The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 13, 1867, Image 2

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Clrcnlfttlon In Columbia and adjoining
oountlci of any papr publlihtd here, and
la alio a much larger than anjr of
III colcmporarlcl and In therefore tha bit
medium for advcrlUIng In thle tcctlou of
the Bute.
We have heretofore noticed the- rcmo.
val of General Sickles from tlio com
mniul of tlio military district composed
of tlio States of North and South Caro
Una. Ills placo Is filled by den. Canby
who Is transferred from the command
of the Washington Department. Gen
Canby has assumed command, and Sick
les under tho order of removal has left
Charleston for New York. A main
cntiso of this chango was tho unlawful
dictatorial and outrageous attempt of
Gen. Sickles to destroy the Jurisdiction
and powers of tho Court of tho United
States In his district, upon u Judgment
recovered In tho Circuit Court, held by
Chief Justice. Chase, In Juno of tho pres.
ent year,In North Ciirolliia.on ancxecu..
tlou Issued In duo course, of law to tho
Marshal of tho district. All proceed
Ings under tho writ however, wero pro-
vented and forbidden by tho military
officer in command In that State. And
thus tho regular administration ofjus
tleo was brought Into contempt. This
Interruption of tho Judicial authority
of tho United States was persisted in
until finally tho President In view of
his duty to tako euro that tho laws bo
faithfully executed, removed tho often
ding General from command. Tho
Courts of tho United States aro not to
bo further defied In North Carolina or
elsowhero within tho United States, but
tho Constitution and laws aro to have
uninterrupted and complcto operation
as In former times, so far at least as tho
President can secure, that result.
Chief Justlco Chaso, when holding
his court at Ilalelgh, declared expressly
that tho National Courts wero reinstated
in their full authority as to all matters
within their Jurisdiction in that State
(North Carolina)and In other States of
tho So uth. Again ho decided in ex
press terms "that tho military authori
ty does not extend in any respect to the
Courts of tho United States."
Theso Important declarations by tho
Chief Justico made and published In
Juno last aro dcclslvo upon tho question
of law raised by the conduct of Sickles,
Ho had no power to Interpose with the
Courts of tho United States "In any re.
Bpect," or for any causq whatever, and
his attempt to do so was despotic and
Several of the military commanders
in tho South appear to havo swollen
enormously since being assigned to com
mand that section of the country. Sick
les and Sheridan havo both become no
torious for ridingln magnificent coach
es, arrayed In all tho fineries of rank
and with splendid attendants, they
havo resided in magnificent houses,
seized by them for their uso and luxu
rious enjoyment, and they havo Issued
decrees and orders in true imperial style.
But their unjust and arrogant rule may
bo claimed as tho natural fruit of tho re
construction laws exacted by Congress.
For tho Congressional majority inten
ded by those acts, to break the spirit of
the South not for tho purpose of render
ing tho people obedient or devoted to
tho Federal Government, but to render
them subservient to tho radical party
and obedient to its behests. To this
end negro suffrage, was let looso with
all its demoralization, and passionate
partisan soldiers put in command to
control tho whole proceeding of recon
struction. It Is not strango then, that we should
seo the Courts of the United States de
fled, and the grossest injusttco practiced
in tho registration of voters by whom
reorganization is to bo accomplished.
In nearly every State negro majorities
aro manufactured upon tho lists of reg
istration and then by military order tho
selection of jurymen Is to be confined to
theso Africanized lists, thus putting the
administration of justice as well as tho
management of political institutions
Into tho hands of tho ignorant and sub
servient clement of the population.
Very naturally tho managers of this
great Iniquity aro unwilling that tho
Courts of tho United States should havo
any Jurisdiction or power In all that
fcectlon of country, becauso they might
interfere in various ways with tho pro
gress of despotism and party manage
ment. In view of tho facts now made
manifest to tho country, all honest nud
fair men must rejoice that by tho remo
val of Stanton, Sheridan and Sickles,
some respect is paid to popular right,
and somo attempt mado to vlndlrato the
truo principles of Republican Govern
ment from despotic Invasion.
Repudiation. Thero Is wo notice,
tho usual effort on tho part of tho Rad
ical papers, tocrcato tho impression that
success of tho Democratic party will In
somo way lead to repudiation and tho
taxing of tho Bonds of tho Government
To show that this charge, so vehem
ently urged and Insisted upon, from
time, to time, and which luw doubtless
had Its Influence, is wholly false, It Is
only nccesary to rcferto tho past his
tory of our party to find that as a party,
wo havo nowhere, under no clrcum
htances, favored repudiation, or viola
tions of tho public Faith. Democrats
may and do regard tho enormous debt
created by tho war, as being wholly
caused by fanaticism and radical cor
ruptlon,but they will Insist upon Its pay
ment to tho utmost farthing.
That additional State Tax.
Wo wero not awaro until recently that
our county had been called upon to con
tribute Its share of tho Increased Slato
tax. It seems a demand has been mado
by tho Radical officers ut Harrlsburg,
for arrears of tax, chiefly for 18C0, of
l,oi l.8t. This it a strango proceeding
on tho part of tho officers of tho Stato
It seems so much llko what our country
peoplo call "an after clap." A similar
demand for Increased taxes ovei tho
amount already assessed will bo mado
for 1607, and thus our people will bo
called upon to pay over 18,000 of taxes
most unexpectedly, Wo hopo tho At
torney of tho Commissioners will ex
amino tho legality of their demand.
That has been tho courso In somo of tho
counties, wo notice by tho papers.
Kx-Oov. Cuktin, who has been spen
ding tho past few months In Europe,
has arrived at bin bome U Beilofontc.
Fr.r,t.ow CmznNs: The coming con
test Is oneof very great Importance, not
only In Its Immediate cflVcN upon tho
policy of the State, but In Its hearing
upon tho future, and In Its relation to
tho coming Presidential election. Un
doubtedly tho course of tho Rmllcnl
leaders has been such as to serious
ly dUaffoct many of their former follow
ers. hatever alllnltles havo hereto
foro existed, they nro not prepared to
follow In tho alarming crmado ngalust
all Constitutional protections and guar
antees, nnd convert our beautiful sys
tern of Federal go vcrn ment I nto a coii'.ol
Mated despotism : they aro not prepared
to admit that Congress has tho right to
mako tho negro a voter In I'ennsylva
nlaj thus overriding and setting at
naught our own State Constitution
they aro opposed to that Radical Stato
legislation which places 1110 negro on nu
equality with tho whlto man, and
makes It criminal to furnish him with
n special car for his accommodation j nor
do they dcslro to seo a man pledged to
administer tho decrees of his political
party, upon tho Bench of our Supremo
Theso nnd other considerations nro op
crating silently but powerfully upon
many persons, who upon past Ksucs
voted against tho Democratic party
Tho dead past must bury Its dead. Wo
can nil very easily seo that tho living
Issue of to-day Is tho ono upon which
elections will turn. Tlio question
whether ten Southern States shall bo
subjected to tho local domination of
tho blacks; whether tho fifteen thou
and negroes In Pennsylvania shall bo
on political equality nnd hold tho bal
anco of power, and thus actually con
trol tho legislation of tho grand old
Commonwealth. Theso arc somo of tho
questions which must now bo met nnd
decided. Lot us nddress ourselves ov
cry where to theso things, nud not wnsto
our timo nnd energies upon matters.
which tho inexorablo logic of events
havo already settled.
A majority of th,o peoplo of Pennsyl
vania aro convinced that tho principles
of tho Democratic party nro correct ;
and that Its candidate for Supremo
Court Is able, honest nnd trustworthy
They know too, that on all thoo quus.
tions of personal rights, Constitutional
prerogatives, limitations of tho Govern
ment, and tho Just sovereignty of tho
people, tho position of ,pur party is
ttmt.i.1 ti.wl eti. tit "
o nre, in view of theso facts, clearly
of opinion that success In Pennsylva
nia Is easily within our reach, if wo do
our wholo duty. And that duty consists
In tho active personal exertion of every
individual member of tho party. These
political contests nro not won by tho
great leaders whose names fill tho news.
papers, so much as by the quiet but ef
ficient working of individual Democrats
in each election district. It is thero and
by them, that tho battle is fought and
won. Let each man feci himself inter
cstcd, mako himself rxquainted with
facts, loso no opportunity of urging
them upon tho consideration of his fel
low citizens, labor earnestly, constant,
ly, nor remit Ills exertions for a mo.
ment, until seven o'clock on the evening
of tho election; and then, when tho
telegraph announces tho glorious news
of tho election of Sharswood, ho can
say with pride, satisfaction and truth,
It is In part my work.
nio party lias claims upon cacli Indi
vidual member. When tho buglo has
sounded for battle, ho Is a recreant
Democrat who docs not step into tho
ranks and labor for tho victory. Tho
Committee trusts that no man In tho
county will bo found wanting ; but that
thero will bo a united and earnest en
deavor to securo a larger majority than
has ever bren cast heretofore in Colum
bia County. Great battles aro won and
closely contested elections carried by
individual bravery and personal exer
tion ; and wo call upon every man to
do ids full duty, and tho battle is won
and Pennsylvania redeemed.
