1 THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBXJHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PAV NEWS ITEMS. tw Nliei Mini's reception nt St. I.mtls IkhiiIiI lo Iiuvc lirwi nlliKHt ih Hitliuslinlle nil if 1111 pUiiiotitnry nn Hint ti'iuliral to JI'C'.m.Ic. jCuyMnlno lin- n bliii-bcry "pntch" twenty tnlli'i lung, unit which yields ld.WHl biHlieU of berries nniiiuilly. tut Mr. Kiwlcv. of Hector, N. Y., 'after Indulging Iti-her fitvorltirsinokcj on ! rainy, ut nor pipo in ner poeKui. In n few minute berclqtben wercnblnw ami slid vitt burned to ilentli. 4U.V A iii;ui fell beml foremost Into u well forly-slx feet ilc-cp, ami conmiiiniK lileot of water, nt Dubuque, on TJiurs lnv liwf. Htrnngo to say, ho wits broimt out nllve, ntul Irew liurt than wnrcu. teT Men liavo tin nvvrajfo of thirty pounds of blood In tlielr frame!", nnd tun Imndri'il nml fort v-elirllt bancs. Woman buve tbo nunu number, not Including wlmlo bones MtrTlm Trnnsrrlnt miv.s thu President "lins bean plnylng niiilHn ever hIiich bo wns InaiiKiinited." Hut didn't ho put Btnntoii, who wiHon tliollMl Dime, dill on n liy v -notion ron, fSi-Wii wem shown, onvs tho Frank- lln f.'.itntlinni. n ih Irk (mi with three eyes, two benKH nnd throntn, nnd nuir icgn, tutu perieciiy minimi in mi mm-i rcepecM. Tbo chicken wtis not hutched out nnd vn (hud when tnken from tbo bell Skis' A Frenchman tinmen Morcau win hnrliMl bv mistake Inst week. He wns kept In a vnult three dnys beforo it wns ui'-eovereu, w neii ne ni nscum by Ids brother, In such si feeble. State UISU 11 13 ueiievcii no i.umui riviivi-i. e$ At IndlnnapolU, u few day.slnee, n ninii nml womnu. each over heventy ycaw of ago, wero taken up beforo the l'olleo Court for assault nnd battery up on eneh other. Neither could iz,vl up tnlr.s without nsMstancc. rft-Tho wlfo of Meiidez la insane: th wlfn oOIella l.s mad: tho wlfu of Miramon Is stricken beyond h pe of recovery, ana me rnnces aim siiim Is in Jail. IUd place for unprotected lemnles, -Mexico. B& A MalnoJudKO decided tlmt beer Is not Intoxicating within tlio meaning of tho statute, nnd that any kind of beer which has to be drank In enormous quantities to produco drunkenness does noteomo under tbo bend of "Intoxicat ing liquors," ns specified In tho liquor law. as A North Cnrollnn recrUtrnr esti mates Hint nt lca?t one-third of the blacks will forfeit their newly ncqitlred privilege, by reason of Inability to re member nt the polls tho names Under wuicn tney were registered. A. A t..l -t'.i. nl. ..... Ut3) "HIH umiilii , in. viiiutiLii, hns been arrested at llellefonte, nml oounu over to court, ciiargeu wnu bleat ing tomb stones from the cemetery, Tbo man who would thus oulrngu the resting place of tho dead, must bo it nearness wrctcn. fie5-flencml Dcaurceard hns onruulz- ed nt New Orleans the " JCIectrlcal Brake Comnanv of America." of which ho Is President, nnd Col. lllaulon Duncan, of Delaware, biiperiiitcmicnt. It is churn ed that a railway train running -11 miles an Hour can do stopped ny electricity ociwccn w iitui iuu yarns. Pay An nulmal six inches long, with scales like u llsli, has been removed trom tho stomach of n young .lady In TnffiLMnn ln.f nlintlin- lli.lnr. ..Klruit ns largo as n man's fist, remains ami cannot do removed wiinouinn incision in tho body of tho woman. This object Bomctimes comes to tbo woman's throat and nlmost'fetrnnglcs her. SS?-In a recent debate in Parliament Mr. Dismcli bad said that Mr. Lowo wnntcd by his, plan to introduco "crotchety men;" "What is a crotch ety man ." said Mr Lowo. "i Biipposo It is a man who holds the same opinions this year that ho did last." Tho IIouso felt tho home-thrust, and Whig and Tory Joined in ono loud and long burst ot uproarious cneenng. t"Uen Wade, of ohlo, propones to jinvo stones oi a uniiorm pattern put up at tho head of tho graves of all sol diers who fell in thelato war, known to bo Republicans. On, tho upper portion of tho stone Is to bo,n design represent ing a soldier with a' sword striking the chains from u kneeling slave. Tho graves of Democrats nro to bo unmark ed except by simple white boards giv ing their names, etc. Who says the war was not a glorious success. eSS A man called himself Crenshaw, who has been, nt Itoanoke, N. C, for nearly twelve months past teaching n negro school, and tho "Head Centre" of tbo Union Leaguo In that county, lett for parts unknown on last Tuesday night, forgetting to leave behind him about$3W belonging to tbo League. B&" A gontlemnn In this city showed us a letter from n friend in Julesburg, tho present western terminus of tho Pacific railway. It Is docldcdly the fastest placo wo'vo heard of lately. Tho letter says: "In ono day recently, wo h'.tl two street fights, hung a man, rode three men out of town on n rail, got up quarter race, a turkey shooting, a gan der pulling, n match dog light, had preaching by tt circus rider, who after ward rltn a loot rnco for an applo jack nil around; and, as that was not enough, thejudgo of the court nfter loosing ills fees nt cliiL'le-handed poker and whip ping n fellow for saying ho didn't un derstand tho game, went out and help ed to lynch bis grandfather fur hotte stealing.1' ItiyIn the Ohio penitentiary there ore now !KW while and 133 negro crimi nals. This isln proportion of ono white criminal to J!,51U white inhabitants and ono black criminal to 275 negroes. Thus, whilst tho negroes have but ono hixtleth of the populallon, they produce onc-beventh of tho criminals. How will It he when free sull'rngo carries Into the State tho black dregs of the South ? About four moro penitentiaries will bo roqulred. When Artcmus Ward was In Vir ginia City, Novndn, the burily pioneers forced gratuitous whUkey on him every tlneo minutes during his stay. When hecninolo go nway they surrounded tho coach nml cheered him. Ho moun ted the vehicle and wild, "(iocul bye. Tuko earn of yourselvos, X was never In n place In my Ufo wliero I wss treat ed so well as I liavo been hero, nor, I may add, so often." 153" A terious riot occurred in Man chester, Thursday, September llith, resulting in the killing of, a. policeman nnd the wounding of several other per wins. As tho Police wero removing Kelly and Denny, Fenians recently ar rested in that city, from tho dopot to tho Jail, n mob attacked theofllcers and nfter n serious light rmcued tho prison ers. Hevernl of tho riotors wero serious ly inlured. nnd un otllcer killed. A rc- wnrd of 300 wnu Immediately offered for tho recapture of tho rcscuod Fenians, but tin to it into hour thev had not boon found. A largo number of tho rioters wero arrestee;. ISirTho Mexico city press nnnounco me nrrivat ot iunxiiniiiiatrs noiiy, anil its uepartim ror tnocoast. this is un true, as It has not yet left (Jtieretaro. Ills remains have been most shamefully treated. Tho colli n was placed In a filthy, dark Wei,nnd all whodc-ired bad free nccei-i', Tho glass cover was broken, Ids beard nnd hair cut olf mid soul, ns well ns pieces or Ills Diood-cov-orcd ciiriiients. nnd no ono would ret ognho In tbg contents of tho cnlllu the Douy ortno murcierwUMaximiiiinn IfiyThe Democrats of Cincinnati held a meeting on lTiday evening last tocudonso tho Humiliation of Uenora Cnrv. who is rnnnlmr for Comrroas In tbo Second Oopgresslimnl District of uwo. TinMirils tlio cuwjor tho meet Inir Jtso Grant, tho father of General Grant, was presented to tbo audience by the president, nnd was received with hearty cheers nnd called upon for a ttpeech. Ho sidd ho was too Into to niakunny extended remarks. All ho would have tosny would bo In refcronco to tho records of tho two men, Ho tnougiu ucnerai uiry was clitltloti to tho confidence of tho people, and should Imvo their euniurf aUhc Columbian. HLOOMSlUMtO, VA. l''lltl)AY MOll.MNtl, SISI'T. 