The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 27, 1867, Image 3
afltc- (ifolumlriniL :-Bii. -. - HI.OOMSIIlItO, IIUIIAV, NKI.3T, lirtT, D.Oi 1. .lulm snys Dciiiofcrut'i nro lg. norunltl Kir.N-N-v -Tlio attempt nf our Jtmllral ncltjlitfpr, to crcntb thb linpimlon (hut I'rwiltlefi Johnson h'opputcil tn'tlio iv.s (orntlori of,jlio Soutliurii' Hlnlep-tu lliu Union'- ( ;',; V" ) " Tin: l'amplilct l.nws for 1SG7 luivo been received by" tliu I'rutliotuitnry. Theru nru fewer of them, tlmn for mine yearn Inst puil, but tlioy nro worse, whnt there nro of them. Tin: WkIU Uevercned Dlshop Hlevens will preach mid administer tho rlto of eonllrmntlon, In Saint Paul's Church In llloomsburg, on Turxlnv evening, October 15th. Jlllbiiro to hand IhU number of Tin: Cui.umm.IX to your ltcpubllcan neigh bor, not too far gonu In negroism, and tbu result may bo Hint be will read It, and be convinced of the error of Ids way. Wk ilevoto tho outside of our paper tlito week to n lengthy and able speech of lion, (leorgo IT. Pendleton. Krom this time until niter the election, our space will be mainly used for pnlllkul matter, and tbo-o who do not enjoy that class of reading, be patient font few weeks. Wnuro under obligations to our friend J. V. Kilur for thu Due grapes sent us. They are tho largest we ever nuv. Af ter nil tin editor's position has totuu amenities. If ho does get abused and slaudeied tbero are generally soino kind friends to support and endorse him, mid pitch little (okens of regard, me'ovldenco to us that our labors are appreciated. Ox Tuesday evening last, the Democ racy or Jit. Pleasant assembled nt Jones' School House, and by electing John MoriUn, President; Hi mm Thomas and Jackson 1 lower, Vice Presidents ; Win. K. Johnson, Secreta ry. After organization, tho meeting was addressed by Clm. W. Miller, and Col. Freeze. Our asniuances are! that Jit. Pleasant will do her whole du ty, poll her whole vote, and roll up a splendid Democratic majority. It is our painful duty this week, to record tho death of a stranger In our town. Mr. A. I,. Muuuea, a native of Ohio, who was tramactins bnsliie-sa) an agent here, died on tho night of the -M I t . Tlio decea-ed was an honest, upright and enterprising young niant gifted with superior talents, and was loved and respected by all who kniny hlni. The body has been forwarded to tho borne of his father, in Olilo, for in terment. Peace be unto him. Am: You A-wiwnn V -Let every Democrat seo tho uesment lists, mid if your names do not appear, apply to the Assessor nt once and have It attended to, or .some of you will be cheated out of your votes. Do not pride yournelf upon the Idea Hint, because you have been n voter and paid taxes for n num ber of yonw, your name Is properly reg istered, but go anil see for yourself. (Friday tho 27th Instant,) Is Hie last day this important duty can be attend ed to beforo tho election. Tin: Ticicin' Tin: Von:. There will bo but two tickets to be voted this Fall. On of them labelled outside "Ju diciary" will contain tho name (ieorge Sliarowood. Tho other one labelled out side "County" and contain the names Thomas Clmlfant, Jlordecal Millard, Jacob Yohe, Thomas J. Welliver, Da vid Yeager and Jacob Harris. Iiy arrangements with the oilier Democratic Kill tors in the County, the Columbian supplies Montour, Jladi son, Hemlock, Greenwood, Pine, Jack son, Sugnrfoaf, Jit, Pleasant mid Scott. Tho Tickets are ready for delivery. Kioht TiiorsAxn Dot.i.Aiis Is no small sum to bo unexpectedly called upon to pay, and yet that Is Just thollx tho Hadical olllcers at Harrlsburg have got Columbia County into, The regular annual assessments were made accord ing to the valuation of the assessors, but it is now for tho first tiino stated that thu Auditor General, Stato Treas urer, and Secretary of tho Common wealth, without notice, as tho law re pilre5, sometimo early in ISCll increased the v dilution to such an extent as lo ndd $S,0()0 to our Stale tux over and above the assessments already made for 1SCIS-U7. This action of tho Slato nlll cers was kept quiet last year for fear It would defeat tho election of Governor 'Geary. Tm: campaign was opened in this County on 1-ist Frid.iy night at Light ' Street. Jinny were prevented from at tending the meeting on nceount of the unusually hnrd storm whichcomm 'iiuil about du-k and continued until after nine o'clock. The meeting was organ ized by tho appointment of Win. White as President ; Chas. Leo and W, JI. Knt as Vlco Presidents, and Jacob Tor wllllgorns Secretary. Captain lirock way was then Introduced to tho audi ence, and for an hour nnd a quarter tils- aisM-'d tho l-ues of tho day, reviewing principally tho inconsistencies of the Itepublicnn party In reconstruction, and their miuiiunagemcnt of national af fairs. Accoumxo to tho published pro minnm. on last S.iturdav ovenltur u Democratic meeting was held nt tho Acnileiiiv in JI1I11 nvi lu. Although there had been but one day's notice, tho room was crowded. Hliowlnir lila mix that tho voters of Jlilllln are nllvu to thu Issues of tho dny. Tho meeting was organized by tho selection of nipt. S. II. AI. Ynntz as President. Samuel Creasy. ICsip, and Jacob Goho, in Vice-Presidents i and A. Schweppeuhelser and Alfred Jless, ns secretaries, tiiu rresi dent of the meeting, after n few prefa tory remarks, then Introduced to tho an .Hence. C. W. Miller. Ivl.. of ltloouis burg, who, for threo quarters of mi hour, ably mm limy (itsciisscn mo priu flnles which nt liresent lay at tho found ntlon of tho Democratic mid Hadical imetloii. IIiiu-im fiillimpil by Cillitalll llrockwity, who, though ill ut tho llmo from a recc nt attack of tiL'tio nnd fever, yet In a speech of hnlf an hour, exposed tho corruption of tho Radical pnrty, Its disunion policy, and tho evils it nan u-rmiirlit nimii the country. The meet lug adjourned with cheers for tho ticket nnd bpenkers, nnd n spiclnl ttyer for our next Sheriff, Jlordcctd Jllllard, who bnppened to bo present, -tt.'V..fc .. VllHY lNTi;t,t,KiiiNT All lladicalH, and especially P. John and his follow ers, 1 Tin: Philadelphia Aye, the leading Democratic paper In the Slate, llko the Coi.ummam puts tho Ticket at the head of Its Advertising Colunis, An Informal meeting of tho Pan An gel lean Council was held last week nt Lambeth Palnce. lllshop Hopkins, lllshop Odenhelmer and oIIicm from America wore present. Hr.XAToit made speech nt Wllllnmsyorton last Monday even ing, I le expects to bo actively engaged during tho campaign In dlirerent parts of tho State, If Ids health continues fa vorable. TllK ltepubUcim says the National Hank of llloomsburg, paid lat year "Twenty thousand and olghty-tlirro dollars mid llfly-seven cents" tax. What does P. John mean "by such de llberale lying?" P. Joli.v U mad, And I am glad; What was it did displease him V Tho Jolniioii grip AssoHHormhlp, And u little " Xlg to tenso him. JIu. Pi:ti:ii H. IIaumax, founder for Jlr. Jo-eph Slmrpless, Is now engaged in eatlng for Iron Dale Furnace, pipes weighing over a ton apiece. We be lieve It is considered a someu hat dllll cult mutter, but Jlr. Ilarniau Is uni formly sllcco'sflll. Sinuous Am hunt. A very serious accident happened to Jlr. Little and Jlr. Jllller on their mav to Pine to ad dress u Democratic Jlcetlng. Ju-t this side of Jlilvlllc thehor.