BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. t a llMMIM4lltU(l, I'llIDAV, HUP. 0, 1S0. Nortt't:. - Tlio Domncr.iliu HlnmlliiB ICoiiiiiilttL'u of Columbia County Is rt fqtioHtud (o meet nt tliu ltcconlor's Olllco In ltlooiuibiirK, on Mnmtiiy, Hciilcmlicr Itltli, nt onu o'clock p.m. A full nt- Itciuluiieo h tleslroil. r(!. 11. M'llnNiiv, .i. wr.NNiiu, .1. V. ItANNON, K. .1. Al.llllllTMiN jonx (i. hikk.k, Clniirinun li:. V. Utt, It. .1, Jfir.t.AiiD, .loll.V (I. (JUK K, 'I'm; Duniocmls of Alli'Kliiny County fiiuvo noiiilniitcd .Iiitni's 1'. Hurr ofllio IPIttsliiirB Vol for Htitto Senate-. , 1). K. Sloan 1i:h been iiimoliitril Ipo-st Miiitw ut OmiiKcvllk', In tliuroum TforCupt. IU'M.1. Mlllnnl, rcwlgnoil. A fVery sntlimctory iiiipmnlme'it. I David II lias sold his farm of BlNty-elnlit ncres, near OmngcvIlU1, to Jnwph Henry, for $U,S0. Daniel Klc- Ifcr lias sold his lion-o and lot of two Encros, In Omiitfovlllo, to Prof. Walker, for $1,(100. WltY don't I. John pulilWi tho No grii I'udlcal Law'.' llo Is nfmlil to per lull Ids leaders to sou tho eipiallty upon fjvhlcli (jeary has put them, with tho odoriferous darkle. CulVeo ?eonis to ho film pet of tho ltadleals. 'I'm: I'nhyterlau riHif-xc'r.itloii nro iputtlnj; up n lino fence. In front of their church ou Market .Street. This U a iiiueh ueedi'd linproveiueut and will hot only aid In preserving thu grounds from Intruders, hut will ijlvo u neater jhppcaranco to tho place. 1'. Jons and thopluipsnndallleswho 'pel their Inspiration from hlui, amid I frantic appeals to their patrons, eontlu Jually congiatulatotheni'-elves that they llmvo not been utterly demolished by iTm: Coi.t'.MUiAX. Wo cay to them as SVncle Toby did to tho blno bottlo iiy 'do Poor devils tho world Is largo 'enough for us and you." (lli.N. Wr.t.t.lNdTON II. K.NT. liasein bm ked In the lumber hie-Ini""-' at Wil ;lIani"i)ort. Wo arc Informed that he continues his mining operations In this .icouuty from which wo presume wo will ,5liot lnohim nui citizen. Wo canasuro jibe citizens of William-port that they savIII llnd tho Oeneral to bo ngcntleman, "'fii man of Integrity, and an acquisition to llie society of their beautiful city. A NfMliint of our citizens la-t week formed a Joint stock company for the 'purpo-o of purchaslnga basket of peach ies. A number of shares wero paid in, but tho largo amount of capital reipilr Jed cau-ed the tiling to suspend, and tho company had to apply lor tho bcnellt.s of tho Insolvent law. Wo nro infornu d y that tho principal mover In tho matter , - was tho Iato l'ae-ddcnt of tho "Orcon St Creek Petroleum Conipay." Notici:. After tho flrst o next, all fees for olllclrtl worl ltcLds er'H and llccortlcr's uni bo tmld In advance, ns nuuit ct of Assembly : Ana nil p debted for recording or other l bor, tiro requested to innko pal J. U. I'll I'm: greatest novelty mtcJ tho most sensible plan over glvou new publication n il from the Ktnrt, Is that ndopl publishers of "Tho Pen mil No. r, Is before us, and It Is rcl paper and well worth tho prl (111 cts. by mall), besides overl er will have an euual chance I 910.000. Sold by nil News Dl It. IMwIpv A Co., Publlsheil Ann St. N. Y. Am will bo seen by a rofUrl Court Proceedings In nnoti tho December Term of CouiV two weeks; one for tho trial J and Orphans' Court buslno-l for tho transaction of tlio tlne.and tho other for tho trl on tho civil usi. ims Court was uuaiiimouly roil bv tho bar, nnd was nindo nl tho largo neciimulntlon ol sul The additional oxpensn will thu only Increase being In til ofn new set of jurors. Statu Pa I u Tho Peiiiia. Will bo held at Pittsburg iron! her 21th to September 27th. miunis oll'ered nro very liberal ing llvo stock and nil u-eful husbandry, litmsuwlfery, maul and farm products. Tho pronl most liberal In every departnl ccedlng $10,000 In tho aggregil tirlncilial railroads will i-suu el tickets and return all articles 1 exhibited, if they remain unselil free. For premium lists addrtl Longaker, Pittsburg, Pa. Tin: Washington IjihuaI I'AXY ofPhiladelplila gains ell sutiiiort every day. Tim sales 1 surpas nil expectation, nnd thel is, tlmt the funds Tor the noni will be secured even In udvalicl tlmouiitlcliiated. Tho reason Isl Thedeslgn Is worthy, and ereill tho natriotlc hearts who nro lull reward u too much neglected ell funds co Into responsible hail tho nubile have no fears that til bo mis-directed. Tho plan iiiloi lies thoscruplesof tho most coil ous, mid has llio endorsement nent legal authority. It is by tlnctlvo features entirely removl tho taint of catch-penny schemel have so often been the means oil ing on the nubile. It glvcstopu of Its stock u full equivalent for tl lclei-utlon imid. All Its tranl ni-iumi'ii and abovu board. lt concealments-, and tho reptitutii mnnngers issuch that they eiuini to bo dishonest In this tnuisactlol U'lvertlsemeut. sP Ol'li friend, Inquire Amineriiian, of Jf I'lsldugcreek, has done u "big tiling" $ by sending us two tomatoes, which to gether weigli three jinunttn unit iteirn OHHcc.t, t)itl the luryent h nineteen inehen j 11 l IIUIIHII tH I , IJ L.lll ,1111V 1CIII4II lour thanks to 51 r. Ammonium, nnd af- Iter duly exposing tho "monsters" to our friends, will proceed to place tlienialong slc e that "cold buckwheat e.ike" which .whas so much allllcted our Itadlcal (".temporary. 'A" . Tin: Deniocrallc Senatorial Confer' ''M'liceol'tlieTwenty-llrst District, coin ' posed of lllalr, Centre, Huntingdon Juniata mid Perry counties, nominated C. .1. T. JITntiro of Perry and H. T :Sliugartof Centre a eandldate.s fur tho State Senate. The ltepresentativo Confereuee of tlio district comprising Huntingdon, Jum .ataaud JHIllln nominated J. S. Mule of Huntingdon and Hubert P. M'Wii : Hams of Juniata. At tlio last Court Charles AV. Miller, son of ex-Shcrlll" .Mdler, a student at law In tho olllco or II. II. I.lttlo Kq., and Hus.scl It. Penler, a student nt law In (ho olllco of Robert K. Clark i:q., wero on motion of John (i l"ree.o Ivsq., ndmittcd to practice law In tho several Courts of Columbia county. They are young men of good character and fair ability, and begin their professional lire under happy nusplces.and with thegood wishes of many friends for their success. i Wi: am not responsible for tho correct i ness of telegrams which reach us week K ly, on tho eve of publication, nnd