By order of tho Committee.
Tim Standing Committeo nt its re
cent meeting adopted an address, select
ed threo Democrats in each District to
act as a Vigilanco Committeo j to whom
Instructions will bo sent by tho Stand
ing Committeo ; and directed tho ad
dress and tlio list to bo published in all
tho Democratic papers of tho county.
Heaver 11. Zimmerman. Allen Jltum,
Charles Michael.
-tftvifwi-J.J. M'Hcnry, RohrM'lien-
, r ir i.'.i ,.i.t., " '
Hi:pri:.mnu missions, 1807.
In our report last week wo commit,
ted an error lu tho caso of tho Common'
wealth vs. Sylvester Hoffman. Wo
should havo said, that this was im In
dictment found nt May Hcslon, 1NS7,
for rejecting tho vote of a qualified vo
tor, and (hat slneo Hoffman was held to
ball for his appeamnco at this session
That between tho said sessions and be.
foro tho trial, Gov. Geary mado out and
signed a pardon forsatd I loll'man, which
was Hied, and thereupon ho was (lis
charged from his recognizance.
Com. vs. Henry L'rtwlne Indictment
assault nud battery. A trua bill.
Com. vs. Chas. W. Stout Indictment
nsault nnd battery a truo bill. Jury
railed nnd sworn. After hearing tho
ovldcnco tho Defendant withdraws tho
plea of not guilty and pleads guilty
Sentence of tho Court that tho defend
ant pay a fine of ten dollars and under
go an Imprisonment of ten days In tho
County Jail, and pay tho costs of prose
cution. Trough and 1 Velio for Com
Barkley and Brockway for Defendant.
Com. vs. I. W. Jlnus Indictment for
threats found at May Session last. De
fendant having died previous to this
Session, his ball H. Mowery discharged
from his recognizance.
Com. vs. Jos. Welsch Indictment
fornication and basterdy a truo bill.
Defendant pleads guilty. Usual sen
Com. vs. J. Wilhelm Indictment
maliciously disturbing u meeting con
vencd for religious worship. A truo bill,
Defendant pleads not guilty, Issue and
rulo for trial. Jury called and sworn.
Verdict of tho Jury finding tho Defend
ant guilty, sentenced to pay a fino of
$5M ond costs of prosecution. Traugh
and Whitmoyer for Com., Brockway
for Def.
Com. vs. .Tas. Henwood Indictment
willfully nnd maliciously setting fire to
a hay shed. Truo bill. Def. pleads not
guilty. Issuo and rulo for trial. Jury
called and sworn. Verdict guilty In
manner and form as ho stands Indicted
Clark and Traugh for Com. Freezo for
Def. Sontcnccd to tho Houo of Refuge.
Com. vs. M. Snyder Indictment lar
ceny, not a truo bill. County to pay
September "j. Judgments; taken on
this day al-o arguments heard.
Com. vs. JO. V. Lemon Charged
with having deserted his wife. On mo
tion of Mr. Clark, Def. discharged.
Com. vs. Jus. Gunnings Recogni
zance making threats. Recognizance of
Def. nnd Daniel Dickson ills ball forfeit
ed, to bo respited on appearanco of Def.
at next session.
Com. vs. Patrick Killccn Indictment
taking Illegal fees not a truo bill, and
prosecutor Moses Snyder to pay costs.
Com. vs. Robert S. Howell Rccogni-
zanco assault and battery. Rccogni
zanco of Def. and Samuel Krossler his
bail, forfeited to bo respited on nppear-
anco of Def. nt next session.
ry, I. K. Krlcubftuu
Jlerwlck Isaiah Bower, HuiUon
Owen, J. S. Sanders.
JlluomD, Lowcuberg, 1'. lilllmeyor,
J. B. Casey.
JlrlercreekWm. Lamon, J. G. Jaco
by, J. 0. Smith.
Cutawlssuyi. V. 11. Kline, Dr. J. K.
Robbing, J. H. Crorsy.
Centre C. II. Dlettcrlck, II. D. Kuorr,
Andrew Freas.
Centralia-.J, B. Knittle, 1. Killeen,
T. O'Gerharty.
ConyiightiwW'm. Goodman, D. T.
M'Klernan, Dr. Wohlforth.
J'ishlnicrcck). M'Hcnry, David
Savage, John Sutton.
Franklin David Knittle, Washing
ton Parr, II. J. Reeder.
Grienwood Isaac Dewltt, John Leg
go tt, A. J. Albertson.
JIemlock '. II. Shoemaker, Ciipt.
I. Leldy, Jackson Kmmett.
Jackson Daniel Young, SilasM'Hen
ry, Henry Wagner.
Locust Ocra Hower, John Snyder,
Daniel Stlne. '
Madison Capt. W. J. Allen, James
Klsner, A. K. Smith.
Jf;ie-U. J. Cn.npbell, W. T. Shu
man. M. G rover.
Mifflin A, Schwejipenhelser, Dr.
Montgomery, J. II. Ifcttler.
Montour Noah Mouser, P. Helm
bach, James Farnsworth.
Mt. I'leutunt Win, Miller, Wm.
Howell, John Mordan.
Orun;el)r. Megargell, Col. Kline,
Moses Kverett.
J'lne John F. Fowler, John Lore,
Luther German.
Jlourlnrjcreek John D. llouek, X,
Drelsliach, Amzl Craig,
.Vrort 1 Fnt, 11, F.Reighard, J.Lake.
Sttyarloaf Allnas Cole, Andrew Lau
bach, G. Moore.
By order of tho Commltfe,
Sonu fellow writing to tho New York
Times, says that after having a conver
sation Kith Gen. Grant, ho thinks that
Gen. Is loyal. Just think of tho Imper
tlnencoof n man doubting tho loyalty
of Grant, tho general In chief. It Is be
causo Grant Is tho Secretary of war to
President Johnson, that Radicals doubt
his loyalty and would destroy him.
According to tho Radicals nobody Is
loyal except themselves. Bah.
Chicago is dying cir at tho rato of
HO per week.
Hiiintirrs iiin-.n.
To Geo. Gilbert for thirty acres of
land moro or less, situated In Fishing
creek township, astlio property oTGeo.
W. Mosteller. Consideration $10(1.
To Stephen Thomas, for lot of ground
in Conynghani township, as tho prop
erty of Wm. Lavelle. Consideration
To Geo. Pealer, for 100 acres of land
moro or less, situato In Flshlngcreek
township, as tho property of Sylvester
Pealer. Consideration $7-"0.
To Jacob Stlne, for 6C acres of land
moro or less, situate In Locust township
as tho property of John Perry. Con
sideration $0.50.
To Jos. M. Frock, for lot of ground In
Borough of Centralla, as tho property
of Emanuel L. Bcttcrly. Considera
tion $2,S01.
To Chas. S. Cox, for 107 acres and 78
perches of land sltnato in Roaringcreek
township, as tho property of Geo. Hurt
zel. Consideration $:)0.00.
iVn triplication for tho sale of tho real
estato of Jos, Houten deceased. Rulo
granted to show causo why nn order of
do should not bo granted.
September 0 On motion of Mr. Clark,
C. B. Brockway was appointed Com
missioner, to tako tho depositions of in tho proof of tho specific
performance of contract between Abra
ham Schwcppenhelser and tfio heirs of
Solomon Eckroth, deceased.
On motion of Mr. Clark, C. B. Brock
way was nppuintod commissioner, to
tauo tho depositions of witnesses lu tho
proof of tho specific performance be
tween Geo. Spado and tho heirs of Sol
omon Eckroth, dec.
On motion of Mr. Clark, E. II, Llttlo
appointed commissioner to tako the de
positions of witnesses in tho proof of
tho specific performance of contract, be
tween Nelson M'Carty, and tho heirs of
Jns, Ralston, (loo.
