNliIH ASP VAKti:H AHSOUTMENT OF aoon's appkhtaimno to thk intro nrsiNr-ss, tuuu Dnuns, ciii:micai.s i:tc, ALWAYS ON HANI). In short any articlo thnt cm be named In the uniK ime enn no nan at. meir siore. ur. .1. It, Casa Is a Ti aetloner, nnd also uuilerstaitcU Thar- rtlAfV V.. I'vnrlt la n Tn.lli1 UKl.,i tctiiliHi nno term at the JitiVron Med lea. I'olleye, nnd uuderKlatids the compounding of I)ni2s, They respeetfullyitiMtelhopnlionaRp ol their friends, and tlm public tienerally, asHiirlnc them dint uuiuuvrr 111 oo pureiiiLteu ot mem will bo fresh and pine. Iaptt.VK7 Ml 0 . r FIRST PREMIUM Of n Hllver Meilul WA. AVAVDtO TO f BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Or the N. If. PUL Agricultural Mnclptr, kl 3 BABltllTT'H Vegetable Hair Restorative nrxti'iri'l (!ra Italptn III lialiipal in1nF. moies me pro win or mo imir. im (Duiaivincironinumi orrnoio cuon. r.naf A cit lianarun inn iiunior. net ton iU!na out. it n Superior Irnln.j uuim iunur-nuui iuv V BUUUI, WO J. n. BARRETT & CO., Proprietor!, UANCIIESTEII, N. H. S-HolJliy r.. N. MOYKR, BlcK.insburi;, IM niul DruRKlstn Bencrnlly. npr5'tJ7-fim T1TB OHEAT ZINGARIBITTEES The component part of thli remsrVslI rraratIon Verefint dlicorvrtd, conipouadtJ urnl duiribulid, 10 tne twenty yean ko, by Dr. Uiiiopacs, tlt cel trtetl Egyptian Phyiiclan. Thouiandjof Ms Buffer tug counlrymea were restored to health, as well as great nutaben cftbelouB.bits.ats of hubia and Abyssinia, and of the countries bordcrinjtupta the Southern coast -oi iuo ueuiierranean sea. Indeed, Oi0 fame of tlW ZIXCiAIU UITTC1W toon spread oier Kuroie, ( ana was Adopted by tn t principal rttyslclans la charge of the hospitals of tho old world, la which It la Stilt und with nrtrrol. seat bucccss Tho Viceroy of Egypt placed the cam ct tiu CoEorsci upon tho " lloll of Noblci,' and pre entd to him a Medal bearing tho following Inscrip tion i "Dft. Cmorars.tbo 1'ublio Uencfactor." Tins Sitters Is now offered o tho publio of America with the full assurance that It will bo found, upon A fair trial, to act as arpectuo for tho cure of C hot em, Dysentery, Dlarrhccn, Clio, era Blorbut, Fcrcr aud Ague, ItUoir l-'cvcr, IUicumatUm, Typhoid Fever, UysprpMa, Colic. Uroncliltta, Coitiuinntloii Vlatii lency, Dlteasea or (he Kldnryii, A'crvoua UebUltyi nnd Female Complaints. cure, of tlie .bore b.T. been cSeeted by It. use, tu QutD.rou.certlDcatei, tn.ny from regutsr nhyilcl.ns. fully attcit; .ad It li dntioed to .upmetle any preparallon extant, ou a;rtc.U4 Tcnlc, Bad .n INVICORAIISO CCYCRAGE, IT HAS NO KQUAL. Tnn THl zrCAiti niTTcns V HAS BUUI, AS WELL AS HOD Y, AND A. A mEVENTIVE or DI3KABF:. nxs no scfcmor.. A TEW WORDS TO LADIES. TM uu ct tb. ZINOAItl BITTERS if III Hive lo you tint loft, itrcl. tr.nip.reDtcomplKloa wtilcti thiv(,od of n.turo it .IkhIdii wom.n lo be tti. lov.Uut cf 