which IT, tiro nslgned a placo In our columns. i Wo aro obliged to take them as thoy f come. In our last nuuiber wopubllnlied 1 telegrams asserting tliat (ion. Grant ' ' liad refused to i-xuo orders, under dlrec k$ tlou or tho President, for tho removal 4 or Sheridan and Sickles from com mauds 1 In'tltu South. In fact It turns out that tho removals wero made and tho or ders issued, thus proving that tho tele grams were unfounded gossip, got up in tho Hadlcal Interest. Wi: regret very much to learn that a serious and perhaps fatal accident has happened to Hlchard Uurcli or tins place. It would seem that on Tuesday last, whllo following his occupation as u miner In ono of M'Kclvy, Neal iv (-o's. drifts, It was necessary to make a blast In the rock overhead, lieloro tlio tain plug was fairly In tho charge exploded, carrying away tho right side of his face, destroying both eyes, and mangling hi hands so that n cuplo of lingers had to !h. nit oil', llu was at once hiougni home, and somo surgical operation wero performed by Drs, Kvaus and linullev. AllhoiiL'li terribly mangled and dlstluurcd he yet retains his senses. A Minipauloii of Mr. 1 lurch's, was also Injured but not s.o soverely. ASi'r.ciMr.NorTiir.HADicAi -When tho toplofticul and be military Governor deary was re from lledford Springs, some tlin jo, he stopped at a hotel in II don for supper. hen be eanu his lilll the clerk charged him live cents, as ho did every His Kxcelloucy object to pa slstiugthat 11 was "ttijuurtertot High words pas-ed between tlu! tho beroorSnickersvlllo luforii clerk with an air who ho w threatening to complain to the and to have him discharged. lord, Major Mon l-on, heard a s' of the ea-o from his clerk as si returned, nnd sustained him i tlou. Wo dll not niako a nol act of putty meanness when It reported, because wo thou nilL'bt bo some mistake. T ingdou Mnnllm' substantiates incut it Hist made. Hero w .litrnltv for vou n brigadier governor quarrelling with a I. about "a quarter," anil th vengeance becau-o ho was ehj regular price for a meal ol Geary is a fair specimen of Hi' hero! Lancaster Jntclllyinve Tin: Grand Jury, on the petition ' ofn majority of tho properly holders ol' liloom Township, havo reported In fa- vnr of LdvIitL' itsa Ilorough. This is u step in tho rlghtdlroctlon. Wo venture to sav that there Is no tow n of the sumo sl.o In the State that has not been In corporated. Whllo all tho smaller vil lages around us enjoy that favor, wo havo been debunod. It Is ashanio that wi largo a town, and tho County seal nt that, should not long ago have had tho nrlvllego of making Its own police regu- latloiis.regulntlngltssldu walks, streets Wi: publish In another eil article from tho llo-ton J'ont, a conversation between Preshl son and a correspondent of tl in which the President as.-lgm sons fur tho removal of stiiiilim anil Gen. Sheridan, i tliat thu former was made nttli and with the concurrencoof Gi and that Sheridan's removal v upon Imperative gioundsor pi ev nnd olilcial duty. In fact t tratlon as taken miner hue .imlslana Is eoneliislvo pronl o lltne-s of tho General lor conn the I'iflh Military District. managed to make out a regUtr which thu black voters outnun white in the proportion ot nei to one although the V. S. Const ti preponderance of white popul that State. Ily mat l ensns me white population In Will of :K7 free colored 18,017: and of slav '0. It follows thereforo that by inrv man nil at on nearly one ik the white voters are unregistered ai? bo disfranchised, although nytlio ti,M inclusion was only to be ol" n sirn1 nuuiber of persons who formerly held olllco under the I nlted Stales or uouer thu State. This unlawful ami urjust exclusion from registry ol tno mnu voters of the Stale, was evidently inane In the Interest of party, and to givo tlio uegr. e,s and ti few Hadlcal white man ngeiv, absolute control of I he elections, "in another article we call attention to the administration ofnllalrs by Sheridan In Texas, by which It will bo seen Hint a simllnrlnliislIcoha been ntlcinptcil nnd ..... iK.tmteil In tlmt State. The-o ;.itcts Iti ennne ctlon with tho general urbltra h,. ii,i m. niiiMinablo conduct ofShcrldan In ilioadinlnlstiMtlon of atl'alis lit Ids district, fully Justllled ami ileniaiuieu ,,vnl nn.l lllMl-slL'nlUCllt toil I10W Held of duly where his partialities and iinssliinsiiiiinot bo oxeivheil to in; uu triniixii- (if tlio nubile service. Tin! He construction laws lire siilllcleiilly liarsh .mil severe, oven when fairly tuiiuiuiv tered, to satisfy any demand of Just co or oven of vengeance, and their ailmln-Isti-ntlon should bo committed to fair, honorable, dbcreet ami uble men. EQAL NOTICES. Iiy wlfti rclmtln Whllonell loft my ion rnuny, aiikii" ioim J"", wiin- Inr pniviK'fiiiuii.iniH in in wuril nil t triutlna tier mi mv nmmnt. na I ny ilebtn of iior mntrnrllntf injlu Il, I'll., Auj.21,l7-lt. HTHATOll'S NOTIClOf I: nv iiiasa t:tiiiAn, nwfn. in i il I ri nil it in nil i ill' ptiinui in iMillin r firpi'iiuiHHi tiiwnniiin. I'nluiiitiiu iMl.lmvo lri-i-n Kriinlinl Iiy llui IIpu li ill v. in Jnl'ii Ktnli'V. iiiiinhiUtrii- (Hiilps In until tnwlmtilt. All iht Urns or ili'iiiiinilH iiiiilnst tliui'Htntn it. nrn IP'iMkntril to innliu lluiii nilmliilKtrulm Mltlimit delny, nttil rli'btisl nro rpiaionli'il In miltiMitty till I Sf fcjTA II' K Ivi74!t. Atltnliiltrnliir, CLOTHING. jJEW STOCK Ol-' OI.OTIIINO. Frcnli nrrlvnl of VALU AND WI.NTIUt (loops. davii) i.owr.Nin:iia Invites nttciitlon to Ms iitock nf CllKAl'ANDrAHIlII)NA!l.Url,OTIIINH. ntliU nlnrcoti Mnln Mlli'cl,tlvoiloornulHivplliii Alii;i!i-mi Houh , Uloiimiiliuri;, l'n,, uliorii lio Just riTtlvi-il fmin NewVorliniul I'lillnui'Ii-Mln n full ntsortmciil ur MUX A.NI) HOW CMlTIIINI. Inolutllu tho moil rnslilonnlilt', ilurnMp, mul ltltlMUOOIH, mtp or kit. tm linty t I 1M'P l m linir lent, it til hntiUsntiiu potitllnj or '.OX, HACK, lltOUK, HUM, AND MMUrtll COATS AND 1'ANTS, nf nil, itlul color, llo lint nlio I'unlcn lihi'il Ills nlri'iiiiy tiirKmitotk nt VA1.L AND WlNTi:il HIlAWI.S. hthii'i:d, ri(iuitr.i), and plain vixth, HIIIUTiS, CltAVATH, HTuCKS, LDM.AllH, iiANiiii:iu'iiii:rH,in.ovi;s, HUSPIINUni'.s, AND l'WNl'Y AKTICI.IIS ltu lma pntitnntly on Imtnl nl.irjo nuil uttl-m- Ippttil nsBortmpnt of CLOTHS AND VKSTINH'S, wlildli lio U iirp)iiiriil tn tnnkti toonlcr Intonny It