She if If 1 fit tttlffl t iHiHI HIV IIP f ft III Ip f ft ll. ""'nil y mi MNimM , . ,, .ftddmnlo'o iri PI. NO! , ,1 VOL. I.-NO. 38. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1867. P1U0B FIVE CENTS MISCELLANEOUS. rjMlK PADDY HUN C O A li 0 O M I' A X y H II I c K K 1 1 1 N N Y, t'i:N XH VI.VA N ! A . CAPITAL 8130,1)00. H.101IN M. OTACKHOlWlf, l'rclldrnl, UAH. A. UOONi:, Herniary and TrMisuror. DIKIXTOKS: John M, stnctihonsc, X. I,. Cnmpliell, Unix. A. lliKinc, Cyius Ftaikhonse, A. M'DovicII. at'vtviu main Bi't:i:i;T, himchsiii.nny, ia. Tho hinds held liy this Company, consist uf FOUlt HUNimKD AND FORTY- ONK AORKS, nnd j .f(,nr perctus, of carefully selected Inlul lyhin southwest uf Wllkcs-lljiic, Lucruc c nun. ly, l'n.. In U10 u stern purl of the (1 rent Northern or Wyoming Coal ll.isln. Acry run-nil mill thorough examination re cenlly nmilo 1ms proien these (for Iho nljovc) lands to lio llio embodiment of n ost amount of (ho very iHvt itiullt.v of nut In ucltn coal, luvtlug every facility thnt i-oul.l ho desired fur trans portation In nil directions. Tho nlmvo tract Is crossed ly n kihhI mini, and nlso dlrcelly In tnint, and Jolnliic nro tho tackawamm lllooins Inuir lull 1 ... ft, nnd tin- WjoniliiK cnuul, thin af fol 'Unit tlwvcryhcslndwinlnsenr n currying road nml ennui rniiiilnK to tho vrry inimth nf tho mines without expense to tho company, Tin- measurement of tho dlll'orenl hedsor seams already developed ivns carefully ohtnhioit and uddid hwtiicri Iho Ihlcltncss of these siatu, IncludltiKthocclchralcd "ltiil Ash," "lluok. Moun tain," or "Grand Tunnel" M'ln, Is thtrty-nno unit n half foot, (31Ji),c cry ruble yard of which will yiohl a ton, Hiving n large innouiil of the best quality of coal, Thulocntlon Isfciuh thalall tho veins may be rntatnl worked to thu greatest posslhlcnd vantage ahnvo water level, nml nt inueh loss expense tliuti ean be douo from eoilerjes operating below water level. Hie can ho hrouaht to tho surface. thioiiKh drifts or tuiinclsVhlch drain thownler f ruin tin mines ami Raves tho hoUtltiR of thoeoal. Hothe lllhlllty nf those lands for ehcnp mining li nn-sjnuHtlonahh-. Wry lately tho "Grand Tunnel'' or "lied Ash': vein h.n boon nnoncd. mill Is now .frroduclnii as fine a ipi'illty ofooal as has ever l,iien 1 roilueeil In llio nnlhriicttu legions. The. Iirc.ikcr now In operation Is rnpable of pieparlig rruiu IV) to 31 tons per ilay. 1 he surface contains fun abunil mt upilj of uissl ami thnbervery Mil- liable tor inlnlnn puiposes, which les the tr.ut me advantage of many other lands. The fact that almost all valuable coal lamls are lielnir lapl'lly taken up by hcinycnpltullstsnr Inure cor- ,s,lsiratlons, shows that they must steadily anil (-really t Isn In the market value, while with tho lintnensuanil constantly lucHasluit ilcniautl foi .'jA. jL i eon, nun uio Kiiurnaii ami .orlli lln-neii ea J$LT lull. tasii'r hv the mouths of the mines, through tatho (heat lion niiikln-t ilntrlcts of Iil.K.ia-t-uri!, 'li-inrllle, Huni-ntinon, llarrlslranr, Mliblletowu, .iiathita,aiia Columbia, tn tllc-uiuei nt Havrc .tlotiiaic, one can wnrccly concehi- ofa more I rofllable or imiav of wraith than 1 may bo fonn-l In lands like tbi-e. In onlcr to Is- ahld to open their works mi a more e.h nse phn, this cuminny has plai edn li-ullon of their capita! strs-k In luaikit on tho roiloivhe; ti run: Any pt rhon taking one or mora isliarts ol Mock tit w TUX I) Oh LA US KACII, -will b cntltlo-l anuualty tnu ton of nwil nt cost at the mine per shale, ami any tockholdcrs not nnoiiiviNfi Tin: ihai. lis alorcsalil. to 1h, el).llteil on tho books of tho Company, with tho iiurcreiiee ls'tneeu thecost ami (.eltinw price tor eat ll Khare, to be paM beforo aaivJdimrsliallljeileilnrecl. ' O. 1'. KNAPI-, Agfllt. .March 1,1(17. TIlU Uh-liTsiiJUt'll MUiM U'SplH-'trLllly UtUlOlllK'tl tit tltucitlt u.s til ltlu.)iusluirg iiinl Iho public i?nv rally tltut I rnnnlnii im OMNIllUKI.lNi: Utwi-Lii tliH 1'lueuaHil thu Uilli-tcnt lallruad tic pntsiHUy(SunliiyH rxceiitotl), toniiiiHK-t wlliilliu fe'niT.U Imlna (iolii Kutitli unit MVit on tlm Catn v!."ft nml ViIUiriTport l,iilhn.ul, unl with lliove y,alU Nurllt nml bullion Die Iiicl;.iMnmi:i nml Itliioinsbiirt: Itnilroail. Ills's uru in kkjJ cuiullttun, miunm U'tiis ninl rntutoi till nml clmw:f tensoimlile. l'cpniH wishing tu meet or wo tin Ir frirmlH ile pnrt(rnn ! iurnmo,late.l upon vt'ii""imt)lo rli.irK1 tiy Itiavitiif tiiuely notice nt any uf IliulioUlt, JACOIl li niltTO.V, l'n'julPto. ' X S U H A "N 0 i: A O K X 0 Y . t -Wyoming tim IVnuiii'ivo I'ullnn.. . !:"!'"- Putnam , ' ih ItreliuntH Sfjf -HprliiKiteia (Jffil tionn.'.nta &s IiiHuiunfo Comjiuny of Htato IVnn'a., j Conneelknt Mut mil I.lfo Nonl. American Transit 570,0tW UTD.00O Kyx)o,.x l-'ItllAH JUtOW.V, Agent, jiuirVt,7-ly,J Ui.uuMsJU'JUi, r.. pin: vj:kjvI,y patriot axd A r Mi N. Tm. t i:nc u Ih.moc i:Aiii u;fJN up THHhTAii. Tln VtMy 1'ulrlui mi'l I'nt'Hi It nililt-heil nrn 'I liuiMlnv ly tlm I'uirlut iiint I'hlon I'llntln.'t nml rnhlHiIni; Athoelatlmi, Jt Is n ilniiblc hliet'i nf ciuiit panes, uial fiintalii" tnr.fllit lottimtiN of In, Iter, liimln up nt I.ltiT ury, Aurlriil l nt nl, N'vn,'l ialenml llsvellnmoii' hch i lli'iix, JU'poi in m OuiHivshii-nul nnd JA-glla-tho rinet-nlln, Hpi-wlien, rnlltknl lhaj, Ml toriutK, vU; Till: TKIIM.S: (ii.c (npy, onu yt :ir. mU t V) " six months " 1 AO Ten copies, unv st ur, ami vw tn getter up of cluti.... Hi 00 'J'wi n ty eopli, vum eur, ami vim tUKtltU' up or nuii w oo m Till: "DAIIA l'ATIIlor a r.Niox- 2f" will he fiirnWiiil t mail MilncrIU'i Utr 37.'M i cr liiiuum. X IStinlnrMs Iftlern hniill he fuMr hcj to the H' " I'alrlot ntiil lTnlun," llarrUI)ni', 1'n. N 'M, II, MIM.rit,Triutf. I W.M. 1. JiUAM, 1'ubtlHher. "KADVILIjB TIIKOI,0(n('Al. Kf'IIOOI,. Tliti Vnll trrni leraii Hi-Mi-in r:i. Tim Knciiltv of Iiiktruclltm ronlrstH oi lour rt'(titeut anil 'unr nun-reMent proicHvni, utnl w imor. inionjcci it ui iiiuenip jouhk iiil-m mr the christian MlnUlry. 'J hen 1h it prepinniory elas-4 lor thom who have not ref eheil a eolleitlale eihu'Jitloii. Ono liumlreil nml xlxt v ilollam a ear aio unmti'it to hi-ni-lU'Iiirli', v llh an uiMltlunn! iKum lu spi-clal p:im-k, Tho tuition, use of J.lhrnry tiiuu te."Stloo;, art freo In nil. 