111. vorki) fully lDleoded th.t you should lisr. for It 1. nature', own powder nd paint combined. By purifying the blood, atimul.tlDf the pl,nient.ry cell, of the dcrmli, lad ImputiDC IteulU and Ufo throughout th. cntho jltem, It eiDrcl.Ily git e. that smooth clearneii and 1e.ntr to rh. comiilexlon .0 touch to bo dfilredre BtorlDg .11 roughoeii, blouhei, frecklei, pimplei, .ad that yellow, ilekly look lo common lu ourdAy; and what la even bettr than thl, It cure) .very apcclcaol fcm.l. Irregularlliea .nl dlieaa. rrlnciisil Depot, Itarrialiurg, Ta. RAHTER ti HATJSE, SOU I'ROrUkTOlS. 4l"orsaloliy U N, JlOYMt, Whthsalo nnd Itctnll Drueglkt, llloom.huri:, l'u, lUVb7-Cm. yy-Jt. 1 JIURl'IIY'S SONS, H T A T I O N K It H, HTl'.AM I'OWRIl I'UINTKHH ANII WiANIv BOOK JIANUFACrUlUUlS 339 Oientnut street, AMHotttli I'onrth ureet, I'llII.ADKM'IIIA, l'A. They mako a speciality of furnishing National Ilnnks, County onieers, Insurnncu Comimnteii, Ilunklnir Houses, etc., with KVWIV AUTICI-K OP 11I,ANK 1100KH ANII I'llINTINO, havlug tanehlnery specially itdaded for nil work they may ic'iulre, Ifeh'li7-ly. JOHN iYHAaiTir& a).", ; Wholesale Dealers tn IIAT8, CAIW, BTltAW UOODS, AND LADIEM' KUIIH, No; i7 North TWrd Htreet, I'lillaJelpliU j u. WAivrKii, Ijito Waller & Knuh, Imiorter nnd Iiealor tu CHINA, QLAHS, AND QUKUNaWAllK, No. 231 North Third Btreet, between IUc and Vine nilUdelphlit. L. DRY GOODS. JJUIUIAII FOIl OATAWJHSA! 1JI1.1 WAY 1 Ull IIAIIIIAIA.. (Imiit. ta ('oinpnru Willi slrlnjiPtin' f 0 money nmrkel. Lmk nml ftniinro prices Ijcfmo pur cliuiltitl eKrwhcre. JllU enll at lite liivnrlln till.!' nt. .tutid nf , McNINCII A KltUMAN, niiilynti will be, met liy tlioolllLiliits priirletur.tir liieireieri(.,iiml.iinMi lliruttalilltelriiieAt variety Morn rreenrrlmr;e,nf rnntM'. Th'j will Klvri ymi n fair t-hnnco lo upenil your lomo olinute, they niM laitcli itmro pronti.bly limn. 11 cuu Ihi .pent ihewhcre. Their srouif ok niiv doom tlili fiprltti! I. Intteh largef In till IU vnrtellfn Hum n.iiiil. Their I.AHIDi' Dlir.SS OOOM nro of the nicest styles In mnrkcl. They hrtven lino nssortmcnt of HATS, CA1H I100TH ANIl HllOlX, KU.M.MCU CLOTHS, CAHHINI.-Irt, (.'AK.4tMnr.ns, and vistinos. ntul miineriHis uitlclc common tn sticlitstnlillsli. ment., lieitiles a Keiiernl nssortmcnt of IIAltDWAIir, TINWAIli:, (iUKKNSWAUU anii ciiioci:uux. nil nt pienlly mlucoil jirlce., Tlicy wlh lo con dud their lnislni'ss on thneysti m of "l'AY AH YOU CIO," unit they II. Ink Ihcy enn nlTonl In M il MTyihi'iip fltey letiirn Ihclr Ihmiks lor ninny pnst f.toi' unitnilc Iho fttttire pntron:ii;c of their fonner cn lomcnnnil the pulillcui'iti iiilly. McNINt'll .VHIllf.MAN. ItJlllUUSTKH A lllUlTHKlt, liilpnricrs nnil .loiii ru 01 IIOHlrlltY, (IU)V1, UlIIUM AND DltAWUt, llDrrONS, ML'.-U'lJNDKIt.