On application of Mr, Clark nnd on
petition for tho salo of tho real estato of
minor children of S. K. Fowler, dec,
C. G. Barkley, appointed auditor to re
port facts, with ids opinion of tho same.
On opplicatlon of Mr. Clark and on
petition pre-euted for tho salo of tho
real estato of Eunice Schmeck, ut pri
vate sale. Wm, 11. Abbott, appointed
auditor to report facts with ills opinion
of tho same.
John Crouo vs. Philip Crouso H at.
Common Pleas. Writ of Partition. Re
turn of Inquest confirmed absolutely,
and on motion of Mr., Clark, rulogrnnt
ed on all tho parties named lu tho wilt,
to appear tho first Monday of Decem
ber next, and accept or refiiso to tako
tho real estate described lu tho return
at tho valuation, or show caiiso why tho
same should not bo sold, personal notice
to bo given to all tho parties residing
In Columbia County, and to thoo resi
ding out of tho county by publication
In ono of tho nowspapers published In
tho town of Bloonisburg, for four suc
cessive weeks prior to tho first Monday
of December next, and a copy of tho
paper contaIiilig said notice to bo sent
to tho address of tlio parties out of tho
county, where their residence Is known.
Robert J. Lyon, Admr. vs. Wesley
Lyon, Appeal from award of arbitra
tors by defendant. Llttlo for Pill'. Whit
mover for Deft. On motion of Mr. Llt
tlo rulo granted to show causo why tho
uppeal should not bo stricken oil'.
Com, vs. Chas. Cadi.ian Recognl
zanco, this was a caso In which tho Deft
was held to ball by J. M. Chaniberlin
Esq,, for Ills appearanco ut this session,
Tho Deft, mado application for a writ
of habeas corpus, upon which n hearli.g
was held beforo Judge Herblne, mid
Deft, was discharged.
Com, vs. John J. Hnminel Kecogiil
zanco selling drink to minors, etc.
On motion of, Mr. Clark, order of salo
as to tho residue, of tho mil estato of
llaltls Applcman, dee'd. Continued.
September 7 Pelcr Beaver vs. Fat
rick Killeen Certiorari by Deft. Clarl
for Plir. Man- for Deft. Corllorarl with
drawn by Deft. On motion of Mr. Clarl.
Judgment for costs.
Wm. Goodman vs. Patrick Killeen
(Same as above.)
In tho matter to the exceptions to flits
Auditor's report making distribution
In tho estato of Peter Eveland, dce'd
On motion of Mr. llarkloy, O. C. Kali
lernppolnted to tako depositions of wit
nes-es to bo read In ovldcnco on tho
hearing of this ease.
In the matters of tho petition of sun
dry Inhabitants of Espy, praying the
Court to revoke tho license of John J
ltummall. Witness heard, Court do
cllnoto revoko tho llcensont tho present
session, for tho following reason : Tho
Deft. Is bound in recognizance to appear
nt next session and answer tho charge
of selling liquor to minors, etc.
lion this rnr.r:tm vs.)
A i.ittm: aiiviui:.
l'el,eeti n-lhlnklhz, l'rtlcnion .Tolm,
Wlmt n Klorlmis world Wei e till,
11 eich wuulil mind hit buMm-HS inort',
And mind hi. neighbor'!, less.
Of public wronjxs nnd ierJuiieH
You do not my u w onl,
llcctuno tho Hnuford Connvers
llelonic to your own herd.
Tho city of Jeruiilem
Ho clean was always ki'jtt,
llecauio each honest clllzen
lleforc Ills own door swept,
'T 1 tlumght If you would now besln
To mind your own ntr.drs,
That possibly your nelKhliors mlht
Contrho tomauaKo theirs
You ta this county well ate. known,
l'or many things ouiodone;
No man will nodl-,j;raco n (m
Ah to name him Palemon .lohn.
I.K It IVSV1I.I.K, HcptFinbt r, 3, 1S'7.
Mi:ssits. Editouh: Thinking per
haps u line from this section, nilght not
bo wholy without interest, must bo my
excuso for writing you at this time. Tho
Radicals have mado their nominations
for County officers, and havo a pleasant
llttlo fight nnioug themselves, for Rep
resentative. Landon of Tunago tax
notoriety claiming tho right to nomi
nato a man for tho Legislature for hi:
own especial benefit in aiding him to
tho U. S. Senate and on tho other hand
a few party hacks have been strlvlni
forthenoniltiatloii. On thewliole,tlilngs
look well for tlio concrvatlvo element
and many Republicans heretofore ac.
customed to go it blind aro now begin.
nlngtoseo whither they nre drifting.
Wo shall give Sharswood our full nnd
undwlded support with a goodly num
ber from tho Republican party, Everv
lover of his Country nnd Constitutional
liberty and every one who desires the
perpetuity ofourlVeelnstltutlons.sliould
not fall In giving Sharswood a hear.
ty support, audinthis section although
aslntensely Radical lis any In thoState,
tho feeling ugainst Democracy and con
servatism has in a great measure sub
sided, and unless tho Radicals can get
up somo now tune their mission Is en
ded. In fact their stock In trade has
about "played out" to uso a common ex
presslon and Republicans aro asking
mo every day. Do you suppose the Re
publican party intend to impose negro
Suffrage upon the North '.' nnd then say
wero I certain of it I would never
again give them my vote." In fact thero
aro many symptoms of a change in pub
lie sentiment in this section, notwlth.
standing P. John has a half dozen cop-
pics or his splashy sheet in Bradford
county, SlncothoCoi.uiiiiiAN has been
enlarged wo think It has no superior as
a county paper in tho State.
Very Respectfully.
S. W. Buck,
Wi:i,i,, I declare, things assume an
aspect by no means satisfactory to our
cause. Who would havo thought three
years ago, by this timo tho Copperheads
could possibly hopo to meet with any
prospects of success. Wo tore down nnd
gutted their Press, arrested, incarcera
ted and oxiled them. Wo called them
traitors, secessionists, and rebel sympa
thizers. Wo said they ought to bo hung
and dono nil in our power to break
down their party. Wo would not asso
ciate with them. Wo quarreled with
them without a cause, and would not
concede to them the right of opinion.
Wo rejoiced when they wero troubled,
harnisseil, and driven about with bay
onets. Wo laughed when their women
md children mourned at theso bitter
prosecutions, and mocked when their
fear came. Notwithstanding all our vi
tuperation and abuse, aided by tho mil
itary and money power combined, their
party seeuis to bo irreslstable, ami I fear
wo shall lo-o tho election, and then our
causo Is lost. Aflcr all, Andy Johnson
executes tlio laws faithfully, nnd 1
thought lie was a traitor. Gen. Grant's
protest ngaliist tlio President's order to
remove Sheridan, mado mo leap for
Joy. Tho President's reply was so rea
sonable nnd convincing that I felt quite
uneasy. When Grant ksticd (ho order
I gave up tho ghost lu dlspalr, I fear
our corruption and plots will bo Inves
tigated and our evil designs brought to
light, and Sharswood, (I secretly believe
tho best of tho two men) will boclected
to tho Supremo Bench. All theso
thoughts givo mo pain, but I will resist
to tho bitter end. Tho negro, I care
nothing moro about than any ono else,
only ho Is a good hobby to uso for elec
tion purposes, and thnt too, I fear Is
about played out. Bi'.nton,
HoMimis of five-twenty Bonds re
ceive their Interest lu Gold, not by rea
son of any law lequlrliig Its payment
Instead of pa per, but bocauso gold had
been tho uniform currency of tlio Gov
eminent under all administration since
Jackson, up to tho advent of Green'
It would bo well for tho holders of
bonds to remember this, and even If
thero was a positive law on tho subject,
what security havo they that the;radlcals
will not, to suit them purposes, repudi
ate it, as they did In tho caso of tho
holders of Pennsylvania Stato bonds it
few years ago,
GovmiNoit Hr:r.M died at half-past
twelve on Sunday, at his resilience
near Ellzabcthtown, Ills funeral took
place on Tuesday, Just ono week from
tlio day or his inauguration. His death
having occurred during tho first year
of his term, jtho law makes It tho duty
of tho Chief Justice to order another
election for Governor, to bo held on tho
first Monday of August next. Mean
time, all (ho powers nnd duties uppcr
talulng to tho office must ho exercised
by Lieutenant-Governor Htoveuson,
Ho was n ipan of acknowledged nbll
Ky nnd would havo mado n creditable
Maino, Vormont, Montana,
(IOOII AM (1(11. 1).
