The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 13, 1867, Image 1

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&k .... -nr. t ... .
i . h II it 11111111111
-no. ao,
C o A Ii u O M. l A X V ,
ii f
JOHN JI. KTACKIIMW, l're.lJi nt.
i'IIAM. A, HOONl!, Seerutnry mul Tien-mi r.
nlm M. ftnrkliotMP, N. I,. C'liintilitll,
'hns. A. limine, Cyrus Stneklimw,
A. M'iinwoll.
o rrr (:.
main sthi:i:t, hhickhiuxnv, r..
Tin' lutein li lil hy tlits Ci.mmiijr. rniislst nf
(INK Xcuks,
Mi 'i.l hiM' -rriiii'iicfil.t'p, nf rnti'fHllj K'li'itnl lniul
i itm Mmiinvcst ir Milkes-lliiue, l.uenie roim
, l'.i.. In tlm wtwlcrn I'nit or Mm tlreiilNnithciii
'1 W. ii'illlIK Civil V..lHln.
Ami;, run-fill i.iul Ihnruiiuli i xr lulli.ittoli re-
ciiu'y nuiilii linn jimmii tliio tfur tho nliovo)
1 mils ti he tin' I'lnlimllmcnt "f n mm! imumtit of
tln'M'rylH'st iitntit'iriicllii emit, hmiii
M'l. hieilil.. Il..i' rmltl I.,- tleslreil fur tllilis
nitiitliitl In all illrn turns. Tin- uhue unit is
esse, I li,'itrJil runil, i. ml iiIhu illivt'lly 111
mitt, iiii4l Ji Inhiirnreilie Uii-ktiiviuina AlilimtiiH
ll K r.llll'i.itt, :m, the Wyiilllllli; cmml, Hills nf-
fiinlin 1 1 lit1 i-ry tn'it mU untune ofuciu'ryltia mini
iiinl i.iiml liinnliiK in tlm ury inoiitli of tin'
mines u inioiu cxiiPiiHo tn tlio vntiii-nny.
I hi' ine.isitrenii nt of tlio ill IlVi rtit li' ilscir Ho:itn-
nlrwuly i!i'M'lnioil was inielully oht.ihieit unit
fiililivl ti.'tetln r:-thit thlelctipss nf these icnins,
Ilii'lllitliM Mil' i elelmilcil "Itcil Ash," "llurk Mrmll
lulu," nr "(mil, I Tunnel" M'ln, l tlilrly-iin.i mul
n hulr feel, c.i; every ciilil.' .Mini or wlili h will
'jMilu Ion, Klvlni! ii l.iitu iiinimnt nf the licit
"liuiillly or i-uiil.
liieliniitloii Is sueli Unit ult tlm veins may liu
cut nii.l win-In iltothegroulekt timsthleiitlumliii'u
til-ove Mali r lcel, and nt much lens expense thnn
fun in' 'lime mini enlloiles njieratlliK below wnti r
'1 1 1 1 c ill cm lio lii'uiulit In tlio Hirr.ico tlm. null
ililii', nr 1'iniU'K nlili lnlii.ln tlio until- fiuln tin
li. in s ami i,'i, h llio liuUtliu nf thccoal. Nutlie
i I'L'llilllty nf these lunil'i for ( In up lillnllu; Is Wi
llie stlimitble. Wry lutcly llio "(Initid Tulitiii"
llt-ll Ash" l ll, Il-IS in i ,.,..! ,..,.l lu ,
Jm P'llllclliiiiinllni' n ill.lllty nf iiinl its nvir
a l-inilueeil In the iinlhrivite rt'ixlotiH, The
ihi-r now In iiticrallon In cnpahle. nf pifii'itt rg
li mil I VI tn an tuns ier ilny. Tlio Mil facoi'iiiitalim
n ilmtiil.nil Miiiplyufwonil anil tlmtit'rvi'ry ttl
,.'ile tnr inlr.liiK iuiriiost.s, u-hlcii kHcs Uto lrii'-t
I," n IvantiiKc nriinny other eoul l.uelt. Tho
f c t Hint almost all wiliui'ile coal liiwlsnre heln-.i
I llv laUi'ii up by luiuycaiiitallKlsorlarKci-iir-
jiui'iitl'iiis, allow thai tlu-y numt Ktciullly nlnl
.ivally rlMi III the liinilii't value, whllo v.ltli the
iiininiseauilconMautly lucrenslna ilemainl for
this coal, mul llio tl.tllro.iil iiiut Xnith llrunth c.i-
;iinl, iiwi.1i:h by the mouths of the mine, IhroUKli
!',e llrt : t Iron hialilni; illstrli ts of Uloomsliiutr,
H.imllic, Dtitie.i.iiiou, llnrrlsbiim, Mkl.lletowu,
M-irlella.iiliit Columbia, to lltle-willer lit llavru
lefilaee, one tan t-eilleely toiiL't'lvo of a i.ioie
1 1'iiltiihl,' or pcriuniont Houreo of wpulili than
limy lie fnuiltl 111 laialit like Ihofte,
In onl-'r to bo able to open their ,oiks on a
tiKUe i'.t(Hlileilin, llils rnnipany has l.ieislu
li'i'liiitlol llielreitital ttnel; In market on the
l"l low I tnr lei Ins : Ale. !,. i.tmi li.l. linr inn, or 1,11,1 ,,
I.1..1IIK ol htoek lit
ti:n doll a its ka v ut"
will 'h mlilleil niimmHv lim i,n of rojii nt itt
ia t!i miiiK h rKlmrc, uiid iiny iUuW-.IimM. m
nut iti:ri:ivi;;(i tjii; com
m.t! ti'i !ild, hi be (unlllul on tl.o liootcnnf tlio
l -iln, niiv, u (III tlio illllVri'llt'n liirtWreil tlli-u-l
i ml i HlinKirl- tfr 'acli htuuv. tti U tialil Im'1iiu
u tlividLiKUliiitl UU'Utcl.
m i-iii i,
Tiu- uinlfrslKuoit wrmU npwlfiiJIy ntunnmct) In
t!u cltliU'itM f rI(msl;t;rj; ant llio ihI1U' yt'ii--lull,.' Irt N 1'iuinInKnti
lidWk-fii tliH iil.ifo aM'l th'jII!V'.nt rullin.-ul r.c
1 1 t'.il.iily (Kunihiyii cMvptcnD.tuctmmtt with tlio
i tmhi'i Btiiiitf Mouth mvl VAt n thoCat'i-wN-ii
mul WitllnniUMH't IMllroiuT, mul . ttli tho
K 'ii : Nmth nii-l Hotitti mi Ihn T.iuik.nvtuiti'iaiHl
l;l'j(.:ii-burtf Ilallrniul,
JIIh OmHlluiHMi'siire ia tsMl nmdll'im, oiiiiiui
I' uih nnJ wmtavt-ililo, tuu clitirao ri'im.nali'.
IVt-Kims wishing to niPt orj-oollitir Ji ioiiiW U
1 i i,i'Hu!juncromuitaU,'l upiin nujioiiiibleilmnrc
tv 1. uvhitf timely nl r.ny of tin 1 tiil.
.lAOJIJ f (JIIITOX, i'lDpiMur.
N U U A X (J I! A (! K X O Y .
Yyonitw.; tl'A'W
-Ktnn J.HOO.Uii)
(nmim-iiu , iwynw
VuUM ."flO,(HlJ
ii.iuii $fi,tm
IMtiiam 4,fliJl
t!J'lllKnLlil .".TO.OlU
tli'iumnlii ftnyi
Iiwuniiirol'mniiany of Mate l'.nirn uHV"'
t'.-i.iu-ctUut Jtultm! T.tfo M.UKi.ifM
N"Hl; Aliifi-li-im Ti.UiKil .VO.OO'(,7-ly.
I 'A.