'lli School wm Xuiiiuteil liy thu Unitarian nml ("hriftlnn dtMinuil nations, hut is open to all who ln-llevo In tluulh lneoilwlii of cinlsllnnily. The Library cunbUts ofM.'iiK) volumeM, Application way ho miulo I" Itcv, A. A. Iher inore, l'riklilcnt of Iho Hounl of IHKliuctioii, .Memtllh J'il nn 17-ly QAUllIAaK JIANUrACi'UltY, Ithfomshuru, Tu, M. a HWAX & JIUOTJIL'It IhufcUcehsorAnf WU.MAM HI.0AN X HON eoiithiuo tho hua Incus of maklMtf OAltniAOUM, uuocims ami every ntyloof 1'ANX'Y WAdONH, uhhh Ihey hnvo eonnlantl) on ha ml lo milt run lomoiH, Nccr nil ns any inuterliil hut the hest nml eiiiplolu(t tliemoht cxpirU'ixeil woiktmn, they hope tu continue iu heietofoiu to tve entire i atUluctiou to evtiy rtutomer. An liatpietlon ol their wot k, ami of the reuaon able jtrlco a&kM lor tho fcntne, Js tiue to tnKUto a nal(. V V iji , . fa j' jSknjajiin oukkn, Iiealcr In fAltl'la-KNOS, WINDOW SlIA)It " OH. CliiTIIfs, JIA'l'H, &e., No. si Nin th Seeoinl Hlicit, l'lillnJolpUlu. J 11. LOKOSTJlKTil, rAri:it-iiANOiNa WAiti:iioiiHU, Ko. 12 tioUU Third Blutt, I'blladclplila. HOTELS AND SALOONS.. Jo x o 1' o X 1) "li o t a l,. i if e uiiilcish-nisl hnhiR hsiset1amtre-fiirnth-isltnkooil Mjlo the aboM- Mell-knonn House, RllUlllO AJIO.Ntl Till; MOfNTAINH 111 llio-lmruVrsnf t'nhimbln nml Sullivan eoiinlli's, In one or the most Ixsuitlru! ami heatthinl rex Ions lntht-Mnle; Is Inlly pifpnteil to aefonunoOate visitors aiul sojournerv with Tiii:in rA.Mii.iix. Tliol-olid atal Streams nro well stiK.-Unt UU ilelicloiK tislior many lilmls Inclwllng T 11 0 V T A N I) I1 1 K i:, ami boat , In order will he kept for the ac commodation ami nmuscment or Kuests, etiber for IMiIim orpleaKUti-exi urnlousupou this Uau lllul shculnf water which Is HliVKItAI, Jlll.lSs IN i:.ii;.t. Siirionnihsl by an vxteiiklw l oi est, them Isalfor. ilisl In tin- htiutsm.ill n splendid Held for his ow n peculiar sports, and cMnlso with his 1)0 0 A XI) (IXf.N. Ills Ijinler will bo always provided with the delicacies ur thuscason; and Ids llnrstisdicil llli I ill!i: I.nn'oitH. 'lln- llouso Is hit uo and lonuno dlous; tho Stabling extensive nnd sale. Ihi'llou-ots reached Irom Mveral isilnts on thulllooinshiirKA I.nclinwanna llallroail! and is aoph ndlil plani tn U1S1 the hot months of Hum. Jfay IT, I'j;-lm, "1?XU11AX(J lil 10TKL.7 All UIJUMrtllL'IIO, CUI.UMIIIA COUNTY, I'A. Inu uuderslKiied ImMni! pmchiu-cd Ibis well. knuwunniUvuttally.lm'iitcd house, the Km halite Hotel, slluiite on .MAIN HTItl.l.l'.ln llluimsbuiK, ininisiiatclyopisisltotlii-t'utulnbl.l County Cuurt llouo, iispccllully Inlonns hl blends and thu plllJho In H'larr.l that his house Is now In onlcr (or the iceeptlon and entertainment of travellers who may ho disposed to lavor It with their cus tom. Ho has spilled no expense In preparing the l.xeliango tor tho enteitalu"ieut or (its guests, uellher shall be an.ui,m wanting ion bis palt) to milliner to their potsunnl eomrort. Ills house Is spacious, and enjoys nn excellent busl. ness location. OiaililaisscS lUU llL all llini-s b,.lu',.cn Ibn f?v. chango Hotel and tl. ovinia s railroad depots by which travellers will ho pleasantry mme-ied to ano iioni mo n"-pccuvo siaii-ins in line nine lo meci mo ciir"-. .iuii.n i , CAJ.ow . ninomsnitrg, muh isw. C '1 0 L U 31 II I A II () V S V. n n un a it i) H'ron;?i:it. llAVtNfl Inteh nurclnned ninl iHtnit tm tho well-known Itotilson Hotel rrojicrty, 1k ateil u KW IK10IW -liOVU T11K COt'ItT IIOVSH, oiithesatnn fUU of tho Mut. In tho town of lllonmshuru; nml ha Inn ohtufueita I let n so for the haiuc una 11 K H T A U 11 A X T , the Vroprlctnr Ims ilctTmlncMl IorIvo to tho peo ple vWtltig tho town on hmlnc"i or plennure, A LITTLIJ MOIli: 110031. HU Htaltllnirntso Is extensive, nml Is ilttetl tin to put tummies unci eiirilao's In llioilry. He prom Isesllint ever thlimnliout hlHetablWhnieulKhiill ho comluctrd lu an orderly nml Jaw till munncr nml ho h firfctlully noliclls a hliare of the public I'MMi'mmi-. i ui-tiiii, gTKM-:xs iiousi:, 21, i, k'C -i, IIUUAjaVAV, . V. Opposite Jtou ling iirun, ON TIIK KlTltOl'HAN t'l.AN. TlltlHfKVKNS I lot's i; Is well and uldelv known In tlin iraveltu puhlfi. Tho locution Is especial ly NUl table to nn n hauls and but ih-ms inen; tt is 111 etttso pi ox lilt liy lollii business pnit ol tlie elty ih mi i nit uikuwiiv oi rs Milium inui eMeiii lra 1 1 SLlid mll.iLVlit tu nil thu ndlroad und hlc'iuiiboat depots. i )ll niOM'lLS llOUM' HUM llUI'llTl ntt'OlllIIVHl.lllOU for over uin yuibtb It in vell furnlKbrd, and ih- etstes oi-iy model at o Jmpim enunt fur tho com loit ami unteit.dumeut of Its Inmates. 'I he looms aro Kpaciousaiid well vent liateil provided wlttiLM ami untir tlm atti-tidunco Is liiomnt uhel rtspeetltil and tho lithlu In netoii'-l.y pio lded wllh eery dtllciu'y of tho i avrn at iihmI .into rat. iU.O. K. CHAMi; & in. my li ii7-(ni.j I'ri'pnetors, JOItK'S 1IOTKL, OKniion W. MAlHH'.tt, I'roh''or. tho above wtdl-knou'n holi-1 leeentlv Undi r KoiieiadlealilatiiKei In Its internal ariuimt-iiH nt, and lis proprietor imiiounec tohN loiuiei ii-dom nnd Him travelllm; public his aeconulallons for thoeoinfot t fif hH tcurtsaioheisiud to none lu the roil lit ry. His table will nUi a be loutid t-Up- iien, inn oniy mum sunsiaiuiai moo, uui no an ho dt'lhfH-li'.snf Iho unmin. Illu u-Inef mid 11- onors (focpt thnt ponnlar hovern-o known as ,1.1cA'iiW'j.l,l,i-,,hnMl illrect trom llio inipoitlnif h'iiives,nro enlhely imii, and freo fnun all po. r4onouiliurzs, lie Is thnnlifnl for n liberal patron tuo In the past, and will midlnuo to ih-vere H In llio mine, iti.uuuii jiai uj-;k. rjun; 8 WAX HOTEL, Tlttfi UI'l'EU IIOlbF,J oitAxarA'ir.i.u, coi.umiiia co pa. Ths milmrrlbor rrnpeetfnllv Infoinis hlsfrlend- lid the nubile, that lie has tnhi n llio above well known IIouko of Inleitainment. and will bo nhaM'dto iceLho the eustt.m of all who will hivor him with a coll. in; wiuj ki:i:p a ooon taiim:, a liar v. ell kUm ked wllh Iho best of r.Innors. nnd every ellbrt will Im made lo remit r enfln Hillh- UH-non. .hmi. UraiinevHIetra., March !.', 1H7-Iiu. JXUIIAXOK SAL00X, i ii k l-iopt leior onno j ;xciianscsn:oon iin now onliaml n luroMock of Ki'MMini iti:rrti:HiiMi;NTH, conslslln of si'ti-rn ovsitks, snniNKs, -ikiit, hoi.oiina hHfkp ro.Nciur, nmr.rn mi(hvrnm cninssK, IiAokh iuci:h, ALK, aC. comi: onk, ro.Mi: am and six. LAWSMX fA LMAV, huperlnteiulent. Uloouisbuu:, May ;t, lkC7. JrV, C'OI.lJ.Ml.IA I'nL'XTV, I'A. Till: rslibsfiil.t-r rrswr I full v Infm inu 1U ft I.