'U, 10. .um(lt. flll.ttlV liaa flltt I.K "I Inn V . J .......... j!lrculii(Uit'lii CMMinbln nnd ndjolnl nil of la nltn ihhcIi lrtr litrl than lit coltiiiMrrlri nml I, tlirrcrnrc iiic iiif.llnm rrilftlllnK lu tliU cllo bril nf IhKHIKtr. V, JOHN AND A.JOHNSON." Ir there wero n lingering doubt In tbo mind of any man that tho edi tor of tho ItepuOltciui was a man of niiv nol t nil honesty or consistency, n re-perusal of tho following letters, writ ten by him to tho Hecretnry ol tno i rca stiry," long nfter President Johnson had ili.iiniiiirecl Htovens. Fori icy nnd Sum ner in a public speech, would seem to settle tlio question against mm. Why llld P. John support Andrew Johnson'.' Did they ngreo in politics on tho 27th of February, and tho 2d ol March, 1SG0? If they did, then they ncree now, for Johnson has not changed an lotaslnco that day.ln bis principles or his nollcy. If they did not agree on the 27th of February and tho 2il of March 1SG0, then P. John was coutrb vine and fraudulently intending to de eclve Andrew Johnson In that behalfor Hipsnhf nf tm tiillce. No lovo of principles ever actuated P. John In bis courso relatlvo to the President. Ho "supported him" for an otllco, ho denounces him for tho loss of it. Ho was willing to bo n Johnson limn If that would pay, he was willing to bo a Radical if It would not. And a lladicitl ho Is: andjiidging by Ids paper bis It nppoars week after wool:, wo are tcmtitf'd to nsk: What must do tne moral, Intellectual nnd political com!! Hon of that party which acknowledges P. John ns its leader, and feasts weekly on tho garbage of tho HtpubUean t Wo append tho letters : V. JOHX TO HCCUllTAUV M'CUIjLOCH I'ltisT li:tti:h. .Vsauswoii'sOFFicn. I'M ITKI) Mr.lTB4 Ijn Ell.VAt. llKt K.SCI:. llrll I'llM.KCTlON DISTniCT, Htati: op I'a IlLOOMsnCBO, l-'ebrunry iT7tU lsaa. Hon. Iluih M'Ciilloci, Mcretari of Tfrasury: Sin, At tho almost unanimous re quest ortboactlvo nnd Influential mem bers of the Union party of this District 1 whs anointed Assessor of Internal Itovenuo. I took charge of tho ofllci1 on tho first of November last. I am Informed that lndutrious efforts aro being made to prejudlco tho Presi dent again-t me, charging that I nm op posed to him. Petitions havo been circulated asking for my removal. Nine tenths or the signatures are Democrats. Not a hundred men In the district who voted for Lincoln nnd Johnson desire nnv change. Wo have seven Republican papers published in tho District. They have all endorsed my appointment and pro test ngnlnst my removal. Tho charge that I am opposing the President Is unfounded nnd false. I nm editor nnd publUcr of tho llcpubllean nt this placo tho only Union paper bore. From tho tlmo of tho Baltimore Con ventionor which I was a member, and supported Mr. Johnson to this time, I havotaked a bold nnd outspoken posi tion in favor of Andrew Johnson, ns the files of my paper will nbundnntly prove; when others maligned and abused him, I stood by, defended and supported him. Now theso men, bis enemies nnd mine, ask him to aid them in their purposes, bv rcmoviiir mo. nnd anpolnt a man acceptable to them. Can this bo? Wilt tho President turn his back upon hlssupportersnndfricnds? To doso, will not only bo'constriicd in toarobtikoofthoso who havo always stood by him, btit.it will tend to so dis- tract nnu uiviaoour District nsiomrow it over into tho bands of tho Copper heads. Let us bo spared this humilia tion and disgrace. 1'!!l l..i l.'Itut ntmitrrli in ln' 4Mtt communication beforo Hio President, with such suggestions as you feel right. very itespectiiiiiy. I'ArxMojr John. Assessor 13th District Pcnna.. and Editor nnd Proprietor Columbia County Jiepuoutan. V. .lOll.V TO BKCRUT.UtY Jl'CUI.LOUH SECOND I.ETTElt. Assnsscm'H Office. . IlNITI.UHTATKS lNTKKXAI. IlEVE.NUE. 13tii Collection DisTiiKT.HrATEiiF 1"A. IlLooMsncuo. Mart')i2, lt0. Hon. llunh WCuUoch, Secretary of 'Jrcusury: Sin I Inclose vou a conv of til v issuo of this week. I havo llkowiso addressed a copy to the President. You will see that tho chargo that I am opposing him s MISC. If I am sustained by yourself nnd the 'resident, If tho patronago is not taken Vnni in ntul rrtvnn In flwwn u'lin minnO IN u'n klinll lin illid, lit Mlol.'n nnr vlrrnr. ous Union organization a unit ami tri umphantly sustain the Administration. Jtespeciiuiiy, , Pai.i:mon- John. Assessor, 13th Dist., Fenn'a. Tin: U.vio.v Lhauui:. A wicked and dangerous organization In tho city of Philadelphia, having the control of u largu amount of money made by Its members out of the Government during the war, nnd which furnUhes tho cor ruption fund fur tbo Radicals at our elections, has pa.-sed llerco resolutions against President Johnson, mid urging Ids prompt impeachment. Tills threatened revolutionary nction on the part of tho Radicals, nnd which has done, and will continue to do incal culable Injury to tbo business interests of tho country will bo "played out" mo-it effectually, If Pennsylvania fol lows tho example of California, on thu 8(h of October next. A few more such bloWi as tho Radicals received In Cull fornia nnd Maliiei will settlQ tho ques tion of Impeachment. Let our business men remember that. It Is a notorious fact that Judgo Wil liams will not buahlc to poll his party voto in Allegheny county: whlio Judgo fSharswood, by tho admission of all par tics, will carry Philadelphia which has heretofore gone Republican from 7,000 to 11,000. Indeed, tho election of Judgo Shars wood Is no longer a political question. So many persons nro golng for him who havo not heretofore voted with in, that it Is considered qui to tho thing. Tho people lu Philadelphia nro going for lil ti pi Muusc, and thousands upon thou sands are preparing to follow their ex ample lu tbo country. His election by 20,000 majority would not bent nil sur prising. Tin: Ni:.t Hi w. Fleet Henry W. Williams Judgo of tho Supremo Court, nnd tho word "wiiitk" in tho Consti tution will bo Ignored. Ho will decido that An Act of Congress supersedes It, and bucIi nn Act has already been Intro duced, only waiting tbo result of this fall's elections, Tho negro Is already forced Into tho railroad cars, ho will bo mixed up with your children lu tho public Bvhools before many months un less you wiy no. Tun Austrian frlgatth Xbewra, froiil Port HoyaljTJamticlfli inrrlvehoron I tho 1st? Slid is minmcentlyTfltttHjJup toconvpy thl mortal romnliHjbr thfrjm' liniiiivTtMaximlllaii toftAustrn. Mnyi upholstorerp'niHtrl'mploycef'ronitlho Imperial service nro cm board to prepare everything In n becoming manner, so that tho-shlp limy servo as n flouting funeral chapel, under the command ol Admiral Tegothofr. $lio Will wolf; hoi for orders from thu Admiral to proceed to VcntCnirnnd rerclvo 'tho remain; When sho stoppcil nt one of tho ports in the Canary Island, tho people en ln.w presented n laurel wrcatli, beautifully worked, to bo placed upon the burying caso. TliocasQ is composed of a r.lnc shell, Insldo of a wooden One, tho two being placed within n beautiful metal cute, artistically finished nud of great vnlue. Thu wholu weighs nbout SW pounds. Wl! observe that Cnptaln J. H. Coop er of Lnwrenco