tllil of elotlihiif. on prv KlinrL itntir,'. im.t lu ltu. Vi!!.uraawauiT25 ,,0,,t ,AU l,"'M" "Ml""r' itint imi-ii. nt iii r hi iiuiinj iiuiiimiuiurc. (IOM WATCH I W AND JKWr.MlV, (irot'ryilrscilnttnti,Hno and rlionii. IIUrAf nf Jewelry is not Mirijnssfd hi IhU place. Cull nnd t-xainlnu Ills general mvirttneiit nf cLoniiNu, watciiiw, jKwr.i.uv, Ac. DAVID LOWKNllUUCJ. nSTItATOU'H KOTJCK. rTK ItK JACOIl IldWMAN, HW'll. luliiiltiNtrntkmtm tlui-ta(n of Jacob IfiMtf M nl tint iiWhhliliK Colli nit tin I'liiin- II, lmo ln'i'ti (frantnd ly tho JU-ulMcr iuj , in .i iriiaci iinivt'r, iiuuiiniMiiiior. H in .MniuviiK. iiuiiniiia (nuniy, All 1uif eliiluiM or ilrmiiiKls nifiilnst tho Ild ilcfpilont, nro ii'iiueKtnl to umko ii Id tho mlinlnM l nlnr without tli'luv. Isons liitlehteit nro ri'M,urrttol to innl;o 1 1, lscTt. AdrnliiMrutor. iNIStUATJUX'rt NOTICK. iti' nv 1IKNHV 1IOWMAV. IH-.rP.llKI. liilinlnwriUfnii mi tho CHtati1 nf Jlrnry iifiin inwiimp, i oiiiiiioia rnun SDcrii Kraniou uy mo iipkut Alarv Itowtnan of said town- iiHlmlnn claims or iloinniuls MAUV IJOWMAN'. Il, 1SU7. 1 AtlnilnMratrlx, IsiS'lttATOU'S NOTJOI5. i u of i iir.tTA vanukksuik, in r'n. L mlmlfchtiiitldti on tlio rta1o nf Uc llcrftlU-i lalpof Itlootn tmviuhlp, t'o- niv. ii'ifa-iru. na v iii'fii uianii'ii uy Ir of mil .'utility to J, IltlsUr Viituler- i Ul rat t. whit ri"t(li"t in Mitntit I'lpftH- It p. AlptTMiim knowlnir tlH tiitclvt'i l no oi't'fucni. aru riiUi'Nii'a 10 IhoKn IkivIiil rlalms fir dc iiFainowIll prpvnnt thoiu with ii.i" i r.ii ,iiv in.iiijit;j., lilt, Aii.:xt,NM. Admlulitralor. TOltH XOTICK. ttAltMsV KLtNK, Ot'HCOTTTl,, IKU'l. tatniaaryon tlio estate of llnnnoit In npoqinwiiMiip, t oiuniom i ininiy, rniitfitiv tlin ltcir Uti-rof Kiilit I'ountv. Ilvllnojw lio roNlih's In Hloonithur. lialtii(lulinH uiii't tho I'statoaro Kpri'ftii. inrin 10 inn i, termor lor and tl'isu IciiowliiK tlii'tnseUi-H In a pirnu'iu, ' r ' miiv i 11 ivi Kxoeutfir Ji:VCI-OTIIINU AND CiKXTI.K .iir..s n i uii.itsiii.u Mutii';. Tlio liiKlprHlnnpil rpuppclfulty ntitintituxH to h mntiy frlcitils tlmt 1m Ims oppnpil u new clothtnic uml Dclitli'incu'H KurnhliliiK Hlorp, In tho loner room of tho llnrtmnu IlulKUnir, miuthwest corner of Main mnl Mnrket Ktrvetn, UliKsiihhur, Ta. Ilnvltujnst iitiirnnl fi l'hllu.lplphU ulth n IUKiiHtiK'lcof llHS' U-1K mi ti ntnl l-AI.l, AND WINTUll CI.OTIIINU STATKMICNT. AX.TrpiiHnrpr of llonnty I'utnl tisnip, tor tiipypnr imhi. lilt. rolli'i-tor for IMS) .1,211) l " I)niii ('iiiinilsir, ur H- Uos. Knltlli'tTi'pnsuii'r .n.iii S l.llil Hi Cll. !.er tor fttrnNhhu; ti Ln llonilt l on llomls I tlllHSlOtl UKNTI.nMr.N'S I lIItNISIII.Vd UOOIl.x, 4r Ap. ho lliilters hhnsplf t It-it ho pnn pli-nsp nil, IIU Block potuprltieH MIl.VM, HOYS', AND VOUTIW I'MITIII.Nd, Kttch nt DIIKSS COATsl, HACK COATS, l'ANTS, VKSTS, :mo .mi l,7.Vi .11 UN ll 1,7 OS UNlllIUSlIIUTS. OVKIICOATS, S1I1UTS, DIIAWUIIS, Ni:cK-THis, COM.AUS S:l,l.'l .IS rr..Mclilrnntl.Tlcn. 671 IU ii-p.nlnlii'il lliu nuoM'nc' !r't. Jli:.MlY .miihi;i, I.l'Kl: IIHKNNAN. CAsi'Kit Jinmi:, Atlclltois. susi'i:ndi:iis, IWKIt, m Lloe kl,l l.isllnuunl i,lpry tliu', Woini'n' IcH WOIMCU'I. lIHll'HIllll uidn bIuhs, MNm-s' mi I liipn'il, misses', tioyn', n i;lIAT AND CAP SiTOr.K. ltnln Street. lllooinsliuri:. UN I l(,itlioerylnteitniul beftntvteH lie i-tii7i'iis- iii ijoiiiinoiu i ooniy I'd detlio illl)l to Willi tho follow feill) tirll'I'H! ,,lnp, men's Ittp, ilotllilp hotp, len s kiom) Kin, i on4ii'ss,,c lipnrni hum's, .lien , iioinen H L'loe kl,l l.istltiL'unltt'rs. Wo- en lino 1:0:11 Hliioioi-eoiuul nn,l ChllllH . nnil child h 10 keepn 11 Krent Mirlety or IS, AND STItAW HOODS llio lowest nrlrei. ImiUi fol push I luce. I iittrnctlon Itlnniirtinotl. Don't l,e cry of limn (irhes, out cull ntut lU-Hpecuilliy, Ir.c. IL'AL I.IKK IXSUIt ANtT- IvNY OK N11W YOlllC. U rni:sii)i:.NT, LL.vcl Sill. 000,000. UOSltlltV, iiandkiiiiciiiims, U.Mlllli:i.I.AS, Ao ntul In fact eM'rytlihiK In tho Clothlnor I'tir nlslilti line nt very Uw prlcei. In niKUtlon to tho nhovo he li.isi nu tlcKimt v. horlment of CLOTHS, CASSIMKltKS, AND V1X1INGS. CLOTHINU MAlir. TO OllDUlt AT Till: siionrr-sr notici:. Cull nnd hcu heforo piiichnsln elsewhere, nlul HUCUlli: OHIIAT 11AUO VINS. oclll-ly J. W. CIIUMIIKULAIN. MISCELLANEOUS, UltNITUKK! FUUXITUUKM 'DRYGOOD8. M1 HPIttXU AND feUMMKU OOODH. The subscriber hut jtmi returned from tho rltlon with ntiother largo nnd ntleet nsnortment nf RPniKO AND Rr.MMr.U OOOPH, 1'iircham-d in New Vorknud Philadelphia nt tin lowtKtilguro.iind which ho In ilctcrinlncd tn Ml nn ns nifxlcratd tmnn n rnn bo proeiirwl lo w nerd in lilooiimUunf, IIU Mwk iiiiiprli,ii iADILH' DUIiSrt 1 (IOOIH of tho cholccNt nnd lalrfsl faHhlonn.toKMIn'r wnn ft intKO nNKortiiH-tit of Dry Uood und (Jr- ccrlos, coiiJ-MInKof the follouliiKnrllclcHt Carpet-, Oilcloths, Cloths CaMlmeroK, Ml.lWlH, rianitels, MtlU., ' WhltpflofHK Mneii Hoop Mhhts, lloltowwaro Codnrwnro tiueiniwaro, llardunro DooIh and Hhon, ' ' ) lint. nnd Cnp, ilrmp ,Vet, iJinbrellas Io.l:tMK-''lft'"'i'Sl Tohaofn, Cotn-o, 'Yon, UW AINploe, O Inter, Cinnamon, XntinoRi, AND NOTIONS (llJN KAM.Y. In short, everything nmialiy knpt In country store's, to which no Invltei thu attention or tho puUlc generally, Tho hliiheit price will bo paid for country produce In cxchnnjto for Koods. H. It. MIIXHII, A read 0 lliiIKllnH, lIlooiiisbiir. l'a. G It MAT KKDUCTIOX IX 1'ltICKS ,t pi:ti:u ent'h htoiu:, in i.ifiiiT stih:i:t, MISCELLANEOUS. npiIK WASHINGTON LIHItAItY CO., PJIIIiADKIiPHIA. HuiwcnirnoN oni: ix)M.aiu 300,000 PHKHKNTR TO HtniHumnKHH, OSRrAnlt I'ltlWKMTOf'tlW.COU. tar. 1'hmknt or tao.tifA tlMK tAHH PltKH.STOK?HVmO. ONKCAHH I,ItMKNT'.VlOI, TWO CASH MlMt:NTHOK KACIt, limit full Mutlittc tif I'rcimls lit lute, VawU rertlflciiteof Htork U nmnipnnleit with IIKAUTIKUL HTKr.Ii-l'IATK KNtiltAVINO, worth more nt retail than tho ctmtof CtrllfUutc, ntul nNo ltiKures tutho boldtr u Prevent lntlw Orent DUtrlbuIlon, TIIK WASH INflTON M HUAIIY CO. U ehnrterrd hy tho stnto if IVnnylvanln, nd orsnnlzed In aid of thu III VIIItHl in: inhtituti: Knit J.OM)ti:r.V A NU HA 1 1.0 Us' olil'IlAN-, Incorporated by llio Htato of N, J.( April 1j7. tjii: iiivr.usiin; instituti; Httuato at Ulertilc, IhirlliiKtoti county, Npw Jerm-y, U founded for thttpnroHC! of uratultnuly odiuntlnptlio toni of deerased hukltern and Hea hh not thu Ciilli-d Hlate. 