.1. fNItlV. TUP: Cl'MltAI, IlKNiH ItA'IK'IIMI S
ok '(jti:Hi-Air. Tin- YiVekly I'ati'tut Mul Uiiltn
i i.nh'.lMtt tl ct ry Tlim-hdhy by tlu I'litrtutati'l
i'limii l'rthllnu anil I'ulJhnln;; AiwoHntloti. It
n ili.ubli- tlui't ofiltfbl J uk". mul (unlaliis
ini'ty.Hiilit f rlunuiHfit in.itb r, iiualn up-f I J lor.
iirv, AKi'lcultuml, Xt h,' lade ami .Mitclluia iu
-!( el uiliM, Kt'jMtl'ltl t( ('nlKI'nhii(.mil mid I a jlsla
H l I.tlUitlllll, DJillllUn, 1 UltllVH) 1 M1J', i til
tl laU, cti',
I tun topy, oim ycar.iahli rii
i - " jiiumna - , i .
' T :i i npU-ii, oih s iar. ami olio In irettt-r nil of
1 lull :M (-0
1 wt my io)li niio yonr, atil ono tn j-'iUit
Tin-: ,MuiiA',VAniioT a tnion"
. lit bu ftiiuMuit Id iur.ll mbrti fur S7.W pi r
f , Huvlin'h Ittti ih t-boiibl bn aitiliTMi'il to tin'
" I adU.t alat rnloli," lliiuibmv. J 'a,
WM. II. MZM.Clt.'riUKiH',
W.M, I. JIOAH, I'ubltbbi r.
1.TJL M'l ii()I,. Tin Tail tf-rm Im-liui KMuii
bm ,i. th I'ai-iilty of Inst riuM ton roiisistK if lour
rt'Ntdunt tnut ".air iiuii-rihliti'iit piott kkdim, twul u
tuto", TluobJ't Ih bi rliu-ato umiu iiii-ii lr
tin- I'lirUtlim .MinUtry. TIumh U a pa i'uiabry
flitf.H cr ilio-it who Iihmi ia t ifiTlwl a rolli'Kl.tto
I'llur.itlon, One Ituinlrcd aiul hixtv liollai'K a iai'
tin iuntO(l In U'lU'ili-Uu l'i, Hh an
Mini In special cnvtt, Tho liittlon, iui of l.tbiaiy
iimi b Nt-tHiU, Hiv fu i) to all, 'I'Uv h-claml m
i"iiiiii a hy tho i ntturiun and ('bilKtl.m tiL'iiomi
uallnlli. but 1x Din u lii all m bn bi'lltw III lhi ill'
Miuotli;lii if ChrbMauIty. Tin- Library -on.lhlH
Ul VfP MHUIlttt.
Applli'itllnii iniiy bo niailit to JIcv, A. A. Llu-ino.-f,
rittilili'iit of tl.u Uo.irU oi JiMim-ttnii.
. liMtiili, Tn, JV-ly
IJUtOniKtHMV, I'll.
Ittt Of
fotitlnuu tho buN.nMw (( nakH
nml iiwry ttyloof
which tltry h.uiK'oiutaiilly on hand to hiiHi"i'h, Kovcr imlnu tuiy material but Itiu U-t
nml unpioylnK tin' luoul M.'pt'rU'iwi! wureincii.
tlmy liopo to foidimu-uH Uerctufoio b) gtw i'iitti
mtlhfactlon to cwty eutdomvr, An Jiwi ittlon ol
t'u-lr woilr, aialof th uujnab:D prhvj iUiil lor
tlm win ii-( U htiru to tnurn u haw.
yiNu i'oxd ii o t i: in
iintvini,,m-ii ii.imiii; ii'Ht't mill l v mt I inn
oa In kowI htjlu tliu nbon wdbltnown llouso,
In tholioriU-roof t'nhimbtfitimliilllvnn count It -n,
In OHO of tllom'Hl bruuttltll lllld iii'llltllllll U'ulnnn
In llio Htnti'i Ih tally prt'pntod tn luroinnuHlutu
iHitorK mul Hiijoutnirn
IhclVniil and ivtti'fitii nrn u-cll Mtncln it with
ilcllciuns firth o iiuiny Itindu liu'ludln
" i; O U T A N 1 V I 1C i:.
ami 1 Hint ft In nrdcr will 1m kiiit for tlm ae
loiiitiKiiliitlun ami muuMMiu'iit ol uui'mIh, i-IUiur
for ilKhliu or pleasure r.icurMloiisuirini Dim bi uu
tlllll hilt I t Of HIltlT Whll'll Is
Hurniumh'd by mi cxtt'nllivst.tlieU'Namii
ditl Id tliu liiintmiian a r leii(Ud Held lor hi own
pi't-ulliir hpoilw, ami cxt'ieNu with bin
J O O A N 1 (I U N.
lltti ii-lll t luix-u Iil.ul t.!fl. il.
h'llciU'li.Hiir Oium asotii mul bin liar fdiKdu-d with
I 'run l,un oiK, '1 bo lfnun in larm'iiml i-oinnio-illinw
; tint Mabllnw vxleinhu and witv.
i in 1 1 'iiist h I'l'iu'i ion Hunt n't'rai pninw on
tlm IllfWMiliblirir ,t liclcnwiinti'L Hnllrn:nt! mid U
iiKili-iifld plain to pain tho hot ltmnlliM nf nuni-
. . Ji. It. JlAlliUllIHl
nay it, in;7-iu.
iu' undefdgiK'd lutviiu pui-i-hnsit ibis wi-lL-MiDwiniiidii-ntially-loi-atotilHiiisc,
uici.siiiiaiu uu .u.. ni ui.1,1, in lHouinsiiiiiK.
I llltllt dl'Lti.lV OUlHlMln llu. I 'i.h.t.thhl Hunt i-Cntirl
HoiiM-, n-KpLrtiiilly fnlctnin hi ti-leiidt and tlio
public In i'i'tii'rl that Idti bmiv li How In ordir
lor tlio ivifpllonntid I'litt-rtaliMncnt or trai 1U rn
Wlauiiay bidNMtH.d tu laur II Willi Ihulr cus
1 1 tin, Jin luiH wpmi'il iioi'xpi-nsu in pri-puilm; tho
I.xihain:!' fur Um t nb'i (alnou nt or hli kuohIo,
ludtla'i' vlmtt thiTi' hv iinthlui; wanlliia ion hW
niri; n Jiiiniii-i- id iiu-ir ptTMiimi iinirtiii. 1 1 ih
lotlHO Ih MHIC loll", and t-nlmi lui c-kh lhiit. bunU
in ks lot'utlon,
(MiitilbmHi'H run at all Hiuch between ibo V.x.
rhanu Hotel ami tl.cvnrln' s ilopotn. by
wblfh tniMller' will bn phM.nntlv i'oni''tl tn
iind rroni tin- resji(Ttli btiittmiH lit tint llnin to
nirci in' nun. ,iiiii i , i Aiiun,
lllooinburir, Mmrh t-', IMA
IlWIXft hitrlv nur'hf".et and (Htcd un tho
wi ll-Unnwi Uohisnn llutil Property, bM-atetl a
l'LU IKiOilS AIIDVK Tltr. (DUtiT ItOl'SK,
on the f-iiiiit side of tho htreot. In tin town of
lllHiihur; and having obtnint-d n IU-uihu fr
tho MllllO ana
Ji K H T A U R A X T,
tho 1'ioprletor Ii:iHthtertnllu'tl to itlvo to tho pin
plo tHithiL; tho town on bmlnohs or ph-asim,
a mttm: .Motti; uoom.
IIUsI itillnanlsn U fxtciislvo. mid N filled un
tn put bUIeHatulealllam-s In I he dry. Un pinln
ivs Unit t- ei tiling about liN i-htiiblNlmienl shall
bn eoudiii ti-il In mi oribn l and biwliil manner
and lie I'tpiettully holh-ltn u sharo of tjiojiutjllc
.1, -i, -I 1C , J1UI,IV. . I , ,i, ,
Opsonic Jlon'inj ft ;'().
