The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 20, 1867, Image 2

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    xt (ifolmnbinn.
KltlllAV MOHNIMJ, HKVT. 40( 10 J.
. f .
4j- Tim coLvainiASr hi T.nrgftt
Circulation In Columbia mi it adjoining
count U of auy paper published tier, and
U also m mnch larger sheet than any of
lticolemporrU ntt Is therefore I tie liesl
medium for advertising I" tills section of
Hy nr.lcr nf llio Htnmlliiff (Vmihilttco of tlic
omnty, mnHlnK.wl11 In lifhl ri tho fillnlng
mint, tnulilrh tho public nro rviqxK'trully llivlt
1 .1 (I I IT HTII IT. r, KrM.iy t-vvnlnu. Kepi, an li.
Mll-TUNVII.I.K, Hutuntiiy oonlliK, Hcpl, 3II.
JO.NIW Hl'lllXM. llOUM Jlulllil t'lniMUlt,
Tuowliiy oenliu Hept. 21th.
CHNTIIll HC1IOOI, 1IOUHF, I'llio, Wcrfnmlay
cvrulliu Hept. I'th.
lUy ovtmln;x.Hept. 'Jtuli
IXl'Y, l'llilny evening, Ho t, STtli.
HAW WAY HOl'Ki:, Kntiml.iy owning, Kept.
UOAllINtlClll'.r.K', Hntlinlny nfternortii, Hrp
tcnilHT,2tli. .IIIUSKYTOWN, Monilnj-nflcrnoon, Hopt.ilMh.
OttANOKVIl.l.lJ.Tlloii.tiiynrt.rhoon, (tel. Int.
MAIN VIM.i:, Tuemlny .veiling, Oct. Int.
1'KXTltAUA, Vlhc.itiiyccnlnij,Oit. Sllil.
llUCKHOItN, Krlilny o enlllK, 0( t. II li.
IlKNTOy.Hnturdny nfu-rnaaii ext. Ctli.
llOltllXllUIKi. Momny Afternoon, (XI. TIM.
The nftcrhonn MectlhiiH Milt liecnlledto onlcr
nt 2 o'clock. Tim e rntliK Meeting nili.ilf piwt
nowii. They will bo niltlresHotl liy I wo or moro
n) tho tnllouiuit named Rcntlenicn.
llui. It. Ilucltnlcw, den. M'Cnnillcxi, Ocn.
W. It. l;nt, .Inxcpli (. Ilucbcr, Hon. Tliouuni, Joseph H. Oimpbcll Cnpt. V. 11.
Ilfivkuuy, Cnpt. (loo. W. I'tt, Mlltnn M. Tinugh
)q. riiarlen W. .Miller, Ki. Ir. I'. II. Krrcfc,
M.ihlon II. IIIeknI. Win. It. Minenmker l'Mf
i:. II. 1.lltlo, li Col. John O. rroo re.
Vlyll.inco Comniltteo nro .pcclnlly refiuentetl
tn attend to lighting thn llouies, erecting the
Mmiilvmd arranging fnrgtlio clrculat
I114 (ho notices,
lly order of tint Committee.
John o. fui:k.i:.
In recent numbers wo liavo dUcusseri
the fiction of tho President In removing
tho Military Conimnndcrs.ln tho Second
and l'llth Military Districts of the
South; tho former comprising Xorlh
and South Carolina.nnd tho latter Louis
iana and Texas. Theso changes in con
nection with tho removal of Mr. Stan
ton, Secretary of War, havo given n
salutary check to military maladminis
tration in thoSouth mid at Washington,
and ono which was greatly needed.
The enormous cost of reconstruction to
tho Treasury of thu United States, tho
Injustice, of tho registration taken, tho
arbitrary orders issued and tho rab
id partlsanlsm manifested by tho Mili
tary Commanders, all demauded some
effectual and remedial action to bo tak
en by tho President. In displacing Stan
ton and removing Sickles and Sheridan
ho has performed a clear duty, and tho
eirect of his action will be advantageous
to tho public interests. Man lfest reforms
havo been introduced by General Grant
into tho administration of tho. War De
partment. Many unnecessary officers
have been discharged, and many unne
cessary expenses cutoff. By tho changes
which ho has introduced economy has
been consulted whilo Increased energy
lias been infused into tho action of tho
War Department. General Canby who
succeeds Sickles is an officer of great
administrative ability, and a much bet
ter and abler man than his predecessor;
whilo General Hancock who succeeds
Sheridan has merits as a gentleman and
officer of the highest oruer. Ho and
General Meado wcrotho most distin
guished officers furnished by Pennsyl
vania to tho military servlco during the
recent war.
When General Hancock assumes tho
command of tho Fifth District tlicro
will bo no further complaints thero of
Injustice and Illegality in thcexercioo
of military authority. Ho will bo en
ergetic, intelligent and jut ; obedient
to tho law and altogether faithful lu tho
discharge of his duties.
There can bo no complaint nmdo on
personal grounds on behalf of Sickles
or Sheridan, becauso they havo been re
lieved from duty in tho South. They
retain their rank and receivo pay as if
they had not been removed. They can
bo assigned to duty elsewhere, and In
fact Sheridan lias been sent to tho West
ern border whero tho existing Indian
hostilities will glvo bcopo to whatever
military ability ho may possess.
Upon tho whole, Kxccutiyo action in
ull this matter of change- regarding
military administration, lias been Judi
cious, wlso and timely, and deserves
popular approval and support.
Thk Act of Assembly passed by our
ln:.t Legislature, and approved April 10,
1807, makes a radical change in the
manner of selecting and drawing jurors
for our courts. Tho County Commis
sioners uro relieved from all duty in f-e-lectingjurors
and tho labor and respon
sibility are Imposed upon thu President
Judge, or Associate Law Judge, and
two Commissioners to bo elected this
Pall to servo three years. Each voter
is to voto for ono person for Jury Com
missioner and tho two persons having
thu highest number of votes nro to bo
declared elected. Tho Jurors are to bo
selected .alternately by tho Hoard and
not by tho voto or action of tho major
itv. Tho dally pay Is $2.(50, und four' cents"
a mile, so that tho otllcols one of honor
ami responsibility, but not of profit
Tho law requires tho Hoard to meet at
least thirty days before tho first court tif
tho year, and 1111 tho Jury Wheel" with
sober, Intelligent and Judicious persons
to Fcrveas Jurors during that year."
Ah tho three members of tho Hoard
select alternately, to each ono Is Inde
pendent and selects his namo without
reference to tho choice of his colleagues,
Tho object of tho law being us wo sup.
pose to g(vo each political party its fair
proportion of persons according to Us
vote, an alternate selection here will
mako but litlloif any difference In tho
uspect of thejurles. In counties whero
tlio voto is nearly equal tho President
Judge whl tco that tho proper propor
tlon is secured and maintained.
If tho law is fairly and honestly car
rled out, tho Democrats will gain by Its
provisions; for oh things bland atpres
ent a majority of thu counties havo
Commissioners opposed to us; but the
act was passed becauso a change was
coming when tho present condition of will havo passed away.
Tin: Itadlcals aro not satisfied thut
nlavcry is abolished and that by a fear
ful sacrlflco of lifo and trcasuro; they
nro determined thai thesu Ignorant
blacks fcliall bo miido voters, and tho
most valuable part of our country given
over to their control.
Nll.nsmstiiM HT. Villi.. Kept. 19, '0".
TO Till: VKOVt.V. or vkn.nhvi.vania.
Tin: Itadlcals attempt to evade the
practical l-Mie of tho win vim and to de
lude you Into support of llielr eiindl
(Into. -
They nlonu nro accountable for tho
prostration of our business Interests.
They havo deliberately sacrificed them
In order lo" plat In' tho hands of South
ern Kegroe!, tho billancoof power in tho
Republic and thus preserve their own
rule. More than two years have passed
sliico poaco was restored, and wo Mill
look In vain for Increased products from
tho South to nld us In paying tho Inter
est on our debt, and for her prosperous
customers to buy, our woolen, iron hnd
other manufactures.
Instead of receiving nld to pay our
debt, wo nro taxed to maintain a freed
man's bureau and a standing army in
tho South. Instead of prosperous custo
mers to incrcaso our trade, every busi
ness interest languishes.