- HOOl' WKIltTM, ltANI)Ki:itCllli:i'rl, Tiittt:Atw, Hii.Kfi, Titt.M.Mi.viw, I'oivri: monnaiix, KOA1V, lT.UnlMIIUY, l'ANOY (lOODH, AND NOTIONS Oi:.i:itAM,Y, lsn Mnnufili-tttrers of IIUUHlins AND I.OOKINO OLAHSIH, nnd Dealers In WOOD AND WIl.t.OW WAItt'., 1IKOO.MM, ltOIUy, TWINHS, Ac, No. 30J North Thlnl Hlri el, ulw o Vino, I'hllmlelphln, M. .MAltl'U-:, NOTIONS, IIOHli:ilY, (H.OV. ANII FANCY (100 D.S, No. M North Thlnl Slrret, riilhulelphl.i. "1 J. LESTKU, holcs.ile nnd Uetnll Deulei lit rol!i:i(IN AND DOMIMTIC! CAIU'IVIH, (HI. CLOTHS, WINDOW HIIADIW, AC. No. -1 North Second Street, opp. ChrKt Church l'hlhldelpliln. jjAitunorr it co., imiMirier. nni jot then or STAI'M! AND I'ANUY DUY GOODS, CI.OTIIi- CASSl.Mi:illiS, 111-ANKiriH, MNKNH, DKY HOODS, llOSIi;ilY, AC., I'hllndelphliu NDUIOWS, Wl UK INS .t CO., Dealers In rOIllIKIN AND DOMIXTIC DUY UOODS, No. OWMnrkit Street, ritllailclphln. yosKPiFrTrnniiii, launf.iettiter of and Whoalo Dealer In guiTiiiNo, csjoim. cAnsiMr.ur-s, and VIWTINGH, No. a North Thlnl Slieet, l'llll.ulelphm. GROCERIES, Sc., E J O V A t O V C. v. M Altli'H X 10 W r n x u 1 1 H T O H K .".V HI. OOK, on rut: roiiNi:it or mahki:t ani iaon stiikiit. The utlilctslijtli'd liavIttK teiTtvi'il frolil tlieelt n full and ouinplelit supply of Kl'llINIl AND SU.MMIllt DUY (5001)8 AND (JKOCKltlRS, N O T I O N S, TIN-WAHK AND llAltlMVAMi cr.iun a.i wii.t.ow-WAiu:, CONrr.CTlONl'.UY, (ItiASS-WAltK, T O 15 A COO, JI A TH A X 1 S II O iv'.S', I'l.OUIt, HALT, 1'IHir, AND M13AT, nil of whlcli I i,roKso eelllnnt n very low figure for or ptisluco. J" Call und see, April i:. twir. r. c.!it. "ID VA IXAIW rkl'PU NK It, s'otild respectfully unttotincetn his friends nnd putlous, that ho has opined tl tlistclnss l''llUITACONFi:(T10Ni:nYKTOUI wheio there nmy lo fun ml nt utltlnieh, u tluecol lection of rmriT, coNnxTioxuitv, Ninv, Ac, ni well an riNi: imocKitiKK, wlili'li may lo obtidned nt reasonuljlo rules. The Mock Is nlwnyH freMiimdnf Ihovery heat iiunltty Ni iialim will bu spared tn mnuo lltU vulnh UsliitH nt the IliUNt of IU )dud in town. A cull I Mtllelted ht foie purelmes nro ni.ido elsewhere n It 1-t helleved tlmt perfiTt Mitlsfuctlon will he Htvcn. COI.UMIUA HOlTHi:, Il.iln hI., opit'wh.ltu Milter''. Btorc, nusTC7,J Hloomsliurf;, Pn OC1IKM., JIKUUKH & CO., (in.vr.IlAT COMMISSION MKltCIIANTH IH'filertt In 1'IHII, HAI.T, ClWWVu lMtOVIHIONH, Ac, 'ih,12JiiuiI ll'l Nurtli Vharves,iil)Ovo AreliHt, rhll.idelphU. tfolu iiKeiilH lur U'Ucox'h Whet;! (Jteikhe, lit bar rels, ivRH, und cans. AiNwniuiiT & co., WHOI.HHAMl OltOOEltH, N. II. Corner Second and Arch streets, rjltLADKLl'llIA, Dealer. In ti:as, KYttirrs, coki'kk, sua.ut, molasses, ItlCK, Kl'ltUS, lit CAIlll hOIIA. AC. ,t('. 1 1. Older, will recclvo prontit nttciitloti, JlaylO, stiT-ly. "PSTAIILISUKD 171)3. JOltDAN, wiiomsiam: (inocKits, and Dealers In SAI.TIT.TUIi AND I111IMSTONI1, No tut North Third Slr'.tt, 1'hllndelHila, II. V. I'KTKHMAN, with I.ll'l'INCOri'.tTltOTTI'.lt, WIIOM'.SAM! OltOCIUW, No, 21 Norlh Wuler Street, nud No. 