ON Tit 11 KUliOX'KAIt I'l.AX,
Tin. Itmi: U well and wldetv !:iiovu
tt tbu ttaelliit; iiiibtle. Tlio loeatlnu Is especial
ly Miitnhlo tn tut rchautH and biHlness un u ; It Is
in t Iimo proximity to tho business ii.ut of tho ilty
h on tin- liltrliwnv of Southerii and Western
travel anil adhteeiu to all tho i)ritK-ti'.il railroad
and Mi'aiiiht.ul depot k.
i no m evens i iiacn nan noora. iiet'oiuuioiiauoii
for over vyt Clients It H well rurnlsbetl, and pos
txeuHOK e ery moderate, linpio einent for tbo itiin
fnrt mid inteiiuinim nt or IN Inmates. Tho
looniH are sparlnuiilld wt 11 elit Hated pi nvbletl
wlthuaM and water Ibo attciuttinci' N Droutnt
mul iosiectiiil .iml the tablo It m m rnuOy pm-
vmeu wan evory uoumey oi mo season m iiion-
. i , it'n i 'I i t wi i 'i
my 1 1 '1.7-4)111. I'ropi ietors.
(ii:oiua; v,, maugjuk, iToprutar.
Tbo . t il-linowii hotLd ha uti ntlv uudt-r
(,'ono r.idleul rlmiiKOHtn Its Internal nrranyeini tits,
and its piMiirleturantioiinees tolilifoiinei-fUHtHiii
and tbo ituM'lllim public that Ids ncenniodallonH
for tliMfniiilnrt of lit h miestsaroseeoiiil tn none In
Ibo emintrv. HI-, table will nlwnH "n louiiti sup
1.11...1 ; ..t.. . oi. ...... .,ttt,.t i ixii ...m. ..n
tho ielieaeleHof tlio season. Ills u'lneH nnd 11
ouor- (evet'pt that. popular b.'verac.i known as
.it'v'7irv ?, jiuiennseti tuieti ihmii hid mipouint;
bouses, aro entiielv tmio.nnd fivo fiom alt poi
sonous dams. Ho in t haul; Jul for a liberal pal ion
niro lu tbo past, mul will eontlnuo totteserxe It In
thefutme. !i:oU(ir. V. .MAU.JKlt.
ji:njamix (nti;KX,
Healer III
cAisnrriMow, wir;i)owHiiAiuj,
Uir.l.'I.QTlIM, MATH, .lc
:;n, ai .vnitii m'lnnii wn tt,
I'l.llatl. Jl'lil.t.
j i. LONGSTiurnr,
I'Ai'int-jiAxoixu wAiihiiorsi:,
Ko, 12 North Third Blriul,
11 Y
1 11 13 I'lTl Ii llOl'SK,
oitAN(ii:vu.i,i:, cur.UMiiiA Co., pa.
ThtKUb'-cilber icstn otfully liifonn-i btsfriendi
lid Hie nubile, that lie has taken tbo aboo udl
knouu Itoil'-e nf rntertalniileiil, mul will be
pbaoiilto ieetde On' euvtohl of all who will
bAor him with n cull.
in: wthu kv.v.v a c;ooi taiii.i:,
II Par Wf 11 ftoeked with the best of I.lcjUoiX, mid
er,v e tint i Will iu it utile I ti ll liner ciuiro Mills
faetlon. ,U)1IN
('lantrc uu-, ra .Mm-cii i ., i-ot-iiu.
l in: r.-opritlor on bo llxciiHiiyeK'uumhaH now
on hand a l.irolni!c of
MMMi:u ui:kii!:hiimknts,
consisting of
Hl' ot-lllis, HAIIIHMX, TKII'l', UOI.I (iNAH
f njTi'TOMjri:, noit.Kp rf.di, v.'i:iri n citnsr,
hA(iKH IlKMll, AI.K, AC. '
to.Mi: (ini; roMi; ai.Ij ani si:i:. -uu
Uli-t-insbuitf, ,Mny H, lko7.
Tin: subn ilbi r li Mn 1 1 full v inlnrnwhlu frb litis
mid tbu pulilie, that do lias taki n tho above wt 11
known House tt Ilnleitalnnunt, ami will Ui
pleuMtl to neelo the tuMi-m ot all who will
M r bli.i with a dill.
in: will kva:v a (iood tahm;,
a 1'ar well Mocki d w lib tbo best t f I.hjuo, and
o i'ty t llort will bo ruado tn tender enllio satis-
ractii.ii, w:i. 11KMI.KY.
JP., r.i., April I'A P67.
oi;an(ii:vii.m:, coli'.muia i-ountv, pa.
ua:, coli'.mu
i.itAi:ii mumma, rj:oi'i!n:Ton,
lla Inn t.ikt u nnsMsslon t f tbln u ( ll.knou o
house, mi loiur ktot bv Snimit I i:eietl. tlii1r.
in h toi luiKput In it pel mimciit icpatrand turnlsb
cd UAH AND b.Mllil.IMvltli ll.-i holt t st liuorn
mid iieMtNl tleliiat'h m. Ills stable W not extelleit
In the totititv : ami no iuiIi.h w-lll bo boated in
nit otiinioitalo yiieittH, api.Vii?,
SuriQUj:irAXXA iiotkl,
I'atuwJsRa, l'u.
Tho nlmvo Hotel has lately bteii purchased by
Hi:NUY.l. i7-AllK,mitl has bien thotouhly ro
iiio.liKct, repuhed, ami tel'iirnUbed. It will b
ituuitt now, lu ltx iirrnn.'eHient mul appoint nnntx,
a llist-eliisii HiiUI, and setond to uono In tho
counlij. l'eioiiHu citbM wlrfhinu ud Hit
hot ii-.tiuiliN In tbo country, will tin well In yhn
the propiietorneall,
Areh t- ttt-ct, b ! hi i u Thlru uhM I'iniitii htru Is.
t lillutlclphlu,
ciutiM't'i wi:iii:u,
J.lltAKl) HOUSK,
Coiiu-r 'r Xlulh mul Chefliuut f-lri'tln,
n, w. i:anaua,
I'loprh loi.
lii .Nonrir Hiunill HTiir.ur,
.1. ii W. (I, M'l.'IllllIN, rroprlelor.
Muj- in, lKS-ly.
To llutit ami Uulodll Ihcimi'm of Ulttonik-
Inutt anil t'nlumhlii Coituty. I have appolnteil
Mr, 11. istohiu r at;,-iit rm' tho Mile of my ale, porter
brown .totil, unit hitter Ui r, who will Mtpply ou
lit the Kiiiiti price (aiul Mlth llio .auioaitlcto), as 1
M'ouUl furnliili jou I lout tho hit'wcry. Kuoowlui;
Hint he will ho puutiiuil iiutl nlti'iitWe to nil wUtt
may fawn' hlin utli Uu lr mule, I inllelt fur him
.Miumuppiirt, Very tt',ectfiillyi
i'iti:i) i.Aur.n,
Ktium Ihevu'i-y, Uimliuit, l'u,
M, AII'IMAN, II, 1HI.I.IN(II 11, 1:. 11, A1ITMAN.
ltT.MAN, Jlllili.NdKH & CO.,
SO. KM N0I1TII TIllllll bl lll IT,
yttlrll vjQitle Jumcn, roif, tbtntiv .1- (b.)
WholcMtlo lkalerii lu
on, pi.oniH, NiiAini. via mriH,
UltAIN 1IAC1B, rUIIDAdi:, AC. AI.I-0,
lllllblllS, TIlV.MiH, I.00K1NU OMUEil, ETC
May 10, lt7-ly.