1 lave on heard from Cnllfornlaflmj
Tho Ktorlou land of roM ;
Whero Democrats wero plenty lii
The happy dnj s of old 1
Those happy days lane coino again
And negro suitraucttcs
Ant grow Uncoil lw Ituitlwut scaU
'mil ffrrrtt aro for tho whites, '".
- iS
"Tl II thousand," says thotclcgrapl
Isourmajcrltyt .lp
Well done, tho cjoiloils land of fc-o!
Hip, hip, nnd three times I lireot
Wo send you greet Inc, brother! J '
t'ntll October wait, i
And we'll follow your example,''!
In the glorious Kcystonu HtatoV'
We'll set old Htevens back ll blt,;
Our.boys aro all enrolled, oC
And w o send a greeting, three tlm p
To the glorious laud of gold.l
In California might's maJo'H
increasing as tho returns com 14 '!1
now 8.00D.
Tin: Democrats havo ear.5!011''
tana, electing tho DelegatotiSi-ess,
and having n majority offj Joint
ballot In tlio Legislature. Je
In Main tlio Democrats'Jrdning
heavily. The Republican mt.v last
year was 27,ajS; this year It bo less
than lo.OUO, showing a largot" 41'0
In Vermont tho rcpiiblICJ''lty
has been reduced, Tho Deyls elec
ted twice as many mcmhcncy did
last year; and for tho first,! I
years, a member of tho Stal'iid".
San Fiiancisco, Soptd'
Completo returns from Unties and
partially from IN co'iin mako
llalght's majority nearly.). Iuo
counties to hear from, will' Miiad
vote, and will, probab' increase
Haight's majority. rt
Tin: DemocrntlcLuzorniuty Con
vention nominated Hon'rKO W.
Woodward, for Congresnd Gen.
Edmund L. Dana, frr'Waio Law
Judge. They will both foimphnnt-
ly elected, and aro capital! Ions.
Tho balance of tho Ticlciw follows:
for Assembly, Win. Urn, James
M'llenry, S. F. BossardH'rothono-
tary, Michael .1. Phllbln Clerk of
the Courts, Col. Samuel 'man ; for
District Attorney, D.Ihono; for
Treasurer, Nell M'Gro, mr Jury
Commissioner, Nnthaniher.
Qcitmax, Ga;ust W., 1SC7.
Editor Quitmax Ban:
In your isstto of thoOtlt., you wero
pleased to call attention rumor inni
I had announced iiiyspla candidato
for Congress, at thenexctiou. You.'
.laratrnmh was not nuUed by any
thing I said on thosUbJbut, prema
ture, as it was, I am disposed to
complain, n.' deny tho that I then
had, and still havo a pso to nial.u
tho issue fairly ajul pqiy with tlioto
whoaro iilayingunon ti'gro element
and who would make tho Instru
ment ol seeuritiL'. for'-tselves, placo
and power In tlioprosqqialllng pro
grammed! tiespotlsm,B.'ny ami nun,
1 am not nniliit' fiio notoriety
of a Candidacy fo.' Coi-s, nor would
i consider inyseii eiov ui u pui oi
honor wero I electeiUseat in tho Congress; hutsidenitions of
mo gravest moment r., own race,
and to tlio country nt o impel mo to
the conviction, that ttirost remedy
lor Radical evils, is fo) fcoutli to re
turn colored Renrescrvos, In prefc-
cmco to strengthening Radical vote
by sending any of thchito represen
tatives at present aincis. lam suf
ficiently posted in tbilltlcul affairs
of this country to kneirt it is utter'y
impossible, for any wniaii, from tlio
excluded istates, wno any claims to
.csiiectablHtv.lntcllke or statesman
ship, In obtain a soat ither House of
Congress. Tho patrlni, intelligence
nun virtue oi tno ,to raeo at mo
South are ostracised: great in toller
of tho country aro ler tho ban of
Radical procrintionid tho .lesccn-
dents of tho Fiithe;? tho Republic
and the champions o'istutio.itil Lib
erty, aro no longer -iltted to briii
to tuo councils ol tnation tno inspi
ration they derlvd''li tho hallowed
memories, nutriotlo.'himrs a.ul im-
i lortal virtues of threat 'and glori
ous ancestry. This scriptlon ntl'o 'tis
thu most concltislvoiledce of it deter
mined purpose, on part of tho do
minant party, to suj-ss truth, and to
employ such instants only as mo
capable of bolinr usor tho pronaa.t-
thm of error and. 1 perpo.uatlon of
pariy asceiiderey,
The eis uotliiogiro certain than
that thero can bo nccoiisructioii uu-
lerexlstinir eL' o'l tho
,,.. kt, uul J. itIIU, Will kll,llv .v.
eall.atlonof thoSocni States; whiej,
in jii.v j!(!iiMii)jnuj:iii, iiieuiis mm.
cliy. war. anil tho?lv destruction of
tho co'orcd race oils Continent. Of
course ruin will i to the whlturace,
aim nio wliolo cour must nine.- un
told evils in tho Sod ol oar destruc
tion. It is, thcroft the duty of every
honest man at thSouth, black and
white, to look t iwostlou siiua.'ely lu
tho face, and If pcnle, avert tho im-
pending ruin, f
It is not imnrobethat colored dele
gates to Congress"! bo rejected ; but
it is lony to igno or liliuK tno iact
that wo now consttu a part and puree
of the political mdnerv of tho Gov
eminent ami thorrelatlvo right of
homing olllco Is n iherent part of tlio
American systomidmiist follow, as
tho night tlio dathn rlirht to vole.
Those urn tho panouut attributes of
ciu.cusuip in a, 'publican uovern
ireni. and csncllv so In America
Tho franchise hasn't confer eu upon
my race, eitner It matter ol right, or
for tho mimosa oisIiil' ns as Instru
ments to carry oitho schemes of tho party, nrcniprossiuginowiuio
peoplo ot the Sol, 1 do not bellovo
it was liestoued ln.n. nr upon con
siderations of rip; and tho means cm-
r'ujta hi euiw our actio, i vuniu-i
this conclusion. yo aro ox.iected, uyo
required to const and co-operate with
three classes prions in carrying out
tho reconstruct! measures, and In
promoting to oil- Individuals who mo
tolerated bv thlinil'enU themselves.
only because thdiro ca.iabloof doing
uiodiriy woi'Kfb lessvllorelusotoiio.
0 aro Pot nnrlltoil tn hoi rl thn i nllll-
sels of the wiso tl tlio good of our own
land.elt'ier In inters afiectlng our otvn
domestic well'anrtliogoodofthocontrv
at laro : hut a'hst .laucratlnf,' feast Is
prepared for oullgestlo.i, audso are
not only alleetl.atelv lead up to tho
and ImpertinCry comr.iantled, to drain
eachcuijtotlicregs, and to swallow
down all tho inxdients of tho Radical
cauldron. We o not expected to havo
opinions of ounwn, or toliidulgo tho
poor privilege lice and unrestrained
exciclsoof tltojfirngo bestowed upon
us; Lmpowurcto vote, wo cannot bo
voted fori Urgl on to tho exercise of
tho most Implant and most sivred
nrpviicgo oi c tenshlp, wo learn wow
till) VCrv zeal r (luwi, wlm en nno-orlV
clamor for ounil)riigo,tltat their vaun
ted friendship Is but another namo for
self-Interest, and party trickery that
tho V(ill) I the vote! U tlio clinrin Hint
tunes their harp ofn thousand Mrlngs,
and that secifred, tlio iuiisIc.ih tho danc
ing, nun tno sweet meius ortliorostlval,
will bo exclusively appropriated, u-lilln
tho voter will bo politely Informed that
Ids services can bo dispensed with until
tho next election.