-e ran away with them, broke tho buggy to pieces, con siderably Injured Jlr. Little, and very badly hprtdncd Jlr. Jlillers mikV. Of coui-o tho Jlcetlng was not reached. We nro exceedingly sorry that our Democratic friends in Pine were dis appointed. We trust they will give u good account of them "elves on the day of the election, notwithstanding. Tin: IJviii' Age Is regular In Its vl-lls to our olllco always welcome, always entertaining, capitally got up, cheap and fresh. Llttellnnd Gay, Huston. PmT.r.soxM National JIauazinis K on our table. Tho literary .standard of the laics and sketches Is fully up to that of its competitors, nnd the list of contributors will compare favorably with any of them. Tho Illustration!) me equal lo any of Its piedecessors, mid many of tho ladles say it is Ur better. As a Lady's Magazine it has no suprl ors. Godkv's Lady's Dr.uK for this inonlh is a number of more than average merit lJe.-idestho handsome steel frnntlspleco, "A Passing v loud," the fashion plato, and a wood cut representing "A Credit to her Jlother," wo hnvo the tinted picture of "The Farmer's Daughter" oh un extra attraction. The literary ma terial Is also wcll-selecled, anil includcH illiberal Instalment of Miirloiillnrliiml'ri continued htory, "The Safe Side." Tin' (Umvv. t'nr Oetober. eontailis "On Fortiine-Hiiiiting," by W. It. Whltmoro; "Paris and tho Parisians," by Kugonu llensoii ; "John," by Herthu S. Scrmitom ; "The Poor Whites oftho South," by K. 11. Seubrook ; ".Mexican Armies and Generals," by A. Conquest Clarke; "In the Knemy's Lines," by James Franklin Fitts; "American Cookery," by Piorru Hint; "Sloven Lawrence, Yeoman," by Mi's. Edwards; "Waiting for tho Verdict," by JIis. it. II. Davis; and "Nebulie," by thu l-.d- itor. The price of Tho Galaxy is ga.-ii) a year; two copies lor So. Address . C. A F. P. Church, No. M Park How- New York". Kvi:iiy SATfitiiAY, This popular Weekly presents its midcrsjiist those portions of Kuropean current literature which every intelligent American wishes mid needs to see. Omitting tho heavier papers, discussions of topics of local Interest, it gathers from all sources Hie readable and Instructive articles which express tho beat current thought of Kiiglaud and tho Continent, nnd with the utmost promptness places lliein be foro American leaders. Any gocd story, any popular sketch or essay, any inter- esllng senil-sclentille paper, any strik ing poem, or literary intelligence ap pearing in a Kuropean periodical, is sure to reappear speedily In tho pages of A'tviy StttiinUi. It Is published ny Tlcknortind Fields, Huston. ir i mi-wit iiiMtiMin'inimni in n i ii i T" LOCAL NOTICES. I HON- in Tin: Hi.ooi). When the blood is well supplied with Its Iron cle ment, we feel vigorous ami full of anl niatlon. It Is nil insulllcleney or lids vllal clement that makes us feel weak and low spirited ; all such, by taking Ibo Peruvian Syrup, (t protoxide oi Ironl can .sunn v this dellclcney, and will bu wonderfully invigorated. ' Ki:ko?.ni; litis had Us day. KutrU oil I, mtildlv displacing it. us it should do. Tho new Illuminator Is perfectly life, nnd fifty net cent cheaper. It Is certainly Tin: light for the times. 0. II. Jforrli, of Light Street, is Ageuv inr this county. See ndvcrtl-ement. il liivesthratlou of this greatest of all modern luvetlons nnd tho Inlluencoof tho public Is respecliuny nskedln behnif of this recent Improve ment, ladeu'wllh riMilts of such great slgnl llcnnco to all persons In every City, Vlllage audFai ni-Hoiisoof our country. It Is readily seen ny all, ol course, uiai tho I'lrtt lu embark in this enteiprlie, will reap lltu harvest, mid ricelvo its prominent advantages. Lt;r nuy.ono take tho trouble to In quire, and they will iiH-ertaln that tho engravings now being given uwny by the Washington Library Company 4 of Philadelphia, to those who purclia-o ono ormoro shares of 'stock to aid of thu Hlversldo Inslltuto, nra worth ntoro at retail by fitly per cent, than what is paid for thu stock. Iie-ldes this, every sliaro of stock will bo accompanied by a present ut tho great distribution. Geo. A. Cooko & Co., Hauliers, ,'VI South Third Street, Philadelphia, are receivers of all tho funds, mid their namo U tin iwurnnco of tho Integrity mid rellalillltyoftlio Company, which Is organized for a good purpose which Hhould not bo confounded with tho bo gus concerns that Infest thu country. Head tho advertisement. THB KALEIDOSCOPE t " A iniip of Inuv lift ltn IliiittmtlotiN unit lu tuiKi-i-iiH," Nil. XXMV. scni.Nci: or l'liti.ot.ooY. Wn huvo already seen, that It Is by tho derivation of this word, by going back to the Greek from which It is compounded, Hint wo nro able lo deter inlno Us exact inclining; but when they spell tho iiaino of their system by their own rules, who could pronounce, with any approximation to certainty, Hsdcrlvntlonnnd slgnlUciitlonV Xoone, I am sure, upon meeting wltlioioxrqV, no matter how well acquainted with tho G reek, would tako It to bo an old friend from classic ground ho would pass it by as f.oniooutldo barbarian. So would It bo with thousands ;f other words, none of which need bo pointed out, but which will readily occur to every man of reading and education. 'Who with sticii 11 system of spelling could truce n word, no matter from what language derived, back to Us family, and hunt up Its relations, scattered over tho en tire vocabulary? Tho tak would bo utterly Impossible, and In addition to this, ihe strength, beauty and flexibili ty of tho Kugllsh Innguagu would bo gone. Wo would bo lost in mi ocean of words, whoso origin wo knew not, and could not trace, whoso meaning would he capricious mid uncertain. Now wo can tuko an Kngllsh word, and return It lo Us family in Asia, perhaps; mid, continuing our search, find Its cousins how widely soever scattered, because they will all bear clearly upon their face, tho family resemblance. I tow would the dramas ofShnkspeure, the Paradise Lost of Jllltou.tlie Hambler of Dr. Johnson, or the Spectator of Addison look, dres-ed up after this inadern fnmtic unliinn i The familiar faces of these dear old Knglf-h classics would appear strange and unnatural. Kveu while reading them thus mangled, If that could bo done, we could scarcely persuade ourselves that then were tho same. The quaint spelling, tho peculiar Idiom, the now olnolcto word would lo-e Itscharni.and all tho beautlesof the old writers would bo obscured. Philology would bu 11 study no longer wo should speak mid write in phonographic light, but In a real darkness. Now It fre quently happens, that one word is the "open sesame," by which tho literary treasures of halfuworhl.aro imlockul to our view,uiifoldlng to us the mystery of forgotten custonis.explalidngdai k possa- gesandgiviugthekeystohlstory. Asone touch of iiiiluro makes tho whole world kiniisoneiiotoinaii air brings lo iiilud tin; eullro melody, so can one word, pbllologic.dly considered, enrich the mind with ideas. For those,among others cousldrntiotis, in our Judgment, the system of phono graphy should bo discarded. Itsndvan- tages nro not uislly perceived, while tho objections to It are manifest and glaring. While It may be ncknou ledg ed that tliere is considerable irregulari ty lu the orthography nnd pronunci ation of our language; still, less time anil attention aro required to master these dilllciiltles.t ban thoso which would inevitably result from an entire change of the system. Nor could tho objections wo have urged be casual mid Incidental, they would bu permanent and insuper able. Wo have never been able to see the advantages that would result, either to children or adults, and loving as we do, tiio powerful Anglo Saxon, with all Its peculiarities believing that In Its present garb It c.lll bo mattered, mid when thus pijrs'eiteil, it could not be, by any possibility ; we should most earnestly deprcinto Hymn's Cliildo Harold, or Thom-on's Seasons being ever dono up phonogruphically. Hut even In spelling, this modern