A JCM1100Vat4.0 NoAV'SpMlltU',
li Pi-ut.ifftiKii i;vi:nr riabAY mounin'u at
HI.ttO.MHItt'Ud, PKX.N'A,
Till! principles of this paper irorcun-
lab Ht'hnolof pnllllcM, Thoso iirlnclplcs Wlllliexo
bo coinproinlstd, yet cout liny mat ki miens hu
not bo InrKottcn lit i11sciiiHlntliciu, whether with
Imllvltlu.ilH, or with contempfirarles of tho Piosh
Tho unity, happiness, nnd prosperll of tho cuun-
try Ih our aim and object; mul its tho mum to
fcorurollnt, Wo Mrill labor liotie.tly and earnestly
for tholmrntony, Micr-eissntid grow thof our orKaii-1atlou,
ri.uM-iorSL'liscKiiTiiiN: Tv.'n ilollatH a j car
If pal.l In advance. If not paid In advanco two
ilollatH and llfty ceiitn will bnjmnrlably charged.
Tkums ot AbVi.iiTiHtNu : One Kittaio(tcn lines
or loss) ono or thn o Insert hunt SI ,7) tath nubse
(Ittent liifcitlon .V) cetitH.
Ono MitiiHc ,.
Two Mjuans
Three Kfpinrcs..
l our isiiuarci,.,
Half column..,.
Ono column.,..,
. .1,111
i r!,t
. l,i x)
7,i f)
8,1 H)
liM, lY.
$(1,1X1 s! I0,io
Ii.ii) n,oo
K'.U) ls(u)
1 l,X) 20,00
'.11,1 X I iUI.INJ
Hxecutnr'ft and AdnilnNtriitnr'H Notlco S.l.txij Au
ditor's Nolleo ?JA Other ndvirttsciiieiilH Inser
ted arcnrdlng tnwpechil contract.
lluslncss not Ici-s, without ail vi i tlseinrnt, twenty
cents per line.
Transient advcttNcincnlH payablo lnmhuncc-
ull others duo alter tho first lmcitlon,
It Ih, In all cans, moro likely to bo satisfac
tory, both tn MUhscilbotM and to tho rublishers,
that icinltt.incesmt 1 all t ojnmuulcut Ions respect-
Ins tho buslncHHof thoiciper, bo sent dirt ct to tho
olllceof publlcntloii. All letlirs, win ther lelathiK
to tho editorial or business concerns nf tho paper,
nnd all payments for subscriptions, adveitlslni;,
or Jobbing, m u to bo matlo to nnd addressed
huockway a rui;i:zi:,
"OilaviMwt Office,"
llLooMSIlUIUl, l'A.
rrlutod at "loblsoii'rt llultdlnns, near tho Court
House, by ('has. M, VANin:itsi,ici:,
.Vently t.M'culetl at this (Juice.
jr. ivKLi.i:,
ATT OllXllV-AT'Ii A V,
Ashl.uid, Schuylkill County, l't im'n.
"j ;IACKS()X,
A T I I) ll .Mi I A T- I A W,
IJerwhk, t'oliimbi.i County, retiti'a.
M. M T,tAU(MI'
A 1 T 1 1 J t is 1 -AT-liA V,
llerwh-k, Columbia County, rtnu'ii.
A II U 1. -N li 1 - A T-I. A V
Cr.NTltAr.IA, l'A.
joiix o. 1''iu:kzi:,
A 1 Til It N 11 Y-AT-I. A W,
Ollleo In HtyUler unit Keeonler'H olllce, hi tho
liaseincnt of the Court House, lllooiu.burK, l'a,
OCUv coiner of Main and Matket hlieet-,
Kb-st Nntloiial Hank, Illiomsbiir;, Pa,
J)U. L. H. KI.IXK,
A it of .It flii kiiii Ml.1I.-ii1 l'.ill.... I'lil!.
adeltihla, ha ln porniaiifiitly Ineatid, oilers his
1lofsdMual Mel it i'H lo tbo elt 1eiiN ot Culnu Utit
mid vicinity, oiheo on Main stieet, seeontl tltior
i.iniiil il-uJ .JDIIll t 1,111111111. apr ll.-)Ill
I. '
A T TOlt N 1 : Y - A T -1, A V,
Olheeon .MlllnMlecl, 111 brlelc lillllilhlK In low tho
Court House, llloonisbui, l'u.
("1 II. UltOCKWAY,
IIMIO.M.-lltnifl, l'A.
llri len I'nnrl IIihui
himlilttn (.mice.
Alley, below the tt
.Ian I'W.
n. rorisox,
lllOOMSHl'llU, l'KNN'A,
Olllce lu 1111111 JtU IhllMlmr Miitti li.-i.l U. O
of tbo Ann rican House, liuy-l'tT,
jiiihiis corr.MAN,
If.lVllllI litllisu'etl Ibn lilittessloii of I'nblle V. ii.tue
Crli r lor iiuiny years, uniilit liifonu his irlcmls
lli it In- Im Mill lii tin. ili-lil, iciuly ami wlllliiut,.
nlleniltoall Ihe ilUllea ol liU e.llllliK. 1'elsons
(leshhu hlsM'l-vlees hhoulil tall or iwllo In hlltl
ut Nlooiiisbuii.', l'.i. (marSW.
jyu. w. ii. unADi-KY,
u.-iie Assistant Meiiical Ulreclor r. H. Army,)
fi" lllllee at the house npposltoShlvo'i llloek,
Illoomsbui';, Tu,
Calls plomiilly atteliiliil to both riltflit mul ilay.
luoomshu-,., .hiu. IS, sli7.
J 11. I'UltSKfi,
, .MANiii'.vcnim:!!,
ami tttiittr lu
CAKl'irr-llAUM, VAMSIJ", KI.V-.MTm, Al
Main Klici I, Itlooiii.btiii;, ru.
S1I1V K ,
o A ii I n i: t m n i; i: it,
AMI KAMTAl-llilH: 11 V blKAM OF
11 II U T T i: It f, M t) V I, D 1 N (1 H,
llLOOMHUUIttl, l'A.
June i, IMj7.
g C. I'OI.l.IXH,
' l'A rill It) NAHM!
()t r"i'luiuyer Jaeobj'i Ice Criaiii Haloon,
I!I.()(I.M-Illllt(), l'A.
Hull' liyellut anil Wiiiskeis cohueil black or
hlou ll. Hiilr Tonic III llesllnyil.lllilrull lllltl beau
tll lint the hair: m-III r-store hair In Its nilKlniil
color without illluu tlio tlucst lubilc, lonstaiitly
oil liiilnl. li.iu 11)7.
t i:. h a v a o i:,
Main Street, in in th Coitit Ifotue,
CotiKtiiutly on liaiul a tluu nssoituit'iit of
Li(K-kn, Jeiu-liy, KIlMrwaroiitul Hiii't-tiit-lcn
railUuhir attention pulil tn tho itulrluu of
Watt ht CiockM, Jew eh y aiul Hpcctiu'lc,
d Musuulo iiiuiUic uiuilu tu oitler. All work
wurruuliii, npiH)'U7,
mtitly eitcuttslut Tliu coluuiiiam Htoaiu
Tin. tti or st. .ioi)oi:cs,
I'ltOM tAiAX or UOl,lAUTKS.
K'irmcnis worn ami poor.
JiHlokitH.'V'vohlin hi cad."
To provo how jicait his iservntit tMiro,
Ono day the Jolokuv door
Catio' boK'jlni'
Ono loaf aUmi-is," thoslewnrd ftaldi
h faithful d.besldiV
will not tho Iord
Tor theo an
lde?" 1
TlioMlewanl naiie sIurIo loaf with care,
Andcut four pUch an t-uuil share.
Then to the htv&io friendly tone,
Ono each for to me, tho abbot one.
Ono for tho dojjf (tiu but obey,"
,IndokU!(niiiHu&-jin.irwent his wny.
yotboon rt'foiicllod, hrmt")t, u lover of
"Vloshy nails tU'iioto tliuiu'iMiii to lio
mild in temper, Idlomtil hi.y.