Mid Wll ll whnmaro wo so nnriirst I v nnd
so cordially pressed to participate? I
nave sum mere aro tnrco, I'lrst,
o nro supposed fo bo base onoiii'li In
stoop to a slimy association with rene
gade rebels, who in 1801 wero blatant
nnd rampant Yankee-eating secession-
isis, wno in tno hour or their country's
icril deserted her standard, and who,
IV WIIV of oxciiso for their
conduct, drifted Into what was then
termed lorylsin, and now sldo with tho
Radicals, because, llko Benedict Arn
old, thev havo no frlonilj nn flin nlhor
side, 'lho seconoT class Is composed of
wuu nMtei- stratum oi society, which is
turned fo the surface only when violent
commotions throw up tho filth they feed
(in tho spawns of Immunity, that never
had a thought, n principle, a country
or a God, and wlmaroonly useful to tho
Catalines nnd Robcsploros ofclvll revo
lutions, ns so many n lsy machines., to
throw up hats and shout huzza. Such
V ero the fellows that fo.ind rrfiiirn fro.n
enrolling (Hikers In tho Southern
swamps. Too cowardly to fight under
the Stars and Bars, they are found lit
nnd worthy tools for tho persecution of
iiui (iisiiniieu aim tieienseless; una nil
mirablo gas pipes to hiss out hosanna's
to tho vulgar vanity of their sort from
the mountains of tho victor. Tho
class of our would-Jie-copa' tners In tho
business of reconstruction, aro tho scrap
ings of a ground swell of New England
lungi ; aim lrom tho specimens that
have como South to grow respectable on
the "Nigger vote," and get rich by
picking up llttlo things, tucli ns spoons
and tho like, I am very much inclined
to tho opinion that a most harmonious
and lasting brotherhood may be estab
lished between them and Class No. -.
Such Individuals, In thodays of shivery,
would havo been kicked out of the
meanest darkey's cabin In tho Slave
States, and It Is to-day an undeniable
fact that their status is far below tho
standard of respectability, even amoipr
tno colored peoplo they havo succeeded
thus far lu imposing upon. Too lo,v,
nud mean, nnd conlemptih'ent homo to
no entrusted with any oinco oi honor,
trust or profit, thev aro hero to oiler
their patriotic ('.') services and virtu
ous('.') oxiuhplo for our moral elevation
and political advancement ; and sup
posing tiu negro to ue, nt least, a utile
lilt lower In the scale of humanity than
themselves, they como with tho confi
dent expectation and Impudent boast that Sambo and Simon, Peter
and Pollux, nnd all the rest of us small
fry darkles, will nt onco seo In their
august personages tho veritable chain
pious of our freedom, and lly on the
wings of graiitudo unil lovo to glorify
and reward them at the polls for
many "hairbreadth 'scapes" the immi
nent deadly Preach" winio Pleedlh'
and dying to set us free.
They know that wo are In the alpha
bet of letters, and their object Is to take
advantage of our general Ignoranco
universal credulity ; and by pandering
to our evil passions, ami tno vices inci
dent to ignorance among all races, they
expect to alienate us from the only truu
friends wo have on tho habitable globe
and array us in political and deadly
strife against our former masters and
Such aro tho threo classes who. we nro
toid, aro to do our luiurc menus and
legislators, and with whom, It Is said
by radicalism, it is our duty to unlto In
a political organization for tho recon
struction of the South. May (ho Gods
forbid it ! if the black race of the South
havo neither tho vlrtuo nor tho intelli
gence to feel the wound, surely thev
have prluc enough to rotiso somo leel
ingsol resentment to the deep and dam
nable Insult convoyed !'i the programme
inat names tiicm as uicjourin cias in
mo eataioguo oi inianiy.
If tho colored man is worthy of and
entitled to tho elective franchise, it is
very clear that ho is aKo entitled to a
placo in polities in proportion to tho
numbers ho brings to thu support of the
successful party; but It Is not upon this
seli-ovKient proposition that i now an
liounco my ilete-niination to test Radi
callsin to the vo y coro on tho question
of mixture of races in tho Halls of the
National Legislature. ,
Neither 1. nor my colored friends, nor
tho intelligent right-thinking white
men ofthis country, aro willing to trust
their honor or interests in tho hands of
nnv ono ol tho threo classes referred to :
thev and I believe It Is far nreferablo to
select somo rename coioreti man, and
meet tho issue nt onco and directly in
the only way that it can nu dono miner
tlio reconstruction measures.
l.Vv tlii'Ki, find tininv ntlior reasons
Mr. Editor, I havo at tlio solicitation of
inanv trout emeu ol hoth races, eonseu
tod to the uso of my namo; and though
It Is now Deloro tho country, my muni
tion is not at all overweaniiig, nnd 1
shall cheerfully counsel with my friends
throughout tho District, ns to tlio plan
of the campaign, tho most available
candidate, etc., and will most gladly
yield the held lo a lienor teiection.
1 nm sir, very respectfully, your oho.
dient servant,
on .luiidi: oi' Tiit: copiit,
; or l'liihAiini.piiiA.
rim ahsi:.miii,v,
pott smniiri'.
t'I'.NTIli: TOWNSjllII'.
t MT. l'l.lIAHANT 'lOWNMIIll'.
1 1 1 :.m LOCK TO WNH 1 III'.
.Market llrjiorl
Wheat per liusliel
Corn "
Hour per hanel
Cloverseeil ,
I'otntof -i
Piled Apples
Hums . ,
(sides and shouldels
Ijtrd per pound
Hay per tun
llemlotlc Hoards per thousand feet
Pine " " " (one Inch)..
Joist, Heantllug, 1'Iiink, (Ueliltoek)
Mangles, No. 1 per thousand
1 -i
l'l uu
. sin m
.. isn'jl
... 11 ml
... s UI
... 7 I")
.. li l
1'lillndilpliin Markets.
Tiiuiisdav, Keptemlicr, 1
.',.oirii '
NoithweMeriiMipeillnont f.00tf 7.H
NollhtWAtem eMla , Ktfiifii 11,00
Noilheteiu lamlly 1(.iXu,-..Vi
1'elilisi Ivitulu nud Uehteril MipelUue... ".-'Ml a.Vl
l'eiimylviium met Hestt-ni extra.,
I'euiii-ylvnhia and Wentem i.iiully
1'e liuxyiuuitu mid Wehtvru l.lliey..
live Hour
WllKAT l'eilllsylanlii ledJv Ian.
Kollllle.'.l " " .
I'alltullil.L " " ..
" while " f1.1M'
It, i; l'l-nns-ylwuiU rye, v bus tljvwil.'rt
Cons Yellow. si.-jo.-i St.:
White, " UI.-JWH.-.!!
(1TS lain MewfeiMe
l'l'.OVlslONH MesH l'ork, Y Ijbl SJI.T.I
Mess Heel, " JJ7.-K1
PuM ,l limn, lt S'SeMllo
Slnol.t d ll.uint " 'Jile((:lo
" MiuuldepfH !' IVfmlln
Ijinl.vlt) l'.'ei.l.'ID.e
bKEtJS ClotelM-ul It law ?.",lKl!I.IIO
T mot it seed 'tt hlls - Stf .H
l'lliXHted " $lsa'j,ini
I'm Iicon No. 1 s-eiiteh ,
No. I Anieileau lln.uo
Cattms Heel Calllu V li, lijiil?,.
(own, y la ad tuMMT.I
Hill Kl- "t In , .V-ftilie
HOUS V rvH ?ia.wlG31(l.
, . ItfiOtl'lli"
, .itnt,(i,H.;vi
, f;Miur5J.7i
JIATIIH-CAHLOW-At Danville, Til., (mtlie tth
litbt., iy tliolU-v. (1. M. IthmuU, 1). J) .Mi'. Julm
KI,l.N'i:-U:i.ON(i On ilwUt Im.!.. Iiv William
Ifcllits Jm., Mr. Alnoi KHiiti U MUh hunan
WATIIIW-IUiMtllAC'lI-In CntinvHmi on dm
W' MiMiKmili Kourlmcli, botlicff Cata-
CAHIVHOXMr-IiiOiftitirevMlP. tut thoSlHt Iiv
INtv. NjMuui.ulhJt'iir, Mr, Jioiium 0. Uuu to
H intiricu, ifinor jn'iiton,
liVLIJMt In FilifiliifittlntnuiiklitiV. Xorllmmlk'
lniali'tiui4ty. on Diotkliiut., Ueuriju lvt'Ucr njji' J
Oil i tlt
XKWIM-He).f,ili, ciuirlin Henry, miii of AHJah
mul Mary I .owls, w 4 1 j uir uml at iluyn.
VAHU-In JllAninfcliiirif, Hfi.t, Mtwnt Ilnwaul
ywir Omyuthi uml 3 Uuyti,
To Solicit Ordcru for n Now Illintmtnl
(rOMI'M.TK IN oni; VOt.L'Mt:.)
'llitn DIcIIonnrvrinlHMlIoM tliprrsultHof (hotnnt
riTi'iitKimiv. ri'sciiri h.iiiul lnfslluiitloti.offilH)ut
fixiviivi' ui um mmi cuwnrui mm ntmim't'ii nio-
iicju HoiioiniH now llvlnit. Clcrnyincn of nil ilo-
Iininlniitloiii unornvtt ft. mul fi'LHit-il It. nx 1 Iio nnt
work of Its )ctiuf In tlio i:nllh laimunut'.iUKl ono
i in 1 1 nnui it i o no in uio Jiaiicis oi rvrry ittmu
iviulrr tn thn lmul.
In rlmilatltitt this Wiirlc, Arnt will find n
piruonui aiici rouiaiit t'iiiunyiui'ni, j no mi
tnorons nlijfctlons which nro usually cnpountrrcil
In sol MtiRnnlf nary works wttl untcxht with thK
I Int. (til I lie emit fit rr. i-tioiiiiMiiromniit ntwl n liml.
lynlil will ntti'inl tin' AK'it. making his laborn
iircoalU. useful, ntal hicrnt(t.
IJHI1". ri'Iiri'il i lori'Viiicii. Srlinol TnnrliPM
'arnUT, Ntti'Iout. inni nil ntliois who ihiskchh
iii-i uy, hi i! iiiiii'u iii iiHtiL in i ii ii nsvi uir fvprv
rowunitil Cotnitv In tho fount t v. tn wlunu Mm
most llbrral Iticluct nipntn will ho ollcri'tl.
i or tu lU'iunrs, nppiv to. or ni(ircis
i j ii.
i" 1 1 i i ' r i'i' n if 1 1 ri it'iiki
a htiiiHotn st., riillaileli'lila,
Somo FoIUh Can't Sleep Hights.
Vruv inniiv iMitlor frutn ifoinrttl ilclilllUMiilifrM
fioni wpuIuichs ortho kloinach nnd Inalilltly to
i Hilt t tlielr till id ! Kiitlin liilVn rriTldlitr ;ntiiiit Umn
alona tlio noro llbn-H, or pain In lho buck, with
at'h1m;niid weary throblilmtof lho Thou
naiuUof ladlcM wutt-r throuuh Unix yi-ars fioja
nut uir i ii-ii r l iniriiAI.Nr1, t'llll1'! u IM
thi relaxation of imisclt and lluninu'iit lhat at
tend (Icllck'iK-v of tint ion-c. 'I linox.iiiiU i.r luw
Ippsh nu'ii, ovi-rworki-d In mind and body, uso uw
tho nervous fluid and biTonu) unfit lor duty or
uu- i-iijii, ii if ii in iii 1 1 if, i.aivh iii you i ii, aim i j to
iriiinii' riii'imiii irvv iiiki Nllf, lll ol VO Klllll
trivil foiivt it ntloiiH itmt tho fulluioor the uom-mt
fmutloiis of health. TnsutI'ieiH from nfi thisu
oll'erH an lnatuablo Ihkiii ii imluralaudi II1 lent
recovery ni iohi powers, .mi perMili, man or wo
tuiiu. sutlei inirfnuii niif iiiikk. ant titinnl tn
leet this remedy. Tho Ni rWtio will bo Kaind to
uwsi'ssiiil OfpiaillllKnilil tiuiritlMJluIllclple, It
las altluilv lor tho Nhvihn l-'lhuw. mul iim.lL.
IJko wholesome foot I taKtn Into tho Ntoinncli, It
undergoes rapid dltfeMlon, U iL'oratlnix in Its
uui-oi mo uiKi'Miu' nrRiiiis, mm piouucin n
unknown to any other prepuratloit. It eontnlns
no opium or liavhocsh, and so fur tiom pindurltu;
eoMlvem-KsItwIll bolouiid all ellleletit euiofor
eou.unipiion.mui litis tihtauieo: a wulo rc.ioun
ior linn peeunaiiiy.
"Iti'iir Itodol'! Tlio Inst tunllr-ftin i.mucrltt.l l.t-
VOll I llbtllhll'll. Illlll Will kill' th.-Ll llinlil'u Vorv lii'.t
mill Invigilator is all that It claims to be. I n-el
like u new uum; IMtep wt 11; liau'Kuod ajipetltp;
ntlil fi-et fstrdtia-i't- thnti I liinn fm- in, mi- nm-.
Piist," lUotitrlimleU b; nr. II, A, Tucker,
"I llflVn HSPll I llP I'1'V I Iio mul Otnl Itici.1( muni.
bPtietlted by it, p.irtlcularly lu tho (noreaMi of
MieiiKiii uiio t nro oi iiiosu ireiniilinn hesalluli1
M V rostlvetiesM iitvo vei-inti to Iim ciilh.1v i-iin.,1
(Letter to Dr. Tucker.
-i no uipiiiciue you oiticrru (Jiooii w Nervine)
it iuhi-ii uiii-u iniiufS 1)1. 11 IS H
thlinr. Jlywlto mijm hbo had rather liavo ouo
ooiiio oi 11 man tony um-oi. Mm Is eertalnly
bettlT. liCllfOirlirPllfllli'il ilnll't (.-tl llm .Inn .
Illli down Ml liiucll I boUfUtnovH i-nsbi. mul Hi
a better nenous eonillthai every wav,"
(I. II. Martin. t'aMilcMileu House, I'hu llinncli.
.1., en ivniiiiu i'ihki (-imiid iuis cureu nun
olchloli o wenknes of lint stmnn.-h rHin,.t.u
nnd Melt hpd.che,aiul meiitly Mrenatlu-ned IiIh
David Jlnits'lHili.:i!)0 Mate-sL. ItrorikK-n. pnn
"""tvuiiii iu in iu-i iii'i OCOIIII V.
.loon jkiioui, inooiiiyn, .n, v. Miyn: "lo regu
late the bowels wltl.unt liiiiihipliiff nfit!i.'irtl of.
feet, quiet the nerves, ami tone up tho system, I
W.I i Dejipi, i:r., Cislfiml. Conn.! "Mv wife
basMitleroil for seventeen jea.n wllh eMreme
nenousdpblllty ami uu-ntial prostration hbo
was Induced by n friend to try lir. J. V. Doml's
nervine inni invemirjutor. amihy Its use is now
restored to nei lect health.1'
Dr. V, L. oik. Chaileslow n. Jtuss. i "In puscm
ot meat nervous ilchllitv. nut. (uniincil in- mu-
tiiv-itii- in mi? ii'iiiuiii orn.uii..niou iiniio common
than amom: men. I eim.lov DihxI'm ni-i-i inn nnd
Iuvi!orutor with tho hiipleht t-IIU It e.eeeds
hi tonic power anylhlns ilmt I know, while Uu
at nun upon inonowcisintm mat can by t'cslred."
hoihi n vrvine mm i m euiumior is iiuployfii
In the Massiichiisftth Hnvpltnl tor tho Insane nt
Tocuresof (leneral Jtehilty, Indiuestlou, Sit en.
ess. Kldlicr L'tuiiiiliilnt. Wind I 'nlli- uml r-nnil.t
i omiaaims in ineir own lainines, we u-fer, with
permlsseii, to the followliiK gentlemen iu this
i , nan, esrj., riitn Avenue Hotel, N, V,
W'. 11. ltoli:e,'jriiet House, ,. Y.
John Williams. Policeman. N". V.
.I.W. I'ukett. cmj., flinttm-f-t., ltrooklyn,
!.(.. II, IIKAI I,! IIIIH'I1-H lillHJIill 11,
.1. b. W ilht, t"u.,Jersevi'lty.
Hon. WfllTi ll l.'lnmo. All Itin.nhrni- V. V
l'or sale by nil Drunlsts.t rili-eSl.iji) perlortle,
i. moiuiu a lu,, ritini leiors, , 1
AllgUSt VAt, IM",
Tlierals no tllseaso wlilch experience has so
amply proved to he remediable by the
(a piotctted Milutlon of tho prot jxlde ttf Ironl, as
Dyspepsia. Tho most Inveterate frms of thl-
dKenAeliavo been eoinplel ely tuied by thlsinied
U-iiw, nHiimple Icstlmouy of mhiiu of our Ilrst clt
zens proves,
ntoM Tin; vj;ni:haw,u aiuiidi:acon
K'DIT, D. D.
Ditmiam, f'nnndii Tiist,
o "I nm im Invi'l friit" IK titt.i.f ir m'M
than i'i xt ars stnndhiL' "
- - - - i jiiivo oeeu so wonueiuuny heiunied
In the three t-liortwct-kHilurlnnu hit h I have used
Ihe I'eruv Ian Hymn, that I can M-arcely persua lo
mjselfoftlio lealliy IVojilo who have kimwn
lite ale astoii shiil ut the (biniL'c. I inn it 1.1. .u-
Known, and can but ltcomnnlnd lo otlh-rn
iijcu me unit) mi i mien ior me, T 1 "
"Mv VoVKL'etoIMirnne Kl'iilefinltnte'
I b.ive dlseovenil tlu "t'oinihiln if'l iilih'f
IhlShldeoflhe Atl.ltllll- Tlm-o 1...H tin. (1f l..rn-l.
a. i Sv rup have rcsmod me trom the luiitfs of Hie
in mi i ' M'l'iitia.