-n.K ant) I tie public, that I.r ban Inhin the a) oe well hnown iloupf f.f l'nt' itahinu nt, ami will bo plennd to Hfclr tho iiihtcin of nil vho will liuor li 1 1 ii Mitli a tall. in: wiiih ki;i:p a cuon taihj:. altarMelUtochedwith tho Nt of .hniiny, nml ev ly i lloit will he nmdo lo lender en I lie Mltls faction. W.M. llKSIUJY, ipy, i'a.( April r. ik(7. "J 111 OK UOTKLj uitAN(ii:vii.u:, cor.UMiiiA i ou:;tv, MUJIMA, PIUIPIIIKTOU, Itiiv Inu tahi n t oMvtKvlnn nf lhU u'llMfMnwn hi'UH'.Mi lcjiiir hei l by hanuu 1 V.t it H. tbol'io- trli ti'rhntiputlii It peiuififiont iepalranitriirnl'h td UAH AM) I,A Willi thothohiht Ilipiors ami newest (IcIicaelcN. Hit liable U not oxtelted In the i mint n : and no imlns will u k .) to necoiumoduto Kiicsts. aprViiT, QUHQUKUAXXA IIOTKL, O CntawluRa, Pa. Ihe hIkivo Hold htm lately hren punlni'-eil by Iir.:;itV J.CLAltK.aml h is been Ihon.nyhly re modelled, iejaircd, ami refuniMicl. It will ho found now, In ItsawimK' Mcut utul nptHlnlinents n llist-clru-s Hotel, ami cei'ond to none lu the ountry. Peronsln cities wMtliut to pend the hot months In llio country, will do wtll to ge Iho proprh tor u call. , IMIK OiNMOX IIOTKL, Aich Ktnel, i i-u Third and t-oiirtti htrccti, I'hiladelphla, pHitirtT i:iinu, PrnprletoiM. O UtAKI) IIOU.SK, Corner of Klulhuml Chcsluut Streets, 1'hlla lelphla. II. W. KANAUA, rioprlelor. pjUOUAXT'H II0TK1;, lu Minrn rovimi miu.t.T, l'IIII,Al)i:i,l'IIIA, J, A W. O. JCKIIIIIIN, I'loprlltor, .May 10, Hsrr-ly. To Hotel nmt Siilonn Impri. of lllooiiii buii; and Columbia County. I hau appointed Mr. II. Molmer acnt for llio Miloof uiyiile,s,rter brown stout, find lager beer, u Im will supply you at thuiuiuu pllco (and Willi thu wiiuu UltUlfJ, n. I Mould lumUh you Hum thu hrciiiry, Kuoowliu! that ho will Iki punctual and l-tlenllve to all who may favor him Willi their trade, I solicit fur him our.upiort, Very respectfully, 1'llKll uui:tt, Hteam Itrewciy, lti ndlnir, I'a, M, AllTMAN, C, II, mi.I.INIll.U, j:. 11. ARi MAN. HTMAX, DIIdilNQKll & CQ., '0',!alNnilTII Till ItI,-THFKT, I - (AVarfj ojiiotie Jumci, uii, tiantrt ,t' f),) Wliolesnlo jjcalers In yAHNH, lurriNti, vauhinu, cahvijth, nib fl.ollis, fiiapiu, H.Y n, OltAl.V IIAf.'H, COUIIAOI), AC. A MO. VII.I.QW ANlV0OPi:N -WA1U!, lllll'llIllJI, TUl'KKU, IXXJK1NU OI-AkCrjl, Kir, Muy 10, Til E COLUMBIAN, A Jomoertitic NowHpMpor, 11 ri'nt.ttiirKii kvkky fiupay mornu at ULOOMNlll'ItU, pi;a. TIIi;prliiclplenoftIilH paper nroofthu Jellerson- Ian Hchoolof polltlcn. Thoe piliicljiks will novo ho compromised, yet courtesy nnd Ulmlcris itin1t not ho hi"KtU u In dUcussInjj lliem, w hct hor with Individuals, or with contemporaries of (ho Press Tho unity, li;iiplnf(m,oiRl proipcilty of thecoun try I our Mm nnd object! muIm the mean to fcccuro that, wo fdinlt lalior honestly nnd cat nettly for the harmony, Bticee?i4 and grow thof our organ Iraltnn. Tr.KJisorHuiisciilPTio.N! Two dotlars a 3 ear If paid In advance. If not paid lu luHanco Iwo dollars and fifty cents will holnvnrlablyrharKcd. Tkkm( hfA nvmtTisixoiOnctqtmte (ten lines orlessjonoor thrco Insertions ?I,.10J each Mtlme quent Iniertloii fiO cent". upaci:. Im. Hm. .'!m. Cm, 1y. Onnqttaro.. $2.00 t3,uo J1.00 6,W) 510,00 TuoRnuarcs flm o,m ti.aii n((t) 11,00 Three square 3,tl 7,WI S.00 l.mi 1S,WJ Vtnxr .srpinrcv o,u jm 10,00 ll.iw 2.1,00 Ilnlf rolumn M,(n) 2,t iot) 2i),oi ,io,fw One column 13,00 l,r 20,00 30,"0 C0.00 nxecutor'snnd Administrator's Xotlco S.1,or)j Au ditor's .Notleo Other adverllscmcnts lnner tod according to special contract. nustness notices, without advert Niinent, i cnty cents per lino. Transient advertisements payuhlu in advance nil others due after tho flut liiricrllon. S- It Is, lu tiff cojc , more likely to ho mi t Mac tory, both to fciibscrlbers and lo tho Puhllsheis, reuiltlances and nil oommunlonttons respet t lii't tho huslnessof iho pn per, he sentdliect to tho otllecof publication. All letters, whether nlatlng to tho editorial or business concerns of the paper, ami nil payments for subscriptions, ndertKln, or Jobbing, mo to bo nude to and addr("s( d imocicwAY t i'ui:i:.i;, "LhtttmL'ttii fJcc," llLOOMSHL'KO, V 1. Printed at KobWon'.s ItulIdlnKs, near the Point House, by Cham. M, VANiir.iisLirr, FllANK It. HNVlU'.ll. BUSINESS CARDS. j on PIUXTIXG Neatly executed nt this Oflb-p. ATTOll N V, V - A T. I, A W, Ashland, Melius Iktll f'ountv, IVnn'a. M. j;. JACKSON, ATTOltNU Y-AT-I.A V, Pictwklc, t'ohimbla fonnty, Peunu, " JI. TUAIUMI," A T T O It N P. Y-ATd, A V, llenvlel:, Columbia County, Petit 111. IS nLUAM II. AIHtOTT, a T T o 11 .v 1: r - a t - r. a w UKNTUAMA, PA. jonx g. imioKzi:, A TT O U N K V - A T- I. A V, Oirtcoln llejjMer and Itecordei's odlce, lu tho basement of tho Court IIouno, nioonisbtirp. Pa. J)oki:kt v. ri.Aiuc, ATT O UNHV-AT-I.A W Ollh-o corner ot Main and Market stieein, oer PIiM Nallnual Haul;, jil.Miiiubuiv, I'a. It. 1.. II. Kl.IXK urndunto of Jcilcisoo .Mcllcil i-,.ii,..,, eiiii. ndclphla, liathu peiuiaiu'iilly located, oilers his pioffsslonal sen I, es lo Ihe eltlcus or CalawNsa and vicinity, (mice on Main street, second door last of Creasy A John's llulldhu. upi VliT-Om E. II. h I T T L V, ATTOUNl:V-AT-I,A V, Olllcoou Main siteet, lu hrlcl: bulldlnibclow the Court Hons,-, Q 11. IiaOOKWAY, ATTOIINK V AT LAW, UI.OOMSIIUIKI, I'A, tfu'-(lKI-'ll'n-.r!l,0.t tl.,II.,i Ul.l. I..1n... Il.n Ih. tumblmi Olllce. ' .lanl'IT. j' n. noiii.sox, A T T O It N 1 1 V - A T -1. A V , lltooMSIU-ui:, ITN.N'., OIIICI- ill ITtl.lllL'Sl'K lllltl.lltl., Ml.ll. SOml M'..kl of the American House, ' Imjiri". IT (J T 1 O X li K It". MONKS UOl'l'M A N, IIa fllir lollou'cd 111,, orof. ssb.o r Public V. mine 1 rler ror luanv ,eais, would Intoini his blends that he Is Ktlll In the Held, leiidy and wllliUK lo attind to all Iho duties or his lalllm.-. 