Radical mismanagement, a negro
pollcy.and Radlcaloxtravaganee, weigh
down our energies and fetter our resour
ces. Tho whole expense of the War Depart
ment in lWiO was, sixteen and n half
millions, whilst In 1SG7 It Is estimated
by tho Treasury at forty-soveu millions,
both behi'j periods o peace. To glvo
tho Negro tho power to rulo us,
tlipreujTe, costs tho nation annually
thirty millions. Of tills amount, Penn
sylvania's sharo Is at least one-tenth,
and your Industry must annually pay
three millions of dollars to support u
policy that closes your woolen mills mul
stops your factories.
In yourStato affairs, mismanagement,
corruption and extravagance aro tho
rule. In 1SG0, under Democratic power
tho whole amount of money appropri
ated atuloxpended, independent of fund
ed deU and military expenses, as shown
by tho Treasury, was nlno hundred and
ninety eight thousand dollars. In 1801,
excluding the sumo items, tho Radicals
npproptlatcd and expended ono million
three hundred and soventy-nino thou
sand dollars. In ,excludin;i thesume
items, tho Radicals appropriated and ex
pended ouo million flvo hundred and
nineteen thousand dollars, and In 18i(i
excluding the same Hems, they appro
priated and expended two millions nnd
eleven thousand dollars. The report
of tho Auditor General show tho facts,
and prove that in six years of radical
rule, your cash expenses have more than
Tho men who havo thus wasted your
substance, prato of their sacrifice, and
would maintain their hold upon tho
public treasury by fixing yourattention
upon other issues. You aro oppressed by
taxation through Internal rovenuo nnd
other machinery, as no other people ov
er were. It takes from you, your legiti
mate profits and gives you no custo
mers. It compels you to stop manu
facturing nnd to discharge your work
men. Your goods remain unsold and
your operatives sufler. Can you expect
relief from this grinding taxation, so
long as theso enormous expenditures
continue? Relief can only eomo through
economy in public affairs, a reduction
in your expenses, and tho dischargo of
corrupt and extravagant officials.
It is their purposo to violato tho great
principle, "that each State has the right
to determlno the qualifications of Its
own electors," nnd givo tho negroes of
Pennsylvania tho balanco of power be
tween tho two great political parties.
Ivegro sull'rago is to bo forced upon you
by Congressional enactment, and your
'Supremo Court Is to bo placed in har
mony" with that law, by electing Judgo
llliams, who is relied upon to decide
thut tho negro is entitled to a right
which you and your organic laws deny
lilin. In. the Senate of tho, United States
lu July lust, tho recognized lender of tho
Radicals of this State, voted to proceed
to consider a bill that was Introduced
by Wilson of Massachusetts, to eirect
this infamous purpose.
Dkjiociiats or Pennsylvania!
Let tho result In California arouso to
renewed exertion. Work is to bo done,
nnd you must do It. Committees may
plan and order, but tho result depends
upon yourselves. Individual effort is
tho road to victory. Sco your neigh
bor, encourage hlin, bring him to tho
polls. Perfect your organizations. Illock
out yourwardsand townships. Subdivi
de tho labor and perform ltvlth energy.
Press homo upon your adversaries
tho real Issues of the canvass. Demand
of them that they shall answer:
Aro you for or against tho Radical
policy that destroys our business and
cio-es our work shops mills and factories,
to givo tho negro tho balanco of power'.'
iro you for or against continued cor
ruption, mismanagement and extra
Aro you for or against conceding to
Congress, tho right to allow tho negro
tho power to rulo Pennsylvania. .
Ily order' of tho Democratic State
Committee, WM. A. WALLACK.
Tin: Anniversary of tho battloof An-
tlctam was duly celebrated on tho
ground, on.laot Tuesday, and It is esti
mated that 10,000 peoplo were present.
Tho President, his Cabinet, tho foreign
ministers, a number of Governors ami
othor distinguished visitors wcro pros-
cut. Governor Bradford .of' Maryland
delivered tho oration. We regret to add
that General M'Clellan was not present
as expected. Geary, although not on
tlu list as a speaker, determined to show
oil' his oratory. Tho following Is a spo
ciincn. It Is his opening:
7 tiioio rattens: Alter an you liavo
heard to-day, I had supposed you
would want nothing more. Tho pro
gramme opened nnd concluded with
prayer; tuoso who havo waited must
tome In at tho Jast hour. Hut, my
friends, wo still havo n place In tho
heartBof tho peoplo. (Applause.) When
you eomo to Pennsylvania wo will let
everybody epcuk wo want to hear.
Thanks to Almighty God for Ills preser
vation and eaio of the country. Wo
has'onogng. ( Applause.) We have no
programmes for this purpose (rcnowed
upplnubo) we havo no gag on our pro
grammes. Hut 1 urn not hero to suy
anything on thut subject,
This YoiL'i:. Tlio volco of
tho people cannot bo mistaken. Tho re
cent elections furnish tho most convin
cing evidence that Radicalism is boon
to bo defeated and crushed all over tho
country, as It lias been recently lu Mulno
and California. Here are boniu figures
that ought tn cause n thorough shaking
of tho Hndluil dry bones : Democratic
gulu in New Ilnmpshlre, 1!,000 ; in Con
necticut, lt!,000 (Lincoln's majority In
1601 was 11,000 j Democratic majority
now, 6!);) Kentucky, 20,000; Vermont
0,000; Cullforniu, 27,000; Mai ue, 1-1,000.
T TS- " -
JaJ (SatioJai HONO
MFJWitsiTKniTOHS t All
on. "
,Vll nations nro
distinguished hy their respcctlvo forms
of government, all of, which lire exalted
or abased through tho magnanimity ex
crcNod toward their subjects or citizen-.
Ours, though differing lu form, nearly
from nil on the list or nations, is truiy
exalted and admired by hor sisters. Ru
ing Republican In form, It was wisely
considered a trinity to establish n moro
perfect union. Tho division was nmdo
into three distinct departments, namely
tho Executive, legislative and Judicial,
eacli within Its legitimate function can
not encroach upon tho other, neither of
which can lyrrntilzo over her citizens
without being restrained by tho other.
Hence, becoming dissatisfied with any
or nil department officers, tho people, In
whoso hands Is the power, will drive
from authority those who havo betrayed
their trust. This Is t form of govern
ment our fathers contemplated whilo
their master, King George, was ruling
Inn spirit of partiality, oppressing them
at every point, denying them trial by
Jury, executed or exiled them on suspi
cion, or information received by his
spies. Thl i state of things continued
beyond tho endurance of tho peoplo
west of thu Atlantic, who after serious
consultation, weighed well tho rcspoip
slbilltv of advising hlsMaJesty.tholirlt
tanlc King, to withdraw his tyrranlcal
rule.whlcli had a tendency only, Pharoah
like, to harden his heart, nnd would
not yield to any petition from those
whose services ho esteemed too valua
ble by way of enriching and making
moro permanent his own throne, on
deavored to hold them by force.
Tho Colonial principles nnd purposes
lu shapo of equity nnd Justice were pro
claimed through tho Declaration of In
dependence, which was tho standard
to which nil men rallied. And seven
Ioiil' vears of bloodv strugglu led
triumphantly by tho Immortal Wash
ington. concluded In the glorious con
summation oftliclr previous declaration,
full of now born liberties. The fruits of
a Just catlio gave rise to a mighty fab
rlc whoso strength is a written Instru
ment healed with the blood of our an
cestors, for the further rulo nnd guldo
for their posterity. This Instrument
was Intended, and so written, to guar
antco to every man equal rights, trial
byjury, nnd that no man shall bo (to
prlved of life, limb or property without
duo process of law. Rut modern inter
preters blinded tho understanding of
those elected to tako charge of it, that
even theso plain provisions were lost
sight of, and was thought by some, had
never existed. In its stead was erected
n commission called military, and usur
pation was a natural consequence, nnd
thousands of our citizens fell victims to
tho foul and malicious tyranny resulting
therefrom, and hurried to bastllcs lit
only for tho worst criminals, and those
who gratified their rovengoin their suf
ferings. Therefore true national honor
consists in tho faithful and impartial
execution of law, bringing tojusticoall
offenders In a way law directs, nnd pro
tecting all who obey law nnd order, and
by tho best means maintain peace and
happiness. Such a government is hon
ored by her citizens and admired by
her neighbors. Ri:nton.