A paiit)ildet of It'prcps.eontalninj; niilstory of
mm n iii.ii nii.iujirioeuy, uo ii ue;ui"onii "iron
as ii medicine," will bespit tree lon.ivaddrrss.
The Keuuino has 'Peruvian Hyrup'' blown lu
J. I'. DIN'sMiHti:, Proprietor,
Oil ley rstnt-t, New Yoik.
Hold by nil Druggists,
H C U 0 I' V U A-U O ,N S IT M P T I O X,
Dr. Minor,, of Paris, oneof the eminent Chem
lts of lluinpe, said:
'! tin must iistoiitiilitifr rnsnllu mu v Im initial tin.
ted w hen Iodine ciin Im illsoivtil hi niim unimv"
Dr. H. Aud rs, after Ittletn jeais of sclentltlo
n ct iiii ii nm i i Api-i i n k ni, i ins Micceeoco iu tus
MiJvltii; oaf unt onv ifitmhr onmit of Iodine to
eiirii iiiiKi ouuen oi wiiti'l, ami lte unt iiiluumlini
rtult hmv Jultomtt tti mv, pnitl'-ularly luHcrorii'
hi Illlll kiln li-il itlvi-t.kPX. t'lr-i'iilmu lii-n
l)r. II. An.liM-u!.. Ij r,.t ..t,. t.,. ii i
IHNsMi)m;,Ai Dey Mieii.Nevv York, iit'id a'li
ht pi., 1.1, 1H77.
INroUMATION.-lnformatlou Kuurantced to
prouueeu luvurnuu urowiu oi iiuir unmi utmld
head r bi-aidless l.iee, also a rc-telpe lor the tv
itioval of Pimples, lllotches, Hnipilous, etc., on
Ihe Klein, lenv fin: (ho hiiiid Mift, clear, and benull
tul, tan beiibtnlued without chui-e by mldrcKhbii
i jn ir i . i i i.v i .tuvi, i ueimsi,
scpU'iiT. Nil llnmdway, New York,
id rti.Msi, ino hpv. J.dwanl A,
Wilson will M-mUlreoof cliarjieiioull whoilenlre
It, Hie prescription w 1th theilltet tions formakiui;
aiut uslm; tb.i simple leinedy by which lie was
eu I eaoi u iiuu;nH el ton atulllutt tlieadeild se
fill. .III., I, Hi. I. Itlu,. .I,ll lu
altlicted, and ho hope every mi lb-re r will try this
in-niniJinm, 111 ll win I'lwi llll'lll 1I01U1I1(, lUt
may proven blessing;, pleasn addiess
ni;v. HDW'AHD A. wnox,
W'llllai.ifclmrtc, KIiikhco., N,
UI"A'IH OV JACOlt i 1.11 1., OK IH.OOM Si PFC'li.
lit'Heis iPKtntiHiitary on the estate of Jacob
Diehl, lulu tf jtloum township, Cohimblu county,
doceosed, Imvebecn K'anteil by the Uc(jlten of
said eounly to Jiavld i-owenliern, execulor, who
ji-MiufM iu iiiooiiisourt;. ah ii r Wilis imvinn
. ... ... ...... n.n iiH'tiinn iuu I I1II11IHII1 ni'UCIf
1t d to Pleiieiii belli li t iuekeciloi-rr knit !.....
and thoM) Unovvlna ttnnu i tn lndebtpil to make
heptt inlit r 13, 1M.7 llxeculor.
iJim-liy cnution nil person nKalnt buylnicor
Ji'I'1011'.1!1"1 i: n Hrnipsou, daled Auaiut 13th
iui mu Hum t,i tuBMw jor which j imv rt
ctlved lio.vidue, and hich I am dttcrniiiitKl not
to pay unii'KH toi ii iel led lutlo fit ,y iU foiuse of
puiUiio hali:.
Will InPTtnPi1 to Public Kale nt u trfldelicn
of tlinHuhserlber In Ik ntou township ouTliritS'
i w hkitkm ii Kit wdh hit;, tho following proper
ty vlzt
I 'lvr head of young rail 1p,h lot of shep,Oiio vv
horse wagon, tnofprlmtwaou,Onnl'arrlnn;p,one
cast shoo sh d, one log sled, one feeit fuller, one
fannlngtnlll.oiionrlnd slone.n lot of Harness,
both lluhtand heuvy. ntinM chain, one irralu
cradle, grass scythe, Plows, Harrows, t'nltlvntor",
hoes, shovels, rirlts, rakes, axes, borso blankets,
Iiy nei, n iui, oi uemiueii inirn,
One conk slove, one parlor stovr. bureau, settee,
tames, euninvuus, onrreis,n ioi f)iearpt?i,iiueeiis
ware, looklngtasses, (
iiijdh a xii nr. 1)1) I NO,
ctiplonrd, sink rte., witli d ,nrlcly of other art!
ejes too numerous to mention,
AtS0! At the same t line nlul place, n lolnf land
sltuato In Jackson township, adjoining land of
Joshua Hnvago, Absntom Jl'Henry, nnd otbers.
containing Thirty Acres, tienrly ntl cltnreit land
and In n good stato of cultlvalioti,
Atsoi nlotofTlinbcr land n bout mm fourth of
n mile North of tho above, mentioned lot, (a pub
lie road lending horn ono to tlioolherjeontn nlng
nbout Heventcen Acres, well llmbeietl with
chestnut and rock oak.
Hale to commence nt tl o'clock A. M. wlicu dun
attendance nnd reasonable ctcdlt will boglvenby
.. u, IVll.l.l.U
Denton, Hcptcmber 11, IsOT,
ID TATI!. The uudersluiipd. executors of the
erased, oll'cr for sale, el tin rseparalely ortoehipr,
UIO lOUOWlOK ueserineo
HIX IiOTH I) 1 (lit O UN 11
Hit tint e in the lower part ol Hs-py, Columbia conn
ty, fronting on Mnlu street, nud extending back
to nu alley lu thedirectlon of the rannt, nnd In u
southcrnly dlrecllon ns far as Cross slrcet, Kach
lot tins nooui ;n leei iroui, nuuisoieii in ocinn,
timtf Our t him vrrv ili'Mlfiiiiln for bnllilfnif lots.
They enn bo purthused at private Mileuntil Mine
dav, Deer tuber 2nd. hi(7, at which time those re
tnnlnlug unsold will bo.dl'iwmnd of at public out
cry nt one o'elrndt In the ulteruoon.
l Kit MH of SAi.r:.-j n pcrceni.oiinepurcnne
moiiev nt the strlklmidown ol the nronertv ! nnd
onchiilf, less Hie ten per cent., on Ihe 1st of Atrll,
isiw( nnn urn oninneo one yenr inereiiner, wuu
Interest on the uniutld amounts. Deeds Will be
given when the last pa) ment Is made.
lpy, Pa Kept. 11, iMIT-nin. Kxecutois.
A rniTouvs notice.
i-.srATi: or uohwflt. HMtrtr, i.atk nr intt:F.x
'Ihe undershiued. auditor appointed bv tho Or
plains Court of Columbia county, to nuke dis
tribution of tlm balance In Ihe hands of Johnson
11. Ikplpr. m mln strntorof Knsewe smith, late
of Oreenwortd township, deoenscd, to nud nmouif
the respective ereditots ot the decedent In the
order established by law, w 111 attend at his ofllt-t
hi llloomNlnng, ou Thursd.iy, the twenty-first
day of November, lsiff, nt lo o'clock a. m., for tho
purpose of attending to the duties of his apjiolul-
o it m, win ji ii in i t-ri' uu pin iii's ioit:ii-it-o, hi1
i-eoulrcd lo nrehPtit their claims, or be do buried
from coming lu for n sea re of Hie fund.
i.. ii. i jvi.iii.u, stumor,
llloomsburg, Sept. 1 1, Wi7dw.
J j iiarATi: ok i.MAiiiTit nnxMiNunt, nrr'n.
Let lets leslamentnry on thu estate or 1 Illabet h
Ileuslnger, lute f Catawlssu, Columbia eounly.