1'ilsons deslrllm his scrviets should call or Wllte to hlin at Kloomshiui;, Pa. uiars'U7. Y)U. V. II. IIUADI.KY, 1 Lute Assistant Medical Dhcctor 1'. . Arm,l I'll VSICl AN A XII Hf r.llCII N, -(Jlllceat Ihe hollo upi.osltehhle's llloilc, llloonisburir, 1'n. Calla proiuplly ntlended lo bolh nhiht an I d iy. Illoomsbn-K, .Ian. IS, Mi7. J 11. I'UIISKIj, ' IIAUN1XM, HADDI.i:, AND TIIIIMs MANLM-'ACTUHIH!, and dealer In CAUl'lTr-llAUS, VAI.IMM, li.Y-NKTH, M, Matn .Sheet, UliMmishuri;, I'a. g C. S It 1 V li , C A II I N ll T M A i: ll U, as n 5iAsrrAcrr111.11 nv sikam or SASH, UMXD.3, DOOItS, K 11 ll T T ll It H, M O II I, 1) I N O H, WINDOW ritAMKK, AC, MAIN HTltKLT, ULOOMMlUlia, I'A. Juno tsl, s. C. COLLINS, I'AHIIIO.VA lll.K H11AVIN0, JIA1 Jt -CUTT1XC1 AMI KIIAMr001.NO BAI.CO.N, Ucr Wldmuyii- A Jiu-oliy'n Uu Cteiim Hnloixi, III.O0.MMUIIKI, I'A, llntr livelntr and WhUUcis colored hhu-lc or Iiiom 11, llulr Tonic to destiny datidiult and heau liryiuu the hair; will rcstoie hair to Us orliclmil isilor without Milling Iho finest labile, constantly on linud, aprU'in. q :. ;s A v a o u , lilACTlCAL WA'tCIIMAIsI'.H AN1) ji:vi:i.hv, Afahl AKmf, near tlm Court Jfouie, llwousuuim, lyi, Coroitiinlly uu hau4 n IlnuanKortineiit o AMJiltltAN ANll HWIfirl WATflHiS, Clocks, Jfen elry, Hllvornri) dud Hictttele 1'urlkulsr dlUnlloii piild io tho repalrlun W'aleJicH, Clot k. Jewelry 11114 Hpevtarlea, V-idiiwinle luaik, madu to nrder, All work warranted. aprlOW. 4 hh KINDS 01-' J011 I'ltlNTlNO neatlv eiecutod Ut TUK COLUlllilAN Hteam -nnilliK umev. V (Choice octrti. toil tin: coM'mmax, "HOllAH ON M'MKHO MSI HllllMNAM.o Mrttto onan oMstm-itvittit Ventre, tiy MAltlOM 1UK4, Ks) teach tn, Iird, throuh enth eutof life, A'ciitendnr, thus strict nnd wise, to keep, And, herd Iiir not tlm dally storm and strife, That like the clouds, across lis surface, sweep, Ktlll tuny wo note the stinleums, as tiny fall, Ami like tho dial tuld Ht. Murks fair (lowers, Our motto, through nil rhnniie, what e'er befall, lie, "I number none hut tho doudtess hour. ' Ho, let us t her up tho sweets nf earth, To fill tho record nf each pnsslinc dny. Nor, In our nightly reveries by tho hearth, Iteinember croseestlint hnvo hloekel our way, Tho lovllest llowcr of cart his seldom found Without Its Imperfections, hmve'er slight, Amid tho fairest roses thorns alound And sweetest pleiumres tot must hnn their bliulit. Ho let us seek the Rood lu human hearts, And savo to remedy, touch not the HI; The wheat with tnre together often slnn U, Vet nny tho sumo onounrner never till. Then let uh wait, lu watchfulness nnd pmj er, And cheerfully iierforni tho mission ours, Hlilvlntf, If skh'S nhovn ho false or fftlr, Hlllt to "number none hut the cloudless houis." "Xtino hut the cloudless hours," O, Tinl, to keep, None others Ih on Mem'ry's tablet writ, In Joys will wo fornt the tenrs we weep, When stem mhcrslly abuu us sits; WltliBtntclul licartm enjoy each hleslnfxtlt 11, Nor slhfor pleasures Hint can come no more; Could life below inoroperfett Ijc, kind llenen, Port-rrlng mortals, would hao less In store. hsrfUiuuous. MAEBYING A CONVICT. 1 had served twenty years 011 board nn lint Intlhiintiii, mid for tho last ten ycfirn litul tdiiiinaiiilcd the Hello, one ol tlio flnei-t vivsek ever Honied. I was nn old sen captain nnd had dwelt mi Ioiilmiii salt water that I had almost it liatred for tho land. On thoaitlt of Octolicr, 18:11, I receiv ed oidor.s lo put my.self in reatllness to fa for Cayenne. I was to transport soventy-llvu soldiers and itionvlct. I had oideis to treat tills individual well, and tho letter 1 received from the Di leetory Inclosed another with a hii(?e red seal, which I was not to open until nutween unu '26 tlic'recs west loiicl. tilde; that Is, Just ueforowo weronbuut lo cross the line. Tho letter wnsu lontr packet, so well closed on every side that it was impo.s- bllilu to catch tiiosll(,'hlest (,'llmpso of Its contents. 1 am not naturally rtiper- MltloiH, hut thero was sometiiliif; in tho look of thu letter that ldld nolalo Bcther like, though I could give 110 reas on why. However. 1 carried It into tho cabin, and stuck it under tho glnr-s of 11 little shabby old KnglL-h clock which was fastened above my head. I was busy fixing tho letter under thu clock when who should como into thu cabin but tho convict and hlswlfu! This was tlie llrst time I had seen eith er of them, and 1 may say Hint a more prepossessing couple 1 never met. Tho woman was scarcely more than fif teen, nnd as li.iniUonio as it picture-; while thu husband was an intelligent, magnificently formed man, on whoo features tiature.had never written vil lain. His crime, to bo plain, was tlio mis fortuuo of being n hundred years ahead of bis age. llu and others had attempt ed something which our government called treason, nml which it punished witli (lentil. It therefore, occasicned mu considerable wonder that ho should bo pluced under my charge but more of tills afterwards. I said, hlswlfu hanging on his arin. She was as merry as a bird; (the looked liken turtledove cooing and nestling between his great wings. Before a month had passed over our heads, I looked upon them us my own children. Kvcry morning I used to call Ilium into my cabin. Tho young fellow would sit, writing at my tabic, that is to say my chest, which was my bed. Ho would iiftcn-help mu ut reck oning, nnd soon learned to doit better than I could. 1 was amazed nt his ability. His young wifj would sit up on 0110 of tlio round stools in my cabin working nt her needle. Onuday wu weroall thrco sitting in this way when I said s " Do you know'my young ones, as It seems (o me, wt'liiako a pretty family picture'.' JIluil I don't mean lo ask ilucstion.s, hut maybe you have not much money to spare, and you are, Ixith of you us I think, too hand-ome to dlo in tlio burning sun of ceyenne, llku many a poor wretch before you. It's u had country a bad country, take my word for it. J, who have roughed it through tempest, wind und sunshine, till I've got t'no skin of it rhinoceros, might gut along thero; but you I am afraid of you. So, If you should liavu 11 chanco of foolish friendship for your poor old captain, I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll get rid of this old brig; ehu's not much better .Unit an old tub after nil j so I'll settle myselfdowu with you, if yon like. You seo that I have not a living soul now, to euro for, or that cares for mo. I want relations, I want 11 home, I want a family. I should llku tu make my homo with you, my young ones; What say