M'.iicmiil blauU nalU hiiow tho per
son to lio very deceitful to his nelIihor,
nml Htihjeet to many tllspii.-.L-i.
MU'tl mid nuirked luilNslgiilfy ttchol-
oi'loiitid inartlul nalure, lven to cruel-
and us in iny little marks as there
are, thoy .eai; no many evil tie.siieH,"
t Uheder diniiltwc,
i I biead with pleading
Notions, nndJ
Oucrinoro Ihe I
eyes. I
"fllo liLiu my iitoitdkUHmitlYKald!
Tho Ionl pnivl.Uc steward uao tho bread.
ARrtln the linid atlie thrrwhold sI.mmI,
And, faint W lilt fc Ik Wt-.t a Utile AkjiI.
"Ohohlm thy
The Lnrd prn Pie.
A little while, hi
thus .lodokUH said
slewaid gave thn bread.
1, blind, i. b l tamo,
Tho fourth time fco Lord; and ben
nan to
"(ilo thetl.j;s 1,,,'y man leplled;
'I'ho Lord, who ifc. iaens, will pro Me."
i no siewnru K.iMfciem'ir lelt llio plio,
And ii(.lcotriul'ihyf,ilth Is f-ieatl
Tlty rird hat h pill jter anfs loyalty
As thou hast tni'-iM buduno tntlieo?"
Tho Rtowaid lookJ in, ihe ttampill bay,
Ikholtlt anchor lay.
1'ar up tin lr hMch jter's tllmpltii line
llroke round thfirjwell stonsl with bread
mul wluo I
Joyful thoftewanll to thn utrnnd,
Aiul Haw no man ito vessel Ktaudj
Iluton Hiefhoroa khltolmiinor w.ed,
Whereon liij;uldcnaa'si' wordn weionraved:
rotirMitps lio sctlidoththo ravens feed,
To him who hath itn-s supplied Hit ned,
One for tbo abbot, In 1 Ut belu ;
Ibo steward ami tliiko portions win ;
J lio fourth Is for thrHHeedy kin 1
HY A. 1'. IlL'MI'IIttLY,
HPA.MC 111..
ins motiii:h
Ills mother,
I.t.r mo spank
Ho Is such a
Ho the baby n
Af.d he's bio!
Oftheitoll I k.
Ho has 1110111'
Aiul thciflx in
Ti wh'it lututiilsfli.f Kui.
Last nlnhtheptl. ker
'ealh his AiLilnui'w ihalr
inotbi r,
uiiy'd toy.
ia nose.
And ho told intfc
Win n I aske
Then when poi
W an Kt.irlhiK
Ho Hi d hertv
Iticilly lsipilt.
How ono h nor1
How ho puti piiilie'
And c.tyeniu
Yu may icucss
Snl'll hp ink bin
Tho naughty
:iino there.
nyanotht r
luothi r
A Voi.umi: fitllilliu Hook of tliu
lluiuljor, tlii'Hcicir JIddciii I'm
iii Wry, tliklly nt nt; to tlio Hyu
ti'int of D'Ai'iiwitl; id Dci-ljitiiolk'.i
by A. U.Cnils,Iitltl)C'fnmiI)lllii'il
in l.oiidiiii. air. Clias litoiiKlit to
gether a liir(,'i! niiKiil' uinti-lii,' n-i-
hiji, without wiyliis much of it hu
licliovi'.-i. I lu fount
.-ydi'im of 1 1'Arpc-ay
rollrs, llio t'L'lt'limtij
ccrs. I-'rom thciu nr
rules fur interirotli
btory upon tlie
iiinl l)ebrtr-
iich eliiroiiiiin
en in (lctnil tlio
the knots nml
hollows, lines nml fi-s tlmt occur in
various hands; and tiot-tmliesthcin
iirluht will lie able tjl fortunes and
read characters, at abu as wisely ih
any waiideriiiK Kil'flVltlioiit much
study ho may lie, inlpcrlleial way
n palmist. Tints; I
"A Iiandstmiotlilulo; m tlio ilu
Kcr.- thick denote thfe-oii to ho of
phltiriuatlL' coiuple.-ildU. slotlil'ul
Imt modent.
"If tho paint of Ihfid lie loiiciuul
llio llnjiers well-proifcncd, and not
soft, hut rather li!ird,notes tho pur-
sou to ho iiiKcnuoiM, tjiaiiKeable.and
Klven to tlieftanil vli
"Ifthohanil ho liollolldand well
knit in the joints it m-ts lone; life
liosl'ITAIitTY AMON'tl I.tONM. ''I
havobeen nstiri'tl," sitys Chculcr In his
" I'resent Stale of .Morocco," "that it
llrcbowlio went out to hunt tlio lion,
having proceeded far into the forest,
Impelled to moot w ith two lion's whelps
that camy to caress lilm. Tho hunter
topped with the little animals, and,
wnltiii"; the coming of the slro or thu
dam, too!; out his breakfast and pivo
them a part. Tho lioness arrived tin-
perceived by the, so that ho
Iind not time, or perhaps wanted tho
courage, to tako to his gun. .rtor hav
ing for foine timo looked at the man
wlio was thus feasting her young, tho
lioness went away, and soon after re
turned, bearing nsheop, whlchshecamo
and laid at tlio huntsman's feet. Tho
llrebo, thus become ono of tlio family,
took this occa-Ion of making n good
meal, skinned tho sheep, Hindu u fire
and roasted a part, giving tho entrails
to tho young. Tho lion camoalso ; and
as if respecting the right') of hospitality
bowed no tokens of ferocity. Their
nest tho next day havliigllnlsbed their
provisions, returned, and caino to tho
resolution never more to kill those ani
mals, tho noble generosity of which ho
had m fully proved. IIo caressed tho
whelps at taking leave of them, and tbo
dam and slro accompanied hlin till ho
was wifely out of the forest."
l'oWKlioi' AN AX.-Thu other tiny I was
holding a man by the hand a hand as
llrm in its outer texture as leather, and
his sunburnt face as Inflexible as parch
mentlie was pouring forth a tirade of
contempt on tho-o who complain that
they get nothing todo, as an excuse fur
Idle loafers.
.Said I, "Jeff, what do you work at'.'
"Why," mid he, 'I bought mo an ax
three years ago, that cost mo two dol
lars. That win all the money that I
I went to ehopplng wood by tbo cord.
I have done nothing else, and have
earned more than trt'iUU, drank no grog
paid no doctor, and have bought 1110 a
llttlo farm in tlio lloo-ier State, and
shall bo married next wiek to a girl
who has earned iS-UO since she was elgb
teen. My old ax I shall keep in the
drawer and buy mo anew ono to cut
wood with.
Alter I had left him I thought to my
elf; "That ttx ami no grog." These
aro tho things that makes a man lu tlio
world. How small a capital that ax
how sure of succoos with tho motto, "no
And then a farm and a wife the
of all.
'then denotes
riling to tho
ibo lingers too
at tho ends,
alt, nnd ad-1.
land is longer
,teiiiires and
okcu a great
rcury that
an will rule
lfe will bo
1 wear the
to bo
) nature,
hut if overthwarted
short lire.
"lie wliosu hum! Is
iiiautlty of bis body,
short and thick, and
will liu a thief, a Her
dicled to all manner o
"When thu palm of
than tho duo urooort
tho fingers moro thlcl- how much
they are thumoru shoiiilgnllles that
tho man Is proud, idliSgllgeut, and
so much llio inoru bww much tho
moro brawny,
"(ireat and long hunt
spirit, liberality, good tltioiis, craft
iuess : but tho person i ho a good
counsellor, anil fulthfuljils frlemls,
"Observe, tlio finger ol
Is tbo llttlo finger, such
his own house, and li
pleasing and obedient liu ; but If it
he short, and reach not tiiiitt, liu will
have a shrew, and she
"Iiio.ul nail show thilmou
bashful, fearful, but of g
"When tliero is it eertivblto mark
at tho extremity of thenj shows that
tlio person has moro horL than bub-
tlety, aiul that ids worf btibstancu
will be Impaired throiighgiigcnce.