'JI North Delaware A enuc l'hllHdelphlu. JOHN HTK0U1' & CO., Successors lo Slrollp A llrollter, WII0I.1CSAI.H DIIAI.KHS IN fJHIl, Nn. 31 North Wh.irvm, and a'iN.irlh Wuler St, I'hlladelpltla. W. HI,AI!ON A CO., jr. MunufucturerHof Oil, CLOTHS AND WINDOW HHADKtt, Wuiehoutw, No, 111 North Third Street, rtUlad.lpkl: TOBACCO & SEGrARS, rptf H ONIA' IM.AOK In tel Ihn best TOI1ACCO AND CKIAIIH, AT 'wlIOt.nMAUi AND HIITAII, Nut HUNUHllKHUr.ll'H, u few ilnors lielow Iho American Uone, liIiMmsl)iirtr, l'u. He hits Iho lnrc.lnhit most select of H.MOKINO AND CIIKWINO TOIIAUX) everoireleil lo the etttzens of Hloolnsljurif. All Hie f.incy liruml. of HKUA1M, nml lb. Hst Klnecnt nml I'lnir ClIllWINO'TOllACfO, ' an lm lmil nt his runnier,. TOIIACCO l'H'IW In Brent nrlety nre nmoni; his largo slock. DON'T I'OHUirr TO CAM. It. It. HtINHtll:t!( JJAOKN, 110Y1) & CO., (1131 .M ISSII I.N 1 1, III II A MS, nnd Wholesale llenlcrs In I.HAI' AND MANt'rAfrriti:!) IDMAr '(I. SHOAIH, Af., No. fit Norlh Third sirret, rhllndelplihl. Consignors eitn forward their unr'k " I v ivllhoul pvi'istylna t'tc Vnlinl tsi . .J W. RAN U'.s N tllllJi'SAI,!, pillIAtctl, S.M f I , MI cioAit WAitKiiorsi:, mi. IW Norlh third 'dti-el, helwieu ulu-try .iii.l lljce. ,t m s,i I'ltllalclphla. c i.. wooimui'T, M'hnleule 1 'elder 111 TOHACVCH, CKIAKH, IMIT:H, AO., Ac, No. 1.1 North Thhd Street, nhove Mm ket, l'hlludelphln. pjUSUMUTJI, liltOTIIKU A CO., wiiom:hau; tohacco ditamiiih, Nn. Ill Nnrth Third HIrett, five ihtors below Itnre. Ketorlen, Nns. '21 nnd ill", tiunrry Street, rhlladelphlo. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QIIAIU.KS W.HNYDKU, DKAt.rit IN n a n i) w a it k, i hok, nails, HTi:i:r., al, ac, ac MAIN hTUCirr, JII.OOMSIIUIKI, l'KXN'A. rulte this iuelhl of lnfurniln Hum It Imisof to- hunbl.ieonty, thut he bus opened nn o.xtennlw llitrdwnte More on .Main street, In lllooinsburp, near Iron street, niul thut he hiw on linud n I.AUOIIH HTO.'K AND llinTHU AS.SOKTI:!' thun nm be found my uheie etue in tho county, ni wnten lie iniejxl town nt prices which defi turn petition. CIJAlNrf, AXKS, STKKL, JUOX. I hne eliulnx, nit uvr, n.e, all mako and weight, steel, nil kIzcm, Iron, nil shnpet, und nil very low. ii viuu i: nM ii a n i w a h r , of every deerlptlniiN. NtdN, no pulleys, haHli cords, latchett, lockunnd knobi.bult hcreTK,Ka(di fastd, window prlni;n, bnM knobf, Blrnn hlneei, IiiiHpH aiul htnples, hooks und hlnples, and In f.iel n-erytblnj;neoltii in thnt line. COAril WAOOX MAKKIIS IIAllTm'AIU embmelng almost eerythlu In that line. AUo 1IAUNIXS .MAICilLS IIAItltWAIti:, Ilucklei, Japanned; huekle-, slUerplnted; bltu nt every klihi t iiamiw, tron;pad tn-en: IlAMrf wo-Kl ; saddle tree, ma trcew, lrlh web, Morale. mid eotton; thread, tdlk, uuhmiid nceillen, tool r niiniu.iH. HHOKMAKI.U'S UAnnw'Aiii; A full aisoitment forearpenters. I haeplanw all klud-s, tsawHj hand,p.iiinel, rip, nnileotu)tinn nquarwi ktet'i, iron, ami lry:btrlnj inachlm chlsleK, a u go rx, heveN, itiallrt", brneei, KmiRes piow, rules, blto, nnd alxmt eerylhln for car I ciiter ron Tin; ri:om: (ji:ni;uam,v I have cord lind-i, shocl(4, scoops, eoid jffters, l.iut , rns.tablerulleiy.poi ket cutlery, plated poon". plated fin kH.Krrvers.leuiindeor feoKHs,hutlerktiIfs,iiilllMiwi, eiovseut MiUM.elr.' wiwH.trjuiiEs'iMt., Mo-, burse ho.'s(wit'tieln'K i i( tx.lnuii 'lelN, hutehel m.dt' el. It . i-i U, j. -i' ')!lU bies,Kbo fii,. , h iji!,tu loi Iicjcj,, btft pill"., I V .lit , "sUii ! ..Hill II In u'n-;-, i:iin i, led w hue i balk, wire 'toise im.N, ni. a) f inters Mdes w.iIi IioiihU, horw butkeU, woo'h-n pall, eloihen plus, lue, door inais, iHireb mate-, par lor ni'itu, coin popi'tiN taint brushes, h irse luiuhen, Meh;h belN.heel ealkn, enamel. el kettle, bnivt kettles copper kettles, Klewkettles.saueo pans.broad axes.nnlln, liHlues, curtain IlxtureH, Thimble frki Ins and ho.tes, 1'uinpi, lead pipe, etc, Tu r red rope and hundreds of urlleleM not ,enii' nieroidi constantly on liand nt CIIAKLUS W.SNVlUIIfS, M.iin stieet, rdoonivburjr. IRON, TINWARE, JATIONAIj TOUXDIIY, nkxunsburff, Coluiubla County, IU. The mibserlber, proprietor of the ul-ove-i toco extensive eslabllshmeut, Is now prepaied to re celvo orderH for all klmls of MAcm.vr.nv roiicou.ii:itn;s, iirasr rUUNACUH.HTATION.MtV KNOINI, MIIdATIIIUXiriXd MAniI.ST.H, A( Ho U alio piejmred to mako Slow. -r nil hl-f und patterns, riowdroiiH, nnd eeiytlilny uitmll made In Urd-clasH rouudrlctt. Ilset.'itsuf.tcl!ltk'K aiul pravllcal ..orkmcn wnrrmit hhn lu receiving lh largest eoutiacts on the moit reaRouablo teun.s. (Imln of all klmN will bo taken In eLchaiitfe for CusIltiKs. This (htabllshment li loentei! near tho Lack' wanimuii'I Itloouitburg K-illroad I)epot, i'irn:n iiiu.sivKn. S' rovics wvxo TixwAiu:. a, m, iturr.iiT antioitnee. to his friends niid customers thnt eoutlttueH the uhovo hualneHS nt his old pint eon main sntnirr, iiloomsiiuho. Cnlomerii enn lie nccomodntcd with FANCY KroVIX of nil kinds, 8toeplpes, Tlnwnre, nnd every vu rlely of nrtlelu found In Wove nnd Tlnwnro IVe tiihll.hinent 111 tlto cltlen, nnd on the most ri imon. ulile terms, lit pulrlui; done nt thu Hhortit not lis. S-t I)07d:N miijcpanh on Itntid forxnle, jKW STOVK AND TIN KIIOI. ON UAI.N HTHKKT, NKAItl.V OI'I'OSITK Ml 1.1. Kit' hTOHK, IILOOMHIUIIIO, I'KNN'A, TllKllndeiHlgnedhnHjuat lltled up nnd opt lied his new 1 ' STOVK A'NI) TIN ftJIOl', In litis plnee, whetelie is prepared lo mnlte til, new 1 in Waiik of till kinds lu It., tin.., and it lepuli ln with lienlneN. iud tllpnlth. t.lon Hi. in. it leiiHonuble linns, n,. nlso