'I lio Hoard of Trmtct" ffmihtM nf the following welMtnowti citleiiH of Pfmiylaula nnd New Jervryt lion, Win. II. Mann, District Attorney, Phllnd clphla, Pa, lion. lwUlt. Iti-omnlt, i:xriilef Cnlmr V,H. Mini, and Kceordoror Di inlt, 1'hllndclptilit. Hon, .Innir-M M, Wi-ovel, Mew Jersey. Hon. W. W. Wnre, New JTt.ey. Henry Onrnian. Ksq., Aftent Adams KxprcM, Phlhuhlphla.Pa. J, K. Coe, ln,, of Joy, Coo & Co., Philadelphia. TllKASCtlY DKI'AlirSlKNT, W'AKIItNfJTON, D. C April 1, lwt7. OHU11 of Internal ItoiMiuei-I!av. lncrccelv(tltatlsfartory cvldeneo that the pro-ceed- of the entenirNu rondnctM by the Wnsh- JiiKtnu Library Company. 111 bo devotnl to charitable uhch, iktiuIhhIoh 1h hereby yranted to wild Company to conduct mich cnterprlxu exempt from nil charge, whether from Mpeclnl tax or other duty. K. A. UOI.LINs, CummlHNloner. .U8I:i.Y CASH. It. li)S AVAII.AHI.K IMMKlUATri.V tih: iMi'kami; 01: io iu.- Ci: THU I'llKMU'M. I issued tliiilns; the year endlmi Policies, liiturliiu; f.iI,S7.',"W. I f thou ar bolus H-lT.utj.. IllbirK an to (la uoilillltfof the. teheei fully tfUen by nppl Ins to John ti. i-'iikk.:, JtrttiU-r' Ojjler, lti,iuMtnti;i, Pa, ONK CI.OVKIt SKK1) t I V V K U . :n ociom.u 1', Hid. L-li t'tii-ctivi mat Idno U ail ml t EibseneiH tolio tlio most direct ftlnvi-r hfi-il vet dUcuVt-n-d. It is HiiiHi'lent to coiivluco tho it Its pnu Ileal utllitx. hctul Irom tnohtaiK letiMin; 1 rxiii tlu muiiim. II M eiiK V ami reUluH but olio man or nlft In htriicturn. nild not Ha r, lUi'lcan lK!ilie.niy noi up. i nirn tn tliU liiai'llliut Is. V ed In the 1 hall, ready lor tlu ir, Leldes mi1iik th" great iborof mini lutt, litinilliiiK ami iMiaw, It will ittHii ay iv - hliw4d ulth tbU niaihiue, vini or the men w men ih iom llieiln It. UCl'IIU IlltiOIUUIl lUriMTKITI VluueStatL'or couniy Hignu Ni:V FUUMTUtti: 'AUi:iUH)MM, W1WI.K8A hi: a x it Jivr.t jl, 1EOOMS OVKH MIU.FK'.' hTOUP, UI.OOMHliUiKi, PA., Wiii.hi: may be found tho MmnL aoitmenlof V U It X 1 T u n K eer oirt-rid to tho pi-opla of this Kcctlon, coihM-liujof PAULOIl, KITCHKN AND HUMtOOM I'lTIt- Nrnini;, of all hinds, l7(" RtyliH, description and prlten. CIIAIUS OK ALL STYLKS, ICltcheu, Dining, Parlor and SJItlnii Kootn ch ilrx, i;xti;xsiox taiimw, Iheaklast Tabli'N. DlnlimTabh , Hid hen Thh, Ubrnry and Ci nlmTablen. SID K IS O A U 1) H. Chestnut, Walnut, and Chestnut-walnut Trim med, KtnKcie a laio nssortunmt ou lemd, well mndo and nicely llnMied. DltlXSIN(J CASKS, Hall Stands, llnttrees and IhntluU, ev ry vari ety nnd llnlihi S 1 H I X (J It K I) S . '1 ho bet eser ollered to thu laiblle. IMCTUHK Kit AM Erf, And In fact eveiy tliltitf to bo found In a City Ware llootii can Iw bad In our room, and at tho ery lowest price, I have established tho UKADY PAY AND ONU PHICK HYHTHM, And unnuiil our good 111 repithi-nted. J. H, IIATKH. Itloomsburf,', lay 31, 17, rflMUXO AXI) HUMMKH GOODS. Till! subscriber lias Just reei-led nnd has on hand at hU old Ktnnd lu I.ltfbt Street, a laro and si-lcct ASSOUTMKXT OF MKUCHAXDISE purchased nt the lowest Iture, and which bo Is determined to sell on n modirato termn as tan be procuted elsuwhero In Maht street, i)tt cAsir on vou.vritY j'jioduci:. Ills Ntm'U consists of Ii A 1) IKS' DHKSS GOODS, choicest styles and Intest fashlont), Caltcoew, .Muslins, (Ihiuhams, Flannel, Hosiery, Carpet ft, Hllks, Shawls, j HEADY MADE CI.OTIIIXO, Ritlnetls, Cassltners, Cottoniules, Kentucky Jeans. AC., AC, AC OHOCEItlES, MACKEKAIj, Quewnsware, Cedarware, Hardware, Medlclne, Drugs, Oils, Pal tit Ac. DOOTri & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In short everything usually kept In u country store. The patrouao of his old friends and tho public generally, Is lespcctfully solicited. Tho highest maiket prleo paid f.r ctaintiy pro duce. pi:ti:u i:nt. IJslit street, May :i, lvtI7. Q.11KAT JtEDUCTIOX IxTmUCICS at d. k. si.oan-h htoui:, IN OUANtll'.VI iwi:, 1A., O V SIMUXG AXD SUJDtEIt GOODS. The subscriber him Just ivcch ed ami ban on baud at his store In Orauset Ule, a Iiuko and select ASSOHT.MEXT OF MEHCHAXDIKE puiehaied at tho lowest tluie, nudwhU-h hols lUtenulned to sell on ns m ode nut terms iiKtim be procund tlseibiu lnOiam;eim, FOlt CASH OH COUNTUY PllODUCH. IIU Stock COllhlstK Of Ii A D I E S1 D It E H H G O O D S , iioiciwr snj.hs ami r.AiKsr fashionh, CalleM-s, JIuslliii, ilii4hnm, Flannel', Hosiery CAUI'I.CH, HllAWI.t, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, Satinets, C.isslniers, Cottonade.s, Ki-ntncky Je:in, AC., AC., A( GltOCEHIES MACKEHAL, ()uoemware, Cinlarwaie, Hard u are. Midlclnes. imms, oiM, I'AiNis, ac. HOOTS A- SHOES, HATS A: CAPS. In shoit eerythlns usually kept in a count ry store. The pattonao of bis old friends ami the public Kctietally, Is lespectfully Hollclted, The hlfjbest inaiki t pi leu paid for eoiintiy pro duce. D. K. SLOAN. Till! WASHINGTON MltUAHY COMPANY, In order that thu benevolent object set forth lu this circular may lx huccefully uccompllsheil, hao tsued tlo series or HNK KTf KIl'IiATK KNO HAVING!, wlikh are put on subncrlptlon nt priced much be low thelrietall Milue. Certificates of stock In the WnsliltiKton Mbrnry Company will bu Issued, Mtampeil with tliu seal of tho Company, and signed by the HecretUiry. 'ono others Kciiultie, Any K'iuii semlliiK us Olio Dollar, or paying the wiine to our locil nuentft, will reielvolmme illatel v ti lino Steel Plate eiiKravlmr, at ehok e from the following lint, and tmecertlfleate of stoek, ln tairlng ono piesent tn our publishud schedule. One lhAUtr Jt'itjravinjt. No. l-"My Child! MyChlldr No.2-"They'ro Saved! They're Saved I" No. 3 "Old Seventy six; or tho uirly Davit of the Kevolutlon." Any person paring two dollars will receive either of the following lino teel plates, nt choice, and two certificates of stock, thus becoming en titled to twoptcscntH, Two Dollar i.ntjnainna. No. 1 "WnshInuton fYnirlnliln ' Xo.2-'WnKh- lngton'ft IjiKt Interview with Ids Mother." Anv MTKoii mi Inif tlirrn ititlliirM will rrrelrn the beautiful steel plat eof "Homo from the War," and tlireo certificates ot stock, becoming entitled to thlee presetits. Am lierxoti onvlnt? four dollars shall recHvo the largo ami beiiuthul steel ilato of "The Perils of Our Forefathers," and fourcertltlcatesof stock eniuiuiK mem 10 lour pritt'ius. ht Dollar Knyiaung1. Yti. TMAN A Iir.INliOM), ('KNTUAl.IA. Columbia Couniy, Pa. clieniii'BlTi I'HK .MlSSIASIl'l'I j" t tliu Nnv MalM nml TVr i' Urcat Itlvcr In tliu Omit .Vllwrt!, KlilmnlMin, IM80LI, IX 1NK .MONTH, n-ontlif l'tiilrlt-K. Mounliilns i. wnn ni r-m iH'MTipii K'M. Itf Ihl' t',ltllV. 