"Wlilto nails and lonffiuoto much
sIcknct-H and liiflnnltyiecially fe
vers ; an indication of nlrt!i anil de
celt by women. I
"If upon tho white l'thlng tip
pears at tlio extremity lit is pule,
it denotes short 1 1 l'u by 4cn death,
and tlio person to bo giv
"When thcronppears a
redness of divers colorsnt
of tho nails, It shows thu
choleric mid very quarrel
"When thu extreme Is
sign of husbandry.
"Narrow nulls tlcnolo tl
Inclined to mUcliief, and t
ills neighbors.
"Long nulls feliow tho ,on to bo
good natured, but distrust! unit loves
reconciliation rather than a-rciiccs,
"Oblique, nails dignify del and want
of courage.
"l.ittlu round nulls ilcinf obstlnato
anger anil hatred.
"If they bo crooked at thbtreiulty,
they bhow prldo anil flercoL.
"iiouiui nuns fallow n emtio person,
to inelaii-
aln mixed
on to bo
1:, it Is u
rson to liu
i Injury to
Hoys The It rrible mull. Three broth
ith, the eldest of whom was not over
twelve years of age, living near Hot
mail's Station, on the Cincinnati A In
tllauapolls Kaili-oad, and Incurring the
terrible rKk of having a tiain pa lug
over them al full speed. They repeat
ed this recently, at sad en-t, with the
passenger train run hy conductor Oeo
Drain. This train, out from Cincinnati
was running along at a usual speed
when tho engineer happened to dbcov
or three little human lornis, curled li
in holes between tbo ties, ju-t as tho on
glue was within a few yards of them
There was no chance to stop the train
until it luiH pif-ed over them, and pro
ceeded some distance fiirthe-. Tho of.
fleers of the tialn had returned to tho
spot tind found tho tlueo ehlldrleu ter
ribly bruised. All bad broken I inil
and ouo of them had his head mashed
lu such a maiiiiitas to uiako his loeov
erv a matter of doubt. It seems that lu
selecting their nests they had not calcu
latcil correctly as to the depth, and that
the break box had caught thorn. I he
tire children of Mr. John House. mil
(imtpotis traltl,
An A wit i. HrAiTii Accidhxt.
One of tho most horrible reaper acel
dents that has ever come to our kuowl
edge occiired lu a wheat Held thrte
miles south of tbo village of Cascade
in tills county, on Thursday, .Aug. 1st
It seems that a child but three years 'of
ago straved from its home into a wheat
Hold, which was near by, and fellitsleoi:
among tlio wheat. Before long the lath
or of the child came along with a reap
or. drlviiiL' at a brisk rate, llu was
startled by a sharp cry, which was al
most Instantly hushed. Looking down
atthohleklohoMiw what was oncu hi
Infant child rolling before tho knives
already dead. IIo Instantly stoppi
thu team and got down to tho knives
Tlio little creature was frightfully iiinii
glctl. Tliu slcklu had cut and mangled
It from Its head to Its feet. Its face was
not recognizable, so terrlblu bad been
tbu work of thu knives Its nose and
cheek and eyes had all been lacerated
Tho skull had been cut through and
iirobablv this almost instantly killed
tho child, as tho head was evidently the
first Halt struck. Tliu child screatiu
but once, and then was instantly still
Dttbittjuo Tiitus.
said that
April last, Mrs. Jane Swls-helin,
ono of tlio editorial Mali' of the
lllsburg Oimiticivltt, was a regular
correspondent of tho Cliambersbttrg lie
imslttit'i. At that timo tho Allegheny
rcpudlators had Justs-elected .luilgu Wil
liams, of Comitctlt'tlt, us their choice
font member of the Supremo Court of
tbo .State. Mrs. Swlssbelm notices that
fact, and thus ppeaks of Judge Wil
liams: '
It ainicars to bo all acknowledged fact
that the l'lttsbiirg bar Is to-day as Utile
burdened with brains as at any period
Iitco it was a bar and no better evi
dence of Its appreciation of rcmevlnhtc
Mttitocrit! coiiiu lie oiicreu tiian its se
lection of Judge Williams for tbo Su
premo llencb. In Ml and '12, when ho
as a law student in tno oiucu ot .lunge
Lowrle. 1 had some billncss In settling
my father's estate, lio who was since
iiKigo i.owrie was my attorney, i.oing
i tho olllce ono nay. i iiiuiKi mm ex
plaining to Mr. Williams and another
student a point ol'law.nnd lioiisked me
to sit down and wait. I sat down and
hail the benefit of the explanation;
heard thu questions propounded by Mr.
Williams and tliu other student, and
the going over and simplifying tho caso
by the teacher. I sat In blank ainuzo
nient, wondering If that little man ever,
ever, r.vint, would get enough law Into
his liead to maku any kind of living by
letting It out lu quantities to stilt cu-to-mers;
but be Is sober, Industrious, pa
tient and plodding, anil after all his
dullness of comprehension, did learn u
good deal of law, and 1 think that In
any easo which win well established hy
irecedent. and which bad been careful
v and lucidly explained, aiidsimplllled
ho could understand It, and would i Io
nic accord tig to his knowlcdgetiud be
lief. When bu conns to a new Held of
Investigation, tbo mints have compas-
lon on the iioor, lat, short, puny man.
What a tlmu ho would bavu wading.
floundering and what a mudillu ho
would bu likelv to make of it ! A man
of active brains would not bu likely to
rim quite as much to that substance
most valuable in whales, and If tho lte-
iiinillcan party m 1'enn-ylvaiila have
ho Utkv material out of which to man
ufacture u Supremo Judge than lion.
w. v. or u. v ., or v . something
WllllaiiHof I'lttsberg, then itttl Mtcr
olc far (.70 l)' ..lomttic vtimlnlutt;. wlio-
soeeer he iiitti tic, on thetiottml tittt tiey
cannot be tmrttal.
In contrast with this notlco of Judge!
w imams, oi Connecticut, from ono
who, like him, is attuliod to the prln-
lples of tbu ltadieal party, wo present
tliu following tribute to Judge Sliars-
wood, of Pennsylvania, from the pen
of I-. li. l'oimlmaii, of thu 1'ittsburgh
(!t:itte, a leading ltadieal organ in tbo
western part of the State :
In nominating Judge Sharwood. as
(heir candidate lor thu .Supicmo bench,
the Democrats have made ti wi-o selec
tion lor themselves tluriiiL' tlio iirotrriuM
of their canvass, antl for ilic people of
me. leitoic iviiiiiitmiccttiti in tiie lie
Simula be dieted. Ho is as stiitalilt!
maii lor thu place us they could have
brought forward. Naturally of sound
and discriminatingjudgnient, his I'.ieul-
tlso have been matured by thorough
tudy and a largo and varied experi
ence. Indeed, lie Is a consistent and
honored olllce-bearer in tlio l'resbvterl-
:m church. As it magistrate, a suii clou
of unfairness or partiality has never
been raised again-1 lilm.
Tbc.-e are tho two Judges presented to
the people by attaches of tho ltadieal
parly. The contra-t could not ho inatlu
tronger, oven by tho most devoted and
attached friends of the Democrat ie can
didate. JudgeShai sWood Is commended
for eminent ability us a lawyer, while
is a magistrate It Is aid a "a sii-picion
" of unfairness m-pat tlallty lias never
"been rai-id against lilm." This Is
high praise, aiul, coming from a politi
cal opponent, should maku an i in press
ion upon that cla-s ol people who pro
fess to act independent of all parly or
ganization, and cast their votes for the
best men.
TO HI! roltCIll) UI'ON it.nnsyi.vania
nv tiu: conohims.