keeps on P tnii Hiovit ok VAitiotis fArrniNH Asfvi.t, Mhleh In; Mill m-II mum linns in full purilmrs. tllve him u cull, lie h u eoisl niilutiili'. itmi de.erllii; of Iho puldie i'litioiiiiue, ,, , , - .lA'Tlll .;Z. Hlootiis1,urK, .rll VU, 117. JOWi:, KUjSTON iS: CO., MnnufiieltnerK und Wholeiule Deitlci. lu COTTON YAltNH, CAItl'irr Cll AINH, 11A1TH, WICKH, Til! YAltNH, COItHAfli:, 1IU00JIH, WOOIl ANII WILLOW WAItK, J.001CO aU,KSIX, CLOCKS, FANCY llAHKlnl, TAllLi:, FLOOlt, ANII CAItHIAOK OII.CI.OTllH.dt.'., No. 630 llutket Htreet, .outlt aide, I'blltdeJfihia. SEWING MACHINES. QJIO'VKH & IJAKK.18 M A Oil INKS, Werenwurdl tho Highest. rreiulumsnt the HInto ralrn of Kentucky, Vermont, Now Jerney Missouri, Alnbnmn, Ohio, Indiana, VUglnln, North CnrnlliiA, Whcomlu, New York, TenncMec, reimsjlvnnlft, Mtsslvlppl, Michigan, California, Iowa, Oretu. AT Tilt: I'AIIU or Tilt. Atnerlcan IiiKtllute, rraiiktlu In-tltute. Marv land Institute, Mass. MeclnutcN Atnocln tlon.IVnn. .Mi-ehuiilc' Insiliute,'4(, liOUlH Aurlrultural and Mo clmnU'l' Assoelallmi, Vndat tuuntiiiii- ltistlluU-H and County i'atis, iMludliitf all iho I'ldri nt which Ihey were cxhlb let) ltiep,Mt three eurt. I'lrst Irl?eH tuu alf. att ii nvv.uded these Maehlur-Hatthecxhlbltloni of LOXOOX, I'AUIS, DUJU.tX, MXXt MesaiHMii, Uaymne,St. Dlzlcr, Chaloni, and Ihey itive been furnished, by xpeclnl cotninand, to the llniprc-Mof Kr.mee, KmprcsMof Austria, impress f ltussla, Kinpressof Ilrarll, (Juetn ofSpaln, und (iueeii of llaarli. Tiir; (iuovi:u a iiakku ni.AITIC-STtCH a k w i x a m a c ii i x 12 s are superior to alt olher for (ho following rca- sons: 1. They sow with two threads direct from tho spools, and icnulrliiK nu rewlndliitc. They uro moro easily uiiilerslood and used. nnd lcKH liable to derangement than other ma. ehlnes. 3. They aro cupableof exccutln(ilerfeetly,wllb nit ehaiiKO of adjustment much creutvr nrlcly tt work thun olhcr maehlnoi, i. Thehtltch made by thCKu tnachlnei is much uioie Hi in. elastic, nnd durable, especially unon irttcles which require to be washed und Ironed. than any other Milch. Ti. This Mitch, owlmi to the manner In which the under thread In Inwrought, U much the most plump and beautiful lu iim nnd retains this plumpness nnd beauty even upon nrtlcles fre quently washed and Ironed until they aro Hit, 0. Tlw htrucf uro of the seam Isnuch that, though It bo cut or brokm at Intervals or only a few stltchcM, it will neither open, run, nor rmel, hut remain firm and durable, 7. I'ullko other machlncn, Uicmj fasten lhth ends of the seam by thclrfiwnoiicriitloii, 8. With thesunuehlnci, whllo slllc Is u.ed uion tho rlsht or face (ddoof the .seam, eotton may bi iued upon the other ildo without lmsenltig thu HtieuKthordurablllty of thn Heam, ThU can be done ou no olher nrichlne, nndlsaKreat savins upon all articles -ditched or