1 UH-N, 'pic anil I'liiioKltliMi'l lliuNi-w 1 IfH. Mil ifruntu nutl ht'tt tlK u I lit' Mit mnl liltlli' .in iiuiiluiili!, iihsii.inmi', nip- nut lon.t nt a lull, nut In a " in m (.'Ilium,., Mill, lllllllt:l!, i ijiriiiiui mul m i' our ii'i ins, i ji uu. won:. ' . s n I II.. I'f rHL. I'lill.iili lplil.i, l'n. lliFAXCV TRIM- Q O X K K C T I O X K H Y , FKU1T, .UTS, XV., iVi;. JAL'OIIV A WII).MVi:ll, JIANUFAinUlllilU, Wlnilu.,ilu ami rtutull Iieulcrs lu vt.Atx .i.vj f.ixrr coxfi.vtio.xkuv, AND PKAI-tlW IN KOIIKIGX 1'ltyiTS AXI) XUT.S, KxcluuiKo Ulutk, i;liMjiuibuiur, l'a. OllANOl'.t, I.11MONS, 1U1SINH, 1'UUK.NX, II OCK a A X 1) Y , sni:iit.i:n hasins, i,.vvrit iuhinm, i'I'kkimn, CITKON, rins, DOI,I.H, J60 II UK A I) AXI) 0AKKK, lif till lllllllK. r.NOi JAcimv, riir.n. i:. w:iimyi:ii. llluiililstiuril, Ailll 5. 1M,7. 1'olt Hai.i: Two hoii-i mnl loN In llUioiii Township. Tlicy nro Imtli puw , i ..f.i ..I . i lnKiltlii tlllll Will 1)11 Illll 1'IIL'ILII. i'ti. Our town 1118 Dt'L'll tl licril'Cl cum- , iihuj i"i " f.....iui.i,, mnl initio In tho mnl a mihoimlilo tlniu givwi im puj lliuun 11 "' -"r. . i . . ... ...... , ft.,.. I... llll'llt. it W U llrel lino L'imiii'u iui it n. country, mul ltu prosperity bcriously ro- tnrilcd hy tho opposition 01 cerium nun-proKriwlvcB. horcr or 1110011111110. Kor piirtlcnhirs In- ai U'oou nlitnlnnhle. IU dryu'ooils, to. m o ofthohot quality nml rlco, mid now Is tho tlmo to all mnl i)j;umIno. Tin: Qiuxrio.v Si:tti,i:d. TIih-p ciiiluont 111011, Dr. Jnmcs imiu, 1'livslolmi t (iuocn VlL'torln, una m. llu'jjhi's lii'iinutt, say tlmt oonsuinption onu ho curwl.. Dr. Wi-tur know tms when ho ill-covcrcil his now widely known Rili-mti of Wlhl C'horry, mnl ox- porh'iico Iiuh provcil tho correctness 01 hh opinion. .'ii:i'ri:Miu:ii. Thcio Is ovory raisin In irront sickness this fcOUsOII. '1 hu summer litis been wet, mill nil victiihlo nmttcrluHKiown luxuilenlly, w now, Hint ilccoiniiosillon Is ooiiiiucnoniK, nmlurlul pol-on will ho developed to mi uwfnl extent ; nnd the terrlhlo ilUiww con-eiiucnt thcroupon follow, unions remittent fevers, cholern nioihiw, nuil other howel coinpliilnts, mo ulienily nisliij,' fearfully, livery peion who-o system is lu tho Ml(;htct inminer ills, on-cil, limy llnd hlniK'irnt nuy moment tho victim ofsoino of Hicmi nllllctiniH. Tho Kroutest rcKiihulty In nil our habits should ho observed, nnd tho organl-m fortllled by miuio (;ood tonic prepara-lion. Tho KliiL'iirl lllttoiH will neutinll.o I tlicsonolsons. even nfter they hnvoen. I tered tho blood, uml thus prevent Its IJmnofilloirects. iw MING All hecouil ilour beto4 Just uirlvi ililllowi,! ZKl'llVlW, WOOMll Cousin's, I,ACIiS, i. MUSMN unaiJ )0K.STOlli:, :m.urn, MnluHtliit! t ID COTTON YAHNH, ;oii)i:itnt, DUrMM T1UM.MINI1S mul ier' vnrli'tif i ill usually kft In u r.vNir Al-u M'llOOl. llOOKH, 1V1J(M)I;h, llllll.lX, hUNDAY-tll nn.l u lurau lot of 51ISCi:i,l,AI ACCOUNT AND W 11I,ANK l)i:i:i)S, 1101 lll, II lli'tll-llltlltul Ufllt l'Ai'int, r..v IAHMKHS 1.0(1 i U' iiiiueiMUiinnii ir ) 1UHKH, Rndcm IIUOKS, Ad moutoauks, M attsoiliiient of l-W, AC, a. i). vi:im. LUouMotolhefJllll- klltlLlH-M to Ulllllll i's I'a'ent liiilhwiy iiiuiui:it, hm (oiiiniuiiliy thai b-ill uitliaieM to uuuiii' I ii l ie iiio i eiioiaun d Chain I ni (Im old stand In LIiiiMte I'nluiibia i itin ty, l'a. Jlnvluit enlarui diHliop, to meet tho tnenas tilf ililiiiilid lulinn u ft fit a -Ml led I hut be Mill be able, toaoiiinhite nil vho luor 111 111 Mllll Uifir oiiieiM. I ltn lair on hat id a uo. HIDK or well h atoned luinberoflbo best iiiii1iiil uoiUnim Mho hao beetu nuauedlnll r inulai tniehryeaiK, he KUaiuiittt'M (hi in iidll,t supi iloipiimy beleioioie niaue, jimoi 'iiuuiauuiiH HUHTiriTKU'H r.VINl A(l IU)I,H,VI 'lltCCIC ANCip-'llYl lt. Id null lot nt tbn sboi it ftrtixt ii ml on iMktiiu iililn li-inis. Kt I'll Hi tb kill ir iast laois be inllelU a loullnuaiao obfltoimKln ii-lo'oru r.leliuil in nun, mi, m III') !). l.llilil Mliei, i n., rtuyv, vu riillK AMKHKUX HAY KNI VI I ASH b'OUK Wu tlio undei-sliitieil fltlAMlN ol ('oiunililil louiiiy Mliuenseii uit uiai 01 uav IOIKM Oil UIU III I 111 Ol .HI. I III."" I. Ill IU llin II Township, cm .Motuiay, miiv , nwi, iM-iieen me Atner lent i I inv Kiilte mit nf : Ilia IIU laL'Iliriti OV hMTJMt, wAl.l-, HllltlNKIt A- l'n.. f Ia Olirw, I IU, llll'l im ivuimm mum mj inntn, 'tlin Anii-rlmii Turk lilted mole, hav In one draught llian the llundel In tlnee. WouresatlH- lled u wilt laUii)N mui-n nay nun nie mow as two uootl boiMK ran duiw. Wo also saw It euttlnt,' liav.uti'l think U eaiuiot Ik bent ns n hay knlle, and eluH-rfully leeotumeud It ns thu best hay fork and knltu mo lmeeer seen. I , tl PTl MIK.MKlt, I'll, 1 . K. iiaukiio.-"!, 11. K'lHiNS, John Doi;, .Ioiin lunnnoK, Iumh. Novrn, II, lllULhMII.I.hll. KM.VMTKlt l'Ullftl t,, MllIIAKI, llM.I.I II. .lollN Wol.K. lleaper and Montr, anl other agricultural liuple p 11 1 V A T K S A h K 111 1 , III .ltl.l, I, t.n Tin-: uii'l, ihldiiiMl M-iiul,l lUiiicuni'ii lu the imlilln Unit h M'llu-i loilNlti'lit lulvnliiHillu 01 I WO iic.mmii:ii AMI I il I 1 T 1 M 15 13 It 1- A X D , , ii, riklihici ii'i'l: timiiolilp, CuluuiMil nu. liouiiiliil hy IuiuIk of liiiiii'i-r M'lluiiy, ,liili Ci.liliuiu, Hiiuiui'l Coli'ln in ini'l kIIh'I, llu' tlui' l,irls,iliii'iiuillylilli' vim1. jtIIow plni', ini'li oak nml dii'Ktiiul. Twuliiiiiitiiil inn's urn iiwn ly li'Ml, uii'l nil oiiM Iw .icily liiiiiuil. Anip.c ,lm',tlU,1',',,,K'"H,fc''S17cll.UX,;felON, I 11111,14 1 , 11., .lining, lvi7, Culiiiiililiu'ounly, l'n. oriiiifu lilt', May LM, 13u7. j j. it a o v k n, In now oiii-rniK in tuo puiiiii! inn mik ic or .V J' ii J a a a o o i) s cousKtliiK In part of it full tluo of INOUAIX, "WOOL AND HAG U A It 1' 1! T H, Fine1 clotlis llll,l I'liviliiu-ro fur IjulUV couU, HAND.