Tltr. following article from tho Ilar-
risburg Tdeyraph, (Judge Williams'
central Slato organ,) of tho Sith Instant
confirms whatwo bavo repeatedly alllr
mod namely, that tlio ltadieal leaders
Intend to attempt the enforcement of
negrosiill'riigo In Pennsylvania In op
position to tlio Slato Constitution and
tho wishes of our people. It aiyH :
a r. act or coxtiiiiys on tiu:
hl'lTHAOi: Q.IT.MTI0N.
"Tin: opinion of thinking men, of
slatesmeii and philanthropists, Is fast
closing strongly on tliu subject of secur
ing tho passage of ti general law of Con
gress, regulating tbo suffrage question
In all the Stales of thn Union. ( Ongross
fixes the status of citizenship tho peri
od at which a native born arrives nt tlio
rights of citizenship the period for
naturalization and Congress, unques
tionably, Is tho proper power for defin
ing thu rights ot the black man to tho
elective frunehlso lu the several States.
Congress, In order to promote harmony
of action in political contests, and do
nway with tlio wijittt. tlincriniliialionr,
which nre practiced by tbo States on
tills subject, should nt its next tension
act upon Its unquestionable Constitu
tional authority by adjusting tills vexed
question throughout tho nation, by do
Ing Justice to men who add to tliu pro
ductive' wealth of tho country in peri
ods of peace, and wlio in timo of war
have shown their ability and willing
ness to peril their lives in tho defense of
tho Government.
"At tho session of Congress last spring
Mr. Sumner introduced a 1)111 in the
Senate providing for the adjustment of
tho franchise question in tho several
States. There Is no doubt whatever that
Congress, when it meets next Novem
ber, will puss ut an early ilay a general
net, f)'',''".' to the teiole (ountri, anil
rrtntilMiintf throughout Ihe nrttion the
ritht qf alt American citizens to role,
without am cceluxinn on aeraitnt of com
plexion. Tills will bo u most potent
aim prompt remedy lor mo iiiiucuitles
In all the Northern State). In everal,
tlio lteptibllcans hesitate to ral-e tho is
suu In behalf of colored suffrage. It Is
a question which, if debated, State by
State, must aroii-o all tho old and hur
led prejudices of tlio vulgar and igno
rant. Toiicblcvo Justice for all their
citizens, by local action, mti-t bo stoic,
tedious and uncertain, lint when Con
gress exercises its power, tho ell'ect is
prompt anil unimpeded. A general
law will cut tho (iordlan knot and set
tle tho issue finally,"
Wit and jtttimov.
A cossomi'T, being tod that it was
sweet to die for his country, excused
hlm-elf on the ground that he never
did like sweet things.
At ii recent railroad celebration tbo
following Hcntlincilt Win given i "Our
mothers tlio only faithful tenders who
never misplaced n Bwltch.
AN lnquisitivu urchin nt 1'lttsflcld,
Mass., whllo reciting a lesson, tho other
day.from Christ's Sermon on tbo Motm t,
broke out: "Mother, did Jesus Christ
get two thousand dollars a year for
A b'nw IIahd TntNO-s. Kxperlenco
and observation bavo taught men that
Hard to quit ehuwlng tobacco.
Hard to keep from eating too much.
Hard to drink liquor and not bo In
temperate. Hard to pay our tlohts.
Hard to rp-s( temptation.
Hard to believe a Hitin you know to
Ito a liar.
Hard to turn llio other check when
wo aro struck.
Hard to borrow money from frlendi
when wo need it.
Hard to lovo onr enemies.
Tin: Belfast Journal tolls tho fol
lowing Btory: "A gentleman of this
city, during planting season, coming
Into his grounds ono morning, observed
tho gnrdner engaged In dropping corn
inn long drill acrois garden. Straddling
tho drill, basket In hand, tho absorbed
Hibernian moved slowly along, intent
only on bis occtipntlou. Close behind
lilm stalked tho immensoSIiangbai roos
ter of a neighborhood, accomodating bis
pace to that of tlio corn dispenser, and
carefully picking up every grain as ho
went. Tho disgust of tbo gnrdner as ho
took bis lieu mid prepared to cover tbo
corn that was not there, may bo Imag
ined but cannot bu described."
Philadelphia Suntlaj Dteputeh, llku
many other ltadieal Journal-, llnds
nothing in Judge Shafawood to con
demn, but much to commend. It says :
" No better lawyer than the lion,
(feorge Kharswood can be found in
Pennsylvania. Aa a Judge lie has had
ample experience, and lias conducted
iiiniseii in an things with purity, im
partiality and industry. His knowl
edge of ihu law Is extensive. His loin
practice has cast a mind, originally of
aiuiiiciai neni, liiioanrmaiid enduring
mould. Ills Judgment Is strong, his
perceptions acctite, and bis de.-lro to do
ju-tlco in all ca-es transparent. Ho has
a little ol tlio weakness of favoritism
or of the fault ol dlsl ko as anv man
and In his long career upon tbo bench
of tlio district court in tills city there
has been nothing to show that lio over
allowed his prlvatu opinion to inlluenco
his judgment or to color his viuw of a
case. u believe mm to bo most nil
nilrably fitted fur the position for which
ho has been named, by personal integ
rity, deep learning, and tho Possession
of the analytical ability which compares
principles wmi nicis anil applies io cir
cumstances the llttlug legal coiiseiiueii'
ees. The clilzens of Philadelphia will
be well satisfied with the nomination
of .Ittdgo Shtirswood, and lie will bavo
a band-omo support from independent
voters in an parties.'
" lr Ills Tail Co mi: Out." Tlio fol
lowing is an old joke, but as it comes in
a new dress, wo think it will bear pro-
Two darkies lu the AVcst went out to
limit possums, etc., and by accident
found a largo cave, with quite a small
entrance. Pooping In they discovered
three young bear whelps in the Interior.
" Look heali, Sam," said ono "whllo
1 go in dar and gets tbo young bars',
you just watch heali for tlo old bar."
Sam gut asleep in thosttn, when open
ing ids eyes, ho saw tbo old bear scour
ing her way Into tho cave. Quick as
wink bo caught her by tlio tall, and
hold on like blazes.
"Hello, dar, Sam, what dark do holo
" Lord bless you, (Jumbo, save your
self, honey ; If dis tall como out you'll
llnd out what dark do hole!"
Ci, An.miham. It I
Napoleon, when liu was ukcd hy Dr.
O'Mcra If lie really thought ho could
liavu Invaded lCngluud at the timo ho
tlirealcntd todoM), icpllttl in tho nil.
lowing anagram i
" Able was 1 ere I saw"
Whether this Is truu or not, woshoiild
like to see n moro Ingenious or extend
ed anagram, which, tho reader will ob
serve, reads tho sumo backward or forward.
Tin: New York Tribune, lu an article
on "Tho Pennsylvania i auva-s," urns
puts tbo steel Into tlio address of tbo
ltadieal Slide Central Committee, and
tho-o paper.- which aro conducting tho
cain.-algn on tho Wot principle:
Ws cannot endorse the address of the
licpuhllctuiSlato Committee, in which
.luilgo Shaiswood isattneked witli more
zeal than discretion. Hols denounced
as thu orator of a States rights celebra
tion, held in the dark age- ol ls;) as II
an act of !!n years ago could have vital
meaning now. The very toasts offered
hy others at 1 lie dinner In lWllaro quoted
to show that Judge Sliarswood Is not
tit for tliu olllce of Chief Justice, tint tbo
editorials of obscure Democratic papers
are copied In capital letters, as proof of
his sympathy with the rebellion. The
case of Jlorlo against Tiott, in which
J udgo Sliarswood decided against tbu
contiutlonaI power of Congre-s to maku
paper money, Is aNo advanced its an ar
gument against his election, a purely le
gal deol-lon, which, whether right or
wrong, was untile solely upon Judge
Sharswnod's understanding of the law.
We submit that this is nut Ibo way in
which Pcnn-ylvaniu should elect her
chief Judicial olllcor-. Such a canvass
should he conducted on thu highest
ground possible in party rivalry, and
especial care should bo taken not to
drag in tlio dirt the ermllio of Ju-t!ce.
Thu formal decisions of eminent Judges
uiion thu noluts of law ought not to bo
bandied about in appeals to popular
pa-stou. t no purity ami minor ot inu
ludlclnrv aro moro than a party tri
umph. If the decisions of a court uro
to hu tho subject of party strife, and do
nate in stump sneccnes, wo may mil
farewell to tin independent and fearless
Judiciary. Hold tliojudgo accoimtablo
to ii political putty for his coiistrrction
of tlio law, and wo inevitably tempt
him to sacrillco Ids Integrity; to becomo
that iiiea.iest of all creatures u sworn
minister of justice, obedient to tho dic
tates of politicians. It Is preclsoly this
tendency which wo fear tho Itepubllcan
stl'il.i . 'iiiniiillH'it nf PiHitisvlv-iitihi on.
cou-clou-iiy encouii'ge, iimi wo would
bid them lake warning by thowietcli
oil and degtaded icputatlnu of tbo judi
ciary of tills city, In which flirt courts
have becomo thu meio tools of political
Paic-on (!) lluowNi.ow, whom the
Hadlculs just now delight to honor, and
whom thu negroes huvomadeCiovornor
of Tennessee, used the following l.m
guagu whlloiiiakingn speech in 1S.11 :
" I heard all tho particulars of your
burning that negro tliu other day, and
think j ou served lilm exactly right
Whenever you get to hurtling negroi
and dram-shops, count mo ono; I'll
help you."
Ho was then a violent pro-slavery
man. lu lSfifl ho joined tho ltadieal
party, and in a speech before tbo
"Southern i'nlon Convention" held at
Philadelphia, said:
" I would lather go to bell with
loyal negro, than to Heaven with
whitu rebel."
Lot it lie remembered that this man
is honored and endor-ed by tho ltadieal
parly. Judge Williams, who with
yankee cunning asks your suffrages to
maku him Supreme Judge of the Slate,
endorses this man and sanctions his
Tin: l)AN(ii:i'. or Siiin-iEziNti. An
exchange relates an incident of recent
occurrence, which illustrates very forci
bly tbu danger of attempting to squeeze
tlio hand of a young lady, particularly
if tlieru is n third person near: A young
lady who ltad several admirers was at
n party tho other evening and fell in
with two admiring swains. While sit
ting in tliu back part of tliu room with
both of her lovers, each of her atlmlrirs
concluded to slip ills hand under bur
shawl anil try what effect tho sneezing
of her hand would have. lie went for
it and succeeded. Great day,how happy
ho was ! IIo squeezed, and she Ktteoi
(d apparently. Ho felt gloriously all
over, and she evidently felt glorious
too. After qttitu a joyful timo spent in
that way.tho lady throw back her shawl
and revealed tothollttlecrowd standinn
near our two youths squeezing ono an
other's bands most lovingly. It don't
tlo to say "squeeze" to either of them
In n Circular Note, theSublimo Porto
aniionnce.s to Ids Ministers at foreign
courts, that the war In tbu Island of
Candla has been brought to a close,
and Hint a general amnesty has been
granted to the Insurgents, Tho same
nolo proinles that many reforms will
bo forthwith Introduced in thu laws and
administration of tho Island.
Wbataeontrast between thu conduct of
Mohammedan Turkey and Christian
United States V Tho ono at tlio eloso of
ii rebellion grants u genoial amnesty,
and tbo other timlerslmllur circumstan
ces not only disfranchises tho peoplo but
Its leaders wish to confine them "with
bayonets In tlio penitentiary of hell" as
liiad. Stevens expre-sos It.
Had tho people of tho South been
permitted to tako their place lu the
Union, as they desired to do, they
would now bo lu a condition of com
parative ease, with ample means to as
sist to pay a largo portion of tho nation's
Indebtedness, Hut under the legisla
tion of tho Hump, they aro paralyzed
and Impoverished, pay llttlo or nothing
Jidcii: Siiahswood Is In favor of
law, order and constitutional rights of
all men. Judge Williams Is pledged
to make everything elso subserve tho
ptirpo-u of his party. Tho Constitution
and laws of Pennsylvania nru as noth
ing to him when they stand in thu way
of Mongrellsin. Which oftheso two
gentlemen Is best qualified to fill a seat
on tbo Supremo Bench of tho State?
Mis-uuh! has hitherto boasted of her
largo mules, since tbo displacement of
Sheridan at New Orleans and his aiv
poliilinoiit to tbu Missouri district, slio
can lay claim to owning the greatest
TiiADDia's tii';.N has written
letter to thu Itadlculs of Pennsylvania
that they may bo in danger of defeat in
October "through apathy." IIo means
Into tbo Treasury, ami tlio peupluof tlio through Democracy.
North bavo to coiitrihulo lorty minions !
of dollars to tho military satraps to ell- A mi;i;tin(i of ltadieal Itepubllcans
Always Hiiiii.nd, Ah Idlu follow
complained bitterly of his hard lot, and
said that hu was born on tbu hist day of
tbo year, tliu last day of the month, and
tho last tiny of the week, and ho hud
nl ten 11-1 I ifmii Holitiiil.haiitl. If ii lielluved
It would have been a hundred dollars 1 porlntond tho leglstratlun of negroes lu Now orl; lias nominated Gen. Slier
in Ids pocket If ho had not been born at and keep llio ltadieal party alive.- -tltr- Ulan, for President, and Gov. Teuton,
u thle Volunteer. for Vlco-Prcsldent.
A Stoiiv or Ti'iiKr.v Hiviui Iowa.
Oh Turkey Hiver lived Amasu Bar
ker, a worthy Itinerant minister of the
Methodist Church. Besides beluga fish
er of mull lie was n llsbor of fish, and al
so delighted In tlio pleasures of tlio chasi .
To him ouo fine Saturday night cairn
another sou of Nlmrod Jack Waters.
Jack woke uptho minister by calling to
lilm outside, Tliu parson put his head
out of thodoor ami recognized ills friend
at once.
" Mr. Barker," says Jack, "lino nigh!
for coon hunting. Can you como out
and havo a shot?"
A mullled protest in a femlnlno voice
was faintly hoard Itisido tho house j but
tho good minister was too ardent i
hunter to yield oven to petticoat in
lltieiice. A moment later ho appeared
nt tlio door in hunting trim, mid the
two ineitt started off, although tho pro
test was repeated more strenuously, ac
companied by thu apparition tit a whi
tlow of n head encased with a rutlled
night cap.
Spltooftho lino night, however, and
tho skill of thu hunters, luck was against
them, anil several hour-, hud passed be
fore they met with any tiling worth
taking home. At in-t tho parson des
cried a fine coon In n tree. Being a
uprightly parse n ,tuid an ugiIo,lio climbed
up after the animal, following It to
quite a height. At lust, getting a good
chance, hu luvellcd ids gun.
" Why don't you lire?" hoarsely
whispered Jack, after waiting several
minutes, during which tho parson re
mained suddenly transfixed, neglect
ing to pull the trigger.
" 1 say, Mr. Waters," hu replied,
"what timo Is it? Iteiucmber this Is
Saturday night."
"No It Isn't," mym Jack, looking at
bis watch, "it's Sunday morning. Just
live minutes past twelve. Now, flro
quick', you won't bavu such a chance
" No, no,' replies tho mtuNtor, "It
won't do, Mr, Waters. Too late, now
wo must come another time." '
" But Just glvothu coon a crtiuk," ur
ged Jack.
"Can't do It," said thominlstcr.slow.
ly descending. "Kccolleet iint tho
commandment says: 'Ikiiiembcr tho
Subbitth day to keep It holy' 'coon or
no coon!"
Sc the virtuous Sabbatarians went