system obtains no advantage over the present popular mode. For Instance, "question" Is spelled, in the I'unctte J'fopaffinulM, vtvenliniii million", mil .1101: every, entry dollars ilnUitr:. Hut It is useless lo multiply words upon this point, and wo lenve it, trusting that enough lias been said to make our views plain and satisfactory. To what has gone before, might very properly add a few words upon the -object of grammar, but.altliough It Is very closely connected with the one under di-cu-sion, is indeed n part of it we will not enter upon It at Ibis time. It Is enumerated among tho seven sciences, a knowledge, of which goes to make up a liberal education the oilier lx bilng Logic, Hhetorlc, Alitlimctic.Geomitiy, Astronomy, and Jlusic. The division oftho Kngll-h language lulo ten parts of f-piccb, is somewhat arbitrary, and the number might bo lessoned with udvunlago. The Arllee could bo Incorporated with ihu Atljietire, and tho ymi tit ij,!e should bo treated with, and as u mood oftho virb. What ever Increases tho facilities for acquir ing a knowledge ol this abstiuse mid profound science deserves our attention; for a man can neither sp.,ik nor wilte elegantly, or llucntly, without a llioi ough knowledge of the piinciplcs and construction of the language; nor power fully unit eloquently, without a char nnd deep acquaintance, with Us derhn Hon mid slgnlllcntlou, This can bo obtained, only by close philological study Ibis Is the secret of tho magnificence of Jlllton's poetry, of tho grand mid mnsslvu pro-oof Jolinon, and of tho sweet nnd delicntu touches, In thu elegant papers of Addison. Wo must understand thu philosophy, thu construction mid lliu origin oftho Ian gunge, before wo mo able to make our bookH readable, no matter how excellent may bo tho mutter with which they may lie tilled. Tin; fullowlii"; is tho K'oro of a IUo Hall Match played botwot'ii Iiulpitiitl tlant ulnu of ItlDoinibiirp; and Ameri cans of Danville, on tho grutiuiN of thu former ; INPM'KNUlNr. I AMI.lill'AN. H. 1 O. 7( llolllnushead.e. .1 I lAitlVy, p :i .I'Cnd.-i.HN !( 7 illollman, 1 1 - 4 1 homas, b u, 1 I WaudVil t- .,I.eldy,(f. 2 ri'iiotinun.e f :i UtjWundf, r f. I Conner, I h, ... Wai.l, of Mail", - b Mendeuhall, o Shutt.:ih. . . . ItlUmej 1 r, k n Ihu kalew, p,., Hioan, I f Unpen, rf. Total 1,7 wh'otal vr INNl.NtiS, Df. S, 3ct Uh, Mi. i'th, Jth, Wi. IbA, Indepm .11 .1 12 n I 0 American 1 fi Ii V ti -I'mplu C, II, Iti'iitltway. :i t Sun atoh UrcKALUW Hpokaln Wilkes linrre, hif-t night, to u liiroutul enthu ilatlc autllenee. Wi; aro Infonnoil that a himtliitf match U to tko place at(hOrauguvHle, on Haturday, tho Mh of October, and that tho HiiortMnon of that placu dial lengo to himt UKtUiibt any-eiiual number of bportsiucn. p U 11 Ii I 0 S A L K OK VALUAllliK HTAIj miATK AND riJIthONAL lU01nUTf. Will m (-xpokchI to mi lil le mile nt tlm rpnli1ruon nf Win Ktilmci lljcr, In MuhliiKcrcek Tow imhlii, tm HAl l UllAV UCT01II.K Kill, IW7, UeglflUlOff ttl 1U o'clock, Hie following UcbitIIhM property, A MUWUAOH AND 'IltACT OK LAND where the MiUorlbcr now Uve.i, Mltinto In 'lsh !iiucrefkTowtiihliArurcnftU1tlmiiUtHl ly IiiiuU nrimnlel M'llonry, iMimer M'Hinry, Jacob hto kir mill others, CONTAINING AI10UT HIXTV ACHIX, on hlch nro erected a fmmn house, n Inrge fruiti hum itnd thu muul mitlmllriliiKM, 'J Morula n Jliui uprliiK ol wnter ut Ihu iloor, thu orclmnU nru In U'lirlimeoiulUhm, nnd lliu farm In good ntnla of cultivation. aihu, n irnctonnnu Melt or tho noove, con tnlnltut iiIkuU forty ncrctt, hnlf of whkh is timber hind, nnd the tmlniicu den red. AIjMO, a tractof Innd ndjntntng that first de KcrlU'd, Mtunted oh tho Main Ittnid, foiltnlnlim nlKjut twenty ncrcp, on uhkh U erected n good fruino ham, AIiSO, ntrnct of land nero-itho rondfrom that Inst mentioned, containing nlnit three iu rt, on Which In en-eted ft Kooil finnio hoimc, thu necenHii ry nuthulldlugn, nnd a svl of good filter. AIU A HOUMi: AND I.OT i)V MUOUND, adjoining the nlne, tho lot loiltnfnlng nlxiiit a tiutirter of nn acre uf ground. At AO i:iOHT VACANT LOTS, 11 (iinrter ofnn ncroench. adjoining the ivUve luinutl properly, nnd nit llng on the Main Uoad from Uloonishurg, AliHO, n MeKitiingennil trnet of land ultimte on Hji 111 t'reek in Heiiton Towimhln, iHiunded by Inndiof Jiicoh Ash, l'tter Cruvulllnif, Abraham Kline, and others, containing AI10UT UNI2 HUNDUK1) & l'OUTY AVIW, of uhlch twenty-live txcrvn am rloareil, nnd on which are elected a FltAMti IIOirHlI, UAHN, AC, Thcrr will Ik orTcretl for unlo nt tho snme lime, n iiumherofllorMeH mid Cattle, n Inrgo quantity of Hay, and farming uteiiHlls of nil kinds. Ten 111 made know n on day of Kale. WILLIAM IKKI.r.H. I'lfthlngereek twii.,Keit., 1W, l-o7,-;it. p V H Ii I V 8 A Ii K OK VALUAULi: IllUL USTATr The undersigned ur King executorn of tholnot wilt and Uhtuiniiit ol Oi-orgu Kllnu, Into of or ange tow nwhlp, In tlu county of Columbia, nnd Stale of IVnnnilanla,ileceiiscd,wlllo(Ki,ftl puh 1 If nnUon the picmlNfft, otiHATi imw, onoiiKit .1, 1-I7, nt 10 o'clock a, M., tho following described aluitnle real estate, viz i it 1. .v um ii m mmi ruiimm 111 I'litHK'' nw ifMii, county and htatu nfonald, adjoining lands of Josepli It. Morrlsnud Aimer Welwli on tho west, oOier laud- ofbuld eittnto on tho iinith, land of I'orneims it nnn on inn fK)uiii,nini inuun oi ssic pheii lvttlbononud Jlirum It. Kllnu on thui-nt, containing om hundrel and twenty ncren moro or lees, v. hereon nreereclid nwn htory Iranio dwelling home, hank barn, nudotlur outbuild luui.and iwu welNofuood water tm tho itrcitilt- cm, nnd a Miiall apple 01 chard. 'J he above tract of land is all elcaied, and in a good Main or cultiva tion, '1. A tract of land ultuate tu the township, county, nnd Mate aforesaid, adjoining land of Atmer Welseh on the went, other lands of Kiild entnle on the south, and land of II Irani H. Klhm on the cast, and by hiluW of Abner WeNch on tho north, containing tirtelght acreK more or le, thirty acrcN ofw hlch aro chared land and In good Ktato of cultivation. :id. A tract ifw (khI laud.sltunte hi the low nhlp toHUty,andtateaforeMiM,tidJolnhiglandHofJuhii A eht nbachon thenorth.laniHof tiavld Montgom ery on the ent, nnd lands of 1'eler P. Kline on theKoiilhnnd west, containing lift) -one acres morn or less, III), A tract ofwood land, Mtuate hi the town hhli), eountv, and MatcnfurMild, adjoin ini? lands of letcr 1'. I'IIik on lliu cat, t, lands of hfcphcu S. reltlUme on thetioith. nnd laiidK of lllnuu It, Kline ih the touth nnd wttd, conlalnliiii Illjy four acres nioroor Jes. Mb. A tract of wniid land, t(imtoln Ihe town fhlp, county, nnd stato uforf8 iid, adjoining lands of ih.uu Haiicnbucb, lauds of the heirs of Jl, Kline and other, rontalnlug hevenly-nlue itcris more or Un. ( vuditttiftn oftlr, Twenty per cent of the pur i hitse mone to I' paid by the pun Iuimt or pur ihtiMrsoutho MrlUlnti d'wn tf the properly, one-bidfofthe pniebuM money b-s- the twenty iHretui to U ald on IheiliH da j olApill, & w Ih 11 possi-nMuii ol the pn imIwch la to fn nUcn, and tho balance of (ho puuli.tMi money to lo paid hi two equal annual puj tueiitx, with Inter est Irum ihe itrt day ol April, UbS.and to bo mi euii il be biiul ami imirtuuiro tm the oiemlNt-H. '1 he Ilrst pa j ineiit toUt ma te on the Ihst day of A'iu, imhi. j-iirciiaMTh 111 pay ior ueeu, stump bolide, and iiiortyage, IIIUAM It. KLINi:. KMANb'KL LAZAIU'S, surviving IJxccutortf, Sept.,,-,0, 1. Will be exposed to I'ubllc Bale nt ihe' residence of the Kulihcalbtr in Henton tow nhln mil ill' its day sn'TKMithi; Siiih It'll?, Ihe following proper ty viz; TWO HOICKS, TWO cows, l'Ie head of oiuur ealtlc.n lot of Sheep. Ono w tiiirp u inon. omt sorlniiiMOton. Ono east shoe hied, ouo log iticd, one feul cutter, one fanning mill, oue grind htone, a lot of llarucHS. IjoUi light and heavy, one log chtin, one grain e rat 11c, grans scyine,riown, iiurrows.iwiuMiiorM, hoes, bho els, forkf. rakes, uxen, horse blankets, uy nci, u 101 01 iieiiuocib oiirik, HA V UY THU TON, COUN IN-TIII: HHOLIC, One cook htovc, oil" parlor slovo, hure.iu, nettce, tabh'tt, chalr, lulm, barroh, a lot ol carpet, queens wale, KKUClligiassefl, HKDH AND IIIIDDIN'O, cupboard, sink etc., wltHa vaihty of other artl eh4 too numciHius to mention. Al.'Ui t lllf f,tllll- 11(111.-Ull I NIC. H 't siluate In ,Jai kson tow nshh, adjoining l.unU of .lOHiiua Mnayt', .o.-iin)iit Ji iiiuiy, nun ouars. foutalnlng Ihhty Arret, nearly all i lenred laud tillll Ol IL L'lllul Klllll! I if ultU tit too. Alw: nlotof Tlmbvfland ttboytono fourlh of t jo no s ono 01 iiw aoo v inemiontu int, iu nn lie fond leading from onu to thPothor,)ioittaiilnK about Pevenlten Atrfs, will tlmhcrcd with tin tnut and rod: oak. Sale to cotuinelice at I' n'llock A. M. when due at It udance and leasonablu unlit will betfkrnhy J. 1-. Ikuton,Keplemherl3, 1W7, CALK OF VALUAHLK KKAL KS- VJ TATI. llio undersigned, executors of the j.ihi win ami lesiauiem oi uiorgu iiiuuuuii, ceased, oib-r for sale, ell her sepuiatcly or together, IIIU lirijytTiULj iit'BVIlitll KIX h OTH VT OHOUNI) situate in thclowemartot Ksnv. Columbia coun tv. ImntliiLfdii Miilri .lrret. ami csteiidlni; back to an nlley In tho direction of thocanahimd lu a fouthornly direction tia far on Cross Ktreet, i:ach Mil llll lllHHIt KTl 11UIII, HUH lJ H'll III Uri'lll, making them very desinvhlo for' building lots. Thcv win bomirchaFid at nrKntn wile until Mon day, December Hud. Wf7, at which time- thoo ru- tnuliune unsold win be disiioscn or nt puonc out' i nt (inn n'rlnrlr In tlm nffernfmii. Ti rms ok Hi.f. Tell ocrcent.of the nurchate money at the Mrlklngdownrd the property; nnd oue-hair, less the l u per cent., on too Ut of April, His, nnd Ihe balance ono yenr thoreafter, with inarivi on me uuisiui amounip. jntt-to ui in- given when the Inst payment h matie. I. T. II AKTMAN, lU)WAItD il.VUTMAN, INpy, 1'U., Sept, II, lSI7-8m, i:.ecutois p It I V A T K H A L K OF VALUAIILU lUIAL I -STATE. , Will le sold nt private Mile, by thotindersjgiud Agent for the owLcr, TWENTY ACIIUS OF LAN P. lying In tho township of Ornnge, Columbia coun ty, adjoining lands late of Archibald Henry, lands iMiiaobelgrrild.and Simon Iiwry. Ihu Home stead of tho Into Kiel laid Hall. 'TrKMs: One-thlid on the execution of Ihe ugiiumint,ntwhl(htImopo.KtNs!nuwllIhoulvt n; one thlnl 011 the thxt day of .ipill, Ims, within teiest 110111 ilat of ngr mt nt, anil tho rimalu lug iiiii'-llilid on Hi" Ihst day d April, INili, with Inteiest Mom the duto of ngn-i ment, at which tlmeudeed wlUbeovculidanddelUeied. For paitlcularvaddiH I't.TKH UNT, bepA'i-.;1!, Liglti sin t Ta. pL'liLIC SALK OK VALUAULi; UHAti I'-STATr-Will be sold by tho umh islgm d. i:et uh.rn of tho w 111 and tesinmt n oi olsMlah CauipU 11, dccmseil, at public saloon tho pi em i net, on Katuuhav, TUKiara uy hiutemhkk, iS07, ut ono o'clock in the nilernoon,v thp.ifoll6whig dis(.ilbedVAluabloitaUilaotiiwlt: t A CintTAIN LOT OF TJMHKH IiAND, sltuato In Irficimt towtishln. Columbia county, liouuded by lands of Klljuh ioviim, Adiua John sou nnd others, containing rotTU ACHUH AND ONU HUNDHCD jND HIXTXKN rintcHO. The land 1 on tho rond IcaiUug from Cataw Ut to Heftr ant and Mimw-r'n nun torn lies ono cor ner of It. Iheio will also be Mold at the samo time, A UUANTITY OF WHEAT AND UYK. ti- Conditions mado known on day of a1o, M011OLAH OAlillXL. OUEDIAU S. CAMrHLLL, j. j. cA.Mri;i;u., , - MC-fltT7-lw, i:ceutors. A UJUTOU'H NOTICK. i.i.vTi:or Koswru hvhtii, i.atk ov vvoob loWNsiiii", toix niA cocNTV. ii:rp, 'I lie undc ulpiud, auditor appointed by Ibo Or phans' Court ol Columbia county, to maku dls Irlbutloii ol the bahmco lu tho hands of Johnson 11, Ikchr.ndmlnlstratcrof Itosovvtil smith. lato of Uiet nw t'tid tow nshlp, dect ased, lo and among tho nspcctlvo cicdltrirs of tho tlecedent lu the unit r tstahtUhcd by law, wilt ultt ml at hi ullko lu islot.mshurg, tn 'lliursday, llm twt iil'llit dav oi Novimber, UC7. nt 10 o'clock a. m., for the put pose ol nil end log lo the dutUs of hi appoint mt nt, whf n and wi lenlt pnrthH Interirttttl, aie leiiulied to present their clftliuM, or bo debnind fromiuiiilug lu for n sbaioof the fund. E. It. IKELElt, Auditor, llloomsburg. St pt, I t, lT-tivv. "lXKCUTOH'S NOTIC15. tsTAl K Of JAtoU it AltTZKb, hit., Dt:t KASK1), Lttteis testauu'litary on tho estate of Jabob Il.ulA'l, sr., Into of Ml Mil n township, Columbia cmiuly, huvo Ut u giunted by the Ueglstirof nald eountv, to Jonas rlurte) and John II. littler, eeculoih, both residing lu Mltll In township. All pel sons having claims ir demands aualust the estate are icuucsU'd to brtn iit them to thoexoc ulors-for settlement, and Ihoso knowing them seivtsiuuiiacii in make pay mini JONAH HAItlV.Ef JUU.N It, Ul.lJd-U. JOTIOK.- I iinrliyrnullnn nil xrnn woliitt bnylnaur i'iitlutliii il lmlu uLmii liy me lo (jeoiira . Iltiilon.iuiil I'.. 11. HiinpMin, ilntiHl AliKu.t IStli, 1MI7, or iluiuia irflu.ui. lur uliUli 1 li..i it ii'tvnl no nlm mul uliU ii 1 urn deU-nnlut-tl nut l imy uuli-KM ililitlU,il lo lo .o by iluo rouriio of SVIilta llall, I' Kept. S, IMI7-IW, I' It O v L A-M a't ; 0 nv 11 n nmoii inouiiiy 01 1110 ni a. nn 01 eery counry to give notice of the General f;er(nus, by pu!- Mention In onu or morn newnptipcrs of the conn i.v, at. ii'iihl incuijuyn iouioiu lliu eieciiou, ami to enumerate tin rrln the odlct-rs to Ikj rleelcd, and to ilpKleiinlu tho placc-n nl whh h the election in m mi iifiu. i uerc lore, j , n. .i l t.l j nis i in ill. tllgu Shtriu t)f Columbia county, do hereby make known nnd proclnlni in the ijunllflcd electors of Columbia county, that n Omcral Kleetlou will lo held on 11 l,nif. 1 , 1 111, 1,H MI 1 II )A) ill UI.-JUM1.U, lsi7.(lMdng the second Tuenday In hald month,) at tho kpi rnl dMrlcts within the county, to wlti Ilenxer towns i hi. at t ii ouliUn himwr oM' irfM. thin Shuman fc Sou. licnton towiifitiip, at ihe. public house, of John , stiles, Jn the tgwit of Denton, tltiKiin thfllViirt ltrxiM. Iti 1itw.t,a. burg. ' , jiorougu uerwicKtnv me Town iioiiso, in the borough of Ucrwtck. Ilorortgh Ccntrnlln, nt the public Imus of II, A. Weldeiiiaul. llrlarcreek townshln. nt tho tad ale krhnolbnnxn near i;ansllte. i lunwtsnt inwnsiiip, nl llm iU"lle house of Henry J. Clark, In tho town of Cataw Issa. Centre tow nMdn.iit the Heboid hou-to near Ijifav. ittn Crensy'n. Cnn iighnin, township, nl the homo of Daniel I I i imcrceic townsli o. nt the nubile 1ioum ror- tnerly kept by llenjamln M'llenry on the stale road. 1- ranklln townshln, nt t ln ton s school liouse, Oreenwootl townshln. nt tint )ioinoiir.lrMrili It. ration, II em look lowiishln. nt Ihn iitilillt lioiiwn nf John Ifartman, In the town of lluck Ilfirn. .incKson lowiiMitp, Hituotiouteor Kzeklei Cole. Iicust tnwimhtn. nt tlm otililln Imiian of 1 Invlil Vengcr, In Slablown. Mllllln township, nt the piddle house of Aaron Icpk, tnthotown of MlilllnYlll, Madison township, nt tlm public hour of Sam uel Illmby, tu Jerseytow u, Mt. l'leiiHimt louiinhln. nt the imhllf bnio.p of 11. W, Mellck. Montour townsn n. nt tlic Iioiihi of W m.IInU llugshead. Sin Ino tow iiHiilit. nt llii taitille lion nf Samuri YMter. KoariliL'ereek townnliio. nt tlii lioue rornierle (KTupletl by Oeorco W, Orclnbarh. Orange townMilp.nt Ihe public house of John Snyder, In Orungcvlllo., , l'lne towushli,nt tho