County, lias been nomi nated for tho Legislature by the Demo crats. If this Is our old comrndo in arms of Hattory "H," 1st Pa. Light Ar tillery, no fitter nomination could be made, ills llattery obtained a national reptitatloinnd well was it deserved. A braver, and yet a moro modest man never wielded n sabre, and could the "Old Reserves" vote, ho would receive their unanimous suffrages. "Forward Into line," Captain; "Action Front" and double shot the guns with canister, and tho enemy will melt nway from be fore you as they did on tho Peninsula, nt Hull Run, Antictnin and Gettysburg. Danvim.h is certainly ahead of the world In news. Last week's Montour American announced tho startling news with largo capitals, and n double-leaded article, that California had given the ltadlcal ticket 2.V000 majority I The Dr. must certnlnly havo n contemptible opinion of his readers, If ho expects them to bellevo such nn astounding falsehood, Tho fact Is, Fny, tho Inde pendent candidate had but 1,200 'votes, and Ilnight had 7,000 majority over them both. If this is n "cheering re sult," wo hope tho Dr. will havo more Just such cheerful news. We, too, say "Huzza for California!" The majority for tho now Constitu tion in Marylnnd is about 2.',000. That of ISC I was only carried by 375 majori ty. Wo prcsumo tbo next, programme on tbo slato will bo to rulo Maryland outof thu Unlon,nsthey havo Kentucky. The Senate has nlrcndy refused admis sion to tho U. S. Senator chosen Inst year. Wo presumo they will also ex cludo tho next Senator from California on tho ground that ho Is n Democrat. What precedents these Radicals aro lim iting ; and they need not complain il they aro applied to themselves hereaf" ter. Votuus, remember that every vote is of tbo utmost Importance. In oui Stato there aro nbout 1,G00 election dis tricts, and flvo votes left ot homo in each, would bo a loss of 8,000 votes. Remember, wo carried Connecticut by only 1,000, nnd .California by less than 8,000 majority. Two years ngo 500 Dem ocratic votes wero unpolled in this coun ty, and unless nctlvo and unwearied ef forts nro made, as many will stay at homo this Fall. Let no plea of business or pleasure keep you away. Tun Democrats of Union County have placed In nomination for tho Legislature for tho second term, Captain Roush, for merly of the Gth Pa. Reserves. Many of our soldier readers remember 'him, and know that a moro thorough gentle man and a braver officer docs not exist. Of cour.so ho will bo ro-electcd, because his pure record and high character will induce many Republicans to voto for him. Wo need such men In tho Legis lature. Tin: Radicals havo no oxcuso. for hav ing failed to restore tho Union. They liavo had an overwhelming majority in both IIousss of Congress, In all tho Leg islatures of tho Northern States, have had "loyal" Governors, yet wo nro fur ther from a Union than wo were two years ogo. Radical legislation has ac complished what rebel armies failed to do ; It has placed ten States out of the palo of tho Union. Thousands of well meaning citizens havo from year to year cast their votes for tho Radical candidates, when nt tho same tlmo thoy did not protend to agree with tho party on tho negro Issues; and wo often wondered that it should ho so. How can a Henry Clay Whig, n Dan iel Webster Whig, bou lualignantRad leal ? Chanoi:! CiiANOi:!! Chanot.!!! This was thu fatal cry that won in 18C0, but wo aro greatly deceived If It Is not the glorious battlo cry of thousands all over tho country beforo long. Tho Radi cals must bo driven from power or we nron ruined people. Radicalism cannot bo reformed, It must bo destroyed. TAX-rAVr.its, remember that the motto of the leading Radicals Is "that a national debt Is a national blcsslng," nnd that not longslnco they Issued -nn elaborate pamphlet to sustain '"thri'pbsl- Jtion.. .Instead, of retrenchment and ro- rorm tney nro committed to n paper currency, to high taxation, nnd tho In crcasoand perpetuation of our national debt. Rb.v. Huti.kh, tho Radical.modcl of n hero and Statcsmnn, has declared lu favor of paying tho 5-20 bonds In cur rency Instead of gold. Lot our Bond holders remember this, and remember nlso that ho Is n prominont Radical loader. Is tho country safo under tho guldnnco of such' reckless men? Tun Democrats of California madq terribly liavoo with tho Pharisees. Tbo efforts of tho Radicals were as fruitless as Mrs. Partington's attempt to sweep away tbo sea with a broom. Pennsyl vania will stand sldo by sido with tho Golden Stnto on the Second Tuesday of next October. Thousands of Republicans in Call fornhi and Maine, utterly disgusted with tho negro theories and corruption of tho Radicals either remained at homo or went to tho election nnd voted with tho Democrats, Thk taxes paid by the Frst National Dank nt Illooiiisburg, lust year, ainoum ted to tfJOffcyn, besides which each stock holdcrmust nay thoconnty Commission ers mi assessment on nil stock hold by him, IUNICATKD. i ?V"E.jii.iAS.t.i MifS-ihtfoia Ret8MiU&iltli6rj, nyJ Is nllkli undignified, fntid ttlircflMa in Vollttjlocljy, Ujut yo hv'lut Kii ngbj wnes r-iKjucup is suoservieni lojincu-i tuition, mul conuldcraVion'is n myth, or to say the least, below par. Therefore, Avamay iiot,.pcrluus,.bttplaced undcr.K ban for plckltigtiptho gauntlet so open- Iy;thown ddw'il iby your llitolligdnt correspondent rronV tills' town, 'public documents nro public property; and tho public havo a right to examine, crltl- clr.o, nnd accept If thoy choose and no ono can bo over solicitous for tho benefit accruing thereby to their professions, or their interests at largo. Teaching, ns n profession, Is, or should be, only sec ond to thodlvlnolnstruction emanating from thopulplt, and the thought, strikes mo that your correspondent does not fully appreciate tho responsibilities de volving upon Its devotees. Hut wo will not bo too forward in presenting our ob jections thus, since wo Judgo merely from worth, not from actions,, which havo not come directly beneath our no tice. Hut tho general rule, nccordlng to nature's laws, gives Individuals of ,tho masculine gender, a moro limited field than tho other sex. Tho superiority of tho latter for teachers is Indisputable ; an established fact, which nono but nn Idiot will attempt to deny ; slnco God hns endowed them with those qualifica tions best adapted to teach "tho young Ideas how to shoot." Tho gentleman speaks of political warfare, and party faction. It is an established fact that politics are out of order In a Hoard of Directors, and that capability Is tho cri terion by which teachers aro selected. It is often tho caso, however, that such porsoual matters arc mado the basis of appointments, but that docs not alter the question of succiM witli tho teacher. That lucky Individual has nothing to do with tho manner in which tho school has been obtained for him, provided ho is honorably awarded It by tho Board. Ho Is now In tho school, nud success de pends on himself. Forn certain period nf tlmo it is his field of action, and should occupy his attention to tho far thest limit of duty. There is no doubt, of courso, If, like Napoleon, bo bellows In himself, and wills It so. "Will It pay?" our friend nsks further. It is well always to count tho cost beforo en terlng upon any new undertaking, nnd if, pecuninrily, or otherwise, it will bo a loss, better then not run tho risk, Hut, a profession so responsible as that of a "peduyogue" should novcr bo sub jeeted