yo'.' They said nothing nt all, but sat looking, first at oack other, then at me, as If they doubted whether they un derstood what I said. At Ittol tlio Httlu blid threw her anus around my neck and cried llkoit baby. " Hut," said she, suddenly pausing, "you havn't looked ut tho Jotter with the big red senl," "IInngltI''l(ixt'lalmed,"lt had slip ed my mind entirely., With a cold dreadful sensation 1 went to my cheat to sou where wo were. I' found that wo had several days remain ing boforu wo should reach tho pioper Jongltudulbr opening tlio letter, Well thoro wo stood all thrco of in, looking up nt thu letter us If It couhj luivu spoken to ua. As It happened tlio sun was shining full upon thu faco of tho clock caso,' and' fell upon tho great staring red eftil of tho letter. I could nol help fancying lt,looked souio tlilng llko 11 monster, nil ogro's grinning from tho jinlddlo of tlio llru; It looked horrid, I'Could not unu fan cy," snld I to iiuulo them laugh, 'It's great big eyes weiq starting out of Its heart V " Ah, my lovo," eulrt tlio wife, "It looks llko Wood." " Pooh, pooli 1" said her liusbnnrt, ta king her urni under his, "It .looks llko a letter of Invitation ton wedding. Come, conic, leave the. letter nidne If It troubles you so. Let's go to our room nml prepare for bed." And oil' tllcy went, They went upon deck, and left that beast of n letter. I rememer I kept looking nt It ns I smoked my pipe j It seemed to tlx Its great red eyo upon mine, fascinating llko the eyo of 11 serpent. It wns red, wide, raw, staring llku tlio maw of n flcrcu wolf. I took my great coat nnd hung it over both clock and letter, and went upon tlio deck to tlnlsli my pipe. AVu were now In the vicinity of llio CapuduVcrdo Islands; tlio Hello was running hcfore.n fair wlmlhit Iho rate of ten miles nn hour. It was a splendid tropical night thu stars largo nnd "hilling, thu moon rising above thu hor izon, ns largo as a sun of silver, tho line of ocean parting It, nnd long streams of bare, shimmering light falling upon tho wn ves, which ns they broke sparkled like Jewels. I sat upon tlio deck, smo king my pipe and looking nt them. All was still except the footfall of tho ofllccr of thu watch, and as lie paced the deck, gazing, ns I did, upon the shad ow of the vesel,teall!ig over the silent waters. I lovo silence nud order I hate noise and coiifti Ion. Thu lights should all have been extinguished boforu this time; but when I looked upon thu deck I thought I saw a Httlu red line beneath my feet. At Just another time this would hnvo made mu angry; but knowing that tho light came from the cabin of my tlepttrten, I determined tosee what they were about. I Iiart only to look down I could see Into thu cabin from tlio skylight. I ho young girl was upon lier knees, and was saying her prayers. A lamp swinging front tlie celling llglited her room. She hart on a long whltu night dre.-s, and her fair golden hair floated over bershoiilders, nml almost touched two llttio lurii feet, which were peep ing from uinler her white dress, so pretty. I turned away; hut, pshaw! said 1, I tun nn old sailor! What mat ters if.' so I started. The husband was sitting upon u lit tle trunk, his heart resting upon ids hands', looking nt hor asshu prayed. She raised her eyes to heaven, and then Isawliereyes were lllled with tears. She looked like a Jlngilakr.e. As she aroe, ho said : " All, my sweet Laurette, as we ap proach America I cannot belli feeling anxious I do not know why but 1 feci that tills voyage lias been the hap piest part of our lives." " So it seems to me," sbeanswerud. "I only wish that It might In.-t forever." Sutlrteiily clasping his hands In a traiiepoit of love and ntlVction, he said : " And yet my littlu angel, I see you cry In your prayers, and that I cannot stand, for I know what cau-es It, and then I fear you must repent what you liavo done." ' Hepent V" sliesnlil, In u sail, rebu king tone. "Hepent of having conic with you'.' Do you think becausu I have, been yours only a short timu Unit I should not lovo you V Was not I your wlfu? How can you ho sorry that 1 should be witli you, to live with you if you live, and to die with you If you tiro to die." Tlio young man began lo sigh, strik ing tho tloor Impatiently with hlafcct, while lie kissed repeatedly tho llttio hand and arm which she was holding out. "All, Laurettu! Lauretto! When J think if our niarrlrge had only been delayed five days only live days Unit then I should have been arrested and transported alone, I cannot forgive myself." At this thu little one stretched out lier round, white arms, rla-pcd his head, pressed bis forehead, bis hair, his eyes, smiling like a cherub, and mur iimrlngnll sorts of woman's fond tilings. I was ipilte affected, and con-ldered It one of tlio prettiest scenes Iliad ever wllnes-cd. " Aurtbisldeswenreso very rich too," said sh bursting out laughing, "Look at my purse, one gold louUd'orl all my worldly wealth." He begun to laugh at liertoo. "Ye-, dear, J liavespeut my la-t half crown. I gave it to tlie fellow who carried out trunk" uu board." " Ah, poor," cried .-lie,"wliat matters It'.' Nobody so merry as tho-e wlio liavu nothing at all: besides, 1 have my two diamond rings that my moth er gave me ; they nro good for some thing all thu world over; wo can sell them when you like: and, besides 1 am Hiiro that thu Captain meant kindly by us, mid I suspect ho knows very well what is In tlio letter." "It's a recommendation to tlio Ciov ernor of Cnyunue." " l'ci'Iiapsso; who knows'."' To liusurolt Is, continued thu charm ing little wife. You nro so good I am siiro thotiovernniunt lias luulshed you only font. short tlmo 1 know they havo no feelings against you." It was high llliiu tlio light slioulrt bo stricken out, anil now I rapport on the deck and called 011 them to do so. They Instantly obeyed, and I heated them laughing and chattering llko two Innocent school fellows, Onu morning when I nwoko I was surprised not to feel tho slightest mo- Hon of thu vessel. Hurry lug 011 deck 1 found that wo wuru becalmed -7 and degrees west. 1 waited until night when I ilescenrt ed to my cabin and opened tho letter witli artull, awful feeling. I liclrt my breath whltu I broke tho big rod seal mill mul ; "Captulii Foiitalulileau; tho