I'KXTUAMA.Hopt., (I, 1MI7.
vaults in school-ti:aciiino as a
There's u great deal of troublo each
year with tho Directors of Schools In
regard to tlio employment of teachers
and their salaries, also in trying to
pleaso tho peoplo. Xow they may liavo
to pleaso both teachers and people in
some places, but not hero. So long as
tho. decision is left in' tlio hands of every
political party and faction, Just so long
will tlio teacher bo in doubts of ills bile
cess, and even If ho does succeed lu get-
tlnga school, ho naturally asks himself
tho question, can I afford to devote nil
my time, Ingenuity nnd abilities to It V
Will it pay'.' I may bo hero only this
term. If tho other party gets tho bal
anco of power, they will have ono of
their stripe, which retrogrades our
schools very much, for each teacher has
x dlll'erent mode of government and In
conducting tho recitations, so that tho
children havo to beconio acquainted
with each, and In to doing, they and
their elementary education become so
amalgamated that In tlio latter end their
education Is useless as well as vexing to
speak about. Now, if they would em
ploy competent teachers, with a llvlm.
salary, and let each keep ids respective
school until his Immorality, insobriety,
etc., would eauso his discharge, then,
and not till then, will wo progress, (I
mean tho Common School education) or
will a teacher havo tho courage to fol
low It as a profession. School-teaching
now-ii-days, Is considered only as a
platform to fall hack on, or as astepping
stonoto something higher. It also seems
to nio that education is not appreciated
as it should bo In our rural districts. I
bpeak now not only of my own school,
but nearly every school you go into you
will find It verified that there aro al
ways from flvo to fifteen pupils without
a sufficient amount of necessary books,
and sumu without any ; and these chil
dren aro expected to bo learning every
day. I believe tho old axiom is thatyou
can't chop wood without mi nx, and lu
afyw years tlio parents of jhuoochlldren
wjll my, J liay.Uecn bending my chil
dren to such a school or teacher, and
they can't writo or read their own namo
yet, nnd all this blame Is heaped on tho
poor teacher, simply because tho Dliec-
tors and people do not attend to their
schools and tiro wants of their children.
Now you see by my previous remarks
that a man who has a tastu for tho uvo
cation and wishes his name to bo
on the educator's list of his State and
county, is liken pendulcni vibrating bo
Iweeu School-teaching and bomethliig
uso If ho does not become n politician,
ami what makes it worst1, when thu
school term opens, any renegide, who
knows llttlo or nothing about thu busi
ness, conies to tho Directors and plas
ter's awhllo and tells them that lie Is a
Republican, Democrat, or ho has weal
thy connections. Ho Is a Freemason or
an Odd-Fellow,andgetsnscliool, audany
quo who wants to take tho opposite of
this, takes It at under wages for ho Is a
bojourner, Thesonromy vlows of our
present system of Common-school edu
cation in our country districts and tho
profession, as u pedagogue.
Jou.v J. CoixiiiM.v
Ri:aih:ii, do you want thu business of
the country to bokept In check, perhaps
destroyed, and taxation and debt In
creased still morp by Keeping a largo
standing army In tlio South, merely to
force the ballot Into tho hands of Ignor
ant blacks Y
Tub Radical StaleCommltteo'nro cir
culating through thoStnto, and endeav
oring to placo In tho hands oMJemo
cratsy'n lying document, nppcollng to
the pecuniary Interest oflho voter. V e
gtvo It entire, and also annex some
comments upon It. Read It and notice
Its falshoods:
r.ita a Nil Tin: liot.uiun nv oiinr.N
hacks. Hcnil, llellcct Anil linit.l lo yoitrNclRlilior,
In 1801, eleven States seceded ; and
slnco then only tweiity-threo have
been represented lu Congress, until tho
admission of Tennessco In 180(1.
All thu United States Honds-fi-ai'e,
:i0's and 10- lo's all tho greenbacks,
and all tho National Hanks, wero crea
ted by this Congress of twenty-three
President Johnson calls this nn "cm
sumed, Oingrcjis" thcreroro not legal.
His supporters and tlio Democrats call
It a "rump Cbngrcss," nnd a "usurping
Congress," nnd hence, not a lawful CVi
grcss; nnd tho great effort has been to
elect Congressmen in tlio North, nnd
admit enough from the rebel States to
enforco this "J'olicy."
It a Congress, representing but twenty
threo States, bo not a lauful Congress,
then every United States Hond, nnd all
our greenbacks, and National Rank
notes nro worth nothing; because an
unlawful Congress could not make law
ful Hoods or lawful money.
Tho mad effort, so recently made by
tho rebels und their sympathizers, to
destroy this Government by force of
arms failed. Thus far, tho attempt to
do tho same thing, through Cimyress,
has aKo fulled, becauso of the action of
tho loyal voters at the ballot-box ; and
tho last effort at destruction Is now be
ing mado through tho Courts.
Witness tho recent attempt by- Dem
ocratic lawyers to liuluco tho Supremo
Court of tho United States to lssuo an
Injunction, nullifying the Reconstruct
ion Laws or Congress In Mississippi,
Georgia, and other rebel States. Read
also tho opinion of George Sharswood,
tho Democratic nomlnco for Judge of
thu Supremo Court of Pennsylvania, in
which ho gravely denies tlio constitu
tional power of Congress lo mako paper
money a legal tender. Jlorie vs. Trott,
Legal Intelligencer of March 18th, 18(11,
page 02.) Judges Woodward and Thomp
son of tho samo Court, announced from
tho bench the same alarming doctrine, In
1805. (.SVo Mcrvine us. Sailor, ct al.,
Legal Intelligencer of Jane 10 & .101805
pages 188 & 205.)
And this, too In tho faco of tho fact,
that tho Supremo Courts of every loyal
Stato In which tho question has been
raised, havo sustained tho power of
It requires, therefore, but little knowl
edge of cither arithmetic or law, to esti
mate tho imminent danger of putting
any moro men of Judge Sharswood's
opinions on tlio Supremo Hench of tho
If you bollevo tho present Congress lo
bo unlawful, or desire our National cur
rency and Government Honda to bo de
clared unlawful, voto for Georgo Shars
wood. If you bellovo tho present Congress;to
bo lawful, or desiro their action or Cur
rency nnd Honds lo stand good, voto. to
sustain them, for tho party that creat
ed tho Greenbacks and tlio Honds,
tho party that sustained tho war, and
compelled submission to tho National
authority, nnd Hint stands pledged to
keep faith with tho Hondholders, and
to maintain tho National credit voto
for Henry W. Williams, the worthy
nnd honored nomlnco of this party.
look at thi: oTin:u aim:.
When secession came, Democrats sus
tained tho Government shed their
blood, invested their money in 5-20's,
7-flO's, and 10-10's sent their members to
Congress, and obeyed tlio laws that n
Congress oftwonty-threo States enacted
That was their Government and they
loved it, they defended It, and many of
them, died for It.
During tho war, eleven States wcro
not represented in Congress, and they
refused lo be. That was u lawful Con
gross, all obeyed it and nil of lis laws
are binding under tho Constitution.
When tho war was over tho South
submitted, then the Iladtcals kept them
out to glvo tho negro power. They "ac
ted outside of the Constitution" as Thud
dens Stevens bays.
If It bo true, that Jtho Denocrats aro
trylngto destroy this Government, how
strange it is that they should hold its
bonds and notes, and fight mid dlo for
it. Their object is to prcservo it to
bring it within thu Constitution, to gov
ern according to law, to encononilsu Its
resources, and to pay its debts.
ro your Honds and greenbacks safer
Inside of tho Constitution or outside of
It. If wo havo no Constitution, as Ste
vens says what becurlty havo you for
your debt. Thu constitution Is tho
title deed to tho property that your dibt
is a lien upon.