to n query nt onca so doubtful nnd insincere. Tho school law asserts that naught but Immorality, incapacity, or negligence, nro sufficient grounds for tho dismissal of a teacher. Some aro so de ceived in themselves, orso Inflated with conceit, that they deem themselves ca pablo of holding such a position, when, intrinsically, they lack every necessary qualification, nud, therefore, fail In tho despcruto attempt ; but such nro unfor tunate, and command out pity, notour censure. As for Immoral or negligent teachers, such aro n crying disgrnco to n civilized community, and should not bo tolerated. And nono can deny that fe male teachers nro superior, naturally to those of tho other sox in theso mat ters, sinco thoy find no attraction in tho Intoxlcatingbowl.orthobasolcompanyof rioters, who sink themselves bolow tho lovel of common humanity, by their indecent nnd sinful carousals. Some small minds Intimate to their compan ions in intellect, that women, asnclass, can teach but poorly, and but tho sim plest rudiments. We do not feel any egotistical flashes when wo assume that l;i circles, and among minds of a com prehensive order, tho opposite idea is indulged, nnd women nro awarded their proper lovel. The gentleman again implies that it is rather lowering tho standard of tho pro fession to nso it ns astopplng stone; and wo agreo with him in thinking It a very common thing; but tho law of progression is unaltorablo, nor would wo havo It otherwise. Many young men gain a livelihood by teaching, bo cause their hours nro limited, and moro time is given to dovoto toother pursuits which they hopo to follow when thoy hnvo conveniently used tho schoolroom annnald for a certain period; others tench ror awliilo to obtain funds to pros- ecuto their scholarly attainments in n wider sphere. This, however, Is no ob jection, provided they attend to their duty conscientiously. It Is eminently pralswortliy, Education is no mean at tribute to n man's ndvantuges ; and our best citizens nro tho self-tnndo ones. But I assert that women" aro herein superior, slnco most of them enter upon their la bors with no future aim, save tho per formance of their duty, and tho ulti mate Improvement of their pupils. Women aro pot expected to bo lawyers, or politicians, nnd havo no prospect of becoming anything but good teucliers, and can therefore alford to devotonll their time, Ingenuity, and ability to tho cause. omen nro not often renegades, and will seldom stoop from the dignity attendant on their sphere, to visit nnd "plaster" tho Directors with promises, protestations or lirlbcs. It certainly is complimentary to tho able bodies of men presiding over our several School Districts, to Inslnuato thatj thoyTcan bo so easily Imposed Upon, and pbrsuadod .to give Schools to til) worthy individuals simply because, perchance, thoy may havo wealthy relatives, belong to a "cer tain political ; party, or a certain secret bocloty. Stiil, .reform Is necessary, and wo cannot all speak from tbo lofty pin naclo of experience, therefore wo will add no moro tp our modest opinions ex pressed above, but will shelter our vo ful incompetency and ignorance behind tho moro extended knowjedgo of 'our feliow workers In tho profession. ' Lahv Ti;al'jikkh." , MlSETINU AT Wn.UAMBl'OHT. A very largo meeting of tho Democracy of Lycoming county convened Iii tho Court IIouso In WilHnmsport on Mon day evening last, which was addressed by Senator Hucknlcw. Kx Gov.' Packer presided. Tho Standard says':1 The dignified and logical speech deliv ered on Monday ovening last In this city, by the Hon, CiiAitLJ'.s, R IIucka l,r.vt, nppenrs in .exUnso, in this Issuo of thq 'J.ycomtna Standard." It is a masterly production, comprising a train of historical facts and Incontrovertible argunieuts.lllustratlvp, of tho outrageous wrongs nnu Inhiultous legislation of tho JtatUml party. In Hid recent session of io 60-cancn ,jatiouai uongre3S. vc .need not cull special attention to tho address, as Hid iintver.s'ally acknowledg ed nbljty of Its distinguished authqrnmi his eminent position Ih tho country, at oncq cduliiicud it 16 u careful perusal nnd general attention, Thk Radical majority In Mnlno is puiy ili70lj against 27,(i!Q .In 18G0; a radical losd of 15,080. Good, COM TICKET. Itl)(lKO,'rilBj l)rilKMK COl'IlT, K 6k PBit,ASi;umA. FOHHSE.MIIl.Y, THOMAS CIIALiVANT, MONTOUll COUNTY. ipiipEOAJ: MTITp,UW,( I: toi' 1 1 1 :" Tinvxs 1 1 1 1. " FOll TIlKASllIlKn. tfXa6l3 YOHI3, MI1TMN TOW.NHHlr. KOU COMMISSIONKH, DAVID YEAOBH, I.OCUST TOWNSHIP, FOR Jt'ltY COMMISSIONS', TIIOS. -T. WELLIVElt, MT. rf.nASANT'TOWNHHIF. POH Al'IlITOIt, JACOB IIAItlllS, nniiLocK TowNHtm'. VIGILANCE COMMITTEES. The Standing Committee ut its re cent meeting ndoptcd nn address, select ed three Democrats in each District to net asa Vigilance Committee ; to whom Instructions will bo sent by tho Stand ing Committee ; nnd directed tho ad dress and tho list to bo published in all tho Democratic papers of tho county. Jleavcr 1). Zimmerman, Allen Mnnn, Charles' Mlchnel. licnton3, J. M' Hen ry, Rob r M'l lon rv. I. K. Krlckbnum. Mcrielcl; Isaiah Rower, Hudson Owen. J. S. Sanders. Jiloom1). Lowenberg, P. Blllmeyer, J. is. uiscy. liriercreek Win. Lamon, J. G. Jnwv by, J. C. Smith." Cataxclssa-l. V. B. Kline, Dr. J. K Bobbins. J. II. Creasy. Centre C. II. Dietterlck, II. D. Knorr, A nilrnw Krnns. -a7i?r7i-J.'B:'Knttle, V. Killecn Ti O'Gerhartv. - - Conynnham AVm. Goodman, D. T. M'Klernnn. Dr. Woblfortb. Fishinncrcek'). M'Henry, David Savnge, John Sutton. Franklin David Knittle, Wnshlng ton Parr, II. J. Recdor. Greenwood Isaac Dowltt, John Leg. irott. A. J. Albcrlson. JlcmlockV. II. Shoemaker, Capt. 1. Lehlv. Jackson Kmmett. Jackson Daniel Young, Silas M'Hen ry, nenry wngner. Locust Gera Howcr, John Snyder, jjamci nunc. Madison Capt. W. J. Allen, James Klsner. A. K. Smith. Jnmc-U. J. Campbell, W. T. Shu- man. M. Grover. JlljltinA. SchwoppenhcUer, Dr. Montgomery. J. II. llettler. Montour Noah Mouser, P. Helm- bach, James Fitrnsworth. Ml. Pleasant-AVm. Miller, Win Howell. John Mordau. Orange lir. Megargell, Col. Kline, Moses Everett. Pine John F. Fowler, John Lore, Lutner ucrman. Jloarlngcreek John D. Ilouek, N. Drelsbach, Amzi Craig. Scott V. Ent, B. F.Hclghnrd, J. Lake Sugarloaf Allnns Cole, Andrew Lau bach, G. Sioorc. By order of tbo Committe. JOHN G. FREEZE, Chairman, DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS. liy order of the Btnmllng Coiumttteo of tlie county, meetings will bo held nt the following point, to which the public nro respect fully invlt oil. nsr-Y, rrhlny evening; Rert,?7lh. HAM-' WAY1 IIOUHE, Saturday evening, Kept SSth. ItOA!tINGCTti:i:iC, finlnnlny afternoon. Hep- tember,!Mtli. jnitSUYTOWN, Monday afternoon, Bept. SOth OltANOKVIIXU, Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 1st, MAIN VILLI:, TucMlay evening, Oct. 1st. CKNTUALIA, Wednesday evening, Oct. 2nd. 1U:AVEU VAI.LEY.Thumday evening, Oct.3rd. HUL'KHOllN, Friday ovening, Oct. 4th. 1IUNTON, Saturday aflernoou Oct, 5th. ItOHIl.SHUIta, Monday afternoon, Oct. 7th. Tlio afternoon Meeting will bo culled tu order ntSo'clock. Thoeenlng Meetings athalf past neven. They will bo .addressed by two or more of thu following named gentlemen. Hon. 0. K lluckalew, (len. M'Candless, Oen W. H. i:nt, Joseph C. Bltcher, Hon. Thomas Chnlfant, Joseph H. Campbell Uin. Capt. C, II. llrockwny, Capt. Oeo. W. lilt, Milton M, Traugh Esq. Charles W. Miller, Esq. Dr. V. H, Freeze, Mahlon 11. Hicks D-fil "Wm. 11, Shoemaker I'Mtf, V.. H. Little. Kin Col. John O, Freeze, Vlgllanco Committee aro socially lequcsted to attend to lighting' tho Houses, erecting tho Htands,and nrrangtngfor the mcetlngs,by elrculat Ing tho notices.. liy order of tho Committee. JOHN a. fkf.kzi:. Chairman. P. Joil.vwhohns nearly succeeded In making tho Radical organlzatlonn unit; (Thero wero.thlrteen of them at tho last delegate elcctlonlis now figuring up to prove- that tho Radicals in Columbia county aro holding their own "bravely It is rerfectly woll understood outside of tho county that Palcmonjs running tho party Into tho ground. According to tho figures in tlio lie- publican tho Democratic majority in 1SG0 wasy-lOlj and in 1800 tho Democratic majority was 1G18'; moro than three times as large as six years ago ; nnd yet P. John's party is holding It's own ! Orngain, taking the figures of tho lie- publican. Tho Democratic vote in 1600 was ,307. " " " lbCii " il,683 Democratic incrcaso 1.210. Republican voto In 1800 was 1,873. Republican Increase 02. Wi: bclicvo tho President" lias wasted millloiifdipon millions of dollars In tho ' nn'..iiAn -r., t r . 1 cuiiL-euuu wi luvi-miii. ror jiuiuum im. sons'ho removed last summer a malorl- ty of tho best assessors, nnd nppolnted men wuuoui ciinracter or record. itio line. As true us preaching as far as this District is concerned. And tho revenue lias sintered lu conoeciuenco. Jlepubll can, , That is, P. John's ro venue has suffer ed. Very likely. Foil Sali:. Two houses and lots in Bloom Towiishln. Thev nro both pleas antly located, and will bo sold cheap nnu u, jvusuiiuuiu nine giveif lor. l'ny- meiii, ,u is a urst rnto cuanco lor a la borer QTiinechnnlc. For particulars lu fpiiro at thts'uUico. It. MARRIED. MACCni:A-Iir.T.KR-At the residence nf the nn.io n lauier. in lierwicic, on me mil insu, ny iiov, i,eo. j. tireiisingf-r, ,iirfc aivx. n. .-.laccrea, M. I)., In Miss KlillrmH,. Miller, IkiIIi orilcrwlck, r-..ln,KI ....... ,v t. ' Al'I,i:OATt('ollNi'.r.ISO- On the 2M Insl by JohmLore, Ksq., Mr. John Applegale to MUs nuititiiiiuu iiriu-lisuji. lut Ol 1 lilt, luwnniiip, vu- liimblit counly, l"u. ' fll'-IOKll-NOTKHTK.IN-On tho Slt Inst., by IUv. Win. J. Hyer. Mr, Wm. II. lielger In MUs Alum i.iizaneiii isoiosleln, Ml ol uitawissi Columbia rpunty, 1'u. DIED, KUwAIuW In IlliK.nisburg.tin Tuewlny night, HeptcmlHir I7tli. 1M7, Mary A. inwards, ugeil i iui . i iiuu,,i uiii fnj m. JIKITTKllIUK III Herwlik, Saturday qvrnlug. Hvnttmiirr Dili, W67, Mrs. llllzaliitli, wlfo of jiicon w 1 HmtericK, agi-u isyears aim i momus. The deeeiue.1 tifTorcl fur yean from a cancer ous tumor, which rosultod mtally: wllhafurtl- tuda equalled only by the uuswemng faltli with wllrh Mie luokul forward to an eternal dwelling iluc In il bet ter aud u liuppier world. Her Inst wur.d weiutlllciid.Jej,us'' leuvlDK liohlud her the Joyful aniurw.net. that "all was well." ei llepojl i..2!S.t. ti a) - fiLlC. I 21 llirkt Vhra.1 i,i'..i.M Ufa i. md . ..,-3 .rd- .-.I., it i riutir por nnrri. Klnxacttl....'l74.. llntteri illi. ...f..i. t'o I l not .t. Drlod AlipU'i , Turk , Ilium Mdw nml HhonMers imvMt,tt?r.,tA iJtnl -cr lamina Itav luif I. n . )o:ri t.UMimit. Hemlock Itonnl. per thuiinnil feci 1'lna-- -..'. 'L " (oui. Inch)-... .!nlt. Hcnntlltiir. rintilc. (Itrmlnckl .. tin i ... ISaai ... 11 mi ... s oi ... 7 l IS w nuiiitics. No. ffMT tiiotiftinul I...-..,., -I-- Hldlnif " " rt. riilladelphU Mnrkrd. a TUUlUA'.iYJrleplcmlicr, M 1W. l-'l.n,lK " . Northwestern snperfltiQ at.;.....'-.. Northwestern exlm..-.H,H,-..M . S7.IKV.7I 7..V) ..lo.(H-l'J.ri ... 7.1h,fiH.rrf .. ..rj.;eii.ui .. ID.Kk.f.lUVl ..I3.HH9.1I..VI ., .SlhrtlM.,1il , ti.iVUII) , $iWKii.7.1 i7ll , n.iv.i.s , !I.:.H1,V2 , ti.as.f.si.21 , ll.'.lk.Cfl.'.'l , ti.lcM.7je MI.M I27.W K'Mlfa 17C1SC rn ramny. IA and West .-V... Pennsylvania nnd Western extra Pennsylvania and Western family.., Pennsylvania and Western fancy Ilyn Hour... W II EAT lennsyl aula red, V bus niMiinerii California " " ....... whlln rennsylvoiila rye, v bus...-.-,. Yellow, " White. " ItVE CoitN 0T V bus 1'kovisiuns Mess Pork, v bbl. , .viess lleer, " liresswl llogs, )l lh Smoked Hams ' " Shoulders w Ih Ijird. W lb ;?;e Rkkds Cloverseed V bus , SJkMl.f J1..V) tisoa.ii stun IK.It 1 imuiii) seen p uus Flaxseeif " . PiO IltON No, 1 Scotch No. I Amcrtran , Catti.b lleef Cattle Y " Cows. V head RllrKP VVt fioiilia lions v 1IAI ICS JlU-'lOGSJ ll..'iu SPECIAL NOTICES. B OOK AGENTS WANTED ToHotlclt Onlers for n New Ilh.trn.rii IUUia: UICTIONAItY. (COM I'l.KTI IX ONK VOLUMB.) TliUUlotlonary piiiIkmIIci the rcMiltn of tlio most rt'M'iilKiuJy, roHfnrch.ntul it.vi'slliiutlon.ornlKtut RUty-llvoof the mootomluriit uml lulvmicnl liiii llenl SclmlnrH now living. I'lcrcymon or nil tlo iinmlnntlnnH npnrovo It.Hiul rt'Kril U mthp host work of H kliul intlit'lCtitfllKli liiiiKimRi', ntul ono which rmutit to Ira In thu I minis ofccry Itlhlc rentier In tho land. , In circulating thH Worlc, AurntA will flint n llcasnnt niitl prodinhln employment. Tho mi moroun ohjcotlon which nreiinimllypnconntprctl In KollliiK ordinary works will not exist u ltd thin, Hut, on thecontrnry.cmiHirnKemcnti.inl Irlcml ly uia u 111 nttenct the Agent, milking his lu ho rM ngrccnlilc. iisi-rul, nnd lucrntl c. lAillcs, retlrcil Ck-rizyinen Hchool Tonchors, Kur titers, Htuclcnti. tma nil otliers who itosspHs energy, nrc wnntcd toni'lt in Cnnvnsslng every Town nnd County In tho country, to whom the inoHt llhcrnl InduccmentH win he ottered. For particulars, nnplv In, or nddroiM i'Ausu!m:i: iiuothkiim. iepirc:-Ct 72! 8anom st., ritlladolphla. Tn. DVHPKPSIA. Thtro Is no dtsenso which uxpericneo has Mt ntnply proved to ho remediable by tho PKItUVIAX svnup, (a protected solution of tho proDxIdu of Iron), ns Pytpcpoln. Tho most inveteruto frms of this dlseuso havo hecn completely cured by thW med icine, ns ample testimony of some nf our Jlrt elt zens proves, rnoM thi: YES'rnAiu.n AncnnnACON scorr, i. n. DrsnAM, Canada Hutt. "I nm an lnvetlratol)ysprptloof more than 2.1 vennt Rtniittiui?." "I have been so woiideufully hetuflted In thothreo short weeksdhrlngwhleh Ihaveusiil tho Peruvian Hyrup, tlmt lean wearcidy persuade myhclfoftho reality loplo who havo known inu itiu umiiiiimii'h hi me eiiiiuutf, i mil wuieiy known, nnd -nn hut recommdud to others that which has dene mi much for niot" anotui:h ctxkoyman wiwtks at foi "My voyageloKurope Ulndellnltely mwtiHined. I havo dlteovercd tho "Fountntuof Ilenlth" on thU side of tho Atlantic. Three Itntllemtf Pernv 1- nn Hyrup havo rescued mo from the fangs of the 11 end DvsneiiKln." . A pamphlet of .12 pages, containing n history of huh rcinarKuiuorcmouy, wnoa ireaiiKO on "iron ns a medicine," will be Rent free to any address. The genuine lias 'U'eruvian Hyrup " Mown In the glass. J. I IlIXHM01lH,rroprIetor, 3d Vey Htrcet, New York. Hold by nil Druggists. HCHOKUIj A-C O.VHUM I'TIO.V, Dr. IAIGOL, of Paris, ono of tho eminent Chem ists of Furone. said: "Tho most astounding results may bo anticipa ted when Iodine can bo dissolved in puro water." Dr. J I. Aiideis, after (If teen years of HClentlllc research nnd experiment, has succeeded In dis (solving oneamt one auartir uruftis of Iodine to each fluid ounce of water, and the mont nituumting rt-ffiiiu muronou-eH o use, particularly in Hcrotu la nnd kindred dUeases. circulars free. Dr. II. AtldlTR' In. lino U'nffir la frr iit.li. tiv- 1 T DINSMOUK.UdDty Htreet.New York, nud nil Druggists. nepi., w, 18C7, rn