convict Ailtoluo Jlluilsulear slnuils convicted of high treason ngnjlist tlio Hepubllc Tho Directory onler Unit ho bu bhot In nilil-oceau, mill jyiV.nre. lioreliy instruct ed to seu that thesu orders nro curried into elluct." . I read thu loiter backwards uitid for wards, 1 went on thu deck, Thero tliuy were, slio looking upon thooceiin and hu gazing upon lier with an u.v presslon of unutternlilu fondness. Catching Ids' eye, 1 signed for him to como Into tho cabin, and bidding her good-by, lio enmo down, his faco nil smiles. I was bathed In ncold sweat ; I felt ns Ifdenilly sick; I banded him tho letter, mid he read it, together with tho death, warrant, which was drawn up lu due form, nnd attached. I gathered voice as lio finished. Ho colored slightly nnd bowed. " I ask nothing, Captain," hu said, In thu same genllu voice that always char ncte.Izert Ids speech; "no man can bo expected to swerve from lils duty. 1 only wish to speak 11 few words to I.aurette, nnd to entreat you to take euro of lier, if 'sho should survive. 1 hardly think sho will." "All Hint Is fair, my good fellow," I paid. "If you request It I will carry her back to Franco to lier family." I will nover lenvu lier until shu wishes to be rid of me, but I do not think slie will survive it." Ho took my baud and pressed It. "Most kind Captain, I see you stiirer more In this business than 1 tlo, but there Is no help for It. 1 trust you will preserve what llttio property of mlnu is left, for lier sake, nnd 1 trust you will take care she gets what her poor oltl mother mny leavo her. I put lier life her honor In your hands. Sho is," (and how fondly low Ids volco became) 1 dellcatu little creature, lier chest is often all'ected ; shu must keep It warm; ami if she could keep tho two diamond rings lier mother gave lier, I should bu gltul ; but of course, If money Is neeilert, they must go. My poor I.aurette, how pretty she looks." It was getting too much for me. I began to knit my brows. 'One word Is as good as n thousand," I said, "Wu understand each other, (lo It) lier." 1 squeezed his hand ; ho looked wist fully at me, and I added : stay 11 mo ment, let 1110 give you advice. Don't say u word to her; bo easy ; that Is my business, It shall hu managed, in thu best manner. '()hr"sald he "I illrt not unrtorstanrt you, much better. Hcslilcs, this leave taking! this leave taking! "Yes," said 1, don't bcliavu like n chlltl ; much better. No leavu taking, if you can help it or you aro lost." 1 kept my seat. 1 saw them walking inn In arm upon the deck for about hal fund hour. I called tlio mate to me, and when ho had read the letter, I said : " (iaiiey, this Is bad business bad business. 1 put it in your bands. I obey tlio order.-, but remain in thecabln until it is over." " How do you wish the tiling done'."' he tiskert, Inn nonchalant manner. " Take liim out in 11 boat out of sight do it as quickly us possible; don't say anything of tills till tlie time comes." Hurley sat live minutes looking at me without saying a word. Hu was ti strange fellow. 1 didn't know what to make of him. He then went out of tho cabin without saying a word. Night came at la.-t. 'Man a boat; go a quarter ofa mile; be quick.' To obey n slip of paper after all. Some thing in thu very air must lmvu urged mu 011. I saw thu young man kneel down before his Laurette; kiss her feet 1 her gown ! 1 cried out liken madman : 'Part them ! part them this instant! ran tnem cuiso tlm Kopuiillc curse thu Directory tliu Directors! 1 quit tlio service! cursu thu lawyers ! you may tell them if you will!' Shu was dragged Into her berth and thu boat rowed in thu darkness. home time alter a dull volley cauiu over Iho sea to tho vessel. It was all over. Fool, Mailman ; howl paced tliodeck and cursed and cursed myself. All night long I paced back and forth ami all night long 1 heard the moaning of tlio poor stricken bird. Often 1 Jialted, and was tempted to tiirow myself into the sea, und so end this horrid torturo of brain and heart. Days passed, I saw nothing of Lau rette, I would not see her. She avoid ed me, and I was glad of It. I could not hear tlie sight of Unit woe-stricken face. Thu male (iarley, how I hated blni ; HO was cool and unconcerned as though ho bad 110 rcuicuihcrnni'c of shooting Iho poor wretch. At Cayenne I lesfgned my ship, do ing to tlie city I madeall arrangements, and took tho steamer for New Yoik. I plated ample funds in tho hands of a very trusty friend, and told him to send Laurette to 1110 at thu end of six months. I could not see her until her grief had left Itsidge. Weary, sick and careless of my life, 1 wandered oil' to York Stale, and finally bought a little place wliero I hoped 1 should lay down nud die. I sent for I.aurette. I "our bird, I must seo her. 1 could wait no longer. One summer night I sat in llio porch of my house, smoking my pipe, and gazed down tboroad. Soon tho rumble of wheels was hoarrttindthostagohaltert. Thu next moment a pair of soft arms were round my neyk, nnd the head of my sobbing Uiuretto witson my bosom. 'Oh ! you dear, excellent Captain' 'Heavens! who Is that behind youV There stood the lino form of Antoinu Hindsclcar, tho convict, 'Are you glad to seo inu'" 'Thank (iod! UiaukOod!' was all I could ejaculate. I understood it nil. The man Onrley had mid my heart better than 1 did myself. After leaving tho brig in thu bout, ho arranged thu wlioluall'alr. The volley was lred,but not a bullet touched Antolne Hlnd-elear. lie wnssniiigglert into his berth again, and took euro to avoid my sight, Tho wholu crow were In tho plot, und, thank (lod, 1 was duped, I sent Uarlcy a thousand dollars as reward, I am an old man now, but I 11111 hap py my children nnd my grand children ll cull them nothing el.o) seem to think old Captain Fontnltihlcau is not much ofa wretch after all. Lust. Some onu advertises for thu re covery of a lost wallet, belonging to a I gentleman madu of calfskin. A BIO SCARE. Mauk Twain tells tho following sto ry byjn fellow imsenger, who, bantered about Ids timidity, snld lio liud never been scared slnco ho had loaded an old wueeii Amie s musKci lor 111s lamer once, whereupon ho related the follow iiiR 1 " You seo the old man was trying to learn 1110 to shoot blackbirds and beasts Hint