-'O.Mi: DitKS.S ClOODS, ot nil nntti-niK uml filliilitli'K, InliiliU uml l'rlnU ot Mirloim iiuiilltii'ii niut prlrt's, lll.llACIlHI) AND IlltOW.V MH.SI.1NS, I; A 1) I K'H KHKXUir COHHKTri A N II IlALJIOHAIj SIvIUTd. llllOil ilSMirtlllfllt of t.Aimis' ,i ciiit.iiu:.:suAtTi:hsd hoots. I'lt'sh Oioi'i'ili'K mnl SiiUi-w. New iisMirtnifiit of oi.ass and (iUi:i:.vs.VAiti:, FX XO. 1 MAtJKKItKI liioiiu'liuiriiiij oiiL'.ruilli li.irit'ln. Now Im the lllnw In liluku Jour fcelU'tloliK, n 1 uni oil, rliiK kimmI ut vuy low iuIi-oh, mnl our motto iifulrtli'iilluirtn nil. mnl mil In ho unilcr w.M hy nny. J, J. UltoWTll. UliKilllshlllli, Apill M. IMC, k ii c n a x iTTsT: . notici: m iimiKiiv oivr.N To iny fiiiiiiN nml tlio imbllii Bi'iitniily, Unit nil Ulmlsiif DRY (1001W, (lltOCHKIIiS, QUIOK.VSWAUK, NOTIONS, C, i)H't'oii''tmitly ou linnil nml for wilo AT IIAUTO.N'S 01.1) HTAND, lllJioMllll'llO, 11V JAM13 K. JIVKIV.", Hull' A III 1. 1 for 11 I is' 1'IIOM UA1EOK lMi:. lot (oiiMiuilly i n luiliii. iu"t,. MISOELJjANBOUS. 'pjIKXKW MAOAINl;. Frcth, lrtj!a, (tifrtttttic, nnl Jlntvrtalnlng, Tin; iuvI'.iwim; ia(azim:, rdrt mtrkn 1-itM.r. MeHKra. lll'UI) A HOUtlllTiiN, TublWierK, No. IV) llroomo Htreef, New Vork Take i.leatirp In nnnouneln the tminedlatt ltfuiuof thy Initial .NumU rof TIIK HIVKItHlDi: maiIazii:, roil Youna nn'i.ti, tolmMltftl by HOKACIi K. KCUlHi: (ntithor of "renm Cldtdrrn," ete He.), nnd publlnhetl monthly, mnimenelhsc with .Innunry. mt Itia )uri"eor tliu lltvt rsldo MHnazlne Mill b tonnt Nfy the tnMen of the youtnrrr publ le M'lt blunt rut t lui nnd witertnlliltiK readluie matter, attna tlvelj Illustrated by eointrf tent aitlfttn. In tho eoutrl biitliuis regard Milt Im had rather to the merit ot the urtlcleft than to the iri lotm remit ntlon of thu authors, nnd all sections of thuctaintry will be fully lepreNeiiud, History In IH morn populnr foritu will fKTttpya prominent plttee, tuid.H appertaining tot hW, S'ar intiicsrd Trael,.dventuieiitu vailoiiMrouiitrh'M, AlnUtleM nnd Custoin nf dill'crr nt Nntlnti-. nml Much liloRraphlcal Hketehen n will Intcrent uml prodt tho jouiuf, wlilln the dllterent depHrtinetitM nf i at ural IIMory nnd hk-leuco Mill reitlu their due sharu of nttrntton. With encli KueeexNlvu imniltor tho vnrlel M'ork, nmiuftnentu, and plensureit of lndoorand out door Urn will Im portrayed, nnd tlio lnten ttt of U10 iiitbful itaderoiivtantly inalutnlued. The llluttrntlnnft of thu Miumrinn will nt tract tho cyv of the youiuceit ns well an plraxe tho old it children. Mr. II, I,. .Stephen will mrnlsli n fulbpi'iCH humoroun ;artoou for every nuinU-r throughout tno jenr.nnd wlthartlstn will eon tlnuo to Rlvo new iiks to laiulllor themcH. TKllMS OV MUllSCUIITJON. 2 d) per year, In advance j 3eople,$ft IV); Jifopux. 810: bJeonles in. nnd an extrneoov trrAtt' ulncrlp pents Tho Urst numln r I- dom ready Tor luspoetlon. Hntnple copies nf this nuinlxT sent by mall. jtostaKP paid, on elpi of at trnts. 4iifinm huh luiiaMertt waiucci in cery iwin r the country, Addresn JIUINJ ix JIDUOIITOX. lubllslier, No. lis llroomo Htreet, New York. ryiu: GALAXY, A lOKTNiailTLY ILI.UBT11ATKD J1AOAZINE. Till! flALAXY Is published fortntKhtly, on lh flrKtaudlineenthor each month, nnd has the ad vatitatcoof comlnu to tho reader Intermediately Ix'tM'een the monthlies nnd the weeklies. With thoM'cond number tho Ma(iaz)uoMiuten larni'd by t-lxteen luineK, imiklng it to eontaU nlnetylx paes of matter. 1 l 1 IIUIUIUIIM, Till! OAf.AXY ulll tin nit nrlirlnnl AinnHcua Mil curl lltl or tho hlihftNt i'Imkm. Arrnninttirntji have aeeordinnly lKen made for reKUlareontrlbu tlons from tho bout known nnd must meritorious) wilier in thu country; and tnoioover, tho IMitor m III nlMn h mi k to ellelt and eiicounmo contribu tions irom now nut horn of real ability or decided Kt-nlus. The articles In TIIK OALAXY will he "lned with tho namen of their uuthorn, who will )x) allowed n wldolreedom In tho exprension f opinions. iimursiaiiuneeonu iiunilMTH Ol i il I UAI..Y, for Atnv fir .f nml I1ftifiilli Iwil niiiinliw.iiiiHini. thlis from John Kid on Cooko, Kranees 1'oM-er Cobbn, Hos Terry, tieorKoAlfml Townend, Kd mund CHtcdmau, tho Author of " Kmlly Chen Ut." 1'rofeKKor l'leno Itlot. Dr. W. II. Draper. lllmniiK. Connnt, Oeneral Cluseret, nnd other. ''I ho ChnerhiKs" by Anthony 'ii oil ope, and Arehlo IoelLM bv AtrK. Kdunntit. unn rmu. menced lu tho llrnt ntimlier of Till; UALAXY. atal will eontlnuo to bo publlsh'-d Hrallv Hlmtil taiieously with their apiH-aniiKu In Kiifriand. Tli back liuinberH of tho Masazllio (ontalnllii; these storleMiuay nlwnyMltonbtnlnoil fromnnoMsdealcr or from tla pioprletom, iiiu)nsoii nr,or on cookkry. In the Mwond number of 'UN-; OAMXY wns eommeiu'ed a series of article on Cookery, hy niicNiur 1'ierrn iwoi, uie weii-KHOWll learner CI the art. ThPKonrtlcleH will liotuntloof ureatprni tlcal value to every family. Uesldo many Kanlru noinlcal dlrectloim of eNseiitlal impoitatuo. they M'lll contain rieelpts and prnctlail tiupcestloiw Mhleh must wcuiv lor them thousands of reader. TI1KMM. The price of TUP. OAIjAXY Is SI cents n num ber; $. for tho year of tuenty-jour mimlern: W ror mx months tweuo numbers. Thovolumes for tho year Mill Include- 2,w octavo vkoa, lllus. tnited by tM'enty-lUeormirro fulbpaco enrav Ins, printed on tinted paper; besluo lunuuu rs bio ttumller Illustrations, scattered throniih tho text, TIIK OAIjAXY may bo ordeied at the nit of tventy-llo cents u number lor rny lenath ot tlmo desired. specimen coplew will be sent on receipt of 23 ceiiKt. Atldress W. C. &. V. V. CHintCH, I'mprletors, .T I'ark How, New York. TIIK WASHINGTON LI1SKAUY CO. WILL AW AKO tiihi:k iiirNDunn tiiocsani hollaies IN I'KI.SKMrt 10Tlti:HllAIU:iIOI.l)l.KH, On Wednesday, September HoA lbG7, AT rillLADKMMlIA, IA., toil at THK Institute, iuveiwidk, n.j. ,.. Jii,rsnt ... 