rnvHiTMiTivru ti, n. i',i...nni a Wilvon will send (free of1 charge) to all who desire' It, tho prescription with the dlrec tions for making ano using ma binipiu remeoy ny wnicn no was cured of a luugaflectlon und that dreaded disease (,'ousumptlon. Ills only dJect Ts to lM-nefU tho nuneieo, nnu no noies every suiierer win try uus prescription, ns it will cost them nothing, nnd iiuij iirov r it ou-hMiit;. ricuim uunres m;v. kdwahd a. wir.sox. No. 10-j South second street, my3rtI7-ly, AViltlnmsburg, Kings co., N. V. INFOHMATION. Informntton guaranteed lo produce u luxuriant growtn or nnir upon a nam head or beardless laee. uNon recelno lor the re m oval of Fimples, 1 Hot e lies, Eruptions, etc., on tho skin, leaving tho same soft, clear, ami beauti ful, can ueobtnlned without charge by addressing M?pl3'C7, H road nay, New Yorli NEW ADVERTISElHiNTS. A DJIINISTIlATOItVS NOTICE. hetters of administration with tho will nnnexed, on tho estate of c rus Fry, Into of liloomsburg, Columbia County, havo been gi anted by tho lbg Ister of hald eountj, to Isaac H. Kuhn, who re hldes tn llloomsbuig. Alt perhous having claims or tiemanus against ino siuu eMate.aro H'nut'ieu to iHesent tnem to the ndmlulhtrator for settle mcut, nnd thoso Indebted to mnko payment. IHAAC H. KIMIN, uep27"C7-Ct Adtn'r. e, t, a. pan H A L K Will lo sold ut nrlvato sale, h verv desirable residence in south liloomsburg, Columbia touu ty, l'a., tho proH-rty eonslMtlng of T V O T O V S L O T rt hltuate and frontlnj Third Htreot nftho town of IHoomsburg, whereon uro erected n largo two iory F It A M K 1 V 1 U h I .V U II O ti H V. with kitchen nttnehed, a largo hlahlo nnd Car riage liousc, goKl pig Mte.coul Itouso, eteugjl well of never falling watcrut tlio buck dior. l'os Mission will bo iii ven on tho llrst of Anrll. lNiS. If not sold between this and tho iiut, of Dee tuber next the same will be exposed to public Milo on suld dale at I o'clock 1. M. For further tartieu- lars, iuquro of Michael F, llyerly, nt tho otllco of ii. f. ciant, I.MI,, liloomsburg Coiun.bia m.l'a, Hept,'j7,IsU7, TESTATE OP 1 ETEH WJriTE- MuT, dkui;ahi;d. xorict: of i.xquicst. To Michael Whltcntght; Henry Whltenlghtt Amzl Whitenlnht: Julian, vUfoof Daniel Wan- icu; iwnecen i.iixiioein. wiro or Henry Hum nurs: Had u I l'mmn. vlfo of Willlani llronson nnd I.vilin M. Whllenlght, thlldreu nnd heirs ui i-eier niu'iiiiiiu, jato orJItm otk omii ship, Columbia county, deceased. i oil alio em h or j ou vv in tahe notice, tlmtbv vlituo ot n writ of jartltlon or valuation, Issued iuu oi ino urpimns louri ot mo Louuiv or i o lumbla. an Imiuest will bo held nt tho dwelling house, late of Peter Whiteulght. deceused, In tho lowusiiip oi iiemioeic, in saui couniy or cuiuni' bin. on ha l unlay, tho ttlhday of Nmi mber. a. n. 1mj7, for the purpoco of making pnitltlon of tho real estate of the said deti'ased.hltualo lu Hem lock lovrnxhln. nloresald. to nnd nininiLf thi cliil- ilro n and representatives of tho snlil deceased, If iiioistono enu ne nono wuuoui piejuoieo lo or spo nnu tno same, otherwise tn vtuuo and nn praise the whole. HAMUFX HNYDi:il, Itloomiiburg, Hept. 27, lsu7, Hlierllf. rjlIIE aitEATKST IMI'KOVKMKNT OF Till: AOI.I! . A.Nb a wkw i:ha I.N A II T I F I O I A h h I (J II T, I.Kllir I'OH THK MILLION thi: i:uur.u'A im.uminatino ou, lias been discovered, which costs only ono cent for three hours. Cheap, clean and neat, No oirenslve tiuelt. no areaso tint explosive, not dan gerous to use IlkoKeroseuo Is, Coats only lit It-en tents per gallon. 'Iho above Is uu nrtlclo rect ntly UIseoveied,(nr brought to light,) by nn eminent chemist, who has become u true benefactor to tho lacej bring ing within roach of the poorer clauses, ns well us I no ricn, a ngui u)erior to mat produced by Kor a.ne! besides, u l nou-ox plosive, nud this now Illuminator will not weaken tho eye-sight or af fect Iho lungs, usKerostuudotij by continued use. It can bo used with or without chimneys, with perfect safety, It hns been thoiuughly tt stid by ui.i.inuiiuB, nun i ii in uimt-i, nn ri'resenit u. This need but bo seen ami used in t noun-Hn, ted. It gives a clear, steady Unlit, nnd b not so liable to 1st extinguished as other lights. Jt Is certuinly onuof the greatest discoveries of mod ern limes, sepJ7 07-2t, A DMINIBTHATOUVS NO T I V E. -Vitatkoj'Da iiillKAitiiAUT.ni-.fii.-U tiers of admlulstrut ton to tho t-stntu of l)av Id Ikarlmrl. tutu (if t..oiibl I.il',ilLIi. ra.liii.il.l. li.. ' det'ensed, havo Imen gumted by tho Heglsler oi i uiuiiiuiueuimiy. io latmaru Aunms, wnorestiles In said townshlo. Columbia eoimtv. All f..rt.r..iB liavlngelaiins or Uemunds against the estate of uiu mviMciuuru rmiifnu-u in iniiku litem kuouii to tho administrator without delay, nml all per sons Indebted aio reouested to make imynunt. u I.l!oNAltD ADAMM, Axlm'r, Beplemler6,IMi7-"t, .J.l. 1 21 II .ar,.: Sftl ii ai ,.. n 11 12 m HIKMIUM LIST or Tiin ANNUAL TWnt.FTH IXltllllTION OF THK COt.UMMA (,OUNTVA(IttICUIiTt,nAIi,1!Olt. TR'UI.TUnAT AN1 SIKCIIANICAli AKSOCIATIO.V, To UK !lt:Mi AT IH.OOMMHUItO, l'A., On AVrrtnMdnri'Tlnirftnr fnd Frlilajr, Octoljrr 0th, 10th, nnd llth, Tho intuiaircrs of tho Attrlculturnl Hiclcty of Colnmhln t'mmty, will cndonor to put eery irnng in mo noo-iorucr 10 iiuuto ino accnminima LlntiM inint)I(Lii UiIm cnr. and nn Asrlculturul Ho- rlctlos hnvo now lecomn fixed luMltuttou, nnd ecry iioiy ficKiioweije mm tnrre Mnrentn Amount ot Information, retTrntloii ntul nftreeahlc nMftorlnttoti In ntletidlug n well-conducted, und u well filled up t'nlr, Iho Committee, to whom tho incmlKTri of tlio iMt year's Fair havo eut runted ino mnnnuomeni, wouki enrneniiy nnu respeci fully soil. It tho co-operatlou of every jktkoH In tlio county, hoping thoy will nil hrlng something t.i ttm t-'nlr ni(ilumhln. thU oer memornhle yenrof our Ixrdt 1SH7, A everi IIIIIIK 1 llllt Mini iiiiii, iuii" u nn-iu tn viirrv It nil with MntUfnetlou. exhibitors and rontrihutors will plenio rend tho Instructions, nnd come to the Kalrcxecting tonhlde by thetu wuuoui nsKing ior miy niierniiou. U'll. UUI'KUT, Hecietnry. CI.AM I. HOItSIW, Atmcr Welsh, Kupcrlntcndetit, Host nnlr tlrnuuht horses 00 2.1 io iit do A 00 Host imlr cnrrlnce do mi M do ilo do not) Iiest pair carriage mares fl m 2d do ilu do (i 00 Itest Htnllion o er .1 veura old 12 HO 2d tin do o 00 Ucst brood mnro. wltu colt nt her Mae, hoth owned hv tno exhibitor. 8 00 2d do brood inure, with colt nt her utile, hoth owned by the exhibitor, A 00 Host nlnulu enrrlauo home. 4 m Sd do do do Hem singio enrnago marc, 4 w 2tl do do do If 00 llest, gelding ueiweeu a ana i yours out i w do maro do do 4 W do Odd Ing do 2 nud .1 do 4 Ml do .Mure do do 4 00 do IiorNoeolt iH-tween 1 A 2 y turn old soo tlo mare do do HI") ilo horino or mnro oolt under 10 months :i trf) 2d do do do ilo do 2 00 do pair macth com utiacr 4 years out broken to harness R 00 I-'.xbihitorH tinder this elites will have their hor ses on tho ground by lu o cioen, 'j burmiay morn lliil, woeii 1 ocy win oe t'iiiiiineti, .Iiiduefi Abnrr Welth. nrnnso: Wtlllnm 1M1 dine, Madison; Cllnlon Mendenhall, Frnnkllu AVm.Hlmn'er, Ccntroj Daniel Yetter, Maine, CLASS It CATTI.K, Xchcmlah Iteese, Hu)erlutenilent, Ihtrhnm Stock, Itest hull .1 veurs old nnd onwards f 12 10 21 do oo do (l 00 itest bull between J nnd 3 yenrsold ooo 2d ito ilo do 4 00 lKst bull lietwcen 1 nud 2 ienrs old aoti 'M do do do '2 (") iH-Nt mm mir under id mouinsnut - w .1 do do rli7iirt(tViiWj 1 jf ur Im'hI row -1 v eai s old and Howards I! ot) 2d ilo do do I in) best heifer between 2 and 3 years old i 1 00 2d do do do 3d) best heifer calf under 10 months old .00 Jcum fitork. Ik-si bulla v ears old nnd upwards 61.! 