Centre Bthool hous.i, the new piace nxeu ny vote or tne citizens or .said township. nuganoai low nsoip, ai ine nousc oi .Miiiai t.oie, Scott the nubile bfaito of William Itemlev.ln l'py. At whli h time and place tho iiialllled -lei lorH Will eltet bv ballot tin? folio wlim Htale. .ludielnrv and I'ouuty olllrurs,u mv perHoii lor jiuige oi me rupirnio i ouri oi rennslvanln, onep isoti for Member of Assem blv. ono dlthoii forsbcrlir. ono orrson for Couiitv Tieasmer, ouoiHion for County Commissioner, ono iH-rsou for Jury ComriiNioner, and one ier son for County Auditor. It U further directed that the election twills of the occral dlslilcts shall be op' lied between the Iiouih of eight nnd ten o'clock hi the fotcnoon, and shall continue open without Interruption ami adjournment until M-vili o'clock In the e en lug win-it tbo polls fhall )MoIitsd. ii n in 1 1 ui i tw4 ivii'ti t nit i i mi iiii t unu ihu tti make out tho Otnrinl I.hictloivKhall bo held on Friday, thu Eleventh day of October, next. i ne ueiurn juuges oi me mirecniaiio im trlct, comiMwcd of the (oiintlcs of Columbia and Montour, shall meet at the Court Uou, lu lllooiiisbmi:. mi Tueidav. the Flltienth dav of October, next, to make out the returns for Mem liei'of Assembly. Ihe lol owing Art of Asscmblv. rcim nl un (he mode or otlng hi tho'tjommonwcallh of Finn Mivaula, was piued.Mareh Kith, Ini, and leads Huh: sutiiiv I. ( It I'linolfHl liv tho Scniitf iiml IIou.e of I lenroriitiit ii' of tho. ( 'imimomi ijillh of lVnns hania in Oeneial Assembly met, and It Is hereby emitted by theauthorllyof the mime That tho ijualltleil olers of the several oters of ino several counues oi uns commomw i ailli, ai ail general township, boiough and spielal t lec tions, aie hereby, heitnlttr, authorised and re- nurm io mho, ny mckcis, -rinicu, or w rmcti, or ; arily printed and iurty wriltui,seeiall ela. Ill d as follow ! Onit tliki't kIiiiM I itilirm-o 1hi names of all Juilges of courts' voted for, and lain 1 led, outside, ,JudIctary;'"one thiti shall em brace Ihe names of nil Slnt' otllccrs (.ttd lor, and Ih- labelled. 'Male ono ticket thall cmbnu-e the names of all county o1lt eis oted lor, liu hid ing oil ecof seliatoi. iiitmber. and mem iers of MHM'tubly, if oted for, and lueinbi r ofCingr s, u oieti mr, ami ih laoeiieu ( mnty ; one iicki t snail einor.iee tin' names of all tow u ih o leer ottd for, and bo MUdled, 'foSui-hlp;" one ticket shall embtace ihenumfs mall boroiii'h olllcern oted for. and be Jaboilud, "Honni'ili;" KKTioN a. iiirttlt Minll be tun duty ut the shetlttrt, hi tho setid(s.utttls f this Common wealth, to insert lu the Ir election proclamations, heiealttr Ifsued, Ihe thnt m etlon oi this act. NOTICE is HEHEI1V GIVEN, That i'irv neron execiithiii .Innllcc nf tlm Peace w ho Khali bold nnv nfllcf or iiimfiltilim-iil of profit or trust under Ibo United Statcv, or uf inubiaio. auv c tv nrcorooraied district, whet i cr n rommisMoned ollleer or otherwise, u iubor uiniiii-niiicirnriiiPiii wm imhtk i:t i m ctninnv. ed tinder tho Legislature, executhu or Judiciary department of this state, or. of any cltvor of any IneoriHuated dNtrlet, and also, that every mem ber of Congress and of tho Slate Legislature, and of the select or common council of any city, or I'filn tiilhxlmrru nt inn- IiikiimhiciiImI ilkt rlnl 1 l.i- iiu iijiiiuu? in nouiiiig or eseicisinuai ine iimo lononieo or appointment or.iuuge, inspector, or Clerk of any eieciiou of thin Commonwealth, and that no Iupcctor Judge of other olllcfr of such eleetloll sluill iMiClli'lhlo In hp thfii ritpd for. "U shall be tho duty of theHQernl AsnrswirH of ppeeuveiy ut aticTm anno pince oi Homing eery general, sntial or townthlpeluotlou Is kept open tor tho purpose ofgl tug Information to the In KIH'Ctois and Jlidue. wlu-n enlled on. to ilntlnn lotlie right of am pt rsou assissul by (htm to oto at such election, and on such other matters in reunion tu tne assesm nt or otetH, im tho said Inspectors or either of them shall jrom time in iuiii- retiture. "No pt rson shall l) permitted to idont auv election asnforcsald, thau u whlto elll7eii of the nge oi lweniy-ouoor jnore. who shall have nshle In this State at len.t one year, ami In tlx eh etlon dl-trlct wheie ho tAU-tf. lo oto ti-n iln k Imiui ill. alely pieu ding u h i-hsilon, and wiibln two eiu piuo a rtaie or county ia W lililt shall Have 01 1 ii Hhsevfu ut h iim ten uajs in lute too ele lion, Hut uellleu of the Culled Mates who bus nri- vIoukIv been a'ualhl(d oterof this Mate and ie- turneu, an. i who shall hae n sided in u e thai illstrlct and paid (axis, ax afoievald, shall beenlltled to oto alter residing hi thlsSbiteslx mouths. Provided, ih'it the white Irrr mi 11. i-It. 1tnsolthe Cnltedstatts, bet w em the ago of iw i-ii i,' -i ii ir hum niinj -iwo 5 ears w no na e re sided hi the 0t-t (ton ilKtHet ImiLiunv - f. .1 ..u 1.1 shall ho 1 ntllted to vote although they shall not nut ii j'mu iiw, (liven umh r my hand, at my olllce, in ltloouis burg, tills Mh day of Septembt r,H!7, KAMt'EL s.nmh!i;, SherlfT. seid., lSl"t7 Somo Folks Can't Mlccp Nights, Vi:nv many Minor from general di blllty.olhcis fioni weakm H-t of the t-tomnch and inability to llluest their lood : somo liavo eieeplug Kendal Ions alngtheiuieilbies, or pain In Ihe back, with uciuii'innu weary throi.iiiiigot Out limbs. Thou sands of indies stiller through long jears iioiu niii im- emu ii 1 f.ii.i i.i; ini i" ih, eaustu oy ino niaxa 1011 or muselo and lament I hat at tend ih Ilcleney of v Unl lorce. '1 botiNaiids of bus- mess men, overworked in in hid atal body, use up urn iii-i toui iiuiu iiuo oeroioo uuiu lor umv oi Uioenjoj mcnts of I i A. Ecesslu jouth.and the terribla i (reels of fever and amte. lnvnlvn h-it. tered constitution and the (allure of the geneial iiiuciiousoi ueaitii. losuuerers Horn ail tin causes, DO! ID'S NEUVINE AND INVKloltATOK oilers an Invaluable Imon n natural and t hielcnt recovery or lost over-, o pirson, man or v'o man, sulleilngliom auv iau-e. can allord lo mh- iict tills remedy. The Nervine will bo found to' possess an eipuuuzing ana mnrmvtf principle, n lias aiuuiiv lor inu Nervous i ions, ami supp:i them lor tho waste I list Is otmstnnlle tiikliiLM.l.u Like vvhokfiomti food taKt 11 Into Ih. undergoes rapid dlg.(tlon, Invigorating lu Us procem ine uigvsue oigaili, uuu pHHUlcilli a CALMN(S AND TllANQl'lLI 1 Y irykuowu tonjy olhti nreiMrallon. It eontaim noTiplum or hasheesh, and so I ir hoin prislming fMi euets u oi no louuu ail liueiem (Uroioi (oinuniptioii. and lias obtained a wide nuowm inr im pnciiiiarity, WHAT I'EOl'Li: HVY.' "Dear Doctor i 'Ihe last nudleine i rtw rlb.-il b jou 1 obtained, and will tay that Dodd's Nervhm and Im tgoiator is all thai It t lalms lo lie. 1 leU iiko a new man; i sieeo win; icivi goo aiu'etite andhel stiunger than 1 h-ive lor nuiny jtais pasi, jconiruaued ny nr. n. a, iuiktr, yrj!i V IllltOU SI., ItJODKl II, . 1 . "1 have used the Net v me. and II nd m m h mueh beuttlted by It, paitkulaily lu n .ise of sirviiginaiitiiuieot uio-t irtuibllug sesatious, Mi cosiivt ties. Mint wnn to he entirely nriii. Il.iili r lol'r. TmliPr. i J'ho iniilklne s cu ordind (LUKhl f, Niriin weliavo lakt u lurto botths oi. ii Is a grat thing, My who says she had rather liavi- oiuj noueoiii iiiauiouy ooeiors. mio is certainly hitler. Lellcorr aea cliit d : iloii'l ft the d t air ing dow n so mm h ; bowels mne easier, and lu a ueiter nervous coim ion evcrv wav 0. 11. Martin, i asiih rilh n Hiai-e, Long llrandd N. J., Htnt&iUuitJKudsi .'ivino lain cured h!m ofchioula wcakuc-!i of tho kloiuaib. illzlnes-i and Mcl; hridachc, nudurcatly ftrenslhemd hH wholesyMem. 