10,010 O.l Ml 1.rAltPKll'H NEW -1-1. MAOAINI;. JIONTIILY tSt lieUulc 0 7Vt tents 1 1 Cash Present 1 Cah Piesent 1 l'rehnnt 1 Cash I'rewnt '1 rash Presents of k'jDU each , 1 Handsome eountrv resident e. stabl Kiounds.Ac, (crmaiitoM-n.PhlladelhU 13,000 1 Jiouble H'sldeiiee. threc-storv brick, in Camden. N.. I lo.OOO t Coal leHt, ollices, tthedx, ground, with buslnesH eatahllshed, No. loll Walllng toll Avenue, Philadelphia 15,000 1 Country reHldcim, Klerslde,N.J.,wlth Krouud, Iruits, Ac lO.OOtt 1 'lhree-story ootinKo. lot, Ac 5.U00 Valu.ibh'bulldhiu lot. Uerslde, tsmi each 5,(00 I Kli'Kant turnout family cat rhino, span of hoises, harness, Ac., eompleto TtS) ID Valuable bulldln IoU. UUerslde, '.Vto each .... ' 3,0C 1 benuttful slhor-Kriiy borve. ZH bauds htKh.sliedby thi eclebrated imjiorted Arahlah llorso "Caliph;" also, u Unlit toad waon, vclcht 1 10 pounds, wlthset of Kiipei tor slnuh harness, vve., liiaklnj; u llrst-tluMs establishment .0W i) Pianos. S-VWiaeh lO.UiiO J Melodeons, Shj. each 4.W .ri UovewixHl M-wlni; miu hlne, yjnieach., I.iwn) Id Kaiullv sewlnii machines. SUA) each :n) FliiHKoM M-atehen, S'JiNiuieh - 10,000 luu Oil paintings, by lend Ing artists, upKre- ftitinhu lo.ofni .T rumors hair shawls. Sl.m11 each '1 Catuel's h.ilr shawls, f:( LH eiich ti,") :t Jlandsonir Ijwo shawls, ?i'iii each 7 TO 1") Cashmero sluiMls, ."iioacli ft) Si Hill: dress iiatleriu. $'5 each .V) City bulldhiu' lots, each The rumaliuler M'lll consist ut Hllier Mare, musical boxes, opera Klnsxes, iHK-ket blblcK, ami tlllleient arttclex of ornament nnd use, amounllUK to W.ouo Total smw.uoo Alt the properties given clear of Incumbrances. " UiHiuestlonably tho host sustained M'ork of the juno in mo 11 onu. (Yttlcnl Aocr of Ihr Vent. It is the foremost Mnttarlno of tho day. Tho fireside, never bad iniiorodellnhtful companion, nor tho million 11 morn fiiterprisltiK friend, than Harper's Slaine. MithtnUt J'rUtttttht, Jhtttf Thotno-d iMipular Monthly lu the world. .Vh' Yurk Obnnu r, Woniiivt refer lu terms ot enlony to the blli tone and nrled excellencies of Harper's Mauazlne a Journat with a montbf-clrtulatlon of about 17U.0W copies in Okm) aires nre to bo louud some of thf choicest llffhtand ucntrnl rcaditiKof tlwdny. Wo speak ot this Moik 111 an e Idcnve of the culture of tho American IVoplo; and tho opularllvlthasiusiulred is merited. JVUNatn Iht ts.ntalns lully 111 paces of rendiufc-maUrT, m liroprbitely tllustratiHl with Kofst wixHl-cnts; and It eomblncM lu itseli the racy monthly nnd tho moru iddlosophlcal nuarterl , blended with tho best features of thu dally Journal, U lias reat jKier 111 iiiouisseminaiion 01 a loveoipure in enituie. Trubtier't utile to Amtrimn LUeiuturt Tho volumes bound constitute of themselves library ot miscellaneous readln such as cannot be found lu tho came com pass tn anv other publi cation that has coino under our notice. jivstvn turner. hi;ilHCUHTIONK-lNi7. Tho Publlnhers h.ivoperleeUd a system of mall Inn by which (hey can supply tho Magazine nnd Weekly promptly to tho-n uho pi en r to recelvo their lH-iiodlcals directly from tlio oilleu of publi cation. Tho iKistago on Harper's Mayaxlno Is 21 cents a year, which mind bo paid nl t ho subset ibcr's ikjm olllco. TlUl.MM. One copy ono year - M 00 An oxtia eonv of either tbn Weeklv or Miilii. zinc M'lll bo supplied uratls for oery dub of tive n ai 51 eacu. hiibscrlbers i cojden for ?ja. Jt.lC cacti, iu ono remittance; or six k numbers can Im sutmlled at nnv time. ,V l innbtn Set. now eoinorlsliio Tlilrtv.thren Volumes, In neat cloth binding, will bo sent by express, irelBht at expensoif pun baser, lor 8i A per ultimo. Shmlo volunies, by mail, post-paiil, i 1 00. cloth cases, for binding, .S cents, by nitill, lnst-paM. Mibscrlptlons sent from Ilritlsli North Amer ican Piovluces must boacL'ouipatileilMith'J0cent6 additional, to prepay United Htntes postiuro, AU dress HAUPIUt IlllDTIlUHS, iiiblUhers. Prnnklln hquaro, New York. HOW TO OUTA1N WHAUlvS AND KNdllA VIN(ii. Send ordeis to utt by mall, enclosing from $1 to either by Post Olllco orders or In a k jjlstered letter, at our risk. Ijirger amounts should 1e sent by dialt or express. 10 shares M'ith linuiia Inys, tU.r0 1 slnues M'lth Kturavlugs rtiO X) shines M'lth Knnravim,'K(. -itJ..V) 7 shares with PnuravliiKs, C0.ra 100 shares m Ith I'.UKi'iuin-s W.OO laical AOI'NTS WANTKI) lliroughout the finU ted Htntes, ;IST t o t ion, riUJACUKHS WAI'I llt-MCtS UK 1IM! UlJillMUll'lKI I.lTHIltlV) ivirn-ru:, .nnv i, ink, t I...,,,,, It I..I 'I , .!,., I IfV tlllll tlli'l'OIKlltiOIIH UH Mhll'll till' Inl Mili.crlii ll.ins In llu.' Mcik ol .iil,l lllHlltllli' n lililili' Inllti U I'll rullll'lli'il lllli, .Mini, I'. I'. lIlKll.r-irlilniy. Tl,., ,,lLb.'rllM.ltf 1,1 tlll'Mo, Icoftllt'UllOMIIIIllllI'll liiHiitiuo win I'll 11. i' iny llio Mi.t iii.iiilliiit iit, Ulll II lO'liilllill ol iiti'ir.ioiMii ',1,'n i, ,i.,, Ciillilllion, III Wll.l.lAM K.NVIil'll, Tn ll.lll'i r. U il, UUI'KIIT, rrilUut. jiuy-'i, wi. M'lACHKHK WANTKI). 15), TK inn, Mnl,, nml out, ruli-ffdu'r furllm lloi oiiuli of ri iilriillii, Cohril tl'inity, .or n Urn I'uiij nalinin Silimil lilmrli t iintu II t" ninlo nml ,,,,, t il,, 1,.,,,-11,'Im lor 11111 1'lihuii ir t'lir. .ill i, o- oIlt-iilitN inti.l liiiui-rknnii I'Mtiiiiiiiiin'o ol-ii'io uu 'ouiitv huiwrlnii inli'iit 011 llui liotli tiny of Au of fliilil iiioiilliiiorloiiiii'iiiliiiiifnini.illii'ilikl K'i"l iii'il.ov.nllir.nti'i'iilinnii. I lie m iiuiij w ii M.,,li,iliki uu luWr. linlli li.iu.l 111 1,11,'iLiity oiiiii on I In- l.l ilny of r-i plilnlnr, mill, vulilllilio MlllllL'llllll IllllU'HClKlOH llf llll'lllKAO I'lklU I UU lllOlllll Illlllll'limilll.Ull'limun ,,v,, ,u,, ,, AiHfUitU,IW7. 1 hvc'M 1 loctwWMie,AUi,;!li5i.71 JU8T lHTjJLlSHKl). Ni:W VOIEK ON BJMJ J N w 11AKHI N I'M TWKNTY MP.I.ODIC KXKHCirilW, is yoiiM oi'jo.Vffimns KnitHOi'HANOou Mrzo HOl'Il VMKl VOtn, I M KNPI- D AH 8TllI K-H to ACQt'IHi: 'I UK AltV OK SlNfjJNO. "These exerclsm wero composed to 1 10 llsedslin villi his system. Tiik Aitr or siisiiimi,' r m Ith any oilier metlasl tor tho cub tlMillon of Ibe mUi, ami M ill lako the iilaeeof Concoiie's HolfciruloNi belni; moio melodious and belter mUi pled for tcachhij;, 'Hotnoot IhesocxeicUesaii specially beaut Hill as well m use) nl, 11 mthtilintt id tho ttulrett ulit?, whit h si cuies the IntereKtus well as the lmproN e lueiitol thesludeiit. The Mirlous s ledexelopiHl lu these exeii-lscs tender them liiMtluablo lu nn tducatlonal point of lew, as l hoy tend to en laiuetln inb'lllixlHi' and tho uppte'l.dlun, nnd al tho Mime (line tollil Dim tlis or the pupil, Thev must bo studied euielully wllh releiciice to the innumerable lmnks of expression and fornix .t i.t-iiniiii'iiliitioii. C 1 urn tlm mliuito aecuiurv vilih wlih Ii ihiKiiaio aisstmiillshed ilenelids tho actual hHlllmc udaiieomeiit ot tho pupil any evasion or sluriliu: In tht-stt icNpocts In lime nnd What, ulterlv Miuted.Mhllo. 011 tho other band, 11 rli.-e and patient Iuestluatlou,atid a tallhful ex ecution or them, Mill uv unexpected HiMer and laclllty, aiul open to (no student tho uu-imituud resoiiuesby Mhlch uieut aillts piiHluee their most billlliuit and piofound 1 fleet W'ation's Ait Journal, IN TWO VOLUMES, Pi lee, 1 ik Ii, In Hoards. Hetall t'i 0 do. do, in Cloih. Hetall on A wiiuple lopy sent by mall, lsistoultl, ou receipt of Wholemilo Price, PublWiod by VM. llAl.Ii A HON, No. ftl 1 llroudw uy, N. Y., Publishers and dealers in Music, nnd muuufuo tuteis of llulis, Itfes. riuycoK-li, Ac, Vc, Ac, Ac, htnd luiintuloKUool prlein, JUVa. The Anv(Intliai haw npjMiinted us Hecelvers. Messrs. (ll-o)fiii: A, CookK A Co., M hoso well knoM 11 Integrity nnd business oxperlenco will bo a sufllcleut miarunleothat the money Intrusted to tlu iu m 111 bo promptly applied to tho purjsiso staled, Pm!.Ait.i,rii!A, Pa., May 'JO, Ihit, To the Oj)letr wnt Mcmhcra 0 the Wivthinytun Lt- briny IV,, A. K Ji.'AD.fccrttari, (icntleiiieu: On receipt of your favor of tho lith lust., notifying us ol nurnppolmmcnt ns He celvers for your Company, wo took tho liberty to submit 11 copy of jour Charter, with n plan ot ,uur cnterprHe, to the bluest bjjul authority of tho Mate, and ImWui; recehed tils favorable opinion lu regard to Its linllty, ntul sympathiz ing Mith tho benevulcnt olgctt of our Assocla tlou,lzi the education and maluteiianco of tho orphan clilUlrin of oui soldiers und hallurs nt the lllversldol 11st Unto, wo hao concluded to nccept the trit, and toiisoour best oirorlu to promolo so worthy uu object. llesii'itfully, jours, Ae CIKO, A, COOKK-& (K). Add 1 ess all letters and orders to oi;o, A. ccoUK a, CO., Hankers. Si houth Third Mn et, Philadelphia, Pa. llcct'Ucrs for tho Washington Library Co. J. H. lHTUSKIi, Authorlred Agent tor llloonihburg and vicinity. JulyS, IW-Jm. 0 Ult YOUNG FOLKS. Wo roKoectlullv Invltoattcntloil to tho follow Itm note trom tho a bio and jiopular Deputy htato bit peiluteudeiit of Schools tor PeniiNylvanlat Jll'hSl'H, Til KM)ll A KlKLltH, ltOhtOll, M.HSS.: Oknilkmkn, Permit mo to couKratuhito you on tho marked success of "Our Young Kolks." From tho Ksueof the Hist number I bao watch ed w itli much sollcitudo its tone ami ihatacter, Mell knowing tho Immense, intlueiue, for gmHl 01 for oll, it would bn likely to wield. Judging by tho tone Mhlch has prevailed n much ol oui Juvcnllo liloialuro, both religious and secular, 1 feaied that lis contributors might lack that ouug heartednesti which can alono sieak to tho child are, or that tho lalth and Ingenuousness ol youth might Is tainH-red M ith undillsplacod by u fa no v lor the lees ami deceits of maturer oars. Happily my lean iao provisl groundlesn, and tho Mholo community hao to thank j ou lor pro ilia Ing iv iiiagaluo so well adapted to tho class lor Mhlch It is Intended, mid so eleutlng and lelln login lis Inlhicnccs. KVMCKl P. HAT1, Deputy Htato Miperlntemleut hthools, Pa. TP.UMS OP ont YOL'MI I'OI.KS: Sinyinr,ln ndMinco; thieo eoplen, j.5; tlo copies, f; ten co pies, si 1; and each additional copy tf..jn. Twenty copies, tfdi.and a copy gratis to tho person piocur tng tho club, Hpectal Inducements olleied to teachers toncl as agent, hpi-elal copy and ilieiilar sent to wr sons Miio wMi to proeiiti subscrllMTi., for ttrj cent. TlCKNOUiV PIi:Ll., PublMn rs, JlostOH, MlLSS. JiKW t'AltlNKT WAHK 1IOU.SK. riiKiiiiUirnliftiiil InUi". tlih nu'tliiHt to Inform tin1 public Unit lio link opi'iifil a xr.w ri'itNiTimr. waui: jiouwi: In tho Wiillor llrlilc Iliillilliig, on Mnln Hln i I, jit.oo.vsnvna, 1:1., Wlllrh ho Inn i!Urclniiul nlul lntonU In lioi'i jht. iiiuiH'iitly lilli'il wltli ruiiilluroof CITY AND HOMi: .MANlirAlTUltli ir riiMrr.inKs id 11 K 1) M A 'L' H K H ts K S , S01.'AH, UiUMIIH MAllllI.i: TOl' Ull.NTlti: TAIII.IX i'iiAiiw-ciiMiiio.Ni;i), uanj: inmo.ii:i), AND WOOD l!, i:xti:nhion, lookinu ii.aisi, I'AUl.OK, OIIAJIKKU AND DIN 1N(1 HOOM l'UUNITUHK. Ill fUlt II fllll IIKKOltllU'llt of It 11 A 1 V .M A 1) II UoriMNK of nil Hlri, nml of llVllUYTIII.NlllNTIIll UNllOl'MllHTltAlli:. Allot wlilill will IvMilil OIIllAl" rllll 0AH1I. Tliu imlillu mo InvlUil In mil nml rxumliii' my htnek livloru I'Uicliu.liitf einowiiuri'. OKOltOK W, C011ELL. lllonnikliurti, Auitut 10, 1SC7, OIIK WKKKIjY PAT1UOT AND X I'NION, TIIK I'KNTKU. lll.MIK'U VTir OHIIAN or TIIK Stati:, 'I In WYelily r.itilol nlul I'nlon U jiulilKlii'il I'Viry Tliuii.ilny Iiy tlio l'litrlol nml I'nlon rrltitltiit nml rulillKlilnir Ahtorlntlon. U It n iloiiiiln MitH't of i-litlit iniKfH, nu4 i-oiiinlus lorty.t lulit iiiluuuiH of inutu r, mnilo up of l.ltcr nry, Alirlculturnl, Nl'M K.Trnileillitl Mlmflliinnouil t.oU'i'iloii., IUKirU of t'ouiirehhional unit Lt'ttlKln tIo rrorei'illUKs, hpet'i lie., I'olltli'iil KbKays, VAU lorlnlH, i-tc, Tin: ti:uh: Out' copy, ono your, rush. 12 0 " nl moiitliii " , 1 SO .Tin I'oplt'n, ono onr, uml ono to Kt-tier up of Cluli... ....,)(( Twouiy ropti'., ouojL'iir, uml ono lu getter up of ClnU M III TIM-. "JIAILY I'ATlllOT A. UNION" will Iw furnlwlu'il tn mall ktibi,criliorH for t7.(W per uuniiiii. J)B'a llinilmiti leltpiH hlioulil lio mlilrt'k.eil lu tlio ' rutllolmiil lllllll,,, llnrrlhlmrn, l'n. WM. 11, Mll.l,i:il,Truto. WJI, 1. HOAH, I'ublWler KADVIliLK T1IK01.O01CAL si lfflOI Tbo Kail term beoati Seotdu- nr s' Tim I'licnltv of instl net loll eolislsts of four resilient und four non-usldent pioio.sors, and a tutor. The object Is to educalo young inni for the CluMlan Ministry. There Uapivp'" ry clasti ttir thoso Mho hao not lu ched a cor labt oducatloti, Duo hundred and sixty dollurs a uio gianted to henellciarles, with nil additional sum in sH-clal cases. Tho tuition, uso of Library mot tevt-liookn, mo frotv to all. Tho hchool Mas toutidisi ny uio unuaruiti aiui i iiriMi.ui ueiioou nations, but lsoi-u tonll who liellevo " thodl vlnooilgln of Clulstlanit'. Thu Ubrury eotislsU of syiMoluincx, Application may o made- to Uev, A. A. LUcr more, Pictddenl ol tho lltmrd of Instruction, Mendxllle, Pn. novl7ly QAUUIAGK MANUFACTORY, lllooimburg, l'a, M, C, SLOAN A HUOTlUUt tho umssoruf WILLIAM 8 LOAN ii HON eontlnuo thu bulnes of luuUlMi CAHHIAOKS, IlUOQll-, nnd evtry Hylo of PANCY WAOONK, which they hao constantly on band in Milieu, tomers, Neer using any material but tlio best und i m ploy Ing tho most exinrlenciHt workmen, thoy bopotouoiitliiuu us hvteloforo to thoeiillro sutlsfuctlou to every customer. An fusiwotlon ot their w ork, and or the reasonable price (uked for the Lame, U suro to liuuro a fculK (uIro nt thin olllco. IX.