00 2d do do do IMKl best bull botwccii Sand 3 ) ears old (l(K) 21 do do ilo 4 00 best bull between I nnd 2 years old, 3 no 2d do do do 2 00 best bull calf under in mouths old 'jini !d do do do AyncuUnri't 1 yr. best cow 3 vear, old or no ward (1 Of) 2d do fi) do 4 00 bct heirer between 2 nml 3 years old 4 no 2d do do ilo .100 host heifer under 10 months old AUlemcy Stock. Host bull 8 years old nud upward tjl-00 2d do iln do 0 00 best bull between 2 and 3 years tld (loo 2d do do do l in) lHst bull between 1 nnd 2 years old 3 00 2d do tlo do 2 Ini best bull enlf under 10 months old 2n) 2d do tlo do Iftrtculturiit 1 ur. best eow 3 years old nnd upward . ii ou 2d do do do 1 00 best heifer bel ween 2 and 3 curs old IW at do do do 3 00 best heifer calf under 10 monllH out Oriulctt Stuck. IVst bull years old and upward 2d po do do bent bull between 2 and 3 years old 2d do do do best bull between 1 and 2 years old 2d do do do Irt'st bull culf under 10 mouths old ?12 00 ooi) tltJM 100 3 0J 00 2d do do do Agriculturist 1 ur. im?i eow it years old ami upward 2d do do do best heifer lttweeu 2 and 3 years old 2d do tlo do best heifer calf under 10 months old A'ume Stock. Itest bull 2 years old and upward 2d do do do bent bull lwtween 1 and 2 yours old 2d do tlo do host bull ealf under 10 months old 2(0 M 00 I IN) . 3 IN) 'J INI 200 2d do do AffricutturUt 1 jf or best eow 3 years old and upward (t lit) Zd do tlo do 4 (ii liest heifer between 2 and 3 years old 4 00 2d do tlo do 3 IN) best heifer under 10 months old 2(n) Oxen intl fitceri. Ilest vnko oxen owned nnd worked bv ex hlbltor ".1-1 2d do tlo do 3 (j best yoko steers between 2 nnd 3 years old 1 1) 2d do do tlo 2 00 Exhibitors will liavo their slock ready forthe .ludifc to examine hv 10 o'clock u. in., on Thurs day, nud to remain until Friday, 3 o'clock, p. m. Judges Nehemlah Heese, Hemlock; Uotlleb uuuincr, rnuiwissn; .icsio jioiiman,ueniro; .m cob Yohe, MUUlnj It. Wilson, MadKon. CLAS.S III SWINI. A. F, Young, Hutwrlntoudont. I lest hoar 2d do do best brood sow 2d do tlo best sow and pigs ((I or more) best lot 3 or moro pli under H weeks old 2d do do do best lot stock hogs (3,or moro) 2d tlo do do ft AO 3 00 100 3 00 tll)0 :tw 2 00 3 00 2 00 Judges A. J1, Young, flreonwood; Hohr Mc- nenry, iienion; i'wis iioat, .m on lour. ei.AH-4 iv sm:i:i'. Francis Evans, Huiierlntendent, Jttc Wool, Host buck 2d do tlo best owe 2d do do Host buck 2d do do best euo 2d tlo do llest buck 2d do do best ouo 2d do do (100 3 00 1 U) 300 4 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 100 3 00 4 00 MUhUc Wool. 3 00 JudgeH Frances F.vnns, Ilri.nereck (leo. Feb ii'iniun, j,ih-um; juiiu nuuiu, .miuusuii, CLASH V lOL'I.TUY. John Cadmau, Hupcrlnteudent, llestnnd largest tlUptay of isiultry SIOil 2d do do tl! 2 00 nesi pair inieiteni Ayricutturitt I year. 2d do do .71 best pair turkeys in) 2d do ilo ft) hist pair geeso l m .u uo tio no best pair ilutks 1 ou Itest and largestdtplny of tamo pigeons W Ju Iges John Catlmnu, Itloom; llenry lVldi- muier, uemiiK'K; Joseph J-llley, Scott. CI.VS4 VI I1KAIN AMI HKKPS. Joseph Mouser, Superintendent, st half bushel tiov er seed It. S10t 1.7) 2d do do ilo do half do Timothy 2d do tlo do do bushel whllo wheat do do ro do do buckwheat ilo ilo gourd seed corn oars tlo tlo yellow do do do smoked tlo tlo half bushel flaxsovl 3 IN) 1 .71 3 00 1 .7) I .7) 1 .7) 1 ,71 l7 1.7) do bUMicl oats 1 .7) Judges-Joseph Mouser, Montour; John Umber, Hemlock; Wesley llownym, Oniugo; Jatlison .it iii-urj , i- iiiui;i i ei , i' nwiuca i; i, ex, urteu wood, II.AH.1 VII VEOKTAHbE.4. Illratu ApHomuu, Huiierlntendent. Itest bushel of nnv of tho different vnrla. ties of potatoes 31, 7 do bushel svtt-et potatws JO0 tlo biiHhel Held turulpi l.T) do tlu do do u tlo sngarbtels Ayrtcutturut year uu iiiiiiihuiii null. l ito In-els 100 l oo l do carrots - do parsnips IffficuKurtet 1 year l(N) do uu ' j uu unions do Jj dozen vegetable oysters (salsify) do 100 too 1 00 1 U) uu ofviw luiiiiiiiirn do 3 heads eabbago tlo 3 huuchcHcelcry do 4 egg plants do 2 quarts I.lma bonus do 2 tlo California Ih bus do 2 ouarts Horn, ltenni. 1 00 I 00 1 ) 100 1 00 tlo Iot of pumpkins 0 or more AvrieultilrU 1 yr JUdlieS 11. AliDlCmaU. Ilt-rilbu-lcf Kolnmnn Hhuman.Catawisha; Conrad Hlltenbendcr.Hloom CbAHrt VIII IIOL8ElIOLU M ANUFACTt'KOTl. Ueubeu llomhoy. HunerintenJeiit. Host lo yards i'Jnuuel, jl 2I tlo tlo do AmicuHurtttlyeur tlo 6 yards Woolen Cloth, 1 &) uo iu yarns t. urpt.1, 2d do do do do 10 j ards l'lald Mnen, do 10 yards Diaper, tlo Unit Wool sttHKlugs, do tlo tlo Mittens, tlo Cotton stocking), tlo Homo made Shirt, 2d do Uo Uo do du pair Wool J Hank els, tto hair Linen HhtiU. 1 60 tart'cutturtMt 1 year I .7) 1 .7) .00 .7) .7) 1 00 1 00 2 00 Iff i (cultuTittlytur do Itomotuatle'l itbltj CloiU,A tricuttuntl yenr Judges Ueubeu linmboy, Hemlock j Airs. Phil ip Cool, ttoarlng Creek: Mis; HI rum H. Kline, Orange i Mis, Hiram J, lUcder, Haukllii. CLAHfi JX-UOMMi'lC f A N U t A t'T V it Vi, .. Jtim.u' Buperiiiteudeiit. Itest loaf of bread, ttQ do Found Cuke, ;j itotllnger Cake, doHpougo Cake, dobumplo pri serves. tlo tlo Fiult Jelly, ,tj do Cueuinler l'ltkh-u. do IJt kles uf uny other kind. do Apple 11 u Hit, ilo Ft nth llutler. do Flum butter, tlu (Iiapo llutler, do Ualfon Hoigluim, m .7) fit) to m a ou do l unit Jlaia. Jirr;,liri.i i ttosnmpio Sausage, m ihiApiAople, h tlo kainplo t ast, m tlo du hanUoap. - Uo tlo fcofl Uo $) JuUe4-Joh U, Quick, M,outour( Mr Jacob tpuhidr. Franklin l Mrs, Huiittn WlUmi Madlsou.'Mts, Kurah H. Furel, ttr nine; thn W, Diviiibn. h, Ib-mioi-U. LI.ASH X-KVt) AlUICi.tn A NH H.UWI M, Capt, t fl. Jncltsou,Huperlnlfndcnt, Host hullHhnwl, ft f) I Ml I (10 I in) I oi I nn I INI l ixi 1 IN llll 1.10 I at I O) 1 o IIU UO Wlllll, tlolldy. doTettlt (Inir u-ftrk. do specimen lleadwork, oo no do do do tlo do do Hholl tlo lllirr do leather wot k, Hair work Wax, do-, . Hv. Drnwlng, l'alullmr, Hllk EmhroMoryi , Wo tiled KnibntlUcry,) Cotton tlo shUo--tu. do do do do do do do do ll.l lift do Worsted MM, dnrotton Mat; do Worked slipper, do Fnnci- Fin Cushloh,, 1 (M 1 to 1 00 oo ueao iTCMn, do Dlsplnv Moss Fnlnllng, no collection imiiiias. ,m do do Artlllclftl Flowers. ;rt do do Houso Plnnts hi bloom 1 id do do Dried lrnss, ,v tlo tlo do Tlowers. :$) tlo Vnrlety Flowers. , t :i tlo Hpeclmen of I'cnmanthlp, 1 isj .Tin lies Cunt. t O. Jackson. Iterwlck! MU Mnry Mendenhall, Fraukln; Mrs. Daniel Hi Millilni Mrs. Harvey Cnnellng, Heottt Mm. Charles It. Fowler, Hrott, CLASS XI 1'J.Oim, TOVr.H, TIN-WAHK, ANt 1IKNTISTHV . Noah Crltes, HuiKTlntendetit. Host fiO pounds wheat Hour, 1 0 do do buckwheat Hour, :t i do do rye Hour, Urn tlo do corn meat, 3 in do Cooking Htovo w Ith itxtures, 2 w tlo Parlor tlo tto a ut doHetnrthlclal teeth, tn do Variety ot Tln-Wnro, 2 m ti..l,.A.Vn.t fpll..u Ailiiuilmill W'l.t l t... Heottj Wm. ltlchnrt, liemlock. CLASS XII AaitlCUI.Tl'KAt. IMI'I.EMnNTS A Ml HAflllNKnKY. Jacob Harris, Hupe rlnttmlent. Best rimigh for genernl use, $2 10 tlo Corn Plough, inj tlo Com Planter, ;:ti tlo Threshing Machine nnd Power, in tlo Mower nml I ten per combined, a tlo Fanning Mill, y iloHoisoHay Pork, 2 11 do Corn Hheller, 2 tn do 11 ruin Drill, , :ity, do Farm Wagon, 2 H tlo Htruw tr foilder cutter, 2 (i