In tho case of Horlo against Trott,
JuilgoShurswoou decided mat a man
who agreed to pay a debt in gold should
pay it in gold. Was not tills right? 1 lo
did not decldu thu question of the poyer,
oi (. (ingress,
You hold a 5-20 or a 10-10 bond, the
iiuercsi is paynuio in com. i no uov
eminent agreed to pay you In gold. Thu
Radicals and their Judges say thu Gov
eminent may pay you in paper. Judgo
Sharswood holds that n contract to pay
In gold should bo enforced, which best
suits you? Which Is tho moro honest',
Do you seo whero this Radical doc
trine leads you? They already say that
thu;W;icpuloftlio Honds may be- paid
In paper. If Judgo Williams decides
that your inteiest is payable in paper, Is
your contract with tho Government
carried out? Will ho iiotbo decide ?
They will pay lu paper If their (vrrai1
ugance makes it necessary. Tlio inter
est on our State Honds was payable in
gold, tho law mado it so, (See Act 1810.)
In 1801, when gold was 100, tho Radi
cals in tho Legislature passed ft law
making it payable In paper, on tlio
ground that they could savo money
jsgisiuuve jcec. iKUl.) Aro you
anymorubccuro than tho Bondholders
of tho Stato?
Tho expenses of tho government are
moro than its incoino. Tho Radicals
aru expending two hundred and twenty'
JiveMllllonsotyoar money forthls year
Tho Democrats spent slxty-two,viltltons
tho last year they wero in power, for
tho samo purposes. Can you sustain
this extravagance? Does not tho secu
rity of your debt consist In prudent
management, economy In public bus!
nens, and In nourishing nnd davcloplii!
our resources? Aro tho Radicals pur
suing this coucsoV
If you wish your bond and Its later-
ttitjiuld ijti;j!ntul your contract
With tho Government violated, vote for,
Henry W. Wllllains?
If you wnntt contracts between man
and man, aim between the Govern
iileiit and yourself carried out, voto for
Georgo Shnrswood.
ANKr.xtNn Land von Hcnooti Pirn
vosv.s. At tho last session of our Stato
Legislature an act wns passed, conferr
ing uponllio Courts of Quarter Sessions
of this Commonwealth power trt annex
land, or parts thereof, of persons resi
dent lu onu district, forschool purposes'.
Wo do not recollect to have seen It In
print, nnd therefore, that nil may un
derstand its provisions, wo herewith
publish It entire:
lie it enacted, that tho several courts
of Quarter Sessions of this Common-
wealtn snan nave auinoruy wumn
their respcctlvo counties, to nnnox tho
Intnl. nr nnrts tlinrrnf. nf Persons resi
dent lu ono township or borough, to
another township or borough, forschool
purposes, so tliat wiieu bo nnnoxeo, mu
applicant shall pay his school taxes and
bo Included within tho school district
to which It Is annexed, for educational
t.iimnara mul rnmntn rnnticctcd Willi
the district or township, of his resl-
flnnon Till-nil n!1nr utiriinsps ! lltld tllO
said court shall, upon tho petition of
nny ono desiring sucn ennuge, proceeu
bv vlows and reviews, In tho manner
and under the restrictions provided
unucr tno nci oi ino generm uwiiumj,
npproved April fifteenth, ono thousand
eight hundred nnd thirty-four, with its
supplements. In regard to tho nltera-
lion oi ino lines oi any nvu, ui imuu.
ndlolnlne townships! Provided, That
nil tho costs of sue h proceedings shall
bo paid by thu persons, applying for
such euuuge.
RoliKr.TS HnoTitrilts, No. 113 Wash
lugton Street, Hoston, publish many ex
cellent books in beautiful stylo ; among
them "Kcco Homo," "Ecco Deus," "tho
Hook of tho Sonnet," "Dramas and Po
cms," by Hulwer ; and also ".lean in-
gelow's Writings." Tlicro nro of theso
twolost volumes of "Poems," bluejand
gold nt $1.00 per volume; "Studies for
Stories," nt $1.50; "Stories told to a
child," at.?1.7f, or $1.25; "Poor Matt,"
at 00 cents. Mailed to any address post
paid on receipt of prico.
'A Story of Doom," is tho tltlo of
tho second volume or tho poems above
inentloncd, and Includes many smaller
copies or verso. Tho principal story In
tho book did not Impress in powerfully,
but tho taloof "Luuronco," "Wlnstan-
ly," "Dreams that came true," and
Foino smaller ones nro exquisite Wo
can recommend tho entire set of Miss
Inirelow's writings to our friends as
sound, true, nnd good ; nnd know of no
editions better or cheaper than thoso of
Roberts Hrothcrs.
Moni:y-Ohiii:u Post Ofiucxs. Ar
rangements nro now being perfected for
tho efficient extension of this important;
system, which insures tho transmission
of money by mall without loss. Thero
aro now throughout tho country eight
hundred and thirty-two officers. On
Monday, tho 0th of September there
was added thrco hundred nnd ninety
two offices, making tho wholo number
ono thousand two hundred and twenty
four. Tho now offices In Pennsylvania
nro as follows, Allegheny, Hlalrsville
Hloomsburg, Hlossburg. Urlstol, J-.m-
Litiz, M'Kccsport, Mercer, Motion
gnheln City, Mount Joy, Newport, Po
troleum Centre, Pottstown, Slinmokln
Sharon, Tnrr Farm, Tidlouto and Ty
rone, Orders not exceeding $20, ten
cents ; over $20 and not exceeding ?50
twenty-flvo cents; no single order Issued
for moro than $50. Parties desiring to
remit larger sums must obtain addition
al money-orders.
Cawvoiinia'. Hitlght, tho newly
elected Democratic Governor, holds his
office, wo believe, for four years, and re
ceives nn annual salary of if7,00(Mii gold
that being tho only currency there.
In 1803, Low, tho present Radical
Governor, had a majority of 19,732over
Downey, Democrat. In 1801 Lincoln
had a majority of 18,203. In 1805, the
Radical candldato tor Judgo had n inn
Jorlty of G,079. Tlicro was no election
In 1800. California is one of tho largest
States, probably four times ns largo as
Pennsylvania, and is part-of tho Terri
tory acquired from Mexico by tho trea
ty of peaco in 1818. Gold, for which
this Stato hns slnco become so noted
was discovered tho samo year, on tho
land of Captain Sutter.
Tin: plan adopted by tho Washing
ton Library Company for tho raising o
funds for tho Riverside Institute an
asylum for tho gratuitous education o
Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans Is meet
lug with great approval. Subscriptions
to tho stock aro coining In rapidly. Tho
hnndsomo steel-plate engravings given
to thoso whopurchaso stock nro acknow
ledged by competent Judges to bo first
class productions. Resides receiving
hnndsomo engraving or tliH character
worth more at retail than tho price o
tho stock, every purchaser will in ad
dltlou receivo a present of some kind
Full guarantee Is given that every share
of stock must bo accompanied by a pre:
sent besides tho, engraving. Seo'ndver-
A Jl .
Dictionav.v op Tin: Hmw:. Parts
IV. and V. of Html & Houghton
American edition of Dr. Smith's worli
aro received. Tliolendlngnrtlclesarotlio
Camel, Canaan, Canaanites, Canon of
Soripturo, Canticles, Carmel, Census
Chaldca, Chronology, Church, Colos
shins, Corinthians, Crucifixion, Cusli
Damascus, Dan, Daniel Hook of, Darl
us, '.David; which closes tho fifth and
will open tho sixth number. It is
splendid work nnd should bo In every
library. Published In numbers at 7
cents each, at No. 150, Hroomo Street
Now York.
UNiincoNSTituoTRi) .A confirmed
old bachelor used the following argu
ment against matrimony i
" Muslin Is n great prompter of lazi
ness. H young men wish tooccompllsl
anything or moment, either with hcud
or hand they must keep clear of tho In
stltutlon entirely, A pair of sweet Hps,
a small waist, a swelling chest, n pres
sure of two dellcato hands, will do ns
much lo uuhlngo a mini as threo fevers,
tlio measles, u largo sized whooping-
cough, n pair of lock-jaws, Bovoral hy
dropliublas and tho doctor's bill."
Tin: Now York 7W4t;ic endorses tho
amnesty proclamation In tlio following
terms t "Wo nro In favor ot If now, and
would gladly havo uvory peaceable, well
disposed man in tlio South assured that
no harm will befall him becauso of his
feharo In tho rebellion to long as ho de
ports hliiibcir a as good citizen should
Will tho Binul 1 ' 'blockhead' '6iiarlers quit
their fuss now about It?
TilKStandlne Committee at. lis re
cent meeting adopted an address) selcct-
d three Democrats In each District to
act iisii Vigllanco Commltieo j to whom
Instructions will bo sent by tno ritniui-
lmr Comniltteo ; and directed tho ad
dress nnd tho list to bo published In nil
tho'Dcmocrntlc papers of tho county.
Hearer R. Zimmerman, Allen Jlann,
Charles Michael. . . .....
llenlonS, J. M'l lenry , itonr Ai'i ien
ry, 1. K. Krlckbaum.
JSCrWICK JSnillll irowi-r, umnuu
Owen, J. S. Sanders.
JHOOm M, ljOWCUUCrg, l . liunuiija,
, 11. Cusoy. .
llrtcrcrcek''tfm. Lamon, J. G. Jaeo-
by, J. O. Smith.
Catawlssa-U.y, B. Kline, Dr. J. K.
Robblns, J. H. Oi casy
Lwrc J. 11. uieiiencK,ii. m
ndrow Frcas.
Centralia3. H. Knlttle. P. Kllleen,
T. O'Gerharty. , ,
ConynghamWm. Goodman, D. T.
M'Klernan, Dr. Wohlforth.
IVshingercek1). M'llenry, David
Savage, John Sutton.
j-raiMtn liavm jvnituc, v iismug
ton Parr, H. J. Recdcr.
Greenwood Isoao Dowltt, John Leg
gott, A. J. AlbortMin.
Hemlock 11. Shoemaker, Capt.
I. Lciily, Jackson Emmott.
Jarkson Daniel Young, Sllns M'llen
ry, Henry Wagner.
Jjocust uero liower, jouu ouj-ui-i,
Daniel Stlne.
JiHVoou-Cnpt. W. J. Allen, James
Kis.ier, A. K, .Smith. r , a.
jiatneu o . uuupueii, in i. o-
man, M. Grover. . .
Mifflin A. Schweppenlieisor, ur,
Montgomery, J. II. llettler.
Montour Noah Mouser, P. Holm
bach, James Furnsworth.
J7. iYsi,rf-Wni. Miller, m.
Howell, John Mordan.
Orange Dr. Megargell, Col. Kline,
Moses Everett. .
Pine John F. Fowler, .lonu liore,
Luther German. , T
llouringcreekSohn D. Houck, N.
Drcjsbach, Amzl Craig.
Scott I'. Kilt, II. 1' .lieigimru,
Sunarlnaf Allnns Cole, Andrew Lau-
bacli, G, Moore.
order oi tno i.ominiuc.
Calmcott, u put radical, Collector in
Third Brooklyn District, cha.gcd with
fraud, 1ms been suspended not by tho
neck ns ho should have been. Ho was
recommended by Greeley, who U now
abusing President Johnson for making
Improper appointments. I John ia
shedding tears to sco howhteco-nullcals
aro fcteallng, and lie out of oHlce.
Tin: New York Tribune admits that
Government oflleials htcal about half a
million a day. Xo wonder taxes aro
hijrh, and getting higher. Let iw have
a change.
"Como out upon election ilny,
And voto uway, nnd voto nwny ;
Let cueh onu liuve Ills neighbor i-omc.
With ballot lulililmud O:
Don't stny nt lioico for nny en use,
het buckwheat lay, let buclm hent lay,
Como out mul thrash tho ItadlwiN,
Ai yon hnvo often planned O,"
"Oh yes, we'll come upon tho eighth,
From early morn, from enrly morn j
And work nil day with might and main
Tho Keystone to ledeem O.
Wo'll not go homo till nil is done,
And wo n letory hnvo won,
And Blmrswood Is elected Judgo
Of court thnt is HupremoO,'
Oh I then again wo'll llvo nt ease,
Our rlKhlMHecure, our rights neon re,
And law und right ngalu aro one,
And not nlono a dream O.
JSo when the c ighlh October conies,
You nmy bo Mire,you may b Mire,
8hnrtwo(nl will lioelected Judgo
Of court thnt Is Supremo).
rou thi: coi.UMntA
j I lien
Wi 11111 on (lie Dentil of Mm. Maria
Ox Monday luoiulng, tho second of September,
A day which I khall ever remember,
When tho had iicwh unto my emu did fall,
Haying " Gun," for Couilu Mailu did cull.
Nations 111: I could not Impress it bo;
That hho had gone to meet her mother were'er
did go,
To thnt CelcidJnl City of glory nnd deUght,
Whero they will meet In hurmony never to
Fnrowell door con id n, whom I loved to ffreot.
llenenth thcnmpletdmdwhcrowooft did meet,
With your only sweet Llyzlo plon.nnt nnd
Lcrt now nn orphan und helpless child.
You dear llttlo Infant, bo feeblo nnd weak
Amid tears and grieving to plteously speak.
" Mu mama Is itcmt,
(Ti, vij maiiKt dead."
Oh litisbnnd, father, MM era do not mourn,
l'or tho loved ones lrom your circle linn gone,
Forthodny will como when you shall meet then
In thnt bright and heavenly home.
Oritnycttlle, lt, H. C. H.
Mnrki-t ltcport.
Wheat per bushel
ltyu '
Corn "
Flour per barrel
. 1
. n 00
, 7 00
. 2
1- Indeed,
Ktfut -
Drh-d Apples
l'or I;
Hides and HhouldoiH,.,
innt per pound
Huy per ton ,
I Tern lock Hoards per thousand feet
l'Inu M (one inch) ..
Julst, Kenntling, l'lnnk, (Hemlock)
Hhlnglew, Js'o. 1 per thousand
.. lfl nu
... l"nlD
.... 15 Oi)
8 U
7 11)
... IS 00
IMilliuUlpblu Markets.
Thuiwiiav, September, 19 1J7,
NoUhuchtem huporflnout, 87.00(7$ 7.50
Northwestern extrn 8.00o$ D.oo
Northwestern family lO.WMliGO
Pennsylvania nnd Western hupeitlro... 7..VMK.G0
lVnusylvnuluund Westim exlrn 8.&Ktfll.U0
rcnnsyUnulu und Western family 10,(KHjijri.(j, und Wt deni fancy UjmudiwO
1 1 vu Hour hoihi,s..r)i)
WilKAT lVnimj Ivniiln red,t bus SlUY'iSitt)
Hon 111
Cnliroinla " "
whlto "
ItVE Pennsylvania rye, V
Cohn Yellow, "
White, "
Oats v bus
I'jtoviHIONH Mess Poik, V bid
Mtt-slleef, ,
ineskLd 1 logs, lb
Himdted Hums "
" hhouIderH 1 It
Jjml,fl Pi
Bi.rcns Clovirsecd V bus ,
Tlinolhyseed V hus
Flaxseed ,
I'iO IlcON No. 1 Hcotch
No. 1 American ,
CAril.K lleef Cultlo lb
Cows, V head
JlOIJH tl PlUlbM
.. -M.'JoetSl '
1 1..?)
, S2.KV.t2.fO
ArilKXUAdr-CAUr.Tr-Iit UuUi Hlrtet, on tho
inn ium uy josepi i.u icy. ''., ur, imrie
Acmuiuicn to us mtruu iu, uuiui, oom
Kspy, Colmnblncoitnty,
WINTi:itHTi:i:N-Iii rino towiuhlp. Columbia
lounty, l'a.,on Friday evening, Hwplember (ith.
Kniiuu ClnrUu, daughter or Valentino und
Mary A. Wlntcrstceii, aged 2 yeurs und 1 days.
Wo had n llttlo Lmmn once,
Hho wns beloved by ull,
ltut Chi 1st our Huvlour culled her,
Hho soon obeyed tho cult,
I guvoher back to Jems,
Who gave her unto mo ;
Her hii ire rings nro nil over,
Her llttlo ftplrU'H freo.
KMLLKIt In Orango township, of comumptton.
Mr, Adam Keller, ngetl 05 yeurs, '2 mouths und
KDWAUIW In Hloomsburg, on Tuesday night.
tholTtU Inst., Muty A Lu wards, uged about 2
"Huircr llttlo children to como unto me, fur of
such is tho kingdom of llouvtit."
DItAKKIn Hemlock township, on (ho lMh Inst..
WllltumDiuke, ugid;7 icuis, tt moutlw uudj
DEMOCRATIC TICKET.' this is i: V it i; Mi: cmniT,
poll assi:miii,y,
ron Hiininvi-'.
ToHoiicit umors ror a New Illustrntcd
in km: motionahy.
ThUl)Irtlnimrveiilndlclho results of tlinmmt
recent st udv, research, nnd Invest luat Ion, of nbnut
sixty llvo of tho most eminent and advanced Hlb-
llrnf HflinlnrH now IK Ini. deiwniPli of nil tin-
nomination npnrovn It, and rr yard It ns llio best
work of Its kind hit he Knglluh htugimgcnnd ono
wniru ougni nt no in mo nanus oi every jmoio
miiilnr In llin hind.
in circulating mm woric, a Rents win una n
inerous objections whlchnre usunlly encountered
eusnni nnu nmmnmn c urwovincm. ino nu
in kchi n k "rui miry worn w m uoiujuni wn n nil',
llut.on Ihoontnu v.eucourairementnnd lrleiub
lv nld will uttend tho Aucnt. lnnkluu his labors
IlUn 1 M I Hi. lIMi'llll, IIIMI llliTIUIVC.
I'un tiers, Hludents, nnd ull others who ihiihcsm
eneruv. nro wantetl to nsslst In l.'ntiviLKMtiiir iiiv
Town nnd County In tho country, to whom the
iiinsi iin.'rai liHiuccineiiis win isiouereti.
i or pariicuinrs, apply in. nr mhiress
PAitMi!id;i; liuoTiir.iiM.
KeplTC7-CtJ 723 Hansom st., l'hlludelphla, Tn,
Somo Folks Cant Sloop Nights.
Vhuy inauv huirer from ccnerul dcbllll v. others
from wenkness of tho stomach nnd liiubilliv tn
digest their food : homo hne treeplng Kensations
nlong tho lierso fibres, or pain In tho liack, with
aching and weary throbbing of tho limbs. Thou
saudsoflndlts sutler throimti long years from
wnninrocniieu i-fm.m.k coMri..iNr,enuseii iy
me reinniiou oi niuscio nnu imumeni uini ni-
tend tieticiencv or vital force, iiiousninis ofiais.
loess men, nverwoi lied lu mind ami IsMy. uso up
thn nervous lluld mul toei)ino unlit for dtiiv or
tlio enjoy meuts of life. Kxcess In youth, and tho
lerrioio euetis i luver aim ncue, luvoivu sniu
tered constitutions nnd the fnlluio of the irenerul
functions of health, Tosutlerers from all theso
oirers nn Invaluable boon iinnturul nnd efficient
recovery or lost itowors. no person, man nruo-
lnnn. Kiilti-rlnir fioni 1111 v ciinn.' i mi n tlitnl tn iii
lect 1 his remedy. Tho Ner Ino will lu found tn
KpKSCHH till C(U1IU7.1ULC UI1U lllll rll i vo pri IICI plO. i
ins nfllnltv lor tho Nervous Fibres, nnd sunnlle
them lor t ho wnstot lint Is constantly tuklmzolace.
I.llto whotesoinn fotsl tiiKen Into tho stomach, It
tituiergiH'S raiki aigestiou, invigorating in Iti
process mo uigesmo organs, nun pnsiuciug n
unknown to aiv other nrenaratlon. It contains
no opium or ImMieesh, mul so far from roiluclng
cnsllveuess it will bo found nh elllclent cure for
ciiusiimptlon, utui tins obtulued n wldo renown
iur iius peeuiiuriiy.
Dear Doctor: The last inedlclno uresrrlbed bv
you 1 obtained, nnd wilt suy Hint Dodd's Nun Ino
nun liiYiKornior J nu iiiui it ciniius in ih. j itii
like u tiowinnnt I sleett welt; huvoiMirMl nnt,illli!
nnd feel stroiiKer than I havo for mnnv years
past." Contributed bv Dr. If. A, Tucker, 2'
v. ii uii'ii ni., ii I'ujvi j i, .
I havo used tho Nervine., nil flndmvRelf mncli
belietlted bv it. liai llcularlv tn tho fnrrciiMo oi
strength and euro of thoso trembling hesatlons,
.uycouveness niso seems to w entirely curea.'
Ilx-tter IDr. Tucker.
"i no iiieciicmo you nniereu U-oimi's .erine)
wo hnvo taken thieo bottles of. It is a great
thing. Mywlfo says sho hid rather hnvo ono
noiiio oi li innii lorij iiociors. isno is cermiuiy
iifiicr. lji'murnuru cureii ; noil i ien mo urni
lug down so much ; bowels moro ensler, nnd i
u iietter nervous condition everv vniv
(J. 11. Martin. Ciisblerdlen IIoumv Ijiinr tlrntwli
N. J., stutesthut lhsHps Nervino bus cured him
oteliroulo weuknehH of tho stomach, dizziness
nnd sick headache, und greatly strengthened his
wholo sj stem.
David Hartshorn, 31)9 Htnte-st., Itrooklyn, jurat
in riiroiiiu iiiiifcumr nnu uer'ous ueuiuiy.
John llar'nit, llnxiklyn, N. Y. snys : "To rei
Into tho bowels ltbout producing eat hart lo
I.U'T. OIllOI. TliH liorvnu utui lnnn ill. llw. via uoi
d tono up IhoHvMen
hnvo uoverusedunythlug that equalled
W. l' Denns, liislfonl, Conn,: "My wlfo
hasMiU'ercd for boventeen jears with extreuio
nervous debility and j neutral prostration Hho
wns imtuceu iy n irleiul to try Dr. J. W. Dootl
eriuouna mveuiiguior.nuaijyus uso is no
restored to perfect health,"
nr. i;. kj. ion;, in
linrlestown. Mass.: "In enses
in greiu uervous iieuuiiy, not, eonnnetl uy unv
means to tho feiuulo orunulzatloii inoio eomnion
than among men, I employ Dood's Nervino nnd
juviKoraior wnn ino wipi'iCM ellct. it excoetl
In touio ijowernnythlng that I know, whlio It
ncuon upon mo uoueisisau mat can uo eosired,
Dood's Nrlno and InentlirntorU nmulnvj.
In tlio Mnssachusetts Hospital for tho Iumuio at
von rrnsoNAi tkhtimonials
TocureB of Ocncml DoblUv. Indtifcstlon. Rleen.
ness, Kldner Complaint. Wind Colic, anil remalo
Complaints in their own families, wo refer, with
ptTiujvtcii, io mo lonowing geuuemen in mis
icimiy :
i:. W. nall.CHii., rifth Aenuollotel, N, Y
W. It. lt4Hlgo, Tract House, N. Y.
John Williams. I'ollci'itinii. N. Y.
J. W. l'eckttt. esq., Cllnton-st., Drooklyn,
ii. .v. a uiinT, jiijioifMt, jiioomyu,
J. H. Wrlglit, esq., Jersey City.
Hon. Wnrren Chase. 51 1 Hroadwnv. N. Y.
torsntobynll Drugulsts. Prleo tl.m pTb.rtle,
t j. rupricwvs( in, i.
Thero Is no dlseaso which oxperlcneo so
amply proved to bo icmadlablo by the
(a protected solution of tho protwldo of Iron),ns I
Dyt-pcpsln. Tho moid lnetcmto formi of thN
dlseaso hao been completely cured by this med
icine, asnmple.tetd Imony of somo of our first clt
7.0ns proves,
ritoM thk vi'NnitAnr.u auchdhacon I
Hcorr, d. a
Dunham, Cnnnda ICnst.
"InmanlnvetIrnloDyipeptl3of moro
than 2.t years stnndlug."
. .. .! "I hnvo been n wondeitfully bciwflted
In thothreo short weeksdurhigwhlch I havo used
tho Peruvian Hyrup, that lean sourcely persuudo
myhelfof tho real lly 1'eoplo who huo known
nionionatonlMied nt tho change, lam widely
know 11, undcnti but reeommdud to others that
which has deno no much for me,"
I.OWH; "My voynge to 1 :uropo Is Indefinitely iost ioned.
I lmo diseoi reil tho "1'ountulnof Heulth" on
this side oflho Atlantic. Threo bottles of l'eruvl
nn Hyrup hnvo lescued 1110 from tho lungs if tho
llend Dyspepsln."
A pnmphletof.'U pages, contnlntngnhlstorv of
this remnrknbloiemedy, wlton treat Iso on "Iron
as a medicine," will bo sent freo to nny mldress.
Ihegenulnolms "l'eruvluu Hyrup' blown In
J. I DINHMOni:, 1'roprletor,
M Dey Htreet, New York.
Hold by nil Druggists.
Dr. LJIGOL, oflMrls.ono of tho eminent Chem
ists nf l-.urope, snldt
"Tlio most astounding results may bo nntlelpn
ted wlun Iodine can bo dissolved In puro wuti-r,"
Itr. 11. An. tera. alter rifteen yeurs of sclentltlo
re.eiirelinnd cxKrimeiit. Ims suceteded lu du
solving one ami one tjuaihr umtn or lodluo to
eiuh lluld ouuioof uiter, nnd jr intuit utioumUw
ritulh lytic lolluut itM mc, imrttuhirty In Herofu
lu nnd klmlreil d "senses, rirculars fteo.
, VS' "J4,".lcni' Lidino Wnter is for salo by V. J.
DINSM(Hti:,ii(jDcy htreet, New York, mid nil
Hept., 1J, IWJ.
INI OltMATION. Information guaranteed to
producoa luxuriant giowtli of hair uion a bald
bond or iM-nullesHlaec, also a rccclpo lor tlio ro
moMilof Pliiiples. Ulotehes, Kruptlons, etc., on
tho skin. leaving the samo M)ft,eleur,und bounti
ful, euu bcubtiitiied wHlioutelmrgoby nddresslug
T1IOH, F. CHAI'MAN.t'htmUt,
bepl3 (17, ksj Itroitdmiy, New York,
WlUon will send (freo orchntgojtuull whodeslro
It, tho piescilptlou wltlilhodlieetlonMformnklng
uudiulugtho sliiiplo rcimsly by which 1 10 was
cured of a lungntlectlou uudthutdreudeddlseuso
Consumption, Ills only bjc(-t Is to benefit tlio
utlllcled, nnd ho hopes every Huirerer will tty this
prescription, ns It will cost them nothing, and
luuy prove a blessing. 1'leusonddrtss
Ntl. Htl Klllltll Wf.cnlnl Wtfont
Wllllumsburg, KIiiks to., N, Y.
Tlio utHlpmlisiK d, nuilllor ni'iKilnlril liy tho Or.
till itiiH' Court ut Coiuiublu (f'lmty, to liiuku UU
Irl hullon of tho IwlaiKo In tlix lunula of JoIiiimiii
II, IUi:ltr, luhiilnUlnilur of Hiticll Hinllli. Into
or (Jit'cnwofril toiiKliliiUrinfctil. 10 mul oioouk
tlio nailrtlv rit'illtorH ol llio lucodrnt 111 llio
oril i f l tul;IUInil jy Inw, will ulti ml ut Ma olllio
In lilfioiii.Lure, 011 'lliuiHluy, tlio twiiity.iiikt
lny or Jomiber, 1807, lit lu oVloilm. infor tho
(ill rx,i- or nUelullHK K, Hit, ilulKa r lilx i,i.ikjIji1
ment, wluiiuiulwiniiill nrtli h liitrrrntitl. nro
riMiulriil In I'li'ki iH Ihi lr ilulina, or lo Uchiirml
lrom coialni; lu for it Mmro or tho ruiul,
1 lit rt'hy caution iillpnoiiiii(:aln.t Imylntror
iKKotlutlim n note clcn hy mo to airn W.
I. iitoii. iiml K. I). Siii.m.ii, Uotcl AtiBiiKt I8lh
1H7, lortho.uiu nf lltAui. lor vliUli flmo tut
Ml i a tio uliw,iiml which lim iittoimfned not
to 1 Jiy union ioiiijk llnl to Uo hi hy iltio ram ko of
Al MflbAJil il iV v ,
OuVcmltli K. It. Ml tie, In Wick ImlMInu ivt
illtlliK I'm I OllWi. llouittlfl, Uokl,nv nii-l
Vmlotn collect ctl. (bciOVU",
r.sTATR oi 3 Avon HAnr.Bt., ., iKct:Asi:n.
Tjllnr tnatnmrnlnl-V ntl tllO tfttntn Of .Tfll.uli
ltnrlfl. sr.. Into of Mi iHIn township, Coluiuhlii
county, hnvo Ikhii granted by tho llcglMcr off-aid
county, to Jonns Mnrtrel und John Jl. Holier,
executors, both restMln In Mllntn township. All
Itcrson nAMlig Claims ir uemainis nun him udi
estate aro requested lo picsent them to the ext e
ulorsforieitIement, nnd those knowing them
selves Indebted to mako isiymeiit.
jdhn ii. tii;ii,i;it(
ep20'C7-fil r.xecutors.
p It I V A T K S A Ii 13
Will bo Fold at private sale, by tho undersigned
Agent for tho owner,
lying In tho township of Orange, Columbia coun
ty, n IJolnlnglnmU Into of Archibald Henry, lands
Isairc Helgfreld, nnd Hlmon Ioury. Tho Home
rttend of tho into HI rt mul Hall.
TKitMsi ono'thlrd on tho execution of tho
mrrcenieut.nt which tltno iiossrttiloii will 1 ioiil von:
one-third on tlio first dny of April, IW, Willi In-
leresnrom unio oi niireemeni, ami mo reiimui
ing one-third on llio llrt day of April, ln.
with Interest from tho dato of agreement, nt
wlilch Union deed will bo executed und dollcred.
lor iwmieuiars nuaress 11,11-11 1,
Hep20'U7-2U Light htreet, Pa.
pu nl7"i 6 s"a L" i:
Tli iirvlvltiociociltors of tho liint
u-lil titnl ii-.tninniit nf flomiin Ivlliin. Into of Or.
nngo townslilp. In tho county or Columbia, nnd
Htuto of IVnnsylvnnln,deceused,wllloirer at puli
llo sale,uu tho premises, on H TriiDAY, Octohfu
li, 1S07, nt 10 o'chwk a. m. , llio following dmrlbul
valuable rent estate, viz t
1st. A trnct of land sllunlo In Orango township,
county nnd stato nforosnld, mljoinlng Innds ut
Joseph H, Motrlsniicl Aimer Welscli on tho west,
other Innds of said estate on the north, lands of
Cornelius ilcllas on tho south, ana lands or Kte
phen l'ettlbononnd lllrnmlt. Kllno on tho tost,
coutnlnlng one hundred nnd twenty acres more
or less, Vk hereon aroorectwl a two slory ft nine
duelling house, bank bum, nnd other outbuild
lugs, nnd two wells of good wnter on tho premis
es, und n small npploorchnrd. 'lhnnbovo tiact of
land Is ull cleared, nnd in 11 goijd state or cultiva
tion. 'M. A tract of land stUmte In tho towmhlp,
county, nnd stato a fores .Id, adjoining lauds of
Abner Welsch on tho west, otlu-r lands of Mild
estulo on tho south, and Innds of It Irani It. Klin
011 tho east, mm by innds or Avncr weiscn on tiie
north, coutnlnlng llfty-elsht ncres moio or less
thirty ncioH of which tuo c leu led laud audlu good
stato ofeulthntlon.
:td. A tract of wisid lnnd.sltnato In tho township
efHinty,n.idstntenrorpfinid,ailJoinlng binds oMohu
Aclientsichon thenortli,hin(UofDuid Montgom
eiy on tho enst, nnd lauds of Peter 1'. Kline on
mottoum nnu wesi, comnunnn uuy-enu ucres
moro or less,
ith. a trnit of utmhI lfiinl. situate lu tho town-
ship, countv, nnd stato nforsuld, adjoining lands
of Peter 1'. Kllno on tho east, lands of Htepheii s,
1'PiliiHUiH on 1 ne norm, nnu iiimn ui iinuiii it,
Kllno on tho soutli und woht, coutalutugtirt
rour ncres moro or less.
6th. A trnct of wnod land, stttmteln the town,
ship, county, nndstuto nforosnld, udjolntng lands
orisiuio Hauenbuch, lauds of tho heirs of .1.0,
Kllno ami others, containing scAcnty-ulno nen-s
more nr Icm.
LhiuUtiont of Kale. Twenty per cent of tho pur
i hno monev'to bo paid by thu purchaser or piii'
chnsers on tho striking down of tho prupcrt,
onedmirof tho purclinso money less tho twenty
IH-rcent toliopnld on ol April, Im,
when posscKslon of tho premises Is In bo gHui,
und tho balanco of tho purchaso money to lie
pnid lu two equal niinunl isiyments, with Inter
est from tho llrst day of April, iMts.nnd tn b he.
cured by bonds und mortgngo on the premises.
Tho tlrt payment lobo mudo on tho tint day of
April, isy. I'tirennsers 10 pay ior ueeus, siniu".
bonds, nnd mortgage
Hurvlvlng KxecutoiH.
Hept.,lS), 1S07.
p U li Ii I O 8 A Ii K
Will Iki cxpoxcM tn public snlo nt tho rectdemt'
of tho hUlwciiber, lu UMilngeretk Towiiilvtp, 011
Hatihiav orroiiKK 12th, 18U7, Itegiunlng ui lo
o'clock, tho following descrllM-d property.
wherq tho subscriber now lies, Mluuto In 1'Nli
luge reek Township nforesuld, bouiuleil by hi in 1m
of Dnnlel M'llenry, DeamcrM'Henry, Jacob Mo
lt er and others,
on whlcli nreerfcted n frniuo house, u largo fiatim
barn and tho usuul outbuildings. 'J hero Is u line
spring ol wnter nt the door, tho orchards uro In
bonring condition, nnd thu farm In good slnto of
AIHO, a truijt of land ?nck of tho nbove, eou
tuiulug uljoul forty acres, half of which Is timber
hind, nnd tho balance cleared,
ALSO, a trnct of land ndjotnlng thnt first de.
seilbed, situated oh tho Mulu 1 tew id, containing
about twenty ucres, on whlihls erected a good
Jramo barn,
ALSO, u tract of land ncrohjjthe roudfrom that
Inst mentioned, containing uliout threo ucres, on
whlcli is erected a good frnmo house, tho necessa
ry outbuildings, und u well of good wnter.
adjoining tho uIhao, tho lot containing about
11 quarter of an aero uf ground.
a quarter ofnn acre each, ndjolulng thn ulnn
named property, und ull Ijluj ou thu Mulu
Hond from Hloomsburg,
ALSO, n Messnagonnd trnct of land bituale on
Itnven Creek In 1 ten ton Township, Ismuded b
lands of Jncob Ash, l'eter Crovtlllng, Abruhimi
Kline, nnd others, containing
of which twenty-flvo acres arc cleared, and an
which uio erected n
Thero will lie offered for tnlo nt tho Mtmc tluu ,
n number of Horses und Cuttle, n largo fpiauttty
ofHay.und farming utensils or all kinds.
Terms mado known on day of salo.
FIshlngcreek twp.,Heid., 2, lsti7,-at,
Will bo oxnosod to l'ubtlo Rilo nt rus'ldenew
of thoHubserlbevlu Hen ton townLitp onTiiPK.
dav hkpti:uhbu yithlMi7, tho following pmijec
ty viz i
Flvo bend of young cattle, n lot of fthcip(tao w
horso wagon, ono Hnrlng wagon, One Cnt;rtujj0.yiie
east shoo sled, ono log wled, ouo fuel eu-tv-.-, ono
fanning milt, ono grind stone, a kt oC Harness.
tHitli light und heavy, ono lofj chain. nc grit In
cradle, grass scythe, I'Iowk, Harrows, (tilth utors,
hoes, shovels, forks, rakws axes, horws blnuket',
lly net, a lot of hemlock bark
Onocookstove, ono pnrlor stove, bureau, heth'O,
tables, chnlrs, tubs, barrels, n lot or curpet, queens
wure, louklnglusses,
cupboard, sink to with a vurlety of other mil
clcs too numerous to mention. , ,
AT.vili At llio kit inn II tint mul idnen. nntof hllld
sltuatu lu Juckson Iom nhhlii
unjoining laiiim i
Henry, and others.
.Inwhiiu Mivhiti' Atixditoin .M'lleiirv. UI
coutnlnlng Thirty Acres, nearly nil ch-nrcd luti'
.....1 tt. xtnlunr ..nltKiitr(.n
AUor n lot of Timber hind about ono fourth '
n milo North of tho abovo mentioned lot, a ui
llo iond leatllngfiom ono tn theolher.lcontn nlim
nbout Hevcnteen Acres, well II mot ad villi
chevtnut nnd lock onk.
Hulo t(j commetu'out U o'clock A, M. when dm
nt tendance nnd rensonnblo credit will boglvenln
Hcnton.Heptemberll, 1h7,
TATI Tho undersigned, executors of Die
hut will nnd testament of (leorgo llnttmau, de
censed, olfer for sale, either separuttly or togolhu'
tho following dt scribed
Situate in tho lower part ot Lspy, Columbia conn
ty, flouting on Main street, nnd extending bucK
to nn alley In tho directum of tho canal, nnd in a
soul hernly direction ns fur as Cross street. Kadi
lot bus uhoultt feet front, mid ISO feet In deilli.
making them M-ry deslrnblo for building lots
They run Is pur( luued ut private sulountll Mon
day, December 2nd. 1M7, at which tlmo thoM' ie
mulnlug uiiKold will Iw dlstMihcd of iu publlo oiit
crv ut ono o'clock in tho uticrnooii.
ThitMi uy Half. Ten per cent, of tho purrhun
money ut tho striking down 1 thoproierty i ittul
one. half, less tho till per cent., on tno 1st of Apia
lwW, und tho balanco ono year thereafter, will'
Interest on tho unpaid ninountv. Deeds ulll m
given Mhtn tho lust payment Is mado.
Ifcpy, I'a., Hept, 13, lMj7-3m, lUeciilors.
H T H A Y .
t'inno to tho nreinLsti (if thoKuliscrilvirln l'l-li-
lugcreik townslilp, Columbia county, about tw
mouths since, a rvd und whlto spotted Hiller,
supposcil lu bo about two yenrs old. The ou iiei
Is requested 10 tome und tako It nwny others I-'1'
sho M ill ho disposed (f uccordlug lo law,
'ishlngereeU tp., Kept. U, lw7,
tin mul nfler Slomlay, July 1. ImIT, llemvi'f
trjiliiH on tho ?iLtuu'lshii
follovvluir nmiHHt houru t
i ituurona ut tun m m1-
MatlSuuth. Mr.i riiis'M. Mull .Vitfll.
lipp. Mttu. 111. W'llllumniiort. Arr, Mlp.
" U.03 ' Mumy, llfn.5.11 "
" v.m " Wnt.outown, " &l "
" DM " Milton. " iA'i "
' 1U.II) " lliiuvlllo. " J.I I "
" W.M " liuiifit. " a.Vi "
" II.IU ' I'ntuwUnl. " 3.15 "
" limp. in. ltlinitown, ' "
" 1S,M " Hlllllllllt. "
" l.iw " t)uiiltiil:o. ' Urn "
" l.'J) ):. Alnluiiioyjuiir.
" Dino. TniuiKiua. Dine.
I.UI "
In Hi. in.
Arr. ti.M
Tn Now York via. llnuU
luiror Alaiun I lltlliK.
rroin iuw orK viu. l iMmiilr f
NnrhnliRO nf cum U'tutli WlllliiniHiMirt mul
Plillmk'lplilu. tli:0. Vi:il!l,Hilpt.
yyUAVKIl & Sl'KANKIii:,
Not, SB sua Si7 Arch Htricl,