The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 06, 1867, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJ11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. giltc (ifatumbinn. inooMSHUita, pa. Flllt AY MOItNINO, NKPT. 0, tSOJ. .i-TUTi COI.UMIIIAN ' I.lR.t Clrtulntlui. In CnlmnbU and i.i.uttt. of njr imptr p.llill.linl her., mill It Ulan mncli Urfc-ir .I...I than Mlf nf ,l.cntrmporrl..i anilLUl.t-rftoralhrtn-al iirdltlii. for ailv.rtltlliff In HU a.ctlnu uf Ilia Rial. 11E00NSTHUCTI0N IN TEXAS Wr.nroln iKMMfwIoii of ft immplilct ruliircsri to tho m-milc of 'luxiw ny (v Throckmorton of that Stuto, timlur Onto nf Au.jiifft 10th. In which hq ulvw nn clnbornto nml wniipU'tu stiitumi'iit of Ills rnntluct na Governor In connection with tho subject of reconstruction, nml of tliu circumstances which jimcx'tled im re moval from nflk'o by tleu. .Sliwiiluti. ! Tho fnctfi set forth exhibit the partlnllty mul lnju.tico of tho (lenerul, inul of hU Mibordimite, Clencrul OrlMn, In u strlk lug llKht, mul will ko fur to witlsfy tho mibllc tlmtSherhhui'rt removnl from tho ivmnmiHlof this Fifth Military District, was both timely nml necessary. Gov. Throckmorton had been duly elected Governor of Toxns and was exerclslnff tho iliitiw of that olllco when Sheridan assumed cuinmaml of the 1'lfth District. Tim otllclal documents now published by the Governor, provo threu things iiuot distinctly. First, that tho Gover nor applied hlmscir faithfully to the -o.'clse of his duties, and to co-upcratlon with the military authorities in llio en- fjrecmcnt and c.xecutlou of tho laws of Congress: Sooonil, That ho was removed from ids ofilco arbitrarily and without causo by Gen. Sheridan: and Third, that the military orders and adminis tration in Texas wore unreasonable mid arbitrary, and In plain violation of botli law and Justice. Among other nolnts made out by tho Governor Is one relating to tho rules of registration adopted alid acted upon by themllltary nuthority, by which a largo mass of tho votine population of tho State, mimics tionably quulllled to vote under the acts of ConimsS, were excluilcil from o lumerntion und disfranchised. As In the case of Iiousinna, the object plainly was to irlvo the tu-ro voturs control of tho State, and to urpuiizu the now SUito jiovemmeilt in tho Interest ol the Until ml party. Governor Throckmorton was u Union man In 18(11, and ojiposed nmiailon to tho utmost of his power. Ho was over ruled, however, nml acquiescing In tho decision matlu by his State, entered the Confederate army and fought in the war. Again, nt tho conclusion of the htruirglo ho necepted tlio situation in common with the great mass of tho people of tho South, and from nil that appears has blnco acted heartily mid honestly to restore ids Stuto to her place in tho Union nnit to cultivate semi merits of loyalty and of complete dovo tlon to tho Federal Government among tho people. ills only offence has been that ho, de sired a fair registration and a fair elec tion under the reconstruction laws pai-cd by Congress. It is not pretended that ho opposed any resistance to tho execution of any military order issued by General Sheridan, or under his nu thority, although f-overal of thoso or ders were harsh and arbitrary, If not unlawful j nor was ho guilty of disre spect on any occasion to tho military power. Hut ho forwarded to tho Presi dent copies of tho military rules for registration above mentioned, and a copy of an order in relation to selecting Jurors in tho Courts, and called atten tion to their character, it would seem that for this act (which was in all re spects proper) ho was removed by Sheri dan who nlleged In genoral terms that ho was "nn impediment to tho recou Htruction of tho State," and a man named I'eo who had been beaten be fore tho people was appointed In ids place. Tho transmission or iniormation to the President Is thus made an oirenco punishable by deprivation of office, and a man rejected by tho people upon a fair vote is put over them as tlicir (Jov ernor by military power I To bhow the outrageous character of the registration under Sheridan in Tex as, It is only necessary to mention somo of tho persons excluded from enumera tion by tho boards under tho rules fur nished them, It Is to bo remembered that tho persons so excluded from regis tration nro thereby disqualified to vote or to kervo upon Juries In tho Courts'of tho State, We quote from tho olllcial paper furnished tho Hoards oflleglstra tlon and by which they wero guided in their work: Memoranda of Disqualifications, for guidance of tho boards of registra tion under tho mllltray bill passed March !2d, I0IS7, und tho Act of Congress supplementary thereto, passed March iMril, 18(17; n'l who have held any otllco in nny State under tho Constitution and Laws of such State, In forco prior to February 1st, 1SC1, Buchas survcyorsnd deputy Hurveyors of districts, county survey ors. county commissioners, treiiMirers. tustlcesof tho peace, clerks of courts und deputies, sheriffs nud dep- utlos, constables and deputies, tux col lectors, assessors, coroners, polka Jurors, auctioneers, pilots, hnrbor-maslers, re corders of conveyances and mortgages, county recorders, notaries public, nml all commissioned, ofllccrs in tho Btato Militia ; any person who has acted as a mayor of a town or city, treasurer, comptroller, recorder, alderman, assist ant alderman, assessor, assistant tax collector, administrator of the charity hospital, and members of tho board of beulth. commissioner of elections and his clerks, chief of police, lieutenant of police and town or city marniai.anci an who huvo served on tho forco ; wardens and under-wnrdens of county prisons or work houses; boards of school direc tors, city burvoyors and deputies, street commissioners und deputies, city attor ney and assistant nttornles, superinten dent of public schools, inspectors of to bacco, flour, beef, pork, and weighers and measurers ; managers and superin tendent or directors of tho asylum for deaf und dumb, blind und lunatic, and sextons of cemeteries." This Is Indeed a formidable list of ex clusions and mostly, If not altogether, In utter disregard and contempt of tho laws or Congress under which it is pre Andixl that tho enumeration Is made! Wo omit tho State ofllclals mentioned in tii list of exclusions who do fall tlcorly Within tho nets of Congress and who constitute a comparatively small number of persons ; for as to them no t)plulutUrnado. Hut the abovn sweeping and unlaw- (il exclusions of local and muuclpnl of ficers and employees, Includes nearly nil tho men of special Intelligence nnd character In the State, and theivu'au be no doubt that tho object of excluding thorn was to Intimidate and break the spirit of the people, as well as to securu ti negro majority at tho elections. Wo repeat, that by military order no person can serve iw u juror in Texas whose name Is not admitted upon the roglst ration. The vindication of ersonal rights In courts of Jitst'co must bo left to Juries of registered men composed of whlto nnd black persons whoarenccept able to military power. Those who nro subservient to the military commander and perform his pleasure: who are eon tent to encourage, nud applaud radical reorganization and radical control, lila, expect Jititlcoiuvd favor jwhllo otlie.vs may expect Injustice nuil persecution. The relgu of despotism In Texas eii ds with the removal of Sheridan and 'the appointment of General Hancock in 1H1 stead. Tho rule or law will bo re stored; the acts of Congress will Ihj en forced fairly; Illegality, partisiinlsm and persecution will disappear from the military administration of tho District. At this nil good men will rejoioo and nouo but radicals mid rascals Will have causo for complaint. A TALKJ.WITH rilESIDENT JOHNSON. u-ttv in: Httpr.I'si;i)Eii stanton, amii 1IIM ltnASON'S Ktftl ItUMOVINtl Httr.nt" ' HAN. (I'llUU Tliu W'ahiisiitii' i: or Till Jlosro.- losi. l.v n pleasant conversation of somo imwfii. lili Pri'sldeut Johnson, I re- timrkiMl that ho was charged with hav ing removed Mr. Stanton In order to mi. la ill CmiLfreKS. lln Hski-d what Mr. Stanton had to do with tho execution or non-execution of these nets'.' Thesoncts centred tlio pow ... i,. (i.i,n,ii1s of General Gnuit. and im dud iiliieeil Grant over tlio War De partment. Hu could not understand howthp chance could bo construed in to a purposo to defeat the proper execil- tionoitneri'coiisiiiitiitjiiiin,". dent further remarked that at ouo time i;n,.f,il timnl Htronu'lv Intimated mat unless Mr. Stanton was removed he l.. ,1.1.1 I... .iTiiiielled to leave here, as he could be of no possible uo in viow i Mr. Stanton's overbearing and diciaio- rlnl conduct. Tho President nuviseu liltll til Imvuii talk with tho Secretary of War, and perhaps they would tuder .tn.wl naoli other better. He agreed, iniu-nvni'. with tho General, mai Stanton ought to bo removed, and he then Inquired of General Grant if he would tuko charge oltuo jjepamm i.. iiw, nvi.nt id' n chaiiite. The latter pronipdy cxprcd his entire willing tmaJ 111 iln ml. t ii-fcrml to tho rumur uiui uiuueim mi 1m,l eventually protested against Tin; Democracy of Sullivan County huvo nominated 'ho following ticket: Treasurer, Walter Spencer; Commiss ioner, Wheeler Green ; Jury Comnils. t.l(ilier,Jnntes Thompson; District Attor ney, A. ii'igan Grim; Auditor, William Smith. The Committee reported the following ,,. ,.,.-,l nml the President frankly resolutions, which Wero unanimously I .,,Kmll .V11S o ,u; that the General adopted. Jlenotccil, That the National Democra cy have nobly maintained themselves against frowns, persecutions and nume rous defeats, and nro to-day increasing In numbers ami rising In efficiency to maintain tho enduring principles of our national Union. Uenolved, That wo have undoubted confidence In thetriumph of tholmmor tal prlneiplesoffrcogoverumcuniid the final success of free government In tills country. Jlemcert, That the dominant party who havo held tho relnsof our Federal Government for the last six years, have been, mid now are, guilty, ot "violating the plainest principles of frco govern ment," subverting tho foundations of our Union; have abrogated and made void the clearest rights of the several States; have denied tho American peo ple thonttrlbuteoi' sovereignty : and are committing acts of tyranny and oppres sion which would disgrace the tyrants of tho Old World. Jlesofeil, That Pennsylvania und the i ,f..t.... i....... SllVCiill OUlll'.S III UUI I lilllll lltlU IIIV rlght to regulate their Own sull'ragu, in i,.i M viiii.n hlin n -very kind, hut ear nt... ... .... , . , ncbt, prlvatu note, in wmcn no mm n. of nmirchy. if not re volution, should Secretary Stanton be sulicrsedcd. Yet as ho coiim not appre- ... ii. ij i..fian .ii.. hi lli'iiunu'rt leiusiiii una I.,. ,1 rnnted I 10 C laiiKe. 1 then told him Unit tlio same ciuuge ... ,.,.!.. ,ur- nst, liim lor removing General Sheridan, ami many supposed his purposo wastoproveniaiiuee.Nei.u ttnn if tUt lllW fids ho thought was quito as mmm. us the other, as tho law was tho same whether Thomas or Sheriuan wis in command. What Ultlorenco con... . mnko who executed the law? Could any ouo question the ability or uie pai ..i,.iIji,i .,c iiiMieinl TJiomas. 1 tin.., nskod W IV (ieucnil nncimmi iimiu viiihiiI'im!. in iui" . ... , Mr. Johnson said there wero two gi.u.i causes, but only iiiiujiuu ";. v...., ,ir..,..i,."r .,,.1. n.i .,..,ti7,J r ..,1- lhoilrsl ouo was rather oi a pn- Congress. ' ' Lonnl ehnracter, and had been overlook Jlenolml, 'J'liat tlio ttadleals in their ,i- ipiu. teleurum of tlio in .nine oast and present action and legislation ,, , i. .. .,i..,..,n-i in flu. Kxe r0"wou" "V . ,. i mvrl I?0!"0 . " ,.i .. aimed by General lor ine iiiiiiuiiieu iiicrea.-o uiwur i Luii- -"ii.i', - . . nl stnti. nml inn utr-l mil inxiitlim nml uivnnt in lm n private telegram to 111111 ilebts, which are crushing and paralyz- mi that no olllcial notice of Its ex- ing tho energies, trade and prosperity ..',.,. .. ..... r,..l(,iica tho Presi- ofotir people, and will bo a mortgngo upon the nation for generations to come. While, wo deplore the creation of these iicius, yet we neueve tno nation is in, honor pound to seo mat every uonar shall ho paid. lieaolved, That wo nro Justly proud of tho sterling record oi Jimgo Biinrswooti, nnd mat tno Democracy oi ouiiivan will give him more than their usual majority. Jlenotml. That wo will glvu ourcoun ty ticket nu undivided support, mid triumphantly elect tho whole ticket on the second Tuesday of October next. Jtetoh'aJ. That wo havo unlimited confidence In tho honor, integrity, ability and patriotism of Hon. Charles It. liuckulew, and his couiso in tlio United States Senate meets and receives our entiro approbation. Tho following resolution was offered by John W. Martin, Esq.,-. and unanl niously adopted : Jlesolvcil, That In the dNchargo of ids duties ns Senator, tlio Hon. George D. Jack.-on basso conducted himself as to merit our hcurtv approval. In nil local matters lie has proved himself the truo mend oi mo district ; aim in nu iniuu-rs connected with tho interests of thoStato and nation has shown himself, as ever before, truo to principles and to his menus. A Dktixtivi: ai'tjui ai:sr. uan't. Tho Washington correspondent of tliu New York Herald says that n curious story Is current that General Grant re1 cently di-covered that his movements wero watched by a detective, who had been persistently following iiiui, and who, It Is further reported, Is employed by a Massachusetts politician in Wash Ington. Tho detective, on being ques Honed by the General, said that hu was hunting up tcstlmonyi for a Congress' lonal committee. Tho correspondent adds I nm informed, however, that tliu snnio politician from Massachusetts, who held u high commission in trio nr- mv iluriii'' tho war. is supposed by Gen oral Grant to have resorted to tho sanio species of spying over Ids (Gen. Grant's) iiKivements whilo In command of tlio uriiiy, ami that ho tnus Kepi 111111-011 I iin..,...!!,!.! ..vir vet reached tho .-)..-. IV. ...... V .. dent. Uut tho second grounu 101 1 10 ,,,...1 ..r ni,nrnl K leridlill was me pverelsoof powers ho did not posse: nndthoOxurcl'oofhis legitimate pov ers in nn arbitrary nud otlensise man I'nskedHho would bo kind enough to deslgnnto what acts lie Included tin il(r tlio latter clause. Ho sntd tho removal ot uoiernui W..1U w-ns entire V uncillloil lor mm uiijustmable. Governor Wells had plac ed nt General Sheridan's disposal the whole civil machinery of tlio State to aid him In tho oxeeutlon of tlio ltecon struction acts. Nor haxl tho latter ever Indicated or pointed out a single act or word of tho Governor which was calcu lated to embarrass him in tlio proper execution of Ids duty. On tliu other hand General Sheridan had endeavored to execute tho law as. a parti-nn aim had adopted radlculUm as the only true iii,.riiivnUy. Ills solo nuriio-o seemed to be to secure negro supremacy .um degradu the wliltes.niid for such londuct 1 ,im,ni ti mv ilntv to re iovo nun friim tliat command. I Inquired if lie did not thluK uu er- ..... 1...., ..ii,....ikfr.i1 In nor TlirocKinortoii na thwart tho General in 11 proper execu Itnll 111' tllll lllW. Up. answered eniphaUciUly, -M) sir , llw.rm.nn1s tirilVU tllO rOVCrriC. '1 111! GOV ernor of Texas also placed tho whole ..u-ii .miMitnnrv of tho State nt tliu ills- ...... ..... , ..... pasnl of tho military imwer, and niueu it in iwre way possible, except in the ...,...iir,.r.tiim nf 11 rnilll-lll llW OrilJ "I votcri and In securing negro supremacy This was Governor Throckmorton s elnulng, und for which hownsurbltrurl lv removed by General bherJdau. ' I said to tlio President that his views us to tho proper execution of tho llccon- Htructlon nets wero not clearly unuei stood by tho people, and that I would like to hear them. nounsweredthuthociiildexpre.ssthom msted of everything that transpired at ,,.,,,,1 ir,. ,i,,.iri.,l n fnlr" regis reiRini 10 race or coior. nu im I think nnt. 'rhi, nli eet. hupposlng mv lnlor illation to lioco-rect, Is undoubtedly to hunt up something derogatory to Gen era! Grant, to bo ued against him in tho Presidential contest. Aur. you "infaror qf neiro sujTraye north mid south t That Is the test, reader. It is to bo applied to General Grant, and to every man who professes to be- Ioiil' to tho Hemiiillcan party. All tho past services of Grant avail nothlii; unless ho can btanil that test. Let overy voter apply It to himself. It is an easy test. Kvwry man can tell precisely whero ho stands. If ho U "In favor of neoro suttrane north .and south," ho ought to veto for Henry W. Williams If ho is opposed to It, either north or south, hu should boldly nnd openly voto fur George Sharswood. There Is no longer any middle ground. What do tho-o who nro objecting to tlio State Hlghts record of Judge Sliars wood, say to t in following resolution adopted by the Convention which nom hinted Abraham Lincoln: Itesnlvcd, " that tlio inniiitcii'inco inviolate of tho " rl'ltiti of the .Stale, nnd especially the " rtyht of raeh .State to order and control " IU otcndwnextlc Institutions aecorainy " to It otcn ludamtnt,'stvi:i.v, Is "es,entlalto that lmlancoof power on " which the perfection and endurance of " our political fabrie depend t" U tlio record of Judge Sharswood is wrong, is not tiiat of tho Itadlcal party equally so'.' IN n recent speech to a rudlcal meet' lug, byGcorgo Francis Train, published In tlio liumilo Courier, Mr. Train nuu: Ima repudiated tho Coustl tiillini IhniL'liter.l repudiated tlio F.xo- cotive, and repudiated tho idea first started.thattheStntesweroliitho Union, Then they repudiated tlio Supremo Court, repudiated tlio Constitution!1! amendment, nnd now thoy Intend ro--iiudlatlng tho Military ltccoustructlon lllll," to glvo nny advnntngu to tho whlto men, but much less was ho disposed to mauo them tho slaves to tliu negroes. Where the negroes had tliu majority, as In South Carolina, ho wished them to ex ercise the power; where tho whlto voto was In tho majority, as in Texas, lie de sired that whltu majority to control. Ho wanted only tho law to bo fairly ex ecuted, with equal chances to all. This was being denied them liy General Sheridan, and his manner mid modo of acting wero fast familiarizing the peo plo with tho tyranny of despotic gov eminent. I remarked that tlio public would not bonblo to understand why ho struck down despotism hi unit department nnd vet suffered it to continuu In another Ho replied that other changes woiim be likely to follow very soon. A proper Investigation was now being mado Into tlio conduct of one or two other com manders who, it was charged, wero playing tlio autocrat. Tho President expressed tho greatest apprehensions us to tlio future or our government, yei mid ho still relied on the good sense and patriotism of the people. In his epeeeh in tho United States Senate, In Decem ber, lSiiu, Mr. Johnson bald he had de nounced tlio party who would break up tho government in order to prevent shivery; and ho hud also denounced who would destroy tho govern ment in ifrder to abolish slavery. Ho was equally opposed to.both extremes now, and ids only wish was foraspeedy return of fraternal relations among tho States. Com'tii VH. Daniel Jones. Tho de fendant (colored) was charged on ten Indictments Tor bteallug eighty-two chickens, 1 goose, U bushels of wheat and 1 crowbar. So says tho Iiuucuster Intetliytnccr. COURT MOOEEDIltaS. Sni'TI'.MllKlt 8KM10SX, 18(17. Mo.niiav Moiikinu: t-ouri canen. Present, lion. Win. I'.lwell, President, and his associates, 1'ote-r K. Herbem and Irani Dcrr, Ksqrs. Grnnd Jurors called. Samuel Avnen- bach, absent ; Henry lllshlliie.exeuseu; Wm. M'llrlde, excused; unas. u. nes made Foreman. Traverse Surorx called. 1). unrig, ex cused; J.J. M'llrnry, oxcu-ed ; .ihok- son hcldy, excused; (lodlroy Aieneu, excused; lletij. Wagner, excused ) Jos. M. Freck not in attendance. Jacob Kvnns, Daniel Isoyhnrt, ap pointed tip staves. In the matter oi toe review m iu.m In Frnnklln township, order continued nnd Geo. II. WIIUIs appointed In place of Geo. Scott. Pctltl.-m for the appointment ol guar dian for Aim Pllklngton, nn nlleged lunatic. Petition read and Inquest awarded. ItiMilnmiii Miller vs. .1. i: r inciter, service of writ of summons set usldv. On motion of Mr. Comley, John M. C. Hanck, Esq., sworn and ituniiiieii to practice us an attorney ut the beveiai courts of Columbia County. Commonwealth Vs. I.dward 'loruy. Whltmoycriind Triiugh for Common wealth, K. H. I'lttlo lor ueioniiaui. m dlctment, fornication nnd liastardy, a true bill. Jury called and sworn. Plea of guilty withdrawn nnd plea of guilty entered. .. . Ciitiiinnnwealth vs. JiHinh A. Uob ei ts. Ilecogn .anco ol neieniiaut aim Cadwallcder Itoberts his ball forfeited to bo respited on payment oi costs. Com. vs. Christian snuman. uecog. nlzance tent hi 91 H ball lor appear. iinco of Defendant at next session. r-nni. vs. Kvlvester Hodman. Pardon of the Governor in this caso filed. Do r.m.limt ilkrlmru-ed. This was a ease tried nt last Court hi which tho Delend ant was found guilty on nu Indictment for refusing tho voto of a qualllled elec. tiir. Com. vs. Joanna Shutnan. Recogni zance W. 11. Jucoby tent in ifiWI ball nn- miiii.iimiii.o of Defendant at next " . i pssion. Com. vs. Allen Mann. Recognizance Defendant and Chas. F. Mann, his bail rmi.'i fi.nt Itiftliii) for appearance ol Do. fnnilant nt noxtse-sloli.s John G. Freeze, 0. G. D.irkley and K 11. Ikeler, nppoluted nu v.xuiiimiii ('nminlttee. Hervv H. Grotss, uiipoinleil Comnils. loner to take testimony on exceptions to the widow's uppi".ii"0inenl in tho es fate of Henry Mossier deceased. Com. vs. Allen liueUalew. Atincn input tiwiinll'll iv'idnst Geo. Hiiuerd, J M. I'.piiiIpi-. II. (1. Jones. S. F. Pe.der T. J. Thomas and It. C. Parks. PiM'.si)A v MoitN' : Com. vs. Clin ton DeWltt. Recognizance forgery Clinton DeWltt defendant and Isaac DuWltt ball. Recognizance forfeited to bo respited on uppcarauco of defendant nt next session. On inrtincnteol' examiners belnglllea mul on motion of Mr. Freeze, Russcl R, Poller nnd Chas. W. Miller, hsufilres, wero adiuitted to praclico in the several fnlmiililn County, ami wero duly sworn. Com. vs. Samuel Kline, nocogiu- . . f. .!.... ...... I zance n-snult and turnery, uuiunuiim called. After hearing Court order tho defendant to pay the costs of prosecution and enter into recognizance with sulll elent surety to keep tho pence to all citizens of tho said county, and especi ally toward John Davis, midstnnd com mitted until tho sentence uo.compiieu with. Com. vs. D.ivld Pritchard. Indictment a truo hill. Jury eaueti ami swum. Clark and Urockway fur Common wealth, Knorr nnd Whltinoyer lor De fendant. examined, plea of not guilty withdrawn, and plea of guil ty entered. Sentence of Court that de fendant pay ti Hue of &M und costs of prosecution and stand committed until sentence bo complied with. Com. vs. Win. H. Morgan. Recogni zance desertion. Clark und liiockway for defendant, Whltuioyer and Trough for Commonwealth. Caso hoard, sen tence defered. Com. vs. Richard Thornton. Indict ment assault with intent to ravish. Freeze and Murr for Commonwealth, Clark and 1 Veil for Defendant. Jury called and sworn. Verdict Guilty of an assault. Sentence defendant pay a line ill's-., tho eo-ts of tho prosecution, and stand committed until sentence eonipll ed with. Com. vs. John I.udwig. Recognizance assault and battery. Xot a truo bill. I Prosecutor John llinterllter to pay tlio' costs of prosecution and stand commit ted until tho sentence boeomplied with. Com. vs, Robert S. Howell. Indict ment assault and battery, a truo bill. Allen Ruckulow and C. R. Ruckaluw his ball each tent In $im) ball for appear ance of Defendant nt next session. In the matter of tho petition for the extension of tho boundary of tho ISor- ough of Centralla. Tlio Grnnd Jury do not deem it expedient to grant the prayer of tho petitioners. Clark for pe titioners nu remonstrances. In tliu matters of tho petition of citi zens of llloomsbiirgforaliorough. Tho Grand Jury deem it expedient to grant tint prayer of the petitioners, freeze for petitioners. On request of tho members ol tno liar It is ordered that venires bo Issued to thoSlierlfl'tiud Commissioners for Grand Jurors and Traverso Jurors of tho Court of Quarter Sessions of tlio peace sum moning said Jurors to nppcaron tho first Monday of December next, and venires for Jurors to tho Common Pleas to bo summoned to appear on tho second Monday In December next. David Lewis vs. Mary Hess's Admr. Appeal stricken oil" in tills case. Urock way for Pill'. Clark for appellant. Joshua Hess vs. same. Same pro ceedings. mounimi : Com. vs Frederick Rush. Recogni zance rooting up vines etc. Tho recogni zance of Defendant and Leonard Adams his bail renewed fur nppcarunco of De fendant nt next sessions. Com. vs. Frederick Rush. Recognl- zance. Mullcious trespass etc. Defend ant mid Leonard Adams his lull each tent hi Saw.dOfor uppearancoof Defend and ut next sessions. Com. vs. Joseph Welsh. Indictment fornication and bastardy. A truo bill. Com. vs. Jonathan Wllhelm. Indict ment maliciously disturbing ft meeting for religious worship. A truo bill. Com. vs. James Heuwood. Indict ment willfully nnd maliciously setting flro to a hay bhed, A truo bill. Jacob Stoufer vs. Isabella Stoufer. Sub lu divorce. On motion ofMr. Lit tle Charles W.Miller Ylsq.ppolntodex auilner. Com. vs. IMward Torby. Sentence of tho Court. That tho Defendant pay lino of $10,00 to tho Ovcrseei-H of the Poor of Centre township, and pay tho costs of prosecution and pay to Eliz abeth Prlco tho mother of tlio child We ill), and to pay $1,0D per week paynbto nt tho end of thirteen weeks until tno child nrrlvoat tho ago of soveu years. to glvu Fccttrlty to the Overseers of the 'our of Centre township for tint perfor mance of the order of maintenance, and stand committed until this sentence no compiled with. Com. vs. Lucas Roan. Recognizance Felons'. Recognizance! ol Defendant nud Mury Drake his ball forfeited to bo respited on appearance or Dcrendnnt in next sessions. Com. vs. Abner W. Kline. Recognl- ... ... .1 ZAiice. f ornication mm uusiuruy. -- iwriilzimco of Defendant nnd H. R. Kline his ball forfeited to bo respited on nppenrnnco of Defendant nt next ses sions. Com. vs. Lnwrcnco Casey. Recogni zance neglecting ami refusing to open a new road. Recognizance of Defendant and F. R. Wohlfortli his bull renewed for uppcarauco of Defeiidnat nt next ses sion. Com. vs. Win. Gelger. Recognizance, fornication nnd bastardy. Recognizance of Defendant and John Gelger his ball forfeited to bo respited on nppearnnco of Defendant at next sessions. ' Com. vs. Moses Snyder. Indictment larceny. Not a truo bill. On motion of Mr. Freeze, i;. n. iit- tl.. l.Vn mum nlpil Auditor to imiKC1 distribution among the creditors In the, estate ol viuucr i rowonugo. On motion of Mr. Hurley. E. R, Iko- l.'-.i niiiinltilpil Auditor to ninki distribution among tho creditors in tip cstntutu of Rosswell Smith dee'd. , On motion ot Mr. Hurley, ruio on in. heirs of Hannah lloono dee'd. to nppei nnd nceeiit or refuse tho real estate y said deu'd. nt tlio valuation or slid'-' cuu-o whv tlio same should not bo soli. On motion orMr. Clark-, u. is. uroci nocolptsto THE COLUBIAN for August 1807. It F Clark Abbot it Co J Morrison J W Froy J P Creasy WS.'huyler it Fry E Lazarus J II Vnnder- slico Illo m Twp ii n rover $0.1 00, 1 OOi 1 00 1 (K) 2 00 2 00 fiOO 2 00 I 00 !0O no 1H 00, 2 00. 2 00 Est II llownian.'lOO, .1 Nnun A I) Webb Sfs'nyiler '1' Downs A Utt A G Yoho A Hummers .1 I Karns L M Lnubach J L Crawford J Ronibov J K Grot. P O Wads worth S W Ruck J W Ctko ,1 Mordun Sir, oo 1 oo 2 00 ilOO 2 00 roo 200 THCullen J Purse Est J Stlner J II Cox ()rnnguvillo nana !JI Knouso llSSchollACol2 00 DPursel 2(K) J Pollock 2 00 J N Oberender 2 00 A Nuss I 00 J Greenbauiii 1 0 S Sweppcuhels er oojiM Glllulnh 00 J A Swisher ! Swisher P Hagenbuch G rover & Ra ker It Thornton J Lnko E tl llarr son A Clark W Morgan P H Freeze o(i; i.I K 1-iir ti W, llartmaii 2(iit It Roan J THvclpleco I oo1 U J Campbell 2 00 coi 2 00 1 00 100 2 00 2 00 2 00, 2 00' llM'Hcnrv ) Fritz (I llurllmaii Kst 1) Edgar J ltlecher It J Millard J Caey f,o 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 07 ir, oo 2 00 !l 00 2 00 2 00 I 00 1 00 ilOO 2 00 1 00 :i oo 2 00 l (Hi 2no' Est AMensh 1 oo ,1 Schlicher 1 iiiiiJ HHtecker ilpu' G WDrelsbach2 00 1 nil1 O Pelfer 2 00 I nn1 A 11 Irvln 1 00 - oo. way Esq., appointed Auditor to dlstrl uto among tho creditors in tho estato f Robert l-;ast, dee d. , , fin innl Inn nf Air. Little, rillogratltlt on tlio heirs and legal representatives )f Jacob Kellerdeo'd. retusnable tlrst Mc l day of December next to accept or o fuso tho real estate at tho valuation r bhow caiiso why tho sanio should notbo On motion of, Mr. Little. Charles V. Miller Esq., appointed Auditor to nuke distribution among tho creditors of ho balance In tho hands of R. P. Fortier in-signed of Clinton Dowitt. , PROCLAMATION BY PltESlIDSNT JOHNSON. Waha iMniiN, Tiu-silay Si'ji. Tin: following proclamation waf is sued on Tuesday by tho Presided of tho United States: A VltOl'I.AMATlON. HVicmis, l!y tho Constitution a the tTnlted States tlio Executive povor is vested in a President of tho Inltetl States or America, who is bounddy sol emn oath faithfully to execute tljioillco of President, and to tho host of W abil ity to preserve, protect and defei.l the Constitution of the United State, and is by the same Instrument niadai Commander-in-Chief of tliu Army am Xnvy of tho United States, and is reqii.'ed to tako carothat the laws bo falthfilly ex- f.i.iitnrl mill Wlierea.i, W tluisani'i uoiisiuuion it is lirovided that tlio said ConJttution, and tho laws or tho United Staty which shall bo niailo in pursuance .hereof, shall bo the Supremu law of tlo land, and the Judges in every State 'hall bo bound thereby; and Whereas, In and by tho sun Consti tution tho Judicial power of thi United States is vested In ono Suprorn Court, and in such Inferior courts nsongrC3s may from tlmo to tlmo ordaii ami es tabllsh, and the albrsaid Judlcll power is declared to extend to all eai in mw and equity arising under tlui ,'onstltu- t nn. t in aws or the united sites, aim the treaties which shall bo in:t o under their authority; anil i U'hi-r.'in. All iiilluurs. civil hd mill hiry, are bound by oath that jhey will hunport and dolend the Ojistittitiou against all enemies, foreign nf 1 doiniM tic, and will bear truo f.iithaud idle- ..1........ 1.. .1... ut,.n ,iwl 111111.11 III UlUS.ltl.ti, ... 1( t Whercm, All olllcers of tho Winy and Xavv oi" tho United States. Ii accepting tlintr pniimiUsliins undor tlo lnws of i ongi-ess. and tho rules and Articles of KOIl TUB COl.CMlllA.N.1 A REMINISCENOE. When V. John cntiio l tlmi-oiiiity town, lllillilillr.lioill.lillu iKut On IKior Mllllu licnplu hiftlltu hmlltsl ihiivll. HI ill, Ml.! hu ilhlillu !, The Mlihllo Htntps ho iru-nfil to ri-fiirni, III illililliihuillililloilrc; Ilo thuimht lo lnko this muuty by fcUirm, ItlilhlitluliiiilMiUo ilro. Ilo num. Ill Iho lluurMi of llfo nml ilriim, Ami llvoil In tho mlcir nf ntsriHlniii. lit- unl tn lononcthls cuttilii ten, Ul ai.lillo Im illililln il-o; Anil Kiitherlils roots from hill nnit U-n, lllillihlhihoilMilloilco; Tho ilffiio Itself wonh! ftlrly qunko, HhlMiUr tin (llihlloilco; Wlu-n ho K'lvo his Hftildle-hilffrt H hulcj, lllill.Mloho illililloill'i-. Ilo trm riled tho haul lnaiilylo hum ilnmi. Hut llvoil In tho odor nl liiMroiloni, When known ut ilrnthowiHllinuKhtiiilloMii!U', lllillilillo ho ill.Wlo iho; llut the Rllillnit mioii worn nirln tho llRht, lllOiilillolKiilhhlloiltoi Ami wm-illioilnyH nml years run on, HtilliMloliiiillitillo ileo; Tho eolor vn fuunil III ho quite tlun. Ill itl.l.tlo ho itt.lillu li-c. Anil ho ilurker cot In the Katherlnu scunl, Allit Uvril 111 thi'oilor of neijroilolii. IIIh pet whs llrownlow of Tennessee, llldhMlohoillililloilee, t'reit. PoukIiis, fiinu-il nsnli old iimslee, Illillililloliiidlddloileo; And hlsiuiper 1ms n eonstunt Mow, llldlililhihndlddloileo; for I'lileniDit John nnd old sniiiho, llldlddloliilillildloilei'; And ho thought they ton weleeoililttirj'snliov And Ued III Iho odor of tii'inodom. ii:r.ix JltnlKel ltrporl. Wlient per liushil lty " Torn " lour hurrol 1'lovelnei d I Inxseed Ilutter Kl'US h Tullow 1 lltlltlH'H Pried Apides Pink Ilnhis hides nnd Hhouldels Iriild li-r liound liny per ton I.U.Mllim. llnuliK.k UoiiuIh per thousand li'et Pino ' " " (ono Inch) Joist, 1 illltllllt,', I'lnuk.dlemloek) hhllmles, No. 1 per Ihousund Hiding It. Wnr. Iiiem- mi obligation ) observe, obovand follow suchdlreetl'iis as they shall from time to time reccPo from the President, or tho General, o other su perior olllcers sot over then, according to tho rules and dl-clpllno c- war ; ami Whereas, It Is provided ) law that whenever by reason of mlnwful ob structions, combinations onsseinblugos of persons, or rebellion ngrinst tlio au thority ofthe Government if the United States, It shall become Imractlcnblo in the Hulgment of tho Preslent of tlio United Slates, to enforce bytho ordinary nfludlnlal proceedli'S. tlio laws of tho United States wlthh any State or 'Territory, tho Kxecutlv in that caso is authorized ami rvquiru io seemu their faithful oxeeutlon bjtho employ ment of tho land and nnv.l forces ; nnd Whereas, Impediments ml obstruct ions, serious hi their chnn.'tcr, havo re cently been interposed til the States of North Carolina and Soutl Carolina, hin dering and preventing for a tlmo a proper enforcement then or tho laws of tho United States, and of hojiulgmonts and decrees of a lawful, 'otirt, thereof, in disregard of tlio colnnaud of tho President of tho Unitedlitates: nnd, Whereas, Itcasonnblo aid well-founded apprehensions exist such ill-ad-vised nnd unlawful prooedings may bo n,aln attempted therooiMsowhere.uow, tlierefere,I,AndrowJoHison, President of thoUnltcdStates, dolcreby warn all nor.nns nmilnst obstrufclnL' or liillllcr- Ing, In any inannor hntsocver, tho faltliful execution of tio Constitution nml tho laws, nnd I do inlcmuly enjoin nnd command nil olllceis of tho Govern ment, civil and millturr, to render duo kiiiiiiiissinn ami ouen ctoo to sain law s. nnd to tho Judgments md decrees of tho Courts of tho United Sides, and to glvo all tho aid in their povor necessary to I in lii-nimit. en orcemutt nml oxeci lion of said laws, decree, Judgments and procosscs; mm i no nereoy enjoin upuii tho olllcers of Army did Navy to assist, and sustain tho Courtf nnd other civil authorities of tlio Uxlted States ill it faithful adnilnlstratlir.iof tho laws there of, and In tho uilirinoats. decrees, man dates and processes of tho v ourts of tho United States. And 1 call upon all good nml well-disposed citizens of tho Unit ed States to remcmlx'r that upon tho said ('(institution anil laws, nud upon thojtidgments, decree? and process of tho uouris,inaiio m accoriianco wuu too samo.depend tho protection of tho lives, liberty, property and happiness of tho people. And I nxliort them, overy where, to testify their devotion to their country, lluilr pride in its prosperity und greutuess, nnd tlielr determination lo uphold its ireu in-iiiuiions ny a near tv one ration In tl -i oll'ortsof tho Gov eminent to sustain hu authority of tho law, maintain the supremacy of tho Federal Constitution, mid to preserve unimpaired tnu integrity oi tno nation, nl Union. In testimony whereof I havo caused tho seal of tho Unlhd States to bo nllix- ed to theso present-., and sign tho sumo with mv band. f Donii at tho City uf Washington, tho third day of SeptornVor. in tho year ono thousand eigui nuiurod nnu sixiy-suv en. , ISIIAI,. AMI HKW JOUJNHUXS. liy tho Prcsldork. W1M.IAM II. rlWAjaj, Secretary 'or State. miiindi ipiiin .iimiu i.. TncitsiiAV, Septemljor, .1 lsii; Kl-ot'll '.,illiu.l.rn Kiiiielflomi ?7.INd Niiriiiu'evierii i-Tirn 9.IVU) I'.'i" Northwestern r.itnlly UMMii,tlJ,Vi lVntisylvnntn mid Western siiperlliio... -,ryi'.i.M..l I'eniisylMiuliiiuid Western exlni S.-'iiN.vtl.oil IVniisylvnliln nnd Westjm fniullj lll.ij(.i,l Wi l'enusylvnulnnlid W Vein Inney lJ.."iil((i.ll..riO llvu Hour .soiw.s .o WlllT l'ennsy, ulilii Ns., It hus 8J.'-M2J.Hi Cnlirornln " " ". -'.w whllo " SllViSL-Ji Hvk tvimsylianln lyo, -tihus ?i;!i, l'.iiivV..llnV Sl.Uto.Sl, White, " OVTS "illius tueHCt.H' l..i.-Mh. Purl.-. 1,1,1. I'l.T.l Mess lleef, " tiJM pressed 1Ioi;s,-IFj SiJeW.l'e Kllioked llnnis " '-Is'l'i Miioulilers V Ui W'fe'.idle Tjiril.mi r.VM,l..).'e Si:i:iis-('loverei.d V Ims'i.m 'i t mot h seed H Ims frWI 1'lnxseeil S5.IWia.HI I'm Inos-No. 1 Heoteh 81-MHI .Mi. J .Iilerieitn oi-."' CATri.l: llei! t'lltllw V tt. UleMlTo 1'ows, "ri hind itincn,S7i HHKEI- v fKilln Hoiis-V IIWI'js WjaSl(W) DEMOCRATIC TICKET. koii Jt i)(ii:r Tin: sriMiictin couht, ononni!: SHAKSWOOD, or rniriAimr.ritiA, FOIL ASHKMHI.V, THOMAS OIIAIAANT, MONTOUH COU5ITV. AIOHDliOAI MIIiAitn, CK.VTUUTOW'NSHir. rou Titr. VHi iiiui. .IAC013 YOHK, l'Oll COMMISSIOXKU, DAVIJ") YUACHR, FOIL .TtUV COMMISSION Kit, TITOS. T. WliTT.IVlOll, MT l'J.IIAHANr TOWNHIIir. rou Ai niTou, JAOOiJ HAllltlS, HIIMLOCK TOWNHIIII. SPECIAL NOTICES. Somo Polks Cant Sloop Nights. thy inniiy fuiht iromucniriu tit''rn from WPnUiu-nHnrtho Htniiiiirh mul limlillltv to tuucKi ineir itHiti ! wjiiHi nno (r('cpinK,ii'iHin uloiifc tlm inr Mlirc, ir imln In tlu luu-k.wilb ncliliiir nnd urnrv Ihrohblnir (if tho Ilmb. Tlioii NfiiuiHoi iiiuich muit'r iiirnumi loiitt yt'iirs irnm wiiiuitrfniiifti r k.hai.k tii.iirii.i.niN, chukcu ny iNHrcimiiiinii in iiiiistii' nun iimmii'iit nun ni mm ( t'lU'ifiii'V nr uii rnrci. liiotuuinN nr nut- Incus lnt-n, mrrworkril In miiul nnl IhmIj. uw up tho ncrons Until mul lit'como utitlt fnr cluty nr ta enjoj iiieiitt nf llfo, Kxtrss In youth, mul the It'irllifot'dl't'tMllf fuMT llllll ItKtH', lllut(i filial tcivd tDtittltiitlouHmul tin fullurt' of tho iriMiernl luiu'tioiis ui hi'iuih, ro huiK't'uFH irom nil uiciu 1H)1HH NIUtVINi: AND INVKIOIIATOU fiiUrti InvnhtuMo hoon u tint unit and I'lllclont ri'PotTVnr lost ihhvoim. .No norson. mnn or wo- lect this H'limly, Tlio NVrvlne M ill ho foumltn noHii'MH nn 1'iiuiiiiziiitx nud iiuinuvi)riurito. 11 liiiH ittllnllv for tliu Xi-rvoiis rilm". ami miiiOlfs Ihoiulorthi wnntotlmt iHcotitnntly tAkltiKpliu-o. t.lko uholiHoiui fowl tiiKeli Into tho slotimch. It uiiilorKot'i rnpll U'Ntlou, invhrorntlim In Kh priK'i-Hi mo ui;;ciiiyc orRiiut, nnu jinuicins ti C'AIMNIiHH AND TUAMiUIMTY unknown tnnxiv nthor nrrimrntlon. It ronliiln no onltuii or IniKliofsli. nml ho fur irom MiHluolnii i-oMtlVi'iU'HS It will ho louiiil ult elHch'itt cuiofor rniitiunptloti. mid luw ohtnlucil a wldo lonown inr i n in t-i-uimrny WHAT l'ltl'I.i; HAY. Di'iir Dnctnr! Tho lutt incillclno nrfrtcrlhoil hv you I obtained, nud will trny that Pcxld'M Norvlno and InvlKorator l all that It I'lalius to be, 1 U v llkn a iiLwtuiui; 1 Klccp wrll; havi'Kooil appetite nnd feel tdnamiT thnn I havo for many yeni- pait. n iniriinufu nv nr. it, ., luciior, Clinton Nt., Ilrooklyn, N, Y. "I havoiiwod tho Ncrviiu'.nnd 1 ud inVRolf much buiiclltcd by 11, particularly In tho lnircano of I utrenKlli aim ruro nr thoio trcm"Lin M-KatiotM. I MycoHilvt'iicsi also hooins to ho cntlii ly curod," Itj.ltcr to Dr. Tuckor. wnlinui taki'ii tliH-o hot tleu of. It U u irreat tiling. Mywlro mim kIio had ral her hiio ouo bottio oflt than forty doctoi-K. hlu W eoitalnly lu'Ilpr. Lcui-orrlnea etliod ! don't fell tho driiir- down ho luiuii ; normiuovo easier, aim m ti lienor nei ous cnn'iiiiiiu every ay. ii. ii. m an n. uaMiieriiieii iinuse. itomi luanrii. X. .1.. Klal oh that 1ihk'h Nerllio hnn eured lllm nfrhioiile wcaknetiH fif tho Nlonmrh. illlnt"4s and heudaclie, and greatly strengthened hU noio xu'in. Dm Id HartHhorn, 'Ain Slate-t., llnHiktyn, eured oi euiome inuseuiar nun uimmhis ooduii v. .inhii l iu nun. in (Mil; i n. r. l . hiivs t ' m ri iru Into tho lioweU without tiriMluclm; ealhartlc ef fect, nulet Iho neres, and tnno up tho Mtem, I lnie noM-riised iiu Ihlii eU.uliil Dixkih VlTV IllO.'' v. l . i leant, iimiuiii, t onn.: .My wue hnsKuilered for Keenteon Near with extreme lie inuilctllty and meiilial niostiatlon hbe was unuieed ny a irienu in iryi'r. J. w. ikhhik Nenluo and liieiiti(i(or, and by It umi W now restnied to lierieet luilltll Dr. O. . oil;, Charli'Ktoun, JInKi.j "In r-ases ofcrfiit nerouH ileh itv. not routined hv ativ means io ino lemaiM oiifiiuizauou ionic rnmmon tlianainom: men. 1 euioloy Dnod'K Ner lne and iuvicorator with tho Impnlcst t Hot. It t'xeeedn In tonle pfiwer iniylhhiLt tlint I know, uhilo Us at tlon upon tho tHtuelslsnll that enil be desired," Ihiou aWrvilii) and i ii ( in iji.iiiir is einpoiyeu In the .MasMiehuettH llositltiit lor tho llisilio at lauiuon, nm riiiLsoNAh Toeuien of Gem ral Dcbllty, lndluestlon. Sleep ers. KtdnerCoiuiilalnt. Wind I'olle.and I'etnale Cotunlaluts In thelrnwu t.unllle, u refer, uilh Sill (M I permNheti, to tlio ri)llovili Kelitlemen til this IfaJtt 1 Mfinuy: 1.1 U) l w . nan, esi., rum Aeuuo uoiei, i , K oo w. ii. I ( nice, i una noiise, . 7 in .lohn Wlllliuos. I'olleeninn. X. Y. IS O) I .1. V. IVdatt. eMi CllntuiiKt IlrrNdJyu, nr. 1 1. .. l ueaer, iiiioiiim., iihkiki n, .1. H. U'llttlit, eK.,.lei Key City, linn. U'liiri-a ChuHc. ltni.ulu-iiv. X. Y. Fur Milo bvall DuucKts, lVleolfl.ait'perluiiMo. II, it. MulLi" in,. i-roprieioiM, i NEW ADVEUTISBMBNTS. CIONII-'ICANT. . .l....l,..l l.v llo i 110 new sysieni oi iiui ei it-inn i..i"i "j ...... 1'. ltowell Co., Ailvertlln Anenlli, Jin. hu nun ltow, Now Yoili, Is ntlrnctinf iiitoml ilenlufiitleti. tlon. , Tlio follnwliiK oxtrnct rrom a .poeen I.II..II.I Iwforollio New York lMllorlnlConvcn lon,(lnlely lioUlen nt I'enii Ynii.)lyn iiromlnent A. vorl Iiik AKent of New Yorlc city, Ke to uliow Hint ho nt leiuitiielnowloiigeiiiiioviiiiiii;--Voli,if.oi.n,.V. l-..;UKni(ilo-liiff.S'l,'.''il .i0. 1!. Illsltol1, cnuirni " -'""' " VKIITISISII AllENl'tf.S. ., . ... -in ..,l,o In nimnslt on to I int lilnli frni'n lio Mr,fr'.'lnliil point iiloiio. " .IVAV: lllMil'll?lier Hint l',y ' Sio'elMimleYiVrotlieriollynM noml i ii.toinerKt Hint I ley wero selllnit ' l".r,, Itloiiortlielriiniior to l.o un-ii i o " i " nml iiinlerlilil tlio other folnnins t Hint f ho owii r ! '!'i,H.I , wnv irom 1.1... If II... PV'l'SnS , i, I "'. ilerstnliillnp Hi s H ill w l.e.1 0 Vet In reiiiilnr nml unlnislnw-HUo n yti;in " ' ""t UlM A I'o.,) slioill.l of riiurso eenso to Init to Ki. n.lvrrlUlim for tlio imperii nt their r "l'I,;.,f' nml Ko into tlio ol U ..v-u; ",',?. ' wmcn no conn, suiini ii ui" .- . Tlio nnxlety on Iho nrruiiiu oi iien-i tincnlleil for. Therolsnot ono in " ...hi nut prefer to recelo nil uie r lu.e.H. tronniioon tills pin n, much ii ii , . . , Itlstoi.Keiieriillyreeini;.ii i" ". ellclnllnnll imrtles mnecrncil to no Injun. .. tho lenit l.y nnythlnK Ml.lcl. tuny Iw snl.l nKnlnt It hy Inleresleil piirlies. Ailerllers Mlolllil ncnu lor I, vim full pOlil.OC'K IXKT1TUTK, A tlnt-clnis lliinrillnaWeliool for lloj,nt I'll!"- nelil, .Mnsi. 1'nll Terni or twenty wi cks neKii.i Oetolier Mil 107. l'or.V?.r".','!ll'.,.l",'.".,,.!r",''iM,u Hepa-IIT-lin. l'rlnclpnl. HAVH YOU HKKS 1 1'. , I.IXIT.H IIODK," rDreopylnit letters with out tlm UM) of ilther lin or Muter! Itnn tunc, Inbor.nn.l tho rxiciisn of n eopyiiiif lrei-. l.'nrmiloliyiill llrnt-rlnM HtntlonerK, inul ntthi olllco of Hie IVnn w ol, '., nt., riillnilclphln, I'ii. ei.niii-ltn. A KKWMOHK AOKXTH ; WANTK1) 1. rr (lei.ernl 1 f. lliiljer'n "Ill.tory nf tho isecfet Herleo." Ineienneil iolnnilk on nllimeil nml i;n-al(-r "ll,,t'l"M,,lJ,.0,,'"Jy,..,lcI5i KopiiW-lm. liox i'17, rnimueipuin, i-n. 6000 AtlKN1S WA.NTK1), To "ell Hlx Now inventions, ot Kreni vnmo io fniullles: nil pnyi?reutproilti. net Nl pnttes nml Bi.mplo u nils. . i " ninuo ;iiii,iwj. .,......... nrii ii7-ini. i,imii-ii, A TllKATlKrf ON DKAr Nl-iSS, OA- f- i..tBtitit.tI(iti mul Cnneer. Their caHMeHnnd'tneaiiHofmniedlato relief and Hpeedy cure, m nt free, k.i.iil iMirlli-lllnru til i ntUM'l.T. M'Irfl'fiT-llll. A 1) A it fnetmeil l.y nelrfl 07-lln. No. Ill Houth Mil Street, Wllllntniliiiri!, N. . V OY'S I'OllSliT HK111T S It V ! O It T 1! It, rolnlihicsln iiiioKiirnirlltlllier; reet llttlnn forset, nml Hie nimt ileilmlilo Slilrt Hupporler ever ollereil tho public. 1 1 plnces Iho weliiht ot Iho hklrlM upon tho Mioulilcrs llmteml of tho hlpH; It liniirnvrn tho rorm wltlimit Hitht lnclnirl KlMHrnnonnil lie Knncel Isnppiovcil nml ns on. inenileil liy phynlclnni. .Miinu It. 11. HAUNlil'.lts l't. IKJ Huiunier Ht llostou, , f2 1 . 1 . 1 a . 1 1 III 7 IM J fill i: is n , 12 OO MABHrED, lll'I'KAI.l'.W MOSS UTewn lllll. on tlui'.'llll or Aiiuiim. 1N,7, liy llrv. II. Wnilmiorlli, .Mr. It. Itneknlew, or l'l.ilm, lo Mlis M K11.U Mois, or rnllliiouut, Inieinoeounly. KINIlSlll'ItY-l'ri.I.Mi:it-l)n llm 2-Jtli Hit., nl tin) hiuuo plnco by the Kline, Mr. A. I'. Klntti bury to .Ml" Iiulelo A, rullmer.ull or lluullux ton, I.uerno county. HIDLAClv MIIl.K'K On the -..Ull lilt., ut Iho hiuuo plnei-, hy the Millie, Mr. llentnliiln A. Illo- luck to MKh I'uthurliii- Melklc, nil or lluntlui! tou, l.tiretneiouuly. l'ltA'rollll-YAl'(ir.ll-Al tlio nlileuio of Iho brlilo M I. liner, HI lll-i-euwoon .OMUiii.p, ny .iiiiin I,oio, lSiulro,on tlio utliiM., Mr, I'muli Cmw lonl to .Ml-i l,:tvliii. Yuuui r. llI,i:M.N-IlOIIItllAl'II-At lliii.ia.-x Utf. on ii, .1 ', i mi., itv- ifi.v . wiiiiinii , iii kKi-r. .nr. .nil ii roleninll to M1-.-4 I'liroltno itolnbiii ii, boll, of luiuiuii county. lti:iM:-HAllNi:itr-,in thoSlstult.. by tin-llrv w in, ,i, i.yi r, Mr, i iiui-iick .iiei' m .iiim. Inllu Ann Ilurnei. bolli of l'ntnilMi. nml H.-.I-, m ii. i. ...ii "i , n I , n n i VISTAIIX ll.M.SAM III'' WII.l) CIIKItUY. Oiwjyit, lUiU,Jlronthlt!i, Athmt, CVf.iii, IlViiieo- initytnoti, tjiilwy, nml tliu nuiiieroui ns well in ilntiKerou-i iIImiucs of tbo 'lltrwit, Chtnl nml lAtiim. lu our cliilliL-cnblo (llinnto nt nil sensons of Iho your: few urn nru lorlmmti. enmuh their bnneful Inllueni'c. How Iniliorlnnt then to hnu) ut l.nnil n eeitnln nn- Hiloto to nil these eoniplnlnti. i:pellencii liroM'H Hint this exists 111 Il'iVor's lhilmm to uu extent not fouinl In nliy oilier renioilyt boi.ev. Kcvcio IboMitl'elliiK, thonppllcntloi. ofthl, mioIIi- Ing, henllui; nml woiulerful,utii ut onco vf.n- oui-ihes llio iIIm use umi restores tho Millcror to wontul heultli. .ioii.v llll.NTO, Of, L'm.MUNii Coi-Nrv, N. Y, wiltes: I uii uiireil by u neluhbor to i-et ono bottloof llio liu Mini tor lily Mile. neuiK umiiiou oy nun ui.ulil ii:iv loithiibottli'hluiieir, On the Ktrenitli orKiu-li c lilelieo ol Uu lue.its, I tirik-ur- CilUOOIlie, .il.v -.nm ill nil- mini nn- mi 1111. iiiui wliut tihynleliins leiniiil MKAThli .-o.M-?ii-nu IIS III III- ,, 1 II.. .... Ill I, III..' Ill mi ll II mil in" -., nir im, IlllKlll' lilllll. Or 11'KI IlllllHI. 1 t'lllll. i,,ni-i.,l l-I liu- tlm llillmiln n-1 illreeteil. mul Mm u,i iiiiii-Ii nleiisi-il with Its otieintloiis Hint I oh- tnilll-il lllioiner oiiiiie, iiiui ,11111111111-11 iiiiiiik ii. lleliire this bottio mis entirely Useil, eotuthlnmiuil wns Klronu eiloiutll tohltlip. Tlio tltlll bollloclltlrely lllll 'III 1IIIW.TII, ) nit hut wiurli M-M-lul l.lisii..ius un i irieu 10 lo but liuil lillleil." IV Hi 1 II M. 1 invi.i: .V isii.n. is ire. nioiit ht.. lliistou.niiit fiu' m.Io by IlruiiinstM uencr- uiiy. Al'KOSTIC. (1 ently It ponetrutes throuuh eery pore, It 1 I let luusiitli 11 til Irom 1 lull tniitru mm' : (' tilt, lliirns, tl 11.11 llillnmntlon Mum nro ineii: I, rt'niufl. Ill It lireHelieo Ulsmilieiir! H liliiHloMicucl. hlulli,.l tho eoiuple.xion'-t clenr I S ai,vi:,mu'1i as flu u i:'s every one hboulil buy. A 11 to lis vMiii'iroiis uieriis ustiiy, Ii et tluiMi lllo iloubt, tl Kluqle hwltiil rjl, V rrtlv. IIilii Its trim ileserts 'twoulil linve- U Veil UlllH'lleM'tS Woulil lilllll (lltAt-l.'.Sri VI.Vll 3AINTS l''OH KAltJIUIlS A N I O T It I'. US. riir.iiiiAri'oN mivduai. i'Aintio.mi'an Am now niuliufiiclll.ini! tbo best, chelipCht mul mostiliiMblo 1'nlnt 111 use 1 two coals well put on inlxeil Willi pure I.lnscnl Oil, will lust ten or llf- trr.iM-nrs: 11 Is or n lliiht brown or iienuiiiui choi.ol.ito color, nml ciin bo clinnitoil In inrrii, Iciul, slone, olive, ilrub or crenlil, to mill tno insio or tho consumer. ItlsvnlHnblororV.mises,linrns, lences, lu-rU-ulli.rnl IniplelneiilB, inrrlngo ninl iir-lnul.i rs, pulls nml woislen.wnre, runviis, lill.lulunilshlll!loror,(ll lielUK nro nun viuii i piouf), briilitiK, burlul ruses, cunill bouts, ships mul ships' bolloins, lloor oil cloths, (ono .nunu f.icturer Imvlntf useil 3.u tuns, tno pns. yeiu,, in... lis n pjlut ror nny purpose Is unsii.pnsseii uir boily, iluinblllly. elnstlclly, mul lulhoklvcncss. I'rleo SO per bill., ot SKI lbs., which will supplj u l.irnii r lo.- yenrs to conic. Wnnuntcil In nil enses nsubovo. Semi for u elrculur, kivcs um pnrtliiiluis. None miiulnu unless uinnuci. in" triutu niiirli (Irnltoii Mlnelnl 1'nlnt. Aililros llANIHIi IllllWr.I.I., rropilotoi-, M.'.'--lui. -J'll IVm 1 t New Yolli. you'iti: WANTi'.n i 1. IJ II lv 11 1. i. i-i , u 1...11. ..,!,. .t.,,1 riiifite. vinnteil every- where Iom II tbo I'Aiitsr lMi'imvi.ii Ink volll, (by which Irom nun to two pijlfes "' wiltten wllliout repleulshliiB will; Ink), nml our rniicymul liryllooilsite. run clcur lio u 8ito SUIuiliiy. No rupltnl teilllreil. l'rlco W cents, villli un nilverllsenientileserlblnu nn nrtlrlo lor siilo In our llolh. r I'liu hnsliiK Aiicuey. t In uiiii t;.MS. .V'.-.iii, I Innover st Iloslun, rMuss, sent li sepli 117-1111. HA KX ICSS UUHKU. DIED. IIIKIII-Ill liliKilnsburiJ.on Weilnesilny,r'eiteiu tier Itll !Mi7, -Mr. .Illcoll lllelll, Ut'Cil uiioiil inrij' lour yems. I'or ninny curs Hint Ml nml liislillousilestroyrr Cmihiimptlon, lmU inuikeil lis victim. It vins oulyiKiurstloliof lime, mul Unit no Iouk Hniu Itlu-r. w ben tho Inst link shoulil Iw Diouen, llio liver elionl looscil, mul tbo wrnrloiUplrlt bo In o rrom IWimthty Imuiln. Tlitnui:!. Itnll Mr. nieiit . mil M till II t it tho sdtno enllil. i..let, tincoluplnlnlni! ilimcnnor. I'l.tll n few weeks lio vins eunblodtiirlUooutinHiopltusuiit wtullicr; but liUUHlllvvv-rnknesslntely vvns t.n rxtremo Hint. oven sill b ii lilens.llu wnHlVlliril lulu. Jnrob Iili-i.l vnw rm' ninny yrnm n i.iizeu o. lltooiiisbuii-. ni:il nltboi.Kl. ror 1.01110 llmo Willi ilinwi. rioi.i uitlvo life, lio vvns extensively known nml uiilve.Milly rcniecteil. lie w ns foreiKU born, nml knves no rclullvcs lu-io but 1. ynuiiu nnu iD-nutimi vililovvt (Ihelr ihlhl illeil somo liioiniis HKO) who, Willi ull out- i-ltlrrna, liiouilw ills nil ly ilepurtttro, lIAltTZi:i-IllMIIUlnvUle1on tho 2.1 Inst,, Jncoli Hurlcl. linen 11.1 v t-un. Mr. Hnrlrel vvns ono or tho nlilcst,(ir not tbo oldest,) eltleiih or t'oluinblil loitnty, unit bus lomilietu lilentltleil Willi lis lilktoiy umi uruvi.u Ilo Ims ulu'iiys pioveil hlmscir to lion lioon cm y.ell. u fnllhful nml uiulKlit limn. A pnlrlot In eveiv-M-nwofllio woul.lio voleil for (leu, Vush luiilon, mul bus ikiiich his voto nt evuy iiciuou Inco. Ho lived to sec this nieiit Union, which us ltueie. urrw tin under hln eje, beeomo divided ihrouuli iiielluii und litestlue. uunrreis, umi n se Hi,. Ktnloublch ituvo lilllll tolilsberr Wtifcli- li.ittun-thiovvn kindlonst Hum the ui iou, nun Univ.. other tstnteii nut under ncgrii control, l'cnioti.hU usbes, 11ml n.ny ins ilesienunnn .10 ns iiiiin 11 ml v Irluuuii im tlicir unci tor. ni:illlIN(l-In Oniumivillo, on tbo inoii.lnu of llio 2d lust., Mnrln, WHO 01 l.lisou ut'iimiii I'K'-o tviinly.soveuyi nm. IlAl'I.IN(!K-llil!looliisl.lllK,ollKl..l.lnyi.vellllil.' Insl, ibomnat:. Mil. of i:dwnril und l.llj.bcll. Ituullniis, utscd a inoniiis nnu 1 w ci u. WHAVHII In I'rilliltlln tup., 011 tho Uli lilt t'eter Wcnver uuiu bl eni. TO CONMUMlTIVrA-Tlui ndverlUer, hnvinis been lesloled In heiillll III n low week, by 11 viry .Impui remedy, ufier Mitlereil ror Severn .vim. wllh n .overolunitnileetlon. nnd that ilreui illsinsnCoiiKuliiptlon Isul.xlousli.u.nkokliowii V..! I lulu, .liklrii it. bo will tend .1 copy or tho nrescrlplion used (free or ihiilue), Willi tho dlreii. JloluroriilepilllIlK und uslim the. suliie, wblcll (Ihey wlU IInd 11 buuu rum: nm Cossumi-iion. ti?.!' ."!.. ' ,0" ",o "I. ; h,U"l,o,ini;',u eJtVu' thundvcitlser tn .endlnit ll.o frescrrptlon Is to U netlt ll.o nilll.tid, und "Piend I11t0t111.1t .... ..i ,..,.L.....iuu.i,.u l.ti-iiliiiiblo. mul liu bone. every nutercr will try Ids ruiuily, u It will' ijot iiiiin iioi uuii, nun 10 1) i''"'"" , r.;ir VVISUIUK IHO I'l.sill.'U"!., -V -- ' Will pieu.0 in... " ,,..,. . . WIIKON. Biy81'o7-ly, WiilluiutUiru, KHisa co., N. X AY ibe Oritutilo Vllirntor Ills Into tbo enr, Is tint percept llile, nnd elmbles ilei.r peisous lo belir ilisltiii-llv ut chilli h und nt pulille usseinblles. l-en.l pnltlcnlnrs to lilt. tsTlliWl.l.l., Mpii'07-lni. ' Wllllnmsbiirn.N. S'. TK AUK COMING, 1 Ami will niesent to nny peison semiimj iis.i club In iiiii' (lii-nt one 1'ileo hule.ol Dry mul 1 uu ry IIiukIs, ,te.,u!slllc Dress l'utlelli, liei'iiolHIue nut, v illell, ive., ueooi eosi. hihii.-biiou, ......... mid sninple, sent tunny in lib ess 11 is'. Aililless .1. is. IIA1VI-, .m 1 w., M Illllioverktieet, llostou. Muss,,7-im. i'. o. tio.x riMIIltTK'KX YKAllH A(iO, 1 jr. Louis, or rrovldence, It. I., eilles v lib whlrh bo bns cured hundreds or ruses or I'urnlysls, lits, und ull ronus or Nervous dis cuses. hVnil twostninps ror pmnpl.let und eer- tllleute. hrpuiii-ini. A w ATCIt FUKK. hClt(KUIA.--TlioUev.fie(ri;eKlorrM. of Iliotjk- hi, X. V,. hays, lu tlio Hlblo Jlxamluer, byway ot apology lor publUhhu; u im-dital (eiiHU-ato In ins maijiiine, tn inoeuio oj hih om miii, oi nen lulu, "alter illhMilutloii appinit'tl Inevllable." "Wo publish iblH ivtatoment, not for pay, but In L'lautiKio 10 ii(xi wuu ims answered prayer, nnu In Juntleii to lr. AikUin: Ih-Iuk hall ".tied that then Iw virion to llio Indian Water tientmeiit. "which tho rt'iulertt of this Mmtalno will tliaulc "Uh Kdltor lor brluKtHK to their nolleo," t irt unit h iree, Hr. AnderM' lodlno Water Iii for Mdo by J. V. IUNSMuIM:. l'roorlt-lor. SB UivKL. X. V.. and by all DniKuUtw. JIV07, " Hlher 1. WaUh tilveii gratis to the purelnwr ofesery Ut of Kenuedy'H Mnmniotu I'rio ma tloneiy I'atUaKes, the larycst In the world. (Am an Indueenicnt to havo litem lntiodueid,)atrentN hell the paekaiies as fast an they eati leaeh them ait. Thll tv dollar per day ean be uiado cure. We bae agents that cell on an avirauo lua) per weeU. I'rlco per htltulred, lirteeu dollars. Retail at twuity-tlNeeenlH. Andu Wateh lu tho bar iraln that U letall lor iliteen dolIarH more. I or lull pailleularsof Tilni luekaats,and other wile able midn, Addreto , l, .lli.IKJi.'.Hil'l, Corner uth and Wood street. sepiriI7.iu. nithhurtih, I'a. O 0 11 0 O li s. PiitwiimtiirAendeiiile.Senilnarleti.iU,..t.h(aild consult um In regard to ndurtlKliu;. Xo iliaie for inioruiauon. ,v,,.,.t . KepH'irr-lm. AilvcrtWliK AkciiIs, N. V NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ADMIXISTHATOH'R XOTIOK. Khr.UKOK ICIt llAHII HAM,, liK'HAHKIL l,t-tti rs ol ailnilulstiatlon to tho t Ktalo ol Hlch ard llati.lalooroiaUKotownhhlp.CoIumhlii coun ty, tleeeaKed, havo been urantnl by tho IteKlter ol hiild County lu 1'eler l:ut. who lehldet In Heott tow nit hip. All perKouHhavlntfilaltuMor deuianiN against llio i ttalo of tho deeedent.aro reiUeted in iitikciit them to llio administrator wllliout delay, and all persons Indebted aio ieUi'xled to mauo paynieiii. i 1.1 i.iv . llllllllloiiiiM)l ltllllliu iiiiinm.i Heplember u, lNi7-0v. A DMIXISTHATltlXVS NOTICK. l,UtcrMraumlnit.tiatloii wflhtho Wlllauiie.eil to (hoehlatoof MUhact Motiohau, Into of Centra liu HoioiiL'h. I'olomblii (oliutv. deeeiUted. llllNO been irianied by the IteuUier of wild enmity, to Ami Moiiohnii. Alt iH-ritOUM liiLlliil el.lllim Ol' deluilUiU iiKatiiht tho ttato of Iho deeedent mo leiiesien lo mauo ineiu kuou ioi, m. ii rue Wu.. nt Ahhlauil l'a.. attorney for the estate t an all peihoiiM Imlebleil mo n-o.uei.iiil lo make pay i.,..r.t vv MiiVnilAV A.liiiln'x hep(i'07-0w cmn teatttmmto una 'J, TAII.OU1NO liSTAHiaWII 1 mi:nt, WILLIAM MOUItlH, TalteHthUiiielhodor luforiuhm tho cltlyonnr Coin iiihia eiaiuiy.iimi no nonopened uuuw iiiuoi U)S ehtabllxhiuetit In tho town of (JATAW1HHA, I'A.. whrio bo m iirepared to make up on short notice iillklndN ofVcntU nicii wuir In tbo hilist und moht iimhlonublofctylen. llalnu worked at bis biiHliu'SH for novel id yearn lu llio city ol New ,iork, 1... Il 111 ry liltnui if lllllt tin I'll II ul it lllll Rlld OOlll plelo satUfat Hon tn bl-t eitstuincrK at irauuitahlu rilU'H. IIO KiailllOieen iou v r. it y n v h t i( ith. II... iffirlr llf-fit oot. lin tllklMK All WOlk Will bospoiiKed befoio making, so that theio shall bo IioltlierspomoriuirmKiiKe. Miop Iii Jii'lk'o HnUly'H 11 rick Ihilldlnu'. Main si reel , in u vicmi, i ji. A ktnini nt on hi lo out ronnL'O Im remieetfully nolle Ited. 09. uarineubt earelully cleaned iimb )e M'M tut iiiu not v, ikiiivu. uiu.m OQ QQQ AGKNT8 WAN'l'Kir lll.llll,l,nii .... ... i. 1111 11-, ,1,-, i.'i mm In elein-ftlViliillv lo threu bonis, lluillliek. intlrely new, Hitbt nud ili.lruble. (.'un bo douo ut luimoortraveiiiitf, by iwitn innio 1.1.11 lemmo, r,o Ul.l lliltllTisu o. uuiui'UK, vuuriss W, II, CIIil)i.TKII. kejtfl-lw.l iWl llrouawuy, Ken Voilr, X X K X TOKS, ir v-ou wish to Adverlli-o you should consult " 1 IICII. 1'. HtlWDI.I. A I'll.. kepO'l.T-lni. I(l I'm 1: ltow. New Vol I:. A DMIXISTUATOIVS NO TIO K.- Arj.TATKO-lUVtliOKAItllAI-.T.IIl.(''ll.-IX-ttirs ,Trnilniluli.lrullontiilhoestntoor)luvldlle,irlmrt, IltllOr liOCUSl tOVWIMIUP, I llllllliuii. ......... . ..... lecciised, huvo beeliKlunte. by tbo Ilenrsler of Colillnliln county, to Leoniird Adnlus, v. botesliles lu snl.l lownslilp.'coluuibln county. All prisms Iiiiviuisclnlms or di'inuiuls nxnlnst tho istnlo ol tbo deVcilcnturo iciiueMed to .unit., tlirin kiioi.ii lo tbo iiiliiihilstrutor vvltl.out.leluy, nnd ull r sous Inilebled lire reiju.sted lo ninlio pnylncnt. lll.lf .S.lfl,. ',,. 'I1-, ..Mill .. t-'eiitiinberl.. llilo-tit. pUllI.IC HiVliH -I- , . i,r , 1,111 1 l-u'l 'I I ' 111 V.l.l rtlllil. 11I..V1, I-i, ...... Will bo mid by llio undelslttnid, i:xeculoi;s i.r tbo Inst will Hint ot obcilluliUlliipbill, di censed, ill publlo Milo 011 1110 pienilses, 011 RVIUUtiAV, TUB IM'll ol' Hini:Mni:il, Wi", ut one o'rloek In lb.- ulliino'.ll, tho rollov.llij ileserlbedvulunlilo lull efclllto In VI It I A cmtT.UN LOT IiANH, SltlU.IO 111 LlK'Ust tOVUlUllll, lOllin.OlU COU.IIJ, liollllileil oy Uliuis 01 ..iijiiii .i,.i,i,i, ......... - son nnd nlhors, conliilulnu' I'DUIt AL'ltlX AND O.N'i: m'NUlinii AM' 1 hixii:i:.n' l'r.uuiiUH. Tho I1.111I Is on the vond Irndlnt! fmni CntitwlM." to Hour Hup, mul Mnsser'.i mm iniHhemuo coi ner of II. 'lllelo will uUn bo suld lit llm Millie lllue. A (it'ANTITY OK WJIHAT AMI HVIV. ''iv.iViS'iUW'nix!';; niir.iiiAii h. cA.Mri;).!!, J. J. I l'll 111 ,1 ll i. sepllliT-lvv. i:x(viitatH. pAXTOX & IIAIOIAX, UUl'UltT, 1' A.. JIANUl'AC-ftUtllVjH Atll'NTH, loiiTilimALiiov. n.viiill sons' JtAW llON'li SUl'Klt-l'lloai'HATK Or IilJIK, AT MAMJI-AiniIlli:it'H 1'llltm wild. aivKiotiTV imt 11M, iNriiKAsKor inoi. liuiwit, lli., Aub, 0, liw-fin.