do lltirso Ilnke, M do jiorlablo cider mill and press, 1 1 do Clothes Wringer, 1 !' do Washing M tub I tie, ,) tlo sausaso grinder, j tn tlo clover huller, 1 , tlo Churn, 1 1. tlo Wheel barrow ,u do Holler, Agriculturist 1 yevt Judires Jarob Hnrrls. Hemlock ! Win. T. Kl.n. man. Alain; John Ilanl, Jack. son; Jos. Muster .lauisoii. CI.AM XIII VEIII('t.r.S. Ilobert Pursel, Superintendent, Itest family oarrlngo, tto top buggy, 2 n, do oiien tlo 1 ilo sfelgh, ie do sulky, 2 hi Judges Hob, Purse), Madison ; Deo. H. HuiiUr Clrecnwootl; N. P. Moore, Hemlock, CI.AHS XIV HEM AMI UKKIIIVKS. Dsenr Auchenbach, Huperlulendeut. Itest suarm of bees, , 2d tlo do do Agricvtlnriil y?,i do sample fivn pounds of honey, 1 n. tin beehive, 1 Judces Auehenbach, Ornugo; A, Hmltli Hemlock ; John Scott, Cat aw Issa. CLASS XV WIN1.M ANIl I.IO,L01W. (. K. Hmllh, HuiHTlutetidcnt. !1 ( 1 1.1 1 1 1 1 I 01 do do blackberry wiim, do tlu grapo wiut, Uj tlo ehorry wine, do do rvo whlskev. do do elder vinegar, Judges-A.K.Hmlth, Madison; Ell Mendenlmll, llentoii; Peter l,nubnch, I len ton, CI.AHS XVI CWIINEr WAUK, TANNKIH, SHuhlt. Kf.lM, TA1I.OUS, 1'orrKHS AMI llltllK MAKCHS WilltK, Joseph Hcattergood, Superlntcndcnl. Host lhireau, il . doilrosHliiK tand, lot do display cabinet ware, 2 tm do set Windsor chairs, I im do spring seat chairs, 1 0 do rocking ihalr, 1 ( tlo settee, I ft"i tto madostlltnf elolhcs. . do half dozen bioomi, do set slnglo harm,ss, do tlo double Uo do two slilessoto leather, do do do kin, do do do en It skins, do pair calf boots, doimlrklp do do lot eaithenwnre, AfincuUmiilX ffri iW 1 Ut 1 1'l 1 'il 1 f) UO Hill 11 pi O UriCKH, ' Jurlges Joseph HeattergiKid, Pine: SConh Motn or, Montour; Phllli llnrimnu, Scott, tLAhS XVU KUUIT, Thomas J, Weltlver, Superintendent, llewt half bushel of any variety of apples Jl do tlisnlnv ofnttnles. 2 m 2d do do tlo tlo display of pears, 24 do do do do illsjday of peaeh.oH, 2d do ilo AffricttUunH ljrv Agriculturist 1 ytnr Agriculturist 1 d tlo dozen milnces, 1 ) 2d tto tlo do i tlo Mvoclusteisof grnpos, t do display nrgiapcs, . o 2il do tlo do Affiiculturhl y 1 do dvo clusters ('reveling grapes, , ilo do Concord grapes, tto thi Diana grapes, . do do Delaware grapes, do do Isabella grapes, " do Iot Fox grapes. tlo display ot Raspberries, l t do samplo of tlrltU apples-, t do do prju'lies, i Itest samplo dried elieir.es, stoned A unstoneil Judges Thos. J, Weill ver, Mt. Pleasant: U ben Hieh.tJrticnwood; UllasIvruin,Hcwlt; Jllrai IValer, Plshttigcreek. CLASS XVIII SroilTINO LIST. Host trotting horso, m.ire, or gelding, fen- trancofioSJ) 00) JIim If less than four horses aro entered, for cm ii horso less than four. SJO shall he Uoduclcd frin thojirtmluui tillered, fahmkhs' list Kiitsr utor. Host trotting horso mnro, or gelding, (eu t nil uo tee $10) f yi If lessth.in four, 910 shall bo deducted from in premium ottered, HIXJOND TItoT, Ikst trotting horse, maro or gelding, (eu- traneo fee 8t) iSi i" II less than four horses nro entere), fir em horsu less than iour,$3shall lie deducledlrom di' pieiiilum uilcied. No premiums will bo awarded for any of ti above threo trots If less than two horses apix'ii to eomoelo for the premiums. Mile heals, In harmss best out of three. In tho Farmers' lUt nil lioires must heeiihrnl by residents of Columbia County and owned tho competitor at least threo months before du Fair. Judges Stephen II. Petllbono, Orange; Th' J, Vandersllee, Hemlock j William Hhatler, Cm tic; Fieas Fowler, lirlarcrcok, CLASS XIX VOOT ItACINO, Itest run onto 11 round the eoursofentrauee fte.to) fs Heeond best do tlo ip 1 11 If lessthanthieopcrsonsenicr forthe nm n premium vylll bo awarded. Judges Andrew Mudlsor., Madison ; A. J M bertson, Oreenwijodi A, Melliek, Mt, Plinwtiii llfl.J-S AMI Ittni.ATIONS. (Article thltd ot tho tunstitullon requires ptr sons to pay tho Association ono dolhu to cniiD tuto membership, Tho practice horetttfoio h.i beioi to buy tlcketsou Pair tlays, and have thur names lecorded at tho It me First, Every person having articles for ein bitlou or competition, must become a nu'i.ii of the Assoehdon beloiecnteritig thoio, Heeond. Minors can become members or 1 hlhltnrs when their parents aro meiubeis. 'third, Tho Held of competition Is open torn persons from other counties ami Slates can enmo exhibitors upon tho sainu term as elllmi 01 inis t;onmv. Fourth. All articles ottered for roinpiiti'-ii must bo owned by tho competitor, Fruit, vet; btbles, tlowers ect., must lo tho gniwlh of tin eoinpetitor.and all maiiufaclUied urtlelu tnui made li the coiupetllor, Plflh. All slock entt rtsl must bo what Is r f rt sailed or premiums will Ui lot felled. Hlxlh, All articles for exhibition ortomnttui must bo entered by A o'clock, v, m., Weuiuwl.! tho fill, und exei pt In Impossiblo cases boon ground nt that time, and n main thero mill! 1 day 3o'cloclc r. sr.. when they will bont thu ihs posal tif the exhibitors. Seventh. Htaiidn lur tho salo nf n-fit shim n"1 can be obtained by application to tho seen bu It. F, Hnrtmun. Eighth. No llseenso will bo grnnUd stands Ui.d sell splrltous or maU tl'iuors. Juiuesnpnointed to examiuo tho illirerent elat es will confer 0 tavor on tlio Association by call ing at tho Hceretary's (Jillco enily on Thursdu) morning to obtain their Instructions. Tickets to tho Fair con bo obtained at the mf ferent stores beforo tho Futr oral tho Ticket flco during Fair days. t 1. .. Joseph p, connku.pkm L. H. Her put, Hee'y. liloomsburg Hept. 27, 1N17. pill-: KKYSTONK CLOVKH SKi:i S T 11 I P V K It. I'ATKNTKIi OClOUKIt 2, IsOO. This slintdo, though cllectlvo machlno U adrill led by all selentlilo observers to bo tho most tltu-cl Uevlco for gathering clover seed yet discovered, A meio glanco at it Is suillclenl to convince ti most obtuso mind or Its practical utility. It strips tho clover head fiom tho stalk leavmi the straw standing 111011 tho ground. It Is easily drawn by one hoise, and requires but one man 'I boy to work it. It is compact, simple lusttucturo, and not lia ble to get out of order, ami can bo cheaply got up Tho great ndvantago in this machlno is, uf havo tho seed gathered In tho chair, ready for h clover mill or huller, besides saving tlio grtat length of limennd lalwu of mowing, handling nita threMitng It rrom the straw, It will nlsop.iv ev ery farmer to gather his seed with (his miuliiu. tin accouut or tho saving or tlio seed which I lost lu tho old way of gathering It. Extraordinary inducements offered to encr:"'1 men who vviuli to purchuscNlateur county Miil 1 or particular addies WEIWMAN A nFIKHOI.D, . ,lf,M , Ckntualia, Jon2.V7. Columbin Counly. V N MFNT 'AI ,X)UlNa IvSTAHIilSH ' WJU.IAM MOUUIH, Takes this mctlitHl of Informing tho tltlrtiifc 1 Columbia comity, tlmt holmsopenednuewtaii " lligt slablishmeut In tho tow 11 or t CATAWIHH'A, pa.. whoro lio Is preimred to mnko up on nlmii not all kinds nfgtnlhmui wear lu tho laltht most lashlonabloktyleH, Having worked id lii" busliiesi. for stiv t-ral years iulhoilty of New In Hatters hi nisei r that ho can give full ami r pleto biillsfactiou to lilu customers at I ensoiu ! latts, HoguarantkCH tlio iU VJ U Y II l! HT F ITH, , ( orthowoik noed not be taken. All woik " bo soonged betoro inuklug.ko that there hlmi ' neither hpot norhrluknge. ., . Shop In Judgo llnldy's Ilrlck llulldlng, ' 1 stieel, Uitawlssn. Pn, A khuruiif publloputroniiKo Urt:.,ttfull ted. (iiiinn ntH entcTully cUautd und nl red on tho ohnrteot hoi ice. hupC'tff-Ji"'