tore up the young corn, und such things, so that I could bu of some use nbout tho farm, becnusu I wns not big enough to do much. My gun wns a llt tio single-barrel shot-gun, anil tho old man carried an old Queen Anne's mus ket that weighed 11 ton, ami made a re port llko a thunder-clap, and kicked 1 llko a mule. Thu old man wanted mu j to shoot the old musket sometimes, but I wns afraid. Ono day, though, I got her down, und so 1 took lier to the hired man und asked him how to loud her, bccatiso thu old man was out in tho fields. Hiram said: ',' Do you see them marks on tho stock nn X anil 11 V? Well, Unit means 111 balls and fi slugs that's her load." " Hut how much powder'.'" "Oli, lie says," "it don't matter; put in four hnnilsfull." So I loaded lier up that way, and it was an awful cbnrgo-I had sense enough to tee that nnd started out. I leveled lier on n good many birds, but every tlmo I went lo pull tho trigger I shut my eyes and winked. I was ufrnirt of her kick. Towards sundown I fetched up ut thu house, and thero was tlio old man resting on the porch. " Ilcen out hunting, have ye?" " Yes, sir," says 1. " What dirt you kill?" "Didn't kill anything, slr-rtlrtn't shoot lier olf I was afraid she'd kick." (I knew very well sho would.) "(Jlmmiis that gun!" tho old man says mail as sin. "Do you seo that sup pling'."' I saw it nnd began to drop back out of danger. And tlie next minute I heard nn earthquake, nnd tlm (Jueen Anno whirling end over end In the air, and tlio old man spl.nnlng around on ono heel, with ono leg up, und both bauds on liisjaw.and tlio bark flying from Unit old man's shoulder, was set back 11 few Inches, and his Jaw turned black nnd bluu and ho had to lay up for three days. I havn't been scared since. An old Dutch farmer inula handsouio daughter, named Minnie, who recently Joined the Methodist Church, against which thu old farmer was somewhat prejudiced. The young minister under wliosu instrumentality Miss Mliuiie was converted vilting her frequently, ex cited his suspicion that all was not right. Accordingly, hu visited thu church one Sunday night und seated himself, unobserved, iiniong the con gregation. Soon tifter hiking Ids sent thu minis ter who was preaching from Daniel .1th chapter, i'ltlt verse, repeated in a loud volco the words of his text, "Menu mene, tckel tipharsou," upon which thu farmer sprang to Ids feet, seized tlio ntlrighted girl by thu arm, and hurried tier out of thu liou-e. Having reached thu yard, hu gave vent to ids felings in tho words: "I knows rtaro va sometlngs wrong mid now I sell wares to 'em." "Why, father what do you mean." asked thu bewildered girl. "Did'nt I," shouted tho old man striking his lists together, and stamp ing ilia foot "did'nt 1 hear do par-sdn call out to you" "Minnie, Minnie, tick le Ihe ntr(u" A Lrxso.v rim La.v Wivi:s. One day a sturdy peasant was tit work In tho field amidst storm and ruin, nud went home lu thu evening, tired and drenched to thu skin. His loving wifosald: "My dear, it lias been ruining so hard that I could fetch no water, so 1 liavu not been able to make you any dinner. As you tire wet through J shall be obliged to you to fetch mu a couple of buckets of water you cannot get any wetter." Tlio argument was striking ; hu there fore took two buckets and fetched somo water from tho well, which was at a coiislderablo illslauee. On reaching his lions'', lio Atu lid Ids wlfu comfortably seated by the tiro; then lifting ono buck et after another lie poured tho contents over his conslderatu partner. "Now, wife," said lie, "you aru qultu us wet us J 11111, so you may as well fetch water for yourself; you can't get nny wetter." Not far from Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, a clergyman, celebrated for his talent ut making blunders, after having pronounced a happy couple man nnd wife,. concluded tho ceremony hy "wishing them a pleasant Journey through life, and hoped Unit they would bu bles.ed In their marriage relation ns were Abraham ami Sarah of oltl." He foro tho company diffused themselves to their respuetlvo' places of abode, a youth of Scriptural pursuits Informed them that "Sarah was ono hundred years old beforo sho bare Isaac." That was sol Tho clergyman acknowledged tho corn, and "then tlio band played." A sroitTlNd bet was recently madu by a person residing at Andover, Unit ho would carry a man on his back a quarter of a nilleln acouploof minutes, and somo little interest wiw created by tho match. Tlio carrier and the mini ready to be carried appeared at thu start ing point, when tlio former profosscd himself quite ready to carry tho man, but not ills clothes, and as thu person who bad unwittingly laid the wager de clined to bo curried through tlio streets without his habiliments, the stakes were claimed uud bunded over, much to his chagrin and the entertainment of the bystanders. An Irishman's friend having .fallen Into a slough, tho lrlshniai( called loud ly to another for n-slstiinco. Thu hitler, wlio was busily engaged'. In cutting a log, and wHicd to procrastinate, Inqul j rod: "How deep Is thu gentleman in ?" 1 " Up to Ids ankles."' 'tTiien thero Is (plenty or time." "No' there's not," I rejoined tho tlrst. "I forgot to tell you he's in head llrst." phoolamation op amnesty Hv tho I'roslilent of tho U. ti.t A l-HnrMMlTloX, H'ifrrcw, In thu month of July, Aniio Domini 1WI1, tlie two hotl'-fs of Con- 1 t-rises. with I'vlrniiriHiiurv niiiinhiil e. solemnly iiecJarcil "Unit llio Wnr iip ii existing was not waged 011 the pan nf tlio government In any spirit ofopprts sion, nor for uny purpose of conquest or subjugation, nor purpose of overthrow ing or interfering with tho rights or (s tahllshed Institutions of tho Stiites, but to defend mid maintain tho stiprema'y of tho Constitution, nud to preserve the Union, with nil the dignity, equallly und rights of tho several States u.. un paired, nnd that ns soon as those objects should bu uccomplislied tho wnr ought to ; and, States, on the 8th tlavof December. An Whereat, Tho 1'resldiiitorilie L nltr no Domini lWil, did, with tlio objects f suppressing thu then existing rebellion, uf Inducing nil persons to return to their loyalty, nnd of restoring tlie au thority of llio Fnlted Stales, Issue proc lamations, offering