1 1 a Id Ilaruhoru.llWHtaic-U., IlnKiklyiireurcd of (lii'onlu 1 hum. u tar and itrmis dt blUty. , John Harbht, ItiooUhn, X. Y. najsj "lit rcyu lato tho bowels wilboiit nroduciu calharllo ef ftct, quiet Iho mrvcs.and touo up IhokVKtem, I have never used anthhu that equalled I Mod's Nervine." W. 1'. Deans, Ksc,, Hut ford, Conn,: 'My wlfu hasMifh-rcd for Koventeoti jears with txirtuio nervous ilt-bilily and moiitral pro-ttrathm Mnj was lutluted by a frluid to try! Jr. J. W. Dood'u Nerv Ino and lneutteator. and byits use Is now testorod to noifect hmlthr Dr.CC ork, Cliarlevlowu, Moss, t "Jn cn.os of uroat nervous thhlllty, not eoiiilued by any means to the lemalo oricaulrathai more common thuniimonw men, Itmploy ItootPa Nei v Ino and Juv itforator with the happiest edit. It exceed In tonlo powt r anythhiK that I know, vhllo Its action ujai thclowellsall that can bo desiu'tt,'1 DixsI'k Nvrvluu and Invenllnrttoi is employed In IhtOlassavhUiiottH Hospital fur tlio Insane at Taunton, 1 TOE PjiltbONAL TEHTiMONIALH Tuinrcs of (fem ral, Indiveslion. Met pi nehs, Kidner Complaint, Wind Colic, and iVmalo Ciniiphilnls lu tin Ir ou 11 families, vvt n fcr, with pi-riiilsheii, to lo follow Ink Kihthiiieu in this vklultyi if, W, Hall, en , 1 Itth Avenue llolel, N. V. W. 11. It. slao, Trac t House, N. Y, John Williams, policeman, N, . J. W. Pttkttl. iMi.. (ilutoii-kl.. Itrooklcn. 1 r. IL A, I neker, tilnt(ust.?Hrooklyn:T II on. Wariei't liiiiso. A14 Hkv.Uwiic' N. Y. f Pur Mile by all DitiKulsis. prlco (fl.iju perhai tlo. If. It. hliia r A. Va.. Proorti lan. N.V, August IW, IWJ, T II A Y. (Utino to thoprcmhwMot' Ihovubticrlbcrln liih Intitek towmdilp, tVilutnbta tsmiity, about two months kliiLO, a ictl and wlilto simtti-d Heifer, vuppoitatl piboubout two yearn old. 'Iho owner Is leqiifktod to com nnd talie It awnv olhvrvvbtu Mio will btf Uuposed 01 nei'ordlng to law, M'lLLTAM IK ELK t, VM.Iugorrek p. Kept, IS, IM7, Q.K0H0K II. ltOUEUTH, Iiujsirtor and Dealer lu HAUDWAKK, CUTIJv'UY, OUNH, Jtr., No. 811 Nurth Third Htitvt, abovw Via, HillaJvlplila. LOTHING. JKW HT0C1C OK CLOTiriNO. Freh arrival of FALL AND WINTEll GIOODm. daVid I-OWENHEUO Invites attention to his ntock of CIIFAI,ANDFAHllIONAHLi: CIiOTIUNO. at hlsntorn oti Mnln Street, two door ftlovetho Ahierlcnu !Ious4 llloomsburg, Fn,( where ho hM Jimt received from New York nnd 1'hlbvh lphla a full assortment of MEN AND HOY' CLOTHING, Inchidltu the most fiinhloiiable, durable, arid h nnd to i no DIUHS 000 1, consisting of BOX, HACK, FltOCK, (JUM, AND OIIrCI)TH COATH AND l'ANTH, of nit Morln,slres, and colors, llo has nlo rrpten ishod his already large ntock of FALL AND WINTEU 8IIAWI-M, HTUIPED, FKlimED, AND PLAIN VESTS, HIIIUT8, CIIAVATS, HrOCKH, IX)LLA11S, 1IANDKEHCIIIEFS, OI.OVIW, PU8FENDEIW, AND FANCY AHT1CL1-S llo has constantly on hand n large and well-se lected assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTING4, which he Is prepared to make to order Into any kind of Uothlng, on very short notice, nnd lu the Ijefct manner, All his clothtng Is mndo tovrcar, and most of It Is of home manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELUY, of every description, fine and cheap, Hincnseof Jewelry Is not surpassed in thin place. Call and examine, ids general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELUY, Ac. DAVID LOWENlitMia. jVKWCLOTJIINy AX1) O10NTI.K- .Ml. M I Ull.MHIIIMJ MTUIli:. Tito iuilrntitint rcwiun-tfully ntiliotuiu's lo 111. many frlcixU that ho Im's oih-iio.1 ii new Clothing mn( aiMitlomcu'. l'urnlshliiti Wore, lu !1 lower room of tlio llurtmnn ItulMInx, KoaUiwi-Kl corner of Malu nml Market KLr.cU, liloniiiHliurn, l'u. ltn lux Juki rolnrncirtroin nilludiliililuMllli u r.nri(c ht'K'l; of KAI.I. AND WIXTKIt rUirillNU Oi:XTI.nME.S-S 1-UUKISIIINO OOOIW, Ae., Ac. he flntterH himself tlpt ho can i)eni)all. His stock eomprhei' ' ' )l j( Uf MIIN'S, HOYS', ANII YOUTH CLOTH INO, such at lmixHco.VTfi,' HAI'K COATS, yVI.Itt.OAl I'AXrS. ' .' ' VIJiTH, . SIIIIITH. L'Nnr.iiMiiius.' DUAW1I1M, ; I.WU1W NIXK-TIIX, JLUlJ.ltl. si'sirxnnttK, 1'Mltttlil.l.AH, Ac llANlllCHlll'lllWS, nml in fact eiirllihis In the ClothTii or Kur nihiilni; line at ery low Jirlcesi. Ill uiltlltloti to the aboe he has nn t leg.intip mirtmentof TLSSBSllW CI.OTIW, CAftltMCUD. ANIlWESTINOS. CLOTiiiNd mauk to oiuiiinjvTlSni: fcllUUTKST otici:, OP Cull and see before purchasing elnewlierc, and HlX'UIir. OllHAT IIAItO VINH. octo-iy J. w. cin:nm:iti.AiN. LEGAL NOTICES. JKECUTOU'ri NOTICK. I'hTATK OF JAC0H HIEIIL, Or BL0021 II'., II. Letter). leKtiimeiilHrv on tlip r.tnto of Ju.ob fit-in, n.iv "i uiwiniiuniwii'1', v win in i.i., i i j , dectoM'd, haeliieii cranteil by tho Uce;Mer of sain couniy iitjiaviu i.onrnnerK, exnuior, who renuien ill loooiiiHourE.. .ji perKOUS nainR claims or demands aiounst tlio rMittu aro ri tiueh ted toprct-cnt Hit in tothei.xeeutorfor.eltlciiieilt, ami loose Knowing uiniseives looeoini ioiuiiho pnynient. 11AY1U l.(lWl:MlKlt(l, September 1-1, UG7 Kxecutor, A-DJiJISTKATOH'S X XV l-SlAti: Of ItlL'llAllIJ'HAM., I XOTICK, I)KI .ism. 1.1'tterN ol iulm!liitrMlon to ibo etnte of ltleh nnj Mall, hi tc of Onmt;oownt.hlii.('ohimbla coiin ty, deteuhod, have bet u urautt d by iholttHlhter of hald Onmiy to lvttr Lot, Vi hu nyU h In M-ott towtihhlp. All croons having claims or dtmandx nj-iln"! tlio i-taloof tho lU-et dent, aronnpuKted topiehent them t tho ndmluUtrutor without delay f and all peihuiis.liuUhttd aro requenied to make pavmtnt, PKTLU ENT, Admlntt.lrahr with the Will annexed. September tl, lNi"fiw. " J)MSTIATIllX""NrTi V EHTATIi OF MlCII Vi:i. JhlSOIl VN. liLfii. l.elh rxofadmlnMrationuIth the Will annexed to tho chlatf of Michael Monohan, late of t'entia 11a Ilorounh. Columbia county, deeeaved, have bcmnrauted by tho Eeiclster of Mild county, to Ann Monohan, All persons havlnu claims or deniaiuls aalnst tho estuto of the tleerib-nt are rcquci-tt'd lo malco them known luM, M. L' Velio. Em., at Avldaud Pa., attorney for the estate; and all prrwuis Imkbted aro reiutsted to make pay ment. ANN MONOHAN, Admln'x nepO'C7-lhv citm Ustamrnto aimaxo, X.V OF DIANA l-.TKMIt, lH.l'll. Liilers of administration on the estate oi Diana lMu'ir, lato of (Ireenwood tovviihhlp, Columbia Couniy, deceased, have been wanted bv tho Iteif Isler of sal I county, to John Maley, lulmlnlwtra lor, who aNo resides lu hald township. Allptr-t-taiH having claims or demands against tho t hint e ot the ilecedelit. are rtqutHttd to mako them known to tho administrator without delay, and all persons Indebted aro romieted tit mako nav im nt. JOHN hTALEV, AujrustCt, (T: fit. AdmhiNtialor. DM IN 1 S'Fl t A'fo U-S N0rTc E. V. I.Sl'.Ui: OF JAlMIl IIOVVMAN, DI.C'D. Letter ol admIni'lratlon on thet slate of Jacob I'nwmau.lalo of Malm low nhm, Columbia eiaiu IV, dt ct ui d, have hi t n laldtd by the UeUter of Ma 1 I enmity, loMlchacl (liover.adiulnSiratnr, who icld k In Malu v ille. Columbia ctunty, All pet sons lm hit: claims or tlem.imU adust tho ei-tale of wild detedent, aro icim-httd to make them known to the administrator w Ithout delay, and all poisons Indebted aro request! d to make mv ment. MICHAEL (IKOVElt, Aumnd it,lM7"Ct. Admlni'-tr.iior, mUNlKTUATHIX'S XOTliTT."" i KSrVlf OF IIFSIt JinWM N, nrt hAru. I'iier oi'iitlmluMrattontm tl cit.ttt of Hmry Mow man, late id Main ton mhlp, i 'tdunit-! i coun tv, tleeeased, have bet-n waited 1 tho Itentsier of x.ild county lo Maty How man of wild town hlp. All persons haIn,c claims or demand ri:iluM ihe CKtule tf the dcenlenl aroreijueMed to malt them known,and tnoM Indt bted to make '"'5 MAHV II.IWMAN. AtunM IP, lviw. AdmluMratils. A 1)M DMIXISTUATOU'S NOTICE I a Hers of administration "ii the etatt of l.e- Ikoiii Vaiideisllce, htteof lthwiiM n.wuhlp, 1 o hintblatvuuly.dteiasid, luv. i.m uuuiitd bv Ihe lb r of Kin! eouut.v to .1. Hi Mi r Validcr ollt e, admlnUttator, w ho teld-s In Mount Ph a ant t'Acushlp. All persons knolti tht mvclvis ilidt bted to tho Hlld deei th lit are icipustid to maUe paj men), and those hav Inn claims or de mands amlut the Mime will prehont ihem with out dolnv, J. HEIsTEE VANDKIIMLICE, Mt, lit uMint, Any. 1m17, Administrator, Y?x EcrrtYiKs notice. ' J.JJ l.STVTKor H 1ZVI1FTH ItF.NSOFit, lU'.C'll. Lettrs tcMaint ntary oh th4i stato of Lllrabeth Ihiisluutr, lato of Catawifisa, Columbia county. Pa., hnvo been grant ed by tho-UstUtcr of Maid county, to Mtthnel Hrobst, executor, who nfldeg in CalawlsMi. All portions hav Inn claims against tboeHalonru rctiuested to present them lo tho r.xevutor lor hcllkmeut, and those knowing themselves indebted t make payment. MicH.i;L inttmsT, j heplember 1.1, ls17. Extrntor, J0T1CE TO mtUKiE IiUIEDEUS. 10 ri)iniiilH.lntiirH of rolumliln tlrul Klmitmir rounllOK, will nici't nt tholiiuuth nf lli.irlli'rruk, on Hiittinluy, Uio'.'Mh ttuy ir hiiliiutiL-r, IMJ7. at lOu'rluL'lc a. M,, toriTfUe rroptiwiU fur frt'ctlni; 11 lirWHo owr ItourlnKcrei'lc. 'Ihu I'.rUuo will jm KeM'tilyhnfiH-t In tiifc-n lhutiiiiiflhonliuttiieiiln mul In rnty fiTt Mhl'. 'iho iihiittiu utn will tr ono nUiiit ilxuf.rt tifi'li mul ih. uiht-r nlnuitlcn fivt hlgli, with Kiiltiihlo wlimwnlN, A. MANN, JOHN 1 I'OWI.KU. M(I.NT()l)Mi:itV t lll.i:, (mmtriuiitr (t tMumbui (6inii. 1S.-.AII A.Mi:it.MAN, JOHN MOlllli:, JAMIM Hlllllr, ( ouinif..Miin'1-i ( .1tiiilotir (tiiiitv, Hepti'mlwr 11, IHt7-.1t. jI.()O.MSllUH(i FAXCY TlTlM". MISlI AMI IIOOlTK-rOlIK, HL'i'uiiil Uour lx-luv Hurt iiuitrii, laln Ktruc-t, Jimt itvi'lvtsl 11 IICM' Ktm-k ol Z1T11YI1K, WlJdI.K.V AS1 COri'ON VAI1.NH, miwrrw, i.Acr.H, r.MiiitoiiiKitiii, MUHMrJ i:ilIN(N, lmitts TUIMMIi(H mul e 1 ry Mirlttf n( uvIIoKj iimmlly krjit In rA.vcY'Kroiin. Also HflKKU. I100KH, HYMN I1O0KH, llllil.l-M, hi' S 1 1 A Y-fcCI 1 001, 1!0() K H, nil.! nlaitfo lot of .MKLi:,uj;()Ur( JIOOKf. AIWNT AM" MIIMOHAMIUM UOOKM, 1II.A.NK Ui:i:iiH, UONDH vVNII MOHKIAdIX, mul iv k'fiu-rul unU wiill.holiKeil iu.orliiiiiit of I'Al-Ul, U-NVl.U)'r, 4i x. i wum. DRY GOODS. TirnViiKU'Toiiis. . FitJil AHH1VAL OF HPUI.VU AN H HUMMEIt (fOOliH. The MibflcrUicr Im Jut retnrned from (lie cltlM with another largo nml Meet nffftorttncnt of 4PltlNl ANI HUM M EH 0(K)IW, purcbnictl In New York nnd Philadelphia nt Ihe low-out fl stun, nnd which hf Is determined to n on m tiKnteruto terms tm can Ijo procured clue where lu llloomnburtf. UN stock roinprlncH LADIIW UHIiS 0(XI)S of tho cholccnt Htyle nnd Intent fah1nnn, lofrclhf r with a largo .'ntAortmuut of Dry Onod nnd Oio ccrlcn,ctmnNtln(( or the following nrttcluK Carpets, Oil Clothe, (lothH, fVialmcren, KhawN, 1'lftiineN, Kllk, VVhltotlood, Linens, llrtop Hklrt. IIollov?w'nro f'ednrwnre Q-Uccnswarc,' llnrdwnre IlootM and Hhoea, ( ltnti nnd Caps '''Hoop Net,' 11 ' 'llmbrcllan, , , , , Ijooklug'dlastivt, , I , ToImu-co, Co fTee, ' ' ' Hit tars, ... . I - - .,Trm, Htce, . Allspice, OhiRpr, .'(iniiumou, 'ulmegv, AM) NOTiOKH nEN UALLY. In iibortt'CvcrytblnR umahy kept In country Htoren, to which no Invites the attention of the public urncrnlly, Tho hlRhest price will lo paid for country produce tu exclmnge for coodi, S. IL M1LLEU, Arcade Itulldlnnf, ltloomiburtr, I'tu RKDUCTIOX IN MUCKS AT PETEH ENT'H HTOIIE, IN LIGHT HTltEET, OK SIMUXCI AXi) SUMMKll GOODS. TIIE'rVulrrlber I11W Jnd received nnd bnn on hand at liU old itand hi Llht Struct, a birpo nnd select ASSORTMENT OV MKHC1IANDISK purcliaol nt the lovrcMt flfturc, and which ho detorinhivl to ftdloti an mq-Jtralo terms as can bo procured idewheretn Light street, tvn cash on coiwritr rHOnucn. WU liKk consNin nf LAD IKS' D H ESS GOODS, choicest fctyles anil latest fahhlonn, CalIcoc, Minllm, 'Olnshnmn, lianneN, Iloblery, Cnrpet!, Hllks, Hhavvl, ju;ady made .qumnxa,, SnltncttK, CUsMlmt i-ti, CottoniuloM, Kentucky Jcun. AC, Af AC. aUOCEUIKS, MACKKliAJ-, Qucnswnie, Cedaniare, Itardware, MedlclncV, DniirV, Oils; lMlntK, Ac. HOOTS & SIIOKS, HATS A CAPS. In short rvcrylhlni! munlly kfpt hi n country Btore. Thopntrouauoof hlsold friends nnd the public, generally, Js respectfully solicited. Theh!i;he?t mirketprlco paid for iluc'e. l'irrHll ENT. Light Street, MayH, lor. Q.HKAT IIEDUCT10X IN 1MU0KS AT D. K..HLOANH STOEE, IN OKAKOEVILLE, l'A., OP SIMUNCI AND SUMMKTl GOODS. The rnhserlbor bn Just received and has on band ivt hlsstoro lu Oralufovtlle, 11 largo nnd select ASSORTMENT OK iU-IHOlIANDIHE lurchased nt.tlm lowest Hxure, and which hols diterinlned to sell 011 us moderate terms us can bo Vrocured cIkowIu re In Ofniitfcvnie, TOE t'AHll Oil COUNTItV PltODlWE. Ills stotncon.ivts,of liAnU'i' DUKS, GOODS, CItOIl IT HTV MIS ANI I. AT KMT FASIIIO.N9, Calicoes, Muslins, (jhuiluun, Flannels, IIo.'lery, rvni'irr, Shawls, HEADY MADE 0EOTIIIX0, Mntinets, ('asslmers, Cottonades, Kentucky Joans, AC, AC., AC. (JUOCEIUE.S MACKEItAL, Qneeiifcware, Cetlarwiire, Hardware, Medicines, JllU'liS, OILS, FAINTS, AC. BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS. In short everything usually kept lu a country store, iho patronat;o or hi old friends and tho public generally, Is mpect fully Hollclted. Tho highctit market prlco paid for counlry pro duce. D. K. NLOAN. t)rnnscvUle, May 21, 151.7. J J. Ji It .Q W.E It, Is now offi rliiR to tho public his Slock of .v p n 1 x a goo v s consisting in part of n full lino of IXGUAIX, WOOL, AXD HAG 0 A It P E T S, Pine cloths andenssJmero for Ladle edits, UANIWOME DUES3 01)01)8, of all patterns and qualities, lidalds and Prints of various fp:ialltles ami prices, IlLL'ACHED AND HltOWN MCHL1NS, EA DIE'S EHENCH COUSETS, A N II llAliMOKAE SKIHTS. Good assortment of ladjks'a ariLinu:.'siAri:tts& JtOO W, 1'risii (iioccrlts and hpices. New at-sortment of GLAhH AND QUEENS WAKE, V X-N 0. i M A 0 K E It E U In oiuMmlf and tme-fwuilh barrels. Now la tho iliuo to jnuUc oui kohctlomt, us I ntn olu.ThM K',(ds nt very low prtu, and our motto U fa.r dtallng to all, nnd not toboundsv- wold by any. J. J. H 110 WEIL Uloouisbur, April U, 1J7, UltUUA.MUSi;. MITICK IS HKlir.HY OIVHN To my frli'iul. mul thr puhllo n' nrrnlly, that nil ulna, of I)HY CiOODS, OllWUKIUKS, . JlMlSBNSVV'AnE, , 1. .ii. 1 .. NOTIONS, AC. arc cniiittantly mi hniul unit fur aula AT llAKTON'H OM1 KT4N1), lti.oosnrito, iiy JAMT.S IC. KVRR. TO-l.o, l-elf Afint for l'l jih' I iuhiiaikoi- iuk. . nif;i lot rtn.tmilly 1 n 1 mull frl'tT, pANTON A HAHMAN, HIU'KUT, PA. MANUIUOTUIIKU'H .AOUNTH, rou tiik kat nor lucriii Hnss"' KAW 1I0NU KCl'lIH-l'llOSl'lIATi: OK UMH, AT M ANITACT I'HlIH'ri 1'lliriA wiLLUitKiimrr i-kh rmt. iM'iiKAsiiorriiaiu ltut rl, Til., Ann. D, N"7-:in, N 0 T 1 a r. . OrniK iiiiiie HiiovinvKii l.iTrtuiirl Wk. tho Oflli'orHOf lhii llnaril of 'I i ih!i...m' ,Hlfv tlmttlluoolulltliillH 1IKIU Whli'll ttlll llu.lkUbsiTi. ttoiiit tn llm Mi.t of said Inslltlllo hiih luudu hiooUi-ui'oiiiplhsl Mlth, U II. Hl'l'KltT. Pro.ldint. ,lft, I', (', Kvnii.Hom-tary,' Tlio mVorll .orif to Iho Htoik of liu. nlio o named liullliu.iM Ul iiUu.o uy tlm tlr.t liisulliiieiit, to wll: one. mm Hi uf thdr subsoTlpiliiii u i,ir .aid OOlldllloll, to V 1 1,1.1 AM HNYHKII, Tll'UHUIi'r, July 5, i-IMll l'KHT.m.liiuit. nVSf!- roil NHA.T AND CUKAl' ,IOH PH1NT1NQ. OAIX AT THU I'OLUMUUN OKt'ICK MISCELLANEOUS. riMIK WAHIIINGTOX LIHHAHY C0.f PHIIjADKliPIIJA. HUUK'lltPTlON ONE 1M)LLA1L 300,000 PHKHENTH TO R V HHrll III E MM, n5fir;A(it fitKSFNT or fW.OOO, oNn t'Aisit ritFsrvT oi !20,tm. onp: TAsn rnFr.?!T or $lO,ncrt. 05KCA1I( Mtwr.JCTOr two c asti ritr.srxT nr i2,Tn r.Kvn. lieaittiitM-heitut rtf Preterit i rtoict Iich certificate or Stock i nccompanled with llj;AlTirtfL HTEEf PLATE ENtirtAVLVtf worlh moront retail thfin tho cotttof Certificate, and alfio Insure to the holder n Present In lit droat Distribution. THE WASHINGTON LTlUtAKY CO, U chartered by tho htato of1 Pennsylvania, and organ led In aid of the u i v n n h i n i: i n h t i t i f t e ' i FOIl HoMiinm' aki baiihV onritAxs. Iiicorporatel by Iho Htate of X, J.t April fi, sT7i THE 1UVEIWIDE INfiflTUTE, Hltunto at Itlvenddo, llurllbKton county, Ne Jersey. Is founded for ihupuriMmo of uratullouNlT rducatinethOKonsof dotsistrvfid Hold Urn nnd Hc int n of tho United hlatcH The Hoard of Trustees consist of the following welLknown cjtlienn.of Pennsylvania nnd Now Jersey i Hon. Win. It, Mnnn, DUIrlct Attorney, l-bthvl. dphlu, l'n. Hon. fiowifllt. Hromalll Kx-Chkf (lnor U. 8. Mint, uud Hecorder of Iieeds, Philadelphia. Hon, James M, Hcovel.New Jersey. Hon. W, W. War, Now Jerwy, Henry Oormati, I'jifi., Agent Adanu' Expreiw, Phtladelpldn. Pa, J. E, Co?, I-jt(Mof Joy( Coe & Co I'lill.tdelpJiU, THKA.St'UT Dkl'AIiTKWsT, WahHIWUTOK, D. C April 1., I'M!?. Offieo of mteinai Iti venue: Hav IiiK recelveil fcatlnfactory evidence that the pro coeds of tho enterprise conducted by the Wash ington Library Company, will bo devoted to charitable uses, permlMlon Is hereby wnnted to ald Compaiito conducl Ktich enterprise exempt from all charge, whether from upeelal tax or other duty. E. A. HOLLINH, Commissioner. TEE WASHINGTON LIMIAIIY COMPANY, In order thnt tho benevolent object et forth In this circular may ho, Buccessfully Kccompllsheil, hav e issued flvo series or FINF. HTrEIWt.ATE'r.NCrRAVINO'f, which lire put on mbscrlptlon at prices much be low thelrretall value. CWtltlcnteM of Mock In tho Wnnhinutnn Library Company will bo Issued, (damped with tlio heal of the Company, nnd signed hy the Secretary, Ntinc tabors genu tne. Any pereon tending us Ono Dollar, or paying the name to our local JiKflnts, will rtu-etvo Imme dlatt Iv a tlncHteol PbiiecnwAvlna.ntchoieorrom tho follovvlnft list, nnilonecertlllentf of htoi-k, In hurln ono prewnt in our publUhwl schedule. Oiff Dollar JSngrmtngt, No.l-"My dilidl Myriilhir ' No. "-"They're Saved! They're Kjivtstr' 0.. "Ohl Heventy slx; or tho pjirly Day of the llevolutlon." Any person pnylnit two dollars will neeive eltlier of the follow lu thio steel plates, at choice, and twocoiiiiicntetof ntwk, thus becoming en tltloil to tveo jirchents. 7co Jiollur Jimeoifj. N'o. I" WnshhiKloh'ii Courtship." No.'Wcuh hit; ton's Jjist Intervlpvr with his Mother," 'fJorc DoUnr i'iyrfiit;it, Any person paving tlireo dollars will rpcelv thtiUautlfuUteel ptatoof "Homo from tho War," and tin co etrlllleati of stock, becoming entitled to threo present". JXur Dollar engraving. Any person paylmi four dollars shall receive tho larpo and beuutlriil steM pinto of nie IVrlln of Our Forefathers," and four certificates of block entitling them tu four presents. Wee Dollar J-Mffravhtc- THE WASHINGTON UHKAItY CO. AWAltD THHEE IIUNDHED THOUSAND DOLLAHM IN .I'liKIKNTH lo TItK KIIAHniI0lAlU3, On H'ettncsrtaii September 2.VA I8C7, AT' PHILADELPHIA, PA., n AT THE IMSTITITE, III VKIlSinH, I. J. ht 'li(, qf Jcttn ir; J'.rcJUJUt "- 1 W'JJOO I cuh iTwrnt,.: :...v..: . a,(Xi 1, I'ri-ivnt. -m.....4, lliUB I CnHh 1'rcnrnt , "Z'ai- Kul I llasli lTost iilji of tSfm ltli,j.'i tJXU 1 HundsiiiiiL' rnunlry ri'HUU'liei', ninMo, '; ' roiinil(Ar, flcrhliintawn.riilliulolrihlr. l',Cl I J Kivihlo rcHiiit'iici.', thiuo-.tMiy brlcK.ln atndfii, N. .1 : U.iui 1 I'ojil llt'pot, olllcci, nheitfv Kroiinu, Willi LilllicsistnlilKhiHl. No. nil lYiiohlnir. ton Av.niic. riillnil' ..,..,... VS.IXJU 1 t'ouiitryrenMincf, ltlVirsKlf,.V..l.,MUIi pronllil, trlllui, Ar.;...'. 1 lo.miu 25 VmilflUf. I.itll.llnj Io(.' Ill orsldi-, (Mil icli. , i..; .... .i....i .l.twi I'uanl turnout r.uully currlugu, i-imwi of linri-e., linrrie-Hi ,ti., roninUMu.... A.ftll 10 Vuluutilc IjuIMIul; low, lUM-rnMc, S.HW Kldi :. :. '. H.OOil I liojiutlful .lUir-Kray hor.ic 15' hmidii hlKli, Mri-d hy tho iH-lrlirtiti d lluiinitrd Aruhluh llomo!" nli... lli.lit road mukiiii, Mfliiht 110 liOtlluU, or t.nrtilor ftlncl1 hiirni'Hit. At, mnklni; I. Ilr(ltClllK!t I'HtnlltlNllIllf lit 1.1.1 20 Ilnnoi, f'ioriich Ki'uitl 'Jl MvlodLims ?it" fiicll....,.. ,rti ., uoseuoiMi Mourn:: inncliltic., f JIXJ pncli... l,oi 10 rmiilly .owlni; mnclilncK. f luociu-h. .. Loot) fiO l-'lliu ui.lil unti-hi-K. .JIN) i iifli irin.i l'U Oil inlntlliKM, Iiy Uidlnir arltstn ntiifro. ' Knit' .iuiii- ..,. lu.utw a amcllllalh.'wlH, ?i.(iu cncli a.imii J fiinu I'k hulr shaw i S.1 im o.ich fl,ooo .1 HillldnOliio Ijico KhuwU. 21d rai-h T.'il 10 t'liihluerc shawls, ililoiich fini Milk dross iallirns, $7. fiudl.i.,..!,, l,fiilo im i ny Duiiiiini; lots, 317.1 oacli n,7S0 Tliorpitnlndir will t'on.lst of'HlUor wuro, ituislcul tKJXi'M, oncra Klassos, l.orl;ot blhlos, nml Olfrirfllt articles of ornaiiieut and ns, miiounlliiir la-w Huuo Total. JM,C0u All tho proj ortloh glvi n cktir of lui-'unibrmioL.. I HOW TO OIITAIN Mil' A 11 1-8 AND UNdltA. VISUM. Hi ml orders to us Iiy mall, rtirloslnit from 11 tu a), ftllur hy I'uhl Oiaco ordirs or In KnUlpriil ltr. "I "r risk, Ijirgor nniouutK shuuhl b nt ly ilnvfi or oxiirt'H. 10 sharos m Uh l.uxrm Inir 'Ai slums with i:ni;rftvlnpi,...i ft) shaw with Kntral llik'i (9.S0 iilii) uxa .isharos with i:nt:ritinvs lrOshaii. wltli;niMUas,... .. . IK-nl AOl:.N'TS WANTHIlthliilltthontttlf (Int. UilKlntffc. Tho Assooltltloti l.fv l iiimi.liit. .1 i.. ll.u.f.lf.-. Moiisrs. llrillfllR A. I'lUlk'U A ('.. ..-l.a ..uii kliiiwii lulmrlty nml laisluos.. ixiivrli'luo will ta asuini'Iout eitaranteothiit tho inomv Intnistcnl to Ih. in Mill U' prumnlly ii)lnl o tlio nruw rillHIirt.l'lln, l'A.. Miiy-Jl H37. Tn Ihe (IQttm nail Mimhrrt of Ihe H'tiiAiifel Li- omrjv (., .V, N. UK.IP. .Vm.iri, (Jilltli'llli'lll On mi IM of your favor of tha Uth hist., notll Inn us of riurapi'Olnlnif nt ns ltr. oolvors for your t'oiuiimiy, we tinik tho liberty U biiUmltn roj.y of jour Cluulor, with n nhiu ol your iuoriris., io too highest H Kill iiuthorlly of Iho Htnto, mul liiiVlnu riH-olvod his fmorubln opinion In regard lo lis legality, mul jriuiAUilm iuk wiiu ino uonormcm oi ject of jour AssocU tlon,ti: the edumtloii uml maintenance of Iho orphan children of our boldlcm mid sailors ut h Uh erslde lnstllulo, have, eoucluileil to ncceH the trust, mid totiboour best effort., to prmiu.i. so worthy unobjectl 1 . Henpoctfully, yours, li;o, A.COOKK A CO. Address nil letters mid orders to OHO. A, CCOKK A. CO., IUnkrhs. M Koilth Third Htroet, 1'hllndelphU, IM. ItocqlTcra forth Wnshlngtoii Library Co, J, D. PyilSKL, Authnrlr.ed .ijenl for Illoonnburg and vlclu'.ny, July 5, imrf-Dm, JkTKW "c A HI X 15T VA UK 1 1 0 US iC Tub nnderslgned tokr-i this metliM to Inform thu publlo that liu liai opened a nuw I'Uivmtuui: wAiii: uouhh In the Waller llrick lliilhlrng, pn Main Hlteel-, jtr.ooMvivuo, ;m., Wlileli he luii pureliamd and Intends to keep jsjr. mniuntly nihil with I'uriilluroof CITY ANII lUlMU MANl-KAlTlllli:. IT l-OMWUHKI OH 11 K 1) ?l A T It K SSK8, HOI'AH, I.Ol'NOKH MAIUILM Till' CKNTllK 'f AI1I.1X, CHAlIli-CUMlllONKII, CANI-, ltOTTOMKlt, ANII WOOll 1I01TOMK1), KXTIINHION TA1U.1, UKUCINC1 tllaKHl, I'AUUOH, CHAMllKH AND DIN INO ltOOM I'l'IlXlTUUK. In fuel a full assortment i( UKAiiy.MAiu: corKi.Nu of nil slu ., uud o( i:vi:iiYTiu.Nti iNTiiu'uihtiiawx. All otwlileli will l bold, OH J5 A 1- toil ('AH II. Tho pubile urn luv lleil lc,ill nnd oxunilne uir .toek beforo purehivslug elsewhere, orjiitui; w. comxi llloom.burg, August IS, la,