made up with hIIIc. fl. Thw maehlntK, In U'ldlllon to their Rtiperinr 'iierlls n tnsf ruinentH fr bowing, by a rh arise r idjiutineut, eully lainiinl ami piacthied. exeitite .ho most beautiful nnd permanent embroidery md ornamental work. In Addition hi their iainlly machines they bae 1 No tho IMl'ltOVKI) DOUlllK LOCK .STITCH MACII1NK.S, iliikilljii Hlltch ullheon hollt sides. ThU Com. .ill, tuiike holh Hie l.u.'li und IliilllileMltell Mil htnrs, so thnt perM.U'i hitvllii; n preletenw enn Iiel mii'Ii hi they like host, nnd If not Milled enn elitume 101 the other, tliusnhlin; Ihe ptihllo tho ' vttlti n .i thlnirruucenient. They nihil mako " new 1 ' inv, ntul NO. 1 LOCK STITCH MAC'III.VMS .in udvaitin upon nil in.tehlneH herclorolii klimtn lorseu-lni: wlih tho Ixk-suteh. It N of gn-nt )Mer nudhlrenlh, e.ipeclnllyuditpUlforlnllorK, .hnemnkerH, ueH.iuitkerti,eurrliti;i-trliiinieri, nnd for nil deHerlptloliH of work to Nhleh Iho Iix'k-stlteh li npplleuhle. It worl.H with equal fiu-IIIty hllk, eotton, or linen thread, nnd 111 uw Ihe finest nittIln ns well ns the thlekeHt leulher. l'rleo); with Ilemtners, Si. Their No. 0 1 a uaiiT nuxxixa macjiixi:, (oninlnlni; ninny linproveinent'i, ndnpted for tul lorltiB, TFht.iiiukliig, IltihUhoeinnkliiK, mt Hell tw forfiiinllyi.elns. Ijirso intmbf ra of lhe.o inn. ehlnes me In iiv, und they bIm tinlerMil wills f.tellon. None who have been tills lnnelilne will willingly 1110 the noisy nnd euuitirniiN loek.sllleh innihlnis lterctororo In inherit) use. 1'rlceiVi; with IleuiuierH, Thehu ninelilues of eery description can be had til the nsolit'i nirleo ln;il!onlnsl)uri!, nt jwilttvely Mi" limnur.K'tiiuT'sirl'i'H, toMhlelt lite nttentlon of the ptthlle u ep-lully lnlted. T, It. MAM'KItH, Aytnt, II'Dtmnn'a HulhUn'j, llLOOMdllPlltl, .MiirJaW-ly, Coltinililit Cotiuly, l'.i, poWDKU KIXJS AXl) LUJIIIKK. W. M. MONltOK A CO., Ittirt, IV., Munttfneturersof IVlWIIlIltKKdrt, und dinlers In nil kind of i.uiinnn, give nolle, thut they nro prepared 9u tuwntuinttu their ettstoiii ulthdLisitch, nnd ou tlto vhoupe'SV JyJII.Lini A HOST, Niteochsor. to Prank II u l' A Co., Inilsirler. nnd Wholeiinle Dealer. In 1.IQU01W, WINIS, Ai' Ni. Ill) nnd I! J North Third Htreet, Philadelphia. A. IIICNOHY, HttceeRhor to Hendry A Harris, .Mnti'ifiietiirernnd Wholesale Dmler In IlOOTHANIIHltlHJs, Nn. M Norlh Tltlrd Klreel, I'ltllivlelpltlu, J. i'. iii:aui), villi l.tri'lNCOTT, I'.OMl i ( ()., Mi.iiiifni tttieis nnd Wholewtle Iienh r In 1 1 AT N. CA 1 X, I T UK, A N 1 1 HI 1 1 A W (1 00 1 .H, No. ll.UlnrketHlieet, t'hlliidelphla. QNYJ)i:i, IIAIUIIS A HABSETT, .Mnniifacturera nnd Johlnrs of Mt:.VH AND HOY'H Ct.0TIIINO, No.. 6'Ji Market, and sao-inmerce Htreet, fhlhulelphln. Q-icoitaK ii. noiiKiiTS, Importer und Dealer In HAllIlWAItH, CUTI.CIIY, UUNH, Ac, No. Stl Norlh Third Htreet, above Vine, IIUlMliipliJa.