Pu have been granted by Ihe Uenlter of said
county, to Michael Itrobst, executor, who resides
In Cfitawlss.1, All pet sons having claims against
thopstatoate leiiiicstedto present Iheiu to the
i:exutor for settlement, and those knowing
thiuisclvcN Indebted to mako payment,
MiciiAHii ititonsr,
Heptcmber 11, hw. I'xecutur.
jTmcK To liiii iioHlun hiiKits.
ihe Commissioners of Columbia nud Montour
eoiintles. will meet at I lie mouth of Itoaihui leek.
on Halurd.iy, tho lth tlay of September, hliT.nt
l'j ti vhkk a, ?i., io receive itoimishis ior erei-inu;
ii bridge over UotiiiUEert ek. Ihe llrldee will bo
seVen(yIlv e feet bet w een the top oft liouhut incut
nud twenty teet wide. 'Ihe nhutnieiils will be
one abtatt live feet high and Hie other about ten
teet niuii, v nn Miuauie wingwnus,
joiin r. mvi,i:i!,
Ciiiiliihiirri nf Ctiltnntnn (ounf.
JlllIN MOnlti:.
jami:h snuii',
0niiWoHcri Jfitnfuin' t)untf,
September 1.1, ht.7-:it.
H T U A Y.
Came to the prpmlsps of tho subscriber lu 1'ish
lngcreck township, Columbia county, about Iwo
monllis since, u leil iiikI wbltt) siiotteit llclhr.
supposed to te nbout twoyeais old. 'Ihe owner
is iimiesleil to pome and takt It nway otherwise
she will be dlpovi( of uceordlnrr to luw.
rishhigcrcel; tp., Sept, l'J, lso7.
t ruins oh tlm CiitawNsii ltiillnul III' run at tho
lnHowlni; tumuli liourHt
.(,( ,sv,eri.
Hep. s.ii-.u. in.
" tun "
" n.r, "
" U.Vi "
" III. in "
" KI..VI "
" ii.iii
" liHl. 111.
" ll'..V, "
" :M
Mall Xiirlh.
Air. (Mlp. lu.
llupeit, "
I'atiiU'Nvii. "
Itllii-towli. "
Nllllllllil, "
(liiiknke. '
1.. .Miilialinv.ltine. "
pltie.Tamaqim. Dine. "
lleilttllnf, "
l'lllllulelllllla. "
(To New Yoilc N lit. Heiul
I Ins or Minn li Clititilc.
I'loni New Vorl. la, I
Mnueli I'litotl;. I
Xoilianue oreius helwei-h "KVI 1 1 l-l iill rl am!
rillla.lel,lilil. (UIO. Wllllll, Hllit.
Arr. iuu
" 10. r.
11..',. 1 1
S.IJ "
1 I..V.
I.I 1 "
1 ,-I.Vi "
i.r "
1 l.r.i "
1 1,11 1 "
I. Ill "
I.'. 111,1. 111.
l.i t lets ol iLiliiilnihlint ton to tlie estuto ol Ulch-
aid 1 1 at I, la toot Orange township.Columbla coun
ty, deceuseil, have been uranled by thelttglster
of Mild County lo Peti r Hut, who lesidt s lu Seott
township, All persons having claims nr demands
against the cstntu of the ileeedent, are ieueted
topieM'ut them to the ndinlulstrator without
delay, and nil persons Indebted nio requested to
make p.ivment. PHTKlt I INT,
Admlulstrutor with the Will nuuexeil,
September 0, sti7-(tw.
1 IMTATH OF MirilAI'L MoNOllAN. Ill C'P.
Letleisofiidmlnlstiutlon vvlthlho W'il(nnno::pd
to the estuto of Michael Mouohun, Into of Cent ih
llu Doioimh. Coin in bin county, deecnseil, have
been granted by the Itcglster of said county, to
Ann Monohan. All persons having claims or
demands against lho estato of the decedent are
icq ties led lo make them know n loM, M. IYetle.
i:sq.,al Afchland l'a., attorney tor the estate; ami
all perwms iiuKbted a.e r quested to make pay
ment. ANN MONUHAN, Atliuln'x
mj10'C7-(iW etim tcstamt ulu ttnuvj o.
J" a T I O E .
W'umtr.AM. mv wife Celestla Wldtescll left my
bed and boa id on Ptlday, August lotli W", with
out Jut eaue or piovoeutlou,thls Uluwariiall
persoiiH against trusting her on my account, ns I
will not pay any debts of her eonliadlng li out
W'apwallopen, Pn., Aug. -I, ht,7-H,
J. iJsTAinor m ana f.ixiaii, nrr'n.
l.i tiers of ndmiuUlrallou on the estate ni Dlan.i
Hdgar, lalo of (Jrtenwond township, Columbia
County, deceased, have been granted bv the Itcg
lster of said county, lo John Stnley, admlnlstia
lor, who also resides In Mild tow nshlp. All t r
mmis having claims or demand against thocMnto
of the decedent, nro it-qucsUd to make them
known to tlm udmlnUtrutor without delay, and
nil persons indebted nre icqnehted to makopay
An-jiM SI, 1S67-U, Admlntstralor,
I A t tor of admlulstrntlouou thoestato of Jacob
Ilwman,late ot Maine ttiw nshlp, Coliiiublaisaiu
tytileeenwd, have been granted by the lleglsler
of wild county, to Michael drover, admin 1st uilor.
who resides lu Malnvllle. Columbia county. All
jKTsons having claims or tleiuands against the
etale of said deeeiltnt, are reriucsted to make
them It noun lo tho administrator without delay,
nnd all persons Indebted urn lequcstcd to mako
payment. MICIIALrj UltOVKIt,
Augiud, i'l, llT-fit, AdmlnUttatur.
A 1M I iM S'lUlA'lUt 1wVH isMvFuJE
V i-sTArnor iikmu Howman, nunAsrn,
I. ei ier of administration ou tlm estate of Henry
llowmnu, late of .Main township, Columbia coun
ty, det eased, have been granted by the Register
of said omnty to Marv Howman of said town
ship. All pei-sous having claims or demand
against (he estate of llm ileeedent are requested
to mat; them l;nowu,and Ihoso Indebted to make
August 1(1, hCT. Admliilstratrlx.
A TVXHivmius kotTckT
iV i-srArr. or iiuimta VANnhusidi-i:, nce'n.
Dittersol udmlnlstrutlou on the cm nio of Kv
beetu Yainlerkllce, late of llloom lownshli, Co
lumbia eounly, decensed, have been urn u led by
the IbuUter of Mild county to J, HtUier Vender
si lee, admlulhtralor, who lesldes lu Mount Pleas
ant township. Alt persons knowing themselves
indebted to Hie said dtiedeut me i(UesUd to
make payment, and those hav liu, claims or de
mnuds ng'ititxt the same will prcMnt them with
out delay. J. HIHSTKll VANDKltsi.ICi:,
Mt. Pleusnnl, Aug.u,hi7, AdmlnUtrator,
YsrATimr iuiimun', tirnnn-r Ti'., i)Kt''ii.
Letters tcidnineutnry on lho cslatoor llarinoit
Kllue.Ialuof Scott township, Columbia County,
have been granted by thelteglsterof said eounly,
lo John C, Kline, who ieldcn In Illoouisbaig.
All perhons havlugilalimi agahut the ehlatoare
lequektedto pieseiu Hun to the Hxecutor fo'
settleiueiit, nud those knowing themselves tn
tk-bted toluake payment.
August l, lfii.7, llxfcutor
O qT() Q () A U ENTS "AVAX'ncT).
ASAMPI.r. Hi:NT rili:i:,wltltteiuis,for any
one to clear dally lu tluee hours, Jlusluess
entirely pew, Jlybt find tlettliahle. Can be donu
at home or tiavellng, by Isilh jnale nud female,
No ijllt L'ltterprlse oi humbug. AiUIk
m?i'07-Iw,1 SG(I Ilioadwny, New Yolk.
Hub Mulu ntul one IVmnleTeucher for Ihe llur
ougli of OMralla, (ViluiublHOouuly, lor n term
of eight iuontliKorhingeiV'ominenchigtuithe Hut
Mouduy in September, Kxnmlnutlon of applicant
Will bu MUX lu the ht htsildioiiheor thenbo u platu
(Hi AugUnt VUth, lHil. lit )( n't lock A. M. Iiv ui
tier unite bnuu( Jl.UlIMIAli O'LONNMlt.
Auuiikt U, 1H17, Hoe'y,