amnesty nml puril 11 to nil persons who had directly or hull lectlv participated In tlie then existing rebellion, except ns ill tho-e proclama tions was specified nnd reserved ; and Whereat, Tho President of tho United States did, on Hie M)th day of .May, An no Domini 1BC., issuu a lurtlicr prod inatlon with tlie samo objects before mentioned, and to thu end that the au thority of tlio government of tlie Cul led States might bo restored, and that peace, order, and freedom might be es tablished ; and thu 1'rcsidciit did liy the said hist mentioned proclamation pro claim nnd declare that hu thereby gran ted to nil persons who hurt directly or Indirectly lmrticip.itcd lu thu then exis ting rebellion, except us therein except ed, nninesty ami pardon, with restora tion of till rights of property, except ns to slaves, und except in certain cases wheru legal proceedings hud been Insti tuted, but upon condition that such per sons should take uud prescribu nn ' itli therein prescribed, which outh should be registered for permanent preservation ; and Whereat, In and by the said last mentioned proclamation of iho :21th day of May, Anno Domini lSCVi, fourteen exlensi vu classes of persons therein spe cially described were altogether except ed and excluded from tho benefits thciu of; nud Wiereas, Thu President of thu Uni ted States illrt, on the 2d day of April Anno Domini 1SIJG, Issue n proclamation declaring that the insurrection was nt nn end, nnd was therefore lo be so re garded ; and Whereas, There now exists no organ ized armed resistance of misguided citi zens or others, to thu authority of tlio United States, in the States of Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, North Caroli na, Tennesseu, Alabama, Lmislautia, Arkansas, Mississippi, Florida and Tex as, and thu laws can be sustained and enforced therein, by tlio proper civil authority, Statu or Federal, und tho pcoplo of siiid States, mu well and loy ally disposed, and liavu conformed, or If permitted to do so, will conform In their legislation to the condition of af fairs growing out of the iimuudnient to tho Constitution of tlio United States prohibiting slavery within the limits and Jurisdiction of thu United States uud Whereat, Thero no longer exists nnj reasonablu ground to apprehend with! tlie States, which were Involved In tin ituu rebellion, uny renewal thereof, t any unlawful resistance by thu poop! of said Stales, to tlio Constitution uu laws ol the Untied State-, ; and llVurra, Largo standing armies, mi Itary occupation, martini law, mllitar, tribunals and tlie suspension of tl privilege of tlie writ ot habeas corpu and the right of trial by jury, nro i time of pence dangerous to public libei ty, Incompatible with tho indivldu; nghtn of tlio citizens, contrary to tl genius and spirit of our freo in.stltutlous and exhaustive of thu national le.sou ces, and ought not therefore to ho uin tloucd or allowed except In cases of r, tual necessity for repelling invasion i suppressing insurrection or rebollioi and, Whereat, A retaliatory or vlndictU policy, attended by unnetessary dlsqut ilicatiiins, pains, penalties, conllseatio and disfranchisements, now, ns alwa could only tend to hinder reconciliatii , among thu people uud national rcsto: tion, while it must seriously enibarra obstruct nud repress popular oncrgii and national industry and euterprh und Whereat, For these reasons It is i deemed essential to tlie public welfa. and to thu moru perfect restoration constitutional law and ortler, that ti said hist mentioned proclamation ; uforesaid, issued 011 the -tuli day of M: Anno Domini lM'.j, should be modilk 1 and that the full and benltlcent purdi concerted thereby should bo opened m further extended to 11 largu number tho persons who by lit, uforc-uid exce, Hons liavu been hitherto excluded froi executive clemency, Now, therefore, bo It known that Andrew Johnson, President of thu L 11 tut States, do hereby proclaim and ih cluro that tlio full pardon described i tho said proclamation of tho t?.Uh 1 May, Anno Domini lKill, hliall bene forth bo opened nnd extended to all pu sous who directly or Indirectly panic pnicii 111 ine uiiu reoeuiou, Willi 11 restoration of all tlio privileges, immi iiiuea nuii ngius ui piupuny, exct pi I to property with regard to slaves, tup except in eases of legal proceedings 1111 dcr thu laws of thu United States, bu upon mis cuimiiion, nuvermeiess, tun I vn 1?11 m i '?1 f'of'Vl 1 Isj lyroelmimtloli, bhnb' mku and sub.H'ribu tliu following outl! anil t lu samo to registerei' fur Permanent mcscrvntlnn. In thosaim effect as with tho oath prescribed tin said proclamation of thu tSJt 1 1 day o May, lt(5fi. Thu following persons, and no othen uru excluded from thu benefit of tlil- proclamation, and or tho said proclama tion oftlio LMtli day or Mav, 1MJ5, namely, First Thu chief or pretended eolel executlvo olllcers, Ini lunlng tho Presi dent, Vlco President, and nil hearts of department, of the pretended Confed erate or rebel government, and all who were agents thereof in foreign States and countries, und all wlio lield or pre tended to hold. In tho service of tliusald pretended rebel government, a military naval rank ortltle abovo that of captain, und all who woro or proten ded to bo "Uovernors of States" while maintaining, nbettlng, or submitting to nun miiuiei-eiiij; in wiu leoeillOll, Second All persons who In nnv way treated otherwise than us lawful prison ers of war persons who wero In uny ea pneity weru employed or engaged in tho military or iiiivul service of tlio I nlled States, Third All persons who at the tlmo they may seek to obtain tho beiielltsof tills liioclainatloii, aro actually in civil, military, or naval confinement oreuhlo rty, or legally helrt to ball either heroro or alter conviction, und all poisoipi who woro engaged directly or Indlrectlv in thu assassination of thu late President of tlio United States, or In nnv plot or conspiracy lu any manner therewith connected, In testimony wlicieof. 1 have signed those iire-scnts with my hand, nnd havo mused thu seal of tho United States to uu uiereuiiio iiiiixiu, lios.j Dono at tliu City of Washington thu 7th day or September, 1W7. Anmijav Johnson.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers