The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 06, 1867, Image 1

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I 1 f I' . Il -
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if nit i, ,,
t M J ',..Nt '. 1
VOL. r.-NO. 3C. !
' , ( t
(J 0 A h C! () M t1 A X Y ,
M 1 1 1 i.'IvM !1 1 KK Y, ITJKNHY I A A X I A .
CAl'ITAh 91.10,00(1.
JntlN M, RTAl'KTlOtJUE, VnnWfcnl,
lit AM, , lJO()Mi!,cctpmrynhaVi'iiiMii'('r,
.Inlin M. Hhu-fchcitue, .V. J,. Cnitititwll,
I hiH, A. ll'Hint, CyrilNHtfirktuuiMC,
A. M'ltowoll,
main hTtn;i;T, huum;hiunxy, ia.
Tin- IihhIm boKl by It il Company, eimit nf
niiit Mlxty-tmir jK-ihw, of eiu-efully mjltvled Imi-I
l inn i.outli.i'itt of Wllkev-tlnne, Mituirim main
t , r.i.. In t he western part oflht' 11 run! Northern
i i WyuinhittCmtl linMn.
Any careful mid thorough t Krunlni'tlnu r
e nlly m.itlu linn prmeh Hicflc (! tin phnve)
1 nln liilio thi) einumlltncnt nt a viu4 amount nf
tin- very tict (iHiilit;' tf udlhnn-tto coal, having
i wry facility that wttlit hu dehvl tor trans
I'ortttltiii in nil illrcfttutK, Tim nlxive Unci In
tnwscil liy a mn load, mul ahm tlhvelly In
t. out, ami Joining tire the tV Woutii..
hnrii r.itlnn.l, nnU thn Wynntltix canal, tutu in
lonliiiit tho try Writ nilv.intn.:i)if lUMrrylnw rtnul
niitl cum I mnultut to t ho very innt!i ni" the
liiiittt wltlifUt c fiito Ut thn eoninaii;, ,
Thf memum-nit nt ot'thiMlllli'i-ciit licttHtiriteniiix
iiirctuly tk'vi loneil was carefully nhlalinil r.tul
nMeii tnjjulher; the llitcltiicHH of then; M ninn,
I in 1nIIitiv Miu t'oU'lir.itocl M Icnl AtuV'HucJ; MfiUti
i lln," r"HnllllTulln, cln, I Ihlrty-nno nml
a I i:i 1 r ieet, iyij,i(cviy euble-yunlnr uhleti will
li-l.ta ton, giving n lnri;i nuuaint nf tin- liesl
quality nf eoul.
T!t"loeallou Is uncli llmt nil tliu elut limy be
ti,i nml u'lulu'ittotliotfi-rutcht iioriil lei.dwmlimu
:i'iti e watt r level, and nt mut-h It n expense, than
.,n lie Wiu finm ollcrlfH ii'.u'mthig lwluw waUrV
1 ul.
l lu' em he h:'(iur'it Iti tlm Miifaire tlironxli
th.itsor ttiiHH'lnvliic!i(lrnlti tliowattr lrumtlx
ti'lnt'Hatt.l ttinm 11 m hoUtlnji of tlau-oM, H tlie
fittrlhlltty tf llirsu lata ftrchcttl nUiiIn; Uuu
tjiutlt liable. Very Intely tlw "(Jrantl Tunncr.1
nr i!oil AU" VL'lulina hoi n onniH'1, nml ti imw
livniluelwj n-4 fine t qiiallly aftttnl ni hm vtr
I'i'ii iiroituceil In tho nnthrat ilu n 'tloin, Tfi
i.i. lAtvv now In oiratlon Is enimhl' uf prcpirl
l -ni 1 1 titLUt tnim per tluy. Thestn i.u .'uontaliis
mi iiiaimlanl supply or wmnlaiitl Ih.i.iurvfiy a
u.i'ai tnr liilnlnupiupofiOH, vfiiU-h tliu ti.j"L
the tt'lvantaifO nfnnthy other rnal l.ituN. The
Iih'L that i.lmoHtnll vnlnnhlit nml huuU are htiue
ntplillv taken up hy Iiuivy eapftalUin itrlaixeeor
l"iiatl'iiiv, kIio'k llmt they Jiitwt te'itllly ntnl
trrenlly ilso In tho market valtu wtlito with th"
'iiniit'in'UHiKli'OiutHiitly liicrmslnu tiMiiaml fir
U iU u'tal, nml lliu iUUroiulitml NorCi lhitm-h en'
n il, tmiliin hy thi'JiMjutltsof the nitm , thrmwh
r-n (in-at Jnu nrikhm ilttrIet.- of Itlormishnrw,
l.inville, I)uJicaiinont lliu'rl..hmi,( MltMletnwn
Murk ttn, nmU'oUiinhia, to Uik-wuter r.t Havre
tie (J nice, olio iiiii hvmvely umeelve of n tanrn
I rolltuhlo or permanent hoiiree of wealth than
tuny la- louii'l In lamU Wlio IIum-,
In unit r to hu ahlo to open tlal? worT; on a
mutt i-;itfHhe pla i, IhU ctnnpaiiy htn pku t il a
port luu oi their t-aphal MurU in tn-ul;! on tho
f.. How littf leiniM j A n i eiMon iikktiiKoaeor nt-ae
.uart i t i wioea in
T H X1 1) 0 li h A il i4 K A (J H ,
?lll lMiimtilleil iiniitially to a (on nf cntil at ot
ni i tie mine jierniKiro, mui any RUM'itiiotuer
?;or ui:i:iviN(i tjiu cu.w,
ii i .it' at.1 aM, to he pvoillteil on tho hunkHof th
( oMtpanv, wllh the tllflrielieo heiwetn tneeiMi
l atl eiitia; pi an itir eaen tiiart't hi ne paiu ii i"ii'
dt uli.ntl si mil he dec hid d.
C. T. KNAti. Asi'iU.
Mi nh I, IMJ7.
Tho underslineil would iebettiiill annouiiee to
lhaelti(ni or I!I.uinhuni nnd tho pnhllc $tnv
mil) laal Uu U niiHilinnui
hvtweeti thin I'lnooiimt tho OltlVr lit ih
IttilHitaily iSitmtayuuKUuptcil tO(onnei.-t with the
n'vt i.d ImhiR (jointt Hon tli and West on the fata
vKsaaml Will lunitf port lUllroail, und wllh ihoni
i;olii'4 Nortli nnd Htaith n tliu i mid
UUmiuhhiirK HJilh'oud,
llwOmhlhtntHOHu In i;ood i-milHlon, romnio.
dltautiiHletiialoituhle. nnd ehari: rea.onahle.
revviiiK wlhhiiut to mei'Lofscu tiiet'r Ii lends ile-
pn it, nn ! ;ue..iiiotkvti'tl upon wasonahle ehai
hy h'Uln tliaely nollee nl any oi the. ii'.iols,
.TArYitt I.OIIVroN. i'lopitetor.
1.tllUA0'j: arANUIM?roilY,
Hlut.uiHliurK, l'u.
Jl, V. K1.UAK A imi)'i'Ji.:ii
til.' hltn lmokim
I'OMtllim' ll.U 1'IHlliMH uf 111 tlilHK
(!AI!!t!A(IIl, UUUntlH
i.iwl uvory Ht lo or
unU'li tlii-v liriVH I'nii'.taiitly f.n hnii-l In suIIimih.
iiuiii-'M. u'ur iihIiik uny mnUTlal luit tlm lwt
nu I .iiiDi.ivln.'t llw im.t uxiicrifiiwa wm-iinion
tin",- lioim In wiitlmm a lieulol'oru lu iiivj fiitlio
willsVin'tlon Id i-vi'iy umtoiiier, All liiniuctli.n nt
thi'lr wuiK, mul uf IIidiwihHhuiU'
llio htimv, Ukiile fnllikiU'tiHKilf
h w u a a t cik"a ; v. is u y .
Wimiilii!! iiw.')
,f;i mi I.iih.i,ii
ri nun ti Jim,iml
l'iitl.,11 W
l'UUl ui "1U.I
JliT.-hiuitu IWtfu
Mpflniifluia SW.
lii'l'lrUlIlIll V,Jlfl
Insni'.inpo Uolnu.iliv nf h.,,'.liin'n.. . li.",i)'!0
l-t.lll ll ut Mutual Llfi 1,MH,'IWI
NmU. Ai.ii rli un Tnin1.!! ',MI
KlUUh JilniN, ..r.
m.irVbi-ly, JUih"! III.'.,
j M 1 1-3 WKCKLY J'A'l'RKiT AND
1 l M'iN. IJil ( rxnur. In il.ii lU'llr UltOAt)
, ,ni t-i Mi.-'ll.r UVeUy I'utiliii tiuil T'nlun
, i in, I, .1., .1 , u r. 'riiiir.sriiiy by tbu ImtTlut iilul
, I't mill. ..nil l'lllllslUturAiuuU'Uituin. It
i 1,,'in,:.' i i r i ii;ut to': I'l'mnlii-
I,,,, ..'. I i , ua.inuuuriiiatti'i'.tiimtii up or 1 Hi .
nn . ,Vm.i.uluitnl,.N'ewii,XriutoiiiHl MlnvlUuii ""
Ml'.i i.UtlK, fU'J.OrtH Of I nilKH'MlOIHll tllltl U'KNt !
live riiKiwtiluti'ti Hjictflit', I'i'ltilt-jtl 1mi,i,i. ill-
iiirjitit., i it
i in, i if! , niii' 1 1 r. i iis-ll
" " kIx utimuiH "
'I , ,, k tin,, t i.tij, In utitUiriln tit
i tilt.....: -h'J) i"
'J u t'lity i tiim n, uuu fill', nml uno tu KetttV
Bp iif nuh - I Wl
Till! "DAILY I'ATUIUf tV U.-ilu.N "
III bu ftiruKltoa tu mull Milttui'lU'ru fur t'.w I ir
1- JitlKlUUNH Utll IHhlllltllll l)l ItllllKSH'll til tl,
" 1 i.n ii.t una Union," jiurrnii.iirR, in,
W.M. II. Mll.l.i:il,Tllll'
WJI, 1. liOAW, I'llbl'.kliiT,
,', ii npw llul'l illl;uulU'!lK(,ntlli!liir,invll!K
11 I '' 11 OUl 1 1 111 unit' II II, i ,i; -inn , .,,,iit rMr.iu it
I , nllll'lUlfllt Ol M'llo,llsi,l'Vlllll.jhnllt!
t, .kid ril'K-VHU .V FILM,-., l'xihtlllr. MllKK.I
(ihM' nn tn tuniii'iiluliili' .vim
i.u i.itt uiurlii,! nuti'i'i-H ot "(nir Moulin i oti;.'
i ..,, il ., l,.hii t,r l lit. flrat iiutii ut I iuf li'iiU'll.
, ,1 ultll lllllt'll M.lll'llll'ln lln tl'llO llll'l tlmllll llT,
U.! kllUH lUU till' ill I lilt l"l' Illlllll'lll f, HU' uukI or i-vll, II woiiM i.u liUrly tu ult'l'l. .lu.ltlin:
llV 111,' tllllll Utll, ll llUH UU'MlItt It 111 lllllt'll t T UIU
Juvt'iiltf liii'iittiiit', liuui it'llultiuu uuil 1,1'tuu-r, I
Itiiri'illiiut ilitftiiurlliutuii' mrulil liu-lc Hint uuiiii'
1, .i , l,.,lni..rf Wl.lctl t'JII UliillU hill UK In tin' Cnl.ll-
iiii'iu-i'. or tlliit tliu lullii nml iuiri'iiiiiititliu.kK oi
.u.ilii iiiIlIii In-1 .inl'i'it it u-llli iiiiilillhiilui'i il liy u
',... I .,- II... t I, , k , ,1,1 il,wll,s ,, liuttlll'1,1' M'lllM.
iiui'Vilv tiiv it .I i linn' lui.n I ".n.iiiiilltft. i, una
;' . it,i c I'diniiiuiiliy liuvi-tiillianU .vmuur i io-
i in un: ii uuii.illiii' i-'i in it iiimiittti in i iui iriii.i I'M
ulili'li It It inn ink il, mul mi tli Miiiniji'imjiiJii
li.ln li i liiilii.'ii(ii. .WJIl'l I, r. I'AIW,
lii' i-liui- Muemnii mu in K'Sioulii, I'u,
'I I.IIM.'. i il'' (frit V(W(itlJ.!iil u 'i ur,
,lvi,.k,, ,1,,,., ,i,,li,ms, TlVuiilltli H. i! lull
iii-, i'u iiiiiifiu-'ii. 'liHEaui eopy . Tiil
V'1' Y' .:"',""a, WllU'H"' in reoi
MiH'i'lnl inUuiyiiininiUniliiU In li'iu'lu'iii tum't
iimiciiiti. t-ii"fiurio,y iufillrmiriit l n
koiiiTm'Iiii Miitii tn I'lotiiiito kurMMrllMnn, tor iui
1 1 lith. 'I'K'KNOlt i. 1'iri.lW, I'lll.llnUi'l-,
Uo-lntl, Mii.
Ko, VZ Nuilli 'JhlrU Bluet,
() X U 1 O X 1) Jl t) T K li.
ktttt tmthr,luiiiil 1ih lou liutHi'd ntnl rt'-fnriil-'li-
tnlltitfiKMl KtyTo the nlmva WclMitinwti llnnie,
nil iinlu
In tlielmrtlt r-tf Colnmhhi anl HtillUnn c ountlei,
In one of the moi l autUuluial heallhml ulms
In the Htate: U lull v tiTiamied In litvoiiiniinlatu
VJrttnrnn'l nojournern
with thj:ii: I'AJiir.n,
The rami ami Hliratnn aie uoMMih1;ih1 Willi
tlolli-lnfts ft'h nf many klndt Iwlmllmt
T H o L T A Js 1 V 1 K li,
nml houts In koimI onler will 1m kept for theae
t oniintfthttloii ami auiUKcinent nt k tie In, ell her
for thihinx orptPnHiiree.ntuiJtluiiHUpuu UiU Uati
l II ill Mill L b 'II WHUT W IUCI1 11
KVi;itAi, mim:h jk hxthnt.
f urrmitalt'tl hy nn i'Xtiti4lurnreKt,tlit.ruUnl'or
ih-d to the huntKmnti a sphiulld held for hh own
pet nilni-rpoilH, and exerelKJ with his
, HOll AND 11 U N.
tlellt tieU'N oi thoseimoii : nml his li.irntttekiil w llh
in Ijin!i(r u 111 Itn ulirnvi. i.i-nvl.lo.l wllh tlid
illoliS ! I hu (ahllntr iitomiVn nml M'Ke.
l HU J.luroiiM. 'l in iintmn 14 litririMintl ftinmiO'
ii i j i initf 1 in t't a'l leii ironi several jm mil s on
ion itivi.imiiiura v iieii.iwiuma ii'iurnau; aim ih
pleiidid place to mui the hot inontlM of Hum-
mtr. 11. U. llAYHUUHr.
.uay ir, rii7-::ii(
Jli ULijo-Msnriio, coi.i'MiiiA roirxTy, ia.
nt1 uinit.iigiu'ii Having puieaaveu not wni
nou'ti nt nl (v.itiii1li'lot'.tti'il htaitc. I ho 1 iM'Imimu
Hotel, ulttmtu oil MAIN hTHP-in. in liltHimHlillitr.
hiiiuedliitely opposltr the (.'ohii.ibln t'nnty I'miu
pane, reieeinuiy jnatnii' nix uieiai ami in
til tlie in uiliei.-d Ihiit hiM I.uiihi- U How in onler
iii me leei pi ion ana mu italimiL-nt of traveller
on uin.v lie. t tniuMi ti nt i.ivor it with i ne r ens
fhllli''t leii Hut t ntfltalni'ii tit nf fiW tUet.te.
ue niw himreu no esne em m rreimiinz 1110
neiilier hi11 tliero ho aiiythtnit wanting (n Id-
tai U " nuniMer n ineir pt iHOlllll ( onuoi l ini
Kiinn In MUCloilH. niiil rntovH an e.vec lent hUil-
njh locution.
iMinire llot'-l and iltcvarlo' s railroad ilt ih1h, hy
i n ii 1 1 1 1 uisi s him in nil nines npiween tin i-
wlih'll tUiM'llur.i will he pleaMitltlv unie.ed to
mil ironi the reipci'lle htntlniii Itulni' tiinn to
tneeltheeau. JOli:; !. CASLOW. -
Itlooinii'iirK. Ha reii
r t 1 , IT AT 1 I A
iii;it:;Aiti nToiiNnr
II ivivn tntolv tniri'lniMil nml IHletl 1111 the
Wl'lflillOWJI I tOOIMlI 1 JlOllI l ltjjn-1 , MJIVI Il
m;w nooim aiiovi; nit: curnr t:or!-:,
ii thrMiiini Ktiln nf the Hlreet. in tho town of
Itlnoimamrj: mid having ouiaineii n inen.o lor
me fmmenKa
Il K H T A U It A X T,
tin lroirlr-ior laimletenainott tncUo to tlie pco-
1 le vimin'j the town on lilHineiM or pleasure
a i.ittm; MOItn UDOM.
IV 4 ' ' ihlin.: al o Is extensive, mid It fitted up
i put uutfifamie.iu lagcs in inenry. nn prom
. .Ihnl i-viTi thtiuriiliuuthUeHtllljliHhmontthnU
in eolidueteil In an olttelly ulid lawful liliuiiier;
niiu nu rvNiK'Ciiuiiy muiciis umiuvu to n mumr
pati-ontim'. jmy;. i..h
ON Till, KlTltOl'lSAN I'l.AS,
TtmHw.vri.' ttoi'.sn In Wtdl and wldelv known
tin. Ifiiveltnir nnlille. Tho loeatloil Itf olnelal-
I v miltjihhi tit ttiiti-fluitilM mill litialtuiMK nit n : It Is
in taosts prosnait,v to ino oinioew pui - "i mu mj
.lu mi thn liitfln.-jif t,i Hi.titlitrn and Wester.n
tmvel-sinil atljnei n: tunll tho printlial lulltoail
hud ateninuoat iii jHlif.
inn isieveil J.oum! wis jji i nil iu-eui:iMiuii.u.'JM
lorovcr.JMKin'HtH tti well mrniM.i u, ami pos.
-4i"i niM'i i ti r ii lor ii i imi ro e oimii or 1110 eune
1 1 mim ni.MMiLltinn'iit, oi' its inmates. Tho
looms art sua ions and well veil tllateil ni o idtil
-with fiis nn. I Wdtei the attemlmieo Is Moinot
and Ti'-ipt"1! ' " taniB ih it'iieiousiy pio
'liiea nu every neiteaey oi i u eiiMiii m mint'
rate r"-i. OHO. K. CHASK v CO,
niylJ 'i7-inu.j nopueioi!,
i.iiAiuuii w, lAiJui.ii, rrnpriuio,.
'Jhtj ahoe v.ell-l:non hotel hns urently umler-
i;oiia t adleal ehamii'H In 11k Internal an iimretiielilH,
nnd i.t..i.rl('t(ii'.intioim-i's tohls f'irmer custom
aud Hu. tra''IHnt; puhlic hNin-ioiiiod.ttium
lor lUi'toiill"" "I "is ma sis are m c mi in mine m
(hrt ...ittni HI. tiu.1i w 111 r.lw.iv.4 ho loillltl Ml If
idled, not onb 'th Kuhtulitla1 lliod, hilt i,'lh all
thn tlelluiele'tor Ihe M'asntl. 1IH wines and 11-
ouoi (e.ei pt i utii pntmiitr ieeino Known as
"UWifov" i, pun-ham ! tllieet from the Import tut;
houM'K.nro tiitireiv pure, niri neo inun mi poi
aomais diuut;. He U than :lul iora lllierat lull mil'
na In 111" paM, an I wiM continue todenero it In
tneliuuie, i.jj.iiuiiij n,,
'tliu L'iTi:n Jioutr,;
oiiAXtu:viiiid:, coiu:.iniA va.
Tlw ciihserthei ui-pi i ttully Intonn hisfrknds
and the puhlie, that he hns tnkeil tin lthoveieIl
mown KotiKti of j.iiierluuiiin nt, mat wm no
ihtiM'dtu r ei Ive the em.ti'in of all who will
ivur hii.i wttn n can.
Par wt 11 HtiUcd with tl.o lt of r.!qurts, ai!
.vt 11 Httikcd with tl.o
ett at Wl.t he made to :
Tetiiler enllie NatM-
faction. .UiIlN HNYIUU:
(IriVllWi-VlIIU, I'll,, MMVlX I.i, 1-U7-11II,
i nu iinprnuor or urn ixeunnueisnioon iw now
on hand a largti htoet; of
hum mi; it iii:fhi.himi:.nt.,
consisting of
nr;i r.n loriiw, fAituisiat, tj.iit, i:oi.ounah
ytni-i'TuNnrn, noii.mi kuo, hh'eii zi'.n tiir.tvsi
a- os'icoiii: all ami una -vi
UhioiiiKljum, May b".
I'rv, lotum:ua county, ia.
Tlirnilmi-illf r un eitfullvInloiinwhlH tilt ml
Mul the ) ul-lle, ilml do has taki n tho aho e sell
cuiiMli Floitfo of I.nteilnilili.i lit. and ulll 1
Idetltd to lH'fIe tliu (IIKtwltl ol all who .IIl
la or lino Willi a caw.
nr. will j:i:ki a (iooj tauli:,
i Ilnr well h locket I w llh the Inn i f I.Iouoih, nn 1
iv ry i Hull will he tnudu to remit r mllre hiiu
i.iftl.m. WM. KilMLliY.
r:. I'll., April ir-Uf,
l!a in'' taken doskpssIoii oflhlH weil-kliow u
hmiM . mi IMitf kelit l v hiiiiiia-1 I At ret I. t in I'ro-
i' i It It i hiiMiiutlii it i miii'inelit ii-Liali ntnl fill nUle
d A.S'O LAl.IH-1! m Hh ihi'thoiciMlltiiiorH
Ulid tit wcM tlellcneU , lliu Hta)ie U not eMt-IIcd
in limioiiiityt nml no lain Mill ho t-puieil to
.uiie tin mi'io "
Tho aiMivo llnUl littf lately wen purchanHi ny
IIKNUY J. CLAV.K, nnd hiu l ceii thorouhiv re.
molellid, tep.ilrod. and refill uUhetl, It wdi I
foiiM 1 now, in iUii.i.inwexunt and appoint im ulf.
a first. elas Uutcl, ami heennd to notiw In Iho
c'.nn'iy. I'trkonaln r It left wUhiUKloHinl (hi
hot liioiiilt iii Hie eountr-, will do vell to !vo
tho I'Mprit'tor a call.
rpriK UXlONVlOTlil.,
An :. . in ,'t, I , i i it TMril uml i'ourlti Plrt-itu,
cuiavrtt; winiiin,
I'yoj'rU linf,
ntAiuTTidy'sir1 "
(uriiiT or xiiiilmn.lciiuiiiiiiitHiriiu,
I'lill.uUli.iil.i, I
it. w. i;an'A(ia,
IntcjiANTO jTormTi
40 Nol.r'I roftlTll KTIIIICT,
J, .v V. (I. M'KHlllI.v, I'lui rltliir.
M.iy R H.7-1.V.
'I'u Uoli'l mul K.itutm Itiun'i. uf lUiiuin
luiiii mul ('oliuiililu t'liunty, I linvtt uiiimUitiMl
Mr. II, Mtihmfr imi'iu lur llu aulu of iu ii!. , 1 1.1 tor
Inowii .tout, mi 1 lamr bi'ur,'III Mipiily ,11111
ut tlitmaini' uiliolaii.l wlUi tlm "iiiiu'iirl It'll'), tin
utiulil fm n Mi i.u fi-um Hit InuvL-i, Kiiuoiilui;
mat im win ui iiuui'iuni mm utii uuru in nn tiiu
limy nivni- nun v.iili umir tiuiif, i .unvii iur ii)
j our mipiMirt, Vojy lenjii'i'llntly,
ritnii luViiKi:,
Hlmm DU'.Ml'O'. I'.i iulliiL'. I'lU
M. AIITUAK, 0, II, Jlll.I.tSlirtl. H, It. AI1I.MAN
imtAN, DIIiJ.lNOKH it CO.,
mi. MO MiiTii Tilinn mui-CT,
C'turly ry; Jami-t, 7t'in, Htnleil tt' Oi.)
WIioIcmUk IVnllia 111
VM'SH, JlA'lTINd, AVAlllll.NO, CAJIl'llTH,
llll, fUHIIH, .'1IA1UH, u.y VUT,
(IllAI.V 1IACB, COlUlAdi:, AC, AI0
Ouinocratic Nownpupou,
H rrm.iMiir.D iakkv kiiiiiay .moiisinu at
Til UprlnclpIcH of llils paper nrn of the JetfeiMm.
Ian Hchootofiiolltit's, TIioru principles wlllncvo
ho ctnni)romlsc'd, jet eoiutefy mid U halms hall
nnL bo iorgotttn In ilNeUNfttna thein, u hi ther w 1th
liivllvhtuals, or with iniiteiiiiHjrarleH of tho Tress
TI.o unity, hiipplncvs.nnd prosperity oflhe roun-
trylsournlm nml ohjeetj ntnln tho means to
nueiuolhat, wtf Kliall lalor honestly amlfnriU'Ktly
ror (lie hnniiony, t ucceKH and growth of our orijnn
Ti.k.m or HUHrinui'TioNt Two dollars n jtar
If paid lu luhanee. If not paid hi mtvnueu two
tllaiMnml fifty evnt.H will Ifplnvaiiiihtycharstd.
Tkiimsi tii'Alvi:KTlsiNU :-Onci.quare (ten lines
orles)onoor llireo lnscitlons iI,W; each mihsc
tjuent Iifeilhm 60 eenlf,
.. .1,111)
.. 6,1X1
.. (l.ui)
. 10.UI
.. 13,ll
f i.iju
. IM,
Ono miuare.
1 hien tfuaren.
our Miunrej....
Half (oluiiin.
Olio column.
l::i i utnr'i mul Ailni In til iii-'n Notli-c S.I.ODt An-
illtor'H .Notli'o i2,?A other nilvcrtlsciiu'iilit ln-or-
loil nceorillnij lim;K'clnt ciintrnc-t.
r.UHlness iiottci'ii, without uilvurtlKi tiu-nt, livcnty
cents tier lint.
TruniliMit nilvcrtlscliiciitH imyublu in ml auce-
nil others iluo lifter the first Insertion.
It Is, In riMrtMft, mine lliu ly lo lm sutisf.U'.
tory, lioth lu subscribe uiul tn tliu rubllshtr.s,
tliut ienilttiiuei.snuil till rommuulcutlmiH resect .
ltilf tlie butluessof tlttt, be sent illicit to the
ollli'i'of pub! Initio!!. Alt letlem, whether relating
In the cilllorlnlor business enncernsof tho iMi'i-r,
mul nil I'liynieuts for sulisclliitlniis, iulveitl'.ltitr(
or lutilt'in;, ure tn bu tiiiiilotu anil nililiesKeil
"Qihihitilan (yr,"
lli.oojr.sut:i:fi, V.,
l'rlllteil ill ttiitiKiin's r.till.llnt, neiir tho Court
House, by L'ilAS. M. Vanhi.iismi'i:,
1'Jiam: It. K.ivin:.t.
Nenlly execiiteil ut this Olllee.
A T T l ) I i X 1 1 Y - A T I . A W,
Asliliinil,Seliu. 11:11! I'ouuty, l'enn'ii.
i:. .IA0K.SOX,
A'l'roltNIlV.A'l'.LA W,
llerulel;, Coliiuiblii ('ouut, 1'ilin'ii.
3I.TirAU(iir, "
A T T o n X i : V - A T -1. A V.',
lierwltl:, c'otiiiutil.1 County, l'tiui'ii.
7JU.iI AM II. AliliOTT,
v t o I ; n i : v . a t r, a w
Cl'.NTIlAI.IA, l'A.
joiix !. i'iti:i:zi:,
AT Til lIMi V-AT-I, A W,
OITleolli r.ejjMer Hint llei'iiriler'H utile.', lu tl
bilselilelit of tlliiCoiut iriiu-i', ltliiiilusbiiri;, l'i
V A T T I 1 1 X 1 ; Y - A T - L .V AY
Oiiico crin r of .M tin and Mniket htreets. oer
I'Irst Xatioual li.inl:, Uluonihhurn, I'u,
A i.rnthi'ito of .It II. rum Mcilli'iil Culli i... 1'hll
adiliihlii, havhi'; peimmieiilly Imnted, oiler his
til'ot" hvr IceH to tlie i lllt lis ot Catawissu
ami vieiniiy. umcn on .Main Mivet. Kpcond door
at of CiwiKV tt.folm'rt Ilulldhik,', (npr'i'dT-Mu
ii. hiTTi, i:
Olllto on Main strict, lu hi id; hulhlhitf low Cm
Court Hoin.0, liloomshurLT.r.i,
HLOOMsUiniO, l'A.
rj Okici: Conil Hoiim
Alley, htdow Iho Oj-
tttintiian OHIce,
i.totjMsiirun, itnn'a,
Utllco 111 I'miiiut.t'it Ituililtnc.' Mnlo M it'll U'nhL
it thi Am. i-li-tm Km.,... i,.,.Afir
u (! t i o x jo 1-: a.
MH:k I'Ol'l'SIAM,
Il'ivlni: fiiliitueil the liliifenslnn of t'olilli" Vi 11,1110
crit'i' li r lu'iiiv .tnni, viiul.t Intuitu bin
llmt lm Isstill lu tliu tlelil, ri'iuly uu,l nllllim lo
litteliil ti. nil Dm tlllth'S of his eulllni;. IVi'sulls
tli-siriliK bis Kt'l'vieeil shuulil full or Milte tu him
ut lilotirusuuiv, IV. fniiirs'1,7.
"-)lt. V. II. JIltADltHY,
ii,iue AKHisiiiut .it'iiieiii inii'i tur 11. si. Aimy.i
a xii h into j: ox,
Ollleo ut tint himsu 1
i'1'poi.lto ShUe'H li'iie
niiKiuuliurii, t'.i.
Culls I'lniiliitly ntlcii'leil tn Itotli uUhl nml iluy.
JUihinimv, Jiili. is, Jtiir.
J 11. I'UJWEJfi'- "'
JtAHIS liss, M.Miiii,!;, tiiu.NK
mul dealer III
Mul!) Street, lilnuinsliurK, I'u.
o e. si 11 1 y k,
ANII JtAIit'tf'AriL'UIUl 11V bl'KAM III"
SASU, JllilXlW, DOOltH,
rl K U V T I! 1! M, M 0 L' I. D I N II H,
MAIN bllil.lT,
lll.OO.MHIUT.U, l'A. ,
Jlllll'S', IM.T,
' t'A nil ion a nr, 1;
AMI ' .
On r Wlilliuiji r tV Juioby'ii leu ('renin H'lloon,
Hull' vi'llnr mul WIlKlU'ls 10I0111I blntk of
In on 11, Ilulr T011I11 lo ilt st my iliiiulruil'iiiiil ln-tui
lliylm: lln' hnlr; Mill ristnin luilr In ItHorlitluul
lolor u llll, nil solllIC lliu Illicit labile, 1 1,11. lull! I)'
on liiiiul, niirl."s7,
1 li. H A V At) K
wATciniAUUit iwn' 'ji:wi;,
Main StrtU, luur thj'i'bvil Jluuie,
(insliiiillyoiiliiitid u lino uiisoitiueiitof
(.'loelnjjfiri Iry, Hllvir mu nml t-iuclucleH
I'littliuliir nttciitlou 4iUl In tlm reinlrlnu of
WnUlien, Clnilis, Jewelry mul H ii lailcj,
'0-.Muuiilo luniks lumlo to older, All wurli
wuiiuiiled. iiiill)'67,
in nl ly ixcrulisl nt Tint Coi.uuiiiak Htoum
(Dvifllnitl of ivy.
ItiUTllIltOI.t Mill s.
uv MAntu no-m,
LoN v.t.x, In my room, Pin ultthirf,
In the tduvlesuf evenhu p.Oe;
Whither, wa ward thought, art tlllthu,
r.irortsof my pon hut mil,
Win refore, In the IwlNsfhl roanilnjf,
A! loo't out on theNCftj (In-j;
Hrlng'fttthnihlHickwnrd, through tliui;loaiii
Visions of the I wist, to mo?
UrlnROKt luck Iho glances tlirlllimt,
That mlno ei cs hut ouco June met,
And tint toncit, with rupture, tilling,
My ltaiei)irll,evenyt.
Am, with Idle p n, 1 1 Kinder,
Kecking vainly Torn tlmnio ;
Why O, thouiilil, wilt thou Mil! wander
Mhl Hie lei leu of u dream ?
Tor, 'twns hulii tlream eniue o'er thee
Which thou ne'er tu iy't know :nt iln ;
Coining yearsenniiot rontoro tlu-e,
All tho moments lost thee then.
A life foronoihyn madness Riven,
lhipturu past for futmu woe j
Yet, In I host luotnonts, ho near heavt u,
Aliiiost they brought I In hWm helou.
.ViioiiT tliu Ir'kIiiiiIii"; of tliu uIk'i-
titntli t'.'iilnry, it iioor Anil), utmblu to
I'tVii ti cuiiifortulilu stilnlstcnco liy ltibnr,
wlu lio-isussctt iii'Ilhcf Itott-o nor lotlg
lncof nny kinil, ul'lur wotlilns lilt ilny
Inlllic llclds, Imliiliiitlly iius-wUlioiiiKlit
tilijni"; tho tonilM, Ont'u wliwi tliu sum-
lrnii wan liottcr Hum u.iiutl, lit- hniipou-
filh) 1)0 ;liL'H"i'il In tlm t'oiitlk'lil-i by it
wiillhy i)ra-uiit,wlu)llvctliiu' tliu rtt
Insif Auliorls. As soon as niglit l'cll,llic
soiiji-wtt wiiul lilnwiiiy llkij tlto lii't'iitli
01 p iuriinco ticio's uiu urctti uo-mi,
ilriiV every iii'r.soii to souk for nIiuHlt
wit JJ11 ilour.s, or lieliiml some walls or
locll'. The intllvliliiiil of whose Imll-
Kent' wo lmve hinikun was ealleil S'llibl,
iiiidllo Iiail 110 I'rii'tuK or telf.tiveH to
wlmii lie 1 011I1I apply I'm' nsitstniKi' in
his astres-i. Wlirn the lionr for closing
tho cl'oi'.s ol'tlio cotUi'i'i tu'rlvi'il, there
forejjo fouml liltns"ll' exelntleil from
every ihvt'lllns, and wandered away
Horrilvfully In tho dark towards the
inonnnlns v.iik'h overlmtijj the valley
on tfi eastern fide. Arrived at tliu
roek't iiantin.; and half-stilled hy the
hot Vinil, lie elinilioil tip a llttlo In
hearefj of eoolne-s, Tho higher he
lnouiittl the pleasanlev it hceame.
ThroJ'h the leat traps lit tliu rocks
whieltit tlint") hroiiKltt down a current
of east vind upon the city, nothing now
cainu bit a hort ofeilily of the nlhtalr,
!is fccovhlni: than tliu Iterce furnaco-
hlant ill in the plain below. Slbbl felt
roficiu hy tltHMIglit improvement In
thi!Htii of the atmo-phere, and eon
tinned tiiliiiL' tip tliroii''h tliu rents in
tliu facilof the precipicu till he reached
tliu edjjqof tho e;reat eislern which once
Mippliidtwenty tlioii.smil iietvons with
their dilly allowance ol water, iicit
huslt (Itwit, thlnkin;,' the air ab-olnte-ly
tleliillms. JOven the wind or titty
days wiJb Icnipered into sweetne-s by
that elevition, and sported and played
ainoii"; tie honey-combed crab's like a
breezo tjfiCntia or Atcada. lteft'e.-iitil
and Miotlud, Silibi al length lept ; and
the himtivtH ali-eady lij-hliii"; tip the
dci-ert, tlnl sheathin"; tliu broad fiver
with when lie awoke, feibbl was
not a yit.-hlppei- of tlie plcUire.Mitie.
Hu was jJmiKvy, and hunger is in-vii-i-blu
to thccliarins of scenery. The hour,
he knew', would soon bu at hand when
he m 11st lesccml into the hot valley,
and inoisen his coarse black buad uilli
tlKuswcinf his brow; too happy even
so to warl oil' lliu thiuitcned visit of
death. JJit as he sat In this unlet and
breezy i.jut, he experiencid ixlrcine
reluctance to tenew his labors. Why
not cnjoyiitntKcr nni liUeness for one
day '.' lliflmhl Ilo in tlie shadow oflhe
clllf, iindh.oL down proudly upon tliu
slave, snrehlli"; and fryinv; ainoii the
dhourrn stibhle below. J lo re-nlvcd to
enjoy thH'ii.Miiy.anil reiiialneil sitting
011 the itlfi'of tliucI'tu-ii.Kai'.iunatlliii
heaps orwiltlsh dust with which two
tlioit'iind Rears liail nearly illleil tho
mighty l&irvlor. Ills eye at length
tillKhttd ijasinall olijul that imme
diately rlVted all his attention. It
looked Ilk la fragment of Itinnr lljtht
Kleanilii"; iflly and serenely In tliu rich
sunshine. lYIiat could It be'.' It washy
no means iisy to descend into the re
servoir, nntiwlien there it niltrlil prove
still less eaS; to climb out attain, lint
tho lovo oljulvcnttire Is (jenemlly the
fcellli,' iip(i-niost in the mind of an
Arab. Witiottt takiiii,' much coiui'el
of prniUiKj.HIblii luipi tl Into the cis
tern, and w!ii bi atiiiK lte.trt ai'proitch-
ed the objeulwhich Iittd Inn d hlni into
tlio sitlf, 'lUcni, llanUed by two pli um
of chalky slbic, it lay drinking in lliu
iiiornin;: li;ft, titul then tellectlii"; It
upon tliu eyiiflciit'd and Milultnd its If
by magic Jv'ltli the expeticnie which
seems comiijjn to all orientals, he un
derstood It was some ran'RC'in, and tliu
word which J10 beheld engraven on Its
siii'faco might, for aught he knew, bo
tho" (Ireat JJtmn by which Suleiiiiaii
transported tlie tica-ttres of Knf Into
his legal paling among tho cedars.
.Slhlil hail soiuo scruple about touch
ing this underfill amulet, whoso pow
ers might shako tho nimitalns, and call
up mound hlni all tho terrible legend'?
of thu.linu. Hut courage cainu lo him
ashogazcil. 'Jflt Imnot biipernatiirnl,
he thought, it imiy still sell for u great
deal in Cairo i and emboldened by this
practical con-Memtlon, Slobl picked up
tho gem unit concealed It carefully in
his bosom, Tho next question was how
to cscnpo fioni tho le.-ervolr. I ho rock
all round wnb smooth, polWied and
perpendicular, mid llttlo lcsn thiiu tlnce
times his own height. Hut everybody
Is acquainted With tliumotherof Inven
tion, who now inmo to tliu aid of h'
captive Arab, k that by heaping up
great (tones find quantities of dust
against tho smooth mid slippery cock,
hoiunitthvd to escnpu from his prison,
Slbbl now believed himself to bo ill
possession of wealth, and his heart was
elated accordingly. Undescended hasti
ly Into thn vnlley,nnd without noticing
whether tho wlrd (hat blew was hot or
colli, hurried along thu path by tho rh'
er's side towards tho Jlother or Cities.
Noouu who has over considered tho
oriental mind can fall to liavo been
struck hy Its strong propensity toward
building castie.s In tho air. Half the
pleasures of life In the east spring from
this faculty, which levels mountains,
dries seas, (Ills 11;. valleys, and creates
at tho least touch a paradUe In the tie
crt. Darin;; his llrt day's Journey,
filbbl was Indebted to his In. agination
for Immunity from hunger and thirst j
lint on thu second morning hu was falu
to have recourse tu thu proverbial hos
pitality of his country-men, and beg a
llttlo bread lo preserve his stomach
from n complete, collapse. Tho inorohu
pondered on his situation, tho les en
vlablu did It begin to appear. Who
would bo the ptirchnser of tho gem ho
hail fount!'.' Jllght ho not ho suspected
of having stolen it, bo bastinadoed upon
the soles of Ids feet till hu should bo
half dead'.' Who would glvo credit to
slory of tho cistern and tho ruined city.'
"Verily," though he, "they will say It
lsan Imposture; and I may bu condemn
ed and put to death as n thief." Doing,
nevetthele-s, persuaded that nutliliig
can happen but what is written, ho
comforted himself with the rcllectlon,
that If ho were hanged, It could only
be In accordance with destiny. On,
therefore, ho went, ant! In duo tlmo ar
rived at Cairo.
In that great city, which, in miniature
represents the whole east, ho lotintl a
caravansary suited to Ills wants, unit
entering, was waited on hy a young
woman, who served all travellers, es
pecially the poor and humble, forcharl
ty. At first, ho had somu thought of
Imparling lil-i secret to her, and taking
counsel of her and well would it havo
been for hlni had liedone so but ho re
llicted that the owners of great wealth
aru surrounded by snares, and Hint this
woman might bu in league with the
children of tlie wicked. Accordingly,
lie accepted her kiudnes'.heldhls peine,
mil departed on the morrow, lutou'lug
on her nothing but Ills hlos-ing, which,
In fact, except the gem, was all 'no had
to bestow. Witli many doubts and
much trembling he approached lite shop
of a lapidary In the southtsiitern angle
of tho great bazaar ; and, taking out thu
jewel Irom his bosom, which ho did
with tho air nnd aspect of ti convicted
thief, ho presented It to thu ma-ter, and
Inquired what he would glvo for It. The
Jeweller was one of thoio crafty anil
cruel men who built up their own opu
lor.te on tho ruin of others, lie imme
diately said to liim-elf: "This Arab is
a robber, who hm broken into fomu
ni'o-qiie and stolen this marvellous upn!
from the sacred treasury. I will threat
en to ttku him before the cad! ; con
scions of guilt, ho will eil'ect ills feeape
and the gem will become mine." l!ut
tho delight imparted hy this guilty
scheme could not repress the jeweller's
Admiration for the extraordinary beauty
of the opal, r.mid the streaks of wlio?o
clouds thei tinning hand of soineancii'iit
engrave) had interwoven, in It were
the letters of the (ireat Name.
Silibi, though 110 prollcient In pkyslog
nomy.yelsaw enough in tliu Jeweller's
face to wain hlni of hi-, danger, aud
while he tiit'iieil around ami loudly gave
orders to a slave to fetch tlie mill, or
police magistrate, the poor Arab snatch
ed the opal from the Jeweller's hand,
and rushed forth into the trcet, followed
by tho wicked mtu-ter of tlto shop, and
a whole po-se of slaves shouting "Thief,
Slbbl's fears now presented
themselves to hi-, mind, and lent wings
to his leet. Da-hlng along without
looking belore him, hu overthrew three
donkeys, two blind men, nnd an old
female cake seller, who called him pig
anil an lul'.del, and piefernd sundry
accusations against his innocent mother,
now in her grave. Sibbl hectic il her
not, but plunging Into tho ctowd, he
fount! himself In the ntliUt of a proce
ion of dervishes who struck him with
thu palmsof their hands for interrupt
ing their public devotions, JCscaping
from these ostentatious penitent-, he
slipped Into a dark pa age, but upon
emerging at Us further extremity Into
tho street, he found hlin-elf face lo f.ico
wllh the Jeweller, who was lu the very
act of laving 111- complaint before the
"Ha !"exclallind the wretch, "behold
tin re Is die thief ; scizo hlni, and you
will find the gem upon his person."
An aged dervish, witli long white
beard and majestic countcnanci', stood
by chance clo-e to SIbbi as the words of
this accu-atlon were uttered. lie did
tint speak, but giving thu Arab a look,
ttnpercclved of the bystanders, held his
hand half open by his . side. Under
standing liN meaning, Mbhl put the
opal into hi- hand, upon which, calm
nnd unpertur!'''d the dervish pas.-cil on.
Uediii-cd tu his oil;ilnal penury Hlhhl
felt his coning'-revive . "Ate' you mud'."'
he exclaimed, addrcs-jliig the Jeweller
with a learle m countenance. "What do
youtalkol'-.' tleni-1 J am an Arab so poor
as not even lo pos.-tvs an asger. Search
me," hu continued, to the wall, "and
you will Immediately precelvo Ihutiitth
of my statement."
Tho worthy magistrate had learned,
In tho course ol his dealings with man
kind, to distinguish an honest face from
tt lulse one. "J believe your word-,"
he said to Hlblii ; "but bu frank with
mu : something has pa-oil between you
and thlsjowcllcr; explain what it was,
ami you ltavu tlioasetirancoofabulluver
In the Hook that no harm shall befall
you on account of your confidence."
Thus appealed to, thu unfortunate
.Slbbl related Ids whole slory; upon
which the wall's countenance iis-unicd
a terrible expre.iun, and ho exclaimed:
"Verily, the wickedness of mankind Is
great, I I look you to bo an honest man,
whereas it teems you are a shameless
huiistor. I'loduiethcgcm Instantly,
or prepare lorn dungeon, thu ha-tliiado
itnil tho bow stllng." Ju spite of his
protestation-, KIUM was dragged to pris
ou.tiud ihe jeweller, vflthnll Ids friends,
.wan InvHi'il to witness his torture and
execuIou on tho followlngday.
Meanwhile tlio'dervlsli, who lived at
tho college of tho Mo?qiii of Flowers,
shut himself up lu liln oratory, flucl
placed thu opal before him on n table of
black Jasper. Never had ho beheld any
thing bo ningiilficeiit. Nature, when
making tills btone, ueems to havo cho'
K'uasaatternoimoftliosn pearly cloiiils
which, llllod with soft light, hovcrtiboitt
tho lislng moon, veined, streaked, and
fretted with the pale glimmer of tho
of tho dawn. It has upon thu sight thu
eU'ect of a section of tho sky when beauty
Is lllllng It to overturning. Hut in the
estimation oftliu dervish, thelovellness
it had received from tho hand of tho
great Archetype was nothing com
pared with the clinrni of tho great
Archetype's name, composed of four
letters tlie tctragrammaton of the
western world by prouondtig which,
with suitable rites, man may command
tliu services of nil spirits. Tho dervish,
as might be stiiipo-i)il,wasiiocoiiiiolsseiir
In precious stones, but being possessed
by a strong Bcnsu of beauty, his admi
ration Increased ns hu placed tho opal
In various lights, and held It up be
tween his linger and thumb towards the
sun. Kparks of crimson, purple, and
violent appeared to Hash from It us ho
gazed, till they were concentrated and
lost In a ruby-colored Hume, which
glanced and corctiscated Into all the
hues of the rainbow as he changed the
position of tho stone.
(.iilttlng the Jledresl, tho dervish
proceeded to the house of an honest
Jeweller with whom ho had long been
acquainted, and showing him the opal,
demanded lo know Its value.
" It is wortli thu revenues of a paeha-
lic," replied tho lapidary ; "but thero Is
nojowellerln Calrosulllclently wealthy
to purchase) it."
" Supposing it were shown thu Gov
ernor," Inquired tho dervish, "might
hu not, since ho Is extremely rich, be
Inclined to buy It nt Its full valuu V"
"I would not he thu man," whisper-
edlhe lapidary, "to tuanago tliu negotia
tion he would certainly seize upon tliu
gem, and bastinado mo to death."
" What, then, is to ho done '."'said the
dervish In perplexity.
The Jeweller mued itwhlle, and then
exclaimed :
"There Is here in Cairo a rich mer
chant from India, who leaves to-night
with the caravan lor Syria; he will buy
the opal, and enrich its owner with fifty
thoit-and dinars of gold."
it would endow a college," exclaim
ed tho dcrvl-h.
" It would purchase a p.tchallc," re
joined the lapidary.
These suggestions wure merely paren
thetical. Tho Jeweller carried thu opal
to the merchant, who gave for It a still
larger sum than had been named. Thu
dervi-h .when lioltad received tho money
nirered to reward thu Jeweller for his
trouble; but unlets hu could purcha-u
the office of a pacha, hu was alrcadv
sufficiently opulent to ho regardless of
gain : hu therefore refitted thu dervish's
offer. Tho latter, cau-ing tlie gold to bo
tied up in two leathern hags, had it
borne before hlni by slaves tohlsnpart-
inent lu the college, whero lie carefully
locke d II up. lie then proceeded to the
hoiiso of the wall, who was asleep, and
his slaves, upprehen-ivo of hlssoverity
refused to wake him. Deing question
ed, however, they Informed him that
their master had loll with his lleuten
ant orders respecting tho Arab, who
according to the lie.-t of their belief, was
to bu strangled in tliu morning. Having
received thi- cheering Information, thu
dervl-h hastened to thu lieutenant's
house, and found hlni surrounded by
spies and executioners, and furiously
intoxicated with beng. Willi such a man
he perceived there was nothing to bo
done; so ho repaired to the pii-on, and
through the inlltieuco of his sacred char
acter,eailly obtained ailmlllanco. lim
ing consulted with Slbbl, it was agreed
that t'MMpe from injustice should bu
puichn-cd ilth money. Tho Jalloi
wcro bribed ; and the Arab found him
-elf at liberty with a fortune larger than
that of any other man in Cairo, heaving
the bulk of his property in the hands of
the dervl.-h, lie proceeded to Constant!
nople, where hu piireha-ed from tho
sultan the ollleo of cadi, aud returned
to reform the manners of his native
country, lie received his reward
Having pronounced a righteous judg
ment in 11 dilllcult cause, he was stabbed
hy tliu uiisiicce.fiil ttiltoi-, ntnl wassonn
followed to the grave by the old dervl-h
Vln- hags of dinars beacame the proper
ly of the Mo-quo uf I'lowei's, and were
employed In building that beautiful
oiatory at tliu door of which two iiuii
tired poor persons still receive a loaf
daily by Iho posthumous charily of
What became of the opal V The mer
chant who had purchased It was killed
near Alexandria, among the ruins of
which tho gem was lo-t; some years
later It was picked up hy 11 fellah, who
sold It for two or three pi-a-ters to
Hoholy, tlie dragoman of thu French
('un-iil.ite. Tills mini, who understood
nothing of Its value, iiskid Htts.-eliiuist,
tho Swedi-li traveller, how much it
might bo worth, but received no satis
factory answer. It afterwards passed
into tlto hands of hirancnurt, l-'rench
Consul at Cairo, who carried it to Con
stantinople, wliere) it seems to havo
been bought hy the Trench Kmbiissador.
Lastly, somo time before tho great
Devolution, It bceamu tlto property of
thu famous Due do Nlvernols, who
used to exhibit It to admiring visitors
at ids gorgeous soirees lu Loudon. Ac
cording to some, it afterward passed
Into ltusla; but wottro altogether un
able to ttace its fortunes beyond tho
troubles which broke out In I'lauco af
ter thu storming of thu Dastlle.
A:; unmitigated wretch conipllos tho
following memoranda for young ladles :
" Havo a good piano or none. Ho suru
to have a "dreadful cold" when asked
to "favor the company." Cry at a
wedding, hut don't fidiit. Always
ticreaiu at a spider. Nuvcr leave your
etui papers In lliu drawing-room, Drop
your handkerchief when you aru going
T.0 faint. Mlud you tiro "engaged" If
yim don't llke your partner. Abjure
ringlets on a wet day. Never faint un
less It Is convenient to fall into tliu arms
of tho young gentleman you love. He
member, It Is vulgar In tho extreuiu to
know what your mother is going to
have for dinner. When you go shop
plug lm suru you take your ma along
with you to carry tho bundles.
" Timk is money" only when It "pan-
Tin: following story only tho con
cluding portion of which wo glvo Is
told by Jtidgo .1 , of .Inckson, Texas,
of John Kolfo. n backwoodsman.
Holfe, a tall hunter, dressed In deerskin
nnd armed with a revolver, rlllo nnd
bowlo knife, vllts Jackson, calls on tho
Judgo tit his residence, (with tho narra
tor) and thus relieved Ids mind:
" You see, Judge, early day before
yesterday morning, I started for this
place, and as 1 wouldn't chisel I went
without eating tho wliolo day. I slept
In tlto woods, and yesterday morning 1
got up as hungry as n panther ; and n I
walkctl, along, thinks I, what am I to
do '.' I never seo gatnu so scarce ; thcro
wasn't so much as a squirrel lobe found.
in ubovci cheating and man out of ills
dinner, hut I felt that n dinner 1 tiili-t
have. Just then a fellow comes riding
nlong tho road. I talked to him, and
tried to borrow, swearing to pay at any
place lie might name, in n week ; but
the fellow told mo ho paid his way out
of his own pocket, and ho'd too llttlo to
to divide.
" How much havo you got V" said 1.
"Two-fifty," said lie.
"Now, thinks 1, Hint is too llttlo to
divide. So, while he's looking another
way, I shoots him through tho head,
ami glu him as decent a burial as I
could under nu old log, and took tho
two dollars and a half. Hut It won't
do; my conscience misgives me. I'm
sorry for It, and wish the fellow couhl
havo his money back, If ho could be
nllve. Hetween you and me, as It's too
Into for that, I think I ought to bo
The Judge called his llttlo black boy,
ordered three papers of tobacco, and wo
smoked lu silence.
"Then you really think you ought
to bo hung'.'" ho said with compassion,
as he whiffed a rlom! of smoke toward
tho celling.
" I do, In fact," nns weietl Holfe, emit
ting n similar volume of vapor.
Tho Jiulgo smoked, r.ntl considered
"Well, we'll try to hang you," ho
There was an expreslon of gratitude
in Holfe's eyes as ho replied :
Thank you. That will ease my con
Tho Judga again knocked tho ashes
from Ids pipe, antlspoku:
Well, conio hero again in an hour.
I'll try to get a jury."
Holfe and myself having laid our
pipes on tho table, were about leaving,
when tho Judge asked us lo take n
drink, which, having done, we bade
him good morning.
At the expiration of half an hour, we
returned, when wo found some twelve
men drinking and smoking with tho
magistrate, awaiting us. We wero po
litely requested to sit down.
" Now," said tho Judge, addressing
himself to Holfe, "tell thu gentlemen
what you havo already told me."
Whereupon, Holfo repeated the state
ment ho had before.
" Now, gentlemen," continued tho
first speaker, ','1 wish you to say if this
gentleman Mr. Holfe your name is,
eh'.' Well, there's somu llnu brandy;
make yourself perfectly at homo; gen
tlemcn, do you llnd John Holfu guilty,
or not guilty of murder',' In addition
to what ho said, I will observe for your
information, that I have sent out aud
found tliu bodyjust wheru hu stated it
to be."
Thu jury smoked, roto up, took a lit
tie brandy and water, and then sat down
again, and smoked in silencu for somu
time, At last one of them, who n
peared to bo tlie foreman, said :
" Tho case Is tolerably dear, and we
rather think bo's guilty,"
" There's moro tobacco on the table
said tho Jtidgo to Holfe, "the best you
can find anywhere. You havo heard
what thesegentlenien havesald. Well,"
ho continued, a llttlo unen-Ily. "I don't
like to tell you In my own liou-e; "
" Let that bo no hindrance," said
Holfe, lllllng and lighting his pipe.
" Weil, then," continued tho Judge
" come here at tnn o'clock In thu morn
lug, nnd I'll have you hung."
Holfu looked discontented, and np
pen red mortified ut the Idea of a-king a
" You you have been so kind tome,"
ho said, hesitatingly, "that I hardly
like to ask you for anything more."
" Not at all," replied tho Judge. "Out
with it: you aro welcomo to It hoforo
you nsk."
"Well," said Holfe, "I wlslt-to
morrow Is my ague day, and the shakes
come on nt ten would you bo so good
us to bang mo at nluoV"
" With the greatrst pleasure," tin
Bwered thu good-hearted Judge, shaking
Holfu by tho hand. "Nine It shall bo."
Accordingly John Holfu wint to tho
Inn, paid Ids hill, nut! the next morn
ing was hung as the clock struck nine,
Tin: JOujxoit's TitiAr.s, Kew persons
havo a Just conception of nn editor's
trials. They aro as numerous as the
sands upon tho sea shore. lie Is ex
pected always to have something
funny. If ho does not his paper Is
dull and pro-y. If he does not have
It full of accidents, elopements, or
murders, It Is uninteresting. If hu
docs not publish every non-ciial-cal
communication, ho Is a blockhead
and not fit to bo an editor. If ho does
not glvu everybody but the fault finder
a rub occasionally, tlto paper Is stale and
unworthy of support. If ho does, ev
ery body elu is mad and threatens to
stop the paper. If too much or too llt
tlo truth Is told he Is threatened with a
libel stilt. If it contains no
matter ho Is a coward ; If a llltlu politi
cal Information It Is all wrong. Some
say iiioru attention should bu given to
miscellaneous literature, others to
llnuiuv, others to markets, others to Im
provements, and a thou-aiid otherslmvo
their mind made up how a pupcrshoijld'
bo conducted, and no two of them can
agree. Under such circumstances how
can it be expected that tho editor of a
paper can suit overybody, Scntnloii
Till! great tut of llfu Is to play for
much nnd stako little, hi other words',
" to buy eiicup mul soil clear,"
DKOTncn ciiawfoiid's sun-
A RoUTitintN' exchange gives tills ns
tlto first sermon of x now minister in n
vlllngo In that section. Ho began apolo
getically ns follows :
"You don't see mo to-day In tho
dress I allers wear ; T come among you
as a stranger nnd nm now tricked out
In my sforo clothes. 1 nm not n proud
man, hut I thought it would bo moro
becoming among strangers."
After this ho rn!etl n hymn In which
tho congregation Joined. Ho then be
gan his sermon.
My dear brethren and sisters, first
and foremost, I'm gwlno to tell you tho
nffeeting partln' I hnd with my congre
gation nt Hctiiel Chapel. After I had
got thrpugh with my farewell sermon
its I como down outen the pulpit, tho
old gray-headed brethren nnd sisters
who listened to my volco twenty years,
crowded around me antl with sobbing
voices and tearful eyes, said Farewell,
brother Crawford !
As I walked down tho aisle, the young
ladles, tricked out in tliclr finery, brass
Jewelry, gowgaws, Jim-cracks, paints
and tlotinces, looked up with their
bright eyes, and pronounced with their
rosy lips Farewell brother Crawford!
The young men, in their tight punts,
new boots, high collars and tlaslty waist
coats smelling of pomatum and cigar
sninko with shanghai coats, and stri
ped Zebra pants they loo said Fare
well, brother Crawford !
Tho llttlo children lambs In tho fold
lifted up their t'ny hands and small
voices, and with ono accord said Fare
well, brother Crawford !
Tho colored brethren of the congrega
tion now came forward (black shoop
who had been admitted to the fold un
der my ministry) with teirs rolling
down their cheeks, they too said Fare
well, brother Crawford !
As I got on my horse and Initio ndlou
to my congregation forever I turned
to take a last look at tho church whero I
hail preached more than twenty years,
nnd as I gazed at its dilapidated walls
and moss-covered roof it too seemed to
say farewell, brother Crawford!
As I rodo through tho vlllngo the peo
ple who poiictl Ithelr heads outen tho
windows unci the servants who leant on
their lirooms, nil seemed to sa ' Fare
well, brother Crawford !
As I pas-ed along down the highwny,
through tlto forest, tho wind, ns it
sighed nnd whistled through the treo
tops, playing on tho leaves and branch
es thu burden of -alvntion, it seemed lo
say Farewell, brother Crawford !
Crossing a littlo creek that was gur
gling and singing over tho pebbly bed,
as it rejoiced on its way to the great
ocean of eternity, it too seemed to my
Farewell, brother Crawford.
As I rodo along down a hot dusty
lane, an old sow that was asleep In a
fence corner, Jumped out of u biulden
witli a loud broo-too, broo-too ; sho too
seemed tosay Farewell, brother Craw
ford I
My horso got frightened and jumped
from under me, and as he curled his
tall over his back kicked up ids heels
and ran oil'; he too fcenied to say
Farewell, brother Crawford '.
Toui'ifiNO I'as.sac.i:. " There Is a
Clod 1" Tho herbs of the valley, thu ce
dars of tho mountain, Mess hlni ; the
Insects sport In his beams; theelephant
salutes hltn with the rising of the day ;
tho bird slugs Hlni In tho foliage ; tho
thunder proclaims Iliniln tho heavens;
tho ocean declares his Immensity. Unito
lu thought at thosamo instant, tho most
beautiful objects In nature; suppose)
that you see at onco nil the hours of tho
day and all tho seasons of tho year ; a
morning of spring and n morning of au
tumn; a night bespangled with stars
and a night covered wllh clouds; mead
ows enameled with flowers ami forests
hoary with snow; flehlsgllded by tints
of autumn ; then nlouo you will have n
just conception of tho universe. Whilo
you nru gazing upon that sun which Is
plunging tiniler tho vault of tho west,
another observer etlmlreslilm emerging
from tho gilded tes of the eat. Hy
what iiiconceivi lo magic does that
aged star which is sinking aud fatigued
and burning In tho shades of tho even
ing, reappear nt thosamo Instant fresh
and humid with the rosy dews of morn
ing '.' At every instant of tho day thu
glorious orb is at once rl-Ing, resplen
dent at noonday, and sotting In tho
wist; or rather our senses deceive us
and thero Is properly speaking no east,
west, or south lu thu world. Kvurj thing
reduces It-elf to a single point, from
whence tho king of day sends forth at
ones,- a trlplo light in ono substance.
The bright splendor Is perhaps that
which naturo can present that Is most
beautiful, for whllo It gives us nn Idea
of tho perpetuil magnificence and re
sistless power of OUod, It exhibits nt tho
same time a shining imago of the glu
rious trinity.
AM. in Di:ht. Alan is Ood's debtor
in a thousand ways. Wu commence
with Ids being. "Ho made us, and not
wu ourselves." As 'mono can kcoptillvci
his own soul," it follows that, not hav
ing thu power to preservo life, so that
we aro neither self-created nor self-pre
served, flod mado us. It is a proper
and beautiful acknowledgment of the
servlcu: "Wo tliauk thco for our crea
tion." Will any Intelligent individual
assert that ho is under no obligation ' .
(iod for ills bodily existence, his Intel
lectual faculties, his moral powers, his
soul capable of such enjoyment new,
and, if saved, destined to a a happine.ts
Inconcelvlbly great and eternal hereaf
ter'.' This Is a debt. We owe all wo
aro to 1 1 1 1 1 1 who has said, "1 has'o crea
ted hlni for My glory," Wo aro not
self-proprietors; we belong not to our
selves; wo are nut our own. Wu may
not enjoy our members nor our faculties
M wo list. Our physical, intellectual
unci moral naturo belongs to Clod, Made
originally' In Ills imago, it was made
expressly for ids glory.
m-his Will "Artemus Ward" directs
that, after tho death of his mother, hU
property shall bo devoted to tho erection
of an asylum for printers,